#but words are hard ;;-;;
timidxtempted · 21 days
Think about what you did
He says...
...as if he doesn't know that it's indelible in my fuckdrunk little brain, and will drip as silkenly into my everyday thoughts as my need for him drips into my pretty panties
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ikhailmovich · 1 year
SKK/Soukoku trying to plan for a mission or learn something, except Dazai never listens to Chuuya's ideas or explanations because he's too busy staring. And, (hear me out,) Chuuya knows exactly what the problem is, but does nothing about it because he loves the feeling of being adored (though he would never admit it.)
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mcd-brainrot-hours · 1 year
that one tiktok trend but aphmau and vylad
“you’re in the wind” - vylad
“i’m in the water” - aphmau
“nobody’s son, nobody’s daughter”
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tr4umaborn · 11 months
no thoughts head empty only tj hammond
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thepalestrose · 1 year
I can't believe tomorrow is the V9 finale. The volume has gone by so fast. It's been so much fun every week, watching, theorizing, and enjoying the show with the fandom. I'm really going to miss it.
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a-flappy-bat · 2 years
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I colored another rough doodle…Because mistletoe. Had to get one more Christmas pic in.
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sopiyayaya1st · 1 year
Annnd we're back!
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'I don't know why you try child'
Her wretched laugh only echoed in her mind, taunting her every attempt at getting. her. OUT!
Morrigan trembled, nails digging into her flesh so hard that if it weren't for her layers of clothing it was sure to draw blood, she felt the sting of bile in her throat, the erratic beating of her heart, the prickle of tears in her eyes, but no. She couldn't break now, not after she assured Jupiter that she was fine, she was ok and that it was just the WunSoc stress getting to her.
She swallowed hard, "What do you even want with me?!" she laughed again, the sound akin to nails on a chalkboard, "Answer me Mallantha!"
'In the mirror, pet'
Morrigan felt the chilling smile that demon had plastered on her face, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up and her gut told her not to listen, but when had she ever listen to it?
It's what got me into this in the first place she thought bitterly
'That's right, this all your fault pet, you basically gave yourself to me'
"Be quiet."
'Now, now, aren't you going to look into that darling mirror of yours? I thought you wanted answers?'
And she did.
She looked into that dammed mirror, but she just found her reflection and nothing more. Charcoal-black hair, neatly brushed, button-black eyes, rimmed with red, a crooked nose and very pale skin. It didn't matter that she lived in the Free State for almost 6 years now and attended a school whose daily weather was a bit more, she never could make her skin darken just a bit to get rid of the sickly complexion. Morrigan's confusion turned into slowly dawning horror as half of the mirror distorted.
Distorted until it showed her face twisted in maniacal glee, tears of wunder trailing down her cheeks, splatters of the very thing that made her special scattered around her clothes and on her hands, mimicking the look of blood. Tears streamed down her own face, mouth open in a silent scream. The other half only reflected an inhuman smile.
Morrigan jumped back from the mirror and continued walking away from it until her back reached the wall. Legs giving out under her she slid down and hugged her knees to her chest, stifling her sobs, body trembling violently.
'See, pet? That's what you are and will always be. A monster.'
"Jupiter said I'm no such thing" Morrigan argued through her sobs, Mallantha only laughed. 'Of course you're a monster Morrigan! Why else would I choose you as my vessel?' . The very mention of her name on it's lips made her flinch,
'You dear patron lied darling'
'Why your soul's darker than Ezra Squall himself!'
"Stop it."
'You'll be the key to the destruction of this abomination of a world my dear!'
"I don't. want. to"
'You have no choice Morrigan. I get what I want and you're no exception.'
"Get. out. of. my. head! Your presence is not welcome!"
'HAHAHA! That won't do a thing to me pet, you should know that~'
A bright flash of gold and a taunting smile was the only thing she saw before the cool, sweet presence of dark embraced her.
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
why cant the fic just write itself while i imagine it?
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tobeblamed · 2 years
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... hi
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valtsv · 10 months
the thing that bothers me about dragon riders is that the dragon absolutely does not have to let you climb on its back. your ability to 'ride' the dragon is entirely dependent on the dragon allowing you to do that. it could fly just fine without you sitting there. which means you are not a dragon rider, not really. that beast is not your pet. you're the dragon's pet. you're its trophy wife.
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newt-with-a-keyboard · 2 months
When the tether snaps,
let's catch ourselves on something else
clutching at words
clumsy hands hoping for contact.
Alarm bells and air leaks
My lungs are empty. Hold my hand
until it's okay or until it's over
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roughentumble · 1 year
you know it really isnt immoral, if you do it right, to raise cows and sheep for meat. so. well. i think there should be a story about, vampires who have a town of humans that they keep well-maintained, so long as the humans donate their blood once a month, like vampire blood farm stuff
but instead of antagonistic everyone's like. no he's a nice man you leave the count alone. he keeps us safe and cared for and he just needs a lil snack now and then, it dont hurt anyone. like a cow that loves the farmer and the farmer that loves the cow, even with both knowing one will end up on the other's table. because its like. its like. cows just have such pretty eyes, you know? they love you so much. i think it should be like that
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The worst trauma comes from those who you love
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vellichor01 · 9 months
I'm sorry my wips take so long to post. I'm working on a Dark!Rhys fic rn. I may post the moodboard and a blurb later just to post something. But bc of work and wedding planning and everything else, I can't write a whole lot at one time so it's generally 200 or so words at a time. Hopefully I'll be able to get it published soon
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lilislegacy · 2 months
leo: hey percy, what goes through your mind when you control water?
percy: uh, i don’t know. i don’t really think about it. i just do it. you know?
leo: but like, how do you tell it what to do?
percy: i don’t tell it what to do. it just does what i want. i don’t really think it. i feel it.
leo: so like bluetooth
percy: huh?
leo: you bluetooth connect to the ocean
annabeth, putting her book down: leo, Poseidon himself does not bluetooth connect to the ocean. he embodies the ocean. he is the ocean. when poseidon is calm, the ocean is calm. when poseidon is angry, the ocean is angry. because they are both the ocean in different forms. so being poseidon’s son, the ocean is part of percy. it’s the same as when he moves his arms and legs. it’s like another limb, so he doesn’t have to think about controlling it. that’s why water reacts when he’s scared or angry. it’s his reflexes. water is part of him.
leo: so… like icloud
annabeth: that doesn’t even make sen-
percy: yes
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oobbbear · 9 months
I want to post this here too because I’ve seen it happen a few times
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Please understand that there are cultural differences and language differences, if you see this happening let the person clarify what they meant, that person might just not be familiar with words the western side of the internet use
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