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blackroseaki38 · 6 years ago
Varian: Eugene, hand me a cup of coffee. Black. Please."
Eugene: Sure, kid. But, answer just one little itty bitty question first?
Varian: WHAT?
Eugene: You look really tired. How many hours did you sleep last night?
Varian: . . . 5 . . .
Eugene: 5 hours? Varian, you know that's not healthy!
Varian: Wait? What day is it?
Eugene: Tues-Wait?! Are you telling me you haven't slept for five days?! What have you been doing this whole time?
Varian: I've been working on . . . things.
Eugene: Okay, you don't have to tell me. No coffee for you. You are going straight to bed.
Varian: What?! I don't need to go to sleep right now. I have things to so!
Eugene: Those things can wait. Bed first, science later.
Varian: No thank you.
Eugene: Oh, dear! Do I need to call Rapunzel to come in here? She would be more than happy to rock you to sleep.
Varian: You wouldn't dare.
Eugene: Would I? Hmmmmmm.
Varian: Okay! I'll go to sleep.
Eugene: Good choice, kid.
Varian: Come on, Rudiger.
Eugene: Rudiger . . . I give you complete permission to do whatever it takes to keep Varian in bed.
Rudiger: (Nods head)
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blackroseaki38 · 6 years ago
Loving these! Awesome job @codynaomiswire . I also miss our boi.
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“Next Stop Anywhere!”
Varian Season 02 Photo Edits - “Beyond the Corona Walls”
(Part 01)
Decided to do some more photo edits of Varian with the gang on their caravan adventures in season 02!  I wasn’t quite sure what to do for his adventure gear (as he’s pretty geared up for adventure already in season 01 xP), so I just gave him a cloak that’s meant to be reminiscent of his alchemists overcoat (and also that of a mage’s cloak too, because Varian’s totally a wizard boi, whether he realizes it or not).
(…Dang I miss this boi!!)
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blackroseaki38 · 6 years ago
Hide and Go Varian
Rapunzel: Varian! Where are you?
Eugene: Come out, come out where ever you are!
Cassandra: Kid, in the interest of your safety, I would recommend you to come out before my father finds out.
Captain: Before I find out what?
Cassandra: Dad! What . . . are you doing here?
Captain: Well, when I got back to the castle after picking some things in town, I was surprised to see almost all my men looking for something when they should have been working.
Eugene: Really! Why those slackers must have misplaced something!
Rapunzel: Yes! I lose . . . Pascal all the time.
Captain: When I asked what they were looking for, they had no answer for me. All I could tell was that they were more scared of their temporary Captain than me at the moment.
Cassandra: Really! I have no idea why they would be scared of me.
Captain: Honey . . . what's going on.
Cassandra: Well, you know how Varian isn't allowed out of his room without supervision.
Captain: Yes.
Eugene: Angry and Red were visiting him when they snuck him out to Rapunzel's room to play with Pascal.
Rapunzel: And I was okay with Varian without supervision because I was supervising, which is okay, right?
Captain: Sigh. Yes, that is okay if someone else was there with you. Then what happened.
Rapunzel: Angry and Red wanted to play hide and go seek, so I counted to 100 while they hid. I found the girls easily, but . . . we still can't find Varian.
Captain: You mean to tell me Varian is potentially loose in the castle and probably ran away by this time?!
Eugene: Yes. You know, Captain, red really isn't your color. Maybe you should try thinking of calm thoughts. Your complexion would be less like tomato like then.
Captain: Fitzherbert! Please shut your mouth before I get . . . even more tempted to kill you.
Cassandra: Don't worry, Dad! We have all the guards, the Snuggly Duckling Pub thugs, Lance, and a lot of kids looking for him all throughout town.
Rapunzel: Yeah! We'll find him in no time! We got some of the best seekers in town looking for him.
Eugene: That list probably has me on top as #1 Seeker of all Time!
Captain: Well . . . then why aren't you out looking for him!
Eugene: On my way, right now!
Cassandra: Don't worry, dad. We'll make sure he's back in his room soon.
Captain: He better be or else the King will not be happy him if he finds out.
Thirty more minutes later . . .
Eugene: Where can that boy be?!
Lance: Well, now we know never to let Varian play hide 'n go seek ever again. We'll just have to stick to tag.
Eugene: Lance!
Lance: Okay, okay! Freeze tag.
Eugene: Lance! Please stop talking before I'm tempted to kill you.
Cassandra: Wow. Your starting to sound like my dad, Eugene.
Eugene: Your right! Wow! Responsibly sure changed me. I used to be a carefree thief and now . . . I teach the guards how to be sneaky and try to be a good role model for three kids.
Rapunzel: And I love you even more for those reasons. The newer you is just like the old you, but more . . . mature.
Eugene: Well, then I like the new you just as well. You're even more beautiful as you care for your people as their princess.
Rapunzel: Oh, Eugene . . .
Eugene: Rapunzel . . .
Cassandra: Oh, Lance . . . my love!
Lance: Yes, Cassandra, my dearest!
Eugene: Shut up, guys. Your embarrassing Rapunzel.
Lance: Well, then you should have thought of that before you two starting romancing it up in front of us!
Eugene: Lance!
Cassandra: Well, when he's right, he's right.
Rapunzel: Cass!
Lance: Now that we have all expressed our feelings, we can concentrate on finding our little boy!
Eugene: Ah, Lance? You know Varian's not a little kid. And you’re not the best choice to be a parental figure for him.
Lance: So? I can be his big brother! I mean, we're basically already Angry and Red's big brothers, so why not Varian's as well
Eugene: Well, um, . . . then sure. That actually makes some sense, so might as well embrace it.
Lance: Yes! It's official. I'm a big brother. Now, I can officially do brother stuff like give Varian candy and not make him brush his teeth.
Eugene: Um, buddy. I don't think that's how being a big brother works.
Cassandra: Can we concentrate back on finding Varian? Who knows where he is at this point? He's probably escaped.
Rapunzel: Oh, come on, Cass! Varian hasn't tried to escape ever since he was put on castle arrest.
Cassandra: He hasn't tried to escape because Old Corona was full of guards at the time. Now, most of the damage has been fixed. He might have decided to try escaping now.
Eugene: Well, let's get on with finding him before he runs away.
Lance: Yeah! I can't have my new baby brother running away so soon. People will think I scared him off or something.
Cassandra: Are you sure you haven't already scared him off?
Lance: Did you say something, Cass?
Cassandra: Nothing really. Um . . . just talking to myself.
Lance: You should consider not doing that around other people. They'll start thinking you’re crazy.
Cassandra: Thank you for the advice, Lance. By the way, have I ever given you a closer look at my sword?
Eugene: Um, why don't we concentrate on finding Varian before Lance takes a . . . closer look at your very sharp blade.
Cassandra: Sure, if Lance can keep his mouth closed that long.
Rapunzel: Oh! I have an idea! Let's check out the garden! Maybe he's there!
Cassandra: Good idea, Raps. He might try escaping that way.
Rapunzel: Cass! He wouldn't try escaping at all!
An hour later . . .
Eugene: Raps, remind me again why the royal garden is so BIG.
Rapunzel: Eugene, my mom loves plants. You remember how we had breakfast in the garden on her birthday, right?
Eugene: Rrrriiiggghhttt. Of course, I do, dear!
Cassandra: He sure does.
Lance: That long 'right' wasn't because he forgot an important memory.
Eugene: Shut up, you two!
Rapunzel: Did you guys say something?
Eugene: Nope! Pretty sure those were some little birds tweeting and chirping about.
Lance: Yes, two very truthful birdies.
Eugene: Lance!
Rapunzel: Wait, everyone! Be quiet!
Eugene: For what-
Cassandra: Shut up, Eugene!
. . .
Rapunzel: I hear something. Quick! Follow me!
Eugene: Why are we going into my room?!
Lance: You mean our room. Remember? The King didn't trust me . . .
Eugene: I know, Lance!
Lance: . . . so he paired us up and gave us a bigger room to share.
Cassandra: Yeah, why are we in these two idiots’ room.
Rapunzel: Shhhhh! Because of those two.
Eugene: Varian! Oh, thank goodness we found him!
Lance: Awwwwww! He missed us so he went to hide in our room while waiting for us to find him.
Rapunzel: He and Rudiger look so cute like this!
Cassandra: Even I think so.
Eugene: That's great and all, but let's get this kid back to the Captain before he has a stroke, or worse, blames me for this.
Rapunzel: Eugene, why don't we let Varian sleep a bit longer?
Cassandra: Yeah. I'll talk to my father right now.
Lance: And I will cuddle up with Var while you guys do that.
Rapunzel: Aww! No fair! I want to join the cuddlefest as well.
Eugene: If Blondie's joining in, I might as well too.
Cassandra: I'll be back and then I might decide to sit on the bed next to you guys.
Lance: I will go get Angry and Red. They will be so upset if I didn't invite them.
And so, Varian's impromptu game of Hide and Go Seek led them all into having a relaxing after spending the day looking for the wayward alchemist. Maybe next time they can play a nice game of tag instead! Good idea, right? :)
AN: I wrote this in one of my various notebooks a long time ago during work. But, I lost in the chaos of my room. I recently found it and typed up how much I had written. I just got back from work, where I basically worked on another Tangled AU for most of my day, to a home with a pizza party is going on. My dad is horrible drunk, breaking his New Year's revolution like 5+ times already in 2019. He now wants our whole family to go out to Reno, Nevada for his wedding anniversary, but are not considerate about the fact I have work and no one cover me since my co-worker Adrien is leaving the country the day before and my other co-worker Kim is going to be the receptionist that day. Everyone always pressures me to put my on-call job at risk making up reasons to try to get the day off, but no one can cover for me since my two other co-workers work 5 days and week and can not work more than 5 days in a row. Right now, I'm stuck with the family. My back, eyes, and head hurt because of all the loud music playing. I can't go to sleep even if I wanted to since my room is right next to the living room. I feel so stressed all the time, but hopefully posting this chat will make me feel better. Hope you guys like it!
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infopresse · 4 years ago
Restaurant Guadeloupe : Chez Eugenette - Bar ,Snack
Restaurant Guadeloupe : Chez Eugenette – Bar ,Snack
#AlloCaraibes – La Guadeloupe et ces restaurants offrants un cadre sobre et élégant ,ces bars de plages branchés dessous les cocotiers, ces points de ralliement de nombre d’habitués discrets ,ces marinas avec une vue imprenable sur les voiliers ,le large .Nos mets en Guadeloupe sont toujours servis dans des cadres toujours agréables et pittoresques ,certains à proximité de la mer et d’autres dans…
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grizzlysgrowls · 5 years ago
GG20200616 -- Eugenics by G K Chesterton Part 2 Chapter 8 and 9
"Eugenics and Other Evils," by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1922.
Chapter 8 -- The End of the Household Gods:
"The only place where it is possible to find an echo of the mind of the English masses is either in conversation or in comic songs. The latter are obviously the more dubious; but they are the only things recorded and quotable that come anywhere near it."
Chapter 9 -- A Short Chapter:
"Round about the year 1913 Eugenics was turned from a fad to a fashion. Then, if I may so summarise the situation, the joke began in earnest. The organising mind which we have seen considering the problem of slum population, the popular material and the possibility of protests, felt that the time had come to open the campaign. ... But as a matter of fact this is not the first chapter but the last. And this must be a very short chapter, because the whole of this story was cut short. A very curious thing happened. England went to war. This would in itself have been a sufficiently irritating interruption in the early life of Eugenette, and in the early establishment of Eugenics. But a far more dreadful and disconcerting fact must be noted. With whom, alas, did England go to war? England went to war with the Superman in his native home."
Comments to 218-214-CALL  (218-234-2255)
Contributions: https://www.paypal.me/grizzlysgrowls
  Check out this episode!
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sonofthoth-alchemist · 4 years ago
#newdream #rapunzeltts #eugenetts #tts
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“Rapunzel, from the moment I first met you and you knocked me out with that frying pan, I knew it was love. You’re my light, you’re my best friend and I want to be your partner in all things […] I love you Rapunzel, and I wanna spend the rest of our lives here together.”
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sonofthoth-alchemist · 4 years ago
#varian #variantts #variantangled #varianthealchemist #varianfanart #rapunzelfanart #rapunzeltts #eugenetts #eugenetangled #eugenefanart #cassandratts #cassandratangled #cassandrafanart
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my piece for a Tangled zine (Rapunzine) had so much fun with it!
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sonofthoth-alchemist · 4 years ago
#rapunzeltts #eugenetts #newdream #tts
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new dream + the nose boop
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sonofthoth-alchemist · 3 years ago
#tts #rta #rapunzeltts #cassandratts #eugenetts
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Tangled The Series Main Trio: Favourite Outfits ~
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sonofthoth-alchemist · 4 years ago
#varian #varianthealchemist #variantts #variantangled #variangifs #varianoutfits #redeemedvarian #tts #rapunzeltts #eugenetts #cassandratts #ttscollage #ttsgifs
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Favourite Characters + Outfits
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sonofthoth-alchemist · 4 years ago
#varian #variantts #variantangled #varianfanart #varianau #ttsau #tangledau #varianenemykingdomsau #ttsenemykingdomsau #tangledenemykingdomsau #eugenetts #eugeneau #eufenettsau
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Getting assigned to guard the world’s most self-obsessed crown prince was not exactly an item on Varian’s bucket list…particularly when he refused to remember his name.
A little something for the Enemy Kingdoms AU.
I feel like, were it not for the whole “Flynn Rider” confusion, Varian might not have hit it off with Eugene as quickly as he did. Especially the Eugene that hasn’t yet met Rapunzel.  So when Quirin gives his son the task of protecting Prince Eugene, the initial result is…less than ideal. Neither is particularly fond of the other, or of the fact that they’ll be forced to interact on a daily basis from here on out.
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sonofthoth-alchemist · 4 years ago
#varian #varianfanart #eugenetts #cassandratts #rapunzeltts #tts #ttsfanart #villainvarian #villainvarianfanart
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I watched the latest episode of Disney’s Tangled Series and i had to draw some fanart aaaaHHHHHH
i love this show so much <3 \o/
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sonofthoth-alchemist · 3 years ago
#newdream #rapunzeltts #eugenetts
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MAKE ME CHOOSE: @the-writer1988​ asked New Dream lantern scene or proposal
“Well I can think of one thing that hasn’t changed: I love you just as much now as the first time I laid eyes on you.”
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chasingshadows-pixiedust · 4 years ago
#tts #ttsanalysis #variantts #variantangled #cassandratts #cassandratangled #rapunzeltts #eugenetts #ttsgifs
Tangled the Series Character Analysis: Childhood Trauma POV
I can’t believe Tangled the Series really created two incredible antivillains and threw them in direct contrast with the pre-existing golden couple. I love what the showrunners did with the main quartet, so I made a very subjective analysis post about it from a Childhood Trauma POV. (Spoilers, obviously.)
The Boys
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The series’ focus is on Rapunzel, and by association her direct opposite, Cassandra, so the boys get comparatively less screen time. But it doesn’t take long to figure out that Varian is meant to be a parallel for Eugene—these are two people dealing with the absence of parental guardians, struggling to reconcile the lives they previously had with their changing ideals in relation to a less-than-perfect Father Figure.
They both respond to the helpless state of being young, alone, and powerless by trying to take back power in any way they can. Eugene reinvented himself and buried his desires for a family. Varian throws in everything he has into recovering what he lost, because he’s a child and the best solution he can think of is to return to the familiar safety of his father’s presence. A significant portion of his desperation is fueled by fear of his father’s disapproval, because as much as Quirin loves Varian, he wasn’t the dependable voice of support. Varian needs approval from outside sources, which was also Flynn Rider’s purpose in life, once upon a time. (Again, parallels.) 
Throughout the series, the boys’ relationship with each other transforms from exasperated incomprehension to easy understanding. The process is hastened as Eugene lets himself realize he cares a lot about troubled kids who remind him of himself. He becomes aware that children should not be required to survive on their own like he and Lance had. Spurred on by his significant other’s love and encouragement, Eugene is able to acknowledge the adverse affects of his childhood on his life and start moving on. His extending a ready hand to Varian is his process of healing. Though Eugene’s first priority will always be Rapunzel, he truly wants to save Varian from the uncontrollable volatility of risky decisions because he knows that downward spiral intimately.
Of course, there is a difference between thieving from the rich and planning the destruction of a kingdom. We’ll get to that later.
The Girls
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Rapunzel and Cassandra are the biggest driving forces of narrative power in the show, and they are survivors of child abuse. Every one of the main quartet has Parent Issues, but Rapunzel takes the crown (figuratively speaking) with this one. She was kidnapped and groomed into a life-giving doll, and she was only able to escape her abusive adoptive mother through incredibly traumatizing means. For Cassandra, it was neglect, and even her loving adoptive father couldn’t leviate the scars left on her childhood mind.
They’re a classic case of Golden Child vs. Scapegoat, which is a common case seen in siblings raised by Narcissistic parents. When one child is “favored” more than the other, the kids experience vastly different childhoods, resulting in resentment that stems from their inability to understand each other. Rapunzel and Cassandra are both jealous of what the other had—Rapunzel wants Cassandra’s casual, practiced ease with freedom and personal agency, while Cassandra wants the attention and respect that Rapunzel is given by the status of her birth. Because they’re unwilling to speak candidly about the unique hardships of their childhood, what results is a series of miscommunications that put a strain on their friendship.
Keep reading
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chasingshadows-pixiedust · 4 years ago
#tts #rapunzeltts #eugenetts
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Tangled Tenth Anniversary Countdown Day 7: Cassandra’s Revenge
I know I have already seen people posting these scenes. But, I keep going back to them all the time and my heart explodes every time because I ship them SO MUCH, AHHH. 
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chasingshadows-pixiedust · 4 years ago
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young Eugene, movie Eugene,BEA Eugene, S2 Eugene, the dark prince Horace
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