#but people say my face looks like 😑
When you look slightly off putting and try very hard not to look like you are glaring at all grocery store staff with the face of an 18year old on a 27 year old woman, but the guy who bags groceries has recognized you for coming in every week to every other week and has apparently caught on that your face is just like that and you’re trying to look nice and it’s such a big relief
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confinesofmy · 27 days
handed a fella my pocket knife to open a package and he cut through the package instead of the tape twice then handed it back saying it was "too sharp." okay well i think maybe you just don't know how to use a knife. to be honest.
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violentdevotion · 1 year
if u see me watchmen oc posting no u didnt
my eyes are closed. so long as you can forgive me in 2 days when i stop posting about watchmen and start incessantly posting about something else
#avds.got.mail#martin tag#idk what the something else is yet it comes naturally#i need to finish the movie tonight so that gives me a few more days#if i watched the show it wouldve been a week of watchmen At Least but i watched the first episode and was uncomfortable with the politics#of it (new mutuals so to clarify not in a 'why is there so many black people' wasy as im certsin some freaks felt. i was mostly uncomfy#with how the role of the police regarding the conversation of antiblack racism in the us just was not looked at at all)#like i read somewhere that the head showwriter was a donator to kamila harris' campaign. he had never heard of the tusla massacre until a#few months before the show was created and overall from the first ep i just felt the politics were confused#like it wanted to say White Supremacy Bad but also look at these cops brutalise these people and these people are white supremacists so how#does that make u feel. do u feel sorry for the white supremacist???#also i think the masked cops thing makes no sense the more i think about the source material. watchmen 1985: we dont want vigilantes#because theres no one to hold them accountable. watchmen 2019: you cant see a cops face#ALSO the way the (albeit the first episode so granted i expect it to develop the politics further) locked guns thing was presented was weird#to me. like in conversations regarding police brutality to turn around and show a black man get shot through the chest because he didnt hav#access to his firearm and a white supremacist got him???? its just WEIRD#anyway sorry if you can forgive my changing interests and my dislike of the show (based off of one episode only) i can close me eyes to uroc#😑
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arts-and-drafts · 2 months
I decided to start compiling speech patterns and such for the Hermits I watch the most, because being a fic writer is hard sometimes 😭 then I thought “why not share it here?”
so here’s my very rough analysis of my most viewed Hermits, this is just what I’ve managed to gather so please don’t call me out for what I’m missing
Rarely stutters in normal speech. Maybe pauses if he’s started a sentence and doesn’t know where it’s going, but he doesn’t tend to trail off unless something interrupts his train of thought
Stutters a LOT when he’s startled. Also makes ‘hoo!’ noises repeatedly before he finds his words
Lays on the charm THICK when he’s trying to convince someone over literally anything; compliments their looks, their handiwork, and then pitches his proposition in smooth segue. Not one to entertain haggling though (however he DOES do a ‘look if you’ll pay full price I’ll throw in xyz’ thing). King of upselling even the most mundane things.
His tone is cheerful most of the time, no matter what he’s saying. He’ll actually often say very disturbing things with a light voice (ex. when discussing how to retaliate ie “what should we do about him?” “we could kill him! :)”)
Builds and locations somehow are always capitalized in his voice?? Like he says them differently. I can’t really explain it (when he talks about Aqua Town or Scarland or The Big Dig)
Literally has an evil laugh when he thinks of a way to prank someone or mess with people
Hums in thought quite often, and uses “huh!” quite often when confused or finding out something new (Mostly with redstone)
His farewell is almost always “Byeeee, have a great time!” even if the conversation he left was not a pleasant one. I’m almost certain he does this in tense situations just to get under other people’s skin and really push how unbothered he is
Doesn’t tend to insult people, the farthest he’ll take it is backhanded compliments
That said he is not afraid to outright threaten (“I will murder them.”)
References media a lot, both for concepts for builds and in speech (ie his greeting “Well hello there!” is from Star Wars)
Number one exclamation is “Sweet Baby Jellie!”
(More under the cut!)
Cold opens, both in videos and conversations (rarely says “hello, how are you, etc” when encountering someone, but he does say farewells/‘thank you’s)
Likes to sneak up on people and scare them if he realizes they haven’t noticed him yet, usually does so by getting real close and then yelling (“HEY!”/“HI!”/“WHAT’S THAT?”)
Uses the name of whoever he’s talking to pretty often while speaking to them (“Well, Mumbo, you never know”/“So, Scar, as you can see here-“), same goes for often addressing his audience (“you all”/“you lot”/“you guys”)
Usually pretty focused (when he wants to be) but oftentimes takes a minute to laugh at things he notices in the natural environment (An accidental face in a build, a mob in a strange place, etc)
Takes the lead in a conversation if nobody is the clear leader, but generally only speaks when spoken to if someone else has risen to that spot
Clarifies instructions after something is explained, both to his viewers and to anyone he’s grouped up with (most often seen in the Life Series)
Uses “Pardon?!”/“Beg your pardon?!” most often when surprised or startled (he’s very British), also sometimes uses “Sorry??”
Things are way more funny to him when he’s tired
Deadpans a lot in conversation ie “why not do xyz?” “Well because we’ll horrifically die 😑“
This man is allergic to committing to the bit unless he’s the one that initiated it
Not one to sugarcoat (“how is it?” “well to be honest it’s miserable”)
Number one exclamation is “WHAT?!” (though he often uses “oh my GOODNESS” quite a bit)
The start of nearly every episode is almost a pitch, does the same when bringing up an idea to others (“I have this idea”/“I was thinking”/“I noticed” etc)
Often laughs a little at himself when he speaks
Also often brings up how inexperienced/unqualified he thinks he is with literally any task he’s doing
Gets very distracted with the smallest things
Uses similes a lot when trying to describe a concept (“I’m thinking a this-type thing”/“Something like a [xyz]”/“Imagine like a [thing]”)
His voice gets higher when he’s startled or panicking
A very vocal thinker, which makes sense because he’s a MC Youtuber, but he also just. Seems to think out loud regardless
Comments a lot on the feel of things (“Oh this feels menacing”/“This looks like it’d mess you up”/“This makes it feel very intimidating”), often with building
Extremely modest. However will celebrate when he does something right in redstone/building (“YES! Oh my days, that took forever”)
Once and a while will have a rare banter moment with people he’s comfortable with (ie teasing and making fun)
Related to above, he gets very giggly when he’s hanging out with people he’s familiar with (Grian and Scar most often, but also Iskall)
Number one exclamation is “What on earth?!”
Greets people most often with “How you doing [name]?”/“How are ya [name]?”
He’s very northern. He often leaves out words in his sentences bc that’s just the way his dialect is (“What you doin’?” vs “What are you doing?”)
Says his th’s like f’s (“somefing”/“nofing”/“finking”) ((Stress also does this))
His jokes/teasing are very deadpan (“I made you this extra thing, because you’re trash at this”)
Actually gives gifts of resources very often, and always leaves it with a little note and signs his name
His voice gets higher pitched when he’s defensive/being extremely cheeky but other than that his tone rarely changes
This man. Flirts so much. If any other person initiates even the slightest of flirty banter he takes that and dials it to eleven I cannot believe this is a straight married man sometimes
Joel commits to the bit 100% of the time (slightly related to above), unless of course it’s jokes about his height
Makes a point to compliment himself if he gets the chance (words most often used are “handsome” “strong” and “humble”, as well as comments about his muscles and physique)
Insults his enemies diminutively (“look at you down there, tiny idiot”/“You’re wrong and also weak”) ((seen most often in Empires SMP)
His most often used insult is “idiot”
When he’s flustered/frustrated he uses “bloody” a lot (ie “bloody heck” or “this bloody thing” (loves to toe the PG line), also uses “blooming” (“bloomin’ heck”)
Most often used exclamation is also “WHAT?!”
Opens videos very jovially, talks almost like a radio host
Breaks down his builds down to the block, spends a lot of time discussing his block pallet choices and giving tips while he builds
Uses the affirmation “sure enough” a lot, and often addresses himself as “Ol’ Bdubs”
Talks affectionately about other hermits often (“[name], the absolute sweetheart, left me some materials”, “[name], you angel!”)
Adding to above, “angel” or “sweet angel” seems to be his most often used affectionate terms
Switches on a dime, though, if he gets offended (which of course causes others to poke fun at him even more)
Calls mobs “stupid” a lot when they don’t do what he wants (but takes it back if he says it to one of his horses ex. “Come here, stupid—wonderful, I mean, beautiful”)
THIS MAN IS THE #1 HORSE ENJOYER. He gets a horse first thing every season and rides it everywhere, and they’re always a focal point of his theme or builds in some regard
Pauses whatever he’s doing to sleep as soon as it’s possible, and gets very antsy if he can’t do it for some reason (“One moment, time to shreep!”)
Related to above, EVERYONE messes with him if he’s trying to sleep in their presence ie breaking his bed over and over, and he gets increasingly more frustrated when it happens
Rarely is soft spoken or quiet, he projects his voice and uses a lot of emphasis in his tone
Either straight up screams (and peaks the mic 😭) if he’s startled or scared, or yells “oh my GOODNESS!!”
Number one exclamation is “HEY!”
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shinylights · 2 years
madonna’s speech about people hating on you means you must be doing something right just hits differently hearing how people are shitting on harry after last night…
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jeonitopia · 1 year
🪐 bts x f! pregnant! reader (separate)
🪐 headcanons // fluff+angst
☆ warnings: none except maybe no beta read !
a/n: potential part 2 for when the baby is born? depends on if people like this.. also just short hcs bcuz well.. i overdid myself and did all 7 in one post... sigh (i made tis longer than it was supposed to be wtf)
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"Aishh! you already had chocolate earlier!"
constantly watching your diet, making sure all your vitamin and certain intakes are proper
"Jin I'm craving ramyeon with milk mixed in.." "WHAT"
catching him ask his mom what she needed and what she wouldve done if she got pregnant again (he has no shame)
he's an absolute prince in your child's eyes
when he has to leave, he calls you at least every 2 hours and if he can't, he messages you!! (asking for pics of you and the baby)
in love with role-playing with the child, wether it be king and princess, or knights and bandits (you're the damsel in distress)
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honestly, he was terrified of being a father because of his experience with his own father
once he realized the whole weight of the situation, he understood that he WILL be a good (and supportive) father because you are with him
learning that your child also has a thing for music
absolutely bringing your baby to the studio and letting him have his own crib next to his producing set-up
has noise cancelling headphones for the baby if he has to record something or when he's going to fully focus on producing
(of course has the volume on his headphones a medium volume so he can hear if the baby wakes up)
made a joke about how in daechwita, you'd be his empress and the baby is the heir
cue him posting a photo of the three of you in traditional hanbok (yoongi in daechwita outfit, without the long hair because baby will be upset)
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always taking photos of your progress
"look here!"
he always tries to keep you active
massages all day everydayyy
you got him to chill with the dance practices so that he both doesnt overwork himself AND you get to spend more time with him
absolutely doing the silliest things to entertain the baby
it's obvious who the favorite is 😐
showing dance moves to the baby and doing silly faces
has a picture of the three of you in hope world, he loves staring at it and just being grateful for his family
he's j-hope, you're bae-hope, baby is mini/baby-hope
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songs containing references and metaphors that relate to you and the baby (not that he DIDNT do this before)
maybe even a whole mini-album dedicated to your journey into parenthood, each song created throughout your progress till your due date
he did his thorough research on pregnancy and things related to it and constantly gives you advice
when the baby is old enough for long distance rides, family trips are a common thing
loves cradling the baby and blabbering about an art piece they're standing in front of
you're so in love? help???
he has 3 lil plants, the 3rd plant being a new sprout that he likes to say is the baby (it sprouted the day the baby was born?? omg???)
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you became an absolute princess the moment he found out you were pregnant
wonders if the baby would grow up to have the same fingers as his papa mochi
already planning to convince the baby to try a martial art or a type of dancing so he and his papa can have multiple ways of bonding
dropping hints about the baby mochi on some of his lives
one time he asked if he can try your breastmilk
teasing him about how when the baby holds his fingers, they look the same
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honestly you'd have around 2-3 kids
but this is your first one, taehyung is honestly nervous
absolutely SURE he wants to be a father but more worried on if he'd be a good one
at this point, he'd also be another baby
you personally think he might be the one more stressed even when he isnt the one carrying the baby
2nd questioner of wifey's breast milk taste
yeontan and the baby being bestfriends
yeontan has super instincts and starts going wild when he feels the baby is about to start crying
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he watched the movie Up with taehyung and they googled why the old couple had a miscarriage, he learned it was from lead exposure
so now he keeps you away from drying walls and dusty areas and even has a small baggy filled with masks and cleansing tissue
he calls it "baby protection protocal"
surprisingly very calm and responsible! (hes trying to win your trust so that he can spoil your child rotten)
absolutely DROPS the fact that he is having a child and dragged you into the view of the live
3rd questioner of wifey's breast milk taste
baby plays with daddy's lip ring because he finds it really cool
baby also thinks daddy's sleeve tattoo is cool and always wants to slobber his saliva on it
baby wants to ride on bam's back??? 😭😭😭😭
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What is soft launch? (Carlos Sainz)
Part two
Summary: Max Verstappen’s ex girlfriend moves on with none other than Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz and they’ve managed to keep their relationship under wraps until now. | part three |
Type: insta au
Face claim: Cindy Kimberly
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x fem!reader x ex!Max Verstappen
Warning: fluff, salty max, romantic carlos hehe
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Liked by YourUsername, LandoNorris, CharlesLeclerc and others
CarlosSainz55 best summer break yet 😉
LandoNorris you included our golf date 😗
CarlosSainz55 date???
LandoNorris that’s exactly what I said 😑
DanielRicciardo and I wasn’t included in this date, why??? 🔪
LandoNorris we’re keeping it lowkey for now
Username my faves interacting 🥰
DanielRicciardo i spy with my little eye 👀
Comment liked by YourUsername and others
YourUsername 🌊
Comment liked by CarlosSainz55, DanielRicciardo and others
Username Ariana what are you doin here
Username Carlos & Y/N??🫢
Username she’s really homie hopping
Username it’s not even her 😐
CarlosSainz55 posted a story
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YourUsername I miss summer break & you♥️
CarlosSainz55 I miss you more amor, see you soon.
YourUsername almost bebé🤞
Username Best of luck!
Username How can somebody be so good looking😭
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Liked by 15,786
Tagged: YourUsername
F1Wags Y/N was seen leaving Carlos Sainz home with not one, but two (!!) bouquets of flowers seemingly from the Spaniard. This comes after the two have been frequenting the same places recently. Y/N and Max Verstappen broke up more than 2 years ago and it’s the first time there’s been rumors of her being linked with anybody else since. In contrast, Max moved on to Kelly Piquet only a month after their breakup. Are we getting our favorite wag back? 🤔
Username she’s got the rizz 😮‍💨
Username THE grid rizz
Username Am I the only one who really wants them to be a couple?
Username she couldn’t find someone else?
Username im on my knees
Username didn’t think we’d get Y/N as a wag again😍
Username imagine Max right now 🤣🤣
Username karma really came to bite him and I OOP😳
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Liked by 20,458
F1Wags Y/N and Carlos Sainz were spotted kissing and getting cozy only a day after she was photographed leaving his home. We’ve got our favorite girl back, but now in Ferrari 🔴
Username she really can’t leave the f1 drivers alone can she?
Username can you blame her?
Username if I looked like her I’d be through half the grid already 😮‍💨
Username she really waited so long, she deserves this
Username Max is screaming into his pillow rn 🫨
Username these races are gonna be so awkward 🫢
Username im shipping them already
Username not ashamed to say that’s my Ferrari girl!
MaxVerstappen1 posted a story
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Username 2 years later & you regret it just now?
Username the DRAMA
Username Max you’ve got your own family now?? What is this
Username after all this time & you’ve still kept your pictures with Y/N😨
Username sir have you forgotten you’ve got a girlfriend?
LandoNorris Take this down mate. I’m about to call you
MaxVerstappen1 This is so fucked up
LandoNorris she’s just moved on is all
MaxVerstappen1 but with Carlos out of all people?
MaxVerstappen1 deleted his story
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Liked by 1,209,937
Tagged: YourUsername
CarlosSainz55 One whole year with you mi princesa 👸 I’m happy to have spent this last year just us two without being under the microscope of the whole world and though things are now different, I’m glad I get to experience this life with you. I love you ❤️‍🔥
YourUsername Happy one year to us mi amor. Grateful for you always💕
CarlosSainz55 mi princesa
CharlesLeclerc happy for you guys!
Charlottesiine you guys are so great together❤️
Yourbff thanks for always filling her home with flowers, you really make her the happiest 🥹
LandoNorris what about carlando?
YourUsername he’s still yours too Lando!
LandoNorris I knew you’d still share him😏
Username new favorite duo
Username Max must be on the floor rn
Username ok but one whole year??
Username Max really unfollowed Carlos yikes 😶
MaxVerstappen1 has unfollowed CarlosSainz55
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Liked by 700,689
Tagged CarlosSainz55
YourUsername hard launching on our one year❤️‍🔥 Grateful for you. I adore how you always show your love for me, we really give each other our all everyday no matter where in the world we are. I’m glad I get to experience this life with you (and Piñon!) I love you mi amor 🥰🥰
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CarlosSainz55 I know what a soft and hard launch means now 😳 I love you mi princesa and so does piñon.
YourUsername with the amount of treats I give him he better love me 😶 te amo ♥️
Yourbff my favorites!
comment liked by YourUsername and CarlosSainz55
LandoNorris but carlando still lives on 😮‍💨
YourUsername I’ll never stand in the way 🫡
LandoNorris this is the hardest launch I’ve seen
CarlosSainz55 the smoothest 😈
I couldn’t wait to get this part out. I’ve come to really enjoy making these ☺️ hope you guys enjoy
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cieloclercs · 6 months
what would you say (if i told you i love you)? — charles leclerc
PART: 7/7 (read part 6 here)
summary. in which childhood best friends blur the lines between what they’ve always known, and something more
warnings. angsty but with a lil catharsis at the end (yes it’s a happy ending i’m too weak to keep the angst up 😔) swearing as per, your bestie and charles SCHEMING, y/n being a teenyyy bit annoying but it’s fine she’s heartbroken we accept it 😚
pairing. charles leclerc x artsy!reader
face claim. tara michelle
author’s note. FINAL PART!! it’s been a long time coming (sorry about that sixth form’s been kicking my ass 😔) but thank you to everyone that has been interacting with this series! i love and appreciate you all sooooo much!! 🫶 anywaysss i hope you guys enjoy the finale of what would you say (if i told you i love you)? 💗
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liked by charles_leclerc and 37,846 others
yourusername happier than ever 🩶
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username me when i lie:
username y/n baby you’re not fooling anyone with that caption 🫠
username ok billie eilish
username y/n may be a boss ass bitch but when you’ve been best friends with a guy since you were 5 years old AND you were in love with that guy it’s gonna fucking hurt.
username it’s so weird to me that everyone says she loved him like they confirmed anything? they were literally just friends 😑
username that may be so, but when two people look at each other the way y/n and charles do there’s NO WAY they’re just friends…
yourfriend you know there’s something called taking my advice maybe you should try it sometime 😃
username erm hello?? excuse me??
username what’s going on here then? 😳
arthur_leclerc sure you are ☺️
username the SHADE 😭
username arthur is truly one of us 🫡
username i want her and charles to make up NOT because i think she should forgive him but because she’s clearly miserable and denying herself a chance to be happy ☹️
username why does this feel like a cry for help
username i miss the old y/n 😢
username shut up she’s still y/n 🙄 don’t be one of those girls, people are allowed to change !!
username PREACH
leclerc_pascale ma fille pour toujours / my girl forever 💗
yourusername 🫶
username hey y/n! if you are truly happy then i am so proud of you <3 but i know that sometimes say things to hide the pain they’re actually feeling. what i’m trying to say is please don’t think you need to act as if you’re doing great all the time! we all love and support you no matter what, and all we want is for you to be happy! 💗
yourusername i think this is the sweetest comment i’ve ever received?? 🥹 thank you so so much for your kind words and for checking in! i love you ❤️
username crying this is the purest interaction on this app i’ve ever seen 🥲
username username PREACH!! this is the kind of energy all y/n fans should be having right now!!
username username no truer words have ever been spoken! yourusername we’re here for you no matter what! 🫶
*yourusername liked this comment
charles_leclerc all i want is for you to be happy.
*charles_leclerc deleted this comment
username he really thinks he’s slick 😭
username we all saw the charles comment right?? i didn’t hallucinate it?? 😀
username how was it up for less than a minute and yet we literally all saw it 😭
username lol it’s expose charles day
username he really thought he could hide from us 🙄 rookie mistake
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liked by formula1updates and 107,837 others
f1gossip BREAKING! Charles Leclerc and Y/F/N, best friend of Y/N Y/L/N spotted together in Monaco! Do we smell a backstabber? 👀
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username YOU WHAT NOW
username i actually have no words.
username oh 😃
username guys it might not be what it looks like!! we don’t know the whole story
username well it looks pretty incriminating to me…
username i knew she was a fake little bitch 🤢
username RIGHT?? i’ve always said it and no one ever listened to me!!
username she’s definitely jealous of y/n 🙄
username you guys sound so pathetic right now you don’t even know the whole story??
username right all the fake y/n fans talking shit about y/f/n need to SHUT THE FUCK UP.
username LITERALLY the switch up is insane 🫠
username yes!! first of all no one knows the full story, and second y/f/n has been nothing BUT supportive of y/n throughout this whole situation! switching up on her now is really unfair ☹️
yourfriend this is unbelievable. f1gossip you have no right to post this without any understanding of the full story.
username yourfriend stop trying to play innocent we all now you’re a fake backstabbing skank 🤮
username username if you can’t think for yourself without trusting everything the TABLOIDS tell you then just do us all a favour and shut the fuck up 🥰
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seen by charles_leclerc and 21,673 others
yourfriend thank you, y/n
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liked by formula1updates and 22,736 others
f1gossip Charles Leclerc spotted with a HUGE bouquet of flowers outside Y/N Y/L/N’s apartment in Monaco! Is reconciliation on the cards? 👀
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username charles i am PRAYING that you don’t fuck this up i need my otp back together 🙏🙏🙏
username he’s finally come to his senses
username y/n girlie for the love of god you better not shoot him down after all this 😔🙏
username after all of what? a bouquet of flowers? he needs to try a bit harder than that 🙄
username have you not seen him grovelling AT HER FEET for the last six weeks 😀
username tbh if charles leclerc turned up at my door with flowers i’d melt. no matter how angry i was 🤷‍♀️
arthur_leclerc FINALLY
username ARTHUR 😭
username arthur bestie what are you doing here 😭
username he’s so us
username he stans charlesy/n just as much as we do 🫶
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one week later…
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liked by charles_leclerc and 647,937 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
yourusername i’d say i love you too ❤️‍🩹
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charles_leclerc thank you for giving me a second chance, mon amour ❤️
yourusername always 💫💗
charles_leclerc i love you so so much
charles_leclerc i’m the luckiest man in the world
yourusername aw charlie 🥹
username such a SIMP
username simp charles is my favourite charles
username oh he IN LOVE in love 🫠
username hold up so everyone was talking shit about y/f/n but the whole time she was actually plotting to get charles and y/n back together… 😳
username yep…everyone say sorry and thank you y/f/n right now!
username sorry yourfriend and thank you for doing god’s work 😔🙏
yourfriend you’re welcome guys ☺️
yourusername way to expose us arth 😔
charles_leclerc sorry? 😃
username arthur is the true winner in this situation 😭
username bless his poor charlesy/n heart 😔
username yourusername charles_leclerc LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE TO THE POOR MAN. YOU’VE BROKEN HIM
joris_trouche it’s about damn time
yourusername ok lizzo
username FINALLY
username ok but did you NEED to put us through all that pain? 😅
username it’s called character building bestie! we survived the charlesy/n friendship breakup so now we can get through anything! 😃
username the first picture 🥹🥹
leclerc_pascale Ma belle future fille / my beautiful future daughter 💗😉
charles_leclerc maman 🤦‍♂️
arthur_leclerc just propose already you’ve been saying you want to marry her since you were sixteen
charles_leclerc ARTHUR
yourusername CRYING 😭
yourfriend ARTHUR YOU DID NOT 😭😭
username poor charles can’t say anything without arthur exposing him 😔
landonorris i better be invited to the wedding 😏
carlossainz55 me too! 😘
charles_leclerc absolutely not.
yourusername landonorris carlossainz55 ignore him! of course you’re invited 😃
scuderiaferrari Our favourite couple ❤️
yourusername 🥰🫶
username even ferrari’s a charlesy/n fan
scuderiaferrari username *Biggest fan 😉
lorenzotl congrats to my favourite sibling (and charles) 😚
yourusername love you enzo ☺️💕
charles_leclerc rude??? 😒
username i love how they left us in suspense for a whole week after that gossip post and only NOW decided to confirm it ☺️☺️
taglist: @cxcewg @incoherenciass @formula1mount @allywthsr @meabhcavanagh @driveswiftly13 @zzblooda @gaslysainz @be-your-coffee-pot @siovhanroy @hwienv @xoxozoedagyal @alireads27 @glow-ish @eviethetheatrefreak @nmw-am @buendiabebeta @laneyspaulding19 @imthebadguyyy @marialovesf1 @f1wintermoon13 @topaz125 @aundercover @sainzluvrr @sunny44 @justdreamersdream @lordperceval-16 @needtokeepfeelingsincheck @midnightappleade @remuslupinsbitch @taylorslovesswifties13 @raizelchrysanderoctavius @lillianacristina @lifeless-firefly @bbygrlllllll @405rry @1655clean @drthymby @ang-26 @dhe3reads @mishaandthebrits @caitdaniels @missenclod @lovely-blackinnon @smnthnclj @sofs16 @dark-night-sky-99 @c3leste888 @christcat @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @cixrosie
thank you all so much for the love on this series! i’m going to miss it 🥲
382 notes · View notes
kindestofkings · 10 months
tongue-tied (sunflowers)
lando norris x reader
dets: reader is a pro golfer, a massive f1 fan and best friends with lily muni he. will she enter her wag era?
authors note: I litch dont know a thing about golf and I know you can tell lol xx ENJOY
faceclaim: madeline argy
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liked by lilymhe and others
yourusername just wanted to assure everyone im still alive ! just working away and falling more in love with lilymhe, better watch out alexalbon xxx
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lilymhe my love !! training is always so fun with you
alexalbon heyy you're meant to say stop falling in love with me! ive a boyfriend 😑 lilymhe eh why bother :))
ynfan1 can't wait to see you in action on the green!!
ynfan2 🔥🔥🔥
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liked by alex_albon and others
lilymhe the mixed weather has not stopped us getting some practice in! (its impossible to keep her attention when there's a gp on 🙄)
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yourusername but it's the azerbaijan grand prix! I never miss a grand prix!
lilymhe first alex now you 🙄 🙄
f1fan1 can alobono fight? CAN HE FIGHT??
alex_albon you mean i'm not the only f1 lover in your life???
yourusername oi I was the first mister ! been a mclaren fan since birth 😤 lilymhe tbf she isn't lying... ynfan1 it is sooo common knowledge that yourusername is a ride or die mclaren fan lol yourusername yeah get with it albon
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liked by lilymhe and others
yourusername home and showered in time for the miami grand prix this is a full time job !
kind followers this pact of doritos is a secret between us, got it? so if my personal trainer asks you saw NOTHING, got it?
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ynfan1 yn and lily being f1 fans is so cute !
lilymhe oooh but doritos are your sad snack ? whats happening
yourusername the fav ended in p17 😭 congrats to albonononono tho, i guess alex_albon wow could that have been anymore heartfelt ! lilymhe sush shes a mclaren girlie, don't kick her while she's down!! f1fan1 soooo me coded. its a hard time for us mclaren girlies rn.
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liked by ynfan1 and others
yourusername greens beautiful as always! unfortunately inviting alex_albon along with us backfired entirely cause albon didn't bring an papaya wearing f1 friend, so I just thirdwheeled for the day .
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alex_albon oh sorry I think oscar was busy today :(
yourusername thats not who I meant and you know it ! 😑
lilymhe at least you look cute tho!
ynfan1 im litch not a golf fan but I'm obsessed with you lol
ynfan2 I feel so seen, I recognise a lando norris fan when I see one !
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liked by yourusername and others
landonorris freshhhh
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f1fan1 lando finally past his puberty danny ric is proud
f1fan2 he so fine
landofan1 😳❤️
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liked by alex_albon and others
yourusername it's the monaco grand prix and not only am I not missing it, I'm here! thank qqqq mclaren <33
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ynfan1 ahhhh OMG I hope you meet lando finally
lilymhe babe come williams garage xx
yourusername on my way bestie! gotta tell you about the most awkward encounter EVER lilymhe 🫢🫢
mclaren so glad to have you with us today!
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landonorris just followed you!
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liked by lilymhe and others
yourusername attended my first grand prix after being a fan of the sport my whole life! was so chronically awkward I'll never show my face in public again, I've turned to the drink and am hiding away xxx
unrelated: is there a support group for people who embarrassed themselves in front of their celebrity crush??
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lilymhe it can't possible have been THAT BAD
ynfan1 you looked so pretty tho!
ynfan1 also have you forgotten you're a PROFESSIONAL sportswoman yourself lilymhe they are so right ! you slay always yourusername 🥹🥹
mclaren please come join us for another weekend ! celeb crushes can go both ways you know ....
ynfan1 OH OH OH NORIZZ has a crush on you YAYYY
alex_albon leave you both unsupervised for a DAY and you implode
yourusername you said you would be my wingman, I was unprepared 😔😔
landonorris if you do find one can I also get the number to that support group?
osarpiastri please for the well being of everyone, I cannot hear a recap of this meeting alex_albon we should have stuck with the original plan and gone golfing ffs landonorris kick a guy while he's down why don't you yourusername hello ! hi guys just gentle reminder this is my comment section so I can like ... see everything.... landonorris hi 😳 alex_albon oh ffs help lilymhe
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liked by landonorris and others
britishgq meets yourusername in our next edition. yn is the pinnacle of modern women, with titles like the 'people's princess' circulating. we believe it's high time for a proper catch-up.
oh, and did we mention she's currently britain's highest-ranking female golfer?
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yourusername ahh this is surreal, I had so much fun!!
britishgq 💓💓
lilymhe I say thats my bestie and I am PROUD
lilymhe a model and a killer sportswoman, someone wife her up before I do ! f1fan1 hahaha thats landos warning
ynfan1 I feel so proud omg!!
ynfan2 oh hello lando lurking in the likes
alex_albon oh?
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liked by maxfewtrell and others
landonorris have been getting some private lessons in between races, watch out carlossainz55
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carlossainz55 aye you'll need a miracle
landonorris and who says I haven't got one...
alex_albon you'd wanna start returning my calls mate
landofan1 oh hello WHO ARE YOU SOFT LAUNCHING
ynfan1 *whispers* please be yn please be yn 🤞
ynfan1 ahh its SO is yn
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liked by landonorris and others
yourusername golf golf golf, also I drove a fancy car and didnt crash! waiting for that call from mclaren any second now xx
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lilymhe look at you all adorable and loved up <3
alex_albon these kids are growing up so fast ! f1fan you are everyones parents xx
mclaren getting rid of our first driver as we speak !!
landonorris you are leaving out the detail that you mounted the curb...
yourusername and I can leave the detail of you out of my life if you dont watch ynfan1 HE KNOWS THE DETAILS
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liked by yourusername and others
landojpg summer break well spent.
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ynfan1 I spot my hero !! must be dating if she's on holiday with the friends
landofan1 ew is lily's friend hanging out of him AGAIN?? get a job christ
ynfan1 you do realise shes a professional golfer right?? ynfan2 there's this thing called holidays ....
lilymhe please give her back to me... you can take alex!
landojpg he's not as cute tho 😔 alex_albon so you're saying I am cute tho? 😎
landonorris added to their story!
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the prettiest papaya supporter🧡
yourusername ah give a girl some warning before you hardlaunch her to your millions of fans... yourusername kinda so cute tho Ill let you away with it <3 lilymhe AH hardlaunch on main danielricciardo does landonorizz have ... rizz??
as always would LOVE to know you're thoughts! come chat about this fic or even ideas you have for my next one??
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whateverisbeautiful · 1 month
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#34: The Trapped (1.04)
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gif cred: @machonnes
Who knew it would take getting trapped to help Richonne finally let some of that tension between them get released 👌🏽...
After Rick basically breaks Michonne’s heart far worse than he tried to do in ep 3, the two still have to work together to make it past these walkers. And one thing about Richonne is that adrenaline-heavy activities always seem to bring them closer together..and also get them in the mood. 😌
So Richonne is in a hall taking a bunch of walkers out like only they can but then they both go for the same walker at the same time. A rare moment of Richonne being in sync but not in sync.
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gif cred: @perryabbott
Michonne looks at Rick and says through gritted teeth, “I had this.” And then Rick is all snarly and defensive saying, “I had this.” And I was like if this man does not fix his tone. 🙃 He already has eight strikes at this point. Plus I was like…Rick, why are you having this annoyed energy with her, when you’re the one who has been doing the most hurtful stuff?? 😑
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gif cred: @perryabbott
And then Rick wants to try it even more by removing his blade from the walker and splattering some of the gunk on Michonne’s face. Now y’all, this was nawt funny to me when I first watched it cuz I was so in my feelings. 😂
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gif cred: @perryabbott
I quickly could see the humor people see in it of course, but when I was in the thick of my feelings during that first watch my extra self was like excuse me Rick, didn’t Father Gabriel go blind getting that stuff in his face?? 😑 Out here all willy-nilly with your wife.
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Lol, I was all out of strikes to give at this point.
But, now watching this, I smile because these two are genuinely comedians together. 😂
Michonne looks at him ticked and says, “Really?” And fortunately, Rick has enough sense to know he was wrong for that when he says “Sorry” and then quickly scurries away to kill more walkers. That was cute I admit lol. 🤭 Rick looks like for a brief moment he finally realizes he tried it and is in trouble with his wife.
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gif cred: @perryabbott
I also like the use of clashing red and blue light in this scene both for the visual and because I feel like Rick has been associated a lot with red light throughout TOWL and Michonne with more of blue lighting - i.e the difference in their lights during the tunnel scenes in ep 3.
And the way these red and blue lights are making purple here (fittingly, the color of royalty 👑) it’s almost like it paints the picture of how Rick and Michonne are clashing but still somehow on the verge of merging and coming back together. That might be an extra-as-hell observation but hey I told myself I was gonna try to write out every observation I have. 😋
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gif cred: @figmentof
So then Richonne run up these stairs as the building continues to aggressively buckle and crack. A walker nearly grabs Michonne and Rick tells her to hug the wall with that irritated tone again and I was very much not here for that, cuz like why does it sound like he's scolding her or something? 🤨
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I get Rick is also antsy cuz he’s not trying to have anything happen to her but still I feel like this was giving early season 3 Rick when he’d occasionally have that little posturing sternness with Michonne...and we’ve done come too far to be reverting back to that.
Michonne retorts, “I know that” cuz she doesn’t need the reminder. And then that huge chandelier comes falling down on them. That chandelier ends up being a blessing in disguise y’all, cuz Richonne needed something that was going to snap them out of this funk.
And whenever I hear Michonne still yell that concerned "lookout!" I’m just like aw even when Rick is being mean as hell she still looks out for him. 😊
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
After the fade to black, it’s shown that the chandelier has trapped Michonne’s leg so she’s stuck. I do like that the first thing we see is Rick right by her side tucked away in that corner with her because you know he probably was real panicked thinking this chandelier hurt Michonne and of course, he wants to try to fix it.
At first, you just hear their breathing and then Nat comes to his girl’s aid once again when Michonne uses his lighter to see better. Rick asks if she can move her leg and Michonne softly says, “Yeah it’s just trapped. If I can just…” and she tries to lift it but this thing is heavy and it won’t budge.  
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gif cred: @nerd4music
Rick says, “Okay on the count of three” and they try to lift it together but it still won’t budge. They can see and hear walkers coming up the stairs and so Michonne shows that she too can make unserious statements like Rick when she says, “You should go.”
But that’s not even remotely an option to Rick so he doesn’t respond to that and just tells her, “Grab that. Handle those, while I get this thing.”
Michonne says, “Rick, how? There’s no time. You’ve got to go.” And I knew no matter what version of Rick this is, no version’s leaving her here to die. He’d rather die 1000 times himself than let that happen.
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gif cred: @coolpartytimefan
There may be a part of Michonne that is genuinely telling Rick to go because she doesn't want the love of her life to die here on the stairwell if she can't break loose. But I also could see that, because Rick has been continually suggesting they have to just part ways and essentially never know each other's fate anyway, she might be feeling like 'What's the difference between leaving me here now or leaving me later?'
However, above all, she knew Rick would never just walk away from her here because they love each other and because - do I even need to reiterate it? - Richonne are...
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I like how once again, Rick does not even address the idea of leaving her behind and just starts talking about how the bolts are holding this thing together. And when a walker comes Rick swiftly takes it out and then intently returns to trying to remove the bolts. Michonne turns some walkers into a kabob using her stick and when it gets particularly dicey Rick comes through to give her a knife to use. 
More walkers start making their way closer and so Michonne again tells Rick, “You’ve gotta go.” And this time Rick does respond to it and I love the response.
He just looks right at her and tells her, “That is never happening.” Y'all, I was so mad at him and then I heard him say this and was instantly smiling. This was a heartwarming line.😊
I like how Rick didn't just want to say 'that's not happening," but rather said 'that is never happening" because he knows there are literally zero scenarios where he'd ever abandon her in this state.
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gif cred: @nat111love
Now, don’t get me wrong, I still felt some major apologies were needed from Sergeant Major Grimes after the gym scene, but it was nice to hear him say he'd never leave her here, especially because you know that’s what he was thinking in his head every time Michonne suggested he should go.
Rick immediately positions himself to be on the other side of her so he can shield her and take out the walkers. And Michonne is glad Rick was able to articulate that he’s never leaving when she says, “I just needed to hear that.” 
All along she knew telling him he needed to go was crazy and not something they’d ever do. She just needed Rick to see that. She turned this near-death experience into a helpful learning experience for him lol. And the lesson of the day: We don't leave each other behind. 😌
I love the way this episode uses Michonne being literally trapped by the chandelier to parallel Rick being trapped by the CRM. And just like Rick said he’d never want to leave Michonne trapped like this, she’s not trying to leave Rick trapped in his form of imprisonment either.
Honestly, Michonne should have a counselor certificate because all her methods this ep are slowly but surely helping Rick deprogram and see the light. 👌🏽
They keep trying to lift as Rick takes out walkers and eventually they’re able to get the chandelier off her together. I like how the only way it works is through Richonne working together and how with Michonne in a state where she can’t save herself, she’s able to have Rick here wholly determined to protect her. 😊
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gif cred: @coolpartytimefan
And while of course for us we have no fear of either of them meeting their demise in this scene, it is technically a life or death situation and it’s nice seeing Rick be so committed to either saving his wife from this situation or dying trying.
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gif cred: @nat111love
Michonne stands up and Rick again checks on her asking, “You okay?” Michonne looks in his eyes and says, “Yeah. Thank you.”
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gif cred: @machonnes
And then the Rick we know makes a return as he softly and sincerely tells Michonne, “You never have to thank me ever.” 😭 I loved this line so much when I first heard it and love it every time since. 👏🏽🥹
I appreciate how much Rick feels like protecting her is not a burden or obligation. He literally feels that it’s his design to do so. So to Rick, thanking him for this is like thanking him for breathing.
And it’s just really sweet to me that Rick who is known to thank Michonne every chance he gets for everything, doesn’t even feel Michonne needs to tell him thank you once. Like he really said never ever. 🥲
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gif cred: @nat111love
He knows and reveres the absolutely priceless gift Michonne is in his life and in each of his children's lives and that’s more than enough to him. So yeah that line was great. 🥰
And Danai knew what she was doing because I wasn’t sure how she was gonna be able to get Rick back in good graces after the gym scene but “that is never happening” and “you never have to thank me ever” were very effective in reminding of the lovable man Rick is underneath who he's been presenting to be the last 30 minutes.
As disappointed as I was with Rick's gym behavior, those two lines on the stairwell made me check myself and say let me not forget that at the end of the day...
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He's not completely in the clear yet, but these moments were signature Rick Grimes, loving and being there for Michonne and it was refreshing to see that undying devotion.
That bonding moment of nearly dying together on a stairwell brings Rick and Michonne more in sync as they run upstairs and take out walkers. It’s nice to see them a bit more in unison. It’s like getting literally unstuck from that chandelier made them start to get a bit more unstuck with each other as well. 
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Rick notes they need to go back to the room since that side hasn’t started bumping and shaking yet…but honey, it will. 😏
And it will all be because of Richonne and their much-needed, highly anticipated, long-awaited, so-hot-it-could-melt-your-screen, unforgettable moment of reconnection. 😌👌🏽 
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think-like-a-poet · 2 months
emei with that girl where r is trying to be like an ex-girlfriend or maybe trying to make the fans criticize her less with charles, carlos or maybe oscar
A/N: I made this partly a SMAU, hope that's okay.
Song x driver masterlist
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~That girl, with the perfect hair
And that girl, doesn't really care
And somehow everything goes right for
That girl, that girl, wanna be that girl~
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You sign as you read the tweets Why couldn't they like you? Why couldn't you be more like her?
" What is it?" Kika asked as she sees your sad face. You just came back from a double date with her and Pierre and it was such a nice evening.
You try to put your phone away, " nothing."
She looks at you before grabbing the phone from your hand and reading the tweets. The smile on her face drops and you try to not meet her gace. " Honey, don't pay attention to those. People don't know what they are talling about. You are great and Charles likes you for how you are." She says, giving you a hug.
" I don't know. I try to hust ignore it, but evertime I open social Media or post, they say that she is so much better. I can't help but agree."
" Understandble, but you don't have to make them like you. If the are fans of Charles, they would love you too." She says, putting a strand of hair behind your ear. " You wantrd to post it. Post it. Don't pay attention to the comments."
You smile at Kika as she hands you your phone.
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Tagged: Charlesleclerc, kikagomez and PierreGasly
Liked by: kikagomez,charlesleclerc, pierregasly and 8.824 others
yourusername: Dubble date night. Ps: never play bowling with Pierre, he sucks.
Username 1: that looks so fun
Charlesleclerc: ❤️❤️❤️
Yourusername: love you
Charlesleclerc: What is going on in the 4 photo
Kikagomez: I proposed
Yourusername: I said yes
Username5: HAHAHAHAH
Username3: Of course she post this. We aint liking it girl
Kikagomez: my beautifull wife
Charlesleclerc: I object
Kikagomez: 😪😢
Username8: why are you even here?
Pierregasly: what did I do for this slander?!?
Username9: those pizza's look so nice. Can I ask how you made them?
Yourusername: i sent you a dm
Username2: gold digger
Load more comments.
The next morning you wake up in a empty bed. Charles is out for a run and you were playing on doing some shopping.
You get out of bed and grab your phone. As you open instagram you are faced with a new post of her.
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Liked by: iamrebeccad and 50 827 others
Ex!username: early morning Fitness
User81: you are so beautiful
Ussr92: I could never
User91: why did Charles break up with you
Iamrebeccad: Love it
EX!username: We should do it together sometime.
Iamrebeccad: thats a good idea
User12: can I have thw recipe for that salad
User61: really that girl
You sigh. She is so prefect. Her perfect body her perfect hair. You never saw it tangled or messy. How does she have the perfect life?
You flip through your galary, trying to find some of the same photos. Maybe they like you if you act like her.
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Liked by: kikagomez, Pascale leclerc and 2.792 others
Your username: going on a morning stroll
User91: This looks familiar
User991: girl, you aint slick
Username1: Love those fruit water drinks
User97: copy cat
Username71: you accept you never be her
Kikagomez: what a beautiful girl
Yourusername: Have you looked in the nirror🩷🩷
Pascale leclerc: can you give me the recipe for the salad. It looks really delicious.
Yourusername: Of course. I text it to you
You step outside the apartment, ready for a nice little shopping. You wants to get coffee first, so you stepped into your car and drove of.
The music came through the radio, singing the words to it.
It didn't take long to reach the shop and you parked the car and walked inside.
" good morning, how can I help you?"
" Can I get a cappuccino and a breakfast buritto," you order and the cahier types it into the computer.
She smiles" that wil be 5.50"
You put your card against the device, but it lets out a noise. You cashier looks at you, " i am sorry but it declined. Do you have different card."
You look confused at your card as you tey again, " let me call my boyfriend real quick." You say as you grab your phone, but to your suprise it is empty. You let out a sigh, " just, cancel my order. Sorry, for the inconvience." You walk away emberrased, bot wanting to be here any longer.
You ran to your car, tripping over a lose stone. As you see the car, the mirror is demaged and tears statted to form in your eyes. It couldn't get any worse. You start the engine and drive of.
As you come back home, you ran to the bathroom and slide against the wall, more tears coming down your face.
You didn't hear the door opening, signaling Charles is back from his run. He called your name but didn't get an answer. He walked upstairs to look for you, begore hearing your cries.
"Hey, what happened? Are you okay?" Charles asked worried as he knelt down next to you, taking you in his arms. Your cheeks were stained with mascara and your eyes were puffy.
You cried on his shoulder, not wanting Charles to see you, as his hand went carefully through your hair, trying to calm you down.
"Why do you like me?" you snick out. Charles looks confused at your question. He grabs your face and looks at you, "what do you mean. Why do I like you?"
He traces his fingers under your eyes to wipe the tears away, "Why do you like me. All those other girls are so pretty and productive, and I am just me." You explain with your hands.
Charles heart aches at your thoughts of not being good enough, he hates that people intertwine with his personal life. He had seen the tweets and comments about you not being to same as his ex's but he didn't know that you believed those.
"You are not 'just' you, you are you and that is perfect. I couldn't ask for anything more, mon Cherie. You are perfect as you are and don´ t need to change a thing. Those people need to learn and shut their mouths if they don't like it." Charles started to explain. He wanted to show you how much he loves you, but right now wasn't the time for that. He took you back in his arms, placing a kiss on your head
"Please, believe me. I wouldn't want you to change, there is a reason that I fell in love with you, because of who you are. Not who I want you to be."
You started at him when those words came out, not knowing what to respond. "You mean that?"
"Of course i do. With whole my heart."
"Lets get you a warm bath," He stood up and held his arms out for you to grab. He walked to the bath and let the water run. You really needed this.
137 notes · View notes
doctorcurdlejr · 4 months
Riverdale characters and their opinions on granking it
Archie -> supports Veronica and Jughead, doesn't listen to MCR all that much, and therefore takes the neutral stance that whatever his friends say is probably true and those men are divorced (was half listening to anything ever said to him)
Betty -> yeah go ahead and clock the peter pan collar with CoverGirl lipstick dramatically smeared off her face that's a MCR fan. Well known bisexual but deeply homophobic, therefore anybody who even mentions grank is a freak. YES she makes that disgusted look if somebody even mentions rpf, tries to tone it down for Veronica. Once got curious and read a 100k grank fem au, printed it out, ate a page, and then set it on fire at 2am.
Veronica -> Catholic 💥 Bisexual 💥 Dresses frequently in dark colors 💥 Casually morbid 💥 Loves theater 💥 not only does she grank it but my girl puts on her reading glasses to scroll through old live journal posts like she's a hardboiled detective ready to lock into the facts of the matter. "Jughead I could use another pair of eyes on this" it's 240p footage of those men fighting on stage. She keeps sending lesbo grank fics to Betty followed by "lol sorry meant for Jug." To which Betty responds "V. 😑"
Jughead -> [11am] violently typing a reply on a google doc for his creative writing class "I take offense at your claim that this is derivative of Velvet Goldmine just because I'm playing with similar themes. As to your second point, Cheryl, this band is an entirely fictional amalgamation meant to represent how our culture interfaced with the purely symbolic icons of the era." [2pm] "You're totally right, Bets. Really wish people could just appreciate the artistry and think more meaningfully about the MESSAGE." [10pm] sitting at his typewriter in Veronica's speakeasy where an entire diagram is laid out before him "This goes beyond stage gay. I'm sure of it."
Cheryl -> TO MX. G: Visiting fabulous Cali for the next fortnight. May I place Julian in your care for an evening? Have been absolutely overwhelmed with requests to visit darling Rosy. Whatever day works best, I understand scheduling so last minute may be difficult with your various dalliances. Ta!
Toni -> Once a regular contributor to Friends of Frerard night at the speakeasy, but suspiciously stopped all attendance after a vacation with Cheryl.
Kevin -> couldn't even tell you a band member's name but, in an attempt to be included in a conversation about homosexuality, once showed up at the speakeasy and laughingly asked Veronica if it was anything like Simon & Garfunkel. Before she could respond Jughead threw a copy of What is it All But Luminous at his head and told him to get out if he couldn't even be bothered to hold himself to their same level of base academic rigour.
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year
Jaune's Bachelor Party
Ren: Are you certain that this is a tradition for bachelor parties? I promised Pyrrha that Jaune would have fun and be safe...
Taiyang: Well of course!
Qrow: That’s why you hired us, right?
Ren: I suppose…but this plan you gave me…
Taiyang: Don’t worry! Qrow and I are old pros at this!
Qrow: You should’ve seen what I did for Tai’s second bachelor party! The cops in Menagerie were both impressed AND pissed!
Ren: ...I’m even less sure about this than I was before.
Jaune: *walking down the sidewalk with Ren* Thanks again for agreeing to be my best man, Ren!
Ren: I’m honored you asked me!
Jaune: So, what’s the plan for tonight? Meet Sun and Neptune for dinner at the noodle bar? Go to the VIP room at the arcade? I hope it's not a difficult Escape Room, I told Pyrrha I’d be back by-
Qrow: NOW!!!
Taiyang/Qrow: *jump out of bushes and grab Jaune*
Qrow: *cover’s Jaune’s face with a chloroform-soaked rag until he passes out*
Taiyang: *throws Jaune’s body over his shoulder and carries him to an unmarked van*
Ren: That was more violent than I was told to expect.
Qrow: Hey, who’s the professional here?
Taiyang: *tosses unconscious body into the back* Besides, the fun’s barely begun!
Sun: So…uh…we’ve been driving for a while…where is this bachelor party exactly?
Neptune: And why is the bachelor unconscious in the back seat?
Taiyang: *driving the van* Don’t worry, we know what we’re doing!
Qrow: Blondie’s going to love this place, trust me!
Jaune: *groans* …wha…? Where are we…?
Taiyang: We’re here! *slams on the brakes*
Taiyang/Qrow/Jaune/Ren/Sun/Neptune: …
Sun: …dude, you brought us to a strip club.
Ren: This is everything I promised Pyrrha I wouldn’t let happen.
Qrow: Oh, lighten up! Once we go inside you’ll see that this is a classy place with an excellent buffet!
Jaune/Ren/Sun/Neptune: *dragged inside*
Qrow: Feast your eyes, boys!
Jaune: 😳
Ren: 😳
Sun: Dude…
Neptune: …holy…
Taiyang: Hey, I told the MC that we’re here for a bachelor party and she said they’ll do something special!
Jaune: Wait, what?
MC: Attention, everyone! We’ve got a special show on tonight for someone’s last night out before getting hitched!
Jaune: *shrinks down awkwardly as spotlight shines on him*
MC: …So everyone give it up for the bandit queen herself! Welcome to the stage…Raven!
Raven: *struts on stage*
Qrow: Raven?
Taiyang: RAVEN?!
Raven: Qrow? Taiyang?! What the hell are you doing here?
Taiyang: What the hell are YOU doing here?!
Ren: Is this part of the bachelor party?
Raven: The tribe broke up a few months back, and this was the easiest way to make money under the table without drawing the cops' attention!
Neptune: What’s even happening right now?
Qrow: What, robbing people crapped out and couldn’t get a job as a street walker?
Raven: 😡
Raven: 😑…You know what? I’ve got a job to do and I’m going to do it! Which one of you is getting married? *starts undoing her shirt*
Jaune: I-
Jaune: *hit in the face with Raven’s top*
Sun/Neptune/Ren/Jaune: *sitting at the buffet table after Raven's raunchy display* ...
Sun: ...did that seem…like…really weird to anyone else?
Neptune: It started out exciting, but then it got…disturbing…😰
Ren: *looking down at his noodles* …I don’t feel like eating…I’m not sure I can even look at this right now…
Jaune: *hair messed up and nursing a series of rope burns and whip lashes* I miss Pyrrha…😭
Qrow: *finishes his noodles with a slurp* Not a bad start to the evening, if I do say so myself! 😋
Qrow: Has anyone seen Tai?
Sun: He went backstage with the stripper. He said something about “the weirdest sex ever.”
Qrow: *shaking his head* Ha, ha….! Classic Taiyang…!
Qrow: …
Qrow: …anyway, everyone back in the van for the second half of the bachelor party!
Neptune: Uh…?
Sun: Well…?
Ren: This sounds like a bad idea.
Jaune: I don’t-
Raven: *pulling her shirt down as she walks out of the back room* Hell, yeah! I’ll drive!
Taiyang: *following Raven and fastening his pants* I’ll grab my keys!
Ren: *face in his hands* If we survive, Pyrrha’s going to kill me
Pt 2…
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babydollmarauders · 11 months
au masterlist
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liked by jackhughes, nicohischier, and 251,869 others
y/ndevils00 well… that was painful
welcome back to my post-game recap! if you don’t know who i am because you’ve been living under a rock, or you’ve been in jail (don’t do crimes unless you can get away with them), i’m y/n! or as my boyfriend calls me, ‘dove’! i work as the social media manager for one of the sluttiest teams (and maybe the worst this season…) in the National Hockey League: the New Jersey Devils!
let get into it! your favorite (or maybe least favorite. i wouldn’t blame you!) men from hell lost 4-6 against the patriotic old guys tonight…. i can’t say i wasn’t surprised
we had an absolutely scoreless (and sinless) first period on our end, transitioning into intermission down by 3!
but second period is when we really started heating up! we got FOUR lovely goals by THREE lovely people!!
starting with uncle Toffee!! who scored our first AND our fourth goal!! he’s been so queen girlboss slay recently! who knew he would be this good?! not me! i doubted him severely! (i cannot apologize for my previous thoughts about you uncle, i can only ask you to forgive me anyways because you took my DILH and i’m still recovering)
Timo the absolute Tank Engine got us our second goal of the night with his first goal of the season! and no penalties!! i feel like a proud mother to a usually extremely horribly behaved little boy 🥹
and of course, my favorite whore, my very best swiss, my least favorite kind of cheese; captain slut got our third goal of the night!! THAT’S MY HOE!! POP OFF! (he also got a penalty tonight but i’ve opted not to show that because he paid me $20)
and i could never forget to mention that my beautiful angel of a bad bitch, Rowdy, got an assist on THREE out of four of our goals tonight!! he’s only 3 points away from 20 points already!! THAT’S MY (baby)GIRL!
and third period is when we immediately went as cool as the ice they skate on… giving up three goals (including an empty netter to the oldest looking man alive)… we got no goals of our own and my sweet baby angel face bestie number 1 got a penalty for being too perfect 😔
all-in-all, let’s wish the boys luck against the sabres on friday because apparently they need it! i think friday’s enemy gave them some pretty good advice though and they should put it to use!
p.s. ikea baby and merc-dog are my exact reactions to how badly we played in the third
p.p.s. ovi… when i catch you ovi 🥊😑
tagged john.marino97, tofff73, tmeier96, nicohischier, jackhughes, lhughes_06, jesperbratt, and dawson1417
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jackhughes dove, baby, what is that abomination of a 5th photo?
y/ndevils00 my camera wouldn’t focus :(
jackhughes so why post it?
y/ndevils00 you don’t appreciate my talents
jackhughes i can assure you, i appreciate your talents plenty. photo taking is just usually not one of them
lhughes_06 gross
user29 did she just threaten OVECHKIN?! 😭
user17 i fear we may lose these updates after this threat 😪
jesperbratt what was i 😦 at?
y/ndevils00 i honestly couldn’t tell you— i was too busy wondering the best way to fit you in my pocket
john.marino97 i got a picture?!
y/ndevils00 you got an assist and no penalties!
john.marino97 but dawson got a penalty and no assists and still got a picture?
y/ndevils00 you’re not dawson, the standards for you are different
john.marino97 i’ve known you for 4 years and this is how i get treated? DAWSON HAS ONLY KNOWN YOU FOR 2!
y/ndevils00 you tattle on me, you deserve your treatment
dawson1417 she’s got you there, bud
tofff73 you doubted me?!
y/ndevils00 in my defense, i didn’t know you were chill like that
tofff73 jack has informed me that you cried at the trade, i forgive your doubts
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes YOU’RE TELLING HIM MY SECRETS?!
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 i wasn’t aware that you usually blast your “secrets” on your instagram story
user81 the random luke picture… y/n loves her smush 🥹
tmeier96 did you just call me a tank engine?
tmeier96 also, i’m OLDER than you!
y/ndevils00 that was a compliment! i’m saying you’re built!
tmeier96 you’re a funny little thing
y/ndevils00 also yes you are older— i said i FELT like a proud mother, not that i AM one. i already have one reckless child at home, i don’t want another
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 she’s a cat.
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes SHE IS OUR BABY
trevorzegras you love testing how far you can push before you get a warning for your behavior, don’t you?
y/ndevils00 i learned from you 🫶
trevorzegras you’re a cockroach
y/ndevils00 all i’m hearing is that i’m resilient and can live through anything
trevorzegras i hate you
y/ndevils00 you WISH you hated me— if you really did then you wouldn’t facetime me twice a week
nicohischier there are so many things i take issue with about my paragraph
y/ndevils00 is it that it’s not long enough? i’m sorry, i’ll make it longer next time!
nicohischier please DON’T.
lhughes_06 ya know, you were a lot nicer before i joined the team
y/ndevils00 oh good! that means i’m doing this right!
lhughes_06 doing what right?
y/ndevils00 tough love!
dawson1417 i didn’t do anything :(
y/ndevils00 i know, sugarplum!
dawson1417 they jailed me…
y/ndevils00 i can’t imagine how traumatic that must’ve been for you
dawson1417 oh it wasn’t that bad, you were in there too
y/ndevils00 yeah…. lindy put me there in 2nd intermission. he said if i wouldn’t stop chirping the capitals as though i was a player, then i needed to be treated like a player and get a penalty…. then i couldn’t get out because the game started again
dawson1417 you can’t skate, how did you get in?
y/ndevils00 i was betrayed
nicohischier @/y/ndevils00 i stand by it.
y/ndevils00 @/nicohischier YOU ALMOST DROPPED ME TWICE
nicohischier those were on purpose.
dawson1417 and how did you get out?
y/ndevils00 my knight in shining armor!
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 i didn’t get you out?
jesperbratt i did!
jackhughes oh, yeah, that makes sense
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purge-samauwu · 5 months
It's not fair😫😫
They'd be so perfect bro. The autism duo who understand each other. Out of everyone who Laios is shipped with he's the only one that has never looked at him like he was subhuman! (I love the cast but they be making my boy feel lonely sometimes) the only thing close to that that Senshi does is give him the fluoride stare but that's just how he is most of the time so it isn't personal. (I'm looking at you chilchuck with your 16,000 stank faces)
And you can't even deny, out of all of the possible combinations, Senshi is the only one with a 0% chance of saying a single ableist thing to Laios. Partly because he knows the struggle but also because he doesn't operate on society's expectation of normalcy. He doesn't feel like how people talk, walk, and/or act should be dictated by the norms other individuals set and thinks it's foolish to think of people as inhuman simply for something like a difference in behavior.
Laios as well as senshi confirmed geek over the monsters and the different ways to prepare them. So if Senshi ever wanted to initiate anything romantic-like he'd woo Laios with that good monster food. But realistically if they ever had crushes on each other neither would really know because they themself's wouldn't even really sus it out.
So Chilchuck would be in the room looking at them and with his 75 years of experience(joke) he'd say some shit like: kiss already😑 while lazily and haphazardly sharpening one of his lil daggers. And then once it clicked it would be "mind activation" for both of them. Then they'd start the awkward mating ritual. This of course being painful to look at for Marcille, runs away everytime she even thinks they're going to interact.
Said mating ritual involves: talking about anything that comes to either of their mind with each other until they're throats get so dry they can't physically speak anymore(I got autism and I'm very comfortable with one my friends so this actually happened)
Doing the complete opposite and being able to sit in complete and utter silence while still looking like they're communicating (they on that telepathy shit)
Understanding immediately when one or the other isn't up for something or if they don't feel like talking to the others but don't know how to voice it.
Imagine other people in the dungeon look at the two and think they're acquaintances because of how nonchalant they talk to each other only for one of them to do some the most romantic shit out of nowhere then go back to being chill.
The looks of bewilderment would be insane.
(Genuinely I don't think I'm that good of voicing my opinion of characters and ships so if you can help me reword parts that feel weird to you feel free to comment because I wrote this while having a random spark of inspiration at the dead of night.)
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How Protective They Are
genshin men x fem!reader
genshin hybrid au
A/n: wanted write more for my hybrid au so here’s this.
— this man, gods 😑
— diluc really lets his instincts take over sometimes
— mostly if he sees something as a threat; other men, his brother, kaeya and even the coffee that was too hot that you had last week
— the weirdest things set him off mostly because of how high his senses are
— he’s growled at birds before 👀
— does it drive you insane? yes. is it really his fault? not really. you’re important to him
— diluc always is apologetic about it after; his ears go back and he apologizes to you and tells you it’s his instinct that makes him overly sensitive and protective
— of course you accept his apology, though you want him to take it easy, not everything is out to get you, diluc agrees but it might take some work
— venti gets really clingy when he’s being protective, you’re his and no one else
— he wraps his tail around your ankle as well as sending glares at everyone who he sees as a threat
— yet he’s most protective when the both of you are at the Angel’s Share
— is it instinct? no. he just loves you so much
— drunken men (even though he’s also drunk too) come up to you and try to flirt
— he does lowly throaty growl that cats make as his ears go back and glares at the man that walked up to you, making him walk away
— you were confused by this but venti was all happy as can be with a smile on his face as he purrs, snuggling into your neck
— he’s your good boy 🐶🥰
— thoma isn’t really a jealous guy, he trusts you and he knows you love him, he’s more so looking out you from you
— he’s very much glued to your side, which you’ve have gotten used to. mostly because it’s cute to watch his tail wag rapidly while he walks around next to you
— being that inazuma is dangerous out in the wilderness, he’s always there to protect you
— he growls at the enemies that crosses paths with the both of you and then sending them packing with his polearm
— thoma’s just a protective boy that doesn’t want to see you hurt
— he’s such a pissy, pouty, and grumpy little bun bun when it comes to you
— Kaveh is also a bit clingy too
— hates when other people are being too friendly around you (mostly other men)
— gets grumpy when you tell him, he’s need to stop
— thumps his foot when he’s angry or annoyed at something
— he’s alway has something snarky to say to people who bother you when you’re together with phrases like:
— “so… who the hell is this guy?”
— “are you dumb or just stupid? she’s taken. keep it moving.”
— “she’s with me for a reason.”
— you find it funny how jealous and protective of you he can get, you really get kick out of your bunny boyfriend
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