#but other than that i cant be bothered rip </3
bahrtofane · 8 months
here we go again - pt.1
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pt. 2 , pt.3
jude x fem!reader , trent x fem!reader
empty promise after another leaves you walking in the cold. alone. on valentines day. youre never speaking to another player again.
word count : 1K+
watch it : mild fluff, heavy on the angst, situationships, toxic relationships, Jude is kinda an ass in this one sorry, not very happy ending
happy valentines day LOL
you and Jude have a complex history, complex relationship. 
you aren't officially together but at the same time you are exclusive. it's odd, but it's what works at the moment, (even if you wish he would just grow the balls to make you his already.)
you get he's a busy guy, top player both club and international. you aren't going to force him to choose you or make him get with you while his career is soon about to peak. 
your wishes for more soon fade into the background as he presses gentle kisses into your skin. he called you a few hours prior, wondering if you wanted to keep him company while he binges movies and orders you a pizza. you said yes, maybe a little foolishly. but it's hard to stay away from him. 
he's addicting. maybe it's a rush of being with someone whose whole existence is so grand. maybe it's the fact of knowing you have what millions of others crave for. you don't know, you try not to read into the intricacies. bad habit. 
so here you are, face pressed up against his chest while you lay side by side on this stupidly large couch, action movie playing, your pizza done, belly full and body warm. 
"what are you thinking about love?" he mumbles. 
"you." you shrug.
"me ?" he chuckles. 
you hum, wiggling deeper into the pile of blankets. 
"i've been thinking about you. and us." he confesses, almost shy. the movie playing in front of you has long fizzled out of your attention. 
hey might as well rip the band aid off. 
"me too," you hum, "why aren't we official again?"
you feel him sigh dramatically, "because my career."
you squint. there goes the same lousy explanation. "you could put more i don't know, thought into us."
he shifts under the blankets , "valentine's day is coming up. dont worry love i have it all planned out." he assures you. 
"oh yeah ?" you tease
"just you wait, the best valentine's day ever." he kisses the top of your head soundly.
worst fucking valenties day of your life. you don't remember being more livid a day in your life. you cant remember the last time so much pure rage burned through you, hot enough to hurt. you didn't think it was humanly possible to clench your fist so tight youve dug into your palm hard enough to draw blood. 
your head hurts, your legs hurt, you think your arm is starting to bruise from where you were shoved into a table on "accident" but what would Jude know. he was so busy taking pictures with models and laughing at corny jokes while you kept yourself company. texting and calling didnt work and he didn't even try to give you any attention the whole night, you can't keep doing this with him. 
"you can't just run off-" Jude shouts from somewhere behind you. 
"or what Jude. or fucking what." you seeth, not bothering to face him, storming out into the night. 
It's your fault for trusting him all those nights ago. your fault for falling for the same shit over and over. 
he sprints to catch up to you, "i don't know why you're being like this."
you stop dead in your tracks, "oh i don't know, let's think. you didn't tell me your escorts would be there. and to top it all fucking off they have to nerve to be on my ass the whole night, not letting me get anywhere near you even through we walked in together?"
he doesn't respond and you half the mind not to punch the shit out of him, walking further away from the club you just came from, heels clanking against the sidewalk so hard it hurts, pulling on your dress so you dont trip and fall. maybe you should let it go so you can fall flat on your face. that would be a better ending to the night than seeing his face. silly stupid you thinking this would work. 
"happy fucking valentines day huh Jude. you take me to a damn club, you ignore me the whole night, and you spend all your time surrounded by other women who might as well just suck you off right then and there." you yell, hell if anyone hears. you want them too, you want him to be as humiliated as you feel. 
Bellinghams date thrown away the moment you step inside, ignored and tossed for some common whores. oh you can't wait to see where your face ends up online after tonight. you can see the headlines now. 
he grabs your arm, making you face him, "love listen-"
"no, you dont get to fucking do that anymore. you cant keep sweet talking your way out of things when you fuck up. why can't you just pretend to care" your voice shakes, you can feel tears brimming in your eyes.
"i'm not trying to talk my way out of it, i'm trying to explain." he tries.
you yank your arm out of his grip, "i'm not listening anymore, im done. all i asked was one day for us, just valentines day to make things work. and you showed me you dont care enough for that." 
"please, let me fix this." he pleads.
"its too late."
"i wanted things to work so fucking bad, and you humiliated me Jude. i imagined a nice dinner, hell i would have settled for take out and a few kisses. that's how bad i want things to work, that's how bad i wanted you." you tremble. 
"please my darling. let's talk about this. come back inside and i'll show everyone that you are mine," he holds a hand out to you, waiting. silently pleading with each breath he takes. 
the street lights dance across his skin as for a moment you almost believe him. for a moment you think about stepping back inside with him. you can't do that to yourself, not again. 
"no, iim done. don't follow me, don't call me dont text nothing. i want nothing more to do with you." your firm, final. swallowing the lump that builds in your throat, youd be damned if he sees you cry after this fucking shit show.
he stops in his tracks at this, not bothering to try and stop you. 
it hurts more than it should to leave him behind you, but you honest to god can not keep up with his lifestyle. 
all those articles and rumors were right you suppose, he's an arrogant stuck up bastard with too much money to know what to do with, too cocky for his own good and destroys anything good that comes his way. you hope he's happy without you. 
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roosterr · 11 months
Heyyy! I’m not sure if you’re taking requests rn.. BUT if you areee, can I just please get a john price with the prompt “why are you avoiding me?” (Bc I’m a slut for angst) with a large fry on the side? IF NOT I TOTALLY COOL
outside it starts to pour
note: two posts in one month? who am i? i hope this is angsty enough lol, i re-wrote it 3 times bc i wasnt happy with it, its a love hate relationship 🥲 but anyway pls enjoy anon!!!
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pairing: john price x gn!reader
wc: 1.5k
summary: in your dreams, you're more than just someone who warms john's bed
warnings: fwb, implied smut but no actual smut, angst, miscommunication (i cant help myself), hurt/no comfort, no happy ending
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"why're you avoidin' me?"
the question echoes in your ears, drowning out the war drum of your heartbeat despite the heavy silence that settles between you.
john has a hand around your arm, gentle and barely there but still anchoring you in place like a vice with just his light touch. the back of your mind screams for you to rip yourself free, get as far away from the familiar timbre of his voice and the near-stifling comfort of his smoky scent as you can before he can get you in his web again. but just like always, he's got you right where he wants you.
how many times have you been pulled behind the door he was halfway out of? and how many times have you been ushered back out again with your hair and heart a mess, just to pretend like nothing happened? always one foot in your little secret and one in his reputation, never fully with you; that's how the captain operated, and you feel like a fool for ever believing otherwise.
a squeeze to your arm brings you back to the present, suddenly all too aware of his fingers against your skin and his eyes boring into your own with an intensity that has your heart fluttering – against your mind's better judgement.
"i'm not." your response is a mutter, your gaze dropping from his to the hardwood ahead of you. it's unconvincing, even to you, but he had no right to question you like this.
"you are." he shoots back, gruffly and without a second of hesitation. from the corner of your vision you see his brow furrow, casting shadow over those eyes that always captivate you so mercilessly.
a sigh escapes his chest at your lack of response, his eyes darting from one end of the hallway to the other before giving your arm a miniscule tug, nodding his head back towards his office.
that's how it always starts. the thought makes your heart clenches painfully. "stop. i don't want to–"
"no." he interrupts firmly, with a shake of his head so resolute it almost has you believing that was never his intention to begin with. your eyes gravitate towards his again, and there's a spark of something, under the surface, when his thumb strokes your skin, dipping just below the hem of your sleeve. "talk to me, what's wrong?"
the urge to give in is tempting, to fall into his arms like you always do, just how he wants, how he expects you to. this time, however, you're determined to avoid his trap.
"it's nothing," you avert your gaze again, sighing in the same moment you take his wrist and slowly pull his touch from your arm, "just leave it."
john tuts. "it's not nothin', though, is it?" he asks, sidestepping into your line of sight again and ignoring the pointed look you give him. "talk to me."
if he cared for you the same way you do for him, his persistence would be endearing, but you know better. you're a good soldier who just so happens to be a good fuck too; that's all you are to him, and that's all you'll ever be.
"i told you. drop it." you shake your head, face creasing into a frown as you turn on your heel. if you have to endure any more of his deceiving sympathy, you know you'll only end up caving to his desires. you're not that strong, and that's why you need to keep as much distance as possible between you.
"you're somewhere else, lieutenant." he calls after you, stopping you in your tracks before you can get too far. you don't bother to turn around, but he continues anyway. "if you can't get your head back in the game, i can't risk havin' you out in the field."
your indignant laugh bounces off the walls.
"it's just that easy for you, isn't it?" there's a lump in your throat as you force the last two words over it, one you hope neither of you will acknowledge.
"and what's that supposed to mean?" he scoffs, the sound of his boots taking a few damning steps closer to where you stand, still with your back to him.
"i don't know why i'm offended, you always do this." you mutter, bringing your hand up to smooth over the crease of your brow, the tremble there barely noticeable but telling of your fragile state.
he doesn't respond this time, waiting for you to elaborate with what you're sure is a glare directed at the back of your head.
"you find something to take, and take, and take from," you spin around to face him again, which proves to be a mistake because the second you meet his concerned eyes, you can feel the sting of tears in your own. "and as soon as it's not useful to you anymore, you chuck it away like yesterday's leftovers."
the silence that follows your outburst is so tense it weighs you down. you can't will yourself to move, to tear your gaze away from him even when your vision blurs. it takes a moment for you to realise just how ragged your breathing has become, feeling the hard rise and fall of your chest over your racing heart as you come down from your anger.
"that… that's not what this is." john utters, his face morphing into something you coin as pity, and it makes your heart squeeze all over again.
"don't. i told you to fucking leave it…" your voice is weaker than before, and you curse yourself for showing this amount of weakness in front of him, because now you know he knows that it was never just sex to you. he never meant that little to you.
by some miracle you manage to blink away the tears before they can fall and embarrass you further. you wait for him to say something, in a painful sense of awkwardness that's never been there before, but all he does is stare at you.
"i can't do this anymore." you whisper, the words muffled through the blood rushing in your ears. you fix him with another scathing look before turning to leave for the second time tonight.
"wait." he calls your name as you walk away, quickly moving to catch up with you, but you have no desire to listen to him, not anymore. he gives you no time to react when he rushes to stand in your path, grasping both your shoulders to stop you when you try to sidestep him. "for fucks sake, just hold on."
there's a conflicted look in his gaze that seems to pull his expression down with it. if you had anything left to give you might've felt bad for being the cause, but it's been months of this game of cat and mouse, and you're drained.
"it was a mutual arrangement," he urges, his eyes search yours, something you can't discern muddying the deep blue as they dart across your face.
you give a watery scoff, rolling your eyes in an attempt to rid yourself of the ache his touch brings you. "there was no arrangement. you're not an idiot, john, you knew how i felt about you."
"what?" he has the audacity to sound confused, and you have to resist the urge to scoff again. "how you felt about me? what're you saying?"
"i think it's pretty obvious by now." you mutter, folding your arms over you chest, trying to make yourself as small as possible. he hasn't taken his eyes off you once, your skin prickling under his intense stare. "i'm an idiot for thinking this would go any other way."
there's another heavy pause, john opens his mouth and closes it again like he was fighting with himself on what to say. the way your throat has constricted makes it hard to breath without sobbing, your breath coming out laboured and uneven.
"do you regret it?" he finally asks, his fingertips pressing into your flesh almost imperceptibly, leaving your skin tingling even though your shirt.
it was self-destruction, giving in to him every time even though it felt like a thorn in your heart. to allow yourself to live in the fantasy that he loved you while you were in his arms, just to have that warm feeling shattered when he told you to get dressed.
you regret falling for someone who would never love you back.
"it's over. let me go, captain." you whisper, a plea for him to release you from whatever spell he's got you under, even if you don't really mean it.
his hands drop from your shoulders, letting one curl into a fist at his side and bringing the other up to scratch his beard in an uncharacteristically nervous gesture. you know it's for the better, but the knowledge couldn't stop the tears from rolling down your cheeks. you brush past him, feeling his gaze burning into you as you lean away to avoid touching him.
he doesn't stop you when you walk away this time.
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lueurjun · 1 year
enemies to lovers with yeonjun
yeonjun x reader — in which you hate him and assume he hates you back, until you realise that maybe he never hated you at all. it’s a long one! requests are open if you want something specific <3
choi yeonjun is the bane of your existence
his mere presence— oof. it infuriates you for no reason
it wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t have to see him everyday
but unfortunately you do
because he’s your brothers (soobin) best friend and has been practically adopted by your family
dear soobin simps feel free to change your brother, i get it bae i totally get it
you can’t catch a break he’s practically moved in at this point
you’re tired of seeing this boy everywhere you look
cant you just go downstairs at 3 am for a glass of water without finding him shirtless in your kitchen munching on a sandwich??
your parents have more pictures of him in your house than of you
your hatred for him started when you were eight years old
it even caused a rift between you and soobin bc your dumbass bother picked HIS side over yours
what did he do?
PURPOSELY spilled his grape juice all over the front of your trousers making it look like your eight year old self pissed yourself
on a park with fellow kids your age who are mean as hell
you got bullied pretty bad after that and though time moved on and they forgot, you never did
it stuck with you
get behind me i’ll rip his hair out
say the word and i’ll fight him for u
anyways from that day on you DETESTED him
and he’s dumb so he has no idea why but instead of asking
he decided to dislike you back because in his mind that’s the most logical thing to do
what an idiot am i right?
a handsome one tho;)
sorry:( we dislike him rn i still got ur back
constant squabbling over the smallest things because he didn’t know when to shut up and you just hated his face
but not really because if you swallowed your pride just a tad you would admit that you do see the handsomeness within him
don’t worry bae you can admit that you’d jump on his bones if you didn’t hate him so much
ahem. anyways.
you cannot stand him because he’s the devils spawn and he doesn’t deserve your praise
until you’re set to go to prom and you have a really cute date with someone you’d had a crush on for a really long time
yeonjun of course makes a comment about your appearance but you don’t even care
because you have a date with someone special
and he has to attend with soobin so who’s the real loser?
not him my love id love to go with soobin
they leave and you wait back for your date to pick you up
time is ticking by and you’re starting to get a little nervous
your parents are starting to look at you in sympathy and you absolutely want the ground to swallow you up
because you’ve been stood up and it becomes apparent when an hour has passed and still no show or text and you’re starting to feel insecure and stupid
ur perfect bby lemme at ‘em
just when you’re about to hang up your outfit and hide beneath your duvet covers
the doorbell rings and you spring up with immense happiness
because your date hasn’t forgotten you after all
only when you answer the door it isn’t your date
rather yeonjun?? standing with flowers?? and no soobin in sight??
your parents are literally cradling each other in awe
and you’re like ??
“i know being stood up sucks for you but it’s the perfect opportunity for me to make right whatever wrong i did… and ask you to be my date…”
he sounds nervous?? genuine??
there’s a glimmer of hope in his eyes that you just don’t have in you to crush
so you accept the flowers and press a kiss to his cheek before eventually taking his arm
“i kinda don’t wanna go to the prom anymore… can we just go get something to eat? unless you wanna go?”
he seems kinda surprised for a second but then he grins with that stupid little twinkle in his pretty little eyes that admittedly have you swooning
“i’d prefer that honestly”
so that’s exactly what you do
yeonjun drives to a mcdonald’s and he pays for your food and then you just sit in the car park
and for as long as you’ve known him you have never actually hung out with him one on one for longer than fifteen minutes
but somehow it’s not awkward?
you both swing into subtle jokes and he even throws in a few flirty comments here and there
which takes you by surprise but what shocks you more is that you don’t mind them??
you retaliate to them but with the same flirty undertones
flirting in a mcdonald’s car park dressed to go to prom
that’s so romantic get out
the bar is in hell i know
don’t even @ me i need a moment rn
i ship u both. get married pls
anyways after eating until your stomachs felt full and there were tears of laughter in your eyes
the dreaded question rolls around
“why do you hate me?”
way to ruin the vibes yeonjun
“because you suck”
i rate the honesty babe
“ok sure i deserve that i think- but what did i do? you never used to hate me when we were kids”
you’re a little annoyed now
because how does he not remember the incident that has stuck in your mind for years?
“do you seriously not remember?”
and he shakes his head looking all clueless
which makes you feel a little embarrassed because had you just been dramatic this entire time?
maybe a little but it’s valid. i back u 100%
get his ass you sweet thing!
“you spilled grape juice all over my jeans at the park and told everyone i peed! i got made fun of for so long after that! it was mean!”
the vibe has been completely ruined now
well done yeonjun
speaking of yeonjun, he feels terrible
he remembers that incident back when he was an absolute menace
he still is but not as bad
what makes him feel worse is that you’ve only ever attacked him due to the hurt he caused you
meanwhile, he was just as mean back in retaliation
his world was literally crumbling
“and soobin took your side! you took my street cred and my brother!”
i’m soobin’s lawyer. he didn’t mean it
okay sorry! i still have your back!
“i’m sorry—truly. i didn’t realise how much it would hurt you or that you held a grudge—”
“maybe you should’ve asked.”
“i know. i’m sorry. i know nuggets won’t help but you can have an extra one of mine…”
you wanted to stay mad at him
but with the way his big eyes stared back at you whilst he held up a nugget as a peace offering
there was something oddly adorable about it
you take it from him because duh? who wouldn’t?
i mean vegans probably wouldn’t—
if you’re a vegan i’m so sorry imagine you’re eating something else
“why did you decide to take me to prom?”
you can’t help but ask the question that’s been prodding at you since you left the house
“saw your jackass date with someone else and soobin felt bad but he had his own date so i said i’d come get you…”
so it was just a favour for soobin
ok :D that’s fine
not tho is it bae? you lyin?
apart of you hoped that he asked you because he wanted to
perhaps the disappointment showed on your face because suddenly he starts stuttering
but you shake your head and force a smile
me in the mirror after an emotional breakdown :P
“let’s go then. he’s probably wondering—”
“no. that was a cop out.”
you just gape at him waiting for him to carry on
because what else are you meant to say?
“i wanted to ask you to be my date a while ago but you hated me and to be honest i never hated you, i just felt… i don’t know… bitter i guess? and that’s no excuse. i’m a dick and i know it. but when i saw your date with someone else, i knew it had to be some kind of sign that you were meant to attend the prom with me.”
okay romcom confession KING
go off
before you can comprehend anything, he carries on with his ramble
“i’m so sorry for the hurt i inflicted on you when we were kids, and for the way i’ve behaved since then. i know it won't make up for everything, but if you let me, i will spend every day of my life trying to make it up to you. Even if it takes forever for your feelings of hatred towards me to diminish or disappear altogether, i’ll wait - and hope that one day, i can prove myself to be a worthy partner for you.”
someone grab a bucket i’m gonna be sick ( i’m sliding down my wall crying rn )
i’d fold in an instant
kdrama yeonjun GO OFF
you kinda just sit there like a lemon for a sec
because wot?
literally like what is going on?
“you’ll have to grovel.”
“i will. believe me.”
“and you won’t hurt me?”
there’s this look in his eyes that you haven’t seen before
a determined and genuine look that has you feeling quite assured
the grudge against him is still there, of course, it’s not just going to go away
but it’s not as strong and you find yourself feeling rather excited
“then consider this our first date. the first step to making things right.”
yeonjun is a little wary as he takes your hand but the nerves settle when you don’t recoil from him
hesitantly he kisses your knuckles with a grin
“to making things right.”
surprisingly, you’re thankful your date stood you up
but no one is thankful as yeonjun
gosh why do i do these? i literally make myself cry
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dullgecko · 1 month
Adaine has a sixth sense when her notes for class are in danger
Kristen can play saxophone (she chose it to learn cause haha funny name)
Fabian writes love letters as part of a Cupid's association he started for fun (and to finally use his calligraphy skills)
Fig is slowly teaching her army of Baby's to sing backup properly
Gorgug knows all the constellations from sleeping on the lawn some nights when his bed broke
Riz falls asleep instantly if somebody sits near him with a blanket thrown on him
And cooking headcanons are:
Can cook: Gorgug (the most competent) and Kristen (only corn related dishes)
Can cook (shouldn't/will make monstrosities on purpose/by accident): Riz (everything has caffeine) and Adaine (could cook with parental supervision)
DONT LET IN KITCHEN (WILL BURN WATER): Fabian and Fig (+Kristen when not making dishes with corn)
Yay a bunch, had to wait until i got home so i had a keyboard so sorry for the wait but ilu thankyou <3
Adaine has a sixth sense when her notes for class are in danger
She gets full blown promonitions on more than one occasion and has had to yank her bag out of harms way at the last second. Even if she lost her notes though she'd be fine, every night when she gets home she re-writes everything neatly into a second notebook thats kept safe inside her room (and at the end of every lesson she takes a photo of her notes for that day on her crystal and saves a backup to the cloud just in case)
Kristen can play saxophone (she chose it to learn cause haha funny name)
She also chose it becasue it has maximum potential to be sexy and annoying as hell. Her first choice was bagpipes, but tracker ripped them to shreds after the first note so that was a no-go.
Fabian writes love letters as part of a Cupid's association he started for fun (and to finally use his calligraphy skills)
He has an anonymous account set up so people can submit their requests. Once they're written he sends both a photo of the letter and mails the physical copy to wherever it needs to go.
Fig is slowly teaching her army of Baby's to sing backup properly
Very slowly, incredibly slowly. They still havent quite mastered the art of the middle volume so all their parts have to be very quiet or screeched at the top of their lungs.... its a work in progress.
Gorgug knows all the constellations from sleeping on the lawn some nights when his bed broke
He knows them, he however does not know all the proper names at all. Fabian is appauled and spends more than a few nights during the nightmare king quest quizzing him until he gets the names correct and will sometimes, during parties at night, point at a section of sky with a stern face from across the yard and Gorgug will spit out the name of whatever he's pointing at to the confusion or amusement of anyone he's currently with.
Riz falls asleep instantly if somebody sits near him with a blanket thrown on him
The crucial second component of this is Riz has to first be kindof sleepy and it cant be just anybody. Throw a blanket on a rogue unexpectedly and you're liable to suddenly be in a lot of pain and with a shredded blanket. If a friend sits next to him with a blanket on THEIR shoulder and offers a spot underneath it with them he's gone within four seconds once he accepts the offer.
Cooking headcannons
Gorgug can cook, he parents taught him when he was still (relitively) small. He cooks a lot of his own meals because its often a LOT of food and he doesnt want to bother his parents all the time (he still doesnt cook quite enough, which is why he's so lanky in comparison to other half-orcs; he's chronically underfed but at least he gets all his vitamins).
Kristen is great with food that doesnt require heating, she makes amazing sandwiches and salads but the INSTANT heat is involved you need someone on standby with a fire-extinguisher. She will forget there's something cooking, it will boil dry/overcook/catch fire. She is banned from using the stove. Helios blessing was literally the only thing saving her corn-based dishes (literal divine intervention), and thats not really on the table anymore.
Adaine needed a lot of help initially in the kitchen because she had never ever used a cooking appliance before but once she's shown how she never forgets. She is not so great at 'cooking' but she is amazing at baking (which is practically wizardry in edible form fight me). Baking requires EXACT steps with EXACT measurements and EXACT cooking times. Cooking requires more flexibility and she cannot wrap her head around it (i cooked this steak for the same amount of time as the last one but it basically became shoe leather/was practically raw). Jawbone buys her a recipe book full of cookies and pastries and calls it her grimoire. She cries and keeps it tucked safely with her spellbooks, it never enters the kitchen lest it get dirty, any recipies she wants to make are copied down onto a sheet of paper like a prepared spell and taken with her when she wants to bake.
Riz's definition of edible does NOT match those of anyone else (though most of his meals consist of 1) coffee and 2) some sort of pre-made meal bar). He does cook for his mum if he gets home first though, and by goblin standards its actually pretty tasty. Goblins have mythril-stomachs though, and unless they're getting ACTIVLY poisoned they can eat just about anything (most food-born parasites cant survive in goblins anyway). It comes down to an argument of 'what do you MEAN you have to eat your chicken/pork well-done? i dont understand. You're fine with steaks being rare. why would you debone the fish/chicket the bones are the best part.'. Also the point where most food would be considered spoiled is well before the Gukgaks would be worried about it. If he's cooking for you, you just have to be specific and you'll be fine (he'll silently judge you for being picky, even while he carefully over-cooks the meat and cuts half the 'edible' parts off your vegetables).
Fabian is 100% banned from making ANYTHING. He made a sandwich inedible somehow, he was using the same ingrediants as EVERYONE ELSE. Kristin swears after casting detect evil and good on it that it was Infernal. Fig threw it through a portal to hell just in case.
Fig probably can cook, she just pretends she cant because its funnier that way. Her mother is a ranger, if anything she can probably make THE best campfire meals out of the whole squad but tells nobody and pretends to be totally clueless. One day while out on a mission the squad wakes up to a full fantasy-english breakfast cooked over a campfire including fresh bread and tea and Fig pretends that she has no idea where it came from even though she was the ONLY PERSON AWAKE.
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last-flight-of-fancy · 3 months
I would love to hear your trans alphinaud and lesbian alisaie headcanons or more about the subtext you see! Especially alisaie.
AHHH oh gosh i would love to answer!! Though I must admit that these are built from many (MANY) small moments across the whole game more than a few easily pointed at examples, which means its.. kind of difficult to pull up (and remember) all the evidence.
That being said, i do still have Many Thoughts about it :DDD
First off trans Alphinaud was set into my mind very early on by one simple fact: identical twins are almost always born the same sex. like almost invariably, with the very rare exceptions needing some wild extenuating circumstances. and you cannot tell me those two are fraternal.
now ofc this is fiction, and a fantasy world besides. who's to say the writers knew that particular fact? well good news! alphinaud presents a *lot* of other common trans experiances, which are scattered throughout the msq and optional side dialogue.
(shoutout to me for having the exact same thought four years apart before and after playing the game myself. i have absolutely no memory of the first post at all because i also have no memory of watching my partner play shadowbringers even though i definitely did. rare adhd memory loss win! i got to experiance my favourite thing for the first time twice!)
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post 1: dated 2019, talking about how alphinaud is extremely trans coded, being an identical twin of a different gender to his twin, cannot swim, is body shy and *extremely* hesitant about using public showers, and having interests that are traditionally coded as feminine in fiction.
post 2: dated 2023, the same thing but this time talking about how wonderfully alphinaud and alisaie are made to complement each other in opposite ways.
he cant swim: related to the body-shyness and hesitance around the showers, its VERY common for trans people to experiance these things due to dysphoria and societal perceptions. i myself started experiancing this (even though i LOVE swimming) when pubescence started to hit. (it sucks!) alphinaud was probably one of those ones who realised VERY early what he was (logic boy who is too dang smart for his own good) so he just.. never learned to swim at all. kept his nose buried in books instead.
traditionally feminine interests/abilities: sure it could be trope subversion, but personally i think theyre also things he just enjoyed before transitioning and thus continued to do.
and one more that i can remember off the top of my head: alisaie's reaction to estinian mistaking her for alphinaud.
"but alphinaud has no problem with being mistaken for-" let me explain, i swear it makes sense.
see, alphinaud is a little logic boy at heart, we know this. he knows he and alisaie share their features, that is simply a fact. alisaie though? alisaie is ruled by feeling, and reacts accordinly. most notably the Incident when she first meets estinian.
what i find especially interesting about this is that prior to that moment with estinian, neither of them appear to have much issue with their similarities. it's only after shadowbringers that alisaie reacts with such contempt
(probably not helped by her not liking estinian much in general lol)
what this says to me is that some time before or during ShB, alphinaud told alisaie that the way people mistake him for her does bother him, but he can't blame them for the mistake considering the circumstances, so he just doesn't mention it.
alisaie however can and will blame them and thus the next time someone mixes them up (rip estinian) she EXPLODES. because it's not about her. if it was about her i honestly dont think she would care nearly as much. but it's about her brother, and how dare you hurt her brother's hidden feelings by not being able to tell them apart.
(completely seperate headcanon but i do think that estinian is faceblind as fuck, which means he never stood a chance on this one, poor guy)
okay now for lesbian alisaie <3
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what WAS it that thancred said about battle scars and maidens? and whyfor are you thinking about this alisaie? :3
also: Tesleen.
also also: Emery (A Malm in her Shoes short story)
fr tho alisaie pays attention to and talks about girls a lot. in a way she never does about boys. bringing up my complementary opposites wrt the twins thought from before, it honestly could've been another way the writers COULD have done that, having alisaie attempting to impress boys with her athletic skills the same way alphinaud tried to impress girls with his artistic ones (something he is teased about repeatedly). like the absence of this potential parallel is almost suspicious tbh...
once again, any one of these things in isolation is probably simply a choice in writing, but all these things together spell out to me one thing: alisaie likes girls. exclusively.
(im sorry you wanted lesbian alisaie thoughts more and i have less of that than the trans alphinaud ones, but if you come back in 3-5 years when i've finished my second msq run i will have compiled a far more complete list of evidence for both complete with screenshots, probably lol)
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ashton-sano · 1 year
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Souma in: Going Grocery Shopping
(Char. Involved: Sōma Yukihira, Akira Hayama, Takumi Aldini, Eishi Tsukasa)
(Thank you so much for 40 notes! Here's another one for you guys. Sorry i couldn't do a short story for these but take some headcanons my dears.)
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Sōma Yukihira
-Usually you cant take him anywhere because he causes an issue in which you have to be asked to leave (much to your despair)
-The grocery store is probably the only place you two can go without much problems
-May or may not be sneaking ingredients that werent on your list into the shopping cart
"Oh? What do you mean there werent any Rice crackers and Salmon in the cart before? I'm certain you put them in."
-Will asked to be pushed in the cart around the aisles
-If he ever gets lost, find him in the Frozen Dessert aisle, he loves it there for whatever reason
"C'mon Babeeee. Just one more tub of Ice cream.....Yes i know we already have 4 tubs already. Your point is?"
-However if you were shopping for a food war/cooking practice, he'd be very helpful
-Recommending ingredients, telling you the best flavor combinations from his experience, and slipping in a few personal items
-Overall, hes a massive child in the store so please hold his hand so he doesn't run off
Akira Hayama
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-A rollercoaster of emotions
-Its like stepping into a whole other world when you food shop with him
-He tends to find the items in the store "Sub par" and "Second rate" but always picks the best ones with his well trained sense of smell
"Why bother buying from these cheap stores when i have fresh spices and blends at home?"
-He'd swear he hates shopping with you but secretly enjoys the time he spends with you (Good luck getting him to admit it though)
-May subtly tease and feign ignorance when you need help reaching something at a higher shelf
"Hm? Cant you reach it on your own from down there?” -pause- “Whats that look on your face for?"
-On rare occasions, he'll hold your hand when you go together
-He swears its just so that you dont get lost but you know better
-To be honest, its just less of a arduous task if you just go by yourself
Takumi Aldini
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-One of the most normal ones on this list if we're being honest
-Its just a calming and sweet time through and through
-He's usually the one to ask you to go with him but will flush when you ask why
"Dont be silly, I just thought you'd want to pick up some things for your upcoming food war, thats all."
-Will never leave you on your own in the store since he loves spending time with you more than he'll admit (his face gives him away)
-He'll push the cart and carry your bags like a gentleman
"How could you even say that, Il mio amore? As if id let you carry them when you already paid."
-An absolute god at picking vegatables for some reason
-His background in the restaurant business definitely plays a part
-In the top 3 (And not three) guys you should always bring when you're shopping
(New!) Eishi Tsukasa
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-A walking beige flag when it comes to shopping
-You either love it or want to rip every single hair from your body with tweezers
-Hes not loud or causing a disturbance but hes micro managing and nitpickjng everything
"Thats the one you chose?" "Uhp, I wouldnt go with that one."
-Its better to just let him do everything because he'll make you feel stupid no matter what move you make (even though thats not his intention)
-He means well but lets be honest, you just arent on the same page very often in terms of shopping
"I apologize dear but you know im particular. I dont mean to hover."
-If you have no filter and tell him to cut it out, he'll immeidiently draw back into himself at your blantant rejection
-His more awkward side will show and he will mumble endless strings of apologies
-Just be ready to put up with this weird snowflake
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ezras-left-thumb · 1 month
I've been neglecting this blog for a stupid amount of time so here is (my) guide to the ninja's ages throughout my fic.
These are entirely my headcanons btw, fight the wall because my fic my rules.
Spoiler warning below the cut! (I'm saying "era" because I don't have a chosen name for these times that the seasons cover.) ((Also, if you cant be bothered to read the multitude of paragraphs I've written, scroll to the very bottom and there will be a rounded-up since-digit list of their average (?) ages throughout the fic.))
Prologue/prequel chapter: Rayne ran way when she was around 10, 10 and a half-ish. She's on her own for around 4 years.
Rise of the Snakes–LOTGN Era: She's around 14, whilst Lloyd is 10. (He's then aged up to 13-ish with the Tomorrow's Tea.) Kai and Jay are both halfway through 15, though Jay is two months older than Kai. Cole and Zane (though he is a robot) are both around 16. Nya is 13.
Rebooted Era: My personal theory is that 5-6 months passed in this time since everyone got accommodated to a new lifestyle, which makes everyone about half a year older. Lloyd and Nya are almost 14, Jay is almost 16. Rayne is 14 and 6 months.
Tournament of Elements Era: About 7 months later, Kai and Jay are 16, Zane is almost 17, Rayne is almost 15 and Lloyd and Nya are around the 14 and 3-4 month range.
Possession era: Personally I just think it makes it all the more sad if Lloyd and Rayne weren't given a lot of time to grieve, so only about a month has passed since the end of Chen's tournament. Rayne turns 15 the day Lloyd gets possessd by Morro (yikes), Cole is almost 17, Zane is freshly 17, Lloyd and Nya are halfway through 14.
Skybound didn't happen in this timeline for a multitude of reasons. RIP.
Hands of Time Era: Not much time has passed so I'd say they're all around the same age as Possession, just a month or two older.
Sons of Garmadon era: AKA my FAV EVER season. Ily the Oni Trilogy. Anyways, I like it in canon when they said a year has passed since Krux and Acronix, so I stuck to that. Everyone is like a year and a month older. Cole and Zane are 18, Kai and Jay 17, Lloyd and Nya are halfway through 15 and Rayne is freshly 16.
Hunted Era: Basically the same ages as SoG because this took place over a week or so.
March of the Oni era: I'd say only a month or two has passed before this happens, so everyone is two months older.
Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu Era: 6-7 months passed between S10 and now, so that means they're all just a little bit older. Cole and Zane are well on their way to 19, Kai and Jay are almost 18, Lloyd and Nya are both freshly 16 and Rayne is 16 and eight months.
Prime Empire also didn't happen because. um. we all know why.
Rayne's OC season with a yet-to-be-disclosed name: I'd like to think 3 or so months passed since the ninja returned from the Never Realm so Zane is allowed to heal a little bit from that psychological trauma. So everyone is a few months older.
Master of the Mountain Era: A month and a half has passed since the end of Rayne's OC season, which means Kai and Jay are now 18, Lloyd and Nya are a few months into 16, Rayne is turning 17 in a few months and Zane is very very close to 19.
The Island/Seabound Era: Only two months passed from MotM until now, so they're all just a little bit older. Zane is 19 and Cole is two months behind, Rayne is about to turn 17 and Lloyd and Nya are 16��.
Crystallised Era: Canon dictates that a year passed but I will not be chained down by ink on paper, so I say a year and a half for extra tragedy. Everyone is estranged and distanced from each other. Still grieving. Lloyd is 18 (Nya would be 18. She technically is, since I hc that when she comes back she aged.) Cole and Zane are over 20, Kai and Jay are both 19½ish. Rayne is 18 and like 5 months.
Dragons Rising: Now this is where the fandom is torn. I personally think that 4-6 years have passed since Crystallised and the Merge, but I like to lean more towards the 4-5 range. Cole and Zane are 25ish, Kai and Jay are now 24½, Rayne is 23 and a bit and Lloyd and Nya are both halfway through 22.
I hope that was comprehensible lol. For those of you who scrolled and didn't read through the whole bloody essay that I wrote:
Rise of the Snakes–Legacy of the Green Ninja: Kai, Jay: 15 Cole, Zane: 16 Rayne: 14 Lloyd: 10 Nya: 13
Rebooted: Kai, Jay: 15 Cole, Zane: 16 Rayne: 14 Lloyd, Nya: 13
Tournament of Elements: Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane: 16 Rayne: 14 Lloyd, Nya: 13
Possession: Kai, Jay, Cole: 16 Zane: 17 Rayne: 15 Lloyd, Nya: 14
Hands of Time: Kai, Jay: 16 Cole, Zane: 17 Rayne: 15 Lloyd, Nya: 14
Sons of Garmadon–March of the Oni: Kai, Jay: 17 Cole, Zane: 18 Rayne: 16 Lloyd, Nya: 15
Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu–OC Season: Kai, Jay: 17 Cole, Zane: 18 Rayne, Lloyd, Nya: 16
Master of the Mountain: Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane: 18 Rayne, Lloyd, Nya: 16
The Island & Seabound: Kai, Jay, Cole: 18 Zane: 19 Rayne, Lloyd, Nya: 16
Crystallised: Kai, Jay, Cole: 19 Zane: 20 Rayne, Lloyd, Nya: 18
Dragons Rising: Kai, Jay, 24 Cole, Zane: 25 Rayne: 23 Lloyd, Nya: 22
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squid-ink-symphony · 8 months
ok time to talk about my fav agent ships bcuz i am v normal (also i am a multishipper so i like a lot of stuff)
First off: 4 x 8!!!! my beloveds!!! and they were roommates! i see this sort of a mirror of pearlina in a way since 4 would show 8 around and 4 is also a chaos gremlin(but more competent than pearl in a lot of ways). and 8 rlly looks up to marina i think(pearl too ofc) and i like the idea of marina teasing her like "wow u also have a short squid gf?". also just like.. their dynamic is so everything to me. both of them are so gender like 4 is a boy who is kind of a girl. and 8 is a girl who is kind of a boy. do you see my vision? they are made for each other. and i can see them being like pearlina but in a new era since 8 doesnt have to worry about telling 4 shes an octoling. so both of them can get to know each other and share their cultures in a way that pearl and marina couldnt up until post octo expansion. just like THE PARALLELS OK???? and i dont just like them cuz i also like pearlina. i like them for their own unique dynamic. they just fit together so well. i think they compliment each others strengths and weaknesses while also not being so different that they cant get along.
next: 3 x neo 3. i thought 4 x 8 was underrated... but this??? ig its just cuz 3 has more popular ships and neo 3 is so new. i know a lot of ppl view them more as a mentor situation w neo 3 being much younger. but in my mind i just cannot picture the agents hanging out w 3, 8, and 4 all being late teens/early 20s and then just..... 16 yo neo 3.. it does work sometimes if u view them as like a younger sibling or just the younger one of the group. or even just like.. there. i can see them as an apprenitce of sorts to 3. and thats cool and all but since im not that young and i project on my agents when i play as them in my mind neo 3 is in the 17-19 range. but i see them as 18 specifically. so 18 yo neo 3 and 21 yo 3. and in my mind 3 is kinda silly(have u seen them in splat1?) but trying to be professional and takes a look at neo 3 w all their terrible looking ripped up clothes and questionable hygiene and scavenger swag and goes "how could i not be attracted to that?". and 3 tries not to show it cuz like.. this is their new recruit??? and yet 3 finds themselves going easy on neo 3 andbeing rlly sweet. and callie or marie catches on and probably teases them about it in private. and callie tries to play matchmaker or see if neo 3 likes 3. and on the other end..... neo 3 is probably distracted when they first meet 3. but when they are taking a break at the camp hanging out w lil buddy they finally notice 3. and neo 3 finally takes a look at them. and its like?? not love at first sight like it was w 3. but neo 3 likes them. no offense to agents 1 and 2, but neo 3 immediately lowkey distrusted them since they looked too "pristine" if that makes any sense? so neo 3 sees 3 and is like!!! !!!!! this is my new bestie!!!! and starts becoming attached to 3. and so neo 3 comes to bother 3 at their seat and talk to them and 3 gets so flustered but doesnt show it and only 1 and 2 can tell. and they continue to poke fun at 3. and lowkey try to hint to neo 3. but neo 3 is a brick wall when it comes to sublety. but then eventually they realize they like 3. so they gather a bunch of cool rocks and shiny things off the floor and walk up to 3 and go "here take this and also please be my partner" and 3 is so in love. and they flirt constantly and both of them hate taking showers and have to be reminded to . and also little buddy is their new child (jokingly. i see lil buddy as neo 3s younger sibling) i can see neo 3 coming up to 3 and flirting w them and 3 flirting back and them getting distracted and aro marie coming in to jokingy make fun of them and tell them to get back to work. and when the rest of the agents meet neo 3 they would jokingly get mad that neo 3 gets special treatment from 3.
anyway.... also 3 x 4 x 8 x neo 3..... it is a top tier poly ship. all of them. i think 3, 4, and 8 would get to know each other and date after octo expansion takes place. and then when 3 has to deal w splat 3s story mode they meet neo 3 and fall in love and they meet back up w 4 and 8 and is like yooo..... uhh... what if i just.... expanded the polycule? and the other 2 were like ur literally so swagless (but we love u) how did u do that? and then 3 brings out neo 3 and the other are just like.... oh god theres another one. anyway i think they would get along w neo 3 too and maybe end up dating them as well
ALS MY MOST OBSCURE SHIP YET 4 x neo 3. this one is so good, like both of them are chaotic and goofy. yet 4 is a nerd and neo 3 is probably a war criminal. so like.. opposite sides of the insanity spectrum. they would hang out and neo 3 would ask how bombs are made and 4 would explain it thinking its just curiousity and then look over to see neo 3 contrusting a bomb out of everything around them. and its not like neo 3 is dumb. they are also smart just like.. not in a geeky book smarts way like 4 probably is. more like ... idk how to describe it but different? anyway their dynamic would be SO good. you just have to trust me on this.
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vendetta-if · 1 year
HI WKJA';L;P.L';EWFLKFDS.;; its the same idiot who asked whether it was okay to post my sequel mc so ummm- here am i in all of my glory (and by glory i mean repulsiveness 💔) i unfortunately lost the drawing i had of my sequel mc so for now use your imagination while i try to find it 💀 but anyways- my sequel mc's name is Rei :D (he/him) he is mixed in terms of ethnicity but he does have some Scottish blood inside of him 😎 REI'S APPEARANCE: ➭ clothing style: cutesy and pastel coloured clothing (he also has an obsession with overalls <3) ➭ height: gremlin (short, 5'4) ➭ eye colour: hazel ➭ skin colour: rosy ➭ hair texture + colour: strawberry blonde and wavy ➭ hair length: shoulder length
»»————- ★ ————-««
FACTS ABOUT REI: ➭ loves to put colourful stickers on literally everything he owns (motorcycle, phone, motorcycle helmet, etc C:) ➭ pranks his family at every time the opportunity presents itself (luka, jackal, and his older brother 😋) " DAD 1 AND DAD 2 HOLY SHIT SEND HELP I ACCIDENTALLY DROPPED MY TACO BELL CRUNCH WRAP SUPREME AND NOW THERE'S BIRDS IN MY ROOM " *proceeds to sneak up behind them and dump a bucket of feathers covered in maple syrup when they enter his room* ➭ frenemies with ash and rin (context; rei is ridiculously overprotective of my other mc, remedy / remi) ➭ an actual menace to society ➭ loves to wear loose fitting / baggy clothes (because it makes him look cool with his clothes flapping everywhere when he zooms on his motorcycle and get chased by the police for going over 200 mph) ➭ i would say he would be crushing HARDLY on santana and skylar and cries because he cant choose but i dont even know if they are both ROs in the sequel 😭 (totally because i dont want the two of them to feel left out because i love the four ROs in the main story 💦) ➭ has an unhealthy obsession with exploding things (he wants a grenade launcher for his birthday) ➭ loves to fight on vehicles (by that he means shooting at his enemies while riding his motorcycle because he feels like john wick in a michael bay action movie) ➭ stubbornly believes that he makes the best waffles and refuses to use the waffle maker because he, and i quote: " I CAN MAKE BETTER WAFFLES THAN A GODDAMN STENSIL " (though everytime he forces someone to try it they end up vomiting because it's overcooked to oblivion - which he covers it up by putting unholy amounts of whipped cream and sprinkles) ➭ loves to bother his dads and brother for attention and affection every time after he completes an assasination (he likes getting showered by compliments and receiving strawberry milkshakes from his family) ➭ may or may not have a depressing past before getting adopted ✨ »»————- ★ ————-«« anyways i think thats all i have for rei so far- SORRY ABOUT THIS CESSPOOL OF CRINGE BY THE WAY 🤡
Ayy, hi, hi! ☺️👋 Thanks for sharing your Sequel MC!
Always love little gremlins 🤭 The big brother will have even more of a blast teasing short MC.
RIP to both Ash and Jackal for the pranks, though💀 But they would still love and be proud of Rei ☺️ And aww, Rei being protective of your Vendetta MC is so sweet 🥹
Fight on vehicles though 🤭 I might or might not have plans for that in the sequel 😏 As for MC’s past, Luka and Jackal adopted MC when they were still very little, so there might not be too many memories that your MC could even remember before being adopted 🤔
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having incoherent thoughts actually
(mostly a small collection of everything I can discern that gives us insight into sherb and raes relationship as children)
(also known as a long post about c!sherbert and Rae and siblings-)
(Also also known as mildly incoherent long post time that it just word vomit and stringing along thoughts-)
so like. Going through the notes in order, at the end of notes 1 there is the hint that Sherbert maybe isn't the best older sibling, with the '-lled me stupid because I got her name wrong'
do I Uh. Have to go through notes 2? Do I. Do i.. cause. Cause that was pretty fuckin shitty. There's nothing I can say that will excuse that Or what they said to him. I get stress and everything going on, but I'm not sure there is an expectation for that. Sherbert shouldn't have done that, and was obviously not being a good older bother in this moment.
first entry of notes number three that we can see (post notes 2, and presumably post sherb ripping it up) talks about sherb saying that they shouldn't go into Isla room anymore. With the addition of the fact the both of them won't have sleepovers in there anymore. Sherbert couldn't have cared that little about him, if they had sleepovers presumably fairly regularly in their mothers room.
Just. Sherb calling Rae weird. (Entry 9 that we can see) which. Might just be a sibling thing, but ┐(゚~゚)┌
Entry 11 that we can see, Sherb caught Rae sneaking out, Rae says they're going to tattle. That they always do. Gives the impression that sherb just wants rae in trouble for one reason or another. (However, my dad likes to tell us that tatting is okay if someone at risk at getting hurt. Sneaking out isn't exactly harmless. On the other hand, we don't know what the other events they've tattled about, so I cannot say if this was a concerned older sibling tattle or a needing and wanting a younger sibling to get in trouble tattle.)
Entry 12 of notes 3, and '-eld notes' both reference rae questioning something that someone (presumably sherbert, as said person is referred to with they/them) else presumably doesn't believe, saying that it was made up. Which. Maybe listen to your sibling when they say they've seen/heard/experienced someone?? I don't know, it doesn't seem like Sherbert believed mush that Rae said. (It is important to note entry 12 was labeled a day after entry 11.)
Also in '-eld notes' "we can't get it to stop" in reference to their eye implies they were both trying to get it to stop. What Rae said today on stream pushes doubt on the idea that Sherbert wanted that help.
(I. Going on a side tangent about the eye and the eye patch and sherb throwing it away and laughing at Rae trying to help and Rae being upset. Um. Okay. So um. As the older sibling you are. Expected to be the one younger siblings lean on when your parents are busy or when your parents cant or they're unavailable or or or. And with that, you're expected to really only need help from either, a, your parents, or b, another older sibling (who is older than you). now sherbert didn't have any of those. they're without fable. Without Isla. (Without anyone above you, these are just 'expectations' you set for yourself.) They are the older sibling, they're not supposed to need help from their younger sibling. Sometimes you don't want help from your younger sibling. The eye thing must've hurt and they must have been very stressed about it on top of everything else, and and and. The laugh could've been something bitter. It also could have not. Them throwing the eyepatch away could've been them hold themself to "expectations" they dont have to, not thinking theyvneed their younger siblings help. (not wanting it.) We don't know, we weren't there, but also just. I don't know if that moment was sherbert being a shity older sibling or sherbert being a worn out done with the world (still kinda shitty because they didn't explain why) older sibling. Dont know. Just. Side tanget.)
(Rae being upset about it is perfectly valid. He has his right. I'd be upset to if my older sibling was hurting and I tried to help and they wouldn't let me and they laughed at me because how dare I try to fix something and how dare i try to care about them. I'd very very upset.)
Side tangent over. Alone together. Alone together. This book haunts my dreams /vvpos. Do I take it at face value? Do I look further into it? I don't know. So. This is mostly just. Quotes I'm pointing out because how do I take them after that lore today? I don't know-
So, first, "masking their disappointment as they put on a forced smile for the boy beside them."
This too, "In spite of every disagreement and struggle, their bond was unlike any other." Implying that despite everything priorly mentioned, they were still close.
And. And this. ""Rae, I'm glad I have you""
Also all the memories fable showed sherb and Rae the two of them seem. Really close. Rae clinging to sherbert and sherbert talking very gently to Rae.
Also. Also that one message in spoilers about sherb and the corruption and how its probably very similar to how a younger sherbert acted and heyhays response. that too. Actually-
And. That's. All I'm looking for right now. I'm sure there's more and yall are very free to add on and correct me (please please do correct me if I made a mistake) I'm being very incoherent and just having older sibling vs. younger sibling thoughts right now, so I'm not sure if any of this makes sense-
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okthatsgreat · 1 year
Pulled an allnighter and read opddmh in one sitting and man definetly one of my favourite fics of all time. Such an enjoyable fic I had an absolute blast reading it
Two questions
One, would fanart be okay?
Two are there any tidbits about ryoma that you can share? I'm rlly curious about him and his issues seem a little more subtle [? I think that's the right way to put it], as he's a quiet guy and mostly trying to rein in Mr. Wanderlust over there as of current. (Also can't wait to put him and Kirumi in a room together and see how it all folds. They're two sides of the same coin, both tied to duty I different ways (what ends you'll reach by trying to fulfill it, and who'll you'll become in the absence of it) and their similarities are thrown into even greater light by the two of them trying to protect/rein in/caretake in a way, of a another escaped contestant stuck in deep denial.)
^ got a little carried away there, sorry. I hope you have a lovely day :D
ill chat a bit more about ryoma under the cut >:]
ryoma is suchhhh an interesting guy to consider in a postgame setting.. and i love writing for him <3. he's mentioned before in the fic that he felt the "most prepared" out of all of them when he emerged into reality, because he had so little to lose. while everybody else had families and backstories that were all ripped away from them, ryoma has already had to experience that and had grown placated over the years, which leads him to being a lot less shell-shocked now. if anything, it's an even FURTHER reminder of what he DOESN'T have.
while writing ryoma i always keep in the back of my mind that deep down he is very scared of being hopeful. theres definitely a part of him that knows he could potentially have family out there, family that he had forgotten with the flashback light, but he just flat out refuses to even let himself get excited about that gfhdsjgk. he is NOT willing to go through that heartbreak again, which is also why he is so adamant on staying with rantaro-- he knows what it's like to lose everything and he KNOWS that rantaro is about to experience that full on despite rantaros best efforts to prove him wrong. ryoma is somebody who really tries to keep people at arms length, but he finds himself unusually attached to rantaro primarily due to their shared circumstances. which of course isnt to say that there isnt tension-- the both of them are still pretty irritated with the other for their own reasons lmfaooooo-- but despite it all ryoma isnt willing to abandon rantaro at a time of need. he's moody but he doesn't make a lot of his internal struggles known!!!! half because he doesnt want to bother akane more than he feels he already is and half because he's still trying to dismantle the "brooding tough guy" character arch type that danganronpa has shoved him into lmaoooo
i cant wait for him to have more moments with kirumi .... both of them are being forced into positions of caretaking due to guilt. kirumi feels it is her duty to protect angie not only as an apology for giving her an escape route from the hospital in the first place but ALSO she wants to repent for her actions in the simulator (which ended up being totally for nothing considering she isnt the prime minister lol). ryoma feels its his duty to stick by rantaro when the ball finally drops mostly because he is one of the only people from season 53 that already knows what it feels like to lose everything. theyre both sooooo RUOGGUGHGU i cant wait to write more GODDD
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sentofight · 3 months
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ooc. this always makes me sad because m.achina always viewed himself sort of inferior to class zero. even though if you look at the stats of the whole class, machina does not ever fall behind them that much. I mean look.
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second to highest HP after Nine.
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MP he is fourth!
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Attack/ strength he is Third! (technically this would probably bother him as fuck because the two who are stronger for him are not 'conventionally looking strong' you know. jack is the haha hehe guy. cinque is the eeeh~ so nano~ girl and that pisses him off like YOU GUYS ARE NOT TAKING THIS SERIOUS GDI! shoutout to poteighto for being 4th lmao)
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Same defense same offence, third. a balanced guy if you ask me.
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bats eyelashes at deuce twinning the fire magic wehehe Second for fire! Kind of ...foreshadowing the Phoenix motif of rebirth a little bit hahahaahahaha aahahahaha ahahahaha FROM ASHES HE RISE--technically miss arecia was like mm oke wake up bitch.
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Ice magic is behind at 4th and ... looks to the side you know you know. you know you know. winks.
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We're crying in the club twining with Sice at 3rd sobs for lighting magic. Listen, i wish the game had more chances for the cadets to interact more. like the break time before missions, wish it had more options for you to spend the time with each other. Machina and Rem deserved more chummy chummy time with their classmates--at least Rem more since Machy was doing the emo dont wanna be your friends blegh attitude. smh.
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the lowest stat is his magic defense ...remembers that time when he got barbequed by Celestia's summon lol
so, in a way machina shouldn't feel 'less' than class zero yet he does. the thing that makes you go angry and feral is that he could've been just fine if it weren't for the meddling of adults. 1)arecia fucking up rem's health condition 2) consortium of eight fight arecia through striking a 'deal' [aka use him] with machina to spy on C0 and tell him all about izana's death 3) consortium of eight literally blackmailing him with rem's safety and her well-being 4) honestly fucking fight me but kurasame not actually noticing the deal with machina like bruh you are the captain sir he is being blackmailed sir help him YOU SEE YOURSELF IN HIM, RIGHT ? HELP HIM 5) fucking arecia man just arecia making every thing easier for him to fall into despair 6) yall khalia if you think about it he fucked up real time for allowing things to go under his nose like that 7) his previous class captain. idc if they dont care about him even tho he moved class then are you really a good captain???? 8) i know i will fight myself for this but ...izana. even if machina said dont talk to me does not mean he should give up on talking to his little brother .. if anything, had izana been insistent on his little brother a lot of things wouldn't have affected him.
listen, i won't say it is entirely izana's fault, machina is an idiot and he kept pushing izana's attempts but think about it who is the older? who should know that he is handling a traumatized child? machina was never out of that house ... believe it or not, he is still in that house trapped with many milites soldiers aiming their rifles at him and rem. he saw a woman die--who is she? his mother but he cant remember her. he only remember "Izana" where are you ? ...save me. rip me.
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twistedyapping · 4 months
when did we lose empathy
i just saw a tiktok of someone letting a jumping spider go free outside their house into one of their plants with that little spider poem thingy on it yknow-
the "im sorry for scaring you, i didnt know it would cost me my life" one- and i love those videos so much they almost make me cry man-
i scroll thru the comments and i saw ppl saying stuff like "the spider is NOT thinking that" or "spiders dont have a consciousness bro 💀" And im like. heartbroken.
it reminds me of that cant help myself art piece with the robot constantly having to clean up after itself but it just gets worse and worse until it literally cant help itself and it just stops working-
i saw so many people just not getting that and instead mocking it and the people that did actually feel something from it to the point where it became one of tiktok's many regurgitated comments- "it looks so tired".
the point of both of those things, the poem and the art piece, is to help us understand that all life is precious- it's to make you Feel something.
i genuinely have a hard time believing that people can look at a spider and think nothing other than "enemy" or "disgusting" and kill it with no remorse.
what's worse is i didnt use to be like this- i used to be scared of spiders or thought they were gross like everyone else did- but then sometimes there would be one spider in the corner of a room that was just chilling, he wasn't hurting anybody and he was killing off other pests- they would get a name and i usually wouldnt be bothered by them.
that was when my exceptions started- and then some spiritual awakenings later and i found out they were my spirit animal, and ever since then i just keep working on it and trying to become less and less scared of them and now it's at the point where i might be a Little unnerved, but i could probably hold a tarantula in a controlled environment.
and even now like ofc i understand looking at a bug of some kind and thinking it's gross, i have my enemies of the bug world, but spiders are not one of them.
"the spider was NOT thinking that" ya but he was probably hoping he didn't die. every critter on the planet has a basic "i hope i dont die" instinct, even if it's not an actual word for word thought. it can be a feeling, or just a motivation to do something to get out of harm's way.
And for the cant help myself thing, that shit made me cry a while ago dude genuinely- "its programmed to do that" Ok and??? why do we need standards for empathy??? more importantly, why does an art piece that is Supposed to evoke emotion, not make you feel anything?
you're not fucking cool or different for being like "it's just a Thing, it's just a robot, it cant actually feel anything 😂", you're not macho or tough for not being able to see the depth in metaphors. you're fucking miserable.
and i will say that i am fully aware that this is most likely a more sensitive topic for me because i was around people who lacked even basic Cognitive empathy for a LONG time and that shit fucking changes you. that shit makes you feel like you shouldnt have emotions or empathy because it's "being weak" or stupid, emotionally immature, pathetic, etc.
so you start acting like someone scooped out your amygdala and you have never felt a single emotion in your life. you start lacking empathy and being bitchy towards people who dont deserve it, and then you come back like 3 years later after you've relearned the process of emotion just to apologize for how you treated those people because now you're fully aware that they never did anything to you (true story unfortunately.)
these fucking people will rip out any sense of importance or emotional significance out of your life because you're vulnerable and you want nothing more than to find people to fit in with.
But if you wanna fit in, you're gonna have to be fucking insufferable.
i was there for Most of my life, until i couldn't take the misery anymore and cut ties with every single one of those people over a long and arduous process because i was still developing a sense of self along the way.
after i did that, i basically had to put myself in a little rehab center inside my head and give myself almost constant therapy on how to actually let myself feel emotions and how they're completely normal- i had to relearn empathy from my mom- she had no active part in it, she just displayed it way more than i did at the time so i managed to pick up on it and make it an active process in my life once more.
i still, to this day, struggle with understanding that experiencing things like sadness isn't weakness. it's vulnerability, yes, and i cannot bring myself to believe that it's a display of strength yet, but i believe that not letting people trample you and kick you down into that state of depression is the strength itself, even if your voice has to crack while you tell them to go fuck themselves.
All this lore to say that i dont know when or where it started being cool to say shit like "animals dont have a consciousness" or SOMETHING like that in public. it was always a shitty friend group thing for me, ive never truly seen it in public especially en masse like this.
and it pisses me off. you dont have to be crying every 2 seconds to be cool, but you dont have to be a fucking dipshit loser that has no empathy to be cool either.
what gets me the most is these people just subscribe to what's "cool", they don't find who THEY really are- im not saying that if you follow trends, you should be in a psych ward. im saying that if ALL YOU DO is follow in other people's footsteps, you should probably do some soul searching.
and i could ofc be fighting invisible demons here, this could be a much smaller problem compared to what ive seen, but it's still a problem.
my bad this shit just pisses me off because i see people clearly being trapped in the hole that i managed to climb out of a while ago, and i wanna help them out but i know i cant for several reasons, so it's like. Fuck.
anyway ya that's abt it i just needed to yap for a second. see ya.
- 🌙 -
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karatecaulfield · 2 years
Hey I hope your going to have a good day!
I was wondering if you could ship me with someone from Stranger Things (Pref a boy)
I am a female korean who is 4'11 (im not a child i swear just short ) I have black shaggy medium length hair. It's kinda like a wolf cut but with a side part. I have pale skin and wear black circle glasses. I'm about 98 pounds and pretty small ahem chest area. Also a Pisces.

I normally wear baggy clothes sorta vintage/goblincore style its hard to explain. My normal wear is a baggy dark sage green shirt with a black long sleeve under it. With baggy ripped jeans and black worn out converse. No makeup on this face except cherry chapstick.

I'm a shy distant person and very awkward at first. But get to know me i can be sorta funny and goofy. Also a bit weird i try not being to annoying or bother some so thats why sometimes im distant. I tend to over think things and my relationships with people. I have major social anxiety and ADHD well im not that hyper anymore but still i space off, get distracted, forget alot of things, and cant sit still sometimes. I have mommy issues and im very insecure about myself. Also my scars from things on my body. Im often a target for bullying and im pretty clumsy.  Can be oblivious and childish. I get flustered very easily.

Some of the things i like to do is drawing and painting. I also play video games a lot (im sorta a nerd). I love listening to music you can always find me with earbuds in. I mostly listen to vintage, indie, piano, metal, and rock. I play dnd still to this day i first did as a kid. I love reading comics or poetry. I love gardening well most of the time.

I can be such a hopeless romantic sometimes in my opinion daydreaming about my crush or people. I would be the type of partner to draw you stuff or make a playlist for you. I love cuddling, hugs, hand holding, and drawing on your hand if you let me. I always thinking of gifts to give my partner when i have one.
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Jonathan Byers! I feel like he would be really drawn to your aesthetic and overall vibe. Anyone that’s not afraid to embrace things out of the norm is someone he would love to be with. He understands the shyness you convey to others but wants nothing more than to see what you’re like behind closed doors. Jonathan would be so understanding of a neurodivergent s/o because I feel like he also has a lot of quirks that fall into that category. Whenever you’re feeling insecure or get too deep into your own head, he’ll play some music and try his best to get you back down onto earth. Words of affirmation is one of his love languages and he wouldn’t hesitate to let you know how loved you are.
A/N- thank you so much for the request anon! if it isn’t what you were hoping for feel free to request again <3
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svetlanagf · 3 years
okay so when i was a teenager and still living with my parents (this was like...2009? 2010?) my friends and i decided to decorate our rooms similarly, and one of the requirements was a magazine collage wall. so each of us covered one of our walls in photos ripped out from magazines. i added in other little trinkets like movie ticket stubs and drawings my friends had made me, etc., but the majority was pictures. i didn’t come out until 2013 but the wall was 99% just pictures of women, and my mom came in one day and looked at all of it and was like “ummm do you have something to tell us?” and i was like “...no?” because i quite literally didn’t comprehend how gay it looked. flash forward a week and i’d gone through every magazine in the house and pulled out photos of random male celebrities and stuck them up wherever i could in order to throw everyone off the scent (of my lesbianism). i really thought i was doing something. this is a long-winded way of me saying that i 100% get mickey putting up those random raunchy photos of women to throw people off 😅
LMFAOOOOOO no literally i avoided putting anything up in my room always for the same reason it was always just the white walls KJHFDSFK but omg macy ur twinning that’s so iconic of you 🏳‍🌈🚫 i genuinely don’t know if straight girls put up posters of men but you were on to something 😭
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spacexseven · 2 years
(2/4 sorry realized dazais was super long split it into two its 4 parts now) ur sooooooo right about dazai and this scenario SO right the fucking bastard probably does this to randoms for fun on the weekends. sidenote im going with mafia dazai for this just cuz he has more room to be Evil and i also dont think kunikida would allow ANY of these antics if he was there. warning hes gonna be SUUUPER mean i kinda softboy-ed aku but i cant bring myself to do the same to dazai </3
darling is just some civilian with ties to an enemy syndicate or works somewhere they need access to as an average employee with a convenient amount of security clearance, no one really that special on paper, and he’s pissed. he’s stuck with some no-name loser for the foreseeable future? how demeaning. this work is so beneath him as an executive, can’t he make one of his subordinates do it?
he’s amazing at the flirty coworker persona, and even BETTER at the loving boyfriend schtick. scarily so, when you consider that he spends a lot of his downtime thinking about how much you bore him and he cant wait to get rid of you. similar to what he does to chuuya in wan, every perceived slight you commit against him is put down to paper so he can get his appropriate vengeance when the time comes. you hummed and it got on his nerves, he’ll be sure to break  your jaw. you touched his hand today, for that he’ll rip your fingernails off one by one. stuff like that.
he starts to warm up to you as time goes on. the surefire way to dazai’s heart is to give him unselfish care. something as small as packing him something for lunch since he only eats crab out of a can; to something as big as nursing him through a drug or alcohol induced stupor after one of his many attempts on his own life. he wakes up the next morning clean, comfortable, and with a very minimal headache due to the cold washcloth you put on his head. why did you bother doing that?
yea i don't think ada dazai could do half these things and get away with it either so we'll stick to pm dazai!! i do have a question tho, can you find crab in a can? is it edible?? it sounds strange to me i only eat tuna (lol) out of a can...lol this got much longer than i planned for, sorry in advance!!
cw: yandere character, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, unhealthy relationships, toxic relationships, dazai is an asshole, mentions of violence and murder, manipulation, deceit, emotional abuse, jealousy, kidnapping, imprisonment.
ask continued: (3/4) good news: he’s attached now! at the hip! hes a little obvious, really. dazais always flirty, but now hes CLINGY. and JEALOUS. he seemed so Above being affectionate or possessive of you, before. much too self-confident, you supposed. but now you’re lucky if you can manage to get out of bed without having to escape the IRONCLAD GRIP hes got you in, and do NOT even get me STARTED on how he reacts to ANYONE so much as looking at you! you’re his! his his his his HIS! you both love each other, so you belong to one another! simple as that!
bad news: you have recently figured out that you shouldve been scared of him. of course, you find his little notebook, and something inside of you is SCREAMING at you to read it, and what you find shatters your view of him forever. you brushed off the really weird vibe you got from him initially, cuz he was so nice! attentive! you never really got attention like that from anyone before, it was all too easy for him to get you caught up. stupid stupid stupid. 
worse news: he notices, when you start to pull away from him. you’re making excuses not to see him, not to sleep in the same bed as him. you get all stiff when he gets too close to you, and you wont kiss him back. doesnt take him long to figure out what happened. takes him even less time to come up with a plan to make sure you cant run away from him. don’t be scared, he loves you so much! he’ll show you how sorry he is for saying all those mean things!
it's not like dazai was new to the whole leech-out-information-from-an-unsuspecting-victim-and-kill-them-after routine, but he definitely didn't like this part of his job. it's so terribly boring as compared to his go-to way of getting information (interrogations! torture! shorter and less effort needed!) it takes too much effort to make sure his target likes him enough to lower their guard around him and spoonfeed him the information he needs. it takes even longer to safely send back acquired information to the pm without anyone suspecting him to be the mole, and usually these missions take months if not years. he doesn't want to invest to much time in something like this, especially when he knows his target is the most boring person to walk upon this planet.
if he was assigned to the leader of some crime syndicate, or maybe the secret mastermind behind a revolution, or even a top-level military agent, he might find the thrill somewhat entertaining. after all, there's something quite wonderful in wrapping an untouchable person around his finger.
but you...
you were painfully ordinary. he understood why it had to be you, a somewhat 'regular' member of the ability group, trusted enough to have access to information that would be useful, but not too high up in the ranks. not to mention, you would eventually be moved up and allowed access into even more highly guarded secrets. if he didn't get to you now, he might never get you at all. if you were too important you'd never trust anyone, and you'd be too paranoid to let slip even seemingly unimportant details. it had to be you, and now.
and he was good at his job. he was charming but not suspiciously so, and not so well known that he would be identified. still, as he watched you before his infiltration had officially started, he realized that you were a fool. too trusting, too smiling, and far too friendly. even akutagawa would have been suited for this job, you wouldn't have suspected a thing. maybe you'd even like the whole grumbling outcast thing he had going on. but no matter how much he whined or complained or groaned, nothing was done about it. he was stuck with you until he finished the mission.
it was probably his hatred towards you that caused him to act so recklessly, and moving the relationship so quickly—from strangers to moving in together within a month. it wasn't hard to have you eating right out of his hand, with some saccharine smiles and soft looks, gentle stroking and—you practically had stars in your eyes. what a fool, he thought, ignoring how the softening of his eyes when you cheerfully ran into his arms happened somewhat naturally. you must have been desperate if you so eagerly accepted his sudden advances.
he still hated you, of course. he recorded your wrongdoings so he could unleash his fury later, when you were no longer of use. that time you ran your fingers through his hair, he swore to break each and every bone in your hand. and when you dragged him out on dates he planned out the appropriate punishment, same as when you touched him or kissed him or smiled up at him with so much warmth it made him sick—you made him sick, and you'd pay for that, eventually.
surprisingly, despite his overall sleazy and cruel demeanor—he never paid for dates (even though he was given the funds), and never bought you presents after the third one. he never initiated any physical affection, and straight up ignored your calls sometimes—after you were officially dating you still seemed to like him. you probably idolized him, after being starved of affection for so long. any crumb of affection he gave you, whether it was a fake smile or a stiff pat, you'd eagerly eat up. it was so pathetic he almost felt bad for you. even know, this relationship wasn't real, but you were a fool who thought you found love. not like this arrangement was anything you should be mourning.
were you hoping he'd turn back to the charming guy you met all those weeks ago? did you really have no clue that you fell in love with a lie? or maybe, you just couldn't comprehend someone using you. after all, you weren't very wealthy or connected to anyone influential. all you had was your job, and that was meaningless to most people. perhaps you thought he was most people, because it was so easy to get things out of you. at night, when the two of you were awkwardly lying down in bed, he just had to roll over, throw an arm around you and whisper into your ear, asking about your day. and then everything came pouring out. you weren't so stupid as to directly admit you worked for an ability organization, but the details were still correct. you'd tell him about the planning you had to do for a company event nearby, and just as you said, a week later the group he was targeting was there for something. it was so easy, now, to intercept all their plans. you were annoying but...somewhat useful.
and then...it happened.
dazai didn't realize there had been a last-minute change in plans. your group had come onto the meeting spot earlier than you had said they would be, and he was caught red-handed inside the building. to his surprise, you, without even stopping to consider his intentions, immediately shot up to defend him, excusing him saying that he probably just stopped by to visit you. your coworkers relaxed and slowly agreed. they, too, thought dazai didn't know about the 'company' you worked for, and thought he was just being a considerate boyfriend. it couldn't be farther from the truth, but he didn't care what they thought.
you saved him.
and it wasn't the only time, either. there were the times you've nursed him back to health after yet another one of his stupid stunts, the times you've waited hours for him to turn up for a date, complaining but never actually mad, the times you've made him something to eat, knowing he didn't care much about eating healthy. it infuriated him how genuinely selfless you were, even to an asshole like him.
you cared about him, like you cared for everyone else in your life, even though he knew he didn't deserve it. it was so nice, though, as much as he hated admitting it, to be cared for. to be looked after and loved genuinely despite his shortcomings. sometimes he wondered if you'd only love him more if he cleaned up his act. the more you smiled at him and gently nudged him awake and asked him if he ate and showed him things you thought he'd like, the more he realized he was getting a little attached to you.
and then, he came to a decision.
you were far too nice to him for him to just leave you to die after this mission. and you were far too kind to have such a terrible boyfriend. he could at least try to completely win you over now before you inevitably found out about his true intentions and then, you'd really hate him since he would have killed your friends. he decided you would stay with him, regardless of how the mission went.
he probably should have considered your confusion when your usually aloof boyfriend suddenly became a completely new person. you'd wake up and get ready to leave when an arm suddenly wraps around you and dazai whines at you about not leaving. whines! the same man who'd rarely say a word to you until breakfast was acting so...clingy all of a sudden, though you'd be lying if you said you hated it. suddenly your days were filled with constant kissing and an arm always around you, dazai showing up at your workplace more often to grab lunch with you and boldly flirting with you. sure, there was something quite terrifying about the way he glared at your coworkers, his eyes so blank it was eerie, but you forgot all about it once he snuggled into your neck and placed a kiss on your collarbone.
and then there was his insistence that you were being overworked when he normally wouldn't have cared what time you came home, as long as you did come home, going so far as to contacting your boss to demand you get more time off. of course, everyone laughed it off as your boyfriend simply being concerned for your health and your boss complied, shortening your hours and granting you a long overdue break. your life was just so perfect now. and to think you were worried about him wanting to break up. whenever you asked dazai why he was suddenly so expressive, however, he would only give you a vague answer about realizing it was unfair of him to let out his anger by treating you coldly and wanting to fix things. because, as he said so often, he loved you.
"nobody could love you as much as i do," he would say, "seriously, i think i could die in my love for you. you're everything to me and i love you so much."
maybe you should have noticed how...intense his feelings were then,
it all came crashing down one day when you saw a text on his phone—someone asking him to gather more information about the ability users in the group you were in. he wasn't supposed to know about that, and by the looks of it, he had been using you to steal intel the entire time. though you felt stupid now, you were more concerned about how you could put an end to it now, especially because you were in so deep with him. at least a while back you could have quickly ended things with him using the reason of being a terrible partner, but now, it would only raise suspicion with him and your coworkers. how were you to explain your boyfriend had been spying on you the entire time to anyone? what would they do to you, and worse yet, what was he planning to do to you once he had no use for you?
the only logical thing to do, in your eyes, was to slowly drift away and eventually break things off with him. his only source of information would be closed then, and you would be safe. the problem was, it was pretty much impossible to leave him. he was always by your side, held you tight as you slept, dropped you off at work and even knew all your friends. how were you supposed to explain to anyone that your boyfriend was going to kill you once he destroyed your group?
as you already figured out, dazai wasn't stupid. it was about time you found out, but now his plans had changed. no more killing you. he could keep you with him permanently now, after forcing you to quit. he didn't need your help anymore for the next part of the plan, which only required him to eradicate the group since they weren't willing to comply to the port mafia's demands. it wasn't like he expected you to sit down and hear him out after finding out he was sort of using you all along, but still, it hurt when you scowled at him and screamed at him. oh well. he could figure it out.
as he smiled down at your bound figure, your eyes wide at the blood soaking his coat, realizing what he had just done, he decided he would stop at nothing to convince you of how much he loved you.
really, he wouldn't trade this for the world.
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