#but with opacity on my silly little procreate
dodothefool · 15 days
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i did the nami redraw
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spooky-jason · 10 months
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I recently got procreate because it seemed like it would be better to learn with since more people used it. I figured I’d have access to more tutorials and how to get different brushes and such. I know these are silly points but oh well!
Digital art has proven to be the bane of my existence. The ideas I have are far too complicated for anything I want to make (I did traditional art for a loooong time and I could crank things out no problem). I have to remind myself to start simple and the skills will come with time an practice. However, I’m extremely impatient! Boo!
The main thing I struggle with when it comes to digital art is shading. I can make all the sketches in the world and maybe even get in a base layer of color, but when it comes to the shading, I can get so frustrated. So, I made myself start with the oldest, most overused trick in the book: a low-opacity multiply layer with purple shading. I’d say it worked okay for this quick little portrait.
Hopefully I can find my style again and I can share it with all…like…four followers I have at the moment!
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leeleebee · 3 years
I’ve had a few requests for how I do my silly little drawings, so I figured I would share a process video for my most recent doodle!
✨Poorly described process under the cut!✨ I should stress that I am self taught and all of this is just my way of doing things and there are likely way more efficient/ better ways! This is just what works for me!
I guess the basic steps are as follows ~
Find a reference image I like for what I’m going for. This is crucial! My art has improved so much since I started using references! Sometimes I do this using the exact angle as well as the pose, but for things like the Bunks of the GAR I had to do some finagling to imagine the pose from straight on instead of from slightly above. Having a ref of the correct angle makes things much easier though!
Sketch out the positions in a very vague and loose way! Use lights strokes so you can change things easily later.
Go in with more detail, figuring out muscle shapes and hands. Basic face structure.
Refine and clean up! This step takes the longest for me 😵‍💫
Choose a basic color scheme. For this I went with purples and blues. I am HORRIBLE at this. I tend to stick with colors that are close together on the color wheel because I am just awful at it and that feels safe XD. This is where I set the background color to what it will basically be! Important for the next step!
Skin colors! I always do this first since it makes it easier to choose what color clothing etc to choose. Setting the background color first is so important because that will dramatically change how the skin color is perceived.
Panic and choose colors for everything else. A lot of panic involved here XD.
Go in and start basic shading. I’m bad at this so I feel like I shouldn’t be giving too much advice here 😅 I start with the skin and then go from there, doing hair last because it’s fun and I like to save it!
The hair! Oh I’ve had specific questions for this so let me see if I can detail it. First I lay down the basic shape using a pencil brush (or any brush that doesn’t have clean lines, some texture here is nice!). From there I lock the layer (also can do a clipping mask! Most programs have a function like this. I hear maybe Painter does not? PS, Clip, and Procreate all do!). This way you can do some broad shading of the hair. Usually light on top, darker towards the bottom, and around the face for short hair where it’s meeting the scalp. After that I go in with highlighting and low lighting details with the pencil again! If a character has an undercut or fade, I choose the darkest skin color around that area and set my brush to a low opacity and kind of just give them a little fade like I was shaving their head. Heeeeee. It’s cute and fun and I recommend!
Ok! After this it’s time for the more fun lighting! For this soft glowy look I did a little technique I call “I’m a cheater and don’t know how to paint traditionally so I just panic and make my own way” 🤣 I make a new layer over everything, including the line art, and fill with a darker color. Usually a blue or purple. I set that layer to multiply and lower the opacity until I like how dark/light it is. From there I go in with the eraser (I use a brush that is literally called “lightbrush”) and erase where I think the light would hit! That’s it! That’s the last step usually unless I want to add a noise layer, which I didn’t.
Ok so there you have it! I hope any of this made sense and can help! 💙
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adventuringsidhe · 3 years
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#the truth we don't want to say out loud lol!
My Top Posts in 2021
The Irish Werewolf
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The pronunciation of ‘Faoladh’ is - (Fwee-la). And ‘Conroicht’ is - (Kon-ree-kt ‘OR’ Kon-rekt). 
As the Adventuring Sídhe it’s obvious I’m Irish LOL! But not many people show much interest in Irish mythology or its folklore, outside the stereotyped Leprechaun (which isn’t really the creatures proper name we don’t think) and things like St. Patrick’s Day and drinking - all very much stereotypes of an Ireland that’s never existed. 
We were a country that suffered tyranny, oppression, rape, murder, theft, pillaging and so many more terrible things (the list would be endless to be honest). However, we’ve always survived through it, usually due to our sense of humour, our ability to tell stories and our resilience (which must be in our blood). 
Anyway, the modern ‘protecting, loyal’ werewolf type has its origins in the Irish werewolf. The modern vampire is also of Irish origin, thanks to Sheridan Le Fanu and Bram Stoker (Sheridan created Carmilla). So, Irish people like their supernatural stories and we have a mass of other mythical creatures, some inspiring popular ‘monsters’ like the headless horseman (in Ireland, we have the Dullahan - who was a headless horseman). 
Sometimes, the stereotyping can be really offensive at times, so it’s nice to share proper information on stuff. We weren’t always a Catholic country, dominated by the church. We weren’t always a starving, diaspora of Europe country, or a backwater, or the poor little people. We were never bog trotters (a lovely insult used many a time, even I got it once as a teenager). Anyway, I want to share some more Irish stuff here and there which I hope you like, but you don’t have too, I just like to share this stuff! :)
77 notes • Posted 2021-03-30 12:42:30 GMT
Here's why you can trust Astarion, Lae'zel and Shadowheart
@5:45 is when he talks about Astarion, and how he trusts him as a companion compared to the others because he is loyal to himself and just wanting freedom, whereas the others - are loyal to their factions or something else, and have no loyalty to you.
This guy knows his lore and has a really good insight into the lore and world. Definitely check this out and his other videos.
82 notes • Posted 2021-05-25 13:47:25 GMT
Astarion & OC Finished Artwork
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It’s finally done! I had to wait until my iPad was fully charged to finish the rest lol! It’s done though, with better lighting. Because I only started doing digital art since December 2020, I haven’t got use to all the different mechanics, so silly me did every blade of grass by hand. Yes - I drew in every blade of grass by hand (laughs manically). I did however, by the end of it, figure out different brushes which allowed me to add the low opacity flowers in the forefront.
This was all done on Procreate, which I find to be a great programme for beginner’s in digital art like myself. I’m happy with how this turned out - it’s not perfect but for a fully finished illustration for personal artwork, it’s good enough. My wrist is dead though.
I don’t have a name for my OC yet, but she’s the one I want in the graphic story I want to make - or comic, whatever idea comes to mind. Enough rambling, here’s the finished piece. Hope you all like!
Astarion as beautiful as ever, with unnamed OC.
95 notes • Posted 2021-04-06 13:47:27 GMT
Beltaine - An Ancient Irish Celebration of Nature
Sometimes, as an Irish person, I get a little irked when I see people on Youtube especially; spout a lot of stuff about Beltaine which is complete nonsense. I’m fine if they want to create that nonsense for themselves, but in terms of the real historical Beltaine festival, which originated in Ireland (given the name like lol!) and celebrated in other celtic cultures such as Scotland and Isle of Man.
Excerpt from Newgrange.org:
In Irish mythology, the beginning of the summer season started with the Fire Festival at Beltane. Great bonfires would mark a time of purification and transition, heralding in the season in the hope of a good harvest later in the year, and were accompanied with rituals to protect the people from any harm by otherworldly spirits. At the Beltany (Beltony) Stone Circle in the North West of Ireland, the sunrise at Beltane is aligned with the only decorated stone in the circle. The Beltany Stone Circle gets its name from Beltane which is associated with the lighting of hilltop fires in a rekindling of the sun.
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The Beltany Stone Circle (Above) astronomical alignment is not precise as at Newgrange, it is more circumstantial, the Stone Circle gets its name from Beltane and the sun rises at Beltane behind the only stone that is decorated.
See the full post
103 notes • Posted 2021-04-28 21:32:53 GMT
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Not seen this one before (link in image above).
397 notes • Posted 2021-01-24 22:33:12 GMT
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