#but way too complicated for me to rember
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Now this is the fanservice we need! 👏

Me hurting Martin just to get to draw him without a shirt: Yes, it's absolutely necessary for his characterization....
#occudo's art#tma fanart#martin blackwood#jonathan sims#ask#the magus archives au#witch!jon#knight!martin#jokes on you#the whole au is fanservice I made for me#also#i still have a love-hate relationship with martin's armor#it's so shiny#but way too complicated for me to rember#so I need a break sometimes
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Hello I’m the anon from the abo Ivan dies timeline ask u just responded to (btw I see everyone is like picking emojis so can I be 🖤?)
my first idea is that post death they eventually get approached to do a documentary about his life and death (maybe go like increase awareness about the complications that killed him so more people can be safe) and all of Ivan’s loved ones get interviewed- and I just, I wonder what they would say !! What words would they put to him?? And how does Till sum up all his mixed feelings into one interview
also I was thinking about the kids and since no one saw it coming Ivan definitely didn’t update his will- so Till can be extra confused as to why everything went to him instead of some one else. Since he doesn’t know the kids are his yet- he can’t comprehend why he would get all this (all this stuff that normally goes to a mate) I also have a lot of thoughts about single dad till raising two kids all by himself and being floored by how similar they are to Ivan. I do think both kids would look more like till in my head because that means till will never have the solace of seeing those features he loved so much look back at him again
The features that made Ivan - Ivan are gone, Till seethes as he thinks that the kids must look exactly like their father-no their sure because whoever abandoned Ivan had no right to that word-because their resemblance to their mother is completely gone. And till hates it sometimes- sometimes he looks as his beautiful children who have slowly become his whole world and loathes them for daring to look like the awful alpha who caused this mess. The alpha who’s absence arguably killed their mother
and once he knows that the kids are his? He won’t know what to do with himself. Because now he looks at the children and all he can see is himself- and no matter how much he strains to see the pin pricks of Ivan in them- he can’t escape the fact that they are his children. That Ivan died because till failed to be there for him- and that in the scheme of things Ivan’s life is forgotten and only his death remains , he’s remembered as a bright star snuffed out too soon and Ivan’s legacy is nothing but an echo of tills greatest mistake.
but the kids act a lot like Ivan once they are older! They are very curious and smart but aren’t the most emotionally intelligent- and they always have their curious eyes turned on till! Plus they will buy at their lips when they are thinking hard in a way that reminds Till of Ivan’s snaggle tooth (and maybe once they get their adult teeth they with get snaggle teeth of their own) (altho till can wonder with how long it’s been how much of these traits Ivan truly had and how much of it is grasping at straws to make his heart hurt less)
At some point Ivan is just a footnote in Tills story of stardom, and he is only rembered by the world as the omega who produced Tills children, and a title to one of his albums. And it makes till sick. —————————
I went kind of overboard but I hope this isn’t like cringe to send 🫥
hey its not nice to hit me with this first thing in the morning 🖤
you have to spare me okay? i was thinking happy thoughts from my happy dream ready to make a nice happy once-in-a-lifetime tillivan au and then suddenly bam documentary never see ivan again even in his children and ivan only being known as an omega.
i refuse! ivan will not only be known as "ivan an omega," because his fanbase is large. alright? and mizi and sua and luka and hyuna and till and everyone else in the whole damn industry won't let that happen! ivan deserves respect!!!
on another note, no its not cringe to send otherwise im a cringey creator... which is bad for the both of us.
guys i think its time to retire dead ivan au. my heart can't take it. i love him too much to just discuss what happens after death.
...in the documentary, it mentions how ivan was briefly a musician who mainly collabed with till, or was apart of till's band at the time. and till breaks down when he realizes that ivan learned the piano, and maybe the guitar, to play it for him and with him.
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Last Monday of the Week 2024-09-02
Do you rember. Wen day is dark, sember.
Listening: @cyelatm released a new album Habit Prism that I've been listening to in bits and pieces. Even, rhythmic folk, good music to have on when you have people around.
In that vein, Bandcamp Friday this coming Friday! Make your lists!
Watching: Watched The Raid which I've had kicking around for a bit. Do you want to watch guys punch each other all over for like 15 minutes at a time for an hour? No? Get better taste in movies and then watch guys punch each other all over for like 15 minutes at a time for an hour.
The Raid is so obviously made for like two dollars, there's one building, every single gun and piece of armour is airsoft gear, the camera is visibly some mid-tier hardware that suffers from severe rolling shutter, and it kicks so much ass.
There's some really interesting things happening with camera movement in this movie. Really really complicated multi-axis camera moves, the same shot will take like six different dutch angles in a single move, or will lock on to different objects and follow them, it's great for martial arts but it's also used to pretty good effect in some interstitial scenes.
The culminating fight with Mad Dog is so wild, literally just three guys in an empty concrete cube fighting for a solid ten or twelve minutes and it works! Does not seem possible. They actively remove almost every prop from the room so it's just guys hitting each other but they keep doing incredible stunts.
It's funny looking at the gifsets on here because they're unreadable, everything happens so fast and requires so much context that is only delivered in the full flow of the movie. My favourite part is when he said "It's Raiding Time" and raided all over those guys.
Reading: Finally sat down and got through the Phalanx's Twilight, Legion's Triumph series on acoup.
Sections IVa-c mostly slid off my brain because it's a bunch of wars I don't know enough about to contextualize but it's mostly justification for what's explained in parts I-III which were great, and it's an interesting look at how the political and military structures of Rome interwove to improve the effectiveness of the Legion.
Also reading Skin Horse, which I started ages ago but never got very far, I think because I started a job around that time and lost track of it. Sticking webcomic tabs on my little ARM tablet is really convenient, I've jammed Out Of Placers and Laika's Comet in there as well, it's been a while since I did a big archive dive on a comic.
Skin Horse is very much of its time, not really in sensibility but just in content. The nerds are characterized by liking Harry Potter.
Making: Resolved the power delivery issues that were causing me to have mysterious failures with the LED driver. That was annoying. Anyway remember to split your power supply when you could potentially pull like 10A@5V to drive LED's.
Playing: Tactical Breach Wizards campaign is ongoing, as you get deeper into the campaign your team expands which dramatically complicates operations, your possible actions explode, and I'm not even halfway through.
Dall was my newest operator at time of writing and she's probably the hardest to use, she can deal a lot of damage but relies more so than anyone else on good positioning, it's really easy to end up way out of place and waste her moves, and she's too heavy to shunt around with Jen's storm attacks the way you can with the others.
Speaking of those, I really like how the short turns and deterministic actions mean you can get really into the weeds. The first time I used a gale grenade to shunt Zan over one extra block to line him up I assumed this would be a sometimes food but you really find yourself doing stuff like that all the time.
I'm heading back and picking through some of the challenge missions concurrently with playing partially to stretch out overall gameplay and partially because I think having fewer abilities unlocked will make those more interesting.
Tools and Equipment: You know, I think we know each other pretty well, I can put this here. The Doxy USB-C Wand is a safe and legal thrill.
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A roller-coaster weekend (D.Prevc X D.Tande)
So last weekend after Domens win someone (sadly I don´t know who) pointed out that it is sad that Daniel wasn´t in Sapporo to witness Domen’s win. I kinda got inspired by that and started to write something. It was supposed to be a fun cute one shot about Domiel celebrating Domens win the long-distance way but apparently, I’m not good a writing fun stuff so it’s a tiny bit heavier than anticipated but well. The whole Alex situation is mentioned but I tried to keep it vague to not speculate too much. At first, I didn’t think I would post it, since it’s the first time I would share something that I wrote (It’s also the first time writing in English and the first time writing Domiel. So a lot of firsts). But I’m always happy when someone shares their work so here you go.
Wordcount: 4899
“Why am I hearing about your revolution from gossip?”, is the first thing that leaves my mouth when my boyfriend finally picks up the phone. It was my third try of reaching him. To his defence it is currently 5.30 am in Norway. So honestly, he shouldn’t be answering the phone, but he does. It brings out a little smile on my face. “Good morning to you too, Domen.”, answers Daniel with his raspy morning voice. I miss hearing it in person. I miss waking up next to him and wake him up with a lazy kiss. Hopefully he will be in Oberstdorf next week. It has been too long since we saw each other. “It’s already afternoon here.” I could practically see his eye roll through the telephone.
The Slovenian cabin is empty here at the hill in Sapporo. My first teammates are on the way up the hill and everyone who jumps after me is still outside warming up. I probably should be out there too but the gossip on the hill was more important. At least today. So, I’m sitting on the slim bench and lean against the heater. Robert, my trainer, can’t be mad when he finds me here cause I’m doing a bit of stretching. At least a bit. But I really need to speak with Daniel about the things I heard. So, no good warm up for me today. This is more important. “I heard it from the Germans, Danny. So, what is going on with your team? Is it true?” Philipp Raimund and Andreas Wellinger were practically begging me to give them insides of the drama in team Norway. But I didn’t have an answer for them because my boyfriend forgot to tell me the big news. Or choose to not tell me. There is a sigh on the others side of the line. “To be honest, I don’t know what to think about it. I can’t even articulate what I’m felling right now.”, speaks Daniel after a short period of quiet. My hand glides through my hair. “It’s really true? You want to get rid of Alex?” “That’s sounds like we want to kill him. We just think our team would function better without him.” Something in his voice and the fact that he didn’t tell me about it, tells me there is more to this story.
Daniel and I, we are together since over four years. I know him. That’s why I keep asking. Sometimes he holds to himself. You would think that would be my part, but I tend to overshare. At least with him. “But you don’t agree?” There is a bit noise in the background. He is probably standing up to go around in circles in his little flat like always does. I can picture it in my head. Daniel running his hand through his beautiful blond hair, pacing around to get rid of the emotions that comes with phone calls like this. “You know I have experience with revolutions against trainers. Rember the ski flying world champions in Planica.” The Japanese sun is shining in the little cabin, and I am praying that the other guys will be out there a bit longer so that we can finish this conversation. I lean my head against the blank wall. “It’s not that I don’t agree. There are valid points why Alex isn’t the right trainer for us. But its complicated.” “He has been your trainer since when? Since you have been in world cup? Of course, it’s complicated.” Alex always seemed close with his jumpers. Daniel praised him so often. I don’t know what caused this fall out. Maybe just the bad results. Maybe something major that he can’t share with me. We are still on different teams, and it could be something regarding his teammates so I can understand why he isn’t telling me. I wish I could be there, or he could be here. Even through his voice I can hear that he needs a hug. Maybe I should call his mom up to go check on him. “He is such big part of my life. If he is really going to leave it feels like I´m losing a third parent.” “Oh Danny.”, was the only thing I could say. “Did you agree with Timi when he pulled that thing?” I exhale loudly. “Partly. But definitely not the way he did it. That was just cruel and bad for all of us. But its not really comparable. Alex has been in your life forever. Have you talked about it with the other guys? Or maybe with Anders or Kenneth?” Outside of the cabin I can start to hear voices. Probably my teammates who played volleyball. My gaze falls on my watch. I should get going soon or I will miss the first jump. “Not really. I agree with them for the most parts so what am I supposed to say?” “Your also part of the team. Your opinion matters as much as the opinion form the others. I´m sorry love, but I really have to get going. Maybe it would really help if you speak to Anders. He knows the team but can give you a bit of a neutral view.” In the middle of my sentence the door of the cabin opens, and my brother enters the room followed by Lovro and Timi. Peter is raising his eyebrow at me. An unspoken question why I am not ready. With my free hand I gesture towards the phone and hope the boys will stay quiet. “Good luck for quali, kjekken. I love you. “„I love you too.” The phone call ends, and I’m absolutely not satisfied with it. I hate that I can’t be there for him and hold him. I hate that there are currently what feels like million kilometres between us. “Yes Pero. I know that I’m late. I’m hurrying up now.”, I say before my older brother opens his mouth. Peter is still nervous when it comes to me being in World cup. As if I didn’t know the rules around here. Even though I have been a part of this circus since I was 16. While I change in my ski jumping suit the boys exchange a knowing look. “So, it’s true, what they tell about team Norway?” Timi was the brave one to ask the question they all had. “Apparently. But I don’t know much more than you do.” A last check through my bag than I went my way up the hill to do the thing I love most in the world.
I press my lips together and look at the big screen. 122 meters. Not enough to really help me get a better position than somewhere around place 20. Sometimes this sport could be harsh. After yesterday and even the trial round I was quite hopeful for a good result, a great even if I dared to dream. Sadly, the wind had other ideas. So, I step out of the outrun with my big skies in my hands. The sun is already setting behind the mountains and it’s getting a bit dark. I don’t know if I should feel tired or not. After the US leg and now Japan my inner clock is not working at all. Always tired but not really tired enough to fully get a night full of sleep. My teammates greet me in the outrun, and someone takes my skier. “Tomorrow will be our day.”, says Timi and winks at me. “Let’s hope for good headwind.”, was my dry response. The worst thing now is that I have to wait around the exit gate because my brother was sixth after the first round. It’s not that I don’t want to be there for him but seeing everyone jump better than me still hurts after eight years in world cup. But if it didn’t bother me, I should probably retire. I slip out of my suit and change into my training clothes. As soon as I’m done, I grab my phone from my backpack. A message from Daniel was already waiting for me. Come on Domen, just because there is no headwind doesn’t mean you have to jump that shitty. A small smile builds itself on my face. Daniel always knows how to cheer me up. Well, I was kind off expecting it so … Jumper after jumper came down the hill until we reach the top 10. Lovro who is standing next to me is also on his phone. “Dude, the story in Norway is getting out of hand. Stöckel didn’t know anything about that shit. He was completely blindsided.” By the way he raises his eyebrow I know that he asked me a question with that statement. Sometimes I regretted telling people about our relationship. Especially when someone uses that connection to get information that are not supposed to be for them. Normally I´m glad we were no longer part of a big hide and seek game. Sneaking around is just fun at the beginning but at some point, it’s just annoying. The public still doesn’t know, and we are not planning on chancing that in the near future. But the other jumpers knew to an extent. We are not running around holding hands in the village, but we tend to stick together. So, the rumour spread, and we just went with flow. Our teammates were obviously a bit more informed. If not, we wouldn’t be able to spend as much time with each other as we did. But we try to keep it is much to ourselves as possible. “No comment?”, askes Zak. “No comment.” With that I step a few steps closer to the outrun. Peter is next jumper. I look up the hill and wait for the signal so that Pero can finally jump down that damn hill. “Gosh today your way grumpier then normal. It’s time for Daniel to return.” Timi is grinning towards me. “With that I agree.” The team for Oberstdorf wasn’t finalized but I doubt that Daniel would miss ski flying. Finally, Peters is letting loose and jumps. Right at the beginning I can see that that jump won’t do it and press my lips together ones more. “Well at least we can get going now.”
I more than thankful that Lovro, with who I’m rooming this weekend, left to play a round of cards with the other boys or maybe jumpers from a different nation. Honestly, I didn’t really paid attention to what he was telling me. As fast as I can, I fix my hair. Then I´m pressing the facetime button on my phone and Daniels face appears on my screen. “Hi.” I probably sound a bit breathless, but I don’t really care. Daniel still takes my breath away. Even after four years of being with him and close to a decade of knowing him. Even on my tiny screen. His blonde hair is a bit messy, the way I like it the most, and a bright smile was on his face. “Hi you. I missed seeing your face.” “I missed seeing yours more.”
I lay back on the bed and cuddle myself under the blanket. “Oh, that kind off face time call.”, smirks my boyfriend. A small giggle escapes my mouth. “I wish but I don’t know when Lovro is coming back.” Daniels face forms a grimace. “Then back to the good old talking. How was the comp? The jumps didn’t look too bad.” A deep sigh comes from me. I roll onto my side in the small hotel bed. This hotel room was more on the depressing side. Grey walls, no good art and the floor was carpet that definitely has seen its prime. “Normally a 19th place is alright, but I like the hill and I know that I can do better here so that’s why it’s a bit frustrating. But tomorrow …” “Tomorrow is headwind so I´m expecting more from you.” Daniel raises his eyebrows and looks me death in the eye. He can’t hold his composure for long and he burst out laughing. My favourite noise in the world. “I will try a podium just for you.” “You know that just wins turn me on.”, he winks at me. I nod sarcastically. “Then we should probably break up. I haven’t won in ages.” Daniels laugh increases and his hair falls in his face. What would I give to be able to push it back now. Seeing him so happy opens up my heart. “For me team wins count as well, so you are good.” I cuddle myself deeper in my bed and switch the hand that’s holding my phone to warm it a bit under the blanket.
Outside its pitch black dark and my eyes are slowly getting heavy. The small light next to me is doing barely enough to keep me in enough light for the facetime call. But we are not even at the point where I want this conversation going. That why keep my eyes open and push the sleep away. “How generous. Then I suppose we can stay together.” Daniel is sitting on his couch, the phone between his knees so he has the hands free to eat a bowl of cereal. He looks happy but I can see that something is bothering him. “Have you talked to someone about the Alex situation?” I am probably silly to shift the easy conversation to a heavy topic when we haven’t had time to properly speak to each other since last week. But he needs to talk and for reasons I still don’t fully understand I’m his favourite person to talk to. “I called Johann and said that we probably should have talked about it with Alex first before sending a letter to him and the federation. I mean we did it before, its not like he doesn’t know something is up, but we should have tried to tell him how serious we are. Alex wants to talk to us when the others are back from Japan. So, we will see how that goes but honestly the damage is done. Alex can´t take the things he did back, and we can’t unsent that letter.” Those situations are always a bit uncomfortable to say the least. I experienced it as well. The relationship between a trainer and an athlete is one of the closest you can experience. There needs to be a level of trust and understanding between them for it to work. Its strange when the dynamic changes. I can´t even imagine how hard when its with a trainer like Alex who has been through thick and thin with his athletes, especially Daniel. Alex was so supportive after Dannys fall and everything else that happened.
“I´m so sorry, Love. I know he means a lot to you. But just because he maybe won’t be your trainer anymore doesn’t mean he won’t be in your life. If you want to you can still be close to him.” Daniels is quiet for a few moments. Chewing on a bit of cereal and looking at the distance. Maybe I should ask Rob if I can fly to Norway instead of Slovenia. It wouldn’t be there first time that Daniel or I flew back home with the opposite team. After some long conversation Robert and I agreed that Daniel can train with us when he is with me, and Alex and Daniel have the same agreement. Honestly a fresh perspective helped me with my jumping once or twice which was a nice benefit. But as much as I want to it would not be right. My presence would be even more a hustle for Daniels Team and also, I want to enjoy training with a brother as long as I can. Daniels gaze focuses on the screen again. “I will think about it, when its final. Right now, I can’t do anything so why stress about it. Now its your turn. How are you doing?” I chuckle. That’s so typical Daniel. “I’m fine. Just a bit worried about you.” Daniel is shaking his head. He places his bowl on the couch table and takes his phone in his hands again. Now I can see his beautiful face even better. My gaze falls onto his full lips. Again I´m condemning the distance between us. “No. We talked enough about me. Now it´s your turn. Have you made peace with Peters retirement?” I groan. Not that topic again. Everyone wants to talk to me about the retirement from my eldest brother. Trainer, Teammates, other colleges, the press and Daniel. It´s being too much so I rather not talk about it anymore. I told Daniel right after Peter told me. I needed to talk about it then. It’s strange that I’m suddenly alone in world cup. Long time I wished for it to be honest. Peter is constantly watching over me but now that he is leaving it fells strange. Cenes departure from world cup was a hard hit and now that I´m going to be completely without them is just strange. Somehow, I always pictured my brothers in world cup with me forever. I probably need more than two weeks to shake that feeling off. “I promise I talk to you about when I need it. Right now, I am just annoyed with that topic. And you will talk to me about Alex when you need it. Deal?” “Okay we have a deal.”
You are still leading! That message arrived when I made my way into the Slovenian cabin where nobody is. Timi is probably somewhere fuming after his disqualification so I’m glad that I don’t have to bother with that right now. I type: I know. Crazy but the best aren’t down yet. It’s the truth. The best three were still up there. But regardless it was a great jump and a great result after the first round. Secretly I am hoping that there will be a spontaneous storm so that we can cancel second round. I don’t know if I can deliver a second jump on that level anyways. I´m still to inconsistent. I put my back on the bench and quickly scan through it if I have everything. My telephone rings and I know who is on the other side before I even look at it. “You’re not inconstant on this hill with headwind. Stopp being a pessimist and start being a realist.” “I am realistic! But I told you I´m aiming for a podium for you so you bet I do everything I can.” I hear a loud cheer from Daniel, and I don’t know what it means. In the cabin there was no tv so I couldn’t watch the rest of the competition. Normally an assistant of Robert or Robert himself would be here soon to talk about adjustments. He would tell me where I finished so I can prepare and be in time. “Nobody should be that cheerful at three a.m.”, I say and sit on the bench. Peter should be here any minute. Before that I should end the call, or I can get a lecture about concentration. Especially today. “Its just that my boyfriend is first after the first round. That’s something I want to cheer about.” I open my mouth and close it again. “Really?” “Stefan is sixth, Ryoyu is fourth and Andi jumped pretty badly. Ah I´m so excited to see your top 10 video.” Oh my gosh. I am leading. When was the last time I lead after first round? “Well, that is a bit unexpected.” “Oh, come on. Your form is getting better and better, and you love the hill. Have a bit of confidence.”, is Daniel hyping me up. The door of the cabin opens, and a smiling Peter enters, followed by Robert. “I need to go, love you.” “I promise. You have got this. I believe in you.” With that the phone call is ending. Peter comes up to me and gives me a big hug. “You’re leading!” “I know, Pero. It���s just the first round.” He pats me on the back before he lets me go. My brother is still smiling like a maniac. The retirement made him so much more emotional. “That was a very good jump, Domen. Honestly no real adjustments are necessary.”, nods my trainer. I rather had a little mistake I could fix to concentrate on. “Can I do a few simulations? I have to much time left.” Peros raises his eyebrow. Even Rob looks a bit concerned. “Is everything alright?” “Yeah, but there still is a second jump. I won’t celebrate anything before I’m not down that hill twice.”
It’s strange to have that much time between the rounds. I am not really at the front of the field. I jumped twenty minutes earlier than the best. The FIS calculates that the best have enough time to get up the hill again even if they place badly. It’s a long wait. And one thing about me is that I hate waiting. The first time ever I am early on my way up the hill. Some other athletes are congratulating me which is just silly because I could still end up being last. Well 30th. Not dead ass last but still. My phone buzzes. Normally I wouldn’t check in the middle of comps, but I hoped that message was form Danny. I honestly need more of his reassurance. As a professional athlete I should be able to deal with this situation alone. I could but with him it was so much easier. As is everything else. I trust in you, kjekken. You got this! I know it’s hard but don’t think about it too much. It’s just another jump. I am instantly a bit calmer when I step into the small elevator that brings one up to the waiting room. It’s a beautiful day outside. Sunny and barely any wind. Better conditions don’t exist. I start typing when I hear a scream. “Can you hold that?” I look up from the screen and see a rushed Lovro, who was fifth after first round. With a reached arm I hold the door open so that my teammate can get in the lift with me. “Why are you so early? I thought we could go together.” I shrug. “I was done with everything and waiting up there is more relaxing than in the cabin.” Lovro looks me up and down. He gazes lays on the phone in my hand with which I´m tapping against my leg. My teammate is not the best when it comes to social interactions. Not that I am better. Lovro and I are on a similar level. I raise an eyebrow because I know he wants to say something but doesn’t know what. Until he figures it out, I reply to Daniel. I will try to win for you, babe. Apparently, it turns you on. “Don’t be too nervous. It is just another competition.”, is the comment my teammate came up with. “I´m working on it.” The elevator is finally at the top and we step into the waiting area. A bunch off other guys are there and it brings me a bit of comfort that I´m not practically alone up here.
I step outside directly behind Kristoffer, who is second after the first round. It was weird enough being in that room with him alone. Alone in there and I would probably get flashbacks form when I was 17. I take a deep breath and try to focus on the jump. The way down to the gate takes longer than I remembered. It takes ages for me to get to the gate. Daniel comes to my mind while I wait until it’s my turn. I still remember the number of times we stood up here together. It feels like an eternity away. So much has happened in between then and today. We fell in love, and he is now the most important person in my life. I trust him with my whole heart, and he believes that I can do it. So, I believe it too. I want to win this. For me. For him. Therefore, I sit on that gate with determination. And with that determination I’m letting loose and just jump. My first reaction after the landing was relive. I didn’t mess it up. It was as good as I could bring it today. If someone else is better than so be. I did everything right. That thought brings an even brighter smile to my face. It took me years to get to this point.
With a big smile on my face, I break as best as I could and stop next to my brother in the outrun of the hill. “I think its enough.”, he says. It was close with the green line, but my landing was pretty good. The better grades could decide between first and second today. I open my bindings and take my skis in my hand. FIS is making it exciting with the blue bar but when it moves fast, I know that I won. “Fuck yes!” I raise my skier in the sky and start to laugh. My teammates are all cheering for me. “Good job, Domci.” My brother pats me on the back, and I start to beam. I really just did that. I won again. After nearly five years I finally won again. And I hate to admit it, it was nice that my brother was still here to witness it.
As soon as I go through the exit gate a bunch of people are around me to congratulate but I just want to get to my phone. I quickly thank everyone and get to my bag as soon as possible. While I change, I simultaneously open my phone. There are already a dozen messages but just one is important. See I told you, you could do it. But honestly, I’m so proud of you. You absolutely deserve this. I don’t have time to reply properly. The first little podium ceremony is happening soon. That’s why I just sent a heart. Daniel will get it and the first thing I will do when I’m back in the hotel is call him.
Ryoyu, who ended up being second, comes up to me. “How does it feel to be back on top?” “I haven’t even realized it.” It takes it time to fully understand situations like this. In 2019 I understood the meaning of my victory after a few days. Obviously, it was different when I was 17 because everything is so much easier when your 17 and not thinking much. My colleague laughs. “Enjoy it. But don’t wait another five years for your next win.” “Next week is ski flying. A week sounds better.” I grin at him. Then our names are called, and we get into the inrun.
I forgot how long it takes when you win. Waiting for the podium, dozens of interviews, people that want to congratulate you. It all takes so much longer than I remember. Or maybe I´m just more eager to get back to the hotel to make a phone call. On the way to the hotel, I try to answer a few messages. Nika is the first person I reply to. We joked a bit around that I´m now chasing her seven wins. Then there is Cene who is apparently a bit sad that he couldn’t be here to see me win. His fault. He wanted to end his career early.
Finally, we pulled up to the hotel. We won’t stay long here though. The flight back home is departing in five hours. I look at Lovro who is sitting in front of me. “Hey man. How far are you with packing?” He turns around and smirks. “No worries. I´ll give you a bit of privacy but not more than half an hour.” I nod and mutter a thanks before I hope out of the van. I gather my things and practically sprint into the hotel. The people in the lobby give my funny looks but I don’t care. As soon as I´m in my room I call my boyfriend who picks up instantly. As if he has been waiting for my call. “You did it! You fucking did it!”, Daniel cheers and I chuckle. I run my hand through my hair and shake my head. With a few steps I´m sitting on my bed. “Said I would win for you.” It was a cocky response but after today I was definitely allowed to be a bit cocky. “I never doubted you.” My smile widens. “You helped me win it. Before the jump I held myself together because I knew that you believe in me.” “Domen that was all you. You jumped that good. I just gave moral support.” I roll my eyes because that is a typical Daniel response. It would be so much better if he was here. Since I have been down the hill, all I wanted to do is get a hug from him. I would give everything to share this moment with him. “We will definitely celebrate this when we see each other again.”, says Daniel as if he read my thoughts. “I can’t wait for it.”
#ski jumping#domen prevc#daniel andre tande#domiel#sj fic#i hope you like it#maybe ill write more#i kinda got into a flow
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just the three of us
warnings: adult content characters;Sam winchester,Brooke davis & Damon salvatore summary: the trio start out as friends until something changes angst,smut,love,friendship,complications ,threesome fanfic:crossover fall had just begun and Brooke had just started making plans to open her new cafe with the help of her two best friends Sam and Damon who had always seen her as a little sister, she insisted they help her clelebrate so she ordered a bunch of food and some champane even though she knew the guys hated it.brooke sent both of her friends a text inviting them to celebrate with her the text consisted of where to meet for the fun' sam was with his brother dean when he got her text trying to hide it from dean because he didnt understand their relationship he always made sam question everything ,Sam sent her his reply with a smilyface letting her know he,d be joining her later.Damon was also with his brother when he recieved her text but he didnt care what anyone thought he was own boss, he was excited he too replied with a smilyface,Brooke gushed as she got their responses she knew it would be a night to rember for them all.later that night as Brooke was traveling to her destnation she had a vision at what things would be like if Sam was he boyfriend ,she could feel the excitement in her stomach as she invisioned being with him .Sam was easy to love he wasnt complicated or overbearing like some of her old flings.then her thoughts landed on Damon what it would it be like to be his girl Damon was complete opposite of Sam he was fierce,demanding,but also had the ablilty to make her feel alive ,like she could do anything ,reality hit her hard as she could easly fall for either of her bestfriends but she couldnt let herself think of that because it would ruin their friendships.as she reached her stop she popped open the trunk ,at the back of the car she leaned down to to pick up the box of food she had brought 'i got it Damons voice came from behind her, he picked up the box smiling at his beautiful friend .Sam bringing up the tail threw his arms around Brooke to get a hug before the festivaties begun hi girlie he teased im so proud of you his smile as big as an ocean it was like a breath of fresh air to Brooke.well ,let me get in on that action Damon glared as he picked Brooke up and tossed her in the air catching her and kissing her check his face was glowing as he spoke to her ,she was suprised to see him acting this way she,d never seen him like this before now.lets get this party started the guys hinted Sam had brought with him a radio so that they could have music,Damon wanted to do something more with his friends 'he wanted to show them they meant the world to him, he proposed a toast to Brooke for all her accomplishments as they banged their glasses togather and laughed.Brooke turned on the music and started to dance around in a circle as she was getting alittle tipsy Sam noticed her stumble so he tooke her hands and started dancing with her. soon after Damon joined his friends 'they all got carried away and before nightfall they were all feeling strungout ,and exhausted but not wanting the night to end Brooke made a propsition to her friends ,she wanted one night just the three of them no excuses ,no exspations just them all togather in the sense of being one.Sam & Damon knew what she was asking ,and knowing this they knew what it meant ,what they didnt know was if they could it,could they share one night with this beautiful woman they shared as a friend ?if they did this what would happen to their friendships could everything stay the same between them or would it destroy them forever? Sam and Damon knew she wasnt thinking with a clear head she was intoxaciated to the
where she didnt care ,she wanted to feel them both in that moment in time and the consequeses didnt cross her mind. Sam and Damon took a step back and thought about what she was offering them ,but could it work for them were they willing to take that chance ?Brooke getting annoyed started to undress one piece of clothing at a time while Sam and Damon watched her not caring if it was wrong ,she flung her clothes at the boys as they never took their eyes off her, she slurred at them how great she thought they both were ,letting them know she had visioned this night with them before .Brooke stumbled over to Sam and gently stroked his face ,sending vibes he couldnt deny,he didnt want to deny he had wanted to share his own feelings with Brooke .She danced provacated around Sam touching his butt,smashing her body to his, as she was trying to get a rise from her opponents .Damon who was now acknowleding that his heart was not into it but" his body just wanted to feel hers ,he moved into postion so he could see her face as he rubbed his body into hers gliding his hands up and down her backside feeling the tention rise between them all' as the guys took charge. Sam held her hands behind her while Damon made his way to her lowerback touching every inch of her until she was screaming with passion,Sam then followed his path as he made his way ,back up to her face grabbing her mouth and forcibly pounding it with kisses Brooke could not move nor did she want to she was inhaling and exhaling with excitement before the night ended the three lie there naked in a plie exsaulted from what they had been apart of . the next morning as each one awoke they didnt speak a word to one another ,they grabbed their clothes from the stack where they had thrown them and left as quietly as they could looking back to see the others reaction but still not saying a word. later that day Brooke called Sam first and told him what a great time she had with him,and that everything was good with them ,Sam could hear in her voice she was holding back but he agreed the night was magical. she didnt call Damon until alittle later because she was busy in the cafe ,but when he answered her call she told him the same thing but that something felt different with him she didnt know what it was but it felt strange she told him' he too agreed to what she told him because he didnt want to lose her as his friend he knew what she was saying but it didnt make a difference to him he justed wanted to be a part of her life . in the end they all believed they could overcome and remain best of friends even thought their was secrets and love that they couldnt bring to life.
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METANOIA chapter 2
There’s only cannon typical violence in this chapter and it’s only described briefly so I think this should be ok for y’all. > AO3
Opening my eyes I was greeted by snow once again. Only this time there was much more than when I had last been awake. Hills of the fluffy white powder framed the landscape creating an eerily stunning image. I was facing downwards the snow taking up most of my vision with only a sliver of the sky making its way towards me and questioned just where I was. For a second I wondered why I was alone. Did the person from before go to get help? Did they get tired of watching me bleed out and leave, or was it all a hallucination?
It stopped snowing, the sun bleakly shining through the clouds, a ray of light burned into my eye sockets, having escaped through a small hole in the weather. I thought to raise my arm up for some type of relief before rembering that it most likely wasn’t possible. Both of my arms having been so damaged in the car accident. It was a wonder, I could no longer feel any pain only overwhelming numbness and the texture of the snow underneath my body. Again odd, how was I able to feel the snow so vividly through my clothes. I attempted to look down towards where my body should be but my eyes stuck firmly in place the effort only bringing rise to an uncomfortable grating feeling. I attempted to call out for help, my jaws feeling uncomfortable like I was grinding the top and lower together just to forcibly pull them apart seconds later, but the only noises that came out of my mouth were breathy huffs who lost their sound in the wind. Closing my mouth a resounding ‘clink’ came from it. It sounded a bit like glass and I assumed that it was just my teeth hitting one another, that wasn’t right it’s never sounded like that, however it also reminded me of the noises that the gems made when running in Houseki no Kuni. I loved that show back when I was younger, and still watched it for the nostalgia. It’s unfortunate that as it’s looking it be now I’ll never get to finish the manga or see season 2.
inwardly I sighed. Here I was who knows where with serious injuries that I could no longer feel with no idea how long it will be until my body gives out and I’m reminiscing about anime that I like. I’m ridiculous. I had to move, get out of here, do something! Clumsily I raised my arm towards where the window frame of the car should be. The feeling of my skin, or was it bone, grinding against itself was uncomfortable and a slight bit painful. I definitely should be worried that something as serious as my bones touching and grinding together is only a slightly painful but now wasn’t the time. I fumbled for where the window frame would be, it shouldn’t be this high up, it’s never been this high up, my arm felt like it was going to drop, until it felt lighter all of a sudden and something hard dropped down hitting my back before crushing something else.
I panicked. My arm just broke into two, it just broke, broken into halves like nothing! It didn’t even feel painful! I have to be dreaming, or having something like a full body hallucination right before death, because there’s no way in hell my arm just broke in half and I’m fine, hell I couldn’t even feel the blood gushing out that should’ve accompanied it! I tried to use my other hand to push me up so that I could find some way to help myself, rising on a single shaking arm that felt like it too could snap in any moment I noticed something. My arm, no not just my arm, the long hair that fell off my head too, was all a milky white with splotches of iridescent blue gemstone. I breathed out not believing what I was seeing when my other arm gave out leaving me lying completely on my side, face to face with a huge flat rock, or was it a mountain and the rest of what I presumed to be my body which also held the same bewitching shine as my arm and hair.
I don’t believe it, no I can’t believe it. My body had somehow turned into some type of wacky gemstone statue and there was no sign of the car that had killed me, nor the road that I had been flung off of. However just like before the teal shards were there. Only this time they took the remote shape of a person. Maybe it had been a statue? If so then was I still on the scene of the car crash, or did they get moved to where ever I had been moved as well? There were too many questions and not enough answers. So I decided to think my way through the situation I currently found myself in.
I had presumably died, or been severely injured. And transfered to somewhere unknown along with the statue from before. My body was made out of some type of stone, a gemstone most likely, and I am unable to speak or look around without risking snapping the remainder of my limbs off. Is this some kind of prank? Ridiculous I know but my only other theory was that this was my brains last parade before it shut down and I died. Or maybe I was in a coma, do people dream in their comas? It’s good to sort everything out even though I don’t have enough information to fully understand or even attempt to grasp the situation.
Pursing my lips, or just making the attempt to, I wasn’t sure of anything other than the feeling of my rough jaws pushing against each other, I looked at the statue infront of me. I studied the shape of what could possibly be a face, small and round with large eye sockets that were empty (did they get knocked out before I was here?) a nose that fit its face perfectly, small and button shaped. With hair that flew down in jagged layers looking a bit like leaves on trees at just the start of fall. It’s a bit funny I had just been thinking of Houseki no Kuni and now here I was staring at what could very well be a life sized Phosphophyllite, if only a bit younger than what they were shown to be in the begging of the story. Huh? A life sized Phos, a humongous rock that has bits of gemstones peaking out of its craggy surface, and a barren landscape with no signs of humanity. Not to mention the fact that I’ve literally become a gemstone as well! There’s no way it could be right?
’Don’t tell me...’
‘there’s no way in hell..’
Hah yeah right, the day I’m isekai’d is the day pigs fly and the moon explodes. Actually didn’t NASA find a crack in the moon? Off topic but the point still stands I’m jumping to conclusions way too far out of my league. There’s no way isekai is real, I’ll probably wake up in a hos-
As if just taking off one of my legs wasn’t enough the arrow that was accompanied by an all too familiar sound track came and cracked through my denial, a second punishment for daring to doubt the universe I suppose.
Bad, bad, bad, this was bad, no more like horrible! I can’t move, my limbs being too splintery and uncontrollable to even attempt to run away, I lost half of an arm and my leg up to mid thigh, theres no way I’m moving myself. So unless by some miracle Phos lookalike, the real Phos, not just some lookalike, suddenly tripled in hardness and was able to move I’m done for. Isn’t this cheap? Dying before my life even begins! I’m not even a main character! There’s no plot armor to save me! Maybe Phos but not me! Is that why I don’t remeber a anyone that looks like this? Because they were so irrelevant that they were never mentioned or eluded to?
Desperatly trying to escape with only an arm on the brink of collapse and a leg that doesn’t want to even pretend to cooperate really makes your blood pressure skyrocket. Can I even say that anymore, it’s not like I have blood! My panic was accompanied by the sound of bows being drawn and the sound of arrows piercing through the air.
In a split second my torso was separated in two and my other arm shattered into bits along with the majority of my shoulder. Looking over to Phosphophyllite who had been shattered completely everywhere except for their head and legs carved a sense of desperation into me. There was nowhere for me to go and even if there was there was no way for me to get there. Resigning myself to a second death I stopped struggling and just laid there. Truly a blessing I was turned away from the lunarians so that I didn’t have to see the arrows and spears being flung at me. The strings were pulled back and...
Nothing but a spray of snow came. It threw me over forcing me to look at the lunarians and whatever had caused the snow to be so greatly disturbed. Slightly off to the left in my vision but at the center of my mind stood ANTARCTICITE? If the lunarians hadn’t convinced me of my situation then this certainly did. The arrows and spears all stuck into the snow having been slammed off course. They glanced back at Phos and I before readying themselves to go on offense. They took a running start and soared through the sky straight towards the lunarians. The anime could never compare to seeing it right infront of your eyes. The way they used their legs to make complicated twists and turns avoiding every attack while delivering one of their own was breath taking. They had cleared out the front of the float. There were only a few archers left on the float (ship? I forget the cannonical name for it) that was quickly disappearing the final blow haveing been delivered to the center just a few seconds ago. Fighting in what was essentially mid air they breezed through dodging arrows and pointed their sword at their final enemy. They twisted out of the way of the arrow being shot and plunged their blade straight through the lunarians neck. Of course knowing my luck, because I clearly being crushed by a car and almost being taken to the moon could never be enough, the arrow that Antarcticite had just dodged came flying at me. I felt it pierce through my nose and shatter my face. The last thing I saw was antarcticite running towards us as my world faded back into that inky black.
The next time I woke up was to a body that didn’t feel like hell when I moved it and eyes that roamed to where I told them to. The animation in Houseki no Kuni, I was IN Houseki no Kuni I’m a gemstone that lives and exists here, did the actual architecture of the school no justice what so ever. I remember hearing rumors on the internet that Ichikawa studied architecture before writing the manga and the fruits of her labor really showed through in person. The high ceiling met the archways perfectly and truly reminded me of the drawings and pictures one would see if an elegant civilization from back at humanities beginning. The wooden cot I was laying on didn’t seem worn out in the slightest despite the age of the gems and how often they had to be repaired.
i was yanked out of my thoughts by the voice I had heard during so many watch throughs, raising my eyes from the swirls in the wood that my fingers were tracing I looked up at Sensei.
“Hecatolite also that is your name. A hardness of six. You were born on the twentieth day of winter along side Phosphophyllite.”
I bit down on my bottom lip, while I was no expert of any kind on gemstones I had never even once heard of the name Hecatolite. Was it named after the goddess Hecate? In that case I don’t think the pale white and glimmering blue fit the name at all. Considering that Hecate was a goddess of the night.
As if he could read my thoughts Sensei, Adamant, whatever, told me something that I couldn’t help but laugh bitterly at.
“Hecatolite also had the common name of moon stone long ago.”
I a human soul who should have realisticly been reborn into this world as a lunarian was a gem named after the moon, the place where I belonged. Honestly this kind of ironic situation is something I’d expect from a novel, not real life. Sensei was still looking at me and I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts for now so I nodded as best I could with my awkwardly stiff yet also too loose neck. Apparently satisfied he turned to Phos and began working on them.
I’ve really never thought of the idea of being isekai’d before. Sure most stories about the premace were fun to read but there’s no way on earth I ever would’ve thought that I of all people could ever be isekai’d but here I am, sitting in the gemstones infirmary that I’ve seen in every way possible watching Sensei, or adamant which should I call him , carve Phosphophyllite’s face, having just been told that I’m Moonstone Hecatolite or whatever and have a hardness of 6. My life would in no way be hard like Phos’ or Cinnabar’s due to my hardness, the only thing I could ever even imagine that would cause trouble is my name, but then again I could just go by Hecatolite and keep the moonstone part to myself. It’s not like Antarcticite knows, or maybe they do and I’m just assuming, they were rather close to Sensei before they died, Sensei doesn’t seem like the type to blab information like that and I’m not sure that Phos is awake right now.
‘Really’ I thought as I brought my knees up to my chest slowly hugging them tightly so that the wouldn’t fall that any point. Today, could this even be counted as just a day had been too much all at once. I had essentially flung myself off of the road, died after being crushed with some random stranger holding my hand. Upon arrival into this messed up world I had encountered lunarians earlier today and been saved by Antarcticite after almost being taken to the moon. This is, unbelievable, ridiculous, I just can’t seem to comprehend what the hell is happening right now! Even in the lore of Houseki no Kuni it was outright stated that humans souls became the lunarians and that the gems were their bones, my very existence went against the firmly set laws of this world! It made no sense when I first realized and it makes no sense now, in all honesty I’m sure that it will never make sense. But, here I am sitting watching Sensei, Adament, whatever, whoever, carving Phos like it was nothing.
To be fair to him it was probably nothing considering the fact that Phos is the youngest in a long line of gems, but it’s still unbelievable. To me a person who had been living in modern society and didn’t believe that magic or reincarnation was a thing possible being here right now just wasn’t something I could wrap my mind around currently. I put my head down into my knees and thought of my family, my life up until the crash and everything that I had ever done. I tightened my hold on my knees in an attempt to focus on something else. Gems didn’t cry instead when they had extreme emotions they cracked. I didn’t want to break my newly formed body already. Despite my best efforts a crack still formed. Luckily I wasn’t a soft gemstone and it was something minor that could be chalked up to me falling. I moved my hand up over to my shoulder to cover the shallow but midsized crack. My regrets, my wants and the moments I was proud of all came to the forefront of my mind.
I’m not sure what the measures of time are here but to me it felt like quite a few hours, however it was hard to accurately perceive time as I currently was and I had no intention of finding out how long it actually had been, seeing as to the fact that I wasn’t even sure that I could talk, or that the languages that I had knowledge of would translate or be understood. And even if they were only Sensei would be able to understand and that would likely bring up questions as to why I knew a dead language. So I kept quiet as I was led by Sensei alongside Phos to where I guessed our rooms were. It did make me wonder if gems were born understanding the language and unable to speak it or if this was a cheat granted to me by the universe as compensation for ending my life.
We were placed in rooms next to each other. The designs were simple and minimalistic. A single window a bed that was shoved into a crook in the wall that had a wooden frame, it really just looked like a stone box with a pile of sheets on it but I digress. Young Phosphophyllite was rather cute, it was a shame they’d go feral and lose their mind one day. I plopped down onto the bed only keeping on the button on shirt that came with the winter uniforms on. I know usually from what Sensei said that gems sleep with either everything off or with a uniform that they requested from red beryl but considering that it was winter and they were sleeping I would have to make do with this until they woke up. The idea of sleeping without anything on at all was just a bit too much for me as I currently am.
i looked out the window towards the moon that was high in the sky and allowed myself to play with the strands of my hair, funnily enough the weight was comfortable and from the way my hair fell it seemed like it was styled the same way as it was in my past life. Of course mirrors weren’t a thing currently, so it was just an assumption. Pulling the sheets up I resolved to not think for the rest of the night. Reliving my life for who knows how long was definitely draining.
A few minutes after I had laid down I heard shuffling around the doorway. Looking up I realized that Phos, who looked two steps from falling over was standing in the door way looking at me. I sat up and beckoned them over by waving my hand towards myself. For a second I got scared that they wouldn’t understand, after all they don’t know how to speak and i have no idea if this means something different to them, but cute innocent Phos stumbled over to my bed on legs that would make a newborn fawn jealous. It looked they they were going to fall midway so I sprung up tangled in my sheets to steady them. Luckily the sheets formed a barrier in between us that stopped me from cracking them but it was still nerve wracking. That matter aside I wasn’t sure why Phos was here or what I could do for them currently.
With their behavior matching their angelic face Phos didn’t leave me to silently wonder for too long before they pointed at the bed. Though vague I think I understand? Did they need help getting into their bed because of their hardness? I nodded and picked them up ready to take them to their room, however once I reached the door frame they reached out and pointed towards the bed again...
’I’m an idiot...’
Sighing I went back into my room and placed Phos down on my bed and put on the shorts that came along with the winter uniform. I didn’t want to risk grinding them into dust like I was Achema so I took precautions. I left the room to go and grab Phos’ sheets. I wrapped them up in mine as if they were a cat getting medication or a shot and used their sheets to put over the both of us. There was no way I was going to break Phos on my first day alive, or ever considering the story. A small smile played on their face and they fell asleep soon after.
Sighing I decided that sense it was like this I should just sleep for now. There was no point in staying up and thinking when the situation was like this. Though I am nervous about crushing Phos in my sleep I really don’t want to wake them up right now.
The sky was empty and without stars, a stark contrast to the night sky I was used to. The moon was the only source of light and all I could think about was the earth that I was used to before all of this.
That night I gained a few more cracks over my shoulders.
#houseki no kuni#houseki no kuni au#author is tired#author is too dumb to reread#so many spelling errors#its crazy really#metanoia au#antarcticite#phosphophyllite#adament#sensei
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Sonia Nevermind, peered over the latest issue of "Serial Killer's weekly", beyond distracted. So odd, as usually the stories, or interviews, of the weekly completely engrossed her until she had flipped through all Twenty-Five pages (Or Thirty pages, when something extraordinary happened and caused an extra article to be realeased). However, now, her gaze had not left the teen boy who's name she didn't even know.
She bit her lip, the inner workings of her mind scolding her for engaging in such a frivolous activity. After all, she knew what it was liked to be stared at; even when people were looking wistfully, or without malice, it still left her uneasy. So how, in good conscious, she watch a fellow student?
She had seen him before, he was in a differnt class then her but she believed he was no older [An underclassman, if not of her same grade]. They'd never spoken, but she rembers at one point he gave a polite nod in the hallway. She waved back at him, her smile bright as ever. Back then though, she didnt think twice of him.
Only a fellow student, one she saw a handful of times.
But here, almost alone in the library, she gazed as if she'd been infatuated with him since the beginning. It was the way he moved, carefully as if everything around him was something important that he was weary of breaking. Yet, he had not an ounce of worry in his eyes.
His eyes, they were a pure golden colour. It reminded her of Egyptian Gods in the book of tales she read (before she dived into the world of serial killers, the Greeks, Egyotion, Roman, and Norse God's kept her mind company) and his prominent lashes didn't dissuade her initial thinking. He wore a uniform, though not one made by Hope's Peak. She'd never seen anything like it, like it was made from scratch. She really could only distinguish the small nubs on his shoulders as well as his arm band, that proved he was part of a club.
Usually she'd remind herself that she was a foreigner and that is why it was unfamiliar. However she'd done all the research about Japanese Culture she could before coming here and didnt rember a single uniform looking exactly like his.
The most astounding feature of his was the black mask that covered the bottom of his face and neck and was zippered shut. Hope's Peak didn't have a strict dress code, some people's talents would be hindered in a simple school uniform, yet still it intrested her. It was not too bewildering, she'd meant many people with many different styles, but a mask was still rather uncommon. She knew of fellow princesses who'd cover thier face for religious purposes, and even Gundham had his scarf so at times (mostly when she complimented the Devas) he could hide his pink tinted face.
A mask though? A nice sleek mask, one that paired with his long hair, and well fitting clothes, made him appear quite feminine. Not that anything was wrong with femininity; Sonia found it 'hella Boss!'.
Sonia gently set her magazine down, hadnt even gotten through the first paragraph, already deciding what she'd do. Being a Princess had slight perks, like being a natural socialite. She would strike up a conversation with this young man, then her curiosity would be satisfied.
Before she had even arrived to his chair, he chose one next to the sealed off fire place that remained lit during the colder season, he'd set his book down on the coffee table and turned to her. His brows crept up, and while she could not see half of his expression he showed intrigue.
"Good Evening! I thought since we we're both here, I might as well become acquainted with you," She gave a small bow, his golden eyes remained steady watching her movements " I am Sonia Nevermind, Class 77 B, the Ultimate Princess." She remined standing, a few feet away from where he comfortably sat. She knew many a student who would rather exchange a few pleasant words but who in the end thought it best to part ways as quickly as possible. She did not want to frighten him, nor feel overbearing.
"An Ultimate Princess? I must inquire where you're future reign will take place?"
She dared not show any confusion; it was not an unusual question, but people tended to introduce themselves first before questioning. On the same note, they also did not ask in that manner either. The words, all correct, all felt more complicated then was necessary.
Then again, people told her she was too formal. It'd be hypocritical to critique his formalities.
" The kingdom which I love in is Noveselic! It is a small country in Europe. Despite our almost unknown pressence and our small size, we are powerful," She replied, offering the still unknown student a smile.
"Noveselic? I have heard of your kingdom, though I personally have never been nor have I met anyone from. Your customs are quite unknown to the rest of the world, though that will make our conversation all the more interesting," She could feel her own eyes widen in surprise, many people had not even heard of Noveselic much less been outright intrested in the customs. "Forgive my delayed introduction. I am Korekiyo Shinguchi, though commonly I am called Kiyo. Perhaps some people find my full name a mouth full. However, I do not have a presence so call me whichever is desirable to you."
An anthropologist? No wonder he took intrest in her customs.
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RocketMail Sign Up:
Just follow the step by step guide to Create a RocketMail account for free and you will able to Understand very easily without too much complicated. First, You have to Open the browser that you use on your Computer. Now go to the Yahoo webmail page by entering the address. You will find Sign Up button on the Top of the page. Click on it to Open a page that start creates An account that is located on the top Right Corner of the Page. Now it simply redirects to you to another page which has all the fields to fill out with your details. You have to fill in all the information such name, email address, date of birth, gender and creating a password. Set a username for your Account and also set a Password as well that should be very tuff to guess to the people. If the User Name is not available try to find the alternative username that you like. Once you have selected the username and all the above details then simply accept the Terms and Conditions on the page and click Submit. That's all now you have successfully completed creating the RocketMail. Another Best Email Guide: Roadrunner Email Login Remember While Creating RocketMail Username And Password: The first thing you should keep in your mind while creating the Username. The very first thing all the Usernames are the Unique which means there are no repeated usernames. So always try to create a username which including the alpha-numerics and symbols that looks better. If your Desired username is not Available then go for the Second Desired Available username. You always should try for the username that is available or not. Once you got the User Name that you like after tried many then simply start using it. After selecting the username then it time to Create the password. Follow the Below Guidelines while creating the Password for Rocketmail. First, while creating the Password you just have t Rember that it should be very secure. Don't create a password which is similar to your username characters and Don't Put it so Simple. Also, the password should not contain the date of birth, initials, your family members names which is always easy to guess for others. Don't even try to Set your Mobile number as your Password. Do not share your Password to anyone even if they are too closed once. Also, you should always keep changing your password to maintain your password secure. Finally done even try to Keep your information that people know publicly which is not secure at all. After reading all these Points you have decided to Create a Strong and creative password, you should Remeber it wisely. because while creating the Strong password people create the password that has many number and symbols but later they will simply forget the password. You should not Do this at all. RocketMail Sign in / RocketMail Login: Now I have completely Explained The Login Details of Rocketmail that how you can simply Login without going into the Difficult. Turn on your Device and Open the browser that you use on the daily basis. Now simply go to the Yahoo Mail Login page. Now on this Login page, you just have to Enter the login credentials of Rocketmail like the Username and Password. If you have done know What in the username and Password, Enter the Address in the username Field and Enter the Valid password on the Password Filed. Then click on the Sign in button which is below these Two Fileds. If the Details are correct then you will be able to get into the Email dashboard. People Also Liking: Spectrum Email Login How To Recover The RocketMail Forgot Password : There are also some people who frequently forget their password and they just want to recover the password back. So now By this Guide, you will learn Rocket mail password recover one of the best and the easy method that you can do so on. First, launch your Web browser form your computer. Then simply go to the rocket mail Login page. Now you will be able to see the two fields of username and Password. Just below of these two Fileds, you will see RocketMail password help page. Then Just you have to Click on the "I have a problem with my password" and click on the Next. You have to Enter the Username or the Email address RocketMail Id in the Username field and Click on the Next button. Now you will get a Link of the Password reset or else you may get a 4 Digit code on your registered mobile number. You can select any one option between these two which is convenient for you. If you have selected through Link then you have to open that email ID then Click on that link then you will be landed on a page that has the Password Reset. Or Else if you have selected via mobile you just have to enter the 4 DIgit code onto the box then you are done, now you can simply change the password on your browser screen itself. Finally, you have successfully finished the Resetting the Password. Conclusion: I hope now you have Learned to create a Rocketmail sign in | Rocketmail com Login, Sign Up, still if you have any doubts regarding this just do let me know in the comment section below. Read the full article
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Paragraphs I'll Never Send to Jonah
I liked you. I liked you a lot. I still do I guess or else I probably wouldn't be writing this. I don't know what it is about you, scratch that I do, it's your smile and your dimples that come with them, it's your eyes, your blue eyes that perice through me and leave me opid, always. It's your short curly hair that you always put your hands through, as your simultaneously shake your leg, primarily when you have pent up energy, it's your funny looks you give me that are so detailed you look like a person from the 80's trying to charm me, it's how you say the smartest things at the most random times, its how you sometimes you slur your words when you have bands in your mouth, I guess its everything.
I don't know you well, but my heart didn't care. My stupid stupid heart. When my friend told you that I liked you and she said that you were going to egg me on, I went ACTUALLY crazy that weekend. I cried everyday not knowing exactly what that meant. Why are people so complicated. When I realized that you probably wanted me to chase you I was ok with it I just needed time because, you know, me being my awkward self I'd probably act like a fool. I guess I took too long.
When I heard you were dating my friend it didn't come from either one of you. It wasn't any of my business anyways. I didnt know why it hurt . I don't know if I know now, I'm lying I did; I was falling for you, and I crashed hard, like a car wreck that's so awful but you can't take your eyes off it either. All that I know is that you asked her out. You chased her. I'm i not worth being chased after. I know that's silly when I write it out. But I genuinely have that question. I know at the end of the day I still have feelings for you. Do you even know how much more I like you than she does? I guess it doesn't matter at the end of the day, right? I should have have been more brave, I should have made bold strokes, I shouldn't have given up. And I have no shame for being 100 percent jealous, even if it's not healthy. It's not like I won't eventually get over it.
I could draw you. I could describe every facial feature you have. I don't know if that's a talent or plain creepy.
I know you so well that as my bus was driving out of the complex of my school, at the stop light I looked outside my window to lay my eyes on someone with brown curly hair, and as you turned I around I could notice your big forehead and baby blue eyes from anywhere, miles away even. I smiled and waved like the geek I am, and you did the same surprisingly, I'm almost 90 percent you were genuinely happy to see me, the other 10 percent I think you were mocking me but that's ok I got to look at you for a few more moments that day.
Why do you like her? I guess that's a dumb question she has beautiful skin, she's classy, smart, she has a little sass, beautiful hair, and she's one of most kindest people you'll ever meet. I feel as if all odds are against me, how do i get you as my own? I feel as if I need you as much I need air in my lungs, and with every breath of you not being mine is the equivalent of me breathing carbon dioxide. Every time my friend that's luckily your friend tells me more about you it's like a breath of oxygen for the first time in a lifetime. I'm barely brave enough to talk to you in person. I know I'm young, 13 to be exact and it might be my hormones, blah blah blah this, blah blah blah that. But I've genuinely never felt this way about any one else. And I don't know how to feel about it, so i just cry. I just cry.
I see the way you look at her, the day before thanksgiving break you switched seats with Michael so I was facing you, but you, you on the other hand, you were facing your future girlfriend. You look at her like nothing else in the world matters. I wish I had a love that great, but not from just anybody, but from you.
I rember the first time I saw you, I was sitting waiting for science class to start, you had just came back from gym a little sweaty, and you gave me the silliest look, as if you were trying to charm me; I'm black but if I was white I'd be as red as a tomato.
The first time I knew I liked you is when we were at different tables at the time, and I had glanced at you and you were already looking at me and you said this, and I quote,"I have the hots for you." And I asked you to repeat yourself like 3 times so I could make sure you were saying what I thought you were saying. You were whispering the whole time because our teacher was talking to the class. I personally blame you for me not knowing unit conversions because after that I was staring at you/thinking about what you said for the remainder of the week.
I can't tell you when I started falling for you I guess it was the last moment I just explained, to now, I call this part( me writing this throw away letter) me getting up from falling. I'd never sue you from the broken soul, and fractured heart, because it was one hell of a ride. You always manage to take my breath away. Every time I try to talk to you, nonsense falls from my mouth and I walk away as fast as I can in hopes that you don't see me making a fool of myself.
Anways, weeks later you're still the first thought when I open my eyes and the last thought before I close them.
Now back to the real world; I need to stop. I need to stop thinking about you and bending over backwards for you. We're not together, we never were and I doubt we ever will be, only if the stars align just so. I think about you so much your starting to consume how I think and feel. I tend to always think about the few encounters I had with you and I think about what I could have said better. In the small conversations we had you told me some personal things. People often tell me i have a trustful face/eyes where people feel comfortable telling me anything. I always think about when you told me what you told me i shouldn't have stopped the conversation to work on the science lab, I should have been there for you, I guess I was scared. Scared you'd push me away, almost the same way I do to others. I always prioritized grades and morals first, but I pushed them aside for you, for you Jonah. Even though you never asked me to. And Id so it all over again, for you and you alone.
I bet my family would chew you alive, (especially me being the youngest in my immediate family) you a skinny white boy managing to hold my heart hostage, and captivate my mind.
I doubt you think about me. I honestly doubt anyone thinks about me. I don't mind. I guess I hate that I go crazy thinking about you, and you probably just think of me as one of your friends friends that just happens to be in your science class.
I'm not gonna lie, writing this letter is really helping me let go. Let go of you of course. On the other hand I don't think I'll ever FULLY get over you, and that's ok i just don't want to think about as much as I do, that's all. Its not fair to either of us, for numbers of reasons. I have so much that I want to say to you that my heads throbbing with words to think of.
It helps knowing that other people are going through the same thing as me. But it also hurts because I wouldn't wish this pain on my worst enemy. The constant thought of worrying if I'm enough to make you happy or not. It gets tiring, and I can't help it, even if I tried.
I hope I learn from this experience. This experience meaning you as my first love. I've liked other people of course but you made all of my previous crushes irrelevant. That's besides the point I hope I learn to be more truthful to myself, to not let people in as much as I did with you, to not starve myself for days wondering if that's your idea of pretty, to not try on clothes and wonder if you'd find the clothes pretty, but instead ask myself if I think the clothes are pretty. Most of all I hope I learn that people will come and go, but it's not what about what happens between whoever and I, its about how I learn and grow from that person.
It's as if I'm addicted to you but I'm quiting cold turkey. Your dating my friend for christs sakes. It's none of my business who you date. It's not my business that you went on a double date with her and and another couple; one who happens to be my friend. Nevertheless if your happy I'm happy. I feel if you truly love someone you'll be happy with them being with someone, even if that person's not you. It still hurts though. I just hope at the end of the day we can be friends because I already lost my chance at being your girlfriend. I mean nothing lasts forever though. I know I already said it but I'll say say it again, I don't want to lose you as a friend I don't know what I'd do if I did. I don't want to know. Also before I forget I want you to know you'll always be loved and I'll ALWAYS be there for you, no matter what. Please, please,pleasee don't you ever forget that.
And there you have it,
Paragraphs I'll Never Send to Jonah, My First True Love
#love#true love#heartbreak#first love#teen crush#spilled thoughts#paragraph#thoughts#letters#falling in love#peace#jealousy
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Rocketmail sign in | Rocketmail com Login, Sign Up, & Sign in 2019
RocketMail Sign Up / RocketMail sign in & login: These days mail platforms is one if the best way ti communicates between the two people or Group of people. Like this Rocketmail is also one of the best Emails service platforms which have an easy to access with RocketMail sign which is having the best service including the Interface and other email services like Mediacom email login also has the best interface and all. Rocketmail is providing the service and this free Email service and it is one of the Oldest email service provider that has been doing great in the Email industry and Yahoo has acquired Rocketmail in the year 1997. From the year 20018 yahoo has started allowing the service under the Rocket mail Domain, which manes you can Simply Login into the Yahoo by Using the Rocket Mail username and Password. Still, If you have not get Clearly about the Rocket Mail Login and if you don't have an account but planning to have it then I will also tell you the How to Sign Up to the Rocket mail in this Step by step guide. There are the points where you will just feel happy by Simply Following the Guide below.
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RocketMail Sign Up:
Just follow the step by step guide to Create a RocketMail account for free and you will able to Understand very easily without too much complicated. First, You have to Open the browser that you use on your Computer. Now go to the Yahoo webmail page by entering the address. You will find Sign Up button on the Top of the page. Click on it to Open a page that start creates An account that is located on the top Right Corner of the Page. Now it simply redirects to you to another page which has all the fields to fill out with your details. You have to fill in all the information such name, email address, date of birth, gender and creating a password. Set a username for your Account and also set a Password as well that should be very tuff to guess to the people. If the User Name is not available try to find the alternative username that you like. Once you have selected the username and all the above details then simply accept the Terms and Conditions on the page and click Submit. That's all now you have successfully completed creating the RocketMail. Another Best Email Guide: Roadrunner Email Login Remember While Creating RocketMail Username And Password: The first thing you should keep in your mind while creating the Username. The very first thing all the Usernames are the Unique which means there are no repeated usernames. So always try to create a username which including the alpha-numerics and symbols that looks better. If your Desired username is not Available then go for the Second Desired Available username. You always should try for the username that is available or not. Once you got the User Name that you like after tried many then simply start using it. After selecting the username then it time to Create the password. Follow the Below Guidelines while creating the Password for Rocketmail. First, while creating the Password you just have t Rember that it should be very secure. Don't create a password which is similar to your username characters and Don't Put it so Simple. Also, the password should not contain the date of birth, initials, your family members names which is always easy to guess for others. Don't even try to Set your Mobile number as your Password. Do not share your Password to anyone even if they are too closed once. Also, you should always keep changing your password to maintain your password secure. Finally done even try to Keep your information that people know publicly which is not secure at all. After reading all these Points you have decided to Create a Strong and creative password, you should Remeber it wisely. because while creating the Strong password people create the password that has many number and symbols but later they will simply forget the password. You should not Do this at all. RocketMail Sign in / RocketMail Login: Now I have completely Explained The Login Details of Rocketmail that how you can simply Login without going into the Difficult. Turn on your Device and Open the browser that you use on the daily basis. Now simply go to the Yahoo Mail Login page. Now on this Login page, you just have to Enter the login credentials of Rocketmail like the Username and Password. If you have done know What in the username and Password, Enter the Address in the username Field and Enter the Valid password on the Password Filed. Then click on the Sign in button which is below these Two Fileds. If the Details are correct then you will be able to get into the Email dashboard. People Also Liking: Spectrum Email Login How To Recover The RocketMail Forgot Password : There are also some people who frequently forget their password and they just want to recover the password back. So now By this Guide, you will learn Rocket mail password recover one of the best and the easy method that you can do so on. First, launch your Web browser form your computer. Then simply go to the rocket mail Login page. Now you will be able to see the two fields of username and Password. Just below of these two Fileds, you will see RocketMail password help page. Then Just you have to Click on the "I have a problem with my password" and click on the Next. You have to Enter the Username or the Email address RocketMail Id in the Username field and Click on the Next button. Now you will get a Link of the Password reset or else you may get a 4 Digit code on your registered mobile number. You can select any one option between these two which is convenient for you. If you have selected through Link then you have to open that email ID then Click on that link then you will be landed on a page that has the Password Reset. Or Else if you have selected via mobile you just have to enter the 4 DIgit code onto the box then you are done, now you can simply change the password on your browser screen itself. Finally, you have successfully finished the Resetting the Password. Conclusion: I hope now you have Learned to create a Rocketmail sign in | Rocketmail com Login, Sign Up, still if you have any doubts regarding this just do let me know in the comment section below. Read the full article
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Rocketmail sign in | Rocketmail com Login, Sign Up, & Sign in 2019
RocketMail Sign Up / RocketMail sign in & login: These days mail platforms is one if the best way ti communicates between the two people or Group of people. Like this Rocketmail is also one of the best Emails service platforms which have an easy to access with RocketMail sign which is having the best service including the Interface and other email services like Mediacom email login also has the best interface and all. Rocketmail is providing the service and this free Email service and it is one of the Oldest email service provider that has been doing great in the Email industry and Yahoo has acquired Rocketmail in the year 1997. From the year 20018 yahoo has started allowing the service under the Rocket mail Domain, which manes you can Simply Login into the Yahoo by Using the Rocket Mail username and Password. Still, If you have not get Clearly about the Rocket Mail Login and if you don't have an account but planning to have it then I will also tell you the How to Sign Up to the Rocket mail in this Step by step guide. There are the points where you will just feel happy by Simply Following the Guide below.
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RocketMail Sign Up:
Just follow the step by step guide to Create a RocketMail account for free and you will able to Understand very easily without too much complicated. First, You have to Open the browser that you use on your Computer. Now go to the Yahoo webmail page by entering the address. You will find Sign Up button on the Top of the page. Click on it to Open a page that start creates An account that is located on the top Right Corner of the Page. Now it simply redirects to you to another page which has all the fields to fill out with your details. You have to fill in all the information such name, email address, date of birth, gender and creating a password. Set a username for your Account and also set a Password as well that should be very tuff to guess to the people. If the User Name is not available try to find the alternative username that you like. Once you have selected the username and all the above details then simply accept the Terms and Conditions on the page and click Submit. That's all now you have successfully completed creating the RocketMail. Another Best Email Guide: Roadrunner Email Login Remember While Creating RocketMail Username And Password: The first thing you should keep in your mind while creating the Username. The very first thing all the Usernames are the Unique which means there are no repeated usernames. So always try to create a username which including the alpha-numerics and symbols that looks better. If your Desired username is not Available then go for the Second Desired Available username. You always should try for the username that is available or not. Once you got the User Name that you like after tried many then simply start using it. After selecting the username then it time to Create the password. Follow the Below Guidelines while creating the Password for Rocketmail. First, while creating the Password you just have t Rember that it should be very secure. Don't create a password which is similar to your username characters and Don't Put it so Simple. Also, the password should not contain the date of birth, initials, your family members names which is always easy to guess for others. Don't even try to Set your Mobile number as your Password. Do not share your Password to anyone even if they are too closed once. Also, you should always keep changing your password to maintain your password secure. Finally done even try to Keep your information that people know publicly which is not secure at all. After reading all these Points you have decided to Create a Strong and creative password, you should Remeber it wisely. because while creating the Strong password people create the password that has many number and symbols but later they will simply forget the password. You should not Do this at all. RocketMail Sign in / RocketMail Login: Now I have completely Explained The Login Details of Rocketmail that how you can simply Login without going into the Difficult. Turn on your Device and Open the browser that you use on the daily basis. Now simply go to the Yahoo Mail Login page. Now on this Login page, you just have to Enter the login credentials of Rocketmail like the Username and Password. If you have done know What in the username and Password, Enter the Address in the username Field and Enter the Valid password on the Password Filed. Then click on the Sign in button which is below these Two Fileds. If the Details are correct then you will be able to get into the Email dashboard. People Also Liking: Spectrum Email Login How To Recover The RocketMail Forgot Password : There are also some people who frequently forget their password and they just want to recover the password back. So now By this Guide, you will learn Rocket mail password recover one of the best and the easy method that you can do so on. First, launch your Web browser form your computer. Then simply go to the rocket mail Login page. Now you will be able to see the two fields of username and Password. Just below of these two Fileds, you will see RocketMail password help page. Then Just you have to Click on the "I have a problem with my password" and click on the Next. You have to Enter the Username or the Email address RocketMail Id in the Username field and Click on the Next button. Now you will get a Link of the Password reset or else you may get a 4 Digit code on your registered mobile number. You can select any one option between these two which is convenient for you. If you have selected through Link then you have to open that email ID then Click on that link then you will be landed on a page that has the Password Reset. Or Else if you have selected via mobile you just have to enter the 4 DIgit code onto the box then you are done, now you can simply change the password on your browser screen itself. Finally, you have successfully finished the Resetting the Password. Conclusion: I hope now you have Learned to create a Rocketmail sign in | Rocketmail com Login, Sign Up, still if you have any doubts regarding this just do let me know in the comment section below. Read the full article
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