#but with the princess here maybe we're a little closer to that wedding
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I just reread My Kingdom for a Heart on AO3 (one of my faves of yours!) and I was wondering if you’d be willing to write a little continuation of that verse? Whatever inspires you! I’d just love to see the captain of the guard and royal advisor being not so sneakily flirty to each other while everyone is beggggging them to get a room
"You have been a wonderfully warm host, your Majesty," the visiting queen regent beamed at Sersi walking alongside her. She even turned over shoulder to look at the woman trailing just a few paces behind them. "And you, your Grace."
The royal advisor dipped her head to the visiting princess. "I am humbled, your Highness."
"Truly," the personable royal insisted, even stopping and stepping away from Sersi to invite her into the fold. "I have long admired the time you spent as queen regent over your own kingdom. I am visiting two queens of legend."
Thena offered a mild smile, while Sersi lowered her eyes shyly to the ground in modesty. Thena let the billowing sleeves of their dresses hide how she nudged her sister. "Her Majesty is too modest; she has done a fine job as Queen with the King at her side."
Sersi whipped her head up and put on a smile again; Thena was telling her not to lower her eyes from anyone. She was always catching her doing little things, like that. Little - unqueenly - things. "A-And we have admired the work you have done in your own kingdom, your Highness. We both know the demands regency brings."
"Ah," the princess offered with an equally modest smile, and perhaps a more honest slumping of her shoulders. "Indeed, it is rewarding, and demanding, in equal parts. I am beginning to consider the many offers of marriage simply to have someone to talk to about it."
The three women shared a laugh between them, understanding the desperation beneath such a jest. Thena picked up her skirts again, ready to fall behind the step of her Queen and their guest.
"Tell me...what of your Captain of the guard?"
Both Queen and princess turned as the royal advisor stumbled somewhat on the castle carpet. She kept her eyes directed at the ground (queen regent no longer, she could do that as a royal advisor).
Sersi accepted her sister's show of mortification, turning back to the princess. "The Captain? Uh, well..."
"Forgive me, your Majesty," the princess excused but did not throw the topic away with a wave of her hand. "I realise how poorly showing it is for me to ask such a thing."
Thena cleared her throat, coming to a stop as they did. She reminded herself of the distance she was supposed to keep. Remain over the Queen's shoulder at all times, never be more than three paces away to whisper something but do not hover so close as to listen to things not for her ears.
"But," the princess took on something of a grin. "Is he a wedded man? I confess I hope he is not."
Sersi's jaw hovered for just a moment before she remembered to clamp it shut. A queen did not flounder like a fish on a hook. She looked at her advisor, who was keeping her head down and out of it. The Queen drew her shoulders up and smiled. "To my knowledge, he is unwed."
The princess beamed. The royal advisor gripped her skirts tighter.
"But!" Sersi continued, even offering a gentle hand to the princess', outstretched in her excitement. "I do believe he is...promised to another."
"Promised?" the princess asked in clarification. "I did not realise commonfolk held such traditions."
"W-Well," Sersi tried to continue as if she were not writing her speech with the quill of her mind in the moment. "He is a man of high station, being the King's right hand. I am to believe he has...someone."
"Her Majesty is most shrewd," the princess dipped politely, acknowledging Sersi's lack of desire to whisper about her own king's-guard like housekeepers. However, that did not stop her.
Thena gulped as the princess gravitated back towards her. "Your Highness?"
"Her Majesty is shrewd," the princess dropped to a near whisper with her in conspiracy. "But it is the royal advisor's job to know everything within - and outside of - the court, is it not?"
She had her, there. Thena gripped her skirts so tightly the fabric may never lay flat again, she feared. "It is, your Highness."
"Do you know the Captain?"
The heat was beginning to get to her. Perhaps she could suggest to Sersi that they take their meal in the castle courtyard. "I do, your Highness."
"And?" the princess asked eagerly, but in such an inviting way. In another life, perhaps they would have been friends, trading secrets and laughing. But now, all Thena felt was panic. "Do you know if he is a married man or if I might-"
"He is committed."
The Queen also looked at her with highly piqued interest.
The princess let her disappointment show. "Committed?"
"Committed," Thena repeated, clearing her throat and ignoring her sister's gaze upon her like a hawk's on a fieldmouse. "I know of questions of this nature from others and the answer appears to be that he is...committed--to another."
"I see," the princess offered in a more dull tone. "I suppose that is to be expected. He is quite a handsome specimen."
Sersi's eyebrows raised as her royal advisor's pale skin took on slightly more colour.
Thena repeated the words that kept her anchored to her position. "Yes, your Highness."
Their visitor did not catch the peculiar behaviour of the stoic woman, though. She was having a delightful time speaking with her new allies--and friends. "Working with him is an enviable task."
The royal advisor resumed looking at the ground, unable to lift her skirts and dash off in escape, tethered to her few paces following them. "Yes, your Highness."
"Oh, your Grace, please," she smiled, even bending herself to meet the royal advisor's eye. "I am not asking as a regent, I am asking as a woman. A woman who is rather tired of bearing the weight of a kingdom alone, as it were."
Sersi closed the distance again, both connecting with the amiable princess, as well as covering her sister's exposed weakness. "We quite know what that is like, your Highness."
Thena did manage a shaky smile at that. She was glad her sister could have an ally, much more a friend. Someone with whom she need not stifle herself so constantly. She did her best to take in a breath. The question had truly taken her off guard.
"Do you know to whom he is," the princess slid her eyes between her new confidantes, "committed?"
Thena's jaw bobbed; she was floundering.
"Not that it is my place to ask," the princess amended quickly.
"Not at all," Sersi laughed off easily, still actively smoothing over Thena's ruffled exterior. "I could not say, I'm afraid. But I believe it is someone within the castle."
"A working marriage," the princess surmised with a smile. "Like something of a romance, isn't it?"
The Queen grinned, "I quite think so, your Highness."
Thena nearly gasped in relief when they turned the corner and she curtsied, "the throne room, your Majesty--your Highness."
The doors were opened for them, and Thena was finally able to slip around the two royals and slink her way up to her position over the right shoulder of the Queen's throne. She welcomed the flow of air, even if she was still feeling overheated.
"You okay?"
This was not helping. She tried not to seem that she was biting into her bottom lip as she met the eyes of the Captain in his position opposite hers. The thrones were wide, and he seemed oceans away at times, looming over the left of Ikaris' shoulder.
"What did you talk about?" he whispered as the Queen and princess took their time returning to the throne upon their raised floor.
"Nothing." It was less of an answer and more of a squeak. Thena looked to the side of the room, avoiding the Captain's discerning eye. He always knew when something was under her skin, an unfortunate remainder from when she had been the subject of his guarding.
Sersi finally broke away from her girlish whispering and giggling to look at the two unoccupied thrones. "Ikaris?"
Gilgamesh squared his shoulders. "His Majesty sends his apologies; the meeting with the generals is extending. It seems without his most trusted war advisor, he is...struggling to see eye to eye with them."
His eyes slid over to her. Thena used the back of the throne to disguise her waving her hand at him. She was the royal advisor, not the war advisor (not officially, at least). He enjoyed flattering her.
"Such capable advisors you have, your Majesty," the princess noted with a smile, although her eyes were rather locked onto the Captain.
"Quite, your Highness," he bowed slightly, wearing a smile of his own. Again, his eyes straight to his right. "A better, more wise advisor, there is not."
The royal advisor huffed faintly, feigning some annoyance with the heavy, heavy praise. The rest of the court seemed quite used to the exchange taking place. "Captain, you have polished your words so much I will fear for your armour's condition."
"Forgive me, your Grace," he answered formally, but his tone was more like a schoolboy teasing the object of his affection. "I speak only the truth. I fear for my station, the King and Queen are so well cared for with your guidance."
The princess' brows rose as the royal advisor offered a modest blush--and reticence. Her head swivelled between the two of them.
"You know very well we could not do without you, Captain."
It was quiet, but the room absorbed the words as if they had been screamed. Eyes rose and then dashed away politely from the confession, just as truthful, just as open, but much more scintillating.
The princess' mouth opened as she nodded, entirely for her own understanding. She looked at the Queen. "I see."
Sersi, no one's fool, also nodded with a kind expression. "Indeed."
"I must apologise," the princess lamented.
"Unnecessary, I assure you," Sersi offered, in a most queenly way, she was proud to say. She looked at her sister and advisor, who offered her approval of the statement.
"Thank you, your Majesty," the princess allowed, although she looked up at the royal advisor as well. "But my apology was directed elsewhere."
Gilgamesh looked at the ladies, not quite with all the pieces he needed. He looked at Thena again, who was still looking away from him, not that the royal advisor was without her shyness from time to time.
"Not at all, your Highness," Thena managed to mumble out with everyone's eyes on her. Her wringing hands were at least somewhat disguised behind the throne. "You were not to know."
"Well, seeing as your husband is still indisposed," the princess smiled again, ready to lift spirits with her mirthful nature. "I should like to continue talking with my new friends. Captain, if you would be so kind to escort us to your lovely castle gardens. Perhaps we might even like to take a meal, there."
"Of course, your Highness," the Captain dipped at the waist obediently. He couldn't even make it to his full height again before he was looking at the royal advisor once more. "Your Grace."
She gave him a withering look; she was going to tell him he couldn't speak with her so liberally in royal company later. But her hand slipped into his all the same as they descended the stairs keeping the throne separate from the rest of the room. The two found their place a mere few steps behind the royalty present. "As you wish, your Majesty--your Highness."
The princess grinned at them both before pulling Sersi in by the hands again. "You are a lucky woman, your Majesty. Dependable staff, a fine husband."
"Indeed," Sersi offered, catching the mischievous sparkle in the princess' eye. They would get along well.
"And a positively tantalizing working romance story, unfolding before your very eyes!"
#Thenamesh AU#thank you so much that's so sweet!!!!#I really did love My Kingdom for a Heart#it makes me so happy you did too!#Gilgamesh is here like I don't really know what's going on#but he can finally hold Thena's hand again so great#the princess is like whoops listen that's my bad#Thena is the flawless royal advisor#unflappable and always knowing what to say#unless they're talking about her potential upcoming marriage#then she's beside herself doesn't know what to do doesn't know what to say#Sersi is like well serves you right#Thena: pardon me?!!?!#Sersi: if you would just marry him and give me some nieces and nephews to spoil rotten this wouldn't be happening this is karma#Thena keeps putting it off because the Captain of the guard and royal advisor have very busy jobs#they can't be taken away from the crown#they can't have an extravagant wedding or a honeymoon and leave the kingdom unadvised#unprotected?!!?!#really she's nervous and scared and has no idea how to navigate love#poor dear#but with the princess here maybe we're a little closer to that wedding#also sweet innocent Gil has no idea what's going on#Thena later asks him VERY subtly if he caught wind of the princess fancying him#Gilgamesh is flabbergasted he barely spoke to the woman#Thena is pleased by the answer but she just tells him never mind#and you're right everyone is totally used to them flirting#it is no secret the Captain is a S I M P for the royal advisor#everyone just accepts it#and Thena flirts back sometimes#she just doesn't realise it's flirting
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Ma'am IV
Aitana Bonmatí x Royal!Reader
Summary: There's a lot of security
"Is it just me or was it so difficult to find a parking spot today?" Marta asked as she and Caro came into the locker room," There's a bunch of black SUVs everywhere plus some flashy red sports car."
"There's a bunch of guys in suits checking out the place," Irene said, hanging up her jacket and changing into the training shirt," I saw them earlier."
"Maybe they're like undercover police officers?" Keira offered up," Maybe they busted some drug ring?"
"At our club?" Patri dismissed, one brow lifted in judgement," We're not the mob, Keira."
"I don't know," Pina teased," It would be one way to sort out our money situation."
"It's not police and we're not the mob," Alexia said in greeting, straight from a meeting. She returned to her cubby, switching out her shirt for her training jersey and scraping her hair back into a ponytail.
"Do you know something about this?"
"Yes. I do."
Silence for a moment.
"Do you want to share it?"
Alexia shrugged, head jerking across the room. "Why don't you ask Aitana?"
In sync, everyone turned to look at Aitana, who shrunk a little under the weight of all the stares.
"Aitana?" Keira asked," What's going on?"
"Well...I...I may have gotten married?"
"To the princess?!"
"You got married? To the princess?"
"Keira, I just said that."
Keira slumped into her cubby, mouth hanging open. "Sorry, I just can't believe it. I mean...Wait, does this mean you're a princess now too?"
That was what set everyone else off, all the way from the changing onto the pitch.
The suited men were practically everywhere, stern looking, muscular men with earpieces in and eyes that pierced the soul.
"Are they going to be here the entire time?" Keira asked, head swivelling to count all of them.
"Not everyone," Aitana replied," Apparently they'll all be here for the first week, setting up perimeters and checking security and then it should go down."
"Should being the key word," You voice behind everyone caused a few people to shriek in shock, another two people jumping out of their skin.
For someone that travelled with so much security, you tended to appear out of nowhere.
"But these guys can be a little overkill sometimes. You should have seen them checking out our new place. They kept us in the car for nearly three hours. I nearly got heatstroke."
"We wouldn't have let that happen, Ma'am," The tallest, most muscular looking of the assembled security said.
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, yeah, sure."
Aitana let out a huff of amusement. "I thought you were in meetings today."
"They ended. I wanted to see you."
"You saw me a few hours ago."
You pouted. "What? I can't miss my wife now?"
"You're very clingy," Aitana said even as she moved into your arms, pulling your arms over her shoulders and resting her head on your chest.
"Yes, I know. It's my most appealing attribute."
"She's the clingy one?" Keira muttered as Aitana adjusted your arms so they drew her closer.
"They're just as bad as each other," Pina said back," How long until this marriage thing blows up? I thought royal weddings were meant to be massive."
"It was an elopement," You said, mouth curving into a grin when Pina and Keira realised you could hear their mutterings," But I'm sure there'll be an official announcement. I think my father is thinking 'small and intimate' for it. Something like 'done with close friends and family'." You shrugged. "You know, something official sounding rather than..."
"Rather than random beach in Greece."
"Greece?" Pina asked," Sounds romantic."
"So romantic," You told her earnestly," Especially when Aitana did this thing with her-"
Your wife's hand clamped over your mouth and you fell silent.
"Random beach in Greece?" Keira said, looking straight at Aitana with a raised brow.
Aitana's face turned red. "It was very romantic."
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"No fan of the cold weather? That's a shame, my land is covered with ice and snow all over, we only have on season that you can see the green grass on the ground, but don't worry, princess. I think you'll quite like it there. I don’t have dragons but we have lycans, wolves and polar bears." He looks over where the young girl nods her hear and spots the other princess, the future lady between the crowds, her hair down, decorated with jewelry, looking elegant in green dress while John settled on his fur, heavy cloak with blue stones designed all over the thick, dark material and his ceremonial shirt and trousers, set with dark boots and light blue mask on his face in shape of an owl, only because he couldn't think of any other animal. "Hm? Not interested in a dance? Then how she's going to lead future celebrations in the kingdom? A perfect queen is someone who knows how to manage a battle along with being good on the dance floor, am I right?" He chuckles deeply, holding the girl closer to himself when the song changes again to a folk dance.
He holds the princess hand and ushers her to a corner, taking a glass of wine from a passing tray of a servant and hands it over to her, his attention is drawn to where she waves her hand at and he locks eyes with the sister for a moment, returning back her glare because who the hell she thinks she is?! Not wearing a crown yet and she's going around, trying to scare him?! Him, the strongest king around here! What a bold move! The young sister takes his focus once again, he smiles with a polite, curt bow "I'm proud to hear that, princess. My people aren't that bad like how outsider might say about them, we just have our own traditions but we're loving new guests around here" He then brings one of her hands up to press a kiss on that back of it, a rude move if you'd ask his mother but who cares, the girl is going to be wed to him in close future. "I heard all the good things about your kingdom, my lady. The beautiful forest and the rare flowers growing in that area, I'm looking forward to visit your father soon so you'll be expecting to see me again, maybe you can give me a tour yourself?" He winks playfully at her, following Gwyn to the balcony where the air is much nicer than inside, the night sky is clear tonight, shining down silver rays above them. One of his knight approaches from behind right at the time John was about to ask casually what she's saying to the creature, the dragons puts him on the edge and he has been a boy born on a horse and growing up with dogs and wolves, legendary winged dragons weren't for him. "Sir?" The knight calls for him, his helmet under his arm, face bare with shame to interrupt his king's night. "What, Kevin?" He hisses to the man without looking at him. "Sir your mother demanded to speak to you in her room" He swallows thickly, bowing to the king again, his heart racing with fear. "I'm- I'm really sorry, sir!" John sighs, shoulders dropping in defeat because when mother asks for something, nothing can change her mind, much like how she raised her son. "My apologies, princess. The duty calls and this one is really important. Though Kevin will keep you company" He bows his head to her then turns on his heels to rush back in the hall to the main Chambers. The knight squeaks after him "b-but s-sir!!" The young soldier gathers himself up soon, awkwardly smiling at the blonde girl. Just don't mess it up Kevin! Oh darn! She's so pretty! "Y-your Highness, are you a dragon rider?" He finds it fascinating to have such a power over big animals like a dragon.
John assumes his mother probably wants to talk about the bride, he stops at his track when he sees another lord is about to approach Eris, the older girl. That idiot, pompous, self-righteous little girl.
"Excuse me.." pushing away the other lord who just yelps like a kid having his candy taken away, he grasps onto Eris' arm and harshly pulls her in the corner, the song changes to a slow paced waltz.
"Listen here, missy. Your dear sister gonna be mine soon, so just making sure to give you this clear message, stay. The fuck. Away from it" tightens his hold on her arm a little, voice a hissing anger.
"I- I am so sorry, I'm not very well versed in balls, this happens to be my first." she places a hand over her chest, blushing quite deeply at her lack of consideration and understanding. Then he asked her to dance so it was all to well that she was blushing. Suddenly Gwyn gasped, her body far closer than she expected when his arm pulled around her waist, they were waltzing and she was quite the dancer, able to keep up. "Eris." she speaks her name, the dragon rider.
"Oh Eris is here, she's never far but... if she doesn't want to be seen, then you wont see her." she giggled softly. "Did you not hear Sunfyre? They don't like to be parted, my dragon is not so large or so loud, he is no fan of cold weather but.. I suppose her dragon does not share that problem with her fire lungs." she hummed in contemplation. "Regardless she wont approach a dance floor, she preferred to learn combat than dance. I enjoyed the dance classes but Eris has two left feet, she'd not embarrass herself."
Keep dancing Gwyn, Eris thought, her eyes forever observant from the side lines. Gwyn could spot her, but she knew the exact shade of auburn to look for when the room spinned in their dance. She wanted to get him alone, this Prince. She wanted to warn him. since she had learned enough of this prince in the whispers of the common wealth. "Oh, there she is!" Gwyn stopped to wave her hand up to her sister. See, for her? For her she could pretend it didn't irritate her, she'd smile softly at her sister, raise her hand back but.. there were more than a few that turned look at the face of the dragon rider. The princess that had no fear, that flew in wind and flames. See Gwyn was a soft daydream, spring meadows and gentle heat but Eris.. Eris stood a fire blazing, she was vibrant and bright, she was danger that you wanted to slice against your tongue and taste the metallic sting. They were the two opposites, and yet it was clear from the love in her gaze that Eris did love one thing unconditionally. With a slow blink that gaze turned something far more sinister when looking at the Prince dancing with her. That silent glare was his first warning.
"I enjoy your kingdom, mainly the inside, is it always so cold outside?" she asked with a criminal curiosity. "Your people have been very kind to us." she added, oblivious to the stare down. "Maybe you could visit ours one day, the Meadowlands are quite different we've been told!" with a slow walk Eris had made her way out to a balcony, stood with her hands behind her back and her gaze up to the stars. "Easy, sweet girl." she called out with a gentle lull, the roar in the distance stilling. Though, the tongue she spoke? It wasn't their language, she knew another. She was talking to her dragon and no matter the distance the great beast heard her. She knew what she was doing, coming out here.. she knew that Prince wouldn't be able to stay away, formality would demand an introduction eventually and a new Lord had already stepped towards Gwyn as the waltz came to an end, in hopes of her hand in another dance. She was a popular girl.
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first dance (the first dance scene)
i have a strong urge to write the dance scene mentioned in first dance (nsfw fic, minors dni). here are some ideas:
edit: credit to jackie (@97-liners) for the advisor!scoups idea
SCENE 1: conversation between the reader and her maid edna (who the reader trusts with everything) where edna found a beautiful dress for the reader because the reader asked her to. some dialogue:
"i got asked to the first dance", you look down at your purple dress, a blush covering your face.
"the duke finally found the courage then?", edna's hands in your hair don't stop.
"how did you -"
"his affection for you isn't subtle at all, your ladyship", she pauses, "and i can say the same for you".
you keep quiet, pondering on her words.
"i don't suppose this has anything to do with the tears in your dress from this afternoon?", you can hear the smile in her voice.

SCENE 2: conversation between jeonghan, prince!joshua, advisor!seungcheol, where joshua and cheol ask jeonghan to talk to some strategist during the first dance ("to fish something out because jeonghan can make someone rat on their own mother"), he declines because he's "busy" during the first dance. "doing what", joshua asks, and jeonghan replies with "......dancing". his friends pat his back aggressively, muttering "my man" and "fucking finally".

SCENE 3: the ball. you arrive a few minutes before the first dance and jeonghan is nowhere in sight, and you think that maybe he's changed his mind. you watch as the prince and princess take the stage, the king and queen following (they're going second because this is the princess's first lunar ball since her wedding), and for a moment you forget your despair as you watch the couples glide on the floor.
"may i have this dance?", a soft voice murmurs in your ear, and you turn to see the duke, looking dashing and rather ethereal in his elegant attire (not that he doesn't usually, but he looks even more so today). you see the hand held out for you discreetly, and you see the unspoken words in his eyes. i understand if you don't want to.
he knows you dislike public displays of affection, that's why he's asking you discreetly, to not embarrass you if you've changed your mind. how could i not love you?
"i thought you'd never ask", you reply, placing your hand firmly in his.
he guides you to the floor, and you ignore the gasps around the room as he takes you in his arms, his lead steady.

SCENE 4: also the ball. you moved around and talked to people after the dance, and you notice how pointedly they're avoiding asking you anything about the first dance. you talk to the prince and he says something like "let me know if someone gives you any trouble" and he has this knowing look in his eyes, and you realize that he made sure no one bothered you - meaning jeonghan talked to him about you. the thought makes you blush.
you and jeonghan take the floor again, this time for a livelier dance that involves some turns. some uncertainty is looming on your mind, and you wish you could be sure what exactly you're doing, of what you and jeonghan are.
"what's wrong, my sweet?", he whispers in your ear, the hand around your waist pulling you a little closer.
"what are we doing?", you try to keep your voice steady.
jeonghan doesn't play dumb and answer with "we're dancing", he has no intention of making you spell out your anxieties. the two of you sway slightly to the beat, eyes meeting even as the rest of the couples turn. in this moment, it's just the two of you in the room - the buzz from the chatter and the dancing couples fading away while you wait for his answer.
"well, i thought it was rather obvious", his hand intertwines with yours, "i'm courting you".
#man i started writing and just kept going#can i just put this out as the main piece lmao#seventeen#seventeen fluff#jeonghan#jeonghan fluff#jeonghan x reader#yoon jeonghan#jeonghan by amelia#seventeen imagines#jeonghan imagines
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𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞
Pairing: harry james potter x gn!reader
Summary: harry proposes to his girlfriend in a vacation day + the wedding + a short glimpse in the wedding night
Requested: yes / no. Here is your tag bestie: @railmeharrypotter
Warnings: none , fluff fluff fluff<3
Words: 2.6k-ish
A/n: I'll open the requests for everyone <3
Side notes for the fic: this is an au, and a reference of the song 'You and I' by One Direction appears at the beginning, also a reference of the movie 'Twilight'. this was written with fem!reader in mind, but it can also be gender neutral.

"MY HAT! HARRY JAMES POTTER " you exclaimed while harry was accelerating at max speed his convertible car.
'I told you not to put it on, baby. Besides, in malibu will be a lot of hats you know? You can buy one from there' harry said calmly, smiling cockly while fixing his sunglasses and his hair.
'Hm? So we're playing fbi spies now? okay, I like it. fuck that hat anyways.' you said too, putting your black sunglasses. 'ah, it's like a movie, don't you think-'
'That's exactly the point of the holiday darling, to feel like in a movie', harry cut you of but little did you know that was a big lie.
You arrived in Malibu, excitement running through your veins. Harry told you only the state where you were going, but never said anything about the place you will spend the nights. And, because you were dating for almost 4 years, of course you trusted him.
You were walking held by Harry, with a scarf tied in the back of your head so you couldn't see anything. But you could hear, and you heard a splash of angry waves fighting with eachother. But you didn't said anything, as your boyfriend told you.
Then, you felt a big hand untying the piece of fabric.
'I'm no Edward Cullen, but I think you might like it', harry said confidently, but you knew he was a little nervous.
You opened your eyes and you bated your eyelashes at the most beautiful place you've ever seen. It was a lovely house, more like a cottage, and it was decorated with exotic flowers. It had a little balcony, and on a coffe table there was a vase of dantelions, one of your favourite flowers. A big door of glass was showing with a pale yellow beautiful curtain. It had the view to the sea, where the sun was drowning in the turquoise water. It was that type of house you only dreamed about and saw in your favourite movies. You dropped your bag unconsciously, mouth open and eyes glistening in astonishment. Well, that's why you fell in love with harry depper and harder every day.
You squatted to get the bag, but it wasn't there anymore. You looked at harry. When you met his emerald eyes, you smiled and jumped in his arms, your legs hugging his torso. After a few minutes of almost suffocating him and wishpering 'I love yous' in his ear, you said:
'Always a prince charming, hm?'
'Anything for my princess.' he answer grinning.
He put you down and he placed his hand on your waist. You stayed like this for a couple minutes, just humming against eachother's breath. He twirled you and you giggled, pressing you body closer to his.
'I don't think I deserve this. I don't think I deserve you, harry ', you spoke-wishpered, forehead pressed with his.
'hmmm' he hummed, 'I think you deserve the whole world.' he said, guiding you by your waist in the house.
You chuckled.
'Maybe, if you think so', you murmured, while harry was spinning you around the house like you were waltzing.
'You deserve more then the world, that's why I brought you the paradise' he echoed smiling in your face, feeling your breath on the tip of his nose.
'Yeah, you're right. I could stay in this paradise forever. Just you and I ', you confessed, kissing him sloppily.
'Yeah, you and I.' he repeated, then he leaned in and kissed you passionately. But it wasn't a normal kiss, it was that type of kiss that screamed I want to spend my life with you forever, because I love you with all my heart and I promise I will never leave you. Because he did. He really did.
'Like the song, you know?' harry said when he pulled out, breaking the silence.
'Hm?' you asked confused, raising your eyebrow a bit.
'you and i, WE DON'T WANNA BE LIKE THEM, WE CAN MAKE IT 'TILL THE END, OH NOTHING COULD COME BETWEEN YOU AND I, OOHH YOU AND I', he sang-screamed and you placed your hands over your ears, giggling.
'You sound awful', you started laughing when he finished his little concert.
'Thank you, thank you. I'm pleasured', harry bowed in front of you, then he pushed you on the white couch made of silk. 'Now cuddle me, I deserve it'
You obeyed smiling and stuffed his head in your chest.
'I love you' he mumbled.
'I love you too.' you answered.
'I wasn't talking to you, silly. I was talking to your comfy boobs.' harry murmured under his breath and kissed the both of them.
'I don't know why you boys like girls boobs so much. There's nothing special with them, really. Besides, you have them too, but they're smaller.' you spoke, massaging harry's scalp.
'Hmm' - harry shook his head up - 'dunno, let me see', he got on his elbows and hiked your tee and your bra. You chuckled, grabbing his hand. 'They're pretty, I mean, prettier then mine. Hmm, yeah'. he spoke, his eyes not leaving your chest.
You chuckled and kissed his nose.
'I love the sea breeze' you said and took a deep breath.
You were walking along the seashore with your boyfriend, hands interlocked. It was a warm evening, and harry invited you to see the dusk. The feeling of the cold water and sand covering your bare feet was euphoric, sending vibrations through your spine. The hot wind was playing with your hair and drying your swimsuit, along with the beach short dress you were wearing.
'Yeah, it's peaceful. S'making me feel safe' harry answered, waking you up from your troughts.
'You're making me feel safe.' you spoke, looking at harry with a loving smile. 'This really was the paradise. I can't belive there are only a few days left we can enjoy it'.
'Hm- actually. yeah, you’re right', the nervousness was driving harry insane. His blood was boiling, but not in a angry way. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
'Are you okay, love?' you asked, observing his unusual behaviour.
'Yeah, I, uh, just wanted to tell you something. I mean, ask you something' he was obviously blabbering.
Your face scrunched in concern.
'You-you want to break us up?' you were scared, a lot of ideas of bad news were driving around your mind.
'No, quite the opposite though', he gulped.
'What do you mean, haz?' you were now more confused, not realising what he was talking about.
You both stopped and looked in eachother's eyes. he took a deep breath, then said confidently:
'Y/n, since I met you, my world got better in any way possible. You can make me smile, laugh, cry, like nobody can do. Every time you are yourself, I fall deeper in love with you. And with this tension, the love I'm holding in my heart only for you, well, this tension makes me go insane. It's trying to tell me something. It's telling me to kiss you every day, to treat you like nobody else did before, to hold you, to be the shoulder you are crying on, to love you. But even if I tell you that I love you every day, well, I feel that it's not enough. All the emotions that are forming in my chest every time you talk, and even if you just smile, they are pushing me at the edge. What my heart is trying to tell you is that I love you so much, and I want to spend my whole life with you. Without you, I'd be nothing. But with you, I'm harry. Just harry, who trusts you with his life and would never do anything to make you cry or feel bad on purpose. Just harry, who cuddles you every day and holds your fragile heart with so much attention, scared to break it. Just harry, who knows that you love him the way he loves you. Just harry, who every night when you are asleep he thinks to himself :'What did I do to deserve such a angel?' Just harry, who would give his life so you could be happy. Just harry, that wants so hard to call you his wife, that he could explode. And this just harry, who with a miracle happens to be me, would ask you 'Will you give me the honour to marry me?', what would you answer?'
He then dropped on one knee, holding a beautiful ring in his hand. His eyes were sparkling along with the diamond on the jewellery from the dusk sun. The breeze was playing with his curls, making him the most handsome man in the world for you. You were left speechless, a tear forming in your eye from the love confession this boy just did. You felt like the luckiest girl in the world. How many chances there was for you to meet this just harry, how could fate would decide to send this angel to you? Almost impossible, you trought. But still possible.
You let the tears spread on your rosy cheeks and a grin to form on your face.
'Yes! A million times: yes!' you almost screamed of happiness.
He put the ring on your finger and got up, looking at your pretty face before placing his hand on your waist and pulling you in a loving kiss, that type of kiss that screamed 'I want to spend my life with you forever and I love you so much'. You relaxed into the kiss, the cold silver on your finger making you shiver. 'God, this must be the best day of my life', you both trought simultaneously.
You pulled out to catch your breath, and between sloppy kisses on his face you confessed, too:
'I love you so much'
'You look beautiful, y/n. I'm sure harry will be head over heels when he sees you', Hermione said, arranging your dress and looking at you in the mirror.
It was true, you could admit it. It was a wonderful wedding dress, the wedding dress you were dreaming for. But now, all your dreams were coming true one by one. First, harry potter asking you out, then proposing to you, then waiting for you to come next to an aisle. You were admiring yourself in the mirror, feeling confident and nervous at the same time. You didn't know how was that possible, because they were literally opposites, but nowadays everything is possible.
'He already is, mione' you said, and hermione giggled.
You took a sharp breath and stepped forward, in front of a big crowd. You smiled when you saw how much people cared about you and wanted to see your wedding. You took your father's hand and walked slowly to the aisle, trying to be as serious as possible even if you wanted to explode from the happiness your chest was holding. You made eye contact with harry, and a bunch of butterflies invaded your stomach.
He really was handsome, you couldn't lie. He was wearing a black suit and a white chemise. His hair was messy, but it was obvious he tried to style it for a couple of hours. But you liked it like that. He wouldn't be just harry anymore if his curls weren't messy.
Your hand slowly interlocked with harry's when your father passed you to him. The priest was reciting a speech, but you never actually paid attention to him. You paid attention to harry's eyes, that were drowning in yours. They sparkled in a way they never did, they were exposing harry that he felt the happiest men on earth. With you in his hands, how could he not? He admired every detail of your face, god knows how was created such a beautiful human being. He then looked down at your dress that was fitting you perfectly, hiding all your body's curves that he and only he knew. If he'd die like that, with you holding him until he suffocates, he'd die a happy man.
'harry james potter, do you want to spend the rest of your life with y/n y/l/n and take her as your wife?' the priest asked.
'I do.' he answered looking straight into my eyes, touching the bottom of my heart in a way only he knew.
'y/n y/l/n, do you want to spend the rest of your life with harry james potter and take him as your husband?'
'I do', you spoke, tightening the grip in harry's hand.
'You may kiss the bride'.
You put my free hand on his chest, and he pressed his hand on your cheek, pulling you in a short kiss. If you would've thought about it, you'd feel embarrassed that you captured his lips in another kiss. But you couldn't care less. For you, it was just you and harry in the huge room. just you and just harry.
'I'm not horny' harry said, occupying all the bed.
'Nor am I ' you answered, putting on your pajamas, that were matching you husband's.
'Let's just cuddle then, my wife' harry spoke, gesturing you to place your head on his chest. before you obeyed, you kissed him lovingly.
'Okay, my husband' you mumbled, hugging his chest.
'y/n potter sounds good' he wishpered in your ear, massaging your hair while you traced his abs.
'It does.' you murmured, almost asleep. He gave you a kiss on top of your head and closed his eyes. He could feel your breath slowing, meaning you are almost asleep.
'I love you, idiot' you said and giggled silently.
'I love you too, stupid. So much'
#harry james potter#harry potter#harry potter x reader#harry potter x y/n#harry potter x you#harry james potter fluff#harry james potter x reader#james potter x you#harry potter fluff#harry potter reference#harry potter books#harry potter fandom#harry potter imagine#safe of myra
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Chapter 56 part 2! @gyubby99
Warning: this chapter part contains sensitive material such as miscarriage and loss of family members.
There was a noise inside the apartment. Elsa and Jack perked up. "My staff is inside," Jack muttered. Elsa stood up, holding her hands defensively as she walked in front of Jack. "Boy am I glad you didn't light the chimney!" Came a familiar Russian accent from the living room. Elsa and Jack sighed in relief as they relaxed. "North!" Jack exclaimed before getting picked up and hugged tightly. Elsa suppressed a giggle before she too was stopped up into the hug. "The workshop feels empty without you!" North shouted. "What are you doing here?" Elsa asked after norrh put then down. "Helping with wedding preparations! We all assumed you'd want to be married as soon as possible. Do you have a destination picked out?" North asked. "We do," Elsa replied. "Ah good! How about invitations?" North asked dance again. Elsa's face fell. "Well uh.. all of my friends are dead... except for my neighbor and her family," Elsa replied. Jack frowned. "Maybe we get sandy to bring them back for a day," North stated. "Anyone in mind?" He asked. "A lot of people actually...." elsa replied. "Go on then," North pushed. Elsa took a breath. "My sister, my cousin Rapunzel and her husband, my brother in law, my neice and nephew, princess Merida of Dunbroch, Chief Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Jack's little sister, and Jack's mother... and if possible at all.. my parents," Elsa listed. North stayed silent. "That's a lot of people. I'll see what I can do," North replied. Elsa smiled. "Thank you. I know it's difficult, I wouldn't be too worried if you couldn't get any of them," Elsa reassured. North nodded before walking around Elsas small apartment. He glanced at the small table with the old picture of Elsa and Jack. They looked genuinely happy. Jack noticed something about the picture then. "Elsa.. why was your hand on your stomach like that?" Jack asked as he picked up the photo. Sure Elsa would hug herself and fiddle with her hands, but she never held her stomach like that before. Elsas eyes widened. "No reason. It's just a normal photo," Elsa stated, a but too quickly. "Wait no I remember this picture. You had been acting weird all week. You'd get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and you ate a ton of ice cream," Jack stated as he looked at the photo. "Jack. Put the frame down," Elsa warned. "And no offense but why are you wearing a loose dress? You never wear those..." Jack continued. North stared at Elsa. "We're you pregnant?" North asked. Jack's eyes widened as Elsa sighed. "I think that's my cue to leave," North stated before using a snowglobe to leave. "Elsa, is that true?" Jack asked. "The day we took the photo was the day I was gonna tell you... but then my stomach started to hurt and I knew something was wrong," Elsa began. Jack walked closer to her. "You...." He trailed off, not knowing what to say. "What happened?" He asked. "There was blood everywhere.... it all happened so quickly that it took a few days for me to process it before I cried," Elsa explained. "How long had you known?" Jack asked. "I had just found out that week," Elsa replied. "I'm so sorry..... i-if I'd have done something differently then maybe...." Elsa's voice cracked. Jack pulled her into his arms. "It was not your fault," Jack muttered as tears filled his eyes. "I never told you because it thought you'd be angry.. and then I began hearing the voice and I started coping with that..." elsa explained. Jack's eyes widened. So thats why she seemed to be pushing him away all those years ago...
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Molly i'm liable to kill you then myself for Royals . When they announced Simone as Kate I've been imagining Kate as a princess. This is absolutely out of the park smashing. I have questions obviously. Is Lucy Kate's sister in this AU? Michael as PRINCE. His Royal Highness Prince Michael Stirling*i'm swooning* But we all know that a Viscount (whose last name starts with B and first name with A) is more our type. And oh my god that little snippet about their night together is so hot. You cannot leave us hanging. Like BSU is a whole universe, we're nearly at the end of When Anthony met Kate and a Slammin Screen Door has just started so maybe AFTER THAT? PLEASE.
Love you ♡ stay safe
We should be blaming @sharmasandcorgis !!! It was her idea!! And Boy am I thankful for it!!!!! This AU was SO fun to write! Kate Sharma crown princess??? Oh We love to SEEEEEEE ITTTTTT
Anthony Bridgerton as a hot Viscount who saw the Princess out one night and at first it was kind of thrilling to flirt with her and buy her drinks and watch her get a little sloppy knowing that he would be a much better King and everyone knew she didn't want it anyway. She'd probably thank him. And then as the night wore on he couldn't help but feel more and more drawn to her, until their lips met in a heated kiss and when she looked up at him through her eyelashes and said Do you wanna get out of here? he'd nodded vigorously and led her out of the bar before he could think better of it. And when he'd looked down at the little Napkin, her phone number there in loopy, impressive handwriting Thanks for last night-Kate x and he'd entered it into his phone even though he knew, when he attended his meeting in parliament tomorrow, she'd never want to see him again. And he told himself it didn't matter, it didn't matter that he'd never felt anything close to this before how he'd never wanted her to stop moaning in his ear pulling him closer until he'd felt like she was imprinted on his skin. He had a duty to the country. We love to see that.
And we love HRH Michael Stirling, not technically in line for the throne now that his cousin John is married with a son, but he's a strong political tie and he'd make a good King consort. Unfortunately for him, his fiancée keeps disappearing on him and he finds himself more and more drawn to their wedding planner Francesca. We love that.
HRH Lucy Abernathy is the Princess of a neighbouring country and a close friend of Edwina and Kate. Who met a handsome stranger at the airport when she arrived for Kate's coronation lead up? Wonder who that was. But we love to see it.
Edwina, the Princess who's very motivated by her charities. And who met a really handsome, funny, charming doctor when she visited a children's hospital who treated her like a real person, not the princess. We love that.
And Matthew Goose Bagwell who had just arrived in the country last week who wanted to sink through the floor and die when his coworker muttered Very bold move to flirt with the princess. Because he had no idea that she was the princess visiting today. We love This too!
Look, there's probably going to be more of this
#i need to stoppppp#princess diaries au#royals#kathony au#kathony#anthony x kate#anthony bridgerton#kate sheffield#kate sharma#molly's asks and answers
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The Spider's Bride

Pairing: spider!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warning: yandere, obsession, stalking, forced marriage, mentions of suicidal thoughts and breeding (but everything is not as dark as it seems).
Words: 3836.
Summary: Whoever your stepmother sold you to, he wasn't as honorable as she claimed.
P.S. Hey guys! Initially it was supposed to be more horror-ish, but then I wrote a lot of sad Bucky, and, ugh, the story became what it is now. Hope you're going to enjoy!
"From now on you have to go alone. We're not allowed to come any further." Your stepmother said and stopped, your stepsisters looking at her with visible discomfort on their faces.
"But we have to ensure her betrothed is waiting for her and pass him her trousseau. This is the tradit-"
"He's not from these lands and cares little for our traditions." She quickly cut one of her daughters off and motioned them to give a few bags they were carrying back to you. "The only thing you have to do is follow the path and you will be alright, girl. Stop being so scared, I'm not sending you to meet your death. Suit yourself, dear Lord! You are going to be married to an honorable man, be grateful I've arranged it for you!"
Funny. If he was truly as honorable as she said, she'd let one of her girls marry him instead. Judging by the place he asked you to come meet him, he was some filthy necromancer or a dark mage in hiding. Regardless of that, he had definitely paid good money for you if your stepmother was willing to let go of the one who was doing most of the housework.
Whatever. Since the death of your father, you hadn't been expecting your miserable life to get any better. She'd force you to marry some revolting man sooner or later, nevertheless.
"Goodbye, sisters." You whispered to them, throwing your rough work-weary hands around their skinny shoulders and kissing their cheeks. "May the Lord be with you."
"May the Lord be with you." They repeated quietly, and you saw their eyes were glistening with tears in the darkness of the cave. They were clinging to you like little kids to their mother, and you smiled. Despite being born to this vulture, your sisters were kind-hearted. They were the only ones to bring you joy in the darkest of days.
"Goodbye, mother."
She turned away from you silently and headed back without acknowledging your words. One of her daughters hissed at her with disdain before she looked back and sent the girl a grim look, pointing to the entrance where the light was piercing through the darkness.
"Move. I don't have all day."
Watching the guilty expression appearing on their faces, you patted both of the girls on the back and silently ushered them to go. They weren't the ones to blame for what had happened to you, and they couldn't do much. No one could.
As all three disappeared from your view, you bit down on your lower lip and gathered your pathetic belongings. You didn't have anything valuable since even the dresses your mother wore were burnt once that woman entered the house of your father. Sometimes you were thinking whether anything would be different if he stayed alive, but you weren't sure of that. Maybe it was better without him, the man who had seen his new wife destroying the one and only portrait of your mother, but doing nothing at all to stop her. Maybe it was better you left the house where you were constantly reminded of how miserable and rotten you were, a girl she hated with all her heart.
Rubbing your eyes with the back of your hand to stop yourself from crying, you moved forward, going deeper into the dungeon or whatever this cold unfriendly place was, the medallion your betrothed given you hanging on your chest. Was it his face you saw inside? It would be surprising if he was as handsome as on the picture. Tired, a bit broken, maybe, and somewhat gloomy, but handsome. Or did your stepmother steal this medallion from someone else, some true soldier she claimed your betrothed to be? Was your fiancee ugly, then? Old? Unhealthy? There was only one way to find out.
The more you walked, the heavier the bags with trousseau became in your hands. At one point you thought to just leave them there, but then you sighed and continued carrying them further. Instead of paying a dowry, your stepmother sold you to your betrothed. He could get mad if you didn't bring him even your trousseau.
It was getting colder, and you stopped for a minute to wrap you woolen shawl around your shoulders, dropping the bags to the ground. Your little journey took you much longer than you expected, and you hoped your fiancee hadn't already been waiting for you. He would be enraged, for sure. Hopefully, you still had a little time.
Bending over to pick up your bags, you suddenly froze on the spot. You heard some odd noises coming from somewhere ahead of you and then raised your head. The burning torches lighting the cave were... shaking?
You jumped to your feet. The noise was becoming louder. You couldn't quite describe it - it felt like indistinct whispers, but very rough, inhuman. The ground trembled beneath your feet as you felt fear rising deep within your chest, leaving you cold. What was that? What was that sound? What creature was whispering... no, tapping... pounding the ground with something...
You left the bags where they were and turned back. It was not the whisper. It was the sound of an enournously huge insect creeping closer to you.
Bats out of hell moved slower than you when you ran towards the exit, barely containing your screams. Was that a giant centipede? A beetle? Something worse than that? You had no desire to figure it out.
You knew this was a bad idea from the start. Your stepmother had never cared for your wellbeing, so it wasn't surprising she truly sent you to your death. Was your fiancee a necromancer who preferred dead women over the living ones? Maybe so.
You fell down to the ground with a loud scream and sobbed, forcing yourself to get up and look at your blooded knee. Pain shot through it once you tried to move, and you bit your tongue. It was even harder to walk now, but you weren't staying there to let whatever creature come and devour your flesh. Gathering yourself, you clenched your teeth and kept running, albeit slower, to the exit of the cave. If you died trying, so be it.
"Please, don't run from me!" Someone said in a desperate voice from behind, yet the only sound you had heard was the one of dozens of steps against the ground. Many metal legs scratched the stone beneath them, making you shudder and cry.
Whatever that creature were, it would be the death of you.
And so you ran and ran until you couldn't feel your legs, but the monster was too close to let you escape. When you fell down the second time on the same knee, undeniably breaking it, you screamed from pain and tried to crawl away still, watching in utter horror how the shadow emerged from the darkness behind you, it's features inhuman, monstrous, revolting. Watching the claws on its eight long legs enveloped in metal glowing in the dark, you yelled at the top of your voice, raising your eyes to the black spider's segmented body.
As you kept looking up, you saw that a horrifying creature wasn't just a gigantic spider. Half of him belonged to a man. Although below the waistline he had that abominable black body, his torso, chest, arms and head were human.
You screamed until your lungs were burning when you saw the face of a man you first had discovered on a little painting inside the medallion. It was your betrothed. Your stepmother had sold you to the arachnid.
Before he advanced further, the light went out, and you were drowning in the dark, finally loosing your consciousness.
There was a distant sound of someone's singing somewhere outside of the house. You could mistake it for Aleana's voice, but hers was lower than this one, melodic, almost magical. This charming singing could put sirens to shame.
You slowly opened your eyes, looking at the high ceiling through the silver threads of the canopy above you. It was odd. Even before your father married for the second time you had never had a canopy bed, especially such a gorgeous one with a cloth looking like it was made by the Queen's best weavers. It almost looked like a silky silver web.
Spiders. Arachnid.
You jumped on the bed, throwing away a warm blanket covering your body, and stared at the large room you woke up in. It seemed as big as half of your house at the very least, the walls coloured in shades of lilac and amethyst, two silver chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. You saw dark-wood furniture lavishly decorated with auspicious motifs, a huge oval mirror... it looked like a room of a princess.
"Are you feeling better?"
You screamed when you heard someone's low voice and clamped your hands over your mouth, quickly moving to the farthest corner of the bed, your back pressed into the cold wall. There was a stranger sitting on the chair near your bed, but for some reason you hadn't seen him before as if he just emerged from the darkness.
You were staring at the face of a man you saw in the cave. Now, however, he looked fully human, his monstrous lower half replaced by long musculed legs. He was dressed in black lether while his left arm glowed in the dark, wrapped in metal, but he couldn't trick you with his charms. You knew his true form.
He was a war veteran, stepmother said, a hero, a soldier. She failed to mention he belonged to arachnid troops, the ones who fought alonside soldiers of your kingdom against Hydra tribes.
Grabbing a pillow and hiding behind it as if it were a shield, you cried, shivering and cursing your stepmother silently. How could she do it to you? How could she give you to an arachnid, this revolting, inhuman creature crawling in the dark? How could she send you here, knowing you were to be wed to this beast and bear his monstrous children? Better death than this. Better ending your life yourself than becoming a whore to this creature, forsaken by the gods.
You didn't know how much time had passed before your tears dried out. The man didn't try to get closer to you. He didn't speak, keeping his head low while you shuddered in the corner.
A bride to the spider. Even thinking of that made you feel like throwing up.
"Are you feeling better?" The man suddenly repeated his question, and you shriveled upon hearing his voice.
You didn't want to talk. Since the time your stepmother had first entered your house, your life was pathetic and worthless. She stripped you of your dowry and all belongings of your mother; she took away your dresses and even ribbons you used to decorate your hair with. You were not the daughter of lady of the house anymore. You were her errands girl, her little servant, the one she had been taking her anger out on. Even when your father was still alive, you knew you wouldn't be allowed to marry a decent man.
You dreamt of running away and living all by yourself in the forest before it was invaded by agressive driads and deadly lamias. After that you quietly accepted that your fate was to suffee in the arms of your offenders. You realized gods didn't want you to be happy, but you couldn't even imagine you would end up being sent to a dungeon right into the arms of this monster who was to breed you. You felt revolt rising deep within you. Even dying was better than this.
"I have healed your knee." The man said, and you blinked, suddenly conscious of your lack of pain. It was true, you had broken it on the run, but now you felt nothing as if you didn't hurt yourself in the first place.
He probably expected some gratitude.
"Thank you." You said in raspy voice, holding the pillow closer to you and hiding your face, your eyes red from tears. You thought it was funny he didn't chain you, but did he need that? With those eight legs of his he could catch anyone without breaking a sweat.
You bit down on your lip and saw he was watching you intently, so you lowered your gaze, looking at your airy silk dress. It softly glowed in the dark like the cloth of the canopy, and you suddenly thought that this revolting creature had undressed you and seen your naked form. Tears started gathering in the corners of your eyes again.
"Please, do not be afraid." The man said tenderly, and you answered him with a sob. His tired expression became worried. "I am sorry for scaring you earlier. I have thought it would be better to show you my true form from the early beginning."
You sniffed and tried covering your shaking feet with the blanket. Why did it have to happen to you? What had you done? Why had he chosen you over other women? You were far from the prettiest ones among your village.
"Why me?" You asked in a little voice, afraid of what you might hear.
The man - the monster in human flesh - smiled at you, his gaze wistful, and you shivered.
"I saw you on the day of the summer solstice. You were dancing barefoot around the fire with your sisters." The man said, and his gloomy face lit up. "You had a flower crown on your head."
Oh, he was there on the day of the festival, then. It was one of the few days when you could break free from the hold your stepmother had over you. Your sisters and you always went to the clearing in the woods and danced till the sunset after giving your prayers to the gods protecting your lands. This year your sister Adana had made you a flower crown to cheer you up.
"You were the most charming woman I have ever seen." His quiet voice made you snap out of your thoughts, and you greeted your teeth. "I've been watching you since then when you were out in the village or doing the house chores in the backyard. I saw... I saw when you didn't let your stepmother kill the spider and put him in the grass instead."
He gulped, and you bit the fabric of the pillow, shutting your eyes for a few seconds. This beast had been secretly watching you for months, and you had no clue about it. Did your stepmother know? Did she let him do it? How much did he pay her to let him follow you around?
"Are we even compatible?" You sniffed again, afraid to look at him. "Humans and..."
"We are compatible if you refer to being able to bear my children."
Your fingers buried into your hair, pulling at the roots in frustration. You bit back a cry knowing it wouldn't make you feel better. Carry little monsters in your womb and give birth to more of those revolting creatures... Were you supposed to lay eggs like spiders did? Would your children grow inside those cocoons? Before you could stop yourself, you were crying loudly and pressing your face into the pillow. When you sensed the man standing up and moving closer, you screamed in horror, pressing yourself further into the walls. He stepped back, an awful, hurt look in his eyes. Before you'd feel guilty, ashamed at yourself, but not now. Not in front of a creature that deserved nothing but death.
He sat back on the chair, watching the shiny wooden floor beneath his feet and allowing you time to calm down again. Why was he quiet? Did he try to persuade you he was civil? That he wouldn't jump at you like spiders did with its prey? The mere comparison made you shudder, and you wiped the tears with the pillow again.
The silence felt heavy, but you had nothing to say while the man was probably afraid to talk to you, knowing you didn't want to hear his voice. Did he know how revolting he was? Did he know you'd never step into the cave if you knew who was waiting for you there? Did he know you wished for nothing but break its disgusting long legs with metal claws on the ends?
You forced yourself to think of something else once you looked at his unbearably sad expression. He must have known a beast like him didn't deserve love. Not a love of a human being, at least. Why did he choose you? Why hadn't he seeked his betrothed among his own kind?
"Why looking for a human?" You asked him, lowering your gaze to your knees. "Why not the one from your own tribe?"
"We don't have many females left." He answered immediately as if he were waiting for you to speak up. "The war with nagas had affected us more than you think."
"But, surely, there are other species willing t-to... mate with you?" No, you didn't truly believe anyone in the whole world would be willing to, except the actual giant spiders of the South.
"There a few like driades of coniferous woods and dark elves living in the caves of Northern Mountains, but their number is decreasing, and they are not as willing to marry our men as before. They are trying to save their own kind."
"Oh, I see. There are too many of us, humans, so we aren't that valuable." You smiled bitterly at his words, and the man's blue eyes widened.
"My apologies, I didn't mean it. I would never say anything like that, apple of my eye."
You cringed at his words: he was still trying to trick you into believing he was some gentleman.
"Please, I know it is hard for you to believe me now, but I swear by my mother's name I'll give you more than any human man can." The creature whispered, his gaze soft and loving. "Whatever you wish for I shall bring to you."
"I don't want any man to give me anything." You sobbed, shaking your head. "I've only ever wanted my mother to come back, nothing else."
There was something that looked like understanding and pity appearing on his face. He could apprehend the loss of the one you loved the most, it seemed.
"Forgive me, but this is the only thing I cannot do for you. We practice necromancy, that's true, yet... you don't want you dear mother to be brought back that way, believe me."
"Than there's nothing you could give me."
You knew you were unreasonable - nothing could bring her back - but you didn't want him to think you were accepting his kind offer. He was a monster, and you didn't deserve to be wed to him.
But then what choice did you have? Surely, you would never leave this place - even if he was kind enough to attempt returning you to your stepmother, that rotten woman would never give him his money back, and he wouldn't let you go otherwise. Despite all your struggle, he would marry you, and you would have to comply.
How soon would you lose your sanity? Would it happen after seeing his true form for the second time? Maybe when he would bed you?
You felt an urge to throw up and clamped your hand against your mouth again.
"Do you have a potion?" You mumbled, forcing yourself to speak.
"A potion?" He repeated and frowned. "What potion do you need, my love?"
"I don't know how you call it... the potion that makes you fall in love with someone. They say it twists your heart and makes you forget whatever you felt before towards the one who gives it to you." Rubbing your tired wet eyes you asked, fixing your gaze on the blanket. You were repulsed by the idea of him even touching you, but if it was unavoidable, maybe being charmed and happy was better than losing your mind completely.
The man sighed, wiping his face with his hand in a black leather glove.
"A potion like this truly exists, and I can make it for you, but it won't help." He said quietly. "The charms don't last long. Of course, they would give us enough time to conceive a child, but is it truly want you want me to do to you?"
Don't say anything, don't say anything, don'tsayanything.
"Then what do you want from me?" More and more tears dropped to the blanket. "Do you expect me to fall in love with you at the first sight? Do you want me to pretend I like being here?"
"No. I don't."
There was a deep desperation to his voice you hadn't heard before, and it made you fall silent despite all the words almost leaping out of your mouth. So, this creature must know how disgusting he was in your eyes. Surely, you weren't the first human female captured by his tribe - they all knew how scary and ugly they looked to the ones of your kind. Why bringing you here, then? Why forcing you marry him? Of utter desperation because there was no one else for him to mate with? Because he liked you?
It wasn't getting any better.
"I know you are still tired. Please rest. No one will enter your chamber unless you ask for anything yourself."
He got up from his seat and slowly went to the other side of the room where those huge wide doors were - they were so big that he could enter in his true form. You hiccuped at the thought. For now he looked perfectly human - you could even call him handsome if you hadn't seen him back then in the cave. If only he was a true man, you'd be the luckiest girl in the world.
You pressed the blanket to your wet face to take away whatever was left on your cheeks and coughed a little. Staying here was frightening, but you were all by yourself, at least. If you got a bit more rest, maybe you'd think of something. Maybe you'd figure it out.
You could still hear the distant sound of singing somewhere outside, and suddenly you found yourself speaking to him again, making him look back at you.
"Who is that?" You asked, staring at his strong beefy figure. "Is it another prisoner?"
A prisoner, that was how you called yourself. You saw creature's gaze falling to your feet as he inhaled deeply and murmured, "No. They are my sisters singing to us." Before you could cry out in horror, asking what magic they casted on you, he continued. "They are sending us their blessings."
When he had disappeared behind the doors, you pulled the blanket over your head, feeling guilty, hurt, and disgusted at both him and yourself.
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki @helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin @void-hoechlin @abyssaint @navegandoaciegas
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#dark bucky barnes#dark bucky barnes x reader#winter soldier#yandere
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"neh, tooru." he tilted his head to the side, looking at your figure arranging the pillows in your small makeshift house.
"i'll definitely marry you when we're older."
he chuckled at your sudden outburst, not coping with what you said. "what do you even mean by that?"
"well, marriage.. isn't that what happens when two people want to stay together in each other's side forever?" your unsure and confused expression made him laugh harder. the pout on your lips made him stop, patting your cheek with a soft smile on his face.
"well then, i guess i'm gonna have to get a ring ready."
— "bahay-bahayan" in Filipino!
— a game played my two or more wherein the kids would act like a real family doing what a family does normally. literally in simple terms, playing house.
— used to play this with my cousin, two other friends, and my childhood friend. yes, my childhood friend was the dad and i was the mom.
sometimes, you wonder which events made things turn out to be how they currently were.
seasons change, and your years of stay in this world had been growing. the amount of times you told a lie or two, the amount of times you cried, laughed, burst out of anger; collectively, this was what our life was.
oikawa thinks the same way too.
the young man sat on the park bench, looking out to the beach of brazil. he should be in argentina right now, practicing the sport he loves, but ever since he got the mail, it was as if a part of him felt too empty to function. his team gave him a week off, and he found himself going back to brazil reminiscing.
he thumbed the gold letterings, almost wishing the letter came with your scent instead of the roses that made the contents painfully obvious.
of course he had opened it, the seal already broken enough to know that he had opened it several times. taking a deep breath, he held his tears back.
how did it come to this?
on the other side of the world, you waited for his answer, the man you stuck with since children. it had been days since the mail was reportedly received. you were nervous, gulping down a lump on your throat to his lack of response. warm arms wrapped you from behind, kissing your temple. "hasn't he replied yet?"
his hand took yours, playing with the ring he gave you and drawing slow therapeutic circles on your skin. you smiled sadly at your fiancee, before shaking your head and melting into his arms. "nope. aren't you supposed to be at work?" he chuckled sheepishly before picking up his things and kissing you tenderly. "yeah. i'm off now. i'm sure he's just preoccupied so don't stress yourself over his response, yeah?" you nodded, sending him off with a loving smile which he returned.
as the door closed, your eyes went back to the laptop screen, begrudgingly thinking of your work before sitting down and continuing it. you didn't know what time it was when you finished, but it was probably an hour or two already when the doorbell rang.
lazily, you stood up and opened the door to find oikawa standing at your doorstep. "yo, n/n-chan." your eyes showed your shock and your body froze, before you relaxed and chuckled. "yikes, i'm hallucinating," you muttered under your breath before closing the door in his face.
"you know.. i'm flattered that you think of me that much that i can be a hallucination.. but for real, i'm 100% human, no alien stuff here."
the "I can't believe you're here" face you had made him chuckle, opening his arms for you to fall into. your scent was familiar, your warmth, your smile, until you dissolved into sobs. frantically, he moved away from you and wiped the tears off tenderly with shaky hands. "what? why are you crying?!"
"tooru! why weren't responding to me?" he chuckled nervously, knowing full well that telling the real reason will complicate things. "i wasn't sure what to answer just yet so i decided to discuss the matter with my coaches first. sorry, n/n-chan. now, can you stop crying, princess?"
it was painful to lie to you, but if it is for what's better, then he'd do it. "don't call me that." you urge yourself to move away and invite him into your apartment shared with your fiance. his eyes scanned the loft, noting the things that mirrored your personality on every shelf, every wall.
"how long have you been here in japan?"
"this is my third day. i'll go back tomorrow."
"ah, i see. then shall we spend the day together?"
"yeah. i did meet the three guys yesterday. it's your turn."
you placed the bowl of chips in front of him, urging to eat while he raised his eyebrows in question. "why didn't you invite me?"
"better question. why are you eating chips this early?" you shrugged, shoving a piece or two into your mouth. "it's not that early. it's like, almost noon."
he rolled his eyes and started eating. the silence stretched on but it was comforting. his eyes raked on your figure, how you were still the same, but different. as if a part of you stayed, the other changed.
"oh yeah. i have to go to that volleyball thing to help takeru with his plays. wanna come with?"
"takeru, as in my nephew?"
"yeah, who else?"
"there are tons of takeru's in this country, y'know."
you shrugged. "well you have no choice. you're coming with. say cheese to the camera. i'll tell my fiancee about you suddenly being here." raising your phone, you snapped a photo to your fiance, telling him you'll spend the day with tooru which he agreed with a "take care" message.
oikawa watched your lips curve to a smile, the same one he fell in love with, only to realize it wasn't for him. was he hurt? no.
numb. that's what he was.
the two of you passed by your previous school, onto the training grounds reminiscing stories after stories. with a pouting takeru, the three of you watched the smaller children train, a fond smile on your face. a small little girl stumbled to you with tears. "mama?"
oikawa saw how petrified you looked for a second before you sat down and tried to ease her. he then recalled how the two of you used to play, hand in hand, eyes to eyes. he sat beside you, patting the head of the child lightly which she seemed to like.
you watched how he calmed her with no words, and how she went from crying to laughing in minutes. a fond smile was on your face when the mother came over and took the child.
"you two look good together. thank you so much for taking care of her."
"thank you but we aren't-"
"thank you. it was no problem ma'am!"
he waved a hand to the child who smiled at him and waved back. his smile was a genuine warm one, his eyes holding adoration, before they shifted to you. "what are you staring at, n/n-chan?"
you shook your head. "i just wondered where you got your skills in calming down a child until i remember takeru."
"I didn't learn it from taking care of him, y'know." confused, you looked at him, his eyes looking somewhere far. "i learned it from you." he stood up, stretching and looked down on your sitting figure.
"c'mon n/n-chan. before they remember who i am-"
"excuse me. you're oikawa tooru, right?"
a highschool girl shyly stood with her group of friends, their phones clutched to their chests. somehow this reminded you of the days when he was innocently playing volleyball with iwaizumi, until a bunch of girls came from the vending machines, clutching boxes of milk in different flavors, some holding milk bread in their hands. you deadpanned when you realize they were holding out their phones for you to take their picture.
"tooru. you better treat me food after this, okay?" he knew your look. the one that made him gulp and feel threatened. "yes, of course, n/n-chan."
and so he did, and before you know it, it was getting dark. the two of you were in the apartment, the credits rolling just like every other times the two of you bonded.
"today was fun."
it's always fun with you. "sure was."
now, unlike before, the silence was deafening. "have you ever wondered.. how things would've worked out if you did something different in the past?"
your question caught him off guard and he tensed up before he suck into the couch. "not really." a lie.
"it might weigh down on me too much if i did."
your chuckle came sad, a hint of pain under it. "i see." now the atmosphere was too quiet. the movie has rolled its credits, the TV flashing a selection of movies again.
painful. it was painfully obvious that something is wrong and you couldn't help but want to cry.
"do you.. remember-"
"will you come?"
your voice was unsure, shaky, loud, when you looked at him with tears in your eyes. "you will, right?" his heart cracked. he knew this would happen already. he flashed a soft smile before taking you in his arms.
"of course i will. it's the wedding of my favorite n/n-chan after all. besides, you know i.."
he pressed a kiss to your forehead, his thumb wiping your tears gently. there was something lonely about his movements, the way he caressed you, as if saying 'this is the last time', or maybe a temporary goodbye. he held you closer, his warmth enveloping you.
"i will always be there."
TRAVELLERS: @doodleniella @kenmakodzu @lyzzklm @mfcassandra @oikaw-ugh @seijohlogy @thesecondapplepienation
#oikawa toru#oikawa fic#haikyuu oikawa#oikawa tooru#oikawa#oikawa scenarios#oikawa imagine#hq oikawa#oikawa x y/n#tōru oikawa x reader#tooru oikawa x reader#oikawa x you#oikawa x reader#hq seijoh#haikyuu tooru#hq tooru#tooru oikawa#tooru oikawa x you#tooru oikawa x y/n#parisa writes
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graduation day pt. 5
fem!reader x finn balor
it’s reader and Finn’s wedding day, and things don’t go exactly as planned ... “i do”
word count: 6.2k+
warnings: fluff, smut, dirty talking, nsfw, angst, jealousy
— final part ... lots of drama. let’s get it —
masterlist || part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 || request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
"Y/N," your mother says to you. "Sweetie. Wake up. We have our spa appointments this morning and we have to get our hair and nails done."
You let out a quiet groan and say, "I wanna sleep."
Your mom says, "It's your wedding day, honey. You have to get up."
Your eyes open and see the wedding dress you picked out a few months ago hanging in a bag on the closet door in the bridal suite of the hotel you're staying in.
"It's my wedding day," you say, quickly sitting up.
Laughing, your mother says, "Yes, it's you're wedding day."
It's been just over a year and a half since Finn proposed to you. You would have gotten married sooner. You were supposed to marry at the beginning of the year, but you and Finn welcomed a little bean about six months ago so you both had decided to push off the wedding a few months.
On Valentine's Day, Alania Riley Balor was born. Your daughter. Yours and Finn's daughter. It's been six months and a half months or so since the birth of your daughter and it's now your wedding day. August 25th, 2022.
You roll out of bed, stretching and yawning. Your mom holds out a folded piece of paper and says, "Finn slid this under my room door and it said to give this to you when I saw you today.
After rubbing your eyes and yawning one more time, you take the piece of paper and read it to yourself.
My love, I can't wait to marry you and see you in the dress. I've been looking forward to it since we pushed off the wedding so we could get used to parenthood. I love you. I'll see you later. - Finn
You smile and your mom says, "Alright, let's get going. We're going to be late for our appointment."
You get changed into a white tank top and tight black short shorts. You put flip flops on your feet and you tie your hair up into a messy bun before you leave.
The spa feels nice. You get massages and face masks. Then you and your mom leave to get your hair and nails done for the wedding tonight.
You get your hair curled and half of it is put up. A flower crown is put in your hair. Little white flowers are put in your hair. You get a french manicure. A white tip with a band of silver separated the white tip and light pink polish.
It's about two in the afternoon so you head back to the bridal suite.
The ceremony is taking place by a beach on the hotel property. Palm trees are everywhere, grass under your feet. White rose petals will be the 'aisle' with white chairs on either side of the aisle.
The reception is taking place in the ballroom of the hotel, then you and Finn are going to Ireland. You've wanted to see Finn's home country and it didn't take very long to convince him to honeymoon in Ireland. He's homesick so it really took you about five minutes to get him to say yes.
As your mom does your makeup, your dad FaceTimes your phone. You answer and see that your dad is holding Alania. "Hey," you say. "What's up?"
"Alania is being fussy," your father says. "I think she misses her mom because when I tried to FaceTime Finn, his voice did nothing. I thought maybe if you talked to her then she might react differently to yours."
You think for a second before you say, "Here, let me sing her a lullaby over the phone. Can you put it closer to her?"
After moving the phone closer to your daughter, you sing a little lullaby to her. Her fussiness turns into coos and you smile when you're done.
"Thank you, Y/N," your dad says quietly.
You say, "You're welcome, Dad. Finish getting ready."
He hangs up the phone and your mom finishes up your makeup.
There's a knock on the door of your suite and you go to answer the door, tightening the tie around your waist. You open the door to see Veronica standing in your doorway. She's standing in front of you in a white dress. It's a short white dress with a poofy skirt and tight top with spaghetti strap sleeves. A glittery fabric covers the breast area to the waist.
"Hi, bestie," she says, sarcastically. "Do you like my dress? I wore it especially for you."
You raise your eyebrows and you say, "You look like you're wearing a homecoming dress and you're literally almost forty. Well, you might as well be in high school with the way you're acting."
She glares at you and says, "It's better than that dress you're planning on wearing tonight."
Sighing, you say, "Sure. Whatever you say."
Veronica laughs and says, "Look at the dress. I dare you." You blink at her and walk over to the dress in the bag that hangs by the closet.
You unzip the bag, revealing a stained and cut up wedding dress. Your eyes widen and you say, "Veronica, what the hell? You're really that low to cut up my wedding dress?"
Your mother says, "That's it. Get out." She's talking to Veronica. "Now."
She laughs and says, "Enjoy your day with no dress." She waves at you and smiles before she walks away. Your mother shuts the door.
Panic begins to set in. Your wedding dress was destroyed. You bought it yourself. It was simple and cute but cheap. You were so proud that you could afford it on your own.
It was a beautiful white gown. Form-fitting with a slight flare at the knees. The dress has sheer, off the shoulder sleeves. Plain and simple but cute. Now it's all cut up and stained with who knows what.
You begin to hyperventilate and cry.
There are about two hours before your wedding. You have no idea what you are going to do. You can't walk down the aisle in your robe.
Your mom says, "Hey, Y/N. Relax. We'll run to the dress shop and get you a dress."
"That was my dress," you cry. "I loved that dress. It was the one thing I could afford on my own. Finn paid for everything else so I wanted to pay for my dress. I was so proud of it."
She looks at you and says, "I know. I know you were honey. We can go get you a dress really quick that you'll love. There's a shop right down the street. You do need something to wear tonight down the aisle."
You look at your mother and nod. You know she's right. You do need something to wear tonight. "Okay," you say, sniffing. "Let's go."
You have about three hours, maybe less, to find a dress that you love enough to wear down the aisle.
After trying on four dresses at the bridal shop, you start to breakdown in the dressing room. Nothing seems to be going right today. Veronica showed up in a white dress and destroyed your wedding dress. She's playing the jealous girl who would do anything to get the groom.
You're about to give up when your phone starting ringing and you see Finn's contact pop up. He's crying to call you. You clear your throat and answer it. "Hi," you squeak.
"Baby, is everything okay?" Finn asks. You can hear the concern in his voice. "Ver came by my room and said ya were crying."
Anger rises inside you and you say, "She destroyed my dress, Finn. It's all cut up and stained. She was wearing a white dress when she came by my suite. She's ruining the day, Finn. I'm trying to find another dress but I don't know if I can find one in time. There are like two hours until the ceremony starts. My hair is a mess, my makeup is a mess, and my dress is ruined."
Finn says, "It's okay, princess. We can push the ceremony back a little bit until ya find a dress. Nothing has to be ruined, my love."
You pout and look at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes are red and your cheeks are puffy. Hearing Finn's voice has calmed you down enough that you sigh.
"You're right," you say. "I'm sorry to dump all this on you right now."
Finn says on the other line, "I'm supposed to be there for ya, Y/N. Ya don't have to be sorry. I'll leave ya to find your dress. Tell me if I need to push back the ceremony a little bit and I will. I've waited too long to marry ya but I want ya to make sure ya have a dress ya love, princess."
An idea pops into your head when he calls you 'princess'. You say, "You won't have to. I love you. I'll see you in two hours."
"I love ya too," Finn says before you hang up.
You pop your head out of the dressing room. Your mom and the consultant stand outside the small room.
Both of them look at you as you ask, "Do you have any like ball gowns? Like a poofy skirt? Something that makes me look like a princess?"
The consultant says, "I think we have something like that. One second." She disappears.
Your mother asks, "Why something that makes you look like a princess?"
You smile and say, "Finn just called me and he called me a princess. It gave me an idea and it's something I could do to surprise him."
She smiles as the consultant comes back with a dress. You take it and put the dress on.
It's a perfect fit and doesn't need any drastic alterations. The top of the dress is a plain white top with a sweetheart neckline. There are no straps on the dress. There is a sparkly silver belt around your waist and from the waist down is a poofy skirt with layers of tulle. You spin around a bit and look in the mirror.This is the dress. You love it and it makes you look like a princess.
You leave the room in the dress so your mother and consultant can see the dress on you.
When your mother sees you in the dress, she gasps. "You look beautiful, sweetie," she says. The consultant agrees.
"It fits almost perfectly," you say. "I love it."
The consultant says, "It's half off too. Only ninety-five dollars."
You smile and say, "I'll take it."
There are thirty minutes until the ceremony begins when you get back to the hotel. Your mother and one of your bridesmaids work together to fix your hair and makeup. It doesn't take too long.
They help you in the dress, zipping you up and fixing the skirt. You put on your heels. Your bridesmaid hands you your bouquet of white and light pink roses as your mother takes off the flower crown and replaces it with a tiara with a veil attached. The veil has a small train.
Ten minutes left. You rush out of the room to the area where the best men and bridesmaids are all lined up.
Finn's best friends, Kevin Owens and AJ Styles, both smile when they see you. Kevin says, "I thought you had another dress."
"I did," you say as you line up behind AJ. "A jealous bitch cut it up and stained it so I went out and bought this."
AJ says, "Well, you look good. Finn's lucky."
Your father walks in holding Alaina and you say, "No, I'm lucky." You smile.
Alania has Finn's beautiful blue eyes but has your Y/H/C colored hair. Her cheeks are a rosey red color and she's in a cute light pink dress, matching the color of your bridesmaids' dresses.
Your father says, "I thought I'd give you the option to hold Nia instead of the bouquet. Actually, Finn told me he'd love to see you walk down the aisle with Nia the other day when we were out drinking. She's fed and burped so she shouldn't be throwing up."
You had never even thought about that. You smile and nod, throwing your bouquet of flowers onto the small couch. Your father hands you your daughter as the music plays for the best men and bridesmaids as they walk down the aisle. You hold your daughter in your left arm as you hook your right arm with your father's.
Alania's head rests on your shoulder as she sleeps peacefully. You start to walk out of the room with your father.
All eyes are on you when you come into view. Finn stands under a white arch decorated with white flowers and branches. A smile lights up his face when he sees you with Alania.
Carefully, you walk down the aisle. Before you know it, you're standing in front of Finn. You hand Alania off to your father when you get to Finn. He sits next to your mother. The crowd sits down.
You meet Finn's eyes as the official says, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here to witness the matrimony of Finn Balor and Y/N L/N. If anyone should think that these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace."
Not surprisingly, Veronica stands up and objects. You and Finn both sigh.
She was never invited to the wedding. She came as a plus one, with Seth Rollins.
"This is ridiculous," she says. "She marries her former teacher and I get fired for saying how inappropriate the whole relationship is."
Something in you finally snaps. You look directly at Veronica as you say, "You got fired because you're literally obsessed with Finn. You've stalked him, literally to the point of scaring our child. We've both taken pity on you because you're so lonely that you've gotten to the point where you have to stalk my fiancée. Guess what, sweetheart. He's getting married. Right now. To me. You lost your chance. Grow up, leave us alone, and find someone else because Finn is mine. Forever. Literally."
The crowd cheers as you go off on Veronica. You wait a second before you say, "Oh, and by the way Veronica, Finn and I had sex on your desk in your classroom when you went to lunch one day. Remember when I told you that a student came in and destroyed it? Yeah, that wasn't a student. That was me and Finn when he destroyed my insides. Sorry to my parents and Finn's parents for having to hear that."
Everyone laughs and Finn smiles. "That's my girl," he says.
You look back up at Finn as Veronica stomps away. A few people cheer and clap when she walks off.
The official says, "Alright." He gives a nervous laugh. "Do we have any vows written that you two would like to say to each other?"
Finn nods and says, "Yeah, I do."
Everyone quiets down and he takes your hands.
"Y/N L/N, my princess," he begins. "Our relationship was far from normal. When we met, I was your teacher and ya were my student. We were never meant to end up together but here we are. We are here in front of friends and family, who accept our relationship, and our daughter, who is the only person I love just as much as I love ya. The day Alania came into our lives, I was so happy. I had never experienced such a level of happiness until she was born. I will love and protect both of ya as long as I shall live."
The crowd 'awes' at the same time. You smile and tear up a bit as Finn recites his vows.
It takes everything in you not to kiss him. Not yet.
"Y/N?" the official asks.
You sigh and say, "Mr. Balor." That gets a little laugh out of Finn. "When we met, I was just a college student in my final semester of school. I entered that semester not knowing that my entire life would change. You were my English professor. You were the 'hot' teacher that everyone had a little crush on. I had a crush on you from day one, I won't lie. When we finally were able to be together, I had no idea that we'd end up here. As soon as we were together, I knew that I would never be able to spend another day without you in my life. I'm excited for our future together. I'm excited to spend it with you and Alania. I'll love you forever, Finn. That's a promise I intend to keep."
The crowd sighs and Finn wipes away a makeup stained tear that managed to roll down your cheek. You let out a little giggle and lean into Finn's touch.
The official smiles and says, "The rings, please."
AJ hands the official the rings. He hands you Finn's ring and hands Finn your ring.
The official says, "Do you, Finn Balor, take thee Y/N L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?"
Finn maintains eye contact with you as he says, "I do."
He slides the silver wedding band onto your left ring finger. You watch as he does.
You smile, looking back up at Finn, and the official asks, "Do you, Y/N L/N, take thee Finn Balor to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?"
"I do," you say, fighting back happy tears as you slide Finn's wedding band onto his finger.
The official smiles and says, "By the power invested in me by the state of Florida, I now declare you man and wife. Finn, you may kiss your bride."
It takes less than one second for Finn's lips to attach to yours after that last statement. You throw your arms around Finn's neck as you share your first kiss as husband and wife.
The crowd cheers as Finn pulls back. He smiles and you say, "I love you, Finn Balor."
"And I love ya, Y/B Balor," he says. You smile and lean up, kissing him again.
After a second, you pull back. Finn's parents and your parents walk up with Alania, who's now wide away. You smile as Finn offers her his finger and she takes it.
You hug your parents and Finn's parents. Finn's mom says, "Welcome to the family, Y/N."
You smile and say, "I'm happy to be here."
Finn's holding Alania now and you take in the sight of your new husband holding your daughter. She's playing with the flower in Finn's suit.
All of you walk back to the ballroom to get the reception started.
After dinner, it's all dancing. You dance with your father and Finn dances with his mother as other couples dance around you.
When dessert is served, and after you eat it, it's time for yours and Finn's first dance as a married couple.
"I'd like to invite the newlyweds to the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife," the DJ says.
Finn takes your hand and the two of you walk to the dance floor. Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran starts to play.
As you approach the center of the dance floor by yourself, Finn spins you around. You laugh and smile up at him as he takes you into his arms. His arms wrap around your waist and yours wrap around his neck. You close your eyes and rest your head on his chest.
The suit jacket has come off but he's still wearing his tie and his shirt is tucked into his dress pants.
He says, "Ya look beautiful tonight, baby. Absolutely stunning."
Your face turns red and you smile, looking up at him. "You're obligated to say that because we're married," you say, teasing him."
Finn says, "Oh shoot. Ya are right, because ya never looked beautiful when we were dating or engaged." He smiles. You giggle.
His eyes meet yours as the song and the dance continues.
You suddenly ask, "Would you want more kids one day? When Alania is a little older and doesn't always need our attention?"
Finn nods and says, "Of course. Maybe when Alania starts school then we can try for another baby. That'll give us about three or four years."
You smile and continue swaying with Finn to the music.
You're both quiet for a second before Finn says, "I can't wait to spend forever with ya, Y/N. I've been looking for ya for years and now ya are in my arms."
"You're stuck with me, Finn," you giggle. "You get me for every Thanksgiving, every Christmas, every birthday, and every day in between for the rest of our lives."
He smiles and says, "That sounds so good."
You smile up at him before you lean up, kissing Finn. He continues to smile into the kiss as he kisses you back.
Your fingers slide into his hair as he holds you close to him.
After a minute, the song ends and other people come onto the dance floor. A Thousand Years by Christina Perri comes on next.
"Did ya really have to announce to everyone that we had sex on Ver's desk though?" Finn asks, pulling away from the kiss.
You laugh and say, "Those words came out of my mouth before I could stop them. It's my desk now anyway."
Finn laughs and says, "That's true."
After the throwing of the bouquet, which one of your bridesmaids catch, you head off to get changed into something more comfortable for your flight over to Ireland.
You keep with the white theme and put on a short white dress with a plunging v-neck that exposes a lot of your cleavage and an open back. The skirt falls just passed your butt and is very flowy. You wear tan wedge sandals and tie your hair up in a ponytail.
You meet Finn in the lobby of the hotel. Everyone is outside waiting to throw their rice and say goodbye.
Finn's eyes land on you and says, "That dress is gonna look so good when it hits the floor tonight."
Laughing, you say, "It's tomorrow in Ireland."
"Oh, shush," he says, smiling. "Let's go so we can say goodbye to everyone before our flight. Our passports and bags are in the car."
You nod, lacing your fingers with Finn's.
As soon as you walk through the doors, rice is thrown. You and Finn are both laughing as the crowd cheers and claps.
At the end of the crowd are both yours and Finn's parents, and Alania. You take your daughter and your mom says, "She'll be in good hands with us. You go have have lots of fun."
"She'll have lots of fun," Finn says. "I promise." He gently taps your butt and you gasp.
Your parents laugh and you look at Alania.
She coos, "Momma." You smile and fix her dress.
"Momma and dadda will be back soon, Nia," you say softly to her. "Grandmom and grandpop will take care of you."
Part of you has always hoped that Alania will have a broken Irish accent. You still have some hope that she'll have a broken Irish accent because Finn has an Irish accent. Finn's parents will be taking care of her with your parents while you and Finn are honeymooning in Ireland for the next two weeks so she'll still be exposed to the accent. You've even found yourself with a bit of an accent sometimes.
Finn says, "Y/N, we have a flight to catch." He kisses the top of Nia's head and you look up at him, nodding.
Your mom takes Alania back and you say goodbye to your parents before saying goodbye to Finn's.
He helps you into the passenger's seat of the car. You wave out the window at everyone as Finn gets into the car. He waves for a second before driving off.
Things settle down for you as Finn drives to the airport.
"Ya will love Ireland," Finn says. "They have such beautiful weather this time of year. I'm excited to show ya around the country. It's not a very big country and we're staying in the middle of it."
You smile and say, "You better take me to your hometown."
He pulls up to the airport and says, "My parents still live there and I have full permission to stay the night one night in my old room while we're in Ireland."
"Yay," you say, smiling as Finn parks the car.
You left Orlando International at eleven at night, making at stop at JFK airport in New York before flying to Dublin. It's about four in the morning when you land in Ireland, and you've been on flights for close to 12 hours. Timezones are weird.
Finn drives from Dublin airport to the Wineport Lodge, which takes about ninety minutes. So it's about six in the morning when you get to the hotel. You're extremely jet lagged and tired.
You and Finn check into the honeymoon suite before making you're way up to the second floor.
The suite is a large room with a large bed facing the wall of windows and a balcony. There's a desk attached to the wall and a cushioned chair against the little wall separating the doors leaving to the balcony and a set of windows. There's a little table and two chairs on the other side of the bed.
The room is in the shape of a large triangle and the walls are a tan color. The rest of the room fits the tan aesthetic of the walls.
The bathroom has a stand up shower with a glass door, a large bathtub, a counter with two sinks, and a toilet.
As soon as you reach the bed, you collapse onto it. Finn laughs. "Ya seem tired," he says.
"I am," you sigh. "Timezones suck and I'm exhausted."
He smiles and says, "Get some sleep, princess. Ya will need it. I'll wake ya in a few hours after I unpack."
You say, "I'll unpack my things first." You take your suitcase and begin to fold clothes and hang them up in the small closet. Finn does the same.
It's seven in the morning when you're finally able to sleep. Finn falls asleep soon after you do.
It seems like you only slept for two minutes when Finn wakes you. It's about four in the afternoon now. He wakes you up with kisses so you're not too mad.
"Wake up, baby," he mumbles against your cheek. "It's dinnertime. I ordered us some room service and it should be here soon. I figured ya would want to stay in tonight."
Your eyes flutter open and you smile when you see Finn. "Staying in sounds nice," you mumble, still half asleep. You yawn and sit up in bed.
Finn smiles and says, "I hope ya slept well. Ya seemed to sleep well."
Yawning, you say, "Like a baby. I haven't slept like that since before Alania."
He laughs and says, "I'm glad ya slept well."
A few moments later, someone knocks on the door. Finn answers it in his loose black and white sport shorts and a white t-shirt. A cart with food is wheeled into the room and the door closes.
"So we have some Irish stew with Irish potatoes and cabbage," Finn says. "This is colcannon and this is soda bread. I promise it tastes better than most of it looks."
You smile as Finn puts some food in a plate for you. You've made your way to the table while he explained the meal. You eat a bit of it and hum. "This is really good," you say. "Especially the potatoes but I'm not surprised there."
Finn laughs and eats at the table with you. "I'm glad ya like it," he says, eating some of the Irish stew. "I've missed Irish style dishes, especially from Ireland. It's some of the best food I've ever eaten."
You nod in agreement. "It's definitely some of the best food I've had," you says finishing up what's on the plate.
Finn smiles and finishes up what's on his plate.
By this time, it's about five. The sun has begun to set and you look out at the view over the lake of the setting sun.
Your new husband walks up behind you and wraps his arms around your shoulders.
The two of you stand at the window and watch the sun set. "Ireland is beautiful," you sigh. "And I've only seen a little bit of it."
Finn kisses your jaw and says, "You're more beautiful than Ireland."
You giggle and look back at Finn. He's looking down at you. "And you're so cliche," you say.
"But ya love me," he says, a smile on his lips.
You peck his lips and say, "I do love you. I wouldn't be here if I didn't."
Finn laughs and says, "That's very true."
He leans in and kisses you softly. You kiss him back, turning in his arms. You grab a fistful of his shirt and pull him closer to you.
You pull back after a second and say, "I have a surprise for you. You have to give me a second to get it ready though. And you have to close your eyes."
Finn smiles and says, "I like surprises."
"You'll definitely like this one," you giggle, slipping away. His back is turned to you so you grab the lingerie and walk into the bathroom.
After stripping out of your dress, you put on the red two piece lingerie. The top is completely see through except for the cups, which push your breasts up. The top ends right past your butt and you wear a pair of red lace panties underneath.
Sighing, you leave the bathroom and walk back into the main room. Finn's still looking out the window so you clear your throats to get his attention.
Your new husband turns around and his eyes widen when he sees you. "Damn, baby," he says.
Slowly and almost seductively, you walk over to him. You run your fingers up his chest and ask, "Like what you see?"
Finn nods and says, "One hundred percent."
"I thought I'd surprise you a little bit," you say. "Give you the wedding night you deserve even though it's not technically our wedding night because timezones are weird."
He licks his bottom lip and he says, "It can be whatever night ya want it to be, baby."
You look up at Finn and say, "Then let's make it a good night.”
Finn's lips crash to yours. The kiss is intense and passionate from the start. Your tongues are already in each other's mouths as you both stumble toward the bed. You pull off Finn's t-shirt and throw it to the floor. He takes off your top and it joins his shirt on the ground.
You're pushed back onto the bed and Finn crawls onto you, hovering over you. He lays between your legs and starts to kiss your neck, leaving a mark or two.
Soft sighs leave your lips as he marks up your neck. Your fingers are in his hair, running through his hair occasionally.
His lips trail down to your breasts, where he pays extra attention to them. More than he has before. He kisses them and sucks on the nipple. A moan escapes your lips, letting Finn know you like what he's doing.
You feel Finn spread your legs out a bit as he kisses down your stomach.
After you gave birth to Alania, you told Finn how self-conscious you felt because of the added baby weight. It's kept you from having sex a few times, but tonight, you almost embrace it.
Finn's told you how much he loves you and your body, no matter how it looked. He said that the baby weight made you look hotter. Those words ring in your head as Finn kisses down your stomach to the waistband of your panties.
It's been a while since you and Finn have been intimate. You both have been taking care of a newborn who likes to cry a lot at night and needs attention during the day.
Finn runs a finger over your clothed core, making you gasp and sigh. You bite your lip as you feel Finn push aside the fabric and start to rub your clit. Soft sighs escape your lips as his fingers are replaced with his tongue. Your eyes flutter closed and your sense of touch takes over.
He sucks on your clit and occasionally swirls his tongue around the sensitive bud.
After a moment of this, Finn literally rips off the panties. Your eyes open and you look down at your husband. "Finn!" you gasp. "Those were expensive!"
"Don't worry, princess," he coos. "I'll buy ya new ones." Then he pushes two fingers inside of you, making you moan softly.
You grasp onto the bedsheets as Finn moves his fingers. Soft moans continue escaping your lips and you bite on your bottom lip. Finn's mouth is back on your clit as he adds a third finger. A knot forms in your stomach and you feel your walls begin to clench around Finn's fingers.
"Finn," you whine. "Baby, I'm about to come."
He smirks before he says, "Come, princess. It won't be the last time I make ya come tonight."
His words are enough to push you over the edge. You release all over his digits. Finn continues moving his fingers, helping you ride out your high. You lay on your back, gasping for air as you come down off your climax.
Finn licks your comes and juices off his fingers before he stands up at the foot of the bed. You watch as he pulls off his shorts and boxers. His hard member slaps his stomach before he crawls back onto you. You cup Finn's face in your hands and kiss him softly. He kisses you back just as soft.
You slide your fingers into his hair and you smile into the kiss. "I love you," you mumble against his lips. "You always know how to make me feel good."
He smiles into the kiss and says, "It's my job as your husband to make ya feel good, baby." He leans down and starts to kiss your neck again. You sigh softly.
"Finn," you sigh. "I need you. Please." You're almost whining.
Your husband smiles against your neck as he begins to run his tip through your soaked folds. You moan softly, leaning your head back against the bed.
Finn slides his erect member into you slowly. You moan a little louder, your mouth forming a little 'o'. He thrusts slowly and shallowly into you.
He buries his face into your neck and you're moaning in his ear. "Faster, Finn," you gasp. "Please."
"As ya wish, princess," he gasps as he begins to move faster and deeper into you. Your moans get louder and you drag your nails down his back, definitely leaving scratch marks.
Finn groans in your ear as he moves even deeper and harder into you. You gasp as his tip grazes your g-spot. "Finn!" you cry out, digging your nails into his back.
Your husband says, "Baby, keep scratching up my back and people will start to get concerned if they see it."
You stop scratching up his back and grip his upper arms instead as he moves harder. You wrap your legs around Finn's waist as he moves, almost digging your heels into his lower back.
Finn kisses you passionately as you both are pulled closer to your orgasms.
Neither of you says anything as the room is filled with your moans and the sound of skin slapping together.
He reaches his climax first, releasing inside of you. You soon follow him, releasing around Finn. You lay on your back and Finn collapses on top of you.
Your mind begins to race, thinking about how you got to this moment.
When you told Finn how you felt on graduation day, you never thought that you would end up here. You never thought that you were going to end up married to Finn with a baby, all within two years. It's been a crazy two years.
Imagine what wouldn't have happened if you never told Finn how you felt before you graduated.
"Finn," you say, looking at your husband.
He looks up at you and says, "Hm?"
You smile and run your fingers through his hair, saying, "I am so in love with you."
Finn smiles up at you, saying, "I am so in love with you too."
The two of you share a kiss and the kiss turns into a night of sex and little makeout sessions. The night of sex and little makeout sessions turns into a lifetime of loving each other and making each other happy.
#finn balor imagine#finn balor fluff#finn balor smut#finn balor x reader#wrestling imagine#wrestling smut#wrestling angst#wwe imagine#wwe smut#wwe fluff#nxt imagine#nxt angst#nxt fluff#nxt smut#wedding imagine
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Hide and Go Varian
Rapunzel: Varian! Where are you?
Eugene: Come out, come out where ever you are!
Cassandra: Kid, in the interest of your safety, I would recommend you to come out before my father finds out.
Captain: Before I find out what?
Cassandra: Dad! What . . . are you doing here?
Captain: Well, when I got back to the castle after picking some things in town, I was surprised to see almost all my men looking for something when they should have been working.
Eugene: Really! Why those slackers must have misplaced something!
Rapunzel: Yes! I lose . . . Pascal all the time.
Captain: When I asked what they were looking for, they had no answer for me. All I could tell was that they were more scared of their temporary Captain than me at the moment.
Cassandra: Really! I have no idea why they would be scared of me.
Captain: Honey . . . what's going on.
Cassandra: Well, you know how Varian isn't allowed out of his room without supervision.
Captain: Yes.
Eugene: Angry and Red were visiting him when they snuck him out to Rapunzel's room to play with Pascal.
Rapunzel: And I was okay with Varian without supervision because I was supervising, which is okay, right?
Captain: Sigh. Yes, that is okay if someone else was there with you. Then what happened.
Rapunzel: Angry and Red wanted to play hide and go seek, so I counted to 100 while they hid. I found the girls easily, but . . . we still can't find Varian.
Captain: You mean to tell me Varian is potentially loose in the castle and probably ran away by this time?!
Eugene: Yes. You know, Captain, red really isn't your color. Maybe you should try thinking of calm thoughts. Your complexion would be less like tomato like then.
Captain: Fitzherbert! Please shut your mouth before I get . . . even more tempted to kill you.
Cassandra: Don't worry, Dad! We have all the guards, the Snuggly Duckling Pub thugs, Lance, and a lot of kids looking for him all throughout town.
Rapunzel: Yeah! We'll find him in no time! We got some of the best seekers in town looking for him.
Eugene: That list probably has me on top as #1 Seeker of all Time!
Captain: Well . . . then why aren't you out looking for him!
Eugene: On my way, right now!
Cassandra: Don't worry, dad. We'll make sure he's back in his room soon.
Captain: He better be or else the King will not be happy him if he finds out.
Thirty more minutes later . . .
Eugene: Where can that boy be?!
Lance: Well, now we know never to let Varian play hide 'n go seek ever again. We'll just have to stick to tag.
Eugene: Lance!
Lance: Okay, okay! Freeze tag.
Eugene: Lance! Please stop talking before I'm tempted to kill you.
Cassandra: Wow. Your starting to sound like my dad, Eugene.
Eugene: Your right! Wow! Responsibly sure changed me. I used to be a carefree thief and now . . . I teach the guards how to be sneaky and try to be a good role model for three kids.
Rapunzel: And I love you even more for those reasons. The newer you is just like the old you, but more . . . mature.
Eugene: Well, then I like the new you just as well. You're even more beautiful as you care for your people as their princess.
Rapunzel: Oh, Eugene . . .
Eugene: Rapunzel . . .
Cassandra: Oh, Lance . . . my love!
Lance: Yes, Cassandra, my dearest!
Eugene: Shut up, guys. Your embarrassing Rapunzel.
Lance: Well, then you should have thought of that before you two starting romancing it up in front of us!
Eugene: Lance!
Cassandra: Well, when he's right, he's right.
Rapunzel: Cass!
Lance: Now that we have all expressed our feelings, we can concentrate on finding our little boy!
Eugene: Ah, Lance? You know Varian's not a little kid. And you’re not the best choice to be a parental figure for him.
Lance: So? I can be his big brother! I mean, we're basically already Angry and Red's big brothers, so why not Varian's as well
Eugene: Well, um, . . . then sure. That actually makes some sense, so might as well embrace it.
Lance: Yes! It's official. I'm a big brother. Now, I can officially do brother stuff like give Varian candy and not make him brush his teeth.
Eugene: Um, buddy. I don't think that's how being a big brother works.
Cassandra: Can we concentrate back on finding Varian? Who knows where he is at this point? He's probably escaped.
Rapunzel: Oh, come on, Cass! Varian hasn't tried to escape ever since he was put on castle arrest.
Cassandra: He hasn't tried to escape because Old Corona was full of guards at the time. Now, most of the damage has been fixed. He might have decided to try escaping now.
Eugene: Well, let's get on with finding him before he runs away.
Lance: Yeah! I can't have my new baby brother running away so soon. People will think I scared him off or something.
Cassandra: Are you sure you haven't already scared him off?
Lance: Did you say something, Cass?
Cassandra: Nothing really. Um . . . just talking to myself.
Lance: You should consider not doing that around other people. They'll start thinking you’re crazy.
Cassandra: Thank you for the advice, Lance. By the way, have I ever given you a closer look at my sword?
Eugene: Um, why don't we concentrate on finding Varian before Lance takes a . . . closer look at your very sharp blade.
Cassandra: Sure, if Lance can keep his mouth closed that long.
Rapunzel: Oh! I have an idea! Let's check out the garden! Maybe he's there!
Cassandra: Good idea, Raps. He might try escaping that way.
Rapunzel: Cass! He wouldn't try escaping at all!
An hour later . . .
Eugene: Raps, remind me again why the royal garden is so BIG.
Rapunzel: Eugene, my mom loves plants. You remember how we had breakfast in the garden on her birthday, right?
Eugene: Rrrriiiggghhttt. Of course, I do, dear!
Cassandra: He sure does.
Lance: That long 'right' wasn't because he forgot an important memory.
Eugene: Shut up, you two!
Rapunzel: Did you guys say something?
Eugene: Nope! Pretty sure those were some little birds tweeting and chirping about.
Lance: Yes, two very truthful birdies.
Eugene: Lance!
Rapunzel: Wait, everyone! Be quiet!
Eugene: For what-
Cassandra: Shut up, Eugene!
. . .
Rapunzel: I hear something. Quick! Follow me!
Eugene: Why are we going into my room?!
Lance: You mean our room. Remember? The King didn't trust me . . .
Eugene: I know, Lance!
Lance: . . . so he paired us up and gave us a bigger room to share.
Cassandra: Yeah, why are we in these two idiots’ room.
Rapunzel: Shhhhh! Because of those two.
Eugene: Varian! Oh, thank goodness we found him!
Lance: Awwwwww! He missed us so he went to hide in our room while waiting for us to find him.
Rapunzel: He and Rudiger look so cute like this!
Cassandra: Even I think so.
Eugene: That's great and all, but let's get this kid back to the Captain before he has a stroke, or worse, blames me for this.
Rapunzel: Eugene, why don't we let Varian sleep a bit longer?
Cassandra: Yeah. I'll talk to my father right now.
Lance: And I will cuddle up with Var while you guys do that.
Rapunzel: Aww! No fair! I want to join the cuddlefest as well.
Eugene: If Blondie's joining in, I might as well too.
Cassandra: I'll be back and then I might decide to sit on the bed next to you guys.
Lance: I will go get Angry and Red. They will be so upset if I didn't invite them.
And so, Varian's impromptu game of Hide and Go Seek led them all into having a relaxing after spending the day looking for the wayward alchemist. Maybe next time they can play a nice game of tag instead! Good idea, right? :)
AN: I wrote this in one of my various notebooks a long time ago during work. But, I lost in the chaos of my room. I recently found it and typed up how much I had written. I just got back from work, where I basically worked on another Tangled AU for most of my day, to a home with a pizza party is going on. My dad is horrible drunk, breaking his New Year's revolution like 5+ times already in 2019. He now wants our whole family to go out to Reno, Nevada for his wedding anniversary, but are not considerate about the fact I have work and no one cover me since my co-worker Adrien is leaving the country the day before and my other co-worker Kim is going to be the receptionist that day. Everyone always pressures me to put my on-call job at risk making up reasons to try to get the day off, but no one can cover for me since my two other co-workers work 5 days and week and can not work more than 5 days in a row. Right now, I'm stuck with the family. My back, eyes, and head hurt because of all the loud music playing. I can't go to sleep even if I wanted to since my room is right next to the living room. I feel so stressed all the time, but hopefully posting this chat will make me feel better. Hope you guys like it!
#varian#variantts#varian tangled#VarianFanClub#varianfan#ttsvarian#rapunzel tts#varian tts#tts#variantangled#Rapunzel#rapunzels tangled adventure#rapunzel's tangled adventure#TTSred#TTSangry#tts rapunzel#Eugene Fitzherbert#tangled eugene#eugenetts#ttslance#LANCE STRONGBOW#tangledlance#tts lance#tangled red#ANGRY AND RED#red tangled#king frederic#angry tangled#tangled angry#TTSangryANDred
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I'm on mobile so formatting might be weird here.
This is mostly a pre-Robert's Rebellion AU in which the Arryn/Stark/Baratheon/Tully alliance is looking at adding Rhaegar to their alliance. That alone nessecitates this being a major AU. Perhaps Harrenhal went better than it did in canon and they feel Rhaegar would be open to it.
Under that theory, Hoster reaches out to the Crown Princesses' brother to suggest a match that might not suit for his personal ambitions but benefits the group as a whole. I'd imagine this happens right after Jaime’s induction into the Kingsguard. Lysa's hiding her pregnancy until shortly before the wedding. A wedding Rhaegar needs to unseat his father and can't mess up.
This does rest very carefully on the timeline which we admittedly don't have a clear picture of. I'd imagine that Oberyn arrives for the wedding around the time Lysa admits her pregnancy and then something happens that stops her from drinking the moon tea. Does Oberyn recognize it? Does she tell him about the baby? Does he encounter her father saying something about it to someone else? No idea.
This is before the war breaks out, closer to Brandon's due with Petyr and before Lyanna is kidnapped. Remember, Harrenhal might have gone a little better but Rhaegar needs this alliance. Dorne isnt angry about Elia's death because she isn't dead. Hoster is using Lysa to seal an alliance between them and Rhaegar's wife's family.
It's a good idea to remove the worst king, the guy who's burning people, and then try to impose restrictions on a more moderate king. You do that to Aerys and he blows up a city or starts killing random people. Maybe Rhaegar realizes he's out matched a day listens. They don't have to tell Rhaegar what they plan to do once Aerys is out of the way.
They aren't approaching the Martells without warnings, most of this was agreed upon through Rhaegar and Elia. Maybe Aerys didn't go to Harrenhal or maybe Rhaegar just did a little more legwork there. The seeds of this plot were advanced there and only after Doran knew Rhaegar was on board did he converse with Hoster.
Now, this plan is finalized and Lysa goes to Dorne and has her baby there, and then Rhaegar screws them all by running away with Lyanna. Yes, Lysa's a hostage because no one expected Rhaegar to go insane and betray them, but she's Oberyn's wife and the Martells aren't going to kill her.
The idea is very improbable in canon, but GRRM 's done things that require more coincidences. It's not impossible and it works logically. and if we're diving into an AU anyway I'd rather to make these people happy :)
@riana-one replied to your post “what do you think of the crack/au pairing of lysa tully and oberyn…”
If Lysa has her bastard, Holster would be scrambling for a match. A prince is golden compared to a household knight or a third son of a vassal. If Lysa gets to keep her baby she would love any man and the Martells would treat her right
Fair enough, but this relies on the possibility that Hoster does not forcibly abort Lysa and hide the whole thing to save her hand’s worth and himself the scandal, which is something Hoster is always going to do unless he was a different person. This also doesn’t address why the Martells would be interested in Lysa after the murder of Elia and her children, or the part where Oberyn tried to raise Dorne for Viserys, making it that Lysa could end up as a hostage in Dorne as far as Hoster knows. It’s too tremulous of a political position for Hoster to agree to, and the Martells have no reason to want the publicly disgraced daughter of one of the rebel leaders if there’s nothing in it for them.
@nooneeverlookedforagirl reblogged your post “what do you think of the crack/au pairing of lysa tully and oberyn…”
But maybe a ship meant to bring Dorne (and potentially by extention Rhaegar?) into the alliance could be interesting. Particularly if Lysa ended up birthing that bastard in Dorne.
We’d get a happy AU where Elia lives I think, even if we’d have to drag Rhaegar into it kicking and screaming.
If Elia is already married to Rhaegar, the chances of the SA plotters including Dorne in their plans are slim to none. We don’t know what the plan of the SA bloc was exactly, but checking the crown’s power and strong-arming it through a council of powerful lords seems like the most likely scenario. To that effect, an alliance with Rhaegar would not be in the cards since the SA’s main objective did not stop with Aerys but surpassed it to Rhaegar himself. Why would Rhaegar accept such a restriction on his power? What’s to stop him from foiling their plans or going to Aerys with them to restore his father’s trust in him? Relatedly, Rhaegar marriage to Elia firmly puts Dorne on the crown’s side, so approaching the Martells with their plot wouldn’t only be infeasible, but also blatantly dangerous.
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