#but when i got out my beads hey got jolted and the beads got totally mixed up
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#today was truely terrible#im finally getting to bed at 1:30#all i wanted was to make jewlery#so i can finally make my etsy and maybe earn some money#because im fucking broke#literally i cant afford to eat and the rents are getting tired of supporting me since they pay for school and all#anyway#our pool broke and flooded the neighbor's yard#we lost a lot of water so the water bill is gonna suck#i bought a window seat for my cat because i want him to stay inside more and thought a little seat would be nice#but it took forever to set up#and so many people were texting me despite the fact that people literally NEVER message me#and whenever im trying to focus my phone going off constantly really puts me on edge idk why#it didnt help that the instructions were basically gibberish and i basically had to figure out how to put the thing together on my own#and then it was a pain to put on the window because its supposed to just stick but getting it straight was a nightmare#so then i decided to draw a little because i maybe wanna make a web comic (even though i suck at drawing)#but my tablet was being super glitchy so i only finished one four panel strip#so i decided to make some jewlery#but when i got out my beads hey got jolted and the beads got totally mixed up#and i spent three hours trying to sort them#and only managed to get one color out of four sorted#so i decided to just give up and sort the rest tomorrow#but when i got up i accidentally knocked the container i had the beads in and they went everywhere#we have a bunch of animals so just leaving them all over the floor wasnt a good idea#so i spent another hour and a half cleaning them up#because every time i got even close to finishing the container got jolted again#and the beads would go everywhere again#so that took five tries and even then there are still a couple beads here and there#so yeah its been fuckinf awful and i just had to rant even though its stupid because this is literally a detective conan side blog
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The Brothers + Diavolo Making You Flustered
Request: Hi!hi! The aphrodisiac writing was absolutely *chefs kiss*. I have this habit of when I get embarrassed/flustered I immediately bury my face into the surface in front of me. Like if I’m sitting on the floor I’ll lean over and bury my face on the carpet, sitting at a table I’ll lean over and plant my face on the surface etc. How do you think the brothers (+diavolo if that’s okay) would react to seeing MC do that for the first time when they make them flustered? You’re so talented by the way! ily!
Word Count: 1K each
A/N: I hope you like this!! It was a bit difficult since i didn't want to make everything the same, but yeah!!
His sleeves are rolled up, flour coating the tips of his fingers and dusting across his apron, and the smell of garlic and onion fills the room. It smells lovely, it smells like a home. You stand beside Lucifer, watching as the water boils, bubbles fizzling out and steam rising. A box of noodles is held in your hands, your eyes peering over to where the bread is held in his hands. Your tongue peeks between your lips- it’s a soft pink, tinged with blue from candy and for a moment, he forgets himself, wanting to taste the candy that rests on your tongue, wishing that he were your lips to feel the gentle caress of your tongue.
“Remind me what we’re making again?” You ask, sniffing at the pot, only to scrunch your nose at the scent. “And why it’s us making it?”
“A Devildom dish,” he responds, giving a side glance. “It’s similar enough to a human cousine, so you needn’t worry about it being anything unsavory.” He turns to you, his smile almost teasing. “And we’re making it because it’s our turn on cooking duty.”
“If you wanted to spend time with me, you could always ask.” While your words are true, he tries to hold his composure, not wanting to reveal that you had hit the nail on its head. “You don’t have to assign us both to cooking duty. It’s pretty sneaky for you, dear Lucifer.” Your hand pats at his back and he promptly turns away from you
Walking away from you, he starts the timer on the oven, the preheat button lights up as the oven begins to glow. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I drew our names on a complete random.” He turns to you, his smile making you unable to see what he’s really thinking. “Do you not wish to spend time with me?” he asks cooly, walking towards you. Despite the flour on his hands that dusts over his face, and the apron wrapped around him, he still holds an aura of confidence and authority that makes you break away from his gaze first.
“You’re absolutely awful,” you mutter, giving him a grin to let him know that it was a playful insult.
“And yet, you’re still here,” he coos, his grin wicked and cool at the same time. “I must not be totally awful if you still wish to spend time with me.” You groan, shaking your head with a smile on your lips and he turns to hide his more giddy smile, smiling calmly when the oven beeps. The preheat session is done. He opens the oven, a wave of hot air making him knit his brows together for a moment. “There’s no need to be ashamed of being so fond of me. I am Pride, it’s only natural that you would gravitate towards me.” He grabs the rack of bread, carefully slipping it inside the oven and closing the door.
“Well you’re a lot more than Pride to me.” His eyes widen and he turns to you, his body facing towards the oven with his head half-turned. “You’re Lucifer. You’re someone close to me and well, I actually am glad that we got to spend time together. I would love to hear you admit that you simply wanted to spend time with me, but-” you shrug- “you’ve got that stubborn pride that I can’t help but adore.” You turn to him, a cheeky smile on your face that matches the light in your eyes.
It’s silent between the two of you. It’s comforting, one that is welcomed and isn’t making either of you awkward. He watches as you carefully stir the pot, your index skimming under the words of the cookbook. Your brows furrow as you carefully read over the direction, careful to not add the wrong ingredient or wrong measurement. You’re methodical, carefully going about everything, and in the kitchen with Lucifer, he can’t help but smile at you, his smile soft and eyes crinkled as he watches you carefully.
“I know I haven’t told you this enough- or perhaps before-” silverware clinks together as he reaches over from a baking brush, his eyes never leaving yours- “but I’m actually quite proud of you.” He tears his gaze away from you, his smile widening and his chest puffing. “You have this knack about you that makes it so easy for others to fall for you, that I have to admit that even I have fallen victim to you.” The baguettes are painted over with a mixture of garlic and spices, his words never stopping or falling to hesitation as he speaks. “You’re-” he sighs, not knowing how to put what he wants to say into words- “I’ve been Lucifer for such a long time, living and holding power, but I must say, when I’m around you, I feel more me than I ever had in my entire existence.” He turns his body to you, his hands open and knuckles brushing over your cheek, a thin line of white left against your face. “I’m glad that I’ve gotten to meet you.”
His eyes widen, his words finally registering to his ears. He looks up, eyes meeting the stone wall before he turns to you, his mouth agape and hands still holding a baguette, and the baking brush. The garlic and onion sizzle on the stove, the yellow glow of the kitchen and the buzzing sounds of the outside do everything to fill the room, not a single ounce of silence is graced to either of you.
“You can’t just say stuff like that!” You say in a hurried tone, your face hot enough that you can feel sweat start to bead. “It’s- It’s-” you can’t find the proper words, it isn’t embarrassing but it isn’t something that you hear everyday- “Ah!” You decided, burying your face further into the table, your hands cushioning the blow.
His hand claps over your back, slowly rubbing between your shoulder blades in an attempt to soothe you over. “I would have thought you would have enjoyed hearing the truth,” he teases lightly. “Was I wrong about that assumption?” he presses, his elbow nudging against your shoulder where you still lay with your head rested in your hands.
You peer upwards, your face slowly revealed to show a flushed color that makes his chest puff with pride, his smile . “You wanna know why I know that you wanted to spend time with me?” Lucifer raises his brows in confusion. “I hadn’t written down my name yet.” His smile twitches away for a moment. “You called it before I could even write my name down.” You smile at him, your smile gentle. “I still have the paper in my pocket. You really like me, huh Lucifer?”
Textbooks are left open, pencils and pens sprawled over the coffee table as you and Mammon rest on the couch. He talks vividly, and as he’s excited to tell you stories of his past, his mouth works faster, skipping over details and returning to them moments later. Your hands are wrapped tight around his bicep, your face hidden as you try to stifle your laughter. He can feel your hands tighten, the way that you cling to him and even try to push yourself closer to him. “So that was when I decided to just grab all the things I could carry and just book it!” Mammon exclaims, clapping his hands together and extending his right arm forward. “You should’ve seen how angry those witches were, but hell, they deserved it for thinking they could pull one over on me.” He turns to you, his grin wicked, slowly widening as he leans back cautiously to not let you move away from him. “Fuckers should’ve known to not touch my stuff.”
You let out a laugh, shaking your head and leaning onto him. His smile twitches for a second, softening into a gentler smile, watching as you turn your face into his arm, trying to stifle your laughter. It’s loud, infectious and it’s something that reminds him of a spring day that he once spent in the Human Realm. He isn’t sure how to explain it- something about it that screams life and youth, something that sounds so unapologetically like you, that it makes him breathless. When you start to pull away, he lets his grin widen, eager to look at you again.
He’s so close to you, your hand within arm’s reach that if he really wanted to, he could just take it in his. His mouth goes dry, his tongue too invasive in his own mouth and he watches as you adjust your hair, his eyes fixated on how your hair slips through your fingers. There are words stuck in his throat, but no matter what he thinks of to say, he isn’t sure what he should say. He’s at a loss, wondering what would be the perfect way to bring back the mood, to continue the conversation without it being forced, but in all honesty, he’s fine, just sitting here with you. He’s more than fine with just staring at you.
“Hey, Mammon?” He jolts at his name being said, a shock running through his spine. He nods his head, swallowing what little saliva is in his mouth. “I really like hearing your stories, you know?” You smile softly at the book in your hands. He watches you with unblinking eyes, wondering what it is that you’re getting at. “I really just like listening to your voice. I know you were stuck with me at first-” internally he flinches, he doesn’t like to reminisce when you were first put under his charge- “but I’m glad that it was you.” He is left breathless, his muscles tense as you look at him, a smile stretching past your lips and gracing your lips. You look at him for a moment, your eyes darting to where his hand is clenched tightly and you nod to yourself, turning your attention back to the book.
You’re facing away from him, your fingertips tracing over the edge of a page as you try to focus on the words but he can tell from the pout on your lips that you aren’t registering anything from the book. What should he say? What can he say? He knows he has to say something. He knows that he should match your energy or at least attempt to but he can’t. There are so many things he wants to tell you, and they all seem so disorganized. You’re pretty. You’re nice to him and you always let him sneak into your bedroom late at night. You rely on him and as much as you need him, he needs you more. You have such a soft touch that it leaves him tingling all over as if some ghost were the one responsible for it. He lets out a slow breath, his lips parted slightly as he breathes out. “You know,” he says quietly, his fingers twitching and moving to clutch at the end of your shirt, “you got a real nice laugh. It’s nice to spend time with you, ya know?” Once he’s started talking, he’s unable to quiet himself, unable to register the things that he’s saying to you. “I like hanging out with other demons and all, but there’s something about you that I like more. It’s like with you-” his hand waves in the air, eyes glancing around your room- “I get to just feel safe. I get to relax and know that I can count on you. And I want you to know that no matter what, I’ll always be on your side. Forever and ever.” Mammon turns his head, his smile stretched wide and hand going to cover yours. “You turned me into a sap, ya know?’”
The moment is tender as he smiles down at you, only to slowly realize the weight of his words as you stop in your movements, your fingers letting the page fall back to the others, words lost upon themselves as your shoulders rise. His eyes widen and his lips thin. Heat creeps upwards from his chest and scorches its way to mar his features, his face turning into a darker shade as he flushes. His mouth goes dry, unable to produce any type of saliva as he sits beside you. Slowly, his mouth parts, and he’s unable to find the words to deny what he just said, but before he can, you curl in on yourself, burying your way into your hands, your hands spread and fingers parting to cover as much of your face as it can.
“I-” he coughs loudly into the rook of his elbow. You can tell that he wants to resort to his usual denial of feelings but he stops himself before he can even reach the middle of his sentence. “Listen, just because you-” you can feel his eyes on you- “will ya look up at me? I’m not gonna tear your head off or anything, I just don’t want you getting a bigger head than you already have.” You slowly turn to him, watching as he tries to avoid your gaze. “Let’s just go get a bite to eat. We can’t study on empty stomachs or whatever.” He rises quickly, his hand held out to you as he keeps his attention out on the door. “Come on, I’ll pay for ya and everything.”
Your lips thin and you look at his hand. You inhale a sharp breath of air, slowly letting it go. His face is still flushed, a deep color that burns against his skin. “Like a date?” You ask, hoping to see more of his reactions. He stiffens at your question, his brows furrowing to meet each other. He stammers out a response, clearly flustered. You lay your hand on his and he immediately quiets down. You smile at yourself, your heart skipping a beat as you realize that it was you who brought him to such a state. Slowly, his hand curls with yours and he gives a brief nod of his head.
Leviathan sits alone in his room, a blanket pooled around his lower half, his eyes have begun to burn, tinged with red from lack of sleep as bright colors flash across his pale face. An empty bowl save for kernels that rest at the bottom of the bowl, his fingertips tinged with red and he can feel his mouth heavy with acid and past snacks.
His hands tap against his controller, his fingers already reaching toward a button before he can even register what he should press. His mind is on autopilot, reaching and stiffening when an enemy nears and even so, his character is still killed. He lets out a frustrated groan, careful to throw his controller towards his pillows and not the walls- he can’t risk losing yet another controller; least of all having to patch a hole- or in his case, covering it with a poster. His hands are thrown into the air, fingers outstretched before they are curled into a fist. He arches his back forward, the heels of his hands cushioning his eyes. He tears up slightly, wincing at the sudden realization of burning pain that lingers in his eyes. Slowly, he pulls away just in time to hear his door creak open.
“Password,” he says with a lack of conviction, turning slightly to watch as you enter with a bag in your hand. He raises his brows, his arm stretching outward as he blindly searches for his controller. “What do you have there?” He jerks his chin, returning his attention to the game in front of him.
The light clicks on- something bright that fills the room in a soft blue that stretches around him. He winces at the sudden light, the controller dropped onto his lap as he rubs his eyes vigorously. If it weren’t obvious enough that he kept himself secluded in his room, it was obvious from the way that he rubbed at his eyes, and had to blink multiple times before he could finally look at you without shielding his eyes. You end him a wicked smile that slowly grows until you reveal your teeth, the bag in your hand held slightly tighter. In response, he sticks his tongue out at you, his cheeks tinted with a pale shade of pink.
“I’m surprised it’s taken you so long to defeat the boss,” you say, walking towards the bathtub where he sits. You sit in front of the porcelain, your gaze fixated on a television system that he has set up for a more immersive gameplay experience. When you are met with a lack of response, you turn your head to see him with narrowed eyes. “What? No witty remark?” Once more, you’re met with silence. “Levi?”
He sucks in a sharp breath. “I- Fuck, you know?” This time, he’s met with silence. “First, I can’t get the concert tickets, then I can’t even get the new figure and now, I can’t even defeat this stupid game.” His cheeks fill with air, and he slowly lets the breath go past his lips. “And the concert was going to have passes to meet them behind the stage and the figure was signed and-” his character dies once more and the controller is tossed pitifully onto the pillow. He leans over the tub, his arms crossed under his chin, and his eyes on you. “My luck isn’t usually so bad, you know?”
You pat the floor beside you, your hand meeting the cold tile. “Come on, sit beside me,” you comment, shuffling over a few inches to give him even more space. With a huff, he rises out of the tub, small bits of crumbs falling onto the porcelain. He sits beside you, his arm brushing against yours but neither of you make an effort to move.
“I’m sitting, now what?” He asks, the television blurry as it replays his death with the words “Game Over” in bold letters.
“Well, Levi-” you hand him the bag, with fingers pinched over the handles- “since you’re having such rotten luck, why don’t you open the bag?”
He gives you a narrowed stare, slowly retrieving the bag from you and pulling out the pastel colored tissue paper. At the bottom of the bag sits a box, the words of a favorite anime of his stamped beside with the usual font. His heart skips a beat, as he slowly clasps his hand around the box, his fingers pushing against the plastic and he gaps, reality crashing onto him like a wave.
“It’s-” he doesn’t even finish saying the sentence, your nod is an answer to everything. “The figure that I wanted- I- How?” He asks, looking at the box, so worried that if he were to take his eyes away, the box would vanish.
“Ah, ah-” you wag your finger in the air- “that is a story for another time, my dear Leviathan.” You sound so smug and a smile is already evident in your words.
He bounces in his seat, his legs shaking rapidly, knees softly knocking against each other as he lets his excitement show. His hands flap eagerly, his smile wide and eyes closed. A sharp breath is sucked between his teeth, as he stares at you with bright eyes. You’re startled, your shoulders raising a few centimeters into the air with wide eyes as you stare at him. A nervous smile stretches across your face with him so close to you and looking at you with such eager eyes. If you were to be honest with yourself, you’re a bit flustered with how he looks at you. Your heart races and it beats against your chest, rattling at your ribs and echoing against your body. You nod rapidly, gulping what little moisture you have in your mouth when he grabs your hands tightly in him.
He shouts your name, enthusiasm laced into his word, his hands pulling yours close to his chest. “Ah! You’re the absolute best!” His smile is so wide that it’s almost comical, leaving you smiling both in response to and because of him. “I’m so glad that you’re here! Of course, you’d be my Henry!” He drops your hands and pulls you in for a hug, squeezing tightly around you, his head nuzzled into the curve of your neck. “I don’t know what I would do without you, but I’m just glad that you’re the one that’s with me!” He pulls away, his hands now holding onto your biceps. Deep breaths exhale through him, his chest rising and dipping rhythmically. He calls your name and it’s sweet like honey on his tongue. “You really are the best. I mean,” his tone becomes softer, his smile less eager and more true, “you do so much for me. I couldn't ever imagine my life without you. You mean so much to me.”
“Levi,” you mumble, and when his hands fall from you and return to hold the box, you pull the bag towards your face, hiding away from him. Your neck grows hot, scorching your skin and making you breathless. “I’m glad that you like it,” you manage to squeak out, the bag further pressed towards you.
A few seconds pass until he finally realizes why you’ve pulled the bag to your face. Leviathan stiffens, clearing his throat and turning away, his hand covering his lower half of the face. The figurine sits beside him with a delicate smile plastered on their face. With the air so light and heavy, he reached into the tub, eager to pull out the controller. With a meek cough, he fumbles with the controller, passing it over to you, with his eyes still glued on the figurine. “Would you like a turn? Maybe you’re better than me.” He can feel his chest tighten when his fingertips brush against yours and the hundredth time, the game tune plays in the room.
Satan’s eyes narrow unconsciously as he reads over the same page for the tenth time. No matter what, he is unable to focus on the words, the letters and lines meshing into one that nothing fully registers past the first word of the page. If he were to be honest with himself, nothing has registered since the last few pages that he’s read. With a huff, he closes the book, a small gust of air blowing at the hair that rests over his forehead. The book rests on the table beside him, nudging against the lamp that makes the room flicker for a brief moment.
The room is filled with sound, the hum of the air conditioner unit, the distant sounds of footsteps and talk across the house, the demonic animals that roam around outside. He’s sure that if he were to focus, he’d even hear the scratching of a pen. Scratch that- he can now that he thought about it. All the sounds make his skin crawl, uncomfortable and itchy and as he drags his nails across his arm, he’s only offered a second of relief before the feeling returns. He leans against the chair, his neck arched over the back of it, as he lets his eyes flutter to a close, the bright light of the library barely shining through his closed eyelids. It’s not like to be so distracted- especially when it comes to a favorite pastime of his. And yet, his mind is distracted, wandering to images of you where you were talking to others that weren’t him. He isn’t the jealous type- at least, not when he compares himself to his brother, but it seems that you brought out something different for him.
His leg twitches and there’s a burning sensation on his arm that he chooses to ignore. It only intensifies when he hears footsteps approaching. The sensation spreads and becomes sharper, insatiable as it burrows itself in the demon. There is a presence standing beside him and he already knows that it’s you. He can tell by the steps, by the breathing, by your scent. He frowns at the thought. He doesn’t know if it’s romantic or not to know such small details about you.
Something clicks- your knee, perhaps- and your hand rests above his slender one, cupping and still, there are gaps where his skin is unfortunate enough to not to be touched by you. “Satan?” You call out to him in a quiet voice- not quite a whisper but not your usual volume either. “Are you asleep?”
“Is it you wondering or someone else?” He responds, slowly opening his eyes and turning his head, meeting the top of yours. “Is there something that you need?” He makes no effort to move, stuck in his position as he is content just sitting on a chair with your hand over his.
“It’s me,” you answer him, turning your head to meet his eyes. His lips slowly turn into a smile with his eyes slowly growing heavy. “You don’t normally sleep in the library without cause. You okay?” Your hand slips from his and his eyes widen his hand closing into a fist, already missing your touch. But, he is soon reconnected with your hand as it rests on his forehead. You soon look down at him with pursed lips. “I- uh, I can’t tell if you have a fever or not.”
He smiles at you and sits up straight, holding in a moan when his back is already sore, feeling the muscles whine as they had already grown taut. “No- No I just, I have quite a few things on my mind, is all.” He gingerly goes to grab your hand in his, uncaring that your eyes are on him and that the door is open for anyone to walk in and see Wrath so tender. “I’m sorry that I worried you.”
Your hand in his is turned, pulled slightly away but not enough to be taken away from his grasp. You walk from the side of the chair to stand in front of him, and when you meet his eyes, you nod down, gesturing to his lap. He smiles softly, nodding his head and leaning back, humming under his breath when you situate yourself on his lap, your head resting on his shoulder.
“You’re oddly touchy today,” he comments, his hand curved on your lap as the one he held is moved to behind his neck, your fingertips barely touching his collarbone. “Did I do something to deserve this?”
You give a half-hearted hum, and in the corner of his eye, he can tell that you have closed your eyes. “Think of it as a way to make you feel better.” You give him a play tap and he nods, his eyes staring straight ahead, lost against the colorful spines of the books. “So what does have you so worked up?”
Is now his chance? Is he now able to tell you the full extent of his feelings? He has you sitting on his lap, comforting him in a way that few people would ever dare to. There's feelings there, bubbling and forming on both ends and he knows that it’s both ends. It’s you that is on his mind. Filtering in when you shouldn’t, invading every space of his that he has until he’s completely overwhelmed. It’s a strong feeling, something that rivals his own wrath and for the first time, he welcomes it- he doesn’t put up a fight against it. He wants to feel whatever it is that you make him feel. He wants the intensity of it until he’s exhausted, until the wrath that has been boiling inside of him ever since he can remember, can finally evaporate, can finally be extinguished.
You call his name once more and he looks at you, his smile tight and eyes closed for a moment. “How do I tell you that I care for you in a way that says exactly what I’m trying to say without scaring you off?” His eyes close and his hand turns over on your thigh, palm open and empty. “How do I tell you that you’re the thing on my mind? That it’s you that is reducing me into a mess at the simple thought of you.” He turns his head enough, shrugging his shoulder to make sure that you’re looking back at him, your chest still and the hand that you had relaxed, is slowly crawling over to his open one. “The thought of you warps into this- this jealous demon that isn’t exactly something I’m fond of. I you to myself and yet, that I want you to myself and that the thought of you with anyone else, makes me more of wrath than I have ever been.” Your hand closes above his and he nods slowly, clasping his hand over yours. “It’s you, and it’ll always be you.”
With a jolt, his words finally register to him. He turns to face you, but you’re buried into his shoulder, your hand holding tightly onto his, as if he were your lifeline and the one over his shoulder is grasping at his sweater, bunching the knit fabric into a mess. Your heart beats over the sound of the room, the hum of the electricity erased, the steps and chatter muffled under you. He smiles softly, a slow chuckle taking over, until he’s laughing widely, his chest shaking and vibrating under you with every laugh. You moan his name and he can only say the first letters of an apology before his laughter takes over.
“Really, really- I’m not laughing at you,” he says through an attempt at laughter. “I just forgot how different you are. How you always seem to change depending on your mood.” He feels a harsh pat against him, your head shaking as you press further into him. “Please, never change,” he says with a laugh at the end, his head turning, his lips meeting against the side of yours in a quick press.
He’s flawless. He has to be. Or, maybe he’s just naturally like that. You are not the best when it comes to reading Asmodeus- too enthralled by him that you can’t seemingly tell when he’s told a joke or not that pertains to his beauty. Very little of it matters to you- you may appreciate that he is quite gorgeous, but you’ve also gotten to know the demon that embodies Lust.
Perhaps it’s because he knows who he is, that he is Lust, that he has to appear the best at all times. He can never make a mistake or it’ll be all that’s talked about- he knows as well as anyone else how easily a reputation can be damaged. However, when he looks at you, he doesn’t have to worry about that. He still wants to look his best for you, but he knows that if he were to slip, you wouldn’t see him any differently than how others see him.
You sleep beside him, nestled under his covers, the blanket pulled a little bit past your lips. Your hair is askew, small strands that stick up or curl around your face. Slowly, he takes a slender finger and softens the hair back to you, smiling when you try to lean into his touch. Your eyes flutter open, and you turn before he can see you, yawning and stretching your arms upwards, the cover crumpling above you. You lie still for a few more seconds and he sits upwards, daring to peek at your face. As if already knowing that he was going to watch you, you run a hand through your hair in an attempt to make yourself look more refined, to fix your appearance before him. You rub your eyes with a knuckle, turning to him and opening your mouth only to have a yawn cut through.
“Did you have a good nap?” Asmodeus asks, watching as you stretch your limbs, your muscles pulled taut as you let out a whine of satisfaction. You nod in response to him. “I’m glad. You know, I do have to tell you that you were right. I try not to ruin my sleep schedule but that nap felt simply divine. I think I feel more rested than I usually do.”
You smile at him, turning over to rest your head on his chest. His hand immediately comes to curve over the back of your head. “I like sleeping with you. You have such a soft bed and you always give such nice hugs.” He laughs in response, his hand lowering to hold near your shoulder. “It’s true. Devildom is still-” you take a brief pause- “different. And somehow, when I’m with you, all my worries are just-” you blow out a gentle puff of air- “gone.”
“I’m here for whenever you need me. All you have to do is just call,” he comments, his hand running past the sleeve of your shirt, his index and middle fingers touching against your warm skin. “I think it’s almost time for dinner. Would you like to accompany me? I’d be more than happy to take you to that little restaurant we found the other day.”
The edge of your sleeve is toyed with, pinched between the fingers and released. His hand returns to where it lay only to be disturbed when you rise, causing his hand to rest beside him. You give him a blinding smile that makes his heart flutter as he looks at you. “I’d be more than happy to, but I would like to get ready before we go out.” He raises a brow at you, tilting his head to encourage you to continue. “I want to look my best for you.” You lean forward and he smiles, fully ready for a kiss, only to have you pull away and kiss his shoulder. He frowns, his lips pushing towards a pout as he looks at you.
“Not even a kiss?” He asks, a tease of playfulness loosely attached to his words. “I have to say that I’m hurt.” He watches as you move, curling your legs underneath you as you watch him with a hint of smile on your face. “After all that I do for you, and yet, you have the gall to deny me a simple kiss?” he lets out a huff, not trying to hide the smile that graces his features and you. “You should be ashamed of yourself. There are demons who would kiss my steps to even look at me.”
“Asmo,” you call to him and he quiets, looking at you with expectant eyes. Despite him being the demon who can be considered one of the strongest- and is- you’re still the one who holds all the power in the relationship. He nods, encouraging you to continue. “Why do you want to go out with me?”
He can’t help the smile that forms, that twists the already playful one into something more bitter. It’s a question that he asked himself the first time he realized his feelings towards you. He could have it all and you’re just a human with minimal magical abilities. He’s met countless lifeforms who were and are beautiful, their beauty forever imprinted and never seeming to age. But, he still chooses you. And he’s content with that. He’s more than happy that he’s with you.
His thumb traces over your bottom lip, his eyes focused on your cupid’s bow. “You know, there are times when I look at you and I wonder if you see yourself the way that I see you.” He knows what to say, it all comes so natural to him when he compliments you. “Your scars and blemishes, the stretch marks around your tummy and how they pale and wrap around you. The little moles that you have are kissed along your sides and cheeks.” His thumb moves down and now his hand holds yours. “I have to be perfect- I have to be loved and admired, but then I see you and I think to myself how as long as I’m loved by you, that’s enough. You really have changed me in a way I never saw myself. Beauty means everything to me- or at least it did. But now I have you, and I have to admit, that I prefer you over anything else in the world.” He leans forward and lets his lips press against the corners of yours. “I want to go out with you, because to me, you’re the best that there will ever be.”
It all happens in a flash, seeing your face darken, feeling the hand slowly shake and then your face is hidden by the covers. He can hear you whine his name, and when his hand touches between your shoulder blades, his nimble fingers reaching above the collar of your shirt and touching your neck, he can feel how hot it is. He laughs as his arms reach around you and pull you close to him, giggling and accepting your odd human behavior.
Detention is quiet, save for the ticking of the clock, but other than that it’s silent. The room is occupied by a total of three people- you, Beelzebub, and the unfortunate professor that is stuck to watch over the two of you who scrolls through their D.D.D. while music plays loudly every now and then. You suspect they are on an app similar to one from the Human Realm, complete with word play and aesthetic from Devildom.
You turn over to Beelzebub, quirking your brows when you see him scribbling over a paper with a pen. You peer over, sitting straighter to get a closer look only to find him mindlessly doodling, similar drawings cover the paper in blue ink. As if feeling your stare, he turns to you with slightly wide eyes before relaxing them, sending you a smile and raising his paper, to show you his work. You return the smile, pleased at his cute antics and his boyish smile. You send him a thumbs up, before the professor coughs, catching the attention from the two of you.
They stand up, their tail curling around their leg and with a yawn, they expose their teeth. Their phone is stuffed into their pocket as they slowly walk to the front of the desk. “I’ll be back. I expect the two of you to still be here. You both have an hour left.” With that, they walk to the door, the heels of their shoes clicking, the door creaking before it finally closes leaving you and Beelzebub alone in a room.
Immediately, you turn to Beelzebub, your chair squeaking as you shift it hastily. “Beel,” you say excitedly, patting your hands on your thighs. He answers with a hum, tilting his head to the side to show that he is listening to you. “You have power over the professors, don't you?” You see the corner of his lip twitch upwards. “I mean you're the Avatar of Gluttony, can’t you just get us both out of here?”
The pen is set down and he leans back on his chair, his legs sliding underneath the desk until they are stretched to their full length. He turns to you, his smile lazy and eyes half-lidded. “I don’t feel like getting in trouble anymore than I already have.” His smile is crooked, teeth barely glimpsing from behind his lips.
“But we’re already in trouble,” you try to argue, pushing forward. “Please?” You lean forward, holding onto his bicep, with a pout on your lips. “If I use the pact powers, I’ll probably be the only one in trouble.”
He snickers, crossing his arms and lowering his head to side his smile. “We have an hour.” He looks up at you, a hand coming to cover yours. “Just sit and wait, okay? I’ll treat you out later.” You stick your tongue out at him and he laughs, pulling away from your touch and turning his own chair to face you, his hand resting over the desk, pulling on the tip of the pen until it is pulled underneath his hand. “What makes you want to go home so early anyways?”
“Why don’t you wanna go home?” You shoot back, your arm bent above the desk, with your chin resting on the palm of your hand. He shrugs in response, his attention back to the paper as he starts to bounce the pen between his index finger and thumb. “What are you drawing, anyways?” it doesn’t go unnoticed that he stiffens at your question, his lips pulling into a thin line as his leg starts to bounce. “It’s the same image, right? Like the same character that you’re drawing?” You lean closer, watching as he bounces the pen faster in his hand.
“It’s- It’s for art class,” he responds, clearing his throat. His hands grab at the paper and for a moment you think he’s about to crumble the paper, but instead he slips it between a notebook, careful to not let an edge slip out before it’s stuffed into his bag. “We have to draw-” he hesitates, squirming under your attention- “a thing.”
“I thought sports took care of your electives?” He sucks in a breath through his teeth, turning his attention to the board smeared with chalky remains. “Oh? Are you lying to me?” Your hand flutters to your heart, your voice faux hurt as your slump over in your seat. “Beelzebub, I’m actually hurt. Here I thought we were close and yet-”
“I’m drawing you,” he says, effectively making you stop in your theatrics. You turn to him, your mouth parted. “I wanted to draw you and give it to you as a gift but I can’t get your smile right.”
“Well that didn’t take much probing,” you mutter, scooting your chair closer to him, the toe of your shoe nudging against his backpack.
“I don’t like lying to you,” he states, his body becoming still and eyes returning to where you sit so close to him. Close enough where he can smell your cream. “I just didn’t want you to find out.”
There’s silence between the both of you, your lips pursed as you nod. “My smile?” He nods. “It should be simple, shouldn’t it?” Just a curve and some smaller curves for the lips and boom, you’re done.” You grab his backpack, holding it in your hands, the opening pointed towards him.
“No,” he says with a frown, pulling the same notebook out and slipping out the paper. Upon closer inspection, the images of what appears to be you are roughly scribbled. They aren’t the best but the thought of him drawing something for you and being nervous about you finding out makes the drawing much sweeter. “You have a nice smile. It’s like- like,” you look up at him to see his brows furrowed. “I don’t know how to explain it. Your smile is nice. It’s a lot more than nice. When you smile at me, it’s just nice. I like seeing you happy. You smiling at me makes me feel special and I don’t want to half-ass some drawing of you. I want to make it special because you’re special to me. Your smile makes me feel warm, like I’m being hugged and everytime you smile, it always reaches your eyes and when your eyes crinkle, it’s like you’re just looking at me and that makes me feel so-” he takes a deep sigh and releases it slowly- “so safe.” His words come to a soft close, his face a warm shade of red. He lets out a nervous chuckle. “That sounds dumb, doesn’t it?” When he looks at you, you’ve curled into a ball in your seat, your face buried into his backpack. He calls your name frantically, his hands on your shoulders, only to pull away when you let out a high-pitched whine. “Did I offend you?” His name is muffled between the fabric. “Yeah?”
“You’re really sweet,” you moan pitifully, clutching the bag tighter, hoping that it effectively hides your burning face. “I think I’ll actually die from what you just said.” Your heart beats in your chest, the sweet confession echoing in your ears and when you smile, you can only hide it, not wanting him to see the wide grin that is now plastered across your face. “I’ll take any drawing that you give me.” You hold your hand out, ready to receive the unfinished work, not yet lifting your head.
His hand covers your outstretched one. “Maybe if I can see your smile right now, I’d be able to get it right,” he teases slightly. Your only response is shaking your head, giggling through the fabric as you feebly try to shake his hand away. He laughs widely, holding your hand tighter as he urges for you to look upward at him.
The room is quiet, no footsteps that echo from above, no noise that travels from the stairs into the room that was once Belphegor’s prison. Beside him, you lay curled on your side, resting against him, your hand playing with a drawstring of his hoodie, playing with the frayed ends at your fingertips.
“I thought being around you would make me sleepy,” you murmur, an ill-placed yawn ruining the validity of your statement.
Even where he lays, he knows that you’re pouting, with your brows knitted together. “It seems that I am already making you quite tired. You only lasted how long?” He’d make a show of checking his nonexistent watch, but he rather not, already too comfortable in his current position to risk moving. You blow a raspberry in response and he lets out a giggle, his hand that is placed underneath you is bent to hold a strand of your hair in between his fingers. “Come on, be nice now. I can also make you unbelievably tired but unable to sleep.”
“You’re so cruel Belphegor,” you say in a whisper, your hand finally still from playing with his drawstring. “You’d take away my sleep for a simple noise? How juvenile,” you tease, nuzzling further into his side, humming when his fingers part through your hair and scratch lightly at your scalp. “Here I am, whisked away from my homework to come and nap beside you. And what do I get in return? Teasing.” The last word slowly drifted off into a simple breath of air that was tickled against his side.
It really hadn’t taken you so long to fall under his own sleeping spell. A part of him is a bit bitter, wanting to spend more time with you where the both of you were conscious and could actually talk, while the other part of him, is simply glad that you’re resting beside him, that you’ve taken time out of your day to lay next to him.
“It’s not like you don’t deserve it,” he says through a smile, twisting your hair around his index. “I mean, out of all the reactions I can get, yours is possibly the best of them.”
“Thank you,” you say, sounding a bit more like a question. “You know, I’m glad that you invited me up here. I haven't been getting the best sleep as of late.”
“You can always come to me,” he’s quick to say, eager so evident in his voice that he’s drowning in it. He wants to be near you, he wants to be with you.
“I don't want to bother you,” you confess with a faint voice.
“You could never bother me.” It’s the truth. He’d crawl to you if it meant even a fraction of your attention would be given to him. He’d do what he could just to hear your voice. You’d never be a bother to him. You’d be his saving grace. It’s silent for a moment, one where he can hear the house come alive under him and feel your breath with even more vigor than before, feeling each and every pause, every gust of air a kiss against his skin that makes him yearn for more. He calls your name, and it’s thick on his tongue- foreign and light, and yet it sounds like he’s said it countless times before, as if he knew the name by heart. You hum in response and he takes a deep breath.
His finger twirls around a small piece of your hair, letting the hair curl around his finger before he releases it, only to do the same thing once more. “I’m always surprised that you let me get so close,” he says in a quiet voice, careful to not ruin the moment but a part of him knows that it might have been ruined already when it alludes to him. He can feel your eyes on him, watching him carefully as your lips part. “I know that I’m not exactly a knight in shining armor or anything and uh-” he lets the strad of your hair go, watching it bounce in freedom- “I just want you to know that I appreciate that you even let me touch you. I really like you, you know? I think you’re a much better person than I’ll ever be.” His lips stretch into a bittersweet smile that soon falls into a frown, twisting his features into something more somber. You say his name and it makes his breath hitch, a hiccup in his throat as his name fills the momentary silence. “I mean it. I think that’s why I- why you mean so much to me. I could never be like you. I can only admire you from afar and want you for myself.” He lets out a breathless puff of air that has humor etched into it. “I just wanted you to know that you mean a lot more to me than I’ll ever be able to put into words.”
With every continuation of his words, you felt your body respond to him. Your stomach twists with butterflies causing a storm inside of you, your chest tight and the sweet relief of air has escaped your lungs, and you’re hot, heat flush against your face and creeping from your chest and upward. You wonder if he could hear every change in your breathing, in your heart that beats, in just you.
He looks at you through half closed eyes and for once, you don’t think that it’s sleep that’s causing his soft smile and tender eyes. You stiffen, your muscles going rigid under his stare. The pillow is cool under your face as you stay hidden from him, gripping at the edges and turning away from his gaze, unable to keep as tight face as a smile creeps across your face.
He laughs as you lower your head, hiding your face from his after the tender words that were shared. “Come on, was it that easy to make you flustered?” He teases, the bed dipping as he moves. His hand tugs on the pillow that is held tightly in your grasp. “Oh come on, just look up,” he whines, weakly tugging at the pillow. “Seriously, you’re so dramatic and for no reason. It shouldn’t be news to you that I like you.” His smile is clear in his voice, light and full of kittenish behavior. “If you don’t pay attention to me, I’m going to continue, you know.” His grin widens when you finally peek at him, and he can’t help but laugh.
There is chatter in the room, accompanied by the heels of shoes that click against the tiled floor. The room is lit in an orange glow that makes the atmosphere of the room seem almost dream-like. You tug wine glass, pulling it closer to you, careful to not let a drop spill over and stain the pristine white tablecloth. You glance around the room, watching people chat amongst themselves, their own eyes glued to their partners.
You look at the prince before you who takes a sip from his glass, his tongue peeking to wipe at the taste on his lips. “Diavolo?” The glass is set down and he looks at you with slightly widened eyes. “When I said I wanted to go out for dinner, I was fine with just some Akudonalds or ya know-” you glance once more around the room, your gaze focused on the silverware set carefully in front of you- “anything.
“This is anything,” he says, his smile cool and hands resting above the table. “We hardly go out and when we do, the others tend to accompany us. While I enjoy their company, I’d also like to just enjoy yours. So I thought, since this is a rare occasion, we’d make the best of it.” He leans close to you, and you know that there is no malice or hidden intention with him. He is honest, able to tell you what he wants without finding it necessary to hide himself. “If you are uncomfortable with such a restaurant, we can always go somewhere else, next time.”
“It’s not that, it’s just-” you clear your throat, leaning against the table, lowering your voice- “I’ve never been to such a high-end place. I don’t want you to overspend because of me. I’m fine just going somewhere low-key.”
He laughs, shaking his head and his fingers drum against the table. I’m a prince. There’s no such thing as overspending and even if there were, I don’t mind it if it’s you that I’m doting on.” You nod slowly, your fingers running at the edge of the fork handle. “Really, there is no need to worry. I’m just happy that you agreed to join me on this outing.”
You do your best to not shake your legs, mindful of the wine beside you. “‘M glad I was able to join you as well. I- I like spending time with you.” You smile sweetly at him, a hint of nerves tracing against your smile. “I just have to admit that I was taken aback when you invited me out. I know you mentioned how it’s always us with the others, but I don’t know-” you fingers find themselves tracing around the base of the glass- “I guess I always figured you liked me because I was able to get you out of work since you know, I am part of your work. I never would have assumed that you actually wanted to spend time with me.”
For a moment, it’s silent, a brief moment that couldn't even be considered silent, just a short pause but it's enough for him. “May I admit something to you?” Diavolo asks, his hands fiddling with the napkin beside himself. You nod, leaning forward, urging him to continue. “I was always fascinated with humans. I loved humans- they were these beings who had free will and they all lived different lives but in the end they shared the same fate.” He chuckles softly and his hand goes to the stem of the wine glass. “It’s the same for demons, of course. Any life can be taken and for the most part, they have free will, but I think I love humans. Or at least I thought I did.” He looks up at you, his smile faltering for a moment as he struggles to keep it up. “But I think rather than love, I hold admiration for their humanity. For their tenacity, and kindness; their love and warmth that they have with each other. And when I look at you-” his hand leaves the glass and is left open towards you- “I’m reminded of how beautiful humans can be.” His smile turns bitter for a moment, falling and he makes no attempt to keep up the facade. “I’m reminded just how fragile they are. I need you to know that I admire humanity, but I think I love you. I love how you do your best to help those around you, how you adapt to your environment, and just how easily you can make others fall for you.” He lets out a short laugh through his nose. “If I have to be honest, I think I’m also jealous of you. I wish I were the only one who could have the opportunity to fall for you.” His hand is still held out towards you, vacant without yours.
Throughout his monologue your body has been on fire, pooling in your stomach and against your back. You stare at his empty hand, trying to will yourself to hold it but the most that you can do is lay your head on the table, silverware clicking together and a dull thud heard. You want to let out a whine but you’re sure you’ve already called attention to yourself and- oh dear. What will people think of when they see Lord Diavolo with a human who has planted their face against a table. Your thoughts race, clouding your mind as the silence in the room is deafening, echoing in your ears as you rest with your face down.
“Is this a human custom?” Diavolo asks, his voice full of genuine wonderment. “Should I also be doing it?”
“Dia,” you mumble, your body slowly squeezing against itself in order to make yourself smaller. “You can’t confess so nonchalant,” you say in a hushed whisper, wanting to let out any type of noise that is slowly building up inside of you. “It’s- It’s too much for me,” you whine, slowly raising your head to peer at him.
“Well, I am a prince- a demon one at that. I suppose you can say that there are different customs for us as well.” His smile is jovial, and he reaches across the table, his hand open and this time you take it. Unable to look him in the eye, you resort to watching as his hand slowly threads to intertwine himself with you. “I must say, if that’s the response I were to get, I might as well continue it. I rather liked whatever it was that you did.” He’s so honest, looking at you with a wide grin that shows his pointed teeth and you can’t help but bury your face once more, grinning when you hear him let out a small laugh, his hand closing around yours.
#obey me#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me levi#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me asmo#obey me beelzebub#obey me beel#obey me belphegor#obey me belphie#obey me diavolo#obey me headcanons#im gonna scream#this took so long#someone fight me#why did i over do it#oh god please enjoy it#like im crying and laughing#finally done#one requests out#now i got others to do#gonna scream#also i should have lunch#what should i have
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New Neighbour
Pairing: Shang-Chi x Reader
Summary: The reader just moved into the same complex as Shaun and he helps her move some boxes.
Warnings: Shaun being a total sweetheart should be a warning in itself
Part 1 Part 2
Beads of perspiration coated my body as I continued to haul boxes of my personal items from the trunk of my car to inside my new apartment. My arms were sore, my back ached a little and my legs were moving on autopilot.
"Ah crap!" the door had been shut with the wind, refusing to put the box of books I maneuvered my body to attempt turning the doorknob with my elbow
"I've got it" a handsome Asian man who appears to be around my age opened and held the door for me and I greatfully smiled at him
"Thank you so much.." my voice drawled out waiting to catch his name as I rested the heavy load on the table
"Nice to meet you Shaun, I'm Y/N" we shook hands and the moment our hands touch I swore it felt like jolts of electricity shooting up my arm
"You too, I didn't think anyone was going to move into this apartment anytime soon"
"You live in this complex also?"
"Right next door actually, I was on my way to work when I noticed you could've used some help."
"Oh well, you should probably get going, I don't want to keep you back"
"Do you have anymore boxes to be brought in? I wouldn't mind bringing them in"
"Two actually but you don't have too"
Shaun quirked his eyebrow, removing his hands from the pockets of his red and gray jacket. Taking him up on his offer I chucked the door with a box I previously brought in and lead him to my cherry red Toyota Carolla
"Nice car" opening the backdoor I retrieved the nearest box and passed it to him before grabbing the other
"You drive?" the midday sun beat down on us as we crossed the car park to get to my door
"Wouldn't have the job I do if I couldn't"
"And that is what exactly?"
"Valet parking at the Fairmont hotel"
I released a sigh of relief as I plopped down on the sofa, Shaun stood at the table allowing himself to admire the beautiful woman in the room. He knew he was late and his phone wouldn't stop vibrating as Katy called but he wanted to stay and get to know his new neighbour.
"Thank you for helping Shaun I owe you one. You should probably get going, don't want you to be later than you are right now." the Fairmont hotel was at least a thirty minute commute from here
"You're welcome, I guess I'll see you around" with one last nod he left, shutting the door behind him
I've got a charmer for a neighbour, how wonderful.
"Katy I'm telling you, she's polite and beautiful. Plus I got a sneak peak of her book collection, she's got a preference for fantasy" Katy couldn't help the smile that radiated off of her as she listened to her best friend go on about this new neighbour of his
"Did you get her name?"
"Y/N" a smile ghosted his lips as he continued to think about her. Too wrapped up in his thoughts he hadn't noticed the red Toyota parked across the street and the same woman from this morning crossing the busy street
"She sounds nice" a woman approached the podium, Shaun's back to her
"Excuse me, I'm looking for oh- Shaun" Y/N's eyes lit up when she recognized her neighbour was standing there
"Y/N hey, what are you doing here?" sheepishly she raised a bag containing Chinese take out she bought and held it out for him to take
"This is my way of saying thank you, I noticed you didn't take any lunch with you so I thought I'd stop by with something for you to eat. I got two different things in case you wanted to share with anyone." Shaun's pulse sped up as she rambled, he gently took the food from her grasp brushing his fingers against hers
Katy's jaw was on the floor at this point, impressed with the woman's kind gesture. She had never seen any of his ex girlfriends go out of their way to do this for him and here comes a random woman taking time out of her day to do so
"Hi, I'm Katy, so nice to meet you" while she introduced herself she felt Shaun's gaze on her, knowing exactly what she was up to
"Pleasure to meet you" Y/N politely smiled at the brunette
"You must be his new neighbour he was telling me about"
"Oh really, you spoke about me?"
"I was just telling her that I was late because I stayed to help you out" Y/N giggled at the not so subtle glare Shaun shot his friend
"I see, well on that note I should get going, I've got a shit ton of unpacking and organizing to do. You both enjoy the food and the rest of your shift. It was really nice to meet you Katy."
"You too Y/N."
"Bye, thanks for the food."
They both stood there and watched as she crossed the street to get to her car and drove off
"Oh yeah, she's totally into you dude, no doubt there and I can tell that you feel the same so don't take too long to ask her out on a date or else I will."
MCU Taglist:
@dorks2022 @sophiaedits @peakascum @anonymoustip217 @mel119g @iiddaaa @panaitbeatrice @mintphoenix @just-arather-veryconfused-being
#shang chi smut#shang chi x reader#shang chi x y/n#shang chi imagine#shang chi the legend of ten rings#simu liu imagine#simu liu x poc!reader#simu liu#marvel smut#marvel x oc#marvel x reader#marvel imagine
931 notes
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fucked me so good i almost said i love you. (Darrel curtis x virgin!reader)
Summary; Darrel curtis is your boyfriend of six months and, after the rumble, your finally ready to give him what he deserves.
Warnings; Smut, swearing, angst, fluff. Ya know the drill :)
Pairings; darrel curtis x reader
His knuckles are bruised and bloody, lip swollen and split. It’s hot and humid outside, sweat dribbling down pert breasts and making your chest heave, breaths laboured. You're barely inside the house when he slams the door shut and, silent and staring with those steely grey eyes, he drags you into the bedroom. His room is small, stuffy and cramped but he has a double bed. The mattress springs creak at night. You tug off his leather jacket, streaked with blood and dirt and hot summer rain. Darrel grunts with pain when his knuckles brush the fabric and then, taking his hands in your own, you kiss the bruised flesh. He softens. “Oh, darling.”
His black t-shirt is wet. He peels it off quickly and you help him, tearing away the damp cotton and he hisses when the air hits his skin. You want to clean him up first but he won’t let you. Darrel swallows down words and his toned torso tenses when you rest on his belt, slowly unbuckling. “You sure?”
You pull him down to kiss you and he threads his fingers through your blue belt loops, tugging you closer. Your cheeks are flushed red, matching the blood on his knuckles, the blood trickling from his nose. He’s so big and tall, everywhere is just muscle and tanned skin and him, all of him before you. And your ready, really ready for him now. “Here, let me . . .” His big hands tug down the denim and then he’s in his boxers, with you still dressed.
He’s determined and focused. He’s gentle, hands were wandering, his lips never leaving yours. His teeth caught your lips, one of his hands reaching back to grab your ass and squeeze. “Darrel!” You squeal, laughing. He picks you up, tears off your t-shirt that’s too wet to be modest. It’s clinging and he’s clumsy, but its too tender to not be enjoyable. Darrel peels off your jeans, kissing your thigh while he goes down. He knelt between your legs, his hands on your knees at his sides, his eyes going from your face to your chest, to your stomach and lower.
You let his hands explore, feel skin and warmth radiating. He's still kneeling, your legs now around his thighs. His cock is hard, heavy and hot. He smirked and lifts you up, placing you down on the mattress that creaks, sagging into the springs. One hand stroked down your side, your stomach, before coming to rest with its thumb on your clit. “Oh, darling.” He sighs as his thumb circles your clit, rubbing gently. He goes lower, hot kisses pressed against stomach and hips and finally . . . yeah, down there. He’s hungry, licking his lips and chuckling.
His mouth on your cunt made you writhe. “Darrel! Can you just . . .” Your heart was beating so hard you figured it would burst and you’d crumple, utter putty in his hands. “Shh baby.” He murmured and you clapped a hand over your mouth. It was dirty and your hips jolted forwards, shifting uncomfortably when he pushed a finger in. “Shit, fuck, wait a minute-”
“You alright?” Darrel questions, furrowing his brows. He frowns and waits until you sink back down into the mattress. “You ready darlin’?”
You threaded your fingers through his hair and pulled, toes curling. He licked you, his tongue drawing patterns over your sensitive clit. His finger dragged out, and you wriggled your hips. He held your hip down and chuckled when you whined. He licked up your slit in one quick movement and you, tugged him closer, crying out. warmth pooled and little tendrils of pleasure permeated the air.
“Yeah, that’s it. Gonna get you nice and wet for my cock.” He snarled, fucking you with his tongue, making you see stars. He leaned up onto his elbow, smiling at you as he slipped a finger inside. “Fuck, you look so pretty right now.” and then there was two, and he was doing it too fast and too rough. you came, biting the palm of your hand, chest heaving and toes curling and back arched into an S. he was crawling back over you and brushed your hair from your face, brows knitting together as he frowned. “You alright?”
“I’m fine. great, actually.” You giggled, still panting. He cupped your face with one hand and kissed you, gentle as ever. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he pushed open your legs, grinning. You wrapped them around his trim waist, tracing his abdomen with your nail. he shivered and you smiled wickedly, “Ticklish?”
Darrel cupped your jaw, lips pressed against yours and then the tip of your nose, your rosy cheeks. He held his cock in his hand and ran it along your slit. you tried not to dig your nails into his skin, afraid to hurt him but he angled you closer, gripping you by the hips and pulling you back down. Darrel slowly pushed inside, breathing heavy like he was the one taking it deep. He hissed when he sank in, balls deep. You writhed and, wrinkling your nose, he kissed you. “hey, hey. You're alright, baby.” and then he pushed the hair from your eyes. “That's my girl, that's it.” and he started moving. It was agonizingly slow and you urged him on, arms tucking lazily over his burly shoulders, hip rolling clumsily.
“Darry . . .” You whined, and then he gripped your hips, keeping you in place. His eyes were on you as that familiar heat, that lovely heat that made you twitch and writhe and pant, began to build up. He hit a spot that made you shriek, pushing your ribcage upwards, breasts bouncing. “That nice?” he asked, eyebrow raised. Darrel chuckled and you shook when he trust, hard and fast and rough, into your dripping pussy. You felt totally out of control, inexperienced and clumsy and sloppy as his hips rolled down, pelvis teasing your clit. He cursed and swore and groaned, mouth next to ear, breath hot and heady. “Shit, that’s good. You gonna cum? Is that it? You gonna cum all over my fuckin’ cock?”
He manhandled you and you reached up, grinning and biting down on your lower lip with white teeth when you thread fingers through brown hair, ruffling it messily. He sniggered as you ran your hands down him, taut muscles, defined and hard and very impressive. Darrel leaned down, kissing you cruelly as his tongue explores your mouth. He tasted like blood but never cigarettes, and for that you love him. His stubble doesn’t scratch your cheek when you kiss him. He’s clean-shaven, big blue eyes, all wide grins. His hand grabbed roughly at your breast, kneading it and tweaking the rosy nipple with his thumb. You rolled your hips beneath him, clenched and he buckled, head bent as he groaned. “Fuck, your tight.” He cursed, eyes screwed shut. “best damn pussy I’ve had.” he spat, slamming into you. Darrel lets his cock fall out of your pussy and you scoot back, the sensation too sore. he slapped his dick against your clit, laughing. “Sensitive, are we?” He taunts as he flipped you over, onto your stomach. He drags you back a little, to your amusement, the astonished giggles slipping through swollen pink lips.
“You’ve got such a nice ass, darling.” He said gruffly, though you could see him smiling when you looked over your shoulder. he ran his hand down your spine and, “Shame i’m gonna mark it up.”
He slapped your ass and raised it, tucking his hand beneath your stomach, pushing your ass higher. Darrel took his other hand and pressed down, between your shoulder blades, so that you sank in the mattress, moans muffled and ass high in the air. He spat on your exposed pussy and then slapped it, making you shriek and dive into the mattress. “Not so fast.” He said sternly, pulling you back towards him, keeping you flushed against his hips. he slid in, pulling back slightly if only to thrust again even harder. he slapped your ass as he did it, cursing and throwing his head back as his other hand came around, slipping underneath you, to tweak at your clit. Darry worked you to a steady rise, smiling when you shook. His thrusts grew clumsy and he fucked you through the orgasm, “-Yeah, that’s it. Gonna fill you up, real nice.”
When he eventually pulled out, your thighs were slick and sticky. Darrel let you slump into the mattress, murmuring gruff noises to yourself as he pulled you over to face him. he cuddled you close to his chest and put his arm around you, sweat beading his forehead. he kissed you tenderly and cupped your chin. “I didn’t hurt you, did i?” He questioned, and you sank sleepily into his arms. “yeah you did.” You murmured, burying your face in his chest. “-But i liked it.”
#the outsiders#outsiders#S.E Hinton#the outsiders smut#the outsiders fanfiction#rumblefish#matt dillon smut#dallas smut#dallas winston smut#darrel curtis smut#darrel curtis x reader smut#darrel curtis x reader fluff#darrel curtis x reader lemon#lemon#fluff#smut#the outsiders lemon#the outsiders x reader smut#the outsiders x reader lemon#ponyboy#johnny cade#sodapop#sodapop curtis#rumble#tim shepard#curly shepard
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just wanna be with you; reggie x reader
“are you okay?” that was the first question julie had asked you when she saw you the morning after you both had learned that the boys were planning on crossing over before the jolts that caleb had placed on them destroyed them.
“ i feel like i should be asking you that.” you said bluntly as you let your best friend into your house which was empty other than you at the moment. you both trailed into your kitchen. ripped pages of your journal laid in crumpled balls, a mug of hot chocolate which was half drank was next to your song journal. you wrote your best songs when you were emotional and last night was definitely emotional.
you picked up your mug and went to refill it as well as make one for julie. she sat herself down at the table, her wondering eyes drawn to the journal. she knew a love song when she saw one.
“did you write this?” julie asked pointing at the song labeled ‘just wanna be with you’. you placed both of your mugs back on the table and sat down. you bit your bottom lip as you took a deep breath.
“yeah, i wrote it about or i guess for reggie.” you blurted out to your best friend. she placed her hand onto your outstretched one, comforting you. you felt all of your emotions crash down onto you like a tidal wave.
“i’ve never felt this way about anyone ever not even carrie, i’ve never been so- i’ve never written a song about someone i like. ever! and then he just comes out of nowhere the afterlife and everything and for the first time since carrie broke up with me, i felt. i can’t even compare it to carrie but he makes me feel like there’s nothing we can’t do if we’re together, and no matter what happens i know he’ll be there. i just wanna be with him, jules.” your voice was raw as a few loose tears escaped your eyes.
“that’s love, if i know anything from how my parents looked at each other and every stupid rom com that we’ve watched with flynn. you’re in love with him.” julie said to you as she wiped the tears off of your cheeks. you let what she said sink in, love. you were in love with reggie.
“fuck flynn’s never gonna let me live this down!” you joked to your best friend. she broke a smile. she stood up and held her hand out for you. you gave her a confused look. she pulled you up from your seat.
“you’re getting dressed, meeting up with reggie before we play the orpheum and giving him this song. life is too short for you to just sit back and not tell people how you feel about them. you have to live in the moment, and even if you lose him. you’ll always have the memories.” handing you the journal that laid on the table, you both rushed upstairs to your bedroom not before you muttered “i hate how you’re always right.”
it had been at least an hour since you got ready. julie had picked out a cute outfit consisting of your favorite pieces of clothing that you owned, insisting that flynn says that the more comfortable you are in your skin, the more comfortable you’ll be laying your heart out. you also had your backpack slung over your shoulder with your clothes for later tonight when the band plays the orpheum and then, clothes for a sleepover with julie later on. neither of you wanted to be alone after the guys crossed over.
“stop worrying you look fantastic.” julie said to you. you found it ironic. your best friend was playing one of the most iconic clubs in all of Los Angeles tonight and here she was calming you down over telling reggie how you feel. you played with the bracelets on your wrists, more specifically the red and black one that had a small bass charm in the middle. julie smirked when she noticed the small charm but opted not to say anything.
“i’m gonna go pick out my outfit for tonight, and i’ll rangle dumb and dumber out so you can be alone with reggie. you got this!” julie said to you before walking into the studio to say some half true lie to get alex and luke out so you could be alone with reggie. after standing alone for five minutes and convincing yourself while it seemed convenient, running from your issues wouldn’t solve anything.
“hey.” you mentally face palmed. hey thats the best you had? reggie looked up from the grand piano he had been fiddling with the keys of. a smile came across his face when he saw you. his smile was one of your favorites.
“hey, shouldn’t you be helping julie?” he asked confused being as mere minutes ago julie had brought luke and alex up to her room to help wrap last minute details up for the orpheum show. you placed your backpack down and fished out your journal. your heart was beating in your chest like thunder, as if it was going to just combust out.
“yeah, but first i wanted to show you this song that i wrote.” you stumbled on your words a little and after getting the sentence out your mouth had never felt drier. reggie looked bewildered, normally you shared your songs with julie and flynn. this was the first time you’d ever wanted to show him a song of yours and also the last.
“i thought that’s something that you and julie do with flynn?” you approached the grand piano and sat next to him. it was now or never at this point. you pushed the knowing that by tonight after they opened, him and the guys would be gone.
“yeah but it’s something special that i think would just be better if you were the one to hear it. is that okay?” your voice was soft and you’d never been this close to reggie before. the past few days you’d been avoiding being alone with him to see if you could try to resolve your crush on your own. it was impossible.
“yeah, no totally, that’s rad.” he said nervously starting to fiddle with his rings. you let out a soft laugh. you opened the page that the song was on and placed your hands on the keys.
“ I got a lot of things I have to do All these distractions Our futures coming soon We're being pulled a hundred different directions But whatever happens I know I've got you
You're on my mind you're in my heart It doesn't matter where we are It'll be alright Even if we're miles apart
All I wanna do, is be with you, be with you There's nothing we can do just wanna be with you Only you No matter where life takes us nothing can break us apart You know its true I just wanna be with you
You know how life can be It changes over night It's sunny then raining, but it's alright A friend like you Always makes it easy I know that your kidding me every time
Through every up through every down You know I'll always be around Through anything you can count on me
All I wanna do, is be with you, be with you There's nothing we can do just wanna be with you Only you No matter where life takes us nothing can break us apart You know it's true I just wanna be with you
I just wanna be with you”
you felt a weight life off your shoulders when you finished and you wondered why you’d been so nervous, then you remembered that reggie was still sitting next to your and your nerves came swinging right back. you turned to him and for once staring into his eyes didn’t comfort you, it scared you.
“i know that after tonight you’re gone but i’d be an idiot if i didn’t tell you how i felt before you left. i’ve never wrote a song for anyone i’ve lov-like liked.” the words tumbled out of your mouth uncontrollable. reggie smiled. he wanted to kiss you and in that moment he regretted everything. had they focused on the band instead of being so hellbent on getting revenge against bobby, then they wouldn’t have gotten stamped and wouldn’t be crossing over at all.
“you have no idea how much i want to kiss you. ” he said softly. you smiled, you wanted to kiss him so badly.
“i’m gonna miss you, so much.” you admitted. you knew he couldn’t stay but you wanted him to.
“you are unlike any girl i’ve ever met or have like liked either, y/n y/l/n. i wish we had more time.” he said coming closer to you. your eyes closed for a moment and you forgot just what was happening. he wouldn’t be able to kiss you. you’d go straight through him.
“we can’t, i want to but you know we can’t.” your words were soft and quiet but loud enough to break both of your hearts. you both wanted this so badly but the universe wouldn’t allow it. you merely coexisted together, you were still from two seperate worlds.
“your favorite flowers are forget me nots right?” he asked you after the two of you had pulled away. you nodded and almost as a reflex played with the bracelet on your wrist with a forget me not charm. he removed his necklace from around his neck, with the blue beads and silver bar at the middle. the entire time you’d known reggie he’d never been seen without it.
“then consider this a forget me not.” he then took the necklace and placed it around your neck. you removed the red and black bracelet with the bass charm. you placed it around his wrist.
“only if you consider this a forget me not as well.” “ forever.” your phone beeped interrupting the moment.
julie: i love you but i’m going to find a way to rekill these himbos soon.
“i should go actually help julie now. i really don’t wanna say goodbye.” this was probably the last moment you had with reggie and you never wanted it to end.
“so don’t say goodbye just say i’ll see you around.” he said jokingly. you nodded as a few tears made their way out of your eyes. you stood up from the grand piano grabbing your journal, you walked over to your backpack and turned around, your fingers fiddling with your forget me not token.
“see you around guitar cutie.” you said before walking out of the studio.
“not if i see you first!” he yelled back. you smiled and continued to walked up to julie’s room. closing the door and then sliding down against it once you’d entered.
“i fell in love with a ghost. full teasing rights once my heart heals, let flynn know.” you stated as you slumped on the floor in a slightly love struck daze.
“no shit!”
“is this suppose to be new news?”
“shut up shes in loveeee.”
“yeah and i’ve come to take your spot as julie’s fashion stylists.” you joked as you got up. alex and luke poofed out after a few more side comments. julie smirked.
“nice necklace you got there.” she winked before the two of you got to work.
flashing forward to two hours later, flynn and you stood on the side wings of the stage clutching onto each other, both of you dressed in your concert outfits . julie, alone center stage with only her keyboard, microphone and a dahlia with her. you were all on edge, the guys wouldn’t bail again. there’s no way. so there was only one other explanation. the jolts destroyed them before they got to crossover.
as julie started playing stand tall, the song you had heard so many times from sitting in on the practices, you thought you were imagining hearing alex’s drums until you and flynn both saw him with your own eyes.
“holy shit.” then reggie appeared next to julie, causing you and flynn to jump with excitement. they were still here, they were going to crossover. you noticed how the charm from the bracelet reggie was still wearing had twinkled under stage lights and him looking back up and you and winking.
“it’s your lover boy!” flynn teased. you couldn’t deny it because at this moment you were to happy to even bother.
“c’mon luke.” you had started to muttered noticing that he was flickering onstage causing both of the present phantoms to give you a worried glance. after a few tries he managed to stay solid onstage.
“yes!” you and flynn both cheered on the sidelines. dancing and singing to the song that you knew would be stuck in your head by tomorrow. you were all happy in this moment.
when the song ended reggie looked back at you and mouthed very clear words. “i love you.” before you could say it back the boys disappeared. you placed the silver bar of the necklace to your lips and kissed it muttered “i love you too” before. joining flynn in cheering for julie. everything was over, but you left nothing unsaid.
“so y/n, spill the details about your out of this world love affair.” julie joked as the three of you were in the dressing room changing into your street outfits. you laughed. folding the clothes you wore and putting them back into your backpack before looking in the mirror to check over last time.
“wait is that reggie’s?” flynn asked pointing at the necklace you wore all night. you blushed slightly. then julie noticed the missing red and black bracelet.
“yeah it’s a forget me not. something to remember him by. i’ll explain it all tomorrow i’m still processing it honestly.” you said turning around to her. flynn hugged you. you were happy you had your friends.
“i’m gonna go make us popcorn and pick a movie.” you said once julie and you had gotten back to her house for the night. you knew she wanted a moment alone in the garage to thank her mom for bringing the guys to her and music back into her life.
once you had the popcorn in julie’s bed and were picking out a movie on her laptop she texted you a 911, code red, and a bunch of other phrases for her saying you needed to get into the garage asap.
“hey jules what do half of these codes even mean?” you asked as you walked into the garage. “what the fuck, you guys crossed over. you shouldn’t be here.” you said when you saw your favorite ghosts standing in a group hug with julie. they looked like they were dying twice all over.
“come here!” julie said grabbing you and pulling you into the hug. the guys all started to glow a golden color and the stamps caleb had put on them dissolved.
“what do you think that means?” julie asked. you shrugged, up until like a month ago you didn’t even think ghosts actually existed.
“i think it means the bands back.” luke said causing the group hug to jump up and down in a fit of happiness over playing the orpheum. once the group hug broke up, you launched yourself forwards towards reggie.
“i love you too.” he smiled.
“kiss her!” julie coughed trying to be subtle. luke and alex both nodded encouraging their friend.
“yeah kiss me guitar cutie.” you said with confidence causing him to do so. you could hear the hollers of your best friends in the background losing their minds which made the moment better for you.
“so what do i tell flynn?” julie asked once you pulled away for air.
“we’ll tell her tomorrow, she’s probably still reeling from tonight.” you said. julie nodded then had another outburst excitement over the fact that they just played the orpheum.
reggie picked you up and swung you around before kissing you again. “i don’t know what’s better playing the orpheum or kissing you.” he said.
“also which one of you is responsible for carlos knowing?” julie asked in the middle of the moment. the guys faces all became panicked.
“busted!” you said holding a hand for your best friend to high five.
this is the first thing i’ve ever wrote to post publicly and idk if i like it or not but just wanna be with you lives in my head rent free so i saw my opportunity and i took it honestly. let me know if you guys like this those maybe i’ll start posting again. <3
#julie and the phantoms#julie and the phantoms imagine#julie and the phantoms x reader#jatp imagine#jatp x reader#julie molina#luke patterson#reggie peters#alex mercer#reggie peters imagine#reggie peters x reader#grace writes
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can you please do a lee reki and lers miya and langa drabble fic! (the setting being either a skatepark or one of they're houses) and reki just gets totally wrecked bc he was acting cocky and smugly you don't have to if you don't want to lol
sure anon, i’d be happy to!!
attitude (langa & miya/reki)
It was a rather warm Monday, and Reki, Langa, and Miya were off of school. They decided to meet up together at the skate park, just to have something to do on their day off rather than sit around and do nothing. What better than hanging with some of your closest friends doing things they all enjoyed on an off day with beautiful weather? It seemed perfect.
Reki and Langa had arrived first, and were waiting for Miya to show up for at least fifteen minutes. Reki decided to use the time wisely and do a little more coaching, helping Langa with his foot position on the board and with some of his balance issues. A shout of “hey!” from the entrance pulled Reki away from his focus on teaching, and he spotted Miya running towards them.
“Sorry I’m late,” the boy panted. “It took me a lot longer to finish the house chores than I anticipated.”
“Don’t worry about it!” Reki responded cheerfully, patting the boy’s head in a playful manner.
“Hey, don’t touch me, slime!” Miya hissed, but Reki could tell there was a hint of affection in the way the younger was looking at him. The redhead only chuckled, amused at his friend’s tone.
The boys spent a good hour skating together, showing each other tricks that they had been working on and sharing advice on how to improve their individual techniques. Miya, of course, had it all down, and his comments proved it; Reki’s kick flip had vastly improved after showing him an alternative way to move his front foot. It would also help to keep him safer and help him avoid falling as frequently as he did.
Then Reki, being the (somewhat of a) daredevil he was, decided to show it off, and to his surprise, it worked really well for him. Langa, of course, was inspired, so he figured that it would be very smart to attempt to copy Reki, even with the lack of coaching he had gotten on the same trick. Instead of nailing it, however, he ended up tripping over his board, resulting in him practically falling flat on his face.
“Are you all right?” Miya called, racing over to him as Reki laughed up a storm.
“He’s fine!” Reki assured him through his laughter. “He always gets up after falling, right, Langa?”
“Yeah, I’m good--” Langa assured the boy as he stood up.
However, Reki was still having some difficulty keeping together. As the three of them decided to take a bit of a break together, seeing as the weather was getting warmer and they had been at skateboarding nonstop for almost an hour, Reki still found himself giggling at how hysterical it was to see Langa practically facepalm from that. He had seen the taller teen go through many wipeouts, but the particular angle and nature of his fall was particularly funny.
“Could you stop it?” Miya snapped as Reki was still unable to control himself.
“S-sorry,” the redhead apologized. “Just-- the angle of Langa’s fall was so funny, I--” Then he broke into raucous laughter again.
Miya growled, glaring at the boy, but then Langa spoke up. “Don’t get mad, I’m not hurt. He reacts like this all the time.”
Miya, still glaring at Reki as he was trapped within another giggling fit, suddenly hatched an idea. If the redhead really wanted something to laugh at, something that was less harmful, he could have it.
“Oh, Reki?” Miya asked, his voice suddenly dropping in pitch, a frighteningly unfamiliar tone creeping into his speech as he addressed the older boy. “You really shouldn’t laugh when people get hurt.”
“That’s right.” Langa scooted closer to Reki, nearly cornering him against the bench, as Miya was trapping his other line of escape. “You shouldn’t laugh when people get hurt. It’s pretty insulting.” It was a bit contradictory considering his earlier comment to Miya. “It also isn’t very kind to brag, is it, now?”
“Look, I don’t know what’s gotten into you two,” Reki said, a note of unease creeping into his tone. “But I’m sorry, I’ll try not to laugh anymore.”
“You’ll try not to, or won’t you?” Miya was practically pinning Reki to the ground at this point, hands pressing his upper arms into the concrete. Beads of sweat began to appear on the boy’s forehead.
“Um, I won’t?” The statement came out as more of a question, and Miya smirked.
“Langa.” Miya gestured with his head, a signal for the older teen to move closer. “Do it.”
Without a single word, Langa grabbed Reki under the arms, the rest of his body on full display. The way their arms were locked together would make it impossible for the redhead to struggle free, as he was already trying to.
“What are you guys doing?” Reki asked, panic clearly in his voice as he squirmed in place, locked by Langa’s grip.
“Just teaching you a little lesson!” Miya suddenly cried, diving forward and digging his fingers into Reki’s sides. Of course, the gesture made the redhead scream, squirming around and attempting to bring his legs up to defend himself. However, Miya was too nimble, and he managed to pin his legs underneath him by sitting on his lap during the assault. The fingers dug into the spaces between his ribs and squeezed at the fleshy spots on his sides, making Reki jolt and howl with laughter.
“Oh my God,” Miya breathed out, struggling to contain his own laughter. “I figured you were ticklish, but this is, like, insane to me.” He then attempted to squeeze at the soft parts of his stomach, causing the redhead to jerk to the side with a squeal. Miya smirked; he would take his precious time with this, it was all too good.
“MIIIHIHIYAAHAHAHA STAHAHAP COHOME ON!!!” Reki screamed for like the fifth time when Miya decided to focus on his thighs, playfully squeezing at them, and occasionally scribbling his fingers along the backs of his knees, which made him squeal and attempt to kick. Then Reki screeched again, dissolving into another raucous flood of laughter as Langa tickled along his sides and stomach, all while keeping him in place. Miya was quite surprised by this; who knew that a stone-cold, at least on the outside, person could be so into something like tickling? Well, it was Reki, and anything that came to the redhead seemed to make Langa absolutely melt. He couldn’t help but wonder how much playful tussling they did in private with each other; there was no way that Langa didn’t know about this. Even though Langa was putting on one hell of a poker face, there was a glimmer pin his eyes that demonstrated nothing but admiration for the redhead. It was honestly lovely to see, but Miya would never say that aloud.
“PLEEEHEHEHEHEASE I’M SORRYYY!!!” Reki cried, his voice hoarse from all the laughing. Miya could see the tears trailing down his flushed cheeks, his chest heaving as he fought for breath through his laughter. But Miya decided that he was going to be a little shit, as if he wasn’t perfect in that area yet.
“You promise not to laugh when someone fails or wipes out like that?” Miya asked, drilling his thumbs into the creases of Reki’s hips, making him shriek until he lost his voice.
“Good boy.” Miya stood up and plopped down next to Langa, watching the exhausted boy attempt to catch his breath as he leaned back against the taller teen. Now Miya couldn’t help but laugh himself.
“That was too funny! How are you that ticklish?” Miya doubled over, clutching his stomach as he attempted to stop laughing. “I swear, when the others hear about this--they just won’t stop!”
The boy blinked up to meet the eyes of Langa, a protective emotion showing in his eyes. His grip on Reki had tightened, and he was now pulling the other teen closer to him.
Miya rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I get it, he’s yours. And you can have the slime.”
“Don’t you ‘slime’ me!” Reki snapped. “Not after all that you just did to me!”
“Well, you’ll always be a slime to me!” Miya hissed back. “You should be thanking me for teaching you a lesson.” “Lesson? That was your idea of a lesson? Sorry, but I prefer your flip kick lessons, thank you very much.”
Miya only snorted at the comment, but he blinked up to see Langa laughing quietly to himself. He felt a warmth spread to his cheeks at how lovely the sound was; part of him was a bit envious that Reki got to hear this sound as often as he did. Seriously, there was no way these two didn’t laugh together while they were alone.
But there was nothing that neither Miya nor Reki could do at hearing Langa’s laugh. The only thing that they could do was laugh themselves in response. Laughter truly was the language of the world.
wOW this literally turned into a full-on fic skjdhfskjdfhd (it’s a lil over 1k words but whatever). well, regardless, i hope you enjoy this (somewhat special gift) drabble anon!! <3
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Everywhere You Want to Be
Everywhere You Want to Be: A Bucky Barnes Fanfic
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Word Count: 1862
Rating: E
Square filled: @star-spangled-bingo - Wade Wilson
Warnings: Smut (MF, oral sex, vaginal sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism)
Synopsis: Every time you and Bucky try to get close, Wade is already there. Eventually, you decide if he really wants to watch that badly, you might as well let him.
Everywhere You Want to Be
Wade Wilson was everywhere you wanted to be. It was like he had an innate sense of when you and Bucky were about to get a little too frisky in a public area and there he would be. He would walk in on the two of you while you were kissing in the hall. If Bucky was cooking and you came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, just as you started to nibble the shell of Bucky’s ear, Wade would appear and ask what was for dinner. One time the two of you were making out on the couch and he came into the room and just dived on top of you both. It was like he had a sixth sense for foreplay.
You had started to tick down the days before Wade went back out into the world and was no longer staying with the Avengers. Not that you disliked him. He was pretty entertaining really. Especially when he started talking to people who weren't there like you were on some kind of television program, but you really just wanted to be able to kiss your boyfriend and him not interrupt.
There was always your room of course. There was nothing wrong with that. It was where you were now after all. Being in the privacy of your own quarters didn't make Bucky’s lips any less soft and demanding as they moved against yours. Not did it make your skin prickle any less and Bucky’s hands moved up under your skirt, inching their way towards your sex.
It was just you were both so tactile, it would be nice to not be interrupted when you touched anywhere outside these four walls.
Bucky lifted you and carried you to the bed laying you back on it and crawling up between your legs without breaking the kiss. The scruff from his beard tickled your lips and made them feel slightly numb the longer the two of you kissed. You rolled your hips up under him, grinding on his rapidly hardening cock as he ran his hands up under your skirt, pushing it up to your waist.
“Well, well, well…”
Wade’s voice startled you both, making you freeze where you were and look over to the corner of the room. There was a large swivel chair in the corner that you had never seen before and you wondered how you’d missed it when you’d come into the room in the first place.
Wade slowly spun around in the chair. He had Alpine in his lap and he was stroking him like some kind of Bond supervillain. “What do we have here?”
“What the hell?” Bucky yelped, sitting up and pulling your skirt back down again. “What are you doing in here? And what are you doing with my cat?”
Alpine seemed to suddenly realize that he was sitting on a complete stranger's lap. He jumped up, hissed and ran under the bed.
“We were just talking. What are you doing in here?” Wade asked, as he leaned back in the chair and looked you over.
“This is our room!” Bucky argued as you looked over the edge of the bed and tried to coax the fluffy white cat back out from under it. He meowed at you and strutted out, ignoring everyone before climbing up onto his tree and curling up in the box that sat on the very top of it. “Why is it every time we start getting close you’re there?”
“Getting close?” Wade teased. “Is that what you grandpas are calling it these days?”
Bucky glared at him. “Wade!”
“You keep getting down and dirty wherever I am. Maybe you like being watched,” Wade reasoned.
“Get out of here!” Bucky yelled.
“I didn’t hear a ‘No, Deadpool, I hate being watched,” Wade teased.
“I think it was implied in the tone,” Bucky countered.
“You know what?” You said, taking off your dress. “I’m gonna fuck my boyfriend. And whoever's here just has to entertain themselves because that’s what I’ll be doing.”
Wade clapped his hands and bounced in his seat. “Yay!”
“What… what… what…” Bucky babbled as he looked between you and Wade. He finally decided that his attention was best kept on you and he covered your breasts with his hands. “What the hell?”
“What?” You asked, running your hands up under his shirt. “You have a little exhibitionist in you. “Wade’s obviously a huge pervert…”
“Why, thank you,” Wade interrupted.
“So if he’s not gonna leave he can watch,” you said.
“Just relax and pretend I’m not here,” Wade added, grabbing his dick.
Bucky looked between you and Wade again, this time his eyes settling on Wade. “If you get too close to me, you’re going to be regrowing a body part you’re extremely fond of.”
“Looking and not touching,” Wade agreed. “Got it.”
You pulled Bucky’s shirt up over his head and he leaned in and kissed you again. You wrapped your legs around his waist and pushed your hands into his hair as you kissed him hungrily and frantically. He ground down against your cunt, his cock hardening against you.
You frantically unbuckled his belt and unfastened his pants. He broke the kiss and curved down to suck at your breast. You pulled out his cock and started to pump it up and down with your fist.
“You guys are in a rush, huh?” Wade taunted. “Don’t believe in taking time with the foreplay? Like just shoving it in dry?”
“Hey!” You yelped and threw a pillow at him.
Bucky seemed to take Wade’s taunting as a personal affront. He slowed down, kissing his way down your body as he slid your panties down and off. You spread your legs and put your feet on his shoulders as he started nuzzling at your pussy. He spread your folds with his fingers, the metal of his hand cold against the heat of your cunt. You gasped and bucked your hips up against his mouth. His tongue swirled over your cunt slowly like he was making sure to lick over all of it.
“There you go, now that’s how you please a lady,” Wade teased.
Bucky lapped wide over your cunt and with every swipe of his tongue he focused more and more until the point of his tongue was focused directly on your clit. He thrust two of his fingers into your cunt and as his mouth worked your clit, his fingers curled and dragged over your inner walls. They hit your g-spot again and again, creating a hot buzz in your cunt that radiates out through the rest of you.
Using your feet as leverage against his shoulders you rolled your hips against his face, panting as the orgasm that was building inside you came close and closer to breaking. You grabbed your tits, massaging them and pinching your nipples.
“Oh yeah, now we’re talking,” Wade said. “You a squirter, babe?”
You were about to answer when Bucky bit at your clit and corkscrewed his wrist and your body did the answering for you. You arched up violently and cried out as you gushed on Bucky!
“Yee-haw!” Wade cheered. “We struck oil!”
Bucky sat up and wiped his mouth before stalking back up your body.
“Is that it? Onto the main event?” Wade asked, sitting forward in his chair. “No reciprocation?”
“I don’t need reciprocation,” Bucky growled, as he tapped the head of his cock against your oversensitive clit.
“Aww buddy,” Wade cooed. “You a little touch-sensitive still? Afraid you might blow your load a little too soon? I’ve got the opposite problem.” He gave himself a firm slap on his crotch. “Barely feel anything these days. There are times I need fifty volts straight up the urethra for me to jizz. But if you like, while you two are fucking, I can come and give you a prostate massage. I brought gloves.”
Bucky glared at Wade like he was tempted to tear off the mercenary’s arm and beat him with it. “Will you shut the hell up?”
Wade made a zipped lip gesture and Bucky turned his attention back on you, sliding his cock up and down your folds.
“Kudos on the huge dick, by the way,” Wade added. “That the serum or were you always well endowed?”
“Wade!” You yelped.
“Right sorry,” Wade said. “Being quiet as of… Now.”
Bucky lined himself up and thrust hard into you. You gasped and clenched around him, stretching your arms over your head and gripping the headboard. He held you up at the waist and leaned down, sucking at your nipples through your bra as he thrust into you hard and deep. His fingers continued to work your clit in rapid circles. With his mouth and hand and the angle he held you at making it so the head of his cock hit your g-spot again and again - you lost control.
There was magma in your veins. It flowed through you, making sweat bead on your skin and pressure build inside you. You looked over at Wade, he was watching you closely, lazing back in the chair. Or at least you assumed he was watching you. It was impossible to tell in the mask. There was always the chance he’d fallen asleep.
You bucked your hips and arched up more, letting Bucky penetrate you deeper and deeper. Things became blurry. The only thing in high definition was Bucky and the way he was fucking you.
“Fuck. Yes. Bucky. Fuck me,” you panted as he pounded into you. He pinched your clit and bit down on your breast. It sent a jolt straight through you and the orgasm that had been sitting right there on the precipice broke and crashed over you.
Bucky jerked inside you, your orgasm dragging his over too and he emptied inside you with a low moan.
“Nice. Finish with a creampie. Nothing too messy, huh?” Wade said sitting up and clapping his hands. “Solid ending.”
“... and then after Bucky threw a lamp at me, we went and got chimichangas.” Wade finished.
“Did… did you just tell us a story we were supposedly part of?” Bucky asked.
“Supposedly,” Wade snarked while doing air quotes.
“That is not how I remember that going down,” you said.
“Yeah, right. You totally just kicked me out of the room,” Wade said and touched under his eye. “Wink.”
“Is Bucky’s dick really that big?” Clint asked.
“Oh yeah. Like an arm. It’d be like getting fisted if you had to take that thing,” Wade said with a knowing nod.
“It is not!” Bucky argued.
“I mean, that’s a weird thing to argue about,” Clint said. “But sure, Bucky has a small dick. That’s what I’m taking away here.”
“It’s not small either…” Bucky said, getting flustered.
“It really isn’t,” Natasha agreed. “I don’t know, you two. I’m thinking he was telling the truth.”
“I only ever tell the truth,” Wade said. “Like remember that time when I walked in on you…”
“Wade!” Natasha yelped.
You started laughing and settled back in the chair to listen to the next of Wade’s stories.
#star spangled bingo#bucky barnes#wade wilson#bucky barnes x reader#the winter soldier#deadpool#the winter soldier fanfic#fanfic#fanfiction#reader insert#smut#everywhere you want to be
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What happens in Vegas
Pairings: Steve Rogers × Female! Reader, background BuckyNat
Summary: What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas right? Wrong. And someone really should have told you that.
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of smut but no actual smut, sexual innuendos, Accidental Marriage, Talks of Divorce, Fighting,small Angst, a lot of Fluff... Please tell me if I miss any.
Word Count: Approx. 9k.... This got a little out of hand.
A/N: So this is my entry for the wonderful @kayteewritessteve‘s #Kaytees1000FollowerChallenge. Congratulations on 1k followers, you totally deserve it! My prompts were: 10. “Kiss me again but like you mean it this time” and 24. “Never trust a man whose smile steals the breath right out of your lungs” The prompts in the story are in bold.
This was gonna be really angsty but halfway through I changed my mind. We all need a little fluff these days. I hope you guys like this one.
FRIENDS and Grey’s Anatomy fans yes I took some inspirations for some scenes.
The harsh glare of morning sunlight burns the skin on your arms and face and you groan in frustration. Your head is pounding with explainable pain from the hangover you were sure you have after last night.
The memories of the night itself are hazy and some parts are completely missing. Like how you got to the hotel room is an entire mystery.
Under the pain and burn there is also a comfort and warmth that you haven't felt before and you wanna loose yourself in it completely.
You sigh burying yourself further into the warmth to shield your body from the harsh glare of the morning sun before you realize something and jolt awake.
The arm previously around you falls limp on the bed as you look at the owner of the arm in absolute terror. A huge body and large muscles. A bead of sweat rolls down from the junction where his neck meets his back to further south. His face is squished in the pillow and you can make out a pool of drool under his mouth.
With wide eyes you realize he is naked from the waist up and you are pretty sure its the same from the waist down which is covered by the comforter. Exactly like you are.
His face isn't visible and fear starts to engulf you. Who is he? You just had sex with a stranger. With a look around the room you know it is yours. Which means great, you can't just sneak out. You would have to wake him.
You move your hand towards the man to shake him awake before retracting it back. You are not ready to face whoever this is. So a decision to wash your face and wear something, anything is made and you do just that.
After almost 10 minutes. A cold face wash and wearing your santa claus pajamas- don't want him to think you are intrested in another round or something- later you are still not ready to face this stranger but you have to. You have breakfast with your friends and Steve would be here to collect you any minute. A look at the clock of your phone confirms it.
Ok get on with it Y/N you can do this. Its just a stranger. Okay that is not an encouraging line but you have to wake him. Steve can't see him here.
Oh god what will Steve think of you? would he be able to look at you the same way he does these days if he found out what you just did? Shaking your head you scream at the stranger shaking his shoulders.
"Hey, hey mister wake up. You need to wake up. Dude, wake up"
It takes you a while before he starts to stir and this while you realize the hangover has not just vanished and your head pounds horribly painfully.
Just as the man starts to turn and wake up you run to the bathroom to puke. Emptying the food you do not even remember eating in the toilet seat. You flush and close the lid.
God that felt horrible. Maybe the stranger would get grossed out by this and leave quickly.
As you make your way back to your room. The man is sitting on the bed with his back to you and legs hanging off the bed with both his hands on his side. He lets out a groan as he moves his hand to massage his head before you call out.
"Hey so I don't remember much of last night but-"
He turns around to face you and just as both your eyes meet, you both let out an ear-piercing scream.
Your back hits the wall besides the bathroom door as you look at the man with widened eyes. He has fallen off the bed and is just pushing himself back up with a lot of effort. His knees are bent on the floor and he forces his hands on the bed to pop his face on it.
"Y/N" he whispers in shock and all you can do is look at him with the same amount of shock in return. "W-What happened?"
Your heart is hammering against your chest and you move your hand to your head
"Oh god!" You whisper "oh my dear god" You start moving around the room moving your hands through your hair and messing them up "Oh god oh god oh god"
He looks at you with wide eyes before suddenly realizing his nakedness and pulling the blanket over to cover himself.
"Did we?" He questions standing up and wrapping the blanket around his waist, a look at your panic rambling and he has his answer "Oh my god we did"
You are still chanting your fearful words before he takes hold of your shoulders to stop you.
"Y/N!" He screams at you so that you look at him in the eyes which you do exactly. "Are you okay. I'm so sorry I don't-"
He moves his hand through his hair in frustration, the other hand on his waist.
"I don't remember anything. Bucky forced me to have Thor's mead last night and I don't know maybe I drank more than I should have oh god I'm so sorry Y/N"
You are lost on words as you look at him, opening your mouth to say something but closing it again.
"Do you- do you remember anything about last night?" You question
"No its all very hazy. But I think I do remember a chapel from the wedding but that is all and oh, I definitely had sex"
You raise your eyebrows at him and he scratches the back of his head
"Its there in my memories. Very hazy but its there."
You shake your head "okay so we had drunk sex" he looks down at that, avoiding making eye contact with you, his face completely red.
You look down towards the floor and nod your head "there is a condom wrapper on the floor so we at least used protection"
He looks at the discarded condom wrapper, his face growing redder.
"Oh yeah- yeah okay" he stutters
Looking at the clock you realize you have only 10 mins before you have to meet your friends for breakfast and a sudden confidence embraces you.
"Okay so we get dressed go down for breakfast and pretend this never happened"
This makes him quickly whip his head to look at you "What-"
"Bucky and Natasha just got married, they are both are best friends and I can't just put this in front of them and steel their thunder"
He keeps staring at you, his eyes intense
"We talk about this later" you motion between the two of you
He just stares before nodding, his eyebrows furrowed as he looks around for his clothes.
"No you are right" he says picking up his shirt from the floor and putting it on "They just got married, we can't put this on them just yet, so you get ready and I will change and see you at the breakfast"
He picks up his under wear and you turn around.
"You won't pick me up from my room?" You ask
"I don't think I should" is all he says before moving from besides you to get to the door.
He opens the door and leaves with a bang as the door closes . Never looking back.
Putting on a simple ripped jeans and a blue top, hair barely presentable, a little extra makeup to hide the dark circles and hickeys and you are ready.
You sigh as you walk down the corridor that will lead you to the restaurant where you are supposed to have breakfast with your friends. The prospect of having to see Steve making your heart flip faster than it usually does.
You can just see the three old ladies that sieve the strings of faith laughing at your predicament. You used to swoon at the prospect of getting a look at the handsome face and drowning eyes of the captain. Your heart used to flip in a different way when you got a look at his face.
Now the heart flipping is different, more terrifying.
The team sits on the farthest of the tables everyone chatting and eating stuff on their plates. You grab yourself a cup of coffee, not feeling like eating anything else and head to the table.
So lost in thought you don't notice the sudden silence that embraces the table as you make appearance and the questioning glances thrown your way.
You keep looking at your coffee, your mind wandering elsewhere. It is this distraction that causes you to miss the entry of a certain blonde, him sitting on the only empty seat which well was of-course besides you and the ever persistent gazes of your team mates.
You take a sip of your coffee while Steve takes a bite from his scrambled eggs before a voice calls out
"Okay, so are we not gonna address this"
You look at Sam in confusion waiting for someone else to voice it. After a moment of silence Steve sighs
Sam looks at him with narrowed eyes, then raising both his hands to motion at Steve and then at you.
Your blood runs cold at that and your eyes widen comically. Sam knows. Sam knows and he told everyone. Oh god. Everyone knows. No no no. Your plan to ignore the situation seems to be failing. Time for the good old fashioned lie.
Without looking at Steve you stutter "W-W-What are you even" a forced laugh
"We saw you guys last night you know" Bucky sighs from his place diagonal to you, in front of Steve as he looks at his best friend "Steve invited us to see"
Your heart drops in disbelief and eyebrows you are sure have left your face with how high up above they have gone. For the first time since coming for breakfast you look at Steve.
"You what?"
Steve's eyes are just as wide if not more and his entire face is redder than a tomato. His lips are quivering in horror at the accusation
"I-no I-I-I don't- I don't" He stops speaking as if losing his ability to as he keeps looking at you, both of you surrounded in your bubble of horror.
"Oh I don't think he remembers much with how much you two were drunk" Natasha pipes in.
You both have still not recovered from your daze of shock, not really caring about anyone. How were you supposed to face these people again after this? After they saw you- oh god!
"Well we got there by the end so there was not much we saw" Tony speaks up this time completely unhelpfully
"No no no no no" You feel like your head would explode as you move your hands to your head running them frantically through your hair, not caring about how much they are getting messed up. "This can't be happening, you can't, no its- Ahhh"
Something on your finger gets stuck on your hair pulling it painfully and you retract your hand but your finger is stuck to a strand of your hair. You pull it with force and let out a cry as it pulls your hair harshly before getting the finger free.
You look at your finger to analyse before your feel like your heart stopped beating
"There's a ring on my finger" you whisper, eyes widening "there's a ring on my finger" a little louder "THERE'S A RING ON MY FINGER" a frantic scream as you push your chair back and stand up
The entire table looks at you with looks of fascinating, confusion and pity as you look at the ring and then at the paralyzed Steve who has not moved a muscle, his fingers clenching tightly on the arm rest of his chair
"Ummm you got married last night" Wanda, a little unsure "at a local chapel, that ia what Steve invited us for?"
"You got married, the marriage license is right here" Natasha pulls it out from her purse "They gave it to us after you two ran out of the place in celebration of becoming Mrs. Steve and Mr. Y/N"
You slowly sit back down on your chair before taking hold of the form with shaky hands. And yup. Its a legitimate marriage license.
"Oh god" you whisper in horror "this can't be happening, this can't be.... Steve!"
You shake him violently, in need of a reaction from him. This is not something you are going through alone. It is something you both are going through.
He turns to you with an apologetic expression
"Y/N I don't I-- don't know what" he shakes his head
"Me too"
"Okay so let me get this straight, you don't remember getting married?" Bucky moves forward in his chair
You both shake your head
"And this is the first you found out"
You both nod
"Wow" Bucky moves back, his back hitting the back on the chair with a thud "This is gonna be interesting"
And for the first time this night you feel an emotion other than fear, shock and absolute horror. The feeling is anger and you make use of it, grabbing the fork off Steve's plate and throwing it at Bucky.
Of course he dodges before raising his hands and motioning a zipping lip action
"Okay so what are you gonna do?" Natasha asks, patting Bucky on the shoulder
You shake your head looking at Steve, who looks back at you with furrowed eyebrows in anticipation "I don't know, We'll just get a divorce?"
"What?" Sam screams at you and you turn to look at him
"Its not like it was planned or something, we are not even dating, we'll just get a divorce, everything will go to normal, easy peasy" you shrug
There is a collective silence in the room as you look ahead of you in challenge for anyone to say anything. Tony and Pepper share a look as Wanda shakes her head at you. Natasha and Sam are looking between you and Steve while Bucky’s eyes are trained on Steve. Bruce is trying his hardest not to look at either of you as he whispers something in Thor’s hear who listens in concentration. Other people are yet to arrive for breakfast.
"No" Steve says from besides you, shaking his head
"We are not getting a divorce"
"Excuse me?"
He shakes his head "We can't do that, I can't get a divorce"
"And why the hell not?" You feel angry at him all of a sudden "you can't force me to stay in a marriage"
He nods his head "I know I can't, you are your own independent person capable of making her own decisions, but this is not your decision, its ours and I won't get a divorce until I have at least tried to make my marriage work"
"Your marriage?" You move closer to him, voice laced with anger "this was a freaky, drunk mistake"
He sighs "Y/N" he moves his hand to place it over yours but you move it away "can we talk in private please"
You stand up suddenly, banging your hand on the table, making Sam and Tony flinch back
"You can't force me into doing anything"
And with that you are storming out of the room, Natasha and Wanda quickly getting up to follow behind just as Clint comes in sipping on his mimosa
"Hey guys!" He looks around at the atmosphere of the room "did I miss something?"
"No no no no no no no no no no" You are chanting as you move around the room, your hands tangled in your hair.
Natasha and Wanda sit on the bed of your hotel room, watching you go crazy, long given up on having a sane conversation. After a while of trying to calm you down and failing they decided to let you release all your anger.
There is a knock on your door followed by a voice and Natasha's come in all of which you ignore as you continue with your breakdown.
"She broken?" The new occupant of the room asks
"Yup" Wanda nods her head "We just cannot shut her down, I guess the off switch has gone bad, Clint"
"I got a rip off version of the story from Tony is it true?"
"What do you think?" Natasha asks sarcastically, rolling her eyes
Clint turns towards you, watching you going around the room chanting ‘no no no no’ then looks back at Natasha
"Definitely true"
All of them turn back to you
They say your wedding day is the happiest day of your life, you really wanna meet those people right as of now and give them a piece of your mind.
Your mind is in overdrive, feelings of betrayal, of uncertainty, of anger, of regret and off an unknown nature surround you. Memories of the morning, the little specks of last night, the gentle touch of his hand, the warmth of his huge body, the smell of him on your body that you washed off in the shower.
You shake your head trying, hoping these pictures in your mind would fall off from the force of the jerks. You cannot do this. You cannot deal with this. You were not ready.
You had feelings for Steve yes but those feelings don't give rise to happiness for a marriage you don't know if you want.
You don't know him. If he were the same person in a relationship, what he wants from a wife, what he wants from you. The future is a dark place and you are not ready for this step in your life. Feelings and everything aside, you are not ready to be someone's wife.
There is a shake on your shoulders that pulls your mind back to the mortal world. You blink twice to make out the offender who of course is Clint, Clicking his fingers in front of your eyes calling out hello hello.
You groan in irritation, pulling your hands out of your hair that they are completely entangled in. A single finger get stuck to a string of hair and you forcefully pull it out, at the moment not caring about ripping the hair off your scalp.
You look at the offending finger in question and the huge fake diamond ring attached to it. This ring. The ring that signifies all this. The stupid stupid ring. In the moment all you can do is blame the piece of jewelry for every bad thing that has been happening to you ever since you wore it and in your anger yank the ring of your finger and throw it away.
It hints the floor and the rolls over to the edge off your bed near Natasha who lifts her leg up to avoid contact with the thing. You glare at the ring with all the anger you have.
Everyone in the room looks at the ring in fear then at you before Wanda raises her hand, volunteers and stands up
"Hey Y/N" you look at her with shining eyes "You wanna talk now"
You just nod your head
"Fucking Steve Rogers" you seethe in anger
"Oh oh" Wanda looks around at the other occupants of the room "I thought we were supposed to console her crying"
"No no" Natasha shakes her head and stands up "We need to help her release the anger whatever way she feels is best"
Clint starts to speak something but Natasha interrupts
"Yeah fuck that guy" she nods moving towards you, encouraging you to go on, you oblige, suddenly feeling the need to
"That that moron"
"Yes very good go on Y/N"
"America's ass more like America's asshole"
"Okay okay" Clint quickly moves towards the both of you "I think that is enough"
"No Clint let her release her anger"
"Nat" he gives her a look and she huffs in irritation
"Since when did you become the sensible one in this friendship"
"Since you became the childish one" Clint shakes his head again "trust me being the one calming people down is a gig I will never want again"
"Guys" Wanda motions at the anger flared you. Clint focuses his attention back to you
"I thought you liked him"
"Seriously?" You glare at him "Just because I have feelings for a guy does not mean I want to marry him, I'm not ready to be his wife!"
"Fair point" Clint nods his head "okay, I'm sure if we both and by we both I mean the both of you talk it out, I know there will be a solution"
"He said no for a divorce"
"He what?"
"Didn't you hear the entire story?" Natasha crosses her arms "She said they can get a divorce and he said No"
"Yes just No and" she puffs out her chest and imitates in her best Steve voice "I won't get a divorce"
"Okay but-"
"No buts Clint" you shake your head moving towards the bed and sitting down on it, Wanda coming to sit besides you "He is forcing me to stay married to him"
"He didn't say he was forcing you" Wanda says but you ignore her,
"I knew it" you glare at the wall in front of you "My mom always said Never trust a man whose smile steals the breath right out of your lungs”
"Seriously your mom said that?"
"No but it sounds really insightful and deep when you add the line my mom always said that"
"Oh my god you're right" Clint smiles nodding his head
"And we're back to me being the logical one" Natasha sighs, moving her hand to your shoulder "look Y/N as much as I am angry at Steve right now, Wanda has a point, he wants to talk to you"
"Nat" you shake your head I don't want anything to do with him"
You shake your head
"No I want a divorce and that is that. He can't just declare he won't get a divorce and expect me to be okay with it"
You move towards the cupboards of your hotel room, pulling out your suitcase and stuffing the clothes you have lying around the room in it
"What are you doing?"
"Going home, I can't deal with this right now, I need a clear head and Ican't have it here"
You raise your hand to stop Wanda from speaking anything further
"I just, I need time okay, just let me go"
"Okay I'll get the quinjet started-"
"No Nat" you shake your head "I'm going commercial and I need to be alone right now, I'm sorry"
All three of your friends share looks of concern with each other before turning to your aggressively packing form and sigh.
Steve raises a hand to the door, gathering the courage to knock before shaking his head and dropping his hand.
He shakes his head and looks at Bucky and Sam both of whom give him a double hand thumbs up and he sighs.
He has to do this. He has to tell her. Make it clear what he meant because ofcourse he didn't mean he was ripping you off your choice. Yes maybe his words were wrong and its his fault for that but he didn't mean it the way she took it.
A smile graces his lips and he shakes his head. His Y/N or well he wishes you were his and his smile widens at the thought of what you would say about that.
I am no one's, I am my own person.
Yes yes you are. Your own brilliant, smart, talented, beautiful person just a few reasons why he loved you so much.
Because it was love wasn't it. Love that he felt towards you when you smiled, when you steel from Bucky's secret doritos stash for Steve on his bad days, cleverly placing the blame on Sam (leaving behind evidences and all), He loves you when you fearlessly fight in the line of fire, when you run towards him with the first aid when a wound gets too deep, He loves you when you stop him from attacking the obnoxious accounts guy who says shit about Bucky before punching him on the nose yourself, he falls a little more in love with you every single time you do anything for him or others of your crazy family.
He just loves you and he will never force you into something you absolutely don't want. But he has to try to make you see this from his perceptive.
Before he can more his hand to knock on the door, it opens up to reveal the worn out face of the woman that rules his dreams.
A suitcase in hand, hair tied in a loose bun that sits on the back of your neck, spectacles sitting on the bridge of your nose, and clothes perfect for- wait were you leaving?
Your eyes widen behind the lenses of your glasses as you look at him before composing yourself back and trying to move around him. He does not budge.
You shake your head, looking down
"I need to go Steve"
"Its none of your business"
"It is my business, I need to talk to you"
"Too bad because I'm leaving"
He sighs
You shake your head and look at him with anger in your eyes "What? you think you can boss me around into submission?"
"No" he says trying to keep his calm "I want to talk that is all, then you can go all you want"
"No I am going now" you again try to push past him but fail
"Okay then I'll go with you" He says reaching out for your suitcase that you pull away from his reach
"No I don't need you to come with me"
"Well I need me to go wherever you go until we talk, so really the ball is in your court"
"Let me go" you seethe in anger, putting your suitcase down and clenching your fists.
"Talk to me" he says calmly
"I have a right to choose not to talk to you"
"Then I have a right to stand where I want"
"No you don't I'll call security"
"Do it" he crosses his arms "I'm not stepping away until we talk"
You look around to see all your friends watching intently, Natasha stands behind you shooting daggers at Steve while Clint looks between the both of you in worry, Wanda gives you a sympathetic smile, behind Steve Bucky and Sam turn away as you look at them, pretending they weren't even listening, idiots.
You take a deep breath knowing full well calling security is not an option. You guys are really famous, he's Captain America for god's sake this will be the headline before you can even blink.
You were not ready for that so shaking your head and convincing yourself that this is the only option because it was and its not because you want to hear what he has to say. Your feelings for him are long gone. The accelerating heart beat and the sense of warmth and safety are not because of him.
You step back into the room, allowing him in and motioning for him to go on. He looks around the room at the other occupants, his best friends just at the entrance and then turns back to you
"I was hoping for a little privacy"
The others look at each other but before they can even start moving you say
"I said no" you cross your arms deepening your glare "Like you can say no to the divorce I can say no to being alone with you and also I need witnesses"
He rolls his eyes and then narrows them at you "I won't do anything you don't need witnesses"
"Its not for you, they are to keep me from snapping and killing you"
He rolls his eyes again, pinching his nose
"Now you're really annoying me, its not my fault what happened last night, you can't blame it all on me"
"Oh so its my fault"
He sighs, growing angry by the second
"Y/n, You know I didn't say that and for a second can we just talk about it like two mature adults"
"I am talking like an Adult"
"You've been making a scene like a child"
"Me" You look around, a laugh escaping your lips "I'm making a scene? Who was the one who declared my choice doesn't matter"
"I did not say that" he growls and before you can say anything else he moves a finger to your lips, effectively shutting you up
"I said I can't get a divorce, There was more I would have said if you hadn't have left the room, or you would have talked to me"
"I-" he shushes you again
"You know what your problem is? Its that you don't listen, you just assume, You know I would never force you into a marriage you don't want but still decide to believe that. You want the truth? Here it is. I can't get a divorce before giving my marriage a try-"
You try to interrupt, try to remind him this isn't a real marriage that this isn't real but he stops you
"Please just listen okay" His ocean blue eyes shine emotion and you find yourself drowning, realizing again that how ever much you want them to go away the feelings you have for him are still present. The sadness in his eyes, the fact that it seems he make cry any second calms your burning anger. Because suddenly you realize you are not the only one going through this.
You nod, tired suddenly, this day has been hectic and long, filled with uncertainty and there was only one sanctuary in times like these and it was these blue eyes and so you finally decide to listen. He shakes his heads,
"I can't get a divorce before giving my marriage a try, I can't. Call me old fashioned but marriage in my time was considered sacred, it was a bond for life time and I always believed that when I got married I will do everything to make it work, to keep my wife happy. I know these are not normal circumstances in which people get married but its a marriage none the less and I would, I could never- I never would be able to forgive myself if I didn't give my marriage a try especially because its you-"
He shakes his head, you both look at each other, eyes shining and bodies catching up with the exhaustion you felt since the morning. There is no one except the two of you in the moment and that is why you don't notice the disappearance of your friends that slipped out the door moments ago.
"Why?" you move closer "What do you mean?"
"That I can't let my marriage fall apart with a girl I always wanted to marry in the future, because I know Y/n if we go through the divorce things are gonna be awkward and yes I'm selfish but I can't take that chance, the chance to loose you"
You shake your head
"You don't wanna be married before dating right, before knowing how I am in a relationship?" He takes a step forward "then let me take you on a date, let be buy you flowers and pick you up at your doorstep, let me take you to a fancy restaurant that serves way little food to fill our stomachs so we have to go to the hotdog cart in the park and then walk around talking about nothing. Let me give you my coat when you get cold, let me hold your hand and keep you close."
"Let me take you on several dates: ice skating, paint balling, trekking, just watching tv on the bed, let me be your partner in whatever you wanna do and when you feel you are ready that is when we can move further. Let's just forget about this marriage if you want, just just give me a chance to be the right man for you" he shakes his head "give me a chance to be your man and take care of you, fight with you, buy gifts for you to make up, anything you want just let me be the guy you want for once, give me a chance, let me love you Y/n"
You take a breath at that. A lone tear falling down your left eye. How many times have you wanted for him to say this, how many times have you dreamed about this moment (under different circumstances of course). How many times have you wished for this closeness? Then what was it that was holding you back. Was it fear? Uncertainty? Mistrust? No it was yourself and a set of rules you had for yourself.
The rules, the decisions, the anger all seem to be melting under his bright gaze. Under the burning heat of his ocean blue eyes. The eyes that shine too. That hold back tears of fear. Scared of a chance that this may not work, that this may not be what you want. That a night he let loose would become the night he lost everything he wanted.
You both stay there a moment holding each others gaze before you decide fuck it and close the distance. Grabbing the back of his neck and pulling his lips to yours. Giving your control, your anger, your stubbornness, your lips, yourself all to him.
He is startled at first. Not responding to the kiss at all. For a while he had no idea what even is happening but when the flutter of his heart slows down, when the feel on his lips dies down as you pull away.
"I-" your eyes widen as you realize what you just did and you shake your head "I didn't I- that sounded so good, I- couldn't I couldn't help myself. I didn't mean to just ambush you like this- I didn't mean to do this- I-"
You start rambling, tears building up in your eyes before Steve brings his index finger placing it on your lips, effectively shutting you up. He moves a string of your hair behind your ear with his other hand and stares in your eyes with a passion, you feel he is directly looking at your soul.
“I need you to kiss me again but like you mean it this time” he says moving both his hands to behind your neck and pulling you close "I need to give you the reaction to this kiss like you deserve"
A tear falls down your left eye which he is quick to wipe away, you look into his eyes, so welcoming, passionate, waiting, giving you the chance to not mean it. To walk away now if you don't want this. But you are tired and this is all you have wanted. He was offering you everything you wanted and you take it. Wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling his lips to yours.
The kiss is hungry, its passionate, its everything. He kisses you like there is no tomorrow, like this was the last thing he will ever do and he has to do it perfectly. His hands are everywhere and so are yours. You touch, you feel, you kiss and you lose yourself to him and him to you. Its a melody a song and dance routine with your bodies matching in step.
You feel him push to backwards before falling on the bed, him on top of you, making sure not to crush you under his weight, never stopping the kiss. If breathing wasn't necessary for you maybe he would not have let go but alas it was and you needed to breath and so he pulls away, not stopping his en devour of your body, moving to places kisses along your jaw, your cheeks, your collar bone, behind your ear and after being sure you're all caught up on breath he takes over your lips again. Its just kissing, a heavy makeout session but by the time you're both finished, your breaths are shallow, and bodies are tired and in need of more.
Steve never breaks eye contact after he pulls away, smiling and tucking at strand of your hair that has fallen to your cheek behind your ear. After what feels like a moment he whispers in your ear
"Is that a yes to that date"
A laugh escapes your lips before you can help it and you slap his shoulder making him loose balance and almost fall down on you but he manages to get control
"No" you shake your head playfully and he narrows his eyes at you
"Seems like you need more convincing then"
You wink at him with a wicked smile
"Maybe" but before he can dive in to capture your lips again you hold up your palm in front of his face which he promptly kisses, pushing it away to reach your lips around it. You giggle and shake your head "wait hold up, I have something to say"
"Say it fast I don't think I can stop kissing you now that I know how it feels"
Your heart flutters at that but with a quick shake of head to bring yourself back.
"This does not mean I agree to be your wife for the rest of your life"
He gives you a sad smile at that nodding his "I know" he moves a string of your hair that had come to your cheeks behind your ear "I gotta woe you" A cheeky smile "And trust me I'm all prepared to spoil you with my love".
And this time you don't stop him as he dives in for a long, very long makeout session and maybe something more.
The moon shines through the open window complete in its half crescent glory. The stars barely visible in your New Your city suburban Avengers compound. The room is lit with candles and the table is set with all his favorite dishes.
Steve has no idea of the surprise that was waiting for him. He had kept good on his promise of loving you, of dating you before you have to live as a married couple.
One month in he had looked at you as you entered the communal kitchen, placed a kiss on his sweat soared cheeks from his workout, gagged and imitated puking before sitting besides him and stealing his pancakes. He had watched you as you ate from his plate before nudging him and telling him to think of it as his own food and eat with you.
After giving you a deep kiss and departing towards his room to take a bath, he had turned to Bucky and told him he was done. You were the one. Earning a gleeful laugh and pat of the back from his best friend.
Two months in he had bought the ring with the help of all the avengers because when he told Bucky he had to tell Sam too and Bucky can't hide anything from Nat and if Nat knows so should Wanda and Tony knows all about the best jewelry shops and prices and so on so forth everyone was involved.
There was a solo mission organised for you, a crappy stake out because no one wanted to miss the ring choosing part by volunteering to distract you. Even though Steve tried his hardest to tell them that is the only reason they were told. He seemed to have reached deaf ears.
Different jewelers from all around the world signed an NDA and flooded the compound to be the seller of THE RING. None worked and at the end Steve drew a sketch of what he wanted and presented it to the old lady that owned the store near his house in Brooklyn. The ring was perfect.
Four months in he asked you to move in with him and four and a half month in you said yes.
Five months in you were living in the house Steve had built just for the two of you in the Avengers compound. Because no matter how much he wanted a place just for the two of you, he couldn't compromise your safety and Avengers Compound was the safest it can get. Plus he was not sure you could live much far away from the idiots you called family.
Six months in he got the courage to propose and six months in you told him with tears in your eyes you were not ready yet. Six months in he had held you and told you he would wait as long as it took
Seven months in and he had asked if he could call you his wife almost thrice every week. It were little moments where he would remind you he was all in. Where he would talk about wedding cakes if you wanted a ceremony even though you won't have to.
Sly glances at a specific finger on your left hand, bare and manicured when you complained to Nat on the phone about the guy at the bar who couldn't take a hint.
He was ready for joint accounts and had even talked with his bank on giving you access to all his money. A life insurance was set up with you as the nominee because he knew how unpredictable life could get and he wanted you taken care of if something were to happen.
Bucky called him Idiot in love, Wanda said it was sweet, Sam just laughed and muttered something about him being a goner and Nat just shaked her head in amusement.
Eight months in and you knew you were ready. Having gotten every Avenger in on your plan. Because if you tell Wanda, Natasha has to be told too and Nat can't hide anything from Bucky and if Bucky knows Sam has to know too and Tony knows all the people that can help set you up the place and so on so forth every Avenger was involved, giving you their verbal promises not be too nosy. Promises they broke obviously except Sam who had crossed his fingers behind his back so his promise doesn't count.
Nine months in and that is how Steve was greeted when he entered the house he shared with you. The smell of roses and the distant one of steak. The living room lit with candles and you, his girl standing in the living room dressed like the fairies his ma told him were the creation that god delicately put together himself. His girl smiling at him and melting his heart with her eyes.
She motions for him to come to her and his legs take a course without his consent.
She is in his arms in a second and kissing his lips the next one. The moment is beautiful, its quiet, its everything and when they break off he looks at her questioningly.
"Whats all this?" He asks looking around the entire room, his eyes lands on the table set up for two with a candle in the middle and all his favorite dishes spread around the table "Wow all this for me? Is today something special, am I forgetting something?"
Still looking at the flowers and romantic decor of the room, he misses the uncertainty and fear in your eyes as you try to calm your running heart to a reasonable pace.
And thus when he turns to look at her, the exact moment a tear falls down her eyes he quickly runs to her trying to take her in his arms but she resists move a hand in front of her to stop him
"Y/n whats going on" He looks at you in fear now "did I do something wrong? Are you leaving me and all this is you make me feel better, because I can improve, tell me what I did wrong, I will fix it -I-"
A little laugh out of your lips stops him in his ramble and ge looks at you with knitted eyebrows, confusion all over his face
You sigh, moving towards him and taking his hands in your own "Steven Grant Rogers I don't believe in happily ever afters and forever, I never believed in consuming, encompassing love , I used to laugh at the couples on TV that promised each other infinity because I never understood that. I have tried to find reason for love, reason to love someone so much that they are all you want, to promise an eternity because you want one with them. But today here I am and I have no idea why I love you this much. No reason. But I still love you and I do want to promise you an eternity"
His eyes shine in synchronicity with yours as a single tear falls down your left eye. He brings his hand to your cheek and wipes it away and you smile at him before moving to get down on your knee and suddenly he realizes what is happening and he catches hold of your shoulders forcing you to keep standing. He holds up a finger in front of you, a huge smile gracing his lips
"Hold on just a minute" he runs away in the direction of the bedroom.
You look at him with wide eyes, shocked for a moment before deciding to follow him. This is what you get after your entire heart felt speech? Is it payback for the time you said no?
Steve is frantically searching through the drawers of his night stand, closet, the pockets of his pant and coats, throwing everything around in search
"Where is it!" He huffs angrily while throwing all his clothes around the room. One article of said clothes flies away and hits you right on the face. You throw it away, rolling your eyes
"A minute" he doesn't look up
"I need to find it, where is it?" Steve keeps searching, your entire room is a mess of clothes and books and how many glasses do you guys even own?
"Steve you won't find the rings" He stops at that and looks at you, eyebrows furrowed
"What do you mean?"
"You won't find the rings because I'm wearing them" you move your left hand in front of him so that he can have a look at your ring finger. The diamond shines of on finger matching the shine of both your eyes.
"Now can I finish"
He nods never taking his glistening eyes off the ring on your finger as he moves to sit on the bed.
You move closer to him and sit on the floor in front of the bed taking hold of his hands in both of yours.
"What I'm trying to say is that you have been my Prince, even though I never wanted one, you ambushed my heart and now I want to be your wife" you move to sit up a bit as you look at him "So Steve my handsome hero can I please call you my husband from this day forth? Seeing as we already did get married?"
A smile so wide, you are sure his cheeks must be hurting graces his lips and he nods his head, seemingly lost on words.
"You move his hand in between the both of you and look down on it, before digging in the pocket of your dress (yup your dress had pockets, one of the many reasons you bought it) and producing a silver wedding band you had bought for him
"May I?" You motion towards his ring finger
He shakes his head pulling his hand back and you look at him in confusion. He just smiles and produces the other hand
"That was the right one, here"
You smile at him shaking your head and placing the ring on his finger before he takes your hand and pulls the rings off your finger and smiles at your knitted brows
"Its my right to put these on your finger, you can't take it away from me"
You laugh at that and eagerly give your hand to him, on which he places both the engagement and wedding rings, holding it out for himself to look at and smiling, as a tear rolls down his eye.
You move your hand to wipe it away and he catches it to place a soft kiss on your rings.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
You both move towards each other, you lips mere inches apart when a voice calls out
"You may kiss the bride"
And kiss the bride he does not, instead jumping on in full action mode, moving you behind him from any unwanted threat. You are started too, looking around and moving your hand under the bed to pull out your gun before you realize who the voice belongs to and roll your eyes
"Steve its fine" He sigh irritably "Its just-"
"Me!" Clint jumps out of the AC vent with some of the Avengers following while the others come out of other different locations around your house
Steve shakes his head, clearly annoyed as he looks the the offenders
"What the hell is wrong with you guys" He asks exasperatedly, moving his hands through his hair
"What you though we would miss this after years of pinning?" Bucky asks, putting his arm around Natasha who just smiles at you. None looking even a little bit guilty.
"Yes" you sigh "You said you won't be nosy"
"Its not nosy when it comes to both of your love life" Sam says and the others nod their heads
"It is-" Steve starts to speak before sighing and shaking his head "You know what yes. And now that you have seen all you have to, you can leave"
He starts pushing everyone out. And you let out a little laugh as they argue back
"Hey I thought we were going to celebrate" Tony looks around the room “I got champagne and stuff”
"We will celebrate after I have celebrated with my wife" Steve tries hard to send them away "I need to celebrate with just her first okay"
"What no wait a minute-" Bucky starts to say but its Natasha that interrupts him
"Hey Buck lets just leave them" she says and before her husband can protest any further she adds, patting her hand on his chest and winking in your direction with a smirk "let then have this time to themselves and make our godchild"
A collective groan burst out in the room while you glare daggers at your smirking now ex best friend
"I wish I could unhear that" Tony sighs moving out of the room and towards the main entrance "okay fine but you're throwing us that wedding party Rogers"
Steve nods, eager to send them all away, his face still red with remnants of the blush Nat's comment caused
"Yeah, Your drunk wedding took away my best man opportunity" Bucky crosses his arms
"Who said you were gonna be best man" Sam asks pushing Bucky on the shoulder
Bucky straightens his body, puffing out his chest and coming close to Sam
"Oh but I am gonna be" Sam moves closer glaring daggers at Bucky and before you or anybody else could resolve their fight Steve speaks up
"Fight it out outside" he says pushing both of them out "tell me who won"
You look at him with amusement as Nat whispers "Someone's eager" in your ear, patting your shoulder, moving out towards the other Avengers, breaking the fight between her husband and his frenemy.
You look to see what happens before Steve quickly closes the door double locking just to be sure and then turns at you, a simple smile on his face. You smile back
"Now where were we?" He moves closer, taking you into his arms
"I think we were gonna kiss" you hit his nose with your finger
"Oh yeah I was gonna kiss my bride" he pulls you close so that you wrap your legs around his waist, perfectly eye to eye with him now.
You nod, pulling your lips in a straight line
"Before those guys-" you start to say but Steve puts a finger on your lips, effectively stopping you from speaking any further
"Don't" he shakes his head "Don't talk about those idiots"
"Okay" you smile at him, waiting for him to make a move
"May I kiss my bride?" He then asks you, with passion in his eyes
"You may kiss your bride" you say and just as he moves to pull you in for a kiss you whisper "Husband"
He stops smiling at you before pulling your legs off from around his waist and putting you down.
"I will my Wife" he whispers his eyes shades darker, dipping you down, his hands on your waist and the back on your head, he takes your lips in a passionate kiss.
----------- The end ----------
So I was gonna add a little epilogue at the end but this one got too long so I think I would post it separately. Thank you for reading!
Tags: @kayteewritessteve
#kaytees1000followerchallenge#steve rogers reader insert#steve rogers fanfiction#steve rogers angst#steve rogers imagine#steve rogers oneshot#marvel fanfiction#captain america reader insert#steve rogers fluff#captain america fanfiction
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Enter the Nomicon - Chapter 2: Meeting Nomi
The early rays of morning cut through Randy's dark green curtains, shining directly in his closed eyes.
"Ugh...five more minutes..." He buried himself deeper into his blankets. However, the soft melodious sound of a flute suddenly jolted him awake.
“What the?” Randy sat up, rubbing his blue eyes before looking around until he realized something. “Where's the Nomicon!?”
Quickly jumping to his feet and forgetting the sound of the flute, he began to search frantically for the book, but came up with nothing.
"Randy, honey, are you awake?"
The teen froze dead in his tracks. Had his mother found the Nomicon? Had she read it?! What if she knew he was the ninja!? Randy swallowed hard, being distracted by the flute. Who was playing that?
Realizing that he hadn't replied to his mother he yelled back, "Uh, yeah Mom, I'm up!"
"Oh, good! Honey, someone is here to visit you. They said they're a friend of yours! He said his name is...Nomi Conikos? Did I say that right? Yeah? Okay sorry there...so I was just going to tell you that I'm going to be gone for the day, so don't stay up too late okay? Just because it's the weekend doesn't mean you can, got it!?"
Randy nodded but stopped when he realized she couldn't see him. "Uh, yeah Mom, got it!" Who the heck was No-me Cone-y-koss?
"Alright then. I'll be on my way. Bye honey!” There was a short pause. “Oh, you should invite Howard over! I made cookies for you three!" She slammed the front door closed.
The flute instantly stopped. Randy listened to the sound of his mother's car speeding off the driveway before the flute continued its song.
Cautiously, Randy made his way to his door, grabbing the ninja mask out of his backpack before making his way downstairs. He was careful not to make a sound. He trekked down the stairs.
"I know you're there. I can hear you breathing."
Randy nearly jumped out of his own skin at the voice. After catching his breath, he relaxed, not letting his guard down. He walked down the last few steps, skipping the last one.
He poked his head out to see a thin boy wearing a strange cape. It was black with red markings that looked eerily familiar. On the inside of the cape it was similar to the color of an old scroll paper, and it covered him from the nose down, concealing his body from Randy's curious eyes. Another strange detail was that there was a strange glowing green clip of some sort that was shaped like the ninja's mask resting at his chest. The boy's hair was a dark reddish orange, his eyes a dark brown, and his skin was peachy. He held a frown as he stared at Randy.
"I don't bite." His voice held an accent that was extremely noticeable.
“He's Japanese,” thought Randy. He walked towards the redheaded teen, who pulled out a small flute made of bamboo and began playing it. So he was the one who was playing that thing.
“Who the juice is he!?”
Noticing Randy’s expression, the redhead quickly stopped playing the small flute, startling Randy out of his reverie in the process. "You seem confused."
Randy nodded. "Well duh! Who the juice are you—?!"
The other boy quickly silenced the taller of the two with a raised hand. "My name is Nomi-"
"No-mi what?" Randy interrupted him.
The redhead rolled his eyes. "Nomi Conikos, and you certainly are denser than I thought. Makes me question why I chose you to be the ninja."
That caught the teen's attention. "What!? I'm not the ninja! Pfft, I don't-" While he continued to babble (rather pathetically), Nomi raised a brow in slight annoyance and quickly cut him off.
"-Randy Cunningham, I know you're the ninja, and honestly, that was pretty pathetic. Do you honestly want to know who exactly I am, or more precisely, what I am?"
Catching the emphasis on the word, Randy felt himself stiffen, squeezing the ninja mask which he held tightly in his fisted hand. He nodded.
"You're missing the Nomicon, correct?" There was slight hint of annoyance as Randy winced before nodding. "Well let me relieve you of that worry..." He trailed off as if to add a more dramatic effect.
It worked, as Randy clutched the mask even tighter as a bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face. Nomi watched him calmly as he spoke;
"I am the Nomicon."
The news startled Randy so much that he nearly fell flat on his face, but he caught himself. Much to Nomi’s surprise, the taller male whooped. "Ohoho that is sooo totally BRUCE! I didn't know you could do that!"
Randy babbled and boasted on for a little longer, but Nomi’s hand shot out in a blur and landed on Randy's mouth, instantly shutting him up. Randy blinked in shock and surprise.
Nomi watched, amused, as Randy tried to remove his hand from his face. Finally after much a struggle, he removed his hand from his mouth. Rubbing his mouth, Randy glared at the human Nomicon.
"Okay, what was that for!?"
The other boy looked serious. "I can't let any other being apart from the ninja know what I am, who I am, and/or that I can change between forms on my own will." Nomi sighed. "But knowing you, you're going to tell your boyfriend about me. Am I right?"
Randy's face turned red. "Ewwww, dude, I am so not Howard's boyfriend! Secondly we're best friends! BROS! And lastly, duh, I'm gonna tell him! He already knows I'm the ninja."
The redhead frowned. “Yes, I know that. Rule number one is to never let anyone know your secret even if they are your, erm, bros."
Randy pouted, but then remembered yesterday’s incident with the robot mutt. “Hey, how come you didn't help me out when one of Mcfist's robots attacked me!? I was late to school and I had to go to detention!"
Nomi didn't seem fazed by the other teen's anger. "And if I hadn't, you would have been vulnerable, and you would have been thrown halfway across the city, and would most likely have died, so, you shouldn't be scolding me, you should be thanking me." He huffed.
At that Randy couldn't argue and once again pouted. "Fair enough. Hey, how come you never turned human before?"
Nomi's eyes widened before suddenly grabbing Randy's hand and yanking him back to his room. Quickly locking the door, he turned to Randy. In a swift yank he removed the strange cape, revealing a suit.
The suit black and it looked similar to the ninja's suit, but the markings were different. It was the only real difference between the two suits including that he didn't have a mask to conceal his identity like the ninja.
There was certainly more muscle than his cape revealed before. Randy blushed, lightly rubbing his arm. "Err, Nomicon—"
"Just call me Nomi."
"Uh, yeah N-Nomi, what the juice are you doing?!"
The other male seemed confused by his flustered expression. "Concealing my identity so I blend in. By the way, mind if I borrow some of your clothes?"
Randy's face turned a deeper scarlet as the other male began stripping out of his suit. "Y-yeah sure, but mind answering my question?"
The redhead paused before nodding. "Yes."
The two turned away from each other, Nomi removing the black and red suit, and Randy searching through his room for any clean clothes he had discarded somewhere. Finally, he came across a black turtleneck, a light green jacket, a fresh pair of boxers, blue jeans, socks and shoes. He quickly tossed them one by one to Nomi who caught them with ease.
As the redhead began throwing on the clothes, he began his explanation. "I rarely ever reveal my human persona. I only do so if something big is going to happen. I sense the sorcerer has become stronger and will escape soon if not now."
Randy blinked, forgetting the fact that the boy in front of him was still naked, standing only in the grey briefs he had tossed him just a second ago. "So? I'm the ninja. I'm supposed to kick his stanky butt back to where he came from!" With that he struck different common karate poses.
Nomi shook his head before sliding on the turtleneck. "No, I haven't taught you all you need to know to fight him. He is dangerous and being that I am the Nomicon, I know everything needed to fight him and win."
"Then teach me! I can learn it all before he escapes!"
Nomi began tying his shoes. "No ninja can master it all in the short time we have. Only one has."
Randy jumped excitedly. "WHO!?"
Once again the Nomicon had left Randy absolutely speechless. He had come to a halt with his excited jumping. "Y-you? But you aren't. I mean you-"
Nomi let out a shaky breath, his back turned to him. "No. I mean...I was at first. I was the very first ninja, and the Nomicon's original creator. I had battled the sorcerer and won. I had imprisoned him myself...except..." The redhead stared at his feet before composing himself back to his serious self. "The bastard managed to fuse my soul with the book. I couldn’t be the ninja anymore...I’ve been choosing a new ninja every year since who was a freshman with a hero’s heart. Of course, back then you had to be at least fourteen years old with a hero’s heart. They not only have to protect Norrisville, they have to protect the world.” Nomi sighed, turning to face Randy. "I've been considered the Nomicon for eight-hundred and a half years. I guess you can't exactly consider myself human anymore." He chuckled bitterly before sucking in a sharp breath. "Which is why I'm here. You can't handle both Mcfist and the sorcerer. I will handle him while you handle Mcfist. The idiot isn't even worth my time. Honestly, I've seen puppies and kittens with more evil intentions than him."
Randy laughed. Nomi gave him a ghost of a smile before he furrowed his brows in thought.
"But Nomi, if I'm the ninja, don't you have to keep teaching me? Maybe you can teach me as much as you can. If you can't teach me everything, then I'll let you fight the sorcerer and I'll just get the benefit of knowledge.”
Randy's suggestion had broken Nomi's train of thought.
The sly grin on Randy's face said it all. A true hero’s heart. Nomi smirked. "Fine, but you either have to be home schooled, or you have to quit school. Or maybe I can go to school with you. I don’t care."
Randy grinned. “Well, Mom definitely doesn't have time to homeschool me, and I can't quit unless I want to get murdered by her, so you'll have to come with me. But how are we going to get you in?"
"I have special abilities that can help."
"Like what?"
"Just trust me," Nomi said. "Now come on. Knowing you, we're going to go to your friend's house to introduce me, so hurry up. We don't have time to lose." He grabbed Randy's old gym bag, stuffing his suit inside. Randy caught a glance at the long sword inside before they began making their way downstairs and out the front door.
As they walked, Randy was bombarding Nomi with millions of questions (in which he only answered with a 'yes' or a 'no').
“Hey Nomi?"
"I saw your ninja sword, or whatever you call it..."
"How come your sword is bigger than mine?"
Nomi smirked. Randy's face turned red as he quickly realized how wrong the question sounded.
"Well I didn't know you were the kinky type, let alone into men, Cunningham."
The look on Randy's face was beyond priceless.
Still smirking, Nomi chuckled. "Heh, just kidding. No, well I didn't create anything on the suit. I welded my 'long' sword."
At the emphasis of the word 'long', Randy felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "T-then who did?"
The redhead answered with a sense of pride. "My Grandfather Nobuyuki did. He was one of the greatest Sensei’s. He had taught me everything I know now, and so I wrote it all in a book, the Nomicon. My grandfather created the suit with the finest threads, created the strongest metals with titanium and diamonds, and bonded each item together with a magic more powerful than the sorcerer's."
"That is so totally Bruce!" Randy fangirled over the information, but felt a pang of sadness for Nomi.
It must have been terrible to be inside a book for eight hundred and a half years. What about his family? And friends? Heck, what about going to the bathroom? Did he just hold it in?
He didn't get the chance to ask as they had arrived at Howard's home.
Randy knocked on the door. The doorknob jiggled before Heidi, Howard's older sister, answered the door, not opening it all the way. Clicking her tongue, she looked over her shoulder and up the stairs, yelling at the top of her lungs, "Howard, your twig of a friend Dandy-"
"-Andy is here!"
Howard answered. "I'll be down there in a second! Geez, don't get your panties in a twist!"
"SHUT UP HOWARD!" Heidi hissed. She turned back to Randy before opening the door all the way and was surprised to see Nomi. He stared at her unimpressed as she suddenly giggled girlishly.
"And who exactly are you? Come to see me?"
Nomi snorted. "My name is Nomi Conikos, and I didn't come to see you, you disgusting sea hag...oh wait, that's an insult to them. I didn't come to see your hideous face, especially since you just insulted my friend."
The girl stared utterly shocked. Randy was also shocked. It was certainly a feat to out-sass the fiery redhead and that was obvious when Heidi simply stared, trying fruitlessly to form words. Much to both teens' surprise, the girl let out a dreamy sigh.
"I love a guy who knows how to use their tongue."
Nomi rolled his eyes with a snort just as Howard came downstairs, oblivious to Nomi's insult to his sister.
"Who else did you say was here? I didn't hear-" Howard saw Nomi. The two made eye contact, Nomi's expression unfazed while Howard seemed confused. He looked over to Randy for answers.
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Camp NanoWrimo April 2021: Day 26
Word count: 1338 (26014 total)
As Alleos sat at the all too familiar desk, her left hand rested on the keyboard and her right hand rested on the computer mouse, she couldn’t help but stare blankly at her three monitors before sighing heavily. In the matte, sleeping screens of the monitors, she saw the very vague, blurry image of her reflection. To no surprise, she looked exhausted, of course, being the creature of sleeplessness that she was. However, she felt so… dead inside with all that had happened, and naturally, she even looked the part.
Leaning back in her computer chair once more, she reclined it as she just blankly stared up at the ceiling of her room. She hated this oh so very, very much. While she was aware that this would allegedly happen only one more time, she felt defeated. She knew Norway hadn’t been lying when he said that the cycle was in its last loop, but that didn’t change how awful she felt about the entire situation. She could tell that he, too, felt terrible about it. He knew something was up, and she could tell. Yet, whenever she’d asked him about it, he always gave the same answer: he did in fact know more than he was letting on- because for whatever reason, he couldn’t tell her more. To her, it all sounded like bullshit. What reason did she have to believe him?
The more and more she thought, the more and more frustrated she found herself getting. Of course, how she was feeling was justified, and Norway appeared to acknowledge that. Hell, if anything he seemed frustrated that he couldn’t just tell Alleos what was going on. But still- it only upset the micronation even further.
Sitting back up in her chair, Alleos found herself in the same position, staring blankly into the monitors. Norway said that she was safe here; she could spend as much time as she needed to to regain her composure and to just play off what had been going on. However, she was finding it really hard to play off what had been happening… naturally.
For the last few days, Iceland just had a… bad feeling. He couldn’t quite tell what it was. Come to think of it, Alleos hadn’t been bugging him as of late… as annoyed as he typically got with her, and as much as he would sometimes wish she would go away, she never had any sort of malicious intent towards him.
Although he hesitated, he reached for his phone. With even more hesitation, he opened up the messenger app and began to type out a message to her. And, with a hand trembling vaguely (and after even further hesitation), he pressed send.
[SMS: Alleos] uhh, hey… is everything alright?
[SMS: Alleos] you havent been bugging me or any of the others, so uh i figured i should just check in
Tossing his phone to the side with red cheeks, he turned away as he waited rather anxiously for a reply back.
Hearing the notifications come through on her end made Alleos snap out of her thoughts. Breathing a heavy sigh, Alleos picked up her phone and read the messages. Scrolling up, she decided to review how she would normally message Iceland just one more time. It seemed as though she was the one to text first, and that he would normally ghost her to a certain degree… then she would bug him all over again.
Quickly, she began to reply, as she appeared to have always done.
[SMS: Iceland] well look who’s texting me first lol
[SMS: Iceland] yeah i’m ok!
Next, was to think of an excuse. Not that it was hard to think of one, though.
[SMS: Iceland] just the usual, testing and going through things -
[SMS: Iceland] getting caught up in other things that are completely unrelated…
[SMS: Iceland] the usual, y’know? ^^
Upon receiving notification after notification, Iceland let out a deep breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. Considering she’d bombarded him with messages like she always would, he could at least only assume that she was alright.
And so, upon actually reading the messages, he let out another heavy sigh of relief.
[SMS: Alleos] oh thank goodness
[SMS: Alleos] well… yeah i was worried
[SMS: Iceland] don’t tell me…
[SMS: Iceland] you were worried for me?!
[SMS: Iceland] if anything i should be the one asking if you’re alright
[SMS: Iceland] this is very much unlike you
[SMS: Iceland] should i send over big bro? lmao
Feeling his face flush an even brighter shade of red, he felt his hands begin to tremble once again with the familiar anger she never failed to make him feel. His heart began to race, and he could have sworn that he felt a bead of sweat dribble down the side of his face.
[SMS: Alleos] god NO
[SMS: Alleos] i was just checking in on you and now i am going to go off and do my own thing. goodbye
Pretty much slamming down his phone, Iceland got up and stepped outside. Taking a few deep breaths, he began to think a little bit. He found it quite odd that she seemed to be doing quite well from his recent… explosion on her, however he wouldn’t question it.
“Why do you like to drag me out to your stupid little shenanigans?” Iceland snapped, still stuck trying to tug his hand out of the micronation’s grasp.
“Because you don’t really ever get out, minus meetings. You need to do more than just exist in the world, you know. Live a little!” she said, tugging him along. “You agreed, remember? We’ve only been out for less than an hour…”
“At least an hour…! When can we go back?!” Frustration was very evident in his voice as he continued to snap at his sister. His snapping, however, only irritated her even further.
“God…” she muttered through gritted teeth. “Why do you do this every fucking time we go out?! Why can’t you just exist a little more? Let loose, or something. This gets old really fast, you know.” Subconsciously, she squeezed his hand rather tightly in frustration.
Iceland grimaced a bit. “That hurts, knock that off!” He, too, found himself getting a little bit physically aggressive with her. He pressed himself against her with force that surprised both of them. “You can be so pushy, sometimes even worse than Dane…! How on earth does big bro even put up with your shit?” That last question caught Alleos off guard. Noticing this, Iceland pressed on. “More importantly, why does he even put up with you? Why do the rest even bother? I don’t get it… you weren’t even one of us to begin with, you know. In a way, you’re just like Estonia, and you know how we feel about him.”
Alleos was hurt, to put it one way. The look on her face was enough to snap the boy back into reality. With wide eyes, he gasped and covered his mouth, backing off.
“A-Alleos, I…”
Or at least, he would do his damn best to not question it- considering how vividly it would replay in his mind whenever he even vaguely thought of it. While having received such prompt responses from her made him feel relief, he still felt as though something was very, very wrong with her. However when he had asked Norway, even he would tell him that everything was alright.
Shaking his head, he jolted himself out of his thoughts. Bringing his hands up to his face, he patted his cheeks several times.
“Everything is alright, you… she’s okay…”
Then, that familiar sinking feeling hit him once more.
“Is she really…?”
Moving one of his hands to tap on his chin, he began to think. As he thought, his cheeks began to flush a little bit once more.
“M-maybe I’ll visit… I’m sure she would appreciate it, plus I just… really need to make sure she’s alright. I need to see for myself.”
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Falling for the Holidays Ch. 26

Title: Falling for the Holidays Ch. 26
Pairing: Dean x Reader AU
Word Count: 2231
Summary: With October ending and the holidays underway, that only meant one thing for Dean Winchester. It meant returning to his childhood home and spending time with his family. It meant listening to his parents, especially his mom, ramble on and on about when he was going to find himself a nice girl, bring her home for the holidays, and then eventually get married and have children. However, Dean wasn’t ready for that sort of commitment, so in order to get his family off his back, he comes up with an elaborate scheme! But like the saying goes, “sometimes lies become truths.”
Warnings: Angst and some Fluff
A/N: After that last chapter, I know a lot of you were waiting for this! The next chapter will be going into a little more detail with what happened. This chapter is just pretty much dealing with the after shocks with what happened back at Lisa’s place. Thanks for reading :)
It didn’t take long until the ambulance and police arrived. The paramedics rushed in first, tending to both you and Dean. As you felt your body being moved around, your eyes fluttered open. Through slightly blurry vision, you scanned your body, curious to know what was going on, why you were being moved.
At the end of your feet, you saw a person, who you didn’t know was a paramedic at the time. You watched him with confusion before letting your head fall to the side, your vision coming clearer by the second. Once your eyes adjusted you quickly noticed that Dean was beside you, however not the way you’d hoped. He was being hauled onto a gurney, a paramedic on each end, lifting him up by his arms and legs and placing him on the bed. His eyes were closed and he wasn’t moving. It looked as if he was sleeping, but you knew that wasn’t the case. Your eyes traveled lower to his chest and when you saw blood staining his shirt, you freaked.
Panic jolted you fully awake, and you shot up from where you were laying only to be shoved back down. The paramedics held you in place, holding your shoulders and thighs, instructing you to lay back down and to remain calm, but you were too occupied to listen. What you cared about was an explanation to why Dean was laying on a gurney and being rolled away into an ambulance! And why the fuck was there blood on his shirt?!
“Dean!” you choked, reaching your hand out. “Dean! Dean!” You were screaming, fighting the the paramedic’s hold. You managed to grab his hand, holding tightly as the world started spinning and you passed out.
When you woke up, you flinched at the brightness of the room. When your eyes finally adjusted, you noticed Jess sitting on a chair, biting her nails while staring out the window. She didn’t seem too well. Her hair was a little disheveled, skin slightly pale, and her eyes looked a little swollen. She was a mess. It made you wonder, why?
Your eyes roamed elsewhere and you didn’t know where you were, why you were there, or where was everyone else? Where was Dean? All you wanted was Dean. And that’s when what very little memories you had hit you. You remembered seeing Dean being brought into an ambulance and the blood. “Dean!” You screamed, making Jess scream in return.
“Holy fuck!” Her hand clutching over her heart. “Y/N!” She cried, jumping out of her seat and bringing you into a tight hug. “Thank god, you’re alive!”
“J-Jess? What…what happened? W-where’s D-Dean!” Your heart was becoming erratic and the monitors started to make all sorts of noises, and before you could comprehend what was going on and where you were, a nurse burst through the door.
“Y/N. Y/N,” the nurse called your name calmly. When you looked at her, she continued to speak. “I need you to calm down okay? You’ve gotten hit on the bead pretty badly and if you keep this up, you might get dizzy and pass out again.”
“Wh-what are y-you talking about? What… what happened to me? Why am I h-here?” You stuttered, finding it hard to breathe.
“Y/N, calm down,” the nurse instructed, but it wasn’t working. The monitors started to beep rapidly, and your breaths were coming in shorter and harsher.
“Y/N!” Jess called your name. “What’s happening to her?” Jess asked the nurse.
“She’s having a panic attack,” the nurse explained calmly. She’s dealt with this many times before. “Come here, dear,” she smiled over at Jess. Usually, she would take care of you, but since you had a friend over, that seemed to really care about you, she passed on the duty to Jess.
Jess didn’t hesitate, immediately at your side. “W-what do I do?” She questioned.
“Just talk to her calmly. Let her know you’re here and that everything will be alright. You just need to calm her down.”
Jess nodded, opting to take a seat at the edge of your bed. Her warm nature instantly taking over. “Y/N, hey,” she began, cupping her hands over your cheeks. “Look at me, okay?” Your eyes shifted to hers and she wore this big smile. She was beautiful. “Listen to me, I need you to calm down. I need you to breathe. Can you do that for me?” She asked, smile unfaltering. “C’mon now, breathe with me. In. Out.” You didn’t take your stare off of her, and her smile remained in tact, easily putting you at ease.
The monitors started to slow until it was beeping at a steady rate. Eventually, you were okay again. The nurse smiled. “Well done. If it happens again, you’ll know what to do. A nurse in the making,” she patted Jess on the shoulder.
“Thank you for your help,” Jess smiled.
“I didn’t do anything,” the nurse responded, sending the two of you a wink before leaving the room.
“Jess?” You were confused. Nothing was making any sense.
“Hmm?” She hummed.
“I don’t… I don’t understand what’s going on here. Where’s Dean? What happened to him?” Tears started to pull at the brim of your eyes.
“Y/N… what was the last thing you remember, other than Dean?” Jess asked, just as Sam stepped in.
“Hey, you’re awake. That’s great,” Sam sent you a weak smile. He looked like he’d been crying.
“Sam, are… are you okay?” You asked, full of concern.
“Uh, yeah. I’m fine. Gave a little blood, but I’m totally fine,” he smiled, showing you his arm where they had drawn blood from. “But really, what was the last thing you can remember?” Sam reiterated his girlfriend’s question, having overheard as he walked in.
“Uh… I… I don’t know. I can’t really remember much. I remember going…uh… going to lunch?” You confessed.
“And that’s it?” Sam added.
“Y-yeah. Did something bad happen?”
Rufus was the first one at the scene. On his way over, the radio went off. Apparently the neighbors called the station claiming they heard shouting and gunshots. As he arrived, heading towards the door with his weapon drawn, Ketch stepped out through the door in a haste to get out of there before the authorities could get there.
“Freeze! Hands up where I can see them!” Ketch stopped wide-eyed in his tracks. He wasn’t expecting the police to arrive so fast. He thought he could get away. Admitting defeat, considering his only weapon was in the hands of a large Winchester, Ketch raised his hands over his head. “On your knees!” Rufus commanded, and Ketch immediately fell to his knees.
Rufus quickly made his way over, cuffing Ketch around his wrists before prompting him to stand so he could cuff his ankles, all the while reading him his rights. Once he got Ketch under restraints, more cop cars conveniently appeared, as well as the ambulance. Thank God for a small town. Andy and his partner rushed over to Ketch, taking him into custody and throwing him in the back of their squad car.
Rufus followed the paramedics and a few other officers into the house, immediately seeing Dean unconscious and in his brother’s arms. The medics were quick to Dean and your side, while Rufus and a few other cops went to speak to the others. Rufus pulled Sam to the side for a chat after making sure he had men taking care of Lisa, Bela, and Ben.
“You okay?” Rufus asked.
“Uninjured if that’s what you mean…” Sam wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, before staring at his blood stained hands. He was worried for his brother, and he was worried for you. Hell, he was terrified. He just wished none of this ever happened.
“It’s okay, son. Everything is going to be okay. C’mon, let’s get you to the hospital, and we’ll call your parents and that beautiful girl of yours.” Rufus patted Sam’s shoulder before pulling him into a much needed hug. Sam clung to him like a small child, and Rufus could feel the tremble in the younger man’s body. Sam was terrified. “Dean’s going to be fine. Don’t worry.”
It was hard to see Dean laying there motionless and helpless, tubes everywhere. You sat beside him stubbornly, not wanting to leave his side in case he woke up... and you were praying like hell that he would. You just got him, and you weren’t about to lose him. It wasn’t an option. This isn’t how things are supposed to end. You and Dean was supposed live happily ever after! How cruel would it be to lose your best friend and the love of your life all at once?
“Y/N. C’mon, Sweetheart. Get some rest. It’s Christmas Eve tomorrow, and I’m sure Dean is going to wake up soon. The doctors said everything is going to be okay. The bullet didn’t hit any major organs. He’s going to be fine. Besides, my boy is a fighter. And he’s got this beautiful woman waiting for him. He’s going to wake up, I guarantee it,” John came up behind you, squeezing your shoulder lightly as a form of comfort.
“I just… I want to be here when he does wake up,” you told him. You wanted to have a positive attitude, but you couldn’t. You feared that something might go wrong, that Dean wouldn’t make it. Losing him was your biggest fear. Dean was all you had. Your dad was gone and your mom didn’t give you the time of day. “Dean, please wake up,” you croaked, fresh tears slipping down your already tear-stained cheeks.
“Sweetheart, he will. Now, let’s get you back to bed. Dean would be pissed at us if he knows we weren’t taking care of you. I’m not about to get a long lecture from my son when he wakes up,” John smiled.
You let out a soft snort, wiping your eyes and cheeks, knowing exactly what John meant. “I know what you’re talking about…” you smiled as a memory manifested from the many files of your mind. “Once, it was raining really hard, and I was supposed to bring Dean lunch to his job, but he told me not to because the weather was bad. I figured that it was just a little rain, not a big deal, so I decided to just bring it over anyways. It wasn’t that far of a walk away, just about five to ten minutes from my job. When I got there, I slipped on a bit of oil on the ground and sprained my ankle. Before I knew it, Dean was scooping me up off the floor. He got ice for my foot, kept it elevated, the whole nine yards. Dean had me perched on a chair and lectured me about my inability to listen the whole time he worked. It was amusing and embarrassing all at the same time. All his coworkers were listening, granted, they were on my side, telling Dean that he was overreacting. And it wasn’t even the rain’s fault. If it weren’t raining, I probably still would have sprained my ankle because I slipped on oil. When I told him that, he started lecturing his coworkers about cleaning up oil spills after themselves and whatnot. They all just laughed at him,” you grinned.
“You love him, don’t you?” John questioned, even though it was clear as day.
“I think I fell in love with him before I even realized that I was,” you confessed.
“Then he’s gonna wake up real soon, because that boy loves you more than life itself.”
You smiled, before standing up, taking John’s hand as he leads you out of Dean’s hospital room. Mary, Sam, and Jess were all waiting just outside. “How’s he doing?” Sam asked, a small smile tugging on his lips.
“Better, I hope,” was your reply.
Jess walked over to you, intertwining her arm with yours before you let your head fall on her shoulder. Jess walked you to your hospital room. Unfortunately, the doctors wanted to keep you overnight for observation as an extra precaution.
“Well be back tomorrow morning,” Jess promised, giving you a big hug before heading out the door.
Mary and John said their farewells and left, leaving you with Sam. “He’s going to be okay, you know that right?” He helped you into bed.
“I know,” you whimpered, tears swelling up again.”
“I know you’re scared,” Sam said, taking a seat at the edge of you bed. “I’m scared too. We all are, but we need to be strong for Dean, okay? We need to put our faith in him. He’s gonna make it, because if he wants to marry you someday, he’s going to have to be here.”
You chuckled at his statement. The thought of marrying Dean would be a dream come true. If there was anyone you could picture spending the rest of your life with, it was Dean, a hundred times over. In every life time, you’d always pick Dean.
“Goodnight Sammy,” you grinned, leaning forwards and kissing him on the cheek. He smiled widely, a light blush creeping on his cheeks.
“My brother’s right…”
“About what?” You questioned.
“You are easy to fall for. I’m glad Dean’s found you. Goodnight, Y/N.” With that, Sam left, leaving you with rosy cheeks.
Did you like it? Please reblog it and leave some feedback! That’s every writer’s fuel! xx
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LinkedUniverse Fanfiction Ch. 15: Painting the Town
Stop! You’ve Violated the Law!
So, you’ve stumbled upon this original post for my Linked Universe fanfiction. That’s okay, it happens to everyone. As of March 2021, I’ve uploaded the entirety of this fanfic to my Archive of Our Own page. Along with finally giving the story a name–Oops! All Links: A Linked Universe Story–I made substantial edits to some of the chapters. These range from minor stylistic revisions to fixing a gaping plot hole that kinda completely broke the character conflict in the earlier chapters. I also renamed and renumbered (but not reordered) the chapters. Specifically, this is now Chapter 17: To Sell a Butterfly (Pendant).
The AO3 iterations of these chapters are the definitive versions. So, if you would like to read this fanfiction, please do so on AO3, right here. With this embedded link. Hehe. Geddit? Link?
Note: My screen name on AO3 is FrancisDuFresne. Yes, that is me. I am not plagiarizing myself.
Anyway, for posterity’s sake, the rest of the original post is below the cut.
It’s finally here! Wow! ... If you thought the long wait would end with a chapter the scale of “Fire,” you’ll be sorely disappointed. Sorry, folks. Still, now we finally get to see more of Selggog and the Links’ quest. When we’re talking my fan narrative, what can beat the hijinx of the Heroes of Wind and Twilight? Word Count: 1576
“So why’d you come with me, instead?” Wind asked.
Twilight looked down to his friend and shrugged. “I didn’t want to sit around waiting for Wild to find weapons he liked. Potion shopping beats that, at least.”
Wind glanced upward at passing shop signs as they walked down one of Selggog’s many busy streets. The others sent them to resupply on potions. Hyrule had finished the last of their stock following their skirmish with the Hinox. The two of them had been searching for an apothecary for the past half hour.
The elder of them sighed. “We should ask someone.”
“Where’s the fun in that, though?” Wind countered. He was jovially bouncing about on the balls of his feet with each step. “Having absolutely no idea where you’re going makes it a little adventure!”
“Aren’t we already on an adventure?”
Wind frowned. He clasped his hands behind his head and looked up. White, fluffy clouds dotted the otherwise clear sky. “Yeah, I guess,” he said somewhat dejectedly. Then, more chipper than before, “Well, it can be a side quest. How about that?”
“’Side quest?’ Kind of a silly name for it.”
“Yeah? Well… I like it.”
Twilight let out a bark of laughter. “Maybe it’ll stick.”
Some passersby knocked shoulders with the Links as the streets became busier. “Ack!” Wind grunted. “You know,” he called out to someone ahead who had rammed into him, “wouldn’t kill you to say sorry!”
“Shhh,” Twilight hushed sharply. “We don’t want—“ he was cut off by someone bashing his shoulder—"unneeded attention.”
Wind rubbed his shoulder and looked up to his friend. “You think they’re always this in a rush?”
“Dunno. I’m not used to city life.”
“Yeah,” Wind said. He thought back to Windfall Island, which he used to think of as a metropolis. “Gotta say this place is a bit bigger than I’m used to.”
Twilight patted his pockets. Satisfied everything was where it should be, he glanced at his partner. “Just make sure no one filches anything. You have your wallet, right?”
With a pffft, Wind checked his own pockets over. “Of course I d—”
A pause. “Wind?” Twilight asked. He stopped walking.
The youngest hero looked up at his friend with a sheepish smile. He raised his arms in a guilty sort of half-shrug. “Wind,” Twilight said slowly, “Don’t tell me you—”
“By Ordona…” he cursed, smacking his forehead. He thought that over. Why did I just hurt myself? I didn’t do anything wrong. He promptly smacked Wind on the back of the head.
“Ow! What the heck?”
“What did we tell you?!”
“To watch out for pickpockets…” Wind admitted with his head hung, kicking at a pebble on the road.
“And did you?!”
Wind looked up. His wide eyes seemed to burn with anger Twilight had never seen. “No, Twi!” he shouted back. “I didn’t! So can you stop yelling at me and making me feel like crap so we can go find it?!”
Twilight was about to fire back, then paused. For all Wind had been through, he was still just a kid. He sighed and looked around. Some people had stopped and were staring at them. “Well?” he called out to them.
They shrugged and went back to bustling down the street on their errands. When Twilight turned back to his friend, he found him breathing deeply with his eyes closed. “Hey,” he began, “I didn’t mean t—”
“Stop,” Wind interrupted. He opened his eyes and met Twilight’s gaze. “Just because I’m cheery most of the time,” he whispered. Twilight could barely hear him. “That doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings like everybody else.”
“Just remember that.”
Twilight had never seen the youngest Link upset enough to yell. He really had struck a nerve. “Okay,” he said. “I will.”
Wind’s expression softened. “Thank you. Now let’s find my wallet. What’re we gonna do?”
“I would suggest we ask Sky to borrow the Master Sword for its dowsing ability.” He considered this. “But even if it was willing to help, there are so many wallets in this town that it probably couldn’t pick yours out of the crowd.”
A thought struck Wind. “What about your wolf sense?”
Twilight looked around. The streets were packed with people going about their business. He remembered how the residents of Castle Town reacted to seeing his beastly form. “No. I don’t want to scare all these people.”
“Fair,” Wind replied. “But what else can we do?”
“Uh…” he muttered, wracking his brains. “I… I don’t know.”
Wind’s jolted to attention as if shocked by a yellow ChuChu. The sudden movement made his partner flinch. “What if I just earn back all the money that was stolen?” Wind suggested, thrusting his arms down, palms up, as if pointing out something totally obvious.
Twilight’s brow furrowed. “That might actually work…” he admitted pensively. “How much was in there?”
Silence. Well, at least between the two heroes. The townspeople were loud and rowdy as ever. “Um…” Wind said, clearly stalling. “Not too much.”
“Don’t dick around with me. How much?”
“About two-fifty?”
“That’s a lot of smashed pots,” Twilight joked, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms. “How do you plan on earning that much?”
The young seafarer dug in his pouch and pulled out a necklace. “I’ve got some treasures I can sell. How many people here would buy a chintzy necklace with a butterfly pendant?”
“With this many people, hopefully at least a couple.”
“How much should we charge?”
“How many do you have?”
Twilight nodded. “Anything else?”
Wind shook his head. “Some trinkets, feathers, a lot of junk.”
“Right. Well, let’s get started.”
“Hoi!” Wind called out to the crowd. “Beautiful butterfly necklaces here! Twenty-five rupees apiece!”
No one walked over to them. The crowds just kept moving by. Undeterred, Wind repeated his sales call even louder. This turned some heads, but nobody came. He tried once more. The second-floor shutters of a nearby building slammed open. A disheveled old man in a sleeping cap poked his head out. “Quit yer yapping!” he shouted down to the Links. “People are trying to sleep!”
The two heroes glanced at each other, paused a moment, then shrugged in unison. Wind hooked his thumbs on his belt and shifted his weight to one leg. “Guess that’s out the window,” he said.
Twilight let out a frustrated sigh. If he had just been more careful, we’d have potions by now, he thought bitterly. No, stay focused. We need to figure this o—
“Oh!” Wind exclaimed, again startling his friend. “Let’s find a shop that will buy some of my stuff!”
“Uh, I’m pretty sure most shops won’t buy off strangers. They’re trying to sell their junk, not buy yours. Think how fast they’d go bankrupt.”
Wind shook his head. “No no no, I mean a treasure teller! Someone who deals in treasures. There was one on one of the islands I sailed to. I’m sure there’s one around here.”
“Alright,” Twilight said, “how are we gonna find one? Search every street? That didn’t quite work for the apothecary.”
“Look for a sign with a rupee on it,” Wind replied, scanning the street for such a sign. “There’s gotta be one aro—OH! Look!”
Wind pointed out to the building directly across the street from them. Sure enough, the storefront had a multitude of rupees painted all over it. Twilight sighed in relief. “That was easier than expected.”
“I wouldn’t get too excited. We have no idea what they’ll offer for my stuff. These guys can be fickle.”
The two heroes crossed the street and entered the store. The walls were covered in a bizarre wallpaper filled with celestial bodies and distorted floral patterns. The shelves immediately drew their eyes. Treasures and spoils lined the perimeter of the store. Everything from golden statuettes to fine china to jewelry to precious stones rested upon the shelves. A beaded curtain hung in the doorway between the store and some back room.
While Wind marveled over the treasures, Twilight strode to the ornately-decorated counter. It was adorned with an equally beautiful silver bell. He gently tapped its button. A soft, pleasing ding rang out. No one came after a few seconds, so he rang it again, a little harder this time. He strained to hear any movement in the back room but was left wanting.
By now, Wind had refocused and walked up beside his friend. They glanced at each other. A look of confusion and mild annoyance passed between their eyes. Wind shrugged. “Hello?” he called slightly louder than the second bell ring. Nothing.
“Oh, come on,” he grumbled with a huff. He hooked his thumbs in his belt again. “Maybe no one is here?”
Twilight shook his head. “With this kind of merchandise, the door would have been locked tight.”
“So why the heck is no one coming?”
“Your guess is as good as mine.”
“Alright, here goes,” Wind said with resignation lacing his voice. He cupped his hands over his mouth. “Hoi!” he yelled. “Is anybody here?!”
Nothing. The hairs on the back of Twilight’s neck stood on end. His eyes narrowed. Honing his wolf senses had carried over somewhat to his Hylian form. Something didn’t sit right with him. “Quiet down. This doesn’t feel right.”
Just then, a drawling whisper came from directly behind the young heroes. “No need to be afraid, dearies…”
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Greed (R18+)
⤷ Genres: fluff, very slight angst, vague smut yall naughty children go bless yourself,
⤷ WARNING: includes non-con(force seduction)⚠️
⤷ Jungkook x Reader (Oneshot)
⤷Summary: (Y/n) is totally fine sharing her man with the whole wide world; But the man himself contend otherwise.
I always believed that the love he gave me are limitless-clearly from all the attentions and acts he has given to me even in the eyes of the public does not stop him from the skinship.
Once in a while his hold screams possessiveness,aggressive that it's painful on me but at times his touch could be so gentle that he is so afraid to break the delicate me,treat me with all cautious and gentleness.
He is the young man i have come to know very well-love by many and fans are obsess with him,everything he does are perfect in their eyes. Always known as the innocent features he have,cute peculiar habits and srunches his nose whenever he laughs or grin. Typical,i must say but he really is very charming.
Dating a now famous idol is a challenge for sure and many i have to overcome but fortunately i am not a person to be fuss over things i do not find it necessary to mind about.So i am good to say.
But not with the opposite latter.
"H-hey!" I gasp when he pushes me abruptly against the wall,the walk-in wardrobe door behind us slammed close and he locks it without even looking behind.
"What was that?" He asks,voice low and his breath brushes my cheek considering the closet fits right only for two people but then again, it was suppose to be one.
"What was..what?" I gaze up at him,quizzicaly.
"I left just for a while for the fan meeting and yet,you're flirting already with one of the crews?"
The creased on my forehead deepens,What is he trying to say? Flirting? What i am just having a normal conversations with his staffs is what he called flirting?
"Jungkook,you're mistaken,he was just-"
"Oh i know," He mutters, "But you're letting your guard down too much,(y/n). You're letting all the men have their ways with you."
"And all men are wolves,do you not know that? Or clearly,i haven't shown it to you enough?"
The shivers ran down my spine when his eyes glowered,his grip tightens around me making me unable to move a muscle.
The possessiveness starts to take over him and easily i suppose;on the opposite side, He can't control his emotions well leading to a sensitive jealousy whenever i am out from his sight.
I sigh when he dips his head down to start placing hungry kisses along my neck,his cold pair of lips that sends a guilty ecstacy but love it; me who is one to be manipulated by him;bewitched.
Jungkook unbinds my hair and in no time at all,he inhales the scent of the locks deep,his skillful hands locked mine in place giving him easy access without my fight.
"Do you have any idea how you're looking at me right now?"
"How i'm...?" I shake my head weakly and he uses that motion to glide his lips up and down of my jawline,carressing my cheekbones with his hot breath.
"You misunderstood,we didn't do anything." I manage to speak between ragged breathing.
"Oh ,angel, i'm not mad at you." He lets out a throaty chuckle and in this dim closet,i could make out a little what expression he is wearing right now.
"I'm frustrated that you're too easy to be approach by other men.Can't you tell the difference?"
A faint commotion was heard from behind closed door and it made him stiffen for a while,the announcement has been released and we both know who it is cue for.
"I guess that's my cue." He glances over his shoulder,before slowly gazing back into my eyes.
"Wait for me back home," His voice softens, peering down into my face, before placing a deep but short enough kiss to my lips,feeling the slight of his wet muscles upon mine.
"I'll call you." He last said then left the closet,leaving me alone with a burning flared heat rise up to my face and i even need to hold myself up against the wall to prevent me from melting down.
"Wh-what the hell..Jeon Jungkook.."
That night,not having the chance to greet him by the door,exhaustion took over me and i could not help but to fall asleep and even the clock is ticking late when all he did back then,when i recalled was that just to wait for him;didn't really specify when.
That is when i felt a weight over the bed around me,the bed creaks as it sunken down and a figure hovers above me.
The gentleness of the fingers graze upon my cheek causes me to stir slowly awake,coming to my senses.
When i did open my eyes,his breathtaking feature came into view,
"Jungkook.." His name slurred from my mouth,rubbing my eyes to make sure it is really him right here.
"Did i wake you up?"
"No," I lied, positioning myself to fully facing him,
"Did you just got home?"
He hums in respond, already stirred by his needs which is,lust.Jungkook held both my arms up, pinioning them beside my head,butterfly kisses were given to my along my jawline. What makes me awake next when he sucks sharply against my skin and jolted me a surprise,his teeth nibbles on them.
"Sorry," He apologizes, "I'm here to keep my promise."
His lips found their way back to latch against mine,each foldings sends a shivers down my spine and i had to tilt my head to the side away from him to catch my breath when he did not given me any.
I sigh when his kisses distracted me,but his skillful hands starts to shed my apparel one by one before i knew it,
"Lift your arms up." He whispers hastily and i obliged in the heat of moment;he then pulls my T-shirt up and toss them aimlessly to the other side of the bed,the cold welcoming my body.
"Are you still mad?" I ask when he lowers himself down to place chaste kisses on my chest and stomach.
"No." He reply,pulling away from me just to peel off his own shirt,revealing his muscular biceps-toned abs and abroad chest where his gymnasium results shown very clearly.
"You know how i am,(y/n)." He hovers above me again,tugging on my shorts,in one swift movement he slids down off of it from my legs.
"You are aware of my possessiveness." He leans down,buried his face onto the crook of my neck and purposely tilted my head to the side giving him full access to it.
"But yet you're still here."
At this point i am utterly confuse; Was he doing all this because of natural emotions ,or is it because of jealousy? Is it because he is the way he is right now and no one can change that? Or is it because he love me too much just by seeing another man beside me infuriates him?
The perplexity turns down my will and mood instantly,my hazy eyes and senses snaps back.
"Turn around for me,baby." He interjected,the lust in his eyes became incisive,and whatever is say now might become pointless to his ears.
When i did not even budge, he grabs my shoulder but gently and flips me around as he wishes me to,my stomach facing the bed and my back facing him.His fingertips trace on my skin, to places i have never been but i am blindly following his joy.
"Ah!" I yelped when i felt the tip of his slender fingers flicks my folds below,my hands curling to fists the bed's mattress beneath us.
"This is—unfair," I writhe; "It's a foul mov—Nnh!" I slap a palm over my mouth,refusing to let out the sound coming out from my lips that even i myself heard it very...uncomfortable.
He inserted one digits at a time,ignoring my pleas and stiffled moans-beads of sweats form around my temples whilst his fingers starts to move in and out sending guilt yet pleasure within me.
He bends down and breathe heavily right on the side of my earlobe,
"Lift your ass up." The last cue he had for me
Through my half-lidded eyes he sent me to the abyss and i am in no strength to refuse his evil invitation. I did not realize the tip of his hot sex meets my entrance,without another word easing himself inside and my body tense instantly. Biting my tongue,i hold back the urge to moan.
"Jungkook-!" I called once more before he can move further,laid my head onto the bed and narrowed my eyes to see him above, the sweats also forms around his forehead,down to his chin.
"I don't want this.." I beg,
"Let's..let's stop this now,okay?" I panted, and finally, his movement stop so as his eyes bored to me.
It is unfair how he can keep his composure and even looks up, while i completely bet i look like a shrimp on a steam of hot water right now,wriggling jittery to get free. Now that i'm looking back, all he did was just to relief his stress on me,using my body as he pleases. The touching never stops even if we are in public despite his status and that scared me so much
Am i drunk in this love alone? With him falling half-way instead? This is too terrifying and risky.
Then i snapped out from my own daze when i feel his fingers brushes my fringe out of the way that sticks onto the side of my face,tucking them to the side,

"You hate this?" His voice hoarse,filled the now silent room.
With my remaining strength,i pull myself up and lean on both elbows, "I didn't said that, i just don't like—the situations."
"Yes!" I sigh exasperatedly, "Jungkook,let's stop for today,please?"
His eyes darkens for a moment that gives me a genuine fear for once, Is it because i defy him?
"Why now of all times?" He questions quietly,sinking himself deeper instead and the fraction of pleasure sends me collapse on the bed again, a loud moan escapes my mouth this time,
"Do you hate me?" His chest bumps on my back,whispering close to the side of my face;the heat he is emitting is too much for me to handle that i am starting to lose my mind and when i do,there is no going back.
"N-no aahn—!" I writhe,squirming under him.
"Then why?"
His movement is slow,electrifying me as if he is taking his time to devour me. His both hands trails up reaching for my fingers,entertwining them all tightly.
I began to see stars and could not answer him for i am too busy not to get ahead over my own voice,giving him the satisfaction that he really is good in doing this. It takes a few moments longer until he sped up and i can not keep up anymore.The fierce heat takes a hold of me,trapping me down.
"I'm too close.." He murmurs,his teeth nibbles on my exposed shoulders,
"(Y/n)," he breathe out; "Look at me,eung?" He adopted a pleading tone and simply he knows it very well he uses that soft tactic against me who can't refuse whenever he does that.
And so i did,this time his sweat drips on the tip of his chin,his eyes seems glossy.He lowers himself and kisses me fiercely,distracting me from the fact he comes but the heat yet reaches the depth of my body
He pulls away leaving a string of saliva between us. He collapses upon me,each of us trying to catch breaths within our lungs,
"Are you disgusted?" Jungkook breaks the silence,
"What?" I manage to speak up but small.
"Are you going to leave me? Because you're disgusted by me?"
I kept quiet. And he continue,
"I am a very selfish man,i like to keep things close to me when they've become my favourites. What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine,you know that very well,don't you?"
There was another pregnant of silence,
"I broke your wings,if that is what you despise,you may wish to go." He pulls himself away and i froze,whirled around to see him fully in the face.
He stood up and putting on his pants quietly,leaving me thinking to myself. Do i want this? Although most part of my heart knows well i love him so badly that i have to deny that fact.
"I can't control my possessiveness,you're scared of that too,i can see it." He pointed out,still not looking at me
"Jungkook," Without thinking i reach out to grab his hand which caught his attention back to our hands,then to me.
"I don't hate it.." Our eyes intensely bored to one another.
"I'm just..i was just,scared that i might break easily if you hold me too tight and at the same time, i am scared i disappointed you;what if you are possessive over nothing at the end?"
Jungkook spun around, "(Y/n),listen to me.You are not nothing." He cups my face,leaning closer,
"I love you,with every ounces of my being.This side of me,is only shown to you because i am terrified with the thought you will get sick of me some day." He places chaste kisses on each of my eyelids,
"I went overboard today,i'm sorry. Forgive me?"
His beaming gaze pleads,asking for tolerance this time and my heart skips a beat.
I nod,"Please don't do that again," I wrap my arms around his neck,pulling him down with me until my back hits the mattress once more.
A throaty chuckles slips from his mouth and he kisses me again,this time the tip of my nose,
"I was scared,your grips..." i trailed off.
"I know," He rested his forehead on mine;knowing well what i meant,
"I'm sorry ,baby. I won't do it again."
His lips glided down from my cheekbones to my lips,pulling it into a deep-locking sensation,my eyes fluttering close slowly in the process. His hands roams around my hips,his thumb drawing circles lovingly and i anticipated what's next,
"I can't hold back again if you're this cute." He murmurs,sighing against my lips,
"Then don't"
Jungkook pulls away slightly just to get a good look on my expression, a jolt of surprise in his widened eyes,
I giggled, "Don't stop,Jungkook." I lift myself up,hugging his neck and my turn this time to bury my nose on the valley between his shoulder
"What's yours is yours,you said that."
It took him a few seconds to digest what i had just uttered, he took my face in his hold once more,
"I love you." He repeatedly whispers between our mingling breaths,sinking back to the bed and i was eaten by his abroad back;his hands traces along my thighs before slowly spreading them open,drawing another circles with his thumbs on the inner skin as if i am his proud masterpiece.
"Something so amazing...so beautiful..all for me.”
#bts imagines#bts fluff#bts angst#bts oneshot#bts fanfiction#bts jungkook#jeonjungkook#jungkook angst#kpop angst#jungkook x you#jungkook x reader#jungkook
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The Captain & The Culprit (20)
After escaping from a Hydra lab you’ve been running and hiding since. Afraid of your abilities and your forgotten past, you keep away from people until The Avengers come and find you.
Summary: With your memory completely back, you and the Avengers go after Schmidt. And a long awaited question gets answered.
Warnings: Violence and choking (not the sexy kind)
A/N: Quickly running off to hide before telling y’all this is the second to last chapter. Enjoy!
Steve is right beside you as the two of you chase down Schmidt. He made is way to the roof, where Bucky, Natasha and Clint (formerly known as Katniss) were taking down the last of the Hydra agents, Steve goes to help them out. Tony and Thor were doing their best to get Hulk under control, but your main focus was keeping Schmidt from getting off the roof.
"Here!" Schmidt shouts at a descending helicopter, a rope ladder dropped out the side.
Your hands are quick, shooting whips of blue smoke into the helicopter, shutting it down and causing them to drop from the sky. Red mist catches them before the crash to the street.
"That was a very bad move 813." Schmidt sneers
You take off running for Schmidt, he does the same towards you. His fist flies towards your face, you drop and slide between his legs, swiping his feet from under him. But he's quickly up again, grabbing a hold of your legs and pulling you towards him, trying to pin you down.
"I habe dich gemacht 813!” (I made you 813!) He grasps your throat "Ich werde dich brechen.” (I will break you.)
You press your hands to his face, jolts of electric energy singed his skin, he releases you clutching his face, you rise to your feet again. Hulk lands on the roof in front of you, this time you don't cower away.
'(Y/N) you gotta move.' you hear Tony tell you in your ear, yet you make no effort to get out the way.
Hulk swing a fist in your direction, you catch it pushing back against him. Tony, armed in the Hulkbuster, kicks him square in the chest, knocking him down.
"He's gonna feel that later." Tony looks down at you "Why didn't you move?"
You hear Steve whistle to gain your attention. "Gehe Schmidt nach." He orders you
You scan the roof for Schmidt again, and see him limping for one of Tony's helicopters. You take off running across the rooftop, eyes zeroed in on Schmidt. Striking forward, you catch him by the ankles dragging him back to you.
He turns over, his face badly burned and red.
"813, Ihr Vorgesetzter hat eine Bitte!” (813, your superior has a request!) He yells at you
You pull him up by the front of his shirt. "Du bist nicht mein Vorgesetzter.” (You are not my superior.) You say before punching him in the torso. Schmidt flies back into the quinjet, and against the console, starting it up.
"We're trying to keep him from getting away (Y/N)." Bucky shook your shoulder
"I got it." Tony grunts, tossing Hulk into the quinjet along with Schmidt just before it started to take off.
Schmidt screams and gets thrown out the back of the quinjet onto the hard concrete of the roof. Before you can continue to beat on him, Steve stood in front of you.
"Mission abgeschlossen 813.”(Mission complete, 813.) He says, his blue eyes searching for something in yours "(Y/N), you can stop now."
You blinked, a slight pressure in your head makes you groan.
"Oh my head hurts, my everything hurts." You slightly whine "My arms feel like jelly."
"Do you remember anything that just happened?" Steve asked
"I remember everything." You look over at Bucky "We should talk later."
He nods then jerks his head in Schmidt's direction.
"So what do we do with him?"
"Fury can handle him, he has a nice cell waiting for Dr. Schmidt in the middle of the ocean." Clint pulls out a pair of cuffs, walking over to a half dazed Schmidt.
Wanda, Vision and Sam flew up to the roof, taking in the scene around them.
"You're okay." Wanda wraps her arms around you, the sudden affection throws you off but you hug her back "We saw the jet take off and thought Schmidt took you."
"No, I'm fine. Hulk took off in the jet."
Over Wanda's shoulder you see Natasha standing on the helicopter landing, a tablet in her hand and talking until it shuts off on her, 'signal lost' blinked on the screen.
More S.H.I.E.L.D agents swarmed the roof, detaining the left over Hydra ops and piling them up on the arriving helicarriers.
You take in a breath of air, watching Schmidt being dragged off along with the other Hydra ops. Steve wraps an arm around your waist, and kissed the side of your head. For once you finally felt at peace with everything.
"So what do we do now?" You asked the others
You and Steve sat at the bar feeding each other cake. Bucky on the other side of you talking with Sam, who was fixing himself a drink. Wanda and Vision lounged on the leather couch, his head in her lap. Clint was sprawled out on the other end with his eyes closed, you doubt he was really asleep though. Tony and Natasha were working on tracking the quinjet from the tower, while Thor was out trying to follow the trail.
"I'm telling you there was a blue firework in the sky, and it came from the building." Sam told Bucky "It was like a ripple effect. How did you miss that?"
You and Steve share a knowing look.
"So on a scale of one to ten, how bad was this birthday party?" You ask Steve
"Surprisingly- a solid six." He feeds you another piece of cake
"Maybe we can aim for a seven next year."
"Why wait? I’m not busy tonight." he winks
Thor lands on the open patio, a defeated expression on his face when he entered the room.
"I had no luck in finding Banner, hopefully he will be able to find his way back home before the jet runs out of fuel." He sits the hammer down next to the couch and continued to walk over towards the bar "Lady (Y/N), I must say you fought with the strength of a mighty Asgardian warrior." Thor claps you on the back
"Thank you." You wince, Steve turns your stool around and starts to massage your aching shoulders
"I hope you have given some thought to what we discussed earlier." Thor makes his way behind the bar, cutting himself a slice of cake
"What were we talking about?"
"You coming to Asgard with me, to see your home realm. I leave in the morning."
"Oh right, that slightly tipsy discussion." You shook your head softly "I don't think I can."
"Why not?" Steve questioned turning you back around "I hope it's not for me."
"My life doesn't revolve around you, Rogers. I've just made a nice little life here, I don't want to run from it."
"You make it sound like if you went to Asgard you wouldn't come back." He pressed his forehead to yours "At least sleep on it. Deal?"
"Deal." You give him a soft kiss on the lips, wiping away a bit of frosting from his chin "You ever thought about growing a beard?"
Tony and Natasha entered the room, with hopeful eyes on Thor. He shook his head sadly, Natasha tried to hide the disappointed look on her face but failed.
"No luck from you guys either?" Clint spoke from the couch
"No, the jet is in stealth mode, completely untraceable." Natasha shook her head
"We'll find him." Steve assured her
"Hey Total Recall," Tony slid a file in front of you while he walked around the bar "Banner left that for you."
You look through the pages of your file, it was slightly thicker than when you first got there. You still didn't have a birthday to put on the chart but still, it felt nice to hold something that gave you further insight on who you were, even with your memory back.
"What's that?" Steve pulls out a sheet of paper "A blood test?"
"Oh yeah, we found something was wrong with my blood when we looked at it again." You return to eating cake "I almost thought I was sick, but he compared it Thor’s, said it was the exact same."
"The same?" Natasha looked over the paper in Steve's hand
"Yeah, but he then said it couldn't be the same, because that's extremely rare to have the same DNA build and same blood type."
"Did he say build or genetic coding?" Tony lifted an eyebrow
"Is there a difference?"
"Just a small- significant one." Tony took the paper next and chuckled softly as he read over it. "Well according to the test, which don't lie. You and Thor are- related."
Your eyes grew wide with shock and excitement, Thor's expression was more of a concerned shock than excited.
"I'm related to The God of Thunder? That's awesome. What like cousins?"
"No." Tony shook his head
"N-niece?" Steve's eyebrows pulled together, you catch a small bead of sweat appearing on his forehead
"Guess again." The smile on his face was clear as day
"Sister." Sam jumped in
"I do not have a sister." Thor scoffed
"You're getting closer though." Natasha sang
Thor's face went pale, Steve cursed under his breath and reached for the beer next to him, you were still a little lost but slowly making the connections through process of elimination.
"You're not seriously saying-" Bucky stared back and forth between you and Thor
"Oh I am." Tony patted Thor on the back "Congratulations Point Break, it's a girl."
“Well it would shed some light on why he thought he knew her, she must look like her mother.” Nat explained
“Thank god.” Clint chuckled to himself
"No." You shook your head, staring back at Thor who looked at you with the same blank face "How is that even possible? Wouldn’t he remember having a kid?"
"Well, when a Thor and a woman get really drunk-"
"This is serious Stark." Steve scolded him
"Well yeah, I'm sure it is. You're dating his daughter." Tony failed at hiding his amusement
"Not to mention they've been frequently intimate as of lately." Vision pointed out "Most recently upstairs during the fireworks display tonight."
Lightning crashed from outside and the lights in the room flickered and the everyone fell silent.
"I assumed you all knew." Vision continued "The blue fireworks tonight we're a result Miss (Y/N)'s-"
Thor jumped over the bar lunging at Steve, tackling him down to the floor. Everyone jumped to Steve's defense, trying to pull Thor away from him.
"You laid with my daughter!"
"I didn't know!" Steve struggled to speak against Thor’s grip on his neck.
Taglist: @pocmarvelworks @teamcap4bucky @classybai @crookedlyscreechingcycle @floralandspice @moisoverennyi-thestarlessone @captainsthor @jamesfrickingbuchananbarnes @geekysimmerthings @theonelittleone @marvelfansworld @lucky-notes @thecauldroncake @emmaschhh @bi-bi-bi-bisexualz @bruisedfaye @ineedhelpmovingtobostonmatoteach @grey-junior @codename-buckybarnes @dontchawishyouknewhowtosalsa @mackyk06 @jovialcalzonepaperzine @marvelousbuckystark @sebbystanlover-vk
#steve rogers#captain america x reader#thor odinson#hydra#captain america#bucky barnes#daddy issues#captain marvel#tesseract#avengers endgame#steve x reader#masterlist#chokers#red skull#fanfic#catfa#cacw#plot twist#100 days of productivity
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Whiskey and Spice, SPN Bingo
Title: Whiskey and Spice Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17444402/chapters/43912261 Square Filled: Tattoos (SPN Kink Bingo), Accidental Scent Bond (SPN ABO Bingo) Ship: Dean x Ketch Rating: E Tags: Alpha!Dean x Alpha!Ketch, Tattoo Kink, Face-Fucking, Scents and Smells (and Tastes), PowerBottom!Dean, Dom!Dean x Sub!Ketch, Dean is awesome at oral Summary: Dean gets injured while on a hunt with Ketch and accidentally learns one of his secrets. The two Alphas bond over it, with unexpected consequences. Word Count: 2311
Created for @spnkinkbingo and @spnabobingo Beta-ed by @sweetness47 ♡
The next few seconds were a haze. Dean was hit so hard by arousal that he forgot he’d been stabbed, and Ketch called him a few names that he would have to borrow Sam’s British phrasebook to look up. It didn’t really matter what he said, though. He tipped Dean’s head back onto the table and kissed him so hard that Dean could taste the cardamom on the back of his tongue.
Whiskey and Spice
“Shit, goddamnit, asshole! Son of a bitch!”
“...Is that completely necessary?”
Dean glared wildly at Ketch, gripping his injured arm, “Hey, you’re the one who wanted to come with me. That means you forfeit the right to bitch and moan.”
“Yes, you’ve got that covered nicely.”
Dean faked a laugh, “I’d like to see you get stabbed in the elbow with a meat thermometer and not swea…hey, don’t touch me...”
“Oh just shut up, will you?” Ketch sighed and pushed Dean into a chair.
Dean winced and shut his eyes, “Damn it hurts.”
“Mhm.” Ketch agreed, inspecting the end of the kitchen instrument protruding from Dean’s arm. It was sticking out of his ninth or tenth layer of flannel, Ketch assumed, so he couldn’t remove the clothing to tend to the wound. He’d just have to rip the blasted thing out. “Uh oh.”
“What? What?”
“It seems you’re running a fever.”
Dean glanced at the end of the thermometer sticking out of his elbow, then caught Ketch stifling a smirk, “You’re an asshole. You know that?”
“Yes. Now hold still.”
Dean knew what that meant. He grabbed the back of a chair just as Ketch gripped the thermometer and dislodged it from his elbow. He swore again, his veins raising in his hand.
“My, that’s quite an extensive vocabulary you’ve got.”
Dean ignored him. He slumped against the chair while Ketch rolled up the sleeve of his many shirts and began cleaning the wound at last. Dean couldn’t see his elbow or else he’d be doing it himself. He felt the sting of alcohol, then some prodding, then finally the stitches. He didn’t comment, mainly because he’d spent half the trip giving Ketch crap for delaying them to search for the med-kit that was now opened on the kitchen table.
When Dean thought he was finished, he glanced over at him, only to find Ketch stripping.
His brow furrowed, “What are you doing?”
Ketch ignored him. He was bare chested before he stopped. He straightened out his undershirt then began wrapping it around Dean’s arm, “I assume you’ll insist on driving back, so unless you want to bleed all over your...” he took a deep breath, “Baby... I suggest you pipe down.”
Dean smirked. He eyed Ketch up and down, a force of habit really, then asked, “Did you forget the bandages in your medkit?”
Ketch eyed him smartly, “It would seem so.”
Dean tilted his head, watching Ketch bandage his wound. Of course a jackass like Ketch had a nice body, Dean thought. He was firm and lean with plenty of scars, just like Dean liked, and he smelled of bergamot tea, deep woods, and something wilder like cardamom. Dean could tell it was adrenaline leftover from the fight. It figured, not only did Dean’s career alienate him from normal society, but so did his attraction towards other Alphas.
Just as Dean had gotten enough and was about to look away, he saw it. Among Ketch’s religious and esoteric tattoos, he had one that didn’t quite fit in. It was tucked away beneath the hem of his pants where the cardamom smell was the strongest, but Dean recognized it immediately. He looked up at Ketch in surprise, who was staring down at him with an odd, piercing expression.
“Alright. I’m driving,” he said flatly.
“You’re clearly delirious from blood loss. I am driving ‘Baby’ and you are going to rest.”
Dean felt a jolt of understanding: Ketch thought he was checking him out. Well, he was, but not really. Never really. “Woah, no no no… I just… that’s Sex Pistols.” Dean collected himself, “You have a Sex Pistols tattoo.”
Ketch’s expression tightened at once, but Dean’s loosened.
He grinned smugly, “Maybe you’re not a total douchebag after all.”
“Yes, well, there’s all sorts of things about me that you don’t know,” Ketch asserted.
Dean’s eyes fell back down to the tips of that scratchy, bold writing, backed by a Union Jack Flag faded into Ketch’s skin. His V lines pointed right to it, making Dean assume it stopped right above his cock. Probably the only place a stuffy British private school for serial killers wouldn’t look. It was actually kind of hot. Ketch’s skin was beaded with sweat from the fight, and Dean licked his lips like he was trying to taste the smell on the air.
Shit. Dean really was checking him out, now. He looked up at Ketch, once again finding that odd gaze staring back at him. Dean would have never known what it meant if not for that smell. What Dean thought was adrenaline from the fight was from something else entirely, and Dean was sure he reeked of it now, too.
High on pain and no longer giving a fuck, Dean reached out and pulled Ketch to him by the hem of his pants. Ketch made no attempts to resist, which was as good as a marriage proposal for him, so Dean closed the distance between them, planted his lips down, and tasted the sweat off of Ketch’s body at last.
The flavors burst in his brain and shot straight to his cock. He tasted like sex; pure, raw, Alpha sex. Dean’s knuckled grazed the tattoo, and he could see the rest of it down his trousers. Dean grabbed them with both hands and hurriedly unbuttoned them, eager to taste more. Ketch grabbed Dean’s short hair and leaned into him as Dean licked a wide path up his tattoo. Ketch shuddered and pushed Dean back against the chair, making it skid into the table.
The next few seconds were a haze. Dean was hit so hard by arousal that he forgot he’d been stabbed, and Ketch called him a few names that Dean would have to borrow Sam’s British phrasebook to look up. It didn’t really matter what he said, though. He tipped Dean’s head back onto the table and kissed him so hard he could taste the cardamom on the back of his tongue.
Ketch put his knee on the chair between Dean’s thighs, pressing it into Dean’s growing erection, and Dean ripped Ketch’s pants down.
He was right, the tattoo ended at his cock, which was every bit as perfect as the rest of him. Dean went down on him without a second thought, until he was burying his nose in the Sex Pistol’s logo and inhaling deep breaths of cardamom, woods, and bergamot.
Ketch groaned, “Oh bloody hell….”
Dean swallowed him down, sucking and petting his cock with his tongue. Ketch rolled his hips into that perfect, plush mouth, unable to get enough. A few quips about shutting Dean up crossed Ketch’s mind, but Dean was just too damned good at this and Ketch couldn’t string two words together. Having forgotten all about blood loss, he began face fucking him in the chair.
Dean gripped Ketch behind the thigh and by the ass, rising to the challenge with vigor. Dean prided himself on being an excellent fellator, and was rewarded with a series of not-so-Alpha sounds from Ketch. Dean undid his own pants and began stroking himself, unable to resist any longer.
As much as Dean wanted to know what Ketch’s cum tasted like, he didn’t want to be throat knotted, so when Ketch’s smell became stronger than ever, he grabbed his hips and pushed him off. Ketch stared down, pupils blown. Dean’s lips were swollen and his eyes were dark with promise.
“Ride you on the table?”
Ketch sucked in a breath, “That’s the smartest thing you’ve said all day.”
Dean grinned and stood up, backing Ketch into the table. They stripped and hefted themselves up onto it, knocking an assortment of things off that shattered and skidded across the kitchen floor. Neither of them cared.
Ketch had found them olive oil and, after some quick self-prep that Ketch was keen to watch, Dean was sliding down on his cock, thighs straining and body bursting with pleasure.
Dean and Ketch groaned in unison. Dean could have been looser, but he liked the pressure, and Ketch obviously did too. His eyes were closed and his jaw was agape, like he was trying to concentrate and failing. It was a good look for him.
Dean fucked himself on Ketch’s cock, eliciting all sorts of exclamations from him. Olive oil was leaking out of Dean and dripping down’s Ketch’s balls, but neither Alpha seemed to care about the mess. Ketch’s palms were under Dean’s ass and Dean’s hands were in the chandelier above his head as Dean rode him back and forth. Soon their combined smells made the kitchen reek of whiskey and spice.
At one point, Ketch bent his knees to fuck back, and Dean swore. He’d found his prostate and seemed determined to make Dean lose his mind with it. Dean cursed and sputtered, hardly aware of his surroundings while Ketch milked him with his cock.
“Fuck! Fuck yeah!” Dean cursed.
Dean reached down and clamped a sweaty hand over Ketch’s mouth, giving him a cocky look. Dean could bottom all day long, but he wasn’t taking Ketch’s sass now. Dean was no sub.
Something in his flushed, heated glare must have communicated that because, in the next moment, Ketch submitted. He kept his eyes on Dean but otherwise backed off, and Dean’s arousal soared. He thought of that young boy at boarding school getting a Sex Pistol tattoo in secret, acting like a punk but secretly wanting to get caught and bent over a desk to be paddled. Dean put both hands on the table and fucked Ketch like a true Alpha – dominating him with all his might while he rode that tattoo.
Ketch moaned his approval, and soon his knot begin to press into Dean. Dean’s body shook in anticipation. It was his deepest, darkest pleasure to be knotted, and he was going to make Ketch do it if it killed him.
Ketch gripped Dean’s thighs and thrust up into him, his expression screwing up in ecstasy. Dean’s head spun as he felt Ketch’s knot swell to its full size and immobilize him. It was overwhelming. Words of encouragement spilled off his swollen lips, and in the next second, Ketch came hard in his ass. Dean kept grinding on that tattoo and, with that knot in him, he came on Ketch’s chest and the table.
Dean’s hand flew down to stroke himself, making his own knot show from the sheer pleasure of it all. He hadn’t knotted without topping in years. He threw his head back and moaned. He felt Ketch’s hand come up to massage his knot, and he bit back a whimper. Ketch helped pump the last few drops from him, then they both melted beneath the shaking chandelier.
The table was covered with oil, cum, and blood by the time Dean and Ketch came to. Dean panted atop him, loving the sight of Ketch so uncharacteristically untidy, although he still looked much better than Dean. Dean was flushed and his hair was a mess. Ketch’s undershirt was soaked through with his blood, and he had a hickey on his chest he hadn’t noticed.
Dean looked around the room in mild interest, “Wow. That ghoul sure made a mess of this place, didn’t he?”
Ketch smirked and closed his eyes, “Oh yes. I’ll have to include that in my report.”
Dean chuckled to himself. It took a few minutes for Ketch’s knot to shrink enough to let Dean off. Once he was back on his feet, the pain in his elbow returned full force.
Ketch rose a brow.
“Shut it, Mr. Spock,” Dean snapped.
Ketch smiled in amusement.
They both got cleaned up and dressed, and began covering their tracks. They made sure the bodies were burned to ash in the backyard before heading back to the car. Ketch was shocked when Dean threw him the keys.
“If you hurt her… I’ll kill you,” he warned.
Ketch stared, “Glad to see you maintaining your professionalism after screwing a coworker.”
Dean held back a smile, “Oh, and I’m going to look up what a ‘slag’ is when we get back.”
“By all means, do.”
Dean and Ketch were back to normal in no time. They came into the bunker bickering about nothing, and Sam and Castiel seemed satisfied that everything had gone according to plan. Dean figured this would be the easiest affair to cover up, because Ketch was a total asshole, even if Dean couldn’t stop looking at where he knew that tattoo was beneath Ketch’s trousers. But then Sam got an odd look on his face as Dean neared him.
Dean and Ketch stopped in their tracks, still laden with their things.
“What?” Dean asked.
Castiel had noticed it, too. It looked like he was smelling something.
Sam opened his mouth, then closed it, his eyes locking with Dean's. He didn’t need to say a word.
Dean’s gaze hardened at Ketch, “Did you scent me?”
Ketch looked around furtively.
Dean’s expression was wild with disbelief.
“I might have…accidentally...”
Dean dropped his things, “Seriously?! You son of a bitch!”
Castiel looked confused. Sam would have been amused if not for the sudden, crippling nausea, “You two…really? You two?”
“Shut up, Sam!”
Ketch bit back a smirk, “It’s not the end of the world. In just a few short weeks...”
But Dean wasn’t listening. He looked mutinously around the room, then grabbed his things and stormed off to take the longest shower of his life.
Sam and Castiel stared at Ketch, who innocently resumed unpacking.
For the next few weeks, Ketch slipped in terms of endearment whenever talking to Dean, who maintained stony silence. Dean wasn’t mad, though. Not really. All in all, it seemed like a fair exchange. He might have even added a Sex Pistols CD to his collection.
#spnkinkbingo#spnabobingo#supernatural#shut up sam#Arthur Ketch#dean winchester#deanwinchester#arthur ketch x dean winchester#fanfiction#fanfic#My writing#sarasaurusrex#sex pistols
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Child of Satan.
Title: Child of Satan
→ Inspired by: Case 39
Genre: Angst, Horror, Thriller
About: Strange occurrences arise when Y/N, a social worker takes in 10-year old Lilith Langdon under her care from her abusing grandmother who calls her the spawn of Satan.
Warnings: minor sexual content, mentions of killing, murder, character(s) death
Disclaimer: The plot of the story remains the same, with a few changes to fit the story I had in mind. Michael only appears near the ending of the story but he is still an importance to one of the characters. There are parts which I’ve added in from the movie, and parts I’ve changed or taken out.
A/N: This marks the start of the Witching Hour series! It took me a lot of time because I wasn’t sure how I wanted the story to be since I planned this on a whim while watching this movie. Please feel free to leave comments on your thoughts about this, feedback is much appreciated! Until then, enjoy the movie!
Reoccurring nightmares flooded your head in the late of night. Your body would be paralysed, refraining you from any movements from danger when something bad is about to happen. You were lying in bed, covered and secured over your comforter. Your hands were on your side but you couldn’t move them no matter how much you struggled.
Beside you stands the same man that would sit on the chair next to your bed. He would give you an endearing smile as he caresses your hair and brushes the stray hairs away from your pretty face. He places a small kiss on your temple before flipping open the book in his hands, reading off a part of the storybook, something he does to get you to fall asleep.
When he’s finished, he places the book on your side table and tucks you in one last time before wishing you goodnight and walking out of your room and closing the door. In the last seconds before you were consumed by the heavy feeling of fatigue and sleep welcoming you, you could hear your mother shouting from the lower floor, yelling at the person she was referring to not leave, until the front door slams with a loud bang and you awake from that nightmare.
Jolting up from your bed, beads of sweat trickled down your forehead. The back of your shirt felt damp from all the sweating and you felt your body heat increasing. You hated to relive that moment every time you went to sleep. The once bitter memory now forming into a nightmare that would continuously haunt you, taunting you and reminding you how your father had left you and your mother.
You once asked her why your father wasn’t in the picture when you got older and it made her agitated and distraught. She screeched at you, warning you never to question about him. You saw first hand what it did to her so you obeyed her, afraid something like that might happen again.
The absence of a man in the house, a husband and a father didn’t only affect your mother. It affected you too. In order to cope with your neglect and rejection, you started seeing older men that were way too old for you when you reached legal age. You would often go out to bars and solicit them, seeking solace in their presence as they are balls deep inside of you.
The pleasure and comfort these men had given you made you forget about reality and it only fuelled your need of having a cock inside you rather than drinking your problems away. Your sinful deeds would’ve made you feel guilty when your partner, Hayden is oblivious of your pussy slavering away to another man’s cock as you ride them off into the late of night, thinking you were working overtime.
Although those days are long over, you still get off from the memories, reliving them to bring you the feeling of satisfaction, one that Hayden had tried countless times but ended up giving you an unfulfilling orgasm as they always cums before you.
You had come to terms that you had issues. Daddy issues.
Another file plops down onto your desk, rounding a total of 39 case files that were assigned to you. Your manager, Wayne gave you an apologetic look and shrugs telling you that the others had their hands full just as you are. As he walks away, you scoffed and sighed at your misery.
You opened the file, greeted by a picture of the said victim. Reading through her file, you gathered that her name was Lilith Langdon, a 10-year old girl currently living with her grandmother. It states that she’s exhibited signs of apathetic, lack of interest in studying and often isolate herself with her peers. You mull over certain scenarios and why such an innocent girl could have been in such a situation.
Closing the front door behind you, you throw your keys on the console table, putting your coat and bag on the chair right beside it. Walking towards the living room, you plopped yourself onto your comfy brown couch and shuffled your hand through your front pocket to get your phone out.
As if on cue, a few messages appeared on the screen.
Hayden: hey baby, you home yet?
Hayden: miss you a lot, you still up for some thai food?
Hayden: if you’re tired, i could bring take out to yours, how ‘bout that?
You were kinda tired, and having to go out again a few hours just brings your body into a feeling of agony. Thankfully, Hayden was kind enough to know of your tiring schedule and you replied them in an instant.
You: yeap i’m home
You: yes please, thank you baby <3
Grabbing the remote of the coffee table, you turn the tv on and surfed through channels until you settled on some reruns of The Simpsons. The drowsy feeling in your eyes slowly starts creeping until your lids became heavier and heavier until your sight was nothing but obsidian.
Knocks on the door awoke you from your nap and brisk walk towards the front door. You were greeted by the sigh of Hayden, holding up the takeout of Thai food and greeting you with a grin from ear to ear. “Your delivery of Thai food is here!” They pipped, leaning in to give you a quick kiss on your lips before allowing themselves in.
They placed the takeout on the dining table as you get ready two glasses of water. They hand one of the Styrofoam boxes to you along with the utensils. You thanked them and said your prayers. “Ah, my favourite. You know me too well, baby.”
“I know my little girl enjoys chicken as much as I do.”
You love it when they call you their little girl. It brings up bubbles in your stomach and makes you feel giddy at the pet name they had given you. You insisted on them to continue calling you that when they decided to stop, saying it would made you uncomfortable due to your age.
It didn’t matter, you enjoyed it regardless. Even when Hayden was the same age as you. “So, any new updates with your recent case?” You nodded, swallowing down your food before you reply to them.
“Diego’s father missed his blood check the other day and a few other appointments he was suppose to come the last week. What bothers me is that Diego is denying everything of what he’s father is accounted for. His father has a history, and I’m afraid he’s being abused emotionally, that’s why he’s defending his father.”
Hayden nods in understanding, “He could be, but you could see how he’s trying to make it up to his son. Surely there’s a good reason why he’s been missing out lately. You did say he was working three jobs just to keep their family afloat, right?” You sighed, your eyebrows joined forming a crease in between.
“I hope you’re right about that.”
“Okay, enough talking about it. Let’s talk about what really matters right now.” They take your hand in theirs, soothing your upper hand in gentle strokes. “About us. Our relationship.”
You had wished they didn’t bring this up. It was difficult to say to them that you weren’t just ready to get married and settle down. Hayden had given you a month to think about it when they proposed to you after you gave them your answer. You had to admit but you didn’t see a future with Hayden at all. There was no point of being tied down to somebody whom you’ve lost interest since got knows when.
Finding the right words and the right reason to break it to them had your brain pulsing hard against your skull. You would’ve come out as a bitch, wasting away their time and years on you if you admit it now. Sooner or later, you have to tell them the truth.
You placed your free palm on top of theirs, mirroring the same action they did seconds ago. “I know you want an answer, but I just can’t give it to you. I’m sorry that I’m delaying it for so long and not giving you the answer you want. But I-I, I have so much to think about and I’m just too... too...” You stuttered.
“Too what, Y/N?” There was pain and sadness in their voice, but you could hear that little small hope voicing out.
“I’m afraid. I’m afraid of you losing me.” Lies. “That you’ll leave me and say that you’ve made the wrong decision in marrying me.” Lies. “That I never give you the time and affection you need and that I had distance myself from you.” Lies. That’s how you’ve managed to keep them wrapped around your finger all these years.
“No, no I would never think that baby.” They cupped your face in their palms, making you look at them. A concern expression washed over their face as they brush your cheeks with their thumb. “I’ll never leave you, what makes you think I would?”
“B-because, I’m not giving you what you want. You want a family. I don’t. Not right now, and I’m the obstacle that’s stopping you from getting what you want.” They pulled you into a hug as you wrap your arms around their neck. They sat you on top of their lap as your legs dangle over theirs. You feel their arms resting on your hips, soothing them by drawing circular patterns on your skin.
“You’re not an obstacle, baby. I’ll understand if you still need more time. Remember, I’ll always love you, okay? Don’t let those negative thoughts get to you. Come on, let’s clean up, wash up and get ready for bed, how’s that sound?” They pull you up so that your legs were wrapped on their hips before placing you on your feet and prepared to sleep.
Driving your black sedan up the roan, you read off the signs to find the right street before taking a right turn. The street was your typical suburban area. They were children playing on their lawns, some adults taking the time to mow them until you found the house you were looking for.
The roof of the house was tiled in red tiles, the wooden white planks had paint coming off from it, and streams of vines decorated the walls as they climbed up towards the roof. The windows were grimed and only the top floor had the windows opened. The lawn was unkempt, with weeds and bald patches popping up here and there. The house was surrounded with tall iron fencing that reached the height of your shoulders.
You caught movement coming from the corner of your eye and looked up to see a lady, her blonde hair in an updo bun as she takes a drag from the cigarettes she’s holding between her fingers. She only glances you for a second before disappearing into the darkness of the room as you make your way towards the front door.
Three knocks were all it took until you head heels clicking against the wooden floor on the other side. The door opens, a gap wide enough to see the person behind the door as it was secured by a safety chain to prevent it from being open any wider.
“Mrs. Langdon? I’m Y/N L/N. I’m here for your appointment.”
“It’s not the 17th yet.”
“Yes, it is, Mrs. Langdon. It’s the 17th today.”
“No, you’re wrong, sweetie.” Annoyed, you grab out the newspaper from your file bag and showed it right in front of her. “It’s the 17th. Today’s paper says so.”
She slams the door in your face, the sound of chains unlocking from behind and the door open, wider this time. She steps aside as she eyed you, gesturing you to enter. Once you’re in the foyer of the house, you take a good look at the place. It was cosy and homey, a different contrast as how she was dressed, elegance.
A little girl appears from the top of the staircase, looking down at you emotionlessly. Slowly, you call out to her, “Hey there. I wanna talk to you. Could you come down for a while?”
Light footsteps creaked the steps, as she descended down ‘til she was starting at you at eye level. “Hey there, sweetheart. My name’s Y/N. What’s your name?”
“Lily.” Her voice was soft, almost feathery. “Lily, what a beautiful name.” You turned to her grandmother, “Is there someplace we can talk?”
“Are we expecting Lily’s parents to be coming home soon?” You pipped.
Mrs. Langdon, or Constance as she preferred, only gave you a look, her dull eyes boring into yours before she takes another drag of her cigarette. “Lily’s parents are dead. I’m the only one she has left.”
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, “I’m so sorry. The file didn’t say anything about it.”
“What is it you want, darling? I haven’t got any time and you’re wasting precious hours. On with the questions.” She scoffed softly.
“Oh, right, sorry, um... I’m here because we received a call that Lilith has been showing serious signs of neglect. Now at this point we can only assume it’s the result of family problems.”
Constance chuckles, “I presume it must’ve been one of those nosy neighbours who called in? Family problems you say? It’s only darling Lilith and me in this house. We get along just fine. I’ve been taking care of Lilith since she was a baby. Her mother died from childbirth and her father is god knows where. We don’t have any family problems. Not that I know of.”
“Well, many families aren’t aware that they’re having family problems, not until they’re too late. And that’s where we come in. We help families communicate and learn healthier ways to resolving conflict.”
“I appreciate the kindness, but we don’t need your help. I think our time here is done. You can show yourself out.” She puffs thick white smoke as she gestures you to the front door.
A few days later, Constance was called in by your manager after you’ve given him many reasons as to why you might think Lily is in trouble.
You leaned against the wall inside of Wayne’s office, looking at the Constance and Lily who was sitting on the couch. “Well, I know I’m not the perfect grandmother for Lily, I know that but she knows I show my love and care for her in other ways. She knows how I feel about her.”
You could see Lily’s face churning and twisting in discomfort, “So, tell me, Mrs. Langdon, does it concern you that Lily’s grades have dropped from A’s to D’s in three months?”
“Of course, she’s my granddaughter.”
“So, you have no idea why your granddaughter falls asleep in class every day? Why she can’t sleep at home? No idea?” You turned to look at Wayne.
“And you’ve never slept in class before, Ms. L/N? I know I did.”
Staring out at the pair from inside your office, you turned towards Wayne with an annoyed expression, “Don’t tell me you felt for that?”
Wayne sighs, “Look, cut her some slack, she the only breadwinner of her family here. We can’t guarantee every kid here has a happy childhood. I wish we could.”
“Let me talk to her, alone just for five minutes.”
“We don’t have the case, Y/N.”
“Just five minutes. Talk to them about happy children and how much they love kids.”
You approached Lily who was standing beside the water cooler. A pair of girls had rushed right in front of you with their mother behind them, telling them to slow down. You smiled at the sight. “I’ve always wanted a sister growing up, don’t you? To play with and to talk to, things that you just can’t tell anybody else, you know? Did you ever wish that? That you had a sister?”
Lily remained silent, and you cursed yourself for forgetting that her mother had died ten years ago so the idea of having a sister wouldn’t have crossed her mind.
Sensing the awkward feeling between you too, you purposely lean over the water cooler and let the cold water hit your neck, prickling your skin at the sudden temperature. Lily giggled beside you, having caught her attention by the act you did.
“Well, that was a silly thing to do, wasn’t it?” You smiled at her. “What’s happening to you?”
You kneel down, so that you were at a child’s height. “You know I can help. Let me help you.” Lily starts to look distressed, looking around her and over her shoulder.
“What is it sweetheart?” You gently place a hand on her arms.
“She hates me.”
“I’m sure she doesn’t hate you.”
“She does. I hear her talking to herself in her bedroom.”
“What do they talk about?”
A few seconds of silence filled the air until she begins to talk again, whimpering and tears pooling in her eyes. “Sending me to hell. She calls me the spawn of Satan, and that I should’ve not been born.”
“You heard her say that?” She nods franticly.
It was a major bust to get Lily to say what she had told you. The recording evidence you need against Constance failed when Lily had said the opposite, allowing Wayne to close the case and told you to let it go.
Desperate, you seek help from an old friend.
“Y/N, what brings you here to my office?” Mike asked. You slide Lily’s case file across his desk.
“Well, well, well. It’s sitting right in front of me so I’m guessing our good friend Wayne has decided it fails to meet the criteria of child endangerment and has told you in no uncertain terms to leave it alone.”
“Surprise, surprise.”
He pushes the file back towards you, “Sorry, Y/N. I can’t.”
“Please Mike, I’m really desperate here.”
He tells you that the department doesn’t pay him enough to stake out potential child abusers and reminded you how it almost cost him his job the last time he helped. You chided in and told him how Lily’s grandmother wanted to send her to hell and called her the spawn of Satan. In the end he gave in and asked him to send him the evidence and files over, which you thanked him.
You laid across the brown couch, surfing through channels until your phone starts ringing. Thinking it was Hayden, whom you left voicemails minutes ago, you answered it in a cheery tone. “Too late, met someone else.”
You could her the fear in her voice and the panic that was slowly increasing, her pants soft but sharp. She tells you that she’s scared and that Constance was waiting and ready to get her, her voice getting sleepier.
Quickly, you rushed out of your house and drove over her house, calling Mike for back up. Once you got there, the scene unfolding in front of you brought you to a shock. Constance had Lily locked in her oven, duct tape securing the handle to stop her front busting the door open. You struggled when you tried to rescue Lily out, having to fight against Constance as she pushes you away from the oven.
That is until Mike fends her off, knocking her down as you were quick to get Lily out from the oven before it could burn her.
As ordered by the judge, Constance had to undergo psychiatric evaluation until she is deemed fit for trial. On the other hand, Lily had been placed into a state home until they’re able to find her a new foster home. To help Lily fit in better in socialising and interacting with others, she would attend a group therapy in which children would voice out their opinions and share their problems with one another.
But something kept nagging at the back of your mind. You recall back to the day you met Lily at the hospital and how she wanted to stay with you instead. Also, when you had accompanied her to the state home, she brought it up again, giving you pleading eyes and a sad look that almost felt pitiful.
After going through documents and meetings, you got approval to become Lily’s temporary guardian before they find her a new foster home. When you reached your home, you showed her around, her eyes were twinkling like stars and her lips formed into a waxing crescent moon smile. She was happy, and you were happy too.
“What is this?” She asked, sipping the tea from her cup as you brushed her hair, detangling the strands to straighten them. “It’s chamomile. Helps me sleep.”
She takes a sip again before you spoke, “You know none of this should ever have happened. If I could make it go away, I would.”
“You did.”
You took away the cup from her and tucked her in bed.
You stared at the house from inside of your car. A dark ominous aura seeping out from the cracks of the walls. The longer you stared at it, the more it begins to bite back at you, shaking you to your bones with its soul-stirring presence.
The floorboards creaked against your shoes as you made your way up to the second floor. Turning to your left, you find Lily’s room, picking a soft teddy bear from the pile of toys placed near her window.
Adjacent to her room was Constance’s room. Nothing out of the ordinary seemed to caught your attention. There were Christ signs placed over the bed, a bible laying on the top of the dresser. How religious, you thought. That is until you saw strange white marks on the wooden floor that were hidden under the rug.
You flipped it over, and the mark continues towards the door of the room. You notice a few marks on the door as well, finding it perplexing that heavy bolts and chains were screwed behind it. It made you repulsed, thinking she was locking herself from her granddaughter.
“Wayne’s looking for you.”
“Wayne wants to see you.”
Reaching your cubicle, you find Wayne sitting on your desk, Diego’s file opened in front of him.
“What’s up with Diego?”
“Oh hey, Y/N. Why don’t we talk inside my office?”
“No, tell me what’s going on?”
Wayne sighed, “Well, we don’t... We don’t know why yet but he killed his parents last night.”
The information made you shudder, almost twisting your stomach in ways you could never thought it could.
You rushed to the scene, wanting answers on why he would do something like that.
“How did this happen?”
“Gets a tire iron from the garage, heads back inside. Locks all the doors and windows, kills them in their sleep.”
The parents’ bedroom was painted in red all over. The walls were splattered in blood, the pillows were soiled deep with blood, the sheets that were once white had turned red. The crime scene almost looked like it came out of a slasher movie.
“You expect me to believe a 10-year old could do such a thing?”
“I was there when they brought him in. Took three guys to subdue him, and the kid was climbing the walls.”
“You can’t blame yourself for this. Things happen. It’s unfortunate what happened with Diego but you can’t let that haunt you. You’re only one person, Y/N. You can’t save the world. But I know one person you did save.” Hayden comforts you, both their eyes and yours directed towards Lily who was playing with sticks near the lake.
Lily knew Hayden from group therapy, Hayden being the therapist for her sessions. They had worked with kids longer than you did, and that’s how you met since your field of work worked hand in hand with each other.
She had sensed something troubling you, stating how your job was stressful and hard. You admitted how she was right, telling her how parents are just complicated.
“Is that what your parents did? You said you were alone?”
“Yeah, my dad left me when I was young, and my Mum... my Mum passed away a few years ago.”
“Your parents must’ve made you lonely.”
“What makes you say that?”
“You don’t talk about it.”
One morning you caught her with a picture of your parents, one that was taken before your father left you, when everything was fine. She said she wanted to know you better. You reprimanded her nicely, telling her not to go through your things anymore. The same day, Mike had told you how Diego received a call coming from your house. You denied, saying you didn’t call them. Lily was suspected to have called him since he was in the same group therapy as she is. You could’ve guessed she took his phone number from your back up files that you stored in your cabinet. She refuted again and again. Saying she was telling the truth and that she didn’t call him that night. Everything was leading to nowhere.
It got more confused when you visited Diego, saying that Lily did call him that night. Except that it was a man who had called him, which got you puzzled.
“So, I want you to tell me, what scares you?” Hayden asked.
“I’ll tell you want scares me if you tell me what scares you.”
“Fair enough.” Hayden pauses, trying to gather his thoughts before answering her. “When I was young, I hated using the microwave. Silly right? I would get really terrified when the light turns on and the plate of food keeps spinning around. I get paranoid when the timer doesn’t go off, thinking the microwave would explode.
My brother thought it would be funny to put popcorn in it and let me watch. I saw how it slowly swell up, the packet getting bigger and bigger. Hated them ever since.”
“You can’t be that afraid of popcorn too?”
“Sure, you can, the popping noises brings me anxiety sometimes. Now’s your turn. What scares you?”
“Me.” Lily says simply. “You scare yourself?”
“Why? What about yourself scares you?” Hayden asked, baffled.
“I have bad thoughts.”
“About what?”
“People in general or certain people?”
“Certain people.” Lily answered.
“Like who?”
“You have bad thoughts about me? Why?”
She smiles at you, “I just do.”
It went on a couple of minutes before Lily and Hayden walked out of the room. You could see tiny beads of sweat forming on their forehead. “I’ve talked to many kids, I don’t think I’ve ever felt like that before.”
“Like what?”
The news broke your heart. You couldn’t think straight the whole day. Mike had given you in detail everything that happened.
An explosion had occurred in Hayden’s house, the cause of it came from the microwave. It was said to be malfunctioning while they were using it and the sudden impact and radiation had caused Hayden’s skin to burn, killing him instantly.
You loved Hayden, you really did. Mixed feelings intoxicated you, it was hard to come into terms, accepting that your lover was dead. However, a part of you felt lightened yet eating you away with guilt.
You snooped around the office, finding a package that was labelled and had a USB in it. Locking yourself in a secluded office far from the others, you plugged the USB in, which contained a video recording of Constance being interviewed.
You clicked on it, waiting for the video to load.
A man hidden behind the camera was talking to Constance, who was shown in the video.
“Take me through the conversation, Constance, about the oven.”
Constance spoke, “I was sending her back where she’s supposed to belong, in hell in fiery flames.”
“Why did you say that it was God’s will that you should kill your granddaughter?” Constance laughed, scoffing when she heard the question.
“Why is that funny, Constance?”
“Cause she’s not my granddaughter.”
“You think your daughter is the devil? Evil incarnate?”
She glances away from the camera, “I don’ care what you call it.”
“But you have stated that she kills people?” The man questions her. “Not by her own hand, they just die.”
She starts sobbing, “I had five children, three sons and two daughters, and three beautiful grandchildren.” She covers her face with her hands, whimpering as she spoke. “My youngest son was expecting his firstborn at the time with his wife. Soon as she was born, they just started dying. I guess she couldn’t get rid of me until she found somebody else.”
She looks back into the camera, almost staring into your soul from the screen. Shivers ran down your spine. You needed more information. Something wasn’t right about Lily lately.
The two guards sat her down in her chair in front of you. She was strapped in a straight jacket with an emotionless expression.
“I know I’m probably the last person you want to see right now, but you’re the only one I could talk to.”
She looks up to meet your gaze, her eyes in slits, squinting at you. “Who died?”
“A friend.” You spoke. “You’re scared. You ought to be.”
“Is she... What is she?”
Constance smirks, before a vexed look washed over her. “I can tell you what she’s not. She’s not my granddaughter, that’s for sure. She’s not a 10-year old having trouble in school and she’s not some innocent victim whose door you busted down and life you saved. She’s not going anywhere soon, darling. Not till she’s good and done with you.”
“Done with me how?” You asked. “However she wants. You think it’s an accident her ending up with you? She saw you coming a mile away.”
“Why me? I don’t have anything.”
“You have that you’re good, kindness, decency. That’s what she feeds on. Bleeds you dry, moves on to the next. We were a big family, she went through us like a wrecking ball. It’s like she sees everything, and what she doesn’t see, she senses.
Like when you call a friend and they pick it up before it rings? They say when you’re born, you’re given your eternal soul. The part of you that lives on, lives again. Whatever evil she is, didn’t come from my daughter. It was already there.
From the moment she came into being, she brought something with her. Something older, destructive. Soul of a demon.”
It takes you a moment to suppress all the information to you head. “What does she want?”
“To know what your idea of hell is, and make you live there.”
“Y/N, you petitioned for custody, you got it. She’s your responsibility, make it work.”
You sigh, “How? How do I make it work if it’s not working?”
Nancy explains, “With the same coping skills you teach these Mums and Dads every week. Walk the talk, Y/N. Walk the talk.”
As you wait for Lily’s group therapy to end, you see her walking towards another kid, whispering something inaudible in her ear. She was doing it again, until she saw that you were staring at her. You grabbed her out of the room, walking towards the elevator. “You are not going back there.”
“Why Y/N?” She repeats continuously until the both of you got inside. The elevator starts to shake vigorously before coming to a halt.
“Can I go to group next week?” Lily asked, innocently. “You’re not going back there.”
“Are you sure?” You could hear the cable starting to break and soon enough your descending down at a high speed, the lights flickering and you begin to feel the strong force against your chest.
The bell chimes and the elevator turn normal like before.
The obsidian sky turns dark, flickers of thunders spark with the occasional roar of thunders. You locked yourself in your room, ignoring Lily as you returned home.
Knocks on the door startle you, “Y/N? Y/N? Please, I know you’re in there.”
You brought up the knife towards your chest, ready to attack if anything happens. The knocks turn to loud bangs. You could hear screams and Lily pleading you to open the door.
“Let me in. Let me in. Let me in. Let me in. Let me in. Let me in.” The deadbolts on your door was the only thing securing you from her.
“GO AWAY!” You shout. It turned quiet, silent almost. A soft thump made you turned your head towards your closet beside you.
Bringing up the knife in your hand, you use your free hand to open the door in one swift movement. There was nothing, until a horrified deformed creature jumped at you. Its skin was burning off, exposing the red flash and arteries of the body. You scrambled away from it, quickly unlocking the bolts and running out from your house.
A bus with its light on was the first thing you charged for, seeing that the bus driver was still inside. You banged at the door, pleading for him to open it. The creature slowly catching up to you.
In the last second, he opens it and you yell at him to drive. He tells you there’s no one outside, and that only it was in your imagination. Leaving the bus, you head towards your car, grabbing the back up keys from under the boot of the car. Slowly you got in the driver’s seat.
“Leaving the child unattended is a jailable offence.” You screamed, shocked to see Lily in the backseat. She leans in closer, “You have to do what I say. If I say I want to go to group, you have to do it. If I say I want a new dress, you have to do it. If I say I want ice cream every day, after school, you have to do it, okay?”
You started sobbing, laughing almost at your unfortunate misery. “Don’t be sad. This is your new beginning.” She states, repeating the same word you once told her before. She caresses your hair in a loving manner, one that almost filled you in disgust.
“It they take her...”
“The whole thing starts all over again. You can’t let her go, you can’t let her stay. Leaves you one option.”
“I can’t.”
“You have to.”
“You don’t understand.”
“Don’t tell me I don’t understand.” Constance argued. “You’ve had her, what, two months? I had her ten years. I had her for ten years. Think of it as a test of faith.”
“I don’t wanna have any faith.”
“How about anger? You got some of that?”
Silence past a few seconds.
“How? How do I...”
“Kill her?” Constance finishes for you. “In her sleep. That’s the only time you got the upper hand, is when she’s sleeping, but she almost never does. We checked on her room, every night for three months. First night she slept was the night that you busted in our front door.
I’ll tell you what I’d do different, count yourself dead at the outset. Accept that going in, use It to your advantage. If you’re not afraid, she can’t hurt you.”
You could hear the sound of Constance recording playing. You followed the sound to the living room, Lily was watching the recording from your laptop. “She did what I asked for a while and then she stopped, and started with the secrets. But they weren’t really secrets, I guess. Because I always knew what they were thinking. She stares back into the laptop screen, watching her grandmother with a look so indescribable.
Hours later, you received a call informing you that Constance was dead.
Panicked, you went to meet Mike, who said he wanted to show you something.
He had gone through you call logs, saying that Lily did call Hayden and that she was using your cell phone. He also believed that she called Diego too when he played you two recordings, one of Diego’s and Hayden’s.
“Her grandmother says I have to kill her.”
“I’ll help you.”
You’ve gotten prescription pills from the doctors, faking your insomnia and lack of sleep.
When you reached home, your entire place was a mess. You followed the trail of papers into Lily’s room where pictures of the children from her group therapy laid on the floor.
You found a cock board slipping out from underneath her bed. There were pictures pinned on them, with Diego and Hayden’s picture flipped, probably indicating of her recent kills. The next one in line was a picture of you and Mike. A dark heavy feeling sets on the pit of your stomach.
Vibrations came from underneath her mattress and you find your phone, ringing. You answered it, with Wayne telling you that Mike’s dead. You don’t know what to feel, pain, anger, frustration clashes inside you, Lily being the point of the reason, slow burning till you wish to rip her apart.
The sound of the flat screen playing startled you. Lily was sitting on the couch, eating popcorn. Irritated, you slammed the tv towards the floor, smashing it into pieces as glass flew all over the wooden floor. “Get out, get out of my house!” You yelled.
She brushed off the popcorn remains that you had slapped out of her hands, standing up and glaring at you. “Don’t yell at me!” Her face morphing into something sinister and her voice almost deep and inhuman.
You backed away from her, running towards your room to barricade yourself from Lily, or what was a manifestation of a little girl. You pushed every heavy furniture you had to the door.
“Emily, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. Can I come in so we can talk and work it out?” Lily called out. At this moment, that little girl outside your room wasn’t human to you, not anymore. That little girl was nothing but a demonic creature disguise as an innocent being.
You picked it the screwdriver on the floor to protect yourself against the demon. The door suddenly starts bulging unusually, a strong force trying to break it down. The walls start cracking off the concrete, the bolts on the doors unhinging and coming loose.
The door starts to open and you used every single strength you had left to pushed it closed until the entire door is being sucked away, leaving you exposed and vulnerable. You moved quickly, shifting under the bed to hide away Lily.
“Y/N. Y/N. We need to learn healthier ways of resolving conflict, Y/N.” She swats away the dresser in front of the bed effortlessly. “Most families don’t even know they have a problem, until it’s too late.”
She grabs on to the screwdriver that you left, walking around the bed till she stops by the side. In a blink of an eye, the screwdriver plunges into the wooden floor, the hand holding it was now bigger and veiny.
She crawls down to you, mocking you with her innocent bright smile as she tilts her head. “What are you doing, you silly pumpkinhead?” You could only stifle a choked laugh. “You don’t want me to come under there and get you, do you?”
“No.” You answered sharply. “I’m going to count to three. One, two...”
“No.” You shook your head, “Two and a half, two and three quarters, three. Here I come.” She teased. She crawls towards you. “No! What do you want?” You screamed.
“What you wanted from your father.” You blinked. “I want you to love me.”
“Okay,” You nodded. “I will.”
She backs away from the bed. “Come tuck me in.”
You smashed the sleeping pills into powdery form, mixing it together with the chamomile tea you just brewed. “Emily.” Lily calls you softly.
You smile at her as you enter her room, giving her the cup of tea for her to drink. Before she takes a sip, she stares at you, “Chamomile. Maybe you should have it, you look stressed.”
“I’ll have one later.” She gives you a look but it disappears after a second.
“I’m really sorry that I let things get like this.” You apologized. “We’ll do better from now on.”
“We have to.” Lily agrees. “Someone could get hurt.”
“What shall we do tomorrow?” You asked. “Surprise me.”
“I’m not so good at surprises.”
“You’re getting better.” She jibes at you playfully.
You made sure she was asleep, before you execute your plan. You locked her bedroom door, splashing crude oil all over the house and more on her door. You watched the matchstick as it starts to light up, trailing the entire house with flames. Walking out of the house, you see the flames start engulfing everything in its path, licking the exterior and burning them in seconds.
“Everybody got out okay?” A firefighter approached you. “Ma’am, anyone else inside? Yes or no?” You tuned him out as you saw Lily just a few metres away from you, unharmed and untouched. “That was mean.”
You followed the police from behind to go downtown you find you someplace to stay for a while. The ride was quiet until Lily spoke up, “Maybe we can find a hotel with a swimming pool.”
You swerved the car, exiting out of the freeway. “Where are we going?”
“You said I should surprise you.”
She smiles from the corner of your eye. Her legs tugged closely towards her chest. You could feel her staring at you.
“He hated your mother. He hated you too. Your mother lied about you, you were never his. You were just the product of one of your mother’s affairs. The day he left was the day he found out about the secrets, the lies. That’s why you kept delaying your answer for Hayden, refusing to marry him as you kept him chain to you.
But you weren’t any better than your mother, aren’t you? You let those men use you because you couldn’t cope over your father, isn’t that right, Y/N? You need a man to ground you down to fill that void inside you. That’s what you’re afraid of, isn’t it? Rejection.”
“What are you?” She smiles slyly at you as she turns to look out the window. You stepped on the gas, accelerating at high speed. “Slow down.” Lily demands.
“What the hell are you?”
“You’re upset, you shouldn’t be driving.” You increase the speed, cruising down the street and avoiding other cars.
Your vision begins to cloud, and a new image emerges, bringing you back to the same nightmare you were having.
“Sweetheart.” You looked up to see the same man hovering above you as he strokes your hair endearingly. “Dad?”
“That’s right, sweetie. Daddy’s here.” You rise up from your bed, startling him as you pulled him into a hug. You sobbed into his shoulder, “Please, don’t leave me.” You begged.
“Please don’t leave me. I know what Mum did was wrong. It wasn’t my fault. I never wanted this either. Don’t leave me, don’t leave me please.” You hugged him even tighter, afraid he would disappear. You begged and begged until you felt his arms around your waist.
“I know it isn’t sweetheart. It’s not your fault. I love you, so so much.”
It wasn’t your fault indeed. What Lily said was the truth but your father didn’t leave you because he found out you weren’t his biological daughter. He left because he was sick. He thought that by leaving, it would take the pain of losing him easier when he died if he stayed.
He was wrong, it traumatized you into thinking that he didn’t love you and only increased your fear of rejection from men. You didn’t know because you couldn’t keep in touch. But it was time to let go of the past and your fears with it. Setting free your inner demons and to be at peace with yourself. It was time.
You were no longer afraid. You let those bad thoughts get into your head that’s why you couldn’t think and see clearly. Now that you’ve overcome it, everything felt different. You could breath easily without having the ghosts of the past hung over your shoulders and weighing you down.
“Are you scared?” You asked Lily. “I’m not.”
You swerved the car, accelerating it towards a nearby port – nosediving the car into the water. The car sunk deeper and deeper until it reaches the bottom. Lily unbuckles her seat belt, trying to escape as you reached for her hand – restraining her. She smiles at you, a smug look appearing on her face. Her side of the door opened – revealing a man who’s trying to free her, dragging her up towards the surface.
The pressure of the water starts pressing against your skulls, your lungs compressing sharply as your heart starts to pump more blood through your lungs and entire body. When you regain consciousness, you were laying down on a stretcher, and oxygen mask around your nose and mouth. Your body temperature felt really cold despite the layers of blanket covering you.
As they lift you into the ambulance, you saw the demonic creature – dissimulating herself by painting a scared and terrified expression on her innocent face. I’ve failed, you thought. Now, all that’s left is the consequences that awaits you.
“Where is she?!” You slammed your cuffed hands against metal table. “WHERE IS SHE?! Is she with that family? I need to talk to them, I need to talk to them! Do you hear me?!” You pleaded with your lawyer. He could only sigh, frustrated over your uncooperativeness. The door behinds you open, “I’m afraid your time’s up.” The officer spoke. “You have a visitor, Ma'am.”
A visitor? You wondered. Could it be Wayne, you figured. The officer grabs you off your seat and escorts you down to the meeting room. There were a few families there, visiting the other inmates of the prison. “Over there.” He brings you towards a young man, wearing a suit all clad in black with a red tie. He had wavy curled blonde hair reaching till his nape. His eyes swirled of apatite.
Like he had sensed you coming, he shifts his bored gaze from the table to you. You take a seat opposite from him – studying his features and enigmatic demeanour.
“Hello, Ms. L/N.” He greets, his voice sultry with a tint of firmness in them.
“Do I know you, sir?” You questioned. He bids you a smile, one where his lips are pressed to form a thin line. “My name’s Michael. Michael Langdon.”
“I’m sure my mother has talked about me before. Of how all her children had died? Is that right?”
“How are you here? How are you still alive?” He chuckles. “I must say, I do applaud your bravery for trying to kill my precious daughter. However, I wasn’t very pleased with your doing. Not at all.”
You stared at him, baffled. “Daughter? You’re Lily’s father?”
He gestures his hand, “That’s right. I’m Lily’s biological father.” He leans further into the table. “I’m sure you’re keen to know how and why, aren’t you?”
“Well, my story is really heart-wrenching and painful to talk about.” He expresses sarcastically. “It’s almost on par as yours.”
“And why is that?”
“Because, sweetheart. You and I are much more alike than you think you are.”
“In what way?”
“We both have daddy issues.” He giggles. “Apart from my siblings, I’m the only one in the family that does not share the same father as they do. I was a bastard, you could call that. The product of one of my mother’s affairs. Little did she know that she had just let the devil himself fuck her before planting his seed to grow inside her.
Alas, I was born. I knew something was fairly off about me and when I realised who I truly was, I concealed it from my family. In time, they all started growing their own family. You could say I was getting a little jealous.
So, I breed the first virgin I laid my eyes on – casting a spell on her to act as my loving fiancée then wife. She died from childbirth, pushing Lily out took a toll on her body, and when I laid my eyes on the precious little bun in my arms, I knew she had it inside her all along, that darkness.”
“Why did you leave her then? Why you let your mother take care of her?”
“It was irresponsible for me, I know. Leaving my child under her supervision, faking my own death and not being there for her really wounded me. But I needed to do all this for what’s coming.”
“What is coming?”
“An uprising. A war shall arise in which we will rule over Earth and everyone – or what’s left of them. Together with Lily, we shall bring down everything into ashes.”
“You’re trying to make the end of the world happen?”
“I’m not trying, sweetheart. I’m making it happen.”
Your meeting with Michael ended and it was back into your prison cell. You pondered over what he had told you hours ago. The memory still fresh and lingering around you. Was he really going to do that? And what’s the use of Lily for his plan?
“Did you meet up with her?” Lily asked, looking up from her ice cream cone, licking at it.
“I did.” He takes her hands in his, the little one enclosed in his large ones. “Do you like her?”
“Hmm... almost. Maybe if she cooperates with me after a few more visits, she’ll come around to accept the offer I’m about to propose.”
“Really? What are you going to offer her?”
“To be your new mother. Would you like that, my angel?” Lily nods, laughing giddily in excitement over the news as she wounds her little arms around her father. “I’m sure you do.”
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