#but then when he showed up again later in my dream he was uh...different
ilkkawhat · 1 year
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6.09 Dog Eat Dog
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blastoqueen · 2 months
Chapter 5
Rating: Teen and Up
Relationships: Noa x Mae (Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes)
Content warnings: None
Comments: English is not my first language. I recommend you to watch the deleted scene where Noa and Mae talk about dreams and the telescope, it's not too important but it gives a tiny little bit of context for a short paragraph in the story. Enjoy!
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Anaya woke up in the morning with more energy than usual and went to the main tower to look for his best friend, hoping they could do some climbing later, maybe he could convince Noa to go beyond the valley and explore a little more the ancient Echoes civilizations. However, when he arrived at Noa´s room, he found nothing but his empty litter and Dar, who was just waking up.
“Dar!” Anaya said, feeling a little invasive “Good morning. Noa?”
The female ape yawned deeply and scratch her belly.
“Oh, Anaya, I don´t know” she said uninterested, yet calm; getting up to start her day.
“You… not worried?”
“Why would I? Noa… old enough. Not a baby. Probably… out”
Anaya left the tower, feeling a little worried. Ever since the kidnapping, he started to feel uneasy, like he should be alert and ready to fight. When he couldn’t find his friends, he felt this tight in his stomach.
“It´s called anxiety” Noa explain when they were settling their home again. Anaya was brave enough to express his feelings to his leader, hoping he could give him a peace of mind “Raka… told me so”
Soon enough, that word had spread like a quick virus among the apes. Everyone was using it. Noa wondered if they were truly anxious from what happened, or if they were just interested in using a new word.
Walking through the village, Anaya found his best friend sleeping next to the horses, with a blanket over his head, covering him from the sun.
“Noa! What are you… doing?”
The leader woke up and rapidly sat. He looked around him and spotted Anaya looking down on him like he was crazy. Maybe he was.
“Why are you here?”
“Oh, not reason” Noa answered, feeling shy and oddly embarrassed. His friend gave him a look “Okey, I was out… all night. When I came back… to tired to go up. Sleep here”
Anaya looked confused.
“Uh… to the lighting dancers’ field”
“What?!” Anaya screamed with excitement, Noa hushed him with his hand and took him to a more private place, just a few meters away from the village.
“Who is… the lucky one?” the eldest asked.
“You know”
“I do not”
“Noa. Romantic place. Take girlfriend” Anaya was too excited at this point, giggling and jumping around his friend, happy to be the first to know the details of how the date had gone.
“No, Anaya, it wasn´t… like that” Noa sighed mildly annoyed. Kind of disappointed.
It had been just a sweet moment between Mae and him, it wasn´t a mating ritual, nor a proposal. It was just a night out with a girl he cared about and wanted to show her something nice and pretty.
He didn’t want anybody to think he was trying to marry Mae (´cause he was not). That would be weird. An ape and an animal, getting together? Now way. That was just unnatural, wasn´t it? It would be like marrying a horse. “Except it would not be like that, and you know it” Noa thought. “She has the same features as you. Apes and human… we are not that different” Except they kind of were “But she is smart. She is not like those animals”
“It was just a nice walk”
Anaya snorted at his answer, like it was an obvious lie.
“With… who?”
Noa wondered if he could trust his friend, in a normal situation he would, but Anaya had imagined a whole scenario about a mate and a proposal, he didn’t want him to get his ideas twisted.
The ape stood in silence. The leader couldn’t figure out his expression. It was a mix between shock and something else, maybe fear?
“But I told you… it wasn’t like that” Noa tried to explain, his voice sounded nervous, and he knew that it seemed like he was lying “Really. The Echo never saw the dancers before”
The silence was getting unbearable, he needed to get out of there soon. Acting annoyed and angry, Noa pushed lightly Anaya to the side and started to walk towards the village.
“Wait” Anaya said, “Did she… like the lights?”
Noa turn around and looked at his friend, a kind smile was growing in his face. Noa tried to give him the same gesture, but the anxiety was just too strong.
“Yes, she liked the lights”
“Enjoyed the night? Both”
“Yes, it was nice”
Anaya walked towards his best friend, with open arms and a sympathetic smile, ready to hug the other ape.
“Then… that is all… that matters”
It was a chilly night, not cold, but Mae felt the need to get a blanket to covered herself from the wind. She was getting goosebumps and a slightly runny nose.
She was with a group of apes, sitting in a circle and just telling stories and legends, some were made up and some were real things that happened in the village a while ago. The human was sitting next to Soona and Case, listening to a semi old male ape talking about the time he saw a creature bigger than a horse, with big paws and very fat. He said it attacked his wife, but fortunately they made it to the village and loose the animal on the way. The other apes were making fun of his story, saying he was probably making all up.
Mae supposed the beast he was talking about was a bear, but she stayed silent. She didn’t know exactly why she felt so scared revealing more stuff about the world to the apes. Except she did know.
She was terrified of them sometimes. She could see how they were improving their speech, at least Noa. Mae tried to fake an ape way of speaking, but it was very difficult to pretend and not let difficult words come out of her mouth. It was easier to stay silent. And the reason? She felt like she was teaching them human ways. And that felt like a nightmare came true. Mae saw the evolution among the apes. Spreading.
She learned to be around them, to joke and live a simple life surrounded by the apes. But she felt like crossing a line when it came to “teach” them.
They learned fast. Noa was the fastest. She remembered their conversation at the fire camp when they were after Proximus, how the ape asked about what they saw inside the telescope. She lied and said she didn’t know. Because she was too scared to talk about things only humans on earth knew about.
That same night, she observed Noa, fixing the electric weapon. She was terrified.
“Cold?” said a male voice behind her. It was Noa, holding a blanket in his hands.
“Yeah, a little” Mae answered. The ape sat beside her, squishing between her and Case.
The female ape rolled her eyes and move next to Soona so Noa wouldn’t suffocate her.
Instead of giving Mae the blanket, the male wrapped it around her shoulders. The human girl stood still.
“What are they talking about?” the leader asked in a quiet voice, so he doesn’t interrupt the story telling.
“About everything” Mae said “That old ape saw a beast one time. Nobody believes him”
“Oh, the big paws monster?” Noa snorted.
“Have you heard his story?”
“Yes, he tells it all the time” Noa took a peach from his little bag and started to eat it. Mae noticed how he only eats with his mouth close now. Something he must have learn from the human girl.
“Do you not believe him?” Mae inquired with a rise eyebrow.
“Nobody does”
“Maybe we could—” the girl was interrupted by a different ape, pointing direct at her.
“Okey everyone! Maybe it´s… time… for the Echo… to tell a… story”
Some apes were exciting to hear what the human had to say, while others stayed silent, cautious.
“Oh, I… I don´t really have a story”
“Everyone has a story” Noa said with a grin, he was enjoying watching Mae get embarrassed.
“Can it be made up?”
“Of course”
“Well, uh… there is this story” Mae started “It was very popular in my home. Every kid knew about it. It´s about a princess, well, she wasn´t really one—”
“What is a… princess?” an ape asked from the opposite side of the circle.
“Uh… they used to rule kingdoms—”
Everyone started to murmur, scared, fresh memories of Proximus and the kidnapping.
“But they were nice kingdoms, they were gentle and kind, and showed mercy” That was a lie “Anyway, she was not really a princess, she was just a girl who worked really hard to get what she wanted. On the other hand, there was this boy, who was actually a prince. So, this prince gets turned into a frog by an evil man, and only a true love kiss could turn him back into a human. Then, this girl, found the frog and became very fond of him, they kissed, and the prince turned back into a human, they were happy after that”
There was a moment of complete silence, Mae held her beath, not knowing what to do or expect. Then, a whole lot of questions were asked, all at the same time, the girl tried to answer all of them, without revealing too much or making them confused. That wasn’t the whole story, she skipped a lot of details, but she knew the apes wouldn’t understand the concept of magic or human customs.
“How were… the princess?”
“They were beautiful girls with castles”
“The frog… talked? Like you?”
“Yes, he did. That is how they got to know each other”
After a whole bunch of questions, Noa noticed Mae getting overwhelmed, so he called it a night and send everyone to sleep.
He accompanied the Echo to her room, stopping at the door.
“Goodnight Mae. That was a good story” he said with a smile.
“Thank you”
“Sleep, princess”
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allyheart707 · 8 months
Are you still taking art prompts?
I had an idea! It would be fun to see a little crossover between your fic and your comic!
Ex: Due to some cosmic glitch, Leo connects with LS Donnie instead of EDHPMW (tricky acronym lol) Donnie. Confusion ensues.
Leo: Where's Donnie..?
LS Donnie: I'll do you one better, WHO is Donnie?
Anyway, no pressure. Love to see your updates!
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- Later, in a different universe -
Donatello. It was a name that felt as if it had been stuck on the tip of his tongue the second Carol had brought up naming them. He wasn’t sure why it felt so right, or where the warm feeling came from- like a dream long forgotten, but it was the perfect name. Raph, the snapping turtle, had insisted that he was their brother and this name was the second piece of evidence that pointed towards that possibility. The first one, of course, was him being a mutant turtle. 
He still wasn’t sure he could trust the two strangers- especially the other one… Heishi. He had been nothing but a menace since he arrived. It seemed he was trying to get them in trouble. Currently, the slider was desperately trying to convince his brother- Michelangelo- to further break their bed. 
“If we pull this part off here I bet I could use it to make a weapon! Now that would be a distraction!” He pushed Mikey, who looked to his brother for the answers. 
Donnie shook his head- that would almost certainly get them in way more trouble than it was worth. Plus, they just wanted to go outside, not to hurt anyone. Mikey frowned, but turned back to Heishi and shook his head.
“Nu-uh, mm sorry, but they would get really mad if we broke our bed.” Mikey answered, making Heishi groan.
“Hmmm, welllll… what if I promise to show you all my cool warrior moves?” Donnie knew exactly how this would turn out, and groaned as his brother let out an excited squeal.
“REALLY?” He gasped, and Heishi gave him a big grin.
It did not take much to break his little brother, who thought on the new deal for only a second before giving in and nodding.
“Okay! But only if you do it on my bro’s bed- er… Dee’s bed! He likes his bed cuz the cameras can’t see it!” He whispered the last part as he pointed to the bottom bunk where Donatello currently sat, staring at the both of them in disappointment.
“You're going to get us all in trouble, you know.” He offered, but Heishi was already yanking on the middle rung to their bunk, attempting to pull it from the bed.
“Yeah! An’ what if they put those handcuffs on you again?! Or worse?” Raph added, making Donnie nod- at least someone had some sense.
Of course, his brother and Heishi were not listening- both now on his bed, pulling against the rung until there was a resounding C R A C K and they both tumbled backwards- the wooden rung now in their hands. Ugh.
“AH-HA! Now this is a plan!” Heishi shouted triumphantly, holding up the splintered remains of their bunk as if it was something spectacular.
Donnie turned and flopped against his pillow- refusing to see the end of this. ‘Will they fix our bunk?’ He wasn’t sure. When the light broke a few weeks ago- they fixed that but… him and his brother have never broken anything on purpose before. ‘They took away our books… would they take away their papers next? Or their bunk? That is what they broke so what if-’ Donnie shook his head, burrowing it further into his pillow- 
‘no, Carol wouldn’t let them take their bunk. Plus, how would they fit it through the door? It wouldn’t fit!’
‘... wait… how did it get into the room? … was it always here?’ Donnie lost himself to his thoughts as he watched the large snapping turtle pace back and forth at the door and attempted to ignore the delighted chattering between his brother and Heishi.
“Master Draxum says I'm too ‘small and weak’ for big weapons… but he does let me use a wooden sword sometimes! I’m really good with it too!” His words were followed by whooshing sounds and Donnie's bed bobbing up and down with each thrust of Heishi’s “sword”- making Mikey gasp in excitement. Even Raph seemed to be a little impressed, stopping his pacing to watch, big eyes wide in a mixture of nervousness and awe. That only fueled the fire in Heishi. Ughhhh. Curiosity got the best of Donnie and he finally decided to turn his head to watch the ‘greatest warrior’ swing his ‘sword’ around.
He couldn’t stand on the bed without hitting his head, so instead he was moving around on his knees- despite that rather awkward position, he was keeping himself upright which was already a little impressive. He moved with surprising speed, twisting his arms and slashing the sword about as if fighting some imaginary enemy. Every time Donnie thought he would hit the wall or one of the bedposts he would pull away just in time and begin another set of random exercises. 
It was… a little … cool.
Then, as Donnie tried his best to cool his expressions and Heishi swung upwards for what looked like a finishing blow, that the sword exploded in blue light. Heishi screamed, throwing the sword and hitting his shell against the wall as they all stared wide eyed at the bright blue that danced over the sharp wooden stick.
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-To Be Continued- (??? If people are interested.)
I thought it would be fun that, for the crossover, they switched media! My comic being written, and my fic being in comic format! :DD
I was so nervous to post this and kinda went blind re-reading it over and over again soooo there are probably grammar/spelling errors I missed. Sorry about that- I might go through and edit them later?
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keelywolfe · 4 months
Around when did Charlie give Alastor the shovel talk? And did she figure it out before the story even began?
Mmmm, I think she suspected from almost the beginning. She grew up in Hell, she can note the difference between arguing and arguing with intense sexual tension, and also the sudden decrease in public arguments.
I can see her talking it out with Vaggie in their room at night. Vaggie, being a former angel, is horrified to think Lucifer, also a former angel, is letting that nasty radio demon put his hands on him, but Charlie insists it makes sense, sure compatible are drawn together (her and Vaggie) but opposites also attract!
And sure, it's a little...uh...weird...to think of her dad being with Alastor of all people, but Charlie can't help but notice her dad seems a little calmer, easier in his own skin. When he first got to the hotel he was all manic energy, desperate to be helpful, and as much as she understood the reason behind it, she didn't know how to reassure him it was okay. The only thing that would make him believe he wasn't going to lose her again if he said or did the wrong thing was time.
(Cutting because this got long)
So she started family dinner nights to give her dad a chance to be around her little found family, and she warned everyone else off of drinking the last of Alastor's coffee before her dad got a cup, and she watched her dad lose some of that 'King of Hell' protective shell and become more just...him. Her dad, who told her stories she'd never heard before about her childhood and showed her his sketchbook--
(and dad, really, trying to hide your relationship with Alastor and you had THAT sketch right there? Crying out loud, he might as well have drawn little hearts around it! She even tried to give him an out by asking if he sketched anyone else and he so obviously didn't. She still wasn't sure if she was relieved or irritated that Angel interrupted him, she was morbidly curious what her dad would come up with.)
--and her dad seems to be settling into the hotel better. And sure, he has a few moments, (finding him obviously fresh from the bar if not drunk was a little surprising but not a daily event) but all and all, Alastor seems to have been good for him. Something for him to push against that had no qualms about pushing back and if that was something her dad needed? She was glad Alastor could give it to him. But yeah, she also totally gave him the shovel talk, probably right after Alastor's little tantrum in the city where he ate the guy having the nasty fantasies about Charlie, and (she didn't know the details, Husk only told her quietly Alastor was protecting the hotel and she believed him) she walked in on her dad and Alastor standing suspiciously far apart in the parlor. Lucifer looked about as innocent as a kitten standing over a container of spilled cream and Alastor never looks innocent. She would have stalked right up to Alastor later that day and told him, "I know you and my dad are sleeping together!" Because asking Alastor questions when you want answers is always a mistake, he is a slippery little bastard and managed to slither his way out of answering with a laugh and a 'Oh, my dear, you and your ideas!' all too often.
Ask him directly, interrupt him before he can prevaricate, and you'll eventually dig a path to the truth. Especially since Lucifer never specifically told him to lie about it when directly asked. "What of it?"
And hey, stories about her dad were highly exaggerated, that's pretty obvious to anyone who ever meets him. Stories about her mother? Not so much and Charlie knows things Alastor would never dream she might, not even in his deepest, darkest nightmares, and if he hurts her dad, he'll learn about each and every one of them. But...if you just want to be with him, that's okay, Just don't tell him I know, not yet, I want to give him the chance to tell me! "It is such a joy to have the opportunity to see the more diabolical side of your mind in action, my dear. Rumor leads me to believe your mother would be proud."
"Thanks a lot. Just don't tell him I know, okay?"
"Agreed. The entertainment value promises to increase by the day!"
"What did I just say about hurting him?"
"Ah, ah, this wouldn't be me hurting him, now would it?"
"No, no, no, not another word, I know you, you'll get me thinking this is a bad idea! Just don't be doing any weird plotting or deals or voodoo magic to him, all right??"
"I assure you, Charlie, dear, when I am with your father, such things are the last on my mind. In fact--"
"No details!!!"
"As you wish." So yeah, I think it went something like that. 😂
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rarestdoll · 9 months
a sight for sore eyes (pt.1)
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prompt: mizu just can't seem to escape you no matter how hard she tries, even in her dreams
tags: lesbian, 18+, black fem!reader, using she/he pronouns for mizu, they/them for reader!
warnings: none yet! nsfw in later chapters!
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with that, mizu makes her arrival around midnight, just as shop is about to close. slipping through the alleyways and back roads, she heads straight for the noodle shop. she half wonders if ringo will want to see her, especially for all the time she's been gone and for her lack of letters. she knows ringo is soft hearted with an even softer soul so it wouldn't be out of his nature to be upset over something like that especially when it came to mizu. the thought of it makes her brow knit together, frown forming at the edges of her mouth, nervous to see her friend(s) again. she takes a deep breath of the cold air, letting the crisp shock her back into a somewhat calm state, and she steps into the restaurant.
chest first she is met with hot soba broth, colliding head on with something- no someone soft, and bowls are sent flying to the floor. she doesn't even have time to react before the person has their hands all over her, dabbing and wiping with a cloth that seemed to have come from nowhere while spewing out a rapid mixture of curse words and apologies, the first directed at themselves while the later are at her.
“i'm so fucking sorry sir, i didn't even see you there! i must've been so wrapped up in my head and then you suddenly appeared and i’m the only one in shop right now and i…” mizu is barely paying at attention to the words coming from the person SHE bumped into, only able to stare at the gloss coating plump lips, the rich brown of their skin, the shine of their dark spiraling coils and even shinier brown eyes. she doesn't know what to do with herself, heart beating almost dangerously fast to the point where she finds herself reaching up to clutch her chest to as if to slow it down. she feels hot all over, not just from the noodles but something else, like she's sitting in a suffocatingly hot iron cauldron and she can't find enough moisture in her mouth to swallow down the huge lump that's formed in her throat.
“uhhh i um” she says dumbly, finally finding her voice and hoping the person she's blathering in front of doesn't notice the cracks in it. “no i'm sorry i was not watching where i was going and i did not check twice before entering and i swear i am usually not this clumsy and uh…” she trails off lamely as the person laughs melodically, eyes twinkling in mirth and curiosity and mizu thinks she's never seen anything prettier than the sight before her now.
mizu doesn't realize that she's still clutching her chest until the stranger reaches out to unbind her hand from the front of her cloak, a look of concern crossing their face as they examine the huge wet spot on mizu’s clothing. mizu is taken aback by the gentleness, stomach flipping again for the second time today but this time for an entirely different reason, absentmindedly letting the strangers roam their hands further along her torso.
“are you feeling hurt anywhere? that food was very hot and i am sure you must have gotten burned from its temperature, would it be alright for me to take you to the back to take a look at any possible injuries?” the stranger questions sincerely, face knit with worry and round eyes so big it reminds her of a baby doe and she wants to smooth out the creases in their forehead. adorable. a voice chimes in her head making her eyes widen in both denial and realization. she feels the burn of eyes of a few people leftover in the shop on her and quickly moves to distance herself from the stranger, shaking her head so hard that she almost strains it.
“no,” she manages out, fixing the front of her cloak to ensure that her bindings aren't showing from the stranger’s hand musing her clothes about. “i'm fine, is there any way i can repay you for the spilled food and for your kindness?”
the stranger's face slips back into the same from before, curiosity overpowering amusement more than anything, a kind smile gracing their glossed lips once more. “the boss is away for a few hours to run a few late night errands, if you would be so kind to help me finish the dinner rush and then i could treat you to a nice bowl of soba, a hot bath, and some company and that will make things even, do you accept?”
mizu rolls the idea around in her head a few times, deciding if this was even a good idea given what she originally came here for. seeing that is was trickling down to closing time and there were quite a few people left in the restaurant, maybe the stranger did genuinely need assistance so why not. thoughts about what could come after filled mizu’s mind and she found it even harder to say no now.
“alright, i will help you. however, would it be possible for me to receive a change of clothes, it seems that mine are quite ruined now.” she says, plucking the now cooling broth soaked cloth away from her skin in slight distaste, now smelling like soy and green onion.
the stranger only laughs at this, turning lightly on their heel to lead mizu towards the back end of the shop, slipping into the storage area to hand mizu what looked like cleaning supplies before rounding their way back into the kitchen, “oh there is no need to change silly, you will only get messier until closing! now would you be so kind to clean up the spill that you made and then once your done you can help me re-serve that order to our waiting customers!”
“what the fuck have i gotten myself into?”
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once the door flaps shut behind the final customer, mizu slumps onto the nearest floor cushion, rubbing tiredly at her wrists. she hadn't worked this hard since she first started to train, wrists aching pathetically from the amount of soba laden bowls she had carried in the last hour. you had introduced yourselves to each other earlier and mizu could feel her face redden when you repeated her own name back to her in a giddy tone, eager to finally be able to put a name to her face. she feels slightly guilty, ashamed to be thinking of another person this way when she should be focusing on finding her friends. but for some reason she just can’t bring herself to care too much at the moment. she will find them first thing in the morning and besides she can’t turn down a hot meal and equally as hot bath (although she’s looking forward to being in your presence more). sighing as she settles herself into a reclined position on the floor, she scans the room looking for your silk robe clad form, fingers twitching when she spies you across the room tending to the leftover dishes in the wash area. she wants to help you but you scolded her like a child, telling her to wait for you to be finished then you both could eat. her stomach growls in remembrance and she frowns lightly, wanting nothing more than for you to be finished. like she's hoping for something, more than dinner and some fresh clothes, more than just company. her ears burn at the thought and she forcibly shakes it from her mind, guiltily flicking her eyes towards you in hopes that you didn't somehow read her mind.
“you know, i used to watch you sometimes.” you pipe suddenly, hands still sink deep in dish water. you continue to scrub, lips quirking up into a solemn smile at the reminiscence, “up in the mountains, training your heart out, always wondered just exactly who was this onryō that everyone was so scared of. but you were not the only one who was an outcast.” you speak calmly, like you've already rehearsed what you wanted to say, but with a certain sadness that mizu recognized, akin her own. she hears the small shake in your voice as you continue, “as a child i spent so much in kohama’s forest. my father’s sister grew up on the outskirts of the town, hidden away from prying eyes because she looked almost exactly like me, which in turn meant i too was hidden away. i lived with her for most of my life, until i turned eighteen then i was sold off to a group of bandits in kyoto.” mizu feels herself dim at the mention of the men, already knowing what you mean without you having to even fully explain it. “‘i never seen a creature like you before’ they would say.” you fidget uncomfortably, shaking the shudder that started to rack through your body, pushing yourself on for the sake of getting to the point. “what i’m saying is, i’ve see you since i was a kid. i think we are both the same in a lot of ways, except i’ve never raised a sword in my life. i did, however, end up slaughtering those men. a few tried to have their way with me while i slept so i slit their throats with my kitchen knife in return.”
this punches a surprised laugh out of mizu, not because she didn't believe that you would do that but because she knew you could. “i’m not sure why you are telling me any of this but i am glad that you managed to escape from there. those scum deserved nothing but what they had coming to them.”
“oh it was ringo that actually helped me. funny thing is, the big sweetheart ended up killing more men than me!”
the mention of her friend makes her shoot up from the floor, making her way into your space in less than five strides. the strength of her grip as she grasps your wrists in near desperate manner makes you gasp harshly, not at all expecting her hands to be so inhumanly cold.
“ringo?! you know ringo?!”
“well yes! he owns the shop, meaning he is my boss. he should be back soon!” a wide grin graces mizu’s face at the news. seems like what she was looking for has been here all along! she slumps her shoulders in relief as if a huge weight has been lifted off of them. you eyes follow her curiously, faintly wondering what business a lone samurai has with ringo but mizu just smiles loosening her hold on you slightly to guide you away the sink back towards the seating area.
“you sit down, you have helped me enough today. i'm going to make dinner and no don't make that face i've had my share of lessons from ringo so i won't poison you i swear. i would however appreciate those clothes you promised and a hot bath, if you could be so kind?”
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a/n: here’s the first chapter! so sorry for the delay i’ve been very sick and i’m just now feeling well enough to work on this again! hope u enjoy ^__^
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Ahem, yes it is I! So an idea literally bashed me in the face and I couldn't help but think 'Oh this is an interesting idea!' What if different versions Transformers have this crossover (Bayverse, T.F.P., T.F.A., GEN 1, Knightverse which is one of my favourites because of Charlie and Bumblebee or any other universes you're familiar with it) where T.F.P.'s groundbridge malfunctioned (probably Wheeljack and Bulkhead) The reader works in the T.F.P. universe Ratchet's assistant and they're his guardian on top of that. Of course, instead of sending them to a desired location the groundbridge ended up locating them in a different dimension... it was Bayverse's while the other dimensions were already there and T.F.P. just lands there last. Just complete and utter silence until Miko says something. You can tell how shit went downhill from there, but let's pretend no one dies for the sake of it all. My dearest reader and T.F.P. O.P. are dating but also not dating; they're just orbiting one another while being friends and T.F.P.'s O.P. is just content and not necessarily talkative but just sweet with the reader. Always carrying them around and so on. Of course, the other universes notice that. Jazz from Gen 1 is just smirking in that damn corner and all versions of Prowl wondering why is their lives are like this. It doesn't help that T.F.P.'s Ratchet has been tired of seeing these two idiots being in love and not doing shit about it. Obviously, the other O.P. versions caught on and the reactions... varied. Surprise, to utter.. confusion and curiosity to completely just wondering if there is a reader on their Earth. You can always add in anything you wish; I really love bantering amongst the others too! AND IRONHIDE'S REACTIONS TOO-
Multiverse to Bayverse  (Transformers Multiverse/ TMV)
Will probably edit it later for typos lol
(Bayverse, Animated, Prime, Earthspark, Gen 1)
Various! Optimus Primes X Reader
Ratchet noticed something was wrong with the groundbridge when it started growing a weird yellowish color. Before anyone could say anything, a wave covered all of them in golden light.
June, who walked in with popcorn, looked around the room in question. “Uh, guys?”
You all landed on the harsh ground, and heard a voice. Before you could hit the ground, Optimus caught you in his servos. 
We all looked up to see a large group of around twenty Cybertronians. There was complete silence in the room as everyone looked at eachother, when Miko chimes in. “Uh, why are there like five Optimus Primes? Raise of hands if you’re secretly another Optimus.”
Everyone gave her a deadpan look when you realized quickly that you were not in your Optimus’ servos. You looked up to see an almost cartoonish looking bot, smiling sheepishly down at you. 
“Uh, hi. I’m Optimus Prime, nice to meet you.” 
You squinted at him, and looked around the room. “Okay so I assume that this has to do with the groundbridge explosion- or I’m in a weird dream.”
The four Optimus Primes that were new to you looked at you in confusion. “Groundbridge?” Two chime in.
“Uh… yeah. A scaled down version of the space bridge. Ratchet engineered it to transport everyone anywhere on Earth- we couldn’t have anything as high-scale as a space bridge because we lack the energon for it.”
“Well why don’t you just use oil?” A voice sounds. 
You all look over to a green bot. “Bulkhead?” Arcee asked.
“Uh, yeah- how do you know my name?” 
Your Bulkhead made his way forward to inspect the other one. At the same time both Bulkheads showed their wrecking ball hand. “Woah! Twins!” Both of them said at the same time.
“Bulk, please never do that again,” Miko looked at them in joking fear. “You remind me of the twins from that one horror movie.”
“Aww come on Miko! It’s not everyday you meet, well, yourself!” Bulkhead grumbled. 
“Can we focus on the situation, please?” A gray mech asked. They looked strikingly like Megatron. The next second, almost everyone in the room had their guns trained on him.
He quickly backed up with his hands above his heads. One Optimus stood in front of him, hands up. “Woah, this Megatron is an autobot now! He’s alright.”
Everyone squinted or glared at him. Generation One’s Optimus didn’t back down. “I can’t speak for anyone else, but I know for certain that I’m not cool with Megatron being here.”
You turned to him, gaping. “Did you just say ‘cool’? What?” 
Jazz laughed aloud. “Yeah, that’s Op for ya! He just started learning Earth slang from Spike!”
“Alright, enough!” All of the Ratchets shouted at once. Everyone looked at them. A good eighty percent of the room burst into giggles or tried their best to stop that urge.
“Looks like no matter what dimension you go to, Ratchet’s always the same.” Wheeljack said. A chorus of varied agreements sounded through the room, making the renowned grouches grumble.
Soon enough, you all began figuring out how you were all there. It was pretty much the same for everyone- one way or another, a yellow light ran over them.
You all started constructing various groundbridges in hopes that it could somehow send you home. 
You often hung out with your Prime, making everyone else curious about your relationship. You could almost always be seen on his shoulder or in his servo. You almost never walked anywhere.
It was pretty obvious to everyone- except a few of the younger bots like animated Bumblebee and Knightverse Bumblebee.
Bayverse Prime (with his never ending confidence) was the first to approach you. “Hello, (Y/N). Would you like to go on a walk with me?” He held his hand out. You stepped onto his hand and sat down. 
As he made his way out of base, everyone watched you two. Primeverse Optimus couldn’t help but feel a pang in his chest as you both walked out. He knew that he didn’t have a right to feel that way- you two weren’t even together. Not yet, at least. 
Everyone noticed the look on his face even though he himself didn’t.
All of the Ratchets had the same thought: ‘Primes (Derogatory)’. 
Optimus from the Animated universe was confused. He was normally pretty in tune with his emotions, and he doesn’t see why Prime Optimus doesn’t just ask you out. He’d been trying to subtly hint at that, but Prime Optimus was somehow oblivious. Animated Optimus also wondered if you existed in his universe- you were very charming and, he’s embarrassed to say, cute.
G1 Optimus teased your Optimus on the subject. He always mentioned how back in his day he was a spark breaker. Earthspark Optimus always tried to scold G1 Optimus for his behaviors, but then G1 Jazz would join in on the teasing so he’d have to chase both of them around.
Earthspark Optimus would comfort him, trying to encourage him gently to follow his spark. While he’ll never understand the attraction to a human, he believes that it’s not really his business. Even Earthspark Megatron gave fairly good advice to the other bot. 
Bayverse Ironhide sort of agreed with their advice- but also warned the Prime. “If you wait too long, they’ll find another. Make something of yourself, Prime!”
You both stopped at a pond and he sat down on the ground. He placed you gently next to him as he threw seeds into the water. You both watched as fish swam to the surface and bobbed up and down to try and snag a treat.
“Are you and my counterpart… together?” 
A flushed look covered your face as you snapped your head towards him. “Wh-n- I-” You covered your face with your hands. “No, we aren’t together.”
“Ah. I see.” Bayverse Optimus had a lot more experience with this sort of thing. “So you have feelings for him, then?”
Your face got impossibly warmer and simply nodded. “We haven’t been dating so to say… but we’re really close. I would just never have the guts to… you know.” 
Bayverse Optimus merely nodded at you and left you at the pond by yourself. When he got back into the base he and Ironhide grabbed the Prime by his arms and began dragging him off. The other Primes and Ratchets knew exactly what was going on and followed.
When they got into a more secluded room of the base, they set him down and pushed him into a chair. Primeverse Optimus was confused and a little anxious as the many bots surrounded him.
“When are you going to ask them out?” G1 Optimus teased. 
Primverse merely shook his head. “I don’t think that is a good idea at the moment. There’s a war go-”
“Oh stop being a fragging boltbrain!” Bayverse Ratchet yelled. 
“They have been waiting for you to ask them out for months now!” Primeverse Ratchet yelled. 
His eyes widened at that knowledge. “I don’t know.”
“Fine, I guess I’ll go ask the lil’ lady on a date then.” Jazz began to strut out of the room when Optimus shouted for him to stop.
“What should I say?” Primeverse Optimus questioned. 
“Alright, so here’s what you say.”
While you were at the pond,  a gathering of girls and femme bots surrounded you.
“So he still hasn’t asked you out yet?!” The Arcees were shocked.
“Yeah, you’d think he would have by now, right?” Their counterpart from Primeverse shook her head. “I think he’s just worried about the war.”
Miko threw her hands over her head. “So?! He needs to get the girl!” 
Your hands were holding your face yet again. Prowl gently laid a hand on your shoulder. “Don’t worry, (Y/N). Good things come in time- and some bots,” he glared at everyone else, “Shouldn’t rush it.”
You smiled up at the ninjabot. “Thanks, Prowl.” 
He smiled back, though irritated at the situation. Some bots were so nosy and loud. They always had to get into everything and couldn’t leave well enough alone. 
Suddenly you were swept up by Jazz, who yelled out “Sorry, I’m borrowing the lil’ lady!” Prowl facepalmed as the girls cheered.
You and Optimus were shoved into a room together. The large bot offered a hand to you which you stepped onto. He raised you up to eye level.
“I” He paused to get his words together. “I have had feelings for you for a while. I know that we’ve been friends for a while, and just friends. I have no clue if you share the sa-”
“If you’re asking me out, the answer is yes.” You planted a shy kiss on his faceplate. The Prime’s cheeks grew a flushed blue. Suddenly confetti streamers fell on the two of you. You both looked up to see Miko, Animated Bee, and Sari in the rafters. A bucket fell on Optimus’ head which made the rafter bound group wince.
“Uh.. congrats?” Bumblebee quickly grabbed the other two kids and bolted. 
You and Optimus chuckled as he brought you up to his faceplate for another kiss.
You and Optimus were shoved into a room together. The large bot offered a hand to you which you stepped onto. He raised you up to eye level. “I-” he paused to get his words together. “Well, my name is Optimus Prime, yo! The other primes are my friends, yo! Uh-huh, they told me everything.”
You looked up at Optimus in confusion, about to say something when he continued. 
“And I like you a lot, yo!” 
Outside the door, everyone looked at Jazz with glares. He just shrugged as a grin pulled at his face. "What? I’m sure it will work.”
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holylulusworld · 11 months
Backpack - Kinktober 17
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Summary: You've got a new neighbor.
Pairing: Jax Teller x fem!Reader
Kink: Thigh riding
Warnings: ogling, cocky reader, thigh riding, implied smut
Idea by: @dawn-petrichor-world
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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You were about to spend your Friday night like every Friday night. The bathtub was waiting for you, along with a glass of wine and a book or your vibrator. Whatever would make you fall asleep sooner?
That was until your eyes landed on your new neighbor. A cigarette dangling from his mouth as he watches you. He puffs on the cigarette, inhaling deeply as you watch him with curiosity.
“Who is that?” You crane your neck to get a better look at the man standing across the street. He flips the cigarette away and nods in your direction. “What is he up to?” Licking your lips, you watch the man turn around. He uses a remote control to open the garage. 
“That’s the new neighbor. I think his name is Teller,” you dip your head to glance at your neighbor, Patsy. If anything happens in your neighborhood, Patsy is the person you go to. She knows everything about everyone. “I think he’s a biker or something.”
“A biker.” Oh, your Friday night just got interesting. Your new neighbor rolls his bike backward out of the garage. “Maybe our little neighborhood gets a bit more interesting now.”
“I hope he doesn’t throw loud parties and lure more bikers in,” Patsy wrinkles her nose as the bike roars to life.
“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” you tut. Your eyes are glued to your new neighbor’s bike. You always had a thing for bikes. Sadly, you never were brave enough to ride a bike. You always chickened out.
“That monster is loud, and stinks,” she points at the bike. “I will make a note and talk to the other neighbors about that…uh…”
“It’s a Harley-Davidson Dyna Super Glide Sport,” you roll your eyes as she takes notes. “If you want to complain about it, you should know its name.” 
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Two weeks later you’re watching your neighbor again. Watching him became your newest hobby. Whenever he works on his bike or prepares to go on a ride, you watch him.
Today you pretend to water your roses as he rolls his bike out of the garage. All you know about the mysterious man haunting your dreams is his name. Jax Teller. 
You sigh as you imagine becoming his backpack. Your legs and arms slung around his body while you go on a ride with him.
“Maybe I should talk to him,” you say to yourself. If you want your fantasies to come true, you must talk to him eventually. “I can do this.”
Placing the watering can on the ground you take a deep breath.
You’re wearing your favorite summer dress and light makeup. Usually, you don’t wear this kind of outfit at home, but you want to impress your new neighbor.
You cheer yourself up while walking toward your neighbor. He sits on his bike, smoking a cigarette. His eyes are glued to you step toward him and his bike.
“Hi,” he replies, smirking as you put one hand on your hips, and push your tits out. “I’m Jax. Your new neighbor.”
“I know,” you take the cigarette out of his hand to take a puff. You try not to cough, not used to smoking. “I like your bike.”
“Thanks,” Jax grins. He’s got a lot of women fawning all over him and wonders if you are different. “What’s your name? I didn’t get it.”
“It’s Y/N,” stepping closer to his bike you run your fingertips over the handlebars. “Excuse me, but…can I go for a ride?” You look him straight in the eyes, holding his intense gaze as you try not to show that you’re nervous as hell.
“Sure baby,” he grins. “Let me get a helmet.”
“Oh,” you move your hand to his thigh, gently squeezing it, “I didn’t mean the bike.” 
He inhales sharply, but his eyes darken. “You’re a bold one,” Jax smirks darkly. “How about we go on a ride with my Harley, and you can get that ride later…”
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Just as promised, Jax took you on a ride. You enjoyed every minute. It was just like you always imagined. Wild, and free.
But your night didn’t end when he drove back inside his garage. 
Jax didn’t let you chicken out. He took you to his home, whispering filthy words in your ear as you tried not to pounce on him right on the front porch.
Now, in his bedroom you watch him sit on his bed as he watches you like a hawk in return. 
“I want you to take off your panties,” Jax demands. He holds out his hand and clicks his tongue when you take too long. “No thinking. Take off your panties and come here.”
His voice raspy voice goes straight to your core. “Okay.” You breathe out as you move your hands under your dress to shove your panties down your legs. You step out of your panties and pick them up.
“Come here,” he pats his thigh. “I want you to go on the ride of your life,” Jax smirks as you place your panties in his hands. He presses the fabric to his nose, inhaling deeply. “Your pussy smells so good.”
You make an odd noise. No man ever told you that your pussy smells good. “How? I mean…”
“Take what you want.” Jax points at his lap, but you have other plans. You straddle his lap and grip his shoulder for balance. 
“I wanna ride,” you wrap one arm around his shoulders, “your thigh. It looks so inviting.”
He laughs and throws his head back. “Go ahead, baby. When you are done, I’m going to ride your pussy until you beg me to stop.”
Ignoring his mocking tone, you sit on his thigh and wiggle your hips.
“You’re mine,” you purr against his lips as you try to find the perfect position. 
When you feel comfortable on top of Jax, you slowly start rocking back and forth on his thigh. It feels good, and sinful at the same time. Jax is a stranger to you, but here you are eagerly riding his thigh.
“Yeah, fuck yourself on my leg, sweetness. I want you to make yourself cum. Rub that pretty clit,” he breathes against your lips. “Fuck, me baby. Come on.”
“Ah,” you whine loudly as you drag your pussy over Jax’s leg. “Fuck. This feels so good. I’m gonna soak your pants.”
“Do it,” Jax’s breathing quickens. “I want to be a good girl and soak my pants and thigh. I want to smell like your cunt.”
 Jax grips your hips, now guiding your movement to get you off as fast as possible. Your moans turn into cries, and he smirks. 
He knows you are going to be his after tonight. Jax can hardly wait to ruin your pussy thoroughly. 
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sapphic-gardn · 1 year
Willow | joel miller x f!reader | pt. 1
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part 2
Summary: When you arrived in Jackson at the age of eighteen, you found a place to rest your mind and live comfortably while keeping to yourself. Five years later, Tommy Miller’s brother arrives and finds a way to get right under your skin.
(no physical description of reader, no use of y/n, enemies to lovers type beat)
Warnings (18+ mdni): mentions of loss/grief, swearing, age gap (reader is 23 Joel is in his 50s), angst, mutual pining kinda?, no physical description of reader, will specify with each chapter
Word count: 1.3k
a/n: Hi guys! This is the first part to my first ever Joel Miller fic. AHHH!! I’m so nervous but I am also really excited. I have planned this out for awhile and I just hope it manifests into something you all can enjoy. This first part is short but it’s kind of a prologue so you get a feel of Joel and reader’s dynamic. Let me know what you think <3 I’m shaking in my boots as I’m posting this
(The title is based off of Taylor Swift’s song Willow. I was listening to it while I wrote this. I just adore her sm)
credit to @cafekitsune for the cutie divider <3
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Your cheeks stung as the bitter breeze swept across the dense forest just outside of Jackson. You tugged your heavy coat a little tighter to your chest as your horse trotted over the rough terrain.
“‘S that alright with ya?” Your patrol partner’s voice reeled you back in from your daze.
“Sorry, uh, what did you say, Tommy?” He let out a dry chuckle and you noted his look of amusement before directing your gaze ahead of you once again.
“I’m gonna be helpin’ Maria out with the baby for a few weeks. Gonna have you patrollin’ with Joel for awhile. Alright with you?” Tommy repeated himself with a huff.
Your eyes went wide and you snapped your head to the right where Tommy swayed on his horse and looked back at you with slight desperation.
“Joel?” You cleared your throat and quickly averted your eyes to the trail ahead, “Yeah, that’s fine.”
No no no. That is not fine. Joel? Joel fucking Miller who you have a big fat embarrassing crush on? Joel Miller who is old enough to be your father? The man who only speaks in grunts and groans? Please, let this be some twisted fucking dream.
Tommy sighed in relief, “I’m glad to hear it. Listen, I know you two are barely acquainted—haven’t said more ‘n two words to each other—but he’s good. He won’t give ya a hard time.”
A feeling of unease settled in your gut as you prepared yourself for humiliation on your next patrol with Joel fucking Miller.
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Your life before Jackson was not glorious in any way. The bouts of starvation and taking shelter in abandoned homes had you convinced you were going to die alone sooner rather than later. That is, until Maria found you. Doe eyed and shrunken into a fetal position in a dark corner of a crumbling cabin.
It was surreal when you first arrived five years ago. Barely eighteen, grieving the loss of your parents, taking in the settlement before you. Life in Jackson was so peaceful despite the chaos that surrounded its walls.
Maria carved out a place for you in the community. She placed you in a little cottage a few houses down from her and Tommy. You were assigned to different jobs around the commune before discovering your strong suit was gardening. It was beyond anything you could’ve hoped for—a home.
You mostly kept to yourself. Everybody was so kind and welcoming but with the state of the world and the recent loss of your parents, it was easier to create a barrier. Your trust was sparse and only extended as far as Tommy and Maria. There was always something missing, though. Someone missing. And then, Joel Miller showed up five years later.
When you first met Joel, it was through Tommy’s efforts. You had been in the garden, harvesting vegetables when Tommy called out your name, “I want ya to meet my brother, Joel, he’ll be livin’ right next door to you. Thought it’d be best to introduce y’all.”
When you turned around, your breath hitched at the sight of him. Tousled gray hair framing his stoic expression complimented with deep brown eyes that looked right through you.
Joel grumbled something that sounded like a greeting, ignoring your outstretched hand in front of him.
“A man of few words, I guess.” You let out a humorless chuckle and placed your hand on your hip. Joel just walked away in response to your commentary. Asshole.
“Don’t take it personal. He’s like that with everyone.” Tommy ran a hand through his hair and sighed, “Alright, I’ll let ya get back to it, then. See you tomorrow at the stables. Patrol at 7 a.m. sharp, miss.” You nodded in affirmative and waved him goodbye.
The rest of the day was spent distracted by thoughts of Joel occupying your brain. What was his problem? Why didn’t he say anything to you? Did he always wear that scowl on his face? That damned gorgeous face.
The following month you had successfully dodged Joel like the plague. Sure, you wanted to see him but avoiding another interaction with him was a top priority. And you were happy with that. You could yearn from a distance—or so you thought.
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You were tossing and turning in your bed unable to slow your heart rate. In the morning, you were to meet Joel at the stables for patrol. Fuck. The anticipation was unbearable. How would you act around him? No one has ever gotten to you like he has. What if you say something stupid? What if he doesn’t say anything at all?
You don’t know what time it was when you finally got some shut eye but you were awoken from your sleep by the sound of pounding on your front door. You looked at your watch and cursed under your breath. You shuffled to your front door, too blanketed in sleep to care that you had on a tank top that left barely anything to the imagination.
“I ain’t waiting all damn day!” You heard the gruff voice call out from the other side of the door before you swung it open. You were confronted with none other than Joel Miller. He took in your appearance and his look of anger momentarily turned into a look of bashfulness. Joel cleared his throat and looked down at his worn boots.
“Aren’t you just sunshine? Look, I’m sorry. I slept like shit and didn’t wake up to my alarm. Give me a few minutes, I’ll be right out.” You were rattled but didn’t let your expression show it.
Before you could retreat, Joel spoke up once more, “Five minutes ‘s all I’m givin’ ya. Hurry it up, little girl.” With that, you slammed the door in his face.
You swear that was the fastest you’d ever gotten ready in your life. Before leaving, you gave yourself a once over in the bathroom mirror—you looked far from pristine but at least your breath smelled fresh and your jeans fit just right.
As you stepped out the door, you eluded eye contact with Joel. And with a grunt, you both descended your front steps to walk to the stables.
The walk was silent for the first few minutes until you decided to speak up, “I’m not a little girl, y’know. Don’t fuckin’ call me that.” Sure, you were young, but he had no idea what you were capable of. Anger and embarrassment started bubbling up in your throat.
Joel just chuckled and quirked an eyebrow at you. It bothered you that he didn’t say anything back, but you just pushed it aside and started walking ahead of him. You had quite the mouth on you and it stirred something inside of Joel. You were a willing opponent fighting to put him in his place.
At the stables, you and Joel barely exchanged words, all of which consisted of double checking supplies and grumbles of confirmation before heading out.
Once both of you made it about a mile out of the gates, Joel began thinking of what to say to you. He was content with silence, he liked his solitude—but when it came to you, curiosity got the best of him.
“So—“ Joel started but you were quick to cut him off.
“Don’t have to say anything to me. Next few weeks’ll be painless if you keep to yourself and I do the same.” You kept your eyes ahead as you spoke. If you looked at him, your cold facade would simply melt under his gaze.
Joel didn’t try to rebuke. He figured it was best to keep you at arms length. A woman like you was nothing but trouble for an old man like him. But how he craved to know what was going on in that pretty little head of yours.
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a/n: I hope you like it so far! I am working on the next part already. Let me know your thoughts :) love you -Jen 🤓
Taglist: @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @alejaa-a @cool-iguana @littleshadow17 @planet-marz1 @alyhull
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Jungkook: Clingy 🔞 [Part 4]
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In which your soup makes him cry, but he's glad you can't see it at least.
Tags/Warnings: Hybrid AU, Wolf hybrid!Jungkook, Otter hybrid!Reader, Angst, strangers to ???
Additional Chapter Warnings: Good soup 🤌, Jungkook has some serious emotional constipation, angst, wolfboy is in denial, fluff?
-> Masterlist
He wakes up alone in bed, and for a moment, he's unsure if he's actually awake or dreaming.
The room is dipped in an almost golden glow, body cushioned by all the different blankets and pillows in the bed he's sleeping in. There's a faint smell of food, something metallic clattering onto the floor - a piercing sound that makes his ears flick towards the origin.
He turns to see a sheepishly smiling you, clad in comfy clothing, tail tucked between your legs from what he assumes must be the shock of the loud noise. "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." You say, and he sits up at that, running a hand through his hair. "You looked too peaceful sleeping, and, you know, I technically still have today so.." You tell him before picking up the spoon that had fallen out of your hands.
"What time is it?" He wonders more or less to himself, moving around to grab underwear from his bag at the side of the bed, feeling an odd sense of dread and disappointment in his bones.
"Around 4 PM." You tell him, turning around to put the now washed cutlery away, while he packs his bag silently. Usually, this would be a time of finally breathing again, another job done, a new month's salary added. But somehow, he feels dread, like he's disappointed your heat had ended so quickly - even though it wasn't quick at all. You've rented him for a full week plus a buffer day if needed, and he knew that right from the start.
You didn't even rent him. If fate had played its cards differently, he wouldn't have even met you ever.
You paid for him. Nothing more and nothing less.
"So uh.." You awkwardly start as he stands in front of you a few minutes later, all dressed and ready to leave. "I really don't know how this.. uhm. Yeah." You stammer before shrugging. "Thank you? Is that what you say?"
"No problem, it's my job after all." He responds, though he spots the faint realization on your face as he says that. It's odd how it makes you look just as disappointed as he feels. "But I enjoyed it anyways."
"Uh.. thanks?" You say, cheeks red while he walks to the door. "Oh, wait!" You call out, running to get something out of your fridge. "You didn't have anything to eat yet, and you said you can't cook well.. so you can have my leftover soup from today." You tell him, giving a pink plastic container to him, one he carefully holds. "Just.. you can keep the Tupperware box, I have a lot." You tell him, and he doesn't know how to properly decline. You're a client, and he doesn't even eat soup-
"Thank you." He says, bowing politely before he leaves your apartment behind him, door closing quietly-
But he still stops in his tracks the second he hears the click of the lock, time standing still for a little while. The container in his hands is cold, biting at his skin, and only after a moment does he carefully place it somewhere in his bag where it can't cause any mishap.
Climbing into the van provided by the company, the driver greets him just like always. "How are you?" He asked, only getting a hum as a reply since Jungkook busies himself with stretching his limbs. "Damn, I picked up Tae today from a similar street. Takes me back to the times when you both were still new." The man chuckles, and Jungkook just shrugs, looking outside the window.
It's true that the scenery looks nostalgic almost, though right now, the wolf hybrid doesn't want to dwell on it any longer. He just wants to go home, sleep well, and enjoy his free time.
His apartment is cold but familiar, comforting as he lets his bag drop to the ground, typical routine starting. But when he stands in front of his shower, he hesitates- he's showered at your place already, there's no need to do it a second time. He'd almost always shower again here at his place to get any scents off of him, but he doesn't actually mind the strawberry vanilla scented bodywash still clinging to his skin.
Or was that your scent?
He's unsure, rather opting to take out the container of soup from his bag to put into the microwave, carefully keeping an eye on it in case the container isn't safe for those temperatures. Filling the contents into a bowl, he sits in front of his TV, boring drama, playing more or less as background noise if anything else as he eats the first spoonfuls of your cooking. It warms up his body, fills him with comfort, and has a soft sense of nostalgia as he watches the screen in front of him.
Until he notices his vision blurring, heavy blinking only forcing the tears to fall.
He's confused. Why is he crying right now? He doesn't even feel particularly sad at all. Nothing is wrong, he's not sick, and neither does it feel like he's allergic to anything in your cooking. There's emotions in his head that just don't make sense at all, and he hates it.
Why does he miss you?
The soup is good, great even, your cooking is absolutely perfect in that it's not perfect at all. There's no expensive spices or ingredients used, just the traditional vegetables and a bit of chicken like he remembers his aunt making whenever he got sick.
He sighs after he finishes the small meal, sitting back on his couch to just exist for a moment, head empty before it fills with you again. Would you spend your next heat with one of the lower ranking workers next time? Possibly, if you won't find a permanent partner before then. He can't imagine that being too hard for you. After all, he's pretty sure he'd choose you as a lover in a heartbeat if he was ever to be asked.
His eyes widen as he realizes what he'd just thought.
As if burned, he jumps up from the couch, taking his cutlery and bowl with him to wash everything in his sink, your pink Tupperware container included. He needs to give that back to you. He needs to return it, and he needs it out of his apartment and out of his life.
And most of all, he needs to get you out of his head.
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I just finished Ward and was inspired by a friend to make a review about it here so uh here is my semi-non formal review of Ward.
So to provide a bit of context I became a Parahumans fan back in 2019 and read alongside it with a veteran Worm fan and it easily became one of my favorite pieces of fiction. After a decent break I began reading Ward on and off again for a little bit (not because of the quality I’m just weird when I dedicate time for reading) and after about 3 years of reading it over work breaks and doing a last hail mary sprint for the final couple arcs I feel as though Ward is an amazing follow up to Worm. I know that may be a hot take since I have heard from a friend that general sentiment on Ward isn’t all that positive, but I found myself enjoying it quite a lot.
Wildbow in my eyes managed to expand upon a lot of things I like about Worm and answered a lot of questions I didn’t think would be answered.
Let’s start with a big thing first. I think overall Victoria was a fantastic pick for the protagonist to follow along for this adventure. Not just because she is overall very well written, but out of all the existing characters Wildbow could’ve picked, Vicky was probably the best one for orchestrating the main message of overcoming trauma and learning to love yourself in Ward. It was very fun and satisfying the overall arc she had in Ward.
Breakthrough as a whole was also full of extremely well written characters with all of them enamouring me with their backstories and character arcs in their own way. I didn’t come to think Chris of all people would become such an interesting “minor” antagonist until the Simurgh reveal.
Overall Wildbow has has gone forth and continued to have shown his great ability to present mysteries or seemingly random moments/information and manage to paint it in a completely different light with a massive reveal later on in the story. Chris is a pretty big example of this with all of his behaviors and relationship to his tinker power being weird at best to making a lot of it make sense in retrospect with the reveal that he was more or less created by the Simurgh to help her out in her grand plan. Another example of this is all of the hype and build up to the reveal of Shardspace and the Cracking as a whole.
Now I’m willing to admit it isn’t perfect with all of the Wildbow moments and pacing at certain parts of the story, but I can really appreciate it for what it is at the end.
The parts that got me loving it the most is the expansion of powers as a whole. I’ve always been a nut for eldritch content and Ward managed to satisfy me with that in dividends when it showed us Shardspace, the Titans, the Agents, the conclusion of Entity cycles and actually giving us a full description for the Entities appearance as well. 
All of the cluster stuff was thoroughly enjoyable as well. I loved every second of Rain and his story that was in the spotlight. Easily provided some of my favorite arcs in all of Ward. It was just so fun to watch him develop as a person as well as watch the dynamic he has with his cluster. Cradle in my opinion stole the show being the antagonist of the group. Everything he did was appalling and I loved it. Whether it was him chopping up people with whips or manipulating people in the dream room it was all great to watch play out.
Also god all of the Titan stuff was amazing as well. From the early preview of it from Dauntless becoming one, to all of the build up to this massive event in the Teacher arcs and finally the beginning of the end when Fume Hood second triggered and started the Cracking off as a whole it was all amazing. Then we get into all of the fun combat with the Titans just showing off how formidable of a threat they are, the reveal that if they win everything is over and that this event may never be over, to all of the exploration of Shardspace it was all so well done and great to watch play out.
Another thing I loved was the Teacher stuff as well. I always knew he was going to play a massive part in Ward ever since his epilouge arc in Worm and boy I wasn’t disappointed (mostly). From the disinformation campaign to the assault on his complex it was all fantastic. The arc as a whole did a great job at planting seeds for what would happen in the future. My only real disappointment about him is how he really didn’t play much of a part during all the Titan stuff, but eh it’s whatever.
I thought the ending as a whole was a satisfying conclusion to the story and tied up a good amount of loose ends while still clearly leaving the door at least ajar for Parahumans 3.
Overall, while not perfect I think Ward as a whole was an amazing follow up to Worm and I look forward to reading Wildbow’s other works.
Anyways thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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dark-frosted-heart · 10 months
Mirror, mirror…Who will sink into lustful dreams? - Roger Barel (His POV)
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The aftermath of this story in Roger's POV.
Important: Before proceeding with this story, I'll let you know now that outside of Kate's POV, what happened before was not actually a dream.
As usual can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Roger: That should do it...
I'd cleaned Kate up after she passed out from being loved pretty thoroughly.
I then carried her back to her room and laid her down on the bed.
(When you wake up, you'll think everything that happened was all part of Al's illusions...)
(Still, what a misunderstanding. Never thought Kate would think the real me was an illusion)
~~ Flashback start ~~
It all started a few hours ago when Kate stumbled into the infirmary.
Roger: What's up, little lady? You feeling sick?
Kate: This suggestion’s amazing…It’s as if the real Roger’s right in front of me!
Roger: The hell are you talkin’ about?
Sounds like I'm a "fake Roger".
When my brows furrowed in confusion, Kate regained her footing and explained herself.
Kate: Um…I’ll explain later. Do you remember when you and I had a fight last week?
(A fight...Ah, something like that happened)
We had different thoughts on a mission and Kate got fed up with my position...
I remember her yelling something childish like 'I don’t want to see you again!'
Kate: So I asked Alfons to help me…practice apologizing to you. He suggested that I see Roger in a dream.
Roger: So that’s it… So we’re in your dream, huh?
(It's not suggestion though... Is it cuz of Al that you think I'm an illusion?)
(Is he harrassing me or teasing Kate...Could be both)
(I can tell Kate that this is reality but...Since she thinks it's a dream, it won't change anything)
(Now's a great chance...I can do some research on the power of suggestion)
I decided not to correct Kate's misunderstanding for the sake of my research on curses.
Roger: You’re earnest even with stuff like practicing how to apologize. I don’t really care about what you said to me back then. I know you have your own thoughts, so don’t worry about it.
Kate: I wish the real Roger would say that same thing…
Roger: He did. It’s me.
Kate: Just because Roger’s illusion forgave me so easily, doesn’t mean it’ll actually turn out like this. I shouldn’t just apologize…Should I prepare something…?
Roger: If you really wanna show your sincerity, then how ‘bout you buy him a nice beer?
Kate: …! You’re right, I should!
It was just an idea, but Kate's face lit up at the thought.
Something felt off about that happy look.
Roger: By the way, little lady, why’re you puttin’ so much effort into making up with me?
Kate: Eh…
Roger: Hate to say this but, I don’t mix business and pleasure. If you and I are fighting, it’s not gonna affect your work, is it?
Kate: The reason why I want to make up with Roger isn’t because of work…
Roger: Oh…?
Kate: I…I admire how Roger’s researching curses and his diligent approach to treatment others. Though I think it’d be nice if you were less pushy or mean… I put my trust in Roger. That’s why I don’t want to stay on bad terms with him.
(I'm hearing a confession...)
~~ Flashback end ~~
I couldn't control myself after hearing something like that...
I ended up assaulting Kate, forgetting about my research.
Roger: "Putting your trust in me" huh...
I mull over the thoughts she'd never say to the real me.
It's like those words were more intoxicating than any strong drink.
(If she says those kinds of cute things in a dream...she's not gonna return to reality)
I know it's an impossible dream, but...
I wanted her to say what she said to illusion me to the real me.
The next day on my way to the dining hall for breakfast, I ran into Kate who'd just woken up.
Kate: ...Roger...
Kate's face turned red and flustered like she was remembering last night as a dream.
Roger: Oh, mornin'. You're acting weird...Something you wanna say?
Kate: Ah...Uh...well... I'm really sorry I said that I didn't want to see your face again that day!
Roger: Don't worry about it...I was being stubborn so we're even.
Kate: Thank you... Please let me buy you some nice beer.
Roger: Sure, lookin' forward to it...
Seeing how Kate used last night's experience, I could feel my lips quirking up.
Then, as if she caught my smile, Kate smiled back.
(Don't you know that I take advantage of you when you smile so defenselessly around me like that?)
Even if it was just a dream for Kate, something like that happened last night...
I wanted to bully Kate again as she kept her guard down.
Roger: To show we've made up...Lift your face a bit
Kate: Eh? Sure...Nn, hmm?!
I stole a kiss when Kate looked up.
Roger: ...Alright, we're back to normal now
Kate: What...Things aren't back to normal, they've gotten worse! Roger you're so...shameless...The Roger in my dream was like that too...
Roger: What about me in your dream?
Kate: N-nothing! Nothing at all!
Either out of anger or embarrassment, Kate's ears turn red and she runs away.
I watch her leave while holding back my laughter.
(Just one push away from it all tumbling down...)
(I wonder how long she can keep her bluff?)
(Well, it can go a little longer...I'm liking this little tug-o-war we have on whatever you'd call this relationship)
(But it's not gonna be a one-night dream if it falls to my side)
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
Life After
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Summary: After taking on Chuck, the reader wakes up in a bedroom she doesn’t recognize in September 1984. Only now she’s a small child and has no idea what is going on. When she finds out the Winchesters live across the street, things get even stranger...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 3,300ish
Warnings: language
A/N: I wrote this quite a while ago (pre-finale awhile ago) when one of my theories for the show ending would involve a time reset. A bit of a different read than my usual stuff!
A large boom made your eyes fly open. You sat up, finding yourself in a dark bedroom. You took a deep breath, brain trying to decide on processing what was in front of you and what had just happened.
It went with the later for the moment, eyes closing once more. Your big epic battle with Chuck, saving the world from ending, taking out the big bad of big bads. You knew it had happened. You remembered the day of. Everyone prepared for the worst, knowing that none of you were making it out alive. 
For a split second you allowed yourself to take in the bedroom. Perhaps it was a memory and you were in heaven. But it didn’t look familiar and the loud thunder outside the window didn’t seem like a particularly happy memory if it was one. Something was nagging at you though that you hadn’t died. You threw back the covers and swung your legs over the side of the bed, wide eyed when you took in the sight.
A pair of very short legs with pink and purple unicorn pajamas were somehow attached to you. You glanced down, a short sleeve purple shirt with another unicorn on it, your arms tiny. You pulled down the right side of your pants and your shirt up, no anti-possession tattoo on your hip. 
“What the fuck,” you whispered, eyes adjusting to the darkness more. You spotted a lamp on a nightstand and switched it on. Immediately you sat back against the pillows, swallowing hard as you saw the white bedspread, the lavender walls, stuffed animals in a pile in the corner, a small bookcase of toys and games and what looked like Dr. Seus books. “Oh no.”
You looked around the room and got up, finally exiting it and finding yourself in a dim hallway, the sound of TV going downstairs. You swallowed again and saw an open door to a bathroom. There was a step stool in front of the vanity as you climbed up, finally able to look at yourself.
Your very much five year old self.
“Oh, what the fuck,” you said, quickly hopping off the stool and rushing out the door, heading for the stairs. You went down them quickly, looking around a moment before you spotted a front door.
“Y/N,” you heard from down a hall, a man holding a beer walking over with a tired smile. “That is the third time tonight you’ve snuck down after bedtime. I told you, it’s just a storm, kiddo.”
“I-” you said before he set the beer down on a front table and he picked you up, resting you on his hip.
“Honey. Please go to bed for daddy? Please?” he asked as he carried you up the stairs and down the hall towards your room.
“O-okay,” you said, figuring playing along for the moment was the best move. The guy definitely wasn’t your dad and you had no idea where the fuck you were. If you were indeed only five, you were going to need a better game plan before you snuck off. He sat you down on your bed and pulled the covers over you, kissing your forehead before he turned off the light. “Dad?”
“Yeah, Y/N?” he asked quietly.
“How old am I?” you asked.
“Are you excited for your birthday tomorrow?” he teased. “Is that why you’re up so much tonight, cutie?”
“Uh, huh?” you said, the man smiling as he sat on the edge of the bed. “You’re turning five tomorrow. All your friends from school are gonna come over so you better stay upstairs and let mommy and me finish wrapping your birthday presents, alright?”
“Okay,” you said. You got a hug from him and it felt...nice. Maybe it was some kind of dream or something but you were nearly positive that you’d all shown up to face off against Chuck. Hadn’t that been the end of you? 
Hadn’t you died? Or if you’d lived...wouldn’t you still be an adult?
You gave your apparent father a forced smile as he left the room and pulled your door shut. You slumped back against the soft bed, glancing over to the window, the storm raging outside. 
You needed to figure out what the hell was going on and fast.
You groaned as you woke up the next morning, the sun filtering in. You sighed and pushed back the covers, throwing your head back when you caught a small calendar on the wall.
“No, no,” you whined. 
The stark red 1984 stared at you violently on the page and you wanted to cry, unbelievably so. You wanted Dean and Sam and Cas and Jack. You wanted the boys. You wanted it to be 2020. You wanted to go home to your bed and the bunker and be okay again.
Then it hit you that apparently it was 1984. September 1984. Last you checked, you had not turned five in September 1984. After taking a deep breath you reminded yourself that so far, this was not your childhood bedroom and that man from the night before was not your childhood father.
“Somebody fucked with the timeline,” you said to yourself, going over to your small dresser and getting dressed. You were less than thrilled with the options but you managed to pull on a pair of thick black tights, a pink and orange flannel and a pair of socks with circles on them. You found a hair tie in the bathroom and started to work on brushing it and putting it up when you saw your new dad walk by.
“Well good morning, birthday girl,” he said, cocking his head at you. “You want to wear that today?”
“Yes,” you said, working on your hair.
“I thought you wanted the pink dress,” he said.
“No,” you said, deciding minimal conversation was the best bet for now. You finished throwing your hair up and looked in the mirror satisfied.
“Well look at you. Doing your hair all by yourself,” he said as you reached for a toothbrush. It dawned on you that most five year olds didn’t do their hair by themself, not when it involved things like messy buns. You shrugged and hopped off the stool, your dad smirking. “I didn’t see you brush your teeth young lady.”
You rolled your eyes and went back up, brushing them as he watched.
“Alright, birthday girl. What would you like for breakfast? Your choice,” he said.
“Cheese omelette and bacon,” you said as you went past. He chuckled as he picked you up.
“What refined tastes from the big girl,” he said. “Try not to grow up too fast on me now.”
You pursed your lips when he wasn’t looking and forced yourself to wrap your arms around his neck and rest your head on his shoulder.
“I love you,” he said, kissing the top of your head. You still weren’t positive who he was yet but he was a whole lot kinder than your father ever was. You snuggled him harder, the man pulling out a cellphone at the bottom of the stairs.
The most recent iphone if you weren’t mistaken. 
You had to bite your tongue as he took a selfie of the two of you. He set you down and you cocked your head when he started to head away from a front room and down a hall towards what looked like a kitchen and family room area.
1984. Smartphone. Those two things did not go together.
Maybe it wasn’t 1984 afterall? But why the calendar?
“Birthday girl wants a cheese omelette and bacon,” he said. You quickly caught up and saw a woman with a big smile.
“No pink dress today, honey? That’s been the plan for weeks I thought,” she said, giving you a kiss before she went to the fridge. Double doors, stainless steel. You saw a 70” screen smart TV on the wall in the family room and excused yourself to the bathroom, finding a half bath by the front door. 
“Maybe it’s a djin,” you said to yourself. “Maybe it’s all in my head. Maybe we never even went and fought Chuck...or maybe I have finally lost it.”
You sighed and left the bathroom, walking past one of the front windows when you saw her.
She was parked in the driveway across the street, a modern day SUV in the spot next to her along with a pickup truck. You opened the front door and stepped onto a front porch, hearing footsteps behind you.
“I know you’re excited but you will see Dean after breakfast okay?” said your dad.
“Dean?” you asked. “Winchester?”
“You best friends with some other Dean I don’t know about?” he teased as he shut the door. “Now go eat your breakfast, sweetie.”
You wolfed down your food, your parents taking their time, asking about how excited you were for your party that afternoon. The Winchesters were going to watch you so they could set up which was no bother to you. You needed to find the boys and talk to them fast.
“Alright, alright,” said your mom when you looked at the door again. “You would think you two could go more than twelve hours apart.”
“Those two are so getting married someday,” your dad said quietly as you slipped on a pair of velcro sneakers by the door. You opened it and started to head down the path to the driveway, hearing a tsk when you were halfway down. “Y/N. Hold up. What’s the rule about the road?”
“Uh, look both ways?” you asked as he caught up quickly.
“Yes,” he said. He grabbed your hand and you glanced up at him, seeing him smile as he looked up and down the street. “Okay. Now we can go. We gotta do that so you don’t get hurt, remember?”
“Yeah, sorry,” you said as you walked.
“It’s okay, kiddo,” he said, dropping your hand once you were in their driveway. You ran up it and to the front door, ringing the doorbell. You saw John answer, a much younger John than you were used to. He opened the door wide and you saw Dean behind him. You weren’t sure who moved first but you sprinted towards him and gave him a giant hug, Dean returning it.
“Hey,” you said quietly.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he whispered and you instantly relaxed. That was your Dean. Your Dean was now apparently a five year old boy but that was your Dean. 
“You two are being more adorable than usual today, huh?” said John.
“She was very excited to see Dean,” said your dad with a shrug. “Thanks for watching her this morning.”
“It’s never a problem, Dan,” said John as Dean started to pull you upstairs with him. “Try to be quiet for Sammy, guys.”
“I know, dad,” said Dean. You jogged up the flight up steps with him and down a hall, running into a bedroom before he shut a door.
“Dean,” you said, getting pulled into another hug from him and a kiss on the lips.
“Sorry. That’s probably really weird given our current situation,” said Dean.
“I love you. Kisses aren’t weird,” you said, giving him one back, Dean and you holding onto one another for a moment. “What the fuck is going on?”
“From what Sammy and I have figured, the whole timeline has been screwed up. Do you remember anything about what happened with Chuck?” he asked.
“No. You?” he asked.
“Not really. I don’t think he’s alive anymore though,” he said.
“How do you know that?” you asked. The door to the room opened and you saw a toddler walk in, barely tall enough to shut it.
“Y/N. This is Sam. He’s two apparently,” said Dean.
“Sammy?” you asked.
“Yes but I have to share with Cas,” said Sam. “Otherwise I can’t talk or get around this good.”
“Hello,” said a deeper voice, your gaze going back to Dean.
“You see what I’ve been dealing with since last night?” he said.
“Cas, what is going on? Why are we little kids? Why the hell does my new dad have an iphone in freaking ‘84?” you asked.
“The timeline we knew was reset. Completely. That kind of power could have only come from a few sources. I take the fact we are all still alive as proof that Chuck is either dead or has been sealed away,” said Castiel. “As a result, some things have changed. Most things seem the same but technology now is as you all knew it. It seems that whoever sent us all back here attempted to do this for our benefit.”
“Jack would have done that for us,” you said, both of them nodding. “You think he sent us back in time?”
“We’re his family. It’s not crazy to think the kid sent us back to have a second chance. I mean, our mom is alive,” said Dean. “She should have died a year ago. I don’t exactly remember what went down but maybe in this new timeline, she never made a demon deal.”
“Guys,” said Jack, suddenly in the room and sitting down on Dean’s bed. “You could have just asked.”
“What is going on?” you asked as you walked over and gave him a hug.
“Amara, who I think is my great-grandma? She and I...after everything that went down with Chuck, I asked her if we could fix it,” said Jack.
“Fix what, Jack?” asked Sam.
“Everything. So we did. There’s still demons and angels and all that guys but monsters are gone. It’s not perfect here but it’s better off than what we had before,” said Jack.
“Why are we children?” asked Dean.
“He wants us to have childhoods,” you said, Jack smiling. “Jack…”
“You guys were my parents. You still always will be. But you all have trauma. I can’t take it away but you deserve to have normal lives,” he said.
“Okay. That’s great and all but can I least be potty trained?” asked Sam. “Or like, at least five?”
“I can do three,” said Jack. “That would make today your seventh birthday then, Y/N.”
“Yeah, by the way, today is totally not my birthday,” you said. Jack tilted his head and smiled. “What?”
“Yes it is. The year is wrong, I’ll give you that but today is definitely your birthday,” he said.
“Jackie,” you said, closing your eyes. “Today isn’t my birthday. I have no idea who those people-”
“Y/N. Those are your parents. Your real parents,” said Jack.
“My dad was never-”
“That guy wasn’t your dad,” said Jack. Your face fell and you stared at him. 
“Um, what?” said Dean. He took your hand and you looked around. “Her real dad was a piece of crap.”
“Her real dad is actually a really good guy. The parents you grew up with Y/N, in your old life, those weren’t your parents,” he said.
“Well what hap-” you said, the door creaking open. All of a sudden you felt a smidge taller, Dean and Sam growing a bit too, Jack missing. You spun around and saw Mary smiling as she brought in a tray.
“Hey you three. Who wants a snack?” she asked. You stared at her, Sam stepping on Dean’s foot.
“Sammy,” said Dean, pouting at his little brother. 
“Sammy, that’s not nice. You don’t hit your big brother,” said Mary.
“I didn’t!” said Sam, throwing his hands up.
“Is someone cranky?” asked Mary. She picked up Sam and he sighed, sticking his tongue out at Dean as she carried him away.
“I’m pretty sure that was his version of flipping you off,” you said.
“This may have a few benefits,” he smirked. You shrugged and sat on his bed, Dean taking a seat beside you, holding your hand still. “Okay. It’s gonna suck until we get older and can be together the way we want to but we’re both seven. Six more years and we can start making out and a few after that we can move onto other things and I’m gonna have the recovery time of a teenager which is gonna be awesome so…”
You sniffled and he pulled you into a hug, kissing your cheek.
“I know. I know it’ll be okay. But I’m gonna miss seeing you guys whenever I want and we’re always going to have to be lying and it turns out those people that raised me weren’t my real parents. They must have stolen me or what, I don’t know but those assholes are the whole reason I became a hunter, why I found you,” you said. Dean smiled and pushed a loose hair behind your ear.
“I’m right here. I will always be right here. We’re gonna live across the street from each other and-”
“What if my parents move? What if yours move?” you asked, sniffling again.
“Y/N. Sweetheart. You’re my soulmate. I will always find you,” he said.
“You’re so fucking corny,” you said, kissing him, laughing when it felt all kinds of funny and different. “I miss your scruff.”
“Tell me about it. You’re taller than me,” he said. “But like I was saying, you’re going to grow up with nice parents that love you and keep you safe, not one’s you’re afraid of.”
“We both get to start over. Sam too,” you said. “I wonder where Cas is though.”
“I did not agree to this,��� said Cas, popping up from the other side of the bed. He was about Dean’s height, black hair and a plain t shirt on.
“Oh, he’s adorable!” you said.
“I am an angel of my asshole father,” said Cas, giving you a death glare.
“You are kinda cute,” said Dean with a laugh.
“I believe Jack has made me your older cousin who lives with you for some reason,” said Cas.
“Why do you get to be older?” scoffed Dean.
“I am millennia old, Dean. Do you think I enjoy being ten?” he asked.
“On the plus side, he’ll be able to buy beer for us someday,” you said. Cas rolled his eyes but you wiped off your face, Dean using his flannel shirt to get the rest. “I’m better now. I promise.”
“I doubt that,” said Dean. “Cas, are you still all angel powerful?”
“Yes. In fact, my powers seem to be fully restored,” he said.
“So if I ever asked you to sneak over Y/N for a sleepover,” said Dean with a smile.
“I can do that,” said Cas softly. “I’ll give you two some privacy.”
“Thanks, buddy,” said Dean. Cas exited for a moment, Sam arguing about nap time down the hall from the sounds of it. “He’ll get to be a normal kid.”
“So will you,” you said. “I swear I so much as see you as trying to cook dinner before you hit double digits, Winchester.”
“I know. So, birthday girl, is there anything I can get you for your big day?” he teased. 
“I got you. I’m all good, Dean.”
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californiaboytoybilly · 10 months
Eye Candy pt 2
My apologies that this took so long. I’ve been having a hectic few weeks. Part three will come faster!
Steve had no idea how to feel the moment his eyes locked on the man who’d spoken.
On one hand, he felt distinctly caught. Something like embarrassment crawled up the back of his neck, hot and twitchy, motivating his feet to take off in a run. Robin would probably kill him if he did, however.
But he was also warm for an entirely different reason.
Because holy fuck, this just might be the single most attractive man he’d ever seen and every single one of his nerves was firing sporadically.
They were about the same height, but that’s where the similarities ended. The man had soft looking blond curls pulled back from the sides of his face with sleek silver clips. A single, perfect ringlet dangled over his forehead artfully.
His eyes- a startling blue even in the dim light- were rimmed with smoked out eyeliner, sparkling with amusement as Steve’s silence stretched on. Golden skin was showcased by a silky ruby toned shirt only half done up, tucked into a leather corset style belt with hand etched designs so intricate Steve would bet it cost more than two months of his rent.
“I… I uh-“ Steve stuttered over his attempt to answer, cheeks flooding red. The pretty man ran his tongue over a pointed canine as he waited.
“We must’ve gotten the wrong address.” Robin interrupted when she realized Steve’s brain was fully broken.
More of those pearly teeth flashed at them with the answer. “Ah, of course.” He didn’t believe them at all, the dimple in his cheek twitching with the effort not to laugh. Robin grabbed Steve by the wrist, yanking him towards her and the door none too subtly.
“Sorry, we’ll be- uh, on our way!” She gave the guy a tight smile, tugging at Steve again. Giving in, the brunette man started to follow her towards the door, only to be stopped by a larger hand clasping around his opposite wrist.
Steve’s eyes shot up and back to lock with an intense blue gaze. “I wouldn’t dream of it. Come in, I promise I don’t bite.”
*Unless you ask nicely*, Steve could’ve sworn he heard exhaled afterwards.
He should’ve said no, apologized and left probably. They didn’t know this guy and this had already been an embarrassing start. But Steve really was a sucker for pretty boys.
“Uh-uhm, yeah. Okay. Why not?” His voice was a little strained and he tried to ignore the stunned look Robin shot him. He was gonna get an earful for this later, that was clear.
“Perfect…” The man smiled more genuinely, letting go of his wrist. Steve tried not to mourn the loss. “You can call me Billy, by the way.”
Billy. Steve rolled the name around in his mouth and decided he liked it. He would’ve expected the fallen angel currently guiding them through the other guests to have a name as elegant as his clothes but for some reason the commonality of it almost stood out more.
It suited him.
“Steve. And that is Robin.” He replied with a tongue that felt too big for his mouth, trying not to drool. The entire back of Billy’s shirt was taken up by a sheer panel that showed each fluid shift of his back muscles as he walked.
Steve wanted to bite them.
He was shaken out of his trance when they arrived to a smaller living room than the one at the front, where only a small handful of guests lingered. Five or six people besides them, max. A guard stood at the entrance, but paid Steve and Robin no mind as they trailed in at Billy’s heels.
He led them to a couch, where only one other person was sitting. A lithe, wisp of a girl in a lilac satin cocktail dress, a silver chain belt draped over her hips and wild brown curls she’d hauled up into a bun. She was almost as captivating as the blond, with pointed, lovely features that reminded him of a little of the elves in Dustin’s movies.
Her eyes brightened as they landed on Billy, then turned sly as she moved to their guests. “Ooh, where’d you find these ones?” She all but purred, getting to her feet with feline grace. Steve didn’t have to feel guilty about his mind’s preoccupation with Billy, though.
Most of her attention seemed locked on Robin, who was currently wide eyed like a deer in traffic.
“They ah… got a little lost. Figured I’d be a good host and let them stay.” Billy sounded amused repeating their bad excuse, which made Steve bite down a little harder on his lip.
“I’m not complaining. Have a seat.” She said, taking a step back and lowering herself onto the black couch once again. “Heather.” She held out a hand towards Robin, who took it expecting a shake.
“Nice to meet you. I’m um- uh…“ Steve almost wanted to laugh at how flustered the girl was, but he was self aware he’d been even worse than her before. He wasn’t going to invite her to call him out.
“Robin?” She finally managed, though it sounded a little like a question. Heather let out a pleasant peal of soft laughter. “You’re an awfully cute one.” She said like a fact, Robin’s freckles officially vanishing as her blush darkened impossibly more.
Oh god, what had they gotten themselves into?
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allthesmutl0vers · 1 month
The Fate Of Us: Chapter One
Chapter One
I adore nights like this, with rain cascading outside my window, rhythmically tapping the glass. The night sky, a rich, velvety blue, almost black, hovers above the majestic oak trees. This is the idyllic weather for writing. I place my steaming cup of coffee on my rolling desk, position my laptop on top, and glide it to the inviting couch. I cocoon myself in the soft, warm throw blanket I knitted yesterday and flex my fingers, ready to dive into the world of words.
As I open my computer, launch my browser, and open Google Docs, I revisit the last chapter I penned. Sam and Dean are on a hunt, on the verge of discovering that the girl they’re saving is the love of their lives. But it can’t be that simple. No, I need to infuse tension, lingering gazes, and a hint of angst. It’s what my readers crave, after all.
I write a few chapters, doing my best to perfectly captivate the moment when all of their feelings are laid on the table, the point where there is no going back to being ‘just friends.’ My heart races as the words appear on my screen, longing to feel that moment in real life.
My reality is mundane. My books aren’t soaring in popularity, a reality any budding author faces. We can’t all be H.D. Carlton or Colleen Hoover, but we dare to dream. So this is where I find solace and also where I cultivate ideas for my books. I would give anything to immerse myself in the world I create, to live the life of a hunter.
But unfortunately, it’s just a TV show. So instead, I write about it. I write out different endings, save the characters I wish to save, and make love to fictional characters through the words on my screen.
A few hours later, my coffee cup is empty, as well, as my brain for ideas to finish the last chapter of my story.
Why are endings so hard to write?
As my eyes drift closed, exhausted and ready for a good night’s rest, a knock sounds against my front door. I look at the clock on my phone—1:36 a.m. My brain instantly goes into panic mode. Why would someone be knocking so late? Is there a fire? Is it a serial killer? Did someone I know die? I quietly laugh to myself about the second thought. I mean, why would a serial killer knock on the door of the victim he’s about to kill?
I stand up from the couch and move to the front door, looking through the peephole. I can’t believe my eyes, unlocking the door, and suddenly embarrassed of the oversized ‘Castiel #1’ t-shirt I’m wearing, which is stupid because it’s the middle of the night. This just adds to my curiosity: Why is he here?
I open the door with shaky hands, still unable to believe that Rob Benedict is at my door. “Hi, um... Can I, uh, help you?” I ask timidly.
He smiles widely, somehow dry as the rain continues to pour from the sky. “Hello, y/n. May I come inside? It’s a little wet out here,” he jokes with a soft chuckle.
I instantly move aside, allowing him to enter. “Oh, of course. Um, it’s so nice to meet you,” I say as he enters the door of my one-story cottage-style home. I close the door and turn to face him again. “Wait, how did you know my name?” I ask curiously. I don’t remember putting my name into a meet-and-greet raffle, and I’m fairly certain that those meet-and-greets don’t happen in the middle of the night.
He looks around my home, sweeping his eyes across the layout before finally meeting mine again. “I apologize. I haven’t formally introduced myself,” he holds out a hand to shake. “I’m Chuck. Chuck Shurley.”
I can’t help but chuckle softly as I shake his hand. “You mean you play Chuck Shurley,” I say as I shake his hand. He looks back at me with narrowed eyes and a tilt of his head. “You’re… Rob Benedict. I’m a huge fan of the show,” I say, motioning to Supernatural playing on my TV in the living room.
He tilts his head up slightly, his eyes relaxing as he smirks. “Ah, I see. Well, it seems that I have found the right house, at least,” he chuckles. “I’m sorry, maybe I should be a little more clear. I’m happy to explain. Do you mind if we sit?” He asks, motioning to the couch.
“Oh, yes. Please, make yourself comfortable,” I say, motioning to the couch following him to sit down. Once we’re sat down, I close my laptop and give him my attention again.
“So,” he claps his hands together. “I understand if this is all a little strange. So please allow me to explain,” he says more stoicly. I nod my head and wait for him to begin, mentally making notes of questions to ask.
He holds out his hands, taking a deep breath. “This may sound unbelievable. I understand if you’re confused, but I really am Chuck Shurley,” he says. I narrow my eyes; this must be a joke. “It’s true. All of… this,” he motions to the TV, playing the show still.
“As I’m sure you know, I met a very unfortunate end. All well deserved, I admit,” he holds out his hands again before putting them on his knees. “But I want to change that. And I believe you can help me,” he looks at me seriously, his voice calm and a little hopeful. “I’ve read your writings, y/n, and they’re really good. You’re fanfictions, too,” he nods to my computer.
“You’ve… read my fanfics?” I ask, feeling the heat of embarrassment tint my cheeks.
Chuck chuckles softly and smiles. “I have, you’re really good. The way you move the story along without it being boring. The way you perfectly capture the characters and expand on their emotions and feelings,” he talks with his hands. “Your writing is right up there with the greats, in my opinion.” He says with a hand to his chest.
Am I really believing this right now? Am I dreaming?
“So, here is my proposal,” he sits up straighter, interlocking his fingers together. “I want you to come to our world. I’ll put you right in their line of sight. I can even make them fall in love with you,” he winks. “All I ask in return is for you to help me give myself a different ending.”
I shake my head in disbelief. This can’t really be happening right now. “Wait a second, how are you here? If you’re, you know… dead?” I ask.
Chuck sighs and leans back. “That part was a little tricky. See, I had to go back and change a few things,” he says. “Let’s see. I took out Abbadon, so the mark of Cain was never in the equation, meaning my sister never comes back. Oh, but I am still planning on bringing someone back,” he winks.
“Bobby?!” I ask excitedly.
“No, I wasn’t planning on bringing him back,” he looks at me. “Unless it would persuade you to come with me. I have been in this universe long enough to know how much everybody loves him.” He looks at me with a hopeful expression.
I bite my lower lip anxiously. Is that something I want? What do I want? I feel like, at this point, I could ask for almost anything and get it.
“I don’t know… I mean, if Amara isn’t coming back, that means he’s still in heaven. I don’t want to take that peace from him,” Chuck nods his head in understanding. “But, on the other end, I feel like he’s more accepting, and it would give me a better chance to be introduced to them.” I weigh the options in my mind.
“That it would,” Chuck says, nodding his head.
“Okay. I’ll help you, but I have a few conditions.” I say sternly.
“I’d be surprised if you didn’t.” Chuck laughs.
“First of all, don’t make them fall in love with me. If they do, I want it to be real,” Chuck nods, and I continue. “Secondly, I do want Bobby to come back, his house and everything the way it was before the leviathans,” Chucks nods. “Third, I’ll do my best to help you be a better God, but I will not kill Jack. And, if you want to be a better God, you actually have to put in the effort to be one. That means no fucking with Sam, Dean, Castiel, Bobby, Jody, Donna, anyone just because you’re bored,” I raise my eyebrow at him.
“And if you do end up not being a better God, then no sending me back here just as I am about to explain myself or smiting me or anything like that just because you think you’ve lost,” I explain.
Chuck breathes deeply. “Okay, I’ll agree to that.”
I try to think of anything else I want or any other loose ends to tie up. I snap my fingers. “Oh, and I want all of the knowledge I have about the show and its ending to stay with me. And if Metatron isn’t dead already, I want him to be. I don’t want to deal with his bullshit.”
Chuck laughs wholeheartedly. “Yeah, I don’t blame you for that one,” he seems to think the rest of my deal over in his mind. “Alright, you have a deal,” He stands up. “Pack a bag with whatever you need. I’ll wait here, and then we’ll go.”
“What about Bobby?” I ask as I stand up.
“Already done,” he smiles. “Go pack your bag, y/n, and we’ll get going.”
Chapter Two
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
People like to believe that yasopp up and left without any warning or talking about it with his wife (like that other show about gay pirates) but how his wife talked about him and how usopp views him he must of left a good impression on both of them. Yasopp most likely spent at least 5 years with his wife and kid before leaving
Okay, I actually agree wholeheartedly. I know it doesn't seem like it with how much I talk shit about Yasopp around here, but I swear I understand why he had to follow his dream and I am very aware that Banchina literally told him to do so. However! However. Even if we do know he loves Usopp and is definitely worried about seeing him because of feeling guilty for what he did (I genuinely felt so bad when he said he wasn't ready to see Usopp. Although two seconds later I literally stared at my screen and said "grow some fucking balls and see your kid". So. Yeah) I still feel some resentment toward him(?
The whole situation is pretty similar to Oden's, if you think about it. Dude wanted to stay with his family in Wano but Toki literally threatened him to go follow his dream first. That's kind of the same thing that happens with Yasopp. I think people see Yasopp as the bad guy mostly because we never see his POV and instead we just see how that affected Usopp and Banchina. Besides, Oden was away for considerably a lot less time. So,,, Not really the same, but the concept is pretty much the same thing.
I don't hate Yasopp. I understand why he left and I'm sure Usopp loves him to death, even if there are bittersweet feelings there. But there are still a lot of things that don't sit right with me? I personally just feel horrible when thinking that he's the main reason Usopp kept lying all the time and if you rewatch Syrup Island now it just hurts more. The fact that he met Luffy and spent time with him, too? It's just, uh, idk, it feels weird. Besides, send a letter or something. Try to call your son, maybe? Perhaps try to have a way of communicating with him before going away for years? I think we can't ignore the fact that one of the reasons why Usopp is so insecure might probably be him. Not to blame him for everything, because of course Usopp has more personality and insecurities that have nothing to do with Yasopp. But you know. It just feels weird.
Now this part is just personal but parents who leave their children make my blood boil with anger and even if I understand why he did it and everything, I will never completely like Yasopp. Not until we see more of him and Usopp, at least.
And also, I still think the crew (leaving what I personally think aside) would not like Yasopp. Especially Sanji, probably. Not because I'm a Sanuso shipper (although it really affects my opinion on this ngl) but because I think Sanji would have a very strong view of what fatherhood is and he refuses to see Usopp getting hurt again. And I think I said this before but Nami and Zoro would not really like Yasopp either, not unless Usopp verbally tells them he's on good terms with his dad.
I just think Usopp and Yasopp's relationship is very complicated. It isn't about Yasopp being a good dad or not (same thing with Uta and Shanks too, honestly. People keep saying that he's a deadbeat when he was just a stupid dad trying to protect his daughter and that decision ended up backfiring). A lot of people have different views on this, and I think we're all right in some way. He loves his son and Usopp loves his dad and they admire each other a lot. But that doesn't fix what's broken, either. I personally am so excited to see them reunite and see how Oda writes it!!!
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hesherehesthere · 11 months
When You Come Around (I'll Be There)
Author's Note: Wrote a fic for the first time in a while, and it's been sitting around on my computer for almost a month. I decided it was time to finally post it. Of course it's royjamie, because the brain rot is real.
Ao3 Link: (X)
Summary: Jamie has a nightmare and goes to Roy because he doesn't want to be alone.
Jamie’s breath caught in his throat as he sat straight up in bed, eyes wide and fists clenched in the sheets. Several images flashed through his head, the dream that had just woken him coming back to him in bits and pieces. His fists were so tight that his nails dug slightly into his palms, even through the sheets. He struggled to catch a solid breath. 
Several deep breaths later, and his surroundings started to come into focus. It was still unsettling, images of his father’s face flashing through his head along with his mocking tone. However, the more he breathed, the more he was able to come to grips with the fact that it was just a dream.
It didn’t take long until Jamie’s face scrunched up in disgust. He was drenched in sweat, shirt clinging to the skin of his chest, wet circles under his arms. He yanked it off irritably, glaring at the ceiling fan and allowing the air to blow over his face. He took several more deep breaths before grabbing his phone. 
The numbers 2:14 stared back at him, and the bright light of his phone burned at his eyes. He closed them again, rubbing at the back of his eyelids with his palms before shaking his head. Despite the exhaustion settling deep in his bones, he felt emotionally high strung enough to know that he wasn’t going to make it back to bed, especially considering Roy would come banging at his door in less than two hours.
A groan settled deep in his chest. He ran a hand through his hair before throwing the blankets off himself. 
He needed a fucking shower.
When Jamie showed up at Roy’s house at 2:53, less than an hour after he had woken, he wondered for the first time how pissed Roy would be about it. Sitting alone in his house, freshly showered, with haunting images from his nightmares consuming his thoughts, he hadn’t been able to consider much beyond the fact that he could no longer be alone. 
He raised his hand to the doorbell, hesitating slightly before pressing the button. Several moments passed, and Jamie shifted from foot to foot. After another several moments, he pressed it again. If I have to ring again, I’m fucking leaving, Jamie thought to himself. 
However, the thought was interrupted by Roy opening the door, rubbing sleep from his eyes. For a moment, Jamie’s breath caught in his throat again, but for an entirely different reason this time. He had never seen Roy Kent look off guard, but there was a first time for everything. His hair was mussed, more so than usual, and Jamie resisted the urge to bite his lip.
“Tartt? The fuck are you doing here?” Roy’s voice was even more gravelly than usual, and he cleared his throat, seemingly irritated by it.
Jesus Christ. Maybe this was a bad idea.
“Hey, coach,” Jamie chirped instead of turning heel and retreating, forcing a smile he didn’t quite feel. It probably didn’t reach his eyes. “Just uh- couldn’t sleep, yeah? Rough night. Figured maybe we could start training early this morning?” He shot Roy a look that he hoped portrayed the desperation he felt; if the other man sent him away, he wasn’t sure what he was going to do.
Roy surveyed him for a long moment, eyes scanning over Jamie’s face. His eyebrows knit together tightly, and Jamie could practically see the gears turning in his head as he seemed to consider it. Jamie was unable to keep himself from shifting. He was positive the nervousness showed on his face.
After a long silence that caused Jamie’s skin to crawl, Roy finally nodded sharply. It appeared that he had come to some sort of understanding in his own head, and Jamie sighed a breath of relief.
“Alright, then,” Roy said, his voice still a bit rougher than usual. “Get fucking moving. Warm up, jog in place.” As he said the words, he backed into the house again, shutting the door behind him. Jamie stared at the closed door, trying to soothe the panic at Roy leaving, choosing instead to follow his instructions and beginning to jog in place, loosening up his hips.
A few moments later Roy was back, dressed in sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. He reached somewhere behind the doorframe, grabbing his keys and headlight from behind it. Then he stepped forward, closing and locking the door behind him. 
As soon as Roy stepped out, it immediately felt as though a weight had been lifted from Jamie’s shoulders. It must have shown on his face, since the corners of Roy’s lips tugged up ever-so-sightly into a trace of a smile. Most people wouldn’t know that’s a Roy Kent smile, Jamie thought to himself. He turned on his heel, jogging backwards for a few steps as he watched Roy follow him. “Thanks, coach. Wasn’t sure you’d be up for it. Though I guess you must have an early bedtime, huh, granddad?”
Roy simply grunted and made a circular motion with his finger, and Jamie snorted, turning his back and starting to run. It always settled something inside of him, knowing that all he had to do was follow Roy’s instructions to know he was doing a good job. It was soothing in a way he didn’t often experience; usually things were reliant on him doing the right thing all on his own.
He had been getting better at that, he supposed, but sometimes it was nice to not have to think so hard. 
The next three hours or so were something of a blur, with Roy shouting out instructions and Jamie following without question. After a while, he started to feel much more grounded in his body and by the time Roy was sitting on the park bench they typically ended at, sipping at some coffee he had retrieved while he told Jamie to stay and do jumping jacks, his brain was sufficiently mush, nightmare pleasantly forgotten.
“Fifty push-ups, break for a hundred crunches, then fifty more,” Roy said, eyes focused intently on where Jamie stood hunched over, panting, hands on his knees. “And don’t fucking slouch like that. Stand up straight, hands behind your fucking head. Gonna compress your fucking lungs.” Jamie groaned a bit at the order, but immediately pursed his lips and obeyed when Roy levelled him with an irritated look. 
Jamie breathed deeply for several more seconds before Roy huffed. “Tartt, push-ups.” 
“Right, coach,” Jamie said, nodding quickly before dropping down to his knees and moving forward to settle onto his hands, beginning a few seconds later. His arms and upper back burned, already feeling the ache that was sure to worsen later, but he forced his body to comply with Roy’s instructions.
Roy’s eyes were like a brand on the back of his head; Jamie could tell that the other man was staring at him, and he could only hope that there was approval in the way he did so. Sometimes it was pathetic, he thought, just how desperate he was for Roy’s approval. If Roy ever figured that out, Jamie was sure he’d laugh at him.
After finishing the push-ups, Jamie immediately rolled over to his back and started on the crunches. Now on his back, he could see how Roy stared down at him observingly, taking a sip of his drink every so often.
Jamie felt a flush work its way across his cheeks, and he hoped it could be played off as exertion from the workout. He tore his eyes from Roy, staring at the sky instead as he finished the set, before rolling once more to finish the push-ups. After they were done, he collapsed onto his stomach, groaning a bit and rolling onto his back once more. “Are we done yet, coach?” He asked, and he knew his voice had come out as a bit more of a whine than he had hoped. He stared at Roy from his place on the ground. If Roy asked, he’d do more. All he had to do was ask.
Roy was quiet, and Jamie studied his face as the other man clearly struggled to put something into words. “Why couldn’t you sleep last night?” Roy asked, instead of responding to Jamie’s question, and Jamie felt a slight amount of defensiveness building up inside of himself. 
Several hours prior, he would have fought talking about it at all, but laying like this, exhausted from their extensive workout, he couldn’t bring himself to resist.
“Had a nightmare, didn’t I?” Jamie mumbled with a shrug, rolling onto his back to sprawl out once more. “Not a big deal. Happens sometimes. Just knew I wasn’t going back to bed any time soon. Figured I might as well bother you instead.”
Roy’s face twisted slightly at his words, but it was different than the look he had when Jamie had pressed his buttons and worked him up. “A nightmare?"
“Yeah, like I said. Happens.”
“It happens a lot?”
Jamie bit down on his lip, finally tearing his eyes from Roy’s face to stare at the sky once more. “Dunno if s’a lot, but it’s not… weird that it happened.”
“What was it about?”
Jamie’s eyes snapped back to Roy. “Bit personal, innit?”
Roy shrugged, and Jamie realized that his eyes hadn’t left Jamie’s body since he had gotten down to do the push-ups. “I don’t know,” Roy replied. “Is it personal?”
A lump started to form in Jamie’s throat, and he closed his eyes. “Yeah, little bit.”
There was a long silence, the sounds of birds and morning traffic filling the space, and for a moment, Jamie almost thought he had dropped it. Then Roy’s voice was cutting through once more. “Was it about your dad?”
The lump that had formed in Jamie’s throat settled itself firmly in the pit of his stomach then, and he clenched his hands into fists. “Not everything is fucking about him, you know,” he snapped, surprising himself with the intensity and speed with which the words came out. “I know that you like, fucking saw me being all pathetic and shit after seeing him, but-”
“It wasn’t fucking pathetic,” Roy said, and the strength of his tone caused Jamie to stop dead in his rant. All the fight seemed to bleed from his body, and his eyes immediately started to fill with tears.
He had never been so grateful to have his eyes closed. “It wasn’t fucking pathetic,” Roy repeated. “You were fucking strong. He was a piece of shit.”
“Wasn’t strong,” he mumbled. “Punched him, I guess, but fucking cried like a bitch about it after-” 
“Oi!” Roy snapped, and the sharpness forced Jamie’s mouth shut just as quickly as it had opened. Then he was speaking again, almost soft this time. Jamie had to strain to hear his words. “You stood up for yourself, even before you punched him. That was so fucking good.”
The praise caused the knot that had been building in Jamie’s stomach to loosen slightly, and he felt his face soften. “Really?” Jamie couldn’t help but ask. If he was a little desperate for praise from Roy fucking Kent, fucking sue him.
“Really,” Roy replied, and the one word was enough to cause a pleasant warmth to spread through Jamie’s body.
“Thanks, coach,” Jamie finally managed to reply, and Roy grunted in what Jamie had come to know as approval.
“Training is done for now,” Roy said finally. “But you’re coming back to my place, I’m fucking cooking you breakfast.”
Usually, Jamie would have said something to that, something to press Roy’s buttons, something about him being sappy. In that moment, he found he didn’t have much to say. He simply nodded. “Sounds good, coach.”
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