#but then eps 8 and 9 have multiple love scenes lmao
sarochafreen · 2 years
Gap the Series deleted scene from the trailer
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stoopid-noah · 1 year
Watching The Crowded Room and going in completely blind..
Haven't seen a trailer, no idea what it's even about lol
Here are my thoughts as I move along..
After watching Ep 1, I think:
Danny and his brother where SAed as children, maybe by the stepdad.
Ariana is a sex worker?
His brother either died due to abuse or offed himself because of it.
Ep 2:
Ariana was sexually abused too, I think.
Danny might have Multiple personalities and seems to be unaware about it.
Some charracters might actually be part of his system?
Is the "ghost house" actually his mindspace?
Ep 3:
Yup, multiple personalities!
Yitzhak is definitely one of them!
Jonny probably too & if he is, so must Mike.
Ariana might be aswell, maybe she's his sexual protector & SA trauma holder.
Did he ever have a twin brother, or was he also part of the system?
I love Yitzhak, best protected ever!!
I think Rya, the psychiatrist might suspect him having DiD, but isn't sure yet & the police has no idea.
But how did eye witnesses see Ariana?!
Ep 4:
I think Jack is also part of Danny's system.
Jack seems to be a protector aswell.
I can't tell if his brother was another alter or his actual brother?
All the drawings in his (burned) sketchbook might be of alters.
Oooooo shits 'bout to go down!!
Ep 5:
Gee, straight to the intro, no little scene before that? Is that a good sign or a bad one?
I really hope his mother didn't know what her children where going through.
I love Mario, he's cool!
I feel so sorry for his mom (Candy?)  too, she just wanted the best for her baby.. :(
I think Adam was his first protector & trauma holder, not his actual brother.
Ep 6:
I hate how the police officer is talking about poor Danny. :(
I hate the psychiatrists son, he's a brat and a nuisance lol
Hell yeah Jonny, get right outa those cuffs!!
God, I love this woman.. she's an amazing doctor and I NEED her to succeed!!
Why do I kinda like his lawyer?! He's such an asshole lmao
Oh, Danny.. My poor baby.. He's so scared :(
Ep 7:
Yayy, Yitzhak is back!!
Jack, Jonny, Mike, Yitzhak and Ariana confirmed alters, yay!!
Goddam Jonny... At least try to keep it together man >:(
These "psychologists" are so insufferable.. and so is the judge..
I love Yitzhak so much.. please don't let him be gone gone AAaAaa <3
Oh god.. please help him, poor puppy boy :(
Ep 8:
I hope Marlin rots in hell, fucking piece of shit.
I love the directive so much!!
Candy, how could you? How could she cover for that piece of shit?
Oh, I feel bad for Arianas boyfriend.. and for Ariana :(
Why should they try to "get rid of the alters"?? I know that this plays in a different time, but it's so frustrating that the alters aren't really seen as whole ass human beings by the professionals.. :(
Jerome is so sweet and kind, I cant- I want them to be friends forever AAaAaa
If that boy doesn't get the help he needs, I'm going to scream...
Ep 9:
I hate him. I hate Marlin so much.. why do I have to look at him right now?!
How can candy live with herself, protecting this pig????
I hope she fucking turns around and stands up for Danny in the end :(
Stan is such a good guy, I hope he's a great lawyer too.
I hate it.. D.I.D. is real for fucks sake.
The trial just started and  I'm already crying..
I'm starting to hate candy, she's acting like a real bitch right now, ngl..
Aaand she went home.. goddamn it..
Yay Jerome is back!!
Goddamn.. she's a really good psychologist.
I swear to God Candy, if you mess up again I'm going to scream.
Danny, baby.. no :(
How dare you end the episode like that?!
Ep 10:
Jesus Christ, please don't let my baby die.
God damnit Jack..
I hate his smug fucking grin.
I hate him. I hate him. I hate him..
Oh, If Danny can come back, so could Yitzhak, right? I miss him. :(
"Adam is me" I'm fucking crying again wtf..
I'm on the edge of me seat, please don't jail this boy!!
I can't stop crying aaaaa
If Danny can forgive Candy, I guess I should too.. but I don't wanna >:(
He looks so cute, with all the paint on his shirt. <3
Don't try and make me feel sympathy for Candy.
Hell yeah, no forgiveness for Candy!!!!
I love the friendship of Danny and Rya, they have such great chemistry!
Last thoughts, after doing some research:
They handled this whole theme so respectfully and good!
Tom also did such an amazing job portraying his roles, it's amazing!!
Especially considering that this series and the movie "Split" where apparently based on the same case.. I fucking hated how DiD was portrayed in Split.. Like it's something to fear. Like it makes people violent. And as something fucking supernatural.. I fucking hated that.. But "The Crowded Room" is so honest and respectful.. It's beautiful!
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kexing · 2 years
Notes for Triage eps 8-9:
Oh Tin is LOVING this pouty jealous Tol.
Gap really thought Sing was finally making his move in the middle of the ER room and decided he was totally down for it. They have the flimsiest curtain between them and the patients, but yes let’s do it on the bed people die in yesterday, today and tomorrow.
PFFFFFFT Tol really just smashed that egg flat on the counter, I didn’t know you could be that bad at cooking.
Yesssssss comforting and holding him after a nightmare. Like yeah the nightmare is his repressed loop memories of his multiple deaths but let’s focus on what’s important here.
Tol seeing Tin and Dear sit next to each other immediately after seeing Mai and Heart like damn why is everybody cheating on me today.
When you’re too busy getting stabbed to make it to your date on time.
Tin, dying: man this reminds me of Tol
Of course Fang showed up 5 minutes late with snacks and immediately took down a guy with a knife. Legend status.
Hell yes Jinta setting up Tol having to feed Tin. Being an angel isn’t the only reason he’s called a wingman.
Speaking of, our guy Toi was not being subtle about listening in on Tol not being subtle about trying to get Tin back to his place.
Yay, friendship for Mai and Tol! They’re both so much better off that way. (Tol running back to Tin immediately after like “Hey fyi I’m officially single now if we’re still on for you coming back to my place and sleeping in my bed”)
Every loop when some things have been going really well the whole thing crashes just as hard, and they get to bigger and bigger extremes every time, so the high windup this loop really got me anticipating that drop.
Fun pillow talk ideas: the multiple times you’ve seen him die, fighting against the machinations of fate, and Jinta. (I mean it’s not like it DIDN’T put them in the mood)
he SURE is aldjakjdsk
tol can’t cook to save his life akdkskdks it’s so funny
LMAO yeah it’s JUST a nightmare, tolie let’s cuddle 😌 but fr it’s such a GOOD scene!!!
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 tol @ mai and tin: YOU’RE ALL CHEATERS FFS
sorry tol it’s not that i didn’t want to go on a date with you, i was just busy GETTING STABBED AND TRYING NOT TO DIE
fang could kill me and i’d thank her. what a queen 🤤🤤
HAHAHAHA LITERAL WINGMAN! jinta said queer rights
lmaooo no one was being subtle in that scene. it’s soooo funny
i’m sooo glad tol didn’t blame nor hate mai!! they’re definitely better off as friends and he’s going to help her which is what she deserves!!! and yes! on god tol wants that man on his bed now and isn’t even trying to hide it aldkskdkkskdks
same!! the adrenaline i felt watching each episode was CRAZY. i miss that 😭
HAHAHA it’s the queer experience after all. getting stuck on time loops and fighting against fate And evil with a very vague and yet supportive angel hanging around from time to time ❤️💙
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Minato’s Laundromat Live Blogging
I’ve heard good things and I realized a few years ago that high school senior/way older is fun to read about (the peter/stiles fics on ao3 where i knew nothing about teen wolf and so though stiles was in college till i realized that no lol), so maybe it’ll be fun to watch too
Episode 1 (Oct 10)
Shin is very beautiful
I thought it’d only be in the younger character Shin’s POV but for now it’s in Akira’s
we got to the sponge bath very quickly
okay I guess Shin’s reaction to finding out Akira’s gay is bc now he’s like ‘omg i have a chance’ and doesn’t know how to deal with that while from the outside it def looks like he just ran away in a homophobic manner
girl all this talk about desires lmao
i wish they’d say the words for bro and old guy here so that i could try to hear it
Shin is freaking bold
Episode 2 (Oct 10)
had to read up on japanese suffixes and honorifics because they say a lot here. also think i’m gonna follow along with absolutebl’s watch-along bc i’ll def miss things otherwise bc i’m always lost with these japenese honorifics rip one day i’ll get em!
Shin put Minato as “Akira” on his phone... first name basis in secret lol while Minato just calls him Shin (nickname of firstname)
not only did Minato misunderstand Shin with a girl... he also acted as if he had something to be jealous about alksdjf so embarrassing
lmfao i’m flabbergasted at minato’s audacity and forwardness about liking Minato to his sister
shin intense as hell and a little scary “say ‘i like you, shin’” while holding minato like that
omg minato refuted him by saying “shin-chan” which i have now learned means that minato is emphasizing/teasing about shin being young and ‘lowering his status’
oh, is this the “teacher storyline” everyone’s meh about?
Episode 3 (Oct 11)
Shin’s “we’ll be dating soon” when asked if they’re dating by the classmate reminds me of this week’s The Eclipse ep 9 Ayan
Shin was saved by Minato from drowning as a child?
I think I’ve seen this clip of Shin jealous of his classmate who calls minato Akira-san being close to Minato
we got the talk to minato telling shin no and to stay away but shin really is very forceful and knows what he wants, doesn’t he?
Episode 4 (Oct 11)
I love Shin and his classmate Asuka’s conversations lol
dang Shin strong as hell
the teacher storyline is starting i guess
Episode 5 (Oct 12)
lol this is the bedsheet scene people were mentioning
tbh i don’t have much to say about this show like it’s fine, it’s handling the age gap interestingly, it’s very slice of life, Shin is very beautiful, I’m a little bored. This has been true for all 5 episodes so far
Episode 6 (Oct 12)
i forgot to mention this before but wow this really is so Food As Love Language
please Shin being so intense to the ex-gf like “What did you to do make Minato-san fall for you” because he wants it as future reference
we’re unravelling the ‘we met as children’ plot except only Shin was the child at 7 and Minato was 17 lol
Episode 7 (Oct 13)
i laughed out loud like twice
i enjoyed this ep a fair bit, i think more than the last few but idk what the difference is or what made me like it more
on the reddit on-air threads i’ve seen multiple people say they want to save shin from minato and i kinda don’t get it. it’s not like minato is purposefully cruel to shin and do they want him to just get with a high schooler without consideration? they’re both flawed characters and shin shouldn’t get to date minato just because he wants to? i don’t get it.
Episode 8 (Oct 14)
“The summer I spent with you, it will stay as my precious treasure” awww
oof yeah this is the T.T hurty ep. if i was more invested in the characters (esp shin) i would’ve been devastated but now i can just be like yeah, this was well written and well acted in an objective way but i don’t have much of an emotional connection or reaction to it. also irl minato should’ve let shin down like this monthssss ago
Episode 9 (Oct 14)
Shin’s tryna get Minato and Sakuma-sensei together now? lmfao
i love Asuka and Sakurako’s friendship and conversations lol Asuka tryna give details that’ll make Sakurako give up on Shuu-sensei but her just liking him more instead
Episode 10 (Oct 14)
the end of the teacher subplot
Episode 11 (Oct 17)
went away for the weekend + am now sick, so here’s to finishing this today finally 
Shin is just so unbelievably beautiful
lmfao this whole ep is just Shin having the audacity and it making Minato lose his whole mind
Episode 12 (Oct 17)
Asuka and Shuu-kun’s (interesting particle? maybe?) story feels like the same as Minato and Shin’s so ehh idc
If Shin doesn’t go to the university they toured in Tokyo, this show is getting a 5.5
well lol 5.5 it is
cute ending ig but i wasn’t that invested rip
I am who I am meaning my fave character is Sakurako, Shin’s younger sister, who is soo cute, a little doll. Also, Shin’s actor has suchhhh a beautiful face :0
I wish I felt more for this but I don’t. My comment from ep 5 is still true at the end “tbh i don’t have much to say about this show like it’s fine, it’s handling the age gap interestingly, it’s very slice of life, Shin is very beautiful, I’m a little bored.” I’m not even invested enough to feel anything about the characters’ actions even though I feel like I should have loads of thoughts. I think I get bored with longer Japanese shows, the next few will be movies, so maybe I’ll like them more?
Rating: 5.5/10
Shin asking asuka about his relationship with Minato
Minato’s ex (+ Shin’s interactions w her)
bold Asuka
“I can’t date you”
Ep 12 beach scene 
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sab-teraa · 2 years
Watch with me: Duy Beni episode 3
1. “We did it for you” - OZAN STAND TF UP!
2. These lot are so dumb for recording their attacks 👀 no money in the world can stop the consequences once something goes viral or leaked. This is so unrealistic.
3. I LOVE BEKIR 😭😭 the way he walked out like a Roman Prince! Roman Bekir 😭😂 Bestie <3
4. Bekir has Ozan’s blood boiling 💀 he is trying so hard to break him and Bekir keeps being Bekir lmao.
5. That lowkey stand off between Ozan and Kanat? Yeah their friendship is on thin ice.
6. Melisa is a disgusting person …but?? why do I like her ? It’s defo the actors charisma bc even tho I love the villain … she’s not the type of villain I would root for.
7. Yup. You see that shit Ekim is saying to Bekir yeah? Solidified my dislike for her. Don’t force your problems on everyone else … already bc of you he was attacked (multiple times). He would have been attacked at some point … but rn he is being attacked because of YOU … and that’s how you treat him? I’m pissed
Like I understand she’s upset … but Bekir clearly has his own coping mechanisms … it’s sick to speak to him that way
8. Kanat, bro, ik you have a mission … but pls say thank you to the waiters.
9. Melisa sis. Pls date ozan. This man hates you 🥲
10. I lied. I ship Ayse and Orijinal 🚀
11. Not Leyla crying over a man she’s never met. Wrap it up. You both live in Istanbul and never met irl? Stfu
12. I was right! Aziz is cat fishing Leyla using kanats pic
13. Did I miss something??? Is Leyla also cat fishing???? Why is he calling her meltem??? Wtf is going on
14. There’s being in love with someone and then there’s leyla. She’s obsessive and possessive af. I’m genuinely scared
15. Aziz HATES Kanat … like he says it … but this ep he showed it
16. That scene where Riza forced kanat-Aziz mum to change her outfit broke me 💔
17. Melisa going to ozan for help instead of Kanat??? OZMEL = CHAIR!!! SIGN ME UP RN.
18. Personally, I thought that the parents have their own bullying group and were involved. I still think this … but maybe the kids are tryna protect their parents 💀
20. Aziz and his mum have me bawling. Like the way I’m crying.
21. We don’t know much about the mum zzz but I think that she comes from a rich family and riza used her etc.
22. AYSE is good! 😭🤣 she couldn’t even stay in character im finished
23. I like that we are learning more about Ekim … especially her background
24. Are we sure that Leylas father is not Sedar? Bc who in their right mind will go off over some random child. Bc even if there’s a sense of community blah blah … him forcing Ayse to work in a sweat shop over her is ducking SICK. IM PISSED
25. Checkmate scene makes me think aziz doesn’t really like Leyla??
26. Okay will finish the rest of the tomz
27. Wtf is wrong with Leyla. Honestly I’m sick of her
28. Ozan 🥺 ik you would be a better bf
29. I think Mel really likes Bekir and they will become friends
30. Ozan making an effort to greet mels dad. GET TOGETHER ALREADY
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momowoah · 3 years
Gossip Girl 2.0 Ep 7 Spoilers (might have one or other from 8-9)
This first scene looks so good actually
Didn't think we would get threesome scenes
"That looks better in a pillow than it sounds out loud"
I love Audrey's hairstyle + her making bread and thinking about that lmao
Aki also thinking about it
I like Jodie
The scarf lol
She is extravagant
I'm loving the flashbacks
"He probably went insane writing all those posts about himself"
Kate Keller is proving herself to be the only teachers with morals in 1b. I actually like her now.
"Buongiorno, amanti"
Love their awkwardness
The hand grab
Poor Z
Can they stop looking at each other when talking to her?
Aki and Zoya talking? "Hey Z, what's wrong?" That was cute
"What's your workout plan?" Jordan wth
Kate, once again, having morals
Rafa playing victim, fck him
Hallway scene time
Audrey running out and Julien covering her mouth is perfect
Why did they choose the school chapel for this? Just why?
Max removing himself? Remember when he was the one asking "Don't you like me in the middle?" Character development /j
This scene would be so much cuter if O meant it
Wtf was the applauses though
The fact that they pull that dog out of pockets multiple times is hilarious but makes me feel bad for him
"I have to go" S would be proud ❤️
"This is me trying" playing over this scene made me feel things
They have sm chemistry
Jodie is certainly in the top three parents of gg
A shame Lola will probably disappear from the show
"We're not allowed to ask until 2026"
I didn't catch the "What a lovely... What a lovely sweater" the first time lmao
Why is Max there? He doesn't even like Zoya
The way they just crash Zoya's party, amazing
Coatrack Jordan + "Heads up!" from Max
Is Tavi Gevinson really short or are Max's dads' actors super tall? She looked so small next to them
The dinner scene resembled the OG, all the parallel conversations completely ignored by everyone else
"Being... Being..." He gets better next ep but fuck Obie <3
"Audrey and I are gonna be too busy fucking Max again anyway" I DID NOT EXPECT AKI TO BE THE ONE TO SAY IT, I LOVE IT (the coughs lol)
The "I'm proud of you"s are even more hilarious, "follow-up questions"
And I thought that was the worst thing Davis had ever done, rip me in episode 8
Many people said Zoya's realization was out of nowhere but I think it made sense
Julien telling the truth, thanks
Rafa should be a huge antagonist, not the guy with a redemption arc and moral lesson <3 he should also go to jail
This is like the first time Kiki and Audrey are happy, I'm glad
"or because he doesn't want me to testify against him?" - first of all, very og 6x10 of them, second, at this point I knew things would get real
Jodie closing the car door, Audrey running to them, their hug, their walk, petting the dog... Throuple ftw
Btw I'm totally buying Obie's redemption arc
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sage-studies · 3 years
Tag 9 people to learn about their interests!
Thanks for the tag @the---hermit!
Favourite genre?
I also grew up listening to metal/rock, so a lot of my music taste comes from that but I don't really have a favourite genre, I just like music that has a lot of energy to it
Favourite song?
I honestly can never pick a favourite song, I always have like 20 at a time. Tho my favourite new release is Tom Cardy's new album that he put out yesterday
Most listened song recently?
Jubilee Line - Wilbur Soot (I've just been listening to the whole album on repeat lately, as well as Lovejoy's ep)
Song currently stuck in your head?
Monster Truck - Tom Cardy
5 fave lyrics?
'A man delivered can never find his way in darkness, a man surrendered can never find his own forgiveness.' (Cardiff - Stone Sour)
Pretty much all of the lyrics in Trust Me Not - Backseat Vagabond
'You belong in a museum, where the normal people see you, cameras flash, they pay attention... We talk about angels like they don't exist, but how can I deny looking up at this?' (Venus - Saint Street)
'Can't help but smile when I'm sitting here beside her, she smells like cigarettes and cheap apple cider.' (Cheap Apple Cider - Saint Street)
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
Favourite book series?
Probably Vampire Academy or the Iron Fey series
Comfort book?
Also Vampire Academy
Favourite book?
It's so hard to choose ughhh
Perfect book to read on a rainy day?
Maybe the Heartstopper series
Favourite character?
Rose Hathaway from Vampire Academy, or Valkyrie Cain from Skulduggery Pleasant
5 favourite quotes from your favourite book(s) that you know by heart?
I can't remember things like that for the life of me, but I'll find the one scene that breaks my heart everytime. (Actually, I lied. There's 2 and they're both from VA)
'The next words stuck in my throat, and I sank to my knees as I spoke them.
"Is he... is Dimitri a Strigoi?"
Mason hesitated only a moment, like he was afraid to answer me, and then - he nodded.
My heart shattered. My world shattered.'
- VA Book 3
'"This isn't over. I won't give up on you."
"I've given up on you," he said back, voice also soft. "Love fades. Mine has."' - VA Book 5
(Insert meme 'wanna see how hard I can cry?' here.)
I've read this series through multiple times and those scenes never fail to make me ugly cry.
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator (only for the shock in realising that the character isn't what the appear to be - I'm thinking of the Virginia Andrews Mirror Sisters sorta style here) | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
Favourite tv/movie genre?
I like horror/thriller, but I also like watching nature/science documentaries
Comfort movie?
Not really sure tbh, I don't watch much tv/movies anymore, maybe any Studio Ghibli movie
Movie you watch every year?
Don't have one
Favourite movie?
Probably Your Name
Favourite tv show?
I don't really have one rn, unless I can count Dream SMP as a tv show
Comfort tv show?
If we're calling DSMP a tv show, then I'd say that
Most rewatched tv show?
I think it'd be The Umbrella Academy or The Witcher
5 fave characters?
Vanya and Klaus from TUA, Bee Duo from DSMP and Eret from DSMP :)
tv shows or movie | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week (who has that much self control anyways lmao) or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on (depends on how inaccurate the captions are) or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
I kinda get bored after a few seasons, so unless they're really good I won't watch past maybe 3 seasons (I think I watched Supernatural up until maybe season 5, but that also took me like 2 years).
I'll tag @a-students-lifebuoy, @kkul-bee and anyone who wants to do this :D (no pressure tho)
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wxsuthorn · 4 years
ranking every single asian drama/series/movie that i have ever watched
(this isn’t 100% accurate cuz I’ve decided to include shows that are still airing and they may move up or down on the list once they’ve finished airing. Shows with multiple seasons/spin-offs will be counted as one unless I decided that they’re too different to be in one rank. And lastly, I don’t dislike the shows that are low on the list—unless I explicitly say so—I’ve just watched a shitload of dramas, so don’t attack me if ur fave is at 26 or smth lmao)
I did my best to keep the explanations short and avoid spoilers
1. The Gifted
Are you surprised? Do I even need to explain?
2. HIStory 3: Trapped
Again, should be pretty self-explanatory. The plot? The acting? The tropes? Utter perfection. 
3. 3 Will Be Free
Haha. 3wbf... is 3rd place. It’s just amazing and so criminally underrated. 
4. Until We Meet Again
5. He’s Coming To Me
a GODLY show !!! SO UNDERRATED. Ugh that rooftop scene TT.
6. The Untamed
I know it’s shocking that this isn’t higher up IM SORRY OKAY but this show was so good i cried so much lksjlfjdsfdjlkf GOD TIER.
7. Theory of Love
G O D L Y. It has the best scenes that just punch you in the gut and make you cry while you think about them at night.
8. Great Men Academy
WHY DOES NO ONE TALK ABOUT THIS SHOW. anyways i would die for tangmo.
9. Cherry Magic
MY FAVOURITE ON AIR SHOW. It’s so fucking good and it’s sooooo relatable and cute and fun and just GOOD. Ugh it’s a whole blessing. Literally the concept is also just amazing, plus the representation is actually accurate?? LIKE ITS SO RELATABLE JLSJFKJKJKD AND REAL. AND THE CHARACTERS ARE SO KLJLKFJDLKJLSKJD.
10. I Told Sunset About You
THE SETS ARE SO PRETTY. THE VISUALS. ASTOUNDING. THE ACTING KSLJFKJLDF. It exceeded my expectations holy crap and the chinese culture incorporated into it feels so nice and genuine. literally i watched some of it today before my chinese class lmao. OMG AND THE OST.
11. Mr. Heart
ugh this show stole my heart (pun intended).
12. Dark Blue Kiss
13. Oxygen
14. 2gether
would’ve been higher if it werent for the last two episodes of the show, but still2gether redeemed it quite a bit.
15. HIStory 2: Crossing The Line
16. Where Your Eyes Linger
17. HIStory 2: Right or Wrong
it’s so soft and at first i was so hesitant to watch it with the age gap but it was surprisingly like really healthy? and like the mom with the fruit knife?
18. Love By Chance
IM SORRY I PUT THIS SO LOW its just that klano and tumtar were not my cup of tea and i watched it mostly for aepete only for them to be apart at the end of season 1. I like season 2 but this time i only have tincan...
19. Gameboys
okay i was going to put this way higher because ITS SO FUCKING GOOD LITERALLY but then again i felt more impressed/attached to the ones above... BUT LITERALLY PEARL AND CAIREEL ARE JUST SDLSJDFSKDFL THE BEST.
20. Sotus
If i could put multiple shows in one rank i would but ive decided not too cuz then there would only be 6 ranks with 10 shows in each one... that’s why sotus is so low TT SORRY I LOVE IT BUT I LOVE OTHER SHOWS A LITTLE MORE.
21. 2Moons2
it was enjoyable. I didn’t like the main couple much tho.
22. Red Wine In The Dark Night
omg this movie i really liked it especially the ending it was really symbolic and i really like slight-horror type things. also FLUKE !!!! a KING of acting.
23. Transit Girls
24. My Engineer
don’t get me wrong i love this show BUT it’s yet another engineering concept and i just don’t see it going above the other dramas...
25. Why R U
the plot was messy but the chemistry between the actors saved the entire show.
26. TharnType
I KNOW ITS LOW DONT KILL ME the plot was good but i don’t like how lhong was painted as a misunderstood little boi like HE IS A CRIMINAL DONT GIVE HIM A REDEMPTION ARC AND DONT TRY TO MAKE ME PITY HIM. also the non-con was uncomfy as hell.
27. A Round Trip To Love
THE CINEMATOGRAPHY AND SYMBOLISM ON GOD ISLJFDLJD. i don’t see this movie as like... an example of a healthy relationship... but the story itself is really interesting and the way the characters change yet stay the same is cool.
28. The Shipper
i enjoyed watching it but i dont think i could rewatch it. it was good nonetheless, i don’t regret watching it at all.
29. Together With Me
it’s good. but the side plots/side couples were not it. yihwa is a queen tho.
30. Ingredients
31. The Effect
this show gave me depression but damn the theme was so real. 
32. Guardian
everything was going great until the jin ling dude got a girlfriend and the end happened.
33. History 3: Make Our Days Count
i was spoiled for the ending and it ruined my watching experience TT
34. YYY
i love it
35. Addicted
It was my first bl drama and i really liked it but again the non-con/kidnapping thing makes me uncomfy. also IT WAS DISCONTINUED IM SO SAD SLKDJFLSKJDFKSJD IT ENDED ON A CLIFFHANGER THEN WAS CANCELLED TT
36. Make It Right
fuse took too long to break up with his gf honestly oasflsajdfaldj bUT FRAME AND BOOK.
37. My Gear And Your Gown
CUTE but its another engineering x medical student trope and it’s still airing so i dont have too much of an opinion on it.
38. Pearl Next Door
its still airing (only 2 eps are out as of the time im writing this) and istg if pearlex isnt endgame im suing.
39. Friend Zone
first season was good but season two is gripping me by the throat. 
40. Because Of You 2020
41. The Lover
i only watched the bl cuts but they were cute
42. Lovesick
season one was great but season 2 was too long i skipped so much of it lmao.
43. Puppy Honey
ngl i only watched it for offgun lmao. season one was good and i watched the hets too but season 2 was when i only watched the offgun scenes lmao
44. En Of Love
tossara was my fave cuz they cute and healthy. 
45. As If You Whisper
it was so short but so nice TT.
46. I’m Tee, Me Too 
still airing... kinda pointless?
47. 2 Moons
the acting... oof
48. My Dream
it started out so promising but THE FUCKING ENDING WAS LKSDJFLKS
49. Kiss + Kiss Me Again
I only watched the petekao scenes lmao.
50. History 1: Away From Me
51. History 1: Obsession
52. HIStory 1: My Hero
53. My Day
i dropped it... tell me if i should get back into it cuz i kinda just wasn’t feeling it.
54. Lily Fever
cute wlw but it made no sense?
55. Hotel Stars
sorta dry lmao
56. The Best Twins
i dropped it but thor was epic
57. Reminders
PERTH’S ACTING KSJLFDJL but like what was the point? idk it was kinda frustrating.
58. 2Wish
i honestly don’t even remember what happened lmao
59. The Moment; I Need You
i just couldn’t when the guy faked an od. other than that it was eh. second season was better than the first (idk if it counts as a season tho cuz its so short)
60. Waterboyy (series)
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pro-bee · 4 years
Not even 1am shitposting time: can someone explain to me why this silly little show still has such a hold on me?
Despite all the twists and turns, despite the fact that it torpedoed my ship, despite the fact that neither character is on the show anymore, despite the fact that I have seen episodes multiple times? There is no good reason for me to still be here.
Thinking back to my fandom obsessions over the years, I should be long gone by now...
(To be fair, this blog was dead for like 8 months until the promo for “She” came out and revived the embers of my love lmao)
I fell in love with XF in high school (sometime around when the first movie came out) and stuck with it until the end, although season 9 was a train wreck and I kept thinking, “surely it can’t get worse,” until it did. (For my tastes — which I know are particular. If you loved it, more power to you! I was so mad at the last two episodes I wouldn’t touch my DVD box sets for at least 10 years after. I nearly gave them away the day after the finale lol.)
JAG — I stopped watching sometime by the end of season 8 or maybe 9, when the characters just seemed like they didn’t like each other anymore. (I did rewatch years later.)
Gilmore Girls — I stuck with it till the end, but boy, that last season hurt me.
Bones: ah, this one burned bright then flamed out. I got into the fandom around season 6 or 7, discovered tumblr, made long posts about the show, read all the articles and analyzed shit, poured my fan girl heart into it... and then burned out by season 10. (Again: it just wasn’t to my taste. Those of you who loved it, I salute you and glad you had something to love!) honestly if it weren’t for certain factors I would have quit watching. But I did lose the fandom mojo by then for sure.
But my Tiva obsession over the last 4 years? WHOLE OTHER LEVEL. I’ve been involved in online fandom for 20 years now (YIKES) but not once did I ever feel the need to write fanfic, for instance. Not even as a teenage girl obsessed with Mulder and Scully. NEVER. But with Tiva there is no shortage of ideas! And I feel like waxing poetic about scenes whenever I see reruns on tv that I’ve seen 5 times already! And I can just talk and talk and talk! And again, I’ve kept this pace FOR FOUR YEARS. It should have faded by now like it has every other show I’ve been into. Instead I feel like it’s getting worse lmao.
And like, no offence, but this isn’t the height of drama or intricate writing. It’s an escapist formulaic crime procedural*. It’s not deep. YET I CAN’T STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. Tony and Ziva are only 2 out of like 50 regular cast members, and we got a Tiva moment like once every 3 eps, but here I am making shit up in between!
All this to say, I don’t understand why this show or these characters have this pull, because by all accounts there is no explanation as to why it should, yet here I still am. Maybe it’s Hotel California, I don’t know.
Anyway, thanks to all of you for indulging me once in awhile! Just had to say it!
*i don’t mean that in a bad way. Tv needs these shows. I don’t want to think all the time. There’s a reason these kinds of shows are successful. You get to watch attractive people solve the world’s problems in 43 minutes and they always get their bad guy one way or another. It’s a security blanket for the rest of life’s problems.
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chunghyeob · 7 years
11 Qs
tagged by @asongofmagicandtime​ joanna my sweet child ;-;
so youre supposed to answer my 11 questions and then make your own questions to ask the people you tag lol here we go
1. Who’s your favourite hero? If we’re talking like marvel/dc superhero type of deal then idk i dont think i have one? but like hero in gen then i have to think about the recent fave mei changsu from nirvana in fire (LMAO he’s not even a superhero but i guess he’s some type of hero)
2. What shows do you enjoy watching? I used to watch a lot of kdrama lmao but now that school’s here again I dont have much time to watch multiple at once. As of right now I’m watching old nine gates aka mystic nine (thinking of dropping it even tho i’m only on ep 4 lmao) and i love my variety shows so happy camp and also crime scene! aND i love the small web series that are on youtube
3. Do you prefer horror, comedy, action or romance movies? Action! Action comedy is my fave tbh
4. Do you enjoy social interaction? im an extraverted introvert so I love going out but i guess i have a time limit? after a few hours i get really tired and i want to go home lol
5. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I dabble into a lot of hobbies (i dont stick to any of them for long tho) so recently i guess i spend my free time writing and playing games? also watching makeup vids and rewatching who’s the murderer (hyped for season 3!)
6. Do you prefer skirts/dresses or trousers? trousers! i dont think skirts look cute on me looool
7. Can you play any instruments? does the recorder count? LMAO but being serious i’m trying to teach myself guitar? and there’s also flute but thats like from middle school i forgot everything
8. How many languages can you speak? fluently I speak cantonese, mandarin and english. french i’ve been learning since the 4th grade and it’s my minor at university so there’s that (i’m not super good at speaking or writing but i can understand it kinda lol). 
9. What’s your favourite song to listen to when your in a bad mood? i listen to a lot of day6 LOL
10. Do you like tea or coffee? both! 
11. Who’s your favourite singer/group? favourite singer i think im gonna have to go with zion t or crush i love their singing style. group wise, sorry, not to be that person but i love bangtan i’m really fond of them bc i’ve been around ever since their debut (don’t @ me and call me an army tho bc im not lmao)
And here are my questions!
1. Which fictional character (can be from a book, movie, show etc.) do you connect with the most and why? 2. What is your aesthetic? 3. Recommend a show. Why should people watch it? 4. Phone or computer? 5. Which fictional world would you want to live in? 6. Look outside the nearest window. What do you see? 7. If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be and what would you say to them? 8. Are there any lyrics that resonate with you? What are they? 9. What was the last thing you bought? 10. What’s inside your bag? 11. If you could have one song be your theme song, what would it be?
i’m gonna tag @emmaskpopdump @sanggyuns-hair @ljoesmissright @knkimyoujin @justoneloser @ikonfess and @superbang501
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yokaimatsus-blog · 7 years
all o f them then
omg thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im glad bc i just wanna talk about oso san all the time so~~~1. Who is your favorite sextuplet?: I actually don’t know if I’ve ever said on here? Huh, i wonder if its obvious? Well, its Karamatsu :^)
2. Who is your favorite non-sextuplet character?: either totoko or chibita, its kinda too hard to pick between those two
3. Who is your least favorite character?: kara’s god damn flower fairy thing, she was barely even in it but her attitude just pissed me off 
4. Who is your least favorite sextuplet?: I honestly don’t have one, it used to be todomatsu but he really, really grew on me throughout the series and now i just love them all way too much
5. When did you start watching the series?: november 2015, the day jyushimatsu falls in love aired!! 6. Do you own any merch?: yeah i literally cant stop pre/ordering stuff i hate myself and so does my bank account and im running out of space in my bedroom lmao ;;
7. Do you play any of the apps?: hesowars and tabimatsu! though I only started hesowars like a month or two ago, for some reason
8. Have you seen osomatsu-kun?: a couple of episodes yeah! i wanna watch more but i cant ever find them ahaha
9. Which character do you relate to the most?: out of the sextuplets id say all of them are pretty relatable for me, oso and todo mostly though
10. When first watching the series, how long did it take for you to be able to tell the sextuplets apart?: I think by at least ep 5 i had them down but I can’t really remember ahahaha, but right away it was easy to know choro bc no ahoge, and ichi bc of his eyes :’)
11. List the sextuplets from favorite to least favorite: my order changes a lot but i guess its something like karamatsu ichimatsu, jyushimatsuosomatsu, todomatsu, choromatsubc i literally wouldnt be able to put any 6 of them actually last LOL
12. Why did you start watching the series?: because it seemed genuinely funny, i really liked the voice actors and the art style attracted me. i dont usually go for comedy anime so tbh becoming so invested was a shocker
13. Have you read any of the manga?: ive read all the ones that are translated as far as I’m aware? And I read a few raws too, I plan to buy them soon but I’m lowkey hoping for official translations someday14. What was your opinion of the season one ending?: I honestly really loved it, to me it was extremely obvious they werent going to end a parody anime on a sad note so I was expecting something really dumb, also i think it was one of the funniest eps to me
15. Which opening theme do you like more?: omg i dont know theyre both such bops
16. Which ending theme is your favorite?: the first one, but the version used for the last episode! bc its cute aaaaa
17. What is your favorite episode or segment?: omg i love so many i could never pick one, off the top of my head I really, really, REALLY enjoy choromatsu cant sleep, fappymatsu, todomatsu and the 5 demons, keresone, and ichimatsu incident... ichimatsus inner monologue of him just screaming is such perfection ahahhaha more ichimatsu internally yelling in s2 pls
18. What is your opinion of episode one?: a true cinematic experience
19. Do you like F6?: ehhh idk. theyre okay? i forget they exist until somebody mentions them most of the time lmfao. there was that one scene with f6 kara drinking milk that was particularly great imo
.20. Have you ever made any osomatsu-san fanart?: yeah!! lots!! but its been a while since i posted anything, plus these days i use twitter more, tbh its what made me want to draw more after I fell out of my last fandom, so i guess thats a good thing, but honestly I’m more a writer considering that was my first major hahaha21. Which episode or segment was your least favorite?: i dont know, I guess I just dont care about dekapan bc he creeps me out a little so I think probably the one with him and dayon driving? somewhere? I cant even remember 
22. What episode or segment did you laugh the hardest at?: omg idk so many literally had my crying bc i find them so stupidly hilarious, i guess the ones that take me by surprise at the ones that make me laugh the most, also when I rewatch I find I appreciate them even more every time so afjdsgs
23. Did you cry at any time while watching the series?: ive only ever cried laughing, which happened a lot, but of course ep24 and jyushi falls in love are pretty emotional lmao 24. If you could make your own osomatsu-san episode, what would it be about?: AAAAHHH i have so many ideas. but tbh i would just love a musical episode. somebody doesnt understand why everybody is singing and dancing. there are pom poms. we’re all in this together bitches. ALSO i would die if they animated some of the manga chapters, e.g. the fashion battle todo and kara have, and mc ichi and mc todo... and when oso and kara get lost in a mountain and when oso asks if kara has anything to burn for a fire hes like “no these are too important” and its just a fucking handful of candids sslkhdjisfhaifadand isnt there one about a knock off version of pokemon with choro as the trainer? please. pls. PLEASE.
25. How do you feel about multiple seasons of osomatsu-san?: i wish it could go on forever and ever and ever. but seriously I feel they could juice some good content for a fair few seasons, I obviously wouldnt ever want it to lose its charm but I genuinely don’t see why it couldn’t be long running... but for now I’m satisfied with what we get, and season 2 finally getting announced is incredible though and im super happy :))))
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userastarion · 3 years
tagged by @iridescentides tysm dia!! 
1. Why did you choose your url?  
i wanted to switch to a sab URL because the grishaverse has consumed me and this one won the poll! (also kaz just... has a really cool name. there’s something about it that just Gets Me. what a rad af name. kaz brekker. like. Nice.)
2. Any side blogs?
yep!!! a bunch, lol: @elliewillaims (dark), @chekov (pale/b&w), @gotaskyful (aesthetic), @klgharrah (writing), @thebucky (resources)!
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
10 years 💀 i originally joined january 2011, but i was away from tumblr for most of 2017-2020
4. Do you have a queue tag?  
yep! currently it’s “queue good?” but i change it depending on my current fandom fixation lol
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i honestly cannot even remember why i joined. it was 8th grade and my friend and i both joined at the same time, but my god that was a long time ago lol. for this blog specifically tho, aside from when it was a roleplay blog back in like 2013 lmao, i came back to tumblr + moved here last year for a fresh start bc i wanted to cultivate a nice fandom space and i missed the community aspect of tumblr!
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
sam wilson has this lovely little smile in the dock scene in ep 5 of tfatws and as soon as i saw it when i was giffing the scene for something else i was like that NEEDS to be my icon
7. Why did you choose your header?
it’s the end of one of my fave scenes in tfatws! also i REALLY love the colors of that scene. we got a solid sam+bucky friendship moment, the colors are pretty... what more could i want
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
this gifset about steve and bucky being bad liars, which is currently at 5.3k lol
9. How many mutuals do you have?  
okay so i actually went through and figured this number out relatively recently because i was curious ldfjsdl and it’s actually like ~120 (!!!!) which is AMAZING and i love them all so much!!! i am so lucky to be mutuals with so many incredible people
10. How many followers do you have?
11. How many people do you follow?
320, but i really would like to find more lol
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
i mean. yes? probably?
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
god. too much. i will actually close the app only to instinctively open it again because i’m bored lmao. and then sometimes i’ll waste a whole lotta time on the actual website. let’s just say multiple hours lmao
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
i don’t think i ever have actually, i try to avoid any drama
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i will almost definitely scroll past them 😶 i’ve been on the internet too long for that shit
16. Do you like tag games?
i do!!! i forget them a lot because i’ll see them in my email or my notifications in passing, but i do have fun doing them 🙂
17. Do you like ask games?
omg yes i love them. especially the outside-the-box ones!
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
oh boy. i mean. i don’t even know how many folks are actually tumblr “famous” anymore. but i have some mutuals with 10k+ followers and that feels pretty well-known to me lol
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
i do not, but i have in the past 🤭 i love all my mutuals with my whole ass heart tho
i will tag: @djarsdin @maziken @newgenesis @benoitblanc @anakinskyiwalker @lokilaufeys @bisexualrights + anyone else who wants to!!! (and, of course, no pressure)
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