#but personally i think it could’ve been better
can you do a jungkook future spouse reading? <3
BTS Jungkook Future Spouse:
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Dice: Jupiter, Capricorn, 11th House
Personality: King of Coins, Six of Cups Reversed, Four of Swords Reversed, Two of Wands Reversed, King of Swords
This person is very mature and serious, even if they are relatively young. They are pragmatic and realistic, not the type to daydream or dwell in the past too much. I feel here they have had tough experiences in their past that have held them back and traumatized them, so they like to sort of ignore that time in their life and not sit in those energies. They seem very cold and more inclined to mental and analytical energies. They are also focused on material and intellectual pursuits at the moment. They dont like to take too many risks in their life, but this can cause them to stagnate. I feel they like to stay on the safer paths because of those past experiences but this can hold them back in their growth and career. They tend to over analyze a lot, not very in tune with their intuition. Their childhood could’ve been difficult. This sort of drives them to be better and do better for themselves, and I see they’re slowly healing a lot of those energies. I kinda like them! They have ‘daddy’ energy!!! (not gender specific hehe) super reliable and headstrong.
Career: Eight of Coins Reversed, The Tower Reversed, The Chariot Reversed, The Magician, Ace of Coins Reversed
Okay… I see that they could be in a creative field as well I’m not sure if it’s music or art or something else. I see that they haven’t found that success that they’ve been looking for, which has caused them dissatisfaction especially financially. The Chariot reversed lets me know they feel their career is at a standstill and not moving forward. I think this is kind of on them though, I feel like they put in work into things that won’t bring them success but they only do it because it is traditionally done or because they have seen others find success with them. They have the tools to be extremely creative and unique but they don’t use them out of fear of failure, which in turn causes them more failures. I think they need to tap into their creative and innovative ideas and let go of that fear of ridicule and failure as I genuinely feel they have many wonderful unique gifts that could be shared with the public. They need a confidence boost to be honest, maybe they have too many strict expectations for themselves and need to give themselves some slack.
Their Relationship: The Hierophant, Knight of Coins Reversed, The World Reversed, The Fool Reversed, Knight of Wands
I think they’ve dated before in the past, but this relationship didn’t really work out. They seem like they already know each other with the fool reversed, and the knight of wands tells me this relationship was romantic, the hierophant brings in commitment and seriousness. However i think they broke up or took a very long break, i see that there were some career path changes that got in the way of this relationship progressing. They were really on the way to marriage but it feels stagnant now. They’re obviously gonna make their way to each other at some point but they feel separate for now. I don’t feel it was a bad break up, they were kind of forced to because of the circumstances.
The Next Steps: The Star, Ten of Coins, Ace of Cups Reversed, Death Reversed, Four of Cups, The Sun
How They'd Meet: Page of Wands Reversed, King of Cups, Queen of Swords, The Devil Reversed, Queen of Cups Reversed, Six of Coins, Page of Coins
Since they’ve already met and been in a relationship I’m gonna read for their next steps instead of how they met. I think they’ve had the opportunity to get back together before but never acted upon it. With the king of cups and queen of cups, I’m seeing one energy is still reeling in the break up and has hurt feeling because of this missed chance, while the other energy is more level headed and feels more healed. This could lead to some kind of open heart to heart reconnection that allows them to communicate their emotions and soothe those hurt feelings. This is the opportunity they need to get on the path to reconciliation and reconnection. I think they’ll both be very amenable to building up trust and understanding between them again, they feel like they want to let go of the past and start anew with each other. I’m not sure if this will happen recently or if it is a future energy, but they’re definitely bound to see each other again and eventually make their way to some sort of commitment.
Hope you guys like it!! Their energy had me rooting for them like i was watching my favorite couple in a telenovela hehehe so exciting and engaging, wish them the best!!
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rosakuma · 7 hours
Sorry for another post guys, Imma be annoying about this chapter a lot with everything that happen but I also wanted to say this
Y’all and I swear, none of you all better not hate on Eden just because she wasn't the culprit. I know some of y’all wish it wasn't Ace and I wish it wasn't too. You don't know how so bad I wish it was someone else and I didn't even want it to be Eden. I only thought it was Eden because at the time, she seemed more suspicious than Ace + I didn't think him being the culprit fit narratively(I see now tho). If you want to get mad at one of the characters for what has happen, get mad at the ones who caused it in the first place. Get mad at Veronika(although I still love you Veronika), get mad at Arturo(I still like you too), get mad at David, get mad at Hu. Actually Hu and David is really the entire cause of this chapter’s deaths with David causing fights over the motives and Hu fricken defending Nico constantly when she could’ve just understood both sides. But noo she had to defend a almost murder instead of the guy who almost died and now is gonna die.
Sighs.……Look at the end of the day these characters are fictional and Dev is allow to write however they want the story to be. I think even if I would’ve preferred a different route and that this trial felt off in the second half near the end. This chapter has been amazing and I cannot wait for when we eventually get to ch.3 or even extra content like the bonus episodes, FTEs, or even maybe another Mv. So let's not get mad at each other or blame the wrong person or character over what happened okay? We don’t want us to end up like the cast with how their infighting and distrust caused everything to go hill for them.
EDIT: Okay just adding this to be safe, but also I know I gave examples of characters to be mad at instead. But y’all also don’t go crazy about them okay? Or at least don’t go crazy towards any of characters I mentioned above’s fans(I don’t want to see any potential drama of some people getting at any Hu, David, Veronika, or Arturo fans kay? We’re all humans here and Arei and Ace proves that).
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five-flavor-soup · 6 months
i genuinely, really like aang, but keeping his writing in book 3 and his writing in the comics in mind, i don’t think it’s all that implausible for him to get the sort-of-antagonist role in fics depicting katara-ships other than KA.
reiterating, i like aang: he’s adorable, he’s funny, and he’s nice. but i believe there’s something to be said about how his ‘niceness’ is written and seen as being The Reason he ‘deserves’ a love interest. his thinking is self-centred, and though that’s a believable flaw for a kid who’s, like, twelve, we’re shown that it’s a consistent character trait which is never treated as an issue… even though it is. (and if he’s mature enough to start dating the girl he’s going to marry and have children with, he should also be mature enough to be criticised for his less-than-savoury parts of his personality, no?)
it’s not OOC to write him as being possessive of katara even when they’re not dating, because he canonically is. it’s not OOC to write him as not respecting and/or noticing katara’s boundaries, because he canonically blows past them. the ideas that he might not mature much later on, that he might be wilfully and forcefully oblivious to any discomfort in the KA relationship, that he might continue shoving katara(‘s culture) aside—none of that is necessarily OOC, because aang does not go through significant character development in book 3 + the comics.
in The Promise, there’s that weird moment wherein aang is briefly anti-miscegenation and doesn’t change his mind until katara reminds him supporting that would affect him (him!!! his relationship with katara alone!!) personally. in TLOK, there’s the suggestion that aang never actively pushed for bumi & kya to learn about air nomad culture and there’s the heavy implication that aang never told the air acolytes about bumi & kya’s existence. additionally, tenzin doesn’t even have a hint of water tribe heritage anywhere in his house to honour katara’s side: he’s all air nomad (though?? nuclear family dynamic), in spite of being mixed.
don’t get me wrong, i vastly prefer fic and hc’s in which aang is a katara supporter first and foremost, and that’s also how i prefer to move through a fandom space barring meta and analyses. but i also don’t think making him jealous and petty when she dates someone else is a misinterpretation of the text we’ve been given; canon!aang shows the signs to become that way, and it’s not wrong to read his future self that way nor is it incorrect fandom-ing to highlight these traits
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dykedvonte · 6 months
Ulysses obsession with the Courier is a special type of sad to me cause the Courier’s part was so important but so unwitting. They had no idea what was in the package they delivered and neither did he. Neither had an idea of what it could’ve done and the Courier was only caring out their job (mind you the Courier could be killed via notes in the express contract if they don’t). To them it was just another regular delivery to the divide and one that they likely thought would help, just like all the ones before.
It’s so tragic for Ulysses to hold so much ire to the Courier when it really was the case of it could’ve been anyone. Anyone could have delivered that package but they did and so he focused the blame on them and it destroys what he is trying to instill in the courier on a fundamental level.
#like yeah the courier delivered the package but in the end that’s a job#any random courier could’ve delivered it especially since we know in the past the factions were farther apart and this travel was a smidge#safer but courier six got it and this Ulysses blamed them#like I don’t care much for Ulysses because I think lonesome road embodies don’t shoot the messenger at it core#and what people focus on doesn’t focus on the fact that in the bigger picture#everything went wrong because two factions were at war and at some point the codes would have been delivered#and the divide destroyed cause with how close it is to NCR territory it would of been found#like there is an inevitable and too many people treat Ulysses as if he knows more or is more aware of the idiosyncrasies of conflict#when he’s like fundamentally flawed just at the standard of being a legion apologist STILL and just how focused he is on one persons#involvement cause yeah choices matter even the small one but I think Veronica’s quest says it best with a line from the courier#you can’t control what they do#like the courier couldn’t and can’t control what they deliver and yet it’s got them in hot water multiple times#like do you think they enjoy being shot or knowing they are indirectly responsible for activating the annihilation of a community#to me it’s hypocrisy to be willing to end the world or one world to prove a point and whatever argument made that only military factions#suffer forget there are innocent civilians suffering that had no part and Ulysses is no better than the Courier#I don’t like devils advocate and a lot of the dlc just feels like that but idk I know people love it but the depth is just not there for mr#ulysses fnv#fallout#fallout new vegas#courier six#the courier#lonesome road#the courier has very little personality outside what we give them but some lines and delivery paint a picture#like uhhhh undertale deltarune rules ig
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Why are people always so shocked when South Park handles a topic well?? I’ll see so many articles that are like “wow even SOUTH PARK is calling you guys out” tf you mean? They’ve BEEN doing this??
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ozcarma · 4 months
Does anyone else feel like the incinerator gun chair room from Zero Time Dilemma would have better fit C Team instead of D Team
#elaboration in the tags#zero time dilemma#zero escape#ztd#I think of this every time I watch a playthrough and get to that room#carlos ztd#akane kurashiki#junpei tenmyouji#c team#like just about any combination fits with the potential character growth both Akane and Junpei would have from it#I understand the main character is Carlos so if we were to keep it as him making the decision then I would have Akane in the incinerator#and Junpei in the chair#but if we’re going to throw ‘main character chooses’ then you could truly have either Akane or Junpei at the gun with Carlos in the chair#I say all this cuz there’s the obvious Akane incinerator parallels and I imagine it could trigger a breakdown for her#if Junpei is behind the gun would she beg Junpei to shoot Carlos to save her?#would Junpei see that Akane sees other players as pawns to save her own life? and if she doesn’t beg does it help Junpei#see the humanity in her? where he previously thought she was uncaring but here she clearly is to save Carlos at the cost of her own life#but my fave configuration is Junpei in the incinerator and Akane at the gun#it helps them see from each other’s point of view. how scared would Junpei be being in the incinerator and there’s nothing he can do#but rely on someone else? Junpei in characterized as pretty selfish in ZTD so this experience could have him empathize with Akane’s#‘selfishness’ in the previous games. realizing you’d do it too if your life was on the line#and Akane can see just how difficult it is being the one to directly have a hand in how people die or at least see their bodies.#and is it worth it to just save one person?#yes Akane’s games have a way for everyone to survive and win at the end. but in the moment the players don’t know that.#I think that configuration would do SO much for akane and Junpei to better empathize with one another during ZTD#this could’ve been a whole post but I wasn’t confident enough in my coherence to properly format it. so tags you get
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mickeym4ndy · 5 months
Tee, your tags on the Yev post are so correct! I absolutely think Mickey would have had a bigger storyline with Yev (and Svetlana) if he'd been in s6, alongside him and Ian being awkward exes who get back together eventually. I wanna do something with that in the s6 au I'm planning to write at some point, because it's so important for Mickey to be able to make a concerted effort to be a better man and dad than his own father was. And we know he's so much better than Terry, but Mickey ofc is so afraid of becoming his dad. And loving Yev and being there for him as a father is a way for him to heal from that generational trauma and not let himself be that person <3
Yes exactly!! I really think that this scene:
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Was setting up a storyline for the next season where Mickey builds a relationship with Yevgeny. Like to me, this looks like as much as he is struggling, he does love his son (and this is the first time he’s realizing that).
I made a post about this before and @atthedugouts mentioned in the tags that so much of Shameless is about whether a child will repeat the sins of their parents or make different choices and break the cycle, and there was sooooo much to explore about that with Mickey & Yevgeny.
Which would’ve been such an interesting storyline. Not that Mickey would ever be as bad as Terry, but I think it’s something he’d struggle with within himself. I could actually talk about Mickey in season 6 & 7 for hours lol, I have soooo many ideas. And Mickey & Yevgeny is my favourite unexplored storyline.
I’ve said before I think it would’ve ultimately changed Gallavich’s dynamic a bit, not at the beginning, but eventually (things change when you become a parent, your kid needs to come before your partner sometimes, and Mickey for the last few years had put Ian first for everything) and that’s something I think they’d need to work out while they’re in the midst of the re getting to know each other/ getting back together stage.
But even outside of his relationship w Ian, in general it would have been so fascinating to see how Mickey grapples with trying not to be like his dad while loving Yevgeny but also struggling with how he was conceived and how traumatizing it was for him.
I think maybe he’d overcompensate a bit - be soo hard on himself if Yev ever simply fell over and hurt himself a bit while Mickey was watching him. Or if Mickey was ever struggling not to lose it while Yev’s crying (because it would be so overstimulating for him). Even though it wouldn’t be his fault I think he’d still struggle and blame himself and fall back into the “oh god I can’t do this I’m just like my dad” sometimes.
And he’d then try so hard to be better and be there as much as he can almost to a fault. And you’re so right it would’ve been such an opportunity for him to heal and to break the cycle. I think it also would’ve put his own childhood into perspective - he wants to protect Yev from anyone that would hurt him, so it’s so jarring for him to realize how much he was hurt and allowed to be hurt when he was a kid.
I’m also in general not a huge fan of the throuple storyline. So I would’ve LOVED to have seen Mickey & Svet be a coparenting/accidental bestie duo throughout the season (it wouldn’t have been like that straight away but eventually) and all the hijinks they could get up to - scams, funny stuff with Yevgeny, maybe going out to find real jobs together, if Mandy called Mickey about the dead guy and he brought Svetlana along (I need post murder sibling bonding pls). Just in general being a little unconventional family, because we know family is super important to Svet.
Also at this point most of Mickey’s family is gone and Ian’s broken up with him. Svet & Yev would be all he has left. It makes sense that he’d end up relying on & cling to them. (This is another reason why I think Gallavich would be different when getting back together after being apart for the better part of a year, both of their priorities would have shifted a bit).
Sorry this got so long, this is just one of my favorite topics I could genuinely talk about it for hours😂 I can’t wait to read your season 6 au fic!! Already know it’ll be so good!
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 8 months
y’all who act like monica ruined frank are so annoying for SEVERAL reasons (especially because there’s more proof frank ruined monica) but y’all will NEVER acknowledge queenie and sammi. sammi was around six years older than fiona, and frank was younger when she was born, but he still ditched her. he knew she existed but still chose to be an absent piece of shit. also, he was an addict since he was young! if i can find an exact moment where this is stated, i’ll tell you all, but i distinctly remember hearing it multiple times and i know others did, too. just because frank did coke for the first time with monica does not mean she ruined him; ultimately, his alcoholism, mother, and narcissism are what ruined him- not that.
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queencaramilflinda · 2 years
Everyone during neverafter 15: oh my god these social interactions are going horribly they’re all doing so bad!
Me, neurodivergent and cannot read social cues: idk mostly these seem fine
#like… Pinocchio overshared for sure#but I didn’t think the rest of them were too bad? like they rolled poorly yes but the actual conversations went fine? I thought?#i at least didn’t think they were as bad as everyone else seems to think#like… with ylfa. when you are a young girl and you meet an older woman who is Like You and successful you are drawn to that#her questions didn’t seem invalid if a bit personal#like ‘how did this happen to u? how do u find the answers and the strength to be successful when your like this the way we are now?’#that was fair to ask! there was a moment before that where they even clocked eachother as beasts! and then ylfa asked about Pib#which seemed fine to me. like she was genuinely asking advice and she got shutdown with like a one word answer#I feel like la bête did worse in that interaction than ylfa did#none of the stuff with gerard was really his fault within that interaction. Brennan surprised Murph with the read the cards outloud thing#he handled it the best he could under the circumstances#Pib did great. Pinocchio overshared but his intentions and actual words were sweet! traumabonding!#Rosamund did great! she was kind and she said what she wanted like yeah! not too bad!#i don’t think Ally intended to actually put dirt in the cookies Brennan kind of pushed that and I don’t think a lot of what he said was bad#I think ally could’ve handled it better in the sense that they could’ve just told the truth and been vague abt the questions being abt#the book but the stuff about being so overly nice and a bit unnerving seemed like an accurate and not very offensive way of putting it#even before they knew about the nihilistic princess cabal stuff they thought rapunzel was creepy#cienna talks#neverafter
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nylwnder · 1 year
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hiiii just wanted to share this *really rough* little thing i finished today just cause 😗🫶
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bunisher · 3 months
i love dex but i reallyyyyyy wish they hadn’t played into the tired ableistic trope of diagnosing him with bpd. especially considering you can’t even get properly diagnosed with personality disorders until 18 (at least in the US) and i think it would’ve been better if they left his diagnosis up to interpretation.
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eye-of-yelough · 6 months
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@gaychocolatehomicide was gonna write this as a reply but it would’ve got too long.
tbh “he cheated on Lae’zel with Minthara” was a huge oversimplification. as i mentioned in my last post, he falls in some twisted kind of love with Minthara (secondhand Gortash feelings. ive said before that Gortash is like heroin to Aeryn, and if that’s the case, Minthara is methodone) pretty much At First Sight.
But then Minthara leaves the morning after, and while he misses her terribly, he’s not gonna chastise himself. He’s not even sure he’ll see her again. So when Lae’zel and Astarion make their moves, he’s not gonna say no. He will do the exact opposite, he will be so overeager it actually makes Astarion hate him a little bit. but they still fuck. because they both hate themselves. messy bitches. and he kinda gets sucked in by Lae’zel. even though it’s not how it happens in-game, (at least not with how i play) Lae’zel’s “source of bruises” scene happens before they reunite with Minthara. and he agrees because he genuinely really likes lae’zel. and then when they do reunite with Minthara literally like 6 or so hours later….
It just goes to shit. Emotional cheating all the way. thinking about her every time they have sex, confiding in her in a way he doesn’t with anyone else, keeping her permanently in his main party, the “power suits you, i killed the tieflings to impress you, i envision you in my heart as a lover” stuff while Lae’zel is like. 15 feet away. So long story short she sees it coming and the only reason she doesn’t dump his ass first is she just. doesn’t get the opportunity before they sneak off together to fuck on Ketheric’s throne 😬
as for how Minthara feels, if she comes on to you and you tell her you’re with someone, she says “you can be with me instead” like she has NO qualms about being a homewrecker lmao. as long as Aeryn breaks up with Lae’zel immediately after, so he can be hers alone, which he does. ultimately, despite the awfulness and hurt feelings, it kinda works itself out. Lae’zel is professional like that.
if that’s not awful enough for you, you’ll be happy to know that he also cheats on Minthara with Gortash like 9 days later. because he’s literally the devil. Minthara isn’t professional like Lae’zel is, that whole mess gets UGLY. but then he kills himself in Gortash’s arms in the Astral Plane and Lae’zel, Minthara and Shadowheart save the day, so. it’s not all bad.
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kavehater · 2 months
I mean this from a social perspective not a health one : why does everything feel weird right now. Like yes I’m heartbroken about the reality of my position in the lives of my so called friends but now I just feel confused. I don’t understand why I’m not important and why I can’t change to be important to others, nor what makes a person important either.
#like okay yeah I’ve been lowkey crying in the middle of the night because of how unimportant I feel but that’s down pat now we get it#I just want to know why am I not ? like am I doing something wrong ? I could’ve sworn I’m trying my best to not be annoying frustrating and#to be there but the reality of things is that I can’t always be there given my condition#sometimes I wonder how hard it is to ask me a simple ‘are you okay’ or ‘how are you’ or god forbid that I am missed lmao pls fniesksn ignore#the last one I think that’s too much but at least the other two#I don’t want to tell people to ask me these because then it feels fake and that they’re doing it just for the sake of getting me to shut up#about it but I don’t know#dora daily#a reason why I hate insta with my whole life because it just never fails to prove how worthless I really am#like I could’ve died yk … and it’d still be the sahara desert there#anyways I like being alone a lot something I’ve found out about myself#(I hate it actually but I only like it because I cannot make myself do anything like even talking seems so very exhausting so I can manage#with the loneliness when I’m ill but I can’t cope with it when I’m even a smidge better)#sigh.#just sigh. where did I get my friends from and why does everyone seem to love their friends so much but I cannot#don’t get me wrong I talk about how much I love them to everyone and if I don’t I obsess abt them in my head but it is not reciprocated to#be honest. not at all#and that’s what makes me sad. I still love them because I love unconditionally it seems#but from a conditional viewpoint they do not cut it#and that makes me disappointed#that’s why I’d kill to be loved or heck even remotely liked the way I like others even half of that yk#I am not a good person in my eyes but I would do so much just to be liked like that I wish I knew why I’m not worth being liked only worthy#of being tolerated.
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dykedvonte · 6 months
A Defense of Benny Gecko
Benny is more of a capable leader and person than people give him credit for.
Seeing as no one challenged his position as head Chairmen for 7 years and even then he only loses the position if he’s caught, killed or forced to leave. Yes, it’s also likely House wouldn’t have allowed him to be killed but he sure as hell would of found a way to remove him if he was causing too much unrest within The Tops power structure. Even Swank and Tommy don’t outright dislike him and more so are concerned with his recent secretive and shady behavior, emphasis on recent.
Taking all we know into consideration, Benny likely knew the future direction that he wanted to take Vegas but was so caught up in the plans to acquire Vegas that he didn’t think of how to make his dream a reality. Something he admits to in canon. I see this being used as the main argument that Benny doesn’t know what he’s doing at all but I see it more in the same vein as you can’t really plan something from nothing. The transformation of Vegas is a sensitive thing that he can’t really work on until he has it. The only reason he ran to the Fort prematurely is the Courier who was causing so much of a stir he would’ve likely been found out much faster, making all that planning for nothing if he didn’t take that chance.
Benny is careful (well a lot more careful than he is regularly depicted in fanon), the Courier being able to trace him was dumb luck on their part and his hair being noticed at the Fort is a realistically small oversight that even Caesar is disappointed in because he admits Benny got farther than he should’ve been allowed by his legionaries. The fact he can plan an ambush on the Courier or tries to quickly and concisely clean up lose ends that don’t lead back to him shows he’s not just acting on impulses or in the moment decisions. Or rather he’s quite good at thinking them out, whether they work depends on how you play really. This is all to say it’s 100% believable that Benny could lead an independent Vegas (house was basically setting him up to do that). If he had known explicitly that House was setting him up to replace him, he likely would’ve bought more time by getting in closer, learning more of the system to then flip House’s edge to his favor. Again something he was doing already but likely without the knowledge of House’s feelings on him personally.
No matter what, Vegas’ future was tied to Benny; House’s plans for him, having to get the chip and if he had somehow succeeded. It’s also interesting that of all the people vying for control of the dam/Vegas, Benny’s plans are the only ones actually oriented towards a new future, not a recreation of something long past.
#something something despite going against you Benny has the most in common with an independent player#he’s just like an asshole and also knows when he’s no longer in the driver seat so he leaves it to you#cause despite all his lame traits Benny got supper far in his plan and likely could’ve done it if the courier never got involved#if he didn’t have the need to run to the fort he would’ve waited to learn what the chip did and then made a more direct plan but when a big#clue to what he’s been up to cough the courier cough came he had to throw caution to the wind#this is sorta related to why house chose Benny and his plans for Benny cause likely the rest of house plans were gonna be#about getting Benny to adopt his ideals and views on Vegas before testing whether Benny could run it like him#and would’ve likely been proud of all the planning Benny did for Yes Man if it wasn’t for it being against him#all I can imagine is like Benny being more disappointed than anything with how house decided to run things and he holds nothing personal#towards house this is a necessity as house will never give up control kinda like bingo but I feel like Benny at least respected Bingo#something something bingo could’ve been a father figure making killing him more of a reason Benny would go against house cause he murders#a potential parental figure thinking it’s what he has to do for the betterment of his tribe only to feel like he led them to stagnation and#a longing for days gone by cause the guy who filled ur head with glittery promises ain’t sparkling no more#and makes the resistance to a parental house make more sense#fallout#fallout new vegas#benny gecko#benny fnv
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coyotebrained · 1 year
You have to think things will get better, otherwise what is the point!!! You have to hold out hope that things will get better and then maybe one day things will feel safe and be cool and everything will be fine (at least as fine as it can be)
#misc#rbs okay#I’m just so tired of the state of the world and I’m so tired of feeling unsafe every day#so tired of being tired. I have to hope my body will heal and I will feel better but it’s so hard#change has to come at some point and I have to hope I can make it to that point#I’m having a terrible time coping with the pain and fatigue and mental strain covid has left me with#I want to feel okay again so badly#all I want in the world is to make art and experience art and music and movies and live a little life with my partner in some place nice#I’m scared I’ll never feel okay enough to have that and I’m scared the world won’t ever feel safe enough again to have that#I just keep telling myself something has to change and trying to believe it so hard#if I make it through this pandemic with any semblance of health and stability I will be happy#I don’t even want to think about how much trauma the pandemic has given me and will continue to give me#I grieve everyday for the world that could’ve been and the person I will never get the chance to be because of this pandemic#my health anxiety has skyrocketed in the past four years and just keeps getting worse#I can’t hear people coughing or sneezing or sniffling without panicking for a few seconds every time#I already had emetophobia before 2020 but now I have the same panicked feeling from anyone exhibiting any signs of illness#it’s exhausting T-T everything is exhausting#sorry for vent-ish post on main ik it’s not very professional but whatever this is my blog#covid tw
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milogoestogreendale · 2 years
thinking about how in the brightest timeline elroy was probably an original group member instead of pierce
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