#but she needs to unless I change a lot I’d only hold her down
A Sweet Mishap - Chapter 24
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader 
A/N: I just want to start by thanking everyone for all the love on this story so far. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list. This chapter is a lot heavier, so please read the TW below and only read on if you feel comfortable doing so.
Potential Trigger Warnings: heavy violence, mentions of rape
A Sweet Mishap Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Just as I’m about to drift off, a loud banging makes me shoot upright. In my half-asleep state I run to the door hoping that Jensen changed his mind and came up for a final goodbye. But instead of his warm embrace and a passionate kiss, when I open the door I feel a cold hard sting on my cheek as my ears ring with the sound of a slap. Tears burn as I blink and try to make sense of what happened. I take a step back but the unfamiliar man follows and snatches my wrist and pulls me to his chest harshly.
“Where is she?” he spits out. I recoil at the feeling of specks of his saliva hitting my cheek. I keep my lips sealed and fight back tears. I know I need to stay strong. I gather up all my courage and elbow him as hard as I can in the ribs and try to pull away but he digs his nails into my wrist as he yanks my other arm around my back before gripping my hair and pulling me into a tight headlock. I scream at the pain but also in an attempt to wake someone. He pushes me further inside and slams the door behind him. “Where is she?” he spits again harshly near my ear. 
I try to pull away again but his grip on my hair is tight and I wince at the pain. Despite the pain I manage to spit out just as harshly, “Like I’d tell you, you abusive son of a bitch!” He yanks my hair again and twists one of my arms back to the point where I’m terrified it’s either going to pop out of its socket or the bone’s going to snap completely. I refuse to give in. “This what you did to her? Pin her in place and force her to have sex with you?”
His grip tightens and I brace myself for the snap and unimaginable pain, but it doesn’t come. Instead he leans down, takes my earlobe between his teeth roughly and pulls back ever so slightly and growls, “I bet you’d like that. Nice and rough.” He trails his lips down my neck where Jensen’s had been not an hour earlier. “You won’t tell me where she is, I’ll take you instead. All I need’s a nice wet hole anyway.”
He manhandles me until I’m laying face-down on the couch, both hands pinning tightly at the small of my back with one of his hands. I try to kick out but he sits on my legs. I lose the fight to my tears as I feel one of his hands reach around to undo the button and zip on my jeans. I feel helpless and scared in a way I never have before. But instead of worrying about myself, I wonder how many times Anna had to endure this treatment and for how long. He slips his hand into the waistband and tries to pull them down but struggles with one hand. Obviously only thinking with rage and his dick he lets go of my hands briefly to pull my jeans and underwear past my hips. As he does, I quickly scramble around reaching for my phone which I know is amongst the cushions somewhere. My fingers briefly stab and glide across the cracked glass but I don’t get a hold of it before he’s roughly yanking my arms back. I feel the vibrations under me, sparking some hope that I managed to do something. Luckily it’s silenced by the sound of him undoing his belt and jeans. I have no way of knowing who called, whether I got the emergency function or just a random person from my contacts, and no way of answering anyway. He grips my hair and yanks me upright so my bare ass is touching his front. I scream out again and he slaps me. 
“Last chance bitch, tell me where she is or you’re becoming my new plaything.”
“At least use a condom, you pig. I’m not on birth control. So unless you wanna pay me child support.” Feeling his erect dick against my ass I fully start to panic. Seeing as it’s been ages since I last slept with anyone I let my script lapse. And as much as I don’t want to be raped by this abusive psycho, I also don’t want to be forced to carry his child. I pull against him with all my strength and scream at the top of my lungs. He slaps me across the face again and covers my mouth with one hand effectively muffling my sounds. This gives me better access to lick and bite at his disgusting skin. He recoils as my teeth sink into his palm. With his weight on my legs I can’t move, but I use the opportunity to free my hands and reach for my phone again. I manage to swipe across and return the missed call, but I don’t see who it is. He snatches my phone from my hands and pegs it at the tiles causing the screen to shatter completely before switching to black. I continue to scream myself hoarse as he crushes me into the couch. I can feel against my back that the pain had an impact but he’s now even more irate. With all of his weight holding my front against the cushions, he takes his free hand and slaps — not sexual spanks, hard, bruising slaps — my bare ass countless times.
My head is spinning, overrun with fear and pain. I can’t move my body. I can’t roll over, pull my pants up, reach for my broken phone, I’m completely petrified. I block out everything as I accept my fate. I can’t even tell if I’m crying or screaming anymore. I can’t hear myself. I barely even feel the lasting sting of the pain he’s inflicted. I just feel numb.
When he speaks again he sounds like I’m underwater. It’s muffled and slurred and I can’t focus on the words. I just lay there completely numb letting it happen. I have no fight left. He’s got me completely pinned and I have no mode of contact. I tell myself it’s over.
I don’t feel him pull away or stand up. I don’t hear the door breaking down. I don’t notice when a group of people enter the apartment. I’m too far removed. I can’t even pull away when I’m wrapped in a blanket and pulled into someone else’s arms. My limbs are too stiff, my mind is too numb. When my chin is tilted up to meet the person’s eyes I can’t focus, everything is blurred. But as numb as I am, I know it’s someone else. I feel warmer, safe. And my body shuts down.
When I can finally open my eyes all I see is white. There’s a dull, steady beeping from somewhere behind me. As my senses slowly return I feel a weight on my right hand. I instinctively squeeze, but am shocked when the feeling is reciprocated. I furiously blink my eyes and try to sit up.
“Hey, Hey, Darlin’. It’s okay now. You’re safe. Take a breath for me.”
I look towards the voice and can’t believe my eyes or ears. I must still be asleep or hallucinating. My mind starts to race. Am I still on that couch? Is that rapist still here?
The beeping speeds up and I feel a squeeze again as the deep voice continues. “You’re safe now. I’m right here. You’re safe. Deep breaths.”
I try to hold onto his words. Real or not, they’re grounding and comforting. I’m just shocked that the voice of my subconscious is not Stella or my parents. It’s a man that I’ve known for two and a bit months. But when the weight in my hand disappears it all starts to feel real. My eyes fly open and I finally manage to survey my surroundings. There’s an IV in my arm, a clip on my finger and monitors to my sides. I sit up quickly and look around for my things. There’s no way I can afford this treatment. As I swing my legs off the side of the bed I hear footsteps behind me. 
“Ms. Y/L/N, it’s good to see you’re awake and doing better but we need you to stay in bed while we run a few more tests.” I reluctantly turn around to face the voice. “I’m Doctor Matt, the paramedics brought you in after you passed out from what at this stage seems like a panic attack, but we want to be sure…Especially considering the circumstances under which they were called.” He takes a few steps closer to the bed with a tablet in his hands. “There’s a few questions I need to ask you, but let me know if at any stage it becomes too much.”
I nod but then my eyes drift past the doctor to the man standing in the doorway. His arms are crossed over his chest, a look of worry etched on his face and his emerald eyes look bloodshot. He nods at me, “I’ll be in the waiting room.” I nod back as he turns and disappears behind the curtain.
“We’ve checked your physical injuries and they appear superficial and will heal in time, but you can take anti inflammatories for the pain. However, given the circumstances I wanted to offer for one of our psych counsellors to speak with you before we discharge you and let the police do their questioning.”
I look at the doctor and hesitantly ask, “Did you do a rape kit already?”
He shakes his head. “We wanted to wait for your consent. But also, as the man responsible is already in custody there may be no reason to put you through that. But if you want to be sure, I can ask someone to come down and run one.”
I nod. “I need to know. What if-What if I’m pregnant?”
“Unfortunately there would be no way of knowing this soon. If you take the test we’ll know if there’s any signs of ejaculate, but regardless we can also provide emergency contraception.”
I nod. “I want both. I need to know. I’ve been through too much to not know.”
“Okay. I’ll ask someone our sexual assault unit to come down.”
I nod again, but then ask, “How much extra will all this cost? You should already know I don’t have health insurance. I can’t afford-”
“We can see if we can register you for NYC Care to try and bring the bill down. In the meantime, did you want me to send your boyfriend back in to wait with you?”
“My boyfriend?” I shake my head in confusion and then it clicks. “Uh, sure.”
He notices my hesitation. “I can tell him you’re resting?”
“No it’s okay. I should talk to him.”
“You coud wait until after you speak with psych. I know this must be a difficult situation.”
“Thanks, but no. I should talk to him.”
Doctor Matt nods and walks out of the thin, paper curtain. A few long minutes later, the curtain rustles again and Jensen walks in. I want to fight with him and tell him to go to Vancouver, that he shouldn’t have skipped his flight for me, but instead I burst into tears. He rushes to my side and sits on the edge of the bed. He hesitantly takes my hand and pulls me into his arms.
“You’re safe. I’ve got you now.” He rubs his hands up my back as he hushes and soothes me. 
“Y-You shouldn’t-”
“Hey, hey. I’m exactly where I should be. I’m just glad I was here. I can’t imagine…I’m so sorry.”
I continue to cry into his shoulder while he holds me close. “Y-you t-told … boyfriend…”
“I’m sorry. I know, they wouldn’t let me in otherwise…it doesn’t have to mean anything. I don’t expect anything from you right now. You just need to heal, but I also wanted to be here for you.” I can tell there’s so much more he wants to say but is holding back for me. 
“Jens…H-How d-d-“
“You were typing for ages. Those bubbles were there for ages and it seemed off and then when I called you didn’t answer. And the second and third time it went directly to massagebank. And then I realized…” He hugs me closer. “I’m so sorry. I should have told Clif to take you to your friend’s.”
Hearing him blame himself breaks me further. I try to hug him back. “Thank you for saving me,” I manage to get out between sobs. 
“I wish I could’ve gotten there sooner or got the emergency services. I’m sorry you went through so much.”
The curtain shuffles again and a female doctor steps inside. I pull slightly away from Jensen to look at her. “Hi Ms. Y/L/N. I’m Dr. Julie, I’m a sexual assault examiner, Dr. Matt said you wanted to get a rape test.” I nod and Jensen stands up but I grab his hand. 
“Please stay.”
“Are you sure?”
Dr. Julie looks at both of us. “He’s welcome to stay if that’s what you want as the patient, but if he does, I need to warn you both that if it comes up positive and you decide to report this crime to the police he could be asked to be a witness.”
Jensen nods. “That’s fine by me.” He looks at me, “I called the emergency services in the first place, I’m already a witness. I’ll do whatever you need me to. Whatever makes you feel comfortable.”
I nod. “Stay.”
He helps me lay back down on the pillows before sitting on the edge of the bed and facing me. He keeps holding my hand while the doctor gathers all the supplies. She then helps pull the blanket down and checks over my whole body while taking some swabs and samples.
Jensen squeezes my hand comfortingly as he keeps his eyes on my face, not straying once.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Taglist: @stoneyggirl2 @hobby27, @n-o-p-e-never, @deansimpalababy,
@winchesterwild78, @kr804573, @chriszgirl92, @smoothdogsgirl
@speakinvain, @deans-baby-momma, @1967winchesterimpala
@lmg14, @superrey
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chibelial · 2 years
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
pregnancy scare with frat!peter… what would he do? would he ghost her completely or support her no matter what the test says?
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this is different than ya'll wanted but... IT'S WHAT I WROTE OK??
For the first time since he’s met you, Peter is filled with rage and is only seeing red. He’s never been this pissed in his entire life, this was his life and his future on the line and you didn’t say one word to him. What if he hadn’t come over? What if he hadn’t gone to the bathroom? 
It had fuck all to do with the results, it was the fact you hid it from him. Something that big, that life changing, needed to be talked about, at least shared with the guy you’ve been fucking. A common fucking courtesy if you will. And he knows he should give himself a moment to breathe and calm himself down before asking questions but he is so mad he could rip a car apart. 
Mid piss he looked around and his eyes fell on your trash can, eyes skipping to the next focal point. Then his mind registers what it saw and his eyes widen, chest tightening and a paused inhale. His gaze slowly traveled back to the trash can, clear as day, a pregnancy test. 
Zipping his pants with shaky hands, Peter reached down to grab the plastic. A clear negative, but it didn’t make him feel better, it made him feel worse. How fucking selfish could she be? Doesn’t she know this affects me too? Why didn’t she tell me? It went from panic to anger in a millisecond, he gripped the sides of the porcelain sink with white knuckles. 
Throwing himself away from the sink he ripped the door open, and sped walked to your small kitchen before slamming the test on the counter. 
“What the fuck is this?” Pure venom, it made your shoulders tense. Turning to blink at the negative and shrugging, feeling uncomfortable for the first time around him. “A pregnancy test?” Wrong answer, you just lit a fire in his eyes. 
“I’m sorry, do you think this is funny? Or cute?” 
You feel like you’re shrinking under his glare, you didn’t know he could be so intimidating. 
“Why are you so mad? It’s negative.” 
His hand slaps the counter, “what if it wasn’t? I mean, were you just going to spring that on me? Would you even tell me?” 
“Peter,” Futile, he’s running his mouth. 
“Do you understand that this involves another person? This is my life and my future and you don’t say a fucking word to me? You spew a lot of shit about trust and then leave out this really fucking big thing?” Hands moving as his thoughts tumble out, you went from neutral to guarded, it’s his fault you didn’t tell him. 
“Is it my fault I thought you wouldn’t care? Or I don’t know, throw me out of your house? Tell me to fuck off and never talk to you again? How was I supposed to tell you I was late without you backing out entirely?” 
Insulted, “I wouldn’t do that. You really love painting me as a giant asshole when I’ve never been one, unless that’s some boyfriend bitterness seeping through.” Peter might be right, maybe you do paint him as a bit of an asshole, but throwing the boyfriend thing in your face was too far. 
“Fuck you, Peter.” 
As much as you tried to fight it, tears collected in the corner of your eyes, your throat felt raw and tight, blowing a breath out you swerved around Peter, you couldn’t look at him anymore, you needed to walk away and hold yourself. Arms blocked your path, wrapping around your waist, trying to push them away, but tugged into his chest. 
“C’mon, don’t walk away.” Pushing against him, sadness leaving and frustration piercing your skin, harshly fighting against his grasp. “Let me go! You’re a fucking asshole, like this time you really, really are.” Peter holds you tighter, “I know, I know I am.” 
Faulting in his hold but gently pulling his thumbs, “you do?” 
“I shouldn’t have said that to you, that’s unfair. It just really hurts me when you say I don’t care, I really, really, really care about you, trouble. And when something this big happens I want to know you can talk to me, it fucking kills me you think I’d kick you out or cut you out of my life.” 
Your bottom lip trembles, “I was petrified it would be positive, you know why?” Peter’s hands rub up and down your back, “cause you might ask me to be your girlfriend.” His head tilts, “that’s a nightmare for you?” 
“I want to be your girlfriend because you want me to be, not because you feel indebted cause we have a kid.” 
Peter takes a deep breath, “hey,” his palms cup your face, giving you a fish face he smiles, “I’m sorry, and,” he gives you a soft kiss, “the next pregnancy scare, I promise you you’ll be my girlfriend. So there’s no question.” 
You kiss him this time, humming when you pull away. “You could do it now, you know.” 
His voice is low, “nah,” his thumbs brush your cheeks, “let me earn it, make all the waiting worth it.” 
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theoddcatlady · 10 months
The Mom Group
Joining a mom group changed my life. Honestly I thought I’d be all alone when my husband and I left our hometown for his new job. That was bad enough, but the fact I’d just had little Charlotte three months prior to said move made it actual hell.
I was out on the front yard cradling my fussy child when an angel came down from heaven, and that angel was my neighbor, Karen. She had truly mastered being a mother, all she had to do was hold Charlotte and my baby girl was cooing and quieting right down for her nap. Granted she had done this three times with her kids Staci, Cydney, and Kurtis, but she was exactly what I needed.
Several of the moms on the street were part of the group and I got to meet them all that Saturday for some much needed wine and chill time. Norma, April, Melody and Camilla. Each of them had kids under the age of ten and April was also a first time new mom, although she sadly joined the group before her first miscarriage.
“It was a hard time,” She said as she took a sip from her glass, “But everyone helped me through it. And now I have Zoe, and I wouldn’t trade anything for her.”
It made life a lot easier, having all these other moms around. But of course, it took me a while to settle in, be really accepted, you know? The one thing I was never invited to for those first few months was Friday night. Girl’s Night. The kids would be stashed with the husbands, I’d see everyone else’s cars parked over at Karen’s house. I didn’t know what went on at these girl’s nights, only that they never asked me to come along.
I decided one day that it was time I invited myself. I mean, maybe they didn’t ask me to come over because they assumed I knew I was welcome. I got a bottle of this really tasty mango wine, made sure Charlotte was in bed, and after telling my husband not to wait up, I marched on over to Karen’s house.
The party had just gotten started when I knocked on the door. Norma answered it, wineglass in hand. Her eyebrows raised as she saw me waiting outside. “Hi!” I raised up my bottle. “I saw you all coming over, mind if I join in?”
For a second, I saw Norma doubt, but before she could open her mouth to make an excuse Karen appeared from out of the hall. “Oh! Tammy, it’s so great to see you! Come on in,” She grinned widely and beckoned me in.
Proud of myself for taking the initiative, I glanced at Norma, who pursed her lips for a moment before shrugging and stepping aside to make way for me. Karen took the bottle from my hands and grinned. “Oooh, thank you, but I already provided the drinks for tonight. You can do it next time, or who knows, maybe we’ll go a little crazy and we’ll need it. You’re just in time, we were about to start reading!”
And now I finally had an answer for what went on during girl’s night- book club! Enjoy a few glasses of wine, discuss whatever we were reading for the week. I loved to read, well, at least before Charlotte. I barely had the time now.
The living room was lit by soft candle light. April and Melody were lounging on the couch while Camilla reclined on the armchair and flipped through a book on her lap. It was a large thing, bigger than some Bibles I’ve seen, and my father was a minister- I’ve seen some big Bibles.
“Cam, how dare you get started without us!” Karen said with a laugh, taking a seat in the other armchair. Norma seemed to relax now and she had scuttled off to the kitchen to grab an extra chair.
April noticed me and her eyes widened. “Oh, Tammy! Ummm, Karen-”
“Don’t worry about it, April, we can still continue with tonight’s activities,” Karen said, brushing her concerns off.
April and Melody scooched over to give me some room and I took my seat. “Soooo, what are we reading this week?” I asked.
Norma chuckled as she plopped down a dining room chair next to me and sat on it. “What we read every week, unless Camilla’s husband found another volume?”
“I’m afraid not, but we’re still going through my great grandmother’s library.” Camilla nudged up her glasses before handing the book to Karen. “I imagine she had more of this collection.”
Karen slipped off the dust cover, said dust cover was originally for the Great Gatsby but it clearly didn’t fit this monster of a book. The actual cover was made of black leather, and I saw the pages were lined with gold. “Is it a Bible?” I asked, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear.
I saw April’s lips twitch into a barely concealed smirk and Norma chuckled again, but Melody was the one that answered me. “Oh, not even close. Camilla, do you care to explain?” Melody asked.
Camilla nodded and had to push her glasses up again. “My great grandmother was a wealthy and incredibly intelligent woman, if not slightly eccentric. One thing she had a passion for was collecting books, she quite literally owned a library in her home. Two years ago, she unfortunately passed away, holding the book that Karen is now.”
I felt an uncontrollable shiver going up my spine as Karen began flipping through the pages. “What’s it called?” I asked.
“There’s no name on the cover and no author listed, but I imagine there may have been dozens or even hundreds of authors.” Karen tapped her fingers against the pages. “Since it is your first night here… how about you pick a page?”
The mood of the room rapidly shifted from casual to tense. Even the happy go lucky Melody seemed a bit off put. “Karen, are you sure that’s a good idea?” She asked.
“Why not? It’s not like she can do anything with it without our help.” Karen stood and crossed the room, setting the book on my lap. The weight of it was immense, easily making the textbooks I carried in college seem light as feathers. “Just… go with your heart, Tammy. Pick a page that just makes you feel right.”
I almost declined and passed it off to April, but that sudden burst of curiosity had me opening it up and turning the pages.
The book was all written by hand. Each page felt so fragile that if I breathed on them wrong they would crumble. It was the illustrations that got me, accurate depictions of human anatomy, plants that I couldn’t name even if my life depended on it, pictures of women throwing their heads back with a wail, holding knives above their bleeding arms, and… well, demons. I suppose they might have been actually demons.
“This is…” I swallowed and shook my head. “This is a little creepy.”
Karen nodded in sympathy. “We all thought it was at first too. But it’s actually not too bad, I imagine there’s some Stephen King that’s a lot worse. You feel anything?”
I was about to respond with a ‘not yet’ when I turned another page and I felt my heart catch in my throat.
The image was horrifying, of a man upside down with his throat slit open, and underneath was another demon with its forked tongue out, lapping up droplets of blood. But it was the title on the page that really had me pause.
‘Converse with The Satisfied One’
I knew this was the page I wanted to read. I tapped the picture with my finger. “I think I like this one,” I said.
April peered at it before grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Oh, you got good taste! Karen, do you think tonight’s a good night for a summoning?” She asked.
Karen shrugged. “Well, why not? It’s what Tammy wants to try.”
The women all gathered around, kneeling in front of me. Camilla gestured for me to read the page and I cleared my throat before doing so. Or well, trying to do so. The words coming out of my mouth sure as hell weren’t English, but I got a distinct impression about what to do. And so did the others, as they all got up and began to commence with the instructions.
“Please tell me you didn’t forget to grab a sacrifice this week,” Norma said, giving Melody a long stare as she pulled several black and red candles out from a basket under the coffee table.
Melody froze while she sharpened a silver knife. “Shit! It was my turn?” She asked.
Norma groaned and looked ready to slap her when Karen cleared her throat. “Don’t worry, I remembered that Melody always forgets when it’s her turn to bring the sacrifice. He’s in the basement.”
Melody sighed with relief while Camilla and April ran for the stairs. Karen dragged a positively enormous cauldron out from the coat closet, behind all the stuff stored away for winter. “Don’t worry about anything, Tammy, you can help us prep next time,” She said with a grunt.
So I just watched as preparations continued.
Norma grabbed what I initially thought was one of the kid’s toy chests in the corner of the room and dragged it to the center, popping it open and it transforming into a miniature table. A miniature table with chains.
As Melody lit the candles, I heard April and Camilla drag something behind them. I turned to watch them bring in a man, stripped down to the waist and clearly out of it. The women all teamed up to tie him down to the table, his neck hanging over the edge and above the cauldron.
Karen handed me the knife and all the other women joined hands. “Before the sacrifice, we need you to take a piece of yourself,” She said.
“I have to… what?”
It took me until this moment to realize that each of the women in this room were in fact missing a part of themselves. April’s hair was carefully arranged to hide the fact her right ear was gone, Camilla’s left ear was missing too. The tips of Norma’s left fingers were missing, along with the entirety of her ring finger. Melody was missing the big toe on her right foot, only visible when she wasn’t wearing shoes like she was now. And Karen… Karen pulled down her blouse to reveal her chest. Her breasts had been removed, the nasty scarring making abundantly clear that it wasn’t done in some sort of hospital room.
“It doesn’t have to be a lot of you, but you have to remove something. Something permanent, not just your hair or fingernails.” Karen pulled her shirt back up as she stared at me. “If you can’t do this, then you’re free to go. You won’t remember anything of this night, but you will remember that Friday nights just… aren’t for you. We won’t think anything less of you either. You’re still our friend, Tammy.”
I thought for a few minutes. I looked at the front door. I looked at the knife.
I took a deep breath before I gripped the knife ever tighter and brought it up to my face. I didn’t let myself hesitate before jabbing it into my eyesocket. I heard Melody gag as I worked the knife around, managing to pop the eye out and slicing it free. It landed on the ground before I let the pain hit me.
I wailed as I clung onto the side of my face, Karen gingerly picked up the eyeball before dropping it into the cauldron. “That’s good, that’s a great choice, the beings in the book will appreciate it. Do you think you can make the final cut?” She asked, nodding at the barely conscious man at the table.
I shook my head, I couldn’t think, I just hurt so much. Karen planted a rather maternal kiss on my forehead before taking the knife from me and slicing open the man’s throat.
The cauldron filled with blood as the women around me began to chant, and I don’t know how I managed to join them between my sobs but I did. The candles all glowed impossibly bright before snuffing out one by one until the chanting was done and there was only one left.
For a moment, all was quiet. I was getting close to passing out when I saw something crawl out of the fireplace. At first I thought I was seeing things, the slinking black shape crawling on the ground. I saw its face, its twisted features grinning before it blew out the final candle.
Now I couldn’t see, but I could hear. I could hear it slurping and lapping up the blood in the cauldron, draining it dry of its contents. I heard it walk around the room, whispering things I could not make out. It got closer and closer until it finally stopped in front of me. I did my best not to throw up at the smell of its breath, like rotting meat and spoiled milk.
“… You come for satisfaction?” The quiet voice whispered, its acrid breath tickling my ear.
Unable to speak, I just nodded.
I felt its lips brush the spot where Karen had kissed me before its twisting tongue licked at my gouged out eye. The pain slowly ebbed away until it was a dull ache.
“Feel satisfied, new daughter of the coven.”
I think I fainted after that, only waking up the next morning to birds singing and the smell of coffee. The cauldron was gone, the candles put away, the table was back to being a toy chest, it was like none of it had ever happened.
The other women had long gone home, but Karen made sure to text my husband to let him know I just konked out on the couch after I had a little too much to drink, and I looked so peaceful that she just couldn’t wake me. She also let him know that I’d accidentally cut my eye, so that’s why I’d be wearing that patch for the next few days.
It’s funny though, the eye might be gone but I can see just as normal. Even with the patch on, my sight is strangely unhindered. And the creature was right, I feel satisfied. Even when I don’t live up to my own expectations, I’m strangely okay with it. I’m not anxious, I’m not constantly putting myself down when things go wrong. I feel good.
And according to Karen, the sacrificing the body part deal was just a one time thing! I passed my initiation into the coven and it’ll all be smooth sailing from here. I hope this Friday goes even better than the last.
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The Mortal Instruments as Speak Now TV pt. 1/2
this is gonna flop since nobody really talks about tmi anymore, but I love them so much <3
Enchanted: Alec & Magnus (them. the entire song.)
“this is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the storyline ends. my thoughts will echo your name until I see you again. these are the words I held back as I was leaving too soon. I was enchanted to meet you.”
Mine: Jace & Clary
“you said, “I remember how we felt sitting by the water. and every time I look at you it’s like the first time. I fell in love with a careless man’s careful daughter. she is the best thing that’s every been mine. hold on, make it last.”
Ours: Simon & Izzy
“the jury’s out, but my choice is you. so don’t you worry your pretty, little mind. people throw rocks at things that shine. and life makes love look hard. the stakes are high, the water’s rough, but this love is ours.”
Back To December: Magnus & Alec (breakup)
“I watched you laughing from the passenger side and realized I loved you in the fall. and then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind. you gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye.”
Dear John: Jocelyn & Valentine
“well, maybe it’s me and my blind optimism to blame. or maybe it’s you and your sick need to give love then take it away. and you’ll add my name to your long list of traitors who don’t understand. and I’ll look back and regret how I ignored when they said ‘run as fast as you can’.”
The Story Of Us: Clary & Jace (sibling era 🤪)
“I’d tell you I miss you, but I don’t know how. I never heard silence quite this loud. now I’m standing alone in a crowded room and we’re not speaking. and I’m dying to know is it killing you like it’s killing me? I don’t know what to say since a twist of fate, when it all broke down.”
I Can See You: Izzy & Simon
“what would you do if we never made a sound? cause I can see you waiting down the hall from me. and I could see you up against the wall with me. and what would you do baby, if you only knew.”
Haunted: Maia & Jordan (tbh every verse is like a POV change and a different part of their story)
“something’s made your eyes go cold. come on, come on, don’t leave me like this. I thought I had you figured out. something’s gone terribly wrong, you’re all I wanted.”
When Emma Falls In Love: Izzy
“when emma falls apart it’s when she’s alone, she takes on the pain and bears it on her own. cause when emma falls in love she’s in it for keeps, she won’t walk away unless she knows she absolutely has to leave. and she’s the kind of book that you can’t put down.”
Innocent: Clary (this song is so james & matthew coded but i’ll give it to the other fairchild cuz she’s also been through a lot)
“wasn’t it beautiful runnin’ wild ‘til you fell asleep. before the monsters caught up to you? it’s alright, just wait and see. your string of lights is still bright to me. oh, who you are is not where you’ve been. you’re still an innocent.”
Long Live: Alec & Magnus
“I was screaming long live all the magic we made, and bring on all the pretenders, I’m not afraid. long live all the mountains we moved, I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you. and I was screaming long live that look on your face.”
part two!
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yuuuhiii · 5 months
Hi!! I would love an AOT matchup!! :)
Description: INFJ, Taurus sun, Taurus moon, and Sagittarius rising. My pronouns are she/her. I have long wavy blonde hair and blue eyes, I’m also 5’8”
Personality: I am a very laid-back person, it takes a lot to upset me and I usually try to look for the best in any situation I am in. I’m super patient and independent. I’m a bit of a wallflower, and I tend to not be able to speak up for myself. I always want to keep the peace. I’m pretty introverted but I know how to be an extrovert when I need to be. I’ve been described as wise and a book-smart person. When I have a goal in mind I’m going to accomplish it. People tend to be kind of intimidated by me but I’m just quiet. I’m not super talkative unless you get me talking. I’m really responsible and love when I can help others out too. I love reading books, singing (classical music), and going on long walks.
Hopefully this gives you something to work with!!! Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!!! :)
I match you with ARMIN ARLERT
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Armin has always had feelings for you. Eren knew, Jean knew, Mikasa knew, everyone knew.
Except for you.
He had begged them not to tell you, in fear of you not reciprocating. But god was he in love with you.
The way you held yourself and the person you were as a whole had him falling in love with you each and every time he’d see you.
Youve only really shared a few words. Just like you he’s more on the quiet side and opts to just sit back and watch rather than talk. He wishes he had the courage to talk to you.
The next time he sees you, you’re studying, soft piano music coming from your phones speaker, as you sit under a tree.
He fiddles with the book in his hand, mentally hyping himself up to just go!
Once he finally has, a guy plops right down next you. His heart crumbles as he watches the guy get all over you, although if he had looked away, he wouldn’t have seen you try to push him off. Armin’s brows furrow, his hands gripping the book. You look stressed as your protests fall on deaf ears. Without a second to waste, Armin is rushing towards you.
“Come on, just give me your number, we’d make a cute couple you know.” You shake your head, gazing around the area.
A deep voice has you freezing and the weight of the guy is lifted off of you. “She’s saying no. Are you fucking deaf?”
You turn to see Armin holding the guy by the collar. His face is cold and his voice is low. You’ve never seen him like this, as he was always reserved and kind. The guy moves to retort but Armin pushes him to the ground.
“Get out of here.” He stands his ground and the guy leaves with a ‘fuck you’ Armin catches his breath and turns to you with a sheepish expression.
“Uh, are you okay?” He asks softly and you’re getting whiplash at how fast his demeanor changed.
“Yea, thanks.” You mumble and he gulps.
“I-I was gonna come and talk to you but then this happened and I wanted to tell you about this book.” He raises his hand for nothing to even be there.
He scans the ground frantically and finds it. Awkwardly laughing he holds the book out to you.
“You can sit down you know.” You smile up at him and he sputters.
“Oh! Right, yea.” He clears his throat, sitting criss crossed. He begins to pull at the grass, anxiously as he goes on about the book.
“How’d you know I liked these kind of books.”
He freezes.
“W—Well! Mikasa told me.” He smiles and you nod.
It’s quiet and instead of taking a steady approach he’s blunt.
“Do you wanna go out with me?”
Your guys eyes widen.
“Well like out somewhere! I mean I’d love to go out with you, y-you’re perfect! But I—uh, um.” Armin’s throat fails him and he lets out a pathetic whimper. He moves to get up. “I’m just gonna go.” He shuts his eyes but your hand clasps around his wrist.
“We could take things slow.” You suggest with a small smile. His heart skips a beat.
“S-Slow? Yea, that sounds good.” He slowly sits back down and you smile.
“Wanna go for a walk?” You suggest and he nods, a smile on his face.
Eren was right, all he had to do was just talk to you.
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© yuuuhiii 24 : don’t plagiarize, translate, or post my work on other platforms
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seriesxwriting · 2 years
We’re locked in forever
W Dean Winchester<3
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Series- supernatural
Warnings- vampire killing (beheading, machete use, fighting, blood) swearing, kissing, arguing.
Summary- Dean won’t let you come out on a hunt and you start an argument because of it. Over thinking the worst you sneak out the bunker to help the Winchesters. And save your boyfriends ass.
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“Y/n your not coming on the hunt- how many times” Dean shook his head at me seriously picking up his machete and placing it in his bag. I folded my arms scowling at him. “No means no your not going to change my mind” Dean stopped putting everything back down giving me his full attention.
“Your being ridiculous! I’ve watched you guys hunting for months- I’ve been in fights I know what I’m doing” I argued back at him. “You’ve never been on a hunt how can you know what your doing” he half laughed. “Are you seriously laughing right now”. Dean stopped laughing and looked like he regretted it. Sam giggled at his brother in the background. I whipped around frowning at Sam. “Are you going to back me up then?” I questioned. “I’m not getting involved in relationship drama” he shook his head holding his hands up in defence. I rolled my eyes looking back at my boyfriend.
“I will take you hunting but not today y/n, can you please just stay at the bunker and stop making this hard” Dean begged me with his eyes. “But it’s dangerous- you need all the help you can get” “cas is meeting us there” Dean picked up his bag putting it on his back. “Great so now your choosing cas over me” “cas will heal you won’t” Sam told me as he walked past. “Stay out of this Sam” me and Dean snapped at him at the exact same time. “We don’t need or want the help so your staying here” Dean told me getting pissed off now. I rolled my eyes again and left the room with tears in my eyes. I know I know! Crying over a little argument like that is pointless. It wasn’t just that, Dean never trusted me with anything supernatural. It’s like he doesn’t think I’m strong enough, smart enough, good enough.
It’s so draining when all I want to do is help out. I know he gets stressed about a lot of things supernatural based and me arguing with him isn’t going to solve anything. But I didn’t understand why he shuts me out. I sat on our bed like I always did when he went out and I wasn’t sure if he was going to return. I told myself- he’s a good hunter, and he has Sam and cas. But I’d feel better if I was with him. The paranoia crept over me as I deeply thought about the last things we said to each other. What if these were his last moments? I couldn’t let him die and I definitely couldn’t let him leave me on bad terms.
I got myself standing bravely, shoving up deans side of the mattress revealing not only a hand gun but a machete. A stained red machete but still, just what I needed. I reached for it holding it in my hands for a second swinging it a few times, just getting a feel for it again. and then ran about the rooms to collect everything I needed for my surprise appearance. I picked up the gun that Sam gave me when I finally moved in with them.
Dean never usually let me go near weapons unless we were training together. Ensuring the gun was full and the safety was on I then left mine and deans room. With that I left the bunker and closed the door shut behind me, making my way up to my car. I put my belonging on the seat next to me while placing my gun in my belt so it was close. The bullets I took were coated in dead man’s blood. Perfect for a vamp nest. Then using my phone maps I typed in the location and set off on my way. Dean was going to be pissed but I had to stand up for myself.
-Sam and Dean-
“Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?” Sam raised an eyebrow leaning back in his chair comfortably. “No” Dean replied coldly. “Come on Dean, you know she’s ready why don’t you just give her a chance” “it’s really none of your business Sammy, so stay out of it” Dean rolled his eyes getting tired off the conversation. “I’m just saying if you don’t include her she’s going to get annoyed that your pushing her away”
“Would you take your girlfriend to this hunt?” Dean looked at his brother, frustrated. “ it’s not about that- you lied to y/n again, you’ve said that you’ll take her on hunts when everyone knows your not planning to” “SAM JUST- just stop” Dean came to a holt a little bit away from a building. “What don’t you get about the fact I don’t want to talk about it- she’s my girlfriend and I’ll handle the situation how ever I want” he scowled before jumping out of the car in a fit of rage.
“Okay fine but calm down- you go in there angry you’ll get yourself killed” Sam warned walking round to the boot which Dean had already flung open and was rooting around in. “Whatever, let’s just get this over and done with” he blanked Sam completely while gripping the machete in his right hand and hiding his gun in the back of his belt. Sam exhaled a deep breath watching Dean striding towards the danger ahead. “Dean wait!” He called out feeling almost guilty now. He’d said he wasn’t going to get involved.
Dean kicked open the wooden door of the barn and walked in like he owned the place. “Anyone home?” He yelled just as Sam caught up with him. “Dean!” Sam hissed wide eyed. But Dean completely ignored him. When no one came out sam began to walk forward while Dean scanned the room. All of a sudden Sam fell though the wooden floor into some sort of pit. “SAMMY” Dean yelled racing towards the side. He looked as if he’d hit his head, there was blood on the side.
Vampires now started to walk through the door. There was ten of them. or maybe more at second glance, all grinning at the elder Winchester brother. “We heard the winchesters were after us, wasn’t going to make it easy” one of them voiced putting a hand on her hip. Dean frowned at the group and lifted up his knife. “I’m not going to make this easy either”. With that line, the group of vampires all sprung to action lunging, growling at Dean showing their sharpe, white fangs. He slashed through them while Sammy laid knocked out in the pit and Cas was nowhere to be seen. Dean had manage to behead over half of them but now they were starting to corner him. He was grabbed by a snapping vampire and another one was coming behind him when I arrived.
I slashed the machete watching the read roll to the floor. Once Dean had finished with the provoking vamp grabbing at the front of him, he spun around gawping at me. “Always watch your back Dean, do you not know anything about hunting” I smirked feeling quite proud of myself for stepping up. “Duck!” I shouted at him and he instantly listened. I swung the blade over his head hitting the vamp in the right spot decapitating it. “I told you to stay at the bunker” my boyfriend sarcastically spoke while he continued to fight the vampires. He left only two, he claimed the man and I went after the woman pulling her hair and dragging her backwards over my leg and using my right hand to cut off her head. I saw Dean was physically fighting the vampire now and had dropped his weapon. “Dean!” I squealed distracting them both and chucking my machete on him. In one swift movement he removed the head off the vampire.
Panting he dropped the knife and looked over at me, covered in vampire blood. “I know you angry…” I trailed off when he didn’t say anything. “I just got worried- what if something went wrong and the last thing I said to you was…” as I was talking Dean walked over to me. He looked down at my tear full eyes and melted into a hug. I blinked into his chest shocked at his move, it wasn’t like Dean to just hug an argument out. Especially when I disobeyed something he was so serious about.
“I need to get Sammy and then we can talk okay” he whispered kissing my head. “Okay- wait where is Sam?” I quizzed looking around playing with deans hand in mine. He gently pulled me over to the a pit in the middle of the room. I looked down in horror swing Sam stirring. “Oh my god” I gasped covering my mouth staring at the dead humans the vampires had stacked in one of the corners. Right next to where Sam had fallen. “Sam” Dean called down to him looking quite worried.
“What- the hell happened” Sam groaned rolling onto his side and moving his hand to his head feeling the blood. “You fell in a hole and knocked yourself out you dumbass” dean chuckled leaning over and putting his hand out to his brother. “Y/n? When did you get here” Sam asked standing up wobbling slightly. “Uh- a few minutes ago- are you okay?” I worriedly frowned. “Yeah yeah” he nodded grabbing deans hand. Like the hulk Dean pulled sammy out of the pit. God he was hot. “Hey” i weakly smiled hugging him. “I’m glad your here” Sam whispered rubbing my back.
In that moment Cas ran through the doors looking ready for a fight. “Right on time cas” dean rolled his eyes, signalling at all the dead vamps on the floor. “they- they had me tied up” he pointed outside. “You were tied up- by vampires? Did you forget your an angel for a second” “well- they got the drop on me” cas blinked trying to explain himself. “Leave him alone dean, I had to save your ass” I shoved him gently, smirking cheekily. “I mean- i could have done it” Dean shrugged looking at the floor. “Uh huh” i hummed with a little grin. Dean pulled me under his arm kissing my head “come on, we need to talk” he told me leading me out of the barn, leaving Sam and cas to catch up. Dean stopped when we got outside his car.
“I…” sean started letting his eyes drop to the floor. He smiled to himself not exactly knowing what to say. The Winchester pulled me closer to him by my hips. “I’ve never done this- before” he shook his head speaking to me softly. “I don’t want to ruin what we have but I can’t lose you and- I can’t protect you if I’m busy- when we’re out here you can’t be my priority and I don’t like that I’m not comfortable with that” Dean explained to me clearly upset about the situation at hand. “Dean you don’t…” “…please y/n just let me get it all out I need to explain it correctly” “okay” I nodded reaching up to his neck looking into his eyes. “I trust You I respect you but I’ve lost so many people y/n so if I have to piss you off to keep you safe…” he trailed off but I understood the gist.
“Dean, I can’t sit at home and wait for you to come back anymore everything you’ve said is completely valid but I feel the same way, how can I look out for you if you don’t include me” I asked him seriously in a calm manner not wanting an argument. “Y/n i don’t need looking out for im used to this, your not” Dean reminded me. “You’ve got to stop saying that to me- I’ve been taught by the best, the unstoppable Winchester brothers” I smiled lightly. “Are you trying to sweet talk me” Dean laughed a little. “Depends- is it working?” I raised my eyebrow at him.
“Maybe A little” dean shrugged growing a little grin. “Dean- you saw I was completely fine today right?- right?” I pushed him for an answer. He nodded his head slightly “yeah, you were amazing today” dean finally admitted. “You saved my ass” “I want to be out here with you because I’m here for the long run Dean, I’m not going anywhere we’re locked in”. He sat on that for a second thinking on what he wanted to say. “So am I y/n- I’m just- scared” he admitted showing a venerable side i didn’t see in Dean Winchester often.
“Dean” whispering, I pulling his face to look at me. “So am I, but I’m not going to stay in that house while your out here risking your life- I love you okay, I need you to trust me i have your back and I know you have mine” “what- what did you just say?” Dean stuttered but a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. “I meant it” “I love you too- so fine, your my partner in life and this is my life” he told me finally giving in rubbing my cheek with his thumb. “Really?” I grinned almost getting emotional. No I was getting emotional, a tear fell onto deans thumb.
“Yes- I meant every word hun, especially about me having your back- seriously if anyone puts there hands on you I’ll kill them, bring them back from hell and repeat again and again” he whispered nodding his head. “Shut up” I laughed wiping my happy tears away. “But thank you Dean- you have no idea how much this means to me and I know it’s hard for you to let down your walls” I practically starting jumping on the spot making him laugh. “Anything for you angel- anything”
I leant up on my tiptoes to kiss the man. The man I was in love with. “What’s happening to me why have I turned soft” Dean laughed against my lips. “You haven’t gone completely soft” I giggled playing with the bottom of his hair. “Oh yes he has” Sam and cas appeared grinning at us as I leant my head on deans shoulder smiling happily.
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lulubelle814 · 11 months
Just Dizziness - Chapter 14
Anxiety and depression began sinking back in quickly.  Once again, it became difficult not only to eat or drink but to even think about food.  Sarah was still baffled a couple days later as to what happened to throw me back into this state and couldn’t get a word out of me no matter what she did.  I just couldn’t bear to talk, knowing I’d start crying, unable to stop.
Finally, she came into my room late one morning and declared, “we are going to the bookstore.  I know you’re feeling down and don’t want to do anything, but you need to get out, at least for a little bit, and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
I always knew that when she put her foot down, there was no way to get out of it, no matter what I did or how I was feeling, unless I suddenly threw up on her like that one spring break during freshman year of college.
“Come on!  You’ve been studying non-stop.  You need to take a break and come party for a while or you’re going to make yourself sick!”
After that, she learned to read the signs better on if I was actually feeling well or not as I sometimes used things such as reading or studying to distract myself from getting sick.
Reluctantly, I put on some ‘acceptable’ clothes and shoes.  Sarah grabbed her keys and made sure I followed her out of the apartment, down the stairs, onto the sidewalk, and all the way to the bookstore.
She practically dragged me through the bookstore, hoping that something might pique my interest, at least a bit, but I was having a hard time just getting out of my head.
trust your heart
if the seas catch fire
(and live by love
though the stars walk backward)
It came as a whisper, in that beautiful accented voice I loved.
honour the past
but welcome the future
I looked around, but other than the girl at the counter, it was only me and Sarah, not even a radio or television playing in the shop.  
Sarah became distracted by a book that she had been looking for and didn’t notice when I wandered off, hoping against hope to find the source of that voice.
Rivers of my love run deep,
Into the valleys of your heart,
Neither height, nor depth,
Nor mountains too wide,
Could show you,
The depths of my Love,
I made my way through the new release section, then the classics section, on to the poetry section….
Way beyond the seas,
Throughout all eternity,
Could never show you,
The depths of my love,
Into the sun,
Far beyond the sky,
A thousand tears,
That I have cried,
Could never show you,
The depths of my love,
Forgiveness beyond measure,
Memories to treasure,
Love written as a lullaby,
Enchanted dreams of you and I,
Could never show you,
The depths of my love,
When the smooth, sweet voice stopped, I was in the Shakespeare section but still unable to find anyone else.  Wandering back to Sarah, she had just noticed I was gone as I started to reappear.
“Where did you go?”
I simply shrugged in response.  It seemed that as long as I was still there and relatively in one piece, she wouldn’t ask further questions.
“Are you hungry?” she asked.
I was a bit, but I really just wanted to go home.  I nodded to her, but when she asked about going to the coffee shop, I shook my head.  I didn’t want to be around a lot of people right now.  Instead, we headed back, and she ordered pizza.  To change things up, Sarah put on Tangled. 
That night I had a dream that I was dancing with him.  I was in the living room of a home that was strange but still familiar.  He was in joggers and a t-shirt, me in leggings and what looked to be one of his shirts.  He was holding me close as we danced slowly to “I See the Light” from Tangled.  It was dark with the room only lit by a couple of lamps from the next room.
My head rested on his chest, his left hand wrapped itself around my waist and onto my back, his other hand holding mine.  His grasp was firm but light as if I was glass he was protecting but also afraid would somehow float away like a balloon.  My other hand was wrapped around his neck, holding him in the same manner.
Never wanting this to end, I inhaled deeply but slowly, taking in everything, but especially his scent, the notes of tangerines and musk.  I could live in this moment forever.
Chapter 15
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helenofsimblr · 1 year
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Maisie: Uh Stella, I got 600 bucks, so unless you have oh I don’t know… a hundred times that, I don’t see how we can pull this miracle off. And anyway, what do you know about running a law firm?
Stella: A shit load more than most new grads. I watched my mom and dad run a firm from when I was young, I’m sure I learned something along the way. Besides, if we don’t do it, our careers are over, right?
Maisie: Well yeah. But there’s just, you know, the money issue? Where do we get it?
Stella: We have to move fast. The Montgomery name is still worth something, I can go and get a loan before it all kicks off, first thing tomorrow. And then we just live here and then just make our way to greatness, one case at a time.
Maisie: You make it sound easy…
Stella: For whatever reasons Maisie, call it fate, call it luck, call it karma… I believe everything happens for a reason, I believe we were destined to get thrown out of that shit hole, to go into business for ourselves!
Stella: That night, Maisie and I sat up till the early hours plotting out what we were going to do. Sadly, I never did hear a thing from my parents again after that, I was it seems, on my own. It was that night, that my law firm: Montgomery. Williams, and then later Bright, was formed. 
Ozen: So how did that go?
Stella: Oh Oz, bless you for asking, but I won’t bore you with the specifics. Basically we struggled for three years doing bitty little cases. It was not easy to make the big bucks, not at all. The Oakmonts still dominated the legal sector in the district and they vacuumed up all the best clients. But, after three years of perseverance, our luck changed..
Morrigan: Sometimes you simply have to keep going to achieve your goals.
Stella: After three years, a man walked into our office one day, I will never forget him. He was called “Borson Fatherall”. He only had one eye, and he also had a 10 million dollar problem. An unwinnable case you might say. He offered us 5% of the 10 million if we won. 
Morrigan: You won?
Stella: We did.
Stella: After three and a half years, finally Maisie and I had broken free. The Oakmonts could no longer hold us down. And one night, I picked up my 3 year old daughter, and told her that we were leaving this dump of an apartment to get a new house, a better house. Contracts and work came running in thick and fast. We took on Gunther Bright as our third named partner and then we expanded the firm so fast… We had senior partners, junior partners, a “shark tank” as in, a place for new lawyers.
Morrigan: I am admittedly impressed, I had no idea you faced such adversity for following your heart. And you stood by your friend when she needed you.
Stella: I did… You know as the years went by, I gradually gave up on the idea of going back to Sulani to find your dad. I guess I figured he’d have moved on and I didn’t want to complicate his life by showing up with a child. So I thought I’d just raise Francine as best I could and just live my life day to day. And that, that’s basically it. That’s the whole story of the events around me and your dad.
Ozen: Father, could not have chosen a more worthy wife to be… if you ask me!
Stella: Thank you Oz. I… that means a lot to me. 
Morrigan: I agree with Oz. If you ever need my help with anything, you only have to ask. 
Stella: Thank you, both of you. I think everything will be just fine.
THE END (of the Flashback)
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alluralater · 1 month
I m sorry that they made you feel like you weren’t a good enough reason to change I think you’d be the only reason anyone would wanna change ( because I’ve known you for a while and I know how deeply loving and caring you are ) I’ve learned people don’t change for others unless they wanna change for themselves as simple as it sounds it really helps you shift the narrative yk *also my apologies if I overstepped I just wanted to idk try and help*
this is very sweet thank you.
me throwing myself a lil pity party down there so don’t look at that. look instead at this!!
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i know realistically and logically that it isn’t on me to change anyone, like i don’t need a shifted narrative. it’s just unfortunate to think that i held up consistent morals and ethics and had deep conversations with them— hundreds of conversations simply about values and the treatment of others. and now i just, i don’t know. i feel stupid for thinking she’d be that way when i wasn’t around too. it was so… tragic in a way to hear from other people the way they were being treated by the person who i was in love with and who loved me. and i didn’t just let it go because i cant. i told them what they were doing wrong. and then it happened again but this time they just… talked. they said and said so many disgusting things that i felt unsafe with them. and that hurt so much. like fuck. this is the person who would call me every single morning and say things like “hi beautiful, did i wake you?” knowing of course that they did. this is someone who would stand outside my high rise apartment window and dance in the street when i was sick just to see me smile. hand on my lower back guiding me through crowds. watching me with soft eyes. this person wrote me poetry when i was 16. loved me more than anyone i’d ever met. dealt with my rejection over and over and still wanted me. kept coming back to me. i have enough stuff about them on my blog like floating around but… it makes me sad. so many years. so many conversations. so many nights and mornings together. making breakfast for them in their kitchen and them eventually joining me even though they could see me from the far end of the room with the open layout. i think about that morning a lot. they said “where are you going?!” and i got my apple watch while rolling my eyes and saying they were so clingy. and i put it in their hand and propped up my camera on the kitchen counter, letting them watch me with the little remote camera option. the way they were still complaining until finally going “oh!”and seeing me wave before blowing them a kiss. the little precious laugh. she sounded so content and satisfied. so i’m in the kitchen making eggs. sunny side up. making them laugh and they’re making me laugh. and at some point for some reason they’re like telling me this isn’t enough to see me. and i’m saying yes it is AND they can see me from over there, not even 20 feet away. so they jump up out of bed and come over and start being so cute and sweet, like always. i can’t remember much after that. i don’t remember a lot of mornings we spent together. afternoons and nights and evenings, i’ve forgotten a great deal of them.
i do remember some nights, sleeping next to her and memorizing every small detail of her face. i had seen it in so many ways over so many different years. i was thinking one night in particular that perhaps i would want to remember them like this. deep dark brown wavy hair dyed red, falling around their shoulders, sleeping on their side facing me. i close my eyes and i can still see her like that. feel her so warm next to me. lips a deep pink shade and slightly swollen. smiling in their sleep when i whispered that i loved them. god i really did love them so much. and even with them, someone whom i loved so much… i was still terrified to be loved. but god when they were wrapped up in my arms and holding my hand to their chest and refusing to let me go anywhere i always felt… so cared for. because they couldn’t see me accept it. and their gentle hands and gentle fingers— so fucking gentle with me. me, whose body has been through so much pain and wear that i have always insisted people be even rougher with me because i can’t bear softness any longer. they were sweet to me, gentle to me. they knew when to be rough. we considered one another the loves of each other’s lives. that no matter what would happen (and everything happened) we would always be. and i wonder now, if we are now. if i am doomed to never find better than someone who hid the extent of their harmful behavior from me just to have me, but to love me so loudly otherwise. never has anyone looked at me and loved me like that. desperately and in spite of so many things. and i never hurt them. well, once. once i did. and then removing them from my life. twice in eight years and i suppose they did hurt me in certain ways. maybe a lot of small ways. maybe a few big ways. sometimes i don’t know who i loved. someone selfish, yes. never as selfless as me. someone who wanted to marry me and honeymoon in a cabin in the woods so we could go hiking and have lots of sex and spend time together away from everything. “wait what if i’m on my period for our honeymoon??” words leaving my lips on a pout before continuing, “how are we supposed to have a ton of hot steamy sex if i’m—” “as if that would stop me.” god it made me smile. it really did. the things they would say and the certainty in which they’d say it. but people are dichotomous. i suppose for every thing they’d say that warmed my heart and soothed my soul there was another thing that felt like a quick earnest knife slicing through me and leaving behind silence. maybe i should have wanted more. but then sometimes it was my fault too, giving them whiplash before. “you say you want to be with me and the next day i can’t figure out if you even do” i guess i just thought i didn’t need to say it. i really thought everything i showed was enough. sometimes i wish i’d done more. said more. guided them more. i know they hid so much from me. how they felt about certain things. what they were doing when i wasn’t around. how they treated other people. and god i felt so fucking stupid but i know im not stupid. and they did too. they knew what they were doing and how much effort it took to be like that with me. so maybe i wasn’t enough to change for but i was enough to lie for. i would have married them. i would have. and then what. i’d be loved every morning and every night by my love. and when my convictions came calling, when i found out who they’d turned into and had been hiding from me— i don’t know if i would have had the strength to leave. because i would have gotten everything. to be loved by someone who would die for me. tested and true. to be loved by someone who would protect me and care for me in ways i never let anyone else do for me. to be fucking loved honestly. what would i do for that? see in my fantasy of our life i think that it would be hard for me to decide. i imagine it would take effort. but… in reality it took me only minutes to leave them. eight years of their love bled out of me in twenty seconds, and then three long minutes. maybe it was shorter than that. i can’t be with someone dangerous.
and in my head i wonder if i have the strength to do these things. i always wonder. but in reality it never matters because i cannot feel any other way. i do what i need to do when i need to do it and i feel whatever i need to feel after it is done. months later. years later. my love. the love of my life. i mourn whoever i thought they were and im trying to bury that person in my mind. how am i supposed to see them for who they were. smiling at me, laughing with me, dancing with me, kissing me, touching me. it was all real. all of it. i know it was. i withhold my trust and my love and my heart enough to know that it was all real. i just… should have done something more. i don’t know what, but it should have been more. now i have this… void in me. this terrible ache. panic attacks because i can’t believe anyone anymore. not anymore. not really. who might they be when i’m not around. maybe i’m enough for someone else, a lot of people. but i wanted them and only them— and i wasn’t enough, clearly. they changed for the worse, because i wasn’t enough to make them better. and no maybe it isn’t logical to think that way but emotionally yes it is that way to me. i should be enough. so, maybe i wish i was. and maybe today im feeling like im not enough and like i hate knowing that. and maybe one day i’ll admit to myself that they hurt me in so many ways that were so awful and say yes all my friends are right that im better off but today is not that day. today i feel awful and it sucks. i’m quite afraid to fall in love and seeing something about it just made me… wish i could let it happen. i’m tired. i wish i could have all the good parts back, but nothing is so simple, not really. not ever.
anyways thank you i appreciate your kindness <3
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drstonetrivia · 1 year
Chapter 192 Trivia
Not much this chapter, since it's basically hot potato again with just as much gunfire.
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Check out those wisps! I don't think we've seen them before, and there's a tiny line going straight down the middle (Whyman's command, perhaps?)
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The lake shown here appears to be Pyramid Lake, which is around 200-250 km away from the Sacramento marker on the map.
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I got really excited here that they'd confirm my calculations from last week, but Senku decided it wasn't the right time for math. (It's always the right time for math.)
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In half a page, all the predictions I'd heard over the last couple weeks were dismissed. Oh well.
Interestingly, Senku confirms that the bigger the blast radius, the faster the wave is rather than anything to do with the battery!
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Chrome doesn't even change pose here (note the position of his finger), so this happened super fast. That's also at least one bottle of revival fluid spilt all over the floor near Senku, so I wonder if that'll affect the speed of his revival (or stop it in its tracks?)
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This is the point when the Americans first see the beam: start the timer for 56 seconds!
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This is the first time we see Leonard holding a gun. I don't think he's normally a fighter at all, since he's never been shown during any of the other fights and didn't defend against Kohaku's attack on the phone.
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Check out Ukyo's arrow! That's definitely used for cutting rather than piercing, and because it's flat like a razor, it was probably easier to sharpen. Historically, true rope-cutting arrows tend to be more crescent-shaped. Also don't look too hard at the angle Ukyo fired from…
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I have no idea what this beep sound effect is. Either Ukyo has a receiver of some sort on him and in a single beep he established that the KoS lost their revival fluid, or he simply heard a bottle shatter between all the gunfire and realised they lost the bottle, the beep being irrelevant.
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Xeno sure escaped fast! He was tied up and in the middle of the fort the last time we saw him.
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I also thought it had only been around 60-80 days since Xeno got taken, as it happened at the end of November/early December and now it’s about mid-February (both estimates), so I guess I was slightly off about that! (Unless Xeno is rounding up a lot ~for the drama~)
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Suika needs a new melon. She got shot in the "head", and by the looks of things her lenses are cracked. Hopefully when she revives she'll still be able to use them! (Glass can last a really long time.)
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She also lost all her leaves, I wonder if she switches them out regularly?
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Stanley, reunited with Xeno, no longer cares about counting bullets or accuracy judging by the lack of circles in his muzzle flash.
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Another point about Stanley: he's been sitting with an unlit cigarette in his mouth until Xeno appears, immediately after which he attempts to light it but stops since they discover Suika missing.
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Remember this tower has mics set up all over the fort: technically any sound too close to one of the mics will be received by the tower... I don't know how none of these explosions haven't affected this setup yet, if they're planning on using noises like lightning or animals.
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It's possible even Stanley himself might activate it by shooting towards the tower before the beam hits, check out all those microphone cables!
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Speaking of Stanley, what happened to this trio? They've just disappeared-- did Stanley shoot them?
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How a girl who can't see her own feet and needs to feel around the floor to get herself into position is going to save everyone I'm not sure, but I do know Suika is one capable gal.
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Also we have a callback to her introduction way back in chapter 20, which just breaks my heart in this context.
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This is also the 5th time Ryusui's gotten petrified, so I hope he's having a good time.
I've got no predictions for next chapter because anything can happen at this point, but I do wonder if that single medusa will manage to envelop the whole world, or if the battery will die first. 🤔
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cynicalone94 · 1 year
Makeshift Bandage
Jay is driving home from work when he sees the car off the road. Radioing in the accident and requesting a bus, he pulls in next to it.
“Hey.” he calls out as he jumps out of the truck and jogs over to the vehicle. “Is anyone in there?”
A woman crawls out of the driver’s seat with her hand pressed against her bleeding forehead.
“There was a dog.” she whimpers. “I swerved but I …”
“It’s okay.” he soothes. “Is anyone else hurt?”
“No.” she says, shaking her head. “It’s just me.”
“Okay.” she agrees. “I’ve got an ambulance on the way to check you out. Is there anyone I can call for you?”
Something changes on her face and he slows his approach.
“No.” she says, shaking her head. “He’s already here.”
He hears movement behind him and starts to turn. A tree branch collides with his temple and he drops to his knees, stunned.
“Wh-what are you doing?” he asks, hands going for his weapon.
“We needed a new car, Officer.” the woman says. “It’s nothing personal.”
Then the branch is coming down over his head again.
The first thing he notices when he wakes up is the uncomfortable feeling of pleather sticking to his face as he shifts.
This is why he’s hated falling asleep in cars since he was a kid. No matter the material, the seats always feel shitty under his skin.
He tries to sit up, peeling his face painfully from the seat. But movement is hard, inhibited by the way his hands a secured behind him.
He pulls against the cool metal, hearing the clinking of handcuffs.
He didn’t just fall asleep in his truck. Something… the accident.
“Officer Halstead is waking up, babe.” a man’s voice says from the front seat.
“Detective.” he corrects absently.
“Shut up.” the woman from earlier snaps.
“I was trying to help you.” he growls.
“We didn’t need your help.” the man says, twisting in his seat to look at him. “Just your car.”
“And you drug me along because…?” Jay asks.
A carjacking is one thing but abducting a police officer is another entirely.
“We’re in a little bit of trouble.” the woman says, glancing over the seat at him with a flirty smile. “Police are closing in which is why we were leaving the county when we… well, I told you the truth about the dog.”
“Rose figured it might be best if we had a little insurance until we get to the state line.” the man says.
That’s a four hour drive.
“And if I’m lucky.” Rose says, winking at Jay. “By the time we get there I can convince Trevor to let me have just a little more fun before we cut you loose.”
Jay can barely suppress a shudder.
“Unless they’re already following you,” he starts, glancing out the back windshield. “Which they aren’t, taking me with you can only cause you more risk of getting caught.”
Trevor looks back at him, his face thoughtful.
“Sounds like a lot of risk so that your girlfriend can have fun with someone that isn’t you.” Jay pushes.
He’s thrown against the door as Rose swerves off the road and slams on the brakes.
“I told you to shut up.” she snaps over the seat. “Trevor, help me hold him down.”
“Maybe he’s right.” Trevor says, even as he climbs out of the truck. “Maybe we should dump him here.”
Rose gets out of the truck and walks around to meet him by the passenger door.
“I told you I’d make it worth your while, didn’t I?” she coos, pressing him up against the truck. “That I’d make it as good for you as it is for me.”
Trevor shakes his head but even from behind through a window Jay can tell that he’s wavering. He works his way toward the other side of the truck.
Maybe he can get out on the other side while they’re distracted and make a run for it.
“Please.” Rose is saying as he reaches the door, lifting his restrained hands in search of the door release. “For me baby?”
He finds the release and pushes the door open.
“Hey!” Rose shouts as he stumbles out of the truck. “Get back here!”
He doesn’t, directing his footsteps in the direction they’d come from. A blast rings out and fire burns it’s way through his lower leg. He stumbles and then falls, sliding on his stomach across the pavement.
He rolls to his back as footsteps race toward him, watching as Rose approaches with his service weapon in hand.
“You try that again and the next bullet goes somewhere other than your leg.” she snarls.
“Just let me go.” he begs.
“No way.” she says, shaking her head and crouching down. “Trevor doesn’t know it yet but we’re going to be keeping you around for a long time.”
“Rose.” Trevor calls from back toward the truck. “I can’t find a kit.”
“What kind of cop doesn’t have a first aid kit in his truck?” she asks him.
“It’s in-” he starts but she slaps her hand over his mouth and presses his gun under his jaw.
“I don’t care.” she says, shaking her head. “And I told you it was time for you to shut up. Trevor! Get over here.”
Her boyfriend jogs over.
“What are we going to do?” he asks. “We need to bandage his leg.”
“He’ll be okay for a minute.” she dismisses. “I want to shut him up first. Sick of the sound of his voice, of him trying to turn you against me.”
“You know you’re my number one girl.” Trevor says. “He can’t convince me not to listen to you.”
“I know.” she says, smiling at him. “But I don’t want to listen to him trying anymore.”
“I found this while I was looking for a kit.” Trevor offers, holding up a flannel shirt that he keeps in the back of the truck.
“Tear it up.” she says. “And rip his shirt off. We’ll gag him and then use the rest to bandage his leg.”
Trevor nods, ripping his t-shirt open from the collar. Jay can’t move, can’t fight as it’s stripped away from him.
Scraps of his t-shirt are forced into his mouth and tied into place using strips of the flannel.
Then Trevor is placing folding scraps of t-shirt on either side of his leg and then wrapping the flannel around his leg. He tightens it painfully into place and Jay groans at the degree of pressure applied to his wound.
“Get up.” Rose snarls, grabbing his arm.
With Trevor’s help, he manages to struggle to his feet, limping back toward his truck.
As they reach the open back door, the sound of a car engine reaches his ears and he looks up to see a red sedan rounding a corner and driving toward them.
Jay steps back into Trevor, throwing his head back into the man’s face in an attempt to get the driver’s attention.
Then Rose is there, pressing the gun against the back of his head and the car screeches to a halt.
The woman behind the wheel is staring at them with wide eyes, talking on her phone and Jay takes some comfort from the knowledge that the police will be aware of the situation soon.
And then shots are firing past his head, shattering the windshield of the red car. He hears the woman scream and throws himself back into Rose.
Her distraction gives the woman long enough to throw her car into reverse and speed out of range.
Rose shoves him into the backseat of his truck and then slams the door.
He feels the truck jolt into motion and slides forward legs falling off the seat.
“Rose, this is crazy.” Trevor says. “She called the cops. They’re going to find us.”
Probably sooner than he thinks. After his request for an ambulance and then arriving to an abandoned wreck they would be searching the area. And being unable to reach the reporting detective would have increased worry levels.
All of which meaning that police officers should have been close when the woman’s 911 call had come in.
Sure enough, he heard sirens just a moment later.
The cavalry has arrived.
Voight hadn’t woken up this morning intending to be involved in a pursuit. It isn’t something that Intelligence typically participates in.
But when it’s his Detective’s truck, almost certainly with Jay being held hostage, he isn’t about to not show up.
The woman who’d called in the last sighting had reported that the two hijackers, in addition to having a gun that they’d fired at her, we’re holding a man hostage. She’d held that the man was restrained, gagged and had blood soaking into the leg of his pants.
But he’d also still been fighting back, even with a gun to his head.
He should order Jay to wait for backup before stopping to help people.
He pulls in behind the other cars at the roadblock that’s being set up, getting out and approaching Sergeant King.
“Hank.” the man greets, looking up from his maps. “Your boy Halstead is in trouble again, huh?”
“Guess that’s what he gets for stopping to mark sure the driver in a single car accident is okay.” Voight retorts.
“Records came back on the car he stopped at.” King replies. “Stolen at a bank robbery this afternoon. We don’t have a positive ID on the robbers yet but robbery homicide has been looking at Trevor Frampton, twenty, and his girlfriend, Rose Lewis, nineteen.”
“They’re driving away from a robbery where they almost got caught and had to steal a car.” Voight fills in. “Panicking, not paying attention and run off the road. Someone stops to help and they decide to steal another car only this time, they take the driver with them in case they need a hostage.”
“Looks like it.” King agrees as the large truck comes around a curve. “Here we go.”
The truck skids to a stop short of the barricade and Voight eyes up the young man behind the wheel. He’s just a kid.
A kid who’s hurt his kid.
The door swings open.
“My partner is in the back with your guy, Halstead.” he shouts. “She will shoot him if you don’t let us through.”
“Mr. Frampton.” King calls out. “Don’t make this any worse than it already is. Surrender now and let Detective Halstead go.”
“I can’t do that.” Trevor calls back after delay. “We never meant for this to happen. I just needed money.”
“We understand that.” King says. “Things just got out of hand. But at some point, you have to do something to get them back under control. And that starts with letting Detective Halstead go.”
Trevor turns into the backseat, arguing with someone and Voight steps up next to King.
“You getting the vibe that Rose is the one calling the shots here?” he asks quietly.
“All the footage of the robberies does suggest that the female is the one calling the shots.” King agrees.
“What do you wanna bet he “needed” the money cause his girlfriend wanted nice things?” Voight asks.
“Reasonable conclusion.” King agrees. “Means we might be able to turn him against her. He’s in over his head and this isn’t what he planned for.”
“This is crazy!” Trevor shouts finally and King picks up the megaphone.
“Trevor you don’t have to this.” he calls. “Step out of the truck with your hands up. This can all be over.”
“I can’t just leave her here.” Trevor sobs.
“She got you into this mess, didn’t she?” King asks.
“She asked me to help her.” Trevor says, shaking his head. “And I had to do it.”
“Because you love her.” King concludes. “But Trevor, this isn’t love.”
“She loves me.” he shouts.
The backdoor of the truck swings open and Jay stumbles out with a gun to his head. Rose Lewis is 5’5” and maybe 100 lbs and looks completely incapable of taking an experienced detective hostage.
Without the help of her boyfriend and the fact that Jay had seen a victim needing help, she never would have managed it.
“He’s a wimp.” she snarls. “I kept him around because he was useful but he’s been one breath away from chickening out since we picked Halstead up.”
“Rose?” Trevor calls.
“Shut up.” she snarls, dragging Jay back behind the truck.
He’s limping heavily, and Voight growls.
Trevor stumbles out of the truck, staring after his ex? girlfriend.
“Trevor.” King calls. “Walk toward us.”
“Rose!” the kid cries. “Rose please.”
“Fuck off, Trevor!” the girl shouts.
“Trevor.” King calls. “Let her go. Come this way.”
Trevor gives up, stumbling toward the barricade where he’s pulled across by a police officer who cuffs and searches him before tucking him in the back of a patrol car.
“Rose.” King calls. “You need to let Detective Halstead go. If you stop this now, we can help you. We can work something out.”
“Nothing can work this out.” Rose screams. “I had everything! I had a boyfriend who would do anything to make me happy. And then I picked up this sexy police officer and I was going to have such a good time with him. And now everything is ruined.”
“But we can make it better.” King says. “You’re young. If you stop this now, this will go a lot better for you.”
“I don’t -” Rose cuts off with a yelp as she falls out from behind the car.
The gun goes off as she hits the ground and then a jean clad leg is darting out from behind the truck to kick the gun out of her hand.
King’s team rushes forward, securing Rose. Voight bypasses them to get to Jay.
The leg he’d kicked rose with is still outstretched as he leans against the back of the truck, eyes closed as he tries to tuck his injured leg up against his chest.
He’s breathing hard, labored breaths obstructed by the gag.
Voight is quick to untie the flannel strips holding it in place, pulling the cloth from his mouth.
“Just breathe, kid.” he encourages. “We’ll have paramedics over here in a minute. You hurt anywhere other than your leg?”
“Head hurts.” Jay breathes. “Trevor got me from behind as I approached the car. She said she was alone; acted like a scared kid who’d swerved to avoid a dog.”
“You were just trying to help.” Voight agrees. “And you did. Trevor is going to get a good deal, get the help he needs. And so are you, here’s the paramedics now.”
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aspecpplarebeautiful · 10 months
Hi Hello I am having such a crisis and have literally no clue who else to talk to so here I am! (Side-Note before I actually start: your blog is very very cool and has been such a great help to since I figured out I was aspec)
So basically I figured out I was ace a few years ago (I’m a minor btw) and then about a year later that I was aro. I have been pretty stable in my identity since and am out to my close friends (and mom but only the ace part), even rejected one of said close friends because of just that (which was really difficult because I really really really like him and did not do not want to hurt him but like I just can’t see myself having a romantic relationship with him, or anyone for that matter, at all). Anyway I met this girl at school yesterday (we only started talking today though), we’ll call her Marie for simplicity’s sake, and she’s really pretty and nice and funny and soo cool. I’m pretty sure she flirted with me and it actually felt good (all other instances of flirting by guys and gals alike have felt sooo weird ngl) yet I stellt felt that strange disconnect feeling I always get when someone flirts w me just like, quieter? I’ll probably only see her tomorrow and then not again for a long time (or maybe even forever) if I don’t actively reach out to her (she gave me her number btw) and I’d really like to be friends… now, thing is I think I have a crush???? Maybe??? I dunno???? I think I would like to be with her in theory but as soon as I imagine myself kissing Marie or even holding hands I get a cringing uncomfortable sensation… On top of that I don’t even know if she likes girls, so I might not even have a shot at all. And even if I were crushing on Marie and she liked girls and liked me I dunno if I would be able to have a relationship with because a) I suck at communicating b) I’m a nervous wreck that just randomly ghosts people for weeks on end despite wanting to text them and c) I think the guilt towards the friend who confessed to me would kill me
I’m sorry if I bothered you w this but I really needed someone to talk to and maybe you might even have some words of advice
So the number one thing to remember is that you don't have to have everything figured out right away. Based on this alone, a lot of things are possible, and things will be more clear as you gather more experiences and things progress in general. Right now it does sound like you're still repulsed at the idea of doing romantic things with Marie, it's impossible to say if that may change in the future or not unless you personally have a strong feeling about it.
Could it be a crush? Maybe? It is possible to get crushes but not want to act on them, or be too repulsed to act on them. Or to experience romantic attraction but not the full range or romantic desire to go with it. It's also possible to experience other types of attraction that isn't romantic or sexual, but if you're not aware they exist it can be easy to mistake them (squishes for example is a type of platonic crush where you want to be close or important to the person you're attracted to, and can feel a lot like a romantic crush except that it doesn't feel romantic at all).
I get where you may feel like you're on a deadline because you may not see Marie again after today, it's up to you if you want to try and stay in contact, but if you have the capacity to experience these feelings with one person, it's likely you will again (or if you don't, it's a hiccup and you don't have to worry about it). So whatever choices you make, you will figure things out eventually.
Try not to feel guilty if you want to explore your feelings here even though you turned your friend down. It hurts to reject people, but it's always the right choice if you don't feel like you can reciprocate how they want, and it's the kindest choice in the long run. But that doesn't bar you from exploring your feelings or even trying a relationship at some point in the future if you ever end up wanting to, you will still have done the right thing turning down someone you didn't feel right entering a relationship with. These things are complicated.
Hopefully this is helpful, but if you want to dig into something more or have more questions, feel free to send in another ask.
All the best!
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theprinceofmarvel · 2 years
Jennifer Walters Headcanons
please know that this is all fluff,very minor angst!
Keep in mind you’ve been with Jenn since y’all met at a coffee shop when she was cramming for finals at law school. You just so happened to always be there when she needed caffeine. (I love a meet cute leave me be)
The was only ever one bump in the road and that was when she went missing for 2 weeks. She didn’t tell you anything at all. You just knew she was with her cousin Bruce and they were on their way to her parent’s house for dinner. It drove you mad. You were so angry and frustrated with her when she came back home. “JENNIFER SUSAN WALTERS! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!?” She flinched at the sound of her full name. Ruh roh. At this point you were in tears and finished off with “I called your parents and you weren’t there. I thought you were missing or dead. I love you Jenn, but you need to tell me about these things. I don’t care where you go because my heart will always follow. I’d appreciate it if you just gave me a heads-up about a change of plans, okay?” You were both crying and there was a lot of hugging and kisses. Jennifer was still afraid to hurt you though.
The day you found out was the day she fought Titania while presenting a case. She didn’t know you were waiting outside of the courtroom for her. You had wanted to surprise her with lunch at her favorite cafe. When you heard the crash you ran in and tried to find her. When you didn’t, you felt your heart rate pick up. Where could she be? When your eyes met with green they slowly became the hazel you know and love. She slowly moved towards you only for you to step back. “So this is what you kept from me?” She didn’t know how to respond. She just wanted to protect you. “We’ll talk when you come home. I need to think for a minute. I love you.” And you walked out. She knew she was in the dog house the moment she saw you in your shared apartment with your hands on your hips. At least you weren’t upset for long after she explained everything.
Jennifer Walters loves you just as much as you love her. The thought of you literally keeps her from hulking out most of the time. If she’s already in hulk form and can’t go back to your Jenn you just need to hold her hand. She’s a puddle of love and adoration as she shrinks down to Jennifer size.
She loves waking up and seeing you next to her and having your arms around her. She feels so safe and comforted. Jennifer hates having to work so early in the morning because she misses you so much all the time. It may seem a little codependent, but she adores you and wants you all the freaking time.
You own a bar, so you’re your own boss. That must be heckin nice,huh? Since you have a bit of free time you make different dishes for Jenn to try when she comes home. She loves that you work, but the sight of you cooking for her makes her heart flutter. She loves you so fucking much. You care for her well being and remind her to eat and drink water. Sometimes you cook together because Jenn wants to learn, but doesn’t know where to start. So you’ll stand behind her and guide her while you wrap your arms around her waist and rest your chin on her shoulder. Every time she does something right without guidance earns her a kiss along her neck. Her knees buckle a bit whenever you do that.
WEEKEND CLEANING! I cannot stress this enough. She loves days like this. You don’t DEEP clean unless it’s a holiday, special event, or spring cleaning. Y’all just clean together. Wash dishes together, clean the windows, and mirrors. (Think of that scene from up where they’re fixing up their house) Just two humans in love and enjoying each other’s company.
This is all I have for now. Enjoy Jennifer Walters fans <3
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Whether I’m his MC or not, I WILL scold Jumin to the ends of the earth when I find out he’s (spoilers?) making Jaehee wear glasses and cut her hair short. Jumin honey, I love you, but you can’t do that just because you pay her wages! Sure she signed a contract but there are also social contracts you’re violating!
Jumin is 100% in the wrong. However, we know the reason why he has done this. He didn't order her to do this because it was something that he wanted from her. It's not that he wanted her to appear a certain way for him. No, this is about his father, unfortunately. The father that causes him too much grief for us to even unpack. In his position, his father has gone after pretty much every woman that comes within spitting distance of him, including Jumin’s assistants.
The only thing he could think to do to protect his assistant from being harassed by his father was to ask her if she would change her appearance to avoid any of that happening. Now, we all know that's not right and it's not something anybody should ask of others. Chairman Han is the one that needs to change. He is what I like to call, “a shitty person.” This man goes after any woman he can, and most of the time, the women he decides to court hurt Jumin or attempted to take a lot away from C&R’s assets.
We can understand why Jumin does what he does. It’s got so much to do with the trauma he’s experienced in life. He knows his father, and even though he is trying to see the best in him, he knows his father won’t change. He knows that it is “easier” to ask others to change then it is to confront his father. Jumin really is never able to face his father properly unless you do his route, and even then, it’s  not as satisfying as I’d want it. I think about how in Saeran’s After Ending where Jumin hits his lowest point and his father, without care, says to him, “Wow, you finally sound human now.”
You know, Jumin Han, the man who hates and fears being called cold and unfeeling, was called the thing he is most insecure about by his own father. Jumin wants a family. He wants to be happy with his family. He tries his best throughout his life for his father, but unfortunately, Jumin cannot face the facts about the truth here. He needed to cut his father off a long time ago. The fact that he hasn’t done that, and the fact that he asks other to change just to avoid the issue with his father is the problem.
However just because we understand why he's doing what he's doing, doesn't mean that it's right. You know what I mean? We know why he does it but he’s not right. So, please, hold Jumin accountable here. He needs to hear it whether he likes it or not. it’s the truth. He knows the truth deep down. I just hope he’s got the chance to realize that and face the facts so he can apologize and work on doing the right thing. I love the guy, but for his sake and Jaehee’s, there’s got to be massive change.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Hi, how are you today?
So, I'm designing a devil fruit for my OC in one piece verse and I'm having trouble since it sounds way to over powered. My only idea right is to make a cool down bar for her, meaning she can only trigger her power for a fixed time.
The fruit is a Zoan type Ryu Ryu no Mi model: Mythical Kuraokami. Yep :^) it even sounds op, but it's so cool and I really want it for my OC.
Main abilities include:
- Turning into a big dragon (like Kaido)
- Have a half human half dragon form. In that form, her recover ability and endurance are increased, speed is reduced but strength is enhanced. (kinda a Zoan specialty). Also has claws.
- Able to call for storms and blizzards.
- Able to controls wind and snow but her body is not made of them.
Since it's a mythical, it's hard to make it not op, but I need to find away to at least make it less op when she first had it, and increase the power as she grews stronger.
So I'm asking for your help to make it less op. Thank you, and have a great day!
So due to the speed at which I can get devil fruit requests like this out, I decided to put it out now.
     So first things first, I must, must, must reiterate, if you like it do not change a thing. Let’s repeat that together. If you like it, do not change a thing. Okay, now, Ryu Ryu no mi Mythical model: Kuraokami. I actually had to look up Kuraokami as I had no clue what it was at first! It’s actually kind of a cool idea in my opinion and leads to all sorts of cool possibilities. So let’s start with the name, I’d like to point out that all of the Ryu Ryu fruits we’ve seen thus far are actually dinosaurs. Kaido isn’t a Ryu Ryu no mi, it comes from another mythology about when a koi fish successfully climbs up a waterfall. His devil fruit is a fish fish fruit! Okay, unimportant tiny details can now be pushed aside. 
     So at first glance, it doesn’t have a particularly long list of powers and I’ve seen and helped create things that I consider far more op. So turning into a dragon and turning into a half dragon form. Both make a lot of sense. Like (seemingly all) Zoans, there’s a 0%, a 50%, and a ‘100’% changed forms. We see this in basically all Zoans, Chopper’s numerous point forms that seem to range from 0-???%. Kaido has his dragon form, X Drake is constantly going in and out of some amount of dinosaur, etc. etc. Subsequently, with becoming a freaking dragon! Comes certain things that are going to be ‘op’ no matter what you do. Please note that op is relative in my opinion. What one person considers overpowered, another considers underpowered. You’ll rarely find a power that everybody agrees is overpowered. They exist, they just aren’t common (pretty sure saiyins are one of them). In a half or full dragon form, she is, of course, going to have certain enhanced or decreased abilities. In many mythologies, dragons are considered to be among some of the strongest creatures around. Depending on eastern vs. western, they can also be some of the smartest, wisest, most whatever-ist creatures as well. For other readers checking this out, Kuraokami is, in short, an eastern dragon god. No wings, super slim, long… hairier than their western counterparts. So increased endurance makes total sense, as does her enhanced strength. I’m actually not entirely sure her speed would be reduced. A) she’s a dragon, b) probably pretty flipping strong, so her speed might actually end up being increased. She also wouldn’t have the wings of western dragons that would create wind resistance that would hold her back, so you could actually have her speed increase as well if you wanted (I know, I know, we’re trying to make her less op, not more 😆). Also, claws are kind of a given. I, personally, don’t know of a dragon who doesn’t have claws unless they trimmed the claws themselves. Now I purposefully left out the recovery ability. To the best of my knowledge, which is limited, dragons don’t have increased recovery without magic, so if you want to limit the fruit, scratch the recovery. This actually allows it to become a lot weaker. If she can recover quickly in her other forms, she could, hypothetically, keep going until her stamina runs out or until she sustains such serious injuries that even her abilities can’t keep up with them. Without the ability, even with hardened dragon scales, she’s still susceptible to hits and damage, still suffers from wear and tear on the body. Imagine Luffy but if Luffy didn’t fall unconscious and need weeks of recovery from injuries. Boy would already be the pirate king! 
     Next item on the list. Storms and blizzards. Kuraokami in the shinto deity of rain and snow (according to wikipedia), so if you’re looking to nerf this fruit still, I’d keep these basic powers but decrease their strength. Rain and snow storms, yes, but not full blizzards or car toppling winds. Rain and snow do not necessarily equal storms and blizzards. A blizzard, by definition, is a severe snowstorm, but a snowstorm is not automatically a blizzard.
     Controlling wind and snow. This kind of goes hand in hand with the previous power. If you’re creating a storm, typically you have some measure of control over it, you can direct the winds, increase the severity (to a degree), etc. etc. So in my opinion, there’s really no point in listing this ability unless she can go above and beyond what would be controllable during a storm. Like, if she can make snow people, then yes, keep this power, but otherwise, there’s no need for this. 
     If you want to keep everything, but still find a way to make it less op, there’s a way to do that as well! Devil fruit awakenings! We’ve seen some badass and even downright ridiculous bullshit with awakenings. So if you want to keep all the powers but make it less op, then here’s what you do. Keep the dragon forms through and through, that part’s obvious, but make the enhancements and increases incremental. As she trains and gets stronger, so do her abilities. It goes from a slight increase to endurance, enhanced strength, to eventually… being able to lift entire mountains in half dragon form. We see this with most devil fruits, the increase in their power as they go along and not just ‘oh I trained and now I’m stronger’, but a legitimate result of training the fruit abilities themselves. If you’ve read the special book about Law, you see this with his devil fruit, going from curing his white lead to the shit he does to Doflamingo. The same with the storms, in the beginning it’s a small downpour or a flurry, but at full awakening, yes, she can summon a freaking blizzard! I think that about covers everything but if there’s something I missed or my ramblings made 0 sense, drop through my inbox again and let me know! Now, let’s say it one more time! If you like it, do not change a thing! The best way to hate your own oc or devil fruits is to try and change them because of what other people think! If you like all her powers and want her to be awesome, then get on with your bad self! She’ll be the most awesome dragon girl in the world! If you want to nerf the abilities a bit, awesome! She’ll still be the most awesome dragon girl in the world and you can’t change my mind.
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