#but more like a creator and I know it sounds messed up but it’s literally shown that bot feels uncomfortable about being around her
norazingrid · 4 months
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
What if the reader was the child of the creator and had these gorgeous horns until one day, they were being looked after by Raiden, Venti, Nahida, Zhongli and they hear this mixed sounds of rocks breaking and bone snapping suddenly appearing and reader's large and gorgeous horns is suddenly not attached and in their hands while blood drips from their head. Apparently their horns were feeling pretty wobbly and they wanted to pull them to get rid of the feeling because it felt annoying.
PS: this is normal for this to happen, it's like pulling a tooth and a new one grows back.
How would they react to the graces child's horns no longer attached to their head.
Honestly cannot blame them for panicking though—I would honestly do the same if I were in that position—
(Disclaimers: Might be OOC!)
Raiden Ei
The moment she sees the Almighty Creator's child's head bleeding, she is already scolding herself greatly for not being able to protect a child.
And then she sees the horns. That's when her panic begins to really spike up. That is—until she remembers Mikoshi Chiyo—her dear oni friend of bygone times—mention something about how some animals shed their horns during certain times of the year. And how her children have their teeth fall out when they were younger but we don't talk about that-
"Your Younger Grace, let us clean this all up before it becomes more of a mess." She tries to soften her voice towards you, knowing that she is dealing with a) a child and b) the literal descendant of the Almighty Creator. She does not dare to try and be cruel to the child who's parent can literally strike her down faster than lightning and time itself.
She's not exactly the most open nowadays, but she would still try to make herself as approachable as possible, if you two weren't close before.
If you two were? Well, that makes it a lot easier—her concern is easily detected and she's already cleaning up the blood and taking your previous horns somewhere else (probably a place where nobody would begin to panic just at the sight of it).
She won't even speak a single word about this incident after it's over. Ei does not want to look back at this memory and remember just how much of a heart attack she just gained by staring at the Divine One's child.
This man, hands down, will panic for a good few hours. Probably won't think straight as he thinks he's failed the Almighty Creator.
"Your Younger Grace, quick—let's get that cleaned up now!" Man would probably also yeet your horns away (gently) so that he never has to see it again. Venti is 100% traumatized again.
Would keep an eye on you whenever you touch your head now—this guy is making sure you never repeat the same thing again.
It won't be 'till a LONGG time before he realizes it's like a deer with your horns—but still, it's still pretty traumatic for our wisp boi, let's be hoenst—
She would naturally be very upset that you would hurt yourself. However, she's not as panicked—she compares this situation like a deer. Or, actually—she hypothesizes.
Nevertheless, Nahida is still pretty upset you have to bleed because of this. She never wants to see you hurt, ever!
"Your Younger Grace, please let one of my people tend to your head..." She would call in her best medics from her nation to make sure your bleeding stops, before she deals with the horns that you practically tore off.
She will admit, it was very strange to hold the pieces of the Almighty Creator's child's horns as if they were collectible items. So, for the time being, she'll just keep them in a wrapped cloth to hide them.
Every time you do this, Nahida is now extra prepared for your "horn regrowth," as she calls it.
Dude is honestly the least surprised out of them all. I mean—can you blame him? He legit has seen it happen—remember what animal Moon Carver is? Yeah, that's right: a deer. Man's seen the guy shed antlers all the time, honestly.
But what he didn't expect is that you would actually bleed from pulling your horns off. That's what gets this grandpa of an Archon moving.
"Your Grace, allow me to tend to your injuries." Would treat it so seriously you think you were actually injured—you're just sitting there trying to recall how you might have hurt yourself until you realize Zhongli was talking about the horns you pulled off.
Pretty calm about the horns, honestly. Like I said, he's probably seen it one too many times. He'll probably ask the Almighty Creator themself of what he should do with them.
Would also probably educate the other archons so that they could stop having an absolute panic attack each time you decide to make your head bleed (cough looking at you, Venti cough).
And that's it! Everyone's except Ei's is short, but I do hope you like it! See you all around :)
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Ghost Rebel Side Note: Yes, I did do some research with Ei's part—mainly because I don't really know how exactly she would react to a situation like this. I'm taking in terms with the fact that she is also mentally arguing/dealing with the Puppet Shogun, so there is some sort of rationalism behind her actions because of this. And, no, I don't believe Oni are able to shed off their horns, so I just made one of Ei's friends mention something about re-growing horns/teeth lol-
Check the Ghost Rebel's Blog Description to See if Their Mailbox is Open!
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toplines · 2 years
“bu…bubu- but they’re just wittle pixels and digital images rwight 🥺” no. we spend hours on gifs or even one singular gif to make edits for FREE on tumblr dot com. name a person who asked us to do this. no one!! exactly!! we make gifs bc its enjoyable and fun but people like reposters suck the fun out of it!!! and do NOT go and tell us that “gifs aren’t that hard to make” baby girl what do u think we do? go online and search for a video downloader and download it at like a crappy 720p and go to like literal ezgif dot com and all the gifs just MAGICALLY have their effects, typography, colouring, blending, animation, quality all up and ready? why dont u try and make a gif. hm.
and also, @ all of you “gif collectors” or some fanfic writers. lemme tell u a secret. an itty bitty secret. did u know… theres this really cool thing called PROPERLY CREDITING? im not talking about a stupid “credits to the owners” no. it isn’t that hard to properly source the creators or accounts.
that wasn’t so hard, hm?
also oh my god, do NOT go around saying you made these gifs when it is so obvious you didn’t. no bff, it isn’t a coincidence we have the same sharpening AND colouring settings.
and hey, i’ll stop my angry typing for a minute and just say that if you wanna learn how to make gifs there are plenty of amazing accounts and tutorials that are incredibly detailed. here are a few i recommend:
how to: make high quality gifs by sith-maul
giffing 101 by cillianmurphy
giffing and colouring tutorial by sashafierce
how to fix and avoid orangewashing characters by maxchapman
how to fix and avoid white/pink/yellowwashing by jeonwonwoo
how to: colouring east & southeast asians by blueshelp
pastel gifs: a tutorial by completeresources
how to fix and avoid whitewashing in pastel gifs by fadenet
and for those who don’t want to pay/ t*rr*nt photoshop:
free giffing tutorial by ashleysolsen
photopea gif tutorial by lacebird
and @usergif has a bunch of directories and navigation for tutorials and inspiration!
again, there are so many useful tutorials if you’d just look.
i know this probably won’t stop all reposters (unfortunately) but i hope those reposters that are reading this realise how messed up stealing gifs are. it isn’t funny or cool to see gifs that you’ve spent so much time on only to be reposted here or on other sites without credit or being claimed as someone elses.
we’re just asking for a proper credit on your post or maybe even stop reposting in whole. im sure you had good intentions in making those posts, but you have to understand how much it hurts. at this point, we have to put our watermarks in the middle of our gifs to avoid people cropping them out.
and please, PLEASE reblog edits. you have no idea how diminishing it is to see such a crappy like to reblog ratio. remember this hellsite has such a crappy algorithm so reblogging is essentially one of the only ways to give posts more traction
AGAIN. dont repost gifs. dont steal gifs without credit. dont belittle gifmakers. just stop being so disrespectful and rude and have a brain for once. thank you for reading.
edit: ive noticed ppl asking why i kinda like insulted those who use 720p and ezgif, im really sorry if i made it sound like a bad thing !! i was just very angry writing this aaaadjskdks gifmaking, HQ or not is valid and nobody deserves to get their creations stolen !
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m1ssunderstanding · 6 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 4.1
This is embarrassing but I'm actually so obsessed with the first five minutes of this episode that I've got it bookmarked in my YouTube account. It's just so perfect!
“Say you don't looooove him, my salamander. Then why did you neeeeeeed him? Ono don't answer.” He genuinely thinks need and love are the same and I really hope he's got therapy for that messed up mindset by now.
Officially honored as the most successful musical composer and recording artist of all time. That damn well better be mentioned in his movie. And people still don't take him seriously. But also. John definitely smashed his TV.
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I'm screaming. I love Linda the promoter so fucking much!! Interviewer: I knew a lot of your records had went gold and platinum and– Linda: a lot of them? All of them! Ugh I wish she was still with him now.
And then THIS! “What really happened between you and John?” As the first notes to “I Will Survive” play. It's too good. Everyone has to go watch that bit right now.
Linda coming in for the kill again with her fake posh accent: critics? Critics? Oooooh! … They're always three years behind.
Look at him (to the tune Bitch by Meredeth Brooks) he's a whore, he's a father, he's a star, he's a success, he's a lover he's smug, he's laughing, he's having fun, he's working hard. He's everything.
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Interviewing Wings concert goers and this one girl goes, "oh I just got off on all of it" and another one goes “It was great, i came twice!” Literally it should've been me!!!!
The McCartneys are seriously such a big family. And it's been Paul's responsibility since was about 21, really, to make sure they're all okay financially. That Francie story of him crumbling in the street in Liverpool haunts me.
"Why shouldn't they go to the same school as everyone else goes to?" State schools should be the only legal schools btw.
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I love what the creator does to contextualize their songs by pairing them with other contemporary footage. It makes it much easier for me to understand why something like “arrow through me” (which I love but none of the people I've shown it to do) would've been so popular.
Oh here we go again. Just show us the marriage certificate already.
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Cackling at the contrast between “Old Siam Sir” which is one of my all time fav rockers and footage of the Stones being cringe AF and Dylan being so beyond done he's basically dead.
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Oh. Okay. And then they slap us in the face with John's poor baby late 70s demo voice crooning, “Don't want your looooove. Anymore.” “I die each time I hear your name.” I'm fine. It's fine. I'm just vomiting my guts out because I'm sick. That's why.
The pairing of “Mr H Atom” with Paul's would've-been drag show is genius, but what is that clip of some sort of trial stuck in there? If anyone knows, please inform me. (16:15)
John sounds so sad talking about the “endless search for . . . Scotland . . . Within an hour of New York.” I can't help thinking of the Mull of Kintyre. But John was also the one who turned Paul on to Scotland in the first place, ≈always waxing poetic about the heather and the hills≈.
Sean is so adorable. Reminds me of my little guy a bit actually.
Why do I always want to tell Paul to be nice to John? John is worse to him. Idk maybe because John's pain is more visible.
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
Take my words with a heap of salt, because I didn't read the actual book. All I did was watch some long videos and reading a few reviews. But like, some authors can fuck up even when they're writing about their own culture.
Anyways, I want to rip the author of To Gaze Upon a Wicked God to shreds. She's of Chinese descent, but I honestly felt like she was just exploiting our people's history for "cool" and "novel" plot points for profit. She wrote a fucking colonizer romance between a traitor Chinese assassin and the prince of the invading nation whose idea of peace is to subjugate China without genocide. I guess that makes him better than ✨ the other ones ✨
And before someone rightfully ask if I'm reading too much into it or if I'm misinterpreting anything, they explicitly marketed the book as a "Zutara inspired enemies to lover romance based on the Russian/Japanese invasion of Machuria." She namedrops Unit 731 as an inspiration. You know, the human experimentation base, one of the most horrific crimes against humanity, a permanent scar that won't heal right because Japan insists on never acknowledging its war crimes? Oh, btw, the male lead created the in universe equivalent of Unit 731. Yeah, the love interest.
The whole thing is set in an alternate universe where "Chinese people" aka the Panguians never developed technology because ~magic~ and they fought with bows and arrows because ~magic~ This au version of China, which has no modern weapon and NO MEDICINE is supposed to be Qing China? This really annoys me because she was writing for a primarily western audience, and this weak, infantilized, orientalised mess is already how they picture China during the invasion of foreign forces. Like, I would not be nearly as annoyed if the author herself didn't specify that she was writing about that time period. I actually like orientalism in small doses, it can be aesthetic.
Apparently the marketing surrounding the book is pivoting hard because of the negative reviews coming out. Now, they're acting like the male lead wasn't supposed to be the love interest. The real love interest is her childhood friend of course. Like girl, bffr, you said it yourself it's enemies to lovers and your mc literally just fell in love with the prince while she was being ordered to kill the leaders of her own people.
Last time I was this baffled by the tone-deafness of a Chinese creator vis-à-vis the Century of Humiliation was in 2013, when Ringdoll came out with Hayato the Imperial Japanese soldier bjd
But you haven't read the book...
Look, anything in the het booktok giant background of expensive hardcovers with their spines facing the wall because the pages have a design space is not of interest to me. It all sounds tedious.
But even before the marketing pivot, it was clear that a lot of people were going on hearsay and that the author's comments about Unit 731 were at least a bit more nuanced than the game of telephone that resulted.
I'm with you that genetics don't prevent an author from writing a shitty book, but can someone who's actually read this thing weigh in?
Does it seem like the enemy prince was the original real love interest, or was that early marketing nonsense and he was probably originally intended as a fakeout?
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ffsg0jo · 1 month
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a/n: i apologise for taking really long with this @kamesama but i hope that you like it <33 thank you so much for donating and for your patience too i hope this lives up to your expectations. if anyone seeing this would like to request a matchup for gaza too then please check this post out for more information. all credits for the dividers go to @cafekitsune and @vysleix !! also tagging @ficsforgaza so you can check out all the other awesome creators too!!
The reason I've decided to match you with Sukuna is because I believe that you both can see past each other's exteriors. You mentioned that people find you quite intimidating, but you sound like such a lovely and sweet person, and I think Sukuna automatically realises that after the initial meeting.
And you're able to see past his gruffness too and treat him like a normal person. Usually, he'd feel disrespected at people seeing him in such a way, but with you, he feels seen, and it's refreshing.
When he first sees you, he's a little put off because he can't get a good read on you, and usually Sukuna can read EVERYONE. But after having a conversation with you, it's like he's known your soul forever.
A lot of people think Sukuna isn't capable of humanity and being human, but for most of his life, he's been treated like this monster. You're incredibly open-minded with him, and for once, he feels like he's found some common ground. And it’s not condescending or mocking the way to treat him, so he appreciates it more than he lets on.
That doesn't mean he opens up to you straight away, though. At first, he tries to fight his feelings. He's been alone for hundreds of years, and he doesn't need anyone. But the more he 'begrudgingly' hangs out with you and the more he talks to you, the better and sweeter the idea sounds. It makes his cheeks flush, and he hates it.
You know Sukuna's down bad when he laughs/snorts at your sarcastic comments instead of standing there unamused. Your chaotic nature is perfect for him who’s literally chaos personified. Before you guys get together as a couple, I truly think you'd be friends for a good while.
Even though you'd probably have a crush on each other within 5 months of hanging out, because you're both quite selective and independent it takes time to accept those feelings and want to be in a relationship.
Don't get me wrong, you both yearn for it, but no one really makes a move scared they've misunderstood each other's affections. Safe to say, it takes about a year for anything to actually happen. Sukuna really doesn't want to mess things up, so he's treading more carefully than normal and actively takes interest in your life. He’s way too stubborn to admit his feelings, though, even more stubborn than you.
I can see you guys as the couple that never actually confesses. You both just start doing couple things together and are incredibly exclusive. Next thing you know you’ve moved in together. You’re sharing a bed and making breakfast together, talking about the most mundane things. True definition of domestic bliss.
Sukuna goes out of his way to make sure you’re taken care of. He sees you doing it for your friends, and it makes him want to take care of you even more. He’s always offering massages and makes sure you’re drinking enough water. If you need a ride he’s there before you even bring your phone out to text him. Despite everything he’s a true safe space for you.
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A frown finds its way onto Sukuna’s features when he sleepily reaches out and finds Kame’s side of the bed empty. He opens his eyes, almost panicked, and glances at the bright red digits on the bedside table. Sighing at the time, Sukuna drags a hand across his face and gets up and out of bed.
Kame said she’d be in bed before midnight, and it was now 2 am. Sukuna had decided to lounge in bed and wait for her, keeping the bed warm for when she eventually did decide to call it a night. But he must’ve fallen asleep while waiting for her. Sukuna was never a good sleeper, and without Kame’s warmth, he was even worse.
Still, he didn’t want his beloved to overwork herself, which is why he was trying to stay awake. She’d been staying up later and later, and whilst he understood the importance of her exams and studies, he really wished she’d take more care of herself. He tried to make it as easy for her as possible, bringing her multiple coffees a day and taking the responsibility of making lunch for the two and even dinner most nights.
But sleep was one thing, no matter how hard he tried to convince her, she lacked on. Slipping on trousers and a t-shirt, Sukuna moved towards the living room where he knew he’d find Kame on the floor, papers sprawled all around her, scribbling notes down ferociously.
It was a sight he had seen multiple times but had still never failed to put a soft smile on his face. He thought Kame looked beautiful. The scrunch in her eyebrows, the slight purse in her lips. Scanning her face, he realised he could stare at her all day and not get bored. But he snapped out of it, realising he had a job to do and that it was past 2 am.
“What happened to midnight?” Sukuna gruffly asked, his arms coming to cross against his chest.
Kame jumps at his voice, suddenly breaking the silence (and waking her up), snapping her head towards an unimpressed Sukuna.
“What time is it?” She asks somewhat breathlessly. Sukuna scoffs at her words and comes to crouch down in front of her.
“It’s nearly 3 am Kame, you need to sleep.”
He brings his hands up to gently hold her face and presses a kiss against her temple. Her eyes closed, bathing in his warmth, so desperately wanting to sleep. But remembering the work she has to do, she snaps her eyes open and tightens her hold on her pen.
“Nothing’s gonna stay in your brain babe, come to bed.”
Sukuna had a pleading look on his face, a look she’d only seen once or twice more. Feeling bad at having kept him awake, Kame finally nods. He was right anyway. She definitely would have to go over everything she did in the past couple of hours again when she woke up.
Sukuna smiles and lifts her up, letting her settle into his arms as he carries her to bed. As he places her under the covers, she immediately reaches to cuddle Sukuna. Letting out a little laugh, he obliges and brings her up to his chest, wrapping his large arms around her. Pressing kisses to her face, he rubs her back, hoping she falls asleep soon.
Within minutes, she’s knocked out, her breath warm against Sukuna’s chest.
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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foxes-that-run · 5 months
But Daddy I Love Him
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Daddy I love him is an Ariel quote, when Ariel gives up her voice for love. Taylor has given up love for her voice (career), but also not spoken up for what she wants most. But Daddy I Love Him is a continuation of a theme of how fame and fandoms have affected Taylor's personal life. What I love about this song is it sounds like an older Taylor Swift song, she embraces a country sound and speaks her mind.
While the parallels to the reaction to a relationship in May 2023 can be seen, this overlooks much of her experience with this behaviour. I don't mean to say it is not an element, but it is far from a complete story to say it is about ending a 3 week relationship with someone about whom she also said "And I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive" on the same record.
In her NYU Graduation address in May 2022 Taylor had part of the concept in this already swirling in her mind, a full year before she dated Matty Healy:
Having journalists write in-depth, oftentimes critical, pieces about who they perceive me to be made me feel like I was living in some weird simulation, but it also made me look inward to learn about who I actually am. Having the world treat my love life like a spectator sport in which I lose every single game was not a great way to date in my teens and twenties, but it taught me to protect my private life fiercely. Being publicly humiliated over and over again at a young age was excruciatingly painful but it forced me to devalue the ridiculous notion of minute by minute, ever fluctuating social relevance and likability. 
What Taylor is referring to is the treatment by the media and fandoms throughout her career, but this was never more of an issue than 2012-2014. Nothing is a terrifying as a teenager on fledgeling social media. This TikTok creator describes it perfectly:
From tabloids, twitter, tumblr, even people who looked like Taylor were abused.
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So yes, Harry has had and worn t-Shirt with the song title for years, and yes they have both dressed up as Ariel. But that is not all that makes this song about Taylor loosing her love over fan behaviour... it's because she did. She lost the love she wrote 1989 including "This love left a permanent mark / This love is glowing in the dark"  about. And it continues today, there are a lot of people who still call Harry's partners vile names and think it is OK to treat others poorly because they suggest he could care for someone. I think anyone who's read this far knows exactly what I mean, probably first hand.
This affected Taylor the point the Clean Speeches on the 1989 Tour were on this topic, every night she talked about bullying, self worth and holding onto love.
The 'Daddy' is not just the fans and media, but probably her team also. I think the varied shapes in the CDs are to show this comes in many forms and roles, not just one experience. As Taylor said to Rolling Stone in 2014 before 1989 was released:
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[Verse 1] I forget how the West was won I forget if this was ever fun I just learned these people only raise you To cage you Sarahs and Hannahs in their Sunday best Clutching their pearls, sighing, “What a mess” I just learned these people try and save you ‘Cause they hate you
For the international fans like myself 'How the West was Won' is a 1960's film about American colonisation. I think the opening 2 lines do 2 things, place us in a country setting and also tell us Taylor cares more about speaking her mind than what may be higher bigger goals.
The second half of this verse goes on to set out that it is fans who are approaching her love lost as trauma porn, and I am here for it.
I also note the cage reference, Taylor (and Harry) have a long theme of being caged or trapped by fame, she has a literal cage in her Nashville apartment, he has a cage tattoo and they have used cage, glass boxes, fishbowls, snowglobe imagery. Here she points out the fans are not really there for her, they are seeking to control her.
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[Pre-Chorus 1] Too high a horse for a simple girl To rise above it They slammed the door on my whole world The one thing I wanted
The pre-chorus furthers that the final straw has been broken, she's been cornered by fans to give up something she cares for.
Vigante Shit "Ladies always rise above / Ladies know what people want / Someone sweet and kind and fun /The lady simply had enough"
Is It Over Now? "I was hoping you’d be there and say the one thing I’ve been wanting, but no"
That is the only time Taylor has sung about ‘wanting one thing' before. This also reminds me of the Delicate Behind the Scenes, where she said she got a note from a lover and wants to be with him but realises 'it can never be him'
[Chorus] Now I’m running with my dress unbuttoned Scrеaming, “But, Daddy, I love him I’m having his baby” No, I’m not, but you should see your faces I’m telling him to floor it through thе fences No, I’m not coming to my senses I know he’s crazy, but he’s the one I want
In the chorus Taylor acts out a churlish child yelling at a father. The 'daddy' is many roles, her actual parents, fans, media and probably record company and PR people who told her she could be with the one she loved, throughout her life. She says the matching line to Harry's Kiwi, which has the same meaning.
Taylor 'floors it through the fences, fed up and unwilling to listen. This is great imagery, to break through fences, and also as metaphorical fences that have been placed around what considered acceptable for her. Cars are also a Haylor theme, including Run below and often used as a metaphor for their love escaping as it is here. (All I know is that you drove us off the road / Let’s get out of this town, drive out of the city, away from the crowds)
Is It Over Now?: Was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse?
Run: And my so-called friends, they don’t know I’d drive away before I let you go
In Kiwi Harry yells a tabloid line followed with it's none of your business. In his Harry's House ONO complete with pointing at the camera and crowd. Taylor also referenced these same tabloids headlines in the Reputation magazine.
Kiwi "I'm having your baby / It's none of your business"
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[Verse 2] Dutiful daughter, all my plans were laid Tendrils tucked into a woven braid Growing up precocious sometimes means Not growing up at all He was chaos, he was revelry Bedroom eyes like a remedy Soon enough, the elders had convened Down at the city hall
In the second verse Taylor establishes that she has gone everything asked of her:
Style - "I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt"
Style - "So it goes, he can’t keep his wild eyes on the road"
Yet is denied freedom and the elders decree the match is unsuitable. I think the elders are her team. She describes the muse as chaos and revelry. This is very reminiscent of the I Knew You Were Trouble introduction poem, but while in 2012 Taylor was contrite and said it was too much she now revels in the revelry:
"And the crazy thing is I don't know if I'm ever gonna feel that way again, but I don't know if I should. I knew his world moved too fast and burned too bright, but I just thought, how can the devil be pulling you toward someone who looks so much like an angel when he smiles at you? Maybe he knew that when he saw me. I guess I just lost my balance. I think that the worst part of it all wasn't losing him it was losing me"
[Pre-Chorus 2] “Stay away from her” The saboteurs protested too much Lord knows the words we never heard Just screeching tires and true love
The 'daddy' has now forbidden the love, this is reminiscent of Love Story: "And my daddy said, “Stay away from Juliet”
[Chorus] And I’m running with my dress unbuttoned Screaming, “But, Daddy, I love him I’m having his baby” No, I’m not, but you should see your faces I’m telling him to floor it through the fences No, I’m not coming to my senses I know he’s crazy, but he’s the one I want
'Crazy' and Madness are a Haylor theme, particularly in the Blank Space music video, and these lyrics
Wonderland "And in the end, in Wonderland, we both went mad"
Kiwi "She's driving me crazy, but I'm into it (Oh) and "It's getting crazy, I think I'm losing it, I think I'm losing it"
But many more songs:
[Post-Chorus 1] I’ll tell you something right now I’d rather burn my whole life down Than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning I’ll tell you something ’bout my good name It’s mine alone to disgrace I don’t cater to all these vipers dressed in empath’s clothing
I love the last line, vipers dressed in empaths clothing, that is exactly what they are.
[Bridge] God save the most judgmental creeps Who say they want what’s best for me Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I’ll never see Thinking it can change the beat Of my heart when he touches me And counteract the chemistry And undo the destiny You ain’t gotta pray for me Me and my wild boy and all of this wild joy If all you want is gray for me Then it’s just white noise, and it’s just my choice
The only time Taylor has described someone as wild in lyrics is in Style "So it goes, he can’t keep his wild eyes on the road"
Afterglow "Chemistry until it blows up"
I love the end of the bridge, elsewhere on the record Taylor describes her long term relationship as grey, staid and boring. For many years some fans have shoehorned this person into lyrics because they want to see themselves in her, as they settle down they want her too. From my point of view some rather loud warning signs in songs were overlooked, or seen as 'she's remembering the past/when they first got together' to avoid accepting she was unhappy and wanted out.
Out of the Woods "The rest of the world was black and white But we were in screaming color"
[Verse 3] There’s a lot of people in town that I Bestow upon my fakest smiles Scandal does funny things to pride, but brings lovers closer We came back when the heat died down Went to my parents and they came around All the wine moms are still holding out But fuck ’em, it’s over
This verse is where I think it becomes clear than the 2023 lens is at best reminding Taylor of a past love, because that relationship never came back. Matty has said they never dated in 2014, there was no controversy around her attending concerts then. They dated for a few weeks then stopped talking, and of story.
However Harry and Taylor did sing about a hidden relationship for years. In fact Taylor wasn't connected to anyone else in a serious way for three years. In particular
Wildest Dreams: I said, “No one has to know what we do”
This Love "This love came back to me, oh, oh, oh"
I know places : "Somethin' happens when everybody finds out / See the vultures circling, dark clouds" and "we're bulletproof I know places (Hide) and you know for me, it's always you"
…Ready For It?: "Island breeze and lights down low, no one has to know"
I Know Places TV's lyric video for got a very TTPD themed look.
[Final Chorus] Now I’m dancing in my dress in the sun and Even my daddy just loves him I’m his lady And, oh, my God, you should see your faces Time, doesn’t it give some perspective? And, no, you can’t come to the wedding I know it’s crazy, but he’s the one I want
Taylor is asking her fans, parents, media if they have grown up, from when they were teenagers playing with her real life, do they have perspective and willing to accept that she loves someone of her choosing?
And no, they can't come to the wedding, but I bet they have Eras Tour tickets.... and some showed up at Jacks.
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simcardiac-arrested · 2 years
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BOO!!!!! sillyguy jumpscare
“looks like a raver ancient built him” - my friend
“i am SUCH a fan of how you make all of your fanocs annoying himbos with unnecessary swag” - my other friend
“he’s fresh sans” - like, two people
so — he’s finally here!!! the Basketball!!!! be warned INSANE and MINDBLOWING loredrop below‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ as well as some general trivia about NWB + some more silly doodles
The Ancients, dissatisfied with the very prominent lack of results the Iterator project was bringing, began having doubts. Perhaps they had gone about this the wrong way? After all, the jellyfish that doesn’t try is the one that doesn’t get caught in the net. It seemed they had made their design of the Iterators inherently flawed — they tried too hard to solve the Problem, over and over and over again.
It was time for something new. An alternative.
And so, the idea for the Anti-Iterator project was brought into the world — a whole generation of Iterators that didn’t try. Some called it redundant, some pointless. But it convinced plenty, certainly enough to make that idea a reality, and the plan came into fruition.
No Way Back was the first created; his name was given to him to signify a turning point, a new era of Iterators. One that would bring with it change and, hopefully, finally, a solution.
so anyway NWB did absolutely nothing except talk excessively about the ancients’ fashion and sometimes ask them for their drip clothes for his collection and also make cringefail music. the project was discontinued immediately
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- makes the shittiest sounding music possible, sincerely believes it’s peak art. if you don’t think the same way he’ll say You dont get it. You just dont
- fan of fashion, art & history, but in a normal way (unlike pebbles). really wishes he could have a whole wardrobe of clothes like his creators, but they’re all gone now </3 and even back then when they were all still alive they. did not like giving him stuff (they did not like him)
- one of them did give him the nikeys though
- most of his creators deemed him useless and didn’t particularly care for him. however, some of them (usually the kids) liked talking with NWB, and he enjoyed interacting with them too. he kind of misses the ancients even if they were asses
- is an enigma to his local group: he barely sends messages, and when he does it’s wildly off topic, and literally NEVER about work related stuff. occasionally he’ll drop his “bangers” in the groupchat and ask for opinions. unfortunately most of the iterators ignore him because they find him annoying (and useless as well. very ancientcore of them)
- kind of incomprehensible. he just says things
- doesn’t really have a god complex so he’s generally friendly, open-minded and easy going, but if you’re mean to him he’ll go Wow. Not cool, man. and he’ll probably give you a lecture like a 90s PSA
- calls himself a DJ. doesn’t even have a proper DJ name. probably doesn’t even know what a club is
- fan of nature, enjoyer of life. has no friends and no purpose but doesn’t let it get to him. at least he can make the equivalent of cbat 2 and force every iterator in the world to listen to it
- he’s stupid but he’s also really smart because. supercomputer. however he chooses to not use his brain and instead be silly. he thinks it’s funnier that way
- sometimes sends his music to other iterators besides his local group’s. they also ignore him
- you really can’t tell when he’s being ironic or not, and whether he’s really THAT dumb or if he’s just trolling. one thing for sure — he loves to mess with the stuck-up iterators from his local group if they decide to bother him
- if the ancients had any equivalent of the 80s, he would’ve been a very very big fan of it
- loves animals too. would call slugcat “little dude”
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leave your thoughts in the COMMENTS below!!! remember to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE and listen to DJNWB on SPOTIFY (suddenly becomes normal) if you have any questions feel free to ask and i will answer. i love this guy he’s my everything
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gffa · 10 months
Hi there! I’m someone who’s been following you for Star Wars for a while but I’ve become really interested in your DC comics posting recently, and I was wondering - since the franchise has been going for so long and has so many instalments - what you would say to someone who wants to start reading these comics/watching the shows/movies but doesn’t know where to start? Have a lot of the comics been retconned? Is there a particular order one has to read in? Where does one even find these comics…?
My interest in this franchise was literally sparked by the Jason Todd telephone poll so I’m definitely interested in reading more about him - he seems like a character I’d like - and the rest of like, the… Batfamily, I think they’re called? I just have no idea where to start lol - my knowledge of DC is limited to seeing bits of Teen Titans GO when I walked past my little brother watching TV, and watching the Lego Batman movie with him xD
Also! If I’m correct, after observing the fandom, Talia seems like an interesting, complex female character (with some bad writing), like Padmé or Bo-Katan? I always love those kinds of characters, just wondering if I’d got the right impression of her.
Hi! You've got a solid idea of things so far, so hopefully, this shouldn't be too hard of a climb to get used to the structure! And I'll do my best to explain the structure of comics without getting too lost in the weeds about it. 😂
INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW: In my view, comics aren't meant to be a single coherent whole and it's helpful to drop that idea before you get started because otherwise you'll drive yourself around the bend in a fruitless attempt to make everything line up neatly, when it just never will. There is no one single "true" version of the characters, there is no one single creator who is the highest authority on a character, no matter who created the character or even who is most famous for writing them, these are shared characters being written and drawn by a multitude of authors and artists who all have varying takes on them. The characters should stay true to a core personality and traits, but the flexibility of an author to write a character differently from the last person who wrote them is a feature not a bug imo. I like to think of comics as stories being told by different authors playing with action figures and we're in the audience enjoying these stories, regardless of how some authors fit really well together and others completely clash with each other. You can try to make them mesh (sometimes that's fun!) or you can just shrug your shoulders and pick what you like out of the pile of comics that have been handed to you (you'll probably drive yourself less over the edge this way!). Jason is particularly difficult on this aspect, because he often doesn't have a regular book to be written in and his overall place/point in the Batman comics is murky at best somedays and so he is wildly different from author to author. I personally enjoy this, because I think it works for Jason as a character who has some core beliefs, but also is kind of a mess who doesn't really know what he wants, so he veers wildly from one reaction to another. You can read comics in a variety of ways, but I genuinely do not recommend trying to read "in order" because it's a nightmare to try to keep track of everything once it's been a few years and the numbering of these series is the most confusing thing you'll ever meet. Instead, I think it's better to focus on picking up trades (collections of comics that originally came out in single issues, but are put together in a single volume that tells the whole story of that particular run) that sound interesting or come recommended. (And, honestly, it's not even satisfying even if you did do all the work to read them in order. Throw out the idea that comics have a coherent timeline, because they do NOT.)
CONTINUITIES AND DIFFERENT ERAS: The ONLY context I think you need (other than a general sense of the Batfam, we'll get there in a minute) is to understand that there are sort of four "continuities" that you're likely to run into, and this is EXTREMELY simplified/streamlined, so nerds don't come for me on this unless you have a better streamlined and simple version. 😂 - Anything published before 1985-1986 is all "Pre-Crisis" and while reading a lot of the older comics can be super fun, they're generally not super relevant to current comics - In 1985-1986, there was a comics event (an event is where multiple different comic books are all written to be part of a bigger storyline, whereas normally, they don't cross over that much, each book usually has its own self-contained storylines) called "Crisis on Infinite Earths" (which is different from "Infinite Crisis") that was basically a way for DC to streamline all the different versions of the characters running around into one manageable universe. This ran up until about 2011 and I'll often refer to it as the "preboot" or "post-Crisis" continuity. (This is where Jason's death happened, in the storyline "A Death in the Family".) - In 2011, DC wanted to reboot their entire universe with an event called "Flashpoint", with the purpose of creating an all new lineup of 52 comics that new readers could jump right into, which isn't a bad idea in theory. The problem was that people were really attached to the preboot versions of the characters, a lot of the Nu52 comics were really badly written, and there was almost no collaboration. You expect a certain amount of contradiction just by the nature of comics, but there were major issues with "nobody is talking to each other, so everything is a giant mess".
- In 2016, for a variety of reasons (probably including that sales for Nu52 had dipped back down pretty far again), DC rebooted their universe again, with "Rebirth", which is the continuity we're in now. I'm still catching up (I left when Nu52 happened) but I think a lot of preboot events are leaking back into the continuity, but that's not the same as saying it's equal to the preboot continuity in total. This is also the era that I generally talk about the most because I've found it genuinely the most engaging to get back into! Generally, as long as you understand those four eras of continuity, I think you'll be fine in understanding how things are put together. If you want to know where something falls, just check the date and that'll tell you! But, honestly, yeah, background details change all the time, so even within a single continuity there will be retcons--just that there are MASSIVE differences in the Nu52 era that might confuse you if you're unaware of the reboot shenanigans. (Or if you want to understand how Jason returned--like, preboot continuity has the explanation that Superboy Prime (don't ask) punched reality so hard that it shook Jason back to life, even if they never found out about it, that's what happened. I think Nu52 said Talia dug him up and put him in the Lazarus Pit? Don't quote me on that. I flamed out hard on Nu52. Rebirth continuity, they have no idea what the hell happened and I'm not sure there's an explanation. I just assume the Reality Punch leaked back in or something.)
SO, LIKE, WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH THESE CHARACTERS? AS SHORT AS I CAN MAKE IT: - Bruce Wayne witnesses his parents being murdered in front of him and this traumatizes him so badly that he withdraws from life to obsess over it, eventually travelling the world for several years to learn every kind of skill he can, until he comes back to Gotham at, like 22 years old or whatever and becomes Batman to fight crime. The only rails on this ride is his butler Alfred who basically raises him from the time he's eight and Alfred is working MIRACLES here, but there's only so much even he can do. He is absolutely Bruce's father figure, even if they rarely frame it in those terms, because Thomas Wayne (Bruce's father) is such an important figure in their lives and because Alfred is extremely British. - Bruce is Batman for a few years, usually depicted as being super grimdark because he's shut his heart against loving anyone ever again because the pain is too much. But then one night he's at a circus performance and there's a terrible "accident" where a little 9 year old boy (shhhh we ignore any other versions than that he was nine, dammit, it's important for the thematic parallels!) witnesses his world-class aerialists parents falling to their deaths. Dick Grayson's grief and loss spark something in Bruce and he takes on this grieving, angry, brilliant little boy as his ward. Now, not even God can stop Dick Grayson, who is going to get justice for his parents' murder, so eventually Bruce reveals that he's Batman and Dick basically barges his way into creating his sidekick persona, Robin. Bruce is not a fan of this, but seriously. He couldn't have stopped that kid, he tried. He could only put a leash on him. Dick brings light and joy back to Wayne Manor and they have the most fascinating relationship--they're father & son, they're brothers, they're best friends, they understand each other like no one else does, they fight like no one else in that family does, they love each other, they're so angry at each other, they're co-dependent and absolutely batshit about each other, they basically raise each other from the time Dick came to Wayne Manor. - Dick eventually grows up and starts clashing with Bruce more, especially as he gains his independence. Different versions happen differently in different continuities, but eventually it hits a boiling point and either Bruce fires him as Robin or Dick quits because he can't deal with this. He goes off to become Nightwing, while Bruce eventually meets another kid who (in the most common version) tries to steal the Batmobile's tires because he needs the money. Circumstances happen, Bruce eventually ends up adopting Jason Todd, who becomes the next Robin. Things are relatively stable for awhile, until Jason learns about his birth mother and runs off to try to reconnect with her, except the Joker's got his sticky fingers all up in this situation, and it results in Jason dying in the exploding building.
- Bruce is Not Doing Well after this, so in comes our favorite horrible little stalker gremlin Tim Drake, who hunts down Dick Grayson and says, hey, you gotta become Robin again because Batman's going to get himself killed if you don't. Dick is like, no, I fucking do not. Tim responds with, well, guess I gotta do it myself then and basically barges his way into being the next Robin. He bonds with Dick as a brother (who is far and way Tim's favorite, imo), he does his best to be as good of a Robin as he can be. - Things are better after that, they're fairly well into Batfamily territory by this point. Jason comes back and, originally, it was supposed to be a trick, it was a villain pretending to be him, but was later retconned to actually be Jason who came back and... it's complicated. I don't think they really knew what to do with him once he came back, so he kind of ping-pongs around with varying levels of villainy for awhile. - Then we get to the time around Batman R.I.P. where a lot of shit happens all at once, especially for Tim. Bruce dies fighting a Justice League villain, Tim also has his bio-dad die around this time, his relationship with his ex-girlfriend/good friend is kind of going to shit, the boy he's in love with (not canon at the time, but current day storylines basically confirm it was true) also died and it wrecked Tim, like he lost his MIND over Conner Kent's death, there's this annoying little shit Damian Wayne who has showed up as the bio-son of Bruce, and then suddenly Bruce also dies. And Dick has to become Batman because Gotham needs Batman and he's in mourning and dealing with Jason being back and everything OFF THE RAILS as various people are like, "No, I'M going to be Batman now!" and Dick has to shut all that shit down and take up the mantle himself despite that he doesn't want it AND deal with Damian being an emotionally traumatized 11 year old baby assassin who has been abused into being a killer his entire life (I mean, it's comics, don't take it too seriously) and he needs something to hold onto or he's going to leave and go back to killing, so Dick and Alfred give the Robin mantle to Damian, which pisses Tim off because he's not doing well and sees it as a betrayal (while Dick was asking for his help as an ally, that he was ready to graduate to being more than just Batman's sidekick) because he's lost so much. - So we have Dick & Damian as Batman & Robin (THIS ERA WAS SO GOOD), Tim as Red Robin (fandom way overplays Tim and Dick's tension, they come back together after their dramatic few months), and eventually they find Bruce who was lost in the time stream (don't ask) and then, WHAM, Nu52 happens. But basically, that's the Robins timeline. I'm skipping over Steph's turn as Robin because it was so short and it was clearly set up just to knock her down, as well as not touching on Cass much because this is long enough as it is and I'm trying to circle back to focusing on Jason-friendly stuff.
WHERE TO START: Ask a dozen different people where to start and you'll get a dozen different answers! I think starting anywhere is fine and it's going to depend on what you like--for example, I'm personally not that into the animated DC movies (not enough of my Blorbo) but "Batman: Under the Red Hood" is generally very well-regarded as an updated version of Jason's return and is nicely self-contained if you want to watch it without much other context. I also think watching the Justice League animated series from 2001 is fantastic if you want a funny, charismatic, streamlined adaptation of what the Justice League is like. (Batman: The Animated Series was groundbreaking at the time and a really good adaptation, but very dated by this point in time, so I hesitate to recommend it too much, even though it's beloved to me.) The Wayne Family Adventures is an absolutely adorable, delightful webtoon adaptation that is very light-hearted compared to the mainline comics! I like recommending it to new fans because I think it's super easy to start reading without too much extraneous context and gives you an idea of the characters' relationships to each other, so long as you understand that it is EXTREMELY soft and is much in the vein of LEGO Batman content--you're not supposed to take it super seriously, there are times it's deliberately crossing into something like parody territory, but that doesn't mean it's not genuinely funny, charming, and a great read. @fantastic-nonsense has an incredibly thorough list of recommendations for comics by character here, and you can scroll down to the Jason Todd section and start reading there! Or you can check out the "A STARTING POINT: BATMAN IN OTHER MEDIA" section because I pretty much 100% agree with everything she says about the various adaptations. I like recommending "Young Justice" as an introduction to DC, so long as you understand that it's a loose adaptation and that the team compositions and various relationships are not always going to be accurate to comics dynamics. I have my own comics recs tag, but I'm more Dick-focused, so your mileage is going to vary on how useful you might find my recs! But basically, you can't go wrong with starting with "A Death in the Family", then "Under the Red Hood" (movie then comics) and "Red Hood: The Lost Days". Basically, anything by Judd Winick has a good chance of being a solid read for him. It's hard to recommend Jason comics, because so many of them are either not great or require knowledge of the events that are going on around the same time--but, honestly, once you're familiar with the set-up, I do think you can pick up almost any trade and pick up context along the way. I personally also loved "Robins: Being Robin" series, because all five of the Robins working to solve a case together and being unhinged weirdos at each other is my jam. (But I like pretty much anything Tim Seely writes!) I also always recommend the 2016 Nightwing series because Dick is my Blorbo, but I also think "Robin & Batman" by Jeff Lemire is a fantastic story to understand who baby Dick Grayson is and his relationship with Bruce, and both "The Long Halloween" and "Dark Victory" are some of the best Batman comics I've ever read, but they can be tough to get through if you don't like Tim Sale's very stylized art.
WHERE TO FIND THESE THINGS TO READ? The movies and animated series should be on HBOMax and/or Netflix, and comics I always recommend hitting up your library to see what they have--so many libraries have a ton of comics available, especially digitally! And, if you have a library card, it's very possible that your library partners with Hoopla, where they have a ton of Batman comics! You can also check out DC Universe, which has almost all DC comics if you get a subscription.
TL;DR: If you want bigger context on how all this stuff works, start with either "Justice League" or "Young Justice", they're really cute, fun adaptations. If you want to get straight to the Jason stuff, start with "A Death in the Family" --> "Under the Red Hood" --> "Red Hood: The Lost Days" --> "Batman: Urban Legends vol. 1". (And, yeah, you have the right impression of Talia! She often gets written as a villain, but she's also often a lot more complex than that, it really depends on who you get to write her. The corner of fandom I hang out in is generally more generous to her, but some of the actual comics can be kind of rough. But she's complex and has a lot of sharp edges, so, you know, I love her, too. 😂)
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noctilucous-sunni · 2 years
more reversed sagau brainrot!! | a lot more under the cut
- when scara sorta just ✨materializes✨ in your apartment and you’re like excuse me wtf is happening, so u pinch yourself to see if its a dream and its not apparently so you must be going insane BECAUSE WHAT OTHER EXPLANATION WOULD THERE BE FOR ONE OF YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTERS EXISTING IN YOUR APARTMENT
- i’d feel like in the sagau or reversed sagau he wouldn’t be too fond of the all-creator bc if thats the all-creator wouldn’t that mean that you’re the one responsible for his existence and his suffering?? but when he just sees you being so genuinely nice and caring and yet strong and doesn’t take his shit he kinda lets down the guard a little
- plus he literally has nowhere else to stay so when you threatened to kick him out he realized it was either live with you or out on the streets. and he kinda hated the streets, so he ended up trying to find your place all dirty and stuff from tripping in way too many godforsaken random holes in the ground. poor gremlin.
- he is just super bratty and still has that air of “i think im better than you” but it never works on you bc you dont take his shit and you make him do half of your chores when your pissed at him (and you make sure there are no complaints)
- he wouldn't call you your grace after a while and just uses your name, you however come up with a million nicknames for him and you think its funny that it annoys him on occasion
- you argue. A lot. like so much that your neighbour and the apartment below you complained several times and also kinda tried to make the landlord kick u out so you made scara apologize to them bc hes mainly the reason its so noisy
- he will actually follow you everywhere, sorta like a guard dog. everyone around you is pretty intimidated by him but they are even more scared of you when they see that you basically keep him in check
- he can’t fucking cook dear lord. you told him to stay in the fucking apartment bc you had an important meeting today and he couldnt come with you and he was like “i didnt want to come anyway” and you just said “fuck you” (affectionate) in return (note: wrote this before his signature dish came out and he’s actually a really good cook don’t judge me ahaha)
- but when you come back your apartment and kitchen especially is a mess. you forgot to teach him how to use online delivery. and hes just like chilling out watching tv with mild interest, acting like half of your apartment isnt covered in eggs and flour and who knows what else
“scara what the fuck happened here”
“the stupid stove of yours doesnt work and neither does that beeping machine”
“clean it up”
“well i guess we wont have any food today or tomorrow, until you clean. it. UP." *glare*
he then leaves it but by the next afternoon he's actually getting hungry and grumpy and eventually starts cleaning it up the next day when he can't take it anymore and you finally come home to a clean kitchen bc thank god, you didn't know how much longer you could live on your co-worker's lunches
- you're both just so stubborn. he's stubborn and so are you and that leaves the apartment just with a tense silence AND when someone sees u at that time they feel so uncomfortable bc the atmosphere is just so tense between the two of you since neither of you agree
- silent treatment happens a lot and its really fucking stupid bc you both wanna talk to each other after like a few days but neither of you want to be the first one to admit that
- omg you absolutely hate having guests now BECAUSE HOW ARE YOU MEANT TO EXPLAIN HIM??? also he has to have normal clothes now and he looked at all your clothing choices in disgust
- everyone thinks he's just a friend until they realize he actually lives with you and then they're like "oohhhh are you together??" and think that he's your boyfriend/partner. and honestly you dont even deny it bc there is no feasible way to explain who he really is (without sounding crazy) + you get your parents off your back abt getting a boyfriend bc they kept trying to make you go on blind dates and now you're free from that phew
- but some of your friends/co-workers are all like "really? this lil guy? and they often say this around him and it just annoys and offends him to no end. but also you're surprisingly defensive of him, like yes he's a bitchy emo gremlin but he's your bitchy emo gremlin
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wrens-garden · 4 months
Outsiders, Krowfangs POV, episode 1.
These are hours long, so I might get through maybe 2 a day. This specific episode is 4 and half hours long, so I doubt it's all important, I'll try to keep the notes fairly short for everyone's convenience, theories might be saved for separate posts. Enjoy
Edit: I've looked through the playlist, and the channel I found the vods on, and episode 12 is gone. Is it fully gone, or can I find it elsewhere?
Krow seems overwhelmed, obviously
It doesn't think they want to know what it's been eating for the past 2 months.
It's been told no one else has survived and is understandably upset and in denial. It's been told about the lever and has moved from denial to anger, just speed running the stages of grief rn
Krow is really leaning into anger in the stages of grief. That and denial, which honestly is different from everyone else, I believe, so that's fun.
Soup is hitting the sound barrier right now, queen lower your mic please.
Krow really hates Beks, I think I could tell in Owen's POV, but I didn't really know how much.
It sucks that Krow and Soup didn't get time to grieve before they had to leave, clearing 2. Like, I get why they had to leave so quickly, but it still sucks that they didn't even get a minute.
Krow seems to mesh well with Mohwee and kinda meshes well with Oeca.
Krows planning to destroy clearing 1 from the inside out
"That's what I'm saying!" - Mohwee about literally anything Krow says. Love a hype man
Mohwee, Oeca and Krow are making fun of Ori
Gracie is being sweet at least, she does say that people care even if it doesn't seem like it. Krow has just been told Apo was an elected leader, elected after the levers were flipped, so now it doubts everyone's judgement. Which makes perfect sense to me.
Krow is just bullying Oeca, I love this so much. Krow really doesn't like Ori. Krow has acquired Mohwees shoes.
Owen has called Krow twisted for not trusting those that voted for Apo. Squidney has offered Krow a place to sleep in her kitchen until it makes a house.
Ori is going to jump off his tree and is trusting Krow to catch him. Apparently, he's done this with everyone. Why? Krow tried, Ori caught himself, but Krow still tried. Krow thinks Ori is smart.
Krow really likes the denial and anger stages. Planning to throw Apo into the maze to die from Grievers.
It's noting that Owen puts a lot of trust in people and knows a lot.
Krow is quite observant. Clearing 2 had a stocked shooting range underground, so if they had things underground, there are probably some things there left to scavenge.
Some of the chat head cannoned Krow having bad vision because of its hair covering its eyes (and irl being from shaders), which is so funny, but Krow having generally bad vision could be perfect for angst or just generally funny moments.
Krow walked onto a lit bonfire, which is certainly something.
Dramatic flashback time - Soup is coming to give Krow leather so it could make books for Percival. Bek broke a fence and released cows, then didn't fix it. Griever! They get in the cave and there's a screech then the sound of rocks falling!
That was actually really good, I love a flashback, even if it's only from earlier in the maze, arguably I love them more as it expands character especially for people we didn't get to see at the start of the series. It provides enough info about all characters named while also being fast-paced.
I don't think I missed anything, but let me know if I did. As much as I'm sure I'll try, videos that are more than 2 hours can start to drag for me, so I'm trying to spread the videos out throughout my day to keep me engaged. So I might have missed something lore wise or just interesting about maze Krow. Please remember I'm here for the characters, so unless I've accidentally crossed a boundary or messed up a pronoun, please nothing about the content creators.
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crying-fantasies · 1 year
Rodimus wasn't ready to be a creator P4
Part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4: Another chance | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10
Night cycles in the Lost light are, to say the least, frequently quiet if bots don't get too rowdy in Swerve's or if there is not a universal crisis and everyone is running for their collective survival.
The very first time that Blacksun was exposed to this kind of incident he only had a few years and his name was still Sunset Eve, he can still remember the sound of the emergency alert, the Lost Light trembling, his carrier running for dear life with him in arms, pressing his helm to her chest to prevent him from seeing what was really happening, round optics tearing coolant while his carrier, his mother, tried to get him to safety.
And safety meant his sire or any other bot around.
True is that he couldn't have survived that time or many of the others that came after if it wasn't for the bots around, more than once he was saved by these bots and while he was a sparkling he kind of idolized his sire whole crew, frag, he was even a fan of the literal ship.
But now he just wanted to have a a good night cycle of recharge, but he can so clearly feel his berth rumble to the high volume music that is coming so obviously from Swerve's, even his derma is vibrating with the song, he recognizes that it's organic, human, of course it is, and it's a good one, but he really is too tired for this, especially when he hears the sound a fight ensuing.
So under the whisper of a "Primus, ¿por qué?" and a pair of very tired optics he opened the door to the bar.
And immediately try to turn around and escape because it was a disaster.
When he was a sparkling his carrier always told him to be a gentlebot, always say please and thank you, refer to your elders with care and respect, always clean your mess.
But then his carrier, his mom, was shouting profanities when the situation was too fucked up or when you had enough of his sire and crew shenanigans.
So he kind of does both.
"Hey, hey! Don't you fragging dare to offline now, uncle Drift!"
Uncle and aunt, big brother and sister, sir and madame, miks (mx), miss and mister, a human thing that he can't still brush off his processor.
Blacksun tried to be as respectful as possible because he knows that every bot in this ship has, to some point and degree, taken care of him and his creators, so he must be grateful.
So he gets force from Primus-knows-where to move his cables and pistons to carry many to their respective habsuits, getting help from other bots that get out of their habsuits hearing his tired ex-vents or because the bot he is dragging is their energex-knocked up conjunx, everyone thanks him for it but there is always the one or two that try to fight with him, and there's always the ones that start sobbing desperately while calling someone's name, like that individual will come and get them, bring them happiness.
Anger and second hand embarrassment are normal, of course, but he knows that they are wasted in engex and the party, a memorial party in honor of who they lost, and he remembers how this very same bots helped his sire in battle or journeys and his carrier when her body presented it's limitations in such a big ship.
He is a bit smaller than some but he manages, finally sighing in relief when he notices Ultra Magnus and Megatron looking at him with pity while he is dragging along two bots to the same place.
His return to the bar, especially to this area, makes him stop when he finds what used to be the habsuits of the human personnel, it has been abandoned since a very long time ago and many aren't ready to invite new humans aboard.
The blue flowers that are carefully put in the entrance show that many bots are still grieving.
He tries to think of better things, with the help of more sober bots he can finally find the last bot that he was searching, his sire...
"I believe in a thing called love~"
His fucked up sire that is holding a photo of his carrier and the golden bracelet, that damn bracelet, between his digits and singing a way too old love song.
His sad and lonely dad, that he has to drag around to his berth even if he isn't sure if it is the best, because there are many other photos of his carrier there.
"Baby Sunny, so strong already" his dad is smiling a lot, way too gone and reeking of energex, it's a miracle he is still online.
That he is holding the photo and bracelet so strongly.
With brute force he finally gets his sire on berth, initiating the protocol to get him some rest.
"Hey, dad"
"Haven't you ever, at least once, you know..." He tries to be calm about it, "...think about seen other mechs? Other people?"
There is silence, and the merry go lucky smile on his sire's face plate is totally gone, it's one of those pretty rare instances when he looks death serious without a stupid idea in mind, they have already talked about it, several times, especially around this time of year.
Almost a few hundred of years have gone by since that, but Blacksun knows that almost every mech in the ship can remember the strong movement brought by the collision, the sound of decompression in every corner and silence before hundreds of little screams could be heard, Blacksun knows that part well, because Rewind recorded all of it even if he didn't want to, he was literally there when the Lost Light external protection was exploded and their human friends were devoured by outer space itself, the ones that weren't close, well, the invaders found them and no one was showed mercy, little organics exposed to aggressive bots that played with their bodies.
Rodimus never told Blacksun what was the destiny, and end, of his mother.
Blacksun can't remember as clear as he would want, (he really doesn't want to, he only wants closure), Ratchet said that it was because of trauma and he should go see a therapist, but there are not many out there, he has heard time and time again how many said that his sire was utterly devastated when his carrier's spark, heart, gave out, he heard his own sire saying how he believed that they had more time, that there was still time.
What- just, what was his father thinking when he made the conjunx ritual with an organic? A being that was to live way more little compared to him?
Blacksun would never understand, he really tries and gets nothing more out of the fact that his father loved his mother, as simple as that, but it still hurts when he sees his father like this, smiling for his sake and by his memories while trying to sound like everything is going to be alright.
"When you get a conjunx, you will understand your old man"
"Uhum, just recharge, dad"
Rodimus, deep down, wished that his son would never get to experience something like that.
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helluva-dump · 11 months
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Originally this was an oc I’ve had since teen years since she was originally a black butler oc.
But I decided to give her a massive redesign and recycle her to Hazbin hotel/Helluva boss
I know, I have such mixed feelings about the show and I really am not a big fan of their creator but idk… the nostalgic talk of ideas I had with friends during the early days of the fandom and I just kind of miss it.
But yeah that’s Lucinda aka Lucy, she’s guardian Angel (who later becomes a fallen Angel) that’s a descendent of Ruth. She’s very loyal, caring, and a compassionate person that wants to make the best for heaven. She mainly goes by the New Testament and feels like Heaven has an issue with the higher angels still clinging onto the Old Testament. (Much like our political climate lmao )
I was gonna scrap these ideas for her but idk… lately I’ve been thinking about Catholicism again and I recalled hearing how evangelicals and Republican “Christians” are now calling Jesus woke and I’ve been watching documentaries about Christianity and how it wasn’t really always linked to republicans
And I just been looking back at Bible stories I loved when I was really into Catholicism and I got inspired by friends who made Angel ocs and ahhh it made me wanna look back into the religion, it’s mythos, folklores and angelology and it’s been inspiring me with ideas.
I always been fascinated with the folklore with Christianity whether it’s angelnology or demonology, there’s just so many interesting ideas you can do to with a concept of Heaven and hell.
I was sooooo disappointed that Vivziepop was gonna go super biased and go with the “Lmao piss of Christians” root and just make heaven evil and hell good….
Okay, so I’m not exactly super Christian as I used to be but I can tell you why that’s gonna mess up the world building.
How the hell can hell be better than heaven when you get r@pists, n@zis, p3dos, serial killers, and hell a huge captilism problem as well as classism??? That to me doesn’t sound better than Heaven at all and I don’t see how Viv sees why this could mess up her world building.
Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t want Heaven to be 100% perfect but tbh… I wish she went with a morally grey route for both Heaven and hell. Showing both the pros and cons both places have.
But yeah sorry rant aside, I’m bothered she didn’t do research on such folklores befofe wanting to do a story on Heaven and hell. I get she doesn’t wanna offend Christians that may take it personal…. But she literally had already made pagans and witches angry with how she badly misrepresented Voodoo and potrayed Stolas. (I won’t lie that bothered me too )
And I get religious trauma, but I would still take wha to learned from the Bible and make it work with world building. It’s possible to make a good story while still showing respect to the mythos and faith. Moral Orel was a good example of that and it never was disrespectful to Christianty, but to those that use the religion to harm others. I was so hoping she can take that route but didn’t.
anyways rant aside, I wanna have fun doing more things with Lucy
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 27
oof i feel like a kid getting into living room while dad is having a meeting
It was all the reassurance he needed to know that Yoongi still liked him. fuck kook is so cute but thats sad too
t feels scary to stand in this hall with dozens and dozens of Rippers and Gluttons staring at you as if you were their greatest downfall STOP she is going to be a witch ok?? she is cool
Some of his fellow Rippers and Gluttons snicker upon seeing their almighty Creator so flustered by a human. xd
you stop talking when you hear just how silent the room became. thats more than enough for my voice to go shaky and crackly, and start doing spoonerism
It is beyond hilarious to them to see their grumpy Creator lose 3000 year old loses to a mere mortal ofc its funny
“no offence, you guys are chill. They’re for Namjoon.” she is soo cute fuck, im sure the old people find her cute too, "oh young kids pssh"
“You’ll regret this”, you press out. for real
“Of course you don’t, not at all.” “Shut up.” ofc yoognles
“I want to play too”, Jungkook exclaims and looks at Yoongi, “can I play?” FUCK HE IS SO FUCKING CUTE IM GONNA SET THE WOLRD ON FIRE AAAAAAAHA
“No”, he says, “I don’t have time for silly board games.” ofc millennias old grandpa wont like board games 😒🙄
“I grew hungry all of a sudden" wut 👀 “Stay away from her." KOOK I LOVE U “I will go hunting of course.” oh scared me for a second haha
“Oh”, Seokjin laughs in relief, “that sounds logical yeah.” MOOD
You have studied him and watched his every move and habits. He never takes his keys with him when he is hunting in fear that he might lose them. DAMN LOVE FUCK UR HOT WOOO but they are vampires, they dont need soo much sleep and is quiet, be more careful
“Biggest lie ever! You are constantly doing something stupid” STOP 😭😭violence 💀
“Ha! You’re so easy to mess with!” SHE IS SO ANNOYING I- I LOVE HER MARRY ME
oh we going on a tresure hunt mission
human shaped shadow startles you like crazy. WTF MY HEART JUST JUMPED OUT OF THE BODY STOP only for it to be coat hanger
Cold and dark corridors, always broody and never smiling. He is such a stereotype. XD exposed lol
“I’m literally going to die of a heart attack here”, you murmur. would be the funniest death tho, heart attack while searching for keys 😭😭
Yoongi all dressed up in a tophat and a fancy suit. A daguerreotype, THIS IS TOO FUNNY HAHA now you feel awful for laughing. Yoongi clearly meant to send this to someone special. fuck sorry
his room is so unlike him?? or do we not know him enough yet??
why doesnt he like to look at himself? thats worrying FUCK I HATE HIM AND I LOVE HIM GREAT AAAAH
ok now can we let tae out or at least visit him???
preferably you hope he pisses off altogether. To the other side of the world. mood
“Hobi seriously, if this is another one of your sad stories only for it to then end in you getting edged during a blowjob I’m gonna scream” 😭😭 did he bore her with his story already wow
An hour later I am speeding down a mountain at three hundred miles per hour whilst screeching like an idiot.” yeah i can hear his screams perfectly (run bts, thank you)
My lower spine was shattered, my legs dead and Annelise had to carry me down the mountain like a sack of potatoes before my spine finally healed again.” wow HEKC YEAH I WANNA BE A VAMPIRE HOBI TURN ME AND YOONGI TRAIN ME THEN I CAN DO RECKLESS SHIT
“It looks like a shrivelled up ballsack.” STOP LET HER COOK
“I thought that he is like me.A, a Ripper or a Glutton a-and I wanted to make him feel how it feels like to lose control.” yeah cuz thats not torture at all
kook ur cute but thats it go away stop tempting me u evil potato FUCK I CANT EVEN CURSE AT U NOODLE no NOODLE IS GOOD UM FUCK U GARLIC YEAH THAT WORKS
“Oh my god”, you exclaim, giving him a quick glance, “read the room, will you?” i feel soo bad for him BUT NO I SHANT FALL FOR HIS TRICKS, HEAR THAT YOU BITTER GOURD??
It was all the reassurance he needed to know that Yoongi still liked him. fuck kook is so cute but thats sad too
i'm actually very sad :( he just wants people to like him :(
t feels scary to stand in this hall with dozens and dozens of Rippers and Gluttons staring at you as if you were their greatest downfall STOP she is going to be a witch ok?? she is cool
interesting theory about her being a witch I LOVE WHEN you guys just have theories 👀
It is beyond hilarious to them to see their grumpy Creator lose 3000 year old loses to a mere mortal ofc its funny
like he's just secretly a big softie confirmed
“no offence, you guys are chill. They’re for Namjoon.” she is soo cute fuck, im sure the old people find her cute too, "oh young kids pssh
SHE IS THE CUTEST!!! i love her so much
“I want to play too”, Jungkook exclaims and looks at Yoongi, “can I play?” FUCK HE IS SO FUCKING CUTE IM GONNA SET THE WOLRD ON FIRE AAAAAAAHA
ME TOO gaaaah *bites him*
“No”, he says, “I don’t have time for silly board games.” ofc millennias old grandpa wont like board games 😒🙄
he is so BAD at pretending ahhhaha
“Biggest lie ever! You are constantly doing something stupid” STOP 😭😭violence 💀
human shaped shadow startles you like crazy. WTF MY HEART JUST JUMPED OUT OF THE BODY STOP only for it to be coat hanger
Yoongi all dressed up in a tophat and a fancy suit. A daguerreotype, THIS IS TOO FUNNY HAHA now you feel awful for laughing. Yoongi clearly meant to send this to someone special. fuck sorry
HAHAHHHAHAHHA this is the best reactionhahahahah
his room is so unlike him?? or do we not know him enough yet??
why doesnt he like to look at himself? thats worrying FUCK I HATE HIM AND I LOVE HIM GREAT AAAAH
No but this is actually so sad :(
lmoaoa the fact that she is ALWAYS busted when she does stupid shit fajdsjf
My lower spine was shattered, my legs dead and Annelise had to carry me down the mountain like a sack of potatoes before my spine finally healed again.” wow HEKC YEAH I WANNA BE A VAMPIRE HOBI TURN ME AND YOONGI TRAIN ME THEN I CAN DO RECKLESS SHIT
no but me for real. I'd probably end up hurting myself once and then never doing it again cause I can't handle the pain lmaoaoa
“It looks like a shrivelled up ballsack.” STOP LET HER COOK
bahahhaha "onion" jfasdjf I have to remember this for a fluffy oneshot
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kinetic-elaboration · 8 months
January 10: The Expanse 1x01
After hearing much about it on tumblr for years, I have finally started watching The Expanse. I really know almost nothing about this show other than that people I follow have said good things about it for years so I had high expectations but not specific ones.
I like it so far, though I don’t have too many thoughts, because I’m definitely still getting my bearings. There is a lot going on all the time. I hope there’s some exposition later though it sort of strikes me as the sort of show that just throws details at you and expects you to keep up with all of them and put them all together; in other words, you do have the information you need to make sense of everything but it won’t be slowed down or spoon fed to you in any way, which I do respect because I think it shows the creators’ confidence in the complexity but also durability of their own story. You have to know your story very well to give out information broad enough to keep it comprehensible, but not bogged down in excessive exposition. And by durability I mean that when a person rewatches, it still holds together. It wasn’t just making sense at the time because it was making all the right sounds and you didn’t know any better.
I really like the world building in this first episode. I always get a little wary when something starts out with a lot of details in text on a screen, just because it’s an extreme exposition shortcut, but after that there was a lot of work done to actually… build up the world, the details, the lived experience in at least a couple of these various locations they’ve just thrown out at us. I really liked the decision to start with the Belters and to have their situation explained by one of their own in a protest: blatant exposition, but powerful and intriguing. The amount of thought given to their culture was really impressive; I’m tentatively optimistic about the creole (I also get wary around conlangs especially stuff like ‘futuristic slang’ and so on but this felt organic to me) and I loved the physical differences between them and Earth people. Like I have literally never thought about that but we do know that the human body was not made for space so of course living there for a long time, like your whole life, or for generations, AND in a state of constant poverty/exploitation is going to create people who look noticeably different. The aesthetic of the Belter society was definitely cribbed from Bladerunner in my opinion. It wasn’t the most blatant c&p but there were some strong parallels. No judgment though because why mess with the best. I really liked the way the apartments were designed.
So far I don’t really have opinions on any of the characters, mostly because I just haven’t had enough time with them yet. As I said, a lot happens in under an hour and I was mostly trying to keep up with the world building (the slang, the locations, the political situation, etc.) and then after that at least sort of follow along with the plot. Plus most of the characters who get major screen time are pretty clear archetypes: the rather corrupt but morally salvageable detective; the brash young man fighting against his destiny to be a hero, etc. I’m ready to learn more about them but I don’t have favorites or strong opinions about anyone yet.
I feel very optimistic and intrigued but I definitely couldn’t marathon this one. I think one episode a week is the right pace, enough time to let things settle and not get exhausted.
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I'm scared by the very calm description about Casey's father compared to Casey's version, If this Papa Jones is anything like IDW's Arnold Jones/Hun, then I can easily see him pretentding to act calm just to raising hell and organizing a whole radicalized group behind the scenes to go to Mutant Town and see who took his daughter.
All ending in an incident that would support Draxum's agenda.
I don't know about this, but considering Casey's parent issues I have a feeling that once he finds out the truth about Donnie, he'll go all '12 Karai and go straight for Draxum's head.
Also, I wanted to mention how messed up it is that in '03, Hun is responsible for Casey's father death, while in IDW he's Casey's dad. It's like in some dimension, Shredder is relate to the turtles, hahaha...... wait.
Come to think of it! Shredder is like the x10 grandfather of the turtles, Draxum is their creator and Big Mama is their daddy's ex, if the whole plot of the series is just one big family feud?
Wait, IDW Jones Senior is Hun?! I need to read IDW, don't I? It sounds so fucking metal.
I mean, being sober makes a big difference. Don't do drugs, kids.
Or if you do, don't do meth. For real, I have not heard a single story of someone casually doing heroin or meth and having it not ruin their whole life. This is my big sister advice. Don't touch that shit. Go ahead and smoke a joint, have a drink, whatever, just don't drive. Be smart in your drug use.
Hold up, that was 2003 Casey Jones's origin story?! How do I not remember this?
My memory of 2003 is so weird. It wasn't even my first TMNT, I was like eight when it started, so I should remember more. I'm pretty sure I stopped watching around 2005 because that's when ATLA came out and my hyperfixation shifted, and I think I missed a lot of episodes because TMNT was on right when I got home from school and my mom would go through periods where she made me do homework before anything else. (which meant that I never did anything else, my parents were really crazy and would legit have me at the table doing shit from 4-9/10 at night in the third grade) Back before streaming and I don't think they had the episodes on VHS at the video rentals, so if you missed an episode you'd have to wait until the whole show cycled through. Dark ages, truly.
I do like how everything is connected in Rise, I think that was a good narrative decision. The Krang are responsible for Yokai, Yokai nonsense resulted in the turtles, Krang made the Shredder and the Shredder caused the rise of the Hamato clan. I think that's cool and a good choice for the story.
But I do have to appreciate the absolute chaos that TMNT storylines have typically been. The ooze is usually alien in nature, (was that the case in 87? I was very young then I have an excuse for not remembering plot points) but everything else? 2012 Splinter was a whole-ass dude with his own generational trauma and conflict and literally stumbled into a secret alien meeting that had nothing to do with him. Saki just shows up wanting to kill his former best friend and winds up involved in crazy alien shit. There's a bunch of gangs in 2012 and 2003 that see all this mutant stuff happening and are like "damn that's crazy. Anyway." There's a whole-ass alien invasion that has nothing to do with any of the above. The Triceratons just show up and feel like wrecking shit. The turtles end up in space because why the fuck not? Their space dad is a robot. It's insane. And it just works.
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