#but that’s not the case for a lot of or even most people.
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i really appreciate the information and intent here, but i do just have to say that specifically both dogs and chimpanzees have a lot more nuance to their smiles than what this post indicates.
Dogs literally evolved facial muscles that wolves don't have so they can communicate with humans better, and dogs do have a couple of happy smile expressions. The problem is, you have to really know what you're looking at to tell the difference
here is my dog smiling a happy smile
and here is one where his smile is even more relaxed and happy
Next, below, is a picture of my dog in high heat stress (i removed him from this situation about 20 seconds after i snapped this pic, we both fell asleep in a tent in the middle of the day and woke up being baked, he is way too hot here. I sent this picture to his other owner, who was working as a vet tech at that time, and she immediately texted back "too hot!" -- if you know dogs, and especially if you know the individual dog, the difference is very clear)
in the too hot picture you can see he's sort of smiling more like this
and here is something in between, where he is just a little tired and maaaybe a little hot from running around excitedly in the cool air, but also happy and satisfied and relaxed and low stress
in this next picture he has a 100% not stressed, real, wants-to-play smile
whereas the next pic is a low heat, but very high stress "smile"
in this pic we are practicing being calm around cats, who Badger does not like or trust, and which fill him with a mix of both fight and flight feelings (he's being a very good boy for me, but he is pretty stressed, and only maintaining his composure by refusing to look at the cats next to him. Sometimes i take him places there are cats, so this was a good training opportunity for us, but he is experiencing stress)
and finally here is a "please" smile where he really wants something (in this case, to go on a run)
similarly, rigorous studies of chimpanzee facial expressions show that they smile for a wide variety of reasons that yes, include fear and aggression, but also include things like appeasement or placation, and also play.
in this somewhat famous picture, for example
Many people were quick to say a lot of "inviting you to be drowned" and "they smile when they want to murder you" kind of comments, but if you look up the description of the event from the photographer, this bonobo is simply asking for the camera, which, though mysterious, is very obviously a fascinating and high-value object to the people, please hand it to me.
The apes that the photographer and accompanying ape behaviorists were recording (because voluntarily swimming and playing in water is another thing we thought these apes never did) were apparently very interested in his camera and they tried many times to entice him to hand it over. This is a "please share" smile, and according to the ape behaviorists, and is in no way threatening.
Chimpanzees and bonobos (and before you say anything about bonobos happy-smiling more because they are so happy and peaceful, you should know that bonobos actually fight each other MORE than chimps, it's just bonobos don't really ever fight to the point serious injury or death while chimps often do... but bonobos actually throw hands significantly more often than chimps, and do plenty of threat displays) both utilize smiles in ways science is only recently recognizing.
The truth is, like most things, animal communication is very nuanced.
Again, i don't want to take away from the main point of the post -- the number of videos and photos i see of "cute" or "happy" animals that are actually clearly in distress if you know what to look for is, frankly, tragic. I am very glad OP made their post about it.
I've even seen a "heroic" mother-chicken-defends-baby-chicks-from-hawk video where the hawk was very clearly either injured or ill or drugged or something, and was literally thrown into an enclosure with the chickens to film the also stressed out chickens attacking the poor hawk who was barely aware of what was happening. It looked like it was super over-heated, or maybe it had been hit in the head or something, it was a, basically an acutely disabled hawk, that somebody used badly to make some kind of stupid "inspirational" animal video.
So posts like this are important.
i just wanted to be accurate about the fact that dogs and chimpanzees do actually smile for smiling reasons, and just like with humans, a lot of knowing which is what is knowing the context... but you can also often tell just by looking closely at the expression if you really know what to look for (i don't know what to look for in apes, i just read a couple facial expression studies about it, but working professionally with dogs, i pay special attention to the tension around their eyes and the corners of their mouth, and what their tongue is doing, among other cues)
and of course i have my own dog's expressions dialed in. Sometimes he actually gets my attention and makes, like, an approximation of his too hot face at me when his water bowl is empty and he wants a drink.
And there are times he smiles a real smile
Alligator Body Language and You, or: How To Know When An Alligator On Social Media is Being Stressed for Views
Alligators are wild animals. Despite the idiotic claims of animal abusers like Jay Brewer, they cannot be domesticated, which means they are always going to react on the same natural instincts they've had for millions of years. Habituated, yes. Tamed, yes. Trained, definitely. Crocodilians can form bonds with people- they're social and quite intelligent. They can solve problems, use tools, and they're actually quite playful. Alligators are also really good at communicating how they're feeling, but to somebody who doesn't spend much time around them, their body language can be a bit mystifying. And it doesn't help when social media influencers are saying shit like this:
That is not what a happy gator looks like.
That's a terrified, furious gator who isn't attacking because the ogre handling her has her in a chokehold. She's doing everything she can to express her displeasure, and he's lying about it because he knows his audience doesn't even know how to think critically about what he's doing. He knows that because his audience doesn't know anything about these animals, he can get away with it. This I think is why I hate him so much- he deliberately miseducates his audience. He knows what he's doing is factually inaccurate, he just doesn't care because attention means more to him than anything else in the world.
Let's change that! Here are two really important lessons for understanding alligator body language on social media.
Lesson 1: Alligators Don't Smile (in fact, most animals don't)
So what's going on in this video? Jay Brewer is aggressively choking his white alligator Coconut while scrubbing algae off of her with a toothbrush. And make no mistake, he is digging into the creature's throat while she is visibly distressed. He claims she's happy- but she's not. He is willfully misrepresenting what this animal is feeling. That's a problem, because people... well, we actually kind of suck at reading other species' body language. The reason for this is that we tend to overlay our own responses on their physical cues, and that's a problem. For example, let's look at an animal with a really similar face to ours, the chimpanzee. Check out Ama's toothy grin!
Wait, no. That's not a happy smile. That's a threat display. When a chimpanzee "smiles," it's either terrified and doing a fear grimace, or it's showing you its teeth because it intends on using them in your face.
How about a dog? Look at my smiling, happy puppy!
Oh wait no, this is a picture of Ryder when he was super overwhelmed by noise and people during a holiday party. He'd hopped up in my sister's lap to get away from stuff that was happening on the floor and was panting quite heavily. See the tension in the corners of his mouth and his eyes? A lot of the time when a dog "smiles," the smile isn't happy. It's stress! Why Animals Do The Thing has a nice writeup about that, but the point is, our body language is not the same as other species. And for reptiles, body language is wildly different.
For instance, look at these two alligators. Pretty cute, right? Look at 'em, they're posing for a Christmas card or something! How do you think they're feeling?
Well, I'll tell you how the normal one is feeling. He's annoyed! Why is he annoyed? Because the albino just rolled up, pushed another gator off the platform, and is trying to push this guy, too. I know this because I actually saw it happen. It was pretty funny, not gonna lie. He's not gaping all the way, but he was hissing- you can actually see him getting annoyed in the sequence I took right before this shot. Look at him in this first shot here- he's just relaxing, and you can see he isn't gaping even a little bit.
By the end, he's expressing displeasure, but not enough to actually do anything about it. He's annoyed, but he's comfy and that's where one of the best basking areas is, so he'll put up with it.
Reptiles open their mouths wide for a lot of reasons, but never because they are actively enjoying a sensation. Unless they're eating. No reptile smiles- they can't. They don't even have moveable lips. If a reptile is gaping, it's doing so because:
It is doing a threat display.
It is making certain vocalizations, all of which are threats. Alligators are one of the rare reptiles that do regularly vocalize, but most of their calls aren't made with a wide open mouth.
It is about to bite something delicious or somebody stupid. Check out this video- virtually all of the gaping here is anticipatory because these trained gators know darn well that the bowl is full of delicious snacks. (I have some issues with Florida's Wildest, but the man knows how to train a gator AND he is honest about explaining what they're doing and why, and all of his animals are healthy and well-cared for, and he doesn't put the public or his staff at risk- just himself.)
It's too hot and it has opened its mouth to vent some of that heat and thermoregulate. This is the main reason why alligators will often have their mouths part of the way open, but sometimes they'll open all the way for thermoregulation. This is what a thermoregulatory gape looks like- usually it's not all the way open, kinda more like < rather than V, but you can't say that 100% of the time. Additionally, a thermoregulatory gape... typically happens when it's hot out. If they're inside, maybe they've been under their basking light for too long. Heat's the dominant factor, is what I'm getting at.
There is another reason that a captive crocodilian might be gaping, and that's because it's doing so on command. Some places have their gators trained to gape on cue, like St. Augustine Alligator Farm and other good zoos. They have the animals do this in presentations that are genuinely educational. They ask the animals to open their mouths so that they can show off their teeth and demonstrate how their tongues seal off the back of their mouth. They'll also do it as part of routine healthcare, because looking at their teeth is important.
In this case, the animals aren't gaping because they're stressed, they're gaping because they know they're gonna get a piece of chicken or fish if they do it. And what's more, they're doing it on cue. They have a specific command or signal that tells them to open wide. It's not an instinctive response to a situation. It's trained. If the animal provides the behavior after a cue, the situation is much less likely to be negatively impactful.
It's also important to remember that there's a difference between a partially open mouth and a gape! As discussed above, alligators will often have their mouths a little bit open just to maintain temperature homeostasis. It helps them stay comfy, temperature-wise. These guys are all doing thermoregulatory open-mouthed behavior- that slight open and relaxed body posture is a dead giveaway. (That and it's the hottest spot in the enclosure.)
Lesson 2: A Happy Gator Is A Chill Gator
So if alligators don't smile or have facial expressions other than the :V that typically signifies distress, how else can you tell how they're feeling? One way is stillness. See, alligators subscribe to the philosophy of if it sucks... hit da bricks.
Basically, if they hate it, they'll leave. Unless, y'know, somebody has their meaty claws digging into their throat or is otherwise restraining them. (Restraint isn't always bad, btw. Sometimes the animal is going through a medical thing or needs to be restrained for their safety- which a responsible educator will explain.)
Let's look at a very similar scenario, in which a captive alligator is getting his back scrubbed.
As you can see, it's quite different. First, he's not being restrained at all. Second, look at how relaxed he is! He's just chilling there vibing! He could simply get up and leave if he wanted to, because he's not being held. Towards the end of the video, as he lifts his head, you can see that his respiratory rate is very even as his throat flutters a bit. I'm not sure what this facility is, so I can't comment on care/general ethics, but like. In this specific case, this is an alligator enjoying being scrubbed! And you can tell because he's not doing anything. A happy gator is content to be doing what they're doing.
Why Should I Listen To You?
Now, you should ask yourself, why should you listen to me? Why should you trust me, who does not own an alligator, versus Jay Brewer, who owns several?
Well, first off, there's no profit for me in telling you that what you're seeing on social media is in fact not what you're being told you're seeing. I'm not getting paid to do this. That's the thing with people who make social media content. The big names aren't doing it just for fun. They're doing it for money. Whether that's profit through partnerships or sponsorships, or getting more people to visit their facilities, or ad revenue, you can't ignore the factor of money. And this is NOT a bad thing, because it allows educators to do what they're passionate about! People deserve to be paid for the work that they do!
But the problem starts when you chase the algorithm instead of actually educating. A "smiling" alligator gets the views, and if people don't know enough to know better, it keeps getting the views. People love unconventional animal stories and they want those animals to be happy- but the inability to even know where to start with critically evaluating these posts really hinders the ability to spread real information. Like, this post will probably get a couple hundred notes, but that video of Coconut being scrubbed had almost 400,000 likes when I took that screenshot. Think about how many eyeballs that's reached by now. What I'm saying here is that it's just... really important to think critically about who you're getting your information from. What do dissenters say in the comments? What do other professionals say? You won't find a single herpetologist that has anything good to say about Prehistoric Pets, I can tell you that right now.
Another reason you can trust me is that my sources are not "just trust me bro," or "years of experience pretending my pet shop where animals come to die is a real zoo." Instead, here are my primary sources for my information on alligator behavior:
Dragon Songs: Love and Adventure among Crocodiles, Alligators, and Other Dinosaur Relations- Vladimir Dinets
The Secret Social Lives of Reptiles- J. Sean Doody, Vladimir Dinets, Gordon M. Burghardt
Social Behavior Deficiencies in Captive American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis)- Z Walsh, H Olson, M Clendening, A Rycyk
Social Displays of the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)- Kent Vliet
Social Signals and Behaviors of Adult Alligators and Crocodiles- Leslie Garrick, Jeffery Lang
Never smile at a crocodile: Gaping behaviour in the Nile crocodile at Ndumo Game Reserve, South Africa- Cormac Price, Mohamed Ezat, Céline Hanzen, Colleen Downs (this one's Nile crocs, not American alligators, but it's really useful for modeling an understanding of gape behaviors and proximity)
Thermoregulatory Behavior of Captive American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis)- Cheryl S. Asa, Gary D. London, Ronald R. Goellner, Norman Haskell, Glenn Roberts, Crispen Wilson
Unprovoked Mouth Gaping Behavior in Extant Crocodylia- Noah J. Carl, Heather A. Stewart, Jenny S. Paul
Thank you for reading! Here's a very happy wild alligator from Sanibel for your trouble.
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i feel like reader from again&again would end up being hypersexual, idk if anyone has mentioned it before but they’d up having a lot of trust issues and attachments issues.
— masterlist !
tw: sexual themes and talks of sexual assaults.
i was contemplating whether i should make them hypersexual or not!!! i'm speaking from my own personal experience that it's a very complicated feeling to portray. chasing for that momentary high, doing anything you can just to feel pleasure because you were always stripped from attention that you find it in other ways, the absolute disgust that comes after, the regret, yet the constant cycle of returning to that habit even after you promised to stop from one round, doing it over and over again even if at most times it feels like you're losing your enjoyment and doing it all out of the need for fulfilment; i can do that, but that will be bordering on dub-con and darker themes if i were to write it, which i'm not sure if some readers of mine will like, especially since conner is the love interest—
but truthfully, i think it would do well for a hurt/comfort prompt after they get together. you know, trying to push yourself too hard by trying to pleasure kon despite your inexperience, fearing that he'll leave if you don't do what he wants. the panic, the hesitance on even feeling his body because, truly, you've never held someone with different intentions, never been touched so intimately by others before yourself. and that kind of turns into an addiction, a need to do whatever it takes to keep his eyes on you even if it destroys you inside out.
yet your boyfriend is receptive, he notices how your lingering touches can sometimes feel cold yet done so through necessity, how you chase after your peak even if it brings more pained tears than pleasurable moans. how you beg for more yet shamefully hide yourself from a mirror right after. his confrontation after just a week, his soft voice promising that there's no need to rush it all out, how he doesn't see you as an object but his equal, his power, his everything. how there's no price to pay to obtain his love, your body an altar than an offering, how his was always yours to begin with.
and with how the family will react to this? honestly, the first person who would break at the moment he hears this information is dick grayson.
most portray him as a playboy, a puppet for most to sexualize. he takes advantage of that, turns it into his weapon, but deep within, he has his fair share of trauma being assaulted by not just one, but two (or more, depending on the comics) women. and with just how silenced and invalidated men are too when it comes to their trauma, it wouldn't be a surprise that, well, dick would be incredibly heartbroken realizing how his baby bird, the very same child he swore to protect, trudges the same path as him, carries the same burden on their back while pretending like everything's okay.
it destroys him, inside-out, how he's the oldest, the one supposed to guide the people around him, the one who buries all the pent-up anger, the turmoil at carrying the burden of all the terrible things that happened to him, turning it into motivation— yet ultimately failing to guide his very own sibling.
the one he introduced to the manor, the one he came to call his baby bird on the very same day.
i think about that a lot, a moment where he'll suddenly barge into your room, whether it would be before you'd be before you'd be kidnapped or not, and just... hugging you, burying his head on your shoulders while his hands just encapsulate your entire body. you don't know how or why he found you, don't know why he's shivering, why he's muttering sorry's and unbidden promises, desperate callings to your name like he just can't believe you're still alive, your shoulders damp with tears and dick just refusing to let go of you. i think about it a lot, how in the case of sexual trauma, you'd be dick's ultimate failure, a person he failed to protect from the very same thing that destroyed him. and yet he couldn't even bond it over with you, because you're so... so guarded and so broken that even if you and dick now share just one similarity, you still refuse his comfort, his promises that never again will you handle it alone.
it's not impossible that the reader would be hypersexual whilst still sporting insecurities. i have my own bodily issues too that i'm coping with; i typically emulate that onto the reader. so if anything from above fascinates my readers, i'm willing to write it out for future chapters because i love tackling complex topics, it helps me make my brain bigger teehee.
#🍨... yael's talking#🧁... yael's misc.#series: again & again#yandere dc#yandere batfamily#yandere batfam#yandere conner kent#yandere dick grayson#platonic yandere#romantic yandere#yandere#soft yandere
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Finding Yourself - C.SC [Part 1]
🐢Who: Choi Seungcheol (Seventeen) x female reader 🐢What: 18+. Dark themes. Mafia au. Angst. Fluff. Suggestive. Slow burn. Mafia Boss Seungcheol. Single parent Seungcheol. Strangers to friends to lovers. Chan is reader’s little brother. Hansol is Seungcheol’s son. 🐢Word count: 15.5k 🐢Warnings: Characters with autism/ADHD. Selective mutism. Mentions and depictions of being overwhelmed/sensory overload and meltdowns. Off screen gang violence including gun use. Implied intention of non-con in discussion. Mentions of skipping meals/poor diet/nutrition. Mentions of past child abuse/abusive parents. Homelessness due to running away and associated issues; lack of money/food/water etc. Mentions of past forced sex work. 🐢Summary: “In an attempt to protect your little brother, you run away from home and the gang your father forced you into as a teenager.
You truly thought you were done with that life. But months later, when members of the Centaurs gang find you and your brother squatting in their property mid gang-fight, they take you back to their headquarters and force you right back into it.
Suddenly, you find yourself living in the home of the leader of the oldest, most famous gang in the entire country, and you very quickly realise that he isn’t the ruthless monster everyone thinks he is.”
Minors do NOT interact, which means reblogging and/or commenting on this story. I WILL block any account that interacts without an age indicator in their bio.
Masterlist Finding Yourself Part 2 – Finding Yourself Part 3
Disclaimer: Okay, so I feel like I need to point out that I do have both autism and ADHD, and I have done a lot of research around both during my own discovery/diagnosis periods; even now I’m constantly learning that more aspects of myself are very common in people with autism/ADHD so there is truth behind how the characters are portrayed in this fic. Yet, with that being said, both autism and ADHD are very vast in that you can have a room full of people with both disabilities and yet every single one of those people are incredibly different, which means that the characters in this story who have autism or ADHD are not accurate portrayals of every single person with either. There are 4 clearly stated autistic people in this fic throughout and they are each different personalities and how their disability affects them. So please don’t leave comments or send rude asks accusing me of misrepresentation or anything like that just because a character you’ve watched in a movie isn’t written the same as these characters, thanks.
Tears. It’s always tears when you need silence. When you’re trying to sleep. When you’re trying to keep you both safe. It’s always tears.
“Shhh, Channie, shhh, it’s okay,” you try to soothe your little brother through a sensory meltdown that was triggered minutes ago by the overwhelming noises of yelling and gunfire echoing deafeningly around the warehouse.
You thought it would be safe here. The place seemed abandoned, yet secure, with no broken windows to let in the breeze, nor any sign of recent human activity, only some stray animals and their leavings. But it was the best shot you had, and for almost a week, it had been a little slice of dirty haven for you and Chan.
Then, less than twenty minutes ago, you heard multiple cars pull up outside of the dusty warehouse and then footsteps entered the building. You had curled up protectively around your brother in the corner of a room, hidden by the shadows as the newcomers swept through the warehouse for any signs of life. Somehow they entirely missed the two of you, and you were so grateful for it, even if you remained in place, holding your brother in the shadows for a little longer, just in case.
But now, whatever meeting is happening has gone awry and the ear-splitting sounds have set off your five-year-old brother. Although you want to curl up into a tiny ball and cry too as the sounds assault your own senses, you can’t; your meltdown will have to wait until you’re both safe again.
Which won’t happen if Chan doesn’t stop screaming and thrashing, kicking out while also trying to burrow himself right into your chest to try and block the noises and gain comfort from the only person who has shown him any in a long time.
Though, there’s only so much you can do, only so much your hands pressed over his own on his ears do to block the sensory overload when you can feel the noise in your own chest, and you know that Chan has always been much more sensitive about such things.
You wish you have a pair of ear defenders for him, but your father never believed in them and Chan’s mother was perhaps even worse where caring about the poor boy was concerned, so he was never given the tools needed to support him. And your limited finances upon running away with your little brother have gone to keeping him fed and as warm as possible. There have been no spare pennies for such things, even with you skipping meals and sacrificing supplies for yourself in order to protect your brother.
All you can do is hope that it will be over soon and the gangsters, who have intruded upon your safe space, will rapidly leave without hearing Chan’s shrieking.
Of course, with your luck today, it doesn’t go how you hope.
Even before the yelling and gunfire has ceased, the door swings open and a couple of men enter with guns raised. It’s easy for them to locate you with Chan still screaming and kicking out at everything he can reach.
“What do we have here?” The slighter shorter of the two men smirks while eyeing you and your brother as the pair stop too close for comfort, yet still far enough away that your brother’s thrashing doesn’t reach them.
“Something pretty, and something pretty fucking annoying,” the other man retorts, making the first guffaw while you continue to try to soothe Chan and keep him still without removing your eyes from the dangerous men. “Think we got time to take turns?”
“Nah, even if we did, I won’t be able to enjoy it with the little shit screaming like that.”
“Knock him out.”
“Don’t even joke about hurting a kid ‘round here,” the shorter man warns, giving his partner a firm look. “Boss would kill you slowly if word got back to him. You know he’s protective of kids.”
“Then what the fuck do we do? We can’t kill the bitch either because he don’t like kids left behind, and I’m pretty sure we’re fucked if they find out we left them here.”
The two men stare at you and Chan in careful consideration for almost a full minute.
The answer only comes when the gunfire finally ceases, even if Chan doesn’t stop screaming yet. “We’ll have to take them with us.”
As much as you’d rather not go along with the two men, or the dozen or so other men with them, you know you don’t have a choice. If it’s only you who you have to worry about, you’d have already risked sneaking out while the showdown was in progress, but with Chan to consider, you can’t risk the gunfire being turned on you.
So, when the pair stalk you out of the safety of the room with Chan still wailing against your chest as you carry him, though luckily he’s now clinging to you and not wildly thrashing, and a gun pressed to your back, you go while mourning the items you’ve lost due to not being able to pack up anything. The men had only hovered long enough to let you pick up Chan and grab your backpacks.
Up until you’re in the car with another man sliding into the seat to your left while looking bewildered, you have no idea who these gangsters are, but this new man has his arms on show despite the cold weather and the centaur tattoo on his right bicep stares at you mockingly.
Today really isn’t your lucky day.
“What’s this?” He demands, almost glaring at the two men in the front of the car while motioning vaguely to you and your little brother.
“Found them in a room, kid was screaming the place down, this is quiet for him,” the driver, the shorter of the pair, replies, tone almost polite now and you can safely guess that this tall, muscled man is a much higher rank than them. “Didn’t know what to do with them considering the rules about kids and everything.”
“So, you decided to completely bypass me and make a decision on your own?” The tall man asks, now closing the car door behind him and reaching for his seatbelt, yet he stops and motions to the space between you two. “Put him there so he can be strapped in,” he says to you, already grabbing the seatbelt for the middle seat ready to pull over.
“What?” You mutter dumbly.
“This car isn’t going anywhere until we’re all strapped in securely and it’s unsafe for a child to be strapped in on your lap. Put him here so he can be safe between us, I’ll keep my arm in front of him so he can’t fall.”
“He can sit next to the door,” you reply and start to move over into the centre yourself, but the man makes a dismissive noise and shakes his head.
“No, if that door gets rammed, he’ll get seriously injured; he should go in the middle, so our bodies protect him.”
“How likely is it that we’ll get rammed?”
“More likely than you realise, especially if the ones we just met have back up waiting down the way.”
“Then just let us go.”
He sighs. “I wish I could, seriously, I don’t want to endanger your son, but those idiots are right in that leaving you is a bad idea, we can’t trust you. So, either you willingly put him down or I move him myself and I think that would just make him more upset.”
For a few seconds, you do nothing but stare at the man, hoping that he’ll suddenly decide to trust a complete stranger and let you go, but he doesn’t, and you reluctantly adjust Chan to sit him at your left side between the two of you.
“It’s okay, I’m right here,” you whisper as you press down on his legs to stop him from trying to climb onto your lap again. “I’m not leaving, we just need to strap in, okay? We’re going to strap in and go for a drive, okay, Squirt?”
Silently, the man manoeuvres the safety belt across Chan’s body and clicks it into place as you continue to soothe your little brother. Then, the man reaches over even further to plug your seat belt in before finishing with his own and kicking the back of the driver’s seat lightly to prompt him to start the car.
Thankfully, Chan calms down once the car is in motion and you’ve pulled out his comfort turtle plushie for him to squeeze to his chest repeatedly.
You know the man on Chan’s left is watching your brother as he almost hurts himself with the toy, but you don’t care, all you care about is that Chan’s self-soothing is working and isn’t hurting him. The man can think whatever he wants.
The location you’re taken to isn’t one you’ve ever been to before, yet nobody needs to speak the name for you to know that this large, sprawling estate fortified with three sets of tall gates and walls, plus guards, is the base of the Centaurs, the oldest still running gang in the country.
The whereabouts of the estate isn’t a secret, it’s easy information to get, but due to the sheer size of the gang and their legendary skills, especially of the leaders and head family, not even the authorities are brave enough to launch an attack. Though some over-cocky gangs have been dumb enough to try over the years and inevitably failed without making it past even the first wall.
The place truly is one of the most secure places in the entire country. It almost puts military compounds to shame with the levels of security covering the sprawling grounds.
It feels more like a village based on how long you remain in the car once past the first two sets of gates, and all the buildings and people you pass on the gravel roads.
Then, when the final wall is in view, you’re moved into another car, with only the tall man joining you after he’s talked to another man a little shorter than himself. The tall man doesn’t say a word once he’s in the driver’s seat after making sure you and Chan are strapped in, before driving further forward along the gravel roads and through the final gates.
Finally, you see the impressive, impeccably well-kept, grand building that is Choi Manor where it sits pride of place in the very centre of the estate, behind all three walls.
There are nowhere near as many people wandering around now. It seems more like you only see groundsmen maintaining all the greenery and plant life, turning the area within the final wall into something almost out of a fairy tale. It’s truly beautiful.
Chan peers out of the window as best as he can when he can barely see over the edge of the door, with his wide, red rimmed eyes staring at all the colours of the flowers and fruits in awe. He’s never seen so many different plants in one place, in fact, you would even go as far as to say he’s never seen so many plants full stop.
Your own family home was never this natural; your father preferred to do away with nature to save the hassle of having to have people tend to it. The closest was the greenhouse your father let you keep for yourself for a few years before Chan was even born, until your father’s new wife destroyed it in a jealous fit when he didn’t buy her the car she wanted. Never mind the fact that she never learned to drive.
“Okay, so, a few things,” the tall man states when he parks the car beside a handful of other similar cars in front of the extravagant home. He turns off the engine and unplugs his seatbelt so that he can turn around in his seat to face you directly. “The boss isn’t home right now and won’t be until late, and I obviously can’t let you wander around unattended, so you’re going to be locked in one of the guest rooms with someone outside your door until the boss is back and decides what to do next. Understood?” You just nod.
Honestly, it’s a lot better than expected; you assumed you’d be locked up in a storage room or something equally as unwelcoming, not a guest bedroom of the most lavish home you’ve ever seen outside of movies and TV shows.
“Make sure you both shower and dress in clean clothes before the boss is back, you don’t want to meet him dirty. And eat, I guess you haven’t eaten in a while, right? You look skinny. I’ll get some food sent up. Does he like nuggets?” He motions vaguely to Chan.
“Yeah, chicken nuggets. I think there’s some animal shapes, but they may be all gone; we don’t get groceries in until tomorrow.”
“Uh… he’s never had them.”
“What?” The man sputters in disbelief. “What kid has never had animal nuggets?! I’ll send out for some if we don’t have any. It’s a crime you’ve never fed your son animal nuggets, seriously.”
Despite this being the second time that he’s assumed Chan to be your son, you don’t correct him; you’re too caught up on other things to care to put the relationship between you straight. “Why would you assume I have access to things like that when we were sleeping in what I thought was an abandoned warehouse?”
“Oh…right, sorry, wasn’t thinking.” He gives you an awkward, apologetic smile before climbing out of the car.
He leaves you to unplug yourself and Chan at your own pace and climb out of the car to join him on the white gravel. Chan is immediately taken by the sound and shuffles on his feet to hear the clacking and grinding under his boots.
When you look up, you expect to see the man about to urge you on, however, he’s simply watching Chan with his head tilted a little, curious, and with the slight hint of a smile on his lips.
Surprising you further, the man patiently waits until Chan is satisfied and takes your offered hand to quietly and closely toddle alongside you behind the stranger into the huge house.
“Sorry, there’s no kid size guest slippers,” the man apologises as he puts down a pair of adult guest slippers from a section of the unit beside the shoe rack, which you don’t really pay any attention to as you’re too busy trying to remove both yours and Chan’s boots to not dirty the perfectly polished marble flooring.
Though you can’t say either of your socks are in much better condition than the soles of your shoes and embarrassedly shove your feet into the slippers before your filthy, hole-riddled socks can be seen. At least Chan’s socks are new, if dirty. Still, you pick him up quickly and hope the man hasn’t noticed the condition of your brother’s socks.
“This way.”
Quietly, you follow the man down the hall and stand outside of a room when he motions you to, allowing him to step inside alone. You hear him talking to another man in low voices for a moment, then he reappears with a slim man who is barely shorter than him, though you think if the first didn’t slouch so much he’d be even taller.
“Hello, I’m Junhui,” the new man greets you with a friendly smile, entirely throwing you off with his open, welcoming aura. “I’m the house chef so I need to know if you or your son have any allergies or dietary requirements so that I can prepare you something delicious!”
“Uhm, no allergies,” you reply and adjust Chan in your hold; he’s too big for you to easily hold him for prolonged periods now so you need to alter his place against your chest fairly frequently in order to keep supporting his weight.
Some months back, you could’ve carried him for extended lengths of time, and you often used to indulge him whenever he asked, regularly carrying him around on your back as you went about your daily life, so long as it was appropriate. But that was then; so much has changed since. Some days you can barely even hold your own body up, let alone his.
“And requirements? For any reason: belief or preference, I need to know,” the cook continues with genuine interest.
“He’s very particular about his food,” you admit and tilt your head towards Chan a little as if they won’t realise that you’re talking about him. “The plainer the better really.”
“Oh, we have one like that already,” Junhui chuckles and flaps a hand almost dismissively as if it’s nothing. “I can handle that no problem! How old is he? I need to know what portion sizes.”
“Five, almost six, but he’s never had a big appetite.”
“Oh!” Junhui and the tall man both look astonished at the information, with matching raised eyebrows and slightly widened eyes. “Perhaps that’s why he’s so small! I thought he’s more like three going on four! I’ll try to make accordingly, but if he’s still hungry, you get a message to me, and I’ll bring more; we can’t let the kids go hungry! Or mama, what about your diet?”
“Oh, uhm, don’t worry,” you try to dismiss the concern, and both men instantly look at you sternly.
“What do you eat, ma’am?” Junhui repeats firmly. “Do you have allergies?” You shake your head silently in response. “What do you usually eat?”
“Whatever he doesn’t finish,” you answer meekly, embarrassed to admit to your inability to afford to feed yourself.
But it seems as if the kind chef doesn’t quite understand. “Okay, and what else?”
“Jun,” the tall man murmurs, gently tapping the other with the back of his fingers. Junhui looks at him and the pair exchange some barely-there expressions, which you don’t have the mental energy to even try to discern the meanings of, before they both look at you and there’s now something you think must be sympathy in the cook’s eyes.
“Oh, right. Uhm, well, what do you like? I can make almost anything!” He offers, brightening back up out of his slightly awkward understanding.
“It’s okay.”
“Please just tell him what you enjoy eating so I can show you to your room,” the tall man pleads. “He’ll make us stand here all afternoon and night if you don’t.”
“I’m just grateful you’re feeding him,” you assure.
“If you don’t tell me what you enjoy eating, ma’am, I will send dish after dish to your room until one comes back empty,” Junhui warns, and something about this man tells you that he’s being entirely serious.
“J-Just you know…uhm…I uh…” your mind is suddenly blank; you can feel the stress and anxiety of the past few hours building up and threatening to break you right here in front of the strangers. The kind chef and the high-ranking member of the most famous gang in the country. You really don’t want to fall apart in front of them.
“How about you think about it, and we’ll get a message down when you’ve decided?” The tall man offers. You nod quickly in agreement. “Okay, let’s go straight to your room and Jun will send some snacks up while you think, yeah?”
“I can do snacks!” Junhui promises before turning and scuttling further down the hall.
“He really loves feeding people,” the tall man says with a little chuckle before motioning back the way you came, so you back up to let him lead the way to the entrance hall and then up the grand staircase.
The bedroom he takes you is at the back of the house and overlooks the patio with a view out over the gardens and lawn beyond, though you don’t do more than simply glance over at the large windows before focusing on the room itself.
There’s a king-sized bed against the back wall and on the opposite wall, with a fair distance in between, is a flat screen TV sitting before a plush looking loveseat and low table. You can see two doors on the wall opposite to the entrance door and assume they lead to an ensuite and walk in wardrobe, but other than that, it’s all rather empty.
“This room isn’t used that much and it’s further away from the frequently used rooms, plus below is the ballroom and well, that definitely doesn’t get used often so I thought this room would be best, because it’ll be quieter here. I guess your son is noise sensitive?”
“You care about that?” You ask shocked as you look at him and finally put Chan down on the floor to rest your arms, though he stays glued to your side despite being obviously curious as he peers around from the edges of his vision.
“Yeah, kids are important and everyone in this house and inner estate believes in that too. We’ll all do whatever we need to make your time here comfortable.”
“We’re hostages, not guests,” you remind simply.
The man winces a little. “Yeah, I guess so.” He shrugs helplessly. “It is what it is, I guess. I really don’t know what the boss is going to do later; we haven’t had this situation occur before so we’re all kind of clueless, but we don’t want to hurt you or your son.”
“He’s not my son,” you finally correct, not sure what else to say and look down at Chan. “He’s my brother.”
“Oh! Okay. What’s his name?”
“That’s none of your business.”
“It’d be nice to have something to call him. What about a nickname then?”
“He won’t talk to you, it doesn’t matter.”
“Right.” There’s a moment of tense silence before the man talks up again. “What about you? Can I at least know a name to call you?”
For a few seconds, you debate not answering him, but then you figure the least you could do is give the man something to refer to you as, even if you refuse to give your real name. “Pearl,” you answer, giving the only name your brother calls you, after a character in his favourite movie.
You don’t know if the man realises it’s just an alias or not, but he smiles at you as if he doesn’t care and is just glad to have a name to call you. “I’m Mingyu, I’ll oversee your care until the boss is back, so if you need anything you can ask whoever is outside the door for me and I’ll come right away. For now, I’ll let you poke about the room while I get fresh bedding and towels and everything. Do you have spare clothes? I’ll get extra anyway for you both. I’ll be right back!” He darts out of the room and closes the door behind him gently, yet securely, before you can even try to answer.
“Where we?” Chan asks seconds later when he looks up at you.
“Where are we,” you correct naturally, trying to prevent his delayed speech getting worse with only you for company. It’s hard when you’re not personally used to talking to people very much, even back when you had people around to talk to. But you’re trying to do the best you can for your little brother and not impede his development further. It’s just hard.
“Where are we?” Chan repeats without hesitation, already long ago used to being corrected, though he has only ever tried to absorb and learn your own words, no-one else’s.
It’s much easier for him to progress now that his sole educator genuinely cares about him and understands his struggles. He’s come in leaps and bounds in some ways the past few months, but you know the life you’ve dragged him into won’t be good for his growth in the long run.
Every day you wish you can do better for him, but there are too many obstacles for you to traverse on your own and half the days you’re stuck in an endless loop of regret from taking him away, and relief from taking him away, with no room left in your mind and soul to do anything but stare off until Chan needs you.
“Just somewhere until we find our next move,” you answer, not sure what to say to the innocent boy because you can’t exactly tell him the truth, though you don’t want to lie to him if you can help it. You hate being lied to so you’ve always made a point of being as honest with Chan as you can. He deserves that much, at the very least.
“Mm, okay,” he replies and lets go of you to start wandering around curiously.
You remain in the middle of the room and watch him for a few minutes until there’s a knock on the door and Chan scrambles back to your side.
“It’s me!” Mingyu calls. “Mingyu!” He adds, and you call for him to come in, so the door opens and the tall man steps inside with his arms full of a bundle of different materials, and another shorter man following him. “This is Seungkwan; he’s really good with kids and bugged me to let him meet your brother. That’s cool, right?”
“I don’t have a choice who you bring here,” you point out while putting your hand on Chan’s head protectively when both men move into the room to step past you in different directions. Mingyu places the bundle of clothing in his arms on the couch while Seungkwan scuttles over to the bed and starts to strip it of the stale sheets.
“We don’t want to overwhelm you two,” Mingyu explains. “I know it’s not your choice to be here and chances are, you’re two very innocent people caught in the wrong place, so you’ve done nothing wrong and there is no issue between us.”
You can’t help but wonder what kind of tune this man would be singing if he saw the brand on your thigh. You know it wouldn’t be a good one.
“Bring the sheets, Gyu,” Seungkwan encourages now that he has the bed entirely bare of any sheets.
Obligingly, Mingyu grabs the clean bedding from the bundle to approach and help Seungkwan set up the bed neatly while you and Chan watch silently, though whenever the pair look over at you, Chan looks away and presses further into your leg.
“So,” Mingyu starts once the bed is ready and he and Seungkwan move closer. Though they keep more than just a polite distance from you both, even if Seungkwan keeps glancing at Chan as if he wants to talk to the little boy yet can see that it’s not a good idea. “Have you thought about what you want to eat?”
“Oh…no,” you reply honestly. “I forgot.”
“Aren’t you hungry?” He tilts his head, curious and a little confused as if he doesn’t understand how you can’t be hungry considering the state of you.
“No,” it’s another completely truthful answer and makes the tall man look even more puzzled, but at least he doesn’t question it.
“Okay, well, maybe some snacks will bring back your appetite. We don’t have any women’s clothes, you’re the only woman in the manor in years so I brought you some of mine, I hope that’s okay.”
“You idiot,” Seungkwan scolds and backhands Mingyu’s closest arm, making the tall man break into a pout, to your complete astonishment. “Those will drown her!” The smaller man looks at you with a kind smile. “I’ll get you some of my own, those will be better suited, and I’ll get something for your brother. We might have some clothes small enough, but they might be too big. But at least they’ll do until his own clothes are cleaned up, right?”
Honestly, you’re still too thrown off by how kind the men in this house have been to you so far to be able to answer in any certain way. It’s very kind, yes, and you truly appreciate it, at least for Chan’s sake so he doesn’t have to suffer more, but you can’t believe they’re doing this out of the goodness of their own hearts. It’s unfathomable to you.
All you do is make a vague sound in response that Seungkwan takes as agreement and smiles, only telling you that he’ll be right back before leaving.
“Did you look at the bathroom?” Mingyu prompts, pointing to the still closed doors. You shake your head. “I’ll show you how the shower and stuff work, they’re stupidly complicated with all the options,” he says as he walks over to the left-hand door and opens it to an all-white bathroom, which is lit brightly despite the overhead light not being turned on, thanks to the large window above the tub against the back wall.
You pick Chan up to carry him into the bathroom and peer around curiously while Mingyu rambles on about how long it took him to get used to the fancy showers here when he first joined, and then they changed them to even fancier ones with more options, so he had to learn it all again.
It’s strange how different the large man seems at the manor compared to when you first met him. Although there had clearly been care in him then, as evident by his insistence on all of you wearing seatbelts and the arm that he had kept in front of Chan the entire drive with enough space to not be close to touching the boy, he had seemed every bit the gangster he must be to be a Centaur. Yet, now at the house, he’s almost a different person; no tense edges and only open expressions.
It must be that thing about people being themselves when they’re at home; feeling safe and able to be honest about who they truly are. You’ve never had that and wonder what it must feel like to experience that genuine ease and comfort, to be free. You doubt you’ll ever know.
“Ah, shit,” Mingyu curses when the water sprays out over him once he turns one of the dials. “I forgot about the multiple heads,” he grumbles and turns the water back off to face you while pulling his sleeveless t-shirt away from his torso where the water is making it start to stick and enhance his muscled chest. “Oh, sorry! I swore in front of him!” He apologises with wide eyes and one hand coming up to cover his mouth guiltily.
“He’s heard worse,” you reply, not at all bothered by the curse as you often drop minor curses in front of Chan, and he hasn’t copied them yet. Nor the more vulgar ones your father prefers.
“Still, I shouldn’t do it.” He glances over your shoulder a second before you hear footsteps approaching, making you move aside and turn so that you have a clear view of everyone.
“Hopefully, these will all be okay,” Seungkwan says as he enters the bathroom with a pile of clothing to place on the counter. “You can keep it all too if you want, none of it gets used anyway so it’d be better if someone who’d make use of it all gets it.”
“Oh. Thank you,” you reply, once again shocked by the kindness of these men but starting to get a little more accustomed to it, enough to show some gratitude at least.
“No problem!” He chirps then moves back to the bedroom to grab the towels from the couch to also put on the bathroom counter. “As far as I’m aware, everything you might want should be in the cupboards; the bathrooms are usually always fully stocked.” To check the validity of his own words, Seungkwan goes over to the unit and opens the doors to reveal more towels, toilet rolls, cleaning products and toiletries. “Ah, I’ll take these ones, they probably smell musty now; they must’ve been in here a while.” He plucks out the stack of towels and sniffs them, immediately pulling a face. “Yeah, I’ll go get you more.” He wanders off before anyone can say anything.
“I’ll let you shower and everything. I imagine snacks will be in the bedroom by the time you’re done,” Mingyu declares. “You can lock the doors too, by the way, this one and the bedroom door if that makes you feel safe. But if you don’t answer when we knock, at least half of us can either pick the lock or break it off, but we will only do that if you don’t answer in a reasonable time. For safety reasons; both yours, and ours.”
“I understand,” you reply simply and nod a little in agreement to his warning.
“Okay, great! Enjoy your showers and I’ll see you in a bit!”
Mingyu leaves and you wait until you watch him also leave the bedroom and shut the door behind him before you put Chan down and close the bathroom door, immediately clicking the lock into place.
“Use the toilet, Squirt,” you encourage, motioning to the toilet and glad that Chan waddles straight over obediently to do his business while you rummage through the cupboard to take out the necessary supplies.
“Hurts,” Chan’s words make you look over to where he’s still sitting on the toilet and frowning at you.
“Your belly?” He shakes his head. “Oh, to pee?” He nods. “Ah, I was worried you haven’t had enough to drink. Okay, well hopefully they’ll have left drinks, and you can drink lots and that will help.”
“Mm, maybe, I don’t know, bud.”
“I want apple juice.”
“We’ll see what they give us. It might just be water.” Chan pulls a face. “I know you don’t like water but it’s good, remember? We need to make sure we drink enough of it to be healthy. You didn’t drink your water this morning and now it hurts to pee.”
“Lots but not too much,” he repeats the words you’ve said to him many times when convincing him to drink his daily water intake.
It was so much easier when you had access to whatever drinks you wanted, but now you can rarely afford to buy anything other than cheap bottled water or refill empty bottles at public water fountains, which are few and far between these days. So sometimes, it’s truly a struggle to keep you both hydrated.
“Exactly, too much or too little is bad for us.”
“Need to be healthy.”
“We do. And clean, so finish up and let’s get you showered.”
“Water?” Chan gasps excitedly and rushes to get off the toilet and close the lid before flushing it, then speeds over with his trousers still around his knees, but you don’t scold him for it; there’s no point when he’s about to take them off. Also, it makes him waddle like a penguin and it’s rather amusing.
“Yeah, get naked and I’ll get it nice and warm.”
“Water time!” Chan exclaims happily and rapidly starts to throw off his clothes, making you once again glad that you have been able to buy him clothes that are easy for him to handle on his own, without buttons or zips for him to get frustrated with. One less reason for a meltdown.
Although he doesn’t have any water safe toys to play with in the shower, Chan has endless fun jumping under the warm water and splashing around while singing every water themed song he can think of, even making up plenty too, while you sit on the tiles outside of the splash zone and watch fondly.
There will never be anyone who you love and adore more than your little brother. You’d do anything for him, risk everything if it would make him smile like this all the time.
Though after a while, you do have to stop his joyful playing so that you can give him a soapy sponge for him to clean his body while you scrub his shaggy hair clean as he sits on the wet tiles in front of where you kneel, getting your jeans wet but you don’t care.
Once Chan is all clean, you wrap him up in a few towels and sit him on the dry tiles facing the wall so he can play with the few toys from his backpack and remain occupied while you shower. It’s not that often that you can shower properly, usually you just have to wash you both over with baby wipes, or with a damp cloth when you can find a private space big enough for it. Showers have become a luxury over the past months, but even with the little amount you’ve had, Chan knows that he must remain looking away while you shower to give you privacy, and he only complains about it if he doesn’t stay entertained with toys for the duration.
As much as you’d love to stand under the water and let it soothe your aching muscles until your skin is all wrinkly, you know you can’t, so you scrub yourself as quickly as possible while remaining thorough, before getting out and rubbing your body dry so you can pull on the clothes Seungkwan left for you. Of course, there isn’t a bra or underwear, but the sweatpants, t-shirt, socks, and hoodie all fit comfortably enough and smell fresh and clean.
With a towel around your hair, you get Chan up and dressed before towel drying both of your hair quickly and unlocking the bathroom door to let you out into the bedroom.
As Mingyu said, someone has left snacks on the low table, a lot of snacks and various bottles and cans of drinks.
Chan gasps excitedly and rushes over to pick up a little bottle of apple juice. “Juice, Per!”
“Mm, sit down then,” you hum and take the bottle to open it as Chan sits down and plops his turtle plushie at his side in wait. As soon as you’ve handed over the open bottle, your brother starts to gulp the contents down eagerly. “Ah, Channie, slow, you’ll make yourself sick. We must be careful when we eat and drink, remember?”
“But I so thirsty, Per!”
“I know, but it’s not going anywhere. Take it steady, Squirt.”
“Slow and steady wins the race,” he quotes, and you smile softly as you watch him purposely take much smaller sips now, all because of a tortoise in an old fable.
Once he’s consumed half of the bottle, Chan puts it on the table and accepts the packet of mini cookies you’ve opened to offer and happily starts munching away with his feet contently flopping from side to side where they’re stretched out in front of him under the table.
While Chan eats the snacks you’ve set up ready for him, you go back to the bathroom to clean your clothes in the sink with the soaps, even if they’re not designed for this, but you can’t be picky about how you get your clothes clean, you just care that they are.
When Chan scrambles into the bathroom while you’re setting everything up to dry, you become concerned until you hear the knocking on the bedroom door and understand what has spooked your little brother. “It’s okay, you can wait in here,” you assure and pat his head before going to the bedroom to open the door while he does as offered and remains hiding in the bathroom.
On the other side of the bedroom door upon opening it stand Mingyu and Junhui, each with a tray of covered plates in their hands and smiles on their faces.
“Hi, Pearl!” Junhui greets. “Food’s ready!”
“Oh,” you step back to let the men in and rush over to the low table to clean up the crumbs and packets Chan has left behind.
“Here, here, I’ll take them,” Mingyu offers, plucking the rubbish from your hands after he’s put down the tray in his hands. “I need to go out for a bit, but Jun is still around, and Seungkwan is too, so you can ask for either of them until I’m back. It should only be an hour; I’ve just got to deal with some stuff in the middle wall.” You nod in understanding. Mingyu shoots you a smile before he leaves, pulling up the door, yet leaving it open slightly as Junhui is still in the room.
The chef is kneeling beside the table as he sets up all of the plates, uncovering them as he goes and causing various delicious scents to fill the room. You’re not surprised that Chan shuffles over and half hides behind your legs as he eyes the food, drawn in by the smell.
“So!” Junhui starts when he’s done arranging everything and looks up. He jerks back in surprise spotting Chan suddenly at your side, but he just smiles at him brightly, then looks up at you. “I thought I’d play it mostly safe and made some plain, yet still tasty and nutritious, foods; enough for the both of you butttt” he starts pulling out condiment bottles and jars of herbs and spices from the various pockets on his cargo pants and apron. “I brought flavours so you can adjust them as you like! I thought that’d be easier than stressing you out by asking you what you like again; that clearly wasn’t getting anywhere. So here, enjoy, eat as much or as little as you want, and you can ask Soonyoung for me if you need more.”
“Soonyoung?” You repeat confusedly.
“Yeah, the guy outside the room.” He motions to the door over his shoulder. “But be warned if you do open the door to ask for something, you will have to deal with talking to him. He hurt his ankle last week and is only off bed rest now, still not allowed to do patrols or go out so he’s sitting on a chair sulking and constantly complaining that he’s bored. But he’s got great hearing and is dumb enough to still jump around on his bad ankle so he will stop you from leaving and get hurt in the process. And then we’ll have to deal with him sulking even longer, so for our sake, please don’t try to run away or anything.”
“That would be illogical given where we are,” you point out simply.
The cook makes a noise of understanding while nodding his head slowly. “Ah, so you do know where you are and whose roof you’re under.”
“Mingyu’s tattoo gives it away, yes.”
“He’s insane, I tell you,” Junhui states, picking up a child-sized cutlery set to hand over, so you take it and sit down, pulling Chan down next to you and handing him the fork to let him pick what he wants to try. No surprise, he goes straight for the plain noodles. Junhui hands you the adult’s cutlery set, though you just hold it at the edge of the table as he talks. “It’s January and the idiot keeps going out in stupid, thin jackets that inevitably get ripped and destroyed, and I think he does it on purpose just to have an excuse to take them off and get his arms out. He’s very vain that Mingyu; he’s hot and he knows it.” He tuts.
You’re not sure what to say in response. Sure, Mingyu is very attractive, and it had struck you as very odd that he was only in a sleeveless t-shirt in winter, but he hadn’t come across as vain to you, though you’re aware that you really don’t know him at all to have a solid opinion on his vanity level. So, you just make a vague sound in response and hope it’s enough to appease Junhui.
“Well, anyway, I’ll let you eat. If you don’t like any of it, tell Soonyoung to call me and I’ll make something else; all I do around here is cook and dinner isn’t for hours, so I don’t have anything else to do. You’d actually be doing me a favour by giving me something to do other than sit playing games on my phone in the den or trying to convince one of the others to entertain me.”
“Why don’t you sit with Soonyoung, if you’re both bored?” You logically suggest.
“Because…actually, that’s a good point. I’ll get a game, do you like games? We can play monopoly…oh, no, that’s a bad idea. Cluedo? No, Soonyoung never understands those kinds of games.” He frowns in thought.
“I’d rather just focus on my brother.”
“Ah, right, right. You’re a good sister.” Junhui gets to his feet after slapping his own thighs. “I’ll be outside and if we get too loud, just come out and tell us to shut up, we both lack volume control when we get excited. Okay, bye, Pearl. Bye, little man!” Junhui skips out of your room, calling to Soonyoung about playing a game as he goes. You can’t see the other man, but you hear his excited whoop before the door shuts and blessedly closes out their conversation.
“Is it good, Channie?” You ask, brushing Chan’s floppy, almost dry hair back out of his eyes. He hums and nods in agreement as he eats. “Good.”
Only now that you’re alone with your little brother and content that he’s eating well do you pick up your cutlery and start to eat.
Although Mingyu has reappeared and left again multiple times, you and Chan are mostly alone for hours, with the man only popping in to check on you both and ask if you need anything, plus take away all the dishes with Junhui.
It’s almost midnight when there’s a knock on the door and you look over from being curled protectively around your sleeping brother. Something about the knock is different to how Mingyu knocks, it’s firmer, yet still gentle in a strange contradiction that makes your stomach flitter with anxiety.
Silently, as to not disturb Chan, you get off the bed and walk to the door to open it just as the knocking starts up again.
On the other side is a man, who although you’ve never met before, you’ve seen his picture many times in files in your father’s office to be able to recognise his dark gaze and full lips.
Choi Seungcheol, the current leader of Choi’s Centaurs as of ten years ago when his father passed through means that have never been publicly verified. Many even think that Seungcheol himself had a hand in his father’s death just so that he could take over the gang sooner.
You don’t know enough of the man to have an opinion on that matter, but what you do know is that he makes an intimidating figure as he looms over you in riding leathers with his motorbike helmet still in one gloved hand at his side, whereas the other is bare and raised in a fist from knocking on the door.
“Pearl, I assume?” He greets, raising an eyebrow slightly in question while lowering his arm to hang at his side.
You don’t know if the dark look is intentional or not, but you do know the shadows under his eyes aren’t. He looks exhausted and you can’t imagine he’s very happy about having to come to you upon returning home instead of going to bed like he no doubt yearns to.
You nod in confirmation. “Your brother is asleep?” Another nod. “Alright, step out here so we can talk without waking him.”
Silently, you step into the hall when he moves aside, before you pull the door up almost entirely shut, yet cracked open enough that you can hear if Chan needs you.
“So, what I hear is that a couple of my guys found you in the warehouse where it seems as if you’ve been sleeping with your brother?”
“Oh, good, you speak,” he places his helmet on the floor so that he can remove his glove and tuck it into his jacket pocket with the other before unzipping the protective jacket, showing a plain black t-shirt tucked into the waistband of his trousers. “You’re homeless?”
“Any family to go to? I can’t send you back onto the streets with a kid.”
“Just like that?” You ask, looking at him puzzled. “You’re just sending us out again?”
“What do you expect me to do with you? I know you’re aware I don’t condone violence towards children, nor do I agree with leaving any kid in a position where they don’t have an adult to look after them. I’m not going to hurt your brother, and hurting you would hurt him too, so my only option is to send you off and hope you won’t try to cause me any trouble by saying shit about whatever you saw and heard at the warehouse.”
“And here.”
“Your men brought me into your home; as far as I’m aware that’s pretty fucking unheard of.”
He nods slightly in confirmation. “This situation is unheard of, you’re right, Mingyu fucked up by bringing you into the manor when he could’ve left you in one of the empty houses in the outer wall, but I can’t blame him when he did it to make sure he knows you two will be safe and looked after. So tomorrow I’ll personally drive you to the closest family you have, so that I know you arrive safely.”
“No?” He frowns at you in astonishment. “The fuck do you mean no? I don’t think you understand what’s going on here, sweetheart. I’m in charge and you’re under my roof, you’re alive because of my rules and you have no fucking place to say no to me.”
“I’ll say no to whoever I need to if it means protecting my brother.”
“I just said I’m not going to let anyone hurt him.”
“Sending us to family will mean him getting hurt.”
“Did you run away?” You nod in confirmation. “Because your parents hurt you?”
“I took him and ran because I knew it would only get worse for him now that… Look, I don’t give a fuck who you are or what you can do to me; I’m not letting you send my brother back there. I won’t do a thing that puts us back on their radar. So just take us back to the warehouse so I can grab the shit I had to leave behind and we can see the last of each other.”
Seungcheol stares at you consideringly for a long moment as his arms cross over his chest before he nods once in understanding and acceptance. “Alright, no family, but I’m not sending you back to the streets. There must be some kind of women’s and children’s refuge that would take you in.”
“Separately. I’m not his parent and as I’m not a kid myself, we’d get separated.”
“Then lie and say he’s your son.”
“I don’t like to lie.”
He scoffs a laugh. “You wouldn’t last a day in my world with that mindset, sweetheart.” You don’t answer and just stare at him silently, well aware of how wrong his assumption is. “Right, so not that. Well, and this is a once in a lifetime offer, but I’ll buy you a house, put it in your name, give you money to cover costs for a few months while you get on your feet, and we never cross paths again. You won’t owe me shit either; I have more money than I know what to do with anyway, I can afford to help someone in need.”
“If I use my name they will find us, Seungcheol,” you plainly state.
He blinks at you a few times dumbly before responding. “Oh, that’s my name.”
You can’t help but look at him in concern for his odd reaction. “Yes.”
“You seriously do know who I am. I didn’t even introduce myself.”
“You’re the head of the most famous gang in the country, of course I know who you are.”
“Mm, many might know me by name, not by face.”
“Mingyu told me the boss will be by to see me once he’s home; you are the only person who has knocked on the door other than him. And you said you’re in charge; I’m under your roof. It’s not hard to put two and two together,” comes your logical rationalisation, easily explaining how you didn’t fail to recognise him despite his lack of introduction.
He’s right in that most people may know his alias, yet have no idea what his first name is, even if they know his family name, or who the name belongs to if they passed him in the street without introduction.
“Huh, guess so. Just threw me hearing my name suddenly, especially as nobody actually calls me that.”
“I don’t like your alias,” you admit bluntly, and to your surprise, the man lets out a laugh. “What?”
“Nobody has ever said that to my face before. Wow, either you have the biggest balls I’ve ever seen, or you’re so sleep deprived that you’ve forgotten how to act.”
Once again, you don’t answer, just silently stare at him. You truly have no idea what category you fit under right now, if either.
“You’re an interesting one, Pearl,” he declares with amusement tilting the edge of his lips up ever so slightly. “Well, I don’t think we’re going to get anywhere with this tonight so we’re both going to go the fuck to bed and get some much-needed sleep, then we’ll talk again. And I’ll meet your brother; the guys say he’s adorable and shy, so I’m real curious about him.”
“Right,” you mutter in response, not sure what you’re expected to say right now.
“Alright, well, seeing as you’re not an idiot and know who I am and what you risk if you try to fuck me over, I won’t have anyone outside your room anymore and no-one will bother you until the morning when someone comes and gets you for breakfast.”
“Get us? Like, to join?”
“Yeah, we can talk over breakfast; I’ve got a busy day tomorrow and the sooner we sort this shit out, the better.”
“Go back to your brother and make sure you sleep too. You look like you’re about to pass out any second,” he says as he bends over momentarily to swoop up his helmet into his hold.
“Says you.”
Seungcheol snorts a laugh as he turns and walks off. “Definitely an interesting one.”
You watch him until he turns at the end of the hall and is out of sight before you go back into the bedroom and lock the door so that when you curl up under the covers with your brother, you feel safe enough to close your eyes and sleep in a soft bed for the first time in months.
Maybe today hasn’t been quite as unlucky as you initially thought.
When the knock comes in the morning, you’ve already been up for a few hours.
You’ve already cleaned up the bathroom and bedroom, showered for what may be the last time in a while to take advantage while Chan slept, and dressed back in your own clean clothes; though you’ve neatly folded the ones Seungkwan gave you into your backpack, hoping that he was being honest about allowing you to keep them, you could really do with the spare clothes.
Once Chan woke, you had him drink some juice, then let him splash around in the bath until the water was cold and his skin wrinkly, before drying him and dressing him in clean clothes and folding his new spares into your own backpack as his own is too full of his own spare clothes, toys, and other necessary supplies.
Chan’s playing with his toys on the bed at your side when the knock comes, so you leave him there to get up and answer the door.
“Good morning!” Mingyu greets you brightly once the door is open and you have sight of one another. “I’m glad you’re already up, breakfast is just about ready. Is your brother up too?”
“Okay, great, let’s go join the others.” You nod slightly in agreement, then turn to get Chan and carry him with you as he clutches his turtle to his chest and hides in your neck.
“Does he have trouble walking?” Mingyu wonders as you follow him down the hall.
“Ah, you just carry him all of the time, so I wondered.”
“It’s just easier, lets me know he’s safe if I’m holding him.”
“That makes sense. But he is safe here, you know. Nobody will hurt him. We all love kids in this house, in the appropriate way.”
“I don’t know you to trust those words.”
“I understand,” he assures and gives you a little smile.
Nothing more is said all the way to the kitchen where you can already hear noise before you enter. It’s not too loud, thankfully, just the general sounds of people being happy and chatting. And to your surprise, you can hear a child’s voice amongst it all.
“They’re here!” Junhui cheers as you enter the kitchen and see him cooking with another man while the large breakfast table is surrounded by a bunch of men, Seungcheol and Seungkwan included, plus a little boy who is in the middle of climbing over a brightly smiling man.
The little boy immediately looks over and grins brightly. “My new friend!” He exclaims.
“No, no, I told you, no,” Seungcheol says with a sigh. “Every child you meet isn’t your friend, Solie.”
“But he will be!” The boy insists and almost climbs up onto the table, though the man who he’s using as a willing climbing frame grabs him and moves him to put on the floor. Undeterred as if it’s a regular occurrence, the boy runs around the table to approach you and stare up at your hiding little brother in awe. “Hi! I’m Hansol, I’m almost seven! What’s your name?”
All the men look over curiously, stopping their conversations to see what happens next.
“I’m sorry, Hansol, but he doesn’t talk to anyone but me,” you say to the young boy gently.
“Oh,” Hansol frowns. “Why?”
“He only feels safe with me.”
“Oh. I don’t have a sister, but I feel safest with my daddy, so I talk his ear off, he says.” To your surprise, he points over at Seungcheol, who is watching his son with fond amusement.
In all you’ve seen and read about Choi Seungcheol over the years, you’ve never even heard a rumour that he has a child, not even a woman claiming to be carrying his child to try and get money from the filthy-rich family. There have even been rumours that the man is gay due to the lack of women seen on his arm over the years. Maybe that’s still true and Hansol isn’t biologically Seungcheol’s, maybe he’s adopted or a surrogate baby; not that it matters when you can see nothing but pure love in the man’s eyes for his son.
At least now you understand why the men had all been so insistent that Seungcheol has strict rules to protect children; as a father he likely has a better appreciation and love for the little humans. Well, a good father should, at least. Something about this man makes you think that he is a good and doting father, despite being a ruthless gang leader.
“Ah, it’s good you feel safe with him,” you decide to say and look at Hansol, who nods enthusiastically in agreement before looking at Chan again.
“Can we still be friends if he doesn’t talk and I talk a lot?”
“I don’t know,” you answer honestly. “I don’t know if he can handle it, he’s sensitive to noise.”
“Oh, me too, like bangs and stuff; it makes me feel all horrible and gross and sometimes I wear my special headphones, and it makes it all quiet. Does he have special headphones too? They’re really good!”
“Ear defenders?”
“Oh, is that what they’re called?”
You nod. “Defend means to protect and they’re designed to protect your hearing and block out noises.”
“Ooooh, that’s cool! Daddy!” Hansol turns to look at his father. “My special headphones are superheroes for my ears!”
“So I heard,” Seungcheol replies with a chuckle. “Why don’t you come sit down so Pearl can get comfortable with her brother for breakfast, hm?”
“Can I sit with him?”
“I think he’d rather sit with his sister.”
The little boy deflates, whole posture slumping and his lips protruding sadly, “oh.”
“You can sit with me, Solie!” The same man Hansol had earlier been climbing on offers, making Hansol light right back up and run over to clamber up.
“No, no way,” Junhui argues sternly. “You spill enough food as it is without a child on your lap, Kwon Soonyoung.”
The man you now know to be Soonyoung, the man with the injured ankle who had been keeping guard outside of your room yesterday, pouts and crosses his arms over his chest, which Hansol copies when he’s in his own seat on his dad’s right at the head of the table. “You never let us have breakfast cuddles anymore,” Soonyoung complains in a mumble.
“Learn to eat like a grown up and then you’ll be allowed breakfast cuddles,” another man says as Mingyu leads you over to the empty two seats on Seungcheol’s left and motions for you to sit in the one closest to the boss. You sit in the offered chair while continuing to hold Chan chest to chest on your lap, and Mingyu takes the seat on your left.
“You’re younger than me!” Soonyoung exclaims.
“Alright children, at least pretend to know how to behave when we have guests,” Seungcheol chides, though he looks to be so used to the playful bickering that it doesn’t truly bother him.
“Yes, daddy,” Soonyoung agrees, then yelps when the metal chopstick Seungcheol abruptly throws through the air whacks him in the arm. “Ow!”
“I’ve told you not to call me that!”
“You do call them children,” the man at the other end of the table points out with a little, lazily amused smirk. “It’s your own fault, daddy.”
“Yeah, daddy,” multiple of the men chime in sync, then start to cackle when Seungcheol sighs heavily.
Though the man decides to ignore them all and turns his attention to you instead. “So, how’d you two sleep?”
“Good,” you reply, eyes darting around as everyone starts to serve themselves now that Junhui and the man who was cooking with him are seated, a sign that it’s time to eat. You’re shocked that they don’t wait for Seungcheol and Hansol to have their servings first, as the lead family. Though you can see Soonyoung making sure that the child has food on his plate before he gets his own share.
“What do you want to eat? I’ll grab it for you,” Mingyu offers. “Does he eat toast?” You nod in confirmation, so Mingyu grabs a couple of slices of toast. “With butter?” You nod again and he gets to work buttering the toast.
“Will you turn around?” You request Chan softly once you’ve leaned down to talk to him. He shakes his head. “Just halfway, please, Squirt. You can face the wall, but you need to be able to reach your food.”
Chan tenses for a second as he squeezes his turtle tight to his chest, before he relaxes and you know it means he’s ready, so you adjust him until his back is to Mingyu. Although Chan is technically facing Seungcheol now, the wall is more directly in front of him, and he stares at it.
“Anything else on it? We don’t have peanut butter, Hansol’s allergic, but we have probably almost anything else,” Mingyu says once the toast is buttered and on the plate that is sitting in front of you on the table.
“Do you want anything on your toast, Squirt?” You ask. Chan glances over to the plate and instead of verbally answering, he picks up a piece of the warm toast to start eating contently, feet starting to bounce a little as he chews.
“Is his name Squirt?” Hansol speaks up from directly opposite you, causing you to look over and see that he’s already got crumbs around his mouth from his own toast, though his is slathered in jam and he also has a single sausage on his plate.
“It’s a nickname,” you answer.
“Oh, why?”
“Have you seen Finding Nemo?”
“Yeah!” Hansol lights up. “I wanna bounce on the jellyfish, boing, boing!” He bounces in his seat.
“Ah, you shouldn’t bounce when you eat,” you say automatically, worried about the boy choking. “It’s a hazard to move in such a way while you eat.”
Hansol falls still to look at you with intrigue. “What’s hazard mean?”
“Dangerous. A hazard is something that’s dangerous.”
“Oh. So, no bouncing when eating?” You hum and nod in approval. “Okay.”
“What?” Seungcheol baulks in disbelief. “I’ve been telling you to sit still while you eat since you could sit up and you listen to someone you just met?”
“You never told me it’s dangerous, daddy. I don’t want to get hurt, you know.”
“I must’ve told you it’s dangerous,” Seungcheol mutters.
“Nope! You tell me I make a mess.”
“Oh…well, okay, that’s my fault then, I should’ve put the danger warnings first.”
“You should,” Hansol agrees simply, and for the first time in over 24 hours, you almost laugh yet manage to hold it back and instead just smile amusedly. “Will Squirt play with me after breakfast?”
“I thought we’re playing after breakfast,” Seungkwan pouts from Mingyu’s left.
“I always play with you Uncle Kwannie, I need new friends who aren’t old.”
“Wow, Hansol, wow,” Seungkwan deadpans. “You say such lovely things.”
“I am a lovely boy,” Hansol agrees, entirely missing the sarcasm in the man’s voice, making Mingyu giggle as Seungkwan pouts to stop himself from also laughing. “Does Squirt like climbing? I want to play outside after breakfast, and I can show my climbing frame, and we can play fishies too! I bet he’ll like that if he likes Nemo. Does he like playing fishies?”
“I don’t think he’s ever played it,” you answer honestly.
“We just pretend we’re fishies living in the sea, it’s pretty easy to play.” Hansol shrugs.
“Just eat your breakfast, Sol,” Seungcheol says, tapping the edge of Hansol’s plate.
“I am eating, daddy, you’re not and she’s not. We’re all eating but you two.”
“Okay, well focus on your food while we talk about adult stuff, okay?”
“Ugh, boring,” Hansol huffs and turns to start talking to Soonyoung, who happily listens to the little boy as they both eat with crumbs around their mouths and wide eyes on one another.
“So, I’ve been thinking,” Seungcheol starts as he finally moves to put food on his own plate, though pauses when he realises that only Chan’s second piece of toast is on the plate in front of you. “You can help yourself; it’s all free game.”
“I’m okay, thank you,” you reply.
“Eat, you need energy to look after your brother,” he declares firmly and as much as you want to argue, he’s got you by bringing Chan into it; you’re pretty sure he said that on purpose. “I’m going to put food on your plate, and you don’t have to eat it all, but eat something, okay?” He doesn’t wait for your agreement before he gets up onto his feet to lean over the table further and serve a little of most of the dishes onto your plate before he serves himself a much heartier portion of everything.
For a few minutes, you eat quietly, feeding Chan from your own cutlery too so that he’s not just eating toast, even if he seems perfectly happy slowly chewing on it while staring off, though he opens his mouth to accept whatever you choose to feed him without complaint.
“Can I ask something?” Seungcheol’s voice makes you look away from Chan and to the man on your right. There’s something in his eyes you can’t place as he watches Chan curiously. “Is he autistic?” Your movements immediately halt and Seungcheol notices, snapping his full attention to your carefully blank expression. “He is, isn’t he?”
“My brother’s business is not yours,” you state firmly.
“I’m not trying to step on your toes or anything, I just see a lot of Hansol in him,” he explains with a shrug. “He’s got autism and ADHD, so I get it, we all get it, if he is autistic. It’s not a dirty word in this house and we all make accommodations where necessary to make sure my son doesn’t ever feel other, you know? He’s just another kid with some differences as far as he’s concerned.”
For a long moment, you just stare at Seungcheol in utter shock at his words. Not necessarily that Hansol has autism and ADHD because that doesn’t exactly surprise you despite having just met the kid, sometimes you just know these things, but what is a surprise is the ease in which Seungcheol says it all and the fact that you truly believe him; that they all accept and love Hansol and do what they can to support him.
It’s everything you’ve ever wanted for Chan.
“Oh,” you breathe out, and with that breath, it feels like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. “It’s why I took him away. He got diagnosed in summer, and suddenly…can we stay?” You suddenly request, shocking the man visibly; his eyes go wide, and he straightens up from his casual slouch as he leans on his elbows on the table. “I will work for you; I’ll do whatever you need me to, just please allow my brother to grow up somewhere stable and with love. I’m not asking you to love him in any way, or for any of you to look after him; but for him to see another child like him receiving such love, I hope he’ll know there’s more than just one person on the side of kids like him.”
Seungcheol remains quiet for a second before he lets out a little breath. “Okay.”
“I was actually going to suggest it myself, that you stay, because I really don’t know what else to do. You have nowhere to go, and I had a feeling he’s autistic, so I know it’s even harder for you and I truly don’t want to risk your family finding you, especially now I know why they think it’s acceptable to be cruel to an innocent child. I was just surprised you asked.”
“For his sake I’ll do anything.”
“Can you clean?”
“If you stay, you need to work and there’s always stuff to clean in a house this size.”
“Is this because I’m a woman?” You deadpan and suddenly, the men closest to you turn quiet, creating a domino effect of silence along the table as they all turn to look at their flustered leader. “Is that the only job you could think of for a woman to be of use in your gang, Seungcheol?”
“Oooh,” Soonyoung jeers under his breath amusedly.
“What? No!” Seungcheol sputters. “I’m not sexist! I know women have plenty of uses besides cleaning!”
“Then why are there no women other than me in this house? I saw perhaps five on the entire drive through the estate. Those don’t seem like numbers of an equal opportunist.”
“I like her,” one of the men whispers to another, however as no-one else is talking, it’s loud and clear to you all and he doesn’t seem to care at all.
“What’s sexist?” Hansol curiously asks.
“It doesn’t matter, I’m not sexist,” Seungcheol reiterates, dismissing Hansol’s question with a wave of his hand, making his son pout sadly at not being answered and catching your attention, which in turn, makes Seungcheol look at his son seeing your gaze focused on the boy, and the man notices Hansol’s frown. “Oh, Solie, I didn’t mean to upset you, it’s just not something a six-year-old needs to worry about.”
“I think if he asks, he’s curious enough to deserve an answer,” you point out. “Wouldn’t it be better to give him the knowledge earlier, so he grows up with it, than risk it not settling properly in his mind and being easy to pull apart when he’s older?”
“Oh, I really like her,” the same whispered voice as last time declares.
Seungcheol sighs then shuffles to face Hansol better. “Okay, Pearl’s right, I should give you an actual answer when you ask about things like this. Sexism is when someone thinks their sex or gender is above another. Like, for example, some idiot men think women belong in the kitchen and have no use other than staying at home to raise kids and look after the house. That’s men being sexist towards women.”
“Oh, like you only giving Pearl a cleaning job,” Hansol says, making Seungcheol wince, while some of the men start to snicker. “That’s really bad, daddy, give her a better job.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being a cleaner, all jobs have worth. If nobody cleans, things will be dirty so it’s a perfectly valid job, Hansol.”
“But you’re being sexist so that makes it bad, right?”
“Okay, it would be if that was what I was doing, but I only said cleaner because I have no idea what Pearl’s skills are, and you don’t need qualifications or past job experience to clean.”
“Then ask her. If you don’t know what she’s good at, ask her,” Hansol reasons logically.
“How does it feel when a six-year-old has more logic and common sense than you, Coupsie?” The man at the other end of the table asks with an amused grin, earning an unimpressed expression from Seungcheol as he straightens up and turns towards you.
Seungcheol looks at you with an apologetic expression. “I’m sorry for not asking you, that wasn’t right. We’ll have an interview when I’m back later and discuss what your place here will be, does that sound okay to you, Pearl?”
“Yeah, sounds good,” you agree simply. He relaxes a little before motioning for everyone to get back to their food, and the conversation is dropped there.
Just as he had said, after breakfast, Hansol enthusiastically leads you and Chan outside once you’re all three of you are in your shoes and coats, to go to the play area that would put a public child’s play park to shame.
There’s a large climbing frame, multiple types of swings, slides of varying heights and styles, trampolines imbedded in the rubber tarmac, spinning seats and roundabouts, seesaws and a huge racetrack painted onto the ground and weaving through all the various apparatus. Plus, there’s even a shelter with go carts, bikes, wagons, and even more toys.
And that’s just this section of the garden. A little further away you can see a large, covered section of ground, which you’d assume is an in-ground pool if there were any sign of ladders or tiles around it instead of more rubber tarmac. You have no idea what it is, but you know it’s another activity for Hansol.
It really is clear that Seungcheol will go above and beyond for the sake of his son.
“What shall we play first, Squirt?” Hansol asks, turning to look at Chan, who is entirely focused on the strange sensation of slightly springy ground under him as he bounces on his toes curiously. “It’s cool, right?! It’s just like in real play parks! Uncle Jihoon says it’s safety playground flooring; it’s got rubber in it so when we fall it isn’t as hard as normal ground and won’t hurt so much or break us as easily.”
Of course, Chan doesn’t respond in any way and honestly, you’re not even sure he’s heard a word that Hansol has said to him, you don’t know if Chan even realises that he’s being spoken to despite the older boy using the nickname so smoothly it’s like he’s always used it.
“Do you like bouncing?” Hansol asks, having no issue with the lack of response and instead rushes over to the trampolines to jump onto. “Look! Look, Squirt! We can touch the clouds!”
“Hey,” you say as you crouch down so you can get Chan’s attention. He glances at you, then looks up when he sees you looking directly at him, signalling that you want his attention. “Hansol wants to play with you, don’t you think that’d be fun? You can make a friend.” You motion over to where Hansol is still happily bouncing away, causing Chan to look over. He pulls an uncertain face. “Want to try?” You offer your hand and to your joy, Chan takes it, silently agreeing to give the trampoline a go. It’s a huge step in Chan making his first friend.
Together, you walk over to the trampolines and Hansol lights up noticing you nearing. He bounces closer and offers his hand to Chan. “I’ll bounce with you, it’s really fun, Squirt!”
“It’s okay, I’m right here,” you assure your brother and gently remove your hand from his. He looks at you with rounded eyes of hesitation, yet when you smile and nod reassuringly, he turns and tentatively takes Hansol’s hand.
Your heart swells with joy seeing Chan accept the older boy enough to timidly follow him onto the trampoline, even if he makes slightly distressed sounds as the material bends under his weight.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, Squirt,” Hansol soothes in a gentle tone and holds both of Chan’s hands securely so they’re facing one another, though Chan is staring alarmed down at the ground bending beneath their feet. “It’s a trampoline, it’s made to bounce. We can do it gently.”
So, so, so carefully, Hansol starts to bounce. His feet don’t even leave the trampoline and he’s more just bending his legs a little and using the movement to bob them slightly. Chan’s distressed sounds grow, but Hansol makes more soothing noises and holds his hands tighter. He keeps talking to Chan, telling him that it’s okay and “Solie is here, Squirt” and slowly, Chan calms until he’s just making little squeaky types of sounds every handful of seconds.
Once his noises stop being fearful and turn curious, Hansol encourages Chan to try bouncing too. With Hansol’s gentle support, Chan does start to bounce and the utter joy that lights up his face when he lifts his head to look at you with sparkling eyes makes you feel like you could break at any second. You didn’t know he could look so happy with someone else.
Right here, you decide that no matter what Seungcheol asks you to do, you’ll do it. So long as Chan gets to remain here looking so genuinely happy like this, you’ll do anything.
For the first time in months, Chan isn’t right by your side. He’s not far and you can hear Hansol’s voice from the playroom opposite, along with Seungkwan’s, who you have learned is Hansol’s nanny, even if Hansol is often not with the man as the child is both very self-sufficient but also very sneaky at escaping Seungkwan to go play with other people when he gets bored.
It’s probably half of the reason Seungcheol’s home office is right opposite Hansol’s playroom, so Seungcheol can be near if his son wants him when he gets fed up with his nanny.
“Hansol’s always wanted a little brother,” Seungcheol randomly states when you’re both sitting on the leather seating to one side of his office. He’s slouched on the loveseat and you’re sitting in the armchair with a view of the open door, even if you can’t see through to the open door of the playroom. This at least makes you feel better as you’re not turning your back on Chan.
You look at Seungcheol with a slightly raised, questioning eyebrow at his words.
“Just, he’s good with your brother, right?” You nod in confirmation because for all the energy Hansol has in his slight body, he’s so gentle with Chan, so caring, and you can entirely understand what Seungcheol is saying. Hansol is treating Chan like the little brother he’s always wanted. “He’s asked for a little brother for the past two Christmases.” He chuckles and forces himself to sit upright and lean over to pour himself a glass of water from the carafe on the low table in the centre of the seating.
You remain quiet and look back at the door to listen to Hansol’s and Seungkwan’s voices as they play. You can’t hear Chan, and you’re not surprised about it, but it does make you worry that you can’t tell if he’s enjoying the games when he’s so used to either playing alone or with you, even if you’re never as imaginative as either Hansol or Seungkwan.
“You don’t have to worry, Seungkwan knows first aid if they do get hurt,” Seungcheol promises.
“I’m not worried about injury, I’m worried that my brother will suffer in silence, unable to speak up for himself and without me there to talk for him.”
“I don’t mean to overstep or sound like a dick, but have you considered that that doesn’t help?” You look at him with furrowed brows. Seungcheol immediately holds up his hands in defence. “I’m just saying that if you always talk for him, he’s not going to learn to talk for himself.”
“While I agree that can be the case in many circumstances, this is not it. My brother is capable of talking when he feels safe and comfortable with a person, and I’m the only person he has. Even before his diagnosis he didn’t speak to most people because he had delayed speech, and the assholes never gave him the time and understanding to get out what he needed. He’s improved a lot more with just me to talk to these past months than beforehand. So no, I am not making a problem here.”
“Okay,” Seungcheol accepts obligingly. “I believe you, and I apologise for implying that you’re holding him back. Some people just don’t realise they are. They think they’re helping but they’re not. We’ve gotta let our kids figure shit out for themselves sometimes.”
“I know, but some kids and people just aren’t capable of figuring certain things out for themselves, so we have to help them lest they suffer in silence their entire lives.”
“Yeah, I think we know that very well. Raising a kid with disabilities is hard, but I’d never change him.”
“No, I wouldn’t either.”
The two of you share a moment of pure understanding that only breaks when you smile slightly and Seungcheol suddenly looks away while clearing his throat before swallowing down the rest of his water with flushed cheeks.
You can’t help but wonder if he’s ill to suddenly get visibly hot like that. You hope that if he is ill, it’s not contagious; you don’t think you can handle even a common cold right now with the poor condition of your body.
“So,” he says as he puts his glass down on the table perhaps a little too quickly, judging by the loud thunk it makes, which makes him wince. He takes a second to steady the glass then leans back and lays one arm on the back of the couch while he looks at you with even pinker cheeks.
“Are you ill?” You blurt.
“What?” He frowns at you bewilderedly. “No, why? Do I look like shit?” He puts his free hand to his cheek worriedly.
“You’re pink.”
“Oh,” he laughs awkwardly and abruptly gets up to cross the room and open the window. “J-just hot!”
“It’s winter.”
“I’ve just got back from a physically strenuous job,” he explains, and turns so his back is to the open window and his ass is leaning against the windowsill. “Talking of jobs, let’s decide what you can do for me. To work for me, I mean.”
“I don’t know what else that could mean other than work,” you point out and he lets out another strange, awkward laugh. “Are you high?”
“No,” he frowns suddenly, expression abruptly changing. “I don’t do drugs.”
“It would explain your odd behaviour. Either you’re ill, or high.”
“Neither! I’m fine, I’m fine,” he waves his hands dismissively before crossing his arms to tuck his hands under his biceps against his ribs. “So, have you had a job before? I assume so based on the fact you’ve only been homeless for the past months since running away, right? You had a house before then?”
“Family home.”
“Ah, so you didn’t pay rent and stuff.”
“No, I paid rent, it just wasn’t my house.”
“Wait, your parents made you pay rent to live in the family home?” He baulks in disgust.
“Father, my mother died years ago. And my stepmother; my brother’s mother if you want to get specific.”
“Oh, you’re half siblings? I assumed full, you seem very close.”
“As I said, I’m the only person who’s bothered to give him understanding.”
“He’s lucky to have you.”
“Like Hansol is lucky to have you.”
“In some ways, but others, not so much.” He motions around vaguely. “You obviously know what I do, what he’s surrounded by even if he doesn’t realise it yet. At least, I hope he doesn’t; I’m trying to shield him from all that fucked up shit, but I know it’s impossible considering his babysitters are often armed.”
“Is Seungkwan?”
“No, no, he can barely fire a gun. He was just a down-on-his-luck college kid, Hansol befriended him one day and then asked me to make Kwan his babysitter so he could buy new shoes.” He huffs a little laugh. “I have no idea how I raised a kid like that, but I’m glad.”
“It’s probably a lot that’s just him, his soul, if you believe in that.”
“Mm, yeah, probably. Anyway, back to you, you worked?” You nod. “What did you do?”
“Uhm, it’s kind of hard to pinpoint, I did a lot of stuff.” You bite your lip nervously and glance over at the open door before getting up to approach Seungcheol, who shuffles to straighten up. You stop out of arm's reach and lace your fingers together in front of you while staring at his shoulder to not make eye contact. “There is something you should know, and you won’t like it, but you know why I left, and I will always put my brother over anything.”
“What is it?” He asks, voice a little firm, no-nonsense, having sensed that this is serious.
“Who our father is. Who I worked for.”
“You’re a fucking gangster too, aren’t you?” He groans and puts his face in his hands. “I swear if you’re from one of those fucking pissy little gangs always causing me grief, I’m going to be pissed and you’re out on your ass; I’ll keep your brother, and I promise he’ll always be safe with me, but you’re out.”
“I wouldn’t say a pissy little gang,” you reply and glance up at him to see him peering at you in wait over the top of his fingers. “Vultures.”
In the blink of an eye, Seungcheol is directly in front of you and holding your jaw to make you look in his burning gaze. “Say that again, sweetheart. Who did you just say you’re associated with?”
“I left.”
“You’re his fucking child.”
“Did you know he has a child?”
Seungcheol’s anger ebbs a little as he considers your words. “No,” he admits in murmured realisation and slowly loosens his grasp before his fingers slip away from your skin and he takes a half step back. “Why didn’t I know about you? You’re not a kid, you’re what, late twenties?”
“Oh, we’re the same age,” he comments and eyes you carefully before stepping back again and crossing his arms over his chest. “I would’ve heard if The Vulture has a fucking thirty-year-old daughter.”
“Not if he never wanted anyone to know.”
“Hiding his golden child to keep her safe, that what you’re going for?”
“No, the opposite. He hid me for my protection when I was little, like I assume you’re doing with Hansol, but then it turned to shame and only the immediate circle knows I’m his daughter, everyone else thinks I’m just another member.”
“Why shame?”
“Is it relevant?”
“Maybe. What did you do?”
“Just exist.”
“Is he sexist?”
You huff a laugh at the reminder of the conversation from breakfast. Seungcheol’s lips twitch up into the start of a smile. “Yes, actually, but that’s not it.”
“Then what?”
You consider your options now; you could lie, but that never sits right with you, you could tell him it’s none of his business and hope he simply accepts that, but you���re not positive he will, not when the safety of his family and integrity of his centuries old gang is on the line.
Which leaves you with telling the truth and hoping that his heart doesn’t bend only for children. “I took my brother away because I know how cruel our father can get; I know what the next steps would be to try and ‘fix’ him because he did the same to me when I was a child.”
“Oh,” Seungcheol murmurs. “You’re autistic too?”
“He blamed my mother, turns out that asshole is the common denominator.”
“I see.” He moves to close the window then leans against the windowsill again as he looks at you thoughtfully. “I won’t lie, this has thrown me a little. I don’t know how to deal with autistic adults, just Hansol.”
“You don’t have to deal with me,” you scoff.
“No, no, I didn’t mean it like that, I just mean like, what accommodations and stuff to make. How to support you and everything. We’ll have to have a real sit down and talk it out when I have time, and I’ll do research too because obviously I only looked up how autism affects little boys, not women.”
“Research?” He nods. “You don’t have to do that, I’ve had my whole life to figure out how to handle this myself, I don’t need accommodations.”
“Pearl,” he says firmly. “You were raised in a home I can’t believe you ever felt wanted or loved in, based on what you’ve said and what I know of how The Vulture and his gang works. I’m amazed you turned out so understanding and gentle, honestly. But the point is, that environment is not the place someone with autism or other things like that can learn to be true to themself. But that’s going to change, okay? You can be yourself here, you’re safe and no-one will be cruel to you for stimming or needing a break or whatever else you may need, okay?”
It sounds far too good to be true; you’ve never heard those words before, never had anyone tell you that you can just be you without risking getting hit with whatever is to hand. Honestly, at this point, you don’t even know if you know how to be yourself, you’ve been masking for so long.
Instead of trying to put all your thoughts into words you know won’t come out correctly with how jumbled your mind is, you just stare at Seungcheol.
“Alright, let’s circle back to that another day and for now, tell me what you did as a Vulture.”
“Various things.”
“Like what? Finances, tech, streets, driving, meetings, what?” You nod. “What?”
“All of it. I did something in all of it depending on what was needed of me.”
“You didn’t have a speciality?”
“Well…I was often bait, if that’s what you mean.”
“Bait?” He mutters, expression tightening. “What does that mean, Pearl?”
“There weren’t many women other than the whores and dad didn’t trust them to not betray him, so he’d send me to get attention of the men they wanted and take them to a secondary location.”
“Your father used you as sex bait?”
“I guess you could call it that.”
“I knew he was fucked up but that’s something else,” he hisses and glares at nothing in particular. “How much do you know about how he works, how the gang is run?”
“Everything.” Seungcheol’s head snaps up to look at you with wide eyes. “I guess when you abuse someone and they still stay, you assume they’re loyal, or at least too scared to be a threat.”
“Are you loyal?”
“Are you too scared to be a threat?”
Seungcheol’s mouth turns up into a smirk. “Then I know exactly what your job is, sweetheart; you’re going to help me tear apart the Vultures and dance on their graves.”
“I don’t know how to dance.”
Seungcheol chokes on a laugh. “It’s not literal, it’s a saying.”
“Oh. Why is that a saying? Why would you dance on someone’s grave?”
“Because you’re happy that they’re dead, a celebration.”
“Oh…I guess I should learn to dance.”
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Permanent taglist: @okiedokrie, @tusswrites, @svtiddiess
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So, you are Yunho...

Author: bvidzsoo
Pairing: Jeong Yunho x female reader
Warning: lots of weed consumption, cursing, unprotected sex Word count: 7.2k Rating: mature Genre: smut, stoner au, post uni setting, one-night stand au, humour(?) Summary: Your friend, rather your dealer, invites you to a party where you know few people, but the promise of a good time and most specifically weed convinces you to go. You have work the next day so you can't stay for too long, which prompts you to leave early. With your senses dulled and your mind hazy, you fail to notice just how badly you have to use the toilet, so that leads to you walking inside a kind stranger's home who just wants to help out...maybe in more ways than just one.
A/N: Hello, hi, yes, my lovelies, we don't speak of this! Whatever this man did to me at the concert needs to be studied because I haven't stopped thinking about him ever since--I think Mingi is actually quite in danger with being my nr1 as of now, only time can tell whether he'll get knocked down to nr2 lmao (although I'm keeping myself strong and not giving in to Mr. Jeong, as we can see with the existence of this damn drabble...) The smut isn't that big of a deal, once again, but I had to get this out of my system or else I would've gone crazy (guys, I haven't stopped thinking about Yunho since the 14th of February, I need to see my therapist again-). My brainrot was influenced by his outfit too, which you can't see too well in the pics since they are small but oh well, he was hot that's all you need to know (those pics are actually mine because I couldn't find anything on Pinterest and Twitter so, uhm...anyways). Lmk how this was, I promise to update Mingi's mini-series tomorrow! <3 I hope you enjoy, your feedback is much appreciated! ^^
Ending up in this place wasn’t part of your plan. If one would ask how you got here, you’d need a second to remember who in the first place had even dragged you here. There were only two people, though, who could, and it was most likely your friend—who wasn’t even your friend—but he’s adopted you into this weird friend group that wasn’t exactly a friend group, just a bunch of stupidly hot men who got together once in a while to smoke their minds out. If you recall correctly, it was the birthday of one of them, San, and you wondered how Yeosang even knew him. Maybe it was through Wooyoung, that’s how you’d met the pretty guy called Yeosang half a year ago, or maybe it was by pure chance on a night out when both Yeosang and San were, well, high…like right now. Laughter echoed around in the room, the music less loud compared to the living room where a makeshift dance floor was improvised by Wooyoung and someone called Seonghwa, who was hauntingly gorgeous, so you never spoke to him. His eyes seemed kind but his glare scared you shitless whenever you even as much so as looked in Hongjoong’s direction, at least you think that’s what the shorter one was called.
You had long stopped smoking, declining the joint being passed around a few times already. It’s gotten your mind all hazy and fuzzy, and you were sure that a little bit more would either knock you out or send you into an anxiety spiral that you didn’t need right now. Wooyoung, the only person who you knew relatively, seemed to be busy with making the birthday boy laugh any time he got the chance, so you knew no one could look out for you in case of an emergency. Maybe Yeosang, but his unfocused eyes told you that he couldn’t take care of himself in case of an emergency, let alone of another human being. It was alright, you didn’t mind since you knew your limits and just shook your head again when the guy next to you tried coaxing you into taking a whiff.
“Why are you even sitting in the circle if you won’t smoke?” He asked, finally breaking the slightly tense silence between the two of you. He’s been giving you judgmental looks for a while now, and while it was funny, you had a loose mouth while high and didn’t wish to get into a fight with one of Wooyoung’s friends…or, well, sort of friend.
“Does it say somewhere that this is a puff circle or something?” You quirked an eyebrow, your tone a bit sharp as the guy raised his eyebrows and passed the blunt to the intimidatingly tall guy sitting next to him, his lips pulled into a constant smile ever since he had sat down into your circle.
“It’s quite obvious, it doesn’t have to say so, sweets.” You chuckled, placing your chin in your palm.
“Already giving me petnames? I almost thought you hated my guts, not that you were trying to get into my pants with all that judgmental staring.” The man smirked, his pretty lips pulling into an amused grin as he leaned slightly closer to you. His manly perfume hit your nostrils and you needed a second to collect yourself, its scent too potent for your sensitive nose at the moment.
“The only person whose pants I wanna get into is Yeosang’s, sweets.” He winked as your eyebrow raised in question, eyes looking around the room blindly to find the mentioned man. He wasn’t here, making you realise that you were now in a room full of mostly strangers. That wasn’t an issue since you made conversation with anyone easily, but there was something underneath your skin tonight that made you a bit jumpy. It was strange, but weed did make you antsy from time to time if you didn’t feel completely safe in your environment, “I’m Jongho, by the way. I’ve already introduced myself, but I bet you’ve forgotten.”
You grinned at that, extending your hand for Jongho to shake, “Right, I can’t even recall when that happened.”
“Three months ago, sweets.” He snorted under his breath and took the blunt that was being passed back to him, different than the one he had been smoking, and you wondered whether mixing and matching right now was a safe option. But if Jongho thought it was alright, then it must be, he was a responsible adult after all, “How do you know San?”
“I’m supposed to know everyone sitting in this circle,” You pointed out, eyebrows furrowing when you still couldn’t recall the man’s name sitting next to Jongho, “But Wooyoung and I ran into him one time when we were running errands.”
“Did those errands include mind-blowing sex?” So, Jongho knew more than you thought at first, and you couldn’t help but feel embarrassed as the extremely tall man next to Jongho laughed, leaning forward to look at your reddening face.
“Wooyoung’s not that good in bed, Joongie.” There was affection in his voice as he lightly pushed Jongho’s shoulder, and you wondered how close the two were.
“How’d you know?” Jongho wiggled his eyebrows, grabbing the guy’s chin to squeeze his cheeks together, “Thought you didn’t sleep with friends.”
The man giggled and sent a flying kiss at Jongho, which made him immediately release the very smoked-out guy’s chin, “I’ve spoken to enough people to know, besides, all it takes is one look at him…right, babe?”
A beat of silence passed as you looked at the two men, not realizing he was addressing you. He just blinked at you with his small eyes, lips jutting out as he waited for your answer. You blinked again, slightly more confused than you were before and Jongho snorted, throwing his arm around the guy’s shoulder and yanking him down to his height, “Y/N, this is Mingi. A bit of a flirt, a bit of a goofball, a sloppy kisser, but a great company.”
You spoke before you could think about it, grinning at the two guys, “And how’d you know that, Jongho?”
The guy cringed as Mingi tried to press a kiss to his cheek, instantly pushing him away and making you laugh at the murderous look on Jongho’s face, “Dare gone wrong, don’t make me recall it, please.”
“It wasn’t even bad!” Mingi exclaimed, sulking as the joint magically appeared in his hands since it was passed back by Yeosang, who finally came back inside the room holding three cups. He handed one to Hongjoong, whose eyes were rather red and glossy. Seonghwa sat beside him, whispering things before he helped the guy drink his water, a small thankful smile on his lips as he thanked Yeosang for the water.
“What wasn’t bad?” Yeosang asked just as your alarm went off, making you jump and Mingi yelp as it sharply cut through the somewhat serene atmosphere of the room. You got a few questioning glances as you tried to put the alarm out, but the words were blurred together on the screen of your phone so you needed a second to figure it all out.
“Don’t mind Mingi, he doesn’t know what he’s saying.” Jongho mused as he grabbed Yeosang’s wrist and roughly yanked him down, the not-so-petite man looking jostled by the sudden move. He gasped as he landed in Jongho’s lap, the liquid from his cup splashing onto his leather pants, a pout appearing on his face.
“You made me spill it.” He muttered to himself as Jongho hummed, his hand patting down the leather pants. You watched the two as you grabbed your cardigan from the floor and wore it, more than sure you’d be shivering outside in the late summer night’s refreshing breeze. You always felt too cold when you smoked weed, even if it was way too many degrees outside. Jongho’s palm settled on Yeosang’s thigh once he was done patting the water off, and you noticed the way his fingers flexed, Yeosang averted his eyes with a nervous gulp as he nudged Mingi with his elbow, “I mixed it for you, just don’t drink it fast.”
“Thanks!” Mingi grinned, necking the drink instantly, and you snorted as you made sure to pocket your phone to avoid what happened last time. It took Wooyoung three hours to find your lost phone, and then it took two more hours to listen to his nagging and chastising while you were trying to sleep, Wooyoung’s body heat making you sleepier and sleepier despite his sharp tone right by your ear.
“I’m going, guys, I have work in the morning.”
“Party popper!” Mingi shouted, making you laugh as others glanced at you again, “Be safe, though, do you want me to walk you?”
You grinned as you shook your head, making the room sway with you as you closed your eyes for a second. It didn’t help much, but at least it didn’t make you feel nauseous, “Thanks, but I know my way around…it’s not that late yet.”
“Call me if you need help, though.”
“She doesn’t even have your number, jackass,” Jongho muttered under his breath and Mingi huffed, turning his back to him and Yeosang, who didn’t look like he’d get off Jongho’s lap anytime soon.
“I’m not speaking to you, where’s Yunho?” You waved at the three men as you started walking away, catching Yeosang’s answer as he sighed and leaned back into Jongho’s body.
“Left a few minutes ago, said he was hungry and wanted to stream.” And with that, you left the house. You didn’t attempt finding Wooyoung since he was most probably entertaining the guests, too busy to notice either way that you were gone. You didn’t want to disturb his fun, so you made a mental note to text him once you had gotten home that you were safe and sound, ready to get into bed. Your apartment wasn’t too far from this neighbourhood, but you had to walk a good ten minutes until you reached the bus stop which had the right route to take you home. Your legs felt a bit heavy and the soles of your feet ached for some reason, but that might’ve had to do something with you standing on your feet all day long at work today. The call from Wooyoung was random this afternoon, and you accepted his invite without a second thought because you felt too wrung up, your boss getting on your last nerve. You were planning on quitting, but you had to find another job first and that wasn’t going as smoothly as you had wished. Being a receptionist wasn’t really your thing, and you’ve decided to finally make use of your business degree and find something that suits your interests better.
The evening air was cool, just like you had predicted, and you hugged your cardigan closer around yourself as you shivered, your feet not working as fast as you would’ve liked them to. The buses didn’t come and go as often as during the day, and you hoped you wouldn’t have to wait for too long at the station, goosebumps now covering your body as you walked down the sidewalk, glancing this and that way. The houses had almost all the lights turned off, most people were usually asleep after midnight. You should have been too, but you deserved to unwind after a long day and strenuous week…and it wasn’t even over yet. In your state, however, what you failed to notice before leaving the house was the fact that you had to pee, and badly at that. You licked your lips, wondering whether you could trick your mind into believing that you didn’t actually have to pee so badly and that you’d certainly be able to hold it in and get home first. But walking further down the street, you started to realise you were very wrong. You stopped and took a deep breath, debating what to do. You could just find a bush and do whatever, but were you ready to commit to that? It was a bit embarrassing, and if a police car could pass by—let alone a random person—you weren’t ready to expose yourself like that.
Deciding that walking would do for now, maybe you’d find an open store and ask them to let you in, you took off again and almost cried at the pressing feeling in your lower abdomen. It was terrible, you were screwed, and your smoked-out brain wasn’t actually helping with finding smart and safe solutions, it was only making you panic and almost hyperventilate. You jumped as a door closed loudly to your right, and as you turned your head, your eyes fell on a really tall guy who was walking towards you. A dark trash bag was in his left hand while a cigarette was in his right hand, raising it to his pouty lips to take a drag of it as he continued walking towards you, his eyes on you. You gulped, suddenly feeling frozen in your spot as he opened the small gate separating his front lawn from the sidewalk, his eyes still on you as he held the cigarette between his lips to open the trash bin closest to you, throwing the bag inside. You licked your lips again, eyes falling on the cigarette and intermittently on the guy’s puckered lips, and you felt a sudden pull. A strong one at that, your inside coiling as your eyes raked all over the man’s body, slightly off thrown by how handsome he was. And before you could think first and feel ashamed, your mouth was already moving, “Can you let me go inside to pee?”
The guy paused, his eyebrows shooting up underneath his blonde hair, which framed his forehead as a black beanie was pulled over his head, “Like—inside my house?”
You nodded quickly, crossing your legs because you genuinely were on the verge of giving it all up. The guy gave you a look of slight concern mixed with amusement, then nodded his head towards his house, “Sure, come on inside.”
And before he could open the gate for you and lead the way, you sprinted past him, hearing his loud snort as you practically barged inside his home. The lights were mostly on and you whipped your head around as the guy walked up behind you, nodding his chin to the only door in the hallway, “That’s the bathroom, go on.”
He wasn’t finished speaking and you were already messily stepping out of your sneakers, almost tripping and embarrassing yourself even further in front of the hot guy. You barged inside the bathroom and fiddled with the light switch before you found it, locking the door behind you as you then raced towards the toilet, your skirt above your hips before you had even sat down. A groan left your lips at the instant relief and you lowered your head, holding it in your hands. It was warm inside the bathroom and you could feel your trembling limbs finally ease up a little bit, your head swimming around now worse than before due to all your hectic movements just now. You wondered how to thank the guy for letting you inside as you finished up, flushing the toilet and then walking over to the sink. Your cheeks were red so you splayed some cold water on them, groaning at the feeling as you dried your hands in your black skirt. You sighed as you looked at yourself, trying to tell yourself that this wasn’t as embarrassing as peeing yourself would have been, and that you were just really lucky that a kind stranger allowed you to use their bathroom. Which reminded you of the fact that you had to walk out before he started thinking you were doing something weird inside his bathroom.
You opened the door and peeked your head around the doorframe, finding the guy sitting on the table, which was pressed up by the wall behind the front door. You jumped in fright as you didn’t expect him to be there, and cleared your throat when you realised that he had been watching the bathroom door the whole time. Smoke wafted from around his lips as you flipped the switch and then closed the bathroom door behind you, trying to keep your eyes on his face, but you were just too embarrassed. He looked…more amused than annoyed or judgemental, and he even chuckled when you stumbled into the wall since you failed to notice the huge Golden Retriever underneath your feet.
“Oh my God,” You muttered to yourself as you looked down at the cute dog, its tongue out as it stared up at you, “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.”
The dog then plunged off the floor on his two back legs, jumping up on you and making you yelp as your back hit the wall again. A laugh left your lips as you ruffled the fur on its head, petting the dog while it tried licking at your face. The guy just continued to sit on the table, watching you with an amused look on his face, cigarette held between his thumb and index finger.
“Get down, boy, you’ll make her fall over.” He called out, whistling to get the dog’s attention. You didn’t mind the friendly animal, but its weight was getting a bit too much, so you were thankful when it finally got off you and headed towards its owner. The dog’s tail was waging as it barked lightly, rubbing its head against the guy’s leg to make him pat it. You grinned as you readjusted your cardigan, its sleeve having fallen off your shoulder.
“That’s a cute dog.” You heard yourself saying, making the man look at you again. He wore dark grey loose jeans, a long-sleeved black blouse and over that a black t-shirt that reached just below his crotch. There was also a chequered-patterned shirt tied underneath all those clothes loosely, and you wondered if the guy had just arrived home. His street-like outfit paired with a black beanie with his dirty blonde hair falling into his dark eyes made the guy really attractive, and you needed to remind yourself that you shouldn’t be staring at him so blatantly. But the weed made your brain process everything slower, so you couldn’t exactly help yourself this one time.
“Cute and harmless, seems like he likes you.” The guy commented, his lips pulled to the side as he pushed the dog’s head away playfully, making it bark again before it ran off further into the house. You didn’t turn to watch the dog go, not wanting to peek further inside this stranger’s home. You didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable, and that made you realise you had definitely overstayed your welcome. You cleared your throat and smiled, trying to seem like you had your shit together while the world whirled around you, “I don’t assume you want to also sleep over?”
You gulped, surprise coating your expression as you felt your cheeks heating up, “I was just about to go, I’m really sorry about all of this. The bus stop is quite the walk away and I would have—I mean, yeah, I really had to use the bathroom, so, thanks.”
The guy watched you with even more amusement on his face, and you averted your eyes when he took a whiff of his cigarette, rounding his already pouty lips and puffing out circles. You tried not to watch but it was incredibly hot, you gulped, your throat feeling rather dry all of a sudden.
“Pity,” The guy smirked, getting off the table as he walked over to the front door to open it for you, “I’m a great cook, could’ve made you something nice in the morning.”
Well, fuck that. You hummed with a forced smile on your lips, trying not to ogle his body as you passed by him, his sweet perfume permeating your senses as your jaw clenched. He wasn’t just hot, he smelled good too, and that was maybe your undoing. You reached the door and stopped next to him, looking up at him with a loud gulp as he continued to smirk at you, extending his cigarette towards you. How was it still lit? Had he gotten a new one while you were in the bathroom? But then again, it didn’t stink like the usual cigarette, and the realisation hit you at the same time as the guy spoke up, “Want a hit? It’s not too strong, I’ve rolled it like twenty minutes ago.”
You bit your bottom lip and glanced at the blunt, debating it. But there were multiple reasons why you shouldn’t accept it, and yet you were still debating it, “I mean…I have work in the morning.”
“That’s not a no.” He smirked, stepping slightly closer, and then pushed the blunt into your hand, giving you no choice but to take it, “I saw you at San’s party, you came with Wooyoung, right? Where’d you leave him?”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you raised the blunt and took a tentative drag of it, glad that it didn’t taste as disgusting as the one Wooyoung had made at the party, “He’s with San, I didn’t want to bother them. Who are you?”
“Yunho,” The guy answered as you handed him the blunt back, surprising you by gently closing the door right in your face. You looked at the empty space now in front of you and felt goosebumps on your skin as you looked back up at Yunho, his grin not too menacing, “Wanna play some games?”
“That’s…that sounds scary.” You muttered, only now realising you really were just about to leave without your shoes. Just how high were you if you weren’t even sensing what your body needed anymore?
“I meant on the switch, Jesus.” The guy chuckled, turning around and walking further inside the house as he turned the light off in the hallway, leaving you alone and in darkness. Your heart raced both in slight scare and intrigue, “If you don’t want to, you can just go! I’ll lock the door later, Mingi’s supposed to come over either way.”
“You know Mingi?” You heard yourself asking, and then instantly realised, “Ah! You’re the Yunho who left the party because he wanted to stream?”
“And also eat ramen.” He appeared around the corner again with a smile, holding a cup of ramen up sheepishly, “I made too much, so, if you’re hungry…”
Damn, so he was one of Wooyoung’s friends…would it be too bad if you stayed for some ramen and maybe a game or two? You hoped not. Before you could convince yourself that staying to eat ramen and play games with a guy you didn’t know wasn’t smart, you found yourself nodding to Yunho’s silent offer, making his smile instantly widen. He turned and then led the way further inside his house, your eyes were a bit hazy and you struggled to see in the dark, but thankfully the next room was flooded with light as Yunho had led the way to the kitchen, his cute dog sitting by the counter and hungrily staring up at the other cup filled with ramen.
“Are you sure this is for me?” You asked with furrowed eyebrows as Yunho nudged his dog when it wouldn’t move aside, the two sharing a look as if they could communicate. Maybe Yunho could speak to animals, you almost giggled to yourself at the ridiculous thought.
“Yeah, sure, Mingi doesn’t like ramen when he’s high, it would only go to waste,” Yunho explained, then grabbed the cup of ramen and pressed it against your chest, giving you no choice but to take it. You nodded as you looked down at it, its scent was delicious and you couldn’t remember when was the last time you ate today, so you grabbed the chopsticks and went to town with it.
“How do you know Mingi?” You asked to fill the silence just as Yunho’s dog whined, looking up with puppy eyes at its owner and you chuckled, amused by the blush that suddenly spread to Yunho’s ears and neck.
“Stop that,” He muttered, eyebrows furrowing at the dog, “You’re embarrassing me, Shnucks.”
You paused, eyebrows furrowing as you couldn’t decide whether to laugh or not, “Your dog’s name is…Shnucks?”
When Yunho just nodded, very obviously letting some of the ramen slip to the floor for his dog, you burst out laughing, “What type of name is that?!”
“A silly one, just like this fella.” Yunho giggled, and the sound made your heart lurch as you stared at his handsome face, his cheeks lightly flushed and puffed out as he was munching his food, “Mingi named him, we were both high when we got the doggo. It’s ours, actually.”
“You live with Mingi?”
“Nah, we switch babysitting every other week.” Yunho shrugged, raising his eyes to look at you with mischief, “Don’t tell Mingi, but the fella likes me more than him.”
“Has he told you?” You teased Yunho with an amused smile as you gulped down more of your ramen, the warm food settling nicely in your stomach.
“Of course,” Yunho giggled again, licking his lips as he placed his cup down on the counter, rubbing his hands together, “So, how do you know Wooyoung?”
“Uh, well…that’s a long story?” You quirked an eyebrow, wondering how to make it simple for Yunho. It wasn’t actually that complicated, but you didn’t want to go into detail.
“Make it quick, then, I wanna go play.”
“And stream?”
“Nah, not anymore.” Licking his lips, Yunho leaned slightly down to be closer to your face, “I’ve got a playmate now.”
You gulped, trying not to think more into his words, but the way he eyed you up had your blood rushing quicker through your body, something burning low in your abdomen. You tried to ignore it as you smiled, placing your cup down next to Yunho’s abandoned one as you heard Shnucks’ paws pitter-patter against the floorboards as he walked away from the kitchen, “Right, I’m not good at games, though…”
“Don’t worry, I’ll teach you how to take it.” You shrunk a bit in on yourself as Yunho chuckled, tapping the tip of your nose before he gently grabbed your elbow to veer you towards the living room, “My blows, I mean, I rarely lose so I hope you’re ready to face defeat.”
“You’re not being very encouraging right now.” You narrowed your eyes at Yunho as he chuckled, showing off his perfectly white teeth. You knew you were staring at him, but you couldn’t help yourself when the guy right in front of you looked like that. As you arrived inside the living room, which was a very simple space with a couch in the middle of the room, a TV with his switch station hooked up to it and a desk underneath the window, you realised you still hadn’t answered Yunho’s question about how you knew Wooyoung, “Back to Woo, uhm, well…we stumbled into each other at a club and hit it off well…and I guess we are friends now?”
“So, he’s your dealer, huh?” Your eyes widened minusculely as you whipped your head around to look up at Yunho, who had a knowing look on his face, “Yeah, that’s how we all met Wooyoung, don’t worry. He’s a funny guy but he can’t take a hint for the life of him.”
“Meaning?” You asked as you sat down on the grey sofa while Yunho went to turn on the TV as well as the switch, taking two gaming consoles before he walked back towards you. The sofa wasn’t huge but it had enough space for the two of you to sit comfortably without touching, however, that wasn’t the case as Yunho sat down so close next to you that your thighs were pressed up to each other. You decided to ignore it as his body heat permeated yours, your eyes meeting for a second as he handed you one of the consoles. Your fingers brushed together and your heart skipped a beat once again, but you quickly averted your eyes as Yunho smirked again, facing the TV.
“Don’t you worry your pretty head about it,” Your cheeks flushed at Yunho’s words, but before you could think more of it, he continued, “Are you ready to get obliterated in Mario Kart?”
“That’s really fucking rude, Yunho, I know how to play that game!” Yunho just laughed as he started the game, a knowing look still on his face. You, in fact, were not ready for the embarrassing number of times you’ve lost to Yunho in something as pathetic as Mario Kart. He was having the time of his life, teasing you and laughing at you at any given chance, only managing to work you up more and more until you couldn’t contain your rage and ended up threatening to exit the game while Yunho was scoring the most of points. He thought you were joking at first so he only laughed more, but after you did it once, he knew not to mess around with you anymore.
You had no idea for how long you and Yunho had been playing on his switch, but you were sure you were close to hitting the second hour. Your ass had gone numb and your legs were a bit antsy, but you were determined to win against Yunho in this round, finally having gotten the hang of the new game he had shown you. That was until you felt Yunho’s large hand sneaking up your thigh, just underneath the hem of your skirt to squeeze your thigh and tell you to be a good girl. It took one shared glance filled with heat to have you crawling over his lap, your lips meeting in a frenzied kiss. It was hot, messy with spit and full of teeth as Yunho’s fingers dug into your hips, pulling your body as tightly into his as he could. Your fingers curled into the blonde hair at his nape, the beanie still on his head, and you gasped when he started kneading your ass cheeks roughly. Ripping the beanie off his head, you yanked his head back and kissed down his neck, open-mouthed kisses that left marks on his milky skin.
Yunho was breathing hard as he let you have your way with him for the time being, and in your dazed state, you hadn’t even noticed the way he had started rubbing his bulge against your core, pulling you lower into himself. Sounds spilt from your mouth as Yunho grabbed the back of your head and pulled your face up, staring at you with hazy eyes before he smashed your lips back together, groaning into your mouth as you rolled your hips forward while pressing down a bit harder, gasping into his mouth as the friction finally increased. He was big but perhaps you weren’t too surprised by it, his height should’ve been a fair warning that he was packing downstairs as well. Your skin felt hot, and perhaps Yunho could feel it too because his long fingers hooked into the collar of your cardigan and slowly slipped it down your shoulders while grazing his fingertips against your arms, covering your skin in goosebumps. Your head lolled back as Yunho dived forward again, sucking bruises into your collarbones that you’d hate tomorrow but right now felt euphoric as his hot tongue swiped against the small bruises to soothe the bites.
“I’ve been eyeing you up all night,” Yunho whispered in your ear as you fumbled with the hems of his layered shirts, “Who knew you’d stumble right into my lap?”
You chuckled as your fingers finally found the button and zipper of his pants, making swift work with them as your eyes met Yunho’s, “Yeah? I don’t recall seeing you.”
“That’s because you were busy with Wooyoung…until he left you alone to entertain San.” Yunho smirked, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear, “Much to my happiness…I thought you’d go home with him tonight.”
You smirked and yanked at Yunho’s pants, pulling them as down as you could due to him sitting on the sofa. His eyes fell down onto your hands, which were slowly slipping inside his boxers, a wet patch already staining the fabric. You bit your bottom lip to stop yourself from grinning too widely, it brought satisfaction to know Yunho was in such a state so quickly and from just a little bit of sloppy kissing. It might’ve been the weed adding to it as well, but you disregarded that thought as you teased the skin underneath the elastic of his boxers, “Wooyoung and I aren’t a thing.”
Yunho scoffed a chuckle, grabbing your wrist and guiding it finally onto his dick. He gulped as your eyes bore into each other’s and you chuckled, gripping his shaft before very slowly dragging your hand up and down. He gulped, his pupils blown wide as he sucked his bottom lip between his teeth, the fingers that still gripped your hip now digging into your skin through your thin blouse.
“I would’ve fucked you even if you were a thing.” Yunho groaned out, face contorting in pleasure as you twisted your wrist, smearing his precum around the head of his dick. His cheeks were flushed, the redness spreading down to his chest as his eyes fluttered closed before you squeezed him a bit harder.
“Right,” You mocked, cocking an eyebrow as you fastened your pace, having Yunho whimper underneath you, “You speak as if you had the balls to approach me at the party, Yunho.”
Yunho gulped and closed his eyes, letting you do whatever as you watched the pleasure on his face, making your lower abdomen burn as you yearned to be touched as well. Yunho still held your wrist as he gasped for air, and you dove forward, kissing his neck and playfully biting his Adam’s Apple as Yunho’s dick twitched in your hand. That seemed to make him realise he was neglecting you, and before you knew it, you were being flipped over and pinned to the sofa. It was rather uncomfortable, Yunho was too big for the sofa and it felt like you disappeared completely underneath him, which only made the fire burn stronger in your stomach. You gulped as he smirked, finally pulling the many layers covering his torso over his head, baring his naked skin to you. Your eyes took in the dark brown spots, the little moles that littered his fair skin and you reached out to touch them, trace them as Yunho got rid of his jeans, clumsily shaking them off his legs. He tucked himself back into his boxer, then flipped your skirt up and grinned, tracing the outside of your thigh.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you watched Yunho’s dark eyes trace your body hungrily, and he leaned down to press soft kisses against your navel, making your stomach coil. You tried to close your legs out of instinct, but Yunho stopped you by planting himself firmly between your thighs, gripping your left thigh with a bruising force. You shuddered as his finger now traced dangerously close to where you needed him most, and he smirked as he pressed down on the wet patch making you gasp.
“Look at you,” He chuckled then, pushing your panties to the side and not even warning you before two long fingers entered you, making you gasp loudly. You grabbed his arm as your back arched, eyes boring into his as he set a fast pace from the start, your breath quickening to the point you thought you’d start hyperventilating, “You’re even prettier underneath me.”
You moaned quietly, your toes curling with Yunho’s fingers as he plunged deeper, hitting sensitive nerves that made you see nothing but darkness for a second. He seemed to be enjoying your reactions as he added a third finger, stretching you out for something you knew you needed prepping for. Your hands trembled as your hips kicked off the sofa to match his thrust, and you called his name when he started rubbing your clit with his thumb, “Fuck, there, keep going.”
But instead of doing what he was told, Yunho stopped and chuckled, pulling his fingers out and making you sit up as you realized he was about to get off the sofa. He raised an eyebrow as his smirk returned, then, he leaned in for a kiss before pushing you back down onto the sofa, “Don’t worry, I usually finish what I start.”
“Then where are you going?” You snapped, your desire bleeding into your tone as Yunho clicked his tongue, grabbing you by the elbows and yanking you up.
“Don’t you want to ride me?” You cursed silently as he continued to smirk at you wickedly, settling you back on his lap. This time, however, you wasted no time and pulled his dick out of his boxers, allowing him to push your panties to the side as you aligned yourself, very slowly sinking down on his dick. The initial stretch was unpleasant and you didn’t try to rush as your eyebrows furrowed, realizing that the guys were right all this time. Wooyoung did have a small dick compared to Yunho, and your toes curled just at the thought of what he’d be capable of doing to you.
Yunho held your hips as he guided you down all the way and your fingers curled into his shoulder, nails digging into his hot skin as your eyes squeezed shut, “Fuck, gimme a second.”
“Too much compared to Woo?” Yunho’s voice was amused as he rubbed circles into your skin and your jaw clenched as your eyes snapped open.
“Don’t bring Woo into this, he’s not a terrible lay at all.” Your tone was harsh, maybe you weren’t too close with Wooyoung, but he was a decent person and you didn’t want Yunho making fun of him in any way. Besides, he was ruining your mood by bringing Wooyoung up right now, “He’s attentive, unlike many guys.”
“Can’t have that, then.” Yunho chuckled, an evil grin spreading onto his lips then, “Let me fuck you properly.”
And then he lifted you and slammed you back down on his dick, making your eyes round in surprise as you gasped, falling forward into his body. Yunho chuckled then fumbled with your blouse before he was bringing it over your head, burying his head into the valley of your breasts as you lifted your hips on your own, his dick dragging against your walls and making you keen. He was big and it reached places few managed before, you took a deep breath before sinking down again, the pace not too rushed since you wanted to enjoy the ride. Yunho’s teeth nicked at your skin, sucking a hickey right above your breast where the skin was thin and sensitive, making you moan as you let him set the pace by guiding you up and down his dick. It wasn’t too fast, but it was just enough to have your back arching towards him, fingers gripping into his hair and yanking his head back to look into your eyes. Yunho grinned before he smashed your lips together, finally thrusting up into you and meeting you halfway, a whimper leaving your mouth.
You clung to him like your life depended on it, gasps and keens leaving your lips against Yunho’s mouth as he quickened his pace, pistoning up into you as your thighs trembled trying to keep up with him. It hasn’t been long since you’ve had sex, but it has never been like this one. It was fast, hot, and loud as Yunho kept slamming back up into you, quiet grunts leaving his lips as you pressed your mouth against his jaw to try and keep quiet. You weren’t one to be loud in bed, but when Yunho hit a specific spot, your back arched and a loud moan left your lips as your arms circled his shoulders.
“Keep going, there.” Your jaw clenched as Yunho hummed, shifting his hands to grip your ass for better guidance, the slapping sounds echoing nastily in the room as your eyes squeezed shut.
“Feels amazing,” Yunho groaned against your neck, hissing as your walls clenched around his length. “I’m close.”
“Already?” Your eyebrows furrowed as Yunho hummed, continuing his relenting thrusts, and you found yourself unable to speak or even take a full breath as he drew you closer to your own orgasm as well. But you realized he didn’t use a condom, which wasn’t a smart idea, you had forgotten about it in the heat of the moment, and spoke up hurriedly, “You can’t come inside.”
“Fuck, please?” There was a whine to Yunho’s tone as his hand wrapped around your throat while the other continued to knead your ass, and you bit your bottom lip, eyes boring into his. You were tempted to give in to him, to just say yes and let him fill you up, but you couldn’t be so irresponsible, so you shook your head and kissed his lips instead to appease him. Yunho groaned but continued to hit your sweet spot over and over again, your body buzzing and trembling at the same time as you drew closer and closer, but then he was pulling out and jerking himself off, his throat convulsing as he came all over his stomach, his body going limp underneath yours. He looked hot, but you were clenching around nothing and you weren’t about to leave this place without coming too, so you grabbed his hand off your ass and guided it to your core, nudging his cheek with your nose.
“You’re forgetting something,” When he made no move, you smirked, biting his earlobe before whispering, “I always come with Woo, it really isn’t about the size but the skills, Yunho…”
That was all it took for Yunho to kick back into action, three fingers entering you at last as his thumb rubbed your clit fast in circular motions, making you choke on your next inhale. Your eyes squeezed shut as keens left your mouth, the closer you got, the higher they went in pitch until Yunho’s fingers managed to hit your sweet spot again and again, tipping you off the edge as your body locked and your back arched. You moaned into Yunho’s ear and he groaned, kissing your neck as his fingers guided you through your release, getting too much when his fingers didn’t stop plunging back into you. You stopped him and slumped against him, his sweet perfume on your lips, tongue, and in your nose, as you pressed a kiss against a mole on his chest. Yunho’s breathing had significantly calmed down, but you were still fighting to find your breath. Then, there was a noise coming from the front door and Shnucks came suddenly barrelling outside of a room, barking loudly.
“Mingi’s home.” Yunho said with a smirk as he suddenly stood from the sofa, your legs around his hips as he led you towards an unknown room, “Let’s get you covered up, unless you want him to see us like this…”
“He’s not my type.” You said with a lazy smile as you felt satisfied by how your night had turned out.
“Don’t worry,” Yunho chuckled then pressed a kiss against your nose as he closed the door behind you two, “He is mine…”
↳Perm. taglist: @orshii @jjoongstar @tinyelfperson @thestarskiller @zuuhaa
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#bvidzsoo#cromernet#yunho x reader#jeong yunho x reader#yunho smut#jeong yunho smut#yunho fluff#jeong yunho fluff#yunho angst#jeong yunho angst#jeong yunho#yunho ateez#yunho oneshot#yunho drabbles#ateez smut#ateez fluff#ateez angst#ateez fanfic#ateez oneshot#ateez drabbles#ateez x reader#ateez scenarios#ateez imagines#yunho fanfic#jeong yunho fanfic#kim hongjoong#park seonghwa#kang yeosang#choi san#song mingi
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my universe
summary - university can be tough and lonely sometimes, but luckily for you your boyfriend lives nearby
pairing - spencer reid x shy-university!reader
word count - 900
[this is just a little taster... should i continue this? if so feel free to send any ideas/prompts for this pairing you would like to see]
University wasn’t all it was cut out to be.
It was different to what you had been expecting.
You had expected constant house parties. You had expected 9-5 studying and 5-9 partying. You had expected to finally come out of your shell and live life like every extroverted person did.
But that wasn’t the case.
Instead, university was lonely, isolating and really tough.
The work was okay but the social life was really hard.
You remember the first conversation you heard between your roommates like it was yesterday.
“Should we invite them?”
“We don’t even know their name, so what’s the point?”
“Yeah you’re right. Going out doesn’t seem like their vibe anyways.”
“So are we going or what?”
You hadn’t even put faces to names before your flatmates had ruled you out as one of them. You had managed to become friendless without even trying. Sometimes a flatmate would come to you if they had a problem with the wifi or they wanted to know whether they could use your milk in the fridge, but other than that you were left alone.
Like tonight.
You were trying your best to study for an upcoming test in a few weeks, seeing as you had nothing else to do, but your flatmates were pre-drinking and it was so loud.
The music was thumping away in the kitchen and they must have invited more people over as there were lots of voices. Too many voices for comfort.
Your room was small but it was yours.
It was cosy with fairy lights strung up on your walls and crossing the ceilings. There was a huge pinboard of memorabilia that you had brought from home. Some were photos of you and your mum. Some were photos you had taken of your few friends back home. Most were of your boyfriend, Spencer.
In fact a lot of the other tat on your board was shared property between you and Spencer. There were cinema tickets from dates and tiny handmade cards from him to you.
It was your safety wall, because every time you looked at it you reminded yourself that you weren’t completely alone.
Your phone rang 15 minutes later.
“Hey, you.” You smiled, putting your pen down in a hurry to speak to your boyfriend.
“Hey you, back.”
It was always so good to hear his voice. No matter how far or near he was, his voice was the one comfort in the world that you would crawl home to.
“You okay? I thought your text said you were going out for drinks with the team?”
“Plans fell through.” He didn’t sound too bothered.
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?”
“Don’t know, really.” You shrugged even though he couldn’t see. “So where are you now?”
“Funny story…”
“I’m like five minutes away from you.”
You sat up straight in your chair.
Your attention turned from Spencer to the raving music from the kitchen. It was loud and thumping and it was a wonder that Spencer hadn’t commented on it yet.
It had taken a while for you to come clean to Spencer about how rubbish your flatmates were, but luckily for you Spencer was the best boyfriend in the world and he only lived half an hour away. Whenever he could he would always come and spend time with you.
There was even that one occasion that he stayed in the library all night with you to practice for a test. No one was better than him.
“Is that okay?” Spencer asked, having noted your silence.
“You’ve saved my night.”
“Well they don’t call me a ‘hero’ for nothing.”
You laughed, “Nice try. I’m not feeding your ego any more than that.” You heard him laugh too.
“Shall I come up or do you want to go somewhere?” Spencer asked.
“Whether Alicia is going to flirt with you again. I do not need my evil flatmate accidentally tricking you into falling in love with her. It’s probably her master plan.”
Alicia had taken it upon herself to try and smooth talk Spencer when he had first visited. Apparently she couldn’t believe that ‘someone like him’ was dating ‘someone like you.’ That had been a real kick in the teeth. Spencer had pretended to be oblivious and shut your bedroom door in her face though, so that had been a small victory.
Since then you had teased Spencer about the interaction. He had obviously talked about how teasing was your way of deflecting talking about your jealousy, but whatever.
“Alicia is going to be your villain origin story. I can feel it.”
“You’re damn right.”
“I know.”
“Right. You need to tone that ego down before I see you.” You joked, causing him to laugh back.
“Okay but seriously, do you want me to come up? I look like a serial killer waiting to pounce down here.”
You stood up from your chair and moved over to the window. It only opened a smidge, but it was enough to see Spencer standing four floors below. You gave him a big smile and a small wave, which he returned.
“You kind of do look like a serial killer. Why are you dressed all in black?” You asked whilst still looking at him from the window.
“Y/N!” He whisper-shouted your name.
“Okay I’m coming.” You shut your window and picked up your flat keys, “Just don’t murder anyone whilst I come and get you.”
“I swear to…”
Before he could finish you hung up on him.
#spencer reid fanfic#spencer reid#spencer reid bau#spencer reid fluff#spencer reid university#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid fic#spencer reid fic rec
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to all the people who worry the good omens finale will be 'rushed' or lacklustre or half-hearted: i think it might be worth remembering that, just because a lot of fans have complicated feelings about the finale, that doesn't mean the cast and crew will share those high levels of apprehension or doubt.
are they horrified at what they've learned about neil gaiman, and upset that the format for s3 was changed? yeah, probably. but they work in an industry where they never actually know whether they'll get to return to a role/job in the first place, creator controversies notwithstanding. cancellations happen all the time, production plans fall through all the time. they're probably really happy, after all that panic, that they do get to bring something more to these characters and this series. and in the face of having a shorter filming schedule than they'd like (if indeed it is wrapping after 5 weeks, which we don't definitively know), they probably went "right, let's smash it" and got stuck in.
they're professionals. this is what they do. even under unusual circumstances, we've got to hope that they love doing it. and in the case of david and michael, we know they love doing it. they adore these characters, crowley and aziraphale changed their lives... and most of all, for them, good omens has always been a fun project. they've always enjoyed themselves because the source material (the book) is so wonderful and the characters give them so much to work with, and on top of that they have great chemistry. i think we have to believe that their perception of these things largely hasn't changed.
from the outside, things might seem abnormal in that we aren't getting as much bts content from cast and crew as we did in previous years. we have to have faith that that lack of content is for professional reasons, not personal ones! have a little trust in these people that have produced amazing things before, and certainly will again.
it's going to be fine.<3
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if someone has trouble using tampons/fitting stuff in their vagina is it dangerous/impossible for them to have penetrative sex without some kind of medical intervention? i assume it varies a lot person to person and i understand that you're not a doctor but like would i (cis woman) be taking a big risk for my health if i tried to have sex with my boyfriend (cis man) without seeing a gynecologist first to address my issue?
hi anon,
I would say that your success with penetrative masturbation is a much better indicator of how partnered sex will go than using a tampon is. vaginal penetration when aroused tends to be a significantly different experience than, say, a tampon or a pap smear, thanks to natural lubricants, the vagina tenting to expand and create more space, and (hopefully) a generally more relaxed atmosphere that allows for a much smoother entry, as it were.
if the "fitting stuff" segment of "using tampons/fitting stuff" is meant to indicate that you've already tried penetrative masturbation and found little success, there's no need to worry. you can absolutely still try partnered sex, so long as you and your boyfriend are both of the understanding that it may not work out; there's no particular danger to your health so long as you're not forcing anything that feels uncomfortable or painful.
if your efforts towards vaginal penetration are failing because penetration is consistently being met with pain on your end I might recommend looking into vaginismus, a condition in which involuntary and painful vaginal spasms prevent even wanted penetration. this is a condition that is largely treatable, with most people seeing positive results through either counseling to help address any harm that may have led to issues surrounding sex, physical therapy to retrain the vaginal muscles, or both.
I want to emphasize on this point that while vaginismus is a real issue for many people and is important to include in conversations about sexual wellness, it's not necessarily the best first option in every case. if you've never had penetrative sex, either alone or partnered, it's not unusual that you have difficulty with penetration, and that can be resolved with trial and error without the need for any medical intervention.
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Even beyond those interventions, there actually are additional medications that can be taken to limit or prevent certain secondary sex characteristics whilst on hrt (or can be used instead of conventional hrt to achieve some effects but not others)
For instance, selective estrogen receptor modulators can be used to mimic most of the effects of bioidentical oestrogen without (as much) breast growth (unlike bioidentical oestrogen though, they don't suppress testosterone, so an antiandrogen would almost certainly be required, something that isn't the case with more typical hrt)
I'm less able to find information about their use together with or instead of hrt for trans people (suggesting they are not in as much use), but selective androgen receptor modulators can cause bone and muscle development with less effect on reproductive tissue or development of body or facial hair
Additionally, drugs like finasteride can limit the production of DHT from the breakdown of testosterone and prevent or limit a common negative side effect of a testosterone-dominant endocrine system - male pattern baldness (which is especially common in those with slightly higher than average T levels, which includes a lot of trans masc people, who will often be aiming for an average T level as their minimum)
The exact way your particular body will react to these (or to standard hormone therapies) isn't entirely predictable, but a good endo will be able to discuss your goals with you and take those into account when prescribing to increase the chances of your body reacting in a way you'll like with as few effects you dislike
It's certainly not as simple as being able to choose effects like toppings on a pizza, but there are so many more options out there than people may think
I know that HRT gives you secondary sex characteristics in one direction or another, but we HAVE to stop telling nonbinary people that they “can’t pick and choose.” Of course, you can’t tell your testosterone that you’d rather not grow chest hair, but there are things you can do!
You could go on T so your voice drops and start shaving so you don’t grow a beard. You could start HRT and then stop once you get the permanent changes you like. You can pursue sterilization instead of bottom surgery. You can get top surgery without being on T. You can go on E and work out a bunch to bulk out your muscles. You can pursue laser hair removal or electrolysis to remove unwanted hair, with or without HRT. You could even just start hormones to see if you like it and then stop if it isn’t to your taste.
Obviously, you can’t order secondary sex characteristics a la carte, but we have to stop being so awful to nonbinary people. We should discuss the options we have, not shut down the conversation with “that’s what you get.”
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✎ᝰDEAR DIARY PT.2 .ᐟ⋆⑅˚₊



pairing: jaehyun x gn!reader wc: 1.5k words warning: none! lua's note: a few people asked for part two so here it is ^^ hope u enjoy! in case you didn’t read, part one is here

“boy, you do something to me”
“Hey, Y/N,” Jeahyun took you by the hand, preventing you from walking around the mall. You looked back at his warm hand holding yours and then at his face, a small smile on his lips as his eyes were focused on somewhere else. “Do you want to drink something?”
Before you could answer, he started to walk towards the kiosk, his hand still holding yours. “How silly of me to ask, you always want something to drink.”
“That’s not true…” You mumbled, knowing he was damn right about that.
“Hello! I’d like to order two pink lemonades, one with ice and the other without, please.”
You felt your heart beat faster than ever. It was such a trivial thing, but the thought of Jaehyun not even having to ask you what you would want to drink because he knows damn too well your favorite drink made you feel flustered. You didn’t want to show him that, you wanted him to think that you found that annoying, however, you knew that if he looked at you for too long he would have you all figured out.
The attendant nodded with a small smile on her face and turned her back to prepare his order.
“Ya,” you hit Jaehyun’s chest. “Why didn’t you ask me what I wanted to order? I didn’t say I wanted a pink lemonade”
“You didn’t have to, I know you love the pink lemonade from this place, with lots of ice cubes. Plus, if I let you choose the kiosk and the drink, where and what would you order?”
You scoffed and crossed your arms in front of your chest, not being able to give him an answer that he wouldn’t expect to his question. “Whatever, you could’ve at least asked me.”
“If you didn’t want the pink lemonade you could just tell me and I would ask for another drink. Then you would have the drink you wanted and the pink lemonade for later.”
“You’re ridiculous,” you took the drink from the attendant’s hand once she was finished, smiled and thanked her for her work. You waited for Jaehyun to do the same and pay her. “Anyways, thanks for the drink. I’m paying for the popcorn, just so you know.”
“Whatever you say, princess,” Jaehyun took a sip of his drink and looked away with a fake innocent smile when you shot a glare at him.
You didn’t understand why Jaehyun was acting like that. Sure, he always teased you, but not like that. Never like that.
The worst part was that you couldn’t even let him know how flustered you were getting. You had to put on a show and pretend to be annoyed, but you didn’t know for how long you’d be able to keep going with the facade.
As you got inside the movie theater and sat on your seats, Jaehyun saw the way you were holding the pink lemonade’s cup with your jacket covering your palm because of how cold it was, he scoffed and took the drink from you.
“Seriously,” he placed a hand on his pocket and took a napkin out of it, wrapping it around the cup and handing it back to you. “Are you a kid or what?”
“Shush, it’s not my fault that it’s too cold. You’re the one who asked the lady to put ice on it!”
“Yeah, because you always drink with ice, if I had asked without you'd have complained. Now keep quiet because the movie will start soon and I don’t want people telling us to shut up.”
Jaehyun was holding the popcorn bucket, but he leaned it towards your direction so it would be easier for you to grab them.
You couldn’t even enjoy the movie properly, you were always glancing at Jaehyun, and most of the time you found him already looking at him, but he would immediately look back at the huge screen.
You were wondering if you were going insane or if Jaehyun was really acting strangely. He was way too excited about watching that movie, why was he paying attention to you instead of to the movie?
You shrugged the thought off and tried to pay attention to the movie, only to fail miserably when you felt his arm slowly making its way to your shoulder. Your internal reaction was to freak out in your mind, but your body leaned forward to make room for his arm to rest around your shoulder without you even realizing. You only realized when you felt the warmth of his arm behind your neck.
Jaehyun had to look away to hide his shiny grin when you let him place his arm around your shoulder. Okay, Jaehyun, keep casual. You got this.
He took a deep breath and whispered to your ear. “The movie is good, isn’t it?”
You hummed in approval, but it looked more like a whimper because of how much you were freaking out. The feeling of him being so close was amazing, but it was also making your heart beat so fast and loud that you were scared of him being able to listen to your heartbeat.
Once the movie was over, Jaehyun was looking at you intensely. “So, what did you think? Y’know, about the movie.” He let out a fake cough and reluctantly brought his arm back to his side. His arm was numb from the lack of blood circulating, but he didn’t want to break the closeness during the movie.
“It was good,” you nodded. “Very interesting.”
“We should go outside, soon enough my dad will be here to pick me up.”
“Your dad? Why?” Jaehyun tried to hide his disappointment, he clearly wanted to walk you home, to spend more time with you.
“I told him I was going to watch a movie with you and he asked me if I wanted to pick me up after work.”
“Ah… I see,” he sighed. “Okay, let’s go outside.”
As you were waiting for your dad to appear, the silence between you and Jaehyun was loud. You were both taking glances at each other and then looking away when your eyes met each other’s.
Finally, Jaehyun cleared his throat and turned his body towards you. “Hey, do you remember that event that Sungho talked about?”
“The event for couples?”
“It’s not only for couples, Y/N,” Jaehyun rolled his eyes. “And yes, this event.”
“Well, it’s a romantic event, so it’s only for cou-“
“Do you wanna go with me?” Jaehyun cut you off.
Your eyes widened as you looked at him in pure surprise. “What?”
“You heard me, don’t make me repeat again, please,” He spoke quietly as he looked down to the ground and kicked a few tiny rocks. “So, what do you say?”
“But- We are not a couple.”
“Ya! I told you it’s not only for couples!” Jaehyun raised his voice a little bit in frustration while his lips curled into a pout. “People who are getting to know each other go to that event too!”
“But we have known each other since always, tho.”
Jaehyun looked at you in disbelief. Are they rejecting me or are they just stupid?
“Y/N, I’m asking you out on a date, I want to get to know you romantically speaking.”
“Oh,” you placed your hand on your chest for a few seconds, thinking your heart would explode. You wanted to scream ‘Yes!’ and hug him, but your voice didn’t come out and you felt your body froze.
Jaehyun kept looking at you, waiting for your response, his expectations that you would accept going on a date with him dying more and more as the seconds passed and you kept quiet.
You heard a familiar car horn and only your eyes moved to take a glance at the street, where you found your dad’s car parked to the side, waiting for you to get inside it. The sight of your dad made your body finally start to work again.
“M-my dad’s here.”
“I can see that.” Jaehyun gave you a small smile with a hint of sadness. He was so sure that you had already declined his offer to go to that event with you.
“B-bye,” you rushed to your dad’s car without looking back until your hands found the car handle. “Jaehyun?”
He placed his hands inside his pocket and raised his eyebrows for milliseconds to show you that he was listening.
“About the event, let’s go. I’m sure it’ll be fun.” You tried to hold back your smile, and Jaehyun did the same, but both of you failed more than miserably.
“It’ll be fun. See you at school.” He waved at you and at your dad before walking away.
On the way home you were blushing all the time while hiding your face to not let your dad see your goofy smile and red cheeks and start making teasing questions.
On the other hand, Jaehyun was walking back home while humming your favorite song, a song that soon became his favorite song as well, his smile also never leaving his face.
He had two things in his mind: about how he needed to make your first date memorable and amazing and how you would write a whole essay about this day in your diary.
#boynextdoor#boynextdoor x reader#boynextdoor jaehyun#myung jaehyun x reader#jaehyun x reader#myung jaehyun#jaehyun#bnd x reader#bnd#bnd jaehyun#bnd fluff#jaehyun fluff#boynextdoor fluff#bnd imagines#jaehyun imagines#myung jaehyun fluff#boynextdoor imagines#kpop x reader#kpop fluff#boynextdoor scenarios#jaehyun boynextdoor#jaehyun bnd#myung jaehyun imagines#jaehyun scenarios#bnd scenarios
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More Than a Chance Encounter
Ji Suhyeon (tripleS JiYeon) x Male Reader
Tags: fluff, angst, romance
Word count: 9.2k
a/n: no smut yet, the first one really took a while to finish XD. however, a new one is in the works. for now, I hope you like this, if you are into this genre, at least.

The holiday season in one of the biggest malls in Seoul has made it crowded, as the year comes to a close in a couple of months. It still isn't as urgent and traditional like they do in America, but it's still a lot for Korea’s standards. Despite labels and posters of cheaper prices being stacked on a plethora of products, most of the supermarket is filled with the loud hum of the air conditioner as well as the movements of automaton couriers rushing in and out of the place. Nowadays, most people tend to visit to get some not so fresh nor natural, but nevertheless refreshing wind and spend time with their loved ones through various forms of recreation, entertainment, and the last reason: purchasing necessities for their families and friends. Necessities that are also known as gifts and groceries.
“How do I even use this..?” he whispers to himself, pressing all the buttons he can on the screen of the kiosk, only to end up in the same error popping up with an irritating sound that irritates even the folks behind him.
Self-checkouts at supermarkets are no longer the future because now, they’re the norm, here in the present. And yet a lot of customers are still stuck to the past, but reasonably so. Certain machines are not as simple as one would think, since these models are still new to the public, some of whom aren’t tech-savvy. This man in a suit just happens to fall into this case of generational dilemma. It’s a miracle he doesn’t even freak out yet.
“Ahjussi!” a voice roars from the end of the line. “We don’t have all night. Hurry up.”
But some would still take the advantage to shop in person during the holidays since, in most cases, it’s simply faster for people who visit after school or work. And as more and more users shop online, face-to-face customers take the advantage to buy in person just the same, especially when the couriers are taking a little longer than they want.
“Look, I’m trying to figure this thing out,” he mumbles as loud as he can. The longer he’s standing there with no solutions, the more he can feel the moisture accumulating on his scalp and realize how his fingers start to shiver under pressure. “I, um, I don’t think this thing is working. Does someone know how to fix this?”
“Maybe you broke it, old man,” another voice yells. “You should’ve just ordered online, so we didn’t have to deal with your mess!”
He can only sigh at the mockeries fired at him, but his patience remains high. Thankfully, karma finds its way to the heckler at the back, as the guard approaches and warns the pair to stop their impolite behavior. With the voice finally simmering down, the man in the suit is making some progress with the kiosk, but his ears catch footsteps getting louder and louder by the second. Clenching his fists in unease, he braces for whoever else may give him an earful.
“If I may, ahjussi…” He hears another voice from behind, now a calmer and feminine one. For some reason, his levels of anxiety begin to drop. “Let me help you with that.”
About six centimeters shorter than him, the woman’s ethereal appearance and attentive presence stuns him, prompting the man to step aside and let her deal with his problem. Despite being the very person behind him in the whole line, he didn't even notice her, since all his mind was focusing on was sorting out the kiosk by himself until he himself would have inevitably broken down due to the hecklers constantly mocking him. What surprises him is that she’s not in a uniform, yet she's able to fix his problem within half a minute, making him wonder whether or not she’s somehow from the staff.
“It’s not your fault,” she mumbles while he watches her from the side. “These kiosks are new. All you need to do is select the settings, change the method and—there! All your items are now totaled.”
He lets out a sigh of relief. “That’s really good to know. Kamsahamnida, Miss.”
She bows in response, while he hurries transferring his groceries into his shopping bag. Afterwards, the man would have gone on with his own business, but this encounter was different for him, aside from the fact that he rarely asked or received anyone’s help until the machine broke. His own machismo isn’t gonna let him be without trying to offer his assistance to the woman when she also finished her checkout a couple of minutes later. He sees her walk in his direction. “I’m sorry if I’m being a bother again, but let me help you with that too. If it’s fine with you.”
“Oh… Kamsahamnida.” Despite being taken aback by his action, she bows to him before leading the way throughout the market’s exit, where they are welcomed by the full moon in the sky. He carries three stuffed eco bags—two on the left and one on the right—while the woman carries a lighter one. She would often take a few glances at him out of concern, though he tries to reassure her with a few nods and a meager smile. A thought on her mind pushes her to help him by calling an auto-cart inside, but they’re already far from the store.
He can’t help but take a few peeks inside her bag as they stroll along the lane. While he isn’t able to see the items clearly, curiosity has already gotten the best of him. “You got a lot of stuff there. Do you mind if I ask what the occasion is? Christmas is still a couple of weeks away.”
“They’re for a family gathering.”
“Oh, mine too! I mean, it’s not unexpected, but I believe folks rarely buy stuff this early before Christmas. Let alone in person.”
“That’s true, but I’d rather not risk having delayed deliveries, considering the digital traffic… Or you know, missing some important ingredients for your recipes.”
“That’s a fair point,” he slowly nods.
“And you…” She takes a longer gaze at his eco bag. “You don’t have as much… Though it still looks heavy. Probably heavier than mine. I could’ve called an auto-cart back inside.”
“No, it’s fine,” he keeps insisting with a chuckle. “Gwenchana, seriously. I’ve carried heavier loads of paperwork than these in the past couple of years.”
“Arasseoyo, Mister Muscle,” the woman shoots back. Her raised eyebrow expresses intrigue and amusement, even if she can tell that he’s just trying to impress her to a degree, and realizing it makes her let out a chortle as they walk to the bus terminal.
He tries to continue the conversation, or at least keep babbling on from the top of his mind as they finally arrive at the lane. The only thing is—they just missed the last bus. The next ride won’t arrive for a while, unless they walk to another stop. But considering their distance to the nearest one—as well as their goods being quite a handful, neither of them seems to have the intention of doing just that.
A topic finally pops up in his mind, still driven by his curiosity about her minutes earlier. “Do you remember when those counters were still filled with cashiers? It must’ve been a kind of culture shock, finding out that we’re gonna have to check out our own groceries all by ourselves, unless we order online.”
“Yeah, I remember it clearly,” she admits with a more or less indifferent tone. “It hasn't been that long since they finally got rid of the last batch…” But the more her words come out, he senses jadedness and discouragement in her voice, despite saying a lot. “It sucks to see them leave, but what are you gonna do?” She sighs, much to his worry, even if he doesn’t know what her problem is about. “The company’s too afraid of falling behind.”
His mind compels him to do something, hoping to cheer her or lighten up the mood. “You must’ve frequented here often to know all of that… You even know how to fix a kiosk and you’re also worried about the cashiers. Are you the manager of the store?”
She keeps herself from scoffing at his genuine amazement, and the fact that he’s still basically glazing her for her mere act of assistance. “Um, no. Not as a manager, but I used to work here… As a cashier.”
“Oh…” Fuck is the first word that darts through his brain, followed by shit and crap. Immediate guilt and regret strike through his heart, believing that he’s offended her with his words. Why didn’t I think of it before? “I didn’t mean to phrase it like that. Joesonghamnida.”
“Oh, no, no!” she waves her hands in a slight panic while he starts to bow to her. “Don’t apologize. I wasn’t offended, and I understand your point, but I still work here. It’s just not my shift tonight.”
“You’re still working here?” he wonders, confused yet just as curious about the wave of conflicting info he has learned. “But I thought the cashiers had been discharged in this supermarket since last year… That’s why I thought you’d be a manager or something.”
“Most of us were,” she nods. “But some of us were lucky enough to stay here and were reassigned to other roles. I’m just a kiosk specialist now—which is just a much fancier way of saying that I’m a technician.”
They both chuckle at her remark. “I don’t see anything wrong with that,” he considers. “I think you have more experience than some folks in corpo nowadays. I think it’s always a plus when you learn things hands-on.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” she slowly nods. “Though, I don’t believe I know more than those with desk jobs. But, I do think we have as much experience when working with people.”
“Now that you’ve brought it up, people aren’t as many here compared to back then. It’s always been more convenient to shop online in the past decade. I just really think it is a bummer that a lot of workers have to be fired because our means of living have become easier now, no thanks to those bots.”
“It’s true, but I wouldn’t entirely see everything as negative,” she retorts. “As much as you’re right, there’s new jobs out there. Ones where we can start using our brains and bodies more often. Act more like a human for once, you know?”
He sees her somber smile as they lock eyes. The smile doesn’t appear to be forced, but rather wistful. Perhaps he’s been complimenting her way too much, and it’s starting to come off as annoying. Maybe she’s going through something or has been through a lot, but that’s not in his right to know, since they’ve only met. “Based on that, I’m guessing you don’t love your job. I don’t know how else to say it, since I’m just a stranger… But I hope you hang in there.”
She tilts her head while her lips pout. “Love? Hate? Hmm… I haven’t used those words to describe my jobs. Not in a while... I just know how to adapt and get used to whatever job or gig I can get by. But now that you mentioned it, I do love gaining more and more experience, just as I hate dealing with cranky customers, like that heckler from earlier.”
“But, umm,” she adds, feeling a glimmer of sincerity with what he just said. “Thanks for saying that. As a ‘fellow stranger’ myself, I appreciate it. I hope you hang in there, too.”
Amidst the winter breeze, the woman brings out a scarf from her bag and wraps it around her neck, before rubbing her hands and blowing into it. Her gestures give him an idea, which may or may not work, but that’s the least of his worries. He still feels a sense of debt and gratitude for her after she helped him out earlier—no matter how trivial it is. Perhaps due to the fact that she just happens to be beautiful and polite, maybe there is something else that he’s feeling, but he brushes it off. He doesn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable more than the frightening possibility that she already is, being with him.
“Hey, uhh… I think the next bus won’t be here for a while,” he brings up. “Would you mind if we grab a cup of coffee or tea first? Anything you’d like, really. It’s my treat.”
The woman is touched by his sudden suggestion, yet her lingering sense of pride is making her feel hesitant to accept it. “Oh, that's too much. You don’t have to…”
“It’s the least I can do, since you helped me out at the counter,” he avows. “I would’ve given you my stamp coupon from a café I often visit, but I’ve used all of it. That is… If you’re not in the rush right now. I’m just suggesting, cause it’s getting colder out here and we might need a place to warm up for a bit.”
She laughs at his honest statement, not caring whether he’s joking or telling the truth. His somewhat awkward yet honest deliveries have fascinated her for a while now. If it was like any other stranger, she would’ve left or ticked them off moments ago, but she doesn't feel too tense around him. It's in a way, refreshing. Besides, it is up to her if she will regret meeting him at a later time or not. She’s a grown woman, and if he even does anything funny, there are people everywhere. For now, she doesn’t feel like she wants to ditch him. At least, he has yet to give her a fair reason. “It’s fine, but since you’re the one offering, perhaps a cup of hot chocolate will do for me, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course, that’s perfect!” a hint of enthusiasm arises in his voice, astonished that she even went along with his improvised suggestion. “Where would you like to order?”
“Hmm… I think you should lead the way,” a smile forms on the woman’s face while placing an index finger on her chin, insinuating her anticipation. “Seems to me like you’re the café connoisseur.”
The man chortles at her compliment. “I just know quality drinks, that's for sure.”
“Though I do prefer if we go somewhere closer to here,” she requests. “Just in case we catch the next bus arriving.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” he hums. “I think I know just the place.”
He raises the three eco bags off the pavement with his care, although the woman assists him into carrying them properly. However, before she can follow his footsteps, she feels a buzzing in her pocket. Her eyes widened at the message she just received seconds ago.
“Joesonghamnida!” she suddenly bows to him in a fast sequence, her voice mirroring her rushed pace. “I got an urgent thing to do back home. But if you want, we can have coffee some other time.”
He didn’t expect her to say those latter words, but it gives him a sense of hope. That she didn’t misunderstood his intentions. But in a fit of internal panic, rummages his hands inside his messenger bag to find something. Within seconds, he pulls out a wrinkled small card at the same time the woman hails the nearest taxi cab on sight.
“Of course, of course… It’s okay! Here's my call card,” he hands it over. “Just call me up through that number and, umm, we can meet up wherever you like.”
The woman keeps the card inside her eco bag just in time as the cab stops in front of the sidewalk. Opening the backseat door for her, the man helps her get two of her shopping bags in the middle of the seat. Once everything has been sorted out, she turns to look at him—both in relief and guilt—and bows to him once more. “Kamsahamnida, ahjussi... And, uhh, Merry Christmas.”
After she heads inside the vehicle, he sees the taxi leave the mall grounds, heading into a lane of the greater concrete sea and finding a spot among the fellow school of headlights.
“I don't know what just happened,” he whispers to himself, as he sees a pair of bigger headlights approaching from a distance. As it gets closer, more and more people, most of whom are also packed with tons of holiday goods in their arms, behind him start gathering in a line. “I just hope I didn't ruin her night.”
= = =
It's been a few weeks since New Year’s passed. He hasn’t received any calls from her, but he never realized it. After spending time with his family at home, he gets back to slaving away at work through meetings with the higher-ups and on-the-spot presentations. It is still the second week of January, yet everything becomes a blur when it comes to going through his routine. Things repeat in a cycle of the mundane. That has always been the case for him, until he receives a text from an unknown number during his lunch break.
[Unknown]: Annyeonghaseyo, ahjussi. Is this Young Sungwoo?
He shakes his head. His eyes can’t believe it, but the messages keep on being sent.
[Unknown]: I don’t know if you still remember me, but this is the lady from the supermarket.
I’m really sorry for leaving out of the sudden.
I had an emergency back at home.
Whenever you’re free, would you like to have that hot chocolate you promised?
Why is she still texting me? is the first instinctive question that pops up in his mind, followed by Is this a scam?, How is this possible?, The text sounds like her, but why is she apologizing when I’m the one who kept pestering her?, This cannot be happening, among many other thoughts clashing together as the unexpected situation leaves him in a state of analysis paralysis. That's until he takes another look at her last message. The hot chocolate. Of course! How can it not be her?
Assured by the texter's identity, he spends the remainder of his break, thinking of the words to text her back before getting back to his desk, perhaps with perhaps even more effort than most of his recent individual presentations at work since returning to work.
{{Annyeonghaseyo, Miss! Yes, this is Young Sungwoo.}}
{{Gwenchanayo. I don’t mind. I do hope everything’s okay.}}
{{I’m only available after work or during the weekend.}}
{{But I can adjust my schedule if you want to meet on those days.}}
[Unknown]: If you’re free today, then I was thinking later.
Since it’s Friday, you know?
Is that possible for you?
{{That’d be great.}}
{{Do you have a place in mind?}}
The café happens to be about eight minutes walk from his work, surprisingly enough. Entering inside, he sees her at one of the fifteen tables, almost half of which is seated with other customers. As their eyes meet, she waves at him.
“Annyeonghaseyo,” she greets him with a low respectful bow, which he reciprocates before taking the seat in front of her.
“I thought this would be a nice place for us to meet since I saw your company address.”
His mouth gapes, understanding her intention. “So that’s why this place is near our building! But, uhh… I hope I didn’t make you take a long ride.”
“It’s okay, ahjussi!” She raises her hand. “My place isn't that far from here either.”
“Please, don’t call me ahjussi,” he requests with a sheepish tone, raising his tone a little. “I’m not old. I just turned thirty.”
“Well, I’m not that old,” he adds in embarrassment. The man’s lowered voice makes her giggle. “Now that I’ve basically outed my age to almost everyone here, I guess I do count as an ahjussi… But I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable.”
“Not at all,” she reassures. “Our ages are not that far after all… I’m actually twenty-six.” She then leans into him a little closer, curious at his own misgivings. “And by the way, I don’t even think you look old. You look just about our age… Even if you are an ahjussi, I wouldn’t mind lessening formalities between us.”
“Thanks.” He takes a sip of his cup. “Those hecklers at the market must’ve gotten to me.”
“They do look like they’re on the younger side,” she considers. “Kids these days, huh?”
“That’s true… But I don’t know how exactly their parents raised them, so I don’t think it’s worth holding any grudges against them. A bad day can get anyone riled up.”
His answer intrigues her. It may sound like a little lecture, but his answers resonate with her. “That’s, umm... Quite mature of you. You ever dealt with people like those at work?”
“Pretty much,” he slowly nods with instinct. “It comes with the territory, but we’ve learned that there are much better ways of discipline than screaming at them. Our generation, I mean.”
“I agree.” Her head tilts while taking a glance at him with wonder. In her mind, there’s nothing witty or insightful left for her to add. But I don’t think that should excuse them for making a mistake. They gotta learn how to better themselves.” Except for one.
His face can’t help but form a smile. Now, he doesn’t have anything to add. “Well said.”
Despite them simply being strangers who have met up for drinks, this moment feels nice and calming for them, yet something is still missing. He slowly turns to her with caution. “I–uhh–I haven’t caught your name before.”
“Oh, right,” she mumbles, her eyes growing at his realization. “I told you my age, but not my name, haha. It’s Suhyeon. And by your call card, I can assume you’re Sungwoo?” Her eyes squint with suspicion in an attempt to tease him. “Unless that was your coworker’s name, which you used just to call me or something.”
He chortles at her remark, raising his hands for a second. “That is my name. No tricks.” Sungwoo keeps his right hand raised, signaling an attempt to shake her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Suhyeon.”
“I know, I’m just messing,” she shoots back, right before reciprocating his handshake with a welcoming smile. “And it’s nice meeting you, too, Young Sungwoo-ssi.”
Hoping to initiate their conversation this time, she tries to recall a few details from him since their previous encounter, as well as his card. “Wait, so you are from corpo right? I can’t believe you said I have more experience than the likes of you.”
He lets out a snicker. The fact that she even remembers that surprises him. “My opinion still stands. Some of my colleagues could be freeloaders whenever there’s team projects.”
She sighs just imagining some of his hardships. “That must be a chore to deal with.”
“It is at times, but like what you said, you just get used to it.” The silence is now his cue; it’s his turn to try and get to know a little more about his companion. “So, Suhyeon-ssi, what else do you do for a living, aside from being a kiosk specialist at the mall… since I remember you saying that you’re working from job to job.”
“Well, that was the case.” Her smile grows wider. “I stopped working at the mall about two weeks ago when a friend of mine recommended me to a new and more stable one.”
He puts down his now half empty cup on the table. “What’s your main job these days?”
“Starting from next week, I’m gonna be a company driver,” she informs him. “My friend works there, but I got hired through their interview and test drives.”
“I gotta say, you're quite amazing, Suhyeon-ssi. What can you not do?”
“You’ve been flattering me non-stop, Sungwoo-ssi,” she shakes her head with a snicker, before her hand instinctively reaches to the napkin box and wipes some of the stain off his sleeve. “You didn’t even notice that stain.” She looks up to see his lips, also stained with coffee foam. “And your lips—”
“Oh,” she stops just as the napkin touches his lips, realizing that her impulse has astounded him. “Joesonghaeyo.”
“No, it’s okay,” he tells her. “But I can handle it from here.” He takes the napkin from her hand, igniting a spark from her. “Thank you for noticing this. You got sharp eyes.”
“Must be a force of habit,” she quips, while avoiding eye contact with him. Her mind reflects on her unexpected, ceremonious gesture.
From that moment forward, the two would keep meeting on weekends for coffee and hot chocolate, finding the most mundane yet meaningful things to talk about inside the café. It doesn’t always happen, but when they both agree to meet up, they make the most of it. And whenever none are available, they start using their phones longer, whether through usual texts or calls, almost every weekend night. Through their sleepless hours, they get to know each other, exchanging fun facts about themselves & sharing jokes and memes. Even finding out about their favorite or least favorite things is enough to prolong their conversations from twelve midnight until two in the morning.
{{Sungwoo: Never was a fan of avocados.}}
{{But I may consider trying out this recipe.}}
[Suhyeon]: Yah! Don’t just consider (╥﹏╥) I promise, you won’t regret it!
{{Sungwoo: Fine, I will try it out.}}
{{Your ingredients on the hot pot were amazing, after all.}}
{{My colleagues and I ended up gobbling them all down within an hour.}}
[Suhyeon]: You’re welcome! ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
{{Sungwoo: And how about my recommendations? I gave you about a hundred dessert suggestions last time. I’m sure you would’ve tried some of them by now.}}
[Suhyeon]: Hmm… I’ll think about it. It was too many for me to remember a single one.
{{Sungwoo: (—_—)}}
{{Not one dessert caught your attention?}}
{{You didn’t even stop me when I was rambling.}}
[Suhyeon]: Of course, I’m kidding! I did try that coffee toffee ice cream with my buddies. For a store-bought dessert, it's top-tier, that’s for sure. Cheap one too. You really love anything coffee-related, don’t you?
{{Sungwoo: Well, it got me through college and now.}}
{{What got you through those times?}}
Sometimes, it takes a longer time for her to reply. He would think she’s introspective about something that’s trivial and mundane, or that he said something insensitive or offensive to her. Maybe he shouldn’t have brought questions like those up, but she always has an answer. Even if they sometimes come off as dismissive or evasive, Suhyeon’s insight resonates with him, to a past that even he rarely calls back to.
[Suhyeon]: Oh, you know… My friends and family. I’m sorry if that sounded cliche, but you get my point, right? Getting through college wasn’t easy for me. For pretty much anyone else, really.
{{Sungwoo: No need to apologize, Suhyeon-ssi.}}
{{You got a point there.}}
[Suhyeon]: But that’s way back in the past. I’m quite content with what I got now. For the most part.
{{Sungwoo: I couldn’t agree more.}}
However, both of them are well aware that both or either of these pale in comparison to their meetings in person. Nothing beats the real thing, as a lot would say. Aside from coffee and chocolate, they would start ordering other drinks for once, sometimes even snacks they can munch on after work while they rant or share their thoughts. They found their own little ecosystem within the café’s area. Most talks would last for thirty to forty minutes, sometimes an hour—if not a few minutes longer, if they can’t help it.
Though, it never usually lasts more than that. Suhyeon whines that her parents have a less strict curfew for her even in her mid-twenties, which raises his eyebrow—though he never bothered to ask for any elaboration. She’d do the same thing for him, though there seems to be no problem with him answering her questions like he’s an open book.
“How about you then?” Because of Sungwoo’s amiable views and easy-going demeanor, Suhyeon eventually returns his curiosity by asking him about his occupation more than the call card he gave her about last December. “You must’ve been a marketing manager at your company at this point. You’ve read a lot of trends from the palm of your hand.”
“That’s flattering… But I am not there yet,” he confesses, wearing a simper on his face. “I don’t think I’ll even get there in a while. While being a no-name marketing specialist has its ups, you gotta deal with the rest of your team or even suck up to the older higher ups just to convince them that your idea is worth pushing through. I even don’t have any other time or the privilege to spend on outside work, at least besides these hours.”
“Hmm… You’re not alone. My friends are way out of my league… One’s a gourmet chef. The other’s banker. The other two even got promoted to higher positions just recently!” she lets out a deep sigh. “Until now, I still question why they are still hanging out with me…. Why they’re even making time for me.”
He doesn’t know how else to feel but amazement. “They must be great friends. Just considering how highly you speak of them.”
“Oh, they are!” she exclaims with enthusiasm, only for it to dip down within seconds. “It’s just… Ugh. I don’t wanna admit it, but I feel like I’m just being a burden to them whenever I meet up with them outside.” She places each of her cheeks on her palms, slowly rubbing them up and down as she groans with lower spirits.
“Don’t think of it that way,” he insists. “You still have a lot ahead of you, and plus, you’re not alone. There is nothing burdensome about having close friends… They rely on you as much as you rely on them. Clearly, you all care for each other.”
His words slowly warms Suhyeon’s heart. “Seems like you have good friends yourself.”
“Had,” he retorts. “Most of my friends are just being slaves to our work like myself. Even some of them are staying at home, raising their children, like almost twenty-four seven.”
Her glassy eyes are filled with sympathy and consolation, making her turn her head away from him for a moment as she puffs. Sungwoo senses her vulnerable moment.
“Everyone has their reasons or excuses why they’re busy, I get that... Life just happens.”
What he said casts a gloom over her in the form of less pleasant memories resurfacing.
“Sungwoo-ssi,” she mutters, keeping her own voice from trembling. “I–uhh…”
“What is it, Suhyeon?”
“Nothing,” she clears her throat. “It’s just… What you said was really something. I hope your friends got to do whatever they wanted back then. Not everyone gets to reach their dreams the way they expected, you know?”
“That’s true, but even if that seems to be the case, life doesn't stop after your twenties. I mean, it shouldn’t!” he asserts as a hopeful smile forms on his face. “And that is coming from someone who just left that chapter.”
She turns to him, reading his face. “Sounds like you've had regrets in your twenties.”
“Well, I can't deny that…” He chuckles at her deduction, not out of mockery, but the fact she has read his expression too well. “But then again, don't we all have those at some point?”
The woman gulps at his rhetorical question, but her once facade of somber eyes flare up. Her left hand slowly squeezes her empty coffee cup until the rest of her fingers meet her thumb around it. Keeping his hands clasped under the table, Sungwoo’s peripherals can sense her pent-up emotions slowly breaking out through her actions, although he does not say anything about it. Despite his concern, he knows that she doesn’t have to open up if she’s not ready. Yet for Suhyeon, taking in his honest words cools her down—in a fashion that’s familiar to her. “Butterflies” would be a cliche of a word to describe it. She remembers all too well how she has used that word about someone else before, and how it ended up to where she is now. The good, the bad, and the ugly of it all.
“I’m sure you'll get to reach what dreams you want to do,” he looks at her with solace. “Even if you don't realize what they are just yet. I hope you don’t give up on it.”
She stares into the blank space, considering his words, even though most of her mind has always been discouraging her from imagining anything. Pipe dreams won't get us anywhere, she reminds herself. And why are you even here? This is the last place you should be. But turning to him once again, Suhyeon senses the last thing she’d expected to happen in a long time. Her heart slowly beating faster. You should stop meeting him. Looking down on the floor, the woman just realizes the moisture building up in her eyes.
As tears begin to pour down her face, Suhyeon looks at Sungwoo once again, seeing his hand holding a piece of napkin in front of her. While sniffling, she looks up to his face. He doesn’t say or ask anything, except for the words, “Are you alright?”
“I... uhh... I don't know... But thank you,” she mumbles. Taking the white cloth from his hand, she begins to feel a familiar rhythm within her. One that’s growing louder than the lo-fi music that’s playing on the speakers.
But amidst their moment of bliss, they watch a child entering the café door—standing with daze and confusion while everyone else also looks at her with curiosity, adoration, or concern. Sungwoo expects the nearby young cashier or anyone else to approach and calm her down, yet instead, a collected Suhyeon walks to the girl first with an amiable and sympathetic approach. He follows her, astonished at her initiative and attention, though his worry still lingers for her due to her own moment of vulnerability earlier.
“Hey, little girl,” she kneels on her level. “Are you alright? Why are you here alone?”
“I…” The girl’s voice cracks as she starts to break down in tears. “I don’t know where my eomma and appa are!”
“It’s okay, don’t cry,” she holds her closer, comforting the sobbing child with a slow pat and caress to her back. “Don’t worry, we’ll find her, arachi? What’s your name?”
“Ha…Eun,” she sniffles. “My name… Is Haeun… What… Should I… call you, eomonim?”
Suhyeon uses the napkin to wipe off her tears. “My name is Suhyeon,” she turns to him with a gaze of trust. “And this ahjussi’s name is Sungwoo. You’re gonna be staying with us for a while. We can get you anything you want while we look for your parents.”
Hearing it from her again, he oddly doesn’t mind the term this time. Maybe it’s just the context it’s used that bothered him before, but as it left her mouth, it sounds—normal. It sounds complimentary. “Hello, Haeun-ah,” he greets her. “Do you have anything we can use to help you find your parents? Do you memorize their phone numbers?”
“I don’t—*hic*—know, ahju—*hic*—ssi…” Haeun tries telling him through her hiccups.
Suhyeon notices the lanyard on Haeun’s neck, finding the girl’s ID. “Haeun-ah… Can I take a look at this for a second?”
The girl nods, allowing Suhyeon to inspect the back of the ID. Her guess proves her right. “It has a phone number,” she informs Sungwoo and everyone else in the café, filling up the once disquiet and tense café with optimism. “We can call your parents, Haeun-ah!”
Almost twenty minutes later, a couple storms inside the café with faces of fright and disquietude. “Haeun-ah!” they cry to her. Their unease dwindles down at the second they find their daughter sitting on the table beside Suhyeon and in front of Sungwoo, taking a sip of her own smaller cup of hot chocolate.
“Eomma, appa!” Haeun rejoices, running to them in the middle of the café as her parents wrap her in a warm embrace, prompting cheers from the staff and some customers. Sungwoo can only smile at their precious moment, though he sees Suhyeon letting out a sigh in relief—droplets of sweat start to drip out of her scalp. Yet it also fascinates him that her smile grows much wider.
“Kamsahamnida, Miss!” Haeun’s parents bow to them in a rapid succession, bowing as low as their heads can reach. “Kamsahamnida, Sir! I don’t know how we can repay you. Thank you so much for looking out for our daughter.”
“Gwenchanayo,” she reassures them, holding each of their arms in hopes that they stop bowing to them—which they eventually do. “Just keep looking out after your daughter.”
Another several minutes pass. The sun had already set and rush hour had just begun. Suhyeon and Sungwoo have exited the café, taking a stroll to the nearby bus stop. With no words leaving any of their mouths, they’re only hearing the horns of whining drivers along with their own footsteps. She’s quieter around him, ever since he saw her in tears. It’s the first time she hasn’t spoken to him on their way home.
“You know how to handle that pretty well,” he praises her. “Have you ever considered being a nursery or kindergarten teacher?”
Her eyes widen, realizing something that only she knows. “I have to go,” she tells him with a fast and weak pace, contrasting her enthusiasm earlier. “I’m really sorry about this, Sungwoo.”
“Oh… It’s fine!” He wants to ask why, but he stops himself. He doesn’t have the right. Besides, it’s not the first time she’s told and left out of the sudden, he nudges himself. Even if she doesn’t tell the reason... Even if she won’t tell him the reason the moment they text tonight, like nothing strange ever happened. “Take care… Suhyeon-ssi.”
= = =
Three weeks have passed. Things start to drift apart. Suhyeon stopped texting first after the first week, but Sungwoo didn’t stop. Both people have had sleepless nights, but they never meet. Not even text as often as they did. Due to the gradual fall in their digital and personal interaction, Sungwoo eventually stops taking initiative. As their respective lives go on, he does his best not to succumb to the temptation of texting her over and over, to the point she becomes uncomfortable like he’s often feared since they met.
Of course, it would be far from the last time he receives a text from her.
[Suhyeon]: Hey, Sungwoo-ssi. Can we meet?
No coffee or chocolate. No avocados or desserts. Just each other’s chilling presence and their own breaths warming up this winter afternoon. He notices her new look. It’s not a uniform, but it’s a little more formal than the previous attires he saw her in.
He simply wants to tell her that she’s beautiful, yet his more soured and stubborn self wants to ask her why it took her this long, even though he knows that her personal life has never been his business, nor should it be.
“It’s been a while,” he breaks the awkward silence with a sigh. “Is everything alright?”
“Things have…” Her eyes are darted on the ground, her hands clenching on her knees. “Gotten busier at work.”
He senses that something else is troubling her mind, but he doesn’t want to get ahead of himself. He’s nothing but a friend, perhaps a mere close acquaintance to her. Someone who she can confide her most trivial problems to, and only that. But despite this meek and unassertive thought, he believes that—deep down—that may just be for the better.
“I don’t think I’ll be meeting you in a while,” she continued before he could’ve answered.
“It’s okay,” he said without a tone of complaint. “I understand that. No pressure.”
Such a response struck a nerve in her or punched through her gut. As if that’s not the answer she had hoped for from the man. “What if I don’t see you longer than that?”
“Then…” He wants her to explain why she’s asking him such a question, but he tries to remain reasonable, no thanks to his self-doubt. “I’ll understand if you can’t meet up.”
He feels like himself in the past. Spineless. Dishonest. Numb. Helpless. Coward. Yet another part of him keeps fighting on, despising those traits, not for his own sake, but for her. Since they started meeting up and talking, Sungwoo has known a lot about her, yet there’s still so much he doesn’t know. The same goes for Suhyeon, but he thinks she cares little about that. There is an invisible barrier between them that has been keeping them from going further than this. Whatever this is.
And now, after a few months of making a connection with this wonderful woman, his mind braces for the worst case scenario, just as his heart foresees his fears. Is this it?
Their eyes meet, reading a few glimpses through each other’s souls. Broken. Deprived. Lonely. Yearning. She looks down on his face, his lips now appearing much closer. Her heartbeats do not deceive her, deafening her fear. No words follow from their mouths, only each other’s breaths becoming clearer and louder with each second. Giving in to the whispers of her temptation, Suhyeon gets up from her seat and inches towards him.
Frozen in the moment, their lips touch. Sungwoo melts into the kiss, closing her eyes with her. Seconds pass, warmth turns into a burning sensation. Sweetness turns to hunger, one that neither of them have felt in forever. As the man reciprocates her gesture, the irresistible tingle she’s feeling urges her tongue to slide into his—
“Mianhaeyo,” she takes a few steps back away from him, appalled by her own impulse while catching up her breath. “I… I shouldn't have done that—”
Sungwoo remains frozen for a second, but not his heart. He leans himself closer into her this time, embracing her as the beat of their hearts sync with the rhythm of their second kiss. With their eyes closed once again, Suhyeon doesn’t fight back. Instead, she slowly wraps her arms around his nape in order to pull him closer until their chests collide.
It would be the last time the pair would’ve met…
If it wasn’t for Sungwoo’s stubbornness. Even if it costs whatever they had, he wants to know how she's been doing ever since. Even if she made the move, he either can’t help but blame himself as the reason why she stops reaching out to him after that meetup.
{{I don’t know what happened then.}}
{{I'm really sorry for kissing you.}}
{{But I know something else is on your mind.}}
{{You can talk to me.}}
{{Like you always have.}}
{{Please text back. Or call me.}}
{{Just tell me you’re okay.}}
{{Or if you’re not.}}
{{If you really don’t want to meet again. I’ll understand.}}
{{But I’ll always be here.}}
= = =
Another week has passed, and Sungwoo goes on with his usual life—yet, the presence of Suhyeon still lingers on his mind. From the bar to the PC bang, he tries to do everything he can to get the woman off his thoughts. Even online dating—as some of his coworkers suggested to him lately… So he does, and after his twenty-third swipe, he hits it off with someone, much to his own surprise. “You must be Hyewon… Or is it Belle?” he corrects himself immediately. “Your profile has two names. I don’t know what to call you.”
She chuckles at his hesitant question. “Any will do… And you are Sungwoo-ssi, if I am not mistaken?”
Things are taking off for them in the next half an hour. He compliments her appearance. She laughs at his jokes, whether they’re forced or not. They talk about their opinions on certain topics. He fails to read her signals. It’s a start, he admits with little confidence.
But on that same Saturday night, he receives a phone call from an unknown number. He can just ignore the call, let the other party leave a message after the beep, maybe he can hang out with Belle a little longer, see how things go. Unfortunately for himself and his date, he can’t help but be Sungwoo. As someone who has spent his life through his job, every call for him has become an obligation.
He answers it with some caution. “This is Young Sungwoo speaking. Who is this?”
But that voice. Her voice. It's something that he can never forget. “It’s me, Ji Suhyeon. This is my company’s number… I’m sorry if I surprised you. I’m just finishing my shift for the night, and…”
She stops. And despite the past few times they’ve talked on the phone, he can now sense her hesitation from the other side. “You can say it. I won’t mind.”
“Well, I just thought of you,” she completes her words. “Plus, I owe you an apology. In ways more than one.”
He can hear his own heart, making that familiar rhythm. Whenever he was with her.
“It’s okay, Suhyeon,” he stammers, but immediately clears his throat. “How are you?”
“Could be worse, to be honest…” A deep breath from her fills the dead air for a few seconds before Sungwoo can hear her voice again. “Are you free… This weekend?”
There it is. It’s his chance. Maybe his last one.
“You know I am,” he tries to play it cool with her, yet he quickly realizes how awkward he sounded. “I mean, of course... Same place?”
He can hear Suhyeon let out a light chuckle for a moment. “Maybe not at the café,” she suggests. “But somewhere else. If that’s fine with you.”
It’s about the nth time they said those words to each other. But hearing it from her once again is a breath of fresh air. “Elsewhere would be nice, too.”
Returning to the bar, his eyes scan most of the place, only to find that his date is no longer around. He receives a message.
[Belle:] Sorry for dipping early, but I got a thing. We can still hang out another time if you want.
Strangely enough, he doesn’t feel a sense of disappointment. Sure, he’s bummed out he fumbled the date with the first woman he met online in years, but he’s not too bummed out about it because of her. Instead, he couldn't feel any luckier because of this call.
= = =
It’s the fourth of May. Instead of the usual café, they decided to meet at the park outside. They take a seat next to each other on one of the benches, albeit keeping a wide distance. He’s on the left corner, with her on the right. Amidst the silence of the background, they see each other in their springtime attire. Suhyeon is in a brighter dress and jeans, while Sungwoo is finally not wearing a suit for once; instead, he’s wearing a blue short sleeve. Whether or not today ends up being the last time they meet, both of them agree on one thing: it’s about time that they meet each other in the early morning for the first time.
“You look beautiful,” he scratches his head, finally listening to his heart instead of letting his own brain filter his thoughts until they sound more logical or interrupts himself with more filler words.
She looks down in embarrassment, hiding her reaction as she senses her cheeks slowly heating up. “Thank you,” she mumbles. “You look nice, too, Sungwoo-ssi.”
“Thanks… But can we talk about what happened last time—” he continues.
“I know,” Suhyeon interjects with a soft-spoken tone. She takes a deep breath, before looking up to face him. “But I have to tell you something first, if that’s okay.”
“Of course,” he straightens his sitting posture while their eyes level. “What is it?”
The woman gulps involuntarily. “There’s another job I haven't told you about… And it’s not that simple. It’s not that I don’t wanna meet you, Sungwoo, even if I'm busier... It’s just… I don’t know how to say this.”
“Take your time.” Sungwoo doesn’t know why she's suddenly talking about her job, yet he keeps listening, sensing her state of distress and hesitation. “Whatever that may be, and as long as you love it, I’m happy for you. I don’t think our… situation should get in the way of your…”
There it is again, she thinks. “Why shouldn’t it?”
“Because that’s your job,” he counters. “It’s your life… And besides, I can just adjust.”
“I don't think you can.” She can’t keep on lying and hiding like this. He has to know, even if it ruins things, ends things even. “Sungwoo-ssi. The thing is…”
“What is it? I’m sure it’s nothing bad—”
“I have a child, Sungwoo.”
She looks at him with a fortified expression, yet deep down, she feels the most nervous. Especially when his eyes widen after hearing those four words, her thoughts go all over the place, stricken with panic and despair. Not even air comes out from his mouth that moment, something that only intensifies Suhyeon’s unease as his silence lasts seconds.
“Did you just hear what I said?” she asks him up front, slightly raising her voice in an attempt to keep herself from crumbling from within. “I’m a single mother.”
“This job, this responsibility of mine isn’t easy,” she continues before he can make any response, clenching both her fists and finally pouring her heart out. “It never has been. Every year, you get into family gatherings. Not only do you help prepare them, but you buy gifts for your relatives, yet all you get from some of them are blames and lectures for what’s happened to you. And whenever you're with friends, you gotta put on a bolder face just to ask them to look out for the kid while you work your ass off in different jobs from morning ‘till afternoon—or whenever you're applying for one… But there's things I don't regret, at least with what I have now. And no matter how hard things get, I don’t regret keeping him. Raising him.”
At that moment, some things have become clearer to him. Their long and wholehearted talks about life and dreams. The unusual curfew and her leaving out of the sudden. Her encounter with the little girl. Her pent-up emotions finally cracking around him. Now, he realizes why she never told him more of her life, rooted out of the fear and distress that she will be rejected, lambasted, patronized, or looked down on, like everyone else in her life.
“And just like meeting you that night… It’s something that I don’t regret either,” she confesses. “Even if that was some silly chance encounter, it was one of the times I felt something new. So I called you that day to see where it goes, and here we are… But of course—a part of me still keeps telling me: Let it go. You’re a mother now. You don't deserve to have these feelings... You're just giving yourselves a hard time.”
Sungwoo looks at her face. His mind and heart tells her to hold her hand. Say anything. Do anything to comfort her, now that she’s told him the truth about the barrier that has been keeping them from going the distance for months.
Suhyeon’s heart starts to tighten with every beat, seeing his look of guilt and sorrow. It's not the first time she's seen it from someone. “If you don’t want to see me, after this… I'll understand, Sungwoo... I was the one who invited you into whatever-this-thing-is to begin with, didn’t I?”
“No,” he tells her without hesitation. “That doesn’t change what I think about you.”
“It should…” she mutters in defeat, shameful to even look him in the eye as she says it.
“What you said, it only proved what I already thought of you… You’re a wise, beautiful, hardworking, independent, and fearless woman,” he elaborates, allowing himself to be vulnerable with Suhyeon. “And for you to keep that part of your life for long—it must’ve been a pain. It’s something that I can’t imagine. I’m sorry I didn’t ask you sooner. About how you were really feeling. What you’re going through—”
“Don't,” she interjects with disdain, but not for him. It’s too late, Suhyeon thinks while her mouth remains shut. You’ve heard this before. Look at what happened to us. “I’m tired of people telling me that they're sorry. It's not your fault why I'm like this.”
“I know… I’m sorry because I wasn’t attentive enough. That I wasn’t courageous enough,” he adds. “But I am not sorry that it doesn't change how I feel about you.”
Her eyes widen, her mouth agape in shock. Staring through his soul, waves of emotions start to clash deep down in her heart—Awe. Doubt. Denial. Mistrust. Misunderstanding. Fear. Warmth. Comfort. Growth. Excitement. Hope. Joy. Acceptance—while a stream of conflicting thoughts flood her mind. This was bound to happen sooner or later. What’s the point of this? You never had a chance. He’s one of them. You’re a disgrace for ever being here. He'll just leave you. Go home with your son and your parents. There’s no point in hoping, Ji Suhyeon. “Sungwoo-ssi…”
“I like you, Suhyeon-ssi,” he finally affirms, with much stronger conviction in his voice. “I don’t know if it means anything to you, but that’s the truth… I don’t care what comes after this. But I just want you to know that there's no shame in what you are, and what you're going through… I'll always be here for you.”
Suhyeon’s inner thoughts and misgivings shut down. In turn, her heart starts to sing without shame, rejoicing and reaching ranges she hasn't felt in years, as it yearns for something more. His earnest gentleness. His soothing scent. His comforting touch. Unbeknownst to her, he feels just about the same.
She rushes to Sungwoo, laying her head on his chest and wrapping her arms around him. He places his right hand on her head, caressing it. That warm comfort that she’s been longing for, it’s within her grasp. Tears of jubilation begin to drip from her face down to his shirt, as she breathes easier. “Gomawoyo, Sungwoo.”
Gently pulling away from their embrace, she leans back to look at him closely with a warm and grateful smile that mirrors his, letting out a chuckle of relief. “And I like you, too.”
A smile quickly forms on Sungwoo’s face, prompting him to give her a peck on the lips. As she giggles, Suhyeon prolongs the act with a longer, sweeter kiss of acceptance. From this day forward, their months of week to week encounters and meetups at the café end, as a new chapter of their lives awaits. It is unknown as it is promising, exciting as it is frightening. But at least they have each other to face it head-on. Together.
= = =
a/n: hello again! if you've reached the end, then you must've read a good chunk of it. it's not my proudest work, even if it's only my second one, tho I liked writing it for the most part. still, I wanna publish it, 'cause I don't want it to stay in my drafts lol. once again, the aforementioned next fic from earlier is already in progress. anyhoo, thanks for the read. I hope you have a great day!
#triples fluff#kpop fluff#kpop au#triples jiyeon#kpop angst#jiyeon fluff#male reader#male reader fluff#kpop romance
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That radar, by the way? It's your unconscious brain (aka not thr part you actively think with) recognizing subtle body language cues and other non-verbal communication cues and noting a pattern then sending up red flags.
These body language and other non-verbal communication clues are so subtle that thr other person doesn't even realize they're doing them either.
ADHD folks and Autistic folks tend to be VERY good at reading these (because out brains don't automatically filter out unimportant stimuli the way neurotypical brains do), though autistic folks aren't generally as good at understanding the flags their brain is sending up (sometimes because so manu situations male them feel uncomfortable they assume it'sa false alarm). Anyone with PTSD tends to be even more keyed into these indicators, especially when it's a potential threat.
What's really cool is that you can train yourself to get even better at doing this. It's not some mystical ability some folks have and others will never have. Even neurotypical folks can teach themselves to pay more attention to these cues. A lot of it is working on mindfulness, start using active listening skills to pay closer attention to the people you're talking to. When you get a vibe, no matter how small, don't just automatically dismiss it, tuck it away until after the conversation and analyze it. Those vibes are the ways right, the larger the database your brain has on human behavioural patterns the more accurate they'll be so when you first start out you're likely going to be off a lot. Keep in mind this skill is only and always a tool to be used in conjunction with other skills and tools, you should never rely solely on this skill to form judgement about a person.
Start paying attention to behavioural patterns. "People who do X often react this way to Y situation." And pay attention to when that's not true, try to figure out what variable you may be missing that explains why they're acting in a way you didn't predict. Human behaviour is ALWAYS rational when perceived from the perspective of the person acting. There is always a rational and logical explanation for why a person is doing anything, no matter how illogical or irrational it may seem to you. If you can't figure out a rational explanation it's because you're missing key data.
And even when you're really, really good at reading people some folks will still throw you for a loop. It happened to me recently and I trusted someone I shouldn't despite this being a special interest of mine for literal decades.
And even I was shocked when I learned about Gaiman, because the information most of us had access to was specifically curated. He always felt a bit off to me, but in a socially awkward sort of way not in a predator way.
One final point about Gaiman, don't let him get away with "They'll all said they wanted it" or whatever bullshit he's trying to excuse his behaviour with. His art has, for decades, demonstrated he has a full understanding of consent and coercion and how vulnerable people will give in to powerful ones when they feel threatened even though they don't want to. His stories are full of these situations and he clearly demonstrates he knows that it's exploitation. He doesn't get to hide behind the socially awkward "I didn't understand" justification. Neither does Palmer, though with her it was more a case of willful ignorance and wishful thinking. Wanting to believe it would be okay this time so she ignored the red flags. I've got issues with her particular brand of exploitation under the guise of community too but that's another post entirely.
I want to step away from the art-vs-artist side of the Gaiman issue for a bit, and talk about, well, the rest of it. Because those emotions you're feeling would be the same without the art; the art just adds another layer.
Source: I worked with a guy who turned out to be heavily involved in an international, multi-state sex-slavery/trafficking ring.
He was really nice.
It hits like a dumptruck of shit. You don't feel stable in your world anymore. How could someone you interacted with, liked, also be a truly horrible person? How could your judgement be that bad? How can real people, not stylized cartoon bogeymen, be actually doing this shit?
You have to sit with the fact that you couldn't, or probably couldn't, have known. You should have no guilt as part of this horror — but guilt is almost certainly part of that mess you're feeling, because our brains do this associative thing, and somehow "I liked [the version of] the guy [that I knew]", or his creations, becomes "I made a horrible mistake and should feel guilty."
You didn't, loves, you didn't.
We're human, and we can only go by the information we have. And the information we have is only the smallest glimpse into someone else's life.
I didn't work closely with the guy I knew at work, but we chatted. He wasn't just nice; he was one of the only people outside my tiny department who seemed genuinely nice in a workplace that was rapidly becoming incredibly toxic. He loaned me a bike trainer. Occasionally he'd see me at the bus stop and give me a lift home.
Yup. I was a young woman in my twenties and rode in this guy's car. More than once.
When I tell this story that part usually makes people gasp. "You must feel so scared about what could have happened to you!" "You're so lucky nothing happened!"
No, that's not how it worked. I was never in danger. This guy targeted Korean women with little-to-no English who were coerced and powerless. A white, fluent, US citizen coworker wasn't a potential victim. I got to be a person, not prey.
Y'know that little warning bell that goes off, when you're around someone who might be a danger to you? That animal sense that says "Something is off here, watch out"?
Yeah, that doesn't ping if the preferred prey isn't around.
That's what rattled me the most about this. I liked to think of myself as willing to stand up for people with less power than me. I worked with Japanese exchange students in college and put myself bodily between them and creeps, and I sure as hell got that little alarm when some asian-schoolgirl fetishist schmoozed on them. But we were all there.
I had to learn that the alarm won't go off when the hunter isn't hunting. That it's not the solid indicator I might've thought it was. That sometimes this is what the privilege of not being prey does; it completely masks your ability to detect the horrors that are going on.
A lot of people point out that 'people like that' have amazing charisma and ability to lie and manipulate, and that's true. Anyone who's gotten away with this shit for decades is going to be way smoother than the pathetic little hangers-on I dealt with in university. But it's not just that. I seriously, deeply believe that he saw me as a person, and he did not extend personhood to his victims. We didn't have a fake coworker relationship. We had a real one. And just like I don't know the ins-and-outs of most of my coworkers lives, I had no idea that what he did on his down time was perpetrate horrors.
I know this is getting off the topic, but it's so very important. Especially as a message to cis guys: please understand that you won't recognize a creep the way you might think you will. If you're not the preferred prey, the hind-brain alarm won't go off. You have to listen to victims, not your gut feeling that the person seems perfectly nice and normal. It doesn't mean there's never a false accusation, but face the fact that it's usually real, and you don't have enough information to say otherwise.
So, yeah. It fucking sucks. Writing about this twists my insides into tense knots, and it was almost a decade ago. I was never in danger. No one I knew was hurt!
Just countless, powerless women, horrifically abused by someone who was nice to me.
You don't trust your own judgement quite the same way, after. And as utterly shitty as it is, as twisted up and unstead-in-the-world as I felt the day I found out — I don't actually think that's a bad thing.
I think we all need to question our own judgement. It makes us better people.
I don't see villains around every corner just because I knew one, once. But I do own the fact that I can't know, really know, about anyone except those closest to me. They have their own full lives. They'll go from the pinnacles of kindness to the depths of depravity — and I won't know.
It's not a failing. It's just being human. Something to remember before you slap labels on people, before you condemn them or idolize them. Think about how much you can't know, and how flawed our judgement always is.
Grieve for victims, and the feeling of betrayal. But maybe let yourself off the hook, and be a bit slower to skewer others on it.
#I understand when people fall into the trap Amanda did#my mom did the same thing#though in her case the consequences for not believing everything was okay were dire#and meant putting us all in a bad situation#so she had a lot of incentive for that wishful thinking#to her credit the first time she had proof her wishful thinking was wrong#that was the end of it#and she took me to the cops
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The crochet hook case is finally here!!!

This is my very first crochet project. I made it using two different yarns: Barroco nº 4 (the grey one) and Duna (the green one), both by a Brazilian brand called Círculo. Using the 3.0mm hook. And, it took me about 3~4 days to finish. [you can find the project diary here and here]
At the end of the project, I gave up on making two more pockets and made just one. The one without a closure. The fourth one was supposed to go above the bigger pocket, but I thought it wasn't necessary because I don't have that many things to store.
I sewed the hook holder based on the size of my hooks, but they hadn't arrived yet when I crocheted this part, so I ended up following the original measurement and then I regretted it, because as you can see below, there's a piece left over that's no use, it's simply a raised flap. Besides, if you look at the photo above, you'll see that I sewed it on crooked. Everything here is crooked, that okay.
I also gave up on making a pendant for the drawstring because I wanted a flower and I couldn't make one. I asked my mom, and she couldn't make the flower either, so in the end I said let it go, let's keep it simple and it's useful, it achieves the purpose to close the case so I'm fine with that.


Here you can see the things I wish I had done differently. The leftover tab, and the buttons.
These buttons were made from improvisation, because I still don't understand the concept of the magic circle, and they turned out okay, but I sewed them on in a way that, after a few days of closing and opening, made me realize that at some point they will fall off.
So, I'm going to need new bottons and honestly, I can just buy them?? I wish I had thought about it before.
Basically, this is my first project and I hope to use this case for a long time. Now, let's talk about the feelings about make it, the expectations, the frustations and also the tips and cumpliments!!!


Just showing you what I'm storing in each pocket. That one without closure it's empty for now.
As I said before, I started out thinking I was going to follow a tutorial, but I let the project take me and did what I thought would be best for my personal use and to match my personality.
It was a fun project to do, but I'm also very aware of what I would have liked to have done and what I actually did. Not that they are VERY far apart, but learning to crochet for just one week (two now!), I did the best I could with what I had and it's better than not having made anything at all.
During the whole process, the thing that bothered me most was that it turned out crooked. Everything was simply crooked and I didn't know how to fix it, I redid it and it was still crooked, so I gave up and left it crooked.
One tip I was given was to use stitch markers at the beginning and/or end of each row, because that would help me get everything straight. And I'm definitely going to use that for my next project. They also gave me color suggestions and a tutorial on how to make an easy flower. I'm going to try again, but I need to buy the suggested colors before I do that!!!
My friends encouraged me a lot while I was doing it, and every time I said it was crooked, they lied to me. Which was really nice of them, because I have ADHD and I don't know how to deal with frustration, so there were times when I wanted to give up because it didn't look the way it should be in my head.
The people who know how to crochet and have seen this case, both here on Tumblr or in real life, have been lovely to me. They know it has flaws and I know they know it has flaws, but the messages were all saying that yes, it's a bit wonky, but that with practice, I'll be able to make better things and even if it's not perfect now, I've done a good job and shouldn't be hard on myself!
It's cute, it's useful, it's my favorite colors and they match with me, so, yes I'm very proud of my crooked hook case. 10/10 🎉✨
#thank you everyone who talked to me while i was doing this#hookednati#handmade#handcrafted#crochet#fiber crafts#learning crochet#grandmacore#crochet beginner#yarn#yarnaddict
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To be absolutely real, even if there was no science proving it, no people testifying to how important it is, I still would 100% support trans people. One of my core beliefs is that if someone is doing something that isn’t harmful to others or themselves, there is no reason to intervene. I don’t have to understand trans people even to support them. I believe so heavily in bodily autonomy that even if someone wanted to change their gender just to fuck around, I’d still support it. You cannot be for freedom of expression or pro bodily autonomy and be transphobic. Those ideologies literally contradict the other at its core. There has never been any proof that being trans causes someone to harm themselves, in fact, there’s an abundance of truth showing that not allowing a person to transition makes a person a fuck ton more likely to harm themselves. And I’ve never seen any proof that being trans directly correlates to hurting others. You see terfs pull news stories where (mostly) trans women commit horrific crimes, but don’t seem to realize there’s no connection between the gender and the crime. Like you can be trans and commit awful crimes. The two can coexist. And cases where men dress as women to commit crimes doesn’t count because they’re no trans women. They’re predators.
If you literally took away every single piece of medical and anecdotal evidence supporting being trans as a real thing, I still would support it unconditionally because I believe freedom of expression and complete bodily autonomy is a human right. Simple as that. Person wants to be a different gender and the process doesn’t involve harm to themselves or others, I genuinely cannot understand what argument there is left.
That’s why I always found it so interesting that most, if not all, terfs are pro choice. An opinion rooted in bodily autonomy and a process that causes harm to no one.
Idk. I just always think about how the first time I even heard of a trans person, i had no issue about it because of this very reason. Even at my young age of like 11, 12 maybe, before I understood anything behind it, I thought it was okay because I believe people have the right to exist as they want. I’ll be real. I’m cis. I believe it’s impossible for me to every fully grasp what a trans person even feels. To fully understand their experience that justifies transitioning. A lot of times I see shit about gender and whatnot and it makes no fucking sense to me. But I cannot find any logical reason for me, as someone who believes so heavily in bodily autonomy and freedom of expression, to deny their right to exist. It doesn’t matter if I understand or not. Because it has nothing to do with me. A person transitioning literally has no impact on me or my well-being. And if it’s safe and a person feels better, I just don’t see why it’s so hard to understand.
Idk, people like to say they’re for shit like freedom of expression until it comes to something they don’t understand or wouldn’t personally do. And that’s because they aren’t actually for freedom of expression. Same when it comes to bodily autonomy. It’s just one of those things that I don’t even understand why it is a big deal. Why it upsets so many people. You literally could not be less impacted personally by something than when it comes to a person transitioning. The only person that impacts is the person transitioning. It requires no involvement from you unless you force yourselves in. Idk, I just will never understand being against trans people as it just seems so logical to me
#weird rant but it annoys me so much#one of those things where I just cannot fully understand the opposite pov#I believe there’s compelling good points#but when you think about the big picture those points become irrelevant#it’s just so odd#rae’s rambles#lgbt#bodily autonomy#freedom of expression
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hmmm i think to me. i do, on a completely logical level, understand and appreciate the read on the drakes where they had a kid out of obligation/because it's considered the done thing for heterosexual couples. it definitely fits with the fact that they did prioritize their own work, desires, and interests over the presence and hard work needed to raising a child.
but mmm in my opinion i don't personally think the obligation angle is like. quite it. as far as i see them. like idk. i definitely think that they were ill-equipped to handle the full responsibilities of parenthood and did make choices that prioritized not inconveniencing what they wanted to do and were ultimately *unskilled* in parenting but to me that in no way to me means that they wouldn't have not chosen to have tim at all with a more accepting heterosexual culture of not having kids. you can tell in the fact that jack, while often failing at the burdens of parenthood, is shown quite often to believe that tim is the best thing that ever happened to him. you can tell in batman #134 where alternate janet expresses great joy that she is alive to meet an alternate version of her son that she is extremely grateful for tim's existence.
and while often regretful parents still do find their children's existence at least worthy, that's genuinely not the vibe i get from the drakes. the drakes have genuine joy in their son's very existence and it's shown quite often how happy they are he's their son. they struggled a lot and did end up failing to fit him into their lives, but at the same time their time is also littered with them trying to fit him into their lives at least a little. tim even says that most parents wouldn't take their kids to the things like the art galleries and operas but his parents took him. i'm not saying that this makes them parents of the year, but these activities normally being something you'd get a babysitter for and them wanting to take tim with them instead indicates to me that they did want to fit him into their lives, they just also struggled a lot to do so. so i think that to reduce it to "they had a kid because society tells you to have kids -> they then didn't actually want to raise said kid" makes sense as something that does happen but i do think that to me. the drakes are a little bit more nuanced than that in their motivations. parenthood, even for the best prepared, is a fundamental upheaval to your life that you might think you're prepared for and then it turns out you're not because of how much it changes your life. you can want something a lot and then ultimately not be able to handle the responsibilities. but that falls under "should the drakes have had a kid/wanted to have a kid knowing they wouldn't be able to handle the struggles that come with the actuality of having one" which is a fundamentally different question of "did they drakes want to have kids or were the obligated to have one". and the drakes probably didn't know they wouldn't be that good at parenting! or that they wouldn't be able to handle it! truly parenting is one of those things where even with all the prep in the world, you truly have no way of knowing how you'll end up until after you've become a parent. so of course they would *want* to have kids. most people who choose to have kids do so thinking they can handle it and wanting it. and it's unfortunate when that ends up not being the case, but it's not so easy as only people who are going to be good at it, do it. that's the inherent tragedy of the drakes, to me. that they wanted tim more than anything in the world. if they went back in time they'd choose to have him again and again and again in any universe. they wouldn't make a different choice at all, if it means tim gets to exist. but that doesn't translate to them being able to handle parenting or beind good or effective at it. and that's the tragedy of their relationship imo. that they will choose him but will ultimately hurt him in that choice of him because of their imperfectness and inability to change themselves for him, who they want so dearly. idk for me the concept of "want" is separate from their capabilities to change for that want. and that's why i don't necessarily see it as an obligation on their part. they'd 100% do it all over again, have him again, have a shitty marriage together, if it means that tim gets a chance to grow into the wonderful person they clearly think he is.
and i always say that we never know the drakes before the circus narratively dooms them. their time at the circus before the deaths of the flying graysons show a normal family who is happy to spend time with each other. the only time we actually see them is after they have been broken beyond repair by the narrative. in fact, in a world without young justice, a universe where tim doesn't become robin and dick grayson doesn't seem to exist ergo they never went to the circus, jack and janet are both shown to be alive and present with tim, living as a normal family. they were fundamentally unable to handle the dooming of the narrative!! they didn't have a kid thinking "oh but what if we go to the circus and see people die, on second thought maybe we shouldn't i don't think i could handle that". they wanted tim! they just. couldn't quite handle everything that happens. that's what's sad. to me.
#honestly no shade if you do read it differently!!#it's a reasonable read! i'm just thinking thoughts about this now lol#they are the normal happy family doomed by the narrative <3#like hmm jack is a faildad on all levels except one#and that one is that. after he died if he was given the choice of going back and not having tim and living to 90#or going back and having tim even if it means a boomerang in the chest again#he would choose the boomerang in the chest for his son#but that doesn't mean he's ever going to be able to change himself to be a better dad for tim. it's the tragedy!! he'll choose him#he thinks tim's life is worth more than his inadequacies#anyways i just don't see them choosing not to have kids if society were more accepting of that#they would have him!! they would fuck it up but they would want to have him!!
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Not quite a question, but tbh I'm really frustrated that there will probably never been any canonical confirmation of eruri. I'm convinced there was smth between these two characters. And it's sad many ppl refuse to acknowledge the unique bond Erwin and Levi had, and refusing to acknowledge the romantic potential it had too.
So I’ve had a lot of asks like this over the years, and to be honest I’m always a bit bemused by them. Because, honestly, within the context of the story, what would “canon confirmation of eruri” look like, over and above what we’ve already seen? SnK is not a romance by any stretch of the imagination, although love is at the very heart of the story. This is a hill I will die on. However the way that love is expressed between characters is subtle. It’s not all flowers and hearts and seagulls bluebirds, it’s more devotion and loyalty and sacrifice. And even when that love is made absolutely unambiguously explicit, as in the case of Eren and Mikasa, there are still those who refuse to recognise it for what it is and write it off as being “one sided” or whatever. It really makes me wonder about some people’s expectations and experience of what love really is.
So in the case of Erwin and Levi, what would canon confirmation look like? They aren’t a pair of giddy hormonal teenagers, or star crossed lovers, they’re two 30+ year old war-weary veterans, who have lived lives full of trauma, violence, and loss. We were never going to see hearts* and flowers**, and marriage proposals. And have you seen the way Yams draws kissing?? Thank the gods we were saved that.
Instead we have a believable adult relationship, based on mutual trust, respect and understanding, which has grown and matured over the years. The foundation of Erwin and Levi’s relationship is unshakable loyalty and trust, and when push comes to shove, the willingness to do everything in their power to help and support each other, even if that means making the ultimate sacrifice and letting each other go. If that’s not the very definition of love, I don’t know what is. I’ve written reams about this over the years, which you can find in my Eruri relationship tag if you’re interested.
I’ve said this before, but romance is rarely the most important or interesting aspect of committed, adult relationships. However, when it comes to Erwin and Levi we do actually see lots of small, simple romantic gestures; quiet moments together, sharing meals, and clothes, gifts of small luxuries, private jokes and playful ribbing.
I reblogged a lovely post about “true love” by @stellaluna33 recently and I’m going to share it again here because I think it bears repeating.
In the older songs, "true love" is not some mystical quality, some type of connection that is magically better than other Loves. No. A love that is "true" merely means that your Love is "true TO YOU." "True" as in faithful and loyal and trustworthy. A lover who will stand by you and with you no matter what comes. True the way a good sword is True. True the way a good knight is loyal. The contrast is "False Love," which is a lover who betrays you, who cannot be trusted. "True Love" isn't something you find, it's a vow and a choice that you make, every day, to BE TRUE.
If people can’t see Erwin and Levi’s relationship for what it is, then I'm not sure I can convince them otherwise. That's their opinion and they're quite entitled to it. I just hope they are able to broaden their understanding of love one day.
* I may have lied about the hearts…

** And flowers…

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I should probably preface this by saying that this is a genuine question, not an attempt to "own" anyone, not a troll, etc. I'm genuinely curious and interested: Has there been any good scientific studies done on the question "Does having a kink about a 'problematic' subject, reading about it, fantazising about it, roleplaying it, etc., make a person more or less likely to do that problematic thing in real life?" Do you know of any good research papers or articles on the subject? Maybe it's a whole field of study?
I feel like if I ever (god help me) would have to defend a position of "other people's kinks, no matter how disgusted they might make me feel personally, are none of my business" to someone, it would be useful to have some kind empirical science to point towards.
Again, I'm not trying to be a jerk saying "source, please?", I'm genuinely interested in reading about it.
So a good place to start here is in thinking about how this kind of topic gets data collected about it. So if you're wondering about the relationship between, for example, fantasizing about bestiality and actually abusing animals, your primary way of being able to study actual, real-world behavioral outcomes would be to identify a source of data on acts of bestiality...which would almost exclusively come from the police state. If you really wanted to study who actually does commit these acts and what their history was, you'd have to look at people who were convicted for having committed animal abuse of a sexual nature.
The problem is, that data isn't necessarily representative of what abuse actually occurs and how often. The police aren't trustworthy, the carceral justice system is profoundly unjust, not every person gets investigated or tried fairly, and even if all those systems DID operate justly and fairly, you'd still be missing all the people who never got caught. And we know that since these systems are racist, classist, ableist, etc, that they are not 'catching' real offenders from all groups equally. Poor & Black people who have committed these acts are most likely to get caught, rich & white ones least likely. And so the data is skewed.
This is FURTHER complicated by the fact that even if you do look at this data, you are only seeing the people who *have* harmed animals sexually, not the people that haven't, and so that is going to be susceptible to confirmation bias of your prior assumptions and not be representative of the whole population if you use it to draw conclusions. So, for instance, if you look at the porn habits of every person who has been convicted for bestiality, you will probably find a lot of bestiality porn (both fantasy and real) in their histories. Okay, not surprising... but of the average people watching this porn, how many actually go on to offend and how many don't? We have no way of knowing. And because such an activity is so stigmatized (and in the case of real porn, itself illegal), you're going to not be able to get self-report surveys from the general population on this.
If you did try to give out surveys on this kind of stuff, you might be forced to report any of your respondents who did admit to doing something illegal. It wouldn't really pass most ethics boards to do this research at all.
So you can see why this is such a shadowy field of discussion. The thing to keep in mind is that the number of people who do get arrested for things like bestiality, child sexual abuse (especially the kind that is driven by an attraction to children rather than your garden variety case of a parent abusing their power over their kids in multiple ways, including sexual, but the sex is incidental), etc are very small. These are vanishingly uncommon crimes. and we can't really trust the police state to give us reputable information on this. and it is very hard for scientists to study well, and most who study it do approach it in a pretty sensationalistic way.
So, to answer your question, yes you can hop onto google scholar and dig around for studies on 'paraphilias' and their relationship to criminal offenses, but most of it is going to be profiles of people locked in mental health institutions and jails that SOUNDS super scary and fucking disgusting but is not a good reflection of whatever the hell is going on in the actual world. I think it's evident that a hell of a lot more people are fantasizing about this stuff than are offenders. Especially if we are drawing a distinction between fantasy and porn that depicts actual abuse. The people drawing dogs fucking on like deviant art or whatever probably do not pose any actual threat to real animals 99.99% of the time.
And if and when a person with a desire to DOES harm animals, it is because of the legal construction of animals as property that it is possible for them to do so. once again power is the root of the crime. more than a 'paraphilia' making someone like, evil. a lot of this stuff is values based and a philosophical case about how the world works rather than a specific statistical claim. but the number of real offenses that happen are so vanishingly thin that we could barely empirically study them anyway -- it's too small a sample size, and there is no ability to locate comparison groups of non-offenders who share these kinks.
I hope this helps answer your question. Obviously I am using bestiality as one example here but you could apply this to CNC and rape porn, child abuse and age play porn, etc etc.
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