#but the blond hair really complements the color
nocturnalazure · 1 year
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Golden Boy
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timeacola · 1 year
i removed the black dye from my hair today and the ginger i had before showed up and i swear i’ve never been happier
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animehouse-moe · 7 months
Ryoko Kui's Daydream Hour
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I am moving at a glacial pace with tidying up and editing the images of this art book, so I'm going to take a break and talk about Kui's incredible character design on Delicious In Dungeon, using elves here as an example
So, first of all, race-defining traits. With the elves, it's obviously ears as the first. But, Kui plays around with that far more and in an incredibly natural way. The size of their ears differs, the angle at which they protrude from the side of the head can be different, their rotation in terms of where the opening of the ear faces can change, and even the "pointyness" is unique to each elf.
It creates incredibly varied views and "styles" of elf within the world, and complements a lot more of the physical traits that reflect ethnicity in our world.
Take, for example, the hair of elves. In the vast majority of cases it remains blonde or silver/white, and is straight. As you can tell with some of the images, it's not always smooth or silky like some exhibit, but in the vast majority of cases, for elves that are pure elves, their hair is straight (potentially with some shape/volume as you can see with the gray-haired elf with green markings on their face).
Similarly, elves are shown to have characteristically blue or green eyes. Which begins to draw your attention towards an outlier.
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This elf. The one with purple eyes. Immediately, you might think "oh, they must only be part elf", but Ryoko Kui was only laying a trap with that idea. This elf is certainly 100% elf, it's just that they exhibit traits that are heterogenous to how Kui's defined elves as a race.
The biggest outliers being the purple eyes, but then also the ears. Here's the thing though, there's not a race that strongly exhibits purple eyes throughout Ryoko Kui's work on Delicious In Dungeon. It's just that elves exhibit strong homogeneity in regards to eye color. A similar thing can arguably be said about the ears which may make viewers think something's up. They're certainly the smallest of the bunch, and the most rotated, but other elves also see aggressively rotated ears, just not to the degree that this one does.
If you want to talk about how the traits of elves mix with that of other races we actually have two examples. Marcille Donato, obviously, as a half elf and half tall-man, but also this other blonde woman with blue eyes.
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We know of Marcille's heritage so let's focus on the woman on the right. The first thing that you notice as a heterogenous is her hair: it's wavy. It's a trait that's very much separate from Kui's depiction of elves. Similarly, the shape of the eyes betrays that much more narrow and sharp style.
Then there's also the ears, which are larger, noticeably shorter, more round, and most noteworthy are thicker.
With that last piece I'm sure many are thinking, "Oh, she has to be half Gnome!". Yes, the shape and size of the ears does very much fit Kui's style of Gnome (as does her height, I'll say more later), but let me show you a (bad and unedited) image of how Kui draws gnomes.
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Their eyes are far more slanted and downturned. It's a very strong trait of the Gnomes, alongside their very prominent noses and hair that isn't noticeably curly or wavy.
So no, it's not Gnome, and I wouldn't say it's Dwarf either. My guess is that this woman is part half-foot. The smaller stature (yes, the headshot shows that she's shorter than the other elves), the curly hair, the shorter yet more prominent and thicker ears, the rounder eyes, it all speaks to similarities expressed by Half-Foot characters.
And I think that's really incredible. It's just a wonderful highlight of how thoughtful and creative Kui is with their character design, and how unique they're able to make a race.
At a glance, you can tell who's what, but they don't all look the same by any means.
That's something that's really driven home with Ryoko Kui's Daydream Hour, and something I really want to talk about more. Though, as you can tell, I've got a lot of work ahead of me to get images that are actually good and presentable, so we'll see when I'm able to squeeze out a proper post.
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theywantedplayer · 1 year
Can you write literally anything for Luke Hughes been obsessed recently!!
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You Decided to go to one of Luke’s hockey parties, you showed up 3 hours into the party. You wanted to finish studying first and when You did it was already 11pm at night. When you walked in the house the party was in full swing, people were everywhere, drinking, yelling and some people making out in the middle of the room.
You made your way through the Sweaty crowd of people trying to get to the kitchen and when you did you saw Some of the Michigan hockey team standing around. 
“Y/N!” you heard someone yell 
You looked around the kitchen and said who yelled your name, you laid your eyes on Luke. You smiled at him and walked over, the closer you got you saw how drunk he really was. His face was flushed red and blonde curl’s hanging over his forehead.
“Hey Lu having a good time?” You asked smiling at his drunken state 
“Havin a GREAT TIME” He yelled in the small Kitchen 
You turned to Ethan who was standing on your otherside
“How much has he had to drink?” you asked
“Non stop, like I mean he's gonna wanna kill himself tomorrow morning” Ethan laughed
You turned back to Luke seeing he was talking to someone else, he was so drunk he didnt know how loud he was being. He was talking about one of his teacher’s and how he didnt like them. You Watched Luke for a bit making sure he was ok, you talked to a couple of his teammates but then Conversation got cut off when someone yelled.
Luca walked in the kitchen with  a plante full of different colored shots .
“Take your pick gentleman” He said as everyone grabbed one 
“Y/n You want one?” Luca ask 
You shook your head and told him you were just here to make sure Luke was ok.
Everyone took their shots, you laughed as you saw their face’s scrunch up at the taste of the drink. When you looked at Luke you saw two empty shot glasses in hand, meaning he had two.
“Oooo Lukey’s going for a third” Ethan laughed as luke tried to grab another one 
You grabbed Luke by the waist and to stop him.
“Lu I think you've had enough” You laughed 
“But there so gooood!” he drew out putting the shot in your face
“mMhmm I bet they are, but tomorrow your gonna think otherwise” you told, grabbing the shot and placing it on the counter 
“Come on Lukey, say goodbye to your friends” You laughed patting him on the back
“GOODBYE GUY’S’ Luke yelled, smiling at his friends.
They all chirped him as you walked him out of the party, you rubbed his back softly as you both got into the dorm elevator’s.
“Did you have fun?” You asked 
“OH my god! So much fun, you should have stopped by earlier” he groaned Resting his head on your shoulder.
You rubbed the side of Luke’s arm’s trying to calm all the party energy he picked up
“I'm glad you had fun tonight” you smiled
“I was hoping to have fun with you tonight” he whined “I mean we still can” You heard him whisper into your neck. You smiled when you felt Luke kiss your neck lighty, he moved his head out of your neck now staring down at you.
You now could notice how drunk he really looked, his cheeks flushed red and his eye’s hooded over. You knew he had to go home and sleep luckey your dorm was just across the street, so Luke could spend the night.
“Lukey we’re gonna go back to my dorm, for you can sleep” You smiled lightly patting his chest
You waited for Luke to respond but after a couple of seconds of nothing, you spoke again
“Lu-” “Your so pretty” Luke complemented tucking a piece of hair begin your ear
You smiled widely at his words watching him stare down at you, Luke moved his hands up to your cheeks cupping them softly. He leaned down and kissed you softly, you could feel him smile into the kiss. You could taste the alcohol on Luke’s lip as he kissed you. Luke started to laugh into the kiss then pulled away.
‘What?” you laughed watching Luke lean his head back and laugh
You tugged on his arm trying to get him to answer
“Whhaaatt?” You whined 
Luke looked back at you all smiley “Nothing” he shrugged trying to play it off But he couldn’t keep it straight. He laughed again pulling you into a tight hug swaying side to side.
“I love you babe SO MUCH” he yelled, making you laugh
The elevator's door opened and you had to pull Luke as he still clung to you.
“Luke you're not making this easy” You told as he helped him walk out of the building and down the street to the crosswalk. There was nobody out since it was almost 12 am and thank god there was because Luke still didnt know how loud he was being.
“WE ARE SO GONNA DO IT!” he yelled 
“Shhh Luke you're being loud and no we’re not” You shushed him 
‘Why not!” He whisper yelled 
“Because your drunk” You stated
“NO IM NOT” he yelled, pulling away from you “watch me!” he yelled  
You laughed as you walked Luke trying to walk in a straight line, sticking his arms out. He was a mess, his right foot going too far to the left and making him stumble. You saved him from falling by grabbing his arm and helping him stand up straight.
“Ok maybe I'm a little too drunk to do it tonight” He admitted
“Its ok, there’s always next time” You laughed
“I was gonna rock your world” said making you laugh “ABSOLUTELY ROCK IT” he yelled
“Ok ok ok Luke we get it your very good at sex” You said him 
You both walked across the crosswalk and up the street to your dorm
“I'm very good at sex” he hiccuped “The best ”he nodded with his eyes closed 
“Yes your very good” You laughed leading him into the dorm building lobby
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doumadono · 9 months
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Synopsis: Kirishima is looking forward to Christmas and decides to pleasantly surprise his boyfriend, Bakugo, with a charming Christmas jumper. The question lingers: will Bakugo be on board with the idea of matching Christmas sweaters?
A/N: this oneshot was written for the KRBK Advent Calendar hosted by @krbkevents My prompt was: sweaters
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Kirishima stepped out of the flat he shared with Bakugo, and a burst of laughter escaped him. The snowfall had turned the world into a winter wonderland, and he found himself mesmerized by the delicate dance of snowflakes. His crimson eyes sparkled with childlike delight as he walked through the snow-covered streets, his head tilted back to catch the flakes on his face.
Soon, the hero stepped into the bustling Christmas market. The entire place was a kaleidoscope of colors and festive lights, and the snowfall added a touch of magic to the already enchanting atmosphere. 
Despite Kirishima's excitement about the Christmas market, there was a twinge of disappointment when Bakugo declined the invitation to join him. How could he opt for baking mundane, spicy muffins instead of accompanying him to the enchanting Christmas market?! Yet, Kirishima couldn't help but smile inwardly, recognizing that his boyfriend's gruff demeanor was precisely what captivated him.  He loved Bakugo just the way he was — always angry and negative about everything. They complemented each other so well!
As he strolled through the Christmas market, Kirishima couldn't resist the festive allure of the stalls. The aroma of hot cocoa and the twinkling lights created an atmosphere of pure joy. He meandered through the market, picking up small gifts and treats until he found himself standing in front of a stall adorned with handmade Christmas sweaters.
The older lady behind the stall greeted him with a warm smile, and her eyes lit up with recognition. "Well, if it isn't Red Riot! What brings my favorite hero to my humble little stall today?"
Kirishima blushed, appreciating the recognition. "Hello!! Just taking a break from hero duties to enjoy the holiday season. Your sweaters caught my eye, they're amazing!"
The lady chuckled, "I'm glad you like them, Red Riot. Anything in particular you're looking for?"
Kirishima's gaze fell upon the green-bottle colored sweater with a charming reindeer motif. "Actually, this one is perfect. I'd like two of them, please — one for me and one for my boyfriend. He's a bit of a firecracker, but I think he'll love this."
The lady grinned, "A matching set, how sweet! You sure have a good eye, Red Riot."
Kirishima chuckled at the wordplay, "Thanks! I thought the reindeer motif was a nice touch. Plus, the green will really stand out and match our eyes! Did you make them all yourself?” 
"Yes, indeed. Been knitting these for years. It brings me joy to see people appreciate the art of handmade crafts during the holidays."
“How much do I owe you?"
After the transaction, Kirishima thanked the lady, expressing his gratitude for the beautiful sweaters. As he left the stall, he couldn't wait to surprise Bakugo with the festive gifts, imagining the delight on his boyfriend's face when he saw the matching Christmas sweaters.
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Kirishima returned home, paper bags filled with goods in hand. Before stepping inside, he shook off the clinging snow from his shoulders and dusted his shoes to rid them of the winter frost. "I'm home!" he announced cheerfully. After kicking off his shoes and slipping into reindeer-motif slippers, he made his way to the kitchen, where Bakugo was engrossed in mixing dry ingredients for cupcakes.
"Where the hell have ya been, weird hair?! Didn't you say you would be gone for half an hour? You were absent for almost two goddamn hours!" Bakugo's tone was as fiery as ever.
Kirishima grinned, unfazed by Bakugo's irritation. "What, did you miss me?" he chuckled. "Awwww, how adorable!" Leaning in, he planted a playful kiss on Bakugo's cheek, earning himself an angry "tsch" sound from the ash-blonde man.
Kirishima proceeded to unpack the bags, revealing various goodies he had picked up from the Christmas market. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he turned to Bakugo, who was still busy with the cupcake preparations. "Guess what, Katsuki?" Kirishima grinned, his excitement barely contained. "I met this awesome older lady at the market. She was selling handmade knitted sweaters, and I couldn't resist getting us a little something."
"Don't ya dare tell me you got me a freaking sweater," Bakugo growled, not looking up from his task.
Kirishima's grin widened, and he enthusiastically nodded his head, continuing to unpack the bags. "Oh, but I did! And not just any sweater. I got us matching ones!" He pulled out the green-bottle colored sweaters with reindeer motifs, holding them up for Bakugo to see.
Bakugo glanced at the sweaters and then shot Kirishima a skeptical look. "Matching? Seriously, Eijiro?"
Kirishima chuckled, ignoring Bakugo's grumbling. "Trust me, you're gonna love them. They're cozy, warm, fluffy, festive, and totally capture the holiday spirit."
"I'm not wearing one of those tacky things. They're itchy, uncomfortable, and just plain stupid,” Bakugo commented simply.
Eijiro pouted, his lower lip jutting out in the cutest way. "Come on, Blasty, it's all in good fun! Plus, imagine at our Christmas party when everyone sets their eyes on us wearing these matching sweaters! We're going to be the absolute stars of the show!. It'll be a blast."
As Bakugo examined the sweater, Kirishima couldn't help but feel a warm satisfaction. The festive surprise was sure to add a touch of holiday magic to their home. 
"Damn it, Kirishima!" Bakugo bellowed, his voice sharp enough to cut through the air. “I'll look absurd in this outfit,  Hair-for-Brains.”
"Come on, Katsuki, just give it a shot. Humor me and try the sweater on, okay?" Kirishima pleaded with an earnest grin.
Bakugo's temper flared, and without a second thought, he grabbed a handful of flour from the countertop. In one swift, furious motion, he flung it in Kirishima's direction, his aim unerring. "Shitty Hair, you're out of your damn mind if you think I'm wearing that garbage!" Bakugo snarled, his eyes narrowing as he watched the flour cascade over Kirishima. “I already told ya no, and better accept it, man.”
Kirishima, caught off guard, blinked as the flour settled on his hair and shoulders. He wiped his face, managing a sheepish grin. "Whoa, Bakugo! Easy there! What's your problem?"
Bakugo, undeterred, continued his tirade. "Problem? This crap’s the problem! I don't need this festive crap ruining my reputation. Real heroes don't wear ridiculous sweaters with damn reindeers!"
Kirishima chuckled, attempting to brush the flour off his clothes. "Lighten up, man! It's just for a bit of holiday cheer!”
Bakugo scoffed, grabbing another handful of flour. This time, he aimed at Kirishima’s head with pinpoint accuracy. "Cheer? I'll show you cheer!"
The flour exploded around Kirishima, creating a makeshift cloud of white powder. Kirishima coughed, his grin faltering. "You're impossible, Blasty!" Kirishima sighed, shaking his head. "But you know what? I think you'll come around.”
Bakugo scowled, throwing a final glance at Kirishima before returning to his baking endeavors. Little did he know, amidst the chaos and flour-covered, tiny argument, a seed of reluctant amusement may have been planted in his explosive heart.
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In the quiet aftermath of their flour-filled encounter, the apartment settled into a serene stillness. Kirishima, exhausted from the shopping, retreated to their shared bedroom for a much-needed nap, leaving the infamous sweaters on the nightstand by his side of the king-sized bed.
As the scent of Bakugo's spicy muffins lingered in the air, Bakugo himself finished up in the kitchen. In a moment of introspection, he admitted to himself that perhaps he had been too harsh on his boyfriend.
Katsuki tiptoed into the bedroom, where Kirishima was peacefully napping. The sweaters lay innocently on the nightstand, beckoning him like a challenge. Without waking Kirishima, Bakugo swiped one of the sweaters and made his way to the bathroom downstairs.
Upon entering the bathroom, Bakugo swiftly flipped the light switch, unveiling the vibrant, reindeer-themed sweater in all its glory. As Katsuki reluctantly tried it on, he couldn't deny that it was warm and comfortable. The soft fabric felt good against his rough skin, and he couldn't help but secretly enjoy the coziness of it. 
Bakugo stood before the mirror, eyeing his reflection with a begrudging appreciation. The dark green hue of the sweater complemented his eyes and light hair, emphasizing his features in an unexpected way. The reindeer, though still an absurd concept to him, somehow added a touch of whimsy to the otherwise fierce hero. A rare smile tugged at the corners of Bakugo's lips as he took in the sight. The warmth of the sweater seemed to melt away his stubborn resistance, leaving behind a sense of reluctant contentment.
As he admired himself in the mirror, a soft chuckle escaped him, and a secret thought crossed his mind — maybe, just maybe, Kirishima's festive idea wasn't as terrible as he initially believed. His boyfriend had a way of making even the Grinchiest of hearts melt.
Little did Bakugo know that he was being observed from the stairs by Eijiro, who had woken up after Bakugo took the sweater. Red Riot descended the stairs quietly to ensure Bakugo hadn't discarded the sweater, and to his delight, he witnessed his boyfriend trying it on willingly.
Kirishima hurried back upstairs, donned his own sweater, and then descended once again. After a gentle knock on the bathroom door, he opened it, peering at Bakugo's reflection in the mirror. "You did it! You put on a Christmas sweater without being forced to do it! You have no idea how happy I am! And look, I have mine on, too! Look at how cute we look!" Kirishima moved closer to Bakugo, wrapping his arm around his boyfriend's waist and admiring their reflections together.
"I look like an idiot, don't I?" Katsuki muttered, but there was a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips.
Eijiro chuckled and kissed Bakugo’s cheek gently. "You look amazing, Blasty! And it's not just the sweater. You always look amazing, handsome."
Katsuki's scowl softened into a small smile, and he pressed his lips against Eijiro's in a loving kiss. "Alright, alright, I'll wear the damn sweater. I have to say, it's not that awful."
Eijiro's face lit up with joy, and he wrapped his arms around Katsuki in a tight hug. "You won't regret it, I promise! This is going to be the best Christmas ever! Oh boy!"
Eijiro hesitantly pulled his phone from the black jeans pocket, looking at Bakugo with a sheepish grin. "Hey, Katsuki, mind if I snap a picture of us in these awesome sweaters? I was thinking of posting it on my Instagram..."
Anticipating a fiery response, Eijiro was surprised when Bakugo took the phone from his hand. To his even greater surprise, Bakugo snapped a series of nice pictures himself.
"Just post the one where I look the fiercest, okay?" Bakugo grumbled. "I want all those people following you to know that even though I'm wearing a goddamn Christmas shirt, I'm still a hero that should be feared and respected!"
Kirishima replied cockily, "Sure thing, handsome! Let me tell ya the Christmas spirit suits you, Katsuki."
Bakugo, not one to dwell on compliments, decided to shut Kirishima up in the sweetest way possible. Without a word, he pulled Kirishima close and planted a gentle, lingering kiss on his lips, effectively silencing any further teasing with the warmth of their shared affection.
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bones4thecats · 10 months
How about a scenario with the reader x Apollo, Leonidas and Geirölul in the Barbie world?
A/N: I haven’t written for Leonidas and Geirölul yet, so I hope they aren’t too terribly OOC. I do hope you enjoy this though, Anon! Also, I haven’t watched the Barbie Movie yet, so I’ll just put them in the ‘Universe’ in general.
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☀️ He didn’t know what the hell just happened
☀️ One minute, he was drinking some tea with his S/O, the next he’s looking at a hot pink building as you sit by him, your tea now just straight water in a plastic cup
☀️ You looked at him and shrugged your shoulders, complementing the building
☀️ Then a woman with blonde hair walked outside alongside a man with blonde hair as well, though it was a lot shorter
☀️ You stared at the woman as she ushered you both to stand, that was when you realized that these things were the Barbie and Ken
☀️ Your mouth dropped as Apollo thanked the duo, asking where they were
“ Why, you’re in Malibu, sillies. I’m Barbie and this is Ken, it’s nice to meet you! “
☀️ He feels like he’s heard that before, oh, those were the toys you were talking about getting Göll and the nymph’s children for Christmas!
☀️ Well, this was gonna be interesting…
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🚬 Oh his poor, poor eyes
🚬 He cannot stand anything with such strong color, especially things that were remotely close to hot pink, he just hates that color
🚬 You looked at how his face contorted into disgust as the hot-pink wearing duo came running out of their house
🚬 He pulled you up and held you behind him, glaring at Ken as he stepped back in fear
🚬 Who wouldn’t fear this guy though?
🚬 Barbie smiled and shook your hand while Ken hid behind her, fearing your husband
🚬 Leonidas looked at you and back at the duo when they recommended you guys to come inside for a cup of tea
🚬 Let’s just say when you got back to Valhalla, he has a new appreciation for the color silver
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❤️‍🔥 Geirölul was okay with hot colors because of Hlökk, but this was too much
❤️‍🔥 You and her just stood there looking at the duo of Barbie and Ken as they repeatedly asked if you both were okay
❤️‍🔥 She just replied with a stern;
“ What do you think? “
❤️‍🔥 You smiled, shook her off, and shook their hands, attempting to explain what had happened
❤️‍🔥 Geirolul eventually warmed up to the duo, as they never tried cursing at you for being with a Valkyrie
❤️‍🔥 Though, they didn’t really know anyone from a Pantheon, soooo
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wrxsslin-hours · 9 months
A oneshot where Hunter finds out about Shawn's messy love life
a/n: I saw this art post by @seraphskater and my hand slipped. Also inspired by that one good ass fic by @tameodesza go check em out!
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Hunter Hearst Helmsley was a man of taste. He preferred the finer things in life, those wrapped in gold and silk. He had the tendency to follow around what he believed was good enough for him. This was how Shawn found himself being shadowed by the blueblood every second of the day. Shawn didn’t mind it; the hawk-nosed blonde was easy on the eyes if Shawn squinted hard enough. Hunter was posh to a fault, Shawn found out, but he didn’t complain as long as Hunter made him feel like a million bucks; it did wonders for his already inflated ego. It didn’t take long for Hunter to start pursuing Shawn for something beyond his little schoolboy crush. All it took was a bouquet as big as Shawn and toothachingly sweet words (and the dirty tricks he had to do to keep Shawn WWF Champion, but Hunter digresses).
Shawn was easy to please which was why Hunter already expected the other man’s colorful love life. What he didn’t expect was how really messy it would be.
“Wait, you dated Ramon?”
“Dated is a strong word.”
Shawn snuggled closer to Hunter’s side; his legs wrapped with Hunter’s own. He pressed a kiss on the corners of his lips, hair still tangled with the leaves and petals from the behemoth of a bouquet Hunter gave him hours ago. “You know, if you want to date me, you have to deal with my seven exes.”
Hunter sputtered, “Seven?” The smaller blonde pouted, his nose scrunched, “I’m hot merchandise, everyone wants a piece of the heartbreak kid.”
The blueblood pulled Shawn closer to his chest and Shawn was more than happy to lay on something bigger than the hotel bed pillows. “And who exactly has gotten a taste of the heartbreak kid?” Hunter asked, curious.
Shawn hummed in thought, mind scraping for all the details he may have already forgotten, “Well.”
Marty Janetty
- If Hunter had to ask Marty, the former rocker would say that he was Shawn’s first everything. First kiss, first love (Shawn begs to differ), first lay. It was only natural for them to get together after starting out as a tag team.
- The chemistry between them in the ring translated into their personal lives. Marty was the more laid-back, easygoing one, balancing out Shawn’s flamboyance. Their opposing personalities seemed to complement each other well. Keyword: seemed.
- They dated for most of their time as The Midnight Rockers. Seen each other at their lowest when sharing half a granola bar for dinner, Marty being Shawn’s shoulder when the high demands of traveling from show to show took a toll on him.
- Marty found that chasing after Shawn was way harder than chasing after tag team gold. It took him months to convince Shawn to have them share a bed, let alone to get a kiss from him. Hunter could see why.
- Marty wasn’t a dead ringer for Shawn’s taste in men. He wasn’t tall, shorter than Shawn clearly. He wasn’t big either. It makes Hunter wonder how they became an item in the first place (“He was the only guy I spent time with for more than a show,” Shawn explained, “I have needs y’know”).
- Marty had a controlling hand, easily jealous, and it left a sour taste in Shawn’s mouth. Shawn lost count of how many times they had an argument that sparked from Shawn looking at another man for longer than a few seconds. Shawn wasn’t that much of a fan of being trapped in a cage. So, it was safe to say that their relationship was doomed from the start. But Shawn let it go on anyway.
- Tension built up when Shawn was given the green light to start his singles career. He knew how Marty would react to the news, so Shawn decided not to tell him anything about it until he had to throw Marty through the barber shop window.
- Shawn broke off the relationship after that. Not much love was lost between them since there wasn’t that much to begin with. Now all their interactions involved Shawn immediately turning the other direction when they made eye contact. If it wasn’t for Diesel, Shawn’s newly hired bodyguard, Marty would’ve tormented him relentlessly, or worse: wanted him back.
⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
The Sensational Sherri
- Shawn had this sugar mommy thing going on with Sherri. It was short-lived but it was the best few months Shawn’s ever experienced. She fed into Shawn’s ideas of his over-the-top ring gear and has bought him his endless array of jewelry.
- It only took Shawn to bat his lashes for Sherri to go on and convince the Million Dollar Man to give her the money to buy what Shawn wanted. From earrings to hats to luxury hotel rooms, Shawn got it all.
- The Sensational Sherri gave Shawn direction after being split from Marty and Shawn wasn’t quite sure how it would play out. But Shawn’s uncertainty was stomped out from Sherri’s experience. She raised his stock, so to speak.
- From an outsider’s view, they definitely had a thing going on. Shawn wasn’t even aware that he was in a sugar mommy relationship until a few years later.
- Shawn got pegged, 100%
⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
- The two met at a convenience store of a gas station in the middle of nowhere. Shawn saw the top of Diesel’s head poke beyond the metal shelves of liquor and soda cans, and like a moth to a flame, Shawn hunted the other down.
- He was huge, was Shawn’s first thought. All legs and muscle. The moment Shawn had to tilt his head up just to make eye contact with the man, it was over for him. Braincells gone. He wanted to climb that man like a tree.
- Shawn did the most cliché thing imaginable to try and get the other man’s attention. And it involved him “accidentally” bumping into Diesel and spilling the bottle of water in his hands. “Oh! I’m so sorry!” Shawn exclaimed in the most fake-friendly voice he could muster. “Let me buy you another one; I’m so clumsy.”
- Diesel was taken aback. Was that deep ass voice coming from that guy? Christ. He didn’t even try to fight the laugh that escaped his lips when Shawn started pawing at the wet stain on his shirt's sleeve, obviously coping a feel of his bicep.
- “You’re really tall, do you wrestle?” “I truck.”
- The blonde pouted, hand wrapped around Diesel’s arm, “You ever get lonely?” he asked, not-so-subtly. Diesel, bless his heart, was a weak man when it came to blondes. Shawn was a hundred ways of pretty, and Diesel would be stupid to refuse the other’s advances. He does get lonely, thank you very much.
- And that was how Diesel found himself with a naked blonde man sleeping on the makeshift bed in the back of his ten-wheeled truck. That post-nut clarity hits him real strong.
- They had breakfast in a diner and, through the moment of spontaneous confidence, Shawn offered him a job. A bodyguard gig. The offer left Diesel in a pause, the soggy eggs on his fork slipped and fell back on the plate with a splat. “A what?”
- Shawn’s smile widened as he nodded in a way that reminded Diesel of the bobbleheads he collected on his truck’s dashboard. “Come on Big Daddy, you got the build.” Shawn tried to convince, “Pays better too.”
- Diesel hadn’t been given that big of a decision since he made the choice to dye his hair black. His eyes traced from Shawn’s beauty mark to the skin of his chest that peeked from his too-large shirt. The silence that followed it made Shawn pout. The blonde grabbed a napkin and scribbled his number before he tucked it in Diesel’s hands. “I’m not kidding about it, y’know,” he kissed Diesel on the cheek, “Give me a call when you make up your mind.”
- Diesel watched the man disappear beyond the diner doors and he was left with his thoughts.
- It didn’t take long for Diesel to actually call him back. And Shawn was absolutely ecstatic.
- So, there he was, following Shawn to the ring and watching his new employer dance around. They got together soon after. But it was short-lived, the two decided they were better off as friends instead of lovers. The breakup ended miles better than Shawn’s last one. Good on them.
⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
Razor Ramon
- Shawn thought Razor was the most annoying man alive. And Razor didn’t have any good words to say about Shawn either. They were both stubborn and didn’t know how to take “no” like proper functional adults. It only took Razor spitting his toothpick on Shawn’s lap for them to start squabbling every chance they get. Diesel became their impromptu babysitter whenever that happened.
- They had this situationship going on that confused everyone to no end. One second, they were best buddies; then the next moment, Razor was trying to choke Shawn for mocking his accent. It went on like that for most of their budding friendship. There always seemed to be this tension between the two that was heavy and pungent.
- They boned. No surprise. It was a friends-with-benefits, no-strings-attached thing. They wouldn’t call themselves an item by any means. They always found themselves in bed together after every match they had. And there were no complaints from either of them. The morning-afters seemed to be the sweetest, with Shawn ordering hotel breakfast for the both of them while Razor would untangle the knots in Shawn’s hair made from the night before. It was a moment of comfortable silence, only broken by the rustle of the bed sheets and the noise of the television.
- They started being friendly the more they spent time together, and that led to Razor becoming a part of Shawn and Diesel’s ragtag crew. They made some sort of system together, having each other’s back whenever it calls for it. Best believe, the trio became everyone’s problem in the locker room afterward.
⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
Sycho Sid
- Even Shawn wonders how he had the audacity to even consider Sid as a potential boyfriend. Shawn had the aching suspicion he made that decision when he was black out drunk one night.
- This all happened after an argument Shawn had with Diesel, and in a sorry attempt to make his former boyfriend jealous, he got himself a new bodyguard in the not-so-mentally there Sid.
- Shawn tried to make it work. Tried.
- But Sid was more interested in the gold wrapped around Shawn’s waist than Shawn himself.
- It was a fruitless attempt on Shawn’s part and he immediately stopped trying when Sid laughed all on Shawn’s face. The blonde can still remember the smell of his breath and it still makes him gag to this day.
⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
- Shawn can’t even wrap his head around the idea of how he managed to convince the Undertaker to date him. He’d like to think his good looks did it for him.
- In true Shawn fashion, the blonde saw one wrestler that towered over him, and it was over. He was afraid of the Undertaker at first, but in all honesty, who wasn’t? He was an enigma. Came into the wrestling scene wearing all black, hair covering most of his face, and a tub-of-lard of a man following him around with his squeak-toy voice. Maybe Shawn’s thing for taller men overshadowed all the other red flags that said men might carry.
- Shawn didn’t believe the Undertaker was essentially a walking corpse, but after laying his head on his bare chest and hearing no heartbeat, he started to rethink his life choice. (“Okay, it was kinda hot.” Hunter made a face, “Shawn-“)
- Despite their odd pairing, Shawn and the Undertaker surprisingly hit it off. The Deadman turned out to be a gentle giant, and Shawn couldn’t help but be drawn to him. To Shawn's surprise, Taker knew a thing or two about motorcycles. Lord knows how he got into it in the first place.
- Their relationship started off as Shawn treating Taker as some sort of wall, talking on and on about anything and everything. And Taker, not knowing how to respond to Shawn's endless rants, never bothered to interrupt him. That was how Taker got up to date with the latest locker room drama, which to none of his surprise, had Shawn as the center of most of them.
- Shawn became a permanent fixture in Taker’s somewhat dreary routine. Shawn’s deep voice was a nice contrast to Bearer’s and Taker welcomed the change with open arms.
- They decided to end their relationship when Shawn realized that Taker still had some of his own stuff to figure out, particularly the brother-related ones. It was a quiet affair, both in good terms. But that still didn’t stop Shawn from talking Taker’s ear off.
- When come the time that Taker’s heart starts to beat again, he was sure that Shawn was one of the reasons for his second chance to life.
⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
Bret Hart
- This was one of the relationships where Shawn genuinely saw himself loving Bret for the rest of their lives. They started out as friends when Bret, like the angel he was, offered some encouraging words to a still-green Shawn Michaels back in the early nineties. It meant more to Shawn than Bret realized, especially considering that Shawn was in a rather low moment in his career, unsure of how he was going to be used in the business. He’s heard of all the stories of how new talent became jobbers immediately after they debuted, and Shawn was worried he was going to be one of them. But Bret had more trust in Shawn than Shawn had in himself. The blonde can still remember how Bret complimented his form. It made the Texan blush a whole bright shade of red.
- They didn’t start out as all-out friends like what happened between Diesel and Shawn. They were acquaintances in the locker room, sharing small waves and the occasional “Nice match.” They had this unspoken respect for one another, and it continued to bloom as the years went by.
- Shawn had the tendency to fall slowly and hard. As much as he wants to deny it, his small spark for Bret was there since the very start, and it only got bigger when he entered the WWF championship scene. Shawn made a name for himself big enough to be a contender for gold. And that meant he spent more time with the Hitman.
- Their time together in the ring extended out of the ring too. It started small, sharing stories in the locker room and drinking together in bars after a show. And then they went on dates, sharing hotel rooms, and sitting next to each other during those long-hour flights.
- They shared their first kiss one random night while sharing a bottle of beer on the balcony of their shared hotel room. And it continued to something more in bed.
- It was afterward when they decided it was best for both of them if they only did hookups. Mostly because neither of them could ever bring themselves up to admit their feelings. Maybe it’s arrogance, maybe it’s a fear of commitment. Either way, they stayed casual, and it was neither of them wanted.
- They fell off like how they fell in love: slowly. They started arguing, having fights more than anything else, and it all collapsed on itself. Sometimes, Shawn would wonder what would happen if they did confess.
- This was one of the relationships that actually hurt.
Hunter stared at the ceiling, listening to Shawn’s voice fade in and out of sleepiness. The smaller man yawned, “But that was years ago,” he assured. And Hunter hugged him tighter. The blueblood smacked his lips after a stretch of silence, “They won’t just start beating up when we tell everyone of our status, would they?”
“I don’t think so.” Shawn placed a kiss on Hunter’s lips and smiled, “But I’m pretty sure Sid would beat you up just because he feels like it.”
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alexiethymia · 2 years
little things about hitsuhina and ginran I love (design-wise)
how kubo really designed them to be complementary
in the manga, rangiku’s hair is golden while gin’s hair is silver. even when they changed their hair color to strawberry blonde in the anime, they also changed her eyes from blue to silver-grey
even when gin defects, you have his white arrancar outfit with the aqua-blue sash, which complements rangiku’s black shihakusho and blush-pink scarf. it’s quite striking in the colored manga.  
the snake and virgin motif between the two of them, and even hades and persephone, I mean the both of them are also virgos (seriously the fact that they have the same birthday, and they count it on the day they met, they’re such soulmates)
the association of autumn and winter with the both of them (their favorite foods are dried persimmons, and rangiku most often remembers gin with snow)
you wouldn’t normally think that they have thematic links with their zanpakuto unlike say hitsugaya and hinamori with their ice and fire elements, but the fact that gin is also associated with foxes, and haineko’s hilt looks a bit like a fox is very cute to me (EDIT: Apparently, they do have a connection with their zanpakuto! Upon the reread, it seems that Shinsou’s bankai isn’t about how long or fast it contracts, rather it turns to dust for an instant, the moment it expands and contracts. Dust and Ash, wow. I don’t know if Kubo really planned all these out, but idc, I still love these bits and pieces.)
hitsugaya and hinamori are pretty obvious - smol to her tol, cold white snow to her earthy brown, ice and fire
despite hitsugaya’s element, I often associate them with spring and summer, especially since summer is when hinamori would visit home and they’d eat watermelon together
although both hitsugaya and rukia have ice as their element, their thematic connections with their respective childhood friends differ enough.
this is best reflected in hitsugaya’s and renji’s duet about their childhood friends. renji associates himself with dirt and being a stray, while he associates rukia with purity and the cleanness of snow. he’s a howling dog who longs for the moon, and one of rukia’s most famous attacks is tsukishiro or white moon. red and white are their colors.
hitsugaya meanwhile personifies the coldness of ice, while he considers hinamori’s smile and laughter to have been a “spring breeze” which warmed him
color-names and flower-names: there’s also slight symmetry as to their names. both gin’s and hitsugaya’s (or nick)names can refer to their hair colors (silver, white) while rangiku and momo’s names refer to flowers. rangiku or chrysanthemums are supposed to represent truth, and well we all know what gin is like. meanwhile, peach blossoms are spring flowers, while toshiro has the character for ‘winter’ in his first name. plum blossoms (or the ‘ume’ in tobiume), meanwhile, also bloom in late winter and early spring
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
Do you know that hippo?
Part Three of the Rock & Doc Series
Tim Rockford x plus size OFC - Doc
Rating: Explicit for ending
This blog is for readers 18+ MDNI
Word Count: about 5.5k (things are moving along)
Summary: The engagement party of Doc and Kim's friend leads to some surprising discoveries. Gold it seems is Doc's color and keep an eye on those hippos. They've got major clues. Big things are happening at the precinct.
Warnings: disco, drinking, hippos, family dynamics, mutual pining, swooning, bad pranks, panic/anxiety, trench coat mention, blood, fatal injury, murder
Notes: We've got the more to the plot in this one! Keep an eye out for a mention of a Pedro character and the introduction of another. I've gotta thank @lady-bess (on Tumblr) for beta reading for me. Bouncing ideas off of @maggiemayhemnj always leads to good things. I hope everyone enjoys the twists. 😘
Main Masterlist/ Tim Rockford Masterlist / Rock & Doc Series
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Saturday of the engagement party:
You already want to go home. You’ve just been dropped off by Tony, Kim’s beau of two years. She’s wearing a blonde wig, orange star shaped shades to match her orange strapless dress that she’s pulled up at least the fourth time after complaining that she doesn’t have enough to keep the dress up. The orange complements her mocha skin and since her dress is strapless, she was happy to show off her rose tattoo she had on her right shoulder.  The heels of her white thigh high boots click as you both make your way to the large double doors of your mutual friend’s home. Samantha had gotten engaged to some producer who was filthy rich or had enough money to rent a space like this. 
You didn’t need a wig. Your hair, when not slicked down with grease and tied with two different scrunchies, expands enough on its own to look like a seventies wig. It’s just not curly, your hair never did hold a curl to save its life. Kim thought it would be a good idea to pin a gold disco ball in your hair and wear tiny gold disco ball earrings to match. She also did your makeup which included gold eyeshadow, soft pink cheeks and a vibrant red lipstick. You wore a shimmering gold dress that tied behind your neck and had a gold chain that connected from the tie in the back down to where the dress hit your shoulder blades. The back of the dress was longer than the front with it hitting the back of your ankles. The front stopped mid-thigh and your gold bangles that donned both wrists jingled each time you attempted to pull it down. Thankfully, the dress wasn’t bunching anywhere that you felt. Kim told you to stop fiddling with it and to let the people see since you wouldn’t let your cherished detective see anything. You pinched her arm and the two of you bickered until you met the guests of honor. 
Sam and her producer fiance were happy that you came and that you brought gifts, though you weren’t sure if they really needed a stand mixer since you were sure Sam didn’t know how to boil water. Maybe the producer…whose name you did hear three times but it never stuck, cooked or baked. The party ended up being fun though, there was delicious food, excellent music and the other costumes were a sight to see. At one point there was a disco ball that came out of the ceiling and everyone did the electric slide. 
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After the dancing when things took a weird turn, you stepped outside to get some fresh air. As the night went on, you started smelling weed and some other substances you usually tested for. You thought maybe you inhaled too much of the air inside but it called you miss a few times ... a man-sized hippo.
“Hey Miss! Lady! Ma’am!” The hippo keeps trying to get your attention and you scan the area to see if there's anyone else out here and if there’s anyone else they could be talking to. You see no one. Just you and this hippo, at least you can tell that it’s a costume. This has to mean you don’t have more than a contact high right? You’re just slightly dazed you hope.
“Yes sir? Or ma’am? How can I help you? I specialize in humans and not animals.” The hippo fails their arms and groans at your answer. You weren’t sure how else to put it without coming out and saying you’re an ME. You don’t know this hippo, they don't need to know that.
“You’re not too high right? I’m not an actual hippo. I need help getting this damn head off. You’re the first person I’ve seen who isn’t high as balls. Help a guy out, yeah?” You nod and watch as the hippo bends forward so you can reach the head. You pull and it comes off with some force with you stumbling back but thankfully not falling. The owner of the hippo head has fluffy brown hair and is shaking his head. “That feels so much better! Thanks! Fresh air! I missed it!” He has a beard that’s patchy but it doesn't quite have the gray that you like. He looks like he could be Tim’s younger cousin. The mischievous grin is one you’re sure you’d never see of the detective’s face though. 
“You look familiar. Do you know-”
“Now just because you helped me get this head off, doesn’t mean I’m going to give you an autograph. You seem nice but you gotta pay for those. I have back taxes.” You cackle at the last part of his sentence and he raises an eyebrow. “That's not funny. It’s why I have a new manager and accountant. I hated that my damn brother was right. He’s always right, damn perfectionist. Like his shit doesn’t stink sometimes. That’s why his wife left and all he has is murder. Whatever lady.” 
“No, no. I was going to ask if you knew a homicide detective, you look like him. A lot. I work with him so I was curious.”
The Tim-look-alike runs his eyes up and down, a fuzzy mitt on his chin. He seems to be thinking something, you're not exactly sure what. Some people just look like others and they’re not related. You could be wrong.
You adjust your glasses nervously and he points at them. “They’re blue! He mentioned a woman with blue glasses! So you’re her…he’s mentioned you quite a bit. You do the autopsies right…medical…specialist…something like that? Mentioned something about pens and menus. I didn’t really get that part.” You close your eyes. He told someone about the pens? Who was this guy? “You’re sexy. My brother’s an idiot or maybe he’s not. He loves his job too much is the damn problem. You’re already a lot nicer than his ex-wife, you single pretty lady?” 
Blinking is your initial reaction. So this man…is Tim’s brother?! Your hunch was correct and he was related. You were thinking of a cousin maybe but not his brother. “Did you just ask if I was single? You’re wearing a hippo costume and couldn’t get out of it.” Your hands are raised like you’re pushing away the very idea of him hitting on you. The man in the hippo is not amused.
“That was a design flaw in the costume. Wait, I’m Dieter Bravo, I don’t need to explain myself. I see why he likes you, the sense of humor matches up. If you’d ever like to get to know the more fun of the two Rockford brothers, you should look me up. But definitely watch my movies, I need those royalties. I might paint about what happened here tonight. Thanks again sexy MD. My brother is a bit of a stick in the mud, but he is very nice to the ladies. Wait, what’s your name?” A fuzzy arm wraps around your shoulder and it’s not bad considering the cool night air. You tell Dieter and he comments that it’s sexy for a sexy lady. Your eyes roll as the pair of you decide to head inside where there’s heat and grab some punch. It’s warming you both from the inside out. Dieter and you chat about Tim and Dieter’s lives when they were both younger. Dieter took to the arts early while Tim focused on police work like their dad. 
A fun fact you did learn about Tim: he enjoys photography. 
Dieter explained it’s a hobby he enjoys because he can’t paint like he can. But he also admits that if his brother wanted to, he could have been a photo-journalist, but the call of shield was too great and it went on the backburner. Apparently one of the many reasons Tim and his ex-wife split was due to him wanting to make one of the half baths into a darkroom and expand it a bit. Bravo also informed Doc that his ex-wife was about as fun as putting on a wet blanket while you watch grass grow on a cool spring morning. That made Doc give Dieter a solid belly laugh.
You mentioned that you’d heard rumors of how this woman was but never really asked about her directly to Tim or anyone else. Bravo shrugged and sipped his punch taking stock of what you’re saying. It appears you don’t just like his brother but you respect him by leaving his personal business alone. As smart as he knows his brother is, he’s kind of an idiot. The fact that he knows something his brother doesn’t is a wonderful feeling. Bravo will make sure to remember this.
Dieter explains that he took his passion for art from their mom. She also taught English part time and loved Greek mythology especially which led to his legal first name. He didn’t believe it fit him until he became older and really leaned into the latter part of the Greek god of wine and revelry’s purpose. 
“I’ll tell you pretty lady if you agree to do something fun.”
You squint your eyes at the younger Rockford brother. “What do you consider fun for me?”
“I think you should send Tim a picture of yourself in your outfit. Show him what he’s missing out on by sitting at home in his boxers or sleeping in his office gazing lovingly at his murder board.” This elicited you to choke on your punch and put a hand to your chest.
“I-I- who is that fun for exactly?! What is wrong with everyone this week?!” Knocking back the rest of your drink and pouring yourself more, you’re holding onto the table to keep yourself upright. “First the damn notebook, a bone song, now I find out and meet…”
“Name’s Dieter. Don’t say my real name.”
“Tim’s brother Dion and now you’re telling me to…to…why won’t anyone just let me fantasize?!” You take out your phone and shakily text Kim but she isn’t answering. You want to leave. NOW. Dieter pats your shoulder.
“Hay calm down. I dunno what set you off, but I was half joking. I think you might wanna call someone to take you home. You’re a bit too drunk.” He suggests as he guides you to a quieter room with a couch. You’re able to sit down and call Kim but she’s still not answering. You lean your head back on the soft fabric of the couch and close your eyes. Who else could you call? Just an Uber? No…you’re not alert enough for that. You could doze off at any moment. Alcohol tends to make you sleepy. Your phone slips out of your hand and Dieter grabs it before it falls on the floor. 
Bravo has a bad idea. A very bad idea and maybe a bit mean. He texts Kim who has sent four texts asking where Doc was, that she’s okay and she had liquid courage to call Tim. He’s going to pick her up. Kim then sent various emojis with eggplants, bones, water drops and peaches. The second part of his plan had Bravo texting Tim from his phone that:
Hey bro, I met a very nice lady, maybe a few years older than me. She seems a little shy but the punch is very good. She might want to hang out a bit more after a Power Nap. She’s got some full lips and thick thighs, who knows? She might make a pretty third wife, third time's the charm after all.
Dieter snapped a picture of a dozing Doc and sent it to Tim. He waited. Maybe the text was a bit over the top but based on her outburst, his older brother has likely been a huge closed off idiot. Sadly he’s been like that since he divorced his ex-wife, he should have put more laxative in that woman’s coffee the one time he made it for her. 
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Rockford was in his office finishing up reports. Did he want to be? No. But it was this or do it Monday and Mondays sucked enough without extra paperwork. Plus he didn’t have anything else going on, only that his small black notebook was missing. He’d turned his trench coat inside and out three times and searched his desk, office, car and where he thought it might be in his house. He was going to do another sweep of the office before he left tonight.
His phone lit up but he paid it no mind and kept typing, putting the finishing touches on the fourth report of the night. A small smile crossed his face when he saw Doc’s name for the autopsy of the victim. His mind is drifting to thoughts of you again. He remembers meeting you when you first came. Hands cup the back of his head as he leans back in his chair. Tim’s eyes drift to his murder board and his ear itches. That’s odd. 
He hadn’t been sure about getting a new medical examiner three years ago after Old Loaf, the previous ME had retired. His nickname came from his van which he put bread stickers on (not ever the identifying ME logo though) and he usually played classic rock and his favorite artist was Meat Loaf. Weird man, but ME’s usually are. When Doc arrived, it was an adjustment. The precinct had been used to that old bread van riding around and arriving to crime scenes. When Doc started she was first confused for an intern and not the new medical examiner, to be fair, they weren’t told anything about gender or appearance. But they could have at least asked, Tim happened to hear about Doc from the Captain and his wife over dinner. They had him for dinner from the times he used to double date with them along with his then wife.
Tim interceded between a senior detective and Doc because he kept calling her ‘young lady’ and Rockford could tell with Doc’s hands on her hips and her in his face, something was going to happen. He was pretty confident it would be the senior detective hitting the pavement as she wasn’t budging an inch. Slowly she started winning over the officers with her humor and knowledge, she even kept the loaves on the ME van and added stars, a mermaid and a catfish decal to it as well. They enjoyed the new flair of the van.
Rockford had thought her to be confrontational from her interaction out in the field but quickly grew accustomed to spending extra time in the autopsy room and office. Asking her questions, bouncing ideas off of her and at times, watching her work gathering evidence in the field and her lab. Tim had long reasoned that he spent time with Doc because of work. Over the years they worked together, however, he denied that their relationship was changing. 
They’re colleagues obviously, but he knows the times you’re most likely to be in your office, learning about your music, trying to make you laugh, maybe doing a quick check of a few databases to see if you had any skeletons in your closet. There was some threat you made against your medical preceptor which is why he knew the detective was in more danger than you were. That didn’t bother Tim though, he can have a violent streak in him too if pushed. It was comforting that you’d understand some of the darkness even if it wasn’t quite in the same context. The pen thefts were weird but he enjoyed your eyes on him, watching him to see how he’d react. Now you’re in his car half the nights a week and he should ask you on a proper date but… you seem wary of him and not in the same way he is of you. Rockford could be reading into it too much, he tends to do that a lot more now. Maybe you’re actually wary of him in the same way? He could review his notes he took if he could find his damn black book.
“Rockford! What the hell are you still doing here? Go home!” Tim sits up and looks in his doorway. His balding Captain is there with his crooked toupee. He should just shave it off. Now that he thinks of it, he could dress up like Kojak. His wife would need to pick out his suits though, the Captain puts too many patterns together. The man is wearing a zebra print button-down, red pinstripe pants and a yellow tie. That’s what the Captain wears when not in uniform. His wife might be helping her sister with her baby again, he clearly picked his own clothes again. Tim finds himself thankful that he can match his own clothes without help.
“Sir, I’m almost done with some reports. Didn’t want to leave them for Monday.” Rockford responds. He picks up his phone to snap a quick picture of the Captain’s outfit, knowing Doc’s eyes would go wide before ending up face down on her desk in tears from laughing so hard. Tim swallowed. A quick flash of another thought flashed in his head of Doc face down in an entirely different situation. “Shit.” He muttered. The Captain nodded and left as Rockford saw some text messages from someone he didn’t expect. “He better not be asking me to stream any more of his movies. I’ve seen all of them three times. I told you to fire those two con-artists….” Rockford has finally opened his messages and it didn’t have to do with any movies.
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Tim’s eyebrows shot up his forehead. He called his brother, seething and confused. When Dieter answered, he didn’t allow him to speak. “You tell me right now where Doc is. What the hell have you done…” The detective growled, making Dieter reconsider his plan. He knew Tim might be mad but had only heard that tone come out when he broke a guy’s arm for stalking Dieter early in his acting career before he blew up and thankfully before Tim graduated the police academy.
“Now see…what had happened was…I had a bad idea. Which I realize the full extent of now.” Bravo paused. “Your lady friend is fine. It seems she’s a sleepy drunk. I was going to poke fun at you but you’re clearly not in the mood-,”
“Dion. Stop. The. Bullshit.” Tim stated each word in the same simmering tone. He shut down his computer, put on his coat, and headed for the door to his office. “Address. Now.”
“Ahh…Okay let me just ask someone real quick. I was dropped off, you know.”
“Two minutes Dion.” 
“Yup. On it.” Dieter is fully aware that per his request Tim calls him Dieter even when it’s just the two of them. The last time Tim called Dieter ‘Dion,’ he may have had one dumpster full of compost dumped on Tim’s ex-wife’s lawn. It was a gift since she liked to garden and constantly prune his brother’s dreams. His card had said so. Tim did not appreciate the gesture at the time. He did later though.
Bravo sent Tim the address and he plugged it into his phone. He knew the neighborhood, on the richer side of the county. Why was she there? How did she meet his brother? Why is she drunk? Now he knows she’s a sleepy drunk, and that picture… He’d seen it. How could Tim not think about it, sure she was asleep but she looked radiant in the gold against her skin. It would be a lot better with one of his cameras he had at home instead a stupid phone camera. Not now Tim you need to drive. Dieter can barely care for himself, how is he going to look after Doc? He can’t fight at all, no matter how the stunt team tried to work with him. Let’s just hope she’s only drunk. What kind of party would she go to where he would be there too?
Your head is spinning a bit but you see the fluffy hair and the hippo suit. You’re sitting…that’s right! You fell asleep. With all these people, at a party. 
“I'm an idiot.” You groan sitting your head up, your body still feels heavy.
“Sleeping beauty is awake, your trench coat knight is coming. Could you tell him not to maim or murder me? Please? I gotta go to Milan to meet this screenwriter who might be able to get me in a Nic Cage movie he’s doing. It helps if I’m not dead.” Dieter gives you very pathetic looking eyes, but you’re not sure why.
“I don’t know who my knight is. What did you do?” You’re not entirely sure what Dieter is talking about. The room is still spinning a bit. You’ve sat up but you’ve hung your head to help with the dizziness.
“Why did I have to do something? You don’t even know me Doc.”
“Doc? You don’t call me that. It doesn’t sound right.” Your entire face contorts and Dieter holds his arms out whining.
“Tim calls you that. That’s your title, you’re a doctor. Or is it like a weird pet name between you two? I’m gonna ask him when he gets here. If he doesn’t harm me.” You pay no attention to his head tilt. Your body goes rigid, you’re hoping Dieter is just talking out of his ass.
“Wait…Tim is coming here? No, no, no,no,no!! What did you do? You insane weirdo hippo! Why haven’t you taken that off? You’re wearing something under that right? You’re not one of those….I mean. I’m not into it, but you do you Dieter.” Your surprise masks your panic for a few moments before it returns and to shoot to your feet. “Forget that, I’m not…I can’t see him like this. This isn’t…wait there hasn’t been a murder here has there?” A second wave of panic sets in, if Tim is coming here, there’s been a murder. You’re at a scene of a murder while drunk, wearing less clothes then you might wear to bed most nights and you’d have to explain not only to Rockford but the other detectives and officers why you’re here. Not a bad reason, but they don’t need to see you dressed like this. You’ve finally got everyone to call you ‘Doctor’ or ‘Miss Doc’ instead of ‘young lady.’ They’d never let you live this down.
Bravo rocks himself up off the couch and places his hands on your shoulders. You can’t take him seriously in that hippo suit.  “You spun pretty fast. I sent him a picture of you while you were dozing and he’s coming to pick you up. Your friend Kim knows you’re going with him. He’s not happy that I took a picture of you so could you just, make sure I live? I mean think of it as doing your brother-in-law a solid.” You’ve closed your eyes while he’s talking and are shaking your head. 
“This is…a nightmare…a damn nightmare…” You start laughing at the absurdity of it all. You almost wish Kim was here to sing her bone song and it would be a perfect nightmare. Dieter mentions that you should meet Tim out front, that way he won’t need to look for you and it may earn him a point or two. He also put the hippo head back on. If all else fails, he tells you to pretend to not know him as a hippo and he’ll just watch and then waddle away. You decide it doesn’t matter what Dieter decides to do, this is going to be so weird. 
On his way out, Tim went down to Doc’s office where he got a spare key from the maintenance guy Joe six months ago. He had told him at the time it was for when Doc was off and that had a sub-ME come in who he had to double check behind. Or course, that’s not at all what Tim does, but Joe bought it because like his younger brother, Tim might be able to pull off some acting when he needs to. Based on what she was wearing, she needed something to put over herself. It’s way too cool for her not to and despite the alcohol she drank, she’d feel it when she got a cold later. On the drive over, he tried to plan what he would say, sure he was pissed at Dieter and he’d yell at him later about that. Would Doc be weirded out that he’s coming to pick her up? Should he have called Kim? She's Doc's friend but he can’t stand her. Kim’s good at her job and keeps things organized, but she’s a damn…well he wouldn’t say block. Just, she always interrupts with that smug look like she knows how he feels about Doc and makes little comments. Doc’s oblivious but eventually with enough of Kim’s words, she’ll understand that he likes her as more than a work friend. He’s sure he can’t have that conversation with her, especially if she didn’t feel the same.
Dieter leads Doc through the house, getting lost in a few rooms before they finally reach the main entrance. In full hippo costume, Bravo waits near the double doors, just in case Tim comes at him, he can hide behind one. He knows the stairs will slow him down. Doc stands in front of the stairs and holds her breath as she sees the brown Crown Victoria she consumes large amounts of Chinese food in pulls to a stop next to her. She walks toward the passenger side door, but Tim puts down the window. “Hey Tim.” Your voice is hushed. 
“Wait. Don’t get in yet.” Something unexpected happens. It’s not that he gets out and opens the door for you or even that he has your lab coat, though you are curious how he has it since you lock your office before you leave every night. Tim says your name softly before helping you put your arms through the sleeves and he pulls on the collar so it’s a bit snug around your neck and by extension your chest. You’re left to look up at the man you’ve admired for the past few years, the same one you keep lying to yourself that it’s only admiration you feel for him. 
“Tim…I’m sorry you had to come. I-I’m not usually… Thanks for coming. And don’t kill Dieter, just rough him up a little.” You give him a weak smile, you’re ecstatic that he’s driving out to pick you up, but feel horrible that you’re hungover and in a flashy gold skimpy disco dress when you see your detective outside of work. You wanted to have seen him in a more elegant outfit or at least something that didn’t have all your thighs and breasts out. Why couldn’t you have heard him say you name over a nice dinner? Hell even some Chinese food in your office would have been better than this, you’ve got the beginnings of a hangover and it’s not how you wanted Tim to see you outside of work. You’re not sloppy, messy and a tad obsessive sure, but not sloppy.
“Don’t apologize Doc. You’re entitled to fun after-hours. Just keep it safer next time. I was worried.” Rockford tells you quietly. His hands are still on your collar and run down to pull the lab coat snug around your middle which you flinch from his knuckles grazing your stomach. He calls your name again in the same soft tone as he smiles, “I’ve got one too. Not as soft as yours, mine’s a hard spare tire. Um…” Tim realizes he may have said something odd. He shouldn’t be referencing your body in any way but he has now. He feels like he put his own foot in his mouth, it’s not what he meant to say. “I..the gold looks perfect on you.” Rockford is making an effort to focus on your face, but his eyes drift to your lips, a bright shade of pink and even though he’s pulled your collar tight, he can still see your cleavage. There was more of it than he assumed was under those scrubs of yours. “I didn’t mean to mention…You’re a beautiful woman. You look good in anything, let’s get you home.” 
If you could melt and fade away you would, where is this tender side of Tim Rockford coming from? Is it from pity? You could care less. It’s clear that he was looking at you, seeing past your usual scrubs, his eyes had scanned your form. Maybe this outfit wasn’t as bad as you thought and he’s seeing a fair bit of the goods as Kim would put it. Tim’s staring at them in fact after calling you beautiful. Does he… Is he attracted to me? I don’t think I ever thought this far ahead…dammit I’m thinking of that stupid bone song again. But I mean…
As Tim motions his hand for you to get in the car, the hippo who supposedly was worried about life and limb has a sudden outburst, “For the love of..?! What is this? You suck Tim!” A waddling hippo is coming toward the both of you continuing to berate his brother, “You’re going to do all that with her coat you damn tease? You didn’t even hug her or kiss her! No wonder Doc drank so much punch!” Dieter then turns to you, his large stuffed head bobbing about. “Is this how he is all the time?! I thought maybe you were being dramatic but I see you weren’t. This is swoon-worthy but you need to make it count big bro. Like she’s right here!” He points his gray mitts at you, your face feels like someone has put it under a lamp and it’s burning. 
“Dieter, Shut up! Now!” You scream and get in the car, slamming the door. “Tim, we should go. Take me home please.” You’re mortified looking straight ahead in the car, hoping that he won’t ask. Tim’s a detective, of course he’s going to ask. What will you tell him? He ruined the moment…can I get another take without the damn hippo?!
Rockford shakes his head and pushes Dieter’s hippos head enough so he stumbles back but doesn’t fall. “Go back to the party, dumbass. This isn’t one of your movies.”
Dieter regains his footing and yells at Tim as he gets in his car, “You’re right it’s not! In one of my movies, she’d be a lot more satisfied than she is right now!” Tim flips the bird toward Dieter out of his driver side window and over the hood of his car. 
As Tim drives off he sighs and turns on the radio. He has questions, but knows you're way too uncomfortable to answer any of them now. ‘I’m In Love’ by Evelyn “Champagne” King plays and Tim mumbles under his breath, “Of all the times…” Any other time I’d enjoy this song. It’s way too on the nose.
“Tim, I don't want to go home.” You’re watching the houses pass by as you speak. It could be the rum you drank, the fact that you spoke at length with a hippo who said he’s your ‘brother in law’ or that you’re now aware of how Tim sees you, at least in this outfit. “Can we stop and get something to eat? To soak up the alcohol, unless you’re not hungry?”
Rockford squeezes the steering wheel tighter, “Yeah we can. You feel up to talking while we eat at the usual place or you have somewhere else you want to Doc?” He’s keeping his eyes forward. If he looks over, his eyes will linger again and he needs to focus on driving. Supposedly. 
“Where we can get a burger and milkshake.” Is your request and Tim agrees, making a few turns toward the diner you’ve both talked about going to but haven’t been yet. It was supposed be for when another big homicide case came through but, well this could be considered a large case of a different nature. 
Back at the precinct, there are a few officers on the night watch milling about and taking calls. Things are calm, they’re looking forward to eight in the morning when their shift will end. One officer notices that the mascot for their precinct, ‘Sergeant Roderick Hipops’ named and gifted to the station by the Captain’s daughter when she was four, isn’t on the podium in the command room where the Captain will give updates and assign cases for the day. A couple of the officers decide to track the hippo down so they won’t be the ones that lost it. Their search leads them to the corridor outside of the morgue, where they find Sergeant Hipops, but he’s dipped in red paint. He’s wearing a navy police coat and a small hat in his permanent seated position. One officer points out that it’s too thick to be paint, it’s blood. Their search expands and crimson drops on the floor lead them to the morgue, where they discover a body.
Stevenson, Detective Tim Rockford’s partner, had a gunshot wound in the middle of his forehead on the slab where Doc normally performs her autopsies.
Part Two Part Four
Peeps who would let Tim take their photo 📸: @alltheglitterandtheroar @sin-djarin @morallyinept @yorksgirl @bitchwitch1981 @heareball @megamindsecretlair @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @magpiepills @yorksgirl @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @avastrasposts @clawdee @pascalsanctuary @readingiskeepingmegoing @rhoorl @inept-the-magnificent @pamasaur @agentjackdaniels @pedroshotwifey @tinytinymenace @anoverwhelmingdin
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Just the beginning
I do not own any characters except Jordy Lost-sky and Eve Henson, this is also purely self endulgent and is probably not that good, but here you go. This is also my first attempt at a short story, my apologies if I missed something
Danny continued to stare at Jordy who was talking to one of the other pilots about repairs that needed to be made to his plane
, all the while Rafe was talking to him about god knows what. Danny was brought out of his day dream by Rafe placing his hand on his shoulder
“hmm? What?” Danny questioned, Rafe gave him a knowing look
“ Man you wanna talk to her go up and talk to her, she’s not gunna bite your head off” Danny nervously scratch’s the back of his neck a dark red blush slowly creeping onto his face
“ I really like her, but I don’t think she’s into quite guys like me”
he mumbles as Rafe laughs at his best friend “she’s been stealing glances at you every once in a while , hell she even took extra care when she worked on your plane”
Danny’s eyebrows disappeared beneath his dark hair “sh-she w-what?” Danny managed to get out “Danny you managed to catch the attention of Jordy Lost-sky. The hottest girl stationed here in Pearl Harbor”
Rafe rambled as they made their way across the tarmac to the hanger bay where they could see Jordy talking to what looked like one of the newer pilots.
this pilot was tall had broad shoulders kinda muscular arms dark blonde hair that was spiked “ahhh i think i know what the problem is, others said they had the same issue “
Jordy continued while the pilot just nodded his head looking at the ground nervously “You fly boys gotta stop putting so much stress on the propellers the only thing it’s doing is running it ragged” Jordy says
“O-oh s-sorry ma’am we were just transporting suppli-“ he was cut off by Danny and Rafe” Hey Jordy” Rafe said with Danny mumbling a quick hi ,avoiding her eyes and blushing like no tomorrow
“Hey boys, I’ll get to ya’ inna minute “ Jordy said not taking her eyes off the plane “I’ll get my tools and such from the hanger bay later, and try not to bring so much on the planes”
“Yes ma’am sorry ma’am” replied the pilot nervously looking almost as flustered as Danny felt if not more “Now how can I help my two favorite fly boys?”
Jordy asked a smile made its way on to her beautiful face as she brushed a strand of her dark brown hair out of her hazel colored eyes
“Ah-well Jordy, Danny here has this girl that he likes, but isn’t quite sure how to tell her, how would you wanna be told something like that”
Rafe explained in a tone that made Jordy’s smile fall a bit but brushed it off , but not before she saw Danny’s eyes widen from behind Rafe, his already flushed face turning an even brighter red”
Umm, well I would get her a card, like a hand written one, maybe chocolate, and-Oh! A stuffed animal” Jordy exclaims,hazel eyes brighter then before
“W-hat kind of stuffed ani-animal”Danny managed to say “A bear usually, but if it were me , a wolf” Danny smiles a bit making Jordy’s heart beat faster then before”Thank you Jordy”
Rafe Said nudging Danny who muttered a quiet thank you” Your welcome boys, and I hope you get the girl Danny” Jordy smiled as the boys walked away from her, her smile disappearing and a frown taking it place, Jordy watching as the boys walked away talking Rafes hand on Danny’s shoulder
”That was almost to painful to watch” came the voice of Eve Henson a nurse Lt on base. Jordy rolled her eyes at the platinum blonde, Eve had lightly tanned skin , she had a blue dress on and a string of pearls
Wavy hair which she wore pinned back when she worked , she had full lips which were complemented with red lipstick and the rest of her makeup simple but was enough to bring out her forest green eyes
“Oh please like I don’t see you pinning after that pilot Billy” Jordy teased and Eve turns bright red “Oh shut up Jordy Lost-sky , you were just making heart eyes at Danny Walker” Now that Jordy couldn’t deny , she did indeed have a crush on Danny Walker
Jordy and Eve talked while Jordy worked on a plane engine, they talked about what had gone on during the week, to which Jordy wasn’t surprised to hear that there was talk of needing pilots over seas for the war effort. Eve also talked about her dates with her fly boy Billy.
Which made Jordy think of Danny and his adorable chocolate brown eyes and how he would nervously look around when he looked at her.
“Who do you think Rafe was talking about when he said Danny had a girl he wanted to ask out?” Jordy asked interpreting Eve “Jordy , silly he’s talking about you, he wants to ask you out” Jordy just looks at Eve with wide eyes
“Oh come on, you can’t tell me you’ve never seen him look at you with that love struck look in his eyes?” “I have , I guess I didn’t think he was looking at me” “Jordy, dear everyone can tell you two like each other”
Eve points out as two figures make their way over too where the two women stand, one had a bag in one hand and a bouquet of wild flowers in the other. Eves eyes widen “Jordy , it’s Danny turn around “ Jordy’s hazel eyes get bigger and panicked as an equally nervous Danny approaches
“He-hey Jordy” “Hi Danny” Jordy rubs the back of her neck nervously “I’ll let you to talk” Eve exclaimed , while Jordy was begging her silently not to leave”You got this Danny” Rafe called to his friend as he walked behind Eve.
The two stood in silence for a bit before Danny managed to say something “Here Jor-Jordy, I-i got-got these fo-for you” Danny stuttered handing the bouquet to
Jordy with trembling hands, why did he have to stutter so badly? “Are those wild flowers?” Jordy asked looking at the flowers with wide eyes
“ye-yes, do you like them?” He asked nervously hoping she liked them “like them? I love wild flowers” Jordy excitedly tells him , Danny lets out a sigh of relief at her reaction “well I-i also go-got this for you” Danny was slightly less nervous handing her the bag
Jordy takes the bag in her fuel stained hands , opening it up, two small brown paper bags and a stuffed gray wolf with a card attached to him.
Surprise filled Jordy, as she remembered the conversation she had had with Rafe and a nervous Danny just hours before “Do you like it? I-I wasn’t sure which chocolates you liked, So I-“Danny was cut of by Jordy planting a kiss on his cheek and the smell of fuel and her perfume engulfed him, bringing back his blush
“Danny, they are lovely “ Jordy says looking him in the eyes.
And so the adventure begins, joy and happiness comes but not without a few dumps along the way.
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dujour13 · 7 months
Hehehe. 3, 13, 18, 42 <3
Thanks Dolly, intriguing choices lol 🥰
Some PWOTR spoilers under the cut
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
Well, he’s a bit of a chaos monster so it really depends. The one thing you can almost always catch him doing is playing guitar in the evening, with a glass of wine if he can get one, staring off into the distance and just vibing and winding down. It might be the only thing that saves his sanity during the Crusade. It’s absolutely canon that he reads Ophenia Thwait novels in his downtime too.
He’ll usually try to make his way to somewhere in the bed vicinity to sleep because it is comfiest, but in which direction and whether dressed or not is a coin toss. Once Woljif starts coming around evenings he develops more regular habits.
13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Love how this is phrased.
He knows he looks amazing in an assortment of pastels and earth colors, but especially sky blue. Lilac, mustard and leaf-green are good too.
In reality I think he would look great in earth tones with just flashes of color here or there. It would complement his hazel eyes, tawny-blond hair and tan skin really well. Alas he only wears browns, beiges and deep greens as accents and not the other way around.
18. What embarrasses them?
This is a hard one because with that laid-back attitude and that Cha score I think he can easily fake his way through even some of the most awkward situations. (usually. no one is above a nat 1)
Because of his guilt/failure complex he can’t always disguise his feelings when someone rightly criticizes his performance, whatever kind of performance. He’ll crack a self-deprecating joke and laugh it off but you can tell he’s a little peeved underneath it all. To his credit he will try to do better.
42. How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
When the end goal was leading the Crusade to victory, he wanted it badly enough to stick with it even when things got bad, even when gargoyles destroyed the camp and Woljif ran off, even facing swarms of vescavors, even being exiled to the Abyss. For him to commit to that extent is extraordinary. I joke but he is actually capable of committing when his mind is made up about something. He’s a lazy, flaky, careless person until some strange, unpredictable flame ignites in his heart and then he’s unstoppable.
Post-crusade he’s just as committed to his new goal of ending mortality but the stakes are quite a bit higher and there are forces aligned against him that he has no conception of. I’d still put money on him but I’m not sure Woljif would.
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unusualwhatsits · 1 year
The first thing Byler does after moving out to college is dye their hair. Mike isn't willing to bleach his hair ten times over so he just puts a pack of blue manic panic on his head that ends up only peaking out as highlights but the slight pop of color works for him but then Mike has to deal with blue getting all over their pillows + towels + couch, and Will doesn't go as bright with it and just bleaches it into this nice light strawberry blond tone that complements his tan and Will suddenly gets an influx of complements from attractive strangers that has Mike seeing red as if he himself isn't also spitting complements left and right at Will over the new do, and Will might be painting Mike just a touch more often than normal first thing in the morning as the sun rises and makes that blue really shine
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emeritus-fuckers · 3 months
Hi, here's my application for the match up event!!!
1. Identity
I'm one of those they/thems, genderqueer femme, irl a lesbian (but I like fictional men, my only exception)
2. Who do I like
Anyone! I just like seeing all the possibilities
3. What I look like
I'm fat, and slowly learning to love myself about it, goth at the intersection of victorian and romantic, light skin mixed/ black, my natural hair color is dark brown/black, mid back length and the left side is bleached pale blonde. Brown eyes, lots of piercings (septum, medusa, snake bites, bridge, nipples, getting tongue, belly button, dimples and anti-eyebrows eventually) a few tattoos, more to come eventually. I have a beauty mark under my left eye that people have always complemented me on since I was kid so I'm pretty fond of it, I like to draw a heart or star over it when I do makeup.
4. Personality
Isn't this always the tough one... I'm quiet but not necessarily shy. I prefer to watch people than directly interact but I'm really friendly and like making friends. I'm the mom friend in that I like to take care of people despite usually being the youngest in the group. I was always the old soul until I was diagnosed as autistic and went "oooh. Yeah ok that makes sense." I find weird-ish things cute, like snakes and vultures, and advocate for people embracing their weirdness and living their truth.
5. Interests
my main interests are horror, video games, medical history, true crime (namely cults and odd events) and cooking. I love to read, go on long drives, go to aquariums or museums, go to the beach, collect bones, and spend a lot of time studying occult practices across the globe. Personally, I'm a cross between a luciferian and a Rökkatru practitioner, but I'm very lax about it.
6. Trivia!
I used to want to be a forensic anthropologist when I was a little kid, now I'm working towards becoming an author. I only realized I was bullied in high school when I was in my early 20s. I have ptsd induced nightmares, but they're getting better. I do burlesque dancing, my favorite part is the costumes! I'm physically disabled and walk with a cane, it makes me feel like a cool old man for some reason.
- emoji so I can find it when you post ♡ 🐍
Your match is... Sid E. Burns
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While he's not one for fashion (his fashion sense ends on things being either "cool" and "shitty"), he does like the way you dress.
You're the overdressed one while he's the underdressed one. He dresses like he's homeless. You look incredible together.
He likes your piercings, but he does lightly pick on them to annoy you sometimes. Lovingly, of course.
He likes your hair, he makes little braids on the bleached side.
Also, he loves that you're big. In his words, fat people are best nap buds. Great to use as a soft pillow or a cool, heavy and warm blanket.
He's good for nightmares, cuddles them right out of you. He knows you're not okay when it happens.
He's got a loud, solid heart, so his heartbeat is very, very soothing.
And he's a good cuddler. He's got you.
He's an atheist, but he doesn't really get in between you and your religion, as long as you don't get on his ass about it.
He'll watch the horror movies with you and watch you play your games while he just sorta chills around you.
He likes seeing you enjoy your stuff, even if he sometimes teases you about collecting bones, comparing you to Tom.
He has a pet tarantula, so if you're into spiders, you're gonna love Betty.
He will make pervy comments about your dancing. Feel free to punch him for it, he's an idiot sometimes.
Written by Nosferatu.
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katenewmanwrites · 3 months
Your characters are attending a wedding! What are they wearing, what present are they giving the couple, and what do they get arrested for when the night is over?
I'll use the characters from Racing hearts but if you wanted any of my other characters I'd be happy to do this again, it was really fun and I'm thinking of adding a wedding into the story.
Lily -
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She wears a deep emerald green gown that complements her dark brown hair. She adds a simple pair of gold drop earrings and a matching necklace. Her makeup is subtle, apart from her signiture red lip, and her hair is styled in loose waves. She completes her look with a pair of comfortable yet stylish black heels.
She gives the couple a beautifully crafted photo album, filled with blank pages for them to fill with memories of their journey together. Along with the album, she includes a handwritten letter expressing her heartfelt wishes for their happiness and love.
The wedding is an extravagant affair, held at a luxurious venue with high-profile guests, including members of the Italian mafia. Despite the opulence, there's an underlying tension, as the presence of so many influential and potentially dangerous individuals creates a volatile atmosphere.
Suddenly, the venue is swarmed by law enforcement in a massive raid. The authorities have been building a case against the family for years, and the wedding provides the perfect opportunity to apprehend a large number of key figures at once. Chaos ensues as guests are rounded up and questioned, and the situation quickly deteriorates into a full-blown crackdown.
Lily, caught in the midst of the raid, tries to maintain her composure. Despite her attempts to explain her innocence, her association with the Italian crime family and her presence at a mafia wedding make her a person of interest. The police arrest her along with many others, leading her away in handcuffs.
Finn -
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Finn attends the wedding in a sharp, tailored gray suit. The suit is made of high-quality fabric, with a subtle sheen. He pairs it with a crisp white dress shirt and a dark green vest and tie, which adds a pop of color and complements Lily's emerald green gown. His normally tousled dark blonde hair is neatly styled. He completes his look with polished black dress shoes and a luxury watch.
Finn's gift to the couple is an intricately designed, antique silver picture frame, sourced from a renowned artisan. The frame is accompanied by a hand-written note expressing his heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for their future together. The gift is elegantly wrapped in fine paper with a satin ribbon.
As the wedding festivities continue into the night, the atmosphere is lively. However, the celebration takes a sudden turn when a loud commotion erupts near the entrance. Finn's instincts kick in, and he moves towards the source of the disturbance. He finds members of the Irish mafia trying to crash the wedding.
Finn intervenes to de-escalate the situation. Despite his efforts, the argument quickly turns physical. In the chaos, someone calls the police, and officers arrive to break up the fight. During the ensuing scuffle, Finn is found with a concealed weapon – a precaution he always takes. The police, already on high alert due to the presence of known mafia members at the wedding, arrest him for possession of an illegal firearm.
Anthony -
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Anthony attends the wedding in a sharp, tailored black Italian suit. The suit is impeccably cut, from a high-end designer. He would pair this with a crisp white dress shirt, a black tie, and polished black leather shoes. His dark hair would be neatly styled, and he might wear a sleek, minimalist watch and cufflinks.
Anthony's gift to the couple is the deed to a valuable piece of property, ensuring the couple starts their new life with a strong financial foundation. His gift would be grand but meaningful.
Anthony, seeing his friend and trusted ally being taken into custody, springs into action. His protective instincts and loyalty to Finn override his better judgment. He confronts the officers, demanding that they release Finn. Anthony's tone is firm, but the officers, adhering to protocol, ignore his pleas and continue their procedure.
Refusing to back down, Anthony physically tries to prevent the officers from taking Finn away. He blocks their path, his authoritative presence and desperation evident. The situation escalates as Anthony's defiance is interpreted as obstruction of justice. The police, now seeing Anthony as a direct threat to their operation, move to restrain him as well.
Anthony is arrested for obstruction of justice, his attempts to protect Finn leading to his own downfall. As he is handcuffed and led away, the wedding guests look on in shock and dismay.
Sofia -
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Sofia is dressed in a stunning, sleek evening gown. The gown is black, complementing her deep tan. It features a fitted silhouette with elegant detailing. Her light brown hair is styled in loose, polished waves that frame her face. She accessorizes with simple, yet chic jewelry - a pair of diamond studs, a delicate diamond bracelet and simple black heels.
Sofia has chosen a thoughtful and unique gift for the couple: a personalized, high-tech home security system. This state-of-the-art system includes biometric locks, surveillance cameras, and a secure network, all customized to the couple's new home.
During the arrest of Finn and her Boyfriend Anthony, the officer recognises Sofia. Despite her polished appearance and attempt to blend in, her reputation as a skilled hacker has preceded her. The officer confirms her identity and arrests her on the spot for her hacking-related outstanding warrants.
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Can I please ask for a yandere Carla with kianna komori
Like in this scenario after killing off the sakamaki brothers she stepped out of the house to watch the House burn and he ended up meeting her
(After stalking her and planning how to kidnap her those plans were thrown out the window after she killed the sakamaki brothers)
Also can this be smut
Also the rest is up to you
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Endless night
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Carla x oc
warning : smutish, character x oc, kissing, mentioning of murder and fire, minors wounds, tiny comfort
Info : So here it is dear @nunezs-stuff hope you like it and it was really, really fun to write Carla (one of my fav) so yeah have fun reading ;)
She was different from her relatives. The exterior was as different as summer from winter. Where there was blonde, the brown was as dark as the tree trunks that spread out around the villa.
Where there was pink, there was gold. Where there was shyness and friendliness, her other half was loudness and opinion behind a face that was like a blank page.
Where there was pink, she was dark, and yet they both shared a love of ruffles, of colors you could bake with. They were both each other's coin, one side complementing the other.
Something the heir to the throne of the other world had observed from the very beginning. Ever since her sister, the "Eva", had joined the three cousins he and his own brother had been watching for hundreds of years. He had watched how the brothers had fought against their own mother and uncle.
Cordelia his cousin had taken it too far in her delusional love and brutal nature she had only brought about the demise of this bride that would send her to her grave forever and ensure her death. Her lover Richter disappeared and history continued its course when she hit the painting. His Kianna.
Even though he knew he and his brother were steadfast, this girl was worth that special something more than any bride, any eva, anything he had ever seen.
For the first time he felt something like a spark of blood inside him, the attraction to her was inevitable and this reaction inside him made him think of his cousins for a moment.
,,Maybe the blood flows crazier in our family after all... it won't be the end of time that eats me away, it will be love," he mumbled as he looked at the picture in his hand in his room, a photograph he had just caught in a careless moment.
But this photo was all he held on to and would continue to hold on to. Until one day he would lay his golden eyes on the inferno, the inferno he had watched with a joyful madness in his eyes. His favorite, his work of art had actually made it, she had escaped from his first cousins.
Had burned them all and was now wandering through the forest. It was the time to strike, a time he chose. She watched as the moon slowly began to turn red in the sky, the red matching the flames and the blt behind her.
But it didn't matter, she had killed them and had to get away from this place, anywhere they weren't true. Away from a world of suffering and pain not knowing that in her shadow the devil with white hair was following her.
She didn't know how she found herself in a new place after an indefinite period of time. The fog of time was too thick and impenetrable for her to remember exactly. Except that she remembered how it had started when he had kissed her.
He wasn't cold like the other monsters, he saw exactly how behind her veiled eyes, through the dull hurt of the smoke, she clung to him. ,,I knew you would love me," he had whispered to her, laying their bodies on the soft, large canopy bed. Those golden eyes so like hers as he looked at her.
She was afraid, but of what? She didn't know, but what Kianna did know was that if she lost the love she was getting, she would be facing something worse than just this time and world. Inside her she sensed that there were others like the six who, unlike him, wanted to harm this monster with the golden eyes.
It was only right that she clung to him as his fingers slowly opened the blouse on her body, touching her cold skin through the night and sending goose bumps down her spine. ,,Everything will get better...just let me help you," she had heard his voice before she felt him for the first time.
The long white hair on her skin lightly fisted as he leaned in and kissed her gently and invitingly, not roughly and overwhelmingly like Shu.
It was possessive in its way, but the heir to the throne was different from the six. He was desirable to her and they both adored him.
As he took off her clothes, his lips kissed her irritated skin through the fire and the night. His power was pleasantly tickling, but also soothing and arousing. His cool fingers glided over the exposed skin, his sweet words.
The praise reached her ears for the first time after only anger and hatred from the others. ,,Never leave me" she heard the words nodded and nodded she would stay with him it was better with him than anywhere else.
She felt his body, his fingers on her, his arms supporting her, his chest warm, even if there was no heartbeat, whether from his illness or from the love he felt for her.
That no matter if his brother heard her, Carla knew that on this night when the moon shone red, he made her his.
His pointed canines ran gently over the soft skin of her thigh, leaving kisses and light bites. She knew what he wanted and he would give everything for his Kianna. Because this night, the blood of the moon, this night of their love would never end.
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aliengirl · 1 year
Angels @akitasimblr and @duusheen tagged me on this, thank you so much 🩷🩷
Sims Tag
1. What’s your favourite sims death? The meteor one 🔭
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? maxis match pending to maxis mix sometimes
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Usually no, unless its like, me forgetting to disable pregnancy weight
4. Do you use move objects? aLWAYS
5. Favorite mod? my essentials are mcc, ui cheats and more columns, but for gameplay my faves are Pandasama Child Birth and the Relationship and Pregnancy Overall (they complement each other)
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? mine is 🏴‍☠️😔
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? as in living
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I have no idea 😭 i always prefer the most recent ones
9. Have you made a simself? yes but i lost it, i made myself and my bf kakskjs
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? uhh creative maybe? Lactose intolerant 🤣 and childish
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? Ginger and that white platinum blonde they added
12. Favorite EA hair? When i didnt use cc my go to was the curly one from discover university
13. Favorite life stage? im between infants and toddlers
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? i try to be a builder but i guess im not the one for it
15. Are you a CC creator? Only if you consider my sporadic recolours
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? i would love to say yes, so i hope they consider me as a friend too 🥺
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) i only played sims 3 base game when younger so i must say ts4
18. Do you have any sims merch? nope
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? i do have a separate account for sims, so it doesn't mess with my other interests
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? well, a lot, considering my dark past as a alpha simmer
21. What’s your Origin ID? i forgot :D
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? my faves are @trillyke @powluna @woosteru @simandy @daylifesims
23. How long have you had a simblr? I think 2021?
24. How do you edit your pictures? gshade and a psd i use in photopea (photoshop takes ages to open and wont let me override photos when saving so its more pratical)
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? im really excited about the idea of a horses pack (even having no idea how the hell they will do it fit in), and i would love a fairies or a hotel pack
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? uhh i dont know, i love cats&dogs, parenthood, highschool years, growing together, basically family gameplay lol
Its your turn now🩷 @boredmoodlet @catnipsims @powluna @kissalopa
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