#but they're stuck in a trauma situation where they have to do things and try to get out and get stuck with another trauma and people just
jewishvitya · 10 months
A pro-Palestine Jew on tiktok asked those of us who were raised pro-Israel, what got us to change our minds on Palestine. I made a video to answer (with my voice, not my face), and a few people watched it and found some value in it. I'm putting this here too. I communicate through text better than voice.
So I feel repetitive for saying this at this point, but I grew up in the West Bank settlements. I wrote this post to give an example of the extent to which Palestinians are dehumanized there.
Where I live now, I meet Palestinians in day to day life. Israeli Arab citizens living their lives. In the West Bank, it was nothing like that. Over there, I only saw them through the electric fence, and the hostility between us and Palestinians was tangible.
When you're a child being brought into the situation, you don't experience the context, you don't experience the history, you don't know why they're hostile to you. You just feel "these people hate me, they don't want me to exist." And that bubble was my reality. So when I was taught in school that everything we did was in self defense, that our military is special and uniquely ethical because it's the only defensive military in the world - that made sense to me. It slotted neatly into the reality I knew.
One of the first things to burst the bubble for me was when I spoke to an old Israeli man and he was talking about his trauma from battle. I don't remember what he said, but it hit me wrong. It conflicted with the history as I understood it. So I was a bit desperate to make it make sense again, and I said, "But everything we did was in self defense, right?"
He kinda looked at me, couldn't understand at all why I was upset, and he went, "We destroyed whole villages. Of course we did. It was war, that's what you do."
And that casual "of course" stuck with me. I had to look into it more.
I couldn't look at more accurate history, and not at accounts by Palestinians, I was too primed against these sources to trust them. The community I grew up in had an anti-intellectual element to it where scholars weren't trusted about things like this.
So what really solidified this for me, was seeing Palestinian culture.
Because part of the story that Israel tells us to justify everything, is that Palestinians are not a distinct group of people, they're just Arabs. They belong to the nations around us. They insist on being here because they want to deny us a homeland. The Palestinian identity exists to hurt us. This, because the idea of displacing them and taking over their lands doesn't sound like stealing, if this was never theirs and they're only pretending because they want to deprive us.
But then foods, dances, clothing, embroidery, the Palestinian dialect. These things are history. They don't pop into existence just because you hate Jews and they're trying to move here. How gorgeous is the Palestinian thobe? How stunning is tatreez in general? And when I saw specific patterns belonging to different regions of Palestine?
All of these painted for me a rich shared life of a group of people, and countered the narrative that the Palestininian identity was fabricated to hurt us. It taught me that, whatever we call them, whatever they call themselves, they have a history in this land, they have a right to it, they have a connection to it that we can't override with our own.
I started having conversations with leftist friends. Confronting the fact that the borders of the occupied territories are arbitrary and every Israeli city was taken from them. In one of those conversations, I was encouraged to rethink how I imagine peace.
This also goes back to schooling. Because they drilled into us, we're the ones who want peace, they're the ones who keep fighting, they're just so dedicated to death and killing and they won't leave us alone.
In high school, we had a stadium event with a speaker who was telling us about a person who defected from Hamas, converted to Christianity and became a Shin Bet agent. Pretty sure you can read this in the book "Son of Hamas." A lot of my friends read the book, I didn't read it, I only know what I was told in that lecture. I guess they couldn't risk us missing out on the indoctrination if we chose not to read it.
One of the things they told us was how he thought, we've been fighting with them for so long, Israelis must have a culture around the glorification of violence. And he looked for that in music. He looked for songs about war. And for a while he just couldn't find any, but when he did, he translated it more fully, and he found out the song was about an end to wars. And this, according to the story as I was told it, was one of the things that convinced him. If you know know the current trending Israeli "war anthem," you know this flimsy reasoning doesn't work.
Back then, my friend encouraged me to think more critically about how we as Israelis envision peace, as the absence of resistance. And how self-centered it is. They can be suffering under our occupation, but as long as it doesn't reach us, that's called peace. So of course we want it and they don't.
Unless we're willing to work to change the situation entirely, our calls for peace are just "please stop fighting back against the harm we cause you."
In this video, Shlomo Yitzchak shares how he changed his mind. His story is much more interesting than mine, and he's much more eloquent telling it. He mentions how he was taught to fear Palestinians. An automatic thought, "If I go with you, you'll kill me." I was taught this too. I was taught that, if I'm in a taxi, I should be looking at the driver's name. And if that name is Arab, I should watch the road and the route he's taking, to be prepared in case he wants to take me somewhere to kill me. Just a random person trying to work. For years it stayed a habit, I'd automatically look at the driver's name. Even after knowing that I want to align myself with liberation, justice, and equality. It was a process of unlearning.
On October, not long after the current escalation of violence, I had to take a taxi again. A Jewish driver stopped and told me he'll take me, "so an Arab doesn't get you." Israeli Jews are so comfortable saying things like this to each other. My neighbors discussed a Palestinian employee, with one saying "We should tell him not to come anymore, that we want to hire a Jew." The second answered, "No, he'll say it's discrimination," like it would be so ridiculous of him. And the first just shrugged, "So we don't have to tell him why." They didn't go through with it, but they were so casual about this conversation.
In the Torah, we're told to treat those who are foreign to us well, because we know what it's like to be the foreigner. Fighting back against oppression is the natural human thing to do. We know it because we lived it. And as soon as I looked at things from this angle, it wasn't really a choice of what to support.
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aparticularbandit · 8 months
me: hey, kyoko. are you ever, uh. gonna deal with the fact that makoto's dead. like ever. at all.
kyoko: nope gonna focus on this new mystery that's right in front of me that's important we got no time for any of that grief stuff we got more things to do let's go
me: ....
me: yeah, that's not gonna come back to bite you later
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lotus-slumbers · 13 days
Hi! I saw your requests were open, so I was wondering if you could write a yandere batfam where they kidnap the reader, but the reader is like, super chill about it, and the family’s reaction to this. Tysm!
🪼 anon
A Gentle Place to Land (Yandere! Batfam x Accepting! GN Reader)
Content warning: yandere themes, obsession, mentions of mental illness, mentions of loss of personal anatomy and drugging. Etc.
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A gentle breeze caresses you, the sunlight a gentle kiss.
Here, you could experience such a thing. A thing so close to tranquility you would almost dare to say it was. Most, if ever put in your situation, would be losing their minds. Panicking. Begging and pleading with all they could to try and change their fate. To escape.
You knew such a thing wasn't possible. You knew it from the night they had taken you. Looking into the shadowy eyes of the cowl, before the dart had punctured the tender place below your ear and the drugs entered your system, turning the world dark and dreamless.
You knew. If not the fates, they had decided and that was more than you could fight.
But it was a lot better than it had seemed.
At first, it was a ploy. Trick your captors into believing you're not going to do anything stupid and build repor to get them attached so that they won't do anything too bad to you. Hopefully, gaining their trust enough to plot an escape and succeed.
Just like those movies and true crime TV shows you've seen; comply and wait it out, wait for your chance at freedom.
Your feelings started getting mixed up really soon after. Had you forgotten about what Stockholm Syndrome was or had you been blind to the truth in the first place?
Maybe it really wasn't that bad...
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
An almost comically large sunhat place over top your head, feet propped up on the end of the chair and a cold drink in hand. You didn't even care for the sets of eyes lingering on you, you were used to strange people giving you strange looks as you went about your day in Gotham.
They know this isn't a normal person's reaction and they're worried, most waiting for this little peace to be completely discarded once the shock of the situation passes and you truly understand what has happened. Others are trying to pick apart your phycology to see if maybe, just maybe, something really is different up in that head of yours.
You? Well, you're just sipping on your cool drink before the heat makes the ice melt. You don't want Alfred's signature juice cocktail (non-alcoholic, of course, because you'll probably never be seeing a drop of that in your life again) to get watered down and ruined.
"Are we sure we didn't give then to much of that— um," Tim stalled for a moment, giving your impartial face a once over before deciding the trajectory of his sentence. "—sleeping medicine? Maybe it messed with their nervous system or something?"
"I hate to admit it but I think Drake is onto something here. I mean, who in their right mind would ever submit to this tomfoolery? Willingly being stuck with you all? Father and I, I can understand, but—"
"I never thought you'd ever agree with Tim," Jason grinned, making Damian's face turn sour.
Dick moved behind your seat, leaning down and squishing your face between his hands.
"Nothing's wrong with them!"
You gave a bright, closed eye smile that only served to further concern the man watching from the nearby window.
His butler placed a hand on his shoulder when he gave an exhausted sigh. Although, the makings of a smile did seem to tug at the corners of his lips.
"I'll make another therapy appointment, Master Bruce."
Should he be concerned about your nonchalant appearance or was it just your nature? Has some trauma happened to you previously to make you this way? Was it a trick that he was just having trouble seeing through?
Or was he overthinking this all again? Instead of overthinking it and coming up with more safety measures and plans to keep all the way he envisioned, he should be out there with his kids.
Even if it was just all a trick, there was no way you could manage to outsmart or outrun all six of them.
Bruce shook his head, sitting his drink down on the counter and heading towards the door.
"Don't bother."
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bo0tleg · 5 months
One thing I like about Top Gun (1986) is how believable the development with Ice and Mav's dynamic is.
I've seen a lot of the "Rivals suddenly become buddies after traumatic event together" in media, but I don't think I've seen it done better than in Top Gun. Mostly, I attribute it to how much build up it has.
Most of the time, the 'Rivals' hate each others guts throughout the entire movie/series and then they go through an extremely traumatic event that binds them for life and shifts their entire concept of each other. Ice and Mav never once changed how they saw each other, it just changed their understanding of it.
Ice saw Maverick as dangerous and Mav saw Iceman as stuck-up and commanding. And they weren't wrong, by any means.
From the beginning, they have tension between them because of how different they are. And it ends up in the audience seeing Ice as the 'Antagonist' because that's how Mav sees it, and we're seeing it from his perspective as the protagonist. But Ice was never inherently wrong, in fact he was right.
Other than his first scene, Iceman always has a point in what he's saying. He's criticizing Mav, not insulting him. Sure, he does it in a brash way because masculinity, but he's not trying to insult him, he's trying to knock him down a peg and wake him up to reality. All Ice wants is that he starts to act as a team player, start caring about everybody's safety AND his own, rather than being reckless for the sake of being reckless. But Mav sees it as an insult because he can't process criticism in a healthy way (due to how he grew up). The same thing happened with Charlie, for the record.
And so the strife between the two begins. What I like about it is how it bleeds out of them over time, becoming more settled as the movie goes on. In the locker room "You're dangerous" scene, the tension is palpable. It's obvious they're agitated by each other, and feel the need to prove they're the correct one.
If you pay attention, this whole... demand for superiority goes away as time progresses. They're fine with each other's presence, it's not like they're constantly at each others throat all the time. In the shower scene, Ice dropped all of the aggression and competitiveness from his tone and is instead just laying out what he thinks. He's not undermining Maverick, he's not lecturing him like a child. Iceman is just telling Maverick exactly how he sees the situation in hopes that it would make him realize what the fuck he's doing, but with little hope that it'll actually work.
That doesn't mean Ice is always correct either, he doesn't understand why Mav acts the way he does, thus fails to take into consideration the emotional trauma behind it. Which only causes even more strife.
The entire time, Iceman isn't being a dick for the sake of it, he just wants Mav to stop being stupid (by his standards). And Maverick doesn't understand it because all he gets from what Ice says is insults.
Maverick isn't good at understanding what people mean to say if it's implied, you need to say it to his face. This is the reason he stayed quiet in the shower scene, because Ice finally laid everything out in simple words that he can understand without making it sound like a dick-measuring contest.
Thing is, the tension mellows out. At the beginning, you could see the tension and cut it with a knife. By the middle you can see them getting used to each other without jumping to constantly trade jabs (namely: the volleyball scene, it's just a bunch of guys being dudes, and the scene where Charlie says that Mav flew recklessly in front of the whole class, Ice doesn't comment on it in any way). Over time, they've settled down into their tension without needing to address it all the time.
Then Goose dies.
And the tension between them is still there.
Just because Goose isn't there anymore, doesn't mean their whole dynamic vanishes all of a sudden. You can see their hesitation towards each other (especially Ice), and that's great! It demonstrates that Goose dying doesn't magically resolve their problems with each other in solidarity.
Ice tried to give his consolations to Mav, and is awfully awkward about it. You can see on his face that he wants to say more, but doesn't because he knows it's not his place given their history. And not much is said, but a lot it communicated. (Val Kilmer is a killer actor for this, OH MY FUCKING GOD BLESS THAT MAN)
Even in the graduation scene you can see how out of their depts they really are with each other. A stilted congratulations, that was it. But they're trying, and that's what matters.
A scene I think gets overlooked a lot is the scene right before the Layton, where Ice expressed his worries about Mav to Stinger, and Mav heard him. Because I feel like that was a shift that was more drastic than the Layton itself for them.
What Ice was doing in that scene wasn't doubting Maverick's flying abilities, it was his mental health. Sure, he passed the psych eval, but that means next to jack shit when in a real combat situation so close after his backseater dying. And Ice might be worried that he's gonna be left hanging, but with the way he was speaking I'm more inclined to believe he was more worried about Maverick's wellbeing than himself. Ice almost looked resigned. He knew it was gonna get dismissed because that's the military for you, but he still wanted to try to vouch for Mav to stay groundside, if only to keep his mind at bay.
But Maverick heard him, and as usual, he read it as an insult. He wasn't wrong to assume Ice didn't believe him capable of flying the mission, which wouldn't be a lie, but failed to realize that he had more than one reason to want Maverick on the ground rather than in the air. And for the first time, Maverick believes him.
Up until this point, Mav dismissed all of Ice's so called 'insults' because he was certain in and of himself. But now he isn't anymore.
And it affects his performance in the air. I'm not saying he was as shitty as he was at the start of that combat because of what he overheard, but I am saying that it certainly didn't help matters in the slightest.
So their weird 'stepping-on-eggshells' situation is all over the place by that point. Because they started to care about each other despite not being what one would call proper friends yet. It's establishing a potential friendship by implying that 1. Ice cares about Mav's wellbeing and 2. Mav cares about what Ice thinks.
On the ground, they have the wingman exchange, and their suddenly buddy buddy. Thing is, it wasn't sudden at all.
They've been setting this up the entire fucking movie.
Going back to what I said at the beginning: Ice thinks Mav is dangerous and Mav thinks Ice is stuck-up and controlling. After the Layton, they still think those things because they weren't wrong to begin with. What changed was that instead of seeing it as something that pitted them against each other, it was seen as something that simply was about the other, and that there was no changing it. It could be good.
Mav being dangerous could be good and Ice being stuck-up and controlling could be good, because those were just traits of who they were. By the end of the movie they didn't change how they saw each other, just how they interpreted each other.
And it was built up during the entire fucking movie.
There was a reason to why they acted the way they did with each other because of the stilted interpretation they had of each other. From rivalry to friendship (and perhaps more later down the line), it's glaringly obvious throughout that it wasn't a sudden shift, it was exponential.
That's why I think it was so well developed, because you could see it coming.
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shadowqueenjude · 10 months
The most disturbing things portrayed in ACOTAR
Victim-blaming: Lucien tries to help Feyre and gets physically abused by Tamlin as a result. Feyre then proceeds to call him a dog despite Lucien doing everything he could in a difficult situation. And we're supposed to...support Feyre on this? And Rhysand throws around words like "can never forgive" man stfu you prick.
Sexual Assault: The most disturbing thing is not that Rhysand sexually assaulted Feyre. It's that he's never held accountable for this and never even apologizes at ANY point in the series. There are so many examples but this is the one that is the most disturbing.
Double Standards: We have Tamlin locking Feyre up for her own good being vilified, yet Rhysand is championed for locking Lucien and Nesta up in houses for their own good. Huh? WTF.
War Crimes: What Feyre did to the Spring Court, manipulating the sentries with the whole Ianthe thing and basically getting them killed, then weakening the Spring Court rulership which resulted in all those villagers in the Spring Court getting killed, then laying the Summer Court bare to Hybern as well, are nothing short of war crimes. And...instead of feeling regret, we have the main characters saying "Hybern's actions are their own." Like bitch what? Hybern wouldn't have been able to do shit if it wasn't for you! Have some damn accountability! And the fact that Tamlin and Tarquin are vilified for this never ceases to irk me.
Grooming: Rhysand groomed Feyre. He made excuses for everything he did with trauma, then sent Feyre out to do tasks for him like she's some kind of weapon he can use. WITHOUT giving her proper information, there is no choice. And everything he does is constantly explained away, until eventually Feyre becomes his trophy wife. Rhysand basically assigns Cassian to do the same for Nesta. I'm holding out hope that Elain will be saved from the Night Court.
The pregnancy debacle: the whole thing with the baby having wings and Rhysand withholding information from Feyre is just...disturbing. Idc if you're not telling her FoR hEr OwN gOoD, it is HER life at stake and she deserves to know. They didn't even try to shapeshift her to try and save her life? Like why is everybody seemingly more concerned about the baby than the mother? Disgusting. And why is Nesta vilified for being the only one to tell Feyre? She said it to hurt her, blah blah blah. She also wanted to show Feyre that their situations are similar. That they're BOTH being shit on by the Night Court. And when she's close to a breaking point...Nesta is forced to hike a mountain? That is physical abuse. Also, Rhysand being extremely territorial putting a shield over her and barely letting Feyre go anywhere is beyond weird.
Suicide baiting: What Rhysand did to Tamlin in ACOFAS is nothing short of suicide baiting. And...only Lucien seems to really be that concerned about it? Like...are you telling me I'm supposed to be supporting Rhysand after he basically told a depressed male to kill himself?
Segregation: Separating the Hewn City from Velaris IS segregation, no matter what excuse you try to come up with. You can't claim they're all shitty people, since your bestie Mor comes from the CoN. So, there are good people stuck in the CoN unable to get out of their torment because Rhysand decided that only certain individuals are allowed in Velaris.
Performance Feminism: Establishing laws to help women and not doing shit to enforce them is performance feminism. If he's as powerful as he says, he can 100% stop wing-cutting and r*pe. But, he's a goddamn virtue signaler so he doesn't fucking care. The thing is, SJM could've handled these topics in a much better way and it would've been fine. But she completely fucked shit up here and it's crazy that some people don't see it. Part of me is still waiting for the final book where she says, psych rhysand was the villain the whole time. If so, I'll take everything back.
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sefinaa · 6 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞. 𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤. 𝐌𝐲 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩. 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. 𝐈’𝐦 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦.❞
Are you balanced with your emotions and intuition? (Detailed)
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Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition. I added advice and solutions.
18+ readings @enchantressiren
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Pile 1
I see you questioning if you have intuition or not; you question many things, and you’re a skeptical person. You don’t believe intuition is even a thing, and yet you read intuitive and tarot card readings for fun or to see if they are legit and work with your current life. I see that you are starting to believe it because you’re getting some signs and it is freaking you out. Some supernatural situations are happening to you, and some people mention things you said to others who do not know the person or that you thought about. You are having visions in your dreams as well, and if not, your dreams have signs you see in your waking life. I also see you having great intuition, but you brush it off, and when your intuition is right, it truly freaks you out.
Everyone has intuition or a gut feeling, but it’s our choice if we want to be in tune with it or brush it off. I believe intuition can be a scary thing because we are forced to believe certain things when they're not true. For example, we are taught to believe that psychics or mediums are crazy people; they lie, they’re frauds, and/or they’re out for money. And though some people may be doing it, not all of them. Because society has shaped us into something different, Intuition and gut feelings are unfamiliar and can feel frightening. You don’t need to brush it off, but you should learn to be in tune with it because it can also help you understand your emotions.
I can see that you aren’t inclined with your emotions either; you brush them off as well. I see you focusing on your logical mind the most because that’s how you survived as a child growing up. I see toxic relationships and environments in which you grew up. I see some of you are actually orphans or have grandparents or uncles as guardians. Bad relationships with your parents if you weren’t an orphan. I see most of you struggle with your father figure, and some of you deal/dealt with an alcoholic guardian, but father is what I see the most. Some of you don’t even have a father figure. I also see abusive and sexual abuse.
So with all of these types of traumas, trusting yourself is already hard enough, and now you’re trying to understand whether or not you have psychic abilities or not. I see some of you are actually getting visions of the future, even if it’s those small ones—where you take another path in a hallway and you brush it off as if it’s a daydream or nothing. But an hour later, you actually do it and change the routine.
What my intuition tells me is.. “you must follow your intuition, your gut feelings, and your psychic abilities. The more aligned you are with them, the more powerful you will become and get out of the hellhole or environmental space you are in. We don’t need to be stuck in one place, questioning who we are or if we are good enough. We can rise above it and realize how strong our potential is as people. I’m aware of how strong your psychic abilities are, but are you?”
So to summarize my intuition message, you have a lot of potential to get where you want. That dream life you crave so dearly but don’t know where to start. Sometimes you start, but then you automatically give up, like it’s too challenging. You cannot have the life you want if you aren’t aligned with your emotions, especially your intuition. Our intuition leads us to answers we didn’t think were possible. Of course, second-guessing yourself is bound to happen, but you shouldn't. Trust yourself. I know it is easier said than done, but that’s what I’m hearing. You should trust your intuition, and your emotions. Instead of relying on your logic, when you do that, you will go far in life.
Pile 2
Rocky middle.
I see you’re in tune with your emotions but not your intuition. It’s not that you don’t trust it, per se, it’s more like you mistake your emotions for your intuition and vice versa. Sometimes you have anxiety for no reason; you cannot figure out the reason why. Sometimes you will bite your nail, rip the skin off your nails, pluck your eyelashes, remove a scab, etc. because you cannot tell the difference. Random anxiety without reason, even when you cannot figure it out, is intuition. Your intuition is telling you something, but because you aren’t in tune with it, you don’t understand what’s going on, thus the anxiety.
Anxiety is a silly emotion, not because it's irrelevant, but because it blocks out your intuition perfectly. It is a very sneaky disorder, and sometimes people will get diagnosed with it, but they actually have intuition. And intuition can hide in the form of anxiety. Understood? Anxiety can be intuition, what you think intuition is can be anxiety.
The only way to figure out if it is your emotions or intuition is based on how you perceive things. For example, I am channeling your message for you; all of this is written based on my intuition. But at times, I want to write more channeled messages but cannot because it’s not meant to be and I’m just bored. I can’t work it out, because I base it on my feelings. In that moment, I want to do that because I feel bored. But when I'm bored, the messages are short and miss a lot of details. Whereas, I do it based on my intuition, you get a lot of things in your messages and a detailed one at it to get you on the path you desire.
This example is like your situation right now. You need to figure out how to balance your emotions for certain things and your gut feelings or intuition for others. Intuition for me is, I just know and I go along with it. Emotion, for me, has some doubts about it. You can try it like that or use inspiration from the way I do, but, I do have a message from my intuition. It should help.
“When you talk to the people you like, you start to feel anxious sometimes and zone out from the conversation. Of course, this is unintentional, but they don’t know that. You get lost in your own world when it’s really your anxiety or emotions eating you alive. Remove those thoughts and tell yourself you can control them because you can. You are the creator of your reality. Your intuition is your friend, even though you don’t want to hear things, it is there to help you. Don’t ridicule it and keep it in touch like a friend. You like to socialize at times, so why not do it with yourself? Are you not close to yourself, or do you prefer to surround yourself with others to block out all those messy feelings and emotions eating you alive? Why don’t you try to journal about your feelings, daydream, throw it out of a window, burn it in your daydream, or meditate? It surely should align you with your future goals and make you successful!”
Summary and explanation of my intuition thoughts, sometimes you zone out and you think you’re daydreaming, perhaps it’s to bury your feelings into a bottle, ignore them, or such, but by doing that, you're making it harder to understand your intuition and align yourself with your higher self or future self. Sometimes people get annoyed that you zone out and that they want your attention on them, and sometimes you tell them, but they don’t understand it, so you get frustrated and brush it off to keep the peace of the friendship. Either you feel bad, guilty, or act like you don’t care, but you do. Intuition tells me, “tell them you don’t like it and explain it to them in the way they do understand. If it fails, set a boundary and take social breaks with them. If they do not accept, they are not meant to be in your life.”
When it comes to anxiety eating you alive, change your thoughts into the way you want to be. For example, if you desire to have a positive mindset, change it to that. When a negative thought pops up, instead of ignoring it, suck it up with a vacuum in your mind and change it to “this won’t happen because they truly care about me, and i know it’s true because they always show it.”
Sometimes you hear negative things from your intuition, and you don’t like them, so you brush them off. Don’t. It’s a warning, and you must accustom yourself to it. It is there for your benefit and your benefit only.
I see some of you want to have your own business or be successful, but how can you be if you aren’t aligned with that part of you that wants YOU to succeed? How can you brush it off just because it doesn’t make sense to you per se or because it gives you information you don’t like when you know it’s true? How else did you find this pile and know it was right for you?
You can find techniques that help you learn to balance your spirituality and emotions; you can even talk to yourself if you don’t want to do the things my intuition suggests. All of this is up to you, but take my guidance the way you see fit.
Pile 3
Yes :).
You guys are fully connected to your emotions and your intuition. You guys see your emotions as something to be taken care of, like a fragile antique doll, whereas most people would just push them away and distract themselves, but when you see that happen with other people, you feel bothered. You feel bothered because you take care of your emotions, and you wonder why they don’t. I feel that the majority of you guys had a somewhat great childhood, and the rest of you guys had to pick yourself up, so then you also question why other people aren’t like you. But you must remember that human minds are complicated, and those people are not you; therefore, they don’t have the same luxury as you. It is the same with your intuition. You have come to terms with the fact that intuition is real and that every human being has it, but they must practice for it like you have. I am proud of you guys for coming to terms with intuition because I know that a lot of you struggled to believe in it or that you now trust yourself more than you have before. I’m getting a lot of competitive energy from you guys, but it’s not from other people. It’s with your past self. You want to prove to your past self that you were able to come to terms with both your emotions and your intuition, and you have done that now. So instead of competing with your past self, start to show gratitude to them, because without them, you wouldn’t have been here today with this. I know you guys are very in tune with your emotions, but I do want to point out that you must forgive yourself for your past and show more appreciation to them. I’m just getting this pain in my chest and stomach; it’s a pit feeling, like something is missing. There is something that you have been meaning to do, but you have not done it out of frustration, anger, blame, and fear. And because of this, you are starting to doubt your intuition and emotions because you cannot figure out what this thing is. But the thing is right in front of your face, but you guys have been distracted by wanting to go into the past and fix the situation. Don’t go into the past. Keep moving forward. We do things in our lives because, in that moment, we think it’s the right thing to do, and maybe it was and maybe it wasn’t, but what is done is done. And now you have to come to terms with the fact that it has been done because, let’s say you were to do the other thing you had in mind. How do you know that was the best choice for you? How do you know that it is going to give you what you desire as of now? You don’t know. Now, all you can do is strive forward and enjoy life as it is.
I’m getting some doubts right now about this pile. Some of you guys are wondering why I put yes, as in, you have balanced your intuition and your emotions. Well, my intuition told me you had mastered it to a high degree, but human emotions came into play. If I were to say yes, somewhat, you have mastered your emotions and intuition. I would be lying to you. People have doubts; I have doubts, and I do readings for you guys, but that does not mean I have not mastered my intuition; it just means it takes time to find out the solution to something. And that’s okay. And that’s also okay if you have doubts; it’s normal, and that does not mean you guys have not mastered it. It just means you need to take some time to think about what you were missing or what is a fact about you and to deal with it.
How can I deal with this? Well, my intuition tells me, “the thing you want to deal with is within you. You already know the answer to the outcome, but you push it away out of fear and anger. Anger is there to protect you. It is showing your inner child is hurting. Your fear is there to show you what it is that triggers you. You have guilt in your heart when it’s not necessary. It’s okay to show boundaries; you must accept that. You cannot be everyone’s best friend and make sure that they’re always secure with themselves when you cannot feel that way as of right now. Move along with them. They are not worth your time. If you believe that they will leave your life because you do not speak to them, you must fix your thoughts. You have mastered both your intuition and your emotions. Masters of different forms of art or science doubt their abilities. No one truly knows what the answer is until we get feedback, so why the heck are you doubting yourself? You cannot improve yourself as a person and grow even further, if you doubt yourself. I know the situation right now is very confusing, and you do not know what happened. But listen to it—listen to your intuition and your emotions. You already know the answer. You already figured out the answer, you have it with you, so why are you procrastinating?”
So what my intuition is saying is that fear is what is keeping you away from the solution. Fear can be hard to deal with, but sometimes it is important for us to go after that fear, and let it get away from our hearts. Fear comes in different forms, and right now, for you guys, it’s with your friends or connections that you are becoming attached to. It’s okay to be attached to things; it's human nature. I’m getting the feeling that you guys are feeling embarrassed to be attached to some people in your life because it has never happened for you or because you’re trying to heal from your last relationships. But intuition tells me that these are good people. These people are there to help you grow as a person, and you finally found your people who except you for you. Even when you make mistakes in your life or something embarrassing happens, they genuinely care for you, and that is hard to come by. If the feeling is still there, speak to them about it and explain how you feel, and they will help you with that fear. You know, it truly is okay to realize these people mean a lot to you, and you don’t want to ruin their friendship with your worries, but you’re not going to ruin anything. You’re actually going to make the friendship stronger. I know that sometimes when people have communicated with their friends about their feelings, their relationship has gone sour. But these people are like sweet candy; they look sweet on the outside and are sweet on the inside. You guys are so blessed to have good people in your life, and I am very glad to see so.
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peppermintquartz · 2 months
I may watch Season 8 of 911 but I want the following Tommy things:
Tommy shirtless and often
Tommy and his Evan being touchy feely all the time
Bucktommy fight, followed by Buck stuck in a house fire and Tommy rescuing him (sans firefighter gear because he'd just gone out to cool his head) and Tommy gets a Big Damn Hero moment and an Epic Declaration of Love
Tommy and Eddie shenanigans (bonus if they have to avoid Buck throughout, and at the end Buck is like 'i saw you guys being sneaky and wanted to mess with you')
Tommy and Chimney being saved by the Buckley siblings (somehow, I'm not an expert in these sorta things. Maybe a hostage situation)
Kinard patriarch story arc where we get to see what Tommy had as a kid. Bonus if his Evan explicitly tells the dad that he's a failure of a man and the only thing he did right was leave Tommy alone. Bonus bonus if Tommy ends up crying at some point in this story arc and his Evan comforts him
Proposal arc. Make it funny. Buck has the ring. He loses it. He finds it again. He wants to propose that night. Tommy's called in for an emergency at Harbor. Buck tries again. There's a bee in the bouquet and it stings Tommy who's allergic. They're in the hospital. Buck's now convinced the universe is trying to stop him from proposing. Tommy smiles at him and takes out a ring and gets on one knee in the middle of the hospital. Hospital Beast Kiss Part Deux.
Tommy and Eddie shared army trauma moment. Muay Thai mutual beating up therapy. Short shorts and no shirts, everyone wins
Buck accidentally calls Tommy Daddy where Hen and Chim can hear
The "Do you want kids" discussion
Vegas escapade (they can have a 911 emergency when they're there, no biggie); everyone thinks they're married when they come back but they're actually not. Misunderstandings ensue
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bunnyswritings · 1 year
hi bunny !!! hope you're doing well :D could i request some enemies to lovers prompts? but they're a hero x villain type of dynamic 🩷 thank you if you take this request !
ahhh hello!! thank you sm and i'm so sorry this is so late!! actually i have received quite a few hero x villain type prompts lately so i'll be getting to the rest very soon >_< i hope you like these prompts and feel free to lemme know what else is helpful!! have a great week ♡
Enemies to lovers prompts with hero x villain dynamics
Hero: an extremely sharp and skilled detective with some past trauma is trying to bring down a criminal mastermind who has managed to evade the law for years. Villain: a criminal mastermind and a scheming assassin who has never been caught and always manages to stay one step ahead of the law — or so he thinks — till they meet the hero. Scenario: the detective is hired to track down the assassin, but as they pursue a cat and mouse game with each other, they begin to develop a begrudging respect for the other's skills, and slowly, feelings grow unknowingly.
Hero: a skilled archer who is determined to overthrow an evil king who has taken over a kingdom. Villain: the king's right-hand man, a warrior who is fiercely loyal to him due to a favour he's received in the past. the hero and villain have crossed paths when they were children. Scenario: the hero must outsmart the warrior in order to infiltrate the king's castle and take him down, but the two constantly find themselves in situations where they are stuck in the same hideout, and things escalate from there. (bonus: the villain reveals to the hero that he remembers them from years back, and to the villain's surprise, the hero is actually aware, all this time.)
Hero: a brilliant doctor who gets wind of a rogue scientist who’s about to unleash a deadly pathogen into the world, and risks their life to stop him. Villain: the scientist's mentee, an intellectual but insecure person whom the scientist takes advantage of to do his dirty work. Scenario: the both of them must race against time to stop the scientist's plans before it's too late, but have to overcome their conflicting morals before they finally reach a consensus on their mission.
"You're a villain, a lowlife, a soulless being. Exactly why should I trust you?" "Because I've never lied to you. not once. And because, deep down, you know that we have an irreplaceable connection."
"Never in my wildest dreams... did I expect something like this to happen," "Like what?" "Like— like this— a whirlwind romance in the craziest of situations— that I'd actually meet someone... like you."
"I can't believe I'm actually considering helping a goody-two-shoes like you, but—" "But?" "But... you're not like the others... I guess. You see the world in shades of grey, not black and white."
"I don't want to hurt you— god, I never want to—" "Even if it means not accomplishing your mission?" "Even if it means not accomplishing my mission."
"I can't let you go, not after everything we've been through." "Then don't. Stay with me,"
"You know, you're really the only one who's ever understood me," "Then why do you keep hurting people?" "Because... it's the only way I know how to get what I want— but perhaps now I don't need to... with you here now. You are everything I need."
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desultory-novice · 7 months
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[Trimming for length...!]
...Mechalor Anon, how dare you take my attempts to give them a vaguely implied happy ending and convince me (challenge level: super easy) to turn this into something Truly Horrific... ANYWAY!
Snowflake!Noir and Adeleine, aka...**** ****...
Adeleine, as always, takes up art. She's more unsure of herself, so she's been experimenting with different crafts, trying to find the one that fits...whoever she is now. Noir waits tables at Kawasaki's while learning how to cook from him. He's stuck with his collar but the encroachment seemingly stopped with 02's defeat so...that's good.
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[This timeline MUST have a Happy Ending. See? They're even smiling!]
They have a home at Castle Dedede when they're not out...enjo... sorry ENJOYING!! Dream Land; the soft cuddle bear penguin king unable to NOT care about these two in every reality, apparently ^^
Overall, they're not fine. All that shock and trauma in rapid succession, followed by being in communion with a dark power, letting it gently infuse their souls for decades to help escape their awful waking life, only to be very psychically available as it was destroyed and then waking up in a perfectly ALIEN situation that only pushes the two of them closer together is totally not fine though!
Today was another good day...
[Warning: horror, body horror, original attempt at biblically accurate Kirby last boss, semi-realistic eyes, no salvation, character death]
:Adeleine smiles wide, hopping onto the large bed where Noir sits:
Adeleine: "Ready?"
Noir: "Only if you're ready to lose two bucks."
Adeleine: "No way! Today was a good day! It's going to work!"
:Adeleine gears up to pry at Noir's collar, trying to break or otherwise remove it from him. It still refuses to budge:
Adeleine: "...Nghhhhhhh!"
:Noir wryly shakes his head:
Noir: "Ready to call it quits?"
Adeleine: "...Noir, are you sure you didn't accidentally glue this thing to you and you've been too embarrassed to tell me the truth?"
Noir: "Says the girl who sewed the shirt she was wearing TO my apron when I asked you to fix the ties on it for me. I didn't know you hated being apart from me that much, Adeleine!"
Adeleine: "No~ir!!"
Noir: "Anyway, no, I didn't and that's two bucks you owe me."
Adeleine: "...I don't have any money. They don't even use it here. Why do you keep betting me? What would you buy, anyway?"
:Noir replies with mock seriousness:
Noir: "...Chiropractic work for all the neck damage you've given me trying this thing every single day."
:She pouts before finally letting a little laugh slip through:
"...Adeleine, listen, it's okay. You don't need to worry about me..."
Adeleine: "It's not okay though! Dark Matter's supposed to be all gone now. Everyone said so. So...why aren't you better, Noir...?"
:A faltering smile to match her growing sadness:
:Keep lying to your sister, boy. You're an expert by now:
Noir: "...I am better. We're both better. Right...?"
"I mean, isn't this place a lot better than home? You're out there painting and sculpting and sewing and building and who knows what else and I'm...making less guests sick at Kawasaki's every day!"
:He laughs a hollow laugh. She doesn't laugh with this time:
"...Just cause this stupid thing is still stuck to me doesn't actually MEAN anything. It's just a boring hunk of metal. Nothing more."
:It doesn't still whisper to him. A thousand lost souls crying out to be one again:
:She crawls into his lap:
Adeleine: "Still...I'm...scared, Noir. I'm scared for us. Nothing feels right anymore... What if, the next time I go to sleep...I wake up someplace new again? What if...it's someplace without you...?"
:He hugs her tight, their shivering bodies fitting together perfectly:
:Why do you shiver, children? It is not cold here. It is too warm:
Noir: "C'mon, snowflake girl. That's not gonna happen anymore. We've stuck together so far and we're going to keep sticking. Right?"
"...And anyway, today was a good day. You said it yourself."
Adeleine: "Yeah..."
Noir: "We just have to keep having good days. Don't let the little things get to us. We've still got each other. ...We can do this..."
:Back to sleep. In sleep, we are safe. Only in sleep. Though... ...They ask us to wake up here They worry when we do not wake up:
:Outside the door to their room:
Meta: "...Your majesty."
Dedede: "Whaa?! It's not what it looks like!!"
Meta: "I have no idea what you're implying."
Dedede: "So, uh, what brings ya here, Meta Knight?"
Meta: "The same reason as you, I would suspect. To check on the status of our guests from Shiver Star. How are they?"
:Dedede points inside, where the two siblings sleep cradled in each other's arms, akin to how they were found. Though, it's a little uncanny to see them continue to sleep that way:
Dedede: "See for yourself. Sleepin' peacefully. At least, I hope so..."
:A bit of worry makes its way onto his face:
"...Adeleine's right, Meta. We beat Dark Matter. Twice. Hell, maybe more! Sure, we've had a host of problems since then but Noir's..."
Meta: "Do you believe that, my liege? That we have defeated it?"
Dedede: "What do you mean by that?"
Meta: "...When you look at those siblings, what do you see?"
:Dedede looks back inside the room:
Dedede: "I see two kids. Quiet. Respectful. Scared of trouble but they don't cause any. They mostly stick to each other but I seem 'em out there slowly trying to make friends with the others..."
Meta: "...You are a good man, my liege."
:Dedede balks and puffs up his chest:
Dedede: "That's 'Great' and get it right!"
Meta: "......Then I take it back."
Dedede: "Hey!"
:Meta fixes him with a fierce, burning gaze:
Meta: "Look at them again, sire. Not with your eyes."
Dedede: "......"
:Dedede can see it, their matter is locked in a twisted spiral, Soul and Dark feeding each other, tightly intertwined, and growing still:
Meta: "Do you see it?"
Dedede: "...No. I don't see nuthin'."
:Dedede turns away:
"And before you ask me to look again, I don't WANT to see it. They're just two kids, Meta! Just two small kids! They haven't hurt nobody!"
Meta: "...In the beginning, it was just the boy. He was sick with Dark Matter. I didn't know how he was still alive. He could have easily been a threat to the kingdom and not just because of that sword."
:Meta shuts his eyes, regretting his lapse:
"I...had hoped the presence of his sister could alleviate that some. But Dark Matter is not so easily tamed. It has grown fast, feeding off the two of them. It is already more than twice what a normal member of their species should be able to handle without being consumed."
Dedede: "...Right. That doesn't sound good. How do we stop it?"
:He sees Meta Knight's expression and rephrases:
"...How do we save 'em, Meta?"
Meta: "I believe, my liege..."
:His lowered eyes go to Galaxia's handle:
"...the answer will depend on your definition of 'save'..."
Meta Knight's words hung heavy on him.
King Dedede shut his eyes and decided to continue along as if it was nothing. Just...keep making the place as comfortable for the two as he could. Maybe the knight was wrong? Maybe it wasn't too late?
It wasn't long after that. The trigger was something forgettably small, as simple as a thoughtless suggestion or an accident; one of them gets hurt, bleeds a little, maybe. It only needs to be one of them, so inextricably are they linked that the resonance of the other's echoed pain races across Popstar like a sonic boom. Dark clouds swirl in, covering the whole planet, blocking out the star's brilliant light.
King Dedede rushes out. He doesn't want to know-without-question what is the cause this time. He wants it to be something unknown. A new invader; not his familiar tormentor, the foe he knows so well.
But he knows exactly what it is because he is already mouthing the words to a waiting Meta Knight. "The kids! Where are they...?!"
"Look up..."
It is a cruel joke to him. Always, Dark Matter had a way of getting inside him. But every time, it had been his body. Never had it succeeded at invading his heart.
He wishes this one would take his body.
...Take me instead...
But the two violet eyes are not looking at him. They arc laterally with rapid movements, back and forth, back and forth, stretching to the edge of their vision, looking for their other half they know to be there, felt through the comforting grip of tightly twined fingers and hinted at in the reflection of wings like the points of a snowflake...
" " yI at kH Ou er Bt ls lN 'o ti Ir " " | " " Dt ol nu ta LF ey aM vl el MA es Ai ls oi nh eT " " | " "It Ji um sm ta WD ad no tG Tp oU Ds rU ee ak ma FW ou ro FY od ri eD vy eh rW" " | " "Hr ee lH pe Hv ia mS" "
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"...Give them back..."
" " ...eK di en dg eD De gd ne id Ke... " "
...He will not get them back...
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ZERO THREE's dialogue reads:
"It Hurts Noir / It'll Be Okay" | "Don't Leave Me Alone / This Is All My Fault" | "I Just Want To Dream For Forever / Why Did You Wake Us Up Godammit" | "Help Him / Save Her"
...The last one you can probably guess...
Mechalor Anon's full post below. Sorry I took the worst possible ending choice you offered and SOMEHOW MADE IT WORSE!
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Noirs Saved: 2 (Gijinka, AU AU) Noirs Failed: 1 (Snowflakes)
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cherryblossomforest · 26 days
After a 4-hour video call, I'm feeling better. It still feels like my brain is in a vacuum and I'm being pulled away, but I'm not as scared and I can hold on to the front a little bit longer I think. I'm also not as confused. Not as avoidant. Just being able to show up as my dissociated self means so much. Normally I can't visibly be "myself" to anyone. I can't show up with my brain completely in the void so dissociated that I can barely form a sentence. So thank you so much @hersheythecure for holding that space for me once again. Talking and hearing your voice was so grounding and being able to actually discuss topics I keep hidden helps get it all out and I can see the bigger picture. Thank you for the opportunity to talk as much or as little as I feel comfortable at that moment. Thank you for accepting my however I show up. I love you 🫶🏿
One thing that stuck with me that I actually want to discuss - without actually talking about it - was my view on my reaction to something. I saw it more as something being wrong with me like I was wrong and broken. When in reality it's just trauma and my brain is stuck in a cycle. My nervous system is all messed up from the amount of trauma I've been through. I've been desperately trying to figure things out but Hershey reminded me that I actually don't need to know right now because right now isn't the time. My brain obviously isn’t ready and that's okay. Right now I need to focus on stabilising as well as I can and working on building relationships with my parts. Something I've been so avoidant of that it got to a point where I unconsciously cut myself off from everyone. I can't hear anyone still.
It doesn't stop the situation being hell but it's kinda helped me see the bigger picture a bit more while being gently reminded to work with parts and not ignore them. Do not try and stuff them down and do not act like they're not there. It doesn't help. I knew this and I've been told this but being gently reminded and hearing someone else's voice remind me was so grounding. I didn't realise how much I needed that. To hear someone else's voice give me words of affirmation one after the other felt so lovely even when I still couldn't think straight. Sometimes my voice isn't enough and I don't have anyone irl to hear this from. So tonight was so needed. Sometimes I just need to hear someone else's voice encouraging me and reminding me of all the good things because it grounds me to the present.
Whilst this doesn't stop things from happening, it does help me look at things from a different perspective. I can look at the bigger picture instead of the small details. This helps and tomorrow feels brighter.
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elliepassmore · 1 month
Rebel Witch review
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5/5 stars Recommended if you like: fantasy, witchy reads, enemies to lovers, dual POV
Heartless Hunter review
Big thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!
This was one of my most anticipated sequels of 2025 and it did not disappoint! For those like me who were worried about where (and with whom) Rune ended Heartless Hunter with, have no fear: she is perfectly aware it's a problem and has no plans to really stick around. That was honestly my biggest issue with book 1, so I'm glad Ciccarelli had a solution for it.
Gideon and Rune are once more on opposite sides, but now they have the added complication of their feelings for each other. Falling for Rune made a fool of Gideon, even if he turned her in in the end, and falling for Gideon nearly got Rune killed and did get someone killed. The two are a big bundle of conflicting emotions in this one, though Rune seems more willing to let things slide than Gideon does (to be fair, Gideon also thinks Rune wants to be with Cressida). Only one of them knows the full story.
I liked that Ciccarelli started the book with Rune and Gideon about to meet again after weeks/months apart rather than starting it with them separated and part of the plot being them finding each other again. Enemies to lovers works best when they're in proximity, and in proximity they are. That's not to say they get along though. The 'enemies' are back in full force, with Gideon being particularly prickly and ready to double-cross Rune the second he gets the chance. Despite that, the two are still familiar enough with each other that they work quite well together and are mostly able to scheme a way out of trouble.
With the Blood Guard still in charge and Cressida gathering an army, politics naturally comes into the conversation. The Blood Guard is clearly bad, indiscriminately torturing and killing witches simply for being witches. On the other hand, Cressida presided over a reign of terror with her sisters, allowing and even participating in the torturing and killing of non-magical people. So...both sides are bad, but at this point there's no alternate solution. I was definitely interested in reading Rune and Gideon talk their perspectives out since they both make valid points but also don't see a non-extremist solution. Other people join in on this conversation as well and I liked seeing what other characters had to say about things. In the end, I think they come up with a good solution that works for everyone.
Rune is stuck between a rock and a hard place when the book opens. She greatly dislikes Cressida, but she can't go home and she still wants to see witches free. She does get out of the situation, but is in deep trouble with Cressida as a result of it, leaving her with two enemies at her back. Rune definitely goes on a personal journey in this book, trying to stay true to what she wants while also remaining free and dealing with the trauma that is Cressida Roseblood (and Alex's death). She has some low points, but her loyalty to the people she loves as well as to witches as a whole is able to bring her around.
Gideon is back to being fully against witches (although admittedly I don't know if that ever stopped). He's on thin ice with the Blood Guard, so he's determined to prove that Rune isn't a weakness where he's concerned. She is obviously, so Gideon has to juggle keeping her safe while also steering clear of the Blood Guard and trying to figure out where his loyalties lie and what he really believes. I have to say, Gideon really comes through in this one. He fought in the Revolution because it was the right thing to do and he continued to be in the Blood Guard because he thought it was right. This can very easily lead to a rigid character who sticks to his guns even when proven wrong, but Ciccarelli wrote Gideon to be moral, not necessarily loyal. As evidence mounts that neither side is entirely correct, Gideon is able to shift his perspective and comes to understand that there's good and bad on both sides. I really liked seeing this shift in him and seeing him put his brain power and experience behind a new solution that benefits everyone.
We meet some new characters as well as some old ones. Harrow is back and we get to learn a little more about her background. I enjoyed her character and do wish we got to know her a little better since she's still pretty closed off. Laila is also back and I liked seeing her camaraderie with Gideon. She definitely doesn't understand his actions always, but she's loyal to him and trusts that he at least somewhat knows what he's doing. Seraphine is back as well and we get to learn more about the older witch as well as her relationship with Rune's grandmother. Seraphine definitely has some surprises up her sleeve and she proves to be a good ally.
Bart and Antonio are two new characters. Rune and Bart used to run in the same circles before things blew up in Heartless Hunter, and it seems Rune wasn't the only one keeping secrets. Bart ends up being much more serious and down-to-earth than Rune thought, his socialite persona just as fake as Rune's was. Antonio is Bart's lover as well as an ex-acolyte for the Cult of the Ancients. He's not a witch, but is just as much at risk as Rune is if anyone finds out. I really liked the dynamic between the four of them and wish we got more page time to see a deeper friendship develop (maybe a novella?).
Overall I greatly enjoyed this book and think it's the perfect sequel to Heartless Hunter. I wish it were longer, but that's only because I want to stay in this world for a longer period of time.
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asmo-ds · 2 years
(Sorry for sending an ask when you aren't open, you said it was okay but I still feel bad. Also trigger warning for implied past assault)
How do you headcanon the demon brothers would react if Mammon told MC about the situation with the witches (where it was implied they assulted him) and then MC absolutely exploads on all of the brothers for having joked about it. Like so angry that they're pulling out all the stops and protecting Mammon like a guard dog
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MC Yells at the Brothers for Not Protecting Mammon
TW: Past SA, yelling, swearing, guilt, self hate, insecurities
Description: When Mammon confides in MC about his past assault from the witches and his brothers' responses to the situation, MC loses their mind and goes off on all the brothers, causing them to rethink their behavior
a/n: I haven't written since that last fic i posted a very long time ago so I might be rusty, but since i recently started playing again I wanted to try and do some writing for you guys that stuck around, thank you for being patient <3
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When MC comes storming out of the room they and Mammon were hanging out in Lucifer is shocked to see the slam the door
As he is about to scold them for not being careful in a house that does not belong to them they suddenly point to him and say “Go sit in the dining room and wait for your other brothers.”
Due to his pact he is forced to the table, sitting in stunned silence for his brothers to arrive.
One by one they enter the dining room, all looking around with worry
Once everyone but Mammon had sat down around the table, MC began speaking
“You all knew about what the Witches did to him. You all KNEW they had hurt him. Yet you find it amusing and laugh about the situation. Your brother is in pain and yet you mock that pain,” they continue on, exploding and ranting about how they could have protected him, or at the very least, comforted him after his assault
The brother look around guiltily at each other, except for Lucifer who keeps his head hung low
He searches for a way to justify his behavior, but as MC continues to point out more and more errors in his ways, he cannot seem to find anything.
Why didn't he protect his brother? That was his duty.
After MC had stormed out of the dining room and back to Mammon he remained still, his mind racing, guilt building up over just how badly his behavior had hurt his little brother
Mammon had  fought alongside Lucifer through every battle, sure he was annoying and often caused damage to Lucifer’s credit score, but that didn’t matter, what mattered was the way he failed to fight for Mammon, the same way the younger had done for him for thousands of years.
As soon as he returned to his office, he got to work, recalling every name that he could recall being mentioned in Mammon’s story, finding their whereabouts, making documents of the incident to send to Diavolo to properly handle the situation and try and make things at least a little bit right.
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He confided in MC, he wasn't sure if it was the emotional vulnerability he somehow felt around the human or the demonus they had been sipping on in his room
He told them about his traumatic event, recounting every detail and the way he was treated by his brothers afterward and how hard it was to watch them laugh at his situation like that.
When he looked up from his lap he saw MC’s eyes were filled with rage and he regretted telling them, thinking they were mad at him for trauma dumping without permission
He began to apologize but they put a hand on his shoulder, raising the other to his cheek, cradling the somehow fragile demon lord in front of them
“It’s going to be okay, I need to do something very quickly but I will be right back and we can do whatever you need to be comforted right now,” they said, storming out the door. 
He waited a few minutes before going to look for them, hearing their loud voice coming from the dining room
He hid behind the door frame and listened to their words, the way they defended him and called out the bad behavior and treatment he had received in response from his brothers
He felt guilty for getting his brothers scolded at- but damn did it feel good to see someone love him so much that they'd scream at a group of the 6 most powerful demons in the Devildom.
When he sensed MC was finishing up, he scurried back to his room, a sad yet fond smile on his face- someone cared, and it felt so good
MC returned to his room, quickly wrapping their arms around his neck and kissing his cheek
“You’re safe now, I won't let anyone hurt you again”
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Leviathan was peacefully playing games in his room, when there was loud banging on his door, startling him and causing his character to die
He groans and makes his way to the door, “Password?” he loudly asks
“None of that shit, get in the dining room, NOW,” MC hisses back, their words dripping with venom
He shivers, knowing things couldn’t be good if MC was using their pact to force him into a different area
He unwillingly makes his way to the Dining room, where he sees Lucifer sat, also with a bewildered look on his face
He feels like he may throw up, the vibes MC gave off in their short meeting before were causing him great anxiety
He felt his hands grow sweaty as he fidgeted, watching his brothers make their way to the room one by one
As MC began speaking he felt his heart sink
Throughout their speech his heart sunk lower and lower, guilt eating at him as he thought about how it would feel if he were in Mammon’s shoes
He felt tears filling his eyes and his cheeks burning red, he was embarrassed and guilty over his treatment of Mammon, even if he stole his stuff sometimes
He knew he shouldn’t have been so mean when the actual event happened, but making fun of Mammon had become such second nature that he couldn’t help it
But he should’ve done more
The second MC leaves he runs back to his room, shutting the door, locking it, and turning off his lights, clumsily making his way to his bed
He laid there crying and trying to think of ways he could repair all of the damage he’d done
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Satan could sense an angry force coming quickly towards his room, closing his book he ran to his door, ready to open it when MC would arrive
He smiled- thinking Mammon had somehow enraged the human and now they were coming to him to let off some steam since he was the avatar of wrath and knew how to handle anger properly
Before they could even knock he swung open the door, smiling politely at MC, only to be met with an icy cold glare
As they commanded him he made his way to the kitchen, confused and worried about the human
Had Mammon pissed them off so bad they were going to announce their early departure from the Devildom?
He saw all his brothers fidgeting and exchanging worried glances
What worried him most was how quiet and submissive Lucifer was acting- it wasn’t normal and he knew that it must mean bad news
MC arrived and he sighed, glad he’d finally get to know what had spiked their anger levels so high
They spoke and his blood ran cold with every word
He let their words sink in, keeping his composure on the outside but raging on the inside
His initial reaction was to be mad at both MC and Mammon, Mammon for tattling on their bad behavior and MC for daring to speak to them in such a way
After storming back to his room though he truly realized what had just happened
He realized he hurt the brother who raised him
Someone who always protected Satan when he was weaker and younger
He felt like his soul had been crushed, finding comfort in sad stories for the rest of the night, unable to focus on the words
His main focus was finding those piece of shit witches and introducing them to his torture chamber
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Asmo was doing his skincare routine when the sharp knocks came on his door
He skipped to the door happily smiling at MC
“MC! Did you finally ditch Mammon to come spend the night with me~” He squealed happily
“Go to the dining room and wait with your brothers
His happiness immediately disappeared as they used the pact on him, shocked by the sheer power of their pact and the venom in their voice
He sat at the table, still in shock, and turned to his brothers, whispering to them about what could be happening and asking if anyone knew anything
As MC entered the room he looked at them with terror in his eyes, their body trembling with rage and more power leaking off of them than he had ever seen from any human besides Solomon
As they began to speak and tell the brothers why they were so angry he felt as if time stopped
Asmodeus had dealt with enough SA stories from close friends and witnessed and saved many people from SA
So when he had initially heard his brother’s story he was shocked it had happened
He hadn’t made fun of Mammon, he just stayed quiet and didn’t address the problem- an action he deeply regretted
He was just so distraught at the time, he had stopped so many SAs and comforted people who had been SA’d so why couldn’t he do that for his dear older brother?
Was it harder to accept because he had such a deep connection with the person it had happened to? He wasn’t sure
As MC left the room, he slowly made his way to his own
He took off his face mask, deciding to end his routine halfway through
Instead he curled up on his bed, staring at absolutely nothing and unable to clearly understand his thoughts
At some point he felt himself crying but he felt so depressed over the situation he couldn’t fully process it
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In the kitchen, he had been eating away at the food that filled their fridge, ensuring it would be empty by the time the clock struck midnight
He hears many footsteps entering the dining room, confused as they had all eaten dinner as a family earlier in the night
One of the footsteps grew louder, approaching the kitchen and he hurriedly tried to hide the scraps of food he’d already eaten in the fridge
He saw MC and smiled- but immediately it faded as he saw the look in their eyes
“Sit in the Dining room and wait,” they didn’t even use the pact on him, knowing Beel wouldn’t put up a fight
He walked to the dining room and sat down next to his brothers, listening to Asmo ask what could be wrong and only offering a weak shrug in response
Calmly he also tried to think of what they all could’ve done wrong
MC strode into the room with wrath filling every inch of their small human frame, power oozing off of them
He shivers and listens to MC as they speak
His hunger seems to vanish and be replaced by his guilt
He guiltily looks down at his lap
Mammon fought for Lilith, he fought literal GOD for his family, and when he needed a shoulder to lean on or someone to fight for HIM.. Beel just did nothing
He retreated to his room, letting his stomach growl for hours as he paces the room, plotting on how he could fix the bond he’s broken
He asks his brothers if any of them had located the witch who hurt Mammon, knowing they surely must be thinking the same thing
He decided he would not eat the night before they go after the witch, knowing he wouldn’t want to fill up before he made a meal of them
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Surprise surprise… this bitch is sleeping when MC is making their rounds
MC opens the door to the twins’ room and finds him sleeping soundly
They walk over to the bed, shaking the demon harshly, hardly being able to wake him
They pull him until he falls off the bed, effectively waking him up
He grumpily looks up at the enraged human and glares, “Why are you waking me up?” 
They tell him to go to the dining room but he simply climbs back onto his bed, about to pull the covers over himself, when he feels the human grab him by the back of his shirt and begin to drag him out of the room, their strength coming purely from the anger they felt towards the demon
He struggled at first but eventually opted to let them drag him there
Once he was sat at the table MC began to speak
He was listening sleepily at first, but as they got more and more into how disgusted they were with the brothers, Belphie woke up, starting to feel disgusted by himself as well
After MC leaves he retreats to the attic, trying to sleep once again but not being able to with how many of his thoughts were racing
Mammon had never treated Belphie badly besides stealing a few things every now and then, but Belphie treated Mammon like a punching bag and it wasn’t fair
As he thought about his disgusting behavior he thought of every other disgusting thing he’d done up until that point
He was left laying on the bed in the attic, unfortunately awake and drowning in self-hatred
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moku-youbi · 2 months
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in klive context (especially with your find your way home series in mind)
ahahaha. Gonna admit this is tough on me, because I DO ship Five/Lila, and I have basically from the moment she showed up...but any time I try to think of scenarios for potential fic, my brain just NOPES out because Klive is OTP, and I can't stand the thought of Five without his Klaus. (which is why I eventually was like okay, Klaus/Five/Lila...and then because I felt sad leaving Diego out, and because I ship Klaus/Diego and Five/Diego, my brain went WHY NOT ALL FOUR?!)
Let's be clear about a few things though! If this were an established Klive scenario, Five wouldn't have stopped for a second. He probably would've died pretty fast if not for Lila forcing a slowdown, because he would not pause to eat or sleep or drink and he'd get sloppy and delirious fast. This is supposing he'd end up on that subway without Klaus in the first place, though, which would have *never* happened. He wouldn't have allowed Klaus to get shot, or to run off to who knows where in the middle of an emergency situation, and he wouldn't feel the need to distract Klaus or pass him off to Ribbons the Babysitter. They'd be glued at the hip, so you'd either get all three of them on the subway, or just Klive. (to be clear, if it was all 3 of them, I'm totally down with ot3. Klaus would be such a great buffer in there, being so gentle with them both, comforting them, caring for them *le sigh* If Blackman was going to piss everyone off anyway, why not go for broke with incest 3way lmao! Then you could also do away with the AWFUL pointless Klaus storyline full of unnecessary trauma). All that being said, if he'd been in an established relationship with Klaus and somehow they HADN'T been together in the subway? Yeah, never in a million years would he have cheated on Klaus.
I think for me, the disconnect is that he wants to stay there with her, not that he falls in love with her. I don't have trouble believing that. They're already so alike and there's clear affection and a spark of chemistry there. And I think a lot of people miss that 1.) he'd already 'broken up with' Delores in s1 when he returns her to the store and 2.) he's stuck in another apocalypse scenario, and we know his coping mechanisms. + 3.) she was in an unhappy and unfulfilling marriage and 4.) her aggressive positivity and not speaking about her children is *her* coping mechanism. My poly-minded brain is okay with this. He can love her and Klaus and Delores and whoever. She can love him and Diego and whoever.
And I can even see him needing a break. That's what he told Klaus he wanted in s3 after all. He had a few year's downtime, and then suddenly gets put back in this nightmare situation with no end in sight. He's 70. He's tired of just running and fighting *constantly* It makes sense to want to go someplace safe and comfortable and take a breath.
For me the part that doesn't work is as soon as he finds the book. Like it just doesn't work for his character no matter what. I can see him taking a couple of days to come to terms with the fact he's going to lose Lila, but I don't see it lasting *months* That's where the Klive shipper (and Hargreeves OTSiblings) in me is all hell naw! Not only is it unbelievable that he'd abandon his siblings to the apocalypse (like, sure, wanting to get away from the endless chain of end of the world scenarios, fine, but he'd go bring his family BACK with them, then), but we saw with Delores that he let her go because he knew it was what was right and what she needed. He would *never* keep Lila from her children 5 months longer out of selfishness, knowing her anguish over being apart from them for so long, no matter how much he loves her. In fact, it's because he loves her so much that he wouldn't.
And that's what it comes down to, a fundamental misunderstanding of how Five loves, from the writers. It's an interesting blend of selfishness and selflessness, but no matter the cost to him personally, he'll do what is best for his loved ones.
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rabbivole · 4 months
things i have learned from listening to the EMS feed:
elevators get stuck way more often than you might think
a surprising number of people per day require 'rope rescue'. i cannot figure out what this is. i mean obviously it's like, what it says on the tin, i just don't know what situation calls for it. let alone this often
Scenes of Violence is a really unfortunately funny term to use for 'someone injured by some kind of weapon, generally knife or gun'. did not expect it to be that specific. i always assumed it was just 'some wild shit is going down at that one mcdonalds, look out'
there was a radioactive hazmat response yesterday in a warehouse downtown. ????
i now unfortunately know more about triage color coding than i used to
you really really don't want to have half of the response units desperately trying to figure out how the fuck to even get to the patient. some guy... fell in the bay down by the pier? (unclear. bizarre situation) and just about everybody except FIREBOAT1 spent half an hour figuring out how to get to them from the road. FIREBOAT2 radioed in to ask 'this has been downgraded to medic response, yes?' and the dispatcher was like 'correct, patient has been removed from the water, return to service' and then thirty seconds later said 'apparently the patient fell back in. upgrading back to water rescue.'
the trauma unit is never responding. nobody can ever page the trauma unit. after 20 minutes someone will come in like 'can you page the trauma unit again? they're still not here' and then the dispatcher will sigh and say 'they're not responding to pages; i'll call.' what is going on with the trauma team
30% of calls are '[60-90] year old [female/male], fall, head injury.' another 30% of calls are '[25-50] year old male, [suspected] overdose.' seriously there's like an OD an hour sometimes. and for half of them they note that SPD is already on-scene. why. what is SPD going to do other than stand around and oink
dispatchers must have vastly better audio processing than i do, because jesus i cannot make out what the fuck people are saying at this bitrate
favorite call was either 'caller will lead you to a 23 year old female. ...fell off a scooter. minor lacerations.' or the Illegal Burn call where the responder asked for more information and the dispatcher just kind of sighed and said 'well, there's... a guy lighting things on fire...'
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inf1nyxw0rlds · 4 months
ouuugh thinking about runaways au again... maybe i will tell the rest of you about runaways.
in regards to prev rb, i have a hc that shadow has multiple safehouses in various secluded locations that nobody knows about except for him – rouge and omega included. his experiences with GUN never left him; they killed maria, and when he emerged from stasis in a foreign world they hunted him. he's stuck under their thumb (or, so he thinks. more on that later) as they want to keep him under control, but while they aren't trying to lock him up or experiment on him right now, he can never rule out the possibility and they still treat him as a lesser being while simultaneously praising his ultimate status. he doesn't trust them, and his justified concerns that things could go south anytime are what prompt him to discreetly make sure he has somewhere to escape to should the situation call for it.
he's scared. he feels trapped. he will not say either of these things. shadow will tell you, and at times, yeah, he'll show you that he does what he wants, but the trauma and inherent, programmed "do as you're told" instinct remains, too. why doesn't he leave, if he's the ultimate lifeform?
he's keeping an eye on them, he would say, and it isn't entirely a lie, just not the full truth either. he also has just... resigned himself, almost. he wants out, but out would mean being hunted again, out would make him vulnerable, out is... frightening. because, sure, death to all who oppose me sounds cool on paper – but he doesn't want to go through that again. why make his life harder? he pushes back where he can, shadow doesn't take shit, but he's also stuck in a big power play situation where unfortunately full "freedom" would actually be more limiting.
so. then we get infinite. war criminal, tyrant, world's most hated. secured by GUN and sentenced to imprisonment for his crimes. but it doesn't stop there, of course. it reeks bad news from the moment he's captured. it's about justice, sure, shadow thinks. totally just justice, and not the all powerful rock in his chest. naturally, they don't just want to subdue infinite, they want to run experiments, and take the ruby for themselves.
unfortunately for them, they can't get it out; it's fused to him with an unbreakable force, and they're left with several options... try and shape him into another living weapon, using him to utilise the ruby by extension, kill him in hopes that breaks the connection, or cut their losses and continue with other research.
option one is a bust. infinite is far more resistant and deemed far more dangerous than shadow as a result. he won't cooperate, he can't be properly controlled. they decide to get as much information out of him, verbally or via tests, as possible before considering executing him. it's mostly the tests that yield result. infinite's not much of a talker.
he's outfitted in power restricting cuffs and a shock collar intended to zap him if he tries to activate them despite a lack of effect, or in any instance where he lashes out physically. a warning, a threat, like training a dog. it doesn't stay that way. shadow walks by some soldiers having a laugh in the hall, and they're talking about infinite; about how funny it is when they rile him up, or how he jumps when he's zapped, how defeated he looks, how he deserves this. it's disgusting and alarming and however he feels about infinite, something in him urges him to do something about it.
he could go to the commander. he could report that the guards have been abusing their power. but would he listen? would he care? he may not know about this, but he had to given the go ahead for the experiments and the collar and who knows what else. he's beginning to feel rather sick. this could have been him. maybe rouge could keep watch on the guards, but she has other assignments.
things don't get better. and, maybe, shadow has lost his mind – but he can't just pretend he knows nothing, do nothing. so he finds his way to infinite's holding chamber. no windows, just the flicker of a flourescent light illuminating his form; malnourished and slouched, a picture of exhaustion. still, his eyes sharpen when he raises his head. the first thing out of his mouth is a low snarl, tail lashing, and a word spat through sharp teeth: "you."
his aggression doesn't phase shadow much. he expected it.
"finally decided to send in the executioner, did they? or are you just paying me a visit? want in on the action?" he hisses.
shadow doesn't waste his time with unpleasantries.
it's a stupid thing, freeing infinite; an incredibly stupid, impulsive, reckless thing. the jackal seems to be grappling with his disbelief and distrust, but the collar is pried from his neck just as the alarms start to blare. he makes quick work of the restrictors, as well, after a moment's hesitation. and after barking at infinite to move it, jolting him out of his shock, they run to the sound of angry shouts and screeching sirens. he isn't afraid.
they make it, barely. infinite is in terrible shape, collapsing to the ground as he coughs and wheezes, gasping for air. his fur is tangled and dirty, bones prominent, in no position to be exerting himself. shadow is, under his own shock, a little impressed.
he just let infinite loose. he let infinite escape, helped him escape. he aided a terrorist. there's no way GUN would let this go unpunished, infinite is still infinite, unpredictable and probably even more hateful of the world than he was before. the jackal pulls him from his spiralling thoughts, with a raspy "why?" and he looks at him again, beaten down and shaking with adrenaline. infinite may be infinite, but he's barely capable of standing right now. he can shelve that particular concern for a little while.
"what they were doing to you was wrong. i wouldn't wish it on anyone. even you."
infinite casts his eyes at the ground. it feels like such a ridiculous justification when he says it aloud.
they both understand that they need to stick together; infinite can't hold his own (something that infuriates him), and if he gets caught, this is all for nothing but severe punishments for them both. they're both wanted, now, and they're better off as a combined force, even though fighting is not on the table. infinite hates running, and shadow isn't keen on reliving this nightmare, but he thinks of his safehouses and has never been more relieved that he set them up.
they travel together, often utilising chaos control, though at first GUN are tracking them with suspicious ease, giving them no room to breathe. they chipped infinite during one of their experiments, something he was unaware of, and utterly disgusted by, seething with rage. shadow gets tasked with ripping it from the back of his neck and crushing it underfoot.
they move on, and things get easier from there, shifting between hideouts. they start talking more at length, actual conversations. in the meanwhile, GUN are freaking out, sonic and the others are freaking out, because there are two incredibly powerful people on the loose and nobody knows what's going on, or why shadow freed him to begin with. but in freeing infinite, shadow also did the thing that he was too afraid to do. he freed himself.
it's about as shitty as he imagined, but having someone else share the struggle with him is weirdly comforting, even if that someone is infinite. they don't have a longterm plan, but for now, this is sustainable.
and if they start bonding over trauma and developing feelings that they don't know how to deal with that's just the way it goes
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I only have 2 headmates and idk how to get along with them :(
For context they're both OCS (one old, I made her in 3rd grade and one is new- made very recently) and they unfortunately know that. The issue is that all of my ocs have bad things happen often and I imagine they hate me for that
They also hate each other's guts for other reasons but it just sucks not having any peace
Hmm… we know it can be really really hard to get along with other headmates sometimes! And your headmates being OCs probably really complicates the situation, huh?
We have a little note that we keep with us when we’re feeling overwhelmed and stuck in memory time:
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(ID in alt text!)
This really helps us when we’re starting to feel guilty for not handling our childhood trauma better, or feeling like we’re never going to be good enough because of what happened to us, or trying to bear the weight of our history on our shoulders all the time! Our therapist told us the mantra and we wrote it down to keep handy :3
This helps us deal with painful childhood memories… But! we really feel like this sort of message may help people with exotrauma or painful exomemories too! >w<
As writers and creators, it’s okay to put your characters in difficult or traumatizing situations!! It comes with the territory of being an artist!! And you shouldn’t have to put a stop to that or feel guilty about it just because your OCs developed into headmates!!
But for your headmates…. It makes sense that this stuff will bother them! It makes sense that they might have to process exotrauma because of some decisions made by their creator (you!). It’s possible to allow them space, to support them on this process, and to recognize that you may have made choices regarding their histories… but that doesn’t make you at fault even one bit!!
Exotrauma can be really tricky and also icky to navigate! We have alters with exotrauma in our system and it’s been a wild ride helping them process it while other members process real-life trauma! But being willing to help and listen, not judging your headmates for feeling certain ways about their circumstances, and understanding where their apprehension comes from could all really help you be there for them when they need it!!! Does that make sense to you? Idk if I’m using “apprehension” right lol but I mean like their wariness or cautiousness or unwillingness to put the past behind them and get to know you!
Speaking of getting to know you… maybe y’all should try conducting interviews to get to know each other!!
I made this headmate interview form a while back! it’s a fun, laidback way for headmates and alters to start learning about each other as they are now, not as they once were!!
Could y’all perhaps spend some time conducting lighthearted, low-stakes interviews to figure out what each other likes and what they are like? And once you have a good idea, you can start going out of your way to do nice things for each other!!!
If we’ve learned anything in therapy, it’s that kindness, apologies, forgiveness, and compassion can be amazing tools for coming together as a team!! Our frequent fronter group is able to work together the way we do because of this!! Like this time last year, I never would’ve dreamed I’d ever cofront with Kandi to work together on art or posts and stuff… but here we are!! And it’s all thanks to learning more about each other and daring to show each other compassion even when we didn’t want to!! :333
So in the end, we don’t know for sure what will help y’all reach a mutual understanding and stop hating each other…. But we can give you advice for what’s helped us in the past! We still have alters who hate each other (ahhhhh) but at least we’re making progress!!! And that’s what counts!! We Can Move Forward!! And we believe y’all can too!! >w<
💚 Ralsei and 🦇 Alucard (or Kandi - bats got two names and likes them used interchangeably!)
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