#but would anyone like to indulge with me
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scatterbrainedbot · 1 year ago
so yall. i randomly remembered a minor background moment from the 03 series. and it has spawned Thoughts....thoughts with Strong brainrot potential......
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caiusthecat · 2 years ago
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Brave Robin🥺❤️
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moonilit · 1 month ago
Some opinions: as much as I love Jean, and I love her so much I can’t agree with the take that she is Klee’s mom. Like I don’t personally agree with the fanon take klee being a jealuc child, Just because neither of them know how to talk let alone take care of a kid. lets be real Klee is primarily being raised by Kaeya and Albedo, Jean doesn’t know how to raise her, she claim responsibility because she sees it as her duty to mondstadt, she is the acting grand master if it not her then who? she also was raised by her military mom who put all her legacy and duty onto her first daughter and while yes Jean embraced it, you can’t tell me it doesn’t show, she talk to klee how her own mother talked to her, which is not what a kid like klee want so there is always a short in communication there. Im not saying Jean doesn’t care she care about klee im saying she isn’t that great at it because of her own limited and military upbringings, she gets like a 6/10 from me at best
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wu-wakfu-undertale · 3 months ago
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mintypsii · 7 months ago
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more reijiko cuz if i have to keep this island floating on my own then SO BE IT
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qoldenskies · 3 months ago
You're so right that Leo is the main villain in CL, because like.....dude is already canonically implied to have a fundamental understanding of what makes people tick, and we've seen in that one episode with Big Mama that he is fully petty enough to play the long game of running circles around someone/just genuinely riling them up until he breaks them down or otherwise manages to get a response out of them (which I think was why he kind of fell back into little shit behavior during the movie for a time BUT WE CAN TALK ABOUT THAT LATER). He may not be as in tune with emotions as Mikey is, but he understands people.
And CL explores what would happen if you took the moralistic side of that personality trait away from him. I've always kind of maintained that Leo would genuinely make for a terrifying villain if he had less of a strict moral code, but CL!Leo really......showcases that to an extreme. He's really the first one to be overtly nasty towards Donnie, and even when Donnie questions it he immediately gaslight gatekeep girlbosses the shit out of him in such a ruthless way that it completely undermines his confidence from then on out. Watching him during the curse really was like not being able to tear your eyes away from a car wreck or something, it was beautiful and terrible all at the same time.
(Of course, now he's going to have to live the rest of his life knowing about how easily he could break someone down if he tried hard enough, and that's.....gotta be not entirely fun knowledge to be in possession of.)
YES EXACTLYYYYYYY..... like i know donnie loves villainous aesthetics and is occasionally a deranged little freak for fun but i still posit leo would be a LOT scarier as a villain. donnie may be capable of more but i think leo's opportunism and ability to psychologically profile people he barely knows (because he is not super acquainted with big mama at the point of many unhappy returns! they've met, like. what, twice? maybe three times?) and then use that to outwit and play them, even when big mama is established to be conniving,,, tell me that isnt a guy that would be capable of some utterly evil shit
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edsbacktattoo · 2 years ago
I have Gathered some Data
@skysofrey and I recently got into a discussion about names in OFMD. Specifically, how many times does Ed actually call Stede by his name in the show? We could only think of a few examples each and that didn't seem right. And because I'm insane, I decided to rewatch and note down every time a name was used, who used it, and who was being spoken to. Here are my findings!
Before you proceed, please know that this is strictly for fun and because I was curious. There are likely errors in the data (I'm sure I missed some things, I'm just one person.) but! I still think that what's been gathered is very interesting.
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Here are some other fun/important/miserable things that I found in my travels:
There is one more time where Stede calls Ed “Edward,” and the only time it isn’t said to him directly. This is when Stede is addressing the petrified orange.
Of the five times that Stede is called “The Gentleman Pirate,” two of them are from Ed.
Ed calls Stede by his name only twelve times in the series. Only two of these instances are spoken to someone else. There are two others when Ed is looking for him at the pier, and therefore spoken to no one.
There are only ten instances of other characters calling Ed something other than his name or “Blackbeard.” Two of these are from Izzy, during the scene in Spanish Jackie’s bar, where he’s informing Stede that Ed would like to meet with him. During this scene, he only uses “my captain” and “my boss.” This is one of the very few times he doesn’t refer to Ed to other people as “Blackbeard” and it’s at the time that is arguably the most important. (He’s an idiot.)
Out of the twenty times that Ed refers to himself, fourteen of those are as “Blackbeard/The Kraken.” He refers to himself with names other than “Ed/Edward” 70% of the time. 50% of the times he refers to himself by his name are during the beach scene in episode nine, and there is only one instance where he uses his name that is not in Stede’s company. ("Actually, I do want to be called 'Ed' from now on.")
Izzy only refers to Ed as "Edward" to other people four times in the show. Two of those times are when he's marooning Stede's crew, and each time he uses his name in that scene, he takes on a mocking tone. Meaning that 50% of every instance he's referred to Ed as "Edward" to other people, he's been mocking his name.
Ed calls Stede "mate" as often as he calls him by his name, but he only calls him "mate" directly.
Stede calls Ed by his name only once more than Izzy does.
80% of the times Ed refers to himself by name happen in episode nine.
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starflungwaddledee · 1 year ago
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agentark · 2 years ago
a purely self indulgent whatever this is about a vibe I love
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there's just something about an eerie town, a few old friends, a slowly building sense of dread, radio static, an outsider, I think we're being watched, remembering
oxenfree 🤝 the fernweh saga
Aelsa Trevelyan - The Fernweh Saga, Book 1 // The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms // Oxenfree - Night School Studio // Paramore - Figure 8 // Aelsa Trevelyan - The Fernweh Saga, Book 1 // Oxenfree - Night School Studio // Trocadero feat. Meredith Hagan - Contact Redux // unknown // Aelsa Trevelyan - The Fernweh Saga, Book 1
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pitconfirm · 5 months ago
prince!lance would beg his father to make knight!nando his personal guard so that he can "feel safer" and "learn to defend himself" aka get dicked down at every given opportunity
nobody dares to ask what goes on in lance and fernando’s ‘swordplay’ sessions. or why lance’s extremely sturdy bed frame breaks within a week (knights have a lot of tension to let out)
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oceanwithouthermoon · 1 year ago
nah wait terusai and yumeyasu go on a double date and accidentally become a polyamorous relationship ☠️
straight couples accidentally turn each other queer (/lie they just realize it together but they all have comphet lol)
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orcelito · 5 months ago
Potentially might write a dragon vash au vw smut fic. For entirely self indulgent times.
Potentially 🫡
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a-memory-a-distant-echo · 3 months ago
i'm going to bed because it's past daybreak in my timezone, but this seems like a time that many-to-most other people will be awake, so:
if you're someone who has multiple fiction projects going at once, do you keep track of them somehow? are they all so different that it's just not an issue for you? do you do the whole scrivener thing for them? do you just chuck it into the online word processing deal of your choice and figure it'll work itself out? do you use some sort of project management software? do you have an incredibly complicated spreadsheet?
this is a sincere question. i would genuinely love it if you reblogged this and fully infodumped about your process. if you know where to reach me off tumblr, one thousand percent please feel free to answer this there, because i will ask you follow-up questions.
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elegyofthemoon · 11 months ago
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ok watch me forget to do this later while running off to do other things
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icy-book · 2 years ago
Consider, if you will, AU (either with canon post-s1 pre-s2 events but D.A.D.D.I.E.S. solves things before season 2 would start, or no Doodler/betrayal but Nicky still has to leave because FBI or other reasons) in which Terry Jr is the full time drama teacher for Teen High. Nicky returns from wherever he's been and is like "Well I want to be an active part of my kid's life and try and make up for lost time. I should go to his parents' evening, find out how he's doing in school, and meet his teachers. Especially this Mr Marlowe guy, Taylor seems to think he's awesome." And walking right into that classroom/hall to find his ex-boyfriend best friend sitting there in a dorky sweater and tie combo
Cue Terry, without missing a beat, greeting them as if nothing is wrong
Internal: when the FUCK did he come back and oh my god this is so awkward fuck I have to be professional how do I tell this guy that his kid is a loveable little shit after everything that's happened oh god oh fuck
Externally: "Hello Taylor and Mr Close-Foster-Freeman. I'm Taylor's drama teacher" *shakes hand* "Would you like to take a seat?"
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gou-mang · 4 months ago
Ok, so... what's the deal with the throne room in your quarters? You come off as more aristocratic than the Fengs or Jiequan with it.
It’s not a throne room. It’s just an area where I take important visitors. If you call my room aristocratic, you must have grown up in similar conditions I did.
Also, never compare me to them.
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