#but more so what makes for a genuinely good story (aka conflict!!)
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teagrammy · 10 months ago
Just saw a (recommended) post cross my dash hoping Colin is going to be more upset about Pen “writing bad things about herself” than the actual tangible things she’s done to people… be fucking for real please
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ihaveforgortoomany · 5 months ago
What a Sonetto and Vertin "breakup" would look like (aka the Foundation finally forcing Sonetto to choose Vertin or the Foundation)
(Aka I will start throwing random fic ideas to people here in hope more fics are written for R1999, and because Im better at anaylsis than writing a coherent story with dialogue lol)
A running theory of sorts Ive had for a while in terms of main story (global friendly btw) is the critical point in Vertin and Sonetto's relationship, that at one point Sonetto will be forced to choose between Vertin and the Foundation. It is inevitable that Vertin's quest for the truth of the Storm, her mother and desire to save as many people from the Storm will and has come into conflict with the wishes of the Foundation - as seen in Book 3 with the Reformation Bill.
So what will finally cause such a dire situation to force Sonetto into such a situation? @sleeplesssmoll brought this idea that its Vertin that creates this tension, taking a path even the loyal puppy cannot fathom to follow and default to the Foundation. I would wager the Manus will present an offer so beneficial to Vertin that she will eventually side or at the very least need to partner with the Manus for a bit. Much to the surprise of everyone.
(Lets say on a critical mission either Sophia or FMN present a particular good offer to Vertin, a solution where very risky in Vertin's eyes may be the solution she is looking for - maybe the opportunity to save reversed individuals or a way to bring them back, the only thing stopping Vertin accepting on the spot is her being called away by fighting against Manus forces. Still the offer still stands)
What exactly? Maybe it is information about the Storm (we know so far either the Foundation or the Manus know the full intent of the Storm, only finding ways to benefit from it. And yes the Foundation does benefit from the Storm, Ill talk about this at a later point). Alongside this Manus proposal the Foundation has started to crack down on Vertin, pressuring her for more results and attempting in every way to limit her actions - this pressure starts becoming very intense on Vertin, even with Madam Z's aid her workload is needlessly increasing and borderline impossible to stop. We dont know who the White Marble House is, only that they are the ultimate power in the Foundation - maybe it is them holding all the secrets to Vertin's past that they choose to hide.
What I am getting at is a situation where the Foundation no longer benefits Vertin, instead is just detrimental that this starts to waver her alr shakey relationship with the Foundation. Less and less (in small ways) does she comply to their wishes the more the Foundation (mainly Constantine) look to pressure Sonetto into doing something about it.
Sonetto slowly (but noticeably) starts to question Vertin, Constantine's influence does have a large impact on Sonetto, making her second guess herself and her confidence (Book 3 gaslighting). Sure Vertin doesn't mind Sonetto's questions, she loves to answer Sonetto's inquires about the outside world but recently the questions have been ... concerning.
Questioning her goals, is what she is doing even correct; all framed as Sonetto's genuine concern but unconsciously laced with Constantine's influence enough for Vertin to feel pressure on all sides.
Until suddenly something happens, big enough for Vertin to finally express her frustration at everything, the Foundation refusing to cooperate with her as before, this feeling of a bottleneck hold growing tighter and tighter until now she cannot simply brush aside and bottle down. This spirals out in a mission in a cave, maybe alongside Foundation operatives under Constantine that start to question Vertin's leadership, where Sonetto can do nothing to help.
(Its hard to write Vertin actually voicing her frustration)
An argument might break between Sonetto and Vertin, not a full on screaming match of course, but a noticeable outcry of frustration at Sonetto, Constantine and the Foundation - at how every time Vertin suddenly gains ground or takes a step towards the truth the Foundation finds ways to circumvent this progress under the mantra "For the Good of Mankind". Maybe Vertin finally does voice this frustration at Sonetto just accepting everything, a crack in that Timekeeper facade Vertin always holds - all the signs are there Sonetto, why can't you see? Or rather why don't you see the world with your own eyes? Not clouded by Foundation dogma but truly your own eyes?
At this point Vertin chooses to go with the Manus, recreating that scene in the Breakaway (will some of the suitcase follow her? I wouldn't think so, many join Vertin due to their grievances with the Manus). Sonetto is finally ordered to restrain Vertin against their wishes - and Sonetto with only a moment hesitation begins her attack.
(I really do like fight scenes in fics huh?)
Vertin only can outsmart Sonetto here, Sonetto isn't the Foundation's failsafe for her without good reason. Maybe she fakes Sonetto greatly injuring her to incapacitate her temporarily. Enough to run away and create distance, through the collapsing of the cave they are in. @sleeplesssmoll brought up an idea that Sonetto says a line that mirrors the one she said in Book : "It was the pleasure to be your Chief Assistant, Vertin".
(Thoughts? Feel free to run with this and make something out of it, and feel free to run any ideas with me about this)
(I have a couple ideas of scenarios running around I might throw here, its a mixed bag between angst and fun, ill post them eventually)
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andros-paidophonoio · 4 months ago
My take on TSOA and Miller in general just to put it out there is that I like her writing and the way she describes a kind of idyllic, kind of proto paradisial love, it is very evocative and shows a very elegant and intimate presentation of affection in a way that I can see why ppl resonate with it. And the difference between her and some works attempting to imitate that style is....pretty stark lol. I think the stories are executed well in what they are going for, it's just that what is being executed--the approach to comfort and romance, the particular fantasy and desire being displayed is not something that suits my personal tastes or general approach to stuff at all. And this doesn't have to do necessarily even with historical or mythological "accuracy" but more how the stories themselves work for me, as works within their own universes.
(Some of my breakdown of my opinions under the cut. It's not "hate" bc I genuinely do not hate or even really dislike the works. I'm more trying to express my personal thoughts, and I'm happy when I do read things that make me have a lot of thoughts. Also I talk once again about Til We Have Faces)
I think what gets me about both books and the depiction of the ideal love vs cruel world etc is that they are stories that want to believe in the Inherent Internal Goodness of the characters despite their actions and seeks to kind of justify them morally by emphasizing their vulnerability and kindness in the society and world. Which is fine and all, but one thing that I personally find interesting is when one can be interested in and sympathize with characters but also you can see the way they hold and exercise and exploit power over others. Especially in historical settings. I get that especially for more romantic genres, there's a need for some handwaving of this so we can focus on happiness and arc of the focus characters, but it feels honest to me if they're appropriately terrible and unlikeable at times.
I get the fantasy that's kind of being presented is wanting to Be Good and Just and Beloved and have a blissful harmonious familial dynamic but that being in conflict with The Society...if I had to sum it up its very much that 2010s Tumblr "We Deserve a Soft Epilogue my Love" sentiment. Along with a desire and and love for men who are gentle and well-meaning and who have primarily *emotional* reciprocating expression... I get it ...but once again it doesn't really dig deeply into the discomfort of certain dynamics aside from the more acceptable "we must identify with the protagonist so they must be the Persecuted, and those outside are the Persecutors" aka the Homophobic/Toxic Masculinity/Rapist archetypes who are out there, Other.
Personally, after I read and was thinking about these books for a while I pulled out my copy of Til We Have Faces and revisited that. Now, I'm biased bc it's one of my favorite books, but it strikes me a lot as an interesting book to read parallel to Circe. Both retelling a classic myth from the perspective of an antagonistic figure, where a female character is regarded as ugly and abject (and a big source of the abjection coming from an abusive, powerful father) and because of that abjection, find and take comfort in other sources of power and influence. The stories are very different of course in both intention, but I felt like one thing I liked about TWHF is how it allowed its main character, Psyche's ugly stepsister Orual, to both be a rejected figure and one who suffers, but also show well, the way she also exercises privileges and power over people. She is treated terribly, rejected from being gendered as a desirable "woman" and a woman's role bc of her ugliness (while also being denigrated for being a woman), she desires love she has been denied violently, and it's not surprising that she acts in unsympathetic and judgmental ways. Throughout all this, She is also a princess, and later queen who believes she is descended from the gods, and in her society controls and sometimes takes the lives of her slaves, servants, and subjects. There is no contradiction; one can be a victim and also Lord power over others that you do not even realize. Her story and emotional journey is very interesting because it does not shy away from this complexity and discomfort, and it presents a world that is (in that novel, fictitious) but feels very ancient and alien in its practices and values.
In contrast, the worlds of Circe, Circe is not really given a chance to exercise power uncomfortably over anyone in the same way--she does do her cool Witch Behaviors but they are always Justified Actions, against once again The External Persecutors --violent rapist men, or Heartless gods. We don't need to face the discomfort of what it would mean for her to say, have attendants or servants or have a kind of hierarchy or what it means to. She basically Bootstraps herself into her power and is the Underdog the whole time.
Similarly in tsoa, we are presented with the kind and peace-loving Patroclus who is once again the Persecuted (by this time the External Homophobic Mom lol), and it goes out of its way to show his empathy with the womensuffering and the pain at The Society that causes the forbidden love to be forbidden. And maybe all this dancing around makes it easier for the average person to identify with the main characters bc whew who would want to identify with anyone who does anything BAD or in any way right???
But the thing is for me is that maybe we DONT "deserve" the Soft Epilogue, maybe, like Orual, we as people are a mix of shitty and exploitative in ways we refuse to acknowledge, even as we are tormented by our own Persecutors and traumas and lack of power in our lives and etc. but that doesn't mean u can't desire and seek happiness or be someone interesting and worth empathizing with... Idk I'm just not interested in the artistic tendency to want the character to be The Good Person, and the way we show someone is The Good Person is to show How Persecuted They Are, to be worth understanding and loving.
That's just my insta-thoughts, may expand later (I would like to write a more in depth analysis of TWHF bc I'm tired of the Very Christian analysis being the only one) but yeah. Idk in how this translates to my fanwork or whatever I'm not interested in justifying anything anyone does or "defending" or attacking faves. I'm interested in what I'm interested in, and it won't always line up with everything else. But that's ok, there's always room for different things, I'm carving out my spot of fun here like everyone else.
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oorusandei · 1 year ago
An Analysis: The Beast-Yeast Update + White Lily, AKA What Could’ve Been
Crossposted on the Youtube video of White Lily’s release in a fanatical comment. Will do the same here, only longer and more detailed, for the White Lily stans (around 5 total)
For the people who don’t get the lore and/or White Lily’s character, I made a very long explanation and analysis. (The Literature student in me couldn’t resist.) Scroll to the very bottom for short summary.
From what I can tell from this video, Whire Lily seems to have been in some sort of coma or unconscious state. This is likely because she fell into the Ultimate Dough and most of her consciousness was reincarnated into her “evil” form Dark Enchantress Cookie. However, the part of her that is pure and good is trapped in the glass coffin shown, and she’s trying to gather her essence to stay awake for as long as possible. She needs “life powder” to escape, so she can only remain in the coffin if no one else sacrifices themself. Faerie King did make the necessary sacrifice, thankfully, and she’s escaped with the intent of repenting for her sins as her alter ego, Dark Enchantress. Then, it’s revealed that an even darker and more dangerous force has awakened: Shadow Milk Cookie, the first Fallen Hero and Pute Vanilla’s counterpart. Seems like the Fallen Heroes are all counterparts to the Ancients. The Ancients and the Fallen Heroes have the same essence (Truth, Happiness, etc) but things went awry some time along the way, turning them evil.
Looking deeper into it, White Lily is a good example of “same goal, different choices, different story”. Perhaps she, like the Fallen Heroes, had the same fate, but she was at least able to preserve her last bits of goodness. She is my favorite Ancient because the conflict happens internally and not externally. Basically, she’s fighting another version of herself. And the interesting part is, it shows that anything can be “good” or “evil”. You could also say that she’s a morally gray character who could go either way, and this created 2 personas: White Lily and Dark Enchantress. You ever read an “Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence” fanfic? This is exactly what happened. Both of them want to seek the truth. It is only the actions they took (and will take) that differ, and what makes them so different from each other. It is why White Lily’s soul split into two. White Lily wants to seek the truth to help Cookiekind: improving stamina and attempting to bake a perfect Cookie, while Dark Enchantress has gone rogue in her quest for and obsession with the truth, firmly believing that Cookies are made to be eaten. It’s noted that this destroyed her character fundamentally, and is ultimately what turned her evil. I like to think that she herself was the reason behind her descent into madness and villainy, not the Ultimate Dough.
Back to the update. Did anyone notice that the Fallen Heroes each have their own corner, or nation, on the map of Beast-Yeast? If we look at the parallels between the Ancients and the Fallen Heroes, we can see a pattern: the Fallen Heroes are direct rivals of the Ancients. If I recall correctly, Pure Vanilla represents kindness, and sincerity (at least he does in my eyes). Shadow Milk is written as a trickster, as someone who likes pranks and doesn’t take anything seriously, the opposite of the genuine Pure Vanilla.
Also, I love PureLily. Don’t hate on PureCacao or anything. Just putting it out there that they were childhood friends turned almost lovers turned enemies to almost lovers again (?) in the coming update, and I’m really hyped. My favorite trope.
I’m honestly impressed that a Cookie gacha game has such intricate lore. Looking forward to this update a lot, the 3 year wait was worth it.
TL:DR: White Lily is in a glass coffin and needs Life Powder to get out. Faerie King sacrifices himself. Evil awakens in the tree as Faerie King’s magic is no longer active: aka Shadow Milk Cookie, first of the Fallen Heroes in the preview and counterpart to Pure Vanilla, similar to what Dark Enchantress is to White Lily.
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backroomskokichi · 10 months ago
I LOVE ALL YOUR AUs!! I wanna make my own but I always get stuck with turning my ideas and concepts into an actual cohesive story. You don’t have to answer ofc but I’d greatly appreciate the advice.
Hope ur having a good day, keep up the awesome work!!
Iii oomg so sorry I’m like between falling asleep and staying awake rn
Anyways uhh how I make my AUs and turn them into stories is such a weird process literally most of my AU thoughts n story ideas play in movies in my head during class butttt here’s some tips if you’re genuinely interested in storytelling from me
Kobis AU Variations : ahem
1. Steal the story, change the characters 💀
If you know me, I’m so unoriginal PLEASE you know the man in the suit? I took the main plot line bro. The only things I’ve changed are little parts in between of what happened before and after the main events happened surrounding around what the characters would do in the situation and so on
A very good example of this type of AU creation is my “ouma snaps AU” it’s quite literally the movie Ginger snaps but different characters. I’m not worried, I don’t get copyrighted soo :3
2. Mish-mash (aka taking inspiration from different plot lines and making it relatively different so it’s your own plot line)
This is one used for many of my AUs if not the first one because all I do is sit around and imagine scenarios with my favorite characters idk why I get so much attention for it but here we are
A good example of mish mash is my AU “Kokichi your co-workers a monster” btw it IS a fanfiction it just hasn’t been worked on in a few months.. I need to work on it.. but anyway It started out with me thinkjnf of a monster design now *I* don’t come to monster designs they usually tend to pop in my head and I suddenly have a super fun vision I want to draw out , this is what happened with that AU. I made a prompt actually,
“Kokichi your co-workers a monster! But he’s in love with you” after that video I made , people kept asking for more of the AU and asking for a fanfiction so I decided to say, well yeah sure!
I started brainstorming the backgrounds, the people, the main areas, what big things would happen (plot points), and beyond that.
For this AU in particular I chose a boat cruise where Kokichi and his friends decide to work on a cruise for the summer. (summery)
Turns out there’s a new waitress on the ship who most definitely likes Kokichi and wants to hang out with him more! (something that changes and turns the story)
Although, the murders on the boat have all been his doing and it would truly be a shame if Kokichi found out it was him all along. (Irony + conflict)
CONFLICT is a hugge thing when it comes to stories. especially at the beginning, when your character is trying to go somewhere, and anything that has hopes or dreams that need to be destroyed to be replenished again (or not)
Idk if this helped or not this was mostly a rant more than anything but it’s how I make AUs
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cognitiveafflatus · 5 months ago
whos ur favorite danganronpa character from each of the games (ultra despair girls as well)
Sure, I can do this. Starting with Trigger Happy Havoc, obviously it's Kyoko. I love that girl so much, she's both cute and sharp as a knife, which, really, what more can you ask for in a character? I also love how her arc is about learning that people care about her and letting people in and stuff. One of my favorite types of character arcs. Seeing her finally, really trust people and realize that everything her father had done was for her benefit (to some degree) was awesome. She's even got some interesting stuff going on in the side material, which is great. Mukaro probably would've been a possible rival to her... if 90% of her appearances weren't in her Junko costume, and most of her original interactions stemming from exactly one side novel. She's such a cool character but she is literally the first to die so, she loses points for that, sadly.
We'll go timeline chronologically, so next up would be Ultra Despair Girls, and, let's be honest, there's only like 3 valid choices; Toko, Komaru, and Nagito. I really want to pick Toko, because I really do think she is the best character in UDG and the one who developed the most, and I enjoy her arc the most, but at the end of the day she is a Trigger Happy Havoc character who got DLC. So obviously, it defaults to Komaru, since she's the only one of those three unique to Ultra Despair Girls (as a full character at least), which I mean, it makes sense! Komaru is an awesome character, and her arc is fantastic. Learning to be her own person and to go beyond her limits as a "normal" person and to unlearn her own helplessness is great. Plus, she's really not normal at all. She's such a freak. I love her. Also why is she green. Funny green woman.
As much as I'd want to pick, say, Chiaki here, as much as I love her, she's not that deep of a character in all actuality, and The End of Hope's Peak (aka the anime) kind of butchers her even further, but if we're being honest, the best character in Goodbye Despair is obvious. It's fucking Nagito Komaeda. Good ol' fingers in his ass man. Who the fuck else would it be. He's the best character in the series; he practically carried my run of Ultra Despair Girls. He's just got so much going on. He IS Danganronpa, at its core. More than Junko, more than Makoto. He embodies what the entire series encapsulates in a microcosm. Believing in people despite everything, the conflict of hope and despair, the lying and deceit of the blackened, and even the weird ass innuendos (usually with Hajime). Also he married Sans. How could he not be my favorite.
Last, but certainly not least, Danganronpa V3 (sorry i havent even watched the anime or care about it really beyond it seeming to be pretty bad). I, uh.... hm. This is actually really hard to choose; I adore Kaede but she barely has any characterization or events in the game, so she's sadly getting the Mukaro Penalty. At least she gets to be herself for the whole game. Also, I love Miu, but most of what we know comes from very hard to find information, and most of the time she's actually genuinely a bit obnoxious in the trials, and no one really tries to help her get better. Keebo is fun, and I like robots, but at the end of the day he's still kinda Robo-Makoto, and Makoto doesn't have a ton going on. His relationship with Miu is the peak aspect of his character until Keebo gets his upgrades (which is very similar to how I feel about Makoto/Kyoko), but the payoff to that is just the audience surrogate twist which is... fine, I guess? Danganronpa has still sort of failed to deliver on a satisfying "robots are people too" story since most of their robots are/become the butt of a joke. Or die. Or both. So I guess that really just leaves Maki and Shuichi. And they're very close but... much like Kaede I have a bias for Shuichi just because I think the two of them are both very cute, so I'd probably go with him. (Even though I think Maki is the better character writing wise, I just have a bias.) He's also, unsurprisingly, an extremely compelling character even if I have gripes with the final trial in V3 and his role in it at times. Having a protagonist with an actual character arc is good, having him be conflicting about his detective work is actually incredibly unique in DR, if not just in general, his motivation with Kaede is godtier, his interactions with Kaito and Maki are fantastic, and overall I just really like him. He is someone I enjoyed spending my time with.
So, yeah. Those are my thoughts on my favorite characters for each Danganronpa game.
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fraeuleintaka · 8 months ago
Investigations 2 Introductory Description
This is the 36th post in the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Countdown: 45 days left until release!
Today's topic: the Introductory Description of Investigations 2!
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I ADORE the tagline they chose for this game aka the absolute best game in the series because yes, it absolutely is "a turnabout like no other"! Couldn't imagine something more fitting for this masterpiece! Nothing else in the series comes close, not only to how epic the story is but also to the level of deductions Miles operates on here. All of the cases are beyond amazing, cases 3, 4 and 5 would all be final cases in any other game, and the "mastermind" is the only character on par with Miles on pure wits alone. "A crisis like no other, a turnabout like no other." really encapsulates all of that.
Interestingly, the first part of the introduction is focused not on the story but on new mechanics and other new stuff that comes with the game. Of course, they have to mention this being Miles' 2nd solo game and then they mention new characters, a new gameplay mechanic in "Mind Chess" (or Logic Chess in the fan translation) and an expansion on the old gameplay mechanic "Little Thief" from Investigations 1. That's especially interesting since the introduction to Investigations 1 didn't mention that gameplay mechanic but rather focused on the change from courtroom to crime scene in general. It makes total sense to highlight these things, I just find it interesting. Maybe because the rest of the website doesn't talk about these so they thought they'd tease them in the description at least?
The latter half talks about Miles' character arc and his central decision over the course of the story. I love this as a focal point. It's a very natural question for his character to ponder considering he initially became a prosecutor because of the trauma from his father's death. Asking himself if and how he wants to continue this path or if he should rather switch back to following in his father's footsteps is a great conflict that feels absolutely necessary for him so that whatever Miles ends up choosing is solely his personal decision and not forced by circumstances. Him thinking about this possibility is forced by circumstances, as the introduction mentions, his right to investigate crimes has been taken away referring to how Justine (Verity) constantly prevents him from investigating the crimes he comes across, threatening him with taking his prosecutor's badge away and forcing him to find alternative methods to get access. This in combination with Ray's (Eddie's) appearance is a good incentive for Miles to start thinking about this but I like that by the end when he makes his final decision the framing makes it clear that this pressure is gone and he is free to decide, it wouldn't feel as genuine otherwise. What his decision ends up being might be comparatively obvious, though the introduction of course frames it as a great source of suspense and mystery, but that's not all that important. Way more important is how Miles gets there and imo they absolutely nailed it! I also love that the introduction frames the question completely neutral, pursuing the truth as a prosecutor VS as a defense attorney, as it should be because one is not inherently better than the other (unlike some other games in the series might end up implying). Since Ray is the one who mainly brings up the question in the game he frames it in a biased way, which makes sense for him. In the end though, Miles and the overall narrative positions it as a decision between two equally viable options and I love that the introduction follows suit.
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nebulouscoffee · 2 years ago
Any favorite garashir tropes?
Omg, so many! I'll try to limit it to five :)
That thing they do where they start talking about something (often something Very Important) by using an allegory- because that's the only way they can be honest about it (or at least, more honest)- and then get increasingly frustrated by the vagueness of the verbal dance they're doing but neither of them wants to come out and Say It because they're stupid and competitive idiots so they proceed to stretch the metaphor further and further until they're twisting themselves into pretzels trying to stick to it and then at last it snaps. Usually by this point they have begun making out furiously (I love this trope SO much, and my humble contribution was 'Pretenders' chapter 8 lmaoo)
Post-canon letter-writing. I just feel like these two were made for the epistolary format, like they both choose their words (and Lines) so deliberately, they're both always willing to commit to a bit, and also they're both long-winded and witty and cringe (I can't believe it's canon that Julian describes his whole coma dream to Garak over lunch and Garak is actually so interested to hear it? It's just sweet okay!!) More than that, I think what draws me to this ship is the way that they're both storytellers; who've both lived with secrets and lies so long they see themselves more as "characters"/archetypes/roles than people, who both carefully tell truths about the people they are (and were) by spinning self-mythologising narratives (aka, "the lies"). I find this so beautiful because like in some ways their narratives were forcibly spun for them when they were children; so I love how in each other, they find someone that's really willing to listen (regardless of whether they "deserve" it), someone who'll give them the space to maybe learn to spin a new narrative. The idea of them continuing to do so by crafting long letters to each other is very in-character imo, and also romantic in a way that's very them (looking for hidden meanings between the words! Subtext! Wordplay, obfuscation, backtracking, who-will-crack-first, the waitinggggg between responses, all great stuff👌)
Julian's forgiveness of Garak's past being tested- like, personally I think it's OOC for Julian to suddenly start lecturing him about his past, I think it's far more interesting for them to have conflicts over Garak's (often atrocious) present behaviour and opinions- but every now and then, especially if he's living on Cardassia, Julian is going to see stuff that brings home to him in a very real way what Garak used to do for a living. It's such good angst, I love it! Especially when Julian is forced to acknowledge the parallels to Sloan, or that Garak might not actually have moved on from some things
One of them casually does something small that happens to be a Big Deal in the others' culture, but the other can't call them out on it because that would be Acknowledging The Game- and ofc, there's always the possibility that it wasn't deliberate, and isn't it just so much nicer to pretend? Either way, they refuse to directly talk about it, leading to much confusion and hilarity as they try and call the others' bluff by increasingly escalating the stakes and aggressively talking about books till they just end up looking like idiots
They never actually got together during the show. Don't get me wrong, I like reading stories where they get together at the wrong time and mess each other up lol, genuinely I love this pairing for The Range (it is entirely possible that their conversation in the finale ends up being their last!) But I am, at heart, a big sap, so my favourite version of the garashir get-together is them finally figuring it out post-canon. Also, it's genuinely so interesting, like- what do you do when your exiles and secrets and wars are all over & you're finally the person you need to be to make something you always wanted work? (What do you mean, you can just go after it? For real? Like you can actually just ask? Outrageous! Lol) Also, it lends itself so well to other entertaining tropes, like 1. absolutely unhinged levels of UST & long-distance pining, 2. Garak having a funny freakout over some small domestic thing which drives home to him how much ds9 domesticated him, 3. them just like. trying to figure out how to exist as regular people & relaxing into a sort of intimacy and authenticity they've never experienced before, 4. them being huge workaholics who barely see each other during the day but still give each other something nice to come home to, 5. them learning each other's languages & customs, 6. Garak angsting that this is all temporary and Julian is definitely going to leave him, 7. war orphans (I'm not much for kidfic generally but there is something touching about these two characters redefining parenthood and "legitimacy" for themselves; even if not as parents just by helping "unwanted" children in different ways, especially considering what happened with Ziyal), 8. Julian leaving Starfleet & practising more culturally sensitive and less exploitative medicine on a ravaged alien planet which shows how far he's come, and I'm sure there's many more but wow that's already so many! Post-canon garashir endgame my beloved
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znoob · 19 days ago
This has been a thought going for a good while and finally got around to posting it but!
I genuinely would have loved for this kind of secret evil entity to exists in MLP Gen 4 to explain away little things that could then be a bigger plot in MLP Gen 5.
Like, Princess Luna becoming Nightmare Moon for example. The story goes the same where she becomes Nightmare Moon due to feeling as if Celistia has greater importance than her since every time sleeps during the night and nobody can appreciate what she brings. However the suddenly just switch can be due to this little push of something edging her on, whispering lies and moments of vulnerability and doubt. Little things here and there from this thing that feeds into her negative emotions until it finally gives the push and there Nightmare Moon is born.
Or Starlight Glimmer is another example. Her essentially creating a cult so everyone is the same and even going as far as trying to change their current timeline just because Twilight messed everything up in her world, destroying everything Starlight Glimmer worked to make. Same concept could work there, with this thing feeding into her negative emotions, building it up and being a small guide pushing certain things into her path (the village, the spell to mess with cutie marks, the time travel spell, etc.) to guide her into becoming the next Nightmare Moon.
Stygian could be another. A regular unicorn who was fed negative things during events that negatively impacted him until he became Pony of Shadows.
Not all villain ponies would be created evil by this thing. Queen Chrysalis, Tirek, King Sombra, etc. of you can pick and choose can be naturally evil because I wouldn't want just evil characters that can be redeemed at the end of the story (please just make some characters evil just cause).
The concept would be that this thing isn't solid but a fluid like entity, something like a virus that can plague anyone and everyone but only those strong enough can overcome it. It remained more or less dormant because it was bled dry first after Discord was captured then in creating Nightmare Moon and planting seeds for others to infect. During Twilights time, aka MLP Gen 4, is when the entity would begin to gain traction infecting different ponies because it can feel itself dying due to Twilight's effort of creating friendship and strengthening magic (cause, y'know, Twilight is the representation of magic). It feeds on negative emotions, born from it if you will, and with less of it being around the less power it holds, its form slowly ebbing out. But like all things that live, it strives to survive by any means necessary.
This could bleed into MLP Gen 5, where the main plot is trying to unite all three races of ponies (it should not have been that easy for all ponies to unite after just one movie, so much more enriching for there to be conflict but also I get it cause it is a kids show first and foremost). However there are difficulties, enemies and villains at unexpected turns because this entity that has thus strived from feeding off the negative emotions of all ponies hating each other, and here is a new group of ponies trying to change that like a familiar group so many years ago...
I can go off with how this could work but honestly like creative freedom to anyone that finds this concept intriguing.
Somethings I would more than likely like to incorporate:
Twilight, at the very least, disappears due to this entity being strong enough to get rid of her but whether she ever comes back or not is up in the air
the entity can gain enough power that it can change terrain, it can explains why the new environment of Equiestria is different from Gen 4 and why Celistia's castle is a hidden relic
Sunny can still become an alicorn but her becoming one in the movie was a one-off type of thing, through this new concept its her slowly working to gain the wings and horn like Twilight (and actually getting wings and horns and not that holographic stuff thats shown because why)
Thats it thats all ive got
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scythegameing · 22 days ago
Conflicting Lives- Chapter 2: Information Request
Conflicting Lives (somewhat) returns! I apologize that's its been so long since I've done anything with this project. between life stuff amongst motivation for the story, its been hard to get as much progress done as I have hoped to. I will be trying to work on this more though!
Word Count: 1704
Scar and Scythe arrived at the Central Hero HQ with around 10 minutes to spare. As they walked out of the elevator that took them up to the meeting room, Spore was waiting to make sure everyone that had received the message did indeed show up. As they walked in, Scythe saw that each of the District Heads were gathered at the farthest point of the long meeting table, with the strongest heroes from each District taking their own spots in groups around the table.
Scar, with the help of his hero suit, walked over to Sumner and Ram, both Hermiton Heroes. Scythe nodded politely to the two heroes as they spotted him and Scar, but instead went over to stand with Archangel, his mentor when going through the Survan Hero Training course. Scythe was technically a Survan hero after all. 
“Hey kiddo! How have you been holding up?” Archangel said with a grin on his face that stretched from ear to ear as he wrapped his arms around Scythe for a hug. Scythe was never one to deny a hug, but Archangels hugs were like getting the air forced out of your lungs. Lovingly though, of course.
“I’m doing- good Archangel” Scythe said through gasping breaths, trying his best to put on a smile through his lack of oxygen.
Archangel put Scythe down, to Scythe’s untold gratitude, and looked at him, his white wings reflecting the light from the fluorescent lights above them. “Well that’s great to hear, Lux.” Archangel smiled genuinely at Scythe, and he couldn't help but smile back at his mentor and friend.
Right as he was about to reply however, Scythe heard Voidling speak from the head of the table, turning to see that the District's heads had sat down in their chairs. “Welcome everyone and thank you for coming on such short notice. I severely apologize for interrupting your schedules, but I believe that this is a matter of utter importance that must be discussed as soon as possible.”
All the gathered heroes took a seat. Scythe found himself in between Archangel and Stratos, an Empyrian Hero. He wasn't the closest to Stratos, but he had been assigned to missions with him that involved activity on the Survas-Empyria border. They didn't interact much outside of that, spare the occasional regular event (aka non-hero work) that Scar invites him to that Stratos was also invited to.
“There has been an increase in activity from villains around the Survas-Hermiton and Wynnra-Hermiton borders. Most of this activity seems to involve Nebula and Spindle.” CuteGuy, the Wynnran Hero District Head, said. The tip of Scythe’s tail flicked involuntarily in his lap as CuteGuy spoke, and he prayed that no one had seen it, especially other heroes with tails.
Thankfully, no one else had seemed to notice, and a different district head spoke, “The five of us had an idea of how to deal with the increase of activity in these areas, and wanted to call a meeting with all of you to get your opinions on the matter.” Tinkerer said, the Empyrian Hero District Head.
There were a few whispers between heroes as to what kind of matter would need the opinions of all of them, but Atlas, the Survas Hero District Head, spoke soon after, “We have each done some research, and have gathered a very short list of reporters who are the best in their field. Not only are these selected individuals highly credible, but they have each shown us their investigative abilities and the process in which they have found the information for each of their stories and reports.” “These factors lead us to believe that we can trust these individuals to gather the information we would be asking for. It would, however, be a high price to pay for such a task.” Strawberry, the Drimas Hero District Head, spoke next.
More whispers emerged after this, and the district heads let the heroes talk amongst themselves for a minute. A hero spoke up.
“How do we know we can trust the information that these individuals give us is completely fact?” Guardian, a well-known Empyrian Hero asked. “For commissions such as these, reporters often do it for the money right? Who’s to say they won’t give information to someone else who bids a higher price?” The room went silent after Guardian spoke, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Everyone stayed silent for a few moments longer before another person spoke up.
“Yes, and no.” Heads turned to Puppeteer as he spoke, but he didn't really seem phased by it. Instead, his gaze was focused on Guardian. “Yes, for larger commissions or asks such as what is being proposed, reporters are more likely to accept it because of the profit and the exposure to their business. No, it is very rare for a reporter to sell information to someone else for a better price.” Puppeteer looked around the table as he spoke next. “A few different names come to mind at what the district heads have proposed, and if the individuals are the names that I am thinking of, we have no reason to suspect that they will sell what they find to a higher bidder.”
The room went still for a moment as everyone processed what Puppeteer had said. He was well known for his ability to gather knowledge and intel on just about anything he was given and he knew how to work the system, so everyone trusted him in what he said, even if they didn't know the names of the individuals the heads had picked out.
“If I may ask,” Sting, a Wynnran Hero with a skillset similar to that of Puppeteer, spoke up, “who are the individuals you selected?” The district heads exchanged glances amongst each other, then towards a door to the side at the back of the room that led to a smaller meeting area. Voidling gave a small, almost unnoticeable sigh before speaking, “Come on in.”
The door opened slowly, and the first thing the heroes saw was translucent blue... hair? Three people walked out of the room, and they all stood semi-awkwardly at the end of the room behind the District Leaders. “This is Storyteller, Slime, and Snowfall” CuteGuy said, pointing each of them out as he said their names. Slime seemed to be a slime hybrid, but he was blue instead of the normal green. Snowfall seemed to be both Elven and Blaze; as well as just really stuck up in general. Storyteller was a lot more familiar to Scythe than the others, he did know them casually after all.
For a moment, Scythe and Storyteller even locked eyes with the other, but the both of them quickly looked away as to not draw any suspicion. Heroes started to quietly whisper between each other, wondering how much had been heard through the door before then. They quickly stopped though as Atlas spoke up, seemingly floating just above the ground as they tend to do, “We asked them to come here prior to summoning you all to lay out some ground rules and expectation in the case that you all agreed to this plan. If the majority vote is against this, then it won't happen.” The heroes from all districts looked at eachother, slowly realizing just how much was being left up to them. After all, it was usually the District Heads themselves who made decisions like these, and the last group vote like this had taken place long before any of them had even finished going through their respective training courses. Seeing the shock and tentativeness from the other heroes, Strawberry spoke up, “The decision doesn't have to be made today, but in a few days time we’ll send out another call to everyone to meet back here for the vote. Let's say 3 days from now at around 6:30pm we’ll all meet back here and make a final decision.” Shoulders relaxed and quiet sighs of relief were heard from around the table, nervous but relieved chuckles coming from a select few as well. “Well, that settles it then. We’ll see you all in a few days.” Voidling said as he stood up, nodding to the other District heads before turning around and talking with the reporters more. As he stood, so did everyone else, the room almost immediately bursting into chatter and talking. Scythe stood seated for a moment longer, looking towards the reports and subconsciously fiddling with the hair on the end of his tail. It wasn’t until he felt a hand gently touch his shoulder that he snapped out of it, jumping slightly and turning to look over his shoulder. “Sorry kiddo, didn;t mean to scare you” iWork said, a soft smile on his face, but a small bit of worry in his eyes. “You alright? You seemed pretty spaced out for a bit. The meeting’s over, we’re all going home.” he continued gently. “Oh- uh, right. Thanks I-dub – I mean iWork.” Scythe responded, silently cursing himself in his head. I-dub was what Archangel called iWork, that man had a silly nickname for everyone, Scythe swears it, and he was rubbing off onto him a lot more than Scythe was willing to admit right now. In response, iWork just chuckled and nodded, walking off to where Archangel was actually waiting for him outside of the meeting room doors.
Scythe took a deep breath before finally getting up himself, letting his tail fall back behind him from on top of his lap where it had been resting. Just before he reached the door to the room, he heard Tinkerer call his name, “Hey Lux, would you mind hanging back for an extra minute?”
As he turned around, Scythe saw that Slime and Snowfall were walking past him and out the door, and Scythe could have sworn that Snowfall glared at him as he passed a little too close by his arm. Only the District Heads and Storyteller remained in the room, other than himself. Scythe looked at the 6 of them, hoping the anxiety he felt in his stomach didn’t show outwardly, or as he responded. “Yeah of course, what can I help with?”
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miloscat · 1 year ago
[Review] Sin & Punishment (N64)
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A cool, hip, and experimental rail shooter.
Lylat Wars is easily one of my favourite N64 games. Another well-regarded entry in the rail shooter genre on that console is Treasure’s Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Earth/Stars aka Glass Soldier, a cult classic Japan exclusive. Until the Wii Virtual Console that is, where it was given an international distribution and the menus were newly translated (the game's spoken dialogue was already in English). Then came the Wii U Virtual Console release with new controller remapping features (essential for this game if you ask me) and savestate support, and that's how I played it.
It's an unusual sort of rail shooter as it has platforming elements, and a stop-start pace akin to gallery shooters. One level even plays out like a sidescroller! Your character is on foot and for the most part advances automatically but can strafe side to side. The control scheme is actually pretty complex, not helped by playing it on a controller other than its native release, and fumbling with it cost me a few cheap deaths. The ideas are sound but it feels like it demands a lot of practice and mastery, even on Easy difficulty. Thankfully checkpoints and credits are generously handed out, so even without savestates it's doable.
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Your analogue stick controls the cursor, while C-Left/Right strafes/rolls, shoulders jump. The Z button is the all-important shoot function, a rapid-fire stream of projectiles. Holding it down makes for easy DPS but tapping it at the right moments instead does a sword strike for bigger damage and the ability to reflect projectiles back, which is a necessity for certain fights. The A button toggles between free fire and a lock-on reticle that isn't as useful as it sounds, but has its moments.
At this point I'd like to explain the story... but the truth is it's nigh-incomprehensible. Presumably the manual set up the premise somewhat, but in this release we're dumped into the post-apocalypse in medias res, in the unthinkable future year of 2007. What follows is a torrent of superpowered moody anime teens blasting monsters, soldiers, and robots, flatly delivering dialogue about saving the world and the conflict between various proper nouns. The genetic mutants are called Ruffians with a straight face, and the main character Saki soon turns into a kaiju himself, at which point sidekick Airan takes over as playable.
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After blasting away an entire armada single-handed while floating on a telekinetically levitated slab of scrap, she enters a vision of the yet more unthinkable future of 2017, meets her own son, and manages to contact spiky-haired Protag-kun sufficient to revert him to semi-human form. Airan, sadly, quickly becomes helpless and Saki takes the reigns, blasts some fools, and eventually blows up a mock Earth which is trying to supplant our Earth. I think it's a metaphor. Anyway your friend the magic god lady turns out to be an alien or something who engineered the whole thing as a test of the powers bestowed on you by her magic blood... I think. So yeah, it's a big pile of anime tropes, poorly-explained sci-fi wackiness, and nonsensical twists, but as an excuse for some cool setpieces and visuals it's perfectly serviceable.
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The setting is presented in a cool way within the N64's polygon limitations. There's good use of colour and the shifts in perspective from level to level keep things fresh. The English dialogue however was probably an afterthought for the Japanese audience, and for a native speaker it's flat and stilted, not to mention tinny from cartridge compression. At times they apply mechanical filters and it becomes genuinely difficult to make out. Certainly leagues below Conker's Bad Fur Day, the gold standard for voice production on N64.
In most ways for an N64 it's genuinely impressive, and experiments in some interesting ways. I don't think it quite comes together well enough to best the purity of Lylat Wars, but they can coexist comfortably. The fact that you can save and jump into completed chapters makes it approachable, and there's little penalty as you don't have any resources to expend apart from credits to continue after a death. No resources does mean there's no helping you out of a pinch though; instead you just have to learn the patterns and get better at reacting. Overall for Treasure I think it's much more successful than Wario World, even if it's trying to fit 10 pounds of story into a 5-pound story bag.
0 notes
kiwi413 · 3 years ago
Heyyy so I have a itty bitty request for you if you don't mind! I was wondering if you could write something for a reader who's getting courted by the monkeys but just so happens to be MK's mom? 👀🕶️🤏
I absolutely love the way you write them and hope to see you around more often!
A/N: certainly, thank you for the kind words! I kinda got carried away with the length (also sorry I took so long)
Characters: Sun Wukong, Macaque, MK + female!Reader
You didn't get along at first
You really didn't like this whole putting the world on the shoulders of your kid
however, after careful consideration, lots of stern talks with the great sage and puppy dog eyes (from both MK and his mentor) you decided to let MK keep training under the Monkey King
Your conversations with Wukong revolved around MK's progress and safety for a while
until one day it developed into more, such as his adventures from back in the day, where you worked, what happened between you and MK's dad, etc
as you got to know each other more and more, soon budding feelings began to rear their heads
When he realized this Wukong had conflicting feelings, to say the least
on one hand, you're a very nice person (not to mention attractive) and a perfect mom to MK
on the other hand, he's been alone for centuries, and he's a bit rusty
cue emotionally repressed monkey panic
after he's done having his moment, he pulls himself together and decides that he's gonna do this right.
So! he starts asking MK about you a whole lot more often
things like what sort of flowers you like, your favorite fruit your favorite color, if you talk about him at all
he thinks he's being subtle
he's not
thankfully, MK can be a bit oblivious
it only takes seeing the great sage in your kitchen one evening, looking at you a lovesick look while you laugh at something he said for MK to finally piece it together
MK.exe has stopped working
he feels weird about it at first but ultimately gives his approval to Wukong and becomes his wingman
Sometimes a family is you, your turned superhuman son, and your thousands of years old celestial monkey husband
(before I begin, I simply have to mention that this reminds me of that one TikTok audio "come here you little jerk taste the back of my palm /but you ain't my daddy/ Nah but I'm doing yo mom")
this start is a 100 times rockier than Wukong's
You really don't like him for actively harming your son both mentally and physically
he's not very keen on you either, your mere presence alone makes it harder for him to manipulate MK
After the LBD incident, he tries to make up with you, for MK's sake
you're very hesitant, that is he apologizes for what he's done with the most genuine look you've ever seen on him.
reluctantly you give him a chance and find that he's actually a decent guy when he's not trying to kill your loved ones
you find his humor and sarcasm charming, and love it when he tells you stories with shadow puppets
he starts hanging around more often under the pretext that he's only doing it to please MK, but we all know that's not the only reason
he realized he had feelings for you when he was telling you a story and he glanced at you for a second only to see you with your attention focused solely on him with a soft smile on your pretty face
his heart skipped a beat and words got stuck in his throat
he quickly excused himself and teleported away, leaving you very confused
he rethinks his entire existence (aka emotionally repressed monkey panic 2, now with more edge!)
mentally adds up the pros and cons of getting attached™
you've been good to him thus far and he really likes MK so
congrats now you have a clingy emo monkey after you
he becomes way more physical and teases you way more often
has to hold back purrs and restrain himself from positively combusting when you return his affections
he may be smooth when he dishes them out but he can't handle being on the receiving end of things
MK doesn't catch on until he wins you over, and he finds out in the worst way possible
walking in on you two being affectionate with one another
he's a bit mentally scarred but he'll be fine, eventually
way more hesitant than he'd be with Wukong, but he comes around after you talk to him and he sees how happy Macaque makes you
he does tell the shadow demon that if he hurts you he better watch his back though
Macaque says he'd never dream to, but he gets the idea
Overall? all three of you can get used to this new family dynamic you've got going for yourselves
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missdisnerd01 · 3 years ago
Be prepared! 
Took me long enough, right? But, now that it’s on Disney+, I feel it’s time to finally get around to going into more details...under the cut!
-This movie feels...so different from any animated Disney movie I’ve ever seen. A good deal of this comes from the family dynamics. The closest example of such unconventional dynamics I can surmise is Lilo and Stitch (2002), but it is so much more in the spotlight here. The conflict doesn’t come from any tangible, full on antagonist, but from displacement, generational trauma, and a lack of healthy communication between . Despite all of this, it’s obvious this there is a lot of love and affection in this family!
- The character design is one of the biggest reasons I was drawn to it in the first place: From skin tones to body types, the family Madrigal is a diverse bunch! Good job, Disney!
-Lin Manuel Miranda does it again: All of the songs slap! ALL OF THEM!  My favorites are “Surface Pressure” (An absolute bop in which Mirabel’s sister, Luisa, opens up about the ‘pressure’ to appear ‘strong,’ both physically and emotionally), “What Else Can I Do (Mirabel’s annoyingly perfect sister, Isabela, finally lets loose (with Mirabel’s encouragement...can I just say Diane Guerrero is absolutely *ahem* PERFECT as Isa?!), and “Dos Oruguitas,” one of two songs not sung by any characters, where Abuela Alma and Abuelo Pedro’s relationship is played out in the emotional climax of the movie.
- Mirabel is more than an ‘OhSo QuIrKy UwU” protagonist.  The difference is that she is up front about the fact that she doesn’t quite fit into her family.  Her feelings are genuine, from her optimism, to her love of her family, to her desire to be not special, but helpful; as Bruno says, she is “just what this family needs.” Also, thank you for giving us a bespectacled heroine, Disney!
- Speaking of, LET’S TALK ABOUT BRUNO-NO-NO-NO-NO-*shot* ..sorry...anywho...Bruno is a quirky recluse, but not in an obnoxious way.  He obviously loves his family, but his gift serves as a double-edged sword, thus causing him to become misunderstood, even feared at times.  So, it makes sense that Mirabel connects with him.
“I don’t think [your gift is] bad. Sometimes, the family weirdo gets a bad rap.”
-I like that Alma is not the villain of this story, but made complex due to trauma and the determination to protect her family.  I guess when you are so focused on keeping your family safe for so long, you become cold and stern out of necessity (The issues between the grown-ups might have been wrapped up rather briskly for this kind of thing, but with a 90-minute movie, that’s par for the course. I choose to believe over the course of rebuilding their casita, they were able to talk...like, really talk).
-My animation instructor at Exceptional Minds explained an interesting layer about a caterpillar’s metamorphosis: it has to literally break down its body and reform as a butterfly. “Dos Oruguitas” is about two caterpillars in love that must separate to form into butterflies. Therefore, Casita’s foundation, the literal and figurative foundation of the Family Madrigal, must break down in order to reform...That’s deep, y’all! DEEP!
-Some thoughts about the characters: 
- Luisa: MY BELOVED! That is all.
-Isabela: Her arc is just beautiful! I love  her willingness to experiment further with her gift.
- Pepa and Felix: I love this dynamic! Pepa is a bundle of nerves. Felix is the life of the party, and together they are like Peanut Butter and Chocolate)
- Dolores: aka Breakout Character of 2021! An inversion of a gossip: quiet and sweet, but can’t keep all she hears to herself...just too much! Poor girl!
- Camilo: Such a theater kid (also accurate depiction of a 15-year-old-boy...trust me...I’ve had teenage boy cousins)
- Antonio: Cinnamon roll. That is all.
- Julieta and Augustin: Standout parents! Despite Alma’s iron grip on her granddaughters, they are not afraid to stick up for their girls (Also nice to hear Wilmer Valderrama in anything ever)
- Mariano: aka Señor Himbo (no one has Might Guy beat for me, but y’know...) He is genuinely sweet and romantic, and not just in it for the privilege of becoming a Madrigal. And you know what? Thank GOODNESS. I was so dreading that we’d have another Hans on our...um, hands.  But this is so much better!
If you have a chance to check out this movie, DO IT!
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all-about-seggs · 3 years ago
If Jujutsu kaisen were to have typical shojo manga troupes/ Cliches-
Warnings- Headcanons about what kind of story would the JJK folks be in if they were in a shojo manga. Shitposting basically. Ngl this is not my best but they've been sitting in the drafts for so long, so i decided to just post them.
Gojo Satoru - Lets say hes not the clan head yet, so its a Contract marriage for him, ya'know the higher ups from his family won't leave him alone, saying he should settle down and though he ignores it at first it gets to a point where he can't get anything done without having his family interfere so he offers an unsuspecting relatively 'normal' girl aka you a tantalizing offer.
It'd start of with that Love- hate relationship with you bc of his inherent personality defects. You had your own reasons to accept his demands bc uhhhhh *insert any reason that works for you pls*
You thought he doesn't take anything seriously until you saw him teaching his students. His methods are far from conventional but it was the most genuine you'd ever seen him be. That was probably a turning point in your previously distorted relationship.
You'd live together, but in seperate rooms. His acting skills during the whole ceremony+ any family visits are top notch tho.
The type who'd annoy you the most but will also secretly help you from behind the shadows without you even knowing.
A little side note. He is the one who falls for you FIRST. But will think up of a way to manipulate you into confessing first and then would never let you live it down, how you were "SO MADLY IN LOVE WITH HIM" or so he says. Pls woop his ass.
Geto Suguru- If we're taking about Geto before going rouge then its, The bodyguard and the threatened girl. It's pretty simple how you two met. He had a mission to help you survive and you fell for his *charms* or his sexy man bun you can choose🤷
Villan! Geto- Since he started as a good guy I'd say his story would be one of those where you'll end up chasing after him even after your contract ended bc you could see the internal conflict he was going through during his teen/ highschool years.
He wouldn't push you away tho. He wants to take you to hell with him if his heaven doesn't come before.
Gonna be toxic af tho. Gaslighting champ will make you his trophy wife and no one will ever know your whereabouts.
Kamo Noritoshi- The rich nobility and the commoner. Let's throw in a little bit of debt on y/n as well shall we.
So, at first he doesn't even spare you a glance but after realizing how your home condition was not something to be taken lightly he felt an odd connection to you, and remembering his mothers words to always help people out he gave you a place to stay and work....in his own mansion, commence the awkward but sweet mutual understanding and pinning between you two.
Aoi Toudo - Bullied girl and the Savior. For the sake of this cliche let's say y/n is a 'big' girl okay (big in what way? you can decide that for yourself reader) so you get bullied for your size/ weight/ stature in general.
One look at your ass and he's already hooked, so he trails after you and eventually sees you getting harrassed by a group of girls and guys.
He was so angry, all the veins of his mascular forearms bulged as he clenched his fists to stop himself from flinging the entire mob of bullies out of the damn window.
He may have held himself back for the sake of not frightening you any further but the intimidating scowl and cusses he threw was enough to make your bullies flee like tiny little flies.
From that day onwards you got yourself a fan and a bodyguard combined. Or maybe even more?
Toge Inumaki- A case of mistaken identity. This may come off as a bad attempt at humor but weirdly enough , Toge was wearing a skirt (maybe he Gojo lured him into doing it or maybe just for funsies) and since he's not able to talk normally either so being the pretty boy he is, you end up mistaking him as a girl.
The second time you met, you saw him enter the mens washroom and you just🧍stood there processing why?
The third time? You had to change cloths and it was crowded everywhere so you just chose an empty class room which was not exactly empty since toge was there. But since you thought he was a she, you just quickly shit the door and off goes the t shirt.
Poor Toge was so confused and flustered, he couldn't speak nor could he look up after getting a peek at your bra. If he wasn't such a gentleman he'd think you were trying to seduce him.
So what happens when you do find out that hes actually a guy?
Cue the mutual blushing and struggling to communicate.
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ariadnesweb · 2 years ago
Protagonistdom in Deltarune
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[Image Summary: A chart divided into 3 by 3, titled "Why This Deltarune Character Would Make a Good Protagonist, and Why They Would Also Be Terrible"]
Longer Description under Readmore
• 1st Character we play as.
• Lack of strong personality traits allows for easy projection.
• Human (Aka Average) – Pretty relatable background, as a quirky loner from an American middle-class family.
• (Above point doesn’t apply to everybody playing Deltarune, but it does apply to Toby’s target audience.)
• Status as well-connected outsider means other characters talk to Kris – easy exposition.
• Surprisingly charismatic – Darkners and Lightners have no problem following Kris’s lead, which is pretty plot convenient.
• ‘Laidback’ approach to life ensures Kris will never commit actions against our will.
• Their normalcy means Kris doesn’t have any cool powers to rely on, and have to solve problems with more immaterial & universal characteristics.
• Noble and funny personality makes them a likable person.
• Character actively hostile to our control.
• Might be miserable as protagonist.
• Actively hides information from us – what Kris knows is extremely different from what we know. Especially as Kris is to some degree – aware of the 4th wall.
• Extremely mysterious person – makes it hard to understand what’s going on with them.
• Genuinely unhappy with their ‘human’ status, as it alienates them from their peers.
• Also doesn’t seem very happy to be powerless against the whims of others (or the plot).
• Very easily ignored in favor of more interesting people.
• Might only be a Hero because of their Human Soul – which can close Dark Fountains but isn’t theirs.
• ‘Charisma’ might just be other people projecting their own desires and needs unto Kris (ala Queen).
• Genuine outsider to both Hometown AND the Dark Worlds à Susie tends to have a similar amount of information as us, and we tend to have similar reactions to the same things.
• As a hero, and as Kris’s friend, she is the character with the most active screentime, so we get to know her pretty well.
• Strong but simple personality – Susie is an active agent in the plot, but not so involved she can’t be pointed towards more convenient goals.
• As the most willful character, and free from player control, she represents the ideal of ‘freedom’ best.
• She’s Heroic, to the point of being the most inspirational character – Kris, Noelle, Berdly, Ralsei, and Queen agree.
• Despite this, Susie is an underdog, with a negative reputation as a dumb bully.
• Outsider status means background information on Susie is extremely lacking.
• Likewise, Susie doesn’t have a need to interact with most people in Hometown – they can both ignore each other.
• Despite being a major character and plot driver, Susie places herself to play second-fiddle to Kris – marking Susie’s preference to let others take the lead.
• She’s also not the most likable person, being blatantly confrontational and rude. This can be annoying for some people to have 24/7, especially if they want a fluffy story.
• Due to Susie’s position as an outsider and her own stubborn personality, her sources of conflict tend to be external rather than internal.
• And because Susie’s already has such an independent spirit already, her own base personality is unlikely to change drastically - at times she may seem simple.
• Character with the most stable (and sane!) personality in the story, with clear goals and endpoints.
• Though Noelle is sometimes hesitant to act, to the point where she’s pulled around like a plot coupon.
• This allows for Noelle to give a pretty balanced view of the world around her – acknowledging the troubled history of friends like Berdly, Susie, and Kris.
• She’s also extremely detail oriented, noticing and reasoning out mysteries like Kris’s recent possession, or the strangeness of the Dark Worlds.
• All of this is used in Noelle’s little monologues, whether it be the introspection of Snowgrave, the diary entries in the Spamton Sweepstakes, and the glimpses of her words in normal Deltarune, to fill in the world around her.
• Noelle is also a pretty important person, whether because of her important upbringing, her friendly attitude attracting others, or her strong emotions/magic.
• Noelle is, because she’s so simple and honest, far from the most interesting character in the game.
• She’s pretty predictable, actually.
• Noelle’s also a coward who doesn’t like enacting change, so while her conflict-avoidant tendencies might save her from a confrontation or two, Noelle alone wouldn’t escalate or engage in ridiculous situations.
• Ridiculous situations have to come to Noelle, instead.
• The above point is slightly complicated by the fact that Noelle isn’t originally a Hero of Prophecy, and has no expectation to run towards danger.
• Instead, Noelle is busy with a regular life schedule, filled with mundane problems and mishaps, very separate from the adventures in the Dark Worlds.
• Noelle’s long history in Hometown means she prioritizes it over
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starburstfloat · 2 years ago
On Naivety and Unreliable Narration in TXT’s “Thursday’s Child”
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Before we dive in, there’s two things you should know about me: I’m an absolute lover of all things coming-of-age genre, and I adore literature that features unreliable narrators (bonus points if that’s the ONLY perspective we get in a story!).
These two things aren’t inherently intertwined nor related to kpop, but I’ve noticed there are instances when elements of the coming-of-age genre bleed into kpop lyrics. So, today I wanted to focus specifically on TXT’s Thursday’s Child Has Far to Go" because there’s a strong sense of disillusionment and naivety cracking through the lyrics.
Let’s start~! ✨
The song has an interesting opening, with Taehyun singing:
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There’s a sense of optimism, that despite tears there is also someone smiling. Even without understanding what exactly it means to be a “Thursday’s child,” listeners can grasp that there’s a welling mix of hurt and happiness.
Then we break into the first verse from Beomgyu, which is written as a stream of consciousness writing style. This is an important detail which I’ll get to:
It's a good day to break up
It can't be Monday today
The weekend is too far away
It would be a mess, these seven days
It's Thursday, let's break up on Thursday
On Fridays, I'll cry as much as I like
Pull yourself together on a Saturday night
And then there's one more Sunday
The narrator is welcoming us into his seemingly logical thought process on how he is planning his break-up (with whomever it may be). The first hint of his naivety lies in the attempt to pragmatically approach the break-up. He’s running all these ideas through his head - the stream of his thoughts comes out like he’s speaking to himself in his head - and he eventually affirms, ah, Thursday is the best day to break up because then I’ll get a full day to cry (Friday) and get Saturday and Sunday to recover. It’s clever, but real life and emotions can’t be controlled that way. It gives us insight into the rather childlike perspective the narrator holds, and practically gives away the fact that he’s never really dealt with heartbreak or breakups before. This is a new territory and he’s approaching it more like an assignment he needs to finish for school than an actual event that will likely hurt him and the other person a lot.
And that’s when we start to see: he actually is scared that it’s going to hurt. This whole planning is a procrastination scheme. In reality, our narrator doesn’t like the vulnerability of a break up at all. He’s blinding himself with reasons why Thursday is best while mitigating the consequences he suspects it will have. Let’s take a look at the pre-chorus:
Beyond the sadness
I’ll fill it up with only excitement
The fate of being a Thursday’s child
Makes me walk again feelin’ so good...
These lines merely reinforce what the audience has already grown to suspect: our narrator is disillusioning himself over the impending consequences of a breakup. He’s terribly conflicted about the choice, yet tries to put on a spiel of confidence - in fact, embracing the cowardice that is being “Thursday’s Child” aka a child that has a long way to go in terms of maturing and understanding his feelings (hence the title “Thursday’s Child Has Far to Go”). He’s excited for the place beyond sadness that will inevitably come, but he’s looking beyond that right now. Again, it’s all pragmatics and little heart.
So how does this reflect an unreliable narrator? An unreliable narrator is either a character who is not providing the full facts because he either a) doesn’t know the extent of the facts himself or, b) is intentionally hiding them from the audience/himself. Our narrator for this track falls into the latter group. He’s hiding his fear of the uncertainty of a breakup. Only a character this insecure would profess that he’s genuinely excited for his fate and that on Friday he can cry as much as he wants.
The fact that he’s grappling to make sense of the chaos by scheduling his own breakup implies he’s reaching out for some control over this scary feeling.
But my ✨ABSOLUTE FAVORITE line✨ is the one that truly shows us the narrator cracking at the seams - the self-recognition of his defeat. It’s right after Taehyun’s chorus (btw chefs kiss for the vocal guide on this track cause it’s beautiful), when Soobin sings:
Born to be a Thursday's child
A smile that blooms from my tears
A moment that will unfold again
To make eye contact, go
I will never cry again
I will never cry again
I will never cry again
I don’t think I’ll ever shut up about Soobin’s lines here!!! It’s one thing to read it, but when you listen to the song and hear the way it sounds like his heart is absolutely crushed into pieces, you’ll know.
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Because here we have our narrator going from “yay can’t wait to have this over with, I’m a Big Kid who knows how to structure my life around turmoil” to the visual of said post-breakup boy pleadingly saying “I’m never ever ever ever ever ever EVER going to cry”. It’s the hyperbole for me. The repetition. That’s the final straw for showing his naivety. It’s one thing to say, “I’m not going to cry today” to just push through, but there’s a childlike innocence in affirming “I won’t cry again”, a silent ever promised in those words, that gives away how desperate and miserable he is. You can practically hear how with each repetition of him saying it that he doesn’t truly believe it himself, but he’s doing it in hopes that repeating it again will bring him some semblance of comfort.
And despite this, the facade is over, both for the narrator and the audience. The perfectly curated plan is in shambles.
It’s worth noting the Korean conjugation he uses for these words too. Korean is a very context-based language, meaning you can alter your verbs and conjugation patterns to perfectly match the message you are trying to convey in the given context. Here, Soobin uses a -(을)래 ending, which is used to emphasize a strong intention. For example, if you ask someone “do you want to grab a drink?” you could just use the standard verb ending associated with a question, but you could also include this -(을)래 ending to emphasize that you want to know the other person’s intention. It’s like saying, “Do you actually want to grab a drink?” So when Soobin says, “다신 울지 않을래 (I will never cry again)” there is such a strong affirmation that it breaks my heart because he’s saying it so strongly, like he wishes it were true.
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So anyhow. That's some analysis for you all. Hope it was interesting and fun and please leave your thoughts cause I have no one else to talk to this about :')
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