#but they’re wrong. it’s actually sirius black
thatlittlefangirl · 8 hours
Lily is a shitty friend because she refused to be friends with a guy who was a fucken racist to everyone but her? Would you defend a white person who liked one black girl but called every other black person a racial slur? Snape was a shitty character. The only people who can sympathize with him are those that have the same hatred within their hearts and can justify his actions. He was a horrible friend that got his ex best friend and husband killed, and bullied children because he was piece of 💩
Erm actually 🤓☝
Lily is a shitty friend because she refused to be friends with a guy who was a fucken racist to everyone but her?
She actually was a shitty friend because she smiled at her best friend being exposed
But too late; Snape had directed his wand straight at James; there was a flash of light and a gash appeared on the side of James’s face, spattering his robes with blood. James whirled about; a second flash of light later, Snape was hanging upside down in the air, his robes falling over his head to reveal skinny, pallid legs and a pair of graying underpants. Many people in the small crowd watching cheered. Sirius, James, and Wormtail roared with laughter. Lily, whose furious expression had twitched for an instant as though she was going to smile, said, “Let him down!”
Excused his bullies' behaviour
“I’m just trying to show you they’re not as wonderful as everyone seems to think they are.” The intensity of his gaze made her blush. “They don’t use Dark Magic, though.” She dropped her voice. “And you’re being really ungrateful. I heard what happened the other night. You went sneaking down that tunnel by the Whomping Willow, and James Potter saved you from whatever’s down there—”
And ended up with his bully in the end, don't tell me "She didn't owe him anything", anyone who had a friend who was bullied will tell you that they wouldn't date their ex-best friend's bully. She had the right to leave Severus, I am not against it, but she had a part in the breaking up but as always didn't take responsibility of it (she actually does it a lot somehow).
Would you defend a white person who liked one black girl but called every other black person a racial slur?
No, because that's not the case here. Here is a mixed-race boy, who has been put into a white neighbourhood, there the white people are pretty nice to him but will be mean to black people, they tell him to join them. He knows that his best friend is black but since other black people were mean to him (his father and his best friend's sister), he doesn't see anything wrong with it. Know the difference (not that I excuse racism but here is a different case than the one you're pointing out).
The only people who can sympathize with him are those that have the same hatred within their hearts and can justify his actions.
Liking a character doesn't mean you support what he does, I love Bellatrix and Lucius, but I do not support their pureblood supremacy views and think they have no redeeming qualities whatsoever, I like them because I like villains. No one justify his actions, they explain his reasons, is it justifying? No, because it's not right, but why liking a complex character if you don't understand his complexity?
He was a horrible friend that got his ex best friend and husband killed
Actually, their whole friendship was toxic, Lily wasn't an angel, Severus wasn't a demon, they both were human and had their flaws. Stop pointing to Severus and ignore Lily's faults. Do I really have to go back on the "Severus got Jily killed!!1!1!"?? Many other people explained this part already, go see their blogs instead.
and bullied children because he was piece of 💩
He actually bullied children because he wasn't totally right mentally, and he mostly is just blunt with kids because yeah Potions is extra dangerous and if you fuck one single thing up you could blow the whole ass school. Does it make his insults right? No. Does it make his temper more understandable? Yeah.
Thanks for that ask, it was my first snater ask, I'm so happy I'll frame it in my room <3
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wolvesandshine · 3 months
Okay but we all agree that Lily is a mastermind right? She just didn’t get caught. Like the marauders wish they could be like her
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moonstruckme · 9 months
OK so this idea is for like Sirius its the holiday and they’re exchanging gifts well siris gift to her it’s kind of meh not a lot of thought into it. So she freaks out because her gift to Siri is like really personal after she opens up her gift she snatches his away from him and runs(of course he gets her tho) Blah blah blah cute convo turns out he had another gift but was scared to give it to her blah blah blah
Xoxo love you 💕
Thanks for requesting sweetness! I am totally tapped out of gift ideas atm so you'll have to forgive the poor gift choice in this, just imagine them as whatever you like haha
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 1.2k words
“Come on,” you tug Sirius over to your Christmas tree by the wrist, sitting in front of it eagerly. 
“I thought we were going to do gifts after the movie,” Sirius complains, letting you tug him down beside you with a reluctance you know has to be feigned. Sirius loves gifts, giving as well as getting them. You’d been just friends for years, and you’d held back from getting him anything too sappy that might reveal your humiliating mega-crush, but now that you’re dating you’ve finally given yourself permission to get him whatever you like. 
“Oh, don’t bother, I know you want yours already,” you tease, fishing it out from under the tree and setting the box in front of him. The resistance doesn’t completely fade from Sirius’ expression, but he gives you a small smile. 
“Fine, I’ll be generous,” he says. “You can open yours first.” 
You grin at him, leaning over to kiss him on the lips and marveling at the fact that you can. “Thanks! I’m so excited.” 
“I can tell,” he jokes, somewhat quieter than usual. It nettles at something in your nervous system, but you ignore it for now, taking the tissue paper out of the little bag with an enthusiasm you can’t bother to be embarrassed about. 
You peer in, and it’s all you can do to keep the smile plastered on your face when you see what’s inside. “Candies,” you say, imbuing your voice with as much pep as you can manage. “Wow, I’ll be well fed this year. Thanks, Siri!” You can’t stand to stay under his gaze a second longer, swooping in for another kiss. It feels stilted and awkward. 
“They’re your favorites,” he says with a tentative little smile. “I thought I’d better stock you up.” 
“You’re a genius.” You grin, unwrapping one of the candies and popping it in your mouth. “Mm, thank you, honey.” 
“Course.” He looks down at his present, starting to fiddle with the ribbon. “My turn, I guess.” 
Your heart turns to stone, dropping all the way to your stomach with a dull thud. “Actually,” your voice squeaks a bit as you reach forward, taking your gift back, “I think I gave you the wrong one.” You start looking under the tree, trying to find a replacement that won’t be too sorely missed. 
Sirius brow puckers. “Really? It had my name on it.” 
“No, I think this one is for Mary—”
“Babe, I saw my name right there.” He leans over you, taking the present from where you’ve stowed it in your lap. “See? Right on the top.” 
Your blood rushes in your ears, which is ridiculous, this is Sirius, you’ve known him for years, you shouldn’t be nervous around him—but fuck, how can you really be sure you know each other at all after what he just gave you? If he’s expecting something similar, you’re about to be so mortified. “I think that might have been a mix-up,” you say weakly. “I’m pretty sure yours has someone else’s name on it too—”
“Hey,” Sirius seizes your wrist when you grab for the gift again, holding it protectively to his chest, “what’s wrong with you? I know you didn’t mix up the names, sweetheart.” You strain against his grip for a few moments, but Sirius is surprisingly strong when he decides to be. It’s little effort for him to keep you at bay. He gives you a hard look. “What’s going on?” 
“I just…” You give up your attempts to steal the gift back, but you can’t look at him. You gnaw at your lip. “I’m sorry, I might have gone a bit overboard. It’s…you can open it, just, sorry.” 
Sirius' features soften, but he’s quiet, wary as he peels off the wrapping paper. Your heart climbs back up your throat when he opens the box. For a horrifying second, he’s frozen, but then his hand dips into the box and emerges with your gift, holding it all too delicately. 
“Baby,” his voice is barely more than a whisper as he admires the small clay ornament, a likeness of his animagus form. “Where did you get this?” 
“I made it,” you admit, shoulders gravitating towards your ears. “I couldn’t find one that looked right in the stores, so…”
“You made it?” Sirius sounds awed. “Fuck, it’s amazing.” His eyes move to yours, still holding your gift suspended in the air between you. “Thank you, sweetheart. I love it.” 
It’s like someone’s been inflating a balloon in your chest and has just finally let it deflate. You can breathe again. “I’m really glad,” you say, and your smile may not be huge but at least it’s not faked. “I was worried it was too much.” 
“No, this is perfect.” Sirius places the ornament back in its box with heartbreaking care, giving you a sad look. “Fuck, I’m an ass.” 
“No, you’re not—” you start automatically, but he cuts you off. 
“I am. I’m a total coward, too. I’m so sorry, doll, I just—I freaked out.” He puts a hand in his hair, fingers curling in the dark locks. “I have a better gift for you, just one second.” 
He stands, leaving you in confused silence. You hear something rustling by the entryway of your flat, and then Sirius comes back a second later with a nicely wrapped box. 
“What’s this?” you ask when he sets it in your lap. 
“Your real present.” Sirius seems almost bashful, looking down as he gets situated on the floor again. “Go on, open it.” 
You almost don’t want to destroy the wrappings on this gift, clearly done with much more care than the first, but you take the paper off bit by bit, opening the top of the box. 
“Sirius,” you breathe. “Honey, what is all this?”
“It’s, uh, it’s just stuff from our first few dates.” You look up, and he’s playing with his rings. “Pictures, receipts, ticket stubs, shit like that. I know you’re a sap for that stuff, so.” 
“I’m a sap?” Laughter comes fizzing up out of you despite the tears blurring your vision. “You’re the one who collected it all!”
“Oh, technicalities, I only—hey.” He finally meets your eyes, noticing your state. “Hey, don’t cry. Shit, I knew this would happen. I should have stuck with the candy.” 
“I don’t understand,” you warble as he chases determinedly after your tears with painfully gentle fingers. “Why were there two?” 
Sirius sighs, pressing an apologetic kiss to your cheek. “Like I said, I freaked out. I was planning on giving you this, but on the way over I started thinking about how we haven’t been dating that long, and maybe it was too soon for something so…relationship-y, you know? So I panicked and bought a bunch of candy at the store.” 
You’re laughing by the end of it, shoulders shaking with amusement even as tears continue to dribble down your face. Sirius coos and kisses them away. 
“I guess I am a sap,” you say cheerily. “I never even thought about if my gift would be weird.” 
“Not until I made you,” Sirius groans, pulling you in for a hug. “Pretty sure that doesn’t make you a sap so much as it makes me an idiot, sweetheart. I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be.” You smile into his shoulder, curling your fingers into the material of his shirt. “We both got to give our sappy gifts, and if the apocalypse goes down, I’ve got enough candy to last through New Years’.” 
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redroomwidows · 1 year
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notes: Sirius x James my love. Sirius and James sweaty and shirtless my love. Sirius and the reader are just as in love with James as he is with them in this. not a lot of quidditch content I'm sorry.
warnings: I can't write flirting, second person, I guess like sexual flirting?? I feel like i've written this wrong idk. reader is referred to as ‘gorgeous’
Poly! Prongsfoot × gn!reader
Dating Sirius Black came with many perks, he was all over you, all the time, and had no problems with PDA, or ‘defending your honour’. A perk you didn’t expect though, was bonding over your crush on James Potter.
James was tall, buff and had dark brown curls you wanted to run your hands through. He was also kind and passionate -
“You two are staring again,” Remus mutters from his spot next to you and Sirius. James had appeared after a nap, his hair a mess and his lips pouted and your eyes had not left him.
When you’d first started dating Sirius, Peter had joked how you’d also be dating James, oh how you both wished that was true. Sirius had been best friends with Jamed since first year, and he’d probably been in love since fourth. You could love two people at the same time, you both knew this.
What you didn’t know however, was that James felt the same way. Well, until he became terrible at hiding it.
You’d first noticed after a Summer Quiditch match, when the entire team had celebrated their victory by lying on the floor and begging McGonagall to pour water on them - she’d refused. Thus after the match, as little clothes as possible were on and Sirius had insisted you stay in his dorm while he showered. When he exited, a towel draped over his waist, two pairs of eyes were on him.
“Both of you see something you like?” he’d joked and while you merely laughed, James blushed and looked down “Prongs?”
“Huh?” he looks up, and then down again
“Are you checking my boyfriend out?”
“What! No-”
“You weren’t? I’m offended, I thought I looked hot,”
“No I mean, you do!” an eyebrow is raised and James scrunches up his face “I’m going to shower!” when he leaves the room, you smirk at Sirius.
Around a month later, after lots of flirting (mainly on Sirius’ end), the Gryffinfdors were throwing a party, And a lot of firewhiskey was involved. James ended up on the sofa with you, his head in your lap, looking at your boyfriend dancing .
James sighs, almost lovesick “You alright there Jamie?”
“He’s pretty,” you smirk and run your hands through his hair
“Yeah, he is,”
“You know he’s finally dating someone?” Oh, he’d got to that stage where he didnt know who you were “And they’re great, they’re really great, as great as Padfoot, and I love him, so they must be really great,” you stay very still, letting him continue “But I still feel jealous y’know, and I don’t actually know who of,”
“Maybe its both of them?” You suggest softly and he nods
Once you’d told a sober Sirius, that had opened up a rabbit hole, a huge one, one which included dates, that weren't really dates, and flirting that definitely was flirting. Sirius liked to make James - and you - blush, and laugh, and very flustered.
As the weather gets colder, you find yourselves in the common room more often, and on Wednesday, you enter and find James and Sirius cuddling on the sofa, this wasn’t new, it was something they’d always done, but today you needed a hug, and it made you slightly upset to see them so content.
“Hey Gorgeous,” Sirius greats and you smile, James waves “You alright?” you shake your head
“Need a hug,” you mumble, James goes to get up but you stop him “Want a James hug,” and so you sit next to him, and climb into his arms, sighing comfortably, Sirius’ hand’s find your hair, and James arms are around your waist. You were tired, tired of pretending that you didn’t like James, that you didn’t know he liked you, that he and Sirius haden’t loved eachother for years.
“James,” You start quietly “Do you remember getting incredibly drunk and forgettting who I was?”
“Uh- No?” you sigh and turn around, your elbows either side of him, you look up at Sirius and wink.
“I do,” and then you kiss him.
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jamesmydeer · 10 months
christmas festivities hcs
james potter
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making gingerbread houses
- the potters are THE family when it comes to christmas traditions 
- james is like one of those dads on vacation with an itinerary for the whole month of december
- he will be partaking in every christmas festivity 
- and so will you, like it or not
- and he will be referring to anyone who complains even once as ‘scrooge’ 
- his favorite, without a doubt, is decorating gingerbread houses 
- because this man is competitive 
- he loves you, but there’s no way he will let you make a better gingerbread house than him 
- he wanted to bake his own like his mom used to do when he was a kid 
- but he is no longer a kid 
- and you are not his mom
- so he settles for the pre-assembled ones 
- gets soooo pouty when yours starts looking better than his
“i think they gave you better icing or something”
- excuses
- you leave for one second to wash your hands 
- and come back to his gingerbread house lights (mini gummies) actually flickering 
“jamie! we agreed no magic!”
“you can’t prove anything!”
- he’s such a sore loser omg
- says he doesn’t care whose turns out better 
- liar 
- insists that you do one together 
- more like he watches you do one and claims half the work 
- sits you in his lap while you work on it 
- his only contribution is a heart on the side with your initials in it 
- he’s so cute y’all 
- wraps his arms around your middle and snuggles into your neck 
- hums along to the christmas music playing in the background 
- gets bored and stands up, taking you with him 
- dances around the dining room to festive music until his parents return home
- and immediately asks them whose is better 
- doesn’t care my ass 🙄
“they’re both great jamie” 
“what? i’m not going to lie to my son”
- will need to snuggle on the couch to a christmas movie after that 
- his poor little feelings :,(
sirius black
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decorating the tree
(contemplating writing a fic for this, lmk what you think)
- sirius never got to decorate a christmas tree as a kid
- they always had one, and he helped put ornaments on
- but it always ended in him getting yelled at for putting them in the wrong place
- and they always had to match the theme
- if he brought an ornament home from school, it went straight into a box
- so when you get a tree for your place, he fully intended to sit back and let you do all the work
- you bring in a few boxes of ornaments and he tells you he’ll get all of them out
- he doesn’t want his baby poking themselves on the sharp part
- he goes through the first box and there’s nothing special
- some cute ornaments you made as a child that your family was willing to part with
- a cute set of a wolf, deer, dog, and rat that james insisted on everyone getting
- then he moves on to the next box
- and it’s full of ornaments from his family home that never got put on the tree
- he doesn’t even care how you got them, he just feels so appreciated for once
- he associates christmas with some not so good memories, and he loves you so much for trying to replace them
- sets the box down and hugs you so tight
- you swear you hear sniffles, but that’s neither here nor there
- lifts you up to put the star on top of the tree
“nice view from down here. star looks pretty good too”
- you step back to admire your work and he can’t stop smiling
- he’s so proud of it
- the tree is nowhere near as pretty as the ones he was used to
- but it was the best tree he had ever seen
- because it was yours
- and it showcased how much you love him
remus lupin
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family christmas party
- oh he is NERVOUS
- he’s met your family before, but this is a big deal to him
- because it’s the holidays and your whooooole family will be there
- you try to tell him that there’s no way he could make a bad impression
- he has tea with madam pince once a week, older people adore him
- you offer to pick him up but he insists on coming over alone
- which was a BIG mistake
- he went to a christmas party at the potter’s last year and was severely underdressed
- how was he supposed to know you have to dress fancy for christmas parties?? they don’t do that in the movies
- he was not going to do that again
- but your family does not wear suits to a christmas party
- weirdo pureblood traditions
- when he walk in and everyone is in comfy clothes?
- he has never felt more embarrassed
- his face is so red it could pass for an ornament
“you have more christmas sweaters than anyone i’ve ever met, and today is the day you decide not to wear one?”
- aside from a few of your uncles teasing him, everyone thinks he looks quite charming
- i mean, he’s already an attractive boy
- he can only look better in a suit
- besides, he’ll take a few teasing comments if it means he gets doted on by your mom
- whines to you once you’re in private that you should have told him
- you’re so mean
- remus lupin is a big baby
- luckily, you have a few of his sweaters
- you lead him into your bedroom to change
“door open y/n!”
- as if remus would ever do something inappropriate in your childhood home!
- he so would
- will NOT stop sniffing his sweater that now smells exactly like you
- it gets to present time and remus doesn’t expect to get anything
- and he’s fine with that !!!!
- he’s just happy to be there
- rests his head on your shoulder and watches everyone pass around presents
- you play with his hair and that’s enough of a gift for him
- but omg remus this one has your name on it!
- and it’s from you and your parents
- he smiles so big and assured them over and over that they didn’t have to do that
- he opens it up and it’s a pair of pajamas
- you tell him they match the ones that you three have
- and that’s the sweetest thing he has ever heard
- you guys want him to match you 🥺
- after everyone leaves, you all change into them and watch a christmas movie
- you snuggle up on the couch and he holds you tight
- occasionally kissing your forehead and thanking you for tonight
“you know, they can’t yell at us to leave the door open if they’re asleep”
- he’s so cheeky
- but who are you to deny him
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veritas-scribblings · 4 months
disagree / challenge - @jegulus-microfic - words: 972
The door slams behind Regulus. 
James is left standing alone in an empty room in the apartment he shares with Sirius. He doesn’t quite know how they got here. He doesn’t quite know what they’d been arguing about or when the switch had happened, because they’d been holding each other on the couch a moment ago. There had been kisses involved, some friendly jibes, and James had been showing Regulus Sirius’s record collection.
It had been lovely. James had been happy. Thinking to himself, how lucky am I? Thinking, isn’t this wonderful? And, let’s stay like this forever.
And then somehow—he just isn’t sure how—an argument had started, and Regulus had yelled at him, and James had been so taken off-guard that he’d snapped back.
And now Regulus is gone. 
And James just really, really, really wants him to come back. However, if his experience with Blacks are anything to go by—if Sirius can be used as a point of reference—Regulus is just going to need his time and his space. Time and space are precious commodities for Blacks, who very frequently have control taken out of their hands. They can’t be forced to so anything before they’re ready, or they snap and they bite and there are wounds. 
‘Tough break,’ Peter says. He drops down onto the couch next to James and offers him a Bertie Bott.
James wrinkles his nose, because, what are they? Ten? Regulus is unpredictable enough. James doesn’t need his food to be equally unpredictable.
Peter shrugs, pops a bean into his mouth and dramatically gags. He doesn’t spit it out, though. He swallows. James would have a dirty, witty quip about that, normally, but he’s not in the mood. 
‘Hey,’ Peter says, thoughtful. ‘You know when Moony and Padfoot started dating, and they’d always be getting into fights and Sirius would be just doing really shit things? And we were like, what gives? You’ve been…excuse the pun…mooning over Moony for ages and now you’re being an asshat?’ 
James sighs. Peter can never take the direct route to a point, and James is so very tired of the scenic route. He’d like to be infantilised, please. Break it to him easy. Treat him like an idiot. No fucking riddles, thank you very much. 
‘Yes,’ James says, and he hopes that the stress he pours into the word is enough for Peter to just…be fucking direct.
‘Strange that,’ is all that Peter says, and then rifles around in the bag of beans for something that looks vaguely safe. It’s pink. Possibly candy floss.
‘I’ve had a long day, Wormtail, please just get to the point.’ James takes off his glasses, rubs his eyes, hoping that being just a little bit exaggerated about it all gets his point across. 
The bean obviously isn’t candy floss, because Peter wrinkles his nose as he chews and swallows. ‘You’ve read the Sirius Black manual. Think of Regulus as a…smaller, meaner version of Sirius. When Sirius and Remus were having trouble, what did you say?’
James blinks. Frowns. ‘Stop being a git?’
‘Actually, I think the specific words you used were, “stop being a dick head”, but no. After that. What did you say?’
James groans, dropping his head into his hands, because..well, he gets it. They took the scenic route to the point, but they got there in the end and Peter looks damned smug about it all. He always does after dropping words of wisdom. Like he feels like Albus Dumbledore, taking your hand, guiding your way. 
When Peter pops a bean into his mouth, James can’t help the little spark of satisfaction he gets when Peter once more gags.
James waits exactly five hours before going to find Regulus. Probably not enough time, but he’s impatient and he’s been watching the clock. And he just wants to take Regulus in his arms, kiss him, and then tell Regulus he’s an idiot and very, very wrong and James isn’t going anywhere. 
He would have done exactly that, but when Regulus answers the door he still looks angry. The ‘I’ll bite your tongue off if you try to kiss me’ kind of angry. 
So James just says, ‘I’m not going anywhere, so you can stop.’ 
They haven’t been together long and it’s all still so very new to James: Regulus and Regulus’s person, and Regulus’s habits, and Regulus’s beliefs, and Regulus’s unique characteristics. James knows that the Sirius Black Handling Manual will get him partway, but he also knows that Regulus is different enough from Sirius that if James tried to literally call him out on things the way he does with Sirius…
…well, Regulus is enough of a bastard that he will probably actually leave and never come back. Or he’ll kill James. Whichever Regulus felt, that particular day, would be easier for him to deal with.
Regulus doesn’t say anything, just narrows his eyes and stares at James like he could set James on flames with sheer willpower. 
‘I’m not going anywhere,’ James says, very much heartened by the fact that Regulus has not slammed the door in his face. ‘I really like you. I might…’ James pauses, wants to say: I might actually love you, but he doesn’t want to scare Regulus. ‘I might…more than like you. And, couples fight. And, I think you’re worth it, that we’re worth it. You know.’
James wants to say, I believe in you. He wants to say, you deserve love, you’re worthy of it. He wants to say, you don’t need to test me, I won’t leave you.
But he doesn’t. Because while it works with Sirius, he knows it won’t work with Regulus. That to Regulus, actions speak louder, so James will just have to show him.
And not go anywhere.
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- i’ve seen so many ppl consider andromeda and sirius leaving from their family as an act of love for their muggle born partners. i don’t really like that ESP for sirius. it really downplays their morals and what they fought for.
- why is regulus the forth marauder? where tf did peter go
- if i see one more piece of content that makes sirius leaving the house of black about regulus im going to lose it. “ b-b-but how could he leave his baby brother🥺” that little baby brother was apart of a supremacist terrorist cult let’s be for real
-making characters like lily or remus in ships with those deatheaters assholes is WILD.
-andromeda is everything you want regulus to be give this girl the credit she deserves
-fanon regulus is cringe as hell. you all just took over characters story’s to make it his. he sucked.
-the moment someone brings up that a new ship/hdcs don’t make sense and ppl say “nothing is the hp universe makes sense” i lose a year off my life. let’s use our little heads and figure out that even in a fantastical world. things.can.still.make.sense.with.the.plotline.
- some of the regulus/evan/barty and whatever ways fans are like the WHINIEST fandom i have ever seen. can’t take any (valid btw) criticism on their weird little fetishes and act like they’re being oppressed when people don’t like the same thing as them. not all of you guys obv but a LOT
- “if you don’t like it just scroll” no? some things are objectively wrong and bad and should be discussed grow up
-this fandom is turning into a booktok porn addiction fandom
-a fandom is a place of discussion. people not liking fictional characters and talking about it is not going to kill you
-james’s character got dumbed down so BADLY by all the jegulus nonsense like james being kind of a simp in canon was because his love for LILY was pure and strong. they have a whole ass prophecy.
-making every character queer isn’t doing what you think it’s doing. and frankly idgaf if you make this character queer if that character is a horrible person. doesn’t make them more likable or interesting.
-there is a deep rooted issue of misogyny in this fandom.
-saying that jegulus is not going against lily as a character is not true. fanon regulus is literally lily but like racist. jegulus is literally jily.
-lily evans can love james potter and still be a strong character these two are not linked at all
-dorlene/jily/wolfstar where the sanest ships in the fandom. maybe add rose killer on there cus frankly since it doesn’t change much the characters or storyline it’s okay
-remember when regulus was ace? why did that get completely forgotten
-some of the fancasts did irreparable damage to people’s brains. because hot doesn’t mean better person
-james potter would punch most of the people you ship him with
- jegulus fics where harry is there kid and lily is a surrgate/barely in the pic is CRAZY
-mary is so sexualized? like why
- sirius was canonically better looking than regulus lol
-the black family can be explored so much more besides just the regulus glaze
- some of the new sapphic ships are actually good. nobleflower is very interesting.
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elmuvahva · 10 months
let me talk about leo and donnie’s matching clothes pLEASE
plus a lil bit of mikey and raph near the end :>
so we all know the obvious ones like in ‘repairin’ the baron’ and in ‘man vs sewer’
but i want to talk about the little things hehe. starting with the two mentioned above anyways lmaooo
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yes they’re matching but i love the little differences they add on. leo wears a blue undershirt, fully going ride or die with his blue theme, while donnie goes for a white undershirt for a more classic look.
i think that says a lil but about their characters and how they thought to present themselves to april’s mum (who they thought they were meeting). they both wanted to look good hence the stunning matching outfits, but leo also wanted to be himself (hence the blue undershirt), compared to donnie who wanted to appeal to april’s mother (hence the more classic look with the white).
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in man vs sewer, they are both wearing the singlet and board short combo, however leo opts for simplicity and ‘laidbackness’ keeping the bare minimum and keeping his shirt loose and untucked. donnie on the other hand goes further and adds the extra decorative shirt to really hammer home the ‘i’m not a useful member of society’ and the holiday/break vibes he’s trying so hard to feel. he also chooses to tuck his shirt in, which i think is just a personal stylistic choice, one which extenuates and shows off the board shorts more and one which mirrors his belt that’s a part of his usual outfit.
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now onto snow day :>
at a brief glance it doesn’t seem like they’re matching but you’d be wRONG! they’re wearing the same shoes, pants and scarf, however they choose different jackets and headgear according to their personal tastes (i also wanna point out how donnie’s pants are more boxy/puffy at the bottom to fit with his whole rectangle theme, while leo’s are tucked in firmly, providing a more angular/triangular look).
leo chose a sirius black looking leather jacket bc why wouldn’t he lmaooo. it very much screams leo in the sense of his faceman attitude and his ‘confidence.’ he also chose a beanie which provides a more hippie, laidback and cool vibe.
donnie, ever the nerd, matches his jacket and headwear, as they both have the light purple fluff. donnies jacket is also much more practical and feels like something you’d see skii-ers (how tf do you spell that), hikers and snow-bikers wear. he’s also wearing the ugliest fucking hat /lh that’s reminiscent of what those occupations also wear.
so what we can take away from this is that leo will look cool whatever the weather and donnie will dress for the practicality of the occasion.
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now in the clothes dont make the turtle there are A LOT of matching outfits, not just from donnie and leo, for example, in the images above, all the boys are wearing classic black suits with white button downs, however they all style them differently.
i’d also like to note the slight differences on the collars of the suit jackets (leo and donnie’s are matching, mikey’s is more rounded with a lil point and raph’s mirrors his spikes).
they all style their suits differently by using different ties. leo goes for a black and blue striped tie, which i think showcases his sense of style and his playfulness in comparison to raph, who decides to play it safe with a classic one-toned tie.
mikey goes for a cute bowtie bc why wouldn’t he he’s adorable, and it also fits in with him being the youngest and ‘the baby’, as bowties are most commonly worn by kids.
donnie decides to completely forego the tie altogether bc he doesn’t need it, he’s already stunning 😩 lmao but i actually think he’s just really playing into his emotionally unavailable bad boy image.
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there’s also these matching monstrosities for god knows what reason
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and it’s not super matchy, but raph and leo also both rock the singlet under the open button down shirt (though the colours are swapped and leo pops the collar causes he’s an idiot /aff)
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and lastly!! these outfits. now at first glance, you’re probably thinking ‘elva what the fuck are you going on about’ BUT just hear me out!!
they both have ripped aspects to their outfits, leo’s at the shoulders and donnie’s at the waist. it’s obviously not an intentional match but i think they just subconsciously did it :>
they’re also both wearing head accessories, though in totally different styles (leo with his backwards cap to look ‘cool’ while donnie adorns a beanie to complete his LA hipster vibe)
ugh i’ve met the image limit for this post so here’s the link to the post that continues my rambling lolol
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jellyfishcharm · 10 days
i am currently getting into the marauders fandom, and i am overly confused rn. i have never had an interest in reading harry potter but after begging from my best friend i started ATYD, and because i wanted to understand it better i started the actual harry potter series (pirated, fuck jkr) i have a ton of questions and i dont really think theyre things i can look up, so i turned to tumblr.
(please keep in mind i have not read the harry potter series so im like completely lost)
1) what is the source material for the marauders fandom? i thought ATYD was what jump started this whole james, sirius, remus thing but apparently it’s been going on since like 2003 so i’m just confused what is the canon information? the most confusing is wolfstar and how people talk about snape. is snape good? is he bad? am i missing something? was james bullying snape or snape bullying them? and is wolfstar supposed to be the “canon ship” or smth?
2) why is jegulus so popular? don’t get me wrong i love the concept of it from what i know (not very much im afraid) but i thought james and lily were like the end all be all canon marauders couple?
3) why is james desi? im all for it and as a black/jewish/gay girl myself the whole representation of poc and jews in harry potter along with jkr just put me off from the series for years but nothing about james reads as brown for me, so im just wondering how people got to that conclusion
4) why is there this weird hierarchy in this fandom? i keep going online and seeing old fans complaining about how things are so different now but like.. that’s how fandoms work? things are gonna change? it’s okay to like things that are old in fandom i mean i definitely do but it’s like they have such a superiority complex over others it’s kind of putting me off
5) why is everyone forgetting that the marauders were a group of little white boys in the 70s? they’re literally wizard racists (i thought)? i just don’t know how everyone thinks they’re so progressive when so many of them are wizard nepo babies. also
i really don’t want to seem negative or like i’m allergic to fun, i really love the fanfictions and the cosplays i’ve seen, this fandom seems so fun and the fact it’s been going for 20 something years is so cool, but i just have a lot of questions and im hoping the tumblr community can help me. i’m hoping reading the original series will clear some things up for me, and if you guys have any other harry potter/marauders related things to tell me as i get more into the series/fandom let me know!
(i’m also fairly new to being so active in fandom spaces so be nice)
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gigglesandfreckles-hp · 3 months
could you do please number 18 for the prompts you posted?
I absolutely love everything you write. I've even read a lot of your Star Wars fic and ive only actually seen a couple of the star wars movies 🤣🤣 you are just such a gifted writer!
i went a bit AWOL on this and it got away from me! i call this…jily-adjacent??? hope you don't mind, anon! x
from these prompts
“This is ridiculous.”
“I’m beginning to think you’re not enjoying this quality time as much as I am, Evans.”
Lily rolls her eyes, even though he can’t see her through the door. “You know,” she grunts, pulling the skirt up, and smoothing her top down over the hem, “most people opt to go out for a pint or something.” She appraises herself in the tall mirror, then swings open the door to the dressing room. “Just posing an alternative for the future.”
Sirius grins at her. “Don’t act like you didn’t love picking the outfit I’m likely to die in.” He motions for her to turn around and tugs at the skirt, clicking his teeth with the same disappointment he’s shown at the last several options.
She sighs and walks back over to the rack, grabbing the next choice: a midi-length black dress, with puffed sleeves that make her think of her great-grandmum.
“God, this is awful,” she says, pulling it off the hanger.
“In case you’ve forgotten, Evans,” Sirius says, taking the dress from her hands and holding it up in front of her, “you’ve removed ‘going out for a pint’ from the equation for us.” He pokes at her stomach as he turns to put the dress back up on the rack.
Lily smiles automatically at the reminder of what Sirius declared to be the ‘only good fucking news since fucking Hogwarts’ when she and James finally told him last week. She pops back behind the dressing room door, making quick work of the skirt and shirt ensemble, and pulls her own jumper and jeans back on. The jeans feel tighter today than usual, and she wonders if it’s because of the baby or if she’s just imagining things.
“Anyway,” Sirius says, from outside the dressing room, “maybe we should just try some Muggle shops. This place isn’t doing it for me anymore.”
Lily snorts as she pushes back through the doors, once again in her own clothes. “We’re going to the bloody Malfoys’,” she says, lowering her voice. “If we show up in Muggle clothes, we’ll be murdered in the entryway.”
“Excuse me,” Sirius says with a haughty sniff, flicking his hair over his shoulder, “but please don’t speak about my delightful family like that.”
The witch who offered to assist them earlier, before Sirius more or less told her to shut up and leave them alone glares at them from the desk, clearly annoyed that they’re still there and haven’t bought anything yet.
Lily turns back to watch Sirius as he pulls another dress from a nearby rack, frowning as if its existence has deeply offended him. “If the charms wear off and we end up looking like ourselves, who do you think they’re likely to kill first?” she asks.
“Still you,” he says with a regretful sigh. “It’s just such a shame you’ve committed the heinous crime of being born, Lily Potter.”
Sirius and Lily continue to scan the small shop for a dress that could work, but every time Lily finds something remotely bearable, Sirius shoots it down with a comment about the hemline being wrong for her body type or how the style is too 1977.
At Lily’s huff of frustration, Sirius shrugs. “If you just wanted someone to smile and say you look pretty, you should have brought James.”
“Yeah, because he’d love the reminder that we’re going on this mission without him.”
“I tried to get him instead of you,” Sirius reminds her. “Moody said Prongs doesn’t look as good in a dress. Something about the legs.”
“Just find me a dress, Black.”
“What shade of blond?” he asks, referring to the assortment of charms they’ve settled on for their disguises. “Platinum or more of—”
“Why does it matter?”
He affords her the same look of annoyance he’s reserved for the clothes up to this point in their outing. “It’s basic colour theory, Evans.”
She rolls her eyes, but replies, “Like a…honey colour?”
He nods and continues flicking through the hangers. “Speaking of Prongs,” he says, without looking at her—and they weren’t just speaking of him, so Lily knows whatever he’s about to say has been on his mind for a while.
“I’ve got some orders.”
“Orders,” Lily echoes, lifting an eyebrow.
He still doesn’t turn to look at her. “If things go tits up, at the Malfoys’, you’re getting the fuck out of there.”
Lily frowns. “Not with—”
“No way, Evans. You’ve—” He turns around now and leans against the rack. “If you wanted to play the hero, you should have thought about that before you got yourself knocked up, alright?”
Lily's brows knit together, and a flicker of irritation sparks in her eyes. “Don’t be so—”
“Obviously, I’m buzzing about the baby! So is Prongs. He—well, Merlin, you don’t need me to tell you. You have to live with the git. But come on, Evans, you can’t be stupid anymore.”
“Stupid anymore?” she bites out. The witch at the desk glances up from her magazine again, but Lily doesn’t care. She steps closer to Sirius, dropping her voice dangerously low. “You and my husband can both fuck off with whatever that is. And I think it’s pretty rich that you and him, of all people, have devised a plan for me to be less stupid, when you two have a patent on the personality trait.”
Sirius laughs loudly, throwing her off kilter. He pats her cheek. “Never change, Evans.”
“What is wrong with you?” she demands.
“Don’t you think,” he says, watching her with a smirk, “that maybe there’s a reason you ended up with Prongs? That you ended up with all of us, really? That maybe it’s not because you even us out and curb our rebellious tendencies, but maybe—just maybe, you’re a little reckless and impulsive, and yeah, a little stupid, too?”
She sputters. “That’s not—”
“If you weren’t,” he continues, still grinning, “my telling you—a woman carrying a literal child in her uterus—to get the hell out of dodge when curses start flying at the Malfoys’ wouldn’t be so personally offensive. In fact,” he tilts his head, “it would probably just seem like common bloody sense.”
Lily opens her mouth to continue to argue with his ridiculous line of logic, but he holds up a hand to stop her as he pulls a deep purple dress from a rack. He holds it against her and smiles widely. 
“This is the one, Evans,” he says with certainty.
She examines it sceptically. “Are you sure? Isn’t it a little—”
He scoffs loudly. “Lily,” he groans with indignation. “Please buy this bloody dress. Your wedding dress was literally horrid and if you’d just asked me, you could have avoided—”
“Oh my God, okay!”
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fool-inthe-rain · 2 years
No Longer Making Time
Sirius Black x Potter!Reader
wc: 3529
Warnings: Angst, semi-ambiguous ending that leaves room for hope???? injury, blood, use of female pronouns, use of Y/N, Sirius being a dick and not realizing his mistake until it’s too late, brief talk of an ED but it's nothing overly graphic, Marlene is the villain so sorry, please please let me know if I’ve missed anything!
At this point, she couldn’t remember how long she had been doubled over the toilet, but if her delusion was right, then she had been there forever. This wasn’t the first time the young witch of only seventeen had cried so hard she had made herself sick. And it wasn’t the first time Lily Evans had held her hair and rubbed her back in small circles and talked her through her grief. This time, however, was the first time Lily was so worried about her best friend that she left her alone in the bathroom so she could find her twin brother. 
James followed Lily, wondering what had her in such a rush, and when they stopped in front of the girls' bathroom at the base of the Gryffindor Common Room steps he was even more confused.
“Evans, why in Godric’s name have you taken me to the girls' bathroom? If you think I’m going in there you’re sorely mistaken.” He jests at her, thinking the situation was lighter than it actually was. 
“It’s your sister you git. Why else would I have dragged you through the halls in such a hurry?” Lily crossed her arms across her chest and huffed out in annoyance at how long she had left her friend alone. 
“My sister? What’s wrong with my sister?” James was nervous now, she was the one person he never had to worry about, as in, there was nothing to worry about. 
“She’s in the second stall to the left, just talk to her, please. I'm really worried about her,” Lily pleaded with the boy, “I’ll stay out here and make sure nobody else comes in.” She knew the assurance made him feel better about going in there, but James was still scared to see what he would be walking into. 
James swung the door open, looking back at Lily whose eyebrows were drawn together as she bit her nails in an almost neurotic way. 
As soon as he heard the door shut he made a path straight to the second stall on the left, and before he could knock and call her name, the stall door quickly opened revealing his twin with a bright red tear-stained face and puffy cracked lips. 
After the few seconds it took her brain to recognize James, she fell into him, her arms wrapping around her brother.
“Okay, it’s okay.” He ran his hand rapidly up and down her back, unsure of what to do or say because he had never had to console her like this. 
She was the strong one, the one who gave advice and smiled all day long. He was supposed to be crying to her about how Lily didn’t love him or about whatever stupid prank Sirius had left him out of. Never once had she fallen into him, never once had he seen her this upset, and never once had his sister ever cried over a boy. Ever. 
“What’s happened? Huh? Who do I have to beat up?” He chided, trying to get her tears to stop so she would talk to him. 
When his admittedly lame attempt at a joke failed, he became ten times more concerned with her current state. He moved his hands from her back to her shoulders and peeled her off of him so he could see her face.
“You’re scaring me y/n/n, tell me what happened, tell me how to fix this.” 
“You have to promise me you won't yell, or beat anyone up.” She finally choked out through her tear-blocked throat.
“I can’t promise that, you’re my sister, if someone hurts you they’re gonna know about it.” He dropped his hands from her shoulders, bringing them to cross along his chest.
She looked up at him, her eyelashes wet and clumped together from the tears. 
“James please just promise me you won’t seriously injure or traumatize anyone.” 
And although he knew that was another promise he couldn’t make he decided to go along with it so she would tell him what was wrong.
“Okay, I promise not to seriously injure or traumatize anyone. Now, tell me what happened so we can get you to stop feeling so shitty.”
“Marlene.” Was all she said.
“McKinnon?” Was what he answered with. “What about her?”
“She has seen fit to make my life a living hell,” She bit her lip and looked to the floor before speaking again, “And there’s something else too.”
He raised his eyebrows, a silent indication telling her to go on.
“I’ve been in love with Sirius for six years but he’s dating Marlene and because they’re together whenever she says or does something to me he pretends that he’s never met me and that we haven’t lived in the same house for two years.” She spewed out the words in record time, but James got every word she said. To say he was pissed was an understatement.
“What the fuck is his problem? And what do you mean when she does something to you? Has she hurt you?” His voice got so loud Lily, and Remus, who had joined her outside the door, could both hear him. 
She nodded, and his heart broke. How did he not notice this? He prided himself on how observant he was, but he failed to recognize what was going on with the most important person in his life.
“Tell me what she’s done,” he demanded, his tone scary and low. She had only seen him like this once when a nasty sixth-year Slytherin found out about Remus’s condition and tormented him for it.
She knew better than to try and get out of this conversation so she told him. She told him every jinx, charm, and hex Marlene had ever cast upon her, and while none had resulted in serious injury she was not void of bruises, cuts, and sprained limbs as a result of Marlene’s violence. 
“I-I’m just sad. I'm sad that Sirius stands by and acts like I'm nothing, acts like I’m not one of his best friends. He’s never been around for Marlene’s wand work, but the horrible words she spits at me, he has bore witness to that more times than I’d like to admit.” She sighed, happy to have revealed the situation to her brother, but also in anguish after hearing the words come from her mouth. 
“I swear to Godric I will kill them both. How could he do this? We’ve been best friends since first year! Not only is he betraying your trust but he’s betraying mine and severing our friendship at the same time.” He was pulling at his hair, trying to make sense of the situation, trying to understand how someone he loved so much and considered family could stand by and let someone be so cruel to his sister. 
“James, you have to promise me you won't do anything. Please if she finds out I told you, or if she finds out I like Sirius the situation will only escalate.”
“How do you expect me to sit back and act like nothing's wrong? Am I supposed to go out and act all buddy-buddy with him, knowing what I know now?” He stopped pacing, settling right in front of her. 
“No. I’m not asking you to do that at all. I’m just asking you to not draw attention to this with him or anyone that isn’t Lily unless I ask you to. Unless things get worse.”
“Fine, but I’m not happy about it. And I will be watching you much closer. I don’t need Marlene catching you alone in the hallway.”
“I can agree with that. And thank you. Thank you for caring and listening and helping. Seriously, I don't know what I would do if you weren’t my brother.”
James looked her over and pursed his lips. “Wash your face and calm down for a few more minutes, I’ll be just outside with Lily.” 
And he walked out leaving her to try and digest what had just happened, what she had just admitted to. Not only was one of her best friends acting like he never met her, but she was letting it happen. Any other person and she would’ve stuck up for herself a long time ago, but the confusion she had from Sirius’s actions left her too overwhelmed to even think about fighting back. So she let it happen, and that was eating her alive, the fact that a singular boy could make her feel this weak. 
After some time to herself, she exited the bathroom and to her surprise, three pairs of eyes were looking right at her. She had expected James and Lily to be there, but Remus, while not unwelcome, was definitely a surprise.
“I’m assuming you’ve both filled him in.” She half-heartedly threw her hand in Remus’s direction.
“I hope that’s ok.” Lily bit her lip nervously waiting to see how her best friend would react.
“It’s fine. Not like he’s been compliant in any of Sirius and Marlene's actions.” A sigh passed her lips as she walked through the group, flopping onto an empty sofa in the corner of the common room. 
“I knew he was an arse y/n, but I never thought he would stand by and let someone be so cruel to you. Especially you.” Remus said, with a sad expression on his face as he sat next to her on the couch.
“What do you mean, especially me?” She shifted her body so it was facing the boy whose eyes had gone wide, finally realizing what he meant to say in his head, he actually said out loud. 
“Oh good job Remus,” James huffed out, “now you’ve done it.”
“Can someone please tell me what he means?” She looked rapidly back and forth between her three friends, waiting for someone to pluck up the courage to tell her.
Of course, it was her brother that ended up spilling the secret. 
“Sirius told us last year that he had a crush on you.” 
“What?” Tears sprang to her eyes, this made everything worse. “But he’s with Marlene now, you have to be lying.”
“Listen,” Remus said, “We all thought it was strange too, but when we asked him about it he refused to say another word about you or how he felt about you. I’d never seen him clam up like he did when we asked.” 
Just as she was about to speak, the black-haired beauty strutted through the common room door, a wide smirk plastered on his face and a strong arm wrapped around Marlene's waist. The group snapped their heads up to look in his direction, and as soon as Sirius made eye contact with them and started to make his way over y/n got up and walked as fast to her room as humanly possible, James following closely behind while Lily and Remus stayed back.
“What’s up with the wonder twins?” Sirius laughed, though it quickly died down when he saw the sour looks on Lily and Remus's faces. 
“Hopefully she’s going to throw up her lunch. She could stand to lose a few pounds.” Marlene said with a nasty snigger in her tone. 
Sirius let his grip from her waist go at the comment, but he said nothing to protest the words.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Lily yelled as she stood from her spot on the couch.
“Oh please Evans you know how insecure she is, I’m just trying to be honest.” Marlene looked at Sirius waiting for him to back her up, but he kept his eyes down and stayed quiet.
Just as Lily tried to go for Marlene, Remus grabbed her arm and started pulling her away.
“Shut your dog up Sirius before I do it for you!” Lily spat from behind Remus’s shoulder as he continued to push her up the dorm stairs. 
As the two traveled out of sight, Marlene took a seat on the couch, pulling Sirius down with her. They were both silent, but the thoughts in his head were deafening. He never meant for it to go this far. He got with Marlene as a way to make y/n jealous, but after her cold shoulders and silent treatments, he realized he was too far gone in this horrible situation so he decided to sit by and let it resolve itself. Which was the worst thing he could’ve ever done. 
A week later and none of the Marauders, Lily, or y/n would even look in Sirius’s direction. They were freezing him out until he came to his senses, even though it seemed he wouldn’t any time soon. 
It was one of those rare moments walking back to the common room from class where she found herself alone. Her few friends that were in her potions class all went to the library while she opted for a nap. Mistake number one. She decided to take a different route than normal to get back to the common room that day. Mistake number two. Mistake number three was freezing up instead of turning the other way when she saw Marlene McKinnon waltzing down the hallway. 
“Oh look who we have here!” Marlene was still a few feet away but that sickly sweet voice rushed up to greet her ears. 
Y/n looked around hoping they weren’t alone, but of course they were. Just her luck.
“What do you want Marlene?” 
“Oh well actually I want absolutely nothing to do with you, but I heard a rumor that you want everything to do with my boyfriend.” 
“What on Earth are you talking about?” She tried to hide the worry in her voice, but she couldn’t cover it as well as she hoped.
“Oh, don’t play coy. You know exactly what I’m talking about.” She swore Marlene’s eyes got three shades darker. “Lucky for you I learned a new spell today, and the teacher told me to practice so that is exactly what I intend to do. Diffindo!” 
Marlene drew her wand before y/n could duck and two sharp sparks flew from the wand. One smaller spark sliced her cheek and the second larger one opened a large gash across her stomach, ripping through her clothing. Y/n toppled both from the searing pain of the fresh cuts, and also from the impact of the spell.
“Stay away from my boyfriend. Stay away from me. Next time I won’t just scar that ugly face.” Marlene slid her wand back into her robes and walked off as if she didn’t just do what she did.
After Marlene’s footsteps could no longer be heard down the hall, she slid back against the wall. She peeled her arm from around her torso trying to be brave enough to open her eyes which had been squeezed shut from pain. 
Blood seeped into her robes and uniform from the deep slice on her stomach, and more of the red liquid dripped down her mouth and jaw from the wound on her cheek. Looking down at her torso all she could get out was a loud, pained cry. Why? Why did it go this far? Why did Marlene hate her enough to scar her face and bloody her body?
The blood would not stop pouring from her stomach. She was terrified. She was getting dizzy from the sight of her blood, and from the rapid loss of it. 
A stray Gryffindor walking down the dim corridor found her first. She didn’t know her name, but she was thankful someone was there to help.
“You stay right here. I’m going to get your brother. You’re gonna be okay.” The words were jumbled in her foggy brain, but she got the jist of what the kind girl was saying. 
By the time James got there, she must have been passed out because the next thing she knew her dry eyes were blinking away the harsh light of the hospital wing. 
“Oh good darling, you’re awake.” Madame Pomfrey walked up alongside the bed she was laying on. She began prodding at the cut on her face before moving down to her stomach. Y/n did not respond to the older woman who was taking care of her. She instead stared at the ceiling. Trying and failing to put the pieces of what happened together in her head. 
“Where’s James?” She finally spoke after many minutes of silence.
“Right outside love, let me go get him.”After Madame Pomfrey left the curtained area, the girl picked her head up to assess the damage. She couldn’t even sit up before pain shot through her entire body. A stray tear slid down her face as she slowly laid back down, opting to leave the characteristics of her wounds up for interpretation. The curtains flew open and once again three pairs of eyes were looking at her. James, Remus, and Lily. Thank Godric they were here. 
“How bad is it?” She asked the group, mostly aiming the question at her twin.
“It was bad, but you know Poppy, she can fix anything.” James sat in the chair next to her, running his thumb along the fresh scar that decorated her face.
“She fixed your cheek easily. The scar looks badass.” Lily added. 
“What about my stomach?” 
“That one was trickier, it was so deep and you lost so much blood. Pomfrey said it may take a few more hours to fully heal, but there’s going to be a scar.” James sighed. 
Silence made the air thick, the three friends looked at each other from their respective chairs, none of them expecting the next question that would come from the girl on the bed.
“Does Sirius know what happened?”
Remus drew in a sharp breath, the boy in question had been sitting outside the hospital wing the entire time. This was his fault and he knew it. He was a wreck, but he still couldn’t bring himself to face her.
“He does. It was nasty, the fight he and Marlene had. She's been in Dumbledore's office since their blowout. He’s trying to decide what to do with her.” Remus’s soft voice carried through her brain.
“Did they break up?”
“Yes”“Does he finally realize what he did?”
A beat of silence. Two beats…
“He’s outside,” James spoke.
“I want to see him.” She sat up with help from Lily who had a concerned look on her face at the decision her best friend just made.
James knew better than to question his sister, however, so he ushered the other two out of the room with him and went to get Sirius. They were still wary of the boy, but he poured his heart out to them, taking the blame for not stepping up, and admitting his wrongdoings. The trio knew it would take time, but they were willing to forgive him if she was.
As the nervous boy made his way into the room he could see her from the small opening in the curtains. Pushing them open his eyes were immediately drawn to the angry red scar on her face. He burst into tears immediately. 
“Sirius, come here, please.” She held her arms out inviting him in. 
“I'm so sorry,” He cried into her chest as she held him, “I was stupid, I was an absolute idiot. I never ever knew she would go this far. I never want to see you in pain again, and to know I helped cause it is eating me alive.” His body shook as he took short breaths trying to apologize but not being able to keep up with all the thoughts flooding his brain.
“Sirius, I know that wasn’t you. I don’t know who that was, but it certainly wasn’t my Sirius.” Tears escaped her eyes at the sounds of his cries and the meaning behind his words.
He apologized what felt like a million more times until his cries turned into soft breaths. She rubbed his back and stroked his hair, knowing that this was her Sirius. This was no longer a boy possessed by McKinnon or his own delusions. This was the gentle, kind, sometimes oblivious boy who she had loved for six years.
“I can’t promise that things will go back to normal immediately, but I forgive you. I know that in the end, her actions and her choices were her own. I know that you love me, and I know that you will do everything you can to show me that.” She removed her hands from his body.
Sirius sat up, he didn’t understand how someone could be so forgiving. So wonderful. 
“I love you so much. I love your beautiful face. I love your kind heart. Why are you so willing to let me back into your life?”
“Because Sirius, I have never and will never see a future where I don’t end up with you. You’re a good person who got caught up with someone venomous. I don’t love you any less for that.”
He decided from that moment on to win back every ounce of her trust. No matter how long it takes. 
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Another silly microfic I wrote cuz I’m boreddddd
“Ugh.” said Evan disgusted as he glared at Remus Lupin and Sirius Black making out in the middle of the hallway. “They’re so disgusting,” said Barty rolling his eyes.
“GET A BLOODY ROOM!” Evan yelled as they walked past them.
“You know they can’t do it in their dorm room right? And that means that they can’t get a room.”
“Huh? Why?” asked Evan turning his head to look at Barty questioningly.
“Potter is busy in their dorm shagging someone and he would actually be dead if Sirius found out.”
“How do you know that he’s shagging someone in their dorm room?”
“I don’t see Reg here.” he said shrugging. “What about you? Do you see him?”
Evan shook his head. “No…”
“Wait. Don’t change the subject.” Evan said fiercely.
“I’m not. I swear.” He threw his hands in the air like someone was holding a gun to his head.
“Oh you totally are, you piece of shit.”
“Okay, then tell me how Potter shagging someone in his dorm and Reg not being here are con-“ He saw Evan’s face going completely white like Dumbledore’s beard. He wanted to take a mental picture of his expression. It was hilarious. “Oh…” he said as the realisation hit him.
“Why didn’t he tell me?”
“I don’t know man, he actually didn’t tell me either. I walked in on them-“
“Okay. Ew, no details please.”
“I wasn’t going to.”
They walked through the halls in silence. Until Barty suggested something.
“Do you want to listen to them?”
“Are you fucking crazy?” Evan snapped at him.
“Oh come on, it will be fun, I promise.”
Evan rolled his eyes. “Fine.”
Barty smirked. They made their way to the Gryffindor entrance and snuck in as the entrance was still open, after some Gryffindor students just entered.
They made their way to Potter’s dorm room. Evan put his ear on the door, trying to hear them. Barty did the same.
“Do you hear it?” Evan whispered.
“Hear what?” He whisper yelled.
“The noise of the bed shaking.”
Barty listened more carefully now and holy shit! He could hear the fucking bed shaking. Evan chuckled as they continued to listen.
“What in the name of Merlin are you two doing here?” Pandora suddenly appeared out of nowhere. They both jumped, surprised and shocked.
“Wh- what? Nothing.” said Evan.
“What are you doing here?” Barty hissed at her.
“I gave the notes I took at herbology to Lily because she couldn’t make it to class today. You still didn’t answer my question.” She raised an eyebrow at them as she crossed her arms.
“Well what do you want us to say? ‘We’re listening to our best friend getting shagged by stupid strut king Pottah’.”
Pandora looked at them in suspicion. Then her gaze softened and she smiled.
“Well, make some room for me then. I’m not missing this. Our best friend getting shagged by the Gryffindor quidditch captain. Hah. Who would’ve thought.”
She put her ear on the door to listen too. They listened for a few minutes till they heard someone moan something in French.
“That’s hot.” said Pandora.
“That’s your best friend, Pandora.” said Evan.
“I’m just checking on my best friend because I am concerned. He might get hurt. You never know” she said with a puppy face.
“Oh fuck off.” Evan chuckled.
The three of them lost balance as the door they were leaning on suddenly opened.
“Oh shit,” said Evan, almost falling.
Barty and Pandora couldn’t save themselves and fell on the floor, right on their stomachs. “Ouch,” he muttered. Barty looked up to see Regulus glaring at them.
“Seriously?” he asked them.
“You know it’s not what you think, we were just checking on you.”
“Yeah since you’re on your period, I thought you’d like some cookies.” said Pandora as she stood up and lifted the snack she had in her hands suggestively.
“He’s on his period?!” Evan and Barty asked at the same time, looking at each other with an amused expression.
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Dude I bet the bed is a fucking mess right now.”
“Like a crimson river or something. The poor bed.” Evan said as he laughed.
“The crimson night sky, a painting made by Regulus Arcturus Black.” Barty said laughing his ass off.
Regulus looked so pissed.
“We will talk about this later.” He said angrily as he walked off. The three of them continued laughing. James looked rather confused. He wasn’t really used to their weird shit yet. But he also looked kinda flustered because they all knew what they’ve been doing in the room.
Barty knew Regulus would be mad at them when they returned to their dorm but now he was just enjoying the funny moment with his friends. Yes it was kind of offensive and mean but hilarious at the same time. And yes he will apologise to Reg but take every chance he gets to rub it in his face.
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arlertdarling · 1 year
❥ STARS IN YOUR EYES — armin arlert x gn!reader, modern au, fluff, established relationship, space nerd!armin, yet another incredibly self-indulgent, incredibly fluffy armin oneshot<3 (i don't actually know a lot about astronomy so sorry if i got anything wrong!)
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“That’s Orion’s belt,” Armin says, tracing his fingertip along a short line of stars. “Those three stars there, see? And that kind of arced line is his shield. A little higher up there, that’s his sword.” He pauses, hand lowering as he searches the sky. “Canis Minor should also be… ah, yeah, look, Canis Minor, just there. It’s only two stars so it’s hard to spot. Canis Major is easier to recognise. I think it’s just here actually, see?” He connects a few specks of light together — a triangle here, a rectangle there. You raise your hand and try to mimic Armin’s movements. He puts his hand over yours, guiding it and correcting your lines. Then he stops at one of the stars, slightly bigger and easier to see than the others.
“This is Sirius,” he says, “the brightest star in our solar system and the… fifth? Closest to our sun. Around 8.6 light years away.”
“Wow.” You look up at him. “Wait, isn’t that the North Star?”
Armin grins at your interest. “No, that’s Polaris.” He moves your hand. “This one here.”
You think for a moment. “What about the closest star?” you ask. “Which one’s the closest to us?”
He sets your hands down. “Well, not counting the sun, the closest star to us is Proxima Centauri,” he explains before looking at you with a gleaming smile and eyes full of fascination. “Now, you’d think that because it’s the closest, logically it should be the brightest, right?”
“Well… yeah, I think so,” you agree unsurely.
“But it’s not!” He beams. “It’s actually the dimmest,” he says, pinching his thumb and forefinger together and holding it up to the sky, “because it’s so small! Only about a tenth of the sun’s mass.”
“So it’s like a little baby star,” you jest.
Armin laughs through his nose. “I don’t know about ‘little’,” he says. “It’s still so big that its mass has to be written in scientific notation. Or like, in terms of the Earth’s mass, which is also written in scientific notation.”
You smirk. “You know what else is so big that its mass has to be written in scientific notation?”
Armin is about to give a genuine answer but stops himself. “Were you about to make a deeznuts joke? On our romantic stargazing date?” You snicker as he sighs and rubs his hand down his face. “I can’t believe I almost fell for that.” He’s smiling despite himself.
“Boo,” you drawl as you bump shoulders with him. “You’re no fun.” You exchange childish grins before looking back at the sky. As much as you may tease him for being a nerd, Armin’s astronomy knowledge never fails to impress you. It’s endearing too, the way he rambles so eagerly. You could listen to him talk for hours.
“So, where’s the not-so-little baby star then?” you question, scanning the sky. “Can we see it?”
“Oh, no, it’s only really visible in the southern hemisphere,” Armin replies. “Though even then, you need ideal viewing conditions and a telescope with an aperture of at least 8cm to see it.”
You hum. “Guessing we don’t have one of those?”
Armin chuckles. “I think the bigger obstacle is the fact we’re nowhere near the required latitude to even try seeing it.”
“Whatever, nerd.” You giggle and rest your cheek against Armin’s shoulder as he continues talking about the constellations. It’s quiet; the countryside always is, but the nighttime brings with it a different kind of quiet. Crickets chirp and the night breeze rustles the grass and leaves. Above you, the stars are abundant, floating like lily pads in a blue-black pond. You’ve been looking at them for so long that it seems as though they’re dancing, spinning round and round like maple tree seeds in the wind. It’s almost hypnotic, tempting you to fall asleep, but the anticipation for what’s to come is keeping you awake.
Armin checks his phone, the light of his screen illuminating his giddy smile. “Okay. Any minute now,” he says, setting aside his phone. His eyes are gazing at the sky, but your eyes are on him. The darkness makes his features hard to see, but you’ve stared at him so many times before that you’re able to fill in the blanks by memory. The dainty curve of his nose, the soft shade of his lips, the aquamarine light in his irises…
You’re startled from your trance when Armin suddenly gasps. “Look!” he exclaims, pointing up. You follow his hand to a white streak passing through the sky. It vanishes, but not long after, another cuts through nearby. An extraordinary celestial phenomena, and yet you can’t help flicking your eyes over to Armin just to watch his reaction. It’s cheesy, but to you, no celestial phenomena compares to his smile.
You reach over and rake your fingers through his hair. “I love you,” you say absentmindedly.
It takes a second for Armin to give you his attention, too focused on trying to spot a meteor. “What did you say?” he says, turning to you.
You prop yourself up on your elbows and lean in close, brushing some hair out of his face. “I said I love you.”
He catches your hand before it leaves his face and presses a kiss to your wrist. “I love you too,” he whispers, smiling against your palm. You laugh giddily and rub your forehead against his affectionately.
Armin stares at you from under blond eyelashes. “Can I kiss you?” he mutters into the breath of air between you, one hand already hovering near your face.
You move your head the rest of the way into his palm and cup your hand over his. “It’s about time you asked,” you tease, and Armin’s chuckle tickles your lips as you meet. You mould to each other, soft and yearning. It’s a movement that expresses more than either of you could with words alone, pouring your feelings into each other in their rawest form, passing them between warm lips and even warmer breaths; slips of tongue and airy giggles. Armin’s hand is supporting your jaw, fingers tucked behind your ear delicately while yours pulls him closer by his sweater. When you part, for a moment, you just stare at each other; too enthralled to speak.
Armin smiles fondly, his awe melting into adoration. A thumb pets your cheekbone as if to brush away an eyelash, his other hand rubbing your hip. He doesn’t stop staring at you, putting every detail of you like this to memory. The way you’re framed by the starry sky, the meteor that passes over your head like a halo, how his hands fit to you like they were made to hold you. Armin sighs and nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck. “What did I do to deserve you?” he mumbles, his lips ticklish against your skin.
“I should be asking you that,” you argue playfully, stroking his hair. Armin doesn’t say anything; you just stay like that for a while, holding each other as the meteors glide by intermittently.
“It’s a little chilly,” Armin comments after a particularly harsh rush of wind. He runs his hands over the goosebumps on your arms. “You’re not too cold, are you?” He gives you a concerned glance, but before you can answer, he’s taking off his sweater and pulling it over your head. The lingering warmth on the fabric presses against you like a kiss as Armin helps you slide your arms through the sleeves. He gives it a few last tugs and pulls, making sure you’re all covered up.
When his eyes meet yours, he smiles sheepishly. “I know we should probably head inside… but could we stay out a little longer?” He adjusts the sweater again, but more out of nervous habit rather than necessity.
You smile at his sincerity. “Yeah, of course, baby,” you coo. “I don’t mind.”
The pet name makes Armin blush. He pats the space beside him and you shift to spoon his side, draping your limbs over his body. He curls an arm around you, lazily petting your hair. The both of you watch the fleeting strokes of light criss-cross above you, and for just a moment, you forget about the rest of the world; for just a moment, it’s only you, Armin and the stars beneath your fingertips.
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masivechaos · 1 year
post azkaban! sirius black x fem! reader
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Request: yes / no
see the request!
Synopsis: Sirius has to stay at Grimmauld place and it brings back old memories
Warning/content: talking about an abusive childhood, kissing, my english
a.n.: 0.7k words - family line by conan gray! sorry this is short, hope you still like it :)
masterlist/ marauders masterlist / navigation / taglist 
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
“Sirius?” you asked softly.
The man blinked, returning to reality, a smile finding its way to his lips quickly “Yes?”
“Are you okay?” you tucked a stray strand of hair behind his ear carefully, talking quietly, not wanting to scare him. He was staring at the family tree, his fingers tracing the burn where his face was supposed to be.
He nodded, forcing himself to look at you, he didn’t want to alarm you. You cupped his face with your hands “Sirius… Tell me what’s up…”
The last years were complicated and full of emotions. In a matter of a few months, you discovered your first love wasn’t the murderer you thought he was and your best friend was actually alive and a traitor.
And now Sirius had to live in the house he grew up in, in the house responsible for all his cries and sorrows, in the house his parents raised him but forgot to love him in the process. You felt like he was a scared child again.
He never told you in detail what happened here but you could see the way he was staring at the walls when no one was watching.
Sirius’ eyebrows furrowed “I- I’m fine” He always told you he was good at lying and it was true except that you were used to it now and could read him like an open book. You guest he picked up this ability from his mother who probably was the number one manipulator you knew. But Sirius wasn’t mean, he was, in fact, the kindest person you’ve ever met and it made you feel good that even after thirteen years of jail you could feel his lies, after all this time you still knew him like you used to.
“No, you’re not,” you rested your forehead against his.
“I don’t like it here,” he finally said. “I managed my way out of this and now- now I’m here again.”
Without even thinking you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into you, giving him as much warmth and comfort as possible. “But they are not here anymore. No one is going to hurt you”
“I know…” you heard his voice break. You pulled away just enough to see his grey eyes. That’s the moment you remembered how much he hated them. He said it was the same as his father’s. But all you saw was that the moon seemed to have settled in his eyes and you had a chance to look at it every time you gaze at him.
“But even if they’re both dead, I can’t seem to forget what they did. And I hate that they thought I wouldn’t understand. I was a kid but I wasn’t clueless.”
Sirius took a deep breath that broke your heart “If they loved me they wouldn’t have done this to me” You didn’t speak, it seemed like he needed to let it out. “When I was in Azkaban, there was a moment I felt like I was insane, I was finally like them.” He let out an awkward laugh.
“Sirius,...” you sighed as you softly stroked his cheek with your thumb “You’re not like them.”
“I am.”
“You’re not.” You kissed Sirius’ lips and you could feel him relax slightly “You will never hurt anyone… You’d never hurt anyone. Even after all they did, you stayed the same.”
Sirius fled your gaze shyly, “You…,” he wet his lips uncomfortably, “You really mean it?” he said quietly and in front you he became an insecure child again. Eyes big and wide asking you if nothing was wrong with him.
“I do, Sirius.” Those three words were enough for a tear to roll down Sirius’ cheek. He borrowed his face in the crook of your neck as he cried more and more “It’s going to be okay, love,” you whispered again and again until his sobs soften.
“You might share a face and a last name,” you said when he was calmer, “You are not the same, Sirius. You’re nothing like them.”
You held him as tightly as possible, you had found the teenage Sirius again. Sirius missed you so much, there was so many time when he wanted to have you by his side. He might not have a family, but he had you. And you felt like home
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
⋆ ★ sirius back taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @saturnband @cauliflowertree @madison-rebel @moonlitmeeks @loveeharrington @meredarling @elenatries2write @juneberrie  @faeriieblush @gilmore-angel @heartfucks @sparklenarniawizard @moondemon123 @mystic-writings @siriusblackstwin @natashxromanovf @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @garfieldsladybird @starconfettii @kidcuisinesvcks @percy-the-hufflepuff @fairydxll @spookydarkwitch @duxpuella @innerloverpainter @doyouknowwhoyouare13 @venussflytraps @diorgirl444 @oncasette @locke-writes @maddipoof @widowbf @starlit-epiphany
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saintsenara · 1 year
2 bellatrix Lestrange
4 Sirius black
thank you for the ask, anon!
[character ask game here]
2. a canon or headcanon hill you will die on about them:
i have two headcanon answers for my best girl, bellatrix:
that her marriage to rodolphus is unhappy
a lot of bellatrix fans - or certainly the ones i follow on tumblr - have the headcanon that her marriage to rodolphus is a strong one, and either reject the idea of bellamort, or think that bellamort takes place with rodolphus’ consent.
i disagree. i much prefer to view bellatrix as someone whose breathless devotion to voldemort isn’t just caused by the deranged sexual energy she projects in the books [which helena bonham carter really took and ran with in the films…], but by the fact that voldemort - tragically - is the first man in her life who actually treats her as a real person.
while i don’t think her marriage to rodolphus was forced [i think it was arranged - and i think the idea that pureblood families practise arranged marriage is implied by canon - but arranged and forced marriages are not synonymous, nor are arranged and loveless ones], i do think that it was a decision she made when she was quite young because she thought she should, and that, if she’d had the chance to actually think properly about it, she wouldn’t have accepted rodolphus’ proposal.
i see them, then, as having very little in common - rodolphus being dour and insubstantial is my preferred way of writing him, while bella is passionate and vibrant - and as living, almost the second the rings are exchanged, entirely separate lives.
i also see bellatrix feeling incredibly constrained by the gendered expectations of her social class - expectations which rodolphus, following the example of his parents [and bella’s own], has for her - and hating being, essentially, trapped in the lestranges’ house, having to play hostess and behave herself like a good pureblood woman. like narcissa.
voldemort - someone who can very much understand the desire to escape the shackles of your father and your class background - is the only man she ever meets who lets her escape this.
but, more than that:
that voldemort genuinely loves her, in his own little way
if you asked him, of course, he’d say otherwise, but i think it’s justifiable in canon that voldemort doesn’t just like having bella around because she strokes his ego.
he clearly misses her while he’s stuck in a tree in albania; he is the happiest he’s been in over a decade the night she’s released from azkaban; he refuses to lose her to azkaban again in the duel at the ministry, even though it means blowing a year-long cover; he allows her to speak frankly to him when they’re in private [she tells him to his face that he’s wrong about snape - for most people, that’s the last thing you ever say to lord voldemort, for bella, all she gets is the silent treatment for a few days]; he is willing to put up with her doing all she can to be physically close to him, even though that alludes to the relationship between them and makes him look like he has a weakness; he is - if you’re a delphini truther [i am! sue me!] - willing to allow her to be seen to be pregnant with his baby, something which makes clear he’s just a man underneath it all; and - of course - he absolutely loses it when she dies.
in contrast to a fanon tendency to turn him into an emotionless automaton, voldemort is someone who clearly has a great desire to be seen and known. his monologues are usually him revealing his secrets, his desire for notoriety is obviously caused by having been such an attention-starved child, his life is hollowed out by the profound grief of his orphanhood. i cannot see any scenario in which bellatrix’s affection for him isn’t something he clings onto like a life-raft. and, despite the series’ belief that the main value of love is as sacrifice, this - pleasure, comfort, solace, understanding - is love too.
4. your favourite line of theirs:
sirius’ best line is obviously this god-tier read of wormtail from prisoner of azkaban:
"there’s enough filth on my robes without you touching them."
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i-think-too-loud · 9 months
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saw this and agree with everything, but also…reg being the exact opposite?
some silly little thoughts i need to get out of my head before they consume me
-never gets caught pranking people because he’s convinced a detention is the worst punishment in the world (knows even one mistake would give his parents enough reason to disown him, too)
-smells like lavender (bc of the hc that he needs sleeping potions to be able to sleep and not have nightmares) and coffee and maybe flowers
-hates fire and will sit as far away from it as possible even if he’s shivering soooo badly (hc that he used to love sitting in the rain and swimming before the whole cave incident and he’d come into the common room soaking wet and shivering and still refuse to sit near the fire) (evan and dorcas mother-henning him bc they’re genuinely concerned with this habit)
-his day will go absolutely horrible if he doesn’t make his bed in the morning or his schedule gets interrupted (is he on the spectrum? probably)
-he and panda (all the skittles really)smoke all of the time, r does it because he has Anxiety and it calms his nerves
-was a big fan of Poe and Dickens and all kinda of muggle authors (he’d sneak out of Grimmauld when he was little and buy books from muggle shops. he just never got caught or told anyone, unlike Sirius who was very vocal about it) (he also borrowed some from Remus or Lily at times)
-also learned about love and marriage from watching his parents and for the longest time didn’t think love actually existed and that it was only a tale for children (like the tooth fairy or something) (forgot until editing this that Cupid exists, so he probably assumed it was a story like that with the love arrows)
-i don’t know many 70’s bands but he would have LOVED lana and conan, i’m convinced. (J would be such a swiftie tell me i’m wrong)
-doesn’t smile much but when he does it’s absolutely perfect (j absolutely melts when he sees it. R knows this and will absolutely use it to his advantage)
-doesn’t doodle but he writes poetry, often in the margins of book or on scraps of paper or whatever is closest to him. sometimes he’ll just lean over to james/panda/barty/whatever love interest you hc him with and scribble a little poem on their arm or hand just so he can get it out of him (see: Non-Stop from Hamilton)
-usually only wears black or green in public (but secretly loves when he and j are in private and he gets to wear all of j’s clothes, which are so loose and colorful and the complete opposite of the ones his parents allow him to be seen in)
-doesn’t dislike mcgonagall, but hates how pushy she can be about him joining ECs or whatnot (also hc that r, who’s favorite subject was potions and would even brew in his spare time, used to help make healing potions or sleeping droughts and whatnot for Pomfrey since she was always busy and never have time) (he would never admit it to anyone where he was going everyday when he was brewing them, though) (probably also how he realized Remus was a werewolf was because he was always around the infirmary helping out) (r would have been a healer in another life. one where he wasn’t expected to harm instead.)
-wouldn’t like most muggle sports (hates the rich people ones like golf or tennis but also hates how violent hockey or football could get) but he’d like ice/figure skating and ballet, and he would LOVE music (not so much listening to it, that’s j’s thing, but playing it. the piano or the violin, maybe. something delicate and pretty and requires precision)
-gay. the gayest little guy you’ve ever seen. (he and panda/dorcas tried hooking up just once while they were Realizing and it was so embarrassingly awful they both decided never to mention it again)(also Reg and barty/remus being fWb because….well, bc i said so)
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