#but when the only chance at stopping it has an artifact that immunizes him to your future sight
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justwannabecat · 2 years ago
It was quiet. That suited Danny just fine. After all, he had endured enough to realize that noise often meant something was about to happen. Nowadays the only times he heard something that wasn’t caused by himself was if Cujo came to visit. The first time it happened, Danny was afraid he would have to fight again, but all they did was play for a while. The second time he welcomed it, same with every time thereafter.
He had plenty of time to stargaze. Nobody really visited the Antarctic, so it was perfect for him. Cold, quiet, and with no light pollution, so he could see every single star in the night sky. He could see the Southern Lights as they dance through the air, he could trace the paths of the planets as Earth rotates.
He wanted to leave. He wanted to explore. He wanted to see all there was to see, get lost in the endless cosmos, but he couldn’t. He didn’t know if his human half would survive that long without food. He didn’t want to find out.
Besides, Jazz was here. She was still on Earth, and as much as Danny wanted to leave, he couldn’t. Not while she was still here. Even if he couldn’t bring himself to visit her, to see the disappointment that would no doubt be clear in her eyes, he couldn’t completely abandon her.
As with every time he thought about Jazz, he briefly considered visiting her, but decided against it. If she really wanted to find him she could use the Boo-merang. The fact that it hadn’t happened yet was enough proof that his presence was unneeded.
Besides, why would he leave? He has a sick tower made out of unmeltable ice! It’s been furnished with things that, admittedly, he may have stolen, but only things that would have been destroyed soon anyways! He doesn’t cause any of the disasters that endanger so many pieces of furniture, but he’ll take advantage of it! You can only sleep on hard ice so many times before you realize how nice beds really are.
The point is, he doesn’t leave unless he has to. And since he’s furnished the place, he hasn’t had to leave once. It’s been like a slice of heaven- No ghosts to fight, no hunters to hide from, no insane billionaires who can’t decide whether to kill him or adopt him…
Danny looked up at the night sky again. He could see Acrux twinkling brightly overhead.
It was quiet.
“I’ve got bad news and worse news.” Constantine announced at the next League meeting. “Bad news, beings from the Infinite Realms are, from this point forward, unable to be summoned. Wouldn’t be too bad if we weren’t trying to make peace negotiations with them, but we are, so it’s not great.”
Batman remained visibly impassive, though anyone who knew him could tell just how unsettled that made him. “And the worse news?”
Constantine sighed. “So… Before they blocked themselves off, I spoke to one of them. The Guardian of Time. He told me that, due to his perception of all time, he knew we would lose. Luckily he doesn’t want humanity to die, but he told me that Phantom ghost has a medallion in his chest that makes him immune to his abilities. As such, our one hope of survival could be anywhere by now. The only things he could tell us were that he’s probably not far from Earth, because he still has living relatives.”
Superman straightened up. “That doesn’t sound like it’s worse news. We know Phantom is near Earth and that he’s got relatives here. Surely he would go back to them, right?”
“Well. I didn’t really get to that part yet.” Constantine shifted uncomfortably. “You have to swear to not tell anyone who doesn’t already know. This is like people learning your civilian identities. If you ever try to use it against them, hell, even insinuate that you’re gonna use it, then they will kill you, and they won’t face punishment from their court because it’s technically self defense. Understand?”
Everyone readily agreed. After a second, Constantine continued.
“Phantom is Danny Fenton. He’s what the Guardian of Time called a Halfa, half ghost and half human. His parents are the ghost hunters who started this whole thing.”
Tag list: @random-dude12 @overtherose @osnii @profounddestinyrebel @currentlyalivebutmentlyd3ad @thatonegirl10 @learning-to-fly-on-my-own @epilepticnerd @alcorbearson @hoarder-of-gender @sirtin @oddessy @naluforever3 @litlecameron @skulld3mort-1fan @nogenderonlyfrogie @screamingtofillthevoid @the-church-grimm @malice-of-the-sunrise @jaytriesstuff @legowerewolf @akikkobara @apointlessbox @midigeria @kumoko-yokai @antmeisteronion @lizz-blizt @anonymousf28 @keegan-parker @sailor-goddess @rowanaway-fromthisbs @yjfk @screechingnoises @myfloweryrose @derpxp @adeniumdream @56thingsinaname @demiourgias @alice-hazelwood @mur-ururu @blue-avis @rosecinnamonbun @babbling-babull @yumeyoruppr @haron-ghost-10 @icedbluesoul @busterkeel @cat-in-a-fedora @sadpersonmadeoffruitpunch
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redshamrock56 · 11 months ago
Magical Artifact island:
Magical objects that have been deemed far too dangerous are kept in The Compound.  If any of these items were to fall into the wrong hands, all of Poptropica could be at risk.
Act 1:
We land our blimp on Main Street and hop out, seeing several shops that have closed down due to The Calamity’s thieving.
A worker remarks that ever since The Calamity showed up, they’ve stolen money and other magical items.
We walk down the street, seeing more shops that have closed down, or are closing early.  A blue haired NPC approaches us and gives us a pamphlet to tour the Magic Museum.
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We go to the museum and are given a tour by Alexander, who works at the museum.  Alexander talks about some of the artifacts and what they do.
Alexander then comes to the Archangel Shard and tells about how an archangel flew over the island before dropping a shard into an empty well, making fresh water spring from the once empty well.
Then an alarm blares overhead before the window breaks and a blonde haired man with a blue robe comes in.  Alexander scowls and tells Cian that he’s not welcome here after he stole the Staff of Calamity.
Cian says that he’s here of the Gem of Ruin and orders Alexander to take him to it.  Alexander refuses and Cian says that The Calamity will return and find the Gem no matter what.
Cian poofs away and two workers run to Alexander, saying that there’s been a break in in Sector B and the Mask of Darkness, Tome of Foretelling, The Necklace of Truth, and Arrows of Destruction were all stolen.
Alexander curses himself and wonders how he’ll get the artifacts back now.  
We volunteer to go get the artifacts for him and Alexander asks if we’re crazy.  We say yes, and Alexander can’t argue with that and takes us to an elevator.
As we go down, Alexander gives us the lowdown that The Compound is a place that’s used to store all the magical artifacts that could pose a threat to Poptropica.  Alexander mentions that Cian used to work in the compound alongside him.
Cian studied a lot of the artifacts but became corrupted by them.  He thought he should destroy all of Poptropica so he could remake it in his own image, and tried to take the most dangerous artifact, the Staff of Calamity.
Cian only succeeded in taking the staff while Alexander was able to get the Gem of Ruin away from the staff.  Unfortunately, Alexander paid the price when touching the Gem of Ruin.
Cian then left The Compound and formed The Calamity, bringing together other poptropicans from all over the island.  He knows that they have different hideouts, and that they have been taking other artifacts, but he knows can’t stop Cian forever, and one day Cian’s going to get his hands on the Gem of Ruin.
We exit the elevator and Alexander gives us the Card to Sector B, telling us that the objects that were stolen belong to that sector.  He also gives us the Gloves of Immunity, saying that they are a new creation that is mandatory when dealing with the artifacts.  Alexander also warns us not take them off or we’ll be corrupted by the artifacts.
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He tells us that The Mask of Darkness can turn anyone invisible, but has the chance to turn anyone insane.  The Tome of Foretelling is a book that foretells the future, and can be accessed by asking for it to tell the future.  The Necklace of Truth can force anyone who wears it to tell the truth, and the Arrows of Destruction which can break through any glass.  He then gives us Alexander’s note to remind us.
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Before we leave, Alexander asks that we find the hideouts and get the artifacts back in their proper place.  Alexander says that he’ll stay down here with the other security guards to make sure a breach doesn’t happen again.
We exit and head out of the museum, walking down the street until we see two poptropicans dressed in blue robes.  We chase after them and come to a small hideout.  The Player waits until they leave before we go inside the hideout.
Once inside, we find a note detailing Cian’s plan to take over Poptropica.  The Player then descends the steps, coming to a box with a lock on it.
 After finding the key on a shelf, we unlock the chest and gain the Mask of Darkness.  The Player then takes the Mask back to Alexander and bring it to Sector B.
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Act 2:
We leave the museum and go to the forest before we see The Calamity’s Symbol carved into a tree.  There are more and we must follow the trees with the symbols.
Once we arrive at the hideout, we must be stealthy and avoid the Calamity members.  After that, we get to a room and say that there are too many of them, and sooner or later we’ll be found out.  Then we see a Blue Robe with a hood, similar to that of the Calamity members and put it on, leaving the room.
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The members do not notice that anything is off and will talk to us.  We go to a room at the back and find that the room is covered with bookshelves and books.  After asking ourselves how we’ll find the book now, we remember the note and ask if we can take a look into the future.
A book on the shelf two rows from us begins to glow and we collect the Tome of Foretelling.  Curiosity gets the better of us and we ask the book what will happen to Magical Artifact Island?
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The book opens up and a drawing of gigantic tornados are seen surrounding the island.  Panicked, we shove the book into our bag and leave the room.
As we leave, Cian and a member of The Calamity walk up to us.  Cian asks what we were doing in there and we say that we were just checking to see if the Tome of Foretelling was in its proper place.  Cian tells us to be on our way and to not check in there without his permission.
We ask him what he has seen and Cian tells us that Alexander is sending someone to fetch the artifacts that he stole.  Cian says that he knows the face of that person.  We say that we’ll leave Cian alone, and leave the hideout, saying that if they stayed there any longer, Cian would’ve caught on.
We head back to the museum and give the Tome of Foretelling back to Alexander, telling him that Cian’s getting suspicious.  Alexander says that the place is going to go on lockdown after we can get back the last two items.
Alexander sends us to find the next artifacts while he prepares to lockdown The Compound.
Act 3:
We head into the woods wearing the robe and find two other members of The Calamity.  They invite us to come with them back to the hideout, so they can keep an eye on the Arrows of Destruction and we agree.
The hideout is located on the edge of the forest and several other members are already there.  One of the members states that they’ve lost two of the artifacts already, and they can’t afford to lose the Arrows of Destruction.  Cian bursts out and tells the members that he’s had enough waiting, and that they’re going to attack The Compound right now.
We tell Cian about the person, and say that they could be waiting for him and the members to turn their backs so they can take the artifact needed.
Cian smirks and holds up the Necklace of Truth, saying that he’ll be taking this one with him, and that we are going to stay back and guard the arrows.  He then sends two of his men to guard them with us and is off with the other members.
We tell the other two to stay outside and guard the place while we take a look inside.  We say that we have to be quick and open a door, finding the Arrows of Destruction on a shelf.  After taking the arrows, an alarm is sounded and the two guards burst into the hideout.
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We need to quickly find a way out before the guards get to us.  Upon seeing a window, we climb up the shelf and open the window before jumping out and running back towards the Museum.
When we reach the museum, we are greeted by silence and carefully walk inside.  The place is dark, and we call out to Alexander and are ambushed.
Cian throws a weird bottle-like artifact and traps us in a small bubble.  Cian then tells us that we’re too late, and reaches into the darkness, grabbing Alexander and throwing him to the ground.
Alexander tries to get up, but is stopped by two of The Calamity.  Cian takes out the Necklace of Truth and places it around Alexander’s neck.  Cian asks Alexander where the Gem of Ruin is, and Alexander tells him that it’s in Sector C, behind the bookshelf.  Alexander then says that only he knows the password, and Cian smirks, saying that he’s glad Alexander is an honest man.
Cian tells the other members to take us down as well as he wants to see both our faces when he takes over this island.
We go down into The Compound and Cian uses his staff to blast open the doors.  Alexander is shoved over to the bookshelf and pushes it aside revealing a door and a keypad.  Alexander types in a code and the door opens, revealing a round yellow gem.
Cian reaches out with his staff and says that his dream is in grasp.  The Staff of Calamity attaches to the Gem of Ruin and a beam of destruction shoots through the roof.  Cian’s eyes glow and he exits The Compound.  The members then leave us and Alexander as he struggles to get the necklace off.
We take the necklace off and Alexander quickly creates a shield around us, causing some rubble to bounce off of it.  Alexander releases the shield and apologizes for keeping this a secret. 
Alexander reveals that he knows magic, but thanks to the Gem of Ruin, he can’t use it like he used to.  He tells us that the Gem of Ruin can do so much more, and fears for Cian’s safety.
We ask how we can stop Cian, and Alexander says that we have the Arrows of Destruction.  Alexander tells us to follow him and we go back to Sector B.
Alexander points to a bow and tells us that we can use the Bow of Strength to help us.  We take it and leave The Compound.
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Act 4:
When we get outside, the wind picks up and we can see several tornados forming.  A bunch of people start to run for cover as Cian is floating in the air and tells the island that he plans to destroy this island first before moving onto the other islands.  We call out to Cian and tell him that that won’t happen, and Cian laughs, saying that we can try to stop him.
Cian then floats towards a large Mountain with us following close behind.  We first try and take some shots at Cian but he blocks them with ease, asking us “Is that all you’ve got?”
We continue to chase after Cian, needing to keep him in our sights while we chase him.  Then we reach the top and have to fight off Cian.
Cian will try and send multiple items our way and we must use the arrows to destroy them.  As we continue to fight Cian, we see that the Gem of Ruin is slowly hurting him.  
Cian then lowers and says that he must continue his mission.  We take an arrow and fire it at the Gem of Ruin, breaking it and making all the tornados vanish.
Cian falls over in defeat and Alexander runs over, worried about Cian.  Cian stares at the shattered remains of The Gem of Ruin and glares at his, saying that it’s all our fault and points the now broken Staff of Calamity at us.
Cian says that he’ll be back as The Compound workers come and take Cian away.
Alexander is glad that Cian isn’t too hurt, and says that Cian will have some time to think about what he’s done in jail.  Alexander asks for the Bow and arrows back, saying that now with Cian and The Calamity taken care of, he can get all the stolen artifacts back, and try and rebuild what has been broken.
Alexander then says that he has something to give us, and gifts us with the Island Medallion.
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This is one of the many fan islands I have in my mind. If you have any suggestions on what can be done, please tell me.
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yuki-boshi · 5 months ago
Kai no Kiseki - English Summary - Finale Part 2
Table of Contents
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Grim Garten Finale
Continued from Finale Part 1:
Soon after, Jona Sacred calls in, informing the group that Tio Plato from Crossbell has successfully breached the Ninth Door and urges them to break through it as well. When the wall is opened, Mare appears, cautioning them that they might emerge changed, but assures them they will gain clarity about the truth of what's to come. She adds that it will only be a brief farewell. Mare then summons Jorda into the Ninth Door. Jorda explains she managed to evade the soldiers and found refuge with the other students. Agnes’s Xipha, now connected to the network since leaving the holding cell, activates, registering her as an “Avatar” that will assist the group, sharing whatever knowledge and experiences she gains.
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Speaking with Jorda at the hub reveals that she feels a little embarrassed for saying things like “Leave this to me,” finding them cringe-worthy. Displaying her tsundere side, she claims she’s not exactly thrilled to be with Van and the group, even asking Van to stop smiling, saying it’s irritating her.
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Upon reaching the end of the 9th Domain, they find Novartis feverishly attempting to hack into the system.
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He claims to have uncovered the secret of Marduk, or rather, the truth behind the Valis State Five Houses, asserting that "that" which resembles a Sept-Terrion, the treasure of the goddesses, is the only thing worthy of satisfying his insatiable curiosity, his quest for knowledge, and the very purpose of his existence.
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He reminisces that the last few days have been the best of his life, though they still pale in comparison to the days he spent under the tutelage of “him” (Epstein). But that time is said to have never “happened,” dismissed as a mere "dream." Novartis vows that by cracking the data he's working on, he will prove that he was, in fact, Epstein's true disciple, a title he feels he deserves more than the other Three Disciples.
Renne and the group arrive, commenting on Novartis's so-called discovery. Novartis offhandedly suggests he could even use Kitty’s assistance. When he realizes they managed to breach his security, he’s taken aback, wondering how they accomplished it. Noticing Jorda and Renne are together, Novartis asks if they’ve reconciled in order to help him with his research. Jorda swiftly retorts that there’s no chance, and Novartis’s audacity in asking for help is starting to grate on her nerves.
The group reveals that they had help from Simeon, an unexpected ally, which surprises Novartis, though he brushes it off, claiming that with his capabilities, this is nothing out of the ordinary. As he scratches his head, Novartis mutters about how everyone who betrays him seems to turn into an eccentric like Harwood, actively disrupting his focus on research. Quatre, perplexed, inquires about the kind of impossible data Novartis is trying to decrypt, allegedly something on par with an artifact. Jorda compares Novartis to the Three Disciples in his ambition to advance technology, which annoys him as he insists not to be lumped together with them.
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Novartis then muses about what truly makes someone a disciple of Professor Epstein, a remark that makes Renne realize he was entirely serious about being Epstein’s pupil before Novartis activates the final Guardian—an Aion Type Epsilon, immune to all forms of attack, an “unwinnable game.”
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During the battle, Novartis triumphantly declares that he’s penetrated Layer 2887, a feat he’s sure the Three Disciples would never have achieved. Quatre manages to find a bug in the VR processing system, enabling the group to take down the Aion. Afterward, Novartis, impressed yet confident, notes that the Aion’s true power, unhampered by the VR glitch, would have rivaled McBurn.
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Van takes the opportunity to ask Bergard if he’s ever met McBurn, to which Bergard responds that he has, describing McBurn as not human, but rather an existence comparable to a natural disaster, once even destroying an Aion with ease. Novartis adds that McBurn isn’t of Zemuria, though he enjoys pretending to be human. He then points out that Van is similar to McBurn because of the diabolic core he once carried, which prompts Aaron to demand how Novartis knows this.
Novartis poses a weighty question to the group: What do they really understand about Zemuria? What truly caused the Great Collapse 1200 years ago? Why can’t Ancient Artifacts be analyzed? Novartis states that the answers are within the data he’s been working on. Risette begins to wonder if the data might even reveal her origins. Van speculates there’s more to this, considering it might also explain Mare's true origins. Van goes as far as to ask if “F Novartis” is even his real name, with Elaine adding that the Guild had always found it strange how Novartis’s knowledge seemed fundamentally different from modern understanding. Bergard mentions the Thirteen Factories are similarly anomalous. Novartis admits that he’s unsure of his own identity, but believes the answers that lie ahead will finally resolve the deep sense of alienation he’s felt throughout his life, that as if the world and history itself have been rejecting him all along. He wonders aloud if they can even comprehend the loneliness he’s endured.
At that moment, the computer system Mars-III announces it has accessed Stage 0 of deciphering the "core" of Grim Garten and successfully exported a fraction aka .00000001%. Mars-III then reveals that according to the “Grand Archive Run 19998,” Furio Novartis was the sole disciple of Claude Epstein, though they parted ways due to Novartis's difficult personality.
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Novartis, overwhelmed with joy, shouts that it’s true—he was Epstein’s disciple all along, and it wasn’t merely a delusion or dream.
Quatre, in disbelief, questions how Epstein could have had only one disciple, when the record shows there were three. Risette further points out that Epstein had already died by the year 1154, making it impossible for Novartis to have studied under him.
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Van and Renne quickly grasp the implications of this revelation.
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Novartis turns to the group and declares that they don’t truly grasp just how vindicating this revelation is for him. He now comprehends the entire scope of the Eternal Recurrence Plan. With this newfound knowledge, he states that he’s ready to make his identity public and disrupt Gramheart’s schemes.
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Suddenly, a voice echoes through the room, urging Novartis to reconsider. The Grandmaster of Ouroboros appears, revealing herself. She calmly explains that the Anguis are bound by specific rules that must never be broken, though she is willing to overlook his actions in the Grim Garten. She then questions whether Novartis intends to breach the agreement she had previously established with Gramheart.
Novartis quickly replies that he wouldn’t dare to break the agreement, insisting that his actions would actually benefit her, the Grandmaster. However, the Grandmaster sternly warns him not to interfere, emphasizing that Gramheart and his allies have worked tirelessly to achieve their objectives by their own means.
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She further explains that Novartis’ role hinges entirely on the outcome of Gramheart’s plan.
As Novartis begins to respond, stumbling over his words, the Grandmaster places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. She expresses understanding for his feelings, acknowledging that he had long been searching for enlightenment, for a purpose, and that he has now reached his conclusion.
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Yet, she insists that he must rest, as he’s been working tirelessly for nearly a month without sleep. Novartis reluctantly agrees, deciding to take her advice. Before he passes out, he tells the group that he intends to keep the Abyss Area unencrypted, given the potential outcome of the Startaker Project.
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The Grandmaster then formally greets Van and the rest of the group, mentioning that she recently met with Jorda but hasn’t seen Renne since the days of the Aureole.
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Van introduces himself, expressing regret that Rean and Kevin couldn’t also be present to meet the Grandmaster. She assures him that their meeting is inevitable and acknowledges Van as the “aoguro” or black-blue figure who drifts between boundaries. She then introduces herself to the others, describing each of them but assuring them that her presence is not to stir confusion, only to remind them that they must face the fate that awaits the world. Van agrees, acknowledging her point.
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Before departing, the Grandmaster asks Ulrica to teleport Novartis, who has collapsed from exhaustion. She bids the group farewell, promising they will meet again after the Heavens Turn.
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In the hub, Renne and Quatre discuss the significance of everything that just transpired, particularly the notion of Novartis being the sole disciple. Renne remarks that there must be some mistake in the data, but she remains perplexed by the cryptic phrase “Grand Archive Run 19998” saying that it can’t be possible...
Speaking to Renne again, she reflects on her complicated relationship with Novartis. Despite their differences, she admits she has never seen him so genuinely happy. She wonders aloud just how much the Grandmaster truly knows.
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To be continued in Part 3
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thecreaturecodex · 5 years ago
Demon Lord, Abraxas
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Image © Paizo Publishing, from Book of the Damned. Artist unknown.
[Commissioned by @tar-baphon. The last of the demon lords I have in queue, thank god. Don’t get me wrong, I like Abraxas specifically quite a bit. But these quasi deities are a lot of work, and I’ve gotten somewhat burned out on them. I have no plans to return to this vein for a while.
Now, Abraxas himself... this is an entity with a lot of history, although it is somewhat mysterious. Its role may have been as a Gnostic angel, an apotropaic symbol, or even the true name of God. Or maybe all of these to different people. It has since been demonized, as seen in the Dictionnaire Infernal, which PFRPG borrows heavily from. It may even be linked to that most magical of words, abracadabra.]
Demon Lord, Abraxas CR 30 CE Outsider This green-skinned horror has a head like a fanged bird skull, with a membranous crest growing from the back of its head like a crown. From the waist up it is roughly humanoid, but in place of legs it has two thick serpents, each with draconic crests of their own. It clutches a metal shield in one hand and in the other, a whip that appears to be made from a living snake.
Abraxas Master of the Final Incantation CE male demon lord of forbidden lore, magic and snakes Domains Chaos, Evil, Knowledge, Magic Subdomains Arcane, Demon, Memory, Thought Favored Weapon whip Unholy Symbol demonic face encircled by a serpent, two snake tails emerging from its mouth Worshipers drow, arcane spellcasters, spirit nagas Minions mariliths, fiendish and monstrous snakes, xacabras For information of Abraxas’ obedience and boons, see Book of the Damned
Abraxas is among the most powerful of the demon lords, and he is the keeper of untold magical secrets. He favors magic that results in destruction and pain, and claims to be the author of a wide number of spells. Despite his focus on devastating magic, he is often calm and self-possessed in demeanor, and has a reputation (carefully cultivated) of being easy to deal with. He takes an interest in the mortal world, and often answers contact other plane spells—although he always has ulterior motives behind how he answers questions. His cult is relatively widespread among amoral researchers and magic-users, and most major cities have at least a small shrine to the Master tucked away in the corner of a library or archive.
Abraxas is never caught unprepared in combat, and he typically does ample research on creatures he feels could threaten him in order to tailor his tactics. He has access to every arcane spell in existence, although he must prepare them ahead of time. He typically looses his shield to fight on his behalf while using barrages of spells. If magic is insufficient to power through a combat, he uses his intelligent whip, Sophia, and his bites to inflict grievous damage to enemy ability scores, leaving them broken and drained. Abraxas possesses knowledge of the Final Incantation, which utterly unmakes magic, but using it suppresses his own magical abilities. The Final Incantation, unsurprisingly, is a weapon of last resort for Abraxas.
Abraxas’ Abyssal realm is Pleroma, a land of mists and veils. At first glance, it appears a paradise of knowledge and peace, but its custodians extract grueling labor and unfathomable prices from those who come to seek enlightenment. Abraxas often maintains the guise of a distant but kind overseer here, who cultivates worship in himself even as he directs his underlings to torment. One of his favorite lies is to claim to be an avatar of the Monad—aeons are commonly kept as prisoner in Pleroma and forced to serve Abraxas through compulsions.
Shield of Abraxas—Minor Artifact The Shield of Abraxas is a +3 bashing heavy steel shield. Its enhancement bonus applies to both its shield bonus and to its attack and damage bonus when used as a weapon. It may be released to fight as a dancing weapon, during which time it still provides its shield bonus to the wielder’s AC, as if it were an animated shield.
Sophia—Minor Artifact Sophia is Abraxas’ whip, which serves the Master as much as a majordomo and advisor as she does a weapon. She is a +3 deadly unholy whip with an Intelligence 10, Wisdom 20 and Charisma 20. Sophia speaks Abyssal and can communicate telepathically at a range of 100 ft., has 60 ft. darkvision, and can move under her own power. She has 10 ranks each in Bluff, Diplomacy and Sense Motive. Her special purpose is to defend Abraxas and his cult—in pursuit of this purpose, she may cast divine power at will. Abraxas may use his mind siphon ability through Sophia, but this is not an inherent property of the weapon.
Abraxas  CR 30 XP 9,830,400 CE Large outsider (chaos, demon, evil, extraplanar) Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft., greater arcane sight, Perception +49, true seeing Aura unholy (DC 31) Defense AC 48, touch 23, flat-footed 38 (-1 size, +10 Dex, +4 deflection, +20 natural, +5 shield) hp 752 (35d10+560); regeneration 20 (deific or mythic) Fort +31, Ref +32, Will +33 Defensive Abilities Abyssal resurrection, freedom of movement, superior spell resistance; DR 20/cold iron, epic, and good; Immune ability damage, ability drain, charm effects, compulsion effects, curse effects, death effects, electricity, energy drain, pain effects, petrification, poison; Resist acid 30, cold 30, fire 30; SR 45 Offense Speed 50 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. Melee Shield of Abraxas +48/+43/+38/+33 (2d6+16), Sophia +48/+43/+38 (1d4+16 plus 2d6 unholy plus mind siphon), 3 bites +45 (2d6+7 plus poison) or 3 bites +47 (2d6+13 plus poison) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with Sophia) Special Attacks Final Incantation, venom mastery Spell-like Abilities CL 30th, concentration +43 (+47 casting defensively) Constant—detect good, detect law, freedom of movement, greater arcane sight, true seeing, unholy aura (self only, DC 31) At will—astral projection, blasphemy M(DC 30), cloudkill M (DC 30), destruction (DC 30), greater dispel magic, greater teleport, harm M (DC 29), mind probe (DC 27), prismatic spray M (DC 30) 3/day—fire storm M (DC 31), horrid wilting (DC 31), quickened mass inflict pain (DC 29), moment of prescience, summon demons 1/day—dominate monster (DC 32), foresight M, implosion (DC 32), mage’s disjunction M (DC 32), power word: kill M, prismatic sphere M (DC 32) Spells Prepared CL 20th, concentration +31 (+35 casting defensively) 9th (6/day)—mass hold monster (DC 34), meteor swarm M (DC 34), time stop M 8th (6/day)—discern location, greater prying eyes, polymorph any object (DC 33) 7th (7/day)—finger of death M (DC 32), greater scrying (DC 32), waves of exhaustion 6th (7/day)—disintegrate M (DC 31), greater heroism, repulsion (DC 31) 5th (7/day)—cone of cold M (DC 30), feeblemind (DC 30), mind fog (DC 30), overland flight 4th (7/day)—bestow curse (DC 29), crushing despair (DC 29), enervation M, greater invisibility 3rd (8/day)—displacement, haste M, tongues, vampiric touch M 2nd (9/day)—fox’s cunning, mirror image M, scorching ray M, touch of idiocy 1st (9/day)—identify, mage armor M, magic aura (DC 26), magic missile M 0th—acid splash, arcane mark, light, mage hand, mending, message, prestidigitation, read magic, resistance M = Abraxas can use the mythic version of this spell or spell-like ability in his Abyssal domain Statistics Str 36, Dex 31, Con 42, Int 41, Wis 33, Cha 36 Base Atk +35; CMB +49 (+51 disarm or trip); CMD 73 (75 vs. disarm or trip) Feats Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Craft Construct, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Double Slice, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Heighten Spell, Improved Disarm, Improved Shield Bash, Improved Trip, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Magical Aptitude, Multiattack, Quicken SLA (mass inflict pain), Quicken Spell, Two-Weapon Fighting Skills Acrobatics +45, Bluff +51, Climb +36, Diplomacy +51, Fly +43, Intimidate +48, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, engineering, geography, history, local, nature, nobility, planes, religion) +60, Linguistics +53, Perception +49, Sense Motive +49, Spellcraft +57, Stealth +44, Swim +36, Use Magic Device +55; Racial Modifiers +10 Knowledge (all) Languages Abyssal, Draconic, Infernal, 35 others, telepathy 300 ft. SQ armed casting, demon lord traits, gnosis, item masteryEcology Environment any land or underground (Abyss) Organization solitary (unique) Treasure triple standard (Shield of Abraxas, Sophia, other treasure) Special Abilities Armed Casting (Ex) Abraxas can perform somatic components for spells while wielding a weapon and shield. Final Incantation (Su) Once per day, Abraxas can invoke the Final Incantation, which unmakes magic. This is treated as a mage’s disjunction spell at CL 30th (DC 40 for magic items), except that creatures take 5 points per spell level of damage for every spell on them that is dispelled. It has a 60% chance to dispel antimagic auras and destroy artifacts. Once he uses this ability, Abraxas cannot use any spells, spell-like abilities or supernatural abilities for 10 minutes. Gnosis (Ex) Abraxas treats all Knowledge skills as class skills, and gains a +10 racial modifier on all Knowledge skills. Item Mastery (Ex) Abraxas can use all spell trigger and spell completion items as if they were on his spell list. Mind Siphon (Su) A creature that Abraxas strikes with Sophia has its mental abilities drained. If the creature succeeds a DC 40 Will save, it merely takes 1d4 points of ability damage to its highest mental ability score. If it fails, it takes 1d6 points of ability drain to its highest ability score and loses the use of one of its highest level spells, if it is a spellcaster. When Abraxas uses this ability against a spellcaster, it gains a spell slot equal to the level of the spell lost. This is a mind-influencing effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Poison (Su) Bite—injury; save Fort DC 45; frequency 1/round per 6/rounds; effect 1d6 damage to the ability of Abraxas’ choice; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution based and includes a +2 racial bonus from Abraxas’ venom mastery ability. If in an antimagic field or similar effect, Abraxas’ poison is an extraordinary ability that deals 1d6 Con drain. Spells Abraxas can prepare and cast spells as a 20th level arcanist. He does not gain any other abilities of the arcanist class, such as arcane reservoir. Superior Spell Resistance (Su) Abraxas can allow spells to bypass his spell resistance whenever he chooses, even if it is not his turn. Three times per day, if a targeted spell fails to overcome his spell resistance, he can choose to reflect it on its caster, as per a spell turning effect. Venom Mastery (Ex) Abraxas gains a +2 racial bonus on the save DCs of any poison spell or effect he creates. Creatures immune to poison are still subject to poisons produced by Abraxas unless their poison immunity comes from a mythic source.
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schroedingerskhoshekh · 4 years ago
So last night in our Curse of Strahd game, we actually fucking killed Strahd and I would just like to share some highlights from this horror campaign:
Upon meeting Ismarck the Lesser, I saw his picture and immediately went "Ismarck the Lesser is right", which offended the other players who thought he was hot. I defended my opinion by saying "he has loser eyes!" and for the rest of the campaign he was called Loser Eyes by everybody
Obviously, our party likes shitty nicknames for NPCs, and Sturm von Zarovich (who currently lives in our mansion because we paid him to fix it up) spent the entire beginning of the arc being called Hurderer because our DM (who has a crush on Hannibal) said he looks like Mads Mikkelsen, and he was very creepy, so we called him Hurderer
Our party met Ismarck and crashed at his manor. He and Ireena told us about their dad who died that they hadn't had a chance to bury, and my 17-year-old grave cleric wanted to offer casting gentle repose so that he stopped decaying in their kitchen. The problem is, he's very awkward and shy, so he fucked up talking to them so bad that it sounded like he wanted to do creepy necromancy shit to their dead dad
Our extremely quiet and reclusive rogue straight up stole rescued a child and just sprinted off with him (the party named him Stromboli and dumped him off on Ismarck)
Fighting the hags at the windmill, our five-foot catboy monk took a potion to enlarge himself, he did so inside the windmill, and went absolutely feral. He then rolled a nat 20 to calm down the children inside, so they happily rode to safety on his massive catboy shoulders
My shy teenage boy accidentally got himself a festival date with the very cute Vallaki gravedigger (an NPC so minor, he doesn't even have a last name), and on said date, our wizard accidentally murdered the burgomaster in front of the entire town (it was still a great date, nonetheless, and my boy got smooched at the end of it)
We met Rudolph Van Richten, who was such an asshole that his nicknames evolved from Van Ricky to, as of last night, Sticky Ricky
After a harrowing chase, my boi was getting strangled by Strahd, and our catboy monk . . . bit him. Just bit him on the arm.
During the chase, our monk also taunted Rahadin with such insults as "Hey, Rahadin! I'll turn your foreskin into a fuckin' drink koozie, ya inbred piece of shit!" and "I'm surprised you pulled yourself away from deep-throatin' Strahd's boots long enough to join us! Ya get tired of the taste of leather?"
On our big heist in Castle Ravenloft (we only had 30 minutes to get in and get out before Strahd knew we were there) we were running to the exit after we got our very important loot, and our catboy monk split off from the party to grab the GUN in the crypts (which he cannot use at all, and the DM won't let him learn because monks are already broken without a GUN)
After my teenage son learned that him falling in love with the gravedigger boy was fated, he just quietly replied " . . . that's pretty gay" which made the whole party laugh
Similarly, after he had his first date with the boy, he came back to the inn being all happy and cute, and one of the hunters that our warlock was drinking with was like "you know how when you're hunting, you have to really know your prey, and you learn to really be able to read them? I think your friend is pretty gay." Our warlock just kinda looked at the rest of the party and was like "I think our whole group is pretty gay."
Also, outside the inn after their date, my boi got a really great goodnight kiss, which was interrupted by the feral catboy getting caught watching them because he acts like my character's big brother (he was watching from the second floor of the inn, and when my boy came inside catboy leapt off the second floor balcony and landed directly in front of him and began interrogating him about his date)
My cleric got the fucking rad holy symbol, and he was fighting a bunch of revenants. I finally found the opportunity to use what I like to call a "pussy-poppin turn undead", but the DM revealed that they were immune to turning. He just ended up giving bardic inspiration (because he's also a bard) to the rogue instead because he was sad his new legendary artifact did nothing. In response, everybody joked that this sad, goth teenager was just singing "mad world" to himself
There's a lot more than that, but I treasure our funny moments in this very serious horror campaign
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yeomanstuff · 4 years ago
Megan Conner -PL 12
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Strength 0, Stamina 2, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 9, Intellect 2, Awareness 4, Presence 5
All-out Attack, Improved Critical: Blast 5, Improved Initiative, Luck 2, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 7, Ultimate Effort: Will
Acrobatics 2 (+4), Deception 6 (+11), Expertise: Cop Culture 2 (+4), Intimidation 7 (+12), Perception 4 (+8), Persuasion 11 (+16)
Blast: Blast 15 (DC 30)
-Blast: Blast 10 (Alternate; DC 25; Multiattack0
-Blast: Line Area Blast 12 (Alternate; DC 27; Line Area: 5 feet wide by 30 feet long; Reduced Range: close)
-Create: Create 12 (Alternate; Volume: 32000 cft., DC 22)
-Flight: Flight 15 (Alternate; Speed: 64000 miles/hour, 120 miles/round)
-Healing: Healing 9 (Alternate; Persistent, Restorative, Stabilize)
-Move Object: Move Object 15 (Alternate; 800 tons)
-Snare: Snare 10 (Alternate; DC 20)
-Strike: Strike 15 (Alternate; DC 30; Penetrating)
Device (Easily Removable)
-Enhanced Trait: Enhanced Trait 12 (Traits: Expertise +4 (+6), Expertise +4 (+6), Advantages: Improved Critical, Ranged Attack 7)
-Senses: Senses 8 (Darkvision, Penetrates Concealment: Vision, Analytical: Vision, Tracking: Vision 1: -1 speed rank)
Flight: Flight 5 (Speed: 60 miles/hour, 900 feet/round)
Immunity: Immunity 10 (Life Support)
Protection: Protection 13 (+13 Toughness)
Initiative +6
Blast: Blast 10, +9 (DC 25) Multi Attack
Blast: Blast 15, +9 (DC 30)
Blast: Line Area Blast 12 (DC 27)
Grab, +9 (DC Spec 10)
Move Object: Move Object 15, +9 (DC 25)
Snare: Snare 10, +9 (DC Dog 20)
Strike: Strike 15, +9 (DC 30)
Throw, +9 (DC 15)
Unarmed, +9 (DC 15)
Destructive Savior: Megan goes out of her way to do everything she can save lives, but rarely cares about property damage, save when it would actually endanger people. As such, she tends to have a well deserved reputation for destroying everything in her way.
Workaholic: Megan is a member or reserve member of several heroic organizations, and is usually on the go across the planet at any given point in time, to the point where she has little time for a personal life, and often drives herself to the point of exhaustion.
Enemy: Dang Near Everyone: Due to her brusque many and tendency to shoot first the moment anyone declines an offer for surrender, Megan has managed to make enemies ranging from Doc Otaku to Istvatha V’han, the Empress of A billion dimensions.
Dodge 9, Parry 9, Fortitude 7, Toughness 15, Will 15
Power Points
Abilities 52 + Powers 83 + Advantages 6 + Skills 16 (32 ranks) + Defenses 23 = 180
Description: A bit taller than average with slightly wavy, shoulder length brown hair. Megen usually dresses in black, slightly tattered dresses. Over this she generally wears a jacket with a stylized flaming skull on the back, and a pin with the insignia of the Green lantern Corps on the lapel.
History: Megan was, as a girl, slightly shy and withdrawn, always feeling that her life was missing something. Her childhood was normal, and she had nothing to complain about, something just felt... off. As she grew older she became more and more bitter with what she felt was wrong with the world, and an inability to make any lasting changes. She did volunteer work throughout high school, but never felt she was really helping.
After graduating high school she moved to Freedom City to attend Freedom City University. It was during her first semester there that she was approached by a talking cat. The cat, named Max, explained that he was supposed to have met her ten years previous to gift her with phenomenal magical powers.
Max pressured Megan to show up for a Freedom League recruiting for new members and Megan was accepted into an auxillary group for a time. During this time Megan quickly came out of her shell and grew to love her powers, growing a tad overeager to use them, during which she gained the nickname “Sailor Beamspam" and a not undeserved reputation as one of Freedom Cities more violent (although not bloodthirsty) super-heroes.
She slowly grew out of this, stopped dying her hair black, dropped her more sarcastic comments, stopped trying to hide her more geeky interests and though her reputation persisted, she came to like herself and her place in the world.
Then she lost her powers, sacrificing them to save other heroes during a particularly nasty fight Though powerless Megan attempted to continue helping The Freedom League from the sidelines, though not a successful as she would wish.
Then, while tagging along on a mission into deep space she was seperated from the League, left adrift in an escape pod. She spent two days drifting, alone, watching the lift support slowly fade. With only a few hours left her pod was found by Simon, last of the Green Lanterns.
Simon took her with him on his next stop searching for the mythic Green Lantern, Mogo and the two explained their respective stories. Simon expressed a desire to help her with her power issues, and Megan a desire to help him rebuild the Green Lantern Corps. As such, Simon created a ring an battery for her. He spent several weeks giving her some basic training with the ring while they searched for Mogo, and then gave her a message explaining things to Earth's other resident Green Lantern before she returned home.
As a Green Lantern on Earth she acted mostly as a member of the Los Dios Police Department. During which time she eventually regained use of her powers, the most likely cause attributed to temporary burn out due to overuse.
After leaving she acted as an absent mentor figure to the newly formed Chicago branch of the Avengers, the team being bankrolled by her college friend and roommate, Lisa. Lisa' feelings for Megan would come out publicly during the groups visit to the Pirate Planet Xeron, which had been trapped in a pocket dimension (and which was home to the realm of Equestria). At the conclusion of which, Lisa and Megan left the group, remaining on Xeron while Megan helped Queen Celestia return the planet to the material universe. She has since returned to Earth.
Personality: Megan tends to be direct and to the point. She's almost always give her opponents a chance to surrender, but the moment they chose to fight, she'll use overwhelming force to put them down.
Abilities: Megan is a magical girl powered by Hope itself in some nebulous fashion. While she can apply this in a number of ways, and has shown the ablity to learn spells and techniques from other magic users, Megan tends to favor powerful energy bursts. Her device is Eternal Hope, a sentient techno-magical artifact, believed to be of Atlantean origin.
Woooo boy. Megan Conner. Megan's a good example of the depth, history and weirdness of the Crinoverse. She started as a PC in a game Crinos ran that sadly ended quickly. There she was a depressed overpowered goth magical girl, me having spent the previosu two weeks binging Nanoha, Gurren Lagann and Sailor Nothing. She quickly gained the nickname “Sailor Beamspam.”
But as Crinos was starting the verse, he decided to throw her in as an existing NPC. A few months later he was starting up the first Crinoverse game, and I decided to run her as a PC. There, she'd lost her powers in the meantime and showed up as a Green Lantern (Who in the Crinoverse are run by Simon from the above mentioned Gurren Lagann), and eventually having her old powers return. But in the intervening time she’d come in to her own a lot. She was comfortable in her own skin, and quite liked saving people and being a hero.
She’s ended up showing up here and there in supporting roles in a number of campaigns, having become the ultra-busy destructive savior. I kinda see her average day like the Samaritan in the first issue of Astro City. Moving from crisis to crisis. Just, ya know, with more destruction left in her wake.
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spectraspecs-writes · 4 years ago
Korriban - Chapter 88
Link to the masterpost. Chapter 87. Chapter 89.
@averruncusho @ceruleanrainblues @chubbsmomma @strangepostmiracle thank you for reading, you get a tag. @skelelexiunderlord thank you for support, you get a tag.
A/N: Yes, it’s been three months. But I have a job, and I only just got back to writing stuff, so don’t judge me bro.
If Yuthura really does intend to slow the others down - and despite her obvious intent to betway me I believe she will - then I think I can afford to spend some time in the archive library while Carth tries to discreetly track down Dustil. No idea what Jolee is up to, but he may well be looking for more prestige. I’m not complaining. 
The library is anything but boring - other students are constantly whispering about the happenings of the Academy. “All I’m saying is, if Ajuunta Pall’s sword is so powerful, why hasn’t Uthar gotten it yet? Any student who got their hands on it could take him down.” “As if you could run the Academy, Luka - get real.”; “I heard Uthar’s master went insane.” “I heard he’s hiding in one of the tombs. Let him rot in there - if the tuk’ata don’t get him, the shyrack will.”; “Did you hear about those renegades in the Shyrack Caves?” “They’ll never get out of there… if Uthar wants them dead he just has to wait them out.” Mostly just those three conversations. Everyone has one piece of the puzzle, but no one’s put them together. Me, I’m just trying to focus on finding information about the terentatek. I have to move past the holocrons - I don’t see anything there about Dark Side creatures - so I move back to the old, hardbound books. Not much of anyone back here - a few older students here and there. 
As I scan the shelves, I actually crash into another student. I catch myself, but he actually falls over. “God, I’m sorry,” I say, offering a hand to help him up, “Are you okay?”
He takes my hand. “Yes. No, the fault was entirely mine,” he says. He straightens himself up. He’s not like the other Sith. “Hello,” he says to me, “I don't remember seeing you here before. My name is Kel... Kel Algwinn.”
“Rena Visz. Nice to meet you.” He looks and feels… off somehow. “Are you all right?” I ask him. 
“I…” he starts to say, but then he stops. “… oh, uh… nothing.”
He’s worse at lying than I am. “Are you sure?”
“Y-yes,” he stammers, “My master always says I am too trusting, too willing to show weakness. You're a Sith, so I really shouldn't… you know…”
“But I’m not a Sith.” Then I shrug. “Not yet, anyway,” I say under my breath.
“Oh, I know that.” He stammers a bit more. “I mean… you aren't yet, but you intend to be. I mean, you're just like everyone else here.”
Interesting phrasing. “And you’re not?” No, no he’s not.
“Well, I… I didn't mean it like that…”
“Well, how did you mean it?” I continue trying to scan the shelves for a book on Dark Side creatures.
“I… I shouldn't trust you,” he says hesitantly, “I can't trust you, can I?”
“Sure you can,” I say, trying to reassure him. I find the right book and I pull it out.
He looks around a little, nervously. But finally he decides to trust me. “I just… don't feel like I belong here.” He scratches his neck a bit. “I thought maybe I did at first, but now…” He shrugs. “I don't know,” he says with a sigh, “I just have so many doubts.”
I lean back on the shelf a little. I smile at him gently. “If it doesn’t feel right, then maybe you shouldn’t be here.”
“But where would I go?” he asks, “What would I do?”
I shrug. “Maybe you could try the Jedi? See what they think.”
He straightens. “I… don't know.” A shrug. “I never really thought about it. Maybe I should seek it out, give it a try.” He smiles. “Thank you,” he says, “Thank you so much.”
Anyway. Book. I sit down with it at one of the tables in here. This book is older, judging by the spelling conventions, but it still has a bit of information about creatures connected to the Force, from across the known galaxy at the time. The terentatek entry is a bit lengthier than some of the others. They lay dormant, according to the book, until the Dark Side becomes prominent in the galaxy, like after the war with Exar Kun. Or now. Their claws are poisonous, but the poison does more damage when the skin is broken. The rest of the body is not toxic in the same way - not harmless, but not dangerous in and of itself. They are immune to the Force. And they reproduce by laying eggs. That had to be a gutsy exobiologist to take a terentatek egg and examine it. Reports of one in some caves near here. I wonder…
Lashow leans over my shoulder. “Any information on tuk’ata in there?” she asks.
“Uh…” I do a quick flip through and find the entry. “Yeah.” I’m done reading anyway, so I hand it to her. “Go nuts.”
She sits down next to me and starts reading while I note down this new information in my datapad. She glances over at me, does a double-take at my face. “You?” she says in disbelief, “I can’t believe you actually made it into the Academy. You certainly don’t act like a Sith.”
“Why? Because I gave you a book I was finished with?”
“For one thing, yeah.” She scoffs a little, noting stuff down in her own datapad. “It doesn’t matter,” she says confidently, “It just so happens that I have a sure-fire way of pulling ahead in this little contest of ours. You don't really have a chance.”
“Oh, yeah? And how’s that?”
“I've found an artifact that will impress Uthar far more than anything you could ever scrounge up. I'll win for sure.”
“If you’re so confident, why haven’t you taken it to him yet?”
“I don't have it just yet,” she says, sneering, “I'll get it… when I'm good and ready.”
I glance at the book. “It’s stuck behind a pack of tuk’ata, isn’t it?”
“So what if it is?” she says quickly, “I’ll get it eventually, regardless. Nothing good comes without a bit of a fight… that's the Sith motto, more or less.”
I glance at her up and down. “You talk a big talk,” I say, “No offense meant at all. Talking big works on people. You can intimidate people. Persuade people. Puff yourself up so they move away.” She glances around a bit, trying not to look nervous. “Animals are a different story. They don’t care about words. If you want to take out an animal, you have to be faster than them or stronger than them. Or both. You have to know them as well as you know yourself, and you’re not going to get any of that out of a book. The Force can only take you so far.”
“And what do you know about it?”
“You’re talking to a scout, here. I’ve dealt with more animals than you can imagine, in their habitats. Animals that have never been documented, until I saw them. I learned to think on my feet, know what they know, think as they thought. That leaves marks on your soul.” I look at her again. “You don’t have those marks. You’ve never considered their souls, their connection to the Force, and if you go up against them, you will fail.” I can see in her eyes, I’ve convinced her. “You need my help if you want to get that artifact.
“Hmm…” She’s trying to sound like I haven’t scared the shit out of her. “You make a decent case. I suppose it's possible that Master Uthar could award both of us prestige. We'd be ahead of the others, for sure… I want something out of this, first, however.” Of course she does. “I want you to tell me about some lead you have for where I could find more prestige.”
Hmm - which one? “I heard about some renegades hiding in the shyrack caves - Master Uthar wants them killed.” She’ll probably run into the terentatek and turn back. If that’s not there anymore, the shyracks will probably turn her away. And if neither of those happen… she’s never broken a nail in her life, has she? She won’t last long in a cave.
“Oh?” she says curiously, “I hadn't heard about them. It certainly merits looking into. All right, I'll let you in on my plan.” She shows me her datapad. “The artifact that I've discovered is an ancient Jedi holocron.” Looks impressive. “Unfortunately, the holocron lies in the gullet of a tuk'ata mother.”
“The pack matriarch.” Based on the image in the book, the little bit that I read before handing it to her, they’re matriarchal. “She’ll be hard to get through to. Packs are a lot like the Sith sometimes, actually - the leader has to fight their way to the top.”
“I can arrange for us to 'meet' her, but you're going to have to help me in putting her down,” she says, and she takes back her datapad. “Go into the valley when you're prepared enough. I'll be amongst the central pillars, near the north end.” She closes the book and stands up. “I'll be waiting, so don't take too long.” And she leaves, leaving the book on the table. Doesn’t even put it on the rack to get put away. You know, there’s evil and then there’s just plain rude. You can be evil and not rude. I on the other hand am neither, so I pick the book up and put it on the librarian’s cart to be put away. (The librarian nods thankfully at me.)
“Hey, Dustil!”
My head perks up when I hear that name. Of course it does. I look around, trying to see who spoke and who he’s talking to. There - two humans. “Hey, Dak, what’s up?” That must be the right Dustil. I can tell - he looks like Carth. He has the same facial structure.
“I haven’t seen Selene lately, have you?”
“No, Dak…” Dustil says slowly, I can feel he’s sad. “Selene… Selene died in the Valley. Master Uthar told me.
“Oh, gods, I’m sorry, man.” 
“Thanks, Dak.” The conversation continues, but they walk away.
I sit back down and concentrate. I need to tell Carth that I’ve found Dustil, but I don’t want to use the comlink in case someone’s listening. I need to contact Jolee. I’ve never done this when the other Jedi wasn’t within eyeshot. So if I send out vibes through the Force, if I concentrate on him, maybe he’ll hear me. Jolee… Jolee… Jolee…
“You called?” he sends, “I wasn’t expecting this.”
“Do you see Carth? I found Dustil, he’s here in the library.” 
A pause. Then, “His excitement is palpable. Should we come to you?”
“No,” I send quickly, “No, if things get tense, I don’t want the other patrons getting caught in the crossfire. Or listening in.”
“Do you have a plan?”
“The start of one. Get into Uthar’s room, I feel like that’s a good start before we head out into the valley.”
Another moment. “You can imagine his excitement has dwindled.”
“He’ll live. Meet me back at the room, I’ll be there in a bit. I’m going to see what Dustil does.” Jolee breaks with me, and I try to discreetly watch Dustil.
He connects a datapad to one of the computer terminals. I connect to one myself, downloading information on the Valley of the Dark Lords. I have no idea what Dustil’s downloading, and it doesn’t really matter. Whatever it is, he gets the information, logs out, disconnects, and leaves. I wait a few moments before doing the same, following him. He heads back to the bedrooms, and I go to meet Carth and Jolee at mine.
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dailycharacteroption · 6 years ago
Third-Partystravaganza 9: Deck-Touched Bloodline (Sorcerer Bloodline; Fat Goblin Games)
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 Love it or really, really hate it, the Deck of Many Things is one of the most iconic artifact items in the entirety of the Worlds Oldest Roleplaying game and Pathfinder.
On the one hand, having a super-risky magic item that might give you some strong benefits, or might severely screw you over appeals to some players and GMs alike. On the other, having wish-level effects already risks breaking and/or derailing the game enough as it is, and even more so when those effects are completely randomized. Still, even the most dangerous cards might provide a great adventure hook. For example, suddenly a powerful outsider hates you could lead to many adventures stopping the plans of said outsider or finding a way to assuage their wrath, while being magically imprisoned might spur on a quest to free the character from that trap.
In any case, today’s subject is only tangentially related to the deck. After all, with such a powerful minor artifact running around, changing hands, it only makes sense that some mortals would have unlocked sorcerous abilities due to the effects of the cards, such as having a mother who was pregnant while under the influence of a card, or having a parent whom was called into being or compelled to serve by a card, such as The Fighter.
Such a sorcerer might be born with one or more birthmarks which resemble the various images on the deck, or having parchment-like skin, or occasionally manifest various prestidigitation-level reality revisions without meaning to. Some may even look like illustrations come to life.
 The various spells these sorcerers gain access to all seem to be little nods to many of the various cards in the standard Deck of Many Things, with such things as sensing future danger, damaging the mind of a foe, creating sheltering magical barriers, creating minor items, projecting illusions over the environment, unleash death upon an area, blast foes with a rainbow of randomized energies, trap a creature in stasis, and of course, alter reality with a wish.
The various techniques associated with this bloodline include those that enhance reflexes, charge weapons with arcane power, bolster summoned monsters, provide training for casting in combat, improve their deceptions, bolster spells cast with higher-level slots, improve the ability to counterspell and penetrate resistance, and improve skill with magical items.
As the scions of an artifact of chaos and fate, these sorcerers have greater insight into certain types of magic with random outcomes. This grants them the bloodline arcana to have a chance to subtly alter the results of such spells and items, getting a more favorable result.
Emulating the card of the Talons, these sorcerers have a knack for relieving others of their possessions, particularly magical ones.
Though they cannot actually summon a warrior like the Knight card, they can project an illusion of one that is just real enough to briefly flank foes while it lasts.
The Balance card alters the moral outlook of the one who draws it. While these sorcerers are not nearly as permanent in their magics, they can do the same briefly, making a temporary ally of another being, or at least one with entirely different goals and methods than before.
More powerful inheritors of this bloodline can emulate a temporary version of the Void card, rendering a foe comatose and empty for several moments before returning, shaken by the experience.
The most powerful, however, become living avatars of one of the more personified cards, such as the Skull or the Fiend, gaining wings, enhanced durability, immunity to poison and disease, and a fearsome new appearance which strikes fear into most.
This bloodline really is a grab bag of tricks, very fitting for a balanced build. Because of this, I can recommend a lot of builds that go well with it, though to get the most out of your bloodline, consider looking up spells with randomized effects beyond prismatic spray.
 An interesting thing about this bloodline is how it would affect sorcerer mentally. On the one hand, some may have zero impulse control when it comes to games of chance and gambling, getting their most joy out of random turns of fate. Others, however, may be very risk-averse, taking very little chances. This may make them very passive, or they might obsessively plan out everything, always having a backup plan.
Additionally, it’s worth noting that other artifacts with random effects exist out there, and that one could invent other bloodlines to match them.
  In a past life now lost to antiquity, Berku was lost to the Void card, his soul trapped in an extraplanar fortress for millennia until finally released by accident by a party of adventurers, whereupon he reincarnated as a centaur and quickly rose through the ranks to chieftain due to his magic. However, he still dreams of that black nothingness, and recently, has sensed that something else from that place wishes to enter this plane.
 The alchemist’s laboratory has been a real slog. Alchemical ooze swarms, delicate equipment serving as impromptu explosives, and worse. However, not it is over, and among the equipment is an empty syringe, labeled “Ink byproduct of the Deck”, along with an open cell.
 Ostentacious as he is, there is no mistaking Kamor Bloodsteel when he makes an appearance. The parti-colored wear of the young heir sets him apart when he frequents the gambling halls of the city, and with his incredible luck one might suspect his father has bribed every casino, but ask the owners, and you’ll find they are just as vexed.
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ectowaves · 6 years ago
Prompter: @ghostlyhabato
Prompt: Amateur Novelist: In the events of the Christmas special, Ghostwriter unknowingly kidnaps Danny in his book rather than release him at the end of the episode like he thought. The canon events are all actually Danny making up stories for himself and slowly learning he has no limits, and getting information about ghosts and other events from books around him through osmosis. Meanwhile, Ghostwriter is being hunted down by Danny’s friends and family for kidnapping him, and doesn’t know how ton undo his deed.
Words: 2111
Warnings: unedited, 
“Maybe this is the moral: In the same way my parents love their old Christmas quarrel – everyone celebrates in the way of their choosing. I started abusing the one I love most, and I ruined their cheer. I’ll try to be better come Christmas next year.” Danny smiled as he had his arms around his closest friends.
Sam shrugged off Danny’s arms, “Uhh… nice sentiment, but what are you, a greeting card?”
Tucker smirked, “Yeah, why are you talking in rhyme?”
Jazz giggled as she fluffed her brother’s hair. “Such a dork.”
“We’re not talking in rhyme?” At the look at Danny’s face, his friends and sister took a step back. Danny raised his hands high into the air then cheered, “WE’RE NOT TALKING IN RHYME!”
Ghostwriter smiled as he shut the book on his lap. His prize work was complete, and better than before. He sighed in contentment and looked at his fellow cellmate.
His cell mate inched closer to him and snorted a puff of smoke. Ghostwriter backed away and stopped at the bars.
“Orange?” Walker grinned, holding the fruit close to his prisoner.
“Get that thing away from me!” Ghostwriter screamed curling into a fetal position. The pure white ghost howled in laughter at his prisoner’s distress, The Ghostwriter could hear the jeers coming from his fellow prisoners as he clutched the book close to his chest. Soon Walker was out of hearing range.
Once he could no longer hear the footsteps of his jailor, the Ghostwriter uncurled from his position. The prison time was absolutely worth it, if he could have the glory of one book.
Danny smiled at his friends while they laughed. Maybe… Christmas wasn’t really all that bad.
“Come on Danny, Dad’s going to eat all the chocolate again!” Jazz called from the steps. Danny took one step forwards before he froze. Something felt wrong, like the moment should not have happened. Before his very eyes time froze. Sam, Tucker and Jazz faded away.
“Guys?” Danny cried. He received no comfort or any indication that the ghosts were playing a cruel prank.
Danny watched as the world’s colour faded away. It was like something out of a horror film. All plant life died. The snow melted into nothing. The buildings around him crumbled.
“Mom? Dad! Anyone?” Danny yelled, “Clockwork? What’s happening?”
The ruins of the buildings started to crumble further. Soon they were no more than dust that blew away in a nonexistent wind. Around Danny was nothing but plain white. It was hell, in a different sort of way. Then he felt himself falling, or he thought that he was falling.
Black markings raced by him. Danny found himself screaming again. Finally, he found himself on the ground. Danny stood up and looked around him. He spotted more pitch-black markings. Danny walked towards it.
The black markings turned out to be letters. Danny frowned as he read “the end”
It didn’t take long for Danny to put the pieces together, “I’m still trapped in the story!”
Ghostwriter hid the book underneath the bed. He did everything he could to make it invisible or only visible to his eyes. The book did not respond to his abilities. It was like the book was immune to his will.
Ghostwriter pulled out the book, hoping to read it once more. To his shock, the once purple, green and red markings the cover had been designed with had turned to different shades of blue. Quietly, Ghostwriter opened the book to its dedication. The book no longer said that it was written for his brother Randy, or the infernal boy. Instead it was dedicated to Sam, Tucker and Jazz.
Danny didn’t know how long he sat down and thought. He wondered how he ended up trapped and if he deserved the fate. The poem was supposed to set him free when the lesson was learned. Danny had clearly been taught the joys of Christmas.
It was unfair. He only destroyed the poem by accident. Why did he have to be punished for an accident? Who would condemn someone else to hell because they destroyed their ‘masterpiece’?
Jazz had just told him that she knew he was Phantom. Danny had just defeated an awful future version of himself. Why had he been forced into this?
Danny found himself wishing he could go on another adventure, if only with his sister.
“Hey Danny!” The ghost boy watched as the world started to fade back. He turned to see his sister waving excitedly at him.
“Why is she so happy?” Sam hissed in his ear.
Danny beamed.
Ghostwriter refused to look at ‘his’ book after seeing the change in cover and dedication. He was afraid to see anymore changes. Who knew what was happening to his book?
The other prisoners made sure to mock him at any chance they got. He couldn’t blame them. It wasn’t reasonable to be afraid of fruit. As much as he tried to convince himself of that fact, the Ghostwriter still had the phobia.
His cell mate had been released a few days after his imprisonment. Now Ghostwriter found himself lonely. He tried imaging adventures for himself. He thought about the ghost kid living wild and free.
“You’ve got visitors.” One of the guards clanged on the bars of his prison. Ghostwriter gasped in surprise and relief.
Who would want to visit him?
The guard then noticed something hiding underneath the bed, “And give me that book! It’s going back to the library!”
Reluctantly, Ghostwriter handed the now completely black book to his captors. The guard passed the book to another guard passing by. The two nodded in understanding.
Danny frowned as he finished his newest adventure. It was depressing, but something that Vlad would do.
If a similar situation happened in reality, would Danny allow his clone to fly away? He wasn’t very sure. He would have to give up his secret and that could potentially mean being rejected by his parents. But of he kept it hidden, an innocent girl would be condemned to live on the streets.
Despite knowing the situation was fictional, Danny had a new dislike for Vlad. He needed something that would balance what had just occurred. He wanted to humiliate the billionaire for the fictional crimes he had done. A couple of pranks were an order.
“Danny, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Sam warned.
His world came back again.
Ghostwriter was brought into an interrogation room. Inside were three extremely angry teenagers.
“Where is he?” the goth girl snarled. Ghostwriter pushed her away, doing his best not to hurt her. The girl didn’t let go, but Ghostwriter earned a punch from one of the girl’s friends.
“It’s something that the whole zone has been wondering.” Walker boomed as he entered the room. The goth girl let go, and the prisoner was forced to sit in the only chair in the room.
“I have no idea who you are talking about!” Ghostwriter defended himself.
“Liar! He said that you had him trapped in a poem. I didn’t believe him,” The goth fell on the ground. Her male friend put a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort. Ghostwriter watched this happen with a growing understanding of what had happened.  He stood up.
“I think I know where he is,” Ghostwriter frowned.
Danny frowned as he felt different. Once more he was in the waste land. He felt that he had a new influx of power. Danny looked as new words filled the screen. It started reading it, then smirked. The whole article was about ancient civilizations.
Danny noticed some other words appear a little further away. He stared in awe as he discovered that the paragraph was talking about some ancient artifacts.
“I wonder if there is any information about ghost tribes?” Danny asked aloud. To his surprise, a new paragraph appeared out of thin air. Danny quickly scanned it and laughed. He had a new adventure in mind.
The world started to appear, but instead of Danny being in his town, he was in the Ghost Zone. Danny grinned at the map he was holding in his hands. He would soon get to experiment with another.
Walker slammed open the doors to the library, “Everybody out!”
The prisoners grumbled but obey the warden’s command. As the prisoners left, Ghostwriter and the ghost kid’s friends fanned out to search the numerous shelves of books. Each book looked to be incredible old, it shouldn’t have been that difficult to find the newest book. Still, the group couldn’t seem to find it.
Ghostwriter wondered if the book was thrown away. That would mean punishment from the goth girl. Ghostwriter had overheard stories about what the girl was capable of and did not want to feel it first-hand.
Then, out of the corner of his eye, Ghostwriter noticed a group of three books glowing bright green. He approached them, and his eyes widened. He had found what they had been looking for.
Danny smiled as he waved good-bye to his ‘cousin’. He hoped to see her again one day. Danny put his wrist out towards Valarie. She shook her head and told him to leave. It was the perfect end to another perfect adventure.
Danny allowed himself to sigh in contentment. Then he watched the world fade away. What adventure could he come up with next? Danny decided that he would take a break and rest. He wondered if he could sleep. He received his answer when he began to snore.
The books stopped glowing as soon as Ghostwriter appeared. The ghost picked up the newest looking book. He noted that the book was in between Legends of the Living World and Legends of the Ghost Zone. To his horror, it no longer read The Fright Before Christmas. Now it was called The Adventures of Danny Phantom. The Ghostwriter wanted to cry at the destruction of his latest work.
“I found it!” He yelled. The warden and the boy’s friends came to his call. They stared in shock as they spotted the book in the Ghostwriter’s hands. Then the goth girl flipped through the books.
“Do you write this?” the goth girl asked, flipping through the book. Ghostwriter shook his head.
“Only the poem, and even that I did not finish writing.” He tried to keep the depression out of his voice. The red-haired girl shot him a pitying look anyways.
“How did he manage to do all these adventures in five days?” The boy with the yellow sweater asked, “And how do we get him out?”
“Isn’t it obvious? Write him an ending!” Walker ordered. After he saw the group’s bewildered glances, the warden frowned, “I have a life beyond this prison.”
The red haired girl grabbed the book from the goth. She opened to the blank pages then pulled out a pen from one of her pockets. Then she began to write.
“What are you-” the boy began to ask.
“She needs to concentrate.” Ghostwriter warned him. Everyone became silent as the girl continued her tale. Ghostwriter hoped she knew what she was doing. If the warden was right, the tale would have to fit Daniel, if even on a surface level.
Danny smiled at Sam as the two of them lounged against a tree. He finally had his happy ending. The world was saved from the Disasteriod, Vlad was in space, his parents accepted him, and Danny was in a new relationship with Sam. The ghosts would come but it wasn’t anything Danny couldn’t handle. Amity Park would be safe for years to come.
Danny leaned against his girlfriends, wanting to hug her one more time before she disappeared into the abyss. He didn’t want things to fade, but it always did at the end of the story. Then the process started.
Danny watched the world freeze. This time, Sam didn’t disappear. Confused, Danny looked down at himself and saw his body fading away.
“What?” he whispered. There wasn’t much more to say. Would he forever be gone, like the stories he had previously told? Danny had a feeling he would. He closed his eyes.
The eldest girl smiled, “It’s done!”
The group waited in silence for anything to happen. Moments passed and nothing happened. He was just about to apologize when the ghost boy appeared in the room.
“Danny!” His friends cheered.
“Guys?” Danny whispered, opening his eyes. He looked so sad, like he didn’t think what was happening was real. Ghostwriter couldn’t blame him. It would take a lot of time before the Phantom would accept that he was in the correct reality.
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bleedingcoffee42 · 6 years ago
Eureka AU- Part 6
The obligatory hospital episode where we throw medical words around like commas and hope nobody questions them.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Roy sat down on the floor of their laundry room where Riza chose to set her military foot looker when she moved in.   It never was unpacked, it just remained here as a piece of furniture they set their clothes bins on.   It was one of the few pieces of décor she brought to this home, one utilitarian wooden box painted in olive drab that stuck out like a sore thumb against all his simplistic pieces.    He didn't realize until now that she really didn't have anything of her own, except for this.  
Sure there were clothes, but who looked to the closet for possessions to define a person?   He felt like he was opening a buried treasure chest, a look at the history of one 1st  Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye prior to her arrival in Eureka.   This predated him, and he hated that he never really opened up the discussion about her past in case she did want to share it.   Instead he felt like he was invading her privacy as he opened the truck to go through it's contents.    
He was limited for time and he didn't want to dwell on it long.  After this was over, he would tell her in great detail about Hughes and ask her if she had anything she wanted to share.   He looked at a neatly folded pile of fatigues and lifted them out to set aside.   Her dress uniform hung in the closet, that she wouldn't dare wrinkle.   Then there was a belt and holster.   Some blankets.   Boots.   A gun cleaning kit and mess kit.   Knives.    And a small safe with a touch pad key code lock.   That he grabbed and immediately entered the code: 0611.
The case opened and there was a gun.  No surprise.   The journal secured to the lid was what he was after so he grabbed it and locked the box back up.   He opened the little book and saw meticulously kept, handwritten records of dates, times, coordinates and operations.   Causalities, notable events.  A record of every military action she had been a part of, starting with a confirmed kill as a cadet on the first page.
He blinked.  She hadn't even graduated yet and they sent her to the field as a sniper? A sniper.  She wasn't just a great marksman, she was one of the elite!   Then the pages of dates and times and numbers, bodies that piled up as she carefully pulled the trigger.   Recorded yardage, recorded shots, wind speed.  Everything bit of data to record this except for the target's name.
She was just a kid.
He had to focus.   This was all something for later.   He quickly flipped through the pages, keeping his eye focused on finding keywords: vaccination or Raven.  Finally he found the entry.   It was a mere six months prior to her coming to Eureka.   An engagement in the desert.   Something about seizing artifacts.   Her special ops team had been given a vaccination to protect them from an ancient virus that was suspected to be in the tomb they were vandalizing.   Well of course it wasn't writing in the ink that way, but he could read between the lines.  He saw the hesitation and the gap in the journal where she debated on what word to use, 'preserving from grave robbers' was written a lot harder than the rest of her sentence.   So he had his answer, the date and time of  her vaccination against a virus that had completely eradicated the people of an entire city-state in ancient times.  An advanced civilization who didn't stand a chance against this plague.
Roy was going to call Ed with the information, but instead chose to take a picture and text it to him.   There was a lot to digest in the entry and he didn't want to be the one to choose what was delivered as data and what wasn't.   He snapped a photo of the page and cropped it so it contained nothing but a description of the event.  The kid would never compromise Riza, he trusted him to use this information wisely, so he sent it.  Watched the confirmation that it was received and read and got back a text in reply.
“I get to be there when you take this fucker down.”
If only Ed knew that the battle was going to be in court, not some showdown in the streets.   It probably went a lot further than Raven, it's not as if some General was sitting in his room at night cooking up vaccinations like Meth.   He had a military contractor create this, he had someone tasked to create and distribute this for him.    Tracing it back to Raven would be next to impossible.   It went through the system like a root that broke through the pipes and was feeding on the sewer water.  
“We made this.”
Roy stared at that text.   Then another one appeared.
“We made the first one.”  
Roy closed his eyes.   Goddammit.  
Roy made it back to the infirmary just as Ed arrived with the data he collected.   “So, where are we?”
Ed opened the door to reveal he had his brother Alphonse working on something with Dr. Marcoh.   Mustang went in the room, eyes glued to the dry erase board as the two worked out their thoughts for all to see.   “The original Xerses vaccine was made specifically for Hawkeye's team.”
“So you've checked personnel records?”  Roy asked, knowing the answer already. Riza was the loose end, it was important enough Raven got his hands dirty delivering the murder weapon.
“They're all dead.”  Dr. Knox said from the corner.   “The rest of her team is already gone.  Died in their sleep, shipped home and the plane went down.”
Roy could feel his rage brewing.  
“I made the vaccine.”  Marcoh said.   “I remember it clearly.   They sent me some cloth that was a burial shroud, from a tomb that had been excavated and the air had killed the grave robbers.    The instructions were to produce a vaccination for this antique strain in case the team going in to this vicinity was exposed.”
“There is nothing wrong with that, doctor.”  Roy assured him.   “You did save lives.”
Alphonse Elric stepped back from the board.   “The vaccine itself is not the issue, it's the administration of this recent booster that is.  The booster was made to specifically cause a response, to overwork the system which has an already built up immunity and can target what was injected.  It's a modified virus made to feast on it's weaker self.”
Roy looked at the notes on the board.   A vaccination meant to attack the very specific signature of the previous vaccination.  Something that would be in nobody else's system in the century unless the were given the first Xerses Vaccine.  So now it was attacking the host body itself.  “Well that is way beyond Raven's creative ability and comprehension.  Who the hell made this?”
“If I were a corrupt asshole who stole priceless relics from a war torn country,” Ed said.  “I would say that I had the money to spare to fund a private lab to create something for me.  We forget what it's like to not work here, someone out in a lab dying for funding and freedom would jump at the chance like this.”
“Especially with the spin that it's for the people.”  Alphonse added.
“For the refugees.”  Marcoh chimed in.
“For fucks sake.” Knox snapped and stood up to rush into the room with his patient.   He saw the vitals spike and knew the inevitable was here.  Her body was rejecting the baby to try and increase it's chances for survival.   She was suffering a miscarriage which under normal circumstances would be fine with just careful monitoring, but he was concerned about hemorrhaging in her current condition.  It was time to leave the cure to the researchers, he was here to be a doctor for his patient.
Roy was in the room immediately, following Knox as he tapped on monitors and lifted up the sheet and cursed to himself.   Roy didn't need him to tell him what was happening, he needed him to not say what was happening.   “Can we stop the bleeding?”
Knox looked over at him, eyes pleading with him to not go into detail with what was going on because he wasn't an idiot.   “Go help them find a cure.   There is nothing you can do here.”
Roy wanted to stay, it seemed right, but Knox was correct.   He was needed elsewhere.  So he turned around and went back into the observation room where Marcoh met him with consoling eyes and the Elrics searched his face for answers to their silent question.    They didn't need to know.   “What are the odds that we can attack this virus and not do more harm?”
“It's the only option we have.”  Marcoh said sadly.  “Odds are stacked against us.”
“Fuck the odds.” Ed said.  
“Brother.”  Al said and Ed went over to the board and circled the word Xerses Virsus.  
“We might not know what this mystery scientist made, but I bet we're a thousand times better than that hack!”  Ed said.  “We make our own virus to attack our known variable, Marcoh's Xerses Virus itself.   Then we'll know the worst case scenario of what we're dealing with and take the next step which is to figure out how to destroy what we made.”
“We don't have that kind of time.” Alphonse protested.
“We don't have a choice.”  Ed said.  “And if we run out of time I'll open the gate again and put her somewhere were time stops.”
“What the fuck, brother?”  Al's gasped and everyone looked to Al.  The portal wasn't something they understood at all.  He would dare open it again?  And jeopardize Hawkeye?
“Years off someone's life is better than no life at all.”  Ed snapped. “I'll make that sacrifice.   I'll make it.   She saved us and that's just equivalent exchange as I see it.”
Roy didn't say anything as Ed stormed out and screamed about getting to work.    Al mumbled about 'cheating death' and 'throwing limbs at God' before following his brother out of the room.   Marcoh just picked up his things and nodded before leaving.    Roy stood there and chose to ignore the reference to their Necromancy experiment gone wrong and pick up the tablet Marcoh left for him with the specs on his original Xerses vaccination.  Then he went into the room to be with his wife while they lost their first child.
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monstersdownthepath · 7 years ago
End-Bringer: Father Llymic
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CR 18
Chaotic Evil Huge Outsider
Elder Evils, pg. 35~36
Malefic Properties: Anathematic Secrecy, Discord and Woe. 100 miles.
Sinister Signs: Dead Sun. As Llymic’s power leaks from his prison, the entire world begins to experience a strange winter. Sunset occurs one hour earlier, sunrise one hour later, and light sources seem to dim before actually beginning to dim. Any natural light source is only half as effective at first, but rapidly dims to near uselessness over time as the days grow shorter and shorter. Spells with the Darkness descriptor grow stronger in this new environment, first gaining the benefits of Extend Spell, then Quicken Spell, without needing to convert them to higher levels or spend more time casting them. At the same time, spells or items that generate any form of light become weaker over time until they eventually stop working altogether. The sight of the sun becomes less and less frequent, until it’s only up for a single hour each day.
The world becomes colder as Llymic’s influence grows, first by 2 degrees, then 4, and then a full 10 degree global drop in temperature when Llymic is freed, with a further 1 degree decline every day Llymic remains alive. It’s easy to tell when he’s worked his way from his prison, because on that day, the sun sets and will never rise again until he’s slain.
Let it be known that the elves are at fault here. Not content with learning all the secrets of the world, they set to learn all the secrets of space, then the planes, and then what lay beyond the planes. When they punched a hole into the primordial Far Realms, what they found waiting for them on the other side was a tide of horrors that took everything to block off. Even now, thousands of years later, the world is still cleaning up that particular mess. One mess they thought they had dealt with was a beast known as Father Llymic, named such for the common tactic he uses to lure people towards him: projecting the image of a kindly, elderly elf man, beckoning people closer and closer to the imprisoned Evil. Nowadays, it’s all he can do.
Llymic’s Light Topor is his most crippling weakness. Exposed to any source of bright light, Llymic becomes slowed, and if exposed to natural sunlight he enters a deep stasis that he only awakens from if exposed to darkness for 1 round. If kept in the light for long enough, sheets of protective ice begin forming over him. Originally he was trapped in this way; he was sealed at the top of a mountain where the sun would pass over him each day, making sure the icy walls of his self-made prison stayed meters thick and meaning he got comparatively few hours of darkness to prevent him from doing much more than twitching a single toe every week or so.
Unfortunately, they still put him on top of a mountain, and if there’s anything daredevil races love more it’s braving the harshness of nature for momentary feelings of triumph and thrill. Anyone (or anything) falling asleep within 300 feet of Llymic’s frozen carcass contracts Brood Fever, a sickness that can only be cured with magic and progresses by instilling a level of Soul Chill each day. What’s Soul Chill? Levels of it act similarly to a negative level in most respects, except they’re not a negative energy effect and they can only be removed with Restoration while the target is bathed in natural sunlight. In addition, if a character gains Soul Chill levels equal to their character level, they do not die. They become part of Llymic’s Brood.
Brood monsters lose most of their abilities, natural attacks, and special qualities, in addition to their mind, in favor of mindless devotion to Llymic and a powerful, resilient, icy body. Brood beasts share their father’s weakness in the form of Light Sensitivity, mostly hunting out at night for prey. No, they do not eat anyone--they become Outsiders and don’t need to--and are particularly unwilling to actually kill people. Why? Because their chilly breath weapon spreads Brood Fever, turning more targets into Brood over time. And every single Brood in existence gives Llymic just a fraction more power, giving him the strength he needs to break his own way out of his prison. Once they reach critical mass, Llymic becomes fully lucid in a single night, calling his Brood to him and breaking his prison from both sides.
But we’ve gone all this way and haven’t even talked about him yet! Which is a damn shame because he has an absolutely fascinating and fatal powerset that makes him one of the more dangerous Elder Evils to confront, even when compared to the higher CR ones. To begin with, he has Dark Healing, a specialized form of fast healing that only works in complete darkness, and a hefty amount of resistances and immunities on top of the Elder Evil stats that makes him one of the most resilient Evils in the book. He resists (or negates) every elemental damage type except Sonic, which he takes extra damage from, has 30 Spell Resistance, and has DR 10/Epic (Mythic, if you convert it to Pathfinder). You’d think a being made of ice and darkness would be weak to fire but! Surprise! Fire Resistance 20!
Llymic is surrounded on all sides by a 30-ft radius of Deadly Chill, an aura that deals 4d6 Cold damage to everyone that starts their turn inside it... And instills anyone damaged with a level of Soul Chill. Oh, Soul Chill plays a massive part in his tactics, being delivered by all of his natural attacks, his Deadly Chill, and by his Brood Seed ability. Forgoing his natural attack for the round lets him make a touch attack to deliver a Brood Seed to any target that fails a DC 29 Fortitude save. Each round they must repeat that save or gain 1d4 levels of Soul Chill, and the Seed itself cannot be stopped or removed unless Remove Disease or similar is used on a target being bathed in light.
“Hah! Is that all? Remove Disease and even the most piddly Light skill child’s play!”
Remember, so long as Llymic is alive, the sun never rises anywhere in the world and all Light spells, all light-producing items, and even light-aligned artifacts do not work. Period. There’s no 50% chance or 75% chance that they’ll fail, they simply don’t work at all. Unless the DM has some plot-related major artifact to do so, there’s literally no way to generate enough light through magical or mundane means to harm him or remove Soul Chill. The very first thing he does upon waking up is put a global ban on everything that can directly harm him or trigger his Light Topor, making him one of the smartest villains in any setting. This also means that the world is pitch black and cold as winter at all times, so anyone without some method of seeing in the dark (Llymic himself has Blindsight out to 500 feet, while his Brood have it to 60 ft) is stuck fighting blind.
Llymic’s deadliest property is his Soul Chill because it bypasses negative energy immunity and level drain immunity completely and is delivered by simple proximity, but that’s not the only thing that makes him lethal. In combat, he makes deadly use of his 15 foot reach with lethal claws; 3d6+11 damage plus 2d6 cold and Soul Chill, a critical range of 18-20, and a modifier of x3 rather than x2. A lucky critical hit can deal close to 90 damage, and he can make two claw attacks each round (plus a less dangerous bite). Like winter’s inexorable cold, his resilience lets him wade into combat and weather the players’ blows while slowly whittling them down with Soul Chill until they become another Brood member.
Or Dimension Door away and use Discord and Woe (DC 30 Will to resist) to force the party to battle each other while he slinks off to do more important things.
Also, he can fly.
Yeah. That big rolly-poly snowman(tis) can fly 30 ft a round.
Players will have to get very creative if they want to get an upper hand on him.
Doomsday Scale: 9/10. Father Llymic’s malefic ice age wreaks unholy havoc on the rest of the planet, to say nothing of the horrors hiding in the cold dark. Most climates simply aren’t built to handle such a drastic drop in temperature in such a short time (the sample adventure path occurs over the course of about a year), plus the gradual loss of sunlight will do horrible things to crops and sun-aligned monsters. Given Llymic’s resilience and his at-will Dimension Door, it’s likely the players may end up needing to chase him around if he feels like fleeing is in his best interests, letting the ice age last even longer.
Entire ways of life are strangled to death by cold, while nocturnal monsters and other light-fearing denizens will have free reign over the world where the sun will never rise. Every day the global temperature drops by another degree, meaning Llymic can afford to play the long game. Eventually his competition will starve out or be killed off by those who ARE starving, allowing him to take advantage of the desperation and convince entire populations to submit to his Brood transformation to escape death through the cold, each one adding to his power until he can become the god he’s always wanted to be.
Even after he’s slain the effects of the ice age don’t just go away overnight. It will take months for the world to warm back up to its proper levels, but it’s more than likely that the sun may simply rise over dead city after dead city. The world may recover, but it will never be the same.
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cywscross · 8 years ago
I'm so sic and tired of the same hp tropes. Have you read anything weird, cross? Not like, crack, but just off the beaten path? Please, I'm suffering here.
Hmm, well I haven’t had time to read all that much fanfic period lately but here are some that felt kind of… unique to me? Not exactly ‘weird’, just really good and not a trope I read all the time. Also included a few FBaWtFT fics so if those aren’t your cup of tea, just skip past the first four. Hope you enjoy :)
The Cigarette Case by AgentMalkere
Apparently even Gellert Grindelwald isn’t immune to a niffler’s sticky paws.
(In which Newt was not expecting to find Percival Graves in a stolen cigarette case.)
Menagerie by prosodiical
Newt comes to New York with only one purpose in mind: find out what happened to the real Percival Graves.
They’ve tried it the hard way; Theseus has been pressing MACUSA for weeks, but they won’t do anything against the word of Graves himself. Newt’s approach is a last-resort, but he’ll do anything to save the man he loves, and so - he opens his case.
Dearly Beloved by prosodiical
or: Five times Percival Graves said he was married, and one time Tina believed him.
When Director Graves starts elaborating on his supposed husband, the entire department is even more certain he doesn’t exist - an author and a dragon tamer, who’s somehow captured a creature that can kill a hundred wizards at a time? And what sort of name is Newt, anyway?
Tina’s one of them - at least, until Newt Scamander, magizoologist, shows up in New York and lets a Niffler loose. And when he realises Graves has been replaced by an imposter, things only get more complicated from there.
The Graves Identity by Mishafied
He doesn’t remember who he is or how he ended up injured in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness; all he knows is his name is Percival, and he owes his life to the shy, redheaded zoologist who saved him. But unfortunately, just because he doesn’t remember his past doesn’t mean it can’t come back to haunt him.
This is the story of how Percival got his happily ever after, and then had to fight to keep it.
Hogwarts, to welcome you home by gedsparrowhawk (FaceChanger)
“You understand, Professor,” Harry began, after a moment, “that I don’t have my N.E.W.T.s. I don’t even have my O.W.L.s. Between everything I never had a chance the first time around, and then afterwards there didn’t seem to be much point. Hermione argued for it, of course, but I was so tired of Britain. So technically, I am completely unqualified for the position.”
“Quite a way to begin an interview, Mr. Potter,” McGonagall said dryly.
Or, three years after the war, Harry Potter becomes Hogwarts’ newest Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.
The Sum of Their Parts by holdmybeer
For Teddy Lupin, Harry Potter would become a Dark Lord. For Teddy Lupin, Harry Potter would take down the Ministry or die trying. He should have known that Hermione and Ron wouldn’t let him do it alone.
Charlotte the Great and Powerful by Evandar
Her whole life has been about gaining power through struggle and sacrifice and manipulation of the only thing she has going for her (Charlotte’s a terrible person beneath the pretty face and she knows it).
Charlotte wants to be more than the girl from the cupboard and she’s not above using others to gain power.
Gelosaþ in Écnesse by Batsutousai
Caught in the backlash of Voldemort’s Killing Curse, Harry is thrown through time to a world so very different from his own.
The Love of a Good Wizard by SweetSorcery
History of Magic has something to teach after all, and two resourceful students decide that the key to having any future at all lies in the past, and in Tom Riddle’s heart. Assuming he has one.
Influence of Souls by Nia_River
He stared at his journal, a creation into which he had poured his memories and dreams, his heart and … soul. Now, to send it to where it needed to be.
Hell To Raise by Tozette
All Harry knew that day was that his Aunt Petunia had begun to scream. When he came from his cupboard to see what was wrong, he found her sitting pale and distraught on the spotless kitchen tiles. She was gibbering as that evening’s three-kilogram chicken dinner did a rather acrobatic tap-dancing lap of the room, squawked loudly, and then fled through the window and out into the back yard.
In which Harry Potter animates the dead. Dumbledore disapproves. Other forces… not so much.
Don’t Fuck With Florists (They’ll Fuck You Up) by MayMarlow
Unsatisfied with his post-war life, Harry decides to get to the root of all of his problems when that root was still working at Borgin and Burkes shop in the late 40s. He’s the Master of Death, damn it, he can do what he wants for once in his life.
Tom Riddle isn’t particularly happy about working at a small, dingy shop for magical artifacts, no matter how interesting those artifacts are. He’s even less happy when an insufferable stranger sets up the most obnoxious flower shop right across the street.
What follows would be a romantic comedy, if it weren’t for politics.
the girl who lived (again) by dirgewithoutmusic
Peeves, though he was nasty about everything else–ickle firsties and orphan girls–got it immediately. For all six years of Harry’s Hogwarts tenure, he dropped water balloons on the heads of anyone who misgendered her.
Professor Binns never quite figured it out, but he didn’t know any student’s name. Nearly Headless Nick gallantly and somewhat awkwardly called her lady and tried to hold open doors for her, despite the fact that he couldn’t open them.
Snape called Harry “Mr. Potter” for all seven years that he was in Harry’s life. Around year three, Ron stopped counting the detentions he got for his increasingly sarcastic responses to this.
Rise Above by Straight_Outta_Hobbiton
For once, Harry has taken advantage of his enormous wealth and used it to talk to a solicitor. He finds out a few things— namely, the fact that his participation in the Triwizard Tournament has rendered him an emancipated minor and the last Lord of the Potters. Being the Lord of the Potters means a lot of things, but most importantly, it means Harry can get the hell outta dodge, and his friends can come along, too.
Thus begins the new life of the Golden Trio. They’re in America, they’re in California, they’re in Berkeley. Let the good times roll.
Harry Potter and the Really Round-About Way of Finding a Horcrux by floweringjudas (manipulant)
One should know better than to involve oneself in Weasley Family Skirmishes, even as a messenger. It always ends badly. …Or really well, depending on your perspective.
A Lightning’s Tale by Riddle_Master_101
Harry Potter is abruptly thrown into a different world upon receiving his letter from Hogwarts. Danger stalks him at every turn, light and dark are locked in a constant, eternal battle, and weaving it all together is this substance called magic…
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nebbychan · 8 years ago
For @victorluvsalice
Skyrim AU
Skyrim’s literally gone to shit; with the return of Alduin the World-Eater and Harbringer of the End Times, a civil war between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks divides the land in two, once proud factions now in ruins, and sweetrolls stolen; there is only one who can restore the honor and peace to Skyrim. Legends foretold of a being with the soul of a dragon, the only being capable of ending the madness; they are known as Dovahkiin, the Dragonborn. For centuries, the people of Skyrim thought the Dragonborn could never resurface, until now.
Victor Van Dort
Race: Nord Class: Mage (Expert Necromancer and Illusionist) Faction(s): None Weapons: Fork, Dagger, Ancient Nord Bow Daedric Artifacts: None Follower: Emily, Barbas Likes: Dwemer ruins, Conjuration, Alchemy, Enchanting, Dogs Dislikes: Thalmor, Fish, the Blades, Smithing, Stormcloaks Favorite Capital(s): Markarth, Whiterun, Winterhold Least Favorite Capital(s): Solitude, Windhelm Favorite Quest: A Daedra’s Best Friend (he left it incomplete on purpose because hey, free immortal talking dog!) Least Favorite Quest: Diplomatic Immunity (Ugh, fancy parties…) Bio:                Victor was born in Windhelm, his father was a wealthy merchant working with the Argonians and Dark Elves by the docks. They moved to Solitude when he was still a child, mainly due to the fact that his mother did not get along with them and loved to start up conflict. She worried that one of her enemies would send a Dark Brotherhood assassin after her, plus she wanted to be close to the other upper-crust families in said capital. Victor had a bit of trouble adjusting, especially when he one day started showing interest in magic, begging his parents to let him attend the Magic College in Winterhold. While disappointed that he shared no interest in the family business and was hesitant about sending him away, his father agreed and sent him off once he became of age. There, he learned conjuration, restoration, illusion, and destruction spells. His favorite spell in particular was the Candlelight spell, which provided some light whenever he was alone in dark places. Despite this, Victor hadn’t actually been in combat before. Once he graduated at the top of his class, he was brought back to Solitude for an arranged marriage- which he chickened out of and attempted to flee Skyrim by crossing the borders, unaware that the party he was travelling with was Stormcloak soldiers, led by none other than Ulfric Stormcloak himself. This misunderstanding led to his capture by the Imperials and nearly had him decapitated in Helgen. Only reason why he narrowly dodged execution was because of a dragon flying in and destroying the place, from there, Victor escaped with an Imperial soldier. With the return of the dragons, Victor also finds out he’s Dragonborn- great, MORE things he didn’t ask for. Being Dragonborn has it perks, but it’s also brought unwanted attention from everyone, especially the Blades, whom he deliberately ignores because he knows they want to use him. (Also they wanted him to kill Paarthurnax, didn’t help with the fact that he had come to like that old dragon.)
 Alice Liddell
Race: Imperial Class: Assassin Faction(s): The Dark Brotherhood Weapons: Knife, Glass dagger, iron Warhammer, crossbow (laced with frostbite venom) Daedric Artifacts: Mace of Molag Bal, Mehrune’s Razor, the Wabbajack Follower: Cicero Likes: Justice, quiet places, Sweetrolls Dislikes: Thalmor, Draugr, Vampires, Frostbite Spiders Favorite Capital(s): Whiterun, Falkreath, Morthal Least Favorite Capital(s): Markarth, Windhelm, Solitude Favorite Quest: Innocence Lost Least Favorite Quest: Any quest that makes her the errand girl Bio:                Alice was born in Winterhold; living in a cozy little home with her older sister, mother, and her father- who was the archmage at the College of Winterhold. She lived there happily for years, as a child she’d sneak into the College’s library to read and learn about magic. Life seemed promising for her when she conjured up her first Flame Atronach and used a series of Fear spells at her entry exam…at eight years old. No doubt Alice was a gifted mage, and her family couldn’t be any more proud of her. She even got to be roommates at the College with her older sister, Lizzie, who was already attending to learn about restoration. But one evening while the family slept, Alice woke up to the smell of smoke; the house was on fire! While she managed to escape, the same couldn’t be said for her parents. Lizzie was nowhere to be found, guards assume she had died in the fire too and that Alice’s Flame Atronach was to blame for the incident. Alice was sent to the Honorhall Orphanage in Riften shortly afterwards, there she endured years of mental and physical abuse from the Headmistress, Grelod the Kind. When she came of age, Alice was thrown out and left to wander Skyrim as a street urchin, she’d go to inns and taverns just to ask for work, but her mental state made it difficult for her to get by. A year of wandering Skyrim led to her hearing a rumor about a boy named Aventus Aretino, who ran away from Honorhall Orphanage and went back to his home in Windhelm to perform the Black Sacrament. Alice went forth to investigate, though when she arrived the boy mistook her for an assassin and gave her a contract too good to pass up; she had to kill Grelod the Kind. Without hesitating, Alice bought a ride straight to Riften with what little money she had left, and her trusty Flame Atronach and years of bottled up rage were finally unleashed as Alice watched Grelod burn to death, just hearing her screams brought immense satisfaction. Thankfully, Alice hadn’t suffered repercussions for her little stunt, but it did lead to her initiation into the Dark Brotherhood. Astrid liked Alice from the start, seeing great potential within her, and welcomed her into the family with open arms. With Alice working as an assassin, everyone now had a reason to fear the Dark Brotherhood. Some are too scared to confront her or her follower, Cicero.
 Victoria Everglot
Race: High Elf Class: Thief Faction(s): Thieves Guild Weapons: Iron mace, Nightingale Blade, Nightingale bow Daedric Artifacts: Dawnbreaker, Sanguine Rose, the Skeleton Key Likes: Fine clothes, Pickpocketing, Lock-picking, Honey-nut treats, Long Taffy Dislikes: Chaurus, Dwemer ruins, Falmer, Red Ninroots Favorite Capital(s): Dawnstar, Riften, Whiterun Least Favorite Capital(s): Windhelm Favorite Quest: Blindsighted Least Favorite Quest: A Return to Your Roots (She HATES Blackreach, seriously, fuck that place.) Bio:                A quiet child born into an aristocratic family in Solitude, Victoria mostly kept to herself, not that her parents really cared. Victoria had the heart of a thief, she’d steal things right under people’s noses and no one would suspect her of any wrongdoing. So when her family fell under hard times, Victoria would sneak out the house as her parents slept or went out on business to rob unsuspecting citizens of their gold, gems, jewelry, any valuable item she could get her hands on would do! Her parents eventually began to question where all this gold came from and why their neighbors were becoming poor, but never suspected Victoria. Once she became of age to wed, her parents set her up with Victor Van Dort, a college graduate from Winterhold. They got along nicely at first, having a bit of small talk and while they didn’t exactly fall for each other, it was apparent that they became instant friends. However it wasn’t until the wedding rehearsal did things go downhill; not only did he screw up the vows, but Victor somehow managed to trash the chapel and nearly set her mother on fire. Victor fled Solitude in embarrassment, but before Victoria could get a chance to pursue him she was then engaged to another man, an aristocratic high elf from the Thalmor Embassy named Barkis Bittern. Not wanting to deal with that noise, Victoria grabbed whatever money she could along with some essentials, got on her horse, and fled Solitude. She was about halfway towards Whiterun when she heard that Victor was captured, likely on accident during an ambush on the Stormcloaks led by the Imperials. This was now a race against time- as Victoria heard those that were taken hostage would be taken to Helgen for execution. Victor was innocent; she knew he didn’t deserve such a fate, and she wanted to prevent any injustice. Once arriving in Riverwood for a quick restock on her supplies, Victoria could almost feel the ground beneath her shake and the roar of a dragon from the skies. She thought it was only her imagination and her lack of sleep getting to her, at least until she arrived in Helgen- only to find it in ruins. She would’ve entered had it not been for an Imperial soldier stopping her, letting her know that a dragon attack took place and finding survivors would be near impossible. Still, Victoria refused to believe that Victor had died during the attack. Going back to Solitude wasn’t an option either, fearing her parents’ wrath and possible jail time for all the theft she’s committed. Instead, Victoria rode all the way towards Riften. While staying at the Bee and Barb, Victoria met Brynjolf; the two sat together at the bar and chatted over mead and apple pie, she reveals to him her thieving behavior- which in turn catches his attention. A successful initiation that following morning led to her joining the Thieves Guild, and while she’s more content with the life of a thief, Victoria hopes to find Victor safe and sound during her travels.
 Lizzie Liddell
Race: Imperial (also a Werewolf) Class: Warrior Faction(s): The Companions Weapons: Daedric greatsword, Daedric Battle axe, Forsworn bow (laced with poison) Daedric Artifacts: Ring of Hircine, the Black Star Follower: Bonejangles Likes: Sweetrolls, restoration spells, swords, sneaking Dislikes: Thalmor, Vampires, the Silver Hand, politics Favorite Capital(s): Whiterun, Falkreath, Winterhold Least Favorite Capital(s): Markarth, Solitude Favorite Quest: Purity of Revenge Least Favorite Quest: The Black Star Bio:                Born and raised in Winterhold, her father, the late archmage at the College gave her the best rooms, best tutors, and good classes. Lizzie specialized in restoration, mainly due to her little sister Alice and her misadventures always getting her scratched up. Still, it did hone her skills, and gave extra credit for her classes. That was until a new student named Angus Bumby came along; something about him seemed off, and Lizzie did her best to ignore him and continue her studies, but it didn’t take long for him to begin taking interest in her. She continuously told him to sod off but her commands fell on deaf ears, when one day he and a student from her class suddenly disappear.  Lizzie discovers her classmate’s body lying in a pool of blood that evening, two holes punctured into his neck and wrists. The discovery sent chills down her spine, realizing there was a vampire staying within these walls. It was no secret who the vampire was, and she promised herself she’d tell her father before Bumby could claim more victims. Sadly, she’d never get the chance, as Bumby had infiltrated the residence and after draining the blood of the Archmage and his wife, attempted to turn Lizzie into a vampire to claim her as his bride. Still, Lizzie wasn’t about to go down without a fight, and while she managed to scare him off, it set the house on fire in the process. Her escape was successful, but was convinced Alice had died in the fire. It was already enough for her to swear revenge on the vampire; however she could never take him on in this state, she was lucky to have made it out unscathed during their encounter. Lizzie moved out to Whiterun to seek training as a warrior, only to run into the Companions near Honningbrew Meadery and help them take down a giant. Her participation made it much easier for her to become a Companion, then later on a werewolf. For years she trained with them, growing stronger by the day, feeding off the anger and resentment towards vampires. Once she felt strong enough, Lizzie set out to search for the damned vampire and avenge her family. She at first began in Solitude; renting out a room and there at the Winking Skeever she meets a bard nicknamed Bonejangles, a redguard man along with his band of reanimated, sentient draugr whom are trying to push a new era of music onto Tamriel. It was loud, had a great beat, a catchy tune good enough to dance along, and spontaneous lyrics and vocals; and yet few seemed to care for his music, as they’re in favor of more traditional songs. Lizzie, on the other hand, supported his ideas; not a huge surprise that they wound up becoming close friends. Bonejangles catches her off-guard and offers to help her take down the vampire, Lizzie refuses at first, but reconsiders when he reveals to her that he’s in the Dawnguard- a vampire hunter, the bard thing was just to throw off any suspicion. The two find Bumby hiding out inside one of the many Dwemer Ruins in Markarth, which had been infested with chaurus and Falmer, which were taken down easily. In the heat of battle, however, Bumby manages to get a good swipe at Bonejangles, almost taking out one of his eyes and breaking his leg when tossed around. This angers Lizzie, and as a result, transforms into a werewolf in front of them. Her angered roar was enough to scare the vampire as he attempts to scurry off; not a good idea when a pissed off werewolf could easily catch up to you. Bumby begs for mercy, but his pleas fall upon deaf ears; Lizzie savors his screams as she tears him apart, and she would’ve completely lost it if it weren’t for the fact that Bonejangles was in need of medical attention. Satisfied, Lizzie reverts back and after dragging her friend out of the ruins, begins healing him. With her family now avenged, Lizzie wonders what to do with her life. Bonejangles offers to take her to Fort Dawnguard to consider becoming a professional vampire hunter, and she did seem to agree at first, at least until news of people getting assassinated in all parts of Skyrim catch her attention, no doubt this was the work of the Dark Brotherhood, but it was the way the victims died that interested her. All victims found were burned alive, likely by a Flame Atronach- controlled by one gifted mage. Thinking her sister could still be alive, Lizzie performs the Black Sacrament (the human flesh and heart used for the ritual was…“donated” by a lovely bandit outlaw that dared to cross her.) in the hopes that Alice would come to her for a contract…
Race: Wood Elf (formerly), Khajit Class: Warrior Faction(s): None Weapons: Scimitar, Iron Shield, Falmer Bow Daedric Artifacts: Ebony blade, Ebony Mail Follower: Victor (technically she’s his follower) Likes: Weddings, Butterflies, Night time, Dancing Dislikes: Dark places, Bandits, Thalmor, Stuck-up people Favorite Capital(s): Riften, Markarth, Whiterun Least Favorite Capital(s): Morthal, Winterhold, Windhelm Favorite Quest: The Book of Love Least Favorite Quest: Blood on the Ice Bio:                A former priestess of Dibella, Emily was the most attractive wood elf to grace Skyrim. Her beauty would entice men, some even begging for her hand. She had refused them all; except one. He was a high elf, worked at the Thalmor Embassy in Solitude. Emily thought him the perfect man, how he won her heart with his charisma. However, her story isn’t exactly light-hearted. Instead of meeting her beloved to elope at the Temple of Mara in Riften, she met her end- sacrificed as an offering to the Daedric prince, Boethiah. Her body was carelessly thrown into the river, forever lost; but her soul, however, lived on in anger. She was finally released when some poor fool by the name of Victor Van Dort had come across the Shrine, but instead of sacrificing another soul, he released her. Emily was overjoyed, now finally able to leave that wretched shrine; all that was left now was to take revenge.
Her lover had taken refuge within a Bandit camp in Falkreath, adorned with the Ebony mail and blade Boethiah had bestowed upon him. His recent failure on trying to lure a high elf woman in Solitude left him vulnerable to attack. He had stepped out from his shelter for fresh air, instead being greeted with the scent of death and the tip of a Scimitar pointed to his gullet. The sword was held by a Khajit woman, her body foreign to him, but the fire in her eyes had him frozen in fear. “Emily?” His lips trembled, now stiff as a board; Emily had taken on a new body, found on the way to Knifepoint ridge. She glared, ordering him to walk, lest she behead him on the spot. With Victor in tow, just in case things got out of hand; Emily travelled to the Shrine of Boethiah, offering the man she once trusted to the Daedric Prince. Boethiah was pleased, and granted her lover’s armor and sword as a gift. She now travels alongside Victor as his most trusted companion, besides Barbas that is. Emily misses her old body, but has thankfully accepted the fact that she’d never recover it.
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cosmosfated · 6 years ago
   “Are you certain about this, Commander?”    “Dead certain.”    The comment earns a huff of vague annoyance.
   Glowing orange lights through a blacksteel helmet blocking all facial features address the person who spoke.  A well armored individual with her helmet off for the moment, looking at him with curious and concerned eyes that glitter with the colors signifying a goddess well known for her prowess in war and knowledge.  “Don’t worry, we’ll ‘ave this done wit’ soon.”
   She stares at him for a moment, examining him, before looking in front of her.  “I sure hope you’re right. It’s been well over a year for us, but likely no longer than a month and a half for them. You missing someone back home?”
   His jaw tightens beneath his helmet.  “No.”
   “...Sorry to hear that.”
   He shakes his head.  “Don’t be. I’m a dead man whose only las’ true descendant is dead. My bloodline ended centuries ago. I’m not concerned wit’ it.”  He looks back down at the parchment in his hands, which has definitely seen better days─ torn at the edges and singed, yellowed from exposure and time, yet the ink is still clear and the key is still mostly readable.  “I doubt people will ‘ave even noticed I was gone. It’s better that way.”
   “Maybe...”  She doesn’t press any further, simply putting on her helmet and turning to the army behind her.  “So, Commander, what’s next?”
   He folds up the parchment nice and neat, and tucks it away from sight beneath his reinforced, enchanted blacksteel armor.  He secures all of the straps and bindings, makes sure all of his weapons are in their proper places, and nods.  He stands properly to his full height and turns to the army as well.  “We don’t know just what we’re up against, but the objective remains the same. Retrieve the artifact inside, and don’t let the enemy have it at any cost, even if it means breaking the artifact. Is that clear?”  At the straightening of backs and tightened grips on handles of swords and shields, he finds himself smiling.  Been a while since he’s commanded an army.  “Alright then...”
   He turns towards the establishment and draws his sword.  It’s emblazoned with a lightning strike design down the elegant steel blade that glows a faint orange-gold mix, a loop guard fashioned into the shape of a golden wing and the pommel depicting the symbol of white lily.  He closes his eyes and holds it in front of him, not saying a word.
   For a little while, nothing happens.  For a moment, doubt edges into the army’s mind.  And then, the lighting strike design crackles with what looks like electricity, and the golden wing flutters, beats for a moment as it flashes white and black, attesting to genuine Hope and Possibility for victory, then shifting the hue of the feathers to a comfortable and familiar deep blue as it curls into a proper loop guard again.  A collective look of relief is shared among soldiers, but the Commander simply sheathes his weapon again and gestures for the lady beside him to join him.
   “Get a few of them t’ do scout wit’ the both of us. We don’t want to make ourselves too clear, even with the blessin’ from our fair ladies.”  There’s some murmur and movement, and a group of eight, nine including the Commander, settles at the front.  “Alrigh’, jus’ keep in mind that what we’re going after has been sought after in-mass f’ so long that most of them have been destroyed. Our enemies may’ve followed us, or they may’ve not noticed us movin’ forward. An’ f’ the gods’ sake, don’t trust your eyes and ears. They’re gonna try an’ play tricks on you. Trust your instincts. Clear?”  A round of nods.  “Let’s head out then.”
   It doesn’t take long to approach the building, nor does it take much time to get in.  That’s probably what worries him the most.  There’s no hitch.  No problem.  There’s been no traps, no puzzles, nothing.  It’s been smooth sailing... and with an artifact like this one, that’s not a good sign for what’s to come.
   And like that, the group approaches the chamber where there’s just a cozy looking... office?  Or at least, that’s what he sees.  He holds up his right fist and looks around for a moment.  As soon as he notices nothing is amiss, which is unsettling at best, he gestures that he’s going to head inside first.  There’s a look of warning beneath the helmet from his first sergeant, but no move is taken to stop him.
   As soon as he steps into the room, everything else falls away.    The color-muted world becomes lively and vibrant, the odd office that looked as if it hadn’t been lived in in quite some time becomes new and refreshing and... familiar.  It’s too close to what he remembers from that day.  It puts him on edge.
   “Hello, Cayden Rutland.”
   Immediately, his blade is drawn, pointed at the origin of the voice─    ─then his eyes widen and the blade’s end briefly drifts to the side.    “C-Commander Hathwaye?”
   The fair skinned, light haired brickhouse of a man examines his form for a moment, as if just now recognizing who he was.  “Oh, so that’s who you see me as. Interesting.”  The only thing incorrect about him, are the faint rainbow spirals at the center of a backdrop of silver within the irises.
   “...you’re not him.”
   “No, Cayden, I’m not. I’m the person who hurt you the most, who you might not hate but who did the worst damage to you as a person.”  The person showing as Hathwaye stands up from his leaned position against the desk, and it’s then that Cayden notices the artifact sitting on the desk.  Nice and pretty, right in front of him.  He just has to get to it and grab it and get out──  “I wouldn’t, if I were you. Your summoner wouldn’t appreciate it if you went out like this.”
   “...You do know what this is, don’t you?”    “A test.”    “More or less, that... that’s true. ...Could I ask you something?”    “Do I ‘ave a choice?”    “That’s a, ah,”  he laughs somewhat.  “That’s a good point. Asked and answered.”  They look around the room.  “Why here, Cayden?”    “...Pardon?”
   Hands move before his form as if beginning a prayer.  “Okay. So. Let me, explain what this is. You came here to collect that thing,”  he steps aside to gesture towards the glowing rainbow artifact that is still in perfect condition.  “and get it back someplace where it can actually be protected. You went through the effort of finding all the pieces of the puzzles, and you got all of the keys. I’m really, really proud of you for that. However, when you stepped into the room, you triggered... how should I put this... an alarm of sorts. And that alarm, basically tells me to see whether or not you’re deserving of handling─ I’m sorry, what do you call me?”
   “What do I call you?”
   “The artifact, me, same difference. What name did you give to what you came here for?”
   “... I don’t know its─ your? name. I didn’t know you had a name.”
   The figure suddenly looks terribly unimpressed.  “You came here... looking for something specific... without knowing its name?”  A pause, then an awkward laugh.  “I shouldn’t be so tough on you for that, the person who created that old thing, that enchanted me into existence, probably doesn’t remember my name either huh? No hard feelings. Curses aren’t really all that fun, I’d guess. I’m immune to them, so I can’t say from experience.”
   “Right.”  Might as well go along with it?
   “Let’s just, forgo names for now. I don’t think... you’re the one who should have my name, and therefore the names of my... kin, in a way. No hard feelings, I’m just a little nitpicky about it. My creator was the same way.”  There’s a smile that doesn’t quite show right on the scarred features of a long-dead ex-knight.  “The alarm is what triggers this test. And the test, is going through the worst days of your life... or well, the most impactful days of your life. Whether they’re the worst or the best, that’s entirely on you. Since we’re already here, why don’t we get─”
   He interrupts quickly.  “I know ‘ow this goes.”  He looks around the room.  “This is the las’ time I saw Hathwaye, and a few ‘ours ‘fore I watched a couple of my dearest frien’s die. A few days ‘fore my exile, and a few months ‘fore I met my wife. Everythin’ that ‘appened to make me th’ man I am today started the day that Hathwaye went off ta Rome an’ ne’er came back. I hated a lot ‘f it. And sure, some ‘f it I’d love to change.”  The well decorated knight shakes his head.  “But where I am wouldn’t ‘ave been possible if I didn’t make the choices that I did. I wouldn’t be able to help th’ people I’m helpin’ if I didn’t make the choices I did with the information I ‘ad at the moment that I did. Terrible as those things were, and as tough as those decisions were... I wouldn’t change them. Because the terrible decisions made the best ones that much more worthy of the pain.”
   Hathwaye smiles warmly.  “And if you were given a chance to bargain with time to save a loved one at the cost of your own life?”
   “Not ever.”  Grip tightens on the handle of the sword still sheathed.  “Use what time you have to make the best memories, the short moments caught in amber are far better than extended moments where nothing happens. Never know when your time will run out. Never know when your book comes to its final chapter.”
   “I see...”
   And the figure walks back over to the desk, picks up the glowing rainbow artifact, and holds it out towards Cayden.  The false light glares off the edges for a moment as the cord swings once, twice, then comes to a halt between gloved fingers.  “Then I think it’s time you get back into the fight, Cayden.”
   He takes the artifact in hand, and then pauses.  “The fight?”
   “Yes, I’m afraid that this talk has gone on long enough that you have... unwanted guests.”  ...  “One warning before you head off to save the day again.”
   “What is it?”
   “I hope you can pay the price of picking me up.”
   “For what this will do? There’s no price I’m unwilling to pay.”
   Hathwaye’s expression becomes sad, almost resigned.  “I do hope you’re telling the truth, Cayden.”  His eyes close and he suddenly looks... tired.  Way too tired.  Fractures settle in at the edges of the artifact, as if in response to the reaction, darkening the glow ever so slightly.  “I hope you’re right about that. Because I can no longer afford it.”
   And he walks out of an enchanted room to the sound of agonizing whispers and the war cries of risen Knights against distorted howls of fallen Hunters.  Looks like he’s going to have to fight his way out of this one.  This is going to take a while...
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dbarajas03-blog · 6 years ago
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At 19, Danny is given the chance to attain the power of the Iron Fist by fighting and defeating the dragon Shou-Lao the Undying, who guards the molten heart that had been torn from its body. Guessing that the heart provides life energy to Shou-Lao through the dragon-shaped scar on its chest, Danny covers the scar with his own body and hangs on until Shou-Lao collapses and dies, in the process burning a dragon brand into his own chest. Having killed Shou-Lao, he enters its cave and plunges his fists into a brazier containing the creature's molten heart, emerging with the power of the Iron Fist. It is later revealed that Danny is part of a long lineage of Iron Fists. 
Powers and Abilities
Plunging his fists into the molten heart of the dragon Shou-Lao the Undying infused the dragon's superhuman energy into Rand. This, along with being trained by Lei Kung the Thunderer, gave Rand the power of the Iron Fist, allowing him to summon and focus his chi energy (also called natural energy or life force energy) to enhance his natural abilities to extraordinary levels. His strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, reflexes and senses can all be greatly intensified. He is able to concentrate his own chi and the superhuman energy from Shou-Lao's heart into his hand, with it manifesting as a supernatural glow around his hand and fist. So concentrated, this "iron fist" can strike with superhuman hardness and impact, while his hand becomes impervious to pain and injury. However, summoning the power required by this feat leaves Rand physically and mentally drained, unable to repeat the act for a time, as long as an entire day in certain instances, though after years of using the ability, it has become less draining. He can focus his chi inward to heal himself or outward to heal others of injury, as well as to give himself psychic senses and to telepathically fuse his consciousness with another person. Rand is also a skilled acrobat, gymnast, and a master of all of K'un Lun's martial arts, as well as various fighting styles from Earth, including Shaolin Kung Fu, Aikido, Fujian White Crane, Judo, Karate, Muay Thai, Ninjutsu and Wing Chun. Rand's reflexes are enhanced to greater levels than normal humans. He can react fast enough to catch bullets. Rand can generate a chi-based "aura" radiating from his body to protect himself from energy based attacks to a varied degree, and make himself more resilient against physical damage. If he sustains injury or illness, Rand can focus his chi for the purposes of healing his injuries. On the brink of death after a battle with Radion the Atomic Man, Daniel received a vision of Yu-Ti revealing that "the Iron Fist is not a weapon but a force of will which could perform miracles including healing," saving his life. By focusing enough he can even purge his own body of poison, however, Rand experienced great pain in the process. Recently he has proven capable of healing himself almost unconsciously and does not feel drained in doing so. Rand can also channel this energy into other people. The possibility of a slowed aging process much like his predecessor Orson Randall. Through focus and meditation, Danny can sustain himself for extended periods of time in extreme temperature environments. When he was transported to another dimension together with the Eye of Agamotto, Doctor Strange's mentor, the Ancient One appeared to him. Iron Fist was sent back to Earth, with a new outfit. The new outfit provided by the Ancient One gave Iron Fist immunity to magic.
In Heros For Hire, Misty Knight infiltrates the organization of crime lord John Bushmaster. When Bushmaster discovers Knight's treachery, he kidnaps Claire Temple and Noah Burstein, close associates of Luke Cage, better known as Power Man, and holds them hostage to force Cage to eliminate Knight. Iron Fist is on hand to stop him, however, and after a battle, the truth comes out. Rand helps Cage and the Daughters of the Dragon (Knight and Wing) battle Bushmaster, rescue Temple and Burstein, and obtain evidence that proves Cage's innocence of prior drug charges. Afterward, Iron Fist and Power Man become partners, forming Heroes for Hire, Inc. Iron Fist, in his secret identity of Danny Rand, resumes control of his parents' fortune as half of Rand-Meachum, Inc., making him quite wealthy. This causes tension between Rand and Cage, who was raised poor. Power Man and Iron Fist's partnership ends with Rand contracting cancer and being kidnapped as part of a plot masterminded by Master Khan. Just prior to a battle with the Black Dragon Chiantang (the brother of the mythical Dragon King), Danny is replaced by a doppelgänger created by the extra-dimensional H'ylthri. The double (who wears a red variant of the Iron Fist costume) is killed by Captain Hero a short time later. Cage, now the prime suspect in Rand's apparent death, becomes a fugitive. Then in Resurrection, Iron Fist manages to focus his chi, curing his cancer, while in stasis in K'un-L'un with the H'ylthri. He is later freed from stasis by Namor.Rand and Cage reform Heroes for Hire, Inc. with an expanded team, this time working for Namor's Oracle Corporation. Namor ultimately dissolves Oracle as well as Heroes for Hire, Inc. Iron Fist later loses his powers to Junzo Muto, the young leader of the Hand, and subsequently becomes the guardian of a pack of displaced dragons in Tokyo. His powers are eventually restored by Chiantang, who brainwashes Iron Fist and forces him to battle Black Panther. Black Panther is able to free Iron Fist from the creature's control, and the two work together to defeat the Black Dragon in Wakanda. In the Iron Fist miniseries, Miranda Rand-K'ai also returns from the dead. The H'ylthri revive her and promise to restore her to full life if she retrieves the extra-dimensional artifact known as the Zodiac Key. To this end, she takes the identity of Death Sting, bringing her into conflict with Iron Fist as well as with S.H.I.E.L.D. When the H'ylthri try to kill Iron Fist, Miranda turns the power of the Zodiac Key against them, seemingly killing herself in the process. However, exposure to chemicals from the H'ylthri pods prevented her death.In The Immortal Iron Fist Orson Randall, Danny Rand's immediate predecessor, seeks out Danny Rand in New York and gives him The Book of the Iron Fist, a sacred ledger supposedly containing all the kung fu secrets of previous Iron Fists, which Randall claims will be necessary if Rand is to compete successfully in the coming tournament of the Seven Champions. The Steel Serpent, whose powers have been greatly augmented by the Crane Mother, dispatches Randall. On the brink of death, Randall surrenders his chi to Rand, giving him sufficient power to battle the Serpent to a standstill. After the battle, Rand is summoned by his master, Lei Kung (who is also the father of Steel Serpent) to compete in a tournament that will decide the cycle according to which each of the Seven Cities of Heaven appears on Earth. However, the leaders of the Seven Cities had secretly erected gateways between Earth and each city without the knowledge of the populace. The corruption of the leaders of the Seven Cities of Heaven spurs Iron Fist, Lei Kung, Orson Randall's daughter, and John Aman to plan a revolution. Iron Fist discovers that Crane Mother and Xao, a high-ranking HYDRA operative, are planning to destroy K'un Lun by using a portal. Upon learning of the plot, Steel Serpent helps Rand and the other Immortal Weapons defeat Xao. However, when Rand returns to New York, he finds a HYDRA cell waiting for him at Rand International, seeking retribution for the death of Xao, and holding Misty hostage. In the ensuing battle, Rand International is destroyed, but Rand and Misty escape unharmed. Now left with only a fraction of his former net worth, Rand and Misty purchase a new condo in Harlem, and Rand decides to focus all of his attention and remaining resources at the Thunder Dojo. While moving into their new home, Rand asks Misty to marry him. Initially skeptical of the offer, Misty accepts and reveals that she is pregnant with Rand's child.
Danny Rand is one of the most powerfully-diverse characters in the Marvel Universe as he possesses so many abilities. Other than, the overrated characters that leave Iron Fist in the shadows such as Spider-Man, or Doctor Strange, Danny’s abilities make him more than just a fighter as he is portrayed as. One of the many other lesser known abilities that Iron Fist possesses is called Mind Fusion. Through this technique, he can temporarily conjoin his consciousness with that of another person, allowing him to tap into the other's thoughts, feelings, memories, etc. Additionally, some villains originally started with fighting Iron Fist before entering other storylines. For example, Sabretooth actually debuted as an Iron Fist villain before Sabretooth had even appeared as an X-Men or Wolverine antagonist. Even Supra-Skrull has fought with Iron Fist, being an enemy of the Fantastic Four, he impersonated Danny after the “death” of Iron Fist. Iron fist along with multiple abilities comes with multiple enemies, making him very significant to the franchise. I think Danny’s story is one of the more realistic, yet deep intriguing. Growing up as a normal person with a great talent in fighting, then possessing incredible power through the battle of the dragon is just amazing. The sheer power from just the dragon, then later he would become even stronger through the Eye of Agamotto. I think that to make Iron Fist more popular and more noticeable, he needs to be put in a light such as when Heros For Hire or the Defenders. I think with Danny’s background, it makes the most sense to keep him in collaboration with others. 
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the-deadly-sins-rp · 7 years ago
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You’ve got your demons and darling they all look like me. -Taylor Swift
Availability: TAKEN
Name: Miriam Barnaby Pender Alias(es): Reaper Species: Kelpie (Immune) Loyalty: Government Object: None Special Skill: He knows every major artery in the body so precisely that with a single cut, he can sever an artery and make a person bleed out through a cut less than half an inch wide. Title/job: Head Scientist of the Creature Feature, Research Division (Top Secret security clearance) Age: 37 Birthday: TBD FC: Joseph Morgan Gender: Cis male Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: Aromantic, pansexual.
TW: GORE. Lots of gore. Animal cruelty/killing. Also cannibalism, and vague reference to rape (not in detail, and not done by or to character).
Miriam Barnanby Pender…. Is convinced his parents hated him to have given him that name. In any case though, he goes by Barnaby, and only the Director of the Government Agency and Judah Rosensweig know his first name. Barnaby was born in a small town, Colchester, England, though he always says, ‘Just outside of London,’ if anyone asks, as few people know where Colchester is, and he gets bored of explaining it.
Given his disposition for experimenting on and murdering people and creatures that piss him off, and many that don’t, but which he’s simply curious about, one would expect his childhood to have been one of trauma. It wasn’t though, not really, as far as he’s concerned. He was as normal as a kelpie could be considered at a young age. He found raw meat more appetizing than anything cooked, and perhaps he had bitten a neighborhood kid once when he wouldn’t let Barnaby borrow his skateboard, but honestly the kid deserved it. Selfish little bastard that he was.
The neighbors kept their kids far away from him after that, and perhaps that was why he didn’t realize until much later that he wasn’t what most families would consider a ‘normal’ child. Not that he cared all that much. Those normal children were incredibly boring. And their pets were loud. Particularly the one that lived next door to them. By that time, when Barnaby was about eleven, he’d thought over it enough, his mind obsessively running over the details of the situation and all possible outcomes so many times, that when the loud rottweiler disappeared, there wasn’t a chance his bones would be found. Even if everyone resumed their suspicious staring at Barnaby when they saw him, but even his parents never knew or questioned the dog’s disappearance. Barnaby almost regretted killing the thing so quickly. It was a fascinating experiment, seeing how fast the blood drained from it, how long it took until it no longer moved. Until it no longer breathed.
If anyone cared to try and put an explanation to his fascination with blood, with death, with how it occurred and why, they may try to pin it to a night when Barnaby was fourteen. Someone broke into the house, perhaps thinking it was empty, perhaps knowing it wasn’t. Barnaby was never really certain. But the would-be thieves killed his parents in cold blood. The knife that slit the throats of those two men, the blood that pooled on the kitchen tiles around them, the flicker of light and life that receded from their eyes as though fleeing Barnaby’s wrath as well, those are things that some would have perhaps called revenge. But it wasn’t, not really. Barnaby was upset about his parents’ murders, but not out of any care for them. He was indifferent on that, in all honesty. No, he was upset because he knew what came next; social services, group homes and foster parents that would kick him out as soon as they learned about how different he was. He didn’t want that. At all. So he left the bodies of the men, the bodies of his parents, and ran.
For the next four years, Barnaby worked odd jobs for money, and studied as much as he could. At eighteen, he passed the tests he needed for his high school diploma by a well-played game of convincing everyone he’d been homeschooled throughout high school. He scored in the top five percent of students in the entire country on the university entrance exams, so any disagreement to his claims didn’t matter much in light of his scores.
After moving to study Molecular, Cells and Systems Biology at Oxford, Barnaby found that his peers didn’t quite share his level of enthusiasm for understanding everything about the human, and non-human biology. After he was arrested for allegedly illegal and unethical experimental practices, an agency approached him, and promised his freedom, on the condition that he came to work for them. With a very real possibility of life in prison being on the table, Barnaby took the offer and found himself on Isle Cruento.
There, he found just as many people that found his practices abhorrent, though he also found some like-minded individuals. Judah Rosensweig in particular, became a close friend and colleague, as he understood and never questioned Barnaby’s experiments, even when some of them involved torturing his subjects to see their reactions to different stimuli. Barnaby doesn’t quite see anyone that isn’t also a kelpie truly as a person. They are lesser, in his mind. Weaker, fragile, easily quashed, and soon would be by natural selection. Barnaby just…. Gave natural selection a helping hand on occasion. It was in his kelpie nature, after all. Judah was of course an exception, though still horribly fragile, in Barnaby’s opinion. But the human understood, and therefore earned Barnaby’s respect as a peer. Most of the agency still finds it a miracle that Judah is able to share a lab, as well as living quarters with Barnaby and not end up dead.
Most others that Barnaby is forced to work with, he find extremely dull and most often annoying. Hunter Loftis, a scientist that works under Barnaby, fits the bill. The agency had tried at least a dozen times previously to assign him an assistant. At first he didn’t bother trying to pretend to play nice; he would simply eat them for lunch or dinner, once for breakfast, and really that was the assistant’s own fault for thinking he should show up when Barnaby was only half awake. Only one assistant lasted longer than a week, causing everyone in the lab to look at the girl as though she were a magician. As it turned out, she was simply so quiet and unobtrusive that it took Barnaby several days to even realize a new assistant had been assigned. She lasted mere hours after he’d made the discover. Soon his methods of dealing with his new assistants was to toss whichever Artifact he was currently studying to them, and watching their horror as they realized what they’d just caught. And the excruciating pain it would cause. His forced assistants then became his newest experiments.
Hunter was the most recent in a long line of assistants. And the first one that was immune to the Artifacts. Barnaby knew the agency would eventually catch on, but he didn’t expect them to send him an immune human. For the time though, Barnaby allowed the human to stay, if only out of curiosity, as so few humans were immune. The human has a very different methodology and self-proclaimed purpose for the experiments than Barnaby does, however. Barnaby is always irritated by Hunter’s incessant need to find cures, and results to benefit those affected by the Artifacts, whereas Barnaby believes that any results, whether positive or otherwise, serve a purpose. And that having some do-gooder attitude towards science is a hindrance towards real progress. Barnaby spends more time than he probably should, contemplating whether Hunter ‘accidentally’ ending up on his experimentation table would result in him getting a new, better colleague, or if he’d have the good fortune of not having another forced into his lab. Despite having technically been assigned to assist Barnaby, Hunter assists Judah as well when the doctor requires it. Barnaby has never backed Hunter’s claims that he doesn’t work for Judah, instead simply ordering him to do as Judah asked.
It’s common knowledge that having multiple kelpies in the same place is a dangerous game. There is most often a battle for dominance in which one of them ends up dead. The only exception is when one is deemed not to be a threat by the other, or in a rare case, one acts submissive to the other. Both facts are true when it comes to Ovia Donoma, one of the only other kelpies in the agency. Deaf and rather small, Barnaby sees the girl as incredibly non-threatening, and she’s never made any sort of indication that she would challenge Barnaby’s place as the single dominant kelpie at the agency.
Barnaby’s experiments have ranged from how different creatures react to the same Artifacts and how long until their expiration date, to observing what happened when someone with a Flask of Gluttony starved to death and whether a person with a Locket of Lust was in danger of being raped or harmed in any way by one of their ‘admirers’ under the effects of the Locket. There is little that he won’t do in the name of science. If anything exists that would be the line of ‘too far’ for him, then he hasn’t discovered it yet. If the results of an experiment are beneficial, then any manner of experimentation is acceptable to him in order to find the results. While some Artifacts for his experiments have come from the agency’s tightly protected collection, he sometimes finds that he must venture further to find what he needs for certain experiments. He first stop is most often a bar owner and dealer, Barocco Delmare, whom Barnaby has found to be useful for more than just a good drink and the occasional Artifact.
It is common knowledge that none of Barnaby’s subjects leave his lab in one piece, even if they survive his experiments. If such a thing happens, and he has no further use for the subject, he will drown and devour them.
For all of his murderous tendencies, Barnaby isn’t typically very cold towards people. In fact, he’s rather amused by the fragile little things that consider themselves important to the grand scheme of the world. He is cruel and sadistic, and is most often smiling at something that would make anyone around him uneasy. He’s often sarcastic, and any compliment he offers has a backhanded meaning. He’s very rarely genuinely kind to anyone, and usually only to Judah.
Barnaby always looks put together, no matter how long he’s spent in his lab. He keeps spare coats in the lab to replace blood-stained ones, as well as extra shoes. Always the same shiny, black shoes, which he’s worn through various pairs of over the last twenty years. When not in the lab, he’s normally in a dark blue or red button-up shirt and black pants.
He carries himself with the authority of the Head Scientist in his department, and doesn’t tolerate being treated as anything less. The more he speaks with his hands, the more dangerous he is, as he’s been known to use casual, unthreatening gestures before lashing out at a person that was annoying him.
Mutual annoyance of and colleague to Judah Rosensweig
Customer and regular one-night stand of Barocco Delmare
Supervisor of and greatly dislikes Hunter Loftis
Tolerates Ovia Donoma
Inciting Incident:
Barnaby finds Judah after the doctor accidentally picks up a Locket of Lust.
Three Headcanons:
Cleanliness and OCD: He often smells faintly of bleach, at least while in his lab and directly after leaving it. Despite having rather questionable research and experimentation methods, he is very particular about cleanliness. He can get blood stains out of anything, and cannot leave a single drop of blood anywhere in his lab before he leaves for the day.
Nicknames and Endearments: Having grown up in Great Britain, he’s accustomed to using the odd nickname for people. He often calls his regular one-night stands “my dear,” though if they take such a term as an endearment and brave to stay the night, they are disposed of in the morning. Similarly, it has become common knowledge around the agency facilities that if he calls a person “Darling,” they should not be expected to survive the next hour. Judah is the only person that he calls, “Love,” though it is almost always said in a chastising tone when he is annoyed at the doctor for one reason or another.
The Reaper: Because of the sadistic nature of his experiments, and the fact that no subjects leave his lab alive, people around the facility began calling him the Grim Reaper, though over time it’s been shortened to simply, Reaper. It is a nickname that he is quite proud of, and when meeting a new agent or employee in the lab, he’ll often introduce himself as the Reaper, simply to watch their expression change from pleasant to horrified, and knows that his reputation has already reached their ears.
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