#but on the other hand: it's for SCIENCE
charlemane · 1 year
i'm participating in a research study and, in order to provide the science overlords with more data, recently got a popular "fitness tracker" device and its attendant app. one of the things i do with this app is log the food i eat, while the device uses mysterious "calculations" behind the scenes to conjure a number for how many calories i burn.
if the amount of calories logged is less than the amount of calories "burned," the app calls this state of affairs "under budget." if the amount of calories logged is greater than the amount of calories "burned," this is referred to as "over budget."
and that's just so fundamentally and completely bass ackwards that it makes me want to SCREAM. leave aside for a moment the utility and health of counting calories at all (that's a whole other conversation; i personally am only doing this to give the nerds more numbers to crunch) and this still just... isn't correct. it's the opposite. calories are not something you have to "budget." calories ARE your budget. calories do not "cost" physical activity; physical activity costs calories.
food is how your body can afford to keep itself running. food funds everything you do. spending more calories than you put in is not "staying under budget." it's putting yourself in the red.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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+3 friendship with Jin Ling: He actively tries to dissuade you from further embroiling yourself in the homosexual allegations.
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Okay so now that the Black Swan story quest has officially dropped the lore that Sampo IS in fact a part of the Masked Fools, I think now is the best time for me to present to you my thoughts on what Sampo's fool's mask should be.
Bear with me now, this is going to sound stereotypical, but I have my reasons. I think Sampo's mask should be that of a black cat.
Aesthetically? Flawless. It will make his green eyes pop, go great with the blue hair, and gives the designers an opportunity to give in to the slutty punk goth aesthetic they were kind of already cultivating.
Thematically, I think this is very appropriate because black cats, while nowadays mostly considered to be "bad luck" were initially more about the change of luck. If a black cat crossed your path, your luck would be fated to change, whether for better or worse. As he says, where there is business, there is Sampo. People with cash will suffer because he will sell them junk. People in a bad situation can be taken right out of it by Sampo, but may have to pay a price. He brings luck and he takes it away with a clever word and a flick of the wrist. To a certain degree, encountering Sampo in the story has consistently been in line with this notion! We were having a good time exploring when we found him in the snow, and he got us into an altercation with the Silvermane Guards. Later when we were in a really bad pinch trying to escape Bronya and the guards, he whisked us away (along with Bronya, changing her luck in the process too). When we were in need of a guide to the surface willing to get us in touch with Serval? Sampo to the rescue. Trouble with stolen artifacts during the museum event? Sampo was at the source. Still need help at the museum? Sampo is your man. One can even argue that our luck turning sour on Penacony only started happening after encountering Sparkle disguised as Sampo which can count if you want. Either way, Sampo is a tricksy little creature and luck follows silently in his invisible footsteps.
Therefore I think black cat imagery suits him very nicely, especially with his whole slinking around through dark alleys and knowing the ins and outs of places and always carefully eluding situations that could end poorly. Probably has nine lives and claws to deal with anything he can't wiggle out of. Just as willing to steal scraps as he is to indulge in given treats. Terribly charming in that same way that cats who know they've caused you trouble are, making huge innocent eyes at you until you shoo them off with a sigh. Always capable of appearing when you least expect it and turning the whole situation on its head.
Point is, in my humble opinion, they need to give Sampo a black cat aesthetic for his Fool form because I think it is classic and fits him.
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
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| NTAs red carpet 2021 vs. Pride of Britain red carpet, 2023.
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hihello-idraw · 3 months
My indecisive ass can't choose what person to ship Kakashi or Naruto with so! Polyamory it is then!
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adhd-languages · 2 months
I often wonder how English distinguishing between “sentient pronouns” (he/she/they) and “inanimate pronouns” (it/its) affects our perception of the world.
I wonder if languages without this distinction foster more care towards the environment.
Animals and plants are usually referred to as “it”. Would we care for them more if we thought of them as sentient?
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snail--man · 11 days
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danny photo dump because i love him so much omg
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thursdayinspace · 2 months
i need an opinion on this please!
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goodfish-bowl · 11 months
Test #17 - Blood-Ectoplasm Analysis
Ectoberhaunt 2023 Day 17: Blood
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A unique reaction was noted when the sample was exposed to lights and energy charges of a certain frequency. This reaction was the activation of the ectoplasmic bonds within the sample, causing a change in color and nature, where the sample reacted more similarly to ectoplasm, that blood. While interesting to observe outside of the specimen, the experiment must be repeated with the subject itself to if the reaction also occurs intravascularly as well.
Ectoberhaunt 2023 Master Post
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stuckinapril · 7 months
how did u become this productive and academic and cool.. what age did u start..
Built this way babeyyyy
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disastersteps · 8 months
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casually giving julia a new look in the happy ending au ✌
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savage-rhi · 15 days
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lilac-melody · 4 months
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Do yall think that like Danny would read the fanfiction people write about him?
Cause I think he would avoid it at first but you know the saying curiosity killed the cat (or bragging killed the fenton. Hey they both get brought back)
Anyway so maybe hes just online, probably tumblr or twitter, and someone is posting a summary and a link. Oh that sounds neat sure lets check it out. Maybe he lets it go to his head in classic teenager style. Sam and Tucker think it’s weird but tbh Danny needs the win.
That or hes completely disgusted by it. He is a real person not some character to be fantasised about. Sam and Tucker tease him about it but totally agree that it’s super weird and gross. I mean people aren’t actively hurting anyone but Danny doesn’t go anywhere near the internet anymore, unless it’s to game and shitpost on twitter. Tucker probably made a huge program to help so none of them have to see the ship art. Again they arent bashing anyone but hes a kid and doesn’t wanna be traumatised anymore thanks.
Idk wtf in goingnon anouy buy it’s 735am and I am so tired but I need to be up a few more hours… wait does this oart go in th tags? Wheres am I
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queen-scribbles · 4 months
Would Tragen have any advice for, say, a little bothan with a very big heart who is struggling with her place as a Force Sensitive?
He has advice, mostly of the 'this is what works for me, I know it's not one size fits all, but hope it helps you, too' variety. ---
Biggest one is to find Your People. Who care about you and you care about them, who keep you grounded and help you have fun, who you trust. (It can be varying levels of trust; while Tragen would trust anyone from the SW crew to watch his back except Broonmark >.>, he has borderline blind faith in Vette, and Jaesa's the only one who knew the full depth of his not-a-Sithness, even before they were a couple. And not in a fight, he's extremely wary around Quinn and Pierce bc they're both Imperial loyalists.) Bonus points if there's at least one or two of them you can completely be yourself around.
It does take some soul-searching, but knowing what your morals are, and where your lines are for things you will always/never do. This will help with picking Your People, bc it informs who you want to associate with/trust, assuming the choice of association is up to you. Sometimes circumstances might make you cross one of those lines. You process it and move on, maybe talk it out with someone you trust. Drowning in guilt will only paralyze you and won't fix anything.
He's less sure of how much help he can be with the Force Sensitive part, since his connection is kinda mid; if she's toward an extreme he doesn't really have anything for helping to muffle or strengthen it. UM. Much as it's a stock line, meditation does help, at the very least with figuring out your limits and if there's a way to alter them if they don't let you do what you want to accomplish. (There's a reason he's Carnage Marauder/Infiltration Shadow spec; he's more about using the Force to amplify physical abilities when needed than relying on it straight-up) It's fine to not lean too heavily on the Force and trust more in physical abilities if you have something that's a special skill/focus of yours.
There's nothing wrong with enjoying the rush of a fight or the challenge of it, or any aspect of fighting aside from the hurting/killing part. He will think there's something wrong if you like that part, lol.😅(he's very aware of the necessity of hurting or killing sometimes, but he does not enjoy it at all. Seriously, Worst Sith Ever)
Trying to think of a happier note to end on and all I can come up with is he's always happy to talk or try to help her if she wants advice again, even if he feels he's not particularly good at it. ^^ He can be a trustworthy listening ear at the very least.
OH WAIT ALSO. Her big heart is a good thing. It's good to care about people, to enjoy life, and she should try her best to stay that way bc people like that are pure joy to be around.
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justplainsalty · 1 year
Cash Register Controversy
OK tumblr, poll time. This topic has caused unexpected and SIGNIFICANT disagreement in the friend group, divided families, etc, and now we need to know who is right. Both sides are disturbed at the other's way of life. There can be no compromise.
After you vote, kindly put your country/state/etc, your industry (food service? retail? ticketing? banking? something else?), and your handedness (left or right) in the tags, because we need to know how and why this schism exists in order to sleep at night.
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