#but theyre a little more tame i guess
shivroy · 8 months
these ones are not as narsty as many of my other ao3 jaunts have been but they are no less pleasing and weird (from my standpoint as the author anyways). oh my god shiv roy. ENJOY
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orcelito · 1 year
L m f a o I think I know who sent the "entitled little shit" anon last night actually
Not naming names but it's nice to actually be able to block them
#speculation nation#dont know for sure but it was someone who was following me who's not now#saw them in the tag and had an epiphany.#mostly guess-work but i have a good memory & i Know they followed me recently. only to unfollow.#im gonna stop complaining about this after this post but like. lmfao.#upon waking up i thought back to it and i Still think im right#calling someone an 'entitled little shit' due to justified anger in a place where they cant even SEE IT#is not that big of a deal lmfao.#i promise u there is so much more vitriolic stuff in other ppl's tags on that post & That's the hill u choose to die on? ok.#reads like someone who hasnt been on tumblr much. ive seen soooo much worse around. 'entitled little shit' is Tame#and frankly? the blatant truth! the person in that post is 100% entitled.#and i have the right as a writer to call them a little shit about it 😊#as for how i recognized them. i do look at new followers. blocking bots & checking to see if id wanna follow back#that sorta thing. im a little selective bc i dont want my dash to be too long so i dont follow back that often#but im generally aware of my followers. & i appreciate & recognize them when theyre nice to me. even if theyre not mutuals.#so yea this person was recognizable enough for me to notice their absence. & they so helpfully posted in main tag for me to see.#im not gonna start a fight directly with them but i sure as hell am gonna be a petty little bitch on my own blog#that's what this is FOR man! whats the POINT if i cant complain?????#anyways Yea thats all for that weird little bit of drama. putting Entitled Little Shit to rest.
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avocadoraisin · 13 days
what are your Hoffstrahm werepire! au hcs??
i hope you're ready bc im basically gonna tell you most of, if not all of the sporadic details of their "story" thats been simmering in my head. theyre subject to change on any given day because, well, this is my imagination LMAO i can take this daydream wherever i want
one day parts of it could be a fic? idk. i dont think i have enough of a beginning, middle, and end of a real cohesive "story" so it might just exist as snapshots in the form of little comics forever.
and some of this is, in fact, alluded to in that really horny heat fic i wrote akjhfjb
-He and his sister were both vampires and have been for a little while. not sure for how long. the details of how they turned are also hazy
-but they were alone together and moved cities often, only having each other to rely on. they had to "restart" someplace new every few years. possibly because theyve been around too long and would start to arouse suspicion from neighbors noticing them not aging in 10 years. maybe they were in danger of aggressive rival vampires competing for hunting grounds territory, or anything else making them feel unsafe
-at last they settle on Sawville which seemed to be untouched by vampire drama. (as far as they knew at the time)
-Angelina always had too big of a heart and, as a vampire herself, wanted to believe in the good in people. wanted to believe in someone's ability to change. which is what she tells herself when she falls in love w that asshole Seth
-Mark is not trusting of him at all
-Angelina trusted in Seth too much, trusting him with the information that she was a vampire
-Instead of a slit throat she gets a wooden stake to the heart
-Mark is too shell shocked to leave Saw City i guess. he already distrusted humans in general but now he knew he could never, ever trust his heart in a human. not like she was able to.
-When Seth is released Mark cooks up the pendulum and gets caught by John just like in canon
-blah blah hazy details he and Amanda and Lawrence are stuck under John's thumb. i think in the fic i made it purposefully vague if Lawrence and John are also vampires, im now leaning toward Lawrence also being a vampire (i did draw him as a bat recently after all) and John is still undecided
-He knows werewolves exist, but never met one. He's not terribly concerned with encountering one but knows there's an eternal feud between the species.
-his early days are also hazy to me
-he's been a werewolf since i think teenagehood and it was something he kinda grew up with and learned to somewhat tame over the years
-great idea based on this anon (and everything else in the post, verbatim) but maybe he has troubles remembering his childhood or the time around when he first changed, so really all he remembers from early on is how he trained to control the power to be productive in society
-he can change at-will whenever but on full moons it is involuntary, and hes more prone to going wild. he still doesnt trust himself, so once a month he chains himself up to pipes in the basement.
-he also knows vampires are out there, and that they're bad news. Werewolves instinctually want to kill them for a reason. They have no souls and drain people of their blood, they're vermin to be exterminated. or so he thinks. he's never met one yet.
-maybe he decided to go the FBI route growing up for whatever reasons he did in canon. maybe it was a drive to learn more about whats going on in the undergrowth out there. on the everlasting hunt to find more people like him.
-what will he do when he does find one? what if they're not what he hopes?
-with his heightened senses, he knows he has a tactical advantage at work so he flies up the ranks. he's the FBI's most effective bloodhound, and they have no idea why. they dont question it. he gets shit done and thats all they need.
-some years into their partnership, he tells Perez the truth. She's the closest someone's ever been to him in many, many lonely years, and if there's anyone he can trust with the truth, it's the person he trusts with his life
-it took a lot of prying questions but she accepts him for how he is and they are more effective as a Human and Werewolf FBI duo as ever
-and as best friends, too. a tiny pack, if you will
-their meeting
-Hoffman made a frustratingly good point, and Strahm cant prove anything yet. But he's also just so damn curious. because he's never actually met a vampire before, and he secretly wanted to know which rumors were true.
-they also have an incentive to not immediately just out each other's species secrets. they dont want worldwide panic. they both know trusting humans is difficult and everything about that can backfire. its best that their species drama gets resolved privately.
-They both get a lil too curious about each other
-Hoffman keeps being annoyingly flirty with him too. like "arent u a lil curious lol 🧛‍♂️🍆 you can kill me after, ok? 😘"
-they settle some curiosities one night in a sleepover of discovery lol
-they secretly catch feelings a la most fics out there where they start out with a one-night hate-sex stand
-Strahm realizes that he doesnt really care that Hoffman is the "enemy" species, he seems like a normal guy. hes not soulless at all. he also has a sadness about him, just like him. and its so amazing to meet another creature, to meet someone else that he doesnt have to hide around. someone who isn't scared of him. he's not alone in the world
-Hoffman realizing he also doesn't have to be alone again, though a part of his heart is still guarded. and hes still got the jigsaw thing going on. strahm still suspects it.
-The two of them don't really want to kill each other. Like, imagine a cartoon scene with two characters super slow-mo punching each other like "Im gonna punch you! here it comes! yep! im so.. totally.. gonna punch you!" because neither of them really want to do it. until they're collapsed in each other's arms because they realize they dont hate each other, they need each other. because. im a sap.
-over at team Jigsaw, instead of infighting and killing each other to one-up each other like in canon, the apprentices realize they're all being manipulated and start to band together. vampires together strong.
-hoffman confesses the predicament hes stuck in to Strahm. their whole world is already so insane and wrought with otherworldly violence, he knows damn well that sometimes things are more than meets the eye, so hes more willing to hear him out
-Peter more or less accepts everything. he watches from the sidelines and lends a hand if needed, having grown sympathetic to their cause and seeing that theyre all just trying to escape this cult. but its also not his fight, he stays out of it, just helps them get away with it legally.
-if John is a human, they all corner him and idk probably drink all his blood. Scar vs The Hyenas style. if John is a vampire, maybe theres an epic fight if hes like a super strong elder type who just went deranged with power over centuries, Underworld style.
Post-Jigsaw Life
-when its all over, the vampires are kind of unsure of where they belong now. they scatter a bit but still keep in touch, kind of like a weird little family now, having gone through all of that together. maybe they can kind of help each other survive too. a coven of their own.
-Hoffman still isnt sure exactly of where he and Strahm fall now, now that the reign of terror is done. hes going to need to drink blood again to survive, jigsaw violence or not. will Strahm be okay with the kind of monster he has to be to live? he doesnt drain people dry, but he hates doing it anyway. and the doctor vampire of the group can only smuggle them so much blood from the hospitals.
-they realize theyre in love and can try to make this work, hearts fully open to each other. no more secrets between them
-One day when Hoffman is really starving, in an ultimate show of trust, Strahm allows him to try to drink from him. and they learn that while it tastes bad, it works, and they could have a symbiotic relationship.
-While bearing his throat and allowing Mark to drink is the ultimate display of trust for Peter, being in his extremely vulnerable bat form is the ultimate display of trust for Mark
-They tell Perez the truth about Mark, to loop one more friend into the circle of beloved, trusted people in Peter's life who know everything. Mark also gains +1 family, in a way, in addition to his coven. big emphasis on everyone realizing you dont have to be alone
-Mark helps Peter learn to control himself on full moons so he can fully control himself around the one other person he cares about, like this
-still have a lot of learning to do about each other, navigating their relationship together despite their species differences. thats been the subject of most of my art and the fic and other discussions in my werepire au tag lmao
-sometimes a pack can be a werewolf, a human, a vampire, and the two other stray vampires he kind of picked up along the way
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mcybree · 9 months
On 3l!Jimmy and guilt and FH and various tangential things: a post that got out of hand and morphed into something completely different by the end. Enjoy?
I read a good Jimmy analysis post a while back on how important Jimmy’s pride is to him, and how he’ll back himself up when no one else will, often to his own detriment. And this is such a key part of his character, right. Jimmy doesn’t often withdraw or get all nervous and shy when bad shit happens to him, he gets louder and angry and all riled up about it. He projects his insecurities outwards and then picks battles over anything he perceives as an insult.
So it is strange how that seems to be… almost missing in third life. In that series specifically, he withdraws more often than not, he fears making independent decisions, and he makes concessions he typically would rather make a stupid hill to die on than consider:
Joel and Martyn tell Jimmy they feel lied to, and Jimmy is quick to ask how he can make it up to them, agreeing to give them cows for free. Jimmy is threatened by Grian and Scar into giving up his diamond chestplate and he folds easily, then goes home to tell Scott he just “wasn’t thinking.” Jimmy gets blown up by Grian’s tnt trap and says the walls around the flower valley need to go up, he says he’s never leaving his house again, and after it’s all settled he’s afraid to even walk home without Scott.
Honestly the only time he ever picks a fight in true Jimmy fashion is in Episode 1 with Martyn over some stupid sign placement, and then with the red army negotiations when he burned the banner— but that, notably, wasn’t a personal pride thing! It was a very Jimmy way to go about it, but he got defensive because he thought they were going to hurt Scott, and spitting in their faces was the best way he knew how to protect him (as this is how Jimmy typically protects himself).
He’s just very tame, overall. Defanged. He doesn’t stand up for himself like he usually does.
And yknow. If I had to take just. A personal guess as to why that is. I think the difference primarily stems from 3l!Jimmy’s tendency to take on personal blame for things that aren’t even his fault. A Jimmy character feeling bad about the things he’s done isn’t new, he often does do regrettable things, but what sets 3l!Jimmy apart is that he excessively self blames for what are often unsubstantiated reasons.
Grian’s tnt trap triple kill (emphasis on Grian’s) is the most dramatic example. After Jimmy accidentally activates it, he repeatedly stresses just how bad he feels about it, and apologizes to skizz directly, telling him he feels like he’s “ruined everything.” Jimmy blames himself entirely for this incident, to the point where it allows for him and Scott to team up with desert duo, who DIRECTLY SET UP the trap and OUTRIGHT TOOK CREDIT FOR the kills, in the next episode without even a mention of caution or bitterness. This is irrational; if Jimmy were to ask any given person if they genuinely think the deaths were ENTIRELY his fault, I don’t think anybody would seriously say that it was.
Except for Scott. Scott would say it is, and that’s the issue. He did say it, actually, first implying it (“Jimmy I told you that we needed to shoot it from a distance!”) but then outright telling him (“You killed two people!”)*. Scott later backpedals a bit, telling Jimmy that it was Grian and Scar who gave him the loaded gun, and it wasn’t him that brought it. While nice, that sentiment was seemingly too little too late.
* (both of these are said in the scene at about 25:33, ep4 of Scott’s pov in case anyones curious. assuming my timestamps from a year ago are correct if theyre not lmk. I also have rough timestamps for like everything else referenced in here in one big document so if anyone needs them feel free to ask)
This is all to say: I think Jimmy’s self blaming tendencies and, by extension, his unusual lack of self confidence this season are a result of his relationship with Scott. While the TNT trap incident was the catalyst for those feelings being brought so front and center, I believe that Scott created an environment which normalized Jimmy taking on personal blame for things aren’t his fault beforehand, or at the very least disproportionate amounts of it (so when he legitimately fucks up and makes a disastrous mistake, it’s the only thing he thinks to do). Primarily because Scott, himself, blames Jimmy for a lot of things, but also because Jimmy doesn’t understand the motivations behind a lot of how Scott treats him, and has to retroactively fill in the blanks with what makes sense. Full transparency: I am staking this ladder claim on both his undying admiration for Scott seen throughout the entire series that would require a thought process like this to support, and one (1) interaction between him and Martyn in episode 1. However, I’d still argue it’s a significant interaction.
MARTYN: I just seen you get slapped around, like what’s- what’s going on?
JIMMY: I just- Y’know- just. well we’re living opposite each other…
MARTYN: Are you happy living with Scott?
JIMMY: WE’RE LIVING— We’re living opposite each other! And he builds fantastic. And mine just looks like- I’m just not a builder, y’know? Just not a builder.
And. Personally. To me. Answering “What’s going on?” with “I’m just not a builder” in regards to Scott pushing him around implies that Jimmy made a connection between him being a bad builder and Scott’s reaction. In reality, Scott “slapped him around” because Jimmy showed up too early for a deal that he didn’t know about. But Jimmy doesn’t accept that as the reason, and instead traces it back to a personal fault, something he will go on to make a habit of until he dies in the desert.
After all, it becomes very easy to explain away various mishaps and misfortunes as “oh I’m just not a builder” or “oh I must not have been thinking,” when Scott’s favorite activity is implying Jimmy is incompetent and can’t be trusted to do anything on his own. (Some fun scott quotes being “why do I let you do things” “as long as we dont let jimmy do anything we’ll be fine,” and most directly, “see that’s why I said, ‘I dont trust Jimmy with anything’ because he’s incompetent”)
And it’s funny, right? Because Jimmy isn’t one to just let people put him down like that. When other people in other series tell Jimmy that his house is ugly, Jimmy will defend it with pride and stand up for it twice as much to compensate. But when Scott calls his house ugly, he tells Scott to stay put while he quickly runs to try and fix it, and then hurries back to ask if it’s better. Because he admires Scott, he never stops admiring him, he’s always expressing that (“you’re good at everything” “you’re full of good ideas, aren’t you?” “how are you such a good builder?”). And he doesn’t get defensive when Scott says these things, not in the same way— He tries to, but it comes across more desperate than anything (“say something good about me!”) because he places Scott on such a high pedestal and yearns for that approval. Scott is different.
This is how, despite all odds, it gets to him. And it changes how Jimmy perceives himself. Scott doesn’t trust Jimmy not to fuck up any given task, so Jimmy doesn’t trust himself in later episodes, especially post-Dogwarts explosion. The cake scene, while admittedly a very cute moment (so I do hate to cite this here but it’s a good example), works because Scott left a cake in Jimmy’s room without saying anything, and knew that the first thing Jimmy would do is get scared and come get him. Because that is the first thing 3l!Jimmy thinks to do when he’s scared! And it’s entirely unsurprising how it got that way! In the very first episode, Scott tells Jimmy that if it wasn’t for Scott finding him in the beginning, he would’ve been the first to die. It’s generally a joke to point to fh and go “Jimmy is like Scott’s pet lol, Jimmy is like a lost puppy without Scott” but there really is some truth in that, and I find that to be somewhat haunting considering Jimmy takes so much pride in his independence usually. Jimmy’s hesitance towards making independent decisions can also be traced back to Scott finding Jimmy’s independent decisions inherently frustrating but that’s already part of the FH dissection essay I have in my drafts and this post is long enough already. There’s also a whole other discussion to be had about how Scott’s say is the final say no matter what and Jimmy knows that which further deincentivizes independent decision making (REPEATEDLY POINTS TO “I’ll try and sweet talk him, but if he starts hitting me, what can I do?”) but that is also for the essay
I dont know where I was going with this. I think I made my point in the third paragraph but I feel lots of things about these characters and have lots to say so as I kept writing I got more and more emotional and now I think I’ve driven my little block people shaped autism car into a brick wall. I think I’m going to go throw up and then let the earth reclaim me. yeaj that sounds good
TL;DR: girl I dont even know
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comvi · 7 months
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Had to have a lantern in the gif... or it would look like i silent stepped nothing.. This is a black lizard, also as "Molerat" or a mole lizard. They a bite delay of 12. lowist ammount other then reds. they Will not stop biting you. They have a 5/10 chance for the bite to kill...and the place they are in has nothing to grab... so your dead either way. They can be tamed They are an endgame enemy, appearing before your DOOM. which i wont tell you of. They appear in other places but. They are in an undeground area. No light. at all. if you couldent tell, they cannot be seen at all in the dark unlike a white lizard They cant see at all. no eyes But they will find you
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No matter what in they're area, there is 5 of them in cramped tunnels. they all can hear you, and all will find you. They will force you to hesitate and relocate even if your walking Them whiskers, they're also feelers. so dont touch em. You know where to find them. And they know where to look.
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Friend wise, they need 3-4 feedings to be tamed. They want more outta ya cause they live with no food and they are like. really happy about eating. They cannot be taken most places as they live mainly undeground but can climb poles When tamed they will follow you around from your scent and sound of your walking. They're heads light up when they hear sound. They use this to warn you of danger. They are REALLLY.REALLLLYYYYY touchy and nuzzle-ly They love the contact cause they never really feel it (they fight other black lis btw)
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In rest they will climb on you to check if your there constantly They try they're best without eyes. They live before death with no food. They are hugging you in a good way but. Its more of a..
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Grim embrace. They hope you make the right choice down here. But they know your too far in to go back... (well you can but. to late.)
YESS YESS!!! AGAIN I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE DETAIL PUT INTO RAINWORLD!!!! A lot of animals that live underground/in places with little to no sunlight will not have eyes, because they have no use for them!!! Just like these guys!!! and i have almost no doubt they were based off of star-nosed moles, which also use their star-like snout in extremely similar ways!!!
From the darkness of the areas they seem to live/reside in, it seems like unless theres a straight path to wherever you want to go, it would be INCREDIBLY hard to get through it all. i think if i played i would get lost SOO SO many times. Also, im assuming they constantly know your location for one reason or another (very good hearing mainly?), so its would DEFINITELY be terrifying to be going through one of those (small) tunnels only to notice one of their faces blocking the path (atleast, on the first playthrough im guessing! usually you get used to these kinds of things by the 2nd/3rd playthrough)
These guys might actually be one of my favourites in their colouring, normally im not too much of a fan for characters/species that are completely black/grey, but i LOVE how its actually leaning more on purple & magenta, once you see them outside of their naturally dark atmosphere.
i accept that they need higher-than-average feedings to tame they deserve it, they should have even more dare i say. they seem like theyre in constant hungry. Im thinking wherever they come from doesnt get much creatures going through to eat, so i dont think it would be a silly thing to say these guys are probably STARVING.
Despite that, i find it so sweet yet, actually really sad, almost melancholic how they act around you once tamed. they could eat you, they very well could, but they dont. theyre hungry, theyre starving, but they would rather cuddle up warmly beside you, and help you to the best of their ability in this darkness. Making sure you are safe & hoping you do the right thing (whatever that thing ends up being… i feel you’re implying we/the slugcat we play as have a choice at the end, i just have no clue what!!!!!)
actually sorry when i was reading this i started tearing up these guys make me feel really sad. i love them but they make me Feel
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oswednesday · 2 years
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the way youre soft block from using this website like it wont even let me reblog this post,,,thats so dfgdsfgd, omg like nothing in particular like in general, but it really askew the, like average persons like mental picture of what a movie is when you say a thriller-like, i think we can get away with a little more because its early scorsese and because robert deniro is staring in it its like mainstream art house but we have to remember its also the passion project of matteo j who is unbounded by the constrictions of hollywood and usamerican sensibilities, i think like film as like taxonomy Thriller is like higher up like Class and horror is Order but giallo is like species but to like a usamerican in 2022 like thriller is a species itself even if its not really a word people use that often, so like being like hey imagine it a thriller that comes with like dramatic gun scenes, lengthy dramatic speeches, explosions, fire, really bold and obvious symbology so the action isnt slogged down, maybe there’s criminal high stakes intrigue, like a giallo is a Thriller and is Horror in that broader category sense, but like how there is a difference between something like a cop procedural and a noir (never mind that most noirs are technically melodramas and people only really remember ones that are thrillers fdsf), there’s like a finer category of difference, like the godfather and gonchanov and reservoir dogs and scarface are all vastly different movies even having this (”mafia movie”) at their core, so i guess its less like people are Wrong when they say thriller more like you know theyre thinking about it wrong cause nothing has indicated otherwise
its too tame to be the Best exploitation piece of all time and too rooted in the mainstream to be the Best giallo of all time but whats essential to both of these is that its not a blockbuster gfdgfdgdf
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swagging-back-to · 9 months
update on the new girliiess
i put my hand in their tank for a little while today just to let them get used to my smell and presence. theyre a lot more skittish than the curries so im gonna take their taming a lot slower. i honestly havent even tamed the curries all the way but they were a lot more comfortable a lot quicker. i did get these new girlies from somewhere else so im guessing the breeder was different and not as good, even tho the fur traits are better.
speaking of the girlies and how naughty they areeee. ginger keeps biting me even more than dhal did in the beginning. like, dhal never bit me bit me to the point i said ow. ginger has been super territorial from the beginning but it just keeps getting worse tbh!!! which is so weird bc she was the sweetest one at first and everytime she sees me she comes over to the little platform to get on my hand. but if i move anything? get bit bitch.
if i touch anything? get bit bitch.
if i go near the other mice? get bit bitch.
most of the time it's just a little nip that i barely even feel but shes been super fiesty lately fr.
clove has been extremely zoomy whe i take her out, like she doesnt know what to do. again, it's weird bc she was the most snuggly one and most comfortable with just being in my shirt. dhal is good middle ground.
i havent seen jasmine a whole lot since karyda died, which makes sense. she was with her that whole time she was dying and for a while after the death. First time ive seen her since then was just yetserday.
i wonder if it's the stress of losing a mischief member and having an ailing mouse with them (when she was alive) that makes them act like this.
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confuseddipshit · 1 year
its kinda far away from what i expected it to turn out, strayed a bit in the middle, but its here once again. as always, sorry for the lack of cut, mobile tumblr isnt that fancy. enjoy.
⚠️cw: few mentions of blood, nothing too explicit; maybe some emotional neglect? not much though. much lighter than my last poem. still have some grammar mistakes, but theyre there on purpose, i refuse to write I'm instead or im.
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i had a normal childhood, you know.
used to be that one kid that get an A and stay sad for an entire week that it wasnt an A+. used books to escape from reality since i read my first letter, so the first time i read romeo and juliet, i was 5 years old. it was an old copy with some eldritch language that i couldnt quite grasp at the time, too many details passed unnoticed.
but besides the introversion and shyness that appeared out of the blue when i turned 4, it was pretty common. my parents never laid a finger in me, nor threatened to do so.
how i wish they had.
of course, i never gave them reasons to do so, but many do it without reason, let alone a good one, so sometimes i wonder what would have happened if i wasnt too tame.
if i had questioned more. had complained more. screamed and cried and asked for more. i wonder how long would it be before they had lost their temper.
pretty long, thats for sure. they were always so controlled.
i guess, thats the entire point now. the stoicism to which i was exposed since birth couldnt make much good for a child. never experiencing the bad sides means the good sides were, too, hidden; never being hit also means that i never felt desired.
see, i did feel loved sometimes. when my mom brushed my hair before school. when my dad would let me mess with his hair while he was watching the news. when theyd both hold my hands when we were walking to the market to buy some bread for dinner.
but there was a time where it all would come to an end. i couldnt feel desired when mom decided she was done brushing my hair, and i had to decide between learn how to take care of it or cut it at the age of 6. and i certainly didnt feel desired when my dad wouldnt lift and carry me anymore at the age of 8. (he couldnt for health reasons, but of course my 8 years old self could never compreehend it).
now im 19 years old. since i was 14, ive been craving something, but could never get close enough to see what it was - or i was too aware of it, and therefore too scared of not being able to hide that side of mine. i took out the blanket that hid it, some time ago, and came to the conclusion that i crave suffering.
not the emotional kind, that i have a lot. you cant go unharmed from "gifted child, parents pride and joy" to "burnt out queer young adult".
i crave the physical counterpart of it. i crave a reason, a good one, something that justifies the intense unhappyness, this indifference and apathy thats always creeping around the corners, hiding in plain sight.
i crave broken arms and black eyes, i crave bruises and crooked noses and raw knuckles. i crave a few broken teeth and a blood-red stained record in school, with a few too many fights and a few too little good grades.
i crave the disappointment and the freedom it brings when no one expects nothing else from you.
i crave intenseness and adrenaline. i crave jumpscares and fist fights, and damn right, i crave pain.
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hope you liked it, all feedback is welcome, please like and reblog if you enjoyed, makes a lot of difference for the artist. tell me if i forgot some kind or trigger/content warning or tag, im kinda new to this.
-> you can request a story, if you have something in your head that you think its too weird to ask other authors, i love weirdness and will write for anyone and anything that i can read about so. pretty much every existent character :) thats it for today bye
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puphoods · 2 years
minecraft pigs... if u feed them a mushroom of either type they will lead u to more mushrooms. maybe a few more not just one otherwise there isnt much point. also they should hang around mud blocks if theres any nearby and they will get muddy (cute)
squids i think need the most updating bc theyre stupid... i think since theyre clearly supposed to be giant squids they should at minimum attack fish and maybe other sealife nearby. maybe sometimes they guard shipwrecks or treasure chests or something like that so if u get too close to something theyre guarding they will ink u and attack u (they should have more loot btw)
sheeps should herd. if u attack one they will all run away etc. also they eat ur crops if they have access to them. i also think u should be able to set one of ur dogs as a sheepdog i will talk about that in a second. not a lot of ideas for sheeps theyre fine i guess
dogs should be able to do more stuff... like u should be able to set them to guard stuff for example a sheep herd and theyll attack mobs that come near the sheep and if they stray too far from an area u set for them itll chase them back. i also think you should be able to set them to stay in a certain area and just like walk around and maybe attack monsters that come and stuff i dont like that if theyre not following u they just sit there and do nothing. also u should be able to throw sticks for them and pet them
what others.... um chickens should build nests and have a set home area kind of like how beehives are for bees. they collect loose sticks and feathers and stuff to make them and they should lay eggs and nest on them rather than live birth them. u can give them seeds to collect the eggs if u want them but if u dont give seeds they will peck u
and many more... i think the newer mobs like foxes and bees and allays(?) and stuff actually do things that are interesting and fun like i think they should update at least a few of the older ones so they actually do something and esp something u can benefit from rather than just keep a farm for meat or eggs or wool or something. or just something so they stand out a little and the game feels a little more interactive. also u should be able to tame spiders and ride them like a horse
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kuroowo · 3 years
Kindly rank your moots self ships
👀👀 (I won’t be ranking them though I’ll just be talking about my fav from their self ships bc ranking them makes me sweat💀 wait so I guess I will be sort of ranking their ships but just with #1 LMAO)
P. S. I didn’t go through every mutual who had self ship info on their page (that’s too many 💀), so I did the ones I talk to more (& could find info about their ships on)!
I’m sorry but the more I think about it, the more Kita x Emi reigns supreme in my heart😩 it’s the balance, the domesticity, the 7 kids Emi is willing to carry for her farmer man Kita Shinsuke😩😩🙏🏼🙏🏼 THE OG like truly, the parental couple where one is a secret wild child that the other tames occasionally with his dick love🥴KSKSKKSKS but they will parent u😩🙏🏼 (Just as Kita will parent emiSINWKXJ) tbh they’re the couple that has their shit together or has determination of the gods imo
Leya x Atsumu has such uncontrolled, but controlled sexy vibe 😩🙏🏼 they’re both chaotic in their own ways and I just love how they’re the ride or die type for each other with a hefty dash of heavy flirting and feral bites 🥴 whether the bites are out of love or playfulness, you can ask Leya & Tsum themselves LMAO
Kuroo x Rei, tell me a better combo ILL WAIT😩💓 it’s the dynamics, the visuals, the aesthetic loveliness of these 2 that has me on my knees🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ THEYRE THAT COUPLE THAT PLAYFULLY ARGUES A LOT BUT IS JUST AS SICKENINGLY SWEET IN THE SAME BREATH like legit couple goals uwu
I’m not familiar with tokrev rn but yk what I am familiar with? Sukuna x Ava🥴 it’s the big bad guy x uwu girl with hidden fangs vibes OOF like u just know that nobody messes with either of them because it always ends in a blood bath and it won’t be sukuna’s or ava’s OOP 🤪🥴🥰
BriGio is canon at this point, no? FRRRRR They support and complement each other SO well 🧎🏻‍♀️💓 the couple that grows together & rules together 🙏🏼🙏🏼 ROYALTY VIBES but behind doors they’re just so sweet with each other it makes me melt UWUWUWU
Kuroo & Lin uwu they’d be that couple where u see teasing each other but are actually just softies for each other uwuwuwu posts of their couple pics on social media will 100% make u think true love is real bc YALL SO CUTEUWUWUUWUWUWU Also Lin would deck a mf for Kuroo & kuroo would swoon and then instantly go ring shopping after 🥴👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Hirugami x Cat uwu they give me the classic ‘opposites attract’ vibes going on with hiru’s calmness & cat’s energy 😩🙏🏼 + how hiru would be able to pick up cat’s worries & comfort her while cat helps him let loose a little bit more AAAA SWEET BALANCE 🧎🏻‍♀️💓 animal lovers couple also v v cute uwu
Mo x Kiyoomi. MOOMI 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ Just like their very adorable ship name, I think mo & omi would be such a sweet couple 😭 mo would definitely make omi super soft and gooey uwu💓 she’d bring out the gentleness, the sweetness outta that man and he wouldn’t even realise until he’s an hour into cuddling u & playing with your fingers UWUUWUWUWU a very soft couple (but don’t fuck with them👁👁 do not especially fuck with mo because omi will hold nothing back 👏🏼)
Kuroo x Gwen OMG they’re so in love. THEY’RE SO IN LOVE YOUR HONOUR ITS THE FLUFF-CRACK COUPLE EVERYONE LOVES😩🙏🏼 I just think this dynamic would be one of firecrackers, driving trips while belting out songs, and secretly giggling to each other uwu it’s the kind of love u see on Pinterest boards where it’s a collage of fun & nostalgic looking pics uwu
Ushi x Tara OMGJCOWMLD bc I think they’d be SO CUTE TOGETHER 😩😩😩🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ big boi ushi being weak for sunshine tara like it’s the epitome of opposites attract + softies for each other 😭😭😭 defo think their dynamic is something shoujo mangas about sweet romance and light angst would go after uwu💓
Simba Samu like cmon now it’s just obvious at this point like the sweet & lowkey feral but super big brain x calm looking but is actually lowkey big hearted idiot uwu 💓 the way these two would get into trouble tgt bc samu likes to indulge in u (also bc he gets swayed SO easily LMAO) & also bc nauraiscomet has a very chaotic energy that pulls in samu 😩🙏🏼
There’s no one else but Osamu🧎🏻‍♀️💓💓 im thinking chaos, but in the best way possible! A very fun relationship 💯💯💯 and I feel like y’all would be so supportive of each other, like hype man level AND I LIVE FOR THAT UWU also lots of aesthetic pictures & dates & picnics 🥰👍🏻
The OG prosciutto 🧎🏻‍♀️ i rmb talking about our jjba ship hcs tgt and that was so wholesome🧎🏻‍♀️ very much my parental figures😩🙏🏼 theyre that couple that transcends time and they’re such a power couple too omfg like the fashion, the confidence, the strength & faith😩🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 they have a very sophisticated aura too if yk what I mean? But watch out bc I know they’re cutthroat as hell!
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Honourable mentions!
— bc I know vaguely who they simp for but not enough about their ship to choose & write about!
Normally I’d say Kita but there’s something about Iwa x Vani that just wins me over🧎🏻‍♀️💓
Suna! Something about your dynamic is just so cute and interesting omg I’d love to see more if I could 😩🧎🏻‍♀️
Pros, ofc🥴 like I’m getting you’d bring the gentleness outta him type of vibe and I love that😩
Abba! Theres a ‘super sweet & soft for each other, esp behind doors’ vibe and that’s so uwu 💓
I’m not sure why but I just have this vivid image of u x sakusa in my head as the top couple🧎🏻‍♀️🙏🏼
SAMUUUUUU two calm vibed people but there’s more that meets the eye 👀💓
Risotto! I just know it’s gonna be a very sweet & supportive/protective dynamic uwu
Ooooh this was hard but ultimately, it’s gotta be Bruno🧎🏻‍♀️🙏🏼 I just think y’all would be so wholesome😭💓
TSUKKI! Frenemies to lovers vibes but it’s very cute and wholesome and it’d make me squeal if I were to read a book about y’all’s story UWU
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pankomako · 2 years
real quick hot take since im being forced to think about it rn: the theories of evolution/the big bang and biblical creation can coexist.
for the record, i am an agnostic. i don't subscribe to any particular religious belief, but im willing to cite biblical sources to support my arguments if i must. i was raised christian and still live in a christian home, my dad being an elder of the church my family attends, so i do know quite a bit of biblical stuff. anyway, allow me to elaborate on my point:
sometime last year i read an article mentioning that the big bang could have been the product of the ever-famous "God said 'Let there be light'". like consider this: explosions are generally very bright. what do you imagine when you hear "the big bang"? i personally see a big explosion of light in a dark void. what if that was God speaking light into existence? of course everything after that is up to interpretation. my dad loves to use the argument that explosions create chaos and not order. but i think it's possible that after the Big Bang of Light, God started to create everything else as the classic 7-day process was written. all the galaxies and what-have-you may not necessarily be a direct result of the explosion.
as for evolution, sure, maybe God did create every living creature. but does that really mean that evolution hasnt also happened? i dont see why evolution couldn't be a thing that was influenced by God's hand. last school year i had to do quite a bit of research relating to this topic, and its honestly so funny how obnoxiously... egotistical? christian scientists are about evidence thats seemingly against evolution. theyre really like "oh??? this funny little fossil you found turned out to NOT be a part of an evolutionary chain?? oh too bad for you!!! look at how WRONG you were!! ha!! they were WRONG!! that means we are RIGHT about EVERYTHING!! look at how RIGHT we are!!! get stuffed sssECHKularr scientists!!! LOL" like no seriously look at a few answers in genesis articles and youll see what i mean, although my portrayal was very much exaggerated. anyway, one argument ive heard is that there are no fossils of intermediate species. but for one thing, just because they havent found any doesnt mean they arent there. for another thing, just because theres no evidence doesnt mean it didnt happen. i guess creationists have a sort of "pics or it didnt happen" attitude about evolution. but theres still existing evidence for evolution too, like how whales have these tiny useless leg bones. why are they there if theyre not doing anything? most likely a byproduct of evolution. ive heard my dad use a similar argument recently about our appendix. "if it doesn't do anything, why hasn't it evolved out of us?" more recently ive heard that the appendix actually DOES have a use. so. that's why. people say that God is perfect, and i imagine they also think everything God makes is perfect too. but evolution doesn't mean that previous species in the evolutionary chain weren't perfect, it's simply just certain genetic traits becoming more common in a species over time, until it becomes an entirely new species much different from the previous one. a lot of societal changes occurred between the first and last books of the bible, yeah? those events were guided by God. i don't see why that can't coexist with evolution. (also consider domesticated dogs. with the variation in breeds its hard to believe theyre the same species. also consider pet dogs vs wolves. pet dogs are their own species, yeah? they descended from wild dogs/wolves that people tamed, right? aint that just manmade evolution?)
im by no means an expert on any of these topics at all, but i figured i may as well write my thoughts down while they're still in my head. that said, i dont really like to post about this stuff, but it's like that one link picture - it's my blog and i get to post whatever essays i feel like lol
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skitzs · 2 years
due to haru's incessant reminiscing of fetus!rin throughout the free! series, i struggle with the fact that fetus!rin and present!rin are actually the same person (while watching) lol. i always get this strange realization when i look at the present!rin that, "oh, i am looking at the same kid that haru keeps on remembering back in the days—that bishounen redhead kid who turned his back on haru in that one particular scene, bawling his eyes out, and unknowingly forever engraving his existence in haru's system" because damnit, he did change a lot as he grew up; he was loud and proud back then, innocent. and now he's calmer and humble, albeit he'd been a bad boy on season 1, present!haru managed to tame him anyway
also. they share the same... dream, i guess. to swim with each other. maybe it's addicting for them. rin swimming with a dolphin, haru getting challenged by a shark when all he wanted was to enjoy his beloved H2O. THING IS, THEYRE BOTH SAPPY, I HATE THAT I LOVE THEIR DYNAMICS SO MUCH
unbeknownst to little rin how important he'd become to that boy who used to "only swim free"
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ikatako38 · 2 years
thoughts on splatoon 3?
Thanks for giving me the chance to rant about this! I stayed up way too late the last two nights grinding multiplayer and story mode, and I have a lot of thoughts about it! I’m going to break it down into three parts: multiplayer, story mode, and music. And don’t worry, I’ll keep this totally spoiler-free!
Multiplayer is a lot of fun! Lets start with the new weapons! So far, I’ve only tried the Splatana Wiper and the Tri-Stinger. I used the Splatana Wiper throughout most of the Splatfest, and despite the steep learning curve I’m really loving it. It feels sort of like an Octobrush combined with a Carbon Roller, which is great. The step-forward with a vertical swings is very cool and useful but has also gotten me in trouble a couple times (like stepping into a bomb). However, as I started playing Ranked Anarchy Battles (it’s going to take a while for me to make that switch), it didn’t seem to work quite as well for me s some of the weapons I was more familiar with. I had some decent success in Clam Blitz with it, though.
I bought the Tri-Stringer to use for Tower Control, and it’s been working pretty well. It feels like a charger, but it’s a lot more forgiving about aiming. The bomb-arrows can be especially useful for getting people off the tower, although to be honest that plan didn’t work quite as well as I had hoped it would. I still need to go used to the horizontal vs. vertical shots, and adjusting my aim when I jump for a vertical shot. I’ve made some pretty great splats with it so far, though. Overall very happy with it.
The only other thing I’ll mention about main weapons is that I like the new sound effect for the Rapid Blaster (and, presumably, all the other blasters, too). It feels somehow cooler. I’ve been using my Rapid Blaster primarily for Rainmaker like in Splatoon 2, but I’ve also surprisingly had a lot of success in Splat Zones with it, too.
I haven’t tried the Angle Shooter sub yet, so I can’t say much about that. As for specials, I think they seem decently balanced with each other, although I think they’re generally more powerful than the Splatoon 2 specials. I assume this is part of what contributes to the ridiculously high splat counts I’ve been seeing. The only flaw I’ve found in the specials so far is that Big Bubbler feels a little bit OP when placed on the tower in Tower Control. Zipcaster is really fun and especially useful on Tower Control, but I’m guessing it’s going to follow Splashdown down the path of Cool Looking Specials That Become Useless at Higher Levels After a Few Months Because Everyone Knows How to Counter It. Splashdown was my favorite special when I first started playing Splatoon 2, and Zipcaster is my favorite now, but I’m worried that theyre going to have the same fate. The Zipcaster counts on catching the opponent off-guard, but it’s so easy to see when someone is Zipcasting because of the glowing ink. Also, without Special Power Up, the special isn’t long enough to reasonably have a chance of splatting more than one target in different locations. However, I did just learn that the Zipcaster actually does up to 60 damage on impact if you land on an opponent, and that might be its saving grace. Also, while I haven’t personally used it, I think the Inc Vac is pretty tame. You’re out in the open for a really long time, exposed from the back, and it just makes a little explosion in a predictable location. Since I started playing (including the Splatfest), I still haven’t been splatted but an Ink Vac even once.
And before we move on from weapons I’ll also bring up Squid Roll and Squid Surge, I guess. They’re useless. That’s all I have to say. I had high hopes for them, but I really don’t see any way they could consistently help anything. The Squid Surge takes too long, and the jump you get is… what, maybe a few inches higher than without it? It also does work on low walls. I can only see two instances where it would ever be useful: if a wall isn’t full inked (but still inked just enough), or possibly on Blackbelly Skatepark. And even in those cases, only with certain weapons. As for the squid roll, it requires you to be swimming through your ink at a speed that’s impractical during battle. Even one tiny dot of ink can slow your momentum, and if someone is shooting at you, you’re quickly going to lose mobility. Not to mention that you can only jump between about 120 to 180 degrees of the direction you’re swimming in. I can only see one instance where this one would be useful: to avoid a bomb you’re swimming toward.
Ok, moving on from weapons. The new stages all seem great so far! I’m also especially happy to see Museum d’Alfonsino and Wahoo World returning. The only big thing I’ve noticed so far about the maps is that the Inkblot Art Academy map for Clam Blitz has replaced with the stairs right in front of the basket with a ramp. It’s definitely an interesting choice and makes scoring a lot easier. It also makes it possible to use the Reefslider or and Ultra Stamp to open a path to the the basket, where it was very difficult to effectively use a Baller, Ultra Stamp, or Splashdown. Other than that I haven’t noticed any major changes to returning stages.
I touched on this already, but let’s talk about… stats, I guess? For one, I’ve noticed that splat counts are WAY higher across the board, on both teams, even. As for the “Awards,” I really down understand them at all. What’s the difference between “#1 Overall Shooter” and “#1 Enemy Shooter”? What on Earth is “#1 Record-Breaker” (it was something like that) or “#1 Point-Scorer (which I got in a Tower Control game where I was backling with the Hydra Splatling and never touched the Tower once). It’s fun and all, but I’d like to know what they actually mean, especially if they’re figuring into my Rank. Also, it’s SO nice that they included the times splatted so that I don’t have to check Splatnet after every single battle. They still didn’t break down the splats and splat assists, though, so you still have to go to Splatnet for that. (Really, how hard could it be?)
I’m really happy that they brought back all the Ranked Modes. I was especially worried about Clam Blitz because it gets so much hate, but it’s actually my favorite mode so I’m glad we have it. I did hope to get a new fifth Ranked mode, but I’m happy enough with what we have. The four modes seem unchanged except for Rainmaker’s inclusion of checkpoints and Clam Blitz’s change from 10 clams to a power clam to 8. I think the checkpoints for Rainmaker are a great idea. It gives the defending team some time to respawn to that a wipeout in the first few seconds doesn’t automatically mean a loss. Also, it narrows down the routes you can take, which gives the offense a sense of direction while making it more predictable for the defense. It gets a little confusing for stages that’s have two checkpoints, but as far as I can tell you can just s pick one or the other.
The 8-Clam rule is interesting… to be honest, it doesn’t really affect my formation of clams much (one clam short is still one clam short), but one thing that I do think is worth mentioning is the scoring. In both games, a clan is worth 3 while a Power Clam is worth 20. However, 10 clams on their own would be 30 points, which means that you sacrifice 10 points every time you make a Power Clam. The tradeoff, presumably, is that you get all 20 points in one quick toss. I’m Splatoon 3, this disparity drops to 4 points instead of 10. This means that, if the opponent’s basket is already open, forming and tossing in power clams instead of regular clams doesn’t have as much of a negative effect.
Okay… I just talked about multiplayer for WAY TOO LONG. The next sections will be shorter, I promise.
Story Mode
I was a little nervous when I first started the story campaign because it starts just like Octo Valley and Octo Canyon, but I should’ve known there’d be some sort of twist. Lore-wise, I did find it unnerving to hear Cap’n Cuttlefish using Octoling slurs to my face. (Especially because my New Agent 3 is an Octoling!) I guess the character development we thought we got in Octo Expansion didn’t really happen? Then again, there was some very brief interaction between Cap’n and DJ Octavio that I’m sure got the Cuttletavio shippers excited. While personally I don’t ship it strongly, it was sort of exciting.
I sort of screwed up my Captain Three because it was really hard to tell what color the little splashes actually were without actually seeing them on his body, so his skin tone ended up being clearly a shade too dark, but it’s fine I guess. I understand why they did what they did when you try to talk to him, and, honestly, I’m kind of glad because if they gave him a really distinct personality it might be at odd with my Three. But it’s still frustrating to just watch him sit there while Callie and Marie talk to you over the comms and follow you around. Having Captain Three talk to us over the comms during missions would have been so cool! So, naturally, I’m probably going to have to write about it. I don’t have any ideas yet, but assuming the TPWCH sequel is also set post-canon, I pretty much need to finish the story mode and probably the DLC too before I can even start thinking about it.
Also, there’s no sign of Four or Eight yet, and I kind of doubt they’ll appear. I’m guessing Eight may reappear in the DLC, though, possibly alongside Four.
As for the structure of the campaign… the best way for me to sum it up is that it feels like a ripoff of Octo Expansion, but at least it’s not a ripoff of Octo Valley or Octo Canyon. The Alterna Logs are pretty cool, at least.
I also think it’s kind of bizzare just how low percentage completion they allow you to move forward with. I cleared up to Site 4 last night, and k only had to do like 1 or 2 levels from each Site. I’m definitely going to go back eventually, but I really was wanting to binge the plotline at the time.
The boss battles are cool from a lore standpoint, but from a mechanics/difficulty perspective, they’re rather average. They’re pretty similar to the kinds of bosses we’ve fought throughout the other two games, and they’re not all that difficult.
I’m guessing there’s going to be another big twist once we’re finish all 6 Sites, and I hope they pulls through! So far though, I give it maybe a 6/10 for both mechanics and lore.
I did want to do a quick section in the music, too, because WOW! The battle music is amazing. Every single song is an absolute banger. It’s fun to hear Pearl and Marina singing in normal battles, too! Definitely nothing to complain about there.
I’ve never really liked the Story Campaign music all that much in the other games, it just seems kind of drab to me. Return of the Mammalians isn’t much better. I still prefer the Octo Valley music the most, actually. Oh, and there’s that one track in the new campaign that sounds like there’s an opera singer in the background… why? I hate it.
And finally, can we talk about the music in the Battle Lobby? Because sometimes I swear it’s normal, and then all of a sudden there’s these really funky noises going on. Also what exactly is the purpose of the Copy Machine? It seems completely useless.
On that lovely note, I’ll wrap it up. Overall, I’m totally overjoyed for the game! I’m definitely going to spend almost all my free time playing it, and Splatoon 2 (sadly) is getting demoted to a Nostalgia Only game. I love the graphics and the music of the new game so much, and the new weapons/specials are really exciting! I’ll also post an update once I’ve tried out Table Turf (which I’m really excited for!) and Salmon Run.
I’ll leave you off with a picture of my adorable lil’ Octo UwU (I love that the Hero Suit is a crop top for both “styles”)
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emetkoto · 2 years
Heya! Long time no ask! Do you you have anyone you like platonically ship K’oto with? Like they go on friend dates and confide in one another and sometimes act as wingmen?
For ARR-SB I gotta go with Cid! They hung out a lot during that time, they just kinda vibed really well together and had fun together if you catch my drift, besties with benefits and all that BUT after Nero started hanging around more Cid was like 'listen. I think he is going to kill you if we don't stop hanging out so much.' and K'oto was like 'yes i also get those vibes. goodbye i guess' and they kinda stopped getting together as much (until after EW when Nero's been tamed a bit and he's less likely to cause K'oto to experience an unfortunate Magitek accident for hanging out with his ex-husband)
He really bonded with Lyse and Alisaie through SB but when Lyse decided to leave the Scions it kinda put some distance between them since right after that Shit Started Happening In K'otos Life That Was Kind of Distracting and Alisaie was always kinda more of a little sister than a best friend? I mean they are besties. just in a sibling way. you get it.
Starting in ShB tho Y'shtola takes over as K'otos bestie :) she has. a bit of a role in Emetkoto as the only person who knows about it and the keeper of the secret and K'otos subtle wingman...he gained a lot of trust in her bc of all that and continued to seek her out for comfort and company after ShB bc he just liked hanging out with her! They're mlm/wlw solidarity besties :) at the end of EW when K'oto is trying to get everyone to sit down and listen to his story about Emet-selch and everyone is hesitant she's the first one to sit down and show everyone it's ok and it means a lot to him and just. theyre best friends your honor
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lila-rae · 3 years
"I think that was the point to throw out the most outrageous thing it could be so people didn’t feel bad for their tame (in comparison) crack theories. I don’t think anyone actually believes that, it’s just fun to joke around."
Absolutely lol -- that was me. Look, I'm an old, old lady like you, Lila, and I have a little girl and a husband, I'm looking for a new job, I have a mortgage to pay, etc etc. In other words, I have real shit to worry about. And I have real IRL people to worry about (like everyone does) who I know and love in the flesh & blood, not from Insta.
I'm here because I find Tom and Zendaya's love story so enthralling and this gossip and speculation is ESCAPISM for me. Honestly, what is going on that people would actually WORRY about whether they were exaggerating Claire's trip??? Like, who gives a shit lol??? The stakes could not be lower; actually there are literally NO STAKES for what we say here.
Not that it matters, but what I really think is that Claire decided between Venice, Paris, and London because she wanted to make one European trip only, and she decided on London because she has friends there (Tom, Tuwaine, probably more of the crew) and future family members there. yes, personally, I'm on the "theyre engaged already" train since Zendaya has been wearing an engagement ring and Tom and Zendaya have been acting like they are more seriously committed since at least late June. But if I'm wrong, it literally does not matter to me or to anyone. I will just mooooveee on, real easy.
Anyhow, sorry you have trolls, girl. Hope they don't get you down or ruin your own escapism. They need to get some perspective imo. Congratulations on your incoming baby girl :) Lillian is a beautiful name.
I like you 😍
Yes to all of this. I thought it was clear that we don’t take ourselves too serious here because ultimately what we say and believe doesn’t matter. We’re here cause we think TZ are cute together and it’s just nice to see people so adorably in love but if all that changed tomorrow and they broke up, it would have zero bearing on our actual lives. It’s just fun to follow them and try to guess their next move. As you said there are literally no stakes here for any of us.
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wuhwoahhh · 2 years
ok so ive been wanting to do an in depth review of Dimension: Answer by Enhypen for time and i guess today is the day, here are my thoughts on this I think KILLER sophomore album from a kpop boy band:
We open with Intro: Whiteout. I love this song because it doesnt make any sense. "My eyes are closed. No, wait, theyre open. But i cant see"??? It takes you on a journey right from the beginning, and Jake's Australian accent really delivers it. Plus the pulsing beat in the background feels like you're running to an undisclosed location. Ends with the words: "what do you think?" Its inviting and narrative and just a great opener.
Track 2: Tamed-Dash is next - song of the summer. They mention summer and in the choreo do a hand fan motion indicating hot weather. Great beat, fun lyrics, catchy chorus, good choreo as well with the music video. Jungwon really stands out in this one; overall a great single no flaw track.
Track 3: Upper Side Dreaming: UNDERRATED. This song is constantly stuck in my head and the beat is so good its just catchy, the little chorus "doo, doo doo doo, doo, doo doo, upper side dreaming like. YEAH no exactly. Also the interspersed English words are really fun. perfect transition from Tamed-Dashed.
Track 4: Just A Little Bit: Not a bad song by any means, but much lower key and more acoustic than the others, not my fave, a little boring but they have pretty good vocals. Plus its a good lead into...
Track 5: GO BIG OR GO HOME. This is my FAVOURITE song on the whole album and it just delivers EXACTLY what it is trying to do: pulsing beat, club early 2000s vibe (kind of usher-esque in the beat??), good mix of English and Korean and fun lines (don't get away, I need a diamond ring, im feeling lucky) and then the chorus hits, great buildup to extremely catchy chorus (we going going going we RIDE) like it just delivers so well. The bridge is really good too, good beat drop. Nothing excessive or innovative but i LOVE this song I think I've listened to it at least 50 times its just so well done
Jumping into Track 6: Blockbuster. Right off the bat we get "hop in, big bills" and you KNOW its gna be a banger with some shredding electric guitar in the back. Simple verse but chorus pulls thru with a beat change, Jay with good vocals, Yeonjun feature for the rap is so killer gives a grungier sound, he brings good ad libs "are...you...ready?" Just a fun song, again, does what it's supposed to do. This album overall just delivers a clean, upbeat, well produced pop album. Like yes the members probably had ZERO SAY in anything they did but i kind of don't care bcuz the production is so good.
Track 7: Attention, Please! is another solid track, good clean chorus, nothing innovative but great fun, the "panic, panic, here we go" in the chorus is fun. Well produced.
Track 8: Interlude: Question - this follows similar format to the intro but different background, more relaxed, same kind of narrative feel and arc though. My one critique is that the interlude is only two songs before the end, but to be fair i can't really think of where would be a better place to put it.
Track 9: Blessed-Cursed - solid single, i've heard it way too many times though and don't like it as much as the others. They were def going for an edgier feel, it is a solid track, good pre chorus, good choreo (easy to remember, learn, and representative). I think they definitely took this songs popularity as the inspo for their next album which sadly is not nearly as good. They do fun pop so well idk why they felt they had to go edgy and autotune but it seems a lot of the groups are doing that these days i guess.
Another note: this album is supposed to be in their vampire boarding school era (re: webtoon) but not enough vampire boarding school nrg. Like theyr really set up all this lore and having the other group be werewolves but very little delivery. I mean drunk dazed was VERY vampiric and slay and that whole mini album was but overall it was not as good an album imo and fever i don't like for them. They should have brought more in here.
Ok i am writing a lot because I am stalling talking about my least favourite track: Polaroid Love. Basic, classic, happy acoustic nothing song, repetitive chorus and verses, NOTHING innovative. I guess they wanted to show the kids actually had vocal ability because the audition show focused so heavily on dancing, but its not a good song imo even though one of the members Heesung says it's his favourite. But it kind of fits the theme, I don't like the transition from Blessed-Cursed bc it just softens out so fast and for what
Last is Outro: Day 2: Very similar to Intro and Interlude, the instrumentation on this one is very fun, reminds me vaguely of some kind of Lorde inspo (VAGUELY) and then builds up, he kind of rambles about "writing his day two", idk what plot they were going for honestly but it closes the album out well, fading out.
Ok wrote more than I thought but those are my thoughts. I need to give Day 2: Manifesto (their new mini album) another listen, but Im just not feeling it. It just doesn't have the same precise production and immaculate vibes as Dimension: Answer.
Overall this album is imo a pop masterpiece, and one of my favourite overall kpop albums, and maybe just albums in general. With one HARD skip and that's it, we are doing pretty well, plus the first half bangers make up for it. Its camp, its concept, its well produced and well delivered, and thematically very fun. Recommend to all :)
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