#but maybe that’s because of how i interact with the media specifically
that reblog on tbe tlp and dps post i made had me pondering over it for 10 minutes and im about to explode PLEASE SHARE MORE OF YOUR THOUGHTS BECAUSE THEY ARE SO TRUE AAAA
oh my GOD happily i love yapping about this??????
okay first my credentials: i have watched dead poets society 200+ times (i stopped counting, but i have it completely memorised beat for beat), i’ve read the novelisation, i’ve watched the little prince 50+ times and it’s one of my comfort movies, watched it on the plane like two days ago, and i own eight copies of the book in five different languages <3 so
more thoughts below the cut
i will say there are more obvious parallels to draw between dps and the tlp movie BUT the book has the same innate messaging in a way that is very very special to me. gonna start off with the more obvious things and then get more niche and specific and i will TRY TO MAKE SENSE.
so movie-wise, the aviator serves as the keating figure without a doubt (i would argue this is true in the book as well, but as the book lacks the mother/daughter-little prince all grown up/weird silly second dimension plot line, this parallel is more nuanced and i need to explain it more deeply) and the little girl is neil (though. in the book. undoubtedly the little prince) and her mom is mr perry etc. TODD IS THE FOX IN BOTH THE MOVIE AND THE BOOK AND I WILL ELABORATE but for convenience sake im splitting this up into movie thoughts and book thoughts so they dont get muddled
one of my favourite things about the little prince movie even though it adds like a whole plot that is not in the children’s book is that it conveys the message of the book VERY well, and a message with THAT MUCH NUANCE is really hard to put through, especially in an animated children’s movie. that being said, i feel like a lot of people don’t really THINK about it, just in the sense of knowing there’s a vague message but not really dissecting it, especially not in the same way that people dissect dead poets society. which i think is really interesting because their messages are fundamentally REALLY similar, with the little prince talking a lot about keeping your mind from getting closed with age and never forgetting wonder and creativity and interest. letting yourself be propelled by knowledge but not in a way that prioritises practicality over pure joy, and then dead poets society specifically preaching (though i’m loathe to use that word) to OPEN your mind THROUGH wonder and creativity and interest, to actively prioritise the joy over practicality at any moment you CAN.
(emphasis on when you CAN, though, because as keating says, there’s a time to be cautious and a time to be daring. sucking the marrow out of life does not mean choking on the bone. which, incidentally, is very similar to something that the aviator mentions in the book, i’ll come back to that)
as such, both movies center a child who is bearing the burden of these undue expectations that for most of their lives up until the point in the movie, they’ve happily pushed themselves to meet in order to keep the peace in their lives. they were perfectly happy (to an extent) being the child they were being asked to be. that is, until someone ACTIVELY shows them there’s more to it than that.
in fact, while one of these is an animated face in which there is not a clear view of much but the eyes and the other is an actual person, these are screen grabs of both movies in the first moments in which they are exposed to that which is going to show them there’s more than that, and i’d be inclined to argue they’re very similar. mild shock overtaken by awe, fixed stare on what they’re consuming (as far as the first page of the little prince vs keating quoting whitman)
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this is when they’re starting to realise that they are more than a machine to please the adults in their lives (who are also written very similarly, with, of course, one notable exception: the mother is the one who ultimately realises she was not being fair to her kid, whereas mr perry doubles down and… well. you know.)
this awe-riddled inspiration, the epiphany of the Creative World being real and something they’re allowed to explore and enjoy is facilitated by both the one who did the introduction (the aviator/keating) and support and camaraderie with someone else (the fox/the poets) (yes i know the fox does not technically talk, however, it is clearly a sentient creature in the movie that provides comfort and companionship to the little girl and therefore i will in fact argue that it counts)
NOW i know i said todd is the fox in both iterations but in the movie i dont think the fox is limited to parallels SOLELY with todd, for instance, it very much encourages the little girl to continue with the story, with the aviator, and while it is occasionally like, covering its eyes out of fright, it’s largely serving to push her out of her comfort zone. as such. the fox is both todd and charlie. (the other poets as well but less so in the sense that i can NAME them and draw specific parallels, so mostly todd and charlie)
it is absolutely no secret to us that charlie and todd are the ones closest to neil in the movie, and that charlie and neil’s closeness definitely pre-dates neil and todd’s, and charlie takes neil’s idea of doing the dead poets society and RUNS with it, (lovingly) bullies everyone into coming, gets it to happen and sort of yells over any doubt that neil could have had that he was doing something he wasn’t supposed to do. todd is supportive but wary, and while the fox in the movie is not in the same capacity as todd in this sense i think there are certainly scenes where we see it just sort of become overwhelmed with what’s going on (like the first time they mess with the plane)
i could go into depth about the whole grown up world thing but that would make this much much longer
the rest of my thoughts are very much related to both the book and the movie and thus i will continue but centre them on the book
i mentioned the messages of the little prince compared to dead poets society above and i just think that’s such a big thing for me because they really do mirror each other and showcase similar thoughts, this idea of the aviator sort of being forced to pursue “practical” things (i think specifically the book cites arithmetic and geography? i can’t remember right this second but i know arithmetic is one of them) and how even though he WAS forced to sort of let go of his personality that was creative, he never really did. he just was careful with who he let see it. which is very keating coded tbh like let’s be real if nolan knew what he was like he NEVER would have gotten that job. but i think specifically because he knew this already and was sort of reminded of it by the little prince LEARNING it it’s very much neil and mr keating. this is why i really think todd is the fox, you have the whole conversation in the book about taming (which i know is kind of in the movie but the book centres it in a way that is slightly different)
to tame people is to change. i will be unique in all the world. to me you will be unique in all the world. you are responsible forever for what you have tamed. when you leave i will cry. etc etc etc
todd and neil tame EACH OTHER. obviously todd is not neil’s first friend, but they have a relationship clearly different from neil’s with the other poets (romantic headcanon or not) because they really have TAMED each other.
also. i think mr perry views neil as his rose. that’s a whole other dissertation.
but. i think the reality is that the movies/book both centre creativity and seeking to understand pure thought in a way that is like two sides of the same coin, but there’s such little overlap that maybe it doesn’t feel obvious?
at the end of the day, there’s really no convincing me that
“what is essential is invisible to the eye, it is only with the heart that one can see rightly”
is not in fact another iteration of
“we don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute…. medicine law business engineering…. poetry beauty romance love, these are what we stay alive for”
because they’re so similar at their hearts.
tldr: the little prince and dead poets society actually carry similar characterisation and messages and i think that speaks a lot about both pieces of media, especially considering that one is literally meant to be for children. it’s almost like tlp is a precursor to dps. a warning to which dps is the result of ignoring. if that makes sense. i’m not sure any of this made sense but THANK YOU FOR ASKING
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nexus-nebulae · 2 years
yearning has gotta be the worst emotion ever invented why do i gotta want things that are physically impossible for me to achieve
#this isn't even about things like species dysphoria or missing source even#this is about me having too much anxiety to Participate In Literally Anything#like i can't even send messages in a twitch stream chat it's that bad#like... i'm realizing more and more recently how severe and disabling my anxiety is#i knew it was bad before but it just suddenly decided to fuck me over forever i guess#but like- if i were to sum up every social interaction i have in the span of. let's say a week#even counting interactions that most people would overlook like with cashiers and stuff#i talk to Exactly Two People regularly#and post on here which is literally The Only Social Media I've Ever Used#and i see maybe three or four cashiers or other forms of Employee for short public interactions#and that's IT. absolutely and totally it#i don't work so i don't have coworkers to see. i never even FINISHED school so i don't have classmates either#i literally only speak to my mother and one irl friend#and i'm even anxious around them a decent amount of the time like nobody is spared from my chronic unending Fear Of People#it's just they're the few people i can manage to stamp down my anxiety just enough that i'm not completely frozen and mute#and i can actually manage to take down Some masks around them#i only talk so much on tumblr because it feels less like Talking To People or specifically being social#it's just writing down random thoughts and if someone else stumbles across them that's their problem#i mean. fuck a lot of the time i refuse to leave the house because i'm too anxious to talk to *walmart employees*#aka the people least likely to judge me in any situation. nobody judges anyone at walmart anything goes there#i mean. people sure probably Judge but. still walmart is not a place of honour and dignity
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suhkusa · 2 months
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PAIRING. Bakugou Katsuki x f!Reader
CW. slight enemies-to-lovers, some angst but not heavy, fluff, you're both snarky (romantic), ~4k words, slice of life, reader has a healing quirk
A/N. i'd say slowburn but it's only slowburn because i barely ever write fics this long lol
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Throughout your time in the nurse’s office as Recovery Girl’s student apprentice, you’ve met many different students. They all varied– whether it be their quirk, their grade, or even the injury they had come in for. 
Students from the general education, support and management departments rarely ever made their rounds to the nurse’s office, only coming in for a simple cut or bruise. 
That left you with those in the hero department.
You got along well with nearly all of them, even going as far as becoming friends with a few. And while that was true, of course there were gonna be some who you couldn’t get along with. But, there was specifically one student you could not stand. And he’d probably say the same thing for you as well. 
It was none other than Bakugou Katsuki.
The first time you really interacted with Bakugou Katsuki was within the first month of your apprenticeship. It was in your 3rd year, and you had already been managing well. 
Your day had started off fantastic. Recovery Girl had left you to run the office by yourself, thoroughly trusting your working and communication skills, so that she could run errands out of town. 
The office hadn’t been too busy, allowing you time to finish a bit of your homework at your own little desk next to hers. A few people came and left, just needing a simple healing of their arm or leg. 
You had been lost in thought when he slammed the door open, practically huffing as he walked in. Putting your pencil down, your wide eyes looked up and met his own. It felt as though he was burning a hole straight through your skull with the way he stared you down.
You didn’t even have to ask to know who he was. In your first and second year, his face was plastered nearly everywhere throughout the media. Bakugou Katsuki. But you’d never talked to him. Well, until now.
Assuming he’d be like every other person who walked through that door, stating their business then quietly leaving, you broke the deafening silence.
“Uh, yes?” you let out, cringing internally at the way the words came out.
Bakugou looked around the room before back at you, “Where the hell is the old woman at?” he spat.
You were seemingly surprised at his not-so-subtle entrance and dirty language. 
“If you meant Recovery Lady by “old woman”, then she’s out of town for some errands. I can help you if–”
“And who the hell are you?” he snapped before you finished, impatience laced in the way he spoke and stood before you.
You could practically feel how your jaw dropped and eyebrows furrowed at his blunt question. If he didn’t hold back, then why should you?
“I’m Y/N L/N, I’m Recovery Lady’s helper. Now,” you put on the most calm and collected voice you could manage, “what the hell do you want?”
The day was going well, before now at least, and you were not going to let some egoistic, cocky guy ruin it for you. Tug of war is a game with two different sides, and you weren’t gonna let him win victoriously. 
Bakugou’s face scrunched up at the words you spat right back at him, opening his mouth to retort something– probably an insult– before letting it fall shut with a grunt. 
“What the– Just put a bandage on this shit,” he held his arm out for you to see a scrape wound running up the length of it.
You raised an eyebrow as you glanced between the injury and his eyes that looked down at you expectantly. And waited.
“The fuck you staring at?” he spoke– yelled, really– before stepping a bit closer.
A smirk tugged up at the corner of your lips before you sat back in your spinning chair, crossing a leg over the other. Like you were the one expecting something.
“Please.” you cut him off, lifting a hand to inspect your nails nonchalantly. Hm, maybe you should get them done.
“Like hell I’m saying that, do something about–”
“Please.”  you repeated, emphasizing the word in a louder tone. You looked at him from behind your lifted hand, the smirk that once teased at your mouth now sitting there fully– mocking him.
“Fine! Fuckin’ fine!”  Bakugou snarled, his pearly whites peeking from under his lips. “Will you please do something about this?”
Satisfied, you responded, “‘Kay,”
Perhaps you should’ve bit your tongue before you spoke to the oh so great Bakugou Katsuki. In your defense, you didn’t know he’d hold it against you. You were joking, obviously. It was obvious. Right?
And so, everytime he walked into the nurse’s office, he’d send you the same nasty glare, practically seething through his teeth as he made eye contact with you. You knew exactly why he did the gesture every time he came in, but how long did this guy hold grudges for? It wasn’t like you publicly humiliated him or anything. 
“Why are you always looking at me like that?” you asked him one day as the Recovery Lady escorted him to one of the vacant cots, leg stretched out as you leaned back in your chair. 
“Hah? Like what?” he grunted in your direction as he took a seat, an eyebrow raised in curiosity? Irritation? Probably both.
“Mm,” you looked up to the roof as if you were thinking, “Like you like me or something, I mean it’s really flattering but you don’t have to sta—”
“As if. I’d rather watch an elephant take a dump than stare at your face any day,” Bakugou inputted as he lifted his arm to allow Recovery Lady to heal the injury along his bicep.
“Oh really? I didn’t know you were into that kind of stuff, Bakugou,” 
You fidgeted with the pen in your hand as you watched his face scrunch up. 
“You know what—”
Just as he was about to rise and stand from his spot, Recovery Lady quickly and gently pushed him to sit back down. 
“Y/N,” she emphasized your name with a familiar tone, “I think we’re running low on bandages, could you go get some from the storage room?” 
Even though her words were anything but hostile, you and Bakugou could tell she was scolding you. You let out a sigh. 
“Yeah, I can,” 
Getting up from your seat, you set your things down before making your way to the door. Not before stealing one more glance at Bakugou. He was also staring back at you, but this time there was a bit of cockiness in his eyes. Getting the last word never hurt anybody.
You slid the door open, eyes still locked with his, “You know, you’d probably look cute as well if you didn’t look like you were constipated 24/7,” 
“The fuck—”
Quickly sticking your tongue out at him, you shut the door before he was able to finish his sentence.
The nurse’s office had been particularly quiet today. The slow day in the office gave you more free time to yourself, which allowed you to catch up on a couple past assignments. Only two or three people came in before the lunch bell rang. After packing your bag, you waved off Recovery Lady as you excused yourself to the cafeteria.
And when you returned, it was still quiet. You quickly noticed that it was also void of Recovery Lady, the short woman nowhere to be seen. As you slid the door shut behind you, you heard a hushed groan come from one of the beds. Your head snapped to the source of the noise, quietly stepping closer to the person. 
Almost naturally, you recognized the disheveled blonde hair. Bakugou. 
But this was different. New. He was quiet for once, and the eyes that almost always were glaring at you were closed shut. Your body relaxed at the unusual sight of him. And maybe if you were crazy, you would’ve thought he was cute. 
As you got closer, you noticed the slight crease in his eyebrows, as well as the bandage that was wrapped around his torso. 
Perhaps you got too caught up in the moment, though. Too caught up in the way his chest slowly rose with each breath, the way his skin seemed to glow under the sun’s filtered light. So caught up that you didn’t realize those familiar crimson eyes were staring back up at you.
“You a pervert now?” his voice cut through silence, causing you to tense and step back. “The hell are you looking at?”
For a moment, it felt like your voice was caught in your throat. You caught yourself trying to find something to look at. Something other than him.
“Looks like you’re in quite a predicament,” you commented with a breathy laugh, not really knowing what else to say. Stupid joke.
“No, really?” sarcasm was laced in his tone, but you could hear the struggle as he grunted quietly afterwards.
Maybe you’d spare him for the day.
“Recovery Lady hasn’t gotten to you, yet?” you asked as you slowly made your way to your desk, setting down your bag.
“Nah,” he let out a huff as he sat up, “Shit— she wasn’t here when I got here,”
Letting out a hum in response, “Do… Do you want me to help you then?” you asked, even though you already knew the likely answer.
“What the hell do you think—” 
“You know, on second thought I have some homework—”
He let out an exasperated sigh before surrendering once again, “Yes. Yes, please. Help me,”
Biting back a small smile, you turned back around to make your way back to the injured man. You pulled up a chair next to the bed, sliding in closer. After gesturing him to lay back down, your hands carefully peeled back the bandages that covered the wound. You’d never get used to the sight of blood. 
You could feel the way his body tensed every time your hand neared his injury, though you tried your best not to touch it at all. 
“Sorry if it hurts a little,” you said, lifting your hands over the gash, “Just do your best to relax,”
“Whatever,” Bakugou responded as he turned his head away from you. 
It happened in a flash. From his peripheral view, he saw your hands glow, and the next thing he knew: he was fine again. Not a scar, scratch, or wound in sight. Like it wasn’t even there. 
Though you enjoyed the perplexed look in his eyes, you could feel yourself becoming rather light-headed. You took a deep breath before standing up and going back to your desk to get your water bottle. 
As you took a sip of your water, you watched as he sat up in the cot, lifting up his shirt to examine the skin. 
“Never seen a quirk before?” you laughed at his amusement.
His face quickly snapped back to his normal grouchy look, “No, just didn’t know you had a quirk at all, you usually just bandage my injuries up. Plus healing quirks are rare,”
“Mm, I get that a lot,” you mused, twisting the cap back onto your water, “It’s just a normal healing quirk though. I’ve been working with Recovery Lady to train it’s capabilities,”
Bakugou grunted in response. Silence filled the room for a moment before he decided to speak up. 
“Gonna head back to class,” he stated curtly, swiftly putting his blazer back on before stepping towards the door, “Thanks, I guess,” 
With one last glance back at you, he was gone. Leaving you and the rapid thumping of your heart alone in the room once again. 
“Is anyone sitting here?” a gruff voice came from above.
With the rest of the noise in the cafeteria, you nearly didn’t hear him. Your eyes gazed up from your food toward him, eyebrow shooting up in question.
“Uhm,” you swallowed the food in your mouth before responding, “what does it look like to you?” 
You gestured to the empty seats around you before going back to poking at your lunch.
“Tch, just asking,” Bakugou murmured under his breath as he tugged a chair out from under the table and took a seat.
As you ate, you couldn’t help but sneak a couple of glances his way. Just why was he sitting with you? Was this his own silent way of tormenting you?
“So,” you started before clearing your throat, “what do you want?”
You could see him freeze mid-bite, eyes shooting up to you.
“To eat? What else?” he grunted nonchalantly.
Well no shit.
“Oh really? Didn’t know that,” you rolled your eyes, “why not eat with your friends?”
“Don’t wanna,”
Your lips pulled into a thin line before you gave up. You dismissed him as you continued to finish your lunch. After this you’d probably have enough time to take a nap in the nurse’s office. In an attempt to finish your food without starting some random argument with the blonde next to you, you kept the interactions to a minimum.
After you finished, you debated your options. Did you say goodbye or just… leave? Just leaving would be rude, wouldn’t it? Well who cares, you sure don’t–
“Hold on,” he called out, catching your attention.
You watched as he quickly finished the rest of his lunch, gathering his stuff before standing up. 
“Alright, let’s go,” he said as he walked past you towards the garbage can.
“Uh,” you followed shortly after him with your trash, “go where?”
Stacking his tray with the others, he sent you a glare with a rough, “Where else?” 
When you didn’t respond with a word but instead with a confused look, Bakugou sighed and continued. 
“The nurse’s office,” 
Your mouth dropped open in a silent “Ohh”. You tugged your bag over your shoulder as you walked up next to him.
 The walk through the halls was rather silent other than the couple of students that walked past the two of you. But not a word was said between the two of you. At least until he opened his mouth. 
“So, what are your plans after graduating?” he asked, hands in his pocket as he continued to walk by you. 
You let your eyes scan the exterior through the wide UA windows when you responded, “Hm, I think I’ll find a job in a hospital? I think I wanna work in some field with heroes, but I’m not quite sure yet… And you?”
“Obviously I’m gonna a hero,” Bakugou scoffed with a smirk, “Gonna be the best one, at that,” 
“I see,” you let a light laugh slip out at his confidence.
“What’s funny, huh?” he asked, voice suddenly scarily serious. 
Your eyes widened, “Nothing, nothing– It’s just we barely have normal conversations like this. I guess,” you quickly added.
Bakugou hummed in response, coming to a quick stop as the two of you reached the nurse’s office’s door. 
“Well,” you step closer to the door, “Thank you for walking me here, Bakugou,” you smiled.
He rolled his eyes, “Just call me Katsuki,” he turned the other way quickly before waving you off, “Later, nerd,” 
A laugh escaped you as you watched him walk away, waiting a couple of more moments before walking into the office.
Maybe if you stared for a little longer you would’ve seen the way his ears reddened at your smile.
“Oh! Good afternoon Bakugou and Kirishima!” the voice of the elderly woman snapped you awake, causing you to jump in your seat.
You could hear a snicker come from a certain person as you turned to see the two who entered the room.
Your eyes were met with a seemingly beaten up Kirishima and Bakugou, the two having scruffs, scratches and bruises on their skin.
“What were you guys doing this time?” Recovery Lady escorted the two to their own beds, tending to Bakugou’s injuries and gesturing to you to help Kirishima.
“Ah, just training, same as always,” the red head responded with a smile, “Oh, hey Y/N,”
You could feel the ends of your mouth tug upwards at his greeting, “Hey,”
“How’s everything been?” 
As you continued your chatter with Kirishima and helped him with his injuries, you didn’t seem to see or feel the daggers of stares that Bakugou sent in your direction.
On the other hand, Bakugou didn’t even know why he felt like this. 
What was he pissed about? It’s not like the two of you are friends. Did you consider him a friend? Yet why did it feel so utterly annoying to watch you interact with some other guy? 
That was beyond Bakugou. 
Maybe he already knew the answer. And maybe he didn’t want to come to terms with what that answer held.
Either way he couldn’t take another second of this.
“Bakugou? Where are you going—”
The sound of Recovery Lady’s frantic voice caught the attention of you and Kirishima. Your eyebrow raised in confusion as the blonde made his way to the door with the little lady following him.
“You’re not fully healed yet,” the old woman claimed.
“It’s fine,” 
“Let him,” Kirishima said after Bakugou slammed the door shut. “He’s been a little off lately,”
You wrapped a bandage around Kirishima’s elbow, “Off? How?”
Kirishima’s eyes looked up in thought, “He’s been kinda closed off lately; barely comes to our hangouts,”
“Ooh,” you sighed as you continued helping the guy in front of you.
There was a seedling of worry planted in your stomach, and you barely had any clue why. It’s not like you guys were close. He was just some guy who came to the nurse’s office like every other student. Maybe those late nights staying up were finally catching up to you. 
After cleaning up and sending Kirishima off, you were finally left alone. Recovery Lady had left a while ago to fetch some supplies from the storage room. And so that left you and your thoughts alone in the office.
A week had gone by.
A week had gone by, and there had been radio silence from Bakugou.
Either training had slowed down or he was completely avoiding you. And either way, it still made you a bit sad. Only a bit. 
Days in the nurse’s office were slow and lonely. You never made a real connection with anyone. People came and people left. They come to get healed and leave. No side talk, albeit a few exceptions. Bakugou being one of those.
 There were times where you thought you saw him entering the nurse’s office when you were leaving, but the glimpses were so small that you chalked it up to your imagination.
It felt like he was consuming your every thought, so you had no choice but to accept the fact that maybe you had a crush on Bakugou. Maybe.
But so what? That was normal, everyone had a crush on him at one point. Too bad you fell victim along with the rest of them, though.
Admitting to yourself that you liked Bakugou was hard, but having to actually deal with the feelings you had was harder. One, because you’ve never really had a serious crush. And two, he was nowhere to be seen. Having a crush on him made your heart beat so quick that you’d use your quirk on yourself to make sure you weren’t having heart problems.
Soon, one week turned into two.
And it seemed like the office was only getting busier as the third years prepared for their finals. Everyone was in and out as they practiced their hand to hand combat more vigorously and more often.
The first couple of days, it was easy. But towards the end of the week, you began to fatigue. Having to balance your own finals and running around the office having to use your quirk over and over was doing a number on you. 
The injuries were becoming worse, the amount was increasing. At times, you were dizzy with how many times you’d have to keep turning around from bed to bed to help someone new. 
Then there was a calm. You barely noticed a full week of finals had swung by, leaving the clinic empty and quiet. 
“Is it alright if I nap during the passing period?” you turn in your chair to Recovery Lady, who is stocking up the medicine cabinets.
“Of course, you should be fine, if anything I can handle anyone who comes in,” she tells you.
You sigh in relief as you walk to the nearest bed on weak legs, basically melting into it as soon as your body hits the cushion. You knock out on the spot, letting your well-deserved slumber overcome you.
 Your slumber is interrupted by a slight jolt to the bed frame you’re lying on. You groan as you flip onto your other side. The light escapes through your lashes, creating a blurred light illusion with a silhouette. Your eyes shot open, a silhouette? 
You become conscious of yourself as soon as you realize the one before you is none other than Bakugou Katsuki. There’s a stupid grin on his face which makes you want to slap it right off of him. You sneakily nudge at the drool on the side of your mouth and adjust your clothing and appearance.
“Finally awake, sleeping beauty?” he says from the seat beside you, and it feels like forever since you’ve last heard that voice of his.
“Yeah, because of someone,” you grumbled, eyebrows scrunching up. He laughs, laughs, as his eyes focus on you.
“It’s getting late,” is all he says.
You have half a mind to respond, until you remember that he’s been avoiding you. Your eyebrows tighten together impossibly closer, as you flip to face away from him.
“You’re a dick,” you say matter-of-factly. “You’ve been avoiding me, I’m not stupid,”
Your eyes are jittery as they look everywhere. Trying to focus on something in the room to distract yourself from all of the possibilities of what might come out of his mouth.
“Why do you care?”
His words cause you to sit up, facing him once more. “What do you even mean, why? I used to see you everyday, then suddenly you just walked out and I never saw you again,”
Bakugou’s eyes slightly roll at your words, and it kind of hurts.
“I just thought maybe we were…” your words trail off causing Bakugou to stare at you more intently.
“Were what?”
“I don’t know, friends, or some shit,” you bury your head in your hands out of embarrassment.
“Did I say we weren’t?”
“Well, you never said we were,”
“Didn’t think I had to,” he says, “Thought you were smarter than that, doc,”
You smile at the nickname. “You can leave now, I’m awake, I just have to close up the clinic. Why were you here in the first place?”
“Had to make sure you weren’t dead or something,”
Laughing, you get up to fix the bed sheets. The words that fly out of your mouth come out on their own. 
“What, do you like me or something?”
His careless response didn’t register in your mind at first, but when it did, you could feel the heat rush from the back of your neck up to the tips of your ears. 
“W-What? You can’t just say that… weirdo,” your eyes flick up at him then back down to the sheets, fluffing up the already neat pillows. 
Silence filters through the room, the only noise filling your ears being the noise of cotton and linen being moved around. Along with the sound of your heartbeat thumping in your ears. It felt so loud, that you swear he could probably hear it as well. You didn’t know what to do, was this real life?
Did those words really just come out of his mouth?
His head tilted and you could feel his gaze on you. It was nerve-wracking, and you were just hoping and praying he’d say something that’d clear your mind. A small, “just kidding,” would be nice right about now. The hurt you’d feel from that would be better than the anxiety you felt at this instant. 
“Say what?” he mocks, and it causes your eye to twitch.
You decide you’re not playing these games with Katsuki Bakugou today, “Oh nothing, must’ve been the wind,” you flutter your eyes before turning the other direction to fix up another bed that looks like it’d been used.
A hand on your wrist puts a stop to your motions, and it immediately makes your head turn back to meet his eyes. 
“B- Katsuki–”
You’d usually be able to come up with something snarky, but right now all your words were caught in your throat. You were actually scared to say the wrong thing for once.
“You were joking right?” you ask him, nervous for what his answer might be.
Bakugou is quick to retort, “Depends, were you?”
You gulp down your anxiety before giving him a response, “N-No,”
“Then? Use that smart little brain of yours, doc,”
“Say it,” you demand, “I’m not playing this little game with you, so say it,”
His ruby eyes roll before connecting gazes with yours once again, “I like you, or something,” he mimics your words from earlier.
You can feel yourself fluster. The dizziness in your head almost made you convince yourself that you were dreaming. If this was a dream, you wanted All Might himself to pop out and punch you across the face.
“Why don’t you say something now, hm?” his grip around your wrist loosens to a more gentle grasp.
His face closens to yours, the distance between the two of you is only breaths-length. 
“Since you’re so smart, you tell me,” you sass, “Take a guess, smartass,” 
A smile quirks at the corner of his mouth, “You’re such a dick,” he whispers under his breath before closing the distance completely, his lips locking with yours. 
Your eyes widen at the pure shock, but you ultimately melt into the kiss. It’s sweet and you can feel the two of you smiling into it. 
When the two of you part, you can feel slight embarrassment wash over you. “You’re an ass, you didn’t even let me confess, my high school sweetheart experience is ruined forever, 
Bakugou lets out a breathy laugh at your words, “Thought you wanted me to take a guess,” 
“And if you were wrong?” 
“Hah, as if,”
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© all writings belongs to suhkusa 2024. do not repost or change.
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ms-demeanor · 7 months
Hello,Do you have any tips for recovering from internet brain rot? It's like my patience has dried up and if there's a huge amount of text (even about topics I'm very interested in) that I have to read, I get annoyed and just don't interact with the material at all.
I have multiple tips!
TL;DR (Because of course I generated a wall of text): Take a break from the internet, create a schedule for getting yourself used to reading longer texts, take breaks while reading, and perhaps reconsider how you interact with The Internet and the world in general.
Here are the basic "to reduce the brain rot just don't interact" tips:
Take a break. Give yourself time off from The Internet (for these purposes The Internet is the social media industrial complex; clickbait news, recommended videos, social media sites, etc. You don't have to totally check out of email or your local news site, just get away from the huge time sucks). I'd say to take at least one day a week where you're online for less than an hour a day, and to maybe work up to doing a week-long break from whatever the main agents of rot are.
Once you've identified the main agents of rot, give yourself a time limit or set up rules for yourself. I don't let myself look at social media in bed, for instance; no staying up late on my phone, no scrolling before I get up and start my day. I don't give myself a strict time limit anymore, but for a while there I was very firm about "you only get to go online 4 hours a day" with myself.
Don't comment (or at least only share the things you really want to share). If you feel the need to argue, or if you feel pressured into sharing something, don't. Step back, maybe even open the post in a new tab or send it to yourself, and come back later. If you've been thinking about it and have decided it IS something you care enough to talk about, share it. If you look at the tab and feel stressed out or still feel reactive, close the tab and walk away.
Go out and interact with the real world in a non-work capacity for a few hours a week; take walks or go shopping or go out and take pictures of insects. Touch grass so that The Internet is not the only thing you're doing with your downtime.
Here are the "work on reading longer texts specifically" tips:
Set a reading goal for yourself. Maybe you want to read one New Yorker article a week, maybe you want to read all the way through news articles, maybe you want to read novels like you used to in high school. Figure out what your actual goal is and articulate that goal to yourself.
Set up a practice schedule and gradually increase the amount of time you're reading. Don't go from short tumblr posts to a novella, go from short tumblr posts to slightly longer news articles, then to slightly longer essays, then to a novella. You can do this in literal paragraphs if you want to - maybe your goal for your first day is to read five paragraphs in a row, and the second day is seven, and the third day is ten, etc, until you are comfortably reading for longer amounts of time without counting paragraphs. (Try this with books from gutenberg.org; read a classic you haven't read a few paragraphs at a time and if you find yourself going over your paragraph count, let yourself run with it. If you finish a book, good for you, find another one and start again.)
Set up a maintenance schedule. If your goal is to read longer news pieces, try to read a longer piece every week and try to read to the end of every news article you open. If your goal is to read novels or longer nonfiction, try to read a book a month (maybe setting aside dedicated time each week to read, maybe Thursday evenings are book time now). If you find yourself falling back into old habits, take a break from The Internet and do some more rigorous practice for a while.
If you find yourself getting frustrated while you are reading you can also take a break! Read until you get frustrated and then *instead of switching to a different page or closing the article* close your eyes or look out the window or away from the screen for thirty seconds (count 'em! count out the time in your head) and then continue reading. You can also take a longer pause and sit and think about why you're getting frustrated. Is it the subject matter? Is it just looking at this text for longer than a couple minutes (if you are experiencing FOMO because you're reading for another few minutes instead of scrolling, the harder tips at the bottom are going to be important to you)? Are you comfortable? Are you reading this text to procrastinate from something and the procrastination is making you nervous? Are you trying to read to the bottom of your dash and reading a long post is taking up more time than you want while scrolling? Are you bored? Genuinely and very seriously: are your eyes straining and does your head hurt (if this is the case when is the last time you had your eyes checked or your glasses prescription updated)?
Here are the much harder "examine yourself and reassess your reactions to things" tips:
Work on re-training your attention span.
Identify something that you enjoy and find deeply engaging, and schedule some dedicated time for that thing. Set a literal timer (it can be a short amount of time at first) and sit down and do the thing without switching to a different website or opening up an app on your phone. This can be re-reading or watching a couple episodes of a show you like or listening to your favorite album while you sit down and draw. What's important is to spend a longer time focusing on doing something you DO like before attempting to spend a longer time focusing on something you DON'T like.
When you're starting on things you DON'T like, start with things you mildly don't like, or that feel tedious but aren't actually unpleasant. One way I do this is by transcribing poetry; I look up poems that I connect to and I transcribe them into a notebook that I have for that purpose. I enjoy having the finished product, but I don't enjoy the process, so it takes some effort to stick with it. Maybe there is a boring book you have been trying to get through, maybe you need to detail your car, maybe you've been trying to take up embroidery - these are good things to make yourself pay attention to (having music or a podcast on can help, but avoid watching videos or opening social apps)
When you're okay at that kind of thing (doing something not actively unpleasant) work on your attention span for things you ACTIVELY don't like. I don't think you should be a masochist about this, but you should work on being okay with doing unpleasant things for a sustained period of time. All of us have to do unpleasant stuff sometimes, and it's better to be able to pay attention to it for an hour at a time than it is to put it off forever.
This leads into the next Big Tip which is:
Work on being less reactive
Find something that you dislike; I'm going to use conservative talk radio as my example.
Expose yourself to the disliked thing for short periods of time (under ten minutes, maybe under five minutes).
Work on moderating your emotions during the time spent exposed to the disliked thing. If it makes you angry, work on intellectualizing the anger without becoming agitated by it. If it makes you sad, work on accepting that sadness without letting it drag down your mood. This isn't precisely about becoming numb to stimuli, but it is about being more in control of how your emotional reactions impact you.
Analyze the disliked thing. Why does it make you angry? Is that on purpose by the creator of the thing? Would it make someone else angry in the same way? How would you explain the anger to a neutral third party?
Consider responding instead of reacting. Let's say you're seeing a lot of very sad and upsetting things online and it's making you sad and upsetting you. You re-share these things because you don't feel like there's anything else you can do or you get angry when you see people sharing incorrect information, perhaps you argue with people about this. Now try looking at the upsetting things through the lens of point number four. This has upset you; how has it upset you? And once you've thought about how it upset you and have articulated that to yourself, find out what you can DO. I cannot make conservative talk radio go off the air, but I can support the groups harmed by conservative talk radio; thus there is no point in me getting upset and angry about conservative talk radio when I could be helping the people they target instead.
And that gets us to the last big tip which is:
Ask yourself if you are spending your time in a way that is enjoyable and edifying.
We all have limited time in our days and limited time in our lives. If you are finding yourself frequently frustrated online, it's a good time to consider whether you want to be spending so much time online.
If you feel like The Internet has become a rat race in which you can't read more than a few paragraphs without getting frustrated, there's a good chance that not only are you spending too much time on The Internet, but you're also spending it on doing things that you don't particularly like.
A realization like yours, Anon, that you are getting frustrated with any longer texts, can actually be really helpful because it provides a good opportunity to look at what you're engaging with and consider the questions:
Is this something I enjoy?
Do I feel good when I do this thing?
And that's a great way to figure out how to get rid of things that are leading to your background frustration. Maybe that looks like paring down the list of blogs you follow, maybe that looks like unsubscribing from some youtubers and podcasts, maybe that looks like uninstalling apps, maybe that looks like blocking a whole bunch of people and terms on your socials.
I don't think that everything we do has to help us grow as a person or expand our consciousness or anything like that, but I do think it's important to prioritize doing things that you like and doing things that you feel good about.
Like, I'm not doing something *wrong* if I spend an afternoon on Youtube watching drama channels every once in a while, but if I come out of a few afternoons of watching youtube drama channels feeling restless and anxious and like I wasted my time - even if I enjoyed myself while I was watching - it's probably a good idea for me to take a break from drama channels and see if there's something I can do instead that will make me feel better.
You are an animal that requires significant enrichment in your enclosure.
Think about tigers. Tigers in captivity are going to be excited to get high-value treats for any reason. They will eat and enjoy the treats. But if a tiger in captivity is only given the treats and never given any other form of activity to engage with, it is not going to be a happy tiger. If you start putting their treats in a pumpkin or a puzzle feeder or giving them toys to play with, that is going to be a much happier tiger.
Please give your brain things to play with that are more than just treats (though it does need some treats!). Make yourself a happy tiger. Your brain need a puzzle feeder, not a treat button.
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lilacstro · 3 months
part of fortune and what can be actually fated in your life
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hey! I KNOWWW someone will think or say, hey? wait- isnt that vortex? indeed it is, but I am sharing this post from an observation series pointer I made, so you can say this is an observational post/my own theory kinda post lol. This post is again not taken from any book or source and is my own observation. If this does not make sense for you or you don't agree, it's okay, you can skip :)
I had 3 asks for this one so here we go!! I will try to keep it short and simple because I see I rant quite a lot in my posts T T. Part of fortune in:
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1st house/Aries: I have not really seen a chart with a part of fortune in the 1st, but this specifically makes me think your soul chose your body for completing a purpose in this life time. Some fated connection with your body, the way you look. A spiritual connection/mission that can involve a series of fated events to bring you closer to your personal missions and goals.
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2nd house/Taurus: Fate with the money you have, money you receive or how you keep your money. Fate transforms your old belief systems for good. Fate with the things you speak or do at times, the way you make friends or other relationships.
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3rd house/Gemini: Fate with the things you come across, maybe someday you come across a book and it changes your life, maybe a social media post and changes your life. Fate with siblings, maybe they connect you to you destiny or you connect them to theirs. Fate encounters you at mundane places you go to, maybe your neighborhood park or the grocery store. Some fate with the place you grew up in
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4th house/Cancer: Fate in the family you are born into. Fated connection with the mother, might connect your mother to her higher purpose and destiny. Might impart fate to mother.
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5th house/Leo: Fate in children. Your children might be sent to you for a higher purpose. Fate in things you enjoy and your creative pursuits, maybe they turn into something more profitable someday, maybe they are trying to connect you to something important
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6th house/Virgo: Fate in Service. You maybe sent to people to help them, a godsend in some cases. Things change overnight, some small conversation changes everything at once. Finding out small things that lead to bigger ones, and another and another. You enter the lives of people when they need your light/guidance
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7th house/Libra: Fate in close partnerships and people you encounter. Fate in people you make friends with, interact with. Vibes of small conversation with a stranger at a store leads to someone very important in your life. You can learn a lot from people your close circle.
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8th house/Scorpio: Fate in protection and redirection. Fate in change. Whatever you struggle to leave behind or hold on tight to or actually decide not to let go off, may actually be taken away, yet, you will see how it was for your absolute best and higher purpose. Fate with inheritance or gains from other people.
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9th house/Sagittarius: Having fated destinations to go to, fate involvement in what higher studies you do, where you go for your higher studies and how it plays out. Encountering fate in regards to getting wisdom, your prayers are answered sooner or later. Right place, right time.
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10th house/Capricorn: A Fated occupational destination and position, might end up doing completely different from what you once imagined, fate in the people you meet who help you professionally or lead you to your true calling. May impart fortune to father. Fate brings you to dispensing karma to other people.
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11th house/Aquarius: Meeting Fated people, FRIENDS, finding people to help you in need ALWAYS. Encountering fated connections that later help you in life somehow even if they are lost. Being able to have connections/meet influential/powerful people somehow, unexpectedly.
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12th house/Pisces: Encountering fate in regards to esoteric wisdom, spirituality and spiritual self. Fate in regards to encountering unexpected, distant things. Maybe the thoughts and dreams you had that seemed unachievable will come true. Maybe your fate takes you to people who you never thought you would get close with or places you thought you would never go to. Fate with things and connections that probably were incomplete in the past life.
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paid readings are open btw:)
thank you so much for the read<33 i love you all
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leclercsainzz · 10 months
i was listening to “all to well” by taylor swift and the part where she sings “i still remember the first fall of snow” (pretty much verse 6) came on and i remember i had seen a nico rosberg x lewis hamilton edit to this song a few nights ago and i was wondering if you could do one where reader is nico’s sister and she dated lewis but they fell of because of the whole brocedes friendship fall out and the fans associate them with this specific song/verse .. basically brocedes situation but instead it’s reader x lewis (idk if all this makes sense lol)
PAIRINGS: lewis hamilton x rosberg sister!reader
TYPE: social media au
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liked by danielricciardo, nicorosberg and 645,927 others
ynrosberg: weekend photo dump or whatevaaa 🤷🏼‍♀️
tagged: @nicorosberg @danielricciardo
view 6,026 comments
↳ user: apparently she only went to support danny bc she promised him that she’d show up to a race if he came back 😭
user: does anyone know if lewis and her interacted??!!?
user: gorgg 😍😍😍
zayn: 😍
↳ user: are they dating??
↳ user: zayn??? 👀 what are you doing here??
user: not nico using memes 💀 LMAOOO
↳ nicorosberg: it was actually a gif 😭
↳ user: pLease, this makes it 10x better
danielricciardo: ❤️❤️
user: still can’t believe mother pulled up and we didn’t get a single interaction with dad 😭😭
↳ user: i cried when i saw that 😭😭 like why’d they show us?
user: so is everyone gonna ignore the last post?? 444?? 4’s??? who is associated with 4? lewis mf 44 hamilton?? hello?
user: lewis????
user: will forever hold on to the idea that they’ll get back together soon 😌
user: i love how everyone is bringing up lewis as if they didn’t end on bad terms lmao
fernandoalo_official: glad to see my spanish lessons taught you something 👍🏼
aussiegrit: it’s britney bitch
📌 pinned
user: not her pinning webber’s comment 💀
user: thE things i’d do to see a lewis comment or like 😩
user: just thinking about the fact that yn & lewis might’ve seen each other at the race but refused to interact w each other 😭
↳ user: they did:( and they ignored each other
user: can someone please tell me if her and lewis talked?
user: i just know they refused to look in each other’s directions
↳ user: stop 😭😭😭 you’re right, they didn’t 💔💔💔
user: 4?? lewis??
user: missing ynlewis hours 😓
user: ugh, she’s soo pretty 😍😍😍
user: how can one be this beautiful? 😩
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liked by sebastianvettel, kendalljenner and 610,749 others
ynrosberg: photo dump pt 2 🤪
view 5,146 comments
user: all too well 10 min ver. (taylor’s version)??? yes or yes??
↳ ynrosberg: always!!! 💗
user: 😍😍😍😍😍
zayn: thanks for the pic creds
↳ yourusername: yea yea
georgerussell63: i see my name 👀
user: i pray lewis and her will get back together
user: wishing for a ynlewis interaction 😩😩
↳ user: same, sis, same!
user: her smile in the third post 🥰
kendalljenner: 😍😍 beauty
↳ ynrosberg: mwahh 😘
user: when she listens to taylor swift >>
nicorosberg: never got my ice cream 😕
↳ ynrosberg: oops???
user: i literally just saw a ynlewis edit to all too well!!! janskdnd
↳ user: ^ me too, please!!!
↳ user: wtF, iM crying 😭😭😭😭
user: i just need to know that her and lewis are on good terms, my mental health depends on this info
↳ user: hate to break it to you …. but ….
↳ user: they literally walked by each other TWICE during the hungarian gp and didn’t acknowledge each other 💔💔💔💔
user: does anyone know if lewis and yn are friends at least?
↳ user: girl??? they don’t even follow each other 🙂
user: she looks happy, he looks happy … they moved on .... maybe it’s time for us all to move on as well? 😔😔😔
↳ user: nO, i cant 😔 i rEfuse!!
user: who’s lewis??? and what does he have to do with yn and nico?? (i don’t mean to offend anyone, i just keep seeing so many comments regarding lewis … is he a driver like nico or??)
↳ user: long story short, lewis hamilton is a formula 1 driver (yes), him and nico used to be teammates .. they were pretty much fighting for the championship and in the process their friendship started to fall apart due to their rivalry and ig yn pushed lewis away after nico won and retired
↳ user: wasn’t it because lewis said he didn’t want distractions and wanted to focus on his career?
↳ user: tbh i’m not sure, they never really confirmed anything
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liked by georgerussell63, neymarjr and 784,837 others
lewishamilton: season so far ✌🏾
tagged: @georgerussell63 @fernandoalo_official
view 7,937 comments
user: ROSCOE!!!!
user: i wonder if roscoe misses mother as much as i do 😭
user: dad, please get back with mom!! 🙏🏼
user: my man everybody 😍😍😍
user: i heard from a friend that george “kidnapped” roscoe and took him to see yn
↳ user: wait wtf, are you being frr??? 😭😭 don’t play with me
↳ user: idk if it’s true
↳ user: i wonder how roscoe reacted when he saw yn, if he did
georgerussell63: roscoe 🥰
↳ lewishamilton: dognapper
↳ georgerussell63: i did it for the greater good:)
↳ user: wAit omgsksn does that mean he actually took roscoe to see yn or???? omg wkakalsk 🥺🥺🥺
user: he’s so fine 😩
fernandoalo_official: 😎
user: ya’ll remember when roscoe would pull up with both his parents to the paddock?? 😔 ahh, good old times
user: @sebastianvettel sebs, i need you to work your magic and reunite my parents, please
user: not getting over how they just walked past each other as if they didn’t spend 4 years together 💔
user: the fit 🔥
user: things that keep me up at night: brocedes & ynlewis
↳ user: ^ THIS!!!!
user: ya’ll ever thing about the what-if of ynlewis??
user: goat with a another goat (alonso) 🤩
user: they day yn and lewis reunite will be magical
user: missing the yn comments/likes 🥺🥺🥺
carlossainz55: 🤩🤩🤩
user: 7 years ago, ynlewis broke my heart 😭😭😭
↳ user: don’t forget brocedes 😭😭
↳ user: can’t believe it’s been 7 years, mate
user: i wonder if they privately talk, yk??
↳ user: never thought of that but i hope they do, tbh
sebastianvettel: ❤️
user: roscoe’s too adorable!! 🥺❤️
user: i know they’ll find their way to each other eventually
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liked by zayn, danielricciardo and 671,048 others
ynrosberg: life so far 💗 (p.s. happy 8 months, lover)
view 5,937 comments
user: mOTHER?????? who is that????
user: 8 months???? wtf?? hello?? since when???
user: what about lewis??!
user: looks like mother gave us another dad 😔
↳ user: lewis is MY dad, idcc … zayn can be my step dad
user: so you’re telling me lewis and yn getting back together won’t happen anytime soon?? 😭😭
zayn: ❤️
↳ user: one direction guy????
nicorosberg: cute
↳ ynrosberg: 😌
user: they’ve been together for 8 months?? 😮😮
user: it all makes sense, i just never connected the dots
user: this was not on my 2023 bingo card 😩
user: ngl but this is actually cute
danielricciardo: cats out the bag, yayyy 🥳
↳ user: YOU KNEW!/@/&/@/‘s
user: i wonder how lewis is feeling rn
↳ user: as if he cares
user: mom, what about dad?? 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔
user: @lewishamilton
user: nooooOo i miss dad 😭😭
user: allbio984!;’al hepan huh?!?!@ what?&@“”
user: ig those rumors a few months ago were true
↳ user: which ones???
↳ user: they were seen together like 3 months ago and there were speculations that they were together but it was never confirmed until now 😭
user: i’m still at the restaurant with dad 😢😢😢
user: yn, you’re breaking my heart 💔💔 we want dad
user: scReaming and goiNg apeshit alapamcbh93&,!;@/
user: lewis officially lost her 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
user: i can’t believe this wtf
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liked by danielricciardo, charles_leclerc and 793,927 others
lewishamilton: all too well
view 7,947 comments
user: roscoe owns my heart, idcc 🥺🥺
user: you remember it all too well, huh? 🥺
user: ya’ll remember yn posted a photo dump a while ago and one of the pic was a “all too well” aesthetic and now he’s using it as his caption??? he definitely misses her 😭😭😭
user: “just between us do you remember it all too well” you remember, she remembers, we all remember 💔
user: dad, we know know you miss mom and uncle nico
↳ user: 😭😭😭 stopp
user: roscoe 🥰🥰🥰
user: mom’s got a new boyfriend
user: ynlewis/brocedes will forever be my roman empire
georgerussell63: roscoe’s such a cutie!
↳ user: idc if you have to break yn and zayn up but we NEED our og parents back, please 🙏🏼
user: they were THE COUPLE
user: she definitely haunts all his what-ifs 😭😭
↳ user: he should’ve married her when he had the chance
↳ user: will never get over him choosing his career over her
user: @ynrosberg
user: i miss them everyday 😩
user: i often think about how if brocedes never ended the way they did they would’ve been together, just maybe
↳ user: i think about this everyday 😩😩😩😩
↳ user: they would’ve been married and with a kid by now
maxverstappen1: have you been hitting the gym?
↳ lewishamilton: always
user: it’s never too late, don’t give up
↳ user: she’s with zayn
user: i still hold on to the possibility that they’ll get back together eventually
user: timing was wrong bc they were in different stages of their lives but i believe they’ll always be soulmates ❤️
user: why’d they break up??
↳ user: bc yn wanted a family and lewis was too focused on his career at the time, i guess
user: roscoe’s a child of divorce like us 😭😭
user: convinced myself that taylor wrote verse 6 about them in all too well (10 min ver)
user: i wonder if he ever gets deja vu when he sees her or viceversa
user: ynlewis keeps me up at night
user: we lost two amazing things 😔 ynlewis & brocedes
↳ user: we can all collectively agree it’s mercedes fault
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liked by nicorosberg, sebastianvettel and 710,019 others
ynrosberg: an adventure is about to begin 🥰
tagged: @zayn
view 6,984 comments
user: mother is becoming a mother??!? omg 😭😭
user: congratulations!!!
zayn: can’t wait for our little one ❤️
↳ ynrosberg: ❤️❤️❤️
user: im not crying, you are 😭
user: the fact that’s she’s becoming a mother 😭 w/o lewis
user: this could’ve been lewis
↳ user: if only 😔
sebastianvettel: happy for you, congrats! ❤️❤️
↳ ynrosberg: ❤️❤️
nicorosberg: can’t wait till i’m officially an uncle 😢
↳ ynrosberg: ilyyyy ❤️
danielricciardo: IM GONNA SPOIL THAT KID
aussiegrit: congrats, yn
↳ ynrosberg: 😊😊 thanks youuu
jensonbutton: ❤️❤️❤️ congrats
↳ ynrosberg: 🥰
fernandoalo_official: 🥳🥳🥳
georgerussell63: can i be the uncle too??
↳ ynrosberg: why not 🤪
kendalljenner: congrats, my love 🥳❤️❤️❤️
user: im so happy for her but all i can think about is lewis
user: mom becoming a mom without dad 😭😭😭😭
user: ya’ll imagine if it would’ve been lewis 😩
user: her dream came true 😭😭
carmenmmundt: ahh congratulations 🥰🥰🥰
↳ ynrosberg: ❤️❤️
heidiberger__: congrats, beautiful 💗💗
↳ ynrosberg: 🥰🥰
lewishamilton: congratulations!
↳ ynrosberg: thank you!!
↳ user: i waS NOT PREPARED FOR THIS 😭😭😭😭
↳ user: why’d he have to do this??? 😭
↳ user: the way this could’ve been him
user: lewis commented omg 😢😢😢
↳ user: i just know he’s regretting everything
user: lewis 💔💔💔
user: i know dad’s crying over this cause so am i
user: we’re all child of divorce 😭😭😭
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tornioduva · 8 months
Dungeon meshi and body proportions
Ok, i'm feeling the rush i got from binging the manga this last week is starting to fade away, i'll be back to being a normal person soon i think. at least, that is before i find a new something for me to dive into uhuh.
Before that happens, i want to praise Ryoko Kui for one last think. The design of the characters!
For years i've expressed (maybe not so much online) my hate towards the "anime style", this homogenization of traits and beauty standards to an artificial degree, and the mass spread and consumption of it. yes, trends exist for a reason, this is not the first nor the last art current to be popular and i'm not the first detractor of one in history. I do think there is something uniquely harmful in this one though, and that is why i'm able to find the energy to be such a pretentious dipshit about it. That is a discussion for another day though.
All this to say that going through Dungeon Meshi and seiing these characters, plus (and in a way because of it) all the additional sketches of the daydream hour bonus sections, was such a breath of fresh air! (at least for what concerns japanese exported stories)
All i could say and praise in regard to character designs in general is perfectly expressed in this video, which i recommend you to watch if you want to hear my opinions (and the video author's too, uhuh):
I want to leave you though with at least one specific praise for me: Falin.
i've seen countless time people (online) just not understanding how people's body work, how much differences there can be and how proportions do distribute and affect the body. in anime I see a lot of short and tall people (mostly women girls) that share the same proportions despite their actual height, and that often leads to think "yeah, she is short" and than she's tall when around someone, or (most often) the contrary. same lenght of limbs, same head to body proportions, and little details like this.
Falin you can tell at a glance she is a tall woman before she's around anyone, even when she is standing near her brother who is taller than her.
Kui did her homework in studying bodies and variations, and, whether consciously or not, she differentiated her in body in subtle but fundamental ways: her head being slightly smaller than her body, the neck being fairly long, and her having somewhat broader shoulders.
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I accept that there might be an element of suggestion at play here, considering also how she is dressed most of the time, but I really do think there is a direct effort at differentiation here.
This is the first time in a long time (in a series like this at least) where i've seen a woman carrying herself around others and the space around here kind of like a person like me, tall, would; at first i didn't think much of it, but then i saw her near other characters and....i don't know, i felt a warm, joyful feeling, seeing that i was right in recognizing that trait and being right.
I was especially happy in seeing her next to marcille. not so much for the height difference, but for how different they were in proportions and mannerism. A lesser manga i fear would have used marcille's body type and way of moving and interacting as the default for most other girls, but here she was uniquely herself!
Now, i could've used more extreme exemples to show how this author rocks in body types representations (while aknowledging there could've been even more diversification still), given there are far larger, taller and stranger women, but to me, nailing the little, most subtle details in such a chirurgical manner shows a greater level of mastery and comprehension. As such, Falin left me with a deeper fascination than most other characters.
Sorry for this wall of text, but i needed to let my happy thoughts go, so that i could be free again uhuh.
Feel free to tell me that i'm wrong, or that i should just accept anime media as is. i'm just really happy Dungeon meshi exists as is and i want Ryoko Kui to keep refining her craft, and drawing beautiful women and dwarves.
Plus, this was very much a stream of consciousness, i didn't go into technical details about what i think conveyed what i described, but if someone is interested, or does not get what i'm saying (while expressing it in a curious and gentle way, i won't respond to spiteful assholes), i'll be happy to make a follow up post in which i try to dissect this! For example, i didn't reread the whole manga to find examples of her, i just went to the wiki uhuh. in a follow up post maybe i'll try to go through chapters and pick more specific examples of her.
Anyway, have a good day!
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Happy ever After - Chapter 1
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paring: Jake Seresin x female!librarian!reader
wordcount: 1867
synopsis: One could easily forget that behind all of Hangman's bravado and the cocky smirk there is an actual human with a beating heart. But Javy has been the one Jake ranted to. How he wished for women to see him, not the pretty face or the GQ body and the uniform. At Javy's suggestion that maybe Jake is looking for love in the wrong places he just throws his hands in the air and rolls his eyes. That's when Coyote decides that it's about time for things to change. Sitting down with the rest of the dagger squad they create a profile on a dating website. One where the goal is finding a committed relationship. The general response to Jake's profile is overwhelmingly positive so now all they need to do is hand the account over and let Hangman do the rest...
note: This is 100% self-indulgent writing. I was looking for something very particular and since I couldn't find anything to scratch that itch I had to write it myself. It's kinda wild to me that I got so much done (I am currently at 10.000 words for this and counting and I haven't written this much in the past year combined tbh). Since I was looking for it I thought maybe others could enjoy this too, so I decided to share and make it an x reader. Therefore I tried to keep physical descriptors to a minimum. If I missed something then I would greatly appreciate a nice pointer to rectify my mistake. But ultimately the reader is going to be very heavily inspired by my lived experience as a plus-size, late-diagnosed AuDHDer, so please take that into consideration. Depending on your feedback I will continue with the story as x reader or if the consensus is that it's too much detail/specific traits for an x reader, then I'll turn it into an OC story. Feedback would be greatly appreciated in general. If you are interest in part two where we meet thechaoticlibrarian for the first time, let me know ;)
!Important side note!
If you know one AuDHDer, you know exactly one presentation of AuDHD (the same goes for Autism and ADHD separately and pretty much every form of neurodiversity). Just because the description is not matching the presentation in you/someone you know, doesn't mean mine is any less valid. Also due to language differences, I am used to different terminology, so please be patient and kind if I mix stuff up.
Trigger Warning (for the entire series. Things can be added over time. If I forgot something or you want me to add to the list, my inbox is wide open. You are responsible for your media consumption, proceed with caution, you know the drill): kind of arranged date situation, talk of mental illness and disability, disabled!reader, service dog, accessibility issues, body shaming (self and others), self-deprecation, cursing, non-canon (not even sure if this is canon compliant so, take that as you will), nsfw/smut (later chapters. We'll get there), written by a non-native speaker, not beta read, reader is addressed by her nickname Belle (she's got the books, she's got the beast and she's got the kind heart)
!!!Minors do not interact!!!
Chapter 1 || Previous Chapter || Masterlist || Next Chapter
It's late when the dagger squad is gathering around the kitchen table in the common area. Well, not the entire dagger squad. One of them already called in for the night, but that's playing into Coyote's cards. After setting up Hangman's dating profile the initial response was great, so now they have to decide how to proceed.
"We should just give him the account as is. He's a grown-ass man, he can handle it from here", Phoenix states, slightly annoyed at the fact that she got even roped into this whole mess in the first place. She cares about Hangman, yes. They are comrades, even if he left her out to dry more than once, but she doesn't want him to be unhappy. That doesn't mean she thinks it's fair what they are doing right now either. Not to Jake and not to the women writing 'him'. "A grown-ass man who didn't have a serious relationship since before we were in the academy. He'll see all those messages and his brain will short circuit", Coyote retorts. "But what if we sort someone out and she would be the one for him? Isn't that completely counterproductive to this whole endeavour?", Bob asks when the door flies open and a very furious Hangman barges in.
"What the fuck did you clowns do?", he growls, his gaze wandering around the rest of his squad who are all suspiciously avoiding his gaze, and then his eyes dart over to Coyote's hand that attempts to stealthily close the laptop that they had in the middle of the table. Throw some maps and dossiers on there and this would look like a fucking official briefing and he already has an idea what topic they discussed. "What are you talking about?", Payback asks, trying to look as innocent as humanly possible "Three of my exes flooded my mailbox asking me why I lied to them. That they'd been totally down for something stable and serious if I had just asked. So what did you buffoons do?" "Buffoons. Someone had a dictionary for dinner...", Phoenix murmured quietly, but not quiet enough for Hangman not to hear. His gaze burns into her before he lets it wander again, green hues searching for the weak link in the group and finding it. "We set up a dating profile for you", Bob barely gets out, shrinking under Jake's intense gaze. "But in our defence, it was Coyote's idea. We were only the support", Fanboy adds and then the focus of his murderous stare moves to the man he considered his best friend. A choice he might be forced to reevaluate. "Did the lack of oxygen damage your brain or what the bloody fucking hell were you thinking?" "Hey, you were the one who was whining about wanting love but never finding it. How you dream of something stable. Someone to come home to. Someone who'd view you as a partner not a fucktoy" "I never fucking said..." "Yes, you did! More than once. And since you are strictly against blind dates..." "Because you tried to set me up with a woman who didn't say a word", he points over at Fanboy, "Or a woman who only talked about quarterly figures, the stock market and her next promotion", he pointed at Phoenix. "Said the man who can only talk about bargames, football statistics and fight jets", she retorts rolling her eyes.
"And that's why I thought this would be your best option. A website full of people looking for commitment. You can apply numerous filters to narrow down the options and you get a first impression of them before you invest time and energy into a date", Coyote jumps in, knowing that Phoenix and Hangman might get at each other's throats if they were allowed to continue their fight. With a simple move, he spins the laptop around for his best friend to see. "You already got a bunch of messages", he tries to sound encouraging, seeing the fight on his buddy's face. Is Jake fucking Hangman Seresin really desperate enough for a dating website his friends signed him up for?
"Take your time. Here is the password", Coyote leans over the table and scribbles it down on a piece of paper, pushing it over to his friend with the laptop. "Same as for the e-mail I made for the account. You can change the passwords later" "Sure as fuck I will. As if I need you hull heads snooping around in my shit more than you already do", he grumbles, but the heat behind his words is gone. As messy as this might be, deep down he is touched. His friends saw him in pain, so they banded together and made an effort to help him, however misguided that attempt might have been. "Good. We leave you to it", Rooster says, a sign for the rest to usher out of the common room to leave their friend a little space.
When Coyote thinks he's off the hook, he feels Hangman blocking his way with his arm, stopping him in his tracks while his eyes are still glued to the profile. "Looks like you at least picked some nice photos, Javy", he says and Coyote knows that this is probably the closest thing to a 'thank you man' he'll get from his best friend. "That was easy. You are pretty photogenic, Hangman", he says, chuckling as he makes his way over to the door, "Answering the questions was the hard part. I needed Bob's help to make sure you don't sound like a complete douchebag", he added seeing how Jake leaned over to the kitchen counter, grabbing a wet rag and throwing it his way. Javy's laugh echoed through the room before the soft click of the lock indicated that he had closed the door behind him.
A low chuckle rumbled in Jake's chest before his gaze returned to the screen. He first checked out the profile his friends had set up and as much as he hated the whole situation, his friends had done an excellent job. They managed to highlight his strengths while at the very same time not shying away from openly communicating his weaknesses. Their choice of words was sometimes a little less diplomatic than he would have liked them to be, but at least that didn't leave anything up for misunderstandings. Then his eyes drifted into the right corner of the screen. Before his friends had left there were 20 unread messages, now there were 25 and yes he knew he was hot, but the fact that he seemed to be in such high demand was something that both petted his ego and frightened him.
The mouse hovered over the inbox symbol for a while as his heart pounded in his chest. He rolled his shoulders and stretched his neck to get rid of some of the nervous energy before he focused back on the screen. He was a naval aviator, for fuck's sake. The only one in active duty with a confirmed air-to-air kill. He tackled the monsters of the world head-on, so he should be able to read some flirty messages from a bunch of single women looking for the same things he wanted, right?
When the inbox of the website mailing system loaded on the screen there were 28 unread messages. Hovering over the icons gave you the short version of their profile and their picture in a larger size. Hangman had quite an illustrious inbox. The first three messages were from a detective, a surgeon and an architect. His head was already spinning, but he was the kind of guy to do things right or not at all, so he worked his way through the messages, checking out the corresponding profiles, writing a courteous but short reply to the nos and making a priority list in his mind for the yes and maybes. The longer he went through the messages the more the feeling that all of these messages were pretty generic crept up on him. Some were lengthy and waxing poetics, others shorter and some just asked directly for his phone number, but still. There was barely anything real personal about them in there and none of the messages gave him an indication of why they chose his profile to contact. It made him wonder if this was something they sent almost like spam, only changing the name at the top, or if it was a defence mechanism to figure out whether he was interested at all before they'd reveal more of themselves.
He managed to work his way through to message number ten before he was completely overwhelmed, closing the messenger and staring at the ceiling for a while, wondering how people were seriously doing this. When he looked back down the front page of the dating website had loaded. It was sorted by categories, showing a bunch of profiles for each. He allowed his gaze to wander until one icon in particular caught his eye. It was listed in New Signups from Your Neighbourhood. The photo showed a scenery rather than the usual portrait most people used. Only when you hovered over the picture you could see a woman sitting on the beach, the shadowy figure of a dog right next to her as they both gazed at the sunset. This picture conveyed more emotion and personality to him than any profile, let alone picture he had seen today. Her profile was loading on his screen before he even realised he had clicked on it.
She went by 'thechaoticlibrarian' and he couldn't help the smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Whenever he thought of a chaotic librarian he thought of Evelyn Carnahan, his first crush ever. He scrolled down her profile and with every tiny detail he learned about her he was more intrigued. The three words she picked to describe her positive attributes were patient, caring and curious. A great foundation for a relationship and the negative ones made him chuckle. Nitpicker, low bullshit tolerance and chaotic. And then he came to the part that had honestly scared him off from most women in his inbox.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
They had all made these elaborate plans for a grand wedding, a house and a minimum of three kids. Not that he was generally opposed to the idea, but there was so much certainty and conviction in the way those women wrote about all of it that made it sound to him like their future partners would be more relegated to the role of extra than an actual protagonist in their story. What Jake wanted was an equal. Someone he could build a future with rather than be pushed into the cookie-cutter form of an already decided-upon script. Her five-year plans on the other hand felt so much more relatable, like something he could actually get behind.
Content with my life, doing the job I love and having a partner by my side I can share all of it with. The good, the bad and the ugly.
So he took the leap and clicked on the contact button on her profile...
|| Next Chapter ||
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hayleythesugarbowl · 2 months
hello! I've been seeing a lot of smosh vidcon content lately as well as rewatching shayne guesses and it made me brainstorm a bit!
How about a Spencer x reader where he freaks out about his favorite creator being at vidcon (the reader obvi) and the other cast members trying so hard to get them to meet and they hit it off? *you know Kiana would be allll over helping a bestie out lol*
or maybe even the same kind of thing but instead of meeting, reader is one of Spencer's fav youtubers in Shayne's guessing favorite youtubers video? Shayne immediately knows it's spencer and kind of outs his crush! reader is a big fan of smosh so she sees the video and it goes from there!
absolutely adore your work and keep it up queen! 🫶
See You Online || Spencer Agnew x reader
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist  ⋆˚。⋆୨୧⋆
summary: when you see a smosh video of spencer saying you’re one of his favorite youtubers, you begin to interact online. then, when you both attend vidcon (and spencer’s friends convince him to talk to you) you hit it off
word count: 2.6k
warnings: mild language
a/n: hey darling! so i kind of went with both of these ideas and i hope you like what i did 🤭 i included some fake insta/yt in this because it fit so this is partially a social media au. fem!reader. enjoy!!
     “Well, this is obviously Spencer.”
     Shayne tapped his pen against the desk as he looked at the screen in front of him.
     Three YouTuber names had appeared next to him for the viewers to see. 
     “What makes it me?” Spencer’s teasing voice came from off camera. 
     “C’mon,” Shayne said. “We got Retro Game Corp, MandaloreGaming, and (Y/n) (Y/l/n).”
     He continued. “Everyone knows you love retro shit. MandaloreGaming sounds like just the kind of nerd thing you’d be into. And (Y/n)—that one’s just self explanatory. I mean, Spencer’s obsessed with (Y/n). Ask anyone in the office.”
     “Ok woah,” Spencer piped in again. “I don’t know about obsessed.”
     “Dude, you just told me yesterday that you watched her videos until two in the morning the night before,” Shayne addressed him.
      Then he faced back to the screen, to the viewers. “Spencer’s got a little bit of a crush on (Y/n). It’s uh, it’s honestly adorable.”
      A woman’s muffled voice came from offscreen. 
     Shayne laughed. “Kiana said Spencer would have (Y/n)’s babies.”
     “Dude!” Spencer yelled at Kiana offscreen. “What if she sees this!”
     “There’s no way,” Shayne laughed. “There’s no way any of the YouTubers from this video are seeing this.”
      “Imagine,” Spencer joked. “I’m like, ‘hey (Y/n), hit me up’, and then she sees this, bro.”
      “Hey,” Shayne raised his eyebrows. “You never know. I mean, I married a YouTuber.”
      “Just an excuse to bring up Courtney,” Spencer coughed.
      “Anyway,” Shayne put his hands on the table in front of him. “We’re getting a little off track here. We’ve established Spencer’s in love with (Y/n). Now—do I even have to guess?—show me Spencer!”
      He pointed to the side as an imagine of Spencer popped up on the screen. 
      “Well, thanks for that easy round,” Shayne joked. “Now, let’s see the next set of YouTubers…”
     And that was where you stopped watching the video every time. You’d seen the whole of Shayne Guesses Favorite YouTubers before, but when you went back to rewatch it, it was always this clip.
     You’d been sent this specific clip by hundreds of people. Your followers and subscribers on all different platforms. The comments ranged from ‘oh my gosh look at this’ to ‘you have to see this smosh video’ to ‘petition to get Spencer and (Y/n) to go out’.
     What they didn’t know, was that you’d seen it long before they began tagging you in it.
     You were a huge Smosh fan, and had been for years. Imagine your shock when you yourself were named in one of their videos. 
     You’d only been a creator for a little over a year now, but you’d quickly gained a following and were becoming more and more popular online. It still all felt so surreal, and seeing yourself named as someone’s favorite YouTuber—especially on one of your favorite channels—felt like a huge moment.
      That, and you were flattered by Shayne’s comments about Spencer. You thought it was sweet that he enjoyed your content and—you couldn’t stop the blush from spreading to your cheeks—you. 
      That was what prompted you to leave a comment under the video—a comment which Spencer responded to.
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Can Shayne Guess Our Favorite YouTubers? Smosh Games • 721k views • 38k 👍
comments 2.9k
yourusername ✓: does this count as being in the youtuber and the celeb crush vid?
♥️ by creator
spennser ✓: it was actually only until 1am i swear smoshyyy651: spensser LMAOOOO chumbawumbasnumbertwofan: the fact that (y/n) (y/l/n) saw this ✋😭 y/nstanforlifeee: oh my gosh my queen is here 👑 I love you and your vids (not as much as Spencer apparently asksfsk)
mya_sol: how many times have you watched 8:04? me: yes
yourfavoritepizzaplace: ‘spencer would have (y/n)’s babies’ KIANA THATS WILDDDD 💀
    And from there, you began interacting. Leaving comments and likes on each other’s videos and instagram posts. Leaving fans to obsess over your every interaction, to make compilations, to wonder if you were dating.
     Because you’d be lying if you said you didn’t read most of the comments about you two. 
    You enjoyed your little online back-and-forth. You’d known who Spencer was before the Shayne Guesses video had come out. Watching Smosh on-and-off for years, you’d seen him in multiple videos.
     It still felt so unreal for him to know who you were—not only know who you were but like your videos.
     And now look at you, messaging him and liking his posts like you were old friends. Spencer pretty much liked and commented on every one of your feeds or stories or uploads.
     After your original comment on the Smosh video, things just…took off. You didn’t really know how it started, one comment led to another, and suddenly it was like you had always congratulated each other and left witty comments on each other’s pages. 
     You smiled as you stared at the screen of your phone, looking over your’s and Spencer’s latest interaction. You couldn’t deny that he was really cute. You’d always thought so. 
     You thought of Shayne saying that Spencer had a crush on you and you felt your smile grow bigger.
     Your empty suitcase caught your eye as you looked up, sitting on your bed and reminding you that you still had to pack.
     You set your phone down. Fangirling over Spencer could wait. You still had yet to pack for your flight that that was in two days, and you didn’t want to leave it ‘till the last minute—or, more last minute than it already was.  
     You had been lucky enough to be invited to VidCon this year, and you were thrilled about getting to go as a creator and meet other artists who had inspired you. You were less thrilled about the packing.
      You stood up and walked towards your closet, starting to decide which outfits you wanted to bring, daydreaming about what VidCon would be like. All while thinking about Spencer.
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liked by hannahmontoya, spennser, and 21,449 others
yourusername: new vid up now !! 💌
view all comments
haleypham: about to go watch it right now xoxo love you
yourusername: stop ilysm 🤭
ynsgirlfriend: WAKE UP SHE POSTED 🙏
spennser: guess what i’m going to be doing at 2am
⤷ liked by yourusername
darlingdaisy: please do a grwm next i need to see your skincare routine!!
ryla768: we’re being fed well today 🙇‍♀️
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liked by yourusername, filmingamanda, and 17,914 others
spennser: it’s giving cat lady
view all comments
phatchanse: *cat queen
yourusername: my cat says to tell ur cat hi
spennser: my cat says ur cat’s pretty cute carmensanfransisco: LOL 😂🐈 urmom17: oh my gosh she commented spencer are you freaking out? spennser: urmom17 shitting my pants fr
jessicarabbitsimp: who else has noticed spencer and (y/n) all over each other’s igs 😏
smoshismylife: love you spencer 🫶
──────────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆────────── yourusername
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liked by spennser, iamjordiofficial, and 32,712 others
yourusername: thx for 100k 🥂
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spensser: yay i contributed
⤷ liked by yourusername
yourusername: how’d you have time to create 100k accs tho? ⤷ liked by spennser
lucindajones101: congrats girlie!! you deserve it
ynfan7: my queen 🧎‍♀️
butterflyenjoyer: been here since the beginning 🥹 keep shining!!
getyninasmoshvideo: the way spencer makes an appearance on all her posts 😭
VidCon was amazing. 
      Today was the first day, and you couldn’t wait for all the festive still to come. You had already seen so many cool presentations and been a part of so many workshops and met so many interesting people. 
      And now, as you stood at the table set aside for you, staring at the slowing line of people still waiting to meet you, you thought that this was definitely your favorite part.
     You’d gotten to talk to people who watched your channel and hear how your content had impacted their lives or inspired them to create. It really made it all feel worth it. It made you love your job and all of the opportunities it had given you.
     You’d been here for nearly two hours already, and still there were a few more fans waiting to speak with you and get a picture.  
     You smiled to yourself as the last of the people filed through, letting the momentary silence wash over you. You had just picked up your phone to take a quick selfie for a later post, when you heard a commotion to your left.
     You turned to the source of the noise and had to do a double take when you saw the entire cast of Smosh at a setup similar to yours, having their own meet and greet.
     You didn’t know why in all of your thinking about Spencer you hadn’t assumed that Smosh would be at VidCon. It seemed obvious now. They were YouTubers, weren’t they?
     Speaking of Spencer, you saw him talking to Courtney and your heart did a little flip in your chest. After interacting with him online these past few weeks, and watching his channel for these past few years, it seemed crazy to see him in person. 
     As if sensing your presence, he looked your way and you turned away in time so it didn’t look like you’d been staring. You didn’t think he’d caught you watching him. 
     “Wait? Spencer, is that (Y/n) (Y/l/n)?” Courtney’s voice carried over the several feet that separated you.
     “Oh, is it? I hadn’t noticed,” you heard him say sarcastically, even though your back was turned to him. You stepped a little bit closer to their location, pretending to be fixing something on your lanyard.
     “Dude, you have to go talk to her,” you heard a male voice—Shayne? You didn’t dare turn around—say.
     “No way man,” Spencer answered, “What would I even say?”
     “You’ve been commenting on each other’s instagrams for like a month, you’ll think of something,” Courtney said.
     “Yeah, but that’s different. This would be, like, a real conversation,” he answered. “I don’t actually know her. What if she thinks I’m just some creepy fan, and it’s like bro back off.”
     You bit your lip, stifling a giggle. Oh, what he didn’t know.
     Then the music in the venue picked up and you couldn’t hear their conversation for nearly a minute. You walked a few feet back over to your table, picking up and looking at a few of the gifts fans had given you, finding a new way to look busy. This went on for another minute before you heard a new voice say,
     “What’s this about Spence and (Y/n) (Y/l/n)?”
     “Just that Spencer’s going to go up to her,” Courtney announced. 
     “I’ll get the popcorn,” the voice said. 
     “No, Kiana,” you heard Spencer say. “That’s not what’s happening.”
     “You’ll regret if forever if you don’t go talk to (Y/n),” The voice—Kiana—stated. 
     “No way. That’d be like if I asked you to just ‘go up and talk to’ Darren Chris,” Spencer said
     “My favorite white guy,” Kiana joked.
     “Hey bro, I thought we established that was me!” Spencer said in outrage. 
     “You will be if you go and talk to (Y/n),” she finished. 
     “I will not be manipulated,” you heard him say, and you stifled another chuckle. 
     “No, but you will be shoved,” Kiana said.
     “Wait what?” Spencer got out, before you heard a scuffing sound.
     You turned around just as Kiana pushed Spencer and suddenly he was right before you. 
     “Hey,” he said, looking uncomfortable, shooting a glare behind him at Kiana. “I heard there was a meet and greet?”
     You smiled. “You just missed it, actually.” 
     “Damn, next year then,” he said.
     “I suppose I could make an exception,” you teased. “I wouldn’t want to be the one to take away anyone’s Favorite White Guy title.”
     Spencer winced. “How much of that conversation did you hear?”
     “What conversation?” You winked at him. 
     “I can’t remember,” Spencer said, smiling as he rubbed a hand along the side of his face.
     You were both silent for a moment.
     “So,” Spencer started, breaking it. “I would tell you that I love watching your content—until a very reasonable hour of the night, might I add—but you kind of already know that. And I bet you’ve already been told that by hundreds of people today.”
     “Not by anyone nearly as cute though,” you replied, before leaning in to mock-whisper. “And I don’t mind hearing it again.”
     “Also,” you continued. “I could say the same to you. I love Smosh—I’ve watched your channel for years. You guys are all so talented.”
     “Really? No way,” Spencer smiled. “You watch Smosh?”
     “Really,” you smiled back. “I did know who you were before the Shayne Guesses video, you know.”
     “Don’t remind me,” Spencer said, shaking his head.
     “I thought it was sweet,” you told him, laughing. “And if that video had never happened, we wouldn’t be here right now.”
     “Or at Buca Di Beppo tonight at 8?” Spencer said, with trepidation.
     “Or that,” you agreed, nodding. “Are you asking me out on a date, Spencer Agnew?” 
     You felt a blush creeping up your cheeks. 
     “I guess I am,” he said. “Unless you’re going to slap me, in which case no.”
     “Only if the date goes badly,” you teased. “And if you don’t make 100,000 more accounts to subscribe to my channel with.”
     Spencer grinned. “Done. And I can introduce you to the rest of the gang.”
     “Are they good with me crashing your guys’ dinner?” You asked. You couldn’t believe you were going to meet the members of Smosh.
     You couldn’t believe you were going on a date with Spencer. 
     “Oh, they already know about it. They’re listening to every word of our conversation right now.” Spencer pointed a thumb behind him and you looked over his shoulder to see all of the Smosh cast watching you.
     They all waved at you.
     “Hey girl hey!” Kiana called to you, smirking at Spencer. 
     You waved back at them, grinning. 
     “Well, I don’t want to keep you from meet-and-greet-ing any longer,” you said, turning back to Spencer.
     “Isn’t that what we’re doing right now?” Spencer joked, gesturing between the two of you.
     “Doesn’t count,” you said back. “Technically we’ve already met on the internet.”
     “Yeah, well, you’re much prettier in person,” Spencer said, as he backed up towards the rest of the Smosh cast.
     “Well then,” you said, only a little bit breathless. “I guess I’ll see you tonight.”
     “Unless I see you on the internet first,” Spencer said, turning around and walking away. 
     You couldn’t wait. Not only did you have your date with Spencer to look forward to, you also had the rest of VidCon to get to know Spencer better and hopefully hang out with him before all this was over. 
     You turned to leave as well, walking in the opposite direction of Spencer as you tried to think where you had to be next. It was hard to focus when all your thoughts were occupied by something else. Someone else.
     You were almost out of earshot when you heard Kiana’s voice, carrying over the crowds of people.
     “Get over here, loser. I’ll take my thanks in the form of cash and/or worsted weight yarn.”
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liked by spennser, co_mill, and 41,813 others
yourusername: had the best time with spennser at vidcon ‘24 ❣️
view all comments
kianaparker: ok but i’m glowing (also yw 💁🏾‍♀️)
⤷ liked by yourusername
spennser: new phone who dis?
yourusername: definitely not your gf ⤷ liked by spennser materialgorl199: GF?!? AHHHHH heatherscandystore: wait they’re together? I’m so happy for them ily both sm 🤭
jessicarabbitsimp: I KNEW IT WAIT 😭
thirdcutestsmoshboy: i met both of them there and they were so sweet
ynislife: so are they dating???
angelagiovanagiarratana: GUYS 🥹
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you guys enjoyed this little bit of a different format. i had sm fun writing this. check out my other spencer fics if u want more like this 🎀
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Every now and then I think about how subtitles (or dubs), and thus translation choices, shape our perception of the media we consume. It's so interesting. I'd wager anyone who speaks two (or more) languages knows the feeling of "yeah, that's what it literally translates to, but that's not what it means" or has answered a question like "how do you say _____ in (language)?" with "you don't, it's just … not a thing, we don't say that."
I've had my fair share of "[SHIP] are [married/soulmates/fated/FANCY TERM], it's text!" "[CHARACTER A] calls [CHARACTER B] [ENDEARMENT/NICKNAME], it's text!" and every time. Every time I'm just like. Do they though. Is it though. And a lot of the time, this means seeking out alternative translations, or translation meta from fluent or native speakers, or sometimes from language learners of the language the piece of media is originally in.
Why does it matter? Maybe it doesn't. To lots of people, it doesn't. People have different interests and priorities in fiction and the way they interact with it. It's great. It matters to me because back in the early 2000s, I had dial-up internet. Video or audio media that wasn't available through my local library very much wasn't available, but fanfiction was. So I started to read English language Gundam Wing fanfic before I ever had a chance to watch the show. When I did get around to watching Gundam Wing, it was the original Japanese dub. Some of the characters were almost unrecognisable to me, and first I doubted my Japanese language ability, then, after checking some bits with friends, I wondered why even my favourite writers, writers I knew to be consistent in other things, had made these characters seem so different … until I had the chance to watch the US-English dub a few years later. Going by that adaptation, the characterisation from all those stories suddenly made a lot more sense. And the thing is, that interpretation is also valid! They just took it a direction that was a larger leap for me to make.
Loose adaptations and very free translations have become less frequent since, or maybe my taste just hasn't led me their way, but the issue at the core is still a thing: Supernatural fandom got different nuances of endings for their show depending on the language they watched it in. CQL and MDZS fandom and the never-ending discussions about 知己 vs soulmate vs Other Options. A subset of VLD fans looking at a specific clip in all the different languages to see what was being said/implied in which dub, and how different translators interpreted the same English original line. The list is pretty much endless.
And that's … idk if it's fine, but it's what happens! A lot of the time, concepts -- expressed in language -- don't translate 1:1. The larger the cultural gap, the larger the gaps between the way concepts are expressed or understood also tend to be. Other times, there is a literal translation that works but isn't very idiomatic because there's a register mismatch or worse. And that's even before cultural assumptions come in. It's normal to have those. It's also important to remember that things like "thanks I hate it" as a sentiment of praise/affection, while the words translate literally quite easily, emphatically isn't easy to translate in the sense anglophone internet users the phrase.
Every translation is, at some level, a transformative work. Sometimes expressions or concepts or even single words simply don't have an exact equivalent in the target language and need to be interpreted at the translator's discretion, especially when going from a high-context/listener-responsible source language to a low-context/speaker-responsible target language (where high-context/listener responsible roughly means a large amount of contextual information can be omitted by the speaker because it's the listener's responsibility to infer it and ask for clarification if needed, and low-context/speaker-responsible roughly means a lot of information needs to be codified in speech, i.e. the speaker is responsible for providing sufficiently explicit context and will be blamed if it's lacking).
Is this a mouse or a rat? Guess based on context clues! High-context languages can and frequently do omit entire parts of speech that lower-context/speaker-responsible languages like English regard as essential, such as the grammatical subject of a sentence: the equivalent of "Go?" - "Go." does largely the same amount of heavy lifting as "is he/she/it/are you/they/we going?" - "yes, I am/he/she/it is/we/you/they are" in several listener-responsible languages, but tends to seem clumsy or incomplete in more speaker-responsible ones. This does NOT mean the listener-responsible language is clumsy. It's arguably more efficient! And reversely, saying "Are you going?" - "I am (going)" might seem unnecessarily convoluted and clumsy in a listener-responsible language. All depending on context.
This gets tricky both when the ambiguity of the missing subject of the sentence is clearly important (is speaker A asking "are you going" or "is she going"? wait until next chapter and find out!) AND when it's important that the translator assign an explicit subject in order for the sentence to make sense in the target language. For our example, depending on context, something like "are we all going?" - "yes" or "they going, too?" might work. Context!
As a consequence of this, sometimes, translation adds things – we gain things in translation, so to speak. Sometimes, it's because the target language needs the extra information (like the subject in the examples above), sometimes it's because the target language actually differentiates between mouse and rat even though the source language doesn't. However, because in most cases translators don't have access to the original authors, or even the original authors' agencies to ask for clarification (and in most cases wouldn't get paid for the time to put in this extra work even if they did), this kind of addition is almost always an interpretation. Sometimes made with a lot of certainty, sometimes it's more of a "fuck it, I've got to put something and hope it doesn't get proven wrong next episode/chapter/ten seasons down" (especially fun when you're working on a series that's in progress).
For the vast majority of cases, several translations are valid. Some may be more far-fetched than others, and there'll always be subjectivity to whether something was translated effectively, what "effectively" even means …
ANYWAY. I think my point is … how interesting, how cool is it that engaging with media in multiple languages will always yield multiple, often equally valid but just sliiiiightly different versions of that piece of media? And that I'd love more conversations about how, the second we (as folks who don't speak the material's original language) start picking the subtitle or dub wording apart for meta, we're basically working from a secondary source, and if we're doing due diligence, to which extent do we need to check there's nothing substantial being (literally) lost -- or added! -- in translation?
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lookforsomeoneelse · 3 months
Can we get some more sahsrau? Does not have to be a long one-shot, I just really like how you write! And I would love to hear more of your ideas!
Maybe about how specific characters show that they interact with the reader? For example, how they act before reader is in HSR, and once reader is in HSR? As for characters, you can choose who ever you want! You're the one writing it after all.
As for writing, you asked if writing gets better if you do it often? And well, for me what works is writing, doesn't matter if it not good, just enjoy yourself. Plus reading books, fanfics, or whatever you like once again, and this time try to pay attention to how things are worded in your favorite books/fanfics.
Anyway, take good care of yourself cause there are always people who care about you, and stay hydrated!
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Alright! First ask. Only gonna be headcanons because I’m a procrastinator. Reader discretion is advised, because I have no idea what to put for the content warning. I think it only goes for Kafka though.
I touched on her briefly in another post, but know that despite her arrogance and apathy towards most, she’s just as down bad for you as the rest of the cast.
She gives her absolute best when it comes to you.
Also in Simulated Universe, your word is absolute law. If the simulated you decides that the project is a bad idea or something, Herta will absolutely stop, regardless of the resources she put into its creation.
I imagine her to be with you the exact opposite of how she treats everybody else- with the utmost respect and attention.
Once you actually do make it inside of the game for whatever reason, Herta is absolutely ecstatic.
When you’re actually around her though…
Let’s say that her IQ drops by a significant amount.
Combined with her intense faith, this can lead to a lot of misunderstandings and false assumptions.
You can legit just be sitting down or something and herta will be in the background like “WRITE THAT DOWN, WRITE THAT DOWN!”
Born as a reincarnation(?) of the Watchmaker, I’m not actually going to discuss him. Rather, I wanna talk about who he originally was, and (technically) his creation.
Mikhail Char Legwork, aka The Watchmaker, was also a devout follower of yours.
All throughout his travels on the Express, he never lost sight of your mercy, which allowed him to survive on his long journeys.
Thanks to this, you end up as a “character” in the Clockie cartoon, who the writers show as a mysterious figure who gave Clockie his powers.
There’s also a LOT of propaganda surrounding you in basically every piece of media, (in the game) including Clockie.
Speaking of media…
ah yes, the shining popstar of the universe herself, Robin!
Robin’s no doubt another faithful follower of yours.
She believes that her amazing voice and innate talent came from you (it actually came from Chevy, holy cow is she a good singer) and she gives many praises to you for that.
In fact, do you want to know what her best selling single is?
It’s not Sway to my Beat in Cosmos, nor Hope is The Thing with Feathers, and it’s not even If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking!
It’s actually a song- a hymn, rather, composed and sung specifically just for you.
Ask basically anybody who is a fan of hers and I can bet that they know the lyrics by heart and can absolutely sing it backwards.
Make it into their reality, and you’ll get free access to front seats to any and all of her concerts. And when I say “front seat” I mean you get a whole ass throne specifically built for your comfort.
She will die of joy if you ask her for an autograph. Keep that in mind.
last but most certainly not least, it’s our mom, but more commonly known as Kafka, the charismatic and beautiful Stellaron Hunter with a big bounty and big boobies. (I’m f#cking ashamed of myself for writing that)
She’s the one character on this list that we haven’t been given a backstory for- except some voice lines, but they really don’t tell us anything.
As such, the only real thing I can tell you is that she’s faithful to you, just like everyone else.
It becomes a completely different song and dance if you come to them, though.
She’s essentially a glorified wine aunt, and she will treat you out for whatever you wish.
She’s also very very defensive of you.
That guy over looks stole a glance? Dead next morning.
That girl goes even within 50 meters of you without your permission? Her fate is sealed.
Kafka is by no means like this to you, however.
She’s probably gonna lick your shoes free of charge.
(A/N: I, uh, really like asks. please send more. you probably won’t get anything good, but least you’ll get what you requested.)
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m1ckeyb3rry · 4 months
CHAPTER FOUR WAS SO GOOD UGHH literally the only fanfic I have ever loved so much and wait for updates like this. Am so excited for the next one!!!
On the topic of finally opening requests, I was wondering if I could ask for head-canons of what a relationship with Seishiro and a female reader would be like. If we want to be specific, maybe related to the fanfic? Like, how you would imagine their relationship would have been like back when they were still in high school, young and with Nagi’s past soccer career and all. Don’t feel pressured to write this, and good luck with everything!😽😽
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Synopsis: Headcanons about having Seishiro Nagi as your boyfriend.
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Event Masterlist
Pairing: Nagi x Reader
Word Count: 0.9k
Content Warnings: none really, just generally fluffy and silly
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A/N: AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON i hope you like where i go w the story in the future!! and hehe now that we’re in the past arc of peregrine you will actually get to see all of the nitty gritty details of their relationship in the fic itself so i won’t spoil it 🤫 but i love nagi ofc so i’ve added some general headcanons on what i think he would be like as a bf
Additional: part of my 500 follower event! see the event description and rules to make a request of your own.
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no matter how the two of you get together, reo is somehow involved LMAOAOAO like bro is ALWAYS at the scene of the crime in some way shape or form just because i don’t think nagi would really pick up on the fact that he has a crush on you without outside intervention
it would also definitely be a jump scare when he confesses!! you would have zero idea it’s coming because he literally hasn’t changed how he acts towards you whatsoever
canonically he doesn’t really interact with a lot of people or have a lot of friends and he’s not aggressive with romance so i just don’t think he’d really know what the appropriate method of telling someone you like them is
would probably say some shit like “reo says i have a crush on you” and would be so nonchalant about it meanwhile you’re like “???” because you did not even realize he knew your name and also why is reo being brought up
i honestly think he would not be a bad boyfriend. yes he is lazy and unmotivated but he does what he needs to do and if something is important to him he generally puts in effort for it
that’s another reason why it would take him foreverrr to ask you out — he would have to like you enough that he realizes he does in fact want to have a relationship with you even if it is a hassle
he doesn’t have social media though so don’t expect there to be an official announcement that you guys are together or anything like that HAHA
he would probably forget to tell anyone that the two of you are dating and it’s not because he’s ashamed of you or is trying to hide you or anything he literally just does not care what other people think and would prefer not to talk them if possible so it never comes up
you’ll show up to an event with him and everyone’s like “omg nagi who is this” and he’s like “this is my girlfriend” and someone (probably otoya tbh) is like “since when have you had a girlfriend” and he’s like “it’s been two years 😐”
i think he would be fire at insulting people just because of how many video games he plays…that man has seen some of the worst sides of humanity
the world is lucky he’s a pacifist and avoids conflict because he has some vile stuff stored away (i will never be over him asking barou if he practiced kneeling because he’s about to make him his servant)
this particular quality makes him the BEST person to talk shit with
he’s not a gossipy boyfriend in the sense that he doesn’t have anything juicy of his own to contribute to the conversation but i’m pretty sure he mentioned he watches dramas at one point so you know he’s locked tf in if you need to complain abt someone
he will sit there and be so invested in the tea…def would not give any useful advice but he will make fun of anyone bothering you so you still end up feeling better
i don’t think he would get jealous honestly
the thought of you cheating on him doesn’t cross his mind at all because why would he date someone he didn’t trust fully???
i would say he expects the same from you because he would but at the same time he voluntarily talks to one (1) other person besides you and that’s reo so the opportunity for you to be jealous just wouldn’t even crop up
definitely super clingy and cuddly
loves being babied too
according to epnagi he has this whole automatic system in his apartment to clean and do laundry and i think he’d be fine if you appropriate that so no more cleaning!! but you will have to cook because that man literally only eats fruit jellies
genuinely how is he so built and not dying of malnutrition SKJFDSHKJ
he probably is terrible at coming up with date ideas so it’s up to you to plan things
again it’s not malicious i think for him just spending time with you is his ideal date!! like he doesn’t see the point in getting dressed up and going somewhere fancy when you could just eat at home and be comfortable together
but if it’s an important day or you tell him that you want him to suggest something for once, he WILL go all out (which means calling reo for advice and doing what he tells him to)
overall communication is key with him. he’s not particularly sensitive or in tune with other people’s emotions so being passive aggressive or expecting him to read your mind will honestly just end up making your mood worse because he will not pick up on the fact that something is wrong
but if you tell him what you want him to change he will happily do it!! he just needs to be told very clearly if you’re upset or need him to do something different
honestly it would be very refreshing. there are zero games with nagi and he doesn’t really try to hide anything — what you see is what you get 100% of the time
overall 10/10 would date idc haters dni he’s a sweetheart and he’s doing his best
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Hi, I saw you were asking for requests and I thought I'd give you an idea for Max Verstapppen x reader fic. I don't request much so if it's too detailed I'm sorry, you can change anything you want, it's just a scenario I've had in my head for a while. I was thinking about enemies to lovers, grumpy x sunshine (also I'm a sucker for angst with a happy ending) ❤️❤️❤️
Ok, so imagine this: Reader is a new redbull media person/photographer and Max has an instant crush on her but acts like an a**hole cause he can't understand his emotions towards the reader. Other drivers tease him about it. I imagine someone ask why he doesn't like her and Daniel just straight up says "cause he loooves her" and Max gets all flustered. The reader is an absolute sunshine and tries to make him like her, even tho she is hurt by his behaviour. At some point (maybe right before a race or smth) he says something about her and she overhears and is heartbroken and suddenly stops talking to him.
I don't have an idea for an ending except that if you are up to I would love some smut 😂
Behind your walls
Max Verstappen x Reader
Genre: grumpy x sunshine, smut, angst if you squint.
Request: yes and it made me so happy. I hope I did your idea justice! My requests are open (specifically for Charles, Max Lando, and Oscar). Please don't hesitate to send in an idea!
Summary: Max knows he loves you but can't admit it to anyone, including himself. What happens when you over hear something he say? Will he be able to finally be vulnerable?
Warnings: Max is a jerk (blame is on Jos), pining, mentions of anxiety and a panic attack, smut, fingering, oral (female receiving)
Notes: second pov, I got a bit carried away, and I've never written smut before, so figured crossed it's not as cringe to you as it is to me. I think I changed like one or two things about the request but tried to follow it as much as I could.
If you have the chance, please check out my other work. likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. I've started posting small snippets relating to my novel I'm currently editing, support for that is also always appreciated.
The following media is intended for those 18 and over. If you are underage, then please don't interact with this post.
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Max has never been the best at dealing with his emotions. Sure he’s had his fair share of girlfriends, but all of them ended in confusion and heartbreak because of father wanting him to dedicate his entire being to racing.
So he did the only logical thing and walled himself off. Only having the occasional fling and never letting himself get to attached.
Then everything changed when he met you. Your sweet personality hired to drag him around all of his PR duties.
He'd made several of his PR managers quit. Ironically, not because he was an asshole to them, but because he had a talent for hiding from the press. It drove his managers insane. Redbull hoped that hiring someone warm and gentle was that you could coax him into fulfilling his responsibilities.
Everyone seemed to love you. Wherever you went, smiles followed. You'd even managed to convince Daniel into being productive and out of whatever his next shenanigan was. Not that you minded them, often laughing along with him if the situation arose. And to everyone's surprise, Max did spend more time with the reporters.
This, however, came at a price. For some reason that nobody could understand, Max Verstappen despised you. Or that's what you thought.
Max himself just thought he was doing the right thing for himself. No matter how many delicious coffies you brought him for early mornings. No matter how many of his jokes caused you to laugh. No matter the praises for wins and comforts for losses. Not even the look of admiration and respect you had for him and how he wanted nothing more than to sweep you away from this terrible world. He would not fall in love.
So he became a jerk to you. Giving you the cold shoulder. He always made sparky remarks at your expense. He even went as far as verbally telling you to 'piss off' even though deep down it hurt him too. Yet you still never wavered. Merely brushing it off and going back to whatever you were previously.
One day during a race weekend, Max found himself with Daniel during his downtime. The two of them eating lunch and chatting about life. The conversation was pleasant until Daniel brought up you.
"I don't understand why you don't like her, mate." Daniel chuckled a little, but there was genuine curiosity behind his eyes. Then, a realization hit the Australian. "I bet you love her! Like a crush from a schoolboy!" He announces for everyone in the vicinity to hear.
Was he wrong? No. But Max wasn't going to tell him that.
"You're wrong, mate. I personally find her incredibly annoying." He scoffed. He was also trying to convince himself of this. It wasn't working like he'd been intending.
"Why do you think? She's like the sweetest person I've ever met." Daniel gives a confused look to Max, who is struggling to find a reason why.
He finally gives the Aussie and awnswer. "She thinks anyone will do whatever she wants cause she's so nice. It's aggravating to see people flit around at her beck and call like she owns the place."
Daniel's face falls, a frown now gracing his lips. "Damn, that's too bad, I think you would've liked her if you'd giver her the chance."
It's at this moment that Max felt a looming presence behind him. The grimace if Daniel's face apparent.
"Sorry for interrupting, Christian is looking for you, Max." Came your voice. Not the one he was used to, you sounded on the verge of crying.
You turned on your heels and swiftly left to find somewhere secluded to compose yourself.
You hadn't intended on eaves dropping. You caught the tail end of their conversation as you were walking up. There wasn't much other noise around, and it's not like either male knows the definition of quiet.
Max, on the other hand, knew he messed up. He placed his hands over his face, shaking his head repeatedly. "I am stupid. I am stupid." He mumbled.
After the race that he managed to win, despite a rough start, he found himself immediately looking for you. Then he looked for you from the podium. And again, when it was time to be harassed from the media.
When he couldn't find you anywhere, he decided to ask Christian. He was hoping to get the chance to explain himself. Maybe even opening up a little because you deserved it after what he said.
Christian looked at him skeptically when he asked. "I thought you'd been told. She went back to the hotel. Security found her hyperventilating, so I had Daniel drive her back."
The rest of the day went by in slow motion for Max. Daniel mentioned a couple of times that you had anxiety. He'd mentioned that you are a people pleaser. You just wanted everyone to smile.
He hadn't realized how much damage his statement had done at the time. The guilt is now settling into the pit of his stomach.
He had someone else following him around. Definitely not as nice as you. He knew he'd fallen for you but couldn't admit it to himself. He needed to make this right. He didn't care if you hated him forever, but he wasn't going to let you think he hated you any longer.
Finally he was able to escape the cameras and locate Daniel. "I need your help."
You had spent your time in the hotel watching the race under your blankets and calming yourself down. You wouldn't lie that you genuinely liked Max. He started as an aquintance, but then you picked up on any grain he would give you. Any story he would tell to fill the silence. You wanted him to enjoy your presence as much as you enjoyed his. You knew you couldn't force it, but it wasn't going to stop you from at least being nice. Had you pushed it too far anyway?
Daniel knew about your crush. He said he saw that way you would listen to his long wonded explanations with patience and understanding and new only someone who loved him could manage that.
However, Daniel had also given you a false sense of hope. The Australian said that he saw how Max wanted to make you laugh. How he followed every PR obligation so you could keep your job. He wanted you around, too.
The tears started rolling again at the thought.
It's evening now. You hadn't eaten since this morning, but your stomach had no intention of letting you nourish yourself. Your anxiety over needing to make everyone happy getting the best of you. You hadn't had a panic attack like that in awhile. Even going as far as to dry heave because of the intensity.
You were exhausted, to say the least.
You wanted to sleep, but Daniel had texted, saying he didn't care if you wanted it or not, he is on route to bring you comfort food.
You did your best to make yourself look presentable. Though when you looked in the mirror, you definitely didn't look happy.
The inevitable knock came. You didn't hesitate to swing open the door, ready to be greeted by a cheeky smile.
What you got was a Dutch with a sheepish smile holding your favorite food and some flowers.
"Before you say anything, please let me explain." He rushed out. He needed to, though, since you were trying to close the door on him. Instead, you pause, considering his offer, and let him inside without a word.
He steps in the door. Finally taking in your appearance and the state of your room. Both are in dissaray. You sit on the edge of the bed and patiently wait for him to gather his thoughts.
You'd always been patient with him. Another reason he loved you.
"I'm sorry for what I said."
You didn't want to believe him, but there was a genuine look behind his blue eyes. You don't say anything. Opting to just listen to him instead.
"I know I fucked up." Max continues. His voice shaking more than you'd ever heard. "And I know you may never forgive me for what I've done to you. But I am truly in love with you." He stares at the floor. Anxiety making him cast his eyes to the floor.
You are shocked, rendered completely speechless at the confession. "Why?" Wat the only thing you could get out.
Max sets down what he is holding and finds the spot next to you on the bed. "I know I treated you poorly. I thought that in pushing you away, I would protect myself. But I fell for you anyway."
He inhales sharply. Staring at your glassy eyes. How were you so calm? He felt exposed and vulnerable. "You don't have to talk to me ever again. But I couldn't let you go without telling you I love you."
"I love you too." You whisper. His head snaps up in surprise. Is he hearing things? "I have for a while."
Nope, he definitely heard right. He watches your lips twist upward into a small smile and let's out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"I know it'll take time, but please stick around. Let me show you hard I've fallen."
"It dosen't excuse how you treated me, but I'll give you a chance."
(AN: You can end here if you're not in the mood for spicy things or want to leave it at cute and fluffy... or not. Your choice )
The proximity between you two is so close now. Your foreheads practically touching.
Giving into the intense pull towards you, Max gives in and places his lips on yours. You taste sweet, exactly how he'd imagined. He could already tell he was going to become addicted. "Can I start tonight?" He might be pushing boundaries, but he'd be damned if he didn't at least ask.
He didn't hesitate to kiss you again when you gently nodded your head, yes. Giving him permission to continue for now.
This kiss was much more heated. Both of you hungry to act on all the pent-up emotions you had for each other.
You had one or two partners before Max. You know how to please. So immediately you moved to straddle him. Your inate need to put others first taking over.
It shocked you when Max pulled you off. Suddenly not knowing what to do with yourself. "Tonight is about you." He whispered in your ear. Planting kisses on your jaw as he lays you on the bed. "I'm going to show you how I've fallen for you." Kiss to your nose. "How much I love you." Kiss you your forehead. "And how much I need you." Puncuated by a slow sensual Kiss to your lips.
His lips move against yours with passion and lust. You open your mouth to give him access to your mouth, and he instantly begins exploring.
His hands gently caress the insides of your thighs and run up along your sides. Pulling your shirt up little bits at a time.
Your hand find themselves underneath his shirt. Your fingers are trying to memorize the feeling of his skin.
Max pulls away for you, panting heavily. "Can I take off some of your clothes?" He asks. His voice laced with new found confidence.
You'd never been treated like this. Often take advantage of because you are a giver. You gave constent sure, but this is a whole new level. You nod your head yes again, though looking skeptical.
Max picking up on this stops everything he's doing. "Are you ok? Your face is telling me something different."
"Yes, sorry, this is just a little new to me." You explain.
The shock hits Max once again. "Are you a virgin?!" His mind reeling that he was possibly going to take your virginity and he wouldn't have known.
He's more confused when you start laughing. "No, no! It's just that nobody has treated me so well before!"
"Oh, well if that's the case." A smirk finds its way onto his face as he straps you your shirt, then his. Then he takes your pants, your bra, and finally pauses. Laying kisses to every party of your body.
"I wish I hadn't closed myself off for so long. You're so beautiful. I've wanted you to myself like this for so long."
You pratically moan at his words. "Are you going to finish undressing?"
"What do you not get about me taking care of you." He places a finger over your lips to shush you. You sigh and comply. Letting him take control of the rhythm.
Max is over the top of you. Inching his way down. Sucking and leaving little marks as he goes.
He makes a pit stop at your chest. Gently taking your nipple and rolling it between his fingers. His tongue then finds the other one. Swirling it around, then sucking. Listening to you whimper beneath him.
"Do you like that lovely?" The cockiness in his voice not going unnoticed.
He trades sides with his hand and mouth. Trying to give equal attention to both your tits. His free hand now placed firmly on your hip to keep you still.
When he felt he'd given ample attention in one area, he made his way down lower. He stopped at your still clothed lower half. "Can I take these off you now?"
"If you don't I might cry."
Max has them off seconds layer. Now discarded with the rest of your clothes.
His gaze burns into you. His breathing erratic just looking at you. "Your are the most gorgeous thing on the planet."
You swallow hard as he finds a comfortable position. His head now in-between you thighs.
His finger gently rubs where you need him, and he places love bites to the insides of your thighs. "Glad to know I'm doing good so far." He smiles. His fingers are now coated in your slick substance.
You whimper again. His name falls from your lips like a prayer.
He licks the finger that was previously touching you. Savoring every bit of the tast he can. "Exactly like how I dreamed."
It was your turn to chuckle now. "You dreamed of me?"
"Almost every night. I got off in the morning to the memory."
You want to dwell on his dirty confession, but Max's tongue doesn't let you.
It doesn't take him long to have you writhing. His tounge unrelenting.
His fingers find their way inside of you. The act alone almost sends you off the edge. Instincts take over as you find yourself closer to utter bliss. Your arms struggle to push max away. His arms hooked under your thighs to hold you close keep you from doing so.
Your back arches as you release. Max is slowly coming to a stop as your ride out your high.
Both of you are breathing heavily. Max's fingers are still caressing your hips as you both catch your breath.
Realization hits you. "Don't you need something too?" You ask, voice laced with anxiety over not pleasing him also.
Max only smirks, laying his head against your leg. "I fine, don't you worry. Tonight, we cuddle, and tomorrow I take you for round two."
And that's exactly what you did. Max helped clean you up and put on your pajamas. Then you two curled up in bed together. Him telling you everything he had been wanting to since he laid eyes on you.
You know this road worh Max certainly wouldn't be easy. But you're patient, and you'll wait for him. As long as he needs to let himself fully tear down his walls.
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addedsugars · 3 months
Someone like. posted vaguely about a chilchuck self-aware au and its so. interesting to me! dungeon meshi is such an odd thing to make a self aware au of in the first place. things like genshin makes sense because so much of its vase media is surrounded by interacting with the consumer, while in dungeon meshi its almost the opposite?
Dungeon Meshi's story at its core is so wrapped in its own world, that the viewer is truly nothing but a viewer. honestly because how much the world affects its characters them realizing it's fictional is such a personal horror for any of them. the otherness, the loneliness, the struggle and for what? base self aware media horror stuff ya know.
not that that in itself wouldn't be interesting especially with the dungeon meshi cast in particular (falin and marcille specifically... mithrun) but I think it's especially interesting for chilchuck because at least a lot of the other characters exist in reaction to their world, very little of their tragedy comes from within themselves (I mean it does technically, but you know what I mean).
A big part of Chilchuck's personal tragedies is self error. he didn't see the threads ripping he doesn't know why his marriage fell apart. with characters like Marcille, Liaos or Falin it's the things that happen to them or around them that hurt but with Chilchuck it's like, that's all him, and I think it would be crushing to find out he was just never meant to know.
I'd like to say this concept was originally proposed in an x reader sense and I think it's also interesting there because, we could see his pursuit of them as an act of agency. Chilchuck can't know if him and his wife would still be together without the hand of the author the confines of his story won't let him. But, the reader exists outside of those confines so maybe a relationship with them could be too.
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marjorie189 · 5 months
Solo Trip (A Jude Bellingham Imagine) Part 2
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Jude Bellingham x Mexican!femreader
It's specifically a Mexican reader but there's cute Jude moments on here I think everyone should have a read at :)
Click here to read Part 1!
contains: social media au & text messages!
wc: 6,571 (in total of pt. 1 & 2)
summary: Y/N goes away on a trip to Mexico much to Jude's dismay!
includes: suggestive content and sexting!
I don't see much love for us Mexican and Brown girlies on here so I must deliver 🫡 I honestly had SO much fun writing and creating this, I hope you all enjoy it! I really connected to this post and poured out all my love and devotion to it!
meanwhile y/n and jude oblivious to the whole twitter situation: 
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judebellingham posted a story
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vinijr posted a story
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back to twitter:
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Guy in the photo talking to his friend
Guy in photo: “Ey, ey, ella que no es la novia de jude?” (Hey, hey, isn’t that jude’s girlfriend?) He points out starstruck, pointing at Y/N who was nearby. 
Friend: “¿Parece que sí es?”  (It seems like she is?) His friend replied recognizing her. 
Guy in photo: “Oye le pediré foto?” (Hey, should I ask her for a photo?) He nervously asks. “¡Tal vez me menciona a Jude!” (Maybe she’ll mention me to Jude!)
Friend: “¿estás bien hermano? ¡Tú crees que van a platicar de ti! Ay wey en realidad estas mal” (Are you good bro? You think they’re going to talk about you? Oh dude, you’re so wrong!) 
Guy: “callate! ¡No me arruines mis esperanzas! si hay hasta una pequeña posibilidad de que Jude simplemente escuche de mí por parte de t/n, ¡moriré feliz!” (Shut up! Don’t ruin my hopes! If there’s even a slight chance of Jude hearing of me from Y/N, I’ll die happy!) The boy smiled, determined to go up to Y/N. 
Friend: está bien, vamos (fine, let’s go)
The two boys appeared to walk, on video, towards Y/N. 
They tapped her on her shoulder once they had reached her. She turns around, appearing on camera. 
Y/N smiles kindly at them. 
Guy: Hola perdón por molestarte. Es que soy un gran fan de Jude. ¿Está bien si nos tomemos una foto? (Hey, sorry to bother you. It’s just that I’m a huge fan of Jude. Is it okay if we take a photo?)
Y/N smiled widely at the question. 
Y/N: “¡Claro!” (Of course!)
They both pose for the infamous photo and the friend retrieves it from the video. 
Guy: “Gracias t/n!” Te lo agradezco.” (Thank you Y/N! I appreciate it) The boy expresses. Y/N smiles and nods at the fan. 
Y/N: “¡Por nada! Tengan una bonita noche, que la disfruten!” (You’re welcome! Have a great night guys, enjoy it!) Y/N wishes, ready to part ways. 
Guy: “¡Me saludas a Jude, porfa!” (Say hello to Jude for me, please!) The guy pleads, causing Y/N to giggle at the interaction. 
Y/N: “Cuéntalo hecho!” (Count it as done!) Y/N smiles before walking away. Keeping her promise, later that night mentioning the encounter to Jude. 
Y/N leaves and the friend starts to scold his friend. 
Friend: “No manches! Salistes bien amargado en la foto wey!” (Seriously? You came out so bitter in the photo, dumbass!)
Guy: Es que estaba bien nervioso hermano. O sea es la novia de Jude Bellingham!” (It’s because I was so nervous, bro! I mean it’s Jude Bellingham’s girlfriend!) The boy exclaims to his friend. “¡Cómo crees que me sentia! Estoy por las nubes!”  (How do you think I felt? I’m over the moon!) 
Video ends
Back to Y/N & Jude: 
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liked by yourmom, judebellingham, erling.haaland and 369,583 others
yourusername en el coleadero y empolvada 🏇 dia seis! (in the coleadero [a horse sports event] and dusty 🏇 day six!) 
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yourmom you look so cute mija (darling)
yourusername thank you mami i love you! 💜
com1 she looks adorable in the first pic! 
com2 okay but the sky!!!
erling.haaland I didn’t expect Jude to last this long without you! I just know he’s hanging on by a thread 🤣 I hope you’re having a great time out there y/n/n 
com3 i’m dead erling 💀
judebellingham trust me mate I am not doing well
yourusername you know he’s the biggest baby erl!! Thank you ☺️
judebellingham you look hermosa! 
yourusername did you use google translate? 😂 but thank you bebe 🥰
com4 A+ for effort lmao 
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liked by judebellingham, jesusortizpazfr, and 397,539 others
yourusername bailes en el rancho son mis favoritos! ya estamos listos para mañana 🥳 day 7 (dances at the ranch are my favorite! we’re ready for tomorrow 🥳) 
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yourusername before anyone mentions my cousin on the last pic, he took me out to dance bc I was the only one from my primas (female cousins) who was standing alone at the baile while the rest were dancing w their mans🥺 
com1 y/n better than me bc if my man didn’t know how to dance and I was at a baile I would be dancing!! not my fault my man don’t wanna learn 
com2 you look like so much fun! 
com3 the vibe in all of her daily dumps are EVERYTHING! 
com4 I miss mexico now 😩
primo.user (cousin.user) mi compañera de baile MAS favorita!! 💃🏼 (my MOST favorite dance partner!! 💃🏼) 
yourusername gracias por sacarme a bailar me moría de ganas (thank you for taking me out to dance, i was dying to dance!)
com5 Not y/n wanting to dance but couldn’t bc she’s a faithful woman! props to her cousin for standing up 👏 
judebellingham la mas chula 😘 (the prettiest 😘)
yourusername you got me blushing bellingham 🤭 i’m glad you’ve got the google translate app installed 
com5 not jop in the likes
com7 fr, first peso now jop
com8 jop didn’t have it in him to leave a comment like peso pluma thooo
com9 damn they’re already pregaming for the feria (festival) tomorrow  
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liked by judebellingham and 387,437 others
yourusername sabado de gloria was one for the books ❤️‍🔥 mi mexico querido, el pais con tradiciones increibles 🥹 (saturday of glory was one for the books ❤️‍🔥 my beloved mexico, the country with incredible traditions 🥹)
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com1 okay bc Jude with a Mexican girlfriend was something I never expected but they’re so cute together!!! 💗
com2 the cultural difference between them is mind blowing but i kinda like it
com3 okay it’s been a week we need Jude and Y/N back together ASAP
judebellingham mi niña bonita 😍 I hope you’re having a blast darling! 
yourusername the spanish better not stop when I get home because it’s so cute! 
judebellingham i’m thanking google translate rn 🙏🏽
com4 that last pic is so aestheticly pleasing
com5 okay now I understand why Y/N had to go to Mexico!! That looks like sm fun
com6 fr i was like why would she ever leave Jude but I see why now
com7 her outfit and boots are so cute 🤩
Y/N’s POV: 
I spread my limbs throughout the comfy bed but not as comfortable as the one awaiting me back home. My eyes flutter open, as I bask in my last morning in Mexico. 
The morning sun shining through the window, brightening up the room. I take one last look through the window, the tree tall and green, dogs laying out on the ground, the pretty plants and the great range of mountains surrounding the rancho. 
I let out a deep sigh as I sat up in bed, a mixed emotion about leaving this place. Leaving the peaceful and warm lifestyle that is Mexico was always heart wrenching but my skin tingles at the thought of going back home. Not a home, like a house or a place but Jude. Jude is my home. 
I smiled at the thought of him and a warmth at my core enlights. 
A home cooked meal was already awaiting me in the kitchen and family slowly started filling my grandparents' home to say their goodbyes. 
I frown at the thought of leaving them but I know life would never be the same if I stayed. 
The time is approaching to my last minutes with everyone. An emotional goodbye to the animals, the beautiful home that holds many wonderful memories, and of course to all of my family especially my grandparents. 
“Te amamos mija. Ya sabes que aqui siempre esta tu casa, (we love you darling. You know that you’ll always have your home here” My grandma tells and we pull each other into a tight hug. 
I wipe the tears that we are threatening to spill. 
“Hasta luego muñeca que dios la bendiga! (Until next time doll god bless you!)” My grandpa expressed as he kissed my cheek, pulling me into his arms. 
After all the goodbyes, my uncle started the truck and loaded my luggages. 
On our way to the airport I watched the landscapes contentedly and whispered my goodbyes to the familiar roads. 
yourusername posted two stories 
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judebellingham posted a story 
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taglist: @annab-nana @hoodpankow  @alaynahope714  @jeyramarie @lemur46 @goldenroutledge @valluvsu @paleprincessturtle @hoelesslyt @drewsephrry @northernstarkey
All pics are from Pinterest!
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seonghwaddict · 1 year
★ NEVER SAY NEVER. [ 001 ] over my dead body.
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synopsis. something about the eight most well-known boys of your campus just didn't sit right with you, so you never gave any effort to interact with them. but after a series of... interesting incidents, they can't seem to leave you alone. pairing. college students! vampires! ot8! ateez x fem! reader. genre. fluff, angst, eventual smut, college au, vampire au. chapter warnings. suggestive comments, swearing, wooyoung being an annoying piece of shit. word count. 1.1k
        chapter i // chapter ii
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"The groups have already been decided and the list can be found on the bulletin outside. See you all next week." And with that, your professor walked out of the studio and left your classmates scrambling to get out of class and find the list.
All things considered, your day could have been worse. Yes, you'd gone to bed at 5 am and woken up at 7 to your housemate blasting music in the bathroom as she showered. Though, that was a daily occurrence, being mad over it just didn't make sense anymore. Yes, when you got into the shower and turned on the water without paying attention to the heat dial, you pretty much burned off your skin. Yes, on the way to the art department you had dropped one of the paintings you've been working on for over a month, getting mud all over the bottom half of the artwork.
But, nevertheless, it could've been a lot worse.
As you gathered the used paintbrushes next to your easel, you thought about who could be your partner for this collaborative project with the dance majors. Professor Yun just spent about ten minutes informing you and your peers that the art majors were to pair up with a dance major to create an artwork. The specifics—such as whether it'll be a painting or collage or other media—were completely up to the students.
You holstered your bag on your shoulder, finally leaving the art studio to see who you were paired with. Maybe it'll be Suncha, possibly the most beautiful girl you'd ever seen. You could definitely see yourself working with her. She moved with grace and would probably be the best subject you could ever wish for. Maybe Daehyun—you'd always found his face and body aesthetically pleasing.
The crowd in front of the bullet slowly dissipated and people found their partners in the crowd, already making conversation and talking about the project. With a slight sense of dread but a pinch of anticipation, you stepped up to the list and scanned it, quickly finding your name next to-
Oh you've got to be kidding me.
Nevermind, this was definitely one of the worst days you'd ever experienced. Because right next to your name, stood a name associated with one of the eight most sought-after men on your campus.
Jung Wooyoung.
They'd never done anything to you personally, but you just weren't a fan of the way they'd go from girl to girl without being ashamed or being called out. Granted, you weren't sure if all eight of them behaved like that (though this particular Jung Wooyoung did), you still disliked them (except for one of them, but you'd never admit that). Maybe it was how they were practically handed everything they needed at any given moment on a silver tray. Or how ridiculously good looking they were. Either way, something about them just felt... off.
An arm being slung over your shoulder broke you out of your thoughts of just ending your life right then and there. Without even looking at the person, you already had a suspicion of who it could be.
"Hey there, partner," He stepped in front of you, hand lingering on your shoulder for a second longer than you'd like. A mischievous smile graced his features, "I don't think I've ever talked to you. What's your name, pretty?"
"It's on the paper right behind you." You deadpanned, resisting the urge to roll your eyes.
For a second, Wooyoung's eyes hardened before that playful glint returned. "I know, but I'd like to hear you say it. After all, I don't want to be pronouncing it wrong."
With a sigh, you gave him your name and he repeated it, testing the sound of it on his tongue. Seemingly satisfied, he returned to your side with a hum and once again slung his arm over your shoulders, steering you toward the exit of the arts department and practically dragging you with him.
Along the way, you passed multiple clusters of girls and boys, some of them watching Wooyoung with admiration and lust in their eyes while others simply glared at you out of jealousy. Feeling their stares, your head turned to the ground and you screwed your eyes shut, wishing it was Daehyun dragging you. Not this painfully pretty, charming man that you couldn't stand.
"So," Wooyoung started—though he never really stopped talking, "I was thinking, if you don't have any courses or stuff for the rest of the day, you can come over to my place and we can start working on whatever it is we have to do."
"I told my roommate I'd be back early to clean our apartment."
"Oh, then I can come with you, help you and then you can come to my place."
"Why not just do it at my place?"
"That's fine, too. Maybe you can show me to your bedroom?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and you had to hold back the urge to smack him right then and there.
"Over my dead body."
"Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not really into necrophilia."
It was then that you noticed you were walking towards the campus' parking lot. You stopped in your tracks and waited for Wooyoung to turn.
"Ok, first of all, what the fuck. But I guess I'm glad that's not your thing. Second, what are you doing? Where are you taking me?"
He blinked. Once, twice. "I'm taking you to my car...?"
"To take you to my place so we can work?" He looked behind him and then back to you, his dark hair bouncing around and revealing the bleached layers underneath.
"But I have stuff to do." You crossed your arms over your chest, shifting your weight to your right leg as you looked up at him. He wasn't that much taller, but because of his proximity, it was hard to look him in the eyes without craning your neck just a bit.
A chuckle (though it sounded more like a giggle) escaped him. "The dishes and vacuum can wait. I'm only available for the next two hours, after that you're free to do whatever you want."
You took a second to mull things over before dropping your head and groaning. "Fine but–"
"Great!" Wooyoung grabbed your hand and resumed pulling you across the parking lot. "Let's get going, maybe the food Seonghwa-hyung made will still be warm when we get there and–"
"Wait!" You tugged on the hand that held yours harshly, making him stop to look back at you with a raised brow. "But... no funny business. Please."
He let out another high pitched laugh. "Oh, YN, my dearest darling YN, I don't plan on doing anything like that with you. Today, at least. Though if you'd like-"
"No!" You extended a hand to stop him from finishing that sentence, cheeks blushing dark crimson. "Please just- just lead the way."
That specific mischievous grin returned to his face as he whipped around and practically skipped to his black Mercedes with tinted windows. You didn't stop to appreciate the car, getting into the passengers seat and strapping the seatbelt on.
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  [ lilo's notes ... ] hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter!! any guess as to who the ateez member is that YN likes more than the others? hint: it's not wooyoung. also, i'm basing each of the mebers' looks off of different eras. in case you couldn't tell, we will be dealing with oreo wooyoung here.
  ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭ taglist ... @atinytinaa @marievllr-abg @legohwas @moonsangie @kiss-hwa @cqndiedcherries @ateezourstars @r1kitti @sarahleighflora @kyukyustar
  NEVER SAY NEVER © seonghwaddict, 2023
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