#but that does remind I forgot to tag that properly
awakefor48hours · 5 months
Hi, coming from this: https://www.tumblr.com/awakefor48hours/748301789800071168/youre-a-kid-especially-a-teenager-come-here post of yours. I know you are trying to protect teenagers and such but, the internet is an escape for me, I got 🍇 by my older brother when I was eight and getting into iPads and such, when I’m on the internet it’s like I feel free to be myself and forget about all the things he has done to me, yes there is pedophiles online but there is also pedophiles offline.
I’m not against the internet being your safe space, if it is then that’s great. The internet and social media, especially as of late, has been an important safe space/third space.
All I’m trying to say in that post is, don’t write something like “Luz Noceda || 14 || currently attending Hexside || lives in The Owl House with The Owl Lady” in your bio. That’s a lot of information about your life and it let’s literally anyone know this about you. This includes stalkers, pedophiles, etc.
I am just trying to discourage this behavior of oversharing. I don’t care in the slightest if you’re a child on the internet, I was once a child on the internet. Also by putting this information about yourself online you’re making yourself vulnerable to real world consequences.
What I really want to encourage is for kids to either not go by a name online or use a fake name and not overshare about their living situation. Everything else is literally none of my business.
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starg1rlie · 2 years
𐋃 return address : what kind of a student are they? [masterlist]
𐋃 sent from : various
𐋃 addressed to : @angryhope, @ajaxstar, @kiryoutann, @messyserver, @mobiussdarling, @samarill, @dinolvrrr, @xxfrostiee, @ehddsnys, @maaarshieee, @cesarsbeloved, @scaralvr, @nejibot, @dazaiscum, @shinobuko, @iiyumii. [if your user is in bold, that means i can't tag you properly. please message me, or send in an ask w/your user, or if you'd like to be removed from the taglist. to myst and cesar; my apologies if you did not want to be tagged ;-; link to taglist form ]
𐋃 post script : fluff and lil' bit of crack, i put characters in multiple parts, because i can see them as being both of them, gender-neutral reader, modern high-school! au (non-genshinverse), use of "childe's" real name (ajax), use of scaramouche's real name (kunikuzushi), alcohol mentions, anddd that's about it <3
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always turns in his assignments late, doesn't give a shit
━━ arataki itto, tartaglia, and dottore
why should he care about some stupid assignment? he has better things to do, like talk to his friends, hang out with you, eat some good food, and just relax with his feet up on the couch. he does what, about half the work before he just tosses it into his backpack to turn in when he remembers (which probably wouldn't happen if the teacher didn't phone his parents). he just, doesn't care. if it's late, it's late, what does it matter to him?
finishes the whole damn thing the day before it's due
━━ arataki itto, bennett, razor, kaveh, pantalone, and thoma
he didn't necessarily forgot the assignment, he just, didn't have any time to do it earlier. in other words, he procastinated or got distracted by something else. typical of him, wasn't it? even though you'd sent him multiple text reminders, and even left a sticky post-it note on his textbook, he still managed to forget about it. he had to pull an all-nighter the day before the assignment was due just to finish it, and promptly fell asleep right after the teacher collected all of their submissions.
assignment? what assignment? legit forgot there was something due today lmfao-
━━ razor, bennett, tartaglia, kaveh, scaramouche, kazuha, and gorou
wait what? there's an assignment due today? he had no idea; the very thought seemed to have slipped his mind. frantically, he looked through his planner, just to double check if the date was right. he promptly let out a groan, seeing the big red circle that marked the due date for this assignment. better get cracking... hopefully you'd be kind enough to offer a bit of assistance to him, even if it meant having to hear a lecture.
diligently finishes all of his work before it's even due
━━ xiao, scaramouche, tighnari, al-haitham, albedo, ayato, xingqiu, baizhu, and zhongli
it felt good to have finished all of the work so early. now he didn't have to worry about the deadline, which...was about a week from now. the teacher had barely assigned it to the students yesterday, and he was already finished. it made his chest swell with a bit of pride. of course, he'd get the highest grade on the assignment than anyone. and then he'd get to show his grade off to you, which you'd probably be proud off and give him a kiss as a reward. ah yes, the reward. perhaps that was why he managed to finish the assignment in such a short amount of time.
is the class clown / party-goer, so he doesn't have time to do homework
━━ venti and heizou
there's nothing quite like karaoke night and a good ol' can of beer. so what if he's still a minor; so many other kids have started drinking at even younger ages, and no one's stopping them. guzzling down a fresh new can of beer, he stuffed a hand through his backpack to look for his phone, instead, pulling out a sheet of paper that stated an assignment was due by the end of the week. shrugging, he shoved it right back in there and pulled out his phone, cranking the music's volume louder. if anything happened, well, he could just phone you and drop the assignment on you to do for him; he had much more important and better things to do, and it wasn't like he had any time, right? these beer cans weren't going to drink themselves, now were they?
starts fights
━━ arataki itto, tartaglia, kaeya, and cyno
the words "fight, fight, fight!" were chanted like a mantra as he quickly dodged a blow that would have most definitely dislocated his jaw if he hadn't ducked. wiping a trail of sweat from the side of his forehead, he jumped back at the person who dared start shit with him, raising a fist, and promptly punching them in the face. he held his fists up in victory, grinning like a complete idiot while everyone else just cheers and drags the downed fighter away. of course, the lecture that he gets from you is totally worth it in his opinion, even as you yank him by his ear all the way to the nurse's office.
ends fights
━━ diluc, tighnari, albedo, and zhongli
this was the third time this week that his friend had started another fight. as exciting as some may find it, it was also quite the hindrance. he shooed all the speculators away, helping up his friend from the ground and lead him away to get his wounds fixed up. after that, said friend gets an earful from him, which ends up going in through one ear, and out the other...but he does have you to back him up; fighting and violence are never an option, especially in an environment such as this. doing such a feat was asking for unwanted attention from the school principal. wait, did he just recite that all from memory? huh, perhaps you were starting to rub off on him.
cheers on the fighters / speculates
━━ xingqiu, scaramouche, ayato, dottore, al-haitham, and heizou
nothing quite as thrilling as a class fight, now was there? he clapped his hands together in amusement, eyeing the two battling students, who were clearly trying to flaunt for the crowd to see. if he had to compare them to an animal, he'd probably do so with a peacock; they're as proud as they were arrogant. he winced slightly as one of them took a hard hit, landing on the ground in a defeated heap as the victor shouted triumphantly. time for another class, he thought before walking down the opposite end of the hallway. he'd provide a whole play-by-play for you, in case you missed it or were preoccupied with something else at that time. the way he narrates the whole thing sounds as if he were wishing he'd been the one who won the fight.
asks you to do the assignment for them
━━ heizou, arataki itto, tartaglia, kaeya, and venti
"pleaseeeeeee, i promise this is the last time i'll ask you for a favor." you could practically hear how desperate he was through the other side of the phone. letting out a heavy sigh, you agreed. "fine, but you better buy me a caramal frappe tomorrow before school starts or i'll shred your assignment!" he was quick to agree, promising to get you two caramel frappes, if that insured that you wouldn't ruin his precious assignment. turns out, blackmailing is actually more useful than you thought it would be.
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echo-rambles · 1 year
you got me feeling butterflies
words: 770 tags: fluff, suggestive content, pet-names (baby/puppy), light sub!chan, praise kink notes: I don't really have an excuse or explanation. this is probably the closest to smut I'll ever actually get. if I missed any warnings/tags, please let me know?
being with chan is a lesson in patience. not because he's a difficult man, but because he's a busy one. he's constantly doing something, whether it's packing his schedules as full as he legally can, or using his 'free time' to get more work done. you've learned that some days he needs a reminder to just breathe. to exist without worrying about the next project.
today is one of those days, as you gently tug his chair away from his desk, and he protests for a minute. his hands are still glued to his keyboard and his arms outstretched, but then you sigh. "chris." your tone leaving no room for argument so he knows you're being serious.
"it must be important if you government named me." chan jokes, finally letting you spin him around.
"you know I love your- frankly frightening, work ethic. but I think it's time you took a break." you tell him softly, as you cup his cheeks in your hands.
"I'm almost done."
"baby, you were almost done two hours ago. at this rate you'll be stuck in a constant limbo of almost but not quite."
the huffy little pout he gives you is actually kind of adorable. "five more minutes?"
you make a show of thinking about it, giving his cheeks a squeeze as you do, before finally leaning down to kiss him. "I'll give you long enough to save your work and shut the whole thing down, but no longer than that. understand?"
chan presses his hands to your hips, even as he begins to scoot his chair back towards his desk. "on it, boss."
"that's what I like to hear." you let him pull you along, watching with a keen eye as he goes through the process of saving all of his work properly and turning off his computer. mostly one handed because he struggles with letting you go for long. "see, was that so hard?"
"absolutely." there's a bit of reluctance in his eyes, as he glances at his computer, but just as quickly he's completely turning to face you, giving you his attention. looking up at you with those big brown eyes. you have to stay strong, soldier.
humming, you lean down again, planting one of your knees on the chair between his legs to stabilize yourself as you give him a much deeper kiss than before. "you'll get over it."
it's an affirmation as much as it is an order. chan mumbles something like fucking hell, and then he's nodding. eager and wide eyed. your thumb swipes along the edge of his jaw, tilting his head just so.
"you've been working really hard," you tell him, curling even farther into him so you can place kisses along the arch of his neck. "you've done such a good job." you smile into the next kiss, feeling the way he swallows heavily at your words.
"but it's not finished." chan counters, trying his hardest to sound disappointed as he drags in a shaky breath.
"that's ok. puppy doesn't have to overwork himself to still be amazing, mm?" the way his fingers dig into the skin of your waist feels like a victory.
the goal for this evening wasn't exactly to get chan all breathy and whining, but you're not going to complain.
you kiss his chin, and then both of his cheek, moving your hands so they're settled in the slope where his neck meets his shoulders. you kiss all over his face until he's making little noises in the back of his throat and tugging at your hips. wanting you closer.
"does my puppy want something?" you ask, hovering over him and smiling. he's just so pretty. you're kind of stupidly in love with him.
chan blinks, some of the haze lifting from his eyes, and then he's swiftly pulling you fully into his lap. "can you stop being a tease?"
"isn't there a magic word you forgot to use?" you press a kiss to the hinge of his jaw, and then the highest point of his cheek. then down, to the very corner of his mouth. the whole time you keep your hands on him, thumb softly swiping along his collarbone.
"please." he breathes, trying his best to capture your mouth in a kiss.
well, you can't really keep denying him. not when he's being so good. he deserves to be rewarded. not only for how hardworking he is, but also because he's such a good listener.
being with chan is a lesson in patience, and you enjoy being the teacher as much, if not more, than being the student.
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gleedyke · 9 months
Here comes my two cents on anti-Neil Gaiman posting that I hope comes across civilly and that if you choose to interact with you are also polite about.
Everyone has the right to like/dislike a creator and to separately like/dislike their work. I happen to like this particular creator quite a bit, and I do notice that not everyone GOmens posting does, which again, of course, is fine. Disagree with choices made, that's healthy, but the way I keep seeing "us (fandom) vs him" mentality on any type of post feels bad. This isn't a defense of him; I don't fucking know him, nor does he need that. I'm actually quite happy when I hear folks say they simply don't follow/interact with him if they dislike him. That's great energy, but the rest of us seeing it all over is less great. Thought some reminders posted into the void would help lighten up the energy around here, or at least get it off my chest lol.
1. I've been properly queerbaited by media. This is not fucking that. Take a deep breath and heal with me.
2. A lot of vitriol towards Neil, and frankly Michael and David too, seems to be about being straight men creating this. Have we still not learned to mind our business on this front. You don't know them, we don't know them, but everything we've ever seen from them proves they're on our side. You wanna be mad at a straight man for actually fumbling the bag Steven Moffat is right th- sorry I forgot this isn't about him I tried not to bring up Sherlock in point 1 I really did. ANYWAY. I'm not implying anything, but I have learned to mind your business a little when telling someone why they can't create something queer. That's all.
3. This is his story, and it's not over. It took so long for him to get an adaptation made that he actually wanted to do, and he's doing it. I point y'all to Percy Jackson (I know there's some overlap in demographics here) and how much better the new series is just because Rick Riordan is more involved in adapting it. Having an author of the original work handling the adaptation this thoroughly is a gift regardless of how you feel about him. Additionally, he's writing the rest of the story that he and Terry Pratchett didn't tell. In Terry's honor. For himself. For all the people with beat up original copies. For all the people who have just joined because they realized there is something magical here. But above all it's still his. Take a deep breath and remember this is a love story, and if you still are not content in the end there's always AO3 my friends.
TL;DR vent away on your Tumblr if you don't like Neil Gaiman, nobody is gonna like everyone and certainly nobody's perfect. But before spreading negativity against him on every corner of the GOmens tags, I encourage you to remember how essential he is to the work regardless of your opinion. And remember that those who do like him and his work are also doing so with the best of intentions. Aren't we all. Peace and love this new year. Wait and see. Etc.
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reverseflashes · 1 year
I’m trying to write a story or at least a short one. Where Constantine and Raven cross paths with the Rogues. I have a pretty good idea for it but even though I’ve read comics. I still don’t fully understand them I need an idea about there personality and fighting style. I’m hoping that with your help and a few other Rogue fans. I can get a better idea. Cause finding proper information is like finding a needle in a haystack for them. Constantine is literally the easiest out of all of them.😭
I really hope for good information. I want to do right by them.🥺
Anyway my chosen Rogue’s are… Captain Cold, Heatwave, Mirror Master, Weather Wizard, Captain Boomerang and Trickster (Axel Walker).
Basically the ones in comics right now.
P.S. I’m also mad about Owen. He had so much potential.
Every time I checked my inbox and saw this meage on top, I reminded myself to answer it some time the same day. And every time, I forgot. I don't even know where to begin to apologize, nonnie, especially it's been exactly a month since you've sent me this. I hope, if you are still around, and if you see this, you can forgive me. And if you are pissed at me, then you are completely right too I'M SO SORRY I SWEAR
To be honest, I can read every issue every Rogues member has ever appeared in (and for some members, I did lol) and still would not be good at answering questions like this. I'll tag few blogs I know post about the Rogues at the end of my response and tag this properly so that more people will see it and hopefully share their opinions as well. :)
I apologize in advance if this is very scattered, all over the place but I've never been very good at explaining stuff like this so... yeah.
I'm assuming the fight takes between John&Raven and the Rogues.
The Rogues are Flash's villains. And Flash has superspeed; and having superspeed comes with infinite amount of skills and abilities. There is really nothing a speedster can't do. So how does the Rogues, a bunch of non-powered criminals (except for Mark, if we want to go into a bit detail lol) with only their gadgets and costumes keep up with him? How can a speedster like Barry Allen can struggle against the Rogues sometimes?
The answer is that the Rogues have the advantage of planning their heists in advance. Excessive planning, may I add! Rogues don't have to keep up with Flash's whereabouts, because Flash will always go where the Rogues exactly want him. But the Flash doesn't have the advantage of always anticipating the Rogues' next move. There are so many other reasons of course but no need to go into more details. So, in your story, whether the Rogues plans the fight with John and Raven ahead or if it occurs completely spontaneous, I believe the Rogues wouldn't be caught off guard. I mean, they fight speedsters on a weekly basis, so it is hard for them to get intimitated by anyone else.
Now another thing, and I don't know if it's just me or if it is a fandom thing, but I always got the impression that Rogues hate magic. Like I always believed that to be a fact. They don't like it at all. Maybe "superpowers" is what they really don't like but I guess, to them, it's all the same.
Len in The Flash #750
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Rogues don't want to get involved in anything that is above their paygrade. They hate their plans getting out of control and things getting messy and magic IS messy, that is an understatement. So you can use this in the story; they will fight John and Raven if they have to, but they won't care about winning. Of course, they CAN win the fight, but if you use the canon fact that the Rogues never faced John and Raven before in your story, then I assume winning wouldn't be their priority. They'll buy themselves time while putting the capes through their paces (damn right 😎).
You can focus on the Rogues' gadgets as well. In my personal opinion, Mirror Gun is the most powerful and dangerous out of all of them: it can open portals, it can create duplicates, it can fire bolts of light energy, IT CAN HYPNOTIZE AND MIND CONTROL PEOPLE, it can be used to transmute objects into glass, it can be used for dimensional travel, it can trap people inside those mirror dimensions etc... (SOURCES: here and here)
Here is a panel of Sam blinding Wonder Woman with his Mirror Gun. Justice League America #158
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I put this panel especially because Wonder Woman is heavily affiliated with magic.
You can find more info on their gadgets on the internet, and if you'd like, I can look into it and send you some links if I can find anything.
I was gonna mention Hartley and his flute too but I realized that he isn't in the Rogues in your story so I'll skip that.
And lastly, I'd recommend you read New Year's Evil: Rogues, a one-shot where the Rogues are in the land of Zhutan searching for a powerful sun disk of Meshta (the creator god of the Saravistraism- DC’s version of Zoroastrianism) to make their souls eternally free from Neron (DC’s version of Satan). It involves heavy supernatural themes so maybe it helps.
Also, Teen Titans: Cold Case might be a good read. There is a fight between Teen Titans and the Rogues and although magic isn't in the center, Rogues fight against members Cyborg, Red Devil and Wonder Girl (Cassie). (And Vic and Tim actually admit that they couldn't take the Rogues!)
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And most importantly, they fight as a TEAM and a FAMILY. Their diverse skills and abilities complete each other, thanks years of working and planning and fighting together side by side.
Soooo yeah. I'm pretty sure I forgot half the things I was gonna add and forty thousand anecdotes but that's why I'll tag some of the awesome people in the Rogues fandom underneath this so that they can add their own opinions as well. If they want, of course, no pressure! Please feel free to ignore this.
Thank you so very very very much for your message nonnie. And I'm so so so very sorry for taking so long to answer it. I hope I made it up to you a little.
@gorogues @tricksterrune @t-bombs @longitudinalwaveme @belphegor1982 @saltywithsarcasm @smartshipfriday my brain is all over the place rn i can't think of anyone else but if you see this in the search or on your dash pls feel free to reblog it and share your opinions <33
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upat4amwiththemoon · 2 years
Holly Jolly Christmas
Summary: Holiday chaos.
Pairing: Kate Bishop x female!reader, the Avengers are a family not just coworkers
Warnings: none
Word count: 1316
a/n: This whole story is chaos
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @sayah13
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The holidays have always been a hectic time at the Avengers compound, but it went up a notch in craziness when Kate and Y/N joined the Avengers, then it went up another notch when the two started dating.
Because of the holiday chaos, most of the Avengers like to stay out of the way on the 23rd of December, unfortunately, some of them get roped into the Christmas preparation.
“To the left!” Y/N shouts from her place on top of the living room table. She’s holding her fingers up as if it helps her to see if the tree is properly lined up. She groans when Clint stumbles over again. “Watch out! That tree cost a lot of Tony’s money.”
Clint sighs, but decides it’s better to stay quiet.
Humming, Y/N leans her head from one side to the other, sometimes closing one of her eyes. “Something doesn’t feel right.”
“I think it looks great right here, Y/N.” Steve smiles, trying to reassure her, but he just gets shushed.
“Can we get it higher?”
“Higher?” Clint and Steve glance at each other, not really liking the sound of that. “What do you mean?”
“We have a lot of gifts, they need room under the tree.” Y/N looks around the room. No one besides the three of them are there, so they wouldn’t get asked to help. She gasps. “Sam! Over here!” She waves at the Falcon, who tried to sneak from the kitchen to the elevator.
There’s a deep displeasure written on his face, but he walks over to them. After all, who could say no to one of the youngest members, who just wants to spread some Christmas magic around the compound.
“What can I do, Y/N?”
“Can you move this table under the tree, while Clint and Steve are holding it up?” Y/N steps down from the table with a huge smile on her face.
This makes Sam get a smile on his face as well. “You want those two to hold the tree up?”
“Say no more.” Sam gets out his phone. “You heard the boss, lift it up, fellas!” Steve and Clint lift the huge tree up, getting pines all over their faces. Sam laughs at the scene and takes a few pictures of them struggling before moving the table under the tree with ease.
With a grunt, they lower the tree, moving away from it to see how it looks.
Y/N is grinning from ear to ear. “It looks perfect!”
“It does!” Kate arrives to the living room with a huge box of Christmas ornaments, Natasha right behind her with another box.
When Kate puts the box down, Y/N goes next to her and kisses her cheek. “You ready to decorate?”
“Of course.” Kate goes to kiss Y/N on the lips, but she’s already digging into the box. She gives chuckling Natasha a small glare, before going to the box herself.
“Nat, come help!”
“Yes, sweetheart.”
Although, Christmas decorating and shopping weren’t Natasha’s top ten ways to spend her time, she still enjoyed it more than the others. Ever since Y/N joined the Avengers, not really by choice, Natasha has taken on the motherly role. She could relate to Y/N the most, so, they built a bond that she doesn’t have with the other Avengers. Which is why Natasha would do things she dislikes if it makes Y/N smile.
After two hours the whole living room and kitchen is fully decorated and all the presents are under the tree. Y/N smiles as she takes in the scenery of various decorations. Most of the Christmas decorations were put on today, but other holiday decorations were put earlier, as not all of the Avengers celebrate Christmas.
Y/N frowns when she notices one last thing in the bottom of the box. “We forgot the star.” Picking it up, she stares at the tall tree. “How do we get it on top?”
“You could stand on my shoulders?” Kate suggests.
“Absolutely not.” Natasha furrows her brows. “Do I need to remind you of all the times one of you has gotten an injury because of a stupid idea like that?”
Kate and Y/N look at each other with wide eyes. “I think it’s out best bet, you’re short and K-“
Natasha’s lips go into a thin line as she shoots daggers to Y/N’s direction. “Do you want to say that again?”
She freezes, instantly realizing her mistake. “No.” Y/N mumbles quietly, feeling like a kid who is getting scolded by her mother. Though, that’s pretty much what’s happening.
“Good. Now, don’t do anything stupid, while I go look for Peter. He could put the star on.” Natasha gives the two a pointed look before leaving the room. But, she should’ve known it doesn’t work.
“Okay, get on my shoulders.” Kate crouches down in front of the tree. Y/N steps onto her shoulders carefully, holding the star on one hand, while the other is holding Kate’s head. “I’m gonna stand up now.” Her grip on Y/N’s legs is tight as she stands slowly.
Y/N holds onto the tree, giggling nervously when she’s on the top. Carefully, she reaches as tall as she can and sets the star on top of the tree. “Yes!” She shouts, lifting her hands up in celebration, which causes Kate to lose her balance.
Y/N shrieks as she starts falling down, but suddenly her feet are already on the ground. She looks behind to see Peter standing there. “Hi.” He smiles.
“Thanks for saving me.” She smiles sheepishly.
Kate runs up to her. “I’m so sorry! That was a total ac-“ She stops when Natasha steps into the room.
“What did I tell you?” One of her brows is lifted and her arms are crossed over her chest. “Well?”
“Not to do anything stupid.” Y/N mumbles.
“And what did you do?”
“Something stupid.” Kate speaks up.
Natasha shakes her head with a sigh. She knows the two of the will be the death of her. “Go to your room.”
With a giggle, Y/N and Kate start walking to their rooms, while going past Natasha, Y/N kisses her cheek. “Yes, мама.” The title makes Natasha smile.
”Wake up! Wake up!” Kate bangs on every Avenger’s door, waking them up. “It’s time to open presents!” Giddily, she runa to the kitchen when she’s sure all the others have woken up. “Hey, love.” She kisses Y/N, who is right about done with cooking the Christmas foods.
“Morning.” Y/N’s eyes are slightly closed from waking up so early to cook, but the holiday spirit is still in her. “Is everyone awake?”
“Yeah, they’ll be down soon.”
Wanda is the first one to come down, being almost as excited for Christmas as the couple. “Y/N.” She gasps, looking at the various foods for all the Avengers. “I could’ve helped you cook.”
“You always cook for us, I wanted you to have a break.” She smiles. “There’s no pork or shellfish, meat and dairy are on different tables.” Y/N shows all the foods around the multiple tables. “I hope I cooked them right.”
“They look great, Y/N.” Wanda assures, hugging her.
Just then the other members start arriving to the kitchen and living room, everyone admiring the decorations and various foods.
Seeing the presents, they go straight to them, checking the names to see which present is theirs. Kate and Y/N giggle, going to rummage through the packets with them. Once everyone finds their own, the group starts opening them together, at times shouting or cheering if they get something extraordinarily good.
Although, the holiday times are all over the place when it comes to the Avengers compound, they all love it.
Especially Kate and Y/N.
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thesparklingwriter · 2 years
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say it again
"You don't remember calling me your little mate then, I assume."
tags: implied smut, pet names, Zhongli is very pure, soft Zhongli, fem!reader, Zhongli and reader are in a relationship, aftercare (ish), fluff no plot, author was very tired whilst writing this
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please do not repost or edit my work without credit. reblogs are greatly appreciated!
i'm also taking ideas for the rest of the flufftober days, feel free to leave any suggestions, no matter how self-indulgent they may be.
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Zhongli almost chuckles at you. You could sleep through anything, really.
But he knows this nap is stemming from him pushing you to an almost inhuman high, so he'll take the blame for it if it gets to that. Otherwise, he doesn't care. You look so peaceful, wrapped up in one of his spare robes, burying yourself against his chest. It's nice to feel loved, he decides, even though he was convinced it was one of those things humans did to pass time.
Until you wake up, he's going to keep staring at you, until he can commit every pore of your face to his memory. Moments like this remind him of how ephemeral you are—he's lived thousands of your life spans and will live for thousands more after you. Is he supposed to just carry on living like he used to when you inevitably pass? Would he abuse his archon status to keep you here with him for as long as he can?
As his thoughts drift, his eyes shift to the window. The rain falls with steady drumbeats, filling his ears and matching his melancholy revelations. He really doesn’t want to think about this anymore.
The questions fade away in his mind as you stir. He looks away from the pouring rain, focusing on you instead. He can worry about eternity later.
"Are you awake now, love?"
You don't respond, pulling him into a tender kiss. He's not used to this. Usually, in this kind of scenario, your kisses are panicked, as if you remember the moments shared between you and are afraid that at some point, he'll leave you, and by association those moments, in the dust. Every time, he calms you, tells you that he's not going anywhere, that you are his one and only priority and that it's you he wants until your whining has stopped and you resume teasing him as normal. He's almost offended that you think he would use you for your body—but he knows that there were others before him, others that weren't so kind and doting, so he doesn't mind reinforcing to you that he's not leaving.
"This is new," he chuckles, pulling away to look at you properly. "Are you alright? Are you still in need of the daily reminder that I love you and would do anything for you, or have you finally decided to believe me?"
You laugh, running your hands through his long silken locks. Your favourite time of any day is when he releases his ponytail. Even though he pretends that he hates it, having your nimble fingers in his hair, braiding it and tying it into elaborate knots is relieving to him. A kind of massage of sorts.
"I don't need it," you smile. "Though you could totally run through it anyway if you really want."
Zhongli kisses your forehead then, revelling in the way your face breaks into a smile. "I seem to have forgotten the usual script," he jokes. "Maybe you should lead the sappy declarations of love this time."
"You definitely forgot the script," you comment, shifting yourself off of his lap so you can look at him properly. You're probably biased, blinded by your affection for this man, but you're convinced that he's the most beautiful being ever. Point blank. Between his ink-black lashes, amber eyes and gentlemanly demeanour, you want for nothing when it comes to him. He's perfect. No one in Teyvat could replace him.
Zhongli hums, a sign he wants you to continue, but doesn't want you to feel too pressured.
"Li," you smile. "Are mates a dragon thing or an archon thing?"
Zhongli flushes, so much so that you have to hide your smile. A whole archon of a man blushing over your words does wonders for your ego. He clears his throat, searching your eyes for some kind of mischievous glint, but he sees nothing but innocent curiosity.
"It probably goes directly against the contract of being an archon, I suppose."
"But you're not an archon anymore, really, are you?" you say, and once again Zhongli searches for a trace of impish joy in your eyes. Once again, it's not there and he's convinced he must just be hearing you wrong.
"That is true. Mates are a decidedly dragon 'thing'," he finally says, pulling you closer to his side. "Why all the questions, love?"
You slide your hands into his hair again, up to the spot where you vaguely remember horns being. "Oh, just something you said earlier."
Zhongli hums again, but you ignore him, gently massaging his head. His eyes close shut, and you use the chance to catch him off guard, dragging your lips to his ears. "You don't remember calling me your little mate then, I assume." His eyes snap open, glowing faintly with surprise, but he only hums again, guiding your hand back to his hair, and your lips to his.
"You wound me with your forgetfulness," you whisper, and Zhongli laughs at your valiant attempt to sound like him. Above all, he's impressed by how well you kept this to yourself. You're usually easy to read, your emotions painted on your face. But, it seems that with certain motivations, you can keep a secret. "All those words about how perfect of a mate I am, and you barely even remember!"
That doesn't get the reaction you want out of him, so you relent, for the time being, content with having made him blush. He doesn't want to talk about it? Fine.
"You're certainly a mischievous little thing," Zhongli seems to choke on his words, and it's your turn to hum, head tilted to the side.
"Go on, say what you were going to say." You push. "I, for one, want to hear you say it again." And it's the truth. Despite your devious way of bringing it up, your heart had genuinely fluttered at that moment—at the implication that he wanted you, and only you. You never cared for the fanfare of marriage or engagements, but you cared about the concept of being with him for as long as you could. And you liked hearing him confirm that he felt the same way. You like the idea of being his mate. If only he was a little less proper when he wasn't blinded by lust.
"Are you embarrassed?" you prod, kissing his flushed cheek.
"Certainly not," he huffs, offended by the notion. "I would never be embarrassed by my sentiments towards you. If anything, I'm annoyed by my own lack of restraint. Apologies for dropping that bombshell on you when you were only just this side of consciousness. It's that wretched storm wreaking havoc on me."
Ah yes, the storm. When Zhongli smelt the storm on the wind, he rushed through every room, pulling all the windows and curtains shut, and politely asked you to excuse him if he were to suddenly sprout horns and a tail. In hindsight, your reaction to that was probably a far cry from the one he had imagined—he had looked quite confused by your outburst of laughter—but you agreed to let it slide, and stay with him whilst he hid out from the storm. You did not know it was going to last for over six nights.
"You're blaming the storm? Or the fact you're a dragon?"
"Both." he scoffs. "And you for being so mind-numbingly perfect. What else did I say?"
He nuzzles into your chest. "Some things are too lewd to repeat," you mutter, absentmindedly running your hands through his hair again. "This storm really is doing a number on you, isn't it, Li?"
He nods.
"Well, I have one last question for you and then we can pretend this whole business never happened, hm? A contract of sorts," He looks up at you as if he can't trust you to keep to any contract you make. And it's true—you are terrible at keeping your word when it comes to not teasing him. But despite his reservations, he agrees and buries his face back into your chest, as if it will shelter him from your question.
"Did you mean it?" you ask. You don't mean to, but your voice cracks, and you want to yell at yourself for being so pitiful. You know his answer will be yes, so why the worry? Why the question? Zhongli smiles against you, and you feel your fear dissipate. He has a habit of being at his most sappy when he doesn't have to worry about trying to understand the look on your face. He can speak freely, and he does.
"Of course I did," he says. "Don't ever think that me calling you my mate was just some lust-filled slip of the tongue. I love you, yn, I truly do. As far as I'm concerned, you are my mate and nothing can change that. I was just hoping to bring that topic up with you with a little more fanfare."
"You know I don't care much for fanfare," you scold him, tugging lightly on his hair. He laughs.
"Feisty little mate," he says, and you grin.
"Say it again," you whisper.
He obliges, repeating himself as many times as you ask him to. He's ecstatic that you feel the same way, that he hasn't scared you away or made you uncomfortable. And later in the night, when he's convinced that you're sleeping and slips out of your grasp for a quick drink of water, he hears you call out for him. Instead of moaning that you want your boyfriend or your Zhongli back, you ask for your mate, and Zhongli finds himself back in bed before you even finish your sentence.
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year
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polym4id cariňosa <3
notes/me going insane abt them under the cut bc i know the tags would be long if i didn't!
first up! carinosa is a folk dance that originates from the colonial era of the philippines. it tells the story of a man and a woman falling in love but are too shy to properly show it so they do a little hide and seek type of thing. the fan and handkerchief play a very important role for the dance because it helps tells the audience their shy way of showing love.
my headcanon for dalia's mother is she's filipino and her father is japanese. her brother has no canon appearance yet so i just made one up for him!
i headcanon dalia being very close to her filipino side of the family since her mother always video-called them when she has the chance ever since she was a kid. her relative gifts her and her brother presents every time it was their birthday or any holiday.
marika is literally the "ideal" dalagang pilipina (on the outside). fair skin, nice attitude, has a good career as a model, and is very sweet. dalia's relatives would probably like her a lot if they didn't know abt the fact marika does NOT clean her room n stuff.
"tito" in english is "uncle", not to be confused w "ninong" which is used for godfathers (ive accidentally called my tito 'ninong' more than two times bc i didnt know this difference when i was younger). the feminine equivalant for both words are "tita" and "ninang".
no one is wondering this but the reason i didn't get any of their boobs out is bc that would be. not good to do. it's a no no. that era in the philippines was very conservative on that kind of thing, so it would be a bit disrespectful (to me) to do such a thing. also how am i supposed to get the tits out w that outfit huh? (and i cant drAW BO--)
also also. if ur curious why some tagalog words remind u of spanish or anything reminds u of something from spain, it's bc spain colonized the philippines for 300 years. that's why some filipinos have "spanish" names. my middle and last name r spanish bc of this. (idk if some of this is correct tho bc i havent went to a filipino history lesson for like. two years technically. reason why i kinda remembered this is bc we were taught this ever since we were like. in kindergarten.)
that saori and dalia one is based on an image in the wikipedia page of carinosa. i rlly liked it a lot even tho it isnt even part of the dance lol. that was the first drawing i did for this and it took me a while to finish haha.
this isnt connected to the drawings (kind of) but back in my old old school in the philippines we had to dance the carinosa for this annual dance competition against every grade, from the kindergarteners to the damn high schoool students. it was a mixed school so there were boys n girls and i was paired up w one of my friends, all of us were practicing rlly hard but when the performance day came, my friend and his brother (also my other friend i think) wasnt there. so i had to be paired up w the girl his brother was supposed to be paired up w, and considering the fact this song is abt a two lovers n stuff it made it pretty gay lol. we did well but we didn't win, i forgot who won tho...
also rika's necklace is from that one art from the character designer where's theyre wearing the yoba academy uniform.
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thsc-stuffs · 1 year
That Vinrose post does remind me. I should touch up my Dr. V headcanons. I had a lot for her!! Unfortunately Remus no longer being RHM means she can't adopt him that way so time to get creative-
Definitely also need to play with her x Dmitri. I originally shipped them as a post-game thing but @the-irken-pony (I think? Sorry to tag if you're the wrong person) threw around some "they're recently divorced and that's why The Wall has such poor medical care" with me and that kinda goes brr AND would sorta fit in with my headcanons!
Being Intentionally Vague: Dr. V was in an arranged marriage, shit happened that finally made her run away. Maybe she went to The Wall seeking shelter, and sold out her ex-husband, but that left her with no legal protections or insurance or anything so Dmitri offered- essentially a fake marriage. She accepted because she was in no state to be alone, and they sorta actually fell in love as time went on.
However, Dmitri was growing more aggressive towards his staff and angry due to frustrations with the Toppat Clan and Dr. V wasn't having it. His choice to work with the CCC was the breaking point, and they got into a very major argument. Dmitri yelled at her, slammed his hands into a table and shouted at her, and that was the final straw; she packed her bags and left out on the boat.
She was near The Wall during The Betrayed because she was properly finalizing the legal divorce papers and picking up some items she forgot in the rush to leave (and saying goodbye to Grigori, who had done no wrong to her but who refused to leave Dmitri's side)
On a lighter note! Her first name is Anastasia c:
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
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El WooWoo Wednesday! Thank you @confused-bi-queer and @larkral for the tag.
Yesterday started out terribly with me having a breakdown during a meeting at my job (oof) but it ended on such a high note. I don’t really share where I live on the internet (anymore) cause ya know internet security but now I kinda wish I did cause I mentioned several times that I organised a week filled with queer events and my big event was yesterday and I am still high on energy. I was so nervous beforehand but it went really well and the actress we invited was super chill. People also complimented me and said I didn’t seem nervous at all so +1 self-esteem there.
Gah, it was so good.
Apart from that, no writing is happening. Like I said I had a wee breakdown because I’d been living with constant stress for the past 1.5 weeks, partially due to the events, but also my studies, including my thesis. How’s my thesis going? It’s going. I am almost done with the analysis but it’s still very hard and frustrating and there is a lot of second guessing.
And of course, when I am not being Responsible, I am playing Zelda. I actually gave some more thoughts to the Zelda fic idea that I shared on Monday, but I’ll once again put it under the cut for spoilers.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias (congrats on the baby!!!) @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @takitalks @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @chen-chen-chen-again-chen ​ @cutestkilla ​ @nausikaaa ​/@wellbelesbian ​ @artsyunderstudy ​ @martsonmars ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @boyinjeans @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites​ @blackberrysummerblog
Okay so I reread Any way the wind blows and I forgot that Aryll is fucking 110 in that fic. That’s old! I mean, she had to be old cause the Calamity happened a hundred years ago AND Aryll needed to be old enough to properly remember her brother, but damn.
Now, I actually don’t know how many years are between Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. We do know that Link is 17/117 in BOTW. Time has clearly passed, since children have grown up and places have changed. One change is that Link is an adult who can now drink alcohol at the bar in Gerudo Town (lmao). Someone (who also organised the aforementioned queer event) looked up the legal drinking age in Japan, which is 20, so does that mean there’s 3 years between the games?
That would make Aryll 113. If 110 was already pushing it, then 113 is really pushing it. Aryll was already weak and old in my fic, but man. So when the pirates attack Lurelin, is she still alive or did she die from old age? It’s established that Hylians have a human lifespan. But say she is alive in TOTK, then damn how will she flee Lurelin? Will Kiana and co. take her with them? But Aryll will have a lot of problems traversing through Hyrule. Even Faron is already difficult to traverse since it’s a big forest.
What if.... after Link and Aryll reunite..... and Link saves Zelda....... and Zelda sees the situation.............. Zelda goes to Purah. Purah reversed her age with Sheikah tech. And sure, it went a bit too far and she became a literal child, but she’s a teen/young adult now. This also kinda fucks up the 3 years idea, but also this is Purah so I won’t be surprised if she now sped up some aging in order to reach the age she wanted. What if, between games, Purah reverses Aryll’s age to match Link’s? Hmmmm. HMMMMM. Again, I’m just mumbling. I don’t know if this is a Legit Fic Idea, but I like to think about it.
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queenlorea · 1 year
tq @wendawyllawillow for tagging me 💜 very wah much appreciated
currently reading: i’ll be honest ive straight up stopped reading recreationally because for a long time thesis-writing took up a lot of my energy (grade did not pay off but the graders collectively called me she/they which was a Win. 2/3 pronouns!) . The last thing i recall being on my reading list was “braiding sweetgrass” but i forgot to borrow it from my library and this reminds me i should check it out 🤡
favorite color: forever and always green (sage green jade green malachite moss pondwater etc green will always be 💚)
last song: California Dreamin’ by the Mamas & the Papas because a friend sent it to me today 💜
last movie: does Dropout’s Dimension 20 count? I watched The Ravening War in full it was a slay i love Dungeons and Dragons
sweet, spicy, or savory: Spice!!!
currently working on: i have been turning a bunch of asoiaf-harrenhal fics around in my Mind instead of plotting my fics properly in an outline. Ive also had this fic about Daenerys daughter of Naerys and Maron Martell that ive always wanted to write but didn’t,, many brainworms but They may never be written at this point.
no pressure tags but i hope yall think this is fun: @ohmissflo and @mvshortcut
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vinmauro · 1 year
wip search game
i was tagged by @quinnkeerys thank you!! my words are: sweet, deal, touch, wish, secret. i currently only have 3 wips so let’s see how this goes. forgot to post this the other day and have since finished the last chapter of don’t so this is my celebration.
from tied me to you (cheerscoops part 1)
In effort to forget about Chrissy Cunningham and her stupid smile, her stupid hair, Steve headed straight bore the backyard. Instantly met with cheers and immediately asked if he’ll raise his personal keg stand record. With a quick look at the keg and the guys surrounding it, the charming smile he’s known for slipped on and he gave one nod. “Fuck it, let’s do it.” King Steve does what King Steve does best. Later he ended up in bed with someone he’d never see again and it didn’t bother him. Truthfully, it doesn’t. By the beginning of November, Chrissy was out of his mind and replaced with another sophomore. Someone equally as warm and sweet, with sharper angles but beautiful eyes, a shy smile. She cares about school and grades and doing well. She’s so much better than any cheerleader. Nancy Wheeler felt right.
from cos you live in my daydreams (jargyle)
Did he? Things don’t feel the same anymore and Jonathan liked to believe it just had to do with the move, missing their friends and Hawkins, and that they’re going through the same trauma that he is. They’re still healing and maybe it’ll be a long while before anything will feel close to how they used to feel. El was still trying to get used to not having her powers and dealing with the loss of Hopper, all while trying to navigate high school and being a kid. Will is more withdrawn, missing his friends but it’s something more than that. Jonathan may see that they’re struggling but he’s finding it hard to reach out. Because a part of him wants to withdraw too.
from tied me to you
But nothing could ever touch Richard Harrington. Not even after getting caught with his assistant, Julie, and it’s why Steve’s mother can’t leave Richard alone on work trips. Richard Harrington is perfect. So his family had to be too. Fuck perfect, Harrington, live a little. Tommy’s voice wheedled into him, with a laugh and a shit-eating grin while Carol’s was milder, a pop of gum for emphasis while her laugh grated him. There is no angel that lives on Steve’s shoulders. He had a devil and a devil and they were apparently in love with each other.
from the last chapter of don’t don’t don’t throw it away (edancy)
*wish came up 4 times just from eddie’s pov. “Shit.” He scrambled getting up, not bothering to pick up any of their stuff, “hey! Come on. Where are you going?” “Away from you before I decide to kill you,” luckily she had stopped walking shortly after speaking, leaving them to be coated in darkness, the music barely reaching them. He wished he could see her properly. “You’re a fucking idiot, you know that?”
from the last chapter of don’t
*secret came up three times in this chapter Instead, Holly had been the one who had pulled the whole thing into light. She had grown attached to Eddie after their one time hang out, evident enough to Nancy whenever she would ask and often reminded Holly not to say anything in front of their mother. It was supposed to be a secret between sisters. Well, six year olds aren’t the best secret keepers in the world. She asked, rather loudly, if Eddie would be coming to Nancy’s graduation dinner. All while Karen was still holding on her hand and Eddie had walked up at the same moment.
tagged: @stargyles @iero @willaferreyras @rejectofsociety and if you feel like doing this at all just feel free to say i tagged you!! idk who writes anymore bc i’m self absorbed 💀
your words are: alone, control, pieces, home, stay
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kyupidos · 7 months
02/15/23’s delivery 🏹✉️ twisted wonderland
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someone to call, mine <3ヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ,ヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ ;; summary. ‘them and their love languages— can’t get more simple than that.’
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characters. all dorms : every character ( excl. nrc staff, & specials ( separate ) ;; romantic . 🖇️ tags. reader is gender neutral ( you/your ), reader may or may not be yuu ( up to the reader ), may be ooc, romantic fluff
📡 _a/n. HOLYSHIT CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT TO POST THIS YESTERDAY..IT WAS PREPARED PRIOR AND EVERYTHING..mb y’all school caught on fire and i had community service had other things to worry about..
PHYSICAL TOUCH!! the type to not particularly be sure how to express their feelings properly through words and the like. it’s hard to get the words right, and every time he tries it’s like bile piling in his throat. so he gets across these feelings of his through, of course, physical touch. a tangible reminder that you still love him, even though he knows you always will, even the little fleeting touches like brushing your hands against each other and a light peck on the cheek when greeting each other.
— ace trappola , floyd leech , kalim al-asim , che’nya
WORDS OF AFFIRMATION <3 sometimes he’s not so sure of himself. a nice little reminder, some words of encouragement, he’s appreciative of it all. when you compliment him, show him your appreciation outright and through words. he tends to get a bit flustered, and he loves every moment of it. he knows you’re honest about it, so it’s even more reassuring. my my, he sure does love your voice and all the ways you use it to love him and speak of him so romantically.
— azul ashengrotto , sebek zigvolt , vil schoenheit , cater diamond , deuce spade
GIFT GIVING!! it’s not like he only cares about the money and what you’re giving him and all that—could be anything from a snack to a little trinket. he reciprocates the favor by sharing nice little gifts for you, as well. oh how he loves being happy with you as you exchange gifts every now and then, each gift with such thought put into it, it’s clear you’ve been listening to each other and know full well what the other likes. he treasures everything you give him.
— malleus draconia , ruggie bucchi , lilia vanrouge
QUALITY TIME <3 every single second spent with you is a second spent in heaven to him. just being in your presence and you being in his, makes him happy enough to last the day. no matter what it may be you’re doing. leisure walks around the botanical garden or just leaning against each other’s shoulders half asleep after a long day. he soaks in every minute of it, loving every single moment he’s with you.
— trey clover , silver , jamil viper , neige leblanche , rook hunt , leona kingscholar
ACTS OF SERVICE!! whenever you’re doing things for each other, his heart can’t help but skip a beat. studying together, helping each other in little in game quests, folding the laundry together, lightening each other’s loads when either one of you is working on something. no matter what it is that you’re helping each other out with, he sighs blissfully taking the moment in. ah, how you appreciate what he does for you, and how he loves all the little things you do for him.
— riddle rosehearts , jade leech , jack howl , epel felmier , idia shroud
(( YOUR PERSONAL AID ( LOL ) scan scan scan, ortho’s helpin you out in learning and delivering what your lover wants and needs most. bro can know whatevr your lover likes cuz of allat tech; don’t worry, he’s got ya.
— none other than ortho shroud, ofc
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calpalirwin · 3 years
Pushing Limits
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Summary: Bucky reminds you of who’s in charge. 
Content: female masturbation, edging, fingering, phone sex, oral sex (fem receiving), sex, choking, dom!Bucky, after care
Word Count: 2.2k
And away, and away we go!
You didn’t stop to think twice as you sent Bucky the small video clip of you getting yourself off. 
But you should have. 
Halfway across the world, Bucky’s phone pinged in his pocket. The smile that crossed his face at the notification from you quickly turned to a stifled groan as the audio of your soft panted moans, finger fucking yourself, and then the small cry of “Bucky,” sounded in his ears. 
Quickly he called you. “Did I say you could do that?” he asked, his tone low and sharp the second you picked up.
“Hi, Buck. Love and miss you, too. How’s the mission?”
“Did I say you could do that?” was all he repeated in a tight growl.
“I wasn’t aware I needed your permission.”
“Well, I hope you had your fun.”
“Oh…” you sighed dreamily. “I did. Still be more fun if you were here to help me out though. Your fingers are so much thicker than mine,” your voice was a teasing taunt as you dipped your hands between your thighs. “Wish you could see how wet that makes me,” you breathed into the phone’s speaker as you slowly inserted a finger in your pussy.
“Y/N,” came the warning.
“Mmm, Bucky,” you moaned, pumping your finger faster.
He let out another growl, feeling his jeans tighten. “Enjoy it, doll. Cuz that’s gonna be your last orgasm for a while.”
“Oh, shit…” you mumbled, immediately pulling your hand away, knowing he was dead serious. “Buck, I’m sorry,” you quickly apologized.
“I’ll be home tonight, and we’ll see just how sorry you are then.”
“Bucky, please! You’ve been gone two weeks!”
“Yeah. And I was really looking forward to making it up to you for being gone. I thought you were my good girl, doll… Such a shame…”
“I am!” you whined, not able to stand the disappointment in his voice. “Bucky, I’m sorry!”
“You’re only sorry because you got caught. If you hadn’t sent that video I never would’ve known, and tonight you’d be getting more orgasms than you could handle. Again… what a shame.”
“It was a present!” you tried to explain your way out of trouble. “Bucky… please.”
“I’ll see you tonight, Y/N.”
No “doll”. No “I love you”. No “can’t wait to see you”. Fuck… you really should have thought twice.
In an effort to get Bucky to believe that you genuinely were sorry and seek sympathy, you set about cleaning up the apartment, making sure his favorite meal was on standby for when he got home, and, as a last ditch effort to make him reconsider his earlier threat, changed into one of his shirts. The shirt held traces of his cologne, and was long enough to cover your ass, while being short enough to reveal how you were only in his shirt.
Then, there was nothing to do but wait, and hope that the anticipation of his homecoming would be considered punishment enough.
“Doll, I’m home,” Bucky called out, the front door clicking shut behind him, and the sound of boots and a duffle bag hitting the floor.
“In here,” you answered back from the kitchen.
You listened as his footsteps got closer, then his hands were on your waist, pulling your back flush against his chest, his lips finding a home along your neck. “Mmm, missed you, doll,” he murmured against your skin.
“Missed you too,” you said with a giggle, turning in his arms to face him, looping your own arms around his neck. “I got you your favorite if you’re hungry.”
“Starving,” was the confession. “But I have something else in mind.”
“Oh?” you asked, a smile coming to your lips as you took note of the lust swirling in his eyes. Maybe the flight home had made him rethink. Maybe the two weeks apart was overriding whatever disappointment still lingered. Maybe forgiveness had already been granted.
“Bedroom. Now.”
You didn’t dare disobey now, quickly detangling yourself from him, and heading for the bedroom.
Similarly, Bucky wasted no time following after you. Wordlessly, he guided you to the bed, your back hitting the mattress as your feet stayed planted on the floor. The action caused his shirt to ride up on you, the hem stopping tantalizing so just above your exposed pussy. “No panties, huh?” he asked, leaning down over you as one of his fingers brushed through your folds, slickness already gathering on his fingertips. “Who made you this needy, doll?” His voice was sickly sweet as he popped the finger in his mouth, tasting you.
“You, Bucky,” you answered, already breathless.
He hummed his approval at your response as he sank to his knees in front of you. His hands gripped into your thighs, spreading apart your legs for him, your pussy lips parting slightly, but still clinging together with small threads of your wetness. “Spread yourself for me, doll,” he commanded in a low tone.
You brought down your hands to hold your pussy open for him, a shudder going through your body as his tongue swiped across your core. “Bucky,” you moaned softly, arching your hips to meet his mouth.
His hands tightened on your thighs, pining you into place as his tongue skillfully worked you over. The scratch of his beard when he moved, and each flick of his tongue was enough to drive you mad after the two weeks apart. And when his lips wrapped around your clit and two of his fingers teased at your entrance, you were ready to come undone for him. “Fuck! Bucky! Mmmm!” you called out, hips rising to follow the movements of his mouth.
“You gonna cum for me, doll?” his voice sent vibrations throughout your body.
“Mhm! Yes! Please, please, PL-!”
In a swift motion, his fingers and mouth pulled away.
“Bucky…” you wanted to cry as you were left empty and unfulfilled.
He laughed darkly as he rose to his feet, leaning his body over yours to press a sweet kiss to your lips. “You didn’t think I forgot, did you?” he cooed in your ear.
“That was mean,” you told him pitifully.
“Aw, poor baby. I’m sorry. Want me to make it up to you?”
Not sure if he was mocking you or not, you only nodded.
He joined you on the bed, sitting up against the headboard, and spreading his legs. “Come sit with me,” he said, patting the empty space for you to fit in his lap. His voice was soft, and inviting, and you willed yourself to believe that the worst was over as you shifted to sit with him, your back pressed to his chest. “You okay?” he asked, his fingers tracing lightly over your throat.
You wanted to say no. That your pussy ached for him and your denied orgasm. But instead, you nuzzled your nose against the underside of his jaw, before stamping it with soft kisses. “Mhm,” you murmured.
“Good.” His hand trailed from your throat to your stomach. Your breath hitched as his fingertips ghosted across your clit. “No,” came the stern demand as his other hand pressed your hips back down when you started to lift them.
“Please?” you breathed, digging your hands into his thighs, your eyes fluttering shut. “Please?”
“Please what?” he asked, his finger teasing your entrance once again.
“Please make me cum.”
“You wanna cum for me?” His finger slowly pumped in and out of your pussy, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit.
“Mhm.” You tried your best to keep still for him. “Please, Bucky? Wanna cum for you.”
“Yeah?” He slid in a second finger. “You wanna cum all over my hand like a good girl?”
“Yes!” you cried out eagerly as his fingers started to fuck into you at a unrelenting pace. “Yes! Bucky! Ooooohhhh, please! Please, Bucky, I’m so close!”
He felt the quiver go through your legs, and when your mouth dropped open, a long moan ripping out of your throat, he pulled his hand away, slapping harshly at your clit. “Only good girls get to cum, and you’re not a good girl.”
Your eyes snapped open, a sob stuck in your throat. “Bucky,” you whimpered, twisting in his lap to look up at him. “Please, I’ll be good. I’m sorry. I was trying to do something nice for you. I didn’t mean to make you mad. Please, Bucky, I wanna be your good girl again.”
He mulled your words over, as he looked you over. Your hair was a wild mess from thrashing against him. Your eyes glistened with the unshed tears that came from two denied orgasms, and your own hurt that he was still disappointed and mad. And every so often the muscles in your legs twitched with how sensitive the rest of your body was growing. You were absolutely ruined by him and he still hadn’t even let you cum yet. An orgasm would split you wide open at this point. Could your body handle it?
He became aware of his own body at that point, his cock throbbing against the constraints of his jeans which were now uncomfortably tight around him. Shit… could he handle it?
“Bucky?” you asked in a small voice, drawing him out of his thoughts, your fingers playing with the dog tags around his neck.
“Please? We can both cum.”
“Oh, we can, can we?”
“Mhm,” you said, moving to straddle his lap more properly, rubbing your bare core against his jeans. “We can cum for each other, Bucky,” you elaborated, slowly rocking your hips, his dog tags clenched tightly in your fist.
His hand wrapped around your throat, “Yeah, you’d like that wouldn’t you? You like to cum all over my cock while I fuck you senseless?”
“Yes, please,” you gasped, rocking your hips more.
A giggle left your lips as he knocked you onto your back, his hands quickly freeing him from his jeans. “Who do you cum for, doll?” he asked, swiping his cock through your folds to coat himself.
“You, Bucky.”
“Does that mean you get to cum without my permission?” He pushed his cock into you.
“N-No, Bucky,” you gasped at the stretch.
“So next time you wanna cum and I’m not home, you’ll ask me, right?” His hands dug into your thighs, as his hips snapped into you.
“Y-Yes, Bucky.”
“And what were you thinking about when you were getting yourself off earlier, hmm? What thoughts could possibly be filling that pretty head of yours to make you that needy?” The slow pace would almost be torturous if it wasn’t for the force of each of his thrusts driving his cock deep into you.
“You, Bucky!” Your voice was high, and if he kept asking you questions, you weren’t sure how many more answers would be coherent. You felt your eyes flutter shut, your mouth falling open.
“Cuz who’s the one who makes you feel this good?”
You worked your throat to answer him, but all that same out was a low moan of pleasure.
“Look at me,” he instructed, his hand wrapping around your throat again. “I asked you a question.”
“Y-you,” you forced out, opening your eyes to look up at him.
“That’s right,” he grinned proudly, picking up speed. “Cuz you’re my good girl, right?”
“Your good girl,” you moaned out with your own smile. “Bucky’s doll.”
“Ffffuuuucccckk,” he groaned, throwing his head back as your pussy clenched tightly around him. “You take me so well, doll. Such a good girl for me.”
Whimpered moans fell freely from your lips at his praise, as you felt your orgasm building, and you hoped he’d let you have this one. “Gonna cum,” you told him.
“Yeah?” His pace grew as relentless as his fingers had been, driving you closer and closer to the edge. “You gonna cum all over my cock?” His hand dropped from your throat to rub fast circles at your clit.
“Really want to. Please? I’ve been so good, Bucky. Please?” you begged, needing permission before you exploded.
“Cum for me, doll,” he finally said, and you shattered around him with a scream. “Fuck!” he yelled out with you, his own release spilling. “Fuck,” he chuckled, his chest heaving. “Oh, fuck.”
You grabbed his dog tags, tugging him down towards you for a kiss. “Never say I’m not a good girl, again.”
“Aw,” he chuckled again, pulling his cock out of you, and peppering your face in soft kisses. “Did I hurt your feelings?”
“Yes. And your punishment was really mean.”
“Mmm, but consider how hot it was for me to watch you come undone.”
“You can make me come undone without making me cry, Bucky.”
“Okay, I’m sorry. How about,” he started to suggest, kissing a path down your body, “I give you back those two orgasms I stole?”
You shivered, your hands bunching up in his hair and tugging sharply. “I don’t think I can handle anything more right now, Bucky. Rain check?”
“Rain check,” he agreed with a nod, becoming aware of his own exhaustion. “Think you can stand for a shower, or should I run us a bath?”
“Bath, please. My legs feel like jell-o.”
“Okay,” he said with a last chuckle, and a last kiss. “I’ll be right back.”
“I’m glad you’re home, Buck.”
“Me too, doll. Me too.”
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elles-writing · 3 years
Little Secret
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Request: Wonderful! Could please write an escenario in which y/n (half elf and half human) was part of the company cause Gandalf hired her. She and Kili fell for each other and secretly started courting. Once Erebor was reclaimed everything was going back to normal. Thorin asked her to stay for as long as she liked. When Fili & Kili's mom got there, she had lots of meetings with Thorin so y/n was not able to properly meet her. The day that they are actually introduced, Thorin announces Kili's and Fili's arranged marriages which took everyone by surprise. Y/n and Kili try to figure and fix things out in order to convince Thorin to put off the arrange marriage but it does not work. Therefore, y/n decides to leave Erebor and ends up leaving to Dale; befriending/ helping Bard and his kids.  During her time there she finds out that she was pregnant with Kili's child. However, she never notifies Kili nor goes to Erebor to announce it thinking that he had his duty as a prince and it would be harmful for him/ his arranged marriage. So, she makes the decision to raise the baby on her own. Time goes by and on a normal day (when she was 9 months pregnant) that she's walking around Dale  while feeling contractions she bumps into Kili. Thank you so much!❤️ Sorry for the long message 😅 - @just-a-dreamer23
A/N: I know, I know, this is soo long. But, I enjoyed writing this story!! I've been trying to overcome my lack of motivation to write, so maybe it isn't as good in some parts, as my other stories, but I wanted to keep it that way, so I hope you enjoy anyways.
Tags: @guardianofrivendell @just-a-dreamer23 @anjhope1 @lathalea
The afternoon was hot. The best thing to do, was to take a nap. At least, in your opinion.
Nothing would attack in this heat, you thought, as you rested under a tree. A while after, you noticed pointy hat and grey cloak of the same colour. You lazily waved.
"Gandalf, long time no see!" Gandalf smiled at you.
"Good afternoon, Y/N." You stood up and looked at him, waiting. Gandalf never came just...for no reason.
"How are you doing?" Gandalf asked, and you shrugged.
"I'm just wandering around, as usual. You know me. I never stay in one place for too long." You said. Gandalf knew that, obviously. Being a child of an elf and a human, you felt like you never belong anywhere.
Elves felt really tense and quiet, and humans were quite loud for you, because of your hearing. And you aged lot slower than them, so making friends was also quite...not it.
"I've been looking for you, to join an adventure," You curiously gave him a look.
"An adventure? What kind of adventure?"
"Well," he looked at you.
"You know about Erebor and the line of Durin, right?" You frowned at him, and quickly shook your head.
"Gandalf, I can't-I can't join the dwarves! They will hate me! Everyone knows they hate the elves, and I'm half elf!" You said.
"Well, who said they will know? You owe me help," he reminded you. You thought back to when he healed you after orcs attacked you, and you sighed. He was right. This was the least you could do.
"And, who knows. Maybe they will like you," he gave you a look, and you folded your hands on your chest, and let out a sigh.
"Alright then. Where and when am I supposed to be?" He gave you all the information you needed. And you started your way to the Shire, looking at the first evening stars, as the starlight is what the Elves of Mirkwood love so much.
You got to the Shire around late afternoon after three days of traveling, and smiled. The hobbits and their houses were tiny, so you couldn't help, but smile. Maybe it won't be that bad, having perhaps a hobbit friend, after all...
You remembered the moment when you first met Kili. You thought Gandalf was there at Bilbo's house, but when you opened the door...
"Are you Master Boggins?" You frowned at the brunette dwarf.
"Do I look like a hobbit to you?" He looked at the other dwarf, then back at you, but there was Bilbo already.
Later on the journey, he found you without your cape on. It was your turn for bathing, but him and Fili forgot some their things at the river.
You just put off your cloak, and put your hair down from your headband. You heard steps, so you quickly turned around.
"You are..." Fili started.
"...an elf?" Kili finished. You huffed.
"Half elf. My mother was...human." you whispered. Painful memories of your early life came up, and you blinked to stop the tears.
"Don't tell anyone, please..." you looked at them. Both Fili and Kili must've seen something in your expression, that made them realize the importance. They nodded. Kili was, however, curious. Lot more than before, and asking you about elves. You talked about it when Thorin was far enought to not hear what was your conversations about, but it wouldn't matter much. Gandalf told them you spent part of your life living with the elves, which was true.
In fact, Kili became fascinated by you. He liked you before, and had a feeling, which he wasn't sure about. Interest, curiousity, the need to protect you, adoration...
In the moment he saw you, he realized you were his One, his love for life. And when you got closer, he asked you to court him. You said yes. From then on, you shared many quiet and stolen kisses and moments together, in the shadows of forests or your bedrooms in pubs.
The moment everyone else (except for Bilbo and the Durin brothers) found out, was when you came into Mirkwood. Thranduil ordered his guards to take your cloak and headband off, and now, everyone could see your pointy ears.
There was a moment of silence.
"What made an elf, to travel with group of dwarves?" You gulped and looked down.
"I'm a-a half elf," you whispered.
"My father was from here." You explained, and the king shot you a glare. He was not stupid. He knew you tried to pull his attention away.
"Take them to the dungeons, except for Oakenshield," he said.
When you made yourself as comfortable as you could on the cold floor, you overheard the dwarves trying to find out who you actually were and what you wanted.
To your surprise, they didn't talk about you in a bad way. Just curiousity. Thankfully.
"Do you think she will like me?" You said to Kili. He was writing a letter to his and Fili's mother, Dis, the happy news - Erebor was reclaimed, and they all survived. It's been a week since, and Thorin decided it was the right thing to let his sister know as soon as possible. She was surely worried.
Kili turned to you.
"Like you? Like you? She is going to love you," Kili grinned at you, and you had to smile a little too.
"Yeah, but...you know, I'm not a dwarf," you said your worry aloud. It was true. Being a half-elf, you and Kili started courting in secret. Thorin was not really kind to you, at least the first half of the journey. However, the rest of the Company liked you lot more. Especially Kili. After a while of knowing of what did you feel, you decided to tell him. To your surprise, but happiness, Kili shared those feelings. And since then, you had a tiny braid, hidden in your hair, and Kili as well.
And stole many, many secret kisses.
"I don't think mum is going to have issue with this," Kili stood up, and gently placed your hair behind your ear.
"You're my One, and you make me incredibly happy. I'm sure she won't have problem with you being half elf," You cupped his cheek, and softly smiled, as you looked deep in his kind brown eyes.
"I love you too, my short Prince," He stood on his toes and kissed you, getting a giggle from you. He pouted, when he heard you called him short, but you knew he didn't mind it.
You kissed him, and felt his smile on your lips. You were leaning down, when suddenly you lost balance, and both you and Kili ended up lying on the floor. Kili and you let out a yelp, but then broke into giggles.
"I love you," Kili said, when you finally stopped laughing. You cuddled into his chest and breathed in his scent. Kili smelled like smoke, food and fresh air.
"I love you too," Kili gently stroke your hair, and you got up.
"Where are you going?"
"You have to finish the letter, and I promised Tilda I will take a walk with her before the dinner." You helped Kili to get up.
"Alright my beloved, have a good time," he gently kissed you, and sat back to his desk. You smiled, and ruffled his hair.
"You too, my dearest." You smiled, and left the room.
It's been a few months, and you were finally, finally going to meet Kili and Fili's mother, Dis. She has been there for around two weeks by now, but, you haven't got the chance to meet her and be introduced to her yet.
You were officially going to meet her during upcoming celebration. Needless to say, you were freaking out.
Your stomach was tight from anxiety for a few days already, and that afternoon, it felt absolutely horrible. You haven't eaten whole day, just because all you thought about was the evening.
You spent around an hour of putting on and off different dresses from your wardrobe, trying to figure out which one to wear.
"Y/N?" Kili knocked on the door of your chambers.
"C'me in," you said. He came in, and his eyes widened, when he seen you sitting in front of the mirror, your eyes red and the mess everywhere.
"What am I supposed to wear? I have nothing to wear!" You started crying. All the stress and anxiety in past three months got the best of you. Random moments of crying, because of tiny things, were happening on daily basis.
"Dear, what is happening?" He pulled your hair back behind your ears.
"I-I just want-want your mum to like me," you muttered.
"And...it stresses me out." Kili nodded, and shortly hugged you.
"She is going to love you no matter which dress you wear, I promise." He whispered to your ear.
"Now, I think..." Kili looked around.
"I think the...the dark green dress will be perfect."
When you changed into the dress Kili picked you, Kili brushed and styled your hair. He pulled the top section into a clip, and you pulled a few strands, to frame your face. You smiled at yourself in the mirror.
"You ready?" Kili asked. You just silently nodded.
As you walked down the hall, Kili was trying to figure out where his uncle, brother and mother went to. He couldn't see them anywhere, and he was sure he was once in a while not late.
When you entered the huge throne room, you could see Fili, and let out a breath of relief.
"Fili, have you seen-"
"Kili, there you are," A woman came from behind Fili, and looked over her younger son.
"Have you brushed your hair?" Kili huffed.
"Of course I did." He said quietly, so nobody could hear him. He was visibly embarrassed, and you let out laugh. She suddenly turned to you. Her deep blue eyes reminded you Thorin, but they had the same twinkle as Kili and, occasionally, Fili.
"I don't remember I seen you here before," she said.
"Well, I usually spend my time outside of Erebor, so I think that might be it," You nervously smiled. She hummed.
"I-I'm not a part of the royal family," you said, and almost groaned. Now that was embarrassing for sure.
"Y/N, this is my and Kili's mum, Dis. Mum, this is Y/N," Fili said, and you felt your cheeks heat up.
"I-um-" You tried to say something, but she pulled you in short hug.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N," she gave you a smile, and then went back between the guests with Fili.
You let out a breath.
"That was embarrassing," you groaned. Kili chuckled.
"No, not at all. She likes you." It suddenly felt like it was much easier to breathe.
"She-she does?" Your eyes widened, and Kili nodded.
"Of course! And you can bet she will steal you to me during the evening,"
"How do you know that?" You turned to him with surprise written all over your face.
"She is my mother. I know her for a long time." He just said.
"She seems to be...different from Thorin," you said, hoping it wouldn't come out as offensive. Kili chuckled.
"Mum and Uncle really aren't that different. Uncle just focuses more on the kingdom and mum, on family," Kili said in low voice, so that only you could hear it.
When you sat down to the table, where the royal family and the Company was, you looked around. You and Kili did secretly hold hands under the table, and you talked to Dis, who was sitting across the table.
"Good evening, everyone," Thorin said, and the people got more quiet.
"It's my pleasure to meet all of you here today. I have some things to say, before the celebration starts." Thorin paused, and Kili leaned near you with a grin.
"It's just a few formalities, don't worry, love." You smiled at him back with tight smile. You felt something was not right. Thorin talked about the kingdom a little at first. The next news was, however, what you were afraid of.
"I'm very happy to say, my nephew Fili is going to marry-" you let out a breath. Kili turned to you with worry.
"Do you feel okay?" He asked, when suddenly...
"And my nephew Kili, who also has already arranged marriage, with-"
Kili stared at Thorin, and you as well.
"Kili-Kili, please-" you tried to stop Kili from going to Thorin. Kili was visibly angry, his jaw was tight, and body tense.
"Kili? What is happening?" Thorin came and let through his teeth. You suddenly felt everyone's eyes on you.
"I need some fresh air," you whispered and walked away, as quickly as you could. When you left, you came in your chambers, kneeled to your bed, and started crying.
You knew it. You should've known before.
Thorin would do this. Even when Fili and Kili were children, he would make sure they had wives already. They were princes. They needed to have a wife.
And Thorin...Thorin would never allow Kili to court you or marry you.
The next day, Kili came into your room. He had dark circles under his eyes, and gave you weak smile.
"I promise we will work this out," he muttered, and pulled you close to his chest.
Kili was asleep - and you let him - but, you thought about your situation, and tried to come up with possible solutions.
However, it was as if there weren't any.
It's been a few days, and you cuddled into your blanket. You fell asleep, and when you woke up, you looked around the room.
This place isn't for me anymore, you thought, and started packing your clothes into your bag. You changed into tunic and trousers, and wrote a letter to Kili, that you were sorry, but it was probably better to have a wife his Uncle would like, that you were leaving and never coming back, so he shouldn't be looking for you.
You quietly left the palace, and walked out in the morning. The air was fresh and nice, and for a moment, you forgot your sadness.
You walked to Dale, and decided to meet Bard. You had nowhere to go, and maybe staying there would be good, before you'd go...somewhere else.
The guards let you in, and as you thought of going to Rivendell, you noticed Bard.
"Bard?" He turned to you, and nodded at you.
"Hi Y/N. What brings you here?" You sighed.
"I'm leaving Erebor, Bard...but the problem is, I need to think about of where-" you suddenly felt dizzy, and Bard catched you. He called for a healer, that's what your hazy mind could catch.
You basically woke up, in a room. On a bed. Comfortable bed.
"Lie still, lady Y/N," the healer said. You frowned a little, when she placed her ear to your stomach.
"I can hear the heartbeat clearly. The baby is most likely around three months old," she said.
"What baby?" You asked, confused. You looked from the healer to Bard and Bard to healer. She took your hands in hers.
"You don't know, my lady? You are pregnant. I can clearly hear the heartbeat of your child," she softly smiled at you. You shook your head, and felt a few tears escaping your eyes.
"I'm...I'm with child," you whispered. You could not believe it. So perhaps, it wasn't just stress...
"Who is the father?" The healer asked, when she helped you to sit up. You nervously looked in your lap.
"Kili. Prince...Kili. Kili Durin." You said, and Bard and the healer shared a look.
"He...he doesn't know. Can we keep it a secret? Please?" You looked at them.
They said yes. Bard was like a father to you, and let you stay. He showed you chambers, that would be your home for next few months at least.
You never went back to Erebor. You thought Kili had to marry the princess, so you just tried to think of the baby you were carrying.
It wasn't that hard, honestly. The baby was often restless, though.
As if it missed Kili as much as you did...
Even if the baby would have to grow up without it's biological dad, you were sure you'd be able to take care of them well.
Some days, you were happy, and didn't think of Kili too much. It pained you, yes, and you knew you had to be strong for the baby, so you often asked someone to teach you something, such as how to prepare different meals, how to knit or how to play piano, to name a few.
Other days, you felt sad. It could be because of the weather, or hormones, some days you just woke up sad, and sometimes it was when something reminded you of Kili. Those days, the baby was the most restless, and the maids told you it was because the baby missed it's father.
You sat down to the armchair next to the window in your bedroom, and looked out on the street. Nobody could see you from here, so it made you feel safe. You looked up and seen Erebor.
"There's your daddy, over there," you whispered to the baby.
The answer you got, was soft kick.
"Does it hurt?" Sigrid asked you, looking at your belly. You smiled at her.
"No, it doesn't." You stroke your stomach. You've been pregnant for past almost nine months. Bard was so kind and let you stay, and even offered you bigger chambers, which you gladly agreeded to. The chambers were perfect size, and the baby could have their own small room, overtime.
You let out shaky breath. You wanted Kili to know about all of this. To be there with you, talk to you and to the baby.
But, it was not possible. It would hurt his reputation, and perhaps even his marriage.
You dried your tears, and carefully stood up. Even as pregnant, you were able to stand up yourself, luckily quite easily. You felt very thankful for some of your genes being from the elves, because, as Bard explained to you, humans had it harder.
When you slowly got yourself out of the castle, you breathed in. The air smelled nicely - you smelled fresh bread, old leaves, fresh air from the lake. Mix of summer and autumn. You felt it was one of the last few warm days, before the typical autumn comes.
You looked around, and your cravings were begging you for some freshly baked, soft warm bread with fresh butter, melting on top of it. You thought of the crispiness of the bread's crust, and your mouth started watering. You groaned, when you felt how your stomach let you know some snack would come handy.
You slid your hand to your pocket, and made sure you have enough money.
You started walking, to find some bakery, and as you looked around, you noticed one on the other end of the street.
You let out a breath, and started walking towards the small store.
You were almost there, when you overheard a gasps, escaping a few young girls. You slowed down and listened to their conversation.
"Did you see him?"
"Yes, I did. Do you think it really is the Prince?"
"Of course he is! I mean, look at him. I'd recognize the hair clip everywhere." You frowned a little, when you suddenly realized it. You stopped walking, and felt hot wave running down your back, and liquid running down your leg.
You carefully looked down. It was clear.
You turned around, and - damn it! - your eyes locked with Kili's in the exact moment.
He started walking towards you. You clearly recognized happiness in his eyes, and relief.
"Y/N, where have you been those past months? I was worried about you," He said, and when he was near you, you recognized even the wet shine in his chocolate eyes. You felt sudden rush of guilt.
He must have notice the guilt on your face. Kili frowned a little, when he took a notice of your belly, under the dress.
"I-you..." You noticed it. He was holding back tears. You shook your head, as you tried to hold your own.
"Kili, it isn't like this...please trust me!" You felt another wave of heat running down your back, and stepped forward, but sudden dizzines made you take wrong step. Kili quickly catched you.
"Kili, I-this is, uh..."
"You moved on," he said. You shook your head.
"No, it's...you are the father," you said, but didn't notice what was his reaction, because suddenly, you realized what was going on, as you were holding your belly.
"I need to get back, and find a healer and midwife," you let out through your gritted teeth.
"We will get there quickly," Kili let out, and you had a feeling.
"Don't you dare to faint!" You let out.
Kili helped you to get back. You noticed Sigrid, and told her to quickly find healer. She didn't ask anything, and quickly runned away. You let out a groan and gripped Kili's arm.
"Lady Y/N, we need to get you to the room prepared for labour," the healer said, and checked on your belly.
When you got there, and changed into simple gown, you laid down as the healer told you.
Kili stayed there, and you were gripping his arm and hand.
"I'm not fucking letting you to sleep with me ever again," you said through gritted teeth. Kili took a shaky breath, and you shot him a glare.
"Don't you dare to faint, Kili Durin! You did put this baby inside me nine months ago, so now-"
"This is just the pain speaking from Lady Y/N, Prince Kili. Don't take it personally," Kili gulped and nodded.
"You're doing great, love," he said carefully. You let out a huff.
"I didn't finish! Now you will deal with me breaking your arm, because it hurts!" You almost yelled at him.
"I can see the head, my Lady!" The healer smiled.
"With this next contraction, you will push as much as you can!" The healer said.
"Okay, one, two, three-push!"
"You're doing great, dear. The baby is almost there," Kili tried to cheer you up.
"You have no idea how painful it is!" You screamed.
"My lady, this is going to be your last push, are you ready?" The healer looked up at you, and you nodded.
"One, two, three, push!" The healer let out. You gripped Kili's hand, and suddenly...
You heard a baby scream.
"It's a girl!" The healer said happily. You smiled, and let out some happy tears.
"You-you did it!" Kili said, and you wiped off your eyes.
"No, we did it," you muttered, and he kissed your cheek.
"How do you feel, Y/N?"
"I'm okay," you smiled. The midwife checked on you, and handed you your baby.
"Everything seems to be in order," she said and smiled. You smiled at her back. She was there for you for all those months, and you got close.
"Thank you so much," She nodded.
"I'll leave you alone," she said, and left.
You stroke the baby's cheek.
"How are we going to name her?" Kili whispered, and stroke the baby's chubby cheek. You shrugged.
"Well...I'm not sure. I was thinking of Arina," you said.
"It's...it's beautiful name," Kili said, and you realized he was crying.
"Kili...I'm so sorry for...for hiding it from you," you whispered. Kili shook his head.
"Love...it isn't your fault. Can I...can I hug you?" You nodded, and he slid his arm around your shoulders.
"If anything, it's my fault." He muttered.
"I should've known where did you go, and-"
"Shh," you said.
"We can talk about that later. Arina's asleep now."
You were quietly watching the baby. The midwife came back soon, to check on you and the baby, and when she left, Kili spoken up.
"We talked Uncle the marriges out." You nodded.
"You left Erebor by then already. I was looking everywhere for you, only if I knew-" you subtly interrupted him.
"I didn't know either. I wanted to go to Rivendell, but...then, I found out. It would be risky, so Bard let me stay here," You shrugged.
"Do you still want to leave, though?" Kili looked at you with sad eyes, when he looked away from your daughter. You shook your head.
"No." Kili grinned, and gently brushed his hand over your cheek.
"Just for your information...mum was going nuts when she found out about the arranged marriges. She likes you a lot." You smiled, and took Kili's hand in yours.
"Well...let's hope she likes her too," You looked at Arina's sleeping face.
You came back the next day. Kili had to go to Erebor that evening, but in the morning, he came back.
When you entered, you overheard a strong female voice. You quickly realized who was the woman.
"I don't care my brother has a meeting. Go tell him he has to come here. It's a family emergency," she said, and turned to you and Kili.
"Y/N, where have you-oh, who is this?" Dis turned to you, and noticed the baby. You shared a look with Kili.
"This is your granddaughter," You said carefully. Dis looked between you and Kili, and it seemed like most things clicked to her. She smiled.
"Dis, what does that means?" Thorin's voice came from different hall, and you noticed Fili giving you a knowing smile.
"Thorin..." you said, and he turned to you. He seemed to be confused, but then he looked at Arina.
"What does this-"
"Uncle, let's get some privacy first," Fili said.
When you came to library, Thorin turned to you. Dis stood up, as if she would want to protect you.
"Uncle...Y/N and I started courting on the quest in secret. We planned to get married, but when you announced the arranged marriges for me and Fili, we-"
"I left Erebor, because I thought you would never accept me as partner for your nephew, Thorin. I found out I was pregnant, however, I didn't want to hurt Kili's reputation or his marrige, so I never came back to announce it. He met me in Dale yesterday, and I, um...I went to labour." Thorin has been looking at you and Kili. Your body was tense, and Fili, Kili and Dis were ready to protect you any moment.
Thorin slowly closed this eyes, and placed his face into his palms. When he looked up again, he let out a sigh.
"Fili, Kili, sister, leave us alone."
"But Uncle-" Fili said, but Thorin shook his head.
"I said, leave us alone. It won't be long." They three left, and you were a bit afraid.
"Kili is a prince, yes. But, he is also a dwarf, who needs to have someone who he is happy with." Thorin said, looking away from you.
"I noticed, of course. You make him happy, Y/N. I thought it was just childish love, that you would leave, and it would break Kili's heart. I owe you honest apology, Y/N. For thinking you wouldn't take his love seriously." He looked at you, and you let out a small smile. You nodded.
"Apology accepted, Thorin. Courting Kili makes me incredibly happy, and I am honored to say he is my lover," you said, and Thorin looked at you.
"Well, and when it comes to, um...you staying, you can stay here. If you would like to."
"I'd be very thankful."
A few years later
"Fi, look!" Kili said, as Arina walked towards Kili, again. She was giggling, as her father was dancing with her. You laughed.
"Kili, be careful!"
"Daddy, look!" The little girl pointed to a butterfly, who sat on her dress.
"Yeah, it's beautiful," Kili said, and she pouted.
"Don't move, or it will fly away!" Arina let out, and let the butterfly gently walk on her palm.
"Uncle, look, I got a butterfly!" Arina showed it to Fili, who nodded with nervous face.
"Oh, it's beautiful, Ari. Would you put it, um, a bit away from me, please?" She put the butterfly on a flower, and Fili let out a breath.
"I'm sleepy, mommy." She came to you, and lean her head on your shoulder.
"Ari?" A little boy came, and the girl jumped up with grin.
"Vili!" She squealed, and started tickling her cousin.
"Granny!" Arina gasped, when she noticed Dis.
"You are growing up so fast, Ari!" She said proudly, and you two shared a look.
"Aye, that's what she does," Kili let out a chuckle, and gently kissed your cheek.
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bemylord · 3 years
ᴛʜᴇ ꜰʀᴀɢʀᴀɴᴄᴇ ɪꜱ ɪɴᴛᴏxɪᴄᴀᴛɪɴɢ
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↳ synopsis: because of the intoxicating smell, megumi's heat comes early, as if by chance - the pills are out and he should please himself. when he just starts to relax, he feels someone else's hands on his hips.
↳ theme: au + omegaverse.
↳ warnings: aged up, unprotected sex, non-canonical behavior, marking, oral, toy [dildo], true couple [?], gagging, spank [once], anal, first time, heat. + sukuna being soft.
↳ word counter: 2.9k
↳ level description: i have bestowed curses the unusual phenomenon of being able to conceal a scent. also, to emit a scent when the owner of the body wants to. i have endowed omegas and alphas with various features, for example: omega [not everyone] could purr, plus the alpha fangs for the tag.
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the heat practically had come out of sudden - megumi hates those days when he's a weak, pliable omega and he has no alpha. such a destitute, defenseless little boy who is so desperate to please himself.
'when you're in the heat, better not leave the house. alphas can sense heathens omegas.' his teacher, gojou satoru, have warned him in the first grade when he had started to smell like an omega. he accepted his destiny quickly by being surrounded by alphas - yuuji, gojou, nanami, and that mocking king which is the alpha, although for years of being the king of curses he had learned to harbor a scent within himself, radiating only during battles.
not that megumi was interested in the king, just he has never smell his fragrance. does the curse have one? never mind, sukuna will never gonna be the one whom megumi will think in the heat.
yuuji always reminds his friend he or sukuna won't touch him in the heat. they're just being friends, however, is hard for megumi to disobeying his friend, over a voice. the husky and low voice of alpha can shut the omega without an eye contact - damnable omega essence.
megumi once purred when yuuji complimented his outfit, the gorgeous linen white shirt and black pants, the simple, but it was the effective one. itadori restrained sukuna for letting out the dirty joke about how malleable the omega was, by emitting a kind of snarl.
'sorry, megumi-san, i needed to calm down sukuna.'
damnable omega essence.
fushiguro megumi is nineteen and he had two heats: the first one he had after three months of turning eighteen. the heat was so exhausted - he forgot to buy pills, laying on the bed with the dripping hole.
for thesecond heat, he bought the dildo to please himself, yet didn't use the toy due to the reason he wasn't certain if he should. but the pill to loosen the heat has softened the hazy mind and the smell has gone down a bit.
but for today's abrupt appearance his smell he wasn't ready: he was training with yuuji, using some techniques and learning new ones with help of the teacher, the overwhelming heat caught him off guard when he could smell the unknowing fragrance - cognac. some alpha made him feel a false heat.
'i-i'm sorry, sensei, c-can i leave?'
the matured man holds back his scent and voice, pointing to the door as a sign he may leave the room. silly coincidence. as fast as he can, megumi had run to his room, locked the door for the sake of authenticity. he was run out of pills but leaving the room is too dangerous for him, if he had at least a mark from his alpha it wouldn't less dangerous.
the heat practically had come out of sudden - that weird and unusual scent, he had never smell anything stronger than that fragrance: as embarrassing as it may be, it's overwhelming, filling megumi's clarity of mind with the thought that he might be filled with the owner of the scent.
the thought to grab the toy had come suddenly, when the heat is starting to raise the temperature of the body, feeling as his hole starts to drip, becoming a mess. the period was supposed to start in a week, not earlier.
whom belonged that scent? a new student?
the toy has practically the same color as his hair, the medium length - at least he thinks it's the medium. the glans of his cock have a pink-peached color, as omegas should, their dick is much smaller than alpha's, on this basis, it perfectly fits in his palm as he masturbated a couple of times in the heat.
megumi doesn't like to jerk his cock a lot: better say, he isn't interested in doing it. he released himself when the heat is potent on the mind, hazy him to the point when he unconsciously jerks his oozing dick, cumming pretty much immediately.
few seconds of stroking the base as the liquid ends up on the sheet - it's enough for him for a couple of hours before it happens again. unwittingly, he put one finger in the oozing hole, almost jumped on the bed as he felt the light pain in the ass.
now, the tip of the toy in the hole as megumi gives himself a minute to adjust, he hisses as continuing the dildo goes deeper into the hole, stretching hardly pristine walls, not counting a finger. the omega squints, through the sore happy he's stretching himself prior to feel the real dick. he put all dick to the balls, hardly standing on his knees.
megumi attempts to focus on the thought is someone's else dick, imagining the random alpha, the random face as he fucks himself. he pulled out the dildo to the head, inching slowly to the base, getting used to the size.
‘gumi was on the knees on the bed, his chest being practically buried on the sheet as his ass on the air, suppressing intermittent moans with a pillow, as he squeezes the dildo when he feels as heat is getting intense.
the hairline is coated with drops of sweet as he pulled out the toy, he grips his jaw as being empty without a source of at least some pleasure. it's wrong, it's embarassed but the worst - 'gumi can't handle the feeling of fullness.
as he reaches for the toy, he feels someone’s hands on his hips. he turned his head, seeing sukuna behind him.
'sukuna?!' he screamed the name, tries to cover his naked body with his hands. 'get out immediately!'
the curse laughs, stopping the sorcerer from squirming by holding his hips, keeping the oozing ass in the air. the omega is trying to cover the hole, trying to coping with the smell of his heat, trying not to be the obedient for him.
'you smell so good in your heat, 'gumi-gumi, come on, i know you want my dick in your ass.'
'you ain't an alpha, suk-'
before he could finish the thought, he smelled that fragrance again - the cognac. the stupefying, intoxicating aroma of the mind. the virgin mind is hazed, dazzed by the hell alpha - not him. anyone but not him.
'for years i've learned how to harbor a scent, boy.'
sukuna spreaded the butt cheeks apart a little bit to ogle as how the omega's period made his hole to be moist. megumi tighten the sheet into the whitened fists, endeavoring to think about something else, something about the sorcerer things: killing the curse, no. not now when the king of curses, being the bloody alpha, staring at his untouched body.
megumi's voice is broken, has lost the breath, puffing when sukuna is circling around the hole with one finger. sukuna has spreaded the aroma one more time, staring at the red omega's face as he's trying to struggle with his wishes. megumi is clenching his fists, striving to dodge his claws, crawling, barely crawling forward towards cushions. a pitiful travesty, as sad it is.
sukuna did a tsk, returning the boy in the previous position, yet spanked his butt as a warning sign. 'gumi shrunked at the slight pain but feel as the king instantly rubbing the place he has hitted.
the omega turns head to see sukuna, meeting his gaze immediately looking over his body: the tattoed body is seemed to become bigger since the last encounter. although, it's because of self-inflicted, as sukuna uses his friend's body. but it seems like he's bigger.
'megumi, suck my cock properly, first, and maybe i’ll lick your dripping hole.'
'no way, i wo-'
the king didn't let megumi to end the sentences, flipping omega's body on his back, bringing his body closer as he faces with sukuna's dick. megumi is overly horny to say no, and, how could he deny if a thick, dripping cock is in front of his face?
'when i'm reborn into my initial physique,' sukuna caresses megumi's cheeks. 'i'll surprise you, 'gumi.'
megumi watches as the precum rests on the glans, gasping at the excitement has came over him. with a hesitant movements, he wrapped one palm around the base, feeling the hot, thick cock, wondering if it will fit in his mouth.
as the alpha's dick was a few millimeters from megumi's lips, the last one raised his head, staring into the frantic and anticipatory gaze. omega open the mouth a bit as the head has touched his lips, not entering the glans inside yet lick the precum, tasting the liquid.
he kisses the top, checking the durability of the king, put the dick in the wet mouth, circling the outlining of the head with a tongue. sukuna chuckles watching as megumi making clumsy motions with his hand on the cock, moving his head forward to meet his pubis with a nose.
'god, boy, you suck the toy? so inept, but trying to oblige.'
the omega furrows as if not the member, he would contradict sukuna, responding he isn't trying to oblige him, yet gathering experience.
'you're disgusting, sukuna.'
'but i don't see you pushing me away.'
megumi didn't see fit to reply to the caustic expression, taking the cock in the mouth, sucking it property, maybe, the king will do the promise. it's humiliating - the one who needs to be exorced is not fucking his mouth, makes fists of his shaggy hair, thrusting the head deeper on the sizeable cock.
the omega doesn't pushing him away for the one reason - he's in heat, after all. he's horny and pliable of that. just one night - one. damn. it. night.
'relax your throat, baby boy.'
the name he named megumi, he pronounced somehow mildly, as he tries to do so. the tip with every thrust is touching megumi's throat, forcing fushiguro's eyes fill with tears as the head grazes the uvula.
'such a good cock sucker you are, gumi.' sukuna stares as the tears falling directly onto reddened cheeks, noticing his hard cock that hasn't been touched yet. 'stroke your dick.'
the commanding sukuna's tone didn't let a chance to megumi to say no: he reached one palm to his pink cock, making a fast strokes, anticipating to cum soon.
'wanna cum? my baby wanna cum yet? no, gumi, you can't.' megumi put his hands on sukuna's, forcing him to release his fists and movements.
'sukuna,' said omega when he put the dick out of his drooling mouth: his saliva runs down his chin, although he does nothing to remove it. 'i want something more, sukuna.'
he pressed a thank-you kiss on the top, as a token of appreciation.
'want is it? pick right words.'
he turned his body for sukuna, so the tattoed one will see how messy he has become.
'lick my hole, king. please, i need it.'
later, he will hate himself for his pathetic, miserable act, but right now he needs his tongue. just as pathetic. he hates being so pliable and soft underneath sukuna's pads, again, does nothing to stop him. hates to purr like a cat as the king caresses his butt, touching with one finger his hole.
sukuna kisses the area around the mess as his ears hearing a docile purr as he kisses the hole. he licks the excretion track, running the tongue over the hole which cause the owner of the body gasps, gulping greedily at the air.
sukuna is amazed megumi called him a king, not a dickhead, to which he affectionately licks his trickling hole. the kind rubbing gumi's hips, attempting not to hurt the boy's delicate skin with claws. he tries his best of spreading the love which is foreign to him.
sukuna pulled away from the hole, kissed it one more, before press a finger on the oozing clutter. megumi's shivered, as felt curse's long finger inside him, feeling as sukuna moving slow but deep, letting him to adjust at the new feeling.
the curse smoothly expands the walls and all megumi can think about it's how he's obedient allows the satan in a new guise fucks his ass, allows sukuna to touch him.
'i'm gonna add one finger.'
gumi practically closed his legs by the astounding pleasure sukuna puts him: it's so comfortable, warm, and good. he squeeezed fingers, shutting his eyes, adjusting to accept his future cock.
as megumi once started to rock his body against sukuna's fingers, he pulled them out, spat on his palm to stroke the dick repeatedly.
'lie on your back, megumi.' fushiguro did as he was told, feeling the sheet underneath his back, watching solely into sukuna's eyes: malice and aggresive sigh flew away as sort of careful eyes are watching at his directly. 'you can kiss me, little boy.'
if he can, he'd jump off the bed at the name sukuna has given him, cups the curse's face in his small palms, pulling him towards in a love, tender, romantic kiss as if they were lovebirds.
megumi purred when his lover take an initiative by pulling a tongue into his mouth, playing with the tongue of the boy, feeling the residue of his cock on the omega's muscle. he warned him he'll go inside by throwing on his broad shoulder his legs, distracting himself from the kiss.
megumi purred when his lover take an initiative by pulling a tongue into his mouth, playing with the tongue of the boy, feeling the residue of his cock on the omega's muscle. he warned him he'll go inside by throwing on his broad shoulder his legs, distracting himself from the kiss.
the king has entered the tip as megumi clenched the glans, yet released, becoming accustomed to being full. megumi tugged on the alpha's biceps, drawing on the inked skin fuzzy patterns.
'good boy, megumi. you're taking my cock so well, that i'm starting to think to make an exclusion and do a knot inside you.'
the omega clinched the dick, gasps as he heard the last words.
'not now, at least. when i'll take over this little world.'
the walls of the anus pleasantly embrace the foreign body, squeezing and caressing, making the king even more arrogant - he accelerates his pace, driving his cock inside. megumi shuddered as the tip of his cock reached his prostate.
'did i hit that spot, little boy?'
no strength to nod, only to clench his forearms, moaning precipitously. sukuna stares at the little boy more than he should: his forehead is covered with sweat, his cheeks are red hot and sukuna can't deny but kisses his lips, hitting with every thrust a lump of nerves whilst fushiguro gives himself to his partner, being on the verge of - the sweet moment is about to come.
'you're swallowing me, kitten.'
'sukuna, please, i'm gonna.. soon.. mm~'
megumi arches the back and as he almost grabbed his cock to pour out his sperm, sukuna's hand intercepted the small, towards to his hand, cock making quick movements.
sukuna also felt as the little boy cum by milking his balls, narrowing the walls to an outrage that the alpha has to come out with a growl, biting his neck to the blood, leaving a mark, but not mixing fragrances.
both with their breath hitched, trying to recover, losing themselves in each other's arms. as for megumi, he was overwhemled with an orgasm for a couple of hours whilst sukuna could fuck and fuck even the knot until he'll make a heir.
'you should leave, sukuna. what if itadori will.. you know.. he's alpha too.'
'he won't dare to touch my omega. no one in the world will never hurt you.'
'don't say if you don't mean it.'
he smack his lips against omega's, wiping megumi's drops of sweet, kissed the forehead pulling away.
'after all, i'm - the one who started your heat.'
* * *
after a week of such nocturnal encounters, megumi returned to class again. itadori remembered nothing, [thanks to sukuna, the scratches and hickeys were disappearing].
after classes on the second day of studying, satoru asked him to stay after the training.
'megumi-kun, are you okay? don't think anything of it, i'm asking about..'
'i'm well, if.. yes, i'm fine, sensei, thank you.' megumi interrupted his teacher, answering before he could finish. 'i think i'm gonna rest in my room, sensei.'
'he won't dare to touch my omega, right? did he fuck you good, gumi-gumi? that's your name?'
megumi uttered a low mooing, wanted to answer but couldn't: his eyes widened in a fear, inhaling the scent of a teacher.
'he didn't tell you about me? not that i was spying on you, just.. your smell..'
gojo walks closer to his student, approaching his face towards fushiguro.
'he was good, right? i'm just curious, who will fuck you better in your next heat?'
it's is a little smaller than i expected, but the sequel will obviously be bigger. if you'll like it.
↳ main game menu.
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