#but when it comes to the teen bros not that many people really care about when i write those stories
jaybleu25 · 1 month
the urge to write another high school bros related story even though not that many people care about those qwq
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 8 months
Lake House Days
jack hughes x teen mom!reader
note: i love writing little kid dialogue
word count: 1.3k
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Bringing the twins anywhere was hard, but having to fly and a long drive to the lake house, was a big trip for the kids. And a very long day for Y/n. All that along with meeting new people, well she knew Jack’s parents, and his brothers, and she met Trevor once. But this would be the first time Jack’s family (minus Luke) and friends were meeting her kids. What if they didn’t like their son dating someone with kids, of course they did know, but knowing and seeing were different things. 
“Love, you okay?” Jack’s soothing voice broke Y/n out of her anxious thoughts, just like he always does.
“Yeah, just a little nervous.” “About what?” The man gives his girlfriend's thigh a gentle and reassuring squeeze, from where said hand had been resting since they got in the car. Y/n checked over her shoulder, seeing the twins sleeping soundly, Abby’s head leaning on her brother’s shoulder, smiling Y/n turned her attention back to her boyfriend.
“Just of everyone meeting the twins… Your parents and Quinn meeting the twins.” The woman admits, her voice low, more aware of her sleeping children now. 
“They are going to love them, they love kids and my family loved you when you met for the first time.” Jack assured her, making a quick glance taking in her reaction before returning his eyes to the road and continuing, “Abby and Eli charm anyone they meet, without them charming me, I would have never talked to you.” “Shut up.” The woman says, smiling. 
“Well I hope you got the last of your nerves out because we’re here.” Jack says, pulling into the long driveway of the beautiful and large lake house. Putting the car in park among the impressive number of cars already here, and turning to face the younger girl.
“Ready?” “As I’ll ever be.”
As Y/n slowly tried to wake up the twins, Jack unpacked the car, in the end neither child was ready to wake just yet, leading to Y/n carrying Abby and Jack carrying Eli. The door opened before Jack could open it himself, the image of Quinn in their sights. 
“Hey- oh hi.” the man says more quietly after realising the sleepiness in both the twins' faces.”Hey Quinny.” Jack greets his brother, doing the usual bro hug guys to, as well as he could with Eli in his arms. “We’re gonna put these two in their room, then we’ll come down and see everyone.”
Jack and Y/n walk down the stairs after Y/n finally got Eli settled. “Hi Y/n!” Ellen says seeing the couple coming down and bringing Y/n into a tight hug, “Hi Ellen!” “Where are Eli and Abby?” truthfully Y/n never thought Ellen or any of Jack’s family would care to know her children, and it was never anything they had done, in actuality they have done everything to disprove that notion. But with years of dating as a single mother it was more common than not that any partner's family wouldn’t want anything to do with her babies. “They're both napping, they've had a long day already.” “Oh of course! Believe me I know.” 
Spending the past hour without the twins and just getting to know Jack’s family and friends better first, had done a lot to ease her anxiety that this time would in fact be different. Y/n and Ellen talked all about how fast your kids grow, Y/n didn’t really have mom friends so it was refreshing to talk about her kids with someone that could relate. This along with Ellen telling many child Jack stories, much to the man’s dismay. 
“Mommy?” A quiet, sleepy voice mumbled rubbing his eye with one hand and his sister’s in the other, the young girl’s own other hand holding her most prized possession, her blanky. 
“Hi huns! You’re up?” Her rhetorical question causes the girl to nod her head, while jumping into her mom’s lap. Eli walked over to lean his arms on her arm rest, and his head on her chest. “Ready to meet everyone?” The twins’ mother whispered, while most people surrounding the fire were watching. Both 5 year olds nodding their heads, Y/n continues, “This is Ellen and Jim, they’re Jack’s parents.” The woman says, directing their attention to her right where Ellen and Jim sat. Both children mumble a quiet ‘Hi’ back. “And that’s Quinn, Jack’s other brother.” The same routine continued on, the two successfully convinced all that they were shy. Until Eli walked up to Trevor and sat on his lap, mischief must detect mischief, but Abby stuck to sitting with her mom. Scoping out who here will be her best friend. 
“Hun, I need to put sunscreen on you.” Y/n said, trying to reason with her son. She already got Abby ready, Abby was only difficult getting ready if she had a reason to be, Eli however was difficult just because it was fun.
“No!” “Baby, if you don’t put this on you’re gonna get burnt just like Lia did last summer remember? She could barely move, do you want that to happen to you.” “No..” The boy mumbled, accepting defeat and lifting his arm for his mom. “Thank you.”
“Jacka, what we doing today?” Abby was going through a phase of adding ‘a’ to random words in her sentences leading to her giving Jack the new nickname. While the young girl was letting Jack put on her shoes, the man answered her question excitedly and lifting the girl off the bed and onto the floor, “Going on the lake today!” “On boat?” “Yes ‘on boat’.” “Momma we going on boat” She repeated for her mom, even though the woman was a foot away from her and already heard it. “Maybe, hunny. Not for sure. Okay! You’re both ready, how ‘bout you guys go downstairs and help Ellen with snacks?” “Okayyy!” “Okay-a!” Both children yell, running out of the room.
Once they were excited, Jack pushed the bedroom door closed and walked over to his girlfriend. In the time that they’ve been dating, when the twins are around you take any time alone together you can get. Leaning down only slightly Jack gently presses his lips to Y/n’s, her immediately kissing him back. Her hands went around his neck, his own resting on her lower back just above her ass.
Breaking apart Y/n whispers against his mouth, “Okay, ready?” “Yep” he says, stealing a quick peck before exiting the room himself.
“I spy… Something invisible.” Eli announces, turning from looking all around him to looking at Trevor and Cole. “What’s invisible?” the taller boy asked, he’d been taking the game pretty seriously and Eli just threw a curveball at him. “Dude, I don’t know!” Before the two could embarrass themselves, Eli stepped in, “The air!!!” “Oh! Duh!” “Good one, man!”
This was too complex for Eli’s brain but he often latched onto male figures in his life; of course he had Lia’s dad but he didn’t see him often, so not having one for himself, he loved Jack and his friends, they gave him what he didn't have. 
Y/n was watching the three play eye spy from her spot on Jack’s lap. And checking over at Ellen and Abby playing ‘Go Fisha’ as Abby calls it. After a moment of Jack not having her full attention, he brings his right hand from the woman’s lower back to rub her upper thigh, grabbing her attention once again.
“You okay?” “Yeah.” Y/n says, a smile from ear to ear spreading across her face. She is so happy. Having Jack, and people besides herself and the people she considers family (Lia and her parents) caring about the twins I was something she wasn’t sure she would ever feel. Last night even, Y/n put the kids to bed and Eli asked her if Jack was going to be their dad, it almost made her cry on the spot. But what did make her cry happy tears was that her answer, not that she spoke it to Eli, was closer to a ‘yes’ than a ‘no’.
“Yeah, I’m really happy.”
@yabbadabbawhosposts @mallory78 @fulla02 @mostellasm
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dangerouslyknown · 6 months
Hi! Please do headcanons for gojo like you did Higuruma x
Satoru Gojo Headcanons 💎
A/N: Thanks for the request! My JJK obsession is hitting like a truck. I hope I delivered these Gojo headcanons well, mwah
Contents/Warnings: General headcanons, relationship headcanons both SFW & NSFW. Reader/partner is referred as "his S/O" or by they/them so gn!reader
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General Headcanons
He used to play Moviestarplanet. He was sooo popular too. He had lots of friends and he made the silliest movies/artbooks which people loved
He likes to sing and usually he sings whatever is stuck in his head on random occasions, without really trying to sound good
...but oh boy if you ever get the chance to do actual karaoke with him... He sings beautifully when he puts the effort in. What a gorgeous voice, it almost surprises everyone
He goes crazy about Lady Gaga's songs and he loves to do silly little performances whenever he hears any of her songs
Gojo is also a Swiftie???
Somehow I feel like he is TERRIBLE when it comes to spending money. He hasn't had a day in his life where he had to worry about financial stuff, so...
He's the type of guy buy an expensive ice cream machine, then accidentally break it and buy a new one like it's nothing
He used to troll people online as a teen...
Actually, he probably still does it for the heck of it. He isn't one to do anything super offensive, but he enjoys messing with people
SFW Relationship headcanons
He hasn´t been in many relationships in his life, mostly because he rarely lets anyone close. Bro has trust issues :(
He dislikes being vulnerable in front of others, but his S/O is who he shows his true self. It is not something to take lightly
He KNOWS he is attractive and it flatters his ego when he is complimented on it, but if one wants to win his heart, you need to go deeper than that. He wants a person who truly appreciates him beyond looks
His love language is gift giving. He will gift his S/O anything they desire, and it´s his way of showing he cares. He gets excited like a kid in a candy store when he brings his S/O something and waits for them to open the gift
Most of the time it doesn't even have to be anything expensive. Of course he likes to spoil his S/O, but sometimes he just sees something small, which reminds him of them and he decides to buy it
Then, his unofficial love language is being annoying. He would ask "would you still love me if I was a worm" and whatnot
Related to that, he would act all smug and probably provoke arguments with his S/O just to entertain himself (but he's not malicious about it of course!)
When he sees something romantic, he would say "Ewww, sappy romance stuff" and then do exactly those things in private
He likes to show off with his relationship? Y'know, like posting about it in social media and PDA
This also ties to when he holds great pride in the thought that he's able to protect them no matter what. Maybe he's also a bit jealous and likes to show others that his S/O truly is his, and only his
Looooves to dress in matching clothing with his S/O!
Also, if he'd play online games with his S/O, he'd definitely want to do matching usernames (Sometimes it'd be cringe, but that's a part of why he loves doing it)
(NSFW under the cut)
NSFW Relationship headcanons
Leans towards being more kinky tbh
This man likes to have fun, okay? He is super adventurous in the bedroom. He's always coming up with new ideas for his S/O and him to try, and he usually is the one to initiate
He'd love to bring in ropes, blindfolds, toys of all kind and everything you could think of. He wants to use them on his S/O, but isn't against the idea being toys or ropes used on him either blindfolds wouldn't even work on him though
He´s a fan of playing with the dynamics. The vibes he gives is 50% pillow princess and 50% daddy, so there's never a dull moment when he switches up things with his S/O
He lives for teasing in the bedroom. You are not going to get anything easily from his arrogant ass: If he's a sub, he's going to be a brat. If he's a top, you need to beg him
He is capable of being serious during intimate time, but most of the time there's going to be funny and goofy moments
I could 100% see him doing something like slapping his dick against his S/O's face, then grin. At the same time it's hot but it's also hilarious (in his opinion)
Speaking of his cock, I think it's bigger than average. Length is impressive, then girth is more average-ish
Definitely very vocal during sex. He will not shut up whether it's whimpers or dirty talk
I think he loves to fuck his S/O from behind. He loves to kiss the back of their neck, their shoulders and all over their back while going at it
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grabowskibeepboop · 2 months
I love genderbending characters, but when it comes to hxh, I'm the most basic with it and I don't care
I think Gon likes cute stuff, and would like cute stuff if he was a girl. I think she'd have long hair (he already does), and she'd like wearing skirts. Sue me because everyone seems to think Gon is this this fucking gym bro (no offense you have the right but I disagree), and yea sure he does go to the gym but so many people do without letting it be their personality. So ofc she'd want to be strong, but pretty too. Not on like an omg I have to be pretty level, but she'd do her hair cute and wear cute jewelry and stuff. Enough about Gon because I could go on for hours about how much I disagree with everyone about him. Also one more thing because the TV's playing teen titans rn, Starfire vibes ig, feminine but a bro, and ofc a little stoop. Loves making faces.
I don't think Killua would be much different. Not because he's feminine (he's not that feminine imo, everyone crosses their legs), but because she'd be a tomboy. Same choice of clothing, maybe some piercings later on but I already imagine Killua getting piercings in the future. Same personality, maybe different hairdo because maybe it'd be a little longer but she'd be a feminist I.C.O.N., she'd always be like what a boy can do I can do better or smth. Idk. Massive girl crush on Gon ofc, thats just the default.
Leorio is a toughie, because he's traditionally masculine, so I'd want to make her traditionally feminine, but he's also a classic suit guy, so I't put her in a suit, but maybe with a skirt at first, then maybe she switches to pants as the hunter exam gets harder or smth. The other thing thats kinda tough for me is his flirty vibe. I mean it's not that impossible to recreate the same type of flirting from a woman to a man, but smth still hasn't clicked about it in my head. Anyways I don't really have that much to say about her, leopika is still on so let's move on to...
Kurapika is basicall the same. You can't tell if she's a guy or a girl, but if you misgender her she will correct you in a manner which says it's okay we all make mistakes, but in a tone which says if you do that one more time you'll never see the light of day again. A lot of people headcanon Kurapika as transmasc, and while I don't actively headcanon him as such, I don't disagree either, so it's similar for gendermend too ig. There already people who headcanon The™ Kurapika as transfem, without genderbending, so it's not impossible. People also headcanon Kurapika as non-binary, and while I don't, I'm in for anything, but I like his unconventional-traditional vibe, like he's feminine by birth but his values do seem to lie in tradition too. Anyways, genderbend Kurapika isn't that different, but she is pretty flat.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
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Fallout4 characters with teen!sole
Bestie you are litteraly describing one of my oc's! Of course its purley platonic😊 teen!sole is also from valut and was in fidge for last 200years. I refer to them as 'kid' bcs thats how some of characters would probably treat them anyways. Also its a screenshot vuz I accidentally deleted the ask and luckily had some sort of proof
The only guy here with any expirence with kids
Dad vibe
Type of guy who says "We need to cut it off" after Sole tells him their hand hurts
Will teach them how to shoot, hunt ect
Also scold them every time they talk with any shady people??? Like he really doesnt want them to end up like him with whole 'gunners incident'
He thinks that Sole would get along with Duncan well!
If Sole calls him 'dad' mans gotta be so happy
Secretly worried about their saftey, like Commonwealth is dangerous place for trained adults, and for kids ESPECIALLY ones who have no knowlage about defence or weapons
But he never shows his worries, just hangs around being cool dude he is😎😎
Rich cousin/uncle vibe
You like this cool hat you saw like week ago? Boom see it apear inside your closed 2days later
His love language (quick remidner that love also can be platonic🙄😎) is giving them little gifts when they don't see him or leaving notes with remiders on them ^^
Quick reminder that he and his wife wanted to have kids! So yeah Sole makes him wonder if thats how it feels to have kids tbh
If Sole calls him 'dad' bro will freeze and panic, probably pretending that he thought that was a joke but he's sweating so hard rn
Wtf a child? Here?
Bestie you really shouldn't be here
If Sole is in this cringy teen phase when they do drugs/cigarettes, watch him say stuff like "drugs=bad" meanwhile taking some mentats
Your friendly local drug dealer vibe
Dude gonna teach them how to manipulate assholes, trow knifes, gaslight and still look stylish
If Sole ever tells him about their parents he will be angry, like ??? Why would anyone do anything to a kid???
He will litteraly pay fahrenheit to watch them when he's busy
"Fire, pretty sky and a lot of storytelling in middle of nowhere" vibe
Im 100% sure he knows how to play on guitar and will try to teach them
He will try to act mature and lead them to the right path but he won't try to be their "new perent" unless Sole is clear that they see him as father figure, he will never even bring this up.
When they call him 'dad' mans will be the happiest minuteman in history. Also if kid will even mention their past caretakers he will just tell them to forget about them cuz they aren't coming back and they are never going to hurt Sole anymore
How on earth some kid killed Colter? No one knows but Gage is impressed.
He gets annoyed by lack of knowlage and skills, ye ye he gets that they are like 13 or something but come on hes not going to do anything for them. Huh what do you mean you are from valut? Before the war?? Damn kid and im happy to be alive. Stop lying
*sighs* "jesus boss let me do it"
Older brother vibes.
"How many times i have to tell you, dont hang out with pack members they have bad influence on you AND do not even think about going near Nisha"
He needs to learn ALOT he dumped his family and even if he had younger siblings he never really took care of anyone, never, so yeah it is challenging
If Sole somehow calls him 'dad' they were probably incredibly tired or something very emotional happened. No matter how it happend Gage will ignore it and later overthink when Sole wont be around, like ??? Me??? Gee what kind of parental figure this kid had?? Should I check on them more often??
Uhh erm a child ee greeting?
At first he sees Sole as lil civilan and just tells them where to find nearest safe place/diamond city cuz hes very very busy and cant take care of child while on duty. If kid hangs around more he will probably warm up
Of course he will ask about their parents but when Sole tells him some upsetting stuff he won't ask again, he won't tell them to go home either. He will just idk let them vibe
I can imagine Sole just tagging along his missions by just begging him to hang out with them constantly. They quickly get along. Very lonley soldier and kid who lost everyone.
One of those 'depressed dude adopts random child he found in middle of knowhere' prompt
When Sole calls him 'dad' he gonna get emotional fr fr pls civilan he's on duty he cant cry rn 😭
Yall I loved writting for gage i might do part 2 with Gage just trying to figure out how kids work. Also another pole cuz I still have no clue how to delete those on phone. And as always, I used x reader tags ONLY to reach bigger audience 🦊
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Hi :) since you said requests might take longer feel free to take your time with this!!
Can you write something with Childe with a teen!brother!reader (obviously platonic) who’s more on the ‘rebel’ side? ‘Rebel’ as in he always tries to pull dangerous stuff and never really seem to care about the scars or how much trouble he gets in?
I usually see platonic stuff of Childe with a more shy reader, so I think this could be a nice twist :D thank you!!!!
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Rowdy and Rebelious | Platonic Childe headcannons x Rebel Teen brother reader
Characters: Childe
Summary: As much as a rebel you are, your brother will forever worry about you
Warnings: Just pure fluff
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ʚ⁺˖↪ You were the more of the rebelious child in your family, and your mother would constantly worry about you. Your older siblings would also worry but became easily annoyed with your shenanigans. Your younger siblings thought of you sort of like a superhero!
ʚ⁺˖↪ The one you would mess with the most though is your older brother Tartaglia, or better known as Childe. The time you went with Teucer to find him was surely something to say the least. He was glad that Teucer came with someone sort of capable of protecting him, but also worried about your safety.
ʚ⁺˖↪ You sometimes visit him on his travels on your own, and you always greet him with a bruise or some sort of injury. It scares him so much, and looks like he's about to murder someone.
ʚ⁺˖�� Scolds you so much when he is bandaging you up or putting ice on a bruise. If it's a more serious injury, then he will make you stay in one place, so you can heal.
ʚ⁺˖↪ When exploring with you, he literally has to hold you back. Like, he has to hold you down with a hug, so you don't fight some random people. You're just flailing in his arms. He uses this as an excuse to say you're not ready for exploring.
"If you manage to get out, then I'll let you explore with me."
ʚ⁺˖↪ This is now a challenge to you and you try so many times. You fail though, and it leaves Childe smugly laughing while saying 'I told you so' or something along those lines.
ʚ⁺˖↪ Tries to set rules with you, like don't get into a serious battle without him there, don't steal his weapon, and don't pick fights with the fatui. But you, being rebellious, you do not listen. In fact, you do all three at the same time… On multiple occasions.
ʚ⁺˖↪ He had to bail you out of almost dying a few times during those times. He just picks you up, sets you off to the side and finishes your fight.
ʚ⁺˖↪ When he does catch you being a chaotic little gremlin, Childe will just watch until he knows you can't handle it. Once he sees you either losing or getting really fucked up, he steps in and gets you out in a second.
ʚ⁺˖↪ It's another competition you two have. It's to see how fast Childe needs to get involved and how long you last before he needs to get involved.
ʚ⁺˖↪ It's a tie right now, with 77 on both sides. It's kind of astonishing to be honest. And you both make sure to keep track of the score, with slight alterations to the score.
"Last time I checked, little bro, I had 78."
"No, you dumbass, I had 78!"
ʚ⁺˖↪ You both insult each other so much, it's kind of funny. The insults get worse and make less sense as time goes on.
ʚ⁺˖↪ Childe also likes to fake being hurt by your insults. You call him out on his bullshit, though, especially when he does it in front of people that he knows.
ʚ⁺˖↪ Does a full dramatic pose and pretends to faint. You just catch him and roll your eyes as you just throw insult after insult at him.
"Oh, you wound me, my dearest brother!"
"Oh come on, I know you're just being stupid"
ʚ⁺˖↪ You do care about Childe though, like immensely. That's sort of why you're so rebellious. You're trying to prove to him that he doesn't need to worry about you and that you're capable of being able to care for yourself and him.
ʚ⁺˖↪ If Childe does get wounded in a battle, then you take over until the threat is gone. You rush over to his side and bandage him up. You both sort of tease each other about it, but you do it more so because you're anxious.
ʚ⁺˖↪ Childe does and has learned self-control, just so you can see that you don't have to fight all the time or be intimidating. He genuinely tries to be a good role model to you, and he tries to teach you as best he can.
ʚ⁺˖↪ You just call him stupid, though, but you understand what he's trying to do. You appreciate him for that, and sometimes you get Childe a gift of some sort to show your gratitude.
ʚ⁺˖↪ If you two are playing games, the both of you are cheating. And once one of you realize the other is cheating, it becomes a rough housing play fight.
"You cheated! Now you have to pay!"
"You cheated too! Why do I have to pay if you're not going to, you hypocrite!"
ʚ⁺˖↪ When you leave after traveling to visit him, he gives you an hour-long lecture on what not to do and what to do. He also demands that you write him as soon as you can. Of course, you don't do any of these things, except you do write him a letter.
ʚ⁺˖↪ You're just the rebellious gremlin of the family and occasionally give Childe many near heart attack moments with how often you feel the urge to be violent and take on Celestia
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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imagionationstation · 7 months
HI i’m shy but i found your page yesterday and i think your fanfiction and analysis’ are so cool and intriguing!! I mean i read your fanfiction before but i didn’t know you were active here too 🥹 I have 2 questions!!
What are your thoughts on the Creeping Doom episode? Personally I love the episode for the concept and fun moments they gave us but I wish there was more to it somehow? Or that it was more consistent.. I’m not good with words but I’m curious to hear what you think!
I also noticed on one of your posts you said Raph only calls Donnie/Mikey little brother. I never heard him call Donnie that though :( I was wondering if you remember the clip or episode that happened in? That’d make my heart so happy to see hehehe
Thank you for your time bro 🫶🫶🫶
Thank you!! My fanfics and my analysis are my pride and joy so that really means a lot to hear!
I try to drop reminders that I exist in other places whenever I can but (just like with answering asks) I’m really bad at it. Love when people can make connections between my accounts. I do my best to boost 2012tmnt content with every click of a key and get a rush of dopamine when someone can access everything I have to offer!
What are my thoughts on the Creeping Doom ep? Do you have time for an essay or two? Cauuussseee-
Alright. Alright. I’ll keep this… relatively short.
I’m an episode skipper for shows I have little interest in. I don’t normally care about watching them from first season to final season. I just like tasting the random content and putting puzzle pieces of plot together. It makes it more interesting.
So, I know I watched a couple of episodes of 2012TMNT before I watched The Creeping Doom, but it was the first episode that really stood out to me. It essentially made me go, “Omgee, he’s such a sweet, bright little guy- I must learn everything about him.”
Everything about this episode is a wonderful mix of painfully cringe, strangely adorable, and very thought provoking. YEAH. You heard me. It makes me feel things AND have wise thoughts.
It’s the little things that get me. This episode spoke volumes and still does after my many, many rewatches.
FOR EXAMPLE: The brothers always immediately supporting him/assisting him/leading him around like a lost puppy?
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(Mikey throwing him is the highlight of his part in this episode, ngl.)
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Even BEFORE they know that something is definitely wrong with his brain, they’re supporting him through his off behavior/headache.
Also him pausing to catch Leo and then keeping his unsteady brother upright later on is some prime brotherly content <3<3
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You can FEEL how tense he is at the beginning of this ep. He’s been carrying this tension- this weight- all season. So much is on his shoulders and he knows he’s running out of time. When he snaps at Mikey, he offers unheeded in vocal hints of I’m busy plz stop being distracting by adding in comment like, “Don’t mess with that! I’m trying to figure out how to reverse engineer this brain worm.”
He’s not even telling him to get out! He’s slightly open to conversation. He’s just trying to communicate that he’s really distracting, but the message isn’t getting across. (And it’s so relatable. He’s not TRYING to be a jerk. He’s trying to stay cool. And I don’t know how many of the show’s audience have little siblings, but when you’re struggling and they’re loud, that only makes things worse. You love them but can’t they let you think?!)
He STRESSED. And rightfully so.
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The second that the memory loss kicks in and he forgets everything scary/daunting/concerning happening around him- he’s such a happy and carefree teen. Zero problems. Zero concerns.
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NOTHING that he’s doing comes off as weird or abnormal to him. He finds joy in fire and french fries and tinkling vials and ‘squirrels’ and naming things and rediscovering his brothers. He loves doing random things to get his older brother’s attention, anything from shoving metal objects in his mouth to stealing their masks. This is probably the most joy we see for a LONG time and it’s all so PURE.
And he GENUINELY does NOT understand why his brothers are calling him out for being odd. He’s just vibing all ep.
He can’t remember why they left him behind, so, OBVIOUSLY, he needs to go find them- and that random spotlight in the alleyway was NEAT and he found REAL above-ground fires and squirrels. Didn’t they want the ShellRaiser to stop anyway?
He was helping! What’s the big deal? Silly brothers.
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And on the same card, there’s a subtle sort of angst. Watching Donnie slowly descends into a dependent child without truly understanding what’s happening to him. Every time that he remembers that he forgot something, a confused fear entered his tone. He knows it’s wrong but he can’t understand why.
His head hurts and his hand itches and he thinks he might be spacey but how is any of that connected and since when did Creep get free and what are they all doing on the surface anyway, and, wait, are they fighting- is that the Creep how did he get free?!
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And that fact that he keeps asking the same questions gets me every time. He’s so oblivious and that’s terrifying. He’s used to knowing everything but every thought is slipping through his fingers.
Then we reach the point where he can’t even muster the curiosity to wonder if his brother repeatedly saying something’s wrong with him is weird. He’s just going with it. Any chance they may have had to figure this out is now long gone.
And the multiple references to the fact that they can’t do much without Donnie make me wish this realization would have gone somewhere. The potential of Donnie giggling and playing while his brothers watch their world crash down would have been PERFECT.
It would be SUCH A CONTRAST to Good Genes! Instead of losing him to an angry, vengeful beast that is nothing like him, they’re essentially losing Donnie to himself. This is their brother, no question about it, and they have to watch him deteriorate before their eyes.
Holy Chalupa, I can TASTE that angst. It’s drilling at my soul.
But, sadly, I’ll just have to take what I can get. This type of scenario will simply live rent free in my brain. Along with other ones like this definitely canon scene that’s definitely scripted definitely.
Uh. There was another thing.
I don’t know what episode it’s from. I went looking for the quote in my favorites but didn’t find it. Don’t really have enough hours to scan every season. Of course, I would have sworn that Mikey has never said “Don” in the 2012 series a few months ago, and he totally surprised me by saying it in Newtralized. So.
I could be wrong. I can hear his voice saying it clearly in my head like many quotes, but I’m a writer, so that could just be my brain playing tricks on me.
I believe that I am right, but if proven otherwise, I will concede to my incorrect assumptions. Silly trickster brain O’mine.
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stars-of-kyber · 4 months
I would love to hear your opinion about S3 !!1
Ooooooh girl! I have so many feelings here... This might get long, beware
Overall, I enjoyed this first part quite well.
I like how faithful some moments are to the book, although Colin's book is tied with Ben's as my least favourite and it was the one which took me the longest to read. I liked the Proposal, bc that's a scene I really like from the book and Colin's journals. I also like the glimpse of Colin's repressed anger.
I feel like the show could have mixed the Whistledown issue more with this first part. I felt like it was very separate. First, we deal with the love story, and then we bring the whole LW x Queen thing. The book actually starts with Lady D announcing she'd offer a reward for the person who gave her LW's identity. It didn't bother me that much during the episodes, but when the 1st part ended, it kinda gave me a feeling of... completion? Yeah, okay, we had the issue, we worked it out, the couple is together, we'll have a pretty epilogue moment and then yay. I know it's not just that bc I read the books, but even so it gave me that feeling. I don't know if splitting in two was a good plot device here, because the cliffhanger is... not actually a cliffhanger? There's nothing that makes us hold our breaths wondering what's coming next but that little trailer in the end. If it was me (not a professional obvs) I would either not have split this at all, or end the first part with Colin finding out Pen was LW. THAT would have been a cliffhanger worth holding your breath.
Particularly (Please don't come at me for that people), I don't feel the chemistry between the two of them, which is a bit sad. They were there, staring at each other about to kiss and I didn't feel that OH MY GOD YES KISS! They fell a bit flat for me, chemistry-wise. But again, I felt the same with the two of them the previous seasons so no big surprise here.
The Kathony, tho. God I love them. I want more of them. I need it. (I honestly think they were kept away from this beginning due to managing their schedules with other projects) But we'll see them in the next part being horny lovebirds together.
I really REALLY liked the sideplots too! Unlike season two and that god-forsaken annoying Eloise x Theo thing and Cousin Jack side-plots, I actually enjoyed the stories that were going around. I liked the Moldriches; I had some good laughs with Portia struggling with her daughters and sex ed;
Kudos to Lord Debling. I really liked him as a character and his interest in Penelope was nice to watch.
The most surprising of all, I actually LIKED the Eloise and Cressida side plot, which I was really not expecting. I like the way Cressida is presented, not an angel but also not super bad. And I love that she managed to give Eloise some very important call-outs and threw some truths in her face that she desperately needed to hear and no one else had done in the previous seasons (at least not so directly).
A little hurray to baby Greg and Hyacinth being the most adorable little pre-teens god they are so big, I can't! I love them so much.
Also, I had quite a lot of fun with Benedict, especially him being called out by Lady Tilly for the EXACT same reason he was having a laugh at Anthony last season. I absolutely loved that one. And I want to know what's the deal with Lady Danbury's bro.
I didn't particularly care for the music in it as a whole BUT I have to say this: I did NOT expect Pitbull's Give Me Everything would work SO DAMN WELL SERIOUSLY I LOVED IT! I saw it on the setlist and I was like Oh my god grab somebody sexy tell them hey! How is this going to work? And IT DID! I VIBED SO HARD WITH IT! Seriously did not see THAT ONE coming.
I have ticked off 9 of my bingo predictions! Unfortunately, as we know, Anthony's butt in ep 1 was not one of that (so so so sad) Colin being chased by a duck was neither, which makes me really upset BUT we still have another 4 eps to go 🦆 (I know, I know, let me dream, leave me be).
I'll be watching it again later today with my mum, maybe tomorrow again with my Frannie. (ADHD hyper fixation yeah I know).
As I said, it had its ups and downs but overall I liked it very much. I can't wait for the next part.
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artiststarme · 2 years
What If Steve Were To Leave Hawkins? Part 18
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Well, I don't really like this one but I want to get something out today! Only two more parts, it's bittersweet in a way. I did not think that the first fic I ever wrote would have so many parts or be over 70 pages on a google doc.
I'm already working on a few new fics though I don't know if I'll end up posting them. One is a Steve superpower fic and the other is an angsty one with Steve and Eddie leaving together. Would anyone be interested in reading those?
Steve was feeling good. While he had initially been nervous to see his family again after being ignored and leaving town, he recognized that he may have judged the situation too harshly. The entire Party, besides Erica who was still at summer camp, was sitting at one of the picnic tables set up in the Byers’ backyard. They were all laughing and catching up until Hopper cleared his throat and brought up the dreaded topic. 
“So, I know we’re all having a good time here but I think we should talk about what happened,” he said, immediately bringing everyone’s attention to Steve.
Steve chuckled nervously, “Um, I don’t think we do. Everything’s fine, we’ve all moved on.”
Steve didn’t need anyone else pointing out his flaws. He’s already been made aware that he misunderstood the situation and acted too hastily, he really didn’t want to talk about it again. And if there was one thing he hated above all else, it was seeing people become sad when they were supposed to be happy. He saw the kid’s smiles starting to fade at Hopper’s words and he desperately wanted to keep them there. “Besides, I’m back right now! Let’s focus on that. Where’s the ice cream?”
Hopper glared harder at his pseudo-son and gruffly muttered, “we are talking about it. You left without telling anyone, had us looking for you for months thinking we might find a body, and then you show up acting like nothing happened!”
He turned his angered gaze to Eddie sitting next to Steve, “And don’t think you’re off the hook either, Munson. You were talking to him for weeks without telling any of us. Then you disappeared too. I had to deal with Wheeler trying to push me into charging Steve with kidnapping.”
At that, both Steve and Eddie nearly gave themselves whiplash turning to look at Mike. “What the hell, bro?” Eddie was surprised and somewhat touched at his concern. 
Meanwhile, Steve felt the opposite. He was offended, he’d known this kid for years and he still hated him despite everything he’d done. The fucker was permanently on his shit list now. “What the fuck, Wheeler? You little shit!” 
Hopper cleared his throat once again to drag their offended expressions away from the scowling teen. “Language! You both should know better than to disappear without telling anyone, especially with what we all have gone through. So what happened?”
Steve looked at Eddie. Eddie looked at Steve. Everyone else looked at them looking at each other. Steve sighed and tried to explain in a way that wouldn’t expose his vulnerability. “I didn’t think anyone would care if I left. My dad kicked me out and I didn’t have anywhere else to go. None of you had talked to me in weeks at that point so I just started driving. I ended up in Chicago and now I really like it there.”
Everyone around the table looked slightly horrified. They had all played a part in his departure, they knew. But they didn’t consider how distant and unreachable they had made themselves. 
“Kid, why didn’t you come here? Joyce and I told you that you could stay here whenever you needed to. Why didn’t you come to us?” Hopper asked, his gruff voice strained and congested. 
Steve just shook his head, his fingers twisting Eddie’s in search of comfort. “I didn’t want to bother you guys. You already have three kids, I didn’t want you to have to take me in because of pity.”
“So instead you went off on your own like a dumbass?” Max said. 
He glanced at her, “I’ve been alone my entire life so yeah, it wasn’t that bad. I found a job and an apartment. I’m happy now.”
“Why didn’t you reach out to anyone, Steve? We were really worried about you,” Joyce added. 
“Everyone seemed to be going about their normal lives when I called. I didn’t think you guys really noticed that I was gone and I didn’t want to bother you. I really don’t want to talk about it,” Steve said, frowning and making moves to make himself appear smaller. 
Eddie, sensing his boyfriend’s inner turmoil, placed a comforting hand on his knee, an action hidden from view of the others at the table. Steve shot him a manically desperate but appreciative close-lipped smile. His eyes begged Eddie to do something to draw the attention away from him. 
And Eddie would always do what he could to help his boyfriend. Without hesitation, he blurted, “Steve and I are dating!”
With that, Steve’s self-inflicted disappearance was forgotten. The reactions ranging throughout the group were extreme. Hopper had the most dramatic spit take of his life and spit his iced tea all over El and Mike that sat opposite him at the table. El looked confused at the situation before leveling her father with a glare for drenching her new shirt in iced tea and spit. Mike was glowering at Steve looking absolutely disgusted. Will and Joyce had small, surprised smiles on their faces. Nancy and Johnathan’s jaws dropped in surprise, staring at the two in the utmost shock. Lucas and Dustin similarly looked shocked like they had expected anything else. Max was blankly looking at them like she already knew. Robin was looking at Steve nervously, anxiously awaiting his reaction. And Steve? He was looking at Eddie in horrified shock. So that wasn’t the distraction that he was gunning for then. 
Mike, unsurprisingly, collected his wits most quickly. “Are you fucking kidding me?! First my sister and now my Dungeon Master? Do you have no fucking shame, Steve?”
His indignation brought Steve out of his shock quickly, defensiveness overtaking his initial horror. “Okay, watch your fucking mouth, Wheeler. This has literally nothing to do with you. Nothing! I don’t know why you’re always so invested in my love life but it’s weird, dude. Stop.”
Mike sputtered and seemingly could not find anything justifiable to say in response. Robin jumped in then, face still aflame in a heavy blush. She said, “Well I support you and I am happy that you are happy! Right, guys?”
She turned to the others that were still recovering from their shock. They all nodded except for Hopper. His blank expression made Steve anxious, even more so when he got up from his seat and moved towards him. 
“Hop, I just… I’m sorry… I just-”
He was silenced when Hopper pulled him into a bear hug. “I’ll always support you kid, even when you’re interested in the likes of Munson here. I might not understand it but I accept it.”
Steve hugged him back with tears in eyes, “Thanks, Hop.”
They both pulled away after another moment and Hopper went back to his seat next to Joyce. The whole table was up in arms debating on whether they had seen this coming (Max, Lucas, and Will said they had; Dustin, Mike, and El definitely did not). Steve just smiled at the chaos that was his family and pulled a blushing Eddie up by the shirt collar before tugging him close. Steve looked into Eddie’s eyes and whispered against his lips, “you’re such a dipshit.”
Eddie smiles and runs his tongue along his lower lip, “yeah, but I’m your dipshit.”
Steve barked a laugh in response before giving him the grossest, messiest kiss he could manage. Even with the disgusted outcries from the Party and the berries being thrown at them courtesy of Robin, kissing Eddie and being surrounded by family had Steve feeling happy and complete.
Part 19 Part 20: Epilogue
Updated Taglist: @nickavalens @conversesweetheart @themostunoriginalpersonever @swimmingbirdrunningrock @eddiethegreatteddybear @harrumphingtons @call-me-big-eyes @moonshadows-13 @glittergluekintsugi @cpidcupk @doubleb11 @mentalcyborg @amoris-no-smut-allowed @purple-lemonade @labels-are-for-the-weak @thebrazilianatheist @rajumat @livelaughlexa @5ammi90 @colorful565 @marvelousforlife @chaoticcoffeequeen @gregre369 @suddenlyinlove @thegreatmistake @stillfullofshit @nburkhardt @batxsignalsx @newunknowns @thosemessyvibes @tailsfromthecrypt @luciana-rowan @bird-with-pencils @adaed5 @lolawon @flustratedcas @iwillfindmyneverland @messrs-weasley @skoomy-doompy
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Gideon the Ninth predictions: Characters
Okay besties, before I celebrate Magnus' anniversary, what the fuck is up with the cast of Gideon the Ninth?
Gideon - She's the best and I love her, but she doesn't seem like she's gonna crack this one on her own. I assume she's gonna be instrumental to the events and climax of this book, but how? I am forced to conclude that the real secret to becoming a Lyctor will involve keeping a healthy daily routine of food, exercise, and tits. (Put more seriously, her secret weapon seems to be how little she cares about the melodrama of the situation.)
Harrow - She's the worst and I love her. Definitely don't see why Griddlehawk is a ship though. I kinda feel like they're setting her up for an Aesop about the value of friendship and relying on others, which is why I actually want her to gain ultimate power and lord it over all the other people who simply didn't study hard enough
Teacher - Implicitly trustworthy. Will probably make a heartbreaking sacrifice to get our heroes through their darkest hour
Dulcinea - Gideon, I get it, but it's not going to end well. Even in the best case, she dies by the end of the book. I'm actually kind of suspicious of how much of a spell she casts on Gideon, and I think there's a 30% chance she's actually up to something that will be bad for our heroes.
Protesilaus - Probably going to fight Gideon at some point. Not sure why but it'll be underscored with jealousy and betrayal.
Palamedes - I just met this man and I'm underwhelmed. It's cool to see that there's different varieties of necromancy, and medicine seems like it's gonna be useful once the blades come out, but, really? him? Most Likely to be Anointed Lyctor by Racous Indifference
Camilla - She's got Duties but I can already envision the omake where she and Gideon bro out. If Cavaliers could be Lyctors, she and Gideon would spend the entire trial perfecting the sickest possible flips. Assuming they can't, she'll be a brief ally and otherwise go on to bigger and better things.
Magnus - He's the best and I love him! I kinda worry that he does not Get what kind of story he's in. He's definitely not gonna pass the trial. I think the Emperor is gonna kill him when he fails, and I'm gonna be mad!
The Terrible Teens - (No, Magnus, don't make predictions about us. We're so insubstantial that we won't make much of an impact on the story when you're gone but we might show up as a callback in later installments)
Magnus' Wife - What's the deal with this lady necromancer? I'm pretty sure she hasn't shown up before. Where was she?
Coronabeth - It's Gemini Season, baby! Cool enough to maybe be a Lyctor, savvy enough to not make too many enemies on the way there.
Ianthe - Gideon was confused by the fact that she can see in the dark, but Gideon was also confused by Palamedes' medical necromancy. My guess is she's a stronger necromancer than her twin but not siginficantly beyond the abilities of the rest of the cast. Strong candidate for Lyctor. But it'll be one twin or the other, not both. 60% Ianthe 40% CB.
Naberius - He's a piece of shit and he's gonna get away with it, too, because he's Cavalier to the two necromancers most likely to ascend.
Jeannemary - What a great name! Would be open to naming a child this.
The rest of the Ninth House - No longer relevant to the proceedings except maybe in a "return to the Shire" moment
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pico-digital-studios · 6 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Cast: Devy the Rabbit and Smol Devy
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"I'm just a green guy that does stuff!" - Devy
"Me smol! Me want hug from fwiends!" - Smol Devy
A more unique duo of the bunch, these two were made by NotSoDevy himself and sport their own intrigue and story.
Devy, for the most part, was raised as your typical average guy. Of course, there was something special about him that a lot of people didn't see, and he was determined to show that however he could. He was indeed unique from other rabbits like him, in that he had a longer tail, like other mammals, and really liked yellow gear to help stand out from the crowd.
There was one day of many that he met Vanilla the Rabbit whilst exploring the local town, back when his dimension's Sonic was still a young guy in his pre-teens. The two found pretty good links together, and with enough time, their friendship started to blossom into the two crushing on each other.
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As for Smol Devy, on the other hand, his story is separate from base Devy's. In his case, he used to live in a pretty peaceful land where various species lived and interacted together. Smol Devy himself was quite the gifted child, sporting some pretty unique powers like flying or making other people's hair glow, and he lived quite a happy life with his parents for a good amount of time.
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Unfortunately, the peace was not going to last forever there, and things went downhill when an invasion from an unknown source started entering the kid's world. As an approach to keep their son safe, they sent him off to Dimension NSD-2017 (Devy's universe), where the kid was found and taken in by Devy as an adoptive younger brother. Smol Devy's parents are still alive, don't worry, but they're currently elsewhere following that invasion.
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The days continued to pass as the two happily lived life together with Vanilla, and some of Smol Devy's unique energy rubbed off on his big bro, granting him small abilities like the ability to levitate and a super-sense coming from his rabbit ears.
After enough time, Devy got himself quite the unique type of headgear; a facial mask that covered the front of his face, but also allowed him to emote through it, just like the Spidey masks seen in Spider-Verse. It's as if the mask doubles as another face for the guy. Some examples of expressions can be seen in the image below:
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One day, the cosmic quake emanating from Dimension MP-2021 shook their dimension a little bit, albeit not as bad as some other worlds got it. The two felt this definitely warranted investigation, so they took the step forward together, being careful about what could be on the other side.
When they got there in the fourth act of More than One Universe, they were both thankfully in the safety of Sonic's "Sonic-cave" at OMT!Chuck and OMT!Rosie's residence, where the Blur Gang were taking residence after the Wing Fortress crash-landed, and that was where Devy met OMT!Tails for the first time.
OMT!Tails was comfortable in confiding with the guy and opening up with his insecurities and struggles he had faced in the past six months. Devy was able to understand how he felt, even offering him a comfort hug and a snack to help cheer him up before he got back out to neutralise the evils that got into the dimension. Due to his relationship with his Vanilla, OMT!Cream even innocently asked for him to adopt her after she lost her own mom.
As for Smol Devy, he was pretty quick to make friends with those he hadn't met before, though he was understandably shy around all these strangers. He especially made friends with the "Smol" counterparts of Nitro and Amy who were being raised by Karilvatch and Lucia, all enjoying time together even after the mess blew over.
In the aftermath, Devy was brought on as the Blur Gang's seventeenth major member for his contributions to success, as OMT!Tails correctly identified that he was indeed special, even without major powers like the rest of the crew. Smol Devy even stuck around to interact with his newfound friends more.
It's safe to say that, despite their lower power range in comparison to other Quill Society members, the duo still have enough in them to be of vital assistance to the Blur Gang, and they've both even visited the Quill Society HQ on odd occasions to meet more new friends.
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Gender activists are so vile and the way they treated that person who recently complained about how T made her lose so much hair, causing her to look older than she actually is (early 20s I think) strongly demonstrated it. They bullied her. As simple as that. I doubt that most gen z and younger millennial transitioners would be happy about looking bald or nearly bald this early on. I doubt they even would be happy about the perspective of losing hair (receding hairline) in their 30s or 40s, they have in mind a head full of hair, maybe big fluffy or curly hair that make them look like they're surfers, skate bros and alternative emo men who will permanently look young. I know it, from my personal experience dealing with dysphoria. It's the reason why so many masculine teen girls fall into the trap of thinking we're trans boys/ later trans men. We aren't represented, or so little, and so we take the path we see all others taking, thinking it must be the truth.
So, seeing trans people but also your average straight gender conforming man or woman who see themselves as those great trans allies attack this young detransitioner was horrendous. Either because they would be upset if it had happened to them and deny it because ahah it's so funny when it happens to others, either because they have no idea what it's like to be visibly gnc and yet have the audacity to open their mouth to criticise someone who viscerally knows what it is. I personally do not believe that detransitioners who do it for religious motivations are doing the right thing as they are not necessarily listening to themselves but rather following a strict moral that ultimately isn't their own voice. You have to detransition for yourself and for yourself alone, else you might fail as it wasn't really your own idea. Yet you do not see me hate and bully these detransitioners, either you support a group of people or you don't. How are we supposed to believe that gender activists have any care in the world for detransitioners when them speaking out about normal concerns and what went wrong when it comes to their transition and general story triggers such a wave of hatred, mockery, online bullying ? I know KC Miller's name only because gender activists couldn't bear hearing the fact that dysphoria doesn't automatically resolve itself after taking cross-sex hormones and used her as a punching ball to convince themselves they would all be absolutely unbothered by her results.
People are responsible when deciding to put a kid/teen on hormones quickly and with no regard to their personal history, possible trauma, neurodivergency, self internalised biases, you cannot simply laugh at a victim and rally against them because of the manipulation they went through. She stayed calm and respectful yet was met with such verbal violence that there is now zero doubt left about how this community considers detransitioners and thus any trans people who is currently negative about this or that evolution in their own transition.
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petorahs · 1 year
☀️ its fascinating that you say P3 has shaped your worldview because... Well not to trauma dump here but back then when I discovered the game (it was back then when p4 was already out) i was... In a REALLY bad place and wondering about unaliving myself. I wont go into much detail but kids are trash man and teens are even worse. and then this game came around. With an aesthetic I really liked. i am not a native english speaker so it was hard for me at first but somehow this game just... /spoke to me/. A game about life and death and what it means to be alive and what it means to have a REASON to live, somehow... Convinced me to go a bit longer. I mean it when I say this: Persona 3 saved my life. And no other game can ever come close to such an experience. (Even tho from a quality standpoint P5 certainly is up there)
oh dude that is so valid thank you for sharing this. seriously though, im happy that youre here! and im sure many others are too! the ☀️ brightening lives and all that :]
yea i can see why p3 just clicked with so many people since it first came out. i was always curious on why it's so beloved by fans, when p5 and even p4 are literally right there with their overall better gameplay experiences. p5 literally got the franchise mainstream to insane heights lol. im... so glad i got into persona the way i did. of course, everyone's experiences w these games are different and special to them in their own way.
i got into persona 3 as an adult and as a result the lens in which i viewed the story's themes were heightened, in a way. as a teen i just know i would have reacted more volatilely i struggle to think about it LOL but both experiences would still be pretty intense. it's just that, as an adult there's more room to digest it when im not troubled by algebra hw. i was just more equipped for it (also i played omori two summers ago LMAOO). ofc i only turned 20 a few weeks ago LOL but i get why p3 means so much to people.
because it's like... 2000s nostalgia coupled with a game that figuratively holds your hand through the uncertainty of death yknow? p3 is a friend, basically. its entire thesis is based upon companionship (exactly what i highlight in an analysis i have drafted somewhere but HHH i dont want this to get too long lmao)
in the shaping my worldviews thing... its really more like it cemented my 'philosophies' :] like i said, equipped with the stuff i learned before, p3 having the message that it did just... hit super close to home! like yeah! that's what i've been saying dude!! kindness really is enough!!
"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life... Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of."
LIKE YEA GIRL THATS EXACTLY IT!! its so cool! i actually admire people who grew up with p3 because man if i heard this line ages ago... well, again, idk if i would be able to grasp it fully at the time... but still! this is so good, poetry in motion. and like u said its aesthetics are gorgeous and aim to capture the essence of its themes - and it did.
im a p5 baby like bro i love p5. soft spot for it. thats the closest persona game i "grew up" with and it came at such an opportune time for me, being a teen stuck between a rock and a hard place. typical. and p5 validated my teenage angst bs so much. its so refreshing to see a game's theme being rebellion. that was me i thought. those characters are going through something that similarly happened to me. teenage rebellion is such a fun thing to explore!
so p5 validated my struggles while p3 did something deeper than that, somehow. i think it just made me .. stronger? like it made me move on from struggles. "by remembering death you learn how to live" so... i guess p3 taught me how to live as crazy as that sounds. but you get me
persona 5 overall is great -- everyone agrees, like its objectively just a better game. but persona 3 ends up more beloved because of its subjective value as a piece of art. there's a lot of heart and soul to put into it.
it's more simple when compared to p5 at first glance, but simple doesn't mean less. which is why more people experiencing it will be nice to see
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pikaflute · 2 years
☕️ adult animation in general :}
i really feel like adult animation, as a whole, is an aspect of animation so overlooked by people online because they have mushed peas for brains. do not get me wrong, there's a lot to criticize/is bad, but thinking that the only "good adult stories" lie in animation geared towards kids is stupid and really doesn't highlight the stories adult animation does tell. like if animation is for all ages, why the hell do people only recommend shows and movies clearly aimed at an audience made for children. "oh but(x) is for all ages" i don't think i have to tell you why the talking cat movie and the Australian show that airs on a kids channel may be aimed towards a certain demographic.
a main criticism of adult cartoons is that they rely on sex, drugs, and cursing jokes. now i could point out that people laugh when that jokes are animation for tweens but whatever. all i'm gonna say is, so? adults do those things, obviously they're gonna joke about it. (also people loveeee saying smiling friends and hazbin are so different than adult animation despite BOTH shows using this humor. hell, while not a western animated cartoon, panty and stocking's humor is like this and no one shits on it.) and when adult animated shows aren't focused on humor (LIKE PEOPLE WANT THEM TO BE) people complain About them being too depressing or miserable to watch (DESPITE THEM WATCHING SHIT LIKE THE OWL HOUSE WHICH PEOPLE PRAISE FOR IT'S DARK STORYTELLING). basically no matter what genre it is, I feel like adult animation can't win.
people always point out the artstyle too which again really isn't a problem. there's a lot of beautiful adult animated cartoons and ones that are really stylized, but everyone ignores them to make fun of the family guy ripoff that will get canned in two minutes. and that's really the biggest problem yeah? the family guy ripoffs are what people judge literally the entire landscape of adult animation by. despite there being really good stuff out there, it's judged by the few that suck dick and balls. people used to do with kids' animation and now people complain about how the whole genre must suck. and then when people recommend shows that are good they get all mad and go "well there's only a few that are good!" or "well...that's comedy based so it doesn't count" LIKE AT LEAST GIVE IT A CHANCE!!!!
AND. AND!! it seems like even the industry is stacked against adult animated projects. netflix cancelling qforce, tuca and bertie, and inside job for one, but also adult swim's "put eggs in one basket" strat they have with rnm. it seems like adult swim only (for many years at least) cared about rnm and it seems they didn't put as much effort in promoting the other show on the network. adult swim being one oif the only (besides like fox) that host adult animation kinda sucks but a lot of these stories that people create don't seem to reach their full potential because networks are scumbags. adult swim has built a good will reputation with most of it's fans (i say most because [looks at paper shredder]) by being cool and hip with what their audience likes but at the end of the day they are a network. and they act like any other scumbag network. see their desire to just cancel shows: moral orel and venture bros for instance. and well. you know. [looks at a paper shredder] or adult swim refusing to pay carey means (the voice of frylock) residuals. in other news there's a new season of aqua teen coming soon.
the only adult cartoons people talk about are the really popular ones or the ones that suck. from my experience (see: college campus in nj) the only adult cartoons people discuss are rick and morty and south park. which is like UGH. Ive seen people in archer shirts though, but it's mainly those two, which sucks because i feel like there's much to choose from. and on the other hand people love to talk about the ones that suck. despite everyone saying they weren't going to watch velma they did. they hatewatched it. and they gave it attention social media. "but it was all negative" king, that's still attention, do not act surprised when they green light this for season 2. you hatewatch the bad shows and then act surprise when good shows that you don't watch at all get canned but the bad ones do. curious!
conclusion: i think if you want to say animation is for all ages you gotta watch adult animation! yes! it's not going to be what you want sometimes, it might be a bad artstyle, or have dumb humor, but you gotta go out of your comfort zone sometimes! ask people for recommendations online and i am sure you'll fine something for you. and most importantly STOP MAKING TWEETS AND POSTS DISPARAGING ADULT ANIMATION. YOU'LL NEVER APPRECIATE THE MEDIUM FULLY IF YOU KEEP SHITTING ON WHAT IT HAS TO OFFER!!
second conclusion: i don't care how good arcane is i'm not watching a league of legends show.
third conclusion: stop recommending bluey as a show for adult it is literally for preschoolers. i know you'll say it's good and i'm sure it is, but if you think bluey is the best show for adults right now you literally have mushed peas for your brain. go see a doctor.
fourth conclusion: also metaloclaypse sucks dick. don't watch that
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bellysoupset · 10 months
SOUP‼️‼️ RAHHH THIS FIC THO😭😭😭 i cannot explain to you how excited i was about this one AND GOSH IT WAS SO FREAKING AMAZING AS ALWAYSSSS 😩 you’re so freaking talented bro the POWER your writing and your OCs have over me is INSANE i think i’m hyperfixated on them bc i’ve been rereading so many of your old fics but i’ve also been daydreaming about your OCs like everyday when i walk to class djcvnfdvndfjvnsfjv sorry if thats weird gosh i just love them so much ahhhh <3333
wen’s parents are so awful ugh but also in such a particular way?? like the way they were just so emotionally distant and then managed to bombard poor vin w so many awkward questions while remaining kinda respectful? but they were also so passive aggressive the whole time?? like i started side eyeing them from the start when they were introducing themselves😤 but also this passive aggressiveness + the distant (too) formal vibes they gave off is so fitting given the backstory you gave for wendy a while ago!!! like it made so much sense!! OH and omg the AUDACITY to ask vince about immigration and then saying “legally?” like MA’AM???????? and AGH the way he kept trying to ignore how bad he was feeling and the way he kept trying to impress them and omfg how upset he was when he was in the bathroom like the TEARS goshhhh i can’t 😭 he was so miserable and omg THE TOWEL and then wen being so careful and respectful and SWEET like baby girl is so freaking PRECIOUS i love her sm 😭😭😭😭
and then vince bringing up the ED and wen just telling him everything 😩🫶🏽 even the attempt omfg SOB i wanna hug little wen and tell her she’s so loved and nothing’s wrong w her bc baby was HURTING 🥺 PLS AND THEN THE “you’re a football player, Vince, i was expecting to get hate crimed” SHE WAS SO REAL FOR THAT KANCJSJSJDJWJWB 💀 and AYEEE the end was ADORABLEEEEE
ALSO going back to the parents, i was SO curious as to how you were gonna approach her relationship with them!! like i didn’t know if you were gonna make her be super “submissive” i guess or more outspoken and i honestly LOVED the way you wrote her in this context‼️ like clearly quieter and less outspoken/goofy/bubbly than she normally is, but still very much herself. like it didn’t seem like she was letting the comments get to her too much? and the way she called her mom out whenever she asked that insane question!!!!! and not caring about her parent’s reactions/thoughts after what happened and literally just worried/concerned about vin!!! just focusing on calling the car and getting the fuck outta there!!!!! like YAS that’s my girl and ESPECIALLY given all her backstory i’m SO PROUD OF HER and her growth and how much healing she’s done to get to where she is now😭🫶🏽
THANKS FOR MAKING ME FEEL SO MANY FEELINGS WITH YOUR WRITING❤️‍🩹 you’re insanely talented and i will never stop saying it‼️🫶🏽
Otter, I can never answer to your comments except for just staring at them in awe. Please never change, these gotta be half the reason I write nowadays.
I know Wendy is your girl and I was sooo nervous about the backstory fic, so I'm happy all the emotional beats came through!
I like to imagine Wendy's parents don't see themselves as bad people and, worst of all, they really wouldn't come across as bad people on paper! Which made Wendy sound very "complaining just to complain" during her teen years, because what do you mean your parents suck?
I really enjoyed working through their mundane shade of being sucky people. And man, pooor Vince!! He's such a stronghold, I broke my own heart making him cry.
And LOL at the "hate crimed" comment, I had that line written since I decided I was gonna pair up Wendy/Vin. I think I wrote and rewrote a fic multiple times where she worried about him being a transphobe or not, but eventually I scrapped it all. Glad I could save the line! I imagine it took some prodding from Jonah, vouching for Vince, to actually get them together. Not that Jon will ever own up to it.
!! Finally, eternally happy to have you commenting on these fics, you caught up on all of Wendy's little tells, on how she's outgrown her parents and she's like "over them". I feel so blessed to have people so invested in these characters 😭
Have THE best day Otter!
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talkingnerd · 2 years
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James Gunn, why did you want to do this?
James Gunn: I wanted to take care of these characters. And we all know it’s been a fucked-up road for many of them for the past few years, and things haven’t been together—and I really thought, it is a challenge, but I think it’s a possibility to create something really wonderful with these characters. I can’t go into politics. I can’t do anything with science. So the only thing I can do for this planet is to create stories about love. And that’s what I think that we can do over the next eight to 10 years.
So what exactly is DC Studios?
Peter Safran: DC Studios is just a standalone studio production entity. And it’s unprecedented because it’s the first time ever that all film, all television, live action, animation, and gaming is all centralized under one creative vision. So that was a big deal for [Warner Bros. CEO David] Zaslav, was the idea of creating a standalone entity where there could be a unified creative vision and, you know, everything centralized under James and myself.
What were your thoughts on DC movies before you came on board?
Gunn: The history has been shit. It’s been a real fucked up journey for DC. I think that there was basically no one minding the mint and they were giving out IP to any creatives that, you know, smiled at whoever was in charge. There was never any real power given to the people in charge. And so somebody could always go over their head and do whatever they wanted. And, you know, we had the DCEU, which then became the Joss Whedon Justice League, but it also became the Snyderverse, which became this. And we have Wonder Woman and we have Wonder Woman [1984], which doesn’t even match what happened inWonder Woman one. And then we have the Arrowverse and even us, coming in with The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker. And then all of a sudden Batmite is a real guy. 
DC has four films scheduled for release in 2023. How do those fit in?
Gunn: I think that we’ve gotten lucky with the next four movies, frankly, because we have Shazam, which leads into Flash, which resets everything, which then goes into Blue Beetle, which is totally disconnected. He can totally be a part of the DCU, [and that] goes into Aquaman, which leads into Superman, our first big project.
When does the DCU canon start and will actors come back?
Gunn: The one thing that we can promise is that everything from ... our first project [Creature Commandos] forward will be canon and we’ll be connected. We’re using some actors from the past. We’re not using other actors from the past, but everything from that moment forward will be connected and consistent.
Is this a multiverse?
Safran: The DCU is a multiverse, but we’re going to be focusing on one universe from that multiverse. And if something isn’t DCU, we’re going to make that very clear.
How will it be clear what’s DCU and what isn’t?
Safran: So strictly adult fare like Todd Phillips’ Joker, or kids animation like Teen Titans Go!, we’re going to make it very clear that those are DC Elseworlds just the same way you can do it in the comics
Can you say what actors may or may not be returning?
Gunn: We’ve talked to Gal [Gadot]. She’s up for doing stuff. We’re not sure what we’re going to do with that. All I can tell you really right now is Henry [Cavill] and Ben [Affleck] are not part of this universe. 
Is Jason Momoa going to play Lobo?
Gunn: Jason will not play two characters.
Safran: Jason always thought Aquaman was a trilogy, in his own mind. But he also loves Lobo. He’s been very clear about that, too. He’s never going to play two characters, but...
Gunn: We’ll figure it out after Aquaman 2.
What happened with Henry Cavill?
Gunn: It’s important to say that Henry Cavill was not fired. Henry was just not hired to be Superman in Superman [:Legacy]. There was never a deal there for another movie.
Any chance for Michael Keaton to return as Batman?
Gunn: We are a multiverse, still. But the main thing that we’re focusing on right now is creating the universe that people can kind of put their feet into. And then out of that, if we want to have multiverse takes, [we can]. Which I actually know one of the things we’re working on is a multiverse tale.
Did you have to make changes to The Flash to set all this up?
Safran: We had input on it for sure, but there was nothing we had to do in order to set up.
Gunn: Can I also say The Flash is fucking amazing? Like it’s one of the best superhero movies I’ve ever seen. Andy Muschietti did an amazing job and I’m really excited for everybody to see it 
Where does The Suicide Squad fit in?
Gunn: Some things are like a rough memory of what happens in the DCU, but once we hit Superman [:Legacy] anything can be changed.
So how is the DCU different from the MCU?
Gunn: I think that we have a lot of differences. I think that one of the reasons why I love DC is it really is another universe. It’s an alternate world. In Marvel generally, it’s New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and then every place else in the world is a fictional universe for some reason. Here at DCU we haveMetropolis and Gotham and Themyscira and Atlantis, and all of that is sort of another fictional universe. And this is the world that we’re creating.
We’re coming into a world where superheroes exist and have existed for some time in one form or another, and that’s the universe. And so we are telling a big, huge central story. Except for, I think, we’re a lot more planned out than Marvel from the beginning, because we’ve gotten a group of writers together to work that story out completely. But we’re also creating a universe that is like Star Wars where there are different times, different places, different things, [and] like Game of Thrones, where characters are a little bit more morally complex.
Who is helping you build this overarching saga?
Gunn: Tom King has been my partner throughout all of this. He was giving me answers to shit before I took the job. So me, him, Christal Henry who worked on Watchmen and is doing Waller, Christina Hodson who wrote The Flash. Drew Goddard, who you guys probably know. Jeremy Slater, who just did Moon Knight. That group of people we’ve been meeting with and, you know, putting all of this together.
How does that flexibility work with a shared universe that’s one story?
Gunn: There are some things that are very much a part of the central story. And there are other things which are more, self-inclusive stories, sort of like how Guardians of the Galaxy has its own stories of this outside of the Marvel Universe ... they’re all connected. But the things that are part of that central story are going to need to come out in the order that we want them to come out. So we’re just going to have to focus on those things.
Safran: There are certain tentpoles both on the film and the television side that are imperative to the storytelling, and those ones will make sure [are released in order].
Gunn:: And that’s why we’re hiring writers and getting writers together for all of that stuff now, so that we can start developing the stuff that’s going to be ready with plenty of time
Are these 10 projects everything in chapter one?
Safran: We haven’t announced everything in chapter one. There’s some stuff that comes beyond this. So let’s just say it just it’s too early to talk about that, but it becomes very clear what the story is.
Gunn: This is half of it. 
Will these chapters end in big cross-over events like Marvel?
Gunn: Everything is crossing over throughout. These characters are all interacting throughout the different stories. It doesn’t mean always, you know; Brave and the Bold may just be Batman and Robin and the characters involved in that. But I know a lot of other times the characters cross over. I know in Creature Commandos one of the main characters shows up in Waller. 
Since this is a reset, why did you decide to do a shared universe vs. standalone films?
Safran: We think that what the audience really appreciates and needs is a connected universe. I think that minimizes audience confusion and maximizes their connectivity to it across all the platforms. 
Gunn: I think that I think that it’s something that people love. I know from my own experience, but again, we do have Elseworlds tales we’re telling. The bar for an Elseworlds tale is going to be higher than the bar for something in the DCU. Not that we’re not always going to have a higher bar, but it’s got to be something really special for us to tell that story outside of our regular continuity and to spend the money on it to make it. 
Will the movies and shows be visually cohesive?
Gunn: I think it’s important to say that even though this is all a connected universe, it’s really important to me that the individual writers and directors that are on the projects give their own self-expression to it, just like they do in the comics. Everything doesn’t always look the same. Everything doesn’t always have the same expression. Different artists bring remarkably different looks and feels and tones. This is not the Gunnverse... I want each project to have the feelings of the individual artist that’s working on it and to give them a lot of freedom.
from: https://gizmodo.com/james-gunn-dc-slate-info-flash-aquaman-justice-league-1850051467
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