#but the other 5-15% of my gender is just... not there. there's nothing even there
fabulouslygaybean · 9 months
i call myself a binary trans man bc functionally that's what i am, and i totally embrace that/im comfortable with that, but man. sometimes i really wish i could be open about the weird intricacies of my identity without people slapping labels on me left and right
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writergeekrhw · 2 years
Well, it’s actually been 30 years now, but here’s a spew I did 5 years ago on the bird app to commemorate my 25 years as a TV writer. 
I’ve edited it a bit for clarity. Hopefully some of you will find it useful.
1. In TV writing (and writing in general) there is only one unbreakable rule: Thou shalt not be boring.
2. Write characters people want to hang out with for an hour or so once a week for years to come. Even if they're bad people, make them interesting, engaging bad people.
3. If your lead is a bad person, make them funny and/or sexy. Direct most of their bad behavior toward other bad people or themselves. Make them well motivated. Maintain rooting interest.
4. What makes a character special should be intertwined with what makes them struggle. Perfect people are boring.
5. Characters should complement/conflict with each other. No two characters should serve the same purpose/have the same backstory/have the same voice.
6. Cast the best actor, adjust the character to suit.
7. Give your leads the best lines/moments. No one is tuning in to watch the funny guest star. Like Garry Marshall said back on HAPPY DAYS, “I’m paying Henry Winkler $25,000 an episode. Give the Fonz the jokes.”
8. Your characters, good & bad, should reflect the reality of our wonderful, diverse world. White male shouldn’t be the default.
9. Avoid stereotypes. Stereotypes are boring.
10. If all your POV characters know some secret, the audience should know it too.
11. If your show hinges on a big mystery, know more or less what the truth is from the beginning. You can change it later if you need to, but write to a specific.
12. If your story doesn’t test your characters mentally, physically, psychologically, emotionally, or spiritually, you don’t have a story.
13. You can start by figuring out the Beginning, the Middle, or the End, but you don’t have an episode until you have all three.
14. Big suspenseful act outs (the last moments before the commercials) aren’t just a gimmick. They’re a good way to structure an hour of entertainment to make sure the audience is invested and your pacing is solid.
15. Every scene should be a consequence of the previous scene or a refutation of it.
16. A scene also needs a Beginning, Middle, and End. The end should propel the characters and/or audience into the next scene.
17. Every scene is a negotiation/confrontation between two or more characters who want different things or have different ideas on how to solve the same problem.
18. A good action scene is still a character scene. With punching. (This applies to sex scenes too, but you know, with sex.)
19. A crap page is better than a blank one.
20. It’s easier to cut than to add.
21. Good things rarely happen in the Writers Room after dinner. Go home, get some rest, write pages at home if you have to, start fresh in the morning.  Writers who have a life outside the writing room are better writers. Beware the showrunner who doesn't want to go home to their family. That said…
22. Script by day one of Pre-Production. No matter what.
23. You’re a writer first. Almost nothing happening on set or in post is more important than the writing. Delegate when possible.
24. Make an extra effort to surround yourself with writers who are different from you (background, race, gender, orientation, etc). Listen to their perspectives, especially on experiences alien to you.
25. And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make. In TV writing and life in general. 
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blicketdabest33 · 9 months
Y'all remember that MCYT PJO au I asked for help with awhile ago? WELL HERE'S THE CABINS AND MY EXPLINATIONS BEHIND THEM!!
#1 Zeus Cabin: Jimmy, Joel Jimmy: He's a Zeus kid, but everyone somehow forgets about it. Joel: He's competitive and strong. Also, because Jimmy is his half brother through godly parent, i get to make a fun bit about him dating Lizzie. And one of his origins in Afterlife SMP was a thunderborn
#2 Hera Cabin: Scott Scott: Scott's whole thing is loyalty. Hera is the goddess of marriage and is insanely loyal to Zeus. However, I feel like Hera should get at least one affair. So now Scott can use peacocks as weapons.
#3 Poseidon Cabin: Skizz Skizz: Poseidon kids tend to be really, really loyal to a fault and heroic, both qualities I think Skizz possesses.
#4 Demeter Cabin: Sausage, Shelby, Bdubs, Stress Sausage: This man built Sanctuary in a jungle and has flowers in his hair. He sells wood. There is no other place to put him. Shelby: Mushroom gnome, spooky mangrove witch, powerful storm witch, i need not continue. Bdubs: Moss man. Stress: SHE HAS FLOWERS
#5 Ares Cabin: Martyn, False Martyn: His planet is Mars, which is the roman version of Ares. He ended Limited Life in such a violent way, i can't help it. He was also red for the majority of Secret Life. False: I just feel like False should get to kill people more often.
#6 Athena Cabin: Grian, Pix, Owen, Xisuma Grian: This sums it up pretty well
Tumblr media
Pix: Smart man. Archeologist and definitely a nerd. I wanna see him skipping out on training just so he can read history books. Owen: He likes to explore and discover new things in Pirates. In Rats, he's a tinkerer. In New Life, he's an explorer who wants to study hybrids. In Empires, he's a Llama who's curious about how humans work. Just a very curious character overall. Xisuma: Admin. I'm not elaborating.
#7 Apollo Cabin: Gem, Oli, Lyarrah Gem: She is an Apollo kid because of her Empire in S2. She's the sunlight princess. Apollo kid. Oli: MUSIC. MAN. Lyarrah: She writes the captions for the hermitcraft recap.
#8 Artemis Cabin: Pearl Pearl: Y'know, Artemis could've just like... had a kid, even though she took that oath. It wouldn't even have to be with a guy. Gods can change to whatever gender they want. Anyway, Pearl gets to be an Artemis kid because her symbolism is moon, she loves dogs, and will commit murder and hunt at night.
#9 Hephaestus Cabin: Doc, Mumbo, Tango, Impulse, Cub, Zedaph, Fwhip, Iskall Doc: Redstone Mumbo: Redstone Tango: Redstone Impulse: Redstone Cub: Redstone Zedaph: Redstone Fwhip: Redstone AND has a red scarf (don't ask me how that's relevant) Iskall: Redstone
#10 Aphrodite Cabin: Keralis Keralis: Okay, I don't know why, but Keralis gives me the vibes of a very charming person. His voice is nice to listen to, so imagine how useful it'd be if I gave him charm speak.
#11 Hermes Cabin: Scar, Etho, Joe Scar: Trader Scar, scammer extraordinar. Etho: All i must say is Shady-E's. I get "jack-of-all-trades, master of none, often better than master of one" vibes from him. He's funny, he's mischievous, it just works. Joe: Comedy man. Excellent delivery. And, yet again, i look at this man and go "That right there is a multi-talented man with a habit for mischief."
#12 Dionysus Cabin: Joey, Beef Joey: *points at his season one empires theme* i need not say more Beef: Idk, food. I don't really have a reason. I don't know too much about Beef.
#13 Hades Cabin: Zloy Zloy: Zombie man. He writes the Hermitcraft recaps in the dark at 2am with nothing but pure spite.
#14 Iris Cabin: Katherine Katherine: SHE. HAS. COLORS. and also I couldn't put her in Demeter cabin because Shelby is already there and i am NOT excluding Nature Wives from this au
#15 Hypnos Cabin: Bigb, XB, Wels Bigb: Sleepy stuff, right? WRONG. Gaslight. Go in everyones dreams, make fake prophecies, peace out, and cause chaos. XB: I look at his fanon design, I see an alien, and I go "aha he sleeps" Wels: This guy (@dingdinghq) said so and i completely agree. Something about sleeping in S6.
#16 Nemesis Cabin: Edit: wels not here no more
#17 Nike Cabin: Ren Ren: VICTORY. I don't know much about Ren's story in the Life Series, but I look at this man and see someone who has won a lot.
#18 Hebe Cabin: 
#19 Tyche Cabin: TFC TFC: Man goes mining and gets really lucky. That's it.
#20 Hecate Cabin: Lizzie, Cleo, Jevin Lizzie: Witchy vibes. Also, Arson. Cleo: Arson. She uses her magic for Arson. Jevin: He's a magic slime. Also, Arson. All Hecate kids love Arson.
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WIBTA for using my status as an agender person to get a surgery I want although I do not want it for gender-related issues ?
TW : talk of uterus, menstrual cycles and menstrual blood
I'll start by saying this is not the US so please don't make your judgement based on that. I'll describe how things are in my country.
So I (X24) want my uterus removed. The main reason is that I want to be sterilised to stop having so much anxiety about becoming pregnant, which would be a nightmare for me, and I never ever want this to happen again.
But I can't get any other form of sterilisation as then I would keep my uterus, so I would keep my period, and without hormonal treatment it's just not liveable. To give you an idea, my natural cycles are 21 days instead of 28, I get my period for 7 days instead of 5 and it can be hemorrhagic for up to 4 days of these 7. (I used to get post-op medication because of the hemorrhagia before I was under contraception.) And of course I get through excruciating pain every time, beside having iron deficiency among other things. I'm currently trying another hormonal contraception, it's still not going well. There is always something wrong. My first pill just stopped working, the next ones made me gain 20kg, I'm currently trying hormonal IUD and although I don't bleed as much, I bleed for so long and there is so much pain that no available painkillers can block. I'm so tired. I can't imagine going through that for another 15 to 25 years.
In my country, it is written in law that you are allowed to be sterilised using various methods, all of which keep the uterus. Nothing is said for hysterectomy as a sterilisation method. And although many refuse to sterilise you at all, if you find the right surgeon you can be no matter your age. The procedure is also fully reimbursed. Nothing is said in law about hysterectomy.
This means that the vast majority of surgeons won't remove your uterus. Except if you have a pathology related to it or if you're trans (coming back to that later).
So what I described above does look like a uterus with a pathology, right? It certainly looks like endometriosis at least. I went to a surgeon known for doing the other kinds of sterilisation and tried to convince him to just remove my uterus. He refused, not without an asserted pathology. To his credit, he looked for it. He had me take an MRI. Well, they found nothing.
Which means that, although I have a pretty dysfunctional uterus that I never want to use and just keeps causing me problems, he won't remove it. Because they can't find the cause. Even though I feel completely alienated from my body because of that damn organ that keeps trying to make me bear children and will have me bleed out and in pain when I won't allow it.
Then there is the other solution. I said above you could get surgery if you are trans. It's actually a bit more complicated that that. In order to get HRT and gender affirming surgery, you first need to get diagnosed with body dysphoria by a psychiatrist. And then you get a special status in our health system that allows you to get free access to all kinds of things in the medical field (like surgery and HRT) and beyond (like laser depilation).
As I said, I'm agender. They give this status to nonbinary people so my specific flavour of gender (or lack thereof) is not the issue. But I don't have body dysphoria, only social dysphoria. People misgendering me to my face will make me feel horrible but I don't see my body as gendered. My breasts and specifically my uterus are not something that I see as gendered, so they're not something that causes me distress in terms of gender-related issues. Which means as psychiatrist is never going to diagnose me with gender dysphoria as is, and I won't have access to hysterectomy through trans care.
Except if I fake it.
Now, I have no idea if it could even work. If I could even fool someone. But I've been considering trying because I really, really want to get rid of that damn uterus. And technically, I wouldn't be faking my gender identity. Just expanding on my dysphoria. Still, it feels wrong. I wouldn't transition in any other way except removing the uterus. This path doesn't feel like it's mine to take. I feel it would be disrespectful towards actual, dysphoric trans people.
So, what do you say Tumblr ? WIBTA if I tried it anyway ?
What are these acronyms?
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theprinceofliones · 6 months
Lancelot x tristan nsfw headcanons?👀🤭
*busts inside holding a fifty yard scroll of all my headcanons* IVE BEEN SUMMONED
1. Tristan knows next to nothing about sex. What’s that? How does it work? He doesn’t know man. His father absolutely FORBIDS any coupling because uhm…that’s his little baby who was literally JUST born??? Yeah Tristan doesn’t know shit about it. He probably thinks he could get pregnant from kissing someone with how little he’s informed about intercourse LMFAO
2. Lancelot has had a few sexual encounters himself. Out and about yknow he’s met and had a few fun nights with random younger men he would come across while traveling around Britannia. They’re not anything crazy or passionate, just an encounter that lets him blow off steam. He prefers guys with longer hair and pretty smiles…and it definitely doesn’t have anything to do with a long silver haired pretty Prince back in Liones nuh uh no siree
3. Okay gonna get into anatomy here and shit but it needs to be explained; Tristan, because of his Goddess and Demon biology, both has male genitala and female genitalia. Both Goddesses and Demons have both gendered genitalia so either gender can get pregnant, it just depends on what sexual organ they use during intercourse. They can choose to sheath or hide either anatomy that they pick depending on what position they are performing. So for all we know Meliodas could’ve given birth to Tristan lmfao ELIZABETH GIRL DICK FOR THE WIN!!!
4. The first time Lancelot and Tristan “explore” and “experiment” with one another is when Lancelot finally understands why people are obsessed with sex because how the FUCK has he gone without this, without /Tristan/ like this his whole life???
5. In saying this…Lancelot eats Nephilim pussy like a cham- *GUNSHOT*
6. Lancelot tops, Tristan bottoms, but they do switch! But it’s more like Lancelot tops from the bottom and Tristan bottoms from the top lmfao
7. Lancelot has an oral fixation
8. Tristan’s Goddess wings like to pop out and flutter around when he’s overwhelmed, and during sex is no different. Lancelot doesn’t play fair bc he’ll grab and stroke his feathers until Tristan cries from overstimulation
9. Lancelot could spend hours between Tristan’s legs being choked out to death by his pretty smooth thighs
10. Tristan really really really likes kissing and becomes obsessed with it as soon as he first kisses Lancelot
11. Tristan’s chest is really sensitive
12. Lancelot’s ears are a veryyyy sensitive spot and Tristan exploits this every chance he can.
13. Once they get a taste of each other good lord they couldn’t stay OFF of each other. They defiled every piece of furniture in Tristan’s room including the bed ten times over, probably half of the desks and couches inside the library, multiple spots in the gardens, and probably the royal dining table too 💀
14. Meliodas has no idea that they’re having sex. How they haven’t been caught by him yet, they don’t even know (Elizabeth covers for them 24/7)
15. Lancelot hates having to pull out but Tristan shrieks at him every time if he doesn’t bc Tristan is terrified of getting pregnant 😭 he knows he can control if he does not but it still scares the absolute shit out of him
16. …Lancelot has a breeding kin *explosion*
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rocksalt-and-pie · 11 months
alright I've made a more in depth list of episodes I would like to see in a fanservice season 16 as previously mentioned in my other post:
- human Impala (should be portrayed by a 55+ years old actor or actress with a strong Detroit accent and a very loud deep voice. they have arthritis in their shoulders because Dean never oils their creaking door hinges)
- Sam and Dean body swap (the potential for jokes is just top tier and the outtakes from this will be out of this world) (Jensen playing Jared playing Sam and the other way around sounds like absolute chaos)
Cas immediately recognizes Dean even in Sam's body and it's revealed that all this time he has been looking directly at Dean's soul 😭 (no kissing in this episode though. God the psychological damage a Misha/Jared kiss would cause)
- parallel universe with female Sam and Dean that they get sent to and meet each other / alternatively: some kind of gender swap curse that makes them turn into women (the potential for misogynistic jokes turning into more understanding and therefore changed behavior is just chef's kiss)
Bonus points for Cas off-handedly mentioning that he doesn't think it's weird that he wasn't affected by the curse because technically he has no gender and the body he inhabits is just a vessel (close up on Dean's face Thinking Thoughts)
Rowena takes care of it and compliments the female versions of them and it's kinda gay ("do we have to turn you back? Shame, would have been nice to have some female company, we could have formed a coven! Or done other fun things" cut to irritated glances being exchanged between the brothers/sisters)
- Jack and Claire teaming up for a hunt (preferably saving their damsel in distress father and step-dad that got trapped in some dangerous place where they finally have nothing but time to talk things out because there is no way to escape, you have to be freed from the outside)
- stanford era Dean flashbacks (feeling lost and alone on the road)
- Bobby and Rufus in the 80s flashbacks (including baby Winchesters!)
- Bigfoot hunt (the teddy bear episode doesn't count) but it's just an escaped gorilla or something. I just wanna see them hiking again okay I like the woods
- some, like, desert monster idk. filmed on location in Arizona or Nevada in the sweltering heat. the boys being forced to remove layer after layer of plaid. show me Dean in a tank top (handprint included)
- birthday episode (either Sam's or Dean's idc. How come that in 15 years there was never a case taking place during one of their birthdays!)
- an actual wedding, either Sam and Eileen or Jody and Donna or Dean and [gun shots]
- beach episode, show me those bathing suits. give me a Bond girl moment
- another Wayward Sisters episode please
- reverse French mistake although it would be absolutely fucking insufferable and I would hate it with all my heart (but it would be sooo funny)
- resolve all the other loose threads of open ended episodes (there are so many! The tulpa from season 1! The girls in the hotel from the haunted house episode in season 2! Jesse the antichrist kid from season 5! The witch twins and how one of them brought the other back from the dead! The kid of that monster friend of Sam's that Dean killed in season 8 i think and told him to his face to come looking for him when he's grown up! That's five whole episodes right there!! and those are just the ones i could come up with from the top of my head but I'm sure there's more)
- a lot of you mentioned a proper musical episode, which. sure why not. a curse that makes you sing/perceive everything happening as music perhaps?
- and then of course. The coconuts gently colliding but this goes without saying
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sapphoherselz · 3 months
Writing this in my docs cause it keeps deleting on tumblr!! SO, third time is the charm…
Lesbian andreil based on a fic a was working on “one of your girls"
Writing sucks!! So, Alexa play Picture You by Chappelle Roan
1. Neal and Andrea are not in love with eo, they’re just very good roomates and Neal is 100% straight and is going to end up with a man even though she has never felt any physical or emotional attraction to the opposite gender, until
2. Andrea usually brings her hookups to their apartment, and Neal usually leaves said apartment to give them some privacy, UNTIL
3. Neal has the apartment to herself one night, and she decides to follow her friends advice and explore by herself because apparently “you need to know what you like before trying it with another person”;
4. so, she watches porn, she read some articles but it's doing nothing to her, even if she’s tying to mimic what they're doing, UN TIL;
5. Andrea comes home and she’s brought someone over! Neal's hearing is very good and the walls are very thin so she can hear everything they’re doing;
6. everything, meaning the passion in their kisses, the hurried footsteps and…Andrea leaving her one night stand on her bed while she goes sitting on a chair because apparently she prefers to give orders and watch how their partners pleasure themselves;
7. And look, Neal is not a pervert or a voyeur or anything like that but she was there first and she’s going to get an orgasm out of her, come hell or high water!
8. It's not her fault if she can hear Andrea so clearly it's almost as if the blonde is whispering in her hear, it's not her fault if the "You're gonna touch yourself for me, Nath”, the order being given, the ever present authority combined with this intimate moment making Andrea's voice huskier than usual, or the accidental use of her almost-ex-name, that make all of her senses feel heightened; goosebumps rise delicately on the length of her arms and legs, the faint fragrance of cigarette that always seems to follow the blond seeping through the gaps of the wood pattern into her bed, wrapping her tightly;
9. It's not her fault if she starts touching herself just like Andrea is telling her partner-for-the-night to, her ears perked as if she were a puppy, trying to catch the faintest breath of air escaping from Andrea;
10. It's not her fault that the blonde's voice, once it comes, is as flat as it usually is, devoid of any emotion, reminding her one-night stand to slow down and Neal can't help the thoughts flooding in her head, telling her that she's doing good and wondering if the other would praise her if she knew, if she were the one- the mere thought is enough to make her her hips buck and jerk unconsciously against her cupped hand and…oh. That’s different, that's good;
11. It’s not her fault if she has to bring the unoccupied hand to her red-bitten lips as a a faint wail slips its way out of her, hips still oscillating despite the fear of being caught; the touch makes her feel ashamed but stimulated at the same time, heaving breaths getting out of her opened lips as silently as she can;
12. It's not her fault that she starts mouthing Andrea's name, wishing she were the one screaming her name, instead of having to swallow it down as she keeps rubbing oh so slowly, her long legs shaking, eyes half open and half closed, wisps of sweaty hair sticking to skin;
13. It's not her fault that once she comes, her vision blurring, her body trembling greatly as if an earthquake had taken place in her body, her hand still moving as if it had a mind of its own, that she wanted the wall between them to disappear, to have the blonde leaning over, her chest against her back, kissing her shoulder, her neck, whispering sweet nothings in her ear;
14. But that can’t never, ever happen because Neal is a straight woman, she's not attracted to Andrea and this whole night was just a fluke;
15. Neal throws these false hopes away as far as she could, as soon as they came. She has not even an ounce of strength left, simply letting the wall support her weight with a far-away look in her eyes, still gasping for breath and listened unwillingly as the other woman came off from the high, wondering if she was being helped cleaning herself, if her hair was being played with, if her forehead had been kissed…
16. But Neal didn't need any of this, she could do it on her own. She lays on her side, her knees up to her chest and shivering from the cold of the night, a hand resting on her own head, twirling a few curls, scratching her scalp, imagining a larger hand, a rougher touch…
17. And if Neal falls asleep, still muttering her roomates name, that's nobody's business;
18. And if Andrea had almost said the wrong name, lost in the red curls and freckled skin, if she had pursed that woman because she resembled one annoying roomate of hers…then it's really her business, and no-one else's.
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📖 🥺 🩹🍭? Oooor 🙏🏻🍭
45 Minute Friends - Lester Billings/Reader
Warnings: Gender neutral reader, no use of Y/N, nothing else this time other than those sad eyes QwQ
Wordcount: 5391
Summary: When your meetcute turns into a surprising but nice friendship with the handsome man at the grocery store you frequent, you find yourself not ever wanting to know what he looks like without the smile that drew you in in the first place.
Notes: Even though he was in the list, I was still so surprised when I got this one! Did not expect any Lester but I'm so glad I got him because once again I have rebuilt a man from scratch to make him my own hehe so I hope you guys like this one~ 💗💗💗 (And if there's any demand for a sequel, wellllll... 😏)
Every Thursday like clockwork he was there, getting groceries between the minutes of 5:15 and 6PM. The first couple times you'd bumped into him had been random, just you rushing to the store for something for dinner or grabbing something you were low on last minute - usually you preferred getting in during the early hours of the morning when the place was empty - but after the third Thursday of noticing him grabbing a bunch of sugary breakfast cereals and a big tub of ice cream to pile along with the more adult things in his cart, your curiosity was too strong to resist wondering if you could see him again. He wore suits, a working man, and he took his health seriously despite the treats, although once in a while he did tend to hang out a little too long amongst the dessert counter where all the cakes were on display.
He was tall, very handsome, and there was something so comfortable about him you decided as he grabbed a box off the shelf and flipped it over to read the nutritional values. You sucked in a deep, encouraging breath before pushing your cart down the aisle, pretending to be interested in the many different brands of pasta before stopping and staring at the one on the top shelf where he was standing. ‘Excuse me,’ you asked politely, pretending like you hadn't just found the perfect excuse to finally talk to him, ‘could you please pass me that box? If it's not too much trouble.’
His height came very much in handy as he easily grabbed it and handed it over, and you flushed before you noticed the ring on his left hand as it held the box; ah, he was married, so much for your meetcute. ‘Big dinner coming up?’ he asked casually when he saw your cart, which was packed enough to last you the rest of the month since you knew you'd be too busy to visit weekly for a while, and you just shook your head with a nervous laugh.
‘Oh, no, just that time of the year again, gunna be swamped from dawn til dusk for a while,’ you told him as you tossed the pasta in, even if it was something you'd never eat normally you were still going to buy it after this. ‘How about you? I take it your kid has a sweet tooth?’
He laughed back, and even though it couldn't be your dream meetcute you still felt a blush dust over your cheeks. ‘All three of them, actually, don't tell my wife but I think they got it from me.’
So that explained him staring at the cakes. ‘Don't worry I won't,’ you promised, your hand over your heart, and he looked back to the box in his hand before going for it and offering you a handshake.
‘Lester, Lester Billings,’ he introduced himself as you shook, your name falling from your mouth rather ungracefully when you saw how his hand enveloped your own. ‘I think I've seen you around here before, do you live nearby?’
‘20 minutes out of town, but I like the prices here, so it's worth the drive,’ you admitted easily even though your crush was still technically a stranger, but he just whistled at the long drive and moved onto the sauces.
‘I'm in town, but if I don't go right after work I'd never get the chance,’ he confided right back while picking up a jar. ‘Have you tried this brand before? Rita, my wife, introduced me to it last year and we haven't gone back.’ He handed you the jar before grabbing his own before you could answer, and you hadn't even heard of it before as you just shrugged and took his word for it, it also joining your increasingly expensive haul. His phone went off then, and he pulled it out and let out a quiet kid-safe curse before typing a reply back. ‘Sorry, forgot the party started at 5:30, thought I still had an hour, it was nice meeting you!’ he said as he headed off for the register, his food toppling over with several crashes in his hurry, and you couldn't help but grin as you grabbed your favourite pasta as well as a second bottle of sauce before continuing on your own list.
You really weren't able to go back again until work had died down, your cupboards getting bare from all the late nights of having just enough energy to cook, eat, and pass out until your alarm. Now that you knew he lived in town you couldn't help but look for him as you drove to work, but you put an end to that pretty fast after you swear you saw him in casual clothes and nearly ran a red light. You spent that time instead getting your crush under control, your mother didn't raise a homewrecker that was for sure, but when you finally were able to return and you spotted him checking out the watermelons you couldn't help but wave when he glanced up. He smiled wide at you and pointed at the one in his hand, it was huge and he was over the moon about the find, and you couldn't stop the smile and blush that followed as you rolled over to him without a second thought.
‘Free from work?’ he asked as he finished his checks, and you realized it'd been a while since you indulged and started the hunt for your own.
‘Finally, it's been a nightmare,’ you breathed exaggeratedly, which earned you another laugh.
‘It’s been the same for me, Thursday is the only night I get to come home on time just for this.’ He settled on a melon and was about to put it in his cart when he quickly stopped you from picking up your own. ‘Whoa, that guy's not ripe yet, here, my wife sent me this after last time,’ he said as he swapped out the melon for his phone, and he swiped through a bunch of photos before pulling up a visual guide on how to choose. He pointed at the one you were about to grab on his screen before taking your hand and finding a better one, the shiver running up your arm hopefully not giving you away. ‘This one should be better, it'll last you longer too if you aren't eating it all tonight.’
‘By myself? Hell no!’ you blurted out before you could think of something more suitable to say, but the resulting laugh was so loud and full of life that you couldn't help but giggle along with him as he supported himself on your shoulder. 
‘Sorry, I don't mean to offend,’ he chuckled as he picked up his suggested fruit, placing it in your cart for you without you even asking, ‘forgive me for assuming you were unavailable.’
‘No no, it's fine,’ you quickly said before you could say the same to him, he didn't need to know about your crush, ‘thanks for the recommendation, it's been years since I took the time to actually get one of these and not just the packaged slices.’
‘Every time they're in season we get one, my kids could eat most of one on their own, I swear.’ He considered getting a second before deciding against it, they could space it out you figured, and he started to head for the next thing before turning back to you. ‘You coming? It's been a while since I had some company on one of these, makes it less boring,’ he offered as he waited, and your heart skipped a beat as you hurried to catch up to him.
You talked about random things as you shopped, him mostly about his kids and how much his youngest looked like his mother, you about whatever you could think of so it wouldn't be so one-sided. You learned that he and his wife were highschool sweethearts, started dating then and got married when they were both in their early 20s, and that it'd taken them a while but finally their firstborn had been gifted to them by the time they were almost in their 30s. As such he spoiled his kids rotten, loved them all immensely, and he revealed to you that he planned on taking them to Disneyland once summer vacation finally came. You could tell he was excited about it, maybe even more than his kids were going to be, and your crush turned to something more as you finally reached the dessert counter.
He didn't linger since you were with him, so you sneakily stopped to check out the cheesecakes. ‘Oh, they have Caramel Pecan! I might have to grab a slice after that nightmare of a month,’ you wondered aloud, and you saw the way his eyes shone as he stopped and joined you.
‘My kids do love chocolate…’ he trailed off as he examined the flavours, all of them enticing him, and you smiled as you waved over the worker.
‘Excuse me, could I get a slice of this one?’ you asked as you pointed to your choice, Lester still deciding on his own with childlike wonder that made you suspicious it wasn't just his kids who liked chocolate.
‘I'm sorry, only the full sized cakes come in that flavour, the slices can be found over here if you'd like to try another one?’ she apologized, and you couldn't fight the frown as you glanced at the slices but didn't see any you wanted. 
‘I'll take the Caramel Pecan and the Chocolate Fudge Supreme,’ he then said as soon as you went to tell her it was fine, and you looked up at him as he gave you the warmest smile you'd ever seen in your life. ‘We're having another party this weekend, maybe you can join us, have a slice,’ he offered, and when you nodded you then found yourself with his number in your phone along with his address.
His house was nice and the front yard was covered in toys, loud music drifting from the backyard as kids screamed in delight and parents talked over them as best they could. You held the dish you'd decided to bring at the mention that it'd be a potluck a little closer to your chest before knocking on the door, almost missing the sign taped to the wall above the doorbell. It told you and their other guests to head around back for the party, and you followed the path to the side gate and headed to where all the voices were coming from. 
He had a huge pool that was currently filled with kids and their friends, some of the adults hanging out by the deep end as others were crowding around the grill, and you searched for him in this sea of strangers until you spotted him exiting through the back door, the cheesecakes in hand. You grinned as you rushed over to help, but you stopped when an auburn-haired woman walked up instead, taking your Caramel Pecan from him and making a face at it before placing it on the table along with the other treats. You stilled, halfway to him as he waved off her disgust with a laugh, and you felt yourself become self-conscious; you enjoyed his company, and he was fun to talk to, but you didn't belong in this part of his life, no, you were his friend among the aisles from between 5:15-6PM, you shouldn't be there-
‘Hey! You made it!’ You stopped mid-turn at the sound of his voice, a smile plastered to your face as he jogged over, and you wouldn't tell him but he really did look like a dad in his casual clothes, it was a good look on him.
‘Hey, yeah, something came up so I just wanted to drop this off on my way,’ you lied, and his smile turned to disappointment as he glanced back at the party.
‘You sure you can't stay? The food's almost ready, we were gunna get out the protector and watch a move on the side of the house while we ate,’ he told you almost sadly, and you were about to decline when the woman from earlier walked up next to him and looked you over. ‘Rita, this is the one I was telling you about, my new friend from Walkers,’ he announced as she linked her arms through his, and she wasn't at all like he described as she glanced up at him so fast he missed it, but you didn't.
‘Charmed, I take it you're staying for dinner?’ she asked, and she didn't sound nearly as nice as he made her out to be.
‘I, uh…’
‘You were just telling me what you wanted, burger or hot dog,’ he cut in, looking hopeful as you held your bowl of potato salad a little tighter. ‘We also have sausages and some vegetarian options, if you'd prefer?’
‘A cheeseburger sounds great,’ you finally replied, and he nodded before calling over to someone named Tommy by the grill to toss on two more for you. Rita let go as he led you to the table so you could set down your bowl, and everything looked delicious as you gazed over the spread, completely entranced by what you planned on grabbing before he held you out of the way of a bunch of running kids. You thought he scolded them for running and to be careful, but honestly you didn't hear anything as your face was pressed to his chest, his hands warming you more than the sun as they rested over your back and arm.
‘Sorry about that, you know how kids get,’ he chuckled as he let you go, and when he asked about how red you were you quickly blamed it on the sun so you could hide in the shade a safe distance away.
You ended up staying til dark, the food so delicious that you couldn't stop until you were full, and your Caramel Pecan cheesecake was even more delicious as he handed it to you while his wife scowled in the background, jealous over nothing. You knew you'd never make a move on him, seeing him around his family was enough to fully kill the crush, but still you couldn't leave as you sat in the grass and watched horror movies with the rest of his friends once the kids went to bed. The speakers couldn't be too loud, but that didn't stop everyone else as they had a great time, and when you stopped by the pool to enviously check it out, you found yourself splashing along with the others when he pushed you over the edge, jumped in, and encouraged everyone else to join, which they all childishly did.
You didn't hang out outside of shopping, the party would have to be your only exception, but you still had fun with him as you met up in the parking lot every Thursday after that. He shared his favourite recipes with you when you were looking to try something new, and was always ready to grab something off the top shelves for you while you grabbed stuff from the lower ones, bad back he explained after too many spills trying to keep up with the kids. You became close enough to openly talk about your jobs and your weeks, more invitations to parties offered to you every time you met, it seemed he was just really that social, but you found excuses for every one of them to his growing disappointment; you still saw Rita glaring at you when you looked at him, and you didn't want to start anything when your intentions for talking to him were nothing but pure now. 
As you were checking out, he offered for you to join them for movie night, this one would be a smaller gathering in case you didn't like the crowds, and you just laughed and declined as always. ‘It's not the crowds,’ you reassured him as your stuff was rung up, Lester bagging all of his own since you'd let him go first. ‘I'm just… not one for parties in general.’ It was a boldfaced lie, but you'd rather lie to him than get him in trouble with his wife just by being there.
‘It's not a party, it's movie night,’ he insisted, and he held the extra large bag of assorted salty snacks up high to tempt you. ‘C'mon, you told me you had a rough week, one round of cards with my kids will cheer you up, and since it's movie night you can pick your favourite to join the lineup, what do you say?’
That sounded wonderful, if you were to be completely honest, and you just sighed dramatically before grabbing a big bag of chips from beside you to add to your remaining items. ‘What's your family's stance on Stephen King?’ you asked as you pulled out your wallet, and he just grinned widely as the last of his bags was stuffed into the cart.
‘Too scary for me, but my eldest loves him.’
You nearly crushed your poor bag of chips by the time you got to his house on Saturday, a bottle of your favourite soda tucked under your arm as well just in case he didn't have it and so you'd be able to drive home later. It was already starting to get dark since you wanted to give them time to have dinner together despite him saying it started early, and you could already hear a movie going on on the other side of the door as you knocked. You waited a moment as the movie was paused, and a little boy who couldn’t be more than 8 opened up and stared at you before calling back over his shoulder that you were finally there, putting extra emphasis on the ‘finally.’
You heard Lester laugh before he stumbled into view, and he welcomed you in with a bright smile as you held up your chips and drink. ‘You're late! We saved you some dip, had to fight these animals back with a stick to keep them away from it,’ he teased as he brought you to the living room, his kids piled onto the floor with pillows and blankets while a few couples, more of his friends, took up the couches, the loveseat empty and waiting for you. 
‘Daddy, we saw you eat a bunch!’ the boy, apparently his middle child, cried out as he hit his legs while he passed by, his body bouncing energetically on his pillows as he then flopped back down, and Lester just shook his head in denial before reclaiming the spot next to his wife, his youngest going from her lap to his the moment he was settled. The movie was resumed, your chips on your lap as you tried to ignore the heat from Rita's gaze that he somehow didn't notice, and you only got a few in before the middle one noticed you had something different. ‘Did you bring enough to share with the class?’ he asked smartly as he turned and stared up at you from the coffee table, his eyes purely on your chips and those alone.
‘Shaun-’ Lester said warningly, he’d had enough snacks already apparently to not let you enjoy yours, but still you waved him off and held the bag out. He thanked you and grabbed two big handfuls, his eldest, Denise, or Deni everyone called her, glancing over before you just relented and passed it down, ready to try out that dip you almost missed out on instead, one of his friends handing it to you and stealing one final chip's worth before going back to his beer. It was damn good, you could see why it was almost completely gone, and this he did notice as he called your name before a very loud action sequence nearly drowned him out.
‘Want me to make more?’ he asked as you chowed down, and when you shook your head politely so as to not trouble him, everyone else loudly exclaimed, ‘Yes!’ at the same time. ‘Okay, okay, it's Annie’s bedtime anyway,’ he conceded as he stood, the movie not paused this time as he brought his sleeping youngest upstairs. You watched him go in the reflection of the TV stand packed with trinkets and knick knacks and photos before watching the movie, and when he returned he pressed a kiss to Rita's forehead before heading for the kitchen to make more dip. When he returned everyone was instantly ready for more, but he made sure to scoop a fair amount into your bowl before placing it on the coffee table, since you had missed out after all. You thanked him quietly and went back to eating, your chips returned to you before he sat back down, and it was almost criminal how damn good of a combo they ended up being.
You weren't able to get to your movie since you'd arrived so late, but you were promised first dibs for the next one as long as you showed up on time. You promised, and everyone but Rita waved goodbye to you as you headed out, the kids devouring the last of your chips in front of the TV again.
The next Thursday that came around you were running late, a detour from work to Walkers making you come closer to 5:48 than your desired 5:15, but no matter where you looked you couldn't find him. You felt almost disappointed when you remembered that summer vacation had started, he was probably in California by now, and you hoped he was having a good time as you passed by the dessert counter and noticed that slices of Caramel Pecan were now available.
You didn't see him the next Thursday either, but you didn't know how long his vacation was going for, judging on how excited he was it probably wouldn't be for just a few days, and again you hoped he was having fun as you grabbed yourself a new watermelon using the same guide his wife had sent him.
On the third Thursday you felt worried, he should be back by now, but you didn't think it proper to go to his house and see if his car or the family van were there, that felt much too personal for just a 45 Minute Friend. You felt that, but the temptation was strong when you passed by the pasta sauces.
On the fourth Thursday you figured enough was enough, something was wrong, and you piled your food into the back of your car and tried not to speed to his house. His car wasn't there but the van was, maybe he'd had to switch his grocery day to some other time thanks to work, and you felt embarrassed but you'd rather find out from Rita than text him about missing him. You approached the front door and saw lights on inside, but there was something heavy in the air as you raised your hand to knock; there was a lack of happiness radiating from the house, no sounds of the TV drifting through the door, the yard had been cleaned up, something just felt off. 
You took in a deep breath and knocked, and you saw Rita peek through the window's curtains before the door was unlocked. ‘Finally come to collect?’ she snapped as she glared through the gap, and your brow furrowed as you tried to figure out what she meant.
‘You can have him, I'm done with this,’ was all she said before she slammed the door in your face, your confusion turning to concern as you knocked again.
‘Wait, what're you talking about? Is he okay? Are the kids okay?’ you demanded to know, and as soon as you asked about them the door opened once more; her hand slapped you hard across the face, your eyes wide in surprise as you touched your cheek.
‘He doesn't live here anymore, try any of the fleabag motels along the highway,’ she all but yelled before slamming the door again, and you raced back to your car without another word.
You spent the rest of the night looking for him but was unsuccessful, his car nowhere in sight as you checked every motel and hotel on your GPS, the stinging on your cheek not going away as the sun set and darkness swallowed up everything.
You tried to check out the store every night after that, keeping a worried eye out for him as you bought only a couple things so you wouldn’t just be loitering, although it seemed like the dessert counter worker was now used to your friendship. She called out to you as you passed, your eyes scanning every which way as you slowly turned to face her. ‘Haven’t seen him around lately, he feeling alright?’ she asked concernedly, and you could only shrug, you were just his friend, after all.
You kept up your search for a week, Thursday coming by again as your snacks ran out and you did have to get some real food like a real adult, and you were in the middle of turning down the pasta aisle when you saw him standing there and staring at the jar of sauce in his hand. ‘Lester!’ you started to call out in pure relief, but when he heard your voice and turned to you, you only saw the saddest pair of eyes you’d ever seen in your life; the smile was gone, buried underneath the sorrow, he was just barely holding it together, and you ditched your cart right there and you quickly jogged over. ‘Hey, is everything okay? I haven’t seen you in over a month.’
You didn’t want it to sound like you’d been waiting for him, but if it did come across that way he didn’t notice as he looked back down at his wife’s favourite brand.
‘Haven’t had time to come, been trying to secure an apartment from my hotel,’ he confessed, and when he blinked a tear ran down his cheek. ‘Haven’t been very hungry, anyway…’
‘What… I mean, why did-?’ You couldn’t ask it, not when the pieces were starting to fall together, and he didn’t clarify anything as he nearly dropped the jar; you just barely caught it, his hand covering his eyes for just a moment as he bit back a sob, and when you put it back on the shelf you found yourself comfortingly rubbing his back.
‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come, it’s been so hard since…’
‘It’s okay, do you have a list? I think I remember what you usually get, let me help you,’ you offered, and when he looked at you you felt your heart clench so much your knees nearly gave out. ‘Shopping’s more fun with some company, right?’ He nodded, and you skipped the rest of the aisle entirely as you tried to remember what you’d seen him get in the past. It was slow work, he kept lingering around certain things like the cereal and kid-targeted snacks, your heart hurting more and more the closer you got to the desserts. He didn’t even look at them, and you quickly asked for two slices of Caramel Pecan while he avoided staring at all the chocolate flavours.
He went to pay when you were all done, but he was low on cash, no cards in his wallet to go with them, and you understood that all his money must’ve been going towards the hotel as you pulled out your own wallet. ‘Please, I can’t ask you to,’ he mumbled, but you just placed your hand on his as you forced a smile.
‘What else are friends for?’ you asked, and he silently let you pay as he packed his stuff into as few bags as he could to save you a few cents.
Your groceries were completely forgotten as you then helped him pack them into the trunk of his car, fast food wrappers littering the floor of the backseat, and you didn’t comment on them as he obviously looked embarrassed about it. The sky rumbled as you unloaded the last bag, and you should’ve really run back inside, but you couldn’t leave him as he got into the front seat and just sat there, staring at the wheel. You opened up the passenger door and sat down next to him, his eyes glancing at you before he patted your hand, his thanks just barely out of his mouth before he finally broke down.
He sobbed openly in the privacy of his car as he covered his eyes again, his shoulders shaking and his weeping only enhanced by the rain as it turned from a light drizzle to a storm within moments. You just let him cry, ready to wait until he was able to speak, small waves blown across the pavement in front of you as other people hurried to their own cars, his cart slowly rolling away in the background. It took a while but finally he was ready, and he didn’t look at you as he wiped his eyes and sniffed.
‘Rita asked for a divorce, said she wants full custody,’ he confessed as the thunder roared above, and the pain in your heart turned to a pounding as you felt not sadness but anger overtake you.
‘That’s bullshit!’ you shouted, but you controlled your voice when he recoiled. ‘Sorry, but you’re an amazing father, where the hell did this come from?’
‘She thinks I was cheating on her, wouldn’t even tell me who she thought it was,’ he told you with another sniff, and you felt your cheek sting again as you recalled the look on her face as she slammed the door in yours. ‘I would never, I love- I loved her so much, and my kids-’ He broke down again, and you refused to even attempt to hold yourself back as you leaned over the console and pulled him into your arms. He melted into them, crying on your shoulder as you whispered comfort to him, patted and rubbed his back, his grip on you so hard that it hurt but you didn’t care.
‘I won’t let her do this, you know I work at a law firm, I’ll message everyone I know to help with your case,’ you swore, and he just shook his head against you.
‘Why would they side with me when she tells them what she thinks?’ he mumbled, and you backed up so he’d look at you.
‘Because I know who you are, and I will not let you lose your kids.’
His eyes looked between your own as a single tear fell, and if your crush was still there you might’ve wanted to kiss him, but that wasn’t what he needed. No, you meant every word that you’d said, and you were going to make good on it for him because he was your friend, and you would not ruin this more for him when his feelings were that that mattered right now. You were his friend, and you loved him like that, and he could see that you were serious as he hugged you again but didn’t cry, his voice so broken and soft and unlike the lively energy you’d gotten to know over your grocery trips.
‘Thank you,’ he whispered, and you didn’t nuzzle into his neck as you placed your hand on the back of his head.
‘I don’t have much, but for now I can at least offer you my couch, if you’re tired of hotel rooms?’ you said softly, and when he went to object you just smiled as your own tears fell when you blinked and stared out into the rain. ‘What else are friends for?’ you repeated, and when he sat back to rub his eyes again his smile was there, just barely hidden under the pain; there was your friend, there was Lester.
You didn’t know how this story would end, but you knew that it wouldn’t involve him losing everything, not if you had anything to say about it, that was for damn sure.
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imagineanime2022 · 5 months
Toji With A Daughter
Toji Fushiguro X Daughter!Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Heyyy idk if you write for toji from jjk since I didn't see him in your masterlist but if you're open to it… could you write toji x daughter reader?? Like he has a teen daughter and how he would raise/treat her?? Tyy
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💴 Alright honestly on brand like in the series we know he’s a confused Dad… By forgetting his own son's name. 💴 However he does care about his kids, in a way, he’s not very good at showing it but he does care. 💴 So you will have had to be the first child that he had, you would have to be older than Megumi. 💴 Since we don’t actually have an official age for Toji, let's for the sake of this fic say that he had Megumi at 30 years old and had you when he was 18, which would make you the same age as Gojo in the grand scheme of things. 💴 During his lashing out phase when he was still with the Zenin, he slept with a lot of people in my opinion and you were the result of one of the hook ups. 💴 Luckily your mother never went looking for your father, so the Zenin clan never found out that you existed and it stayed that way for about 5 years. 💴 He eventually found your mother after being encouraged by his new wife with the news that he had a daughter. You would have been 5 at the time and that was where the relationship started to rebuild. 💴 This is where everything starts and your relationship is… Interesting. 💴 I honestly believe that the relationship is based on your age and has nothing to do with gender. 💴 Since he’s with Mama - Fushiguro he’s in a much better head space and that meant that when you started showing signs of cursed energy, Mama Fushiguro would probably talk him into teaching you some self defence even if it was just that. 💴 He likely wouldn’t teach you much more he doesn’t want you anywhere near the Zenin clan and he wanted no reason for tem to be looking for you. 💴 He definitely spent a lot more time messing around and teasing you, he prepared you for the most annoying humans in the world, you’d either hit him to shut him up or develop the patients of a saint. 💴 He’s not anymore gentle with you when playing, he’s favourite thing is to press his hand to your head holding you at arms length while you tried to get to him. 💴 He never has any money so the presents that you do get from him are like treasured items. You once gave him a small bracelet that you had made and while you never saw him wear it, he did tie it around the hilt of his favourite weapon, a reason to win. 💴 He’s also not the type to tell that he loves you all that much but you can find the love in his actions, like making sure that you're walking next to the wall instead of the road or just straight picking you up and putting you on his shoulders when it gets too crowded. 💴 Unless you break a bone or are haemorrhaging he’s going to tell you to shake off. 💴 Problems start up again when Mama Fushiguro dies, you gained a little brother but you barely got to meet him before him and your father disappeared. 💴 It took a further 3 years to find them again and during that time a lot had changed, you had met them on separate occasions because 💴 Tsumiki was quick to accept you even if you weren’t her biological sister, Megumi was harder to get to know. 💴 Toji on the other hand seemed to have all but forgotten that he would have a 15 year old daughter, now honestly at this point it hurts but it’s so on brand that you're not even surprised. 💴 You would have to be persistent as hell to get him to acknowledge you and the extent of that acknowledgement is asking you how much money you can make for him and testing whether you were able to carry out some of his jobs for him.
SEASON TWO SPOILERS 💴 After Gojo sent this man to his next life he asked for two favours from Gojo, the first for Megumi and the second for you, he asked 💴 💴 Gojo to make sure that you knew that you had a brother and a family. 💴 Gojo noticed the small black hand made bracelet on the hilt and while Gojo disposed of the dagger himself, he did take the bracelet back to you.
This next part is just something that I thought would be nice to add at the end. 💴 Alright Gojo was able to track down Megumi and by extension you, you had been making sure that they were looked after now that you had accepted that your father was basically a child. 💴 So Gojo essentially tries to poach your brother but you were waiting for him that day, Megumi never needed your help with him and told him to get lost but then Gojo set eyes on you. 💴 You remember when I said that Toji was preparing you to deal with annoying people, this was the insufferable idiot that Toji was preparing you for. 💴 Gojo handed you back the bracelet while offering you the chance to train with him. 💴 Whether you say yes or not, you will be a major part of Megumi’s life so you're gonna see Gojo a lot after Megumi starts attending Jujutsu High. 💴 So in the end Toji wouldn’t have been a traditional father in fact he taught you every lesson through absence, the importance of things by taking them away and the permanence of mistakes by the consequences he pushed on you. 💴 Like I said, Toji in’r a good Dad and I wish that I could say that he tried his best but there were definitely things that he could have done better. 💴 Maybe in another life he’ll be given the chance to make it up to you.
Request Here!!
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boo-hoo-hooligan · 7 months
I have a theory about Soldier.
He has amnesia or some kind of memory loss type shit.
Hear me out on this one, please, I swear this didn't occur to me because I just drank 15 cups of coffee.
TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR; death, severe injury, mentions of Germany in world war 2
We know about the other mercenaries' families, right? Sniper's, Heavy's, Engineer's, Scout's, Demoman's... hell, even a bit on Spy's even if it's just Scout, Scout's ma, and Scout's siblings.
But we don't know about the families of three mercs. Pyro, Medic, and Soldier.
Pyro? Makes sense, we don't know anything about them. Name, Nationality, Gender... nothing!
Medic? Not as much sense but then again, he's German. According to my calculations, since he seems to be in his early 40's, then he'd be born around the year 1928 (the game takes place in 1968). This makes him around 5 years old in 1933, the start of H[]tler's rule, and around 17 in 1945, the end of the war.
With that in mind, his parents and/or close family are likely dead.
But Soldier?? Let's be real here, he'd probably be boasting about how American his mother's cooking is, or how American his father's mustache is.
Not to mention his canonical name... 'Jane Doe'. If you don't know, that is a placeholder name given to unidentifiable female patients and unidentifiable female corpses. (TransMasc Soldier confirmed???)
Why would his name be Jane Doe? Why would he be in a hospital? Some kinda head injury? Did the head injury perhaps start his delusions about the military?
Was it an accident involving his parents? The legal age to join the military is 17-35 years old. So, assuming he'd entered the second he could, then the delusion would have already been there. Meaning the accident probably happened before he turned 17.
So either his parents died in a freak accident involving Soldier, or he alone got into a freak accident far away from home.
Both of which would result in amnesia or some form of memory loss.
Parents died? Trauma response usually makes you forget stuff involving whatever incident happened. This happened to me, actually, it kinda sucks.
Freak accident (which, in my opinion, is the most likely)? Trauma response would likely kick in there, too, but memories not trauma related could be pretty fucked up in the process.
So yeah. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
*I bow as the audience boos and throws bread at me*
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not-5-rats · 2 months
I love being goth in Scotland /sarc (these people are so mean, like bro let me be creative-)
Bug Question/Scenario times <33333
1) Modern! AU
Be honest, ever taken an 'Am I Gay?' quiz? (Also what's ur Bugs sexuality/gender identity? I got a stupid doodle idea (it'll make sense when I show y'all))
2) Uh oh, Bodie worked hard and cooked your Bug a meal without knowing they really dislike one of the ingredients! Does your Bug tell him or just suffer through it?
3) Are they good at keeping track of their possessions or do they often lose things?
4) Bloodmoon Swap! AU
How do they hunt/kill people? What's their strategy?
5) Scenario #1 (this shit is super long I'm sorry bros)
Bug had been looking for Chester round the house for like 15 minutes, yet they couldn't find him. That was until they saw him coming out of the room his younger sisters were staying in.
He was clearly exhausted, his pasture was slouched, his eyes half-closed...he looked as though he was about to fall asleep right there. They asked why he looked like shit, he chuckled
"Daisy's sick, she couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, just kept throwing up- been watching her since like 9 last night and only now has she gone for a nap"
He dragged himself through to the living room then threw himself onto the floor beside the couch. He sat on the floor, his back resting against the couch as he sighed out of relief, finally free for a couple of minutes. Bug went and sat on the opposite side of the couch.
"...do you think I'm an alright guardian?"
Bug looked at him, clearly a bit confused by his question. They asked him to elaborate
"Y'know to Daisy and Fran. Out of all my siblings I'm the one least...suited to taking care of kids. Felix is social, caring, always got the energy to play with them, Audrey is organised, knows how to manage kids, can afford to get them the toys and shit they need! Whilst I...I'm just a grump, a sad asshole, who barely ever has any energy"
He pressed his face into his hand, rubbing his forehead as he went on
"They deserve somebody who's gonna be more involved in their life...more than I can give them. But there's no other fucking choice. Mum and Dad ain't in the equation anymore, Felix doesn't have the space for them and Audrey is so busy...they have nowhere else to go...but I'm not fit to be a parent, I'm not fit to take care of them, they need so much more. I just want them to be happy, but I don't think they are happy"
He let his head fall back on the edge of the couch, he didn't look upset, he just seemed blank. Dead even. The only hint of emotion they could see on his face was a shimmer of anger in his eyes..and that anger was towards himself.
What does bug do?
6) Do they enjoy celebrating their birthday?
7) Scenario #2 (ik I'm talking alot rn! It's the holidays I have nothing else to do rn lol)
Most of the Bugs had went out to town in order to collect some new resources, but Chester has stayed back to take care of the baby bugs. Bug had overslept that morning so by the time they woke up the Bugs were already gone...so they bad to stay behind with Chez and the little ones.
Bug and Chez had been talking bout how everything had been going the past few weeks, how the recent town visits had gone, Chez made some sort of joke which resulted in Bug giving him a rough flick to the forehead, this made him chuckle.
Suddenly Chez had to quickly run off as one of the young ones had gotten themself stuck in the top branches of a tree
As soon as he was gone though Fran appeared in his place, an unusual smile creeping on her face as she started quickly signing to Bug
'you know he really cares about you, he isn't very good at showing it but he really cares about all of you'
Bug smiled and questioned Fran on how she was so sure that he cared, she giggled before responding
'cause if he didn't he would've shut down completely when you poked him, he doesn't like people being anywhere near him let alone touch him at all'
Fran kept smiling as she looked over at her older brother, struggling immensely to get the little kid out of the tree. (Like comically on his tippee toes, arms stretched right up as the kid clung to the branches.)
Bug thought about all the times Chez had hugged them, not even just them, all the Bugs! He was always offering a hug, patting them on the back, poking them, etc...and all of it was just a big show of how much he trusted/ cared abt them
*hands the mic to you* here ya go
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supercriminalbean · 1 year
A/N: Okay guys here it is, chapter one of my Aaron Hotchner x Reader series. Reader is gender neutral, uses they/them pronouns but is AFAB. This series is going to contain spoilers from season 6&7. This is going to be based around Emily death, and how Reader and Hotch become close due to her death  and soon start a Dom/sub relationship. But what’s going to happen when Emily returns, how is Hotch and Reader going to get through it all. 
This is series is most likely going to be at least 15 chapters at this point. nothing happens between Aaron and reader until chapter 5 I believe. I will be  posting one chapter ever 7 to 10 days, depending on how much works takes up my life and  if I have time to edit and write a new chapter thank you.
Words: 4.5k
Warnings: Death. Depression. Death. Fake death. Drug addiction. Drugs. Crying. Emotions. Swearing. (If I have missing anything let me know)
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 Chapter one:
It's been four months. Four months without hearing her voice. Four months since you felt her touch. Four months now that she has left you, all alone in this world. Having to continue life all by yourself, without her holding your hand, anymore. Four months ago her body was lowered into the ground, and no one has been the same since.
Every Morning since Emily's death, you grab a cup of coffee and stop at her grave on the way to work. Making sure that even in death, you always have time for her, not wanting her to be all alone. For the first few weeks it helped you grieve, and then it just became a part of your routine. Her grave became a safe place to go, a place where you can just stop for some peace and quiet. An area to go so you can clear your mind, one that has no distractions within. Emily was your best friend for so many years, you had joined the team a couple months after her. She was so happy to no longer be the newbie, which also meant she understood exactly how you felt. She took you under her wing, showing you everything you needed to know about working in the Bau. You grew even closer with Emily when you two realised you lived in the same apartment building. Arriving to work together and some days you would even crash at each other's places, after having a bit too much to drink. Morgan used to joke that you two were actually dating. You two would always just laugh at him, but he was on the right track. Emily Prentiss is your platonic soulmate, and now you have no one.
The first 10 weeks after her death. When you went home from work, you would have possibly a couple hours to yourself. Before someone would text you asking for company, normally it would be Reid or Garcia. They needed someone to be there while they grieved for their best friend. It took Morgan awhile before he reached out to you for help, you always had to keep reminding him you were there if he needed to talk. You never told anyone it was because you liked to be distracted from your own pain, because they already knew that. Most nights when Reid texted you it was because he was terrified he would go out and buy Dilaudid. You would go over to his place and stay with him until the morning. Other nights you would get a phone call from Garcia or Morgan saying they were having a nightmare and needed someone. You would go over to see them whenever they needed you, it never matters what time or whatever the reason was. 
On the weekend, if there was no case, you were normally helping Morgan with renovations for one of his houses. Other times you were having a movie marathon with Reid or Garcia, sometimes both. You hated the idea of them being alone for long times, knowing where their minds can go.
The last couple of weeks, no one seemed to be reaching out. They all seem to be healing without you, and now you’re left alone with nothing but your own thoughts. That's when you started realising a few things about Emily's death, that never seemed to make sense. You first noticed it at the hospital, after JJ had just broken the news to everyone. Hotch didn't seem surprised, he just looked, emptied. At first you thought it was his way of taking in the news. Reid was crying in JJ arms, but when she pulled away, you saw her and Hotch walking into a room alone. You never thought anything of it at first, your heart having just been crushed. Feeling as if the tears were never going to stop, like your heart could never be whole again. Rossi was holding you closely as you broke apart in his arms, you knew he was crying as well, but he was trying his hardest to be strong for you. There have now been a few times since then, that you have noticed looks between Hotch and JJ. Even catching them whispering together, it always seemed tense and sective. Feeling as if they are hiding something, especially JJ. She was only around for a week after Emily died and then she was away all the time. She tried to say it was for work, but the first time she left, it felt like she was hiding something. A couple weeks ago, during a case the unsub we were hunting had faked his death. When Reid had announced it to the team, Hotch only seemed to tenses up a lot. It took you a week after that to put it all together. 
Emily Prentiss is alive, and JJ and Hotch knows. 
The team has just gotten back from a difficult long case. Still down a profiler and Hotch and Garcia trying their best to cover the communications liaison position together. Once the team is finally able to go home. You manage to have a shower, before your phone starts ringing. Only picking it up after seeing its Reid.
“Hey Spence, is everything okay?” Answering the phone quickly.
“(Y/n)” Spencer's cry seeps through the phone. Panic suddenly floods through your body, knowing this isn't like him, something’s wrong. 
“Reid, are you okay, where are you?” Gulping thickly as you fear for his answer.
“Home..  I bought, I bought Dilaudid” His voice cuts into your heart, hearing as he stutters through his tears. 
“Have you taken it?” Jumping to your feet as you grab your keys. 
“No.. but I want to please help me” His words are close to making you break, wishing you could just take away his pain. 
“Okay I'm on my way I'll be there in 10 minutes alright, just hold on okay?” Begging him as you pull on your shoes. 
“Okay” Is all you hear as the line goes dead. Running out the door fast, forgetting to even lock your apartment.
You manage to get to his place in under 5 minutes, breaking every road code there is. Running into his apartment building and climbing the stairs two at a time. Fiddling with the key he gave you a couple months ago, trying to unlock his door as quickly as you can. Rushing into his apartment, you could hear his heavy shaking breathing coming from the bathroom. You slow yourself down, taking a calm breath before approaching, not wanting to startle him.
“Spencer, I'm here” Calling out to him as you walk towards the bathroom. Spotting him on the ground leaning against the sink. A small bottle of dilaudid beside him, a package of needles thrown across the room. You reach him, getting down on your knees in front of him. His arms covering his face, his body shaking as he cries. The noises he makes pierce sharply into your heart. He doesn't deserve to be in this pain. 
“Hey.. Spence I'm here, I'm right here” Your whisper is full of care and concern. Gently you move his arms out of his face, letting them rest down by his side. Now you're able to see his face, that's pale and stained with tears. Looking completely broken and lost, as he tries to look at you.
“Im sorry, Im so weak Im sorry” He cries out, you pull him into your arms, holding him firmly against you.
“It's okay, I got you spence, you're safe now, I'm here I got you” you whisper softly, as he cries on your shoulder. Rubbing his back comfortingly repeating those words as he calms down.
Reid slowly calms down, listening to your heart beat. His eyes closed, feeling safe in your arms. Gradually he pulls away, looking up at you, noticing the worry and concern in your eyes. 
“I'm sorry (Y/n) I don't want you to see me like this” His voice breaking, sounding raw due to the crying.
“Spencer, I want you to reach out to me when you're like this okay, I’m here so I can help you okay? I'm never going to stop caring for you, okay?” Trying to keep your tone, calm and light, not needing to overwhelm him. You felt so terrified at that moment that he was going to take the drugs before you could get there. Scared that at any moment he could stop reaching out when he really needs you.
“I want to get better, I just don't know how” The hopelessness in his voice cuts straight to your heart. You wish you could tell him the truth about Emily, but you can’t, not yet. Not until you could get Hotch to confirm it. You can not risk getting his hopes up just to get crushed again.
“Let's get you some help, maybe it's time you go back to your AA meetings, I can come with you if you like”
“You're right, I'll start back next week” He sending you a weak, but meaningful smile. You stand up, offering out a hand to help pull him up to his feet.
“Why don't you clean yourself up, and I'll make us some dinner, then we can watch Doctor Who, yeah?” Smiling softly, watching him carefully as he nods walking out, towards his room. You grab the needles and the bottle of dilaudid, shoving them into the bottom of your handbag before heading to the kitchen.
Reid has a long shower, as you pull out a frozen pizza, placing it in the oven. You've been at his place a lot in the last few months and you know where everything is in his apartment. You're sitting on the couch, with the pizza, getting ready to push play for Doctor Who. As Reid walks out in his pyjamas, sitting down beside you looking more relaxed, more like himself. He takes a piece of pizza as he settles down, stealing the remote from you. Laughing as he puts his favourite episode on. 
“Good pizza” He manages to get out, though his mouth is full.
“That's gross Spencer dont eat with your mouthful” Laughing, shaking your head, at his changes of moods. He turns around to face you chewing with his mouth open grinning, knowing it annoys you. Rolling your eyes at him smacking his arm playfully. He settles down as the episode starts playing. You manage to get two episodes in when you start falling asleep during the last part of the episode. When It ends he turns it off, bringing you a pillow and pulling a blanket over you. As you fall asleep,last thing you hear is 
“Thank you (Y/N), I couldn't make it without you”
You could barely get any sleep that night, waking up every half an hour. Having decided to give up on the idea of more sleep, as you watch the sunrise. Your mind seems to be running with the idea of Emily still being alive and how today, you’re going to demand Hotch gives you the truth. After last night, you need to know the truth, then you will be able to tell Reid. The way he is going is terrifying and the idea of losing another friend is something you're not able to take anymore. Grabbing your bag quietly as you walk out, not wanting to disturb Spencer as he needs his rest. Getting into your car, with the intent to get coffee before going to visit the empty gravesite of Emily Prentist. Needing a safe place where you can think clearly about what you're going to do. You really want to just strom into Hotch’s apartment and scream at him. But you know you can't do that, needing to be calm and think logically, especially if Jack is there. As you're driving to the coffee shop, there's some road work, making you get redirected. Sighing frustratedly as you're forced to take the long way. Driving down the road when you notice you're about to drive past Hotch’s apartment building. 
“For fuck sake!” Screaming loudly as you slam your foot on the brake, hand pressing hard on the horn. Due to the fact a car had just pulled out in front of you cutting you completely off. The anger in your body has just tripled, as you pull into that car park. Slamming the car door behind you as you storm your way up to Hotch's apartment. Feeling the anger flowing freely through your veins, trying to take deep breaths to control the anger. Surprisingly, it doesn’t do anything to help.
Your hand bangs loudly against his door, your mind thundering with anger as you wait for him to answer. You weren’t going to leave here without the truth, no matter what happens.
Standing there for a few moments tapping your foot hoping it will calm you down as you run out of patients. Lifting your hand about to knock again, only to have to lower it when you hear the door starting to unlock. Huffing angrily as Hotch finally opens the door, looking at you in surprise and concerned.
“(Y/L) it's 6:30 what are you doing here?” Hotch voice full of concern, stepping back to let you in. 
“I am so angry, Hotch, I am so pissed off at you, you think you could do this to us?” You take a deep breath. Trying to keep your voice steady, but it raises with every word as you walk in. Hotch narrows his eyes, closing the door.
“What are you talking about (Y/L)” 
“Seriously Hotch, you didn't think I would figure it out, the secret you and JJ have!” Snapping at him, your arms flying outwards. Hotch tenses up, his face hardens. 
“Secret, we don't have any secrets (Y/N)”
The anger in your body is fighting hard to take over. Forcing yourself to take a deep breath to steady yourself.
“I am trying my hardest to keep calm right now Hotchner, only because Jack doesn't need to hear me screaming at you” 
Your hand reaching up into your hair, running through it. Taking another deep breath, trying your best to control your temper. 
“Jacks at Jessicas, but I would prefer you don't accuse me or JJ about anything” His tone coming out harsh, which earns a loud scoff from you.
“Bullshit, If you didn't have a secret you would want to know what the secret is, I'm a profiler Hotchner, and I'm a pretty fucking good one, so don't you dare try to say I'm wrong” Yelling at him, not meaning to allow your emotions to take over so soon. Hotch crosses his arms, glaring at you. 
“I do not know why you're so upset, Yes we have a secret, but it's not that bad”  His words fall effortlessly from his lips, making you laugh hysterically. 
“Not that bad? Not that fucking bad?! How the hell is Emily alive not a big fucking deal!?” Screaming at him, your hands squeezing into fist. His face softens looking at you, his eyes filling with concern and worry and you feel like you can pick up a little guilt hidden away.
“(Y/N).. I didn't.. I didn’t realise that you were struggling this badly” His voice softened, his reaction throwing you off.
“Excuse me? I just told you I know you faked her death, you and JJ did, and you're going to try to tell me I'm struggling seriously?” Your voice lowering, looking at him in disbelief.
“I know it hard to move on but” 
“Don't you dare try to turn this onto me Hotchner, I know the truth” Your confidence starting to waver, trying hard to keep the doubtful thoughts at bay.
“(Y/N), Emily's Dead” The way he says it, the pure worry and concern, the sadness filling his tone. Was almost enough to crush all the confidence you have left. Shaking your head trying to clear your thoughts.
“No no, she's alive. I know she is, otherwise what secret are you and JJ hiding, you did admit you have one” Your voice is loud, trying to stay feisty, but honestly you're just sounding broken.
“I'm trying to convince JJ to come back to the team as a profiler, we didn't want the team to know until it can happen” His tone is soft, his body language telling you that it's the truth. 
“I've been trying to get her back since Emily's death. It's taken a lot of convincing, but it's looking like it could happen.”
Allowing that information to set in, your body starts shaking lightly, tears springing to your eyes.
“But what.. But at the hospital you and JJ went into another room to talk” Taking a deep breath, trying to watch his body language closely, through the tears.
“We were discussing how we would inform her family, JJ is better with families, but I am the unit chief, we decided we would do it together.” His words breaking all hope that you have left. 
Tears rolling down your face, your legs shaking giving out underneath you, your body crumbling to the floor. Feeling arms grabbing you, helping to lower you to the ground, as you let out a painful sob. Hotch pulls you into his arms, holding you closely as you cry. He strokes your hair gently, as he whispers comforting words, letting you fall apart in his arms.
Guilt filling him as he had to lie to you once more, having to lie to his team everyday when he sees them struggling. He was wondering when you were going to break, he has been noticing that you haven't been allowing yourself to grieve. You have been distracting yourself with work, or with helping the team, asking for more paperwork to complete. Even offered him parenting advice, so you could lessen the stress on him and therefore on the team.  He hated the way you had stopped caring for yourself, he barely saw you do any of your passions anymore. Normally you would have a different book with you every case, and most weeks you would bring in some baking, with new recipes you had discovered. You hadn't done any of that for over four months. Everyone had changed, and he hated watching his team in pain. 
You laid in Hotch’s arms for a long time, even after the tears had dried. Feeling completely destroyed and numb. Having gotten your hopes up that it would be possible to see her again, that's all you want in life. Slowly pulling yourself away from his arms, taking a shaky breath.
“I'm sorry Aaron, you didn't need me to do that” Your voice croaky from the crying, your body still shaking faintly. 
“It's okay, (Y/N) I told you I'm here when you need to talk” His tone is soft and judgement free. “Why don’t I make us some coffee, and we can talk?”
“No I’ve taken enough of your time, I should go” Standing slowly, Hotch does the same watching you, his hand staying softly on your arm. 
“No, please stay, we need to talk about a few things” You can't meet his eyes, knowing as he's the team leader. He has to report when there could be an issue with someone. Giving him a small nod, he walks over to the kitchen, turning the coffee pot on. You head over to the bathroom to clean yourself up.
Walking back out after cleaning yourself up, you see Hotch sitting on the couch, cups of coffee on the table in front of him. Sitting down beside him picking up your cup, smiling weakly, avoiding his stare.
“Thanks Hotch” Taking a sip of coffee, relaxing into the softness of the couch.
“No problem, you know we need to talk about what you accuse me of right?” He smiles sadly, looking at you concern. He needs to know how you found out, how he can make sure no one else will be able to figure it out. 
“Do we have to?” Letting out a tired sigh as you drink more.
“We do, (Y/n) I need to know why you thought Emily was alive, it's unhealthy to think that way” His tone stays calm and soft as he speaks. His voice has always been a comfort for you, not long after you joined the team. Hearing his voice seems to just melt the stress away. Closing your eyes as you try to think about how to answer that. The hope that you had about her being alive is now long gone, and inside all you feel is a big black hole.
“I know that, but it made sense, somethings just didn’t add up and so I guess my brain, put this idea in my brain to cope and I wanted it to be true so my brain made the rest up to help I guess” Sighing, putting the cup down.
“You need to take some time off, I don't want you coming back for a week, you need to grieve” 
Your eyes widen, shooting up at him. “No way, Hotch I can't take time off, It will just make things worse please, I need to be working”
“No you don't, you need time to accept it, you know there's five stages of grief, you're still struggling with accepting what happened.” Hotch face harding back up. You always call that his work face, hiding his emotions, putting his professional face on.
“No Hotch, I know what happened, I just had a bad moment okay, I can not take time off, we are already short with profilers, and Reid needs me this week please, he is struggling.”
Hotch sighs, straightening up, looking back at you.
“(Y/n), you aren't any good to us, if you don't look after yourself, You are an important part of this team but, recently your skills haven’t been as good as they used to be. You need time” Hotch lies, you have been working greatly recently, your skills have been on point. But he needed something to get you to take some time off.
Your hand sliding up, playing with your hair as you start doing some slow breathing technique.
“I know I haven't been myself lately, but please, It's not wise for me to not be without the team.” Your eyes begged for him to let you stay. Hotch’s eyes narrow watching you closely, he raises an eyebrow slightly.
“Something happened with Reid last night, didn't it?”
“Don't profile me Aaron” Groaning slightly. “Yeah alright it did, but he's going to be fine, he just needs me this week Hotch and I need to be working please” 
Aarons face filling with concern, his lips tightening into a thin line, the question he wants to ask, written across his face. Shaking your head lightly at his unasked question.
“He was close last night, he rung me for help, I can't leave him when he's too close to the edge”
“He has the whole team’s support, this isn't just on you” Tilting his head to the side slightly, he wanted to tell everyone the truth but he knew he couldn't. 
“Your right, but last time, I was the one who pulled him out of the hole, I know you all wanted to help, but it risked your job, I was new I was able to help, I'm the only one he trust enough when it comes to this, and you know that Hotch” 
He picks up his coffee looking away from you, thinking deeply about this situation.
“(Y/n), You are always there for the team, but who do you talk to when things get hard?” Hotch turns his body back to look at you, studying your body langues.
“I have the team” You answer him quickly, tensing up. You don’t open up easily, it's something you have always struggled with. 
“Yes you do, but you don't open up to us”
“I do,” Crossing your arms, feeling exposed. “You're the one who doesnt open up Hotch” He scoffs lightly at your words, raising an eyebrow.
“I talk to Dave, don't try and turn this on me, you know that taticed doesn't work on me” He smirks softly, watching as you roll your eyes up at him.
“Fine Hotch, I don't open up to anyone, the last person I did is now dead, so I'm sorry if I got issues.” You huff at him, rolling your shoulders back feeling uncomfortable. 
“I'll make you a deal (Y/L)” Smiling at you slightly, acting if he's already won this discussion.
“Oh and what's that?”
“I won't make you take time off, I won't report you which would make you go more often to therapy, but only If you agree to my terms”
Groaning quietly, knowing that, this is not going to be fun. “And what are your rules Hotchner”
“Everyweek, you spend one night talking to me about anything.” Rolling your eyes at his words, sipping on your coffee.
“Seriously, that's not fair” Huffing annoyed, placing your coffee down a little too hard.
“You also have to tell me when you have a bad day, and my rules start now, or you take two weeks off and start therapy on monday”
Staring at him angrily, knowing if you want to help Reid, you would have to agree to his stupid terms.
“Fine, you win.”
When Hotch gets up to get more coffee, your phone rings. That's when you notice it's now 10am, shocking you with how much time has gone by. Answer your phone when you see its Reid.
“Hey Spence” Forcing your voice to be filled with calm and fake happiness.
“Hey, where you go, you left early” Reid's voice fills the silence, sounding refreshed and relaxed.
“Oh yeah sorry, I was going to wait for you to wake up but I had a few things I wanted to deal with this morning” Explaining hastily, knowing that's not the full truth.  
“Oh alright, well Morgan trying to organise drinks tonight, you in?” Smiling softly at the idea.
“I'm in, wait one second Reid, I'll ask Hotch” Pulling the phone from your ear, turning to Hotch who's already watching you. “Team drinks tonight, you in?”
“Not tonight, Jack will be home” He gives you a small smile. Nodding at him, understandingly bringing the phone back to your ear.
“I'm in, but Hotch is busy tonight.”
“Why are you with Hotch?” Reid asks, confused. 
“Work stuff, had something I wanted to run by him” The lie comes out instantly, avoiding Hotch’s stare.
“Oh okay, well 8pm, want me to pick you up?”
“Would love that, thanks Reid” Smiling lightly, placing your phone down.
“Really, lying to him?” Hotch smirks lightly. As if his point from earlier was just proven, which just earns him another eye roll.
“You really like rolling those eyes at me huh?” His chuckle deepens, slightly .
“You're not special Hotch, a lot of guys can get me to roll my eyes.'' Smirking at him, cheekily.
Taglist: @lalalove-56 @ssamorganhotchner @montyfandomlove @lilozg-123 @hola-you-blog @lmg-stilinski24​ @yourdryadwife
Let me know if you want to be added.
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watchernotculture · 8 months
My Bloody Valentines ‧₊˚☁️⋅♡𓂃ִֶָ࣪☾。
-Writing event (CLOSED)
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EDIT: added more prompts! go wild
hello!!, figuring since valentines is coming up i wanted to do something along these lines and this is what i came up with. all of these will be gender neutral when it comes to the reader. do feel to request multiple (max 2) prompts in, thank you!
Edit: for posting, they will be posted one every day, may do two post one day but dont count on it.
Characters im doing for this: Jouno, Tecchou, Nikolai, Chuuya, Ranpo, Tachihara, Poe, Sigma, Atsushi, Mushitaro, Akutagawa, Lucy.
just going small for now cause i dont want to overwhelm myself, have fun!
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1, “you know i wasn't lying when i said i'd kill for you” 2, “even if you do hate me, it doesn't matter, i really love you” 3, “don't you see? I'm the only one who really cares for you”
4, “i'm so glad you feel the same cause i refuse to leave you” 5, “you're my only reason im doing this” 6, “I love it when you scream and it's all because of me!”
7, “don't you see the lengths I'm going for you?” 8, “someday i wish to eat your heart and maybe then we'll be together in eternity.” 9, “I hope you know, we will die together and there's nothing stopping that.”
10, “i.. i promise there is nothing in the candy.” 11, “all my dreams are full of you.” 12, “please.. just let me hold you.”
13, “Keep looking at others and I will gift you their eyes.” 14, “you’re gonna love me back.” 15, “stop crying, please stop crying, you’re ruining our perfect day together..”
16, “don't worry, this blood isn't mine” 17, “your tears are because you’re happy right? 18, “you don't get it, i'm the only one who understands you!”
19, “I'm gonna find out about them eventually and when I do they will be out of the way and it will just be us.” 20, “why are you sad? Did someone hurt you?, i’ll get rid of them for you” 21, “I don't regret any of the blood I have gotten on my hands, it's for you and only you!”
22, “why can't you accept that you’re mine and everyone who gets in the way will end up dead?” 23, “I warned you, now they’re dead and it's all because you didn't listen dear.” 24, “sorry for the mess! Red looks so pretty on you anyways”
25, “stop calling me those names, i understand you’re still in shock but i'm not a monster, if i let things continue who knows what would’ve happened to you!” 26, ‘you don't understand the lengths I'm willing to go through to keep you safe, even if it means going against what I think is right. 27, “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you’ll understand eventually why I had to do this.. Stop it with those eyes and tears please..”
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secretdiaryofcrowley · 6 months
Where we left off: Nina scolded me for being mean to Maggie...
Now she actually WANTS me to be mean to Maggie and even meaner to Muriel. People! Will you ever make sense?
But let's rewind and start... right here.
"For once in your life, trust somebody."
No, no, wait, that's too far back. A little further along.
"Fine", Nina says, although it's not. "You've made your point, Mr. Crowley."
Did I? And is my point pointy enough for you to go away, never come back and leave me to my misery?
It certainly seems so, because Nina backs away. "We can offer you our friendship, we cannot, however, make you accept it. I still think you're making a mistake, but the choice is yours, and you're old enough to take responsibility for your own actions."
She falls silent for a moment. The sun's setting with the buildings casting long shadows over the road.
"I'll leave you alone from now on." Nina half turns, looks back over her shoulder. Her features seem calmer than before, but there's still some anger in her eyes. "And Maggie will too, once you explain to her that you don't need or value her friendship. I trust, you will do this soon and won't leave her worrying about you any longer."
What? "Explain to her... what?"
"This. Do you think, ghosting is an appropriate behaviour?"
"I'm not a ghost, 'm a demon."
"Don't take it literal." She sighs. "Ghosting means not answering people's messages and pretending you aren't there. It's very hurtful to others because it leaves people worrying and they never get any closure. That's what you've been doing to Maggie and me and I haven't even started to talk about Muriel."
I didn't know there was a word for it, but I never meant to do anything. How can I do anything by doing nothing? It doesn’t make any sense.
And yet, I know she’s right. Doing nothing sometimes hurts people most of all. Simply standing by and just allowing things to happen.
“What’s that with Muriel? There’s a croak in my voice I can’t supress right now. “I don’t understand, what do they have to do with it?”
“She… wait, Muriel uses “they”? Nina seems surprised. “I assumed since you and Mr. Fell both look like guys and she… they chose to look like a woman... you can all choose what to look like, can’t you?”
Great. Humans are not supposed to know about any of these things. I hope no one tries to erase her memory or turns her into a pillar of salt.  
“Yes, we can, but Aziraphale and I have been to Earth for such a long time that we understand the concept of gender. We use the ‘he’ pronoun when we present male and the ‘she’ pronoun when we present female. Most angels don’t know or don’t worry about these things, so they go by “they” unless it feels right for them to go by something else. Muriel has only been to Earth for a couple of months and it’s their first time here, so they wouldn’t worry about gender or pronouns yet. “They” simply makes most sense in their case because it’s neutral and doesn’t assume anything. And before you ask, no, we don’t.”
“You don’t what?”
“Procreate. I thought that would probably be your next question.”
She tilts her head to the side, giving me a long apprehensive look. “So, you’ve had this kind of conversation with humans before.”
“Well... occasionally.” It’s not that I never had closer bonds with humans before. I just try to avoid it because it’s trouble.
Fortunately for me, Nina does not press the point.
Instead, she takes a deep breath and starts talking about Muriel.
More Diary Parts
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2treez · 3 months
1 The most important person in your life is the person who agreed to share their life with you. Treat them as such.
2 You might live a long life, or you might live a short one — who knows. But either way, trust me when I say that you’re going to wish you took better care of yourself in your youth.
3 Stuff is just stuff. Don’t hold onto material objects, hold onto time and experiences instead.
4 Jealousy destroys relationships. Trust your significant other, because who else are you supposed to trust?
5 People always say, “Make sure you get a job doing what you love!” But that isn’t the best advice. The right job is the job you love some days, can tolerate most days, and still pays the bills. Almost nobody has a job they love every day.
6 If you’re getting overwhelmed by life, just return to the immediate present moment and savour all that is beautiful and comforting. Take a deep breath, relax.
7 Years go by in the blink of an eye. Don’t marry young. Live your life. Go places. Do things. If you have the means or not. Pack a bag and go wherever you can afford to go. While you have no dependents, don’t buy stuff. Any stuff. See the world. Look through travel magazines and pick a spot. GO!
8 Don’t take life so seriously. Even if things seem dark and hopeless, try to laugh at how ridiculous life is.
9 A true friend will come running if you call them at 2am. Everyone else is just an acquaintance.
10 Children grow up way too fast. Make the most of the time you have with them.
11 Nobody ever dies wishing they had worked more. Work hard, but don’t prioritize work over family, friends, or even yourself.
12 Eat and exercise like you’re a diabetic heart patient with a stroke — so you never actually become one.
13. Maybe this one isn’t as profound as the others, but I think it’s important… Floss regularly, dental problems are awful.
14. Don’t take anyone else’s advice as gospel. You can ask for advice from someone you respect, then take your situation into consideration and make your own decision. Essentially, take your own advice is my advice…
15. The joints you damage today will get their revenge later. Even if you think they’ve recovered completely. TRUST ME!
16. We have one time on this earth. Don’t wake up and realize that you are 60 years old and haven’t done the things you dreamed about.
17. Appreciate the small things and to be present in the moment. What do I mean? Well, it seems today like younger people are all about immediate gratification. Instead, why not appreciate every small moment? We don’t get to stay on this crazy/wonderful planet forever and the greatest pleasure can be found in the most mundane of activities. Instead of sending a text, pick up the phone and call someone. Call your mother, have a conversation about nothing in particular. Those are the moments to hold onto.
18. Pay your bills and stay the hell out of debt. If I could have paid myself all the money I’ve paid out in interest over the years, I’d be retired already.
19. If you have a dream of being or doing something that seems impossible, try for it anyway. It will only become more impossible as you age and become responsible for other people.
And finally, the last piece of advice:
20. When you meet someone for the first time, stop and realize that you really know nothing about them. You see race, gender, age, clothes. Forget it all. You know nothing. Those biased assumptions that pop into your head because of the way your brain likes categories, are limiting your life, and other people’s lives.
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Introduction Post :DD
I don’t know exactly how to do this but I’m doing it anyways!
Name: Call me N, Percy, Owl or Halskë :)
Age: 15+ (I’m a minor)
Gender: Non-binary (pronouns: any except for neos)
Orientation: biromantic & Demisexual :)
Religion: Hellenistic & Nordic pagan (Greek & Norse deities. Probably won’t post often about this stuff but I do reblog things relating to it) (No, I am not interested in converting, don’t try it. Believe me, the Mormons at my school have tried.)
I’ll post my art once in while! Nothing on my blog in terms of interests is set in stone, but you will often see art from fandoms I’m in, or of my ocs/fursonas!
theriotype: Tundra wolf! (Spiritual) hearttype: border collie! (Spiritual)
kintypes: Cryptidkin, dragonkin, crowkin! (These are either spiritual or/and emotional.) & Serial Designation N (MD) Fictionkin!
Fandoms: Grishaverse, Riordanverse, The MCU, Good Omens, The Folk of The Air, Murder Drones, FNaF, The Dream SMP (yes, I know some of the CCs are bad people, I supported very few of them. Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo, Phil, and Techno were the only ones I actively watched outside of lore streams. This was a hyperfixation of mine and I am still very willing to talk about it because suddenly it’s been revived on Tumblr and now my page is full of C!Clingy duo. Please talk to be about it, I loved it and still do.) The Lunar Chronicles, The Hunger Games, The Song of Achilles, EPIC: The Musical, Aru Shah, Hamilton (technically), Warriors, Avatar: TLA, Iron Widow, The Furry fandom, and many others! (These are in no specific order)
I’m a batshit insane Kaz Brekker simp lol :)
Other things: I’m a furry (my fursona is named Halskë! I will post about these things.) I am diagnosed with ADHD, Slytherin, Cabin 7 (Apollo), I’m a fan of bones and taxidermy :) I also bow hunt large game such as antelope, deer, elk and big horned sheep :)
C!Technoblade (DSMP) kinnie! (Not a kintype!Just relate to the character:) )
just a note! I am in no way identifying with or as Percy Jackson from the Riordanverse, Percy is just my chosen name. Although I do absolutely love the Riordanverse and it’s a life long hyperfixation of mine, Please don’t refer to him as me, thank you!
I am a diehard FNaF fan. I will talk about it for HOURS. I love FNaF. Mention it and I will vibrate at a frequency strong enough to shatter glass. So yes, please talk to me about it :)
DNI: Basic haters, trans-homo-or otherwise LGBT-phobic people, pro-Nazis, zoos, racists, or fans of The Human Centipede (Gives me PTSD-like triggers.) & NSFW blogs specifically, I don’t care if you interact with me, but do not bring anything NSFW into my asks, I’m a minor and on the asexual spectrum and it makes me uncomfortable, thanks! :)
also please note, even if you are not in my DNI list, I do block freely, I do not stand for people who are constantly pessimistic. I don’t care if you’re pessimistic in general, myself am a realist, but what I mean by that is if you are more than 80% of the time just a negative being, I will most likely not interact with you.
another thing! My content is considerably 13+ (I will not respond to asks if you under 12 years old, as it makes me uncomfortable because tweens scare me.) and if you are older than 25, do not interact with me (EX: asks), as you are between 10-5 years older than me. (The under 12 rule does not apply to those who are regressors.)
also for Gaza/Ukraine GoFundMe’s, I am unable to donate, I would if I could.but I can’t, so please don’t send me asks to donate.
I accept people of all gender, sexual, and/or identity. Don’t come on to my profile with your phobic bullshit.
online friends! :D: @kirshimadenkisero @the-bineapple @writingnotes520 @popatochsp (These goobs are also my mutuals!)
my tags!
Original posts: #Cryptid whispers, #Dragon Growls, #The Wolf Bites #N Rambles
art: #The Moss Owl Creature Has Taken To Scribbling, #Owl Draws Will add more as the list grows!
reblogs: #Dragon Rumbles
That’s all! Have a good day/evening :D
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