#but maybe I should give the remaster a play and see if I like it more?
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sirfrogsworth · 3 days ago
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I use AI upscaling to help with my photo restorations. And it is the one use of generative AI that I think has serious merit. I use Topaz so it is ethically trained on licensed images. It helps me preserve memories and give people photos of their loved ones with a clarity they have never seen. They get a much better sense of what their grandpa looked like when he was young.
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But AI upscaling is not a push button solution. And I don't think it will be for a long time, if ever. It's part of a larger workflow. It doesn't save me time or effort. In fact, it adds quite a bit of time to the restorations.
Sometimes I have to upscale the background and people separately. Often I have to adjust the contrast and detail on people's faces so the AI renders them accurately. I have learned how to set things up for success before the AI does its thing. And sometimes there is a lot of trial and error to get a non-nightmare result. Each try can take several minutes to render. There are several algorithms to choose from, several intensity sliders, and once the upscale is at a place I am happy with, I have to use traditional techniques to make the people not look like wax figures. I use things like custom film grains and LUTs to make the pristine AI result look like an old photo again.
In other words, I care about the photos I'm restoring.
I saw people talking about restoring Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. It's a very difficult problem due to how the show was produced. The live action was captured on film—which can be re-scanned at a higher resolution. But the digital effects were all done on analog 480p video tape. Not only would they need to be re-rendered but they would also have to be recomposited. Odo's shapeshifting is especially tricky. There isn't an economical way to remaster the show. TNG was only possible because they filmed practical assets for most of the VFX. They still had to redo all the compositing and it was very costly just to do that.
AI could be the answer. But only if the studio is willing to see it as a tool to be used in conjunction with artists and not a push button solution. Every frame needs to be checked. Different scenes will need different techniques to upscale them properly. And some scenes will just need to be cleaned up manually with traditional tools.
Upscaling to 1080p or 4K is often a mistake. The more extra pixels you try to add, the harder it will be to get a natural result. I think 720p would be a happy medium to shoot for. Combined with modern TVs traditional upscaling you will get a good viewing experience.
There are already fan upscales that are decent. I would say they managed to get the equivalent detail of maybe 600p. If you remember playing games on an old CRT monitor, going from 640x480 to 800x600 is actually a decent bump in detail.
Even though the files are outputted at 720p, it doesn't look quite as sharp as native 720p video. It's complicated to explain, but the short version is... detail and pixel resolution aren't really the same thing. Even if the file is upscaled to 1080p or 4K, that doesn't mean it has equivalent detail.
Which means we use a really shitty metric to give people a sense of how much detail a video will have. Ks and Megapixels are near useless these days.
Do your 200 megapixel phone photos really look sharper than my 24 megapixel DSLR photos?
My point is... detail is complicated.
And AI is currently unable to handle all of that complication without supervision and care.
In any case, the fan upscale of DS9 is definitely superior to the DVD versions. Feel free to seek that out (use a VPN). And because fans did it, the upscales were done with great care. They didn't push the tool beyond its limits and they reviewed every episode to make sure no nightmares snuck in.
I really don't know how to prevent studios from cheaping out and just running content through an upscaler with no care or supervision. But I also don't think fans should outright reject AI as a solution. It can be done well if they let actual artists leverage the tools and do it correctly.
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actualaster · 4 months ago
"The improvement isn't significant enough for advertising to be able to convey that it's so much better you should definitely spend money on it even if you played the original" isn't the winning argument a bizarre number of graphics-obsessed gamers think it is
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 4 months ago
I've been trying to focus on thinking about things I enjoy about the idea of the TWST anime. And regarding overblots, I think an anime version would really help illustrate (even more) how terrifying the process is. I really like how the manga shows Riddle's OB, and I love anime as a medium, so I'm pretty hyped to see how it will be conveyed in it.
I really hope they accentuate the horror of it- I'm aware that they might not go all in w the horror like I would personally like, but the thought still excites me. What kind of music will they play? Will the animation change like it does in some animes when the characters are distressed (wobbly lines, glitchy effects)...? What sort of directions will the voice actors get? I mean, they already voiced the game, but anime gives them more room to do voice stuff. I'm really hyped for this aspect tbh...
And I'm also excited for the possibility of dubs, since I'm quite a fan of the whole dubbing world. (I know some ppl have their fears about this last possibility, but in my case even if it turns out to not be so good, I think we could still have a good time w something like that. Plus I've seen some popular eng dub actors hyped about the anime and wanting to be casted for certain characters)
I also wanted to apologize for my previous ask ᕙ⁠(⁠⇀⁠‸⁠↼⁠‶⁠)⁠ᕗ I already did so in the comments, but I felt bad about doomposting on your inbox. My mind's first reaction is usually to see the negative first and become anxious, and it's something I'm working on, but it sometimes goes out of hand. But now that a bit has passed, and specially thanks to your advice, I can sit down and try to focus on the things that excite me rather than the ones that scare me. Sure, building too much expectation could backfire at the end— but as you said, we have little to no information at this point. So I think focusing on the things I'd like to see is a better usage of my time. If they turn out to disappoint me... That's something I'll worry about next year, I'll suppose. I'm still a bit anxious and scared, but there's also lots of things I'm hyped for. I'll try to take your advice and focus on those. 🫂 Sorry if my previous negativity made you uncomfortable.
[Referencing this news! Asker’s prior post here.]
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I’ve seen a lot of fans speculating that the OB transformation sequences will resemble magical girl ones! While that’s a fun idea, I do feel like it makes more sense for the anime to portray OB as something scary and all-consuming, similar to how it is depicted at the end of animated dorm commercials and in the manga. For the characters experiencing them, it’s not meant to be glamorous… All that agony, the dripping ink leaking out of their orifices and dripping like blood. Overblot looks incredibly horrific, and I think that should come through in the animation—whether they change the usual style for these segments or keep it the same.
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I think the anime would reuse (or maybe do remastered versions of?) the Twst soundtrack for a lot of the show. The compositions are already there, so might as well. Maybe experiencing the anime will help to make the music more memorable, since it seems the game soundtrack alone isn’t doing it for some fans.
No clue about the JP voice cast; I did see some people worrying that they could replace the game’s voice cast for the anime, but as I’ve mentioned already, that’s an unfounded claim. If the usual VAs are there, surely they won’t just reuse the already recorded lines from the game?? 😂 I’d think they’d at least have to rerecord those based on how the script and its scenes are laid out, plus additional dialogue to fill in the gaps (such as new scenes).
No confirmation of an English (or other language) dubs yet either! (Again, this is another topic related to the anime that sparks worry, but I must stress that it’s pointless to get into a tizzy about something that isn’t concrete yet.) But yes, I’ve already seen English VAs expressing interest in certain characters; Daman Mills wants to audition for Malleus, Alejandro Saab has made it known he has Twst on his radar and wants to voice Leona, etc. (The latter has done Twst dorm leader impressions for fun before; I think Mr. Saab could make for a decent Leona or even Malleus!)
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Don't worry about the previous ask ^^ I think it's better that we discuss these things with one another rather than post or tweet into the void and allow those negative feelings to fester. If you want to view it in a different way, think of it like the OB boys actually getting therapy/finding someone to confide in instead of being allowed to stew in their own emotions and risking OB a second time. Sometimes all it takes is that gentle nudge or a reminder to step back and take a deep breath. When we let our emotions get the best of us, we end up thinking and acting in irrational ways, and then that can lead to people--whether yourself or others--getting hurt.
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sturns-mermaid · 2 months ago
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Chapter 2: The arrival
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✮ wc: 988 | proofread by myself 😈
Chris pov - mentions of being shirtless
other parts here | chapter 3 coming soon!
Complete darkness met my eyes as they snapped open; I tried to move but felt trapped. Did I die? After I had tried to play that dumb game, I must’ve passed out or something because I can’t remember anything that happened. I felt around with my hands in the tight enclosure where the fuck was I? My hands landed on a cold metal surface so I had no idea what it was. Matt and Nick were probably playing some kind of prank on me. I slammed my fists onto the metal, hoping they would let me out. It was cold in here and I needed to go to the bathroom. “Matt, Nick you ass holes let me out of here!”
I yelled as I pounded on the enclosure. Chris groaned in annoyance as he heard voices on the other side of whatever he was stuck inside. It sounded like the handle to the door was being jiggled. A bright light suddenly shone on him, and he blinked rapidly as his eyes adjusted to the brightness. He then huffed, stepping out of his mysterious prison. “I’m gonna kill you both,” he uttered, finally adjusting his eyes. His brows furrowed in confusion because Matt and Nick weren’t grinning as he expected. Instead of being met with a bunch of kids surrounding him with books and weird clothes, he opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, he tripped on his own two feet falling onto the ground. He looked up at the unfamiliar faces, all of them staring at him like he was some sort of alien, their voices muffled as they asked themselves why they had just seen the boy emerge from the locker.
I stumble to my feet in utter shock as I hear one of them ask why I’m shirtless. I look down and notice I am shirtless, great somehow I must’ve gotten blackout drunk and ended up in a school. “Dude, did you get shoved in that locker?” a guy with a bowl cut asked as he linked his arm over my bare shoulder, letting out a chuckle. I glance towards the wall to find the row of lockers and the one open to which I fell out of. What the fuck is going on? Maybe I’m dreaming or something. This is a pretty fucked up dream if you ask me, or maybe it’s my sleep paralysis. I slap myself across the face, making the group of students around me gasp in shock as the guy with the bowl cut back away slightly, giving me a weird look. I run a hand over my face as I roll my eyes in annoyance, stepping forward and scanning the crowd to see if I can find my two idiots for brothers. “Very funny. What did you guys hire actors or something?” I shouted out, trying to see over the various groups of heads around me. Hearing no response, I started to worry that maybe this wasn’t a prank.
“What’s he talking about?” a red-haired girl asked as she clutched her books in her hands, eyeing me up and down. I turn and open my mouth to say something, suddenly getting interrupted by a bald man with a mustache pushing through the crowd and fixing his glasses on the bridge of his nose. “Everyone get to class, show over,” he said as he shooed the students away. They groaned, seeming they were enjoying my embarrassment. “Young man, why are you shirtless?” he asked as he stood in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest. I was too stunned to speak how was I supposed to explain this, Nick would be pissed if he found out and I didn’t even want to think about Matt having to pick me up from this nonsense. My thoughts were interrupted as he cleared his throat waiting for me to respond. “Follow me,” he stated as he turned on his feet letting out a series of mutters before he started walking down the now-empty hallway.
I followed the man into an office. The front desk lady, an older woman, grinned at me as I walked past. I cleared my throat slightly as I tried to look less awkward. I continued following the guy down a narrow hallway until he stopped in front of a door labeled ‘Lost and Found’. “Find a shirt in here, bud,” he said as he waved his hand in the direction of the small closet. I searched through the bins of clothes, and every item I picked up seemed to be an 80s castoff. Then it dawned on me… I was also barefoot. I looked down at my feet, feeling embarrassed that I had been walking around without shoes or socks on this whole time. “Don’t worry kid, there are probably socks and shoes in there too,” the man spoke up as he walked away, hearing the secretary call his name. I nodded as I watched him walk away before slipping on a random striped shirt that smelled like mildew. I quickly found a pair of what I hoped were clean socks and plain shoes. I tousled my hair as I felt around my pocket for my phone, totally forgetting the situation I was currently in. The only thing I had pulled out of my pocket, though, was a small folded-up piece of paper. I must’ve dropped my phone somewhere. I unfolded the paper, reading the small words that went across it. ‘222’ was all it read. What did that mean? The man interrupted me, coming back towards the hallway. I quickly shoved the paper back into my pocket as I saw a girl following behind him, her clothes similar to the other students. I scanned her frame, the way she held her books, and her hairstyle; her notebook displayed the number ‘222’. Maybe she knew something about how I ended up here.
a/n: how are we feeling? 😇 feel free to send in asks!
tag list: @itsmaddielouis , @oliviasthatgirl , @scorpio1205 , @submattenthusiast , @mattsplaything , @brianna-grace12 , @courta13 , @throatgoat4u , @anyaa2s , @sofia-is-a-sturniolo-triplet-fan , @ilusa , @luzsturniolo , @chrissweetheart
divider: @grungenglam
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gothic-thoughts · 1 year ago
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
now me personally, I don't have a mask kink but this man is just...attractive...for some reason
König x Black Fem Reader Fluff (angst?)
Medic!Reader, Mutual Pining, Drabble
CW: Ghost pops in (lmao), she/her pronouns
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I walk into Ghost’s quarters to give him his results only to freeze in place when I hear light snoring. Is he sleep? I just told him I'd be back later. I place his test results on the dresser and step around the foot of the bottom bunk to see König's giant leg hanging off, boot firmly planted on the floor. Oh! Oh. The other one was tucked under his massive thigh while his chest rose and fell evenly under his crossed arms.
What are you doing here? And how are you fitting on his bed like this? His phone was on the floor with earbuds still attached so I sneak closer, hoping he wouldn’t wake up as I pick it up. Ghost steps into the room and before he can open his mouth, I shush him.
“The fuck are you doing?” He asks in a whisper.
"I was just picking up his phone. What are you doing?"
“It’s my room. You get the results?”
“On the dresser. And like I said, you don't have any allergies."
The screen turns on, revealing his Spotify playing Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy from a playlist called "Ask Her" making me gasp softly.
"What, now?" Ghost asks.
König...likes somebody? Is it me? Way to jump to conclusions, but it's not like he talks to many people. Who could it be? He must have it bad—he even made a whole playlist with this song. I look over at him to see him lifting his hat from his eyes. Before I knew it, he was towering over me with a soul-piercing glare from the eyeholes in his mask. He grabs his phone from me, letting both headphones hang to his knees.
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing, I just came to see Ghost and I saw your phone was on the floor."
"Doesn’t explain why you’re on it."
"I wasn’t. It just turned on."
König's eyes narrowed briefly before he looks away. He sighs as he stepped around me and left the room wordlessly. I look over at Ghost with narrow eyes and crossed arms.
"Gee, thanks."
"Backing me up there."
He shrugs, putting the papers down. “I didn’t even know what you trying to achieve to help.”
“I wasn’t going through his phone! I was just on his lock screen!”
"Looks like you were from over here.”
 I suck my teeth and lean against the bunk with a groan. He’s definitely not gonna like me now, great. Not like it'd make sense anyway, I'm a medic.
“He’ll get over it.”
I gasped, getting an idea. “So...Ghost~”
“I- what? I didn’t even say anything.”
“You want to know who his playlist is about and no.”
"So you do know?!"
"Never said that."
"Not only do I not know, I also don't care."
“That’s...fair. But it’s König.”
“Why are you so curious all of a sudden, huh?”
“Well cuz...um..."
"Because who the hell could a faceless, anxious man possibly have a crush on?” I play off, “Is it someone you know?”
“What part of ‘don't know, don't care’ was confusing?”
"Ugh, fine. Whatever."
After (Y/n) leaves, I wait a bit before walking the opposite way to knock on König's door. Once I hear his muffled voice tell me to come in, I walk inside to see him cleaning his knives. I lean against the wall, watching the cloth move along the blade of his dagger as the door shuts next to me.
"Shut up."
"Just saying. I think you should just tell her, you're a grown man."
"Right, because you're so good with feelings like these."
I shrug slightly, “Maybe your phone has it out for you.”
“Who’s side are you on?”
He groans, staying silent as he puts down the knife and begins to clean another.
“Well, after you stomped away, she pressed me for a bit. I think she likes you too.”
“I don’t need your false hope, Ghost.”
“I mean it. She was asking me who it was about, she sounded pretty desperate—jealous if you look deep enough into it.”
“Or she's just curious.”
“She thinks it’s someone we know.”
"Ja?" He flips a knife and cleans the handle, “Well, she's not exactly wrong.”
“You have to say something eventually, I can't have you this distracted on our next mission.”
“I'll think about it.”
“Whatever, do something about it...." I start to walk out the door, "Preferably before she meets someone she knows.”
His eyes flick from the knife to me, glaringly, “Don’t put that in my head.”
“Then do something about it.”
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waterfire1848 · 6 months ago
Au. Where azula didn't only just focus on bending, but also to everything (combat, weaponry, chi, meditation, and being a assassin/ninja, and learned that lightning redirection in just 5 minutes) and mastered and remastered them all.... And that azula is not that blind (and know she's starting to get insane but realize why should she care about them?) and after ozai tells her that she's not coming and stays in FN and be fire lord, azula challenge him to agni Kai (azula not blind enough to realize she's far more stronger and powerful than ozai, blinded because of her fear) and wins, who makes the fight for ozai super long and hella painful.
Hello, @lala-ann-11 !!!
1. When Azula is a child, she’s brought up as a soldier but Ozai knows that if he plans to use her in the field then she needs to be a master of other things aside from firebending. Along with her bending, he makes her study weapons and combat and everything else under the sun. When Ty Lee shows off chi blocked, Ozai has Azula constantly learning from her until she has it down. He basically wants to make sure he has the ultimate weapon. And, by the time she’s fourteen, that’s what Azula becomes.
2. Ozai also makes sure Azula is educated and sends her to school as early as possible. Not only does this help her learn strategies but it gives her access to books from before the war. In all honesty, Azula started off reading just with the intent to learn more and please her father but as she began to read she saw more and more what things really used to be like (since these books would be untouched by FN propaganda). She’s not 100% against the war now (because she’s still a child and believes that her father is right) but she is starting to see that maybe he got some things wrong or maybe the world wasn’t as horrible as he told her. (I swear this won’t become a Tangled AU)
3. Azula is sent out into the field after the Avatar and does somewhat struggle (mostly because she’s on brand new ground and fighting enemies she’s never encountered before) but it’s very similar to the show where any set back she suffers is for a minute, if that, and then she’s back in the game. Only now, Azula also has her knowledge of the world before the war and gets to see how the EK is faring from it. Again, she’s not 100% against the war but her teaching of FN propaganda is starting to break. While fighting, she also gets a moment to speak with Aang which only furthers her belief that maybe things aren’t that perfect (Aang: You know, before I went into the ice, the Fire Nation and Air Nomads had a yearly celebration together where we brought food, played games and at the very end used firebending and airbending to create different pictures in the sky. Some of the teenagers used their bending to try and fly around. Azula: That sounds really fun…I wish I could have seen it. Aang:…Maybe one day it’ll come back).
4. When Azula starts suffering from her mental breakdown, it goes a little different. In canon, she had time to form a bond with Ty Lee and Mai so their leaving really hurt her, but here? She doesn’t have that same bond with them, so them leaving, while upsetting, doesn’t completely break her. She does grow a bit paranoid and become more agitated but doesn’t get to the point of hallucinating. And her agitation actually works to her benefit because it gives her the push she needs to fight against Ozai. (Azula: Shouldn’t have spent all that time making me the ultimate weapon). Let’s just say Azula has A LOT of pent up anger towards her father (Fire Sage: Princess! Princess, you won! Azula: In a minute! He still has some unbroken bones!)
5. Zuko and Katara arrive to face Azula but find her already crowned and telling them that they don’t have to worry about the Fire Nation anymore. She tells them that she called off the airships. (Zuko: And where’s father. Azula: I don’t know. Bleeding somewhere. Zuko: *Shrug* Okay) Aang, Sokka, Suki and Toph return to the palace where they all have a long talk with Azula about what should happen next. Much to their surprise, she gives the crown to Zuko, saying that she wants to have the chance to be free for a while and explore. (Azula: But I’m coming back at some point. Zuko: Maybe we could be co-Firelord’s when you return. Azula: I’ll think about it.) Azula leaves right after Zuko’s coronation and heads off to finally be free of her ultimate weapon title.
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97keanu · 2 years ago
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"ᵒʰ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ⁱ ᶜᵃⁿ ᶠᵉᵉˡ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵒⁱˡ
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Sandbox Love Never Dies
Dave Lizewski x Demonic!Reader (Jennifer's Body AU)
Premise: In this chapter, reader becomes the god she was always destined to be. She does something she shouldn't, and ends up on Dave's doorstep, the only place she has ever known to go to for help. Dave is completely horrified from the night events, but still cares for reader. Some cannon from JB divergence, maybe this way we can find a happy ending. Either way, the horror is starting to settle in with this chapter, please mind the tags and authors note!
Words: 4.5k
Read chapter one here // be added to the tag list for this fic here
Tags/CW: reader death(and rebirth), side character death implied but spared the gorey details, blood, gore, angst, drama, shared trauma, hurt/comfort, nurse Dave, bath scene, Dave helps reader bathe, Dave and reader end up in some pretty good fluff at the end.
Author's Note: this chapter was really interesting to write as the horror part of this au starts to become more prevelant, but if you are squimish to any of the above CW's the please be mindful when reading. As mentioned, there is a character death in this chapter, but I opted to skip an in depth scene of what happens, but if you've seen JB you should get what's going on. If any of that is confusing, let me know! This chapter is under the cut <3 P.S. this song really fits this chapter, so give it a listen ʚ♥︎ɞ
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The sky looms, limitless, an endless expanse of stars over this world. A cruel world where girls too young are tied, roped, adjusted as such to the top of a natural stone used as a sacrificial table. The sky has a million eyes and they're all on you tonight, Snowflake Queen, as your heavy breathing remains still human just yet. The omnipresent dark that covers the earth nightly is just as restrained as you are, helpless to stop what will soon happen. 
You can almost feel the same pit of darkness as the sky open up in your stomach, blood running out as stupid men play stupid games with ritualistic consequences. All you can do is scream, the sound falling on deaf ears of the woods that envelope the scene. 
You find yourself as cold and limitless as the sky as your human body is ruined. The assailants laugh, crack jokes, and sing songs as their blood pumps to the idea of fame and fortune being theirs. As you go still, they figure the job is over, throwing away any evidence into Devil's Kettle, the rushing, hungry mouth of the waterfall that eats all it's given, never to return. They don't even bother to give you a second look as they leave. You can feel the chill of death take you, your breath leaving, leaving, leaving. Never to return as yours.
Then, you feel something else. 
You feel something move inside your broken body, breathing life into your lungs that had just barely stopped its function. You can feel it, black, slimey, crawling down your throat and slipping into that pit of your stomach, but not filling it. No, it sits there like a creature, a parasite, that only adds to the emptiness, that begs as much hunger as the rushing waterfall, it growls with animalistic hunger, the sound rushing out of your mouth as you try to scream. 
You aren't even sure what happened next, your eyes focused on all the little pinpricks of light in the sky that disappear if you look directly at them for too long. What you do remember is the crunching of bone as you escape your restraints, then the sound of it going back into place, your wounds closing, your body changing, a darkness filling your veins. 
You're different, maybe even better, than before.
The next thing you come to realize is how your body finds itself breaking into a run, stumbling through the tree line and seeing the still smoldering Melody Lane Tavern. The fire seems vague and so far away to you now, like another life. The corpse of the building is still illuminated in red and blue, so you decide to walk away from there. As you do, on your path you see someone. 
The shape in the dark is walking with hunched shoulders, holding itself, and shivering. You watch, curious. As you approach, the familiar face begins to connect in your fuzzy brain. 
"Marty?" Your voice croaks out, still so tired from what's happened. 
Marty turns to you, he's completely out of it, but upon seeing a familiar face looks weakly hopefully. 
"You're alive…" You say to him, he can barely speak after what's happened tonight. As you look at him, and see the thin dribbles of blood fall from his head, that pit inside you opens up farther than before. You feel a low growl wanting to escape your lips. Something about that blood is making you so hungry it's taking over your already clouded mind. 
"Does anyone know you're here, Marty?" You say, almost as a puppet, the hunger speaking for you. Marty can only shake his head, and you can almost feel the world go back for what happens next.
The only thing you remember later is flashes, you can't think about it too much, the humanity in you is still on the surface since the transformation. No, you don't want to talk about what you did to Marty. 
You do, however, know that the only thing you feel after is euphoric. You are coated with the blood of this endless nightmare, stumbling about the dark, wet blacktop roads. You barely register the headlights aimed for you, and you know that even if you were struck by a car, you're invincible right now. You drank the blood, and now you're a god.
Dave can't stop shaking. He feels like his stomach might cave in, and he can hardly believe any of tonight happened. He can still see you, dazed, glassy eyed and being pulled into those fuckers van. His muscles tighten just thinking about it, and he feels like he throw a punch for one of the first times in his life. 
He's so worried about you, he has no idea what to even do, but he knows something is wrong. As he and Katie were caught in the hectic aftermath of the fire, the police just starting to show up, he felt something that made him double over in the grass. It was as if his stomach had been slit, he could feel it so vividly, practically sense your pain as much as you felt it. All he could do was writhe in the grass, begging Katie to help him, and not let anyone want to try to keep him here longer. No, he didn't need medical attention, he just needed to get home. He needed somewhere he could be safe, somewhere he could maybe try to think of saving you. 
Katie, despite how little she's known Dave, actually came through, and helped Dave get to his feet. Despite the pain, they made it to Dave's car without anyone trying to stop them. Katie was happy to help Dave, but she was terrified for Erika, who hasn't been spotted yet. Because of this, while she has positioned Dave in the driver's seat, she tells him she has to stay, look for Erika. Dave understands, and they share a look. 
Dave knows all too well how she's feeling right now. That's exactly how he feels about you. He gives her a nod, as if to say 'go to her', and after Katie leaves, Dave takes his own advice. 
He starts the car and begins to drive, his head feeling still filled with the smoke from the fire, smoggy and clouded from the night's trauma. He feels so strange, physically. He had felt the immense pain, but now all he feels is numb. His whole body is cold, and that scares him more than the pain. You have to be alive to feel pain, this numbness…"god…please don't let it mean that…". 
Dave lets himself drive in almost dazed state, the small town is quiet at this time of night, and no one has been seen on the road since he got away from Melody Lane's chaos. In fact, it's so eerily desolate. The cold, wet night glistening off the road. Dave takes his eyes off the road for a moment, to turn on the heat in the car, the shivering cold and numbness reaching a breaking point inside him, it's so strong. 
When he looks back at the road, he practically screams, the terror rising and catching in his throat, he hits the brakes as hard as possible. His headlights flood a figure with a brightness that blocks out half their shape. But what he catches before the person runs, impossibly fast, makes his spit run thin. That puffy white jacket, those piercing eyes, all that blood….
Dave can barely shake himself free of what he's seen, but now he's sitting here, all alone, that numbing feeling drifting away. It's all he can do, so he finishes his drive home.
When he returns home, he can barely move his body, the pain of tonight already setting in as the adrenaline cools and thickens inside him. Dave is just so tired. He weakly goes inside, his dad is likely well asleep, maybe a bottle in. Despite feeling like tonight's events should be 'wake your parent up out of a drunken stupor' worthy, Dave trudges up the stairs to his attic room. As he opens the door, the intense numbing feeling brushes past him once again, and he braces himself. 
Inside, you sit on his floor, bloody and clothes torn, completely dazed. 
Dave cannot describe how it feels to see you, he is shocked, but the relief of having you here, with him, not with those horrible men, washes over him so intensely that his knees almost give out. 
"Oh my god…" Dave doesn't even feel like he's saying it, but the words fall from his mouth. He rushes to your side, falling next to you, and gripping your arms through your jacket. "You're alive…I thought…" 
You're still so dazed, but your eyes slowly drag over to Dave. Your mouth is crusted with blood that's not yours, god, if Dave knew from whom it came from he would never forgive you. Besides that, you can hardly understand what compelled you, in this new form, to come here. Old habits die hard, you suppose. You also have a feeling that absolutely terrifies you when Dave comes so close. 
As much as you felt something similar when you saw Marty, this is different. You feel as if the hunger inside you isn't an overwhelming coldness, no it's not the need to fill that numb spot within you. It's different. A blazing fire. It builds, your stomach set ablaze and filled with a want and a yearning that is so strong. You eye Dave with a hunger that goes well beyond the need to eat, no, this isn't sustenance, it's a want for him, all of him.
You can just imagine, pulling him up from the floor, dragging him to his bed, and your weight and power on top of him. You can just imagine his innocent eyes as you can't decide whether to fuck him or sink your teeth into him. Just the thought of sliding his cock into you while you do both, tasting him, his neck in your mouth, the submission as he allows you to take him, all of him…
Dave has to reach up and gently grab your chin, focusing your attention on him. You didn't even realize a low growl had started forming, deep within your chest as you thought about consuming Dave.  You also notice he had been talking while you imagined this, and feel a mixture of disgust and lust. 
"What happened…?" Is all he can say at this point, you seem completely broken, and he can sense that your energy is different even if he doesn't acknowledge that he does. You don't respond, for a long moment, your thoughts a haze of trying to ignore the budding hunger inside of you, and remembering how to be, well, human. Even if you couldn't articulate it now, you knew you were not like Dave anymore, not at all. You aren't really sure what you are, or everything it entails, but you know for sure if you don't keep your hunger in check…you don't even want to think about what could happen, the guilt from your still fresh humanity filling your veins with a chill. 
"Dave…can you…can you please just help me up…" You start, your voice is dry and tired. Dave doesn't even question, he simply stands and holds out his hands, those large hands you've dreamed about touching you. You realize how cold your hands are to his nice, warm, human hands. He swiftly pulls you up, and you wobble, his hands there to steady you at the waist.
You're so close when you look up at him. He wasn't always this tall, you remember when you were kids, and you used to tease him about how he was shorter than you. You're almost certain that it was around the time he gained an inch, that one defining inch, above you, that's about when you started to fall in love with him. It wasn't so much that his being taller did something to you to change your feelings on him, no, it was more of the fact that after that, you guys slowly became more than just schoolyard mates. Even if you would never admit those feelings that fluttered at the worst times. Right now, is one of them. If you could blush, you would be right now, Dave's big blue eyes look at you with concern and worry. Of course, Nurse Dave as always, here to patch up your bloody knees just like when you were kids. 
Right now, it's a bit more than a scrap on the knee. Dave doesn't know if he should even be keeping you here, if all that blood is yours, well, he should take you to the hospital, right? You seem so pale, so fragile as he slowly takes over the situation, no longer time for questioning any of this. 
"Here, let's go to the bathroom…" He says softly, guiding you to his en suite. It's small, dimly lit by a yellowing bulb, and messy in a way that teenage boys always seem to make. He gently picks you up, and for a moment, you're surprised at how strong Dave is. You don't remember when he got to be so strong. He sets you on the sink counter, which has ample room for you, and begins by taking your puffy, once white, jacket off. 
"What are you…?" You start, still out of it. 
"You just…" Dave seems embarrassed for a  moment as he continues to undress you, but  his eyebrows pull together, determined for your own safety. "I need to see what happened, you're bleeding so much…" 
Dave's hands begin to shake as he notices  underneath your jacket there is a large hole in your shirt. He has to steady himself, he has no idea how bad the wound is, and as he keeps looking at the shirt he notices more and more holes, the blood making it so hard to see what exactly is going on. 
"Did…oh my god…did you get stabbed?" Dave has to take his glasses off for a moment just to make sure he's seeing this all correctly. There's no way you could even be standing, let alone at his door if these truly are stab wounds. He reaches out gingerly, his fingers barely tracing a hole that goes directly over your heart, and pulls his hand back in fear of that hole leading to a wound in your body. You don't respond to his question, way too tired and focused on fighting your own hunger to be talking much right now. 
"Okay, we need this off…" Dave says quickly, any embarrassment for seeing you in your bra overtaken by how scared he is about what he will see on your body. He gently, but effectively takes your shirt off, a lacy white bra underneath, soaked in blood. Dave looks you over, the blood is slick on your body, starting to turn darker shades of red and  brown now as it begins to dry, but what he realizes is that as his fingers explore your body all he feels is softness. His fingers even trace to that spot, right over your heart, moving away blood that slicks his fingers, and all he finds is smooth, soft skin underneath. No wounds. 
"This…this isn't your blood?" He almost scoffs the words out, in disbelief. By the looks of you when you came in he thought…well, he doesn't really even know what he thought, but he was sure you were in much worse shape. You catch his eyes when he asks, and shake your head wearily. Dave lets out a sigh of relief that expels so much stress he can barely breathe in again when he's done. 
"Holy shit…God…you had me so worried there…" He could almost scream, but instead he does something neither of you expected. His strong arms grab you, pulling you close, almost off the counter, and into his chest. He puts his head right against your tangled, blood soaked hair, and he is glad you can't see him right now. Dave sees a glance of himself in the mirror, the tears forming and slowly dripping down his cheeks. He just can't believe you're here, you're okay, and that he can keep you safe now. 
"I'm so lucky…" He whispers, not necessarily to you, or himself. 
Lucky. You could almost laugh if you weren't losing more and more energy as you feel yourself sinking into Dave's arms. Nothing about tonight had been lucky. In fact, you almost wonder if this is some sort of sick joke being played on you, and if you could  just close your eyes, fall asleep, when you woke it would all be over. 
When Dave finally pulls away, to get a better look at you once more, you let out a small noise of discontent from losing his warm embrace. 
"We should probably get you cleaned up." he says, looking you over, assessing what's needed. "Do you think you can do it yourself…?" 
Before he's even finished asking the question you're shaking your head. Dave can't help a blush rise to his cheeks as he thinks about how he will have to undress you completely to really help you get clean. He then nervously moves his hand to push his glasses back up, before noticing them sitting on the counter next to, and laughs uncomfortably. 
"Well, we'll have to get these c-clothes," he starts sputtering out a bit, he isn't usually so nervous around you, you're, well his best friend in the whole world. And if it wasn't for the gender difference this wouldn't be such a big deal. Dave lets out a shaky breath, then continues, more determined to complete the task at hand so that you can feel better. "Yes, as long as you're okay with it, I'll have to undress you to help you bathe." 
He settles on that, hoping he's not being weird and that the end justifies the mean here. You look up at him, and muster the energy to speak, to calm his nerves. 
"I need your help Dave, I don't care if you see me naked…" You say weakly, and it's true. If it wasn't for the fact that you were feeling as if your energy was fading faster and faster, you may have very well been worried about Dave seeing you naked. But right now? No, you couldn't care even if you tried after the night had. You think Dave senses that and feels the same way. He's just as tired as you, by the look in his eyes. 
Dave doesn't say much more, besides an occasional instruction for helping to get your clothes off. He helps you wiggle out of tight skinny jeans, the task made harder by the blood soaked spots that want to stick to your skin. After that, it's only your bra and panties left. Dave can't help but notice how much of your body is being exposed to him for the first time. It's just how he imagined it, if not even better, and he has to remind himself that this wasn't how this should have gone, and now is not the time for a wandering mind. You tell him you have your underwear covered as far as taking it off, and ask if he can start the bath. 
He nods, says 'of course!' As if he had made some mistake when his hand reached up for the waistband of your matching panties. He turns to the bathtub before he embarrasses himself more, and you slowly, muscles tired and sore, hop off the counter and begin taking off your bra. When you're finally fully undressed, you ask Dave if he can close his eyes as you hop in the tub. 
"Oh, sure, here." He holds out his arm for you to steady yourself as you get in. You utilize this, and as you sink into the half full tub you feel a sense of ease hit you. Dave has it at the perfect temperature, the heat of the bath making you miss his warm arms once more. You let Dave know when he can open his eyes, even though you're sure he can see a full view of your ample chest, it somehow feels better that half of you is protected by the bubbles Dave also added to the bath. 
Dave can feel how deeply red his cheeks are as he watches your breasts rise and fall in the water, and when the water begins to turn a rusty color, Dave straightens his mind out. He kneels down next to the tub, his knees on the bathmat. You slide closer as he grabs a washcloth and begins dipping it in the warm water. Neither of you speak as he begins  with your face, the softness of the cloth and the warmth of the water easing your tensions while taking off blood and make up. Dave has actually helped you take your makeup off for the night before so he starts with this, feeling most confident in his abilities. 
Eventually he finishes your face, and you open your eyes to see him deciding where to start next. He starts on your neck, it's the next thing down that has blood crusted on it, so might as well, right? He cleans gently, making sure that he's not hurting you, going slowly. When you're certain your neck is done, and he's just avoiding going lower, you look up at him, meeting his eyes with a new boldness that has emerged from your transformation. You take his hand gently and lead it to your breast, keeping your eyes locked as you allow him to feel your soft, plump skin there. His eyes look so nervous, something about how much he wants to touch in this way being so clear on his face, yet he rejects it, as to be gentlemanly, or a good friend perhaps, turns you on way more than any of the other boys who have had access to your breasts. 
He takes his time here, despite his nerves. Circling your breasts with the washcloth until your supple skin is all that's showing. He keeps his eyes mainly on yours, something about the connection between you two right now is more than just a horny teenager seeing his first pair of boobs. No, it's deeper than that. It's about the trust between you two, and how Dave is staying focused on your needs first and foremost. That isn't to  say that how he is touching you now isn't making your already weak legs feel weaker, a quivering in your chest and between your legs building as Dave moves on to the other side, making sure to give the same attention there. You can feel yourself twitch as he brushes over your nipples, which are so hard and tight despite the warm water. They just barely float above the bubbles, and Dave makes sure you're all clean before moving on. 
You thought the spell would be broken when he moves on to cleaning your back, but somehow, his hands moving in such a pleasurable massage, makes you want him even more. You completely relax as he cleans, you're sure that it's clean by now, but Dave continues to massage just to make you feel better. When he pauses, you feel his breath against your ear, his voice soft, full of something you've never heard from him before. 
"Does that feel good?" He checks in, and you nod, giving a small, relaxed 'mhm…' along with it. You can't see it, but you're sure Dave is smiling, pleased to please you. He always has been that way. He can't help it when it comes to you. 
He reaches for the shower head, glad that the bath is a two in one, and starts the water there. He checks the temperature again, making sure it won't be shocking, and he wets your hair. He still can't believe how much blood was on you, and you're unharmed. He begins to gently wash your hair, wondering where it came from. Perhaps he'll ask you in the morning when all this might make more sense. But right now, he works a lather into your hair, his hands like magic, moving so thoughtfully through your locks. You find yourself wishing that this had come on any other night. Why is it that you get to know the pleasure of Dave's hands on your body after all that's happened and not on both of your own terms. You are too tired and enjoying what Dave is doing to care right now. That's for another you to ponder sometime.
Dave finishes up your hair, and gives the wash cloth over to you, instructing you to finish up anything he couldn't reach. He informs you that he is going to get some new clothes for you, and to your surprise, his cool lips touch your forehead before he leaves. You gaze up at his form as he's already out the bathroom door, strutting quickly away to find some new clothes without leaving you too long. You finish washing while he's gone, and stand up wearily out of the tub, grabbing a nearby towel to dry off. 
You're all wrapped up in a white towel of his, the tub filled with dirty water, slowly taking it, fand the night that caused it, down the drain. Dave comes back in, surprised you're out, but glad you didn't slip while doing so. 
"I got you an old band shirt of mine, and a pair of my shorts." You smile, taking the shirt and shorts. 
"I love this shirt…" You say, slowly pulling over your head, the towel still shielding you. 
"I know…" Dave says softly as your head pops out of the shirt, your wet hair leaving droplets on the shoulders. You smile and Dave glances away as you slip his shorts on, fitting you nicely enough for the night. You discard the towel and follow Dave towards his bed. 
"Here…" He says, pulling back the covers so you can get in. You do, gladly. Dave slips in behind you, and he immediately puts his arms around your waist, too nervous of you escaping him again. You notice the hunger from earlier is duller, calmed for now. Somehow, Dave's attention to you has helped, and you find as Dave snuggles against your shoulder, your breath slowing. The terrors of tonight are ringing around your ears still, but it's no match for how tired your body is. You drift into a deep sleep, wrapped by Dave Lizewski's arms, something you never thought would happen this way.
Some thing's really must be fate.
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quaddmgd · 3 months ago
so i played soul reaver 1 remastered up to the Sarafan Tomb and i really enjoy the visual changes and QOL features added.
new models look great and and at times terrifying when they have to. i love that some of them got granted some semblance of facial animation. i liked the facial animations of tr remastered more, but anything is much better than what we had on PS1.
i like the texture work much better than disjointed hd textures of tr remastered; here it feels more like just playing a new port of soul reaver (kinda like the dreamcast version but on a much greater scale) instead of an hd texture mod (most of which suck for such old games).
overall there are less noticeable visual changes than tr remastered thanks to the original soul reaver's lighting. it still does look great no matter which graphics you choose, but remastered looks give you also better player shadows and some dynamic lighting from the reaver and other stuff that should give off light.
both new (beautiful) map and compass are fun to look at and give locations the much needed spacial context without having to remember blood omen's map (or playing bo in general). i imagine they are helpful for new players, but i can't tell for sure since i kinda moved around from memory.
i LOVE the brand-new day-night cycle. corrupted nosgoth at night looks even gloomier than i imagined. at first i thought it wasn't that noticeable, but it turned out i just hadn't reached the night yet. one small gripe - it can make platforming very hard due to no light sources around the map. idk if it really needs to be fixed since i only played through one night so far but yeah. maybe give raziel an optional light aura like of an angel he is... idk we'll see.
as of now i only found a few minor issues, which is not a lot compared to what tr fans found in their respective remasters. first of all the lighting issues are non-existent here since the game uses its original lighting. the skybox after emerging outside for the first time gets messed up in one place due to weird mountain geometry, raziel's new model once obscured the original camera framing for a second and in a few liminal spaces the camera goes haywire as the game takes a second-long stutter - something that wasn't there in the original release.
overall it's worth every penny and i love it. i love that i can call it a definitive way to play soul reaver. i can finally recommend these games to people that don't have older hardware or don't know how/like to use emulators.
i only skimmed through bonus content and haven't played the lost levels yet, so i'm hyped to do that. i've seen some familiar art and names in the fanart section, though, and it made me smile.
and since, like tr, both games run on their original engines i was hoping for the file structure to be as open as back then and i'm not disappointed! can't overstate how great this is for data mining and modding.
i'm so happy that legacy of kain is back and i can only hope for it to stay that way, especially with the dead shall rise and other projects on the way. i really hope to see defiance getting remastered one day, maybe with some new gameplay QOL features, possibly alongside both blood omen 1 and 2 as a new remaster package. without it i doubt we'll get a direct sequel that would finally finish the story after it was left on a cliffhanger 21 years ago.
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cannibalovers · 1 year ago
Do i post too much depeche mode related stuff? Maybe but i think they fit the show so well, especially hannibal
Hannibal song of the day: song no. 10
A bit about the song:
"It’s No Good" (released in 1997) is a song by Depeche Mode and was written by Martin Gore. The song fits genres like synth pop, alternative rock and electro-pop, involving a smooth, dark sound with minimal sound-effect clutter and lots of reverb. It has a deep, recognisable melody and bass accompanied by various ambience sounds or synth sounds. The meaning of the song is quite vain and dark, presenting the protagonist who can’t accept their crush not liking them - They’re convinced that they are made for each other, divinely intertwined. They were most likely rejected and hit the first stage, the stage of denial.
i love this song along with the whole ultra album sm, i was so shocked to find out not many ppl like it????????? like what
but okay anyhow, another song that reminds me of how Hannibal views Will omgggg no waaayyyyyy
I will forever stand by the fact that Hannibal is a hopeless romantic (but i think all of us know that like... the whole human tree boquet, all the flowers being carefully picked? Hanni killing the judge for Will? giving himself up to the police so will always knows where he is? um? do i need to say more) - that why I even have this song in my playlist, as the protagonist seems like a hopeless and very persistent romantic themselves (and any depeche mode song tbh)
Verse 1 "I'm gonna take my time I have all the time in the world To make you mine It is written in the stars above The God's decree You'll be right here by my side Right next to me You can run but you cannot hide"
The protagonist feels like the person they're crushing on has to and will love them back - They feel like they have all the time in the world, they aren't planning on stopping liking them or trying to charm them, and are willing to be patient and wait for the day that their interest does like them back. Quite tenacious. The protagonist seems to be quite spiritual and a hopeless romantic, believing the two are meant to be together as it's written by the universe in the stars and pre-planned by God himself. The last line can be quite dark and desperate, considering that the protagonist says this is unavoidable and their crush should accept it. Overall the protagonist seems to be quite obsessed (totally not another reason as to why i chose the song...).
This feels like Hannibal so so much - no matter how many times Will seemed disinterested (Will stop fucking lying) or even tried to literally kill him, this bitch ain't giving up. He's really taking his time, never giving up on the idea of Will and him becoming closer, he doesn't want to give up. Will is the only person that seems to understand him, a person Hannibal sees himself in and he can also understand Will; He doesn't want that to go to waste. He made his goal to make Will his and he will achieve it; If he wants something, he will find a way to get it. It's pretty easy for him to do so, considering his vast knowledge of human psychology. He can understand people without them even saying a word about their emotions and he can influence others easily, it's an quite advantage to him(Will doesn't find him interesting? ok bet, he'll make him VERRRRYY interested:3).
And also to my surprise, Hannibal seems to be quite spiritual, even comparing himself to God or "playing God": "Killing must feel good to god too, he does it all the time. And are we not created in his image?". He enjoys the power and control it brings him, retaking what God took awy from him. He decides who lives and who dies at his hands. He is in control of his life and any person that appears in his life, it's like he writes the course of his and others lives - That's what happened with Will; Hannibal, the "God" that he is, has decided that they are soulmates and are meant to be in each other's lives forever - be it a delusion or correct, they are always coming back to each other, mainly due to Hannibal's actions. As I said, he will find a way.
"Don't say you want me Don't say you need me Don't say you love me It's understood"
The protagonist is assuming that their interest likes them - possibly telling them not to say it out loud in fear that it's not true. They prefer to assume and think that their crush likes them back as that's what feels real and secure to the protagonist, clearly not taking rejection well as they're trying to avoid the situation of a rejection completely. also, perhaps it's more romantic this way. Maybe they are sure of the fact that their interest likes them back, but the protagonist doesn't want it confirmed because they feel like they fully understand their interest telepathically, which they find more romantic. Could also tie to another Depeche Mode song, "Enjoy the Silence" - one of the interpretations for this song from a romantic perspective being that the protagonist wants to indulge in silent moments with his lover, not wanting to worry about words and just enjoy their lover's presence - for this song, the protagonist might also find words harmful and prefer silences.
For Hannibal, I feel like it's more the second one. One thing about hannigram, they can read and understand each other without speaking about it, well most of the time. Direct words don't seem to really do it for them, it doesn't feel as intimate as whatever gay shit they got goin on apparently. like really these bitches suck at communicating, they really don't wanna hear it or say it cuz rejection or they will get a boner and explode and cry and be vulnerable, the worst thing on this planet (i hear that "do u wanna be my big sweaty guardian alpha boyfriend WHAAAAAT WHO SAID THATWHOSAIDTHAT" sound as i type this)
"Don't say you're happy Out there without me I know you can't be 'Cause it's no good"
The protagonist really won't take the rejection and even though they assumes or wants to believe that their interest likes him back, since it isn't confirmed, they're afraid that it isn't true and are in denial, still trying to remind themselves that the two are made for each other and that their interest can't be happy without them, simply because it's no good(mainly for the protagonist).
cough cough Hannibal when will breaks up with him and gives himself up to the FBI cough cough
But no fr, this lyrics represents Hannibal's reaction so well. He can't accept that Will believes he can be happy without him, because he knows he won't be. He saw how he can be, he saw the adrenaline rushing through Will's veins turn into satisfaction, a genuine, though involuntary reaction - Hell, Will even confirmed it. He knows that Will felt understood by him and that's Hannibal's driving force, unlike the protagonist, for whom this is most likely just about his delusions and hopefulness(unless the protagonist interests is a sweaty anxious dog lover empath idk that he connects with at a spiritual level idk). Through the show it just becomes clearer and clearer that Will cannot be his genuine self with anyone else other than Hannibal. Will knows that, tries to ignore it, Hannibal knows it and isn't giving up, Bedelia knows it and is fed up with their shit. EVERYONE knows it (and everyone knows how destructive it is).
The two together are absolute menaces to society, but Will being away from Hannibal also makes everything worse. The longer Will doesn't accept that Hannibal understands him and accepts him, and he feels the same way about Hannibal, the longer he runs away, the worse it gets. He isn't happy, although he pretends to be. He built a carefully crafted, perfect family where he's a good father, caring for a widowed mother, living in the woods peacefully with their lovely hoard of dogs and are incredibly happy. But is Will happy? He thought he would be. He knew it isn't socially acceptable nor good to embrace that dark side, he has seen the effects of people who accept it. It isn't good, he shouldn't do it, he shouldn't succumb to his dark nature. Perhaps getting a stereotypically ideal family will help him feel normal and ignore it. Yeah, that will make him feel good and satisfy his need to care and nurture and feel like a white knight saving the day. It will definitely make him happy. Fake it till you make it. But is it really worth it when you have to put on a mask in front of your wife, someone you choose to marry and devote your life to, who fully trusts you and expects the same from you? How mocking it feels, when she's this open and sincere whilst you're lying to her every second about who you are. In the end she doesn't care for you, she cares for the person suit you carefully tailored out for her. But this is who you're supposed to be right? You designed this, it's genuine, no? It's just a heavily mediated version of who you are. Well, clearly not, since you see the ex that ruined ur life (tried to make u accept who u are) and immediately fold and leave ur wife lol
(man i need to be careful about my tenses and perspectives what is that, but not rewriting cuz idk how else to write it)
In the end, it's not good for Will, it's not good for Hannibal, no good for the rest of the people who gotta play fucking matchmakers and third wheel them as they flirt, this repression does nobody any good.
Verse 2
I'll be fine I'll be waiting patiently Till you see the signs And come running to my open arms When will you realise? Do we have to wait till our worlds collide? Open up your eyes You can't turn back the tide
The protagonist is waiting, although getting impatient. They keep having hope that finally their interest will like them back, see that they are made for each other. They aren't giving up and seem to be so obsessed that they will continue to choose their interest over anyone else and be patient with them. They're hoping that their crush just needs some enlightenment and will suddenly love the narrator back after "opening their eyes". The worlds colliding are support to represent their minds and the tide, the inevitable and strong feelings the protagonist feels - it's like the protagonist already felt the tide, the emotions, powerful and sudden, hitting him, and is now waiting for their interest to be hit by the same tide.
Well, Hannibal does wait patiently. In the comfort of the psych ward Alana takes care off for him, having all the privileges, all the comforts he needs. He has enough patience to last the 3 years without breaking any rules. But ultimately, after Will said goodbye, he has left Will the option to come back and "run into his open arms". Hannibal giving himself up to the FBI was to make sure that Will can come back to him, if he changes his mind. He kept his arms open, expecting Will to come back. He knew he just has to let Will decide if he wants to do so for himself.
Will knew it was dangerous, he wanted to keep away from his as far as possible, be blind. He was well aware that Hannibal would be like a tide, powerful and merciless, he would swallow him whole once he gave in, which is why it took him so long. Like literally Jack had to come and fucking intervene and force Will back into the goddamn field like. fgfjoigfdigjjew
The only way that they would ever be back together was if their worlds, their minds, collided, and they did. Before, Will's and Hannibal's worlds were about to collide before Will hesitated and Hannibal didn't appreciate it. Jack and everyone encouraging Will, pushing him into the trap, made Will's and Hannibal's worlds collide. There was no coming back to who Will wanted to be after reconnecting with Hannibal - their worlds have merged and the damage done is way too severe now as his eyes opened, and he finally accepted his demise, letting the tide swallow him whole (just like that tide when they fell off the cliff💯).
in conclusion hannibal is pathetic and whipped, the dick is just too good
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i missed this
if this is hard to read due to me trying to sound formal and professional but succumbing to humour WAY too much and not balancing it well enough then pardon me
my playlist post
thank u, hope u enjoyed<3
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rechicken-and-waffles · 1 year ago
Hear me out: Chaotix game in the style of the Telltale Sam and Max games. (if you've never heard of them you should definitely give them a try or look up a walkthrough; either way, they're really good. I recommend going through the remasters, though the one for The Devil's Playhouse has yet to be released this year, so until then you're free to watch the original for that)
I've been conceptualizing a Civil War AU for IDW Sonic where some of the heroes are done with Sonic's pacifistic approach towards handling Eggman and decide to take care of him themselves, which results in a full-blown overarching battle between those hunting Eggman, and those forced to protect him. I plan to have Espio on Team Scramble Eggman Beyond Recognition (and you can probably guess why), but my somewhat lack of knowledge on the Chaotix as characters has me slightly stumped, which is why I turn to you. Would Espio go so far as to fight his own family (Cream, Amy and Gemerl, specifically, still debating on if Vector and Charmy should side for keeping Eggman alive, but I'll also leave that up to you), if it meant ensuring Eggman's end?
1) Yes please. I haven't played a Sam and Max game in my life but I have heard great things about them, maybe I should check them out.
2)I feel Vector and Charmy would be in the side of keeping Eggman alive, because while they don't like Eggman, I don't think they would believe ending him is the solution, especially Vector. And yeah I can see Espio fighting them under the belief that "this is for the greater good". I think the only ones Espio would not have the heart to fight would be Charmy and Cream, for very obvious reasons hehehehe (also that they would be the most likely to talk him out of ending Eggman)
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angrycheesegirl · 21 days ago
I know Tt will never get their heads out of their asses for long enough to do it, but something that I think would be a slam-dunk for them is if they'd remake Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. There's several aspects to this that I think need to be discussed separately, so I'll do just that.
Gameplay and Level Design
Complete Saga is a near-timeless game, it's simple but buttery smooth and really fun to just play while switching your brain off. A hypothetical remake should keep the core gameplay of the original completely intact, while adding quality of life features from later Lego games, like the Character Wheel and split-screen for when the characters get far enough apart. These are things that don't break the flow of the game at all, but only help to make it less aggravating and more in-line with all the games that came after. Also quick thing to mention, just don't change the levels. Period. I know some of them didn't age too well but for the sake of preservation, if you change the levels then it's not even Complete Saga anymore.
Visuals and Characters
Complete Saga admittedly isn't the most graphically impressive game, especially compared to the Lego games that came immediately after it. While the visual style of Lego figures in a realistic(ish) world has aged like a fine wine, updating the fidelity of the game's environments and characters to modern standards would just be a cherry on top of am already lovely cake. And while I'm talking about it... I'm actually a fan of changing out the designs of the characters for their modern-day minifigures. I understand the appeal of wanting to keep the old nostalgic designs, but putting 2008 Vader into an updated environment would stick out like a sore thumb. So yes, in the interest of making this a proper Modern Remaster, the minifigures and ships should be updated to their current designs. Kill me if you want but I feel this is a necessary evil.
This is where the fun begins. I'm just gonna list off some stuff that I think would be cool to add to the game, which while not really changing it would enhance the replayability and completionist aspects.
I'd really like to see more characters added for use in Free Play, either ones that already appeared in TCS but weren't playable for whatever reason, or maybe newer characters from other Star Wars properties not depicted in the events of the original six films, like Ahsoka Tano. More characters is always more fun, and it may be worth exploring.
A thing that would be cool would be a power brick that lets us swap out the modern minifigures and ships for their classic designs, keeping the nostalgia alive while also letting them advertise the graphical fidelity. There have always been options to swap out parts of characters in these games so while this I'd admittedly quote a bit more work, it's not infeasible.
More bonus features and levels please? This is honestly where the team could go wild and make whatever the fuck they want, just throwing it in as bonus content. Give us things like bonus levels themed around later Star Wars properties like Clone Wars or Rogue One. Alternatively just go wild with it and make something out of left field. Remake TCS levels to your ideas, depict things that were never shown in the films. Do whatever, Tt, have fun with that.
Just put your hearts into this game? Skywalker Saga is great to me personally but the same kind of passion that went into that would need to come from a TCS remake, or what was it all for?
So yeah, those are my thoughts on a completely hypothetical remake of Complete Saga. I have a lot of love for that game so I want to see it treated with the kind of respect it deserves, and if the future of Lego games is really going the route of Skywalker Saga, then it might be nice to have something that brings us back to where it all came from.
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fostersffff · 2 months ago
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Despite making a valiant effort to stop me on two occasions, I was actually able to finish Soul Reaver 2, which also brings my time with the collection to an end after thumbing through the extras.
I think the kindest thing I can say about Soul Reaver/maybe the Legacy of Kain franchise at large is that it was ahead of its time, to its own misfortune. I'm still really impressed with the first game on a tech level considering how old it is, and the second game gave me context for exactly how Amy Hennig led the charge on Cinematic Setpiece-Driven Adventure games becoming the Apex Video Game Genre during 7th Gen. But as I played through the entirety of Soul Reaver 2 today, all I could think to myself was "this series would flourish as a modern day AAA game scaled and scoped like God of War", which is not a thought I have ever had before.
Going from the first game to the second, you can see how they wanted to do something like that- an epic adventure with some platforming, some combat, some puzzles, and a really compelling setting and story about this horribly fucked up fantasy world being torn apart by time travel conspiracies. The first game went heavy on atmosphere- in fact, it's almost entirely atmosphere by weight- but the second game realized that in service of actually telling a story and having characters, they should do away with the semi-open world and do something more linear. But this was still four entire years before Resident Evil 4 and the original God of War, so all they could think to include were environment puzzles (fine!) and combat (not fine!).
The combat is definitely the biggest problem with the games actually in the games. In the first game, it's gimmicky but interesting: 90% of the enemies you encounter are vampires, which means you can't fight them to death, and need to either improve a stake (like a spear or a pipe or a convenient ceremonial wall spike) or burn them or throw them into a body of water... at least until you get the Soul Reaver, at which point combat is solved. In the second game, they have normal human enemies, and because it's entirely linear they replace the first game's exploration with more combat, so combat is more involved and just fucking bad. The Soul Reaver still mostly solves combat, but you're disincentivized from using it to solve every encounter; thankfully, there's rarely anything stopping you from just walking away from an encounter, which is also good because you don't get anything from combat, either. It feels like they even knew the combat sucked, because the final set of "boss fights" give you infinitely regenerating health, and those are also the only "boss fights" in the game.
Still, I'm very glad to have actually played* these games now. Despite having technical issues with both games in this Remaster and not thinking they're particularly exceptional video games to play, I'm still coming away thinking "man, Soul Reaver is really cool". Maybe they'll get the opportunity to make something new that isn't some horrible ill-conceived MMO.
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A good is-Tom-Normal-About-That-Media? meter is how I deal with music related to that specific media. Unfortunately in OFMD's case it's ticking in the "Brain Rotted Pile of Clown Meat" zone, because I basically went through every song ever made by Nina Simone just to try and guess which two songs are playing in s2.
So you know what??? I'm laying out my predictions here, if any of these starts playing then I'm owed a Jenkins thumbs up or something like that. Idk. I spent four hours of my life on this, I need a hug. I threw the dice and this is what came out.
> These three are my favorites, I have a feeling about them, they smell like OFMD to me and my brainwaves bounce up a bit when I hear them (u know... like the sea.... ha...ha)
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Ed-Coded, sad, moody, it's frantic and helpless in a way that's also really desperate, and ohohoho the rhythm on this one tickles my brain a bit.
Feeling Good
A bit overplayed, basically in every fandom playlist but It! Is! There! For! A! Reason! And that reason is that it's reeeally good and very villain like. Could be Ed-Coded, I'd like to imagine that's him trying to conform into his Kraken/Blackbeard persona, could be other people too though. Use your imagination here.
Do What You Gotta Do
Are all of these Ed-Coded? You might ask. And the answer is, well.... maybe. It's not my fault Executive Producer David Jenkins based Ed's whole character on Nina Simone songs okay????? (I see what you did there you little evil man-shaped weasel. I SEE IT ALL.) But just.. here, look at me... listen to it and tell me it isn't Ed through and through.
> These ones are also very OFMD-like and I wouldn't be putting them in here after sifting through more than 100 songs just because. I also have a feeling about them, but it isn't the overwhelming sense of certain doom I get from the previous three.
Save Me
Ed coded. He loves Stede and he hates that with every fiber of his being. He's still very hurt, but cannot help being fond of the whimsical dipshit, poor guy.
I Shall Be Released
Ed coded, just give my man a break.
I Put A Spell On You
Overplayed one again, this one isn't really coded to any of them. But I feel like it would play after Stede tries to reconcile with Ed for the first time and fails miserably. Ed is still really hurt, and Stede is just realizing the extent to which he hurt him. It's after they just had a discussion, maybe it's raining, Stede is soaking wet calling "Yd! Yd! Yd please talk to me!" But Ed just keeps on walking. It's a romantic comedy staple and we need to have one of these.
Take Care Of Business
Semi-Competent!Stede being the breadwinner of the family is one of my favourite hcs. Ed is really tired of The Pirate Life™️ and I bet he'd fucking love to be a trophy wife, man spent his whole life being the scourge of the seven seas, give him a break for christs sake.
just... listen to it
Just Say I Love Him
Is- Is that a... no, it can't be! Dios mio, It's... a Stede coded song 😱😱 *pain sounds* *weird bone cracking going on* *little bit of a fleshy sonority to it now* *crashing sounds* *cat meowing* *bone cracking again but this one is good I think*. Ok back to it, this is really just "I should just have told him how I feel" vibes, Stede made a mess, he regrets it. Etc.
That's it then. Did I do this just to prove I was right if any of them appears in S2? Pfft of course not! Who would even do that... lol... Also please feel free to add thinky thoughts to this if y'all are willing! I'd love to hear people's interpretations of the songs.
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eziojensenthe3rd · 4 months ago
Midnight Gaming: A vain attempt to justify my wasteful expenditure
So last night I played Banjo-Kazooie and Mario Party past midnight, didnt really find anything worth talking about on social so lets just move on.
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So Banjo-Kazooie is a game that carries a lot of nostalgia for a lot of people who grew up with the Nintendo 64 console. Its a 3d platformer made by Rare during their golden age arc with Nintendo. An age that ended when Nintendo didnt buy them, leaving Microsoft to do it instead. A move thats considered a massive fumble on Nintendos part for not securing one of their most prolific developers from the N64 days.
Now despite growing up with an N64, I didnt really play Banjo-Kazooie until the remaster on Xbox live arcade, managing to accomplish a 100% playthrough before moving onto tooie before dropping off for something else. Back then the only games made by rare I played were Donkey Kong 64, Goldeneye 007, some Diddy Kong Racing though that was at my cousins, and some Jet Force Gemini a lil later, so playing the Og game on the Nintendo Swich Online expac was an opportunity to get a glimpse on what was different from the remaster. Now you maybe asking, EJ why the fuck did you buy an NSO sub + xpac when Nintendo is garbage and you could just emulate BK instead. Good question and I say its due to a lack of judgement/sanity. Plus they had a deal where if you bought a 1 year sub, they give you a code for another year to give to a friend. I decided to get it so I can give the code to my self so I can have 2 years for the price of one.... was it worth it? I dunno lets talk about the game.
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The game carries a vibe with it that makes it difficult to be in a bad mood while playing, banjos happy go lucky charm, kazooie's snarky abrasive attitude and the musics vibrancy and diversity help fuel what is essentially a grand ol time collecting items throughout its many worlds to help you progress through gruntys castle and towards rescuing banjos sister.
Is there really anything I can critique this game for? You can search up Banjo-kazooie and find everyone gushing over it. There isnt really anything I can say about it that isnt petty and forced. I guess the fact that the notes you collect in each level can be lost if you lose a life, with only the highest amount collected being saved for that level but thats only an issue if you're aiming for 100%.
I suppose this game can be thanked for helping inspire all those new age 3d platformers you see popping up from indie devs nowadays, games like corn kids 64 and cavern of dreams. I should mention that some of the devs along with the composer for BK are now in a group called playtonic with their own game known as yooka-laylee, which was meant to recreate the BK gameplay and vibes. Thats getting a remaster too apparently.
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Well, now I may not have much to say other than that its good, so on that note lets move onto Mario Party. Now I played quite a bit of Mario Party in my days.
I played one but missed out on 2 & 3. I did however get all the gamecube games from 3 to 7. Didnt get any of the games past that and right now it seems that the most recent game released is Super Mario Party Jamboree which apparently folks are enjoying atm.
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Now Mario Party 1, that game has quite a reputation in thanks to its series of minigames that require spinning the control stick. A lot of kids did that by using thier palms, hurt their hands real bad and thag lead to a lawsuit for Nintendo. Its part of the reason why Mario Party one never showed up again on virtual console for wii but 2 did. So the fact that its on NSO now is interesting to say the least, though a warning does show about the stick spinning.
So heres the thing, I played Mario Party 1 quite a lot in my youth, I've done the palm maneuver every time. I even regularly did the wind up shy guy toy in the minigame hut were you spin to try and get the toy to go as far as they can. And yet the worst I got was an imprint on my hand that went away in a couple of minutes. No breakage of skin, no lasting pain. I was fine everytime. Just thought that was interesting to tell.
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A big draw for Mario Party is that it was a board game you play with friends, moving around a board, collecting coins and stars to try and get ahead with each turn broken up with minigames. This game was made to be played with others and naturally... I was a loner. I think I only ever got to play mario party with one other person, being a family member, rather than with 4 people. So I usually just played with the bots only, occasionally getting an easy victory now and then. At times however I just end up starting a 50 turn game and switching my character to a bot too and watch the game play itself. I did this with every mario party game I had, just watching bots run around and playing the minigames. I guess watching mario party playthroughs such as therunawayguys and party crashers is the successor of those bot matches huh...
I definatly have fond times with the series, the variety of minigames available help add a little excitement and challenge in between turns. Its nice to see that 1, 2 and 3 are available on NSO and can be played online with other people. Maybe someday I can do that in the 2 years I have NSO for. Though I have to ask, why did we get Banjo Kazooie but not Donkey Kong 64? Why did we get Mario Party 1 but not Diddy Kong Racing? Why have we not got the og Super Smash Bros on NSO???? How many people do you think would kill for that to be on the service?? Atleast Rugrats Scavenger Hunt isnt on their.
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Well that'll have do for today. See you all another time. Feel free to leave feedback and game suggestions. Thank you all for reading Midnight Gaming.
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polygonsexual · 2 years ago
A whole pecking essay on why I love Garten of BanBan and my perspective on it
So I bought and played all the chapters. I did watch the gameplays and Then finished all of them, twice! And Even from the first chapter, I actually never thought the game is bad! In fact, I very much enjoyed it.
I’ll go over three, maybe?.. topics in this silly essay. I’m sleepy, it’s 4 am so I don’t know for sure but I really want to express my opinion:’D
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Ps. Spoilers will be outlined with this color, sorry if I left something out, you can let me know tho!
The topics are:
1. Style
2. Gameplay
3. Character writing
So Style is the first thing people found off putting and lazy about this game , from the first chapter I actually kind of enjoyed it. Yes it’s simplistic and used some free stock models, but there was something about it..this simplicity is well organised. Starting with the Main cast(BanBan’s friends) they look very simple from afar. But if you look closer you see how many little veins and details they have, and as mutants made out of unknown substance it makes sense! It’s only an illusion of simplicity, they are terrifying biological monstrosities that were made to look like kid’s mascots, adds up , doesn’t it?
Now for the free samples, I don’t know if there’s much of them in the chapter 3 or 4, as those two are where the quality really starts to rise, but I can excuse it for the first two chapters, each chapter costs like 3 dollars , considering there’s only two devs working on the game and they also have college. I respect the prices and don’t regret spending my money, after all, it’s not that much and helps them make each chapter better then last one, considering that, they did start using less free samples with the 3 and 4 chapters, You can correct me if I’m wrong, but I can tell that I didn’t notice anything that felt out of place in those two chapters and that’s what makes a difference.
Overall surroundings are more polished now too, it’s a mix of a facility and kinder Garten, they worked with children but they had to keep it professional with the huge void under the facility. It can explain the amount of bottomless pits in the game and odd mix of professional and childish ornaments in the rooms. Also the safety hazards can be explained too! BanBan did talk about “we should have spoken up sooner” and that really makes it seem like the heads of the facility didn’t really care for safety of their workers, so much they ignored the countless containment breaches of the specimens , death of facility workers and maybe even children..
Im getting a bit sidetracked with the lore here, but with such simple yet memorable style, I think they did a great job. It doesn’t fit well with the established mascot horror quality, but it has it’s charm and I think a game about a scientific facility turned into a kindergarten wouldn’t feel the same with some complicated high budget textures.
Talking about high budget textures.. I don’t really like what the two weeks remaster of Garten of BanBan did with the game, maybe yeah it added more detail to the surroundings, but it stopped giving away this too polished and deeply fake childcare center feeling, and man, Opila bird does look much better in the original, mutants don’t even have blood and are supposed to look like cartoons, not whatever this guy did to them.
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That’s something I heard complaints about a lot, but In my opinion, I didn’t see anything wrong with the gameplay, it’s easy yes, but that’s what makes it good, you can easily fly through the game without getting stuck on some task you just can’t figure out(Except snail hall we all suffered there at least for two tries). In fact, the tasks are actually enjoyable, specially in chapter 4! They are more fast paced and give you more to work with, but I can go as far as to say that I liked puzzles even from the second game, as Yet again, they are simple but still make you think a bit, which gives you a satisfaction of solution without getting stuck in one place for hours. The simplicity of the puzzles fits with the overall kindergarten style, in fact some of the tasks were made as entertainment for the workers, which explains why they are supposed to be more entertaining then difficult, obviously Chapter 4 has the best puzzles, specially when you have lil beak around and can take her everywhere. But looking back at the older ones, they were neat too!I liked the first puzzle in chapter 2 where you have to press buttons depending on the worker’s rate on the board, it’s extremely simple but satisfying non the less, plus I kinda failed it..twice on my second run because I was rushing.
The drone is a nice puzzle tool if you get the hang of it, people rush a lot when using it and usually that’s what makes it an annoying experience, (Drone is indeed good mental support, you can’t prove me wrong>:)) Maybe you could call it a useless unreasonable problem maker, but those are not more then another puzzles you have to solve, maybe you don’t like to solve so many puzzles, well that’s your opinion I don’t judge, but it’s kinda a base game mechanic that devs wanted to space out the main events and puzzles with. And I think it works quite well, with all the different tasks you have to do here and there, getting back to a mechanic that you recognise and is used to is a good thing to keep you busy but not overwhelmed. It was kind of unnecessary in chapter 2 but I think devs did a great job on the new ones, they don’t use it to open each door and manage it quite well with other more differing puzzles.
[Chase sequences/Boss fights]
I must say the chase sequences in this game are quite boring most of the time, the main issue is how extended and slow paced they feel, sprinting doesn’t really feel like sprinting and there’s not much dynamic in the chase, it’s a quick time event, but even for how simple BanBan is, those are just too simple, it would be nice if the boss fights had more to them then dodge or run away and stuff, I must say, if you know what to do in a kittyzaurus fight, it’s quite enjoyable! But the chameleon-turtle one is just meh, it’s just too long and doesn’t have much going on, main focus is only the attacks that happen very slowly, kittyzaurus fight is good because it gives you less time to prepare for the Kitty’s dash into your direction, so you actually have to constantly move and keep focus on the boss. For good side, the snail hall(chapter 2) nabNab chase in the werehouse (chapter 2) and bird riding(chapter 3) were a highlight, they had a challenge in them, an additional task that makes the running away process much more entertaining and I hope that the devs will do this more in the future!
[additional thoughts]
What I also hear people complain about is how spaced out and long the backtracking is, and sadly I have to agree here, as I said before sprinting in this game doesn’t feel like sprinting, and you become quickly frustrated by going through so many hallways over and over again, like the distance between Queen’s lobby and elevator is painfully long, it didn’t had to be so big. I hope there will be shortcuts in the next chapters so players could skip the long walks in the empty hallways:’) Also want to leave a thought here that chapters 2 and 4 final chases felt meh, but the build up on the 4th is something worthy talking about! That’s what next topic is about.
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Character writing
A LOT OF SPOILERS stop reading here and go straight to conclusions if you don’t want to get spoiled
That’s probably going to be my favourite topic, as Chapter 4 really opened my eyes on the character’s situation, relations and interactions, and again I really hope they’ll do more in the future! Let’s begin with Banban, as I see his storyline as the most interesting one. It’s said in the notes that BanBan is “the devil” who believes to be a human and completely ignores his mutant appearance, in chapter 4 we get his inside oh now his friends betrayed him, looked at him like he’s a monster and didn’t talk to him at all , leaving him when all in the facility started to crumble. First, BanBan’s DNA is mixed up with a DNA of one of the workers, which could very well explain his tired , careless and very human voice. BanBan believes he is human, he acts like one, cares for others like a human, feels betrayed because he always thought he is one. His friends looked at him like at a monster because he was created one, but he never realised that, thinking they turned their backs on him for no reason, as he still thinks he’s one of them. That could also explain why he is the only one who’s actually willing to help us find our children outside of Queen and Sheriff..maybe he’s willing to help, I can’t really tell. But if you think about it, BanBan’s situation is frocking sad and very much understood, with his sudden switches to devilish hunger and thirst for organs, he is trying to get out of the facility and help the mutants at the same time, maybe he sees them as humans too?… He surely tried to fix NabNab, as he said several times, he’s genuinely trying to help and bring back senses to them , refusing or just not knowing it’s impossible. It can explain his trauma when he killed NabNab in chapter 4, it’s his snap and finale , he tried to save them , but ended up hurting with this “devil side” , and it’s obvious he regrets every time it happens, he was very sorry when we meet him in the hospital and he even wanted to help us again , he finally felt like he can hold it and be useful, he said this himself. Be there for us in person!..but yet. It happened again. And this time with someone who he was always finding excuses and ways to help for. In chapter 2 he acts selfish and fishy, but you can see how he starts to care for NabNab, seems like his human senses come back to him more with each chapter, and it breaks my heart to just leave him in this room with dead NabNab alone with his did, I hope there’s a way to help him out, and I can tell that this is a good character writing, maybe Im not a professional. But with all of this I said just now, he does seem more attractive as a personality, doesn’t he?
It reminds me of Stinger Flynn’s dream sequence in chapter 4, surely the ending was..crazy and out of place , but what happened before it made me chuckle and wonder about the other characters too, it’s kinda cute and very natural of BanBan to say lIm not good with this stuff” when Stinger Flynn needed comfort with his.. endless sorrow. His “not again” really made me chuckle, relatable man…
Stinger Flynn
Despite being the most deep sounding and biggest in all meanings character of the game, his goals are very simple, to be a normal jellyfish and aimlessly swim in the real sea. I could understand his exhaustion with all the knowledge he somehow got, and it seems like he struggles to control the most unpleasant emotions there can be, anger and sorrow. No wonder he wants a life where those can’t exist at all! Did you know that Jellyfish is like the simplest organism there is? Peck they can live forever but they have no brains, that’s the life you would definitely want as a huge mega mind depressed jellyfish. He is aggressive often , but he seems to keep us alive for some purpose, from that many encounters he didn’t even once actually hurt us, but instead we had a glance at his beginnings with every dream sequence he gave us, maybe there’s something he tried to tell us? In his dreams we also can have a better look at other characters, know them better and see them actually interact, they are chaotic but I must say that the dream from chapter 4 is really good at giving us insight on him and BanBan, even NabNab(rest in peace lil bud) as NabNab actually shows us a kind gestire, which could be a hint at the fact that NabNab actually has potential in being “fixed”. I hope he’s alive and there’s still a chance….
Bittergiggle , sheriff Toadster and the Queen
Well well well, I can say that chapter 4 had the best character showcase in comparison to all the previous chapters. Bittergiggle is simple in his nature, yet he just clicks with those two. All three are playing their roles, they are the caricatures given life and their purpose is their life. Toadster protects his Queen and the Queen rules her kingdom of one, something they were made or believe they were made to do , but Bittergiggle wasn’t satisfied in his need, as he couldn’t make the Queen laugh, something he was made to do. When there were humans around, maybe he was satisfied but now there’s none, and without making someone laugh he didn’t feel like he’s living, he wasn’t doing what he was made to do, then what is the point? He said himself that he desperately tried to prove himself that there’s things more important then laughter( said it himself) but the existential crisis couldn’t make him keep his mouth shut for long, it’s unfair that everyone get to play their roles but he can’t, and it’s a good motivation, maybe one we won’t understand fully, but it makes him am reasonable villain of our story and when he finally gets what he wanted, oh did it hit hard. The chase sequence after the escape of “naughty ones” was not living up to the build up, but I’m surely invested in what will happen in the next chapter
And I feel very bad for lil beak, hope we’ll get to meet our kiddo some time soon…
Also some additional stuff I like, BanBan hides his horns under the party hats, maybe when they go off he automatically gets into his satanic side? I’m really curious on how Stinger Flynn managed to make him evil for that moment and how he turns back, but maybe that will always be left out of scene, still, that’s a cool ahh detail for the little amount of details that they have!
Other characters are simpler in their nature, but I must say that Snail, Banbaleena, NabNab and Sheriff are good to, I can’t really do the analysis here as this essay is huge already, sorry:’)
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All in all, Garten of BanBan is not for everyone, but it surely doesn’t deserve to be called the worst mascot horror. If you take a look at the game from the inside and not from the perspective of those who keep listening to how shit the game is, you really can find it very much entertaining and interesting if you throw all this rumble away!
I don’t make you go and buy the game or praise it, it has it’s flaws and I’m a bit disappointed in Dev’s complaints about people refunding the game , people should do with their money whatever they want. But I hope the devs learned from backlash and won’t do this again:’D
The game is becoming better and better with each chapter, Devs are good at choosing on what to improve and it’s respectable, I wish them to keep doing what they’re doing and please restock the Plushies or make new ones Im 😭😭😭😭😭 for them. Thank you for the game too<:3
And thank you for reading this! Hope my rumbling gave you an interesting perspective, I’m terrible at essays and is often flying in the clouds and getting sidetracked, but I really wanted to share my thoughts and put them out in this world,,, Get well BanBan, I’ll be waiting for the next chapters and putting them all on my shelf so they’ll look pretty 💗
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shyphonics · 1 year ago
Salad Days Chapter 2: You! Yes, you! Here’s a dime; run out and call the PMRC!
(babypunk!Rodrick Heffley x Reader)
chapter one | chapter three
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Bend your knees! (ooh la la!)
Move your head like this! (ooh la la!)
Pucker them lips! (ooh la la!)
Give that butt a kiss!
Kiss… my…
5:52 PM
Subject: HELP
dear girl from the bar,
can I run my email 2 mike by u real quick? we r pretty sure it kicks ass but want 2 make sure
*~*~rOcK oN~*~*
6:17 PM
Subject: RE: HELP
Do you have a signature on your email? Also, is that seriously your email address?? A dot edu, no less?
Make a band email, and then we can talk.
6:35 PM
Subject: HELLO
Esteemed Mike Morello,
Hello, we are a band. Maybe the best band to ever exist, someday. we want to play at your bar. we will do the best job EVER!! playing at your bar. Here are some places we've played, and impressed;
talent show
birthday party for a hot girl
As u can see, we are quite experienced in the music world, and we think you are ready for us. we are also a punk band. we listen to dead kennedy’s. I am wearing a dead kennedy’s t shirt right now.
if you think u r ready for the biggest crowd youve ever seen in your bar, email us back.
-Löded Diper
6:41 PM
Subject: RE: HELLO
What the fuck? No. Absolutely not. "Esteemed"?? Do not send that email. You guys sound like creeps. Delete it. Start over.
Do I have to write the damn thing for you?
Subject: RE: RE: HELLO
will u??
6:47 PM
Subject: RE: RE: RE: HELLO
Are you fucking kidding me?
6:59 PM
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: HELLO
Hey this is Ben now,
We would like to negotiate and offer 20 dollars, an (exclusive) one of a kind band t shirt and 4 beers!! :-)
7:01 PM
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: HELLO
Jesus christ. Okay, do you have a myspace or anything? A demo mp3 you can send me? So I can effectively bullshit?
7:07 PM
Subject: MP3
7:15 PM
Subject: RE: MP3
Copy and paste this:
Hey Mike,
We're a new band in town, and would love the opportunity to play at The Strike. We've heard the history of the place, and have so much respect for its legacy in the scene, and your legacy as well. We want to help keep that legacy alive.
Are there any available upcoming opener spots? Our biggest influences are Dead Kennedys, Crime, and Black Flag. We're cool with any kind of bill, we can make anything work.
Thanks so much for your time!
-Löded Diper
7:18 PM
Subject: RE: RE: MP3
how did u do that so fast?? thx u from everyone!!! we are going 2 send it
do u want our address for the beers?
7:20 PM
Subject: RE: RE: RE: MP3
That's alright. Maybe I'll see you when you get a show. I think I kissed ass enough, that should get you something. Good luck, bigshots.
As much as you hadn't wanted to give in, you'd been there before. Clamoring for your moment in the sun, making shit up and brown nosing. That's just what you had to do to get the job done. Not to mention, they clearly couldn’t have come up with anything better on their own.
Besides, their demo wasn’t terrible.
Maybe you’d even call Mike and put in a good word. He trusts you. You're stable, at least by bar staff standards.
“Hey, Mike,”
“I am so glad you called. I just read the worst news article.” he sounds stressed. Oh, great.
“Are you inside? You have to get inside.”
“What?” You figure there’s nothing to worry about, but you always try to be gentle with the guy. He’d done a lot of drugs back in the day, and he runs on constant paranoia.
“I just read that Dick Cheney,” his voice drops to a whisper, “is going to attack America if John Kerry wins,”
“This is serious,”
“Mike,” you interrupt him, “what was the name of the newspaper?”
The line goes quiet.
“It’s an internet paper. The Onion.”
“Mike. The Onion is satire. It’s not real.”
“Satire, huh…”
“And that election happened last year. Kerry lost.”
Mike breathes a sigh of relief.
“Read me the page that said that,” you’re trying so hard to suppress a laugh.
“Best headlines of 2004,”
“Mike. It’s 2005.” The laugh breaks free, “It’s okay, I get it. Scary times.”
“Okay. Phew. Scary times, indeed. What can I do you for?”
You pause, trying to figure out what to say.
“There’s this new band, uh, this kid came in today. You’re gonna get an email from them in a minute here, and I think you should give them a shot. Their demo’s pretty good, and the one I met seemed like he had the spirit.”
“The spirit,” Mike sighs contentedly, “did I ever tell you how we used to take the bus from Oakland to get to the Mab? If you didn’t catch that last bus home, boy, the cops wouldn’t let you sleep in the station. They’d just…”
“...beat the shit out of you with their pig batons.” You say in unison.
“It’s a great story, Mike. But this band,” you flop back on your bed.
“Yes! Sorry.”
“I was thinking you could let them have the opener spot next Friday.”
“Your first headlining show!”
“Yeah! Thanks again for that. I want Löded Diper to open.”
“Loaded… hmm. What?”
“I know. It’s terrible,” you laugh, “But it wouldn't be the first time you took a chance on some kids with a terrible name.”
“Are you talking about you? When you were called-”
“Yes!” You interrupt, “And look at me now! You're a great guy, Mike, and you've done so much for me. So much for the scene. Could you do me this last favor? ‘Cause you're the best boss in the world? The last true punk?”
It was a thing he said from time to time, usually when you didn't omit the vodka from his vodka soda.
Mike sighs down the line.
“Kid, you always know how to get me. I'll put Diaper Fuckers on the bill.”
“Löded Diper.” You're cackling.
“Loaded what-ever!” Mike makes a gagging sound, “Just promise it won't be a shitshow.”
“I promise.”
You hang up the phone and smile. Mike really has been good to you, and you definitely wouldn't be where you are without him. That wasn't just brown nosing. He'd taken a chance on you when you were a crazy street rat, and now you technically work 3 or 4 jobs for him. He pays generously. You have no idea where the fuck all his money comes from, but you're not complaining.
You relax further into your bed, turning your head to gaze out the window. These guys better be good.
You may ask yourself, "what is that beautiful house?"
You may ask yourself, "where does that highway go to?"
And you may ask yourself, "am I right, am I wrong?"
And you may say to yourself, "my god, what have I done?"
Rodrick's head swims. One of the guys had scored some weed on a job hunt, and it's not mixing the best with his current mental state. The rest of the guys had long since fallen asleep, sprawled on piles of blankets and air mattresses. Light snoring fills the room.
He fights off thoughts of home, trying to clear his brain. Shake it like an etch-a-sketch and start over. What resurfaces is simply world's best bartender. He likes that. He'd like to buy you a mug with that printed on it someday, as a thank you. He knows writing isn't his strong suit, and you'd really saved his ass. He pictures your face, and though it looks pissed off, it makes him smile.
His eyelids grow heavy, his brain goes hazier, and he drifts into an initially peaceful sleep.
He dreams of Plainview.
"You failed?? You failed the easiest certificate course at community college? Did you do the work?"
"Fuck no, I didn't do the work! I didn't want any of this! I wanna move."
"With what money? Are you going to flip burgers for a living?"
"Maybe I will!"
"You're a failure."
"I fucking hate you!"
This diner fucking sucks. Stupid asshole boss yelling at him, stupid little nametag on his stupid little vest. Heather Hills sticking her leg out from a booth and fucking tripping him while he has a whole tray of drinks. Rich kids who don't even need to go to college- they just get to go take over "the family business"- cornering him out back and kicking his ass. Pizza face like he's fucking fourteen again from the kitchen grease. What's the point? What's the fucking point of any of this?
He's angry. He's so fucking angry all the time, and he just has to take it. He knows he should have put in more effort at school. He knows he should have planned for the future. He doesn't need to hear about it every second of every goddamn day. He doesn't want the same thing everyone at school had wanted for themselves. Is that so wrong?
But keep the peace for mom and your brothers. Scrape and save where you can.
Get beat up, get laughed at, get covered in garbage. Keep practicing with the band. Get GOOD. Really good. Get incredible. And work, and work, and cry, and drum, and write, and work some more, and maybe he'll get out of here sane.
How did I get here?
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