#but this just gave me a massive energy boost!
piovascosimo · 1 year
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thank you dave for ~not~ conforming blur at primavera in lat am!
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week
1. Amazon deforestation falls over 60% compared with last July
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Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon fell by at least 60% in July compared to the same month last year, the environment minister, Marina Silva, has told the Guardian.
The good news comes ahead of a regional summit that aims to prevent South America’s largest biome from hitting a calamitous tipping point.
2. 4,000 Rescued Beagles, Bred for Research, Found Homes and Best Friends
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A heartwarming story unfolds as a beagle named Fin marks the end of a heroic 60-day mission to save almost 4,000 dogs from distressing conditions at a breeding facility. Beagles once underfed, sick, and mistreated have found their way into loving homes, enjoying grassy romps and birthday cake celebrations.
From "Sir Biscuit of Barkingham" to "Nervous Nellie," these four-legged heroes are adapting to their new lives with wagging tails and leaps of joy.
3. 'Cancer-killing pill' that appears to 'annihilate' solid tumours is now being tested on humans
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A "cancer-killing pill" has appeared to "annihilate" solid tumours in early research - leaving healthy cells unaffected.
The new drug has been in development for 20 years, and is now undergoing pre-clinical research in the US.
4. Petting other people's dogs, even briefly, can boost your health
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It turns out even short, friendly interactions with canines can be good for our health. Evidence is accumulating that levels of the stress hormone cortisol drop in people after just 5 to 20 minutes spent interacting with dogs — even if it's not their pet.
5. FDA approves first pill for postpartum depression
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The Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved the first-ever pill for postpartum depression.
The medication, called zuranolone, is taken daily for two weeks. In a pair of clinical trials involving women who experienced severe depression after having a baby, the drug improved symptoms — such as anxiety, difficulty sleeping, loss of pleasure, low energy, guilt or social withdrawal — as early as three days after taking the first pill.
6. Taylor Swift Gives Bonuses Totaling Over $55 Million to Every Person Working on Massive Eras Tour
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The pop superstar recently gave bonuses totaling over $55 million to everyone (from her dancers to riggers, sound technicians and catering, among others) working on her massive show.
TMZ previously reported that Swift, 33, gifted truckers on her tour $100,000 each ahead of her concert stop in Santa Clara over the weekend.
7. Successful room temperature ambient-pressure magnetic levitation of LK-99
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In summary, this paper provides confirmatory synthesis and enhanced magnetic levitation of LK-99 at room temperature. The results support the possibility of intrinsic high temperature superconductivity in this system, but lack electrical evidence. More measurements and theoretical work are still needed to conclusively demonstrate and explain claimed room temperature superconductivity in this apatite material.
That's it for this week :)
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sonicasura · 3 months
It has been an absolute headache over the past few months for Hoshina. Why? One may ask. Well despite being Kaiju, they sure didn't act like any Kaiju Hoshina had ever heard of. They had gotten photos and videos from civilians, along with Defense Force drones. Once again giving the files a look over, he sighed as he read what information they had on each of the Kaiju.
1# Firefighter- Blaziken: A humanoid Kaiju, with defining being of it's bright red, orange, and white feathers, long legs which give it immense strength, along with an apoearence akin to a chicken. Has been observed to be surprisingly adept at Martial Arts, along with boosting incredible pyrokinetic abilities, some reports even state the use of strange energy attacks. Fortitude readings currently unavaliable, however it is believed to be around 7.0 at least and 8.0 at most on the scale. Any personal who have a combat power lower than 40 should not engage unless the situation is dire.
2# Psych-Adept- Mewtwo: A kaiju that has some human like proportions, however have predominately feline body, sporting a tail, face, along with padded feet and hands similar to a cat. There body's color scheme consists of Silvervish-Greys, and Purples. Abilities observed to be Psychic in nature, easily lifting objects 50x there own body weight, along with producing strange energy and elemental manipulation. Fortitude reading unavaliable, however it's estimated to be just shy of 9.0. EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, ONLY THOSE WITH NUMBER WEAPONS SHOULD ENGAGE.
3# Liquid Metaliod- Melmetal: A strange inorganic Kaiju that sports an amorphic body, with the only soild spots being their hex nuts that make up a good amount of their body. Combat capibilites are massive as they have been observed as being able to elongate there arms to connect there punches to make up for there admittely low speed. There punches easily break there Honjus thick skin and scales like Balsa wood, their defense has also been shown to be top notch as during a fight with a Honju whose fortitude clocked in at about 6.7, when the Honju swiped at the Metal Kaiju, the Honju's attack simply bounced off the Metal Kaiju. The Honju than went in to bite the Metal Kaiju, just for there teeth to shatter due to the the absolute toughness of the Metal Kaiju's body. The Honju was than taken out by a punch seemingly charged with electricity. Abilites observed being a tough metallic body, a body which can morph itself, raw strength and brutal martial capibilities, along with the production of a strange energy and electrokinesis. Fortitude reading currently unavaliable, however it is estimated to be around 8.0. All units are under strict order not to engage especially those that specialize in close combat as the Kaiju feeds on metallic items.
That last report made Hoahina cringe as he had found out the hard way when he went in to test the Kaiju's capibilities only for there blades to immediately get stuck and eaten. Thankfully the Kaiju just ate the blades and gave him a quick look that Hoshina swore was saying " Hey, that's rude man" before wandering off. The behavior that didn't belong to a Kaiju in the slightest.
Hoshina got up and walked back to his room to catch some sleep for the night, not even bothering to go over the other reports again.
If this was giving him a headache he can only imagine how Mina feels.
I'm not surprised Mewtwo was listed as the most dangerous. That Melmetal one got a chuckle out of me cause that's an incident Hoshina would rather forget. Mina's having it worse since she's internally kicking herself for failing to capture Trainer at her first chance.
Her report probably has Hoopa, Koraidon, and Pidgeot. The latter two being races while the former being her worst roadblock. Of course I bet Blaziken will get bumped up the moment they reveal Mega Evolution. Already have a certain first mission in mind for that. Hoopa Unbound is definitely the attack on base.
A pissed off Trainer is someone who won't hold back on their opponents.
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creamyandrich · 1 year
Mettaton's "Biggest" Fan
A lil story I wrote a few months back and posted on my DA. Was going to post this for Vore day but I forgot :3
Story under the cut!
"This is my biggest fan?!  Is this a joke?"
Your tiny form shifted awkwardly as you stood on your VIP backstage pass like a stage.  It was sitting on Mettaton's makeup vanity.  THE Mettaton.  You won this personal meet-and-greet through a contest, but the robotic star that was looming above you seemed... less than thrilled as he talked into his hot pink phone between bites of a Glamburger.
"I mean, how did they even enter?  Don't we have height requirements for these things?!"
Mettaton rolled his eyes as the person on the other end of the call spoke.  You simply stared up at the robotic superstar in silence, in utter awe of him.  Recently, Mettaton had increased the amount of cooking segments on his program, and it was starting to show.  The star was now sporting a very noticeable muffin top with a much wider set of hips to match.  His whole lower half jiggled and bounced above you as he listened on the phone, drumming his fingers on the vanity.
He snapped, abruptly hanging up as his gaze moved to you.
"Sorry darling, just ironing something out with my manager..."
He said, taking a seat, his shapely body making the stool creak as he sat down and tossed the final bite of the burger into his mouth.
"So... barely an inch tall and you're bold enough to win my 'Biggest Fan' contest..."
He smirked.
"You must admit darling, the irony is delicious."
You opened your mouth to speak, but you were immediately cut off by a loud grumbling.  Mettaton looked down and placed a hand over his stomach, his fingers sinking into his softened midsection as he let out a sigh.
"Ugh...  AND of course you show up right in the middle of lunch..."
As he spoke, you saw his eye slowly widen and look over at you, the spark of an idea forming in the robot's head as a sly smile formed on his lips.
"Oh darling,"
He said, his voice suddenly dripping with saccharine sweetness.
"I have a proposition for you.  You see, a performer like myself needs a lot of energy through the day.  Usually I just need to plug in for a bit, but I can get my energy from other sources if the need arises..."
He leaned over, looming above you as his stomach growled again.  His satin white gloves slid onto the vanity next to you, a devilish smile on his face.
"Would you be a dear and help give me a little boost to make it through the rest of the day?  You wouldn't want to disappoint my other, bigger fans, would you?"
The predatory look in his eye sent shivers down your spine, and your heart sank as he spoke.  Fear overtook you and you turned around to run.  Before you could take a step, however, Mettaton's thumb and pointer finger roughly pinched you around your waist and lifted you off the desk, turning you around to face him.  You pounded your fists against his gloved metal digits to no avail, the massive robot only giggling as you struggled.
"Ohohoho!  I'll take your struggling as a yes, darling.  Thank you!  Don't worry, I'll be gentle, just sit back and enjoy the ride!"
Your struggles intensified as he moved you closer to his face.  His glossy black lips parted, revealing his waiting maw.  His fangs glistened in the light, barely visible threads of drool dripped off of them onto his thick pink tongue.  It slowly undulated in a beckoning motion as his head cocked upwards, letting you stare down the dark abyss of his throat.  A wave of heat washed over you as he let out a happy moan, his breath carried the scent of strawberries.  You felt Mettaton's grip loosen on you and you attempted to grab onto his glove, but the silky smooth fabric gave your hands no purchase, and you felt yourself plummet downward. 
With a splat, you landed on the center of his tongue.  His jaws snapped shut around you as an amused hum rumbled up from his throat, sending vibrations through your body as his tongue started moving.  He playfully swished you around his mouth, pressing you against his perfect teeth and pinning you flat against his pallete.  You were soaked to the bone in his thick saliva, coughing and sputtering as he idly played with you.  He rolled you across his tongue and sucked on you like a piece of candy for several minutes, amused giggles rising from his chest as you struggled in vain against him.  Your limbs became sore from constant wrestling with the artifical muscle, but you were re-invigorated to fight as you felt yourself sliding backward.  You felt the curvature of his tongue slope downward as his throat opened beneath you.  You clung on for dear life, but you barely found any grip on his slick taste buds and could feel yourself getting closer and closer to his throat.  His uvula jostled above you as a chuckle rumbled up from his throat.
Suddenly, light streamed into Mettaton's mouth as his lips parted.  He opened his maw and you looked past his fangs to see his reflection in the vanity's mirror.  He stared back at you, pink blush on his plush cheeks.  He fluttered his eyelashes and gave you a flirtatious wave in the mirror, before his mouth snapped shut once again and you were sucked downward in a deafening gulp.
Mettaton sighed, feeling your tiny body slide down his throat.
"Oh yes~!  Darling, you went down as smooth as wine."
He teased, rubbing his hand across the latex covering his belly.
"If you can hear me in there, do your best to go to my thighs!  I know you don't have that many calories in your teensy little self, but every little bit helps~!"
He said, chuckling to himself as he picked up your VIP backstage pass and haphazardly tossed it into a wastebasket.
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havaheart · 5 days
i would like to post more art and make silly posts of my own dumb jokes and thoughts and apply to jobs and just find out if i can manage or if i am just stuck as a chronically fatigued person and need to change my career goals around that. are these related? by my fear and insecurities. the committee in my mind is undergoing a massive overhaul every day and also the energy is out. every day i am too sleepy to do anything requiring effort. at least some guys at the grocery checked me out and that gave me a slight confidence boost.
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
Star Wards Fic Recs (Part 7)
Parole Officer Fulcrum Steals Three Million Babies by phoenixyfriend
Fulcrum smiles, so cheery that her eyes almost disappear with it. “A ghost gave me a mission, and I’m here to fulfill it.”
“A ghost,” Obi-Wan repeats, doubt in every word.
Fulcrum nods, completely ignoring the energy of his suspicion. “I’m here to play parole officer for Skyguy.”
“Parole officer?” Obi-Wan demands. His anxiety is palpable. “What—Anakin got arrested?!”
“I didn’t,” Anakin immediately denies.
its called a flush by deniigiq
“Word is that you’ve shacked up with Boba Fett, Mando.”
That tone sent shivers unrelated to the water down Din’s spine. The urge to lash out filled his lungs, but he pushed back on it.
“You two have history,” he said as evenly as he could.
He turned and found the Jedi’s face completely void of emotion. His eyelashes were darker, though. Din could see them clearly even from across the river.
“Do not bring him here,” the Jedi said.
(Din tries to make a family. Now if only the new members didn't hate each other.
those immortal dead by notbecauseofvictories
I care more for that long age which I shall never see than for the little of Time that I hold
Padmé Amidala is forgotten, not gone.
wonderterror by peradi
Anakin Skywalker is the son of the Force.
He’s half human and half something monumental.
What does that make his children?
The Skywalkers aren't entirely human. Here's what that means.
The massive machinery of hope by killbothtwins After the end of the war with the Empire, Obi-Wan wakes up in his twelve-year old body. Now all he needs to do is convince everyone he's psychic, trick his Master into taking him on before he's sent to Bandomeer, redeem a few bad guys, and try not to have a nervous breakdown. Pretty easy. It's not like the Sith are lurking on the horizon, waiting to devour the Jedi Order.
heavy blue by thedisasternerd
Wherein I explore characters, identities, and specifically the darker - if you could say that - side of one commander Cody.
Vod’e An by Triscribe
Have you ever seen a time traveler dropped into the middle of someone else's butterfly effect? How about several dozen someones? AKA I nabbed all my fave clone troopers and sprinkled them into a much happier galaxy, with a touch of violence on top. As a treat.
The Legend of Liob by killbothtwins
The Republic sends a combat photographer to be attached to the 212th until further notice, citing the need for a morale boost. The clones make up a fake clone, citing the absolute fact that it is very funny. Somehow, these two things save the galaxy.
Light of the Mists by SnowyEgret(Snowy1138)
The ship traveling to Bandomeer suffers a catastrophic engine failure and destroys any chance of Obi-Wan becoming Qui-Gon's Padawan. Crashed alone on a world devoid of sentient population, Obi-Wan’s survival hangs in the balance. As he learns to navigate his new circumstances, he comes across the remnants of an extinct sect of Force-users that may hold the key to destroying the Sith before they reveal themselves.
Or, the Force is weird, Obi-Wan becomes an unconventional Padawan taught by strange holocrons and might just save the Galaxy one day.
Fishhooks by yellow_caballero
When Boba’s runaway teenage Mandalorian rumspringa is interrupted by a genetic defect “younger sister”’s last ditch attempt to save her own life, his plans for freedom are completely ruined. If freedom is even possible for clones like them - if Jango Fett would ever allow it.
In which Jango discovers why you shouldn't get mail-order children for three easy payments of $19.99.
watch it grow, child of woe by afearsomecritter (jsaer)
In which the Kaminoans decide to test their new reconditioning technique on Jango Fett six years into the contract. There are unforeseen consequences.
They are not people, The Voice Says, unyielding.
If they are not people, he thinks, he snarls, am I?
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photog-crafty · 1 year
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I wanted to like the Tropos Rallye, I really did. Stratoses are cool as hell and I love '70s and '80s wedgemobiles. The Tropos was just too grippy for me, though. It was a fantastic car and was great if you liked to drive grip-style, because it was nearly impossible to get this thing to break traction, but I was just more at home in slippery V8 barges.
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Whenever a moon needed exploring, the Desert Raid was ready to handle it. This odd-looking giant rally buggy was much more nimble than it let on, with acceleration that rivalled even the electric cars and massive suspension travel that let it soak up the bumpiest trails. The best part was that the body panels loved to fall off at the drop of a hat, so after a couple of tumbles you were driving nothing but a pipe frame reminiscent of a failed Wile E. Coyote contraption.
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The Trophy Truck was the Desert Raid's more svelte sibling, with almost identical performance and a much more traditional appearance. I used glitches to remove the spare tires from the back in order to make it look like something out of Stadium Super Trucks. If you like high-energy videogame-style racing, I highly recommend you look that up sometime.
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There aren't many games with jumping tanks in them. Metal Slug and Blaster Master are the first to come to mind. The Scarab put a smile on my face by allowing me to add GTA to that list. This one in particular is the Apocalypse flavor, with more traditional treads and armor plating. In a move even more reminiscent of Blaster Master, the Scarab is the Arena vehicle in which I first learned to fly. The shunt boost pushes your vehicle to its left or right regardless of which way it's facing, so by jumping in the air and flipping on to your side, you could shunt straight up and, with some practice, chain shunts together to effectively fly across the map like the Metroid games' Space Jump ability. I'm pretty sure a lot of randoms thought I was an actual hacker.
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Take the APC, remove its weapons, then give it bigger tires and make it rounder and cuter. That's the Zhaba. This peaceful herbivore of a vehicle could crawl over just about anything and float in water to go just about anywhere it wanted, albeit very slowly. Players could even stand on it without getting knocked down as it drove at full speed. As a side note, this thing looked absolutely ridiculous with F1 wheels, too much so even for me.
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The Vagrant was a vehicle I wish I had tried a lot sooner. It was a zippy little buggy that thrived both on and off the pavement, and I bought it out of boredom when I had no reason to grind or run missions. It would have made those Blaine County jaunts a lot more enjoyable.
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As fun as the Zhaba was, it just wasn't that practical for daily use because of its ponderous speed. The Freecrawler was the solution, offering much of the same capability and just as much cubic-ness in a faster and more accessible package. The short wheelbase and tiny overhangs gave it amazing approach angles, even to the point of conquering city barriers if you didn't mind scratching the paint a little bit.
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Anyone who's grown up in Los Santos recognizes the Dubsta in its chrome and gold forms and understands the hustle they represent. Back when heists were just twinkles in our eyes and selling Ballers and Felons for $9000 was a legitimate moneymaking method, these Dubstas, commonly known as Dubsta 2s because they used a different model than the standard street Dubsta, were highly prized because they sold for roughly $25000 each. But they were like the Romero Hearse in that they wouldn't spawn unless you had one of your own to trigger it, so in order to get that gravy train rolling, you had to know a guy. This particular Dubsta was used to spawn a great many more, both for other players to add to their own rare car collections as well as for myself to use as garage fillers, because 25K is still 25K.
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This Mesa was technically a Merryweather Mesa, specifically glitched to remove the roll cage but keep the hard top. Sadly, the mall in downtown wasn't very big, so it couldn't do a lot of crawling. I even tried to emulate the teal Bikini Pearlcoat color found on some modern Jeeps, though in hindsight I think I may have made it a bit too green.
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Applying suspension upgrades at the mechanic would lower a vehicle's center of gravity. This piece of information was vital for anyone intending to drive a Rumpo Custom on a regular basis. This awesome off-road van was wild to tear around in, especially while blasting its ahooga horn, but taking a turn too tight would make it topple over like an old Explorer unless you lowered it as much as you could. Glitching the roll cage and roof rack off of it to make it look more like a plain adventure van certainly didn't help mitigate that damage.
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kariachi · 2 years
Okay, I’ve reached a weird point here so, this is gonna be some plot relevant fuckers. I’m gonna be grouping them up together and just doing them all in the same post. 73-86
Great Tusk
The Paradox Pokemon, which I feel like is probably gonna be the case for everybody in this post so, I’ll let you know if that’s the case. Is a massive ancient Donphan with red spikes and fluffy legs and massive long tusks. It’s ground/fighting type and has the new ability Protosynthesis, which boosts it’s highest stat in Harsh Sunlight and also if it’s holding Booster Energy. I think this ability is going to be on all the ancient pokemon we cover, so I won’t continue pointing it out. The pokedex describes it as having been sighted recently, being believed to be an ancient species, and that it’s mentioned in a Plot Relevant Book so, I think lore in the dexes might be slim here...
7/10, pretty okay
Iron Treads
A future Donphan, ground/steel, ability Quark Drive which is the same as Protosynthesis except on Electric Terrain rather than in Harsh Sunlight. They took away Donphan’s face and made it a robot. This one’s pokedex entries are similar to Great Tusk’s, though describe it as something paranormal magazines compare to a ‘weapon’ brought by ‘aliens’ (nice to see the pokemon world has those people too) and it’s apparently described as an object in the Plot Relevant Book.
5/10, a good design, but for what it is I don’t like it
Brute Bonnet
This ancient Amoongus has legs. And spikes. And teeth. And curtain-like ribbing. A grass/dark type, same ability and species as the other ancients. Apparently the conspiracy theorists describe it as a cross between a dinosaur and a mushroom.
8/10, like the design, lack of lore of meh
Sandy Shocks
Ancient Magneton has magnet legs now. And is electric/ground type. And has iron shaving patches of hair. Nobody’s ever caught one and it looks like a Magneton from a conspiracy magazine that supposedly lived for 10,000 years.
7/10, still better than Magnezone
Scream Tail
They gave Jigglypuff long hair and made it a vampire. Also fairy/psychic type. Otherwise the info is the same as the other ancients, it’s just Paradox and Protosynthesis all the way down. There’s only been one seen, apparently, and that one apparently ended up in a conspiracy mag being called a billion year old Jigglypuff. Which, if it’s a vampire...
8/10, vampuff, jigglypire, I’m ashamed we don’t have a Wigglytuff with a little cape
Flutter Mane
Ancient Misdreavous has more hair, and spikes, and possibly scales. Also it gained the fairy typing alongside it’s ghost typing, which is a shame because my first thought was dragon. Apparently it’s not got a lot in common with the conspiracy pokemon, but it’s closest match is a ghostly pterasaur.
6.4/10, that’s certainly a weird Misdreavous you got there
Roaring Moon
Ancient Salamence is dragon/dark type, also just Mega Salamence but More and with feathers. Even the conspiracy theorists are just like ‘that’s a fucking Mega Salamence with feathers is what that is’.
6/10, it’s a Mega Salamence with feathers, what do you want from me?
Iron Hands
Robo Hariyama. It’s got the same shit going on as future Donphan, and is fighting/electric type. Conspiracy theorists call it a cyborg.
7/10, not bad, at least it still has a face
Iron Jugulis
Robo Hydreigon, dark/flying. Conspiracy theorists describe it as the cyborg result of a Hydreigon falling for and starting a family with a robot.
8/10, I want to read that love story
Iron Thorns
Robo Tyranitar, rock/electric. Got it’s mouth open and it all hollow in there, so that’s different. Conspiracy theorists got it in one this time with ‘Tyranitar from a billion years in the future’.
5/10, *shrug*
Iron Bundle
Robo Delibird, ice/water, this one is interesting! Got more of an owl look to it, with ski-like feet, and it’s bag tail has been replaced with what’s probably a glowy bowl of water. Conspiracy theorists think this robot was made by an ancient civilization, only the fucker’s only been seen twice.
8/10, a robot I like!
Iron Valiant
Robo Gallade, fairy/fighting type. It looks like a mad scientist’s creation that conspiracy mags covered.
6/10, it’s Gallade but robot
Iron Moth
Robo Volcarona, fire/poison type, which is always a fun typing. Nobody’s ever caught one, but the conspiracy people think it’s a UFO sent to observe us.
7/10, a good enough robo moth
Slither Wing
Ancient Volcarona, it’s gotten down on all it’s little legs and it’s wings seem smaller from this image. It’s a bug/fighting type now too. Conspiracy mags have done it again, calling this for an ancient Volcarona.
8.5/10, it’s one of my favorite bugs but on the ground
I just cannot stop preferring what Scarlet has on offer, can I? I don’t know what general pokemon are exclusives, but I don’t doubt I’m prefer the Scarlet ones there too,
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healthy-habit-hub · 5 months
Supplements - Healthy Life
A Game-Changer for My Bedroom Confidence: A Review of Aizen Power Supplements
As a man, experiencing a decline in sexual performance can be a significant blow to confidence. I recently found myself in this situation, and after much research, decided to try Aizen Power supplements. Here's my experience with this product.
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About Aizen Power: Aizen Power is a monster-converting male enhancement supplement.
Its unique angle is based on a little-known gene that, once activated, has the power to trigger massive growth and girth.
This one-of-a-kind male enhancement product is based on an exclusive list of 11 essential hyper-growing ingredients, meant to awaken the dormant penis-growth gene and put it to work. Once awakened, the results will be massive.
35% - 40% suffer from ED or Prostate Problems, Sexual Insecurity, Fear of being Rejected, Emotional Problems, Fear of growing Old, etc.
Additional Affections: Diabetes, High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure.
Psychological Factors: Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Loneliness.
Natural Ingredients for Enhanced Performance:
One of the main reasons I chose Aizen Power was its focus on natural ingredients. The formula boasts a blend of herbs, vitamins, and minerals that have been traditionally used to support male sexual health. This includes ingredients like ginseng, known for its potential to improve blood flow and energy levels, and Tribulus Terrestris, which may aid in testosterone production.
Since I was wary of harsh chemicals or synthetic compounds, the natural composition of Aizen Power gave me peace of mind.
Noticeable Results and Improved Stamina:
After incorporating Aizen Power into my routine, I started noticing positive changes within a few weeks. My erections became noticeably firmer and longer-lasting, leading to a significant improvement in my overall sexual performance. Additionally, I experienced an increase in stamina, allowing me to enjoy prolonged intimacy without feeling drained.
It's important to note that individual results may vary, but in my case, Aizen Power delivered real, tangible benefits that boosted my confidence in the bedroom.
Safety and Transparency:
Aizen Power is manufactured in the USA in FDA-approved facilities, which further solidified my trust in the product's safety and quality. The company also provides transparent information about the ingredients and their dosages, allowing users to make informed decisions about their health.
This level of transparency and adherence to safety standards was a major factor in my decision to choose Aizen Power over other male enhancement supplements on the market.
A Positive Impact on My Overall Well-being:
Beyond the noticeable improvements in my sexual performance, I also felt a positive impact on my overall well-being while using Aizen Power. The natural ingredients in the formula seemed to contribute to increased energy levels and a general sense of vitality.
This holistic approach to male health resonated with me, as it addressed not just sexual function but also my overall well-being.
In conclusion, my experience with Aizen Power supplements has been overwhelmingly positive. The natural formula, noticeable results, commitment to safety, and positive impact on my overall well-being make it a product I highly recommend to men seeking to enhance their sexual performance and confidence.
If you don't need, then do a good deed and share it with someone in need.
Be Healthy-Be Wealthy, Thank you.
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smugrenges · 1 year
I woke up with bad brain tooday, and remembered the D4DJ Vanguard collab and like I had to think about what the other characters would use. When the collab happened I was like "Ugh woulda preferred the characters using clans over nations, there's so many more ride lines to use."
But now there's a lotta ride lines in the new format so yay! I get to assign most of the girls cool vanguards!
I'll put 'em under a a read more in case people don't wanna hear someone be very normal about a silly card game!
Miyu: Already has Loronerol from the collab.
Haruna: Clarissa
Aoi: Bastion, since her card is her as uuuuh, Fort?
Shinobu: Nirvana, her outfit was based on one of the Blaze Maidens in Nirvana's ride deck.
Now for the ones who didn't get anything from the collab but were in the collab:
Maho: I gave her Lianorn as a reference to Kagamin playing Urara in WillDress, who uses Lianorn.
Miiko: Alestiel. She'd suit Miyu way more, but I think Miiko would work too.
Kurumi: Feltyrosa. I am a Felty enjoyer, I cannot help it, she's cool, buff her. Anyway, Kurumi looks liked she'd love board manipulation and being silly about it.
And the rest:
Kyoko: Zorga. This is so not big brain of me, but her VA plays Am in Vanguard G (Also Suiko in the original my beloved entity), who used Granblue, and Zorga is like, the closest thing to Granblue in D. Yes I like making characters have boss units based on if their VA was in VG.
lol side note put an Angel Feather boss in Bushi, please, then I can make Kyoko use it.
Yuka: Dragonic Overlord. Since Overlord can attack more than once, I think it'd suit Yuka who totallly has no limit when it comes to working out.
Esora: Welstra. Easiest option. Welstra can use Product cards to get a power boost and other silly effects like making a huge ass ship to blast shit, Esora would so do that for Peaky.
Saki: Seraph Snow. Idk I always imagined Saki using a Vanguard deck like Link Joker to lock down opponents. Seraph Snow scratches that itch.
Ibuki: Bavsargra. BEST GIRL BAV. Bav is basically a shrine maiden possessed by a god. I think she suits Ibuki, since her family do operate a shrine. Plus Bav has a lil guy (Trickmon) and Ibuki has a lil guy (cat).
Towa: Michu. I think Michu's the cutest ride line in Lyrical. She kinda gives off Towa energy tbh.
Noa: Fortia. Fortia has this skill to make friends with units she calls. The cards that Fortia works with are also cute. Lyrical Monastario is just the cute nation. Noa would thrive.
Rika: Bruce. I think a rush down, jump right in and attack is Rika. Plus she's probably played whatever sport the Diabolos boys play is inspired by.
Marika: Kyouka. Idk how to explain why, but Kyouka just feels right for her?
Saori: Eva. She plays seriously, she knows what's meta. Probably owns most meta decks, but Eva would be my choice based on style.
Dalia: This is literally the only reason I think about this collab a lot. LUQUIER, MY BELOVED. Luquier is from back when Vanguard had clans in the "standard" format, and her clan, Pale Moon, is a troupe of circus performers who can totally assinate people. Luquier can control dragons with her gaze, and Dalia scares people with hers! Both could kill someone but also slay on stage.
Tsubaki: Phantom Blaster Overlord/ Phantom Blaster Dragon. Aesthetically, Tsubaki with PBO just feels right like yes that is the main vocalist of Rondo Tsubaki Aoyagi and her massive abyss dragon, pay no mind.
Nagisa: Vermillion. "In my day, we had to get 4 damage to use Limit Break skills" ~ idk Nagisa probably. She just feels like a person who'd have a Narukami boss.
Hiiro: Another one that just feels so right; Hexaorb Magus. Hiiro's interest in fortune telling just works so well with how Hexaorb plays. I could imagine her just smiling so casually as she slays with knowing exactly what card is gonna be drawn.
Michiru: Avantgarda (I think that's how you spell it). Michiru just kinda feels like she'd want a mecha. I want that for her.
Lumina: Solrairon. It's kinda like Hexaorb, but you guess what card is on top? I just feel like that would suit Lumina, being able to call out the exact card without second guessing.
Hayate: Flagburg Dragon, this is a joke pick like I so think Hayate would see the burger boat dragon and go "lol I want that."
Kokoa: Minerva. It got harder the more I did and by the time I got to Unichord, my brain broke. Kokoa gets a goddess as she deserves tho.
Neo: Orfist. It gives massive villain vibes.
Sophia: Youthberk. She'd also play to win like Saori, but Sophia put way more cash in by having Youthberk. I think he works well considering her relies on new forms of himself, and Sophia obviously has her cool mode on stage.
Elsie: Almajestar. Elsie gives off lowkey Sophie Belle (the character in WillDress who uses this deck) energy, where she gets a lil unhinged and just fucks shit up with the Almajestars. Would she call someone a dog? Yes.
Weronika: Gravidia. Weronika would sooooo be the type to be like "In this card game I want to throw meteors at someone".
Rei: Tamayura. Considering Rei's traditional background, I think she'd pick the cute Yokai gal.
Rinku: Nirvana Jheva. It's different to what Shinobu would have, Shinobu has OverDress Nirvana, but Jheva is X-overdress. Literally a protag card.
Muni: Haseritt is a bunny girl I think? Muni would.
Anyway thank you for coming to my ted talk about a card game I hyperfixate on. IF NUMBAH ONE VANGUARD SEASON WOOOOOOOO
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caffeinated-rants · 2 years
Things are really rough and I’m honestly surprised that I haven’t fully snapped.
I currently am unable to relax via artwork because I potentially have either tendonitis or carpal tunnel. Its my dominant hand, and so if I were to try and relax by doing artwork then I’d just be causing pain that would eventually lead to me being annoyed because of said pain and I’d need to stop drawing. I already did this to myself three times in the last few days when I did my comfort drawings over on my main blog. Only one of those drawings, the first TLK pic featuring Kovu, really gave me a sense of ease despite being in pain.
On top of the physical pain, there’s emotional pain. My grandma’s dementia is worsening. She’s confused more and more, she’s unable to dress herself and when she does then her pants are usually wrong in some way and she tries to put her head through the sleeves of her shirts and sweaters. She’s more recently become incontinent and has to be taken to the bathroom. I’ve been getting advice from coworkers and friends, and it’s... becoming more apparent that she may not make it to the end of this new year. I’m trying to emotionally prepare but its hard as hell, especially knowing that when she goes it wont be long after that my grandpa goes. Its how lovebirds tend to pass, anyhow. One goes and then the other half follows... and once they both go, I feel like my family will stop talking to one another outside of “getting together” for the holidays.
Work also is just... trash. I’m not happy in food service anymore and it shows. No matter what, it shows. I’ve hit that point where the motto of “fake it ‘til you make it” no longer applies, I can’t hide the fact I’m not happy. I try to seem happy and it doesn’t work. I end up seeming off. My coworker even said it seems like I no longer care, and I don’t blame her. She isn’t entirely wrong. I’m trying to leave the department and go into a new one, and my main worries for it would be that I’d be losing the health insurance offered to full-time positions as I’d be going down to part-time, I’d be taking a $1 cut in pay ($18 down to $17 per hour), and the fact I’m still the sole provider for my household.... and haven’t said a word to my mother about any of this. The upsides would be though that I could attempt to get my anxiety under control, as it’s been getting worse. I could actually have days off to relax along with one or two other days depending on the schedule where I’d be able to help actually clean up the house. I also wouldn’t directly be dealing with the public anymore, which is a big boost to my mentality as being in a position currently that puts me in direct contact with people day in and day out has been making me less and less of a people person and thus more bitter as my energy levels are depleted.
I’m also struggling with being irritated by the smallest things. I have that standard ginger temper, so when my mental health takes a massive dip like it has been then I’m easily irritated. The most innocent question could make me thing I’m being made fun of and I get irritated, as this happened on my main blog this morning. I’m a temperamental, Cancer-signed ginger. I’m an emotional clusterfuck.
I’m also stressed as fuck financially because of our vehicle situations. One vehicle (our truck, the primary source of going to the dump) is essentially totaled and needs at least $1000 worth of repairs if not costing more than that given that it needs a new radiator, new hood, new grill, radiator fluid, and a new passenger headlight setup. The other vehicle just cost $700 to have a new oil pan put in and all the fluids flushed and put in anew. It still needs to have the transmission gasket checked for a leak, and if it is actually leaking, then that’s even more money having to go to it. I also tried to to my taxes myself as always and it showed that apparently, both federal and state combined, I would only be getting $66 back, so I’m having to bite the bullet and go in when I get paid again to have a tax expert do them for me in case there was something I did wrong.
My mental health just fucking sucks atm guys.
0 notes
jaybug-jabbers · 2 years
Bug Run 9: Running the Gauntlet
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Next up, we have a bunch of major battles all in a row. I wanted to make sure I went into them just a liiiittle underlevelled, because I’ve been finding that if you are the same levels as your opponent in this game, it’s still too easy. Thus, I went into these fights at levels 55-56, and it turned out that this was a good choice, because I had some rather enjoyable battles as a result. I will try to summarize them here!
I actually needed to do this battle a few times, because Fire Dog is scaaaary for my team and I needed to figure out how to deal with it. Also, it started to rain the second Clavell sent his ace out, Quaquaval, soooo yeah, my first run was kinda screwed at the end there. I nailed things down quickly enough, though. 
I led with my Spidops (Lollipop) to get Sticky Web and two layers of Toxic Spikes up, and then stall out the Oranguru’s Reflect. Insomnia rarely comes in handy as an ability but it made Lollipop tailer-made to be the lead in this fight, since Yawn/Dream Eater is Clavell’s entire strat here. When Lollipop goes down, my Lokix (Hunter) finishes things off.
I gave my Rabsca (Fireball) an Occa Berry to survive Houndoom’s Fire Blast, but I suspect the AI cheats when it comes to these berries and they will avoid using a Fire move even though Clavell couldn’t possibly know my hold item. Anyway, Fireball could survive one Dark Pulse and get off an Earth Power before going down. Thankfully, Hunter is always around to mop things up at the end.
Naturally, the Abomasnow died to my Larvesta (Ra), but not without getting snow & and annoying Aurora Veil up first. I tried using Larvesta on the Polteageist, but that was a bad idea since it was just setting up Shell Smashes (+ Weak Armor). Hunter can take out the ghost before it becomes a menace, but he has to take a Will-o-Wisp as punishment, which kinda sucks. 
On Amoongus, I have the luxury of using Tailwind and Reflect before killing it with my Frosmoth (Snowglobe). The mushroom does absorb the t-spikes though, because I am silly and forgot it could do that. The ace is left, and while it bodied me in previous fights with Aqua Step (the speed boost is awful!), this time my Vivillon (Pixel) prevailed with her Miracle-Seed-boosted Energy Ball. Pretty sure the Reflect is what saved us, because she could take that first Aqua Step and fire off a second Energy Ball (she still outsped, thankfully) and get the foe into the low red before perishing. Hunter coud then step in and Sucker Punch for the win.
Penny was certainly the easiest fight in the late-game gauntlet when I played the game the first time around. However, with a team of six bugs it’s a little bit harder, mainly because Flareon has Flare Blitz. I want to point out my team composition does a very poor job of balancing out our weaknesses. We have massive Fire, Rock and Flying weaknesses across the entire team. So that means we have to be pretty careful about these glaring weak spots.
I used my usual Spidops lead for Sticky Web and t-spikes, except instead of letting him faint I switched into Hunter to take care of the Umbreon. I needed Lollipop to send back out against the Flareon. I was hoping I could slow it down enough with Silk Trap for my remarkably slow Fireball to outspeed. Sadly, this is not the case, it still was not enough, but luckily the Flareon used Baby-Doll eyes first, so Fireball still could use his Earth Power. That plus the recoil from Flare Blitz took it out. 
Leafeon was not an issue, of course (one Ice Beam and byebye). I knew Pixel’s Energy Ball didn’t do much against Vaporeon’s bulk, so I tried to use Hunter instead. It took a while, to be honest, but hacking away with Axe Kicks and terastallized-Lunges eventually worked (I got a lucky confusion and it hit itself a few times too). Jolteon died to Snowglobe’s Ice Beams, and Snowglobe could handle a little Thunder. 
Finally, Sylveon. I brought back my Vespiquen, Ruby, just so she could use her Venoshock on the poisoned Slyveon. The hit did . . . surprisingly little, but she chipped away enough that the ace fell at the same time Ruby fainted. And thus, we completed the Team Star storyline. Next up, the Elites!
The ground-type Elite was not somebody I expected would give me any trouble, but there were a few tight spots. Donphan had Stone Edge, but fortunately was too slow to be a real threat for long. Camerupt was doable with Fireball’s Occa berry still in hand-- it melted to Earth Power. Really, the only hiccup was Dugtrio. Which seemed to have a supernatural, utterly ridiculous number of Flinches with its Rock Slides. That plus all the moves it evaded due to Sand Veil was truly tiresome. This did force a re-start of the match, but with identical strategy. Just this time, ever-so-slightly fewer Flinches. After that, the poop fish died to Snowball’s Ice Beams easily enough.
This elite’s lead folded to two of Ra’s Flame Wheels. Corviknight is much spookier. I got a really good hit with Ice Beam, and that plus the recoil damage from Brave Bird meant that Hunter could Sucker Punch to finish things. Magnezone went down to Fireball’s Earth Powers without any trouble. I used Lollipop to slowly chip away at Bronzong until it yeilded. Tinkaton is intimidating, so I use Pixel to Stun Spore it, then Hunter gives it a nice Axe Kick. Hunter actually takes the Gigaton Hammer to the face pretty well. He finishes things off with a Throat Chop. 
Things start to get serious here. Lollipop’s usual tricks (Sticky Web, Toxic Spikes) won’t work here. However, Larry’s opening poke isn’t so bad; I hit Tropius with Ra’s Flame Wheel. It decides to Sunny Day (lol) and then Solar Beam (lolol) and then goes down. 
The rest are a bit trickier. I slow Staraptor down with a Silk Trap before going down to Brave Bird. Then Hunter can outspeed and Axe Kick the bird, and Brave Bird recoil takes care of the rest. The trouble is, I have to send a poke out now with no clue what Larry will pick next. He’s either gonna pick Alteria or Oricoro. I think he’s gonna choose Alteria so I send out Pixel.
OOPS, wrong answer. He sends out the electric Oricoro. I use Ra as death fodder to get a clean switch to Fireball. I Power Gem, which does a respectable chunk, but then go down to two Air Slashes. Snowglobe can finish things off, but she cannot outspeed so she takes a bug chunk of damage in the process. A scary sight when I am now down to my last two pokes. It was going to take a miracle to clear things now.
Alteria is out next. I send out Pixel to use Stun Spore. I knew I had to slow it down enough for my Frosmoth. I get a very lucky first-turn paralysis, so I’m free to try and attack it. I use Hurricane and also get lucky with some Confusion (although it doesn’t kick in). I’m hit with Flamethrower and survive. Hurricane looks to be a three-hit KO. But there’s no way I can survive another Flamethrower. 
But Alteria gets paralyzed again. And Pixel finishes it off with two more Hurricanes.
Larry’s ace is Flamigo. Pixel is still around to perform her most vital task, using Stun Spore. She then goes down to Liquidation. Snowglobe is my last, and she’s a little under half health. Flamigo has Brave Bird, so Snowglobe needs to one-shot with Ice Beam to win. I wasn’t very familiar with Flamigo and didn’t realize how much of a glass canon it was, so I was so relieved that Slowglobe outsped and clinched the victory.
I fully admit that if Pixel hadn’t gotten lucky with paraylsis and soloed the Alteria, we would have lost, because Flamigo would have outsped my Frosmoth. (Also, Frosmoth probably could have one-shot Oricoro, so there would have been no need to sack Rabsca and Ra, and in that case, I would have been on much better footing to fight Alteria. Still, paralysis hax prevailed in the end!)
After this battle, the very very long wait was finally over . . . Larvesta evolved.
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And what an opportune moment it was. We would need all the help we could get in our bid for becoming a Champion.
Our team now at levels 57 - 59, we faced down the Dragon master. Lollipop led with his usual Sticky Web before perishing to the Noivern. Lucky for me, after I sent Slowglobe in, we got the Air Slash 5% miss, and thus got rid of Noivern cleanly. For Haxorous, I slowed it down even further with Pixel’s Stun Spore (& then died to Rock Tomb) so that Snowglobe could once again come in and get a clean kill. Flapple . . . um, I love Flapple dearly but that lad was obviously a freebie for my team. The final dragon, though, was Baxcaliber, an Ice Dragon with a terrifying new move, Glaive Rush. However, the good news was that all Gym Leaders and Elites in this game choose to terastallize their ace right away. So Baxcalibur became pure Dragon type, and Snowglobe had no trouble taking him down. This fight certainly made me thankful for the ice moth.
To be perfectly frank, Geeta’s team was not the scariest team for me to face. In fact, it was almost trivial. Her Espathra was easy pickings for an all-bug team. Hunter crushed her with Lunge (she tried to use Dazzling Gleam on me, but I had  terastallized and lost my weakness to it, so it was shrugged off). Hunter destoryed the Veluza and the Gogoat just as easily. The weird-looking Kingambit wasn’t going to survive an Overheat from a Volcarona, and an Avalugg certainly wasn’t going to be an issue either. The only actual threat was the ace, Glimmora. I had just Fiery Danced on the Avalugg and had a Sp Attack boost I didn’t feel like wasting, so I stayed in on the Glimmora just for funsies. I actually got two Overheats off on the darn thing before it finally decided to use its Tera Blast. I decided I would finish things off with the pokemon most dear to me, my little Pixel.
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And that was it. Right? No more battles?
Well. Almost. There were a few more still to do.
Arven wasn’t any real problem; Fireball swept most of his team, and Hunter took care of Mabosstiff. Nemona was a little harder to face because of her opening Lycanroc. In the past, I dealt with it by using Lollipop to Counter. But her Lycanroc now knew Stone Edge, and that was just a bit too much for Lollipop to handle. Eventually I decide to slap a Charti Berry on Lol that I happened to have, and it did the trick!
The last fight of the main game, of course, is AI Sada. I did some planning before going in, because this one was a genuinely challenging one. She opens with Slither Wing, and Lol got his usual Sticky Web up. Pixel can then get a clean kill with Hurricane. She sent Flutter Mane out next, and I had Hunter Throat Chop. He barely survived the Power Gem, but he did have a small sliver of health left, so he could finish with Sucker Punch. I used Volcarona on Scream Tail, testing the waters with Fiery Dance, seeing it did way too little, and then just killing with Overheat. Sandy Shocks hits pretty hard but Fireball could just barely take it out with two Earth Powers. I discovered that Brute Bonnet was the perfect time to set up, because it couldn’t do much to Snowglobe; after a Reflect and Tailwind, I cleared it out with an Ice Beam and AI Sada deployed her ace. Roaring Moon is quite a terrifying beast, especially with a Stone Edge. One Ice Beam drops him to the low red, and Snowglobe falls to the Stone Edge. With Tailwind still at our backs, Pixel can step in and end things. Once and for all.
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And with that, our gauntlet was complete. 
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f10werfae · 2 years
Hiii, Can I do a request with Henry Cavill?
Here’s the situation, yesterday was my birthday and from 15 only came 4 (all of them had already confirmed that they’ll be here and also they gave a “joke” gift and made feel really humiliated) I want Henry comforting the reader in that situation. Because God knows that hurt soo much and I really wanted someone to comfort me. Angst but with lotsss of fluff please 🥰🥰🥰
Birthday Cake ☁️
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Pairing: Boyfriend! Henry Cavill x Reader
Word count: 1,863
Summary: Request tells all ☺️
Warning: Slight Angst in terms of the reader being humiliated, other than that it’s fluffy
(Hope I fulfilled the request ☺️)
Requests are open!
Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
(Y/n's P.O.V)
'jeez y/n you are lookin fine tonight, 26 and still gorgeous’ I said to myself, my hands running up and down my dress clad body, this dress had definitely boosted my confidence. For the first time in weeks I had finally gotten a week off of work, BUT for a very good reason, it’s my birthday week.
(The dress)
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Henry and I decided to celebrate just him and I later on during the week, allowing for my friends and I to go out tonight. A dinner at the restaurant, followed by a few drinks at the club.
For the first time in weeks, I felt pretty and happy. Something work had very much bogged down.
I had already received a gag gift if you will, from these friends and honestly I didn’t know how to feel at all. They had decided to gift me a massive cardboard cutout of one of Henry's exes, writing on the back “the original”
Now of course when I saw it I laughed it off, but deep inside I knew that they had hit a massive insecurity of mine.
Trying not to be rude I just stored the cutout in my clothes closet, thinking of the best time to throw it at the dump.
When all of a sudden a ping of texts vibrated my phone from the nightstand, it slowly shifting with each sound, interrupting my train of thought. Humming to myself I walked over to the table, instantly seeing a flood of notifications from the group chat.
The Girls 🍷
Stephanie: Hey Y/n, looks like I can’t make it this week, just found out my boyfriends throwing a party and you know i’ve just gotta keep an eye on him
Monica: Yeahh that’s what I was coming here to say, today’s date is just really inconvenient for us to be honest. Hannah told me to say she can’t make it either soz xx
Leah: Y/n let’s reschedule another time?
Chloe: Yeah soz can’t make it, promise next year tho yeah? 😂😂
Y/n: I don’t get it? I asked you guys if you were free today?
Chloe: Don’t get an attitude Y/n jus cus its ur bday
“From 6 to 1, within 5 minutes” That genuinely must be a record for me.
Looking at myself in the reflection, all energy and confidence, gone. Huffing out, I grabbed my phone again, deciding to phone up the reservation at the restaurant, the one Henry had made for me.
(Phone Call)
Random: Hello this is ** Restaurant, how can I help you?
Y/n: Yes hello, uh I’m calling about the reservation for Cavill, at 6:30pm?
Random: Ah yes, hello Mrs Cavill, the reservation for 6?
Mrs? I swear Henry needs to stop introducing me as his wife, it’s going to make me blush to a point where it’s permanent
Y/n: Yeah unfortunately something has came up, so would I be able to cancel the reservation. I’m so sorry about this
Randomer: Oh no, it’s not bother Mrs Cavill, thank you for calling to let us know
(End of Phone Call)
Putting down the phone, I could not be bothered to even get unready, deciding against it and heading towards the kitchen.
Pulling open the fridge, I picked up my chocolate cake and set it onto the counter. Getting up to grab a fork, and sitting back down again, my feelings still numb.
Without thinking I started stabbing the cake with the fork, whilst continuously scooping parts into my mouth. Tears unwillingly slipped down my cheeks, my vision clouded.
Why am I always the one left in the end? Even on my f*cking birthday and all I wanted was to see my so called “friends”
Sooner or later it’s going to be Henry leaving me, I can already feel it.
Then it’ll just be me, again.
I guess you could say my thoughts are a stretch, but in times of hardcore emotion, it’s hard to control the type of thoughts you get.
In the middle of a massive bite of cake, there was a series of rapid knocks at my front door. Wearily I walked over, opening the door, to see Henry?
(Henry’s P.O.V)
Sitting with the lads at the club, I watched the clock mindlessly. Y/n had sent me out for the night so she could have her girls night, but honestly I didn’t mind, I know how much she’s been needing something like this.
When it finally reach 6:30, I suddenly had the idea of calling up the restaurant to send her table a batch of their finest wine. If I couldn’t be there for her, I will be there another way.
(Phone Call)
Random: Hello this is ** Restaurant, how can I help you?
Henry: Hi there, I’m asking about the Cavill reservation?
Random: Yes the one your wife cancelled tonight?
Henry: She cancelled it? Why? When?
Random: At around 5:30? She said something had come up, sir.
Henry: Okay thank you, bye
(End of Phone call)
“Who was meant to be there tonight?” I said out loud to myself, leaning my head back.
“Ah yes stephanie” I said to myself, instantly going to her instagram to see a new story was put up.
what the hell was going on, why was all of
Y/n's friends out at this dude's party? Where was Y/n?
Instantly standing up, “I gotta go lads, somethings up”
Hearing a chorus of goodbyes, I jumped into my car and drove back home; Y/n's car was still in the driveway and the lights were on in the house. Knocking on the door rapidly, my heartbeat ringing in my ears.
(Y/n's P.O.V)
“W-what are you doing here?” I asked, swallowing the last bit of cake in my mouth.
“I should be asking you that babe, why are you not out?”
“This is why” I said passing him my phone, seeing his face start to furrow as he read through the group chat texts.
“Oh pup, i’m so sor-“ Hearing his voice, I could feel the tears starting to build up again, rushing to his arms for comfort.
His arms instantly surrounding me, his lips pressing kisses to my head.
“Why didn’t you call me? You know I would have taken you out instead” He said cupping my face to look at him, placing another kiss onto my nose.
“I-I just didn’t wanna look like a loser with no friends Hen” I said sniffling, wiping my tears with the back of my hands, before his hands pulled mine down. Wiping my tears with his thumbs, he placed soft kisses on my rosey cheeks.
“You’d never look like a loser to me love, you deserve much better than those people you call friends. How about this, lets get you more comfortable and we can have a night to ourselves?”
“Yeah okay” I said smiling slightly, seeing his eyes peer down at me with so much love.
“You look absolutely amazing tonight, lord have I got the hots for you” Henry said laughing slightly, slapping my ass as we walked up the stairs to our bedroom, giggles being heard along the way.
“Alright i’m going to pick you out some soft pyjamas, you just sit down on the bed and don’t do anything. Tonight is all about you”
Nodding my head, he walked into our closet before walking back out again.
“Why is my ex in our closet? With that written on her” He said looking at me confused.
“Oh the girls gave me that as a gift, nice right” I said sarcastically, seeing his face fall again. “Those b*tches, love I cannot stand to see you with them again if they’re treating you like this”
Henry pulled the cutout out, folding it smaller and shoving it into the corner beside our bin where he claimed it “belongs
Walking back into our closet he pulled our our matching velvet pyjamas, putting his set on first before walking over to me.
“Sorry Hen, I know you were out with the lads tonight” I said putting my hands in the air as he helped pull the dress off me, his hands unclipping my bra for me, before putting on the warm pyjama top.
“Sweets I can go out with them anytime, your birthday is once a year”
He held the trousers out for me, letting me step into them before patting my thigh softly, then standing up to his full height again.
“Meet you down at the sofa okay? i’ll be two minutes”
“Ok but don’t take too long bear, might miss you too much” I said winking at him, feeling myself starting to lighten up a bit.
Heading downstairs to the sofa I sat down, turning on the T.V to put on anything for background noise. Hearing Henry grunt, I turned my head seeing him carrying at least two comforters and five pillows in his grasp.
Just before throwing them all on top of me before running back upstairs again, leaving me to settle into the pillows and blankets, transforming the sofa into a massive bed.
Running back down the steps, he jumps in next to me, putting a box in my lap with a number “1” written on it. His arm going around my waist to pull me into his side, his lips kissing my temple, his hand tucking the hair behind my ear.
“What is this bear?”
“It’s your first gift of course, out of 26”
“Are you serious? 26?”
“Well yes, now go on, open it poppet”
Untying the ribbon, the box fell apart into its different layers, photos throughout our relationship littered the sides.
“Oh Hen” I started, tears brimming my eyes, but for a good reason this time.
The first photo, however, caught my eye bringing a bright blush to my face as I picked it up. Henry's fingers tracing shapes into my side as he watched my reaction.
“H-hen when did you take this?”
“Well, you were just so cute, snuggly and warm. At that point I just fell more in love with you babe”
The picture was that of Henry and I in bed, specifically me laying half asleep on his chest after a very intimate night. My eyes looking up at him, half open, my breasts hidden by his hand reaching the whole way around me.
“I don’t know what to say bear”
“How about 'cake?' “
“Oh yeah, there’s some in the kitchen if you want” I said caressing his bearded face, his hands playing around with the hair on my neck as I turned towards him.
“Okay i’ll be two seconds then love” He said getting back up and returning with the whole cake platter and a fork in his hand.
“Open wide” He said, getting a piece of cake onto the fork, before feeding me it.
“Do you not want a bit?” I asked confused.
“Oh i’ll get some, dont worry love” He said quirking his brow at me, before smashing his lips onto mine. The kiss getting passionate as he set down the plate, his kisses getting slippery and more heated with him then pulling away.
“Red velvet cake? Almost as sweet as you baby”
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rakurairagnarok · 2 years
Batting for the other Team
It’s finally done!! This was a request from @bigbren1979 . I hope you like it my dude!! Please enjoy. I also have some interesting news coming up later today!!! Stay tuned!!
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Brett Lawrie was a massive success on the baseball field. People loved seeing this very attractive man swing away, both men and women. Unfortunately for both of them, he was already taken, having a wife and kid. Even worse, Lawrie was a massive homophobe, making fun of and harassing all the gay guys that worked out at the gym. He didn't make it very obvious so he would not get into trouble, but everyone knew he really hated them all. 
Sadly for Lawrie, he messed with the wrong guy today. 
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Andrew was having a beer with his friends in the local bar, when he saw Brett entering, clearly drunk. He sat down with his buds in a booth and immediately shouted for a waitress. When a guy approached the table, Lawrie and his friends immediately started calling him names. “Get us some beers, faggot” he said while spewing in his face. Andrew watched the scene unfold with his fists clenched. That bastard, always pestering the queer folk around town. He was about to get up to say something to the sportsman, when a thought entered his mind. A sly grin spread along his face as he sat back down and enjoyed the rest of his evening.
The following morning
Andrew walked into the gym, looking for his target. He found Brett on  the leg extension machine. Andrew moved over to the baseball player and smiled. 
“Hey man, You’re Brett Lawrie right? I’m a huge fan, dude! That last game was fantastic! Your swings were top tier!” Lawrie smiled. 
“Thanks bro! It was such a great game. I’m glad there are still some actual baseball fans around here, and not just fags.” Andrew bit his tongue and smiled. 
“Yeah man, been a fan for ages!” Lawrie beamed as his ego was stroked to high heaven. Andrew rummaged through his bag and took out a workout shaker.
“Hey man, so I wanted to give you this, it's a protein shake I developed myself. Gives you this hugeeee boost. Best workout you've ever had, trust me. And unlike  pre-workout, you don't even have to wait!!” Lawrie took the bottle with big eyes and took a swig. 
“Bro… this tastes divine!!” he took another sip and, kind of reluctantly, gave back the bottle to Andrew. Andrew saw the remorse in his eyes and smiled. 
“You know what man, you can keep that one, I got another one in my locker.” Brett looked up. “Are you sure… you don’t-” 
“I insist dude.” Andrew retorted and handed him the bottle.
Brett gazed at it and quickly took another mouthful. He stared up at Andrew and then immediately downed the whole bottle after which he  let out a massive belch. “Jezus that was fucking great man. Thanks a lot” 
Andrew grinned “No probz bro. Be sure to see me after your workout though. I can hook you up with some more” 
Lawrie nodded. “Yeah sure thing bro!” Andrew turned and started to walk towards the weights, starting his own workout.
In the meantime, Lawrie continued with renewed vigor. He had actually been almost done but the shake had given him an energy reset. He was ready to keep going. He continued to workout his legs and ass. His girlfriend loved his massive ass. When Lawrie was headed towards the Squat rack, he felt his stomach rumble. He chuckled. “Oh dear, there come the preworkout gasses. Oh well, people should know I've been here, they'd better be honored to smell me.” He said with a smug look on his face. But the farts and burps never came. Even when squatting down with 50 pounds on each side of the bar, not a single puff of air came out of him.
Instead, his body slowly started to swell up a bit. His lean body started to fill out with some fat and muscle. His rough slender arms started to fill out his shirt. His stomach roared again, this time enlarging his pecs into soft, warm cushions of flesh. Another rumble and he shrank down a few inches, but as he was squatting down at the same time, he didn't even notice. The former 6 foot athlete, was now an adorable 5 '7. With another rumble came another set of changes. His 30 year old face started to lose some years. Patches of aged skin started to smooth out, the few wrinkles he had pulled away, and his beard receded into a soft stubble. His stern face melted away into a soft and cute face with boyish charm. His short hair started to grow out and turned wavy. Lawrie bit his lips as they slowly plumped up, making him look very cute, but also very, very gay. He squatted down once more and the ink on his body started to wash away with all the sweat that ran down his frame. He now had smooth and youthful looking skin. His final squat and his body hair all but disappeared leaving behind a slight dusting of hair along his new juicy pecs. Having some energy left, Lawrie decided to put on some weights and continue the squats. With every squat his ass felt like it was on fire. Each rep made his ass bigger, and more jiggly. His below average rod also started to grow. Not just hard, but longer, and thicker too. His balls grew too, with every rep making them bigger and faster. Lawrie’s ass was getting bigger by the second, almost ripping his shorts. He was also getting smoother, all the hair sucking into his balls and shaft, leaving a perfect smooth member. 
He finally put down the bar and stood there, panting and sweating. “Fuck… that was amazing” he thought to himself. He grabbed his towel and headed to the locker room, ready to get some more of that delicious drink. As he opened the door he was met with an alluring smell that he could immediately place; it was the drink. He looked around and saw Andrew sitting on a bench, legs spread apart, with a towel around his waist, covering his manhood. 
“Hey bro… I “ Lawrie fell silent. His usual rough voice was gone. Instead, when he talked a youthful, squeaky voice rang through the room. 
“Hey man, you're finally done. Took you long enough. But damn you look good!” Lawrie looked down, and saw his clothes didn't fit him the same as they did when he put them on this morning. They were hanging lower on his body, but he filled them out much more.
He looked up in the mirror and screamed. Instead of the handsome, rugged face he knew, a new young, cute, and very queer looking face looked back at him.
“What did you do to me” He asked, in that annoyingly gay sounding voice. 
“You just love to make fun of all the gays around here, so I thought, why not make you experience it for a change” he spread apart his legs a bit more, and Lawrie got attacked by a fresh, warm wave of the smell. 
“Y-you …. Put something in the drink” Lawrie stammered, feeling a thread of drool run down his chin. 
“You look adorable like that, but yeah you're right. You want more right, that’s why you came? Want it from the source?” Andrew threw off the towel and Lawries knees buckled. The smell spread around the locker room, and more drool came spilling out of Lawries mouth. Andrew slowly walked over, his thick dick standing at attention. As he came closer there were no questions needed about what the source was; Lawrie only had eyes for Andrews dick. Andrew stopped just in front of Lawrie, his dick on eye level with the former star player. 
“Fuck you’re cute now.” Andrew cooed. He ran his thumb along Lawries soft jaw. “You want a taste, baby?” Lawrie gulped and bit his lip. 
“N-no I’m.. “ 
“Lick it boy” Andrew commanded, and Lawrie immediately complied. He opened his mouth and swallowed the rod. The bear groaned as the boy started to expertly suck him off. Lawries eyes opened wide as the familiar flavor of his drink started to fill his mouth. 
“That’s a good boy” these words filled Lawrie with a weird warm and fuzzy feeling. “You wanna make daddy cum, don't you?” Lawrie wanted to spit out the dick and curse out the man in front of him but instead he looked up into the bear's eyes and nodded. 
“Very good boy, you're such a cutie. I’m gonna take such good care of you” As Andrew said that he shot a load down Brett Lawries throat. This in turn made the boy cream his own pants, shooting out all the old negative parts of the married baseball player. What was left was Barry, Andrew’s soft boyfriend pup, who was such a massive slut for his Daddy's cock. 
“That was amazing daddy… did I do good?”
“You sure did pup… but I’ve got a question… What is your sexuality?”
“Im very gay Drewie. I’m so very gay for your cock… And those of your hot friends…”
Andrew laughed and he pulled his boyfriend up, giving him a warm embrace. “That's my boy. Lets get you cleaned up and home’
It's been a few months since Brett Lawrie has been missing. The gay community of the town didnt really mind though. In his place, they got a new slut with a very cute face. Andrew’s new boyfriend made a very cheap onlyfans, and had plenty of time for visitors. His instagram is full of his dumb, cute face.  
Brett doesn’t remember much from his old life, only that it got substantially better when he and Andrew met. He now gets endless attention, money, and dick from him so he doesn't have much to complain about. 
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A Natasha scenario you could do is the reader's car stalls in a snow storm and our lovely Russian woman comes to the rescue with her own warm car ! Who knows, hope this helps your want to write :)
This actually helped with my writer's block a lot <3 I dont have my driver's license yet and I have very little knowledge on how cars work so I kept putting it off to get this finished because I'm worried something I wrote was inaccurate but oh well (also I'm literally posting this during spring. Really wishing it was still cold enough to snow right about now sigh)
Car Trouble (Natasha Romanoff x reader)
Warnings: swearing, mention of snowstorms, car trouble ig?? (Idk if those could be considered as warnings but better safe than sorry)
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"Shit," you said as your car suddenly stopped, not wanting to go any farther no matter how hard you slammed your foot on the gas. "Oh, come on." You turned your keys in the ignition a few times, trying to get it to work, but it was no use. Your car sputtered before giving out a sad, strangled choking sound, and that was it. It was clear at that point your car was dead, and you were screwed.
"Well, that's just great," you muttered. You thought about maybe using the jumper cables you usually kept in the trunk of your car to give it a well needed boost of energy before remembering you'd taken it out the day before, needing the extra space for the groceries you'd needed to pick up. Of course the one time you needed it was the one time it wasn't there.
Sighing, you pulled out your phone to double check the forecast for the day. It was currently 30° and dropping, indicating the snow storm you weren't expecting to receive until next week was going to be arriving early.
"Wonderful." You were stuck in your car, about to be hit by a massive snow storm, groceries in the back, no jumper cable, and your phone was at seven percent. No one you knew would have the time to just drop everything and come pick you up, except for maybe one person; your girlfriend.
You quickly dialed her number and sat there anxiously as it rang. When she didn't answer the first time, you called again, hoping she would pick up. Then, on the third ring, she did.
"Nat! Oh, thank God," you breathed out a sigh of relief. "Look, my phone's about to die, so I don't have much time to say what I need to say, but my car's being a dick, I don't have the jumper cables on me, and I'm pretty sure the snow storm predicted for next week is coming early. Please send help," you fake pleaded, only half joking.
The other end was silent, causing you to think maybe your phone had already died until you heard shuffling and the distinct sound of jingling keys on the other end. "I'm on my way. Text me where you're at if you can, if not, Friday has GPS systems installed in our cars for a reason."
"Oh my God, Nat, you're the best. Thank you."
You could hear the smirk in her voice as she gave her response. "Don't thank me yet."
Less than twenty minutes later, you heard the familiar rumbling of a car engine as Natasha's car pulled up beside yours. "Hey stranger," she said as she got out.
"Natasha!" You felt a tremendous amount of relief as she got out the jumper cables and made her way over to you.
"I'm gonna pop the hood so I can get this done and we can go home."
You watched as she tinkered with the stuff under the hood of your car for a couple minutes before giving you the go ahead to try to turn it on.
You gleefully honked on the horn as your car suddenly roared to life, causing Natasha to shoot you a dirty look. "That was my ear you just honked in."
"Sorry babe, my bad." You gave her a sheepish grin as you got out of your car and went to stand behind her. You wrapped your arms around her waist and squeezed. "Thank you so much for helping me with this today."
"Of course, I couldn't just leave you out here to freeze." She turned around to face you after shutting the hood of the car. "I've got to get back, but make sure you get home safe, okay?"
"Don't worry, I will." You gave her a quick kiss before getting back in the car. "I love you," you called out before shutting the door.
Waving to her as she drove away, you put on your seatbelt and got started on the drive back home.
Taglist: @anxiously-sad @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @taecube @blkroyalty1 @nevilleismywhore @multiyfandomgirl40 @xxromanoffxx @your-next-daydream
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subspencer · 3 years
spencer has been on a case for a couple weeks now, and he’s coming back tonight. his plane was delayed so he wouldn’t have gotten home until really late so you try your hardest to stay awake by doing different things that google says helps, and eventually you fall asleep reading a book or something and when spencer comes home he sees you and just moves you to get comfy and kisses your head, then you wake up and then some fluff or smut doesn’t matter<33
hiii i wrote this all last night! it’s a bit of both fluff and smut! 
wc: 1.4k    
According to Google, the scent of pumpkin was known to arouse men, especially when combined with the scent of lavender. So you lit a bunch of different candles, a few of both scents, plus dozens of smaller ones to line the windowsills. 
Chocolate is another aphrodisiac, as you’ve heard. You hand-dipped fresh strawberries in the fanciest chocolate money could buy, plating them up next two two champagne flutes and a chilled bottle of bubbly. It was the least you and Spencer deserved after weeks apart. 
Everything looked great, until he texted you at nine-thirty in the evening, at the time you were expecting his plane to land.
I’m so sorry, a massive storm came through. Plane never left. We’re getting back on now, hope to land in a few hours. 
Well, fuck. You were so prepared for him; all dressed up, glasses already poured, candles lit, and a set of new lingerie on.  
But it was only three hours. That’s all that separated you from Spencer, and after so many days, you could manage to busy yourself for a few hours. He was worth the wait. 
You passed eighty minutes by watching some tv, another twenty while playing a game on your phone, and twenty more by going back to the tv. Two hours down, one more to go. But you made the fatal mistake of having some of that champagne while you waited, and staying awake seemed harder to do with every passing minute.
With no coffee in the house to keep yourself up, you resorted to the internet again. The first search result was a listicle of tips and tricks:
1. Get Up and Walk Around  
Okay, done. And while you walked around, you also accomplished tip number four, “Eat a Healthy Snack to Boost Energy”. With a whole, peeled carrot in one hand, you paced around Spencer’s apartment while chomping on the vegetable for a good ten minutes. 
It worked, but only a little. So, you tried another item.
5. Start a Conversation to Wake Up Your Mind
It was a total bust. At goddamn eleven forty five in the evening, on a week night, not many people would be excited to pick up the phone. You tried a few numbers and all of them went to voice mail. 
On to the next one.
3. Give Your Eyes a Break
Okay, so no screens. You put your phone down, shut the television off, and walked over to Spencer’s bookcase. Running your fingers along their spines, you were in awe of how many books he had. It was too many to pick from, so instead, you went to his bedside table and picked up the book he was last reading in bed. 
You almost fell into the trap of sitting in bed to read it. You knew if you did that, you’d fall asleep right away. So you took it to the couch, grabbing one of his sweaters off his armchair on the way, and tossing it overhead.
In a bid of hope, you never got out of that lingerie you put on for him, but now it was starting to get chilly. You promised yourself to take it off the second you heard his keys hit the door; he’d never have to know you were anything less than the perfectly seductive piece you were dressed up as. 
But, Jesus fucking Christ. Spencer reads some boring books.
Not boring, maybe, but ones that have words just in the damn title that you don’t even understand. You strained your mind through four of the pages, which took at least another twenty minutes anyways, and decided that was more than enough. 
You checked your phone again, hoping for a miracle. And it came to you in the form of a text from Spencer.
Just landed! 
Got news that all the roads are blocked off. Trains are closed, Morgan’s gonna drive me home, but it could still take at least an hour :(
There wasn’t even a moment to be excited about the first part before you swiped out of the messages app and angrily pulled up that listicle again. All the other suggestions were rubbish; you weren’t going to go exercise in a snowstorm, there wasn’t any fucking sunlight at past midnight, and you’d already drank tons of water. 
There was one item on the list you hadn’t tried yet.
2. Take a Nap to Take the Edge Off Sleepiness
That was tempting. Spencer did say it would be another hour, and as he’s informed you many times before, a twenty-minute nap was all it took to get the optimal nap in. 
You caved. But you made sure to set your phone alarm for twenty minutes out, and yet another after that just in case. Fluffing Spencer’s sofa cushions up, you tucked one under your head and laid down.
You woke up just moments before Spencer came home. He walked in to find you waiting for him, clad in the hottest red lingerie he’d ever laid eyes on. After weeks of being apart, he didn’t have the time for words. He dropped his bags at the door and wordlessly stormed over, bringing his hands to either side of your face and gripping you tightly as he covered your mouth with his own. 
Your mouths worked furiously together, and his hands dropped low on your hips before throwing all caution to the wind and palming your ass. With both hands just below your ass, he picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he walked you to the wall and pinned you against it. Your pussy was leveled perfectly against his hard dick. He grinded himself against you, moaning at the sweet friction. His head was buried in your neck, sucking so deliciously. 
“Spencer,” you moaned his name, low and rolling, as he shifted your panties aside. “Mmm, feels so good baby.” 
He carefully set you down and dropped to his knees, putting his face between your legs instead. His tongue pressed along the length of your seam. You let your eyes close as you dropped your head back onto the wall.
“Fuck, Spencer!” you couldn’t stop moaning it. Every other breath became the sound of his name. 
And then, you felt a kiss on your forehead. And a palm on your shoulder. Your eyes flickered open, fully and for real this time.
Next thing you knew, Spencer was kneeling on the floor. Not between your legs, but by your side while you were laid out on the couch, gently shaking you awake.
“Hi,” he smiled as you finally blinked your eyes awake. “Havin’ a good dream, I hope?”
You grumbled, disappointed both that it wasn’t real, and that you’d fallen asleep. “No, no, it wasn’t supposed to be like this!” you pouted, sitting up. “I was supposed to wake up and, and –”
“Be ready for me?” He quirked a brow as he surveyed the room. 
There were dozens of blown-out candles under the open windows, carrying a cool evening breeze. An untouched plate of chocolate strawberries, and a less-untouched bottle of champagne. You, clad in something silky and red, that made you look like a present waiting to be unwrapped. And also, his chunky knit sweater. 
“I tried, I promise. I did everything, I even read that book of yours,” you gestured to it on the coffee table, barely cracked open.
“Well, it’s no wonder you fell asleep then,” he laughed. 
“I’m so sorry, Spence.” 
He only shook his head and pushed your shoulders back down until you were lying on the couch again. 
“Don’t apologize.” He pulled your knees closer to him, hooking the leg closest to him over his far shoulder and nestling himself inside. “To find my girlfriend waiting for me, in my home,” he stopped to kiss the inside of your knee, “in my sweater,” and then the other one, “and in this, too?” 
Spencer pushed up the hem of the sweater, exposing the fancy lingerie you had under. His large hands rested on your sides as he dove in to kiss your belly, right above the mesh garter belt you wore. From there, he kissed a line all the way down, stopping before reaching your panties.
“Well, that’s all I could’ve asked for.” He gave you a smirk before hooking one finger into your panties and pulling them to the side. He dragged his tongue over you. “So, why don’t you tell me what that dream was about?” 
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