#johtrio rent
cappiecarp · 17 days
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hi everyone i present to you the most self indulgent art i have ever drawn because if i dont sate my link click trio x johtrio worms i will never know peace
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rc--chan · 3 years
Pokespe Evil Team AU Because Procrastinating Is My Job
So basically this is an au where the dexholders are leaders/admins of an evil team. This isn't an au where the dex holders join the evil teams, but one where they make the evil team. And actually do a good job...
Kanto Dex Holders: Team Myth. For the Kanto team I was thinking of an illegal fighting ring. Basically they force pokemon to fight each other with no trainer for the entertainment of others. They would have key locations in more remote locations where no one would expect. Like in the Pokémon Mansion, the Power Plant or under Pokémon Tower. Because who would think there is an illegal fighting ring under a graveyard? I named it Team Myth because no one can catch them, thus they seem like a Myth. Now onto their roles:
Red: Red is the admin found in the Power Plant. I originally wanted to make him the leader, but then I realized he isn't patient enough for it and it really doesn't fit his character. Thus he is an admin. His fighting ring would be the only one that occasionally allows trainers to battle with rented pokemon against other trainers. The fights would be to the death in this case since they are considered more advanced. You can also challenge Red to a fight and if you win he will give you a lollipop. To get to the fighting ring you need to traverse through the power plant until you reach an unnatural looking dead end. If you pull on the tail of a pikachu statue found there, a door opens.
Green: Green is the team leader. His calculative and somewhat cold nature really fits the role of a mafia boss. The main base of Team Myth would be in Pallet Town, his hometown. It would be hidden under the lab. Green being the professor's assistant is able to keep it all a secret. The entrance would be hidden under the bookshelf the the right corner. The classic, you pull a book and there is a secret staircase behind the wall. The hideout is divided in 4 parts that have the floor color coded so you know who it belongs to. To get to Green you'd have to defeat all 3 of the other admins and get a special key. Once you have all 3 keys, you can enter his section of the hideout.
Blue: Blue is the admin under the Pokémon Tower. Her whole gimmick was being a con lady so of course she is running the biggest con. People think she comes to Pokémon Tower and donates money to it out of the goodness of her heart. In reality she manages the biggest fighting ring. Her fighting ring would have more rare pokemon from other regions, like Drapion or Alolan Marowak. To get to it you need to get to the last floor of the tower and push on a brick on the wall behind the two statues. There is a secret elevator that will take you to the fighting ring.
Yellow: Yellow is in charge of the Pokémon Mansion fighting ring. She managed to transform the place into a ”sanctuary” for pokemon. The first floor has pokemon in small natural habitats, the basement is the staffroom for the people that work there and the last two floors are off limits because they house the fighting ring. People donate pokemon to the sanctuary and Yellow brings the strongest ones to the fighting ring. To get to the fighting ring you need to go to the security guard at the entrance of the stairs and pay him 1000 pokedollars to let you in as well as a special invite.
Johto Dex Holders: Team Toxicus. They are in charge of illegal experiments. They capture pokemon from the wild/steal them/have them bred and use them for experiments. This ranges from harmless ”how does this pokemon react in this situation” to testing drugs on them. They would work closely with Team Myth and sell them pokemon with perfect IVs, EVs, specific natures and abilities. Their key locations are in easy to access places or in spots with a lot of pokemon like the Daycare on Route 34, Azalea Town and Goldenrod City.  I called it Team Toxicus as a reference to their experiments.
Gold: Gold is an admin. Again, his personality doesn't really fit the leader persona to me. He owns the daycare on route 34 and the lab under it. Trainers leave their pokemon with him and he steals their egg. ”Yeah sorry, no egg this time. Your pokemon must really hate each other.” Then the eggs are taken to the lab where they are hatched, raised and send to experimentation. To enter the lab you need to get behind the counter and manually set the clock hands to 2:02. A secret trapdoor will open in the place where pokemon stay.
Crystal: Crystal is the boss. We all know that the Johtrio shares one braincell and Crystal has it 95% of the time. So she gets to be the boss. Unlike Team Myth, Team Toxicus doesn't have a ”main base”. The whole operation has 3 labs rotate pokemon between each other that are also designed like hideouts. Crystal's lab is in Violet City, next to Ilex Forest. Pokemon are captured from the forest and brought in the lab for experimentation. The lab is underneath the Poké Mart. To get in you ask the Poké Mart clerk for ”a golden pokeball” and he will take you to the back from where you can take a ladder down.
Silver: Silver is also an admin. Making papa Giovanni proud. Silver works closely with evil teams from other regions in order to obtain rare pokemon not normally found in Johto. His lab is in Goldenrod City because it's a port city and it has easy access to cargo ships. He buys/trades pokemon for ones found in other regions and takes them to the lab for experimentation. The lab is in the Magnet Train station. To get to it you need to go on the platform and search for a red tile. You take out the tile and jump into a hole that leads to the hideout.
Hoenn Dex Holders: Team Triad. They are pokemon traficants. They steal or buy pokemon from other teams and then sell them on the black market. ”You want that shiny Milotic for contests but Feebas is too hard to find? You want to be champion but breeding for perfect IVs is too much work for you? Want to defeat the battle frontier but don't want to train a new team of pokemon? Team Triad has you covered.” Team Triad has only one base, in Mauville City. It is under the closed Game Corner and to get to it you make a pokemon use Strength on one of the slot machines. It reveals a secret trapdoor underneath. I named it Team Triad for obvious reasons.
Ruby: Ruby is an admin. Team Triad is run by all 3 of its admins, so there is no boss. He is the one that works with teams from other regions to get pokemon. The hideout has three floors and Ruby has the first floor. His floor is very elegant and is specifically designed for business deals.
Sapphire: Sapphire is the one in charge of capturing pokemon so she rarely spends time at the hideout. She goes out a lot with the grunts to steal pokemon or capture them. She has the second floor, but since she is rarely at the hideout, its the least decorated.
Emerald: Emerald is the one that actually raises the pokemon and trains them. He receives newly hatched pokemon from Team Toxicus that he trains to their fullest potential. He has the last floor and its designed specifically to train pokemon. He grows berries in there, has soil from a pokemon's birthplace and a lot of training equipment.
Sinnoh Dex Holders: Team Relic. Sinnoh has a lot of history and rare relics lying around, so I decided they own a smuggling ring. They smuggle rare items like Master Balls, rare held items and relics that have a strong connection to legendary pokemon. The blue and red orb? The azure flute? Griseous orb? They have all of them. They sell these items on the black market to collectors and desperate trainers. This team also only has only one hideout but they also own a lot deposits across the region where the items are held. The hideout is in the Berlitz mansion for obvious reasons. Again I chose the name for obvious reasons.
Diamond and Pearl: They are a package deal. Both admins. They travel the regions under the disguise of being a comedy duo. They use this act in order to learn where they can find rare items that they can steal. They also work closely with the Unova team. When they aren't all over the region, they act as Platina's bodyguards.
Platina: She is the mastermind behind this whole thing. She uses the money received from the Grand Hotels all over the region to fund the whole operation. She transformed her mansion into a hideout and is the one that strikes most deals. 
Unova Dex Holders: The region that actually what gave me the idea to write this, because one night I thought to myself ”White could totally use the money she makes from the BW Agency to make an evil team and take over the region if she wanted to”. As for the name of the evil team: BW Agency. You all saw that coming. The BW Agency uses the disguise of an acting agency to hide their illegal items manufacturing. They create Master Balls, rare items and forgeries. They are the team with the most bases, having them all over the region. The most important ones are in Virbank City, Nimbasa City, Castelia City and Accumula Town.
Black: Black is an admin and White's bodyguard. He joins White during business meeting and helps her with whatever he can. When he isn't with White he spends his time at his base in Castelia City training the grunts and their pokemon. The hideout is underneath the Battle Company and to get to it you need to take a secret elevator found under the statue in the lobby.
White: White is the boss for very obvious reasons. She runs both the acting and illegal manufacturing aspects of the agency. She works closely with Team Relic and is good friends with Platina. The main base is in Virbank City, underneath Pokéstar Studios. To get to the base you need to go inside the dressing room and move the biggest painting, behind it there is a tunnel that leads to the hideout.
Lack-Two: Lack-Two is an admin and a secret spy inside the International Police. He pretends to be an officer that spies on the BW Agency when in reality he is spying on the police. A double agent basically. His base is in Nimbasa City. The hideout is underneath the Musical Theater, to get in you need to tell the owner that ”Ms. White from the BW Agency sent me to retrieve the black Prop Case” and he will take you underneath the stage where there is a secret elevator.
Whi-Two: Whi-Two is also an admin. She is in charge of the team's pokemon. She makes sure that they are fed and in top condition in case something happens. Her base is the smallest of the main 4 and in Accumula Town under the Pokemon Center. To get to it you need to go behind Nurse Joy's healing machine, if you move it there is a secret passageway.
Kalos Dex Holders: Team Z. Lame name, ik but I'm kinda running out of ideas for team names. They also do experiments but on mega evolution, they are experimenting to see if you can force a pokemon to mega evolve permanently. The team is co-run by X and Y. They are pretty efficient as they divided the tasks fifty-fifty. They have 6 small bases, 2 of which are in Lumiose and 1 big one in Anistar, that is considered the main base. If you use dive near the Sundial you can reach the secret base that is underneath it.
X: X is in charge of training the grunts and their pokemon and supervises the progress of the lab experiments. He is also the one that test if an experiment was a success by trying to battle with the pokemon.
Y: Y is the one that brings new cargo to the hideouts as well as capturing pokemon that are capable of mega evolving. She works closely with the BW Agency since they provide her with Master Balls.
Alola Dex Holders: The Delivia Company. They are a delivery company that secretly researches a way to amplify moves using Z-Crystal and illegally sells rare pokemon from Kanto, like Kantonian Persian and Vulpix. They have at least 1 base on each of the islands. Their most important ones are in Aether Paradise and Malie City.
Sun: Sun is the boss. When he couldn't get Aether Paradise back by normal means, he decided to create an evil team with strong pokemon to get it back. He succeeded and transformed the island into the main hideout of his evil team.
Moon: Moon is an admin and manages the pokemon and 85% of paperwork. She is also one of the main researchers and spends a lot of time in the lab in Malie City. The lab is underneath Malie Library, to get in you need to rotate one of the small golden statues found on the railing at the bottom of the staircase. This will open a trap door in the floor that reveals more stairs going down.
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cappiecarp · 2 months
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guess whos johtrio rent was due. hint. it was me. it was mine. it has almost been a full like year since i have drawn them . i started sketching this in like feb. never got around to coloring and rendering. sorry johtrio fans. back to my hs au that i have constructed in my head and never put into reality.........
i think they all go home super late and have to wait for the bus together. or u can interpret it as them waking up for school early but i dont think gold would do that unless someone physically dragged him up for that. no one gaf enough to do that LMFAOOO silver and crys share earbuds bc they r BFFs yeah i asked them myself. also gold moves around too much for a comfortable earbud sharing experience itd constantly be falling out.
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cappiecarp · 2 months
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i made them tiny lol happy birthday to gold i guess (that was actually genuinely not planned)
i found out i could just do this. like a couple days ago. so. of course the first thing i had to do this with r my little meow meows..
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