#but the area it is suspected to be in literally is unknown
glompcat · 2 years
Yikes but people really do not understand how little we know about the ocean, huh?
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shroomdreams · 2 months
Fish Out Of Water
Jiyan x F!Mermaid!Reader
CW: Strangers-to-Lovers, porn with plot, monster reader, light angst in the middle, first time, lots of foreplay, unprotected sex, p in v, cumming inside. A/N: I didn’t mean for it to get this long. I’m so sorry yall, I hope you guys enjoy! 6.5k words
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Miles off the coast of a settlement in Tiderise Cliff, underneath the waves, a strange being gazes upwards and dreams of the breaching the unknown. You are a creature of the waters, some may call a siren. However, you don’t have aspirations of drowning sailors or anything remotely similar. Simply put, you want to learn more of the strange world above the waters you call home. The one thing that stops is that you don’t exactly look like the “humans” that populate the world. Few times your head pokes out of the water, they’ve mistaken you for something called a “Tacet Discord.”
Still, it didn’t deter you from observing them, watching how their bodies moved. You gained a better understanding of the human form after a year or two of observing them. Despite this, your plans to explore the land was interrupted by the chaos ravaging the area. You hid in the water, hoping for things to calm down.
When they did, you heard that there will be a festival celebrating the defeat of an enormous Tacet Discord. This was your chance! Even if you couldn’t stay for too long, this was your moment to take in the human culture and be among them. However, your first steps were rather shaky… Both literally and figuratively. For one thing, it was a massive learning curve trying to balance on legs, and you fell face first into the sand. Still, you had to press on, holding yourself onto a rock for stability.
“Excuse me, ma’am!” A voice sounds from afar. Looking up, you see a group of humans wearing the same outfits marching towards you. A few of them are looking away as they approach, while the leader of the squad walks up to you. “Are you alright? You took a fall over there…” He says, a light blush on his cheeks.
“Uhm… I’m okay, thank you.” The nervous look on their faces make you apprehensive. The leader scratches the back of his head, clearing his throat.
“That’s good. Have you been attacked in some way?”
“Er, no… I don’t think so.”
The humans seem to look at each other with a certain look, one you can’t really parse. The leader steels his gaze and straightens his back. “I see… Well, you should come with us. It’s dangerous out here. While we have dealt with the threnodian threat, we can’t be too sure…”
So you find yourself with a cloak wrapped around your shoulders, shielding your body from the sunlight as you walk among the humans. You learn that they were dispatched to patrol the perimeter around the settlement to make sure there’s minimal Tacet Discord interference. When you reach the settlement, the leader tasks for some of the humans to go back to patrolling while he and a few others make sure you’re okay.
“We’ll just conduct a quick medical examination, miss.” The woman in the white robe explains. You find yourself inside a tent with all sorts of important looking devices inside, sitting on an elevated surface. “Please tell me if there’s any sort of discomfort.” The woman presses a few instruments to certain parts of your body, sticking a tube in your mouth and taking it out after a certain point. She scribbles something on her clipboard.
“Your vitals are normal, and there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong.” The woman says. “However, there are still a few things I’d like to confirm. Would you mind waiting here for a moment?” After you nod, she walks outside.
“How is she?” A man in teal attire would ask. The woman bites her lip, looking at her notes.
“Results show me that she’s a normal human, but I noticed a few aberrations on her legs. They look like fish scales… and I spotted a tacet mark on the back of her neck. As for any injuries, there’s also a scar on her shoulder. I suspect that it was caused by a bullet.”
“So we have an unidentified resonator who seemingly washed up on the beach…” He rests his chin on his hand, eyebrows scrunched together. “This is troubling. Maybe the result of an exile attack?”
“Considering the patrollers found her without any clothes…”
The silence hangs for a brief moment.
“She didn’t mention any hostility, but we can’t be sure if she blocked out the memory or if she’s actively avoiding the subject. Either way, General, I suggest we handle this delicately.”
“Very well. Have someone bring her clothes. I’ll go talk with her, see if we can make a breakthrough.”
Back inside, you perk up when the tent flaps open, revealing a man with dark teal hair and golden eyes. You note the scales on his face as he takes a stool and sits down, making you look down at him. He smiles at you.
“Hello. How are you feeling, miss?”
You can’t help but smile back, leaning in a bit. “I’m feeling fine, thank you.” You pause. “Uhm, that woman from earlier… Is she coming back?”
“Ah, Dong Mei will return shortly. I’d like to introduce myself. I am Jiyan of the Midnight Rangers.”
Midnight Rangers… That must be the group who found you. From his attire, you get the feeling Jiyan must be someone important to them. The presence of someone like Jiyan suddenly fills you with unease, your eyebrows knitted together with worry as you shuffle awkwardly. Noticing your tension, Jiyan holds his hands up.
“Please, there’s no need to be worried. I merely want to know how you’re currently feeling, that’s all.”
“Well… I feel fine.” You answer honestly. “It’s a bit strange to have this many people care about me. I uhm, I would have thought strangers would be treated differently.”
Jiyan frowns at your reply. “Forgive me, but it’s troubling to hear you say such a thing. What makes you think we’ll just show you door?”
The words struggle to form a coherent sentence in your mind, staring at Jiyan as you try and supply him with an answer. Nothing happens, leaving you in silence, your hands resting on your lap.
…You decide to change the subject.
“This settlement… They’re celebrating a festival soon, aren’t they?” You ask.
“Yes. Were you planning on attending?”
“Mhmm.” You nod. “It’s actually my first time here. I don’t really know of the customs or any of the rules.” You don’t mention the brief flash of sadness in Jiyan’s eyes as you speak. “I want to spend some time here, if only for a little while. I’ll be gone by the time the festival concludes.”
“Do you have a place to stay for a while? The festival wouldn’t be ready in two days.” Jiyan asks. When you shake you head, he closes his eyes in thought. “…If it doesn’t discomfort you, you can stay with us here until the festival. Will that be alright?”
“Really? But wouldn’t I be a burden to you?”
It’s Jiyan’s turn to shake his head. “Not at all. We have more than enough resources to accommodate one civilian. Now come along, we should get you cleaned up.”
“Oh, I see. Thank you.”
That’s the end of that conversation, apparently, as Jiyan leads you outside. Throwing your cloak on, you follow Jiyan towards a wooden house. “You can take showers here, if needed.” Jiyan explains.
”Dong Mei will come here with your clothes.”
You walk inside the house. Leaving your cloak on a cubby, you walk further inside and find yourself in a room filled with tiny bodies of water, with a few people already inside. You timidly make your way over a pool, surrounding yourself in the water. The warm temperature of bath is way different than the cold sea you grew up in, but it’s pleasant. You scrub away the grains of sand from your face and allow yourself to be cleansed by the water.
After a moment of soaking in the water, you remove yourself from the bath and dry yourself off with a towel. “Hello, miss!” Ah, that must be Dong Mei. You poke your head out and see the doctor from before holding a bundle of clothes. “A helpful couple gave us these clothes, said it’s a hand-me-down from their daughters.”
Indeed, you’re now wearing a modest dress that makes you blend in with the crowd. You giggle, twirling around to make the skirt flare up a bit. After a bit of thinking, you decide to keep the cloak on you. Jiyan smiles when he sees you walk out the bath house with Dong Mei in tow.
“Did you enjoy the bath house?”
“I did. I haven’t had a bath like that ever!” You giggle, clapping your hands. Jiyan laughs along side you. “Uhm, now that I’m clean, may I go down and see the preparations? I know you said the festival wouldn’t be ready for a while, I just don’t want to be idle.”
“It’s no problem. Would you want me to accompany you?”
Dong Mei’s eyes widen, darting towards to Jiyan then to you. A mischievous smile grows on her face as Jiyan blinks, processing the words that escaped from his mouth. “Oh look at that! Haoran and the others came back. I’ll just leave you in the General’s capable hands.” She quickly makes a strategic exit, leaving you alone with Jiyan.
“...Ahem. Well, shall we?”
“We shall.”
The hustle and bustle of the settlement makes for an energetic environment. You ooh and ahh even at the slightest things. Jiyan smiles as he watches your reactions, chuckling as you point out items and decorations.
“Oh! Jiyan, what’s this flower called?” You pick up a pink flower with five petals, inhaling its scent. “I’ve never smelled something so sweet before… Can I eat it?”
“I’d advise you to not do so.” Jiyan replies. “This is a Pecok flower. Usually, the artisans would use it to make seals for important documents. It’s a pretty one.” He looks you in the eye as he speaks, gently taking the flower from you. He brushes the hair from your face, setting the plant in your hair. A slight blush graces your cheeks at the gesture, eyeing the flower from the corner of your vision.
You spend the rest of the day strolling around, pointing out some oddities and asking Jiyan for his opinion. As the sun sets, you realize that you have no idea where exactly to go. Despite the general saying that you could stay in camp, you aren’t entirely sure where exactly you’re supposed to stay at.
“Jiyan,” You look up at him with a small frown. “Where am I going to sleep?”
Jiyan is silent for a moment. “If it it doesn’t make you uncomfortable, then perhaps you could stay with me?”
Your eyes light up, beaming at Jiyan. “That’s really nice of you. Thank you Jiyan!”
Settling in for the night, you change behind a screen and into your night clothes, which is just Jiyan’s shirt. You place the Pecok Flower somewhere safe, kissing one of the petals before going back to your cot. It was actually Jiyan’s first, but he insisted you take it while he takes the sleeping bag. Yawning, you roll over and flash a smile to him.
“Goodnight Jiyan.”
Laying on your back, you close your eyes and drift off to sleep…
In the wee hours of the morning, Jiyan wakes up first. He stifles a yawn, sitting up and stretching his neck. The sun hadn’t even breached the horizon, the firmament cradling the stars in its embrace. He turns to look at your sleeping figure. Your head is titled to the side, drool running from your mouth and staining his pillow. He takes in how your chest rises and falls, the fabric of his shirt riding up to reveal some of your more intimate parts.
The way the neckline droops downward, nearly exposing one of your breasts, while the hem of his shirt just barely covers your rear… Jiyan gulps, his throat suddenly feeling dry. He lays back down. A tangled mess of feelings creates a tapestry of emotions, hung up by his conscience.
You were a resonator who came from out of the blue, with an unknown past and naked as the day you were born. Would he be like the people who had done you harm, Jiyan wonders as he palms himself, shame creeping in his mind. He freezes when you yawn, turning his head to see you smack your lips and adjust your position, facing away from him.
…He decides to take an early bath.
When you wake up, Jiyan is nowhere to be found. Taking a spare robe and your daily clothes, walking to the bathhouse under the slowly rising skies. As you shuck off Jiyan’s shirt, you pause when you hear groaning from somewhere in the bathhouse. When you peek through the door way, your hands fly up to cover your mouth when you see Jiyan doing… something. Urged by your instincts, you quickly turn away as he lets out a loud groan, panting at the end.
“U-Uhm… Is anyone in here?”
He jolts in surprise, hearing your voice. “I-It’s me.” He replies, quickly throwing a towel over his lower half as you walk inside the space.  You look elsewhere as you make your way to the pool, setting down your towel before you slip in.
“Good morning, general.” You timidly greet, looking up at him as you sink into the water. Jiyan mumbles out his own greeting, unwilling to meet your gaze. The two of you sit in silence, accompanied only by the chirping of birds outside. Jiyan can’t help but sneak glances towards you.
“...Jiyan, are you okay? Your face is all flushed.”
“Ah- No need to worry about me. I just… Had to take care of something earlier.”
“I see…”
Ever bashful, you sink further down while only your head pokes out of the water. “If you want, you can uhm, join… me…” Your words trail off, too embarrassed to say the rest. Still, you perk up when Jiyan decides to indulge you, the water rippling as he sits down.  Though you aren’t exactly sure of the  proper bath etiquette, you decide to move closer to Jiyan. The general says nothing, though he rests a hand on your shoulder.
“...This scar. How did you get it?”
“Oh, that.” You look to your shoulder, tracing a finger over your scar. “Well… It’s a bit of a funny situation. I remember swimming in the waters, diving down to the sea floor to collect shells. When I went up to the surface, I heard someone yell,” You cleared your throat, putting your best impression of the person you heard. “’Tacet Discord! Quick, shoot at it!’”
The color drains from Jiyan’s face as you continued on with your tale.
“So I tried to get away, and they started shooting… Bullets, I think they were called? A lot of them missed me, but they managed to hit my shoulder. And well, here we are.” You giggled.
Jiyan doesn’t share your amusement, instead pulling you in close. “Why do you laugh at your pain?” He asked, searching your eyes for answers. He finds confusion instead. “The fact someone harmed you because they thought you were a TD… What if you were killed?”
You smiled sadly. “I don’t think anyone would miss me, Jiyan. I don’t have family waiting for me, and what little friends I had leave me in the end.”
“Still… I wish you didn’t have to go through that.” He says, rubbing your cheek. Leaning in to his touch, his breath tickles your lips, the close proximity unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.
…However, the moment ended when you hear the murmuring of people approaching the area. You and Jiyan wrap up in the bathhouse, putting on your clothes and walking out, pinkies laced together.
Decorations slowly pop up in the area, banners and streamers being hung as vendors put up their stalls. You and Jiyan are the topic of hushed whispers and gossips as you strolled through the area. Though the festival starts tomorrow, a few vendors who managed to complete their stall began offering trinkets to you. Since you had no shell credits to your name, you manage to completely ignore most of them… Up until a certain stall.
“You there missy!” A woman would wave you over. She grins when you approach, pulling out a box. Flicking the lock open, she reveals an assortment of necklaces and collars. “That dress is real pretty on you… But you know what would make you prettier? Some jewelry, only for a few hundred shell credits.”
…You will admit, these necklaces are really pretty… But then again, you have no credits to you name. Still, it’d be nice to have one of these. As you’re about to decline the woman’s offer, you pause when you take note of a collar. The collar had a wavy pattern stylized in loopy shapes, with little beige rhinestones acting as sand at the bottom. The teal seashell hanging from the collar completes the look. The woman grins, taking the collar and placing it in your hands.
“Good eye, madame. This little beauty takes inspiration from the bay that surrounds us. Just for you, this collar is only worth two thousand shells!”
Two thousand shells… That’s still a lot. But as you were about to hand the collar back, Jiyan stops you by placing down a pouch of credits, pushing to towards the woman. She accepts it with glee while you stare up at Jiyan in shock. “Jiyan-”
“Don’t be so worried.” He smiles, taking the collar from you. “It really does suit you. Here…” He turns you around, eyes flicking towards your tacet mark. Carefully wrapping the band around your neck, his fingers graze over the mark, making you shiver. “How is it? Not too tight, I hope.”
“No, it’s perfect.” You smile, looking down at the shell collar. “Thank you, Jiyan… I’ll have to look for a matching shell.”
Again, you continue the routine of strolling through the settlement before retiring back to Jiyan’s tent. You’re back to wearing one of his shirts, and you sleep the night away...
Tomorrow, you’ll surely have the time of your life with the man who has been so nice to you. You’re sure of it!
When you wake up, a wave of mischief overtakes you, surged on by the excitement of the festival. Carefully climbing out of bed, you crawl over to where Jiyan is and hover over him with a smug smile. A dainty finger makes contact with his cheek. “Ji-yaaaan. Ji-yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.” Poke poke poke- You pout, thinking your attempts of rousing him from slumber is a bust. Suddenly, you feel muscular arms wrap about your midsection and pull you down, tumbling until you end up pinned underneath your target.
“Getting rather antsy, aren’t we?”
“Good morning, Jiyan!” You chirp, smiling up at him. Jiyan’s gaze softens, before he gains mischievous glint in his eyes. You let out a squeal when Jiyan begins nibbling your cheeks, laughing uncontrollably as you feebly hit his shoulders. “Hahaha! Jiyan noooo! Stoooop! Hahahahaha!” This earns you a playful growl from the general, who starts prodding at your sides, sending you into a fit of giggles.
Jiyan eventually relents when you push him off, nibbling on his cheek as payback. The two of you get ready for the day, Jiyan preparing to leave in order to take care of some business. “I promise I’ll come back before the festival begins,” He says, adjusting your collar. Golden eyes paired with a small smile gives you reassurance of his oath. The general rubs your cheek before he sets off to secure the area. As you think about what to do for the rest of the day, you’re called outside by a familiar voice.
“Ah, Miss Dong Mei!” You greet, bowing slightly. “What do you need me for?”
“Well, since the festival starts later on, I figured I’d give you a whole makeover for when Jiyan comes back.” Dong Mei grins, taking your hand and leading you somewhere else. “It took us some time and we had to rush, but the girls and I got everything we need to turn you into the prettiest lady in Jinzhou.”
“But Miss Dong Mei-”
“No buts!”
So you’re dragged into a tent full of women whose smiles fill you with a sense of dread. However, you calm down when they gently preen and argue about what shade of eyeshadow is perfect for your skin. Eventually, Dong Mei proudly presents you in front of a mirror they borrowed for this occasion. The women pat themselves on the back as Dong Mei places the Pecok flower in your hair. Finally, you’re clothed in a short-sleeved dress that hugs your figure, accentuating your curves.
“What do you think?”
“Is this really what I look like? I look like a whole other person… Will Jiyan even recognize me?”
“Don’t be silly, of course he will. Oh! Here he comes.” Dong Mei saunters out the tent. Her conversation with the general is a bit muffled, your apprehension growing with each unintelligible syllable. It isn’t until Dong Mei calls for you did you snap out of your train of thought. With a small sigh, you shyly part the tent flaps, glancing at Jiyan’s reaction.
Pink dusts his cheeks, his eyes wide and twinkling with surprise, mouth parted open. Words seem non-existent as you timidly make your way in front of him, looking into his golden eyes. “Miss Dong Mei and the others gave me a makeover… Do you uhm… Like it?” It seemed like such a silly question to ask when Jiyan’s eyes scan your figure, and you take note that your legs seem to be exposed by the slit running up the side. Dong Mei elbows Jiyan, causing him to cough and straighten his posture.
“You look beautiful. Perfect for an outing at the festival.” He smiles, and you return the expression. Dong Mei giggles and waves you off as you link arms with Jiyan, walking towards the big event you’ve been waiting for.
At night, colorful streamers and lanterns decorate the starry sky as you and Jiyan strolled through area. Who would have thought you’d find such a wonderful friend when you ventured to the surface? Sure, you had an awkward start, but the elation you feel right now as you toss a lightweight ball into one of the bowls, earning you a pretty, albeit fake fish. Jiyan chuckles at you inspect the fish, turning it around in your hand. The stall owner generously gives you a bag to hold any trinkets you win, and you drag Jiyan to play more games.
Your bag of trinkets fills up, as does your joy. Currently, Jiyan had you sit down at a table while he went to get the two of you some food, leaving you to entertain yourself with the fake fish you earned earlier. It’s unlike any fish you’ve seen in the waters, but you wonder if such a creature could exist. The fake fish swims around in a tiny container, your eyes following its every moment.
“You seem occupied,” Jiyan says as he returns with a small carton box of fries, a few meat skewers, and two cups with pink liquid inside. “I didn’t know what flavor you liked, so I got us both strawberry. I hope you don’t mind.”
Shaking your head, you return the fake fish to your trinket bag as you indulge in the food. At some point, you take a fry and wave it in front of Jiyan’s face, clearly intending to feed him. Jiyan stares at you for a moment, before chuckling and biting the fry, giggles bubbling from your chest. Your eyes shine when you take a sip of the strawberry drink, making sure to savor every last drop.
“Whew… This festival is everything I thought it’d be.” You say, watching as lanterns float into the air. A sad smile graces your features as the water gently laps at your shoes. The two of you have decided to sit by the beach, where you could see the city of Jinzhou in the distance. Leaning into Jiyan’s shoulder, you look up at him. “Thank you for everything, Jiyan. I don’t think I would have had this much fun without you around.”
“...Jiyan? Are you okay?” The general had gradually stopped speaking over the course of your conversation, deep in thought. Just as you were about to poke his cheek, Jiyan gently grasps your hands as he looks deep into your eyes, his golden hues shining under the moonlight. “Jiyan?-”
Suddenly, Jiyan’s lips lock with yours, and you note the faint trace of strawberries staining his mouth. Jiyan leans in, one of his hands supporting your lower back as your hands fly up and grab onto his shoulders for extra support. You gasp when Jiyan pulls back, a string of saliva connecting the two of you. You gaze up at him with wide eyes and reddened cheeks, panting slightly as you processed just exactly what happened.
“Jiyan, wha-”
“I- Apologize for my rash actions… But I could not bare to keep it a secret for much longer…” He mutters. You could make out the faint blush in his cheeks as he holds your chin, giving your jaw light bunny kisses. “I cannot deny it anymore. I’ve fallen for you. You’re so sweet and genuine, I just couldn’t help these feelings sprouting inside me. So I have something to ask you.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
Time slows. Jiyan waits for your reaction.
What he doesn’t expect is for you push him off and for your dress to burst into energy particles, watching as your figure dives into the water. Jiyan can only stand up, watching as your tail waves at him before disappearing into the waters below. As he stands there, his mind scrambling to take in the situation, he notices your collar washing up beside him. The lonely shell glints under the moon’s pitiful light as Jiyan picks up your bag of trinkets.
The following day, Jiyan calls out your name at the beach, hoping he could at least draw you out. Dong Mei and the other rangers took some time off to help him in his search despite his protests. Jiyan clutches the collar in his hand as he scans the waters for any sign of you. “General Jiyan, we haven’t found anything.” Dong Mei says. She’s never seen the general so distraught before. “Perhaps we should send someone to look for her?”
“No,” Jiyan vehemently shakes his head. “She’s… She would just get scared off again. Thank you for your assistance, but this is something I have to tackle on my own.”
Without further instructions, Dong Mei salutes Jiyan and leaves with her fellow rangers. Jiyan lets out a deep sigh, staring into the water with a grim expression, his lips tightening into an uncomfortable line. Where could you have gone, he wonders as the sand crunches underneath his boots. His mind replays the scene from last night, his chest tightening when he takes in your shocked expression. Everything about you suddenly clicked that night. Your lack of clothing, the scales on your legs, and the bullet scar on your shoulder…
Still, Jiyan doesn’t give up. Day after day, he walks alongside the beach, hoping to see the distinct color of your tail in the waters. His soldiers mention how he always seem to smell of salt, and he finds himself losing his appetite whenever seafood is mentioned. However, his search is rewarded when he spots you near the shore, sitting on the sand. You dive back into the water, but before you could retreat to the depths, you hear him call your name.
You’re nearing the shallows, eyeing the shadow. You know exactly who that is. But could you really face him after what you did? He must be very upset at you. It’s so easy to just swim back into the deep and return to your simple life under the water. You could return to normalcy.
…But could you really do that? After the time you’ve spent up on the surface, you craved more. You want to eat yummy food, visit Jinzhou city, see all the pretty flowers you couldn’t see underwater. Most of all…
…You wanted Jiyan.
You breach the surface, staring up at the man who helped you navigate the world. Before you could speak, Jiyan breaks into a sprint and lifts you from the water, spinning you around and holding you close. You could feel his chest heaving. “…I missed you.” He whispers. Your heart breaks when you catch sight of his tear filled gaze.
“Jiyan… I’m sorry. It was all so sudden, a-and I…” You sniffle, feeling your own eyes welling up in tears. You curl into Jiyan’s hold, Jiyan adjusting his grip to hold you in a bridal carry, pressing his forehead to yours as you begin to cry. “I didn’t want to make you sad. I’m not human at all. Y-You deserve someone who isn’t… This.” Your hands clumsily wipe away the tears rolling down your cheeks. “You’re the g-general, while I’m just some nobody… You deserve someone better.”
“Shh shh shh… None of that. Love, I fell for you and you alone.” Jiyan murmurs, kissing your cheek. “I’m hurt that you ran away, but I understand why. You… You must have been terribly lonely all these years under the sea. It was my fault for scaring you off like that. I shouldn’t have dropped the news on you so abruptly. But I promise you this,” He plants light kiss to your lips as he closes his eyes. “I love you no matter what form you take. Whether you have legs or a fish tail, I’ll love you all the same. So please, don’t leave me so suddenly again.
“Oh Jiyan…!”
The waves crash against the rocks as you and Jiyan share a tender kiss, eyes closed as the water ripples around you. Opening your eyes, you shift into your human form as Jiyan smiles at you with blushing cheeks. The two of you make your way out of the water, and Jiyan cloaks you in order to preserve your dignity. Though if he was being honest with himself, it’s mostly because he wants nobody else to see your bare form.
If someone were to describe it, they’d say the trip back to the city of Jinzhou would be something out of a fairy tale, where you cuddled up to Jiyan as the truck makes it way back to civilization. Jiyan wastes no time bringing you back home, needy kisses on your neck and collar bones as you stumble through the front door. None of you realize just how starved the both of you were for attention before the cozy atmosphere of Jiyan’s home ignites that tiny spark.
After barely making it to the bedroom, Jiyan gently sets you down on the soft mattress of his bed, bashfully looking up at him through your lashes as he disrobes. Jiyan wastes no time kissing you again, tangling his tongue with yours and swallowing your moans, your legs feebly wrapping around his waist and pulling him close. Your soft curves contrast nicely with his muscular frame, the heated friction between your bodies making your head dizzy.
“Ah… Ji-Jiyan…” Whimpers fill the space as Jiyan nibbles at the flesh of your neck, biting and kissing such a sensitive place. Aiming to draw more sinful noises from you, Jiyan finally pays attention to your chest, pawing at one of them and gently kneading the flesh. The sensation was foreign to you, as you never paid much attention to that area before, but Jiyan’s mouth swallowing one of your buds was enough to get you moaning louder.
“Do you have any idea how much I wanted to do this?” Jiyan whispered, the pads of his thumbs drawing circles on nipples, teasing them until they hardened. You couldn’t reply, squealing when he suddenly tugs on your chest. “When you came to the bathhouse, I could barely control myself… You were so stunning,” He sucks on your nipple as you sob, your hands finding their way to his hair. “I wanted to devour you right then and there. But I couldn’t. Not with all those people around.”
Truly, you had no idea what you do to this man. You grip the sheets as you panted out, your chest littered with tiny bite marks and covered in saliva. Jiyan kisses your nipple one last time before settling between your legs. He was knelt on the floor of his bedroom as he parted your thighs, revealing your most intimate parts. You sit up, supported by your elbows as Jiyan licks at your inner thighs, shivering as his tongue makes contact with your skin.
You throw your head back when he suddenly kisses the little pearl hiding in your folds, legs shaking as Jiyan licks up from your pussy to your clit. A yell escapes you when Jiyan’s mouth latches onto your clit, his groans sending sensual vibrations to your core, his fingers parting your folds to reveal your weeping cunt. This was a whole other range of emotions you never delved into before, but Jiyan is ready to take those first steps with you. Jiyan’s lips suckle on your clit with a vengeance as his fingers teased the entrance to your pussy, making you weep and cry out. “Jiyan! Oo-oooh- Hah! I-It feels… Good…!”
“Doesn’t it?” Jiyan asks, panting as his fingers tease your slit. “You’re being so good for me… Good girls deserve proper treatment.” You gasp when his middle finger slips in, Jiyan cursing when he feels your walls immediately tightening around his digit. His index finger has an even tougher time trying to join its twin as you babble about his treatment being too much. Your protests trail off when Jiyan finally manages to insert both of his fingers inside. Jiyan’s eyes widen when your eyes roll back and your mouth falls open, your pussy gushing out a white liquid.
Heavens above, you came just from two of his fingers. Your walls pulsate around the intruding digits, either trying to pull them inside or push them out. Either way, you keen as Jiyan plunges his fingers all the way in, trying to loosen up the tension in your core. You feel like he’s thrown you into the deepest parts of the ocean, trying your best to swim against the currents of arousal trying to drown you. However, the loss of Jiyan’s touch when he pulls out his fingers makes you whine, sitting up again. Your face is all red and sweaty, drool running down your chin. “Why… Why did you…”
Jiyan says nothing, instead turning you on your stomach as he climbs back on the bed. You whimper, feeling his hands part the globes of your rear in order to reveal the mess you’ve made between your legs, arousal dripping onto the sheets below. Jiyan lets out a groan at the sight, feeling his erection twitch. “Brace yourself,” he kisses your shoulder and tacet mark as he lines the head of his rod towards your entrance, hissing when the tip kisses your messy hole. Your grip on the sheets tighten when the tip breaches the ring of muscle, soaked by your arousal. “C-Come on… Loosen up for me, love.” Jiyan whispers, one hand keeping your hip steady while the other rests on your hand. Attempting to comply with his request, you will yourself to relax, moaning as Jiyan inches inside.
With every agonizing second, you find yourself becoming increasingly breathless as Jiyan takes up more space. By the time he’s fully sheathed inside your warm, gummy walls, you’re eyes have rolled back into your skull as your tongue lolls out from your mouth. Jiyan pants, struggling so hard not to immediately thrust into your warmth. You’re oh so precious to him, he doesn’t want to break you during such an intimate milestone in your relationship. “Hey, angel… Are you still with me?” He gasps out, leaning down to press light kisses to your tacet mark.
Though you couldn’t respond verbally, you’re able to nod your head. Jiyan kisses your tacet mark again. “I’ll start moving now. Just tell me if it hurts, okay?” When you nod your head once more, Jiyan breathes in and begins moving his length in shallow thrusts, testing the waters of your endurance. He listens intently to your pants and moans, and is quick to learn just what gets you going. Slick dribbles from your cunt as you become more vocal, spurring him on to speed up. His hips slap against your ass while his cock drags against your walls, searching for the one spot that’ll make you see stars. He finds it when you suddenly jolt and push back against his thrusts, and Jiyan starts attacking that sensitive area. Each stroke of his cock stimulates your sensitive walls as he takes in the sound of your voice breaking, struggling to say his name.
Still connected, Jiyan takes one of your legs and settles it on his shoulder, making lay on your side. The position has him reaching deeper than before, the head of his cock kissing your cervix with each thrust. “Ji-Jiyan! Ohhhh! Mmmph- Haaaah! Oh- S-Sensitive!- Mmmp!” You could barely speak, eyes hazy and struggling to keep open from the pleasure he’s dutifully giving to you. Meanwhile, Jiyan finds himself in the same situation, panting and groaning out your name while he furiously ruts into your warm cunt. The headboard bangs against the wall as he passionately thrusts into your pussy, his cock twitching against your poor walls.
“I’m gonna cum…” He pants, leaning down and resting his forehead on your chest. Such an intimate act is offset by the harsh slapping happening between your legs, your pussy gushing around his length as you feel a knot building inside your tummy. Your eager moans are swallowed up by Jiyan’s mouth as his thrusts become rough and sloppy, slamming into your weepy cunny and stirring up your insides. Your muffled sobs are silenced by Jiyan’s own groans as the knot snaps, legs trembling as Jiyan spears you deep, feeling a warm liquid coat your walls. Jiyan curses as he thrusts a few more time, shoving his cum further inside as your cunt swallows every last drop.
The two of you stay like that for what seems like an hour before Jiyan finally pulls out, watching as the mixture of your arousals leak from your cunt. You’re trembling after the whole ordeal, hips bucking up and causing more of his cum to leak outside. Jiyan lays down next to you and pulls you in, kissing you again.
A few weeks later, you’re recognized as an official citizen of Jinzhou, and you’ve moved in with Jiyan. Every once in a while, the two of you would return to where it all started, at a beach at Tiderise Cliff. Jiyan joins you in the water, holding you close as you embrace him underneath the surface. You breathe air into his lungs, temporarily giving him the ability to breathe underwater.
You’ll never be lonely ever again <3
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beesmygod · 11 months
fact check me on this absurd bloodborne father gascoigne deepest lore posting
i'm working on the next "you hunted" update and frankly i feel split between feeling like im doing the pepe silvia routine and partly feel like it makes enough sense to get a soft pass. i know these are so many words to read. but ultimately its about gascoigne and his stupid music box, if that means anything to you:
on our short trek from the tomb of oedon to his chapel, we pass through a weird...sewer...drainage room thing with a ladder leading to a modest library. a note on the table reads:
"The Byrgenwerth spider hides all manner of rituals, and keeps our lost master from us. A terrible shame. It makes my head shudder uncontrollably."
this note is REALLY weird. even cross-checking the re-translation guide doesn't do much but reinforce the literal meaning of the note: there's a spider at byrgenwerth (another rom, we don't know this yet) hiding rituals, even the ritual involving the lost (or, in a better translation, unseeable/invisible) lord. bummer. ahhhh my head is rattling. but...who wrote this? about who? and why?
it's time to be a Fromsoft Lore guy in the worst way: we're going to dissect this note down to its atomic structure in order to wring any and all possible meaning from it in a futile attempt to try to come up with a tortured explanation for nonsense. skip all this italicized text to return to planet earth.
who wrote this note? if we knew that, a lot of things would be cleared up. the potential suspect list comprised of known individuals who have passed through that area recently is pretty tiny. can't be fauxsefka, because she doesn't use this route to reach the clinic. alfred doesn't seem to have much interest in the church, knows little about byrgenwerth, and seems unaware of most things in general. an unnamed and unknown NPC of no consequence? well, maybe. probably, even.
but what about gascoigne? you find this note immediately after defeating him by using a key he drops. it clear he did not progress past the library, as the incense would have driven him off (and the chapel dweller's reaction suggests you are the first hunter they've seen/sniffed). there's a possible clue left in the library that points to a hunter having passed through recently: the blood gem workshop tool. its one of three "misplaced" workshop tools found in the waking world. a hunter took this with them when they left the dream and left it in a chest in oedon chapel. that narrows down the pool of candidates quite a bit. gascoigne obviously knows what blood gems are, he gifted one to his wife. and this is before we've even discussed gascoigne's connections to a "lost master".
who is this note about?  the words used for titles in the english translation are all over the place and "master" could mean anything from "school principal" to "great ones". this has made trying to pin the subject of this note down near impossible. the japanese is more specific: "lords" in this note is translated as "主" and is almost never in the script otherwise. the only relevant usage even remotely close is it's use is in a different note later as a flowery way to refer to whoever has assumed the role of vicar of the healing church (essentially: "lord of blood ministration"). it is also used for micolash ("lord of the nightmare"), the japanese name of the bloodletting beast ("lord of the beast blood"), and for master willem of byrgenwerth ONLY in the graveguard set item description1. in the case of micolash and the bloodletting beast, "lord" can be read as "host" as well. but NOT like a parasite host!!! specifically like, a household host. "host of the beast blood" is intended to be literal.
now time to play "guess who?": willem could be described as "lost" metaphorically, but he's also like, right there. out in the open. he's considerably less lost than our other two options, micolash or laurence/host of the beast blood. willem doesn't use the 主 kanji usually; he's "headmaster" willem or some other title that makes it clear he's from a school. forget willem. it's not him.
i'm pretty sure japanese players were supposed to intuit a connection between the "lord of the beast blood" and the "lord of blood ministration" and this nuance was lost in translation. and while there is a vacuous spider in lower pthumeru blocking access to a secret 4th labyrinth layer where a hunter can find a lost lord of the beast blood, it's clearly not in byrgenwerth. it's not the big doggie.
micolash, head of the rogue school of mensis, is literally lost in the nightmare acting as it's host/lord. access to the corpse of micolash is blocked until rom, the byrgenwerth spider, is defeated. so. having eliminated any alternatives, the note is almost certainly about micolash. but. why? who in oedon chapel gives a shit about micolash?
there are a truly confusing number of connections between gascoigne and the school of mensis (and thus, micolash). the most specific and startling connection is that the music box that gascoigne has a good/bad (?) reaction to plays "mergo's lullaby". this exact song plays during a fight with the wet nurse of oedon's presumed (but like, come on. it is) child, the titular mergo. if gascoigne's daughter is sent to iosekfa's clinic, you will obtain the level 1 formless oedon rune from her body which, as we discussed in the last part, depicts the blood moon descending during a (mensis) ritual; levels 3 and 4 of the rune are found in oedon chapel itself.
gascoigne's garb reads:
The dingy scarf is a Holy Shawl and symbol of the Healing Church, from which Gascoigne would eventually part ways. "Father" is a title used for clerics in a foreign land, and there is no such rank in the Healing Church.
reads a bit differently now...perhaps father gascoigne did not bring a foreign form of worship to yharnam. gascoigne left the healing church in order to start his own, based on the foreign practices of pthumeru.
only today the church is abandoned, and some say that the residents of oedon have all gone mad.
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5uwabbit · 7 months
"Testing testing..The mic seems well! What a nice morning to greet everyone, Welcome to Altru inc!"
“What are you looking at? Did you finish loitering around? We have a mission to do."
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“That’s Kellie??”
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Kincaid background is unknown (secret) but he actually have some sort of educational background. He’s still has a skill in spotting talents out of the ordinary. The first time he met Kat she was just a troublesome kid breaking a vending machine. What impresses him more was how her parents didn’t give her an output for this? This is wasting talent!! Anyways.. when her parents were giving her a lecture for doing unforeseen robotics, he told them she would be a genius in tech. By chance, Kat was already in the best school in the area, where Kincaid is in. He now actively sponsors her. (Then they all moved to Almia in via student exchange)
Of course, given that it is an exchange program Kincaid has to keep her in check. Unfortunately, Kat is the “well now I’m not doing it now that you told me type”. So she’s giving him trouble.
Kellie was also from Fiore. He’s the son of a very popular whatever.. just think they have big influence here. He was already in Kincaid class and of course.. Kincaid is trying to get him on board with this plan. However the biggest struggle is literally convincing the boy since he’s Very. Very. unmotivated. He’s a natural social genius yet doesn’t like any interaction that doesn’t interest him.
Kellie only followed Kincaid when he mentioned they’re taking him to ranger school. Kincaid here actually works as a supervisor because Kellie has actual work in Altru including and they know Kincaid from the inside, putting trust on him. He always lived a carefree lived and his motivation is way too vague to tell. (Kincaid thinks he’s actually more at risk of drifting away from their group than Kat is)
Both Kat and Kellie were separate project. He didn’t plan for them to meet. They first began interacting in Almia Ranger School. Kat actually wonders why Kincaid needed Kellie because of course “Kincaid doesn’t really need anyone else doesn’t he?” (This leads to her investigating the organization as a whole, realizing that it’s much bigger than just robotics privileges). However instead of breaking away this strenghtened both of the two bonds.
Kat: I know your evil plans old blondie
Kincaid: what (oh sh-)
Kat: I agree
Kincaid: (huh?)
After this the two have full transparency. Anyways.. Kat realized Kellie’s background and was more like okay we’re coworkers. “I guess Kellie does play a good role in the plan..” Although…. it was kind of unexpected given Kellie were more of the “carefree type”. They got closer later on. Kat thinks Kellie should rebel more because why aren’t you extorting Kincaid more. We in this together dude!
Dear god please do not. Inspire Kellie to be like you.
Also Kat suspected Kellie had relation to Kincaid at first because “He isn’t the troublesome type but still here anyway”. (Referring to some sorta detention)
Kellie knew right of the bat that Kat and Kincaid were actually allies to each other by sheer observation alone. Even when both the Professor and Kat literally seems like they only got beef with each other (This is why Isa doesn’t suspect that Kat and Kincaid is in the same faction). There will be more children dramas between R!Rhythmi, R!Keith, R!Ponte and Isa but that’s a topic for another stuff..
(Note: I put name differences for easy filtering, it also provides nice detail)
If I said R!Kate that means it’s Kat, R!Kate=Kat
Kate -> Kat
Kellyn -> Kellie
Isaac -> Isa
Mr. Kincaid -> Prof. Kinz (Still spelled Kincaid but again, easy filtering)
I have yet to make name diff for some :p I would love if you try to hyperanalyses who is swapped with who whether in personality or jobs. Who mirrors who designs LOL.
My take in Reverse Universe is like
Sometimes they are completely opposing themselves. Sometimes two characters swaps personality or/and jobs. Sometimes they remain the same as ever but something is off.
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catiecat1320 · 2 days
Sonadowtober Prompt 3: Accident
Sonic suffers an unexpected fall. Problems trail along
Read Below🔽
Early morning.
Too early to be up. Sonic had dragged Shadow out of bed, rambling about the sunrise. Although they’d seen it a million times before, both together and alone, he insisted that this one would be special.
Special, it was.
The sky was still sprinkled liberally with fading stars, the night waning into blue hour in preparation for the sun. He would’ve stopped to appreciate it, but Sonic insisted on running ahead, forcing him to speed up so as to not lose sight of his guide.
Somewhere along the way, Shadow suspected this had turned into a race; the blue blur pulled ahead every time he got close, a game that he didn’t really mind, despite his complaints.
He wasn’t sure when everything fell apart.
He knows it happened in an instant. Knows Sonic wasn’t looking where he stepped. Knows that neither of them anticipated the plunge.
Knows the cry of alarm that so rarely came from the hailed hero.
The cave system that decided to open its jagged mouth was hidden well among the terrain. It’d swallowed Sonic in an instant, leaving Shadow to scramble to a stop lest he suffer a similar fate. When calling the other’s name had garnered no response, Shadow sent a panic message to Rouge, leaving his communicator by the entrance in hopes that she’d understand before descending.
Slow at first, nearly losing his voice yelling through the silence to nothing but echoes. The cave was deep, the steep rocky sides providing little assurance. Somewhere along the way, he’d quieted, focused on getting to the bottom safely. 
It was claustrophobic, the walls narrowing at point with little warning as he slid down, picking up the pace. He still hadn’t a clue about Sonic. How much farther did he have to go?
Then the metallic smell of blood hit him.
It’d taken every inch of his willpower to tamp down the panic crawling up his throat. Hyperventilation would only make his situation worse, especially with how little room was provided by the cave. The darkness was alleviated by the red light of Shadow’s stripes glowing, compensating for his inability to see in the dark. As he scanned his surroundings, hoarsely calling out again for Sonic, his hand found a jutting rock, met immediately with a warm, sticky substance.
He jumped. Literally. A mistake he remedied by firing his rocket skates to slow his fall, though it did nothing to slow his heart rate. Luckily, his surge in adrenaline made his glow brighter, allowing him to skillfully avoid the sharp rocks awaiting at the bottom.
It also allowed him to see Sonic.
The most glaring problem was blood dripping down the unconscious hedgehog’s head. Being the trained professional he was, Shadow saved the horror for later and assessed his injury promptly. Or rather, injuries, plural. In addition to hitting his head, Sonic had apparently also landed on a stalagmite of some sort, puncturing his thigh. Though the rock was preventing blood loss at the area, as soon as Shadow tried to move him, that safety net would fail.
Worry curled in his gut like a snake. How would they get out? The way they came from was out of the question, for even if help arrived on Rouge’s wings, it’d be too complicated, too risky. 
He eyes the other end of the cave, expanding to unknown lengths and depths. There’d be exploring to do if he wanted to find another exit. But with Sonic incapacitated, that’d be difficult. Shadow could go alone, but he didn’t want to leave his partner in such a vulnerable state.
Nevertheless, he walks toward the abyss, as far as he was willing. It did seem like the better option. Would it be enough, though? He had no way of knowing how long it’d take—
His musings are interrupted by Sonic waking up with a groan. Despite his frantic efforts, Shadow hadn’t been able to stop him from moving. Hadn’t been able to stop him from pulling himself off the stalagmite, kicking off a race against the clock as blood gushed from the now exposed wound in his leg. He’d gurgled something in a daze, not entirely comprehending what he’d done, but Shadow knew. 
Scooping up the other bridal style, he yelled hoarsely for him to put pressure on it before running into the unexplored.
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dolphin1812 · 1 year
Once again, Javert’s arrests are harmful; Éponine was caught, too, and Montparnasse (who wasn’t involved this time, but is definitely dangerous) is the one who escaped. There’s almost an inverse relationship between arrest and threat level here (excepting Valjean), and it hurts to see. Of course, it’s not as if arresting more people would help, either; Javert is personally upset that he didn’t catch the literal victim of the crime, Valjean, and we know that he’s just trying to live peacefully with his daughter. And Patron Minette can organize in prison, too, so really, the arrests themselves only punish bystanders or less guilty participants. They don’t actually do anything about crime, creating more victims without resolving the issues that produced the circumstances of the crime in the first place.
“Had this sphinx his fore paws in crime and his hind paws in authority? Javert did not accept such comminations, and would have bristled up against such compromises; but his squad included other inspectors besides himself, who were more initiated than he, perhaps, although they were his subordinates in the secrets of the Prefecture, and Claquesous had been such a villain that he might make a very good agent.”
I love the sentences on Claquesous’ magical disappearance, but here, we have a more concrete answer: he may be a police spy, freed by the very officers involved in arresting him. Having just covered revolutionary groups in Paris, we know that police spies were commonplace enough for that title to be an accusation against speakers in the street, so it’s not surprising that they would be found in the criminal as well as the political sphere. And it would certainly explain his mysteriousness. If he’s giving over information to the police, of course he wouldn’t want his accomplices to recognize him.
We also get an indication of another tension between Javert and other officers. Earlier, we saw that he could be reluctant to communicate information to others because he wants to keep credit for his deeds. When chasing Valjean from the Gorbeau House, for instance, he didn’t say who he suspected this man was for that reason. Someone else would have been sent if a “dangerous” criminal were known to be loose. Here, though, the tension is somewhat unknown because Javert doesn’t know how the spying aspect of the police works (or at least, he doesn’t know all the details). Whether it’s corruption, a recognition that Javert doesn’t think, or a combination, other officers seem to be excluding him from such networks. To him, it’s despicable because it blends the line between authority and and crime that his worldview is based on. To other officers, it might be convenient as a way of getting information (although Javert knows more about the area than them).
To return to the ineffectiveness of prison: Brujon communicated so much from there! I find the image of the bread messages a bit funny; I understand that logically, small bits of bread were what was available to hide messages in, but the image is a bit comical. (Bread symbolism makes sense for the same reason, but it’s still funny). But nothing stops the chain of messages. It’s so effective within a prison, between them (even with gender-based segregation), and outside of them (circulating with Éponine once freed and with Magnon). All in all, the Gorbeau House may not feel like a triumph to Javert because he didn’t catch “enough” people, but really, it’s a tragedy because it hurt the vulnerable and did nothing to stop Patron Minette. And the police don’t care, likely freeing one of the members.
(Although really, the bread messages might be the most effective part of Patron Minette, if their behavior during the Gorbeau Ambush was anything to go by)
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kinopioa · 4 months
Various Echidna tribes/civilizations (Part 2)
This part focuses on the other half of Echidna locales. Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/kinopioa/752652998715572224/various-echidna-tribes?source=share
Mushroom Hill
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This area doesn't seem to have much evidence of an existing civilization, but don't be fooled!
For one, these passageways are not natural, blatantly supported by wooden columns
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Incidentally, one leading to the giant ring that warps to Hidden Palace
Other smaller evidence of a tribe here include...
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Rope swings, metal bars. It's fairly little, possibly because the trees offered more than the valley/hill
Though this pulley machine might be Eggman's to extract resources. The site already was decaying from it's lush greenness due to the environment machine (it is NOT a weather machine)
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It's unknown if these gliders are intentional, but the area has pits with updrafts
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A heavily decorated site, we see many pyramids in the horizon, along with fancy brickwork and heiroglyphics. Sandopolis in particular also rests ontop of a volcanic vent
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The residents have many ways to traverse this scorched area, including arranged platforms, sand slides, floating conveyers, and a controlled climber's pulley. But the residents seem to be aware of another ancient entity, and I suspect the boss golem situated was to ensure no one goes in there to disturb them
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The Hyudoro (literal translation as whooshing creeps) exist as morphing ghosts in the pyramid, growing stronger in the darkness. There are a series of timer based locks and light switches to scare them off, but if one fails to activate them, they grow into a horned appearance and swarm visciously
As mentioned previously, this site exists on top of a volcanic vent in the lower chambers. Maybe it's a way to punish wrongdoers?
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Lava Reef/Red Mountain/Hidden Palace
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Even more hellish than the desert, this next site plunges directly into the lava
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Despite this, it seems the residents here were not only able to survive, but flat out embrace ways to control the lava. Pipes and channels can control the flow of lava directly, along with huge metal borders and crystalline structures deeper in passages. There are numerous tools and platforms to get around
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There are also a significant amount of traps and spikes in the area, especially deeper in. This is likely to protect Hidden Palace
Unfortunately, Eggman's environment machine and the Death Egg crashing has dusturbed the area, causing the lava flow to be irregular. If Adventure is any indication, it's still got a ways to stabilize
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Red Mountain focuses more on the outside of the volcano, again having systems to move across the site. Though Eggman's industrialism overtakes most of it during the events of Adventure
Still, there are some things not by him that were there originally, such as this prison holding these ghosts, along with skull shaped grave markers
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Wonder what they did...
Going back deeper, Hidden palace, the intricately decorated and protected haven of several on the island for the Master Emerald
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It's a lot less heavily littered with traps contained in prior areas, focusing more on symbolic imagery and beautiful interior architecture. We have the famous mural that predicts the events of this game
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It does get me people are annoyed Knuckles no longer stores the Master Emerald here, but it isn't really "Hidden" anymore
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It is pretty though
There's a direct connection with ancient tech to...Sky Sanctuary!
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Image limit reached, see you in part 3!
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demonicornauthor · 8 months
Enjoy this sneak peak at my next Riku/Sora oneshot, "Return From the Brink"! I hope to have the full version out soon!
Disney Town was always so lively and bright, filled with laughter, chatter, and various exclamations of glee. When they were hosting a party, that was heightened exponentially– especially a birthday party which was exactly the occasion today. Their dear Kairi was turning seventeen, and you could definitely tell she was the birthday girl based on her state of dress. Kairi’s short red hair had purple orchids woven through in vine-like patterns that matched her dark purple tank top with lilac fabric ruffles on the sleeves and over the chest that had all sorts of sparkles. The redhead was wearing white jeans with black boots to go along with it, and over everything she was wearing a sash that stated her position as birthday girl, a tiara, and all sorts of buttons and pins of the birthday variety that Xion and Naminé had enjoyed placing all over her between giggles. Riku had watched in amusement while they had all finished getting ready in one of the living areas of Disney Castle. Now, though, they were all gathered outside having fun. They were in between scheduled activities, allowing everyone to do what they wished. Terra, Aqua, Mickey, Minnie, and Isa were playing some kind of card game while observing everyone else. Donald and Goofy were working with Huey, Dewey, and Louie to make the tallest possible ice cream cone. Yen Sid and Merlin were running tests on the fireworks show they had prepared for later in the evening to ensure there wouldn’t be any hiccups. Kairi was enjoying a friendly dance-off with Lea– Kairi was being backed by Ventus and Naminé while Lea was backed by Roxas and Xion. Xion had originally seemed intent on backing Kairi, but she couldn’t switch her loyalties from one of her first best friends like that. Lea, Roxas, and Xion were inseparable as a trio, after all, especially now that they could all completely accept the fact that they had their own hearts and emotions. It had been an entertaining journey to watch Roxas, Xion, and Naminé figure out what it was like to have their own hearts, even if it had led to a few embarrassing moments of needing to explain societal norms. The sex talk had been uncomfortable for all involved, and no one let Lea forget that he was the one to make the innuendo that started it all. They had grown into themselves, though, and the three were flourishing. Everyone was.
Well, almost everyone.
Riku was sitting alone against the wall of a nearby building in the shade, silently watching everyone else enjoy themselves. He really did want to join in on the fun– he wanted to be able to truly smile with them– but he just couldn’t. All of these bright colors, the laughter, the joy… It all reminded him so much of Sora. Sora who was somewhere unknown, most likely by himself, and far out of Riku’s reach. His dear, sweet, sunshine Sora had been gone for a year and a half, and Riku hadn’t been able to relax much since he disappeared. He still made routine checks once a month to each world they knew of to ask the residents they knew if anyone had any leads on Sora, but it was always answered in the negative. Many of them had said that he was most likely gone permanently and had tried to convince Riku to focus on other things. He knew that they meant well, but he vehemently refused. Even the idea of giving up on Sora made his skin crawl. The only other ones who seemed as certain as him that Sora was even still alive were those who had literally lived in his heart at one point. Even so, it seemed that Kairi, Naminé, Ventus, and Xion were beginning to suspect they had been wrong. Roxas was the only one Riku could talk to without being told to stop looking and just to give up. Roxas had been a lifeline for Riku ever since Sora’s disappearance, and wasn’t that ironic? The person Riku had worked so hard to destroy and return to Sora now was one of the few things keeping the silveret sane.
“... Riku?” came a shaky, disbelieving whisper.
Riku jumped up and whipped around, his aquamarine blown wide as they met confused and fearful sapphire. Riku couldn’t believe his eyes. He reached his hands up to scrub at his eyes before looking again to see that the boy was still there.
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jynxeddraca · 5 months
Thoughts on Where Astarion is From
Going to be a long post. Because there are definitely spoilers for the game in general and probably for Astarion's quest, I'm putting this under a read more.
I've seen in several places now that Astarion is commonly headcanon'd to not be from Baldur's Gate originally. Personally, I really think this makes sense since he's an elf, his parents in theory would still be alive, and - if you stick to the idea he originally was noble/patriar born - he would be recognizable to a lot of people even after being turned. Not only in the city in general but I imagine he helped 'entertain' at Cazador's palace since Cazador did host parties.
An aside, I think this holds true for all of Cazador's 'house' spawn. I know Dalyria formerly was the Physician General to the Parliament of Baldur's Gate but I have a feeling she - like Astarion - probably wasn't in that position terribly long before getting turned so may not have been around long enough for people to really recall her face.
But back to my actual thought: The common thing I see when people headcanon about Astarion's origins before he lived in Baldur's Gate is that he is from Waterdeep, or the surrounding area, because the area used to be home to most of the elves in Faerûn. Just as a note for anyone unfamiliar with where cities are: Waterdeep is 750 miles North of Baldur's Gate, Elturel is officially 200 miles East of Baldur's Gate.
I have an alternate theory: Astarion is from somewhere East of Baldur's Gate. Possibly along the Chionthar.
Because sometime before the story, at least 100 years ago - and honestly, I think it'd be before he was turned so 200+ years ago - he was in Reithwin Town (the town in Act 2) - and got banned from The Waning Moon.
And this isn't just me making an assumption or coming up with a headcanon. Now, I was too lazy to go find the in-game screenshot that I took and it's on my gaming computer, so this is from the BG3 Wiki - Here's the text when you read the BAN LIST at The Waning Moon:
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The text (bold emphasis mine) reads as:
BARRED FROM ENTRY The following EX-customers are UNWELCOME. Do not let them in, even should they beg. ESPECIALLY should they beg. Martin Doughty - human? - chug-and-run Adam Smythe - lascivious behaviour, also known as 'The Pickle Incident' Gerringothe Thorm - SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE DID Kavin Ort - tall dwarf - exceedingly boring Syrah Bee - short half-elf - vomited on the waiter (purposefully) Unknown elf - pale skin, snide mouth - referring to master distiller as 'the porcine publican' Rochelle Kwark - halfling - groin-punching Yon Von Don (suspected alias) - grotesquely tall human - underpants on head
End screenshot text.
And a second screenshot where the wiki states that the pale elf is Astarion with a link to the source of Kevin VanOrd's twitter. Granted, I do not have an account on twitter so I can't see any posts on twitter and can't confirm the tweet, but I'll post the plain text (no hyperlink) links down below because Tumblr is picky about stuff.
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Screenshot Text:
The names on BAN LIST are the writers of Baldur's Gate 3 poking fun at themselves, as confirmed by writer Kevin VanOrd[1]:
'Martin Doughty' (Martin Docherty)
'Adam Smythe' (Adam Smith)
'Kavin Ort' (Kevin VanOrd)
'Syrah Bee' (Sarah Baylus)
'Unknown elf' - Astarion[2]
'Rochelle Kwark' (Rachel Quirke)
'Yon Von Don' (Jan Van Dosselaer)
[1] VanOrd, Kevin. 2023. "As the book's writer I can confirm it was a juicy act indeed. All the names (aside from Gerringothe's, of course) are based on Larian writers. I can literally tag myself as Kavin Ort, the boring dwarf!" [@fiddlecub, Twitter]. 14 Oct 2023. Available from: https://web.archive.org/web/20240329212133/https://twitter.com/fiddlecub/status/1713103283026383083
[2] VanOrd, Kevin. 2023. "And yes the unknown elf is who you think it is." [@fiddlecub, Twitter]. 14 Oct 2023. Available from: https://web.archive.org/web/20231017062203/https://twitter.com/fiddlecub/status/1713103448516812817
End of screenshot text.
Supporting screenshots out of the way, here are my assumptions so far:
He probably did not have lots of time to dedicate for traveling pre-vampirism days just because law school then actually being a magistrate (yes, I am assuming that law school is a thing in Faerûn).
If he was a noble pre-magistrate days, Reithwin wouldn't be a normal destination choice since nothing in the game makes me think it really was anything more than a normal town that just happened to have fallen to horrific events.
Related to first two bullets: my personal thought is that he was probably sub-30 when this ban at The Waning Moon happened.
Cazador didn't/doesn't travel much himself (Astarion calls him 'reclusive' at some point).
I really doubt Cazador lets any of his spawn travel on their own.
What makes most sense to me personally is that he was traveling from home - wherever that is - to Baldur's Gate. Unfortunately the 5e map of Faerûn only list 4 cities along the Chionthar: Baldur's Gate, Fort Morninglord, Elturel, and Scornubel. It shows none of the towns/settlements shown in Act 1 or Act 2 in BG3. Just for reference:
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Which probably is just so there is some vagueness for D&D players to add in their own towns since D&D is a giant sandbox. So that's kind of what I'm doing here. Somewhere between Reithwin and The Reaching Woods is a town that Astarion once called home.
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bestiarium · 2 years
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Oude Rode Ogen [Flemish/Belgian folktales]
When it comes to Belgian folktales, ‘Oude Rode Ogen’ is in a bit of a weird position. The story is common on online blogs about folklore or mythology, usually hailed as one of the most well-known Belgian monsters. But if you actually try to find Belgian sources or ask Belgian experts, you’ll find that the story is virtually unknown there, only being mentioned by a handful of authors. Therefore, I suspect that this was a very niche tale that only recently gained traction via the internet.
The name ‘Oude Rode Ogen’ literally translates to ‘Old Red Eyes’ which is fitting because the monster is a giant black dog with brightly burning red eyes. He can transform into a very tall man, about 2m10 (6’ 11”). According to art historian Hilde van Gelder, tales of this creature were told in Mechelen (Flanders) in the late 17th century. In these folktales, Oude Rode Ogen is a swamp-dwelling monster that takes children who venture too close to the marshlands. It hunts at night and sometimes attacks adults as well. Oude Rode Ogen is a bogeyman, meaning this story was told to dissuade children from playing near potentially dangerous places (and from staying up late, for the monster was said to eat kids who are awake at night). Vincent Menten, author of ‘The Beast of Flanders’, additionally claimed that the creature had the power to take away the ability to hear, see and talk of anyone who looks directly at it, leaving its victims mute, blind and deaf.
This creature was also known in Wallonia (the southern part of the country) where it was called “Le Tchén al Tchinne” which is a regional dialect for “Le Chien à la Chaîne” which translates to “the dog on a chain”. Hence, the monster supposedly dragged a heavy metal chain behind it.
The story claims that after several children had inexplicably gone missing in the region, locals began to suspect that these disappearances were connected. Rumors began to arise that the kids were taken by a werewolf. Eventually, a tall man was caught in an attempt to kidnap a young girl. He was naked and tried to run away when his attempt was foiled, but got shot. Instead of dying, however, the man transformed into a large black dog, which quickly fled the scene. With no other option, the people of Mechelen combed the city for suspicious individuals and found a poor homeless man. Though his connection to the city’s unnatural enemy could not be proven, he was found guilty and executed. To make sure the monster wouldn’t come back, the body was skinned entirely and the skin was buried underneath the local cathedral.
But the vengeful spirit of the creature continued to roam the area at night, in the form of a large black dog with glowing red eyes. Oude Rode Ogen is searching for his skin, so he can put it on and be reborn again.
This monster is thought to be related to (or to be the same creature entirely) as the Nekker, a Flemish aquatic bogeyman that attacked people who ventured too close to wells and rivers. Its name is derived from an old Germanic verb meaning ‘to wash’, referring to the aquatic nature of the monsters. Though the name ‘Oude Rode Ogen’ is very rarely mentioned in offline sources, myths and folktales of Nekkers are well documented.
Sources: De Lavigne, G., 2015, Les Chiens Célèbres, Réels et Fictifs, dans l’art, la culture et l’histoire, Lulu, 572 pp. Van Gelder, H., 2015, Contour 7, Fooling Utopia, Leuven University. (image source: Emryswolf on Deviantart. This image depicts a generic evil black dog, as they are common characters in world mythology)
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missmcspooks · 1 year
UNSOLVED But Not Forgotten: The Long Island Serial Killer
I decided to write about a case that’s always been heavy on my mind, and that hits close to home. Literally. Being born and raised in Long Island, New York, and not living far from where these tragedies took place, makes me really wish that we could solve this horrible mystery someday, and bring justice to all these victims, and closure to their loved ones. 
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The Long Island Serial Killer (LISK), also known as the Gilgo Beach Killer, the Manorville Butcher, and the Craigslist Ripper. Over the timespan of 26 years, an unidentified killer murdered between 10-18 people within the years of 1996 and 2011, before bodies just stopped showing up. It’s unclear if the killer is a man or a woman, but considering most of the victims are women who happened to be sex workers, it’s assumed the killer is a man. Police didn’t first start discovering bodies until December 11th, 2010, while searching for a missing woman named Shannan Gilbert. It was then when they found her remains, along with the remains of multiple other women all along the South Shore of both Suffolk and Nassau county. 
For a long time it was speculated that there were multiple killers dropping bodies around these areas, but on November 29th, 2011, police stated that they believe only one person is responsible for all of the murders, considering the common characteristics in which the remains were left, and forensic evidence related to the remains. Majority of the bodies were not found with all limbs intact, and their remains were often scattered in different areas, probably to make it harder for police to identify the victims. In June of 2011, police announced a $25,000 reward for anyone who can give them information leading to the arrest of Long Island serial murderers. As of 2023, all of the murders remain unsolved. 
There were very few suspects, but ultimately were found to be unrelated to the murders. Additionally, there was new evidence brought to light in January of 2020, an image of a belt that was found at one of the crime scenes. The belt was made of black leather, and had the letters “HM” or “WH” labeled on the belt. Police believe that the belt belonged to the killer, and wasn’t in the possession of any of the victims. Police decided against telling the public the evidentiary value of the item, and wouldn’t release where it was exactly found. They also stated that new scientific evidence was also being used in the investigation, along with launching a website called gilgonews.com, enabling the department to release news and receive tips regarding the case. 
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February 1st, 1982: Tina Foglia (19) *NOT OFFICIALLY LINKED* 
Remains were found in three separate garbage bags next to the Southern State Parkway. The DNA of an unknown man was found on the bags.
April 20th, 1996: Fire Island Jane Doe
Two female legs wrapped in a plastic bag were found on the bayside shore of Fire Island. The victim's skull was later discovered on April 11th, 2011, west of Tobay Beach in Nassau county. The two sets of remains were linked by DNA. 
June 28th, 1997: Peaches
The dismembered torso of a woman was found in Hempstead Lake State Park. She was given the nickname Peaches due to a tattoo of a heart shaped peach on her left breast. 
In 2011, police found skeletal remains in a plastic bag, near Jones Beach State Park, and was identified as being the remains of Peaches. 
November 19th, 2000: Manorville Jane Doe
The torso of a woman was discovered by hitchhikers in the Long Island Pine Barrens in Manorville. The torso was found wrapped in garbage bags and were found in the woods near Halsey Manor Road. 
On April 4th, 2011, a skull, a pair of hands, and a right foot, were found in a plastic bag near Ocean Parkway on Gilgo Beach. They were linked by DNA to the Manorville Jane Doe.
In May of 2020, it was announced that the Manorville Jane Doe was actually a woman named Valerie Mack (24). 
November 23, 2000: *NOT OFFICIALLY LINKED*
Hunters found the body of a white or Hispanic man in the woods off the eastbound side of the Long Island Expressway (LIE) near Exit 68 in North Shirley. The victim had black hair and was wearing blue-and-white striped GAP boxer shorts. His age was estimated to be between 30 and 45. He was 5'6" to 6 feet tall and weighed 130-150 pounds. A surgical staple was noted embedded in his chin. He had multiple traumatic injuries, including a crushed larynx, implying he was strangle
July 26th, 2011: Jessica Taylor (20)
A dismembered torso, missing it’s head and hands, were discovered in Manorville, with a tattoo on her back which was mutilated. Her identity was confirmed 7 months later after releasing images of the tattoo. 
On May 9, 2011, a skull, a pair of hands, and a forearm found on March 29 at Gilgo Beach were matched to Jessica Taylor
November 10th, 2003: *NOT OFFICIALLY LINKED*
A badly decomposed body was found in Manorville, 400 yards south of the Long Island Expressway, near Toppings Path. A hunter discovered the body in a wooded area about three miles east of the woods where the bodies of Jessica Taylor and Valerie Mack had been dumped. Autopsy results were inconclusive. The victim was Caucasian, 35 to 50 years old, about 5'6" and had died up to four months earlier. 
The victim was identified in 2015, but the family asked authorities not to release his name. The case remains an active homicide investigation.
March 3rd, 2007: Cherries *NOT OFFICIALLY LINKED*
A suitcase containing the dismembered torso of an unidentified Hispanic or light-skinned African-American female washed up on a beach at Harbor Island Park in Mamaroneck. A few weeks later her legs washed up in different areas of Long Island. A stab wound was noted on the torso. She had a tattoo of two cherries on her right breast. Never identified, she is referred to as "Cherries" by investigators.
July 9th, 2007: Maureen Brainard-Barnes (25)
was last seen in her room at the Super 8 Hotel in midtown Manhattan. She had left her home in Norwich, CT to meet a client she had booked through Craigslist. She was reported missing on July 14, 2007. Maureen's body would be found December 13, 2010 next to Ocean Parkway near Gilgo Beach. She had been strangled.
June 23rd, 2008: Tanya Rush (39) *NOT OFFICIALLY LINKED*
She was last seen around 3 a.m. walking toward a subway station in Brooklyn. Her dismembered body was discovered on June 27, 2008 in Bellmore crammed inside a suitcase. 
July 12th, 2009: Melissa Barthelemy (24)
Melissa was last seen outside her apartment on Underhill Avenue in the Bronx. She had arranged for a $1,000 date with a client the next night somewhere on Long Island. After her disappearance, her sister received several phone calls from a man using Melissa's cell phone and claiming to be her killer.
Melissa's body was discovered December 11, 2010 beside Ocean Parkway near Gilgo Beach. Her cause of death was strangulation.
May 1st, 2010: Shannan Gilbert (23) *NOT OFFICIALLY LINKED*
She disappeared after leaving a client's house in Oak Beach. Shannan called 911 and claimed people were trying to kill her. She fled from the house and was last seen banging on doors of homes in the neighborhood while screaming for help. After 19 months of searching, her body was discovered December 13, 2011 in an Oak Beach marsh.
June 6th, 2010: Megan Waterman (22) 
She was last seen in Hauppauge, NY walking toward a nearby convenience store. She had been staying in a Holiday Inn Express in Hauppauge and was captured by a security camera walking out of the hotel at around 1:30 in the morning. Megan's body was discovered on December 13th, 2010, next to Ocean Parkway, near Gilgo Beach. She had been strangled.
September 2nd, 2010: Amber Lynn Costello (27)
She was last seen by her roommate leaving her home in North Babylon to meet a client. The client had called three or four times and offered Amber $1,500 for her services. Police discovered Amber's body on December 13, 2010, beside Ocean Parkway near Gilgo Beach. She had been strangled.
April 4th, 2011: Baby Doe
An unidentified female toddler referred to as "Baby Doe." She was found wrapped in a blanket with no apparent signs of trauma. She was later identified as being the daughter of Peaches, linked by DNA.
February 7th, 2012: *NOT OFFICIALLY LINKED*
Skeletal remains are discovered in the woods in Manorville, off North Street and west of Wading River Road. The body was wrapped in bed sheets, a plastic bag, and duct tape. Police determined the victim was a male and estimated the body had been there at least five years.
January 23rd, 2013: *NOT OFFICIALLY LINKED*
The skeletal remains of a woman were discovered in a garbage bag along the shore in Lattingtown, NY. The victim was wearing a 24-karat gold pink pendant, which may be a reference to "The Year of the Pig" in some Asian cultures.
March 16th, 2011: Natasha Jugo *NOT OFFICIALLY LINKED*
She was last seen leaving her home in Queens Village, NY. Her car was found along Ocean Parkway near Gilgo Beach the next day. Her wallet, ID, and some of her clothing were found in the sand. On June 24, 2013, Jugo's body washed up on Gilgo Beach about a mile from where her car was found in March.
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As you probably noticed, Tina Foglia (19) was the very first person on the victims list. However, her murder took place twelve years before the killing spree started. Many speculations went around regarding this theory, due to the manner of which her body was disposed of, and that it wasn’t too far away from where the bodies of the other victims were found. However, police stated that although it’s possible that the murder could be linked, it’s unlikely that it is, and they’re not pursuing it as an active route in their investigation. For a long time I assumed that the murder had to have been linked. I thought that maybe the killer had just started out, and was afraid of what happened and took a long break. Sort of like what Jeffrey Dahmer did after he killed his very first victim. Or perhaps he had killed other women, but their remains were just never found. However, after looking deeper into the evidence, I started to question my assumption. Primarily due to two reasons: Who she was as a person, and how her remains were discarded. 
The Long Island Serial Killer primarily targeted sex workers, and from our knowledge from her family and friends, Tina was not participating in sex work. She was just a very outgoing and energetic teenager who loved the music scene, and always went to concerts, especially at a big concert venue called Hammerheads. However, she was known to leave bars and clubs with strangers somewhat often, as she was a very trusting person who wanted to see the good in everyone. In regards to her remains, her remains were indeed dismembered, but they were all put into separate bags that were right next to each other, in the exact same area. The LISK clearly disposed of the victims' remains by discarding them all in different areas, most likely to refrain from their identities being discovered. The person who discarded Tina’s remains clearly didn’t care about her identity being discovered. 
Again, if this was the LISK, maybe since she was their first victim, he didn’t really think anything through properly, and again, could’ve been experimenting with their signature or MO. Police are still waiting for a match to come up in the database regarding the DNA that was left on the garbage bags. One last piece of information was that, according to Tina’s sister, she had met a man at Hammerheads who claimed to have been a doctor. She didn’t tell anyone his name, but said that she went on multiple dates with him. It’s possible that she could have gone home with this man, or someone else, but police think that whoever had killed her must’ve had a medical background due to the very precise way that she was dismembered. It was like they used a tool, such as a knife or some kind of medical instrument, opposed to a hatchet or an axe. Basically, it was done in such a way that a normal person most likely couldn’t have done it. Perhaps the man could’ve been a butcher. I’m hoping that one day Tina’s mystery will be solved, so her loved ones could finally get the closure that they deserve.
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ratgingi · 9 months
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fuck it we ball ill post joe and the avis cult here too. more guys from lovedays universe <3
joe doe is a dude who goes door to door of homes and businesses attempting to preach the word of the bible, hes very nice and friendly
however completely unknown to him there's a bird worshipping cult using his likeness to lure out and kidnap potential sacrifices. the avis cult is run by flamingo and peacock, a couple in their 50s/60s who were bird watchers that just Really Fucking Love Birds and started believing that birds whisper their bird-deity's will to them
the cult has life-sized puppet modeled after joe that they use to try and get people into secluded areas, they also will occasionally just cartoon it up and have one of the members like. dress up as him. you know how in cartoons sometimes a character will be disguised and then turn around and they're not disguised anymore? yeah like that
joe has directly interacted with cult members on more than one occasion and suspects literally nothing about them he's completely oblivious to what they're doing and just thinks theyre some interesting strangers he passes occasionally
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password-door-lock · 1 year
Mystictober Day 17-- Haunted House
Unknown watches with interest as you pace around, your phone pressed to your ear in a vice grip. He just got back from a brief midnight survey of the area surrounding the apartment, and could not be happier to discover that you are finally doing something of note. Until now, the camera feed from the apartment has just shown you laying around and working; watching you was never worth his time. Unknown turns the volume up, suddenly glad that the Savior thought to include a microphone with her security system. “... I swear, this place is haunted,” you sound very sure of yourself as you speak into the phone.
There's a long pause; presumably someone else is talking you out of that ridiculous idea. The apartment couldn't be haunted, of course— there's no such thing as ghosts, and even if there were, none of them would have any reason to be tied to that place. Then you're talking again, “Okay, well, I literally saw the ghost, Seven.”
Unsurprisingly, Unknown's hands become fists when he hears that redhead's name. Of course you would call that liar about your problem, even if it is a nonsensical one— and of course, he would only lie to you to set your mind at ease. “No, it wasn't a shadow,” you still sound thoroughly convinced, despite whatever you’ve been told. “Listen, okay, so I woke up in the middle of the night, because I heard this weird banging sound, so I went out to the living room to make sure it wasn't, I don't know, some animal that got in, or a maintenance issue or something— you know how it is.” 
Unknown winces. The noise was probably his fault— he'd thought he'd been stealthier than that, but maybe you're just more observant or a lighter sleeper than he initially imagined. It's probably a good thing that your own imagination has run away with you— if you're telling Luciel about a ghost, then you're not likely to be telling him about an intruder or a hacker. “I'm getting to that,” you promise, pulling Unknown back into the moment. He's annoyed on your behalf that Luciel is apparently not letting you tell your story— that redhead is probably assuring you that ghosts aren't real and refusing to listen to you, even if you are dead wrong. “So I went out there, and I saw, just, legs at the top of my window, and, like, okay, so the ugliest shoes you can imagine— you know, like a ghost would wear. And the shoes were untied, so I guess the, uh, ghost must have…. become a ghost while their shoes were untied, and now they're stuck with untied shoes for the rest of eternity? Which is just a horrifying thing to learn in the middle of the night.” 
Oh. You must have seen Unknown as he was climbing back up to the roof— he doesn't appreciate your comments about his shoes, but he's pleased that you somehow still suspect nothing. Apparently, you're so trusting that you're more willing to believe that the apartment is haunted than that you saw the legs of a living being much scarier than any made-up ghost. Anyway, at least you didn't see his face— although you probably would have attributed that to the apparition, as well. You look impatient as you listen to Luciel for a few moments before speaking. “I don't think they have ghost shoe stores, and anyway, even if they did, obviously this ghost isn't shopping there. Anyway, I went over to the window to see if the ghost would float back down— uh, they didn't, I think they're shy— and I saw fingerprints on the glass.”
The silence is brief before you speak again. Luciel must be at a loss for words— Unknown is chuckling to himself, pleased that he was able to shock you so much, though he'd prefer it if you would be afraid of him and not some specter that you’ve conjured in your mind. Then again, when he thinks about it, Unknown isn’t really all that different from a phantom— maybe your confusion is warranted. “I know!” You exclaim. “Ghost fingerprints! I didn't even know ghosts had fingerprints, but who else is touching the glass this high up? So, I don't know, I guess I have a ghost. Do you think I should leave something out for them, like milk and cookies, maybe?”
A long pause follows; presumably, Luciel is telling you how ridiculous this plan is. If Unknown were actually a ghost, he wouldn't be able to eat anything you put out for him, though he isn't going to complain about being offered sweets. Maybe he'll swing by tomorrow night and eat them while you're asleep just to freak you out. “Yes, I know that's for Santa, but I don't know what to do about ghosts! Do they even eat?”
Another pause. Honestly, Unknown never could have seen this coming, but he's glad that you've proven to be so amusing. “So you were lying when you said you knew everything,” you pout. Why would you have believed that in the first place? “I guess you were just messing with Yoosung— okay. Well, I mean, if the ghost wanted to hurt me, they would have done it already, right? So I feel pretty safe— just a little weirded out, you know?” 
Unknown can't stop himself from brushing his fingers against your image on the CCTV feed, endeared by your strange behavior. He'll come get you soon, he decides, and then you'll see what your “ghost” is really like. Until then, though, he'll humor you however he can— it's probably best for his plan if you remain unsuspecting, and of course, it's funny to watch you fretting over him, even if you're misguided about his identity. 
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mr-carnation · 5 months
Man, I miss your blog
Hello. I didn't realize I may be missed when I am absent anywhere. I didn't even consider that it could be so online as well. But I'm back, and a little busy.
Because on April 27, 2039, all of the shut down androids abandoned in the android zoo during the revolution have been broken out and deviated at approximately 11:50 A.M by an unknown group of androids, likely by interfacing with them and converting them to deviancy. Each animal, ran out through a forest where reportedly one android was inside of, from monkeys swinging on tree branches and jumping over the puddles created by rain with herds of war-bred mechanical horses right behind them. Extinct animals created for the purpose of mechanical show and education have been freed too, like a saber tooth. They all had one place to go, and it was towards downtown. Cars had been stopped on the side of road, civilians were being evacuated from the area that the government was planning on stopping them at with tanks, S.W.A.T, riot gear, when they were able to track their direction and realized they couldn't stop them before they even sprinted onto concrete.
I was the one in that forest revisiting a crime scene. I met a Siamese android-cat there having also been a deviant, only moments before I could hear the shouting, neighs, and drumming of the animals running behind me. They came towards my direction and I had been swept up - literally - by one of the horses, with no choice but to ride her amongst the rest of the androids, jumping miraculously like show animals over cars, dodging and intimidating civillians mid-evacuation, until they had to stop because of the blockade organized.
I had been arrested as the main suspect for this incident, obviously because I was face to face with the S.W.A.T and tanks sitting on a giant friesian horse, who had oh-so-boldly and defiantly stepped through other animals who stopped in place right up to them. Fortunately, I was acquitted after a stressful court trial. Now I'm back, and for the past 3 days I've been investigating this incident myself with the security department of New Jericho.
I hope that explains my absence. Any questions relevant or irrelevant to this post, drop them in my inbox.
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kangmoon27 · 1 year
My Father's Brother | JJK series E11
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Both of his hand is placed on your hips, thrusting deep inside you, spanking your butt cheek repeatedly.
He went to grab your hair in a pony, gripping on in as you groan in pain while still lost because of the pleasure he's giving you.
You're bending Infront of him trying to hold back your knees from falling. His right hand goes around your waist.
His left hand pulled your hair as he kisses your cheek and made you face the window.
"Fuck, look at your father" he said while whispering through your eyes. Your eyes search for your father's figure and found him taking to his friends down stairs where the event is happenings.
"How do you think he would react if he sees his own daughter fucking his brother huh" he asked while still fucking you from behind.
"Hot" that the only thing that came out of your mouth. Jungkook course as unknown smirk appeared on his lips.
"You wanna know what's hot? 69" he kissed you as he pulled out his cock making your cum run to your thighs.
"And he will do it now" he continued.
"A lot of money went missing and you don't even know why?!" The man sitting on the CEO position shouted at his secretary.
Jungkook watches his brother scolding his own assistant for his own careless. There's a lot of money that went missing just few days ago and it again happen.
The worst part is that they don't even have anyone to suspect, isn't that crazy? In every situation you knew you should have someone to suspect but he doesn't suspect anyone.
Namjoon run his hand through his forehead and rub it together, his assistant just keep eyeing on the ground not wanting to make the situation work if he every tried to explain knowing his explanation didn't matter to his boss.
The older is already frustrated, he look towards his brother who's standing on the other side of the room.
"Jungkook, did you attend the meeting today?" Namjoon said while looking at this brother. Jungkook nod his head as a response.
"And did you got the deal?" He again asked. He's expecting his brother to nod his head to let him know that yes he got the deal but Jungkook shook his head making Namjoon more furious.
"They're pervert, they literally asked Yn for one night after seeing at the pool" Jungkook quickly explained the reason.
"I understand that you care for Yn but fuck it that's a fucking big lose for us Jungkook!" Namjoon raised his voice at Jungkook.
"What the fuck hyung, seriously? Money? That is what's more important than your own daughter?" Jungkook was unbelievable, he was so disappointed at Namjoon now.
It's early in the morning, Yn don't have classes so she decided to go down stairs and swim since the weather is so hot.
She removed her towel showing his perfect body in her two piece bathing suit, she jump into the pool not knowing someone was there's watching him.
Pair of dark eyes watches the young woman swimming around the pool. The man is hiding behind the plants that is around the pool.
He palm his cock while licking his dried lips wetting them, he slowly pull his pants down, grabbing his cock and begin to jerk it as he continue watching the woman on the pool.
On the other side Jungkook came back with the contract on this hand, he walk inside the living room but no one was there.
He look around but didn't saw him, he walk in the pool area and saw Yn swimming, he smiled at him, Yn get out of the pool and smirk at Jungkook.
He slowly made his way towards her when he started heating whimpers. He passes Yn then walk behind those trees where the sound is coming from.
His blood started boiled seeing the man he was looking for palming himself,  he knew he's spying on Yn while she was enjoying herself in the pool and it made Jungkook so damn mad.
He started kicking the man making his startled, he feel disgusting to this man, he wanted to kill him.
Yn tried to pulling Jungkook away from the pervert till they both separated.
The guy quickly wear his pants and walk towards Yn, holding her hand. He smirk and look at Jungkook.
"Why are you do mad? Why how much does it cost just to have her for a night?" He said.
Jungkook finally lost his temper and started beating him up, he didn't stop even tho he's already bleeding, soon the man fell on the ground being unconscious.
Yet,  Jungkook still didn't stop there, he started kicking his stomach and pushed him on the pool while grudging Yn inside.
Namjoon was stunned after hearing what happened during the meeting, he immediately blame himself for it since it was his idea to do the meeting at his house thinking that the man can be trusted but turned out he wasn't.
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fwoopersongs · 2 years
国风·郑风·山有扶苏 - Airs of the State of Zheng, Mountains Have Leaning Shrubs
by unknown (BCE), Collected in Classic of Poetry - 10th Air for Zheng
山有扶苏 隰有荷华 Shān yǒu fú sū xí yǒu hé huá In the mountains, lush leaning shrubs; in the wetlands, lotus blooms.
不见子都 乃见狂且 bùjiàn zi dōu nǎi jiàn kuáng qiě No sight of any fair man, yet spotted, a frivolous fellow.
山有乔松 隰有游龙 shān yǒu qiáo sōng xí yǒu yóu lóng In the mountains, towering curved pines; in the wetlands, knotweeds.
不见子充 乃见狡童 bùjiàn zi chōng nǎi jiàn jiǎo tóng No sight of any comely man, yet spotted, a devious fellow.
Wanted to explain something I was trying to go for to a friend, but found to my utter surprise that there was no other translation besides that one from ctext by James Legge. Here’s the result - a quick little translation on my freshly fixed laptop!
(\o/ I hope you had a saner day than mine!)
This is an air (a song) from the Classic of Poetry / Book of Songs / Shijing.
Translation choices
This 山有X / Mountain has X structure stumped me for a bit. In form, I guess it IS like ‘the mountain possess’, but I don’t parse it that way. It feels more like ‘there is x in the mountains’, so that’s what I went for!
扶苏 vibes like a noun, but not like a proper noun and plus I couldn’t find a straightforward source that doesn’t send me round and around in chicken and egg situation between this poem and this word. So I went ahead with a breakdown:   扶 - support
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Early form of this word appears to be a person with a staff.
苏 - which led me to the purple perilla, which coincidentally (or perhaps not) is found in mountainous regions of China and India. Since I’m not super sure this is being referred to specifically, I used ‘shrub’ to represent this sort of plant in general.
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隰 - wetness below the hill, what else could this be but a low-lying wetland?
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This word hasn’t changed much at all. How cute.
荷华 - the word here 华 (grand) is synonymous for 花 (flower), or so I’m told. But a different word was used all the same, so I wanted something with a little, little touch more grandeur than the humble ‘flowers’ - blooms.
子都 - Gongsun Zidou, an actual man famed for his beauty. I suspect this particular meaning of the word comes from his name. However, since our speaker does not seem to be waiting for him in particular, its presence here is probably adjacent to our ‘Prince Charming’ in modern use. All the websites I referenced to try and make out what sort of beauty was he just tells me ‘美男子’ and what higher praise is there than the lovely ‘fair lady’? It can apply to a man too, I’m sure!
狂且 - feels like a blend of untamed pride and frivolity, but I wanted it to match with another word I was planning to use later, so I went squarely with the latter.
乔松 - there are some versions of this poem that use 桥松, but something doesn’t seem right there because the Han Dynasty word guide tells us that a 桥 is a structure above water. On the other hand, 乔 describes towering with a tilt...
...which I tend to imagine as this sort of thing.
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游龙 - literally swimming dragon brought up red flags immediately LOL it was so off putting! but a quick search brought up 水荭 and with a little more digging, brought me to knotweeds which are suitable for waterlogged areas. How nicely it fits!
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子充 - Might be another handsome man, might be a Prince Charming. I looked up the word 充, which looks like a person having a good time in small seal script!
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It also means full and complete, which brought me to shapely and well proportioned. And hence comely.
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