#but when he met him five years ago as a fake doctor
geekynightowl1997 · 8 months
The Rashomon Job
Where the "I don't even know what it is that you do." is completely ignored.
Because Hardison remembers some fake doctor with a knife to his throat. But don't worry though-
Nothing else matters.
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lbxbx · 6 months
Cockpit 12 | knj
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Pair: Namjoon x reader
Summary: Namjoon goes through a rough time while getting a divorce, meeting you at the club two weeks in a row when attraction becomes unreal.
Rating: +18 mature content, Smut, divorce, fatherhood, major toxic behavior, fluff.
taglist: @wecanpretendit | @whoisbts | @yoonjinsrkive | @my-current-mood-is | @joonzseoulmate | @parkinglot-nights | @missbangtangirl | @m00njinnie | @mantaecrolss | @busanbby-jjk | @bangtanxmegan | @nochelunaxx | @certified-lana-del-rey-lover
a/n: This is a subtle ending and tbh was a little hard for to actually mold up, there can't be a happy ending 100% and ya'll know that. i strongly believe that there are many drabbles that might come up that may show you different scenarios for this fic and possibly another end. Ily guys and i love cockpit that introduced me to so many of you guys <3 ps i hope i didn't disappoint with this update because i think i slightly did.
Previous | End.
It’s a cold cloudy day as the winter has already made its way finally, It was your favorite season throughout the entire year, and it’s usually the season you and your friends decide on doing outdoor activities, and of course it’s the holiday season where you actually how so many days off. You just got off your morning shift and picked up Hoseok from his office, his car is in maintenance and you need to get groceries for the week, so you offered to drive him and in return he’ll help you with groceries.
The windows are open in the car, he’s on his phone scrolling and you’re tapping on the steering wheel with your leg on the gas pedal, singing along whole heartedly to the song you started in your car.
I fantasize about it all the time, if you were mine.
I’d give this pussy to you, nine to five, five to nine.
Trying to behave but I’m feeling some type of way.
Even dancing to it, with one hand on the steering wheel now, Hoseok first seems unbothered, he’s used to you being like this, he’s too focused on his phone. But then it hits him and he stares at you suspiciously, and of course you’re too occupied on the song, but then he shuts off the stereo which leaves you singing awkwardly with your not so acceptable voice.
“Why would you do that?” You whine, you can’t look at him your eyes are on the road, but you feel his eyes on the side of you face. “What’s the matter?”
“With what?” You try to take a quick glance at him when he’s smirking. “How are things with Namjoon?”
“Oh, I kind of.. met his ex wife when I was staying there a while ago.”
“How did it go?”
You look her in the eye with your chest heaving dramatically.
This was something you were anticipating long time ago, you wanted her to know everything. There’s nothing to be afraid of.
Namjoon never felt this strong before, having you stand up for him even when he could stand up for himself the whole time. But still having you in front of her scratched an itch for him and he himself wanted this to happen too, he wanted her to see what he has in hand, and that even when she was after his money, he was after his freedom. She still didn’t get what she wanted but he did.
Everything is happening right in front of her own eyes, she clearly sees that her ex husband was actually cheating on her with someone.
Not anyone.
The doctor that she saw a couple of times one of them Namjoon was actually with her. She’s the woman that treated her own son long time ago, the woman who actually had the same perfume on that she smelled on her husband’s clothes so many times.
Gosh this was months ago, she feels betrayed more than she already is when she recalls that you pretended to help her with the fake medical report, you were actually defending him? This has to be serious between you and Namjoon then. Have you two been together for that long for you to actually help him?
She recalls the nights he stayed out, he must’ve been with you, the nights he went back home smelling like you, there were too many of them. It did make sense to her now.
And you finally get the chance to look her in the eye without having to hide and beat around the bush, the greediness inside you is increasing and you feel so desperate to show her that you stole her man.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, your arms crossed to your chest while you eye her from head to toe, she glances at Namjoon and looks back at you before laughing. “Oh so it was you.”
You mirror her laugh and nod your head. “It has been me all along.”
She takes a step closer to you and actually takes a sniff, before looking at Namjoon. “No one, and I mean no one, can stand tolerating you like I did, Namjoon.”
Of course you weren’t going to believe anything she’s saying.
“And you’ll realize the mistake you’re making, perhaps not now, but you will eventually.” She takes another step towards you.
Even when you’re fuming and you genuinely hate the woman, you masked it so well as you chuckle and click your tongue, shaking your head left and right. “Is that what being broke and pathetic feels like? I feel so bad for you.”
“I will give him to you, I just hope you like leftovers.” The answer was on the tip of her tongue. “Who knows, you might end up like me.”
“Oh honey trust me, you and I are not alike.” You eye her again from head to toe, a visible cringe on your face when you look into her face. “You and I are totally different, and I think you know that very well.”
Her face changes and she clears her throat, she even looks back at Namjoon behind you, hoping that he’ll say something and tame you, or do anything to just silence you, but it’s the exact opposite. He wraps an arm around you and walks into the bedroom before turning his head towards her. “Take your trash and leave, and next time if you want anything send someone else. This house isn’t yours to barge in.” And he slams the bedroom door shut and locks it with the key
Your eyes meet for a second before you pull him in for a kiss, your lips pressed against his and your arms wrapped around him. You tried to convince yourself that nothing is different but it actually is.
He tastes sweeter in your mouth and it feels so fucking good to have him for yourself. For the first time ever when you’re in bed with him you feel like that and it feels good. Your friends were right, it was totally worth the suffer.
“That’s all.” You finally park your car near the grocery shop, Hoseok takes a long breath and exhales. “Y/N, this shouldn’t have happened.”
“I don’t know what got into me, I just wanted her to know that he’s way better off without her.” You seriously have no idea where this toxic behavior is coming from, and what’s weirder is that you don’t regret thinking this way.
“Did he do anything?” Hoseok asks as you two get out of the car, he grabs a cart and starts pushing it inside, you’re a little distracted first when you see the advertisements for the products and the discounts around the place for the holiday season that’s coming up, the sound of background music mixed with kids running around, you’ve always enjoyed running errands and now you enjoy it more when you get to spend quality time with your best friend.
“Nope, it’s like he wanted this to happen too.” You grab the flyer. “Oh look, there’s a discount on short ribs.”
“You don’t eat short ribs.” He stops pushing the cart. “But you do, I’ll cook them for you.” You walk towards that aisle to put the short ribs into your cart.
“Someone is in a great mood today.” He chuckles and looks around the aisle for other kinds of meets. “Actually yeah, I’m supposed to meet his parents tonight for dinner.”
“Wow he must be pretty serious about you.” You hear a smirk on his face and when you look at him you find him in fact smirking. “Did you think he wasn’t?”
“No not at all.” He puts pork belly into the cart and continues pushing it. “I just didn’t see it happening so quickly.”
“Gosh, you have no idea how nervous I am about this.” Your hand sits onto your stomach. “I’ve been having nightmares.”
“Hey, you’re an incredible woman who usually leaves a great first impression—“ He doesn’t sound half convincing which makes you push him subtly. “Stop lying.”
“Okay, you don’t usually leave good first impressions, but hey does it matter?” He’s right.
Nothing’s going to change whether they like you or not, you and Namjoon want each other and that’s what matters. “Yeah, it doesn’t. But hey I still need to be careful.”
“Did you ask him about his folks?” He pushes the cart towards the produce aisle. “Yeah, multiple times, he said they were nice, but still they’re his parents, he can’t just tell me that they’re awful, right?”
“True.” You look around for grapes since it’s the season. “I wish I can cancel the whole thing, I’m not really good with strangers.”
“They’re not strangers they’re your in-laws.” He teases you which again makes you hit his shoulder. “Shut up.
“You know what, fuck it, just go, what’s the worst that could happen?” He says it so carelessly which makes you think you’re exaggerating, but you really weren’t.
You were standing in front of your full body mirror that holds so many memories for you now, zipping up your short burgundy dress. Honestly it was an entire debate for you whether you should choose this color or not, but the dress fitted you like a glove, respectful, yet revealing on some places and really flattering.
You grab your high heels and take a seat onto your bed to put them on. You needed the high heels because the man you’re going out with is tall and big, you need some height yourself.
You cannot deny your stomach was pinching you the entire time, you totally forgot that this moment had to come sometime you never even thought of it. Tonight was exceptionally cold but you were sweating. You weren’t anticipating this night what so ever.
Your door knocks a couple of times when you still had one of your heels on, so you get up on your feet and walk crookedly to your door to open it with the other pair of heels in your hand. “Hey big boy.” Your smile lingers on your face when you see him standing by your door wearing a casual suit, his long hair pushed back and smelling like a mix of his cologne and cigarettes, the smell you grew to love and find really warm.
“Look at you.” He takes a step inside your house and prints a soft kiss on your cheek. “You look incredible.”
“This is the dress I told you I was worried about.” You giggle and close the door. You were texting him the entire afternoon asking him what you should wear and he agreed with you on that burgundy dress.
He grabs your hand and twirls you once, his eyes scanning on your entire body and ass. “Baby you would look sexy in a potato sack.”
“Stop.” You hit his chest and let go of his hand. “Take a seat I’ll be ready in no time.” You point towards the living room with the hand that’s holding the shoe. He laughs and grabs the shoe away from you. “Let me help you with that.”
You both head to the living room and take a seat onto your couch, you put your leg up onto his lap and he helps you putting on your heels. “So..” You start talking, clearing your throat before you finish. “Any instructions? Should I be careful with anything?”
He rolls his eyes and looks at you. “Y/N, you don’t have to worry, they’re nice people I promise you’ll love them.”
“I’m not really good when it comes to meeting new people.” Your hand lands onto your stomach. “I wish I can back out.”
“Hey, they’re the ones who asked to see you in person, plus, I know they’ll like you too.” He shrugs, too occupied trying to figure out the straps on your heels. “You already met Jay and it wasn’t that bad, meeting my parents can’t be that bad too.”
He told his parents frankly that he was seeing someone, and they were really welcoming the idea generally, the entire story now makes sense to them and they can finally understand what their son went through and why he needs to be with you. Namjoon was absolutely glad that his parents were supporting his choices.
They’re flying over from Ilsan just to have dinner with you two, and you didn’t mind the idea generally and they must be really nice people, but you were simply not ready.
“Am I doing this right?” He asks, finally done with your heels, you nod your head and get up on your feet to tuck your dress down. “Thank you. What do you think?”
“Absolutely beautiful.” He flashes you a toothy smile, his dimple that makes your heart skip a beat digging onto his cheek. “Thank you, let’s get going.” You turn off the lights and make your way out with him to head towards the place he had reservations in.
The entire ride there your head was storming with every possible scenario, and no matter how hard Namjoon tried distracting you on your way there or comforting you, still, you just simply can’t relax.
You tried distracting yourself and actually googling topics the bring up during the dinner, but it wasn’t helping, your head was all over the place.
To them you’re probably the home wrecker that thanks to her their grandson will have to grow up with his parents separated. You’re the woman who accepted to be with a married man, which now you think was a little selfish, but you’ve grown to like the man.
The day you went back home with him after he got his divorce was when you actually felt your entire relationship with him suddenly grew tighter and stronger, you wanted to face his ex wife long time ago and what happened that night scratched an itch for you.
You snap out of your thoughts when he makes the last turn and parks his car in front of the restaurant, you take one last breath and unbuckle your seatbelt, you remember what Hob said and you hardly convinced yourself that no matter how tonight ends, nothing is going to change the fact that you want him and he wants you too.
He can’t help but to notice your legs shaking anxiously before you leave the car which immediately make him caress your knee and up your thigh. “Are you going to be okay?”
“It’s too late to ask that” You bite at him which makes him chuckle at you.
He feels a little guilty on the inside now, he would’ve never forced you on anything if he knew you’d be this anxious about meeting them. Even though he’s sure that there’s nothing to worry about, his parents are really nice. And to answer his question, You nod your head and he presses softly onto your knee. He’s here for you.
Your hand is locked in his, and the gentle squeeze of reassurance of his hand surrounds yours when you walk inside, slowly making your way to the reserved table that his parents are already seated on, a little younger than you thought they would be, and his mother who’s already in heels tip toes to wrap her arms around her son, pulling him in closer and kissing his cheek. “Gosh, I miss you so much.” She squeals.
“You must be Y/N.” His father stretches his hand out to shake yours, you force out a nervous smile and shake back his hand. “Mr. Kim, I’ve heard so much about you.” Well, you practically didn’t, but you were trying your best to break the ice.
“We’ve heard so much about you too.” He smiles back at you, at least his was genuine unlike yours. The dimples on his face were the ones that Namjoon and his son got. You shake his mother’s hand after she finally let go of her son, “Mrs. Kim, it’s good to see you.” And your eyes almost pop out of their sockets when she pulls you in for a hug and a little kiss on the cheek. You could swear you heard Namjoon giggling behind you.
“Please, just Soohyun.” She shrugs it off. “Take a seat.”
Namjoon’s behavior doesn’t get unnoticed by his parents of course, he’s whipped and they can easily admit that. He’s been married for three years and never has he ever pulled a chair for his wife for her to sit, the way he looked at you was totally different than the way he looked at his wife. He pulls you a chair to sit and helps you take off the little cardigan you put on, before getting you seated and pulling the chair next to you.
Of course they’re across the table from you two, but Namjoon’s hands were in yours the entire time, intertwined under the table, his thumb rubbing the back of your hand and gently caressing your fingers. It was so hard for you to focus when his parents were trying to get to know you more.
“So what do you do?” His father takes a sip of his wine, you straighten your back on your chair and tell him about your job briefly, which he and his wife admire. “Do you love your job?”
“Of course I do, I enjoy it so much.” You nod. “It gets tiring sometimes and my schedule is all over the place, but I love it.”
His mother’s eyes were on her son the entire time, a grin lingering on her face when she sees her son ready to devour you. His glances towards you were warm and loving, he even looks proud of you when you talk about how you have medical students being trained under you. “That’s incredible.” His father speaks, “My friend teaches at your hospital, I’m pretty sure you know him.” And he mentions his friend who actually taught you too, which makes you bond with his father in a snap of a finger.
“And when did you and Joonie meet? His schedule is all over the place too.” Soohyun leans her elbows on the table. “You must’ve met him back when he was still married.”
She clearly didn’t mean no harm, but you find it hard to swallow even though it’s true, and since your hand that’s holding onto Namjoon’s is sitting onto his leg, you can feel him nudge his mother with his leg which makes you force a laugh, “Yes, we met around six months ago.”
“Actually I came onto her.” Namjoon looks at you, his eyes traveling down to your lips and his hands gripping tighter to yours. “And I was unfair to her when I didn’t let her know about my situation.”
“Are you happy?” His mother asks, one hand on her chest and the other reaching to grab Namjoon’s. He smiles and nods his head. “I am. I really am.” Which makes her heart full, she’s really proud of her son that he managed to not only go through this on his own, yet he got back on his feet really fast and is currently happy being with someone else.
At this point you’re totally numb, you could easily fold at what he’s saying but you’re still stiff in your seat. The things you do for this man.
His mother again bonds with you in seconds when she brings up Namjoon’s embarrassing childhood which makes you laugh your heart out, she can easily tell that you’re nervous which makes her a little glad that you actually care what they think of you, which by the way they adore you.
The conversation was about to go downhill a couple of times when his mom mentioning that it’s so hard to raise your first child, she clearly said that you’ll understand what she’s talking about when you and Namjoon have kids. Namjoon was sulking in his seat totally embarrassed and you trying to avoid the topic with dumb ways.
“It was really nice to see you.” You shake their hands one last time before hugging your cardigan tighter around your chest, it was just starting to rain and the weather is starting to get really windy during the night time. “You two should totally come over to Ilsan this upcoming weekend, we have to show you around the town.” His father suggests, his relationship with Namjoon’s ex partner was really shallow and they barely spoke, he was generally excited to have you over and show you around their town after you two had mentioned something about the bike path around the lake park.
“Do you wanna go?” Namjoon puts one hand in his pocket and wraps the other one around you, you nod your head aggressively. “Absolutely, I would love to.”
“We’ll see you next weekend.” They finally bid their goodbyes and head back to their rented car, and you and Namjoon hit the road back to his place.  “So how was it?” He barely glances towards you when he’s driving. You lean your head back and sigh. “I need to lay down.”
Your social battery was running low, you spent the entire evening in an uncomfortable dress while having to keep talking, and sometimes even forcing out a laugh or anything. You couldn’t wait to go back home because you have a shift to cover the next morning. “I can’t think with this dress on, and I need to take my heels off like right now.”
“My place or yours?” He asks, and you answer right away. “Mine, I have to work tomorrow.”
As you two get into your place, you rush to take your heels off and run over to your bedroom, you plop down onto your bed face first and hug onto your pillows. “It feels good to be home.”
He laughs when he makes his way towards your bed and plop down on his back right next to you. “Are you okay?”
You nod and turn to face him. “Yeah, it was okay. Although I think we should’ve took things a tad slower.”
“Slower?” He sits on his elbows, his face tilted towards you, and you continue. “To them I’m still a stranger who’s going out with their son, and they probably think I was the reason you really got the divorce.”
“But you were.” He shrugs. Your eyes meet and right when you’re about to ask him to elaborate he continues. “Y/N, when I met you I realized that my life would be a waste of time if it wasn’t with you.”
“You’re overreacting.” You roll your eyes. “You got that from meeting me when I was drunk in a bar? Come on Joon.”
He nudges you with his elbow and chuckles. “I did. I went back home that night thinking about you. Maybe it was physical to begin with and maybe it was a little selfish to not let you know that I was involved in a relationship, deep down I missed the feeling of being loved and touched by someone who actually craves me and wants me for me. And you gave me everything I needed which made me hold on to you.”
You giggle and nudge him back. “It was a little selfish, but we need to stop bringing this up, it’s the past now.”
“You’re right. But you’re more than that to me, you’re incredibly beautiful and really smart, and not to sound so desperate but I want to be around you the entire time.” He whispers.
“I did get the divorce because I wanted you instead.” He inches closer to print the softest kiss to your forehead, you can’t remember if you were ever kissed there but it feels different on so many levels. It’s nothing like the kiss on the lips that you’re used to, and it’s totally different from the kisses and pecks you get on your cheeks from people around you.
It feels warmer and a lot more.. Loving.
Your eyes meets his, it feels like it’s your first time seeing this side from him and it probably is. He even smiles which makes you totally lost in his features, your stomach suddenly pinches you and is this what actual butterflies feel like?
Your face heats up and you clear your throat, your gaze never leaving his, he tucks your hair behind your ear and inches closer to press his lips against yours softly, printing the softest most loving kiss you’ve ever felt.
Forget the butterflies, is this what actual feelings feel like? It suddenly hits you, you’re not unsure anymore. You know exactly what you want with him.
“I really wanted this to be special, but I can’t hold it back any longer.” He covers his face and throws his head back onto your bed, laughing and curling in his spot. “Just say it Namjoon.” You laugh and hit his chest.
“I want you to be my girlfriend.” He finally gathers up enough courage to spit it out, which makes you laugh your heart out. “This is not middle school Joon. You’re thirty and I’m like twenty something.”
“Come on, just say yes.” He bites on his bottom lip, you decide on teasing him so you lean your chin onto your palm and hum. “Give me some time to think.” Of course you were going to say yes, but you enjoyed seeing him like this. “Make me say yes.”
He grabs your head closer to press his lips against yours, adrenaline rushes through both your bodies and you climb on top of him, leaning your body against his, his hands grab onto your hips before he fully wraps his arms around your waist to hug you towards him, his lips melting with yours into a deep kiss, his teeth grazing over your lower lip to bite into it softly and tugging it. “Alright.” You lean your forehead against his with your eyes half open.
His hands caress your cheeks and he pulls you in for a quick peck. “Is that a yes?” A grin fighting the urge to appear on his lips, you nod your head and nuzzle your nose against his. “Yes.”
“Oh, rest in peace to the Namjoon that escorted me to my seat.” You raise an eyebrow at him while taking a sip of your coffee. “Typical male behavior, you’re always too nice in the beginning—“
“I would kiss you to shut you up really, but I’m working.” He interrupts you.
It’s the weekend already and you two are finally flying to Ilsan to stay at his parents, he kept insisting that he wants to be alone and away and even tried to convince you to forget about Ilsan and fly to Jeju or something but of course you had to say no, you promised his parents after all. Although you felt bad for the man who’s been working nonstop this week, so this is like a little vacation for you two.
Of course he’s flying the plane and he gifted you your tickets, and of course you would agree, because come on.
Who wouldn’t fly for free?
You two are sitting near the gate and the cabin crew started boarding, and when he stands up and collects his phone and coffee you rolled your eyes, he once escorted you to your seat and now he’s going ahead of you.
“Even if you weren’t working, I wasn’t going to allow you to kiss me.” You shrug your shoulders carelessly, taking another sip of your coffee which makes him roll his eyes. “You’re so dramatic, come here.” He leans one of his palms against the coffee table and bends down to cup your cheek and kiss you on the lips. “I’ll see you on board baby, okay?”
“Fine.” The little smirk you were trying to hide finally shows on your face when your lip curves up a little.
Namjoon boards the plane, and not too long after you get on board and you finally get seated, you buckle up, put your important documents back in your bag and look through the window, the cabin crew serves you champagne which you are more than glad to have, you needed something to relax you since you were already nervous at the fact of having to not only meet his parents again, this time you’re staying with them for the whole weekend.
You took the champagne because you wouldn’t mind some pampering after all.
Namjoon makes his way out from the cockpit and makes small talk with the flight attendants, and damn it  you wish he didn’t look that good when he’s talking to other women.
You curse on the inside at the birth control you’re on because it makes you very hormonal, not in an emotional way, but in a physical way, your body is on fire the whole time. So when you see him in his uniform, his shirt so tight around his arm and his chest, his fingers go through his dark long hair before he looks around trying to locate you, and when your eyes meets he flashes you a smile that melts your heart in a second.
He makes his way towards you and leans down and puts his hands on your legs. “Hey beautiful.”
“Hey captain.” You play with the badges on his shoulder and lean forward. “You look like a snack.”
“A snack?” He teases and his eyes land on your lips, you nod and continue. “And I would love a snack right now.”
“Careful what you wish for baby.” He whispers and visibly swallows. “Just give me a sign and I will fuck you right here, and they can hear, or watch I don’t care.”
“Oh so it’s okay to fuck me on the plane, but it’s not okay to kiss me in the airport?” You scoff. “Captain, we’re ready for the takeoff announcement.” The flight attendant nudges his shoulder from behind and cuts through the sexual tension that was increasing by the second between the two of you, he stands up in front of you and your eyes level with his covered boner.
You could swear if passengers took their time and squint really hard they would notice.
He puts his hands in his pockets to loosen the tightness, and he can clearly see your eyes locked onto his erection. “It’s all for you.”
“Mister Kim?” The flight attendant calls for him again and he turns to walk to the front of the plane.
He grabs the speaker phone and turns to face the passengers.
“Good evening passengers, this is your captain Kim Namjoon speaking.” And fuck you can’t control yourself anymore.
“First I’d like to welcome you on Korean airlines flight number KA87 heading to Ilsan, we are currently third in line for takeoff.” He looks at his watch. “We are expected to be in the air in approximately eleven minutes, we’ll be up to a cruising altitude of 35 thousand feet, flight time will be one hour, if the seat belt sign is turned please remain seated with your seatbelts fastened.”
He looks at you in the eyes with one of his eyebrows shooting up. “In about ten minutes after departure the cabin crew will be coming around to offer you a light snack and a beverage, until then, sit back, relax and enjoy your flight, thank you.”
He closes the speaker phone and gives you one last look before he turns and heads back inside the cockpit.
You feel extremely impatient and you cannot wait for the second you land there, you have to let it out of your system and you don’t a single damn about his parents at this moment.
Almost 20 minutes into the flight, you’re leaning your head back and looking through the window, a second away from closing your eyes and taking a nap before you hear one of the flight attendants come out from the cockpit, you can’t take your eyes off of her especially when she’s walking towards you.
“Ma’am?” She leans forward to whisper. “We have the lavatory ready for you if you want to.”
You stare at her totally clueless of what she’s talking about, you even look behind you to make sure that she’s talking to you. “Huh?”
She turns her head to look towards the cockpit and you follow her eyesight, and you can see Namjoon waiting near the door with his hands in his pockets, eyes locked onto you.
He’s been waiting for this moment since forever. All his colleagues experienced the mile high club, and back when he was with his ex wife, they suggested that Namjoon should bring her along so he can have that experience too, but of course, they were never there together, they never even had a spark.
And finally, today Namjoon asked the cabin crew to empty out the lavatory throughout the entire flight so he can fulfill one of his long awaited wishes.
You and Namjoon had never done things publicly and you find it a little risky, the plane was too small and you’re not sure if you can control yourself.
You unbuckle your belt and watch Namjoon go inside the bathroom, you nod your head thank you to the flight attendant and follow Namjoon in there, your stomach drops at the excitement and thrill of this idea.
You lock the door behind you and look up at him. “Namjoon we can’t do anything here.”
He rolls his eyes and leans his arm on the door behind you to corner you in the little tiny lavatory that barely leaves you space to get away. “It won’t take ten minutes, come on.” He buries his face in the crook of your neck and inhales your scent before peppering you with little wet kisses on your skin that’s slowly heating up.
“Out of all places you want to have sex here?” Your eyes feel heavy when he sends goosebumps all over your body with his hot breath, he even whispers. “I’ve been wanting to do this to you for so long.” An audible smirk in his voice. “I want you to cum and I need to watch you trying to stay quiet.”
“They’ll hear us.” You hardly make the effort to push him because you want it too. And the thrill of being heard or caught makes your heart skip a beat and your thighs are already pressed together.
He prints one last kiss onto your jaw and leans his forehead against yours, his fingers wrapping around your neck not too tight. “You know, I kind of want them to hear us, or probably see you with my cum all over that beautiful face of yours.”
Your breath hitches when he tightens the grip around your neck and presses his body against yours, you can feel every inch of him against you including his angry cock that’s buried into his tight pant and begging to be let out.
He steals one kiss from your lips and goes down on his knees, lifting your shirt up to kiss your belly button and move further down to unzip your pants and pull them down with your panties to your ankles. His smirk doesn’t wash away when he sees how wet you already are when he barely touched you, and even when you two have been together for a while now this still boosts up his ego. “Look at you.”
“Shut up.” You whine and lean your head back against the door, your stomach dropping in anticipation at the thought of him touching you, at the thought of his mouth coming in contact to your wet folds.
His gaze meets yours for a split second, you feel your heart racing and you immediately look away, your face and body heating up, you’re slowly getting impatient, and he knows exactly how to tease you. Your body flinches and you immediately grab onto his hair when his plump lips finally landing onto your cunt, his tongue collecting the wetness that already escaped you and finally landing onto your clit before pulling back. He catches the string of your wetness that’s still attached to his lips with his finger and sucks on it. “Mmm.”
A rush of adrenaline combs your entire body that makes you grab tighter onto his hair and pull him towards you, of course he saw it coming and he’s been wanting to lick you clean, both his hands hug your thighs and he dives in, sucking onto your little throbbing bean and flicking his tongue against it, the taste of you sits on his mouth and you taste like absolute candy to him.
“Oh my god.” You find it hard to keep quiet when you feel your body slowly being drugged with pleasure, the man knows what to do with his hands and he slowly teases your entrance and pushes his middle and ring finger inside your clenching vagina making you gasp. He gets up onto his feet to whisper. “Fuck, I knew I’d enjoy watching you suffer to stay quiet.”
His cock is already bulging through his pants when he speaks, you move your knee up to rub it against his clothed boner, he bites onto his bottom lip as his hands work to his neck as he removes his neck tie quickly and grabs your hands together tying them up tightly, he grabs you by your shoulder and pushes you down on the bathroom floor, your head pressed against the door as he unzips his pants and takes out his dick to stroke it a couple of times before pointing it to your lips. “Open.”
You look him up in the eyes and bite onto your lips, he wraps his fingers around your neck and bends down to whisper while biting on his own teeth. “I said open.” And you obey immediately, opening your mouth and he doesn’t hesitate once before spitting on his palm and stroking his cock and shoving it into your mouth, tugging tightly on your hair and fucking your face.
You choke on him with your spit drooling down your chin and top, the tip of his cock repeatedly rubbing down your tonsils, subtle gags escape your mouth while you dig your nails into his thighs trying to slow him down but it was kind of useless. He throws his head back and his jaw falls down when he feels your throat tightening around every curve of his cock.
Your thighs are pressed against each other at the thrill of the situation, your body is acting up on it and you’re even turned on more at the thought of being caught or heard in the bathroom. Although Namjoon on the other side doesn’t care at all, he is willing to pound into you and he won’t care if you were caught or heard. His uncontrollable thrusts down your throat finally halt down when you push him strong enough to catch a breath, you look up at him and wipe your mouth with the back of your tied up hands while you’re panting. “Are you okay princess?” He leans forward towards you while he grazes his thumb on your bottom lip and jaw. Your innocent nods with your doe eyes locked onto his drives him insane. He’s even more impatient to fuck you senseless right now.
He helps you rise up on your feet and presses you against the door again to kiss you harder than before, you grab onto his cock to palm it slowly, you pull back from the kiss and bury your face in the crook of his neck to inhale his scent and kiss him, licking your way up to his ear. “Where do you want me to cum?” He barely speaks when he’s already out of breath.
You look into his eyes worried and confused for a second, he chuckles and turns you to face the lavatory door and whispers into your ear. “After I fuck you of course.” His hands already working to pull down your jeans and panties to your ankles, the view of your wet folds right in front of him makes him go feral and as much as he wants to eat you out again right now but he can’t leave the cockpit empty for too long.
“I can’t let you cum on my face when we’re less than an hour away from meeting your parents.” You look at him over your shoulder, he delivers a loud spank onto your ass and grabs his cock to rub your folds with the tip, smearing your wetness all over your pussy that’s already clenching and asking for attention. “Mmm.” Escapes your lips that you’re biting on when he presses against your entrance.
“Although it’s quite tempting to cum on that beautiful face of yours.” He pushes the tip of his cock into you making you hold your breath and clench onto your fists, the stretch is incredible and it’s already making you see stars. “I think it’s picture worthy.” He smirks and pulls out of you before spitting onto his fingers and rubbing your entrance and pushing back again slowly, this time pushing further inside you and the angle is driving you insane.
“Holy fuck.” You can’t seem to swallow your whimpers, he bites onto your earlobe before whispering. “That little slutty cunt of yours takes me so well baby, doesn’t it?”
“Mhm.” You agree right away and your eyes shut tight when he pushes his cock balls deep into you forcing a breath out of your lungs. His pulsating cock inside you feels so good when it hits all the right spots, and he doesn’t waste the chance to make you feel so good with his fingers when he uses two fingers to rub your clit slowly, your hips grind down on him and he takes at a sign to go when he feels your wet cunt relax around him.
 As he finally prepares to pound into you, he wraps one arm around your waist to pin you against him, and the other hand moves to your neck, his fingers wrapping around it and adding the perfect amount of pressure to make it feel better.
Slowly he starts moving his hips up against yours, the friction inside you is incredible and with each thrust the tip hits your spot making the pressure inside your stomach increase and you feel your body tensing. You cover your own mouth with your hand because you’re only seconds away from screaming out his name when he starts slamming inside you.
You look at him over your shoulder to meet his gaze, his eyes are lost between yours and the view of his cock disappearing in and out of you. And in his head he’s totally glad that condoms are officially off the table and no longer an option.
He feels your cunt relax around him before clenching again, he knows your body so well and he’s totally aware that you came surprisingly fast. Your eyes shut and your body shudders in front of him, your legs barely holding the weight of your body and you feel them shaking even.
Your chest rises to catch a breath and only one little whimper makes it out of your lips, your entire back relaxes and you grind your hips against his through your orgasm and he makes sure to pound into you faster through it too. You didn’t know it was physically possible but you feel yourself chasing after another orgasm even when you’re already over stimulated.
Right outside the door you’re leaned against is the flight attendant guarding the door, and she can clearly hear the sounds of your body meeting his which makes her rummage through the glasses to make any sort of noise for the passengers not to hear.
And Namjoon couldn’t give a single care whether people heard or even saw, his fogged up brain can’t comprehend anything but the fact that he’s fucking the woman he’s head over heels for raw which drives him feral and he even pounds harder inside you that you lose your gate and you can’t stand on your feet anymore.
He turns you to face him and lifts you up against the door to wrap your legs around him, and in less than a second he slams harder than before inside you. And you’re fucked already. Your hair is frizzy and your face is flushed red and sweaty, your heart is racing when you feel your next orgasm, and this time you feel it building in your shoulders and your lower back, it feels fucking insane that your tears roll down your cheeks, you cry out his name over and over with each bounce on him. It’s heavier than an orgasm and you know it, he knows it too.. “I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum for me baby, good girl.” He delivers a loud spank to your ass cheek that you instantly feel it heating up, and you can’t see it but it totally left a print there.
He grabs onto you tighter and seconds after fucking your breaths out of you, you’re squirting on him hard enough to push his cock out of you and he’s so aroused by what he’s seeing. You cry his name out again with your hand reaching down to your pussy to rub it while you’re squirting, his motion halting and slowly coming to an end when he feels your body calming down slowly.
He presses his forehead against yours and devours into your lips, you’re barely keeping  up with him when you’re trying to catch a breath, he puts you down onto your feet and turns you again to face the door, he needs to cum on the view of your ass spread onto his cock all fucked up by his dick, your squirt soaked him so wet. He reaches his hand for his cock and starts stroking it with his other hand onto your ass, his grip tightens around the head and he jerks himself off to the view of your swollen pink pussy. “Shit—“ He starts releasing his seed onto your ass and cunt, his body tenses with each release before finally relaxing and shooting the last drop near your entrance.
You reach your hand down to rub your clit with that drop, smearing it all over your pussy before putting your fingers into your mouth to taste him, your gaze meets his over your shoulder and you laughs lazily before reaching your hand down to his cock stroking it slowly, “Your pull out game is excellent.”
“I was forced out.” He mirrors your laugh and spanks your ass again making you giggle, you take a step forward and walk towards the mirror, turning to see your ass. “Great art work too.”
“Next time I’ll do the same art work on your face.” He shrugs. “No excuses then, I’m taking pictures of it.” He grabs the toilet paper and rips some.
“Then do it.” You look at him, blinking your eyes a couple of times and he laughs, thinking that you might be joking but you’re not, and he realizes that when you don’t laugh. “You’re kidding.”
And to prove that you’re not, you see his phone in his pocket so you pick it out and slide to the left to open the camera app and hand it to him. “I think this is picture worthy too. Unless you think otherwise.”
It takes him a couple of seconds to take the phone from your hand and get ready to take the shot. “Turn around.” And you don’t think twice, turning around and leaning forward a little to reveal the art work.
He proceeds to take the picture of your lovely ass painted with his cum, the head of his dick positioned against your butt cheek which makes the photos eve spicier. He doesn’t get enough as he kneels down and snaps a couple more pictures, examining them and snapping a couple more again, before getting up and handing you the phone, and if he had the time he would’ve licked you clean and made you cum one more time.
You grab his phone and scroll through the pictures before looking up at him. “Joonie do you think they heard us?”
He grabs the scrunched up toilet paper and runs it under warm water before cleaning you up. “I think so, yeah. So what? Who cares if they heard or not.”
“Oh my god. Of course you don’t care you’re going back to the cockpit but I have to get back to my seat.” You put your pants on. “Can I stay here for the rest of the flight?”
He chuckles before pressing one last kiss onto your lips. “I’ll walk out first if it makes you feel better.” He puts his boxers back on and zips his pants. “I’ll see you later.”
The sun was setting near the lake, you and his father rented a couple bikes and drove around the lake while chatting and even racing. Your stomach was starting to hurt from all the laughing and goofing around, the man was incredible and really sweet to you and he was enjoying the bike ride  more than you are. He does activities like that with his daughter but if felt really warm to the heart to be able to do this kind of activities with someone new.
Namjoon was watching you from afar with his mother, both carrying their hot drinks and walking around the lake, it was cold enough to put on heavy jackets and scarves, smokes of condensation rising up from their mouths as they speak. “Your father is having way more fun than I thought.”
Namjoon laughs and bobs his head. “Y/N is  a really nice person and it’s so easy being around her, it just feels normal.”
“Yeah, this afternoon your  father kept blabbering about her nonstop, she’s like a friend he never had.” She crosses her arms and sits on the nearest bench. “He loves her.”
“And you?”
“She makes my son happy, of course I love her.” She leans her head onto his shoulder. “And you?”
“Yes.” He very clearly answers, not beating around the bush. “I’m in love with her.”
He doesn’t even think before speaking as words just flow out of his mouth. “And I don’t think I’ve loved anyone this way before, I haven’t been completely honest with anyone about this yet, but I can easily see myself spending the rest of my life with her.”
“Joonie, honey you need to take things slower.” She worriedly speaks, her hand landing on his knee for reassurance. “I want you to choose her when you’re really sure that she’s the one.”
“I know she’s the one.” He wraps his arm around her shoulder and exhales, a large cloud escaping his mouth. “Do you think she feels the same way?”
“Otherwise she wouldn’t have agreed to spend the weekend with your old parents, and trust me she would’ve backed out on hanging out with your father.” Namjoon and his mother both look up at you and his father laughing your hearts out at how you almost fell into the lake after your last race.
“You’re  right.” He bites onto his lip when he sees you putting the bike down and sitting onto the floor near the lake, totally pooped out and exhausted. “I need to rest.” You even cough and put your hand on your stomach. You needed to catch a breath.
“Look at your father.” His mother laughs when she sees her husband put his bike down and land onto the floor next to you. “I’ve been trying to convince him for ages to come here and ride our bikes but it takes your girlfriend one dinner.”
“Should I be worried? Is he going to try and steal her away from me?” Namjoon jokes and rubs her shoulder. “Mom are you jealous?”
“Of course I’m not.” She straightens her back and takes a look at her husband who quickly rises on his feet when you do, you make your way towards a bunch of children skateboarding and ask to join them even when you never did it before. “Okay maybe I am, but just a little.” And Namjoon laughs at his mother while he’s anxiously looking at you worried you’d hurt yourself.
The moment he realized how he actually felt towards you, there’s this instinct that built inside him and he feels the need to protect you at all costs, and he needs to keep you safe, he wouldn’t want you to be hurt or upset. It may be a father instinct but not in a creepy way or anything because he feels the same way towards Jay. He’s always on standby when you’re away from him, ready to help you and pick you up if you fall.
“Is your father actually going to ride the skateboard? … Oh no he is.”
You’re holding his father’s hands while he’s trying to balance on the skateboard, and you’re laughing your heart out at him when he’s stiff and trying his best not to fall, and he’s bickering at you and biting onto his own teeth trying to hold a laugh.
Not only Namjoon and his mother are watching you.
There’s another set of eyes staring at you from far way wondering what you and Namjoon did to actually deserve being happy, because this person simply thinks you don’t.
She thinks that all the misery she’s currently going through is all because of him, she wasted her life being with him and she wasn’t even half happy, she never wanted him nor loved him.
Back when he tutored her when they were in high school she never thought of him more than a friend  or even a classmate, her parents never forced her neither, they simply manipulated her and made her think that he’s going to be her partner for the rest of her life.
They dated not because they wanted to, they simply dated because they were around each other the entire time, and if she recalls correctly, she never told him that she loved him because she never did, and she didn’t hate him neither back then.
Her entire life growing up was a literal struggle when her parents kept comparing her to him. Namjoon is better at this, Namjoon got a higher grade, Namjoon is smarter, Namjoon this Namjoon that.
Okay scratch the fact that she didn’t hate him, she does, and more than ever.
She hates the way he always looked at her, she hates the way he talks and even the voice tone he argued with, she couldn’t stand his touch, the way his hand felt on her skin was unbearable.
The nights she cried herself to sleep were countless, she thinks he doesn’t deserve this happy ending and he simply just can’t have it.
What made things even worse was in fact Jay, she can’t stand the man and now she has a piece of him lying around her and actually calling her mom, and by then she knowss she reached rock bottom.
And to be fair she wasn’t quite disappointed when she found out that he’s seeing someone, she thought it could be her only way out and it actually was. But Namjoon does not deserve to be this happy.
Seeing you with his family around the lake scratched something inside her and made her insist on fucking up your lives even more. She needs to take her revenge even when she can easily admit that it was equally her fault and he feels the same way towards her.
And what better way is there to hurt Namjoon than to hurt the person he loves the most?
Namjoon gets up on his feet quickly and rushes towards you when you fall to the floor while you were trying to balance on the skateboard. Your ankle hurts and you scraped your knee until it was actually bleeding. “It’s okay, you’re okay, right?” He gets down onto his knees to help you, you gasp when his hand hovers above your knee barely touching it. “It hurts.”
“You should’ve thought about this earlier when you decided getting on the skateboard.” Namjoon carries you up and puts you down on the nearest bench before looking around trying to figure out  a way to help you. “We’ll return the bikes, you can take her home.” His father suggests before Soohyun hits his shoulder. “You’re equally guilty.”
The man argues with his wife and Namjoon rolls his eyes. “I’ll take Y/N home.” And he proceeds to carry you up again and walk towards his car that wasn’t parked very far away before he takes you home.
“I’m sorry I probably ruined the night.” You land on his bed before he kneels down to wipe the blood on your knees with an alcohol swab. “Of course you didn’t, don’t say that, you were having fun.”
“I saw you talking to your mom.” You clench your fists into the bed sheets when the alcohol starts burning your wound, “I’m almost done. Yeah we were chatting.”
“Mhm.” You nod, then the room turns quiet for nearly a minute, you look at his lips twitching as if there’s something to say and he’s been hiding something. Before he finally speaks. “I’m in love with you Y/N.”
Your heart races because you didn’t see that coming, you knew it already but it felt different to actually hear it.
Your gaze shifts to his  eyes as he reciprocates, he clears his throat and exhales. “I’ve been wanting to tell you a couple nights before I got the divorce, I just didn’t want to scare you or something.. Which seems.. That you are.. right now?”
“N-no. I’m not scared, there’s nothing to be scared about.” You shrug nonchalantly, trying hard to keep a straight face, “I just… Didn’t see it coming like right now.”
“Right now?” He asks.
“I figured I’d be dressed up when you actually  say it, but right now I smell like blood and actually need a shower.”
He tilts his face as his eyes are still locked onto yours, before he leans in and presses the softest kiss to your cheek. “I don’t care.”
You find it very hard to say it back even when you feel the same way, it’s just that you never did this before, you never told anyone that you were in love with them too. “Okay.”
Honestly no answer was better than this answer. That was so stupid.
“Okay?” He laughs, this could usually set any guy off and it could easily mean that you don’t love him back. But Namjoon knows  you very well like the back of his hand and he knows you feel the same way. And he feels so relieved that he finally said it to you.
“Okay.” You giggle. He cups your cheek and kisses your cheek once more before saying. “Okay.” And nodding his head.
No matter how hard his ex wife tried to hurt you, Namjoon was always one step ahead of her, he’s been living with that woman for three years he knows how she thinks.
Her thought process was impaired and she was blinded by hate, he knew she’s onto something but he can’t tell you, and he’ll try his best to handle everything without you knowing and having to be worried or scared.
He was always there for you and he can’t let you get hurt.
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wheels-of-despair · 1 month
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Under Pressure | Eric x You vs. The Apocalypse | Series Masterlist
Chapter One: Through Gritted Teeth Summary: Once upon a time, in a miserable Midtown restaurant... you felt the need to rescue the brother-in-law you'd only just met. Words: 1.8k
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Matricide. Patricide. What's the word for when you murder your father-in-law?
Justified. You're going to call it justified.
Two days ago, your nemesis - also known as Albert, the old Englishman that your husband calls Dad through gritted teeth - announced a stateside visit. Your other half immediately went into Panic Mode, scrubbing the apartment from top to bottom, even though he knows that his father would never stoop so low as to set foot in there. He went in for a haircut this morning. He had a meltdown because he couldn't find his favorite tie this afternoon. It's going to take you months to undo this hour-long visit.
Because this time, you've realized that your father-in-law can treat someone worse than he treats your husband.
"I'll be in New York for a day. You should let me tear you down over dinner. Also, your little brother has been living 10 minutes away from you for a month, and neither of us thought to mention it until now. He'll be joining us, probably against his will. Pip-pip, cheerio, and Bob's your uncle!"
That's how you imagine the phone call happened, anyway.
Fast-forward to a miserable dinner in a ritzy Midtown restaurant where you serve as buffer between a haughty father and his two disappointing sons. One, a doctor with an office wall full of framed accomplishments and a nice apartment and a wife who's not so bad, if you do say so yourself. The other, a law student who's sure to do great things. After all, he did get into one of the country's top law schools, didn't he? They're smart, they're motivated, and they're both reduced to anxious little boys in that old bastard's presence.
You've seen Eric standing awkwardly in old family photos, where everyone's in pressed suits and wearing their best fake smiles, but you've never actually met him before. He looks a little like your husband, you suppose. Especially with panic in his eyes and a hint of sweat on his forehead. Eric is the youngest of six. Evan, the one you landed, is son number five. The first four had been big, strapping rugby players in school; one even went pro. They sought fame and fortune, becoming workaholics and alcoholics and bringing home trophy wives and a slew of entitled grandchildren. It was a lot to live up to. No matter what the youngest two did, they always seemed to fall short of their father's expectations.
"So Eric, how are you liking school so far?" you ask, after counting out sixty seconds of tense silence. The boy pleads with his big brown eyes, and you feel awful for thrusting him into the spotlight. In your defense, the first half-hour of sitting at this table had involved your husband listing every miracle he'd performed in the hospital during the last year. His father remained unimpressed. You figured it was time to switch gears. Share the load. Spread the misery.
"S'alright, I guess," he says quietly, giving you a sad attempt at a smile. You appreciate the effort anyway.
"It had better be more than alright," the old man scoffs for the umpteenth time tonight, "with what I had to pay to get him in. Evan, his grades made yours look impressive."
Evan smiles politely in acknowledgement of the back-handed compliment. Eric squirms in his seat, looking like he'd love for a sinkhole to open up and swallow him whole. You've seen your husband react the same way. What is this power the old man has over these poor boys, and how can you take it away from him?
"You're just getting started," you smile, ignoring the old man. "You'll settle in and find your groove, and everything will fall into place. Just give it time."
Eric puts a little more effort into this smile.
Albert's cell phone rings, and he answers it at the table. Rude, yes. But his sons are as grateful for the distraction as he is. The three of you eat quietly while the old man prattles on about something you don't care about, and it's the most relaxing part of this stressful evening. A waiter stops to drop off dessert menus as the old man ends his call.
"Do you think you've earned dessert?" he asks pointedly. Both of his sons put down their menus. If you weren't so eager to get the hell out of here, you'd order something massive, so you'd have to enlist the boys' help in eating it. But you drop your menu as well, because you're ready to go home and start building your husband's self-esteem back up. And possibly dig into a pint of ice cream.
"Let me just get the check," your father-in-law insists, waving for the waiter.
"No, Dad, let me," Evan argues, reaching for his wallet.
You hate the Let Me Pay Dance. It's the same every time. If the old man gets to the check first, the husband feels like a child who can't provide for himself. If the husband does, the old man accuses him of being a show-off. There is no winner here.
"If you insist," Albert says. Everyone freezes. You've been watching them play this game for years, and this has never happened before. "At least I have one son who offered."
Eric's face burns scarlet. This poor fucking kid. You glance at Evan, who meets your eye in surprise. He grapples with his wallet and gets his credit card out as the waiter approaches. Albert stares down his nose at Eric, who looks like he's seconds away from crying.
"Is it hot in here?" you ask, fanning yourself. Three pairs of eyes land on you.
"Are you alright?" Evan asks. You shoot him a look that you hope he understands.
"I think I need some fresh air. Eric, would you walk me outside?"
Eric stands without a word and helps you out of your chair. He even thinks to grab your purse. You pretend not to notice how he fumbles and nearly drops it.
"Take your time," you smile, touching Evan's shoulder as you walk away. You wish you didn't feel like such a traitor for leaving your husband alone with his father, but you have to get this kid out of there before he gives the old man more ammo.
Eric guides you through the labyrinth of tables, and by the time you reach the door, you're genuinely happy to be out of the crowded restaurant. You sit on the steps, off to the side so you're out of the way. The summer has just turned to autumn, and the cool breeze feels wonderful after months of stifling heat.
Eric takes off his brown suit jacket and drapes it over your shoulders anyway.
"Thank you," you whisper. He nods his head in acknowledgement, then sits next to you on the steps. You stare out at the traffic together in silence for a moment.
"Are you alright?" he asks quietly.
"I'm fine," you answer. "Are you?"
He looks at you blankly.
"Dinner with your father is always an experience," you wink. Eric stares down at the concrete in front of him, probably afraid to respond. "What do you think of the city?" you ask, hoping to get his mind off of the evening he's just suffered through.
"It's… different," he says. "Different than I thought it would be."
"Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?"
Eric shrugs, picking at a piece of fuzz on his pants. He looks so dejected, it makes your heart ache. At least Evan has someone to pick up the pieces and put him back together after his father rips him to shreds. Who does Eric have?
You glance back toward the door. They'll probably come out soon. You reach into your purse and extract a notepad, scribble some necessary information on it, and rip out the page. You hold it out to Eric, who stares at it for a second before taking it.
"Our numbers and address," you clarify. "If you ever need anything, just let us know."
"Thank you," he whispers, not taking his eyes off of the paper.
"I mean it," you smile. "I know what it's like to feel alone in a strange city. If you ever need anything at all, we'll be there."
"Thank you," he says again, looking at you with watery eyes. Did you overstep? Did you make it weird?
"Feeling better?" Evan calls, holding the door for his father. Eric blinks back his tears and stands with his back to them.
"Much," you answer. Eric reaches down to help you up, standing on the step below to make sure you don't fall. What a gentleman. You return his jacket, give his shoulder a light squeeze as thanks, then walk to your husband. Eric slowly follows.
"Well, it's been great catching up, but I have a few things to take care of before my return flight," your father-in-law says, glancing at his watch. He shakes Evan's hand, gives you a nod, and Eric a pointed stare. And then he whirls around and disappears into the night.
"Nobody touch me, if I'm subjected to any more affection tonight, I may not survive," you deadpan.
Two mouths quirk into very similar smirks.
"I should get going, too," Eric mumbles. "It was nice to meet you," he says to you, followed by a "Thank you for dinner" to Evan.
"You're welcome," Evan says politely. "Take care."
"You too." Eric gives you a nod, appears to hesitate briefly, then turns. You look from one brother to the other and roll your eyes.
"Oh, for fuck's sake," you groan, grabbing the back of Eric's suit jacket. He freezes, then looks back at you in surprise. "C'mere," you order, pulling him in for a hug. It's tense for a second, but he doesn't protest. You feel him relax, and maybe even chuckle? When you release him, he has a shy smile on his face.
"You take care of yourself," you order, hands on his shoulders. " And call us if you need anything. Okay?"
"Okay," he grins.
"Now you may go," you inform him. Still grinning, he gives you an awkward wave and turns to leave again. This time, you let him. You wait 'til he rounds the corner, then look to your husband. You can't quite decode the expression on his face. Amusement? Curiosity? You decide to tackle it with humor.
"Dear Diary," you tease. "Tonight, my father finally let me pay for dinner. It was the best day of my life!"
"Shut up," he laughs, putting an arm around your shoulders and steering you toward home.
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nat-space-obsessed · 6 months
"I'm 23." "No, You're Not."
Crossposted on AO3!
It turns out to be very hard to get a tattoo when you look eternally 14.
Prompt by @charcoalhawk
"Kid, You're like twelve. That's a fake ID. I'll get in trouble if I let you get a tattoo here." 
"As I said, I am literally 23. I've been 23 for five months now. It is on my ID. I swear to you that my ID is real." Danny repeated for the third time that hour. 
Danny had been going to get a tattoo, his second, actually, and both times so far he had come across one issue: 
His eternally 14 year old face. 
"I told you, this can't be a real ID, you look twelve."
"I look fourteen, thank you very much."
"You realize that doesn't help, don't you?" The girl behind the counter retorted. 
No, it doesn't. 
One thing about being immortal is that you forget that you are immortal. Danny's ID has his birth date and his current photo. It's not his fault that he looks fourteen!
Actually it is. He's the one who died. 
"If I told you it's a health condition, would you believe me?"
"Not without a doctor's note. Either way, kid, even if you are somehow older than 16, you can't get a tattoo even with parental consent. We live in Illinois."
Danny hated being locked out of things due to his perceived age. Even when he was in college, and all of his classmates thought he skipped a bunch of grades to get where he was. Every time he met someone new he had to go through the same spiel. 
'I'm nineteen, yes I look young, it's a medical condition, yes I am in my second year of college' yadda yadda yadda. It had been four years and it only got worse. 
It was worse when he was going to different age restricted places, such as bars and tattoo parlors, which thought that he was a literal kid. 
"Look. I already have a tattoo, isn't that enough??"
"How do I know you didn't have a friend do that for you, huh? I remember middle school with all of the stick-n-pokes."
"Does this look like a stick-n-poke???" No, it doesn't. It was a full color three quarter arm in a neo-traditional style. It was a ghost, because he loves his irony. 
Danny kept staring at the girl behind the counter, not blinking the whole time, as she stared at him incredulously. 
"I'm going to have to ask you to leave if you keep being a problem."
"I'm not being a problem! You're the one who isn't listening as I try to explain my situation!"
"Kid, you aren't going to get a tattoo from this place." She sighed. "Look, I can call my boss and she can make the final call on it." 
"Yes! Please! Do!"
The girl in front of him walked into the back room and called a name that Danny hadn't heard since high school. "Hey! Star!"
Wait, Star? 
"What is it now, Kay?" A familiar voice rang out, in an exasperated voice. 
"Look, there's this kid at the front who says he's 23, he has an ID that looks like it checks out, but he looks twelve. Literally twelve." 
"God, Kay. Just tell him no!" A woman walked out from the back room, and looked at Kay, then made eye contact with Danny.
"Wait, FENTON? Damn, you literally haven't changed since freshman year!" The blonde girl laughed. 
"Star! It's been so long, I can't believe you recognize me!" Danny smiled. "You started a tattoo parlor?" 
"Yeah, after high school, I decided to apprentice at that one parlor down the road from school? Yeah you know the one, right?"
"I got my first tattoo there! this one," Danny pointed to his three quarter. 
"Was it James? I apprenticed under him." Star smiled at Danny. 
"Wait, Star, you know this kid?" 
"We went to high school together. I was a bit of an asshole, but we made up at the end of senior year! We'd all been through a lot together, you know what they say about trauma bringing people together!"
Danny smirked at Star. "You still in contact with Paulina?" He started, "Have you heard about her new girlfriend?"
"Oh yeah! We had a double date not too long ago, you know, me and Kwan."
"I always thought you and Kwan would get together! You guys were always pretty good with each other."
"WAIT, wait wait, so Star, he's not lying about his age??" The girl behind the counter said. 
"Yeah, he's looked that way since freshman year, some sort of medical condition, right?"
"It was a whole thing in senior year, we were comparing yearbook photos, it was so funny to see Dash freak out like that."
Danny and Star laughed at the memory. 
"So, can I get my tattoo now?" 
"Oh for sure! I'd love to get you started on that, do a quick consultation." Star led Danny to her office in the back. 
The girl at the front counter grasped her head in frustration. 
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thatsarcasticgemini · 3 years
Alone time
Ash Lynx x reader
A/n: Banana fish broke me, but writing is my coping mechanism, so...This is an AU where Ash and the reader are married and live in Japan, Ash being a model. Also, Shorter is alive cause I said do ( i would die for him to live tbh). I am so sorry for any mistakes.
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     Babysitting is a very challenging task, especially when the kid is a carbon copy of the most intelligent, cheeky and bratty man Eiji had ever met. Isaac Callenreese was giving the man a headache and pills were not fixing it. Sure, he knew what he was getting into and knew how much Ash and Y/N needed a break from parenting, but why on earth did he agree? At least Shorter was there to help him right?
     Wrong! Shorter was like a second kid. Yelling, running, coloring, making a mess and getting little Isaac even more agitated. Just how much energy did the 5 year old have? 
“Shorter, please! You are 30! Your playing days are over. You’re gonna break something and I will yell. I almost had Isaac under control, but then you came along to ruin the peace we had. Isaac come here right now or I’ll call Ash!”
“Jeez, Eiji...you almost sound like a grandpa! I haven’t seen Isaac in about a year. I missed him a lot, you know? Little gremlin did a lot of growing up!” said Shorter, with the same goofy smile he had all those years ago. Isaac was seated on the his lap, looking up at his favourite uncle with a wide grin. Based off the resemblance between him and Ash, Eiji could already sense some sort of comment coming.
“Nuh-uh. I wanna stay right here. Call dad “dad” please. And I love uncle Shorter, he’s taller, funnier and smarter than you, uncle Ji. He was telling me how dad knows how to ride a motocycle! It doesn’t get better than this!”
“Yes it does. If you stay quiet for five more minutes, I can get the rice done and I can tell you how Ash and Y/N..”
“Mom and dad, uncle Ji!”
“How mom and dad met while we eat. Does that sound nice?”
“Dunno, let me ask uncle Shorter too.” The two began whispering to each other while Eiji rolled his eyes. Just one more hour and Ash would be here to pick his spawn up. After a minute, both Shorter and Isaac nodded their heads and went to sit down at the kitche table.
     Once the table was set and the rice was done cooking, Eiji put it is bowls are brought it to the table. They all dug in, but Isaac seemed to be watching Eiji with great intrest, expecting the story he was promised.
“So Ash and Y/N...”
“Mom and dad. Continue uncle Ji.”
“Mom and dad met around 9 years ago. They met here, in Tokyo, and I am proud to announce that I am the one who got them to meet up, since Y/N went to the same highschool as me. We were both on the drama club in my third year. She was about 2 years younger than me, but she was so mature. Anyway, they started dating around three months after they met. The had a really pretty relationship. You dad was so hooked he embarrassed himself in front of her on multiple ocations. They got married two years later, lived together for two more years and then you came along. You were a very loved little boy. I wish I took a picture of the face your dad made when he held you for the first time.”
“Yeah! He teared up, but don’t tell him you know. You had this little puff of blond hair on your head, it was as fluffy as the little kitty we saw this morning, if not fluffier.” Isaac had look in his eyes that Eiji had only seen once before and that was when Ash told him about Dino and his childhood. The tiny blond seemed to be so vulnarable almost like a porcelain figure. 
“What about mom? Was she happy to see me?” There it was. The love Isaac, much like his father, held for her. It was like they would both die if it wasn’t for her love.
“Well of course she was. She really loves you, you know? Your mom loved you even before she had the pleasure of holding you. You have been one of her favourite people ever since she found out you were in her belly. They both love you a lot.”
“Then why am I here? Why wouldn’t they take me with them? Why do they want alone time?” Eiji couldn’t find an answer. He looked at Shorter, who still had that dumb grin.
“Well, Isaac, mom and dad need to rest every once in a while. Since mom got pregnant with your brother or sister, she hasn’t really been able to rest properly, so dad wanted alone time with her to help her rest, but I am sure they will both be so very happy to see you.”
     Just like magic, there was a knock at the door, Eiji went to open it, while Isaac trailed behind him, with his little backpack in hand. The door opened to reveal Ash and the boy jumped in his arms at the speed of light. 
“Wow! Hi bub! I missed you so much. How was today hmm? Did you have fun with uncle Ji and uncle Shorter? Were they nice to you?”
“Mhm, they told me how you and mama met. I miss mama, is she in the car?”
“No bub, she’s at home. She missed you too. Told me we should race all of the cars and get home in under ten minutes. We have cake.” And with that, Isaac was set back on the ground and the little boy dashed to the car. 
“Damn gremlin didn’t even say bye. Here i was thinking we have something special.”
“Hi Shorter! Hi Eiji! I can’t thank you enough for tonight. She really needed it.” 
“It’s ok Ash. He is a little loud and Shorter here is never truly helpful, but it’s our pleasure. Are Y/N and the baby ok?”
“Hm, not really. I mean the baby seems to be fine, but she isn’t. Throws up everything she eats. The doctor said it is because her body is getting used to the pregnancy, but this didn’t happen when we had Isaac. I’m just worried for her.”
“She’s strong. She can take it I’m sure.” Shorter nodded, agreeing with Eiji’s statement. 
“I know Eiji, I’m not worried about that. Truth is she seems happy to be pregnant. She’s beaming all the time, even after she got everything she ate out, and I feel bad. I feel like she’s in pain. Her smile makes me feel even worse.” Shorter laid a hand on his best friend’s shoulder, taking his sunglasses off. 
“Ash...listen to me. Y/N is someone who’s never lied to you about anything. She’s been genuine about everything. She would never fake a smile and she would tell you if she wanted to abort the baby. The fact that she’s smiling and being her bubbly self only means that the pregnacy isn’t that hard on her. Trust me Ash. I see the look in her eyes when the baby is brought up in any conversation. She’ll be fine. You’ll be a bigger family. Loosen up a little.” 
“Thank you Shorter. I owe both of you a drink. I’ll call you. Thank you for babysitting again.” And with that, all three of tehm smiled at each other while Ash picked the tiny shark backpack and went back to the car.
     Once inside, the older blond turned towards the younger one, smiling.
“Ready to see mom, bub?”
“Mhm! Is she feeling better?”
     The car ride was one of the happy moments Ash wanted to hold onto. The sang together and talked about how Shorter told Isaac about the motorcycle.
“It’s true, you know? I do know how to ride one. When you’re older, I can teach you too.”
“I wanna ride one now. I’ve seen my friends with theirs, I want one too!”
“Those are lame. I’m talking about the real ones. That’s the true fun.”
     Once at home, Ash dropped everything on the floor and went to help his son hung his coat on the wall. The little boy jumped out of his red sneakers and ran down the hall yelling for his mom. 
“In the kitchen baby. I was cutting you a slice of cake.It’s vanilla, since I know you like the chocolate one’s less. Where’s daddy?”
“Right behind you.” said Ash, placing his hands on her hips and swaying her a little. She turned around to give him a kiss on the cheek, but her 5 month bump got in the way, making her pull a frustred face and Ash smile even more. Isaac pushed his dad to the side a little, making grabby hands at his mom. No matter how old he acted, his real age was always given away by his gestures around his mom. 
     Getting his slice of cake, Isaac turned back towards the living room. Eating on the couch was never truly forbidden.
“Mama, tomorrow is Yuri’s birthday. He celebrating it at home, I have the invitation in my drawing notebook. Can I go?”
“Sure you can. we just have to go buy a gift in the morning.”
“A birthday huh? That means a little more alone time for us two.” Y/N hid her face in her husband’s neck, smiling a little. Ash’s finger went to the back of her neck, getting her to look up at him to give her a kiss, but then...
“Gross! He likes cars mama, go brainstorm on that insted of smooching dad in the kitchen!”
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chocolate-teapots · 2 years
Consigliere: Jeon Jungkook
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             You’re left to pick up the pieces of a criminal world you 
           know little about and Jungkook is there to pick up you.
Warnings: mafia, organised crime, graphic descriptions of murder, altered perceptions of criminal life, mentions of suicide, extreme guilty conscience, guns, shooting, car explosions, gunshot wounds, bodily harm, discussion of religion, corruption, smoking, unfairly hot half Italian Jungkook.
"Comare Romano, benvenuto al potere."
The faces I grew up with flocked into the office, queueing with pride to pay their respects. It was strange having them kiss my hand now, usually, a woman would extend her hand first but I wasn't just a woman anymore.
"Tuo padre sarebbe orgoglioso."
This should be the best moment of my life. No amount of kisses on the cheek or congratulations could change the fact that my family was dead and I was a criminal.
"Grazie, Marcello."
The Comare was the female equivalent of a Don and literally translates as the Godmother. It made sense, the men I was currently surrounded by were all my chosen family, chosen just like you would the godparents of your child.
And the Godmother protects.
It's what we do. It's all about protection, protection for the people who can't go to the police. It wasn't even about the money, if the life was free we wouldn't charge or make business but we gotta all eat somehow.
We just want crime off our streets and...
They were our streets.
"To new beginnings."
They all raise a glass, exchanging glances and a million words but none could quite sum this up. I didn't feel present, I didn't even see who poured me a drink, who put it in my hand or even what we were toasting. But I faked a determined grin and raised my whiskey.
"To new beginnings."
I quickly learnt from a young age that this life wasn't like the movies. In reality, the mafia is your doctor, your lawyer, your teacher, the guy who fixed your car and the guy who sold it to you. It's the everyday people that make it scarier.
Then I was left alone in this room for the first time. It didn't feel mine, didn't feel real. It felt uncomfortably juvenile like putting on your mother's heels when you were a kid. Underneath the sharp clothes and intimidating nonchalance, I was just a girl who missed her father and her brother.
I almost wished that my father was murdered in some dramatic rival assassination just so I'd have someone to blame, somewhere to put all this hate but when he had a stroke the only thing I could do was yell at some poor innocent doctor and punch a few holes in the hospital wall.
My brother Tony, that was fresh. They died within just five days of each other. Suicide. Tony was the perfect heir apparent to the empire, he was rude, arrogant, charming and ruthless. But, it turns out he didn't want it either, didn't feel up to the job.
Why couldn't he have just taken a car and run away? Why did he have to die?
But at least Tony got out when he could. We'd only just buried him and I was already replacing him.
A faint knock at the door makes me straighten in my chair. I can picture the intricate tattoos on his knuckles as he does it.
I know it's him since he doesn't bother to wait for an answer, knowing I wouldn't want to see anyone for a long while. He steps in anyway, frame solid and impressive even in the darkness of this room, hair parted and pointed in a way that makes his eyes look even sharper even more dangerous.
"You wanted me?"
I met Jungkook 5 years ago when he was hired by my father and eventually assigned him to guard me specifically since I was so young at the time just like him and related to the most dangerous man in New York. He was a living action man, too strong and capable for his own good. Jungkook would do anything for anyone.
But eventually, he grew to be more than just someone who would throw themselves in front of a gun for me, he was someone who could see through me like I was cellophane.
"We're meeting Jimmy Walker in half, we're helping his mayor campaign. Get the car ready."
Jungkook was quiet, he knew what this meant but still chose to say nothing in case he was wrong. I find it difficult to show affection so I can't say it outright. I have to boss him around until he gets the idea.
"And, keep tabs of Marcello and the rest, I know he won't handle being demoted well. If so much as the first letter of my name comes out of their mouth I wanna know about it."
I carried on, lifting an eyebrow when he still hadn't answered me. He just stood there as solid as a brick wall, hands folded behind his back like a soldier and gaze completely fixed on the space between my eyebrows.
At first, I thought he stood that way because he wasn't comfortable around me but I eventually found out his father used to make him walk around with a mop behind his back and between his elbows, beating him if he started to slouch.
"Y/N, only the Consigliere does the political stuff. I'm just the guy with the gun," he declares more than explains waving his black pistol in the air, wide-eyed at the possibility that maybe he was-
No, he couldn't be.
"I know it's the Consigliere's job that's why I'm asking you to get your coat and get in the car sweetheart."
He wasn't protesting, he was making sure.
"But I'm only half Italian."
"That's true but the fact of the matter is that a Consigliere is the person that I'm meant to trust the most. You think I trust anyone here more than you?" I ask softly and sincerely, standing and pulling out my hair from my coat as if gets tucked inside. He deserved this more than anyone. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.
Jungkook is a man of very little emotions but even he couldn't fight the grin tickling the corners of his pink lips. It's infectious, makes my chest contract.
It wasn't an unknown thing in my mind that I was in love with him, I admit it to myself every day. This love was the perfect amount of agony and this agony was the only consistent thing in my life so I'd take what I could get. I wasn't sure if he felt the same or if his comforting presence was just out of obligation to my father. Either way, he could never know.
The last boyfriend I had that my family knew about at least I had found 2 weeks after introducing him to them at dinner dead on my kitchen floor, brain blown to pieces and blood stained the entire kitchen floor. I had to get new tiles.
"It would be an honour being by your side."
It's a controversial move but there was no one else I would rather be with than him.
"Good. I wouldn't have taken no for answer anyway."
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Jimmy Walker was another sleaze bag politician who was willing to risk his life for his reputation. He was greedy and it was a common rumour that he was taking money from big businesses to switch some health and safety policies around if he ever became mayor.
"Comare Romano, I know how you guys work I just- I don't want this to fall back on me you know?"
Jimmy's nervous, sweating through his cheap beige suit on the other side of his desk. There were pictures on the walls of him and some D list celebrities, they weren't even signed.
When he's done talking Jungkook looks at me and then I know the feeling of disrespect wasn't just 'first day on the job paranoia.'
"It upsets me Jimmy that you make me haul my ass 30 miles over here a couple days after burying my brother, making me listen to your shoddy demands to fix your fucking mess and now you're telling me how to do my job? That you're unsure?"
I didn't think it was possible for a guy to be chilled to the bone and sweating profusely at the same time. Walker is stunned, unable to do anything but try and talk himself out of the grave he had dug himself into.
"Comare, I meant no disrespect to you or your family. I'm just nervous I really want this campaign under my belt and if people find out I turned to you for help, well I might as well resign now."
One of the most important things I learnt from my father was that you had to let the guy finish talking, even if he was disrespecting your mother, so he hears how stupid he sounds by the end of his speech.
And, it didn't take a genius to tell that Jimmy Walker was one stupid asshole.
"Jimmy, they're not gonna find out and even if they do they won't say shit because they know who we are and how to respect us, something you have made no effort to do since I walked into this room," I calmly scold him from my chair and he shrinks under Jungkook's deadly glare.
"I'm doing you a favour here, you're not giving me anything in return. If you think that you running for mayor makes you special and untouchable you're in for a big fucking surprise. I've got guys like you all over waiting to take that stand and all I've got to do is snap my fingers and you're out of the running without a trace."
He swallows.
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Anyone else would've killed him but I was a firm believer that you could talk your way out of almost anything, that's what I thought about during the ride home. I sighed, rubbing my pounding forehead in my palm as I look at the window, my eyebrows feeling as though they were quite visually pulsating.
"You know you don't have to put it on in front of me right?"
I look to Jungkook to my left, not realising he'd been staring for a while then at the driver who put up the privacy screen under my watch.
"We need to send Jimmy a message, in case I wasn't clear enough don't you think?"
He hums in thought, pretty big eyes fixed on my knees.
"I don't think you would've left that room if you still thought he didn't get the message."
Jungkook is still careful with what he says which is exactly what I was afraid of. He knew deep down that even though he was talking to me, things were different now and I didn't like that. Maybe he was just tiptoeing for now with this unfamiliar territory. So I push him over the edge.
"You think he spoke to me like that because I'm a woman?"
"I think it's irrelevant," he blurts before he can stop himself. Check.
"I don't kill people. You don't think I should overcompensate?"
I don't kill but I also don't think that makes me above anyone here. Just being related, knowing the things I know and doing absolutely nothing to stop it makes me just as much of a killer as any of these guys.
But, Jungkook killed people every week with his own hands. You could imagine my surprise when he still managed to understand what I was feeling. That's how I know he's the one.
"You don't have to. If you do this right nobody has to die."
No pressure. I looked into his glistening eyes and as usual, found nothing but sincerity and that sharp way he looked at me that I couldn't exactly describe.
"Plus that's why you have me. I get my hands dirty so you don't have to ruin your nails," he jokes, grinning boyishly in the way that makes him 10 times younger and 25 times more attractive.
It was contagious as I also looked down to my lap with a smile, shaking my head at his ability to make me laugh no matter the circumstances. But at the same time, I knew he was right. Jungkook always works alone because he always gets the job done. He was the only reliable and consistent thing about this.
Then I feel his hand over mine on the seat as I look out of the window and I struggle to not look back. He turns my palm over, squeezing it reassuringly with his surprisingly soft fingers and I have to settle for imagining how the black ink looks intertwined with my fingers.
"You can do this Y/N. You can do anything."
It's bittersweet and that perfect agony.
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Two weeks go by and I manage to keep my hands relatively clean. People come they ask for things and they go and I had to do very little so far to give that a push. But, I also knew it was only a matter of time, that I'd been very lucky and that this wasn't permanent. This wasn't even half the life and I couldn't get used to it.
The pot began to boil on a late Tuesday dinner with Jimmy Walker, his administrator (aka. his very own consigliere) Johnny Paige, Jungkook and my underboss and my father's best friend Marcello Rossi.
Carpaccio had a sweet little Italian joint around the corner from us and my father did a lot of business there, we had a little money invested in the place too and Carpaccio paid us back in dinner and warm service. I always made sure to leave a little wedge in the pocket of his apron whenever we came in here just like my father did and his father before him.
The guy was family.
"Have you heard Anthony whats-his-name, Aileen's son, Tony Russo that's the guy, he's been asking around for you," Jimmy grins as we engage in casual conversation. At the end of the day, you had to butter up and season the chicken before you cook it.
I'm staring at Jimmy and watching him squirm and pretend as if he doesn't notice it. I'm looking at him like he's my worst enemy, coming into my house going through my fridge and sitting on my couch watching my tv without asking.
"What's that grease ball want now?" Jungkook laughs under his breath his large shoulders shaking, fork digging into his steaming hot Rigatoni by my side. My head always snaps to him when he smiles, like magnetic energy even if it was just a smirk.
"Nobody's hiring him to sing except for weddings."
Between the scraping of forks and spoons against plates, wine sipping, pouring and the quiet ambience of the chattering around us, the laughter of the table could be heard. We were just finishing what I considered a very successful meal but dessert was yet to come.
"Good, it's the closest the guy'll ever get to getting married. Humour him a little," I mumble casually with an unlit cigarette in between my painted lips flicking around.
The table laughed again, louder this time and Jungkook flicked out his lighter and lit my cigarette for me before lighting his own, his jaw sharp enough to cut the bread.
I didn't know if they were laughing so loud because it was funny or because they felt like they had to. Either way, I was distracted by Jungkook's cheekbones every time he inhaled and how plush his lips looked with a cigarette balanced between them.
"Tell him to expect a call from Tucci, I'll get him a slot at Ronnie's as long as he doesn't turn up drunk, again," I say wrapping it all up by putting out my cigarette and getting up on my feet shaking the hands of all the disgusting strangers at the table "Gentlemen, I'm glad we've finally found some middle ground. Best of luck in the election."
I wink at the joke. There was no luck when we were involved.
"Grazie, Comare."
We're walking out, standing in a line and watching the two men getting into their big black town car with smug grins as if they've conquered the world. I light another cigarette watching the car drive away into the late evening musk, the smoke heating up my body more than the thick coat on my shoulders.
The streets were starting to empty as people had long left their work and it was too soon for them to start drinking in the bars. The car reaches the first set of lights before it is engulfed in flames.
My heart jumps but my body is still, fully aware that I was standing close in between two men to whom I had something to prove.
Cars swerve in opposite directions, pulling up at either side of the sidewalk and some even try to approach the car but another sudden cloud of flames makes them think otherwise. The explosions don't stop as if nature isn't quite finished with the two jackasses in the car, not until they're dust.
This was a long time coming but recent events had pushed this plan into furious motion. Jimmy Walker's sorry face was the front page spread of every newspaper in the city in relation to a woman who was murdered shortly after coming forward about bribing in the police since he too had received these same payments. If even a dollar from that cash could be traced back to us we were near finished.
Jimmy Walker was a terrible excuse for a man, that was my reason and I felt like he deserved what he got. I know the others agreed mainly because he was half Irish.  
I take a long drag, watching the flames part to reveal the skeleton of the car enjoying how it didn't look as arrogant or tasteless anymore. There were no screams, no blood, you couldn't even see the assholes inside being burned into fatty liquid on the soft leather.
The only thing I can say is:
"Asshole didn't even tip."
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I was getting braver, seizing every opportunity I could to prove myself to the rest. It was only a matter of time before this started getting to my head. Ronnie's bar was trashed in a shootout with a couple of amateurs on the outskirts of the city and our own inside. We had to retaliate since it was half-owned by us and Ronnie was a very good friend who paid for protection.
It took less than 30 minutes to find the assholes and it got personal once we found out they were two of Jimmy Walker's old henchmen coming back for one last piece of pie. They sat in the middle of the bar, tied to chairs and gagged while we stood trying to figure out what to do with them.
But, I'd already made up my mind.
Jungkook stepped forward to the task but not even his brows sweetly furrowed or his shape in the tight-fitting clothing he wore could simmer the boiling inside of me. I was being cooked by my fury, it was the disrespect, the audacity that someone has to think they can mess with us.
"Ok, here's the pla-"
Two gunshots.
It was clean and so quick no one even registered what happened until they saw the gun pointed at the slumped bodies and followed it to see me standing unblinking on the other end.
It was quiet again, judgement and unsaid words floating through the air like an overwhelming stench as I put the gun down and walk out. I took care of it like it was nothing.
Because it was.
Jungkook wasn't exactly the biggest supporter of my newfound courage as I had finally ridden myself of my training wheels and decided to go biking on my own. I found him watching me intently, studying my actions as if the way I rubbed my eyes was incredibly meaningful.
It made me angry because of how uneasy it was knowing that the person you trusted the most no longer trusted you.
But importantly, Jungkook had forgotten what his job was and though he was entitled to question my decisions he could in no way shape or form stop them.
Cleaning up the mess of Ronnies was easy. Instead of forking out to repair the place we just pulled an old trick out of the magician's hat and lit the place up and split the insurance. Our cut was currently sitting pretty in the middle of our poker table, blurring in the cloud of smoke that came from all the seats around it.
I was on fire. It was like everyone and everything was on my side as every card I touched brought home the cash despite the fact I was the one who needed it the least. That's not to say I didn't want it. Momentum was fierce and I was just dealing them all in when in walks- no stomps a very angry Jeon Jungkook.
I noticed him walk in as I always do taking a second to look at his arms and chest in his tight black top, a tiny smirk playing on my lips as I look down pretending as if I hadn't seen him at all.
Oh, he was mad.
"Jeon! We're just starting another round, want me to deal you in?" I call, still dealing the cards and voice slightly unclear with a cigarette in between my lips once more.
"Can I have a word?" his knuckles are white and cut up, nails digging into the palms of his hands as he balls up his fists. I make a point of noticing them as if asking him if he really was thinking about punching me too.
"I'm wiping the floor with these guys, what do you want?"
Jungkook takes another step, heavy boots almost splitting the creaky floorboards.
"Why the fuck was Torelli on the torching job with me?" he yells, voice way over the socially acceptable volume when talking respectfully to a Comare.
So the table goes quiet, the men stop drinking and smoking, their eyes fixed on the rude kid standing before them.
"That sounds an awful lot like a Consigliere questioning the Comare," I warn, one eyebrow-raising as I stop dealing.
"Why? Answer me goddamn it!" he continues to press, anger taking over his every sense.
"Take it easy, kid," Al Vittorio kindly tries to knock some sense into Jungkook but he wasn't having it.
Jungkook always was a stubborn little shit.
"Fuck you Al this doesn't concern you!" he explodes, tattooed finger pointed right at the older man in the comical glasses making the table erupt in muttering scolding madness "Why did you tell him to come along?"
"I thought you could use an extra pair of hands since your fingers are busy stuck in every pie there is around here."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Don't be stupid, you know what it means," I pick up my cards and the rest follow as we resume the game showing I have absolutely no desire to address this right now or ever.
"Can we talk?"
I sigh, dramatically slamming my cards face down onto the table before muttering to the group smirking "Gotta go babysit, sorry to ruin my winning streak gentlemen maybe now you actually have a chance."
They all snicker with their heads low in their cards at the black-haired man, mocking him as I made intense glorious eye contact with him. I knew and took great pleasure in the fact that Jungkook hated being made fun of.
I place my hand around the back of his shoulder guiding him away
"Come on we'll talk it out, let's sort this out," I soothe him, pretending that I cared about his stupid problems when really all I wanted to do was play cards.
He almost falls for it until the office door shuts behind him and he's being pushed forcefully into an armchair. He lands with a winded grunt, my sudden strength taking him off guard and he's eyeing my every move as I take the chair opposite him with absolutely nothing between us to stop him from launching at me.  
But even through the dark lighting, the dimming sunlight through the blinds lighting up just his electric eyes, you could see traces of fear and apprehension. He knew what I could do to him and he also knew I was no longer myself anymore.
It felt good.
"Who the fuck do you think you are to be talking to me like that? I pay your bills and put food on your table, show me some fucking respect."
Like a kid being scolded he realises his mistakes and like a kid who realises his mistakes he stays silent rather than apologises.
"You never spoke to my father like this so what's gotten into you?"
"Huh?" I raise my voice and I notice him jump at the sudden change.
"First he's staring at me, then he's trying to change the whole fucking plan, then he's mouthing my ear off so we almost don't drive away before the smoke starts pouring out and then I find out you personally asked him to be there and annoy the shit out of me," Jungkook rants, solid chest rising and falling rapidly as he's overcome with the memory of his annoying coworker.
"So what are you doing y/n?"
"Jungkook when you enter the mafia you have two choices in life: the first one is jail and the second is death. When you are a leader and you die, it will always be your best friend on the other side of that gun. I'm just making sure that isn't happening too soon."
He shakes his head at my distrust, my paranoia as if I was spitting out drug-induced nonsense. He doesn't linger on the fact that I just called him my best friend.
"This isn't you, you're being reckless, heartless, arrogant. And, I'm sorry but it's not you."
"I grew up. I suggest you do the some before it's too late," I hiss at Jungkook as he starts to stand, ready to leave the room and I'm watching his broad back contract. "And I haven't given you permission to leave so sit the fuck down!"
Jungkook, as the most childish grown man you know, stomps back over to the seat huffing in defeat and sits down dramatically, mocking your every order. But he still sits pressed right against the back of the chair, like there was a belt around it slowly tightening.
"You know what I can do and don't think for one second that I wouldn't do it to you because that's bullshit," you coldly begin eyes narrowed and suddenly emotionless at the man who used to mean everything to you "I could come into your room at night, fuck you up so hard they'd have to stitch you back together just so your mother wouldn't faint at the funeral and not lose a minute of sleep."
Jungkook's glare disappears, eyes settling into a state of despair as he's genuinely hurt. At that moment, I was too overcome with the horrible feeling of being challenged and disrespected that I realise that I was slowly losing him and myself along the way.
And, it just wasn't worth it.
"What would Tony say if he were here?" he asks thickly, not trying to get through to me but trying to make sense of his heartbreak.
He knew I couldn't talk about Tony, I couldn't even think about him because of my own guilt. Tony came to me a few nights a week hysterical about the inevitability of it all and I told him he didn't have a choice, that this was his life. I told him there was no escape for him so he found a way.
I could've helped him.
But I let him die.
"Well, Tony isn't here you know why? Because he didn't have the balls. He couldn't fucking do it so he chose to drag us all down to hell with him."
I usually knew how to read Jungkook but at this moment, I didn't know what he was thinking. He was strangely unpredictable right now.
"You know what?"
I straighten.
"I would rather die than know I failed your father. The day he died I promised that I would do everything I could to take care of you and make sure you succeeded. And, when I make a promise I don't back out so... go ahead," he pulls his gun out of his holster and slides it across the small table to me, relaxing back in his chair as he watches me eye it.
"Shoot me."
He waits smugly, not expecting me to pick it up and point it at his temple. Though my hands are shaking an awful feeling was making my finger tighten on the trigger. Of course, I didn't want to shoot him but he had hurt me.
Jungkook just confirmed that my father knew I couldn't do this alone, that I needed Jungkook or else I'd fail. I really thought Jungkook believed in me and wanted to be around me for the sake of being around me.
Himself, Jungkook wasn't sure. You could actually kill him and that scared him more than the thought of death itself. He looked like a rabbit in the woods, staring its hunter dead in the eye all wide-eyed and innocent.
But my hand shook for a reason, my body had a physical reaction to the possibility of a life without him so I put down the gun. I can't look at him, I can't look at him just in case his face shows shock that I didn't shoot him.
"Close the door on your way out."
Who had I become?
"Fucking asshole."
█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ◈ █▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█
It was always ironic to me that we believed in God when all he did was make life as hard for us as possible. It was also ironic how the entire family sat in our pews right at the front, declaring peace to men of goodwill in our prayers when I had just organised a hit on this kid who assaulted a friend's daughter.
But I did say peace to men of goodwill.
Every Sunday, as Catholics and normal civilians, we go to church and we make our peace begging for mercy for the things we have done in the name of sacrifice. Something's gotta give after all.
Marcello was walking me out, arm in arm as we whispered and mumbled something and everything.
"What's happening with you and the kid?" He asks as if he doesn't know, it's all anyone can talk or think about. Firstly, it's because the Comare and the Consigliere are not in contact, secondly, it's because it's me and Jungkook. Everyone thought we were going to get married.
"He's not fitting the job description too well, sticking his nose in where it's not wanted."
"You should give the kid a break Y/N," Marcello taps my gloved hand, holding it gently. I shouldn't have replaced him, he knew what he was doing. "I get it, when you get the job you've gotta step it up but maybe Jeon wasn't quite ready to see you change so much."
I sigh, shaking my head at the predicament.
"Did Ronnie get his cut?" I change the subject, not liking it so much when I'm talking anything but business with Marcello or the others. Marcello was the first to hold me when I was a baby when my father brought me home. Who knew one day I'd be ordering him around, asking him to kill and replacing him with just some guy I was in love with.
"Safe and sound. Jungkook delivered it yesterday."
"I thought I told you he's not the errand boy anymore?"
As much as I wanted to shoot him yesterday, I still respected him. They used to treat Jungkook like shit because he was only half Italian. They said racist things, ordered him around, made him refill their drinks, held guns on him while he did it, 'accidentally' dropped cigarettes on him. As soon as I found out I was barging in on a serious meeting, listening to my father chew me out for interrupting but I still remember the look in his eyes after I said:
"Jungkook isn't a bell boy. You hired him, you get him a proper job where he's not being burnt or bossed around. If you don't fix this, I will. And, it won't be pretty."
That was the day my father started respecting me when he started actually listening to what I said.
"He volunteered, said he needed to get out or something."
I look down remembering the conversation prior -if you could call it that- with anything but fondness.
"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," Marcello mumbled, giving me a playful wink and tapping my hand one more for support knowing that this conversation would need it.
I turn just before I could get into the car, my body physically wincing at the sound of his voice. Seeing him run, his perfect hair bouncing and muscles carrying him wasn't the perfect agony anymore. It was just agony.
The church bell rings, people are still flocking out, mothers and son, daughters and their husbands, kids everyone. I leant against the car door, trying to get comfortable.
"I just wanted to let you know that Ronnie receive-"
He was breathtaking in a suit, a black one that fitted him so well because I was there pinching every seam for the tailor so he looked how I wanted him to look. I also took advantage of the opportunity to run my hands over his broad shoulders 'dusting it.' When he frowned he was even more breathtaking, he was always his prettiest when he looked a little scary.
"-and the cops got the car and found Jimmy, couldn't identify Paige straight away though but-"
I felt reckless, more than the numbness I'd feel when I made a decision. I was practically vibrating, drooling and my eyes were heavy with hunger. I couldn't stop my fingers from gripping his jacket and pulling him right into me so that we could've fallen through the window if he pushed back.
He puffs as he stumbles reaching out to grasp the roof of the car to steady himself against me. The shadow he cast, the way he looked down at me from this angle as if I was nothing and everything did nothing to help my leaping heart.
I kiss him before he can even think about pulling away or flinching and I could taste his hesitation.
I kept pulling him in trapping him against me just indulging myself for now and not caring that he wasn't determined to kiss me back or show any emotion. Kissing him was better than any of the times I'd imagined it over the past 5 years although this situation wasn't nearly as fake or elaborate as they were in my day, afternoon, morning and night dreams.
But a gust of air like he unscrewed some valve changed everything.
Jungkook sighs in relief.
And, then he responds.
Jungkook's hands trap me in place by squeezing my waist letting out a deep muffled groan at the feeling, pushing me so far into the car I was almost lying on top of it. We had completely taken over each other and it was fucking fantastic.
I almost forget we're in public until I open my eyes, intending to double-check if he was truly there if this was really a reality where I got to kiss Jeon Jungkook and have him kiss me back.
But what I saw was the reality I deserved.
There wasn't enough time to explain so I palm his chest, his heart jumping around like a golden retriever under it and push him so hard he fell right on the ground.
I wanted to tell him that I wasn't pushing him away and that I would've carried on forever but when there's a gun pointed right at your head so many yards away in the middle of a chatting crowd, no thoughts can process until after.
His swollen lovely lips are the last red thing I see that isn't blood.
And, I was fine with that because it meant he was alive.
There were two shots and they waited until they had a clear shot of just me to get me a third time. Shooting Jungkook would've been a waste of time. I slid down the car door holding my waist, leaving one long strip of red down the side of it like a racing stripe. There's another in my left shoulder but the adrenaline keeps away the pain temporarily so I pull out my gun and shoot that asshole right between his shitty eyes.
Less than 2 seconds later Jungkook was squeezing my jaw to keep my consciousness and it hurt like a bitch and scared the shit out of me to watch all of my insides leave my body and stain his gorgeous suit.
But, Jungkook's eyes were pumping out tears like he was giving them away, hands shaking not knowing what to do despite his lengthy training as I cursed through the pain.
"You're so fucking stupid, so fucking stupid," he mumbled pretending he wasn't crying by wiping them away before I could see. He took off his jacket and started ripping the thick material with his bare hands and started to wrap up the pumping holes in my body.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he kept whispering as I dug a hole into the ground with my head, the pain was unbearable so much so that it was hard to react at all since every ounce of energy I had was being spent trying to keep my eyes open. "Your dad's gonna kill me when I die."
"Don't you dare fucking close your eyes you hear me?" he yelled in my face through the fear, hand grabbing my chin again but his thumb lingers sweetly on my bottom lip. "Why the fuck did you do that? It's not your job to get shot for your men."
He kept calling me stupid, kept wrapping me up like a Christmas present all out of guilt.
"But it is for the people you love," I swallow, trying hard to get out my words before it's too late. I
didn't want to hurt him anymore but at least it would give a super cool reason, an extra line to say at my funeral that would make it a little more special. That I was capable of love.
Jungkook stops his actions, looks away and buries his face in his hands harshly as I'm gripping onto my vision and awareness of my surroundings.
But when he looks back there's determination like I've never seen before.
"You're not dying on me, you're not fucking leaving me so help me God," he spits to the universe tightening the bandages before starting to lift me off the ground "You hate your father and your brother for leaving you and I'm not letting you do the same to me! You hear?"
I don't remember much about the ambulance ride just how I took my gun out of my trousers and placed it on my lap when they wouldn't let Jungkook in with me despite his loud protests and the feeling of his lips permanently fixed to the back of my hand unwilling to let me go.
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
Nice to meet you, where you been?
Chapter 2 of In Breakable Heaven!
Summary: Reader becomes acquainted with some members of the BAU.
Warnings: none that I can think of!
Word Count: ~1900
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Penny came back out to the foyer, handing you the oversized t-shirt and shorts you left here last time you slept over. You pulled them on quickly, following Penny to the living room where you instantly realized, it was more than just you, Penny, and the tall man in the apartment. You stopped moving as you took in the additional new faces. You had never met Penny’s team before, but she had talked about them a ton. You blushed again thinking of how you must look a mess right now.
“Everyone, this is Y/N! She is my very best friend and she is very sad so we are going to cheer her up.” Penny started the introductions. “Y/N, this is Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau aka JJ, and Emily Prentiss.” You took in the names as Penny went around the room. Eyes bouncing between a very muscular bald man and two of the most attractive women you’ve ever seen. “Oh, and for a more formal introduction, this is Dr. Spencer Reid, although you two met at the door.” Your eyes attempted to meet his again, but he was staring at the ground. You couldn’t help the whisper that escaped your lips “Doctor.”
 Either the profilers didn’t hear it, or chose to ignore it, along with the blush forming on your cheeks yet again. You looked around the room again and couldn’t stop yourself from speaking your thoughts. “God, is it a requirement to be hot as hell to work for the FBI?” Everyone laughed as you threw your hand over your mouth, eyes widening. “Oh God. That’s embarrassing. It’s true though, what a good looking team.” That earned more laughter form the group.
  It was clear they were all wondering why you had just sobbed into their coworkers adorable sweater vest. You waited a beat hoping someone would say something. But since they were all staring at you, and you hate awkward silences, you couldn’t help but blurt out “today was my 3 year anniversary with my boyfriend,” Not noticing the slight frown appear on Spencer’s face, you continued “but I went over to his place and found him in bed with another woman. So now I am very drunk.” Their faces all softened, offering slight words of encouragement as you sunk into the sofa and picked up the bottle of white wine from the table. Not even bothering with a glass, you started drinking again. You drank nearly half the bottle before taking a breath.
 “Woah” you heard someone say, but honestly you didn’t know who. “Why don’t we play a game or something? Maybe switch to water so you don’t completely hate yourself tomorrow?” You realized it was JJ talking. “I am always down – hiccup – for a game. I must warn you, I am extremely competitive though. Plus, I don’t get hungover so I’ll be fine.” You looked at their disbelieving faces. “Fine” you muttered, annoyed at having to explain this again, “I’ll switch to water for a bit. But only because I want to win.”
 Penny went to get the cards, confirming your statement “Y/N is right ya know. She has never been hungover. I’ve seen her drink countless tequila shots, chase them each with a wine cooler and clean her entire apartment before 8 AM the next day.”
 “Impressive.” Derek smirked as he looked at you.
 “What can I say? It really boosts my productivity.” The room chuckled as the hot doctor chimed in.
 “Your liver is responsible for breaking down all the alcohol you consume into an enzyme called acetaldehyde, the toxin responsible for hangovers. Recent studies have shown about 23% of people are able to break down the acetaldehyde much faster resulting in little to no hangover symptoms. Whether or not you experience hangovers is based 45% on genetics.” You looked over to him, wildly impressed with the first words you’ve heard him say.
 “What’s the other 55% based on?” You asked, intrigued to finally know why you don’t actually experience hangovers. He looked surprised as he met your eyes for the first time since you entered the room.
 “It’s actually a mixture of volume of alcohol, water, and food consumption.” You chuckled as he said this.
 “Well, it must be genetics for me because there are a few times I remember making very bad choices…” You felt the thought slip away as Dr. Spencer Reid smiled at you.
 “How can she even do simple math right now? Based on the story she’s had 10 drinks in the last 3 hours?” Emily whispered to JJ and Derek. They exchanged glances as Penny finally sat back down with the cards.
 “What should we play?” She asked the room, but mostly you. You could already feel your competitive edge creeping in as you tore your eyes from Spencer’s to suggest one of your favorite group games. “Egyptian Rat Screw!” It should be especially fun since you were all drinking. Nobody seemed to know the game though, so you quickly explained the rules as you took the cards to shuffle and deal.
 “Remember, whoever gets all the cards wins. Slap sandwiches and doubles. Royals have the special rules we just talked about. If you slap and there’s nothing there, you have to put a card in the bottom of the pile.” You said as everyone got situated around the table unsure what to expect. “Ready?” you asked, a mischievous grin on your face.
 After winning the first two games you couldn’t help but tease everyone “I am definitely the drunkest one here. I thought a group of FBI agents would have better reaction times!” You giggled as everyone laughed along with you. You dealt the cards into five piles, one for each agent. “No cards for you?” Derek asked. “Nope.” You popped the “p” as you took in their confused faces. “I’m going to start with no cards and see if I still win.” There was a clear competitive glint in your eyes, with a matching smirk.  They seemed disbelieving that you would pull out another win, but continued along with the game.
 You hadn’t even tried slapping the table until there was only Spencer and Derek left with cards. Emily, JJ, and Penelope were chatting aimlessly, having lost interest a few minutes ago. You sat up and stared at the ever growing pile of cards. The whole game was basically memorizing the order of cards, or at least the general timeline. You knew as soon as Derek played his jack, Spencer would follow with an identical card. As you spotted the first jack hit the pile, Derek taunted Spencer “Haha pretty boy, one chance to get a royal or I’m pulling in the big pile.” The two of them seemed to have forgotten that you could get back in the game. Spencer smiled as he flipped over what you knew to be a jack. It was clear from the smirk on his face he knew it was a jack as well. What he didn’t count on was your cat-like reflexes slapping the pile before he could finish laughing at Derek’s sad face.
 The two of them looked shocked as you picked up the cards, readying them for the next set of flipping. “Damn girl, I thought you forgot how to play.” Derek laughed at the smug grin you were wearing. He only had two cards left. Easily knocking Derek from the game, he joined the side conversation being had in the kitchen as he resigned to another round lost. You turned to Spencer, almost whispering “Looks like it’s just you and me, Doctor.” Spencer looked up from his cards stating, “you sound pretty confident considering your opponent has an eidetic memory and knows the exact order of both our hands.” You stuck your tongue out as you placed your first card. “Not fair.”
 Minutes passed as the game drew on, neither player really making an advance. You yawned as you flipped another card onto the table, losing focus for just a second. Reid recognized the pattern emerging, getting ready to slap after your next card. You forgot to look at the potential for a sandwich, playing your next card. You noticed it a second to late as you slapped your hand down. Spencer beat you too it though, and when your hand landed it was on top of his. You didn’t move at first, shocked to have lost so many cards at once. Spencer was gloating as you picked up his hand and put it on top of yours.
 He finally looked down to see you pulling the cards toward you before jumping up to get them back. You held the cards close to your heart, faking the offense you felt at his suggestion that you would cheat, despite your very obvious cheating. When he reached for the cards, you backed up into the couch, holding them above your head. He knelt over you, leaning forward to reach your outstretched hand, forgetting for just a second that he really didn’t know you at all and being this close should make him uncomfortable.
 You shrieked as he tickled your sides to pull the cards in. He was gloating yet again as he pulled them from your grasp, not realizing how close the two of you had become. The two of you froze yet again as you felt that same magnetic force as earlier pulling you closer as you looked into his eyes. He cleared his through as he sat up, returning to his seat to finish the game. 
The two of you continued the game until you only had a few cards left. “It appears as though your winning streak is quickly coming to an end.” Spencer joked with you, playing a queen. He was clearly trying to ease whatever tension was lingering from your couch experience. You glanced at the cards in the middle of the table. It must have been 45 cards in the pile. You switched tactics to playing the cards as quick as possible to prevent another mistake.
A queen meant playing two cards in a row. You knew you had two sevens in a row in your hand, so you were ready to take him down. You glanced up stating “Rule 1: The Doctor lies.” You stated matter-of-factly as you flipped over your first seven. “Oh, and don’t blink.” You said, playing the second and slapping it before he finished comprehending your two Doctor Who references. You just had an instinctual feeling that Doctor Who would distract him.
 You finished the game with relative ease as the others made their way back into the room. You celebrated as you took the rest of his cards, completing the game and adding another tally to the mental scoreboard you had in your head. As everyone sat back down, you put the cards away. It was now 12:30 in the morning and suddenly you were exhausted. You rose from your seat, putting your coat back on your shoulders. “I should go home” you said, earning stares from everyone.
 “You are completely welcome to stay the night here!” Penelope said as you continued preparing to leave.
 “Thank you, Penelope, but I already feel so much better.” You chanced a glance at Spencer to see him staring right back. “I want to go home and lay in my bed and throw all his stuff out the window. Plus I could really use some fresh air right now.” Everyone started to verbally object now. Sometimes you forgot what Penelope does for a living and how much she’s seen. “No really, I’ll be fine.” You continued, “I live in The City Block, it’s only half a mile from here!” This did nothing to satisfy the worried looks on the five faces staring back at you.
 “That’s on the way to my building.” Spencer stated. “I’ll walk with you, okay?” You looked up, surprised. Slowly a small smile appeared on your face. “Okay.” Somehow that was all you could manage. Everyone said their goodbyes as you and Spencer made your way out of the apartment and started walking down the street.
 tag list:
@mac99martin​ @eevee0722​ @l0ve-0f-my-life @haylaansmi @dinonuggets15
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jimlingss · 4 years
hi!! for the requests, could I suggest hoseok, fluff, fake dating au, and the sentence 'I’ve been in love with you since we were kids.' thank you!
↳ Humdrum Amore
2.7k || 100% Fluff || Jung Hoseok
“I never thought I’d come back here one day.”
You stare at the brown building that you once dreaded. The same structure that you had to drag your feet into every morning five days a week after your dad dropped you off. But instead of feeling apprehension, there’s a sense of prickling nostalgia while you look at the building.
“Same.” The man beside you exhales, staring at the green field, the brown doors and small windows covered by blinds. “But it’s not all that bad, right?”
You turn to Hoseok who looks sharp in his simple suit and tie ensemble. You’ve seen him in the same clothes plenty of times, but while you’re wearing your red dress and you’re lingering in front of the school, it feels like the two of you have returned to being awkward eighteen year olds nervously going to prom together as friends.
But Hoseok eases you. “Come on.”
He takes your hand, a gesture you still aren’t used to, and tugs you inside.
The moment the doors are open, you follow the signs leading to the gymnasium and you’re met with a table of refreshments and goody bags. But more importantly, there are people already mingling in all corners. Some are wandering while most have gathered into groups to reminisce. There are those that you recognize and those whose faces have long faded in your memories. 
High school. A time of pubescent years, of growing up and trying to prove yourselves while figuring out your future. You have mixed feelings about that time. All you know is that you’re glad it’s over.
“Y/N?” There’s a higher pitched voice to the left and you turn to see Tiffany approaching with a wide smile. “Hoseok?! Oh my god, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you guys! How are you?”
You hug her for a second. “It’s good. You?”
“Yeah.” She exhales as if she can’t believe you’re together again and you admit, it is surreal. There was definitely a difference from glancing at someone’s post, status and updates on social media and seeing them in person. “It’s been great. I didn’t know if you were coming to this reunion or not.”
You smile, glancing at Hoseok. He was right about coming. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Someone walks by with a tray of cheap champagne and all three of you take a glass, thanking the waiter. Tiffany sips her drink and gets down to the nitty-gritty. “So tell me, what do you do now?”
You brace yourself, knowing this was coming. “I’m working as an embryologist at a fertility lab.”
“That’s so cool!” Her eyes widen and she genuinely appears fascinated. “It sounds super fancy.”
You laugh, concealing the note of awkwardness in your voice. Tiffany doesn’t know that it sounds much better than it actually is. It’s an entire step down from being a family doctor, an occupation which you once said was your dream. And she has no clue that you’re struggling under your strict manager, that you just received a cut in pay and your hours are strenuous.
But you don’t dare show your exhaustion. Or your discontentment.
You keep flashing a bright smile.
Everyone in high school expected you to do great, that you would go somewhere, do something. You were the smart one. The hard-working one. There’s always been a certain burden of expectations on your shoulders from your parents to your teachers, and perhaps that’s where the need to prove yourself to your former peers stems. If they knew how mundane and regular and normal you turned out — instead of being the successful achiever — you’re sure their disappointment would have a bigger effect on you more than you’d ever admit. 
And maybe that’s why Hoseok offered to pretend to be your partner for the night after you grieved about not being with anyone, when you struggled to find a plus one. He knows you best after all.
“What are you doing?” you ask Tiffany, and she hesitates, looking down at her drink for a second.
“Actually, I’m in-between jobs at the moment.” She musters a smile. “The economy sucks right now.”
You sympathize. “Yeah, I know what you mean. It’s hard to find a job these days.”
Tiffany turns to Hoseok and when she asks what he’s been up to, he says, “Nothing much. I’m working in IT as a development manager for this company.”
“Oh, that’s super cool too!” She’s about to ask something, but then her eyes incidentally stray downwards. You follow her line of sight, realizing that she’s looking at the way you’re holding hands with Hoseok.
“We’re...actually dating now,” you explain.
Instantaneously, Tiffany brightens. “You guys started dating after high school? When?!”
You laugh awkwardly. “Two...three years ago?” It doesn’t sound terribly convincing, so you try a second time, standing your ground. “Two, I think.” It falls a bit short, but she doesn’t notice. 
No. Tiffany absolutely gushes. “That’s so cute! Oh my god! I always thought you’d both be good together!”
That has you taken aback. The relief of getting away with your lie and not being caught gets overtaken by surprise. “Really?”
“Well yeah. You were always close friends and everyone,” she emphasizes the word by drawing it out, “knew Hoseok had a huge crush on you.”
This was news to you.
But Hoseok outright ignores your stare in favour of smiling at your old friend and holding up your interlaced hands by your heads as if it’s a trophy. “Well, looks like I got the girl in the end.”
“Are you gonna propose any time soon then?”
There’s a glint of mischief in Hoseok’s eye. “Maybe.”
He’s way too good at lying. You’re starting to get convinced this is real.
“Aw, I wish I was at this honeymoon stage again. Everything’s so sweet and cute.”
Speaking of which. “Where’s Nick?” you ask.
Tiffany deflates slightly at the question and you wonder if you said something wrong. You don’t understand until she says, “Oh….yeah...we decided to split up a few months ago.”
“Really?” You would’ve never expected it. From what you remember, they were one of the few high school sweethearts that actually made it in the long run, a couple that you used to be jealous of at sixteen. They ended up getting married too and you saw pictures of them traveling together a year ago. Who knew what her life was actually like behind the scenes. “I’m...so sorry, Tiffany.”
“It’s alright. Life happens, I guess, but it all worked out in the end and we both have joined custody of Sunny. It gets messy sometimes but as long as she’s happy, I am too.” She smiles softly and then nods. “Well, it was really nice to catch up with you two. I’m happy to hear you’re going out. Better put a ring on this one before you lose her, Jung.”
“I will,” he promises.
Tiffany leaves to catch up with a girl she knew from choir, so you both bid your goodbyes. But somehow, the conversation leaves a bad taste in your mouth. 
After greeting a few more old friends and acquaintances, you leave to the hallway. 
The nostalgia slams into you, stronger than before. If you stare long enough, you can picture the hall crammed with your classmates, how you ran from class to class, sat in the desks, bored out of your mind and at times, stressed. The walls and rooms hold so many of your memories without them knowing. And that in itself makes you feel old and gray, even though you aren’t.
Not yet, at least. Hoseok always reassures you that you have another good thirty years before you’re allowed to call yourself old.
Said man glances at your expression and reads it like an open book. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” You sigh. “It’s just….I don’t know. I was trying to save face this entire time and I even went as far as to lie about our relationship.”
“You didn’t do it alone. I lied too.”
“Yeah, but I wanted this.” You shake your head, slowly rounding a corner and making your way down what you remember as the science corridor. “People probably have more going on with themselves than to care what I’m up to. I don’t know why I was so scared about what they would think about me.” 
The corner of his mouth curls, and he nudges you with his elbow. “It’s high school.”
You lightly scoff but a smile tickles at your lips. “I just feel bad. Tiffany was so honest about herself, and she wasn’t ashamed about how her life turned out, not like I am.”
“No one turned out how they expected themselves to,” he hums in a thoughtful tone while glancing at the bulletin board tacked with handmade flyers for clubs. “It’s okay if you didn’t end saving the planet or finding the cure to cancer.”
You snort and soften. “Yeah.”
Hoseok always knows what to say to make you feel better.
“Look!” The peaceful moment is interrupted by the sheer volume of his voice. He points down the hall. “Our old lockers!”
You laugh, quickening your steps with his. The lockers are not technically yours anymore, they haven’t been for a long time and have probably been through tens of students since. Even right now, there are unfamiliar locks that keep them closed. But you still remember which one was yours.
You stand in front of it and Hoseok stands in front of his which is only three lockers down from yours.
The pair of you look at one another, exchanging grins. “Remember when I kept your math textbook for you since you were too lazy to put it away and we had to toss it to each other every morning?”
“Yeah. I never missed once.” He laughs and it’s a bubbly sound that’s exactly the same as back then. “Remember that time Taehyung stuffed himself inside my locker and we locked him in?”
You burst out laughing. “We almost got into trouble by Mr. Min!”
“Yep. That old man was always trying to pick on kids.”
“Except for that time Jimin launched that cake across the hall and it landed on some poor girl. He was nowhere to be found.”
Hoseok grins and comes over to lean on the blue locker next to yours, crossing his arms like he’s waiting for you before you’re late for the bell.
A sentimental feeling that is both wistful and happy washes you over again. You can recall those years as if they were yesterday. Namely, Hoseok would always be there when you closed your locker door, in the exact same position, staring at you with that identical warm expression. You don’t know a lot of your old high school friends anymore, don’t know what they’re doing or if they’ll come. It’s a natural progression of life, of going different paths and naturally drifting apart. 
But Hoseok has always been your side. Since then till now.
“So.” You turn to him. “What’s this about everyone knowing you had a crush on me?”
Hoseok goes wide-eyed and says nothing for a moment. Then he scratches the back of his neck. “Just stupid kid stuff.”
You raise a brow and hum. “Didn’t sound like stupid kid stuff. How long did you even like me for?”
“I don’t know. Why?”
“I’m curious.” You shrug. “I never heard about this before.”
Hoseok is embarrassed, that much is obvious. You can tell by the way he’s brushing around the subject, not looking you in the eyes, how much he’s hesitating. It’s not like him and that makes you even more intrigued. “A while.”
Maybe you shouldn’t push him so much when he doesn’t want to talk about it. But for some reason, there’s a burning desire inside of you to know. After all, you thought you knew all of your best friend’s secrets.
“What’s a while?”
“Like sixth grade?”
Your jaw drops. “So when we met?”
“Yeah..?” Hoseok seems unsure and he’s staring at the other wall as if it’s the most interesting thing he’s ever seen. There’s nothing but a dirty shoe print on it. “Something like that.”
Now it’s your turn to be perplexed. Although, for an entirely different kind of reason. “But why?”
He turns his head, as if sensing you’re about to self-deprecate yourself. “You’re funny and smart and pretty, Y/N. Everyone liked you,” Hoseok explains it as if it’s factual and your cheeks grow warm.
You suck in your cheek, fiddling with the fabric of your dress. “Then why didn’t you ever tell me you liked me?”
“I was awkward and I was too scared you’d reject me,” he exhales and you glance at him to find an unreadable expression. Perhaps he’s uncomfortable at the idea now that he’s grown out of it and he knows you too well. Or maybe...just maybe...he’s filled with regret.
You shake off the thought before your imagination runs wild.
You’re about to drop the subject once and for all, but as you turn away, the quiet mutter slips from your mouth, “I wouldn’t have.”
Hoseok catches it. 
He freezes completely and when you realize he’s not following you back to the gymnasium, you turn around. “Earth to Hoseok. What’s wrong?” 
“What about now?”
His expression is blank aside from the slight furrow of his brow. It’s not often Hoseok’s entirely serious and you’re caught off guard by his demeanour. He closes the distance in three strides and asks, “If I asked you out now, if I said I wanted to date you for real, would you reject me?”
His gaze is dark. Intense. As if he’s mustered up the courage he’s built for years for this very moment. 
Your mouth opens, eyes unable to look away from him and your voice pipes out a timid— “no.”
In an instant, Hoseok’s mouth is on yours. Your back slams against the lockers as he cradles your cheeks in his palms, tilting his head to capture your lips carefully yet eagerly. You whine in his grasps and quickly reciprocate, moving your mouth against his. It’s soft, warm and comforting. Hoseok has always been comforting to you. A slow burn rather than a bursting firework that eventually fades away. A warm bonfire that’s built from the first spark rather than a forest wildfire that ultimately burns out after consuming everything. 
You’ve always loved him. But perhaps it wasn’t always purely platonic like you thought. At least not until tonight where that’s been challenged.
Hoseok's body is firm and warm against yours. His knee is placed between your thighs and you loop your arms around his neck to get him even closer. Your senses are filled with his cologne, the lingering scent of his shaving cream and shampoo. Hoseok tastes like the champagne he drank and you’re beginning to feel dizzy from it. That or you’re running out of breath.
You whimper rather pathetically, but he doesn’t let up. Not until you push at his shoulder and he has to gather his self-restraint to part from you. 
You’re left panting heavily against him, lips swollen and Hoseok exhales before laughing. “I’ve always wanted to do that.” 
You grin. “Always?”
“I’ve been in love with you since we were kids. Practically.”
Never would you have thought Hoseok would kiss you against your lockers. It’s another memory you’re making in these walls even after years of graduating. But you’d like a second time to make up for all the others, so you start to tug Hoseok’s tie to get him closer again—
There’s an ear-splitting shout and the two of you flinch, whirling around to the end of the hall.
“You’re supposed to be in the gymnasium!” Old man Mr. Min is bumbling towards you with a cane, his voice surprisingly still full of power even when he looks like a sack of bones.
“Sorry!” You duck your head and before he can catch you, your hand entwines with Hoseok’s. The two of you dash down the hall as if you were still trouble-making high-schoolers.
Hoseok mutters in complete shock, “He’s still alive?!”
And you laugh, squeezing his hand just a bit tighter.
You return to the reunion and your heart is a bit lighter knowing this time, you don’t have to lie.
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ipuckwithhockey · 3 years
Every New Beginning- M. Raffl
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a/n: I couldn’t sleep last night so here’s almost 4k words of me missing Raff already. 
summary: You and Michael had a good thing going for nearly five years but when reality sets in you both start to think that all good things must come to an end. 
warnings: Swearing
When you left your patient’s room and headed to the nurse’s station you weren’t expecting to see a six-foot redhead waiting for you. Sure, he’s visited you at work occasionally and you don’t mind that he’s here now, but those visits in the past were always planned in advanced, were usually accompanied with a quick lunch, and didn’t take place at 10pm on a Monday. 
You met Michael a few years ago when you moved to Philly to start your residency at U-Penn’s hospital. You were just out of medical school and still focused on achieving your lofty career goals and Michael was in his prime playing for the Flyers. Neither one of you had any intention of settling down or putting in the time and effort required in a serious relationship and so the two of you fell into a casual relationship that consisted mostly of late-night activities after you were both done with your shifts. 
You were only twenty-five back then, and now you were pushing thirty. Eventually that casual relationship evolved into something more, and now you weren’t just fuck buddies, you were actually the best of friends. But even though you considered each other best friends neither of you ever made any move to solidify what the relationship that had spawned from late night texts had actually become. 
Your family and friends all wondered why you hadn’t settled down and they asked why you insisted on keeping a casual hook up around for almost five years when you were getting the age when a woman should be finding a man to marry. Michael’s family and teammates all pestered him for never making it official between the two of you, and never understood why he insisted that the two of you were just friends. But that’s all you were. You were friends. Friends that liked to have sex, friends that only thought of each other when anything particularly good or bad had happened, friends who spent the little free time they had with each other. 
And maybe the reason why you hadn’t ever stopped sleeping with Michael was because a small part of you knew you had feelings for him, but maybe it was also because you work nearly 80 hours a week and don’t have the time nor the energy to date at the end of the work day. 
Maybe the reason why Michael never tried to make you his was because he knew you were too good for him, too smart, and too beautiful. Or maybe it was because he had tried dating when he was younger and every girl he met was too annoying, too fake, or too greedy. Maybe the dynamic you had together was just too easy to ever change. 
But life isn’t fair, and just like the old saying, all good things must come to an end. 
“Hey! What are you doing here? Everything alright? You look perfectly healthy and I’m a pediatrician so if you’re sick, you’re in the wrong wing of the hospital.” You joke as you walk up to him where he’s waiting at the nurse’s station and you drop off some charts before turning your full attention to the man who had been patiently waiting for you. You still had your nose in your patient’s charts when you walked up to him, and so you hadn’t noticed the tired look in his eyes, and you hadn’t seen him nervously popping his knuckles as you approached. In fact, when you’re at work, especially during a long shift, you’re usually so focused on your patients that you don’t notice much of anything else in general. Which is why you had also missed the phone call and text that Michael had sent you hours prior, and the messages your friends scattered around Philly had sent with condolences and sentiments of shock. 
Michael knows now, with your lighthearted joke, that you don’t know. That you hadn’t seen his call or his text from earlier. And when he doesn’t say anything at first and you see that serious look in his eyes your attitude changes from lighthearted to concerned, “Is everything okay?” And while Michael knows that everything is not okay, he also knows that this isn’t a medical emergency, at least not one that can be fixed. 
“Yeah, I just wanted to come by before heading out.” He says, and even though he knows you don’t know, he doesn’t have the guts to come out and say it just yet. There’s a look of confusion on your face, “I didn’t think you guys left for the west coast until next week? Or are these 24 hour shifts finally getting to me?” You try and make light of the situation even though that look concern is still spreading across Michael’s face. 
“Yeah, the guys don’t head out until next Wednesday…” He says it and he can see the wheels in your head start to turn. That’s when you remember what day it is and your heart plummets. You’ve been working third shift, and you were two hours away from finishing your current 24-hour shift. The last 22 hours have been pretty hectic, and the thought of the NHL’s trade deadline had completely slipped your mind— until now. 
“Can um- Can we walk outside real quick?” You ask and you don’t really give him time to answer, instead you just head down the hall and out the side door to a small courtyard and Michael follows behind you. When you’re both outside, you’re still processing what he said when Michael interjects, “I’m just on my way to catch my flight. I wanted to come by to see you before I left.” 
You nod your head, and you don’t know what to say so you step into him and wrap your arms around his steady body and his arms wrap around yours, “Where are you going?” You whisper against his chest, and you focus on his heartbeat thumping against your ear. 
“D.C.” He says simply. That’s not too far you think. But you also knew that this was a possibility, him getting traded, and you know that his current contract ends this summer. He could end up anywhere in the league next year. 
“I’m sorry.” He says it as his lips place a gentle kiss on the top of your head and you let out a sigh before letting your arms drop from around him as you step back. 
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for.” and you say it just as simply. 
“Then why do I feel so guilty?” And that’s what breaks your heart. You’re both standing in front of each other, and after five years you know each other well enough to know that this thing between the two of you is more than just another friendship. And while you both hate yourselves for never making this what it could have been, you also know that it wouldn’t change what’s happening now. You were still working toward your goals and so was he, nothing about that has changed. There’s nothing to say in that moment, nothing either of you could say to make it feel like you haven’t wasted the last five years, and so Michael places his hands on either side of your face before bringing your lips to his. 
It’s a gentle kiss, and as your lips move slowly against his you know that this moment is full of words that neither one of you can speak. When Michael finally pulls away from you he sees the tears running down your face, and you try to to look away even though his hands are keep you steady in front of him. His thumbs gently run across your cheeks and you let your eyes close as he wipes away the tears you selfishly let fall. You know that this has to be harder for him. He’s leaving his life in Philly behind, his teammates, his best friends, and you. 
You bring your hands up to gently remove his from where they still rest on either side of your face, “You’re going to miss your flight.” 
He nods reluctantly in agreement, and he places on more kiss on your forehead before he turns to leave. Michael never was one for many words, and he doesn’t have to say it, you’re sure you know how he feels and you know he’ll miss you just like he knows you feel the same way for him. 
Two Years Later (July) 
You finally feel like you’ve settled into your new place, even though it’s been almost six months since you moved. Moving back home to Seattle was an easy decision, especially when one of the country’s best Pediatric Nephrology programs calls and offers you an attending position. 
You set out at an early age to be a doctor. In high school you decided you wanted to be a surgeon. In college you decided you wanted to go into pediatrics. In medical school you decided you wanted to study kidneys. Everything you wanted for your career had happened and now you’re a nephrology specialist and surgical attending at Seattle Children’s Hospital. 
You should be ecstatic. You should be over the moon that everything you thought you could ever want had happened. You should feel grateful that you get to live in the city you grew up in and that you can spend as much time with your family as you’d like. You should be happy, but you aren’t. 
After Michael was traded to the Capitals you stayed in touch, calling and texting when you could. You spent the night together when they played the Flyers for the last time that season, but when summer rolled around, and he signed a two-year contract with them you knew you couldn’t keep holding on to something that would never work. When you called to congratulate him on his contract, he could sense that something was off, he could hear in your voice that you weren’t yourself, and when he asked you couldn’t lie. 
You told him you thought that whatever was going on between the two of you needed to end. You embellished with some lies, telling him that you needed to be focusing on your work and that you were getting too old to have a fuck-buddy, especially when he was living 150 miles away, and when he started to protest you were quick to shut him down. You told him that you both knew that it couldn’t last forever and that it was okay because all good things must end, and as much as you tried to convince yourself that what you were saying was true, you knew that you didn’t believe any of it. You knew that you loved him and that you wouldn’t find another man that knew you the way he did. But you also knew that your worlds were only growing further and further apart. 
The next year or so was hard. You stopped returning Michael’s calls and you distanced yourself from anyone who was associated with hockey. You threw yourself into your work and your patients and before you knew it a year had passed. As much as you knew that you were only barely keeping your head above water, you also had no idea how to fix whatever mess you had made for yourself. You were thirty-one years old, married to your job, and single. Oh, and still in love with a guy you knew you couldn’t have. 
You weren’t sure what to do or if there was anything you could do, but when Seattle Children’s called and made you an offer you took it as a sign. Your parents were thrilled that you were moving home, and you thought that this was a change that you needed. Something to break up the monotony. Something to shake up your life and to help you get back on track. The excitement you had mustered up for your new position was met with an amazing medical program, but you still had that same empty feeling you had when you were back in Philadelphia. So, you did what you did best, and you continued to work your ass off. Morning, noon, and night you were working with patients and roaming the halls of the hospital, but when your shift inevitably ends you find yourself backing your apartment… alone. 
You’ve never been one for TV and now that you try to avoid hockey all together, you don’t usually watch any at all, but tonight you just felt an itch to reach for the remote that rests on your coffee table. You turn on some random sportscast in the background while you scroll through emails on your phone, and you almost miss it but your well-trained ears pick up on the familiar name. 
“Michael Raffl signing a one-year contract with the Seattle Kraken is probably the most surprising thing to come from this off season so far!” The moderator on the TV says and you have to shake your head as if to wake yourself from what feels like a dream. Your hand instinctively reaches for the remote to turn up the volume and you continue to listen to what the talking heads have to say. 
“You know, everyone thought he’d be retiring this year, he’s 34 and has a nice chunk of change in his bank account, I’m surprised he isn’t heading back to Austria.” 
“I think this could actually be a good signing for them. They need some veteran presence on their young team and Raffl brings experience and a solid presence on the third or fourth lines. He could really bring something different to their game.”
“They’re getting him for cheap too! It’s seems to me like he’s interested in the team or just wants to keep playing if he’s taking this kind of deal.”
You can’t believe what they’re saying. Michael signed a one-year contract in Seattle. And while you don’t keep up with hockey anymore, you remember from all the conversations you’ve had with him, he had already been thinking about retiring in a few years back when he was traded to the Capitals. Why would he sign a mediocre contract with a team on the other side of the country for one year? But you don’t let yourself go where your heart wants to take you. You’re sure he doesn’t even know that you’ve moved from Philadelphia and even if he did, you’re sure he wouldn’t have signed with a team just because you were going to be in the same city. 
It’s been two years. It’s in the past. 
Six Months Later (December 31st) 
You’re not sure what you’re doing here. You’re in dress that’s probably too short and too tight, and your feet are killing you. But you let your co-worker, Jen, drag you out for New Year’s Eve. She’s a twenty-seven-year-old Nurse from your department and while she’s sweet and fun, she’s also almost five years younger than you and her stamina for nights out is a lot better than yours. You spend most your time at the hospital and when you’re not there you’re with your family or opting for a nice dinner or quiet bar instead of crowded clubs and house parties. 
You’re sure that most of the people in this club are closer to Jen’s age than to yours, but you put a smile on your face anyway and try to have fun. Jen’s fiancé has been stuck to her side all night, and even though some of your single co-workers are out with you too, you still feel a bit out of place. After the fourth twenty-something guy approaches you, drunk, and with a not-so-charming pickup line, you’re ready to head for home. It’s just about 11:45, and you think that if you can get an Uber you can be home before the ball drops. 
You’re just about to make your move toward the doors when you feel a hand snake around your waist. The uninvited hand only adds to your desire to leave, but when you hear a familiar voice in your ear you stop dead in your tracks. The hand is still touching you and his body is now close against your back when you hear him say your name for the first time in years. 
You turn quickly and you swear you’re hallucinating but when your feet trip from your swift movement and he quickly steadies you with his arms, you know he’s really there. 
“Michael… Wh-What are you doing here?”  Nothing feels like the right thing to say. Michael isn’t sure what words to use either, even though he’s replayed this moment in his head a million times by now. He’s practically run through every possible scenario of running in to you. If it was in the grocery, surely it would happen in the frozen section. It would probably be around 1am and you’d both be there to grab a pint of ice cream. If it was at a coffee shop, you’d be ordering your usual latte with almond milk and he would be ordering his black coffee to-go. He even imagined it happening at one of his games. But when some of the young single guys finally got him to agree to come out tonight, he hadn’t thought about the possibility he would find you in a club in downtown Seattle on New Year’s Eve. 
“I live here.” He says it matter-of-factly over the loud music blaring around you and your first instinct is to say, “I know.” 
He knows that coming out here was a risk and he knows that it’s been two years and he knows that you’ve probably moved on, but hearing you say that you knew he had been here all this time and hadn’t reached out made his heart hurt with a pang of disappointment. And for a minute you’re just standing there with people rushing around you, and you’re not sure what you’re supposed to do. You’re not sure what this “moment” is for or why now of all times the two of you are faced with each other again after all these years. 
You decide you don’t have anything to say, and you just shake your head, “I can’t do this.” You say it quietly but bluntly before moving from his grasp and weaving through the crowd of people on your way to the door. When you make it outside you don’t realize that he’s followed you and when you reach the sidewalk you hear him call your name as he comes up behind you. 
“Wait. Please.” He begs as he reaches for your arm.  
“What?! What do you want from me?” You ask as your turn to face him, and it’s more of plead because you realize now, in the cool winter air that your chest hurts from heartbreak that’s two years old, and your mind is racing with what he could possibly say to make up for the seven years of avoiding those feelings. You’ve thought about what you would say to him if you ever saw him again, but now all those rehearsed lines have vanished and for some reason you’re angry. Angry with him. Angry with yourself. Angry that you’ve wasted over half of a decade loving him. 
He lets go of your hand and he anxiously runs his hands through his hair, and now, thankfully all those scenarios he’s run through his head are coming to true, “I just want you to know that I loved you.” He says but all you hear is past tense. “I loved you from the first night I met you. God. You were so smart I had no clue what you were talking about, but I knew I wanted to listen. I loved you for five fucking years and never had the balls to tell you.”
“And then reality set in and I got traded and you shut me out- And I don’t blame you for that either.” He interrupts himself. “I don’t blame you for getting tired of waiting or for knowing that you deserved more, and I thought that you were right, all good things have to end. And I really thought that I would get over it and that maybe I’d find someone who was half as good as you who would make me happy enough, but I never did.” His eyes are bright and searching yours for some indication that you’re hearing what he’s saying, but your facial expression hasn’t changed, and you stand there staring back at him blankly. “I never stopped loving you. And I know that it’s selfish but when I heard you moved and Seattle offered me a contract, I had to take it. If not for the opportunity to keep playing, then for a chance to at least tell you how I’ve always felt about you. How I feel about you now.”  
He’s still trying to figure out if you’ve heard anything he’s said but when you let a little laugh and shake your head in disbelief, he knows he’s too late. So he presses his lips together tightly, and lets his head fall in defeat as he starts to turn away from you. 
You’re so taken aback by everything he’s said. It’s like you knew everything he just told you all along, but hearing him say it aloud, hearing him mirror exactly how you’ve felt for the last seven years, you know that this is one of those moments that life gives you that you can’t pass up. And just as your mind is catching up, Michael is moving to turn away from you, but before he can turn his back your hand is gripping his shirt and pulling him into you. 
When your lips collide the weight that has rested on your shoulders for the last two years is finally lifted and your bodies sink into each other the way water fills an empty glass. You’re consumed in each other as your mouths reacquaint each other and your tongues dance together like they did so many years ago just as you hear the city around you counting down, “5…4…3…2…1… HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!” 
And when you pull apart from each other, his arms still holding your waist and your hands still in his hair, you take a moment to take each other in. He’s older now and the features of his face are deeper, but his eyes still make you feel warm and safe and happy. He swears you look the same as the last day he saw you in Philly, and the warmth of your soft skin against his hands and the way you still have that same sheepish look after he kisses you, makes him feel like that twenty-five-year-old kid he was all those years ago.  And yet, after all this time, now you finally know that every ending is just a new beginning. 
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kuekyuuq · 3 years
Timeline Issues /w Supergirl
Today’s topic: Lena's age
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I am aware, this topic isn’t new, but it bothers me and to my knowledge it’s been a while since it’s been looked into thoroughly - and it’s the s06 mid-season hiatus, so plenty of time to look at things closely... So, let’s dig right in:
"According to the official CW website, Lena is between 25 and 32 years old since her first appearance." 
[Source: Wikipedia, which links to a source from November 2018, but there's no mention of Lena's age in that source o.O]
...I am not sure what to make of the lack of source / credit / quote here, so what else do we have?
According to arrow.fandom.com Lena Kieran Luthor is born on October 24, 1993 [Source: Supergirl: The Secret Files of Kara Danvers, a companion book for Supergirl written by Warner Bros. Television, dubbed The Ultimate Guide to the Hit TV Show;  page of reference. ]. This much better credited source ties in with her graduating from MIT before 2012, when at the age of 19 she met and befriended Jack Spheer. And taking over LuthorCorp after Lex got convicted - at the sweet age of 23 - in 2016, and meeting Kara. She was young, but it’s a family business, she’s really smart (has 2 doctorates) and rich and her last name is Luthor, so board-members may have fought her every step, but really had to at least give her a chance, I guess.
And for some episodes and flashbacks those dates internally made sense (outside Katie McGrath being a whole 10 years older than her character ...presumably... Katie keeps her personal info very, well, personal) - and for many others it was / is inconsequential.
In episode 2x12 - set early 2017 - the title card for the flashback of Lena being brought into the Luthor mansion says "20 years ago" and we know Lena was 4 years old when her mother vanished into that lake (a theory for another day) and Lionel Luthor 'adopted' her. Which again puts Lena at being born in 1993.
But then, there's episode 5x06 (set in 2019), which features a flashback with the title card "15 years ago" and shows a teenage Lena and Andrea meeting at Mount Helena Boarding School and go (illegally) drinking. Which would set the flashback in 2004/05, and Lena being 11/12 years old - and in NO WAY would pass for drinking age and sneak into a bar with Andrea!
(Young Lena's actress, Lucy Loken, is born in 1999, making her 20 -!- at the time of filming of that episode. If the actress' age was any indication, Lena would have been 32 in 2016 at her first appearance in the show - which already exceeds the only other not-really-a source for her age.)
Yet, the rest seems to fit her vintage of 1993 again...
A 21 year old Lena, who has been working with Jack in their garage to cure cancer, while advocating at LuthorCorp, gets fired by Lex (who taunts her to go work at Jack's family business, Spheer Industries).
She takes a little time off instead, to grab Andrea and go on their treasure hunt in the Costa Rican jungle.
Their search for the Acratan medallion is set as "five years ago" according to the title card from 5x06 (set in 2020) putting the event somewhere late 2014 / early 2015, just before the series' very pilot.
A short while after that, Lena and Jack start a romantic relationship (3 years after meeting him, putting her at about 22 years old).
In 2016 (four years before the events of 5x06) Lex kidnaps Lena, ties her to a chair and brags about how he turned the sun red.
Lex is taken in by the police / gives himself up (?)
Jack comes running in, comforts a shaken Lena, he invites her to London
In London Lena meets Andrea again, who wears the medallion...
A few months later, Lex is convicted to 32 consecutive life-sentences and sent to Striker's Island
Lena (23) sees Supergirl on TV and ends things with Jack in Metropolis
Lena moves to National City, takes over LuthorCorp and gets interviewed by Kara (and Clark)...
So... yeah. Most mentions of times and dates are vague, at best. Sources are hard to find. Assumptions are easily made.
Could Lena indeed be older than stated in the only tangible source that I could? Sure. That would mean instead of just assuming Lena meeting Andrea was timestamped wrongly, several other mentions of dates and time-frames were wrong / off by some years, but it could work.  
What else does that mean? Kara's born in 1966, was 13 in 1979 when Krypton exploded and her pod got stuck in the Phantom Zone. Not one, but two decades later - in 2003 her pod landed on Earth, she's still 13 years old... (putting her year of birth in fake documents at 1990) And in 2015, in the pilot, Kara's 25. Kara is 2-3 years older than Lena.
...or 49 years old and 26-27 years older than Lena, if you add the PZ-years .-.
Then again, now we have to deal with a completely new past and changed series / circumstances of past events thanks to Crisis (since 5x09)...
I am not trying to shame the writers on doing anything wrong, the show mislabeling things or the creative heads of not knowing their own timeline. I could have missed something or may take the wrong source(s) or shown references to be valid! I - a crazy fan who looks at all the given details - am just trying to make sense of the given facts and the implied timeline.
Is all that really important on the bigger scale of things? No. It really isn't. But, for anyone who wants to write fanfics and keep their facts straight, wants to remain somewhat in-canon and make certain points plot-points, or just get their references right, this IS a point worth looking into.
So, I hope that helped some of you or helped to re-evaluate some things. Or that some of you can add to this and / or correct any mistakes or faulty assumptions I made, so I can figure this inconsistency out and rest more easily.
Kue out.
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bellasweetwriting · 4 years
Mysterious Girlfriend
Spencer Reid x Latina Reader
(not my gif)
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plot: Spencer Reid has a new girlfriend, and no matter how much evidence he has, Morgan and Hotch does not believe she exists
warnings: most fluff, kissing, criminal minds typical stuff
notes: this is s3-s4 spencer
word count: 1,8k
— • • • —
"Doctor!" Yelled Rossi arriving at where Spencer was filling his paperwork. "What are your plans tonight?"
"As if Reid has ever had plans in his life, " mocked Morgan.
"I actually do have plans tonight, Derek, " answered Reid surprising the BAU who could not believe the words that came out of Spencer’s mouth.
"Oh, really?" Questioned Morgan, putting down his paperwork. "You, Spencer Reid, have plans on a Friday night?"
"Yep... why? You don't?" That reply caught the attention of everyone, who started laughing. "I think it's the first time I have plans and you don't, isn't it?"
Morgan rolled his eyes. He didn't believe him. Reid doesn't go out, and if he does, he always goes out with the team, not on his own.
"And what plans do you have?"
"I'm going dancing tonight." That generated surprise from everyone.
"Reid, I've seen you dance, it’s embarrassing. Come up with a better lie next time, " intervened Emily sipping the last drop from her coffee.
"Oh, I'm aware of that, Emily. It's just that I got the perfect teacher." And with that, Rossi laughed.
"No way... she?" Reid nodded. "Did she finally say yes?"
"We've been dating for a month now, " announced Spencer with a big smile, confusing their other colleagues who didn't understand what was going on. "She's perfect."
"Wait, not only you have plans on a Friday night—" interrupted Hotch looking at the young Doctor—" but also you have a girlfriend?"
"And Rossi knows about her and we don't?" Asked Morgan. "Who are you?"
But at that moment, JJ interrupted the chit chat with a file on her hands, making everyone complain.
"Sorry, guys, it's urgent!" She yelled. "Cancel your plans."
"Conference room in five minutes, " announced Hotch.
"We’ll talk about this in the jet, pretty boy, " said Morgan to him before leaving towards the conference room with a coffee in his hand.
— • • • —
Morgan didn't waste a second and sat in front of Reid on the plain. The entire team was curious about Reid’s new "girlfriend" who Reid wouldn't give details about other than the fact that she could dance.
"Give me a name, " demanded Morgan and Spencer laughed.
"So that Garcia can investigate her? No thanks."
"Where does she work?" Asked Derek.
"At a college."
"She's a student or some?"
"What? No! She works at a college, not attends college."
"Don't forget to add—" interrupted Rossi— "that she's Latina." Reid nodded with a smile.
Derek was dying internally. If this girl was fake, he would never forgive Spencer for playing with his mind, but if she was real, it could be the biggest thing that has happened in the entire year.
"What does she do at this college?" Questioned Hotch who specifically said in the conference room that they were not going to interrogate more about Spencer’s mysterious girlfriend, but not even him could resist the curiosity.
"She's a professor, " answered Reid.
"You also wanna know, sir?" Asked Emily to Hotch and he nodded.
"Reid with a Latina girlfriend isn't something that happens every day, " pointed Hotch before looking at Reid again. "How old is she?"
"My age."
"That's impossible. She doesn't exist, " determined Morgan with a cocky smile. "A professor your age, Latina, interested in you? That's the perfect woman!"
Reid leaned in closer and smile. "I know... that's why I'm dating her, Morgan."
Morgan pointed at him with his index finger while Reid chuckled.
"Son of a bitch, " murmured Morgan. "I'm gonna demonstrate that this girl is fake."
"Why don't you do a bet?" Offered JJ, gaining the team's attention. "If Morgan can prove by the time we go home that Reid’s girlfriend is fake, Reid gives him something that he wants."
"I like that, " said Derek with a smile. "I have till the end of the case to prove that you are lying. If I do, you give me twenty bucks."
"Make it forty and we split, " interrupted Hotch sitting next to Morgan. "I'll help Morgan."
"Fine!" Accepted Reid. "I want to see what you guys come up with. But if you fail, between the two you have to give me forty bucks. Deal?"
"Deal, " agreed Morgan, and Hotch nodded. It was a closed deal.
— • • • —
"How are we gonna prove that Reid is lying?" Asked Morgan to Hotch.
"Reid isn't a good liar. There's gonna be something in his story that is not going to make sense, he's gonna make a mistake and that's how we are going to prove his lie. While we wait for that, get Garcia to look for a list of twenty-seven-year-old professors in colleges around the state. There shouldn't be much, she should try the whole country."
"On it." Morgan walked away, calling Garcia.
"What's up, sweetheart?" Asked Penelope on the other side of the line.
"Hey, baby girl, I need something."
"I’m all ears."
"I need a list of Latina professors around the country, twenty-seven-year-olds to be specific, works in a college."
"Nah, I'm not doing that, " said, confusing Morgan. "JJ told me about the bet with Hotch and Reid and I certainly know this is not for the case."
"Come on, girl, I need it."
"I'm sorry but Spencer prohibited me to research his girlfriend like two weeks ago. He made me promise in front of him that I wouldn't do it. And he called me when you guys got off the plane."
"He did what!?" Exclaimed Morgan, getting Hotch’s attention.
"He warned me that you and Hotch would try to get information on his girlfriend and he said that he would give me half of the forty bucks if I didn't help you. And I love you, chocolate baby, but I also love twenty bucks. Call me when involves something about the case. Bye, baby."
And with that, Garcia hung up the phone. Derek walked madly towards Hotch, who was looking at him confused.
"Reid bribed Garcia so she wouldn't give us any info."
"We could use that in our favor." Morgan looked at him confused. "Why would Reid bribe Garcia to not give us the information to prove that she's real if he isn't lying?"
"He doesn't want Garcia to look her up because she isn't real!" Hotch nodded. "These are going to be the sweetest twenty bucks I’ve ever received, baby. Let’s go!"
— • • • —
By the end of the case, Morgan and Hotch had collected all the information that they needed to win the bet. The whole team entered the jet, and both sat down in front of Reid filled with adrenaline, ready to prove that Reid’s girlfriend isn't real.
"Prepare the forty bucks, pretty boy." Spencer put down his book and looked over to his colleagues, pretty sure that they had nothing. "You bribed Garcia so she wouldn't do any research on your «girlfriend». Why would you prevent us from finding actual evidence of her existence if she isn't real?"
"What's the fun in that? For that, I would have called Garcia myself in front of you and made her look my girlfriend up and I would already have the forty bucks. That's all you have?"
"We asked you if she worked in the city and you said she worked outside the state, but that you met her with Rossi when you attended one of her classes in Virginia. How's that?"
"Well... she gives different lectures around different states. She was giving one in Virginia when I met her, but she doesn't live in Virginia"
Hotch and Morgan had so much evidence, but Reid had an answer for everything.
"You could still be lying! You aren't giving us her name, or what college she works in. You are just giving us random facts that you could’ve made up, " said Hotch. "There's no way to prove that you are telling the truth."
"And there isn't evidence to prove I'm lying, either. Why don't you guys just give up and give me my forty bucks?" Questioned Spencer.
"Or why don't you just simply agree that no one won?" Interrupted Emily. "You guys couldn't prove he is lying but no one is sure that she exists, Spencer, so you didn't win either. Just forget it."
"You believe that she exists, Prentiss?" Asked Morgan.
"Oh, no, she's fake, but Reid did you good. You can't prove it."
And with that, Morgan and Hotch gave up.
— • • • —
As soon as they arrived at the office, everyone sat down and filled his paperwork. When Spencer left to the bathroom, Morgan wasn't slow to get up and look over Reid’s desk.
"What are you doing?" Questioned Hotch as soon as he saw him, making the rest of the team look too. "Morgan—"
"I'm gonna prove this kid is lying. There’s gotta be something here that shows what really was gonna do Spencer yesterday."
"Y/N!" Rossi yelled, catching everyone’s attention.
A girl in a red dress with a leather jacket on top walked towards Rossi with a smile. She was young, beautiful with gorgeous y/e/c eyes who brightened the entire office. No one could stop looking at you.
"SSA Rossi! How are you doing? Haven't seen you for so long!" Exclaimed Y/N with a smile. "And this must be the team."
"I'm Derek." Morgan presented himself, standing up quickly from Spencer’s chair. "You are?"
"Y/N, " you repeated your name. Rossi introduced all the members and you greeted each one. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I've heard a lot about you."
"How do you know Agent Rossi?" Asked Hotch and Y/N smiled.
"I met him about two months ago? Three months? He assisted one of my lectures with Spencer."
Derek turned around to look at Hotch. There was no way.
"You..." started Morgan, not believing what he was hearing. "You are the professor."
"I guess," Y/N said with a smile.
"Baby!" They heard Spencer exclaiming as he came back from the bathroom. The professor walked towards him and he kissed her softly on the lips for a few seconds before pulling away. "What are you doing here? I was going to pick you up."
"I know, just... wanted to see you. After you canceled our plans yesterday—"
"I’m so sorry about that. I had an urgent case.”
"It’s okay," she interrupted. "Ready to go?"
"Yeah just let me give quickly my paperwork to Hotch," said Reid, walking towards his desk and giving Hotch his file. "Guys, did you meet Y/N?"
"Yeah we did," whispered Derek.
"Wonderful surprise," added Hotch.
Reid laughed.
"I’ll claim my forty bucks tomorrow," said the doctor with a smile before grabbing Y/N’s hand and interlocking their fingers. "See you Monday! Do not call!"
"Adios," said Y/N with a smile.
"Have fun!" Exclaimed JJ as they both left. "I can’t believe it."
"I can’t believe I felt attracted to Reid’s girlfriend," mumbled Derek. "I need to see a doctor, I’m having a heart attack."
"Reid’s got a girlfriend," whispered Emily. "Wow..."
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apiratewhopines · 3 years
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Thanks to @teamhook for the artwork and for helping me pick a movie that wasn’t already done!
Chapter 6 — The Mice
Summary: In which our heroine wins the battle but loses the war
Chapter 6 of 7 on AO3
“The way you changed my life
No, no, they can’t take that away from me”
-They Can’t Take That Away from Me, Fred Astaire
After the excitement of the morning passed, Sidney grumbled until they returned to the table. Still shaken by whatever Arthur said on their brief phone call, Killian declined to join them and returned to their room. No doubt to dream up a make-believe pregnancy for her. Most probably twins this time.
“I thought you told me we would have smoked salmon for our bagels,” the man complained to Guin, face upset as if the plentiful choices offered on their breakfast buffet were insufficient.
“I’m sorry, dear. I know it’s your favorite, so I made sure it was on the menu I gave to our chef,” she murmured coaxingly. Looking at the butler who was filling Arthur’s coffee cup, she asked, “What happened to the salmon?”
“There was a mistake, ma’am. It was left out of the last delivery, and since the phones have been out all morning, we couldn’t contact the market. I’ve sent one of the girls into town to buy some, so we will have it tomorrow morning. If the gentleman prefers, we can prepare a plate for him this afternoon.”
“Nonsense,” she replied. “The phones are in perfect working order. We just made a call to Europe to check on the Baron’s daughter.”
“No, ma’am, only the internal phone system is working. An accident took out the lines last night.”
Emma reached over and grabbed Arthur’s hand under the table as they shared an uneasy look when the other three people at the table all glanced at her with questions in their eyes. Lance broke the silence. “I don’t understand…”
“I’m afraid he’s right. I wasn’t on the phone with my mother-in-law. In fact, I don’t— No, I don’t want to burden you with my problems,” she said haltingly, her mind racing with ways to get out of this mess. The words tumbled from her mouth so quickly she didn’t have a chance to think through the consequences, which seemed to be the way she operated these days.
“Oh, please, you can’t stop now. This little mystery is the only thing distracting me from my lack of fish,” Sidney countered. He was studying the wide variety of fruit compotes and toppings for his pancakes and sounded desolate. “Please.”
“Well, let’s just say the Baron’s family has a touch of eccentricity,” she continued with a grimace. She had their rapt attention; even Sidney abandoned his food and gawked at her. “My first hint was at the wedding. I was opening the gifts, and his grandfather gave us a broken compass covered in Thousand Island dressing.”
“Yes,” Arthur broke in, determined to help. “Now I remember hearing there was a streak of madness in the family. His father was known as the Mad Baron of Cambridge. He liked to give people roller skates with missing laces instead of flowers.”
“The truth is…we don’t have a daughter.”
“Oh, this is much more delicious than breakfast,” Sidney gushed, pushing his plate away and moving to the seat across from her. “Tell us more.”
“I don’t want you to think bad of him. Most of the time, he’s lucid and the sweetest man in the world. That’s the man I fell in love with. But when he’s having one of his episodes, like this morning, he can get quite aggressive if confronted. It’s best to go along with whatever he’s saying. It always starts when he first wakes as if he can’t shake some odd dream in his mind,” she grabbed her napkin and dabbed at fake tears. “There was one time about six months ago he woke up convinced he was Captain Hook. He wore eyeliner for weeks and refused to use his left hand. When I tried to make him see reason, he insisted I call him Captain and tried to have me arrested as a mutineer.”
“You poor thing,” Guin said, genuine sympathy in her expression. “I wondered why you called him that. I thought perhaps he served in the Navy.”
“And you’ve stayed with him all these years?” Lance’s gaze, which was always admiring, held a new respect for her now. It didn’t make her feel any better. “You’re wonderful.”
“Hmm, yes, absolutely amazing,” Arthur murmured under his breath. The smirk was back, and she could tell he was enjoying her web of lies. At least someone was. “Is there some medication he can take? Perhaps you should have him committed.”
“No, I would never. I promised to stay with Killian in good times and bad. It will pass eventually. It always does,” she bit out, kicking him under the table. Before anything else could be said, she heard the Captain whistling as he practically skipped out of the house toward them dressed in the sky blue scrubs of a surgeon. The color made his eyes even more beautiful, and the tiniest smattering of hair visible above the v-neck of the shirt did things to her heart.
“Arthur, Guinevere, thank you for the hospitality, but we really must be going. I have to get back for my shift at the hospital.” Everyone jumped at the pronouncement, exchanging loaded glances and trying to figure out what to say or do next.
Guin smiled at him shakily and in a calm voice asked, “The hospital, Baron?”
“Not a baron, I’m afraid. And this woman isn’t a baroness. You notice I didn’t say my wife because she isn’t that either,” Killian informed them as he stopped by her chair and reached down to place a hand on her shoulder.
“Killian, you don’t mean that,” Emma responded. She would have laughed at his look of confusion at the lack of reaction to his revelation if she wasn’t so sure it would come back to bite her in the ass.
With an admonishing look, Lance said, “See here, Baron, there’s no need to insult the woman who has stayed by you through thick and thin.”
“Thick and thin? We met five nights ago, and she couldn’t wait to be rid of me. She’s an imposter. And I’m a doctor who has real things to do in the real world. Come on, Swan, let’s leave these lovely people to their breakfast.”
“Oh, I get it. You think she’s Elizabeth Swan from Pirates of the Caribbean.” Sidney snapped his fingers as if all the pieces had fallen into place.
“What? No, I think she’s a bounty hunter and the most impossible woman I’ve ever met,” Killian argued, determined to make them see the truth. The more he spoke, the more their faces cleared of all emotion like they were afraid a smile or frown would push him further into his delusions. He pulled her from the chair gently, and since she felt like pond scum for the lies she told, she let his arms circle her waist. As an added benefit she didn’t deserve, the position allowed her nose to be tickled by the chest hair so temptingly on display.
“Maybe she’s a mutineer,” Arthur offered.
Looking at the group, Killian shook his head in disbelief. “I think you’re all crazy.”
“Yes, that must be it,” Guin said soothingly. “Why don’t you have some breakfast, Baron?”
“I’m not sure how I can be more clear. I’m not a baron. We’re not married. We met in the middle of the road a few nights ago, and I pretended to be her Uber driver so I could give her a ride to a strip club. It turned into the best night of my life.”
Undeterred, Guin patted his arm, which was still wrapped tightly around her. “What a lovely courtship you’ve had. Now, let’s get you something to eat. Do you prefer coffee or tea to drink?”
“Are you not listening to a word I’m saying? We’re fakes! We haven’t known each other for more than a week. She twisted me around her little finger in two minutes. As infuriating as she is, I fell in love with her smile. The sound of her laugh makes my blood pump faster, and when she talks about not believing in love, it makes me want to prove to her that it exists every day for the rest of our lives.”
She was fading, her will to stick it out with Arthur and give him a happy ending melting in the heat of Killian’s honeyed words. His genuine concern at how nonchalantly they were accepting his confession should have been funny, but all she could think about was how he said ‘the rest of our lives.’
Like he meant it.
“Well, fakes or not, I’m still hungry,” Sidney answered, trying his best in the face of impossible odds. “Maybe your patients could wait a few hours until the salmon arrives. It’s quite good.”
“Bloody hell, this is a madhouse. Come on, Emma, enough is enough. Let’s go,” he urged her again. Taking the napkin from her hand, he threw it on the table and switched his grip to gently hold her upper arm and guide her away from the group.
They were immediately halted by Lance, thunder in his expression and lightning in his eyes. “She’s not going anywhere with you, Baron. We know all about your illness. She won’t be safe.”
“My illness?” Understanding dawned on his face and his head tilted back like he was searching the morning sky for answers. With a wry chuckle, he sighed. “Bravo, Swan. You told them I’m crazy. And I played right into it, didn’t I? Because I’ve been acting crazy, a man driven out of his mind at the sight of his most cherished dream waltzing away from him like he was nothing. Like everything he felt was nothing as far as she was concerned.”
She choked up at the bitter twist of his mouth. He was so brave, declaring his feelings in front of everyone, even convinced she would reject him again. Was it any wonder she had fallen head over heels for him?
And what did she do? She lied. She tricked. She ran. Then she rinsed and repeated.
“Captain,” she whispered, her hand moving to cradle his face when a sickening crack was heard and he crumpled at her feet.
Behind him, looking proud of himself, Sidney was still holding a pan aloft like he thought Killian might jump to his feet and demand a second round. Fear flooded her and she dropped to her knees to cradle his head in her lap. Helplessness, her hands fluttered over his body, her mind trying to sort out the impossible situation that was entirely her fault. “Why the hell did you do that?”
“He looked homicidal.”
Shaking him gently, she begged, “Killian…Killian, come back to me. Don’t leave me here alone.”
“You aren’t alone, sweetheart,” Lance promised, trying to move her away.
She swatted at his hands and refused to leave. The movement caused Killian’s head to lull to the side, and she saw a smear of red dripping from his hairline. “Someone call 911. He’s bleeding!”
Sidney glanced down at them with a mildly alarmed look and then at the weapon he still held. He ran his finger across the bottom and, with some relief, announced, “That’s not blood. It’s raspberry compote.”
Arthur’s personal physician made a house call to attend to the victim. Of course, the woman knew Killian Jones, MD, who was apparently the Director of Pediatric Oncology at Storybrooke General and one of the foremost experts in his field.
He was a saint in addition to being her Captain.
He deserved so much more than a lost girl who was too scared to know a good thing when it stopped on the side of the road to save her.
“This couldn’t have worked out better, my dear,” Arthur commented with an eyebrow wiggle. “Lance is beside himself. He just announced he plans to hire a divorce attorney this very afternoon. Run along. I’ll make sure the good doctor makes it back to town safely. I’ll even throw a couple thousand his way for his performance.”
“Shut up, Arthur. This is terrible. An innocent man got hurt, and it’s all our fault. My fault,” she corrected with a whisper, running her hand softly through Killian’s hair. He regained consciousness as the doctor checked him out but fell asleep while she assured them no permanent damage was done. Replacing the ice pack against the goose egg forming on the side of his head, she silently pleaded with him to wake up so she could grovel properly and beg for forgiveness.
“He seems quite taken with you.”
“Maybe he’s crazy after all,” she joked, but her heart wasn’t really in it. She doubted she would find anything funny until she saw his electric blue eyes again. “Can you leave us alone? I want to be able to explain when he comes to.”
“Of course, just call if you need anything.” He gave her a probing stare as if trying to decide whether to say something else before he left.
When she heard the door click shut, she leaned over and brushed a soft kiss across his lips. “I’m sorry. For running. For lying. For putting you in a situation where you got knocked out. I know that’s not nearly enough, but I am.”
“It’s a start,” he groaned as her hushed tone drew him from sleep, one hand moving to cover hers where it held the ice to his head and the other reaching out to play with the ends of her hair. “What happened?”
“I happened. This is why we don’t work, Captain. I’ve brought you nothing but pain and suffering since the moment we met.”
“I didn’t figure you for the melodramatic type, Swan. We had some good times before this farce began,” he reminded her as he shifted into more of a sitting position. “Are you ready to admit there’s something between us, or do I need to jump back into the fray and take a punch bowl to the face?”
“I never denied there was something between us, just that it was a good idea. I believe a raspberry-flavored concussion proves my point perfectly.”
His hand drifted to her cheek, calloused fingers glancing over soft skin. She wanted to look away from his intense gaze, but he tenderly grabbed her chin and held her in place. “Love, come away with me. It doesn’t have to be forever; we can sort that part out later. I’m simply asking for your company now, to give us a chance before you decide against it.”
“I want to, Captain. I want the carrot and everything else behind Door Number One,” she murmured with a watery chuckle. His gentle caresses grew hotter and more insistent. Finally he pulled her to him, her body half-covering his, as he claimed her mouth in the kind of scorching kiss that would burn through her memory forever.
She had nothing to offer him, and she had a long way to go before she would be worthy of this kind of love. Unconditional. All-encompassing. The kind she didn’t even know existed until he rescued her.
“I sense a but coming…”
With a sad smile, he interrupted her. “On second thought, don’t. Please. I can’t bear to hear you say the words. To watch you run one more time. Let’s call it a day now so we can remember it fondly in the years to come.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Not as sorry as I am.” He tapped her nose lightly with his fingertip, observing the tears in her eyes as she fought to keep them from falling. Giving her a bittersweet grimace, he added, “Just promise you’ll take care of yourself, Swan. No more skipping meals. No more pretending to be anyone other than the amazing woman you are.”
The tears that were a threat until then slipped past her defenses, leaving trails down her face. He swiped at them and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
Then he was gone.
Arthur found her later in the exact same place, not having the energy to move. He slipped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug. “This is the last time you’ll ever have to live this day, my dear.”
She knew he was trying to make her feel better, but the knowledge he was wrong caused her to feel light-headed as she turned into his embrace. She would never have to say goodbye to Killian again, but she knew she would relive it over and over until the day she died.
He approached her on the shoreline as she watched the blue waters of the Atlantic crash against the rocky beach forming one side of Arthur’s estate. Heat lightning flashed in the distance; the far-off storm robbed of its noise and violence when viewed from the calm of land. Emma knew it was only a matter of time until he sought her out. He was a smart man, a gambler and a rogue, so why not press his advantage?
“You disappeared on me after the baron left.” Lance never referred to him as her husband, always ‘the baron.’ She wasn’t sure if it was his way of skirting the immorality of his pursuit or simply to rob the other man of any claim on her, but it was starting to piss her off. Which was silly considering he wasn’t really her husband. Or a baron.
“He told me he was filing for divorce on his way out. That he hoped you found happiness but had come to realize it wasn’t going to be with him.”
She had yet to look at Lance, but she felt her heart break a little at the scene he painted. It was just like the Captain to try to help her all the way to the bitter end. She supposed he simply couldn’t stop himself. Breathing in the warm salty air, she wanted to let it fill her lungs and sweep out the misery that had taken hold in the core of her.
She was an idiot. She had let someone who had never loved her, never really even cared about her, twist her into someone who would do the same thing to a man who was perfect in every way. If she hadn’t already sworn to get even with Neal Cassidy, this would have driven her to it.
She was damaged now, unfit for human company, clinging to a sham because it was easier than facing the fact she made the biggest mistake of her life. Only this time, there was no boogeyman in the form of a cheating, lying ex to blame. She did this to herself.
But she didn’t have to double down on it.
With a deep sigh, Lance dropped on the sand next to her. He was more casual than she had ever seen him, and somehow it made him more approachable. Barefoot and with his pants legs were rolled up to mid-calf in a nod to the tide, he observed, “He was wrong, wasn’t he? You still love him.”
“Yes,” she admitted, staring at the horizon.
“And you aren’t a baroness…”
“No,” she confirmed, this time chancing a sidelong glance at him. “Everything he said was true. I’ve been here under false pretenses.”
“To come between Guin and me. It has the smell of an Arthur scheme all over it,” he explained with a wry grin. “Well, I can’t say I didn’t deserve it. I never intended for it to go this far, but once it started, we kept getting deeper and deeper until I couldn’t see a way out. And then I didn’t want to. I love her, I probably always will, but she’s not mine. You helped me realize that. A gorgeous wake-up call designed to turn my head and steal my heart. Losing you is my penance. One I can’t regret because I have a feeling you saved several lives by playing along.”
“You’ll be back in the saddle again soon, I’m sure, and the women of the world will be better for it. Do yourself a favor next time, though. Choose an available woman, and once you find her, don’t let her go. Don’t make the same mistake I did.”
“What are you going to do now?”
“Pick up where I left off, I suppose. I have some debts that still need to be paid and a fugitive to bring to justice. Maybe if I keep busy enough, keep moving, this will all fade and seem like some fever-induced dream.”
“I meant, what are you going to do about Jones?”
“I think I’ve done enough already. The best thing I can do for Killian now is to stay away.”
“For someone so smart about other people, you have a rather glaring blind spot when it comes to your own life. A mistake is only a mistake if you keep making it. You know where to find him, you know he wants you to, the only thing stopping you is fear.”
“Fear is enough, Lance.”
“You know what fear has gotten me: Absolutely nothing. I was afraid to put myself out there, so I only got involved with women who I knew would leave me before the whole thing even started. It’s hard to mourn the loss of a relationship that never stood a chance to begin with. It cost me my best friend and two women I care about. You’re better than that, Emma, and doesn’t he deserve the best version of you? But more importantly, don’t you?”
@teamhook @kmomof4 @jrob64 @stahlop @motherkatereloyshipper @xarandomdreamx @xsajx @klynn-stormz
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fanmoose12 · 4 years
i've got this lowkey painful n angsty hc/prompt that i've always wanted to get off my chest lmao wherein hange hated her left eye injury with a burning passion. after what happened in shiganshina, whenever she'd stare too long at the mirror in her room, all she can think of is moblit being blown to pieces on the same day that she lost erwin </3 imagine if levi was tryna cheer her up and the moment "four-eyes" slips off his tongue, hange just,,, tries not to break down (and ultimately fails hehe i love pain) by saying stuff like "i'm more like three eyes now, shorty" and just avoids levi in general while her eye is healing just bc??? she doesn't want him to see her struggling with tasks like adjusting to reading or signing documents with one injured eye throbbing continuously??? and levi is genuinely confused bc he still thinks hange is beautiful (what a dork i love him) and he just wants to take care of her after what happened (why do i make my favorite characters suffer god help me) AAAAAA imagine levi helping her change her bandages and she refuses by saying "i don't want you to see it, the wound looks nasty" and levi grumpily says "i know you're already the commander but you're still four-eyes... my four-eyes" IM FOOKIN SOBBING NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME THIS SCENARIO DIDN'T HAPPEN OK
It hurts. It hurts not just physically, Hange knows how to deal with that kind kinds of pain, no, it hurts mentally too. 
Everytime she passes a mirror, every morning she prepares for a day, washing her face and combing through her hair, because she can't appear as a messy crazy scientist anymore, she sees it - a place where her eye once was. 
The visions of the last thing that eye saw haunt her and she can't make it stop. 
She isn't not the same without them. She feels tired without Moblit's constant care and she feels useless and weak without Erwin's guidance.
She misses them more than she thought was possible. She's no stranger to losses, they've been following her through her whole life, but this loss hits harder than the rest. 
She followed Erwin for five years, trusted and believed in him. Admired him. He was her commander and her friend, he made her believe that this fight was worth it.
And Moblit, sweet, gentle Moblit. Ever since they've met, he never left her side. No matter how crazy and unmanageable she became, no matter how reckless her plans were, he was always standing just behind her shoulder, offering his devotion and support. He was with her until the very end, he sacrificed his life for hers, Hange could never thank him enough for that. She never thanked him enough, and now Hange regrets it more than anything.
The image of his terrified face and a desperate cry is a center piece of every nightmare. It haunts her during daytime as well - every time she sees her reflection in the mirror, every time she has trouble focusing on a paper in front of her, every time she bumps into walls and trips over thresholds because her coordination is fucked up. 
She can't show her suffering to the others. She puts on a brave face and covers her eye with a patch, removing it out of sight but not out of her mind. She is commander now, the whole survey corps - as scarce as their numbers are - looks up to her. She has no time for grieving, she lost that privilege long time ago.
For the most part it works. No one seems to notice her forced smiles and fake laughter. Except for Levi. He suspects something, Hange's sure of it. He doesn't say anything, not yet, but he watches her. Hange feels the heavy weight of his gaze everytime they're in the same room.
Hange wants to snap, she wants to yell at him to go away, to leave her alone. She wants him to leave. And at the same time she's also afraid that he will. That he will realize the same thing Hange did. That she is useless, that she can't do that, can't lead all of them, that Erwin made a mistake in appointing her his successor.
In the end, it's Levi who snaps first. He enters her - his - office and locks the door. He approaches the desk she's sitting at and looms over her.
"Stop it." He tells her, his voice low and gravely.
"Stop what?" Hange asks. She stares unblinkingly at the paper in her hand. She avoids his gaze. She knows if she meets Levi's eyes, she won't be able to keep her composure anymore.
"Stop this." Levi snatches the paper out of her hands. "Stop ignoring me. Stop avoiding talking with me. Stop-" he falters after that, unsure.
"Go on," Hange urges him in a detached voice. "Tell me, Levi. What should I stop?"
Levi takes a shaky breath.
"Stop acting like everything is fine."
"And what do you want me to do?" Hange stands up and walks to the window, leaning against the frame. "Do you want me to go around, wailing? Crying for everything I've lost? You know I can't do that. Not anymore."
Levi lifts his arm and touches her shoulder. "Four-eyes..."
Hange recoils as though she was slapped.
"That nickname doesn't fit me anymore,” she forces through her teeth. “I'm more like three-eyes now."
She feels the tears forming in her remaining eye and Hange lowers her face and passes Levi by, heading towards the door. She can't do this right now, she can't show her tears. Even to him.
She takes two quick steps and then she is stopped, as Levi wraps his fingers around her wrist.
"You missed the doctor's appointment," Levi tells her, and the change of conversation is so sudden, it takes Hange a moment to catch up to what he's talking about. "Let me take a look at your eye."
"No," Hange says, her voice resolute. "I can take care of it myself, thanks."
"I don't think you can take it, clean freak," she laughs, but the sound isn't merry or joyful. It's hollow and forced. "The wound isn't pretty."
"That's what that is about?" Levi asks. "You worry about your appearance? Since when?"
Hange doesn't answer, just turns away from him. Levi sighs.
"Your eye doesn't make you ugly, dipshit. It doesn't change in any way. For me, you're the same annoying four-eyes I've met all those years ago. You’ll always be."
Something breaks in Hange after hearing his words. Her shoulders starts to shake, as she tries to stop the tears from falling.
"Hange? Hange, what's wrong?" Levi approaches her, sounding almost desperate, almost like he's begging and that is enough to turn Hange around. He sees her tears and gasps. "Hange-"
"I'm fine," she says before Levi can say anything else or, god forbid, tries to apologize. "I'm fine, Levi."
He looks at her, his expression is open and sad. It breaks Hange's heart.
"Please, let me help you," he whispers and the tears start to fall down her cheeks. She stuggers at her feet, the pain and grief making her knees weak. Levi is there to catch her, though, just as he always is. He gathers her in his and presses her face to his chest.
"I know that it's hard, but you don't have to do this alone,” he whispers into her hair. “You have me and the brats. Just let us help, Hange. Just talk to me, please."
"It hurts, Levi," she sobs, staining his uniform with tears. The clean freak Levi doesn't protest, only pulls her closer. "It hurts so much."
"I know," he whispers softly. "And I'm sorry."
"For what?" she manages to ask.
"For not noticing it earlier. For letting you suffer alone."
"But I'm here now, Hange. You have me. You'll always have me, four-eyes."
Hange nods and a smile curves at her lips. It's the first true one in a while. Her heart still aches, her soul crying for those who are lost. But with Levi by her side, maybe, she can learn how to cope with it. 
Maybe, she can become whole again.
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hannigramficrecs · 4 years
The One That Got Away by whatacunningboy [words: 4,694]
Hannibal Lecter had this macabre air to his name. Everyone knew who he was and in what he specialized in—assassination was his trade and no one questioned it. He could make anyone disappear with a simple trick or two. He never missed a target, he was quiet, and swift. Yet, he missed the biggest target of all.
Ethics & Aesthetics by fragile-teacup [words: 106,330]
Pride and Prejudice omegaverse AU
Beginning and Ending by LittleUggie [words: 36,888]
19 year old Will gets cornered in an alley right before his first heat. Hannibal steps into help him out and decides he wants to keep the young omega. Will eventually comes around, against his better judgement. Let the mutual manipulation and power games begin.
I Could Just Eat You Up by orphan_account [words: 32,604] 
Hannibal breeds Will. A love story in bodily fluids.
Sirens Wail by Breakmybones [words: 48,495]
Will has been an Omega since his eighteenth birthday. He's been a Beta since his twenty-third. Finding a mate was never a priority - staying out of the spotlight and keeping his secret was. Enter Hannibal: dark, dangerous and keeping secrets of his own, Will knows what he is from the beginning, but he's more interested in understanding the beast than slaying it.
Bright Hair About The Bone by MissDisoriental [words: 484,669] 
In a world where omegas are little more than trophies to be bought and sold, Will Graham has done the unthinkable by escaping a forced bonding. Already in high demand as a profiler, Will's determined to find freedom on his own terms.For Hannibal Lecter the outlook is far more straightforward: a slow, systematic seduction of the most uniquely captivating omega he's ever encountered.As the shadow of a new and terrifying serial killer falls over Baltimore, the stage is set to redefine all accepted meanings of passion, temptation, horror and beauty – and to discover the ecstasy of a genuine love crime.
Not Interested by Watermelonsmellinfellon [words: 64,333] 
Will Graham, an Omega of forty-four years, finally finds himself interested in an Alpha. The only problem... that Alpha is not interested in him! And he can't stand it!
The Only Place I Can Hold You by snapdragonpop007 [words: 27,865]
“Hello, Jack.” These past two years had not been kind to Will Graham-Lecter. The solitary confinement that Chilton had promised would help had only seemed to make the omega worse. “I was wondering when you were gonna come talk to me.” Will hadn’t looked up from the book in his hands. He was running his fingertips across the pages, and when Jack looked a little closer he could see that it was full of photographs.
Friends To Lovers by Sirenja, TigerPrawn [words: 8,008] 
When Harry Met Sally AU
Consortio by kelex [words: 23,088] 
Every Omega in the land is brought to the lord on the evening of their first heat. Lord Hannibal usually doesn't choose to exercise that right, but this night's offering is too much for him to pass up. A virgin Omega in his first heat, with brown hair, blue eyes, and a spirit that can't be broken.
Sharing A Bed by TigerPrawn [words: 4,150] 
Will, Hannibal, Jimmy and Zeller are sent to Butfuck Nowhere on a case and the small hotel has messed up the booking leaving them with only 2 rooms between the 4 of them. And specifically Omega Will having to share with Hannibal, the only Alpha on the trip.
Stormchaser by YouAreMyDesign [words: 6,465] 
One thing, Hannibal knows absolutely; Will is empty, all the time. He aches to be filled.
Pathology by YouAreMyDesign [words: 14,129] 
In his periphery, Hannibal's head tilts. "Tell me," he purrs, "how exactly does one your age come to enroll in an FBI training facility?"
There Will Be Bells by Entropyrose [words: 36,639] 
In Georgian England, male omegas are very rare diamonds. Baron and Baroness Graham have a plan to build their wealth and social status by offering their son Will's hand in marriage to a mysterious older Duke, an Alpha named Lord Hannibal Lecter. Will's personal feelings need not apply.
Alpha Mart by slashyrogue [words: 63,164] 
Will needs an alpha. After years of fake knots, half-assed suppressants, and his own damn hand during heats he’s reached the end of his rope. He doesn’t do dating so he decides to waste his life savings and hype with the current trend. Alpha Mart.
Enchanted By Your Name by CarnivalMirai [words: 9,207] 
“Now, my husband would prefer it if I got the job done quickly.” He says, slashing down the back of each gag as he passes each man, watching as the silk falls gracefully to the floor. “However, I want to have some fun. Considering you’ve troubled my husband so much… it’s only fair, right?” One of the men whimpered fearfully. Or: The name "Will Graham" is a name you'll only ever hear once.
I've Been Building Black Ships by cloudsarefluffy [words: 8,116] 
Alpha Hannibal moves to the States with his sister Mischa after being overtly done with the fancy life of a count, and his blind omega neighbor gives him an insight into love that he never quite expected.
A Rare Find by hit_the_books [words: 5,379] 
Life as an omega bookseller can be quite lonely. However, as the owner of Graham’s Books, Will Graham is reasonably content. That is until he meets—long-time customer and crush—Doctor Hannibal Lecter in person for the first time. Attraction blossoming between them both, Will agrees to a dinner date with the good doctor.
We All Have a Hunger by 1ntothew1ld [words: 12,260] 
Hannibal will ensure a properly slow and painful death for an alpha who allowed a beautiful young omega to go to waste as this one has. Too skinny for his own good, a stuttering and humble mess. The likes of the omega in front of him belonged at Opera houses and in million-dollar mansions, not scrounging for his next meal. Meek and afraid in some disheveled row house. When he finally looked back up the alpha had to conceal the utter punch to the stomach that meager glance was, blue eyes full of innocence but also hunger.
The Doctor Is In by Kummerspeck7 
Will nearly scoffed. "You can't expect me to believe you'd want anything other than a delicate flower to adorn your side, keep your ostentatious home, bare you the exact number of children you want--No more, no less-- all while being available at your whims." "Not at all." Hannibal disagreed. "I would no more put a wilting flower in my home than in a bouquet given as a gift. Tell me, Will, is that how you are treated? Forbidden from work, cloistered inside and used at Mr Brown's discretion?" "My Alpha's discretion." Hannibal looked pointedly at the curve of Will's neck, free from a single scar. "Not yet he isn't."
Sugar by Sweaty_dogman [words: 12,659] 
Hannibal finds himself hung up on his friends mother, desperate to find ways to spend time with the omega. Will Graham is a beautiful, kind and single omega. The young alpha finds himself struggling to keep his emotions hidden.
No One Falls the Way We Fell by HigherMagic [words: 9,206] 
Five years ago, Hannibal's mate died, leaving him with their young daughter. He's tried to move on, but Abigail keeps interrupting his sleep and insisting that she can see her mother in her room at night. Hannibal turns to Alana for help, and Alana gives Abigail a doll, someone to talk to and help her accept her mother's passing. Once the doll arrives, though, strange things start happening in Hannibal's house. It's impossible to consider, of course, but if anyone could defy death and return to them from beyond the grave, it would be Will.
Proud of You by CarnivalMirai [words: 11,748] 
Will worked right up until labour to make money, through all the sickness and fatigue and swollen ankles, he worked to bring his little boy the best life. And it has paid off. As of last week, Hannibal has sent off his university applications. Medicine at Johns Hopkins, Harvard Medical School, Stanford University, and the University of Pennsylvania. He’s applied for a scholarship at all of them, and Will desperately hopes he gets it. He knows he will. He’s Hannibal, after all. His baby can do anything.
Venus Is Bright by wolfgraham [words: 7,237] 
Tomorrow, he tells himself, tomorrow he'll set new rules, boundaries. He'll tidy up Hannibal's room and give him the talk, and download Matefinder on his phone. But is it so bad? So bad to wish that the world outside the two of them would just disappear and leave them be?
Creator by Caidepgun, wolfgraham [words: 5,589] 
Will and his son, Hannibal, have an unusual relationship.
My First, My Last, My Everything by TheBl00dyFl0wer [words: 14,930]
Will Graham's encephalitis gets out of control and messes with his hormones, mutates him. May I present: Will Graham, the first known Omega.
Room 205 by HotMolasses [words: 9,220] 
Will is an Alpha, but in name only. He's a hotel maid at the Graham Bed & Breakfast. He considers himself a freak; an Alpha with no knot, who dreams of a powerful Omega to dominate him. He's pretty certain that because of this, he'll be alone for the rest of his life. Then he meets Hannibal Lecter.
Howl by multifandom_fanfic_writer [words: 7,083] 
When omegas go into heat, they go feral. Only an alpha strong enough to subdue them is a worthy mate. Will Graham has never found anyone worthy. After all, there is only one alpha Will plans to submit to – and he doesn’t even know their name.
Careful, He Bites by maxxeoff [words: 10,328] 
Will Graham is a feral child. His dad died when he was five, and he lives with a wolf pack until he has his first heat. He's found, brought to Baltimore. Dr. Lecter takes an interest in him.
Predator by eijirouN_17 [words: 7,619] 
Will hasn't presented, he doesn't give off any scent at all so everyone, including himself, assumes he's a beta. Then Will goes into heat. At a crime scene. In front of everyone. And Hannibal tries so hard not to go feral.
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lovely-necromancy · 3 years
A Cure for Insomnia Ch.3
I understand seeing others go through this can sometimes cause panic or anxiety attacks in some and with the use of some imagery I've used I'd feel better if I gave a fair warning that there is a detailed panic attack early on.
Whoever said eight hours of sleep was the right amount for humans has never met an insomniac who just spent the last six days and five nights awake. You hoped that fucker is in hell burning for his sins, he probably has more of them that you don't know of. But with bleary eyes looking at your phone you can barely make out that it's just a little past six in the morning. This is backed up by the slimmers of light shinning through the blanket you put over the window last night. Briefly the thought of keeping it up today passes through your mind as you try to curl into an even tighter blanket cocoon.
Stretching out your legs and toes you let your muscles melt into mush in the warmth and comfort of your bed. Closing your eyes and burying your head back into the pillow, you might not be able to go to sleep but resting is nice too. You're so relaxed it almost feels as if all your limbs are floating and you feel the buzz of energy come surging back through you, you hum along with it nuzzling into the pillows.
'Your car was broken into.' the thought flashes through your mind and has you jolting up right.
Chest heaving slightly as frantic eyes dance along the room that hasn't changed since the night before. The buzzing energy from just a few moments before turns into an icy feeling flowing in your veins. It chills you to your core and you've noticed the tremors in your arms causing you to tremble. There's a sick feeling that bubbles up your throat, as you feel the phantoms of tens of hands grabbing at your arms and torso. They move erratically all over and their grips are suffocating, there's a lump in your throat that you have trouble swallowing down.
Bringing a hand up to your throat you jab your thumb right above or right at where your larynx would be. The slight pain from the pressure helps ease the lump away and you're able to get out a few frantic breaths. You hardly notice the wetness on your face from the few tears slipping free from your eyes.
'Gross, gross, gross, gross.' is the only message that rings clear in your mind as you're assaulted by these phantom hands.
You're aware this is a panic attack, but it does little to calm you down. Putting more pressure on your throat and using your feet to propel you back into the mattress. Vaguely you're aware that tiring your body out should calm you or maybe it's the release of an emotional fit that calms you, you aren't sure which and you don't really care at the moment. So flailing your legs you let your feet forcefully slip off of their purchase as you push your muscles to their full extent with force. It doesn't take long before you can't feel your limbs and are gasping for breath.
The phantoms are gone, no longer touching you as they please, and while the lump still sits at the bottom of your throat making it hurt to swallow and breathe around you can begin to feel calm. Actually it's the numbness that takes over you, not a sense of calm. The sense of an empty shell broken from its exertion. One thing's for sure you can't take your car today. If you had a panic attack just by thinking of your car you don't want to risk actually getting behind the wheel.
Everything feels tense, the muscles in your legs are starting to ache and you're pretty sure you'll have a bruise at the base of your throat.  You check your phone with shaky hands to see it's now seven twelve. If you get up now and leave you think you can probably make it into town by eight forty giving you time to grab something from the Dunkin' on the corner across from the shop. Or you could call out, Nate would totally understand. But just the thought of being alone today sends a chill down your spine and the feeling of those phantom hands start creeping their way back into your personal space.
“I'm going to work!” jumping up and out of the bed, away from the grubby grabby specters.
Running around the room you throw on a pair of black shorts, unusual for you to wear at work but if you're walking you'll have to deal, sweaty jeans are uncomfortable and joggers aren't very cohesive to a work environment. Deciding on a binder made from a breathable swimsuit material for the same reason, sweaty bra is too uncomfortable and bra-less isn't really something you're comfortable with. Grabbing the first shirt you find, it's a black tee with the words “The only man for me is Mothman” printed on it surrounded by little white stars and a chibi lil mothamn.
Looking at your outfit altogether cheers you up. It's casual but cute, not to mention these shorts do a lot for your thighs and butt. But, there's no time to dwell on how handsome you are, you need to grab food and get out the door like ten minutes ago! Grabbing a mask printed with the word 'No' dead center and your headphones you leave your room. With the thought of grabbing Dunkin' before work you settle on a Pedialyte Pop to hold you over during your walk, nausea shouldn't hit you right away anyway. Checking your door was locked, thrice, you started your trek to town.
Most people would complain about having to walk or hike while wearing a mask, often times saying it was hard to breathe under the fabric. But you'd say they just didn't have the right size mask for their face shape. You'd run into a few masks that hadn't been the right shape or size throughout the years but you're thankful that your first three had been perfect. Had they been too big or small you probably wouldn't have fallen in love with wearing masks, they were so comfy and let you interact with people without your voice getting stuck in your throat.
You'd taken to wearing them after high school when you'd taken a job of watching an elderly hospice patient's corgi while her family worked on moving to Virginia and closer to her. Anytime you and little Russel went to visit her you'd had to wear a mask, so instead of wearing the disposables you'd bought a set of three reusable ones.
After noting the change in behavior she mentioned your Autism, she'd been a retired social worker and saw the signs when she met you and after spending nearly 40 hours a week together for half a year she was certain you somehow fell through the cracks. It was a shock to you when she threw out the off handed comment but after stating who your pediatrician was, she was sent into a fit of laughter.
“Anya is a dear and a great surgeon, but I think the cultural barrier has stopped her from diagnosing children for years.” she had said all the while wheezing through the oxygen mask, eyes crinkling in amusement.
She'd sat you down with a list of books to look into and written out all your symptoms, she said if you ever wanted to get tested having the list of symptoms would be more helpful than straight up asking for a diagnosis. Some doctors were too by the book back in the 40s so Autism has rarely been studied in depth. Only in the last decade or so has a movement gained momentum to spread not only a wider awareness of the disorder but also acceptance for it. But to a doctor it would seem like you were grasping for attention at least to anyone who spent less time with you than she had. But without at least six thousand dollars to spend on a piece of paper that confirms what you already know you'll just have to stick to coping by using methods you read about from forums and blogs made by people with Autism rather than their parents or someone who's “very close” to them. And like Mary Anne said before she died, “just because you don't have a diagnosis doesn't mean your symptoms aren't there.”. A statment that reassures you from time to time, when you think you must be faking it for attention. And that somehow you managed to fake tics your whole life.
Snapping out of your memories because you could hardly tell your mask was on, and has been for the past forty minutes or so since you'd finished your pop. It wasn't too hot at the moment and like the previous day Kepler's climate has no humidity whatsoever, a huge change from the coast. Checking the time again on your phone you see the clear white numbers stating boldly that it is eight o' nine. You don't feel any closer to town but figure that's normal when all you've seen is the old over grown road. You feel you should have seen the road leading to town by now,  you hope you see it soon or else you'd really over estimated how long it would take to get to town, then you'd be hella late and sweaty. With the way you still had signal to the spotify you doubt you've even made it far enough to reach the dead zone.
Sighing you look down as you walk hoping to maybe find a rock to kick, walking's really boring when there's nothing to explore and you're on a time crunch. A loud honk takes you out of your head and you startle looking up. Doesn't take more than a second before you see a car stopped in the middle of the road in front of you. It's well taken care of for sure but not necessarily new or anything, you don't know too much about cars other than it looks like a black Camry no wait that's the Hyundai symbol. Some type of sedan then.
The back window on your side of the car rolls down and a man leans out and calls to you, you don't hear him at first. Slipping your headphones down to hang around your neck he repeats himself, “Do ya need a ride?” He has a southern accent on the thicker side, not abnormal for West Virginia but you can tell it's not the same dialect, probably from further down. The man has blonde hair styled in that fluffy swooped faux hawk that a lot of gamers had back in 2017/2018. He's got slight thin stubble along his jaw, not quiet five o'clock shadow so he probably has trouble growing facial hair. His eyes are that hazel color everyone wishes they could have, the kinda that had the orangish yellow glow about them. He looks like a fuck boy.
You're nearly ready to point at your mask in an indication of 'no I don't know you creep' when you catch sight of the driver. A boy around your age maybe who looks apathetic, that's not what catches your eye everyone looses the will to live at some point. What draws your attention is the mask he's wearing on his face. He could potentially be like you, or maybe he's just sick and being considerate, or he could have allergies. Whatever the case may be you can't honestly be considering getting into a car with two random men just because one wears a face mask. Hell for all you know they've orchestrated this situation, they could've been watching you analyzing your every move to know that breaking into your car would send you into a state of panic where you wouldn't use your car the next day or two, then you'd be out in the open to kidnap on your walk to town where you couldn't call for help due to being in the dead zone. Why else would they be this far along the old dirt road?
“Ah...miss?” the southern drawl brings you out of your inner ramblings, and the words cause you to bristle.
“I'm not a woman.” you say calmly but firmly.
“Oh, ah sorry sir.” you can't help but huff a laugh at the quick apology, your eyes catch movement through the window. Oh they have a dog with them, a rottweiler at that. Cool kidnappers with a dog, who's wearing a vest how...wait dog in vest oh he must be a service dog. Cool not kidnappers then, just strangers, nice. Seemingly trans allys, slight common ground with the driver, and a service dog it might be safe to engage...or at least humor these men.
“It's fine, I'm They/Them for the record.” You say approaching the car, you make your way to the man leaning out of the window, somehow the presence of a service dog puts you more at ease, especially when the dog only spares you a single glance before his attention's back on the driver, who's not even pretending to pay attention to the two of you. His leg is bouncing up and down, it's not rhythmic and no one's paying attention even as it shakes the car. Probably has ADHD, your dad does that all the time when he's at a stop light, it's a subconscious movement he even does it in waiting rooms or anywhere where he has to sit still really.
“Oh, well sorry 'bout that Mx.” the man in the window stresses the “Mx” but not in the typical fuck boy way, more like he was reinforcing it to himself. “We just saw you walkin' and wanted to see if ya' needed a ride anywhere.” he says.
“If you're going to town, I'd appreciate one, but I wouldn't want to be a bother.” his smile brightens at this but you notice it doesn't reach his eyes, probably just being polite.
“Sure thing, hop on in.” He moves to slide back but you've already opened the passenger door and slid into the seat. Effectively snapping the driver out of whatever haze he was in to look at you, he looks back at his friend with confusion.
“Hi” you say to the driver who gives his own wary 'hey' in response as you buckle yourself in. The driver looked even more apathetic up close, dark eye bags under his eyes that were such a deep brown you couldn't see his pupil he also had that fluffy brown e-boy hair. Not the frizzy hair marketing itself as fluffy but the type that's genuinely fluffy looking forming soft waves in his hair.
If they are kidnappers they're really bad at it, especially if all you have to do to stun them is sit up front in a seat that has the second most control in the car and can escape quicker if the need arises. However, glancing back at the dog you notice his attention's still on the driver, it would be really dumb if a kidnapper brought their service dog with them to do a kidnapping so you're reassured that it's just two southern boys driving through Kepler. And they happened to spot a “damsel” in distress, so they came to the rescue.
“Oh, don't mind Connor he won't bother you. He's here for Toby right now.” The man in the back says and you see the man beside you grip the steering wheel tighter. You nod in response and feel a tickle at the base of your skull, you'll try holding back the tic to not freak the two out.
Just as “Toby” is about to put the car in drive, a bark is heard from the back seat. A frustrated sigh leaves Toby as his hand leaves the gear shift, scowl clear even on his masked face. You guess Toby needs Connor to let him know when he's safe to drive, it's rude to ask about these things but you can't help but guess why that'd be the case.
Another bark leaves Connor right as your head snaps to the right moving back to place, then right, right, up, and right before cracking violently.
“There we go.” you verbalize.
Toby's looking at you in what you can only guess is shock, not the worst reaction you've had to your tics, meanwhile you notice Brian's looking to Connor who's looking directly at you now. Then his head whips around to Toby and he barks, like clockwork Toby's shoulders jerk forwards and his hands jolt up. Connor looks back at you and gives a bark, your head jerks three times cracking your neck two of those times. Connor's gaze is still on you and you know he'll be in an ongoing ping pong game between you and Toby if you keep triggering each other's tics the entire drive, if you'd even be able to get to that point.
“I'm fine, thank you.” you said looking at Connor while holding the sides of your head, trying to as your friend Emonie once said 'keep the bobble head away'.
Thankfully Connor must have had a training course similar to ones you've helped with because he looks away from you and focuses on Toby, who he gives several barks to. Following those barks Toby pops his knuckles and makes a 'mrrwo' sound, sort of imitating a cat, before his head jerks sharply into his knee that jerked up at the same time. You cringe at the sight knowing that must have hurt, hands still firmly pushing your head you see Connor settle down in the back, still on alert but laying down as if to say the muscle spasms have passed. You won't risk removing your hands, you still need a ride into town and this whole situation's put you behind to where you won't make it if you walk now.
“pfft...” you look back to the blonde and he looks ready to burst with laughter from what he just watched. Heat creeping up your face you turn and look away, sure the situation's funny but you don't know these two men and honestly you just feel so embarrassed right now. Especially with last night's incident at the mini mart still fresh in your memory.
“Will you fucking shut up!” Toby barks out, and the blonde tries harder to suppress his laughing fit. Toby glares at his friend before turning his attention back to the road, hand on the gear shift he waits for an alert before putting the car in drive and doing a U-turn back to town.
It's been a while since you've been a passenger in a car, you actually get to take the time to relax and enjoy the passing scenery as Toby drives. He's a surprisingly good driver, most guys his age are speed demons and always want to see how fast they can get away with driving. Toby on the other hand is abiding by the limit even on this open stretch of road with no other cars. But you guess it comes with the territory of needing a service dog to be able to drive, have to abide by the rules. The drive's quiet, you take it as a good thing that the men aren't trying to question or get to know you. If they were kidnappers or up to something nefarious surely they'd be trying to distract you right now with endless chatter to let your guard down. Especially if they'd been watching you and knew what a total chattering encyclopedia you could be when given the right topic. You're gazing out into the window seeing the sign of the town get closer finally when the thought hits you.
“So, your name's Toby, is it short for Tobias?” turning to look at the man, he spares a single side glance with his furrowed brows before responding with an uneasy 'Yea'.
“Cool, sorry if that was a weird question. Tobias is like the best name I've ever heard but I've only met three Tobiases, including you. Could I call you Tobias or do you prefer Toby?”
“I don't really care.” gotta love apathy.
“Cool, cool. Thanks for the ride Tobias!” you chirp out.
“Hey, forgetin' that I'm the one who offered the ride?” The man in the backseat speaks up.
“No, you just never gave me your name. You said Connor's” and ear twitch is all you get such a good boy, “and you said Tobias'. Never mentioned your own.”
“It's Brian, sugar.” you were correct, this man is a fuck boy.
“Yikes, that's gross.”that was a reflex and it was now Toby's turn to laugh at his friend. The man didn't even hide his snickers even had his shoulders bouncing up and down, you think you even caught a mumbled “I won't hesitate bitch”. Meanwhile Brian sat stunned, guess he was used to people finding his nicknames more endearing, meaning he probably meant nothing by it and it was probably the southern accent but it just made you think of the senior men who'd hit on you back before you moved out here.
“Yea don't call me 'sugar', anyway, I'm YN, it's nice to meet you three.”  Toby just nods as his laughter dies down a clucking sound resonates from his throat, Brian however goes right back to his friendly persona with a 'good to meet ya.' Again it's slightly off, it doesn't feel like he's trying to be polite...it feels like...you can't put your finger on it but it's familiar. Like when you fake a conversation with Nate or your mother on the days where exhaustion is nearly killing you, but Brian doesn't seem tired or sluggish.
The rest of the drive is relatively quiet as you direct Toby how to maneuver the streets and he parks in the parking lot of Dunkin'. While you were getting out you'd asked the men if you could get them anything from Dunkin' as a thank you for driving you. Brian tried to decline but Toby spoke over him with what “they” wanted.
“Ok cool, can Connor have a pup cup?” unsure if service dogs could have treats while working.
Sparing a glance to the good boy in question Toby shrugged “Yea, he's due for a break any-anyway.” he ends with popping his knuckles. You assume Connor only alerts motor tics when Toby is driving or about to start driving, since that tic didn't get clocked.
You repeat the order to the cashier once inside. You also get a frozen caramel coffee and an iced caramel coffee for you and Nate along with a box of donuts to pick from for the day. When she hands you everything you're able to balance Toby's order on top of your box and your drinks in the other hand. Walking out with the help of the next man coming in, nodding thanks as you pass him, you see Toby leaning against his car with Connor sitting next to him, no vest on.
It's terrifying how well trained Connor is, because the dog you left in the car barely paid you any mind. While this hyper pup's tail is wagging at just the sight of you, his paws lifting slightly in a tiny dance as you get closer. But he doesn't dare move from his sit, looking up at Toby for cues and looking at you who holds his treat.  Had you not worn a mask for so long you may have missed the smile Toby gave Connor as he pat the dog's head. The slight crinkles around the edges were a dead give away though. With a quick snap Connor is released from whatever command he'd been held by and runs up to you once you're five feet from them.
Drooling mouth opening and closing in an odd mute bark for a dog this size. You take note of the fact that while he's jumping excitedly and pawing the air he hasn't laid a single paw on you. Whoever trained him knew what they were doing that's for sure. Looking up to Toby you hold the one hand outstretched for him to take his items, a tray with Connor's pup cup and his iced coffee, and a white baggie with three donuts, strawberry glazed, maple glazed, and an apple fritter.
Once he's taken his items you balance your drinks on top of the box. Connor's attention hasn't moved from you even through the exchange. You're a little confused by the pup's antics but he probably thinks he can get a donut off you.
“Sorry bubbie, your dad's got your treat not me.” that dopey little face tilts to the left not understanding you aren't the treat giver at this time. You laugh letting him smell the hand that had the coffee in it so maybe he'd understand you didn't have his treat. He excitedly sniffs you, and gives you a few licks before sitting back right in front of you with a blur of a tail behind him. Such a silly boy, he deserves some chin scritches.
“He's smart, told him you'd give 'im this.” Toby says holding out the pup cup to you, as you bend at an awkward angle balancing food in one hand while scratching his dog with the other.
Connor's a little disappointed when his pets stop but jumps to all fours when he sees the pup cup. His tail is wagging so fast you'd be afraid his butt will fall off, if that was a thing that could happen. You go to put the cup in front of him but Toby stops you.
“Hold on, Connor sit.” As soon as his name was called his bottom was on the ground. “You already know his release word so when you want him to take it just say the release.” He says offhandedly while placing the bag in the passengers seat and his drink in the cup holder. You can hear murmured arguing from inside the car, but choose to ignore it. These guys clearly aren't kidnappers, and if they were it's so stupid to kidnap you in broad day light after you just made a purchase and with literally a street in between you and your work, where your boss is waiting for you.
Placing the cup in front of Connor you didn't think it was possible for him to get any more excited but his tail is now undetectable by the human eye. He looks from his treat to you, back, and back to you. Toby said you already knew the release, and there's only one thing you've said to Connor throughout the trip.
“Thank you.” it's immediate, for such a well mannered service dog on and off duty this pup has no table manners. There is whip cream everywhere it's on the ground, his paws, even behind his head. How on earth did he manage that? This must be Connor's only character flaw because Toby is back with what you can only assume are all the napkins he had received in the donut bag, and service vest under his arm.
Once the pup cup was utterly decimated Connor sat happily, butt wiggling, as his dad wiped the rest of the whip cream off of him. Showing the pup the huge glob he had behind his ear only had him licking it off the napkin before licking his dad's face.
“Wrong.” Toby called, a little bummed the pup calmed down a bit but his tail was still going. Toby paused before he slipped the vest back on Connor. Head jerking back twice he looked over to you.
“You wanna say 'bye'?” you perked at the question, if you had a tail of your own it'd probably be wagging just as fast as Connor's.
Do you want to pet a dog, what kind of question was that? Of course you fucking do. Yea you might be late to work but petting a dog is always worth it. Setting your breakfast and coffee on the hood of the car you bent down with Toby to Connor's level.
If that dog could talk he'd tell everyone you gave the best ear scratches, sure you may have smooshed his wrinkly face a ton. But you were so nice and was that baby coos, ah he loves you new best friend. Connor jumped up when you started cooing and gave you a ton of kisses to the face. You couldn't stop laughing and the repetitive motion triggered a tic. Thankfully your mask was on so Toby couldn't see you tongue poke out repeatedly as you said “bleh” in between giggles.
“Wrong.” he says gently pushing the drooling pup away. Shaking the spit off his hand before scratching the pup under the chin, right where the bottom of his ear met his jaw. The pup instantly melted calming into his handlers touch. With his dog now calm he whistles and Connor is standing up straight, Toby slips the vest over his head and secures it. Connor the puppy has turned back into Connor the good boy working pup.
Grabbing your stuff from the hood of the car you turn to Toby and Connor, “Thanks again for the ride, and for letting me pet your dog.”
You're met with a simple shrug, not much phases Toby you've noticed. Aside from his tics that is.
“See ya later Tobias!” with that you're on your way to cross the street legally, and by that you totally jay walked out into traffic in front of the sheriff. You may have jay walked in front of the sheriff, but he didn't do anything so you're fine.
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adem-kavas · 3 years
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Full Name: Adem Ildiz Kavas
Nickname: None really, he will just about respond to ‘Ad’
Age: 35
DOB: July 29th, 1986
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Istanbul, Turkey
Arrondissement: Entrepôt / 10th 
Sexual/Romantic Orientations: Heterosexual / Hetero-romantic 
Religion: Muslim (Non practicing)
Occupation: Paediatric doctor
Goals/Desires: To run his department, to move on, to find happiness, to learn a new skill, to take up a new hobby
Fears: Snakes, heights, losing his family, reliving the past, forgetting his wife and child
Hobbies: Reading, quiz shows, exercising, jigsaw puzzles, board games, gardening, photography, piano.
Likes & Dislikes: His niece, warm summer nights, runs in the park, freshly baked bread, pain au chocolat, Turkish food, thunderstorms, board games, a good book, head massages, dog walks, sunflowers, his job, the first cup of coffee in the morning, the scent of his wife’s favourite perfume, creamy milk chocolate, a good red wine/scotch, restaurants that do take out, football, most sports, anything active, quiz shows, losing himself in music, photography, not messing up on the piano // most people, heights, snakes, bad drivers, tourists taking pictures in the middle of the street, iced coffee, fake people, deconstructed food, entitlement, people that ask why he buys things for his kitchen when he doesn’t cook, messing up on the piano
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Parents: Kadir Kavas (Father) & Ceren Kavas, nee Afacan (Mother)
Sibling(s): Zehra Kavas-Polat (Younger sister)
Other: Ela Polat (Niece)
Pet(s): One corgi - Cogsworth. His niece chose and named him, he’s very much his niece’s dog. It lives with his sister when he’s at work.
tw: death, pregnancy complications, infact death
- Born and raised in Istanbul, went to medical school there. 
- Was taught french by his next door neighbour’s step mother as she was french. 
- Moved to Paris at 23 after he graduated and married his childhood sweetheart (the next door neighbour) they met at 5, kissed at 13 and never looked back. 
- He’s a paediatrics doctor but not a surgeon. 
-  Lives in Entrepôt 
- Lost his wife (and baby) three years ago due to labour complications, he hasn’t been the same since. 
- Generally doesn’t show much emotion, gets annoyed easily, very much the opposite of the happy guy who would greet anyone and everyone walking down the street a few years ago. Exceptions to this are his patients, their parents and his niece (and his sister if he’s forced to admit it), they’re the only ones who see that warm, sunshiney side of him. 
- He’s very grumpy, he doesn’t act like he likes most people, it will take a lot to get to know him now, but he isn’t a total douche to people he’s known for a long time.
- Currently knows he really needs to sort himself out because he’s just constantly miserable.
- Hates being at home alone. Probs drinks a bit too much and definitely sleeps around too much, just trying to feel something without feeling too much.
Little sister - Is at least three years younger than him, has a five year old daughter (who Adem adores) and has been in Paris since she moved here for university at 18. Probably his best friend but he’d never admit it, he lent on her a lot after his wife and baby died.
Cousins - Completely open, anyone of at least half Turkish descent could work for this.
Friends / best friends - He’s been in Paris for 12 years, so he’d definitely have strong bonds with people. I’d love for him to have some really close friends who can help him remember that there is light inside him.
Neighbours - Anyone in Entrepot or in Elysees, where he used to live with his wife.
Colleagues - Anyone that works at the hospital
Friends/colleagues/family of his wife- Someone he stays in contact with due to the connection with her / their own friendship. If family, they’d need to be of Turkish heritage. Alternatively, they could be related to her stepmother, who was French.
Friends from Turkey - He lived in Istanbul from birth until 23 when he moved to Paris. He’s now 35, so anyone who would fit in this timeline.
Former / current flings - He’s not interested in any commitment but is in his sleeping around phase. He’d be very clear on it being no strings attached, no commitment. He’s a ho but honest about it.
One night stands - Same as above
I’m sure there’s a bajillion others and I am totally up for plotting, so let the brainstorming begin!
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