#the plane is believed to have crashed in an area of unmapped ocean
glompcat · 2 years
Yikes but people really do not understand how little we know about the ocean, huh?
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darkestwolfx · 4 years
Up from the Depths P.1 - Re-Review #32
Now, just to stick my personal opinion in here... we’re about to get to two of my all time favourite episodes. The amount of references to Jeff, and the purpose for IR - there’s just golden moments everywhere you look. So let’s have a look at some of them.
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“What is it, John?”
“You’re gonna’ want to see this.”
“The TV-21! No, it can’t be...”
Well, it is (or we wouldn’t have an episode)!
“Is that what I think it is?”
“It’s the TV-21!”
“Is anyone gonna’ clue me in here?”
“It’s the TV-21!”
“That is not helping!”
Don’t worry, Alan, I’ll try and catch you up. But that just serves as another well-placed reminder of all the things Alan (and Kayo) is too young to remember about IR.
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The fact Jeff etched his name onto the ship does not surprise me. It goes towards showing how proud he was of it, and completely fits in with everything we are told about him by Grandma (once again, wonderfully well placed comments).
Now, the TV-21, is given to us as “the first Thunderbird”, the fastest ship (at the moment), and Jeff’s pride and joy. There’s a nice little reference to Jeff’s previous careers as well, with the fact they’ve added the ‘Colonel’. Nice touch.
But of course, of all the places to crash land, it had to be in the Mariana’s Trench. I mean, there is a reason why it’s “the world’s last unmapped ocean”, according to the crew. It’s a pretty dangerous place. If you want to read about it, feel free, National Geographic have some incredibly interesting articles on what they theorise could be down there based on their limited exploration. But what we do know, is that it’s actually a very hostile seascape, and that the marine life which inhabits it seems to have evolved drastically to cope. I think that if we are ever able to understand it, we will know a lot more towards global warming and the mutations of animals. But I hate swimming. Water’s not my area. I prefer to research land mammals and leave my colleagues with the wet-weather adventures.
Anyhow, I think it’s totally awesome that Virgil was playing the piano and that Scott was sat at Jeff’s desk in the opening for this episode too. It’s always nice to see little throwbacks to this very human family.
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So let’s discuss the origins of TV-21 for a moment. Before it was a Thunderbird, it was a comic series! And it’s original name was ‘TV Century 21′ which was eventually shortened to TV21. It had various mergers, which featured additions to the name, but TV21 stuck for the majority of issues. It was a weekly comic published by City Magazines, beginning around 1965. It’s content was... drum roll... the sci-fi TV series created by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson’s company: Century 21 Productions - thus where the comics name originated from, the TV being added to clarify where the material was coming from and hopefully encourage people to watch and read both in tandem.
The comic often had newspaper front pages, dedicated to the fictional news stories of the multiple Anderson worlds, e.g. Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Stingray.
Some really well known artists of the time worked on the comics, which only serves to increase their value. In our current day, the original ‘TV Century 21′ editions (Issues 1 - 154) are really hard to find, and so they sell/auction for incredibly high prices when one can be found - like much of the Anderson’s work which made it’s way into print. It does also mean that the first half of this great comic series is practically lost to the world.
Which is a big shame, because it was in many of these first issues (with their print time colliding with the original air slot of ‘Thunderbirds’) featured many episode-story related additions. For instance;
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The supposed capture of ‘The Hood’ - which might have gone someway to explaining his disappearance during Series 2 of the show.
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An addition to the US Army’s story line from ‘Pit of Peril’.
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An addition to the events of ‘Sun Probe’, as well as an in-depth story on Thunderbird Three investigating the connection between the sun and natural disasters (better known now as global warming). My dad still has his copy of this edition, and I have no plans on selling it. It’s ironic that it features the only story line relevant to my current career. Hey, maybe there is such a thing as fate over coincidence (as ‘Doctor Who’ does suggest).
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A special story for Thunderbirds Two and Four, upon which it is rumoured that the opening rescue of the ‘Thunderbirds’ (2004 film) was based upon. I personally think this was one of the best stories for the pair, and I’m disappointed it never appeared in an episode (as such). There were also rumours that this story was an expansion of the TOS episode ‘Atlantic Inferno’, but those were never confirmed and all suggestions ever made pointed towards it being a completely separate idea. There are interesting similarities in places though, so it’s worth consideration.
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An expansion to Thunderbird Two’s ‘disappearance’, after the events of ‘Terror in New York City’, which covered the rumours spiraling during the time Thunderbird Two was out of operation, and some of the missions which were undertaken during said time.
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And one of the few Fireflash related stories to feature outside of the TOS TV episodes. It was also one of the comic editions which fans come to know as ‘Thunderbirds meets Doctor Who’. At the time, both shows were scoring some of the highest viewings, and so I suppose these crossover editions only made sense. Many of the early editions featured such crossovers, including 2 other issues which I’ve posted above.
When we actually get to 2065, there’s going to be a bit of confusion over dates - the comics (set still in the futurist time - ever encroaching for us) were released on the corresponding dates, but with the year still set a hundred forward, e.g. 1965 was 2065, but the 13th March was the 13th March.
Right, enough of my geek-worthy knowledge on comics, and back to the episode. I mean, look at Scott’s face. He’s definitely had enough of my comic-based ramblings.
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“Begging your forgiveness, Your Mongrel-ship.” 
I think the fact that Parker serves Sherbet tea (with one sugar) it’s just classic.
“I believe ‘wild goose chase’ were the words they used.”
“Well, as it happens, Parker loves a good chase. Parker, bring the car around would you? That’s right Sherbet. ‘On the double’.”
“hOn the double, hit his. Taking horders from ha mut, never though hI’d see the day.”
He does it anyway though - dedication right there,
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Well now, time to visit the ocean. Did anyone else think the Deep Ocean Surveyor looked a bit... wrong? I had bad feelings about that thing from the start.
“This ship sure is a weird looking thing.”
Yeah, thanks for the back up there Gordon. Should have kept a closer eye on that one, although I do completely understand why they got so distracted and don’t blame them for it.
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I love how Scott - Mr in command and always right - turns straight towards the TV-21 as soon as he knows they’re no injuries to worry about and that the DOS is all okay. Wasn’t he the one saying there was a rescue to prioritise only minutes ago?
“Gordon, what about the TV-21? Have they found part of the wreck?”
“Stand by, Scott, I’ll take a closer look. Just gotta’ clear some debris. It’s not just part of the wreck, it’s the whole thing!”
That is actually quite surprising! You know, something surviving like that. Good craftsmanship is all I can say.
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I can’t describe this scene any better than the scene itself, so I’m just gonna’ leave it there for you to re-watch at your own leisure. The faces are pictures!
“Why’s everyone making such a big deal about a wrecked plane? I don’t even remember it!”
“The TV-21 was Dad’s baby. The first ever super Mach-20 ship. It was the prototype to Thunderbird One. Dad invested everything into, but The Hood sabotaged it in flight. Dad had to abandon the plane somewhere over the Maraina Trench rather than let The Hood get his hands on it. I remember it broke Dad’s heart. I always thought it was smashed and lost in the deep.”
And there we have a link to that Hood-Jeff backstory (which the writer’s then conveniently shoved into a like ten-fifteen second explanation of ‘I am a bad guy because’, but hey, we’re not quite there yet!) that kinda gets forgotten.
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“I believe the word you’re looking for is Bingo. Well done Bertie.”
“Very smart of you to track that signal John.”
“We got lucky.”
You don’t have to be so modest you know John.
“It seems The Hood may be up to his old tricks.”
“I’ve seen engineering like this before. It’s the work of The Mechanic.”
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“Oh no! That’s The Mechanic’s ship! Thunderbird Four, get out of there!”
“Too late.”
Yeah... it might have been good to notice that a little bit sooner.
Now, someone has some serious anger issues! I mean, I now he wants them out of the way (and later on that’s he’s being controlled), but that was seriously uncalled for!
“You better come up with something fast. Thunderbird Four’s hull integrity is failing. You’re getting crushed!”
Thanks Virgil, we can see that, unfortunately. This is another of those moments where - even though I know how it ends - I have a little panic.
“Hull integrity at 28%. Gordon what are you doing?”
“The airlock’s jammed. I can’t get the door open.”
“Then make a new door! But do it fast, you don’t have long. Hull at 7%. Gordon, get out now! Thunderbird Four is offline.”
“What happened?”
“Thunderbird Four's been rendered in operative.”
“I’m here. I’m okay. But Thunderbird Four’s a little... ur... beat up.”
This is a little like that moment in ‘EOS’, where I think our collective hearts stopped.
I know Gordon left the sub to try and free it, but it was actually a good thing that he did, else he probably would have been crushed, which wouldn't have been good. He was caught a little in the blast anyway, so I’m surprised he was a well-able to continue as he was.
But back to those serious anger issues - The Mechanic, you need to learn that once you have damaged someone’s ship past the piloting level, you don’t need to then snap it in two - that is just downright mean, not to mention unnecessary!
Poor Thunderbird Four. I seriously thought at the time that it wasn’t going to be recoverable. Look at Gordon’s poor little face.
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The determination to get the TV-21 back as well was just wonderful.
“Not possible, only Thunderbird Four can survive the pressure. We need to come up with something extraordinary and fast.”
“We can use the TV-21!”
“It’s been sitting on the bottom of the ocean for years. Do you think it will still work?”
“Absolutely. I build things to last.”
“Gordon, we need you to get on board the TV-21.”
“I always wanted to fly Dad’s plane.”
Of course he did.
Now this was a sight to behold. Look at him!
“I can’t believe we used to wear these things.”
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This was such a lovely little throw back moment.
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“You could try the Jeff Tracy fix. After all, it is Dad’s plane.”
“FAB. This is TV-21. We have lift off.”
And hell did that work!
Rescue count: 35
I mean, let’s just momentarily forget that this part ends with The Mechanic making a grand come back and stealing it.
“To The Mechanic, let me tell you who you’re dealing with. We’re International Rescue; you can’t push us around, you cant tell us what to do, and you absolutely, positively can’t take our stuff!”
“No, let me tell you who you’re dealing with. I’m The Mechanic. I take what I want, from who I want, whenever I want it.”
Yeah... shivers.
Let’s just remember Gordon’s great moment getting to pilot it.
“So tell me, what is it like flying Dad’s plane?”
“It was awesome.”
See, that’s a nicer ending.
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