#but theres nothing to go off for him only future will tell
tiedsh0es · 4 months
I really like the idea of Europa and Ganymede teaming up with Planet X. Like, they're clearly not over their revolution. But then this giant planet appears, who understands being harmed by careless planets. Who understands their troubles.
At first this is exactly what they wanted, finally another chance! With a planet by their side! Things are going their way. But then they begin to realise X is here to go after Jupiter and don't feel as enthusiastic. At least not Ganymede, as he seems to have the better relationship with jupiter.
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Part 18: i'm anything but tame
"Don't tell me it's not fair. Believe me, I've been there. Bittersweet my renegade and I'm anything but tame. Oh, I hate to tell you this way. VIllians aren't born, darlin' we're made."  -Villians Aren't Born (They're Made) by PEGGY
Regent masterlist Mundane Macabre Part 17 AO3
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Council of Uncaged Birds group chat [User Pharaoh has changed group name to Summon the Fraid Council] Summon the Fraid Council group chat Pharaoh-Tech: Phantom giw left AP InfiniteStarPrince: but thats good??? Queen_Regent: Where did they go? 
Dame_Asphodel: Phar tracked them far as NJ but the green says they are close to you.  Pharaoh-Tech: did some digging the bomb = not giw InfiniteStarPrince: yeah no gross ecto Queen_Regent: too subtle, not the usual guns blazing style.  InfiniteStarPrince: Oh.  Dame_Asphodel: Why Regent then? Queen_Regent: Who knows Phantom and I outside our night lives? Pharaoh-Tech: will dig more oracle tried 2 hack me Queen_Regent: Did you make contact? Dame_Asphodel: isnt Oracle a bat ally? Pharaoh-Tech: probably back hacked some files theres a file on Regent InfiniteStarPrince: why would BBB not have 1 on her??? Dame_Asphodel: BBB? Queen_Regent: Big Bad Bat. Batman. InfiniteStarPrince: yeah why wouldnt he have 1 on a meta Queen_Regent: he thinks is one Pharaoh-Tech: it has UR REAL NAMEE Queen_Regent:  I told him. InfiniteStarPrince: yeah, R let me know Dame_Asphodel: why? Pharaoh-Tech: u kidding i worried for nothing?!?! Queen_Regent: I’m dating Red Hood Dame_Asphodel: What happened to Jason? InfiniteStarPrince: him too Pharaoh-Tech: wat???? InfiniteStarPrince: R met his family 2 Pharaoh-Tech: hol up !?!?!?! u tellin me RH = JT?? Queen_Regent: Can’t confirm or deny Pharaoh-Tech: imma lay down head hurts Dame_Asphodel: That does make me think R Queen_Regent: that one of RH’s enemies tried to kill two birds with one bomb InfiniteStarPrince: oh snap plot twist Dame_Asphodel: who though?  Queen_Regent: RH is a crime lord Dame_Asphodel: who took on black mask Queen_Regent: I don’t want to do anything without proof
InfiniteStarPrince: black mask? Dame_Asphodel: crime lord got ass kicked by RH literally has a black mask as a face InfiniteStarPrince: so looking for one (1) ugly bastard Queen_Regent: evidence first. can’t execute mortal with zero InfiniteStarPrince: realm laws suck Dame_Asphodel: yet you’re still gonna be king sucks to suck Queen_Regent: For now i’ll ask RH for info he’s mad about the bomb worried I couldve been hurt InfiniteStarPrince: gross Dame_Asphodel: and after? Queen_Regent: well we’ll cross that bridge when we get there Dame_Asphodel:  I think you mean burn it Queen_Regent: whatever comes first
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GothicDame and JazzHands chat
GothicDame: does he treat you well? JazzHands: very 
GothicDame: good always need more fertilizer JazzHands: Never change
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If she was anyone else, Ellie walking through Jason’s apartment door with a dirty shovel over her shoulder while whistling a jaunty tune would have raised some concerns for the older Nightingale. Jazz decided to settle for fond exasperation over annoyance at her little sister’s literal (albeit forewarned) shovel talk, even though the aforementioned shovel was suspiciously covered in bloody dirt. 
However, any annoyance died and went to the realms when Ellie stood face to chest with Jason, one hand on her hip, shovel still over her shoulder and gave him a once-over. A four-foot-six teen standing off against her six-foot even boyfriend should not be allowed to be so comedic. 
“So, you’re the-“
“Red Hood.” 
“I was gonna say undead weenie, but that works too I guess.” 
It was just so ridiculous that Jazz couldn’t help but laugh at the two. Jason and Ellie spared her confused looks at her laughter, but didn’t comment as Danny entered the apartment as well, only he had an ecto smoothie in one hand and a bucket of popcorn in the other. The future Ghost King didn’t seem all that concerned about the scene he walked into, only pausing long enough to ask-
“Did I miss anything?” 
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[I'm so glad to post a new part to the Regent! If you weren't aware, this also now lives on AO3.]
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adonis-koo · 1 year
sweet nothing • 5
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(In which he is most definitely sick)
↳ Description: being a guest at the Jeon Estate after a mishap of being kidnapped and dragged into your brothers affairs isn’t all that bad. Truth be told it brings you a lot closer to the mobster and owner of the estate Jeon Jungkook himself.
His two rules are simple, don’t cause trouble and don’t give him a hard time. Somehow you manage to constantly do both in the most endearing way despite being pregnant and waddling around most of the time.
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/reader, ???/reader
↳ Genre: slice of life AU, mafia!AU, pregnancy, there’s like…a little bit of a plot but not a lot, future smut? maybe? it's very domestic!
Word Count: 2k
Previous | Next
Note: I'm back AGAIN, simply because I can't get enough of these two!!! they're my life line these days tbh! i know I said there wasn't a lot of plot to this BUT....theres definitely some plot if you squint
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“Are you sick?” 
Jungkook looked horrendous, it was evident he hadn’t showered yet, as his hair was somewhat oily, wild and unbrushed, his voice was raspy and the moment he greeted you good morning, it was evident he was congested. 
“I don’t get sick.” Jungkook replied, but his voice alone gave away the discomfort he was feeling, he sat at the small table attempting to eat but after two bites and the pure agony of attempting to swallow, he gave up. 
Your lips parted before closing once more, a sigh escaping you, “If only that were the case,” this had been your concern since he had come home late a few days ago, soaked to the bone and freezing cold. 
Yesterday when he had taken you out you noticed he had been sniffling, but aside from that he sounded totally find, today he looks like he had been hit with a car.
Jungkook rolled his eyes, “I have three board meetings today, a stack of paper work in my office that needs to be signed and a deal tonight at the Red Light, I can’t afford to be sick.” 
“Jungkook,” You chastised softly, “Do you even hear yourself? I don’t think anybody is gonna want to be around you when you sound like that. What are your symptoms?” 
“I’m not-”
“Yes you are!” You spoke over him, your expression shifting into anger at his stubbornness, “whether you like it or not! You’re sick. Now tell me so I can figure out whether I need Jimin to call the doctor or not.” 
Jungkook groaned as he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms in thought before he reluctantly spoke, “My throat feels like it’s on fire. Even speaking feels like I’m swallowing a dagger.”
“And I have a massive headache,” He ushered softly, eyes closing as he rubbed his head.
Your expression softened once more, “Why don’t you go lay down? I’ll call for Jimin to get the doctor and make sure you’re alright,”
“I am alright.” Jungkook replied, puffed up at your words, one glare however shut him up.
He tiredly blinked as he sunk into his seat, “I can’t just take the day off.” 
“Then do what you can from bed.” You said with a frown, “But you’ll make others sick and yourself worse if you go out today.” 
He said nothing got a long moment before he shook his head and got out of his chair, your eyes followed him across the room until he left, somewhat surprised at his lack of argument.
Yeonjun who had been digging through a folder off to the side briefly glanced up to the closed door and then to you, “That’s a first.”
“Pardon?” You asked.
He smiled, “Jungkook letting someone boss him around. It’s a rather nice change of pace.” 
You scratched your cheek, uncertain of how to take the his words, your lack of reply only made Yeonjun continue though, “Y’know he used to..,” He cut himself off, as if realizing it wasn’t his place to meddle, “Sorry, I won’t bring it up. I’m sure neither of you want to dig up the past.”
The past…You gave a sad smile, picking at your food, “It’s alright, there’s nothing to dig up, Jungkook was a nice acquaintance back before I was pregnant, if you could even call him that. Nothing more…Yoongi is his partner, right?”
Yeonjun frowned, looking away warily before he eventually nodded, “You’ve met?”
You shook your head, “Only once, a long time ago, informally might I add.” 
“Do you want me to ring for Jimin?” Yeonjun decided to change the subject, “That way you can finish eating?”
You nodded with a grateful smile, “Yes! That would be quite helpful.” 
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Jungkook looked downright annoyed as the doctor poked and prodded at him before he had finally come to a conclusion.
Turning to you as it was evident Jungkook was not in a good mood, “The good news is that it’s only a case of tonsillitis.” 
You sighed in relief before you asked, “Is there bad news?”
“It’s a bacterial infection, so we’ll need to put him on antibiotics. Lots of rest and warm, soft foods will help, he should be better in a few days at most once the antibiotics are in his system.” The doctor gave a warm smile.
“Few days?” Jungkook’s brows pinched together in annoyance.
“I’ll be sure to keep him rested.” You cut over him with a smile, “Thank you Doctor Choi.” 
“Of course Y/n, I will see you on Friday for your check up.” He gave a short bow before existing the room.
“I can’t be in bed for a few days!” Jungkook immediately piped up, though you didn’t miss the slight wince in expression at the obvious pain he was feeling.
“Doctors orders.” You gave him a sweet smile as you held your hands up.
He slumped back, glaring through his bangs at nothing in particular, “Can you at least get my laptop?” 
You let out a noise of amusement as you stood up, one hand on your stomach, the other on your dully aching back, “I didn’t realize having strep throat made your legs not work.” 
“You want me in bed or not?” 
“I’m going, I’m going.” You giggled as you waddled out of the room and into the open space of his office, digging through paperwork you made sure nothing was messed up, before finding his laptop charger and eventually finding the source as well. 
Opening the cracked door to his room however you smiled softly as the sight of him laid back down, knocked out once again, a soft snore even escaping him as you tutted, walking over you set his laptop on his nightstand before tenderly pulling his covers back over his shoulder. 
His expression looked so delicate when he was asleep, lips parted slightly and brows relaxed, tenderly you brushed your fingers through his hair before catching yourself. 
Your hand snapping back to your chest as if it had been burned, swallowing hard you shook your head, you had been thinking about the past a lot more these days. 
You couldn’t help but wonder if Jungkook did the same. 
Frowning you shook your head before you exited his room, there was no point dwelling on the what-if’s after all. 
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Most of the day had gone by quietly, there was something different about the estate when Jungkook was home, even if he was sleeping away or working in his room, his energy still filled the air and brought a comforting feeling to whatever you did. 
Eventually the afternoon passed and an idea had overtaken you. 
“What are you doing?” Yeonjun paused at the door as he cocked his head to the side, brimming with curiosity. 
You turned towards Yeonjun with a grin, “You can’t tell Jungkook.”
He sighed, “I hate when you start a sentence with that.” 
You pouted, “I’m making him soup!” 
Yeonjun looked relieved, “Oh…okay, better than I anticipated, it does smell good here.” He glanced around the empty kitchen, “But the kitchen staff are already preparing supper.” 
You crossed your arms once more, “Well, that doesn’t change that I’m making him something to eat. There’s nothing like home cooking when you’re sick!”
Yeonjun held up his hands, “If it’s from you I’m sure he’ll love it….” He shuffled closer before peering over your shoulder, “Will there be extra?” 
“Are you asking for a bowl?” You grinned.
“Only if there’s extra.” 
“There’s plenty.” You replied with an excited smile, giving a little happy dance as you grabbed a set of bowls, proudly pouring your soup before handing one to Yeonjun who looked like a little kid snatching it from your hands. 
Setting the other bowl on a tray you tided it up with a nice hot ginger plum tea and a few napkins, “Tell me how it tastes! I’m gonna run this up to his room.” 
“Don’t you want some?” Yeonjun had already grabbed a spoon, slurping noodles. 
You grimaced, “Honestly the taste of chicken broth makes me wanna vomit, back when I had morning sickness the smell alone had me gagging.” 
“That’s a shame because this is honestly the best soup I’ve ever had- second actually,” Yeonjun smiled at his bowl, “Reminds me of my mom’s when I was sick as a kid.” 
You only smiled at his words before briefly glancing down at your stomach, large and round, you could only hope you’d make the best soup your baby would love one day. 
“Well nothing can beat mom’s soup, hopefully it’ll be second best for Jungkook too.” You laughed a little as you walked past Yeonjun, carefully holding the tray. 
You didn’t know much about Jungkook, truthfully, sure you had talked pre-pregnancy, but it always…you huffed, shaking your head.
This had been happening more frequently, memories of the past would surface and you’d have to shove them back down, the past was the past for a reason. You could only assume they kept coming up because well…
It was Jungkook. 
Knocking on his door you heard a scratchy ‘come in’ before opening the door. 
Jungkook was sat up in bed, looking tired as he typed away on his laptop, eyes dragging towards you before you noticed them brighten just a little. 
His eyes then dropped to the tray before he stiffened, “Why are you carrying that?” 
“I can-” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before Jungkook had already gotten out of bed, swaggering up to you before grabbing the tray. 
“Ask Yeonjun next time.” It was difficult to take his chided words serious when he was rasping this hard, a wince visible on his face as he continued, “If you drop that-” 
“How many times do I have to tell you,” You huffed, “I’m pregnant, not dying.” Your expression softened a little as a small smile tugged on your lips at the sight of his floppy bangs covering his eyes in a sulky manner, “Lay back down, I made you something to sip on. I always loved warm broth when I was younger.” 
Jungkook set the tray on his nightstand as he sat back down at the edge of the bed, staring down at the steaming bowl, his expression nonpulsed for a long moment. 
“You do like soup right?” You shuffled a little nervous at his quietness. 
“Who the fuck doesn’t like soup?” He quipped, “I just…” He glanced away, “You didn’t have to do that…” 
“Of course I did!” You replied immediately, “If I don’t then who will?” 
Jungkook parted his lips before closing them, sighing but not saying anything else as he propped his nightstand up, it extended upwards before turning towards him, he paused before taking a sip, “Well don’t just stand there.” 
You glanced around the room, not much had changed, a few chairs still against the wall, a particular spot open to the wall, opposite to a mirror on the other side of the room hanging. 
“Have you considered redecorating?” You asked as you rounded the bed, choosing to sit beside him on the empty side. 
Groaning you rested your back against the headboard as your hands dropped to your stomach. 
Jungkook shrugged beside you, “Not much reason too. I thought it looked fine.” 
He plopped the spoon in his mouth as his eyes shut. He was never a very expressive person, but there was something about that satisfied look on his face that made you smile.
“It’s alright, it's just…” You trailed off, suddenly feeling as though you weren’t as ready to have this conversation as you thought you were.
“Just what?” Jungkook’s brows furrowed. 
You forced a smile as you shook your head, “Nothing.” 
The same way you last remembered it.
You glanced at the that small open space of the wall between both the chairs, how cold it felt against your back when…
Jungkook could obviously sense the uncomfortable silence, “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“The soup.” 
A somewhat hesitant smile tugged on your lips, “Of course. I’m…” Your smile became disheartened as you stood up, “I’m gonna start preparing for bed, you should get some more rest.” 
Jungkook frowned but said nothing, though it looked like he wanted to, he only nodded. 
You left his room feeling your feet drag as you closed your eyes, this feeling was something you were used to when it came to him.
This feeling of always dancing around one another, never talking about the tension in the room, except now it was even more evident then before. 
You’d have to talk about it eventually. 
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I forgot all about my tags last chapter so I apologize!
taglist: @btseverafter7 @scuzmunkie @zae007live @cynicalbitch666 @somehowukook @bartisedrew @princess-sunshyn @jungk-shook-iiee @chickpea-jimin @hoseokteardrop @guk97butterfly @givemethemaknaes16 @bxcndd
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asimpwithfreetime · 2 years
Avatar Masterlist
You can find per character, polyamorous stories, headcanons and platonic stories! And smut🤠✋
Feel free to make send in any request, ask or headcanon you want 💕
Smut will be marked with the devil emoji 😈 and will be written in red
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Jake Sully
☆༉ No one will hurt you again (Yandere! Jake Sully x fem! Reader)
Request: Another avatar request. Imagine Jake as a yandere, and the reader admits to him that a few of the other woman in the clan are being cruel to her out of jealousy that she’s mated to him. So he’s livid, goes off and “teaches them all a lesson”, and then comes home and is super sweet and comforting to the reader?
☆༉ Mating time (Yandere!(?) Jake Sully x fem reader) [ SMUT 😈 ]
Request: Lowkey need yandereJake sex… imagine you finally get comfy enough to mate with him and he litteraly treats you like a princess the entire time constantly praising you for any action you do 😭
☆༉ Jake Sully and how he is (in bed) with a shy!human! Reader [ Headcanons + drabble ] [ SMUT ] 😈
☆༉ Jake Sully de-stressing reader [ SMUT ] 😈
☆༉ Sweet treat (DILF! Jake Sully x Fem! Younger reader)
Request: Dilf jake who is already married to neytiri {my love} And already has his four kids, but still isn't satisfied anymore, but theres a certain young na'vi who caught his attention. They obviously like jake sully {who wouldn't} but can't since he's married and is toruk macto, but Jake reassures the reader its fine with sum smut 🤭
☆༉ Neytiri being a nurturing mom to her child, you (Platonic! Neytiri x sully! Daughter! Reader)
Summary: just pure fluff with your mom. Neytiri loves you so much.
☆༉ You belong with me (Yandere! Neteyam x fem! Reader)
Summary: Yandere Neteyam forcing the bond because he is jealous
☆༉ Once upon in a dream (Neteyam x fem!reader)
Summary: Neteyam dreamt of a girl and fell in love with her. He has a pleasant surprise when Norm’s nephew joins Spider on his visit to the clan.
☆༉ Sweetheart, you are mine and you know (Yandere! Neteyam x Fem! Reader)
Summary: The new Olo’eyktan, Neteyam, at the peer age of 20 has yet to find his mate. The only woman who he is interested in, Y/n, doesnt want him. The only thing is that he doesn’t take no for an answer
☆༉ Only you my love, only you babe ( Lo’ak x reader ) [ ANGST ]
Nothing yet
☆༉ Mr. Steal your girl (Tsu’tey x fem! Reader)
Summary: Tsu’tey tries to make Jake mad by dating his mate (He doesn’t know that you are not Jake’s human mate but his sister)
☆༉ Tsu’tey meeting a Shpynx Cat for the first time (Tsu’tey x fem! Reader)
Summary: you show your unusual pet to Tsu’tey and this is how he reacts (one-shot not a headcanon)
☆༉ Nobody tells me what to do (Yandere! Ao’nung x Fem! Reader) [ SMUT ] 😈
Summary: Y/n was Lo’ak’s future mate back in the forest, when she comes to look for him after 6 years, she finds out he mated with Tsireya. Ao’nung is there to help her out and make her forget him.
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Oh, you are not going anywhere anytime soon (Yandere! Tonowari x Reader) [ fluff + smut ] 😈
Request: Yandere!Tonowari would honestly be so clingy and he would use his massive size as a weapon. You wanna leave the bed in the morning? He’s laying on top of you. You’re paying attention to something else and he wants affection? He’s physically picking you up and walking away
(This isn’t the only characters I’ll write for, this are the ones I have ideas for. Feel free to request whoever you want 💕)
☆༉ Feelings as deep as the sea (Yandere!Jake Sully x fem! Reader x yandere! Neytiri)
☆༉ Feelings as deep as the sea (Part 2)
Request: A yandere jake sully and neytiri and their fam being obsessed with ronal sister. Them trying to bring them to the family and when she rejects them jake cries and begs while neytiri is like : no 😑.
☆༉ You are ours (Yandere!Tonowari x fem! Reader x Yandere! Ronal) (☆༉ Non-yandere version here!)
Summary: Y/n was a normal Metkayina fisher until certain couple laid their eyes on her. You were already mated or so you thought.
☆༉ The love of our lives (Yandere! Jake Sully x Fem! Reader x Yandere! Neytiri) ☆༉ Part two
Summary: Y/n is a dreamwalker and when she is harassed by some of the clan members, Jake and Neytiri go feral. Once they find her, under the willow tree of souls, they comfort her and mate her.
☆༉ Having fun (Top! Jake x Bottom! Fem! Reader x Top! Neytiri) [ SMUT 😈 ]
☆༉ Not strong enough (Yandere! Tonowari x Fem! Reader x Yandere! Ronal)
Request: yandere ronal/tonowari x reader, were reader is being forced to be there, but tries to make an escape.
☆༉ What a beautiful sight (Ronal x Fem! Reader x Tonowari)
Request: can you do ronal and tonowari where maybe reader is neytiri’s sister and when ronal comes up close to judge the family she falls in love and tells ronal that they have to have her ?
☆༉ -Is she mine or yours? -Ours (Yandere! Aged up! Lo’ak x Fem! Reader x Yandere! Tsireya)
Request: Could I get a story about yandare!Tsireya and yandare!Lo'ak being head-over-heels metkayina!reader who is completely oblivious to them? where they're going to confess but when they are done making her gifts and meat to give them, they're missing? Could they confess after she randomly goes missing for hours and the entire village is looking for them? Could she be found ranting to an akula(it's the animal that attacked lo'ak in the movie)? Pretty please🙏
☆༉ What type of yandere are they? (The Sullys + Tsu’tey)
☆༉ Part two ⬆️ ( Tonowari, Ronal, Aged up! Ao’nung and Aged up! Tsireya)
☆༉ What would happen if the RDA kidnapped you? (Yandere! Jake Sully, Yandere! Neytiri, Poly!yanderes! Jake and Neytiri)
☆༉ What happens if your pull their tail softly while making out? [ NSFWish ] ( Jake Sully, Neytiri, Norm and Tsu’tey )
☆༉ The yandere effect only on the (platonic) Sully family and the yandere effect on everyone
☆༉ Yandere! Jake Sully though out the years
☆༉ Headcanons of yandere Na’vi, Jake, Neytiri, Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri and Tsu’tey with an s/o who has a kid from another relationship.
☆༉ 3am Smutty headcanons
☆༉ Avatar characters try human food for the first time
☆༉ Jake Sully, Neteyam and Lo’ak with an S/O who can take on an akula or Thanator
☆༉ My family (yandere!Sully family x daughter/sibling! Reader) ☆༉ Rebel (part two-ish)
Request: May I please request a Yandere! Platonic Sully Family x Daughter! Reader fic? Where she’s Lo’ak’s younger twin and she’s very much like her dad’s twin Tommy. Maybe she’s the brains and would often be the mature one between her and Lo’ak? And they’re just protective over their baby girl. Was thinking of the fic showing what her life was like, like with all the scenes from the movie that were all family-focused up until they join the Metkayina and they learn their ways, maybe she gets some attention from boys of the Metkayina clan. Maybe she’s the one that gets shot and ALMOST dies and the family is just enraged and go on a killing spree with the RDA? And when she recovers she’ll be doted on?
☆༉ Our baby (Yandere! Platonic! Sully family x Sickly born! Daughter/sister)
☆༉ Part two: Caught red handed
☆༉ Part three: Daily life of Y/n
Summary: Y/n was born sickly, scaring all her family a few times in her life with that condition. Now she is doing better but they are all overprotective of her now. (Just a bunch of cute fluff scenes with them and then yandere stuff)
☆༉ The fear of loosing you (Yandere! Platonic! Sully family x sully! Reader)
Request: I would love to see more of the yandere platonic sully family AU! I loved it SO much! Like what if in the end it was her that got shot (but survived)? And imagine the aftermath of that (Jake would get one of those kangaroo baby pouches and strap reader to his chest if he could lol!)
☆༉ Part two: What’s so special about her (Platonic! Yandere! Quaritch x sully! Reader)
Request: Oml now that spider is with Quaritch you know that spider will be talking up the reader, making Quaritch get obsessed (it’s only a bonus that she’s Jake’s favorite daughter)
☆༉ She is my baby! (Yandere! Platonic! Tonowari x Na’vi/human hybrid! Reader)
Summary: short story about Tonowari fighting to show he loves his baby even if she is not his biological daughter.
☆༉ Taking the bullet for Neteyam ( Yandere! Platonic! Sully x sully! Daughter)
Request: can you do another platonic yandere!sully family x sully! reader where mc takes the bullet for neteyam please?
857 notes · View notes
cielkissrr · 30 days
cherry coke (theres blood between my knees) | a dazaku fic
❥ note: thank you to lxlimdka for betaing!! read tags :)
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relationship: akutagawa ryuunosuke x osamu dazai
tags: underage, rape/noncon, trans male character, dissociation, bpd, dead dove
2.9k words + smut
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Nothing in Akutagawa’s life pointed to him making it past 14. Or hell, even 12. 
He had lost everything. His home, his family–aside from his sister–and any hope for the future. And with Dazai, it felt like he kept losing. 
Osamu Dazai was known for being intelligent. He was smart in his escapes and attacks. But behind all the show-off tricks and silly facade of a dumb kid he put on, he was horrible. Manipulative and abusive were the only two words that would come to mind when Akutagawa thought of the man. 
But in that, how could he not be enamored?
Even though he was so young, Aku couldn’t not recognize the patterns. Dazai was mostly abusive both physically and mentally, yes, but there were also times when Dazai lifted him up. Putting out a hand for him or tending to his injuries, even when the man was the reason he was on the ground and battered in the first place. 
Dazai never held back either. Cruel words and hard punches beat down both the kid’s body and mind. Starvation and dehydration until Aku was passing out from how painful it was wasn't uncommon either. 
But he always, always came back to him. 
No matter how much Dazai would lock him out of the building and tell him to fend for himself, screaming at him to go the fuck away, or even push him so far to purposefully make the kid attempt to end his life, Akutagawa just kept coming back. 
And it was pissing Dazai off. 
They were in the basement today and Dazai had just sent the others upstairs after explaining the mission. Everyone was given a role to play, a job to do. To make themselves useful. All except Akutagawa. 
He stood by the man's side and had his hands to his chest, fidgeting with them slightly. Not loud enough to make Dazai mad, he couldn't make him mad. 
“What do I do, sir?” He asked with slight hope in his voice. It was childish and in the way, a teacher’s pet would jump at any opportunity to help said teacher. But really, how was that any different from what this was? 
Dazai hummed and turned to the kid. He put a hand to his chin and tapped while looking Akutagawa over. His eyes made the boy feel uncomfortable, how they trailed over his body as if they were pulling the clothes up and off and examining places he hadn't yet. 
Suddenly, Dazai nodded and placed his hand on the kid’s hair. His hand was cold but Akutagawa still had to hold back from nuzzling it and pushing into the touch. Nobody else was allowed to touch him, Dazai made that a rule, so anything he got felt nice. 
Even from someone like Dazai. 
The man’s thin fingers laced into the boy’s dirty hair and buried themselves under knots and choppy locks. Aku only stared at his mentor with wide, confused eyes. At any moment, he knew something would happen. He was scared, but this was nice. The touch of another human was nice. 
That was until Dazai pulled. 
It was rough and Aku swore he heard a few strands snap through his loud gasp. Dazai leaned into his face and tilted his head to the side gently. “You want to help? You expect me to give you, you, a job? You're useless in almost all our missions, you know that right?” He wasn't even yelling, but the low tone was frightening enough on its own, Dazai knew that. 
“You provide nothing with that useless ability of yours.” 
There it was. 
Akutagawa could only nod and blink back oncoming tears. It was true, through all their training and work together, that Akutagawa wasn't anywhere near close to the other members in terms of usefulness. So, he nods. He nods in agreement because it's true and he knows that’s what Dazai wants. 
Dazai stares blankly–almost like he's bored. Maybe bored of Akutagawa, which made the boy wince. Then, after a few moments, Dazai breaks out into a smile. 
It looked almost painful from how it pulled unnaturally at the corners of the man's mouth, and Aku’s brain was quick to label it as scary. “However, on this mission, you may come in handy.” 
The boy couldn't hold back how his eyes widened and his back straightened a bit. He was useful! Dazai had something for him to do here! Dazai needed him, just as he needed Dazai! 
The man hummed and closed his scary smile into one that looked like a healed over slit in his face in the grotesque shape of a smile. 
“Yeah, you'll be useful.” 
Before Aku could even react, the man let go of his hair and turned him around, pulling the boy close to press against his back. A large hand quickly grabbed his throat and titled his head up. He used another hand to tuck one of his side pieces back, then leaned into the boy’s ear. A monotonous whisper then came from him and sent a shiver up Akutagawa’s spine. 
“We’ll let the target use your body.” 
Akutagawa’s breath hitched and he felt like screaming. The target was a big man, probably 4 if not 5 times Akutagawa’s weight. And from what Dazai had told everyone, he was known to be violent. Surely that’d follow into the bedroom–if the man had even gotten some. 
Would his built-up tension be taken out on Akutagawa’s already frail body?
Dazai grabbed the younger’s hip and ground his own forward, forcing Aku to feel the growing erection in his pants. Akutagawa wished he knew what Dazai was getting from this. 
“Does that sound good, Aku? We can get you banged up by the guy while we aim for his head through a window.” His mentor continued to whisper into his ear. “Maybe we should wait a little while so everyone can see your first real job.” 
Akutagawa didn't know whether to agree or disagree. He had to be helpful and Dazai wouldn't take a no, but was it stupid for him to be scared? 
He knew of the things Mori had made Dazai do, and he saw how dark it got here. Everyone had done jobs they regret, that was part of being in the mafia. Maybe this was just a necessary task, one to keep him with a roof over his head and protection from the outside. 
Dazai trailed the hand on his hip down to the boy’s crotch and grabbed at it violently. 
“I’ll even let them see your little secret. It's the only thing that makes you useful for us in this job, anyway.” 
He was then forced down to the ground. The hand around his throat went to his nape and he pushed his head down violently, making it collide painfully with the cold flooring and would’ve undoubtedly broken his nose if he had faced forward. 
The touch on his cunt was now grabbing bruisingly at his hip and yanking him up into a lewd doggy pose. An intruding thigh made its way between his legs and forced itself up against his crotch, making Akutagawa whine. 
“Look, you're already a whore. I haven't taken your pants off yet, and you're already wet and whining,” Dazai moved his thigh back for a moment before ramming it up against the boy’s cunt again. Akutagawa moaned when it touched his clit despite it being somewhat painful. Dazai sneered. 
“How fucking pathetic.” 
 The man used both hands to tug the boy’s pants and underwear down to his knees. And just as he expected, Akutagawa was wet. He leaned forward and used two fingers to spread his cunt open, taking note of how the slick was almost dripping from relatively nothing. 
“You’ve never been so obedient, Aku. Is this all it takes for you to listen to me? You're lucky I'm not some gross old perv.” Two fingers were shoved into him roughly and he couldn't help but lurch forward and bite his lip to hold back a moan. 
Dazai had touched him before, of course he had. One bad job was all it took for him to start taking advantage of Aku sexually. But it wasn't like he would fight it, at least not after a few times. Quick fingerings or shoving objects up the boy’s cunt was stress relief for the older, and it was Akutagawa’s obligation to provide it. 
But that was as far as they had gone. Blowjobs, fingering, sometimes rubbing against each other. Never true sex. 
So that's why the sound of a zipper made Aku’s eyes go wide. 
Once Dazai’s pants were unzipped, he pulled himself out quickly. He thrusted the fingers a few more times before pulling them out and wrapping them around his cock. The sound was subtle, but the wet slide filled Akutagawa’s ears next to the man’s intruding voice. 
“He won't be gentle with you, you know that. An old, reclusive man like him. I'm sure he hasn’t gotten anything since before you were even born.” 
The two-tone-haired boy whined and nodded. Not even in agreement, because he knew already. Dazai had warned him of the same thing many times before kicking him out. 
The streets are full of perverts who would wreck you. They'd kill you and shoot bullets into you just for another hole to fuck. Don't you get that? 
He knew the old guy would have no guilt over giving him the same telltale fate Dazai warned him about. Maybe that's the point Dazai was trying to prove. 
Dazai squeezed his hip hard, which would undoubtedly leave reminding bruises along the curve of the bone, but Akutagawa didn't mind. This was practice, practice for how to be useful. Useful for the mission, the mafia, and most of all– 
Useful for Dazai. 
Aku felt the blunt head of the man’s dick on his cunt, and he gasped when it ran through his folds gently. Dazai gathered some of his slick and rubbed his tip against the boy’s clit, enjoying how the younger throbbed for him already. 
And the wetness made it all too easy for him to drag back up slowly and give Akutagawa the hope that he would be gentle before plunging himself all the way in with no warning. 
“Ahh- Dazai, sir! Stop-” Akutagawa’s head was smashed down into the cold cement. Pain shot through his face and cunt, which were both caused by the man now pounding into him. It was hot and overwhelming, and though he got in a few words before, his mind now became clouded. 
It hurt. Rough thrusts and the splitting feeling between his legs made him feel the need to scream but he wasn't able to get it out. It hurt, but Dazai didn't care. 
Even if Aku could scream, Dazai would break his jaw before even letting him get another word out. 
The older one leaned over him and let out heavy pants–like a beast, Aku thought. Usually Dazai was quiet when they touched each other, but now, he was borderline growling and drilling his hips into Akutagawa like he was some desperate animal. 
As another sharp, fire-hot pain shot through him, Aku wondered if this was somehow more enjoyable for Dazai. Could something that caused Akus body and mind so much pain really be this enjoyable for his mentor? 
Dazai huffed and leaned down to the boy's ear, letting his hot breath surround and drown Aku’s mind. 
“You gotta learn to take it.” He growled yet his tone was flat. “Our target won't have fun with someone who dares to say no to even his own savior.” 
Savior. Was that what Akutagawa saw Dazai as? A savior? 
The boy’s mind clouded over with a fuzzy feeling, one he was all too familiar with during beatings and abuse from Dazai. It made the world feel less scary, simply because it took him out of it mentally. As his muscles relaxed and he went limp, Akutagawa thought to himself. 
Savior wasn't the perfect word, but he did owe Dazai, right? 
Wet slaps filled the previously still room and were loud to the point that the remaining present conscious of Aku’s wondered if people could hear them. Surely not, but Dazai wouldn't stop even if they could. 
And nobody would help him, so what’s it matter? 
Dazai leaned back up and grabbed both the boy’s hips. He began moving him back and forth to meet in the middle and take more of his cock, practically fucking Akutagawa onto it like some toy. The blooming bruises ached and staggering breaths pushed harshly at Aku's lungs as he tried to adjust to the new pace. 
“He won't- fuck, he won't hold back,  you know,” Dazai said through a groan. Was it a warning or a tease? Aku couldn't tell, too far gone with a clouded brain forced by shock and pain. Dazai repeated it over and over, he wouldn't hold back, like it was ingrained into his own brain and the only thing he could think of. 
The rough thrusts rubbed the boy against the floor and he could feel little pricks into his chest from either broken glass or dirt. It all just added to the painful sensation, only dulled down by dissociation. 
Suddenly a hand was in his hair and yanked him up, making him arch and lean his head back onto Dazai’s chest. He didn't take note of how easily he was lifted off the floor, it would only make Aku vomit. 
Dazai looked down at the boy’s empty eyes and smiled that scarily sadistic grin again. A hand traveled around Aku’s throat and squeezed subtly. 
“You think you can take him, Aku? You're already out of it from me, and I'm being gentle.” Akutagawa did not respond, only wincing when the hand started to squeeze tighter. Dazai stared at him and admired how the pale face grew to a light pink as he kept restricting his air. 
Another hand traveled down to the boy’s ass and a sharp smack landed on it. Aku again only winced while his mentor groaned loudly at how he squeezed around him at the slap. 
“You'd probably like it if he were brutal though, hmm?” He squeezed again, tighter, and a choked sound came from the boy's mouth. Black spots slowly started to cloud his vision, drowning out the image of the older. 
Akutagawa wanted to scream his answer. Through the fog in his brain he wanted to scream out a rejection or rebuttal to the claim. He didn't want any of this. If this was gentle, he wasn't sure his body could handle the cruelty of whatever the target would have in store for him. 
Dazai’s thrusts started to lose their rhythm, getting sloppy and in turn making Dazai lose his grip on Akutagawa’s throat. The boy gasped loudly and swallowed down air desperately to refill his drained lungs. 
When Aku looked up, Dazai was no longer smiling. His face was…unreadable, honestly. The boy could tell he was enjoying himself, but some dark blankness was mostly what he showed. Aku wondered for a second if he was remembering his own experiences like this. 
Before he could dwell on the thought and worry for Dazai, his thrusts slowed and Aku felt spurts of cum start to fill him. His mentor threw his head back–out of pleasure, or to avoid Aku seeing him like that, the boy couldn't decide–and panted heavily. 
A few subtle thrusts and deep breaths later, Dazai started to pull out. Aku cringed at the sound of something wet falling to the floor. 
“Look at that, it seems like I was too rough.” Two fingers ran through the boy’s cunt and he tensed. Then, those same two fingers were brought to his mouth. Looking at them, he saw a mix of off-white and red before it was shoved into his mouth. Without hesitance, he started to clean them with his tongue. 
Dazai smiled and scoffed. Akutagawa wasn't sure what was amusing about this, or really what was pleasurable. It took a lot for Dazai to feel satisfied with Aku, usually taking a few rounds of Aku rubbing against him to get the man to cum even once. 
Once they were deemed clean enough, the fingers were yanked out and Dazai whipped the spit against the boy's face before pushing him away harshy. Due to exhaustion, Aku fell to the floor with a thud. 
He watched the man reach into his coat pocket and bring out tissues–had Dazai planned to do this from the start? –and wipe his cock clean. Then said tissues were thrown in his direction. 
“Clean yourself off and meet me back in my office,” Dazai said coldly while tucking himself into his pants again. Aku wordlessly grabbed the tissues and attempted to clean himself, though they were all used and soiled so it didn't really do the job. 
Dazai started up the stairs before pausing. Without turning, he hummed. 
“Oh and Aku, the job?” 
The boy perked up at the mention and turned with wide eyes. Even after this, there was some sparkle of hope and joy at being reminded he had one now–a job. 
“I was joking.” Dazai delivered flatly. Akutagawa’s face fell. Joking? This was a joke? 
“But sir i thought-” He started, hating the begging tone in his voice already. 
Dazai chuckled and it made the boy’s blood run cold. 
“What, are you gonna beg to let our target use you?” The man turned and made a disgusted face down at the boy, whose eyes started to brim with tears. Dazai scoffed and turned back around.
“He wouldn't even want you anyway.” 
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pesterloglog · 4 months
Jake English, Dirk Strider
Page 633-636
JAKE: Fuck!!!
JAKE: Why did she have to go and build a moon laser!!!
JAKE: Why did she have to go and
JAKE: And SAY all that!!!
DIRK: It's not over.
DIRK: That moon laser doesn't mean shit.
JAKE: ...if theres no one to press the button?
DIRK: Boom.
DIRK: Or, you know.
DIRK: No boom.
JAKE: Her guard is down...
DIRK: And you have a gun.
JAKE: I have TWO guns.
DIRK: Let's be real, this wouldn't even be the first time you've thought of it.
JAKE: Its... an option.
DIRK: You help her win the battle.
DIRK: Avoid baptizing the Earth with laser-fire.
DIRK: And she uses The Point, and the world doesn't end.
DIRK: Probably.
DIRK: Who the fuck knows.
JAKE: What should i do?
DIRK: I'm not gonna tell you.
JAKE: I already know youll want me to do whats heroic.
JAKE: But you wouldnt want me to kill jane either.
JAKE: Would you?
DIRK: Stop staring at me like I'm gonna tongue-kiss the answer into you, dude.
DIRK: You know what you need to do.
JAKE: But jane was right about me!
JAKE: I cant be trusted.
JAKE: I dont even like 99% of people.
DIRK: Then do it for one person.
DIRK: Aren't you tired of spreading yourself thin trying to believe in everything?
DIRK: Because it's looking pretty fuckin' likely that the future where Tavvy is happy and the future where Jane is alive don't coincide.
DIRK: You have to kill one for the other to survive.
JAKE: It sounds like youre gunning for her.
DIRK: It sounds like *you're* gunning for her.
DIRK: Say what you will about Dirk, but he always wanted you to be your best self.
DIRK: He pushed you hoping if he did it hard enough, you'd push back.
DIRK: That's a far cry from whatever neutered domestic purgatory Jane's offering you.
DIRK: Wasn't it nice to be believed in, man?
JAKE: Ugh.
JAKE: Can i make an honest query?
JAKE: Did i really kill him?
JAKE: I did, didnt i?
DIRK: Common sense says no.
JAKE: Cant you swing that one by your esoteric telepathic dirk connection?
DIRK: That's a tricky fuckin' wicket, man.
JAKE: Its "sticky wicket".
DIRK: It's nothing, because that's a stupid fucking phrase cooked up by fake people about a fake sport from a dead planet.
DIRK: Anyway, it's tricky because there's not really all that much of anything left of the big man.
DIRK: Not here, anyway.
JAKE: Oh, baloney!
JAKE: Thats not how this works. Youre the supernatural tsaheylu of our combined "steezes".
JAKE: This isnt my first ride in the rodeo, mister, I KNOW THE RHYTHM OF THIS BUCKING BRONCO.
DIRK: I'm sorry.
DIRK: He's gone, dude.
DIRK: Yeah.
DIRK: Get it all out, man.
DIRK: I know a crisp glass of personal culpability isn't what you ordered, but hey.
DIRK: It's better than relapsing.
JAKE: Im drunk right now.
DIRK: And that sucks, buddy.
DIRK: But I'm talking about the big show of "everything's fine now" kitchen table red undie dirty dancing you did.
JAKE: Oh, i forgot about that.
DIRK: You fuckin' wish you did.
DIRK: It'd be the only reasonable excuse you'd have for nipping this uncomfortable epiphany in the bud so you could slink back to following orders from Dirk.
JAKE: ...
JAKE: Gods hooks, i backflipped right into my old ways!
DIRK: Don't beat yourself up about it. It's a running theme with literally everybody we know.
DIRK: You all get caught up in these feeling jams, hugging it out in self-realizational bliss.
DIRK: Then, bam.
DIRK: Premature ejaculation.
DIRK: That passionate growth grind ends before it builds to anything actually satisfying.
JAKE: :(
JAKE: Are you saying i need to be red undies jake again?
DIRK: Absolutely the fuck not.
DIRK: Hands off the belt, buddy. You've graduated.
DIRK: You're fully dressed Jake now.
DIRK: Sitting on the sticky floor of a custodial closet, hidden away from anything certain and good in this world.
DIRK: Alone.
JAKE: This is scary! I dont like this.
DIRK: Fuck yeah it is. This is sweaty, achey, burning transformation, brother.
JAKE: I want to go back! I want to be the other guy again.
DIRK: You can't be the other guy anymore, Jake.
DIRK: We're sending him upstate to live on a beautiful farm, where they're gonna immediately drag him out back and put him out of his fucking misery.
DIRK: Remember when you told Egbert you wanted someone to hold you accountable?
DIRK: Well.
JAKE: Nooooooo.
DIRK: "Here's Johnny!"
JAKE: Oh...
JAKE: *sniff*
JAKE: Oh, dirk...
JAKE: Cripes, if there really is no magical component to all of this,
JAKE: if youre really gone,
JAKE: then i am simply a forty year old man... being led by the nose... by an imaginary friend.
JAKE: That is not cute.
DIRK: It's kind of cute.
JAKE: Its mental illness!
DIRK: It can be both.
DIRK: Look.
DIRK: What you need to do is stop sobbing into your own fucking arms and make a decision.
DIRK: Spying for the rebellion, running away... these were steps in the right direction, but they also had, y'know.
JAKE: Plausible deniability.
DIRK: They were deflections.
DIRK: And at the end of the day, that's what choosing Jane would be, too.
JAKE: Its odd, but...
JAKE: Shucks, i dont want to cut her down right before she makes this big turnaround.
JAKE: If shed decided to keep her promise...
JAKE: thatd be bitter fucking berries to live with.
DIRK: But?
JAKE: But she probably wont change, will she?
DIRK: Why in the fuck would she?
DIRK: She'll have won.
JAKE: But... i dont think she was meant to be this way. Do you?
DIRK: Like, was she born to be a wildly racist dictatorial cake boss?
JAKE: Ok, when you put it that way it sounds a bit bonkers.
JAKE: What i mean is...
JAKE: Take me, for example.
JAKE: I know its not my fault janey got a bit rough and tumble with our relationship. That fundamentally, i didnt deserve it.
JAKE: But that doesnt exactly make me a mensch by default, does it?
JAKE: In fact i worry there might be more of me thats, well... inherently bad than not.
JAKE: And thats why everything tends to get so furiously fucked all the time!
JAKE: Everyone is waiting around for this better version of me to pop up, but thats never going to happen.
JAKE: Because if it did, it wouldn't be me anymore.
DIRK: So, are you trapped being Mr. Pissy Pantyloos Loser Man no matter what?
JAKE: Sort of.
JAKE: What do you think?
DIRK: I don't know.
DIRK: Maybe?
JAKE: Oh...
DIRK: Who even gives a fuck?
DIRK: This is some big philosophical philandering you're trying out, and we didn't even finish elementary school.
DIRK: The best we've got to work with is whatever you gleaned from "My Dinner with Andre" and "Blade Runner."
DIRK: And you fell asleep during "Andre."
JAKE: Point taken.
DIRK: Here's what we do know: when you face our friends tomorrow, they're gonna be none-the-wiser about the insane masturbatory matrix bullet time battles you've been having with yourself in your own head.
DIRK: What will be real to them is what you DID.
DIRK: That's it.
DIRK: Show them you're trying.
DIRK: Or don't, and get left behind.
JAKE: Good god...
JAKE: This is the worst pep talk... ever.
DIRK: It's you, dude, what did you expect?
JAKE: True.
DIRK: Do you want to be left behind?
JAKE: I want to see tavvy grow up!
JAKE: I want to choose him!
JAKE: But i want to believe in jane too...
DIRK: Sigh.
JAKE: Listen.
JAKE: I never really understood all that much of the "doomed timeline" hoopla you cerebral types tend to gab on about.
JAKE: But... its nice to think that there might be countless janes somewhere out there who never stopped being happy.
JAKE: Baking, getting up to all manner of lighthearted mischiefs... true blue all around.
JAKE: When i think of her, thats whats real to me.
JAKE: What she is now, what these rotten unenviable circumstances have made of her, its all just...
DIRK: Happenstance.
JAKE: Is that stupid?
DIRK: Probably, but you're a god of Hope.
DIRK: You're a poster-child for making stupid shit feasible.
DIRK: And no one has the power to say what's true for every Jane.
DIRK: I'm sure if you asked a couple of them how they feel about labor camps and domestic violences, they'd hit you with a "Woah there, buster jones."
JAKE: "Thats not for me!"
DIRK: "No siree!"
JAKE: Hehehe.
JAKE: Exactly.
JAKE: If i can believe in those janes,
JAKE: i think i can let this one go.
DIRK: Extravagant hoops to stumble through just to keep believing, man.
DIRK: It's sneaky. I like it.
JAKE: Its decided then?
DIRK: Seems so.
DIRK: You can finally leave the closet.
JAKE: Har, har.
JAKE: Goofs aside, old buddy...
JAKE: I get the strange sense i wont be speaking with you again.
DIRK: You won't. Why would you?
DIRK: You're normal now.
JAKE: But-
DIRK: You don't need him.
JAKE: It feels good to pretend, though.
JAKE: To hold on a little while longer.
DIRK: Don't.
JAKE: Fine! Fine...
JAKE: Hope is the crummiest aspect of the lot, huh.
JAKE: I swear the only time its worth a lick more than delusions and hot air
JAKE: is if it really fucking hurts.
DIRK: Welcome to being a person, Jake English.
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Heres a dream drabble that turned hella sad, but nonetheless here it is. An extra for you guys dont cry itll be okay.♡
Never said I was a good writer.
🔞18+ NSFW Like one scene.
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~Marcos POV~
"Lets go to the fortune teller Marco" you hear Ace say as your both walking through the underwater city which was in a enormous bubble of air.
"Allright Yoi" you cave easily quite intrigued yourself to find out something. Once at the shop Ace peer pressures you into going in. A pretty half shark half human looking lady says
"Hello there gentlemen how may I help you today?"
"I wanna know about my future will I be famous?!" Ace blurts out as she giggles at his request then motions for him to sit down in front of her glass orb on her table as she sits and stares into the orb.
"Hmm strange im not getting anything usually that means the person will die soon. Sorry." She says apologetically. Ace gets up confused looking then motions for you to sit.
"Id like to know if I have a soul mate and who they are Yoi" you ask politely as she hovers her hands over her orb she starts speaking
"You do, but they are not from this time. You will enter a portal in one week and bring them to this time. There is only one chance to bring them here so you must not hesitate, if you do the portal will close forever loosing your chance at romance. Her name is (n)." She says as your eyes grow wide then return to normal, chuckling you hand over some undetermined amount of berry then say.
"All right thank you. Ace lets go Yoi" you say as she nods and Ace follows you back to the ship you thinking
'This must be a scam my soulmates from another time? Impossible'
~One Week Later On Deck Of The Moby Dick~
Your in your office when you hear your name being called.
"Marco!" You hear Ace yelling as he bursts through the infirmarys door. Huffing he yells
"Theres a portal that opened on deck you probably want to hurry!" Shocked you run out and follow him to the portal as some of the crew on deck gathers around it. You remember the fortune tellers words
"There is only one chance to bring them here so you must not hesitate, if you do the portal will close forever loosing your chance at romance." As you put your arms through the portal you feel something soft, put your arms around it then yank as a girl falls out of the portal onto your chest you both on the floor.
~(N)s POV~
You were in your room listening to music on your headphones via bluetooth when you felt and arm around your waist then a yank as you fall backwards your headphones are knocked off as you fall onto something soft. When you opened your eyes again you werent in your room but on deck of a ship with something soft under you. You look down realizing your sitting on someone as you get up all wobbly from teleporting through time. Your wearing a short black dress with short sleeves nothing else not even shoes or socks. You hear gasps as the man you fell on stands up.
'Dam hes tall hes got to be at least six foot eight' you turn around looking at the portal as it closes and dissapears.
'Shit well looks like im staying here' you gulped as you turn back to the handsome man who had blonde hair, glasses, a purple jacket open showing off his hot abs and chest, blue pants with jewelry adoring his side and sandals. He stared at you then asks
"Is your name (N)? Yoi" you gulp and ask
"How do you know my name?" He smiles then says
"Dont worry about it Yoi" you gulp.
'He seems nice but I can tell he also is very observant like me.' you think as he seems to notice how uncomfortable you are.
"Welcome to the Moby Dick my name is Marco the Phoenix. Yoi" you just nod as you look around at the crowd around you.
"All right thats enough staring back to work everyone!" He yells as the crowd disperses, you feel more at ease. He notices and says
"Sorry about yanking you through that portal it seems you cant go back now... where are you from? Yoi" he asks as you untense a bit.
"Im from the year twenty twenty three." You state and think
'It seems like im in the past now strange. I better make the best of it since I cant go back now' you think looking up meeting Marcos eyes as hes smiling. You wear a plain expression on your face.
"Heya there im Ace nice to meet you (n) sorry about ol bird brain over here" you look at Marcos side seeing a black shaggy haired man not wearing a shirt with black shorts and a cowboy hat says
"Um ya nice to meet you too?" You say confused as to why your here.
"Wait where am I what year is it?" You question as your head begins to feel fuzzy starting to forget details about where your from. Gripping your head Marco looks concerned.
"Are you all right? Here come with me let me give you a check up. Im a doctor. Yoi" he gently grabs onto your hand and leads you to the infirmary making you blush.
'His hand is so gentle and soft.' You think. Once sitting on a med bed he starts his check up using his stethoscope to gauge your breathing but your heartrate increases with every brush of his hand on your chest. He seems to notice and takes his hand off of you as you blush slightly.
"Shortness of breath.. racing heart rate... Yoi" he puts a hand to your forehead.
"Fever.. Yoi" he jots down your symptoms as hes continuing your check up.
"Even I could tell you im sick right now" you say as you get up grabbing a tissue sneezing then blowing your nose. He jots down your symptoms as he glances back to you.
"Yes your definitely sick what other symptoms do you have? Yoi" you look to him and say
"Hot flashes and cold sweats thats it really. I was on antibiotics for an infection six hundred mgs and it halfed my other medications so im going through withdrawals and now... ill be going through total withdrawals because all my medications were in my time..Greatttt." you say sarcastically as he frowns and says
"Ahh right thats going to be a problem, all right im sorry about that. Unfortunately we dont have anything to help withdrawals but I can do this. Yoi" he reaches his hand out and a blue flame appears as you cringe closing your eyes but then realize its not burning just warm. Opening your eyes you hear him chuckle as you feel some relief. Confused you say
"Whats this magic? Um thank you?" Chuckling he explains all about devil fruits and how they work in this timeline. Very intrigued you listen then smile as he transforms into hybrid form then Phoenix form and back to human.
"Ahh!! Thats so cool!!" You exclaim as he chuckles and says
"You think so? Good. Hey since your stuck here now why dont you join our crew the Whitebeard pirates? Yoi" he asks as your eyes widen.
"Pirates?! We dont have pirates in my time" You yell as Marco seems worried.
'Pirates! This gentle handsome man is a pirate?!' You think as you calm down and ask
"Are you guys good pirates?" He looks shocked then replies
"Well I dont know about that, theres good and bad for everything right? Yoi" you feel stupid for that outburst.
"Ahh yes ... your right sorry it just caught me off gaurd."
"Take your time to think about it theres no pressure. Yoi" he chuckles and you sigh in relief.
"Thanks Marco" you sneeze again and he says
"Here let me get the medicine." He stands from his rolling chair and digs in a cabnet then hands you a bottle of pills.
"Here these should help. Yoi" he says then leaves the room and comes back with a cup of water and hands it to you. You open the pill bottle take one out and swallows it with water. Marco smiles probably that you trust him enough to take medicine from him.
"You still need to meet Pops when do you want to meet him? Yoi" he asks as you cock your head in confusion. Marco sees this and elaborates more
"Pops is the Captain of the Whitebeard pirates his name is Whitebeard or Edward Newgate to be more precise. Yoi" you nod then say
"Ohh well can I meet him now im rather curious" you say as Marco smiles again and says
"Sure follow me Yoi" you both stand as you follow him barefoot out the door to the deck and right before the gaint of a man.
"Hey Pops this is (n) just making sure you meet her before getting her settled for now she hasnt decided on joining yet. Yoi" Marco says as the gaint man looks at you.
"Shes the one you dragged out of that portal earlier. Well since shes allready here get her set up with a room then ill need you to go on a mission. By the way where are you from? lil lady"
Marco tenses up as you noticed.
"Im from the year twenty twenty three." You say then Marco says
"All right Pops ill be back to get the details Yoi" Whitebeard nods then waves you both away. You follow Marco to the rooms and he leads you to a single person small room as you look around the room you say
"Cute." And he replies
"Its not much but its cozy. Yoi" he hands you your room key with the corresponding number on it. You set your pills on the dresser.
"Thanks." You say locking up then putting the key into your pocket then follow him back on deck as he gets details for his mission.
"..... so itll probably take a week to complete" Edward says to Marco as Marco replies.
"Allright got it Pops. Yoi" Marco turns looking for someone then walks up to Ace you following him silently.
"Hey Ace take care of her while im gone itll be a week. I better get going. Yoi" you see the black haired man named Ace say with no shirt on
"You got it Marco" he smiles then give a thumbs up to Marco. Painiced a bit you look to Marco and say
"Your leaving allready?!" He turns to you and chuckles.
"Yes im the first devision commander. I have a reputation to upkeep. Dont worry Ace will take good care of you. Ill be back before you know it little bird. Once I get back we can talk more. Yoi" he says and pats your head causing you to blush slightly both men taking note. Marco transforms into Phoenix form and flies up and away as you watch him. Then you hear Ace say
"Dam I wish someone would stare at me like that" he chuckles which makes you blush again and motions you over to him while hes drinking with friends. He goes to the cantina and grabs another mug of booze your assuming and hands it to you.
"So (n) how old are you cutie?" Ace asks you
"Im thirty how old are you?"
"Im just twenty haha you dont look your age at all I thought you were closer to my age not Marcos" you look at him quizzically.
"What? How old is Marco?" You ask as he replies
"Marcos forty four." He smiles at you bumping mugs and says "Cheers!"
"Cheers wait hes forty four?! He totally doesnt look it" you blab out which makes Ace laugh and give you the ahha so you like him eyes, so you gulg down some ale trying to cover your blush.
"So whats twenty twenty three like?" Ace asks
"Hmm my memories getting more fuzzy the longer im here but I remember that theres more land than water people drive cars instead of ships."
"Whats a car?" Ace sounds intrigued as he gulps down some booze
"A car is a machine that transports people or things like a ship but is much smaller on wheels on roads like wagons. But their must faster going up to two hundred mph or miles per hour" he almost spat out his drink.
"Woah thats fast!" And you nod smiling now warming up to him more as he was peppy. He smiles back and refills your drink for you.
"Thanks Ace but I shouldnt drink that much." You admit
"No one around here cares if your tipsy or drunk (n)"
"I figured as much since your pirates. So why should I join you guys give me a good reason?" He looks shocked.
"What you havent joined yet? Well for one were all family here and for two we will all protect you from now on"
'Protect me? But im safe if I just stay on the ship right?' You think as Ace grabs another refill and you just sip on your second mug.
~At Dinner~
"We have a guest from the year twenty twenty three. Now treat her with respect as Marco brought her here but hes off on a mission right now... also....(words, words, words)....." You hear Pops say as Ace glances at you from your side. You hear murmurs then some claps and a whistle. Ace said you could sit in Marcos spot when dinner started.
~In The Middle Of The Week~
The week had been pretty uneventful. You discovered that Ace was the second devision commander, Thatch was the fourth devision and Izou was the sixteenth devision. They all sat at your booth during dinner so you grew found of them. Your withdrawals have been getting worse you felt so weak you mainly slept and ate and drank but today you unlocked your door then felt arms drag you out of your room into the hallway where no one was right now.
"So you belong to Marco huh? Well see about that pretty lady" One rookie says while pinning your arms above your head and grabbing your throat. Another rookie starts unzipping his pants. You scream as loud as you can
"ACE HELP!!!" Hoping he would come to save you. The first rookie covers your mouth then says
"Shit she screame-" you bit his fingers down to the bone as he yells then you hear a familiar voice
"Sorry fellas we dont have room on this ship for traitors!" seeing Ace punch the first rookie KOing him then punches the second with his pants open KOing him too, you falling to the floor huffing for air then go up and hug Ace.
"Thank you!" You say as he pets your (L) hair.
"Its all good now my pretty girl. They wont be bothering you anymore." He says then realizes your crying. He wraps his arms around you rubbing your back saying
"Shh there there its okay now your safe. Marco will be back sooner than you think and he can protect you too" you stop crying eventually and release Ace letting him dragging the two who were knocked out to deck and throwing them over board after grabbing their room keys.
"See all good!" Ace beams at you.
"Yea ...." you say shaken up still.
"Why dont you start hanging out with me until Marco gets back?" He says and you just nod.
~On Sunday So One Full Week Has Passed~
You hung out with Ace when youd leave your room and help him with paperwork over the rest of the week. You started opening up more to him, Thatch and Izou. Your withdrawals were a bitch and you knew itd take at least a month before they lessened. You shake slightly wherever you go. Today was supposed to be when Marco got back so you were sitting on a barrel on deck with Ace drinking and talking.
"Hey Ace why was I-"
"Hey look who it is!" He points to the sky and you turn your head to see a blue Phoenix fly onto deck and transform into human form. You see Marco headed to Pops probably to report in. You get up and run over to him embracing him in a hug.
"Marco! Your back!" You yell happily as he smiles, chuckles and looks down at you petting your head.
"I see someone missed me haha. Here follow me I need to report in. Yoi" you let go of him and follow him up to Pops. After his report he looks to you and asks
"So have you decided on joining or not (n)? Yoi" you nod and reply
"Yes ill join but im afraid all I can help with is paperwork haha" you giggle as Pops says
"Well then welcome aboard (n) Child why dont you fill the first devisions assistant spot then?" You nod
"That sounds great ill try my best Pops!" You chime and shuffle your feet nervously. Marco leads you over to Ace and Aces buddies and asks
"So how was the week? Yoi" Ace sighs and says
"Well there was only one incident but I took care of it and her. You two probably have alot to talk about dont you?" Marco nods as he leads you to his room unlocking it and letting you inside leaving the door open to make you feel better. He sits on the couch resting his head on the back, you sit next to him.
"Hey Marco so whyd you bring me here?" He tenses at the question glances at you and sighs
"Well.. before I brought you here. I went to a fortune teller and she said the person id bring through the portal would be my soulmate... Yoi" he blushes lightly resting his eyes. You also blush a deep red as he meant you.
"I see well then...im not opposed to the idea..." you say and blush harder which makes him look to you with a shocked expression.
"My world sucked to be honest haha I like the simple things in life anyways." You smile as he pats your head you leaning into his hand.
"Someones cuddlely haha if you want cuddles all you have to do is ask. Yoi" he states as he withdrew his hand you pout.
"I said you have to ask silly. Yoi" blushing super red you ask
"Marco... could I have cuddles please?" He smiles at you saying
"Of course my little bird come here. Yoi" he pats beside him and you scoot over then lean on his chest as he wraps an arm around you. Shaking slightly from withdrawals he asks
"Have you been taking your medicine? How are your withdrawals going my little bird? How are you getting along on the ship? Yoi" you look up at him meeting his gaze
"Yes I always take my medicine and they got worse honestly it sucks so much. Im doing okay im slowly getting used to everything." You say shaking he transforms into hybrid form and wraps his wings around you.
"We can stay like this for awhile if you want. Yoi" you hear him say as you reply
"Id like that Marco your so warm it feels so nice. Thank you for being so kind" your shaking lessens.
'Hes so laid back its so nice' you think.
"Of course my silly birdie. Yoi" you both dont move and eventually you fall asleep on him. You dream of your old timeline when you awoken by something
"(N)... (n).... Yoi" you hear as your brought back to consciousness. You rub your eyes as you look up and see a smiling Marco looking down at you, petting your hair with his wings. You blush and your sure he takes note of your face. You sit up as he transforms back to human form.
"Whatsup Marco?" You ask sleepily yawning. He chuckles and says
"Its dinner time sleepyhead. Yoi" you look at him and say
"Yay~ food"
"Here come on cutie. Yoi" his comment making you blush, him noticing and smirking. Holding your hand he leads you out and locks his door.
"We didnt talk much sorry I fell asleep" you yawn. He pets your head and says
"Its all right you seemed like you needed the rest so I let you sleep. You looked so cute sleeping. Yoi" he says leading you to his table sliding in the booth then patting beside him you obey and sit next to him.
"Lets congratulate (n) on joining the crew cheers!....(more words)..." Pops says holding up his sake gourd with everyone cheering then drinking. You sip your drink as you dont like alchohol that much you just socially drink and Marco takes note of you. Eating dinner you chat with them all at your table smiling and laughing which makes Marco smile too. After dinner was over you all decided to stay up playing spin the bottle.
"Okay Izou I dare you to take your hair down and say im feelin fabulous!" Ace dares Izou as you all laugh while drinking you were on your third mug feeling quite tipsy but shaking a lot less due to the alcohol. You didnt notice Marcos gaze on you as Izou does the dare and spins the bottle it lands on you and you pick dare for once.
"Allright I dare you to sit on Marcos lap for the rest of the game" Izou says as you blush looking up at Marco he pats his lap and you scoot over sitting on his lap then asking
"Is this okay?"
"Yes dont worry little bird. Yoi" he smiles looking down at you and you smile back turning your attention to the bottle you spin it and it lands on Ace as he picks truth. Thinking hard as the alcohol had tinted your cheeks red you ask
"Hmmm okay whats your body count?" Confused he asks
"What do you mean (n)?"
"How many girls ya slept with?" You correct yourself and he blushes seemingly embarrassed holding up a zero with his hand laughing. He makes you laugh as you lean back into Marcos chest you feel Marco tense up slightly then release. You stay leaning on him as it felt nice.
'Marco feels so nice I can feel his abs and chest why is he so hot?!'
"(N)! (N) (n)!" You hear your name being called and are snapped from your thoughts.
"Its your turn or were you daydreaming about someone~" they all snicker and laugh while you blush and yell.
"Was not! Im just sleepy!" You hiccup and defend yourself as they all chuckle.
"I pick truth" you say while reaching for your mug but Marco slides your mug away. You look up at him with questioning eyes as he whispers in your ear making you involuntary shiver and the other guys snicker drinking more.
"Cant have my assistant having a hangover tomorrow~ Yoi"
"I dont get hangovers" you correct him as he raises an eyebrow.
"Hey you guys im gonna head to bed let me know how it goes" Thatch says getting up and leaving while Izou stands also
"Same here goodnight everyone" Ace whines and says
"Come on guys things were about to get good!" He yells but stands as you try and crawl out of Marcos lap Ace holds out a hand for you. Taking it you manage to stand swaying a bit.
Yawning you rub your eyes as you hear chuckles. You turn to see Marco stand grabbing your mug headed to the cantina putting them away as Ace looks at you saying
"Well guess its time for bed huh, see ya tomorrow you love birds" Marco chuckles and walks back to you as Ace leaves leaving you alone with Marco. Looking up smiling at him he puts a hand on your back leading you to your room.
"Sweetdreams my little bird. Yoi" he says sweetly and pets your head. Turning to him as you unlock your door you say
"Goodnight handsome" *hiccup* you giggle and wave as he goes back down the hallway to his room. You close the door and lock it as you plop down and curl up in bed falling asleep.
~The Next Morning~
You awake to knocking at your door. With a bed head you go open the door to see
"Goodmorning my little bird slept well I see. Yoi" he chuckles as he fixes your hair.
"Thanks and Goodmorning Marco!" He smiles at you then says
"Time to go to work Yoi" you nod, grab your pills, then lock up and follow Marco to the infirmary. He unlocks the door and lets you in. Sitting across from him at the table he notices your pills and gets you water then hands it to you. Taking your pill, he smiles at you then sets a stack of paperwork on your side of the table. He shows you how to fill out the paperwork and you both get to work. After awhile
"Take a small fifteen minute break (n). Yoi" you look up and nod getting up and headed to the cantina.
"Hey there what can I get yea (n)?" Thatch asks
"I was wondering if I could get a smoothie and what kind does Marco like?" You ask
"Sure lil lady what flavor, weve got melon, strawberry, cherry and pineapple. Oh Marco? He loves anything pineapple" Thatch says
"Could I get a cherry smoothie and could I get a pineapple one for Marco please?" You ask politely smiling.
"Sure! Taking a little break then?" You smile at him and say
"Yup!" Thatch smiles and starts grinding the ice. After he grinds the ice he grinds the fruit and puts them in each mug then stirs and slides them to you taking a sip of yours you blab out
"Thats so fuckin delicious Thatch!!" He chuckles then says
"Glad you like it you better head back to work, he points at the infirmary and your gaze follows his pointing finger to see Marco staring at you through the window.
"Thanks Thatch see ya later!" You say hoping off the barrel grabbing the drinks and walking back to the office. Using your back and elbow you try opening the door but felt it open quickly and you feel yourself fall backwards but am caught by Marco. You hear a chuckle from him as he helps steady you.
"You allright? What have you got there baby bird? Yoi" standing you say
"I got you and me a smoothie here big bird" you turn and hand him his smoothie which he seems surprised.
"Awe thank you. You didnt have to get me this. Yoi"
"Well its hot out and you havent drank much of anything today." You say as he raises an eyebrow
"You keeping tabs on me now? Haha Yoi" he chuckles and sips his drink then his eyes widen slightly.
"Howd you know I love pineapples? Yoi" he asks with a smile. As he stands aside letting you pass him to go to your desk.
"I asked Thatch, he told me" you beamed at him as he nods.
"Allright cutie time to get back to work. Yoi" he says a smile adorning his face.
~October 5th More than Six Months Later~
Whenever the Whitebeard pirates docked at your first island, Marco helped you get some more clothes and shoes etc and womanly products really whatever you needed. Eventually you found out Ace told Marco your age. Marco had said it didnt bother him though. Youve grown quite close to Marco and Ace. Marco and you would cuddle in the open with his wings wrapped around you and Ace would openly flirt with you and give you piggyback rides. You found out a week ago that today is Marcos birthday hes turning forty five today. Your thirty but it doesnt show. Youve been working on something to give him even if it wasnt much.
"Acceee stop pestering me im almost finished here" he looks at your hands while your both chillin in your room on the bed with the door open.
"Ah come on pestering you is my second nine to five" he says laughing as you laugh and reply
"Why dont I believe you? And you go outside those hours you know haha. And done! What do you think will he like it?" You ask as you hand the intricate leather corded bracelet to Ace. He examines it then hands it back to you.
"I think hell love it and if he doesnt ill wear it. And I think hes coming better put it away (n)" Ace says as you put the handmade intricate bracelet with blue and yellow beads on it in your shorts pocket then someone approaches your open door.
"Hey you guys what are you doing? Come out for cake Thatch made. I need Ace to light the candles and (n) blow them out with me Yoi" you see Marco say as he raises an eyebrow to you both being nervous chilling on the single person bed as you both were sitting cross legged.
"Yay cake! I havent had sweets since I got here!" you jump off the bed then put your shoes on and pull Aces arm so hes following you both. Hooking arms with both of them you swing on their arms.
"Your so silly (n)" Ace says while you all make your way to deck you just smiling at them. After getting to deck you all huddle the cake and the rest of the crew is cheering on Marco singing happy birthday as Ace lights the candles Marco asks
"Are you ready (n)? Weve got to get all of them in one go or my wish wont come true Yoi" you nod seriously and giggle as Ace says
"There all lit now blow them out you guys!" You wait for Marco to start blowing the left side as you blow the right side and managed to get all the candles. You clapping, Marco gives you a side hug
"Thanks for your help (n) Yoi" he smiles then releases you as Thatch cuts a slice and hands Marco a plate and fork.
"(N) come share this with me Yoi" Marco says as Ace says
"Happy Birthday Marco!"
"Thanks everyone thanks Ace! Yoi" Marco smiles as he sits down and pats his lap. You instinctively sit on him as he uses the fork to grab some cake and motions for you to eat it off the fork. Looking up at him he says
"Well go on, you were so excited to eat some cake before what happened? Yoi" Marco chuckles as you say
"But its YOUR birthday Marco the birthday boy should eat the first bite" he chuckles then eats the bite of cake off the fork them gets another fork full motioning for you to eat it. Blushing red you open your mouth as he gently lets the fork slide off your mouth.
'Ahh! An indirect kiss?!' You think. Putting your hands to your cheeks you yell
"Ahh thats sooo good and its pineapple flavored!!" You both hear Thatch say thank you from over where the gaint cake was as you notice everyones drinking and partying now with cake slices everywhere. Marco continues to feed himself and you till you both finished the cake. Ace came over handing Marco and you a mug of ale.
"Thanks Ace, Yoi" you both say at the same time which makes you both laugh and him chuckle. After awhile of drinking on your third mug
'Oh shit I almost forgot his gift' you think
"Hey Marco close your eyes real quick" he obeys as you squirm on his lap to get the bracelet out of your pocket. You hold his hand seeing a light blush over Marcos face makes you blush at holding his hand. You gently slip on the bracelet then say
"Okay open!" He obeys then looks at his wrist and smiles
"Wow its so intricate is this what you were hiding in your room? Yoi" he smirks as you blush red
"Hey howd you know?! Did you eavesdrop on us?!" You yell he just shrugs
"You were hiding something. Yoi" he says raising an eyebrow at you which makes you giggle
"Okay you caught me big bird" you say and lean against his chest face red as he chuckles petting your hair
"Thank you for the gift ill treasure it Yoi" making you smile into his chest. After drinking your third mug you felt slightly tipsy and were cuddling Marco as he used his wings to cuddle you back.
"Hey Marco its been awhile wheres (n) did she go to bed allready?" You hear Ace ask
"Shes right here. I think shes tipsy though. Yoi" You feel Marco lower his wings revealing your face against his chest as you open your eyes to see Ace and blush as your hugging Marcos waist.
"Your sure cuddly (n) makin me jelious over here haha. Do you want to join our game?" Ace asks. You rub your eyes and hop off of Marco grabbing your mug while Marco changes back to human form grabbing his mug drinking.
"Sure Ace whats the game?" You ask swaying a bit.
"Drunken truth or dare" Ace says as you facepalm.
"Ace im allready feeling it" he grabs your hand as you know Marco follows you both.
"Too bad! You allready said sure!" Ace chimes and you sigh in defeat. Sitting in the circle that was forming you waited for everyone to refill their mugs. Marco filling yours and sitting next to you with Ace on your other side. Halfway through the game you picked truth two times meaning you had to drink two mugs of ale and if you werent tipsy before you definitely were tipsy now. The bottle lands on you as Thatch says
"Truth or dare (n)"
"Uhm dare"
"Okay I dare you to kiss one of the men here" Thatch snickers as he glances at Marco which you didnt cetch since you were tipsy. Blush adding to the redness in your face you glare at Thatch who chuckles
"You cant switch unless you chug your mug" he says as you look around the circle them all looking at you blushing even more you turn to Marco and quickly reach up holding onto his shoulders kissing him on the lips then sit back down blushing seeing Marco blush too.
"Okay I did it!" You yell spinning the bottle as everyone chuckles.
"(N) I said kiss I didnt say where to kiss" he laughs as you glare at him flipping him off. The bottle lands on Izou which he chugs his drink and you ask
"So do you have any fetishes?" To which he blushes
"Yess (n)" and you laugh with everyone as he spins the bottle it landing on Marco.
"Ill do dare. Yoi" Izou smirks as he says
"Okay I dare you to kiss (n)" chuckling Marco turns to you leaning down sweet soft lips meeting yours then departing as they all clap you blushing even more if that was possible him chuckling at you.
Marco spins the bottle it landing on Ace as Ace says
"Truth" and chugs his mug.
"All right do you have a secret crush? Yoi" Ace blushes and says
"Yes okay" waving it off as he gets up to refill his mug while you giggle. Once he comes back he spins the bottle it landing on you again.
You gulg down your mug as he asks
"Allright (n) who is your crush?"
"You guys stop embarrassing me!" You whine as you sway and gently punch Aces arm making him laugh at you.
"Ughh fine" you close your eyes cross your arms and take a deep breath as you respond.
"Its Marco.." you admit blushing deep red as you felt a pair of strong arms drag you onto a lap. You allready knew whose lap you were on, Marcos since you both would cuddle a lot.
"Awee (n) It seems like he feels the same" Ace chuckles as you look up at Marco him smiling wide then pecks your forehead. You continue playing spin the bottle then Izou, Thatch and Ace call it a night as your left with Marco alone on deck now. Looking up to him you lean up kissing his cheek then say
"Happy birthday Marco I hope it was okay" looking at you he leans down kissing your soft lips as you wrap your arms around his neck. Kissing turns into making out as you reciprocate. Finally breaking for air your blushing like mad giggling.
"So who do you like handsome" you ask as he chuckles.
"Your definitely drunk but I like you too silly to bad you probably wont remember tomorrow." Staring into his eyes you decide to be bold
"Well I might remember if you cuddle with me tonight" you blush but your drunk face was allready enveloped in red.
"Ouu is that an invitation? Yoi" he asks chuckling as you nod.
"Sorry but we wont fit on your bed how about you cuddle with me on mine? Yoi" you just nod and he picks you up bridal style then head to his room unlocking it then locking it once in he sets you on the bed as he undresses his jacket showing off his abs and chest which you couldnt stop staring at.
"See something you like? Yoi" you hear as you blush even more and nod making Marco blush as he comes to the bed sliding in. Him gently pushing you down into his chest. Wrapping his arms around you pulling you as close as possible to him. Your hand cups his cheek as he stares into your eyes.
"Hey so what was your wish?" You whisper.
"I cant tell you silly but it came true. Yoi" Giggling you lean up your lips meet his closing both your eyes you make out as he clutches you close. Feeling a twitch in his pants makes you wet but you know your limits. Breaking for air you huffing he says
"Go to sleep my little bird. Yoi" he nuzzles your head kissing your head into his warm chest as you obey placing both your hands on his chest letting the hum of his heartbeat lul you to sleep.
~The Next Morning~
Your woken up with kisses on your head.
"(N)~ little bird~ Yoi" you come too and open your eyes to see Marco and your cuddling on his bed.
"How are you? You drank a lot last night. Do you remember anything? Yoi" he says as you blush everything comes rushing back to you. Blushing deep red he chuckles
"I remember yea unless it was all a dream." You say. He leans down kissing you as you reciprocate kissing him back. Making out for awhile he breaks for air as your both huffing.
"It was no dream dear. Yoi" he says making you blush.
"So ... you like me too?..." you whisper as he rubs your back.
"Yes I do. Yoi" he admits a light blush dusting his face and yours. Wrapping your arms around his waist you sigh as he asks
"(N) would you be my..... girlfriend? Yoi" shocked you blush a deep red with a look like is that okay? Making him chuckle. Him petting your head he says
"Dont worry its all right. So what do you say? Yoi" he asks as you reply
"Id love that Marco" you smile then lean up to kiss him again. He reciprocates kissing back as he clutches you close. Breaking for air he says
"Allright we have to get to work my little bird. Yoi" smiling at you he slides out of bed putting his glasses on as you pout. He chuckles and hands you the key to the infirmary.
"Why dont you go get started in the infirmary while I finish getting ready. Yoi" he says. You reluctantly slide out of bed saying
"Okay big bird ill go do that" he leans down pecking your lips.
"Good girl. Yoi" he says making you blush as your let out of his room. Everyone knew youd wear some outfits more than one day in a row so wearing this outfit again wasnt a problem. But coming out of the first commanders room the next day turned some heads but noone said anything to you since everyone knew you both were so close anyways.
You walk to the infirmary and open it, grab a stack of papers, and walk to your chair setting them down then sitting down starting paperwork. Soon Marco walked in with wetish hair.
'He must have needed to take a shower. Dont get a nose bleed (n) ahh! Marco in the shower. Ahh!! Me and Marco in the shower ahh!!!!!'
"(N)~ (n)~ ohh (n)~ Yoi" Marcos voice pulls you from your thoughts.
"Im not daydreamin I swear!" you yell as he chuckles and raises an eyebrow.
"Dont even ask" you blush deep red as he laughs now.
"I wasnt planning on it silly. But now im curious what were you day dreaming about? Yoi" hiding your face in your hands you peek at him through your fingers.
"Its nothing!"
"Okay okay Yoi" he says chuckling and sits in his swivel chair grabbing a stack of allready done paperwork from your side of the table that he needs to finish. After you quickly finish up the rest of your paperwork for the day you notice Marco finishing his. Walking over behind him you start giving him a shoulder massage.
"Mhhh feels s'good Yoi" he sits straight as you work your magic.
"Im glad you like it handsome" you say rubbing out the knots. He lets out a soft moan which makes you feel hot down there and blush. Slowly sliding your hands down his chest you kiss his cheek then neck making him shiver. Resting your head on his shoulder he says
"Now how am I supposed to get any work done with you doing all this to me? Yoi" he whines as you giggle.
"Ill stop then" you say and were about to pull away when he gently grabs your hands on his chest.
"Nevermind I like it Yoi" he says which makes you giggle on his neck causing him to shiver slightly.
"Oh you like this?" You say kissing his cheek then butterfly kissing his neck.
"Yes I definitely like this. Yoi" he continues to work but keeps stopping.
"You know what come here. Your too distracting my little bird. Yoi" he pats his lap to which you obey, sit on him resting your head against his chest and kiss the side of his neck one last time. Feeling a bit of a bulge below you makes you blush as he leans down and kisses you, soft lips on yours. Him holding your back for support, you both make out and you slide your tounge out as he reciprocates flicking your tounge bar. After some time you break for air huffing, face red, pussy wet in your shorts. Him chuckles smiling at your face and cups your cheek.
"Is someone embarrassed or just hot and bothered? Yoi" he asks calling you out, making you bury your head in his chest, him chuckling more.
"You know its perfectly natural to have such feelings. Yoi" he says as your heart feels like its gonna burst out of your chest. He seems to notice as he says
"Seems I was right haha. Dont worry beautiful well go at your pace. Whenever your ready. Yoi" you nod against his chest as he continues doing paperwork. Once he finishes his paperwork he lets out a sigh seeing you cuddled against his chest.
"(N) working hours are over, want to get some drinks then cuddle? Yoi" sleepy you nod and get off of him. Yawning you follow him to the cantina.
"Hey Thatch can we get some smoothies going please? Yoi" Marco asks.
"Sure how are you guys doing today? I overheard someone slept in the same room last night" Thatch looks to you and winks while Marco chuckles. Your face going red Marco notices and says
"Its not like that Thatch my little bird just wanted cuddles. Yoi"
"Ahh right." Thatch says as he slides over the drinks.
"Thanks Thatch!" You squeal.
"Thanks. Yoi"
"Sure anytime you lovebirds haha" Thatch chuckles as you both go over to the table sliding in the booth Marco pats his lap and you obey sitting on him while you both finish your drinks. Cuddling into his chest you shiver and hold your head.
"Brain freeze owww!" Whispering in your ear
"You need to learn how to not suck it down so quick. What am I going to do with you my little bird? haha Yoi" he chuckles then uses his flames on your head.
"Thanks handsome" you say and kiss his chest making him transform into hybrid form covering you in blue wings as you continue to kiss his chest then neck. Feeling a bulge again you nip at his neck causing him to bite his lip muffling a soft moan.
"My my what are you trying to do to me my baby bird? Keep this up and ill have to punish you. Yoi" Marco whispers as you look up to him with a devilish grin.
"Oh ya what did you have in mind?" You say boldly which shocks him then he squeezes your thigh with his wing making a moan escape from you. Blushing deep red you stare into his eyes with your lewd glossy eyes. Whispering in your ear
"Are you sure? You dont know who your messing with little bird. Yoi" he slightly growls as you cut him off kissing him as he clutches your thigh the heat getting to you making you even more wet. Breaking for air you say
"Im sure Marco my sweet handsome man" you say as he transforms into human form and picks you up bridal style walking to his room turning some heads but you see Marco is just smiling as normal as he opens his room and locks the door gently throwing you on the bed he sits next to you as you sit up and lean on him. He takes off his jacket hanging it from the bed pole railing as you blush at him again.
"What are you blushin at baby bird? Yoi" he asks as he kisses your cheek then makes his way down to your neck making your heart race and making you shiver. Chuckling he cups your face and kisses you which turned into making out as you wrap your arms around his neck soft moans fall from your lips as he gives a moan in response him wrapping his arms around your waist. Breaking for air you couldnt help but blush. He tugs at the bottom of your shirt then asks
"Are you sure (n)? Yoi" putting your hands on his you help him take your shirt off revealing your black lace bra blushing he gently kisses the crevasse of your breasts as he unbuttons and unzips your shorts sliding them down as you kick off your shoes. You run your hands through his hair. He bends down kissing your lips as he undoes your bra revealing your pierced breasts. He licks one of your nipples then starts sucking as you let out a moan shuffling your legs as he slides off your panties with some effort.
"Ahh! Marco feels good" you see his bulge against his pants so you unbutton his pants but have trouble since he has a sash and jewelry adorning his side. Marco stops sucking and undoes his pants sliding them off leaving his shoes on as he slides his boxers off too revealing quite the package ten inch cock dripping with precum. Smiling you lean forward
"What are yo-! Yoi" taking his cock in your mouth you hear a moan escape from his lips as you swirl your tounge around his tip. Swirling your tounge bar around his crevasse of his mushroom head you start sucking, slowly going deeper and deeper making moans fall from Marcos lips
"Fuckk! Dam it (n) that feels so good! Yoi" after a couple minutes your deep throating him, humming keeping pace making him grip the bed railing he pulls you off of him throwing you on the bed.
"Your in for it now. Yoi" you see blue flames in his eyes as he spreads your legs hands gripping your thighs as he bends down and you feel his velvety tounge inbetween your folds of your pussy sucking on your folds and entrance as he sticks his long tongue in your wepping hole.
"Ahhh!!! Marco!! Yes!!!" You yelp as your thighs twitch trying to close but he holds them firmly in place while skillfully eating you out.
"Marco!! Gonna ahh gonna cum!!" You yell as he thrusts in and out with his tounge.
"Fuckk!! Marco im cum-ming" you felt your walls constrict around his tounge as he laps up your juices. After cleaning you with his tounge, he crawls on top of you his lips meeting yours as you kiss then he breaks off asking
"Are you ready my little bird? Yoi" you look at him with a lewd expression nodding.
"Yes im ready Marco~" you run your hands through his hair as he positions his precumming dick at your entrance slowly inserting himself as you gasp at his girth as he slides his full tip in making you moan
"Ahh Marco your so big!!" He chuckles and starts thrusting, slowly inching his way in you as you grip the sheets. Feeling his sweet lips on yours you reciprocate wrapping your arms around his neck playing with his hair. Parting for air he finally bottoms out in you reached your cervix making you moan loudly.
"Fuckk! (n) your so tight" you hear him say as you moan
"Ahh god! Marco your so fuckin big! You hit my wall!" He chuckles while moaning. Suddenly you both hear a knock on his door. He puts a finger up to his lips for you to stay silent as he continues to thrust into you. Biting your tounge, you try not to moan.
"Who is it? Yoi"
"Hey its Ace have you seen (n)? I wanted to ask her something." Ace says through the door.
"Shes right here, were talking well be out soon. Yoi" he smiles while he thrusts extra deep into your g spot, at right here causing tears to form and you to actually bite your tounge. You dig your nails into his shoulders.
"Okay Ill ask her later, well have fun you two" you hear Ace walk off as Marco chuckles
"You did so well baby bird should I reward you now? Yoi" as he continues his slow paced thrusts, gasping for air you say
"Please yes Marco! Your gonna make me cum again!" You say squeezing your pussy muscle.
"Ou you naughty girl! Maybe I should punish you instead? Yoi" you shake your head no releasing your muscle as he chuckles
"So you think you deserve a reward now? Yoi" you shake your head yes as he says
"Since youve been so cooperative, I suppose ill reward you. Yoi" saying as he folds you into a mating press making you moan
"Ahh fuckk yes!! Marco sssoo deeep!!" You hear him chuckle as he picks up his pace now hitting your g spot every time, that ball of heat in your abdomen begging for release.
"God!! Your sso good aat thatt!! Gonna cumm!!" He smiles at you keeping a good pace as he continuously hits your spot.
"Cum on my cock (n)!! Yoi" he yells in your ear thrusting deeper if possible, sending you over the edge. Your face contorts into a lewd expression as you come to your third orgasm this time being more powerful
"Ahh!! Marco!!! Im .. im s'soo good! cumming!!" He picks up the pace, thrusting through your high as he starts to relentlessly pound you.
Moaning uncontrollably now you start to drool.
"You like that? Like my cock buried deep in your pussy? Yoi" he asks loudly as you nod
"Yess big bird!! I love it!!" You yell with tears in your eyes as he smirks. Going at now a break neck speed he moans with you. Feeling your self cum prematurely your walls clamp on his cock making him grunt but continue thrusting.
"Naughty girl tell me when your gonna cum! Yoi" he thrusts extra deep at the word cum, making you a moaning mess.
"Ssorry!" You yell hanging onto his neck.
"Shit! Im close! Where should I cum? Yoi" looking at him with lidded sex driven eyes managing to get out
"My birth control is still effective so cum in me Big bird!" his eyes widening
"Are you sure my good girl? Yoi"
"Yes please I need you!!" you moan out loudly as he continues his speed and thrusts as deep as he can feel your greedy hole sucking his cock deep in your womb.
"Get ready (n) im about to cum deep inside you! Yoi" Just hearing his words make your abdomen burn you about to cum again also.
"Mar-co im go-nna Im gonn-a cum!" yelling as you dig your nails into his shoulders.
"Cum on my cock baby bird cum with me! Yoi" He bends down sucking hard on your neck leaving his marks on you.
"Ye-s fir-st comm-ader!!!" your tounge out, you gasping for air. You feel one of his hands on your abdomen him feeling his cock splitting your womb open as he thrusts into you. His cock twitches in you as his cock stiffens you knowing that means a male is about to cum.
"Im gonna cum little bird! Yoi"
"Me too" you both yell as you feel your cunt swallow his dick, walls clamping down makes his cock squirt his gaint load into you.
"Fuck im cumming big bird!!"
"Im cumming too!! Take my hot seed (n)!! Yoi" Marco moans as he thrusts through both your sex highs.
"Fuc-kkk!!! Go-d Mar-co y-es!!" you moan as he slowly comes to halt. Slowly letting your legs down with a gasp from you, he slides you closer to him making his cock go all the way into you pressing your cervix as he picks you up. Stepping into the shower with your fucked out face arms around his neck legs around his torso. As he holds your ass and back, he chuckles as you both regain your breath, him faster than you since hes also a fighter.
"Was it that good my little bird? Yoi" chuckling he stares into your eyes as he turns on the water. Having developed a deep blush you respond
"Uh huh"
"Im gonna pull out now little bird. Yoi" him chuckling, you nod and gasp as he holds you up while sliding his gaint cock out of you. Once he pops out his tip you moan loudly as he sets your feet on the floor feeling both your cum dripping out of you. Leaning against his chest your sure he can feel your legs twitching.
"I dont think I can walk straight Marco" chuckling he pets your head as he soaps you both up then helps clean you after himself him fingering your throbbing cunt soaping it up then letting the water rinse away all the soap. Moaning at his touch you kiss his chest as he turns off the water. Shivering at the loss of heat, he steps out handing you a towel as you walk out legs twitching as he transforms into hybrid form wrapping his warm wings around you holding you close to him. Leaning into his chest you close your eyes as he holds you, the water evaporating off you both. Once dry he takes your towel and puts it into the hamper as you both get dressed.
"How do you feel now my little bird? Yoi"
"I feel much better thank you Big bird~" you coo to him. He helps you get dressed as he dresses too. You both exit his room as he locks it, he bends down and says
"Here hop on Yoi" obeying you hop on his back as he hikes you up on his back holding your thighs, he walks you both to dinner turning some heads. He lets you down at the table and he slides in patting his lap as you obey sitting on him.
"Talking my ass" You hear Ace say at the table making you cock your head to the side. He just points to his neck as you realize what he meant. Marco had marked you it rushing back to you, you blushing deep red as Thatch, Izou and Marco just chuckle. Marco petting your head as Ace says
"You coulda just said you guys were busy"
"Uh huh because that always works with you" you say to Ace crossing your arms. Ace gives you a face and you giggle.
"So im guessing you two finally are a thing?" Ace raises an eyebrow as you hear from behind you
"Yea haha my sweet little birdie couldnt help herself Yoi" looking up at Marco you blush deep red as you turn to your side resting your head against his chest yawning.
"Awee is someone tired~ Yoi" he lets the word tired roll off his tounge making you blush harder. Glancing up to him then closing your eyes you just nod. Snickering Ace says
"Ya I bet your tired~"
~Six Months Later~
The Whitebeard pirates stopped off at an bar island, Ace piggybacked rode you to the bar. Marco said hed be there soon that hes finishing up first commander things. After awhile of chatting with Ace.
"So I over heard that one of the nurses likes you Ace~" You say as you both drink some ale.
"Really now which one?"
"Oh Kiki now ya shes super cute. What should I say to her?" Ace asks while sipping his ale.
"Just ask her how she is doing use an icebreaker then see what she says dummy." You giggle as you hear some pirates walk in making a ruckus turning to look but felt an arm wrap around you as your mug falls from your hand. You realize the man who had you also had a knife to your neck.
"Dont move Fire Fist Ace shes ours now!" Your assuming the leader of these thugs. You notice Ace look behind you as most of this guys crew was faceing the bar.
"Oh you dont have to worry about me saving her" Ace says as you feel a presence behind you and the leader lowers the knife slightly confused.
"What? Whaddya mean?" The thug leader asks.
"He means me! Yoi" The thug leader turns around but sees his crew knocked out in one attack of Marcos hybrid form then before you know it your freed from the thug leader grip and Marco kicked him through the door out onto the street. Marco transforming into human form walks out the door to outside. You follow with Ace in tow outside and see Marco punching the thug leader into unconsciousness.
"Marco hes out!" You and Ace yell to him. He stops and walks over to you putting an arm around your waist pulling you with him with Ace in tow.
Suddenly you wake up in your bed beads of sweat pour down your body. Looking around you just see your room headphones playing the One Piece theme songs. Slowly realizing that you had just had a vivid dream you start crying. Tears flowing down your face tears staining your shirt and covers.
"It was just a dream.... just a dream..."
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gaoau · 9 months
一 ; one ; uno
it's so cold warnings — none. word count — 4.0k
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ive long realized plenty of things i never needed—the past is never behind us, the present is fleeting, the future doesnt exist. theres a wrinkle in the sands of time. theres a fault in the fabric of the universe. there are many flaws everywhere i look. sano manjiro lies dead before me. mikey lies dead before me. blond hair and a dragon tattoo because we both miss ken. black hair that makes him look too much like shin. white hair and dark bags covered in tears. how many times have i seen this already? why have i seen this already? everything is broken. its disastrous and confusing and suffocating. i dont understand what im looking at.
i remember, just seconds ago, i was busy beating up some random guys from a rival gang. theres a reason we rule over the kanto area. we dont back down from a fight. so where did i go? where am i? why am i seeing this now? these are memories of a future i dont have. these are memories of a future i shouldnt have. its enough to drive me insane when i think that this is all i get for being next to mikey. i hold my breath and choke whenever hes around. that intoxicating grace of his, the one that sets him apart from the world, has been flooding my senses for longer than i can take. and i let him, because i want him to be happy. this is all i get; blood, gore, pain, death, loneliness.
i dont want to think about mikey any longer. ive done all i could, it seems. id just like to be free for one moment. i still see it all, futures im not a part of, futures that takemichi has made sure to change.
he wears that godforsaken dragon tattoo like a brand on his neck. long hair hes kept dyed through the years because he doesnt want to cut it off, but he doesnt want me to style it for him. i look at him and i see ken. its torture. the years have gone by, im still by his side, he still has me locked in place. he hasnt smiled in what feels like eons. im okay with that. his smile, that empty, silent smile has always made my stomach ache. im not okay with that. hes a carbon copy of ken. we both miss him, i know. it hurts him more than me, even if im the one staring at a burning ghost all day, every day.
we're alone. im alone with mikey. im all alone when im with him. its cold on top of this building, in the corner of the world, secluded from the city weve conquered. i stretch out my legs, leaning against the wall, squinting at the reflection of led lights bending to hit my eye. mikey is still as small as ever. hes so small despite sitting on his throne like this. the gun i hold weighs on my hand. neither of us know how to properly handle guns. weve been drowning in this business for over a decade, but we're very clearly still children.
the safety clicks as i press the barrel under my jaw. "itd be so easy, dont you think?" the sound of my voice calls to him. its the only familiar sound in his life. its why ive been staying with him. i couldnt save him, but at least he still clings onto me like this. hes had me trapped for so long that i seem to have forgotten i was ever my own person.
his darkened eyes shift towards me so slowly. i see his face twist into a panicked frown. "whatre you doing?" he doesnt move from where hes sitting against the wall adjacent to mine. he reaches with his foot to tap my knee. stop, hes trying to say, dont even think about it. hes scared, i can tell. ive learned to read him like the open book he is. his light has grown dimmer through the years. hes angry, i can tell. hes wondering if ill leave him, too.
"nothing," i sigh. i lower the gun and leave it on my lap for a second. "m just thinking…" and i think. yes, i think. i know i cant leave him. he doesnt let me. he keeps me tied down to him. a chuckle falls, sardonic. i point the gun at him. "i cant die before you, mikey." ive promised. ive sworn to stay by his side until the bitter end—until his bitter end.
he doesnt bat an eye. "are you gonna kill me?" its funny how he doesnt care that im the one wholl be killing him. im just making my job easier for myself. i wonder what kind of face kisaki will make when he finds out what ive done.
"do you want me to?" i know he does. tonight ill see we find peace, manjiro. im the only one who he can lean on now.
hes quiet for a second. his eyes are like black holes as they swallow up all the light. he stares straight at me without expression. then, in a whisper, he begs, "…please." he doesnt say my name. no, he hasnt said my name more than once in our lives. he calls me by that stupid nickname he made up when we were hanging out at grandpas dojo.
i cant help the soft simper pulling at my lips. hes still the same mikey i know. he still struggles with asking for help, even if its me. but he still asks; hes still vulnerable in front of me. i pat my lap, legs stretched out just for him. "come here, then," i invite him closer, ready to welcome him with open arms, "rest your head for a bit." rest before you leave.
he doesnt hesitate. he never hesitates. in a swift movement, the back of his head collapses onto me. his eyes, the ones hes kept me trapped in for all my life, they dance around the vast expanse of midnight above us. "the stars are lovely today." stars i once promised to drag down to his feet if he asked. stars i swore wed always watch together.
i hum in agreement. "thats why we're here." everyone knows that stars only come out at night. we both know we're the two brightest burning stars in the world. we sit here, where people can see us burn and consume ourselves until we get crushed. "itll be over soon, i promise." the same way i promised him forever. ill hold him until the moment he dies. 
"thanks." ah, now he chooses to use my actual name. he can be so unfair. he could save a life, but he decided to take mine away instead. under his charm, i let him drag me down. we die hand in hand.
there are no tears; not from me, not from him. it seems weve both been waiting for the other to make the first move. hes so tired and so am i. with a singed throat, the words sting on my tongue as i remind him, "i love you, manjiro." theres no other feeling in the world like loving sano manjiro. i look into his darkened gaze and deny the truth staring back at me. its all a mess, scraping away at my mind. my love and hate look quite alike.
i can hardly tell light from dark or right from wrong anymore. mikey replies, "i love you." again, he dares not say my name. i hate him. he makes me go weak at the knees, even as i slump against the wall. i wonder if its him or the cross im bearing on my back, weighing me down.
mikey closes his eyes. he wants to let go. hes letting me go. its been years and hes finally letting me go. the wind howls and screams our names in my ears as i press the barrel of my gun to his forehead. we're stars; we'll burn, we'll rest, we'll disappear. we go down together. i shoot. his body relaxes against my legs. i feel the warmth of his blood seeping through my clothes. hes free. the gentle quirk of his lips tells me hes happy hes dead. maybe im just making it up. maybe i just want to believe ive done something.
i lift my head to the sky. the gun is warm against my skin. my pulse doesnt tremble when i pull the trigger.
im free.
but we arent free. i walk into his room to find mikey slumped against a corner. hes here again, a ghost of ken. how come his eyes grow darker every time i look? i scratch away an itch on the underside of my jaw, clearing my throat to let him know im here, it's me. he doesnt bother lifting his head for me. i stand right in front of him, bare feet centimeters away from his crossed legs. ive heard what hes done. he didnt check in with me before killing our friends. if takashi dies, then i stay. if pah dies, then i stay. ken and kei died, so i stay. he knows ill follow him to hell.
it hurts me, too. he cant let go of me and hes bruising my wrists. i want him to be happy. i want him to be free. i want to be free. "takashi, pah, peh, chifuyu." the list rings with poison in both of our ears. how did we get here?
"takemicchi got away," he mumbles. i highly doubt takemichi matters much right now. we stopped trusting him long ago. he changed after bloody halloween and mikey couldnt understand why.
i crouch to try and meet his eyes. charming, deadly works of art. viral. it's been years, but he still holds me in his gaze. "never woulda guessed chifuyu was working with tora. after killing kei, i thought for sure he wouldnt forgive him." theres no sugarcoating needed. i dont censor my words. his wounds are fresh and i keep digging my fingers into his flesh to make them deeper. i make all his mistakes real for him because he wants to be scolded. he cant ask for sympathy—he only asks for cruelty.
theres a pause. a silence that hangs. it's heavy, stagnant. it pulls at the seams. "kazutora needs to go, too."
my knees come in contact with the floor as i lean towards mikey. i wrap my arms around his head, cradling him to my chest. hes still warm. he rests his forehead against me. "theres no time, mikey. you cant do this any longer." youre falling apart, manjiro. i pull my gun from its holster, cocking it as i bury it in his hair.
"set me free." he pronounces that stupid nickname, chaos of my real name. i cant discern if hes begging or ordering me.
i hum softly. he put his trust in me. "i love you." he nods. the gunshot echoes in the quiet room. it rings in my ears. i see splatters of mikeys blood on the wall. i feel his body relax in my arms. with the barrel against my temple, i shoot myself free.
a headache splits my skull apart as i watch this unwind. have i seen this before? no, mikeys hair is pitch black. im glad he doesn't let it fall over his forehead. i don't think i could bear to look at shin so much. i was adamant to cut it for him when he asked. the list is the same, though much longer. takashi, pah, peh, chifuyu, tora, the twins, hakkai, even ken. hes talking with takemichi now. it's easy to tell what mikey wants from him. im no good in this future. i don't have what takemichi has.
there is nothing left here for us. i wait among the shadows and debris, listening to mikey confess all his crimes. he veered down the wrong path. ive kept by his side all this time, holding him at his most vulnerable, but im not a savior. takemichi can save him in a way i can't. all ive done so far is push back the inevitable. mikey falls victim to his dark impulses every time. who am i to stop him? he keeps the safety of his gun on; i don't. i can save myself.
"kill me," he says. i feel like ive heard that before. it's not directed at me, though. i won't stop him. all mikey wants is to die and be free. that's what i want, too.
takemichi is, understandably, confused. he doesn't get it. maybe that's why mikey has chosen him. takemichi tries to figure out what mikeys trying to tell him. he asks about the friends hes murdered. it must be frightening for him to hear his former commander speak so nonchalantly about setting hakkai on fire. he asks about me. mikey glances at where im hidden. i catch the look in his eyes. those eyes that had me wrapped around his finger when he so intensely stared into my soul. they quiver.
hes helpless. hes scared. hes tired. hes horrified. he doesn't know what to do. he pounces on takemichi and threatens him. then a gunshot rings. it's not mikeys, it's not takemichis. and it's certainly not mine. mikey is dead. mikey is free. i swore to him that i would see him to his end. we die hand in hand, don't we, manjiro?
tachibana naoto, hinas little brother shot him. i remember her mentioning him to me once. ironic how hes the one to kill mikey, of all people. as takemichi cradles mikeys dead body in his arms, i step out of my waiting spot. it alerts both men instantly. naoto is wary of my presence, but takemichi believes in hope. he exclaims my name with enthusiasm. perhaps he thought mikey had killed me as well when he didn't answer. as if mikey would ever let me go.
"im just here to pick him up," i let them know i mean no harm.
naoto is a cautious man, if anything. "takemichi-kun, get behind me." id never do anything to hurt takemichi. he doesn't need to be worried about me.
i kneel before takemichi, extending my arms out. i remove mikeys burdens from his chest to take him away with me so we can both find peace. his blood smears on my clothes and i know takemichi will have a hard time forgetting this sight. mikey doesn't weigh much. it's painful knowledge.
as i haul mikey away, takemichi calls, "wait!"
there's nothing left to say, though. mikey has confessed all his crimes. mikey has confessed all his pains. "it's over, takemichi." i can't bring myself to curse him with that stupid nickname after all these years. "it's finally over." we're finally free. welcome home, manjiro. i wonder, if i smiled, would it hurt him? it'd be genuine happiness, but it's not like he'd be able to read that, so i don't. mikeys body is cold and stiff against mine. i let him rest against me, eyes closed and dried tears on his cheeks. he hasn't cried in so long. he leans his head on my shoulder. he always does this when he lets his vulnerability show. "i love you, manjiro," i remind him. hes all i have. i press my gun to the roof of my mouth. i don't get to taste it.
it's never over. my tongue feels dry when i chew on it out of anxiety. ive heard three shots. i see haru waiting behind a corner as mikey finishes his business. i didn't even glance at takemichi before i decided i couldn't do this. i wonder how much longer it'll take mikey to come up here and join me. this is the tokyo we conquered; this is not the dream mikey had. if he'd had a better moral compass, if he hadn't let ken go, if he hadn't put his trust in me, maybe this wouldn't have happened.
i hear footsteps behind me. here he is. i hug one of my legs to my chest, the other one dangling off the edge. we're on top of the world. it's a long way back home from up on this rooftop. he stands next to me in complete silence. so he's left takemichi to die. he was hopeless and helpless until the very end. i can't blame him. he's been through so much. he doesn't know how to share. he takes on all of the pain. he can only ask to be punished, because aid isn't a word in his vocabulary.
mikey pipes up, "you've been waiting for me here?" it doesn't surprise him at all. i know him like the back of my hand. this is how he takes responsibility for the last decade of misfortunes. he'll end it all.
"i couldn't bare to watch you keep making these mistakes," i reply truthfully. ive seen this before. i glance up at him and he glances down at the street. don't look down, manjiro. you won't survive this trip to hell.
it sounds like he wants to laugh. he doesn't. instead he brings back a conversation we had when we were fourteen. "that's why you're better than me." hardly. he says that stupid nickname clinging to me like a curse.
"after you." i motion towards his kingdom, to the path covered in blood and snow.
mikey looks at me briefly, quiet. then he cranes his neck up at the sky. "you won't stop me?" i see the tattoo on his nape. he put it there so he wouldn't have to look at it. it burns on his skin as it burns on my shoulder blade.
"i can't." i don't have the rights to stop him. i didn't do it in other timelines, im not going to start now. this is the only way for us to be free. it's tragic how unfortunate we are. maybe we deserve it.
how does one normally respond to a friend committing suicide? how does one respond to a friend letting them commit suicide? it's not what mikey does when he hums. "i'll see you later." he disappears into his own mind. whose face is he seeing? shins? emmas? i would hope. "everyone, let's do this!" there's a grin on his face. ive missed it. he hops off the roof and away from me.
"ill see you later."
i hear haru screaming all the way from the street. he's distressed. he's been with manjiro just as long as i have. mikey trapped him the same way he trapped me, but somehow worse. i know im not free as long as i stay next to mikey. i stay out of love and selfishness. haru stays out of fear and obsession. i know im not free, but im still my own person.
and i don't fool myself.
mikeys falling to his death, peaceful. an arm shoots out from the building and latches onto him. i smile bitterly, a sigh tumbling from my lips. "sucks that death is a bit of a bitch for both of us." i want to jump, too. i stick to my perch and swallow my pride, because im my own person, but im not. i can't die before mikey, i can't leave him alone.
i see the tears pouring out of his eyes. he begs for help, finally, for the first time in his life. it's enough to make me cry, too. he's being weak for the whole world to watch him burn himself to oblivion. takemichi scolds him. he struggles to hold on when the cross he's bearing weighs him down. twelve years of pain make him slip from his saviors grasp. there's nothing i can do.
blond hair and passive, ken's tattoo, black hair and chaos, izana's earrings. reality is broken for me, pieces of different timelines scattered on the floor. i have all these memories that aren't mine. mikey lies dead before me in a billion angles no one else can see. i don't understand why im seeing this now. i know ive seen it before. it's been two years since i last had to suffer through this. time is shattered and it hurts.
i hear that nickname ring in my ears. when i blink, mikey's corpses are gone. there's a weight in my hand and it's not from a gun. im gripping an unconscious boy by the collar. my knuckles sting. the skin of my hands is split open, bleeding. i remember now. we were wiping out a rival gang that challenged us. i turn towards mikey, trying to blink him into focus. "sorry, what'd you say?"
he stares back at me with hollow eyes. there's a tiny furrow in his brow that others wouldn't be able to pinpoint. "let's go," he repeats, nodding his head for me to follow him. i see haru and koko waiting for us behind him. they both look away when i catch their gazes.
"oh, yeah." i clear my throat. the kid im holding slips from my fingers and crumbles on the floor. his head bounces when it hits the ground. next to the blood splattered on the dirt, a tear drops. i realize it's mine instantly. im crying. i wipe at my eyes with my sleeve to pretend nobody saw me. i don't think i can explain what's made me cry like this in the middle of a fight. there's a discomfort in my throat, and remnants of a headache pulse in my temples, and the roof of my mouth itches. im still crying. the tears fall, but i feel nothing. this anguish isn't mine to feel.
i cough into my fist as i walk to stand next to mikey so we can head back. there's an open gash on his leg that he's ignoring. what's a little wound to the invincible mikey, after all? i know nobody is invincible, let alone manjiro, because i know people die, because ive killed him with my own two hands. ill take care of it for him later; mikey is my responsibility. he waits for me to join him. my shoulder brushes against his. he glares at my tears so intensely. "are you okay?" he asks quietly, like he doesn't want the two boys ahead of us to hear.
i turn my head to find his eyes. it's like he's trying to bring all my deceit to light, like im not allowed to hold secrets. i see those black holes that swallow up his own deceit. all i see, rather than the mikey right in front of me, is his corpses in variety, because i killed him, because i let him die, because that's what he wanted and that's the only way he could be free. so i clear my throat again, "yeah, just got dizzy." he knows it's a lie, instantly. my voice doesn't waver when i lie, but it gets small. he knows.
he lets silence hang for a moment. "did you eat today?"
i shake my head. "i was waiting for you." my attention flutters back to the two boys a few paces ahead. they're awfully quiet.
so is mikey. i feel him still staring at me. "okay." and he looks away, too.
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kirk-says-wah · 1 month
𝐃𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐂𝐫𝐲 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
You can also read it here
Pairings: Kirk/Lars, James/Lars, James/Jason
Note: here’s the part 2 I promised 💜
Days go by and Lars can feel the pressure build like a foot pressing against his throat, can feel the heel crush his windpipe, and he constantly feels like he’s fighting for air.
The engagement party was weeks ago, and yet he still feels like someone’s going to pull out the rug from him any minute, like this can’t be real.
He tries to tell himself that when he lies awake at night, wishing he wasn’t alone, wishing Kirk was beside him instead of just cold sheets.
He longs for him in an incomprehensible way, maybe because he knows he’ll never have him the way he wants, their time together limited now that the wedding is only a month away.
He knows that as soon as he marries James, he won’t be living here anymore. They’ll probably move to a lavish estate on the outskirts of the mountains because James is the owner of a rifle company now that his father’s retired, and Lars is-… well Lars is an heir with nothing better to do.
It’s times like these he wishes he’d gotten a proper job, made something of himself outside the walls of the stately home he grew up in. Instead he works for his father, and he doesn’t have a say in anything. His money, his career, his life belongs to his father, and it’s on days like this he yearns for a future where he isn’t held to the same standard as his family.
He wants to live freely, like Kirk does.
If he had his own money and a future, he knows he’d run away and marry Kirk, just the two of them, buy a small house and raise a family off of the wages they get for clocking in forty two hours a week. And sure it would be hard, but he’d be loved.
He’s too caught up in this life to ever have that, knows he’s pressed under his father’s thumb, and if he were ever to disobey him the consequences would be worse than just being homeless. And besides, he loves his mother, and he doesn’t think he’d ever be able to part with her. Not permanently.
He just feels so muddled, having his life set out for him, heading in a direction he wishes would halt before he can reach the destination.
And ultimately, he knows this won’t be bad. Marrying James. James is wealthy, has job security, owns his own property, and is hot. It’s not like Lars could’ve asked for better.
He’s just not Kirk.
He spends most of his days sat behind his computer, filing in the numbers for his father, but his mind is always elsewhere.
He knows what Kirk thinks of all this. Kirk told him to go through with it, to get married and move away.
“It’s better this way,” Kirk had said, punctuating his words with a kiss. “All I ever want for you is to be safe, and that won’t happen if we stay together.”
And Lars guesses that’s a coherent way of looking at things. Kirk’s heard stories about the Ulrich family, as many around the tri-state area have, and the shared conclusion that Lars might actually be risking his head if he goes against his father’s wishes is too concrete for either of them to uproot.
He’s in bed when his phone goes off.
He can’t sleep, his head whirring, nails bitten as he contemplates what’s to come. It’s hot, the sheets sticky around his waist as he stares at the ceiling.
The phone rings three times before he picks it up, putting the receiver to his ear.
“Mr Ulrich.”
Great. It’s the butler.
“What?” he snaps, maybe a bit too harshly, but he wasn’t expecting to be interrupted. He likes to mope alone for a reason.
“Theres someone on the line for you,” comes the curt reply, and Lars sighs, turns his eyes to the clock on the bedside table. It’s nearly midnight. This better be good.
“If it’s my father just tell him to come up here himself,” Lars says, pulling on the wire so that he can lie on his side, ready to hang up.
“It’s not your father,” the butler says, and Lars frowns.
“Then who is it?”
“I’ll put you through,” is the only reply before the phone cuts to another voice.
It’s gruff, familiar. James.
“Why are you calling?” Lars finds himself asking.
“Nice to hear from you too,” James grumbles and Lars rolls his eyes.
“You know what I mean.”
There’s a moment of silence then James clears his throat.
“I wanted to see how you are.”
The frown deepens on Lars’ face, and he bites at his cheek.
“I just-“ James cuts himself off, and Lars scoots to sit up.
“Look, if you’re calling to make sure the wedding’s still on, don’t bother. It’s going ahead whether I like it or not,” Lars says.
The line flattens, and for a moment Lars thinks James has hung up.
“That’s not why I’m calling.”
Lars sighs, scrubs a hand over his forehead.
“You said there was someone else,” James says, like the thoughts been following around since the party.
“So?” Lars says, knows he sounds childish. He knows it probably doesn’t sound nice, knowing your soon to be husband has someone else.
“Cut them off,” James says, voice rough.
“What?” Lars snaps. Kirk’s face springs to the forefront of his mind, his soft curly hair, his crooked teeth. His heart constricts, and suddenly the feeling of being crushed leaves him winded.
“I said, cut them off.”
“Aren’t you a fucking hypocrite?” Lars spits. He thinks back to what James said, that he had someone else too. Jason.
“What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?” James shoots back, the anger evident in his voice, but it just riles Lars up more. He wants to fight his corner, for Kirk’s sake.
“What about Jason?” Lars says.
“What about him?”
It seems James is definitely not one to back down. Lars doesn’t know how they’re ever going to make their marriage work if James tries to treat him like shit.
“You don’t get to have him too,” Lars says, fighting fire with fire.
“I don’t have him,” James fires back before suddenly his voice goes soft, low, broken. “He’s not been mine for a while.”
Lars can feel the heat die like someone’s thrown a bucket of water over him, feels his skin sizzle, his hair dripping.
“Why?” he says, mostly from curiosity. He wonders if James is finding life just as hard, wonders if maybe he’s not doing so well either.
“You fucking know why,” James says, though there’s hardly any bite to his words.
“I have to marry you Lars,” he continues, his voice unfamiliar, almost earnest. “Everything rests on marrying you.”
“And what if it doesn’t work?” Lars says, because it’s true. He doesn’t know how it’s going to work when they don’t know each other and love someone else. How can they ever make a life out of that.
“It will,” James says, too quick. “It has to. I just want us to be on the same page. I don’t want to marry you if you’re gonna spend your nights in someone else’s bed.”
Lars’ breath shudders, and he suddenly feels cold, longs for a warm body next to him. Longs for Kirk. He’d know how to sort this out, he’d always been able to have a good understanding of both his head and his heart. Lars isn’t so sure which to follow.
“I can’t promise that,” Lars says because he can’t, he can’t just give Kirk up.
James’ voice is tight, like he’s begging. Begging Lars to give him a chance.
“Just think about it,” James says, the gruffness back. “Just think about it, Lars.”
The phone line goes dead.
Lars blinks, processing what just happened as he puts the receiver back on the hook.
He lies back down, pulling the sheets up higher, shivering.
He doesn’t know how he’s going to get through this. He can’t breathe, the feeling claustrophobic, and he blinks his eyes rapidly, presses a hand to his chest.
He quickly reaches back out, punches out some numbers before putting the phone back to his ear.
It rings a few times before it picks up, and Lars finally breathes.
It’s sleepy, but it makes Lars smile, makes him ignore the tears in his eyes.
“Hey,” he says, throat tight.
“Lars,” Kirk replies, more alert now. “Are you okay?”
“Will you tell me about your day?” Lars says, swallows thickly, rubs away the tears that well in his waterline.
“What’s going on?” Kirk asks, concerned.
“Just-… talk to me,” Lars says, can’t hold it in anymore, presses a fist to his mouth to stifle a sob.
“Okay,” Kirk says after a moment, voice gentle. “I can do that.”
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kingcunny · 5 months
got tagged by @atopvisenyashill to talk about asoiaf crackships. gonna talk about the young wolf and his mad dog!! >:3c
(yall know i tried to look robb/sandor on ao3, ff.net, and just a general google search and found nothing? please tell me i did not invent this ship?)
sandor has a Fixation on robb. nobody else in westeros will accept him. hes a monster. they all know it. he cant go back home. he cant go back to the lannisters. the newly seceded north with their new boy-king seems like the only option he has. but after everything hes done, he cant just show up. he needs a peace offering.
so sandor finds and kidnaps this boykings missing sister so *he* can return her safe and sound. so he can prove the assumptions wrong about him, that hes not just a monster. that he can be trustworthy, respectable. that robb needs him, he Has too. hes the only option sandor has.
robb, as king in the north, has power and authority. he has the power to give sandor a fresh start, a new home. to forgive his sins. to give him a new purpose. maybe to even respect him as more than a near rabid dog.
and robb, who has gone through so many betrayals recently, having someone that he KNOWS he can trust… and i know. youre squinting at me saying robb could trust sandor but LISTEN. robb has been working off the assumption pretty much since ned died that arya is also dead. then sandor comes in and drops arya at his feet, more-or-less safe and sound. he brought her back from the dead, gave his mother one of her daughters back. then sandors offering to commit the worst sin possible, For Robb, to deal a massive blow to the lannisters, not to win himself any victory or glory, but just to prove that robb could trust him.
robb knows that sandor doesnt have anywhere else to go. he wouldnt be here if he did. he knows hes sandors last hope. if robb rejects him he might as well pack it up and jump on a boat to join a sellsword company. hes done. robb holds sandors future in his hands. theres a certain security there, along with sandors desperate attempts to prove himself, that he wont be betrayed again. that maybe robb Can trust sandor.
and i also just think robb does Want to see the best in people, to believe in them. so he does give sandor a chance
im tagging…….. @maegorsbignaturals @knightsickness @ludcake @daenerysoftarth ………. and the girl reading this <3
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daybringersol · 1 year
i think the reason that i love william wisp so much is that hes literally me when i was younger, like back when i was depressed, self-hating and refused to try cuz i was scared. i felt hollow, like there wasnt any personality left under that pain. at some point, the idea of getting better felt terrifying to me, cuz i didnt know what id find under all the pain and trauma, if there was even anything left under there.
// JRWI prime defenders S2 EP39 spoilers, tw for psychosis, derealisation and dissociation mentions
with this new era of william wisp, i wouldnt be surprised if I ended up relating to him even more. I think theres a lot of directions he could go towards, personality-wise, and even if he ends up not going the same route as me, i know that the idea itself of having to find yourself after so long spent hiding is gonna resonate with me no matter what.
another thing i find interesting is that i also got that moment when i realised that everything i wanted was at my fingertips, which was the catalyst for me eventually getting better. it was during my psychosis, this friend of mine (who i held in very high regards) ended up telling me off, i dont remember for what exactly (psychosis does funny things to your brain) but it was something related to me not trying to get better. they said something that triggered my derealisation, which of course, sent me into a derealisation/dissociation spiral for some months, and basically straight to rock bottom. of course, i wouldnt recommend that you do that for your friends who are going through similar stuff, im pretty sure i could have died multiple times back then, but in the end, its what pulled me through to where im at now.
i dont remember everything, but basically, the thought process was : nothing is real, its all made up in my head, so theres nothing stopping me from imagining a world where im happy and living in it. i wrote a poem about it, not my best work for obvious reasons, but theres still something to it i think. here :
I want to see tomorrow
I’ve been wishing my whole life for the strength to say "I'm doing great!" when someone ask me how I am
I've always had that strength
I can just say it
It's just 4 words
Easy, see?
It doesn't matter if it's false
Or if the tone of my voice was off
Or if the way my eyes naturally met the ground as soon as you entered the room
It doesn't matter
So what, if I'm lying?
In a fraction of second, I might not be lying anymore
In a fraction of second, I won't be lying
I've been making planets and universes in my head since I could think
I never thought of making one where I was happy
Why should it matter if it's only in my head
My head is real, it's right there
And in the end, all the other stuff too was in my head
I can trust you
I can have friends
I can be myself
I can have my body back
I can be beautiful
Inside and out
I choose what is true and what is not
It doesn't matter if I'm lying to you
It doesn't matter if I'm lying to myself
In the end, we could be both only in my head
It wouldn't matter
So yeah
I want to see tomorrow
Even if it's raining and even if I don't even notice it's raining
I'll just close my eyes, and I'll have everything I've always wanted
so yea ! even if of course the superpower thing and coming back to life thing isnt very realistic, as a metaphor, williams story makes complete sense. i felt dead, back then. and i truly feel like a different person now.
and im looking forward to see where the story takes him in the future !
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walkman-cat · 9 months
hands up tell me abt Your star trek au right now!! on the double bro. what are the tensions it all looks too kind & magical i don’t trust it yet
(if it is literally kind & wonderful i am grateful i am thankful i am honored i’d just like to hear more)
i'm ngl my star trek au au is mostly running on vibes wbwbwb so it is pretty kind and happy and warm (i just really like how much everyone in the enterprise's crew has such a respect and care for each other yknow. found family and all that innit).
that being said, here are some funky things about the characters ive been thinking about lately (under a cut because i'm incapable of being concise):
the stars were essentially jack's santa fe. he grew up surrounded by stories of starship captains and space and it became his lifelong dream and ambition to captain a starship, something which he dropped everything to attain. now he is captain of a starship– one of the youngest in starfleet's history– and it's wonderful and fantastic and he's never felt more alive! but there's always something gnawing at the back of his mind (he's based his entire life up until this point around this moment, it was a driving force and a beacon to look up to when times were tough. what if the experience is nothing like his dreams and he ends up disappointed? what happens when the mission's over? what'll become of him?).
also starfleet's assigned him a galaxy-class starship with families onboard and he's having a Time because of it (what if they get hurt under his watch. what if he gives the wrong order and a child dies. starfleet officers know the risks of space travel and are aware of this but the families. the children). other than that he's having a great time !!
kath's half-betazoid on her mother's side, but she never knew her mother nor has she ever been to betazoid (i really went woe! being mixed and only connected to one of your cultures but still being unable to fit in even there because of the fact that you're mixed be upon ye!). she's trying real hard to learn more about betazoid and who her mother is even though she knows she won't really feel like she "belongs" in betazoid either. she's working on understanding and using her empathic/telepathic powers more.
oh also!! pulitzer is a notorious and not-well liked admiral, when kath joined the acedmy she officially had her name changed to plumber and has since told no-one that they're related (this surely won't backfire terribly on her in the future)
also because this is the spot (cat) show, kath loves spot (cat) and wants to babysit her and play with her but alas. she is allergic to cats
race cannot catch a break– he's got a massive losing streak at senior officer poker night, spot (cat) hates him, he can't grow a beard but every time theres an impostor/clone/mirror universe situation the other version of him always has a beard (this is half in jest but also it amuses me wbwb)
jokes aside, i've been having a whole bunch of race as first officer thoughts (and a lot of riker and race parallel thoughts but. that's another story). i don’t really know how to explain it other than the way riker acts in the last episode of tng season two (yes, the riker montage episode) when facing death (joking around and keeping up the appearance of flippancy and courage in the face of agonising death because he’s first officer and there are people who look up to him and he has to set an example) seemed very race and very kony to me, in a way. (youve got this to blame for riker beard race. im not sorry)
race is also one of the first people to advocate for les becoming acting ensign. he makes it very clear that he's in les' corner and makes himself responsible for his studies and sometimes his training (and he teaches him poker).
OH ALSO! sarah and davey didnt know les ws going to be onboard and only found out about his presence after they'd set off. did he sneak onboard?? mayyyybeee (he just really wants to be a starfleet officer). after the initial shock (and notifying their parents) sarah and davey start the Let Les on the Bridge campaign (letting him watch the bridge from the turbolift, helping out in sciences and engineering, etc etc) the that eventually leads to les becoming acting ensign. it reaches a point where most of jack's senior officers would probably mutiny all for this kid.
there's more stuff but i'll stop rambling now because, again, i have a problem with being concise wbwbw. thankyou soso much for the ask rizz once again i love your star trek au so much and am always eager to hear more wbwbw!!! :D
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1tsjusty0u · 7 months
ackshually. how does knighthood work. is link's whole journey into knighthood same as canon or are there any changes? how did he feel about it
alright so. this will be kind of uh. silly? but to me knighthood/Being A Knight is like. School. except instead of paperwork its training. get up at 5 am with 4 hours of sleep because 7-8 hours of your day was work with a 30 minute lunch break and either legally or socially your expected to/Have to go there and youre treated lesser than the instructor and can be punished for reasonable things and have to jump through hoops/use fae trickery to have sick days or not go in but still get like. the required credits/required training thingies due to broken bones or Really Bad sickness. just sucks ass. itd probably get more bearable the more ranks you go up, and the akkala citadel is probably the best possible place for knights to be honestly. i can imagine rooms being there and also im pretty sure the fort is for like. ships and stuff. so how much work actually goes on there is debatable. though im pretty sure theres a map of it in age of calamity i! have not played it nor emulated it yet </3 so i cant say how accurate this is. also im having guards only really be at like. castle town/posts like the east post ruins not hateno or lurelin. maybe guard the entrances as time goes on/if danger grows/link simply books it but Thats It. knights as well they only really follow the princess/do things around royal hylian buildings. its probably weird to specify but. yeag
i think it is? for canon he gets the mastersword at 13 and from zeldas diary hes only appointed as her knight like. recently/at 16. before then he was affiliated with it due to his father (miphas diary?). so probably. for wreath i dont think he ever actually becomes a knight/is in the royal army until 13 (which if he was for forced into it i think he Wouldnt be happy about it initially/his dad scared him by telling him about it.) so up until that point his dad basically just Visited from time to time and he got to hang out and do sword things which he didnt really think about besides “YEAAAAH SWORD FIGHTINF :D” until hes actually in the army. when he Is in the military if he didnt hate it before he does now!! if he could quit with no repercussions he would the second he could, but he views it as ‘theres no other options for me + my futures shit and fucked on if i dont do this/leave illegally’ so. yeah! and his dad really does Not help at all. how military-y any of this actually is is very debatable, and truthfully i could probably make this more accurate (my. sighs. my brother joined the actual military because free healthcare. hes not in like. the fighting department but hes still trained for that. the first weeks were at some fort and it was Hell for him. like he had to sit in close to genuine freezing weather with no actual cold gear besides his uniform and his orders kept getting mixed up constantly??? different sargents all said different things and gave them different orders. like once he got past that point/fort my dad joked that he probably felt like nothing could be worse than that. so theoretically i could make it like that for link. will i is the question. sorry for the . not infodump but personal dump).
the training grounds!!! i personally think thats how he got into the lost woods but the actual amount of times hes been there is sparse (until hes knighted). he probably viewed it as a playground as first but when he has to do actual training there he would despise it so badly. but this is where drills and such happen and i think itd be sectioned off (because if i recall correctly theres like. terraces? of mud? like theres different sections of mud and buildings) for different drills. knights probably go there daily while guards Dont. i think itd just pain your muscles. also the mud was probably always there and not after the calamity. i dont think thered be any monsters in there? just because it would cause collateral not because the royal family/army is against putting up soldiers and monsters against each other. otherwise nnot much to say? link would get muscle cramps constantly probably he does Not know any stretches. but yeag. i like how gaffen is born in rauru settlement and while im not doing that for wreath link i Do like the idea of rauru settlement being connected to the military/military training grounds. itd probably be where knights stay at first maybe? or it could be be unrelated which would be kind of funny considering noise complaint possibilities. trying to sleep but these stupid knights keep clashing their stupid swords
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what does being a witch and a kpop stan mean? i ask my tarot cards what they think of my idols. welcome to a brand new series:
kpop idol tarot!
the first group is seventeen bcs why not.
for seventeen as a whole i pulled the lovers;
the lovers i found interesting, its a card that to me symbolizes a deep relationship and a bond that is being stressed.
for our leader cheol i pulled the nine of pentacles:
nine of pentacles is a card of wealth, of luxury, but also maybe of financial acceptance.
for jeonghan i pulled the four of pentacles;
four of pentacles is a card of nobility; a man sits with a town to his back, his feet resting on two pentacles.
for joshua i pulled the emperor;
a strong, independent man sits atop his throne. the emperor card suggests stability, dependability, and maybe even that joshua would make a good dad lol. (i think my tarot decks bias is joshua)
for jun i pulled the five of wands:
five of wands is conflict, temper, pent up energy/emotions. i felt bad pulling this card for jun but its what they said.
for soonyoung i pulled the three of pentacles;
three of pentacles is a card for the future, good things are to come, especially in terms of a learning opportunity, collaboration, a lot of hard work paying off (awards?)
for wonwoo i pulled the knight of swords;
he’s ambitious, charging to his goal and nothing in his way can stop him. but when adversity comes, hes quick to make a good decision.
for jihoon i pulled the seven of wands:
i also pulled the devil as a minor card and so this can only mean one thing: conflict. and a bad one. but hes standing up for himself, hes standing his ground, and some would say hes a scapegoat in this situation.
for seokmin i pulled the sun;
It made me laugh when i pulled this, im not going to lie. hes a sunshine, thats for sure. hes a positive energy with good self-expression exceptional luck. he tells the truth (aka hes a bad liar) and hes open with the people he cares about.
for mingyu i pulled the ten of swords;
i felt uneasy. i wanted to pull another card but this was the nail on the coffin, literally. martyr, scapegoat, backstabbed, an inability to cope, doormat, attention seeker.
for minghao i actually pulled three cards (they all fell and landed upright to my shock) the knight of cups, the seven of cups, the six of swords
financial luck, wealth, but also pride, and hes healing, overcoming something, but maybe that six of swords is financial stability, or an upcoming holiday/vacation.
for vernon i pulled two: the hierophant and four of pentacles;
(for four of pentacles, see jeonghans) the hierophant is one of my favorite cards to pull, which to me is both a symbol of spirituality and values; he has strong values that stay with the norms he was taught, but isn’t afraid to stray from the path and make his own.
for seungkwan i pulled the empress;
one of my favorites of the major arcana, the empress says to me creativity, it tells me hes in touch with nature and in tune with his creative side, but also not afraid to let go of masculine stereotypes, be more in touch with his “feminine” side.
for chan i pulled three cards: the reversal of seven of cups, 8 of cups and 2 of pentacles;
i didn’t know what to do when i pulled these. 8 of cups is abandonment, disappointment but with the 2 of pentacles hes looking for balance, and with the reversal of seven of cups, theres reality and clarity.
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mekatrio · 10 months
too sick to draw or do anything else which means its the perfect time to watch mca and be a little autistic nitpicky bitch about it. planning to do a post like this per episode, this one's for episode One. well episode one part one bc nothing in my life is easy and i keep forgetting theres a fucking image limit for posts 🙄
- I HATE THIS FUCKING ANIME ok i needed to get that off my chest...... groaned so loudly at the first four seconds fucking... Church Bells and POLES?!?!? POLES?!?!!! i hate shaft's enviromental choices ok moving on
- how the fuck did i not realize that ayano's VA is rena ryuugu lmfao its all i can hear nowadays
- right theyre on a fucking clock... for some reason.... also honestly i dont like ayano's voice that much. like the voice is fine but i dont think it fits ayano's character
- also this clock sucks i wish it was like more More you know more gears more machinery like ep12 insanity ok wait. are shinaya 3d models here lmfao.. maybe?
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- i like this line. saur mysterious
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- hahaha.... the Kaien Panzermast
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now that i think abt it i have no idea why its called kaien panzermast. like i what its referring to (the song siren thing thats telling kids to go tf home) but what the hell is a Kaien Panzermast?
- this scenery is near meaningless to kagepro literally just a whole bunch of nothing when i say i hate shaft's choices for this anime..... like what is any of this shit. also orange??!? orange of all colors..... god damn man
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-- this part is cool tho. a bit too heavy handed in the symbolism but i appreciate the gesture
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- lol at this:
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BECAUSE SHE DIDNT! not until 2017 lmfao. this makes me suspect that the revelations from mr2 were initially supposed to be in the anime. but in the end for whatever reason it couldnt fit itself there, so the only revelation we got was The First Tragedy Exists. and no elaboration.... now that i think of it, iirc me and many fans were pretty thrown off from this opening back when it first aired cuz this was like, the first time we've seen ayano act like this. wait. let me check my timeline
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ok nvm lol. second time. first time shes ever like this is in the manga:
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but anyways back in 2013/2014 before the LTM episode, there was like no context whatsoever for Why Is Ayano Like That. so that was a doozy
- damn can u imagine working on some songs writing a novel and getting these amazing voice actors to voice ur characters... ohhh i wouldnt know how to act
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i mean thats um. one way to show a timeline getting thrown away... I Guess. ignoring the fact that Mary Has Long Hair (which she shouldnt), its a cool visual idea but the execution is um... hfjkssjk
- hehe
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headphone actor mv on the left and mca countdown thingy on the right. holy shit they are near identical damn, i just thought they were similar but no, its practically identical. thats so cool T_T if only the rest of this anime was this cool.... whatever onwards i go
- shintaro's stupid futuristic high-rise apartment... i loathe thee
- the fuck is this
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- first instance of shaft's trademark of putting random shit on the screen and im already annoyed its gonna be bad for me for the rest of this rewatch if i can even last that long. i know i will at least til ep 10 (11???) cuz i need to see baby mekatrio
- no aku benci lmfao shaft hates to animate so much they threw this story into the future so they could just conveniently project things onto shintaro's cyberwall hahaha..... i fucking hate this anime
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- looks like shintaro was drawn by 4 different artists in these various shots that only span like 5 seconds
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- damn in the anime its not even ene's fault that shintaro spilled the soda lmfao. thats all on him this time
- also shinene's voices are srsly perfect
- XX you say...... 🤨
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- storyboarding sucks shit they went from flashback to not a flashback to flashback again my fucking god dude. the only reason i can make sense of any of it is cuz im rewinding every little thing
- literally no reason to add 'roomie' to this translation but it made me laugh so I GUESS
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maybe i should hunt for the official crunchyroll subs. but im too lazy
- lmfao
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text from Mekakucity Talkers 24, translated by x0401x. only difference from tht and the screenshot is that shintaro still has hair lol
- hm. i wish it made a bigger deal of shintaro leaving the house. yeah he threw a fit but i wish the actual stepping outside aspect was more dramatic yknow. like how Children Record emphasized it
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- also curiously this episode is missing this sentence from shintaro abt someone rebuilding the city bit by bit which is in the novels and the manga, which is meant to foreshadow saeru's influence. but then again the first 17 manga chapters are taken nearly word-by-word from the novels so maybe thats all it is 🤷
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- also it took like 6 minutes for shintaro to leave the house... theres other things being done ofc, establishing shinene's dynamics, quick exposition of how ene ended up with shintaro to begin with, and spilling soda onto the computer and leaving the house. but i feel like it wouldve been better if the anime stuck to what the novels + mr1 does, where ene blares a loud fucking alarm. that quickly establishes shinene's dynamic and easily leads to a So You Must Be Wondering How I Got Here type of thing, and then knock over the soda leave the house bam easy. instead the anime really took its time with like..... idk making shinaro look ikemen. yeahhh not the best choice, especially considered how rushed the last few episodes are gonna be. ok back to watching the anime
- also aku benci x2 like its only futuristic when its convenient which is soo fucking Lazy. theres literally no reason for this story to be set in the future. like all this city scenery is based off actual modern day Kashiwa its just... ugh. barely any care put into this anime at all
- this anime is cool sometimes
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- reused this pencil texture from the start of the episode... wonder how many times ill be seeing that
- the fucking comedic timing of these terrorists lmfao. and right theyre clowns... for some reason....
- also dude ill still never understand why only their thumbs are the only parts ziplocked like what. also isnt that harder to animate... THIS STUPID ANIME
- this is a completely fair reaction to having kano shuuya speak to you for the first time
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- no the fuck he isnt he hasnt thought of shit my god.
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that comic person on here was not lying shaft really fucked up the order of events here bigtime. kano only speaks to shintaro after shintaro's done brooding.... also seto doing fuckall lol. ik he'll say smth in like 2 seconds but i do find it funny that we've seen him for like the past minute and he hasnt said shit
- ok but its cool that kano's hand just doesnt obey the ziplock.... very clever of the artists to just make him put his hands behind his head and other gestures to indicate that theres something up with him
- why are his eyes red.
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pey-up · 1 year
Ok i am ✨️very✨️ nervous but @daniswatching peer pressured me to post it so here we aree yayy
I wrote williams childhood because i was bored lets goo (ill reblog w elaboration later✨️ i made sibling oc's so ill give mini things for they)
⚠️Some content warnings⚠️
Gore, blood, animal death, and theres none in this chapter but in future ones there might be domestic and child abuse depicted im not sure if ill keep it though :)
June's awful. William thinks spitefully. It's hot and sticky and sweaty. The worst part is break. There's nothing to do but sit by the road and watch the passing cars.
He turns and pulls himself up, walking over to the sight. A squirrel, just bearly longer than his arm lay on the road. Quiet, still, and bloodied. He scoops it up, blood dripping onto his purple sweater.
He jumps, and almost drops it. It's still breathing. Its heart thumps against his arm.
What to do with it? He can't just leave it here. It's in pain! He looks at its pathetic face one last time before running over to his house.
There's lots of trees in Utah. It's much warmer than England, though he doesn't have much memory of it. They had moved when he was quite younger after all. He starts off on a walk, but it quickly escalates into a sprint into the wooded area behind the neighborhood. He checks to see if anyones out before disappearing into the towering trees. The leafs leave smallish cracks in the sky, letting sunlight leak in from above. Leaves and just-too-tall blades of grass brush against his exposed ankles. Blood has leaked out all over his arms by now, he rolls up his sleeves and crouches down to the ground. What is he going to do? There's really only one option. He can't leave it here, to be eaten by animals fighting over its corpse. No. No that's too cruel. Should he be cruel? Perhaps not, he should get rid of it. Eliza could help nurse it back to health... oh but father would shout at him for the bloody mess. He rises from the dirt, shadow covering his eyes. One option. He had kept pushing it off, but it's the best one. He grabs a heavy rock, the biggest one he can possibly carry (which isn't very big, it'll be a slow death, but it's better than what it already had... right?) It's sharp on one edge, which hopefully is good. He pins the squirrel to the ground with one hand and slams the rock into its head. Over and over again. Over and over again. Over and over again.
You don't realize how much blood is in one animal until you're covered in it. The animal is long dead by now. A car's break screeching, as another had only a few minutes ago, breaks him out of his trance. He drops the rock and tumbles back. What on Earth is he doing? It's dead. It's been dead. Was it's heart ever beating? Or was it his sick twisted mind giving him an excuse to bash its head in. He gasps. What is he going to do with the body? Isn't murder a crime? He just killed something. He digs his nails in the dirt. His hands are shaking, but he forces himself to push through.
Once he has a decent sized hole, and hands so bloody he can't tell what's from him and what's from Rodney. (He named it, Rodney sounded like a proper good name.) He shoves the corpse in, and burrys it, he stomps on the dirt to pack it in and falls to the ground. Tears overwhelm his eyes, blinding him for a moment before he coughs and vomits, rushing to the right. Hands shaking still, blood covered, already disheveled looking, and sobbing he walks to the edge of the wooded area.
He uses a cleaner part of his sleeve and wipes his face clean from tears. Looking up and down the streets, luckily no one else is out and about like him. A sound startles him before he realizes its coming from him. He's laughing, a sick and emotionless sound. Maybe he did enjoy it. Did he? He can't tell. Possibly.
The old wooden door creaks when pushed open by a dirt coved 10-year-old boy.
"William," He replies.
"Oh. Tell your sister she needs to come down and help make dinner soon." His mother, never making eye contact or even looking his way scrubs the dishes clean with a cloth.
"Ok, Mother." She continues her cleaning and he passes down the hall.
"And tell your brother to get off that damn phone, he's been calling his girlfriend all day." She mumbles something else. Probably best he didn't hear that last part.
"Which one?"
"Which brother?"
"Which one do you think?" She spits. He crawls upstairs, leaning into the first door on the right. First floor up from the ground floor, he turns and shouts into the doorway.
"Vinny! Mum says to get off the phone!" He doesn't let himself become visible from Vincent's perspective, he knows that his brother wouldn't let him go if he was spotted all dirty and bloody.
"Oh ok-" He shouts back, his accent just as clear as Williams. "I'll be back later J-" He adds softly.
"No you won't we have dinner- who's J? Is she your girlfriend? That's what Mum says."
"Mum doesn't know what she's talking about-" And just to Williams suprise, and fear Vincent walks over to the doorway to shoo him off. Caught red handed, he gasps. "Jesus fucking Christ..." He whispers. "Will, what fucking happened?" All joking and lighthearted teasing has been lost, as has the color from Vincents face."I- the car- Ro- he-"
"Oh." He's picked up and brought a few doors down. He's tired, and trying so hard not to cry. Once he's set down a few minutes later, he struggles to keep his eyes open. He sees Vincent going through his dresser, before finally finding a shirt and pants. "Put these on, I'll wash these in the morning." His voice is softer, and quieter than usually. Will is thankful, and gets dressed quickly.
"The hell are you two doing?"
"Nunya, what do you want?" Brown hair in her face, Eliza stands in the doorway. Vincent walks up and meets her at it.
"Oh Eliza, Mum wants you to help her cook soon," He says, pulling a new sweater over his shirt. She lets out a heavy sigh.
"I'll be down soon, Mum!" She shouts while running down the hall, practically jumping down the stairs. The two sigh breaths of relief.
"Are you going to tell me what happened now?" Vincent says, turning to William. His grey eyes stare harshly at him, it's a family trait. His brother returns the favor, glaring ungratefully.
"Are you going to tell me about your girlfriend?"
"I don't even know what that means." He replies, mirroring the energy thrown at him. Vincent's red-brown hair spikes infront of his eyes, messy and untamed. He's lanky, tall and skinny, though, so is William for his age. The walls of Williams shared room are a, you guessed it, sad grey color. More of a blue varation, but certainly grey. They had been meaning to paint it for a while now, work and other things just got in the way of it over and over again. They continue their staring contest before a familar, and frightingly so door clicks. Fathers home.
All i have for right now! I hope it was good!!!! Im very nervous haha :')
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