#but this is my least favourite fic
witchspeka · 1 year
It's always "Shou and Ritsu need to blow stuff up with their minds for mental health reasons" or Ritsu and Teru or even Shou and Teru!
But what about Mob? When does he get to blow stuff up with his mind for funsies? For shits and giggles? He didn't go through all of those meltdowns and character development for nothing, let him go ham on a junkyard car or something smh
I believe in Mob's narrative given right to fuck shit up sometimes
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waytooinvested · 5 months
Small Problem... Chapter 2
You can find the full story on AO3
Lena was in the middle of grinding up a chunk of dried rhubarb for her latest spell to try and de-miniaturise Kara when Dreamer came hurtling into the room at full speed, almost running right into the far wall when she failed to slow down in time, and startling Lena so much that she dropped her pestle.
‘Nia! What is it? What’s happened?’
She would have been more worried by the sudden entrance, if not for the fact that Nia was now bouncing excitedly from foot to foot, and holding -something- behind her back like a child who had just raided the cookie jar.
‘Have you seen Kara anywhere? She’s not on the snack table’.
There was a tiny huff of air against Lena’s ear, and an indignant little voice muttered ‘I don’t spend that much time with the snacks!’
‘She doesn’t spend that much time with the snacks’.
Nia chuckled at the passed-on-message, tilting her head to peer past the fall of Lena’s hair to where Kara was sitting comfortably on her shoulder, legs dangling by her clavicle and one hand fisted in her shirt for balance.
‘I don’t know why I even asked – I should have known if you weren’t making the most of a fresh batch of crullers you’d be in here with Lena’.
‘There’s CRULLERS???’
Lena didn’t have to speak up for Kara this time, because that had come out at a volume loud enough to make her wince, and definitely loud enough to carry to Nia standing a few feet away.
‘Kara, remember what we said about shouting and proximity to people’s ears?’
‘Oops, sorry…’ Kara patted the lobe of Lena’s ear apologetically. ‘But crullers Lena! I haven’t had a giant cruller yet, and you know they’re my favourite!’
‘Well hang on, that’s not what I came here to tell you! I got you a surprise!’
Nia was bouncing again, and at last Kara was diverted from the promise of fresh doughnuts by her obvious excitement.
‘What is it?’
‘It’s- drum roll please-’
Nia stamped her feet in a rapid tattoo to simulate her own drum roll, then brought out the thing behind her back with a flourish, plonking it down in the middle of Lena’s grimoire so it would be right in Kara’s line of sight.
The big (well, little) surprise was a miniature Supergirl action figure. Just under five inches high, complete with Supersuit, cape, boots and flowing waves of plastic hair. They all stared at it for a moment, and then Kara lifted gingerly off Lena’s shoulder and floated down to have a closer look.
It was not a perfect likeness by any means, but one of the better of its kind, and seeing the two of them side by side was… a little uncanny, honestly. Kara walked a slow circle around her doppelganger, taking in its fixed plastic grin and hands-on-hips pose with a perplexed frown on her face.
‘Thank… you?’
‘What’s she supposed to do with it?’
‘Isn’t it obvious?’
Kara and Lena looked at the doll, then at each other, then shrugged.
‘Not really?’
‘The clothes. You can take the supersuit off, I checked! Even the boots are proper leather. Well, pleather, but I think they’ll be comfy enough – they’re soft anyway, not stiff plastic, and they look about the right size’.
Kara perked up at that, keen to get back into something that would feel more like her usual self.
Once it had become clear that getting Kara back to her proper size wasn’t going to be a quick fix, they had done their best to get her properly outfitted. Alex and Kelly had taken Esme home to raid her doll box for anything that might come close to fitting Kara, and they had found a few things that worked, which Kara had been wearing on rotation. Her favourite so far had been a tiny pair of blue jean style stretchy pants, and a matching blue shirt with long sleeves layered under short that had once belonged to a Tiny Teen!TM doll. Her LEAST favourite was the ill fitting ‘sleepy bunnikins’ baby doll onesie she had been forced to wear for one humiliating afternoon while chocolate frosting was washed out of her other clothes after an incident of over-exuberance helping Esme decorate cupcakes for her upcoming birthday party. The rest fell somewhere between the two on the spectrum of acceptability, but none had made Kara feel entirely herself, and they had had no luck at all so far with shoes.
Until now.
‘YES! Thank you Nia!!! Lena, would you mind…?’
Kara gestured at the open grimoire and Lena obligingly stood it up on its end to hide her and the doll from their view, hoping that it wasn’t inadvertently insulting to her mother’s memory to use her revered magic book as a changing screen. She and Nia waited patiently for the reveal, sharing an amused glance at the mutters and grumbles that emerged from behind the book as Kara wrestled her plastic twin out of its clothes and pulled them on herself.
When at last she emerged the twee floral dress and pinafore she had borrowed from Esme’s littlest china doll was gone, and Kara was once more dressed in an approximation of her own clothes. She struck her familiar Supergirl pose, hands on hips, newly shod feet set wide apart, and looked hopefully up at them.
‘What do you think?’
Lena examined her tiny friend and nodded admiringly.
‘Much better. You look like yourself again’.
It was true, but not wholly true. The sizing was no worse than any of the other outfits she had been making do with lately to be fair – better if anything, since it was made of stretchy, forgiving material, but knowing how her suit was supposed to fit made it all the more obvious that the sleeves of this one were straining around Kara’s biceps, while the too-long pants wrinkled and the top hung loosely across her chest. Apparently the manufacturers had taken some liberties with Supergirl’s bra size…
Nia squealed and clapped her hands in delight. ‘I’m so glad I stayed up til 4am in an ebay bidding war for it, it was TOTALLY worth it!’
‘Nia, you didn’t!’
‘Yep – there’s loads of Supergirl dolls out there, but most of them are too big, or the clothes are just painted on. THIS one is a much sought after “Superhero In My Hand” model, and the clothes come off so that you can swap them out with other dolls in the series if you want to. I really wanted to get little Dreamer too, but that one still had another two hours on the auction and Brainy changed the wifi password to force me go to sleep, so my nemesis got her instead’.
Lena raised an eyebrow. ‘You have a nemesis?’
‘I do now. Ebay user Iheartdreamer98’.
Nia glared darkly at nothing in particular, then dropped to a crouch so that she was at eye level with Kara on the table, grinning again as if nothing had happened.
‘This is so cool. What do you think of the doll?’
‘I love the clothes, but the actual doll is a bit creepy, and they made me look kind of constipated. Now she’s out of the outfit I don’t think she really looks much like me at all’.
‘So you don’t want to keep her?’
‘Not especially’.
‘Can I have her then?’
Kara frowned. ‘What for?’
Glancing between Kara and Lena, Nia beckoned them both closer before whispering ‘hijinks’.
‘Go on…’ Kara whispered back conspiratorially (then had to repeat herself more loudly, because at her current size a whisper was inaudible unless she practically climbed into your ear canal).
‘Well -’. Nia reached over the grimoire to pull out the doll, which Lena noticed was now wearing Kara’s cast off frills (apparently despite thinking it didn’t look like her she had felt weird about leaving it entirely naked, even though it must have been a pain trying to dress a from-her-perspective-life-sized plastic dummy). ‘-Brainy knows I bought this because he was there when I was ordering it. But no one else does. Alex doesn’t. I thought there might be some good pranking potential in it. What do you think? Something to do while you’re stuck in here?’
Kara grinned back wickedly ‘oh yes’.
After the first couple of days spent getting used to her new size and taking part in a dozen different (failed) attempts at de-shrinking spells, Kara’s mood had shifted from distress to boredom. She couldn’t go to work. She couldn’t fly out to save the day from villains (though she had waged an hours long battle to oust a rat that had been attempting to set up home in the tower, then spent a further day amusing Esme with stories and re-enactments of her daring exploits). She couldn’t even go out without someone’s pocket to hide in, in case anyone saw her and decided to use her relative vulnerability to their advantage. In fact as Nia had alluded to, the main solace Kara had now was her continued delight in over-sized snacks, but even her appetite had its limits, and she was desperate for things to do. It seemed that Nia might just have found a neat solution to both her need for proper clothing and her need for entertainment (even if it was at the expense of her long-suffering sister).
‘You’re with us, right Lena?’
‘I’m theoretically with you. I won’t tell Alex what you’re up to or do anything to spoil your fun, but I don’t think I’ll have time to actively join in. I really need to keep working on this spell so you can get back to normal’.
Lena hadn’t been doing anything but working on spells since Kara’s accident, even though she had long since tried even the most tenuously promising charms in her mother’s book, and was more or less just making things up now. She was using rhubarb, because it was known for its speedy and extensive growth. Bamboo shoots for the same reason. A dose of her artificial yellow sunlight to boost Kara’s innate powers and lend the spell strength… she was about 48 hours away from suggesting that Kara drink up her milk and go to bed early in the hopes that it would help her grow up big and strong, or else poking about in rabbit holes to find the way down to Wonderland and the caterpillar’s magic size changing mushroom, but she couldn’t admit it.
Not when whatever had happened had to have been her fault. She and Kara had been standing over the workbench together at the time looking through her grimoire. Their hands had collided as they both reached to turn a page and Lena had felt the usual surge of butterflies that came with touching Kara unexpectedly. Then suddenly all hell had broken loose and everyone else had been thrown across the room while Kara shrank to dolls house proportions. It must have been some unforeseen magical accident linked to the surge of emotion, or the physical contact while touching the book, or… something. And if Lena’s magic had caused this, that meant it must also be able to fix it.
The trouble was that despite going over the interaction second by second in her mind every hour since it had happened, she still had no idea what she had done, or how. She hadn’t been trying to do a spell. Not just a shrinking spell, but any kind. The idea that magic could just burst out of her uncontrollably like that was terrifying, and another reason why she had been spending most of her time holed up in this room away from the others, where she couldn’t accidentally hurt anyone.
In fact the only person she hadn’t made excuses to stay away from for more than five minutes at a time lately was Kara.
Kara, who was the one Lena had most hurt with her accidental witchcraft, but also the only other person who was as trapped in the tower as Lena was until she learned to keep her magic under tighter control. It felt unfair to turn her away when she was already so lonely and overwhelmed by her new size. Besides, Lena harboured a secret, desperate hope that if they were together enough then whatever she had accidentally done might be undone the same way. They would brush knuckles in exactly the right place at exactly the right moment, or Kara would step onto some special part of the grimoire, and just as suddenly as she had shrunk, she would grow back to her usual size and this would all be over.
She didn’t say that to Kara of course – to her and to everyone else she remained optimistic, assuring them that they weren’t out of options yet, and the next spell might just be the one that would do the trick. Well then, the next. Or the one after that. She would find it eventually. She had to. So she couldn’t let herself get diverted into playing games with Nia and Kara, no matter how hopefully they were looking at her now. That would be like admitting she was giving up. And besides, somebody might get hurt.
Kara crossed the table to her and patted her knuckle gently, understanding something of her distress, even if not all of it.
‘I know you want to work this out Lena, but you’re allowed to take a break. It’s okay if it takes time. I’m okay’.
Lena smiled back at her gratefully, but shook her head.
‘I know, and I’ll take a break if I need to. I just want to do a little more work on this one first’.
‘Are you coming up for dinner at least? J’onn’s cooking something Martian-inspired’.
‘Sounds good, but I’m not really hungry. Save me some left overs?’
Kara still didn’t look happy, but she flew up from the table to perch on Nia’s shoulder, and Lena listened to the two of them talking about how best to prank the others with their look-alike Kara as they clattered off back down the hallway, leaving Lena alone with her spells.
Artificial yellow sun.
There had to be a way.
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originallymarysue · 1 month
Chapter 7 is here!
Summary: The crew are going shopping today! Hopefully nothing goes wrong and no arguments happen for once!
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Happy Battleships deanon day! Upon consultation, I'll just. Do these pairs-ish by RNG. I've got a long stack so let's just get started with a fic for @echotunes
Testing, Testing
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: QSMP | Quackity SMP Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pac & Mike (QSMP) Characters: Pac (QSMP), Mike (QSMP) Additional Tags: Science, Fluff, platonic soulmates tazercraft, Mind Link, Bodyhopping Summary: Pac and Mike spend some time in the lab.
Full text under cut:
Their equipment is delicate, but with enough practice anything can seem simple to use. Pac is over with the apparatus, while Mike sits at the computer. The software for the detector is an old, old thing, but it works well enough; after each run they must manually export and reformat the data, but it's better than writing new, perhaps inaccurate, software - or somehow getting an upgrade from the Federation.
"Twenty three at nine-o-two," Pac reads off the equipment.
With the computer precariously loaded with the detector software, Mike resorts to a clipboard and calculator. He scribbles the time and temperature in the margin and replies, "all ready here."
Their scanner is nothing as complex or fancy as a medical scanner, instead a tiny little thing that sits on the desk. It is about good enough for detecting anomalies in materials, but certainly not up to assessing a person or an animal. They have used it to scan some strawberries before, but that was more for Richarlyson's curiosity than anything.
Small as it is, Pac just reaches inside and places the small sample of terracotta on the tray. Some of that mined on the same expedition had been reacting strangely under tensile stress, so testing some of it seemed like the best course of action.
"Placed," Pac replies.
"One second," Mike blinks his eyes shut, and opens Pac's. The colours feel a little off through Pac's eyes, but to share body parts always has a comforting fuzz to it. He reaches from himself and into Pac, lifting one arm to tighten the plastic clamps supposed to hold it in place.
With a better scanner the emitter and detector would move; having built this themselves from scrap and discarding Federation equipment, Pac and Mike's scanner relies on the tray moving instead. Everything is controlled by the computer, one bit of software winding it to each step and then telling the detector to read. After that the data comes in, and once the numbers are processed it just needs feeding into the imaging software.
Simple enough, except that home made detectors always need close watching.
Satisfied with that Mike double checks the shielding. Their collection of lead blocks is all intact, and the little safety monitor pinned in place. As he slips back into his own body he makes a note of the number on it.
That, too, goes on his notes page.
All good. Mike does not bother with the words, knowing Pac will hear.
He gets a hum in response, agreement morphing into a noise of concentration as Pac uses the tongs to retrieve the source, and put it into place.
It's a little terrifying how easily radioactive compounds can just be picked up on the Island, but it often serves their purposes well. Technetium-99m in this case, now in a glass container - probably discarded from the Federation's own research or medical facilities.
More the fool's them.
They give the safety monitor - stolen from a Federation worker's corpse, if Mike remembers correctly - a few moments to settle, before taking the first reading.
Mike did write the code which controls everything, but he still does not trust it; he manually takes a zero reading, also noting that down in his log along with the time.
He knows that Pac is, but the verbal confirmation is an important feature of safety.
Mike presses the button to make it work. First he receives another reading - only 15 off the last, and so probably the detector is still working fine. After the reading there is nothing for a few seconds, before the little tray judders to the next stop.
Gently he feels Pac nudging himself in, watching both the readings and the apparatus at once. With each pair of eyes pointing at different things, they can both keep an eye for problems with them both.
It's squeaking a lot today
The terracotta might be too heavy
It was fine last time
It's kinda old
Maybe time for a new one?
Maybe Richinhas and Ramón want to help?
We can ask, it's just the mechanism
Readings look fine?
It's terracotta, they're going to be low
The chances of picking something out from that...
It's what we've got. You want to ask the Federation to check it? Or just throw out an entire day's terracotta?
It is unclear as to which thought belongs to who, but both shudder with that final consideration. It is an option, if they have to, but neither wants to. Someone would be more than happy to mine again, but the number of blocks they would lose is... A hideous amount. Atrocious. Enough Mike might be tempted to ask the Federation for help - and pack some explosives in the bottom of the crate.
There's an idea.
He thinks it, and across the bench Pac giggles.
With how slowly their equipment moves, it will be a good couple of hours before the scan is complete. They have done it plenty of times before, one checking the equipment and the other the monitor. It's an easy enough take, too, they just cannot leave the technetium out where little fingers might find it.
Or not so little fingers - Mike can name a good few Islanders who would be irresponsible with it. It is neither enough nor the right sort to make a bomb, but he is sure someone would try.
Pac suggests Max.
Mike points out that Max is perfectly capable of getting his own nuclear waste for a bomb; he's more worried about the likes of Dapper or Fit.
The image of either of the two building a nuke from a discarded medical sample is funny enough, something to concentrate on as the machine ticks away. The sample is heavier than a rubber duck; they will likely be here all day.
Pac flops down onto his desk, staring into the blocks of lead shielding. Mike opens youtube on his phone, and puts some music on for them both; it's a slow sort of lab day, not an interesting one.
Mike feels his arm move, only registering Pac's presence a few seconds later. Pac uses Mike to pick up his pen, and start doodling in the margins of his notepad. A short nudge later has Pac making another log of the weather - this time both humidity and pressure instead of the earlier temperature - before returning to the doodles.
It will be a long day.
... Mike is going to leave Pac to that, while he himself starts designing a trigger for that TNT trap idea.
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steelycunt · 2 years
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an um. snippet. from me. for the first time since. july :-)
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johnslittlespoon · 4 months
you're a dog (i'm your man) ch4 update !! <3
DON'T QUOTE ME ON THIS because knowing me, i could dream up a whole new scene to try and squeeze in, buttt it's looking like i'll hopefully get chapter four done by the end of this week ahhh <33 if i say it out loud surely it'll make me hold myself accountable LOL
working title and a timeline hint sorta kinda:
'How Long Do I Have Left With My Dog?'
this one has been emotion heavy (and some of those emotions are quite fitting for the month we're in lmaoo i know what you are gale cleven) and hard to write bc i'm much more a dialogue over internal thought writer, but i hope it does the boys justice and makes the timeline progression filler feel less filler–y <3
also gonna be the longest chapter yet– already passed the 5k word threshold, guessing it'll be closer to 7k oopsie. thank youuu for the patience as always while i've been a sickly victorian man on my death bed SDGKJS appreciate it so so much :')
i'm SOOO excited for what i have planned for ch5, it's motivating me to wade thru the 'less fun' (read: angst) parts of ch4 because there are some scenes coming up that i've had planned in my head since before i even decided to make this fic into anything other than a collection of dog–coded oneshots <33
there's a scene i think i briefly drabbled about here back in like. february. that will slot into ch5 (or 6 if i have to split it up again lmfao) and it's crazy to see my shit come so full circle AND TO SEE HOW LONG DOG CODED BUCKY HAS HAD ME IN A CHOKEHOLD. embarrassing truly!!! wtf. i love these boys
ok that's my little (long) updateee, thank you again for putting up with my slow updates and replies and lack of brainrot lately <3 hope ur having a lovely pride month so far!!
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betterthanbatman1 · 10 days
I don’t often talk about personal stuff but … I am so sick of being sick these days like I’ve been to the doctors and it’s nothing serious, I am okay. but like ughhhh I just need my health back. It’s not even serious like I am okay thankfully, really. it’s just so exhausting.
I am getting help, it’s just the fact that I need the help in the first place :/
Especially when I’ve already been so fucking busy this summer and now my health, like I really thought I could do things or try some new recipes or something this summer but oh well. Some things just don’t go to plan. I’m still having a lot of moments of happiness with family and friends (and comfort shows lmao) so I’m doing good. Yeah idk kind of shitty kind of good
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cuteniarose · 29 days
I'm bored and can't sleep because of cramps so I decided to mess around with an incorrect quotes generator using the latest OCs @katkastrofa and I created that I unfortunately cannot talk about in detail here because I'd get nerfed in an instant:
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aqpippin · 9 months
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Close To You
for the incredible @thecollectionsof
Crystal and Gigi aren’t long into their relationship when a snowstorm traps them in Gigi’s apartment. They find creative and romantic ways to keep each other warm.
[read on ao3]
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
Well you HAVE to be delusional to be a lestappie, I mean you have to be delusional to even like max lol but yeah, to be a lestappie you have to be delusional bc they literally spend no time together willingly, max is just delusional and Charles is polite
so true anon 🙏
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27. Your favorite part of the writing process 28. your least favorite part of the writing process
27. Your favourite part of the writing process
I think it has to be seeing it all come together! I'm someone who writes as they go, I don't plan anything first and whatever comes to mind as I write is what goes down. So what I really love is when I'm in the flow and then I get an idea that really brings things together and allows for a new idea to happen, or ties up a previous one!
A lot of the ideas I get like that probably wouldn't come to me if I actually sat and planned it all out, or if I actively tried to come up with certain things. I always get over excited when I'm in the middle of writing and then something comes to me all of a sudden that just fits so perfectly with everything else! I probably wouldn't remember which parts of my fics have come from that even if I looked, they just sort of melt into the rest of the fic almost. But at the time when those ideas come about, it's always very exciting for me and therefore is my favourite part!
28. Your least favourite part of the writing process
I'd probably say when I've previously been in the flow of things and then I've had to step away for whatever reason, but when I come back that flow is gone and I have to get back into it all over again.
Or similar to that, if I'm just sitting down to write and I know generally what I want to do, or there's a certain part of the story I want to get to, but I can't seem to get a good start. Sometimes I end up sitting in front of my laptop staring at a blank document with an idea in my head but nothing actually comes out. It's so frustrating. But it's all made up for when I do get going though, so that counts for something I guess lmao.
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atlasdoe · 10 days
everytime someone comes on tumblr and starts talking about people on tiktok as if they're celebrities a fairy loses its wings
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Held Back chapter 1 on AO3
“You still haven’t told anyone else?” Robin asked.
Steve shrugged and opened his mouth, then closed it again as if he had been planning to say something to defend himself but hadn’t been able to think of anything.
“What exactly do you think is going to happen when you have to go to school tomorrow?” Robin demanded. “People are going to find out, dingus. What are you going to do? Just hide from everyone you know all school year?”
“I don’t know. Maybe,” Steve said and Robin couldn’t tell if he was joking or if he genuinely thought spending the year trying to dodge everyone whose opinion he cared about was easier than just admitting that he had to do his senior year over.
So far, Robin was the only one who knew that the real reason his father had made him get a job was to teach him a lesson, just not about not getting into college. Steve's dad had been angry that he hadn't cared enough about his classes to even scrape by to graduation. Steve had only told her the truth about that when they had been trapped together in the Russian base under Starcourt Mall, and even then he had probably only told her because he had thought that it would be a dying confession.
Eddie thinks Steve's just another annoying jock that can get away with anything he wants. He also thinks his newest sheep are delusional when they talk about King Steve like he's a friend. But maybe there's more to Harrington than meets the eye after all.
(Set in an alternate timeline after season 3. Eddie isn't the only one repeating senior year.)
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nostalgia-tblr · 10 months
i think the problems in the first thor movie really started in that flashback scene where odin explains that he has two sons but only one throne and then he smiles at them and hands each of them a sword and says "you know what you have to do, boys"
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big-urchin-energy · 5 months
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truly we could not rid the world of any au, the fandom ecosystem must have balance, and so, as much as it pains me to admit, much like the humble mosquito, or the wasp i fucking guess, we have to keep soulmate aus
(but they should go on a high shelf until alloros learn how to behave)
(if you said omegaverse aus, grow up. stop being a baby. they're not for you, they are for the furries, the touch starved, and those with breeding kinks, and where would we be without them?)
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toburnup · 11 months
These previos have me PANTING I cannot WAIT for next chapter of iylo.
Just wanted to pop in and say that the way you've been able to craft such nuanced yet relatable characters is so special. So much so that youre able to write a character experiencing one thing, and even though we already know what happens, we're all collectively like "WAIT WAIT I WANNA KNOW WHAT CHARACTER B is thinking during this same event. And we want an ENTIRE CHAPTER."
That's just so wild to me. And I hope you know how incredibly gifted you are, in case you didn't already know <3
(Also just remembered --and maybe I have this wrong-- but Do you have a big bang coming out soon?)
this is !!! such a nice thing to read. ik i keep saying it, but i really do appreciate the support for the eddie chapters. there are people who really don't care for them but i think they're important for the fic as a whole (and we're nearing the beginning of the end, so! not many more to go anyway).
thank you again. and ! yes! big bang. we originally planned it for the end of the month but we might move it up a bit. will keep you posted :) :)
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