#but seriously everyone should check the out
katyspersonal · 1 day
Someone really said we shouldn't take Messmer's last words ( when he cursed Marika) seriously because he was demonically possessed by the abyssal serpent ijbol
I do not think that it was the case either! My impression from his phase transition was more of him finally giving into his serpentine nature, and thus, finally allowing himself to feel his true feelings!
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"Hatred that would be confined" here can mean both him hating himself (since fire is a hazard to the Erdtree, evidenced by Fire of Ruin and Destined Death, so why not his?) OR hating her for having forsaken him! Except... they are not mutually exclusive. He could have hated himself for existing as something that could inevitably bring ruin to everything she created and hated her for abandoning him!
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Like other characters in the DLC, he is aware that we've been called by Grace of Gold, her creation, to become her new Lord! Nonetheless, he decides to still disrespect what counts as her wishes, which already gives something away, at least for me. It could be that him taking Crusade beyond just vengeance, to fascism level, WAS what split them apart, and he is still convinced he knew what was better for purity and life of her Order better than her (LOOOOVE this version because it makes him even scarier). It could be jealousy, because some nobody Tarnished would get the chance to fix things for her when he tried to do the same and yet she was not "grateful". It could be that this "purpose" he took up for her feels like the only thing still connecting them, since she is not coming back. It could be many things that I can keep listing!
Yet, at the same time, he asks her forgiveness before removing the seal! So, killing someone he (correctly) believes she is awaiting is a lesser crime than removing the seal she gave to him to keep Base Serpent away? I think it is very telling that the root of how much he hates his flame is her hatred of it.
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( x ) Perhaps, by being deadset on killing everyone spurn of her grace, he sort of overcompensates for how much he hates himself for being graceless (in a way, 'shorn of light' is very blatant)... He can't fix his nature, nor can she, but he could remove her OTHER pains and grudges. He is compensating!.. like, for how much he wishes to never having been born, or something...
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Damn this got weirdly sad And a simpler interpretation is that it was just a cry of pain, because he was dying and she was not there for him. Or maybe it was the horror of feeling like he was to fall into Abyss, since he removed the seal? Not that I ever died in my life yet, but I'd imagine that thoughts and emotions upon violent death would not be very rational!
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I really want some help with Japanese description of this item, because this "but never again" feels like some sort of grudge. Like that she realised it was useless; not so much because what afflicted him was untreatable, but because she deemed him not worthy of any more chances! You see what I mean! Again, English choices of words should be taken with a grain of salt.
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Messmer also was not "possessed" by Base Serpent, he became Base Serpent! Saying you will be taken in jaws by a serpent shorn of light, he means himself! He has a habit of addressing himself in third face already, saying that you will meet death in the embrace of "Messmer's" flame, not "his" flame! There is definitely some parallel with Malenia unleashing Scarlet Rot again just to not lose to us, but whereas Scarlet Rot is confirmed to eat away at people's personality and memories (Millicent's questline), nothing said it was the case for the Base Serpent!
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(Images by Zlofsky as usual) All statues of Marika in the Lands Between are missing heads... except for one, depicting her as a mother holding a child, hidden in his chamber by a veil. I need to check it later, but in at least three cases it makes no sense to be this way: one in the Church of the Crusade where Queelign hangs out, another surrounded by his soldiers, and another in Shadow's Keep itself! UNLESS, he is the one responsible for crashing the images of her head...?
It feels like he has been very conflicted long before this dreadful moment of unleashing his serpentinge nature! He did not want to think of her because it hurt, but also still wished to be held by her again. Considering the statues, it feels like he hated her as a Goddess, but loved her as a mother. So, he hates her divine existence, her as an owner of the Erdtree, a "destined victim" of all fires, but also knows it can't be separated from her and follows her design. Perhaps, follows TOO much.
Basically it IS a reasonable assumption that upon his death, he's been feeling as though he did everything he could for her, but that was not enough for her to see beyond her fear! Worse yet: she did try to love him, but "never again"! Hatred of abandoned child is a very intense thing, but it is also not a true hatred. It is more akin to cry for being accepted, but distorted into insults, curses, pushing away and such!
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^^^ If this doesn't look like Humanity running wild manifestation of someone's own repressed self-hatred, loneliness and suffering getting unleashed I don't know what does fdhfdhs I don't know, man... I just think there is more evidence for the fact that he's been suffering because of her.
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roguephenon · 2 days
II: The Thing That Will Always Be
"...Knowing this was the outcome, would you have still done the same?"
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"In a New York minute." (Chapter cover is by @pinkmeanschaos. Check them out; they have fantastic work.)
The beginning of the end lies under the cut.
This would be the part where I post a tease of the chapter, followed by a link to said chapter.
Let's switch it up this time.
You've all given me so much love and encouragement, and I appreciate and cherish it all. Thank you so, so much.
But I'm not the only fanfic writer for this fandom. There are so many others who deserve love too. Some come to mind.
@geekinclara just recently started a KND fic, "Those Were The Days". It looks to be their take on Rachel's days as Supreme Leader and maybe even beyond that. It's off to a fantastic start. I've occasionally seen their posts about how much prep they've been doing for it (did you know making a cohesive timeline for this show is hard? Because it truly is), so it could do with some love, non?
And then there's @spicedwatermel0n and his KND fic, "The Rebellion," a GKND AU with 15 chapters already. It explores darker themes (which he's gone through the effort of listing before it starts to prepare his audience; he cares!) while weaving a narrative of the cast trying to fight an oppressive GKND regime. In space. Which is dope. He even has his own art of his designs. I hear he loves people asking about his AU and headcanons on his side blog when he has time to answer.
Nowadays, I write stories and create art for myself first and foremost, and I believe that should be the ultimate goal. Learning to love and take pride in your work should compel your drive to tell stories!
But comments matter, too. Feedback and engagement are rarely ever not a boost. I read every review left and respond to what I can when I have spoons, and it's an amazing feeling.
So, this is just me saying, "Help them feel amazing, too!" And not just these two, but all fanfic writers! If you see a fic you like, leave a quick sentence of your favorite moment!
Even if it has no traction, you'll just be their first!
Even if it has yet to be updated in 14 years, maybe there's a chance they'll come back one day!
Just something that came to mind to me today! And, of course, everyone has boundaries and things they like and dislike. Be respectful of those, too! Seriously. I've had to learn lessons the hard way, and I hope you don't have to have as harsh of an experience.
Thanks for listening to me yap!
Here's the link to Cold Reception's penultimate chapter for your trouble.
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d4minnie · 6 hours
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Pairing: YandereStalker!Gojo Satoru x Reader
Warnings: Stalking,kidnapping & slight gore
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Day 1
"You look pretty in that black dress; you should wear it more often."
"Um, I think you have the wrong number..."
You quickly hung up, glancing around the restaurant where you and your friends were sitting, scanning for anyone suspicious, but everyone seemed normal. It felt strange—surely it was just a coincidence? You were wearing a black dress, but the number that called you was unfamiliar. There were tons of people in the restaurant wearing black dresses; the world didn’t revolve around you, right? It had to be a coincidence.
Then you felt your phone buzz and, before you could think, you read a message from that same number. It simply said "1." Your heart raced, and you felt increasingly jumpy. Suddenly, you jumped at the sensation of a hand on your shoulder. You turned to see your friend Miyu looking at you.
"Are you okay? You seem off. We can leave if you want." She offered a sympathetic smile, but wanting to keep the mood light, you shook your head. "No, it’s fine," you chuckled, though she didn't seem convinced.
"If you say so, but if you feel uneasy, let me know," she said, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze before returning to what she was doing.
Day 2
The next morning, you completely forgot about the strange call. "Shi—I forgot about that project!" You muttered, jumping out of bed and tripping over the tangled blankets. Scrambling around, you searched for your laptop, hardly taking the time to get ready. You were so on edge! The deadline was in just a couple of days, but you had plans!
As soon as you unlocked your laptop, you received a call. Unable to find your phone, you answered on your laptop. "Hello?" All you heard was heavy breathing. "Hello?? Is this a prank call?!" More heavy breathing on the other end. "Seriously, this isn’t funny. Who is this?" You got only a grunt in response. With a frustrated sigh, you hung up. Just as you were about to start on your project, a notification popped up in the corner of your screen from that same number—Pretty number 2 :)
"What a weirdo." Was this some new way for guys to flirt? You sighed and blocked the number, then turned back to your project.
Day 3
You slipped on some cute gold earrings as you got ready for your date. Your friends had been pestering you lately about getting out more, insisting you shouldn’t stay inside all the time. You didn’t really understand what they were talking about—sure, you hadn’t dated much, but that wasn’t your fault! You were just busy.
After checking your outfit for the fifth time and doing a quick spin for your friends on FaceTime, you finally felt ready. You hung up, spritzed on some perfume, and tossed your phone into your purse along with a few essentials. A quick glance in the mirror confirmed you looked good.
Just as you were about to open the door, your phone rang from an unknown number. “Not this again,” you grumbled, deciding to block the caller without a second thought. But just as you reached for the doorknob, your phone buzzed again with another unfamiliar number. Frustrated, you answered, bringing the phone to your ear.
“I don’t know if you think this is funny, but pi—”
“Leave that house and I’ll kill you.”
The voice was chillingly serious, and your heart raced, pounding against your chest. “Wha—who is this?” you stammered, but the caller hung up, leaving you confused and scared shitless.
Taking the threat seriously, you quickly texted your date to cancel. As you were doing that, a new message from the same number popped up: It's the number 3 pretty :) Panic surged through you. You blocked the number again, hurriedly shut all the blinds, and double-checked the locks on both the front and back doors. Finally, you curled up in bed, trying to push the fear aside as you went to sleep.
Day 4
The next morning, after a long internal debate, you finally found the courage to leave the house. As you braced yourself to open the door, relief flooded over you. But just as you stepped outside, your foot slipped on something, and you stumbled, twisting your ankle. "Ah, ouch!" you grunted, squeezing your eyes shut in pain.
After what felt like an eternity, you finally opened your eyes and looked down to see what had caused you to trip. But then you froze, your blood running cold.
There, on the ground, lay the lifeless head of your date, eyes staring blankly into the void. A scream lodged in your throat, but it wouldn't come. The reality of the scene consumed you, dread pooling in your stomach as the world tilted on its axis.
You double over, retching violently. The contents of your stomach heave up, spilling out in a chaotic rush. You feel each spasm shake through you, a raw, involuntary reaction that feels both foreign and all-consuming. Your vision blurs, the morning light morphing into a haze of colours and shapes.
Every gag feels like a release, yet the lifeless eyes that seem to be glaring at you in pity remains anchored in your mind. You catch your breath, trembling, trying to wipe the remnants from your mouth, but the disgust lingers, a bitter taste that mingles with the fear.
You quickly tried to get up, forgetting about your painful ankle, which caused you to fall again. Frustrated, you gave up and crawled back into the house, tears streaming down your face with each sob. Once inside, you locked the door tight and let out a blood-curdling wail, feeling as if the tears burning your cheeks were scalding hot.
Then you heard it—the phone ringing. This time, you let it ring, your heart racing until a notification chimed. With shaky hands, you reached for your phone, and the sight of the message made your heart drop: You really shouldn't ignore my calls, pretty :) And guess what number... 4!
Panic surged through you as you quickly blocked the number, your breath quickening. The words felt like a threat, echoing in your mind. You glanced around the dark room, feeling an overwhelming sense of dread settle in. The implications were clear—someone was watching you, and they knew more than you realized.
Without wasting another moment, you dialed the police, breathlessly informing them about what lay right outside your door. But as you spoke, your vision began to blur and go spotty. The world around you started to fade, and before you knew it, you collapsed.
Day 5
You woke up in the hospital, disoriented. According to the nurses, you had fainted and hit your head, but not too badly—you’d be able to leave in about a week. You just hummed in reply, glancing at your phone. Ignoring the calls from your worried parents and friends felt easier; every ringtone felt like a taunt, reminding you of everything that had happened.
Your thoughts were interrupted by five knocks at the door. You looked to the side and saw two officers enter the room—one with striking blue eyes and pearly white hair, while the other had long black hair tied in a bun. Your heart raced. Are they going to arrest me? Do they not believe me? Oh my God, am I going to—
“Calm down, pretty. You’re not in trouble,” the white-haired officer said. While his words were meant to reassure you, they felt oddly mocking.
“We just want to understand what happened, okay?” you nodded in response. The black-haired officer pulled out a notepad and pen, and you recapped everything for them, including the strange numbers. They asked to borrow your phone for further investigation, and you agreed. That simple act relieved some of the weight on your shoulders.
Afterward, you decided to sleep, as you really didn’t have anything else to do. But when you awoke, something felt deeply wrong. The light in the room was off, and it was completely dark; you couldn’t even see your own hand in front of your face.
You stumbled over to the light switch and flicked it on, and you swear you felt your soul leave your body. On the window were five neat "5s" painted in light blue. But what terrified you the most wasn’t just those numbers; it was the extra "5" painted on the floor, with what you assumed wasn’t red paint because of the headless body in the middle.
You bolted out of the room, yelling for a doctor, your words tumbling out in a frantic loop. “DEAD BODY THERES A DEAD BODY IN MY ROOM!—” It felt surreal, like a scene playing on repeat, and you weren’t sure if any of it was real.
The other doctors didn’t seem to take you seriously either. As soon as they stepped into your room, you heard a loud wail and cries for the police. Panic gripped you tighter as a nurse hurried over, escorting you to a different room.
“We’ll get this sorted out,” she said, though her voice wavered slightly. As she left to check on the commotion, you felt a wave of dread wash over you. Alone in the new room you decided to just let sleep overtake you.
Day 6
The next morning, a nurse entered your room, her expression serious. “The same officers from yesterday are going to ask you questions again,” she said. Something about that didn’t sit right with you.
When they had questioned you the day before, it felt like it seemed like a hassle for them. The white-haired officer was particularly unsettling—he was overly touchy, sighing dramatically, and his face constantly twitched as if he was holding back laughter. You definitely didn’t want to face them again, but you had little choice. As you replayed the interaction from the day before, it felt like you were missing something. Sitting upright on the hospital bed, you put your head in your hands, trying to figure it out. Your thoughts were cut off by six knocks at the door, which made you feel sick.
“Hope we’re not interrupting anything,” the white-haired officer said with a big smile, as if there was anything to smile about at that moment. “Yesterday I didn’t get to introduce myself, pretty. My name’s Satoru, and this is my friend Suguru.” He held out his hand, but you didn’t take it; something about him made you feel incredibly sick.
“Ouch, harsh,” he chuckled. At that moment, realization hit you—oh my god, how did you not notice? The word “pretty,” that sickening word, made you choke on your spit. Tears brimmed at your eyelids, and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. “Could I excuse myself to the bathroom for a second?” you asked, forcing a carefree smile that clearly didn’t match your panic. They let you go anyway.
Once outside the room, you sprinted down the hallway and out of the hospital, running as fast as you could. Rocks dug into the soles of your feet, and you could feel blisters forming, but you didn’t care. You were sure someone must have called the police after seeing someone in hospital clothes running barefoot. After a moment to catch your breath, you doubled over.
You heard a car stop next to you and were about to run again when someone spoke, “Are you okay? Do you need a ride?” You saw an unfamiliar man in the passenger seat, but at least he wasn’t Satoru or Suguru. You quickly opened the door and hopped into the passenger seat, profusely thanking the man. “You don’t understand how much I appreciate this, thank you so mu—”
“You shouldn’t run barefoot, pretty.” Before you could react, hands from behind covered your mouth with a rag. You thrashed around, trying to escape, but you kept accidentally inhaling whatever was in the rag. It felt like you were slowly losing consciousness. You glanced at the driver, who was looking forward with a guilty expression, and just before you passed out, you heard, “6.”
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ancha-aus · 19 hours
RealAgeAU Drabble - The Scheme
I am back!
More RealAgeAU. With the baby <3 Hey @spotaus get in here :D
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Cross walks from side to side “This is bad. This is very bad.” Cross even flickers in and out of view.
Dust holds out an arm and catches Cross by the arm before pulling him to sit next to him on the ground. Nightmare notices what Dust wants and climbs from his lap into Cross’s lap.
Dust watches as Cross snuggles their babybones and relaxes a little.
Dust nods and focusses back on what Error had shared with them.
Only to see that Dream is also close to a panic attack. Great.
Dream tugs on his own hands as he rambles “Fate and Balance are too dangerous! They will try to force Nightmare to change his domain. They already tried with me but with me being so well known and seeing as I already told everyone they knew it would attract too much attention if they made me change…”
Error groans as he sighs “Yes. I know. It is why I called for this meeting.”
The meeting being in some random AU with them, Error, Dream and Blue.
Blue pulls Dream near and puts an arm around his shoulders “Hey it will be fine. Error already hid where they are hiding and only us two know he is even alive.”
Dream shakes his skull “They just need to start checking universes. As soon as they find the right one they will know he is there. And notice Error’s meddling.”
Nightmare shoots Error a worried look but Error just shrugs “I will be fine. Balance already hates me anyway.” Nightmare does not look happy as he glances at Dust.
Dust frowns “They will just know? how?”
Dream searches for the right words “It is a god thing… if we are in a universe we can notice fellow gods or stuff changed by gods. It is why Nightmare and I could always sense each other.”
Killer tilts his skull “Seriously? I thought that was just a twin thing?”
Nightmare shakes his skull “No it was a god thing.”
Killer huh’s and looks off into the distance.
Horror frowns as he thinks “Meaning we can’t just keep hiding?”
Error shrugs as he looks to the side “I changed the universe code and makeup enough to make it unable to be found unless you make a very specific jump. The problem is that sometimes some gods can override bans placed by other gods.” He mutters softer “well… one exception with some very complicated and specific scenarios.”
Dust shoots Error a look “Can we copy that?” If they can do that maybe they can continue being relaxed here. Relax as they watch Nightmare develop his newly developing powers.
Error shakes his skull “Not without messing around with the save files, load files, reset files and save states.” He just shakes his skull at the looks everyone sends him “don’t ask how the guy made that mess work for himself.”
Dream looks at him worried “There has to be something we can do!”
Dust blinks as he feels a tug on his hoody. He looks to the side and sees nothing so he sighs “Cross. Visible please.”
A moment before Cross, and Nightmare, reappear again. Cross looks embarrassed. Nightmare however looks smug “We do what Dream did.”
Dust turns to Nightmare “What do you mean?” the silence around them is loud.
Nightmare nods “Dream says they can’t influence him because they know forcing him to change will attract attention. They don’t like being known. There is a reason people thought Error and I were the reason for all the bad stuff. Because they want us to be the face. They don’t want to be held responsible.”
Dust sees where he is going with this and doesn’t like it “Nightmare… please tell me you aren’t thinking what I think you are thinking.”
Nightmare keeps looking smug “We should reintroduce me.”
The loud and in sync shouting of No’s even surprises Dust as Cross after his own shout just holds Nightmare closer.
Killer sits down next to them “No. Nuh-uh. We aren’t doing that. Ever.”
Nightmare frowns “But we need to? If we don’t Fate or Balance will eventually find us.” He huffs as he crosses his arms “I like my domain but I can’t exactly use it to attack in anyway.”
Cross just holds him close and nuzzles his skull “We will defend you!”
Nightmare frowns “You guys are strong but…”
Error sighs “Fate and Balance are a league on their own… It is how they can just decide and change domains after all.” he sighs and shakes his skull “I don’t meet them a lot but lets say that near the start they made it clear what my domain entitled.”
Dust frowns and reconsiders some things. He never truly considered how Error ended up picking his domain. How Nightmare even knew what his entitled… If there are these much stronger beings around…
Horror must had made the same conclusion as he shoots Nightmare a look “what was your idea?”
Nightmare smiles a tiny bit as he speaks “We start reintroducing me. We start obviously with the safest options first and work from there. Then by the time they find us, it will be too late and old news and changing my domain will be too suspicious for them to do.”
Dream looks unhappy “Who would we reintroduce you to first?”
Nightmare grins with a knowing smile.
Reaper frowns as he floats from side to side in the beautiful garden. Careful not to touch anything.
Life giggles “I think you are worrying for nothing old friend.”
Reaper groans “I don’t like this. are you sure about this? I can still change the location and we can skip this meeting.”
Life shakes his face and looks excited “Reaper. Hearing that Dream and Error want to meet us about something very special? With special guests? Of course I want to meet them.”
Reaper frowns as he looks around nervously “If people find out I knew where you were…”
Life shrugs as she makes her tea “Balance already knows either way. She knew before you did. They never told anyone either. Meaning in the end others not knowing isn’t that dangerous.”
Reaper sighs as he floats over to grab his own tea to drink “I still worry…”
Life nods “I know. You worry too much.” She grins at him teasing “So how is your secret beau?”
Reaper shoots her a look “Don’t start.”
Life giggles and hums a happy tune “You can hardly blame me. It is very rare you truly connect with someone.”
Reaper sighs as he rubs his neck “Don’t start.”
Life giggles before both of them look up as they notice the change in the air. New people have entered this hidden space.
Reaper and Life look out and hear a voice which Reaper knows is Error.
“Life generally is in this area by the blossom trees. I can only assume she and Reaper will be there.”
Reaper knows they both are listening for any other voices.
“Life just… hangs around here? Doesn’t that get boring?”
Reaper is still slightly shocked to hear Killer. He knew there was going to be a special guest but still.
Reaper knew that Error knew where Nightmare was and that means that he would knew where the gang is but still… it shocks him.
It only takes a moment before Error walks into view and he grins “See? found them.” and he continues leading the way. Dream is nearby with Blue as Killer walks in after them with Dust and Horror close behind.
Reaper frowns as he notes the obvious absent Cross and Nightmare but well… it is something.
Error leads them over as Life stands up herself with a small smile “It is a pleasure to finally see the faces of those who are the center of much talk around our universes.”
Reaper snorts as he sees all of them look sheepishly away.
Dream rubs his cheek “It is nice to finally get to meet you Life… I have heard much about you… Thank you for allowing us to visit you in your home!”
Killer rolls his sockets and copies his voice but softer and Dream does not even turn around or drop his smile as he kicks behind him and hits Killer’s shin.
Life smiles amused “Oh that is alright. I must say I was very curious about the fact that you wished to meet us.” And she waits.
Dream looks nervously at Error and Killer before looking to the side.
Error raises his brow at Killer and crosses his arms “Well?”
Killer shoots Horror and Dust a look. Dust nods to him and Killer turns to them with a smile “What can I say? We needed some time to relax and figure stuff out but now we are more than ready to continue on! Foremost.” He grins “Cross?”
Killer sighs and turns around as he looks into the nothing “Cross I know you are there. Stop hiding the two of you.”
A very unhappy mutter.
Reaper blinks confused. He hadn’t even sensed Cross… How… Reaper glances at Life and Life looks shocked herself.
Reaper can understand him not noticing someone but this is Life’s realm. Her home. Made of her magic. How had she not noticed someone entering?
Killer glares and crosses his arms “Cross. We are here to reintroduce him.”
Cross grumbles unhappily but appears and-
Reaper stares and his mind blanks.
Nightmare is looking up at Cross highly amused before turning to Killer and holding out two arms. Killer easily takes him over before walking closer to Life and Reaper. Cross makes a wounded sound and hurries after Killer.
Killer grins as he proudly holds Nightmare up “Meet! Nightmare! God is restoration!”
Nightmare grins and raises a tiny tiny arm in a wave “hi.”
Oh shit even his voice is young and what even is this?!
Life coos and before Reaper can blink she is suddenly holding Nightmare and holding him close “Oh you are just adorable. No wonder they hid with you and kept the multiverse away from you.” she smiles happily at the panicked looking skeletons “Well? Are you all coming? I will make us a meal and we will talk about all that happened.” She nuzzles the tiny skull with a happy hum “Oh tiny skeletons are just too cute. I will make sure to make something you like. Do you have any favourites?”
Nightmare just stares at her confused as he shoots the other skeletons a helpless look.
Horror walks over and speaks calmly “His magic is still resettling and he can’t always eat everything…”
Life shoots him a look and nods “I understand.” He grabs hold of Horror and pulls him along too as she floats towards another part of her area “I assume you know about his diet? Come along we will prepare some for all of you.” she raises her voice and aims it at the others “Get comfortable! We will be right back.” And they disappear behind some bushes.
Killer slowly tilts his skull “… did that god just steal our mate and babybones?”
Dust looks after where they disappeared himself “I am honestly not sure…” he shoots Error a glare “I thought you said Life would be fine to be introduced to?”
Error huffs “Because she is?” he rubs the back of his neck “I guess it makes sense… she is the goddess of life. Of course she gets excited at the sight of children… I think she will eventually give him back to you guys…”
Cross is glaring into the distance “She better or I will not be held responsible for what I will do.”
Killer and Dust both look highly amused.
Reaper finally finds his voice “Why is Nightmare tiny?”
The others actually look at him and Blue grins widely “You got like two hours? It is a long story.”
Dream laughs and nods “I can only assume we have enough time before Life returns with Nightmare and Horror.”
Cross huffs “You guys explain.” He disappears from view, and Reaper suddenly can’t feel his lifeforce anymore.
Killer grins “Have fun hunting and stalking love! See you in a bit!”
Dust takes a seat in a chair and grins “Ready for a short explanation?”
Reaper nods and gets ready. He has no doubt this will be quite the tale.
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ruiningmysleep · 10 months
the frustration of the day is finding my new favorite band and a couple hours later learning they are on hiatus.
but how is everyone else's day going?
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thewisherr · 4 months
hello smiling fandom, just got here today. uhm... why is a 13 chapter omegaverse fic the charpim fic with the second most kudos on ao3.... just wanted to check in
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saeraas · 9 months
they let you get gbvsr dlc to change the announcer to any of the characters, and most are normal but then there's belial, who gives everyone two special nicknames and this is to basically say i was not prepared for hearing him call eustace "cocked and loaded"
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bladeofthebookworms · 10 months
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Whew, I'm so glad I got it done in time!! Here's my entry for bahbahhh's DTIYS! Shoutout to the absolutely amazing #thedepthsau that this incredibly talented creator did for Linktober this year! @bahbahhh, thank you so much for sharing your talents with us; your Linktober this year was such a fun thing to see each day, and I am so, SO excited for the continuation! You're amazing!!
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desultory-novice · 11 months
[Rec Links Mentioned During the Stream!]
Bandanna Waddle Dee Comic by Nora [a must read!!!]
Seriously, everyone read this whole thing right now. It's done without words and it is just... amazing!! The art will blow you away it's soooo good. And the story is really touching/powerful too!
Warnings: Has some scary elements / angst / character death
[More ...Problematic... Links Below >.>]
I CANNOT recommend these to everyone, but both of them have some ideas that Dess is very fond of. (Both are written in Japanese.)
Ruto's Magic-Sharing Marxolor fanfic: "The Hungry Magician and the Gear Wizard"
Warnings: Marxolor; R-18 (and adjacent) content!! (Please obey the rules and don't read any of the stories marked R-18 if you're under age! I do not want to get any authors nor minors in trouble! To be perfectly honest, due to how the magic-sharing is written, I would recommend not reading this at all if you aren't 18...!)
Marx and Magolor have a complicated "I like you but I don't like (having to rely on) you" relationship that involves the transference of magic power back and forth to keep Marx fed and Magolor's magic working; this exchange is ostensibly sexless but is written pre~tty much like a sex scene ^^; (there is some kissing etc involved too)
I'm mostly linking this not because I recommend any of my readers attempt to read it (unless you're REALLY into the ideas above) but because the author's HC of how Marx and Magolor individually interact with/view magic and exchange it is just...super fascinating to me and I want to see more magic-share Marxolor as a concept!  ; _ ;  (There's also some delicious Post-Crown angst in the beginning!)
Amajo(?) Mitsuru's MaruKabi Gijinka Comic: "Ultra Super Paradox"
Warnings: Marx x Kirby; female Kirby in a short skirt; there's some age hijinks going on with Marx (!) but the Marx that falls in love with Kirby is her age and their relationship remains entirely chaste; a few (unfortunate) fan-service-y shots; one page hot springs scene with the female Meta Knights; skinny twink Dedede (-_-); character death
In spite of it's issues, I really like this comic and it had major influences on my fandom writing (despite the fact that I write these two as just friends, myself) I particularly love Marx and Kirby's journey from "What's up with this reality? A second ago, we were fighting to the death?!" to friends to two people who truly love each other; plus I thought the author managed to string all the Super Star scenarios together in a compelling way... even Gourmet Race!!
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whatudottu · 3 days
I have a question what were Annie's og parents like(i mean she was willing to run away with five aliens to be her fathers instead so I don't think they might have been the best😬) or maybe they're dead and were good people idk
A lot of the lore is actually written by @sweetpeaches666, who may be tagged under sugarbutterfly432, thanks to Annie technically being a 3 way OC lmao. There has been nothing solidly concrete about Annie's OG parents beyond the fact that she doesn't know her ancestry and she's had many foster homes AND orphanages to live in (plus it'd also be easier legal wise for the Andromeda 5 to adopt her if she isn't officially someone else's kid at the time)
It's actually why she does ballet, one of her foster mothers wanted to recreate her failed dream, turns out it breeds resentment and a lot of running away :P
What can be said is that Annie's been many different homes and in a constant state of transitioning between them, a prime example of being a refunded kid and all that, something something No Roots by Alice Merton yada yada 'oh no that's relatable'. Her birth parents one way or another have never been in her life, though regardless of what actually happened Annie will always believe that they left her behind like like everyone else did :P
#ask#anonymous#annie andromeda#ben 10 oc#ben 10#if there was a frequent flyer's pass for running away annie would be getting so many check-ins#or whatever happens with frequent flyer stuff idk i don't fly#anyway annie would call herself a jailbird if living in group homes or transition homes fit the definition#she sure does fly the coop enough to make the connection stick#p'andor adopting her out of the blue (give or take the actual time it would legally take to do so) after she tried to mug him#was the biggest shock that left her reeling for a hot fucking minute before she even had the chance to maybe run away again#something something 'what do you have' yada yada 'a smoothie'#annie realises she's been adopted by aliens or at least in the process of being adopted by them during the midst of her confusion#and maybe being kitted out with a room and also a wallet to mooch off of#because while the andromeda 5 are being given parental rights and responsibilities she's living under their roof#if shit goes south she can at least get one of the adults to purge their money on her food and supplies should she run off later#(which doesn't end up happening... at least not seriously with resentment)#sometimes she feels the need to take a breather from a comparably overwhelming amount of love and affection sent her way#let alone the fact that she's getting like 5 adults' care instead of the nuclear 2#which may or may not end up freaking out some of them (ra'ad especially but probably everyone but p'andor)#p'andor being a combination of not fully grasping what a kid on a conceptual level is but also because he first met annie trying to rob him#not exactly points for him in the 'responsible parent' tally but he's far from a single parent#sure technically- since annie's 16 (give or take to match ben's age)- she was soon gonna be too old for the orphanage#p'andor will be the one to look for her (he'll actually insist since the others might freak her out more) even if it means they stay out#just an easy bake oven taking his outdoor cat on a walk- he and annie will return home soon but hey- nothing like a breath of fresh air#anyway the tags hold more details than the post itself lmao tag rambling at it's finest :P#hmm does there need to be a warning for this?
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sparrowchute · 2 years
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Long time no Bugsnax, tumblr!! I had to take a bit of a hiatus from personal art these last few months, but I was lucky enough to get commissioned a few times for Bugsnax art :D This piece was commissioned by the wonderful @istoleyourboredom, featuring Snorpy and their journalist Kenzer doin' some conspiracy-theorin' :D
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creatediana · 2 years
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“Tree” by Aboriginal Australian poet and playwright Kevin Gilbert (1933–1993), published in the 1988 anthology, Inside Black Australia, edited by Gilbert and included among other contemporary Aboriginal poets
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silverfactory · 2 years
Hey, I'm so glad my Flaming Creatures fic managed to brighten a bad day for you <3 Thanks for your kind words once again.
you are so welcome! i’ve been enchanted by your fics — you have a talent for taking these characters who were so loosely sketched in the film and making them compelling and distinct. i feel like it can be hard to separate the flaming creatures into individual voices, and something i love about your fic is that pearl’s POV is so *pearl* in all its theatrical flourishes. i love your creatures, your jack, your mandy, all the life and history you’ve been giving these characters who really deserve it <3
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the-physicality · 17 days
i don't even know what to say
i had a bad feeling about this game ever since i went to watch and it was on *m*z*n pr*me
what happened to the offense
what happened to the defense [what happened to the defense is that atlanta has one 3 point threat and apparently washington has 8?
monique i thought had a very good game
celeste did well
natasha mack again had good impact
honestly i thought we took better care of the ball tonight than we have in a while but the shots were just not falling
i'm still annoyed at nate's rotations and honestly i think they are fucking up the first quarters
like i get that he's working on rotations or what ever but if people are getting points [the first points, the only points so far] maybe keep those people in instead of pulling them halfway through the quarter
i want to say this politely: it seems like he has pre planned rotations that he's going to implement regardless of the context of the game -_-
like we lost the 1st by 9, we lost the 2nd by 9, we lost the 3rd by 4 and we won the 4th by 9. thus the game by 13
if we lose the 1st by 5 instead that means that we've either played better defense or scored more points which keeps us hotter going into the 2nd, making it easier to play well, etc.
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If anyone needs a fun and adorable puzzle game to get you into a new series have I got a recommendation for you!!
Girl Genius is the story of a world ruled by MAD SCIENCE!! (Tm) in which young student, Agatha Clay, at Transylvania Polygnostic University has the worst day of her life. This terrible horrible no good very bad day leads to the discovery of a terribly horrible family legacy that every Mad Scientist Despot Tyrant would like to control, one way or another and it’s now up to her to decide what to do with it.
And part of that legacy is a Castle, horribly broken and incredibly protective of the secrets that it holds. Yet someone has invaded the castle and unlike everyone else who’s done so in the past some odd decades, this one apparently actually stands a chance of getting them. Which brings us to the game!! In which we, Agatha Clay, are trying to repair the castle to prevent this plunderer from taking our legacy before we can figure out what to do with it.
I think. Don’t quote me on that, I’m too excited to figure out how to explain this to people not familiar with the story. This is like….. my 7th attempt?
I dunno man. But y’all should check it. Yakknow. FOR SCIENCE! And other reason. :p
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bugbeast · 6 months
Self promo for my newest card game, Jewel Thief; but you can play it for free! First, though, let's cover the basics...
TL;DR - Its a 4+ player competetive card-matching game with four rule variants; buy it here or look for the orange text in this post to learn how to play it with a regular deck
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"What is Jewel Thief?"
It's a card matching game with a villain; one player tries to match jewels in a 36 card grid while their opponent, the titular Jewel Thief, periodically steals cards from the board. You can check out its page on The Game Crafter for more information, but it'll spoil the rest of this post
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"What makes it special?"
The game's turn structure would theorettically allow you, perhaps via some kind of infinite cloning machine, to play a round of Jewel Thief til the heat death of the universe. While I wouldnt recommend that, its lack of a player cap (and ease of set-up; seriously, all you do is put cards on a table) makes it a good party game choice.
But that's not all!
There are three extra rule variants that drastically alter the gameplay while keeping card matching and stealing as main mechanics. I believe the cards are versatile enough to allow for many custom games, too
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"Okay, but why should I buy a silly game from some bug nerd?"
First off, ouch. Second off, that's the best part; you dont have to buy it to play it! Jewel Thief can be played with a standard 52 card deck. Here's how:
Step 1. Remove the 10s, Jacks, Queens, Kings and Jokers
Step 2. Download the free rules from the shop page
Step 3. Play the game, matching cards based on their values. You'll need to designate a value as the Diamond jewel for game 4
That's it for my little self-promo. If you dont buy the game, I hope you'll at least give it a try and consider supporting my future projects.
I also post art and photography, which you can find under the bugbeast art and bugbeast photos tags. I hope you check them out
Thank you for your time <3
Edit (Mar. 25, 2024) : Thank you to everyone who liked and reblogged this; if you play the game I encourage you to share your thoughts in the comments and/or reblogs (even if you hated it). Feel free to share any custom games or house rules you come up with, too. I'd love to try them!
Edit (Aug. 10, 2024) : Final edit most likely; gonna blaze this one more time for good luck then maybe start work on a postmortem for the project, maybe give a little backstory for anyone who cares. Life is a little rough right now, but fate willing, I'll be able to work on/post about my future projects, including the future of Jewel Thief itself
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