#but saying just jewish lives matter is anti-Black.
oodlenoodleroodle · 10 months
Replacing the word Black in the phrase Black Lives Matter with any other word is anti-Black.
Please respect the work of Black activists and stop copying them, stop co-opting their work.
You are not doing any favours to any movement by plagiarising the Black Lives Matter movement.
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horreurscopes · 9 months
So, I could be out-of-bounds here since I think you meant it as dark humor, but what did you mean in the tags of that 'israel-hamas war' post? I suspect you(and op) are criticizing that framing because Israel is obviously demolishing much more than 'Hamas'(and probably doing a terrible job of actually targeting terrorists- they seem content to reduce Gaza to rubble even if the brass of Hamas escapes). I'm guessing that by saying "joining the Israel-Hamas war on the side of Hamas" you mean, if they're going to conflate Palestinians with Hamas unilaterally, then you're saying, whatever the media wants to call Palestinian civilians- you still support them. I am asking anyways though bc, given reports of increasing antisemitic activity in the US and Europe, I am worried about the potential for blurring lines between the cause of Palestinian civilians and the alt-right individuals who are likely masking their antisemitism in the context of being anti-Zionist. Although Israel's government has been the source of Palestinian loss for decades, (it seems to me that) even joking about supporting terrorism is enough to reinforce the persuasion that Israeli/Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Arabs must be mutually-exclusive peoples. I don't think it's fully rational per se(tho I'm not claiming to have all the relevant information myself, and I'm white US American goyim so like- grain of salt-), but I think that existential fear is the incredible hurdle facing Zionist Jews. (Idc too much about the opinions of non-Jewish Zionists bc I don't grant that they are dealing with the same emotional complications at this time, although that doesn't stop me from arguing w my acquaintances abt their callous acceptance of US/Israeli propaganda.) I just think..... isn't it overall harmful to allow anti-semitic rhetoric, even used sarcastically, to enter the genuine humanist cause for Palestinian liberation? Or, have I misunderstood, and you actually are not in opposition to Hamas, or something else I didn't think of?
hi! thank you for approaching the question thoughtfully and with curiosity, i really appreciate it. i was being kind of flippant with that meme, but this is the only ask i'm going to reply to on the matter given that i am neither jewish nor arab, so i'm going to answer in earnest:
hamas is a political resistance movement with an armed wing, much like the black panthers party was, and like the bpp, a large part of the organization is dedicated to social welfare and civic restoration.
they have stated that they are not against judaism, but against the zionist project. they openly support political solutions.
labeling hamas a terrorist group is a propaganda tactic used by the united states and israel to justify the horrors of settler colonization.
hamas is palestine, a part of it, even if palestinians like any other demographic on earth, are not a unified, single-minded people. to declare hamas a separate entity falls prey to the imperialist lie that there is an enemy to fight "fairly" within the people they are displacing and exterminating.
am i rejoicing in the deaths of israelis? of course not. killing civilians and taking civilian hostages is a war crime, whether it is committed by the opresor or the oppressed. the israeli government is not its people, and many jews, within israel as well as in the US, are bravely risking their lives to publicly dissent the criminal acts of the israeli government. all loss of human life is a tragedy.
no one should ever be faced with the choice between annihilation and murderous violence after exhausting all other forms of peaceful protest and being massacred like animals.
but why is it that we consider a resistance group formed within a population with a median age of eighteen a terrorist group, and not the IDF, a US-backed military force with an annual budget of twenty billion dollars?
i am currently reading hamas and civil society in gaza by sara roy to learn more about hamas and the history of israel in palestine. i'll remember to post more excerpts which i am admittedly terrible at.
but all of the information above can be found by reading wikipedia. investigating with duckduckgo searches (not gonna pretend google isn't prioritizing propaganda, to be fair), and reading reliable news coverage like aljazeera and the many journalists who are at risk of, or have lost their lives, reporting on the ground.
i have also appreciated reading posts from @determinate-negation @opencommunion @fairuzfan @ibtisams and @bloglikeanegyptian amongst others
in conclusion:
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vaspider · 2 months
Hey, you reblogged something a little while ago from a blog called jewishlivesmatter which seems to equate advocating for Palestine with antisemitism and regularly posts misleading images of protests to paint pro-Palestinian people in a bad light, and I mean…. The name alone is enough to be suspicious of, since it’s appropriating the Black Lives Matter movement. Just wanted to let you know in case you weren’t aware.
If you're going to follow Jewish bloggers, you're going to have to get used to the idea that interacting with someone doesn't mean that we agree with everything that person says. Interaction does not imply endorsement of everything someone's ever said.
Jewish tradition encompasses and indeed makes essential the concept of disagreeing fervently with people on extremely vital issues and remaining in community with them. I know that this is extremely at odds with the online leftist position that you have to dig through someone's entire archive and remain "mentally pure," but yeah. We do that. Again: interaction does not imply endorsement of everything someone's ever said.
The rabbi who oversaw my conversion, with whom I am very good friends, is an ardent Zionist. I have a lot of Israeli friends. A lot of my local Jewish friends are deeply non-Zionist or anti-Zionist. I don't agree with any of them 100% about anything. We argue about a lot of things pretty much all the time. Interaction does not imply endorsement of everything someone's ever said.
But I'm wondering which of the two things of theirs I've reblogged that you find objectionable:
Is it this one talking about blatant antisemitism and pogrom language on the left?
Or is it this one documenting exterminationist graffiti in our nation's capital?
Because, uh. ... yeah.
Plus, that blog is a group blog run by multiple Jewish women per its header. On any given subject, I guarantee the runners of that blog have at least five different opinions. You aren't going to get Tumblr-leftist-approved levels of orthodoxy (in its literal meaning of "right thought") out of any group of Jews.
At the point when we're talking about posts dealing directly with documenting extremely antisemitic language at protests and graffiti saying, "Hitler had a point," this ask comes off as concern-trolling, and if that's not what you intended, well, I guess that's something for you to think about, but this is the end of this conversation.
[Note to the hate-stalking weirdos out there: there are no hidden meanings in this post about what my "real" feelings about I/P are. I'm still not telling you, and if you think you know, no, you don't.]
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rotzaprachim · 2 months
the thing about “secret israeli restaurants” is americans are generally more positive to israelis than arabs so a vague restaurant is more likely to be hiding arab origins than israeli
pretty sure the og tweet poster was Canadian but yeahhhhh I read it and blinked about the antisemitism but I also read it and blinked about the fact that like bro… are you…. are you that fucking unaware about the extent of anti-Arab and anti-middle eastern racism in the us&canada? Are you that fucking obtuse? Oh my god. It literally doesn’t fucking matter what “origins” the restaurants are “hinting at” but I couldn’t fucking process how a white Canadian would think that “people who simply describe themselves/their business establishment as “middle eastern” or “Mediterranean” are inherently sketchy” is in any way a productive idea to have for literally anyone
a) a restaurant/establishment describing themselves as “Mediterranean” or “middle eastern” would be inherently sketchy and suspicious (as loaded as “middle eastern” itself is, “Mediterranean” can often be taken more positively in the west and anglophone/francophone worlds, after all nutritionists have been going on about the “Mediterranean diet) for a while) but also
B) that those people would inherently be (in his opinion) Zionists and/or Israelis
also feel this person has big “have never interacted with middle eastern person in my life” because as much as xenophobia and various other issues pushes people to go for either the “Mediterranean/middle eastern” marker, there’s plenty of other reasons why establishments go for those identifiers like.
1) a lottttt of Mediterranean diaspora families, due to immigration and intermarriage, really are franco-lebanese, or palestinain-Greek, or Ashkenazi Jewish and Algerian, or Moroccan Spaniards, or something like that, (check the Arabs, Jews, and Italians of the greater nyc area lol) and
2) in diasporic situations one (1) grocery store or deli often services OR competes with others for a broader market share, I’ve lived places where I regularly shopped at a Turkish/greek/arab grocery store (Labelled itself “Mediterranean”) and a Persian/armenian/arab grocery store (Labelled itself “middle eastern groceries”) because it would be dishonest to say that these grocery stores are for any one “nationality!” Walk into many a Mediterranean or middle eastern grocery store or deli and you’ll see Turkish products from Germany, maghrebi Jewish products from France, halal versions of jamón and chorizo, and labneh from lebanon next to Greek and Persian yogurt. My favorite local market once had an entire NOT HALAL!!!!! Fridge Labelled in three languages to store the frozen pork products for the Greek and Romanian markets next to the general halal cheese boreks.
I’m not saying this is the case everywhere or like it’s all peachy perfect in diaspora but this just comes across as someone who has a lot of political Ideas about Mediterranean & middle eastern people but haven’t met them in real life. Also it’s a love letter to the diaspora grocery store with 6+ ethnicities inside them and an entire wall of tomato pastes. If there’s one in your city you should patronize them! (Also note the fantastic phenomenon of the “Black Sea” grocery, the mass halal Mart, and the particular greater London “Indian Bangladeshi Sri Lankan Persian Pakistani polish” mart
Also lol gonna have to lol at the “I’m so angry these diaspora Israelis would hide their nationality in order to avoid harassment because I want to boycott and harass them”
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spacelazarwolf · 11 months
hmmmmmmm i’m real fucking tired of jew haters lying abt me!
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let's break this down, shall we?
white trans mascs like spacelazarwolf have no issue calling indigenous people "bone chillingly disturbing" for disagreeing with them.
actually i called what you said antisemitic, because it was. i called what i've witnessed from gentiles in general bone-chillingly disturbing and cruel, and that i've witnessed so much ignorance, hostility, and bloodlust from gentiles. because i keep seeing posts celebrating the massacre that happened on the 7th, and i keep getting anons that tell me "hitler missed one", "the world would be better off without your ilk", "we should have gotten rid of you all ages ago", "die zionists rats *nose emoji*", and a lot of very graphic descriptions of how they would like to rape and kill me. one user, blatantly on their blog, openly said that someone should kill me, and someone said they knew where i lived and could make that happen. that's not disagreeing with me. that is bloodlust.
they pretend to care about racism when trans women engage in it, but have zero issue jumping right to demonic stereotypes about indigenous people who dare to point out that their support of israel is supporting genocide.
literally just blatantly lying about a jew's opinion on israel so you can harass and demonize them is, i hate to tell you, antisemitic.
these so called "anti-semitic rants" were me saying jewish people can survive without israel and do not need to colonize or genocide another group of people to survive.
let's give some of the highlights of your posts:
"while you're here hand-wringing about the safety of israelis and spreading the white supremacist lie that they must be in israel to be safe, israel secured its continued existence by just now murdering 500+ parients and doctors under the excuse of 'well hamas is violent and is hiding in there"
'handwringing' do you mean mourning the deaths of peace activists and children? also if you've read literally any of my other posts on the matter, you know i literally talk about how zionists institutions and leadership use jewish safety and antisemitism in the diaspora to bolster support for a jewish state. pointing this out isn't agreeing with it when you do it, why is it when i do it? what could the difference possibly be??
also, there has been no confirmation on who caused the hospital bombing. there are many reports that it was a misfire by one of the groups in gaza, and those are still being investigated. regardless of who fired it, it's still a tragedy. it's still hundreds of innocent lives lost. and it does not change the fact that the lives lost on the 7th were also a tragedy. using this devastating loss of palestinian life as a bludgeon against a diaspora jew for having the audacity to mourn dead jews is disgusting.
"[you] only bring up jewish people of color to argue that israel is actually not a racist project because israel is the only thing stopping jewish people from being exterminated."
literally just lying.
"jewish people in israel are behaving as and acting as white supremacist colonizers of color"
thanks for literally just outright saying that you think the problem is jews, not the state of israel.
"colonizers globally are constantly killing kids"
and therefore the israeli children who died don't matter? are you expecting jewish people to choose between their nieces and nephews and innocent palestinian children who are killed in gaza?
"[spacelazarwolf has] ranted and raved that without israel existing, the jewish people would be genocided. he's appropriated the struggle of indigenous and black people abroad to cry that jewish people aren't welcome in countries like the us, despite living in the us and benefiting from his whiteness and the oppression of indigenous and black people as many other white jewish people do"
i think you've made it pretty clear you're totally fine lying about what i've actually said regarding israel, but the idea that jews are "appropriating the struggle of indigenous and black people abroad" when we talk about experiencing antisemitism in the countries we live in is so???????????? also you make it really clear in this snippet that your issue isn't with israel but with jews in general.
"white jewish people...have been able to exist in relative safety for decades in european countries"
are you actually fucking insane.
"israel's existence has made things more dangerous for jewish people in the middle east and north africa because these are areas that HISTORICALLY had co-existence between religious groups"
nice historical revisionism! swana was safer than christian countries for sure, but it's SO clear to me that you know absolutely nothing about the history of the jews of swana.
"he and israel supporters like him are constantly distracting from the war crimes and terrorism ISRAEL IS COMMITTING by handwringing perpetually about 'but violence is bad and hamas is bad for being violent, the only good palestinians are the ones that are quiet and don't fight back against us when we kill their kids"
sorry, who's "we"? are diaspora jews killing kids? or do you just equate every single jew in the diaspora to israel? also, yet more blatantly lying and claiming i support israel when i repeatedly have stated i haven't! but it's much more convenient to claim i have, because then you can say that i kill kids!
there's a bunch of other times you repeat the lie that i support israel and "advocate for the continued existence of a settler colonizer state and lying and claiming it's the only way for jewish people to be safe" but i won't include all of those bc this post would be VERY long.
"israel supporters are really out here arguing that palestinians need to hold hands with their genociders and forgive them and find peace - completely ignoring that for centuries there was peace between religious groups in the region and israel destroyed it"
goyim being embarrassingly ignorant of jewish history outside of a warped view of the holocaust? i am shocked!
"the supposed civilians attacked turned out to be iof soldiers so yeah actually it's fucked for you to say. they shouldn't attack people who colonize and massacre palestinian people for their day job"
blatantly supporting the massacre of 1,300 israelis, including children.
"all they can do is fight back or die, while israelis grab their passport and fly back to the us or some other european country and wait for israel to finish their genocide so they can go back"
feel like i don't need to explain why. this is conspiracy theory levels of antisemitic.
"the crying and bellyaching that if the jewish people don't have israel, they'll have to go back to countries that are hostile to them is not one i have sympathy for"
yeah we know you don't have sympathy for jews, that's very clear.
"jewish people, black people, and indigenous people all still live there and survive and fight back and thrive in solidarity together. and they DON'T participate in genocide against other groups of people"
yet again making the blatant assertion that it is JEWS who are committing genocide, and not the israeli government. also let's not pretend that. there's always been perfect solidarity between our communities. jews have not always been the best allies to indigenous people and black people, and vice versa.
"there are other places to turn to if you had any interest in NOT participating in western hegemonic white supremacy. but instead of staying and fighting and existing and thriving with other marginalized people who are at HIGHER risk than you in these countries, you argue that somehow jewish people should be exempt from this work that every other marginalized community does"
shouldn't have to point out that i don't argue that, but also this is, again, conspiracy theory levels of fucked up.
"bonkers to watch israel-supporters screaming and crying that if they don't colonize and genocide palestinians then jewish people can't safely exist"
"if it were remotely true, israelis wouldn't have pulled out their dual citizenship passports and gone back to europe and the us to wait at a distance for their government to finish the genocide they started in 1948"
again, yikes.
there is a choice outside colonization - you can just fucking leave and go back to your home countries that are welcoming you with open arms cuz you still have dual citizenship. you don't have to commit genocide colonize people to exist."
more yikes.
"spacelazarwolf really wants to try and argue that they can't stop colonizing palestine cuz if they do, they have to go back to - checks notes - countries where a ton of people still live"
who is "they"?
"for some reason [spacelazarwolf] thinks that to avoid going through [genocide], jewish people need to be allowed to commit genocide themselves and eradicate palestinians"
once again lying abt me, and also openly saying that they believe it is jews who are committing genocide.
"fucking bonkers that he thinks he somehow has the right to commit genocide and colonize to avoid the situation other jewish people, indigenous people, and black people worldwide find themselves in. cowardly bitch baby behavior actually. like i'm sorry lots of other groups of colonized people, who have been subject to genocide and violence, and racism and are still undergoing it, has managed to NOT colonize other groups of people for their own gain."
bc jews are just inherently more evil than other marginalized ppl, right? we're just more prone to being selfish and hurting people? we're just sniveling whiny bitch babies who will turn around and stab you in the back, right?
"screaming and crying that 'we need to be allowed to genocide palestinians or otherwise we have to go back to the us, where we as white jewish people never have to actually deal with the things indigenous and black people there do' is disgusting genocidal behavior. the thought of actually being in solidarity with colonized people is repulsive to people like spacelazarwolf - that's why they all seek to justify colonial projects instead."
again, conspiracy theory levels of fucked.
at no point do i engage in anti-semitism. all i ever criticize is israel.
don't feel like i need to point out that this is not true.
he has repeatedly stated that israel has to exist, otherwise jewish people have to go back to the us, where indigenous people are being genocided.
cool lie! also fucked up thing to say!
i've said nothing about jewish pain and trauma. in fact, i have said on numerous occasions that jewish pain and trauma are very real and that they DO NOT justify. colonization.
mmmmmmmmmm nah. "whiny little bitch babies" is not saying that "jewish pain and trauma are very real." also oops you accidentally did dual loyalty again.
but spacelazarwolf is so rabidly racist he immediately began fearmongering about the bloodlust savage knocking at his door trying to kill him.
i'm on desktop or i would include that mike wazowski standing meme bc genuinely what the fuck.
anyway, i have no doubt that their support palestinians is genuine. that's great. but it is also incredibly clear that they hate jews, and that is going to be a huge detriment to their activism for palestinians, and they're not the only one this is happening with. people need to figure that shit out on their own instead of harassing and lying about jews online and perpetuating this kind of violently antisemitic rhetoric. bc this is like beyond fucked. i am tired of gentiles blatantly lying abt me so they can get away with saying horrendously antisemitic things to and about me. get your fucking shit together.
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makerinthemaking · 11 months
neil gaiman is a fucking zionist.
"b-but neil gaiman simply said both israel AND palestine have a right to exist!! that doesn't make him a zioni--" yes the fuck it does u privileged ignorant fucks. i shouldn't have to fuckin say this but y'all will say anything for the sake of defending the brits ig? even throwing those being mass genocided rn under the bus?
i used to admire the guy 'til i found out what he's believed, the genocidal state he supports the existence of, & continues to stand by what he said.
israel DOESN'T have a right exist.
not as it is, not as it's been & will always be. a genocidal state built on stolen land. its very citizens have shaped into a culture of discrimination, see the shit they post about palestinians. see questionnaires & statistics. segregation laws many of them gladly endorse. this ain't just the politicians (who have been loud in their prospects of ethnic extermination to allow for more land stealing) nor is it abt jews, abt neil's or anyone's jewish background. plenty jews speaking up against this bullshit, & already there were jewish ppl living in palestine before colonization (brought by an illegitimate act of imposed imperialism & not one palestinian representative in sight. the UK must also be held accountable but they won't be). dare y'all to tell me it shouldn't be the goal to give the land & the power back to its indigenous colonized peoples, regardless of the oppressing settlers already being... settled. it ain't the native peoples' problem to figure out, esp when so many of the colonizing settlers will support the shit thrown at palestinians. there's maybe like 1000 palestinians losses for very israeli casualty. US cops r trained by Israel, not to mention Israel equips them w shit to k1ll minorities in the US. Palestinians stand by BLM & gave advice on how to dodge gas & bullets during protests. they stood by Malcolm X & Black Panthers. BIPOC oppression & fight has always aligned w Palestinians'. israel freely enjoys basics & luxuries & will fuss abt the silliest shit like not getting enough diet flour at the moment, while publicly segregating & making racist mock of palestinians for literally not having access to basic shit like water & shelter & for getting their population violently cleansed & decimated while in an open-air prison. they're not even allowed to try & leave without risk of getting killed, & they're bombed even where Israel directs them it's safe to go (like South Gaza!) but why should they leave? it's THEIR land. would be successful cultural genocide. & now Israel declines offers to recover Israeli hostages just bc they don't wanna return infant Palestinian hostages, & instead Israel bombs places where ISRAELI hostages may be kept. even target-bomb hospitals, houses. freed Israeli hostages come out saying how appalled they are at how Israel failed them & keeps failing them. Israel's also been stealing & jailing/target killing palestinian children for ages. this mass killing's been going on for decades, yet Palestine is demonized by media when they try defend themselves. ain't no matter of "two sides" & "neutrality" when one side is oppressed & the other the oppressor. hamas is israel's oppression fault (& their politics actually see them as a convenience). actual palestinians have stated again & again they don't just want the genocide to end, they also want their stolen land back & the genocidal invasor state to be dismantled. which is what's right. the state of israel often has to delete its own posts cuz they're always found to be fabricated, falsified shit against palestinians, now western jewish AND christian celebrities post abt how "scared" they are, from the safety of their mansions & limos. it was already illegal to wear traditional muslim attire in anti-muslim countries such as france, now it's illegal to even peacefully protest for palestine & if u do ur thrown in jail as a terrorist or deported. these countries publicly support israel. israel has the army the means & the world's support, palestine's been in need of support & neilman ain't helping. should just shut his goddmn mouth. ain't he the one getting genocided this day. i dare that moron neilman to come at me i'll fucking have him, he's just like any other people who won't let themselves be educated anyway. not by us, much less by the oppressed people of palestine, the ones actually getting the shitty end of this situation. im so done. bland fuckin spineless "liberals". so quick to defend the british. stop fucking defending rich public figures online & do something for the persecuted ppl actually getting killed rn.
they're never on equal footing when it's 15 goliaths against 1 david.
no, israel shouldn't fucking exist & neil gaiman is a fucking zionist for even saying it should. not sorry i said this - palestinians r getting worse than rudely worded posts.
not a war. GENOCIDE.
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This is an important article about the hypocrisy of Republicans who are claiming to be fighting antisemitism while at the same time using antisemitic tropes in their messaging. This is a gift🎁link so you can read the entire article even if you do not subscribe to The New York Times. Below are some excerpts.
Debate rages over the extent to which the protests on the political left constitute coded or even direct attacks on Jews. But far less attention has been paid to a trend on the right: For all of their rhetoric of the moment, increasingly through the Trump era many Republicans have helped inject into the mainstream thinly veiled anti-Jewish messages with deep historical roots. The conspiracy theory taking on fresh currency is one that dates back hundreds of years and has perennially bubbled into view: that a shady cabal of wealthy Jews secretly controls events and institutions contrary to the national interest of whatever country it is operating in. The current formulation of the trope taps into the populist loathing of an elite “ruling class.” “Globalists” or “globalist elites” are blamed for everything from Black Lives Matter to the influx of migrants across the southern border, often described as a plot to replace native-born Americans with foreigners who will vote for Democrats. The favored personification of the globalist enemy is George Soros, the 93-year-old Hungarian American Jewish financier and Holocaust survivor who has spent billions in support of liberal causes and democratic institutions. [...] In a July 2023 email to supporters, the Trump campaign employed an image that bears striking resemblance to a Nazi-era cartoon of a hook-nosed puppet master manipulating world figures: Mr. Soros as puppet master, pulling the strings controlling President Biden.
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[...] The review found that last year at least 790 emails from Mr. Trump to his supporters invoked Mr. Soros or globalists conspiratorially, a meteoric rise from prior years. The Times also found that House and Senate Republicans increasingly used “Soros” and “globalist” in ways that evoked the historical tropes, from just a handful of messages in 2013 to more than 300 messages from 79 members in 2023.
I encourage you to read the entire article. The level of hypocrisy here is horrific.
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dyke-terra · 10 months
Darkest Minds dash simulator
🐢 greenandproud follow
Literally unfollow me if you’re pro “cure”, as if this isn’t just another way to control us. You guys are cowards and playing into the idea that there’s anything wrong with being Psi
⚡️electronicwarrior follow
Posts clearly made by someone who’s never struggled with control over their power in their life. Of course you’re Green. Some of us have accidentally hurt the people in our lives and don’t want to have to worry about doing that ever again.
🐢 greenandproud follow
And of course you’re Yellow. Way to feed into the anti Psi rhetoric that we’re all inherently dangerous. You’re doing PSF apologists a service
🔋 memoryholed follow
The way I know greenandproud hid out with her grandparents and was never in a camp a day in her life.
🩻 forcedamage follow
I mean, she’s not entirely wrong. I at least think we shouldn’t call it a cure.
#and why should whether or not she was in a camp matter? #i was at black rock and i don’t think the people that hid had it that much easier
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🪬 kinclub
Just heard about some cool alternatives to the color categorization system!
Green = Prodigy
Blue = Kin
Yellow = Spark
🔑 lightningstrikestwice follow
okay op I love the energy but if you start calling yourself a kinnie the olds on this site are NOT gonna think blue
#btw what about reds
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➕ superwhounlocked follow
Really not sure how to feel about the surge in popularity in this site with teenagers…
🔋memoryholed follow
“with teenagers” please teens from the rest of the world have been here the entire time. just say you hate psi and leave it at that.
#literally you aren’t subtle
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🧢 freshouttacaledonia follow
Y’all do not in fact have to hand it to the Children’s League.
#i can’t believe i have to say this
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🦚 unforgettableunforgiveable follow
Starting a discord for Thurmond survivors feel free to dm for a link. Like and reblog for visibility!
#thurmond #psi #tw camps #tw thurmond
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🐾 jewish-psicychic follow
Friendly reminder that you never have to disclose your power, what camp you were in/if you were in one, and if any one is asking you to, they’re part of the problem.
🦋bluelikethetardis follow
ok but what if I dont want to get burned by a red or mindcontrolled
🐾 jewish-psicychic follow
Did I fucking stutter.
#what part of you are part of the problem is hard to understand
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🌈 psipositivity follow
- You are valid if you were at a camp!
- You are valid if you were hidden!
- You are valid if you were on the run!
- You are valid if you can control your powers!
- You are valid if you can’t!
No matter how you survived or what abilities you have now, you are so valid and loved!
#psi positivity #camp ment #camp survivor positivity
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The way you can tell most of the new users on this site haven’t graduated middle school lmaooo
🔑 lightningstrikestwice follow
you know i didnt think there were ratios on this site but damn if op did not get ratio’d to death
#also fuck you so much
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🐬aquamarina follow
I’m looking for the people who were in Cabin Seventeen (girls, blue) at Thurmond! We got separated after we got freed.
#psi #camp survivors #thurmond #thurmond ment #cabin 17 Thurmond
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dragoneyes618 · 10 months
"Many people woke up on October 7 sympathetic to parts of woke ideology and went to bed that evening questioning how they had signed on to a worldview that had nothing to say about the mass rape and murder of innocent people by terrorists.
The reaction to the attacks—from outwardly pro-Hamas protests to the mealy-mouthed statements of college presidents, celebrities, and CEOs—has exploded the comforting stories many on the center-left have told themselves about progressive identity politics. For many years, they opted for the coping mechanism of pretending that the institutional capture of universities, corporations, and media organizations by the woke mind virus was no big deal. “Sure, students shutting down events they disagree with is annoying,” they would say, “but it’s just students doing what students do.”
October 8 was a wake-up call for those who didn’t appreciate that the ideology of the campus has spread to our cities, supercharged by social media.
We woke up on October 8 to the clamor of street protests in cities across the West condemning Israel even before any major Israeli response to the attacks. We watched celebratory crowds brandish swastikas and chant “gas the Jews” at events purporting to be about the loss of Palestinian lives. We saw Black Lives Matter chapters lionize terrorists. 
In London, where I live, we watched the mayor deliver glib assurances that “London’s diversity is our greatest strength” in the midst of a wave of antisemitic attacks, and as Jewish schools were forced to close because of safety concerns. 
Across the West, we noticed that our representatives refused to condemn Hamas’s kidnappings, and that the legacy media was all too eager to swallow and regurgitate Hamas propaganda.
Prior to the October 7 massacre, many students, alumni, and donors with the “unconstrained vision” trusted that the university—for all its many problems—remained the West’s best environment for civil discourse. 
But then they watched university presidents who were quick to issue statements condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the killing of George Floyd fall silent, or offer the most slippery, equivocal statements carefully crafted to avoid offending anti-Israel groups. They watched an Israeli at Columbia get beaten with a stick, and heard reports about the physical intimidation of students on campuses across the country. They read about dozens of student organizations at Harvard signing a letter holding Israel “entirely responsible” for the massacre of Israelis. 
The events of the last two weeks have shattered the illusion that wokeness is about protecting victims and standing up for persecuted minorities. This ideology is and has always been about the one thing many of us have told you it is about for years: power. And after the last two weeks, there can be no doubt about how these people will use any power they seize: they will seek to destroy, in any way they can, those who disagree."
-Konstantin Kisin
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hilacopter · 2 months
I think one of the things that annoys me the most about the anti Israel and anti Zionist arguments in general is like…
“Israel is illegal nation” (and the like etc) which, how are we presuming legality here? On which laws?
By who laws? The governments that voted to it? Making it legal? While not how most of the countries got established (getting voted on) the land in the 1948 plan (which the Arabs living on the land rejected) that was supposed to be Jewish there was already a Jewish population living there, with the lands they bought from their money. Never mind the fact that some of the Jews never left the land!
Gd law? Okay, let’s go by the Jewish gd since we talking about the Middle East. We weren’t banished from the land of Israel in the Torah by gd, but by the Romans who took over the land. I don’t recall any mention of it being gd who banished us.
So I don’t understand how Israel is illegal?
Jews, were already there. Some never left, some bought land there with their own money.
And like, why a Palestinian family that moved in 1930 to the land of the than British mandate of Palestine from let’s say Iraq have more rights to the land than the Jewish family who was living there for countries before them?
Bottom line, i just want to hear your thoughts on the matter and stuff.
-a tired and traumatized Israeli Jew that just want everything to end and for the hostages to be back home and is tired of hypocrisy
I think when they say that they mean international law, not that they really know what they're talking about. The recent ICJ ruling had people going "SeE ThIS Is PrOOf IsNOTreAl is aN iLLeGal ApARtHeid StaTe" when the ruling only referred to the West Bank settlements being illegal which, yeah, but they were acting like it referred to the whole of Israel (my guess is some people phrased it that way on purpose and the herd, not wanting to bother with pesky fact-checking, ate it up). Also as you said literally a lot of land in Israel was bought by Jews with money before the state was even established, which is something I barely see even people here in the jumblr space bring up. It's weird to me, I feel like that makes for a better argument against a pro-palestinian who'd rather die than acknowledge Jews being indigenous to the levant.
As for God's law I usually stay out of religious discussion because I am very secular. Though these people often say that Jews aren't indigenous to the levant and we're just going off of the bible (despite there being a ton of actual historical evidence) so I think they couldn't give less of a shit about religious law and religion in general (unless it's Islam because a lot of them really have a case of raging Islamophilia). I don't know barely anything about the Quran so I don't know Israel's validity by it's standards. If anyone with more religious knowledge than me wants to add then go ahead.
Why does that Palestinian family have more rights to the land than Jews who have been living them for centuries before? I wrote this again as a rethorical question because I wanted to try and answer from the average idiot goy's perspective, but as soon as I tried to formulate an argument in their shoes it fell apart. Their definition of indigeneity when it comes to this conflict is very flawed and simply put I think they'd rather base it on who's more oppressed and exotic to them than acknowledge the complicated history of the levant and the various groups of people who have and do live in it, their simple black and white narrative is just sooo much more convenient after all. They'd probably say that the Jewish family has a right to the land under Palestinian rule and resort to the happy dhimmi narrative.
I get that last part anon. The hypocrisy and double standards are getting on my nerves. But we gotta chin up because remember that we will outlive them. The hostages will come home as well, one way or another. !עם ישראל חי
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arioloyal · 9 months
[[Sepandarmazgan ]]
(King baldwin iv x reader
Part 3)
Warnings: none
Reblogs are appreciated
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:"The Saracen say that this disease is God's vengeance against the vanity of our kingdom.
as wretched as I am, this Arabs belive that the chastisement that awaits me in hell is far more severe and lasting." then he came closer and tilted his head a little.
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:"...if that's true, I call it unfair." ended his sentence with a chuckle.
: "Instead of really worshiping and loving God and fighting with their personal feelings, these fanatics always fight with others and from generation to generation, sow the seeds of hatred and scare everyone. If a pessimistic person Wherever he looks, it is natural that he sees everywhere full of evil. Whenever there is an earthquake or a drought somewhere, they consider it a sign of God's wrath, even though God said: "My mercy is always greater than my wrath." However, they sit and They wait. They want to take their revenge. Their lives are full of hatred and enmity. Unkindness is a black cloud that always covers their faces,though it's not true about all of them. There are good and bad people everywhere. " said y/n .
Fanatics, whatever their religion and cult, choose only those sentences from their scriptures that are compatible with their anti-human nature. Don't let the details make you forget the generalities. " y/n then looked her king in the eyes with a motherly smile and said, " Don't worry about your appearance. God is always forgiving and I don't see you like others at all. A beautiful essence is always superior to a beautiful appearance."
King baldwin iv happily took y/n's right hand in both of his hands. It is as if she is an angel who came from God, took the form of a human and is here only to guide and comfort him.
:"Just don't look for heaven and hell in the future," Lady y/n continued in a beautiful tone :" Whenever we can love someone without expectations, calculations, and transactions, we are in heaven. Whenever we quarrel with someone and infect our soul with hatred and jealousy, that is the moment when we have made our own hell."
The leper king stated decisively while tilting his head: "So with that said, I am now in the highest level of heaven." Their laughter broke the silence of the room.
Many days passed and the king changed a little every day as if his body was here but his soul wasn't. Others, especially Princeess Sibylla, believed that this was just a passing excitement and eventually, no matter what, they would get tired of each other, but on the contrary, they became more intimate and close everyday. Their privacy was just for two people and there was no room for a third person. How much did they say to each other?
Finally, these forty days of solitude ended.
:"We have never seen such dishonor! Have you heard the news, my lord?"
The person who asked this question was called jerrard, who was one of the closest friends and supporters of lord Lusignan. he added: "A few nights ago, King Baldwin was seen in a tavern in the Jewish quarter. Raymond was with him!"
lord Guy said: "Of course I've heard, how could I not have heard? But I wasn't as surprised as you. It is not unlikely that someone who decided to make peace out of fear of Saladin's attack would surrender to the wishes of a strange woman."
jerrard shook his head and said: "You're right. It was obvious from the beginning that this would happen. We weren't aware. I wish we had known sooner."
:" Notify all the templars immediately. We must hold a secret meeting. That snake of Persia... We must get rid of her, or she will get rid of us....
:"it's Obeyed my lord."
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(Guy de Lusignan pov:)
From the very beginning, the king was soft with non-Christians, until now he's in peace with Saladin. He's friends with all the infidels, or even with vagrants and travelers like y/n. This woman, whose origin is not known at all and where she came from, let her get into his chamber, causing him to deviate completely from the right path. This was enough for me to not trusting them anymore and take an important step to start a big change. Every day I warn my dear wife and my knights to be vigilant against this devil who has assumed the face of a woman. she may deceive them at any moment and turn them away from the God's path."
Lady y/n is the devil herself. It must have been her own doing to send Baldwin IV to the pub. God knows how she convinced that helpless leper to do this
It is good that the people have finally realized the truth. The number of people talking about lady y/n is increasing day by day. They have even made rumors about her forty days of solitude with Baldwin IV, which if she hears, I'm sure she'll pass out right there. From the beginning, I knew that this woman is an infidel beast. she's a fire worshiper. a witch who subjugated the king with spell and magic.
I was walking and thinking about these things. I arrived late for the meeting. All the knights must now wait in the secret hall.
When I entered the hall, I hadn't taken a single step before I felt that the situation was different from usual. All the knights and templars were sitting on two sides. All of them were pale and staring at the ground. Absolute silence ruled the space.
I suddenly realized what was happening. a person was leaning by the window at the end of the hall. A woman with long black hair who had her arms crossed in front of her chest and was standing in front of me with a sweet rude smile at a distance. It was none other than Lady y/n.
she raised her voice from the end of the hall and said, "Greetings to you, lord Guy de Lusignan! We've been waiting for you. You're late."
I hesitated for a moment. Should I answer her or not? In the end I didn't answer. Instead, I turned to the knights and questioned them.
:"What is this infidel woman doing here? Why did you let her interrup this meeting? Didn't I say that this meeting should be private?!"
No one answered me. Everyone was surprised and worried. Y/n broke the silence again. She looked into my eyes again and said: "Don't blame your soldiers, Lord Lusignan. This was my idea. I was walking in the palace this morning when I suddenly thought of coming here and see the person who hates me more than anyone in this land with my own eyes.i had to see if he can tell me the things he says behind me and the king's back face to face?"
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(Pictures are not mine. Thanks for reading.)
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letters-to-rosie · 2 months
I'm still reading Afropessimism so it's time for me to make my media studies degree do some exercise with my favorite boy
and someday I will write that proper Silco essay on why his politics make me sad lol but for now I will just say I stopped trusting that man when the word nation came out of his mouth
the whole idea of a nation state (as opposed to other governmental/social arrangements that precede it) is that the political entity of the state is something individuals who are citizens of the state are supposed to identify with. the nation state is supposed to represent them and protect them in some manner. typically, this is established by means of trampling on someone else who lives within state borders but doesn't (at the time of the state's formation) fit into the community of the state. (for more, there's this really good interview with Mahmood Mamdani where he articulates this and connects it to the current situation in Palestine)
for Mamdani, the idea of the nation state crystalizes with Spain's reconquista, which created an Iberian state that trampled over Jewish and Muslim people. from there, the idea that people's homelands might not take the form of states becomes foreclosed as the model of the nation state expands and subsumes every other political formation out there
and this (told y'all I was gonna put that degree to work) is what happens in the show. Silco, working on his nationalist project, envisions a future in which the people of his homeland have a political entity to represent them. but in the course of establishing it, he tramples over resistance to his very sketchy means of accomplishing this goal
what I want to think about more is how not to close out potential alternatives. I think the character who presents the best place to start with that from is Ekko (my boy). Ekko and the Firelights' political motives beyond 1) stop the expansion of shimmer 2) care for addicts and 3) beat up cops is left pretty unclear. I think the reason he sometimes get looked over is this lack of clarity, a lack of coherence, and that gives the feeling of not being able to judge him. while Silco's methods are bad, his narrative arc makes sense. his solution also makes sense. but is making sense the end-all-be-all of liberatory possibility? especially when one is up against violence that is senseless itself and in its gratuity?
here's where Afropessimism is so interesting to me. the theory is about anti-blackness and argues that humanity is able to define itself against blackness as a metaphorical ruler (I have some historical examples that are interesting, but then we'd be here all day; if you're really interested go dive into Matthew Perry and Japan). because this antagonism is pre-logical, it doesn't make sense. it challenges the very idea that suffering and redress for that suffering can be made sense of. the solution to it isn't in sight. but the challenge is to sit with that. it is to know that the answer doesn't have to be right in front of you for the fight to still be worth it.
a big part of why I don't vibe with the whole concept of nation states is that I've always been like "why am I supposed to identify with the country that enslaved a bunch of my ancestors? like what good does that do me?" and I frankly have decided that it does me no good to do that. as a descendant of enslaved people, I also have no nation to go back to and join. what do I wanna do instead? don't know. the longer and longer I live, the idea that I have to feels like an unfair imposition. I've read multiple commentaries that read the Firelights as anarchists. anarchists get asked that same question a lot.
what do we do with a form of redress that doesn't make narrative sense? what kind of restoration could be meaningfully taken out of the situation in the show? in a way, it's interesting, because the show has source material that's very public. we know, ultimately, no matter what questions characters like Ekko pose the idea of Zaun as a nation, that's what happens anyway. it's like a psychic wall of impossibility prevents anything else. it has to become a nation because in a world of nations there is no other choice. so I don't fault Silco for thinking it would be a good idea. I wish he had more of an imagination, though.
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matan4il · 11 months
Just wanted to send some love your way 🩵 Im a left-ish diaspora Jew who had, up until really recently, taken the stance that the conflict between Israel and Palestine was too complex for me to fully understand. I appreciate blogs like yours because they have genuinely helped me understand and see through the narratives that both sides are equally at fault, or that Israel is some colonialist war machine bent on gobbling up all available territory at the expense of everyone else’s lives.
It’s kind of frightening for me to have a stance at all, when the people around me were all silent on October 7th but have no issue hanging Palestinian flags outside their homes and filling their social media with slogans that they claim are simply “anti Zionist” but are absolutely anti-Semitic.
I don’t know how to explain to them that YES my heart bleeds for every average human in Gaza who genuinely does want to just exist, but that doesn’t meant that I think the onus for peace lays exclusively on Israel’s shoulders, and I don’t support disbanding Israel as a country. I worry a lot about being too one-sided or simplifying things too much; I still feel very much like I’m sitting in a middle position, due to those concerns. And it’s scary that it still wouldn’t be enough for people — FRIENDS, even — around me.
Sorry for the ramble. Thank you for your informative posts. Speaking as someone who finds a lot of joy in fandom stuff, I really hope the tides turn so that kind of thing can occupy more space in your mind than worrying does 🩵
Awww, Nonnie! I am hugging you SO MUCH!
My heart aches, because you're absolutely right. It doesn't matter how much we'll denounce racism, they will still call us racist. It doesn't matter how often we state that we want life and dignity for both Jews AND Palestinians, they'll still accuse us of supporting genocide. It doesn't matter if we'll criticize the government, they'll still claim we're brainwashed to silence our voices.
So if it's not about our actual beliefs and positions, what's it about?
It's about the fact that we're Jews. And we're told that we can only be "good" Jews if we throw our fellow Jewish people under the bus, even though for every other minority, solidarity is encouraged and celebrated. We're only "good" Jews if we give up our native rights by adhering to a narrative that paints us as colonizers of our own ancestral land, even as native rights are upheld as vital for every other indigenous group. We're only "good" Jews by doubting the multiple testimonies of rape and baby beheadings, even though every victim is supposed to be heard and believed. We're only "good" Jews if we agree to give up the right to self defense, which means we give up the right to live safely, to live peacefully... really, if we give up the right to live, period. All while telling us this is due to the value of all human life. They're literally gaslighting us with "All Lives Matter," and it's the same crowd who could recognize the issue with that slogan, when it was used to silence black people demanding that very same right.
We do not have to go along with this modern "witch test," where they try us by dunking us into water, and the only way to be "innocent" is to die drowning, so if we didn't, then we're witches, and we die still, because they burn us at the stake. I refuse to collaborate with the erasure of Jewish identity, history and rights, which leaves all Jews stripped of protection, vulnerable to abuse, and I will keep speaking, even if they call me every dirty name they can think of for recognizing the Jewish right to live, and to live in our historic homeland, especially as we have always been willing to live here side by side with others. Whatever they say about me, at least I won't be a tokenized Jew, that they can use to bully other Jews into silence.
We absolutely can be pro-Israeli AND pro-Palestinian, rather than turning anti-Israeli to "prove" we're good, pro-Palestinian Jews.
I'm sorry, IDK if I'm actually helping here! Just know that you're not alone in feeling this way. Actually, the fantastic Mayim Bialik also talked about this recently, so I'll give you her eloquent words:
(this is just a part of the vid, you can find the whole thing here)
Thank YOU for the kind words! And may we all get back to just being able to enjoy fandom as the fun, escapist hobby it should be. Sending you lots of hugs and love! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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i just now learned about a recent case where a german man kidnapped and did unspeakable acts to two boys. one was german, one was a refugee. the first one was immediately treated as a missing case, but the second one was not because the cops were afraid the mother was hiding her son to avoid deportation. and the worst part is, that little boy was kidnapped in a government institution (lageso in berlin) where his mother went for help! its infuriating beyond belief.
racism is so deeply engrained in german institutions, its not funny. yet police refuses any reforms or real investigations and deny even the notion - despite mounting evidence - that there is an issue with systemic racism in german police. and we dont have an independent institution to control the cops, you know who investigates their failures and issues? other cops. and we all know how they stick together like literal shit.
but it also made me think about „missing white woman syndrome“. does anyone really care about an eastern european white woman who goes missing while being exploited in the west through prostitution, in the domestic field, nursing, or as a „mail bride“ dependent on her husband? does anyone care about a white woman in the usa going missing from a trailer park? does anyone care about a white woman who was homeless, mentally ill, drug addicted, disabled, impoverished, prostituted, or otherwise marginalised going missing? and do people not care about white men going missing?
and it also made me think about this current trend of oversimplifying and decontextualising racism. one thing i hope we all can agree on is that anti black racism is very persistent. i cant think of a single country where black people are treated preferably over other races, best case is to be treated equally as a black person, and even that is not the case in most countries. but this doesnt just apply to white majority countries. in japan or korea, or under the kafala system in the arabic gulf states, for example, black people are systematically discriminated against and exploited too. white people are also not the only ones guilty of colonialism and imperialism - albeit i dont want to minimise the scale of portugese, spanish, french, british/australin, german, dutch, belgian (neo)colonialism or the north american slave trade.
i dont know its just, everything always has to be put in context and looked at from an intersectional perspective but i feel a lot of people who fault white supremacy for everything dont do that. and dont get me wrong, white supremacy is the root of a lot of inequality and issues, but despite the name its not merely a black and white problem, its complex. for example, even if a roma or jewish person is white, neonazis dont consider them the same race as white people. or i remember my turkish professor once saying, „in turkey im considered white, but in germany im a person of colour“. because race is not just phenotype, it is also culture, nationality, location and ethnicity that matters for who is holding power and privilege.
meanwhile a lot of the same people will refuse to agree that sex matters. or claim that sex - which is a lot less ambiguous than race by the way and nobody argues that mixed race people prove that race is not real or doesnt matter the way they argue intersex people prove that sex is not real or doesnt matter - is a spectrum while chanting „black lives matter“. and i know that black communities do have that conversation about colourism and how whiteness is something even people of colour are supposed to „strive for“, which is why for example the harmful practice of bleaching your skin exists. so it is being acknowledged that race is a spectrum, but some of the same people who rightfully talk about black lives and how blackness is its own social category will call you a bigot for talking about female lives and how being female is a social category.
im not going anywhere with this, just some thoughts that came up regarding discussions on racism and sex and how they intersect too. feel very free to chime in especially as a person of colour obviously!
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pro-anomalocaris · 7 months
Pinned Post Time
He/him Seth or Set or Setka or Jean-Set. I have a lot of nicknames ADHD haver/survivor (depending on your POV) Over 18 Jewish (Bukharan) Linguistics + Religious Studies double major, on accident In order to answer the "are you white or not" question we need to discuss the construct of whiteness as it applies to Central Asia in your country of origin and frankly neither of us has time for that.
Fandom stuff would normally go here but I bounce from fandom to fandom. I don't believe in shipping only one thing and I think calling yourself "a Zutara" or "a Reyfinn" or whatever is ridiculous. It's internet Barbies, not a religion. It's not that serious.
DNIs get ignored but for the record, I'm pro-MOGAI, pro-endo, pro-trans, pro-intersex rights, pro-self diagnosis (even if you don't get it right, turning to your provider and going 'I have the following symptoms' is useful), pro-whatever group of lesbians is getting dragged on tumblr today be they split attraction model users or ace or bi lesbians or what have you, radical inclusionist, anti intersexism and medical abuse, anti biological essentialism, you don't need dysphoria to be trans, respectability politics are worthless, men aren't inherently evil actually, pro-interracial couples because no matter what antis say people are equals actually, and pro-kink.
If you think legal = moral and illegal = immoral, you are wrong. There are four states in the US where you can marry a minor at any age as an adult and have sex with them. That is legal. That is immoral. There are many countries where being queer is illegal. It is illegal and moral. Appeal To Legality is a logical fallacy that refuses to acknowledge anything could be wrong in the legal system. I should not have to explain to you why that's an incorrect statement.
Black Lives Matter. Stop Asian Hate. Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women deserves more attention than we're giving them. ACAB. Never Again Is Right Now. Hamas is a terrorist organization and Palestine deserves to be free from them as much as it deserves to be independent, and if you excuse Hamas committing rape, child rape, and murder, you are not pro-Palestine, because Palestinians have condemned those acts and frankly, everyone should.
Death threats, rape threats and suicide bait are always bad. They further drive people into extremism when you do it to extremists, they harm people in any scenario, and they reveal to me that you never wanted to be a good person, you just wanted to be cruel in a way that you can excuse as being 'good'. You're not good. A good person does not do these things.
If your discussions around mental health involve demonizing people who are low/no empathy or treating people with psychosis as evil, please know you are displaying no empathy and being evil. And I find that genuinely sad, but I am also going to block you.
Sometimes I'm ignoring you. Sometimes tumblr genuinely eats asks. I have asks on my main that have been there, hovering, invisible, for a year. I don't know why. But also sometimes ADHD kicks in and I mean to reply and for that, I apologize.
If you start a conversation, you do not get to cry about people replying to what you posted publicly where anyone could reblog and reply. Pretending people are "harassing" you for replying is either an attempt at using language to manipulate the situation or a sign that you are highly immature even for a minor.
If you use the "haha me no read reading iz bad lmao" excuse, you have forfeited all right to being taken seriously, not just by adults, but by children. You are also going to be incredibly easy to manipulate by everyone around you due to your inability to read with comprehension. I pray no one uses this to abuse you, but I'm also going to block you, because frankly, I don't know how to help in this situation.
I have had an anti send me CSEM in the past to "punish" me for writing a romance between a 50 year old and a 56 year old. I reported them to the police. They are now serving 30 years for possession of CSEM and if you try anything similar, I have no problem doing the same to you. (If you're wondering why I don't believe antis when they say they're protecting kids, this is why.)
Depiction isn't synonymous with endorsement. Shipping isn't activism. Fandom isn't activism. One real person is worth the death of every blorbo you and I hold dear put together.
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tjmystic · 4 months
Here's the kind of question I wish I saw more of in religious discourse:
"Why do some religions support the longevity of an idea over an individual, and vice versa?"
For clarification, it's my understanding from reading the Quran and listening to a few different rabbis on the subject that Muslims and Jews, respectively, are taught that the continuation of their own lives is more important than being steadfast in their ideologies. This is why, even if Jews didn't (generally, I realize there's a lot of variety in Jewish faith) believe that life begins at a human's first breath rather than at conception, they still wouldn't have a problem with abortion if pregnancy puts a mother's life in danger. It's also why, especially during the Crusades, Muslims and Jews wholeheartedly believed that lying to Christian Crusaders about their religion and/or pretending to agree to convert to Christianity was fine because it kept them alive. (Sidenote: this is, disgustingly, one of the geneses of the evangelical anti-Semitic and Islamophobic belief that Jews and Muslims are all "dirty liars" or whatever bullshit. It's abuse at its most fundamental -- blame your victim for trying to appease you.)
Contrast that with the way Christians (especially early Christians who were deeply oppressed by the Roman empire before Constantine co-opted the religion and turned it into the mess it is today) believe that forsaking God is one of the worst things someone can do, even at risk of their own life.
I can see the benefit of each side. This is going to be extremely weird to say considering that the plot of the thing is very anti-Christian-nationalism, but the Christian approach reminds me a lot of the quote from V for Vendetta about ideas being bulletproof: people can die, but ideas go on. And I, personally, would to believe that I'm the kind of person who would hold to my beliefs no matter what. To use a different set of extreme examples, if someone threatened to kill me unless I called a queer friend the f-slur or say that Black people deserve to be slaves or that Palestinians should all die, I want to believe that I would hold my head up high and refuse.
But, on the other hand, I can see how that's incredibly short-sighted. Winning one battle by claiming the moral victory of saying "no" once means you lose the war of continuing to spread an ideology of justice by merit of living on with those attitudes and beliefs inside you. Besides that, it puts all of the focus on the importance of an idea, an intangible thing, rather than a very real human life. And it's also worth noting that it would be a very cruel God indeed who would punish people or somehow reject them for pretending they don't believe He exists or keeping their faith secret in order to stay alive.
If we're just looking at it with emphasis on the ideology, then it turns into an argument about whether dying a martyr sends a better message than living on and continuing to do good acts that support said ideology. But that dismisses the human element entirely.
This conversation also focuses only on the Abrahamic religions. I don't know how other religions approach the question of, "Is it morally correct to lie about your beliefs in order to save your own life?" And I think it's a conversation worth having. Not because I think there's a definitive answer, but because I think it's good concept to get different perspectives about.
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