#but yeah if a window is really really clear i cannot see it
bittwitchy · 8 months
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joker (2019)
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alltoowelltom · 9 months
driving lessons
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lando norris x reader
a/n: just wanted to get back into writing and i've gotten super into F1 the last few months
"Alright, y'ready to start?" Lando asks from the passenger seat. 
You hum, running a hand over the gear shift. 
"Yeah. Let's get this shit over with."
Lando chuckles at that, rolling his eyes. It's weird for him, turning his head the other way to look at you in the driver's seat of his McLaren. He usually hates to give up control, especially when driving is involved. 
"You might start to really like it once you get confident." He suggests. "Might even put me out of a job if I'm not careful."
You double check in the rearview mirror one more time. It's a crisp, early morning on a quiet residential street that Lando picked for you to practice your driving in. He's determined for you to pass your upcoming drivers' test and finally get a license. When he'd approached you about teaching you to drive a few weeks ago you'd jumped to the wrong conclusion. 
"I'm sorry if I ask you to drive me around too often," you'd apologised immediately. "You can always say no, I don't mind getting an Uber or catching the train."
"Nah, it's not that, lovie," he'd corrected you, pulling your body closer on the couch and resting his curly head atop of yours. "I like being useful to you and driving you places. I just worry about you when I'm away, there's always so many creeps on public transport. I just want you to be safe."
Your heart had squeezed at his words. Maybe he was right, maybe it was time to finally learn to drive?
"You're all clear." he informed you, twisting around to double check the road behind you. "Just take off the handbrake, put the car into drive and pull into the road, okay?" 
You do as he says, switching on your indicator before pulling out. 
"Oh yeah," he laughs his famously high pitched laugh. "Definitely indicate too, good idea."
"I'm better at this than you already." you laugh. 
You continue to drive along the narrow streets, slowing down to let a stray cat scamper across the road. Lando seems to grow impatient at the pace, motioning for you to speed up a bit, please. 
“I didn’t know this car could go so slowly.” he says, rolling his eyes. “Gonna have to have a word with McLaren about it.”
He directs you to an intersection and you blink at the sight of so many cars whizzing past. 
"Lan, help me," you turn to him with wide eyes. 
"You're fine, love." He grins. "Wait for your gap and then merge the way they're going."
"But they're going so fast." You say. "What if I time it wrong and fuck up your car? This is not the ideal car for someone who can't actually drive."
"This is a great car." he defends. 
"The doors open up instead of out." you deadpan. "This car is out of my league."
He shrugs as he stretches out in his seat, the picture of relaxation. 
"I've added you onto my insurance as a learner driver," he says casually, almost yawning. "It'll be fine." 
You ignore the butterflies in your stomach at his statement and follow his instructions, carefully merging in behind another car. Lando cheers, placing his big hand on your thigh and lightly tracing his fingertips along your inner leg. 
"Stop that!" you shriek, slapping his hand away.
"Huh?" he blinks at you in confusion. "I'm being a loving boyfriend? I love when you have your hand on my leg while I drive, I thought you'd like it too?" he splutters. 
You take one hand off the wheel and bring it to your mouth to hide your laughter. 
"No," you say, cheeks tinged with a pink blush. "I physically can't concentrate on the road when you're touching me. Like I cannot think about anything else but you."
It's Lando's turn to blush now and he turns his face towards his window to hide it, pretending to be oh so invested in the stores you drive past. He knows the effect you have on each other, but it gives him butterflies to be reminded of how you see him. You've only been together a few months and he gets overwhelmed at how quickly you can turn him from a confident, sometimes even cocky guy to a pile of pink mush and hearts in seconds. 
"Right," he blows a puff of air out his cheeks. "You're doing great at this. Maybe we can get you driving the Jolly next?"
thank you for reading! feedback and reblogs are very much appreciated <3
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firewasabeast · 13 days
can you do a fic based on the idea that athena and tommy will team up to fly the plane to safety? idk if it doesn't really happen in the show, I'd love a fic version!
disclaimer: I know nothing about planes, nor do I pretend to. we're all just going to smile and nod as we read through this, just like we do when we watch 911. the idea for this fic comes from @mannafromtevan's theory, which is incredible and I hope is true! Also, while looking for the link to this theory, I saw where @bibuckkinard already wrote a fic based on this theory as well. I haven't read it yet, but everything they write is incredible and will definitely be better than this. Anyway, enjoy!
A small aircraft hit the plane. Co-pilot was ejected. The pilot enabled autopilot, but she's unconscious. There's no one to fly the plane!
That was the call that Athena had with air traffic control just after the incident. It had sent more than half of LA's emergency personnel to the nearest airport, the 217 taking lead on the operation.
Everyone was hovered around, listening as Tommy spoke to Athena and tried to get as much information as he could in what little amount of time they had.
“And you said a window was blown out?” Tommy asked.
“Yes. A window and then some.”
“Wide enough for a person to fit through?”
“The co-pilot did.”
Tommy was quiet for a moment. Long enough for Athena to come back over the radio. “Tommy? Are you still there?”
“I'm here, Athena. I'm thinking. Just hang on a sec.”
“Oh, sure,” she answered, the sarcasm in her tone was clear. “I've got nowhere else to be.”
Jameson, a pilot who'd been working with Tommy for nearly five years now, stared at him. He knew that face. “You have an idea.” It wasn't a question.
“Yeah, I do.”
“How stupid is it?”
“It has potential.”
“To work?”
Tommy shook his head. “To be the dumbest thing I've ever done.”
“You cannot be serious right now!” Buck exclaimed as Tommy strapped on his gear. The rest of the crew was working on the helicopter behind him, getting it ready to go as quickly as possible. Hen, Chim, and Eddie were there too, standing back while Tommy and Buck spoke.
“It's the best plan we're gonna get. It's the only plan we're gonna get.”
“It's not even a plan! It's a death sentence.”
“Not if I succeed it's not.”
“We've done crazier things, Evan. Like flying through a hurricane.”
“Intermittent showers,” Buck corrected. “And I'd say repelling from a helicopter and into a torn apart jet to try and land the thing when half the controls aren't working is a little crazier than flying through bad weather!”
Tommy placed his hands on Buck's shoulders. “Breathe, Evan. The rescue mission was fully approved by all proper authorities.”
“You sure you didn't fake mouth static your way into approval?”
Tommy gave him a look. “There might've been a few omissions. I cannot confirm or deny that though.”
“Hey, what's our motto?” he said, looking past Buck and pointing to the rest of the 118.
“Who cares?!” They chanted.
“Me!” Buck exclaimed. “I care!” He followed behind Tommy as he headed for the chopper. “Tommy, please don't-”
Tommy turned on his heels, nearly running straight into Buck as he did so. “Evan,” he started, his voice calm and assured, “If you knew how to fly, you'd already be up there.”
“Am I wrong?”
Buck pursed his lips, eying Tommy closely before replying. “No.”
“I've gotta go. I will do my best to make it back to you, Evan. I promise that.”
That was it for Buck. He didn't care who was around. He tugged Tommy by his gear, and pulled him in for a kiss. “Be safe.”
Tommy nodded, giving Buck's hand a squeeze before running to the helicopter. Buck took a deep breath, holding back his tears as he watched them take off.
It took time, and a lot of precision, for Tommy to finally reach the opening of the plane. There were a few close calls along the way, but once Athena had ahold of his legs, he allowed himself to relax a little.
“Good to see you, Athena,” Tommy said with a smile once he had successfully made it inside the plane.
“I'm not sure if good is the correct word to be using right now,” Athena replied. “But I am glad you're here.”
“Happy to be here.” Tommy disconnected himself from all the wiring he was attached to, guiding it back out of the hole so the helicopter could return to base.
Athena moved some debris out of the way, making room for Tommy to sit in pilot's seat. There were lights flashing everywhere, some repetitive beeping from alarms, not to mention the giant hole that was allowing wind to whip through the cockpit.
“What do you think?” Athena asked as he pressed some buttons, his face scrunched up tight.
He flipped a switch on one of the control panels, which caused the entire thing to fall off the dash.
“Well, that's not helpful,” he said, tossing it aside. “So, got any plans this weekend?”
She glared over at him. “Wasn't really thinking that far ahead.”
“I was thinking about taking Evan for a helicopter tour around the city... May be in bad taste now though.”
Athena sat beside him, a light sheen of sweat across her forehead. “Tommy, give it to me straight here. How screwed are we?”
He shrugged, keeping his focus on the controls that were still connected to the plane. “You believe in God?”
“I do.”
“Mind praying for us both then?”
“That bad?”
Before Tommy could respond, his captain's voice was coming over the radio in his helmet. “Give me a rundown, Kinard. What's going on?”
Athena listened as Tommy went through a (very long) list of everything wrong with the plane. He went over controls that were damaged, and the very few that weren't. She heard something about autopilot still working well, and something else about a manual landing, but most of it made no sense to her.
“I'm gonna need you to repeat all of that,” Athena said once he was finished, “but in a way I'll actually understand.”
He glanced over at her briefly, the plane jumping with sudden turbulence. Athena grabbed onto the the broken panel in front of her and Tommy focused his eyes back on the controls. “We're running low on fuel. We're gonna have to try to land after the next turn, and we'll end up dropping pretty fast. Basically, I can land us manually, but I can't promise the breaks will work.”
“That seems like a pretty important part of landing,” she deadpanned.
“I'd definitely say it's a favorite of mine.”
Athena took a deep breath before asking her next question. “And if the breaks don't work? What happens then?”
“There's a very high chance this thing will blow up if we can't stop by the end of the runway.”
“Oh dear God.”
“There is good news though.”
“Hm.” She eyed him skeptically. “What's that?”
“We won't feel a thing.”
“Oh, well, that's a relief. Don't know what I was ever worried about in the first place,” she replied sarcastically. “How much time do we have before you land her?”
“About ten minutes. Intercom system is out, right?”
“Can you go make sure everyone has their seatbelts fastened?”
Athena headed back to the passengers. Tommy took the moment alone to breathe deeply and steal himself for whatever was about to happen. Part of being a pilot required confidence and, even if he didn't have much of it at the moment, he knew how to play the part.
Fake it til you make it.
He'd done that a lot over the years. It worked in a professional sense, not so much in a personal one.
A couple minutes later, Athena returned. “All buckled in,” she informed him as she went to sit in the co-pilot's seat again.
“It's actually probably better if you sit in the jump seat behind me,” Tommy said.
“Why? So when we explode my arm doesn't knock you upside the head for getting me killed? Nah, I'm good here.”
Tommy smirked. Even after working with Athena on and off for over twenty years, he'd never spent much time with her. The few dinners he and Evan had with her and Bobby didn't give them much time to banter back and forth. He'd have to make sure and change that once they were on solid ground. “Suit yourself.”
“Can I borrow your helmet for a second?” she asked.
“Sure.” He handed it over and she put it on, clearing her throat.
“Can I speak to Hen Wilson from the 118, please?” she asked over the radio.
A few seconds later, Hen was on the line. “I'm here, Athena. You're on an open channel.”
“Hen, Bobby isn't at the airport, is he?”
“No. He's on his way, but he hasn't made it yet. You want me to put him on with you?”
“No, no!” Athena answered quickly. “No. What I need to say, I can say to you.”
Tommy focused on keeping the plane steady while Athena spoke. It felt wrong to listen in to something as personal as a possible goodbye.
He took the time to think about Evan. The short but wonderful time he'd had with him over the past few months. They'd been the best of his life.
He briefly wondered if he should tell Evan that before he attempted to land, but he decided against it. Evan wouldn't need those thoughts running through his head for the rest of his life if they didn't make it out of this.
“Hey,” Athena's voice brought him out of his thoughts. She nudged his shoulder with the helmet. “Someone wants to talk to you.”
Tommy paused before taking the helmet back. “Go for Kinard.”
“Kinard, this is Buckley of the 118.” Tommy smiled at the sound of Evan's voice, even though he could hear it breaking ever so slightly.
“I hear you, Buckley.”
“I just, um, I wanted you to, um. Tommy.” He cleared his throat. “You've got this, okay? We're all down here waiting. N- Not a single doubt.”
“Good to know. No doubts up here either.”
He ignored the raised eyebrow look from Athena.
“Good. Um, Tommy?”
“Yeah, Evan?”
“I love you.” The words escaped him quickly, but with a confidence that wasn't there before.
Tommy smiled, his heart fluttering. He didn't realize he hadn't spoken until Evan's voice came over the radio again.
“T- Tommy?”
Tommy shook his head, blinking to rid himself of the tears in his eyes. “Chschschsch,” he said, bringing back his renowned fake mouth static, thank you very much. Athena stared over at him in confusion. “Sorry, Buckley, you're cutting out on me. You'll have to repeat that last sentence when I'm on the ground, okay?”
“Yeah,” Evan answered, and Tommy was sure there was a faint smile in his voice. “Yeah, o- okay.”
About a minute later, Tommy was in position and ready to land. He got in contact with everyone on the ground, letting them know where and when he'd be landing. They were all getting into position near the runway, ready to help no matter the outcome.
“You ready?” Tommy asked as Athena tightened her seatbelt.
“Let's land this bastard.”
“Coming in for a landing.”
The closer they got to the ground, the shakier things got. Tommy held tightly onto the controls, trying to ignore the burning in his eyes from all the wind coming in through the hole.
They dropped rapidly, just as he expected they would. Athena kept quiet, and Tommy wondered if she was praying.
A part of him hoped she was.
As the runway got closer and closer into view, Tommy could feel every muscle in his body tightening. “Brace yourself,” he said a few seconds before they hit the ground with a thud.
Screams could be heard coming from the passengers, many of them crying or calling out to whatever god they believed in.
“We're going too fast.” Athena watched as they flew past all the emergency vehicles waiting for them.
“We're okay,” Tommy replied. Fake it til you make it.
They started to slow down, but the end of the runway was drawing near and it was becoming clear they would not be able to stop in time.
“We're okay,” he repeated, although it sounded more like a demand.
Athena could see the details of the signs at the end of the runway. “Tommy!”
Suddenly, Tommy turned the plane to loop around to the next runway. As he did, the wing hit a sign that flung backwards, eliciting more yells from the passengers.
The plan, or lack thereof, seemed to work. The plane slowed until it came to a stop.
They were alive.
They were actually alive.
Before he even had time to let it fully sink in, Athena was next to him, wrapping him in an unexpected, but very needed, hug.
“You might be clinically insane,” she said, both of them laughing from all the adrenaline coursing through their bodies. “But I'm so damn glad you are.”
“Why don't we get everyone off this plane?” he asked. “Then go see our guys.”
“I like the sound of that.”
Athena and Tommy made sure they were the last ones off the plane. Athena spotted Bobby first. He had apparently arrived just before the landing and saw the whole thing. Tommy watched them reunite as his eyes darted around looking for his own person.
“It's been decided that I have the coolest, most badass boyfriend in the entire world,” a voice said from behind him.
Tommy whipped around to Evan standing there, arms already open wide, a bright smile on his face. Tommy practically fell into him. They held onto one another so tight that Tommy could have sworn they were melding into one.
“I was so worried,” Buck breathed out, his face pressed into Tommy's neck.
“I thought you had no doubts?” Tommy's voice was muffled against Buck's turnouts. He made no effort to move.
“Like you believed that for a second.”
After holding onto each other a little longer, Tommy pulled back just enough to look Buck in the eyes. “If I remember correctly, you were in the middle of telling me something when my radio started to go out,” he said with a smirk on his face.
Buck brought his hands to Tommy's face, his thumbs stroking Tommy's cheeks. “I love you, Tommy,” he said, and that confidence was back in his voice. “I really, really love you.”
“I love you too, Evan.” He pulled Buck in for a kiss, deep and passionate and filled with all the love they'd been keeping to themselves for the last few months.
The sound of a throat clearing had them, reluctantly, separating from one another. Bobby and Athena were walking up behind them, smiles on both of their faces.
“Athena!” Buck exclaimed, immediately going to her for a hug. “Are you okay?”
“All good,” she answered, “thanks to your man.”
“Thank you, Tommy,” Bobby said, bypassing a handshake and going in for a hug. “You saved a lot of lives tonight.”
He took a deep breath. “All part of the job, right?”
“I think you went far above and beyond the job tonight,” Bobby replied. "Probably have another medal in your future."
Buck's proudly returned to Tommy's side, their arms wrapping around each other's waist.
“You've got a good one here, Buck,” Athena said, patting Tommy on the shoulder. “You should keep him.”
Buck smiled, leaning in for another kiss. “That's the plan.”
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writa-anon · 6 months
"is that.. supposed to be me?"
francis mosses (the milkman) x artist!reader
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a / n ~ boom! first fanfic :3 i was a little inspired by uh.. myself LOL when i started playing tnmn i realized i was horrible at memorizing faces so i started drawing the characters to help me remember and it works sooo much. but anyway, super cute oneshot where they first meet, hope u enjoy :D
content included ~ isaack mauss, francis mosses, reader is an artist and doorman, no pronouns mentioned for reader, use of (y/n), shy n wholesome first encounter
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 4.10.24 | 1.6k words
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Another slow day at work, huh?”
A enthusiatic-ridden voice boomed, instinctively making me look up to meet the gaze of a strong-jawlined man. I cleared my throat and placed my pencil on the scratchy sheet of paper, sitting up in my chair.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Gauss.” I greeted, grinning that customer-service smile.
“Good afternoon, (y/n). I assume work is treating you well?” He said before sliding both his ID and request form through the letter hole. “Only your third day and you’re occupying yourself with side hobbies!” He exclaimed, squinting a little to see my doodle through the glass screen. I chuckled a little as I examined his ID.
“Eh, yeah..” I sighed. “But this actually helps with my job, believe it or not!” I said proudly, pulling out the floor 2 folder to compare his ID number. “I’ve been drawing neighbors in order to remember their features better. It’s especially helpful because of my terrible memory.” I said, shaking my head. Isaack simply chuckled as I placed the folder to the side as I went through his request form.
“That’s pretty smart.” He commented. “Who have you drawn so far?” He asked, curiously tilting his head. As I went through the checklist as I idly thought to myself.
“Umm..” I hummed. “The Schmitts and the Mikaelys are definitely in here.” I finished up the last check before rolling back to my sketchbook, using my finger to thumb through the pages.
“Unfortunate. I haven’t been drawn yet.” He faked pouted. I rolled my eyes before flipping one or two pages before presenting the portrait to him.
“I’m not necessarily finish. Your face is pretty hard to encapture.” I sighed, looking at the smears of led blended together. Isaack was something of a character: a big prominent smile that is not hard to catch a glimpse of in a room full of people. His hair perfectly styled each morning that still manages to maintain its shape by the end of the day. His voice had depth to it, almost like he was born to be the daily news reporter for radios and TVs of all kind. He stared at the drawing in satisfied awe before leaning back.
“Wow, it surely is accurate!” He beamed. I smiled proudly before placing my sketchbook down.
“Thank you,” I politely nodded. I slid his ID back through the letter box. “Everything seems to be good to go. You’re allowed in, Mr. Gauss.” He nodded in his head in gratitude, but however, did not my window just yet. He took a minute to ponder, as if contemplating his next move, before beaming his teeth once again.
“Ah, before I go,” he quickly inputed. “is there by chance Francis Mosses is on today’s list? He’s the local milkman around here.”
I raised my eyebrow a little, not exactly sure as to why Isaack chose to bring up this person’s name. I shook my head gently before folding my arms in front of me. “I’m sorry, Mr. Gauss, but I’m afraid I cannot disclose that information for you.”
“—Ah, of course.” Isaack quickly fixed himself, putting his hands up a little in defense. “I understand. I was just curious is all. I’m sure you know him though, no?” Thinking for a minute, I’ve realized that this is a neighbor I have not encountered yet.
“No, actually..” I pondered out loud. “Huh, that’s interesting. I guess he works a morning or night shift because the name doesn’t really ring a bell.” I noted out loud.
“Interesting.” He muttered. “Well, keep the name in mind. He’s a rather interesting person, and I think you would find him just as interesting.” Before I could say anything else, he gestured a quick wink before walking through the unlocked door. I quickly snapped out my thoughts before locking the door back up again.
Isaack never really mentioned other names— it wasn’t necessarily out of character, but it felt a little outlandish. I looked down to see my pencil in hand again and blank surface of paper. My eyes trailed over to the paper taped on to the wall next to my window, realizing that Frances was in fact on today’s check-in list. Out of curiousity, I located his room number before surfing through the folders. After locating folder 3 and apartment 02, I was able to find more about him.
He was a slim, tall man with a crooked nose and ruffled brown hair. His eye bags were prominent from what I assume to be lack of sleep. As I stared at his picture, my hand moved by itself across my sketchbook, forming a circle to start defining out the headshape. I squinted slightly, trying to feel for each detail in his face. From the way his eyebrows were rotated a little outward, defining more of his tired expression, to the bump in his nose bridge, making it a bit more interesting to draw. It was mesmerizing, almost wishing I could sit here and draw his face in perso—
tap, tap!
I nearly jumped out of my seat. The pencil flung out of my hand, rolling off of the desk. My eyes flickered up—
and there he was.
My breath near caught in my throat as I stared up in shock. The man behind the glass was barely shocked to see my reaction. His white “milkman” hat rested perfectly on top of his brown hair with small curls slightly peaking out. I was swift to regain my composure in my head as I folded my hands in front of me with my legs crossed under the desk.
“Good afternoon, sir.” I smiled. “I haven’t seen you before. ID and entry request?”
He let out a small hum, barricaded by his pink lips, as he took out his paper and ID. He politely slid them through the letter slot before I took the items to examine.
“Mr. Francis Mosses.. Lives on floor 03.. Room 02.. Coming from work as a milkman.” I glanced up to look at him, comparing the photo ID to his face. His expression was exactly alike: tired eyes, slight frown on the lips, crooked nose, and a clean shaven face. I double checked with his file already on my desk, making sure that the ID numbers and the description aligned with his ID. “Everything looks good.” I confirmed as I slid his ID back to him.
“Mmm.. Thank you.” He hummed. I turned around to place his request form in a folder, but once I sat back up, I realized he was still standing at the window, curiously staring through the glass. I raised my eyebrow a little, confused as to why he was still lingering.
“I’m sorry, did I forget something?” I asked. Francis shook his head before pointing down at my desk.
“Is that.. Supposed to be me?” He asked. A tiny bit of emotion seeped into his voice, dripping in interest and curiousity.
“I— oh—” I looked down to see the rough drawing of Francis sitting at my desk, drawn with sketch lines still lightly defining his features, while the harder drawn areas sculpted his prominent details. “Yeah..” I mumbled. “I-I’m sorry if it makes you uncomfortable!” I exclaimed. “It’s just a way to help me remember faces and I was going through the files and I realized I haven’t met you before so I—”
“You make me look so pretty.” He mumbled, almost breathlessly. A faint pink color brushed his cheeks as he was unable to take his gaze away from the paper.
“W-Well.. I do aim for accuracy.” I chuckled, complimenting the man right back. My nerves had calmed down after noticing his calm demeanor. “You could keep it, if you’d like that is.” I offered. It would be awkward if I kept the drawing rather than give it to him— I mean— this is his first time ever seeing me and it was an awkward first interaction right off the bat. It was the least I could do for him. Francis nodded his head and in response, I tore the piece of paper out of the scrapbook before sliding it through the letter slot.
“There you go.” I smiled.
“Thank you..” He replied, graciously taking the piece of paper and admiring it once again. “Oh— um,” He quickly looked up to me. “What is your name? I’m sorry, I’m not really good with.. Introductions.” He trailed off, but something about his shyness and reluctant voice made me grin even harder.
“My name is (y/n). I’m the doorman in training for this building.” I greeted.
“Ah, of course. I’m Francis— Mmm..Though you already know that.” He said, shaking his head a little by the end of his sentence.
“Well, it was nice meeting you, Francis. I’ll be seeing you around, I assume?” I said, sitting at the edge of my chair as I looked up at him.
“More often than before.” He smiled. It was the widest he’d grin throughout our whole conversation. Something inside me told me that he doesn’t pass around smiles like that easily. It made me feel accomplished in some sort of way. But with that, he departed from my window. I made sure to unlock the door and listen for the door closing behind him before locking it again.
Francis Mosses.
I think I have someone to look forward to on tomorrow’s entry list.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
really hoped you enjoyed! replies, reblogs, and even likes are super appreciated! thank you so much for reading :]
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n3ptoonz · 9 months
BEGGING you to make more sub mk men content 😭 they're always dom in all the other hc's and it's refreshing to see something that's my cup of tea lol
oh? like this? throws this post behind me like a bouquet toss earthrealm guys here
mk1 hcs: how the outworld guys react to you riding them
y'all sure do love headcanons LMFAOO
i always try my best for most of the outworld cast cause i'm truly an earthrealm girly, but i got yall. yall really challenge me 😵‍💫
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Shang Tsung
This sly mf. He thought when you suggested riding, he'd be the one watching you writhe, but it's quite the opposite. Little did you know it was all an act. A fib; fairytale. He wants power, of course, but in the bedroom it's entirely different
Nothing will get him to submit fast than treating him like a common harlot. He's in desperate need of hair pulling, degradation, maybe even act like you're trying to kill him. He's into that shit! He's an aggressive man, so he should be treated as such
I'm talking fully dog this man out while you ride him. It'll drive him mad and make him crave it. Hell, slap him around and call him names and his gasps, groans, and deep whimpers will clear the air in no time! If you add small weapons to the mix or like a role play thing it's ON
He's literally the meme "don't bully me i'll cum" so do with that what you will!
Rain sexy ass...OOF. That smug "i am a demigod" attitude is punted out the window when you ride him. One single stroke of his hair and a caress of the jaw and just like that he's a slut!
Give him praises. He wouldn't handle degradation too well. On the outside he appears to have his shit together and doesn't have a care in the world about anybody else but his studies (and you), but he likes to be taken care of
If you want to be rougher or if he asks you to, really just pull his hair/give him love bites. idk it might just be me but i just wanna bite him sooo we're gonna say he likes bites! He's also super handsy but mostly when he's close
He's not very vocal but when he is i can see him as the kinda man that like...purrs, if that makes sense? If it don't i say he's a grunter and from groan city: population him
Reiko has a hard time being submissive, but you just make it a little easier for him. You kinda have to coax him into it before every time you get intimate because he's made it clear he can do both and wants to try submitting more to the person he loves
It was your suggestion after a long time away for a mission. Poor dude was stressed da hell out! He's like Rain, a sucker for praise. Now that i'm really picturing it he'd prob be down to smother his face into your chest cause like, that's hot to him
When he's feeling particularly spicy definitely tie him down so he can't pull free no matter how much brute strength he uses. Hold his face and never break eye contact, he's all yours! If you call him any name that has the word "strong" in it he's like puddy in your hands
Prime grunt man here. He ain't whimpering unless you deny him of something, even then it goes from a coarse tone to soft
General Shao
Siiggghhhh 🙄 Shao likes the riding position the most. That's all thanks for coming to my Ted talk
LOL JUST KIDDING😹 He would appear like he's incapable of submission but like, this is YOU we're talking about. And he'd do anything for you. Literally.
A little birdy told me he loves when you grab his horns. Grab his horns. Grab them and make him look at you. This unbreakable wall of man yearns to be conquered by someone like you. Someone who dared to challenge him and never back down? By the Gods he has a breeding knk whether you can have kids or not. oh yeah, he'd beg. plead. he's gasping for air like pls just don't stop riding him LMAO he needs his mind off taking the throne for a few hours
whimpering little bitch which eventually turn into growls and grunts. takes a bow
Syzoth is so subby I literally cannot picture him dominating a soul. Ashrah got that man on hold fr but anyway this about you
Typa dude to tear up when you ride him. You just look so damn good, and you make him feel so damn good. Dizzy eyes that he can barely keep open; I feel like he'd go brain numb from how fast he feels pleasure
I'm talking like because he's not originally human he's more sensitive. Now hear me out guys...two dicks....AHEM. DONT SHOOT THE MESSENGER!! Both his dicks are very sensitive OHHHHHHHHH Reduce him to a sobbing, stuttering, gasping, mess. He needs it, wants it, loves it. It's up to you if you'd ride him in his og form ya nasty. He'd also have a tendency to leave bite marks on you like your chest, neck, and shoulders
Mister whimper over here there's nothing else he does but whimper and cry jesus almighty somebody give this man a HUG (hug him while you fuck him dumb/busts)
Banging my head against the wall rn lemme tap in...ok we here let's go.
Another kombatant who peruses power, but also very much attracted to it. He definitely likes to be dominated. He'd be into some real kinky shit too i know it. Literally all the above he don't wanna think about SHIT
He would thoroughly enjoy being completely helpless at your disposal as you ride him. He likes degradation more than praises but if you do give him the kind of praise that inflates his already massive ego. shoot down his arrogance while also maintaining it he fucking lives for it. he likes being choked or slapped too keep that in mind
This bitch growls and that's it. bro ain't got the lips to really make different sounds LMAO?? get yo fuckin dog bitch!!!
You might be insane but we love that haha...! Monster fucker certificate checked at the door i understand i do
Absolutely no degradation here DO NOT!! Mf might start crying or give a monologue either way, steer clear. Be nice to him!!
He likes to be held, and he likes holding his partner. If this was confident Baraka from the previous timeline I'd say he likes fast and crazy over slow and romantic but that's not the case. Be immersed and in the moment with him, he clings onto the human interactions he got stripped from him 😞
Growls but that's mostly bc he deadass don't have lips either LMFAO😭
a/n: tearing my skin off rn I DID IT GUYS I DID IT TELL ME IM GREAT😎author likes praise too.
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sst0rmm · 7 months
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ in the mornings ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
ft: rin.
notes: just pure sunshine fluff ✧˖°.
part/series: 1.0 2.0 3.0
wc: 1328
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he's doesn't wake you up, and prefers to let you sleep the night away to your heart's content (sleeping makes you happy), and he notices and cares about that.
it's the little things....
rin wakes up early before you. he's always been an early bird, up as soon as the sun rises, and a sleepy saturday is no exception. so you're left to be woken up by the birds chirping and the sun shining and the smell of your favorite food wafting through the open doorway. and you'll get up, slowly walk your way downstairs.
the moment's surprisingly domestic, rin's shirtless and clad in an apron (even though it's a little drafty downstairs), you're in his shirt, and for a second there's nothing but the sound of sizzling bacon reverberating on the walls and making you feel completely at home.
"did you sleep well?" you smile, because you suddenly feel refreshly rejuvenated.
"yeah, i really, really did."
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rin is SUCH a sweetheart dasifjsdiofjjjsfdi LMAOO like...
you cannot prove me wrong once he gets to know you he's literally warm and allasdfjdfoi
and his cooking's mad scrumptious i am telling u
breakfast, as usual is warm and lifts you up. down to your veins, the utter core and heart of your being, because you can tell that he made it with love, and that's most important. and once you're done, you make a move to go do the dishes, but he won't let you. (the man's serious, what can i say?)
"i can do it-"
"don't worry," rin pulls you into a swift hug and you're suddenly surrounded by a cocoon of strong, comforting arms, "i got it."
"but you already cooked? we should split-"
rin looks at you fondly, amusement glimmering in teal eyes. it's a look that can stop time, shatter you, and pick you up anew. it's the look of the sunsets you saw together last september, and it's that look of pure adoration and love.
"you should rest," he whispers as he presses a soft kiss to your cheek that leaves your stomach whirling and your nerves dancing alight. "you're worth it."
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oh if you only knew HOW BAD i need a rin in my life
we all need a rin tbh because he's sooo sweet and so caring when he's comfy around you
+ a little jelly bcs !!!!
this next scene is utter beauty... you'll see...
waking up is hard when you're utterly entangled in the strong arms of the one you love.
the sun hums softly through the windows, blanketing everything in golden radiance. a clear, blue expanse of sky gazes down at you from above. the clock blinks at you in soft red letters the time (11 P.M.), but neither of you seem to make a move to get up.
it’s the power of a sleepy saturday.
a soft murmur (the doorbell) cuts through your haze of thoughts. “i’ll get it-” rin starts but you push the covers back onto him, pressing him back down onto the soft mattress.
“don’t worry, i got it,” you smile, and he wraps you in a warm hug.
“if you’re gone too long, i’ll miss you!” he calls over your shoulder. you smile back at him. it’s so easy to fall back into that comforting, perfect rhythm, where it’s just the two of you. indelible touches and soft warmth, broken down to sand, it’s just the two of you. against the world, fighting together, the two of you.
your heart blossoms with a warmth that swells from your head down to the very core of your being, and sits happily there, a pleasant, steady heat that makes the silence feel so full.
at your door’s a cute, smiling pizza man.
“delivery for y/n?” he smiles down at you, while holding that cardboard box.
“thanks so much!” you turn to grab your wallet from the counter, and come back right after. the air’s crackling with some unspoken tension, and you feel and hear movement behind you, but you disregard it.
inhaling the aroma of cheesy goodness, you feel oddly refreshed.
the man looks you up and down, and you suddenly realize you’re in a ratty set of pajamas and cross your arms over yourself a little self-consciously.
“the weather’s gorgeous today, isn’t it?” the man smiles and you find it in yourself to smile back. he’s just being nice, you chide yourself.
“yeah-” you start, “it really, really is.”
as you move to swipe your credit card across the gleaming screen of the touchless payment scanner, your feet get caught on the rug and you fall down, down, down…
right into the pizza guy’s arms. as your cheeks color and flame, and you murmur a hasty apology and scramble away, the man smirks.
“fell for me already, didn’t you?”
you wince. he’s cute, with warm eyes and dimples, but he’s no rin itoshi. “actually,” you start, “i’m flattered, but i’m not interested.”
the guy looks at you in surprise. “what, do you have a boyfriend or someth-”
immediately, rin’s presence materializes by you as if summoned. it’s a little uncanny, you think to yourself. and you have to admit, seeing rin stare down his opposition is a sight to see.
it doesn’t help the other guy’s case that rin’s fit as anything, either. just the glare he gives his opponents is enough to make them recoil. he crosses his arms over his broad chest and gives the delivery guy a penetrating stare. (you feel a little bad for this poor pizza man). but also, it fills you with molten heat and just love that rin would even care about these little things.
“yeah,” rin drawls underneath the summer sun, “she does have a boyfriend.” he wraps his bicep around your waist and tugs you close.
“so if i were you,” rin leans in towards the guy and whispers, “i’d probably leave now.”
somehow, the pressured worker manages to keep his wits intact. “you haven’t paid-”
“i’ll handle it, y/n,” rin whispers in your ear and waves you off. as you sit down on your sofa and calm your racing heart, you’re hit with such a wave of emotion that your heart weeps. because you’re rin itoshi’s, and he doesn’t care if the whole world knows it.
rin’s by your side minutes later and he sees your tears. “why’re you crying? is it me- don’t cry because of me-” he hugs you close, and wipes away your tears with gentle fingers.
“i’m not sad, rin,” you smile up at him, “happy tears. happy because you love me, and you don’t care if the whole world knows it-”
“even if you are a jealous-”
he pulls you in close and whispers fiercely. “damn right i’m jealous, because i got the best person in the world right beside me. and i’ll never let you go, and i’ll always love you. let the world say what they want to say, because you’re mine.”
“i love you too, rin-”
and then he pulls you into a searing kiss, embedding himself into your very soul and your entire mind is consumed with just rin itoshi. featherlight touches leave trails of heat down your face, and you breathe a soft sigh.
because rin in the mornings (and any other time) is truly just a sight to behold.
“say it,” rin murmurs and pulls away. you’re both breathing a little heavy and he looks at you with such love and emotion in his eyes that you know what he needs.
“i’m yours.”
the next kiss sends off fireworks in your heart and ignites your world in a blaze of life because you’re rin’s, he’s yours, and the two of you together are unstoppable.
there will be ups and downs. highs of unimaginable greatness and lows and worlds of hurt. but you’ll get through it.
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rin is truly the best lover when he's with you, i refuse to believe othwerise.... well i know he''ll prob be AWKWARD and cold at first.. (i'll totally do an arranged marriage sitch on my ao3 oh i love the idea already)
stay tuned for part two (guess which character in comments!!! or request which one im open) i'll link it under the series column when it's rdy ;)
thank u sm for reading, and thank you to @enchanthings for these lovely page dividers. grateful foreva 🫶
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(rin pics bcs i love him sm, look at that penetrating stare and bro has hella eyelashes..)
part two is up and linked!!! happy reading :)
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lavandulawrites · 7 months
Yandere Bungo Stray Dogs men on their first date with their darling: Chuuya and Tanizaki
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Yandere Chuuya x reader, yandere Tanizaki x reader
Chuuya is such a gentleman and Tanizaki can be quite frightening at times
Warnings: mention of violence. Tanizaki and Naomi have a normal sibling relationship and are normal siblings.
Word count: 1208
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The restaurant’s lights were dimmed creating an intimate atmosphere. Soft jazz playing from a grand piano, the pianist an older man dressed in a elegant suit. The sound of wine glasses clinking together distant. You were seated in a more scheduled spot, perfect for soft whispers and lingering touches. In front of you were a plate of a delicate decorated lasagna. It was clear that the chef had taken their time on preferring your meal.
Chuuya was sitting opposite of you with a wine glass in hand. The red liquid swishing slightly around as he gently rolled his hand taking a whiff of the sweet aroma. In front of him where a plate of pasta carbonara.
“This place is really nice and the lasagna is amazing!” you beamed. You took a bite of your lasagna and hummed in delight, the flavours were melting on your tongue.
“I am glad you like it. I am a regular here actually” Chuuya smiled. His blue eyes filled with love.
“It’s not hard to imagine why. Their food really are something else” you turned your attention back to your plate. You were quite nervous. It was your first date with the handsome man.
He chucked slightly at your nervous expression. His laugh deep and as smooth as honey, making you blush slightly. “I am glad you could make it today” he placed his glass down with a soft clink.
“Yeah me too. My boss was kind enough for letting me go early” you nodded.
“You know… Stress is really bad for you” he repositioned himself in his seat and leaned forward on his elbows. “Have you considered taking a week off? I have plenty of holiday houses” his voice soft, but his eyes poorly concealed worry and something else you couldn’t quite place.
“Thank you for your offer, but I don’t think I am able to” you sighed.
His brows furrowed and he leaned back in his seat. “And why is that?”.
You fiddled nervously with your pearl bracelet. “It’s a lot to do at work at the moment. The only reason to why I got to go early today is because I have been working every day these past two weeks”.
He looked at you with a brow raised in disappointment. “You have been overworking yourself” his voice stern and disappointed. He looked at you for a moment before he opened his mouth “You should go on vacation with me. We could perhaps go to Paris. Wouldn’t that be nice?”.
“Chuuya… I can’t just do that. Did you not listen to what I just said? I appreciate your concern, but I cannot simply drop everything and take some days off” you shook your head.
“You can” he intertwined his hands and placed his head on them, leaning forward. “You definitely can. All you need to do is resign” his expression completely serious.
You looked at him with disbelief. “I know I haven’t known you for that long, but I have known you long enough for me to say that you really do need a break. You can always live with me. That way you wouldn’t need to work so much, since you wouldn’t need to worry about your rent. I have plenty of room in my penthouse” he smiled. His canine chanting the light making it glisten. He really was charming.
“I can’t do that”
“Of course you can. I have more than enough money” he furrowed his brows in slight annoyance. He picked up his glass and took a sip, he closed his eyes and hummed at the sweet taste. “Let’s not talk about this anymore. I will let you think about it” he smiled warmly. You could see obsession and determination swirling in his blue eyes.
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Tanizaki nervously pulled on the red hem of his hoodie. His eyes flickering between you and the window of the cozy French styled café. You only glanced at him out of the corner of your eye finding his behaviour cute. “Do you know what to order?” you asked the ginger as you nodded at the menu in his hands. His knuckles were white from his tight grip. He shot his gaze towards you and pink blush crept over his cheeks.
He nodded. “Y-yes…” he quacked out. “I will take a Croque Madame”.
Your eyes scanned over the menu “I will take a sourdough sandwich”.
You was about to rise to your feet to order when Tanizaki put his hand on your arm. “I will order” his lips pulled back in a small smile. You nodded and watched him making his way over to the counter.
With giddy steps he walked over to your table with a tray. “I ordered us both a caramel latte” he smiled as he took a seat.
“Thank you Tanizaki” you smiled at the ginger.
“Don’t mention it. It’s my treat” his eyes were beaming. He picked up his cutlery before he put it down again, eyes looking intensely into yours. “Thank you for agreeing to go out with me. I really appreciate it” his expression genuine.
“No need to thank me. I am glad you asked me out Tanizaki. I should be the one thank you”
His lips curled into a smile “Please call me Junichiro”
You nodded. “How’s your week been? I read in the newspaper that the amount of crimes have skyrocketed, so the agency must have been quite busy I assume”.
He nodded. “Yeah it have been quite hectic, but thanks to you I have managed” he whispered the last part while he looked down on his plate.
“I am sorry? I didn’t quite catch that”
“Oh! It’s nothing!” his cheeks where as red as his hoodie. “What about you then? How has your studies been?” his head tilted slightly in interest.
You sighed. “Well my studies are going well. The other night I got almost robbed by some random guys. It turns out that one of the guys are my friend’s ex. He decided to take revenge on me to get to her, even though I hadn’t done anything. I didn’t even know him!” you rolled your eyes and huffed in frustration.
“What did you say?” his voice eerie silent. You looked back at Tanizaki and your over dramatic expression fell. His eyes were darkened and his mouth twisted into something akin to a growl.
“It happened two days ago, it’s okay. We sorted it out. He even got in trouble with the police” you raised your hands as to calm him down.
His eyes were narrowed and his brows furrowed. He lips pulled back into a snarl. He was truly terrifying. “I should rip him apart for hurting you” his voice a low growl.
“Junichiro!” you glared at him.
“I should carve out his eyes and feed it to some strays. THIS WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED!” his face was twisted in rage fitting a rabid dog.
You gently placed your hand on his. “Please calm down. Let’s just enjoy lunch together okay?” you plastered on a face smile, trying to convince him to drop it.
His hazel eyes scanned yours, before they softened. “Of course” he smiled. “I still won’t forgive him though. He will get as he deserves” his left eye twitching.
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itsbeeble · 1 year
Summary: You and Hyunjae had never really gotten along. But, since he was your brother’s best friend, you couldn’t exactly avoid him your whole life. Especially now that Sangyeon has enlisted Hyunjae to help you study for your classes.
Genre: Fluff, Smut, e2l (kinda)
Pairing: brother’s best friend!Lee Hyunjae x afab!reader
WC: ~6.5k
Warnings: Uhhh public sex (car sex), slight age gap (Hyunjae is two years older than reader), oral (m and fem receiving), pet names, switch!Hyunjae, switch!reader, Haknyeon might be scarred for life, swearing, mentions of chemistry, they make out in a library, face-fucking kinda, threats, reader almost kicks the bucket, Hyunjae jumps out a window, Sangyeon is NOT happy, idrk there’s a lot happening MDNI!!!
A/N: Yeah this is uh... yeah
“This is so easy, how are you not understanding?” Hyunjae is hunched over beside you, scowling at the seemingly infinite number of red marks he’d made on your worksheet. You scoff at him.
“Sorry to burst your little bubble, Lee Jaehyun, but maybe you should consider the fact that Chemistry doesn’t come easy for everyone.” Maybe take that stick out of your ass and you’d see that.
Lee Jaehyun, or as most people like to call him, Hyunjae was a straight A student. He was nearly perfect in everything. Perfect grades, perfect voice, perfect face, perfect body. He was perfect when it came to the sports he played, he had the perfect family and home. The only horrid thing about him was his attitude. 
He was cruel. To you, at least. Maybe just to you, his best friend’s little sister. Maybe he just didn’t like you because you always seemed to be around, always trying to one-up him in everything related to school. Trying to be better than him at math, at english, at extracurriculars. You joined the debate team in high school just to spite him. And he’d be damned if he ever said he felt threatened by you. 
If you were being honest, you really didn’t hate him. You liked him, even though he clearly didn’t care for you. You looked up to him, similar to how you looked up to your brother, but Hyunjae was different. He wasn’t just your brother’s best friend. At some point you started going out of your way to try to impress him, even if it never ended well for you. You wanted to spend more time with him, get to know him more. 
“I would think that you’d be decent at this,” he sneers at you, “given how you seem to be so good at everything else.” You bite down on your tongue and turn back to the worksheet. The mistakes you’d made were so silly, so you understand why he’d be confused that you’re getting them wrong. Simple miscalculations when balancing equations, simple miscalculations for enthalpy. All of them were simple, and yet somehow you consistently got them wrong. “Your brother wouldn’t be making these mistakes. I thought you idolized him.” 
“I’m not Sangyeon,” you snap. “Plus, why would he be taking a chemistry class as an Econ major? He doesn’t need this shit.”
“Gen eds, doll.” Hyunjae smirks at you. “We all had to do them at some point.” 
Your tongue was starting to hurt from how hard you were biting on it to avoid yelling at him. You’d forgotten that Sangyeon and Hyunjae were already in their third year of college while you were barely starting your second. 
“Don’t call me doll,” you slide your chair forward and lower your head. “Give me another worksheet.” Hyunjae shakes his head. “Dude, give me a worksheet. Let me try again.”
“I’m not giving you another worksheet,” he says as he begins to pack up his things. “You clearly aren’t understanding anything I’m teaching you, so why should I keep helping?” You rise from your chair at the same time as he does, your eyes going wide. 
“There’s no way you’re giving up because I get mixed up sometimes.” He looks down at you, almost annoyed that you’re still talking to him. “Lee Jaehyun, you cannot be serious.”
“I’m dead serious, doll. I don’t know why your brother asked me to help you when it’s clear there’s nothing I can do for you.” He turns to walk away, and your hand latches onto his wrist, attempting (and failing) to pull him back. He’s taller than you and definitely a lot stronger. You barely even get him to wobble on his feet, and he hardly stops walking toward the exit of the library. Now, you’re just being dragged along with him. 
“Why do you hate me so much?” You jog to stand in front of him, walking backwards (in hindsight, you should’ve known that was a bad idea). “Like, I’ve never done anything wrong to you but you just fucking hate me for no reason. Why?” He’s looking down at you while he walks, jaw tense and eyes narrowed into a glare. 
“You’re stuck up and think you’re better than everyone.” 
“Yeah, but so do you!” You argue. 
“You’re more annoying about it though. Like everyone has to know that you think you’re better than them.” He spits out, and the two of you stop walking, standing outside of the library. The cold air of November bites into your skin, slipping through the gaps of your knit sweater. “You just have to brag about every achievement you get, about every goal you make in soccer, and every award you get from school. You think you’re just some fucking princess that everyone needs to bow down to.” 
“Again, you’re the same way!” You snap. You’re walking backwards again, hardly paying attention to where you’re going with how focused you are on Hyunjae. “You’re constantly shooting me down, when all I’ve ever done is look up to you! All I’ve ever done is try to impress you, but you just have to make me feel bad about myself huh?” 
Hyunjae’s eyes widen a fraction, his lips parting as he listens to you talk. He’s not walking any longer, but you are. You’re backing toward the stairs leading to the parking lot and he reaches forward to stop you.
“Doll,” he tries to get your attention but you’re on a tangent now.
“Maybe I went too far sometimes, but it’s only because you’re my brother’s best friend and I wanted you to notice me!” 
“Doll,” Hyunjae tries again and takes a step forward. You’re getting closer to the first step, just inches from backing off the edge. 
“But you’re right. Little old Lee Y/N can’t possibly be worth helping, she’s too dumb for you isn’t she? She isn’t enough for you to not—” 
“Y/N!” Hyunjae lurches forward when your foot slips from under you. For a moment you flail in the air, arms waving while you attempt to get your balance. Your brother’s best friend grabs one of your arms, yanking you toward him and pressing you tightly to his chest. Your body spun, and you found yourself pressed against the railing, your face squished against the tall man who had his arms wrapped fully around you.
You can feel your heart pounding, and you can feel his own, It’s rapid against your cheek, slamming against his ribs. He’s warm. His body is warm, and your hands tighten around his jacket. Call it desperation, but you know this is the only time Hyunjae would ever touch you and you wanted to make the most of it while it lasted.
“Are you dumb?” Hyunjae pulls you away from you, holding you an arms-length away while he scans you over. “Why the fuck would you walk backward near a staircase?” He looks angry, and you duck your head into your chest. 
“I’m sorry,” you mutter, “I know it was stupid but I just—” 
“What if you had gotten hurt, doll?” He interrupts, his grip on your shoulders tightening. “What then, huh? I’d never be able to forgive myself.” 
“Didn’t realize you cared that much about me,” you try to joke. His frown only deepens, and you begin to shrink in on yourself. 
“Of course I care about you!” Your heart begins to pound again. “You’re my best friend’s little sister, why wouldn’t I care about you?” And then it sinks. You just got best-friend’s-little-sister-zoned. 
You wonder if he ignored everything you’d said before the fall. Maybe he did. Maybe it’s for the best that he did. Save yourself the rejection, move on with your life. Easy enough. 
“I dunno,” you shrug, “figured you hated me enough to let me fall.” Hyunjae scoffs and grabs you by the arm to start dragging you back to the car.
“So what you’re telling me,” Haknyeon sits across from you, his chemistry textbook open but going ignored as he listens to you talk about what happened with Hyunjae. Since the staircase…incident he hasn’t spoken to you, and you really needed to pass chemistry so you enlisted your friend to help. “He calls you doll, acts like he hates you, then you confess to him and fall down the stairs, he saves you in the most romantic way, then brother’s-best-friend-zones you?” 
“Yeah, pretty much,” You dig your pencil into your lip, listening to it click while you read through one of the practice problems that Haknyeon gave you. “And since then he hasn’t spoken to me.” 
“What a dick. You’re doing that one wrong, by the way.” He slides his chair across the library’s old carpet to sit next to you. “Finding the delta-H of a reaction is products minus reactants, not the other way around.” His shoulder is brushing against yours while he explains and writes down how to do the problem correctly. 
One of the doors to the library opens and you glance up, almost immediately locking eyes with Hyunjae. Your stomach sinks when he narrows his eyes at Haknyeon.
“Oh shit,” you mutter, dropping your gaze again.
“Please don’t tell me that Lee Hyunjae just walked into the library and currently looks like he wants my head on a spike.” Your friend is now frozen, speaking quietly out of the corner of his mouth.
“I will not confirm nor deny any of what you just said.”
“If that man kills me, I will kill you.” Haknyeon hisses, and you just smile at him. Hyunjae is sitting at a table nearby, and you feel that familiar sinking feeling in your chest when he looks at you again.
“He’s not gonna kill you. Laugh as if I said something funny.” You jab him in the side and he starts cackling loudly, gathering the attention of several other students around you. “Not that loud, genius!” He quiets his laughter, and you can see the flush rising on his cheeks. “God you’re dumb.”
“What am I supposed to do? The hottest man I’ve ever seen looks like he’ll snap me in half if I touch you! I’m terrified!” He grabs you by the shoulder, and you hear his chair scrape against the ground. “Oh god he’s gonna kill me and it’s your fault, you bitch.” 
“Y/N,” Hyunjae’s hand comes to rest on your shoulder, and he bends down to the opposite ear so you can hear him better. Your body goes rigid, and you feel his breath brushing against the side of your neck. “A word, please?” You turn your head, leaning back so you aren’t so close to him. He’s staring at you, a mix of emotions swimming in his eyes. 
“Uh,” you glance at your friend, but he’s already shoving his face back into his textbook. “Yeah, sure. Hak, I’ll be—”
“Yup, go ahead, have fun.” Your friend spits out and then Hyunjae is pulling you up and walking you toward a dark corner of the library.
“Is this where you kill me?” You joke, but he doesn’t laugh. He’s facing away from you, hands shoved into the pockets of a loose jacket. “Damn, killjoy much?”
“You sure move on fast, huh?” You reel back and he turns to face you completely, a small smile practically stapled to his lips. “With tutoring, I mean. You were able to replace me just fine.”
“Oh, uh,” you blink, “yeah I guess. Hak is a great…teacher? Jaehyun are you okay?” His jaw tenses before he responds again, taking a few steps toward you until he’s just inches from you, and you’re pressed against a bookshelf. 
“You know you’re the only person who calls me Jaehyun? Not even my own parents call me that.” His head is tilted, his eyes half-lidded while he looks at you. “Why is that?”
“I, um,” your brain is faltering, overwhelmed by him. The way he looms over you, the way his fingers dance across your waist, the way he’s looking at you like you’re his last meal. “I don’t— spite, maybe? Jae, you’re getting really…really close.”
“Does that bother you, doll?” He asks, he’s only a few inches away, and you’re getting the urge to lean up and press your lips against his. 
“N-nope. Not at all. In fact,” Your hands are wrapped around his jacket, holding him so he can’t step away from you, “this is great.” He smiles, and you don’t see joy in it. You see mischief and lust. 
“Mhm.” One of his hands slides up to grip your chin between his thumb and pointer finger. 
“And what if,” his voice is just a whisper, his breath fanning your cheek when he tilts your head to the side. “I did this?”
His lips are warm against your skin. Warm, and soft, and your breath is hitching in your throat andd you know he can feel it. Hyunjae kisses your neck right below your ear, his teeth just scraping against the tender skin and his lips sucking gently. Your eyes are fluttering, your body leaning closer to his. His hand releases your jaw, finding its way back to your waist while your own hands slide up to tangle in his hair. 
He slides his lips down, trailing them across your neck and sucking little pink marks into the skin. 
“Should—” you stumble over your sentence when Hyunjae pulls your shirt to the side, placing kisses to your collarbone. “Should we b-be doing this?” He hums, and the vibrations against your skin have you gasping.
“What do you mean, doll?” He pulls away, leaning back up to look you in the eye. His eyes are halflidded and dark, filled with the lust you had seen in his smile. Your jaw drops open a bit, your hands sliding back down to his shoulders when he leans toward you again. 
“I just— I mean— what would Sangyeon think?” Hyunjae rolls his eyes. “I’m seri—” He’s kissing you before you can finish that sentence. It’s a rough, searing kiss and the suddenness has you gasping. With your mouth now open, Hyunjae is able to slip his tongue into your mouth. It dances along your own, tracing every inch of the wet cavern of your mouth. Your lips are slightly chapped against his, and you wonder if he notices. You wonder if he cares, but the way he groans against your mouth tells you he doesn’t. That he cares only about the way your lips mold against his, the way your tongue dances against his own, and the way your body seems to fit perfectly to his. 
“Who—” his lips press against yours as he speaks, “cares— what— he— thinks?”
Hyunjae presses further against you, pressing you into the bookshelf, and you can feel the kiss becoming sloppy. You can feel the spit beginning to slide down your chin, but when you try to wipe it away your brother’s best friend pins your arm above your head. You squeak into his mouth, feeling him smile against you. 
He pulls back just slightly, catching your lower lip between his teeth and watching your eyes flutter, listening to the whine that escapes you. 
Hyunjae says something to you, something you don’t catch, and then he squeezes your hip.
“Sorry. What did you say?” He smiles, and this time you know he’s amused. There’s a little twinkle in his eye, and you find yourself smiling along with him.
“I said,” he drawls, “that we should get out of here.” 
“Oh…” you hum. “Yeah, no, yeah we should.” He tilts your head up again, his eyes narrowing.
“Are you okay, doll?” 
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” You reassure him, “Just…a little shocked, I guess?” 
“Shocked,” he echoes, tilting his head to the side. “Shocked about what, doll?” You shrug, your cheeks starting to burn from the way he stares at you. 
“You’re just…you’re a really good kisser.” You’re mumbling, but you know by the way his smile grows that he heard you.
“What was that?” He coos, turning his head so he can “hear you better”. You scoff. “I didn’t quite catch what you said. I’m a really good what?”
“I said you’re a dick,” you snap and push him away from you, your cheeks now blazing. He trails after you, practically giggling at the reaction he pulled out of you. Haknyeon is still at the table when you come into view and you see his eyes go wide when he sees you.
“What…happened to you?” You grab your jacket and bag, shaking your head. 
“I’ll tell you tomorrow, Hak.” You feel Hyunjae’s hand on the small of your back, urging you along and you watch your best friend’s eyes bug out of his head. 
“He— you— are you two—”
“She said she’ll tell you tomorrow, Hak.” Hyunjae says sharply, now firmly pushing you along. “Let’s go, doll.” 
You’re in his car, straddling his waist in the backseat. Your lips are pressed against his in a rough kiss, much sloppier than in the library. It’s a mess of tongue and teeth and spit and his skin is so warm against yours. Your hands are underneath his shirt, but his are under your own shirt. You can feel goosebumps rising on your skin where his hands trace. Your waist, your stomach, your back, underneath your breasts. He’s so gentle with you. You, on the other hand, are rough. Your hands are digging into the skin of his abdomen, sliding across his abs and up to his chest. He hisses when your nails dig into him, undoubtedly leaving little crescents into his golden skin. 
You pull away only briefly, a string of spit connected between the two of you. He’s staring at you with awestruck eyes, staring at the marks he left on your skin, at the knots he made in your hair, at the stretched collar of your shirt from where he pulled on it. 
“What happened to what Sangyeon would think?” Hyunjae’s hand slip to cup your ass over your jeans. 
“I’m not the one that’s gonna have to tell him that his best friend fucked his little sister in the backseat of his car in the library parking lot.” You tug your shirt over your head, tossing it to the front seat. To be fair, Hyunjae moved the car into the darkest corner of the lot, but his windows weren’t tinted and if security came around to check what was up, you’d both be fucked (in more ways than one). “Besides, should you really be worrying about that right now?”
Hyunjae lowers his mouth to your chest, placing wet, sloppy kisses to the soft skin while you unhook your bra and let it slide off your arms. 
“You’re really gonna make me do it? All on my own?” He gazes up at you and you can only smile at him.
“If you want me to suck your dick, yeah. You will.” His grip on your waist tightens and his eyes go wide. You lift his head, connecting your lips again as you begin to roll your hips against his. He hisses out, letting his head fall back at the sudden pressure against his growing erection. You let your eyes drift closed, enjoying the friction, enjoying the pleasure each roll of your hips sends up your spine until you decide it isn’t enough. Until the quiet, gasping breaths that escape the boy under you aren’t enough. Until you need more.
You force yourself off of him, pushing yourself as far back as you can in the cramped backseat of his car, the little waves of pleasure dissipating as you undo the button of your pants and begin to tug them down. Hyunjae watches you, eyes hazy and chest heaving under his shirt. You pause in your motions and stare at him with a cocked eyebrow. 
“What?” He exhales heavily and you scoff, kicking his leg. He hisses, lifting his head and glaring at you.
“You really think I’m gonna be the only one undressing? Take your shit off, Lee Jaehyun.” He sits up, leaning toward you. Challenging you.
“Why would I do that, doll?” He coos. “I quite enjoy the little show you’re putting on for me.” You can hear the little tremor in his voice, can see his cock straining against his jeans. You love the act he puts on, the way he wants you to think he’s in charge, so you play along.
You widen your eyes, playing the role of a desperate little girl. He may be older, but you’re smarter. You’ve known him long enough to get an idea of what he likes, just based on what you’ve accidentally overheard from his conversations with your older brother. 
“Jae,” you practically purr, leaning forward and letting him see the way you’re squeezing your breasts together with your arms. He watches you lace your hands together, tenses when you place them on his knees and bring yourself forward until your mouth is right next to his ear. His breathing hitches when your breasts brush against his chest. “Can you please take your clothes off, baby?” You press a gentle kiss to his jaw. “I promise I’ll be good.” 
He doesn’t respond, but you can hear him shuffling, hear the zipper of his pants and feel him shoving the garment down his legs as fast as he can. His shirt follows after, and you lean back with a pretty little smile on your lips as you slowly pull your jeans down. Hyunjae watches you carefully, practically drooling as more and more of your skin is exposed to him. More for him to touch, to feel, to play with. 
When the last bit of your legs is exposed and your jeans are thrown to the side, he tugs you onto his lap again. You both hiss when his fully erect cock presses against your core, when the slick fabric of your underwear brushes against him and leaves a small damp spot on his boxers. Your hand rises to the back of his neck, nails scratching gently as you begin to roll your hips again. 
You aren’t slow this time, you aren’t gentle with him. You grind against him as if you’re already riding his cock. You roll your hips in gentle circles, pressing down hard with each drag of your hips. This is the pleasure you were searching for. This is soothing the ache that had been building and building since the night at the staircase. 
You listen to the pitiful whines that leave Hyunjae’s mouth, listen to the gasps, and the pleas. You feel the way he lifts his hips to meet yours, thrusting harder and harder with each moan of his name that leaves your mouth. 
“D-doll,” Hyunjae whimpers, “Y/N, please. ‘M s-so close, doll, please.” 
“Please what, baby?” You lower your head to his neck, sucking harsh purple marks into his skin and running your tongue over each one to sooth the burn you know is there. “Hmm? What do you need from your doll?”
“You pro-promised,” he pleaded, squeezing at your hips and trying desperately to get you to stop. You can feel his dick twitching underneath you, and your hips only move faster and harder against him. You can see the tears welling up in his eyes. 
“What did I promise, Jae?” You ask. “Tell me.”
“You prom— promised you’d— that you’d suck me off.” You kiss your teeth, slowing your hips. Your own body is screaming at you, begging you for the release you’d just ripped away from both of you. You, unlike Hyunjae, are good at hiding how desperate you really are to have him inside of you. He’s still thrusting into you, whining at the loss of pleasure. 
“I did, didn’t I?” You run the back of your hand down his cheek and watch him lean into your touch. “I can’t let my baby suffer now, hmm? Not after he asked so nicely.” 
Hyunjae watches in awe as you slide to the ground in front of him, tugging his boxers down with you. He watches as you brush your hand over his leaking cock, running your thumb over the slit and digging in. He whines loudly, jerking his hips into your touch. 
You pull your hand away just briefly to spit into your palm, using that and the pearly liquid leaking from his tip to help run your hand up and down on his length, squeezing gently when you get closer to his tip. 
When your lips finally wrap around him, a shudder runs down Hyunjae’s body, his back arching and his head falling back. There’s a brief moment between when you first put your mouth on him to when you begin to suck, one where you just watch the older boy twitch and shudder under your touch. 
You don’t linger too long, shifting and rising a bit on your knees so you can take more of him down your throat. Your hands grip at his thighs, squeezing tightly when he hits the back of your throat and you have to hold yourself back from gagging. You pull yourself back up, suckling at his tip before bringing yourself back down onto him, taking a bit more of him into your mouth. You repeat these actions until you’re able to take all of him into your mouth. 
From there, when you take him down your throat you moan around him, letting the vibrations hit him until his hips jerk up and he’s sent impossibly farther down your throat before pulling yourself back up and digging your tongue into his slit and drinking in the precum that leaks from his cock. He’s a whining, blubbering mess, begging you to go faster. To make him cum. To do anything except tease him, but you don’t listen. You take your time, occasionally pulling off his dick entirely just to watch him suffer. 
“‘M close again,” he chokes out, barely heard above the sloppy noises of you choking on his cock time and time again. His eyes, up until this point, have been squeezed shut. He’s afraid that if he looks at you, he’ll bust right then and there. “Fuck, doll, please.” 
He makes the fatal mistake of opening his eyes, making direct eye contact with you. His breath hitches in his throat again, his chest tightening. You look so messy, drool running down your chin and onto his balls. Your make up is running down your cheeks, your hands squeezing so tightly at his thighs. 
It just takes you sending him into the back of your throat one more time for him to regain control of himself, gripping your hair and sitting up a bit. Your eyes go wide when he thrusts into your mouth the first time. He hears you gag, but he’s just so close. He’s so close, and he can’t help how his hips move faster and faster, each brush of his tip against the back of your throat sending him spiraling just a bit more out of control.
“You thought I’d just let you take control?” he hisses, tugging your face towards his hips when you try to pull away. He can hear your muffled sobs, hear you gagging on him. “Let you run this show? Pretty girl, you have no idea what you just got yourself in—to—” He stutters his last word, his eyes rolling into the back of his head while he empties his load into your throat. He hears you choke and pulls back, letting the last ropes of cum paint your cheeks and your chin while more spills out the side of your mouth. 
Hyunjae gasps for breath, watching you pull yourself back onto the seat with your back pressed against the door. He watches you run your fingers through the mess on the lower half of your face, bringing it to your lips. You whine at the taste of him, and he feels his cock twitching back to life already. 
Then he notices the lack of underwear on your body. Sometime between you taking control, and him forcing it back you stripped yourself of the last bit of clothing on your body. He turns toward you, wrapping a hand around each of your legs to spread you open. Your eyes are wide again, and you try to protest when he lowers himself to be face-to-face with your sopping wet cunt. 
“Such a pretty doll,” he murmurs, bringing a finger to your slit and collecting some of your juices. Your body twitches, trying to pull away from him but he just pulls you closer. “So cute, still trying to be in control of something.” 
He runs his tongue all the way up the length of your pussy, stopping to suck on your clit before bringing his tongue back down and repeating that again and again and again. You writhe underneath him, moaning loudly when he digs his tongue into you, practically fucking you with it before he’s slipping two fingers inside of you. You knew it would sting with just one of his fingers, but the burn of two fingers pushing inside of you and immediately beginning to pump in and out of you at a rapid pace has you crying out and curling away from him. He just holds you closer, his fingers scissoring in and out and his mouth sucking relentlessly and the knot inside of you is growing so tight, your body curling and your hands gripping his hair tightly. 
Then your body goes slack, your vision blurring and your ears ringing as you release all over the bottom half of his face. He doesn’t relent, doesn’t stop drinking up your release until you’re kicking your legs and shoving his body away from you. 
You both gasp for breath, trying to recover. Your body is tingling with your release and you can see Hyunjae leaning against the door opposite you, running his hand up and down his length while he watches you, waiting for his cock to become erect again so he can fuck you.
“So,” his voice is rough, “now that we’re somewhat even, I vote that we both tell Sangyeon that I fucked his little sister in the backseat of my car.” You roll your eyes.
“I just gave you the best suck of your life, and you think I’m gonna tell my big brother that his best friend fucked me? His best friend that’s two years older than me?”
“You’re 21,” Hyunjae frowns, “two years isn’t that bad. If you were 14 and I was 16, then it would be weird, but that’s not the case. We’re both legal adults in college.” His hand slows on his cock, but he keeps his fingers wrapped around the tip. You run your tongue over your lip.
“Jaehyun, I thought you hated me. What changed?” He shrugged.
“Simple. I never hated you. Sure for a while you were just my best friend’s annoying sister, but like…I dunno. I never really hated you, I just didn’t know how else to interact with you. What about you? I thought you hated being around me.”
“Yeah because I wanted to make out with you half the time you were around,” you roll your eyes and let your head rest against the steamed window. Hyunjae sputters out a laugh, throwing his head back and yelping when it slams against the glass. You gasp and jump forward, crawling over his lap to cradle his head.
“Shit, Jae, are you alright?” You run your fingers through his hair, feeling for where his hit his head. He lets his forehead rest against your collarbone, still laughing. “Why would you throw your head back like that?”
“You sure have a funny way of showing that you like me, you know that, doll?” His lips press gently into your skin and you flick the side of his head. He hisses under his breath and pinches your hip. 
“You worry me sometimes, Lee Jaehyun.” He hums and brings his hands to your hips. “You gonna fuck me now?” He kisses his teeth and pushes you off his lap until you’re on the leather seats again. 
“Hands and knees, doll,” he instructs and you grin.
“Ooh, doggy style. Didn’t think you liked that kind of thing.” You roll onto your hands and knees, lowering the front half of your torso until you’re able to lay your head on your hands and (sort of) gaze back at Hyunjae. You watch him pull a foil packet out of the center console and click your tongue. “Only use one if you want to. I’m clean and on birth control. As long as you’re clean and fine with it, you don’t have to.” You watch the man behind you shudder again.
“God, Sangyeon really is gonna fuckin’ kill me, doll.”
“Problem for tomorrow, really.” You suck in a sharp breath when you feel his tip pressing into your entrance. A quite whine escapes you at the stretch, and Hyunjae rubs your sides to sooth you while he continues to slowly press himself inside of you.
“Almost there, baby.” He assures you. “Just a bit over halfway.”
“Are you shitting me?” you whine. “Why the fuck are you so big?”
“Good genetics, doll.” You feel his hips against your ass and your body relaxes slightly. “Tell me when, okay?” 
“Just fucking go already,” you hiss, fighting through the stretch. “God, just fuck me Hyunjae, please.” Your hips roll back against his and he exhales shakily. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me.”
“It’s either me or my brother, pick one baby.” 
Your teeth dig into your lip when Hyunjae gives an experimental, shallow thrust into you. He pulls out a few more inches and thrusts into you again. When he pulls himself out all the way to the tip, he inhales sharply before plunging into you. Your body jerks forward at the force of it, a moan escaping you, and then he’s plowing into you at full force. 
Hyunjae drives his hips into you hard and fast, your body jerking forward so much that you have to grab onto the door to stop yourself from hitting it. The moans you let out become loud cries and screams of his name and you know that if there’s anyone left in the parking lot, they’ll know exactly what’s happening. You can only pray that they know better than to approach the window, pray that they can’t see the way you beg for Hyunjae to move faster, to go harder if that were possible. 
“Such a good, pretty girl for me,” Hyunjae tangles a hand in your hair, yanking you back into his chest. The new angle has his cock driving into that spongey spot inside of you time and time again. “So pretty like this, filled with me. But what would Sangyeon think, hm? What will he think of his pretty little sister getting fucked senseless by his best friend, someone he trusted to look after her while she studies?”
“F-fuck, Hyunjae, please!” You beg, clawing at his hands and his hips and the back of his neck. “Fuck, harder, baby, harder!’
“You want me to go harder baby?” Hyunjae coos, sliding one of his hands down to your clit. “Want your brother’s best friend to fuck you until you can’t breathe? Until you’re begging me to stop?”
“Yes,” you cry out, “please please please, Hyunjae!” He groans, loud and raspy in your ear and you can feel your abdomen starting to tighten okay. “Oh god, I’m so close baby please! So close, so close!” 
“I know baby,” he grunts, “fuck, you’re so fucking tight around me, doll.” 
His fingers are rubbing harsh circles around your sensitive clit, the callouses of his hands providing that delicious friction to drive you straight over the edge screaming his name and squeezing tightly around his cock like a vice until he can only grind his hips into you, and then he’s groaning and warm ropes of cum are filling you and spilling out around his cock. 
It takes the two of you a few minutes to recover before he’s pulling tissues and wipes out of his glove compartment and gently wiping away any traces of his release. When he gets to your face, he can only smile at the dazed look in your eyes.
“So, I take it I’m telling your brother?”
“You can bet your ass you are.” He hums and places a featherlight kiss to your lips. 
“You called me Hyunjae for the first time.” You hum.
“Don’t get used to it, Lee Jaehyun. It was heat of the moment.” He laughs, tugging his boxers and jeans back onto his body before helping you with your bra and underwear. 
“I meant it, you know.” He says when he’s got you situated in the front seat of the car. You look at him with tired eyes, enjoying the heat that comes with his car being on. Your seat is reclined so you can rest on your way home, and one of your hands is wrapped in Hyunjae’s. “When I told you that I never hated you. And if you’d let me, I want to take you out on a date after finals.” 
The thought brings a gentle smile onto your face.
“Only if Sangyeon doesn’t kill you first.”
It’s two days later when you force Hyunjae to tell him. The marks on your neck, and the scratches on Hyunjae’s haven’t faded in the slightest, and you know Sangyeon has been asking his best friend about them. 
You’d been sitting on your bed with your boyfriend when Sangyeon burst into the room, yelling at you about the dishes and stopping when he saw the two of you curled up on your comforter. You could see his mind trying to click everything into place, followed by your brother taking a few steps forward and Hyunjae sliding off your bed to get to your open window. 
“LEE JAEHYUN YOU’RE SO FUCKING DEAD!” Your brother screams out the open window while Hyunjae makes a run for his house, one hand thrown into the air. 
“WORTH IT!” You hear him yell, and you can’t muffle the laugh you let out before your brother turns on you with nothing but rage in those brown eyes of his. 
“Lee Y/N,” he hisses.
“In my defense, it was all him.” You back away from your brother, shuffling to the edge of your room.
“You’re dating my best friend?” 
“Maybe? Depends on how you react to either answer.”
“Oh, I’m gonna fucking kill you both.”
“Only if you can catch us!” You bolt out of your room, screaming when you hear him pounding after you. 
Maybe telling your brother wasn’t the best idea. But, then again, it was all worth it in the end. Dying young wouldn’t be so bad, at least in your eyes.
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kotton-kandy953 · 1 month
➛ various!yandere!male one-shots x fem!reader
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title page┆word count: 1.5k┆warnings: cursing, death, gore, kidnapping, slight mentions of suicide, obsessive behavior, stalking┆a/n: for the longest time I had no idea who “kagehara” was. that is, until I read a long-ass tumblr post explaining that he’s js pre-game shuichi. sorry for the shorter post!
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SINFUL ━ pre-game ! shuichi “kagehara” saihara x kidnapped ! reader
⤷ 𝕳𝕰
had been in love with you for the longest time. So much so that it felt like hell not being around you even for a few hours.
When he wasn't following you around the school hallways or watching you take notes in class, he was thinking about how beautifully you wore your school uniform.
Or how your kind and friendly personality always made him feel better about himself.
Or how your soft, (s/c) skin glistened against the dim rays of the afternoon sun. The way your beautiful (e/c) eyes complimented your every feature.
You were so beautiful to him you were practically glowing.
Even as he watched you change your clothes from your bedroom window.
This wasn't anything new or surprising, in fact, Shuichi Saihara, or just Kagehara, does this everyday after school.
The same time.
Same place.
All the time.
But, today was different. Today, he overheard you and a few of your friends talking about going out somewhere.
Usually in this scenario, he would follow you around and luckily not get spotted by either your friends or you, yourself.
But that didn't matter to Shuichi.
Because like I said earlier, today was different.
Once you finished getting ready, you grabbed your bag and left out the front door to your house.
You paused in your tracks at the sight of someone unexpected, nervously twiddling with his pale fingertips.
He looked up, your eyes meeting with wide,
grey-green ones staring right into yours, before he looked down.
"...Saihara?" You asked.
Despite everything that had been mentioned up to this point, Shuichi has been too afraid to even speak to you for the longest time.
The fear of rejection deeply disturbs his soul, so he's never told you about how his feelings... or if he even wanted to be friends.
He may know every little thing about you, but you still cannot even remember his first name.
The dark-blue haired teenager awkwardly put his left hand in his pocket and cleared his throat, "U- uhm... yeah, Shuichi Saihara?" He tilted his cap down with his right hand and stared down at his feet.
"I'm uh... in your home-room..."
"Ohh...!" You smiled, "I'm sorry! I must've forgotten!"
You paused as confusion fogged your mind.
"Wait, how do you know where I live?"
Ignoring your question, Shuichi began speaking again, "Y/n, I... I'm really sorry for this..."
"For wha—"
Cutting your sentence short, the what seemed to be quiet boy forcefully pushed you against your front door. Before you could react, a white cloth was shoved into your face.
Then everything went black.
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(E/c) eyes fluttered open at the sound of quiet footsteps against a hard, solid floor.
Your vision was blurry as you slowly, but surely, began to regain consciousness.
Looking up at the source of the noise, not being able to clearly make out a face. What you could see was the blurry silhouette of a male in a black suit and tie.
Wait... what was the last thing that happened?
And where the hell are you!?
The male peered down at you, a small smile grazing his pale features.
"I hope you're not too hurt, Y/n, dear," a soft yet sinister voice spoke out.
"It took me a good while to think of a fast yet efficient way to knock you out without causing any external injuries to your... perfect body..." the strange person kneeled down to be at eye level with you, and that is when your vision got clearer.
The first thing you noticed was their dark-blue hair almost fully being covered by a black cap.
Those shy, grey-green irises accompanied by long, dark eyelashes frantically looked around your fearful figure for injuries.
The dim light illuminating the strange room shone against his unhealthily-pale, snow white skin, making whoever this person was more visible.
And quite obviously, 'this person' was...
"Shuichi Saihara!!?" You screamed.
Or, attempted to scream.
For your mouth was sealed shut with duct-tape. Making all your desperate screams and shouts muffled or silenced.
And for the cherry on top, your wrists were cuffed together and you could say the same for your ankles.
Shuichi had sat you on a mattress with your back against the hard, cement wall. Beside you were blankets of your favorite colors and stuffed animals you thought you've lost months ago.
How nice... you thought sarcastically.
"Oh good, you're not hurt." He let out a relieved sighed and moved a bit closer to your face.
You flinched and backed up as far up against the wall you could.
"I had no idea what I'd do to myself I was ever the cause of you being hurt...!"
A wide smile spread across the teenage boy's face after he said that.
The smile of a complete psychopath.
"...I... I wouldn't be able to live with myself..." he muttered. "I would... wouldn't be surprised if I ended it right there..."
Those where the last few words you could make out before he continued to quietly ramble incoherent words to himself.
You jerked away from him as he yanked your hands closer to his chest, holding onto them firmly.
"I... I know you don't understand why I brought you here... m- maybe you'll never understand... but I did this for us! I did this for you!" He exclaimed.
"If not... If not, you'd never know about my undying love for you! I love you so much Y/n! I love you more than I could ever love myself!!"
His words left his mouth so easily, as if every single word he spat wasn't complete insanity.
Light red dusted his pale cheeks as he confessed his love to you over and over and over again.
Until there was and abrupt stop to his words.
His mood switched faster than a stop light.
Roughly, he pulled you into his open arms, holding you in an uncomfortably firm embrace.
You let out a quiet yelp at his forceful action. Tears pricked in your (e/c) eyes as you struggled to pull out of his tight grip.
He shushed you while your screams and shouts to be released we're muffled.
All your actions being completely, utterly futile.
"Shh..." his left arm held onto your waist as his right hand rested on the back of your head.
"I won't hurt or harm you in any way, dear," Shuichi lovingly whispered in your ears.
You squirmed and desperately tried to pry him off your trembling figure. The tears building up in the corners of your eyes began rolling down your cheeks, staining your soft, (s/c) skin.
"Y/n... do you know why I brought you here...?" He traced small circles onto the small of your back as his occupied hand caressed the back of your head comfortingly.
Despite the lack of a response, he continued, "it's because... because you've never noticed me..."
He sighed sadly and continued, "Every single one of my attempts to get your attention were all in vain... Fuck, you didn't even know my first name until a few hours ago."
A bright pink dusted his cheeks, "But now that I have you here, all to myself... I'm going to so I am the only one you'll ever see."
A large, crazy smile formed on his pale, "From the moment you wake up to the hour you go to sleep, I'll be there."
"And maybe then... only then, you will finally love me back."
"Because you mean everything to me..."
You trembled in fear while weakly whimpering and struggling to push him off with his "loving" embrace tightening. His confession and reasoning was completely nonsense to you. You didn't care about his love for you.
You just wanted to go back home.
More and more tears rolled down your face in frustration as he proceeded to hopelessly ramble.
Until there was an abrupt stop to his speaking.
You froze at his change of tone and demeanor. Your desire to leave and never come back growing even stronger than before.
The mentally unstable teenager released you from his "loving" arms. He tilted your face up by your chin to look you into your red, puffy eyes.
"You... you're crying...?" His dull, green eyes widened in slight shock.
Carefully, he wiped the hot tears streaming down your face with his thumb.
"Please... please don't cry..." he muttered softly, "Don't cry, Y/n..."
Wiping away the last of your tears, he completely rids your skin of his touch.
"Ah, I get it now..." he chuckles to himself.
"I'm not good enough."
"Thats why you desperately desire to leave. That's why I destroyed my mental and physical health spending hours in my locked bedroom stalking your social media. That's why I imagine all the people who think they have a chance with you being eliminated in the most gruesome ways. That's why I have so many lewd fantasies about you that I'm begging to hate my own imagination."
"That's why... tha... that's why... why..."
"That's why... you'll never love me back."
He reached up to grab his cap, lifting it off his head and tossing it behind his back.
"But that'll never stop my love for you."
back to title page?
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vierlieben · 5 months
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Lip Gloss.
Choi Jongho x f!reader
genre: fluff
wc: ?? idk
desc: you just thought of another way of putting lip gloss on your boyfriend's lips.
you are a living doll, everyone said. maybe it's just you can't go out without getting dolled up, or even when you're just staying at home, or maybe because just you're effortlessly pretty. now, by the term "dolled up", it doesn't mean applying full makeup—it's just you wearing hair clips, putting light blush, curling your eyelashes and lastly, your favorite, lippies.
a lovely picnic was planned today together with your boyfriend, Jongho, who was terribly excited about it. well, who wouldn't be so excited for finally getting to have a whole day date with his partner after a rough weekend? all he needed was you.
but maybe you two were simply just unfortunate, which is horrible because it's now raining cats and dogs out there. Jongho quietly stood by the window, watching the rain as it pours; poor one, you thought. he must be terribly saddened by now. he was the one who came up with the whole picnic idea and even bought lots of snacks for you to enjoy together. now, it's just not possible to do it because duh, picnic under this goddamn rain?
now, you hate this view. you hate seeing nothing but sadness in his face. god, you wished that you could just stop this rain and change it with the perfect weather, but yeah, obviously, you cannot. Jongho just sat on the couch and reached for his phone. now, it just got worse; you know that it's really bad when he just decided to sit in silence and give all of his attention to his phone.
"jagiiii," you threw yourself on the couch and gave him a tight, warm hug. "it's fine, we can just stay here together. maybe watch some movies or do anything we want."
you know so well that he can't resist that sweet tone of yours.
"mhm," he dropped the phone and turned around to hug you back. "yeah.. it's just, i don't know, i'm kind of devastated. i didn't even expect it to rain. i thought that the weather's gonna be fine today."
you leaned to give him a kiss on his forehead. "we can still enjoy the day, alright? tell me, how can i ease the devastation that you're feeling?"
"oh, don't worry about me. i'll be fine later, love." the lighter look at his face made you believe what he just told you. "hold on..."
suddenly, he's just staring at your lips, examining something. you froze, confused as you were waiting for him to say something else.
"is that a different shade of lipstick?"
boom. suddenly, your face's hot, blushing like a whore...
all just because he noticed that you're wearing a different shade of lippie. it is a big thing for you. you know so well that he's always just observant and everything, but everytime he points out something new, you couldn't just help it but to fall deeper for him.
"uh," you looked away for a second. "yeah... did it make a lot of difference?"
"no, you still look pretty. i just noticed. that's a nice one, love." even with the plainest tone, you felt like your heart's melting. GOD, he doesn't know what he's doing to you.
"thanks," was all you can say.
"it's missing something, though," he added. "where's your lip gloss?"
oh, right. the damn lip gloss that you were about to apply but you heard the rain pour so you rushed to see if it's really raining earlier.
"ah... i forgot to put it on. wait, i'll get it." you got up to quickly grab it from your room.
you sat on the couch beside him and applied it on your lips. it was a clear lip gloss. fun fact, he got it for you last month for your birthday together with a set of brush for your blush and perfumes. he gets the best gifts for you.
and when you're finally done putting it on, you looked at him and oh god, now he's finally smiling. that smile is to die for. you are no longer worried about him being sad for the rest of the day because the picnic date is cancelled. he can now get to smile and be happy just because you put on a lip gloss in front of him.
"pretty," he muttered. "very pretty, my love."
you smiled back. "stop, god, why is it whenever you speak, i feel like melting or worse, dying? are you a witch or something?" jokingly, you said, and then laughed.
"i am not a witch. you're just inlove with me."
he's damn right.
"i kinda wanna try those lip gloss. is it too sticky?" he stared at your lips again.
"no, not that much. you actually picked a nice brand. wanna put it on?"
"yes, please. put it on my lips."
you applied one more layer on your lips and spread it out real nice. you've been waiting to do this and now is just the perfect time for it, since he asked you to do it. but he wasn't definitely expecting you to do it in this way—it is very unusual, really.
you leaned into him and pressed your lips on his. this move made his heart race and face turn red so quickly. so did yours. you were too nervous and so that "applying lip gloss" move, or should we say, that kiss lasted for a few more seconds before you let go of his face and lips.
his eyes are still open. maybe he was just really shocked and didn't get to enjoy the moment. although he wasn't expecting that, he surely wanted it—he wanted it so much and he didn't even know about it.
you took some time to appreciate how pretty it looks on him. it made his lips look plumper. this man is truly beautiful — maybe more beautiful than you, but that's okay, maybe god just have his favorites.
"woah," was the first thing that came out of his mouth. "do it again."
you were expecting him to react more, as if it is really thrilling. but he just asked for one more... and now you're just shy to do it once again.
"no, i've already put it on you." you refused.
"i don't think you've put enough," he demanded. "go, do it again."
"no wayyyy!" you shouted as you were running away from him.
you proceeded to go to your room, expecting that he didn't even follow you—but boy you were wrong, he was just right behind you, holding your lip gloss.
"come on, love. i enjoyed it. give me one more!"
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toomuchracket · 5 months
Hear me out barista matty . either coworkers or ur his regular someting about those new pics in his glasses makes me need to see this
ok i am NOT doing another au but i do like the sound of barista matty actually. he owns and runs the coffee shop near your new job, and he's so hot and really very good at making coffee and just the right mix of flirty and sweet that you end up going in before work every morning and you get to a point where you honestly can't tell if it's because you're caffeine-dependent or matty-dependent. as he gets to know you better, he tailors your order ever so slightly to make it better for your taste (and makes the latte art extra pretty), and ends up christening you "cookie" because of your job (he whistles and calls you "smart cookie" when he learns about it) and also your penchant for the chocolate chip gloriousness stocked in the display cabinet - like, you're later than usual one morning, frazzled because you slept in, and when you run through the door of the coffee shop after the morning rush matty (looking relieved) is like "there she is! was starting to worry that you weren't coming in, cookie. saved you the last choc chip. and i'll get you a latte now, darling". even on your mornings off, you make a point of getting up early and going in for a coffee, sitting at the cosy little window armchair with a book, people-watching and doing your best not to be too obvious ogling matty's arms as he makes drinks and clears tables and (and this murders you) holds a toddler for like two seconds while her mum gets her purse from her bag to pay. it's on these days that you become really friendly, chatting to each other about anything and everything as he stops by your table while he's cleaning up - you offhandedly tell him when your birthday is, and on the day itself he presents you with your usual AND a muffin with a candle in it AND a really quite adorable blush on his face like "this is all on the house. obv. happy birthday, darling", and you cannot help kissing him on the cheek and making him blush even more. actually, you run into him that night in a bar, when you're both out with friends - you're ordering and you just hear a familiar voice from behind you say "cookie, if you've just asked for an espresso martini i will literally be heartbroken", and you BEAM and turn round to see matty looking ridiculously hot in a half-open white shirt and you say "never. can't drink coffee unless you make it anymore. you've spoiled me, matthew". he slings an arm around your shoulders and says "that's what i like to hear" and tells the bartender he'll pay for your drink alongside his wine, and when you thank him he shrugs like "s'your birthday. and i just got to buy a drink for a pretty girl, so, win-win"; before you can reply, though, he leans in and says "honestly, darling, i haven't been able to stop thinking about you kissing my cheek this morning", and you grin like "neither have i. liked it. and, to be honest... i like you". matty just beams and says "yeah, i like you too, cookie. i'd like to take you out, if you'd be up for that. you free for dinner tomorrow?", and you nod enthusiastically like "i'd love that". so yes! that's that. cute <3
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astraxxei · 9 months
I’ll make sure to make it simple and not out to much pressure on you, I’ve actually never asked for a request before since I’m mainly writing my own work 🤣 but I guess I’m curious!
Could I get a Leon Kennedy x Male Reader, no apocalypse, but where Leon is a rookie cop and has a huge fat crush on his neighbor but each time he tries to talk to him he gets all shy and flustered and is unable to get the courage to ask him out or talk to him, until his neighbor decides to make the first move instead?
Few free to take your time! No pressure! ∩^ω^∩
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Oneshot | requested.
Warnings: None. | Genre: fluff. | Male reader. | Reader uses he/him pronouns. | Shy! Leon Kennedy x reader. | No apocalypse AU. | Fujoshi DNI.
You've heard your neighbors talk about it the past three days since the apartment facing yours was finally sold to someone. You wanted to learn more about it, so you started asking around. You figured that the man was relatively tall and blonde, with blue eyes, since, well, you caught him glancing at you from his balcony while he was in his. You noticed once that he stopped by your door and was about to ring your doorbell before shying away and retreating to his own apartment.
Until one day, you two coincidentally bump into each other while getting out of your apartments. You saw Leon with his police uniform. It was clean and seemed relatively new.
Leon stared at you with a really big blush on his face, unable to place your attractiveness into words. He was just looking at the gorgeous man in front of him, flustered. He reached out a trembling hand to wave at you.
"G- good morning...uh..your...name?"
You smile, feeling the friendly urge to introduce yourself. "I'm y/n. And you are, Leon Scott Kennedy, right? I've heard about you."
Leon becomes all shaky when he hears your voice, it's like he can't contain and stop himself from fainting once he hears your soft and quiet chuckle.
"Oh! Um yeah, I- yes I am, I...have to head to work, it's my first day so uh...b- bye!"
He almost runs off, as you notice his face turning all red. You let out a small laugh.
"What an interesting man."
Later in the evening that day, you sit in your couch, wondering about Leon. You're curious about him, about why he was so shy while talking to you. You almost find his shyness attractive. You smile, thinking about how cute he looks, while being all flustered and it's just clear at this point that it's because of you.
You hear the Uber arrive, late at night, in front of the house facing yours. You peek from your window and see Leon getting out of the car and in his house. Your room lights are open, and you swore that the second he left the car, his gaze immediately turned to your window.
The next morning, your doorbell rings. It's him, and he's standing in front of your door, looking extremely embarrassed. He apologizes for bothering you, and after you say that it's alright, he makes a statement.
"y/n, I have something to tell you."
Your heart freezes. Is this the moment you were waiting for? For him to admit his feelings? You smile at him.
"I- um... I..."
He stops into his tracks. He looks like he's having a panic attack, his face being red all over while he's mumbling to himself, not being able to take his eyes off from your handsome face. You approach him and smile widely at him. Your smile is filled with genuine care, it makes him go crazy inside.
"Leon, I would like to get to know you better. Can you give me your number?"
He freezes. It feels like he's trying to get over the shock from your statement. With a trembling voice, he stutters and starts writing down his number on a small paper.
"Oh! I- oh my- uh...sure!"
You chuckle. Music to his ears. Your smile. He wants to see it every day. He wants to make you happy but he is just too shy to say it.
You decide to take the conversation further.
"I would also like to go out with you, Leon. If that's okay, of course."
You hear a gasp. He cannot believe his ears. Everything he aspired for a week now is coming true. He can't contain his happiness. You see a huge smile form on his flushed face.
"Oh my god, y/n...of course I..of course..."
His voice is filled with genuine happiness and love. He looks into your eyes like he has never seen anything more captivating in his entire existence. He nods at you continuously and speaks to you with the most excited voice ever.
"I- I'll text you later to discuss about our..d- date.."
He says this last word while shaking, like he can't believe it's happening. You smile and reach out to run your fingers ever so slightly across his soft cheek.
"Of course. Have a great day, and take care."
After this encounter, Leon couldn't be happier. And honestly, you couldn't either. You await for his text, prepared to welcome him as the most beautiful chapter of your life.
Author note: I had a lot of fun putting this request into a oneshot, especially since my day hasn't been the best so far and this really made me smile. In the most honest way THANK YOU for making me write this adorable thing. ♡
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rippersz · 1 year
hi!! i just wanted to say that your brienne x reader fics simply took my breath away and i cannot get over them. i wish there would be more to read with her from you, you know :)) it’s just that the way you write her and her relationships with the reader is so sensual, so soft, so beautiful. your gentle choice of words makes my hear melt every time i come back to these works. i would be soo happy to see more of her, more of tenderness with her, more of yearning and longing and pining, more of unspoken (that later turn to spoken, i hope) feelings… i’m just head over heels for her and.. yeah! hope you’re having a great day!!
Your wish is my command ;)
(A Brienne of Tarth x named reader oneshot) (Fluffy?)
Brienne felt selfish.
She felt selfish and ungrateful and ashamed.
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard… one of the highest honors… and she wished for something less?
For something… different?
For the kind of life she had before?
Goodness, how thankless could a person be? How self-absorbed? She controlled an army, she protected royalty, her name was respected by dozens - more than dozens! People beyond the North had heard of Brienne of Tarth and people beyond the North feared Brienne of Tarth. She was not ruthless, she was not unkind, she was not cruel… but she was just. And noble. And overflowing with unending loyalty and enemies weren’t frightened of her because of her skill with a sword, they were frightened of her because of her determination. Because she never gave up. Because the world needed a soldier like her.
And the world got a soldier like her.
And that world, plus the Stark family that lived within it, was better off because of that.
So she should be happy, shouldn’t she? Yes… yes, she should be happy. She should be happy and she should be content in her status and all of the benefits that came with it. War was not as frequent as one would think, and aside from paperwork, reports, patrols, and training her charges, Brienne was free to do whatever she pleased. She was free to roam the lands with Valour, she was free to visit the kitchens and ask for a warm meal whenever she pleased, she was free to- hell, she was free to eat a handful of snow if she really wanted to!
Brienne was really only chained by her duty. By her image.
…and by her heart.
She was chained- heavily- by her heart.
Her stupidly large, secretly soft, unbelievably heavy heart. The same one that beat red within her chest at all hours of the day - and haunted her when she tried to sleep at night. The same heart that twitched with a deep unsettling yearning whenever she looked outside of her bedroom window and admired the land that sat beyond the castle walls. And what beautiful land it was… what stunning opportunities it presented… what blue skies and glistening snow and a world of warm sun and shining green grass and fluffy clouds and… well, what glory to be seen. To experience. Something far beyond the monotony of daily life.
It was mad to think that at one point, she wanted to live the same day over again. Unpredictability was not always favored by warriors. And after leaving Tarth, well… unpredictability was all she saw.
Until things changed.
Until things settled.
And suddenly, after years of fulfilling her duty, she didn’t want it anymore.
Maybe that’s why the afternoon sun saw her tugging Valour’s reins and escaping into the cool air of the day, dressed for heat and desperate for a change. A change that would hopefully clear her mind and allow her a moment of fresh thought - just so she could return to her ‘normal life’ without the depressing air of dull repetition. Maybe if she went far enough away from the castle, she wouldn’t have to worry. Maybe she could forget about her duties for one day. Maybe the entire world wouldn’t fall apart if Brienne of Tarth, Lord Commander of the Northern Kingsguard, just disappeared for a few short hours and chose to forget about her life.
Just for a day.
Yes… maybe, perhaps, everything would be fine.
“A bit further until we stop Valour, I’m getting tired as well,” Brienne spoke softly as she patted her strong mare.
The horse responded with a huff before continuing on her way, trotting off through the grass. At some point, the snow had turned into green plains. At some point, the sun’s strength increased. At some point, things had changed. The world went from cold to warm. The trees rustled with grown leaves. The air exploded with the scent of pure… fresh… freedom. Brienne found herself doing the impossible then - relaxing as the world blew past. The wind treated her and Valour kindly, running through their hair as one, lighting them up from the inside out as a smile, small and lovely, grew upon her face. It was uncontrollable. It was something she didn’t feel the need to hide. And that? Oh, that was perhaps the best part.
She was far from the rest of the world - lost in a sudden field of flowers that welcomed her with open leafy arms. And it was… oh… wow… it was gorgeous. Littered with bunches of white yarrow, dotted beautifully with cornflowers… Brienne couldn’t help but tug lightly on Valour’s reins, bringing the stoic white beauty to a neighing halt. It had been winter for what felt like ages in the North; her eyes were so unfamiliar with such colors… and such plants. And such… oh such artistry.
“Here, Valour… just for a moment,” she murmured, looking about the field like it was a haven she hadn’t ever seen before.
And once Brienne slipped off of her horse, head held high and smile serene, she reached for a skin of watered wine to keep her throat slick. The decision to wear clothing prepared for heat was a good idea she realized as soon as her mind wandered to the thought of her usual getup. Her regular armor and her furs… she would’ve been sweating buckets if she went dressed in all of that. As it were, she planned on getting back as soon as the heat of the day was over - arriving on time to receive Podrick’s report and a spot of dinner. She figured then that if she traveled any further, the heat would piss off both her and the horse, so the field seemed like a good place to stop; especially since there was much shade around its outline, overlooked by a thick forest on all sides. Yes, it was good. And just as Brienne was observing, trying to find the perfect spot to allow the duo to rest, she found something rather unexpected.
There weren’t houses for miles…
So how come there was a young woman there? In the field? On the far left? Having just emerged from the woods, humming quite loudly as she twirled into the field of flowers and began picking them one by one? Pecking, inspecting, placing into her basket. Pecking, inspecting, placing into her basket… Brienne’s smile fell.
Was it an ambush of some sort? Was she secretly a skilled warrior? Was she hiding a dagger in that basket of hers, lying amongst the flowers like an evil metaphor? Was she there for Brienne? Did she follow her? No, surely Valour would have alerted her somehow. And there was no other horse to be seen - not even through the trees as Brienne squinted to get a better look. The girl’s face was hidden in shadow as she fell into a crouch and began picking up the flowers in little bunches, still with a careful eye and a random song in her throat. She didn’t look like a soldier - not with that beautiful summer dress. But… it did flow like water around her ankles… and allowed for ease of movement as she put her basket down and stretched every so often to place a few more flowers in there. Adding to whatever collection she had. It was like a scene taken from a play- where the young innocent woman went frolicking and humming and picking flowers and the strong handsome knight breaks through the trees and sidles up beside her to intimidate her.
Brienne was not that handsome knight, nor was she planning on interrupting the woman’s quiet moment, but it appeared that she was too late to grab Valour and go find a different field - for the humming had stopped. It was a nice sound though, and without it the world suddenly felt far too quiet. It made Brienne turn, hoping the stranger wouldn’t find an interest in her. Of course that was just wishful thinking.
“Oh hello! Good afternoon!” A sweet voice called from behind her, ringing out across the field and into the air.
Brienne took a deep breath before looking Valour in the eye, shooting her a knowing look, and turning around to face the stranger. Surprisingly, the young woman had stood up. She had stood up and she was… oh… oh! she was walking toward the Lord Commander. Her woven basket went to-and-fro in her hands, swinging in tandem with the light cotton of her dress. Brienne watched it like a metronome, stuck in place for a moment before she blinked and properly addressed the stranger.
‘Pretty,’ was the only thought in the soldier’s mind as she inclined her head.
“Good afternoon.”
The smile that she was suddenly faced with was nearly blinding. It had Brienne struggling to hold back one of her own.
“Hot day, isn’t it?” The stranger looked up at the sky for a moment, eyes darting around the clouds and the tops of the trees before meeting Brienne’s cautious gaze once more.
And as the warrior took a second to search those eyes, she was a bit surprised to see that the woman didn’t seem to know who she was. Not at all, actually. She… well she really was just a young woman. A young woman picking flowers, enjoying her day, doing what Brienne was trying to do and forgetting about the world for a moment. Unless she was a florist of some sort, but the low cut of her dress’s neckline and the air of carefree wonder about her said something entirely different. It said something… well it said something that Brienne found herself liking.
“Yes,” she found herself responding, “it is. Hotter than usual.”
The young woman shot her an amused look.
“Well the seasons are changing, you know… should be expected.”
Brienne was almost certain her cheeks were flushing, but she decided to ignore that because Ser Brienne of Tarth, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, never blushed - and her cheeks most definitely did not go pink. Especially not in the presence of a lady - and especially not when she was teased. Honestly, she was so unused to that, to someone not knowing who she was, that she wasn’t entirely sure how to respond beyond a twitch of a smile and a nod.
And it was then that the world fell silent.
Silent but… lovely.
A respectful kind of quiet.
A quiet that had Brienne’s soldier instincts calming down… and going mute. That was usually a hard task seeing as her ‘guard’ was always ‘up’ - but the young woman in front of her, a few inches shorter, had the Lord Commander’s shoulders falling from their tense state. If there was a chance that the person really didn’t know who she was, then… well… then she didn’t have to keep up appearances, did she? Brienne found the disturbing amount of relief that filled her at that thought to be quite alarming. Happy? To be free of her honor? Of her mark of loyalty? Had she gone mad, perhaps? Was there something in the air? Were the flowers poisonous? Maybe the-
“Oh I never got your name!” Brienne blinked, nearly jumping in her spot as she swiftly turned her attention back to the young woman. The lightness in those eyes still shone like the stars, matching the sparkling happiness of her grin - a grin that, again, had the soldier fighting tooth and nail to not mirror that joy. “My name is Calypso.” And suddenly a hand was being thrust forward, warm and inviting while the other held the basket close.
Brienne couldn’t help the way her eyebrow ticked up in interest. Calypso? Calypso… what a-
“Peculiar, I know. My parents were odd,” she shrugged before shaking her loose hand. “Now tell me yours.”
A demand? Goodness. The knight nearly found herself scoffing until she remembered that the poor thing had absolutely no clue who she was. Perhaps that’s what led her to do what she did next. Something she didn’t have to do often. Something that felt oddly… liberating.
“…Brienne. Of Tarth.” And for some unknown reason, the soldier slid the black leather glove off of her right hand and held out the warmth of her palm to shake the stranger’s freely.
The smallest of voices in the back of her head, whispering apprehensive things about the young woman recognizing her name and ruining her veiled anonymity, was entirely destroyed when she saw no spark of realization in those wondrous eyes. Those same wondrous eyes that began to glitter as soon as she completed the handshake. It was… well it was a very nice handshake, Ser Brienne had to admit. Calypso’s skin was soft - a large contrast to her own, and likewise her hand was smaller, less coiled with the strength that Brienne herself had trouble controlling from time to time. That being said, the soldier made a conscious effort to keep her grip soft and gentle, just so she didn’t hurt the young woman and scare her off. Only the men deserved a hard handshake. In fact, really, only the men actually got a handshake. Women weren’t exactly known for exchanging that display of authority and honor… and yet? The bright stranger in front of her didn’t hesitate at all - not even when Brienne’s height and serious expression grew clearer while she approached. The soldier figured that as quite curious and momentarily wondered where Calypso had grown up, but before she could open her mouth and perhaps ask, the soft hand was withdrawn from their shake and returned back to the other woman’s side. Brienne chose not to dwell on the fact that her arm nearly reached out to grab her hand again, just in a desperate attempt to hold it once more.
“Seems we both have peculiar names,” Calypso said not unkindly, shooting her a sweet close-mouthed smile. “I like it.”
Again with that damned flush - and a spot of heat, too! Heat that didn’t feel as though it came from the sun. Heat that ran through her cheeks and the tips of her ears and right across her body. Gods, was she going crazy? Surely, she was going crazy. So crazy that she could only give her the tiniest nod and smile in reply. Honestly, how could someone respond to something like that? ‘I like how peculiar your name sounds’, what in Hell’s name was she supposed to say? ‘Thank you! I have never heard your name before and although I have just met you and you are still a stranger, I find you oddly fascinating’? No. Absolutely not.
A gasp had Brienne’s anxiety shooting through the roof in under a second. Gasps usually weren’t good signs - especially when paired with wide eyes and parted lips - but when she scanned the empty field and ended up seeing nothing, her gaze shot down to Calypso in concern… only to find her not there.
“Oh aren’t you just the sweetest!”
The soldier turned suddenly, watching as the young woman made herself comfortable with Valour. She was a sweet mare but only toward the woman she was bonded with. Otherwise, to others, she was a menace. An uncaring, easily irritated, apathetic menace. A menace that wanted nothing to do with the stallions and even the geldings. Their owners ranked even lower in the mare’s mind - seeing as she only allowed Brienne herself and one of the stablehands to tend to her. And quietly, in the company of only the horse, the Lord Commander murmured about her dramatics and egocentric attitude, though such comments were always followed by a low chuckle.
In that moment, staring at Calypso, Brienne was not chuckling. Oh no- she instead was just… standing. Standing, surprised. The horse was allowing- she was allowing- the stranger to run the palm of her hand along the strong line of her nose and she wasn’t even huffing about it. The basket had been deposited beside the young woman’s feet, momentarily forgotten as her hands gently mapped out the muscles along the animal’s legs and neck and back while she did a slow circle around her. Gods, did her eyes ever stop shining in that way that they did? Would they ever stop looking beautiful beneath the sunlight? Brienne was nearly entirely certain that the answer was ‘no’.
“…Her name is Valour.” She spoke suddenly, making a desperate attempt to convince the young woman that she was not, in fact, a mute. And that effort proved successful as, just as quickly, a teasing smile was shot at her from over the horse’s back.
“Of course it is.”
The soldier frowned.
“What do you mean?”
Blue eyes followed Calypso as she came to stand in front of Brienne once more, leaving her basket in the grass and folding her arms while she looked up at her. There was just something about the young woman’s character that had the soldier scrambling for a sense of normalcy. She wasn’t familiar with meeting anyone that wasn’t royal, experienced in fighting, or at least the slightest bit well-known. So in that moment, really, they were just two strangers. Just two strangers having a spur-of-the-moment conversation, both secretly commentating on how handsome the other one was.
“Well…,” Calypso tilted her head and shot Brienne a crooked little smile, “she seems like a strong warrior… especially since you’re her owner- and- and you seem like a… well. Now that I think of it,” the young woman cringed, “I’m not entirely sure. I just know that the name is fitting, somehow.” And then she shrugged and looked up at the Lord Commander through her eyelashes and Brienne nearly yelped when she felt the way her knees grew weak.
What a strange feeling… what a strange situation… what a strange woman. She’d never felt that way with Jaimie; he’d never felt so… magnetized. Drawn. And although she didn’t really know how to respond to Calypso’s words, she found herself… oh goodness Brienne found herself smiling. It was a small little smile, barely noticeable, but it was there. And Calypso saw it too.
“So she does smile! Gods,” the young woman pressed a palm to her chest and let out an exaggerated relieved breath, “I was beginning to think you wanted me to leave you alone.”
“No.” Brienne said it so quickly she nearly talked right over her. And it was much louder than originally planned. Quite embarrassing, really, but she pushed through. “…No.” Brienne repeated, softer.
Thank goodness Calypso seemed to understand as she nodded and smiled. Really, honestly, almost no words had to be said. The atmosphere, tender and new, spoke for them.
But then the young woman’s eyes trailed down to Brienne’s hands - and a little snort made her shoulders jump. The soldier looked down too, only to let out a strange little high-pitched noise of surprise when she encountered her awkward grip. The left hand, happily gloved, held the other glove between her thumb and forefinger while the water skin rested along the other three. And her right hand was bare and empty.
Calypso hummed. “May I have a sip of your water, Brienne?”
The Lord Commander glanced back up at the young woman, a bit stunned and a bit mortified.
“…I sincerely hope you don’t ask that of every stranger you come across.”
And her words, surprisingly, made the young woman laugh. It was a beautiful sound. Like a hundred little bells all jingling in perfect harmony, all in unison, all at once. Brienne finally allowed her lips to curl up into a real smile as she observed the way the sun lit up the side of Calypso’s face and neck while she threw her head back in unrestrained joy. It was such a lovely sight. Glee was not expressed so carelessly in the recent times, but the young woman didn’t seem to care. Even as her laughter died down, her grin never wavered.
“I promise I don’t,” Calypso sighed happily, “I’m just thirsty. I’ve been wandering for a bit, I’ll have you know.” And then she looked up through those eyelashes again and Brienne absolutely could not, under any circumstances, keep her water skin to herself.
“I believe you,” she responded while handing it over. Once it was out of her hands, she began working on taking off her other glove.
Calypso observed silently, admiring the way the sun lit up the soldier’s face as she took a sip of the watered wine and tried not to think too much about the fact that Brienne’s lips had touched it only some moments before.
“Plan on sticking around, do you?” She gestured to the gloves with her eyes.
The Lord Commander paused.
Then she looked down at the young woman, something indescribable running wild within her gaze. And those blue eyes… Calypso wasn’t sure Brienne knew how intense her eyes could be; but whatever she was feeling - whatever she wasn’t saying - was not something the young woman could even hope to put her finger on. It was like a million tales were taking place within her mind and Calypso was watching them from behind a semi-sheer piece of fabric, just barely able to see the shadows of her thoughts. And what intriguing thoughts they were… what curious things she was most likely considering… what a lovely never-endingly interesting place Brienne’s mind probably was. Oh if only she could take a dip in there… if only she could submerge herself into the story of the soldier’s history. She didn’t know who she was of course, but the clothing and the horse and the stoic expression, painted consistently with a level of seriousness she’d never seen before, definitely gave enough away. That and the strange roughness of her hand. There were calluses on the flesh of her palm and pads of her fingertips, and the veins that wired themselves along the length of her fingers revealed a life of combat that anyone could pick up on with ease.
Though… not everyone could find the strength and build of a woman like that so… so captivating. So captivating and so… attractive. So handsome. So strapping. So glorious. Calypso didn’t feel an ounce of shame as the occasional blush sparked along her skin. This Brienne of Tarth woman was someone extraordinary. And she was lucky to have met her. And that look in those eyes… they spoke only to that. To whatever magnetic thing that Brienne carried within her soul. Calypso yearned to see more of it - to know more of it - to understand the stranger with the beautiful horse and the sweetest smile and the handsomest face… whom she had just met… who didn’t seem to smile… whose joy felt like a treasure when it was expressed… and the gods? Oh…
… the gods seemed to beam at that. They seemed to beam and they seemed to celebrate.
For in the next moment, Brienne’s lips- looking soft and heavenly- were parting and then curling into a smile and Calypso found herself cheering and falling and screaming for joy all at once.
“Yes,” the soldier said gently, “I plan to stay for a bit.”
Thank you for your kind words anon, dear. I will think of them in each moment of each day and that alone will make my days great. I hope you're doing well and enjoyed this little piece. - Ripley x
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xzerosparrowx · 4 months
For week seven of @astrangersummer
Prompt: "or maybe we don't." / laugh | wc: 1,061 | Rating: M | cw: drug use, mentions of a dead character (Barbara) | tags: skinny dipping, night swimming, trespassing, inspired by Pablo Neruda, soft love, Steve PoV.
like sunshine on skin, a warm blanket in winter.
“... I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you directly without problems or pride: I love you like this because I don’t know any other way to love…” - Pablo Neruda (One Hundred Love Sonnets: XVII)
The leaves rustle gently in the balmy summer breeze, the hum of crickets and cicadas fill the air like music and in the gentle darkness of a clear night Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson lounge on the rooftop of the Harrington house.
Milky white smoke curls in the air between them, the heady scent of earth, pine, and plum fill their lungs until their limbs are slow and deliberate. The stars are bright and clear, pinpricks of light against the expansive, endless darkness, and in the blue night, Steve cannot help but think that Eddie Munson is beautiful.
“So, you don't like swimming in your own pool?” Eddie breathes out, holding out the blunt for Steve to take.
The hairs on Steve's arm stand on end when the brush against Eddie's fingers is warm and electric. “Yeah,” he says, sucking in the smoke, “I have this dream where I'm in there doing breast stroke or something and every time I come up for air I'd see her sitting at the edge of the pool looking at me.” Steve recalls, taking another hit, holding it out to Eddie.
“Fuck man, that's rough,” Eddie mumbles, bringing the joint to his mouth. They're silent for a few moments, basking in the stillness of night.
Steve can see the jagged scar that cuts into the pale skin of Eddie's jaw, a blooming drop of blood against fresh snow. He knows there are more scars all over Eddie's body, more splatters of blood. Steve has only been able to peek at those ones, glances through partially open bathroom doors, and loose singlets at gigs. He wants to touch all of them, to feel Eddie against his lips, and know that he is warm and alive.
“But other pools you're ok swimming in?” Eddie asks, giving the joint back to Steve.
Steve shrugs “yeah, I guess,” he answers, taking the last hit and stubbing the joint on the tile beneath him.
“Well, that does it then,” Eddie stands, brushing off non-existent dirt from his black jeans.
“I feel like going for a swim, and we can't go in the one you see ghosts in,” Eddie explains, climbing through the window that leads into Steve's bedroom.
“Is it Hagan or Carver that's got a pool?” Eddie asks when Steve follows him down the stairs.
“Hagan, but Carver lives near Lovers Lake. I think they got like a dock or something,” Steve rambles. He's still following Eddie, the other boy opening the door to the garage and making a beeline to Steve's bike.
“Lovers Lake can get fucked,” Eddie scoffs, pushing the bike to the garage door just as Steve pushes the button to open it. It's only when Eddie is already halfway down the driveway, swinging a leg over the bike that Steve's brain catches up.
“Hey hey hey hey,” he runs, placing his hands on the handlebars, “or how about maybe we don't go over to Tommy's to use his pool?”
“And why not?”
Steve runs a hand through his hair, the other settling on his hip “shit man, cause it’s the middle of the night. They're gonna be asleep.”
Eddie cackles, bright and loud, a soft look in his eyes as if Steve were a particularly cute puppy “that's kind of the point, Stevie.”
“We don't have any swimming trunks,” Steve adds, not really knowing the point he is trying to make.
“Night swimming and skinny dipping usually go hand in hand, big boy,” Eddie concludes, the large grin on his face softening into something else.
“Ok fine, but I'm dri- I'm gonna be the one riding the bike, you're no-muscle-having-legs won't be able to push the bike with both of us on it.”
Eddie gets off the bike with a bark of laughter, and Steve hops on, taking a large steadying breath when he feels Eddie's hands on his shoulders as the other boy stands on the bike behind him.
It is not a long bike ride. The Hagan's are practically neighbors, separated by a bit of the forest surrounding them. Eddie climbs off, and Steve follows, their footsteps silent as they approach the wooden fence that cuts the backyard off to the rest of the world. Steve watches Eddie climb smoothly over it, and he wonders if the guy has done this before.
Steve lands on the other side without issue, his eyes landing on Eddie, who is already standing by the edge of the pool and toeing off his shoes.
They take off their clothes in silence, casting them aside in a heap until the pair are in nothing but their boxer briefs. Steve's eyes roam the planes of Eddie's torso, the badges of survival pinned all over.
“Steve,” he hears Eddie whisper, the low voice bringing him back so their eyes meet.
It is a slow process, but Steve's heart quickens when Eddie’s ringed hands toy with the waistband of their underwear, his mouth going dry the further Eddie pulls them down. Steve wants to touch. God, he wants to touch him.
“Your turn,” Eddie says, throwing his underwear to the pile of clothes. Steve quickly follows suit, his eyes latched onto Eddie, watching the other boy watching him.
They don't dive in the water. Instead, they slowly slip in, the cool water sending a rush of goosebumps over Steve's skin. They laugh quietly together, breathy and hesitant, the thrill and fear of trespassing and being caught thrumming between them. They swim in circles around each other, a string between them that pulls them closer second by second until they are only a breath away.
Steve cannot look away from Eddie. Not when Eddie closes his eyes. Or when his fingers lightly caress Eddie's jaw. And never when the boy leans into the touch.
“Eddie,” Steve whispers, saying his name like a promise, a confession, a prayer, and permission.
It is not fast or loud. There are no dark clouds of doubt and fear. It is a slow, gentle thing, a truth like golden sunshine against skin, a warm blanket in winter. It is simple and uncomplicated.
Steve loves Eddie.
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khayalli · 5 months
The gentle rap-tap-tap on the window startles you from the late night daze you'd been in. Blinking, rubbing your eye's, you try to clear the fog and blue light you're still lost in as you look up from the computer, having not realised just how much the dark has now enveloped your room save for the light from your computer.
"Donnie?" you ask.
He's standing outside the window, wearing only his purple hoodie. Immediately concerned by how little he's wearing and how freezing cokd it is tonight, you hurry kver from your computer to open the window. You shudder as the brittle cold sweeps in like an old friend. But then again, so does Donnie.
Pulling you into the thick of his hoodie, your face is pressed firm into the thread where the ice has settled deep deep into the cotton, like tiny frost particles, so small that your naked eye cannot see them, but so real that they summon goosbumps as they bite and melt against your skin.
"Mm, you're warm," he murmurs. His voice is low in his chest as it rumbles, like a campfire burning late before it slowly dies, snuffed out by the cool dead of the night.
"And you're freezing," you say, swiftly pushing him back to get a better look at his face.
His eyes are heavy with the weight of something he's spent far too long mulling over in a jail of his own making. A cell of himself. He does this sometimes. Forget's that he has people he can go to, people he can depend on who can help solve his problems with him instead of ruminating through the data all on his own and yet still somehow managing to come to the wrong conclusion.
The 'logical' conclusion, in his words.
"Donnie, what's wrong?" you ask. You frown at the feeling of his cold hands as they interlock with your own. You were already think about how cold it was, here in the apartment, and yet, by comparison, you're as warm as a flue.
"It happened again," he says, voice going croaky as it crumbles like chalk. His lips curve downwards and his eyes become wet with the memory of something he's already had to live over and over and over again. A reoccuring nightmare, one of a world where there's only pain and never joy; only darkness but never light; only him, and not...
"...Would you like to try and sleep here tonight?" you ask softly, seeing him slowly come back from reliving that pain somewhere deep deep behind those dark and beautiful eyes of his.
He nods, quiet and slow as he blinks back the tears and tries to maintain that cool composure he likes to wear like a shield. You wonder if he knows you've already worked out just how soft that shield really is.
"Let's get you out of this," you say, pulling his hoodie up over his head. "And into a warm bed."
Taking his hand, you toss the cold garment over onto the chair where you’d been sitting and working late, and guide Donnie towards the bed. You pull back the covers to crawl in first, and Donnie is quick to follow. He snuggles into the space between your legs as he rests his head on your chest and wraps his arms around your waist to breathe you in and feel you close.
"You're like a hot water bottle," he mumbles against your pajamas.
You consider making a joke about how cold he is, but seeing the way his eyes fall closed as he let's himself relax against you, you resort to drawing lines over the back of his soft shell instead. You feel him tense, feel him squeeze you a little tighter, and then he chokes.
"...I couldn't save him—"
"Hey, hey, hey," you coo as you wrap your hands around his head. You run your thumb against rhe underside of his cheek to try and soothe him as he shakes. "You did, though. You did save Leo. Remember? Mikey got him out!"
"But he's not the same." He trembles like a leaf lost in a tempest in your arms. "He can't sleep. He just... disappears sometimes and doesn't tell me where or why he goes. Sometimes he gets this look in his eyes like he’s not even here anymore, like he's... he's..."
"...Like he’s still trapped in that dimension?"
He sniffles. "...Yeah..."
"Donnie," you say, wiping away a stray tear as it rolls over the fabric of his mask. "Your brothers are here. All of them. I'm sure you went and checked on them before you came to me, right?"
"Leo... he might not be the same Leo as before. He just needs more time. To heal."
He looks up at you with eyes like that of a dog that looks to the moon. Loyal, loving, and hanging on every word.
"He'll come back to you. He will. You don't have to do it alone. You have your brothers. And you have me. We can help him together."
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mrsgreenworld · 6 months
Chenford are one of my top ships and I love reading fanfics about them. But for some reason I've never really written for them, save for one work. So it's time to give it another go. Especially after that gut-wrenching breakup.
Just to be clear: I'm not picking any sides, I love Lucy, I love Tim. I understand Tim but I also understand and empathize with Lucy.
I don't own the show or the characters, they all belong to The Rookie writers, producers and the production company. This is only fanfiction.
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Of Love And Efforts
All Lucy remembers is being thrown back against the wall by a wave of explosion. She remembers the heat, the smell of fire and smoke, the taste of her own blood, the sound of shattered windows and screams. Then everything fades to black.
And when she finally comes to, the first thing she hears is a steady beeping of the heart monitor. She smells the distinctive sterile air of hospital and feels someone's iron grip on her hand.
It takes some effort to finally open her eyes. She shifts to look at a person holding on to her hand like it's a lifeline and the movement causes Lucy's whole body to ache. She groans and immediately there's a face in her line of vision. Such a familiar and dear face but a face Lucy'd rather not see right now.
"Hey! Easy there!" he whispers.
Lucy looks at him and her heart squeezes painfully in her chest at how wrecked he looks. Eyes bloodshed with bags under them, scruff like a shadow over his face, wrinkles that are suddenly deeper and hair with more grey in it than ever before.
Lucy has to squash love and empathy that are basically reflective when it comes to Tim. Because Tim doesn't have the same love and empathy for her and for Lucy to move on she has to think of herself first. And the fact that Tim's here doesn't change that. He's here because of course he cares, Lucy knows that. But it was too easy for him to just walk away and he came back running only when Lucy almost got blown up. Seems like too high a price to pay to have someone at your side.
That's why Lucy snatches her hand from Tim's and asks in a dejected voice:
"What are you doing here?"
"What do you mean? How can I not be here? You almost died!"
"Yeah but that's none of your concern anymore".
"Don't do this! Why are you doing this?"
"Sounds familiar. I think that's exactly what I asked" Lucy throws in Tim's face.
He lands on a hospital chair heavily.
"It's not about you. You have to know that. It's me. But this doesn't change the fact that I'll always come running if anything happens to you. Because I love you. This will never change" Tim looks at her pleadingly and with all sincerity in the world.
But Lucy just cannot deal with him, not right now.
"This is not how you love someone. So you can shove whatever feelings you have and get the hell out of here".
Tim just looks at her for a moment with tears in his eyes. Then he nods quietly and gets up.
"Take care of yourself. Please" are his last words before he leaves.
Lucy falls back on a hospital pillow and lets out a long breath. She knows she's done the right thing, protected her boundaries. Then why does her chest feel like it's on fire?
"Because you still love him too" her mind whispers.
And she really does. Probably always will. But Tim made his choice and it wasn't her and them. In the end, it was him who thought they weren't worth the effort.
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