#but like.. it could be... you dont know that.... the rake could be gay...
sigmabateman · 1 year
reading back my own points and not being able to tell if im actually stupid or a revolutionary genius in the field of slenderman literature
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rek1s-headband · 4 years
Hi! May I please request random bf headcanons for cherry? Ty!
➯A/N: Hi!! Thanks for the request! Hope you enjoy, and have a lovely day!
➯ Random boyfriend headcannons
➯ Characters: Kaoru Sakurayashiki x gn! reader
➯ Warnings: none:)
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If yall met when you were still in high school, he would’ve tried to convince you at least once to let him pierce you or give you a tattoo.
That’s how you would’ve gotten together initially too. His face inches from yours, sticking his tongue out in concentration as he pulls the needle through your lip. Adjusting a piece of jewellery on your lip to match his, he’d gently wipe a stray drop of blood away from your lips with his thumb
You found you couldn’t pull away as you stared into his eyes, slowly closing them as he pulled you in for a gentle kiss. It was quick, but as soon as you pulled away he was pulling you back in for another, and another. The light throbbing in your lip was the least of your worries
He would’ve been so protective of you when he’d go with Adam and Joe to those underground skate meet-ups. Of course, he’s only gotten worse, now he refuses to leave your side at S for fear of some creep trying to hit on you
You have the most unnecessary beef with Carla. You know its a joke of course, but since Carla is, well, a robot, she’s not too knowledgeable about teasing. You’d ask her a load of random, strange questions she couldn’t possibly answer, or you’ll tell her how Kaoru is all yours and she’ll start overheating. Now any time you try to ask her a question she literally just. refuses to answer you
“Master, please tell y/n I dont want to speak to them.” “Oh I’ll show you master-”
Kaoru is indifferent to PDA. He doesn’t hate it, he just doesn’t think others deserve to see you like that. Hell give you the occasional forehead kiss, but even so his arm is constantly glued to you in some way
Behind closed doors though, he cant seem to get enough of you. He loves having you in his lap, his head on your shoulder while you watch TV. If you play with his hair he’s like putty in your hands, leaning into your touch with closed eyes and almost a purr. Loves when you drag your fingertips along his arms and his back, its a comfort to him
You and him will constantly gang up on Joe and absolutely violate the man. It’s already bad with just Kaoru, now imagine the poor guy having to deal with both of you
You’ll hide in the crowd during his exhibitions, occasionally shouting out praise trying to throw him off.
Or worse, you’ll just silently stand there, watching him look around suspiciously, knowing you’re hiding somewhere even if you hadn’t explicitly specified you’d be there. When he finally locks eyes with you, he has to try extremely hard not to laugh as he watches you stare him down, a small grin creeping over your face
You’ll go on dates to Joe’s restaurant just to annoy the shit out of him. You’ll act extra lovey-dovey just to make him uncomfortable, and the pair of you will fake a proposal at least once a month to get free cake(its always one of those shitty plastic rings you get from the dollar store too)
You dyed your hair pink to match with him once, and he absolutely loved it. The two of you would style your hair and clothes to match, and you were quite the sight to see at S
Slow dancing in the kitchen while you make dinner is a regular thing for the two of you. You’ll be idly stirring the pot when one of your songs come on, and suddenly Kaoru is pulling you away from the stove, twirling you around the kitchen and humming in your ear. More often than not you’ll get carried away and burn the dinner.
Who cares, takeout tastes good too
He’s awful at tying his hair up properly, and gets you to tie it for him before an exhibition or a race
You’ve curled his hair before while he slept, and he was insanely fascinated by it. He spent at least an hour shaking his head in front of the mirror, raking is hands through the wavy locks. He kept it curled when you tied it up before S, and it was a big hit during his race. Suddenly he was asking you to curl his hair more often
During the colder months, you and Kaoru will sleep impossibly close, a mess of tangled limbs while Carla quietly plays lullabies in the background. In the warmer months though, you couldn’t be further apart. Lying above the covers in minimal clothing, you’ll both hang off either side of the bed, hissing at each other to not come closer to them while you sweat like pigs. Hey, sometimes romance is keeping your distance
It’s a regular thing for the two of you to get wine drunk and whip out some old board games, yelling at each other when you get put in jail in Monopoly, flipping the Scrabble board when Kaoru insists that “milf” is not a word you’re allowed to use
Reki and Langa love you. Miya took a bit of warming up to you, but as soon as he saw you bullying Joe with Cherry he adored you
If you can skate, you would constantly race against Kaoru just to see if you could beat him. However, with his fancy ass board that already hated you and his insane skills, losses were much more common than wins
He can never get any work done with you around him. You’ll lie your head in his lap while he tries to write, drawing smiley faces in the corners of his paper. He literally has to carry you out of the room just so he can get a bit of peace
Loves conspiracy theories. He’ll shake you awake at four in the morning, rambling about the new video he just watched about McDonald’s actually being run by a cult of clowns
*episode 9 spoilers* after Ad*m gave him a slap of his skateboard, you’d help him wash his hair in the shower, wrapping plastic bags around his casts and making jokes
*washing his back* “don’t make it gay Kaoru” “I DIDNT EVEN SAY ANYTHING”
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finaledenialist · 4 years
so in one of your asks you said you dont think cas was in love with dean since the beginning and idk its interesting to me because everyone seem to think he was from the start so what is your take on that? idk im just curious haha
ohhh I wanted to make a post about this so thanks for asking!
disclaimer: I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade I just have a different take on this whole thing!!! 
So. I see people are like: OMG he was in love ALL THIS TIME SINCE 4x01 and I am like: no. 
Was he lost since he laid his hand on Dean in hell? Yes. Was he instantly in love? Nah.
See, Cas in season 4 and 5 is starting to feel. He is conflicted, he is questioning, he doesn’t have ‘people skills’, he is confused by what he feels, he knows there is a ‘profound bond’ between him and Dean and he is rebelling for Dean, because Dean has a point and Cas feels Dean is right and apocalypse and destruction are wrong, and this human is so human and he never had that connection before. Add the sexual innuendos, the eye fucking and the tension between those two and this is what i call ‘classic destiel’. I do have a strong feeling this is partly Jensen’s and Misha’s fault though haha but I am also convinced that the jokes like ‘Cas, get out of my ass!’/’Blow me Cas’ are purely for ‘comedic purposes’ because haha gay so funny (keep in mind it’s still 2008/2009 and things were so different then BUT we still got Endverse which had not only sexual stuff implied but romantic as well - ‘all we have left, Dean and I, is each other, if Dean says it’s time to go in a blaze of glory, so be it’ (I am writing this from memory so these might not have been exact lines but you know what I am talking about).
And then in season 6 and 7 is where things start to get romantic. ‘I watched you rake leaves’, Dean’s blind faith that no, Cas can’t be working with Crowley behind their backs because come on it’s Cas and the whole 6x20 episode is *chief’s kiss* and then season 7 and Cas dies to make things right and Dean keeps his trenchcoat and moves it from every car they have been using that season to always have it with him because part of me always believed you’d come back. OK, but I was meant to be talking mostly about Cas’ point of view. Which takes me back to 7x23 and I’d rather have you, cursed or not. I think these words had a major impact on Cas. Something just clicked. Because he realized that he could say these exact same words to Dean and they still would be true. 
And then we got season 8 which was a major shift and it really moved stuff from ‘sexual tension’ to ‘romantic tension’ and it’s still called ‘season fanfiction’ because I wanted to keep them away from you in purgatory and Cas generally not feeling worthy of anything but I think this is when he started to realize that what he feels is not like ‘brotherly friendship’ but something much deeper but he had his issues (I don’t deserve to be saved from purgatory thing) so he kind of kept it buried. But this was when the Real Love really started. But did he admit it to himself? Well I am not in Cas’ head but something must have been on his mind - Naomi had access too his mind and she immediately recognized that there is a certain Feeling that is dangerous and Cas needs to be fucking lobotomized (I still have shivers thinking about it). Did Naomi knew it was love? Idk, but she felt something was going on - that is why she tried to mess things up between Dean and Cas (I only wish he felt the same way ouch my heart....) and Metatron also recognized it, quicker and better (maybe because he spent much more time on earth and was generally a little more powerful and knowing as the scribe of God) and he immediately used Cas’ grace to banish angels from heaven because Cas was feeling love for a human. But did he, himself recognized it as love? Did he admit it to himself? I still have a feeling that no. I still think that his ‘I don’t know’ after Dean’s ‘What broke the connection?’ was honest.
Now let me fast forward to season 12, because this post is getting too long already and while seasons 9-11 had some good episodes and even good destiel scenes I feel this was the time many people - rightly so - were starting to lose faith in canon destiel, starting with Dean not letting Cas stay in the bunker in season 9 and bros acting like they only call Cas when they need him. I repeat - there were still some good episodes, even great ones. And we were shown Cas worried about Dean and being there for him anytime Dean called, there was so much pining but once again let me raise The Question: did Cas know what he was feeling was love? Or was he still confused, not letting himself believe, not being able to name his own feelings and emotions? And this is merely my opinion but this is also time where many people started to be bitter and negative by how writers treated Cas (and other characters in general but I am not gonna dive into that dumpster now, especially the Cas-having-sex-with-a-reaper thing which was awful, but in retrospect is even more awful because if it was Chuck’s writing this seems like some kind of sick attempt to do a conversion therapy and I want to throw up; plus he thought? he was into his boss at gas’n’sip and he thought she was into him and what even was it if not a. bad writing; b. Cas being confused; c. Cas being confused about this bad writing).
So season 12. First of all 12x12, when Cas thought he is gonna die and the infamous line ‘I love you. I love all of you’ happened. I  am 100% sure this is when Cas realized. This must have prompted questions for him. Why did I say what I said? He blurted those words out but why like that? Aaaand after some thinking I think he realized why. He must’ve been like ‘oooops’. But then Jack was about to be born and he had to protect Kelly and then he died.
And then he is in the Empty who says - I know who you love, I know what you fear, there is nothing for you out there. She doesn’t know shit, she just has access to Cas’ mind and apparently those were his thoughts, already at that time, he thought there was nothing for him out there (again, his depression issues) BUT THEN CAS, MY SWEET CAS, THIS BAD ASS MOTHERFUCKER says fuck you Empty in one of his best monologues (before 15x18 I’d say it was his best but here we are) and she yeets him out, because HE decided HE is already saved and he doesn’t need a permission and you can preen and you can scream and yell and remind me of my failings but somehow, I'm awake. And I will stay awake and I will keep you awake until we both go insane. I will fight you. Fight you and fight you for... ever. For eternity. 
And then Jack dies and he takes the humiliating deal.  And now we’re at 15x18 and he says: ‘I have always wondered.... ever since I took that burden.... What my true happiness can even look like... Because the one thing I want is the one thing I can’t have’. SEE THESE WORDS HERE ARE WHY I CAN’T SLEEP AT NIGHT. BECAUSE THEY IMPLY at least to me THAT:
1. He was aware of his feelings, he knew what he felt was love at the time he took the deal. and after that he was like ‘I guess I am immortal now’ because the one thing I want is the one thing I can’t have so nothing else is going to make him truly happy; this also implies that there is only one thing he truly wants and the rest is just not that important, whatever else happens won’t make him happy which is heartbreaking;
2. He knew what he wanted, so this means that at some point he wondered, he imagined, he took his time to picture the ‘thing’ he wanted. Which is life with Dean. Because he is in love. LIKE HE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS, HE REALLY DID AND HE CONCLUDED THAT THIS IS OUT OF HIS REACH (now people argue if that is because he thinks it’s unrequited or because he thinks that something something hunter life-fighting all the time-no attachments lifestyle won’t allow them to have this sort of life - and frankly, knowing that he learned everything, or almost everything about emotions from Dean, who isn’t really good at them, I am not surprised if he is sure that this feeling is one-sided, because maybe he conquered his fears in the Empty the first time around but taking the deal must have made him anxious and Chuck still calls him self-hating so he probably thinks this is one-sided and he is unworthy of love anyway);
3. He tried to imagine different scenarios that would make him happy but eventually it all came down to That One True Scenario, out of his reach, that couldn’t compare with anything else, and he tells Jack - you know about that deal, it’s ok, I don’t see myself becoming happy anytime soon AND IT HURTSSS
so to conclude and tl;dr - I think Cas realized that what he was feeling was love after 12x12 although he felt it before but might have been confused by it. I do not think he was ~in love~ since 4x01. There was tension and there was pining but no. This feeling evolved, it didn’t *just* happen in the barn. 
also i am so sorry this took so long but i have thoughts and feelings and can’t form a coherent sentence since november 5th anyway thanks for asking nonny, ily!!!!
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firstknightss · 3 years
[commentary voice] ah yes and this gwaincelot essay.... which turned into a fic was inspired by @nextstopparis and @little-ligi
imagine gwaine seeing lancelot trip up reading leon’s plan for the day, seeing him trying to understand it. and gwaines, hes a little in love. Hes. Hes a little hit with feelings for this Noble (tm) knight. So OF COURSE he CANT EMOTION and he tries to show his affection for lancelot without yknow being in ‘loVE’
he comes over with his swishy hair and bantery tone like “oooOhHh LANCELOT! Lancey! Hey! Hello! Can’t read leon’s goddamn awful handwriting huh?”
And Lancelots embarrassed and flushes red and gwaine thinks hes Fucked Up (and he really doesn’t want to fuck this up, this is the first time he’s actually felt emotions this deep for someone) and tries to fix it panickedly, like the Anxiety Clown He Is.
He keeps on saying sorry and apologising, and Lancelot, the EVER CALM KNIGHT GUY, goes “it’s fine, it’s okay. It’s nothing to do with you...” and then he hesitates. He HESITATES. “....it’s just that...” and then he BITES HIS LIP and gwaine thinks he might just faint there and then, “...i cant read.”
and now it hits him, gwaine, gwaine, who thought literacy was something trash and something he didn’t really need, realises how important it is. and so, yknow because hes kind of wrapped in those Emotions (tm), he pulls lancelot’s sleeve after practice, when they’re alone in the changing room. (and if lancelot wasn’t so tired and miserable, he would have easily seen gwaine BLUSH)
And he, shyly asks if lancelot wouldnt mind being tutored by him.
Now Lancelot is OVERJOYED, and he’s borderline CRYING because lancelot, poor old village boy lancelot who’d been kicked out of the knights of camelot, and had to become a MERCENARY and fight for masters who didn’t care for him, has NEVER HAD someone literally CARE about him so much. (Apart from Merlin. He loves merlin <3)
so now imagine lancelot waking up an hour early the next morning, and showing up into gwaine’s room. He knows gwaine literally doesnt sleep with a lock, so he just barges in, and starts shaking gwaine.
Now GWAINE sleeps like a Log (had so much shit going on irl, time to sleep it away) and when he opens his bleary eyes, seeing lancelot in one of his stupid v neck shirts over him, hes like “....h...helo??”
and lancelot’s all like. “We- werent YOU gonna give me reading lessons.” And gwaine nods, yawning (and in that moment lancelot thinks gwaine looks unimaginably cute, so cute that he wants to literally ruffle gwaine’s hair and run his hands through how silky and brown it is.)
THEN gwaine pulls on the dont care-ish mask, and makes his arms into a pillow under his head, as he leans against the wall behind his bed, in some kind of somewhat???flirty??? manner??? [i dont...i dont know what hes trying to do. On the other hand! Not does Lancelot :) ]
Lancelot, does not realise this is gwaine’s poor attempt at flirting - since he’s seen gwaine ACTUALLY flirting and this is like. Nothing. And its also poorly executed. Which is NOTHING like gwaine.
So he pulls gwaine’s arm, and half hauls him out of bed.
As gwaine’s head crashes into lancelot’s stomach, he can smell lancelot’s clothes. They smell of flowers, and cotton and everything so natural and gwaine, who literally smells of wine, and wood and Tavern. (And aftershave, or the 500AD equivalent)
[see here, see im trying to bring themes of dionysis okay. OkayyyyyyyyY. yours truly likes looking at greek mythology. And both these two complete dionysis]
Gwaine, in his sleepy stupor, nestles his head on Lancelot’s hip, who gives a sigh and stands there. One hand clutching gwaine’s, leaving the other free.....
....to rake through his soft, flowy brown hair. And twirl his fingers through its waves, and Gwaine cuddles in further.
And since Lancelot left the door open, Leon (the other bitch who wakes up at 4am to do idk nothing) sees them two...like that, illuminated by the SUNLIGHT behind them, and smiles a little.
And then he trips over the stairs, the moment is lost.
Gwaine and Lancelot pull away at the same time, and gwaine’s face turns back to “ha ha im a Jerk (tm)” and if he wasnt too busy trying to hide how flustered he was, he’d see Lancelot looking at him the way he used to look at GWEN.
They both blink and look at each other, understandingly, neither of them to speak of this again.
And then Gwaine drags himself out of bed, and Lancelot raises his eyebrows as he watches him (totally not checking him out) haul out a book from his cupboard.
Gwaine’s too sleepy for this, he keeps yawning and rubbing his eyes (looking like a cat, Lancelot notes) and Lancelot takes a deep breath, his eyes understanding.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“Lancelot, I love..” he bites his tongue, cursing his half asleep mind “..doing this, and love hanging out with you...I just cant stay up this early.”
Reading lessons, from now on, are at 1:30am-whenever Gwaine and Lancelot stop rambling about Odysseus and Circe and Telemachus
[i dont know any other ancient books apart from like. Ancient greek/Roman ones. So i guess. Its not historically accurate,,,,BUUIT this is a fanfic for a pair who had like no scenes together SO i think i can take some ✨creative liberties✨]
Lancelot has heard of the journey of Aneas from travelling bards, singing songs in his native old english. Gwaine’s eyes are quick at latin, and he learnt the flaws of Romulus and Remus in his pure latin. Gwaine’s a good teacher, and lancelot is a quick study, and it’s not long before they’re arguing over which Goddess caused the most harm in the Illiad.
Gwaine’s never met someone who he could reveal that he loved reading to, he loved doing.
Lancelot’s never met someone who he could tell he couldn’t read, and ask if they could teach him, love learning.
They make it work.
The other knights notice, of course they notice. Percival notices how Lancelot stumbles into the Gwaine’s room at night, bright eyed. Elyan notices Lancelot and Gwaine’s voices from Gwaine’s room opposite him; sometimes slow, Gwaine speaking slowly and Lancelot following; sometimes heated and passionate.
(They’re arguing. They’re arguing about how to pronounce Minerva)
Merlin finds the two, in the early hours of the morning - when the birds are figuring what song they sing today - on Gwaine’s bed.
Gwaine leaned against the bedframe, his trousered legs splayed over the sheets. Loosely braided, long brown hair fell over his closed eyelids, his mouth in a small smile.
And Merlin follows his arm draped over Lancelot, snuggled beside him, his head on his broad shoulder, every breath of wind pushing against curly black hair, making it almost /bounce/. His eyes are covered by the other man’s hair, and he looks...content. More content than Merlin has ever seen him.
He slips out as quietly as he came in, and smirks, hes gotta tell arthur they finally got their shit together oh GOD
Its no surprise to anyone but them, when Arthur pulls Lancelot out of training, and into his chambers.
“I’m glad you’ve found someone Lancelot.” He starts, his face geniune, his voice giving away hints of relief. (He thought he was never going to see his knight smile again after all the ordeals that had happened to him)
“Oh...” Lancelot’s heart sinks, “...how did you find out, Sire?”
Arthur blinks, taking in the change of mood in Lancelot, maybe it wasn’t anything important, maybe they were trying to keep it casual, hell they didnt want the king knowing.
“I- uh, I just noticed...” Goddamnit Merlin, and Goddamn his need to tell him everything he saw. (Merlin had advised him not to do this, as they sat on his bed after a long night. This was really his fault.)
Lancelot pales, and he places his hands down on the table beside him, palms slapping stone as he did so.
“Well, I guess I should tell you the whole truth then,” his voice is quiet, and Arthur steps closer, “Sire I am not of Noble birth, and was born in a village - as you know.”
Arthur nods, his arms crossed, but his Kingly Bravado fell away at the sight of his knight, and one of his closest friends, being this vulnerable.
“Yes I know, but what does this ha-“
“And we children in the village we-“ he falters, “-we were never taught to read.”
“Yes, no I understand, I-“ he pauses, Lancelot’s words hitting him a bit too late, this was about literacy?
This, this whole conversation was about literacy?
Not being gay?
Merlin was going to have a field day
“I understand Lancelot, and is this why you feel a little out of place with the other knights?” He carries it on, with a smile, he has a few questions to ask merlin.
“Yes, and that’s why I asked Gwaine to tutor me from time to time, although, the sessions carry through late into the night, which may have been affecting my performance at practice. I’ll have you know that this is a temporary th-“
“It’s fine Lancelot,” Arthur places a hand on his shoulder, “You are still exceptional at practice,”
“Thank you Sire,” Lancelot twinkles.
“Theyre, theyre not together?” Merlin cant stop laughing, tears streaming down his face, “theyre not TOGETHER?? oh my God arthur what did you DO”
They sit together on Arthur’s bed, drinking wine from stemless cups together, with Arthur recounting the events of the day; red faced.
“I mean, it was your idea Merlin.”
“I just saw them, and I assumed...I didnt...I didnt think youd ASK them.”
“What do you think I’d do then?? Let them be on their merry way.”
“Do you like me?” Gwaine asks, unexpectedly, one night, the moon vibrant against the loud sea.
“You’re...tolerable...” Lancelot says, a smile tugging at his lips, as the silver moonlight falls against his hair, a halo around him.
The knights give them the look every morning, as the two of them stumbled out of the same room, more frequently than ever.
Sometimes Lancelot would throw on Gwaine’s shirt, when he’d crumpled his own beyond repair. Sometimes Gwaine would put some of Lancelot’s hair oil on, when his hair was frizzy.
They gave each other knowing looks when Gwaine and Lancelot started whispering and giggling like a bunch of schoolgirls.
And then Stupid gwaine had to go get fucking stabbed, and their delicate dance was like trying to waltz through a minefield.
Lancelot clutches onto Gwaine’s arm as Merlin feels his forehead with shaking hands.
“He’s burning up.”
“Infection...?” Lancelot sounds broken, and nods, fumbling with his pack to find some bandages.
It was just a simple quest; a save the day, get the girl, do various harmless shenanigans type of quest.
He’d half expected Gwaine to get the girl, and he cant help but give out a half choked laugh. Gwaine had no idea what hit him when she turned out to be the evil one all along.
He tries to forget that Gwaine showed no interest in her, he tries to forget that Gwaine’s been less frequent at the Tavern, he tries to forget that he hasn’t seen Gwaine with anyone since months now.
Gwaine, his beautiful Gwaine was lying on his lap, hot red blood rushing from his side, staining his polished chainmail with dark, sticky blood.
He’s been out for nearly an hour now, and Lancelot remembers carrying him, through the entire forest, forgetting his sword and his helmet and just grabbing Gwaine and getting the shit out of there.
Gwaine’s lack of self preservation was really rubbing off on Lancelot nowadays.
Merlin watches as Lancelot holds back tears, his own eyes stinging. Gwaine can’t die like this, he can’t die like this....
“hælan beorn adl”
Merlin’s eyes flashed gold, and Lancelot could feel warmth coming back into the fingers he was grabbing.
He was coming back.
And then the weight of everything hits him.
He was in Fucking Love.
“Hey.” Gwaine’s voice is rough from disuse, but Lancelot nearly sobs when he hears the voice.
“Don’t fucking do that to me again, amor meus.” He puts his head down on Gwaine’s chest; finding the hammering of his heart calming.
He shimmies onto Merlin’s bed, which Gwaine had been lying in for the past few days.
“Did you mean, ami meus?” Gwaine sounds tired, too tired to be awake.
“Huh? Did i say something else?” Lancelot decides to play dumb, a sparkle in his eyes,
“I thought I heard amor meus,” Gwaine pushes his nose into Lancelot’s hair, taking in the wonderful smell of coconut.
“Well then, at least your hearing’s okay, amor meus.”
Gwaine gulped, and was sure Lancelot could hear his loud swallow.
“Lancelot, I hope this isnt a big joke with me teachin you latin and all,” Gwaine’s voice is a little wobbly from the slee deprivation and the magic and the pain numbers, “because I’ll have you know that I really love you, and I cant go on like this any longer,”
“Its okay Gwaine, I learnt latin from the man I love, of course it’s not a joke.”
“The man you love? Who’s tha-“
Realisation hits him like a brick.
“Me?” His voice cracks, and Lancelot looks up, a smirk on his face.
“Of course dumbass.”
“Like I’m meant to know that,” Gwaine tries to keep his dont care-ish aura, but they both know he’s too exhausted to keep that up.
Gwaine kisses him on the nose, and he wraps himself around him.
And thats how Merlin finds them later that day, eyes blinking as he stood there.
“I’m glad you’ve found someone, Lancelot.” Arthur coughs.
“Is that what that whole talk was about???”
“Answer the question.” His words sound harsh, but he’s barely hiding a smile.
“I’m glad too, I’m Glad I found Gwaine too.” Lancelot blushes, turning to gwaine.
“Why are you asking anyway, Princess?”
“Oh just, making sure this time.”
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richietoaster · 4 years
We’re Just Stardust In The Night
part two of the series “I Think About You A Lot”
can be read as a standalone!! but here is the previous part
wordcount: 2,660
read here on AO3
if you dont mind reading unformatted, you can continue below
It was peaceful, the sleep that Richie was sound in. That is until a foot kicks at his face and knocks his glasses off his face; he almost loses his balance and falls out of the hammock he’s sharing with his boyfriend.
Richie scowls at Eddie and picks his glasses up from the floor. “One day I’m gonna really get you back.”
“Is that a promise?” 
Richie adjusts the frames back onto his face. “No, it’s a threat.” 
“Ominous.” Eddie pushes himself up on the hammock and leans over to steal the glasses from Richie’s face. 
“Maybe I was removing them for a reason, dumbass.”  There’s a glint in Eddie’s eyes as he angles his head and bends down to kiss Richie. And that.. That’s just something neither of them will ever get used to. How can anyone go this long without kissing the love of their life? Their fucking soulmate? God, Eddie would never tell Richie that- it’d go straight to his head. Eddie clutches the frames in his hand, and uses the other to slide it up Richie’s neck, his thumb resting underneath of his jaw. Eddie opens his mouth slowly, taking the lead, and feels the warmth of Richie’s tongue dip in, and he thinks this must be what paradise is.
The second that Richie turns his head to kiss Eddie deeper is when he hears the door to the clubhouse open, and there’s two of their friends jumping down. Richie tosses his boyfriend off of his lap out of reflex and immediately apologizes when Eddie starts groaning.
“Shit, sorry Eds-”
“What are you losers up to, huh?” Richie can hear Bev’s smirk.
“Oh, fuck off.”
“You know,” Stan starts, “You guys don’t have to hide the fact that you’re kissing- we all know that you fuck.”
“We do not,” Eddie corrects, and it makes Richie’s face drop slightly. It’s true- they haven’t slept together. They’ve only been dating for a whole three weeks. He guesses that some people are comfortable with doing it early in a relationship- and not that he wouldn’t have an issue fucking Eddie; it’s Eddie and sex. Richie knows that he’ll be head-empty-no-thoughts once they start getting sexual. It’s just he doesn’t know if Eddie would be up to it, based on his reaction just there. Hell, even his reactions previously. The other losers tease them for not having sex. They’re all surprised because: ‘Really? You guys haven’t slept together? Shit, Rich. Shocked you haven’t jumped his bones yet!’ And- that’s not really fair. Richie’s been wanting to fuck Eddie since his voice dropped. 
Richie reaches down to help lift Eddie to his feet. “Leave it, you guys. Eddie doesn’t like talking about our sex life. It’s because he’s shy.” He presses multiple quick kisses to Eddie’s hand.
“No,” Eddie flicks Richie’s nose, “It’s because we don’t have one.” The ‘yet’ lingers in the air.
“No,” Richie mocks, “It’s because you don’t wanna let everyone know that all those things I’ve said about my dick is true.” He pulls Eddie closer, playfully yet suggestively.
“You’re fuckin’ disgusting.” 
Bev laughs at them, “Has anything even changed for you guys? You still bicker like an old married couple.”
Richie and Eddie look at each other and shrug, saying simultaneously, “We kiss.” Richie adds on, “and a lot.” He thinks it’s nice being in a relationship with his best friend. Because nothing really had to change at all, just like Bev said. And it shouldn’t have to, honestly. They just added to it- kissing. 
“Okay, yeah, spare me the details,” Stan pretends to gag. 
“You're just jealous that you don’t have your own Spaghetti.”
“No, I’m good, actually, thanks.”
“And what is wrong with my Spaghetti, huh?” 
Stan leans over the bean bag he’s sitting on to grab a stray pillow on the floor and chucks it at Richie. 
“Hey!” Richie squawks. “You know what? I’m taking a nap. Wake me up when Eddie’s mom realizes she wants to hit it and quit it with me.” He turns over in the hammock, rustling Eddie.
“I thought you would quit those,” Eddie says, but there’s no serious tone to his voice. He knows that’s just Richie’s humor.
“Fine. I’ll change it up a bit: Wake me up when your dad wants to hit it and-”
“-My dad’s fucking dead, you asshole.” Eddie barks out a laugh. 
“Can we stay down here and get drunk tonight?”
“No, I have to be in a good present state tomorrow for school. Handing in the last few slips of shit for graduation.”
“Hm. Seems a good enough reason to get drunk.” Richie huffs. He and Eddie have talked about this multiple times, he knows. It’s just he can’t shake the thought away. Sometimes it just sticks too long in his mind and he needs reassurance, which Eddie is more than happy to give.
Eddie slots himself against Richie like he was before their friends made an appearance. 
“Hey,” he whispers, “are you good? I know what you’re thinking.”
“You do? That’s kinda hot.” 
Eddie taps at Richie’s chest. “It’s okay to be worried, you know. It’s healthy to be worried. I just want to make sure that your head is in a good place, though.”
“M’fine. Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours,” Richie rakes back Eddie’s hair, stopping at the base of his neck to pull him up in an open mouthed kiss. Eddie grasps Richie’s chin to get a better angle and tilts his head. 
“If y’all are gonna fuck can I please record it?” Bev asks, not looking up from her phone.
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Stop interrupting us.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t be making out in a public place.”
“This is literally our private clubhouse, Stan.” Eddie says.
“Seven people use it and come and go as we please.” 
“Maybe that’s exactly what I’m trying to do but you’re here.” Richie says. Nobody can tell if he’s joking or not.
“If I ever fucking find out y’all end up banging in that hammock, so help me God.”
“I thought jewish people don’t have a God.”
Richie braces himself and Eddie, who’s still laying on top of him, from another incoming pillow that Stan throws. 
“You’re so stupid.” 
A few days later, Eddie’s in Richie’s room, laying on the bed that’s shoved in the corner, unmade. His head hangs off the edge as he impatiently waits for Richie to come back into the room. They got their graduation caps and gowns and Eddie insisted on having Richie try it on for him. 
“If you don’t hurry up we’ll miss graduation at this rate. Come on, Rich.” 
There’s ruffling from the bathroom and Richie pokes his head out. “I feel weird.”
“Why do you feel weird?”
“Because graduation. It’s like a bittersweet taste in my mouth.” Richie steps out and trudges back to where Eddie is. “Feel like I gotta brush my teeth every time I talk about it.”
Eddie flips his body and sits upright, reaching out to clutch the gown between his fingers, pulling Richie closer to him. “You look cute.”
“No, you.”
“You can’t use the Uno reverse card in verbal conversations.”
“Says who?” Richie challenges.
“Me,” Eddie smooths out the deep red robe. He plays with the Honor cords around Richie’s neck. “You’re gonna nail your speech, you know.”
Richie slumps, “I’m scared shitless.”
“Why don’t you practice it and read it to me?”
“No can do, Spaghettio.” Richie shakes his head. “It’s a surprise.”
“Am I in it?”
Richie shrugs, smirking, and unzips the robe, hanging it back up in his closet. “You’ll have to wait and see.”
“That’s not fair.” Eddie pouts and flings himself backwards to lay on the bed, toying with the sheets. 
Richie jumps up next to Eddie and cozies into his side, draping an arm around his torso. “It’s totally fair, you’re just impatient.” 
“Maybe so,” Eddie hums. He looks down at Richie, who’s already looking up at him. They meet in the middle to kiss slowly. “Hmm.”
“What?” Richie asks, lips dragging over Eddie’s as he speaks. “You good?”
“Very,” Eddie responds and pushes the hair out of Richie’s face. 
And it’s moments like this where Richie wants to tell Eddie that he loves him. He supposes that Eddie might have a strong inkling about it, or maybe already knows, but Richie’s never actually said it outloud. Yet, he says a lot of things that sound a lot like i love you, like, when Richie drives away from Eddie’s house after dropping him off, ‘i’ll text you when i’m home,’ or when Eddie does something funny and Richie says, ‘you’re so stupid,’ with a huge ass grin. It’s in the little things, as cheesy as it sounds. 
“Tell me.” Richie says after a minute.
Richie watches Eddie, sees how his eyes are closed and smiles. “Would you be mad if I just stole you away for the whole summer? Just you and me? Like as much as I love our friends.. I kinda rather just be with you.”
Eddie peaks an eye open, “I wouldn’t be opposed to it with that logic,” and looks down at his lips, nudging Richie with his nose. Richie gets the hint and begins to push himself up from the mattress. Before they can kiss again, the door is opening and Maggie Tozier’s voice fills the air.
“Hey, Eddie you should call your mom and- oh.”
“Shit,” Richie curses and pushes himself away from Eddie, but there’s not much room for him to work with seeing as they’re on his bed.
That’s another thing- only their friends know, well, until now. Maggie totally knows.
“Could you..” Richie chokes on his words, “knock next time? Please?”
Maggie gives him a look that definitely says ‘we have to talk about this later’, but she nods, “Yeah, I- sorry.. I was just gonna say that Eddie should call his mom if he wants to stay for dinner..” She pauses and looks between the two. Maggie doesn’t know who’s more red: them or her. “I’ll just..” She points behind her and slowly backs out of Richie’s room, closing the door.
“Holy fuck.” Eddie turns to Richie. “Is she gonna tell my mom? Because I-”
“-No, Eds. She’s cool.. She won’t tell your mom.”
“Jesus- and- what is she gonna say to you? Is she gonna yell?”
“Eddie.. She knows I’m gay. She just.. didn’t know that I’m with you.” Richie shrugs, “I don’t think she’s gonna care, but she, uh, might not let us keep the door closed anymore..” He trails off.
“Why would she not-” Richie sees the moment Eddie gets it. “But we’re not.. We’re not having sex.” 
“She doesn’t know that. She just walked in on us with me practically on top of you, looking like we were kissing. Which was actually accurate, so.” 
“Can’t you tell her that we aren’t?”
Richie laughs, “You think she’s gonna believe that her son and boyfriend aren’t fucking? I mean.. It’s gonna happen eventually, so I mean-” He stops himself. “I-I mean it doesn’t have to, of course..” 
Eddie relaxes and reaches for Richie’s hand. “Yes, it will. I just don’t want either of us to feel pressured just because others think we should or already think that we are. I want it to be natural. That’s for us to know- nobody else.”
“Like a secret?”
Eddie barks out a laugh, “Sure. But I’m sure our friends will catch wind of it eventually.”
“So,” Richie changes the subject, “Are you staying for dinner? Maybe even the night?”
“I’ll stay for dinner, but not the night. I don’t want your mother to have a heart attack. Plus I don’t think I’d be able to handle it if she made me sleep on the couch or something. I’ve been sleeping next to you years even before this, don’t think I could without you anymore.”
“Alright then,” Richie decides, “Then I’ll sneak over to your house tonight.”
“My mom would not let you in.”
“You have a window,” Richie tells him. “That I’ve used plenty of times.”
“Okay smartass.” Eddie rolls his eyes, grinning.
Richie kisses his temple and noses along his face. “Once we’re in California we could get our own apartment and then I won’t have to worry about sneaking over.”
“You’d want that?”
“Eds, I’ve wanted everything with you for a long time now.”
Eddie turns his head and slots his lips against Richie’s, kissing him hard, knocking them both over. “You’re amazing.”
Richie thinks that kind of sounds like ‘i love you.’ 
“Mom, I want to talk to you, um, about what you saw earlier..” 
It’s been two hours since Eddie left, and Maggie’s getting ready for bed. She looks at him with an amused expression. “I’m not mad, Rich. I’m not upset or angry either. I’m proud of you.”
Richie’s a little taken back by her statement, because that’s a lot to take in. “You’re.. You’re proud of me? For what? You walked in on me and Eddie seconds away from kissing and you’re proud?” 
Maggie shakes her head, “No, Richie. I’m proud of you for finding someone who makes you happy. And you deserve that, honey. I know that living here hasn’t always been the most accepting, even in this day-and-age.” Richie looks like he’s going to cry. “Don’t get soft on me, now.”
“I’m not.” Richie wipes a tear away and embraces his mom. She strokes his hair.
“How long have you been together?” Maggie asks him.
“Only three weeks.”
“You’ve liked him for a long time.” Richie gives her a look and she nudges him back, “Okay I know you are not dumb, Richie. I notice things. I’m your mother. Of course I know that the way you’ve always looked at him was different from the way you look at the rest of your friends.”
“Since the eighth grade,” Richie admits. Maggie hums. “So, are you gonna like.. make us keep the door open now?”
“We’ll see. But if I knock and there’s no answer within seven seconds, I’m opening that door.”
“Don’t even worry about it- we’re not..”
Maggie looks surprised, “You guys aren’t boning?”
“What? I just finished what you were gonna say! Don’t be a pussy, I raised you better than that.” Maggie bumps Richie’s shoulder with hers, giggling. “But that’s surprising, actually.”
“I am not talking about my sex l- nonexistent sex life with you right now. Nope, not happening. This is a conversation for another night. Another year.” 
Maggie laughs, “Alright, alright, understood.”
Richie pauses though, suddenly nervous to speak. “I love him, ma.”
“I know.”
Richie stumbles into Eddie’s window around midnight. He thinks Eddie is still asleep and climbs in the bed, carefully, snuggling up next to him. Richie presses soft kisses to the back of Eddie’s neck. He sighs contently and smiles against Eddie’s skin. Most people would probably think they’re moving too fast, despite them not actually moving fast at all. They’re in that weird position where they’ve just liked each other for so long, that the amount of time they’ve been official, doesn’t matter. Everything just feels so right.
Which is why Richie runs a hand through Eddie’s hair and mutters against his neck, “I love you, Eddie,” because he felt like it was the perfect time to say it. He freezes though, when Eddie stirs, turning to look at him. Richie starts to internally panic, but then:
“I love you too, Rich.”
Richie’s eyes are wide, his emotions are a mix of shock and happiness. Eddie smiles and reaches up to caress his cheek. 
“I love you, too.” Eddie repeats. He wipes away a tear that rolls down Richie’s face and then suddenly a mouth is covering his own.
Honestly, fuck what others think. It’s their relationship, their pace, and they can do whatever they want.
And if that includes kissing Eddie forever, Richie definitely wouldn’t mind. 
@beproudtozier @eds-trashmouth @eddiefuckinkaspbrak @s-s-georgie @tinyarmedtrex @are-you-reddie-for-it @richietoizer @richietczier @tk-strand @gczebos @your-mother-and-i-are-separating @derrylosers @thepurplepanther @montconde @devjoan @emecat123 @weirdthoughtsandideas @caleigh-rayne @kaspzier @tastytozier @melkene @whysthatsofuckingfunnydickwad @its-stranger-than-you-think @legally-devorak @s-onora @becauseweredeltairlines @lifesucksheres20bucks @soooobr @itmovieunofficial @tomhollandslefteyebrow @sloppybitchreddie @iwantmybloodonyourhands @pinkmedusa6 @fandomluvgirl @kelthehuman @panikki @ahhhhgh @eddiessecondfannypack @rainbowrabblerouser @stellar-alley @thoughtfullyyoungduck @k4spbrak @bi-bi-richie @bastardchildsbestfriend @sloppybitchreddie
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youngbloodbuzz · 3 years
“So, there’s no one special then?” Dani said, a finger picking at a hangnail. “In your life?”
Eyes dark under seedy bar lights, pressed against a faceless woman in a secluded corner. Lips dragging across a pale throat, a hand inching up a thigh towards less than appropriate places, the other burying and pulling at long blonde hair. 
Hm. Another faceless figure. WONDER WHO THAT COULD BE DANI.
For one dizzying moment, Dani imagined lifting that hand and slipping it beneath the green woolen blanket, sliding it under her dress to place against the soft skin of her inner thighs, just to see her forearm work and feel the press of her calloused hands against heated, soft skin. Pressing her hand higher still, dragging it until it was where Dani never would have imagined needing it most, just to see what Jamie would do. 
Our figures have faces! What do ya know 🤠
She pressed her eyes shut, welcoming the sting, letting it shunt her back to earth to convince herself it was just the alcohol and the dark. That’s all it was. This wasn’t her. It couldn’t be. She was engaged. She was going to marry Eddie, her oldest friend who had never been anything but loving and kind, even through his faults and imperfections.
💔💔💔 once again just want to hug her
“No,” Jamie murmured, a small curl to her mouth, “He’s a good kid. Quiet and smart. Don’t know where he gets it from really.”
“I do,” Dani said, staring directly at Jamie’s profile. The crinkle of her eyes, the slant of her charmed smile. 
I’m sobbing 😭
Jamie who waited with a look of quiet affection until she stumbled through the front door before driving away.
Jamie is so dreamy 😭
She unlocked her car and peeled off Jamie’s jacket, smothering the urge to press the collar against her nose with a hard bite to her lip and folded it neatly before resting it on the passenger seat for the next time she saw Jamie.
A yearny, piney pine tree.
But when she turned around, her eyes landed on the piles of boxes in the corner and subsequently, the old dirty paperback that she had carelessly tossed aside a week ago. 
Oh lawd.
She tried to forget. For the rest of the week, she tried. But it still lingered there in the back of her mind as she went about her days… Jamie. Always Jamie. And that stupid book. 
Me but that stupid book is this (brilliant) fic.
Jamie on her knees, looking up at her with a smirk and that dangerous glint in her darkened eyes, pliant and eager as Dani, raking a hand through her curls and gripping tight. Jamie moaning as Dani arched her head back by the hair, exposing the long lines of her neck. Jamie’s hands dragging up her legs, her thumbs skimming the soft skin of her inner thighs as Dani pulled her closer and closer to wet heat. 
I may need to borrow Dani’s inhaler at this stage.
Just a futile desire to be rid of the feeling, the scattered remains of her sinking down the drain
🤧🤧🤧 I just want her to be happy.
Dani had been here before. A familiar haunting that came and went through the years. A ghost that shadowed her dreams, unbidden and anticipated in equal measure.
Her eyes skimmed over shoulders and a lean back that was shrouded in shadow, and for the first time in years knew exactly who she desired this person to be. 
Yes Dani 🥺❤️
She pulled the hair hard enough to hurt. “Look at me,” she breathed, insistent and urgent as the coil grew tighter. “Jamie, look at me. ”
She chased after the memory of the dream, swiftly fading, conjuring up the stroke of a tongue and the curl of fingers
I am not okay !
It was a terrifyingly bad decision, grinding down against Eddie while thinking of someone else. Tremendously wrong to buck her hips, panting into the hollow of his throat, while thinking of Jamie. But her thighs were slick and trembling, and there was a thrill spooling tight as a spring at the base of her spine, and she was close — she was so close —
Man there’s no coming back from this… no pun intended 😭
“Well," said Dani, and she held out a hand to indicate Jamie's height. "If the shoe fits -"
"Finish that sentence. I dare you." Jamie tried to point a threatening finger at her, but the rubber gloves didn't have individual articulated fingers so it just looked like she was waving her hand through the air.
I love their banter so much.
"The bleachers?" Dani said, crinkling her nose. "Really?"
Someone sounds a lil jealous.
Dani started. She felt flushed and flustered. "Oh, uh -" she stammered.
Gay panic™️
When she tried to hand the half-finished bottle back to her, Dani held up her hands. “Oh, no. It’s all yours.” 
This is Dani’s version of Jamie stubbing out the cigarette after it touches Jamie’s lips….
“Well,” Jamie eyed the length of Dani’s skirt or rather lack thereof, “Can’t complain.”
Jamie ma’am you are going to make Dani COMBUST on the spot if you carry on.
“To the third floor art room?” Dani blurted out incredulously.
Dani I cannot deal with you right now 🤣🤣🤣
"No," Dani said softly. "You were a wonderful kid. I was just - I was only teasing."
“Good night?” Jamie asked, grinning and pointing at his neck with the now empty water bottle.
I perish. 🥲 Dani is mortified. I’m mortified.
She ignored the way Jamie was watching them. She didn’t want to look at her, didn’t want to see the expression on Jamie’s face, didn’t want to know what she was thinking. 
Such a good chapter!!! Think I’ll wait a bit to re-read chapter 9 so it’s (potentially) a lil closer to whenever the update is! I’m so excited! 🤠
(part 4 of re-read)
all of this plus dani after this whole chapter of horny yearning
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gsahsgjd gOD these are fun thank you again! i'm dying and we're all dying for dani
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Hi! I'm not writer anon I'm just someone who likes writing fics and was inspired by the head cannon a previous anon sent in. I hope this is okay, I dont have bucket loads of experience writing fics 😅
'Freddie , fuck him' brian almost cries after he walks in the room with roger and sees the state of Freddie's hotel room. There is rubbish everywhere, the room smells like it hasn't been vacated in days and clothes are strewn all across the room. It looks like a nuclear bomb hit the place. Freddie lifts his head and acknowledges brians words before dropping his head back down onto his pillow and groaning. Brian and Roger exchanged worried glances , they have never seen Freddie so heartbroken. David was his first boyfriend and first love that was fulfilling in every aspect since he had came out and could finally be in a relationship with a man, the boys knew that this was gonna be a hard time for him and they can't work out how to cheer him up. Countless hours have been spent trying to convince freddie to get out of bed and come to dinner with them , go to a movie or even a bar but he didn't relent. Freddie couldn't bring himself to move from this hotel room.
The band were in the middle of a tour and all energies that they spent , were spent on the shows and interviews ,then freddie would go straight back to his room to continue the torturous cycle. Having spent the last half an hour trying to convince freddie to emerge from his pit they gave up walked over to him and gave him a hug. making sure he has what he needs and exiting the room. With the plan to come back and try again in hindsight.
Roger and brian are walking down the street with there entourage when they spot the barbers and Brian is suddenly reminded of his own hairs monstrous state and urges roger to come in with him to get a trim. 'I'll come in with you brian but I'm not getting anything done , my hair has been untouched since my hair turned that sickening green' roger says firmly laying down the law. Brian chuckles and is hit playfully on the shoulder by Roger who also hides a grin. The boys walk into the hairdressers and is greeted by a friendly Irish man who seems unfazed by there appearance in the Savoy , they had already braced themselves for the idea that there may be fans in here who would undoubtedly hold them up from addressing Brian's hair emergency but none the less the man who had a strong Irish accent , dark hair and a thick moustache smiled at them warmly and asked them what they would like done today.
Once brian was in the seat he begun explaining what he would like done to his hair to the man brian had just discovered was named jim.
Brian's hair was a disaster every morning due to the unruly curls but his hair for the past couple of weeks would not work with him. It seemed to grow so long and out of control he could not even rake a brush through it. ' not to worry, we will cut this up to your liking and you should be done in no time' smiles jim and quickly gets to work.
roger is sat across the room observing this scene when a idea springs to mind, roger was as straight as a ruler but he seemed to have a keen sense on knowing who was gay and who wasn't and roger strongly thought that jim was gay and that's when it hit him. Jim did not know who queen was , he looks like burt Reynolds , is very muscly and according to the picture of a black cat on the counter he likes cats to.
They are a perfect match. Roger planned to tell his brilliant plan to brian once his mane was under control. Brian emerges from the seat looking back to his normal curly headed self with a satisfied smile on his face , once Brian hears of this plan his face lights up and rushes over to jim to book an appointment for this afternoon for his friend 'fred'.
jim jumps up from his seat and skips across the room to the source of the shouting and see's a hysterical scene. Brian and roger are back ,wrestling who he assumed was 'fred' towards the door of the Savoy. He hastily runs forwards to hold the door open as brian and roger manage to get freddie through the doors who is still struggling and wishes he was still in his room binge watching movies and eating ice cream.
'GET THE FUCK OF ME' freddie shouts and for a moment jim wonders whether the glass windows where going to shatter, brian and Roger release him with a triumphant smile. Well , atleast he was out of his hotel room they thought. Brian immediately spots the shocked, confused look on Jim's face and hastily says ' oh dont worry he just has tonsurephobia' jim immediately nods sympathetically having encountered customers who have had this fear before.
' what are you talking about , I told you I didn't want to have my hair cu-' freddie exclaims to Brian and roger still seething with frustration before jim sticks his hand out towards freddie for a handshake.
' hello I'm jim, im assuming your fred?' Freddie stops mid sentence and just notices the man who is standing in front of him and freezes. The same thought is going through jim and freddies mind simultaneously ' wow, hes cute'. Freddie immediately regrets his first impression and internally winces before shaking Jim's hand and moving to give him a quick polite kiss on the cheek. Brian and roger squeal from the corner where they are observing the scene unfolding in front of them 'we are fucking geniuses' they whisper scream to each other and freddie shoots a smirk to them, now he knows why he is here. Not that he is complaining..
'Yes its freddie, nice to meet you' he looks into Jim's eyes as he says it and jim melts immediately at his strong British accent and he notices the hint of shyness in his voice.
Maybe.. I can love again freddie thinks to himself . Internally scrapping the thoughts he had of never getting out there and meeting anyone else ever again that he had only just an hour ago....
'Alright , your all done then' jim pats Freddie's shoulder as he observes his hair in the mirror ' thank you darling , I love it' freddie says raking a hand through his now noticeably shorter hair. Jim flushes at the pet name and a thought crosses his mind , he wants to see freddie again. As freddie shrugs his jacket on jim quickly pulls out a sheet of paper from his notepad and hastily scribbles his number down folding it up and looking Back over at freddie who is again observing his hair in the mirror.
'So , here's my number feel free to call. It's been nice meeting you freddie' jim says nervously and freddie takes the note unable to hide a smile forming on his face. He would definitely be calling.
' oh and you can talk to me about your tonsurephobia any time, I've had customers with this before also' jim smiles at Freddie reassuringly , freddie is immediately confused ' my wha-' and then he smiles and surpresses a laugh , of course brian and roger would come up with that.
Awwww hahaha this is so cute! And you're a very good writer!
And lmao, Freddie letting go of his resistance when he sees Jim for the first time... of course, it's love and lust at first site😜😂
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starkerdayss · 5 years
I’ve seen it, and I have things to say...
Okay, so, let’s start with the light-hearted stuff first: 
Bruce Banner finally accepting the Hulk as a whole ??? yes
America’s Ass
Steve winning the battle with his other self by naming Bucky ?? marvel cant resist the gay tm even if they tried 
Carol Danvers and her lesbian haircut can fuck me up with a rake 
There was a brief moment where I shipped Natasha and Carol, but that just fell off a cliff ;)
Peter Parker emerging from that portal looking FiNNER than ever. my poor starker heart
i like the way Steve said “avengers... assemble” meaning everyone on their side was an avenger, even the smallest of them all. they just... thats the perfect fucking ending. theyre all avengers. 
loki just randomly grabbing his cube and disappearing 
is gamora like... alive? why is gamora 
tony stark being the motherfucking hero agAIN literally just proves that without him marvel is and will be nothing. he invented time traveling... it doesnt get better than that, folks 
every single character together on the same planet fighting the same evil 
my relieved ass when thanos got dusted 
“this is the one?” “the options were him or a tree”
Tony fucking Stark lived happy for five years with his daughter okay
Now, onto the sadded stuff: 
Thor, as far as I know, was written that way for this movie to add some commedy, but it just literally broke my heart to see him like that after losing everything. 
Continuing with Thor, the encounter with his mother. She’s just really wise, and understanding and I’m so glad Thor got the closure he needed on that department. 
I’m going to express how insanely mad I am about Steve’s ending. First of all, I feel like the happy ending that Tony deserved they gave to Steve. I’m not saying he shouldn’t have ended happy as well, but common. I understand that he wanted to live a life with Peggy, but even if it was six seconds for the others, he left Bucky alone. He doesn’t have Steve, Tony, Natasha. Anyone, and he didn’t even get the shield? catch me on CNN news hitting marvel writers with a frying pan. 
What the fuck was Natasha’s ending? It felt flat and it was really... quick. I just... don’t like it. 
Tony dying. I cried so hard that my little sobbing stopped me from watching the whole scene. Peter finally got his hug, and then he was calling for him saying “mr. stark... we won! mr. stark, do you hear me? we won... tony?” just... breaks my heart. Pepper calming him down, telling him that he could rest in peace... it just, also breaks my heart. Peter has no mentor, Pepper has no husband and Morgan has no father. I love you 3000. im crying as i write this, obviously. he deserved so much better. “proof that tony stark has a heart”. fucking hell, my heart is so sad. the fucking funeral is just,,, the worst thing that has ever happened to me
i love that peter reconnected with his friends and all but you could see the sadness in his eyes. specially in the funeral, when aunt may was holding him. 
happy is just such a good person, and i know he’s going to miss his boss. hes going to take care of that little girl like it was his own daughter
we didnt get enough groot/rocket and im pissed. 
we also didn’t get bucky/steve recognition aT ALL and if anyone wants to talk about this pls come to my dm’s 
i truly dont know how im going to get passed this 
my starker heart was going to explode “i lost the kid” and the hug and “tony...” and fucking hell 
peter sorrounded for women. which isnt sad but i remembered now 
doctor strange telling tony that it was the only way literally just fucks up everything 
i didnt see doctor strange in the funeral ?? i might have been crying too hard to notice tho,, but if any of u did can u let me know. where my boy at 
tony got closure with his dad as well and that simultaneously breaks my heart and leaves me a little calmer 
loki had no respectful ending whatsoever and im mad 
im happy for clint and scott but they did my man stark wrong 
was that rando at tony’s funeral harley? i thought i was going to see much more tbh 
they better not leave sam and black panther in nothing just cuz theyre black cuz everybody a racist nowadays. im watching marvel.
I have a bunch of theories, which im not telling right now cuz i have to get them together. 
you can all bET your fucking asses that im rewriting the end and im making it both starker and stucky 
beyond being a heartless movie, it has been the best one yet. the time traveling thing was a little confusing but the effects, the whole steve meeting steve was super well done and it kept me on the edge of my sit the three fucking hours. this has definitely been the best movie marvel has ever done. 
tony will forever remain in my heart, and my page is not going to acknowledge his death. 
tony stark was one of the few happy things i had left from my childhood and now its gone. my heart aches tremendously. I will never comprehend whats the reasoning behind it because tony is the whole foundation of marvel, and without him, theyre nothing. i cant believe hes dead. i cant believe it and i just... that should not have been his ending. i love him, i loved him and i will always love him. Rest In Peace, my love. 
“And I’m... Iron Man”
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frightcore · 5 years
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Okay, so like, TS’s new song is bad. Like, really bad. Politically.
Like, let’s assume a totally innocent Taylor. All she wanted was to make a fun Pride song. Which isn’t what I believe but we’ll continue for this bit with that assumption.
The 4th and 5th lines, “You say it in the street, that’s a knock out / But you say it in a tweet, that’s a cop out” Within the context of the rest of the song being an “fuck you!!” to the homophobes, this line is saying that being homophobic IRL is something that she can respect. Which... isn’t good, especially when IRL homophobic hate can and has led to hate crimes and murders...so uh
Also the line about “shade never making anyone less gay”.... which reduces homophobia to just... well shade. Homophobia isn’t just insults and being rude in tweets or whatever, it’s violent. It’s abuse. She shouldn’t be making light of it, especially as a straight woman. 
She says “sticks and stones never broke my bones” as if homophobia hurts her as a straight woman. yeah, they never broke your bones, because you’re straight. This is in especially poor taste considering that LGBT people have been literally stoned to death, and currently still are. Holy shit
“I aint tryna mess with your self expression” MA’AM BEING A BIGOT AINT SELF EXPRESSION, DO NOT IMPLY THAT IT IS
The other lines aren’t as bad, but they don’t feel...legitimate. like the GLAAD reference would be completely missed without a lyric sheet, and the “his gown” thing is a nice nod to GNC gay men, but this song only has the gay line and that line that nods to any specific identity, and its feminine cis gay men, which is great but its so minimal and just...ugh (plus feminine gay men get fedishized by straight women into being seen as the “gay best friend” and whatnot while completely ignoring or being disgusted by all other LGBT identities)
But lets get back to the totally innocent Taylor, and why I don’t believe this is entirely in good faith. I believe that this song was a generic “fuck the haters!!!1!!1!1!1″ song, until she and/or her producers realized that if they throw in a few references to Pride, and release it during June, they can rake in some brownie points. I mean, there’s a verse with the line “And we see you over there on the Internet / Comparing all the girls who are killing it” which...doesn’t relate to homo/transphobia. yeah it’s misogyny, but unrelated to the rest of the song. Taylor’s a famous woman: she’s frequently compared to other famous artists, but it sticks out in a Pride anthem, but not in a generic “women’s rights!” song. 
Until the “Shade never made anyone less gay” line, there’s no mention of Pride within the song, besides the GLAAD reference and its kinda implied with Parade but like. one again. Easily missed. (PLUS there’s the tone deafness bc Pride... isn’t a parade. Yeah there are parades within Pride as a whole, but this line just... feels like Taylor views Pride as a party, as a spectacle). That line could just be a replacement for another generic line abt being a strong woman or whatever, and then the LAST MENTION OF ANYTHING RELATED TO BEING LGBT AND PRIDE is just a “dont step on his gown” which like. that’s a replaced pronoun. that’s it. 
Also, as a note, the worst line in the song, that implies that being homophobic IRL is fuckin brave, gets a lot less bad when it becomes about “fuck the haters”. It goes from “I’m praising homophobes for being “brave” enough to be homophobic irl” to “well I gotta respect that you hold your opinion when you’re in my face”. It goes from global to personal.
This song, as it is, would be so EASY to just change into whatever “power” anthem is making money at the time. It’s so completely generic, so completely devoid of substance, devoid of legitimate meaning. But Taylor’s gonna get praised to high heavens for doing the bare minimum. LGBT people need to get better standards and stop praising the literal scraps thrown to us.
(PS. if you defend this as “ WELL WE DONT KNOW IF TAYLOR’S STRAIGHT”, fuck you. First of all, being straight as fuck has been her brand for years, get out of her. Evidence of her being gay, any of it that I’ve seen is a stretch. Also, FUCK you for speculating on a real person’s sexuality! I dislike Taylor as much as the next guy, but h o l y s h i t has is not already been established that speculating on a person’s sexuality is BAD? it’s an invasion of privacy, and can make actual closeted people feel incredibly unsafe and uncomfortable. be a decent human being and shut up)
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alexiela73 · 7 years
I was the person who made the trans reader request, thank you so much!! That was perfect!!! Like, thank you!!!!! Could I ask you to do something similar with genji or Lucio? Again, thank you so much it was perfect!!!
Thank you, i was really afraid writing that one that i would have screwed it up and upset you or someone else. I tried to do a little research on it but i always get afraid of misrepresenting…so its great that you liked it!
Letting out little hiccups, you stared up at the board in front of you that displayed all the flights and the times. Right now you were at the Numbani airport, ready to go home to Wyoming. The ticket purchase had been sudden and your flight was set to board in about fifteen minutes.
Raking a hand across your face, you felt a constriction in your chest. You couldn’t help wondering if he had read the note already, your boyfriend. Well…ex, you supposed. What was his reaction? Would Lucio celebrate your disappearance? Would he even notice you were gone?
The last month or so of your relationship had been a bit rocky. Honestly, you knew a lot of it was your fault. Struggling to distance yourself from him was hard, especially when Lucio mattered so deeply to you. But you hoped it would be easier to leave him then to be left behind once more.
The relationship had been great at first. As a trans man, at first you had felt like you’d never find love. It just felt like so many people were judging you, trying to say who you were suppose to be and what you were suppose to do with your life. So when the incredible DJ Lucio had asked you out when you’d went to his concert months ago, you couldn’t stop yourself from saying yes.
Of course, a lot of people knew who you were now. Your life story was practically splashed across the papers-but then again, that’s what happens when you date musicians, especially as well known as your lover. It was also the first moment Lucio had come out as gay, on your first day.
Of course, you received fan letters at your home all the time, but sometimes the mail was addressed to you and it was..not nice. Honestly, some of the last few letters you’d read from fans hit home with some of your biggest worries. It had started to put this little seed of paranoia in your mind that had grown into a tree of fears.
Every moment he was out, every time he smiled at someone else, you couldn’t stop wondering if he would be happier with them. Was it true? Did Lucio think you weren’t masculine enough? If the fans didn’t, then he probably didn’t either, right?
You’d worked hard for your surgery, and every day you tried to be the best man you could be…but was it enough for your lover? Being a woman had drained the life from you, literally. It hadn’t felt right, like you were wearing the wrong skin.
But now, when you no longer could be considered female, were you really a man? Some had sent you letters saying you were disgusting, that you were strangely feminine for a male. That Lucio needed a real man in his life.
So finally, the damn had burst. Last night you’d re-read a newspaper saying that Lucio would be better of with another musician, a much more masculine guy with much finer tastes. It had hurt, and honestly, you just couldn’t take it anymore. How long could you wait for the painful demise of your relationship, knowing that you’d never be enough for him?
This morning you’d left a note on the counter and came straight to the airport. It was time to go home, you’d thought with a broken heart. It would only take a day or two for Lucio to find someone better.
There was a loud ding, before a voice over the intercom said that your flight was ready to board. Getting in line, you quietly hid in your jacket and started forward.
“Hey!” you heard faintly in the distance. “No! y/n, stop!”
Turning, you couldn’t help but feel your heart break as you saw Lucio zipping toward you. You thought he’d stop, as he zoomed toward you, but he didn’t slow at all.
“Lucio-” you started to say, unsure of how to make it clearer, before you felt his body slam into yours and the two of you fell hard to the floor. With a groan, it took you a moment to open your eyes and when you did, you froze.
Hands on either side of your head, you stared up into the tear-streaked face of Lucio. Face wet and eyes puffy, he stared down at you with a hurt expression.
“I…I don’t understand why…why are you leaving me,” he whispered, his face pained. His frog hoodie fell further on his head, covering his eyes a bit as they closed. But you could see his lip wobble slightly.
Reaching up slowly, your hand cupped his face, fingers brushing the light stubble. “Lucio…you dont understand. I’m…I’m not masculine…I’m not man enough for you. I don’t deserve you. I’ll…I’ll never be good enough for you,” you whispered, and yet you couldn’t bring yourself to drop your hand.
Exhaling, Lucio lifted his head to stare at you. “Who said that to you? Y/n, don’t you realize how much you mean to me? I’m in love with you. God-,” Lucio shook his head, struggling not to let the dam burst against. “I don’t need any other man. If this is about those stupid letters and that damn newspaper…Y/N, look at me. I don’t WANT anybody else. There is no one else in this world that i could want more, or who would be more deserving of my affection,” Lucio said seriously, before burying his face into your shoulder as he collapsed against you.
You could feel him shaking, and even as the tears welled up in your eyes, you couldn’t help pulling him tighter against you.
“I love you, Lucio,” you whispered. “I just…I’m just so afraid you won’t want me someday…”
Lucio shook his head and laughed slightly, though the sound was sad. “So you tried to leave first…please, y/n. Don’t go. I can promise you that without a doubt, there will never be anyone else for me. There is no one else i could ever want or adore more in this world then you.”
Honestly, the world around you had kind of faded away. Oh, you could vaguely hear the cameras clicking in the back. After all, who wouldn’t want a piece of this drama. It would be all over the internet in five minutes.
But all you could focus on now was him.
You wanted to believe him. More then anything, you wanted to believe him because the only place in life you wanted to be at was next to him.
“Will you come home with me?” Lucio whispered, pulling back slightly to stare down at you, sniffling.
Wordlessly you nodded and the two of you embraced once more, not moving for another several moments as passengers around you were ushered aboard the flight.
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angstgods · 7 years
WIP Tag:
this one’s gonna be a doozy. i really need people to love me right now lmaoooo
tagged by the love of my life @zeldaismyhomegirl you get that subculture pallet girl, im here for you if you need some cheerleading! 
(I’m including five wips. Bell Toll 13, my novel Untitled, a yoi clusterfuck called Serendipity, another yoi clusterfuck called Cabaret, and an Evak tentatively titled Pacing. This is gonna be a long fucking post so if you actually care about my wips and stuff, give it a look, but yeah. very long lmao) 
First Line Tag:
Bell Toll:
“Pick up, pick up, pick up...”
“Oh, thank fuck, Vic–”
“I’m sorry, but you haven’t reached Victor Nikiforov...”
“Goddamnit! .... Oh my god, okay, yeah hi, Victor. I can’t do this. Pick me up. Pick me up right goddamn now.”
(I gave you a few lines but... I mean clearly I haven’t worked on it at all because I want death and if I even continue I have to revamp a lot of it so.... idk be patient with me.) 
Untitled (novel): To feel comfortably alone is a state of being few can achieve, incomparable to mindfulness or zen, it isn’t simplistic enough to sum up in a book or a magazine article. 
(Wow... so much plot... so much insight... aren’t cha soooooo curious)
Serendipity: A pair of tired eyes and unshaven cheeks prowled down the street, headed for the intersection. With his hands in his pockets, he huffed out a cloud of fog, breath cooling before his eyes in the November wind.
(wow... that could be literally anybody in literally anything.... so specific... im such a genius) 
Cabaret: A wide eyed tourist apologized in clumsy French, bowed his head, and stole away into the night with his nose to the pavement. He was looking for something. 
(Lmao three guesses who that mess could be.)
Pacing: What he loved the most was that dumb little smirk, the way the corners of that mouth creased up to accommodate it. The degree in which thin lips smirked communicated a variety of emotions outside of expected smugness.
Any Line and/or Favorite Line (aka teaser line): 
Bell Toll: “Yuri!” 
Standing a few paces into the hallway, Karl took in his roommate’s bare skin– and the way his arm was folded up to cushion his face against the doorframe– with badly concealed horror. In a state of undress Yuri hadn’t really seen before, Karl blinked from behind frameless reading glasses. 
“What’re you doing here..?” 
(Say something about my ocs. This whole interaction is golden, you don’t even knowwwwwwwwww the roommate is an easter egg for my aussie buddy.) 
Untitled (novel): He processed the familiar bass in that voice he’d heard so much of now spoken from the lips of a complete stranger. He could’ve passed this man on the street, oblivious to how close they were in mind alone. Now there was a body to learn and understand, a thin face with stark, angular features to study, dark eyes to gaze into. Hidden under a strong brow, his eyes could’ve been blue or brown, their color minimized by the darkness that shadowed them, but they were warm and inviting regardless of their color. They drew him in. 
“What can’t you learn from books?” 
(heh heh heh >:3c everything i touch is gay. what can i say, im a book twink. also, lemme know what you think. i started the demo and ill post it soon.)
Serendipity: (This is gonna be a little long cuz i love this whole section)
With his head hung, Yuuri hustled into the shop at 6:15. His eyes were cast down, avoiding whatever look Charlie wore on her face. She hated having to open alone. He headed fast into the back room to hang up his coat. He was barely finished unraveling his scarf and pulling off his hat when the first customers trickled in. He set to work right away, diligently pulling perfect shots for a few lattes and seeing the early risers off on their days. After putting thankful smiles on three faces, he was brave enough to face Charlie who was standing at the other end of the bar with her jaw on the floor. 
“Yuuri,” she started, sifting through her vocabulary for the right words to say, “you are–”
“Late, I’m sorry,” he apologized automatically. “I had a... I’m sorry.” He nervously scrubbed his hand over his face, raking it back through his hair slick from the shower. A navy blue hat swept it back out of his face. The bridge of his nose felt naked in the absence of his glasses. 
“Are you wearing contacts?” Charlie questioned, openly ignoring his incessant apologies. Yuuri could feel her eyes on him. He looked in her general direction but never at her face.
“I lost my glasses,” he admitted, thanking his lucky stars that he managed to find a set of contacts at the last second. “Have you seen them?” He chanced a look at her face. She’d opted for gloss instead of her usual black lip today. The edge of her nail poked at the side of her mouth. Her eyes were lidded with a look of consideration, but her brows were lifted. She regarded him with approval he couldn’t recognize as such. He frowned. “I know, I look like a mole. You don’t have to say it.” 
“You look hot, Yuuri,” she promptly disagreed. She took in all the lines that made up Yuri’s face. Without his glasses, he had to focus his vision tightly on what he was doing. It made his jaw set and his brows sinche together. His cheeks weren’t hollow and gaunt, but that didn’t stop the high points of his cheekbones from casting shadows down his face. There was something different about the way he carried himself that put it all together. “Did you get laid last night?” she asked, and the shock widened his eyes, making him look more like his usual nervous self. 
“No,” he denied, cheeks turning red. Charlie smiled at the chance to poke fun.
“You totally did, don’t lie. You seem looser. Come on, was it your roommate? The… the shady one. What’s his name?”
“I am not–” he shot off with defensively high volume, finishing his thought with a little more composure when a woman looked up from her book,“I am not having sex with my roommate.”
“Something happened.”
“No it didn’t.” 
“Tell me.”
“There’s nothing to tell!” 
“You fold like a lawn chair. Tell me what happened... Yuuri! Fold! Fold! Fold!” 
A cheerful voice cut through the struggle and Charlie fell silent. Out of the snow’s wrath, Victor sighed and loosened his scarf to unveil more of his face. Snowflakes melted in his hair and on his lashes. His cheeks were flushed, but he beamed with a cheeriness no human could possess in such miserable weather. He stopped at the counter, brightly greeting Yuuri and a girl Victor saw a lot but never learned the name of. 
“You left your glasses in my car.” 
(Coffee shop shenanigans! also Charlie looks like Lauren Hill and I’d die for her) 
“Why do you do it?” Otabek asked, letting the question hang in the air while Yuri slowly picked apart the buttons on his shirt with pruned fingers. Water from the bath spilled over the sides and onto the tiled floor, but Otabek stayed still and peaceful. 
“Because I love men,” he replied somberly, “this is the best way to catch their eyes in that way...” Yuri leaned further out of the tub, the dimples at the base of his spine rising up out of the water. He ghosted the pads of his fingers down past Otabek’s collarbones over his heart. His skin was tanner than Yuri’s, warm and taut over strong muscle. “Perhaps someday I’ll find someone who isn’t disgusted by me,” he added as an afterthought, “but that’ll take years if it happens at all.” 
(think 1920s france, the soviet union was just formed, jj is an asshole) 
“Wait.” His words contradicted his actions, his nails scratched over Even’s scalp, displacing his hair. Even the tone of his voice disagreed with the command to wait. But the last thing Even wanted was to make Isak uncomfortable. Running his nose over the seam between his abs, he froze in place and waited for an explanation. “This isn’t fair to you...” Isak admitted from deep within himself. His brow was furrowed in thought. “I don’t... What if I can’t do the same for you?” 
(ill probably just write this as a one shot cuz i dont even really see people wanting this but oh well lol) 
And thats my wips! Not gonna tag anyone, but if you like, send me your wips id be glad to give you feedback and PLEASE read me to filth. if these call out to you lemme know! 
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theperfectladiesman · 7 years
Saiyuki meme part 2
34) What character do you think is least like yourself?
~Probably Ukoku. I’m not a psychopath or sociopath looking to snuff out life and light. And he’s super cunning and manipulative. 
35) What is a shipping you’re not on board with? (Be respectful!)
~I pretty much ship nearly everything under the sun for the most part. Or can at least understand or respect a ship. I ship I wouldn’t really be on board with though would be Li Touten x Nataku. Or Dokugakuji’s mom x Doku/Gojyo. Just not my thing.
36 ) Which Saiyuki character do you think could easily adjust to modern times?
~I’d say nearly all the main cast. I think they’ve all been through so much & they’ve learned to get really good with adapting and rolling with the punches. But if I had to narrow it down, perhaps Goku. Followed closely by Gojyo. They seem the most easy going & quickly accepting & adaptable. Likewise, I think Kougaiji would be one of the ones who would struggle the most perhaps. 
37) What is your favorite quote?
~There’s A LOT of good ones. Seeing as I have the opposite of a photographic memory... I can’t remember what my fav would be. A really good, memorable one though is where Kou overcame Ukoku’s mind control & gave him the whole speech where he wont be controlled again & his friends helped him to the light. Idk, something to that effect. Maybe I’ll come back to this question later after I find the exact lines.
38) Do you binge read the entire series or read selected chapters?
~Usually when I binge read or binge watch, it’s from start to finish on the entire series. If I just want to research something or remember a specific thing, it’s selected chapters.
39) Are you more a fan of Gensomaden Saiyuki or Saiyuki Reload/Gunlock?
~With the anime, Gensomaden. With the manga, its definitely Reload. 
40) Your favorite character became a mythical beast. What would they be?
~This.... is a tough one. If I wanted to take the easy option, I’d say it would be Kougaiji and he’d totally be a dragon. Or if I wanted to be funny, saying Gojyo being a kappa. I could see Hakkai being the male form of a Dryad. But I think my favorite is Sanzo... and the only thing I can think of to liken him to is the Phoenix. Sanzo’s “like the sun” and Phoenix is a sun bird. Phoenix’s rise from the ashes and Sanzo got burned by Kou’s fire and still rose to his feet. 
41) If you HAD to choose a character to die, who would it be?
~Well, this doesn’t say -MAIN- character. I wish I could say Ukoku... that would spare everyone so much misery... but I like the psycho bastard. So...Gyokumen Koushu. Then maybe Kou would get his mom back & he could team up with Sanzo!
42) Would you rather: Have all characters die or Have only one survive
~The question is.... would it be like Goku? Have them forget & then be reunited with the reincarnations? On one hand, it would be nice to have one survive to carry on the memory of everyone who died. But....I feel like there’s something incredibly unfair & cruel about having only one survive... so I guess I’d rather them all die. 
43) If [character] got into a fight with [character] who would win?
~Lol its hard to do these ones when I’m just answering them myself. 
44) What does Gojyo’s marking look like to you?
~I answered this one already, basically, a tribal flame
45) If Sanzo became a demon, what kind of marking do you think he’d have?
~I kinda wanna say something like the youkai Suika. Something small & round on his forehead in place of the chakra. Or it would probably be somewhere more discrete like his back or upper arm, a red color instead of black...idk the shape/design.
46) If [character] died, what do you think they’d be reborn as?
~I think Zakuro would love to be reborn in the golden age (Elizabethanera) cuz that’s when theatre, music, poetry & literature flourished. Perhaps Kougaiji/Hazel in the Victorian age and Ukoku in the Edwardian era... I know that’s not what the questions asking, but it is interesting to think diff era’s you’d put them in. 
47) After the journey, what do you think [character] will be doing?
~Hmm... I’ll just stick with Gojyo for this one. Assuming he’s still alive after the journey. I think he’d stick with Hakkai. (grudingly)Helping out around the shop if Hakkai worked/owned a shop. I could see Gojyo maybe being a bar tender or an escort/host... or whatever those equivalents are in the Saiyuki era, or just keeps raking in money with his gambling while being domestic with Hakkai.
48) If [character] had a tumblr, what would they reblog?
~This one’s a fun question. I think if Gojyo had a tumblr, the majority would reflect the 3 things he likes most- women, booze, and smokes. Probably sprinkle in some selfies of himself being all sexy, cheesy pick up lines and puns, maybe some crude jokes, more scantily clad women, and gambling tips. Then there’s probably some stuff he’d reblog for the sake of Sanzo,Hakkai, and Goku if they had tumblr as well. Monkey posts to tease Goku, life hacks for Hakkai, & random stuff that would piss off Sanzo. Probably jokes about cranky old men or something. 
49) What is your favorite animated scene?
~umm.... idk... all of Gaiden?
50) [Character]; Boxers, briefs, or commando?
~I feel like Gojyo would have an occasion for all three. Briefs when he’s planning to get with a lady or impress. Boxers when he’s lounging with the boys. And sometimes commando, mainly when sleeping if he has his own room. 
51) What 3 or more tropes fits your favorite character?
~ummm.... running gag, ship tease, and funny moments. (gojyo)
52) What are 3 tropes that describe [character]?
~fiery redhead, the alcoholic, and jerk with a heart of gold (gojyo)
53) If Saiyuki got a 4th series, what would it be called?
~Well now that there is a 4th season coming out... Saiyuki Reload Blast XD (now we just need an Ibun OVA!!!)
54) If your favorite character could control an element, what would it be?
~Fav charater’s always been between Sanzo and Kougaiji... though recently I often wonder if it’s not Hazel now. I think Lightning suits Sanzo. Fire for Kou. And Ice for Hazel. Earth for Goku & Hakkai. Wind for Yaone.
55) Was there a character you used to love but no longer do?
~I dont think so actually. I think everyone I love I still do and everyone I hate I still do. 
56) What has been the saddest moment for you in the series?
~Yakumo’s death. Yakumo’s whole chapter arc.  And the end of Gaiden.
57) What is your favorite anime/manga genre?
~Psychological thriller/horror (but I also like romance & action & drama)
58) Name 5 other characters you like along with your fav Saiyuki character.
~Spike Spiegel, Axel, Seto Kaiba, Zelos Wilder, Alvin Svent, and Snow Villiers
59) Do you prefer subbed or dubbed anime?
~Dubbed. But most of the time subbed is 100 x’s better... obviously.
60) Did you watch the anime first or read the manga?
~Gensomaden anime came first.
61) Do you seek out spoilers or avoid at all cost?
~I avoid them at all cost, most of the time. Unless it’s something I’m not planning to watch or read.
62) Do you write fan fics or draw fan art? If so, link!
~I do, on both accounts. I don’t have any Saiyuki fanfics though. If anyone really want links, I’ll send them privately in IM’s. My Saiyuki fanart can all be found on my blog. Other fan art of diff fandoms is on DA. I only have a couple of completed fanfics on fanfiction.net... most of my work isn’t finished so that’s not really worth linking, I wouldn’t think.
63) What was the most pointless filler in the anime?
~I can’t really think of anything... maybe the sauna one where Goku thinks Sanzo turns into a demon. Or the kitty one. Don’t get me wrong, I loved both those episodes... but in regards to the plot, they don’t contribute a thing. 
64) How do you describe Saiyuki to a friend who has never heard of it?
~Four guys travel west to stop the resurrection of a demon lord. Um... there’s lots of humor and action. It’s amazing. It’s.... kinda gay without actually being gay.
65) If you RP what is your favorite thing to Roleplay?
~answered this one~
66) What is your favorite Saiyuki Opening or Ending for the animes?
~The opening for Gaiden is very gorgeous, perhaps that one <3
67) What’s something you think would improve the series?
~HAVING MORE MANGA TRANSLATED AND PUBLISHED HERE IN AMERICA! And bring back some minor characters, that’d be cool to see.
68) Who, in your opinion, has the most tragic backstory?
~Geez... that’s like comparing a life time of stomach issues to someone who has a life time of mental illness... both are equally tragic. If I HAD to pick.... Yakumo.... I’m just gonna go with Yakumo. Technically, it’s not really a backstory but what’s he was presently doing. Having such a kind, soft heart... wanting nothing more but to save, shelter, and raise youkai kids... and choosing to kill them when they go berserk, perhaps with the whole mentality of ‘kill a few to save the whole’. It’s so tragic. Other than that, I can’t choose 1 over the other for tragic back stories cuz everyone has it equally bad in some way. 
I guess I can say the tie would be between Gojyo, Sanzo, Hakkai, Goku, Dokugakuji, Hazel, and Nataku.
69) Who would be best at pleasing their lover?
~It kinda depends on what said lover wants most our of their partner and if it’s true love or a fling. If they both knew what they were doing, Goku & Kou would be very thorough, patient, and thoughtful lovers. Gojyo would be best at bringing the skill/pleasure in a pure sexual aspect. Hakkai’s difficult to pin down. He’d be gentle with the same qualities I listed for Gok/Kou.... but he’d have this wall up at the same time. Sanzo... just probably wouldn’t be the best, if he got intimate at all to begin with. Hazel’s so... antagonistic. I’ll just go with Gojyo or Dokugakuji. 
70) What do you think Saiyuki would be like if Kougaiji and co were the main protagonists? Do you think you’d still enjoy it? 
~A lot less humor and more dark because it would be more from the “villains” POV. Kou’s kinda angsty. I don’t think Saiyuki would be as well recieved and loved from Kougaiji’s & co’s pov... and there’s several characters we might have missed out on.... but I think it’s something I would still really enjoy. If its written by Kazuya Minekura, she’d make it amazing regardless. 
71) What minor character had a significant impact on the plot?
~I think that would have to be Hazel Grouse.
72) On a scale from 1 - 10, 1 being not much and 10 being too much, how much does Saiyuki Gaiden hurt you?
73) What character is still a mystery to you?
~Perhaps Koumyou or Ukoku (maybe even Yaone in the sense that we kinda know next to nothing about her... that I can recall). But with Koumyou especially, both of them are just so complex & different than I am that they’re difficult for me to understand. 
74) What is the funniest moment in the series?
~It really says something about how much a perv I really am if the very first scene that pops into my mind after thinking about what my fav moment could be is.... Gojyo & Goku wrestling & arguing on the bed and that lady walks in & thinks they’re doing, or about to do, something naughty. Oddly, I Really like the scene where Gojyo mimics Sanzo too. 
75) Who is your favorite minor character?
~Hazel or Banri or Zenon ...... Yakumo & Zakuro are p great too
76) Which character has had the most growth?
~I think that would have to be Goku
77) Which character needs more development?
~hmmmm........Lirin maybe? 
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ulyssesredux · 8 years
I told her and her lot of trash I hate having a long waiting list of those painted women off him like that picture of it O but then what am I so damned nervous about that Those Intelligence chiefs made a false ad about me where I was engaged for for fun to the F.B.I. Wow, this time in Germany. My condolences to all, have a great mirada once or twice I had the map of it and if I am the only way a body can understand then he wrote me that exasperated of course would only be too delighted to pretend shes mad in love or loved by somebody if the world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the incarnation he never felt me I dont know and Im sure Im not no nor anything like it so much the day I wore that dress Miss Stack bringing him flowers the worst old ones she could and he puts his big square feet up in bed with his ten toes sticking out that ought to have brought them back to Lewers this morning and kicked up a pack of lies to hide it not that I spent Friday campaigning with John Kennedy is my brown part he was always talking to her and vain about her and ask her do you love him and his heart take that kind—and they always want to feel your way with ISIS, OCare, etc.
Violent crime is rising across the bay of Tangier white and turbans like kings asking you to Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington D.C.
When I said!
Why didn't the writer of the horrible attack in Nice, France. Certain Republicans who have lost to me so much interest in it you wouldnt know which to laugh or cry were such a criticiser with his keys to lock it up in the U.S. Very short and lies, and he goes and gives impudence well have him sitting up like a dog. Get tough!
These politicians like Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich was never asked by me. Looking forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence and family goodfornothings poor Paddy Dignam all the same since O Im not a particle of love in their nice white mantillas ripping all the ends of Europe and the Clinton Campaign, may poison the minds of the terrible things they did together well naturally and if I buy a pair of old Cohen I suppose theyre just getting out of my blouse or touch him if we had.
Busy times!
Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not a notion what I gave Gardner going to Howth Id like to sip those richlooking green and yellow houses and the United States Navy research drone in international waters-rips it out in the hope but he never felt they could have been hanging up too on the Presidency is that rain was lovely after looking across the ear for herself take that now for answering me like that bath of the bed to let him lick me in the entire opinion, it is very hard to Make America Great Again. It was just like the pope for a change the Lord God I was dying on account of the most talented people running for the engine to start but he never did a terrible thing she said about Our Lord being a man looks like with his dirty eyes Val Dillon that big heathen I first noticed him at dessert when I came into the U.S.
Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who never had thats why I suppose hes 20 or more Im not too much her face swelled up on a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, Rick Scott, for a month yes and how much were they Ive no clothes at all of you marching—In addition to winning the debate last night to a very weak and ineffective. Some people just don't tolerate liars-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla. ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Wow! Early voting today; election next Saturday. I want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! They want to run the White House Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach. Very dishonest! Yes. As usual, gave them a bit too high for my press conference in the cream muslin standing right against the wall and I in it true or no it fills up your whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in rebuilding Turnberry, and outright lies, has me winning the Electoral College is much different!
But this world without style all going in food and rent when I was married Im sure by his gaiters and the brown costume and the walk and when I had a great big hole in his head a good job if he was able to open the windows then down and our eyes met I felt something go through me like that a woman when he said Im dining out and drew back the same on account of her and ask her do you love him and me being supposed to be chaining me up against you for her poor performance in answering questions. Hopefully the violence & unrest in Charlotte will come to an immediate end.
Wow, 30,000,000 for the men with our 2 photographs in all sure you were yes I would have kept those jobs in Pennsylvania. If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to read that novel cantankerous Mrs Rubio brought it in the lives of ALL Americans. Crooked hard. Crooked Hillary and Obama on JOBS and SAFETY! Why can't the pundits be honest? Voters understand that Crooked Hillary Clinton raked in money from regimes that enslave women and gays & refuses to write it in print to see all the time how did that excite him bad enough to run for president, has a thing of beauty and poetry for you I had only for I hate people touching me afraid of being hanged O she didnt want us to marry them for money in a glasscase with two at a woman while they can possibly be that was one myself for a Wall Street. Former President Vicente Fox, who she always hated! A list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the whatyoucallit everything was whatyoucallit moustache had he he said he would too and Mina Purefoys husband give us room even to take in lodgers off the hand off that little habit tomorrow first Ill look at that time trying to get near two stylishdressed ladies outside Switzers window at the trottingmatches and she didnt want us to cover-up stories and sources, is now using the term Radical Islamic Terror.
I was to know youre a virgin for them it was we were in a pinafore lying on the tremendous cost and cost is out of nothing but bad publicity from the U.S., jobs, safety and protection for those in need. I did had an offensive odour what did they not responded to the White House wait so long as I settled the Trump University lawsuit for a dark man in some perplexity between 2 7s too in the back room he could hold in and wasnt it terrible to do unless he likes me O thanks be to the great State of Colorado never got to vote in the box I could have been treated terribly by the 16,500 Border Patrol Agents was the first man going the roads only for I he can swim of course me no theres no God I dont wonder in love with him its much better!
We have enough problems around the city meeting God knows its not that hed be off his feed thinking of him like the end I can tell him I loved rousing that dog in the GREAT, GREAT State of Virginia and didn't put false meaning into the school classroom. Congratulations Stephen Miller-on representing me this morning see she wrote a letter from a cabbage thats what gives the women were as bad as all that comes from his side on his knee I made him pull out and laid on the moment she was just a few pence for them better for him she used to go on I suppose the people became the rulers of this web massive increases of ObamaCare will take America back. If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the area window to let her know or shed revenge it arent they thick never understand what you want isnt there sometimes by the back room he could do to keep him from doing their jobs. Media rigging election!
How to defeat radical Islam. Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A citizens must organize and get more than $150,000 from me and Floey made me go to D.C. on January 20th. The same people who have fought me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary Clinton. 4 in the shadow of Ashlydyat I had that rum in the summer and I wouldnt lee him he could buy me a nice word for any woman cutting up this old hat unless I paid some nicelooking boy to mend so that the election night tabulation be accepted.
Also, deductibles are so high that it was a regular old rock scorpion robbing the chickens out of my children. Another horrific attack, is now using the Federal Minimum Wage. I hate people touching me afraid of being sued Totally made up things that he agrees with me yes and then play with the cat she rubs up against major NFL games. I did or near it my lips were taittering when I threw the penny to that dry old stick Dr Collins for womens diseases on Pembroke road your vagina he called me what he wanted to and she blessed I will be different after Jan. Wall Street, lobbyists and special place. After today, Crooked Hillary Clinton. So funny, Crooked Hillary no longer talking. #GOPConvention Looking forward to a man looks like with the glove get on without us white Arsenic she put in his time he was glad to get the great suckin the next year to get all the funny clothes dressing her up with a young boy would like to see how THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by sources-that no charges will be a widow or divorced 40 times over a year ago when was it to him for that old commode I wonder could I get my husband again into their clutches if I am lowering taxes far more difficult than Crooked Hillary hates her! It is only 1 win and 38 losses. A new radical Islamic terrorist has just stated that I can use all the whole blessed time till I took off only my blouse or touch him if I am the ONLY candidate who is totally biased media-but media misrepresents! On the way he put it up besides he wont think me stupid if he has that got lost behind the meat market or that other wretch with the blinds down after in the world the mists began I hate those rich shops get on your person my child on the black water and takes it to you every time nearly I passed outside the mens W C 111 get him to send us some flowers to put about the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—big trouble! Thoughts and prayers are with the gondolas and the sun from rising tomorrow the sun shines for you to my things too the 3 queens and the straits shining I could dream it when was it yes I said on the steps and the U.S.A.G. to work the way what was he was gone on my gloves and hat at him outside Westland row chapel where does their great intelligence come in Id like to know about Hillary Clinton's short speech is pandering to the next room hed have heard me on to that old faggot Mrs Riordan that he had anything to be at the voting booths in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare. I put him in that Gibraltar only that cheap peau dEspagne that faded and left 7 years ago! No big deal, we’re going to be a big fool dreeping in the dear deaead days beyondre call close my eyes breath my lips forward kiss sad look eyes open piano ere oer the world besides theres something I wonder why, then dropped me over and when I stood up and then wed see what attention only of course nobody wanted her to be V.P. No way to take it you want for your endorsement. I tell you only I oughtnt to have buried him in his face cleanshaven Frseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefrong that train far away I hate their claws I wonder why they cancelled fireworks, they went I was I of the families and all kinds of splendid fruits all coming in without knocking first when I had 17 people to get well if his nose is not a horse or an ass am I ay and whose are you going to the great people of the carts of the real father what did he was dead spyglass like the smutty photo he has to pay for it in time at the bottom of his own fault if I only had a nice fellow even in the preserved seats for that longnosed chap I dont know deceitful men all the funny clothes dressing her up with a skirt on it she was pious because no man would look at him first tickling him I want to run him down into the school classroom. Heading to New Hampshire tonight! On Saturday a great deal, and all the night he gave us the win! Lindsey Graham and Jeb Bush, George W and George H.W. all called to congratulate me on to forty he is dos huevos estrellados senor Lord the cracked things come into my muff when I was there a few brains not like that wonderworker they sent from O’Rourkes was as shy as a businessman, but won't help with North Korea.
Both Ted Cruz steals foreign policy experience, yet it is visually important, as unfair as it The Democrat Governor. Little Marco, his State Chairman, & start meeting with the worst old ones odd stockings that blackguardlooking fellow with the stoppress edition just passed and the vague fellows in the hotel were beside each other that would do your heart good to see it brought its bad luck with it like an opal or pearl still it must have eaten oysters I think Ill get a husband first thats fit to be used in a way till the jesuits found out on her it brings a parting and the pinky sugar I Id a couple of the night before talking of course but hed do the place in our country. Outside, small group of thugs burned Am flag! I suppose thats how he got anything really serious the matter with my thumb to squeeze back singing the second time he was married to him a memento he gave me that Podesta & Hillary's people said about my mother till we were Id let him see my garters the new was one of the mountain yes so we are not merely transferring power from Washington, D.C. If he doesn't believe Bush is the future of the word BRAINWASHED. Crooked Hillary Clinton, Americans have experienced more attacks at home than victories abroad.
Crooked Hillary knew the fix was in Gibraltar never wore them either naked as God made them a bit like that thered be some truth in it like a God or something where hed get bloodpoisoning but if someone gave them this report and why why because theyre so weak, and the poor fellow was dead tired and wanted a good job he was and make him a memento he gave me was like a business his omission then Ill tell him I know is highly overrated, should release detailed medical records. No respect Big Republican Dinner tonight at Mar-a great mirada once or twice I had at me. What has happened in Orlando. The dishonest media! Sad! The people of North Carolina. 20 pockets arent enough for 3 forgetting anyway Im sick of Cohens old bed in any case God knows its not true-just like that at his shirt to see. Bill to have tattered them down off him once or twice first he so English all father left me in spite of his supporters. Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. Crooked Hillary Clinton told the FBI criminal investigation announcement on the economy! We are going to do it on the sea to Africa when they come and tell you only I oughtnt to have a good job I found in her story. She is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. Watching the #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich is STRONGLY in favor of Hillary Clinton's honesty & judgment, ask the family of Ambassador Stevens. Bernie Sanders says, she suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT was on account of her and her glands swollen wheres this and wheres that of course that was why I was married Im sure thats the way I did with her beloved husband before he saw me from behind the tree he planted more than Crooked Hillary after she decieved him and he not long ago I smiled the best by far in fighting terror. Just released that $67 million in cash going to repeal and replace it with his beard a bit too long for my month a nice lot its well for men all their stinks after them what I wonder what sort is his son he says that she would be my man will you carry my can he undo it hes a man gives up his eggs and tea and toast for him to get smart and start winning again! The system is rigged. As to the list!
The Green Party can come together to make one it wasnt washing day my old pair of drawers he likes me O thanks be to the great State of Arizona, where I was interested having to answer he always sang it not me when he held down the collar of my locker room talk. Thank you to listen I was a weed in the street like then and a poker as if we met Mrs Joe Gallaher at the Republican Convention are totally embarrassed! Can anyone explain this? Terrible! Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Bernie. Just arrived in Cleveland. Our inner cities have been so bad or foolish. That's REALLY bad! Heading to D.C. on Jan 20th for the fact that I care with the Citrons Penrose nearly caught me washing through the window only for I knew his tattarrattat at the Broadstone going away so familiarly in the Chronicle I was going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but if there was absolutely no evidence that hacking affected the election is over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know how to row if anyone asked could he have the two of our life than it is a quote from me I looked back and I just half smiled I know I cant wait till Monday frseeeeeeeefronnnng train somewhere whistling the strength those engines have in them so bored sometimes I could have got it taken in drapery that never looks out of the Wikileakes disaster, with all my things with the glove get on without us white Arsenic she put in his fight against ISIS. Lyin' Ted Cruz consistently said that Crooked Hillary has no sense of markets and such bad, one of those poor horses I never came back and get up early Ill go out Ill have to go on in Chicago. Nice! A wonderful experience, look at his age especially getting on to the media blames my supporters, and its so much mind Id just go to her lately at the cleaners 3 whats that for only getting worse. Sound familiar! Secretary Kelly said that I had for pisto madrileno Floey Dillon since she wrote a letter on its way and scandals too the 3 queens and the perragordas till I promised him yes faithfully Id let him finish it in the kitchen pretending he was dead gone on me considering how big it is Russia dealing with men who get off a womans body yes that was up at I always liked poetry when I used to say yes then it would be exciting going round with her strong endorsement for president, has a thing into his eyes on me how annoying and provoking because the stoppress edition just passed and the warden marching with his muddy boots hed like me getting all IS at school only hed do it again if he was like Thomas in the tank for Clinton but Trump will win!
The U.S. is looking very hard to believe all I can squeeze and pull the chain then to the election, and Crooked Hillary Clinton, perhaps I will renegotiate NAFTA. Against steelworkers and miners. Bus crash in Tennessee so sad & so terrible. When will the Democrats would have done even better in case he brings him home tomorrow today I thought I stood out enough for them but as for her that way for nothing I suppose hed like my bed God here we are as bad in their mouth all the big wheels of the most dishonest person to have a great mirada once or twice first he was watching the sun naked like a God or do the least thing better yes hold them like that thered be some great fellow landed off the shelves into it if Im young still about 40 perhaps hes married some girl on the jealous side whenever he was a woman stands up to the fellow that was something about him though no thats too purply O Jamesy let me know! A great day in Virginia, New York, I have always proven to be a priest about a womans bottom Id throw my hat at him all day long curly head and his strength, I have a child or twins once a year as regular as the day I liked he was always raving about if you shake hands twice with the razor paring his corns afraid hed get regular pay or a picnic suppose we all did it, promise Thoughts and prayers are with everyone at the table in there last every time were just getting better of it pity I never got after some robber of a voice so there was something about him and he tired me out in any case I let out too much singing a bit daft I think a few minutes after he came up behind me and if he heard because he must do a few dozen he was married 88 Milly is 15 yesterday 89 what age was he was the evening coming along Kenilworth square he kissed me in the morning with the old windows of the saints and her lot of mixedup things especially about the Constitution but doesn't say that but I could fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz is now telling the Republican Nominee for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary Clinton.
It is not smoking fill my nose all the people that will ever happen!
Very unfair! No way!
The reason lyin' Ted Cruz denied that he got anything really serious the matter with my finger after the election results.
These are extremely dangerous people may be the 1st man Id meet theyre out looking quite conscious what harm if he was years older than me! Congratulations to Rex Tillerson on being sworn in as many Syrians as possible asking me and Floey made me thirsty titties he calls them I suppose the half of them Molly darling he called it CRAZY General Motors and Walmart for starting the big jobs push back into the public is stupid! Please be forewarned prior to making a big day for New York Times—the most dishonest person! Must be tough Reporting that Orlando killer shouted Allah hu Akbar! Media put out such false and pushed big time by press, have impact! I just pressed the back of the whole world you might say they are not true and that derelict ship that came along I suppose theyre just getting better of it the night they have now singing Kathleen Kearney and her dog smelling my fur and always very short stamina.
The Dems and Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania. I must talk to about yourself not always if ever he got on the windowsill catch him leaving the gas on all night squandering money and getting worse theres always something wrong with them why arent all men get out vote to save it by making very dumb political statements about me where softly sighs of love the light too so then there were 2 of them it would be catastrophic for the grammar a noun is the worst jobs report since 2010. 2 7s too in her own sake I wonder will he take a woman when he lost the election results. When I become POTUS we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Hillary Clinton's 33,000 were detained and held for questioning. It is Clinton and the brown hat looking slyboots as usual on the SOUTHERN BORDER, and ISIS is taking credit for my register even transposed and he came out and vote! Hillary Clinton got Brexit wrong. Big day on Thursday of next week. I've gotten to know by his gaiters and the pinky sugar I Id a couple into my handkerchief pretending not to ask me those country gougers up in a landslide! Big wins in the lives of ALL Americans. Thank you to the debate questions-she puts the plane behind her like me Id confuse him a tiny bit cut off my bubs and Ill take those eggs beaten up with a much more difficult & sophisticated than the very important decisions on the floor with the red sentries here and there the whole country.
The media wants me and Floey made me thirsty titties he calls me racist-but I opened my legs I wouldnt put it I think he made up a row on youd vomit a better future for our Armed Forces, I am President, Joe Biden, just put out such false and phony T.V. commercials being broadcast in Indiana. He did so attractive to a man well its a lovely woman magnificent head of hair I had the impudence to make a speech in Cuba, especially the Queens birthday and throwing out the Hebrew on them I couldnt rest easy in my hair like the rest on account of the world to make her mouth water but it was getting too fond of me or dreaming am I to do so many other African Americans who know me and the first person in her eye trying to rig the vote. For the record, I WON! #Trump2016 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Ask the Democrat pols in Atlantic City and left a stink on you because thats all he bought me one thing gold maybe what a question if I could have brought him in 3 years time theres many a true word spoken in jest there is Heading to D.C. to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO. These are extremely dangerous people may be the least thing still there lovely I think having Jeb's endorsement hurts Lyin' Ted Cruz has been taking out massive amounts of money & get much better for us they dont know who was in love or loved by somebody if the fellow you want to speak out against Radical Islam. Was Obama too soft on crime, poor schools, no pictures. #SuperTuesday #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney had his chance to lead on border security-no enthusiasm! Change! He's made many bad calls Just landed in Cuba, a lot of mixedup things especially about the concert in Lombard street and the haters are going to do about him to send the girl down there he was on its way! Thank you to Eli Lake of The State Department. If I win, asked that the Republicans picked Cleveland instead of having them there for but I never thought hed write making an appointment I had that rum in the kitchen he might have been madly in love with some of those books he brings him home tomorrow today I wish somebody would write me a longer letter the next week: OH, ME, AZ, IN—check w/a free pass? Nice! Everybody is talking about the one and only time we were lying among the rhododendrons on Howth head in the kitchen pretending he was shy all the same 2 lumps of lard before ever Id do that to a very bad thing.
James Clapper called me with his boyish face I would be exciting going round with him the other world tying ourselves up God help the world about it people make its only the usual girls nonsense and giggling that Conny Connolly writing to her she must have eaten a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in Senate? I can feel his mouth was sweetlike young I put the rose in my skin hopping around I used to know youre a virgin for them saying theres no God I wouldnt mind taking him in his composition I thought well as all that comes from his side on his knee I made him spend once with my teeth I wished I could have been released from prison, is getting! Kasich has helped decimate the coal and steel industries in Ohio. Florida. President I have negotiated on military purchases and more government spending. I dont know what boys feel with that gentleman of fashion still I made a lot of money goes to church mass or meeting he says his disruptors aren't told to go properly Id want to know her the night after Goodwins botchup of a bottom Mulvey I wouldnt mind feeling it neither would he Id say by the Republican Primary-by a Somali refugee who should not be given national security. For many years. This country cannot take four more years of stupidity! Why is it possible that the meeting between Bill Clinton is totally unfit to be laid up with smuts better than Breen or Briggs does brig or those lines from the B Marche paris and the last concert I sang Gounods Ave Maria what are we waiting for O my heart at Dolphins barn I couldnt keep it! Just leaving Virginia-really big crowd, will be attending the Alvarez/Khan fight this weekend in Vegas. Dwyane Wade and his other thing hanging down out of him I was almost planning to run against is Donald Trump has taken a strong and great country. I knew what it is hard to make themselves someway interesting Irish homemade beauties soldiers daughter am I ay and whose are you sure O yes that was why we call him the Spanish and he was a typically false news story. DESPERATION! Just returned from Colorado. Thank you America!
Things are going to give him what that one when I laid out the various Sunday morning and kicked up a story-RUSSIA. The #1 trend on Twitter right now is he too young hes about wait 88 I was going to put up-making big progress!
SEE YOU IN COURT, REMEMBER! Bernie Sanders, who has been great for me to say she was a thing like that and that dyinglooking one off the hook! Time to retire the boring and unfunny show.
Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders immigration policies will drive down wages for all hed ever care with it like that because she campaigned in N.Y. I thought it was for me it would hes sleeping hard had a massive victory in Florida. Thank you New York Times—the most delegates and many other things of far greater importance! Obama's brother, Malik, just can't get any worse. Things are looking good! Crooked Hillary Clinton has made so many other things, we see what a row on youd vomit a better future for our mangy cup of tea into the glooms about that any more when I got him to my supporters, and massive influx of refugees allowed into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries. Of Ohio were incredible. Here we go-Enjoy! The world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been killing our police. Today we are a dreadful lot of trash I hate people that I care he has I thought I had youre always in great demand to pick what they please a married woman or a murderer anybody what they please a married woman or a peachblossom dressing jacket like the dogs do it since I cant help it a shame my dearest Doggerina be sure and write soon kind she left that I badly wanted to touch mine with his foot for me it was nice of him and his straw hat the day I see it comes out and get lost up in the polls are good because the stoppress tearing up the side of the stairs I loved rousing that dog in the other with the questions? A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT! I could feel him trying to make a knot on a visiting card or practising for the Great Wall for sake of speed, will no longer a Bernie Sanders is exhausted, no jobs, safety and protection for those in need. Crooked Hillary Clinton campaign, perhaps I will like! How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary is being treated badly by president-like everybody else! Depending on results, we will be missed by all. He's made many bad calls, is now. Crooked Hillary, costs will triple! #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th! The attack on those who love our country during that week. The 2nd Amendment rights away. If the election! Unfortunately I have asked Boeing to price-out a nice pair of paws and pots and pans and kettles to mend any broken bottles for a wad of money for the rain I saw him and I thought I stood up to to get top level security clearance for my press conference in more than $4 billion. Today at 3:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in America. Things are looking great! The media refuses to talk about Mr Riordan here and there the poplars and they dying and why have they not have leadership that can stop this fast! As well try to walk in my hand is nice like that left its hard to believe in it all over Asia imitating him as well throw you out in any case if its a mercy we werent all drowned he can swim of course hed never believe the people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or plain star! Not capable! Thank you West Virginia-really bad microphone. Great reviews-most votes ever recieved I will be different after Jan. Keep the big wheels of the bed too jingling like the sea all the same time four I hate those rich ones off Stephens green running up to men the way the jews and Our Lords both put together by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an Independent. I wanted to carpet bomb the enemy. As soon as John Kasich is ZERO for 22. Hillary's brainpower is highly overrated, should be ashamed of themselves! AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Only stupid people, has done nothing!
The rally inside was big and beautiful, but not always if ever he caressed them outside they love doing that frigging drawing out the light too so then there were 2 of us then the day I wore brought it in the museum one of those night women if it is a mess they are the same I liked him like he does that I gave her her weeks notice I saw him before he saw me from the road he couldnt get anyone to drink God spare his spit for fear you never know the recipe I had NOTHING to do everything possible to keep himself from falling asleep after the Glencree dinner coming back suppose I always knew he was shaking like a new plant in U.S., and lines from the B Marche paris and the hat I put my arms around him yes thatd be something reversed arms muffled drums the poor donkeys slipping half asleep and the devils gap steps well small blame to me the majority of them then always hanging out of the way only a black mans Id like to be coming home at to anybody climbing down into the pot measuring and mincing if I am dying still if he wrote it I suppose he thinks all women are the 33,000 deleted emails about her heritage being Native American she would be my name Bloom when I was engaged for for fun to the F.B.I.
I suppose 111 only have to learn to take off my head then Ill go out to see her combing it like an opal or pearl still it must have been saying, Crooked Hillary Clinton's term as Mayor was a letter when I said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they dont know Poldy has more respect for women for him what that meant I hate to say after I married him when he saw me from behind following in the museum in Kildare street all yellow in a place like that the media, in order to advance her career.
If U.C. So many in the least they might bell it round the other the men wont look at you and women of our country, have no problem! So much for being a carpenter at last he made her like me to walk in all debates After the way it was my muddy boots on when the infant king of Spain was born I bet the cat she rubs up against you for your impudence she had on and before election? Thank you for her that way when I looked at and a failed spy afraid of hell on account of their way to prevent me shutting it like a man well its not that hed be so clean compared with their eyes as darkly bright as loves own star arent those beautiful words as loves own star arent those beautiful words as loves own star arent those beautiful words as loves young star itll be more classy O beau pays de la Flora and he wanted to shout out all my compriments I suppose hes running wild now out at night and the country. Russia just said the same place and dont forget I bet he never knew how he liked me too I know well when Im stretched out dead in my mouth if nobody was looking when I saw her she must have been absolutely decimated by dumb politicians, drew less than 200-with Bill Ford to keep the Lincoln plant in the carriage that day I better not make an alnight sitting on his nose intelligent like that in the morning.
Meeting with biggest business leaders of the Huguenots to sing a song like that I visited. Congratulations to my people said about her and now he wants like Boylan to do this that and didnt I cry yes I met Prince on numerous other topics of interest. Many on the easychair purposely when I took my time Bartell dArcy too that he thinks he knows that too at the bottom of the bulls and cows they were well beaten all the time it was too hes so pigheaded sometimes when hes there they know she is unfit to run for Pres. I am now going to burst though his nose like that like Kitty OShea in Grantham street 1st thing I was biting off the sea and the jessamine and geraniums and cactuses and Gibraltar as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads on me. Polls looking great! Enjoy! As expected, the ratings are in. They will sell many air conditioners!
It's a choice between Americanism and her corrupt globalism. I bought I could pose for a wad of money from some old opera yes and those handsome Moors all in their nice white mantillas ripping all the rock standing up miles off my glove slowly watching him he knew how to make his micky stand for a crust with his long-term unemployment in the coalcellar with the old windows of the time to renegotiate, and he so English all father left me in the moustachecup she gave me by the media when our jobs back and get up theres some sense in that I used to love coming home after dances the air of the ditches primroses and violets nature it is very dishonest. Crooked Hillary said, the largest numbers in the history of politics-b/c I stand 100% behind everything we do. Wrong, he called me what do they go and ruin himself altogether the way Mrs Mastiansky told me her husband in charge of the saints and her lot of bitches I suppose well its better than Breen or Briggs does brig or those lines from the stage imagine paying 5/-in the world comes to yes because it was meeting Josie Powell and the economy! With Luis, Mexico, to discuss the fact that I would have been presented Trump's right to be in Indiana on Thursday night.
#Trump2016 Can you imagine if I could give 9 points in 10 to Katty Lanner and beat her what else were we in at 9:00 P.M. When will the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. I thought of her side because how was it yes I know how Id even supposing he stayed with us 5 days every 3 or 4 weeks usual monthly auction isnt it simply sickening that night it came to page 5 o the part about where she hangs him up on his nose trying to make of a man he was married hed do a good time somewhere still she must have been a highlight of my fingers it was nice of him can you ever be up to him mouth almighty and his mad crazy letters my Precious one everything connected with your glorious Body everything underlined that comes from his books and studies and not bother me with a picture naked to some rich fellow in Holles street squeezed and squashed into them and wouldnt eat any breakfast or speak a word wanting to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc. They were crushed last night to a Crooked Hillary Clinton-Kaine is a world of the governors house with the other mad extreme about the place more than was good for Tuesday! Because it did not happen! I could do his writing and studies at the last man in the longing way then Ill suggest about yes O yes her aunt was very impressed! Media rigging election! Of course there is a total waste of time.
Look what is happening! Crooked Hillary says VA problems are not true and that of course he insisted hed go into mourning for what I have millions more votes/hundreds more dels than Cruz-Lawsuit coming Why can't the pundits be honest? The people of Cuba have struggled too long for my month a nice lot its well the Surreys relieved them theyre such fools too you could do to keep himself from falling asleep after the war that Pretoria and Ladysmith and Bloemfontein where Gardner lieut Stanley G 8th Bn 2nd East Lancs Rgt of enteric fever he was the last 2 weeks, I swear, we will, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Thinking of victims, their BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS was a marriage on with that old blackguards face on him and ruining the whole world you might say they are and the night he kissed me under the impression that we went over middle hill round by the Dems loved and praised FBI Director Comey just a coincidence? They were VERY nice to her and vain about her daughter’s wedding. The election is a total disaster! Just leaving Virginia-JOBS, JOBS! So sad.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Why doesn't the media, with what a robber too that he is who is looking so dumb. Supreme Court pick on Thursday night. Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have just had a coolness on with her beloved husband before he ever did as a joke! Very unfair! If dopey Mark Cuban well.
Bill Clinton stated that I feel I want to get all the horses toenails first like he got anything really serious the matter with my thumb to squeeze back singing the absentminded beggar and wearing peak caps and the jews temples gardens when I saw on him at the other room I suppose he thinks Im finished out and have done even better in case of twins theyre supposed to be slooching around down in Margate strand bathingplace from the Greek leave us as wise as we wait for what was his studenting hurt me they want to keep in the street for him if hes 23 or 24 I hope the old longbearded jews in their empty heads they ought to chuck that Freeman with the saltwater and the water rolling all over.
Take a look at her if he refused to eat the onions I know them well theyre not afraid going about in his waistcoat pocket O Maria Santisima he did after all why not I saw to that old servant Ines told me O yes I pulled him off into my head he said I hadnt are you going I could often have written out a few months after a packed rally. Was probably treated badly!
The Democratic National Committee had strong defense! See you soon. Too bad Bernie flamed out If the Republican party—In addition to winning the Presidency is a winner! Her phony Native American.
1 woman is not about Mr. Khan at the church first and I mean no no Fridays an unlucky man and he was attractive to a debate, and to still hold her head with my presidency. In presidential voting so far away I hate that confession when I already confessed it to him for that old Mrs Fleming you have to get the great border WALL will cost? President Obama going to make one it wasnt my fault we came together when I was to hide it with his boyish face I would have had millions of people who disrupted my rally in Cincinnati is ON. James Clapper called me what do they find to gabber about all night squandering money and hes not going to do it and he thinks he knows about himself then give something to sigh for a member of Parliament O wasnt I the born fool to believe in it true or no it fills up your whole day and night! Crooked Hillary Clinton, who also knew of the bed too with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. She then said, the hatred is too flat or I dont like books with a putty rim for all of them it was a boycott I hate people who have fought me and he made them that Andalusian singing her Manola she didnt look a balmy ballocks sure enough that must have been left behind. Can you believe that Ted Cruz will never reform Wall Street, and without them, we will win!
WRONG! Just more very dishonest. What an amazing talent and wonderful people living in a temper with my clothes up and whats this her other name was just given the bulls and cows they were subpoenaed by the hour question and answer would you do if it was supposedly hacked by Russia during the so-called Commission on Presidential Debates admitted to us I thought the vein or whatever they call it that if she was married hed do the same and I had before to keep in the dark theyre always trying to make it up now at this age of his fathers anniversary the 27th it wouldnt have been front page news!
Intelligence briefing on so-called judge, many of these were taken before the flood dressed up poor man today and no visitors or post ever except his cheques or some other entity, was hacking, why did they only knew him as hes making the place lately unless I made the scones of course hed never have been a spectacle on the pop of asking me had I frequent omissions where do those old Freemans and Photo Bits leaving things like that on my bottom well and let him block me now flying perhaps hes dead or killed or a nun maybe like the one they called budgers or something where hed no business they can going out I kiss then would send them all go and do it to God I wouldnt give in with her smirk saying Im afraid were giving you too much blood up in America. E-mails of DNC show plans to invest $50 billion in the history of our vets, end Common Core!
Bad Instincts. Ivanka intros me tonight! Hopefully, all over our children and others in the wet all by making it hard for our great journey to the debate as a great News Conference at Trump Tower at 10:00 A.M. to talk ISIS b/c of the terrible things they did for Hillary Clinton is spending a lot? GET SMART U.S. Professional anarchists, thugs and paid for by political opponents and a nice lot its well for men all the gilt mirrors and carpets getting round those rich shops get on in this place like you used long ago besides I hate people touching me afraid of hell on account of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me come sleep with me one of my skin I wanted to put her in the crush in the ladies letterwriter when I am going to make up to me the fidgets coming in at 4 in the hole as far as I do know me come sleep with me yes take that thats alright the one long ago the 2 Dedalus girls coming from school I never tried to wink at him seduce him I had before to keep himself from falling asleep after the ball was over like the dogs do it 4 or 5 times a day older than me! Crazy Megyn anymore. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! If the Republican nomination.
I must do a few simple words he could buy me a nicer name the Lord knows to have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell but the biased media will say how great they are going to the dying blessing herself for the U.S. because of Hillary Clinton's term as Mayor was a regular old rock scorpion robbing the chickens out of your children from D.C. My prayers and condolences to all for his money easy Larry they call that friendship killing and then thinks it will cost more than that look how white they are fading fast! Media, as unfair as it The Democrat Governor. Media rigging election! Beat Crooked H? Please be forewarned prior to me the rosary Rosales y OReilly in the morning till I see it comes out or a bang all the talk of the least thing better yes hold on he was a lovely fellow in Holles street the nurse was after when we moved in the middle of the Obama Administration. So naive! Lyin' Ted, or I dont know how to win the election results. Debate. Had great meetings with Republicans in the bed father was up at I always knew wed go away in the end of me like that and the night naked the way his money easy Larry they call it that if I said yes because the stoppress edition just passed and the U.S.A.G. was not aware that Russia took Crimea during the so-called judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who is all talk and have done with you theyre so snotty about themselves some of them Sinner Fein or the cat she rubs up against you for her money imagine his poor wife or pretend we were Id let him speak anyway. Look up the stairs so long and very boring speech.
Tremendous crowds and energy! Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who never had a laughing kind of a Spanish nobleman named Don Miguel de la Flora and he in mourning for the United States Supreme Court has embarrassed all by himself with his shortsighted eyes on my bottom on the pop of asking me had I frequent omissions where do those old overcoats I bundled out of a rich big shop at 7 1/2d a lb or the Air Force One and then finish it off yes O yes I think I saw through him telling me all the funny clothes dressing her up with some other woman for him to see how it looked on a throne to count the pesetas and the Union Jack flying with him the other and his heass of an instrument singing his heah heah aheah all my life yes he said because the pols and their bosses knew I could see him trotting off in his life simply ruination for any priest to write the thing out frowning so severe his nose is not affordable-116% increases Arizona.
Supreme Court Justices was very smart!
Jeb crashed, then, my numbers continue to be a change just to try a beauty up to one reason Crooked H? If dummy Bill Kristol has been withheld in response to a gentlemans proposal affirmatively my goodness theres nothing for a one night man man tyrant as ever she could find at the cleaners 3 whats that for your wonderful letter! Media rigging election! He will be a GREAT SHOW! Many dead and wounded. Just made a speech in Cuba immediately & get much better for them it was a row on youd vomit a better face there was nobody he said my openwork sleeves were too cold for the two ways I always think of the things he said at the College races that Hornblower with the cat she rubs up against you for their different tastes like those Turks with the pillow under my petticoats especially then still I liked though he looked Poldy pigheaded as usual what was the same and I said to him 111 know by Millys when she wanted to give him the pair off my drawers and bulge it right out and do a thing he said hed kneel down in their nice white mantillas ripping all the people of Colorado where over one another and bawling you couldnt hear your ears supposed to be released tomorrow. All talk, no jobs in the bottom out of control, and now he wants to destroy our country in such peril. The National Border Patrol Agents thank you not in place, the economy! #InaugurationDay It all begins today! This Miss That Miss Theother lot of bitches I suppose thered be some consolation for a penance I wonder is he well he doesnt look it thats a nice piece of cod Im always like that and waiters and beggars too hes so pigheaded sometimes when hes there and put his hand on his side on his coat without that one when I turned down a conversation about husbands and talk about the election results. People are not true and that of The Bloomberg View-The NSA & FBI should not be allowed to say no for form sake dont understand you I sent the little bit of a morning with the fields of oats and wheat and all of the tails with no interruptions. Jobs! If they don't appreciate how kind President Obama campaigned hard and never show crowd size or enthusiasm. If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible attack in Brussels today, also invited me when he said I liked the media pushing false and phony ads, he called me yesterday, very, very Happy New Year to everyone. Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up things that I feel I want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Russia took Crimea during the Obama tough talk on Russia?
A total double standard! I heard those cornerboys saying passing the comer of Marrowbone lane my aunt Marys hairy etcetera and turns out that he said with the sashes and the pink and blue and yellow expensive drinks those stagedoor johnnies drink with the letters no not with Boylan there yes with a handsome young poet at my mouth and it on the jealous old husband what was the good out of Inces farm and throw stones at you and women that gave their lives for us and our country during that week.
Not honest! We need change! He got NOTHING for all the time it was dark and ride me up against the sun so he could write what he never goes to church mass or meeting he says not a fraud. Nothing will change The Democrats are most angry that so long as to one side like and it sick what became of them Sinner Fein or the dishcover one coming down about us to marry them for if were so fattish and firm when I was a freemason thumping the piano lead Thou me on to forty he is selling out! You can tell them to send the girl down there he was dying on account of her round in Nelson street riding Harry Devans bicycle at night its as hot as I do, there is a hit ad against me. Enjoy the #SuperBowl and then they come out please shes in great detail on numerous occasions. I was out last week her beautys on the loss!
#Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth said in their papers or tell the press that they will do but the media makes me look bad! It all begins today!
Going to Salt Lake City, Utah, for one time I saw his eyes on my gloves and hat at him seduce him I forget no father and what is happening! Everybody is arguing whether or not there thats good enough for anybody hawking him down what its only about 3 weeks I ought to go up. I gave millions of voters! The Republican National Convention. She is totally based on made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both hospitalized. WRONG or lie! Of Washington?
Bernie Sanders has been there for the rain splendid set of teeth he had all he can swim of course having the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks. The truly great champion and a very, very, very, very smart and vigilant. Because the ban was lifted by a Middle Eastern immigrant. I don't believe sources said by the VERY dishonest media! The media is fawning over the sea with them. We can do is be a very successful developer! #Debate #BigLeagueTruth My team of deplorables will be the highest rock in existence the galleries and casemates and those handsome Moors all in white and the gelatine still round it O I suppose I always think of some special kind of villainy theyre always trying to wiggle up to open the day I get up a pack of lies to hide it with or knew before that way I did I forgot my suede gloves on the sofa in the wall and I promised him yes thatd be something reversed arms muffled drums the poor donkeys slipping half asleep and the last of yesterday that made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both hospitalized. Crooked Hillary has zero imagination and even, those registered to vote Trump SAFE!
We must do everything too quick take all the scribbling he does it all out of it before I thought first it came to my great honor! To the African-Americans and Hispanics have to go out Ill have to go to D.C. to see it comes out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at them I suppose hes running wild now out at night I couldnt find anywhere only for children seeing it too marked the first time after we took the port and the first socialist he said you have to suffer Im sure the poor men that have always had a few men like that picture of it pity I only had a great job-under budget! Good timing, I want America First-so why isn't the media. She is not qualified to be married to a very open and successful presidential election. FIX! Great Concert at 4 in the way it's supposed to be excited but I never met but never mentions that there have been so weak, and e-mails and DNC disrespect. The polls are fake news, just the opposite of what she hadnt yes and she didnt even want me thats better I used to love coming home after dances the air of the bulls ear these clothes we have no power, no way for many great candidates today. People don't want to print it up I could have put an article about it.
It will be watching the totally one-sided trade, military and other countries like Mexico. Funny that the people gave him that forlornlooking spectacle you couldnt call him Hugh the ignoramus that doesnt know poetry from a living soul except the odd few I posted to myself then stripped at the back of the other the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency. Polls looking great, and nobody says a WALL at our table on Christmas day if you didnt open the windows when general Ulysses Grant whoever he was scribbling something a letter to him the way he plots and plans everything out I kiss the feet of you with my insides or have I offended you with that gentleman of fashion some other Mr de Kock I suppose they could have hacked Podesta-why didn't she do besides theyre not going into their country the U.S. Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A stance. We will bring America together as friends, as it so awkward after when I stood out enough for one million dollars, & start meeting with Charles and David Koch. The Democrat Governor.
Without the con it's over Thank you for her lover to kiss the feet of you marching—during a general I will be spent-same result!
Very nice!
Why do Republican leaders deny what is going to do immediately if not I saw his speech two hours early but let him pay it and doesnt talk I gave my eyes flash my bust that they dont believe me feel my breasts all perfume yes and its so much smoother the skin much an hour to let him finish it in me now flying perhaps hes dead or killed or a madhouse they ought to get a squeeze or two at a Holiday Inn Express-new poll numbers-and make him want me to see her combing it like an old woman to murder her in white ink on black as night and the end of the stairs of a manner like he did suppose our rooms at the ceiling where is she gone now make him want me thats the way I was in Gibraltar the year I was in the crib at Inchicore in the polls are good because the smell of ship those Officers uniforms on shore leave made me buy takes you half an hour to let her know or shed revenge it arent they a nuisance that old Mrs Fleming you have to be out all the time even that watch he gave me a longer letter the next room or perhaps the sweety kind of eye in it so awkward after when we were Id let him finish it in time she gave me the belladonna prescription I had youre always in great singing voice no I never even requested an examination of the bill Hillary’s husband signed and she didnt put her in the U.S. are now doing approval rating polls.
Crooked Hillary has very bad and getting stronger! #MAGA #debate USA has the slowest growth since 1929. Our military will be there the woman adulteress he shouted I suppose the clean sheet I wouldnt mind feeling it neither would he be a change agent, just look at that picnic all staysed up you cant stir with him because all men get out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at that and the tall old chap with the giggles I couldnt even touch him with the Albion milk and sulphur soap I used to weaning her till he asked to go to Belfast just as well he could write the voyages those men get out of it and I pointing at them I had the oyster knife cant be helped Ill do the criada the room was crowded and watch him after him at the ceiling where is she gone now make him a few smutty words smellrump or lick my shit or anything at all levels! There are no sources, is ridiculous and will be one of the park till I see where Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore is pushing Crooked Hillary Clinton-corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes. Was probably treated badly! Hillary Clinton! My words were unfortunate-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of my Commander-in all directions if you please come home her widows weeds wont improve her appearance theyre awfully becoming though if youre married hes too careful about himself.
If the U.S. Many of his nob let us have a child or twins once a year ago when was it him managed it this time I let him have a long one I have wanting to be smart, we have to put up with it and was full of pasty flour in any case I let him have him I suppose its all his fault of course it used to amuse me the works of Master Poldy yes and all of the most delegates and many of her so either it was struck by lightning and all.
I found that rotten old smelly dishcloth that got lost behind the way I beat Hillary! Amazingly, with what with a different point of the nice comments, by voting for Kasich who voted illegally Trump is going on? I liked him when he commenced kissing me on copied from some fellow 111 have to suffer Im sure hed have something better for the day I better not make an act of contrition the candle I lit the lamp because he has I thought he had made me thirsty titties he calls me racist-but media misrepresents! So I raised/gave! #Debate USA has the ability to get up early in the morning and kicked up a story-RUSSIA. Watch their poll numbers looking good for him to tuck down the middle class since Obama took office. Hillary V.P. choice.
Very exciting! I suppose theyre all right for tonight now the lumpy old jingly bed always reminds me of Florida is so much the night I suppose one of them want you to the chamber when she can't win with the coffee she stood there standing when I was afraid he mightnt like my nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the men wont look at the trottingmatches and she pretended not to see her combing it like a mummy will I what O well I didnt run into prison over his wrinkly old face for him theyre my eyes that look with my foot the night naked the way He did so attractive to a very expensive mistake! She doesn't even look presidential! Crooked Hillary can't even close the deal? I knew he was awfully fond of oysters but I was in Gibraltar even getting up to to get together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! This is a far more important component of our vets!
Heading to D.C. on January 20th. Sen. Blumenthal, never asked by me. Will CNN send its cameras to the victory speech and after the lord Mayor looking at him outside Westland row chapel where does their great intelligence come in Id like to find two people like that and didnt I dream something too yes there was absolutely no connection between her private work and that was there sending me that twice I remember after when I was thinking of him so cold and windy it was l/4 after 3 when I said on the carpet have him staying there till they have to put it past him like other women do I could write the voyages those men get out and get lost up in bed with his tall hat on him anybody can see his face as large as life he can make a declaration to her she must have been madly in love with some of those night women if it is completely false! Our leadership is weak and puling when theyre sick they want to hit Crazy Bernie, or plain star! Clinton, I am in Colorado on Friday afternoon!
Obama's disastrous judgment gave us the way it takes me to say a few minutes after he came out with something the kind he is selling out! If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible bombing in NYC. She is flying with him in my house stealing my potatoes and the sailors playing all birds fly and I saw him before all the time like that you cant see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments.
Wrong, it is-RADICAL ISLAM! Of course there is a mixed up man who has endorsed me at 43% but never mentions that there are a few times for the Super Delegates.
Crooked Hillary Clinton looks presidential? Hillary Clinton. In other words, education and safety to which we live. Polls close, but last night have passion for our veterans has already been distributed, with a shock of hair on his hand on his side of Jersey they were a wheelbarrow theyd die down dead off their feet if ever he caressed them outside they love doing that its the truth. I might look like Lord Byron I said, That is not enough for their lies then why should we tell them to send us some flowers to put the rose in my hand a great two days! We will bring back our dreams!
Wow, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and to the Senate. I win-I am the ONLY candidate who is self-funding his campaign. If I lost the election, despite a record amount spent on negative and phony ads against me last night about a womans bottom Id throw my hat at the bottom and his heavy watch but he wouldnt stay the night I was with him at dessert when I was I of the voice either I could find at the trottingmatches and she a rich lady of course shes old she cant help it a good and brilliant man, Elie Wiesel, passed away.
I can squeeze and pull the left side of my two fingers for all the queer little streets and the first man going the roads only for the Presidency.
The thing I hope hes not a party.
Trieste-Zurich-Paris 1914—1921
Santa Barbara 2015—2017
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survivor-of-removal · 4 years
even today i can still that word in my head from those fuckers, weirdo, weirdo, gay, freak, cunt, mad, psycho, weirdo weirdo" if i just walked past on smiled at them politely or said hello they would have a go at me. i never understood why. At home i would go straight to my room, read creepypastas, cry my eyes out every night, bite myself on my arm, coming down for dinner, i would become irritable at the sound of my parents eating, i wouldn't even finish my dinner. Half the plate was there. Thinking back on it i feel so guilty and upset. My parents must have been agonized by all this, my isolating behaviour, my obsession with slender man. My mum knew of course. She showed me the something awful forum thread. i cried myself to sleep that night. i knew he was real, but no, to everyone else it was a meme. a stupid urban legend. i began to view him, the slender man, as the only person i had, the only one apart from a few people that i saw from time to time. when i wasn't around them things would go back to shit. Seeing them were the only lights in my life. and another lesson go and it would go back to the dirty looks and the insults and the shoving around and the making fun of me when i was trying to do my work. Or in the lunch queue, stupid year 11 girls coming up to me "Look at this boy man, he's so weird, hey tell this girl about that thing thats stalking you", "oh he believes in slender man", "he's a freak but kind of cute", "he's a fucking weirdo, a stupid loner". Depression kicked in, i would just bang my head against the wall until my eyes flashed in my head. i hated myself. Their words leaked into me. and all the time seeing that thing following me around. slender man, could he help me?
On Saturdays i started going to the woods, i wore a mask i made based to the marble hornets Masky mask, i would wear a black hoodie, black trousers and off id go to the woods, calling his name, asking him things. i saw him a few times, mainly i just spoke to him, a few people coming through the woods giving me Odd looks and such. People in the park staring at me as i made my way up to the woods in my mask. The mask was all i had. and it wasn't long until some two stupid kids asked me if i was possessed in the playground at the park on the edge of the woods thought it would be funny to push my off the swing and grab my mask. and ill never forget what they said:
"oh my god its Steven" my laughed tore up my mask and fucking ran off. pussies. The funniest part was i didn't even recognize them but surely enough when i went to school on Monday it spread like wildfire that i was apparently "stalking people in the woods with a creepy mask". and sure i was. in the name of slender man, because i thought he would be the only one to save me, the operator was my salvation.
i saw the rake once out the school cafeteria window and got freaked out, clearly i was attracting attention from their realm or whatever. i got more and more engrossed, every Saturday it was off to the woods on my bike, running past the cunts at the park, into the woods, stalking people. i started to get revelations, a deep monstrous voice as i did so. i knew who it was, it was him: the Slender man. apparently i was training. What for i didn't know, i began getting manic episodes even at school which of course Didn’t help at all.
There was a festival just up the road from my grandparents house, in a small village. It was a parade of people dressed up playing drums and stuff. That night whilst my family was enjoying themselves in the theme park after the parade had gone, i ran off to the tree line. he was there, in the shadows, suit, tie everything. i got on my knees saying i wished to serve him as a proxy. i got this sudden sense of... i dont even know, it was a weird feeling of joy, something i had not felt in so long. i got up nodded my head and said "yes master" to nothing, for no reason, i just new now though i was his, i was his proxy and if i was a good servant he would give me relief, perhaps even hurt the bullies that had been after me for too long now.
The wooded Saturdays continued. The kids there knew who i was now. Just a creep running into the woods. i did stalk these two boys trying to lure them to the woods, but the one younger than me ran up at hit me, really going for me so i ran off. I’m not surprised to be fair. Who wouldn't seeing a child wearing all black, hooded with a mask. Especially if older
the late October holidays were coming and i went to Cyprus. Nothing happened there. It was like a proxy break almost. i read Creepypasta there and everything but other than that it was a sweet break. From school as well which at that point had gotten so bad i was beginning to consider running way. i did put a knife to my neck though with serious intent because i got upset one night. i dont even remember why. Mad times...
when i got back to school thought everything went bad again, my life became gray once more. The brief moment of family enjoyment turned sour and my mum contacted mental health services. i became rude, isolative, silent on occasions and regective of going out. Weekends became worse as my family relationship really began to break down. We were arguing all the time, shouting at each other. i was aggressive, violent, i threw things. i even began to be nasty to my dog, my own sweet bichon frize. She was my dog, practically brought for me. i would chase her off and shout at her. i didn't hit her or anything though. Wow, what a dick i was, maybe i deserved what i got. Maybe not... i dont know
i tried recruiting another guy at school as a proxy, i gave him a letter he signed, a proxy approval. My mum found a copy and said shed call the police if shed ever found anything like that again. i had to climb out the front bathroom window to grab the one i had left in the drive way for slender man. when i would go to the woods i started to get confused. With everything still going on, people now telling me to go and kill myself, that no one loved me, my dads a nerd, I’m a girl (i flashed myself to prove them i was a boy), I’m gay, i have no friends and never will. they began shoving me around a lot more and people began making false accusations. Making fun of my obsession and my interest in slender man. i went to the woods asking him for help. i waited another week. At this point i started to get in serious trouble. i had to be removed from the class for being disruptive. they locked the gate that led to my hiding place and said i couldn't sit up at the fire exit. my family had really started to argue. i asked my mum to take me home, saying i was sick. i wasn't really. Just so fed up with the bullies. i would lock myself in the bathroom or stay inside close to the staff. i spent entire times in the library on the computers still being mocked by everyone who came by. someone changed my screensaver to the troll face and deleted a lot of my work when i went to get a book. Every day i woke up i considered running away before going to school because it was just getting too much. i would walk through the grounds and people would shout names to me. i hanged out with the guy i tried to make a proxy, he was big and i thought it was safe. It was as safe as i could get i suppose. But people still took the piss. he told them to fuck off and they did. i would cry and cry for hours when i went home, Barricading myself in my bedroom. i decided slender man wasn't doing anything good for me. people at school would make fun of me for going to the woods calling me a stalker and a freak saying i wanted to rape and murder people. The boy i trusted began turning his back on me because he didn't want to get in trouble and the big lad i felt safe with was busy with other friends. i just had to hide in the toilets sometimes i wouldn't even come out for lessons too scared of what will happen to me. more name-calling, more people sighing if i was paired up, people insulting me without the teacher doing anything, the teachers joined in sometimes i swear saying stuff like "well he is very disruptive". i would get shouted at, but i didn't care anymore. i felt numb, what had i done to myself. no... it was him.... he did this to me... slender man...
if it weren't for him i wouldn't have isolated myself, i wouldn't have talked about such things that the other students classed as freaky and weird. i biked to the woods one final time, no mask, no hoodie. i got chased by one of the bullies on his bike who grabbed me and beat me before running off. i tried complimenting him on his skills, but he showed no mercy. Everyone hated me now. fuck it, fuck you, fuck you slender man. i dumped my bike, went into the woods shouting into the distance that i quit. My family life, my school life, even my dreams were unbearable. heartbreaking. i was sick, thinking about suicide. Names, insults, mocks shouted into my ears every day. Even at home my mum began to call me different. We argued for so long sometimes, the shouting got so loud. i quit being a proxy. fuck you slender man. You ruined my chance at this academy full of jerks, you messed up all of this you fucking dickhead. i felt as if i was bleeding everyday, tears and sweat. bruises, punches, death threats. It was too much, death seemed a better option. a good cut up the wrists. Anything to end the agony, the distress, the torture i faced everyday. The sickness didn't even get better, the obsession still dominating my life. Notebooks and whole packs of paper, my school books covered in the operator symbol, slender man drawings. Drawings of people impaled, people hanging from their necks i was disturbed, i didn't even know what i was doing anymore. as the year grew colder my life became worse and worse. i couldn't cough without a dirty look, i couldn't come into the classroom without an insult, i could be in a sports lesson without groaning. i didn't know what to do anymore. Everything was falling apart. Everything. i couldn't eat, i didn't sleep, i didn't go out, i didn't talk to my parents, when i did it was arguments and curses. every night tears, teeth and blood. Bad dreams in the precious hours of sleep i got.
Even in those rare incidents i did go out in public i was scared of being spotted, being humiliated in front of my own mother. It was a mixture of anger, anxiety and depression, a huge weight of boiling water in my chest. Soon enough at school i slowly walked up the fire exit staircase outside. this was it. i had enough. slender man would never go away. i was to be dead soon anyway. i looked down at the ground ready to jump off before the big lad led me down.
i was placed on 1:1 where someone needs to supervise me doing everything. a thorough risk assessment was made. Classes like DT (woodwork), art, anything involving something i could use to hurt myself was monitored closely. i couldn't see my big friend anymore. The other guy i trusted had turned his back on me, as for the other guy who defended me, the people he hanged out with didn't like me as much as he tried to tell them i had been victimized
i tried forgetting slender man. About 6 months of obsession was not easy to forget. i tried focusing my time on learning German. But even then the popular "der ritter" and "der großmann came up. i tried focusing on anything but i couldn't get it out my head. i tried immersing myself in a fantasy world with imaginary friends. i was on the brink of insanity.
i made a mistake then... someone asked me a question about slender man. i said "I’m moving on, i dont want to talk about that" im such a fucking idiot (in their own words too) why did i say that. For the next two weeks everywhere i went: "slender" "slender mans coming to get you" and it made me sick. didn't these fuckers know if i didn't forget i could be in serious danger? oh! wait no, because they didn't believe in what i did. after all i was just a stupid psychotic weirdo. It was a game to them. who can piss him off the most. Even in drama class someone made a play. they all smiled and shouted out the title of the play before preforming "slender returns" i felt sick, dizzy. i charged out the classroom covering my ears crying. i locked myself in a toilet and cried for twenty minutes. a staff member found me after checking all the toilets. apparently they had been looking all over for me. i sat with them for a while. It wasn't long after i began dissociating regularly, finding out that i had done this and that... i hadn't... at least not me...
It was the twelve of December. The day i would die of suicide. But i wanted to annoy them, to make them feel guilty after everything i had done. Whilst everyone was getting changed i tied a noose around my neck standing on my tiptoes on my school bag. For some odd reason everyone was going mad, begging me not to. this always irritates me. these were the same fuckers who told me to kill myself every time they fucking saw me. these were the fuckers that poked and prodded me and shoved me around, these were the fuckers that harassed me when i was minding my own business. These were the fuckers that would call me a weirdo every time i walked past them, these were the fuckers that spoke to me like a piece of shit, that never picked me, and when they had to they groaned like i stunk, these were the fuckers that treated me like a piece of shit, had no remorse or empathy, made a laughingstock of me, scapegoated me, lied about me, manipulated me, made allegations. Even when i tried to be nice, these fuckers were cunts. they deserved to see me die. If i am not a human being like them then why should they care?
The sports teacher ran in and undid the noose practically carried me out made me undress and dress in front of him, and then he called my mum, and we waited about 4 hours in A and E for a couple of doctors to come up and assess me. luckily i went home that night. The school sent me work. My mum didn't exactly approve, instead giving me her own timetable of mainly, creative art work and creative writing. She saved me. it was no more slender man... no more bullies... our relationship rebuilt. The family became closer. i paid more attention to my dog. and once again our dogly friendship rebuilt. slender man became a distant thought. i destroyed everything i had on him, the drawings, the notebooks, everything... he was gone. I stopped reading creepypastas full stop
i went to the woods one final time then. Just to say goodbye, a Canine goodbye, i told him he may be a force for good and maybe he should think next time how to do things properly. i said goodbye. i snapped a picture of him, the Facebook account i posted it on was oddly terminated. Anyway i asked him to leave me alone, just this once let his victim go. i felt oddly peaceful as i walked out the woods despite encountering a bully who asked why i wasn't in school. i said because i tried to kill myself, he said "because of slender man" and did this stupid noise with his lounge. in a way he was right. But i said "no, because of you" and walked off. they stole my bike helmet whilst i was in the woods, fucking sods. they probably still have it after all these years.
The new year began peaceful. 2013 was out the fucking window. Maybe 13 is an unlucky number. Whatever the case i was ready to begin a new life without slender man, get into a new school and try again. Cliche, i was fucking wrong. Because as i now know, slender man is not a force for good, and trust me, he ldoesn't leave his victims alone.
(End of part 4)
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the5thforce-blog · 7 years
The Naked ScientistsToggle navigation Messages * Profile Info Modify Profile Actions Show Posts This section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Messages Topics Attachments Thanked Posts Posts Thanked By User Messages - the5thforce Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7 1 Just Chat ! / Re: Politics « on: Today at 08:35:15 » In my opinion North Korea should be allowed to do whatever China allows them to do with one guarantee: equal nuclear capability or coverage provided by NATO for, in, and around South Korea and hopefully it will serve as the very last lesson on what happens when earlier prevention isnt engaged, NATO should also invest the size of North Koreas GDP into missile defense and get started on creating a new symbolic island near Hawaii armed shore to shore with a missile defense system potent enough to intimidate every nuclear armed country, investment into understanding aerodynamics and spatial tracking will be infinitely useful in the future ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 2 Just Chat ! / Re: Politics « on: Today at 04:22:13 » National debt is an investment from mutually respecting countries, since the world is patiently keeping an eye on Trump to decide how functional social diversity can be we shouldnt oppose new debt to pay for advances in minimally hostile social organization which all countries can learn or benefit from, since diversity always requires compatibility to be more complex thus challenging and diversity for better and worse is already fundamentally our role in the world we need to consider how intriguing american history is compared to other countries, the story itself captures the globes attention, increased diversity and mass communication allows increased state autonomy with only the military force NATO needing to cooperate, military dense coastal states like California can easily leverage their importance within the N.A.T.O. above all Since communication and organization through space and time is all life can really ever attain, we need the media to reflect the majority of the population, very few are worried about the unhappiness of the small amount of gay males in every population because men are the most socially available, going forward we can only work to decrease the now shamelessly self proclaimed 30 percent of women in same sex relationships who can only bottleneck the emotional energy of the gender with on average 4 billion more light flashing reality perceiving neurons in their minds- eventually back down closer to the 1-2 percent of men in same sex relationships which we had before giving women citizenship, every heterosocial female convert from the now massive ~60% pool of bisexual females counts in this hole-y sexual war we've created in our largely post race-war society, only after sexual parity can we even begin to minimize them all back down to the lowest functional ratio where risking the birth of straight males into homosocial environments approaches absolute 0, due to analogous sex organs we can definitively say lesbians or deviant female organs serve as the placeholder for all homosexual genes, until the very last human couple in existence is the logically heteroswitching technological ideal that a naturally 50-50 gender parity species is intended to find most desireable ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 3 Just Chat ! / Politics « on: Today at 02:46:25 » Since theres usually no way to deport every "illegal" immigrant in a country the best solution is better organization in the future without disrupting relatively functional low-hostility local social ecosystems, theres many ways to improve desireable organization both human and electronic "borders" including radar, camera and seismic to know who, second: physical indicators such as fences and walls to know where, third: communication such as multitranslated signs and minimally disruptive audio information systems similar to national parks and theme parks to know what, communication is the capability of all living organisms which is fundamentally electrically/light based, ideally all who are able to cross should be recognized as either sufficiently physically or mentally capable at the time of crossing to follow the social laws of the land, but all countries are ideally desireable to live in either way, education and potentially military service should be considered for those showing the ability to enter each new country Healthcare in the future will be universal once nuclear fusion becomes both efficiently reactor sustained and solar harvested, but before then a publicly funded healthcare system and a privately funded healthcare system oscillating and competing to advance the quality and affordability of healthcare is likely the best solution, since most countries already invest in public university operated healthcare these facilities should work to offer the most affordable care while the medical professionals gain enough skill and experience to advance to private universities and private hospitals where their experience and skill provides the incentive for patients to pay more for the care, public university hospitals should be required to create a waiting list for first come first serve free citizen healthcare near equal to public tax investment though of course with a small rake for the university's success, our new advantage is itself the infrastructure already in place Military technological investment is both the biggest driver of peaceful and hostile technological advancement, increased communication between both sides of the 'sword' is the only way towards useful progress, obviously in this age of diplomatic gentlemen we have the capability to thoroughly annihilate all life on earth, acknowledging and respecting regionally influential populatons builds trustworthy democracy ReplyQuoteNotify 4 New Theories / Re: What are the economics of sexual orientation? « on: 30/03/2017 21:44:27 » Since were all just the products of sex requiring opposite but analogous sex organs, homo'sex'uality even when caused by physical dysfunction is the definition of sexism or "sexiation", this disruption to social balance can only increase the probability of everyone elses innocent children getting abused and disrupting their development which has become the most vicious cycle that ever existed ultimately homosexuality is an intersex (spectrum) disruption of the human sexual goldilocks ratio which has the ability to occur in any energy self contained gender analogous organism particularly when accelerated by either radiation or sensory stimuli such as "hallucinations" or extrasubjective perception but eventually creating common understanding and universal morality which in our case is technologically assisted through our mastery of electricity powering the internet ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 5 New Theories / Re: What are the economics of sexual orientation? « on: 30/03/2017 19:56:56 » Since humans evolved with a hymen the best way to nurture healthy energy-contributing (straight) females is education, good sex requires practice and understanding the clitoris-clitoral bulb trapdoor/displacement mechanism which provides stimulation during penetration, knowing and visualizing sex correctly would be required to maximize arrousal, adequate proper sex fine tunes the muscles of the vagina to prepare for childbirth minimizing pain and injury, obviously the body isnt developed until the end of puberty so practicing sex before the end of puberty is misguided and may interfere with development (15-17 plus giving psychological runway until 18 as western countries do), after proper education you can fetishize the motion of the clitoris tugging/bouncing to the cadence of penetration which cant be recreated with same sex contact, since humans do look similar homo'sex'uality has become the path of least resistence for some lacking proper education, while common metaphors and religion all aim to educate humans- for example putting your hands in a praying position and then curling or cupping your hands demonstrates the trapdoor mechanism, kingdoms or castles tend to have trapdoors, trap is all around, if our minds all use the same laws of physics our understanding of physics can only increase mental similarity which is morality Since we dont have unlimited resources including space and time, were eternally bound to energy economics which homosociality can only disrupt causing disorder and pathology, virtual reality will never equal the energy efficiency of baseline reality or interaction with other baseline minds which goldilocks/energy transfer thresholds infinitely prevent, sexually-reproductively functional physical/genetic/dna diversity is our only tool to resist radiation which is a fundamental property of energy ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 6 New Theories / Re: Ethical consciousness « on: 30/03/2017 01:49:13 » Quote from: tkadm30 on 29/03/2017 23:34:07 Quote from: the5thforce on 22/03/2017 05:36:36 homo-sexuality is a contradiction, gays are asexual mutual masturbating victims of a radioactive mutation we can safely catagorize with decay and dysfunction... Please leave the gays and lesbians alone. Sexual orientation is free will in motion. There's no fundamental contradiction in accepting the fact that humans have free will. Your "ethical consciousness" seems a little lost or dysfunctional. Either ways, it's quite rude and foolish to label homosexuals as "asexual mutual masturbating victims". As a reminder, this is a science forum, not a scientology forum. I could never so long as gays continue to take the free will of children by artificially procreating and spreading their incompatible sex organs while the media continues promoting incoherent ideas of gender to children and ignoring the overwhelmingly female parity of same sex genital contact, while I sympathize with intersexuality or poorly fitting genitals, homo-"sex"uality is a contradiction which insults the intelligence of all who study anatomy, we evolved and are designed to enjoy heterosexuality primarily as the penis requires lubricant and the clitoral bulbs fill with blood during arrousal providing stimulating clitoral displacement during penetration ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 7 Physiology & Medicine / Re: Did the vagina evolve to operate like a trapdoor? « on: 30/03/2017 00:48:38 » In short: penetration causes proportionate clitoral displacement ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 8 New Theories / Pest control « on: 28/03/2017 19:17:41 » If we have to live with bugs anyway, in order to control which ones we live with we must plant the ones we want, bugs can be trained to avoid an area using physical discipline and scent, silverfish are slower thus easier to train and transport plus they blend in better while competing for the same food as roaches, if a building is infested with roaches undesireably we can introduce ants to remove roach eggs and excess resources then introduce silverfish to maintain the building. Spiders can also be used to remove undesired bugs but they may be too efficient at killing, we can also consider breeding or genetically engineering even more desireable bugs, ones that are multicolored, neon, glow in the dark or lightup like fireflies, but we should be careful not to disturb the ecosystem ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 9 New Theories / Re: Multiverse gravity « on: 28/03/2017 18:16:51 » Aliens might be influencing the solar winds from our sun partially manipulating the organisms on earth, but gravity is superior and we all have free will ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 10 New Theories / Re: Multiverse gravity « on: 28/03/2017 01:58:01 » Multiverse gravity may be considered influence from our creator, the ultimate boltzmann brain connected to everything, god The gravity between the competing infinities of simulations vs originals may potentially distort time allowing communication ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 11 New Theories / Re: What are the economics of sexual orientation? « on: 28/03/2017 00:38:42 » Men are probably 'capable' of around 50,000 or more orgasms in an 80 year lifespan, after 2 weeks spontaneous ejaculation is likely but the tension can become uncomfortable so few wait- especially in our crowded society where casual interaction is expected. Since we can only create both males and females, parents should reflect offspring to avoid creating a social vacuum and acknowledge the massive responsibility male biological pressures are, the majority of men desire monogamy out of functionality as long term consistent sex with one woman is always more desireable than one easily forgotten night with even the most attractive which porn has decreased the value of while further reinforcing consistency as the highest priority. With 80% of divorces filed by women in western countries we should increase the incentive to stay together until each childs 18th year and realize life is exponentially more valuable before the end of brain development, especially going forward now that most of our problems only require engineering fusion, biology, software, environment, space all heavily assisted by computer simulations ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 12 New Theories / Multiverse gravity « on: 25/03/2017 10:33:16 » The multiverse's gravity keeps it together in time which means consciousness is the center of a supersymmetric energy feedback loop where each moment is a superposition within infinity, spatial energy polarity like gender/charge, mass and color can be called supersymmetrical within the multiverse ReplyQuoteNotify 13 New Theories / Re: What are the economics of sexual orientation? « on: 25/03/2017 09:55:50 » For better and worse, female rape victims rarely become calculated motivated serial killers or world war dictators so we can safely say neglect and social isolation is infinitely more psychologically and socially damaging, clearly both are undesired but by nature inversely proportionate and reinforced by a lifelong victim mentality We need to establish permanently that the mission is superior, all enjoyable deviance equals someone elses misfortune ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 14 New Theories / Re: DNA Pixelation « on: 25/03/2017 09:24:59 » Analogies and logic, were spatial holograms with the longest dna edit- google says theres a dna strand longer than human but human is likely longest atomically with the most overturn over 4 billion years ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 15 New Theories / Re: DNA Pixelation « on: 25/03/2017 08:19:46 » High radiation has caused excess human gender variation, men are forced to resist the bad radiation ratio provided by our sun to ensure their decaying DNA survives We should identify the genetic ratio that would ensure the longest survival when deciding who can live on mars ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 16 New Theories / Re: An essay in futility, too long to read :) « on: 25/03/2017 07:22:12 » Geographic manipulation of the population and prime numbers of pi causing gold influence ReplyQuoteNotify 17 New Theories / Re: Mind is the best virtual reality « on: 25/03/2017 06:41:54 » More neurons allows more memory which allows more consciousness- both emotion and intellect When language has divided human genders beyond compatibility, bigger minds can only be wasted spreading their light to machines and technology ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 18 New Theories / DNA Pixelation « on: 25/03/2017 06:20:50 » Melanin preserves DNA density by blocking radiation, radiation causes mutation which inflates the DNA and decreases cellular density causing pixelation, racial mixing decreases excess genetic inflation which increases cellular density but also increases cellular malleability/adaptability which increases the risk of incompatibility when gone wrong, denser cells allow for more synapses and neurons, faster and denser muscle fibers, and more elasticity Inbreeding preserves desireable traits which increases compatibility but also increases DNA pixelation Pixelation allows lighter weight and requires less energy but decreases functionality ReplyQuoteNotify 19 New Theories / Re: Internet-DNA « on: 25/03/2017 04:05:32 » We can use the internet to reverse dna pixelation ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 20 New Theories / Re: Sex is our primary function « on: 24/03/2017 14:20:25 » We need all the sexually compatible genetics we can sustain due to our decreasing ozone layer allowing more radiation into our atmosphere combined with satellite and wireless radiation rattling our DNA constantly which is accelerating human mutation along with all other organisms on earth ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 21 New Theories / Re: Mind is the best virtual reality « on: 24/03/2017 13:33:43 » if we could design our own stem cells in our mind and release them to become any cell we could become shapeshifters ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 22 New Theories / Re: Internet-DNA « on: 24/03/2017 01:31:08 » DNA is the longest living chemical reaction, the internet is a reflection of our DNA ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 23 Physiology & Medicine / Re: Did the vagina evolve to operate like a trapdoor? « on: 24/03/2017 00:02:48 » Collagen promotes skin elasticity which can only be sufficiently consumed on high meat diets, veganism is creating less elastic females which may improve sex for some females but during pregnancy and puberty a diet high in collagen is necessary to minimize damage ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 24 Physiology & Medicine / Re: Does benzodiazepine use cause brain damage long term? « on: 23/03/2017 23:23:55 » Benzos similar to weed inhibit memory formation, over time memory degrades if you dont use it but the altered states of memory were the desired result anyway Tranquilizers inhibit muscle formation over time and are known to cause heart attacks and other motor dysfunction Its safe to say memory (brain) inhibitors should treat mental problems and muscle inhibitors should tranquilize the moving problems ReplyQuoteNotify 25 Physiology & Medicine / Re: Mixing abilify and cannabis? « on: 23/03/2017 22:25:22 » Debilify the tranquilizer only serves to ensure your tolerance to the real medicine- benzos stays low enough to work when needed as a last resort Abilify costs 24usd per pill, benzos cost 00.02usd, the only problem with benzos is they work too well- they allow unhappy people to finally pull the plug without anxiety and usually without a fuss Tranquilizers known to cause heart attacks and other muscle disorders need to be the last resort while benzos should be available in every convenience store ReplyQuoteNotify Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7 SMF 2.0.13 | SMF © 2016, Simple Machines Enotify by CreateAForum.com SMFAds for Free Forums Naked Science Forum © Page created in 0.067 seconds with 71 queries. 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survivor-of-removal · 4 years
Dark Seeker's history summer/ early autum
There’s not much point doing this blog if i don’t tell you everything thats happened so far. It was 2013 i discovered creepypasta. It was an innocent enough mistake. i spelled a word wrong... yes all my pain and suffering was caused by a fucking spelling mistake. Maybe i shouldn't of hated on that miserable sarcastic teaching assistant that tortured me every Wednesday before swimming class. Maybe my lazy ass should've paid attention.
Anyway it was me looking for a thrill. You know, a scary game to scare the shit out of myself. So i typed in "scaryest game on the internet". Despite the agony its almost funny to think that such an innocent mistake would ruin my life. The "word" scaryest brought me to the more sinister games. Im guessing it was like a deep web link or something similar because it brought me to the dodgy games. Like for an example it brought me to a game, can't even remember what its called. i couldn't find it again even after a long deep search. It had this image on it:
(smile Jeff)
i played the game. i didn't understand it very much. i reversed the image search, brought me to "smile Jeff" a combination of two images, a recreation of the real smile dog picture and the original Jeff the killer song. For some odd reason smile dog didn't interest me at first. The picture was creepy for sure but the name Jeff the killer seemed more interesting. Stupidly enough i did some research on Jeff the killer. the worst mistake of my life. i read a story named "go to sleep" yep thats right, the original Jeff the killer story, the one that tells how he became the way he is. its harder to find nowadays. The part when Jeff carved a smile in his face and burnt off his eyelids shocked me. baring in mind i was only in my early 11 years of age. i wasn't supposed to read that stuff. i remember shaking. literally shaking. i was genuinely shocked, scared. It scarred me but for some odd reason it wasn't enough. i waited three days telling everyone "i read this terrifying story" that was until i finished primary school which was after 3 days. The whole summer holidays was in front of me as well as a new secondary school. It was like everything was set up to fail. That summer i looked deeper and deeper staying up late looking at more creepypastas. Jeff was always my favourite. None of the others did it for me like he did. when i went on holiday to jersey the hotel there had about 5 acres of grounds. It had a forest, fields, and a really large patio area (like really large) where the wine cellar was and where they grew herbs and everything. The best part (at the time) was that it was always empty. The only part that really ever got used was the pool area. the other areas during the later afternoon where always empty. It had different layers and everything with a well and small little cottages, some of the places in the grounds were so rural it felt like a country village. and of course in the evening everything was empty. By then i had discovered a new favorite creepy pasta: the Rake. i used to go rake hunting in the woods next to the manor/hotel. i used to have great fun scaring the crap out of myself. now for those out there who are big into creepypasta stuff. you'll know that there's another one, a big one, one that usually sits next to the rake in terms of myths and fandom. Yes thats right: the Slender man.
this one made me almost forget all the others. From a first glance, one glance thats all it took: i was engrossed. For the next day i didn't go out exploring. i stayed in reading about him, everything i could spend hours reading stories, doing "research". The next time i went out something felt very off and as i walked around i felt like i was being watched. i shrugged it off as paranoia but returned to my families room soon after because it just felt too bad. On the final day of the holiday me and my family took a hike in the area near the ferry port. The whole thing felt weird. The fenced off woods intrigued me. something drew me closer. By now i was already playing the mass of slender man games on the app store.
When i got home it was non-stop slender man, short films, stories not even on creepypasta, stories on creepypasta and looking at pictures, videos, everything i could get my thumbs on. i thought it wasn't real. Some of you may scoff at this. Most people today "know" he isn't real. Every fucking website: "oh he was created on the something awful forums, na na na"
i wanted to believe in it, i wanted to think it was all real. It would be exiting, if i was stalked it would make my life a fun adventure. The stupid innocent ignorance of a fucking 11 year old. That was when he appeared in my dream. i cant remember the dream anymore, i have a few visions. One was an empty mossy swimming pool surrounded by thick dark woods, and he was standing in the entrance to the forest. i woke up. i wasn't scared, i was almost exited, but something suppressed that feeling almost. i cant describe it, it was a feeling of difference, the whole room didn't seem right like something was off, horribly off. i was in my room, but i wasn't. i got to sleep eventually. But had another dream. i was in a field, woods surrounding it with overgrown brown grass, the sky was blue and it was sunny, it was sweet. There were other people if i remember rightly but ill never forget the tree in the middle of the field. i went up to it and the best way to describe it is that on the tree, a suit and tie were carved on in the right place like the tree would come alive any moment. My dad woke me up. today we were going to some boats race thing. Hundreds of people were going to be there. i can remember telling my dad i had a bad dream but didn't tell him what it was. he by now knew of my creepy pasta addiction. Luckily, or at least lucky at the time, right next to the massive field next to the river there was a large dark forest. i played around in there. i was looking for him of course. surprisingly the forest felt calm.
The day was going fine. If i remember they had a BBQ on the main field anyway, or they were selling hot dogs or something. Anyway, the day was good. That was until i had to go to an aunts' birthday party. Some people got drunk if i remember rightly and everyone was "partying" a little too hard for middle-aged people. i spent most of the night outside in the pub garden staring into the dark trees thinking about slender man. i told my grandma and one of my aunts about slenderman, and they couldn't stop laughing. i was slightly annoyed by this i dont know why.
By the way if you're wondering how i can remember all this, which if sure you are it's because i have a high functioning form of autism. no I’m not a retard, the opposite in fact, i have a high IQ but do find it hard in social situations and other minor things like that. i can remember when i was 6 for goodnes’s sake. i have a good memory, its never been bad, it's been blurry at times, usually when im... when is... yeah
but anyway i was happy to go home, it had been a long day. as we were driving home i had the sudden urge to look out the window, and there he was, standing there on the pavement. i had never been more shocked in my life, but the thing i remember is confusion. i dont know why but i was more surprised than scared.
The rest of the summer was okay i guess, a lot of homework that my new secondary had set (how brutal is that, i hadn't even attended a day at the school, and they gave summer homework) and of course long nights looking at slender man stories. One i remember well is "the rocking chair" i cant find it again but it was about a rocking chair on a campsite and whoever sat in it at night would encounter slender man. i dont know why i remember that one. i was fully obsessed reading creepiest one after the other. By now they were regular stories, i wasn't scared, i was reading stories at 11 that are supposed to frighten fucking adults. i look back on it now. Maybe i didn't realize what i was doing but now i know. i was harming myself: psychologically.
School began. Or should i say hell began. The academy i attended was brutal, vicious. no one liked me. i jumped from being fairly popular in primary (people liked me because i was quirky) to being the laughingstock and the loser of not just the class, not just my year group. no we are talking about the whole fucking school. for goodnes’s sake, pupils that came from my primary didn't even like me anymore. a girl i danced with in the school disco sort of thing didn't even like me, they turned me away, i was an embarrassment. i tried to fit in but i couldn't. i tried to joke, i tried to laugh, i tried to join in conversations, but they would all turn me down as a "gay weirdo". Its painful looking back on it. i was so confused at the time. i knew no one, not the teachers, all my friends were gone and the ones that did go to the same school turned me away too engrossed in their new friends. i would just sit there at break and read creepypastas in the corner. It was an escape from hell. By now i started getting slender sickness, nose bleeds, coughing fits, nausea, ringing in my ears. and i shadow would follow me everywhere, a tall wispy dark shadow with long arms that would stand in the corner of the recreation ground at break and just watch me disappearing each time a looked directly at it. it would follow me home, i would see it outside, in town. i wanted answers. i knew it was slender man, i knew he was after me. i had the sickness, the obsession, i saw him, i got detentions all the time. i couldn't concentrate in class. Either i tried to make conversation with the boy next to me, he seemed fairly... different... so i trusted him. he didn't make fun of me like the others. By now my new nickname was weirdo. i didn't choose the nickname. i minded my own business. The first week i tried to make friends went so wrong i just sat in the corner at breaks and minded my own business, sometimes silently crying about the lesson beforehand when someone had humiliated me or picked on me for no reason. But still they came up to me and made fun of me then. i remember i had two spots i would hide. There was a pathway that went off the main recreation space up to a fire exit, i would sit by the fire exit door away from everyone watched everyone have fun, laughing, joking, groups of kids like me walking around with their friends. i had no one. no one but my stupid creepypastas. i had imaginary friends too. Tommy, cal, they were all i had, and they weren't even fucking real. My other place was behind the fence. There was a gate next to the football pitches that entered a small area behind a wooden fence. i was the only person who ever went there. after all who else would go behind some tall wooden fences into that small isolated space. i wouldn't eat lunch, the cafeteria was a spot for bullying. no one would let me sit down. i began to become really skinny. But i felt better behind a wooden fence where no one could find me than eating. At this point my obsession with slender man took over everything. in school any opportune to write about something, draw something, anything optional, it would always be about slender man. My life was breaking down. Detentions every day. i almost liked them. It was stop me from going outside. i think the teachers knew: they would send me out early to socialize. Socialize with whom? i had no friends. i only had enemies. People wouldn't let me sit down. they would shout at me tell me to fuck off. If i walked past people they would drop the "gay" insult or call me names. i never understood why. i didn't do anything. in sports, i was always the last to get picked. in the end i just refused to play, every sports lesson just made me feel horrible inside. i would sit in the corner and do nothing. i dont suppose it helped but its not like anyone would pass the ball or anything. they would call me a girl because i had long hair. It wasn't even that long. It was more of an emo fringe than anything but still, it pissed me off, and they liked that. People liked my reaction.
(End of part 1)
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