#but sometimes the time is right to release people from expansion prison
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storms-path · 5 months ago
FFXIV Write 2024: Day 29 - Sunrise (Extra Credit)
“By the Twelve, this is where you’ve been laying your head all this time?” Stalwart- no, Tender’s (that would take some getting used to) was full of disbelief as she examined the cabin. “No wonder you’ve been keeping inside so much lately.” Leaving out, of course, the fact that Arashi had spent most of that time trying and unlock the secrets of the key left in her care. Or the fact that she’d been sneaking trips back to Ala Mhigo when she thought nobody would miss her.
The last time she’d tried, Lyse had stopped her from giving their mantelpiece a new, dimension travelling addition. Arashi had taken the hint after that and kept the key in her cabin, halfway across the star. That had been several weeks ago now. Still, the way the key had started flashing and blinking while in Ala Mhigo was certainly interesting. Perhaps I should take it to Aloalo some time…
Tender eased herself into one of the lounge chairs by the balcony, sighing contentedly as she took in the ocean view. Gold was steadily giving way to blue as the sun climbed into the sky. It was shaping up to be another beautiful day. “You’d best hope ‘Shtola doesn’t hear about this. She’ll be chasing you out of here and moving our things in.” Something had changed about the roegadyn, some inner confidence that she’d obtained during their time apart. Arashi suspected part of that was Y’sthola finally spitting out what she’d drunkenly confessed to Arashi, but there was something else. Something deeper. It suited her, honestly.
Arashi settled into the other chair, passing a drink of ice cold orange juice to her friend. “I trust you’ll keep your lips sealed, then.” Tender chuckled, gratefully taking the glass and pressing it to her lips. “I’d hate to explain to Lamaty’i that her brave companion was rendered homeless by a terrible sorceress and her new lover.”
Tender made a show of considering it, before replying with, “I’ll see what I can do not to let the secret slip.” The pair shared a laugh before lapsing into comfortable silence. For a time, only the song of seabirds and the gentle lapping of waves were their companions, but eventually Tender spoke again. “How long do you think you’ll be staying here?”
It was a good question, one which Arashi had intentionally not been thinking about. She could already feel the itch to continue travelling, if truth be told, but she hadn’t made a move to act on it yet. Part of it was wanting to make sure Wuk Lamat and Koana didn’t run into difficulties with Alexandria, but there was another, larger part that she had been trying and failing to put to one side. More travel meant more danger. Which meant making Sanda worry about her more. Which, she had promised, she would do her best to avoid going forward. She had spent too long taking her sister for granted, and it was high time to change her ways and let Sanda lead the way for a change.
Of course, Sanda hadn’t been particularly willing to share her thoughts on what that way should be yet. Nor how she intended to keep an eye on her big sister to ensure she didn’t put her life at further unnecessary risk. Which was a worry all of its own. I’ll not trade your life for mine, Sanda. Don’t make me do that.
Her thoughts must have reflected on her face, for Arashi looked up to see Tender giving her a quizzical look. “I haven’t considered it much,” she said, trying to keep her tone light. “I suppose I’ll know when the time is right, same as always.”
Tender shot her a knowing glance, but didn’t press her on it. “Well, so long as you’re satisfied remaining here a while. Wuk Lamat may be a natural at wielding dynamis, but she’ll still need you from time to time.”
“Dynamis?” Arashi sensed a potential change in conversation and leapt on it. “What do you mean?”
Tender snorted. “Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed. You saw what she did to Sphene when we confronted her at Living Memory. And from yours and Sanda’s accounts of your travels, that’s far from the first time she’s managed such feats. I doubt she’s aware of what she’s doing, but she’s able to grasp and use it better than even you can.”
That was enough to give Arashi pause. “I won’t say I didn’t notice, simply that I’d never considered the implications. But better than me? You’re certain of that?”
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous! But yes, she’s a good deal more in-tune with her emotions and the emotions of those around her, and her love for her people is boundless. She’s a prime conduit for dynamis. Couple that with her iron will and determination, and…”
You have a successor to the Warrior of Light in the making. “Gods,” Arashi murmured. “Just imagine what she could be capable of if she chose to take up adventuring instead of ruling.” Tural had challenged Arashi’s perceptions of her own strength in more ways than she’d expected, from Gulool Ja Ja’s seemingly endless reserves of power to Zoraal Ja’s desperation for it driving him to terrifying heights. But she’d still persevered in the end, certain of her ability to tackle what sought to bring her down. To realise that she still had potential equals in the world was humbling. But mostly it brought her relief. There’ll be others to take up the mantle if I fall. I can hold onto that, at least.
Tender smiled, sipping her drink contemplatively. “Fortunately for you, she’ll be chained to her throne for a while yet. No fear of getting upstaged.” Arashi nearly spat out her drink as an unexpected laugh took her by surprise. After a few moments sputtering and choking, Arashi wiped off her face with a sleeve and glowered at her friend.
“Believe me, if she wants to start saving the world in my place, she’s welcome to it. This was supposed to be a break from all that.”
“And yet here we are,” mused Tender.
“Here we are.”
Another silence stretched out, but this one was a good deal less comfortable. “Do you think-” Tender began, but then a rapid knock at the cabin door interrupted her.
“Oi, you two! Are you going to spend all morning talking, or are you going to come say hello to the ambassador?” Alisaie didn’t wait for a response, her footsteps pounding on wood fading into the distance.
Arashi frowned at the door. “Ambassador?”
Tender’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Oh, has nobody told you? With the new Dawnservants crowned, the Eorzean Alliance wanted to send over an ambassador to start building relations. They came personally recommended by the Admiral herself, I hear. I’m sure you’ll approve.”
Something about Tender’s tone lit the fires of suspicion in Arashi’s gut. That, and the sparkle in Tender’s eye, told Arashi there was something she wasn’t being told. Still, there was nothing for it but to go and see this mysterious ambassador for herself. With an effort Arashi levered herself out of her chair, tail outstretched to keep her balanced. She took Tender’s outstretched hand and pulled her up to her feet as well. Then the pair were out of the door and padding back up the walkway to Tuliyollal proper.
Even this early, the city was bustling with activity. Though a shadow of grief still lingered from Zoraal Ja’s attacks the people still pushed on towards the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that. It was something Arashi found herself admiring. Everywhere I go, people find the will to carry on to the future no matter how dark their past. Arashi found several waves aimed in her direction as they passed through the busy markets. She returned what waves she could, but she had to jog to keep up with Tender’s ground-devouring stride. The roegadyn seemed unusually eager to get to their destination for some reason. More reason to be suspicious.
“What’s the hurry?” asked a familiar voice. Arashi turned to see Erenville making his way from one of the stalls. Judging by his full-to-bursting pack, he was preparing for a journey of his own in the near future. “Don’t tell me Lamaty’i has some new crisis you need to tackle already.” His tone was lightly long-suffering, but the pain couldn’t be hidden in his golden eyes.
“Nothing like that,” Arashi assured him. “But there’s an ambassador from Eorzea due to arrive today, and we’re going to meet them.”
Erenville smiled a knowing smile. “Ah, of course. Well then, don’t let me keep you. It wouldn’t do for you of all people to keep them waiting.” Then he was melting into the crowds before Arashi could stop him. Does everyone know who this ambassador is except me? Frustrated, she picked up her pace to catch up with Tender.
If an ambassador was on their way to Tuliyollal’s shores, nobody had told the dock workers or sailors assembled. Work continued as it always had, with boats laden with supplies rowing in and out of the shallow shores while great ships awaited just beyond the rocks. It was a bustle of activity as always, with not a chance to slow down or catch a breath until the sun vanished over the horizon. Arashi scanned the crowds to see if she could catch sight of their mysterious guest. No luck, but she did catch the twins waiting down near the shore.
Alphinaud caught sight of her first, his face brightening as he beckoned. That caught Alisaie’s attention, leading to her practically dragging Arashi down to the assigned meeting place. “Honestly, it’s like you didn’t even know this was happening,” Alisaie said.
“Well,” Arashi responded lamely, “I didn’t.”
“What?” Alisaie’s sharp gaze landed squarely on Tender. “You mean you didn’t even tell her?” She huffed in annoyance, every ilm the irritated teen she pretended she wasn’t. “Honestly, this is why I should have been the one to collect her!”
“I believe the reason you weren’t the one to do so was that we all agreed you might ruin the surprise,” Alphinaud helpfully provided. Alisaie whirled around to give him a peace of her mind, but something out on the water caught her eye instead.
“There it is!” she cried, sprinting to the edge of the docks and waving enthusiastically. Alphinaud gave Arashi and Stalwart a long-suffering smile, then walked down to join her.
“This is where we part ways for now,” Tender said, patting Arashi on the shoulder. “I’ll go inform the Dawnservants of our new arrival. Enjoy!” Tender turned and loped off before Arashi could stop her. Irritated with just about everyone, Arashi sighed and wandered to join the twins.
With the sun rising higher in the sky Arashi was entirely unable to see the occupants of the boat, only their silhouettes. But one of them was waving just as enthusiastically back at Alisaie. Waving in a very familiar way, in fact. “Wait,” Arashi murmured to herself. “You didn’t… She didn’t…”
Alphinaud flashed her a winning smile. “I think she’s finally put the pieces together, sister.” Alphinaud struck out his arm towards the boat in a dramatic flourish. “May I present to you Eorzea’s chosen ambassador to Tural, hand-picked by Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn herself…”
The boat was close enough now for Arashi to pick out details. The flowing blond ponytail. The crimson garb. The flash of blue eyes. The smile that told of a secret kept for much too long.
“Your wife, Lyse Hext,” Alphinaud finished. He didn’t get a chance to say anything more as Lyse suddenly vanished from the boat in a blur of red. Then she was tackling Arashi with all the force she could muster, sending both sprawling to the ground. Arashi was aware of Alisaie’s easy laughter, of Alphinaud’s more restrained chuckle. She was aware of the stares she was attracting, making not a single move to get up.
She didn’t care. All of the suspicion and irritation melted away. Lyse was here, wrapping her in a steel grip that refused to let go, the pair of them laughing and grinning like fools in love. That was all that mattered.
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kokujin-josei-simmer · 1 year ago
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I started playing Judgement a few days ago, since the For Rent expansion drops tomorrow and, like the vast majority of their EP's, there's the possibility of bugs being a problem. Plus the big update yesterday means it's perfect timing to jump into this game.
I got a lotta mods and don't feel like downloading everything again right now 😂 besides I need to catch up my Yakuza/Like A Dragon/Judgement games anyway. The new one just dropped a month ago, Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name (Kazuma) and Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Ichiban) will be released next month, a lot of catching up to do because I still need to play the sequel to this one, Lost Judgement 😮‍💨
The game is good so far, but I'm still in the first chapter. Kaito-kun (obviously a former yakuza) is cute, even in that loudass 70's disco/MoTown shirt he's rocking haha. Probably my favorite character so far (I like my digital thugs 🤣 and a reason I like this series so much lol) and that probably means he's gonna die. I hope not but a lot of folks in the Yakuza game world die or get sent to prison for 10+ years.
Just wanted to show a few screenshots from the game, wanted to add the conbini clerk to show that Black people DO live and work in Japan. I see a lot of delusional white, right wing racists online (never been to Japan but are obsessed with what they think is a "racially pure" nation) believing the delusional, right wing 80+ year old Japanese politicians when they lie about Japan being homogeneous, never was and never will be. I will say that this series needs to do better with how they present Black people, women, transgender people and Asian people from outside of Japan.
The second to last pic shows that your main character (who is not Kaito-kun lol) has a camera (now a common feature in Yakuza and LAD games) and you can take selfies and pics of your surroundings, sometimes people will stop and pose for you like this guy or get annoyed and cover their face or wave their hands/arms around.
The last pic is the main character, former lawyer now private investigator, Takayuki Yagami *character design based on and voiced by singer/actor Takuya Kimura*.
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rose7420 · 4 years ago
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A request from @laurenandloki! Such a great prompt! And to everyone please don't hesitate to send me requests, I am more than happy to write them!
omg I feel bad that I keep asking you to write scenarios! Ahh are you sure it’s ok that I submit them?😅🥺❤️ What if Loki has been talking to this teen borrower now for a little while every time he spots them borrowing stuff in his room? Loki has grown quite attached to her as well because they always talk whenever she comes out to get supplies.
But one night, Loki waits for her to come to his room for their talk, but she never comes. Loki knows that something is wrong because she’s never late. That’s when he could hear the Avengers out in the kitchen asking questions and faint crying/whimpering since his room is really close to where the kitchen is. He teleports to where the Avengers are at and his heart sinks. His little friend had gotten herself caught and was sitting in a jar now being stared at like an animal. Loki freaks out on everyone, and once he’s holding his friend close to him, he yells at them once more for scaring a child and retreats back to his room with her pressed to his chest all while she’s clinging to his shirt🥺
Y/N jumped out of her bed with glee. She had just finished the book that Loki, her new buddy, had loaned her. He of course had to shrink it to a manageable size for her to hold. The ending of the book had been amazing and full of suspense and she was aching for what was to come next. She slipped her woolen slippers on, all of her clothes were made out of wool since borrowers like herself were sensitive to the elements. Sneaking out of her home was a doable but exhausting task. Since Loki wasn’t the only person in the building so she had to watch out for others. Humans weren’t cruel people but their curiosity caused them to do unspeakable things, with no care to how it would affect others.
She lived in a small hole by the kitchen counter. It was easier to get food, supplies and simply keep an eye on the news around the bullying since everyone usually gathered in the kitchen and spoke occasionally. Peeking out and double-checking to be sure there were no humans around, she sprinted to Loki’s room. However, she had not checked well enough.
“What is that?” A curious voice said.
“Such a little thing aren’t ya?.” Her heart sped with fear and her little legs pumped furiously with power in each step begging to reach Loki’s room.
She’d be safe, get to see Loki, start reading her new bo-
Then she ran into a soft, firm wall. A pale wall.
A palm.
Before she had recognized the situation she was in, her body was effortlessly scooped up and dropped roughly into a jar. She scrambled to her feet looking out the clear walls to be met with a giant face. A man stared back at her with curious brown eyes and short chestnut hair. Her heart pounded with panic as he shouted loudly to his companion. She covered her ears at the loudness of his tremendous voice, causing her to drop Loki’s shrunken book.
The strange man picks her glass prison up to bring her closer to his eyes. The brown orbs blink with wonder and fascination staring at her like an animal at the zoo. Soon more pounding vibrates the air around her, indicating there are more giants coming nearer.
“Tony, whatcha got there?” Another man with wavy dark hair asks. He looks as if he is nervous to approach her.
Tony, the man who is apparently holding her captive shoves the jar into this new man’s hands. Y/N whimpers as her small body is thrown hard into the glass wall. Her shoulder aches with pain and unwanted tears escape her eyes.
“She’s so...small.” New guy says.
“Yeah I know right? Found her scurrying along the floor. Imagine if there are more of her out there!” Tony remarks, and she already hears the plans of an experiment forming in his head. Her stomach fills with dread.
The new guy passes Tony the jar containing her back to him but Tony’s grip is slack. Her jar falls towards the floor waiting for a terrible breaking of glass and her bones. She floats in the air from the force of the fall and then suddenly she hits the bottom of the jar harshly landing on her already hurt shoulder and lets out a sharp cry of pain. A palm surrounds the glass, looking up she sees Tony staring down at her with wide eyes. Her attention is drawn back to her arm as white-hot pain flashes through the appendage. She starts sobbing from the blinding pain in her arm, the fear of being experimented on, and worst of all, never being able to see Loki again. She buries her face in her unhurt arm and lets her shirt soak her tears and the sound of her sobs.
Loki was worried. It had been a while since he had seen his small friend. She usually came to visit every other day, if not every day. However, he had not caught sight of her at all. Then he heard voices in the kitchen talking about experiments. He knew them to be Tony’s and Bruce’s. But the nearly indistinguishable whimpers he recognized to be Y/N’s. He rushed to the kitchen in a blind panic and mad fury. His eyes fell upon a troubling scene that broke his heart. Y/N was in a small glass jar, weeping. Tony held her loosely and Bruce stared with wide eyes doing absolutely nothing to help the small being. Loki rushed forward and snatched the jar out of Tony’s hands being careful not to cause Y/N to slam into the side. He immediately teleported right back to his room, deciding to deal with the two scientists later and focus on Y/N as of now. He tilted the jar to the side and gave Y/N the chance to come out of her own accord. She paid no attention to his offer, her shoulders shaking with sobs and leftover fear. He gently tilted the jar causing her to slide onto his palm, a small object falling alongside her. A book. She must have been on her way to return it to him.
He didn’t know why but a pang of sorrow and guilt flashed through his heart.
He tenderly caressed her back in a circling motion with a single fingertip. He hushed her cries, not to tell her feelings weren’t valid, but only so she could calm down and they could speak. A few tears later her sobs quieted and he slowly brought her to his eyes, able to see her swollen, red eyes and the trails of leftover tears.
“Oh, my poor dear. I am so terribly sorry. I should’ve been there sooner. Please forgive me.” Loki watched her as she raised her eyes to meet his. He smiled reassuringly trying to ease her spirits even more. She tried a small smile of her own and held her arms out towards Loki. He delicately pressed her form against his cheek and felt her body instantly relax as she spread her arms a laughable distance over the expanse of his cheek. After a few more tender-hearted moments he released her.
“I see you brought the book back, did you enjoy it?” He picked the tiny postage-stamp-sized book off his palm and grew it back to its normal size. She nodded vigorously to his question.
“I loved it! Do you have the next one?” She said eagerly, standing up in his palm. He laughed at her excitement, glad to see her fear gone.
“Woah, my little bookworm. I don’t want you falling off.” He gently nudged her to a sitting position, immediately concerned by the pained look that had crossed her face as he did so.
“Are you hurt dear?” Loki pressed.
“It’s my arm, I got hurt in the j-jar,” Y/N said with a stutter in her voice at the end, her fear of the past entrapment obvious. A shot of anger flared through Loki.
“Let us look at that shall we?” Loki said as a question, but Y/N knew it was a demand.
He carried her over to his clean, paperless desk and set her down carefully to not hurt her arm any further. He walked off momentarily to gather supplies, returning with scissors, an elastic wrap, and some sort of cream. She watched as he sat down, his towering torso taking her entire eyeline up. She knew not to be afraid of Loki anymore as she had been in the past. Though he was a giant and towered over her without effort he proved to be gentle and able to hold his curiosity at bay showing care for others’ feelings, especially hers.
She giggled at how concentrated he was on the task of cutting down a wrap that wouldn’t swallow her arm.
“Do tell do you find so amusing?” Loki asked not looking up from his work. He sometimes came off intimidating but Y/N knew he only taunted and did not mean it at heart.
“You’re so focused Loki.” She admitted.
“Well Y/N, I don’t know if it has occurred to you but your smaller size does require a smaller bandage than mine would, therefore I must cut it to the proper size for you.” He looked up at her shooting her a grin.
Y/N smiled at his sarcastic remark. He finished cutting it down to size and asked her to extend her arm. He rubbed cream onto her sore arm informing her that it would take away the pain. And it did instantly, the cool cream sent the uncomfortable heat away. Then he began to wrap her arm with surprising technique, especially for someone so small. She only reached the second joint of his thumb, and his other fingers surmounted her tiny frame.
“Let’s find that other book shall we?” Loki asked presenting a helpful palm at her feet. She tried to climb on with one arm but apparently one needed two arms to do that. Sensing her struggle, Loki pinched her waist with practiced care, lifting her to his shoulder where she was eventually going to go anyways. He let her off onto the broad platform and steadied her with a finger curled around her waist when she stumbled.
“Thank you Loki,” Y/n said curling up next to his neck, the pounding of his pulse a welcomed sensation.
His voice vibrated her as he spoke: “You’re welcome my little bookworm.”
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mallickshah · 4 years ago
A safe place (II)
February 11th @ Resistance’s hideout  Late night ( FIRST PART )
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The hideout was filling in at a slow pace, but the steps were hurriedly rushing in. Everyone had been taken by surprise, of course. Mallick had talked to some of the leaders and some other members who had been keeping an eye on the events of the month, from the very beginning. He’d always been more of the type to lay low and listen to the information that filtered in. It didn’t necessarily mean that he was calm or collected, but he’d managed for as long as he could to not simply explode. 
Mallick was contained. 
The rush of members and the leaders settling in their respective seats as everyone who could make it to the meeting on such short notice arrived had him feeling even more grounded than he’d thought it possible to do. 
On his way here, he’d had a myriad of thoughts. Once settled in this chair, he’d kept them on Saiyah, on how much he was constantly missing her, on how not a second passed by where he wished she was here, with him. But even more on how her presence was always stronger during these meetings, especially when it was for such dire circumstances. Saiyah was a constant presence, she would always be tied to him, but she also would always be tied to what the resistance meant to Mallick. One lost for another to be gained, without replacing what had been taken, but rather sliding along and cohabiting with her soul within his world. 
These pieces slotted themselves together and together they would always manage to keep Mallick’s feet deep in this soil. 
A voice rose in the room, it took mere seconds for Mallick to blink and realise one of the leaders had started to talk. Their words accurately represented the outrage that was written all over every members’ face, at least the ones Mallick could examine from where he was seated. They were scattered across the place, it was not that big of a space, with how rushed the gathering had been they’d only managed to get everyone accordingly in this one hideout. 
They somehow looked exactly like how the Ace probably had expected them to be, like fish trapped in a can. Whatever it was that the leader had said, someone from the crowd rose to the challenge and spoke with even more vigor, their fists balled and their words laced with something Mallick had felt too, years ago. When he’d been raw from the pain and still burning with the idea of soothing his wounds with revenge. 
“We should have taken HIM down all by ourselves! Why did we have to wait at all?” 
It wasn’t a surprise that they regarded the line the leaders were forming with resentment, and even more so directed at Mallick and two other leaders who had agreed to wait to see how things would go. It had not necessarily been a unanimous decision, of course. Just because they fought for the same reasons, sometimes for the same goals, did not mean that they always saw things eye to eye. Some liked to head in first and get rid of everything they considered a danger to their cause, to their people. Others preferred to only take action when it was not endangering their covers and their positions. 
However, they always had to do things together, or else, they were acting just the same way as the ones they were fighting to take down. Although if you asked Mallick, he’d never hold it against any of them if they decided to do as they wished, the fact that they had to vote and unanimously decide on their next course of action to him, had always been slightly too restricted. To Mallick, as long as something was done to better things, he could care less if it’d gone against his own words or what he’d thought to be the right thing to do.
He’d always gained a great advantage with that flexibility. Maybe that was why he could easily hold the outraged member’s gaze, and all the other, but mainly theirs and have a leveled headed response to their question. 
“We were wrong, indeed, so we’ll make it right. That’s why we are here, to get to the solutions, not to rise to what we did wrong, we will never always get things exactly how we should or want them to be. But we can fix this. We are here to fix this.” He made sure to enunciate each words with a sharp and pointed tone to keep their eyes on him and on what he wanted the focus of this meeting to be about. Mallick was contained, but the ticking inside his head was excruciating as it grated against his ears.
He’d never needed to shout or scream to get his point across, he wouldn’t start today. No matter how much he knew he needed to release some of this frustration. 
“I agree, we should focus on what we need to do now. What’s done is done, but we won’t sit and let it carry on.” 
Of course not. 
Mallick had found it rather ridiculous that they were all seated at first, but now, he could feel the influence of being on the same level ground, all of them--putting his mind at ease. This was not the outside world, in here, everyone was just where they needed to be. At equal height. 
“How do we do that then?” 
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The route to a plan, to a resolution would never be an easy one. Discussion, debate over every single points. Everything one had to consider, what they knew, what they still had to learn. Who could do what, when, where, who could not and why. Some had families that they had to care for before they could get involved in this, some had water elementalists family that had been taken away and they were more with the urgency of freeing them over anything else. 
The options were endless. They were divided in small groups to brainstorm over what information everyone had and what suggestions everyone had on how to go about this so that they could come to a consensus after rotating through each group. It was almost like a workshop, but there was always one louder than the other, more aggressive, more outgoing and more ready to get thrown in the action. Right now, they were the rowdiest, youngest and also some of the most prone to rushing in a fight if they didn’t have to consider the safety of the other members. Their shouts resonated with everyone most of the time though.
We should get to HIM first, plan how to take him down. But we also have to do that without the Ace getting a wind of it. Why are we sparing him? He should also come down, right along with HIM!
Each suggestion was met with an uproar of cheers of agreement from the group, the last one even louder by everyone in the room. In moments like these, it was a common habit for all the leaders, save for one, to stay quiet and take in what was the most popular opinion. What seemed to drive them more than anything else, once the objective was picked and settled on. Then they could see how to go about meeting their goal. They glanced at where Mallick had left his seat to settle in a corner, chatting idly with some members about their view on the topic. 
They’d all rushed in with worries, anger, frustration, agitated emotions and now they were all somewhat feeling more level headed. Or maybe Mallick was simply projecting his own state of mind onto them, because that was how he felt now. Contained and level headed. Tonight was not the night he’d let the content of his barrel explode and take down everything he wished to take with him. 
“Can we talk?” 
Mallick went to them, “What is it?” 
“Someone who mentioned they might know how to get to the Ace.” 
“Are we really planning to go after him too?” “Nothing as drastic as what’s needed for HIM, but,” They pointed their chin to where the groups were rallying back together into one. “Nobody is happy about what he’s doing.”
Mallick sighed, he couldn’t deny that. The disappointment and outrage was a shared sentiment for him as well. 
“This wasn’t how I envisioned this to go.” 
He’d envisioned more unity than this. 
“You know better than anyone else to never trust anyone in this city.” 
Anyone was a little too extreme for Mallick’s taste, but they all had their reasons for thinking like that more than half of the time. 
“Alright then, where are they?” “Still around, but I told them you’d meet them after all of this here is settled and we are more certain on what we want to do.” 
A piece of paper left their hands and landed in Mallick’s palm, his eyes recognized the location without much of a surprise. This name would have some ties with someone such as the Ace himself, the message attached to it was a neat scribbling.
Vega Gem early morning tomrrow.
“Alright, thanks,” He pocketed the information before letting his steps carry him where the others were rounded, burning with the need for action, like the foyer of a house keeping its habitants warm and comfortable, “I think I can bet on about three ways this will be planned out.” 
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Three points were important and underlined as emergencies, their orders were as such : 
Get rid of HIM (as immediately as possible/assasination is preferable)
Free the prisoners & take back the rations the Ace has been hoarding and controlling, this would be done simply because it made no sense for him to be the sole guardian of the faction’s rations & because he’d promised said rations at the expanse of the resistance’s members’ safety and lives (call it being petty or cautious)
Get back at the Ace (longterm goal/does not require assassination or taking them down as an Ace)
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jadejedi · 4 years ago
Love Does Not Fail (7/?)
Summary: When Anakin saves the galaxy from Palpatine, Padmé and his children survive, but their family is split apart nonetheless. Leia is taken to be raised in the Temple, not knowing that the Jedi who “found” her is actually her father. Luke grows up with Padmé, knowing only his mother’s side of the family. But some things are inevitable.
Chapter Summary: A new darkness arises in the galaxy.
ao3 link: here
A/N: Sorry it’s been nearly ten months lmao. Oops. Thanks for reading, let me know what you think! (more notes and thoughts on ao3)
“Are you sure that this is the best time to start dragging him around the galaxy?” Anakin asked Ahsoka skeptically, with a bit of an edge to it. She knew he was protective of Luke, and she respected that but-
“I am his teacher, Anakin,” she reminded him, trying to keep her tone gentle rather than defensive . They met about once a month, usually at some diner or bar in what she wouldn’t necessarily describe as a shady part of Coruscant, but shady-adjacent, perhaps, to catch up and talk about Luke’s training. “He’s ready to do some travelling without Padmé. And it’s not like it’ll be anything different than what he does with Padmé, anyways. Just more of a focus on training.” 
At the still unconvinced expression on his face, Ahsoka sighed, and softened. “I promise I’ll be extra careful on what assignments we take him on. We won’t get involved in this Snoke guy’s business.”
“I know,” Anakin sighed. “I still don’t like it.”
As much as she believed Luke was ready to do some travelling with her and Barriss, she understood Anakin’s worries. Five months ago marked the beginning of a new Senate rotation. Bail Organa’s time as Chancellor was over, as he had set stricter term limits for the office. Mon Mothma had been elected Chancellor, and her Vice Chancellor was now Mazun Dul, the Senator from Corellia. 
Dul’s election had been troubling to many, as he represented a new political party that had arisen with Palpatine’s downfall. They called themselves the First Order. Their leader, Corellia’s new prime minister, a man called Snoke, pushed for Republic expansion in the Outer Rim as well as less Republic intervention in already ‘civilized’ worlds.
The First Order was good at playing around the issue, but Ahsoka, as well as Padmé and many others, could tell that they held the same anti-alien sentiments that Palpatine had secretly harboured. 
Since the election of Snoke, Corellia had been swept up in violence, from both its criminal element and from his political detractors. Other worlds that also had a First Order presence had also started experiencing small amounts of violence, usually protests gone south, or riots. 
“Look, whatever Snoke is playing at, he won’t get very far,” Ahsoka tried to reassure him. “People are still wary of conflict so soon after the Clone Wars. They’ll get tired of the violence he’s stirring up. And I promise we’ll stay away from worlds with a First Order presence; we’re going to Kashyyk. Since Wookies have a long history of being exploited in this kind of conflict, their leaders are worried. Padmé just needs us to go and calm them down a bit. We’ll be talking to their leaders, then delivering supplies to an area affected by a storm; we’ll be fine.”
Ahsoka was the best person for this job, because she understood Shyriiwook, and she knew one of their leaders. 
Anakin gave her a look. “Isn’t that where you got kidnapped and hunted for sport?”
“That was Trandosha,” she corrected him. “It’s close by, but we’ll be coming from a totally different direction,” she assured him. “We won’t even be passing by it.”
“Fine,” Anakin assented begrudgingly, even though Ahsoka wasn’t really looking for his permission. 
“Make sure you keep your lightsabers out of sight,” Anakin reminded her, and she had to keep herself from rolling her eyes.
“I’m not stupid,” she told him, raising an eyebrow.
“I never said you were!” 
“You’ve got to trust that I know what I’m doing, Anakin.” She sighed. “The lightsaber laws are nothing new. Barriss and I would never do anything that would put Luke or Padmé at risk.”
Years ago, not long after Bail Organa had been elected Chancellor, there had been some debate about the Sith, and whether or not it was illegal to hold such beliefs. However, it had not been popular to criminalize an entire religion, so instead, certain measures had been put into place to appease the Jedi, such as making it illegal to carry or wield a lightsaber unless one was a member of the Order. 
Ahsoka continued to carry her lightsaber anyways, concealed away in a pocket or in a bag.
“How is Leia?” she asked, changing the subject.
Anakin did not look impressed by her attempt to move on, but did so anyway. “She’s doing well, I think. She’s near the top of her clan in lightsaber skills.”
“Have you ever considered teaching more than just lightsaber classes?” she asked.
“No,” he replied with a shake of his head. “My teachings aren’t very orthodox.” 
She laughed. “No, they’re not.” She smiled at him. “I learned a lot from you in just three years, and lightsaber duels was only a bit of it.”
“Me and the Jedi ways don’t get along very well,” he insisted.
Ahsoka shook her head, exasperated. “Anakin, you always complain about the things the Jedi teach, but you never bother to teach yourself.”
Anakin crossed his arms defensively. “I’m more of a duelist than a philosopher. I’m doing my best with them, Snips.”
Ahsoka softened. “I know you are. I’m sure Leia appreciates having you around, even if she doesn’t know why. But, I really think that you could be a good influence on them. Don’t you? Give them a new perspective?”
“I’m sure Obi-Wan would be thrilled that I’m taking an interest in philosophy,” he agreed after a moment of consideration. “I don’t know about everyone else.”
She laughed. 
Ahsoka went straight to the apartment she shared with Barriss after lunch. Luke wouldn’t be done with school for another couple of hours, and the Senate was more Padmé and Dormé’s realm. She could use the time to pack for the trip to Kashyyyk. 
She found Barriss meditating in the living room of the apartment. Where Ahsoka tended to prefer wearing jumpsuits when she was working or, if she was working on official business of the Naboo Senatorial office, something similarly functional with a bit more professionalism, Barriss preferred a slightly more elegant look, just as she had as Jedi. Today, she was wearing a flowy black skirt and a nice but comfortable looking blue blouse. 
“How did it go?” she asked, eyes still closed in meditation.
“Well,” Ahsoka said as she pulled off her shoes and made her way over to the sofa behind her, “he tried to talk me out of it,” she said, leaning back against the sofa, “but he relented eventually.”
“His fear controls him,” Barriss said after a moment, opening her eyes and relaxing her posture slightly, turning to face Ahsoka. 
“It does not!” she disagreed, although sometimes she thought otherwise. “Luke’s his son, it’s natural for him to worry. And hey, he changed his mind, didn’t he? He’s always given me room to train Luke as I see fit.”
Barriss nodded her head, conceding the point. “Fair enough. He’s still not good at controlling his emotions,” she continued before Ahsoka could come to Anakin’s defense again. 
Ahsoka sighed. Since being released from prison, and even before, Barriss had believed that her fall had been due to her emotions- fear, anger, hate. So, now she strove to rid herself of those emotions, to feel peace. 
Ahsoka didn’t disagree that Barriss’s actions against the Jedi had been motivated by those emotions, but she thought that maybe there was more to it than that. 
Luke, for all that he was a child, did not seem to struggle with the same parts of his training than she, and most young Jedi, had. Peace came easily to him. Maybe it was his personality, but that’s not all it was. He was a very sweet, gentle child, but he was still impatient, reckless. Ahsoka privately thought that his peace came from the fact that he didn’t have to struggle with his emotions. He just- felt. 
Maybe that was making it too easy for him, and it would backfire later, but for now, Ahsoka was content to continue down their current path. Sometimes the easy path was easy because it was a shortcut, a dangerous way to get to one’s goal, but sometimes the easy path was easy simply because it means you’re doing it right.
So, she taught Luke to not try and separate himself from his emotions, but to be in harmony with them, and she was trying to teach herself the same thing. 
But Barriss disagreed. 
“Maybe trying to control our emotions at all is what is dangerous,” Ahsoka suggested hesitantly, leaning forward, bracing her elbows on her knees. 
Barriss shook her head, her intense blue eyes pointed at the ground. “If we don’t control our emotions, then they will control us.” She reached up to fiddle with the ends of her dark hair that she kept shoulder length, longer than when they’d been Padawans. She was beautiful, as she always had been. She looked up; her eyes held Ahsoka’s gaze. “Emotions like that are like an ocean. Fear, anger, and hatred-”
“And love,” Ahsoka added.
Barriss nodded, face still passive. “And love. They’ll toss you around, try to drown you, sweep you off the shore. You have to build a wall, to protect yourself from it.”
“The ocean doesn’t try to do anything. It just is,” Ahsoka countered. “If you learn to swim, or have a boat, then you’re safe.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Are you?”
Ahsoka huffed and leaned back against the sofa. She knew what Barriss was saying. That the ocean- emotions- would always be dangerous. Even if you could swim, or be safely in a boat, there were always dangers lurking beneath the surface. Not to mention the storms. 
Leia sat in one of the Temple’s small meditation rooms alone. Normally she meditated with her clan, but right now, she just needed time alone. 
She took in a deep breath, holding it in for a moment, and exhaling slowly. She repeated the exercise a few times until she felt centered. 
She’d had a dream last night. It hadn’t been a normal dream, like her reoccurring dream about falling into one of the fountains in the Room of a Thousand Fountains, or even a nightmare. 
In the dream, she’d seen faces, people. A woman she could barely make out, with curly brown hair and a kind smile. A man with curly dark blond hair. A few others, another woman, more distant with darker hair, and a humanoid alien of some kind that was too blurry to recognize. And a child. 
She couldn’t tell if she was the child, or if she was watching the child. She saw them all against the background of a green meadow. It felt slow, idyllic, peaceful. 
Leia tried to focus, tried to see their faces clearly, but she couldn’t. 
The dream, it was beautiful, but sad. 
It was her family, she knew. She wondered if the dream was sad because it made her sad, or if the memory itself was sad. It felt like a beautiful memory. 
Leia did another round of breathing exercises and tried to push past the memory. She focused on the emotions the dream stirred up in her: sadness, confusion, wanting.
She repeated the Jedi Code silently in her mind as she breathed, releasing her emotions into the Force. 
There is no emotion, there is peace. 
Her sadness was only disturbing the peace within her; she had to let it go.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
She pushed away her confusion, focusing on what she knew. The dream was of her family, but they were not important. She was a Jedi, the Jedi were her family. 
There is no passion, there is only serenity.
Love, Leia knew, was passion. Family, attachments, these things broke the serenity of a Jedi’s mind. She didn’t want them.
There is no chaos, there is only harmony.
Her mind must be calm, pushing away the emotions. She must be at one with all around her.
 There is no death, there is only the Force. 
The Force contained all things, and when something died, it was absorbed into the Force. Her time with her family was dead. It had lived when the Force had needed it to, but that time had passed, and all was as the Force willed it.
With one last deep breath, Leia slowly got up from her meditation pose and found herself heading not towards where she knew her clan’s history lesson was supposed to start, but towards the part of the Temple where most of the Knight’s quarters were. 
She walked purposefully, but not too quickly, trying to pretend like she belonged here during a part of the day when most initiates were in classes, until she reached Jedi Skywalker’s door. She hesitated only briefly before knocking.
She felt him reach out to see who was at his door. Hi, she projected.
After a moment, he opened the door, a confused smile on his face. “Leia, it’s good to see you,” he said. “Shouldn’t you be in classes?”
She looked him in the eye. “I’m skipping,” she told him matter-of-factly.
He gave her a surprised grin. “Well, then, come on in,” he said, motioning her into his quarters. 
Leia had first been in Jedi Skywalker’s quarters about three years ago. She’d been sad, she remembered, because she’d worried that moving into her clan bunks meant that he wouldn’t be able to do her hair any more. He’d shown her where his room was, and had told her to stop by anytime she wanted her hair done. 
His quarters were small, plain grey walls just like in her clan’s bunk. There were blinds half closed over the windows, a sofa, and a tiny kitchenette in one corner, and a door to his bedroom in the other.
“So,” he said, closing the door after her and sitting cross-legged on the sofa, “Do you want to tell me why you’re skipping your classes?”
She sat down on the floor across from him, adopting the same posture and gave him a look. “I wanted to talk to you, obviously.” 
He chuckled. “Of course. And what was it you wanted to talk about?”
Leia glanced down at her hands in her lap. “Do you ever have sad dreams?” she asked him, not sure whether to directly ask him about her family. 
“Sad dreams?” he asked, considering. “Not nightmares?”
She shook her head. 
“Yes, I guess I have.” 
“What do they mean?” she asked. “Are they visions?”
He sighed. “Well, I imagine that that depends on the dream.” He smiled sadly. “Sometimes the Force gives us dreams that mean something, but sometimes, a dream is just a dream. Maybe it’s a reflection of our day, or a memory, or something you want.”
“My dream was about my family, I think,” she admitted. “I could barely make them out. But in the dream, I wanted to be with them. Is it bad?” she asked, quietly.
A shadow crossed over his face. “No, it’s not bad.”
“It’s not?” she asked hopefully.
“No.” His expression was as serious as she’d ever seen it. “Leia, you can’t control what you dream.”
“But what if my dreams are a reflection, like you said? A reflection of what I want? Master Yoda says that Jedi should not want attachments.”
He huffed. “We all have attachments, even Master Yoda.”
Leia looked at him skeptically. She found that hard to believe. “Really?”
“Yes, really!” he said, his serious expression breaking into a slight grin. “Attachment isn’t something we can simply not have. Jedi are taught to have compassion, after all, which is a form of unconditional love. That compassion is bound to lead us towards attachments.”
Leia crossed her arms. “I don’t think that’s what that means,” she disagreed. 
He laughed slightly. “Maybe not,” he muttered. “It doesn’t matter what it’s supposed to mean,” he said, more clearly. “You don’t have to agree with me, or Master Yoda, or Master Seminaria. As you get older, you’ll have to make up your own mind. There is more than one right way to be a Jedi, Leia.”
She nodded in understanding, feeling a bit better about her dream. She still wasn’t sure if she agreed completely, but he was right that she didn’t control her dreams. It didn’t make her a bad Jedi.
He stood up with a brief smile, offering a hand to help her up. “C’mon, I’ll walk you back to your class. I have my own class that is starting soon, actually.”
“A lightsaber class?” Leia asked.
“Not quite,” he said as he led them out of his quarters. “Philosophy, actually.”
“I didn’t know you taught Jedi theology,” she remarked. She was kind of surprised that they let him. Everyone knew that Jedi Skywalker wasn’t a typical Jedi.
He chuckled, seeming to sense her reaction. “It doesn’t really seem like my thing, does it?”
She shrugged, her cheeks heating up. 
“Well, you’re right; it isn’t. But I’ve been talked into it. This is only my second class; Obi-wan is letting me cover for him while he is off-planet.” 
“Master Kenobi is letting you?” she asked, disbelieving that Jedi Skywalker would want to teach that kind of class
He hesitated for a moment, before replying. “Yes. I was talked into it by my former padawan.” 
“She’s alive?” Leia blurted without thinking.
Jedi Skywalker glanced down at her and gave a wry chuckle. “Is that a rumor? No, she’s not dead. She just left. She’s still on Coruscant, even; she works for the Naboo senatorial office.”
“Oh,” Leia said. That must be why he knows so much about Naboo. She wanted to ask why his padawan had left, but wasn’t really sure how, so instead she just followed him silently. Ezra had told them that his padawan had been kicked out, but Jedi Skywalker had just said ‘left’. 
“You’re thinking very loudly,” he commented after about a minute of walking in silence. He stopped walking, turning to look at her. “You have questions,” he stated, matter of factly. Leia nodded, feeling shy all of the sudden, even though she’d known Jedi Skywalker practically all her life. 
“I’m sorry,” she said quietly, looking down at her shoes. 
“You don’t have to be sorry,” he said kindly. “I don’t mind if you ask me your questions. In fact, I’d rather you do that than continue to feed the Temple rumor mill,” he said wryly. 
Leia looked back up at him, nodding. “Okay, so your padawan-”
“Ahsoka,” he interrupted.
“So, Ahsoka,” she corrected herself, “You said she left the Order. Did she leave on her own?”
He sighed, crossing his arms. “She chose to leave, if that’s what you mean. But she wasn’t given much of a choice, if you ask me.”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
He glanced down at his chrono. “We’ve got to get moving,” he said. “Ahsoka’s decision-” he sighed. “It was complicated.” He gave her a considering look. “I’ll tell you about it when you’re older.”
Leia huffed. He said she could ask questions, but apparently that really only meant one question. 
Padmé smiled as Anakin’s speeder landed on her apartment’s landing pad. She didn’t always wait out for him; sometimes he forgot to let her know he was on his way, and he wasn’t always able to come over at the same time, and sometimes she herself got so caught up in her work, and he’d come into her office in the apartment, gently cajoling her away from her work.
But today she waited for him outside, sighing happily as he swept her into his arms. She wound her arms around his neck, breathing in his scent as she could feel his chest expand and contract with a deep sigh of relief. 
He set her down, his flesh hand coming up to cup her cheek as he bent down to kiss her. She stood on her toes to meet him, one hand coming up to grasp his shoulder, the other winding into the curls at the nape of his neck. 
“I spoke to Leia today,” he told her with a small smile as they separated, and her hands came to rest on his shoulders, while his rested on her waist, thumbs stroking in place.
“You did?” Hearing her daughter’s name brought a smile to her face, even as a jolt of sorrow swept through her. 
He hummed in confirmation. “She dreams of us,” he said, in a voice thick with emotion. “She came to me, to ask if her dreams were bad, if they were against the Code.”
Padmé wondered what Leia saw in her dreams of them. Could she feel the sorrow that had run beneath the surface of that year on Naboo? 
“What did you tell her?” she asked.
“I told her that we can’t control our dreams any more than we can control who we love,” he said, his bright blue eyes meeting hers. 
She smiled sadly. “I’m glad she comes to you for advice. It means she trusts you.”
“She reminds me of you,” he said. “Her big brown eyes, her curiosity, her kindness,” his soft expression changed into a mischievous one as he continued, “her stubbornness.”
Padmé laughed. “Oh, my stubbornness? I think that’s something she got from you,” she insisted. 
“It’s definitely from you,” he disagreed, chuckling. “You should see the expression she makes when she disagrees with me. It’s a look I’m familiar with.”
She gave him a look, and he laughed. “There, that’s the one!” he exclaimed, laughing slightly as he leaned down to kiss her cheek. 
“How’s Luke?” he asked, changing the subject. 
“Well, I haven’t heard from Ahsoka yet, so I assume they’re still in hyperspace,” she told him. They’d left not long after Luke got home from school; Luke had been so excited to go on his first ‘solo’ mission that he’d basically dragged Ahsoka and Barriss out of the door. He’d even packed yesterday without her even having to tell him to.
Anakin looked surprised by this information. “Hyperspace?” he asked.
“To Kashyyyk, remember?” Padmé reminded him. “I thought Ahsoka talked to you about it yesterday.”
His forehead creased. “I guess I didn’t realize that she was planning on leaving so soon.”
“They’ll be fine, Anakin,” she reassured him. “It’s just a simple relief mission. Trust Ahsoka and Barriss to keep him safe.”
“I do trust Ahsoka,” he said slowly, “but are you sure you’re entirely comfortable with letting Barriss spend so much time around Luke?” 
“I’m sure,” she said simply. And she was. Barriss was troubled, she knew, much like someone else she knew, but she regretted what she’d done. And more than anything, she trusted Ahsoka’s judgement. She’d spent a lot of time with Barriss over the years, and if she thought it was safe, then Padmé would agree with her.
When Anakin still looked troubled, Padmé stepped back, towards the apartment, grabbing one of his hands to pull him after her. “Ani,” she said with a slightly exasperated smile, “I know you’re worried, but you’ll have time to worry tomorrow. Right now, we have the whole apartment to ourselves; let’s go inside.” 
He followed her inside, where it was just the two of them; the outside world and all of its troubles melted away.
Luke was all but vibrating with excitement as the ramp lowered to reveal the world of Kashyyyk. He glanced up at either side of him, first to Barriss on his left, and then to Ahsoka on his right. Threepio followed behind them, ready to act as translator when Ahsoka couldn’t. She smiled at him, placing a hand on his shoulder. His first mission without his mom; it was a big deal. 
At the end of the ramp waited members of the King’s council, as well as the local Chieftain, and a couple of generals. 
They bowed to the Wookie at the head of the group, and he bowed in return, growling out what Luke assumed to be a greeting. Luke wasn’t as good at languages as Ahsoka and Barriss were. 
“Thank you for welcoming us on behalf of his Majesty. Queen Layarria and Senator Amidala of Naboo send their greetings,” Ahsoka said, before turning to Luke and Barriss. “This is the Senator’s son, Luke Naberrie, and Barriss Offee, my fellow representative from Senator Amidala’s office.”
There were more greetings all around, which Luke watched, half interested. He poked at Barriss’ mind, knowing she couldn’t speak Shyriiwook, and instead of a poke back, like he might get with Ahsoka, she just turned and glanced at him, eyebrow raised. He shot her a grin, and he did finally feel an echo of a laugh through the Force. He knew Barriss liked to act like she was so serious, but she was a pretty nice person. 
“Reach out with the Force, Luke,” she instructed, leaning down slightly to whisper to him. “Try and feel the emotions of those around you. Be aware of your surroundings.” She gave him a small smile. “Maybe then you won’t feel so left out.”
“Yes, Barriss,” Luke said, dutifully. He did as she said, reaching out with his feelings, and to his surprise, rather than just the calm emotions he expected, he felt a jolt of excitement from one of the Wookies in the back.ff
Luke’s eyes widened when said Wookie swept Ahsoka up in a big hug, roaring a particularly enthusiastic greeting. 
“Oh! Chewbacca!” she said with some surprise in her voice. “It’s good to see you, too, old friend.” When he set her down, they talked back and forth for a bit, and Luke found it a bit difficult to only follow half of a conversation, though he could feel that this Chewbacca was happy to see them. 
“They certainly seem very friendly,” Threepio remarked behind them. 
“Of course they are,” Barriss said with her characteristic calmness and aura of all-knowingness that Luke knew drove Ahsoka batty. “The Wookies have long been very supportive members of the Republic. They have always strove to maintain good relations with other planets, even if that desire hasn’t always been reciprocated.”
“Mom said that Wookies are one of the most noble and loyal species that exist in the Republic,” Luke added, proud to show that he was listening when they talked about politics. 
Barriss nodded. “That’s right. That’s why it’s so important to maintain good relations with them. We can’t just neglect them because they’ve always been there; we have to show them we value them.”
“Which is why we’re bringing aid.”
“Exactly.” At this Barriss shot him another little smile, to show that she was proud of him. Luke smiled back, because he knew it was hard for her to show that kind of thing. He’d heard Ahsoka scold her for it more than once. 
Eventually, Ahsoka turned back to them. 
 “Barriss, Luke, this is Chewbacca. We go way back.” Luke smiled up at the tall Wookie. He was so tall; all the Wookies were. Even taller than Jedi Skywalker, who was pretty tall. 
“Chewie, this is Luke. He’s here to learn,” she explained vaguely. “And this is Barriss. We grew up together,” she said, giving Chewie a look. Luke knew this was her way of explaining that Barriss was also a former Jedi, without saying so outright. Being a former Jedi wasn’t bad, Luke knew, but there also weren’t a lot of them, so Barriss and Ahsoka tended not to mention it. Especially because Barriss had done bad things in the past as a Jedi. 
Chewie roared something, motioning them forward. Ahsoka turned back to them to translate. “He says that first we will meet with the King and his council, and then we will be transported to the nearby village that was hit in the recent storm.”
Luke and Barriss followed Ahsoka, Chewie, and the other Wookies through the winding path of stairs and bridges that connected the giant wroshyr trees. It was beautiful, Luke thought, as long as you didn’t look down. 
Barriss must have noticed him looking at the railing uncertainty because she grabbed his hand, shooting him a small smile. “Your mother will have my head if you fall out of one of these trees,” she told him quietly. Luke let her, even though he didn’t really think he needed his hand held now that he was eight. It was a long way down, and his mother would be extremely upset with Barriss and Ahsoka if he got hurt. 
“Are you scared of my mother?” he asked her with a grin. 
“Oh, absolutely,” she said with a solemn nod. “More than any Separatist or battle droid I’ve ever faced.” 
His grin widened, and he held tightly to Barriss’ hand for the rest of the journey to one of the highest platforms in the capital city, where the King met with his council. 
The King was even a bit taller and larger than the rest of the Wookies, dark, near black fur peppered with silver throughout. He sat in an innocuous looking chair at the head of the circular platform, and the three members of the council took their spot in chairs on either side of the King, with the other Wookies who’d accompanied them moving to stand next to those seated. That left just the four of them, Luke, Barriss, Ahsoka, and Threepio, standing facing the Wookies. Even though Luke knew that the Wookies were loyal members of the Republic, there was still something intimidating about the sight. 
Luke remembered what Barriss told him earlier, and he reached out with the Force again. This time, he felt stronger emotions. Fear, worry, permeated the council.
The King began speaking in the growls of Shyriiwook, with Threepio translating.
“His Majesty, King Rrayyywk of Kashyyyk, welcomes the ambassadors from Naboo. He thanks Naboo for their aid, and for allowing his majesty to share his concerns. He says that their representative in the Senate has had a difficult time being heard these days.” That didn’t surprise Luke. While he didn’t sit in on as many Senate sessions as he used to, now that he was in school, he still did occasionally, and not many beings had their voices heard. It was usually just a lot of yelling.
“Your Majesty,” Ahsoka began, “We are happy to carry your concerns back to Senator Amidala, but to be honest, the Senate is very much at a standstill. With Chancellor Mothma and Vice Chancellor Dul being from opposing parties, it is hard to get anything onto the floor these days.”
King Rrayyywk growled mournfully. “His Majesty understands,” Threepio dutifully translated. “It is Vice Chancellor Dul that he is worried about,” and at this, the other Wookies made noises of agreement. “Him, and the other members of the First Order. It is no secret that the First Order has begun implementing anti-alien policies on several planets. Several close enough to make the Wookies nervous. They already have enough problems from Trandosha, without having to worry about Hapes, Valgauth, and Onderon as well.”
Luke sensed surprise from Ahsoka. “Onderon? King Dendup may have been neutral before the Clone Wars, but they’ve-”
King Rrayywk interrupted with a curt growl. “His majesty says that a single victory does not heal all wounds,” translated Threepio. “Onderon may have joined the Republic, but that does not mean it is a planet of one mind. The First Order has a presence there. It may be small, but that may not matter.”
“To be honest, I think you have a right to be worried, Your Majesty,” Barriss said, speaking up. “The First Order is stirring unrest in people’s hearts. Preying on the vulnerable state of the galaxy. I, more than most, know how easy it is to be swayed when you are already conflicted.”
“His Majesty asks what can be done? Is Senator Amidala working to fight the First Order? Are the Jedi?”
Ahsoka shot a quick glance at Barriss that Luke couldn’t decipher. “At the moment, there is nothing to fight. They’re just a political party, but-”
“King Rrayywk reminds you that the Sith were just a religion.”
“That’s not the same,” Ahsoka said quickly, shaking her head. 
Luke shifted uncomfortably as some of the Wookies shook their heads and muttered. He didn’t know much about the First Order, but what he did know, he knew from his mother. It was strange to hear these Wookies, strong, proud, creatures, seem so afraid of anything. 
Ahsoka seemed like she was going to continue, when Barriss stepped in again. “Senator Amidala shares your concerns. She has always fought for the equality of all beings, starting with the Gungans on her home planet, and has always been a voice for equality in the Senate.”
King Rrayywk sighed and growled out a response. “His Majesty thanks the office of Senator Amidala for listening to his concerns, and hopes that Senator Amidala will ally with alien species against the First Order, if the time should come.”
Ahsoka and Barriss bowed their heads in acknowledgement, and Luke did as well. Then, the Chieftain of the city, howled something at them, stepping forward, and directing them back the way they came. “Chieftain Varu asks that you follow him. He will take you to your transport.”
Anakin was just finishing a lightsaber class with Mara Jade’s clan Dalgo when Obi-Wan commed him and asked to meet. He knew Obi-Wan had just gotten back from Corellia- he had gone on a diplomatic mission to meet with Prime Minister Snoke- and had been debriefing with the council. He dismissed the younglings and hurried to Obi-Wan’s quarters, as Anakin sensed it was urgent.
Anakin found Obi-Wan seated in meditation on the floor of the very small living space in his quarters. “What’s so important that you comm me while I’m in class?” he demanded as he walked in. He wasn’t actually upset, more worried than anything. Obi-Wan wasn’t one to make a big deal out of nothing.
“Sit down,” he said curtly, turning to look at him, a frown etched onto his face. “I’ve just learned troubling news. It will be common knowledge soon enough.” 
He complied, sitting next to him and assuming a meditation pose. He knew that, while meditation wasn’t his favorite thing, it helped Obi-Wan immensely, and he might as well go along with it.
“I’ve learned that Prime Minister Snoke has the Force. That he uses the dark side.”
Anakin jolted. “What? Another Sith? How can this be?”
Obi-Wan shook his head. “He claims not to be a Sith. And in the loosest sense, that seems to be true. It seems that this Snoke was an acolyte, of sorts, of Sidious, back when Sidious was just a Sith apprentice himself. Snoke told me that while Sidious taught him how to use the dark side, he never taught him the ways of the Sith.”
Anakin looked at Obi-Wan incredulously. “He told you this?”
“Oh, yes,” Obi-Wan sighed. “He was quite eager to tell me all about himself. Gleeful, even. He knows that we can’t touch him.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, he hasn’t done anything illegal!” Obi-Wan exclaimed in frustration. “As far as we can tell, he had no association with the Separatists. He was a private citizen before running for office. His ship building corporation builds private vessels, not warcraft, so he never had contracts with either side. He’s never done anything illegal, hasn’t been implicated in any crimes, doesn’t carry a lightsaber, and ended his association with Sidious before his illegal activity began. He simply hasn’t violated Republic law.” He shook his head, glancing down at the floor. 
Anakin heard the defeat in Obi-Wan’s voice, and felt his own heart begin to race, fear creeping into his veins. “That’s not possible. I restored balance to the Force. It’s-it’s only been eight years.” He shook his head, unsure of what to say. He didn’t know how to put into words the combination of fear and frustration that flooded him. 
Obi-Wan looked up at that, and put a hand on Anakin’s shoulder. “You did restore balance. You destroyed the Sith. One man with a few years of bare bones instruction into the dark side is not the same thing.”
Anakin shook his head. “I didn’t want my children to have to worry about this like I did. A mysterious dark sider pulling strings in the galaxy.” 
He thought of what Qui-Gon’s ghost had told him all those years ago, on Naboo. He’d never told Obi-Wan about that. He’d never told anyone about that. According to Qui-Gon, he hadn’t restored balance. Not yet. He’d said there was more to do. On Mortis, it had all been very literal, controlling the Brother and the Sister at once, holding them in balance. But in the real world, he didn’t know. 
“Maybe there’s more to bringing balance to the Force than just destroying the Sith,” Anakin mused aloud. 
Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. “More? And what might that ‘more’ be?”
Anakin shot him a grin. “I don’t know, Master. I suppose we’ll have to figure that out.”
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chickensarentcheap · 5 years ago
Best Part of Me -Chapter 44
Warnings: none
Tagging: @c-a-v-a-l-r-y, @alievans007, @innerpaperexpertcloud, @ocfairygodmother​
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  He’s unsure of how long he’s been sitting there; on the bottom step of the pack patio, forearms resting on his thighs and file folder still in hand. Staring out at the beach and the water, yet seeing nothing at the same time. His attention elsewhere; not with the expanse of near white sand or the sunlight that catches the ripples in the ocean or the brilliant blue sky. Instead focused on a city thousands of miles away. Mahajan sitting in his cramped and dirty prison cell; his power and influence extending far beyond those brick walls and barbed wire fences.
The rage is building; sitting heavily on his chest, gnawing at his stomach, tightening the muscles in his shoulders. What had started out a low, slow simmer is not threatening to explode; all patience, every ounce of empathy, every shred of humanity and compassion quickly evaporating. The edge is back. Those rough and ragged pieces that all fit together to make something savage and uncontrollable. An intensity and and a fury that is impossible to rein in; a merciless and powerful need for vengeance. For the opportunity to right Mahajan’s wrongs, one drop of blood...one body...at a time. He knows if he looks in the mirror he’ll no longer recognize himself. That all he’ll see staring back at him is darkness. Anger.  That the man who was there a month ago, a week, even a day ago, is long gone. He doesn’t know how he feels about that; if he’s terrified that his old persona has returned or if he’s actually relieved. Maybe it was there a long time  ago. Maybe the old Tyler has ALWAYS been there; just thriving under the surface.   Maybe he’s just been ‘faking it until he makes it’ for the last six months; relegating himself to a kinder, gentler, more patient person when in reality all he really did want was his previous life back. Maybe this..his former self...is who he’s supposed to be.
Who he’s MEANT to be.
In an hour he’ll feel different. It will make him sick to his stomach that he even allowed himself to think that way. Realizing that he’s far better off with the life he has now; happier, calmer. No longer relying on booze and meds to numb unimaginable mental and physical pain.  He’ll regret ever slipping back into his old ways, cursing himself for being weak and not fighting back hard enough to stop it from happening. Disgusted that he ever slipped that far down and let his old self resurface. He’ll remind himself that THAT isn’t who he is anymore. He’s not the same guy that went into Dhaka seven years ago to rescue a drug lord’s kid. He’s not even the same person who’d gone to Ireland after being conned by Michael McMann. Or who’d walked from New Zealand without even a look back. He’s better now. He has a life. A good life. He’s someone’s husband and someone’s father and his existence matters to them. He has people that love him. Depend on him. And they deserve so much better than the ‘old Tyler’.
Except the folder in his hand reminds him that that’s exactly who they need. The names concealed within, the faces, capable of taking everything away from him. His wife...his kids...they NEED the old Tyler. Even if that means the new one never makes it back.
He wants a drink. It’s far beyond a craving now. It’s a necessity.
He’s vaguely aware of her voice, of her walking towards him  through the sand.  His heart hammers in his chest; he can almost hear the rush of blood in his head. All he can think of is that he needs to protect her. At all costs. He needs to keep her and the kids safe, no matter what it takes. And if that means he has to walk into another apartment filled with hostiles and take them out one by one, he’ll do it. This time he’ll like it. This time he wants to see the holes that open up when he puts bullets in their heads or chests. He wants to hear the cracking of bones as his hands wrap around their necks. He wants to see the blood that pools underneath them and taste his own sweat as it drips from his forehead and settles on his lips. He’s never wanted any of that before; killing out of necessity, not enjoyment. But now?  Now he’ll do it for both.
The tone of her voice and the touch of her hand on his shoulder snaps him out of it. Just like that he’s back where he’s supposed to be. At home with his feet in the sand and the smell of salt hanging heavily in the air; wind keeping the stifling humidity at bay and the sweat from gathering on his skin and the telltale sound of the tide rolling in.  And he feels the release as he looks up at her; the tension slipping away, his jaw unclenching, shoulders loosening.
“Are you alright?” Her hand moves from his shoulder to side of his neck, thumb brushing against both the tattoo and the scar that reside there. “You were really spaced  out there for a few minutes.”
He gives a reassuring smile. “I’m good. I was just thinking about something.”
“Well whatever you were thinking about must have been really intense,”  a frown tugs at the corners of her mouth and she glides the pad of her thumb over his lips. “I called you five times and you never even reacted. You sure you’re okay?”
“I’m sure. It was just something Anil said before he left. About not taking things for granted and making the same mistakes he did. That I’m a lucky guy. That I have a beautiful wife and kids.”
“He called me beautiful? He really said that?”
“Why would you be surprised? You don’t think other guys look at you? They even check you out when I’m with you.”
“I don’t know,” she shrugs. “It’s nice to be called beautiful.”
“I call you beautiful all the time. You just never believe me.”
“Husbands are supposed to call their wives beautiful. It’s in the vows, you know.”
“I don’t remember that part. I remember ‘through sickness and health’ and ‘for rich or for poor’ and something about not fucking anyone else.”
“The minister did not say ‘don’t fuck anyone else’. He said forsaking all others.”
“Same goddamn thing. I remember all of that but I do not remember having to promise to tell you you’re beautiful even if it’s bullshit. I would have remembered that.”
“You don’t even remember what you had for breakfast this morning,” Esme teases.
“Okay, good point. But it’s my short term memory that’s fucked since Dhaka. Not my long term memory. So I would definitely remember if that was part of the vows.”
“You were supposed to read between the lines.”
A grin pulls at the corners of his mouth, and he places his hands on her hips. “Was I now.”
“It was in there. In the fine print. Right next to ‘I promise to always clean the toilets and take the garbage out and get all the spiders and snakes out of the house. And rub your feet when they’re sore’.”
“I didn’t see any of that in fine print but I still do all those things.”
“It was there,” she insists, and reaches under the collar of his shirt to pull out the necklace he wears underneath; a braided leather cord that holds a flat titanium disk engraved with their respective zodiac symbols. “It said ‘I promise to call my wife beautiful even when she looks like shit.’ I saw it.”
“You never look like shit.”
“Even when I'm in three day old pajamas and I’m covered in baby puke?”
“Not even then. You might smell like shit but you don’t LOOK like shit.”
Smirking, she lays both hands on the sides of his face; thumbs pressing into his beard. “You’re lucky I love you.”
“Yeah,” he agrees. “I am. And I tell you you’re beautiful because it’s true. Because it’s what I think.”
“Your brain works very well sometimes,” she teases, then kisses him. He likes when she takes charge sometimes, allowing her to strip him -at least momentarily- of his control.
It happens now; enjoying the way she kisses him with the same intensity that he usually kisses HER with. Her tongue slipping between his lips and pressing against his teeth; body leaning into his and her hands moving to her ears as he opens his mouth to her. His hands leaving her hips and settling on the backs of her thighs. sliding up the hem of her simple cotton sundress. Frowning and then laughing when his fingertips come in contact with spandex.
“What?” she asks.
“Are you kidding me right now? Shorts?”
“The dress is too short. I never tried it on before I bought it. When I bend over you can see my ass. Not very visitor friendly.”
“Take the shorts off and you can bend over in front of me all you want.”
“Don’t you get tired of seeing my ass?”
“You don’t ever wish for a different ass to look at?”
“Nope. I like yours. Why would I want a different one? And you let me do things to yours, so…”
“Don’t be a pig,” she scolds, and then perches herself on his lap; sideways with both legs dangling over his thigh and an arm draped across the back of his neck; pressing a kiss to his temple before resting the side of her head shoulder. “You sure you’re okay?”
“Stop asking me that.”
“Don’t be grumpy.”
“I’m not being grumpy. It just annoys me when you keep asking me that after I’ve told you I’m fine. And I am. Fine.”  He circles her waist with both arms, clasping his hands together and resting them on her hip. “That was nice by the way. You usually don’t kiss me like that.”
“I kiss you all the time.”
“Not like THAT.”
“Now you’re complaining about the way I kiss you?”
“Definitely not complaining.  I like the way you kiss me. I especially like it when you kiss me like THAT.”
“Well you’re very kissable,” she reasons. “So it’s not a burden to do it. If you were a bad kisser, we’d have issues.”
“Yeah, you’re pretty good too.”
“Just pretty good?”
“Your mouth is pretty talented,” Tyler confirms. “My dick says eleven out of ten.”
“You’re almost forty one. Why is your mind always in the gutter?”
“There’s worse places it could be, trust me,”
“Now that’s true.” She nuzzles the tip of her nose against his ear, then kisses it.
“You’re okay?”
She grins. “Oh, it’s your turn now.”
“Don’t be difficult.”
“I’m fine,” she assures him.
“You’re sure?”
“Don’t YOU start.”
“I worry about you too, you know.”
“I know you do. But I think I get so caught up worrying about you, that I don’t realize you’re worrying about me. But I am. Fine.  Honest.”
He places a kiss on her shoulder. “Even after this morning?”
“It was a fight, Tyler. Couples fight. Unfortunately when we fight, we tend to say a lot of hurtful, stupid shit to each other. And that has to stop. Because I hate how I feel afterwards. I hate that I can be such a bitch to someone who loves me as much as you do.”
“Everything you said was true. I needed to hear it. I do keep pushing you away. I don’t even know if I realize I’m doing it. I don’t MEAN to do it. Because that’s the last thing I want. To push you away.”
“I know you don’t mean to do it. That it’s just something that’s ingrained in you. That it’s a defensive  mechanism when you feel like someone’s getting too close.”
“You're not just someone,” he gently argues. “You’re my wife. The mother of my kids. Which is I don’t know why I do it. How can I stop something I’m not even aware of?”
“I can always tell you to fuck off when you do it,” she teasingly suggests. “That can be the code language for ‘get your shit together’.”
“I’m being serious here.”
“We’ll figure something out. Some ways to get you out of it. Goddamnit you’re a tough nut to crack, Tyler Rake. If I’d known you’d be this much of a challenge…”
“You would have left me on the bridge.”
“Umm, no. That is not what I was going to say and we’re not even going there. I would never...ever...think that, let alone say it. So get that shit out of your head. I was getting you off that bridge, no matter what it took. And you would have done the same thing if the roles were reversed. You wouldn’t have left me there.”
“Not in a million years,”
“We’ll work things out,” she assures him. “I know things are hard right now. We’re stressed and we’re overwhelmed and we’re taking it out on each other. And it sucks. Huge. And I hate when we do it. I hate when we fight when you hurt feelings and…”
He removes one of his arms from around her waist and places his hand on the side of her head, lips pressed to her temple. “I don’t mean to.”
“I know you don’t. But it still hurts. And I don’t mean to hurt you, either. You’re the last person on earth I want to hurt. And I’m sorry. For being such a bitch lately.”
“Just lately? What about the last seven years?”
She laughs. “You’re the one who married me, knowing what I was like.”
“You were a good girl when I married you. You were nice.”
“I’m not nice now? Is that what you’re trying to say?”
“You’re a little...difficult.”
“Oh that’s rich. Coming from you. The man who loves to make my life difficult. Who’s responsible for all my gray hair.”
“Excuse you?” Tyler scoffs. “I have way more gray hair than you do and they all have your name on them.”
“I give you gray hair and possibly an ulcer, but you’d miss me if I weren’t here.”
He nods, then presses a kiss to her shoulder. “You have no idea how much.”
“Can we not get all up in our feels? Normally I’m okay with it, but I think things are going back to normal and I’m PMS'ing and I’ve cried enough today.”
“If things are going back to normal, that means…”
“We’re not discussing the baby thing right now. We agreed to talk about  it in six months. What’s this?” she asks, and reaches for the folder that sits on the step beside him.
“That’s one of the things we DO need to talk about.”
“Without fighting,” he adds.
“No more fighting. I promise not to even raise my voice. As long as you promise the same,” she pulls back to look at him. “Deal?”
“Deal,” he says, and places a kiss on the tip of her nose. “I haven’t even looked at it.”
“What is it?”
“The names of the guys that Mahajan has working for him. The ones that have been making all the threats.”
She sets the folder on her lap. “They’re all  in Mumbai?”
“As far as I know. I don’t think any of them have made their way here. Anil would know about it. And I know for sure he’d tell me. He seems to know what he’s doing.”
“Do you trust him?”
“I don’t know him well enough.”
“What do your instincts say?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t listened to them in a while.”
“That’s not like you. You SHOULD listen to them. You have amazing instincts. You always have. I trust them. That should be enough for YOU to trust them again.”
He nods.
“It’s okay you know,” she says, and runs a fingertip along the scar across the bridge of his nose. “To be the old Tyler too. You don’t have to keep him locked away. Especially now. I kind of need that Tyler right now. So do the kids.”
“I know. I just worry. That if he comes back…”
“You can be both. You have to be both. There’s no other choice. You have to be the old Tyler right now. Job Tyler. The second you decided to get back into things...before we even knew about all this craziness...you knew you’d have to be him again. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Being him when you NEED to be.”
“And what if I can’t get the other one back? What if the old one sticks around when I’m off the job too?”
“That won’t happen. You won’t let it happen, I know you. I trust you.”
He smiles, and she leans in to place a kiss against his forehead.
“Why haven’t you looked at it yet?” Esme asks. “I thought you wanted to know who these people are?”
“I do.”
“But…” he softly rubs her thigh. “...there’s a catch.”
“I heard the catch. Anil wants in. He wants to help in Mumbai. He wants to be the one to kill Mahajan. I just figured you’d say yet to that.”
“I did. But that’s not all he wants.”
“Oh God,” she groans, and drops her forehead onto his shoulder.
“It’s not that bad. It’s not bad at all, actually. But it involves both of us. About the business.”
“Alright. How…?”
“Let’s go inside,” Tyler suggests, kissing her cheek and then sliding her legs off his thighs. “There’s something I need to show you.”
Esme sits on the couch with the leather folder in her lap; concern clouding her eyes and furrowing her brow. And she glances up when he emerges from the kitchen and stands alongside her, holding out a mug of tea.
“Is there booze in it?” she asks. “Are you trying to get me drunk? I may need to be drunk for this. Or tipsy at least.”
“If there was a booze in the house, I would have been drunk hours ago. Probably days ago.”
She frowns. “That is not what I wanted to hear, but I do admire your honesty. How bad is this? Whatever you’re about to show me? Are these stills from some unearthed sex tape you made with one of your old pieces of ass?”
“Only sex video I have is the one on  my phone. That I  made with you.”
She grabs one of the throw pillows and swats him with that. “I told you to erase that!”
“No one is going to see it. Relax. It’s been four years and it hasn’t gotten out yet.”
“I am so going in your phone later and deleting it. What is wrong with you? Keeping that?!”
“It’s my help,” Tyler reasons. “When I have to study alone.”
“I am going to kick you right in the ass. You don’t even have a lock on your phone. What if Ovi picks it up and goes through your gallery?”
“I’ll beat him for snooping in my phone.”
“Never mind him. What about one of the kids? When they’re using your phone to watch surfing stuff on YouTube or when they’re playing games? That will be great. If Millie goes to school and tells her teacher she saw a video of her mom and dad making babies.”
“It's in a locked folder. Relax. I’ll prove it to you later. Can we get on with this? Why are talking about sex tapes?”
“Because I’m nervous and I ramble when I’m nervous. You know this.”
“There’s nothing to be nervous about,” Tyler promises. “I already said it’s nothing bad. Just look at it.”
“What is it? A detailed history of all your conquests? Instead of a little black book you have a whole damn folder?”
“Sorry. You’re making me even more nervous standing there like that. You’re kind of intimidating. I see why people pee their pants around you.”
Sighing in exasperation, he takes a seat alongside her. “I think you just gave me fifty more gray hairs and made my ulcer worse.”
“You don’t even HAVE an ulcer..”
Tyler stares at her pointedly. “Not yet.”
Scowling, she directs an elbow to his ribs and then takes a swig of tea before giving him the mug to hold. “Okay before I start, at any point am I going to want to punch you in the dick?”
“Nope. My dick is safe.”
“Alright…” she sighs. “...I swear to God, if you sold me to Saju’s brother…”
“Wait..” he lays a palm against the folder, keeping it closed. “...is that an option?”
Her eyes narrow.
“He did call you beautiful.”
“Your dick might not be as safe as you think it is, Tyler.”
“He couldn’t afford my asking price. No one could.”
“Fine,” she dramatically huffs. “That’s a good save. I’ll spare your dick. For now. What exactly is this?”
“Just read it.”
“What is it?”
“A business proposal. Shut up and read it.”
The frown on her face intensifies; brow furrowing. But then the creases disappear and her expression softens as she reads. “Is this for real? This is what he proposed?”
“Part of it,” Tyler confirms.
“He wants us to provide him with mercs? And that…” she points to the figure printed out...in bold type...on the page. “...is what he’s willing to give us?”
“To help get things off the ground. There’s a lot we can do with that kind of money. That would cover a lot of supplies, a lot of technology.  We could build another garage...a much bigger one...and use that as an office to run shit out of. We have the property; we can do what we want with it. Build whatever the fuck we want.”
“That’s a lot of money.”
Tyler nods in agreement. “He’ll also give us a hundred and twenty five grand for each guy we give him for a job.”
Her eyes widen. “Each individual job or…”
“Each job.”
“Holy fuck…”  she breathes. “That’s..wow...that’s…”
“I was going to say insane, but that works too. What about the payout? What do the mercs get?”
“Way more than I ever saw working for Nik,” he says and reaches out to flip the page over.
“Jesus Christ!” Esme exclaims. “I never saw that after two jobs, never mind one! And travel expenses and any medical if needed? This guy has money to throw around, I guess. He must be the filthy rich brother.”
“He must be. I wonder what he’d pay for you.”
“I’m going to ignore that.”
“I’m joking, I would never, ever sell you. Not for all the money in the world. I might rent you out for the night…”  he chuckles when she glares at him, then wraps an arm around her shoulders; pressing a kiss to the side of her before pulling her tight into his side.  “What do you think?”
“I think you’d be crazy not to accept it.”
“I’m not accepting anything. We are. We’re in this together, remember? Stronger together than we are apart.”
She gasps dramatically. “Are you telling me that you held off on making a life altering decision until you could talk to me? I am so proud of you! Progress!”
“Don’t be a smart ass.”
“I’m teasing. And I AM proud of you. Before you have just agreed to this all on your own. But you didn’t react emotionally; you reacted logically. And that IS huge for you. And it makes me love you even more. Which I didn’t think was even possible.”
“Well I love you more every day, so…”
“It’s not a competition.”
“I know. But if it was, I’d win.”
“Oh, you think so do you.”
“I know so.”
“Do you want to do this? Pretend there’s no catch. Pretend this is being offered without those names being dangled over your head. If he’d just come to you with this proposal, would you take it?”
Tyler nods. “I would. This is good money. This is fucking amazing money. Our kids will never, ever, want for anything. We can give them everything we never had growing up. We can pay for them to go to college. They won’t have to take out loans or say ‘fuck it’ and join the military. We can avoid all that because we can afford to send them to school. And we can put money away...huge money...for each of them. So when they are grown and leave home, they can start off on the right foot. They won’t end up like we did after Dhaka,”
“Those were extraordinary circumstances,” Esme reminds him.
“They won’t have to struggle. If they run into hard times...even if it’s half as bad as what we went through...they won’t have to worry like we did. Because I remember what that was like. Not knowing how the hell we were going to pay the rent and put food on the table on top of getting ready to have a baby. That fucking sucked. And I felt like a hue failure. I had a new wife and a kid on the way and I couldn’t even work. Not even some shit minimum wage job so I could feed you and buy diapers.”
“You’d just gotten out of the hospital,” she points out. “You were recuperating from being shot in the throat. Among other things. Those weren’t just average times, Tyler. Those were shitty times. And none of it was your fault. You almost died. Saving me and Ovi. You’ve never been a failure.”
“I felt like one. And those times were shit and they did suck.”
“But they weren’t your fault. None of that was your fault. And if I have to remind you of that every day for the rest of your life, I will. Because you’re a good man. Whether you think you are or not.”
“You make me want to be a better man. And I’m trying. I am.”
“I know you are. And you’re doing a good job. You’ve come a long way in seven years. Maybe you can’t see it, but I can.”
Smiling, he lays a hand on the back of her head and kisses her brow.
“I think we should do this,” Esme says. “I think we’d be insane not to. And with this kind of deal, you can be home more than you’re away.  You won’t need to go out into the field as much because you can afford to hire some really good, experienced guys on top of who we already have. And that’s what we want, right? What YOU want? To be in the job, but not IN the job?”
“It is. It’s actually what I want.”
“So our minds are made up then. You tell him we’ll do it. We’d be foolish not to do it.”
He nods.
“Holy shit,” she reaches up to lay a hand on his cheek, turning his face towards her. “Are we actually agreeing on something? Mark this date down! I think the last time we agreed on something was when we decided to get married. Or when we decided on what to name Millie.”
“We’ve agreed on other things since then.”
“Like what?”
“We agreed to come back to Australia. We agreed on this house.”
“Good point.”
“Last night we agreed on pizza for dinner.”
“But you didn’t agree on toppings because you and your daughter both like pineapple and us normal people think you’re gross.”
“Okay. Well, this morning, we both agreed I’m an asshole.”
“Stubborn asshole.” she corrects. “We agreed on stubborn asshole. But you’re my stubborn asshole. So…” she turns her body sideways, tucking herself tightly into him, placing her head on his collarbone. “...now you have to call Anil and tell him we’re taking the offer.”
“I will do that,” he says,  combing his fingers through her hair and then resting his hand on the nape of her neck. “He wants to have dinner. Thursday night. The four of us.”
“Four of us? He's got a lady friend?”
“I think he means Allison.”
“But she’s with Kyle. Or so I thought.”
“I don’t think it’s a double date. I think it’s just business partners going out to dinner together.”
“Only I get benefits from MY business partner. That’s better than any hourly wage. I’d rather be paid in orgasms when you’re the one in charge of handing them out. You’re pretty good at it. You’ve got some skills. No wonder if you had so many happy ladies in ports all over the world. I wonder if they miss you. If they wonder if you’re still alive. I bet they’re disappointed you don’t call anymore.”
“I dunno. But I know my other wife is disappointed I spend all my time here.”
“See! I am your favourite.”
“You are. You always have been. Even when you piss me off.”
“Which isn’t often.”
He snorts.
“Okay, so maybe I piss you off a lot.”
“It’s not THAT much. Just, you know, every couple days.”
“But I make it up to you,” Esme points out.
“Yeah, You do. I can’t deny that. You’re pretty repentant. In certain ways. Although I don’t think when a priest says ‘get down on your knees’, he meant like that.”
She giggles. “I must have misunderstood. Lucky you. A lot of husbands wish that they had that problem.”
“Oh believe me, it’s not a problem. I am NOT complaining.”
Sighing, she nestles her head into his chest, fingers fidgeting with the buttons on his shirt. And it’s several minutes before she speaks again. “Tyler?”
“I like when we’re like this.  How we are when we’re alone. When there’s no one around to bug us or interrupt us. We’re different then. In a good way.”
He nods.
“It’ll be good for us. To get away for a few days. To just be alone. We deserve that. We NEED that. Especially before you leave. Because I know it’s a sure thing now. You’re going to Mumbai. And I need that time with you. Just you. Before you go.”
“I need that too,” he says. “That time with you.”
“I really want you to come home. I NEED you to come home.”
“I will,” he promises, and tightens his hold on her. “I’ll come home.”
“I didn’t think I needed to stress that I’d be alive when I got back.”
“I feel better knowing that Anil is going with you. He wants the same thing you do: revenge. And neither of you will stop until you get it. And that should scare me; that you won’t stop. But it doesn’t. It makes me love you even more. Does that make me a horrible person?”
“Why would it?”
“That I want my husband to kill people for me? For my kids?”
“I either kill them or they kill you. Which would you rather?”
“I want you to make them pay,” she says. “I don’t care how you do it. But you make them suffer and you make them pay for ever threatening our kids.”
“I’ll make them pay,” Tyler vows.  “In the worst ways I know how.”
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korkrunchcereal · 5 years ago
WoW Q and A
(Red shirt guy asked the first question) Heritage armor for allied races is neat, not as interesting as heritage armor for regular races. Will there be a change to it with the leveling changes? Can still get your heritage armor as allied race. Just have to reach max level.
Did the Jailer in the Maw see the legion as a threat? Explains why Sylvanas worked with Varian? As we go into the Shadowlands we’ll find out Sylvanas’ motives, her relationship with the Jailer and when it started. Hint: It started during Edge of Night (her short story from after Wrath). Sylvanas helped Varian to bide her time so not everyone would attack her.
New progression of covenant abilities + Legendaries affecting PvP. How does it affect world and instanced PvP? knobs can be turned to affect and work with PvP. Covenants shouldnt be “whats better a mage or a warlock?” Active abilities + Soulbinds and trait trees. Starting point is should work in PvP, but can turn off if need be. War mode enabled in Shadowlands.
How will flying work in Shadowlands? Same as it’s been in every expansion. If its a little annoying for everyone its probably better than alternatives.   
How will pathfinding work in past expansions with the level changing and scaling? No answer yet. 
In WoW classic, will we receive a toggle for the HD models? Current plan is no.
Will legendaries ever be transmoggable? Short answer: Yes. Can’t say when, but very soon. Tmog your sulfuras, thunderfuries and others.
What is the creative process to choose an expansion theme, specifically Shadowlands? Begin process of brainstorming 2 expansions ahead. Sets some of the plot points that are now unfolding. Weekly meetings to brainstorm. The world/environment is something to consider. Where do we want to go next? Often story will twist and turn to get us there. Example of WoD from MoP: “Wouldn’t it be awesome to go there? Let’s find a way to get there.” Sometimes it’s not quite the time. Legion was an idea after MoP, but decided to do it after WoD. Digging up old ideas they discarded / had for past expansions for Shadowlands. 
Have you ever named an expansion before developing it? All future expansions have code names. Legion was a placeholder name, decided to just keep it.
Free Hong Kong shouted on the stream and asked in question. 
The Jailer’s identity? Not someone we know, but he’s a mysterious new figure of a cosmic importance. His conspiracies, things he wants to do etc. driving the core of the story. He’s the centerpiece villain.
With Heart of Azeroth scrapped, what happens to the tier 4 HoA cosmetics? Not going to deplete it like artifacts. As you move into the Shadowlands, they’ll weaken and won’t have the effects is current plan.
 Other customization options?  More than 40 additional customization options for blood elves. Examples shown at Blizzcon, such as human, are just a small selection.
Any more realm merges/connections? Yes it’s planned. 
New expac comes out, we get the Soundtrack. New patches add new zones and new music that’s not on the Soundtrack. Considered releasing additional digital tracks for the added music? Short answer: Working on it. Before Shadowlands, capturing the BfA music that came out post launch.
Lorewise, who won Stromgarde and Darkshore? Alliance won both of them. 
With Faction war dying down, will faction borders loosen. Raid with friends cross faction? Alliance and Horde separation mechanically is a pillar that makes Warcraft Warcraft. That division is part of why we have the “For the Horde/For the Alliance” shouts. Uniting is not in the cards right now.
Eye of N’zoth: Do you get anything for having it post 8.3? Be yourself, see what follows. 
Classics based on BC, WotLK etc. Is that something being considered? Got to be careful how it proceeds. 
What happened to AU Draenor, and the Lightbound like Yrel? Will we see them again post Mag’har recruitment? That AU Draenor is still out there and the light still has a place on it. It’s something they’re keeping in the back pocket. Shadowlands is first step exploring the large concepts of cosmology. 
Is Chronicles canon? Whose point of view was this written from? Titans PoV is the narrative. Things hinted in chronicles expanded in Shadowlands. 
If Shadowlands is where the dead go, what happens when we die in the Shadowlands? The experience is very different for the Corpse Run. Different screen effect, experience etc. Spirit healers are the Kyrian covenant. Watchers in the mortal realm to watch for souls and decide if they’re ready to die. Player Character is tethered by the need of Azeroth so don’t perma die (yet).
How much of the tower do you envision being part of max level gameplay? Most of your end game? Varies from player to player. Some will casually do it, others will super grind it. still deciding if you can “win”, aka maximum value/maximum height.
With mechagnomes wearing armor “leglessly”, will there be playable races with more/less than 2 legs? If it’s appropriate to the story / expansion, “maybe”. 
Tier sets not coming back next expansion? It depends. 16 armor sets for the covenants (Cloth, leather, mail, Plate x4). Class themed armor coming back at some point post Shadowlands launch. People started going so fast with getting tier that it made getting it almost like a prison. Set bonuses is something they want to embrace, but not in the form of a box you tick. Satisfaction in getting gear in Shadowlands will come from things like Legendaries, smaller tier sets etc. 
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thepilgrimofwar · 5 years ago
Warplanning 3 - Edited Roll20 Log
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[Event Start]
The meeting was finally called as twilight began to deepen and Relriah and those in her company had arrived, packing the War Room fuller than usual. It was the first time since the start of the Civil War where Relriah, Judereth, and even Zarannis were all present round the table at once. Though it must be stated that the ex-Ranger General seemed better put together from the last time she was seen in the manor. Her armor was properly polished and there wasn’t a hint of the least bit of whiskey about her.
Stenden looks dour, though great victories had been won this week, it was the manner in which they were won seemed to bother him. Rumours of the massive use of Blood Magic turning the tide of battle seemed to unsettle him. It would not look good if the war was won by something that seemed like borderline necromancy.
Thank you for coming everyone,” Stenden speaks up.
[Blood Magics]
Solendis clears his throat. “The first order of business, and most important, is Blood Magic and its use.”
Relriah responds immediately. Very out of character from the woman he thought he knew. “You cannot deny its effectiveness. Not only in terms of casualties but morale as well. There are even rumors of the Lady in White fighting on our side.”
Vissehn glances between husband and wife with eyes growing wider by the moment. He struggles to suppress a grin.
Renalays squints with her almond eyes over the expanse of the wartable, almost -confused- by the concept that someone would be upset over the use of her powers. "I have no idea what this 'White Lady' the Illthians have been referring to me as -means,- but I make no apologies for using the full of my powers, as is the right of Sin'dorei."
Ethalarian arches a brow from his seat and leans forward, elbows braced across the top of the table. "Unnatural means?" He gestures to Thanidiel and back to himself. "Do you even know who we are?"
Thanidiel then grunts with Ethalarian's toss of his hand towards herself. She's a freak of the Light.
Solendis presses his lips together and shakes his head. “While that is true, Inquisitor- And effective or not, my dear- we cannot be seen to win this war with... Seemingly unnatural means. Our peasants aren't the most discerning of types when it comes to magic use. Light knows many of them have never seen a mage despite their prevalence in the greater Kingdom of Quel’thalas.”
Lirelle now starts to stare at Solendis. Then looks at Renalays, then for Kebha, then herself, then baaaack at Solendis.
Thanidiel spends a long time evaluating Relriah and the Emberhearts more than she does Renalays. A cock to her head and a burrow to her brow. Then the questions swirling there are answered by Solendis' response back to the Inquisitor. But only halfway. "But your Lady speaks of these rumours as beneficial?"
Relriah backs up Thanidiel. "Incredibly beneficial. She's a legend that only appears to punish unruly Lords. Arenias in this case."
Beathyn steps forward in an attempt to physically block the growing tension between the couple. "The price of being the bread basket of the Kingdom. Hard labour is valued rather than education."
Renalays:"Power has little to do with education. If that was the case, Dawnstalker here would be the worst of us." It's a compliment.
Relriah then looks to Renalays. "And I believe we ought to use every tool at our disposal."
Ethalarian nods. "Yeah, exactly."
Vissehn:"So, this Lady in White, she comes up and what-- chastens th'Lords who gets too big for their britches? Why's it a bad thing-- an' why can't we just have our Ladies of Death an' Blood ride front and center and scare the piss out of the defense?" He waves a hand to Lirelle and Renalays.
Thanidiel spoke. "I think you will struggle to find less.. utilitarian opinions amongst us, who have all acquainted with the mainland, Solendis, Lordling. Is this your wish that we hold aside the most 'monstrous' of our powers? Or do you sincerely want the discussion?" She then nods to Vissehn and Relriah's points.
Vissehn looks to Stenden. "Might save some lives, honestly. Fear of the righteous dead is enough to sway more'n just farmers hearts."
Stenden nods at Vissehn and regards his father. "Can you leverage the powers of the Inquisitor into tales of the Lady in White? I'm sure we can spin tales that actually help further legitimize us in the eyes of the people if the Lady fights on our side- The side of justice. It's not like we can win the war... Without unnatural looking means." He gestures towards Lirelle. Literally a vengeful spirit back from the dead- Who had not infact been seen on the field.
Stenden "The supernatural is not to be feared. That's what I was taught." He mimicks words that Solendis himself had told him. Long ago.
"Not if we can make an ally of it." Relriah adds.
Ethalarian nods in agreement with Thanidiel. "I'm not keen on gambling with the lives of the Blood Knights who have rallied to my banner by playing nice with a bunch of uppity locals."
Renalays:"Does this imply I should make myself scarce to your peasantry for the duration of this little squabble?" As if she wasn't already? She's been terrorising the servants with her ways.
Lirelle glances at Judereth. "Are you going to bell her too?"
Relriah smiles at the Inquisitor, privy to her & Lirelle's terrorizing of the house staff. Though the latter was unintentional.
Stenden shakes his head. "You're dressed in white, I think appearing before the peasantry might help our cause if my we can get the White Lady on our side of the war effort."
Stenden looks to Lirelle. Wondering if he could get her to dress in white too.
Lirelle | Not a chance.
Ethalarian turns now to Renalays at his right. "I owe you one, by the way."
Renalays:"You owe me many," she says without missing a beat, "Knight-Captain Dawnstalker." Those are some behind-the-scenes implications. But she brushes right on with a turn of her snooty chin up in the air towards the end of the table, that white mask encompassing her face obscuring anything but her eyes. "Perhaps I ought to make rounds among the skirmish 'lines' then? Inflate these rumours you prize?"
Stenden nods. "If you wish- It'll send a message, one way or another."
Ethalarian shakes his head and goes straight back to leaning back in his chair, only this time with the added benefit of dropping a booted foot on the edge of the table. You can take the bumpkin out of the country...
“Speaking of which, onto the prisoners then,” Relriah spoke up. “Excluding the wounded, we have almost two hundred prisoners taken by the Coalition alone. What should be done with them?” She had been responsible for the capture of a good number of them and was curious of their fates.
Lirelle:“Make use of them. They were all fine with taking up arms against you, turn those arms back on Arenias.”
Stenden raises an eyebrow at her suggestion. “What does that entail exactly?”
Thanidiel:"They can change their banners and walk free, or sow fields with a sword at their backs."
Lirelle points to the cluster of tokens on the war map. “Release the militia. As for the soldiers, send them to fight on the front lines.”
Stenden shakes his head at both of them. “Absolutely not. Enemies or not, they are prisoners. They’ve done their duties and their role in the war is over. I will ask no more of them.”
Lirelle regards him with a flat emotionless stare. “They are traitors. They chose to raise their banners and go against you. To keep prisoners is a waste of resources spent feeding and guarding them. Men are going to die on the field. This is an inescapable reality. Why sacrifice the lives of those who are already loyal to you when there is another option? I would wager that if you asked any one of your people whether they would rather the death of a Ilithian traitor or the death of their husbands and sons, not a single one would answer differently.”
Renalays:"I wish," she affirms plainly. "I need to gather up strength, as it were. The Emberglades are more glutted with the dead than the Dead Scar yet they still must be -pulled- forth. The quantities of each battle are too large for consistency. As for the prisoners; something must be done. Dawnbrook has the most efficient option. It's too late to send them back or free. They've seen your roads and your patrols, your armies and the proprieties of the land and villages just by marching in chains."
Stenden gives Lirelle a withering look, the first time he had ever given her one. “And that is exactly why I am a Lord and they are subjects.” He says with all the conviction in the world. Stenden looks at Renalays, then back at Lirelle. “This is not a conflict between warring states, this is a -Civil War- Today’s traitor is tomorrow’s subject. The husbands and sons in my dungeons -are- my people. The Ilithian’s -are- my people.”
“Sederis asked me to build a better realm. A -better- realm. A realm where the people aren’t held accountable for the decision of their traitorous Lord. We have a chance right now to build it, and forcing prisoners to sacrifice themselves on our behalf is not how we do that!”
Ethalarian:"They seem to disagree with you on the whole 'warring states' thing. That said, I don't know that it's worth the risk of them looking for an opportunity to turn on us if we put them at the front."
Lirelle scoffs. “This is a civil war that you still need to -win-. Your ideals are pointless if you’re dead. To sacrifice men already loyal to you in the place of known traitors is a mistake that Sederis would know he could not afford to make. In order to rule with stability long enough to make the changes that you want to sometimes requires an iron fist, and Sederis eventually understood that. You would end this conflict surrounded by just as many turncoats as you would loyalists. Your position will never be secure.”
Thanidiel:"Has anyone -asked- them to convert swords or hands yet?"
Stenden responds to Ethlarian. "So we don't put them in the front, we keep them in chains. Not use them as flesh shields for the battles to come."
Stenden wanted to yell, but held his tongue. Instead he clenched his fist, staring at the war map, then at Vissehn, then back at Lirelle. “Then what’s the point of winning? I’m fighting for a realm where an iron fist is not necessary-” Then something seems to spark from behind his eyes. “-Where an iron fist is not necessary-.” The boy snaps his fingers and looks at Thanidel, then at Shalemarch on the map. “What if they decide to fight on the frontlines of their own accord? Again we extend amnesty. Families safe, property restored, if they fight for their proper Lord. I won’t be betraying my people, you get to turn them against Arenias.”
Thanidiel:"You'll be surprised at the ferocity and loyalty of a man given an option to repent. It was a...strategy, when we were putting down heretic bands in the South in the days before Sin'dorei."
Lirelle folds her arms. “That will work, provided enough of them take the deal. I trust that you or your father will make sure that the numbers are actually sizeable?”
Solendis nods, speaking mostly to his son. "It can sometimes make them fight twice as hard to prove their loyalty."
Ethalarian shrugs his shoulders. "Then put them with me and mine. They might not take quickly to a nobleman or some former Inquisitor, but they might look well on another commoner."
Renalays:"For clarity, I am very much in active service and all that implies of my presence."
Vissehn stiffens. "There's more reason than -Lords- and -Subjects- not to put swords in the hands of those who'd wish us dead for bein' the supporters of an untested Lord. They're your citizens-- and traitors, the lot, but mayhap it was just where they were born. Giving them a choice in it, to serve-- as part of the distribution, the belly of the army, or the lines, just split them up among the loyal, those who don't wanna hang. A drop of vinegar is well disguised in wine. Just split em'."
Stenden sighs. Deeply. Responding to Vissehn. "I will hang those I need to. But the rest? Following orders? I'd have them repatriated after this war is over."
Thanidiel:"Aye, I would normally advocate to work with the commoners as well, but I think they will frown upon my training with Lady Relriah."
[Shalemarch & The Peasant Rebellion]
Judereth clears her throat and speaks up. "Which brings us to Shalemarch."
Judereth continues. "There have been... Complications with my succession of Shalemarch. First of all, a mercenary company, fearing that they would not get their due started looting their way through the province. Lirelle and the Crows have made short work of them. But this has in inadvertently started off something that needs to be dealt with immediately." She gestures towards the map.
Lirelle mostly looks at Solendis when she speaks. "Do not allow your idealism to be taken for softness. Until all the sentiment has been rooted out, you will have no choice but to be constantly vigilant even after this is over."
Vissehn curses at the mention of the unprofessional mercs. "Fuckin' novices."
Judereth | "They are calling themselves the Shalemarchers. Peasants who are drawing others to their cause. Farmers, blacksmiths, and the like. They believe they've been pushed around long enough by the Nobilities and dying unnecessarily for their wars. Especially in the years of late."
Vissehn goes silent at this announcement.
Judereth puts her finger on their token, almost as if squishing a bug. "Normally, putting down peasant rebellions are quick and bloody. But Lord Emberheart, in his merciful wisdom" She said it, almost mockingly- Almost- But with enough respect in her tone to let it slide. "Wants to bring a peaceful solution to this..." she pauses, finding a more appropriate word. "Debacle."
Lirelle chokes down a snort at Judereth. Good girl.
"They're disorganised and banded, right?" Thanidiel asks. "We're 'professional' as far that goes in the Emberglades. All you have to do is corral them with the Crows and infantry backing and starve them out. Burn or take food as they try to march and come upon it."
Judereth nods. "For the time being. Which was why my first suggestion was just that. Come down on them hard and fast and they'll starve out without knowledge of maintaining significant numbers."
Lirelle adds. "The Crows are the only reason they're alive now to organise themselves for bullshit causes. If you remind them of this, force or not, I suspect many will lose the taste for it."
Thanidiel:"I think Garris can do what's necessary if we have to go back to starving them out as they roam. The Crows are fast and know how to quickly strip a village or field."
Vissehn speaks. "Lemme talk to them."
Stenden looks at Vissehn and gestures for Judereth to pause for a moment. "Can you make this such that no one has to bleed or starve over this?"
Vissehn looks sharp to Stenden. "Let me try to end this without the blood-- the way you'd want it. I know what they're thinkin, been in those caches before-- m'uncles would have burned Silvermoon given half a chance. I can help talk 'em to the table."
"Very well," he says with a small smile. "If anyone else would like to go with him, feel free. If not," he looks to Thanidiel and then to Renalays, knowing what the state usually does to peasant rebellions. "We'll do what must be done."
Stenden gestures for Judereth to continue.
Thanidiel seems satisfied with having Vissehn handle it alone.
"Perhaps Dawnbrook should attend to provide the tougher touch when unnecessary.” Renalays says. On the other hand, has a slight narrowing to her eyes as they study Vissehn. Is it distrust of motives or age? However it is - it remains unspoken.
Lirelle nods. "If the reminder of what they are dealing with is not enough, then we will make sure no one has reason to follow this line of thought in future."
Judereth clears her throat. "Lastly. I'm not sure how many of you have heard. But Nelio Goodember is now my Steward. A hostage. But no longer in the dungeons. Which solves two problems. One, the books and numbers- which were surprisingly sound, by the way- will continue without the usual break during successions. Two, with the provisions of amnesty-" He looks at Stenden, who had referenced her plan earlier. "His loyalists will be given a choice to fight for their rightful Lord, tangentially in the name of their former Lord. Their militia will be folded into our ranks."
[Tokens are updated on the War Map]
Stenden nods. "That is good news, he looks to the others at the table. If there is nothing else-"
[The Holdouts of the Black Banner]
Zarannis steps forward. "There is one more thing."
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She gestures towards the map, running a line across the mountain range of the Cloudrend Glades all the way to Dawnveil, then places a token, marked with the insignia of Lord Tar'saren, Lord of the Broken Bulwark that had been obliterated in the Phoenix Wars. "There are holdouts of the Black Banner in the mountains. I intend to make use of them."
The Ex-Ranger General looks to the others around the table. "I'll take any volunteers willing to help me. But I warn you, it may be dangerous. Some Tunnels under the mountain filled with scourge from the Fall, and we're in search for a company of men who still think they are fighting the Phoenix War. She looks to Solendis, "that said, I'll be needing Sederis' Banner once more."
Solendis nods. "It will be given. But are you entirely sure it is wise?"
Stenden speaks up. "Wise or no, we ought to bring them home. But knowing their reputation they're likely to join our ranks without question."
Thanidiel:"If we're dealing with undead as well, then the lightweavers should go. But then it's a matter of who we're willing to lose from the frontlines in our final push on Illithia."
Judereth "There's a lot of ground to cover between our current lines and Illithia's fortress by the sea. Besides, we'll need to liberate Kearn and I hear they are without a garrison. So, there will be a small lull to get our house in order before the final push."
"So we're dealing with the east and the tunnels in this current week?" Thanidiel grunts again. "If that's the case, then I'll go with Commander Wintergale," Outdated and perhaps an unintentional sting. "I'd be careful about those reports of Kearn though. It's valuable, and the Empty Fort Strategy isn't uncommon in the treatises."
Zarannis gives Thanidiel a nod of respect. "I appreciate your support."
Ethalarian exhales through his nose and shrugs his shoulders. "I'll go too, then."
Zarannis nods at Ethalarian as well. "I'm sure the Dawnspire Knights and the others of the Coalition will keep things in order on the frontline until we can return."
Relriah responds to Thanidiel. "We will be careful. I do not doubt that when it comes to my father, treachery is not out of the question."
[Event End]
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jxst-saying · 6 years ago
Omg please make a part two of the social media manager imagine!! It’s so good
A/N: Part two has finally arrived! (I wrote this in a four–part mini–series.) You can request part three here like usual! 
Part One can be found here! And so can be Part Three! Don’t forget Part Four! 
Empty. A city of nearly four million people felt empty. How that was, you weren’t all that sure. But it didn’t feel like your other city, the one that didn’t sleep and had no mercy for those who did. Sure, the sun was warmer and brighter and the people were obnoxiously friendlier. You wouldn’t bother denying any of that. It was a nice thought to have the ocean as close as it was; it was even nicer to sit on the shoreline and watch the waves come in and out and feel the sand in–between your toes. But staring out at the massive expanse of blue and white, you didn’t feel anything but some kind of emptiness.
This wasn’t your home. It wasn’t anything of the sort. You were in the Golden State, but it felt more like Siberia to you.
Your promised promotion wasn’t half bad. After a month and a half, you had finally fallen into a routine of sorts. Six o’clock in the morning was your short run around the neighborhood block. (You had finally found an apartment, and your furniture was said to be on the way.) Seven o’clock in the morning and you were drinking your black coffee (you could leave the Big Apple, but that didn’t mean the Big Apple could leave you). Eight o’clock and you were stuck in traffic on the 405 (whatever that was) headed to the office. Nine o’clock in the morning and you were sitting at your desk with the pretty little gold–embossed title tag that read, “Public Relations Specialist, Y/N.” You still weren’t too sure what that meant, but maybe it didn’t really matter in the end. Maybe it wasn’t really supposed to mean anything. Ten o’clock in the morning through one o’clock in the afternoon would find you filling out paperwork with a view of the Los Angeles skyline behind you. The windows were floor–to–ceiling and let in all the light that the city could find. Your office was perpetually golden. If you didn’t feel locked in this city, the always golden hue might make you happy. But right now, it didn’t make you feel anything because you did feel locked in this city with its 502.7 square miles. One o’clock was lunch. Always. Your assistant (you had an assistant) tended to remind you of that. After lunch and you were back to work until five o’clock in the evening. Most days, you were let loose at 5:00; only on a handful had you stayed past golden hour. To be honest, you didn’t particularly care either way. If you were out of the office by 5:00, you were hitting the worst of the worst traffic no matter what. If you got out later, around 8:00 or 9:00, you were still hitting traffic on the 405 or the 1 (or anywhere, really) but it wasn’t necessarily as bad.
The boys had a week or so left in their Europe trip. It was entirely promotional. None of them knew anything about your own promotion (read: banishment; exile; prison sentence) as of yet. But it was only a matter of time before the executives told them of your speedy departure. This was the longest you had gone without seeing any of them. If you didn’t constantly see photos of them or news of them crossing your desk day–in and day–out, you might have just forgotten what those oceanic eyes looked like or the (now) blindingly red hair or the tattoos that were littered across their skin. Maybe that would have been better. Besides moving to the other side of the country, it felt like you had lost four of your closest friends. Now, you didn’t even know what the five of you were. Past colleagues? Old friends? Best friends? Acquaintances? Nothing? Something More?
The single had released the other week. Turns out the executives’ plan was well–formulated and entirely correct. Without you in the picture, the music was the only thing to focus on. Billboard’s Top 100 Chart seemed to agree, as well. You even received a fruit basket from the executives thanking you for all your “hard work.” You may or may not have immediately thrown it in the trash.
You had never really missed anything or anyone before. Not really, anyways. So, you had no idea what it felt like––all that aching and longing and heartache. But if this is what it felt like … this complete and utter numbness and not–all–thereness and void that you felt that nothing could ever really fill … you never wanted to feel this again. More importantly, you couldn’t feel this again. To go through all of this time after time after time? That wasn’t negotiable. And you missed it all. You missed the hot–dog vendors and coffee carts on the street that knew you by name in your neighborhood; you missed seeing the light of sunset glinting off the Empire State building; you missed the way your apartment always smelled like patchouli no matter how many air fresheners you used; you missed coming home late at night to find your door already unlocked and a gangly boy (man?) with oceanic eyes sitting on the couch in your living room. How was there any space in that heart of yours for all of this missing?
And sitting in your office just now with the Los Angeles skyline behind you and the desert fanning out even beyond that, you had never felt more missing or more alone.
On the other side of the globe, the situation wasn’t that much different. (At least, not with a certain band front–man named Luke.) They were in Rome for the weekend––La Città dell’Amore. But to Luke, it was just another city. Another place without you in it. A little over a month and a half without seeing any sort of vision of you and it felt like some kind of earthly hell. The melody of your (slightly obnoxious) laugher was better than any tarantella; your eyes were brighter than the Roman sun; and your crooked smile was warmer than the Mediterranean Sea. However, these were all things he had to keep to himself; in some way, they were things he had always been keeping to himself.
The Roman sun was just beginning to set. A bead of sweat was falling down the nape of his neck in between his scapula. Luke didn’t even notice as he walked past La Fontana di Trevi. He wasn’t noticing anymore. Everything was a kind of blur, like when you’re driving on the highway and the lights are speeding away too quickly and bleeding together into one continuous stream of light.
Unlike you, Luke was more focused than anything on the rumors about the two of you. (Well, now, the blatant lack thereof.) He remembered all the photos, all the memories, all the times spent with you. Each and every one. And maybe that was his own personal curse, some kind of karmic retribution for an err in a past life. But standing there in that historical and ancient and miraculous city and all he could think about was you. But it wasn’t anything romantic. No. Of course not. You were just his best friend. Hell, you were their social media manager! He was just used to having you around; that was all. Really.
So, yeah. He noticed when the rumors careened to a complete stop like they had never existed. Seemingly overnight, any and all mention of you anywhere vanished without a trace. Zilch. Nada. Only a couple fans noticed your disappearance from the crew of the four boys. (Luke, included.) What was even odder than your farewell at JFK was your near radio silence since. No personal social media usage, no phone calls or texts, not even a postcard with that ever–so cliché wish you were here.
It took Luke another forty–three minutes to traipse his way back to their hotel off La Piazza Barberini but only another minute after that for the other three boys to open their mouths in rapid–fire questions.
“Did you know that Y/N moved to Los Angeles?” Calum.
“Speaking of Y/N, why isn’t she here? She’s our social media manager. Isn’t this literally her job?” Michael.
“I called her apartment and office in NYC and she wasn’t at either. The person who answered her phone at the office didn’t even know who I was calling for. Luke, where is she?” Ashton.
Luke collapsed onto the bed. NYC was their city; how could she just up and leave and head to a city that was the complete opposite? He knew the streets of her neighborhood and that apartment better than even his own. She couldn’t just leave like that––not without a goodbye to him, to that apartment, to that city, to their memories. “I didn’t know anything.”
“Is she even our social media manager anymore? You said she wasn’t at her office or apartment. And she moved,” Michael asked Ashton.
Luke shrugged his shoulders.
“Come on,” Calum egged. “Everyone thought the two of you were dating. Hell, even we did sometimes! Did you really not know any of this?”  
Yes, he really didn’t know any of this. He really didn’t know that the last night he spent in that apartment would be his last. Forever. He really didn’t know that the last time they couldn’t sleep at four in the morning and went to Central Park for a breakfast picnic was The Last Time. He really didn’t know that everything with you in that city of yours (of the two of yours) was going to be The Last Time.
“Have you––have you talked to her? Lately?” Michael asked tentatively, his words cautious.
“Don’t you think you should? I don’t know, maybe see if she’s alright? Why she moved, maybe?” Ashton.
“Moving takes time. She probably just wants some space to figure it all out. That’s probably what she’s doing: figuring it out,” Luke answered. An excuse, that was all it was. Just something to delay the inevitable.
And that was definitely what it was: Inevitable. Because that night when Michael, Calum, and Ashton had long since fallen asleep (he could hear their snores), Luke pulled his phone out from underneath his pillow and opened the long since used text message conversation with you.
To: Luke Hemmings
if you don’t delete that last tweet of urs i swear to GOD i’ll drop kick your ass onto the tarmac
A small smile curled onto his face at the memory. But that text was written nearly two months ago at this point and all that was left between you both now was the distance from Rome to NYC and then the newly added distance of NYC to LAX.
His fingers hovered over the keyboard of the cellphone. All it took was something like hi, right? Any baby step. Just one. That was all he needed.
Actually, no. What he needed was to be told why she left their city. That was what he needed.
To: Y/N
heard u left the big apple how u gonna do ur job now
It wasn’t long before his phone lit up in the dead of night with a response.
To: Luke Hemmings
It’s 1:14 in the morning for you. Go to bed. Get some sleep. You have meetings in the morning.
To: Y/N
answer my question
To: Luke Hemmings
Yes, I moved to L.A. I’m about to go into a meeting. I’ll talk to you later. Go to sleep.
There was something different in your tone. Something more professional, distancing. Something that definitely did not sound anything like the Y/N that Luke knew. The girl was texting him now was not the same girl that he left behind at JFK a couple months ago; this version of you was a stranger. And that was a thought that haunted both his dreams and nightmares, waking or otherwise.
The minutes ticked by at a glacial pace until he looked at the red numbers on the clock at the bedside and discovered that it was only 2:09 in the morning. It hadn’t even been one hour. A long night, that was what it was going to be. And maybe that was what gave Luke the initiative (read: desperation) to call your number at obscene hours in the morning for him but just the beginning hours of the evening for you.
The phone rang four times before you answered.
“Go to sleep,” were the first words out of your mouth.
“I thought you were going into a meeting.”
“It got cancelled.”
“There was no meeting, was there? Y/N, what’s going on? You’re not here with us; you apparently moved out of NYC; you don’t even work at that office anymore; you’re in LA. What is going on with you? You tell me everything, and all of a sudden, I’m getting nothing from you? What’s that all about?”
He could hear you sigh through the phone. It was the frustrated one, the kind that you used to give when you had to repeat your Chinese food order five times over the phone because the sixteen–year–old taking the orders was too busy flirting with her boyfriend across the counter. “It’s really not important, Luke. I just had a change in careers. I’m still working for the same firm, just at their Los Angeles headquarters. It’s not a big deal. You’ll be getting a new social media manager, and they’ll be taking over for me.”
“What is going on?” Luke asked again. You weren’t answering any of his questions; you weren’t helping him understand anything. You were still the stranger that he didn’t know.
“It’s really not that big of a deal, Luke. Trust me. This is better for the band in the long run. Your music streams and sales have been up nearly 93%, and your promotional events over in Europe seem to be doing just the trick. This is good, Luke. If it’s good for the band, it’s good for you.”
But that wasn’t the case. That wasn’t any sort of Truth at all. What was good for the band in any sort of PR sense, if it broke the two of you apart, was not good for him. How could you even think that? Luke didn’t understand how you could go from that old farewell at JFK to this cold–as–ice behavior that he was getting from you now. He remembered it much too clearly. Leaving you just before the first security checkpoint of JFK. It was more painful than the others. Not terribly so, but just enough. There was some sort of look in your eye, something he hadn’t seen before and something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Your mouth opened just a fraction of an inch, enough for Luke to think you were going to say something. But no words came out and the two of you were left in the silence with Calum yelling out in the distance for Luke to “hurry up and get his ass in line.” So, he left you with the haphazard and friendly farewell of see you later, alligator and you responded with a sort of forlorn smile, the kind that has some sadness lingering behind it or a secret or two, and in a while, crocodile. He turned around, then, grabbing his suitcase and duffle bag and walked back toward his bandmates in line. But six steps in the line and he was turning back around to take one last look at you, something to memorize and store at the back of his memory. This was a first of sorts. You weren’t coming along with them. You were staying behind. And in Luke’s mind, he was leaving you behind; right now, that felt a lot more painful than he thought it ever would.
With that memory in mind, Luke spoke his own truth before he could lose his nerve and before he could accept whatever it was you were telling him. “You don’t really think that, right? That whatever’s good for those guys in suits and their profit margins is good for me is good for the band? There’s no way you genuinely think that’s the truth, right? Y/N, it’s different without you here. It isn’t the same. I don’t … I don’t like it. I don’t like you there and me here.”
“You land in JFK in a few days. You’ll be fine and stateside then. Enjoy your last few days in Italy. La città è bellisima––”
“Y/N, you don’t––you don’t get it! It’s not the same without you here. I don’t know how many different ways I can say that! It’s not the same without you here. You need to be here; not some other social media manager, not anyone else. Just you. Is this because of all the rumors about the two of us?” (Maybe his heart fell a little at that possibility.) “Because if it is, they’re a non–issue now. No one’s talking about us anymore. It’s really not that big of a deal. Just––if it’s that, if it’s because of the rumors, then tell me. I didn’t think they were really getting to you that much, but if that’s what this is––”
“I took care of the rumors, Luke. I did. That’s why they’re all gone. I’m in Los Angeles because they’re all gone. For your music, for your band, for you—that’s what I did. That’s what I had to do. I know the rumors are a non–issue, Luke. I know because I made them a non–issue.”
For once, Luke had nothing to say.
And then you sighed again. That same one. The frustrated one. Maybe mixed with a little sadness this time. “Luke, I really have to go. I have a meeting. You have to get some sleep.”
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alexsmitposts · 4 years ago
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“Warrior” Steve Bannon Arrested as Trump’s America is Crumbling It often happens this way: extreme right-wingers, or call them ‘ultra-conservatives,’ either in the United States or Europe, suddenly fall from grace, after committing the most heinous crimes. Sometimes it is child abuse or sexual harassment, but most of the time, it is a corruption of tremendous proportions. In theory, in their own theory, it is not supposed to be this way. Listen to the conservatives, and they will tell you that they are there in order to uphold law and order, as well as the traditional culture of their countries. But the reality is often very far from the theory. Steve Bannon has fallen. He has fallen hard, flat on his face. But definitely not as hard, as others would fall, would they commit crimes of similar magnitude. Steve Bannon was actually not caught and charged with trying to ignite the WWIII or conspiring to overthrow the left-wing governments all over the world. He was not charged with an attempt to destroy China. He was arrested ‘only’ on charges of ‘defrauding investors,’ together with his cohort Brian Kolfage. On 28 August, CNN reported: “Kolfage was arrested last week, along with Bannon and two others, and charged by the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York with defrauding investors out of hundreds of thousands of dollars a project pledging to construct a wall along the southern US border. He is due to be arraigned on the charges on Monday in a video court appearance.” In February 2020, I wrote for NEO: “Steve Bannon, a former White House strategist and Breitbart editor, was finally kicked out of an Italian monastery, which even Newsweek wittily described as a “far-right boot camp.” Or, as even some of the Western mainstream media outlets defined it – a modern ‘gladiator’s school.’ The monastery was supposed to offer “classes,” which Bannon described as “the kind of underpinnings of the Judeo-Christian West.” That, for already quite some time, means ‘insulting and antagonizing China,’ as well as several other nations which the Western extremist and often openly racist ideologues have been depicting as hostile to the US and European hegemonic interests. Some of those who oppose Bannon’s radical political stands are now bringing vast charges against him, but legal and moral, and such charges are ranging from pushing the United States towards the war with the People’s Republic of China to interfering with internal affairs of other countries, including those in Europe. There are other, unsavory accusations against the former White House strategist and a close ally of President Donald Trump: child abuse and enormous corruption. The question is: how could the individual against whom so many accusative fingers are pointed at, survive at the top of the establishment for so many years, in so many different roles and positions? Yes, he gets kicked out from places: first from the White House, then from the “gladiator booth camp,” and finally from the luxury yacht belonging to an anti-Beijing apostate. But somehow, he always manages to bounce back. Until now. Hopefully, for not much longer. *** Alarms should have been ringing for so many years. But were they? If yes, no one has been paying much attention. As early as in 2016, even an extreme right-wing FOX News picked up Associated Press report which was accusing Bannon of anti-Semitism: “In a sworn court declaration following their divorce, Piccard said her ex-husband had objected to sending their twin daughters to an elite Los Angeles academy because he “didn’t want the girls going to school with Jews.” “He said he doesn’t like Jews…” In August 2019, Mail Online raised an alarming issue, connecting Mr. Bannon with an accused child sex trafficker George Nader: “A convicted pedophile visited Donald Trump’s White House on at least 13 different occasions in 2017 to meet with then-chief strategist Steve Bannon, according to leaked visitor logs. George Nader, who has been convicted of sexually abusing young boys and is now in federal prison awaiting trial on child sex trafficking charges, first visited Bannon in the White House in February 2017, the month after Trump’s inauguration, the Washington Examiner reported. After that, he kept visiting Bannon, who had a West Wing office yards from the Oval Office, the leaked visitor logs revealed, but it isn’t clear if he entertained Nader in his office or somewhere else in the White House. The revelation raises serious questions about how a convicted pedophile could be allowed entry repeatedly to the White House. The Secret Service is responsible for carrying out background checks of all visitors.”   The “revelation” also raises questions about whether there have been two tiers of justice: one for the common US citizens, and another one for those who are levitating in the highest spheres of, mainly right-wing, power. Steve Bannon was also apparently giving false testimonies under oath, related to the Wikileaks and Julian Assange. And if one would think that Steve Bannon is ‘only’ anti-Semitic, then what about his deep allergy towards the Muslims; and the support for the Trump’s so-called “Muslim ban” and keeping out from the United States all those “bad people” (meaning non-whites and non-Christians)? His obsession with the wall between the US and Mexico is, of course, related to the “topic.” *** But who would be Steve Bannon without China? He is hatred impersonated against China. As for his fellow right-wing crusaders, like Peter Navarro, Marco Rubio, and Mike Pompeo, China is always ‘there,’ in the middle of vile speeches, dragged through the dirt, belittled. Steeper and faster is a decline of the American Eagle, more confident is an ascend of the Chinese Dragon, louder, more desperate, and bizarre is the anti-Chinese rhetoric of the pro-Western warriors, led by Steve Bannon and his mates. On 08 June 2020, AntiWar.com described something that would be unimaginable just several years ago, but what is turning into a norm, under the present White House administration: “New Yorkers looked to the sky in puzzlement the night of 03 June as a fleet of airplanes circled New York Harbor with banners that read “Congratulations New Federal State of China.” Behind the bizarre stunt was exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui and former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. The duo deemed the Chinese Communist Party illegitimate and declared a new state of China from a boat floating in front of the Statue of Liberty. In a live stream, Guo and Bannon read the Chinese and English versions of “A Declaration of the New Federal State of China,” a document that lays out their fantastical plan to take out the CCP and form a Western-style democracy in China. The live stream aired in China on 04 June, which marked the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests and crackdown in Beijing. “The Chinese Communist Party is a terrorist organization funded by the Communist International which has subverted the legitimate Chinese government in the past,” the document declares.” Would this be done the other way around, like if the People’s Republic of China declared the United States of America a terrorist genocidal and illegitimate state, because it exterminated most of its native population, forced slaves from Africa onto its territory, and then massacred tens of millions of people on all continents of the world, that would be surely considered a declaration of war. But obviously, the US and its leadership are truly ‘spoiled’; they are used to getting away, literally, with a murder. Or with a war. Steve Bannon has been twisting the narrative on basically everything that is related to China, from Xinjiang to the South China Sea, an extremist religious cult such as Falun Gong, recent historical events, Chinese Revolution, and the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He and his cohorts are fanatically anti-Communist, as they are outrageously racist. The danger of Bannon lies in the fact that he is an integral part of the extreme right-wing network, which is now spreading from Europe to India, from North and South America to Asia. He is its product, as well as its maker. Whoever is confronting China is his ally: from India’s Modi to Donald Trump. Or all those West-backed rioters and the anti-Beijing individuals like Elmer Yuen Gong Yi. In fact, the Hong Kong riots are direct results of the activities of Steve Bannon and his mates. If they are not stopped, there really may be a war. But that does not frighten Steve Bannon. He has nothing against a war. He desired a war. He is igniting it. Like the crusaders of the middle ages, he thrives on expansions and the conflicts. Forbes reported, somehow sarcastically, on 20 August 2020: “The yacht former white house senior advisor Steve Bannon was arrested on recently is the 152-foot-long Feadship Lady May that’s reportedly owned by Guo Wengui, an exiled Chinese billionaire who has business ties with Bannon. And it’s for sale.” It is all very symbolic. It is shocking. But at least the man who did so much harm to the world, and who has been pushing his country towards direct confrontation with the most populous nation on earth, is under arrest, although presently released on $5 million bail. Associated Press reported on 24 August 2020: “US District Judge Analisa Torres said President Donald Trump’s former chief strategist can appear in her court along with three co-defendants on a video screen because of the health threat posed by the coronavirus.” A lenient treatment. But logical; shockingly, Mr. Bannon is not seen as a delinquent by the US establishment. To many, he is just a pro-Western, pro-Christian, pro-right-wing warrior. As he himself so proudly declares he is.
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rebeccathewinterqueen · 5 years ago
Awakening: Megumi-chan
Title: Awakening (The Samaya Court Book 1)
Fandoms: Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokemon
Characters: Yuugi Mutou, Jounouchi Katsuya, Honda Hiroto, Miho Nosaka, Anzu Mazaki, Sugoroku Mutou, Kimiko Mutou (Yuugi’s mother), Eevee
A/N: No, the manga mentioned here isn’t Pokemon Adventures. I have a plan for that later in the series, but not for a while. Also, trying to lengthen the chapters a bit so every episode doesn’t end up three parts, though this was a lot longer than I originally intended. Do you guys prefer longer chapters?
Read Chapter 3: Furious Battle pt 3 here
A few days after discovering Eevee in his room, and Yuugi still hadn’t told his grandfather. He just didn’t know how to tell the older man. How does one go about telling someone a creature from a game is actually real? Yuugi wondered, poking listlessly at his breakfast.
“Well, isn’t this interesting,” Sugoroku murmured, laying the morning’s newspaper on the table. “Yuugi, have you seen this article? That game you like is being featured.” He abandoned breakfast and scooted around the table to see what his grandfather was talking about.
Yuugi frowned, skimming quickly over the paragraphs. According to the article, real life Pokemon had been spotted around all of Kanto over the last few days. The journalist questioned if it was merely an elaborate prank, or if Industrial Illusions, the company that created the Pokemon card game, had created mechanical versions of the monsters as a promotion for their upcoming expansion pack.
This was the best opportunity he was going to get, he decided. He took a breath. “Jii-chan?”
“Yes, Yuugi?”
“Do you think this article is real?”
“I should hope not,” Kimiko said briskly, bustling in with her own breakfast. Yuugi flinched; he had thought she would be gone for the day already. In addition to keeping the books for the shop, his mother also did payroll for a few other small businesses in the area, and today was a day she normally did her rounds. “I’ve seen those cards. Normal animals are messy enough, let alone having ones running around spitting fire.” She grimaced.
“It might not be so bad,” Sugoroku said thoughtfully. He scratched his chin. “Some of them are pretty cute.”
“In the manga they’re friendly,” Yuugi offered quietly. They had started releasing volumes every month since last September. After Eevee’s appearance he had looked through his cards and the few chapters that had been released for just a little information on his new friend. There wasn’t much.
The card had only recently been released as part of the Jungle expansion and mentioned eevee having an irregular genetic code that could be influenced by radiation from elemental stones. The listed attacks were Tail Wag and Quick Attack. The former kept the opponent from attacking eevee on their next turn and the latter was a simple attack that might do more damage if the player managed to flip heads. And the manga had only mentioned an eevee once in passing.
The manga was cute and fun, but if Yuugi was honest, if it hadn’t been related to his favorite card game he probably wouldn’t have bothered with it. It was pretty basic.
“Cats and dogs are friendly,” Kimiko pointed out, “but they still make a mess. Yuugi, you should finish getting ready for school, dear. You’ll need to leave soon.”
“Right.” He shoved another few bites in his mouth and stood. “Thanks for breakfast!” He took his dishes to the sink and headed back upstairs to grab his school bag, managing to sneak his portion fish in a napkin up with him.
“I hope he’s not going to start asking for a pet,” his mother grumbled as he rounded the corner to the stairs.
“Maybe you should let him have one,” his grandfather suggested mildly. “Something small, like a cat, maybe.”
“One more thing for me to clean up.”
Yuugi shook his head and went upstairs. He didn’t blame his mother for not wanting to clean up after an animal when she already did so much around the house, plus her bookkeeping. He had been trying to do better with keeping his room clean for the last few days so his mother wouldn’t have to search around for laundry—the less searching she had to do, the better Eevee could hide.
The Pokemon was sleeping in his windowsill when he opened the door. She cracked her eyes open and made a quiet noise before closing them again. She didn’t even uncurl or move around. He set the fish on the desk and petted her gently before heading out. He wasn’t worried; she had managed to hide this long without his interference, so he knew her hearing must be as sharp as any cat or dog’s.
He should take her out, he decided as he headed down the stairs. He managed to sneak her outside in the evenings to do her business, but she really needed to run around and play. He hadn’t before because he hadn’t found a secluded enough spot, but if the newspaper article was right, he might not even need to because other Pokemon were popping up all over the place.
“I’m headed out,” he called, barely listening to his mother and grandfather wish him a good day. The park would probably be fine, he decided. He would just stay away from the road. Maybe after school. His mother would be gone until sometime this evening, so he would have a couple hours to let her run around. They might even see another Pokemon, he thought with a grin.
“Well, don’t you look happy today,” Anzu teased, walking up next to him. “Good news at home?”
Yuugi shook his head. “Not particularly. But I saw a really cool news article.”
“What, the thing about the Pokemon sightings?” Yuugi nodded. “Yeah, that was kinda cool to see,” Anzu admitted. “Surprised it was the headliner, though. Did you see the article about the prison break?”
“There was a prison break?” Yuugi asked.
Anzu nodded. “Some guy called Jiro the Jorogumo. Apparently he’s really good at disguises and he got put away for robbery.”
“Guess I should make sure Jii-chan knows.” Domino was a small city and not without it’s crime, but they lived in a relatively quiet area. They still locked their doors, but it might be a good idea to lock up the more valuable merchandise until they caught the guy again.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
“No, I swear I saw a caterpie hanging around Kaa-san’s Oran bushes!”
Another girl snorted. “Probably just a caterpillar, that’s what it’s based on, right?”
“Caterpillars don’t get that big,” her friend insisted. She held her hands about a foot apart. “Like that!”
“It’s just a hoax,” her friend insisted. She held the other girl’s hand. “I know you really like Pokemon and butterfree’s like, your favorite, but—”
The girl pulled away, scowling. “But nothing! I didn’t imagine it, it wasn’t a trick, it was real!” Her face grew stormier with every word. “You think I’m lying?”
Yuugi dropped into his seat and set his bag on his desk’s hook. The news article was the most popular topic of conversation that morning. He didn’t know either girl very well, but they had always been friends. He had never heard them argue before.
Jounouchi took the seat in front of him, Honda and Miho not too far behind. “What are those two fighting about?”
“Um, remember the card game? Pokemon?” Yuugi kept his voice down, trying not to draw the attention of the arguing girls. Jounouchi nodded. “Did you see the newspaper this morning?”
“No.” Jou frowned at him. “Why, what’s that got to do with it?”
“Oh, I saw it,” Honda said, nodding. “Seems like some kind of elaborate prank to me.”
“There have been sightings of real life Pokemon all around Kanto,” Yuugi elaborated. “People seeing them all over the place.”
“That would be super cool,” Jou said with a grin. “Can you imagine having a charmander?”
“Some people just have way too much time on their hands,” Honda muttered. “Seriously, who has the time to do a prank like this? It completely took over the front page.”
“Well, what if it was real?” Yuugi asked nervously. His palms started to sweat a little, and he discreetly wiped them off. “What if we could have a Pokemon?”
“What, like, pick them up off the street?” Anzu wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think I could handle a feral cat, let alone a monster from a card game.”
“The manga makes them look pretty sweet,” Miho said, biting her lip. “I don’t think they’d be very feral. It would be really cool to have a vulpix, too.” She clapped her hands together and smiled. “They’re so adorable!”
“I…didn’t know you read the manga, Miho-chan,” Honda said weakly, looking torn. Yuugi knew Honda—as the president of the beautification club he worked hard to be seen as sensible and make the school as presentable as possible, and these Pokemon sightings weren’t sensible at all. But Miho was clearly interested and thought they would be cool, and he had such a huge crush on her he tended to agree with everything she said.
Miho nodded, oblivious to the internal conflict Yuugi could see brewing in Honda’s eyes. “Oh yes. It’s really cute. I like the game, too. There’s not as many cute Pokemon cards as I would like, but the upcoming expansion is supposed to change that.”
“I have a deck, too,” Anzu confessed, “though I haven’t played very much.”
“Yep, me three,” Jou said, nodding along. “And I’ve seen Yuugi’s deck, so I know he’s into it too.”
Yuugi nodded enthusiastically. “I started playing not long after it came out.” He smiled at Honda. “If you want, I could bring you some of my extra cards. You can build a deck and we can all play together.”
Miho bounced slightly on her toes. “That sounds like so much fun! Hey, maybe we could meet up after school? We’ll get Honda-kun started, and then we could all play each other.”
“That sounds fun,” Anzu agreed happily. “Should we go to Yuugi’s after school?”
Yuugi froze, his smile becoming fixed. If they came over to his house, they would see Eevee, and he still hadn’t told them about her. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea…”
Jou frowned. “Why not?”
“Um…” The bell rang, saving him from having to answer, and his friends were forced to go to their seats. He sighed quietly as the homeroom teacher walked in and they rose in greeting.
Maybe he should just tell them? But what if they didn’t believe him? It would be great to show them, but would it be a good idea to crowd everyone into his room for it? What if Eevee didn’t like crowds?
A trip to the park was sounding better and better. Maybe they could hang out there? That way he could introduce them without Eevee feeling like she was trapped, and then they could play cards together after. He perked up. It would be great, he was sure. They would all love Eevee—she was small and cute and most assuredly not a robot or a puppet. He would tell them at lunch he wanted to go to park.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
By the end of the day Yuugi thought he was going to throw up. What if his friends were mad at him for waiting to tell them? He knew he hadn’t known Jou, Honda, or Miho for very long, but he had known Anzu since elementary school and he really should have told her sooner. She was always honest and straightforward with him—it was one of the things he liked best about her.
Well, he thought, he would just have to make it up to her. He marched home—alone for the first time in the last few days. Anzu had always been on-and-off about whether she could walk home with him or not, or if he could walk with her, but Jou had been stuck to his side like glue ever since they had become friends. It felt odd that he wasn’t there now.
“Jii-chan, I’m home,” Yuugi called, walking in the front door of the game shop.
“Welcome home,” Sugoroku responded cheerfully. He set down the magazine he had been reading, the pages revealing a colorful two-page spread about the upcoming Pokemon expansion. “How was school?”
“Pretty boring,” Yuugi confessed. He cracked a smile. “Mostly everyone talked about the news.”
“The Pokemon article? I imagine everyone would have been excited about that one.”
“Yeah, mostly that and the breakout.”
“Oh, yes, I saw that article too.” Sugoroku frowned thoughtfully. “I guess I should keep some of the pricier merchandise in the stock room overnight. I can’t imagine what that man would try to steal here—I remember his case, and he always targeted places like jewelry stores—but I suppose if he was desperate enough…”
“I guess so.” Yuugi stepped over to the side door that led to the house and kicked off his shoes. “I’m just going to grab my cards, then I’m hanging out at the park with my friends. We’re going to see if we can get Honda started on a deck.”
“Go on, then,” the older man said, waving him on with a smile. “And make sure you’re home by dinner.”
Eevee was waiting for him when he opened his bedroom door, lying on his bed on her back, paws in the air as she wriggled. She rolled over onto her stomach, ears pricked. “Vee?”
Yuugi quickly emptied his bag. “We’re going to the park today,” he said, keeping his voice low. He scratched her ears. “I want to introduce you to my friends.”
“Eevee!” She jumped to her feet, tail wagging and eyes shining. She hopped onto the floor and raced over to him, jumping at his chest. He caught her reflexively, giggling helplessly when she licked his cheek.
“Alright, alright!” He felt even guiltier now. He should have found a way to take her out sooner. “Let me get my cards and then we’ll go. Are you okay being in my bag?” She looked at it critically, then barked her agreement. “Let’s go, then.”
His extra cards didn’t take up too much space, thankfully. He picked them up from his desk. They mostly stayed in a small flat box, the inside separated into three slots for Pokemon, trainer cards, and energy cards. He set it on the bottom of the bag and let Eevee jump in after. He zipped the bag most of the way, leaving the top slightly open so she could breathe and wouldn’t feel too claustrophobic.
“Just keep your head down, okay?” he whispered, carefully putting the backpack on. He felt Eevee scrunch down against his back, then went back downstairs, much slower than he normally was.
“Jii-chan, I’m going now,” he called through the doorway. He hastily slid his shoes back on, trying to get out the door before his grandfather could see him.
“You must have more cards than I thought,” Sugoroku commented, looking up from his magazine. “Have fun with your friends, Yuugi.”
Yuugi froze for a moment, shoulders tensed. He forcibly relaxed them. “I will!”
He sighed in relief as the door closed behind him. That was way too close for comfort. He was just glad his grandfather thought he was carrying a lot of cards and didn’t notice the shape of the bump was too round to be his card box.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Yuugi had hoped to be the first one to arrive at the park. He had wanted to pick a more secluded spot so he could introduce Eevee, maybe let her out beforehand so she could look around too. Unfortunately, by the time he got there Honda and Jou were already sitting at the pavilion, a covered area with several picnic benches. Jou had a Ziploc of cards sitting on the table, but neither of them were looking at them and their faces were uncharacteristically grim.
Jou smiled and waved when he saw him, though, erasing the dark look entirely. It was almost enough to make Yuugi think he had made a mistake, but Honda wasn’t nearly as good at hiding his face.
“Hey Jounouchi-kun, Honda-kun,” Yuugi greeted. He carefully shrugged out of his backpack and set it on the table. “Is something wrong?”
“Nah, man.” Jounouchi leaned back with an easy smile, hands locked behind his head. Honda stayed quiet, face still serious. “Everything’s good. What all do you have in the bag? You can’t tell me it’s all cards.”
“It’s not all cards,” Yuugi admitted. He winked. “But I’m not telling until the girls get here.”
“They shouldn’t be too long, should they?” Jou leaned forward, reaching for the bag. “Nothing wrong with a little peek, right?”
Yuugi pulled the bag to his chest, hugging it tightly. Eevee shifted slightly, but Jou and Honda didn’t seem to notice. “No peeking!”
Jou sat up with a pout, arms crossed. “Fine, no peeking.” He gave Yuugi his best rendition of puppy dog eyes. “At least a hint?”
“Okay.” Yuugi thought for a minute. What kind of hint could Yuugi give that wouldn’t give the whole thing away? If he referenced the news article they would get it immediately. “It…it has to do with the game,” he finally said, feeling his way slowly through the words. “And Miho will really like it.”
“Y-you brought Miho a present?” Honda gave him a despairing look.
Yuugi winced. “Um, not a present for her. It’s mine. I just think it’s something she’ll happen to like.”
This didn’t seem to help. Honda stood, hands planted on the table. “Why not bring her a present? Miho’s beauty and kindness put even the most perfect rose to shame, she deserves—!”
“Easy, Honda,” Jou sighed. He grabbed his friend’s arm and tugged him back down. “Relax, will you?”
Maybe he should have picked a better hint, Yuugi thought. Invoking Miho was a sure-shot way of getting Honda all worked up.
“Hey guys!” Yuugi looked over to see Anzu waving at them, Miho walking next to her with a huge pink binder. The girls joined them, Anzu sitting next to Yuugi and Miho placing her binder carefully on the table before sitting next to her. “Sorry we took so long. Miho hid her cards too well.”
“My cards are very important,” the other girl huffed, nose in the air. “I don’t want anyone to steal them. Especially with that escaped thief running around.”
Anzu pulled a small deck builder box from her school bag and set it on the table next to the binder. “Miho, I don’t think that guy’s interested in stealing game cards.”
“Well, he could be! Didn’t you hear about that collector in Unova? Someone killed him, and the only thing missing was his Mew card!”
“I remember hearing about that,” Yuugi said, frowning thoughtfully. “It was a really rare promotional card from when the game first released. Only four were ever released, put into random card packs. They’re worth at least 300,000 yen.”
“And our cards won’t compare to that,” Anzu finished. She patted Miho’s hand. “You’re a really good player, but your cards aren’t that rare. Which you should be glad about.”
Miho deflated and sighed. “I guess so.”
“Cheer up, Miho!” Honda grabbed her hand with both of his. “Yuugi brought something with him that he said you’ll like!”
“A present? For me?” Miho blinked and turned to Yuugi with a bright smile. “You didn’t have to bring me anything, Yuugi!”
Yuugi almost smacked himself in the forehead. He leaned onto the table, face cradled in one hand, but the landing was still pretty hard. “It isn’t a present,” he muttered. “I just wanted to introduce you guys, jeez…”
Jou blinked. “What, like, a pet or something? You carried a pet all the way in your school bag?”
“Yuugi,” Anzu groaned. “What if it made a mess?”
“She didn’t make a mess,” Yuugi protested, waving his hands. He took a deep breath. “Look, I’ll just…” He unzipped his bag. “Eevee, you can come out now.”
“Veeeee~.” He ignored his friends looks—from the confused looks Honda and Jou sported to Miho’s excitement and Anzu’s unease—they weren’t what mattered right then. Eevee stood with a luxurious stretch, her back arched much like a cat’s, but since she was in the backpack all his friends could see was a set of ears and a fluffy tail. Then she jumped out, using Yuugi’s arm as a brief launching pad to get to the picnic table.
“This is Eevee,” Yuugi said, petting her head gently. “Eevee, these are my friends. Anzu, Miho-chan, Jounouchi-kun, and Honda-kun.” He pointed to each of them in turn, letting Eevee focus on them briefly before moving on. The manga showed Pokemon as very willing to battle and occasionally more than a little protective, and he didn’t want her to mistake his friends’ joking and playing as “attacking” him.
“She’s so adorable!” Miho exclaimed, hands clasped over her heart. She scooped Eevee up, cuddling her close.
“That’s an Eevee,” Jou said slowly, face blank.
Anzu reached over to carefully run her hand down the length of Eevee’s back, burying her fingers in the luxurious fur. “It’s real! Yuugi, how…?”
“She,” he corrected her gently. “And I’m not sure.” He wrapped his hand around the Puzzle. “Well, I think I have a theory, but you might think it’s silly…”
“We won’t laugh,” Anzu promised. She glared at the boys. “Right?”
Honda and Jou shrank back. “Right.”
“Well,” Yuugi said, “remember how I completed the Millennium Puzzle a few days ago?” His friends nodded. “It…well, it started glowing, and then Eevee was there the next day. I woke up, and she was asleep on the bed.”
“So you think solving the Puzzle made it—sorry, her,” Jou corrected hurriedly, raising his hands. Eevee had twisted to glare at him, and Yuugi struggled to keep a straight face when Jou backed off, acting the same way he did when Anzu was upset. “Sorry. You think solving it made her appear?”
Yuugi nodded jerkily. Eevee wriggled in Miho’s arms until the girl let her go, then stood in front of Yuugi, snuggling against his face happily. He hugged her back.
“That kind of makes sense,” Anzu said thoughtfully. She tapped her cheek with one finger. “Yeah, I can see how you might come to that conclusion. You solve the Millennium Puzzle, and then Eevee appears, so the Puzzle must be why.”
“But you don’t think it’s true,” Yuugi said softly. He looked down at Eevee and petted her.
“Sorry, no,” Anzu said, shaking her head. “I mean, the Puzzle is really small, it’s not like she could fit in there. And the other Pokemon wouldn’t, either, assuming they’re not a hoax.”
“Jii-chan said it was a magical artifact,” Yuugi pointed out. “I don’t think they would have been physically trapped in the Puzzle. Maybe…maybe it just unlocked something?”
“…I think maybe Yuugi’s right,” Miho said, smiling. “What other explanation is there?”
“Well…” Honda said slowly. Yuugi wondered how hard it was for him to disagree with anything Miho said. “There’s a rumor Kaiba Corp partnered with Industrial Illusions for a video game. You’ve heard it, right? Maybe they’re robots! Or maybe they were grown in a lab somewhere. Plus the release of the new card expansion is right around the corner. They could have released their creations as a promotion.” Honda looked at Jounouchi, who was sitting with his arms crossed and his eyes closed. “Right, Jou?”
“I don’t think even Kaiba Corp has the technology to make an entirely new biological creature,” Jou said. He cracked one eye open to look at the girls. “And did she feel like a robot to you?” Miho shook her head rapidly, and after a moment, Anzu followed suit. “Then I think Yuugi’s idea has the most merit.” Yuugi looked up, staring at Jou with wide eyes.
“Magic?” Honda asked dryly. Jou nodded. “…magic?”
Jou twitched. “Makes more sense than Kaiba Corp growing her in a lab,” he growled. “They aren’t even involved in medicine, they’re a tech company!”
This devolved into Jou and Honda arguing. Anzu and Miho scooted closer to Yuugi.
“…do you really think the Puzzle is why Eevee is here?” Anzu asked softly. Yuugi nodded, his stomach knotting up. “Well…I guess unlocking something makes more sense than her coming from the Puzzle directly…”
“Maybe we should ask your grandfather,” Miho said softly, scritching Eevee on top of her head. Yuugi froze.
He hadn’t told Jii-chan.
He had been so focused on hiding Eevee he had forgotten Jii-chan. He could have said something before he left! It would have been the perfect time, too, because Kaa-san hadn’t come back yet. And Jii-chan might have been able to help him convince Kaa-san.
“You didn’t tell him?” Anzu hissed, taking in the look on his face with wide eyes. “Yuugi!”
“I forgot,” he wailed. Eevee licked his cheek, but it didn’t do much to distract him. “I was trying to think of a name and I wanted to get her to the park and I forgot!” Honda and Jou stopped arguing to look at him, their faces alarmed.
“Well, damn,” Jou muttered. “What are you going to do? I can’t take her home for you, pal. Sorry.”
“I can’t either,” Anzu murmured. Miho shook her head.
“I’ll tell Jii-chan,” Yuugi assured them. He bit his lip. “Next time Kaa-san’s out…I can hide her in my room until then…”
Understanding dawned on Anzu’s face. “That’s right, I forgot. Your mom doesn’t like pets.”
“My parents work in Celadon,” Honda said, licking his lips. “Maybe…I mean, they won’t be back until the weekend, so she could stay with me a couple days, you know? Until you get the opportunity to tell your grandfather.”
“Really? You would do that for me, Honda-kun?” Yuugi asked, vision blurring slightly. He blinked rapidly.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” Honda assured him. “Just let me know when you want to pick her up. And you can come see her any time.”
“Thank you!” He half-launched himself over the table and grabbed Honda around the neck, pulling him into a hug. Honda yelped, then patted him on the back. “Thankyouthankyouthankyou—”
Miho giggled. “Yuugi, smothering Honda-kun isn’t a good way to show gratitude.”
Yuugi flushed and let him go. “Sorry, Honda-kun.”
“It’s fine.” Honda rubbed the back of his neck. “Hey, I have an idea! Why don’t we come up with a name for Eevee-chan? That’ll make introducing her to Mutou-san much easier.”
“That’s a great idea,” Jou said enthusiastically. “But, uh…why don’t we find a place to get a drink? It’s a little warm out today.”
Yuugi nodded. It was a little warmer than normal, and he was sure Eevee had it worse because of her fur. “There’s a new restaurant that just opened up,” he suggested. “BurgerWorld. I’ve been meaning to try there.”
“Yeah, they already have a pretty good reputation,” Anzu said thoughtfully. “I heard they have a Pecha smoothie that’s to die for.”
“Sounds like it’s settled, then,” Jou said. They stood to go, and Yuugi let Eevee down to walk next to them.
They were silent as they walked, until Miho broke it was a soft hum. “Hey Yuugi…Eevee’s a pretty rare card, right? What about Takara? With the kanji for ‘treasure’.”
Eevee made a face, and Yuugi giggled helplessly. She looked like she had just swallowed a mouthful of vinegar. “Not that one, I guess…hey, if you want to evolve into Vaporeon, we could name you Yoko! We could write it as ‘ocean child’.” Eevee shook her head. “Alright…”
“Well, it’s spring time,” Jou pointed out. “What about Sakiko? For ‘flower child’.” Eevee tilted her head, as if considering it, but ultimately shook it, tail twitching.
Honda was the next to speak up, after a few more minutes of silent walking. “Akemi can be written as ‘bright and beautiful’. That’s an auspicious name.” She almost seemed happy with that one, but shook her head eventually. “I guess you’re more cute, anyway…” Eevee yipped at him, and he held his hands up. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way!”
“Hey, what about Megumi?” Anzu asked. She smiled at Eevee and Yuugi. “It can be written to mean ‘love and affection’. I think that fits her really well.”
Yuugi looked down at Eevee. “What do you think?”
Eevee seemed to think it over for a minute. Then she wagged her tail once, ears pricked. “Vee!”
“I think she approves.” Yuugi smiled brightly. “Thanks, Anzu.”
“It’s no problem!” She reached down and rubbed the newly-named Megumi’s ears. “I’m just glad Megumi-chan likes her new name.”
“Awesome!” Jou cheered. “Good timing too—we’re here! Let’s celebrate!”
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starr-fall-knight-rise · 6 years ago
Humans are Space Orcs “Psychopath”
*Reader Discression is Advised. Contains Violent content* 
The Journal of Mechanics and Biology
The human brain is designed to run based on a set of complex backup systems. For example, All aspects of visual perception are not located in the same area. If you are to destroy one aspect of the visual system they may be able to retain other aspects of that same system. For this reason it is rather difficult to fully remove the functioning of a single sensory aspect by damaging cortical tissue. However, due to the complexity of these backup systems within a human brain, the slightest malfunction can also cause a mass ripple affect throughout the entire brain.
An imbalance in their neurotransmission chemicals can cause system wide catastrophic failure which can lead to any number of problems including, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, etc.. Additionally, improper neural connections can also cause ripple effects in behavior. A defective connection between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala is, perhaps, one of the most unsettling.
Though we know little about the subject, human studies have connected this to Antisocial Personality which can be further broken down into Sociopathy and Psychopathy. Specifically focusing on Psychopathy we find that a disconnect between the frontal lobe and the amygdala demonstrate a lack of empathy and the absence of fear. A human Psychopath often participants in extreme risky and criminal activity because they feel no fear worry or guilt, sensations which keep normal Humans within the bounds of their social law. 
While many psychopaths do not become violent and prefer to work high risk business jobs, when they do get a taste for criminality, the results can be catastrophic. With a lack of fear and empathy, a human psychopath may see no issue with violent crimes against his own species.
As far as we know, there is no reasonable way to detect a human psychopath on short notice, but those who have had experience have indicated that, because of their heightened animalistic instincts, another human may feel uneasy when confronted with one. Though this way of telling is not always accurate, it should be taken under advisement that if a number of humans are uneasy around one of their own species, than it is best to stay clear. 
Krill stood silently next to Captain Vir, as the ship’s cargo ramp was lowered towards the dusty ground below. A cloud of red dust plumbed into the air before dispersing to show a wide expanse of flat, red rock broken, only distantly, by the occasional hill, and a windswept concrete structure surrounded on all sides by security fences and posted with guards. 
Just below them, a dusty red jeep, a human vehicle, sat sides covered in a thick layering of red dust. 
“Remind me again why we would take on such a risky mission.” Krill asked quietly glancing nervously at the group of four guards and one prisoner standing quietly outside the vehicle.
Captain Vir gave a short laugh, and with a clank he took his first step forward onto the cargo ramp prosthetic foot clattering against the metal below him.
“It can’t be that risky.” He began, “It’s just a prisoner transport.’ Krill clattered onto the ramp after him making sure to stay behind the safety of the captain’s larger form.
“Besides.” The captain muttered, “No one else is willing to risk dealing with a human prisoner, so the galactic assembly contacted us personally.”
Krill didn’t much like that explanation, but he gave up trying to understand it as they made their way to the bottom of the ramp.
The captain showed no such worry making his way straight up to the group of guards as a few of the crew members clattered down the stairs behind them.
As was order by the galactic assembly, the human prisoner was bound with the proper human restraints including ankle chains wrist manacles and a belly chain all connected together to reduce his movement. Additionally, his mouth and nose were covered by a clear plastic spit-shield. The human didn’t appear worried or agitated in the slightest. In fact, his posture was rather relaxed as he waited in the scorching desert sun.
Odd though, looking at the human guards, Krill noted the stiffness of their bodies, and the watchfulness of their eyes. They were agitated, while the prisoner was not. Krill didn’t see why, the human was perfectly calm.
Captain Vir ignored the signs as well making his way to the guard in charge to exchange a few words before the man handed over a cream colored file. The captain appeared perplexed by something the man said, but brushed it off a moment later and motion the group of men towards the ship.
The  guards complied, and marched the prisoner up the ramp and into the cargo bay. Krill followed captain Vir on their way back up pleased to be out of the heat, which had already drained much of his energy. 
“We leave him in your capable hands.” The guard captain said, “Just remember what I told you, and you should have no problems.”
Captain Vir gave a short nod, and the man backed out of the cargo bay. As soon as he did so Krill noted the man’s posture straighten as if a heavy weight had been lifted off his shoulders. By the look on his face, you would have thought he had just returned from battle. 
Captain Vir barked an order, and the ramp gave a metallic hiss closing behind them finally blocking the oppressive heat radiating inwards from the desert moon.
Captain vir turned just then giving off a sharp hiss of surprise. Krill turned and paused to find that the other human, the prisoner, had moved silently forward so the two men were now nose to nose.
The entire cargo bay had gone quiet, and Krill watched in confusion as all the blood drained from the captain’s face.
The prisoner gave a chuckle and stepped back wide smile visible through the spit shield.
The white was replaced suddenly by a wash of red, and the captain stepped forward again right into the prisoner’s space. 
Krill stepped back in shock. He had never seen such a primitively overt manifestation of dominance from the captain. Whatever just happened, had caused an almost primal reaction.
“Threaten me again, and that chain goes around your neck.” The captain hissed looming a good two inches over the prisoner. 
Despite the show of dominance, the prisoner remained smiling posture relaxed. There was no fear in his eyes.
Despite this, the captain stood his ground as the man was dragged towards the brig by a group of four other humans.
As soon as the man left the room, the captain’s face drained again and he stepped back looking almost sick. One hand moved to rub the opposite arm. That hand was shaking. 
Krill stepped forward.
“Captain, are you alright?”
The man gave a confused shake of his head, “Yeah I.... think so... I don’t know that man just. Uh, makes my skin crawl.”
Krill glanced down at the captain’s dermal layer but found nothing untoward.
The captain must have noticed, “A figure of speech, Krill. He bothers me.... the look in his eyes... uh.”
As it turned out, the captain wasn’t the only one to be so affected. Other members of the crew reported similar, though varying, levels of uneasiness. Krill found the idea both fascinating and chilling. What about such a diminutive human could create such a visceral reaction in the crew. While the captain had responded to the man with increased dominance, a few of the other humans refused to be in the same room with him. Others, left his presence shaking and one or more of the crew members demanded that the captain release him immediately for someone else to take care of.
Though the captain looked inclined to agree, he was forced to admit there were no other options.
Krill tried to understand it, but the answers he received were mostly the same. There was something about the prisoner that caused the other humans to respond as if they were in close proximity to one of their own earth predators. As far as Krill knew, there wasn’t much that could scare a human, but this was something all together different.
A few times he took to watching the prisoner through the cameras in his cell, but As far as krill could tell, there was nothing so different about him. He seemed relatively calm and well behaved for a human. He barely talked, and aside from his first interaction with the captain, he had not made any overtly dominant attempts. 
Chained only with the handcuffs, the human switched between sleeping and resting with his back to the floor staring up at the ceiling.
Once accompanying the captain to feed the prisoner, Krill learned just how unnerving the new human could be.
The captain had just slid the trey through the bars when, suddenly, the man was right there. The captain took a step back in shock. The look on the other human’s face was unnaturally focused eyes narrowed in concentration mouth turned in a wide grin.
“Good morning, Captain.” The man began. The tone of his voice was pleasant enough, though Krill noted the same visceral reaction of the captain whose mouth twitched in disgust hands balling defensively into fists.
“What do you want.” He snapped
“Oh come now, captain. I just wanted to make a friendly greeting to someone who has graciously taken care of me.” Krill watched as the man eyed the captaining up and down expression almost hungry as he did so.
“You can take your thanks and shove them up your ass.” The captain growled.
The man frowned, “Such an aversion to someone you know nothing about.”
“I know your a psycho. Don’t need a degree to tell you that.”He growled quietly, “Come on, Krill.”The captain snapped marching them out into the hall and slamming the door behind him.
Captain Vir must have seen the reaction on his face for he stopped and gave a sigh, “Sometimes people just make you feel wrong. It’s like Evil becomes a physical sensation crawling around inside you like a bucket of maggots.”
Krill shook his head in disgust, no wonder they were so averse to the stranger,
Vir Sighed, “I read the man’s file about a day ago... should never have agreed to this mission. Wouldn’t’ve if I had know what he’d done.”
“And what did he do?”
The captain eyed Krill for a long moment before sighing, “You know humans are a very aggressive race.... we are a species of extremes, and while there is good there is evil, and that man broke one of the two greatest taboos in human society.”
“And what are those?” Krill asked nervously.
“The two are Cannibalism and Incest.”
Krill gave a little squeak of horror upon hearing the definition of the two words. He even gave a little step back from the captain horrified that a species could even be capable of such behavior.
The captain held out a hand, “I said it’s Taboo, Krill. Meaning NORMAL people are disgusted by it.”
Krill swallowed hard, “And which one did he do.”
Vir gave a short hiss, “When they caught him, they also found the remains of at least five separate people. When they couldn’t find the rest he admitted to cooking them up and eating them.”
If Krill could have been sick he would have.
Psychopathy was a new word for Krill, and he quickly learned the meaning just a day out from the last station when accompanying the captain to move the prisoner. Despite their distrust, they shouldn’t have grown so complacent. 
They should have left on the proper restraints.
Instead they had chained him by one hand to the bars, while they cleared his cell.
The captain was replacing the bedding when it happened. A loud snap and a roar of pain. Krill turned to find the prisoner rushing towards him. One of his hands had been mangled beyond recognition. The man had broken his own thumb in order to slip it from the cuffs.
Krill was knocked out of the way, thrown violently against the wall where he lay dazed and confused.
The thing that had knocked him aside barreled past and slammed into the prisoner. 
The captain and the prisoner were tossed to the ground in a heap of thrashing limbs and fists. Krill curled back in terror.
The captain gave a scream and Krill turned away mortified as the prisoner came up for air, Grin dripping with blood.
More solid striking noises. A desperate fight.
Krill peered out from behind his cowering limbs just in time to see the captain demonstrate a human phenomenon he had heard about but never seen. He lifted the prisoner from his chest and hurled him back. So powerful was the throw, that the other man slammed into the wall feet away. He was up in seconds pinning the man back against the wall as teeth snapped inches from his neck.
Krill could hear voices from the other side of the door.
But it was too late, the captain had already made his decision. The knife appeared in his hand a moment later. 
Krill had never seen a human fight before much less death. But he watched the knife vanish and then reappear covered in blood first once and then twice then three times. Blood gurgled from the prisoner’s mouth in a sputtering laugh.
He collapsed to the floor, and the captain staggered away hands covered in blood. He eyed the corpse long after the heart had failed. 
The door was thrown open moments later.
Men rushed in.
They moved towards the captain and the fallen corpse.
Trying to get close, the captain jerked away hands over his face slowly backing away from the other humans.
He backed over to the wall next to krill and slid down. HIs face was pale eyes wide, nothing like his attacker. His skin appeared clammy and cold.
A lot of species are afraid of humans, but oddly enough Krill knew the truth. Humans weren’t scary in general. They were protective and aggressive, but they were honest and friendly. Humans were made to adapt well in a social environments, they were good companions to have. Humans that couldn’t preform socially were immediately ostracized and rejected by other humans. This is why psychopathy is so profoundly disturbing. The intentional rejection of proper social action makes other humans uncomfortable and even aggressive. It’s a primitive response, but useful when you want to know who is and is not dangerous. 
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metalgearkong · 5 years ago
MediEvil 2019 - Review (PS4)
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Developed by Other Ocean Emeryville / Sony Computer Entertainment, released October 2019
It has risen again! The original MediEvil from 1998 is one of my favorite games of all time, and one of the games I have completed the most. Like other games from the PS1 era, I discovered MediEvil on a demo disc and replayed it constantly. I loved the Nightmare Before Christmas aesthetics and music, and liked that it stared a cowardly bumbling skeleton. The late 90′s was a time of experimentation for 3D action/adventure games, and while some people hold Ocarina of Time or Super Mario 64 as their favorites of the genre, MediEvil has always been my personal favorite. MediEvil II released two years later, but lost a lot of its appeal for me because it took place in Victorian London instead of the graveyards and spooky locations of the original. MediEvil: Resurrection was made in 2005 for the PSP, but was more of a re-imagining of the original game, and not a true remake.
I had heard about MediEvil being remade yet again a couple years ago, but tried to have tempered expectations, and not buy into what could amount to be rumors. I imagined it would be akin to a big screen version of MediEvil: Resurrection, or at least the developers would butcher the original game. Last year was when I saw the trailer for this MediEvil remake, and I felt more confident in it. While most people were anticipating big triple-A or franchise games for 2019, my sights and hopes were dead set on this. Finally, after all this time of waiting, MediEvil 2019 has released exclusively for the PS4, and I couldn’t be happier with the final product. Other Ocean Emeryville has created a deeply loyal and extremely faithful remake of the original game I cherish so much, but I feel like only true fans will be able to truly appreciate it for the accomplishment it is.
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Before I talk about the game proper, I have to elaborate on the unexpected odyssey it took to actually get the game going. Not only do I have to make a three hour round trip to the nearest Gamestop to get a copy, the game had to immediately download a day one patch: version 1.01. This update was a massive 16GB, and with my super slow mountainous wi-fi speed, my PS4 predicted it would take at least 50 hours. There was no option to begin the game without this update. I was floored. It put me in a state of blue-balled depression and denial. So I took my TV, PS4, and all the necessary cords, and physically hooked in my PS4 to my work’s ethernet cable in a public building, hoping no one would disturb it. The estimated time dropped to a meager four hours, and it made me feel a lot better. Ironically, my PS4 only realized I didn’t have enough storage space to download the update, and somewhere along the line it quit. Thankfully, it let me play after giving up.
Expectations mean a lot, and leading up to this MediEvil releasing, I intentionally did not do a lot of research on the game in order to discover it in person as I was playing. I didn’t realize this was a fully committed remake of the original. MediEvil: Resurrection disappointed me because it changed a bunch about the game and left out a lot of my favorite levels. 2019′s MediEvil recreates every inch of the original game with modern graphics. I was so thrilled I can’t even describe how cool it was to see one of my favorite games of all time with a new coat of skin, especially because I never thought THIS game would be chosen to be remade. Not only that, but the game uses the same exact audio for most of the dialog; each and every gargoyle head and character Dan meets plays the same audio as I’ve had engraved in my skull for over twenty years, only with new character models and more elaborate animations.
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The developers even used the same music for each level, only re-recorded it with only small differences or flourishes. Even insignificant things like textures on a doorway or on the ground were recreated in 3D to look just like they did. I would have been perfectly okay with the developers simply using modern graphics and textures to remake certain pieces of architecture or focal points in this game, but no, every corner of Gallowmere represented the original locations, and I constantly had to pick my jaw off the floor (no offense Dan). Cinematics also play out exactly the same, with the same camera angles and movements. Part of me thinks about how maybe Other Ocean Emeryville could have taken these short cinematics sprinkled throughout the game and elaborated slightly on lore, but that would veer dangerously close to a “re-imagining” territory, and I’m just thankful everything is kept so faithful in the end.
The banished necromancer Zarok has raised an army of the dead to conquer the realm of Gallowmere. Unwittingly, Zarok also brought back to life Sir Daniel Fortesque, King Peregrine's captain of the militia, who perished embarrassingly years prior in an earlier battle against Zarok and his armies. After Fortesque’s death, fables, songs, and legends told of his false bravery and battlefield accomplishments, but now he has the opportunity to live up to his own mythical status as the hero of Gallowmere. I’ve always loved this story, wherein the bad guy accidentally raises the very hero who would thwart him. I’ve always loved Dan because he’s so unlike most knights and heroes. He has to live up to his own reputation, and prove those wrong who know what truly happened. We play as Dan and travel from the hum drum graveyards of Gallowmere all the way through more exotic levels such as a pumpkin gorge filled with demonic pumpkins, crystal caverns filled with Minotaur-like monsters, an enchanted forest containing a demonic prison, and much more.
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The first advantage to the modernization of this game was being able to see the Hilltop Mausoleum (the 2nd level) from The Cemetery (the 1st level). It would make sense if you had an expansive cemetery, and the very next level, adjacent to that level, had a massive building on top of a hill, and you could see it from far away. As a PS1 game I’d never expect to see something like that, but with this remake, they had the care to include things such as this, which only helps the world feel that much more real and connected. The controls and mechanics are nearly the same as the original as well, only made slightly more convenient. Dan can still equip a one-handed weapon and a shield, and switch between weapons in a menu. He can block attacks, but only as long as the shield’s HP holds out, until you need to find a new one. Dan has all the same moves as the original, but the more free-form camera makes the game a bit more convenient to play by making platforming and seeing things easier.
As you slay enemies in each level, you fill a chalice, and bringing back a full chalice to the end of each respective level grants you a visit to the Hall of Heores before the next level begins; this world’s version of Valhalla, where the most accomplished heroes of history drink, feast, and arm wrestle for eternity. A side goal of this game is to collect the chalice from every level so Dan can also become a member of this ethereal warrior’s afterlife (twenty in all). This is something I struggled with as a kid, but in the past many years I’ve always gone out of my way to make sure Sir Fortesque gets into the Hall of Heroes where he rightfully deserves to be. Sometimes items can be found in a level which are to be used in entirely different levels, something the game only hints at. Case in point are the Ant Caves, which is a maze-like level hidden within a level that is completely optional to complete (but not if you want all twenty chalices). 
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Some of the original game’s drawbacks could be regarded as similar drawbacks for this remake. Criticisms like haphazard combat and imprecise platforming are somewhat the same case here, but I would argue that’s half the point playing as a gangling hero who hasn’t yet earned his stripes. I honestly can’t take an unbiased position on some of the game’s more objective problems, not only because I’m such a fanatic and have played the original so many times, but also because it’s impossible for me to have a fresh perspective on the game. I can’t tell you how hard the puzzles are or how tough the game is simply because I’ve played the original so many times, I’ve gotten used to any perceived problems and solved all the puzzles so long ago. Reviews for this game seem to be lukewarm, and it’s an opinion I can’t share because I’m so impressed by how faithful one of my all time obscure favorites has been recreated.
In fact the very few changes the developers did make I could count on one hand. Mostly these changes have been made to a few of the game’s boss fights. Most of the bosses have always been very easy, especially compared to today’s obsession where bosses are meant to be extremely punishing. I can honestly say the changes are for the better and improve on these boss fights. For example the fight with the captain of the ghost ship has been improved, allowing you to manual aim a canon before firing it at him, rather than running back and forth between two fixed canons, hoping one of your shots hit the captain as he paces back and forth. Another addition are the “Lost Souls” which are hidden collectibles, one in each level that can be found by Sir Dan. This basically makes you replay every level to find the Lost Souls, as they only appear once you’re already near the end of the game. I can’t say I was motivated to find them, at least not right now, since it appears to be a shallow fetch-quest.
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Besides getting the game booted in the first place, I did a have a few technical problems while playing the game. These are probably because the version 1.01 patch never actually downloaded and installed, and I may have been experiencing what the developers were trying to fix. One example was a door not opening once I had defeated all the enemies in the room, effectively trapping me there forever, forcing me to restart the level. The problems were mainly things such as this, and I bet I’m the only person in the world who had to complete the game from beginning to end raw without the day one patch. Otherwise the game ran great, and looks good as Hell.
I’m so glad Other Ocean Emeryville didn’t try to subvert expectations or put a clever twist on certain things, leaving it as is. MediEvil 2019 constantly impressed me, and I don’t think I’ve felt this much fan service and satisfaction since the Shadow Moses chapter of Metal Gear Solid 4 from 2008. The music, dialog, weapons, level design, aesthetics, enemies and controls have been painstakingly remade, giving this cult classic an impressive new look. Its the restrictive nature of the developer’s design philosophy I appreciate the most; this is simply a game for the fans, and very obviously by the fans. MediEvil was my most anticipated game of 2019 and I am deeply satisfied and surprised about how well it turned out. Annoying day one patch download aside, I had an incredible time experiencing this remake. While some gameplay flaws might still exist, and those who don’t already love the original may not see it in the same level of reverence, this was a big payoff for me and I’m sure other dedicated fans feel the same. Thank you Other Ocean Emeryville, this has been a wonderful gift.
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calliecat93 · 5 years ago
Top 5 Things I Liked About RWBY Volume 4
(Top 5 Dislikes)
This is going out later than I was hoping, but hey better now that never. Anyways, I honestly think that V4 is a pretty underrated Volume. There’s a lot that I really enjoy about it and after the insanity of V3, I’m glad that we got a more lowkey season that let everyone begin to heal. I’m hoping that RvB18 will follow that path tbh, but that’s not important here. There’s a lot to like, so let’s talk about the Top 5 Things I Liked About RWBY Volume 4!
#5. The Switch to Maya/Improved Animation
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For Volumes 1-3, animaiton was primarily done in a program called Poser. This was mainly because it was what Monty liked to use, especially for fight animation. Poer isn’t an animation program, it is a modeling program that Monty was able to work for what he needed, but again it is not a proper animation program. V3 looks amazing, but I think that it was clear that they had reached their limit on how much they could push it. Add that with now having a larger animation staff, and it was time for a change. As such, they shifted to Maya, a common animaiton program in the field, and I am going to say it… it was 100% the right choice.
The animaiton in the Poser Era wasn’t bad, but… there were plenty of times where it felt like expressions and casual movements were very stiff. V4 changed that massively. There is so much more facial expression, but not just that. Take Blake’s cat ears for example. They are SO expressive in every scene that she’s in. Sure it might be because she threw out the bow, but still! I really don’t think that they could have done that in Poser. Animaiton models improved, like Sun’s abs no longer being glued to him for example and his little necklace sometimes daggling about. Environments look more vibrant. Environments have improved. Things like shading look better. And while the fight scenes aren’t Monty-like anymore, they are still really good! Seriously, Qrow vs Tyrian is still awesome~
I know that the shift wasn’t something liked by everyone, though I think that the vast majority have come around since V4. The animaiton has only kept improving after this, and it’s crazy going back to V1 and seeing the difference. But they sold me the second that they released the Ruby Trailer in the lead-up to the volume. Maya has allowed for a lot of improvement and new opportunities, and I believe that RT made the right choice in transitioning over to it. V4 looked so good, especially with how many new locations that it introduced us to, and I freakin’ love it~
#4. Expansion On The World
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Volume 4, above all, is a world-building volume. We spent all of our time in the first three volumes primarily in Beacon and the city fo Vale. The only locations that we got a substantial amount of time in otherwise were Mountain Glenn and the Amity Arena for the Vytal Festival. Otherwise, we’ve been stuck in one place despite knowing that there is a much larger world out there. Thankfully though, this volume takes us outside the Kingdom of Vale and finally allowed us to explore the rest of Remnant… well, parts of it. Still, more than the other volumes had.
This was an advantage of using the multiple plotlines.. We got a really good amount of new locations. RNJR was in Anima, which had a lot of Asian-inspired scenery and naming. Yeah, we mostly spend the time on trails and villages, but you can still see the difference between the villages and Vale. Which we got to see what it’s like outside of Vale. Some villages like Higanbana are nice, while others like Shion or Kuroyuri… well… it emphasizes just how bleak the world truly is. Vale was an overall safe place, and even that wasn’t safe. If you don’t live within a kingdom though? Hope that luck is on your side.
We also get to see Menagerie for the first time. Sadly we don’t get to see as much here or in V5, but we do get to see how cramped it is and it overall looks nice. You can see that, as Blake said, they tried to make it a welcoming place for Faunus. We get to see Weiss’ home, which is as empty and cold as you would have imagined it being. It looks grand, but it’s just… empty and quiet with Weiss, more or less, alone aside from Klein. Patch is nice, you can certainly see why Tai would raise his kids there and in contrast to Weiss’ home, it’s small but the peaceful and comforting environment that Yang needed. Salem’s realm is eerie. Oscar’s farm is… a farm. And Mistral? Amazing.
What I’m getting at here is that we learn so much more about the world. Even outside exploring new locations, we learn about the Relics and the God Brothers. We start to get an understanding of the war between Oz and Salem, though of course, we learn the true scale in V6. The volume does a lot to make Remnant feel more like an actual world full of stories, problems, and history. It took us out of the hub that we were used to with Volumes 1-3, and I think that they did so very well. Very much appreciate it~
#3. Yang Plotline
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While Yang got the least amount of focus, I… don’t view that as a bad thing. A story can’t be dictated by screentime alone. You have to look at how well they executed what they needed to do in the amount of time that they had. For example, they didn’t do very well with Ruby in V5 with the time that they had, but we’ll save that for the V5 posts. For V4, as I said, Oscar didn’t get the proper development and they didn’t utilize the amount fo time that they had for him well. But Yang though? I thought that they did her very well here.
Yang’s plot is, of course, recovering after losing her arm and getting back into fighting condition so that she can go after Ruby. We see that she has PTSD, having flashbacks and nightmares and her emotional state is… not in the bright place that we’re used to. Chapter 4, the chapter mainly focused on her, shows how concerned she is about taking the first steps of recovery, though we do see her start to laugh and joke around again. With Tai’s encouragement and support, Yang ut son the new arm, trains again and Tai helps her see the disadvantages of her fighting style/Semblance reliance, and opens up to her about Raven. In the end, Yang’s ready to go after her sister. She’s not 100% healed, but she’s got her drive back and is ready to move ahead.
Now again, Yang gets the least amount of focus. She only gets one chapter dedicated to her, and otherwise, her’s appears the least out of the four RWBY girls. But they utilized that time very well. They don’t drag it out or rush through it. They set up Yang’s mental state, show us signs of her PTSD, have Tai give her the proper encouragement, and have her start to get back on her feet. I’m glad that they were just straightforward with it, there was no need to drag it out especially since V5 and 6 show that there are still things that she has to work through. The point for this volume though was to get Yang well enough mentally for her to get back out onto the field, and they did that very well. She was in a positive environment as well, and that probably helped her.
So yeah, when I look back at the Yang plot, I have no issues with it. I think that it was given the amount of attention that it needed. It wasn’t rushed, but it wasn’t dragged out either. Yang didn’t fully recover, but she got well enough to move forward. That was the ultimate goal for everyone’s plotline, and they achieved it here. But I’m gonna leave it at 3 since it is a bit of a bummer that she got limited screentime. But for what it’s worth, they used that time properly and I am happy with the final result.
#2. Weiss Plotline
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Out of all the plots, Weiss’ is my favorite and imo, the best one done. This is because this is the conclusion to her three volumes worth of character development. As I said n the V3 Likes post, her plot had her decide to finally cut herself away from her father for good and move ahead with the life that she wanted. Sadly, due to the Fall, Jaques had the perfect excuse to got o Vale and force her to return to Atlas with him. So just as quickly a she was able to embrace her freedom and the choice to never turn back, fate dealt her a bad hand and she was her father’s prisoner once more. Which she literally becomes a prisoner after her outburst at the charity event and gets stripped of her title. It’s just… horrible to watch that scene. Really, any scene with her and Jaques is uncomfortable, especially when he slaps her.
This is when we truly get to see Jaques abuse first hand, and it is as horrible as the previous hints indicated. He’s condescending and passive-aggressive to Weiss. He treats her like she’s a child and an employee more than as a parent. Compare it to Tai or Ghira with Yang and Blake, where they are nothing but caring and supportive to their daughters. Ghira especially welcomed Blake back with open arms despite how she called them cowards in the past and was just glad that she found her way again and was safe. Jaques only cares about Weiss for his image and to use her when it suits his needs, whether Weiss is willing to do it or not. He makes her sing rather than ask her. He refuses to let her out fo his sight during the charity gala. He talks down to her. He tries to gaslight her into everything being her fault and like her outburst was wrong.
Weiss did NOTHING wrong. She, and maybe Ironwood, were the only ones at that charity who gave a damn about Vale. Seeing her in that environment, where people were snobby, argumentative, and only cared about their own petty problems makes you really, really appreciate how much she had grown. She had broken out of that mindset after V1 and when the Trophy Wife claims that Vale deserved what it got, she rightfully calls her and everyone else out on their bullshit and refuses to let Jaques shut her up. Yeah, it ends badly with Weiss losing her title and Whitley rubbing it in. Weiss had no one aside form Klein, who is an actual good person who showed Weiss kindness and care moreso than her own family ever did. When Weiss breaks down, ti just… hurts. But luckily, at her lowest point, Weiss decides that enough is enough. She gets back out Myrtenaster, perfects her Summoning Glyph, and decides to break free once and for all. Klein helps her escape, and she manages to get onto a plane heading for Mistral. Which leads to… more problems, but that’s for the next volume.
Weiss’ plotline was very well done. It gets you to see how far that she’s come since Volume 1. She wanted to break free and become better, and she did. Jaques tries to lock her away again, but he failed. Weiss had gotten a taste of freedom, and she was going to reclaim it. She was going to redeem her family name her way by being a Huntress and no one was going to stop her. As This Life is Mine stated, “I won’t be possessed/burdened by your royal test/I will not surrender, this life is mine.” Yes Weiss, it is indeed.
Weiss was great, but there is one character whose focus I appreciated not just because it was good, but because it saved that character in my eyes.
#1. Ren Becoming a Character
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I haven’t talked much about Ren and Nora, and that was because up until now… there wasn’t much to talk about. While I liked them fine enough, in V1-3 they’re just… there. It felt like they existed just because Jaune and Pyrrha had to be part of a four-man team because they’re nothing more than supporting characters there. Nora at least was funny and bubbly so she was at least fun, but Ren? He was just… quiet and the straight-man to Nora’s antics. That was it. He didn’t feel like a character, he just felt like a necessity needed to fill in a spot. My biggest hope with V4 was, now with JNR traveling with RWBYt hey would do something, anything to flesh out Ren and Nora. At least for one of them.
Fortunately, I got my wish.
To be fair, RWBY Chibi had gotten me to warm up to Ren since they got a lot out of him in several of the skits. More than I thought that they could. But I also like Chibi!Neo FAR more than I like Canon!Neo, so that wasn’t saying much. But fortunately, Volume 4 came around! Ren was really great in this volume! He’s still the quiet one, though he gets more here than any other volume. Which is something to note real quick. Neath has done a fantastic job as Ren. I can’t imagine how it had to have felt since he was taking over Monty’s spot. His brother’s spot. But he has done a perfect job since Day One, and I can’t imagine anyone else int he role at this point. He especially shows his range in this volume, and for a guy who had never voice acted until he started doing Ren, he pulls it off perfectly. I love Neath.
Ren is from Anima, but outside Mistral, so he’s of course the most knowledgeable of the area. We get to see more of his tracking and fighting skills, which is as fun to see as it was in Volume 1 which was the last time he got to showcase his fighting style. We get to see him interact with not only Nora, which was really nice especially with Jaune. But most of all, we get to see how Ren’s past affected him. His reaction to the destruction fo Shion perfectly fits due to what happened to Kuroyuri. His refusal to go back there makes sense since… well, no one likes to revisit the source of their trauma. He tells us about Oniyuri, and through him we see just how difficult it is to live outside the Kingdoms. We saw that with what happened to Shion, but Ren is a character that we’ve known for years and we get to see and hear about it through him. Which makes it hit us harder because it affects a character that we’ve known for so long. And when we get to the flashback and see how happy Ren’s life was and how it all went to Hell in just one night? It breaks your heart. We also finally learn his Semblance, which fits him perfectly so that was also appreciated.
But most of all, we get to Kuroyuri, and it’s the first time that we see Ren lose it. He’s always been a very calm, very tranquil person but when the Nucklavee attacks, he is understandably terrified… and then just lose it. We’ve NEVER seen him get angry before, but seeing the monster that ruined his life, killed his family, and destroyed his home? Yeah, that’ll make anyone snap. But thankfully, Nora snaps him out of it and this is when we see just how strong their relationship is. When Ren lost everything, he found Nora who had absolutely no one, and befriended her. They fought together. They survived together. They went through everything together, both good and bad. So fo course Nora could see that Ren was losing it, and she was the only one who could pull him back and stop him before he lost himself I’d still like them to be more clear on if Renora is canon or not cause I still really don’t know. But at least we get to see that their dynamic isn’t just the ‘hyper girl, calm guy’ dynamic. There is a true bond there, and it’s just beautiful.
It ends with Ren suing his father’s knife, the only thing of his family that he still has, to kill the Nuclavee. For his parents. For all the lives stolen. And, of course, for himself. This was him confronting his trauma, and finally putting it to rest and moving forward. That’s the biggest theme of this volume honestly, taking what brought you down, and moving forward. Yang began to stand up again after her trauma. Blake decided to quit running and to rise up against the White Fang once and for all. Weiss broke free of her father despite him trying to pull her back. Ruby saw just how bad the world truly was along with the Fall of Beacon still haunting her, but took ti and strengthened her resolve to be a Huntress and make things better as much as possible. And Ren? He chose to go back to Kurroyuri to save his friends and destroyed the monster that made so many suffer but without giving in to his sorrow. 
The volume just made me love Ren and see him more as a character than I had before. He’s one of my absolute favorites no. I’m hoping that V7 is going to do the same with Nora since at this point, I feel that she’s the most under-developed of the main cast. But we’ll just have to wait and see. Regardless, V4 changed my opinion of Ren completely and his story was done very well. As such, it my favorite thing about RWBY Volume 4.
And another volume done! So… next we get to Volume 5. Ho boy, I haven’t revisited it since it ended and not for the reasons that you think. But we’ll talk more on those posts. For now, thanks for reading everyone~!
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astrology-with-charu · 6 years ago
6 July Astrology Horoscope , July Mercury Retrograde & 31 July New Moon Themes
YOD formation - “The Finger of God” - Destiny steps in to remind us our life’s purpose
Second meeting of Saturn & Ketu/South Node on 4th July, coincides with it making a YOD configuration with Moon in Leo & Neptune in Pisces. This is a brief yet powerful opportunity for guidance to be received on what are we here for, in no uncertain terms. And it’s not for nothing - the inspiration you receive on 5th/6th Jul - you will go back & forth during Mercury Retrograde period from 7-19 Jul leading to you creating it into reality with 31 Jul New Moon over August. So listen in.
Link - https://youtu.be/jct0ybc4vQY
Saturn & South Node are helping us take off the shackles of the past. We can’t be the prisoner to our own old emotional patterns, we need to rewrite the rules of our life. A karmic weakness in our way of running our life which is breeding limitations has been shown to us. What would we do differently? Where did we say yes in the past where we should have said no ? We are setting new rules new boundaries of operating in our material world.
Karmic debt is paid or received so we can move forward with a clean slate. Happy Independence Day! Freedom from past continues till their last meeting in September.
This clean slate has inspiration of a new tomorrow, Neptune has shown us a dream to be more. Neptune brings the height of creativity, walk in the cloud & Saturn brings its practical implementation - the two project their full force of desire on 5th July onto Moon imprinting a clarity of purpose on our soul. This is YOD configuration, this is The Finger of God reminding us of our Mission - pushing us back to our fated path if we have deviated away from it.
Usually destiny intervenes on the date this happens with a fated event but Moon being the mode of communication here, it might be emotional event / feeling / expression.
Under Leo Moon, we receive this clarity of laser beam in our most joyous moments, laughing playing with our children or like a child, singing, dancing, performing, creating, loving, doing what we enjoy the most, emoting, being on a stage, enjoying the child the love the creative within us. So pay attention to your emotions, your heart, your patterns on 5th & 6th - the universe whispers before it brings down the door. What are you here for ?
You will be surprised but children being open vessels receive this the best - watch you child - where are they happy, what are they happy doing - huge amount of information revealed about their future in that one moment.
“Sometimes a dream almost whispers… it never shouts. Very hard to hear. So you have to, every day of your lives, be ready to hear what whispers in your ear. ”
- Steven Spielberg
YOD is a Hebrew word meaning Hand or Pointing Finger - where is it pointing for your sign - let’s find out
How and as what do you want to show up to the world. This is a flash of recognition of what brings you joy, what makes you feel like you, what helps you self express in an uninhibited way. The emotional reset today has clues that go deeper than surface - cause they will kick start a reconsideration period of what you want out of your next phase in life. Possibly the existing job / work environment isn’t letting your full potential to express itself. If you are not in a leadership role, if you aren’t uninhibited in your creative self expression - you can’t feel happy or confident. So you might decide to make certain changes in your life path. The flash realisation might dawn now of the gap between what you want and what’s the reality right now.
What investment idea, what asset, what talents which have material value are calling to you. You will be on a journey of financial review, of talent inventory as you are looking to enhance your material assets, possessions, talents, material resources. Your mind and emotions are directing you to an idea, to a new way , to a new talent that you want to put into physical form. Self worth & networth is in focus - good food, comfort, ease with your favourite assets / possessions, can open the gates to some creative ideas which you might review over coming days & put to practice early August to make additional money / feel more confident & happy.
You are who you think you are, that’s never been more true versus now. Your communication talents, your commercial instincts, your ability to market, media production, write, speak make you feel joyful, happy, confident. That’s where you excel and that’s what you take pride in. Today a fun conversation, an easy thought, a sibling discussion, a neighbourhood excursion, a coworker , a casual chit chat can open doors of a new idea that you might go over and over in the coming days leading to a launch in August of a written or verbal communication of influence that you can feel proud of. A small thought download today can become the commercial idea, the publication, the marketing strategy that you can lead with.
A real estate, a family business, a home/ family expansion idea, a place of living calls to you & makes you feel excited. Or just doing something out of your comfort zone where you are center stage in your home & family makes you feel excited. A new parenting idea or download received which you want to imbibe in your personal life might come through, while you are entertaining people a home or just having fun with family or friends who are like family. Home improvement ideas, ways to enhance value in real estate market or of an asset that you hold could also be in order. Next few days are spent in discussing this new idea or negotiating an asset or real estate or discussing home shifts or home improvements before its purchased or implemented in August.
Your creativity, your joy, your child within or your first born, your passions are in focus here, cause you deserve all of this & more. So where is it all, you will find it in the simple moments, in easy moments how to access this part of you, for Saturn is pushing your buttons with tests. Sometimes that gives us discipline required to realise our talents, our resources, our strength, our confidence. Your creativity, your business venture, an investment idea, your children might be topic of discussions on next few days as Moon tonight tells you clearly you need to walk the path that brings you passion, joy & puts you in centrestage with you taking a few risks in your personal life & professional life. You go back & forth this month - then early August we take a plunge into taking this fall - a new chapter begins in our creative venture, in our child’s life, in romance - pure joy. Remember you are a Pioneer Sign, you are meant to do a few firsts.
Your work environment, your passion to serve & help those in need are in focus. You are the Sun at workplace from whom people draw energy but are you in that position which allows you to be all that. Are you your own boss, are you working on your terms, is your self expression uninhibited & appreciates in your life of work in your daily routines. If not you will review, you will reconsider & you will possibly change jobs, careers, coworkers, team members, work environments - your health will tell you if things aren’t in line - heart health, spine health are good gauge of whether you are going in the right direction or your potential is suppressed. August is a good time to make this change if you need to, for now be inspired, understand what you want, make a plan, make a blueprint of what you want & what kind of leadership brings you joy💕
Your partnership business or personal, the clients you cover, the people you work with one on one & who are critical part of you delivering your critical talents come into focus. Are you with the right people, or the equation right, are you able to shine with them or are your needs compromised causing your potential to be suppressed. All that shines is not gold, we are after gold. Reconsideration is in order on what connections & the mode of connecting with clients, partners, even critics - make you feel joyful, self confident & vital. You will get some clues by how you feel today & it will become the topic of discussion. Your partners life can become topic of discussion too but don’t forget where you stand in it. Don’t let your light be eclipsed as you try to help others. August will bring critical changes in life - right now you consider , reconsider what and how.
Joint finances, intimacy, karmic debt & a transformation is in review & thoughts.
Are you excited with those butterflies in your stomach with the person you share your life, is the intimacy all the fireworks you dreamt of, is the money from that partnership the fireworks you deserve, are you respected & honored and being given the apt returns of your partnerships. This give & take will be under review over the next couple of days with possibly an imbalance or dissatisfaction coming to light in a moment of ease today. A karmic release is in order & you might be evaluating to cut the ties or not when it comes to a partnership - personal or professional. From this crisis like thinking might come a new inspiration of rebirth - what do I want to be in my next life ? That becomes the topic of consideration & reconsideration during coming days with a final answer around 31 Jul. Money intimacy depth are your needs & you need them to shine & be the best - you won’t accept anything less.
Belief system, philosophy, purpose of life, foreign adventures - travel, legalisation, relocation - foreign partner, education are in focus. I believe I am more than my current situation & I know it my bones for I believe in more & my expansive belief system is my whole life. Interaction with a foreign person, reading something new, opens my mind to a new possibility - of travel, of education, of publication, of teaching, of relocation, of going in deep by taking a leap of faith with a person different from me. This is a leap that feels natural, that feels like the next step in my life but next few days you will go back & forth to flush out the details of it. Expansion of mind & life is the aim - once you know you can be more you won’t settle for less. You know today in no uncertain terms that you can be more so you would ask for it. August gives the opportunity to take that leap when you can jump in with both feet ! Exciting !
Career, life path, social status, leadership style is under review. I have a talent, I know it & I can’t hide anymore - I need to ace it, display it, be the boss of it, lead it, champion it. You are pregnant with an idea which you want to pop into a new business, into a new career, into a new leadership position. You don’t want to run your life on another’s terms anymore, you are the executive, you are a leader, you have a fire within you which needs a stage to present on. So you review what kind of platform serves you well as you review your life path in coming days. Today you get a clarity on what’s the path? for it excites you, it makes you feel vital, it makes you feel like the Sun & not inhibited not blocked - it flows & burns & illuminates your whole being when you do what you love. And you will know it in your bones what you love. Planning for it, practicality of it becomes focus of next few days. August bring the chance to start a new chapter in your life path.
Networking, meeting friends that illuminate excite you, will give you a new vision of life - a new goal, a new big wealth idea strikes in the easy moments of clinking wine glasses & easy chats with friends & business associates. It sounds exciting, it sounds fun, it has potential to be your next inspiration. It could have an impact on a large set of people if you are able to launch it - it can become a fad or it can have mass acceptance & benefit - You will go over it for next few days before you launch it. You might decide to shift who you friends with as well or who you associate with - as your network is your source of joy & if it’s stale you don’t want to connect anymore. Who is exciting you today, did an inspirational idea or dream come out of a conversation or connection - those would be the questions for today.
In a period of relaxation, meditation, downtime, away from the crowd or on a Long distance travel - something might be made clear to you. You feel you want to do a self less act that gives you joy, that’s healing for others, that heals you too when you do it, that feels like destiny, it pulls you, gives you joy even thinking about it, that’s your clue. Next few days you will think about it under covers, in bed, behind the scene without any pomp and show cause that’s not your style. Creativity or charity or spirituality are in focus & you might look to end a few chapters which don’t bring you joy & satisfaction. Next few days you think of the how & August is a good time for you to serve, heal, finalise this inspired creation💫
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therealkn · 6 years ago
David’s Resolution - Day 5
Day 5 (January 5, 2019)
The Chronicles of Riddick (2004)
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“In normal times, evil would be fought with good. But in times like these... well... it should be fought by another kind of evil.”
Usually when a person makes a sequel to a movie, they’re inclined to do something different to make it stand out from its predecessor and avoid simply rehashing it. One popular way of doing this is the “actionized sequel”, which is self-explanatory. If you want specific examples, there’s Aliens to Alien, Terminator 2 to The Terminator, the Mad Max and Rambo franchises (both of which are more well-known for the second films than the first)... the list goes on. But hey, Aliens and Terminator 2 were really good, so it shows that going this route can work and produce really good films. Aliens and Terminator 2 are considered to be not only just as good as their predecessors, but perhaps even better, and often make lists of the best sequels and best sci-fi movies of all time.
And then we have The Chronicles of Riddick. Pitch Black, its predecessor, was a sci-fi horror film that owed a fair bit to Alien and which was somewhat harder science fiction; the most out-there thing in that movie were Riddick’s eyeshine and the alien creatures on the planet. Chronicles, on the other hand, is like if somebody got their Star Wars into your Warhammer 40,000, going for low fantasy science-fiction that deals in a softer sci-fi setting, bordering on fantasy thanks to its antagonists. It was naturally going to be different by design, since this was taking one of the characters from Pitch Black and giving him his own movie.
Universal made a fairly big deal out of this movie back then. Not only was there this bigger-budgeted, action-packed sequel, there were two notable pieces of tie-in material released around that time. One was the direct-to-video animated film The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury, which was directed by Peter Chung of Æon Flux fame and directly followed Pitch Black, helping establish some things that would be seen in this movie. And the other was the video game The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, a prequel to Pitch Black that, among other things, established how Riddick got his eyeshine, and is widely praised as one of the best movie-licensed games of all time.
Sucks that the film didn’t do that well in the box office though. That’s never a good sign.
The movie establishes how different it is from Pitch Black right from the word “go”. It begins with a prologue establishing the film’s villains, the Necromongers: a fanatical cult of death-worshippers who themselves are in a kind of undeath where pain is not part of their vocabulary. Led by the Lord Marshal (Colm Feore), a “holy half-dead” with superhuman speed and strength and the ability to take your soul like he’s Shang Tsung from Mortal Kombat, the Necromongers are driven to kill the entire universe while also converting as many as they can to their cause, which is “salvation” through a constellation of dark worlds known as the “UnderVerse”, which sounds a bit like someone’s attempt at making a cinematic universe in the wake of Marvel’s own universe.
How does Riddick factor into this? Well, this film takes place five years after Pitch Black, and Riddick (played once again by Vin Diesel, who was also one of the film’s producers), has been in a self-imposed exile in the hopes of avoiding mercenaries who are out for the price on his head. The beginning of the movie shows that this isn’t working and after kicking the asses of a mercenary crew that tracked him onto an ice planet, he finds that the price on his head was by Imam (Keith David, long may he reign), one of the people he saved back in the previous movie. But as it turns out, this was just so he could meet with Aereon, a wind elemental played by Judi Dench, who explains that Riddick may be a “Furyan”, part of an all-but-extinct warrior race from another planet, and that he may be key to stopping the Necromongers. Riddick isn’t interested because, well, he’s not the kind of guy to be a hero. But one way or another, we know he’s gonna wreck the Necromongers’ shit and it will be glorious. And it is.
On a technical level, the movie is weak in some areas. Some of the writing is a bit lacking, with some characters feeling a bit stock. Jack, now calling herself Kyra and played by a different actress because of studio shenanigans (at least they got the original actress back to voice the character in Dark Fury), seems like someone who’s trying to be a badass edgelord and even goes “I hate not being the bad guys!” Cool your heels, Edgy McEdgerson III, Esq., we get it, you’re trying to be badass and you are badass but... stop that please. Also, some of the CGI is not the best (in fact, weird CGI stuff is a thing in all the Riddick movies, even the 2013 one), and there are some weird editing things in both of the movies that make them feel like they’re trying to be stylish like a music video. Sometimes it works, sometimes not really.
But is it fun to watch? Fuck yeah it is. It’s not the best on a technical level but fuck it, it’s a fun movie to watch, and if it’s enjoyable enough, we’re willing to look. The action sequences are pretty cool, though the editing can be slightly wonky, and it’s cool to see Riddick fight like hell and utterly devastate anything he fights. We also get to see more of his cunning and intellect as well, seeing him plan how to escape prison or silently taking out mercs one by one like he’s Batman.
There’s also some cool sci-fi stuff that feels like a natural expansion of the universe of Pitch Black. New planets are shown like Helion Prime, a Mecca planet that is the home of Imam and the latest target of the Necromongers’ crusade; and Crematoria, home of one of the few “triple-max” prisons and where half the planet is scorching hot while the other half is too frigid for anything to live. The Necromongers themselves are awesome, with imposing designs and appearances and carry this sense of being an overwhelming force that you simply can’t stop, no matter how you try. Some of their stuff is overly-designed, but it fits them well enough and makes them intimidating.
Aside from Vin Diesel, who gets to show off more of Riddick being a win, the other actors are good too. Colm Feore’s High Marshal is someone who does command respect and authority and dear God he just ripped that man’s soul out of his body, how does he even. Karl Urban, fresh off the Lord of the Rings trilogy, plays the Necromonger commander Vaako, with a hairstyle that’s like a mohawk with dreadlocks and who does a pretty good with his character as a fervent devotee to the Necromonger way and who also aspires to lead them, with Thandie Newton serving as his Lady Macbeth to scheme and plot behind the Lord Marshal’s back. Nick Chinlund as the mercenary Toombs is also fun, coming off like a fusion of Ron Perlman and Dean Ambrose in his appearance and performance and pretty entertaining to watch in his one-dimensional scumbaggery. And Judi Dench goes without saying because she is always a win.
And like Pitch Black, there is an unrated director’s cut. In fact, all the Riddick movies have unrated director’s cuts, but unlike Pitch Black, this one actually DOES qualify as unrated since the stuff that’s cut was more suggestive, violent, etc. The additional content not only includes more violence and swears, it also has more character stuff, including an alternate ending to the Crematoria battle between Riddick and the Necromongers that is simultaneously more goofy and more fleshed-out.
I recommend this movie if you’re into cool sci-fi/action movies, or if you want to see Vin Diesel be badass. Or if you’re like me and you just want fun action movies. Or if you want to see Karl Urban be awesome after Lord of the Rings but before Dredd. He’s good in this movie.
Next time: Riddick meets Æon Flux. Not literally.
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