#but the woman who answered the door when we knocked told us no and slammed the door in our faces
tittyinfinity · 1 year
Sometimes I forget about the time I was almost killed by a sniper because of a fight between two other people
#domestic abuse tw#(in the tags)#it was my ex and his grandfather#his grandpa had shoved his grandma into the ground and broke her arm and shoulder while drunk as shit#my ex tackled him and got him off#but then he grabbed his rifle and we both had to run#i was about 10-12 weeks pregnant at that point and 18#i did the thing my mom told me repeatedly since i was a kid in case of a shooting#as soon as you hear a gunshot get on the ground and roll#and running in zigzags#though that's not gonna help every situation honestly#but it did save my life#we ran to a neighbor and begged them to call 911#it was going to be our only way to leave since we were out in the middle of nowhere and had nowhere else to run#and it was back before i lost all faith in the cops#but the woman who answered the door when we knocked told us no and slammed the door in our faces#we eventually had no choice but to go back because it was winter and below freezing outside#and we were both in short sleeves bc we didnt have time to grab coats#then we just had to pretend like everything was ok while his grandma had a cast on her arm#she's trapped with him under threat#she always has new injuries and broken bones#he literally will try to kill you if you don't do what he wants#and i 100% believe he has killed before#she's been trapped with him since she was 16#so nearly 50 years#what i also don't understand though#is why my ex was able to immediately see that it was wrong for his grandpa to do that#but then he put hands on me many times including while i was holding our kid#last time i saw him he sliced my pinky open with a knife because we got in an argument about him being racist#.bdo
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daydreamerwoah · 12 days
Love Through It All Pt. 4
tw: mentions of cheating, mentions of divorce, hurt, angst, anger, crying, sadness, mentions of therapy/counseling
Read Part 1 for author notes for the beginning of this story if this is your first time here.
Simon didn't even knock on Pvt Williams's office door before he walked in, slightly startling her as she looked up from the paperwork on her desk. He all but slammed the door as he strolled further in.
"Y'got five seconds to tell me why the fuck you recorded us in your room and sent it to m'wife." he demanded.
Williams's eyes widened as her mouth dropped, "How-how do you know I recorded us?"
"You don't get to ask the questions," he barked, "Answer me. Now."
Simon had a way of making anybody do anything he wanted. With his broad and towering stature and harsh eyes, everyone knew there were only certain things that the Ghost tolerated. And it didn't matter how much Williams's snaked her way into his head, she knew when he wasn't fucking around.
"I... I recorded it because-" Simon narrowed his eyes, making the woman shut her mouth instantly and gulp. "-But I didn't... I didn't send your wife the videos."
"Who did you send them to then?" He retorted. The tension in the room could be cut with a steak knife. Simon was on the verge of spazzing out waiting for her answer.
She sighed, nervous about the reaction she was about to get, "Ghost-"
"Who?" he ordered.
"You're not the only guy I'm shaggin'... and he likes to watch us do it... so-so I set up cameras in my room so he could watch them whenever he wanted. And........I accidentally sent him the videos of us when it was supposed to be me and him."
Simon's eyes widened so big the eyeblack covering his skin was almost no longer seen through the holes in his mask. It wasn't the fact that Williams was fucking someone else, it was the fact that someone other than him, you, and her knew about his infidelity, and that just made him even more angry.
"Tell me who he is," another order.
And she did. She told him who the guy was - another private that was in her unit. She tried apologizing, but Simon was out the door before she could even finish her sentence. The only thing that was on his mind fixing the problem he caused. The other thing was to find the guy.
Ava was on her lunch break and decided to drag you along to the breakroom while she heated up her food. "How did it go this morning?"
You plopped down on an empty chair at the table and groaned, "I don't know." She faced you, one eyebrow raised as she waited for you to continue. When you didn't, she sat down in the seat next to you.
"What happened?"
You shook your head slightly, "I mean... I talked about something I hadn't told Simon before," she nodded in understanding, "the chaplain wants us to do two sessions a week. One alone and one together."
The microwave beeped, letting you know her food was heated. She stood and walked to grab the food, "That's good. It's a small step, but a step regardless."
You looked at the back of her head, eyebrows furrowing together as you licked your dry lips to speak again, "I saw her."
Ava's head whipped around so fast, it would have been comedic any other time. "You what?" she practically yelled, making you cringe at the tone. You nodded, "How?"
A sigh left your lips, "When we were leaving, she walked up to us. She was looking for him."
"What the hell?!" Food long forgotten, Ava marched right back over to the chair and sat down, urging you to continue.
"I don't know if she recognized me or not. But it was obvious. The way he tensed and how he barely looked at her. And the way she quickly left and looked at me... yeah. It was her." You had realized it until Ava pulled you into a hug that a tear fell down your cheek.
"Oh I'm sorry Y/n," she said, rocking you a little.
God, you wish you could cut the feelings out of your soul because you had been crying so much as of late. Your phone vibrated in your pocket and you pulled it out, seeing the message displayed.
Simon: I have to stay a little late. Promise I'm not cheating or doing anything wrong. Just have paperwork to do and take care of something. Love you.
"What?" Ava asked, sensing your body tense a little.
"Nothing. He just texted. Said he was gonna be late getting home."
She looked at the screen, feeling a bit sorry for you at his message explaining that he wasn't cheating. But another idea quickly popped in her head, "What are you doing after work?"
You shrugged, "Going home."
She hummed, "Well now you're not."
A bright smile formed on her face, "I'm taking you somewhere. So be ready when we get off"
"I can't wear this!" you all but shouted as you stepped out of the dressing room in a dress that was very revealing. But that didn't stop the huge grin on Ava's face as she looked at you in it.
"Oh honey, it fits you so damn good."
You faced the mirror, eyeing the dress on your body. The way it hugged your curves perfectly and made your boobs sit nicely on displace, you couldn't help but admire it... even with your eyebrows drawn together.
Ava had taken you to a store that had dresses and outfits that screamed sexy, elegant, and dark. She made you try on more dresses than you could count, picking out the ones that looked great on you. Each one revealing the soft skin of your legs. Some dresses were strapless or sleeveless, and even the assistant complimented how beautiful you looked.
Next were shoes, and Ava made sure to pick out heels that made you stand taller and more confident. From open toe to pointed, she grabbed them.. even though some ones that were... questionable in your eyes. The high stiletto with straps that wrapped around your ankles in particular.
Finally, she dragged you to a lingerie store.
"Why are we here? I'm not having sex-"
She cut you off, "I didn't say you had to," she giggled, "But you gotta feel sexy under those clothes yeah?"
You playfully rolled your eyes. You honestly were having fun, and it was a good distraction. Better than going home to cry. Ava helped you find some nice garter and lingerie sets. Ones that were sure to not only make you feel sexy but that would have your husband quickly realizing what he was going to lose.
You hated the childish feeling that tugged on your heartstrings at how you looked different; how you looked better than what she had on.
When you got home, you had so many bags you made two trips to bring them in to your closet. "Fucking hell, Ava," you giggled as you looked at the bags. Your next task was to get rid of all the clothes that you hadn't worn in years or that wasn't matching the new you as your friend said. So you did. You threw out all of the old clothes and put away your new ones.
You hadn't realized how tired you were from the day's activities until you plopped on the couch and turned the TV on. It was just after 9pm. Simon was still at work, but you tried your best not to think about it. Regardless if he was being honest now, it didn't change the past; what he did. But instead of crying, you decided to have a glass of wine.
One turned into three, and you figured you'd just lay on the couch and continue to watch the movie that was on.
When Simon made it home a little before 10:30pm, he was beyond surprised to find your sleeping figure on the couch. You didn't even have a blanket draped over you as you curled your hands and feet close to your body to keep them warm. He sighed, taking off his mask as he walked closer to the couch and kneeled. Even though you fought hard to not cry, that only seemed to work when you were conscious. The couple of tears that escaped your closed eyes and the small whine that left your lips let Simon know you were dreaming... and not a pleasant one.
His forefinger gently brushed the tear away, and he felt his heart lurch out to you. He was truly sorry, even if you didn't believe him. Even when you shouldn't have.
When he came back from his last mission a few months ago, he felt weak. Not physically... but mentally. A well-known and violent terrorist had gotten away, and he wanted to rip the human being a new asshole. They - 141 and damn near half the army - had been searching for him for months prior, only for him to slip through their fingers. The unit that Pvt Williams was in was a part of that mission, and everyone felt the same anger rush through their veins when they got back to base.
It was something they all had in common. It was something you could and would never understand.
Simon just wanted to let out his frustration, just like his teammates. But he also was horny... he didn't know why. And he knew he could have gone home to you.... but you were his wife. Soft and fragile. You had never told him you were open to trying new things, trying BDSM. It was something he was into; rough and hardcore sex... he always had been, but when he met you, he knew you were different. You were the love of his life.... not the slut he fucked hard and rough to let out his stress.
And Williams played that to her advantage greatly. The first time, Simon was working on paperwork in his office while also having a glass of bourbon he kept in his drawer. He was alone and deep in his thoughts. He should have stopped her. He should have thrown her out of his office the moment she got on her knees in front of him. But when she told him to punish her, it was a true moment of weakness. The alcohol spinning in his head and his hand wrapped around her throat, he caved in.....
It was wrong. Very wrong. He wanted to tell you the next day what had happened, but his work overpowered his mind as they got ready for the next mission. He came back even more frustrated than before, and she knew she had him. He was a weak man... weak like his father. That scum of a human being. When he was little, Simon used to wonder why his mom stayed when his father treated her like complete shit. Like she was nothing.... but now he was wondering why he was making you stay. He didn't deserve the love you gave to him. You did nothing wrong, yet he refused to let you go.
With soft and steady hands, Simon picked you up in his arms, cradling you to his chest as he walked to the bedroom. Your eyes fluttered open a bit, slightly confused about why you felt weightless. "Simon?" you whispered, voice groggy with sleep.
"Shh.. It's alright, sweetheart. Just putting you to bed." he said, laying you down before covering you with the duvet.
You instantly fell back asleep, and Simon glanced down at you. His eyes watered as they had been doing off and on all day at the thought of everything. He wanted to make this right. He was going to make this right. He had already talked to a couple of superiors who started the process for Williams to be transferred to another base.. in another country. By the end of the week, she'd be gone and away from him and you forever.
The next morning, you woke up in an empty bed, and your head was hurting. You would have chalked it up to the wine you had last night, but the wet stains on your pillow only let you know that you had been crying in your sleep. You couldn't escape it even if you tried.
Sitting up, you glanced around the room. The sheets were scrunched up so you knew Simon came home last night. The slight memory of him picking you up off the couch and tucking you in before you felt the weight of the bed dip as he got in. You planted your feet on the floor before glancing at the clock on the nightstand. A small piece of paper caught your eye and you eventually grabbed and read it.
Hope you have a good day at work sweetheart. Breakfast is on the stove - xx Si
The fucking tiny smile that formed on your lips instantly formed as you read the note over again. It was ridiculous, but you felt the butterflies in your stomach before you frowned. No. You can't be happy. You can't.
You sat the note back on the nightstand before standing up and making your way to the bathroom to get ready for work. Once you showered, brushed your teeth, and put on makeup, you made your way to the closet, blushing at the clothes you hung up yesterday. Did Simon see them? You almost wondered if he did but you glanced at the clock, realizing you'd be late if you didn't hurry your ass up.
Grabbing the breakfast he left on the stove, you scarfed it down before quickly putting on your heels, grabbing your coat and keys, and heading out the door.
Taglist: @kalypsoox
I answered this in a response, but I have no idea how many parts this story will have. I'm just writing as I think of stuff, so this may be a long one :)
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 4 months
Dr. Y/L/N (Hannibal)
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Description: Y/N is Hannibal’s doctor while he’s in prison and he’s obsessed with her.
Warning: Smut
Word Count: 1,421k
I heard you are taking requests, could you please write (if you are comfortable) a Hannibal fanfic, where he is already imprisoned and starts obsessing over a doctor!reader,who comes to visit him after he got injured.This happens multiple times due to Chilton‘s ruthless care. After breaking out, he soon turns up to the reader‘s house. The reader also thought that he was rather charming and it ends with smut? (Again if you are comfortable)
Hannibal turned around as a beautiful woman came into the room to check on him. He had to go through this every week and at first he hated it but after the doctor got replaced by someone that was so beautiful he was actually okay with it. He would never admit this outloud but he sometimes would hurt himself just to see her. Luckily nobody caught onto that. “Dr. Lecter, have you kept yourself out of harm’s way?” She asked as she walked up to him. He chuckled, “Dr.Y/L/N I’m offended that you think so low of me.” He said to her as she wrote something down on her paper. “Well considering this is the 5th time I’ve seen you this week?” She asked and he nodded. “Can you blame me? I have a very pretty doctor.” His face turned red at his words. He loved to flirt with her any chance he got and though she did find him attractive she kept it professional. “Thank you Dr.Lecter.” She said and began asking him questions. 
Y/N had gone into work one day and had been informed that the FBI took Dr.Lecter for the day and that he would be back. She felt a little sad that she wouldn’t be able to see him that day but was glad he was okay. 
She watched the news in horror as she found out that he escaped and was on the loose. Sure he was attractive but she knew what he did and what he was capable of. How could the FBI be so stupid? That was probably his plan all along. But when she got a knock at her door she didn’t think much of it. She had neighbors that sometimes needed to borrow stuff no matter the time of day or not so when she opened the door to see Hannibal she gasped. “Hello Dr.Y/L/N.” She stared at him with wide eyes, “How did you find my home?” She asked the man.
He chuckled, “It took me hours to do so but you live close by.” She was confused on what he meant by that but was too stunned at the fact that he was at her door. “Dr. Lecter, why are you here?” She asked him. There had been tension between them ever since they met but right now it was stronger than ever. “Dr.Y/L/N or shall I say Y/N we both know that during our visits we may have acted professional but there was never professionalism between us.” He stated. “Dr. Lecter, you always flirted with me. I was the one to keep it professional.” She told him. “But you liked my flirty, did you not?” He asked, stepping closer to her.
This caused her to take a step back and accidentally let him into her home. He stared her down waiting for the answer that she didn’t have. She knew it was wrong but she did like it. “Y/N I know you are attracted to me. Don’t hide it.” He said and leaned down and kissed her. She didn’t kiss back. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to but it was wrong. “This is wrong Dr.Lecter.”She pointed out against his lips. “But it feels so right doesn’t it? And call me Hannibal.” He whispers and kisses her again. This time she doesn’t hesitate and kisses him back. Their lips were perfect together and felt amazing.
Her hands that were placed at her sides went up to pull off his jacket. He let her take it off him and picked her up causing her to squeak into the kiss. He slammed her against the wall as the kiss got more heated. Her hands were tugging his hair causing him to groan into her mouth. Once they needed oxygen they pulled away and he went to kiss her neck. She sighed as he kissed down her neck at some points leaving marks. As he sucked on her neck she moaned his name. It was a beautiful sound that he would die to hear over and over again. “Lift your arms.” He mumbled into her neck and she did so. He took off her shirt revealing her perfect breasts to him.
She watched as he leaned down to suck on one of her nipples causing her to gasp. His mouth felt so good on her nipple that she could imagine where it felt in other places. After he assaulted one he moved on to the other. He left marks all around her boobs as he came back up to kiss her needy lips. She began unbuttoning his dress shirt and pulled it off him. Her hands felt up and his chest as she traveled down to his pants. She tugged on his pants and he got the hint. He pulled away from her lips and asked her “Where is your bedroom?” She told him and he carried her into the room.
He dropped her on the bed and removed his pants. She pulled down her PJ Pants to reveal soaking wet panties. He chuckled at the sight and pulled down his boxers. His dick was huge; she was almost sure that it wouldn’t fit. But her panties got more soaked at the sight. He ran a hand up her soft leg until it came in contact with her panties. “My my you're very wet.” He said and pulled them down her legs until they were off. She sighed at the feeling of cool air hitting her pussy. He pulled her so that their crouches lined up. “Are you ready?” He asked, looking down at her as she was falling apart.
She nodded quickly and bucked her hips just to feel something. He chuckled and lined his dick up with her soaking wet hole. He sighed and slowly pushed in not knowing her experience. He watched as her face contorted different emotions. Some of pain and some of pleasure. She felt nice and warm and super tight. He loved the feeling of her. He loved it so much that he let out a groan of pure pleasure and admiration. Her hands looked for something to latch onto but she couldn’t until he was all the way inside of her. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her hands gripped her own thighs as she cried out as he started thrusting.
His hands covered hers as his hips snapped into her. He watched as she closed her eyes and her mouth opened into a perfect o shape. She looked so sexy that his hips snapped against hers even harder. His name fell from her lips in a whimper and her eyes opened to meet his. He watched as her lustful eyes stared back at him until they rolled back into her head and her body arched. Her pussy was squeezing him so tight, he was sure that if he tried to pull out it wouldn’t work. He let out deep grunts that were made at the same time her noises were. He was never super loud during sex but she was and oh he loved it.
Her hands squeezed her thighs so hard she definitely left bruises as her high was near. “Hannibal, I'm close.” She whimpers out as he groans out a “me too.” It would be magical if they came together. Her body started shaking and he knew that at any point she would come. “Cum for me baby.” He managed out as he was also close. Her back arched and he could feel her cum all over his dick triggering his orgasm. He only let out a grunt as he came but she screamed and whined as he rode out her orgasm until there was nothing left.
Both of them breathing hard and holding on to each other as they calmed down. She felt him soften inside of her and pull out causing her to whimper at the loss of contact. She managed to sit up and look up at him. He looked so good all sweaty and fucked out. Little did she know how she looked. “That was great.” She told him as she ran her hand up and down his arm. He smiled at her and nodded. “You are very attractive Dr.Y/L/N.” He tells her and that makes her smile. “I would like to get to know you better and not just as my doctor.” Her smile goes down a bit and she looks at him. “That’s great Hannibal but unfortunately I have to get you back to prison.” 
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bluegalaxygirl · 9 months
Celestial Wedding (ZoLu X Reader) P4
Plot: Reader gets taken as revenge for Luffy and Zoro's defiance against the Celestial Dragons, they were just going to kill her to make an example but now theres a wedding????.
Warning: Bad language, blood, Violence, kidnapping, forced marriage and salivary.
Thank you to @herwritingartcowboy for the suggestion. Reader is Female and a gunslinger, Zoro X Luffy X Reader, Poly relationship, established relationship.
P1 - P2 - P3 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P10 - P11 - P12 - P13 - P14 - P15 - P16 - P17 - P18
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Your skin was scrubbed clean to the point of it hurting, the skin on your arms starting to split a little with the ruff sponge and scrub they where using. You couldn't hate the two girls since they were just doing as they where told, and they would whisper apologies when you would hiss slightly in pain, helping you out the tub the two girls help dry you off and put you in pink shorts and bra, they brushed your hair and tied it back up before placing the cuffs back on your wrists. You hated the feeling of eyes on you mainly form the guard standing in front of the door, you couldn't see his face but you could tell he was looking at something on you, it made your heart race wondering what he's looking at and why. The guard form outside knocks on the door before opening it not waiting for an answer "The masters want to see you now" The guard states holding the door open and waiting for you and the two girls to walk out, following the guard you walk with the two girls, they haven't said much to you this whole time and a part of you hoped they would have talked to you more. The only voices you've heard so far are those who want to hurt you, it would be nice to hear someone who has no ill intent. Entering a large dinning room the guards and slaves bow to the three Dragons sitting at the table eating a large feast, you bow too copying the two girls "Much better" Rosward calls out after finishing his bite of food and holding his glass out for one of his servants to fill it back up. As the two girls stand back up you follow scanning the room with your eyes to see servants lining the walls waiting for orders along with guards.
The three Dragons sitting around the long white table stare at you, Rosward at the head of the table while his two children sit on either side of him. Charlos looks you up and down while taking a big bite of meat while his sister, Shalria sits across form him sipping on her crystal glass of wine "Are you sure about this farther? I don't want a lower life form to be a part of our family tree - su" The woman keeps her head high as she speaks seeming disgusted by the thought alone while her brother laughs out rubbing his runny nose "She'll be just like my other wives, The wedding is just a show, right farther?" Charlos smiles looking at his farther who nods sipping on his wine "Correct" Rosward answers seeming to make his son happy only to spot something on you making him frown and slam his glass down on the table. You jump along with some of the slaves not sure of what the dragon is angry at and what he'll do "What is that?" Rosward glares at your thigh as his voice grows with anger, his two kids look from their farther to you soon spotting what he's seeing. You now know why people have been looking at you ever since your legs have been showing, the straw hat tattoo on your thigh, your heart races wondering what there going to do or say. "We'll we can't have that" Shalria smiles standing out of her seat and making her way over to you, panic hits you as you try to step back only for the two girls next to you to grab your arms.
The female dragon glares at you grabbing your face in her hand "Don't you dare step away from me" The woman growls only for her farther to stand out of his chair, the sudden action making his daughter turn to look at him "Not her face" The man sighs seeing his daughter pout a little but agreeing letting your face go "Or her back and chest, i know the dress i want for her and i don't want scars showing on the day" Rosward sits back down going back his meal as his son frowns, it seemed he wanted to pick out your dress but knowing the man it would most likely only be some shorts and a top, the young dragon seemed to like his wives showing a lot of skin. Shalria's laugh breaks you out of your thoughts noticing she's now by the end of the table picking up a sharp knife "Pin her down" She pats the table and steps away as some of her male servants walk over and grab you, you try to get away but the men are strong and with the drugs still in your system you don't have a lot of energy to fight. Being slammed onto the table the slaves pin you down, two holding your legs and two holding your arms, you struggle trying to kick them away, but they stay put using their weight to keep you there. Shalria grins as she steps closer running her hand over the tattoo on your thigh "No please" You call out as tears start to form in your eyes, its the first time you've talked since being here but it seems to make the three dragons happy hearing you plead and beg for them not to hurt you.
Shalria presses the tip of the knife to your thigh hearing you cry and beg for her not to do it, but she just smiles slicing your skin around the tattoo. The pain was unlike anything you've ever felt before, not only physical but also emotional, you got the tattoo because the crew means so much to you and you were loyal to them and them only but now it was being ripped away. Tears stream down your face as you scream out in pain and sadness the knife slicing under your skin to remove the tattoo from your thigh "She has a pretty scream" Charlos picks his running nose as he watches you scream and cry, his sister puts the knife down and places the piece of skin on a plate before holding her hands out. As you continue to sob on the table a slave walks over and wipes her hands clean of your blood while she looks over her work. "Much better" She comments walking around the table to sit back in her seat and drink her wine seeming very pleased with herself while her father snaps his fingers, the slaves let you go as two guards grab you and help you off the table "Fix her up and take her to the dress maker" Rosward orders his guards who nod supporting your weight as they walk you out the room "Farther can i have a say in the dress?" Charlos looks at his farther seeming to pick up the courage to ask his farther who simply sighs and nods, a big smile appears on his sons face who looks over at his eight wives all standing in a corner "Go with them, make sure the dress is pink and almost see through" His wives bow to him and walk after you and the two guards.
Making it back to the Docks was hard for Zoro and Luffy mainly because both of them where lost but luckily they came across Robin who was talking to a tied up marine "Robin" Luffy calls out running over to her with Zoro in toe "There you two are. We gathered a few but none of them seem to know where Y/n is" She smiles at them stepping away form the marine "We know where she is" The captain stops in front of the black haired woman who looks at him concerned since he doesn't have his usual big smile on his face "There's a lot to explain later, but we need to go now" Zoro states placing his hand on Luffy's shoulder who nods "We're heading to the red line, that's where Y/N is" The woman nods at her captains orders and leads the two back to the docks where the Sunny is now docked. It takes a few minutes to get everyone on the ship and head off but with Nami and Franky sensing the two's urgency they got away form the small island much faster. The navigator yelled orders as Franky set up the ship for a Coup de Burst, so they could get to the red line quicker, the crew became more and more worried as the ship took off wondering why you were taken back to the red line and the enraged look on their captain's and swordsman's face. "Hold on" Franky yells out near the wheel of the ship getting ready to press the button once everyone is holding onto something "Coup de Burst" The cyborg yells pushing the button launching the Sunny out of the water and into the air.
With the Sunny at full speed and back on the water Sanji hands out drinks to the crew as they all sit on the grassy deck, Zoro and Luffy told the crew what they knew trying not lash out in anger at the situation. "What? They can't do that" Chopper yells jumping up form his spot on the floor "Their celestial dragon's they can do whatever they want" Nami glares down at the cup in her hands anger taking over her, its bad enough that your a slave to those monsters but now ones marrying you as a show of power. Robin places a hand on her shoulder feeling saddened by the news, but she knew you were a fighter, and they would get you back. "Those bastards, how dare they. Oh, my sweet Y/N its going to be ok, your prince charming will come to save you" Sanji cry's out holding his hands to his heart swaying a little making Zoro growl, it only took one thing to throw the swordsman over the edge and the cook just stepped too far "I told you to cut that crap" The swordsman stands placing a hand on his sword "How many times have i told you, stupid cook?" Sanji jumps a little and growls at the green haired man stepping closer, he didn't want to start a fight, but he can't help it when Zoro yells at him like that "Hay man i just care about her thats all" The cook yells back the two getting in each others faces "Guys stop this isn't helping" Nami yells at the two as Usopp walks over to Luffy and sits next to him.
The sniper puts an arm around his captain trying to comfort his angry and slightly shaking friend, "We'll get her back, at this speed we'll make it there in time" Luffy sighs and looks at his friend with a small smile and a nod "I can't wait to punch that guy in the face again" The captain laughs a little while punching his fist into his hand making the sniper crack a smile. "Guys i said stop" The two are brought out of their conversation by Nami yelling at Zoro and Sanji who are kicking and punching each other "Knock it off moss head, i just care about her" Sanji yells dodging a punch and trying to get away form the very angry swordsman "I said cut that crap, you know how i hate it when you fawn over her. Its bad enough those assholes have her but now your making comments too" Zoro yells grabbing Sanji by the shirt and shoving him into the wall, the cook stares with wide eyes watching the swordsman's eye tear up a little. Luffy stands and tilts his hat down before walking over to the two prying Zoro's hand off Sanji and lightly pushing the swordsman away. The swordsman didn't put up a fight and stepped back his hands gripping his swords but had no intention of pulling them out. "This isn't helping." The captain states keeping his head down as he stands in between the two, Sanji nods and looks away while Zoro's eye's shift to the ground.
The tension was still thick everyone waiting with baited breath for something to happen, Zoro made the first move turning and walking up the steps to the kitchen "I need a drink" The swordsman groans walking into the kitchen and slamming the door closed. The crew lets out a collective sigh of relief now that the moment was over, "I'm sorry" Sanji sighs lighting up a cigarette as he looks at Luffy who's eyes are still covered as he looks at the ground. The captain simply nods before heading up the stairs and into the kitchen knowing he needed to have a talk with his first mate, Its normal for Sanji and Zoro to fight but this was different , Luffy could see the hurt and rage in the swordsman. Robin stands and takes Nami's hand as she watches the kitchen door close behind Luffy "We should get everything ready for tomorrow and get an early night" Robin's calming voice brings everyone back down to earth and nod heading off in order to get their weapons or the ship ready but Sanji stayed leaning against the wall smocking his cigarette trying to calm down from what just happened. Zoro downed another bottle while standing in the kitchen, he needed to take his mind off things for a second in order to calm down but all he could think of was a stiff drink. The swordsman sighs hearing the door open but upon feeling Luffy's aura he relaxes a bit glad that its not the cook, placing the empty bottle down along with the others he grabs another and pops off the top "Zoro" Luffy's voice soon calls out from behind the swordsman, but he can't bring himself to turn around and look at his captain.
Zoro knew the captain must be angry with him for the way he acted and didn't want to see the sad or angry face of the man he loved, at least not right now. "I'm sorry Luffy" Zoro sighs downing his drink, Luffy steps closer moving around the swordsman and leaning against the counter now able to see his face, tear stains on his red cheeks and a slightly blood shot eye. Its very rare for Zoro to cry and it broke the captain a little "I'm not mad, just wanted to see if your ok" Luffy leans a little closer as the green haired man slams the now empty bottle down but keeping a tight grip on it "I'm fi-" the swordsman goes to say but stops himself his hand loosening on the bottle as his eye finally looks over to Luffy, the two stared at each other for a minute until Luffy wraps his arms around the swordsman burying his head into the mans chest "I miss her too" The captain lets a few tears fall as he grips onto the back of Zoro's shirt, with a shaky sigh Zoro hugs back running his hands up and down his lovers back "It hurts Zo" Luffy looks up tears running down his face making Zoro's eyes soften and lean closer while wiping some of the tears away "I know... i feel it too" The two no longer feeling alone in their feelings hold each other close letting their emotions show even though Zoro try's to hold back as much as he can but soon caves in burying his head into Luffy's neck who starts rubbing his back. "We'll get her back so don't worry" The swordsman whispers into Luffy's neck trying to reassure the both of them "We will Zo. i promise" The captain says back placing a kiss on Zoro's shoulder who returns it with a kiss on the captains neck.
Your leg was bandaged up and the blood washed form you leg but the pain was still there even though your heart and body felt numb, a part of you felt so empty as the old dress maker measured you and pressed different shades of pink cloth to your skin. The other girls in the room watches sitting together on a sofa with vials covering their faces, they told the dress maker what Charlos told them and it made your skin crawl. "All done, your dress will be ready in the morning, congratulations" The dress maker smiles walking out the room the guards following her and locking the door behind them, why would she say that? Congratulations? For what getting married to the most disgusting, Arrogant and cruel man in the whole world? One of the girls stands and walks over lightly touching your hand as you stand in the middle of the room "Come sit" Her soft voice calls out as her hand takes yours and walks you over to the sofa helping you sit down. "Its over now" She whispers pulling her vale up so you can see her face, the other girls do the same moving closer to you so the eight women can hold each other. You felt a little bit of comfort as the girls hugged and tried to tell you I'll be ok, you know things won't be ok but you appreciate their kindness and effort. "What are your names" You finally speak some of the girls tearing up a bit, the girl who walked you over takes your head and lays it on her shoulder stroking your hair "It doesn't matter" she whispers with a sad voice.
You shake your head and lift it up form her shoulder now getting a good look at the girls, their either wearing blue or pink belly dancer outfits with long hair and very skinny waist's "It does to me" Your words seem to cut deep for one girl who breaks down crying being comforted by one of the other girls trying to shush her "You'll learn that they never use our names here so there's no point in telling you" Another girl speaks up gritting her teeth and looking away from you but you reach over and take her hand "It doesn't matter what they do or think... I'm Y/N and want to call you by your names" you state looking over the girls who seem to take a second to think about your words "Sakura" You look at the girl next to who helped you before, she smiles a little as her eyes meet your, smiling back you take her hand in yours "It's nice to meet you Sakura" the girl tears up at the sound of her own name and quickly hugs you slightly crying into your shoulder. "I'm Emi" The girl crying soon wipes her tears away and looks up at you with a small smile, the other girls decide to tell you their names too, Rin, Claire, Marie, Lina, Kashvi and Jae. You greet all of them hoping for once that they feel seen and acknowledged, they all seemed so sweet even though they've been through hell, At that moment you decided that when you leave they will be coming with you, their not going to suffer anymore.
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pherelesytsia · 2 years
The Ring
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x female/Reader
Summary: In hope of getting her hand in marriage, men of high status are knocking on the door, but the man Y/N hopes to see is not among them.
Warning: Angst, Fluff, Romance, Guns
Word Count: 1.5k
a/n: Requests are open.
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The door slammed shut and the voices calling her by her name, inviting her to a romantic dinner beneath the starry sky, grew dull. Sweat danced down her features. Her chest was moving rapidly, panting, tried to fill her lungs with air, regretted not heading for the pub, but went home to greet her parents to let them know she was all right.
Y/N leaned her head back, closed her eyes and tried to calm down, but thoughts raced through her mind and she could not find peace. Clenching her hands into fists, she cursed like a sailor stranded on a deserted island surrounded by skimming waves, far from civilisation, a safe harbour, and Y/N wished to be the lonely sailor, seeing no light at the end of the world.
Embracing herself, she placed her head on her knees, pulled her legs closer to her chest and the mere thought of finding herself in the arms of a stranger, a man longing for wealth and prosperity, made disgust swell in her chest. Y/N tried to, but she was couldn’t imagine choosing any other man than the one she had given her heart to. Laughing bitterly, her father’s words echoed inside her head, reminding her what a terrible, irresponsible daughter she was, scolding her like a teacher.
            “You are at an age when women are married. My daughter, you are at an age when women are holding their first child, but what do you have? Nothing unmarried, with a job at a bar, and childless.” Y/N spoke in a low tone, quoting her father perfectly.
The keys above her head swayed back and forth. Y/N regretted to have entered the house, had thought her father was joking, trying to sell her a horse as he told her in the early hours of the day suitors, men interested in her hand in marriage would arrive around three, and it sounded as if one or two got an invitation.
            “Your mother was my wife for a long time at your age. We were for two years married, my dear daughter. Yes. Yes. And God blessed us with your oldest brother.” Y/N breathed.
For not a single moment did she find herself childish. Stroking the rough fabric of the skirt in a reassuring gesture, she straightened it and removed the leaves clinging to the seam. The knocking did not cease, hoping the young, good-looking woman, the daughter of the lawyer and a baroness would open the door and invite all of them for a cup of tea. Y/N whispered a prayer with her folded hands above her aching heart, hoping the spectacle, the tragic play written by Shakespear himself would soon be over, that no man would dare to search for her father to tell him about her deeds.
            “What can I say? What should I do?” she spoke to herself.
She needed to speak to someone, a friend or stranger, but the house she called home was deserted, yet Y/N was glad that no eyes could lay on her to force her with a single glance to open the door and speak to the men bearing roses and chocolate shaped into hearts.
Time passed slow.
Groaning, Y/N rose from the wooden floor, pushed herself off the door and turned left, trying to catch a glimpse of the garden, hearing voices conferring, asking questions, believing they knew the answer to the question crossing the lips. Y/N cursed her father like a witch, but she did not wish him harm yet hated him, could not fathom the reason why he had done this to her, why he had invited the men in nearly matching suits. Regret flooded her body, regretted she had never told her parents who her boyfriend was, the one she spent her afternoons with after work at the bar, the best friend she stayed with every weekend, but she knew silence and telling twisted stories was the best idea.
The light of the waning sun slipped through the windows. Y/N remained in the shadows, standing behind the curtains so none of the men could see her standing in the living room. Her eyes slid from man to man. She tried to count them, but too many were strolling through the garden of light stone statues of mythical creatures, waiting impatiently for the moment when the door of the pompous domicile would open.
Her fingers slid through her hair. She winced. The birds squawked and flew away. Polished shoes turned dirty, destroyed tulips and lilies. Screaming for help, she jumped away from the window, shielded her face, and pressed herself against the wall. The world turned dangerous. Chaos ruled in the garden. Men cursed, seeking shelter, hiding behind tall oaks, jumping over the fence into the neighbouring garden, and fled in great haste. A name escaped the sore throats. Fear did not blind her. Her heart was beating faster but no tingling sensation, warning her, telling her to turn, did not spread through her heart nor stomach. The name fell again, and the smile on her features grew wide.  Distress faded into oblivion. Hastily Y/N escaped the hiding place, peered up and ran to the door she had locked. The pain, the fear she would not see him again was gone, had feared the worst, convinced he would wait in the far corner of the bar for her arrival.
A rough yet gentle voice greeted her lovely. Hatred ceased. A gun was in his right hand, and he did not put it away, kept it drawn, prepared to kill anyone daring to lay a hand on his love. The dark blue suit suited him well. The whining of the men let him laugh, frightened by his mere presence. Hundreds of questions swirled in his mind, and the answers were lurking behind the evenly painted white fences. Disgusted, he grimaced and glanced at his brothers, following him at a slightly greater distance. The bouquets of roses were trampled and the stones once framing the path like a painting were not in place. Relief flooded his chest; knew he had arrived at the right time. No curse crossed. Thomas understood why the guests at the bar wondered which of the suitor’s Y/N would choose as her husband, had heard that her father had set out on his own to find a husband, good according to his wishes, wealthy, something few men were able to fulfil, for his youngest child.
Arthur called out and told Thomas with a single glance he should go, that he would have his back if any of the hounds tried to attack.
            “Thomas.” Y/N breathed.
She swallowed. His eyes spoke volumes. Hesitantly, she approached the man holstering the gun.
            “I can explain it, Tommy. I’m sorry. I tried to tell you, but I didn’t know how.” she added quickly, afraid he would drive away, turn his back on her, and walk out of her life.
The woman slowed to a standstill in front of the tall man, but she did not place her hands on his body, on his heart, or did she reach for his hand within reach, the fear of him backing away was too great.
            “My father invited some men in the hope I would take one of them as my husband, but I ran and locked myself in the house. I didn’t forget our date. I couldn’t tell them. He gave me an ultimatum, but I didn’t take it seriously. I never told my parents about you, not because I am ashamed of you, but because of my father. He is a businessman, not a husband nor a father. I feared you will think I am acting my affection for you, that I don’t truly love you. I am so sorry. I would never fool you.” Y/N whispered in vain.
Warm lips forced her to stay in silence, forbidding her to finish the sentence, to let another foolish word pass.
            “I would never think so lowly of you,” Thomas breathed into her ear.
Her eyes fluttered open and his eyelashes brushed her skin. Thomas smiled, had found the truth, the answer in her eyes he had fallen in love with, and cupped her cheek and rested his other hand on her back. In the middle of the long road, the couple stood, lost in the beauty of the moment, deaf, oblivious to the murmuring brothers abandoning the weapons. Lovingly, Thomas stroked her cheek, breathed words, soft promises, but his gaze did not fall upon the lips he had sealed, but on her hand resting on his, guessing her ring size.
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svechnikovvv · 2 years
pairing: andrei svechnikov x fem!reader
warnings: profanity
summary: you just wish andrei could stay in your memories
a/n: this is inspired off of memories by conan gray
masterlist: here
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you called it off with andrei a couple months ago. it wasn’t exactly the easiest thing, either.
“i can’t do this anymore.” he cups your face gently as if he were cradling a baby and you can see tears pooling in his brown eyes.
“don’t say that.” his voice is quiet and you shake your head.
“it’s the same thing every night. you come home at ungodly hours and slip into bed beside me smelling like some other woman’s perfume. you don’t even try to hide it. do you know how many times i’ve had to wash those bedsheets just in a week alone?”
“but she’s just a friend.”
“i was just a friend too, andrei.” you say barely above a whisper.
“you were never just a friend. you’ve always been something more.” you try your hardest not to break right then and there, managing to shake your head.
“i can’t keep hurting myself. i can’t keep allowing you to do this to me. i think it’s best we break up.” you step back away from him and you can see something flash in his eyes. his expression goes cold and he nods.
“i’ll be back next week to get my stuff.” and with that, he leaves your apartment, slamming the door behind him. the loud noise makes you flinch and you slide down the wall, bringing your knees up to your chest and sobbing.
yet here you are, scrolling through your photos when you see one of you and andrei. it was during christmas when it snowed in raleigh.
you, andrei & brady were walking through downtown raleigh at night, when brady speaks up.
“svechy said he’s never made a snow angel before.” you gasp and look at the giant you called a boyfriend.
“come on drei! it’s fun!” you laughed and grabbed andrei’s large hand in yours, dragging him over to the snow-covered ground.
“i don’t want to freeze my ass off.” he trudged behind you and you roll your eyes, lying down on the ground. andrei looks down at you spread out on the ground. you start to move your arms and legs back and forth and andrei sighs, lying down next to you. he starts to move his arms and legs back and forth as well, laughing a little.
“see! i told you snow angels were fun.”
“and very cold.”
“you’re from russia, how is 28 degrees cold to you?”
“was only joking, y/n.” after a couple minutes, you get back up and head back over to brady.
“how was your first snow angel, svech?” he shrugs
“maybe they’re not bad.”
later that night, brady sent you a picture. it was a picture of you and andrei lying on the ground, laughing as you both made snow angels. you were definitely saving that.
the picture used to make you cry every time you looked at it. now you just smile. you haven’t felt that way towards a photo of you and andrei in a while. you were pulled from your thoughts at the sound of a knock on your door. that made your brows furrow since it was late and pouring outside. either way, you get up off the floor and walk over, answering the door.
who you saw on the other side, you weren’t expecting.
“i just want to talk,” he slurs out.
“are you drunk?” a lazy smile spreads itself across his face.
“you always did pick up on things very easily.” you let out a sigh and move out the way to let him in. a part of you knew you shouldn’t do this, but another part of you wanted to. you kept telling yourself it was because it was pouring and late outside.
“come in, andrei.” he stumbles through the threshold and looks around at your apartment. he makes his way to the kitchen and you’re following behind him like a lost puppy.
“what did you need to talk about?”
“us.” you shake your head
“no, andrei. there is no us to talk about. i thought it made it very clear that we’re no longer a thing.” he heaves out a sigh and sits down on the kitchen floor.
“you never gave me a chance to say my side.”
“how naive do you believe me to be? just… take the couch or stay in the kitchen.” you walk off to your bedroom, not wanting to listen to him try and play the victim. you were about to fall asleep when a knock on your door prevented that.
“yes, andrei?” he cracks open the door and leans against the frame.
“i need a change of clothes.” right. it slipped your mind that he was out in the pouring rain. you get up and head to the back of your closet where kept everything andrei failed to take. grabbing one of his hurricanes hoodies and sweatpants, you tossed them in his direction. you were able to catch a brief smell of his cologne. even after sitting in the back of your closet, they still smelled like him. you’re worried it got onto your sweaters.
he says a small thank you before you nod and head back to bed. no matter what you said to andrei, he was going to believe that there was a second chance for him. that the past is just that—the past. but you knew that the ending will always be you two broken up. you’d like to, someday, find it in you to move past everything and be friends, but not anytime soon.
you just needed him to realize that. you preferred he would stay in your memories.
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a/n: i was listening to this song on repeat and thought it’d be perfect for drei
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this-is-all-unreal · 1 year
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My Dear Friend
Part 5
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
Part 1
Warning: mention of death, and injury.
        —Bruce, Tim and Dick had split up in the night. Bruce decided to see what he could find out about Margaret's first adopted family. He changed out of his batsuit and changed into his business suit. He walked up to the house of Loyd and Kelly Jefferson. It was the perfect example of the middle class dream. Nice white picket fence and all. It was one house of many similar looking ones in a suburb a few miles outside of Gotham city limits. Bruce walked up and knocked. A woman in her 50s answered. She was the picture perfect house maker, white apron and all. 
             "Hello ma'am I'm sorry to disturb you so late but I was looking into adopting a girl named Margaret Arthur and I  found your name on an old adoption form. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions?" As soon as the woman heard Margaret's name her eyes hardened. She told him she didn't care who he was; she didn't want to hear anything he had to say about her and slammed the door. Bruce was walking off the steps when a man opened the door. He was bald and looked like any man you'd see working a 9 to 5 in an office building. He asked if he heard him right. If he was asking about little Margie. The man let Bruce in and told him how happy he was to hear someone was wanting to take Margaret in, especially by the Wayne family. The name had meaning even outside Gotham. 
          The two men laugh and enjoy a talk about their children. Mrs. Jefferson returned with drinks and listened to the two chat. It was killing Bruce. He finally asked why they gave her up after 10 years. They both stiffened when they were forced to remember. 
            "If you are really interested in adopting her don't let us ruin that." Mrs. Jefferson said wanting to wash her hands of it all. 
           "Kelly honey" Mr. Jefferson said in a sigh. Bruce pressed the matter and it was Mrs.  Jefferson who broke first.
           "Do you like the Omen Mr. Wayne? Because that's what she is." She snapped. A small argument broke out between the married couple. they bickered about how serious some event Bruce wasn't aware of was. 
         "Please tell me all you can." Bruce asked, sounding almost desperate. 
          "Well you know about the poor thing's mother. She was a few screws short of a set God rest her soul. I'll never understand how she was legally able to keep a child. Or how she got to husband but according to the case worker she was in and out of state run facilities her whole life. Schizophrenia maybe?" The man asked, looking at his wife who shrugged her shoulders. 
           "I think she set the fire that burned the house down but no one really knows what started it." She interjected. Bruce nodded 
        "I understand what got her to you two but what made you give her up?" The couple looked at each other. Then the wife spoke. 
         The neighbor next door had some kind of accident and Margaret found him right after it happened. The cops think he was cleaning his gun when it misfired. Margaret was home alone. She heard the shot and went over there to check on him. She saw him lifeless in his chair." she stopped speaking as she looked up at him. Her expression was unreadable, maybe it was pity or possibly guilt. 
         "After that she didn't  act like our little girl. She lashed out. We had a little dachshund at the time and Margaret tried, well she tried-" the man was interrupted by his wife.
         "The little bitch put him in the oven! We are lucky I work from home. I got him out before it got too hot. She kept screaming that her stupid imaginary friend who did it. That he wanted to make a hot dog. Seeing that body messed her up. She just wasn't right. She never slept. Her grades were plummeting and forget about her helping around the house. I didn't feel safe! She would stare at me with this blank look."
           "Excuse me, I need to get a stiffer drink." Mr. Jefferson said as he got up and walked to the kitchen. It was obvious he was crying. Mrs Jefferson looked at Bruce and leaned forward. She asked if she could tell him something that sounded crazy. And she asked that he not judge her. Bruce agreed and she continued 
           "After we gave Margaret back I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. I didn't know I was even pregnant till Margaret told me. She also knew the baby wasn't my husband's. I don't know how she knew." She paused to study his face. Bruce encouraged her to keep going. "The man I had an affair with was the neighbor. My husband had no idea. Margaret had no way of knowing we were very careful but somehow she knew. I asked her how and she lied like she always did and said Felix told her. She threatened to tell Loyd about the affair if I didn't tell him. I lost my temper and hit her. That's when her voice changed. I don't know what it was but it wasn't Margaret. I woke up in a hospital bed Mr. Wayne. She's a danger. I know I wasn't in the right but did I deserve this?" She took off her glasses and pulled out a glass eye. "She bashed my head in. I don't remember her doing it but It had to be her. It took 7 surgeries to save my other eye and put my skull back together. I have more metal in me than some cars nowadays." She quickly popped her eye back in as her husband returned. Bruce thanked them for their time and returned to his patrol. Telling no one about what he learned. He knew that would be a conversation for him and Margaret. 
             When Bruce met back up with Dick and Tim he learned there was a riot at Arkham earlier in the night and that some of the patients broke into the director's office and he didn't survive the encounter. The patients don't remember what happened or what they did to the director. Bruce was allowed to look at the CCTV. All the patients were calm, some were even under sedation until 9pm when they all left their rooms. At the same time the fire alarm was set off opening up all the rooms. No fire was ever found. In the confusion the patients slipped into the offices. It was an odd situation to say the least. Bruce decided to call it a night.—
       I felt arms under me. Carrying me somewhere I was scared to open my eyes. What if it was that hag from the TV again. I smelt the familiar smell of Bruce's cologne and I opened my eyes to see the underside of his chin. I relaxed a little and moved, letting him know I was awake.
         "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up. I was trying to move you back to your room." He said as he looked down at me. I realized we were almost to the room I had the nightmare (or whatever that was) in. I tried to sit up in his arms and he adjusted his arms to make it harder. 
           "No, I don't want to go back there. There was something under the bed." 
           "I know Jason already told me about the nightmare. It's alright they happen to all of us."
            "No you don't understand Bruce it was real. She was in the TV. She had this horrible smile!" I say wiggling more as I try to get loose from his hold.
           "Margaret just calm down you don't have to if you're that scared." He said effortlessly keeping his grip no matter how much I tried to get free. I stop moving as he stops in the hall. 
          "What if I sit in there?" He says looking down at me. I think for a second. If anyone would be able to stop that thing it would be Batman I guess and if I am dreaming then he will be able to see there is nothing and tell me definitively. I nod to him.
          "I guess that's okay. Didn't bring a Batarang, did you?" 
           "No but I think I'll be able to manage." He says with a chuckle. He walks into my room and sets me down on the bed. I crawl to the center of the bed. 
         "Can you look under there?" I ask as I pull the blanket over me. He smiles and crouches down. He looks for a second then stands up and flips on the bathroom light and looks inside there. He turns back to me and shakes his head. 
          "Not a thing." He says as he sits down in the big plush chair next to the TV. I nod and get settled in. He pulled out his phone and looked down at it and scrolled slowly as he read something. It took a while but soon I fell asleep. 
          "Why is he here?" I almost leaped from the bed when I heard him. I had never been so excited to hear his voice. It was light out now and Bruce was fast asleep in the chair. "No I'm serious, why is he sleeping in a chair?" He asked again 
          "I'm so happy to hear you, Felix. I was so scared." I whisper as I hear him laugh. 
        "Yeah well I was a little busy."
         "Doing what?"
        "Don't worry about it but you're welcome." I wasn't sure what he meant but I wasn't going to question him right now. "So you really missed me so much?"
        "Of course I did. There was this lady on the TV. She was taunting me and then she attacked me. Well I think she did." 
         "Who are you talking to?" A very sleepy sounding Bruce asked. As he sat up in the chair. 
         "Felix he's back!" I say with a smile. 
         "Oh good." He says as he stands up and stretches. "I'm going to go shower. I'll see you at breakfast. Are you okay to be alone?" He asked as he stopped at the foot of the bed. 
         "I am now that Felix is back." 
          "Well good welcome back Felix." He says as he scratches his side and yarns. He walks out with a wave. I jump out of bed to show Felix the room. 
        "Look, we have our own bathroom and TV. I'm only a little scared of it." I say with a laugh. 
         "I thought we weren't staying?" He asked. I settled down and nodded. 
        "You're right. Let's have breakfast and say goodbye then we can go." 
       "No trust me Margaret we should go now. He talked to the Jeffersons. He's going to have questions."
         "But all that was you!" I shout back at him. I was so upset to have all this brought up again. I shook my head trying to get the image of the body out of my head. And Mrs. Jefferson. Whatever she had to say wasn't going to be nice. 
         "They will think it was you just like the Jeffersons did. They raised you for 10 years and didn't believe you. You have a snowball's chance in hell of this family believing you. We got to go." I hated it but he was right. I started my way downstairs. It was much easier with Felix directing me. I got to the front door and pulled on the handle. It didn't open and the keypad beeped at me. 
         "Felix help. What's the code?" I ask as I pull hard on the door. I see the numbers lighting up like he was pressing them. 
          "Hold on I'm trying." He said. He had tried to guess. Soon it makes an angry beeping sound and a lid closes over the keypad and a little circle opened up. I think it was a retina scanner like from a spy movie. I heard heavier footsteps coming from down the stairs. I turn around and see Jason walking over. My mind raced with excuses but also questions. I was terrified of what he could possibly want. 
           "Do you really want to go outside? No shoes or coat?" He asked. He wasn't smiling or even looking at me like I was crazy, he was just staring. I look down at my bare feet then back to him before nodding yes. He leaned forward and scanned his eye. The keypad opened back up and he typed in the code. The door unlatched and I opened it. I started to step outside. The sidewalk had been shoveled and the driveway was plowed. The bitter cold snapped at my skin as I started to run across the driveway. I came to a large hill covered in fluffy white snow. I got down on my butt and slid down. I had never been so cold in my life. I gained speed as I slid. I hit a bump and fell on my side making me start to roll down the hill on my side. I thought I was going to be sick. Eventually it stopped but I was covered in a thick coat of snow. I could feel Felix brushing it off me as I got up. 
         "Maybe we should go back. Your skin is getting really red." My jaw was chattering too much for me to answer but I wasn't going to stop. I felt like this was my only chance. I wasn't sure how far I ran but I started to see big buildings. I couldn't feel my feet or face. The fleece pajamas didn't keep me very warm once they were wet from snow. I found my way into the city. I got strange looks from everyone I passed. I felt someone tug on my arm. It was a lady not much younger than Bruce.
          "Oh sweetheart you shouldn't be out in the cold like this." She said as she gently pulled me inside a coffee shop with her. I was shaking and shivering. "Gino get me a tarp or something from the back to warm her up?" She said looking at the old man behind the counter. He quickly went to the back and came back with some kind of packing blanket. They wrapped it around me. 
          "I'll make her some hot coco or something." Gino said as he started heating up some milk. 
          "Can you talk? What happened to you?" The lady asked as she tried to dry me off. I warmed up pretty quickly and nod. "Where are your parents? Can I call someone?"
         "Tell her you're from Metropolis. Ask her for bus money."
          "I got lost. I need to get back to Metropolis. My mom's gonna be worried." I say through shivers. 
         "Let me call the cops they can-"
          "No please! No cops, my dad's in trouble with the law and if they drop me off at home they might try and take him away again." I say pulling it out of thin air. 
        "Nice touch."
        "Okay okay ummm" She looked around for a second trying to figure out what to do. 
          "Deb, get her on a bus." Gino said as he pointed to the bus stop outside the shop. She looked down at me unsure then nodded. 
         "You know your address?" She asked. I nodded quickly. I couldn't believe this was working. Gino hurries and hands her some money from the tip jar than the hot coco. I felt bad but I had to get out of Gotham at any cost. The bus was pulling up so she quickly helped me up and we walked out to the bus. She asked if Metropolis was one of the stops and to her surprise the bus driver said it was so she handed the bus driver the money and helped me on the bus and made sure the packing blanket was around me. She let me take a few sips of the coco before she had to take it. The bus had a strict no drinks rule. She got off the bus and stood at the curb. I sat next to a window and waved at the woman and man as we pulled away. I relaxed into the seat. I wasn't sure how long the ride would be but the bus was heated and I had a horrible thick blanket now.
          "Good job. So from Metropolis will go to Central City or even Star city maybe."
           "Then what?" I ask, looking at my own reflection in the window. 
          "Then we lay low, make some money somehow and from there we can do whatever we want No case workers, no shity foster homes, no Arkham, no Wayne family. We will be free." He says as I feel the seat press down next to me. Then I feel his head lay on my shoulder. I almost felt bad. Bruce seemed so nice but if Jason said was true it wasn't going to end well for me. He wasn't going to let me leave and that scared me most of all.
          People came and went, the bus made alot of stops but no one said anything or seemed to notice me. Eventually it was the last stop and we were at Metropolis. I got up and hugged the packing blanket around me tighter as I left the bus and felt the cold air again. I coughed and hid my face in the blanket. I walked for a little bit. It was much more windy here but at least the snow wasn't so high. I cut through an alley to get out of the wind. My cough was getting worse. 
           "Don't tell me you are getting sick."
           "Shut up, it's just the air drying my throat." There were two men at the end of the alley. I didn't pay them no mind. I just wanted to find a clean place to sit. Felix moved some cans to the side and pulled over a milk crate for me to sit on. I plopped down and leaned against the wall, closing my eyes for a second. I hear feet approaching so I open them and see the men much closer now. 
           "What's a kid in such nice PJ's doing out here?" One man asked. I didn't answer. 
            "Hey, my friend asked you a question." The other said. 
              "I guess you don't need this then." One said as he pulled at the blanket. I just let it go but Felix didn't. Unfortunately for the man Felix pulled so hard back the man fell forward and almost hit his face against the wall. I wasn't sure if they were on something or just missed the fact it wasn't me who pulled the blanket. The other started to laugh at his friend. I stood up and pulled the blanket with me so Felix wouldn't get aggressive and try to pull the blanket from them again.
        "No one would miss them"
         "No" I say flatly. 
        "No, what?" One of them asked. I backed away as one took a few steps closer. 
          "I think my buddy deserves that after what you did." The guy was completely fine. He just stumbled. I looked up at him hoping Felix wouldn't have to do something. My back hit something hard. I figured it was the wall so I stopped moving. The men looked above me. They looked horrified. I thought it was Felix so I didn't say anything.
            "Is there a problem here?" A deep voice asked from above me. I turned around and almost screamed in surprise. It was Superman himself.
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mrs-galaxy-m · 2 years
Words without memories (1)
“..Katsuki has lost his memories from a quirk, we don't know when it will come back” Jeanist says from the phone, and izuku's eyes widened as he punched a villain in his face, easily dodging an upcoming kick
“I–is he okay?! I’ll try to finish this mission–” “No, I need you to focus on this, you've been on this project for 2 weeks”
“NO, I–I have to go to kacchan–” “Midoriya! Focus, nothing will change okay? He still has his friends to fill him up with information, they will tell him who his fiance is”
The green hair slowly nods “..okay then” “Focus” his boss reminds him before hanging up
Izuku was tired, to say the least. He couldn't focus–go figure. He tried to call but he never got an answer back, he tried to call his friends but they said they were always busy and hadn't visited the blond every time he called, he even stays up at 4 am calling, his only comfort was browsing through their images and videos, he's been falling asleep to hearing bakugou laughs while kittens they rescued got all over him
They kept one, his name was All might– Not the best name but they both agreed to it, his fur is orange, and with blue eyes, so of course, they /had/ to name them..!
“Uh–fuck this is kinda embarrassing” the audio from his phone said as izuku closed teary eyes “Use this audio when you're sad n shit–cus…I love you” bakugo says and izuku hugs his phone
“And you better not die, I can't raise all might all by myself and–well because I’ll miss you..love you…I miss you calling me kacchan” The audio stops
“I love you too..kacchan” izuku murmurs as he falls asleep
Finally, after 2 weeks his mission was over. His eye bags were prominent and his cheeks were not as chubby as before and he was dead tired
But the thought of seeing katsuki gave him strength, gave him the power to keep moving
“He’s in room 106, floor c” The receptionist said and izuku nodded, gripping the balloons and large all-might plush he bought at the airport. He just can't greet him without something! Who knows, maybe seeing his face would make the blond remember everything! Like a movie
He knocks with his foot
“Open!” izuku froze as he heard a familiar woman's voice
But it wasn't Mina's nor ochakos or anybody from his class…
It was..camie–his toxic ex
He slammed the door open, shocking both her and bakugo who was in the bed
“What are you doing here?!” izuku points at her
“Oh–it's you” she rolls her eyes which pisses him off even more
“Me?! You aren't allowed to see him, did you forget?!”
“The fuck do you think you are?” bakugo finally asked which made izukus eyes widen
“He's the guy I told you that's like–super jealous” she says “Ew, why the FUCK did they let you inside?!”
“Because–because I'm in your emergency contacts, whatever she told you she's lying” izuku tries to take a step forward but she stands up
“Take another step and I'm screaming for help, how–how dare you come back to us after what you did to me?” she whispers
“Huh?” izuku tilts his head in disbelief “You dare to say huh after what you did to her? You fucker”
“What–what did I do? What lie did she tell you!”
“I can't believe that you would ask that! You were the liar and manipulator” she points “God– fine, I’ll call the others and see how much of a manipulator I am” izuku glares as he takes out his phone
“We’re back!” Denki said as he opened the door for the others to bring the fast food
“We managed to keep lying to him and– oh fuck” the small blond with the lighting on his hair cursed
“Guys!” izuku calls out, his tired face finally showing a hint of a smile
“Please explain to camie how she's feeding him lies!”
His smile slowly fades as the others frown at him
“What lie? You're the one that took advantage of bakugou when they took a break from each other” mina crosses her arms “Huh? What? No! When they–kacchan came to me!”
“Stop calling me that name, only camie and dunce face can” bakugo glares
‘I miss you calling me kacchan’ is what the audio said…
Marriage, is the next step in their relationship
“I..this /isn't/ you. They're all lying to you” izuku grits out, tears threatening to fall. Why was he so sad about this? Why were all his emotions hitting him at once? It was clear bakugou had no idea what was happening
“They're not lying! How can I believe one ugly ass guy over 6 people huh?!” “Then I’ll call your mother or mine” izuku takes his phone out
“Fuck off, you jealous bitch, and to think you would choose a plush as ugly as that to give to me” bakugo grits out and izuku is too stunned to speak “Ka..kacchan” izuku tries to call out Kirishima places a hand on izuku's shoulder
“Come on man, stop bothering them”
“And clean your fucking face, you look ugly as fuck. Whoever’s an ass you end up dating and bothering, they better have their expectations on the floor!” bakugo laughs, izuku looks down in shame as the others in the room join him
“Yeah–I bet he has to pay them to even look at his annoying ass” camie cackles “Where’s my money for being his friend then? Ya know?” Hanta makes a money hand gesture to izuku and his hands begin to tremble as everyone's laugh muddles his head
The green hair grits his teeth before throwing the plush in the trash bin, small sparks fizzled in and out from his hair and the room was quiet again, the smaller boy walks up to the blond, glaring at the woman next to him, daring her to touch him
“Katsuki” izuku grabs bakugos hand and lightly grips it
“Listen. /Listen to me/ they are lying-” izuku managed to block a punch to his face with katsukis free hand
“Don't you dare to touch me, whore” “..whore?” izuku trails off and he glances around to see the others trying to hold their laugh
“I don't know what they told you–but maybe you always thought of me this way and you losing your memory made you lose that filter. I'm moving some of my shit back to mom, have fun” he says as he takes off his glove, takes his promise ring out, and throws it in the trash. He didn't want to do this
WHY was he doing this?! He needs to fight more! He needs to force the blond to look at his phone
“Talk to me when things don't start to make sense” izuku reminds and then points at everyone else “And fuck you all, I hope you when you know what she did to him you would realize how much of a mistake you all did”
“The only mistake I did was leaving him when I couldn't handle a relationship” She grits out “I don't care, now you can. Take care of him, okay?”
“I'm not a fucking baby” “Sure, fuck you all!” izuku gives them all the middle finger as he walks out of the room
Marriage was the next step in their relationship, maybe it was a good thing things came to a stop
Maybe he should've fought harder, stuck with him until the end and remembered everything
Izuku clicks the elevator button and takes a deep breath
He can't cry
Not here, not yet, to nobody
Maybe everything he said to izuku was something his head was bottling for years and he finally said it
He doesn't care
He can't care
His shaking hand slowly calls his mom
“ ‘Ma..” “Izuku! You're finally back?! Please visit when you feel better I'm going to prepare your favorite food”
“..ma..please..at home..pick me up at my house and–and help me pack”
There was silence and izuku let out a small sniffle
“I'm on my way, don't worry about anything, okay? I got you” “O-okay” “Its okay izu–you're okay”
“I'm not–and I don't think I will–for a while”
“..that's okay too”
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freementallyillkid · 2 years
Manner pt2
Sevika x femreader
Word count:1,245
After hearing the knocking and quiet yelling you started pacing around your small apartment trying to figure out what to do, if you waited too long they could just break down your door and drag you away. You were brought back to reality when they started banging on the door again. You took a deep breath and looked through the peephole and saw two people standing there, a blond haired guy with messy black makeup, weird looking clothes and an equally weird choker next to someone with choppy balck short black hair silver earrings and black lipstick.
The black haired person leaned forward off the wall they were resting on and walked up to the door and looked through the peephole startling you taking a few steps backwards, “Come on we can see your in there we’re not gonna kill you if we wanted you dead we would have killed you already.” they reasoned
How reassuring you thought to yourself, but they were right, so you bit the bullet and opened the door taking them both in with the best resting bitch face you could manage. “What do you want?” You asked, ready to slam the door on them.
“Well our boss Sevika, the one you were yelling at some hours ago, wants us to bring you to her, guess you sparked her interest or something.” They explained the guy behind them nodded chewing on his finger nails when he saw you looking at him he waved tentatively you waved back. “Oh yeah this is Deckard I’m Ran.”
You nodded along, “And what does your boss want from me?” They look at eachother.
“Well we think she wants to talk to you, you probably interested her when you just started yelling at her, plus you didn’t know who she was.” Deckard said, “but come we gotta go or we might get yelled at.”
You back up, Oh no I’m not going with you sorry, but I’d rather live.”
Ran rolled their eyes, “we already told you if we wanted to kill you, you would be dead we would have just kicked down the door.” You thought about it for a moment. They were right, your door wasn’t exactly stable and if you went in they would probably just kick it down and drag you out.
Sighing you nod, “Yeah okay let's go.” Deckard cheered, slinging an arm around both of you guiding you towards the exit.
“Sevys gonna be, so happy you came with us!” He said as Ran let out a strangled laugh.
“She’d cut your head off if she heard you call her that.” They said as you started walking down the street to gods only knows where.
Sevika sat at her usual spot, a cigar in hand and drink in the other as she waited for Ran and Deckard to get back with the strange women. She had been thinking of her the whole time dissising her crew that she would usually be playing cards with right now, but instead her gaze was fixed on the door, occasionally taking a sip of her drink.
After what felt like hours the door swung open once again this time she saw the blonde and black haired duo step through the door Deckard's arm slung about the woman. When Ran and Sevika made eye contact she nodded and gestured for them to bring the girl over to her. Ran nodded and tugged on her arm nodding to Sevika the girl frowned and shoved her way through the crowd waving goodbye to Ran and Deckard.
When you arrived at her table she gave you a confident smile leaning back in her seat, “Sit please.” She instructed when you did she leaned forward, “So what's your name?”
You narrowed your eyes squinting at her, “You had your goons drag me out of my house to ask me my name?”
“Just answer the question.”
“Y/n, are you going to tell me why you wanted to talk to me so bad now?” You asked fiddling with the collar of your top.
“You interest me.” She answered simply, “You can imagine when you considered the scariest women Zaun not a lot of people would yell at you for bumping into them or standing up to me in general.”
You looked her over, she didn’t look particularly angry, just surprised and maybe a little impressed. “Well just because you're important and strong doesn’t mean you should be inconsiderate or expect everyone to bow at your feet or something.”
She nodded looking around like she had lost interest in the conversation. Looking back at you she asked, “So what do you do for a living?” Surprised by her question, it took you a few seconds to respond to her.
“Oh I’m a mechanic!” You tell her. She nods a long she’s silent for a moment and you could almost see the gears turning in her head.
This time when she leaned forward this time she put both of her arms on the table a red cloak that covered her arm fell away revealing her infamous metal arm you couldn’t help, but ogle at the beautiful peace of engineering the bronze feeding into each other, so she could move it like a normal arm. “Would you want a position working for me and Silco?”
The expression you gave her must have been something because she let out a chuckle and looked at you with a smirk on her face, the blue scars on her face stretching. “Why would you want me to work for you? I mean you don’t even know if I’m a good mechanic ” You asked, your frown growing deeper.
“I feel like you’ve heard enough people say it at this point, but you’re interesting you were willing to stand up to someone even if you didn’t know who I was I could still tear you to shreds. I like the people I work with to have some spine and if you’re willing to stand up to me everyone should be a walk in the park.” Her confident smile still on her face, “plus if you turn out to be terrible a fixing shit I can just fire you.”
You nodded along it would probably pay better than your current job and you would be under the inherent protection of ‘The Eye of Zaun’ and if anyone wanted to come after you, you could handle yourself just fine. “Okay yeah why not.”
“Good we can work out the kinks later, for now I want to get to know you a little better.” She waved a hand over at the bartender and a second later two drinks spread in front of you looking at the brown liquid. Whiskey wasn’t usually your drink of choice, but you didn’t mind it.
Sevika watched as you drank from your cup from your place opposite of her observing you.
Throughout the night the both of you talk and Sevika even found herself laugh at some dumb jokes you made. By the time you had called it quotes she found that she was very happy that she bumped into you and you had yelled at her. She had been so absorbed in the conversation and focused on you she didn’t even notice Ran and Deckard sitting in the corner snickering at the two of you making snide commentary to each other.
Sorry this is so late and if Sevika sound a little ooc
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-15 Years Ago (3)-
Kaidan: *knocking on the door of Merlyn's home* Merlyn! Me and the twins are gonna train together! Do you wanna come with us?
Saviren: *answering the door* Huh? And who the hell are you?
Kaidan: Er, Kaidan, sir. Who are you?
Saviren: I'm that little brat's father. How do you know of her?
Kaidan: I broke her lute on accident a couple of weeks ago. We play together outside sometimes now.
Saviren: I see. And when exactly does she come outside to play?
Kaidan: Um.. Around midday?
Saviren: ... I'm afraid she won't be able to play with you anymore.
Kaidan: Huh? But-
Saviren: *slamming the door in Kaidan's face* MERLYN! Get your sorry ass out of that room right this instant!
Merlyn: F-Father? What-
Saviren: Don't you say a fucking word! Why are the village kids saying you've been playing with them?! I told you that you are forbidden from leaving this house! Ever!
Merlyn: *trembling* I-I'm sorry father! I didn't m-mean-
Saviren: Quit the fucking stuttering! On top of that, the little shit said you had a lute! After I've told you thousands of times that I won't hear that obnoxious noise anymore!
*the sound of a slap can be heard from outside*
Kaidan: Merlyn! *he runs back down the road towards Jorrvaskr* Brynjar! Kodlak! Merlyn's in trouble!
Kodlak: Slow down, lad. What's happened?
Kaidan: I just wanted to ask her to play with me and the others, but her father answered the door. He- He started asking all these questions about her coming outside and then he shut the door and I could hear him yelling at her. It sounded like he was hurting her!
Vilkas: You WHAT?! Kodlak, you have to help her, please!
Kodlak: Alright, everybody stay calm. I'll gather some of the men and get them down there with us. Everything will be alright.
Kaidan: *watching the Companions gather their weapons and leave the mead hall* ... Is it my fault she's hurt?
Brynjar: *patting his head* No, lad, it's not. We'll figure this out, just stay here.
Farkas: ... We should go, too.
Vilkas: They told us to stay put.
Kaidan: But Merlyn's not gonna be able to talk to any of the Companions! She only talks to us!
Vilkas: ...
Farkas: Kaidan, you didn't know about her father, did you?
Kaidan: No! If I had known, then I wouldn't have gone to her house! Or I would have, if only to take her away from there!
Vilkas: He's always been like that. Some sort of noble, so the guards won't touch him. Don't think anyone's seen him in years, though. It was only ever his wife, Glenna.
Farkas: .. I'm going after them.
Vilkas: Farkas!
Farkas: You can sit here and follow the rules all you want, Vilkas, but I'm going to protect my friend!
Kaidan: I'm going too!
Vilkas: Oh for the love of- Wait up!
Kodlak: Break the door down if you must.
Brynjar: *swinging his axe at the door handle* ... I think I got it.
Kodlak: Steady yourselves. I can smell blood.
Brynjar: The girl's?
Kodlak: Yes. And another's, it's.. *a woman lies dead on the floor near the door* Glenna!
Brynjar: Gods, what happened?
Kaidan: Brynjar!
Brynjar: Kaidan? Stay back, boy!
Farkas: Merlyn! *running inside*
Vilkas: Didn't you just hear him say stay back?!
Kaidan: Where is she? Merlyn! *he runs through the house, checking every room* Merlyn? Where did you go?
Farkas: Kaidan.. *kneels next to a lute he found under Merlyn's bed* She never leaves without her lute..
Kaidan: She has to be here!
Kodlak: Boys, get out of there!
Brynjar: Kodlak, what if..
Kodlak: Ask the guards if they saw Saviren leave the city, and if there was anything strange about him.
Skjor: They said he left with a big sack on his back.
Kodlak: Send out search parties. He can't have gone far.
Skjor: Kodlak, if he killed his wife, he'll kill the girl. If he hasn't already.
Kodlak: I'd suggest you be quiet before-
Kaidan: She's not dead! There's no way! She was fine until I came!
Brynjar: Don't say it like that, Kaidan.
Kaidan: But it's true! If I hadn't tried to see her she would have been fine! She has to be okay!
Brynjar: *grabbing his shoulders* You are not to blame for this, y'hear? Her father is a horrible man and will get the pain he deserves. Go back to Jorrvaskr with the twins and try to calm down. We'll find her.
Farkas: *holding Merlyn's lute* Kodlak?
Kodlak: Listen to him, you three. Run on home, we'll be back soon.
Vilkas: Come on. *leading Kaidan and Farkas back to the mead hall*
Brynjar: ... I'm of a mind with Skjor. A search may be useless at this point.
Kodlak: We still have to try.
Brynjar: I never said we shouldn't.
Kaidan: *trying to hum the same tune Merlyn did*
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islaytonlost · 1 year
What Have I Done? LB;MR Fic
First Part, Previous Part
Disclamer: I am not writing DID. Pease dont base your view of it from my fanfic.
------- A knock at the door behind Alfendi causes him to startle, knocking over a nearby stack of boxes as he scrambled to his feet, tentatively opening the door.
"Surprise!" Flora and Katrielle yell. He slams it in their faces.
Fendi! Fendi are you there? It was smart to get them to leave him by just being himself but he needed Fendi on board, they needed a plan. He couldn't just do this himself. What if Fendi started hating him?
Tapping on the door, incessant, nonstop, tapping as fast as his heart rate, he gasps for air, when had it thinned? Why couldn't the air get into his lungs? That stupid banging, why wouldn't it stop. Why?
The tears fell more rapidly from his eyes, a sob chokes its way out from his throat. The door opens behind him, a little slower this time and Flora slips in, Katrielle waits outside, arguing with her dog.
“Hey,” she sits down next to him, “are you missing Hilda?”
“Something like that,” he tries, he really does try to sound like Fendi but his voice was flat, defeated. Flora frowns but waits for him to continue, “she wont stop, not at Hilda, she’ll come after you and Katrielle and I don’t know who else but I can’t let her know I care I just…”
Flora’s hand lands on his shoulder, “hey, we can look after ourselves.”
“I know,” she rubs his shoulder, “I know she was strong and smart but she was taken by surprise. She gave Lucy a chance. We won’t do that. I can promise you I’ll be safe and if I see her I’ll just run away very quickly.”
“I can’t…” he couldn’t tell her everything but he couldn’t stay with her. He had to leave.
“Then where will you go? You can’t just close yourself off.” Alfendi doesn’t answer and Flora sighs, “If you’re going to do something stupid I’d prefer you didn’t withdraw. It’d be worse if I was left behind.”
Oh she was so mean. Alfendi had opinions on his father, how the great Professor Hershal Layton had left the three people under his care behind while off with Luke. Luke who’d already had loving parents and friends and arguably didn’t need him. When they’d needed him.
Flora had told them stories about their supposes father. Never making a fuss but he knew, he knew she’d been left behind on those adventures too. He’d asked why she’d bothered following him and not just moved on, run away. She’d just looked at him, “I didn’t want to be left alone again.”
The words haunted him. She’d never meant to upset him by telling him but she had. How could Hershal be so careless? How could he repeat his father’s actions with the woman who’d tried to care for him in his absence.
“Fine. But only because I’m not like him.”
“Don’t, the Professor never meant to leave us.” She didn’t believe it. Well, she hadn’t when he started saying it, words echoing around as she’d always hoped that they were true.
He doesn’t answer that. He wouldn’t open old wounds, not now. He wasn’t Fendi. Flora frowns again, knowing as well as he that Fendi never let it go. He was so tired. Hilda would have taken his side, listened and let him insult Hershal. Not that he wanted to. He’d definitely tried, no matter what Fendi said.
“Are you ready to get out of here? It’s kind of gross in here,” oh, she had no idea how much those simple words wounded him. He just nodded. 
Flora links arms with him, practically dragging him out. Katrielle, who had been arguing with her dog outside looks up at him, “Alfendi!” She gives him a hug, “are you feeling better? It’s been so long.” she pulls out of the hug and starts tugging him towards the exit. He allows it.
“I’m not feeling great.” he mutters, passing for Fendi.
“Oh, I’m so sorry about Hilda, when I heard I was really worried about what you’re going to do. What are you going to do?” Al ignores her, “Alfendi?” she stares up at him.
“Nothing, why would you think I’d do something stupid, who have you been talking to?” he doesn't bother raising his voice above a mutter.
Katrielle gives him an unimpressed look, “well! It doesn’t matter if you’re lying to me or not, you're staying with me so I can keep an eye on you!” Alfendi sends Flora a pleading look but she pretends not to see him. Katrielle notices though, “Flora! Could you stay with us? Just for a few nights, there’s plenty of space!” The older sister raised her eyebrow, Katrielle gave her a wide eyes stare, “please.”
“I’ll come,” Flora smiles, “I can't trust the both of you alone after all.”
The sisters turn to look at Alfendi; he wishes he could shrink away. They were too cheerful after Hilda had just died. He couldnt be like them, he couldn't not care but he also couldn't bring himself to snap at them for being so thoughtless. So he said nothing.
“I know it’s not easy for you right now,” Katrielle pats her brother’s arm, “but Hilda wouldn't want you to do nothing, she’d want you to get out there! Have some fun!”
He shot his sister with a defeated look. He just couldn’t be what she wanted him to be.
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doctors-journal · 4 months
25 May
The detective caught me on my way into the kitchen for breakfast this morning. “Have a swift bite if you must, but we have little time to waste. Have a little faith, Doctor; as I said yesterday, it does not do to presume, and I have good reason to believe that the ill-fated bride is not beyond helping just yet. If we do not delay, we may just be able to effect a miraculous rescue.”
What could I do but follow him out the door?
I’m not very familiar with London, but it feels like we crossed half the city by bus today. When I was a boy, my parents brought me into town sometimes for a special occasion to go to the museums or we’d have dinner and see a show, and a couple times John and I dragged the whole team up for a march or something. Today, I was just lucky the detective knew where we were going because even when I was at Barts, I never really knew my way around the city.
It probably wasn’t really that far, but it was hard to tell. Our destination was one door in a sprawling neighbourhood of rows of identical, white-washed flats with ostentatious columns around the entrance ways.
The detective knocked and a young man answered it. He looked to be approximately 26 or 27 years of age, suffering from acute stress and appeared to have a co-contaminant headache, but otherwise in good health.
The detective greeted him with a smooth, almost soothing tone, “My sincerest apologies for all you have suffered at the hands of those incompetent bunglers. You will be pleased to hear that I come bearing good news; your bride is alive and I have come to offer up my services in locating her.”
The man tensed and for a moment I wondered if he was going to become aggressively agitated, but he only demanded, “Who are you? What do you want with me?”
“I am a consulting detective, it is my business to know what others do not. You know as well as I that they will not find your bride’s body in the Serpentine. If you would be so kind as to oblige a few questions, we may be able to locate her before the day is out.”
“I’ve told everything I know to the police—I don’t know what happened to her, and I’m not paying anyone anything! Now, get out of here before I call the police!”
He slammed the door closed in our faces. The bang sent a jolt down my spine.
“Very suggestive, was it not, Doctor?” The detective appeared as unfazed as ever. “What do you make of it?”
I had no answer as I followed the detective back to the sidewalk.
“I would not think too harshly of the man; for all of his bullishness, he does not have the makings of a murderer, and besides, you mustn’t forget, this is no case of murder.”
He said no more as we caught a bus to our next destination.
We stopped at one in a row of old, brick townhouses. A middle-aged man answered the door before the detective even had a chance to knock. He was also suffering from acute stress and had some typical indications of osteoarthritis but otherwise seemed to be healthy and well nourished.
The man’s face fell at the sight of the detective and me.
“No, we are not connected to the official force,” the detective said. “I fear they are not going to be of much use in finding your daughter, but if you will answer a few questions for me, I believe we may be of assistance. May we come in?”
“What do you mean?” demanded a woman—also middle aged, in good health except for possibly untreated presbyopia—who had followed the man to the door. “What do you know about our daughter?”
“My apologies,” the detective said with a shallow bow, “I haven’t introduced myself properly. I am a consulting detective, if you will, and this is my assistant. We fill in the gaps when the police are at a loss, as in the case of your missing daughter. I have reason to believe that she is alive, and with your help, we may be able to find her and return her to you.”
“What sort of help? Ransom?”
“No, no, nothing of the sort. My involvement in this case is entirely pro bono; my work is its own reward. I was merely hoping that you might be able to furnish me with some essential information, and then I believe I will be able to find your daughter.”
“What sort of information?” the father of the missing bride asked with some trepidation.
“Nothing so personal, merely whether there are any dear friends of hers who she trusts implicitly or who may not feel so kindly about her fiancé. Someone who was not invited to the wedding, perhaps?”
The bride’s mother manoeuvred between us and her husband. “I don’t know whether you’re working for a paper or what you’re really after, but I’m sorry; we have nothing to tell you. The police are already doing everything that can be done.”
“They are wasting their time and resources dragging the Serpentine when your daughter is almost certainly alive!”
However, they refused to hear any more, and we were sent on our way again.
“Those damnable fools!” the detective muttered as he stalked back to the bus stop.
He was in a foul mood most of the way back to the flat, but as we stepped back inside, he declared, “If they will not aid me in my investigation, then I simply must rely on my own resources. Forgive me if I do not say a word or acknowledge your presence for the next hour.”
Then he opened his computer and began typing furiously, and I went into the kitchen to get myself some lunch. I’m back up in my room now. Last I saw, he was still at it. Maybe I’ll lie down and get some rest before we go out again. I didn’t sleep well last night, and I’ve gotten so used to idling that I can hardly do anything when it matters.
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mochinek0 · 2 years
Pissed Off
Marinette couldn't understand what the problem was. Was the universe that against her? Was this just suppose to be her life after weilding a miraculous and becoming the guardian; that nothing in her life would ever be normal?
Marinette glared at the window as yet another bird boy of Gotham came to her boyfriend's window. They had already told two of them to leave. It was date night and she felt like it was coming to an end before it had even begun. She was at her wit's end when Damian suggested they move to the bedroom, instead.
Marinette groaned as someone began to pound on the door to the apartment and ring the bell.
"Seriously?" Damian shouted.
Marinette flashed him one of her sunshine smiles, "Let me handle this, won't you?"
Damian sighed and nodded. Marinette picked a robe and closed the door.
"Tikki; Lucky Charm." she growled out, making her way to the door.
She felt the power of creation in the palm of her hand and grasped it. In her hand appeared a red bat with black dots. She tightened her grip and threw open the door. Red Hood threw himself back, not expecting the tiny woman. Before he could say why he was there, Marinette griped the bat and slammed it across his helmet. Red Hood fell to the ground. He looked up to see the woman glaring at him worse then Bruce ever had.
"Leave and don't come back." She hissed, "Any of you." slamming the door shut.
Damian and Marinette groaned as knocking persisted from the window. Damian threw the curtain back to see Batman.
'Son of a Bitch! Enough is enough!'
Marinette stood up in her lingerie and stalked over to the window, before throwing it open.
"What the fuck could be so fucking important to interrupt us while we're having date night and trying to have sex?" she shouted.
Neither Damian nor Batman expected that kind of response. Marinette glared at him when he failed to answer. Even the boys in the cave flinched under her glare.
"Tikki, Spots On!" Marinette shouted, enveloping herself in a bright pink light.
Ladybug stalked towards Batman in anger, pulling her yo-yo off her hip.
"I finally meet a nice guy, who likes me for me, instead of this stupid costume, and for some reason your stupid pigeons keep interrupting us!" she cried out in frustration, "I don't need some furry interrupting us, too!"
Ladybug threw her yo-yo at him and enveloped him in her line. Try as he might, Batman couldn't escape her grasp. He tried his batarangs, but they couldn't cut the thin wire. She lifted the Dark Knight over her shoulder and threw him. Damian watched in shock as his father was launched across town. Ladybug turned her gaze onto Damian. He kept his eyes on her and gulped. Marinette was powerful. She was magical and that was without the suit. She tossed his father out the window like nothing. He found a new woman to fear and it made him excited. With a sigh, Marinette de-transformed and began to pick up her clothes off the floor.
"Guardian?" Tikki called out.
"Let's go, Tikki." she spoke, sadly.
"Why?" Damian questioned, breaking out of his shocked state, "Where-Where are you going?"
Marinette blushed, turning back to him. Damian felt he was knocked senseless when her emotions altered quickly from anger to sadness and back to the soft angel he knows.
"I figured you would want me to leave." Marinette mumbled, "I don't know what they want, but I don't think it's me. At least, not until I revealed myself. You can deal with whatever you need to." as she turned to leave the room.
Damian reached out and grabbed her wrist, "I don't know what they want and I don't care. What I do know, is that I want you."
Marinette smiled and allowed him to pull her towards him.
"We can talk about the suit tomorrow." he smirked.
Tikki giggled as clothes dropped back onto floor. She left the room and closed the door.
Marinette turned over in her sleep as she heard the doorbell ring constantly.
"Dami, bell." she taps him, "Your turn."
Damian was suddenly aware of the insistent ringing and chuckled as Marinette curled deeper into his sheets. He grabbed his robe and hurried to the door, hoping he could allow her some more sleep. As he entered the living room, he was suddenly made aware of how bright it was outside. Quickly, he threw open the door to threaten whoever was behind it, only for his family to barrel right on in. Damian glared at them, signifying he was unhappy with their unexpected visit. At least until he saw Todd's face and saw a black eye.
"Where is she?" asked Bruce.
"WE were asleep." Damian growled out.
"Did you question her?" Asked Dick, concerned.
"No." the young Wayne stated.
"Why not?" shouted Jason.
"Too busy." Damian answered.
"Too busy? What could you-" Jason complained.
"Dami, who was at the door?" Marinette asked, rubbing her eyes.
The family stared in shocked as the tiny terror that attacked them last night, came out wearing Damian's t-shirt. They could only assume there was nothing underneath it by the way she froze and quickly hurried back into the room, slamming the door.
"Excuse us, while we get dressed." Damian spoke, leaving his family to process what happened.
Marinette walked out of the room, behind Damian, and quickly busied herself with making coffee. She quickly took down some mugs for everyone. As she double checked the amount of people in the house, she noticed that one had a black eye. She set down the mug and looked the new guests over. Mari turned to Damian and looked over his physical appearance, as well, before sighing.
"You're a pigeon, too?" Mari questioned Damian, "Guess now we know why they were here."
"Robin." he answered.
"Hey!" Dick shouted.
"Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, and The Fuckin' Furry." Marinette spoke, as she pointed at each one of them, "What the fuck did you all want anyways?"
"How?" Tim asked.
"Jason's black eye." she smiled, "Smacked him with a magical baseball bat; same location. Also, I'm a designer with an impressive eye for measurements. It's not that hard. Also, tell Clark Kent that glasses were a really stupid idea. How no one has figured him out, I don't know. Maybe too many broken piece of Metropolis buildings fell on them."
Marinette poured herself a cup of coffee, leaving them to get their own. She walked over and sat on Damian's lap, tossing her legs over the arm rest, radiating power, that she belonged there. They had been the people who ruined their evening. Damian just smirked as he wrapped an arm around her waist.
"So?" she questioned, eyeing them.
Bruce sighed, "Who are you?"
"No, I believe I asked you first." Mari spoke, "You all needed something so desperately that you all showed up in intervals, interrupted our time together, and blew your own identities."
"Talia's alive." Bruce declared.
"Who?" Marinette asked.
"My mother." Damian growled, "You're not one of her spies…right?"
"No, Love." she smiled at him.
"Who are you then?" asked Tim.
"Ladybug. I was given the Ladybug miraculous when I was thirteen. I already defeated my villain. If you need confirmation, you can ask Wonder Woman; her mother was a previous wielder." Mari began.
"You had training?" Jason questioned.
Mari shook her head, "It was in my room and I was told to fight. I became a child soldier. When I was seventeen, we, my partner, Chat Noir, and I, finally caught Hawkmoth. Turns out, it was his father. He was a mess. So, I made him a deal: I wouldn't arrest his father, but I would keep the miraculi ONLY if he gave up his. I would gain three miraculi and seal them away and he could rebuild his life, but he would never find out who I was."
"What?" the brothers shouted.
"You didn't know who your partner was?" asked Dick.
"It was forbidden. We were told that our miraculi would be taken away and our master succeeded in doing just that, one time, fearing for our lives, but we managed to get them back. We even managed to still keep out identities hidden." Marinette explained, "At fourteen, I was made the new Guardian. My master was captured by Hawkmoth and he granted me guardianship, forcing himself to lose all memories of the miraculous."
"Would that happen to you?" Damian questioned.
"I believe there is another way to pass guardianship." she smiled at him, "There was an order long before my time. When I became Guardian, I stuck to that rule even more. Chat Noir had a tendency to fall under the spells of the akumas or die."
"So, not much of a partner." Jason quipped.
"He took the hits he believed were meant for me. I could reset the damage done by the akumas; he couldn't." Marinette sighed.
"The deal." Bruce spoke.
Marinette took a deep breath and let it out, as she gripped her mug, "Chat Noir was in love with my Ladybug persona. He wanted to know who I was from Day One. He said we were soulmates and belonged together. The Ladybug and Chat miraculi are balance: Yin and Yang. Long ago, I had promised that once Hawkmoth was defeated, we could finally meet who was under the masks. That he may have a chance. When that day came….we found out Hawkmoth was his father. So I made him choose: his father or the idea of the girl he loved. He handed over his miraculi without a word and I left."
"I made an announcement to Paris that Hawkmoth's reign was over." she continued, "I showed them the miraculi as proof and explained that during the battle, Hawkmoth and Chat Noir perished. No one would ever look for them. I told them I was leaving Paris and never reappeared. I would see him at school. He seemed haunted. I don't know if it was with the knowledge of his father or just that he would never know who I was so I consulted the kwamis on what to do."
"Kwamis?" asked the boys.
"Tikki." Marinette called out.
Tikki yawned as she fluttered out of the cupboard.
"What?" cried out Tim.
"I am Tikki, the kwami of the Ladybug miraculous and the Goddess of Creation." Tikki explained.
"There are others like her?" Damian asked.
"Yes." Marinette spoke, before taking another sip of coffee, "They told me they knew of a way to make him forget, similar to how the previous guardian forgot. So, I created the spell and placed it in a macaron. He thanked me and called me a great friend. He took a bite and I walked away."
"So what happened?" asked Jason.
"I had other Kwamis cast protection and illusions on social media about my hero persona. Technically, Ladybug never existed." she shrugged, "The next day at school, he was asking if I was a new student. People were asking if he hit his head and that we had been friends for years. We graduated soon after and I came here."
"Have you checked on him?" questioned the eldest Wayne.
Marinette shook her head and replied, "I did the right thing. Even if his father tries to pry or tell him, he'll think it's a story from his childhood."
"Can we meet the others?" Dick asked, excitedly.
"They should probably stretch out and get treats." Marinette responded, "How about tonight?"
"Cave?" asked Tim.
"If you prefer. Oh, and don't even bother trying to capture them. They can't be seen on film and can faze through anything. They are bound to their miraculous. You try and take them, I will kill you." Mari growled out.
"You wouldn't." Jason chuckled.
"My yo-yo sliced through the Eiffel Tower, regularly. It can probably slice through skin like butter." She stated, in anger, "Not to mention, the kwami of destruction sunk Atlantis. I would tread with caution."
Damian smirked and grabbed her coffee mug, before setting it down on the table. Bruce could sense the conversation had ended and led his other sons out the door, after a promise that they would both be at Wayne Manor for dinner.
Damian picked her up and said, "Come, My Little Bug, I'm going to make sure you're treated like a queen." as he took her back to the room.
Tikki smiled as she felt the world shifting back into balance.
'He would make a great black cat.'
PERMANENT TAG LIST:  @animeweebgirl​ @animegirlweeb​ @abrx2002​ @blueblossombliss​ @thepaceperson​ @alysrose-starchild​ @marveldcedits20​ @09shell-sea09​ @nickristus-dreamer​ @saltymiraculer​ @icerosecrystal​ @vixen-uchiha​ @a-star-with-a-human-name​ @meme991001​ @fandom-trapped-03​ @dood-space​ @moonlightstar64​ @insane-fangirl-of-everything
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editorandchief · 3 years
Would you write a Tommy Shelby imagine where he's in love with Ada's best friend from childhood who's an honorary Shelby, so Polly calls her to deal with Tommy when he's overworking himself knowing that he'll do whatever the reader says/wants so the reader forces him to take a break and it's basically an unofficial date ending with them becoming official couple to no surprise to anyone since she's always been Tommy's girl? Thank you!
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Warning: none
Requested: Yes
"For the love of god Tomas the work will still be there when you get back."
"I know the work will be here when I get back because its here now Pol," Tommy relied. "I'll finish up in a bit.
Picking up another file before adjusting his glasses on his face.
"That's what you said last nigh when I left you here exactly like you are now." Polly stated glaring down at the man. "Your gonna work yourself to death."
"Then I'll really be able to rest." Tommy said not once taking his eyes from the paperwork in front of his face.
"You know what? You want to spend the rest of your life in this office be my guest." Polly said throwing her hand up in frustration turning to exit the office.
"Polly." Tommy called out to the woman before as she passes the threshold, the woman turned around looking expectedly to her nephew. "Close the door on the way out."
Scoffing in disbelief Poll grabbed the door knob and slammed the door shut as hard as she could before stomping across the house.
"I assume he's still not coming down?" Ada asked sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper. "I told you its no use, Tommy hasn't taken orders from any since the war, hell not even then." She snorted as she laughed.
Polly hummed in agreement leaning on the kitchen counter looking off into space before a smile slowly makes it way onto her face.
"Oh he'll take orders from someone." She said walking over the the phone. "He just wont know that he is."
"Oh don't bother her with his." Ada groaned knowing exactly who Polly was going to call.
"Well what else do you suppose I do Ada? No one short of god himself will get that man out of the office." She replied to the young girl placing the phone to her ear. "Hello dear, its aunt Pol I need a favor."
Knock, Knock, knock
"Come in." The man answers.
The door slowly creeps open before clicking closed again.
"Well excuse me Mr. Shelby but I believe its time for your 12:30 lunch meeting."
Looking up from his work Tommy's eyes landed on Y/N; his sister's best friends since they were kids.
Every once in a while Tommy finds himself looking at her trying to recall the day the moment Y/N became apart of their family, failing every time. The truth being she had always just been there.
Running around, hanging out with Ada, sending him that smile that makes his heart skip a beat.
The dame smile she wore right now.
"Well Ms. Y/L/N I don't recall having a meeting set for today but I would be happy to squeeze you in." Tommy replied setting the paper down to look at the girl.
"Of course you can." She smiles walking up to the desk. "So I was thinking that we go out and have some lunch, about time you get out of this cave of yours." She joked.
"Did Polly send you in here?" Tommy asked removing his glasses and rubbing his eyes.
"No but it was mentioned- and I won't say be who- that you may have skipped out on breakfast so I figured since I did as well," Holding her hand up in defense as Tommy's eyes snapped over to her. "That we might as well go together."
Though it may seem hypocritical Tommy hated it when Y/N skipped meals, ever since one day when she was running around with Finn playing cops and robbers. She had skipped breakfast and didn't have the heart to cut off her and Finn's play time missing lunch to the point that she passed out in the street.
After that day for a while Tommy made it his mission to make sure she ate for all three meal until one day when he showed up to her house to make sure she ate breakfast and wouldn't let him in unless he stop monitoring her meals.
"Well as nice as that would be I wasn't planning on taking lunch until a bit later." Tommy lied. "But you should go ahead since you haven't eaten today.
"I don't think I will." Y/N replied causing him to raise a brow at her response. "I think I'll wait right here with you beside we both missed breakfast we may as well take or miss our next meals together as well." She explained walking over to the stack of books in the corner grabbing the one on top.
"I'm going to be awhile." He countered.
"Then its a good thing I have something to pass the time." She says wiggling the book in her hand. "Besides I don't mind waiting, like you said it only for 'awhile'" She quotes his words knowing they were just a way to get her to have lunch without him and for him not to have lunch at all.
Sitting down in one of the chairs across from Tommy she opens the book and began reading, looking up after awhile she sees Tommy still staring at her.
"Get back to work Mr. Shelby." She smiled. "Then we can go to lunch." Going back to her reading.
It was about half an hour that they set their in silence, Tommy tried ad hard as her could to focus on his work only to continuously be distracted by the rumbling of a stomach.
At first he thought it was Y/N but every time he looked over to her she had showed no signs of hearing the noise nor feeling even slightly uncomfortable, at one point even thinking he was just hearing things.
Setting down his papers Tommy let out a (In Y/N opinion) dramatic sigh.
"Yes?" She looked up with a faux innocence as if she didn't know the reasoning behind his frustration.
Standing up from his desk Tommy walked over to his coat hanging on the rack.
"Shall we head to lunch?" He asked pulling his coat on. "The work will still be here after we're done." He mimicked Polly's word from earlier.
Placing the book onto the desk Y/N hopped up from the chair and walked through the office door after Tommy opened it waiting for her to go through.
Walking out into the common area the two see the Shelby family sitting around the table or standing around the room.
"Going out Tomas?" Polly asked smirking as she sipped her tea."
"Yes Polly in fact I am." Tommy replied eyeing his aunt. "Y/N and I are going to have some lunch, we'll be back in 30 minutes."
"30 minutes that's all the time I get?" Y/N asked walking over to a picnic basket that was set on the table.
"Fine, we'll be back in an hour." Tommy corrected himself opening the door and waiting for Y/N to gather her things.
Grabbing the basket and walking towards the door Y/N turns around in the threshold.
"We'll see you in two and a half hours." She stated with a smile before turning and heading out towards the car.
After walking across the large field Y/N began setting down the blanket she had brought.
"A little help Tomas." She huffed after a while of the wind taking the blanket off course whenever she attempted to lay it down.
Chuckling slightly Tommy came over grabbing the other end helping as she got it situated on the ground.
"Do you remember we used to come out here all the time." Y/N reminisced as she began taking the various food items from the basket.
"How could I forget?" Tommy asked taking a seat. "You nearly caught your death after you spent an hour running around in the storm out here, John had to force you home."
"Polly was so mad."
"Yes, but not at you." Tommy pointed out causing Y/N to let out a laugh at how Arthur, John, and Tommy got yelled at through it was her that encouraged Finn and Ada to join her on her wild run around the field of flowers. "She always did spoil you...I suppose we all did."
"I supposed you did." She agreed smiling brightly at the blue eyed man.
Y/N and Tommy spent the next two and a half hours eating and reminiscing over the past, they didn't notice when the color of the sky changed as they when too busy focusing on each others eyes.
They didn't hear the sound of the cricket over their constant laughter.
Even after being pulled back into reality of the time Tommy was surprised when her didn't find himself worried about the day of work that he had missed out on, only regretting not taking lunch earlier so he would have had more time to spend with Y/N.
Pulling up to the Shelby house Tommy meets Y/N on the other side as she exits the vehicle.
"I was gonna open that for you." He said smiling down at the girl."
"Well too bad," She replied. "In life there's always gonna be someone trying to beat you to the punch If your gonna do something do it before somebody else does."
"You know, I think your right."
"Aren't I alwa-" Before she could finish her brag Y/N was pushed against the passenger door of the car as Tommy pressed his lips against hers.
Out of all the things that should be going through her mind at that moment only one word pushed to the front.
"Finally." She whispered as they pulled apart. " I'm sorry, I mean I didn't mean to say that." She hung her head letting out a laugh.
"Be that as it may, I couldn't agree more." Tommy replied after his own laughter had subsided.
Resting his head on hers gazing at her while she had yet to open her eyes.
"Does this mean Y/N is our sister now?" A voice came from behind Tommy, snapping their head in the direction of the door they see that family crowded in the door way eyes now glued to the youngest Shelby. "What? I was just asking." He complained after receiving an elbow to the ribs from Ada.
Pulling away Tommy cleared his throat straightening his hat.
"Well if your all done watching the show," Tommy slightly scolded his family. "I was just about to take Y/N home."
"Oh no you not." Ada objected pushing through the door way grabbing Y/N by the hand. "She spending the night with me, and you are gonna tell me everything that happened but skip the gross parts." She ordered dragging the girl up the stairs to her room.
"Gross parts!" Y/N replied before the sound of Ada's door slamming cut her off.
Giving Tommy a thumbs up and a pat on the back John and Arthur go back to their own respective spaces the former dragging Finn along with him leaving Polly standing with and accomplished look on her face.
"What?" Tommy asked with a smile still plastered to his face.
"Maybe this will teach you a lesson."
"That being?"
"You should always listen to your aunt Polly."
"With all do respect Pol." Tommy said. "I only take orders from one woman." He finished planting a quick peck on her cheek before heading back to his office closing the door once again knowing the next time it opened Y/N would be the one walking through.
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This Game of Yours
Father of Mine – Part 1 and Part 2
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Jason was beautiful.
And somehow that scar that went from the right corner of his mouth up to his temple only made him that much more beautiful to Y/N.
Those blue eyes were the same color of water on a stormy day in the Irish sea. And somehow Y/N knew they held the same tempestuousness.
The white streak weaved with his jet black hair so naturally that Y/N would’ve believed he was born with it.
His shoulders were so broad, making his 6’3 height feel even more imposing. He had a presence. People noticed every time he walked into a room. It made Y/N wonder how he was ever able to sneak up on people as Red Hood.
He was wearing a black hoodie underneath his black moto jacket.
Y/N knew Jason didn’t give a shit about fashion. Yet he was well-dressed without any effort – more so than most of the models Y/N had shot throughout her career.
Not being able to control herself any longer, Y/N raised her camera and took a photo.
Jason stopped surveying their surroundings and his gaze snapped to her.
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
But his growl didn’t scare her in the slightest.
“Anyone who’s by me when I have a camera is at risk of getting their picture taken. No one is safe. Not even you,” she answered his question unapologetically.
Y/N was working on a personal passion project for her next show. Her collection would be about the poverty and crime of Gotham. Half of the photos would show the heaviest crime areas of the city. And the other half would expose the lifestyles of the wealthiest people in Gotham.
Why did so many suffer from the same system that helped the rich get even richer?
When Bruce found out Y/N was going to Crime Alley and the Bowery by herself, he was visibly upset.
But he realized that Y/N would do as she pleased, so his plan b was to give her protective detail.
However, Y/N didn’t know that Jason had volunteered, almost immediately.
Instead, all she heard was Jason grimly telling her, “You’re lucky you haven’t been fucking murdered yet.”
She had only responded with a roll of her eyes.
“I’m not your escort so you can take my picture. I’m here so you don’t get raped or murdered.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you have a way with words?”
His only response was a glare.
Jason loved playing this game. The game of pretending to be irritated with her when actually he was absolutely infatuated with Y/F/N Y/L/N.
“The easiest way to stop getting your picture taken is to always be the one holding the camera,” Y/N added with a smirk and wink.
Jason didn’t answer, only thinking what a shame it was that no one got to photograph her.
Suddenly, the sunlight hit the top of his head perfectly, creating a halo around that thick and messy hair of his.
Y/N snapped another photo.
“Will you stop?” He warned.
It only succeeded in making her laugh.
And that just excited his heart even more.
“Jason, you were born to get your photo taken.” 
There was no joke underneath her words, only sincerity.
“Whatever,” he mumbled.
Jason had a hard time believing that. His skin was riddled with scars. And he was convinced that she’d be singing a different song if she saw his chest, with its thick autopsy scar amongst the so many others. The absolute last word he’d use to describe himself was beautiful. Strong and imposing? Yes. But never beautiful – or any other positive adjective, for that matter.
“I’m not kidding. If you ever want to stop the whole vigilante thing, you can easily become a model.”
Y/N had noticed it as soon as Jason took of his helmet that night. His domino mask had done nothing to prevent her from noting the obvious.
It didn’t take long for Y/N to realize Jason wasn’t like his “brothers.”
“Brothers.” What a strange word.
Should she consider all of them as hers?
Only Damian was actually related to her – and technically he was only her half-brother.
Y/N had watched Jason get on his motorcycle and leave the cave that night she’d almost died.
She’d agreed to stay for dinner and get to know everyone. And a part of her brain was excited to get a better read on the masked man that sat by her bedside as she’d recovered.
“He’s not staying?” Y/N had asked Bruce as he guided her to the stairs that led back up to the manor.
He only shook his head, but she noticed the disappointed expression.
Soon she found out that Jason was the black sheep of this strange family that had taken her in.
Dick was the one who told her about Jason’s dark past. All of it seemed unbelievable: murdered by Joker and brought back to life from a mysterious pit. Only to return to the family who appeared to have replaced him and never sought vengeance on Jason’s behalf. 
But it was true; Y/N had seen no lie in Dick’s eyes when he filled her in.
Suddenly there was yelling coming from around the corner.
Without hesitation, Jason shoved Y/N behind him.
He reached for one of his guns and then realized that he didn’t have any.
Y/N was rather vocal about hating them, claiming they made her extremely uncomfortable.
Her expression alone as she said it was enough for Jason to swallow his stubbornness and leave the things at home.
Bruce was rather taken aback by the gesture. Nothing he’d ever said was enough to get Jason to do that.
A gang of young men came marching around the corner like they owned the place…because they did. This was their territory.
Jason immediately recognized them as some of the Russian mob.
Despite pulling Y/N behind him, they still caught sight of her and looked her up and down without an ounce of shame.
“Hey, beautiful. How you doing?”
“Продолжай идти, придурки,” Jason growled at them.
He was outnumbered. But there must’ve been something about his body language that made the gang realize they shouldn’t pick a fight with him. Maybe it was the muscles or his height or that he looked like he wouldn’t even blink before murdering them.
So they just…walked away. Some of them mumbled threats or insults at him. But they realized they shouldn’t even so much as look at Y/N.
A split second before they were gone, Y/N took a picture of Jason.
“Really?” He asked.
She shrugged. “You look like a different person when you’re protective.”
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Y/N was beautiful.
Jason watched as she passionately explained her work to a potential buyer.
He recognized the man as a local politician – luckily, one of the few that hadn’t been corrupted from this shitty city.
Y/N had the intimidating energy of her father, but the kind eyes of her mother. At least, that was what Bruce had told everyone, and they all took his word for it.
She wore a stylish white jumpsuit that made her look like a 1980s villain and black stiletto heels. 
Jason watched as men cowered in her presence, hating the fact that she proudly stood taller than them. She was just one less woman they could intimidate or manipulate – and they couldn’t stand it.
But Jason loved watching the emasculation in real time.
The bastards didn’t deserve her anyway.
Dick was one of the very few men Jason knew who didn’t blink at a woman towering over him. In fact, his older brother had a track record of preferring it.
“Surprised to see you here,” Bruce said beside him, catching Jason watching Y/N.
“Well, I was her personal bodyguard through all this. Figured I should see if it was worth me wasting my time or not.” Then he tossed back his champagne and slammed it on the tray of a waiter passing by. “Plus, free alcohol.”
Bruce just quirked an eyebrow, silently telling Jason that he knew he was lying.
“Are you buying something?” Jason asked, trying to change the subject.
“I have been strictly forbidden,” Bruce sighed.
Jason chuckled.
He knew if Bruce had his way, he’d buy every single on of Y/N’s pieces.
“I have to know,” Bruce began. “What exactly is holding you back?”
Jason finally ripped his gaze away from Y/N to give Bruce a questioning look.
“What are you talking about?”
“Y/N. You care about her.”
“All of us do,” Jason brushed off. “Even the demon spawn.”
Bruce knew there wasn’t a chance Jason would admit his feelings – especially to him.
“Not that I think you care…but you have my approval.”
Little did Bruce know, Jason did care.
Jason had convinced himself that their rocky relationship and past fights meant that Bruce would die before he let Jason be anywhere near his daughter.
And Jason could hardly blame him.
He didn’t deserve to be loved. He lost that right after he died and came back a monster. And that was the story Jason told himself over and over again.
So he would love Y/N from afar. And hope she would pick someone who was worthy of her love.
“She’s basically my sister,” Jason groaned in fake disgust.
It was quite the performance.
Bruce narrowed his eyes. “We both know that isn’t what’s stopping you. And you’ve made it clear you don’t consider us your family.”
“Whatever, Bruce.”
Jason walked away, having enough of the subject.
“What was that about?” Clark asked as he joined Bruce’s side.
“Jason refusing to let himself be happy,” Bruce sighed.
Clark already knew what Bruce was talking about. He’d seen Y/N and Jason dancing around each other for months now. He’d never really seen Y/N take an interest in anyone before, so it was all new for Clark.
“Don’t worry. Y/N won’t let him get away with it for much longer,” Clark said through a smirk. “She gets what she wants.”
And Bruce believed him.
“It doesn’t bother you – the two of them together?” Clark asked with genuine curiosity.
“Jason reminds me every day that I’m not his father. And I’m hardly Y/N’s.” A soft smile formed on Bruce’s lips. “He’ll look after her. And she…I think she’d be good for him. I just want them to be happy. Both of them.”
Jason headed home rather early.
He’d never actually went to say congratulations or even hello to Y/N.
Every time he was about to go over, someone else stole her attention. He didn’t want to get in the way of her talking to potential buyers or even just friends.
Jason was just about to make himself something to eat when there was a knock at his door.
He froze.
Very few people knew where his apartment was.
Jason grabbed a gun and tiptoed to his front door.
With a peak through the peephole, he let out a irritated sigh.
Jason whipped the door open, “You’re lucky I didn’t shoot your head off.”
“Maybe don’t own guns and you wouldn’t have to worry about shit like that,” Y/N snapped back.
“What are you doing here?”
“You come to my gallery opening and don’t even say hi?” Y/N accused as she stepped around him and into the apartment, not waiting for an invitation.
Jason eyed the paper bag that was in one of her hands.
“By all means, come on in,” he called sarcastically as he slammed the door behind her.
Y/N started searching through his cabinets. “Where are your glasses?”
“The one to your right. What are you doing here?”
Y/N had the brightest and almost mischievous smile as she pulled a bottle of champagne from the paper bag.
“I brought this as my thanks for you making sure I don’t – and I quote – ‘get raped and murdered.’”
Jason glared at her.
Here was the game again.
Y/N being charming and hilariously provoking..and Jason pretending like he hadn’t fallen for her.
She poured them both a glass. They weren’t flutes or coupes, but she couldn’t care less.
“We’re chugging these, by the way,” Y/N informed Jason as she handed him a glass.
He sighed, but obediently clinked his glass with hers and tossed it back.
Barely giving them a second, Y/N immediately refilled them.
“So, why didn’t you come over and say hi?” She repeated.
“Didn’t want to bother you,” Jason mumbled with a shrug.
She narrowed her eyes at his answer. “You’ve never bothered me before, Jason.”
Now he felt guilty.
Jason bowed his head. “I should’ve come and talked to you,” he agreed. “Your work…it looked – it’s amazing, Y/N. Congratulations.”
Apparently Y/N hadn’t expected such a sincere compliment from him, and she was stunned to silence.
“Thank you,” she managed to whisper once she’d recovered.
She cleared her throat, trying to maintain her edge. “And really…thank you for being my own little security detail.”
If Jason was healthy about expressing is thoughts and feelings, he would’ve told her that it was the highlight of his weeks. That he looked forward to her calls or texts, telling him that she was going to photograph another shady area. “Be there or don’t. I’m going no matter what,” she’d text him with her usual snark.
But Jason didn’t express his thoughts and feelings.
He kept them bottled up – with the same energy he used to keep Y/N at a distance.
So instead, Jason said, “If it wasn’t me, one of the others would’ve done it.”
Y/N winced slightly at that.
‘You’re such a fucking asshole,’ Jason told himself.
“You know…we can see each other even you’re not my bodyguard.”
Jason was impressed by her boldness. But she didn’t know what she was doing. She didn’t understand that he wasn’t good. He couldn’t play the loving boyfriend role. She belonged with someone like Dick or Clark – or literally anyone but him. And Jason was willing to be an asshole to make sure she understood that.
Y/N took a step closer to him, invading his personal space.
Without breaking eye contact, she threw back her second glass of champagne and then placed it on the nearest counter space.
She stepped even closer.
This was simultaneously Jason’s worst nightmare and most desired dream.
Her eyes moved from his eyes to his lips.
But before she could make her final push, Jason took a step back and cleared his throat.
He looked down at the ground as he said, “You should go.”
When he looked up, he expected to find Y/N heartbroken or embarrassed.
But she was neither.
No. She looked irritated.
Not because she wasn’t getting what she wanted, but because she was sick of his games.
Y/N sighed and stepped back. “Fine.”
Jason rubbed his face in frustration as she grabbed her purse and started for the door she had walked through only minutes ago.
She opened it and paused.
“You know what? No. Fuck that,” Y/N snapped before slamming the door closed.
She whipped around and strutted back to him with purpose.
Jason was suspended with both fervor and awe.
Y/N grabbed his face and pulled him down to her lips.
All self control went out the window. Jason couldn’t continue his game. It was all over for him.
He kissed her back almost immediately. How could he not?
Y/N bit his lip slightly, making him hiss in surprise. It was his punishment for making her wait all this time.
Eventually they needed a moment to breathe.
But Y/N didn’t let go of his face when their lips finally parted.
“Choose your next words very carefully,” she breathed.
He swallowed nervously. “You’re kind of fucking terrifying. You know that?”
Her smile was pure evil.
Apparently this was the right response.
“Are you done being an idiot?” She asked.
He nodded quickly.
Her hands moved down and then lingered on his neck, tracing the bottom lines of his jaw.
She smiled again and then looked him up and down.
“What?” He questioned.
“Nothing,” she laughed. “I’m just…I’m not used to being shorter than men.”
“Is that the only reason you like me? Huh? My height?” Jason goaded.
“Of course not,” Y/N scoffed. “It was the whole ‘I look like I could murder everyone and I can, but deep down I’m a big softie’ that did it for me.”
Jason’s grip tightened on her waist. “Oh, yeah? You’re one to talk…”
“Me?!” She yelped. “I couldn’t kill anyone, even if my life depended on it.”
“Maybe. But your terrifying in basically every other way.”
Y/N laughed at that.
Jason couldn’t stop himself from smiling at the sound
“So…still want me to leave?” She asked.
And this time, she would if that’s really what he wanted.
“Fuck no,” Jason answered, almost threateningly.
Then, for good measure, he picked her up by the back of her thighs and carried her to the couch, before he started to kiss her once again.
Y/N knew things weren’t always going to be this simple.
Jason had his demons. 
And honestly, so did she. They were nothing like his. And maybe they were silly in comparison. But she wouldn’t be the perfect partner. Just like he wouldn’t be. 
They’d drive each other crazy. But it would be the good kind of crazy.
+ Childhood
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dddytoji · 4 years
my pet
notes: naoya x fem!reader x toji // this is my first time writing a smut and my first jjk work as well so please give me any constructive feedback! (shout out to my best friend for being my editor and helping me out with this self indulgent one shot!) please enjoy! :)
word count: 4,438
warnings: 18+ NSFW; dub con, degrading, insulting, misogyny, pet play/master, slapping, spitting, pegging, cock sounding/stuffing, naoya x reader x toji, etc
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You were going to a regular family dinner with your fiancé, Naoya Zenin. You were seated waiting for Naobito and Naoya to begin dinner. "Well we're just waiting on one more person for tonight's dinner." Naobito stated with a bit of distaste. He took a long sip of his sake. You peered at Naoya who looked irritated at the idea of whomever it was would be sharing a meal with the rest of you.
"I'm getting tired of waiting so let's dig in, we can't just wait on him." Naobito said, beginning to eat his food. You waited for Naoya to also have his first bite before you proceeded to eat as well. "She's such a good wom-" Naoya began before he was interrupted by the door sliding open.
"Ah, pardon the interruption." The man said walking in and seating himself right across Naoya with a small thud. He was a very well built man. Your ears burned red from seeing the way he was structured. He was more attractive than Naoya, if you so boldly admitted to yourself. "Oh, is this lady Naoya's wife to be?" The dark haired man questioned as he ate his food.
Naoya seemed more agitated, allowing Naobito to answer instead. "That's correct." Quietly, you ate your food keeping your eyes glued to the dinner in front of you. "I'm Toji, what's your name?" Toji asked you as you looked up to meet his eyes for a moment before answering politely. "Y/n," You spoke back, noticing how his face was rough with a certain gentleness when seeing it clearly.
"You need not speak to my fiancé so directly." Naoya responded staring at Toji with hooded eyes, the tone of his voice underlined with anger. "Eh? Well then how am I to speak to her?" Toji asked puzzledly, pointing his chopsticks at Naoya. Naoya replied, "Through me. She is a woman after all and mine at that."
Toji let out a hard taunting laugh. "Toji!" Naobito yelled, taking another drink of the sake bottle now in his hand. You jumped at the sudden loud voice. "Fine, fine," Toji sighed with his eyes now hooded, "but she's not even yours yet what makes you think she'll last long enough to actually stay with you. She doesn't even know if you're even capable of making her c-'' Toji was cut off by Naoya who gripped his shirt collar.
"Naoya," You spoke, grabbing his sleeve lightly, "please do not lower yourself to his level." Naoya removed his eyes from Toji's and glared back at you. Glancing back at Toji he shoved his chest and he let go of his shirt. "You're right," Naoya spoke with a distasteful tone as he glared at Toji, "I shouldn't lower myself to the level of gravel like him."
Toji scoffed a smirk playing along onto his handsome lips, "Seems like your woman knows how to restrain your leash." Chuckling, Toji shoved more rice into his mouth.
"If anyone has a leash on any one, it's me on her." Naoya responded back, taking a drink of the rice wine in his cup. Your ears burned with fury listening to Naoya speak about you in that form. You were no one's leashed pet, especially not his. You weren't even his wife yet and he already speaks of you in this way? Audacity. That's all he had. You were only obedient enough to be respected and not get insulted.
You kept up a gentle and sweet act in order to live a peaceful life in this stern household. "Naoya, I am no pet to be owned." You replied back to him in a calm and stoic tone while looking straight ahead. "She's got a point there." Toji agreed, while swallowing the food in his mouth.
Naoya turned your head to him by grabbing your chin forcefully. "No woman, especially you, shall speak to me in that manner. If I say you're a pet, then you're a fucking pet." He spat at you angrily while pushing your face away from him while releasing your jaw.
Taking a deep breath you stood up from your seat, "If you'll excuse me, I have finished my meal and will be heading back to my quarters." You announced, exiting the room without a glance back at the men sitting at the table. Toji was slightly shocked at the scene that just happened in front of him. The black haired man glances at Naoya to see his reaction.
"Pathetic woman." is all Naoya says out loud as you leave the room still being in earshot of you. You balled your fists hearing his comment.
Naobito who is also a bit shocked speaks up, "Well I think I'll be taking my leave as well." The head of the clan leaves the room with a bottle of sake in his hand.
"Go fucking apologize," Toji barks to Naoya with a bitter tone. "No, why should I? She's the one who's acting out of place." Naoya retorted, taking another drink from his cup. "You're gonna go apologize, cuz I said you are." Toji gritted out, Naoya glared at him angrily.
• • •
You had just arrived at your quarters and slammed your bedroom door shut. You were infuriated that you couldn't say anything. "What I would do to have that man on all fours in front of me." You said bitterly through gritted teeth. You began removing your kimono, annoyed at the fact that you had to wear these damn things daily.
Opening your closet door you are greeted by more kimonos and only slip on dresses to sleep in. You spotted the black box on the bottom corner of the closet. Maybe some self-pleasure would relieve my frustration. You shook your head against the thought and just grabbed the black slip-on dress.
Walking over to your vanity you removed any residue of the day's stress. You got yourself changed and ready for bed. Finally letting your hair down, you settle yourself into a futon that was placed on the ground in the middle of your room.
As you try to put your thought-full mind at ease to get some sleep, you hear the entrance door slide open then shut. Shuffling noises are heard then right after the sound of footsteps creeping to the door of your room hit the wooden floor boards.
Sitting up immediately you go to grab your robe hooked near the door as you slip it on you hear, "I'm coming in, woman." You hear Naoya's voice echo with a dejected sigh. The door slides open, revealing Naoya standing there with his arms crossed.
He's a bit shocked seeing you standing in front of him in only your open robe and your slip dress on. His face flushes and he looks away, "Put something decent on, woman."
"Woman?" You question. You were now at your wits end with him for the night. "Eh? Do I have to wear something decent in my bedroom? You came here at an indecent time, Naoya." You angrily spat poking his chest.
He looked at you now in disbelief that quickly morphed into anger. He grabbed the wrist of the hand poking his chest. "I guess it seems like you don't know your place tonight," Naoya hissed, walking you back into your bedroom getting closer to the futon that laid on the ground.
"No, it seems like you don't know yours." You mocked knocking him down to his knees and lifting his chin to look up at you. Through the faint bit of moonlight seeping through your window, you were able to see his appalled expression.
"Why you-" Grabbing his cheeks and squishing them together, you stopped all other words ready to come out of his mouth.
He grabbed your wrist with both of his hands. Before he could do anything; in a swift motion you removed the robe's waist tie and tied it around Naoya's wrists. You were surprised that you managed to tie his wrists as quickly as you did.
Holding his wrists above his head, "Tonight, I'll train you on how to be a good little bitch for your master." You growled out, releasing his face and pushing it away. "You crazy whore, let me go." Naoya swore in anger, his entire body trembled in rage as you stood looking down at him.
Pulling him down by his wrists that you were still holding, you made him land on his elbows with a thud to the ground. You laughed menacingly, walking towards the closet and pulling out the black box in the corner. "You think this is funny? You fucking cunt!" Naoya screamed at you as you walked back over to him.
You used your foot to lift his head, "It is, especially when this is how we'll be experiencing our first night together." You smiled innocently. Opening the box and emptying the contents; some toys, bottles of lube, and condoms came falling out.
Naoya looked at you stunned in fear after seeing the contents of the box displayed on the ground. "You dumb worthless wench! What do you think you're gonna do?!" He howled, anger seething through his expression. You bent down to grab his face and slapped him.
"A dog does not speak unless ordered to." Naoya's anger made his body quake. The fact you dared to speak to him in that form and to even slap him was unacceptable and ludicrous.
"Untie me you stupid whore before I decide to kill you!" Naoya cursed glaring daggers at you. You slapped him again across his face then again, and again, then again one more time.
"YOU FUCKING SLUT! UNTIE ME RIGHT NOW SO I CAN KILL YOU!" Naoya was furious at this point. You stood up and kicked his side hard enough for him to land on his back.
"I told you, I will be training you on how you should obey your master." Reaching for the collar and leash that was mixed on the ground with the other toys, you sat on him pulling at his blonde hair to lift his head from the pillow making it easier to place the collar around his neck. you smiled in love with the view of seeing him under your control.
"Get that shit off me!" Naoya demanded. Grabbing his chin you brushed your thumb pad across his bottom lip. "Now, Why would I do that? You look so good with it on. Like a proper pet." You leaned closer to him enough to let his lips brush yours.
Grinning, you whispered lowly in his ear, "The way you look right now turns me on so much." You proceeded to give him a soft kiss on his jawline. Swallowing hard, Naoya looked at you with his rage filled eyes. Awaiting what else you'd do, and how far you'd think of going.
As you slide yourself lower on him, your womanhood sat directly on his dick. Undoing his top you opened it exposing his well-built chest. Now sitting on his dick it hit you, that he was aroused.
"Well look at what we have here my slutty pet? Looks like I'm not the only one enjoying this." You grind your womanhood down on his growing bulge making Naoya's breath hitch in his throat.
You positioned yourself in between his legs with his legs on either side of your hips. "This shit is not turning me on you fucking slut." Naoya said insultingly. You removed his pants and then traced a finger on the outline of his underwear where his bulge stood out. Judging By the tent in his underwear alone, you could tell that the blonde man was huge.
"Calling me a slut when you're the one whos leaking." You poke at the tip of his dick where a small wet spot has been created from precum. Naoya had no retort for what you said, all he can do is grit his teeth in anger as you pull off his underwear. His cock springs up, the night air hitting his exposed member. You run a finger from the base of his cock to the tip.
You are just a tad bit shocked at how large his cock is. Maybe this was what he traded for instead of having a decent personality. "Well, just know I'm not nice enough to let you cum anytime soon." You commented as you reached for some lube and the beaded sound laying on the floor.
Naoya shook his head seeing the metal beaded rod in your hand he already assumed what your intentions were. "I'll make sure it doesn't hurt too much, darling." You scoffed at the word ‘darling’ leaving your lips. After having lubed up the sound you stroked Naoya's cock with your free hand to get him to relax.
As soon as he seemed more relaxed you spread the opening of his cock and started placing the beaded sound into his opening. Naoya's eyes widened, filling with tears at the foreign object being inserted into his cock. "FUCK! YOU INSANE PSYCHO BITCH!!" He bellowed out as you slowly pushed the sound into him.
After a few more curses and muffled cries, it was fully in. "Now, that wasn't too bad." You gave him a gentle smile. You stroke his dick gently feeling it twitch in your grasp. Naoya looked at you with fuming glossy eyes.
Tracing your fingers up and down his abdomen you felt just how toned he was, maybe not as buff as another certain Zenin but nicely toned. Your fingers slowly went to tease his nipples rubbing them in a circular motion.
Naoya lowered his arms down to move your hands away, "I'm not a woman! Do not pla-'' Before he could finish you pulled on the leash attached to his collar yanking him towards your face.
"If its only a place to tease women, then why is your dick twitching like a dog in heat?" You breathe out amused. Taking that moment you grab his face spitting on him. Standing up you removed your robe along with the slip dress leaving you only in some black lace-trimmed panties.
Naoya's face began to burn a crimson red, this was the first time he has ever seen your body naked. He had never seen you so exposed and bare like this, he hated to admit how much he loved the way your body looked lightly lit by the moonlight. You placed yourself back in between his legs once again grabbing the lube, you poured it on Naoya's cock letting it flood down between his ass.
Using one hand to stroke his dick while your other hand slid in between his ass. He froze sensing your second hand's action. "Don't you fucking dare you lowly whore!" He barked, his eyes widening in anger as you smirked and proceeded in plugging your index and middle finger in him. "I already let you stuff my dick! You damn lunatic!!" Naoya fumed as you resumed.
"You have no place to talk when you're g-spot is literally in your ass bitch." You sneered going further in him and spreading him out. As you began to pump into him with your fingers spreading him in the process. He muffled his moans and whimpers by biting his lip.
You let go of his dick and slapped it. "I never said not to make noise, bark for your master, disobedient bitch." You commanded as he let out a sharp gasp. He gritted his teeth, closing his eyes as you added another finger.
Proceeding to pump into him faster, making him arch his back and causing his breathing to become erratic. "S-Stop please!" He moans out, finally you had managed to hit his prostate.
"Call me master and I might consider your request, useless dog." You growled at him, pulling out your fingers. Naoya shuddered at the release of your fingers from his now begging hole. You were about to grab your strap on when you heard a knock at your bedroom door.
Frozen in place for a second, you placed a finger to your lips signaling Naoya to keep quiet, "May I ask who?" You called out as you glanced at Naoya to make sure he kept his mouth shut. Surely he wouldn't want to get caught in this situation.
"Uh, it's me Toji, I wanted to make sure Naoya didn't upset you more than he already has," Toji responded from the other side. Your mouth formed a small 'o' as you glanced back at Naoya. A smirk forms on your pretty plump lips. Naoya scowled at you and at Toji's response.
"He hasn't upset me further, but please come in." Naoya shakes his head furiously, obviously he didn't want to be seen below a woman nor did he want Toji to see his woman exposed. "Alright, I'm coming in." Toji slid the door open slowly, his head peered into the room. The dark haired male was in shock after witnessing Naoya and yours position on the futon.
"Would you care to join us?" You proposed a bit of a gleam in your eyes. Toji froze for a moment but then proceeded to walk in without saying a word, closing the door behind him. He gripped at the edge of his shirt and pulled it over his head making his way over, revealing his buff and sculpted build.
"You're into this shit!?" Naoya questioned as he saw Toji approaching you from behind. "Did I order you to speak?" You questioned, slapping his cock. Naoya flinched at the action inhaling a sharp breath.
Toji chuckled looking down at Naoya, "Seeing you getting treated like dirt by such a pretty lady, kinda tickles my taste." Toji sank onto his knees behind you.
"I'm gonna do what you haven't and fuck your woman," Toji smirked taking your breast into his hands, you could feel the rough callouses on his hands as they groped your breast. You sensed the bigger man's muscles flex against your bare back.
You bit your lip as you felt his hands roam your body. Naoya's body shook with enmity, "Get your fucking hands off of her you fucking bastard!" He demanded trying to sit himself up.
You grabbed the leash and pulled him up as close as possible to your face, "You're going to shut the fuck up and watch your master get her cunt fucked." You hissed cupping his face with your other hand. Kissing his lips roughly Naoya returned the kiss back with the same roughness. Ending the kiss you pushed him back down onto the futon.
Toji continued to explore your body with his hands. He let soft kisses touch your nape, slowly making his way to your left shoulder. His left hand was groping your right breast while his right hand wandered down inside your black panties.
"Wow, you're fucking wet," Toji breathed into your ear his deep voice causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. His fingers quickly found your clit and he began to massage it in a circular motion. He was gentle with his motion, but going at a steady pace just enough to make your body tremble with enjoyment.
You let out soft moans as he let his hands pleasure and unwind you. "On all fours pretty lady," Toji commanded, you followed his orders and positioned yourself on all fours. Your face was now in front of Naoya's throbbing cock.
The blonde man watched as you were bottomed out by Toji, this view infuriated him. He hated seeing Toji as the one you were submitting to, Naoya's frustration grew by each tortuous second. Toji proceeded to remove the garment inclosing your soaking pussy. The chill night air hitting your womanhood made you gasp softly.
Toji laid on his back his head in between your legs underneath you. You let out a moan as soon as you felt Toji's tongue start to lap your soaking pussy.
Naoya's dick began to twitch again hearing your moans get louder. It was making him more eager to have you touch him. "Fuck." Naoya exhaled.
"Tastes so fucking good," Toji moaned between each lap of his tongue gripping your thighs. He used his fingers to enter your hole, "Loosen up for me, princess." Gasping loudly, you gripped the sheets of the futon as his fingers began to pump in and out of your pussy.
You let your body move on it's own, fucking yourself on his thick fingers. "Y/n! Fuck please." Naoya breathed out desperately. Your mouth opened as you began to tongue Naoya's cock not wanting to deprive him too much.
In reality, you wanted to take Naoya's full cock in our mouth, but since you were in the midst of training this misbehaved dog, maybe another time.
"I'm going to cum!" You screamed as you came all over Toji's fingers, your legs trembling from the sensation. The dark haired male made sure to clean up all of your spilling juices with his mouth.
Toji repositioned himself on his knees and pulled you up by your arms so you were on your knees again. "Can't believe Naoya hasn't had the pleasure to enjoy your taste." Toji smirked and looked at Naoya, he grabbed your chin so he could kiss you.
"Taste yourself, my lady." Toji bit your bottom lip making you open your mouth allowing his tongue to explore the inside of your mouth. Pulling away you smiled innocently seeing Naoya's flushed face due to him being probably mad or frustrated, whatever it was you liked the expression.
"I have to give my pet the rest of his training and if he takes it well he can fuck his master's cunt next time too." You grabbed the strap on and put it on yourself, making Naoya flip and position himself with his ass up.
You proceeded to grab the lube and spanking paddle, placing the lube on Naoya to make it easier on yourself and him to slip in. Naoya was surprisingly being very complacent now, maybe seeing how Toji satisfied you made him want to do the same.
While you prepped Naoya, Toji removed his pants and underwear, tossing them to the side with the mess of clothing scattered on the floor. The heavenly carved man used his hand to pump his throbbing hard cock, getting it ready to fuck the life out of you.
"Time for some training bitch." You said sliding the attached dildo into Naoya. You hear his muffled gasp, you used the paddle to spank the blonde male's ass. Naoya jerked his head to the side at the shutter of pain coming from his ass. "Your master wants to hear her slutty pet moan, so refrain from keeping quiet." You ordered spanking him again.
Finally you were fully taken in by Naoya you then began pumping into his plump ass. You started at a slow enough pace to let Toji insert himself inside you.
You felt his cock fill you up. He was big and his girth filled your tight pussy. Your walls clenched around his cock almost about to cum from him just entering you. Toji gripped your waist, "No cumming this easily, my lady." He hummed into your ear.
Snapping back your head nodding at his command and you happily continue thrusting into Naoya. Picking up the pace Toji met you with the same rhythm while his left hand was placed on your neck gently squeezing the sides with his fingers and thumb.
His right hand squeezed and groped your left breast; with your hand on Naoya's waist to keep your pace steady. Naoya's grunts and moans echoed through the dimly lit room as you begin to hit his prostate.
"Please stop!" Naoya whimpered as he starts to feel the immense pleasure from having you fuck him. Toji's grunts and moans get louder filling the room as well. "Please, please! I hate you! You fucking piece of shit woman!!" Naoya cursed through waves of pleasure.
You used the paddle to reprimand him for cursing. You're able to see the tint of his ass get redder with the little bit of moonlight peaking in, it was a full moon out tonight and your body and mind were in bliss.
You kept thrusting, hitting Naoya's prostate repeatedly, "I wanna cum! I wanna cum! Let me cum please!" Naoya pleaded out to you. Now you just had to see his expressions, imagining it when it was right in front of you wasn't sufficing. Toji kept his rhythm as he was also close to his peak.
Your smooth hand grabbed Toji's wrist to stop him as you halted your movements into Naoya. Pulling out of the blonde man, you flipped him over on his back. His face flushed and wet with tears, his eyes sparkling with wetness making the sadistic side of yourself excited.
Seeing him in that state made your pussy get wetter than it was already. Toji felt you squeeze around his cock at the view of your fiancé looking like a pathetic animal. You grabbed Naoya's cock and removed the beaded sound slowly from his flushed-pulsing cock.
With each of the beaded rod sliding out Naoya panted and moaning once it was fully extracted from his huge cock. "Please make me cum, Master." Naoya whined while looking at you completely bottomed out.
Your face blushed as you repositioned yourself back into Naoya. Toji started again as well once you got to a good pace. Picking up the speed of your thrusts, you were ready to make his dick unload the cum he had been building up.
Naoya was now shamelessly moaning and grunting as you were hitting his sweet spot repeatedly. He arched his back to feel each thrust you did. Deciding  to add to his pleasure you pumped his cock in your hand, making him throw his head back at the blissful feeling.
Toji kept thrusting into you, hitting your g-spot and making you throw your head back in satisfaction as well. Moans cascading out of your mouth a symphony. Your panted as your walls clenched around him as you were getting close to your orgasm.
"I'm cumming!" all three of your pleasured voices mixed at once as you reach your climax. Removing yourself from Naoya, his cum squirts all over his own chest.
Toji pulls out of you, cumming on your back all the while your legs tremble as you cum as well. "I fucking hated this," Naoya grunted out breathing heavily. You smirked at your fiancé and questioned him, "Wanna get your brains fucked again, you dumb crybaby pet?"
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