#but manually keeping up with so many individuals over and over as opposed to a seamless dash approach is night and day imo
This site took eons to allow people to post replies in the notes via their sideblog, which is great to finally have. But I wish there was a way to follow bloggers and leave likes that are from the sideblog too. Hell, give us a sub-dash per sideblog (which I can imagine would be a coding mess within tumblr's already disastrous backend) so people can conveniently tailor their experiences and interactions.
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exellercomputer · 22 days
Boost Your Laptop’s Speed: The Benefits of an SSD Upgrade”
If your laptop is feeling sluggish or taking longer than usual to boot up and load applications, it might be time to consider an SSD (Solid State Drive) upgrade for laptop . Upgrading from a traditional HDD (Hard Disk Drive) to an SSD can significantly enhance your laptop’s performance and overall user experience. This article will explain what an SSD is, the benefits of upgrading, and what to expect from the process.
What is an SSD?
An SSD, or Solid State Drive, is a type of storage device that uses flash memory to store data, as opposed to the spinning disks and moving parts found in traditional HDDs (Hard Disk Drives). SSDs have become the preferred choice for modern computing due to their superior speed and reliability.
Benefits of Upgrading to an SSD
Upgrading to an SSD offers several advantages over traditional HDDs, including:
Faster Boot Times: SSDs can dramatically reduce the time it takes for your laptop to boot up. What might take a minute or more with an HDD can often be reduced to just a few seconds with an SSD.
2.Improved Performance: Applications and files open much faster with an SSD. Whether you’re launching a web browser, editing documents, or running software, you’ll experience quicker response times and smoother performance.
3. Enhanced Reliability: SSDs have no moving parts, making them more resistant to physical damage from drops and shocks compared to HDDs. This means less risk of data loss due to hardware failure.
4. Longer Battery Life: SSDs are more energy-efficient than HDDs, which can help extend your laptop’s battery life, as they consume less power during operation.
5. Quieter Operation: Without spinning disks and moving parts, SSDs operate silently, contributing to a quieter and more pleasant computing experience.
6. Reduced Heat Generation: SSDs generate less heat than HDDs, which can help keep your laptop cooler and reduce the strain on internal components.
The SSD Upgrade Process
Upgrading your laptop to an SSD involves a few key steps. Here’s what you can typically expect:
Backup Your Data: Before starting the upgrade process, it’s essential to back up all your important files. An SSD upgrade often involves replacing your current drive, so having a backup ensures that no data is lost during the transition.
2. Choose the Right SSD: Not all SSDs are the same. Ensure you select an SSD that is compatible with your laptop in terms of size (2.5-inch, M.2, etc.) and interface (SATA, NVMe). Consult your laptop’s manual or a professional if you’re unsure which SSD to choose.
3. Clone Your Existing Drive: To transfer your operating system, applications, and files to the new SSD, you can use cloning software to create an exact copy of your old drive. This step is crucial for ensuring that your laptop functions exactly as it did before the upgrade.
4. Install the SSD: The installation process typically involves removing the existing HDD and replacing it with the new SSD. Depending on your laptop’s design, this may require opening the back panel or accessing the drive bay.
6.Reinstall the Operating System: If cloning isn’t an option, you may need to reinstall the operating system on the new SSD. This will involve setting up your laptop as if it were new, including reinstalling applications and restoring files from your backup.
Why Consider Professional Help?
While some tech-savvy individuals might choose to perform an SSD upgrade themselves, many find it beneficial to seek professional assistance. A professional technician can ensure that the upgrade is done correctly and efficiently, minimizing the risk of data loss or hardware damage. They can also provide guidance on selecting the best SSD for your needs and handle the entire process from start to finish.
Upgrading your laptop to an SSD is one of the most effective ways to enhance its performance and longevity. With faster boot times, improved application responsiveness, and increased reliability, an SSD can breathe new life into your laptop and make it feel like new again. If you’re experiencing slow performance or just want to upgrade your device, consider the benefits of an SSD upgrade and consult with a professional to get started.
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cpmcalculatorsstuff · 2 years
Why Registering With YouTube Is The Way To Go
YouTube has for quite some time been the essential video sharing site in the world. Various clients all around the world can take a brief trip and see various recordings about a great many points. Watching a film, finding out about a specific subject, seeing somebody's perspective while doing a particular errand, and a ton of different things should be possible by simply watching the recordings posted on YouTube.
ALSO VISIT:- How To Add A YouTube Subscribe Button To Your Website
Namelessness is YouTube's generally engaging trademark for novice clients. At the point when you want to pay attention from the different recordings posted on YouTube, you are not committed to give any delicate data about yourself. For client's who are exceptionally specific about the data that they give over the web, this is certainly an or more.
From the outset, YouTube gives you extraordinary highlights regardless of whether you need to pursue the help presently and need to keep things unknown. You will actually want to exploit highlights, for example, the capacity to impart recordings to your companions through web-based entertainment, make a QuickList of the multitude of various recordings you've observed up to this point, have limitless admittance to all YouTube recordings and to top everything off, you are qualified for YouTube support through their Assist with separating if you want assistance on any YouTube-related subject.
As opposed to this, YouTube likewise offers clients the choice to join; to enlist and have a customized YouTube account. Enrolling with YouTube is basically the same as joining with web-based entertainment records like Facebook or Twitter. Your total name, date of birth, area, interests and leisure activities, are only a portion of the data that you are expected to give.
This, nonetheless, ought not be a discouraging component while pursuing YouTube. Google, the organization who claims YouTube, makes client security and wellbeing their most extreme concern. While pursuing the help, you will be given a terms-of-administration understanding which expresses that they won't uncover any of the data that you give different partnerships or site.
So how might this benefit you assuming you register with YouTube? First off, you will have your own YouTube channel. Having your own channel permits you to transfer your own recordings to YouTube so it very well may be seen by different clients in the web. Utilizing your YouTube channel as a wellspring of recurring, automated revenue is most likely the best advantage a client can exploit while pursuing the help. Google has an AdSense include that allows you to adapt your YouTube recordings by putting promotions that create advertisement income for you. How? It works similar to partner promoting. You advance or publicize various items by permitting promotions to show up on your recordings that, when clicked by clients watching your video, produce promotion income for you.
Moreover, you can associate with the YouTube people group by being able to post remarks and answers on any YouTube video, gave that the remark choice isn't handicapped. You likewise now can make video playlists. Playlists permits you to isolate your recordings as indicated by a specific subject or subject. This gives a more easy to understand insight for individuals who are perusing the different recordings on your channel.
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John Richards has numerous long stretches of involvement making and creating books, digital books, manuals, and recordings, on various subjects, including on the web abundance, pet consideration, Web advertising, regular postal mail, wellbeing and health, and Disc/DVD dispersion administration
YouTube is the best video working with site out there. It's free and it offers uncommon versatility in managing the video content you produce. It really gives you, as a secretive client, components, for instance, having the choice to make a QuickList of accounts that you've gone through up until this point. YouTube is fast, natural, and permits you to be fundamental for a unimaginable neighborhood video content producers that crosses the globe.
Nevertheless, can we just be look at things objectively. Few out of every odd individual who uses YouTube can use it without any problem. There are still people out there who are basically not that adequately taught in using the video working with organization without any problem. YouTube's association point and numerous components change an extraordinary arrangement that at times people can't keep up. Changes to course and video control plans happen so regularly that people get puzzled on how and where to find unambiguous buttons to perform different tasks. Something different that changes frequently with YouTube is its copyright draws near.
YouTube's copyright procedure is one of the strictest and most solidly noticed perspectives in its regular exercises. In a little while, you could find that one of the accounts you moved has been cut down in view of a copyright ensure by a recording association since you coincidentally moved safeguarded music. It is perspectives like these-Graphical UIs and copyright matters-that YouTube clients should consistently revive themselves of.
How might they do that? Through the help of YouTube's Help Spot, clearly. YouTube's Help People group gives clients information concerning a broad assortment of YouTube-related subjects. If a YouTube client is despising playing a video, the individual being referred to can scrutinize the help local area for a helper on the most capable strategy to confirm that particular issue; they are open in both video and text plan.
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goldensunset · 2 years
gameplay/quality of life quirks that i believe the og twewy has over neo:
•strictly speaking you can have a maximum of seven different attacks in twewy, cus six pins that you customize plus your partner as a constant. but there’s no extra seventh option in neo
•map areas load so much faster when going between them
•shopkeepers only have voiced dialogue when you enter, exit, or click on something that triggers the item’s ability to be unlocked. they might say rude things to you via text if you loiter but you don’t have to read it. in neo though they’ll keep talking out loud in your ear if you hang around forever and it’s kinda annoying. also i miss when they used to be straight up mean to you at the beginning lol
•in postgame twewy if you wanna switch your partner you can do that any time in the menu. in postgame neo twewy if you wanna swap out your sixth party member you literally have to go into a special chapter and talk to a specific guy to do it. why. (i mean in terms of gameplay, what characters you have in your party don’t matter nearly as much in this game- it’s just a matter of who has the best stats and who can wear what clothing. in the og tho partners had their own gameplay style so it very much mattered)
•you can’t just manually sell individual pins in your own menu in neo- you have to go find a shop. which is fine since money’s worth nothing if you have nothing to spend it on… until it’s a restaurant you’re trying to go to, inside which you can’t sell your pins, and there are no regular shops in the area.
•in the og it’s ok to go a long time (during a single battle or a chain battle) without scoring cross combos- your sync will stay the same. it’ll only be a waste if you make it out of the battle without using it. as opposed to in neo where it’ll start rapidly decreasing if you go too many seconds without scoring new beatdrops. which can make racking up fusion a ROYAL PAIN UGH WHY
•unlocking 200% and 300% fusion attacks are fixed points in the story, that come with the arrival of certain party members. you get both at different points in the second week. that means you have to make it through more than an entire week with only a tier 1 fusion at your disposal. which kinda sucks. in the og if you were a savvy shopper who spent your scarletite wisely, you’d find the unique fusion upgrades for each partner throughout each of their weeks and simply be able to buy them. you could reach 200% halfway through each week and get 300% by the end.
•in postgame while replaying chapters, when you finished one, it used to just automatically transition into the next one like it did when you were playing it for the first time. now in neo it takes you to your chapter menu for some stupid reason and your menu theme music comes blasting in to potentially ruin whatever cliffhanger-ish mood there was. it used to be an ominously silent transition and as i’ve mentioned before, in a game with constant music, any moment of silence really strikes you
add your own thoughts if you have any!
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I finished Irreversible Damage this weekend.
(All the TWs below)
I took notes in a tumblr post draft as I went, and it's a long mess that I'm not sure anyone wants to read. It might clean it up and post it as a review if anyone is interested.
Overall, it's a terrible book. There were a few passages that hit like a gut punch, but for the most part it wasn't a difficult read...because Shrier is so disconnected from the reality of what it is to be a transmasculine person. That book is not representative of the transmasculine experience, I'm not represented in the pages of that book.
It's about us, without us. (And no, I don't--and won't--count Buck Angel as representation of the average transmasculine experience.) Apart from a few cherry picked words from trans Youtubers and a handful of detransitioners, this book is led by the stories of anti-trans parents--this book isn't about the transmasculine experience, it's about the transphobic parent experience.
It's anti-transmasculine propaganda...and worse, the further into the book you read, the more obvious it is that the book is intended to function as a guide for parents to practice DIY conversion therapy. This is literally a guidebook on how to abuse your trans child.
Isolate them (literally move across the country if needed, states without laws that protect trans people are strongly recommended), separate them from their trans friends or other affirming people in their lives, prevent them from having access to phones or internet, never ever use their correct name or pronouns, force them to do manual labor or physical activity if possible, take away or destroy their gender affirming clothing or binders, and make the home "private" again (in other words, never let anyone find out that your child is trans or what you are doing to your child because of their transness).
If there is anyone who believes that transmasculine people don't experience a very distinct and specific form of transphobia, I would ask them to read this book.
The kind of transphobia that trans men and transmasc people face intersects heavily with ableism and sexism. Transmasculine people are heavily infantilized; it's shocking (but not surprising) how...paternalistic an attitude this book takes towards both teenage girls and women and transmasculine people, including trans people who are legally adults. It is clear that Shrier does not think highly of teenage girls and young women...they are easily misled and easily confused, lonely and desperate and self-hating, incapable of separating emotion from reality, easily influenced by social media and peers.
Shrier encourages parents to exert as much control over the lives of their legally adult trans children as possible, and to use any potential leverage available to manipulate trans adults into stopping their transition. It's obvious that Shrier doesn't view trans adults as actual adults at all, but as childish individuals who are mentally/emotionally/neurologically underdeveloped. Any neurodivergence, mental illness, or history of trauma adds tax, and is proof that a person isn't mentally competent to transition.
It is also obvious that the potential future fertility of any transmasculine person is valued more greatly than our personhood, bodily autonomy, or mental health. At no point is it ever stated that child-bearing or motherhood are optional. The possible loss of fertility is the "irreversible damage"...and whether that potential fertility is even wanted by the trans person in question isn't relevant.
There are some other WTF moments in this book too. Shrier doesn't believe that spiritual abuse is real, rather it is nonsense invented by "gender ideologues" in order to accuse Good Christian parents of abuse. Shrier comes across as anti-therapy and anti-mental health medication; she downplays depression as "the blues" and anxiety as "nerves", and goes on to suggest that those who take antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications are looking for an easy way out and simply trying to medicate away normal human emotions. She openly opposes conversion therapy bans that prevent the practice of conversion therapy against trans people, and she opposes school anti-bullying programs that teach LGBT+ acceptance.
This book is also anti-queer, anti-pansexual, anti-asexual, and to a point anti-bisexual. Shrier is clearly obsessed with the amount of sex that trans people (including minors, there are some really gross statements in this book) are or aren't having; because so many trans people identify as asexual, at one point she refers to the trans community as a "cult of asexuality". Bisexuality is considered a phase of normal teenage exploration on the way to developing an either straight or lesbian/gay identity. And if you think that lesbian/gay teens and young adults get a break in this book, you're wrong: Shrier discourages parents from affirming their gay and lesbian teens and she is clearly against GSA's in schools.
I could keep going for a long time, but I won't.
Anyway, after reading that fucking disaster, I've just started Detransition, Baby and I'm waiting and hoping for it to get good; the first ~60 pages are kind of slow-moving, more words than plot. I am interested to see where it goes though!
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You're a good girl, well behaved.
Absolutely not the type to rail random guys in nightclubs.
Until you are.
Fandom: BNHA
Pairing: Aizawa x Reader, Present Mic x Reader, eventual polyamorous Erasermic x Reader
Rating: Teen-ish, some references of sexual activity, but nothing explicit.
Trigger Warnings: None
AO3: Here | Want to support me? I have a Kofi
Chapter: 10/16 (all chapters)
The last time you were in UA this late, you had given Shouta a faceful of pepper spray.
You shuddered as you swiped your ID and headed inside with Hizashi, still not sure you believed that any of this was real.
Only a matter of hours ago, you had been soaking in his bathtub, enveloped in far, far too many bubbles. You could still smell them against your skin, still feel the telltale ache between your thighs from your earlier activities.
Even as you strode through the corridors, Hizashi’s touches ghosted your body. You could still feel the tickles from where he had gotten down on his knees to fasten your shoes for you, the way he had stroked your hair and lulled you into sleep.
In many respects, you felt guilty. Hosu had burned while you paid for doughnuts. People had been grievously wounded while you cried out in pleasure. You had fallen asleep with your head on Hizashi’s chest while children came face to face with a serial killer.
Rationally speaking, you knew that there was nothing you could have done. You might have worked at UA but that didn’t change the fact that you were a civilian. Even if you had been on the scene, you would only have gotten in the way, but that knowledge did nothing to ease the pangs of guilt.
Several of the other teachers had already gathered in the conference room generally reserved for staff meetings. Several of them, including Shouta, had plainly come straight from patrolling the streets. Others, such as Cementoss, had been disturbed from sleep and still not quite woken up. Nezu sat at the head of the table, resting his head on his hands with a grave expression, while All Might paced the room, no doubt concerned for Midoriya.
You heard Shouta long before you saw him.
“This is bullshit and you know it.”
He was leaning against the wall, arms folded and looking furious, though where exactly that anger was directed you couldn’t be sure.
“Yo, yo, yo!” Hizashi called out as you entered the room. “Did someone call for a party?!”
Everyone turned to look in your direction, several rubbing their temples at the sudden noise. Shouta‘s eyes darted from you to Hizashi, plainly joining the dots.
You took in the stern faces and heavy atmosphere, before clapping your hands together.
“I’m going to make some coffee.”
It took around half an hour for the rest of the faculty to arrive, by which time everyone had either taken a seat at the table or positioned themselves somewhere in the room. You sat down a few chairs down from Nezu, between Vlad and Hizashi. Shouta stayed on his feet, visibly agitated.
“I’ve called you all here to discuss the events in Hosu city,” said Nezu at last. “I’m sure you’ve all seen the news by now… but for those of you who haven’t…”
He pressed a button on the desk, switching on the enormous television screen behind him. You winced at the footage of Hosu shining like an inferno.
“Earlier this evening, the Hero Killer Stain was taken into police custody,” he said. “I’m sure you are all aware of his troubling history.”
Just about everyone had heard of the Hero Killer. He was responsible for the deaths of multiple heroes, as well as the critical injuries of many more. For most, he was a boogeyman.
“Recently, the hero killer struck in Hosu city, permanently disabling the hero Ingenium, also known as Iida Tensei,” said Nezu, “or, perhaps more importantly, the older brother of 1-A student Iida Tenya.”
You folded your arms and glanced at Shouta out of the corner of your eye, remembering a conversation you had had a week before.
You hadn’t talked much after he told you everything Hizashi liked, though that in itself wasn’t too far out of the ordinary. Shouta wasn’t a talkative person even when his schedule was forgiving.
He had knocked on your office door a little after lunch and sank down into the chair opposite your desk, arms folded and with a stony expression.
“Iida,” he had said, dropping a file on your desk. ���I want you to speak to him.”
Earlier that day he had received a phone call from Iida’s mother, who was distressed to say the least about what had happened to the older of her sons. She had wanted UA to be aware of his situation and forgiving of any strange behaviour over the next few weeks. The worst case scenario would result in time off school.
Tenya would have needed counselling even without the grave circumstances of Tensei’s injuries and you met with him twice after the sports festival, though he had little interest in opening up. He thanked you for your concerns in the respectful manner you had come to expect from him, though shut down any attempt to discuss how he truly felt.
You and Shouta had both been concerned for him, though limited in exactly how far you could intervene. Never had it been more apparent than when he submitted his internship application. Shouta arrived in your office again, suspicious of the reasoning behind Tenya’s agency of choice, though Tenya himself denied any ulterior motives. Neither you nor Shouta had the power to deny him his agency of choice after both sides had agreed and so he had gone to work with Manual, now confirming all of your worst fears.
“Tonight, three of our students faced off against the hero killer, acting independently without the authority of their supervisors,” said Nezu. “Currently, we have only limited information available, but I do know that these students are Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya and Todoroki Shoto.”
As the daughter of a prosecutor, you knew without having to ask that this was a serious situation.
Even before you knew how to read and write, you understood the basics of hero law. Your father had decided all of his children would be lawyers and every family meal swiftly turned into a game of rapid fire questions.
“Could it be,” you said, “you’re going to expel them?”
Nezu sighed, resting his head on his hands.
“The incident is currently under investigation,” he said, “but that is a likely outcome.”
“And I’m telling you, it’s bullshit,” said Shouta. “What’s the point in training heroes if we punish them for acts of heroism?”
“The laws on this matter are quite clear,” said Nezu, “albeit short sighted. If three of our best students are expelled, not only will our reputation suffer greatly but it will quickly feed into the rhetoric of villains. For heroes to be punished for saving lives...well...doesn’t that only add fuel to the argument that modern hero society encourages grandstanding more than it does justice?”
“Is there nothing we can do?” Hizashi piped up. “Character references, that sort of thing?”
“Unfortunately, our hands are tied. At present the case is in the hands of the authorities,” said Nezu, “and heroes in general cannot interfere with the law. We can only hope that they reach a favourable conclusion.”
“We do need a plan of action, though,” said Nemuri. “If the students are formally charged, there’ll be reporters halfway around the block by sunrise.”
“We’re currently lacking critical information,” sighed Nezu. “Any action we take now would be based on pure hypotheticals.”
You chewed your thumbnail and watched the television, watching as the hero killer took several steps towards Midoriya.
“For a case this severe,” you said, “it’ll go all of the way to the top, likely overseen by the Chief of Police...”
“I imagine so.”
“In that case,” you said, “I think it’ll be okay.”
All eyes fell on you and heat rose in your cheeks.
“Uh, a-a-a-a-at least that’s my opinion!”
“No,” said Nezu, “go on.”
“Well,” you said, thinking back to your father’s dinner table quizzes, “I’m not too sure how to put this...hmm...but for a case like this, there’s a burden of proof. It’s not enough that they happened to be there at the time. You need proof that they each broke the law; that they each individually ignored orders and attacked Stain without permission. This would mean verifying wound patterns, collecting eyewitness reports, taking testimonies from all involved...”
You turned to look at the television, a grim expression across your face.
“Don’t you think it’s weird that of all of the footage of this incident, we’ve only ever seen that one looping video of Stain right before he collapsed? Considering everything happening in Hosu at the time, doesn’t it seem just a little bit likely that that is the only footage? Why haven’t they mentioned eyewitnesses?”
“Stain is known for keeping to the shadows,” said Nemuri. “It’d make sense for him to choose a place away from the public eye, with very few security cameras and minimal chances of being disturbed...which in this instance would work in our favour…”
“And if we consider the students’ quirks,” said Shouta, “Midoriya’s quirk is strength based, Iida’s is speed based, Todoroki’s consists of fire and ice…”
“...and we already know the city was burning,” said Hizashi, “there’s footage of Endeavour at the scene…”
“And Gran Torino,” said All Might. “His quirk is speed based. If we take into account Endeavour’s physical strength and fire, as well as Gran Torino’s speed...then all we have to account for is Todoroki’s ice...”
“...and it’d be difficult to prove either way that it was used to attack as opposed to defend. It’s likely at least one of them has injuries from Stain’s blade,” said Vlad.
“In the chaos of the overall incident, only the students and their supervisors can definitively say they ignored instructions,” said Cementoss. “So we just need to rely on Todoroki, Midoriya and Iida to play it smart.”
All eyes fell on Shouta.
He sighed.
“We’re screwed.”
You stayed on site for a few hours after that, going over contingency plans until Hizashi offered to walk you home. If tonight had taught you nothing else, it was how dangerous the streets could be and so you were only too happy to take him up on it. Not to mention, you wanted to have a frank discussion about how you were going to proceed now that you’d slept together.
“Is it always like this?”
“Hmm? Like what?”
You gazed up at the sky and stifled a yawn, taking note of the sunrise. To say tonight hadn’t gone as planned was an understatement.
“Ever since I came here,” you said. “It feels like there’s been one drama after another.”
“I think,” said Hizashi, booping your nose, “the universe saved it all just for you.”
You laughed at that, for he had no idea just how right he actually was. You had already slept with a coworker by your second day.
“Hey, hey you guys!”
Heels clattered against the tarmac and Nemuri threw her arms around you both. She was as dressed up as you were and you remembered grimly what Hizashi had said to you outside of Les Papilles , which was only a few hours ago, but felt like decades.
You kinda put us in the mood for French food.
Hizashi hadn’t gone to Les Papilles alone and, given he and Nemuri already had plans to hang out that evening, it made sense that they would have gone together.
“Look what the cat dragged in,” said Hizashi with a smirk, “where’ve you been?”
“Asking all of the wrong questions, Mic,” she said, letting go of both of you. “Where haven’t I been?”
She reached up to cup your face and squeeze your cheeks.
“I have something for you,” she said.
“Iv it a glath of wine?”
“No, something way better!”
Nemuri took a step back and rummaged in her bra, leaving you a heady mix of intrigued and nervous. She pulled out a slip of paper and handed it over, eyes bright with excitement. You unfolded it, trying not to think about how warm it was.
It was a receipt from a pricey jewellery store for an equally pricey engagement ring. You reached into your purse, feeling around until your fingers landed on smooth metal. You dragged out the ring and read the receipt, matching up the item to the description.
“This...this is,” you said, eyes wide. “How did you get this?”
“I have my ways.”
You couldn’t look away from the price at the bottom; Akira must have chosen the most expensive one in the store. With that sort of money, you could pay your rent several times over and still have enough left to buy several ordinary engagement rings.
You were more than a little bit overwhelmed. You had known Nemuri and Hizashi only a few months and yet they’d done so much for you.
How would the night have gone without them?
Would you have spent another 45 minutes in the shower like you did the day he dumped you?
Your eyes welled with tears and threw your arms around both of them, murmuring your thanks over and over. Nemuri stroked your back, Hizashi stroked your hair and for a moment all was right in the world, the Hosu incident and Akira’s cruel words at the back of your mind.
Only one thing could have made it better, you considered, heart skipping a beat at the sound of Shouta’s voice only a moment later.
“The hell did you two do?”
You supposed from an outsider’s perspective, it wasn’t immediately obvious that your tears were happy ones and you took a step back, meaning to reassure him that everything was okay. Hizashi got there before you, though, reaching an arm towards him.
“Ahh, Sho,” called out Hizashi, “come on, we’re having a moment. Group hug!”
“Come into my arms, Eraser,” purred Nemuri.
“Never gonna happen.”
“Aw c’monnnnnnn.”
“No. I’m leaving.”
He turned to go and you untangled yourself from the hug, still rubbing the tears from your eyes as you picked up your pace and followed him, looping your arms around his middle and pressing your face into his back. He peered over his shoulder, visibly bewildered, though didn’t pull away.
“Thank you,” you murmured, “thank you.”
“What for?”
You considered it, struggling to settle on one singular thing.
You remembered standing in front of your bathroom mirror with a pair of kitchen scissors and drugstore hair dye; remembered the emergency salon trip that swiftly followed. You remembered the expressions of shock as you handed in your resignation at your previous job; the excitement and hope you had felt on your first day at UA.
You remembered Akira’s words outside of Les Papilles .
Who else is going to want you?
You knew he had only said that to hurt you and in another life it would have knocked you for six. Now, though, it was clear to you that he was only repeating the same words you had told yourself every day since your first date.
Shouta was supposed to have been a one night stand and could so easily have been a costly mistake, but had instead been a turning point. He wanted you when it mattered, even if your encounter had only been sex. Until then you hadn’t known how it felt to be desired, didn’t know what it was like to be wanted without putting on some sort of mask. All of your life you had twisted and turned to become the person others needed. Shouta, though, had wanted you when all he knew was your name.
You didn’t know how to thank him for that.
Instead you said something else; something that gave him goosebumps and sent the tension from his body; something that brought crooked smiles to Hizashi and Nemuri’s face when they overheard it.
Something that, though none of you knew it then, Shouta would replay in his mind in the weeks to come.
As you embraced Shouta, everything falling into place, Masayama Akira woke up in cold sweats. His head pounded, his feet were numb and he realised, as he rubbed his temples, that he had no idea where he was.
He stumbled to his feet and glanced at his surroundings: the sky overhead and cold breeze. His heart skipped a beat when he realised he was at the top of a skyscraper with no shoes or jacket.
“What the f-,” he mumbled, hobbling towards the door.
He remembered only vague details of the night before, of getting down on one knee and eating dinner with another woman; a woman he had gotten drunk with and spent the night ranting to over beers.
“She’s nothing,” he remembered saying, holding up his beer for a toast. “I’m better without her.”
“Akira,” the woman had cooed, “you’re so right. You need to rid yourself of her...and I know exactly where to start.”
She stroked a hand to his arm, so gently that it made him shiver.
“Did you, by any chance, keep the receipt for the ring?”
Akira sighed in despair as he reached for the door handle, remembering nothing after that. Perhaps he’d call her once he’d had coffee.
Unfortunately, Akira realised very quickly that he wouldn’t be getting coffee any time soon. The door to the building was sealed shut and wouldn’t give no matter how hard he yanked at it.
He cursed and reached into his pocket for his phone, only to curse louder at the realisation that he was too high up to receive any sort of signal.
This was, perhaps, the worst thing to ever happen to him, overshadowed only by the knowledge that even now, after everything, his instinct was to call you.
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bexterbex · 5 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 18
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Warning, if it hasn’t been obvious in the movies there is Nazi symbolism within the First Order. I will expand on this much more throughout the story. If this is something that bothers you, please just exit the story. The author does not condone any Nazi ideals, this is just for fictional uses only.
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 18: Before the Committee
You woke up early to your alarm. Pausing before getting up you relived the events of the last two days. It was a whirlwind, and you wondered if it was always going to be like this. Shaking your head you got out of bed and ready for the day. You wore one of your work ‘uniforms’ as you deemed them more appropriate for the meetings you had ahead of yourself today. You also decided that you should put on some light makeup, as to make a good impression that you took good care in self-grooming.
When you were finished getting ready you grabbed your phone and started to head out of your room. You noticed that Kylo was not in his room, you entered the living room and Lieutenant Mitaka was there once again.
“Good morning m’lady,” said the lieutenant.
“Good morning lieutenant have you eaten this morning,” you ask while walking to the dining room.
“Yes, ma’am,” replied the short man.
“Well can I order you a cup of coffee or tea? And I am assuming you have been assigned to me again this morning,” you asked.
“I have been assigned to be your personal assistant of sorts, by the Supreme Leader. And a cup of tea would be most appreciated,” you could see relief cross his face. You reminded yourself that the Kylo that you see is not the Supreme Leader everyone else deals with.
You ordered from your phone for the first time. Unlike Kylo’s data pad there seemed to be a long list of Earth foods, and there seemed to be a list of your favorite foods in the favorites tab. How Kylo was able to do this you didn’t know, but you were too nervous to ask him.
The droid arrived in a matter of three minutes before you were really able to ask the Lieutenant anything. But you enjoyed your breakfast and the Mitaka thanked you for the tea.
“I know I have to be at the Health Committee by around 10. I know I need to arrange for transport. If I could I would like materials sent to me on my phone, about what the First Order’s current health policies are,” as you were saying this Mitaka was typing on his data pad.
“I will have everything sent to you. I can arrange for transport at 0800 hours this morning. I have been informed that the Finalizer’s chief medical officer would like to meet with you before the meeting. He would like you to debrief him on what you and the Supreme Leader have discussed on the subject,” said the lieutenant. You received a notification on your phone informing you that the First Order health regulations documents have been delivered.
You thanked the lieutenant and saw that the time was only 7 AM. You walked into your room and took out your work tote. You pulled out a notebook and pen and walked back to the living room. You started to make notes on what you were reading.
Several manuals, the biggest being 'Field Hygiene and Sanitation.’ This seemed very obvious to you. The purpose of the command, which person is responsible for what in terms of their own health. The individual is first and foremost responsible for their own health, then their immediate commander, then the medical/dental officer, then upper chains of command.
The manual went over personal cleanliness, care of the mouth and teeth, care of the feet, food, and drink, exercise, rest and recreation, protection against the elements, protection against disease-carrying insects, avoidance of the sources of disease, special protective measures, cultivation of a healthy mind, and finally rules for avoiding illness in the field. Many of these things could be translated into civilian life and so you made proper notes on this.
You glanced at the time seeing it was 7:45 by the time you were done making these notes. You decided that you should brainstorm some marketing tactics for this health regime. You made a more encompassing list that you previously stated the day before; Posters, pamphlets, video, radio, press releases, and large advertisements.
“Ma’am we should head to the hangar to depart for your meeting,” said the lieutenant.
You nodded and packed up your things. You followed the lieutenant to the hangar to which you saw the command shuttle and Commander Pyre once more.
“Everything is ready for your departure my lady,” said the gold plated commander.
You climbed aboard the ship and everyone strapped in for take-off.
“Tell me commander, am I to expect you to escort me every time I leave the ship,” you ask.
“Yes, ma’am unless Captain Phasma or the Supreme Leader is here. I have been put in charge of your immediate safety otherwise. General Pryde will meet us with the  Finalizer’s  chief medical officer. Pryde is also in charge of your safety and your movements,” responded the commander.
You thanked him and thought about what he said, that General Pryde was in charge of your movements. Why did you need to be watched or guarded so heavily? You shook that thought from your head as you received a ding from your phone.
There was a notification from the First Order messaging center. You opened it seeing a message from Kylo, ‘Good morning. I will be in strategic meetings all morning but I would like to join you for a late lunch.’
You responded, ‘Good morning to you too. That sounds perfect, I have no idea how long the Health Committee meeting will go, but I will notify you when we are done or at recess.’
The ship landed and you were greeted by the gray-haired general and an equally gray-haired medical officer.
“Hello, my lady. My name is Dr. Crale Koroban I am the chief medical officer aboard the Finalizer.  You and I will be working together on the Health Committee as assigned by the Supreme Leader,” said the medical officer. He bowed slightly when introducing himself with his hands resigned behind his back.
“Hello, Dr. Koroban. I was informed that you were wanting to meet with me before the official committee meeting. Why is this,” you ask. You were now all moving into the White House to a conference room similar to the one you were in yesterday.
“Yes. You have some background and first-hand knowledge as to the health and hygiene of your planet. I was also informed that you were quite frank when you recalled the health of many of the countries. It is this honesty that I need before we meet with the health officials from your planet. The First Order cannot afford a large unhealthy population on your planet,” said the doctor.
“What would you like to know,” you ask. The general had taken a seat on the other side of the table, whereas the doctor sat near you as did the lieutenant with the commander guarding the door.
“I know that many of your third world countries do not have access to proper hygiene facilities let alone water. They have no way of properly cleaning themselves nor do they have proper health care, this is not my initial concern. They are easier to rectify. Your ‘first world’ countries, on the other hand, seem reluctant to want to improve their hygiene and health as they view themselves to be clean and healthy when in fact they are not,” responded the doctor. “What I would like to know is what you know and have observed as a ‘first world’ citizen on the health practices of your class. It is obvious that civilians have not been keeping things up to standard and we need to rectify this.”
You thought for a few moments about what the doctor said, “Like you said, we believe we are clean when in fact we are not. It is sad when the Center for Disease Control needs to remind us constantly during flu season or during any disease outbreak that we need to wash our hands, avoid touching our face and to not share food and drink with others. Many adults fail to wash their hands after using the restroom, but they always make sure to scold children if they forget. One of the officers gave a really accurate statistic about it and honestly, it didn’t shock me. We also don’t tend to stay home when we are sick, like we are supposed to because we tend to be workaholics. During outbreaks, people fear things but don’t really change their habits.”
The doctor nodded to you and was taking notes on the data pad you didn’t notice he had until now. “Reminding people is part of their job, but I see your point. Personal hygiene is step number one in preventing the spread of disease.”
“I also know there has been a rise in people against vaccinations, they fear side effects that have been disproven by medical professionals. There are also people seeking out home remedies for things that can only be cured or treated by a doctor. I am not talking about the occasional headache or stomachache, I am talking about skin rashes, diseases, and even cancer. Not that I am opposed to being prescribed rest, fluids and a healthy diet but there are some things only a medical professional can effectively treat. In third world countries, people will walk for miles to receive medicine, vaccines, and the ability to clean themselves, but in ‘first world’ countries we seem to deny these things as a privilege. It can be very frustrating.”
This time the doctor took more time taking notes and seemed to think a bit more before responding, “I agree with you. Your planet seems to have shifting parallels when it comes to health and hygiene. Your input on this is very valuable to me. We will be meeting with the others soon, but tell me who the three officials you have chosen are.”
You did not remember choosing anyone, you had simply mentioned that it may be best to include someone from the CDC, the WHO, and the Surgeon General. This may be what the doctor is asking.
“While I never directly chose anyone I merely suggested that we have some of the most respected health officials in the room,” you said.
At this point the lieutenant spoke up, “we have the director of the CDC and the director from the WHO coming along with the Surgeon General.”
“Explain to me why you chose the CDC and the WHO,” asked the doctor.
“The CDC is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention here in the U.S. they help set medical standards and are a resource many people trust. The WHO or the World Health Organization does the same thing but worldwide. The Surgeon General is one of the top public health officials in the world. They are chosen by the president of the united states and have significant experience in public health programs. I chose these three because they care for health and not for maintaining public appearances as to how clean we really are. They would like for the world to have high standards and health practices, unlike the politicians who like to refuse the truth about how unhygienic we really are.”
The doctor nodded at this response and seemed to be in deep thought for a moment. “If these are people whom your world trusts than it is of utmost importance that we get them to agree to First Order health practices. Dr. Xero Dabrini will be assisting me in this committee along with a handful of other First Order doctors and nurses. I hope to look to you for help with any mediation that may need to happen between us and these health officials. Note that the First Order wants healthy and hygienic citizens. We want to be able to provide the health care necessary for this to happen.”
You nodded and agreed with the doctor. The First Order is a military. They need healthy soldiers and citizens. You knew Kylo was counting on you to assist the doctor in this committee and you did not want to disappoint him you were ready for this meeting. The first meeting that you would handle on your own, helping him with the First Order.
A/N: Note that this is a PSA from the Author: WASH YOUR HANDS, AVOID TOUCHING YOUR FACE, STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK, AND GET PLENTY OF REST AND FLUIDS. The COVID-19 is going around and the next few chapters will be centered around health. In my worldbuilding propaganda, there will be useful hygiene and health tips. Heed them if you would like, and stay safe from the virus and listen to the CDC and the WHO.
A PSA from your lovely Author.
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What is Integrative Medicine?
Integrative medicine is ideally encompasses all healing and treatment methods that are shown to work, and aims more to address the root of a health problem rather than just masking the symptoms with prescription medication. Integrative medicine approaches have been shown to be more cost effective in the long run, and prevention is as much a focus as cure. Integrative Medicine as a specialty Integrative Medicine as a medical specialty is relatively new, and there is recently a fairly new official Board certification available through the American Board of Integrative Medicine (ABOIM). Fellowship training is available at KUMC Integrative Medicine (University of Kansas Medical Center) and several other places. Integrative Medicine training programs can vary in quality, and many require an MD or DO degree. Sub-specialties of Integrative Medicine Integrative Medicine embraces all the healing arts that can potentially help a patient. Because of the broadness of this field, many practitioners tend to sub-specialize. Sub-specialties in Integrative Medicine can include energy medicine, orthomolecular medicine, and environmental medicine. Some practitioners will be more knowledgeable in their special areas of interest. You will find practitioners who specialize in treating chronic Lyme disease, thyroid problems, autoimmune issues, and such. Some practitioners have several areas of expertise. Energy Medicine Energy medicine encompasses modalities such as acupuncture, homeopathy, reiki, shiatsu, micro-current therapy, etc. Because we are only just beginning to have the instruments to measure these energies, and because results can often vary widely between practitioners, it is more difficult for conventional science to accept these methods of healing. Orthomolecular Medicine Orthomolecular medicine is based on hard science and research studies. The foundation of this science is the basic biochemical pathways of the human body. Pathways such as the Krebs cycle that are memorized then forgotten as soon as most doctors graduate from medical school are the basis of orthomolecular medicine. Individual genetic weaknesses are tested for and treatment is individualized. The importance of proper nutrition is recognized. Comprehensive vitamin and mineral testing identifies deficiencies that can then be addressed. We use a combination of knowledge of biochemical pathways, individual genetics, and vitamin and mineral testing to deliver targeted therapy. With this approach, using testing instead of guessing, one is likely to walk out my office with only a short list of supplements to take, as opposed to the "Let's throw all these supplements at you and see what sticks" approach, which has practitioners largely guessing, practicing cookbook medicine, and people having to take 2 bags of supplements and still not feeling better. Environmental Medicine In Environmental medicine, the effect of environmental toxins on biological function is recognized, and an individual's detoxification pathways can be supported in various ways to better enable them to function in a toxic world. How Integrative Medicine is different Because Integrative Medicine attempts to dig deeper than conventional medicine, very specialized lab work is often ordered. For example, instead of just getting an IgE (immediate reaction) food allergy panel, IgG (delayed reaction) food intolerance panels and IgA (mucosal) stool testing can be done. Instead of testing only B12 and folate levels, all B vitamins are important, and the full panel may sometimes be tested for. The Integrative Medicine physician ideally asks: 'why", and keeps asking and peeling back the layers of the onion until the root cause is found. What conventional medicine is good for Conventional medicine excels at treating acute diseases such as appendicitis, strep throat, bacterial pneumonia, and most conditions that one would go to the emergency room for. Where conventional medicine falls short Conventional medicine, however, tends to fall somewhat short when faced with more chronic disease such as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux), fibromyalgia, cancer, chronic fatigue, and such. The main focus of conventional medicine tends to be just to treat the end symptom(s) often without addressing the real root of the problem. This does not necessarily reflect a lack of caring or skill on part of the conventional doctor, but is more a function of the financial reality of private practice: 12 minutes per patient is simply not enough time to delve deeply enough. Example of the Integrative approach For example, the conventional medicine approach to GERD is usually to simply put a patient on acid-suppressors, sometimes for years. Many people actually produce less stomach acid as they age. Long term acid-suppression simply takes away what little stomach acid the patient had, further worsening the pre-existing problem of insufficient digestion. Furthermore, decreasing a person's ability to digest food in the stomach actually can promote the development of food allergies and intolerances. It can also promote micronutrient deficiencies that can then contribute to poorer health. Calcium and vitamin B12 are examples of nutrients that are better absorbed with acid. Instead of acid-suppression for GERD, Integrative Medicine attempts to discern the root of the individual's problem, be it food intolerances, not drinking enough water, not making enough stomach acid, having too much yeast or dysbiotic flora in the gut, etc. Instead of acid-suppressors, additional Betaine HCL, digestive enzymes, and probiotics might be given. Personalized medicine The personalized aspect of delivering Integrative medical care rejects the 'one size fits none' approach. People are biochemically individual, and must be treated as such. Doses of bio-identical hormones and other supplements and medications should be individualized where appropriate. With the advent of affordable genetic testing, I use 23andme genetic testing clinically to make personalized recommendations for someone. Integrative Medicine gives more time to the patient The average primary care office visit may only be 5 to 14 minutes... In this amount of time, it is near impossible to deliver the quality and depth of care required by Integrative Medicine. My typical new patient visit is often about 1 hour long, and follow up visits are typically 30 mins or so. I have had initial consultations take as long as 2 hours, and this was not the time my patient spend sitting waiting for me.. this was my personal face to face time with my patient. Integrative Medicine and reimbursement Unfortunately, because Integrative Medicine has yet to be fully accepted by mainstream insurance companies, patients getting integrative treatments often have to pay out of pocket for doctor visits and lab testing. Some less scrupulous clinics may also tack on extra fees for testing (if you pay the office instead of the lab this is likely to be the case) and over charge for supplements. Quality of Integrative Medicine practitioners Because training in Integrative Medicine is not uniform, quality of practitioners can vary. Some Integrative Medicine practitioners have just taken weekend courses here and there, while others have undergone formal 1 or even 2 year Fellowships under the close tutelage of an experienced practitioner, who was themselves previously taught by another. Some practitioners dabble in a myriad of things, while others specialize. Because the field is so broad, no one practitioner can possibly know everything. Someone specializing more in orthomolecular or functional medicine may not be as well versed in energy or manual medicine and vice versa. The future of medicine The Integrative approach is the medicine of the future as it tends to give better results especially for chronic medical conditions. It is a superior approach for prevention as well as for the maintenance and optimization of health. With the rise of environmental toxicity as well as the increase in illness caused by toxins around us, environmental medicine is critical and is likely to become required knowledge for the physician of the future. Source:  What is Integrative Medicine?
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completely-zucked · 3 years
Kazakhstan: The Greatest Country in the World
I'll readily admit that my knowledge of American history (particularly when it comes to the oppression of BiPOC) is a little sketchy in places. So I conflated Juneteenth (the fact that certain places didn't emancipate slaves for 2.5 years after they should have) with the Tulsa massacre. However, I hope it counts for something (however small) that I at least knew it was something horrific to do with racist and oppressive BS, that noone in their right mind would be so callous or insensitive to wish anyone hapiness/celebration while remembering that. I wonder how many white Americans can honestly say the same. It seems that I am at least one step ahead of them. Most just take what they learned in K-12 and accept it as the whole truth. K-12, though? That strikes me as a class for advanced students. It seems to me that the average American isn't much more intelligent/educated than the average K-9. (It's one of the reasons why I'm proud to not be an American.)
Too Little, Too Late
Honestly, more white Americans know the history today than did a month ago, and more knew last summer than did the year before, which is definitely … something in the right direction?
Yeah, it's fucking sad, and infuriating, though. Your schools don't teach you this shit, or about Tulsa, or about Rosewood, or Rosa Parks, or about the legacy of lynching, or anything much beyond "slavery was really bad and then we fought a war to get rid of it and then it was mostly better and then Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech and made it all the way better". (Sometimes it's even worse. I know someone who had a friend who grew up in the South and though he admittedly didn't pay a ton of attention in history — with no serious repercussions because he's white — it was at least into his twenties before he realized that the Confederacy lost. He thought that they must have been fighting to end slavery instead of keep it! I mean, how problematic and appalling is that?!)
You don't teach kids about indigenous genocide, either. They don't learn about how their government has (sometimes quite literally) stabbed them (and the first nation's people) in the back over and over again. Growing up, I didn't learn about how Lincoln ordered the largest mass hanging in US history, executing 38 people who had fought because they were starving as a result of their lands being stolen (not just their original lands but part of what they had been forced onto, too) — and that a bunch of the names we saw everywhere like Ramsey and Sibley were dudes who were heavily involved in that "conflict", but I was taught the gist of the attrocities committed by men like Custer when the West was lost.
Your shit's fucked up from top to bottom and side to side.
Your whole education system is garbage, not just your History. Your countrymen (collectively) can't spell, have poor reading comprehension, struggle to identify their own country on a map (never mind anyone else's), are still stuck in the 1960 as far as race relations go, have no grasp of basic Physics or Biology, lobby against teaching evolution in schools (as opposed to Creationism), ad infinitum, ad tedium … Yet I, an individual from a Third World country, have a better education (Cambridge syllabus) than the average individual from what is allegedly The Greatest Country in The World™ Hmm … Something doesn't add up here (but then again, my country's Maths literacy is a known weakness). #JustSaying
Honestly, if my country of origin was one that once housed the thousands of minds that successfully worked out and executed the challenge of going from near-Earth orbit to manually landing a craft on the moon and getting it back to Earth without incident in less than a decade (using technology less powerful/accurate than the average pocket calculator, nog al); a feat so statistically improbable as to be practically impossible … to this sordid state of affairs, I would either retreat to the backwoods and whittle while seriously contemplating my ancestors' poor life choices or I would dilligently apply myself to getting a proper education through online courses. I certainly wouldn't run my mouth about how great my nation is when it's clearly appallingly and embarrassingly backward. Only an idiotic, ignorant, arrogant motherfucker does that. This is far beyond something rotten in the state of Denmark. So yeah, I'm very much anti-American and I'm definitely not ashamed of it.
Now, I realise, of course, that generalisations are generally wrong and not every American is an illiterate and poorly-educated backwoods hillbilly, but fuck me, the smart ones are needles in the haystack (and it's a very big haystack).
Perhaps if your government spent as much on mitigating its education, housing, medical aid (health insurance), unemployment and potable water shortage crises as it does on exploring the Universe and persecuting/murdering BIPOC (particularly non-Christian ones) around the world while claiming to be "liberating" them of anything other than natural resources (particularly gold, diamonds, oil and tungsten) and their lives while foisting cheap crap on them, I might not be such a harsh critic. But don't mind me; I'm just an anti-consumerism anarchist with no idea of how the world really works.
Having worked for some morally bankrupt organisations myself, I'm certainly in no position to criticise, but I do think it's at least a little hypocrytical for someone who worked for Baby Killers International to wish BIPOC a restive and peaceful Juneteenth.
The idea that it's made a holiday is all well and good, but the government still allows cops to murder minorities. It's a consolation prize and a hollow one at that. Not teaching why it's even a holiday in the first place is all sorts of problematic, but only in America. The government has been scared to death of its people (all of them) since the 60s (which is a good thing). Now, they're seeing a lot more whites side with BIPOC than did back then. The only thing keeping them safe is their brainwashed right-wing. This is beyond disturbing.
The Greatest Country in the World
"We're The Greatest Country in the World™", you cry? Maybe sixty years ago you could broadly claim it was heading there and maintain a straight face (if you ignore a lot of problematic shit like abusing Oppenheimer's genius in order to commit war crimes). It certainly isn't any more. Why; what the fuck happened to a nation that used to be an inspiration? Well, you didn't just rest on your laurels; you destroyed them. Meanwhile, the rest of the world struggled and persevered to become what you once were. Unfortunately, we bought into the nightmare of consumerism and greed you packaged and sold to us as The American Dream™.
So, in short: Fuck you very much! Enjoy your fucked-up holiday. Coke (which used to containe cocaine), nutrient-devoid cardboard "food" and heart-attack-inducing "energy" drinks white America!
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steadytacochild · 3 years
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zephyrspace3 · 4 years
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The CoolSculpting hand-piece is positioned over the area of the undesirable fat area to be treated and also left for 35 minutes. Throughout this moment, you can relax, review, inspect your emails and even nap! While you relax the fat is being frozen, causing the fat cells to die and also the body's natural processes after that eliminate these dead cells, eliminating them from the area as well as ultimately the whole body.
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As a result of the non-surgical nature of the procedure, the procedure is inconvenience and pain cost-free. Clients are awake for the duration and have the ability to view TV, go on their phone, talk and so forth. As every customer and also program of CoolSculpting is one-of-a-kind, your aesthetician will certainly talk about the certain expected end results of the program before your initial therapy session. Extensively speaking, you might begin to see modifications as early as three weeks after completion of your CoolSculpting treatment, with one of the most significant results experienced after 3 months. Your body will continue to normally process and remove the damaged fat cells for around four months after your treatment.
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As the body begins to get rid of the cells normally, you can begin seeing the outcomes of the procedure. For the most part, you will certainly see a reduction in fat within three weeks. In some cases, the outcomes will not show up until six months after the treatment.
Request An Assessment.
At Meyer Facility, a number of our CoolSculpting ® patients start to see arise from as earlier as four weeks' post-treatment, with optimal outcomes visibly between eight as well as 12 weeks after treatment. For several, this session of CoolSculpting ® is enough to supply the desired outcome. However, many of our people choose to have several treatments on the same location or in multiple locations, depending on the outcome they are wanting to achieve and also the place of the fat they are targeting. Our competent CoolSculpting ® professionals will certainly have the ability to speak though all the different treatment options available at examination. Some pick to go through invasive and quite uncomfortable type of procedures as well as treatments to prosper in looking their finest yet the best choice to take is Cryolipolysis fat freezing treatment. CoolSculpting utilizes the fat freezing technology from Allegan hallmark of Zeltiq Looks which is the only FDA accepted nonsurgical fat reduction maker. Fat-freezing is an efficient method of eliminating fat cells without the need for surgical procedure or needles and also with no injury done to surrounding tissue and skin.
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Whether you are looking to boost your physique, get rid of persistent fat or just wish to look and feel comfy in your clothing, Coolsculpting ® might be the response for you. The procedure called 'Cool Sculpt' targets, cools down as well as gets rid of fat cells without triggering damage to bordering cells. Coolsculpting can be utilized on several locations of the body, including the abdominal area, arms, midsection, butts as well as upper legs. On average, each Coolsculpting procedure results in a 20% -25% decrease of fat in the treated location. After the first treatment is complete, you can attain more decreases with extra treatments. Some individuals locate that treatment completely addresses their objectives. We will certainly discuss this with you as well as design a plan that matches you ideal.
coolsculpting Derby (fat Freezing).
LALipo Southend is a fat decrease therapy, as opposed to a weight loss therapy, and also need to be considered as such. The body after that purges these out naturally for targeted decrease of fat in details areas. In a fat freezing therapy, it is not simply essential for the area to be cooled down, yet also just how promptly it does so, for 'discerning lipolysis,' which guarantees no negative adverse effects for various other tissue. Also equipped with modern technology that closely keeps an eye on skin temperature, the gadget makes certain that therapy is secure. Coolsculpting ® is a leading non-invasive fat decrease therapy. It is an amazing as well as cutting-edge means to contour your body by safely providing precisely managed cooling down to target undesirable fat. Also using your favorite attire can really feel out-of-bounds as stubborn fat can be immune via diet and exercise.
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It's worth keeping in mind that this therapy works best on stubborn pockets of fat, as opposed to a total weight management alternative. This is why we suggest matching Coolsculpting with our fat dissolving injections, or skin tightening treatments, to increase aesthetic results. We suggest booking a quick review consultation to check the progress of your results and analyze the following actions of your therapy for your desired outcomes. your specialist will additionally be in touch over the 8 weeks to inspect just how you're getting on with the aftercare and also ask for upgrade pictures where feasible. This non-invasive procedure makes use of controlled cooling to eliminate persistent fat cells that are immune to diet and also workout. Similarly, as we've stated elsewhere, the therapies we give work yet should never ever change a well balanced diet plan as well as exercise.
After a solitary session, medical research studies show that cryolipolysis can affect between as much as 40% to 60% of fat cells in the areas dealt with. Fat freezing for males and females offers a wonderful, non-surgical option for eliminating what diet plan as well as workout alone can not. Sessions can be done during a lunch hour without affecting your job or social schedule. Well, a number of years ago researchers found that when our skin is revealed to temperature levels listed below cold, the cold caused permanent damages to the fat cells, yet not the skin itself.
How do you break down fat cells quickly?
Here are 14 of the best ways to burn fat quickly and promote weight loss. 1. Start Strength Training. 2. Follow a High-Protein Diet. 3. Squeeze in More Sleep. 4. Add Vinegar to Your Diet. 5. Eat More Healthy Fats. 6. Drink Healthier Beverages. 7. Fill up on Fiber. 8. Cut Down on Refined Carbs. fat freeze Bournemouth •
The very best prospect for Cryolipolysis is an individual that is near their suitable body weight yet just requires an assisting hand in minimizing pockets of fat that are otherwise difficult to target. The therapy does service locations with excess fat, however it is likely that you will certainly not see visible results without having numerous therapies. There are numerous benefits to Cryolipolysis, the primary one being that there is no downtime after the procedure. Cryolipolysis is a risk-free and efficient choice to intrusive treatments such as liposuction.
Over a period of time the body naturally secretes these damaged fat cells, with the resultant irreversible loss of fat. Acoustic wave therapy is an exceptional complement to fat freezing, it offers a kind of sophisticated mechanical massage, changing a manual massage using acoustic waves. This aids to accelerate the procedure of 'thawing' the area, whilst increasing the breakdown of fat cells as well as raising blood flow to the location, enhancing skin texture and tone. AWT also aids to give a much more even result, during manual hand massage the pressure can be irregular and the medical professional may become tired. AWT protects against clinician exhaustion and praises the treatment flawlessly.
It permits you to dramatically lower fat on large or small locations in simply one treatment with outcomes being seen in around 12 weeks, with an average of 20% -40% reduction of fat in the targeted area.
By layering these different innovations in the same target area, they come to be a powerful choice to intrusive liposuction surgery.
Our state-of-the-art 3D Ultimate machine is a multi-platform device that has the capacity to give you with a prescriptive bespoke treatment using all the most up to date innovations.
3D modern technology is absolutely one of one of the most advanced and also complete devices of its kind globally.
Harley Road MD is proud to be one of the first facilities to use this cutting edge brand-new equipment that is created to lower excess body fat efficiently and also non-surgically.
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beetlesister7 · 4 years
Workplace Mediation, Fixing Problem At Work.
Exactly How To Use Mediation To Work Out Disagreements At The Workplace
What Outcomes Can You Anticipate From Workplace Mediation?
Court Application Certifications Signed By An Approved Family Mediator.
What Is Mediation?
If your company has decreased your wages without your permission, you may have an insurance claim for illegal reduction of salaries and also/ or positive dismissal if you chose to surrender. Under mediation services reading , HMRC will certainly pay 80% of your salaries (based on a cap of ₤ 2,500). Given your employer does not have a legal right to lower pay in your employment agreement, if your employer means to only pay you 80% of your salaries, they would certainly need your arrangement to do so. Yes you require to be knowledgeable about these requirements if you use anyone of any age. They influence every location of employment as well as the employment as well as selection process.
Mediation is launched primarily by senior managers or Human Resources practitioners as opposed to the parties themselves. It tends to be utilized as a last hope, although earlier treatment was most likely in organisations with in-house mediation capability.
What Outcomes Can You Expect From Workplace Mediation?
The coming with course manual Workplace Mediation Skills is supplied free to all delegates, assisting you to plan for the training course and also further develop your abilities as a workplace arbitrator. The National Work and Workplace Mediation Certificate is Globis' front runner training course and runs in 2 systems over 5 days, broken down into a block of three days and a block of 2 days. It supplies delegates with the skills needed to come to be an approved workplace mediator.
Are mediators free?
At mediation, you can have a mediator that's appointed by the court, and in that case it is free of charge to all of the parties. Other times, you'll engage a private mediator. Often these are retired judges or people with a great deal of experience in the field.
The proof is that it will certainly conserve cash, boost productivity as well as employee relationships, and avoid lawsuits. Stephen Levinson looks at the benefits, obstacles as well as sensible problems involved in presenting an in-house mediation plan. You have to not undertake any kind of job that generates profits for your company or provides solutions to them. Unless your company has defined in your employment contract that it can minimize your wage, then no. If your employer suggests to decrease your pay, they should get your contract.
Court Application Certifications Authorized By A Certified Household Moderator.
Usually I have run into circumstances that events have felt were bhopeless however, due to the opportunities that mediation supplies solutions have been located. Usually individuals propose mediation in excellent belief as they can identify, as an event that it the chance for an outside celebration to offer an assisting hand to accomplish success within the circumstance.
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Sarah England is a qualified moderator having actually obtained a nationwide certificate in mediation from the National Open College Network. Workplace conflict can wreck a well-established firm, sidetracking as well as upsetting otherwise solid as well as effective monitoring teams responsible for managing the repercussions.
This article is for general information objectives only and also does not comprise lawful or specialist guidance. It should not be utilized as a substitute for legal recommendations relating to your certain scenarios. Please note that the legislation may have changed because the date of this short article. It is very challenging to find up with excellent factors not to include mediation in employers' mechanisms for settling problem.
This can have considerable influence on both people and performance. official website of techniques can be utilized in this kind of circumstance, including neutral analysis, team facilitation and team mediation. We are taking actions to make sure that all our affiliates as well as clients continue to be safe during the pandemic and are providing all our services online. For further information on online mediation please see our extra guide.
Workplace mediation is not suitable for some situations, for instance where a discrimination or whistle-- blowing grievance has actually been raised as well as it has to be explored. Keep in mind that mediation might likewise not be ideal for scenarios that include sexual harassment which is a significant problem requiring specific handling. For extra on this, see our Company's overview to dealing with sexual harassment at work. Finally, guarantee that you secure the solutions of an internal or exterior conciliator trained in line with nationwide standards-- brand-new overarching requirements are because of be announced in 2014. If you have or are preparing an internal mediation team, recruit from as vast a series of ranking, function and also general diversity as feasible. The study recommends that, as an example, some senior events are reluctant to be mediated by a junior colleague. Covering discretion is unhelpful and also much more nuanced approaches are needed-- as an example, the mediator helping the events to word a joint statement for individuals that need to understand what the end results as well as activity strategies are.
Below are four of our group who are in charge of the day to day operating of the business.
Direct Mediation Services has among the largest networks of accredited household moderators across England and Wales.
What unifies us as a team is our commitment to helping families fix conflict through the mediation process.
They originate from a diverse variety of expert backgrounds consisting of family members solicitors, therapists, and social workers.
business mediation services northampton understand family mediation operates in many situations since we have efficiently helped over 3000 clients to date.
We have serviced many employment legislation instances as well as each private obtains the upmost treatment and factor to consider throughout the situation. If you have a work issue, usually it is something else for consideration within your instance, so it is always worth speaking to a work regulation solicitor and figuring out for certain. Mediation is a voluntary and confidential type of different dispute resolution. It includes an independent, objective 3rd party helping 2 or more people or teams to get to a solution that works and also is acceptable for every person. The goal of mediation in the workplace is to recover and maintain the working partnership if at all feasible.
Work mediation tends to tackle a much more commercial personality as it usually happens in the context of a feasible or real Employment Tribunal insurance claim. If arrangement is reached it usually takes the type of a Compromise Agreement.
The demands not just make it unlawful to discriminate on the grounds old but also harassment whether it be willful or unintended or to victimise a person. Once you have actually selected an appropriate employee make certain supervisors as well as staff are trained to check as well as avoid any kind of biased practices. Additionally ensure it is clear within any plans you have that discrimination in any form is unacceptable. Make certain managers are fully trained in variety concerns which they are able to manage discriminatory problems that develop within the workplace. I discovered her to be extremely educated, pleasant and she explained points clearly, and also used easy to understand language. Our expert employment regulation solicitors are extremely experienced as well as will certainly treat each case distinctively relying on your circumstances. Our employment regulation professionals attain remedies via personal settlements and are constantly handy to give assistance when dealing with work law issues.
Using mediation to deal with these circumstances can consequently have a substantial impact not only to employee connections and also well-being but inevitably to an organisation's bottom line. Yet the skills as well as procedures we make use of are similar, and the difference depends on the method we come close to the mediation day. David's starting point in the mediation was a demand for ₤ 860,000. His case in the Employment Tribunal consisted of settlement for impairment discrimination, damages for injury to sensations, exacerbated as well as excellent problems, rate of interest, costs and also settlement for loss of career revenues. The worker was sustained in the mediation by his union agent, as well as the company was advised by an internal lawful group. Both celebrations were considering leaving if the circumstance might not be worked out. They hesitantly consented to mediation but neither intended to change work.
Vietnam: Draft Decree guiding the Investment Law 2020 - Lexology
Vietnam: Draft Decree guiding the Investment Law 2020.
Posted: Wed, 06 Jan 2021 09:52:09 GMT [source]
In scenarios that are strained, it is challenging to trust the objectives and also motivations of the "opposite". This might be based upon experience so agreeing to mediation and also, certainly, a mediator comes to be tough. Nora Doherty as well as her team of experienced arbitrators offerIndependent Mediation sessions for individuals or teams at your very own location. Any kind of unneeded conflict can be bad for PR beyond business as well as bad for the morale of the workers who are no longer ambassadors for business but rather can spread out adverse PR.
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perox86413-blog · 4 years
How Does an Electric Can Opener Work?
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A can opener is a basic kitchen apparatus, regardless of whether it's an electric ledge model or the manual handheld assortment. Electric can openers are helpful and require little exertion to work but at the same time it's imperative to realize how to utilize a manual can opener on the off chance that the force goes out.
This guide shows you how to utilize a can opener that you keep in a cabinet with other kitchen contraptions and furthermore plots the utilization of ledge can openers. If you know more information then see our website.
How a Can Opener Works
Electric would openers be able to deal with a similar rule as the physically worked type, yet the machine accomplishes all the work for you. With an electric can opener, you can have your fish, foods grown from the ground in a flash. The can opener must be connected to work. There is a switch on the top front of the apparatus that on the off chance that you push down, you will hear the can opener working. Lift the switch and it stops. That is on the grounds that there is a switch that is locked in when you push the switch down. Under the switch, on the front, you will see a cutting edge directly over a little stuff. The lip of the can is set simply under the sharp edge, and the switch is pushed down to hold it set up and turn the apparatus on. Inside the can opener, there are gears that turn when the switch is pushed down. These pinion wheels turn the little stuff under the cutting edge and pivot the can. While the can is turning, the sharp edge is cutting the cover off the can right around. Ordinarily, there is a little arm that falls off of the switch that holds a magnet. The magnet will adhere to the top of the can and hold it to the can opener when you eliminate the can. Once the can is open, you can lift the switch and eliminate the open can. Use care while eliminating the cover, as the edges are sharp and can cut you.
1 Traditional Handheld Can Opener
A conventional can opener is regular to many, if not most, family kitchen drawers. These handheld would openers be able to utilize a slicing wheel to puncture the top from the top and afterward cut it from the edge of the can.
Spot the can on the ledge.
With the turning handle looking to one side, spread the upper and lower arms of the can opener to isolate the sharp cutting haggle scored feed wheel.
Rest the cutting wheel on the highest point of the cover on the correct side of the can, flush with the raised edge of the can.
Start to close the can opener arms, raising the lower handle to bring the feed wheel to meet the underside of the can's somewhat projecting lip.
At the point when you feel obstruction, watch that the cutting haggle wheel are in arrangement and opposite to the side of the can.
Handle both can opener arms in your left hand and consistent the can with your correct hand.
Solidly press the arms together so the top is penetrated by the cutting haggle gears interlock with those on the feed wheel.
Keep tension on the handles with your left hand while utilizing your correct hand to turn the handle clockwise.
As the handle is turned, the feed wheel holds the lip and the can will pivot while the cutting wheel isolates the top from the can.
Keep turning the handle until the can makes a total upset.
The cover will drop into the substance of the can when it is totally cut off. Slide a spread blade between the can's inside divider and the cover to prop up its edge. Utilize your fingers to lift it from the can. Use alert while eliminating the top, as it might have a sharp and spiked edge.
To try not to have the cut top fall into the can, avoid cutting the whole circuit and make a pivot. Utilize a spread blade to lift the top, spill out the substance and afterward push the top back inside the can.
Tip: Handheld can openers are normally made for right-gave clients. Lefties can either adjust to utilizing the standard assortment or discover left-gave can openers from strength retailers.
2 Smooth Edge or Safety Can Opener
An individual utilizing a handheld smooth edge can opener.
Some handheld can openers are intended to slice through the side of the can as opposed to the top and frequently are promoted as wellbeing or smooth edge can openers.
This kind of manual can opener works like the customary assortment, however the direction of the instrument is moved – the indented feed wheel is set on the top at the lip, and the cutting wheel is on the can.
A few makers place the turning handle as an afterthought, as conventional handheld openers, while a few models have the handle on the highest point of the device.
3 Countertop Electric Can Opener
An individual utilizing a ledge electric can opener.
Electric would openers be able to turn the can for you as the fixed cutting edge isolates the cover from the can.
Allude to the proprietor's manual for explicit guidelines, yet this is the overall methodology for utilizing an electric can opener.
With the unit connected to a source, raise the switch and position a can under the controlling posts.
Lower the switch, ensuring that the cutting sharp edge is at within the can's edge and the magnet lays on top of the cover.
At the point when the switch is secured, the cover is penetrated by the cutting edge, and the can starts to turn.
The cutting activity consequently stops after one unrest, and the top is isolated from the can.
Handle the can and afterward lift the switch to deliver it from the unit.
Eliminate the top from the magnet.
Top-open and side-open models follow a similar fundamental strategy.
4 Old-Fashioned Lever Opener
An individual utilizing a good old manual handheld can opener.
A good old can opener is a straightforward apparatus with a hook formed cutting edge that is intended to wound into a top and cut it from the can utilizing an upward sawing movement.
Hold the can opener by the handle with the cutting edge pointing down and the square watchman away from you.
Spot the bended blade purpose of the opener on the correct side of the can at the edge of the cover, close to the edge.
Cautiously however powerfully cut the top with the sharp edge, profound enough for watchman to lay on the edge of the can.
Tilt the apparatus toward you to embed the sharp edge marginally underneath the cover, keeping the edge ready on the edge of the gatekeeper.
Utilize the gatekeeper as a rotate point, and lift the handle to cut the top from the base.
Lower the handle while sliding the gatekeeper forward on the edge to situate it for the following cut. At that point lift the handle to make another slice to the top.
Rehash this upward cutting movement as you work your way around the can, Learn more.
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