#but parents will get uptight and call
miss-floral-thief · 10 months
Well ateast the generic dollar store of Imodium was like 4 bucks versus 13 tho also treated myself to
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spencerreidenjoyer · 1 month
lovebird | spencer reid x reader
Spencer's little girl sets you and her dad up.
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wc: 3.3k, rating: teen
tags/warnings: 2+1, kindergarten teacher!reader, single girldad!spencer, fluff, meet-cute, implied sex, use of "Y/N" because this fic would've been impossible to write without it oops
a/n: not sure what possessed me to write this, but i finished writing this in about 2 days lmao. girldad!spencer loml. thank you to my lovely friends over on twitter who fuelled my insanity. for this fic i have season 10 spencer in mind/later seasons spencer who's just full on daddy at that point <3 (also crossposted on ao3!)
You’re at the grocery store in a ratty t-shirt and sweats, picking out fucking cereal when you hear the pitter-patter of footsteps running towards you, and a sweet, high-pitched voice calling your name. 
It’s one of your students, Ellie Reid, holding a box of cereal that’s half her height, and she comes up to you in the aisle. 
“Ellie? What are you doing here?” You ask sweetly, pushing your hair out of your face before you squat down to meet Ellie’s height. 
“My daddy wanted to get groceries. He said we would go together. But he had to pick up the phone, and I wanted to help look for the things Daddy needs.”
Her dad, Dr. Spencer Reid, is an FBI agent and a single dad to Ellie. He’s one of the best parents you’ve had this year – the fancy kindergarten you teach at lends itself to spoiled brats and uptight parents, but Dr. Reid and Ellie are a welcome reprieve in a usually stuffy environment. You’re pleased to see her here, on a weekend, but less pleased with the fact that she’s alone. 
“Oh, wow! You’re so helpful, Ellie,” you say, holding her arm gently. “I’m sure your dad is really thankful. But you shouldn’t have walked off alone. I’m glad you found me.”
“Because it’s not safe for you to walk around alone in the grocery store, Ellie,” you smile. “Let’s go find your dad.”
Ellie nods, her cheeks ruddy and when you hold out your hand for her to hold, Ellie’s little hand wraps around two of your fingers. “Did you come to the grocery store alone? It’s not safe.”
“I did come alone. But I’m an adult, so it’s okay. You’re little, Ellie, so you should only walk around with your dad.” You lead Ellie down aisle after aisle, walking past canned food and bags of chips and walls lined with bottles of drinks. 
“But you shouldn’t walk around alone if it’s dangerous. When we find my daddy maybe he can protect you too!” Ellie says confidently. 
When did this grocery store feel so big? You can’t find Dr. Reid anywhere, and you feel a rising panic in your chest. You have half a mind to pull up the school’s contact information in your phone, but you hear Dr. Reid’s voice calling his daughter’s name, and both you and Ellie turn around.
“Daddy!” Ellie shrieks, almost dropping the box of cereal in her arms as she dashes toward her father. She almost trips as she closes the distance, thankfully landing in her father’s arms before she does fall. 
Dr. Reid scoops her up, holding her tightly. “You had me worried, sweetheart.”
“Sorry, Daddy,” Ellie mumbles against her father’s shoulder. “But I found Miss Y/N and she helped me find you!”
“I told her not to run off alone in the future,” you say. “Right, Ellie?” 
The sweet girl nods. She giggles into Dr. Reid’s shoulder, and his hand comes up to pat her back, a soothing gesture.
“I’m glad it was you she bumped into,” Dr. Reid says, sighing with relief. “I wouldn’t know I would do with myself if–”
“It’s okay, Dr. Reid,” you assure him. “It’s not a problem at all. You’re– You’re doing a great job with her.”
“Thank you for saying that. I– I’ll see you at the parent-teacher meeting next Friday, right?”
“Yeah, next Friday.” You smile at him. “Have a good day, Dr. Reid. Bye, Ellie!”
“Bye!” Ellie, sweet girl, waves excitedly, her gummy smile overtaking her face. Dr. Reid walks toward the checkout, holding Ellie with one hand and pushing his shopping cart with the other. 
You feel how warm your cheeks are when Dr. Reid and Ellie are finally out of sight, your hand clammy around the handle of your shopping basket. You slap your cheek lightly, willing yourself to pull yourself together.
The way your heart flutters whenever you see Dr. Reid is a cause for concern, and you wonder if you should see a doctor about it. 
Dr. Spencer Reid is a marvel. He’s admirable, juggling his job at the FBI with raising a little girl all on his own, and he’s both a great profiler and a great dad. He’s incredibly sweet with Ellie and incredibly kind to you, which you unfortunately don’t get a lot, especially with the kinds of parents you deal with. It doesn’t help that he’s incredibly handsome: his hair is slightly long, wavy and messy in a way that frames his face just right, not to mention the stubble that makes him look that much hotter.
Your little crush on Dr. Reid is certainly inappropriate, but over the parent-teacher meetings and interacting with him when he drops off and picks up his daughter from school, you can’t help yourself from falling for him. 
Ellie Reid is a smart girl, that you know, but you're blindsided by her genius one day at recess. You’re monitoring all the kids at the playground when Ellie comes up to you. She has a contorted look on her face but she says, “Miss Y/N, I fell.”
“You did? Are you feeling okay?” You ask, squatting down to match her height. You look at her knees – not a speck of dirt nor a red spot from falling down.
“My knee hurts. Can you call my daddy?”
“Does it hurt badly? I’ll take you to see the nurse if it does,” you say, not entirely understanding the situation. You’ve never met a four-year-old who wouldn’t be in tears over tripping and falling, even if the injury wasn’t severe. 
The look on Ellie’s face makes you think that she’s trying to match your expectations of what she should be feeling. “It doesn't hurt bad. I just want my daddy to come pick me up. Can you call him?”
You try not to furrow your brow at the strange request. You’re usually trusted to handle any little accidents and mishaps with the children, but at Ellie’s insistence of calling her father, you feel like you should. 
(It’s certainly not spurred on by seeing him at the grocery store last weekend.)
“Alright, Ellie. I’ll call your dad and see what he says, okay?”
“Okay, Miss Y/N,” Ellie says, smiling at you. You get her to sit down on the bench next to you and your co-teacher to oversee the kids before fish your phone out from your pocket to dial Dr. Reid’s number. As you wait for the call to go through, Ellie looks at you with wide, expectant eyes. You smile at her.
On the third ring, Dr. Reid picks up. “Hello?” 
“Hi, Dr. Reid. This is Miss Y/N from Ellie’s school. I’m calling to inform you that Ellie fell on the playground during recess.”
“Oh, my. Is she alright?” You hear Dr. Reid’s voice grow concerned. Ellie looks up at you, and you look the little girl up and down one more time just to be sure.
“Yes, she is. I checked and she doesn’t have any scrapes or bruises. She says her knee hurts, but that she’s also fine. Usually, we don’t call parents over small mishaps like this, but Ellie insisted that I call you.”
“I see,” Dr. Reid hums, his tone indecipherable. “Can I talk to her?”
“Sure thing, Dr. Reid,” you say. You hold the phone out to Ellie as you put the call on speakerphone and tell her, “Your dad wants to speak to you, Ellie.”
Ellie is polite, but clearly excited as she yells, “Hi, Daddy!” 
“Woah! Hi, Ellie,” Dr. Reid laughs, his serious tone while he was speaking to you gone, talking to his daughter with a delightful whimsy. “Miss Y/N told me you fell on the playground today. Does it hurt?”
“No,” Ellie answers, but she looks up quickly at you. “I mean, yes. Just a little. It doesn’t hurt too bad anymore.”
You hide your smile, and you think you can hear the smile in Dr. Reid’s voice as he says, “Okay, sweet girl, that’s good.”
“Can you come and pick me up right now, Daddy?” Ellie asks, a little whiny. It’s adorable, though. 
“Well, it’s only ten in the morning, honey,” Dr. Reid bargains. “And I know you have art class later, right? Don’t you want to stay around for that?”
“I do!” Ellie says eagerly. “Oh, I love art class!”
“I know you do, honey,” Dr. Reid assures. “So, do you feel okay enough to stick around in class until Daddy comes to pick you up at the end of the day?”
“Yes, Daddy,” Ellie nods, even though Dr. Reid can’t see her. “But you have to come pick me up!”
“I always do, Ellie,” Dr. Reid laughs, making Ellie laugh along too. “Okay, honey. Go on and play with your friends. I’ll see you later.”
“Okay! Bye, Daddy! I love you!”
“Bye! I love you too, Ellie!” Dr. Reid matches Ellie’s excitable energy, and Ellie giggles before she runs off to play again. His voice returns to a calm but engaged sort of energy. “Well, that was something.”
“She seems fine,” you say, switching the speakerphone off as you hold your phone back up to your ear. “I’m sorry to bother you in the middle of your work day, Dr. Reid.”
“Oh, please, it’s not a bother at all,” Dr. Reid laughs gently. “I love talking to Ellie. She might miss me or something, if she had to fake a fall so you would call me.”
“Perhaps,” you say, slightly surprised that Dr. Reid would be so quick to call out his daughter’s bluff. Some of the other parents would rip your throat out if you even insinuated their child was in the wrong. “I’ll still keep an eye out for her.”
“Thanks, Miss Y/N,” Dr. Reid insists. “Besides, it’s always a pleasure getting a call from you.”
You don’t remember if you thank him before he hangs up, because all you can think about is Dr. Reid saying he enjoys talking to you.
After putting your phone away, you press your hands to your warm cheeks in an effort to calm yourself and your beating heart down. 
Dr. Reid is one of the last parents to come by during pickup. It’s a somewhat regular occurrence, with Dr. Reid’s busy and hectic job. You are never bothered by spending extra time with Ellie, and you know Dr. Reid always tries his best to pick Ellie up as soon as he can. He usually makes regular pickup so you never get to exchange more than a few words with him, but days like today aren’t necessarily rare either. But considering your interaction on Sunday, you’re secretly pleased with how it’s worked out. 
Only you and Ellie are left in the classroom, you having told your co-teacher to clock out first. You’re pleasantly surprised when there’s a knock on the door frame, Dr. Reid standing there in a cardigan and a button-up shirt with his dress pants. “Ellie!”
His hair is somehow more fluffy and messy than you’d seen him at the grocery store, but it just makes him look even more soft and domestic. You try not to look at Dr. Reid with hearts in your eyes as Ellie shrieks and runs towards him, Dr. Reid picking her up easily and swinging her around before he holds her tight. “Hi, sweet girl.”
“Daddy!” Ellie giggles. “I missed you today.”
“I missed you too, honey,” Dr. Reid coos, pressing a kiss to the top of Ellie’s head. Your insides melt, gooey at the tooth-rottingly sweet display in front of you. “Were you a good girl for Miss Y/N today?”
“Uh-huh!” Ellie nods, her gummy smile absolutely adorable. 
“She was a pleasure,” you add. “Hello, Dr. Reid.”
“Hello again.” Dr. Reid smiles. “It’s nice to see you. Are you doing well?”
“Yes, I am. Other than Ellie’s little incident, today was thankfully uneventful. Thank you for asking.”
Dr. Reid’s face scrunches up in an extremely endearing way, like it’s obvious that he’d want to know about… you. “Of course. I like to know you’re doing well. It’s great to hear.”
You feel like you don’t know what to say to that, perhaps a little too caught up in your little crush on him to come up with a coherent response. You laugh shyly, tucking your hair behind your ear. Dr. Reid has set Ellie down, and she wanders around the classroom, fidgeting with the pencils on the tables, but doesn’t stray too far from her dad. “Ellie seems to be fine from earlier, but you might want to check in with her again.”
“I will,” Dr. Reid says, nodding. “Oh! I almost forgot–”
You look on as Dr. Reid fumbles in his satchel, pulling a crumpled paper bag out. The paper bag looks bulky, oil stains seeped through on the sides and on the bottom. “Oh, it looks bad. It’s good, I promise– It’s a chocolate muffin from this really good bakery near my office. I just thought I’d get you one. Since you’re so helpful with Ellie. Especially today.”
Dr. Reid holds it out for you, and you scramble to step forward and take it. “Thank you, Dr. Reid, you- You didn’t have to. It’s my job to look after Ellie, after all. Not that it’s a burden, or just a job, I mean– Ellie’s great. She’s one of our brightest, but don’t tell any of the other parents that.”
Dr. Reid smiles so bright you feel like you could feel the warmth radiating from him. “I won’t, if I bump into any of them at the parent-teacher meeting.”
You bite your lip, smiling, shy at the attention Dr. Reid gives you. You think he’s flirting(?) with you, but you try to remain professional. You clear your throat. “Thank you, Dr. Reid.” 
“Thank you again, Miss Y/N. I mean it.” Dr. Reid asserts, and you feel your cheeks flush. “Tonight is pizza night, so Ellie and I should be making our way home right about now.”
“Pizza!” Ellie yells, giddy, causing both you and Dr. Reid to laugh. She zooms past you to stand next to her dad. 
“Thank you, Dr. Reid. I’ll see you proper on Friday,” you say, nodding your head slightly. “And I’ll see you, Ellie, tomorrow, yeah?”
“Bye, Miss Y/N!” Ellie waves frantically. Dr. Reid joins her in her waving, equally silly. 
“I look forward to seeing you then, Miss Y/N,” Dr. Reid smiles. “Bye.”
“Bye!” you reply, trying not to sound too eager, and then Dr. Reid ducks out of the classroom with Ellie in hand. You feel like you’re swooning so hard you might faint.
Parent-teacher meetings go smoothly, thankfully. There are parents who only bother to hear the praise you give their children, so ignorant to the criticisms of their children that you try not to make too obvious. After seeing nineteen sets of parents, Dr. Spencer Reid is your last of the day. You don’t want to say you’ve been waiting for this all day, but checking off the nineteen sets of parents before this has only made you more and more excited. 
Dr. Reid finally enters the classroom, two minutes early for his slot, but he’s alone. 
“Where’s Ellie? She’s totally allowed to sit in for these meetings too.”
“She’s at my boss’ place for a playdate with his son,” Dr. Reid says. “Actually, that sounds pretty weird, doesn’t it? My daughter, having a playdate with my boss’ son?”
“Not at all. They say it takes a village to raise a child. I’m glad your colleagues are so helpful with Ellie.”
“They really are,” Dr. Reid asserts, smiling. “Hotch– My boss, I mean– offered, knowing I had this meeting.”
“That’s really nice of him,” you nod. “So, about Ellie…”
“Please tell me you only have good things to say,” Dr. Reid jokes, and you try very hard not to swoon. 
“Essentially, yes,” you nod. “Ellie is such a bright girl, and she’s so sweet. She’s always helpful with her classmates and polite to everyone and the teachers too. Again, don’t tell this to the other parents, but Ellie’s set high standards for the rest of the class.”
“You’re telling me an awful lot that I shouldn’t be telling the other parents,” Dr. Reid grins. “You sure you aren’t playing favourites?”
“You certainly are my favourite,” you say before you can catch yourself, and Dr. Reid looks at you with wide eyes. You imagine you look equally shocked. “I’m sorry, Dr. Reid, I didn't mean to say that.”
Dr. Reid cocks his head, a little smile toying on his lips. “Miss Y/N, did I ever tell you what I do for the FBI?”
You have no idea how this relates to how unprofessional and inappropriate you are being. You shake your head anyway, too afraid to say anything anymore before you say something even more embarrassing. 
“I’m a profiler, Miss Y/N. I use psychology and study behaviour to catch serial killers,” Dr. Reid explains, using his hands to articulate his point. Your eyes dart down to the motion; but your gaze quickly flits back up to his face. “In general, I’m good at reading people.”
“Is that so?” You gulp. Is he able to read you?
“I don’t mean to profile you, Miss Y/N, I mean it,” Dr. Reid sounds a little apologetic. “But I can’t help but notice the way you lean toward me when we’re speaking, the way you fidget with your hands a little, the way you can almost meet my eyes, but you still seem a little bashful about it. I either intimidate you, or…”
“I’m sorry if this is too forward, but would you like to get dinner with me?”
“What?” You ask, disbelieving. “Dinner?”
“You- You’re interested in me too, aren’t you?”
“Too?” You gape, sounding like a parrot as you repeat his words, simply unable to wrap your head around the fact that Ellie Reid’s young, hot, genius father just asked you on a date. 
“I’m usually not too doubtful of my profiling skills, but beautiful women like you make me second-guess if I’m reading this right.” Dr. Reid laughs, avoiding looking at you. 
“Dr. Reid, I would love to get dinner with you,” You say, trying to sound confident. 
Dr. Reid beams as he meets your eyes. “Oh, thank God.”
“Cheesy that you’re calling me beautiful,” you laugh bashfully, waving him off. 
“I mean it!” Dr. Reid insists. “And, um– Would you want to do dinner after this? If you don’t have any other meetings, of course. Or any other plans– you’d probably have plans on a Friday night, right? Way to be presumptuous–”
“Dr. Reid! I don’t have plans tonight. A dinner date sounds great,” you laugh.
“Great! Great, good. I’m glad.” Dr. Reid says, looking a little giddy that you’d taken him up on it. “Also, um- I love when people call me Dr. Reid, but please just call me Spencer. Do you think people would get the wrong idea if you called me Dr. the whole time?” 
You cackle, Spencer looking thoroughly pleased at making you laugh. 
“Okay, Spencer,” you try his first name, and it rolls off your tongue with ease. “Let me pack up and then we can go get dinner.”
“I like when you say my name,” Spencer smiles. “What’re you feeling for dinner?”
If you and Spencer kiss at the end of your dinner date in front of your apartment door, that’s between you and him. 
You pulling Spencer into your apartment with your hands fisted in his hair should also stay between you and him. 
It doesn’t entirely stay between you and him, though, as Spencer calls his boss to turn Ellie’s playdate into a sleepover before he rolls over to kiss you and take you all over again. 
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moondirti · 4 months
blue collar simon x gn! reader. implied cnc.
Simon finds a journal on his lunch break.
It's inconspicuous. A5 black moleskin with an elastic holding it's contents together, bits of paper sticking out like nails on a poorly constructed house frame. He only notices it because his cooler slips off the bench when he blindly places it atop the fat book, sandwiches and packets of crisps now strewn across the dirty pedway.
The day's already been shit. A motley of blows, each made worse by the torrid sun overhead, sweat to cling to his grievances. An uptight site manager. A near loss of life after some tenderfoot got caught in between an excavation truck and the wall. Even his too-long hair, which curls around red ears – having not had a chance to buzz it off since being called in for this job. It's no wonder, then, that the tiny mishap stirs as severe of a reaction as it does; he chucks his hard hat across the road, satisfied only when it finds its fate mid-lane, an obstruction to inevitably fuck the tires on a white collar's new car.
When his rage settles as smouldering ash in his chest, he picks his food off the floor and cracks open the source of his animosity.
With no name or number, the first page holds just a chicken-scratch address. Interesting. Its owner hasn't made this easy on him, crafting it like one would a game. A skewing of traditional acquaintance. Granting nothing of their superficial identity, yet unrestricted access to their innermost thoughts. Thus he's forced to paint his own picture of the figure behind the words.
And what a picture indeed.
The first entry is brief.
13.02 – My therapist expects at least three pages a week. I'm not doing any of that, so don't get your hopes up.
It's evident that you don't stick to your guns. Though the next one is dated several months later, so he see's the attempt had been made. Written in a whole new hand, like you'd picked a dry pen off the floor and practiced your non-dominant grip:
08.05 – I broke my arm playing tennis. The umpire called a match-point in my opponent's favour and I threw the racket at his head.
I am no longer allowed to play tennis. What good is that resolution? My radius has a greenstick fracture. I'm already out of the game.
His laugh is abrasive and sudden, like it'd been pried from his chest by a pair of careless hands. Or as close to that analogy as it can get – your anger is intoxicating and only grows more potent across the pages. Inadvertently amusing. Simon chews through the tough crust of his torpedo roll as he reads, time wearing away under the stiff comb of your words.
There's hardly any variation in your cataloguing –
10.06 – The universe must need more bad people in it, because it tests my limits everyday. Can the fuck next door snore any louder? It's 2 am, goddammit. I wonder if it'd be overkill to ship nasal strips to his mailbox.
26.06 – Dad called today. Didn't pick up.
04.07 – I'm close to killing Kathleen. There's a reason the food in the fridge is labelled as MINE. GET YOUR GRUBBY PAWS OFF OF IT!
13.07 – The world is a shitty, stupid, crappy, icky, lousy, rotten, stinking, stinky, bad place. I hate my coworkers and friends and parents and landlord and etc etc. It's like everyone is out to get me.
– so it's like the honed curl of a hook. Whiplash-inducing, reeling his attention so quick that his neck strains in phantom pain. Simon stops everything, elbows settling onto his knees as he fixates on one entry in particular.
30.07 – I stand by what I said. The world is uniquely horrible. I think that's because I make it that way for myself. Whatever this exercise was meant to do for me, rage relief or introspection or whatever, it's clearly not working. I'm just as angry as I was before. Maybe burning these pages would help. I wish I could play tennis again. I don't know what to do with my hands anymore. I got fired last week. Need groceries. Eggs, spinach. Spinach always goes bad and I never make use of it. I keep buying it though. Dad keeps calling. I've got a migraine and I've run out of advil.
I just need someone to put me in my place.
And it ends there. No more entries after the fact, just a handful of blank pages before the journal wraps to a close.
He flips back over to the address at front. Looking at it a second time, he can tell the ink is still fresh.
Perhaps he misinterprets it. Perhaps it hits a little too close to home. It wouldn’t be the first time he looks for salvation in the empty lines someone leaves behind. Perhaps it’s just been a bad day, and he should go home before he does something he’ll regret. Perhaps it’s nothing at all.
Perhaps he sees it for what it is.
Here are all my colours. What you choose to do, or think, is no longer my concern.
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lust4life01 · 6 months
literally anything with donnie is fine! just wanted to tell you how much i love your writing too!! :)
Awe thank you sm qt!! I whole heartedly appreciate that, it means so much to me💘 This is a little rushed <3
Baby, Sit.
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(Not my image!!). 18+
Warnings!!- Enemies to Lovers, Jealousy, dom x sub, smut, oral (m receiving), fingering, slight chocking, possession and teasing.
Dom Donnie x f/reader
(Donnie and reader are both 18!) Disclaimer/ this is purely fantasy, if somebody is cruel to you irl it does not mean they like you, they’re scum :)
Summary: You were hired by Rose and Eddie Darko to baby sit for their youngest child Samantha, little did you know you would be sitting for some else.
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Being an eighteen year old student, you were painfully broke, so when your mother had referred you to her friend to baby sit, you immediately accepted.
When your mother had told you the name of the woman who’s child you would be looking after you felt a wave of anxiety rush through you.
Rose Darko. As in the parent of Donnie Darko.
You and Donnie had been in the same school, you were the same age. And unfortunately you couldn’t stand him and vice versa. There was something about the pair of you that didn’t work. He was always so uptight and had to be right about everything, it was infuriating. There was one main factor that contributed to the continuous clash between the two of you, which was the fact you dated his best friend up until pretty recently. You hadn’t seen Donnie since then considering you had no reason to be around each other anymore but the thought of seeing him again made you want to scream into a pillow.
Whenever you two would be in the same vicinity he would just straight up ignore your presence or when he did acknowledge you he would be blunt and snappy. You had no idea why but this lead to a lot of animosity between the two of you.
So when your mother had told you you would be babysitting for Samantha Darko you immediately wanted to call up Rose and tell her you wouldn’t be able to do it. However you were pretty broke and you assured yourself you probably wouldn’t see Donnie, not if there was no one to baby sit his younger sister. Plus what was you supposed to tell her? Sorry I can’t watch your child that I’ve already agreed to watch because your son hates me? Yeah no.
“Hey (y,n) yeah we’ll be gone for a couple hours but we left some money for pizza.” Mrs Darko told you as you stood in their kitchen.
You already knew Samantha from when she would bug Donnie at school and run up to the friend group. She was a sweet kid and she liked you well enough so that definitely eased your nerves.
“Okay great, does Samantha need to be in bed by a specific time.” You asked sweetly, knowing full well you’d probably let her stay up regardless.
“Um nope just not too late and by the time we get home. Oh and she has homework to do.”
Rose sterling looked at Samatha as a warning.
“Boringgg.” Samantha protested whilst stood directly by your side.
“Okay well we’ll see you later, have fun” Eddie spoke as they made their way out of the door.
Rose returned and popped her head into the door before leaving .
“Oh (y,n) I’m sure Donnie will be glad to see you again.” She smiled and quickly left before you could even form a response.
Your mind paced. Was Donnie supposed to be here? Why did they need a babysitter then? Did they know you two used to be in the same friendship group? Had he mentioned you? Was it negative? Did he express how much he hated you? Would you actually see him again?
“Can you paint my nails?” Samantha snapped you from your spiral of anxious thoughts.
You turned to her and smiled. “Of course”
You had painted her nails, watched her dance rehearsals and told her how good she was, ordered pizza and now you were helping her with her homework.
She had to write about the character of Pony boy Curtis from ‘The Outsider’ by S.E Hinton.
You had loved studying this book when you was her age and literature in general. So it was absolutely no bother helping her complete her assignment.
“Well, he’s obviously very different and unique to the other characters which can be inferred through-“
You were cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing.
“Pizza, thank God!” Samantha cried out holding her hands together.
Laughing at her childhood silliness you walked over and opened the front door with cash in your hand, your stomach very exited to finally eat.
However, you were not laughing when you opened the door to someone that was not the pizza delivery man. In fact you no longer felt hunger but complete nausea. Instead a tallish guy with dark hair and piercing blue eyes stood on the other side. Donnie.
You didn’t say anything, just moved to the side to let him through. He didn’t say anything either. Simply walked past as if you weren’t there, the smell of cigarettes trailing behind him.
“Ugh it’s just my stupid brother, not pizza” Samantha whined.
Donnie pulled a face at her as he made his way through the house.
“Hey Sam, when she goes home tonight, Freddie Kruger is gonna craw out from under your bed.” He teased through a creeping voice, obviously trying to upset her.
Samantha in her upset state, Freddie Kruger clearly being a touchy subject, yelled out whist nearly in tears
He then made his way over to her homework and scoffed, picking up her copy of The Outsiders and mumbled “mediocre.”
He then proceeded upstairs, leaving the minute he’d managed to make someone else feel bad. Typical.
You rolled your eyes at his cruelty. Of course she wouldn’t be reading fucking Dostoevsky at her age.
Remembered what it was like being in an English class with Donnie gave you a headache. He had great ideas but god forbidden you had an opposing idea. He would scoff and roll his eyes. It drove you crazy. He wasn’t always like that thought, at one point he used to encourage your ideas and even swap notes with you.
You were cut from your thoughts once again when the door bell went again, fortunately this time the pizza man was the one on the other side.
Sam ate some pizza, you no longer felt hungry but you did eventually managed to calm Sam down. The pair of you just chatted about whatever she wanted. She was telling you about some childish drama in her friendship group and you nodded your head pretending like it wasn’t the funniest shit you’d ever heard. Childhood drama is always hilarious when you’re no longer a child.
Despite being distracted by Sam, you kept thinking about the boy upstairs. “Do you think your brothers eaten?”
Sam shrugged her shoulders “who cares?” annoyance laced in her voice at the mention of her older brother.
You said nothing and proceeded with her homework.
Once she had finally finished she was ready to sleep. Her expression exhausted and she yawned after almost every word of her sentence.
“I’m- not even like- that- tired.”
You giggled at her before telling her she should probably head up to bed but you did promise to braid her hair first.
“Thanks for keeping me company (y,n), you were always my favourite out of Donnie’s friends” she smiled and hugged you at the bottom of the staircase.
The word ‘friend’ lingered for a while in your head. It was true, you were friendly at a time. It sucked because he felt good to be around for a time.
You stayed downstairs as she marched off to bed, whispered a sweet “goodnight” as she made her way to bed.
There was still around an hour and a half until Eddie and Rose were supposed to be home and you hadn’t seen anything of Donnie since he had come home. It was weird, you felt like you hated him but you also wanted to be around him. You especially wanted to know why he hated you. A part of you hoped that maybe he’d go back to his old self but instead you pushed him into the back of your mind and stared to clean up a little.
Once you had cleared up you sat onto the couch and grabbed a book from your bag and stared to read. You only had a few chapters left so decided to try and finish them tonight.
You were so drawn into the book that you didn’t realise a familiar figure loomed behind you. Donnie stood behind the couch reading over your shoulder. After a couple second of you not noticing his presence, he leaned down to your ear.
“Good choice.”
You jumped and your head snapped round to Donnie, almost slapping him out of instinct as a small yelp slipped past your lips.
“What the fuck Donnie. I could have woken up your sister. What’s wrong with you?”
His face was close to yours, and a small smile crept onto his face as he watched your second of distress. “Hello to you too (y,n)”
“Why are you being so friendly? Thought you couldn’t stand me?” You asked with your brows furrowed and your tone daring. You weren’t even with his stupid friend anymore so you had no clue why he was still such a dick.
“I’ve never said that.”
His answer was short and blunt but he had that smug grin on his face. Not one that radiated happiness or flirtation but something else. Power maybe? Like a wolf who had corned a bunny and laughed hysterically as it tried to escape.
You didn’t try to escape from him though. You kept your eyes locked onto his, not daring to dart your eyes away as a sign of weakness.
“You didn’t have to.”
He however did not have any snarky remarks in response. Instead he made his way round to the spot on the couch next to you and snatched the book from your hands.
“Ah 1984. George Orwell. You know when I tried to explain to your small minded boyfriend. Oh no. Ex-boyfriend, the concept of this book it was exhausting.” He rolled his eyes dramatically with that mean playful look on his face.
Why on earth was he doing this? Mentioning your ex boyfriend, calling his own friend small minded, even speaking to you. You racked your brain on why he was doing this. Sure you had known he hated you but that usually manifested itself through his lack of interest in engaging with you or his need to argue with everything you ever said. Now it was like he was taunting you by giving you this almost flirtatious, slightly sadistic attention. It was so odd but so hypnotising.
“But then again, I never did understand why he was with someone like you.”
You couldn’t tell if that was a compliment or an insult. Someone like you? What exactly did that entail.
“What are doing Donnie?”
Your brows were furrowed slightly and your eyes a little sad, completely fed up of trying to work out his cruel ways, or even justify them to yourself.
You and Donnie had been somewhat friends before you started dating his best friend, but as soon as you did he became a new person. When you’d occasionally chat in the library about whatever book you were studying he’d always smile or when you’d catch each other on the way home and he’d be a little awkward but totally engaged with whatever you were saying, it was nice. That all came to a stop when his friend had started to pay you attention. You thought maybe Donnie felt as though you’d stolen his best friend and for that you did truly feel sorry.
You were now face to face in the dimly light room. Just a lamp illuminated the two faces.
“What were you doing (y,n)?”
He was no longer smug but he had caught and attitude with you. There something underlying in this anger in his voice. A deep irritation sat on his tongue.
“What do you want me to say Donnie? Sorry I didn’t live up to the expectation of being your friends dream girl, or sorry that you felt abandoned by him?
He shook his head and let out a hysterical laugh. As if your words were a pathetic joke.
“Ugh (y,n) I honestly thought you were smarter than this. I didn’t give a fuck about losing ‘crucial friend time’” He mocked.
“It frustrated me that someone as smart as you would even consider giving someone like that your time of day. Someone who you couldn’t converse with about anything slightly philosophical or opinions on a new book or poetry, because ‘books are useless, or ‘metaphors are stupid’. Mimicking his best friends voice as he spoke.
You said nothing. You were speechless and your brain hurt from trying to work him out. You just thought to yourself after his little outburst. Then it hit you. Was this jealousy?
“Why do you care so much Donnie? It’s not like I could talk about poetry or a new fucking book with you. You wouldn’t even talk to me.”
You snapped back, testing him. Was he truly jealous of not you, but your ex?
You were both still face to face. Inches away from each other.
“Only after you climbed into bed with someone who didn’t deserve you.” His voice was assertive and filled with envy yet his voice was low.
The realisation on how close you two had gotten finally hit the both of you. You were staring at him with your lips slightly parted and a slight confusion brushed your features. Why did you find this hot? God, you told yourself this was wrong but the sound of jealousy in his voice made your chest heave with excitement.
The sound of your heart beat was loud, it felt as though your heart had been placed to your ear. His lips were so close to yours. But you were upset, with another overwhelming feeling aching in your chest. Lust?
His eyes were still fixed on yours. “It should have been my bed you were climbing in.”
He brought his fingers up to your jaw possessively.
The two big black holes that had replaced his usual pupils drew you in. His eyes trailed down to your slightly parted lips. There was a part of you that wanted to cry and shout at him for being such a dick, but you couldn’t. It was like you had been hypnotised. Or maybe you’d just awoken from the trance you’d been under. This complete and utter blindness towards Donnie’s feeling towards you, or yours for him.
Amongst your silence he crashed his lips to yours. The kiss was hard and desperate. He pushed his tongue past your lips and you let a small moan slip. His hands cupped either side of your jaw as his teeth sank into your bottom lip.
A small hiss left your lips at the sharp pain that send a shock through your body. Donnie’s hand trailed down from your jaw to neck and his hand slowly snaked it’s way around to your throat. He added a little pressure, not enough to hurt you but just enough to make you feel everything more intensely whilst his other hand brought some hair behind your ear.
He pulled away from the kiss, keeping his hand exactly as they were and just admired the mess of emotions plastered along your face. Anger, confusion, fear and lust. To him you looked like a beautiful oil painting, so many different things happening at once and he got to be the observer. The artist even, controlling what you felt next.
“Donnie” You whispered.
“Shh baby. I’ve got you now.” There was an element of comfort in his voice but mainly possession. A wider grin played on his face as he said those words, violently bringing his lips to yours once again.
The feeling of his long fingers inching closer up skirt and thighs made you want to cry out and tell him exactly where to touch you. But you didn’t.
The slight pressure from his veiny hand wrapped around your neck and the near brushes to your clit through your underwear, were getting you so worked up.
“Donnie, please.” you whispered against his lips, your voice quiet and needy.
He practically growled in response “Oh now you want me? Such a slut.”
As you whimpered underneath his tough he chucked into your ear. “Bet he couldn’t make you feel this good.”
You came quickly under his palm, your head was a mess. There was so many emotions running through, it was like ecstasy. He was a drug.
“Mhm, good girl. If only you hadn’t been so stupid, could have had this ages ago.”
He pulled his fingers out of you and brought them to your lips.
Taking them into your mouth and swirling your tongue around his fingers while he starred at you intently, made him throb hard.
Snatching his fingers from your lips he grabbed your jaw harshly.
“Now be a good girl and sit.” He motioned to the spot on the floor between his legs. “Cmon baby, sit.”
You obligated, desperate to hear him feel good. Desperate to win his approval by being the cause of his pleasure.
Sat on your knees in between his thighs, he sat on the couch and wiped the mess from the corners of your mouth with his hand. The same hand in which his fingers had been inside you.
Reaching for his zipper, his hand caught your wrist tightly as he peered down at you.
“Did I say you can touch me?” From your angle he looked so much bigger than he was.
You huffed out a small whine, “Please can I touch you Donnie. Please?” You looked up at him with doe eyes, it used to work on him when you wanted him to do something for you. Usually homework. And it did.
He now brought his lips in between his teeth, admiring how pretty you looked on your knees.
He nodded his head and you quickly undid his zipper and brought his jeans down to his ankles.
The hard erection confined to his underwear made your mouth melt. You kissed him over his tight underwear and he groaned quietly.
Staring up at him innocently, he nodded his head, giving you permission to take off his underwear. Immediately you pulled down his underwear and grab him by his base.
You licked him from his hard base to his red tip and started to kitten lick around the top of his cock.
Donnie breathed heavily and grabbed your hair into a make shift pony tail roughly.
“Stop teasing (y,n) or I swear-“
The warning was enough for you to cut him off by taking him into your mouth suddenly. You bobbed your head and licked his veins as his grip on your hair got tighter.
“Fuck. Gonna cum soon. Look at me.”
He pushed you onto his dick deeper, it violently hitting the back of your throat as your eyes watered.
The sight sent him over the edge, shooting his cum down your throat as you swallowed submissively.
He let go of your hair and offered his hands to help you up, once again wiping away the mess he’d made from your lips with his finger.
“It was nice to see you again (y,n).”
(Not proof read) 🙏
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infamous-if · 2 years
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Latest update -> 9/08/2024
You're going to be a superstar, no matter what it takes.
You and your friends have been in a band since high school, when all you were was a lead singer to a band that played out of someone's garage and did occasional birthday party gigs for the neighborhood kids. after years of grinding, your band has yet to make it big, but has managed a small and dedicated cult following. All you and your bandmates want is to see your names in glittery lights, traveling the world to perform for millions of fans.
Your chance comes in Misfit Alley's Battle of the Bands. After auditioning every year with no success, your band has finally gotten the opportunity to tour across the United States and open for the biggest band in the world, performing against other bands in the hopes that you win and get signed.
As you perform, your fame rises and you can see the dream coming to fruition. But with fame comes problems of its own, some that might just ruin you and the band you swore to take to the top.
Infamous is rated 18+ for explicit language, explicit sexual themes, drug and alcohol use, violence, morally questionable behavior, and more.
Customize your MC (the lead singer of your band)'s appearance and personality, as well as their public image and persona. Are they loved or hated by the public? Controversial or appeasing? Humble or arrogant? Fame and money-hungry or simply there for the music?
Following that, work on your band's public image and whether they're mainstream or underground, depending on the choice of music you release and what kind of promo you do. Is your band hated by parents due to its explicit content or is your band squeaky clean, perfect for a mainstream label?
Engage in fiery romance with an array of wild characters, including some that may just get you into hot water with the rumor mill.
Create your own lyrics and decide whether you want to be a genuine artist or the face of a brand.
Get rich and famous ! Isn't that what you're here for?
The Band Manager: Orion/Oriana Quinn ✮ he/him or she/her, 35 ✮ [RO] -- strict and reserved, O is the antithesis of what a rockstar is. Some call their cold and uptight demeanor having 'a stick up their ass' but they call it being business focused. O is all about bringing the band to the top, which includes being professional at all times.
Special romance route: you can choose to have been chasing O for years, to no success (until now?)
The New Addition: August Pierce ✮ they/them, 26 ✮ [RO] -- With the exit of your bandmate, August has taken her place as the band's drummer. Usually shy and reserved, that all goes out the window once they start playing. You wonder if their isolation is less a personality trait and more the fact that they're in a band with longtime friends. Doesn't matter--seems like it'll take a while for you to get close to them regardless.
The Idol: Griffin/Gina 'Gigi' Reign ✮ he/him or she/her, 28 ✮ [RO] -- the spunky, charming and controversial lead singer of Misfit Alley and now your mentor, G Reign is currently the most famous person on Earth. Everyone either hates them, wants to be them, or wants to fuck them. Of course, this means a slew of trouble if one gets close to them...that is if they even allow it.
Special romance route: engage in an affair / engage in a strictly physical relationship (that can lead to a romantic one) // poly route with Victoria Valentine
The Rival: Seven Lawless ✮ he/him or she/her, 27 ✮ [RO] -- once your best friend or ex, they are now your rival and the lead singer of Soft Violence, another band competing for Battle of the Bands. They hate you. Still, the line between love and hate is a whole lot of passion.
Special romance route: can either be an ex or a former best friend, enemies to lovers.
The Girl Dad: Sebastian Holland ✮ he/him, 33 ✮ [RO] -- a normal and friendly data analyst, Sebastian isn't about the music scene....but his daughter is and she's a superfan of your band. Sebastian is your typical 'nice guy' almost too nice, sometimes, and has been dragged along by his daughter to follow the Battle of the Bands for her birthday. He's just a normal civilian. The last thing you should do is get to know him, right?
The Eye Candy: Victoria Valentine ✮ she/her, 27 ✮ [RO] -- G Reign's wife, she's an upcoming actress and model. Victoria has been G's eye candy since they came up on the scene, but you can almost sense the tension between them. And the way Victoria seeks shelter in someone else...that could be you.
Special romance route: engage in an affair // poly route with G Reign
Rowan Hart (he/him) -- guitarist
Iris De Luca (she/her) - keyboardist
Devyn Powell -- (they/she) bassist, background vocals
reblogs appreciated! and thank you for your interestttt
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pinayelf · 2 months
I totally get the strict cullen parent headcanons, HOWEVER I don't think he would be
all throughout dai people make jokes abt how he's a stick in the mud, sera calls him general uptight, etc etc but he's so soft for the inquisitor
I note how his voice softens when speaking with the inquisitor. if you side with the mages and you go to shrine of dumat, when speaking with him he's serious, some anger towards Samson in his voice, but when you ask why he's coming his voice gets so soft saying he'd sleep better knowing he was by your side
he gets vulnerable before sending you off to corypheus, praying you return safely. he tells you he doesn't dance, but for you he will. he offers you his most prized possession for luck. the silly lil boyish smile he has after his kissing scene
there's also his hug scenes!!!!! when you return from defeating corypheus, before you go off into the eluvian for the last time, when he's praying for your safe return in the chapel. they're so tender...
in non-romantic instances, he's happy, joking and relaxed when he plays chess with dorian, whom he considers a friend. he starts off grumbling during wicked grace but loosens up and laughs with people he trusts
ofc he's a stern commander, he takes work very seriously, but around people he loves, cares about, or just people he trusts, he melts a little. I think there's that untapped softness within him
he wouldn't be a strict dad, I think he'd melt for his kids and they'd have him wrapped around their lil fingers 🫶🏽
*if you dislike cullen, don't leave hate on this post, you can do that on your own post thank you*
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thecuriousbeauty · 2 months
Thank you so much! Yes, I will take requests🫶🏼
So Harry and yn are in a relationship but his family doesn't approve their relationship cause they thought yn is all uptight bitch as media has portrait her and it will be angsty like his family will fight with yn but in the all fluff and smut between harry and yn?? If only you want to write thank youu.💗
Harry Styles Oneshot- His Family Doesn't Like You
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Word limit: 3,030
Author's note: Thanks for the request! I hope you like it:) Requests are open, guys. Feed back appreciated and please re blog if you like my writing!
Warnings: Smut, sweet sex, fluff, angst.
You looked at yourself again and again in the mirror, making sure you looked perfect. You wanted to look flawless tonight. You were meeting your boyfriend's family for the first time. Harry always talks about them. He tells you about how kind his mom is, how she raised Harry and his sister Gemma all by herself. Harry's very close to his mother and he loves her a lot. He loves his sister too, he always calls her after a show, or if something exciting happens in his life. You were going to meet the two women who shaped Harry to who he is now. 
"You ready to go, baby?", Harry asks, coming into your bedroom, and you turn around to look at him. Harry looked handsome as always, in his patterned shirt and black pants, his hair neatly kept, a few strands falling over his face. His face breaks into a beautiful smile as he takes you in. "You look so pretty!"
"Yeah? Are you sure? Should I change into a dress or something?", you ask him, nervously running your hands down your skirt. Harry comes to you, placing his hands on your hips and tugging you closer to him. "I'm sure. Are you okay? We don't have to meet them today if you don't want to, no rush." Harry kisses your temple, and you sigh. You two were already in a six month relationship, and Harry had met your parents who absolutely loved him, but you hadn't met Harry's family yet. You both were busy. You work in the industry as well, and whatever free time you both get, you spend it with each other.
"No, I want to meet them. I'm just nervous.", you tell him. Harry strokes your hair away from your forehead, his gentle green eyes reassuring you. "Darling, they're really good people. You don't have to be nervous about anything. I love you, and they'll love you too."
"Okay.", you whisper, nodding slowly as he lifts your chin up for a kiss. "Yeah?", he checks, and you nod some more, pressing a kiss to his lips. He cups your cheek, and his lips envelop yours in a sweet kiss. His kisses could heal everything. You felt a a tiny boost of confidence, and you finished getting ready, then got in the car. Harry drove and kept his free hand on your thigh, talking to you about his sister and his mom. 
You got to the house, and Harry grabs your hand, sensing your nerves again as you stand outside the door, waiting. "I'll be right by your side, baby. Don't worry, okay?"
"Okay, sorry, I just really want them to like me.", you whisper, and he smiles, kissing your cheek. "How can anyone not like you y/n? You're an amazing person."
Just then, Harry's mom gets the door, and you smile at her. Anne was beautiful. Her brown hair laid over her shoulder in waves, bright eyes and a big smile took over her face as she sees her son.
"Oh come here my handsome boy.", she coos, opening her arms and Harry walks into them, embracing his mother tightly. "Hey mum." They kiss cheeks, and Anne starts telling him about the neighbour's cat, but Harry interrupts. 
"Mum, this is y/n. Babe, my mom.", Harry introduces with a smile, and Anne looks at you for the first time, giving you a small smile. "Hello, y/n."
"It's so nice to meet you, Mrs. Twist." You wanted to go for a hug, but she put out her hand before that, so you just shook it. 
"Call me Anne, please. Come on in!"
She holds the door open for you guys. "Gemma! Harry's here."
Harry takes your coat to hang it behind the door along with his. "She just came in a few minutes ago.", Anne says as she walks to the kitchen. 
"It smells so good in here, mum.", Harry says, and it did. The lovely smell of hot stew and something buttery in the oven was wafting through the air. 
"All your favorites, of course.", Anne answers and Harry grins. 
"Can I help with anything, Anne?", you ask, and she shakes her head. "I've got it handled, thank you."
Another woman comes down the stairs. She was beautiful too, you saw the similarities between her and Harry. "Harry!", she smiles and rushes into his arms. "Hey Gem!", Harry squeezes her tight, kissing her cheek. "Long time no see!"
"You're the one who's always busy!", she says back, and he laughs. "Say hi to y/n!"
She turns to look at you, and you smile. "Hi Gemma."
"y/n.", she nods, her smile erasing a bit, and your heart drops. She doesn't seem to like you, you think. Harry saw that, and he comes back to your side. 
"What do you do, y/n?", Gemma asks you, even though she knew from Harry.
"Uh, I work in the industry. I'm a music producer.", you say. 
"You work for Harry then?", Anne asks you from the kitchen.
"I have worked with Harry, yes, but I work with a lot of people in the industry. Not confined to anyone.", you say, and she hums. That's how you met Harry. You worked on a song together. 
"She's a brilliant producer, anyone who gets to work with her is lucky.", Harry pipes up, kissing your cheek and you smile, squeezing his hand. "Thanks babe."
They ask you more about your work, and people you've worked with. Then Harry whisks you away to show you around the house, and you can't help but wonder whether they like you. They seemed pretty sweet when talking to Harry, but all you got were cold responses. 
"They're nosy, love, I'm sorry.", Harry says apologetically and you shake your head. "No it's okay, I like talking about work."
"I did tell them everything they need to know, I don't know why they're still asking you.", he frowns. "Why don't you take a look around while I have a chat with them?"
You nod. After you looked at Harry's childhood photos and smiled to yourself, took some photos on your phone to look at them again later on, you went back to them. On the way you stopped in your tracks, when you heard them talk about you.
"Mum, she's not like others!", Harry was saying.
"You don't know that yet, Harry. Everything starts out like this and ends up with you heart broken."
"Besides, it's just been six months, are you really that serious about her?", Gemma asks him, and you feel your heart tighten in your chest. 
"We did our research on her, and you have to see what the media has to say. She's so stuck up, and rude!", Anne said.
"And she might be secretly messing with your music, she could use them for her ideas.", Gemma says, and you resist the urge to scoff out loud. That would be the last thing you would do to Harry. 
"You mean she's with me to steal my music?! Mom, Gem, she's so talented, she doesn't need to steal anything! She wouldn't do that, either. She's such a good person. I don't care what the media portrays her as, she's not rude. She's quiet, but not with me. She trusts me, and loves me, she's her real self with me. She's funny, and beautiful and a lovely person.", Harry said, and you felt your eyes tear up. 
"You're blind, Harry. I hope you remember all the drama and rumors you caused with your previous relationships.", Gemma says. 
"I don't see a difference, she's just like everyone else you've dated before. I don't like her, Harry, I'm sorry.", Anne said. 
"You didn't even talk to her! You asked her about work! How can you decide that you don't like her?"
"Because this isn't the first time you've brought a girl like her to meet us!", Gemma said, and that was it, you had heard enough. You walked out, making everyone freeze and look at you.
"Babe-", Harry starts, knowing you heard it all by taking a look at your face.
"-I-I got a call, something came up. I-I have to go, Harry. I'll get a cab.", you say to him, your voice shaky as you go to the door. 
"No, no baby, they didn't mean it like that-" Harry grabs your arm. 
"-I have to go.", you whisper, looking Harry in the eyes and taking your arm away from his grip. "Okay. I'll come with you, you're not taking a cab."
Before you could stop him, he turned back to his mom and sister. "I don't know why you both behaved like that towards someone I love and respect, but that was awful. You taught us to respect and treat people well, that's not what you did to y/n today, mum. I feel so bad for bringing her here, she didn't deserve to hear all that shit. You can't just assume she's like everyone else. And she's not, I know her. I love her. She has been with me through tough times, my loses and my wins. I feel sorry for you both that you failed to see her. I don't want to hear anymore of this from either of you, don't talk to me until you apologize to y/n."
"Harry no-", you start, you didn't want to break up the family.
Harry took your hand, and your coats. "Let's go, love."
"Harry-", Gemma calls behind you, but he doesn't look back. He opens the door for you, and you get inside the car. Harry started driving, silently. He was fuming too. He couldn't believe they would talk like that about her, in front of her.
Now you're the reason for messing up their family. Then all the shit the media says about you. Everything hit you together, and you couldn't stop the tears. 
"y/n.", Harry whispers, moving his free hand to your knee. "Darling."
"I-I'm so sorry.", you croak, covering your face with your hands. "Y-You shouldn't have walked out and said all that."
"I shouldn't have stood up for you?", he asks, pulling over to the side. "What kind of a boyfriend would I be then?"
You sob into your hands, and Harry gets his seat belt off, reaching over to remove yours, and he scoops you into his lap without effort. "Hey, hey..sweetheart, look at me.", he speaks softly, all his anger melting away watching you cry. He hated watching you cry. Knowing that his family was the reason for your tears made him feel so guilty. He wanted you to meet them.
"I-I don't want to get in the way of your family. M-Maybe we should break up.", you tell him, and he pulls your hands away from your face so he can look at you. He looked hurt. "B-Break up? No, I love you!"
"I love you too, Harry, but I can't do this. T-They obviously hate me and they're all you have as family, I don't want another label. Family wrecker? I-I can't, Harry..", you cry, and he cups the back of your head, pushing your head into his chest. He rub his hand up and down your back, comforting you. 
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart, please don't cry..", Harry coos, pressing kisses to your head. "This isn't gonna break my family apart, babe. I was angry, and they are naive, they read what the media says. But I know the real you! You're such a beautiful person, in and out. And anyone who knows you will say the same about you. The media says I'm a womanizer, I like older women, I have sex with everyone I see and what not! They just like to make people feel bad. I'll make mom and Gem understand. And if they don't get it, it's fine. I love you, right?"
You pull your head back, and look at him. He smiled softly, stroking his thumb on your cheek. "I love you so much. I can't live without you, y/n. I need you in my life. I will fix this, I promise. Please don't give up on us, baby, I can't go on without you."
You couldn't either, that was the truth. You put your arms around his neck, hugging him tight. "I love you too, Haz."
"I'm sorry.", he repeats, kissing your neck. 
"It's not your fault.", you tell him, closing your eyes. Harry held you for as long as you needed. You gave him a kiss and got off his lap once you were alright. 
"I'll show you just how perfect you are after we get home.", he promises, before he starts driving again. 
You wondered what he meant. When you got to your place, he took you up into his arms as he kissed you. This time, with more passion. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he took you to your bedroom, and laid you down on the bed, all while trailing kisses down your jawline and your neck, his teeth leaving love bites as a reminder. 
"Harry..", you moan as he his hand palms your breast over your bra, slipping his hand under your top. 
"I'm gonna make you feel good, baby.", he whispers, gently tugging on your top and you raise your arms for him to slip it off of you. Your bra follows, and he kisses your breasts, lips sucking your nipples, and his teeth gently nibbling on it. You get his shirt off, running your hands over his chest and his abdomen, eyes raking over his tattoos. You've seen it a lot of times, but you're always so astonished at how beautiful everything is. He is so beautiful. 
"I need you inside.", you whisper, moaning as his fingers feel around your wet folds. "Please Harry.."
"Whatever you want, baby." He slips your skirt down your hips, and your panties, before spreading your legs. "So pretty for me.", he praises, looking at your pussy. He brings his fingers to his mouth, getting some saliva on his fingers before rubbing it over your folds. "Everything about you is gorgeous, y/n."
You were tingling, aching for him. You needed to feel full. Harry slips his boxers off, and doesn't waste anymore time. He pushes into you, keeping one hand on your shoulder and the other hand holding his dick. You moan at the feeling as he pushes inside, completely, and he pauses, waiting for you to adjust. 
"You can m-move..please..", you whisper, closing your eyes and he moves in and out of you slowly, but deeply. They were hitting just the right spots, making you grab onto his shoulder, and whimper. "Open your eyes, let me see those pretty eyes y/n.", Harry grabs your jaw and you open your eyes, meeting his green ones. 
"You are perfect, you're my best girl.", he whispers before attaching his lips to yours, groaning as it felt so good. His tongue explored your mouth as you kissed, all your worries melting away as he made love to you. He kept kissing you and whispering praises until you both got close to your releases. 
"Oh fuck, baby I won't last longer..come on, cum for me..", he groans, and you moan his name out loud as your toes curl and your eyes roll back in your head. Harry also cums, and he continues his momentum, carrying you both through your orgasms before he lays on top of you, still inside. 
"I love you.", you whisper, running your hand through his curls. 
"I love you more.", he whispers back, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth. "Don't ever doubt yourself due to what someone else might say."
"Love?", you hear Harry call as you go through some emails, and you hum. "Yeah?"
Harry comes to you, and holds out his phone. "It's mom, she wants to speak to you."
"What?", you whisper shout, and he was smiling, nodding as he pushes his phone to you. "Just hear her out for me, please?"
You nod, taking his phone from him and pressing it to your ear. "Hello?"
"y/n? It's Anne, love. I would like to apologize for what happened last night.", Anne says. "Gemma showed me the magazines and what the media says, and I believed them. I just want the best for Harry. I've seen his girlfriends cheat on him, drain his pockets, use him and then just walk out. I'm just protective. And I guess that clouded my brain. I shouldn't have made a judgement like that, without even getting to know you. I'm so sorry, y/n."
"It's okay, Anne.", you immediately say, and Harry smiles. 
"Harry talks about you all the time. You mean a lot to him. And I'm happy with anyone who makes my son happy. Would you want to maybe get lunch tomorrow? Gemma's sorry too, and we both would like to get to know you a bit, yeah?"
"Of course, I'd love that.", you smiled. "I understand your worries Anne, but I'm not like them. I love Harry for the person he is, not for anything else. He's an incredible person, and it's you behind who he is now."
After you finish talking, Harry hugs you tight. "Thanks for giving them another chance."
"They're your family, and I care about you, a lot. So yes.", you say, and squeal as he attacks you in kisses, making you fall back on the couch. "Babe! That tickles!!"
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
Okay so @willowworkswithwords sent me this fucking perfect prompt about Steve casually mentioning how much of an asshole his dad is is during a movie night at the Munsons and Wayne immediately shifting into Concerned mode, and I almost finished the thing but then tumblr glitched and i lost it to the void forever. I learned my lesson to never save anything to tumblr without backup ever again, buuut here it finally is:
Wayne first met Steve Harrington long before Eddie officially started dating the boy. He figured out that his nephew was head over heels before Eddie himself did. He hadn't been too thrilled about it, at first. In his experience, boys like Steve Harrington, with his big car and neatly ironed polo shirts, could only want two things from boys like his Eddie: drugs and secret encounters in the dark before he'd finally follow the path that was perfectly mapped out for him by his parents. But it didn't take him too long before he admitted that he had misjudged the boy. He noticed it even before Eddie himself did: Steve Harrington had fallen like a brick for his nephew, and he was in it for the long run.
He mostly met the boy in passing, whenever he'd come home from his night shift while Steve was just leaving the trailer park, or when he'd be heading out to get to work at the same time as Steve came by to pick up Eddie for a date or to hang out with that group of freshmen that Eddie would never stop talking about. The boy was always perfectly polite to him, calling him things like Sir and Mister, apologizing for being in his space and thanking him for the most ridiculous little things. Wayne thought it was a bit much, but he supposed that it was just how the boy had been raised, all formal and uptight. There was something behind it, however, a certain guarded look in his eyes, that always gave Wayne this uncomfortable feeling in his gut. He didn't quite understand what that was all about – until the three of them were having a movie night in the trailer on one of Wayne's nights off.
The two boys were all over each other on the couch, their legs entangled and their fingers intertwined, with their heads as close together as if they'd die if they wouldn't be breathing the exact same air. It made Wayne wish he had a camera on him; instead, he tried to imprint the picture into his memory.
He didn't care too much for the movie, which was about some rich teenage girl trying to break free from the restrictive uptown life that was suffocating her by getting herself some no-good boyfriend in a leather jacket – who Steve and Eddie enthusiastically agreed was a “hot piece of ass.” The main bad guy was the girl's dad, a character who checked off all the rich asshole dad stereotypes: suit that made him look bigger than he actually was, wife who let herself be bossed around by him at all times, and that kind of undefinable charisma, which made everyone else feel like all the air had left the room whenever he'd walk in.
'He kinda reminds me of my dad,' said Steve while leaning forward to get himself a handful of popcorn. It was just an innocent, offhand remark, and sounded perfectly nonchalant – but as he said it, the camera zoomed in on the girl's face to convey one single emotion: fear.
Steve leaned back into the couch and stuffed his mouth full of popcorn, getting crumbs all over his shirt and seemingly not noticing how both Wayne and Eddie had frozen by his remark.
Wayne met his nephew's wide-eyed gaze over the top of Steve's big hair. Wayne wasn't exactly a talkative person, and over the years in which Eddie had been living with him, they had perfected the art of silent communication, not needing more than some looks and gestures to have complete conversations with each other.
Wayne raised an eyebrow at Eddie, which meant something along the lines of Did you know about this?
Eddie responded with a barely-visible nod.
Wayne made a sideways movement with his head. Why didn't you tell me?
Eddie shrugged. It wasn't my place to tell, that meant.
Wayne nodded at him and turned his gaze back to the screen, but he was too preoccupied with other thoughts to properly shift his attention back to the plot.
'You wanna stay over?' Eddie asked Steve when the movie was finished.
Steve's eyes immediately flashed to Wayne's corner, that familiar guarded look in them. 'Um... Would you – would it be okay if I stayed the night, sir?'
'You can stay whenever you like, son,' said Wayne. 'And stop calling me sir, alright?'
'Alright, yeah, okay, sorry sir,' Steve stammered, which made Eddie burst into loud laughter. Wayne merely shook his head and got up from his chair.
He never sat Steve down for some official talk about his asshole dad – that wasn't his style anyway. He preferred conveying the message by little gestures: calling him “son” whenever he had the chance, refusing to be called “sir” ever again, giving him a key to the trailer, inviting him over to watch basketball together, taking him fishing when they both had a day off work... After a while, that guarded look finally disappeared from the boy's face. But it returned a couple months later, when Steve accidentally called Wayne “dad” in a distracted moment. Wayne didn't say anything about it; he merely gave the boy a pat on his shoulder to let him know it was okay. He didn't mind getting called “dad” by Steve Harrington for one bit.
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kentosbabes · 1 year
Reformed Playboy Gojo? Yes, please!
Playboy BF Gojo loves to spend, he had a spoilt childhood with his parents catering to his every need. You can see this in your relationship with his need to spend money on you all the time. At first, you felt uncomfortable, it felt too much like charity, but he wouldn't take no for an answer, it started off with large things, like an actual car for your birthday when you complained about how hot public transport was in the summer and an apartment in your name just because.
Playboy BF Gojo never would have pictured himself being so domestic with you, he was a total player. Went out all the time, so much so that the bars and clubs all knew him by name. Women fawned over him, and even some men. His phone had women saved under numbers and addresses, #25 Downtown blondie.
Playboy BF Gojo met you at his parent's company, you worked as the head of secretarial duties and were under the direct supervision of his father. His father was fond of you and your work ethic and often wondered where he went wrong with Gojo who was the complete opposite of you.
Playboy BF Gojo had a discussion with his father and mother about the future of the company and whether or not he was going to settle down and provide some heirs, Gojo adamantly refused the idea of having an arranged marriage with some uptight virgin that his parents wanted him to breed and pop out an heir and a spare. Instead, he told them that he was in a relationship already, you.
Playboy BF Gojo brought the idea of fake dating up to you whilst you were on your lunch break, you choked on some air and he handed you some water, ever the obnoxious man "I know I am a catch but please don't lose your breath over me," you rolled your eyes and resolutely told him absolutely not. You were happy at your job, and you finally got that promotion you have been dying for, why would you risk that to satisfy some rich guy who could easily get someone else to do this?
Playboy BF Gojo took to showing up every day for work to hang out with you, he would begin the day by giving you your coffee order- did he memorise that? and sitting down at your desk until you give him attention. He is an attention whore to the max, god forbid you to be busy with your actual job, he would just be in a strop and be sulky for the rest of the day. "Ever heard of deligating, hm?" Gojo has never in the history of his entire life ever been at work for this long, he even learnt some things about the company's management and general business like the major acquisition that he wouldn't have known about if not for you being stressed about.
Playboy BF Gojo hates seeing you stressed, he understands that you have work to do, but he doesn't understand your love for your job and your colleagues. His father pulled you into an emergency meeting and you left at 10 pm, but you left with a smile. You were shocked that he waited for you but when you asked about it he simply rolled his eyes and told you to hop onto his motorcycle. Dropping you home and waiting till you headed in through the door.
Playboy BF Gojo was making you feel quite confused, he was acting out of sorts by being so thoughtful. The small things were making you blush and have butterflies in your stomach, god you were giggling to yourself after you closed the door on him. You guys have been getting closer and closer and you could honestly call him a friend. Gojo is much more than that playboy persona he uses to drive people away, he's thoughtful and kind.
Playboy BF Gojo is possessive, you could equate this to his childhood, he was never one to share toys as an only child with a silver spoon in his mouth. So when he walked into the office with your morning coffee and saw you laughing at a joke one of your male subordinates was making and saw his hand on your shoulder, he saw red. It wasn't like you were dating but you were his, everyone knew that. So is it any wonder when he staked his claim to you with no words but pinning eye contact with the man?
Playboy BF Gojo deleted all the women off of his phone with no thought, blocking all the persistent ones. You started to notice a change in his behaviour, the usually arrogant and quite honestly annoying man became slowly a kind and sincere person who respects you.
Playboy BF Gojo took you out to get dinner, he was nervous. That sent alarm bells to your head, Gojo nervous? Impossible, his conceited exterior obviously wasn't working today. But then he surprised you with your favourite flowers and a heart-wrenchingly beautiful note to accompany it. He grinned and told that's not all and pulled out of his pocket a rectangular velvet box, you look up at him and he hands it to you, it was a diamond necklace. Understated, despite his love for being extra, it was wonderful. Gojo asked you out sincerely and you accepted his hand.
Playboy BF Gojo was nervous before your first kiss, it was illogical he's done a lot more than kiss other women, but with you it was different- he's never felt so in love, it was suffocating to him. He leaned into your face and looked at your lips, then your eyes and back to your plush lips, as if to ask for permission. Gojo pressed his lips to yours in a practised fashion, turning his head and pushing further into you to discover all the crevasses in your mouth.
Playboy BF Gojo loves seeing become undone by his actions, you really were a blushing virgin when it came to him. He came out of the shower shirtless, wearing just a towel. You followed a drip of water down the middle of his abs, pausing to look at him with a shit-eating grin adorning his face. You loved the little things like him wearing a long sleeve shirt and pulling the cuffs to his elbows so all you can focus on for the day are his forearms.
Playboy BF Gojo was gentle, it wasn't your first time, to say the least as much as he likes to make fun of you. You were incredibly nervous that he wouldn't enjoy it, you rationalise it by thinking that he used to enjoy the club nightlife and have had many sexual encounters with different women. He made it a point not to hide anything from you because he had faith that no matter what you would respect that it was in the past. But you can't help but feel out of your depth, he moves with a swiftness that only proves how experienced Gojo is.
Playboy BF Gojo used a lot of foreplay, making sure you were comfortable with everything he was doing before he actually did anything. Ensuring you were ready, he leaned into you, his breath tickling the nape of your neck, "I'm going to fuck you so well you lose all your inhabitions and by the end of all this the only thing you will be asking me is for more."
Playboy BF Gojo loves to give you good aftercare, he likes to do the works, bubble baths with expensive aromantic oils he bought just for you and massages with your favourite lotions he took note of the last time he stayed over at yours.
Playboy BF Gojo doesn't like being called a playboy anymore.
Playboy BF Gojo only likes to go by your BF Gojo.
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rentumblsstuff · 7 months
Random Hatchetfield Headcanons
The first time Alice Woodward ever smoked weed was when (after much inner turmoil) she asked Deb to shotgun it with her.
Max has two snaggletoothed incisors which is why people swear to god he has fangs.
Deb also has a snaggletooth which is what inspired the vampire part of Alice’s vampiric sapphic play. Alice also thinks it’s ironic she made a vampire character when Deb is a vegan.
Ruth as a Sophmore hit on Senior Alice a lot. Alice thought it was funny and she and Deb “adopted” her. Max and Steph also put the PANIC in bi panic for Ruth.
Max would find it weirdly hot that Grace wears bathing suits under her clothes because of the idea that he gets to see what her body looks like before even she does.
The hospital is downtown, so Becky Barnes definitely got infected in TGWDLM. Despite never wanting to do it again, Becky climbs the tree as someone calls the HFPD to save Kathy’s cat because she’s still infinitely compassionate even under Pokey’s control. Plus, Pokey knows she wants to get over the trauma associated with climbing trees, so he makes her do it to give her a big number about finally overcoming her past. She accidentally flings the cat as soon as the song starts, which is why in Show Me Your Hands, the cat dies so quickly even though it JUST got called in.
Peter infected Steph who infected Deb who infected Alice in TGWDLM. Pete and Steph would have been Sophomores and Deb and Alice were Seniors, but I always imagine Steph and Deb knowing eachother because MRFC said Steph is in the Smoke Club on Twitter at some point. Assuming Steph’s been a little punk for a while, she’s been in the smoke club since at least Sophomore year, and probably a new inductee the same year as TGWDLM (2018).
Alice and one of her parents (maybe Bill) were also raised in purity culture because we know the Woodwards and the Chastitys go to the same church. The Woodwards probably take it with a grain of salt though (Alice has expressed dislike over Grace’s prudishness)- either that or one of her parents (probably her mom) wasn’t originally from said church and also raised Alice with “this is what you’re learning here, but here’s also what I learned at my church at your age.” Bill was likely the one raised in purity culture because he does NOT LIKE DEB and thinks that if she HAS TO date a girl, she should date someone like Grace Chastity, implying she’s an exemplary teen girl. Ms. Woodward lets Deb sleep over and probably knows she smokes and likes her anyways; three points for Alice’s mom not being the puritanical one.
Ted reads romance novels. He’s a former geek turned sleazeball- you know he reads the smuttiest novels ever and calls them “his research”. He refuses to read any book with the friends to lovers trope because it’s too upsetting to think about. (Side note Time Bastard gave us a definite date that timelines don’t branch/reset before depending on whichever theory you believe because the homeless man is in every timeline, meaning that Jenny’s death is fixed in time and never changes: October 7th 2004, so the timelines change anywhere between October 8th 2004 and 2018.)
In whatever timeline Emma finally gets to have her weed farm, she meets Paul when he tells her he was prescribed that marajamij for his anxiety and he was too scared to try Xanax. She thinks he’s kind of cute for a wet cat of a corporate slave. “Fuck the patriarchy? Yes please.” (Side note Paul seems so uptight and unfuckable like bro gotta be blank down there like a Ken doll and has no discernible kinks from what I remember while Emma is laid back and chill asf and like… normal in comparison so yeah sure Paulkins canonically fucks but does Emma enjoy it?? Like dude even Pete’s more fuckable than him come on.)
Pete and Steph don’t kiss when they admit their feelings for eachother even though one of them would die before ever getting to kiss each other because they both think it’ll only make it that much harder to go through with sacrificing the other. One of the reasons Pete also chooses to be the one to take the bullet because he doesn’t think he even COULD pull the trigger on her. Like it’d be physically impossible for him, in his mind.
TGWDLM was originally meant to be an allegory for the institution brainwashing us. Show Me Your Hands and America’s Great Again: examples of people in power working for and fulfilling the evil wishes of some almighty, otherworldly, inhuman THING (be it aliens, be it those in power). It’s clearly meant to satirize the way that power corrupts and tries to convince you its way is better. Even Hidgens, THE FUCKING TEACHER, tries to teach his student that it will be better for everyone to join in that corruption and give in to the hive mind. This reminds me of how the school system in America tries to paint our history as something glamorous; manifest destiny instead of genocide of the indigenous populations. The people in power convincing those under them that the deaths of countless lives is a good thing and it will pave the way to a better future. Cool motive, still murder. Which is why Emma “Fuck the Patriarchy” Perkins is the last one to be infected. She was incapable of being brainwashed , and even when she was the last one left, she saw that the people watching didn’t care, and the all-consuming threat of corrupted power closes in on her until the very last moment.
The Lords in Black were going to try to convince whoever sacrificed their most treasured something to do more work for them, but Grace required very little convincing. Like Wiggly spoke into her mind like “Gracy-Wace! You forgot my booky-wook! Look in it, see any thing you like? Wanna kill all the pervy-wervys?” And she’s like “holy cow I can kill all the pervy-wervys with this book?” Pete would have needed the most convincing because he’s just lost the only girl who will ever love him (in his mind) and so he’d think these things took away his one chance at true love and NEVER want to deal with them again. Even if they offered him a way to get her back, he’s too smart to know that won’t come without an even bigger price AND too paranoid to think she won’t come back wrong like Max did.
If the Green-Foster family ever did get to move to California and Lex got to be an actress, her interview attitude would be a lot like Reneé Rapp and if she ever got asked about why she’ll openly shit talk people in an interview, she’s like “I used to work retail I learned pretty fast that nothing gets done if you keep your mouth shut.”
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chosopie · 7 months
I love the conquer Sukana but imagine this. You baby brother Yuji, met Sukana on a walk last night after sneaking out and 'befriend' him so y/b obviously is worried cause who this Sukana so she goes with Yuji and meets Sukana herself. Sukana falls in love and rizz her up successfully so technically Yuji Unknownly set Sukana and Y/n up
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It was night time—the forbidden hours. Yuji mustered up the courage to bring himself outside without asking you for permission. You were sound asleep, without a single worry in your head as your mind wandered into the land of dreams. He felt guilty for going behind your back, especially since all you ever did was take care of him and try to keep him safe from the dangers of the world.
Yuji was already 15, and he was very much capable of taking a night stroll. Except it wasn’t really night anymore, it was midnight, 12:34 A.M. to be exact. You were going to kill him for going out this late, but he knew it was going to be worth it as long as his plan works.
You have been single for quite a while and Yuji thought it was time for you to meet someone. It was his way of giving back after everything you did for him. He wanted you to have someone else in your life. Your routine was pitiful to look at, for it was an endless cycle of work-cook-clean-attend to Yuji. He felt guilty for being your responsibility at all times, since your parents were no longer there to do that job.
“She must be so miserable,” Yuji sighed.
The cold breeze blew his face, and he smiled in delight, taking in the serenity and freedom the midnight had offered him. He raked his hair with his fingers as he continued to walk towards the nearby convenience store. There had to be someone there who could be a perfect candidate. He pondered, his mind replaying the exact words you told him when he asked you what your type was.
“Someone strong, capable, tall, and intimidating. I kind of like the bad boys, you know?” Those were the exact words you said.
Yuji kept repeating your words in his head like a mantra while he walked towards he glass doors. He pushed them open, and his eyes got to work, scanning every person in the room. His eyes landed on the cashier guy. He was quite short and nerdy-looking. He has a nice nose but he just seemed too uptight.
Nope. Next.
There was this tall man in a blue shirt who was checking the fruits. He looked like a foreigner. He had blonde hair, a tall and muscular stature, but he also seemed like some goody two shoes type of guy.
“Woah,” Yuji gasped as he stared at the big and tall man who was checking the beers in the refrigerator. He had pink hair, tattoos, and an ear piercing. He had this grumpy and intimidating aura. “He’s perfect.”
He quickly walked up to him, but suddenly got shy and scared. He swallowed the lump in his throat and looked up at the guy. “Excuse me… are you single?”
The big stranger grimaced. “Fuck off, will you? Aren’t you a teenager? Plus, I ain’t into that gay shit.”
“No,” Yuji squeaked, clearly embarrassed and regretting his choice of words now. “You might be interested in my older sister.”
The man thought about it, then looked back at Yuji. “Is she hot?”
“I don’t know how to answer that…”
“Alright, whatever. Give me her number.”
“I’ll just tell her to come here,” Yuji took his phone out and dialed in your number. “Uh, what’s your name, sir?”
“What the fuck?” You groaned and rubbed your eyes. Your phone loudly rang and vibrated.
“Yuji” the contact name was displayed on your screen, causing you to panic. You quickly tapped on the button to accept his call.
“Oh my god, where are you? What happened?” You frantically asked him.
“It’s my new friend Sukuna. Convenience store. Now.” Yuji quickly dropped the call before you could ask more questions.
“Who on earth is Sukuna?” You groaned and rummaged your closet for some clothes, preparing yourself for whatever mess Yuji had gotten himself into. The frustration was getting to you, not only because you were tired and sleepy, but also because Yuji had decided to venture off at night all alone without your permission. What was he even thinking? Of course, you were more worried than mad, especially when you heard the name of another man. A million scenarios raced around your head, your mind trying to pick the most probable situation.
“Yuj!” You pushed the door open and searched all the aisles until you reached the alcohol section where Yuji stood with a stranger. “Who is this?”
Yuji deviously smile, mischief glinting in his eyes. “What’cha think about him? He’s your type, right?”
“Are you kidding me, Yuji?”
Now you were really angry. All that trouble because Yuji was trying to set you up with someone? What if he met someone dangerous? You shook away your frustrations, your attention now on the mad that stood before you. Shit, he is handsome. You hated to admit but Yuji succeeded.
“Yeah, he is,” you quietly mumbled, and you felt your face grow hot.
“What’s that?” Sukuna pointed behind you.
You quickly turned around, and found nothing. “Huh?” When you turned back to face them, you felt a finger poke your cheek.
“What a fucking dumbass,” Sukuna laughed.
“I wouldn’t fall for that if we were friends, but you’re just a stranger,” you protested. Your face was now as pink as his hair.
“Let’s change that, dumb woman.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Fine, I’ll stop, only because you’re pretty…” Sukuna sighed.
“Good,” you beamed.
“…Pretty dumb.” He added, his big hand ruffling your hair. Ignoring his corny remark, you couldn’t help but smile at the oddly sweet gesture.
Yuji triumphantly smirked, his arms crossed while he watched the two of you. “I’m way too good at this.”
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uncertifiedfreak · 14 days
hey pretty boy, do you want to smoke a joint with me? keep inhaling. hold it.
yknow, I find it weird that your parents still call you a girl when it's so obvious you're not. even the way you press your lips around the joint... you're a guy, you can't help it. it's okay, you can take another hit.
how do you feel? doesn't weed just make you feel okay to be yourself? I know it helped me... the first time I saw myself for who I truly was was when I was high... it's normal. you're used to being so uptight, always pretending to be someone you're not... but the weed helps you put your guard down.
of course you can let your guard down around me, I see you. You're just like me, a desperate boy. I can prove it. You kiss like a boy, you breathe like a boy, you press yourself against me like a boy. Only boys get this desperate.
Don't worry, baby boy, you can smoke with me any time
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diacripticcomplex · 2 months
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-She's got a Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon, Sag Rising
-She's pretty short, being 5'3.
-Her body developed at a young age which is what attracted Heinz to her from the jump.
-She's got a tramp stamp tattoo of a butterfly.
-She's had sex with servants against their will.
-She has gone to extreme lengths to get Heinz's attention, including courting his brother Richter.
-She absolutely is jealous of Beatrix's looks.
-Her favorite color is black.
-She prefers the blood of children.
-She had to be stopped from burning down the castle when Beatrix gave birth to Shu.
-Richter saved her from killing herself when Reiji was born.
-Her mother gave her a potion to help aid her with having children, upon taking it she was pregnant.
-After having the triplets, she did not take care of them at all, but wanted more kids with Heinz, he refused her each time saying he did not want anymore.
-She tried strangling Christa when Subaru was born and went ballistic, calling Heinz a liar.
-Her favorite apology gift from her husband would be a virgin blood filled bath together.
-Cancer Sun, Sag Moon, Taurus Rising
-Tallest wife she's 5'7.
-Always loved animals and nature as a young girl.
-She was actually very tender and loving as a child, but her parents were vampire nobles and pushed her to become more serious, to the point of being uptight and stern.
-She once fell in love with a human but knew it was unacceptable and that she was promised to another being Heinz, so she wiped this human's memories.
-She never romantically loved Heinz, it was more of an honor and duty to be his wife, as well as having his first born.
-When Shu and Reiji were toddlers she would spend hours with them in the nursery, often having them fall asleep in her arms.
-Usually ALWAYS ignores Cordelia, she knows Cordelia is half demon so she tries to stay out of her way as much as possible.
-She actually exchanges hellos and niceties with Christa, she finds Christa to be somewhat decent minus the times she starts having her panic attacks.
-She encouraged Reiji to take an interest in science like his father.
-Is kind to servants.
-She knew of Shu's human friend and didn't try to stop him but pretended to know nothing of it.
-She always knew that deep down Reiji would make a better king/leader but due to tradition she pushed Shu towards it and neglected Reiji which she truly regretted at the end.
-Pisces Sun, Gemini Moon, Cancer Rising
-She is average heighted being 5'5.
-She has always been so beautiful, very powerful vampire nobles have fought and died to gain her hand in marriage.
-Before Heinz, she was actually in love with a vampire noble lady.
-She always preferred the company of women.
-She always admired Heinz in a brotherly way, being that they are cousins, they grew up together, though he was much older.
-The night she had sex with Heinz was the first and last time, she was miserable that entire night.
-After she married Heinz everything changed for her, she was more disgusted by her pregnancy and fell into deep depression, often hitting her belly when she would be upset.
-When she gave birth to Subaru she was torn between loving him and wanting to hold him but she tried suffocating him so Heinz ordered the wet nurses to never leave Christa alone with baby Subaru.
-She tried hanging herself several times.
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Hello,I'm not sure if you've done this but how about, meet Pablo's family for the first time?
Your new family
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"Amor, you look just fine..please don't change again!" Pablo was sitting on the bed letting you show him all the little outfits you had prepared for this dinner with his parents tonight.
"But it's just too red!" you say about to walk away but your boyfriend grabbed your waist before you could do it pulling you in and making you sit on his lap. It was always hard to fight back because he was so much stronger than you but you didn't mind it.
"Red looks so good on your amor..tell me what's this really about huh?" he said tucking a piece of your curled hair behind your ear and you blush sighing deeply.
"I am nothing special..like I'm just a college girl and you're well Pablo Gavi" you say and he let you finish your thought before pulling you closer and kissing your lips.
"First of all amor, you're more than special to me. Secondly, they always wanted me to have a normal girl who grounds me just like you always do. And lastly, to those people out there I'm Pablo Gavi but to you mi amor, I'm your Pablito okay?" he said caressing your face and you felt your heart beating fast against your chest. This was just what you needed to hear right now.
"Mhm.." you just said but he wanted to be convinced you heard him.
"Okay princesa?" he asked again raising up your chin and you gave him a sweet smile.
"Okay Pablito" you say and he nods kissing your lips lovingly before letting you go finish getting ready.
When you arrived, you were very nervous playing with the edge of your dress but the moment Pablo caught that his hand held yours tightly.
He knocked and Belen opened the door with a bright smile on her face. I started to relax slowly but still worried I might say something wrong.
"Bienvenidos! Ai que guapa!" she said touching your hair and you blushed knowing enough spanish to know that she just called you beautiful.
"Mamá, íngles porf" Pablo said the woman nodded welcoming us inside. We took out shoes off and went to the dinning room where Dr. Gavira and Aurora sat.
"Welcome!" his dad tapped his shoulder and reached for your hand to kiss it. You smiled nodding your head before Aurora rushed to give you a hug. Thankfully you've met her before and you were really close friends now.
"You look great amiga. Don't be nervous!" Aurora smiled as we walked to our seats and i blushed smiling and hoping I stop feeling uptight soon.
"No need to be nervous. We are very happy Pablo found someone kind for himself." his dad added and you thanked him for the kind words.
"And very very beautiful!" Belen added and Pablo nodded touching your cheek while you blushed.
Through another hour, y'all ate dinner and chatted about random topics and you really started to feel like apart of the family. They were such warm and welcoming people that it stopped feeling like you just met them.
"And I like to clean the leaves once a week.." you were showing Belen and Aurora how you take care of plants by the window while Pablo looked at you in awe sitting with his father.
"Realmente amas a esta chica chaval." his dad said catching Pablo's attention as he stopped looking at you and turned to him.
"Que obvio eh?" Pablo said and they both laughed.
"Los ojos chico, nunca mienten.." his dad said and Pablo smiled remembering that while looking back at you as your eyes met and you gave him a sweet smile that warmed his heart and he returned it.
"Thank you so much for the dinner, it was delicious Belen. Really nice to meet you Sr. Gavira" you said as you were getting ready to leave for the night and they both gave you a warm hug thanking you for coming by.
"I'll see you tomorrow for shopping amiga?" Aurora added and you chuckled looking at Pablo who begged you to spend his free day together.
"Maybe we do it Wednesday instead huh?" you say and she smiles nodding her head and wishing you both good night.
"Thank you for choosing me princesa" Pablo said as you entered the car and you smiled nodding your head and kissing his cheek.
"You're always my first choice cariño" you smile checking the new messages in the new group chat you were added to titled 'familia' which warmed your heart.
"And you're mine princesa..I'm so proud of you for getting through it. I hope it wasn't much of a bother" Pablo said and you placed your hand on his leg as he drove.
"It wasn't a bother at all..it was such a pleasure and I am so happy they see me as family" you say and Pablo smiles nodding his head knowing he had found the one finally. No other girl did he introduce to his parents but there was no doubt you were here to stay forever by his side.
"I told you they'll love you..it's impossible not to amor" he smiled and you blushed at his comment.
"Stop it cariño!" you say and he chucked finally pulling into the parking of your apartment.
"You wanna sleep over like we planned?" you ask when he didn't turn off the car and he just shook his head which made you confused. Why did he change his mind?
"I want you to come to my home.." he said touching your hair and tucking it behind your ear again.
"Um we can do that tonight too.." you said but were quickly interrupted.
"Forever." he added and now you were shocked. Was he asking you to move in with him!?
"Are..are you sure Pablo?" you asked and he smiled nodding his head while softly caressing your cheek.
"I've been sure for months that we've been together..and after tonight I am even more sure..I want you to be by my side..forever cariño" he said and tears got to your eyes from happiness while he dried them.
"Princesita mia..no tears okay? Let's pack you and go" he said and you both got out towards your apartment happily while holding your hands.
When you arrived to his place, you were feeling new sense of love and a more intimate one. You and Pablo were finally taking a next step and it was so damn exciting and terrifying.
"Um..what about my apartment?" you say and he pulls you in kissing the top of your head.
"We'll sell it together in time. No worries. Come on, let's go to bed princesita" he said pulling you to the bedroom before you could grab your suitcase.
"Pablo, I need a pajama" you say while he started taking off your jumper making you blush.
"From now on, in OUR home..my t-shirts are you pajamas cariño" he said taking off his t-shirt and going to the closer to give you a new clean one to wear. You shamelessly checked out his muscular back. He was really your man! Fuck!
"Here you go cariño" he said giving you one of his newest white t-shirts but you weren't sure if it was alright so you asked him.
"Um maybe you have an older one Pablito?" you say shyly and he raising your chin kissing your lips in response.
"It makes it that much more expensive when my woman wears it" he said and you blushed hard. His woman..he never called you that before.
You wore the t-shirt before crawling in bed with him as he pulled you close starting to play with your hair while you stared into each other's eyes.
"What made you do this now Pablito?" you say and he smiled kissing your forehead lovingly.
"Something my dad said to me today while I watched you with my mom and Rora..he said I'm really in love with you because eyes never lie and he's right. I'm so in love with you cariño" Pablo said and you were a blushing mess leaning in and kissing his lips.
"I'm in love with you too" you say before you both cuddled up falling asleep in each other's arms happy for the start of this new chapter of your life togehter . <33
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jazjelspen · 1 year
the domestic life [pt.1]
(timeskip in the future/child and parent headcanons)
ever wondered what your future child/children would be like with your favorite dorm leader?
(includes: riddle, leona, and azul)
Riddle: Two kids. You and Riddle would most likely have two kids in your years together. In all honesty Riddle would've been happy with just one, but considering how his own childhood was he wouldn't want his child to grow up without a sibling to lean and rely on, he knows how much it would've helped him if he had a sibling himself.
You and Riddle(definitely Riddle) would be easy on your kids but not too much to where they would try to take advantage of it to get away with things since Riddle would try to wholeheartedly avoid any actions his own mother acted upon him in his younger years to keep him in 'line' but he also didn't want his children to slack off too much.
One kid would definitely have more of your physical attributes like hair color, face shape, nose, eyebrows, etc but then have Riddle's strict yet consistent traits when it comes to schoolwork and chores even if you two don't even push or nag your child to do said things, they've just always been naturally responsible. Despite this they are never really as uptight as Riddle was but has a lot of self-expectations and goals they themselves want to reach when they grow up.
Your other kid would definitely have more of your personality traits yet would definitely be more of the loose wild child that loves to have fun and at times can be a bit loud-- nonetheless your second kid would be the spitting image of Riddle with the exception of your eye color being present in theirs and a few beauty marks(if you yourself have any). As much of a slacker this kid could possibly be they are definitely as smart and responsible as their sibling too, they are those kinds of kids that didn't seem to study for a test yet still get high marks for it in the end.
These two as siblings would be a kind of iconic duo, the strictness of one sibling would keep the wild one in line while the wild child helps out their other sibling in learning to have fun, stay loose, and have no worries. Both have their own little study group together if any big and important tests come up, and they both help each other out pretty often. Fights aren't an unlikely occurrence but it's not something you'd see everyday since all they would really fight about is small things such as what game they should play, that they need to focus on school more, and just them having different opinions.
Leona: Three kids. Leona in his former years in NRC never really thought of having any kind of family, let alone more than one kid until he met you. When you both graduated from NRC and moved in with Leona in the palace there was already a hint of talking about your future family and originally you two wanted just two kids, so that your one child wouldn't have to grow up alone. That was until a third one came in and that's when you knew you two really had to calm it down a notch, but even if it was a surprise you two were still incredibly happy to have three absolutely adorable cubs!
Leona as a father definitely wouldn't be called a strict parent but he will always make sure his kids are attending to their studies and other activities, if one seems to be falling behind or in a sort of pause then either you or him will check up on them and help sort out any problem that's hindering them. There is also one thing I definitely want to point out about Leona, he most definitely will not have his children compete against each other or make any of them feel any less than the other! Everyone gets equal opportunities, an equal say in things, and equal chances.
Your oldest cub would have the more stoic and stubborn side of Leona's personality, as the aloof child of three they would most likely be one of those 'edgy' teenagers once they are of the age of adolescence. They have their father's ears, tail, eye color, and skin but would have the more softer features of you such as eye shape, nose, cheeks, and beauty marks(if you have any). They'd also definitely have your hair color and texture. They are smart and cunning in strategy yet they also have their father's competitive spirit, which can hinder them by having trouble in accepting losses at times. No worries tho! You and even Leona will try to get them to relax and accept that sometimes to win you need to accept a few losses first.
The middle cub will definitely have more of an overall resemblance to you aside from the fact that this little one has the tempter of a lion. They have your most prominent features such as eye color, eye shape, hair color, hair texture, nose, and even lip shape! Along with other features from Leona such as their skin, ears, and tail. This one seems like a calmest one out of the three little Kingscholars, an almost gentle soul with a heart of gold. You can sometimes see them sneak out to play with the local hyena children outside the castle, with an accompanying caretaker or even you! Despite these little positive traits this kiddo is definitely a firecracker when angry, they most definitely have the spirit of a lion. Being the most passive yet most aggressive cub out of all three this little one can at times be a bit of a handful.
The third and final Kingscholar cub is more of a better mix of the both of you when it comes to looks. They have their father's bright green eyes, skin, ears, tail, nose, and hair color. While they also have your hair texture, very similar resting expression, beauty marks(if any), eye shape, and even a similar personality. As mentioned just now they have a fraction of your personality while also just being one of the more curious yet shyest of the three, always looking for a sort of adventure despite their young age. They always ask for any stories you and Leona have to share as well as always asking for some magic lessons from their father. They seem more neutral than the other two but deep down it seems that they have a snippet of Leona's hunger for power(mostly magic wise than status). When Leona and you realize this you two try your best to remind them to stay humble and to not fly too close to the sun.
Azul: Two kids. Azul is a busy, busy business man and you both very well knew this. Azul knew that work would get tougher and more demanding of him so he really only considered having one child in his life so he would be able to easily catch up and even have an easier time hanging out with his child and you outside of work!... well that and the fact that he doubts himself constantly. In truth he's always wanted more than one child, but he doubts that even if he wants more than one he wouldn't be able to be as present to both of them equally and the thought alone brings him to tears. It took a lot of encouragement and reassurance from you to help him not only get his confidence in himself as a parent to come back strong but to also have the confidence of having the serious talk of how they'll be able to do this if they want to add another little octopi into the family. In the end after a few talks and some changes to his business and schedule to fit another Ashengrotto in the family you both decided it was time to welcome your next member into the world!
Azul would be both a lenient but strict parent, he wants his kids to be on top of their studies as usual but he also learned from you that there is also always extra time for having fun and relaxing. He would be the parent that is always the sharpest and the most good-looking while picking up his kids from school, as if he came straight out of a business meeting(most likely did). And at the mention of school-- if one day one of his kids come home crying because of a case of bullying by other students you will definitely see him speeding to the school to chew out the parents of the bullies and other authoritative figures that could've helped but didn't. After this you would be able to see Azul giving a small but heartfelt speech from the soul to both of his kids about how no matter what anyone says about them that they will forever be the greatest kids anyone could ever ask for, and that he'll forever be proud of them.
The first Ashengrotto child to mention is a neutral kind of kid, they study well, are good at magic, and have been able to adapt comfortably in the sea in their second form. They do inherit some of your personality traits where they shine in certain situations, but overall they are a very 'matter of fact' kind of kid. They wear glasses the same as their father but they definitely look a lot like you in the physical aspect as well such as hair, facial features, and expressions, may even consider them the spitting image of you! With the inclusion of Azul's iconic beauty mark and his eye color in theirs of course. They would eventually do well in anything related to law thanks to the knowledge of Azul's step-father and himself as well.
The next little octopus is more of the friendly and playful type, loving their homeland ,the sea, and they thrive in their octopus form in there as well. Physical attributes include Azul's silver hair and beauty mark, but your contribution also holds in the color of their eyes. This Ashengrotto has some cute chubby cheeks on their face that their uncle Floyd loves to pinch(Azul always gives him a death look if he pinches way too hard tho). When visiting the sea they make great friends with the fishes and other creatures that sometimes when it's time to go home on land it'll probably be with them crying on the way back home, but in the end there's no need to worry since as they get home their uncles Floyd and Jade will be there! Those two always make days a little extra fun(especially Floyd).
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Ohhohoo consider this, Admin! Tim and Brian x reader who has a child from a previous relationship! Young child, to be specific! Thank yoooou :3
Tim and Brian as step parents
Speed writing a bunch of stuff today (today is april 15th as I write this) because I'm about to get very busy.. sobs
Notes: Reader is GN, focal point is the child though, written with the kid being younger
CWs: None
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He tries not to get in the way of your parenting if you dont want him to- and even if you want him to step up hes a little.. well!
He doesn't know what hes doing and he doesnt know where your boundaries are, so asides from "oh yeah make sure the kid is fed and doesn't get sick ect ect" hes got a huge learning curve to face
Doesnt smoke around the kid, even tries to make an effort to not come home smelling like smoke
Not uptight but not loose when it comes to rules and the kid when hes in charge of them; definitely has a system and set of rules
Would kind of freeze up if the kid called him dad- does not expect it nor demand it so it catches him off guard
He has a lot more luck than Tim, at least when it comes to connecting to the kid
Oh boy I sure hope he doesnt suddenly vanish never to be heard of again-
Okay I'll stop
Good with kids, I think, hes able to keep the child entertained so you can go do what you need to or relax
Sometimes takes the kid out around town so they can get out of the house
Definitely would show them stuff from his own childhood, cool bonding moment for the two
If the kid wants to call him dad Brian seems like the type to want to be called "pop" as an alternative- not that "dad" is off the table of course
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