#but when I tell them they should buy some furniture and decor they are very opposed
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datamodel-of-disaster · 8 months ago
One of the things that never fails to baffle me is how many people genuinely don’t care about the space they live in.
People who paint their own house landlord white all over in preparation for when they might want to sell -even if they have no such intention in the near-ish future.
People who move to a foreign country as an expat and then live in a quasi-empty flat until they leave again (years later!), because they imagine it would be a hassle to move if they own stuff.
People who go to IKEA when they get a place of their own, fill their apartment with all the typical utilitarian stopgap stuff, and somehow never acquire “nicer” or more personally curated items down the line no matter how financially comfortable they get.
I just… don’t understand it.
It’s not about money. Like, I have seen literal homeless encampments, squat houses and cardboard box shelters, that looked like the person who used them cared about the space.
It’s not about minimalism. Minimalism is a stylistic choice. Owning only a desk, a desk chair and a bed and using the cardboard boxes those came in as a kitchen table is NOT a stylistic choice.
I don’t know, and it makes me weirdly uncomfortable? There’s plenty of forms of design and decor that do nothing for me (or that I think are hideous), and those are still different to this strange absence of care for one’s space.
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pumpkinsy0 · 6 months ago
ik u answered this like a month ago i think but do u have any more hcs on papercut moving in together and the gang coming to their apartment or whatever else they move in to
its ok i love them, i do have hcs of em i play w them like theyre my barbies
•as soon as curly realized bc its his house now, he cluld leave the doors open and not get w pony behind closed doors, he PURPOSELY left the doors open, pony however keeps closing it out of habit, its like “baby, wyd??? leave that door open😏😏” “🙎🏻‍♂️”
•for a good while, they were buying used things, like of course they cleaned it, but yknow. sometimes it was online, other times just stuff they found outside w a sign that said “take me”
•it took them a solid month or 3 to FULLY get things together, partially bc they were busy or something along the lines, but also bc they argued on where to put furniture
•ideally speaking, if they were able to, i think it would b obvious that theyre both maximalist, but in different ways, u can tell who added what, VERY quickly, maybe it takes a while for them to rlly decorate the place how they want to, but tbh, wouldnt call it decorate??? more so they just add shit they like and find a place for it, its not like they have a design in mind here
•they dont rlly have any rules for their house, at MOST maybe its to take ur shoes off at the door, but they dont rlly enforce that, they dont care THAT much, just dont make an absolute MESS of the place and ur free to do whatever
•they would get plastic plates and silverware at first, just bc they didnt rlly have ACTUAL appliances, but even when they did get it, they didnt stop using the plastics bc they didnt feel like washing dishes, but at some point they had to stop cause they were wasting money😭
•darry and soda r the guys that goes “maybe u should put up a picture here”, they give sone decorating tips, they let pony take some things from their home to put into his and sometimes they still come over w things pony can have!!! curly aint have much from his house to give tho
•the gang could not LEAVE after they came over, cause like pony man,,,hes left the nest, they rlly growin up💔💔💔, they said theyd leave but then stayed for another hour
•darry and soda would cook for pony and curly, pony CAN cook, but its just that hes not used to cooking DAILY, him, darry, and soda would switch who would do it daily, so pony and curly would b ordering take out or eating junk food for a good chunk of the week
•pony and curly would get very home sick, family means everything to them, and now they dont rlly see them all that often, so they always call home, just ti hear their voice at least and know whats happening back at home, this also means that pony and curly cling to each other more, they remind each other of home!!!
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cosmerelists · 2 years ago
Cosmere Characters in IKEA
The title says it all, really.
1. Adolin & Shallan
Adolin: This place is such a maze!
Shallan: Yeah, it kinda reminds me of my time in the chasms with Kaladin.
Shallan: There could be a chasmfiend made entirely of hex keys around any corner.
Adolin: You’ve already mapped this place in your head, haven’t you?
Shallan: Well, duh. 
2. Kaladin & Teft
Kaladin: Ha, look at the size of this bed! What kind of spoiled lighteyes needs a bed this big??
Teft: Kaladin, lad, that’s a bed for two people...
Kaladin: ...
Kaladin: I knew that. 
3. Sebarial & Palona
Sebarial: Genius, really, setting up all of these fake rooms to make people imagine their homes looking like this.
Sebarial: Makes you want to buy way more than you came in for.
Sebarial: And it all seems cheap, but it sure adds up!
Palona: Mmm...and the pathing really forces you to see everything, no matter what you’re looking for.
Palona: Urithiru is mazelike already--think Dalinar would give you a floor to set up something like this?
Sebarial: Are you SURE you don’t want to marry me?
4. Dalinar & Stormfather
Dalinar: I think it’s good for people to build their own furniture.
Dalinar: I never felt as clear-headed as I did when I dug that latrine that one time.
Stormfather: Bah, this flimsy wood could never stand up to a storm.
Dalinar: Most people keep their furniture inside.
Stormfather: I’m listening and learning here.  
Dalinar: What?
Stormfather: What?
5. Lopen & Rock
Lopen: Now, see, people say the REAL fun is the food!
Rock: Ha! These meatballs are not as good as chouta with fried cremling claws, but they’re still pretty good!
Lopen: Of course! Nothing beats chouta!
6. Wyndle & Lift
Wyndle: Oh, this is SO exciting!
Wyndle: Look at all of these WONDERFUL chairs!
Wyndle: I can’t wait to add some of these to my chair garden!
Lift (dragging her feet): Is this the LAST time I let you pick our activity. 
7. Denth & Tonk Fah
Denth: You know what I hate about being a mercenary?
Denth: People think you have no sense of style.
Denth: And sure, interior decorating isn’t a big part of our life.
Denth: But just look at this pillow I chose and tell me it wouldn’t look great on any modern couch.
Tonk Fah: Hey, that old lady you stabbed to get that pillow seems to be coming around.
Denth: And people NEVER appreciate the lengths we got to to get a good deal!
8. Szeth & Nightblood
Szeth: I like this place.
Szeth: There is no profane stone anywhere, and the seemingly endless maze of empty rooms devoid of all life reminds me of the inside of my own head, only they took out the screams.
Szeth: And some of the plastic fruit is nice.
Nightblood: That’s great but can we get back to my thing now?
Szeth: That sofa wasn’t evil, sword-nimi.
Nightblood: Then why was its name looking at me with those beady eyes?!
Szeth: I think the umlaut is just part of the spelling, sword-nimi.
Nightblood: I think we should destroy it, just in case.
9. Siri & Syl
Siri: Look at this!! A tiny frying pan!
Syl: No, look at this!! It’s a blue stuffed shark!
Siri: Look at how colorful this rug is!
Syl: I don’t even smoke, but this ash tray is shaped like a COW!
Siri: I can’t believe Vivenna and Kal said we “couldn’t be trusted in the marketplace”
Syl: I know! We make such good decisions!
10. Jasnah & Navani & Elhokar 
Jasnah: It is nice of them to include pictogram instructions, so that even men can assemble this furniture. 
Navani: Engineering for men. Very progressive of them. 
Elhokar: How am I supposed to screw in all these screws with just this hex key?! Also, these dowels definitely do NOT fit in this hole! And I am definitely missing some pieces!!
Elhokar (muttering): I bet Kaladin could build this bookcase.
Jasnah: Should we help him?
Navani: Give it five more minutes. 
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queenlua · 8 months ago
30's meme: 1, 11, 45, 52?
1. What was the first piece of furniture you bought?
my *very* first piece of furniture was a futon whose cost i split with three other roommates, freshman year of college. i napped/lounged/homeworked on that futon probably more than anyone else all four years of undergrad, lmao. we got it from a habitat from humanity sale and it was CLUTCH
my first non-cheapo/non-ikea furniture would be the wooden dinner table i split with my husband when we moved in together. it's SO pretty and nice and i love it so much... and he DEFINITELY had to talk me into it because i have no sense of ~*~interior decoration aesthetics~*~ and was like "do we really need this idk it seems too fancy...." (he was 100% correct and, come to think of it, is responsible for pretty much all our furniture. it's ok, i contribute all the stuffed animals, i'm helping)
11. What’s something you saved up for and then regretted buying?
for years all my skibrah buddies were like "bro you gotta get an Epic Pass it's the only way to ski bro" & one year i FINALLY caved and got an epic pass and... then due to illness/injury i wasn't even able to USE the thing to the fullest, and also, most of the bit of skiing i wound up doing was at a NON-EPIC MOUNTAIN, so. all i got was the warm n fuzzy feeling of "paying lots of money to the evil conglomerate that's slowly jacking up the price of skiing all across the entire world." UGH
45. What’s something you wish you had more time for?
if i had an extra three hours a day i could do job + all my hobbies + get adequate sleep. however i do not have those three hours so more-often-then-not i sleep less than i'd like (and uhhh sometimes i job less than i should, but, don't tell my boss that)
52. Did your relationship with your parents get better when you stopped living with them?
Oh yeah, absolutely. Though I guess there was a little back-n-forth, like...
High school: Relationship with mom was so-so but overall fine
College: Relationship with mom gets much worse. In hindsight, she was definitely working through some Empty Nester Feelings TM and i kinda got the brunt of that, but also, I probably wasn't as nice about it as I could've been haha
First job out of college: Mom's SO much more chill. So chill that, when I end up doing a residency in another city & plot to land a job on the west coast, I'm like "why don't I just move back home for a bit in-between gigs"
Living at home again: BAD idea lmfao. Things are really tense and bad
West coast job: Both mom & I are still a little wounded for a year or two, but stuff's much better from there on out, and nowadays I definitely count mom among my best friends.
(my dad was present through all this but that relationship's always been stable, by the virtue of me being Basically The Same Person As My Dad, lol)
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jikookuntold · 2 years ago
Where is your red line when you would admit that jikook is not dating ? Now when you see that Jimin is free, Jungkook is alone too, inviting whoever will come to his home to not be lonely and Jimin is nowhere to be seen. How do you feel now?
And I feel great, Thank you. Lol
But don't go anywhere, I'm not done yet. I have questions too. My question is why you are so bothered by me believing in Jikook dating? I know many people out there believing in the most crazy stupid things, and I can't give a shit about it. Why can't you be the same? Or is it because you wake up every morning and monitor all the activities of Jimin and JK to see if you can find an evidence that is slightly not aligned with the idea of them dating? And then you come to your fake tmblr accout with 2 following and spam the blogs who turned off anonymous asks? This is a very obsessive and pathetic behavior if you ask me. Anyways I'm going to ignore you for the rest of this post because this is not about you, and your ask was just an excuse for me to write my thoughts.
Based on VHopeKook live last night, JK decided to invite members to "his place" to talk and have dinner together, and only Jhope and Taehyung accepted his invitation. So, Jimin not being there means that Jikook is not a thing? Okay, let's imagine if Jimin was one of members who responded JK's invitation. Wouldn't they repeat the same thing, saying that this proves they don't live together? The same people said that Jikook haven't seen each other in months, and it was only a matter of time to be proven wrong.
The story these people are trying to make is some type of a mutual pining. We see Jikook talking about each other, watching each others' videos and lives, JK invites jimin for food, Jimin invites JK for dance practice, JK invites Jimin to do boxing, Jimin wants JK to make him noodles and JK wants to watch his performance at music shows. They should take Yoongi's advice for that ARMY and just date. Lol
It's funny how people were getting hit tweets by making fun of JK building a mansion in Itaewon saying he doesn't need a mansion when his house has no decoration and he uses secondhand furniture. These people completely ignore the possibility of Brunnen actually not being his (only) place to live, since we already know JK is a very neat and perfectionist person. Apparently making fun of JK is more acceptable than that.
Wherever JK lives, he simply can not play loud music there, he can't do karaoke at 4am and not having neighbours on his door complaining. There is only one place that has no other residents and it is Brunnen building because it's all rented by Hybe entertainment, and as we can see JK uses that place for doing his special lives (which always include midnight loud music and karaoke) and other activities. Yes, he has clothes, kitchenware, a pethouse and other personal things in that place, and we can tell he has spent many nights there. But don't forget that JK is a millionaire, he can afford many things. He can afford things in double, he can buy more than one pethouse, and he can have more than one place to stay. It's not that hard to understand.
So let me give you a scenario; JK is leaving for LA (in a few hours the time I'm writing this post), he needed to pack some stuff, and since some of his clothes were in Brunnen, he stopped by to do the laundry and finish his packing. Since he was alone he invited the member in their group chat. Jhope came by because he loves to spend more time with members right before his enlistment, and Tae also came because he was alone. Jimin didn't come because he was tired or unavailable. VHopeKook had a great time together and shared some minutes of it with us, then VHope left, and JK kept getting ready for his business travel. And again, none of this had nothing to do with Jikook being a couple and living together.
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katyspersonal · 2 years ago
It is always so hard to recover the default settings of my brain after someone had already fiddled with them.
I live completely settled and accepting that nothing in my life will ever get better. That Russia will just keep getting digged deeper and deeper into its grave and I'll never be able to leave it (I am poor, nor I have qualifications important enough). That I'll just die here, and alone, and unloved, and very soon after my mom passes away because I can't fully care for myself. That everything will just keep getting worse, that I'll never reach the civilized world, that I'll always struggle with money for as much as food, that nobody will want to be my family.
But I accepted it, there is no need to worry too much if nothing can be changed. So it hurts even stronger when some asshole crawls back, telling me that he can't have a future without me, how much he wants to take me out of this mess and give me better life, how he has money to buy everything he ever wanted but it all means nothing if he can't buy me gifts and see places with me and meet holidays with me. How he just wanted to have a family at last in his life and only saw me as such - not because I was the only one who would accept, but because he only liked me. Because in the end I dropped my guard and felt hope. My brain completely rebuilt my concept of life and future from "dying alone, cold, unloved and pretty soon" to imagining doing everything there is to do in life together with someone I love.
But apparently he got too scared and uncomfortable with how fixated I became on meeting irl already, since I kept asking him about it? Of course I was impatient! I could not wait to take walks in the places he showed me together, and let him teach me how to cook, and watch all the shows he wanted me to show together, and do house stuff like picking furniture, cosplaying, decorating for holidays, taking care of pets, having long talks before falling asleep etc.. Yet he thought that was cringe and it made me sound "obsessive and entitled" and he went all "woah chill, you should be more HUMBLE and grateful for the OFFER, actually I was not in my right mind when I offered you, I am not really that desperate for you so why can't you just visit me once in a while for holidays or something :)"
And I just can't rebuild myself back to how I used to be right away. The vision of a better future became so apparent, so integral for my thoughts and feelings every day, that I kind of lost the idea. Like walking out of a house only for the door to lock itself behind me, so I can't even walk back in and am stuck outside.
I feel like my life just tries to teach me that I can't be loved or wanted. Why else I keep facing betrayals? Because it should be apparent that if something sounds too good to be true - then it IS.
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the141ghost · 2 years ago
Simon didn’t even try stifling his laugh over the fact that Johnny immediately called him out on his shitty description.
He shrugged half-heartedly. “Yeah, well… Not like I’m there enough t’be able to give you a good an’ proper description of the place, am I?”
It was partially true.
He was barely there, there wasn’t exactly any use in leaving around nice furniture for a burglar to take if they ever broke in. But, another reason he didn’t want to put down too solid of roots was because he knew he was already running on borrowed time. Between his life before the military and his life during, it was amazing that he’d managed to avoid kicking the bucket so many times.
He was well overdue a bitter reality check, but for now, it would have to wait.
Now, he had Johnny to think about. He had Johnny to decorate his house for, to get proper, nice furniture for, though he would most likely have to intervene with Simon's shoddy attempts at decorating. Was it even an attempt if you didn’t do it at all, actually? He didn’t think he had a single decoration in the whole house. 
He had the necessities; a mattress, a fridge, a microwave and kettle, and a fully functioning bathroom. There wasn’t an oven in the house when he had moved in, and he’d never bought one to fill the gap between his counters. He wasn’t going to be there, let alone actually use the bloody thing, so why would he waste the money?
Johnny might ask him to buy one. He’d just tell him to pick his favourite, he could use it whenever he stayed over, as much as he’d like.
And Simon decided, very quickly, he’d like it if he stayed over a lot.
He was, unfortunately, very well aware of his… questionable cooking attempts.
Hence why he has a secret stash of Dairylea Lunchables in his office on base, he’d even bought a little fridge for the sole purpose of putting food away. He did typically need to devour at least five of them at a time to sate even the tiniest bit of his hunger, but after that, he would usually manage to find himself some real food.
Johnny… maybe didn’t need to know that yet, actually.
“Alright, you can cook,” he agreed, one corner of his lips curling up into a lazy smile. “So long as I get to watch you.”
The comment about Johnny telling his mum he didn’t want to go with Simon did amuse him, however. While he fought the urge to mock even the idea of Johnny ever saying something like that, he managed out a fairly coherent sentence, though it was still laced with humour.
“Well, whatever little Johnny wants, yeah?” He may have spoken teasingly, but it was the fucking truth. 
Whatever Johnny wanted, Simon would find a way of getting it to him, no matter what it was. Considering that Simon would wholeheartedly say he’d never felt like this about anyone before, Johnny was really shoving him headfirst into the deep end. Simon didn’t have the best survival instincts when it came to the Scot, though. He took it all in, finally allowing himself to stop his lungs from burning and aching, and to just… feel what he’d desperately wanted to for all these years. Like taking that first breath of water when you were drowning, it almost felt like a high. Everything stopped hurting, you weren’t scared anymore.
Simon quite liked the idea of drowning in John MacTavish, and now, he could. He wasn’t scared, not of Johnny.
Never of Johnny.
He didn’t know why, but hearing that Johnny had a ‘thing’ for him nearly elicited a reaction that would have put everything else to shame. Hearing that Johnny loved him? That, quite truthfully, might be what actually kills him.
But, hearing something so casual and yet so much of a turn-on…
Well, that nearly fried Simon’s brain altogether. A thing. What did that even mean? And why was Simon’s entire body flushing with heat at the insinuation of what it might mean?
God, he needed a cold shower…
His touch-starved side only reared its head further when Johnny continued, making him into even more of a blushing mess than he already was. He wondered if he should feel stressed that Johnny’s mother would find out. But, from their brief interaction, she seemed respectful and kind enough. And, she was kind to his Johnny, so as long as Johnny was happy with it, then Simon was, too.
Simon was sure that the first time Johnny referred to him as his boyfriend, he would genuinely die. The crushing warmth that he imagined Johnny saying it with would rival the fucking sun itself. He’d let it all burn to hear those words come from Johnny’s mouth.
It was going to be an absolute minefield to navigate, Simon was sure, especially while at work. He was still Johnny’s superior after all, he wouldn’t want anyone to accuse Johnny of trying to climb the ladder unfairly or him giving Johnny any special treatment—even though he already did.
They’d have to keep sneaking around on base, at least at first. They’d stick to formalities—or as formal as they usually were, changing anything now would just add suspicion—especially around their higher-ups.
Simon would make it work, though. So long as it was Johnny, he’d always make it work.
A small frown teased at his lips as his mind continued to wander. Would Johnny find it hard to take orders from him now? That wasn’t really something that should happen in a relationship, should it? It should be equal, everything, at least that was what Simon had heard. Once they were both better, he’d risk broaching the subject, make sure that Johnny wasn’t getting cold feet about the situation.
Honestly, Simon didn’t find he was too worried about the prospect of having to sneak around while at work. They’d pretty much been doing it anyway, though now they could actually find a private moment to themselves to do things that Simon had only dreamed of doing with Johnny. 
Price clearly approved. If he knew the man well enough, and he liked to think he did, he was probably already making mental plans of what paperwork he needed to edit or ‘lose’ in order to keep his boys safe and secure.
Worst case scenario, he’d have to edit it himself. If, for example, he and Johnny had gotten together when they were both Sergeants and only later had Ghost been promoted to lieutenant…
Well, that wasn’t breaking any rules, and it wasn’t something anyone could try and deny, either.
“You’re probably going to be in here longer than I am, mind you,” Simon began, stretching his legs out with a quiet groan. Everything fucking ached. “Or… at least some hospital. Could always get your surgery recovery done at one closer to my place, get you into PT up there, too. Unless, y’know, you fancied hanging around closer to base while you got fixed up enough to travel. Gaz and Price probably know more about, uh… that kind of thing. Feeling wise.”
Simon really had to fight the urge not to call it ‘our place’ when he was referring to his house. Johnny had shown interest, and that was more than enough for him to hand the fucking keys over then and there.
“A- Johnny, if at any point, you change your mind about all this… Just… Tell me, yeah? I’m a big boy, I can take it.”
It won’t break my heart. It was already broken a long time ago. You would have just given me a little more life, a little more hope. More warmth in a soul that was so frigid I didn’t ever think it would be able to thaw again.
“I’m happy you fancied coming back with me. And… As fucked up as it sounds, Johnny, I’m happy we almost died together. If we hadn’t… Fuck, this wouldn’t have happened, would it? Would’ve just continued dancing around each other until one of us took a round to the head.”
Johnny rolled his eyes at Simon’s ‘description’ of the house. “I asked wha’ it’s like, not what the bleedin’ listing fer it was,” he said with fond exasperation. He didn’t think he was going to get anything better than that out of him though, so he had to make do and imagine from that basic description.
He had always imagined Simon living in a flat in some city, probably either London or Manchester, so to find out he lived in a bungalow in a lovely neighbourhood was a bit of a shock, though not an unpleasant one. It sounded like an idyllic little place, something that was so completely opposite to Ghost that he found himself somehow even more excited to see this place, to explore this corner of Simon’s life that he had apparently predicted completely wrong. It sounded like someone else’s life entirely.
Also, he’d mentioned there was only one bed in the house…
The idea of doing something as normal and boring as going food shopping suddenly sounded like best day plans he’d ever made, if he was doing it with Simon. And going on an IKEA trip with him, too? It sounded perfect, like a couple moving into their first house together.
The thing that really stood out to him, though, was Simon’s mention of ‘every time’. Every time? Like he was already planning for this to be a regular thing, Johnny staying around at his, like it was something they might do every time they had leave. Or maybe even just take leave, unprompted, to spend some time away from work with each other… Now wasn’t a nice thought?
Simon seemed almost shy to be sharing this part of himself with Johnny, like he was nervous he might judge him for it. Which was a ridiculous idea, honestly, because… well, okay, depending on what he saw he might judge him, but it was never going to put him off. If it turned out this place was a shithole? Or that it was as undecorated as his room on base? Well, Johnny would just have to help him redo the place.
As best he could with half his bones broken, that was.
“Aye, that sounds perfect,” he agreed, realising he hadn’t spoken yet, too caught up in his dreaming, “And ye better be lettin’ me cook, I’ve seen some o’ yer attempts here. Disgraceful.”
Johnny was going to reply nicely, until Simon called him that.
“Well, I was gonna say she will be, but maybe just fer tha’ I’ll tell her I dinnae wanna go,” he scoffed, “Bastard.”
But, because he was nice, he still gave Simon a proper answer.
“She’ll be fine wi’ it, don’ worry. She, uh… ye probably already guessed she knows I, y’know, have a thing for ye, bu’ I reckon she’s probably worked out it’s mutual by now, too,” he thought specifically of them staring into each other’s eyes with Johnny’s hand pressed against his heart, “So… when I tell ‘er I’m staying wi’ you, she’ll probably work out we… talked about it.”
He really wasn’t sure what language to be using here. Made it official? Had they done that? Was Simon alright with Johnny calling him his boyfriend, provided it was not in a work context and would not get them into trouble?
God, he hadn’t even thought about that yet. Their relationship was definitely not allowed. How on earth were they going to dodge around that?
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fabulivonline · 2 years ago
Is a Study Table important? Why?
So, do you think that bookish knowledge is all-important to work in a very good company or to open a business? No, nowadays, bookish knowledge is not that important. Students used to work to develop their skills, used to make different contacts, and build their minds when they were in college. So, don’t ever think you are very talented and intelligent if you have 100% of bookish knowledge. This knowledge is not going to help you in any way than to bring grades. So, this is the article for those students who are still in school and studying to pass their exams. The piece of furniture that I am going to tell today is very important for them to study hard and pass their exams with the best grades. 
Usually having this particular piece of furniture is frequently regarded as the most suitable material, especially for similar furniture pieces. This furniture piece is just for children or kids who want to study and they are plain and simple tables that are also used for writing purposes. As education has now almost become online, this particular furniture piece is not used often by students. Among all the woods, solid wood and premium engineered wood are considered the most common types of wood used for these particular furniture pieces. It completely depends on the size of the room or the place where you wanted to place this furniture piece.
They are just simple and plain tables that are used for studying or writing purposes. Many students usually love to decorate their working tables by adding their favorite color schemes. If the person likes bright colors, then he may choose red, green, blue, or green storage containers for making their writing desk or working desk more unique and more creative. Yes, you must have thought that right, that this is nothing but the study table. This table usually helps in organizing books correctly so that it will be much easier for you or your kids to pick anyone and start reading. 
It will definitely depend on the size of the room or the place where it is to be kept and where the children or the students can comfortably study and prepare for their exams. Before buying a study table, you need to make sure about the height. On this writing table, there can be many essential study materials that can be kept comfortably. With this writing table, you should also have one very comfortable chair or a standing desk. The main use of the study table is that it usually helps in organizing the books correctly so that it will be very helpful for kids to pick and choose the book accordingly. An individual will need to spend a considerable amount of time researching on the writing desk to get the right support and comfort.
People should always have peace in their study room so that the children can easily study by giving utmost concentration and dedication. If there is a study table kept in the room, you should also have a chair or a standing desk for kids to sit upon. If you want to study for long hours and that too with dedication and concentration, you need to choose the selected colors for working or the writing table. Generally, a writing table is almost between 26 to 30 inches in height for a very comfortable seating position. There are many kids who cannot feel comfortable studying at the study table but those who feel comfortable studying at the table eventually provide the assurance of comfort to your child. Before buying a writing table, the best way to check the height is to get your child to test the seat and see if he is comfortable or not as he will be the only one to use that entire furniture piece.
If your child studies in the study room or by sitting at the study table, then this practice of studying will always sharpen the mind and also improves concentration. Some of the selected colors for working or the writing desk are green, light green, pastel blue, cream, and white. But it is said to agree that nowadays, luxury home décor has eventually replaced the writing table and most kids use to study sitting on their bed or sofa. If you start studying sitting in the study room, then you will realize that it is a space of dedication where you can sit and study and you will not get disturbed by other people at your home. There is a high chance that if you study sitting on the writing table you will not get distracted just because your sitting position is erect. The most important part to study in a good environment is just to choose the area with minimal interruptions. 
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rynne311 · 4 years ago
Pizza and Beer
Summary: When friends move, you help out in exchange for pizza and beer. Those are the rules, even when you don't like beer and you like your friend way more than just a friend.
Word Count: 1353
The offer had been simple enough. Jason offered you pizza and beer if you helped him move. You weren't sure how much help you could actually be, but you weren't about to pass up the chance to spend the day with your friend. Deep down, though, you wished this was a moving in together kind of move instead, but for as well as Jason knew you, he was no mind reader, especially when it came to your feelings for him.
You were surprised when you got out of the moving truck he'd rented to find all of the big furniture had already been moved in. You assumed that meant he'd already moved his gear to avoid any wandering eyes as well. Together, you spent all morning moving all of the smaller boxes in tandem. The time flew by as you both joked around with each pass in the hallway and stairwell.
Before you knew it, every last box was upstairs and you were busying yourself unpacking them while Jason took care of grabbing the pizza he'd promised you. This may not be your home, but you tried to add your personal touch to the apartment.
"Helping reward's here," he announced as he set the pizza box and a couple of beers on the empty coffee table. You made a mental note to grab some large decorative books for him to put there. With a smile, you got up from your spot in front of the bookcase and joined him on the couch for a well deserved break.
The two of you had finished most of the pizza, and were quite satisfied you'd found the best pizza spot in the neighborhood, before Jason noticed he was the only one with an empty bottle. When he looked a little closer he realized you hadn't even touched the beer he'd grabbed for you.
"You good over there?" he asked. You almost thought he might still be joking around and about to make some crack about some pizza spilled on your shirt. When you looked down and confirmed nothing had fallen onto your shirt, you couldn't hide the confusion that painted your face and furrowed your brows together.
"Yeah," you confirmed cautiously. "Why?"
"I mean you've busted your ass all day and now you won't touch your beer," he explained. "You usually go drink for drink with me and now you're not so it seems like something's wrong."
"I'm fine, I promise. I just don't like beer," you explained. His puzzled look begged you to continue. "When we're at the bar I always get mixed drinks or wine. Now if you'd made a pitcher of margaritas, you never would have had a chance to even try them. But a blender really isn't the top of the list to unpack."
You may have answered his question, but you left him with so many more. He brought his own drink to his mouth in an attempt to hide his visible confusion. It almost worked, but you caught the way his brows furrowed from above the bottle.
"It's probably safer this way anyway," you remarked, trying to inject a bit of humor. "You know me and tequila are a dangerous combination. Just like the song, sometimes it just means clothes start falling off."
Jason hummed in absent agreement, but you could tell you'd already lost him. He'd jumped down the rabbit hole of questions, and he wasn't going to be really listening, or at least processing what was said, until he reemerged.
"So why'd you come today?" he asked. "When I asked you, I told you I'd get pizza and beer, so you knew I didn't have anything else to offer, but you still accepted."
It felt like a now or never kind of moment. One of the ones where you could be bold or you could be practical. You mulled over your options for what felt like an eternity, and while you wanted to be bold, you didn't want to lose what you had. Instead of answering, you grabbed another piece of pizza to buy a little time. The eye roll you got in return told you Jason knew exactly what you were doing.
"I thought I could be helpful," you finally answered as you finished your slice.
"That doesn't feel like the whole answer," Jason scoffed.
"Maybe," you confirmed. "But it also begs the question why you asked me to come help today if you already had everything moved in up here but some boxes in a half empty moving truck, or why I'm the only person you asked to come help you?"
Taking a page out of your book, Jason snagged your untouched beer to avoid having to answer.
"You want a full answer? I'll give you as full an answer as you'll get for right now," you began. Now it seemed you may have finally found the courage to be bold. "I wanted to spend time with you. You're always off wrangling supervillains and drug lords, which don't get me wrong is great and all. It has dropped the number of break-ins in my building to almost none. But that doesn't mean I don't miss you, because I do. I always do. A lot."
He started to choke on his drink, telling you you'd given a little more of an answer than you'd wanted to give. You couldn't say you were a fan of this emotional vulnerability, but your chest did feel ever so slightly lighter. You tried to read his face for a moment for some sort of reciprocation, but feeling the heat rise in your own face forced you to turn back to your empty plate. Your eyes only darted back over to him once you heard the bottle connect with the table.
"Maybe I wanted to spend time with you too. Maybe I didn't want all of the noise with my brothers and Roy around, especially when they manage to break something." With each 'maybe,' his voice grew a little more pointed and defensive, and you thought you could see a vulnerability that mirrored your own in his eyes. "Maybe I wanted this place to have your touch and feel like you. Maybe -"
You cut him off, leaning across the couch and kissing him. It was too rare in life that you got a second chance on a now or never moment, and you didn't want to squander it. You could only describe the feeling as a wave of excitement followed by a rush of relief when he raised his hand to your face and pulled you closer, returning the kiss.
"Maybe," his voice was softer now, almost cracking, "Maybe I've wanted that to happen for a very long time."
You felt breathless, but that didn't stop the smile from growing across your face. This time when you looked in his eyes, they seemed to share your mixture of excitement and relief. You couldn't help yourself as a small chuckle broke through.
"You like me, you really, really like me," you teased in a sing-song voice, only pausing to make kissy noises in the air. "You like -"
Having had his own feelings confirmed, Jason cut off your teasing as he pulled you into another kiss. When you both finally let go, he kept his forehead pressed to yours, watching as your eyes shifted back into focus. He wore a self-assured grin as he said, "There's no maybe about that."
"No, I don't think there is," you agreed. You sat back a little, trying to sear this moment into your memory forever. "Who would've thought a stupid beer could make this happen?"
"I should have brought you some beer to not drink ages ago," he joked, pulling you into his side and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You settled into your contentment in his arms, knowing now you may never have to leave this feeling again. "Next time I'll have tequila, it sounded like those consequences are fun."
You rolled your eyes in response as you wiggled a little closer into his side. Yeah, some post-margarita consequences now sounded a lot more appealing.
Everything: @societiesholyskittle @pickyblue12 @icycoldbeanieweanies @thoughtfullychaoticdreamer @bloatedandlonly @sakurafille @jason-todd-squad @childofposeidonforlife @webcraft4eveh @bookish-and-shy @dnarez @thirstiestpotato
Jason: @jason-todd-rh @princessowly1234 @manymanyenvelopes @drarrylov3r @axa-vega
Want to be tagged? Let me know via message or ask box!
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years ago
Halloween Decorations
Relationship: Natasha Romanoff x Reader Warnings: N/A, just fluff! Summary: After you and Natasha buy your first house, you go a little crazy decorating it for Halloween but your girlfriend is a bit hesitant about it. A/N: early Halloween one shot?! I’m sorry I can’t help myself! I love autumn and this is just a short and sweet thing :) and i love domestic WLW fics im sorry djfalkdjfs
You nearly couldn’t believe it when you and Natasha had finally closed on a house. It was something so monumental that had felt light-years away. You two had been through so much with her Avengers work and your job as a nurse, something as peaceful and quaint as a home seemed ridiculous.
But apparently it wasn’t. The home was your reality. Life in the suburbs was your reality. And you were absolutely obsessed.
You and Natasha hadn’t had many items when it came to actually moving in. Natasha was naturally a minimalist having been on the move constantly in her life while you were coming from a studio apartment. You had practically been forced to downsize upon leaving your parents’ home but that all could change.
You could shop and decorate to your heart’s content — and Natasha’s as well, even though she didn’t seem very interested. It had taken you days to convince her to go couch shopping with you and when that task alone proved to be annoying you didn’t inquire much from her about the rest of the furniture. She just accepted it all, never complaining or batting much of an eye. It had annoyed you a bit that your girlfriend didn’t appear to be interested in the making of the home but you slowly realized this was just out of her wheelhouse. She wasn’t uninterested as so much as she didn’t know how to respond. A milestone like this was probably something she never thought about and you accepted that, taking it step-by-step.
So, for that obvious reason, you took on the rest of the decorating. From plants to bins to throw pillows, the shell of a house was slowly becoming a home. A real place for you and Nat to start a life.
One of the things you had been most looking forward to upon having a home was the holidays. Not only were you excited to host Thanksgiving or Christmas, but you were also excited to decorate for it all. Your decoration needs hadn’t been fulfilled with just some hand towels and motivational quotes. You wanted to dive into the holidays, really get the whole house in the mood.
When you had brought this up with Natasha, as expected, she didn’t match your enthusiasm.
"Halloween? You’re making a list for Halloween decorations?"
You had nodded, jotting down a reminder to get some fake skeletons and spider rings.
"We have to decorate for Halloween," you had explained. "If we don’t we won’t get any trick-or-treaters."
Natasha had sighed, sitting across from you at the kitchen table. "It’s just… Haven’t you already spent the past few months decorating this place? Don’t you want a break? We could skip one Halloween."
You had gasped, waving your hand in dismissal. "That’s insane. Of course, we have to decorate. It’s one of the coolest holidays to decorate for!"
Despite your attempt at persuasion, Natasha hadn’t been convinced, just shaking her head as she sipped her coffee, eyeing you over the mug. You had gotten quite used to your girlfriend’s pessimism towards little things here and there. She was a guarded person, one night to enjoy something and who knew what could happen? But you felt she’d come around at some point. She couldn’t sit in a house full of hanging fake ghosts and tiny pumpkins and not be a little pleased.
You spent nearly your entire Saturday shopping for decorations. You lugged in the bags carefully, surprising Natasha who was sitting at the kitchen counter doing some paperwork.
She eyed the items are you placed them on the counter beside her laptop. "Did you buy up the entire store?"
You chuckled. "Just about! And this is only the indoor stuff. I have outdoor decorations in the garage already."
Natasha’s eyes grew wide at that. "Really, honey? Don’t you think maybe it’s a bit…much?"
You waved a hand in dismissal. "Absolutely not. It’s going to make our home all festive and cozy."
"Okay," your girlfriend shrugged as she turned back to her work. You took that chance to get started on the decorating. You began pulling out some window clings you had found. You had quite the variety: blood splatters, ghosts, witches, everything to slap up on your windows for anyone passing by to see.
Once the windows were done, you moved onto the lights. You had found some cute little skeleton hanging lights to decorate with around the windows. Then there were the orange and purple ones you began stringing up around the living room. You could feel Natasha eyeing you curiously as you went but you ignored her, happily humming away decorating the space.
After the lights came the nick-knacks and wall decor. You had found the cutest little arrangement of ghosts to put around on random shelves in the home. They would peek out from behind little photos and vases. You thought one would look really nice on the big bookshelf you had bought for the place but as you began putting it up there you realized you were slightly too short. You frowned and went to go hunt for a chair when you saw Natasha standing in the doorway, holding out a stool for you.
You shuffled over to her, looking at the little stool she brought.
"Need some help?" She asked, a bit shyly. You grinned.
"Are you asking if you can put up Halloween decorations?"
Natasha scoffed as if that wasn't exactly what she was asking. "N-No," she insisted. "I was just seeing if you need some help with that one. And-And maybe you'll need a stool for hanging those signs you brought." She tried to casually motion over to the bag of decorative wall signs you had bought. The one staring at you two said: "Broom Parking" which you just thought was the funniest. You couldn't help the smile forming on your face now.
"It's okay if you'd like to help decorate for Halloween, Natasha," you said, taking the stool from her and made your back to the bookshelf. Your girlfriend let out a sigh and followed you. She became your little spotter as you climbed up to put the last of the ceramic ghosts up.
"I was just watching you put everything up and... and you shouldn't have to do it alone," Natasha said. She held out her hand to help you down. You accepted. "This is our home and it should be decorated. Especially for Halloween."
Your heart swelled with such pride hearing her say that. You just about started crying which you knew was going to make Natasha scoff at so you hid it by throwing your arms around her. She jumped a bit at the action but eventually, her arms made their way around your waist.
"Thank you," you mumbled into her neck.
Natasha chuckled. "I didn't do anything."
You pulled away and brought one hand up to her face. Your girlfriend looked quite confused but you ignored it and said, "You're trying. You're trying to get comfortable here and let down your guard. It's okay, you know. You can do it. We can have this home, we deserve it."
Natasha gave a small smile. "Okay, babe." That was all she said but it was enough. You hadn't expected more and you knew she probably was not feeling this sappy moment so you pressed a light kiss to her cheek then headed back towards the Halloween decorations. You pulled out the faux-wood sign declaring a spot for witches to park their brooms.
"Now," you turned towards your girlfriend, "do we hang this in the living room?"
She shook her head. "We should hang it by the shoe rack."
You let out a loud laugh. "I knew you had a knack for decorating."
Your girlfriend blushed as she began pulling out some of the temporary hooks you had bought to hang the signs. "Just don't tell anyone."
"I make no promises," you smirked. "I'm gonna tell the team you want to redecorate the compound."
Natasha opened her mouth to protest but then abruptly stopped. She seemed to be considering it for a second. "Actually, do it. I think I have a few ideas." She wore a devious smirk that made you not even want to ask what was going through that big brain of hers.
You shook your head. "You're such trouble."
"Hmm," Natasha hummed as she stuck the little plastic hook to the wall. "But you love me."
The sign was placed perfectly on the wall, right above where you threw your shoes next to the door. You turned to your girlfriend and threw an arm around her. She leaned into you, letting out a content sigh.
"That I do," you mumbled. "I really do."
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agirlwhoisaphantom · 4 years ago
To Build a Home - Bucky Barnes x Pregnant!Reader
To Build a Home - Bucky Barnes x Pregnant!Reader
Summary: Going baby shopping should be a great idea? Right? But things take a turn. You share a cute moment with Bucky as you read the pregnancy book he claims he bought for you. This ends with a moment with you and Bucky in the baby room.
Word Count: 3400
Warnings: Fluff, also a hint of insecurities and thinking about the past. Pregnant!Reader
a/n: This is Part 2 to my one shot. Read part one “Turning Page- Bucky Barnes x Reader” Anyhow, Part two will be taking place when you are 6 months pregnant. You and Bucky get a little bit of help from some friends. Also, I would like to apologize for the first section of this, it might hurt a bit.
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Five months later
Blue, Pink, Red, Purple, you could see every color of the rainbow on all four store walls.
Steve thought it was a great idea for you, Wanda, and Bucky to go to a baby store. You and Wanda were so excited to go and look at baby items. Meanwhile, Bucky's face was blank as a ghost. Even though it has been five months since him finding out you were pregnant, it still catches him by surprise that he'll be a dad in a couple of weeks.
In the store, Bucky and Steve were together looking at furniture since they were the 'strong one' out of the group. Meanwhile, you and Wanda were looking at baby clothes, plushies, blankets, and decorations. Without hesitation, you gravitated more towards the boy section than the girl section. Even though you and Bucky wanted to wait until they were born to find out their gender, deep down, you knew they are a baby boy. The first thing you get is a pair of suspender top and bottom set that came with a bowtie. The shorts were the color khaki and the shirt was light blue. You turn to Wanda to show her what you found. "Look what I found for him." your heart filled with joy and happiness. You had a soft smile on your face.
Wanda grabs the piece that you were holding and places it against your stomach "he is going to look handsome" she smiled and scrunched her nose. She was truly happy for you and glad that you picked her to help you throughout this journey.
Across the store, where the furniture was located, Bucky and Steve were looking at furniture. Bucky was tense; he wasn't sure if he wanted to be there looking at baby items. He stared at the same baby crib for the past 3 minutes when Steve notices that he wasn't doing anything "hey, is everything alright?" he pauses to place his hand on Bucky's shoulder. "I know this is new to you and something you least expected to happen. But you deserve this."
Bucky started to shake his head, and slowly tears form in his eyes "are you sure about this, Steve?" his voice gets small and shaky. "Just a decade ago, I was murdering people without my own will. Do I deserve this happiness? What if they don't like me because of my past?" His lips were trembling as if he were to let out a sob- but he never did. His nose twitched as his mouth suddenly became agape, and he drew in a breath of air sharply, turning his neck towards the entrance. He started to pull on the sleeve of his left arm, trying to cover his metal hand. "I can't do this. I need to get out of here" He rushes out of the furniture section towards the store's entrance.
Wanda notices that Steve and Bucky were walking fast out of the store. Steve gives her a look and holds up a finger. She tried reading his mind to see what was going on, but all she caught was "give me a moment to calm him down, he had a panic attack" she had a concerned look on her face, but she knew Steve would be able to handle it.
You notice that Wanda had a concerned look on her face as she wasn't paying attention to what you were saying. "Wanda, are you okay?" a frown formed on your face as you were looking around the store looking for Bucky. He was gone. "Where is he?" you raise your voices a bit. "Wanda, where is he?" you were demanding her to give you an answer. She points towards the entrance. You gave her the clothes that you were holding. You sped walk towards the door.
Outside of the store, Bucky was sitting on the floor, knees by his chest, heavy breathing, hiding his face from the outside world. You could hear Steve trying to calm him down, telling him things that would usually calm him, but this time it was different. Steve notices that you were there and gets near you to hug you. He leans forward "are you sure about this? I tried everything I could. He hasn't been able to calm down," he whispers into your ear. Letting go of his hug, you have a brief smile and a nod. He walks back to the store to find Wanda and let her know what is happening.
You kneel, placing your hands on his knees. You were now able to hear how heavy he was breathing. “Bucky?” you slowly move your thumb against his knee, trying to calm him down “what’s wrong, my love? What’s going on?” he lifts his head and looks at you, his face red and his eyes puffy from the crying he had been doing for the past couple of minutes. Moving your hand from his knee, you place it on his cheek, wiping the tears from his face using your thumb. “hey, hey, Bucky, it’s okay” Your eyebrows knit together. You hated seeing him like this.
“I don’t deserve this happiness, not after everything I’ve done” his lips were quivering, his voice became small “they aren’t going to like me. I’m just a monster.” tears falling down his cheeks. He pulls you in, holding you, wrapping his arms around you. He was sobbing on your shoulder. Now the material of your shirt was soaking wet. “I’m sorry. I’m so-“
You interrupt him. “James, what you did. That wasn’t you, that was never you. One thing I’ll tell you is that you deserve every little inch of happiness; you deserve to be happy.” You take a pause holding him tighter and trying to stop your voice from being shaky. “I know this is scary. I’m scared as well. But one thing I know for sure is that even though we will try to be the perfect parents in the world, we aren’t going to be, and that’s okay. They are going to love us and our imperfections” you gently pull away, still holding him in your arms, you softly press your lips against his forehead to calm him down.
You held him for a couple of minutes. You wanted to make sure that he was okay. There was silence between the two of you, but you didn't mind. Within minutes, his heartbeat slowed, and he started to breathe normally. He turns his head, giving you a brief kiss on your cheek. “I appreciate you so much, doll” he takes a big gulp before continuing talking. “Should we ditch them and go somewhere else?” a soft giggle escapes his mouth. “I’m kidding. Let’s go and pick things for our little one.”
With your sleeve, you wipe the tears from his face. He grabs your wrist and stops you from continuing. He brings the palm of your hand and softly kisses it, then he lets go of it, so you can continue.
As he was getting up, he helped you get up as well. He was grabbing your hand and pulling you upward. Every little move that he has done with you, he has tried his best not to hurt you.
You both stood outside holding one other for a couple of minutes until you were able to notice that Bucky’s face didn’t look like he had been crying for the past couple of minutes.
Once you walked into the store, it was fast to locate Steve and Wanda, as Steve had a pile of clothes over his shoulder, a mixer of girl and boy clothes. And Wanda with a cart full of baby items. “Are you sure we are having a baby and not them?” you and Bucky were in synch “jinx, no, you jinx.” you both said that once again. This caused you and him to laugh out loud. Wanda turns around and rushes with the cart in your direction. She seemed like a little kid showing their parents the toy she had just found. Steve was getting the clothes that were on his shoulder, placing them all in his arms.
Once Wanda was near you, her face lit up as bright as a firework. “I and Steve both agreed that for this trip, we are buying all of this plus whatever you guys want.” Wanda was breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath “consider this as an early baby shower gift” she starts pulling out items from the cart and showing you her favorite items. Once Steve got to where you all were, he dumps the pile of clothes in the cart. “Steve! I was still showing her thing” she rolled her eyes, and this made Bucky and Steve laugh.
Steve looks at Bucky. “I’m guessing you are feeling better, aren’t you” Bucky gives him a brief smile and nods.
You grab Bucky’s hand and start to walk towards the furniture section. You pointed at a white three-in-one convertible crib “Honey, We should get this one” your voice was small yet soft with sparkles in your eyes. A smile formed on his face, and he nodded in agreement. Anything that you liked, he would usually like it as well.
What a long day today was, you thought to yourself. You were now home resting. Wanda, Steve, and Bucky made sure to put everything away in the baby room. 
Every little chance that Bucky gets, he can't keep his hands off of your stomach. He wanted to be there for everything, the first kick, the first movement they ever make. He didn't want to miss anything.
You were sitting on the bed, back against the headboard, reading a pregnancy book that Bucky decided to buy for you. He bought it for himself since he wanted to be prepared for everything that might happen. But he is too stubborn to admit it, so he bought the book for you. 
Bucky was sitting right next to you, laying his head on your right shoulder, trying to read along to what you might be on. His right hand placed on your stomach, moving in a circular motion.  
Page 34
Around 18 weeks of pregnancy, your little one hears their very first sounds. By 24 weeks, those little ears are rapidly developing. Your baby's sensitivity to sound will improve even more as the weeks pass. 
"Did you know that he can hear you already?" you asked. You were looking down at him, and his ocean blue eyes were looking back at you. You pointed to the location where it stated that they were able to hear at certain weeks. 
With a small smile on his face and his left eyebrow risen "he? I think they are a girl" he giggles a little "but if my baby girl says we are having a boy, then I believe it's time for me and him to have a one-on-one talk" he leans in forward to kiss you on your cheek. 
He slow removes the blanket that was covering your stomach and kisses your stomach, placing his right hand on your lower stomach. “hey, I don’t think mommy can hear us,” he was whispering while looking up to you. You had a smile on your face while you shacked your head. “I can’t wait to have you in my arms, little Leo” he pauses for a moment and has the biggest smile on his face, “When you grow up, I’m going to tell you so many stories about my adventures with your uncle Steve and uncle Sam. I can’t forget about those stories with your beautiful, strong, amazing mommy” He looks up at you with a smirk on his face. You started running your fingers through his hair, feeling how soft it was. “Leo, could you believe it that right now, the world is a crazy place to be at? But at this moment, you are safe in there. Mommy and daddy will always keep you safe. No matter what happens, we will always protect you.”
He moves back to where he was resting his head on your shoulder, not moving his right arm from where it was located. “How was your talk with baby-“you pause for a moment, trying to process what just happened. “Leo?”
Bucky looks at you, slightly shaking his with left eyebrow rose. It looked like he had a soft disappointed face. “Doll, you weren’t supposed to listen to me and him having a boy talk” he stops shaking his head, and gradually a smile on his face started to form. “Yeah, Leo. I’ve always liked the name Leo” he paused, and a small frown started to show. “You don’t like it. If you don’t, we can-“
Pressing your lips against his forehead, you interrupt him. You knew what he was going to say “No, I love the name, Leo.” It seemed like he had read your mind. That was the name that you had a plan on naming your future baby boy. Removing your lips against his skin and a soft giggle escapes your lips “so are you planning on telling him about your little rolling over with Sam that one time?”
Bucky looks up to you, and he had an offended look on his face. “I’m certainly not telling him that,” he pauses to place his head back on your shoulder. “There are things he doesn’t need to know, and that is one of them.”
Out of a sudden, you can feel a sharp pain on your lower stomach where Bucky’s hand was placed. This caught him by surprise. “Did Leo just kick?” you can feel the excitement from his voice. You giggled a little in agreement “he kicks hard, aww, he is a strong boy. Just like his daddy” his voice went high pitched as he was talking towards your stomach.
Minutes pass by from the last time they kicked, and Bucky felt every little kick they did. It pained you but seeing him and the reaction he had on his face. The amusement written all over Bucky’s face was worth it, the pain they caused you. You have always thought of naming your baby girl Rebecca. You have liked that name for years. Also, you knew how close Bucky was to his sister, and you wanted her to be named by someone he holds dear to his heart.
You take a deep breath, unsure if you wanted to say anything. “Honey, if we have a baby girl. What are your thoughts on the name Rebecca?” you tense up a little, not knowing what other words to say. “I know how much your sister meant to you, and I just thought that-“
Bucky looks up at you and places his hand on the back of your head, pulling in you. Pressing his lips against yours, he gently and carefully kissed you. Pulling away from your lips, he had the biggest smile on his face. “Doll, I love that” He moves his hand from the back of your head to your lower stomach once again. “Rebecca isn’t allowed to date until she is 30,” he laughs, scrunching his nose. He loved that you considered naming her Rebecca. Bucky never thought about naming her that. He slowly moves his hand in circular motions. “Our little princess is going to be such a beautiful little girl, just like her mom.”
“Come on, cyborg, use your metal arm. You have it there for a reason.”
“Do you think that most of the time I remember that I have a metal arm? I’m fucking right-handed, Sam, not left-handed.”
“I swear to god if you guys wake her up. I am going to quit. Buck finish building the crib, and Sam paint the wall.”
Suppose the walls couldn’t be any thinner. You could hear Sam, Bucky, and Steve arguing in the room next door. You lay in bed for a couple of more minutes just listening to them. You were covering your mouth, trying your best not to burst into laughter. Before getting up, you took big breaths trying to control your laughter.
As you were opening the door, you notice Steve leaving the baby room. “See what you both idiots did? You woke her up” he sounded annoyed and irritated. He walks into the kitchen, grabbing his cup of coffee that he left on the counter. “Good morning, did you sleep well last night?” He takes a sip of coffee, placing his full attention on you.
You had the biggest grin on your face, and you tried to compose yourself, making sure you didn’t laugh. “I slept great. What are you guys doing at 9 am” you walk to the kitchen opening the fridge and gathering the ingredients to make a sandwich.
“What do you mean what we both did? It was all- oh” Bucky notices that you were awake preparing yourself food. He gets near you and wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer so he can give you a brief kiss on your head. “Good morning, doll. I’m sorry if we woke you up” he takes the sandwich that you prepared and takes a bite out of it.
Watching him take a bite from the sandwich you had prepared yourself made you a bit upset. You crossed your arms and walked away with the sandwich he just bit. “First, he wakes me up, and then he takes a bite of my sandwich.” you thought to yourself. You had a frown on your face.
Steve looks in Bucky’s direction continuing drinking the last bit of his coffee with his eyebrows lifted. Then it clicked to Bucky that he had messed up, so he quickly turns around and prepares another sandwich. He opens the fridge and grabs your favorite chocolate, and speed walks in your direction. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have taken a bite” he hands you the sandwich he prepared and the chocolate “here you go, doll. I’m going to go finish up the crib.” He points to the direction of the bedroom.
Before he could walk away from you, you grab his wrist “can I come help with whatever you guys might be doing” you knit your eyebrows together and push your bottom lip forward, making a pouty face. “Please” you knew that he couldn’t say no to you when you did this facial expression.
He takes your hand and starts walking to the bedroom. You see Sam on a ladder with a paint roller in his hands “sorry, we woke you up” you go near him and hand him the sandwich that Bucky made for you “thank you, you didn’t have to make this for me.” he gave you a brief smile.
Bucky had a blank stare, and his facial expression read ‘really.’ You giggled a little “I didn’t make it. Bucky did,” you whisper and placed your hand on your cheek, trying to cover your lips and from what you were going to say next “so if it tastes bad, that’s why,” you whispered and scrunched your nose.
“I heard that” Bucky sounded annoyed and had a frown formed on his face.
This made you and Sam laugh for a couple of minutes.
You walk towards Bucky wrapping your arms around him and getting on your toes to kiss him on his chin. “You know I’m just messing with you.” Still pressing your lips against his skin, “You are an amazing cook, and your sandwiches are always going to be my favorite” a little smile formed on your face while your lips were still pressed on his skin.
You walk towards the dresser where a bag full of baby clothes was at and you start organizing them by pajamas, formal, underwear, casual category.
Sam and Steve both left to take a mini-break. But Bucky, he stayed with you, he wanted to make sure that you were safe, and if you needed anything, he would be there for you. Looking through the bag, you found the pair of suspender top and bottom set that came with a bowtie. You turn around to showed Bucky the little outfit. “Honey, look, Leo is going to look so adorable in this” you place the outfit against your stomach.
He had a smirk on his face and nodded. You couldn’t wait till the day comes where you can hold them in your arms.
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wheelsup · 4 years ago
coffee is the sixth love language | part two
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Summary: Over three cups of coffee, Spencer realized his feelings for you. And over three cups of coffee, he acts on them. gn!Reader.
A/N: the italicized this time indicates Spencer’s thoughts, not reader’s. part of this story is inspired directly from these comments made by @doctorthreephds on the reblog! thanks for letting me incorporate them :)
category: fluff, sfw
warnings: technically none, but the “profiling” part is kind of a reach.
word count: 3k
     Once Spencer was firmly resolute on asking you out, he knew he wanted it to be special in a way that only the two of you could appreciate. He realized that he had yet to be the one bringing you coffee, and so it felt only right that it should be how he makes his first move. He woke up extra early on a weekday morning to stop by your favorite coffee shop on his way to work because he knew you loved their banana nut muffins and double-brewed coffee. It was an extra twenty-five minutes out of the way for work each way, so you only got to go there on the rare occasion that you had a day off and were not out of town on a case. It might have been ridiculous to drive fifty minutes for a single damn muffin, but Spencer wanted to make this perfect for you by any means necessary. This was one of the special times that Spencer drove his car, needing the extra speed in order to complete his mission.
     He picked up your regular drink order and the muffin and was anxiously on his way back to Quantico. As per his plan he arrived at the office before you did, though not too much earlier because he wanted to make sure your coffee was still hot by the time you got it. If Spencer’s calculations were correct - which they almost always were - you would arrive within a two to four and a half minute window from when he did. Spencer took out a sharpie from his desk drawer and delicately scrawled a message onto the top corner of the pastry bag holding your muffin. He thought it felt like something out of a cheesy romance novel, the kind of novels that you could find in the fifty cent clearance bins, but dammit if Spencer didn’t deserve a little cheesy romance in his life. The other benefit of this was that he thought he would almost certainly choke on his words if he had to ask you himself. He set the two items on your desk and returned to his own to sit and observe. Spencer hoped it would be the first of many coffees he could buy you.
It wasn’t until you had already walked into the bullpen and were halfway to your desk that Spencer realized he had forgotten to sign his name to the bag. How were you supposed to react to him asking you out if you didn’t actually know it was him? And oh God, he left unsealed food on the desk of an FBI agent, with no indication of who had put it there. That is infinitely more suspicious than it is romantic. He wouldn’t be surprised if she took it straight to the trash can. So long for cheesy romance, Dr. Reid.
     But Spencer was absolutely elated when your first reaction was to peek into the bag and gasp out of joy at what was inside. He watched you break off a piece of your beloved banana nut muffin and chew it gleefully, and all he could think of was how cute you looked when you were happy. Shortly followed by concern that a federal agent would so readily eat unmarked food that could have been tampered with. That’s something I should bring up to her on the date. 
     Spencer’s stomach was in knots not knowing if you would pick up on the message. You swallowed that chunk of the muffin and turned the bag over to find an almost illegible black script that you had nearly missed: Would you like to have coffee with me? It just felt like all of the air had been knocked out of your body. 
     It didn’t even take you half a second to know who this was from; there were so many tells it was Spencer. Before you even noticed the note, you knew it was from him when you saw what was inside the bag. The whole team knew what your favorite coffee shop was because you had talked about it enough times. Hell, you even owned a oversized tee with their name on it that you kept in your go bag as a sleep shirt. But nobody knew what your favorite muffin was because you never mentioned it. In fact, if you thought about it there were maybe only a handful of times over the six months you’d been at the BAU that you even elected to eat this pastry in lieu of a real breakfast. But if anyone was going to detect a pattern, it would have been Dr. Reid. Of course he would pick up on the fact that you only picked those out at cafes when you felt like having a sweet treat, or that when Penelope brought in baked goods for the office you would only indulge if you saw your favorite item in the lineup. 
     You already knew it, but in case you had any doubt, the note itself confirmed your theory twice. One indicator was the phrasing choice would you as opposed to will you. Use of would posits a hypothetical, as in hypothetically, would you have an interest in drinking coffee together, rather than a hard, come with me to get coffee. The hesitance in the tone came off as if the sender were testing the waters, wanting to put the idea out there without coming off as too strong. Because it was reserved, it gave you room to think if you would genuinely enjoy doing so as opposed to making you feel like you should oblige. That level of respect screamed Spencer to you. And though it was so glaringly obvious, if you needed some concrete evidence it was the fact that nobody else had such endearingly atrocious handwriting like Dr. Reid. It was something you always found hilariously ironic for a man who often analyzes other people’s writing styles for work. You wondered what his way of scribbling said about him, and hoped he could tell you on that date of yours. 
     You looked straight at him, finding that his eyes were already fixed on you.
     One word was all you had to say to make the lump in Spencer’s throat disappear, replaced by the sensation that his heart was leaping out of his chest. He was going to keep that memory stored in his brain forever, just to replay the moment when the future of your relationship changed with a simple word. Little did he know that when you finished that muffin, you neatly folded the pastry bag and tucked it into your desk drawer, saving it for the exact same purpose. 
     Spencer had gotten to see your favorite coffee spot already, so for your date you requested that he take you to his to make it even. It was small, but incredibly cozy under the soft ambiance provided by string lights and charm of their mismatched furniture. There was one exposed brick wall adjacent to another that was a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf; it housed copies that loyal patrons left behind for others to pick up. All of those books had different colors of post-its peeking out from the pages. It was almost too eclectic and disorganized for what you would expect Dr. Reid to be into, but at the same time it made perfect sense to you.
     “You know, I think I just learned something about you.” You leaned gently into his side to tell him, both hands wrapped around your coffee cup because you were too nervous to know what else to do with them. Spencer was the kind of guy to sit adjacent to you at a table, rather than across, and you loved that about him. You loved having him as close to you as possible. 
     Spencer’s lips pulled at the edges to form a perfect, lazy smile. “What did you learn about me?” The team had an agreement not to profile each other, but under your gaze, Spencer never felt the kind of scrutiny that came with picking people apart. He trusted that whatever you had to say was going to be kind.
     “I think this place says so much about you. Something about how all those books are donations passed on from locals, and that people feel comfortable taking a book off the shelf and opening it up to read what others recommend. The fact that they leave little notes in it for the next reader to share what those stories meant to each of them. Nobody asked those people to do that, but they all chose to take part in these small actions that ended up creating an entire community.” It was one of the most beautifully human things you’d ever witnessed. A group of people engaging in understated and innocent gestures of love between perfect strangers, completely unprompted. “I think you value simple acts, the kind that can take on profound meaning without even intending to. Like when silence feels so comfortable when you’re with the right person.” You paused to take in his reaction as a gauge for how right or wrong you may be. He gave no objection to what you had posited, eyes simply glued to you in intense focus. Spencer was hanging on everything you said, wordlessly encouraging you to divulge more theories you’d developed on him.
     “And, visually, this furniture reminds me of a family home. The kind where some items were handed down for generations, some bought new, and others gifted by a distant relative who has no idea what the family likes.” Spencer’s soft laughter mirrored your own at your very accurate description of the shop’s decor. The room truly could not be more disjointed in its aesthetic, but that was entirely its charm. “It probably reflects that there are some aspects of your life that just don’t make sense to you, that almost seem to conflict with each other. For a guy so smart, I’m sure it’s scary to feel like you don’t understand something, and there are probably dark spots in that brain of yours that you try to hide from the world. But in this room, these things that don’t seem like they work together actually amount to something so lovely. And just like the charmingly hideous suede couch and the oddly fur-covered armchairs, every facet of you deserves appreciation because without them you wouldn’t make up to be the beautiful person you are overall.” 
     Neither of you could pinpoint the moment which your hands had drifted together, fingers loosely intertwined in gentle embrace. There was too much to unpack in what you had said for Spencer to know where to begin. The only thing he could say for sure was that he was astounded by how deeply you understood him without him ever saying any of those things. He considered that maybe you understood him better than he did himself and wished that he could spend his whole life observing the world through the same rose-tinted lenses with which you viewed him. At a loss for words, Spencer chose not to say any right then. The silence I have with you is the most comfortable I’ve ever had. 
     After each of you consumed one too many caffeinated beverages, you still were not prepared to let the date end. You were willing to sit there and have as many espresso drinks as you could to keep talking to Spencer. 
     The universe must have been in support of your romance as the overcast skies broke and began to rain just minutes after the two of you had left the shop. Spencer was walking you back to your apartment, clearly forcing his long legs to slow down their naturally fast stride so to extend how long it took to get there. He could get an extra thirteen minutes with you this way. Spencer was given his perfect excuse to keep the date going in the form of heavy downpour; his apartment was far closer than yours, and he proposed you two should seek shelter together until it stopped. I hope it never stops. 
     Spencer held tightly onto your hand as he ran with you through the rain, giggling all the way to his apartment. He may not like wet, cold climates, but he sure did like holding your hand. Being next to you made him feel incredibly warm somehow when the temperature outside was very much not. And you felt completely at peace sitting on Spencer’s couch wearing one of his sweaters that he lent you. Truthfully, your own clothes weren’t so wet from the rain that it was necessary, but you both pretended it absolutely was just to be able to experience this. 
     It was clear that the rain would be going for a while and all you wanted to do to pass the time was continue listening to Spencer talk. You discovered that when he’s not interrupted, he loves to go on runaway tangents, often bouncing between different trains of thought as one idea sparked him to remember another. It was almost a sport to keep up with him, but it was perhaps the only one you’ve ever enjoyed. It was so easy when everything he said interested you. You loved that Spencer taught you something new every day, but no matter how niche a piece of trivia or shocking an unknown fact was, it could not beat the things that he taught you about himself. He was letting you in on so many unseen dimensions of himself whether he knew it or not, the explicit ones revealing implicit ones. 
     You had happily stayed in his home for hours, absorbing every word he spoke. What entertained you the most was the ability of your conversation to jump from deep, serious places to lighthearted stories filled with jokes and teasing and back again in a way that felt completely natural. Your favorite anecdote of his was the story of how he got addicted to coffee. It was the BAU’s favorite inside-joke that Spencer liked his coffee sickeningly sweet and you always wondered how he could tolerate it. Just looking at it made your teeth ache. When he told you why, you thought that the backstory was even sweeter than the coffee.
     As a twelve year old college student, Spencer found himself experiencing sleep deprivation for the first time in his life. The course load was more rigorous than he had in high school and even the boy genius needed to readjust to the new expectations of college. More importantly, he needed to cope with pulling late nights at the library if he wanted his first degree by the time he was eligible for a driver’s license. The Red Bulls that the other kids seem to gravitate to seemed far too aggressive for Spencer, their potent smell of chemicals a huge turn off. They were definitely not for him. 
     He remembered how often his mom used to drink coffee, always in the morning while Spencer got ready for school. Being at CalTech and away from his mother, who remained in Las Vegas most of the time due to her condition, made him so homesick that he took up a coffee habit as a reminder of her. He loved the way it smelled like every comfort he had ever known. 
     Though he appreciated its smell, Spencer, of course, was not ready back then to love the way it tasted. He was still after all a twelve year old boy who had a sweet tooth like any other kid. The bitter drink was almost offensive to him, so he always made his coffee with extra, extra sugar. He was a menace to the baristas at the campus coffee cart because they would have to refill the shaker every time he stopped by. As it turned out, Spencer was actually a little troublemaker in his youth. 
     You utterly adored this story and the way it humanized Spencer in a way that other people did not consider often enough. Yes, he was the genius in incredibly advanced classes for his age, but he was also a little kid who behaved as all little kids did. He also experienced struggle and had to cope with it just like everyone else. He was not, as some chose to believe, a complete anomaly beyond understanding. Those many misunderstood idiosyncrasies Spencer had started to feel grounded as you learned more about him and could appreciate how and why they came to be.  
     But the night was dwindling down and two of you had gone through many stories since the start of your day together. Hitting a caffeine crash, you found yourself unable to keep some rogue yawns at bay. It was only eight o’clock in the evening, not an unreasonable time for you to ask Spencer to drive you back home. The rain was letting up to a mellow drizzle. Spencer was running out of excuses to keep you here.
     But you thought about how still hadn’t heard about his first pet lizard, which he caught in his backyard, and you didn’t yet know what kind of music he listened to when he was fourteen. And you no longer thought you needed to make excuses to stay with him longer, so you told him honestly that all you really wanted was to stay the night with him and keep hearing his stories. So you asked him if he would set on a fresh pot of coffee, just so you both could sip at it, staying awake all night together.
     He happily did so, and while he set the large coffee pot on and took out two cups from his cabinet, he thought, this is the first of many wishes of yours that I’d like to make come true.
Tag list: @rexorangecounty @rachel-voychuk @snitchthewitch @spencer-blake-supremacy @happyreid187 @rainsong01 @librarymagic 
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years ago
Masquerade with Mads Mikkelsen
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Gender neutral reader
[Previous Chapter] - [Next Chapter]
Word count: 2.1K
Notes: Nothing really to note other than Mads is a fool.
Chapter Two - Welcome home dinner
The rest of the day had been spent up in your room reading and organizing your room a little. Since you were living here now, it was time to make this room your own. You had put the mask from the masquerade party on your bedside so you may admire it whenever you pleased. The mask was a reminder of a memorable night where Mads held you and danced with you, spending a few special moments with you.
You sigh as you sit on the edge of the bed and look at it. If you could trap any moment to play over again and again, it would be that dance. The way he looked at you. The way he smiled at you. The way he spoke to you. Closing your eyes, you wish you could feel that way again.
The knock on your door breaks your momentary daydream. You turn away from the mask and toward the door.
"Come in," you call.
The door opens wide and in steps Ben. You smile as he enters your room. He walks over to where you're sitting and settles beside you.
"Good day?" He asks.
You shrug lightly.
"Not the first day home as I expected, but I've made my room a little bit more of my own," you look around. Ben's gaze follows yours and he smiles. He likes the way you arranged the furniture and decorated the room with the few bits you have in your possession.
"You should take a trip into town and buy some stuff you like. You could really make this place home," Ben suggests.
"I'd love to. Would you take me?" You ask. Ben turns to you and smiles.
"I will if he won't."
"Did you to him?"
"I did."
Ben sighs and places an around your shoulders. He pulls you into his side and you rest your head against his shoulder, settling like you did earlier that day.
"I didn't get much in the way of an answer. He was being very closed off with me. I tried to dig a bit, but he gave me a warning. He's a good man, but when he tells me no, I have to listen. He is my master, so to speak," Ben says, feeling bad he couldn't do better for you.
Mads wasn't Ben's master in the sense of turning him, as both of them a pure-blood vampires. Mads took Ben under his wing centuries ago. Ben became Mads right hand man, therefore he call Mads his master. He wouldn't want it any other way.
"I get it. Thank you for trying."
"Anytime," Ben gives you a bit of a squeeze. "Now, are you hungry?"
"Yeah," you nod.
"Come on, dinner will be ready soon. The others will join us. You'll have a great first dinner as a proper resident here," Ben tells you, smiling sweetly at you.
You take Ben's hand and you both get up, leaving your room.
"Will Mads be there?"
Ben falls silent for a moment and glances your way. You can already tell what the answer is.
"I invited him, but we'll see. I'm not sure he's in the mood for fun. I don't know what his deal is, but he's being a fool for being the way he is at the moment."
You nod, dropping your gaze to the floor.
The doors to the dining room are open as you approach. You smile as you get nearer and see some other familiar faces already sitting. As you enter the room, they all look up and smile at you.
"So you're sticking around then?" Oscar asks.
"I am. Sorry, but you're just going to have to deal with it," you grin.
"However will I cope?" He laughs.
Ben guides you over to the seat opposite his. You sit down and watch him take his seat. He winks at you from across the table. You pretend the empty chair at the head of the table, between you both, isn't bothering you.
He isn't here. Though you suppose there is still time.
"Am I not good enough to sit next to now?" Anson asks, laughing.
"Sorry, I've been promoted. I sit higher up the table now," you chuckle.
"Uh oh, the power has gone to their head," Jodie teases.
"What can I say? Making this my home as made me see things in a new light."
They all laugh.
"See, you fit right in," Ben says, smiling at you. You return his smile.
"Yeah. Thank you for making this feel like home to me," you say.
"I shouldn't be the one you thank, but since he's not here, I'll take it. No matter what goes on with him, I promise I have your back from now on," Ben says.
"I really do appreciate it."
The food is brought out and served. Conversation is nice as you all tuck in. Ben keeps you smiling and laughing. Anson shares his ideas for the garden, having basically been given a new slate to work with. Oscar discusses some techniques with you, offering to still be your teacher now that you're staying here. You accept his offer and look forward to more classes with him. Jodie teases those at the table, making you laugh.
This feels like a family dinner.
Dinner is over. Plates empty and removed from the table. No one yet moves. You're all still laughing and chatting. No one at the dining tables realises how much time has passed. You're all enjoying each others company.
Standing on the staircase is Mads. He leans against his cane as he listens from just outside. The doors remain open, so your laughter is clear. He intentionally did not show up. He tells himself because he has a lot of work to do, but really, it's to keep his distance from you. Yet, the pain that shoots through his heart when he hears you laughing with the others is far worse than anything he has ever felt.
He is telling himself he cannot fall in love with you, but the reality is, he already has.
It's far too late now.
Yet, he must not act upon his feelings. You can do far better than him. Mads turns his head away from the direction of the door and makes his way down the rest of the stairs. When he reaches the bottom, his cane taps against the floor. For a moment, the laughter in the dining room stops.
They heard him.
Ignoring the open doors, he walks on, aware that he can be seen as he goes past.
You turn in your chair and peer over your shoulder. Ben looks up, as do the others. All eyes on the door. Mads can be seen walking past. He does not look inside.
It hurts that he won't even spare you a glance.
Once he's out of sight, you sigh and sit back in your chair. Ben turns his eyes to you and reaches for your hand across the table. You look at him.
"What did I do?" You ask him.
"Nothing. You did nothing. I'll figure out what's up with him. I'll demand answers if I have to. Please don't take this out on yourself."
You don't say anything else.
Ben rises from his chair and comes around your side. He kisses your forehead and leaves the room. You try not to look at the others, who must be looking your way. You quietly excuse yourself and leave the room, returning to your room for night.
Oscar, Anson, and Jodie all watch you go. None of them have any idea what's wrong with their master. He has never been this way before.
Ben, with far more determination than last time, trails after Mads. The sound of his cane hitting the floor is a good indication of where he is going. Ben catches him halfway to the drawing room, which Ben finds strange as Mads doesn't often spend time in there. Not since his mother died.
"Will you just talk to me?" Ben demands, raising his voice.
"I told you-"
"No! Don't. They really think they upset you and it's making them sad. Just talk to them, please?" Ben stares at him with sharp eyes.
"I'm trying to keep my distance. You are not helping," Mads glares at him.
"Why did you change all of a sudden? Tell me that."
"It has nothing to do with you."
"I'm making it so. Tell me. Where is the Mads that let them into his home? That brought them here to fight a war they had no idea was going on? That danced with them at the party and looked at them as if they were the only person in the room?" He grins. "Oh. I see it now. Is it so bad to be in love with someone?"
"It is when it's me," Mads warns.
"Are you worried they don't feel the same? I can assure you they do. I see the way they look at you. The way they smile at you. The way they speak to you... when you let them."
"That is exactly what I'm trying to avoid."
Ben furrows his brow. "You're trying to avoid that? I don't understand..."
"I don't want them to fall for someone who will only make the unhappy. My life is miserable, you know that, you live here too."
"You're lonely, I know that. Even with us here, you're lonely. Did you one day hope to have what your parents did? I know I did. I remember your parents. I don't think any two people loved each other more than they did. I used to look up to them for that," Ben smiles.
Mads says nothing.
He remembers vividly. Everywhere he looks in this old place, he sees them. Dancing in the ballroom. His father in his study. His parents walking through the garden. Sitting together at the dining table. Playing with him when he was a boy.
They were happy.
When they were taken from him, his happiness diminished.
"Leave me be," he says, walking away.
Ben lets him go.
Now he knows. He realises what's wrong, but he won't let Mads torture himself this way. Once Mads was out of sight, Ben turned on his heel and went in search for Caine. He needed to have a word with the butler.
You were sitting up in your bed when someone knocked on the door.
"Come in," you call.
The door opens and Ben pokes his head in. You smile and wave him inside. Ben closes the door behind him and stands at the end of your bed.
"Turns out Mads is planning to have his breakfast in his office tomorrow. May I recommend not joining us in the dining hall and taking yours with him?" Ben smiles at you.
"What did he say?"
"Mads believes he is underserving of your affections. Prove him wrong. Spend time with him. I won't say anything to him, so just show up and tell him you're eating with him. He won't kick you out. He might make an excuse to leave, but I'm pretty sure he'll sit there with you."
"He thinks himself unworthy of affection? But he had his house full of friends not that long ago."
"Yeah, he thinks himself unworthy of you, despite inviting you to live here," Ben says.
"He's confusing."
"I know," Ben chuckles. "Now you have a new mission. Win him over. Win his heart."
"I wouldn't go that far, Ben," you laugh.
"Why not? You're already falling for him, aren't you?"
You fall silent as you look at him. Are you? Your heart rate increasing would tell you yes. The fact that you decided to stay here for him would also tell you yes. You smile softly.
"See. Spend time with him."
"Alright. I'll have my breakfast with him in his office," you say.
Ben smiles sweetly at you, "I'll have Caine organise the rest then. Sleep well."
"And you."
Ben leaves your room, and leaves you with your thoughts. You sit there, eyes ahead, mind racing with thoughts. Yes, it was quite easy for you to say while alone that you probably were falling in love with him. It's so easy to.
But if he didn't share those feelings, you wouldn't push it. If Mads really felt this was wrong, you would think up another plan. Perhaps Michael or Lauren will let you move in with them. Both of them had a spare room going now.
Sleep did not come easy to you that night.
@niceshadeofblue @meganlpie @janine-007 @multiple-fandoms-girl @mischief-siriusly-managed @moonchild-cupcake @thecursivej @bdffkierenwalker
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mrs-hyperfixed-writes · 4 years ago
Are You Single - 2
Tag List: @becomeunsolved @ambiguous-g @favorite-slytherin-weirdo @a-weirdperson @artist-bby
The reader makes their way through Castle Dimitrescu, encountering the Lady and her daughters. Heisenberg might just have to re-evaluate his opinion of you when you're the unexpected victor of the battles with them.
You had ran through the glorified saw trap, avoiding Lycans and giants alike as you listened to Heisenberg’s taunting. Evidently he was an asshole, but that didn’t seem to be stopping the butterflies in your stomach going mad at the way he spoke to you. Fear had briefly crawled up your spine when he had dropped the spinning log of spikes, blocking your exit and apparently sealing your fate. Thankfully there had been a crevice in the wall, big enough to drop your backpack down by your side and protect yourself. The only thing that took damage was the handcuffs. It had briefly occurred to you that it seemed a very convenient hiding space in an otherwise foolproof killing room.
You ended up back at the gate that you had been captured at, looking over your shoulder this time as you pulled the lever up. Not that you could do anything if Heisenberg or his overgrown sister decided to double check. It seemed unlikely that either of them would treat you to a meal, but you could hope. If you were being honest with yourself though, Heisenberg hardly screamed refined dining.
No, he seemed more like a man who would order a McDonalds or a Burgerking after he’d been working tirelessly all day on a machine in a tank top. All sweaty. . . you smacked yourself in the face, snapping yourself out of your fantasy. You needed to get a grip. Preferably around his throat or his-
You slapped yourself again.
You left through the gate, coming out to an unpleasant looking vineyard. Of course, Dimitrescu was far too high and mighty to get her hands dirty doing manual labour, and any staff that she may of had to maintain the vineyard were probably dead. You shuddered at the thought of so many deaths. You didn’t know any of those people, didn’t know anyone in this godforsaken village that had been put in the middle of nowhere except for the few that had just survived long enough to be brutally killed in front of you. No one would remember any of the dead. It was as if they never existed. And if you died here - which you likely would - you would likely not be remembered. Not with fondness anyway.
You were brought out of your dark thoughts by the sound of a man groaning and wood creaking. You looked up, and to your surprise found an old-fashioned wagon settled in front of the entrance to Castle Dimitrescu. The doors swung open, and someone all but rolled out. The man was massive, both in height and weight.
“I’ve been waiting for you, my friend,” he said with the attitude of someone who was excited to get down to business.
You stopped a couple of metres away, taking it all in. How was this man even alive? Then again, Dimitrescu was nine feet tall and she seemed like she was functioning better than most people. Especially given that the tallest man in history was nearly nine foot and died super young. You could come to terms with this mans existence in no time.
“Who are you? How do you know me?” You let the uncertainty show in your voice.
“Me? I am but a humble merchant,” he said as he rubbed his hands together. “And you’ve been the talk of the town recently! An unknown human outsider making their way through hordes of creatures with nothing but an axe and some second hand guns? Remarkable.”
You hated yourself for the light blush that crept up your neck at the compliment. You never blushed.
“What can I call you?”
“Ah, forgive my manners. You can call me the Duke. Your name please?”
You raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, I already know it, but some people prefer to tell others their name rather than have the introduction stolen from them.”
You chuckled, deciding to bridge the few metres of distance. “(Y/n).”
“Pleasure. Now, would you like to purchase anything for the journey ahead? Medicine? Ammunition?”
“Can you tell me what’s happened here?”
“Ah, information. All I can tell you now is that Mother Miranda has seemingly abandoned the village she has spent a century ruling. Slaughtered the villagers.” He took a long drag of a cigar he had lit before releasing the smoke into the air. “It seems she’s done it for her daughter.”
“Her daughter? Dimitrescu? Or the woman in the veil?”
“Ah, Lady Donna. But no, neither of those are her real daughters. It’s doubtful she even considers them such. The same for her sons.”
Your thoughts drifted back to Heisenberg. Did he hate her for that? For not considering him her child? Questions for later.
“Then who?”
The Duke regarded you for a second. “Sell me those crystal skulls you’ve collected, make a purchase and find me in the castle, and perhaps I’ll know more.”
You blinked in surprise, briefly wondering how he knew that you had been collecting the crystallised remains of those Lycans. Truthfully you just thought they were pretty.
After selling the remains and buying yourself some extra ammo, as well as some of the strange medicine the Duke advertised that was supposed to encourage cell division, you nodded to him in thanks and turned to face the castle.
“Although I must say,” The Duke called out before you could make much progress, “why do you wish to go into that castle? You are a stranger. There is no stake in this for you.”
You took a deep breath. Why were you doing this? That beast under your skin wanted to answer. To find and tear them apart. For revenge for all the dead. To satisfy my own need for blood and pain.
Instead you said, “I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
You walked towards the doors.
The inside of the castle was. . . beautiful. Definitely a place a lady would live. Perhaps a place you would live in another life. It seemed as though everything was trimmed with gold, including the beautiful waist high vases decorated with beautiful women. The furniture was of the highest quality, the rugs and carpets plush enough to sleep comfortably on. They looked expensive enough to cost more money than you’d ever had in your entire life. You wiped your muddy boot on the rug you were standing on, leaving a dark smear.
The thing that drew your attention most of all was the portrait that dominated the opposite wall. Three women, admittedly indistinguishable from one another, sat in big dresses. The plaque identified them as the three daughters. Three daughters that loved entertaining foreigners.
A bad feeling overcame you, and you decided to tuck your handgun into your boot, regardless of the discomfort. You covered it with your jeans.
You pressed on until you came to a main chamber that had another set of double doors decorating the walls. A scream rang out, clear as day and stopping you in your tracks. The scream of a woman in terrible pain. Part of you thought that maybe you should try to find her, but something in you knew that it had been a death scream. The agonised scream of someone who wanted to live and was denied.
You swallowed, instead making your way to the double doors, wondering where they lead.
“Well, who’s this then?” an upbeat female voice asked.
You turned to look, and only found three swarms of flies buzzing closer. And right before your eyes, they materialised into three beautiful young women. The daughters. The first thought in your head was how the painting didn’t do any of them justice.
You didn’t even have time to take your gun out of your backpack before the woman on the left - a tall blonde with blood on her mouth - grabbed you by the throat and lifted you clean off the floor, slamming you against the door. She pressed her face closer to your shoulder and took a deep sniff. You shuddered against the feeling of her nose tickling your neck.
“Fresh blood,” she said, voice dripping with a desire that put you on edge.
“Mother says you have to share, sister,” said the redhead with a childish delight, the brunette nodding in agreement with a sadistic grin on her face.
That scream echoed through your head again. The blonde stared into your face, looking for the traces of fear that likely coated their usual victims. She was going to come up empty. You cleared your throat, looking down into beautiful but evil eyes that had probably been the last thing that so many had seen, and spit right in her face.
The grin on her face froze as the glob made contact with her cheek, and then dropped off altogether when her sisters roared in laughter, one of them doubling at the waist and clutching her stomach.
She threw you to the floor, tossing your backpack aside and growling at her sisters to silence them. You leaped towards it with the intention of pulling your shotgun out, deciding to keep the handgun a secret. But she grabbed a fistful of your hair, most of her materialising back into that swarm as she did so. She dragged you through the halls, her sisters flanking you. You clawed at her hand, but to no avail.
Another swarm got too close, a face materialising. The brunette. She ripped one of your arms off of where it was clawing at the hand that felt as if it was going to rip your scalp off. She held it up to her mouth and grinned. You didn’t even have the chance to scream as she sank her teeth into the side of your forearm, digging in deep. Then she pulled back, laughing. She hadn’t done it to feed, only to hurt you. The other sister came forward, her face materialising as well to lick up the blood that was leaking down your arm. She left little bites of her own up your arm. But these were more like love bites.
Suddenly they stopped, and the oldest released the grip on your hair, using her momentum to throw you into a wall.
“Mother,” she started, “I bring you fresh prey.”
Oh no.
You turned, out of breath from the hurt your body had suffered.
“You are so kind to me, daughters.” She took a deep drink of wine and rose from her chair. “Now, let's take a look at them.”
You didn’t get up from the floor, not having the energy or the stupidity to make a scene right now. Not as she fully turned and looked down at you.
“Well, well. A nobody with no name worth knowing or manners to speak of makes their way to my castle do they? Well, you escaped my little brother's idiot games did you? Let’s see how special you are.”
She beckoned to the blonde and the redhead. They each grabbed an arm, forcefully hoisting you to your feet. You squirmed a little, but their grip was like iron as they held up the arm with the bleeding bite mark. Lady Dimitrescu raised a brow and looked back at the remaining daughter.
“Cassandra? What did I say about waiting?”
Cassandra looked down at her feet, almost seeming to be ashamed. “Apologies Mother.”
Dimitrescu gripped you by the wrist and lifted you off the ground. You gritted your teeth. She closed her mouth over the wound and sucked. If you were being honest with yourself most of your blood at this point had either transferred to your face or. . .
It wasn’t important. But apparently you needed therapy.
She dropped you suddenly, and you couldn’t help the shout that escaped your lips when your knees made impact with the floor.
“Just as I thought, nothing special.”
“May we devour their flesh now Mother-”
“But I am the one who captured them-”
“Now, now girls. First I must inform Mother Miranda of Heisenberg’s failure. But soon there will be enough for everyone.” She turned to the blonde daughter. “Bela, take them to the dungeons and shove them in a cell.”
Bela grinned at you, seizing your hair again as she dragged you along, leaving the laughter of her mother and her sisters behind.
Heisenberg was fuming. Not that you had escaped his trap. To be perfectly honest there were several design flaws that he wasn’t going to admit to and he really couldn’t have cared less if you had exploited them to get away. If you were running through the village, then something was bound to get you eventually. That was what he had figured anyway.
No, Heisenberg was angry because that overgrown, egocentric, glorified vampire bitch had ratted him out to Mother Miranda. He could just imagine the smug way she had said it over the phone. That grin she would have. He wished he could have buried his hammer into her face.
Miranda had expressed her disappointment in him, not that he gave a shit. But it would likely mean that she would watch him for a while, at least while she had time to spare. Preparing that stupid ceremony would take her a few days at the very least. And in that time she could do anything.
He slammed his fist down on the table. With you in Castle Dimitrescu he couldn’t even entertain himself watching you scramble around the village. Couldn’t taunt you. And he didn’t want to risk working on his army, just on the off chance that Miranda caught wind.
He hadn’t even seen you before that confrontation in front of the castle gate, and he just assumed it was blind luck you’d made it that far.
He’d probably never know how you got on in the Castle, because there was no way you were leaving that place alive.
He looked at the yellow jar on his desk, tempted to just throw it and it’s contents into a pit of molten metal. It would be kinder to the kid than whatever Miranda had planned.
You had been shoved in the most stereotypical dungeon in the world. It was something straight out of some Frankenstein-ish novel. Bela had left, promising that she would come back soon to retrieve you for dinner. You had given her your most hate filled look, your eyes promising nothing but violence.
That must have been ten minutes ago, and you were furiously searching the cell. You had found a gap in the wall, and in it a crumpled sheet of paper. You straightened it out, beginning to read.
To whomever is trying to escape this place,
I hope this note will be of some assistance. You don’t know me but you will have to trust me if you want to survive.
First, you need to get out of this cell. Look around for the way, get on your hands and knees if you must.
Then, search for the thing you’ll need to
escape. It will be hidden where they’ll
least suspect, soaked in blood.
The rest of the note was illegible, at some point being soaked with dry blood. You hoped that whoever had written it had gotten out.
You took the notes' advice, getting on your hands and knees. There! Under the wooden board attached to the wall there was a hole that you could crawl through. You got on your belly and went through, ending up in the next cell. You tried the door, and to your relief it opened.
You took your gun out of your boot, preparing to go into the dungeon deeper for your way out.
Monsters had patrolled the dungeon. Horrible emaciated monsters that held swords. The first one you had encountered held a sword, and you shot it with glee, picking the sword up. A perfect chance to conserve ammo. It was in good condition too. You sliced and hacked your way through, making it to the second part of the dungeon. You could see the stairwell at the end. Your heart soared. At least until you had to wave a fly out of your face.
“I can’t believe Cassandra caused all this mess.”
Bela. Part of you wanted to turn around and fight her, but you were sadistic not stupid. Bullets against a swarm would be pointless. Instead you ran for the stairs, shooting up them until you came to an entrance that was boarded up. Because of course it was. You attempted to hack at the boards with the sword, but it was already too late.
“Where are you going little one?”
“Oh for fucks-”
You turned to be confronted by Bela, her white teeth stark against the drying blood coating the lower half of her face. She picked you up by the neck again, throwing you through the wooden boards. You lost the sword to the far wall, instead bringing out your handgun as she mounted you, desperately trying to inflict some damage on her even when you knew the bullets would be useless. She just laughed at you.
“Bullets cannot harm-”
You both looked off to the side, just in time to see a window shatter and let in all the cold air. She jumped off and you skittered back, getting to your feet. She was. . . solidifying, only a few lone flies breaking away from her before the cold killed them.
And she was angry.
“You stupid-”
You shot her.
She reeled back in pain, screeching. You smiled, and shot her again.
She charged at you, raising her sickle over her head to slice at you. You ducked away from her and grabbed your sword, swinging it to block her next swing. You kicked her in the stomach, putting some distance between the two of you. Then you shot her again. And again. You could tell that she was almost done. One more bullet or swing of the sword and she’d probably shatter.
You put your gun down on a table, the sword following it.
She was doubled over in agony for the moment, but she still managed to look at you with eyes filled with hatred. The perfect mirror of the look you had given her when she had tossed you in a cell. You laughed at her again, the sound ringing right through the room. You didn’t care if it could even be heard throughout the castle. The daughters had a weakness, and if they wanted to fuck around and find out how you could exploit it then that was their problem.
“It’s funny how things just switch around isn’t it?” You asked her between manic bursts of laughter.
You charged at her suddenly, tackling her to the ground. She wasn’t nearly as strong as she had been. She clawed desperately at your thighs, screaming again as the force she was using caused them to begin to crumble. It was childish, but you got a grip on her hair and pulled as hard as you could, laughing at the screams she made as cracks spiderwebbed down from her hairline down to her eyes. Then you reeled your fist back, gave her one final smirk, and punched her in the face. Her head practically exploded into pieces. You felt yourself drop to the floor as most of her crumbled. Except for one thing. The upper half of her torso had crystallized into something beautiful. You picked it up, wondering if the Duke would buy it.
As it turned out, the Duke had his own special room in the castle, and he did buy the torso and the sword. You also managed to retrieve your backpack. It turned out that that medicine was bordering on magical, as the only thing left of the horrible bite Cassandra had left was a scar. Even Daniela’s hickeys were gone.
To your chagrin, if you wanted to open those double doors in the hall you were going to need four masks. The Duke provided the first one, The Mask of Sorrow. He had winked at you, telling you that this would avoid another encounter with the Lady. But when you had asked for his explanation about the events in the village, he simply told you he didn’t have it all yet, but he would at your next encounter. You thought that was bullshit. But you gave him the benefit of the doubt.
And now here you were, reaching for the animal's skull off the wall, hoping that maybe it would have the solution to opening that grate without having to replace the mask.
“I was worried my sisters had gotten to you first.”
Fuck. You froze. Fuck, fuck, fuck. She was by the door. You looked around the room, desperate to find a solution. You had only narrowly escaped her getting into the room. Trying to get past her while stuck in here would be impossible. Then you felt it. A draft. There was a gap in the wall being concealed by a bookshelf. You moved it, looking around for Cassandra. She was still by the door, taking her sweet time getting to you. You examined the gap. There was no way this was going to be enough to petrify Cassandra. Then you remembered the weight in your pocket. You had picked it up in the dungeon. A pipe bomb.
You felt the air shift, and had just enough time to duck as Cassandra swung at you. Taking cover on the other side of the room, you threw the bomb and covered your ears. Cassandra screamed at the bite of the cold air, somehow being louder than the initial boom the bomb had made.
“You’ve ruined the hunt!”
“I wouldn’t say that,” you said happily. “I’m having tons of fun.”
You pointed the shotgun at her as she charged, unloading it into her face. She stumbled back. And you did it again, not giving her time to recover. The shotgun was much more powerful than the pistol had been taking care of Bela, so it wasn’t long before Cassandra was at the same stage Bela had been before you had killed her.
“I take it back. That was kind of disappointing. I thought you’d have more in ya.”
And you don’t know if she just realised she was dying, or if she just wanted to kill you so bad that she threw common sense out of the window, but she charged at you with her weapon raised. You didn’t even move out of the way, just caught he raised wrist and squeezed. It crumbled beneath your hands. She tried to hit you with her other wrist only for you to do the same thing.
“Mother!” She cried out with all the emotion of a scared little girl. “Mother!”
You grabbed her by the front of her dress, letting her see into your eyes. Letting her see the toothy grin you were giving her that was more like a snarl. The irony of the situation struck you. Whereas it would have been her eyes brimming with cruelty and madness before, now it was yours. But you had never been afraid. Not for one second. But she was. And it made you grin even wider.
She called out for her mother again as you dragged her to the wall. You kissed her on the nose, giving her a smile that someone might give a lover, and used all your innate anger and cruelty to shove the bitch against the wall.
She shattered, leaving behind only that crystallised torso.
His sister had said she would call Miranda when the outsider had been killed. Well, her words were dealt with properly. Emphasis on the properly apparently. Miranda was supposed to let the rest of them know when the outsider had decided to stop being a nuisance and finally bit the dust.
But no call came. From either of them. Hell, Heisenberg hadn’t heard a goddamn thing from anyone. So. . . was the outsider still alive?
He had to admit, he didn’t expect that.
Maybe he needed to change up his expectations.
“So you finally came to see me?”
The final daughter. Daniela. You would have preferred not to deal with her right now, given that her mother had just surprised you and evading her through her music hall had been no small task. She had been angry and seething with bloodlust. You supposed she had learned about the deaths of her older daughters. The fact that she had sent Daniela up against you after you had proved that they were practically useless against you wasn’t scoring Dimitrescu any good mother points.
You shot at the window above. But it refused to break, and the swarms had blocked the doors. You looked around, noting that on the other side, on one of the pillars was a handle.
“Everyone always falls for me.”
You ran around her, gripping the handle and swinging it down with all your might. She screamed in agony, running to get out of the direct frozen wind. To your dismay the handle slowly turned up. Who designed this?
She was running through the bookshelves, trying to hide from you. So deranged, but slightly smarter than her sisters it seemed.
“Why are you doing this?”
“Why am I- Why are you doing this?!” you retorted.
You pumped the handle down again before chasing her, shooting her in the back. She darted around a bookcase, circling around you and trying to get the jump on you. But you were ready, giving her another one. You were beginning to get bored of these sisters.
“You three don’t really put up much of a fight do you?”
“I thought you loved me,” she snarled.
“What the fuck has that got to do with anything I just said?”
You shot her again. Then once more for good measure. You got up close and used the butt of your shotgun wo hit her in the stomach, forcing her back.
“I don’t wanna die,” she cried out, almost begging you not to go any further with the tone she was using.
“Well you know, neither did anyone in this village or this castle but shit happens I guess.”
You threw the gun down and got a grip on her throat, dragging her to the handle where you pumped it down again. Her attempts to get away from you and out of the cold were desperate, but you maintained that grip on her neck. Slowly, your grip tightened, and you thought you could see the beginning of tears in her eyes as cracks started to multiply on her throat. You did it slowly, savouring the way her throat gave under your hand. The window was nearly shut now. You blew her a kiss, then you balled your fist, crushing her throat completely.
The window shut.
“The entire bloodline of House Dimitrescu is done in by the likes of you?”
You smiled at her, even as she stalked you with her claws out. She had caught you while you were figuring out which mask went where. Luckily, being so big meant she was slow.
“Damn right it is.”
“Have much blood and sweat do you think it took to raise those daughter?” She swiped. “You have incurred an impossible debt!”
The genuine sadness and pain in her voice was something that might have swayed someone else, but not you. Not after the Duke had explained what those monsters in the dungeon had really been. Not when you knew the secret ingredient of that wine. Not when that scream rattled around inside your skull.
“What? You want me to feel sorry for you? Want me to get on my knees and beg for forgiveness while you slice me apart? How many daughters have you murdered and turned to slaves?” You slotted the third mask in before darting just out of her reach. “You didn’t consider how many fathers and husbands you bled dry in your dungeons. Your daughters deserved to die! You deserve to die! None of you get a free pass just because I’d have sex with you!”
She made a noise of disgust and sliced downwards, narrowly missing you. You darted to the last statue, putting the mask in. The door opened and you bolted.
You pushed open the coffin, finding an old corpse clutching a beautiful knife. You picked it up, testing the weight. That is, before you were spun around and lifted by the neck again. Evidently this family had a choking kink.
“You ruined everything!” She screamed.
She got ready to plunge her claws deep into your stomach, but you were faster, instead driving the knife into her chest. She screamed, throwing you through the window behind you. You accidentally let go of the knife, and it tumbled off the side of the building.
You looked back at Dimitrescu. She was in pain, and obviously weakening. But large, fleshy wings sprouted out from her back, a tail soon following.
And then she was crashing through the wall, nothing but a female torso and head on the back of what looked like a dragon straight out of one of your nightmares.
“Flesh! Bones! I will devour all of you!”
“Bring it on, bitch!”
“Curse you.”
And those were her last words. It hadn’t been easy, but you had done it. And you smiled at her as you did so. Given that same demented smile you’d given her daughters. You still wore it.
You looked around, still half mad from the bloodlust. The only thing of note was a yellow flask, so you snatched it up, grinning even wider as the wall opened into the outside.
Dimitrescu was dead. Heisenberg grinned. Well, he certainly didn’t expect to watch you walk out of the castle through the camera he’d placed in the area. He hadn’t even expected you to have lasted five minutes, but evidently you were made of sterner stuff. He was impressed.
You were covered in the dust of her dead daughters, as well as Dimitrescu's own blood. It made your damaged clothes cling to your form, and as you got closer he could see the grin you were wearing, could see that deranged look in your eye. And then you looked up at him. Not just at his camera, but at him. As if you knew he was watching. Your grin turned into something else, and you brought your palm to your mouth, kissed it, and then blew the kiss at him.
He didn’t expect that to get his blood pumping. Didn’t expect watching you walk away coated in blood get it pumping even harder. What was this feeling? It wasn’t fear. It was almost like adrenaline. Almost like-
He looked down at his lap. “Fuck.”
He needed to talk to you. He would talk to you.
Hopefully he could lick the blood off of you after.
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dearkusuo · 4 years ago
Ch. 3 ☆ Last Christmas
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Synopsis: You were intent on avoiding your ex-boyfriend all of winter break, however, your mom and her best friend had other plans lined up for you.
Pairing: Saiki Kusuo x reader
Tags: college au, fluff, angst
Word Count: 1.5k
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m.list ▪︎▪︎▪︎ 2 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ 3 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ 4
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Your state of consciousness was hurriedly slipping from your body as you slouched tiredly on your neighbour’s couch. A week had already passed since you went to the mall with Kusuo and every day since then, your mother would drag you to accompany her to the house next door. She also made it her mission to get you out of bed at ungodly hours that were too early for your liking.
"You look like you just woke up," Kuusuke remarked. He took a seat beside you, observing your eyes fluttering shut as you stifled a yawn. Probably because you did.
“It’s always a pleasure talking with you, Kuusuke,” you snarked.
"If you like me that much, then why don't you visit more often?” he asked, laughing gaudily at your sarcastic retort, “You don't even come by during college breaks."
"I don't use the school dorms anymore since I rent an apartment now. There’s no need for me to come back here unless there’s a special occasion," you pointed out. Although you were thinking about visiting a lot less if it meant you wouldn’t have to see the blond-haired man as much.
"But still, you should return home more frequently otherwise, Kusuo will get sad again.”
"What does he have to do with any of this?" you wondered. The sluggishness abruptly left your system as you sat up straight, not bothering to hide the curiosity in your tone. Kuusuke grinned slyly as you visibly perked up at the mention of his brother. You shouldn’t have been so excited to talk about him.
"The last time I visited was around summertime. I could guess pretty easily that he was disappointed you weren't coming back for the break."
You couldn’t even bring yourself to pay attention to the rest of Kuusuke’s mindless chatter. The corners of your lips twitched up the slightest bit. You shouldn’t have been happy that he wanted to see you.
A flash of pink hair reached the corner of your eye. Kusuo approached you two, focusing his gaze on his older brother as he thought out, ‘You need to stop harassing people.’ 
“Kusuo, you need to be more open with your feelings or else people won’t know what you want,” Kuusuke advised.
He only glared at his older brother in response. The red tint on the tips of his ears was barely noticeable that you almost missed it.
“Kuusuke, can you help us out?” Mrs. Saiki called out, gesturing to your mom and herself. “We’re going out to buy some groceries for the food we’re cooking tomorrow.”
Your mother commanded you to help set up the rest of the decorations while they were gone after the blond man agreed. The two women left hurriedly, rushing Kuusuke out with them and leaving you alone with your ex.
Kusuo was already lifting and hooking up the decorations on the walls and over the furniture when you glanced at him. You stood up from the couch, ready to help out where needed, even if he could finish faster by himself.
‘You don’t have to help if you know I can do this alone.’ 
You shook your head in refusal, stating, “I’d feel bad if you did everything.”
If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought that it was fondness gleaming in his eyes. Neither one of you said anything else, choosing to work in a comfortable silence you learned to grow used to again since the end of your relationship. It took at least an hour to finish the setup, leaving you tired from the constant moving.
There were still a lot of things that had to be done for the party, you noted, sitting back on the couch with Kusuo beside you. You haven’t even wrapped up the presents you meant to give away.
Your eyes widened in realization as you remembered the gift you meant to throw out, stored in your desk drawer. You tapped a finger to your chin as you deliberated on what to do with it. It seemed like a waste to just discard it. Besides, Kusuo probably already knew what you were thinking about, so you might as well hand it over to him.
Kusuo turned his head around expectantly as he waited for you to voice out your thoughts, but you panicked, deciding to ask him a different question instead, "What were you gonna get me last year?" You were curious to know what he would have given you if you didn’t break up.
A few seconds passed before he responded, 'I bought two tickets for a trip to Okinawa. One for you and one for me.'
You tilted your head to one side, wondering if you heard him right. To say you were shocked would have been an understatement. You couldn’t recall him ever making a gesture as grand as that.
'I thought it would make you happy because we didn't get to spend much time together last year.'
You felt a lump growing in your throat, touched that he cared about your happiness. Kusuo was much more considerate towards you during the last few days that passed, less indifferent than he used to be and more open. He changed a lot- no, he’s always been very caring in his own way. You just failed to see it until now.
Your complexion hardened as you regained your composure. “What’s taking them so long?” you wondered, changing the subject before you could let your emotions get to you.
‘They’re doing it on purpose.’ Kusuo thought.
“Doing what on purpose?”
‘Leaving us alone.’
You figured it was strange that you almost always ended up alone with Kusuo, but your mother would constantly deny your suspicions whenever you asked her. “And why would they do that?” At the back of your mind, you had a vague guess of what their intentions were.
‘They want us to get back together.’
You snorted, throwing your head back against the head of the couch. How typical of your meddling mother. What good was that gonna do?
‘That’s all you have to say about it?’
“What else should I say?” You raised an eyebrow, looking at Kusuo with your arms crossed over your chest.
He leaned over your slumped form, his shoulder barely brushing against yours. ‘If I asked you right now, would you consider giving me another chance?’ You stared at him wide-eyed. ‘Do you want to get back together?’ 
Silence enveloped you, save for the heavy beating of your heart. You found yourself getting lost in his eyes as he leaned in closer to you, gazing at you like a man finding solace after a lifetime of pain. He already knew what you were going to say. You took a shaky breath, your answer tumbling out of your lips unthinkingly, “Y-”
The lock on the front door clicked resoundingly around the room, alarming you of your mother and neighbours’ return. You pulled away from Kusuo as the sound of shuffling feet echoed.
“We’re back. Are you guys done?” your mother beamed, walking into the living room with Kuusuke and Mrs. Saiki trailing behind her.
“Uh, I’m actually feeling pretty tired, so I’m gonna head back.” Standing from your seat, you politely excused yourself out of the house before anyone can protest. You couldn’t bring yourself to look back as you shut the door, ignoring the erratic thumping in your chest.
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The marathon of Christmas movies proved to be rather effective in distracting you from the events that happened in the afternoon. You hardly even thought about Kusuo as you laid down on your couch, limbs sprawled all over.
The creak of the front door opening caused you to sit up from your position. Your mother barged in the house, plopping down to take a seat beside you.
 A quick glance at the clock indicated it was already early in the evening. “Took you long enough,” you muttered.
“Well, things might have gone faster if you stayed to help out,” she retorted, causing you to roll your eyes at her playfully. “Did something happen to you and Kusuo while we were gone?”
Suddenly, all you could think about was the look of longing in Kusuo’s violet eyes overflowing into your orbs. You avoided your mother’s question, choosing to confront her instead, “I know what you’re trying to do.”
“What do you mean?” she queried.
“You’re trying to set us up.” Her face fell into an expression of guilt. “And it’s not gonna work,” you continued. She flinched back at the iciness in your tone.
“Why not? Don’t you want to get back together?”
Months ago, you would have agreed in a heartbeat. Even a few hours ago, one year later, you were hopeful that you would be able to rekindle your relationship. You wanted to tell him yes so badly that the word burned on your tongue, itching for you to give in to what your heart wanted.
But you couldn’t just ignore all the times you hid your hurt feelings by his seeming indifference when you were together or belittle the times you spent crying over him after your break up. 
Your lip quivered, mouth going dry as you struggled to give an explanation, “I don’t want the same thing to happen again.”
You didn’t tell her what happened earlier, how Kusuo asked you if you would give him another chance and how you were ready to take him back.
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mortimer-writes-sometimes · 4 years ago
Idk if this is a good prompt but im always a sucker for clothes swap fluff so 👉👈 smth with grillby wearing sans’ jacket maybe?
This is so freaking cute. I might have to write like, three alternate versions of this.
Once again, I think I strayed a bit from expectation writing this one. Also, it’s entirely off-season. And I think I got a bit sloppy at the end, so I apologize for that. If you can’t tell, I don’t think very highly of my own writing. In any case, here’s the one-shot that nearly turned into multiple chapters!
Grillby Looks Good In Blue
Word count: 4961 Summary: When it’s revealed that Grillby doesn’t have a Halloween costume, Frisk comes up with a great idea.
Grillby had never been particularly festive. Even after opening his new bar on the surface, the ‘holiday spirit’ people talked about continued to elude him. The older members of his family didn’t celebrate many holidays, and what celebrations they did have were never more than another family gathering. He enjoyed them, of course. Any opportunity to see his brothers and niece was a welcome one! But he’d never decorated his bar or hosted any sort of seasonally themed party. So, when he learned about the human holiday of ‘Halloween’, he didn’t plan to come up with a costume.
(He planned to close early and hand out candy, of course. He had a soft spot for children.)
The night before Halloween, Grillby’s bar was lively with excited monsters and humans alike. The anticipation for the big night was palpable as people chattered among themselves, talking about their costumes, the best places to get candy, and parties that were going to be held. The sun had only just started to set when the bell above the door rang, a familiar family of monsters entering with a single human child.
“Welcome back,” Grillby greeted with a small smile. The whole gang was there- Toriel, Frisk, Alphys, Undyne, Papyrus, Sans… even Asgore was there. Sans and Frisk made a beeline for the bar while the rest of the group discussed seating arrangements. Grillby started pouring a glass of apple juice for Frisk automatically, placing it in front of them as the child struggled up onto a barstool. “It’s good to see you all again. What’s the occasion?”
Sans shrugged and hopped up into his usual seat. “Well, we’re gonna have a little All Hallows Eve Eve party while we put the finishing touches on everyone’s costumes. Thought that since we’re all here, it’d be nice to go out to eat together. It was mostly Frisk’s idea.”
Grillby chuckled. “Well, I think it was an excellent idea. Now, what can I get the two of you started with?”
The night wore on with plenty of food, drinks, and laughter as everyone caught up with each other. Frisk and Sans went back to sit with the others during dinner, but when it was time for dessert, Frisk was right back up at the bar to talk with Grillby. They were excited to tell him about their costume. “Guess what I’m going as for Halloween!” they demanded, bouncing on their stool.
Grillby set a piece of cake in front of Frisk as he carefully monitored the stool’s stability. “I don’t know, what?”
“Nooooo,” Frisk whined, “That’s not how it works! You have to guess!”
“Alright, alright.” He pretended to think for a moment, tapping his chin. “You’re going to be… adorable,” he teased, ruffling their hair.
Frisk laughed, pushing his hand away. “No, I’m not! I’m going to be scary!”
Grillby shook his head. “Forgive me for being unable to imagine that. What scary thing are you going as, then?”
Frisk was unable to contain their excitement any longer, jumping up on the stool. “I’m going to be a zombie!” they yelled. As they did, the stool teetered beneath them.
Ding! You’re blue now!
Grillby had reached out and grabbed Frisk by the shoulders at the same time Sans turned them blue and levitated them, the unbalanced stool the child was sitting on hitting the floor. Sans walked up to the bar and righted the stool, chuckling as he found a seat of his own. “Careful, kid. Don’t want you partying too hard now.”
Frisk gave both of them a sheepish grin as they were set back on their stool, looking up at Grillby. “Sorry. Anyway, as I was saying, I’m going to be a zombie for Halloween. It was Sans’s idea!” They shoveled a big bite of chocolate cake in their mouth as they looked at the skeleton.
“Yeah,” Sans said with a shrug. “I mean, a supernatural being that keeps coming back to life no matter how many times you’ve killed it? It seems appropriate.”
Grillby wasn’t sure what Sans meant by that, but at that point, he was used to it enough to not bother asking. He turned to Frisk and poured them a glass of milk to go with their dessert. “Well, make sure Sans sends me a picture. I’m sure it will look great.”
Frisk nodded eagerly, taking the glass of milk and drinking half of it in one go. Grillby offered them a napkin before they could wipe their mouth on their sleeve. Frisk took it, scrubbing at their face and smiling up at him. “So,” they asked, “What’s your Halloween costume gonna be?”
“Oh, I’m not really doing anything for Halloween,” Grillby responded as he moved to wipe some crumbs from his bar. “I will be handing out candy, though, if you’d like to stop by.”
“You don’t have a costume?!” Apparently, in Frisk’s mind, this was a horrible tragedy. “But everyone put a costume together! Even Sans made one!”
Papyrus, overhearing this, looked up from where he’d been enjoying a plate of pasta with chocolate sauce. “Wait, Sans, you actually made a costume?! I thought you said you were just going to buy one!”
Sans shrugged. “Yeah, well, everyone else was making their own. Besides, the costume I came up with is a piece of art. You can’t get that at a store.”
Frisk didn’t look impressed. “Sans, your costume is literally a shirt with the word ‘life’ written on it and a bowl of lemon drops.”
“Well, I didn’t really have much to work with. You know what they say- when life gives you lemons…”
Grillby chuckled from behind the bar, fond. “I think it sounds very you, Sans.”
Sans grinned up at him. “Heh, at least someone appreciates my talents. Anyway, Grillbz, the kid is right. It’s our first Halloween on the surface. You gotta do something more than just hand out candy.”
Apparently, everyone was listening at that point, because that was when Alphys stood up. “O-Oh! If, um, if you still n-need a costume, I, uh… w-well I have some material l-leftover from making mine and Undyne’s! I’m sure we can- um- c-come up with some ideas, haha…”
“That sounds like a great idea,” Toriel chimed in. “You should join us for our costume-making party tonight, Grillby. Then you can accompany Frisk with us for trick-or-treating.”
Grillby adjusted his glasses, a bit flustered by all the sudden attention. “I-i wouldn’t want to intrude…”
Undyne laughed, getting up. “Too late, fire dude! If Frisk says you need a costume, then that’s that. Now let’s close this joint and get going already!”
As Undyne and Papyrus began rounding people up and making them go home so Grillby could close the bar, the fire monster chuckled to himself. Maybe, just this once, he could have a little more fun with a holiday.
It felt odd, being in Toriel’s house. Grillby considered the others his friends, but he’d never actually hung out with any of them outside the bar before. Everyone was gathered in the living room, where multiple old bedsheets had been spread on the floor and furniture. The group spread out around the living room as they helped each put finishing touches on their designs with hot glue and paint. “The bedsheets are a clever idea,” Grillby commented lightly as he took a cup of tea from Toriel (he didn’t have the heart to tell her that he usually didn’t drink tea. It was basically just hot flavored water).
The motherly monster smiled, sitting in an armchair and watching the scene in front of her with a fond look in her eye. “Dr. Alphys suggested it. She’s very good at arts and crafts!”
“Speaking of arts and crafts,” Sans interjected from his spot on the couch, “It’s time to figure out what Grillby’s costume is going to be.”
Alphys had a lot of ideas. “Oh! Y-you could go as a gender-bent v-version of Sailor Mars! Or maybe, um, if you c-can burn blue for- for the evening you could go a-a-as Rin Okumura from Blue Exorcist! Oh, I b-bet you could m-make a great Kyoya! Uh, from O-ouran Highschool Host Club?”
...Grillby didn’t understand what she said, but was flattered anyway. Kind of.
Sans decided to step in and rescue Grillby before Alphys put him in cat ears. “While those are all good ideas,” he said thoughtfully, “Maybe we should think of something that we can, y’know, throw together overnight? Plus I’m pretty sure all those characters wear like fancy clothes and stuff. That’s what Grillby wears already. Hardly counts as a costume.”
Papyrus stood up specifically so he could put his hands on his hips. “Well the whole point of a costume is to dress up for the evening! What is Grillby supposed to do? Dress down?”
That gave Frisk an idea. They got up, walking over to Grillby and pulling on his arms to make him stand up. “Come here for a second!” Then, they went and grabbed Sans, pulling him to stand next to Grillby. Frisk took a couple of steps back, rubbing their chin in thought as they inspected the two side-by-side. Apparently, they liked what they saw, because they smiled. “Hey Sans, do you mind if I change your costume a bit?”
“Uhhh, what are we talking about when we say ‘a bit’?” Sans asked, unsure of where Frisk was going with this.
Alphys seemed to catch on, because anyone who has read lots and lots of fanfiction can guess where this is going. “Ohhhh, that’s g-genius, Frisk! But, u-um, Grillby’s a lot taller than Sans.”
Frisk’s smile only widened, the plan coming together in their mind. “Sans’s jacket is big enough! And I’m sure we can find him a white T-shirt that’s big enough!”
The skeleton waved a hand at them, interrupting. “Sans’s jacket is big enough for what?”
Frisk and Alphys shared a mischievous look. Sans looked up at Grillby (who was still confused and clueless) and came to a terrible realization.
He was going to have to tie his shoes for once.
 “Do I really have to keep the shirt tucked in?”
“Yes! Grillby always has his shirt tucked in!”
“A-and don’t- don’t slouch. You have to, um, g-get into character!”
“When did this go from a Halloween costume to full-on cosplay?”
Sans tugged at his suspenders as he inspected the completed outfit. Somehow, Frisk and Alphys had managed to find a white button-up, dress pants, and dress shoes to fit Sans. Grillby’s suspenders could be adjusted down to fit Sans, and bowties tended to be one-size-fits-all, so Sans got to wear the real deal in those departments. Finally, Toriel had taken the lenses out of an old pair of reading glasses she didn’t use and set the frames on Sans’s skull (Frisk taped the sides since Sans didn’t have ears).
The skeleton couldn’t help chuckling. “Man, no wonder Grillby is pretty fit. Getting dressed in this stuff is a whole workout.” It didn’t look bad, though. He glanced upstairs, where Papyrus and Toriel had whisked Grillby away for his ‘transformation’. Sans had already managed to get fully dressed, and his usual outfit was way simpler than Grillby’s. What was taking so long?
The others seemingly had the same thought. Undyne crossed her arms, walking to the base of the stairs. “HEY PAPYRUS! WHAT’S THE HOLD UP?!” she yelled through the house.
Papyrus cracked the door to Toriel’s room open for a moment. “JUST BE PATIENT, UNDYNE!”
Toriel pushed the door the rest of the way open, sighing. “Please, both of you, no shouting in the house. We… had a minor issue with finding a T-shirt, is all. Grillby is changing in my bathroom, he’ll be down in a moment.”
Just then, Papyrus spotted Sans, eyesockets widening. “OH MY GOD! Sans, you actually have style for once!”
“Heh, thanks, I guess…” Sans felt nervous, for some reason. What if Grillby thought he looked dumb? What if Grillby got really uncomfortable with this idea? What if he got mad? Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to force him to-
The door to Toriel’s room opened again, a warm light filling the hall. If Sans could have blushed, he would have.
Sans’s shorts were wide enough around the waist to fit Grillby, although they didn’t quite go down to his knees. The old white shirt Toriel had found him was a bit more form-fitting than the ones Sans usually wore, clinging near his waist and the center of his chest. Amusingly, Sans’s slippers were a bit too big on the fire monster, if the way he had to shuffle in them to get them to stay on was any indication. What got Sans, though, was the jacket.
Sans’s hoodie fit Grillby perfectly. 
Grillby had shot Papyrus a questioning look when he was handed Sans’s jacket, still unsure about the whole thing. “Will this even fit me?” he asked skeptically. “I’m quite a bit taller than Sans.”
“Well, it’s very big on Sans,” Toriel pointed out. “Just try it on. I’m sure we can go find a cheap blue hoodie in the morning to complete the look if that doesn’t fit.”
Papyrus nodded. “Or if it smells too much like ketchup for you to bear!”
The bartender still wasn’t sure, but it couldn’t hurt to just try it on, right? Blushing a bit under the attention the other two were giving him, he shrugged on the blue jacket. Papyrus was right, it did smell a little like ketchup. But…
As the weight of the fabric settled around his shoulders, something in Grillby relaxed. The fabric that lined the inside of Sans’s jacket was surprisingly soft, and the sleeves were just long enough that if Grillby wanted to, he could pull them over his hands. The fire monster’s face grew hotter, a bright blush spreading across his cheeks. He was wearing Sans’s clothes. He was wearing Sans’s jacket. He wrapped his arms around himself without thinking, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. When he opened them again, he found that Toriel and Papyrus were both staring at him. He shifted a bit, fiddling with the hoodie strings. “...wh-what? Is something wrong?”
After a long moment, Toriel smiled, raising a hand to her mouth in an attempt to hold back laughter. Papyrus tilted his head, entirely bemused. “Grillby, why did you turn blue? Is it that overwhelming? I told Sans he needed to wash that old thing more often!”
Toriel lost her composure, laughing softly. “That’s not what it means when a fire monster turns blue, Papyrus.”
“W-wait, I’m what-?!” Grillby ran back into Toriel’s bathroom. Sure enough, the blush on his cheeks had turned a vibrant blue, along with some of the flames that made up his hair. “Oh. Oh no.”
“‘Oh no’ what?! I don’t understand! Ms. Toriel, why are you laughing?!” Papyrus frowned, unhappy at being left out of the loop. 
Toriel was all too happy to clarify. “Fire monsters blush differently than other monsters. The flames that make up their faces change temperature depending on the emotion. When they’re embarrassed, they may turn red. When flustered, a brighter orange. The most dazzling display, though, is when a fire monster is-”
“You can’t tell Sans!” Grillby suddenly cried out, nearly shouting it. He went back into the bedroom, willing himself to calm down. “Fuck, I can’t let him see me like this…!”
Toriel decided to let the language slide, focusing on calming Grillby down. “It’s alright,” she said soothingly, “We won’t tell him. You should tell him yourself.”
Grillby shook his head. “No, no no no no no. Sans can’t know about this. It’s entirely inappropriate, and it would ruin everything we already have-”
Toriel held up a hand to stop him. She tilted her head a bit, concerned. “Now why would it be inappropriate? You’re adults. If you both consent to a relationship, there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Don’t phrase it like that,” Grillby groaned. “It’s- I’m a fire elemental and he’s a skeleton. We’re not going to be compatible.”
Toriel frowned at that. “Now that’s an outdated mindset and you know it,” she huffed. “You like him, don’t you? I’m sure even if he didn’t like you that way, you could still be friends after telling him.”
“Like him in what way?!?!” The Great Papyrus interrupted, starting to get irritated that the author seemed to keep forgetting he was there.
Toriel looked at Papyrus, then sighed, smiling a bit as she looked back at Grillby. Grillby groaned again, hanging his head in defeat. “Fire monsters turn blue,” he mumbled, “When they’re in love.”
Papyrus took a moment to process that. Grillby was in love… he’d turned blue when he put Sans’s jacket on… Oh! The pieces clicked in his skull. “HOLY FU-”
Grillby took a deep breath as he walked down the stairs, trying to stay calm and, more importantly, stay cold. Sans would probably say I just need to ‘chill out’. Or be ‘cool’, Grillby thought to himself, his awkward smile becoming a bit more genuine in amusement. He stepped into the living room, holding his arms out in a sort of ‘Ta-da!’ motion. Frisk started clapping while Alphys took pictures, both of them far more excited about the outfit change than they should have been.
“Well if it isn’t the ‘hottest’ new fashion trend, Grillby casual.”
Sans caught Grillby’s attention, the fire monster turning to look at him. “Ha, funny, Sans,” is what he said on the outside. On the inside, he was screaming. Stay chill stay chill stay chill stay chill god damn it now that terrible joke is stuck in my head holy shit just stay chill! 
“Y-you look nice,” Grillby managed to stammer out. “I never thought I’d see you wear a tie that wasn’t printed on the shirt.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Sans replied with a wink. “So I guess it’s decided then? We’re going as each other for Halloween?”
Grillby nodded, barely trusting himself to speak. “I suppose so…”
Frisk jumped up on the couch. “WHICH MEANS YOU HAVE TO GO TRICK OR TREATING WITH US!!”
The next several minutes were filled with Toriel lecturing Frisk about jumping on furniture and yelling in the house.
The next day, the whole group met at Grillby’s to get ready, taking advantage of the fact that the restaurant had a total of four bathroom stalls. Grillby volunteered to put his costume on last, soul thrumming with anxiety. He was sure that the evening was going to be the hardest evening of his life (oh, the things he put himself through for Frisk’s sake).
Grillby was far from unaware of his feelings for Sans. He’d had a bit of a crush for a long time, and in the time since they’d been released from the Underground, that affection had only grown. There was just something about the skeleton that made him want to sit and talk with him forever. It would never work out, though. Relationships were complicated, and Grillby didn’t want to mess up what he already had. If he made a move and it didn’t work out, it would be hard to go back to just being friends. Needless to say, Sans’s new ability to turn Grillby’s flames blue without even being in the room was a huge problem.
“Hey fire dude, your turn!” Undyne pulled Grillby from his thoughts, thrusting the bartender’s costume into his arms. “Hurry up and get changed! It’s almost time to get going!”
Grillby nodded, a bit overwhelmed all of a sudden. “R-right. I’ll be back in a moment.”
He took his time getting dressed, carefully monitoring his temperature. For the most part, he was fine. He could forget that he was dressed as his favorite skeleton, even be amused by it. There was no problem at all… until he got to the jacket.
Slipping on Sans’s hoodie, Grillby felt his temperature immediately rise. He was never cold, but he could still appreciate that the jacket was comfortably warm. Between the smell and the weight, if he closed his eyes he could almost imagine Sans had his arms around him. 
Oh god, there was no way he was going to make it through this night.
Cautiously stepping out of the bathroom stall, Grillby looked in the mirror and confirmed what he already suspected. That bright blue tint had returned to his face. He took a deep breath, willing it away, but some of the flames that formed his hair and cheeks wouldn’t cool off. The traitorous streaks of heat flickered and Grillby felt like he was being mocked. 
The door to the bathroom suddenly opened and Grillby panicked, pulling up the hood of the and ducking his head to hide his face. Glancing to the side, he wanted to scream. Of course, it was Sans.
Sans looked worried, dress shoes clicking on the tile floor as he walked over. “You okay, Grillbz? You’ve been in here for a while. I was starting to get worried.”
“I-i’m fine,” Grillby stammered, turning to look at the wall, the counter, anywhere but at Sans. “I’m just nervous. It’s the first time I’ve participated in something like this.”
Sans chuckled, a gentle sound that soothed some of Grillby’s nerves. “C’mon, you can’t mess up Halloween. Just ‘chill’ out and enjoy yourself.”
Sans was right. There wasn’t any reason to be this worked up. So long as he focused on the festivities, Grillby didn’t run any risk of being flustered again. “Alright. I’ll be out in a moment.” He straightened up, looking in the mirror again and sighing in relief. For now, the blush was gone.
Later that evening, the Halloween festivities were in full swing. Monster and human children alike were wandering up and down the streets with their parents, laughing and playing as their buckets and bags slowly filled with sweets. Frisk insisted on dragging as many people as they could up to each door with them, insisting that, “Larger groups of people get more candy!” 
Of course, being a pretty big group of monsters, they couldn’t all fit on a doorstep at once. Instead, they all took turns. Two people would go with Frisk at a time, and the rest of them would just wave from the street.
Sans put his hands in his pockets as he watched Grillby and Asgore walk Frisk to the door of the next house, chuckling a bit as the former king stopped to admire the flowerbeds. His gaze drifted to Grillby. He’d been worried that the bartender would feel a little out of place, but he seemed to be enjoying himself, holding Frisk’s hand as the child cheered, “Trick or treat!”
The couple at the door stopped to ask about their costumes like any other house, putting a few pieces of candy in Frisk’s bag. Sans couldn’t hear what was said, but when Grillby explained his costume, whatever the couple said made him laugh. Sans smiled to himself, fond. 
Undyne elbowed Sans, arching an eyebrow at him. “Dude, you’re staring again.”
Sans rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Yeah, well, he’s being really cute. Besides, anyone could appreciate a guy that hot.”
Undyne groaned. “Okay, but being serious, why don’t you just talk to him already? The guy obviously has a thing for you. Nobody would let you rack up a tab like yours if they didn’t want to cook for you all the time.”
“I know,” Sans admitted, “But he can be kinda shy. I don’t wanna scare him off by making the first move.”
She just rolled her eyes. “If he’s shy, he’s never gonna confess to you. Just go for it, man!”
Sans looked back at Grillby. In the time they’d been talking, the fire monster had picked Frisk up and put them on his shoulders, smiling as Frisk declared which house they should go to next. He was so good with the kid. He let Frisk hang out at the bar after school all the time, and he’d even helped them with their homework once or twice. The bartender was one of the sweetest guys Sans had ever met. How could the skeleton not like him? And Sans had to admit, he was getting a little impatient. “You know what? Fine,” he said, looking back at Undyne. “I’m gonna tell him.”
Undyne looked genuinely surprised. “Really?”
“Right now.”
“Oh my god.” Undyne whipped out her phone, pulling up her camera. “Fucking finally. You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this. Alphys! Alphys, it’s finally happening, come help me film this!”
Sans laughed, pulling his hands out of his pockets to fidget with his suspenders. “Thanks for the enthusiasm, but this is something I kinda want to do alone? Grillby’s a private guy. You’ll make him nervous.”
Undyne groaned. “Fine, but you better tell me how it goes!”
Sans gave her a thumbs-up. “Sure thing, captain.”
“I mean it!” she emphasized, jabbing a finger at his chest. “I want every detail.”
Sans chuckled. “I’ll make sure to ‘burn’ the moment in my memory. Now get out of here, they’re coming back.”
Grillby and Asgore rejoined the group, Grillby handing Frisk off to Toriel. “I believe it’s your turn, You Majesty.”
Toriel smiled a bit. “Now what have I told you about that? It’s just Toriel now.” She turned to the others. “Sans? Would you like to come as well?”
“I’ll c-come!” Alphys quickly interjected. “We sh-should all go! Except Sans and Grillby! G-Grillby just went, and, u-um… Sans, well…”
“I’m too lazy to go all the way up to the door,” Sans finished for her. “I’ll hang back here with Grillby. You all go on ahead.”
Toriel tilted her head, trying to figure out what Sans was planning before understanding hit her. She smiled a bit and nodded. “Alright, you two. Don’t fall too far behind.”
“This won’t take very long,” Sans assured her, waving them off. Frisk lead the way, and pretty soon it was just Sans and Grillby, walking side by side in the cool autumn evening.
Grillby adjusted his glasses, glancing curiously at Sans. “...alright. What is this all about? I can tell you’re plotting something.”
Sans chuckled. “Yeah, you’ve always been able to read me pretty well.” And somehow the bartender was still totally oblivious. “I just wanted to talk with you for a minute. Just you and me.” He stopped walking, looking Grillby up and down. “...y’know, you don’t look half bad in my jacket.”
Oh god. The fear of blushing and tipping Sans off returned at full force, Grillby swallowing hard. “Th-thank you? Um, I think you look nice, too. Dressed up, I mean.”
“Eh, you pull it off better.” Sans shrugged. “You know, you’ve been kinda quiet this evening. You doing okay?”
“I’m fine,” Grillby answered too quickly. He’d honestly been avoiding talking to Sans too much. Sans was far too good at flustering him and making him laugh. “Why do you ask?”
Sans huffed, fond as he tilted his head. “Well, I’ve been thinking. Hanging out with everybody is great and all, but I’d kinda like to spend more time with just you, y’know?” He rubbed the back of his neck, a little nervous. He didn’t want to make Grillby uncomfortable by being too direct, but he couldn’t be too subtle. Otherwise, it would go over the fire monster’s head. He took a deep breath and braced himself. “I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go get breakfast or something sometime?”
Grillby nearly choked. What was Sans trying to say? Surely he wasn’t asking what Grillby wanted him to thought he might be asking. He felt his temperature rise without his permission and reflectively pulled up the hood of the jacket, covering his face with his sleeves. If anything, remembering that he was hiding in Sans’s jacket just made it worse. He tried to say something, but to his dismay, all he could get out was a flustered squeak.
That was about the reaction Sans was expecting. “Grillby? You okay?” Sans asked gently. He stepped closer, trying to move into the bartender’s field of vision.
“F-f-fine…!” Grillby managed. He was dead. He was going to die. This was a disaster.
“Heh, sure,” Sans mumbled, giving him a small smile. “Alright, if you’re gonna be shy about it, let’s try this a different way.” The skeleton reached up and gently took Grillby’s hands in his own, pulling them away. Grillby’s face was burning with beautiful shades of red, orange, and blue, all mixing together. Sans chuckled a bit, putting his hands on the bartender’s shoulders and making him lean over. “Come here, you dork.” He stood up on his toes, pulling the fire monster’s hood down as he did.
The light show when Sans kissed him was spectacular.
Papyrus, who had been watching the whole time, jumped out of the bushes. “OH MY GOD, SANS!” He was shortly followed by Undyne, Alphys, and Frisk, who were all rewatching the scene from Frisk’s phone.
“That was s-so cute!” Alphys gushed. “You’re so adorable t-together! I think it’s my new OTP.”
Grillby groaned, covering his face with one hand as Sans laughed. “I hate all of you.” He stopped as a hand slipped into his own, looking down at Sans.
Sans smiled up at him, still chuckling a bit. His gaze softened a bit as he ran his thumb over Grillby’s knuckles. “So,” he said quietly, “What do you say, firefly? Coffee this Saturday.”
Grillby smiled, finally letting himself blush without panicking. He laced their fingers together and gave the skeleton a gentle nod. “That sounds lovely.”
Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it! If you did, consider leaving me a comment to tell me your favorite part. If you want to send me a prompt, my asks are open!
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