#but that’s not hs fault
softestepilogue · 10 months
look i love clownin harry styles too. but the reviews saying he was super bad in the policeman are not true. like he wasn’t perfect and they definitely could’ve hired a better actor but he wasn’t horrendous.
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LOVE ON TOUR 2❤21 2❤22 2❤23 | I'm gonna miss you, but I'll be loving you always
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timaeustrickshot · 1 year
I think the biggest evidence that some members of the hs fandom have no understanding of the alphas is seen especially with the characterisation of jake being the big lumbering adventurer when the whole gag is he is not that guy
he talks about being afraid of the monstsrs on his island, largely preferring to stay in his room to watch movies instead of facing them. he tells AR he's only interested really in adventures he knows he can win he doesn't care too much for challenges.
Adventures are all about the fun for him. He wants the magic and the exploring and the puzzles but not the conflicts. Hell, he's the most conflict avoidant person, he'll actively choose to go down the path of least resistance cause it's easier, and in his lil boy brain it'll make all parties happy.
you even see it when jake is kidnapped by crockertier! Jane when he finally breaks down crying about how he doesn't wanna do any of this anymore. the adventure stops being fun and starts getting too real and jake wants to pull out. he's just a lil guy, who isn't equipped to deal with some of the shit he's been but through, he's just a lil guy.
The whole point of hs is that they're all just kids who fall hopelessly into this caricature of themselves that they've created, this version of themselves they "want" to be or think they should be but they're really not that person deep down. the kids are often unreliable in their narration of themselves or certain aspects of their life. hell you see this in how brain ghost dirk is almost always much more seething in his remarks towards jake compared to anything the actual dirk has said (that we've seen).
And people read the way these kids describe themselves and believe them whole heartedly as though these kids aren't chronically in denile about themselves more often than not.
hes not this big sexy Indian Jones, he's just a lil cutie pie that wants the movie magic style adventures
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beaulesbian · 1 month
I need to talk about zolu in the terms of dnd because I can't get this idea out of my head!
Zoro who starts as a fighter class - a swordsman through and through - that's all he's ever know since childhood. He fights to become the best, the strongest, to keep his promise to Kuina.
But then, an impossible guy saves him from a certain death. A guy who becomes his captain, his guiding light. And Zoro becomes his, his pirate despite never wanting to have anything to do with them before.
Zoro has never believed in any gods or higher power or miracles, it's just not who he is - to depend on something or someone intangible.
But he believes in Luffy, because he's seen what he can do and knows what Luffy wants. Their goals allign.
He believes in Luffy so much that he saw him as a god before anyone else did. And that's where it changes - when he's faced with his biggest rival whom he wants to beat, defeated, and swears to Luffy an oath to stand by his side to reach their dreams together. Calls him the Pirate King.
He believes in Luffy so much, that he would swap their places in facing death just so Luffy could take another breath, pain-free. He believes in him with absolute certainty, even to become the King of Hell for him, and to defy Death time and time again, with absolute faith that he would keep standing and breathing, to stay by his captain and crew's side.
(Luffy believes in Zoro, too, in his strength and his words, that's why he can always trust and lean on him.)
With Luffy behind him, Zoro becomes his champion, his paladin, not only to the alternation of the Sun God Nika, but most importantly to Luffy as a person and what he represent - freedom, joy, infinite possibilites; and then he can show this trust to all the other people they're helping along their journey. It changes his whole world, but in a way he might not even notice- in the small every day things, like not traveling alone and knowing his crew has his back. Their bond - the oath, the promise - re-affirms the powers Zoro can wield (*cough* unlocking Concqueror's Haki), he's much more stronger now than he could ever be as a fighter with no other purpose except to fight. He no longer fights for the sake of fighting, but for the sake of protecting.
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(Official art from here X)
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boarwinds · 3 months
Pre-professor au
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Pre-professor au
I’m too lazy to type out the au so here’s the edited version from my rambling to a friend
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theandrosaur · 2 years
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*head in hands* Homestuck 2022.......
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mostlymobilegames · 1 year
Vicky: *falls down a flight of stairs, hits her head on the doorframe, drops her drink on the floor, nearly gets herself killed every other hour*
War and Hunger: Damn, that's the hottest thing I've ever seen.
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the-spooky-children · 4 months
I feel like with that scene in the trailer of Skid holding a photo and Lila looking stressed I think it's gonna be something like "mom is it my fault that you're so stressed? Am I a bad person?" and Lila's like NONONONO!!!!!!!!!!!
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carlyraejepsans · 9 months
REALLY wish i hadn't read the content warnings for hs at the beginning because i saw incest in the list and spent the entire time being like "is it the striders? striders incest canon? is it stridercest??" and like, deluded myself into this idealized version of dave's arc except with every page i read i lose hope in it and I'm probably setting myself up for disappointment. but like IT WOULD WORK SO WELL!!! it would work so well gooood, the way bro just casually lets his little brother around his weird ass fetish content, or sometimes even involves him without his consent/knowledge?? i know the puppet ass thing was mostly a gag, but coupled with the way dave constructed this entire philosophy of "ironic enjoyment" to rationalize shit his brother does that actually freaks him out and is 100% inappropriate towards him, the way he is much, MUCH, more sexual with his jokes and quips and comebacks compared to the other kids... the way bro smacks dave down and humiliates him only to save his skin a moment later and humiliate him again to keep him dependant on him... one of the kick-starting moments of dave's development being to wear john's gift shades instead of the matching set with his brother...
a (past) grooming plotline would fit in SO well with Dave's disillusionment arc and getting out of his brother's shadow, it's unreal. but i worry i got my hopes up for nothing and i'm just gonna be disappointed in the end when it's something unrelated. but if it does i AM willing to turn to fanfiction. this fandom is fuckoff huge someone's gotta have made the same connection as me
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kkkkkkkitty · 10 months
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our-fav-hs-char · 3 months
girl where the FUCK is terezi
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gooseh0nk · 1 year
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uh oh
homestank is on the rise suddenly
for anyone seeing this before my recent one yall should look i finished it !! here teehee
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mimymomo · 1 year
Do portwell/EJ stans not realize that Gina didn’t get together with Ricky until AN ENTIRE MONTH passed after she broke up with EJ? And pws entire relationship only lasted for around 2 months?? How long was Gina supposed to wait before it was acceptable by your standards to get in a new relationship?
I swear the way some of you fans treat and talk about Gina like she was the problem in that relationship (she in actuality she was the one putting in the most effort to FIX that failing thing more that Elton John ever did) is so gross.
Gina was one of the most supportive girlfriends and constantly forgave and encouraged EJ all throughout season 3. I will gladly name off every instance if you want me to. And she only lost her patience after he lied, hid the truth from her and constantly broke his promises to her. And no, before anyone says anything, EJ WAS NOT WORKING HARD JUST FOR GINAS SAKE! IT WAS FOR HIS OWN TO PROVE TO HIMSELF AND HIS DAD THAT HE WAS CAPABLE OF MAKING A NAME FOR HIMSELF! EJ in the show and Matt Cornett in interviews stated as such! It’s why since the beginning of the season EJ was so stressed - he wasn’t prioritizing his relationship with Gina before he got the letter from his dad so you can’t blame his actions solely on trying to save in relationship and stay in salt lake.
Also just so people in this fandom know because some of you seem to really not: PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO BREAK UP WITH THEIR SIGNIFICANT OTHER FOR ANY REASON! It doesn’t matter what EJ did in the past, Gina wasn’t happy in the direction their relationship was heading and decided to end it early to spare both of them further pain and she isn’t the bad guy for it.
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
Funniest era on this blog was when people would ask my opinion on a ship and I would spend several paragraphs gleefully shredding it. IDK if they thought maybe they would unlock one that I couldn't eviscerate or if they were just enjoying the show.
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suncaptor · 1 month
everything sounds like erisol to me. help.
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j-esbian · 2 months
i hate how people talk about certain symptoms. i’ve had back pain since i was 14-15. i first remember having the thought, “i can’t remember the last time i wasn’t tired” in like fourth grade. but whenever i brought it up then, i was told, “you’re too young for that” and now when i bring it up, im told, “welcome to getting old”
like. is it any wonder why i’ve kind of accepted that other people must also live like this and i’m just being a baby about it
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