#but like i never even wanted to do a sort of red aesthetic for the cold kisses mlist 😭
causenessus · 2 months
I loved cold kisses so much but i'm so so happy try again has replaced it on like my little top three posts header thing because now it's a more monochrome color pallete and matches my blog more <33
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tpwrtrmnky · 2 months
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[ID: A two-panel comic with crudely drawn stick figures.
Panel 1: The lime green person is talking to the leaf green person and the moss green person.
Lime: "I... have a confession to make."
Leaf: "Go ahead."
Lime: "I want to rewatch the Wizard Child movies."
Leaf: "Didn't the wizard author get incredibly chromophobic?"
Lime: "Yeah I just... It's nostalgia you know? They meant a lot to me when I was a kid."
Panel 2: The three are on the couch.
Lime: "All right, let's go."
Leaf: "It's so weird how the wizard author just turned chromophobic though. Like I remember this series being pretty good for its time. It'll be weird seeing their work contrasting with their views now."
Moss: "I'm just glad we got the movies for free through normal and legal means. Heh."
End ID.]
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[ID 2: Scenes from three Wizard Child movies.
Wizard Child and the Simplistic Morality: A slightly round child with a propeller hat is talking to a child with no hat.
Round child: "I am so fucking fat and greedy I am textually shown to be fat because I am greedy and also evil."
Hatless child: "You are to infer my moral purity from juxtaposition with this fat child. Woe is me for our shared parent has deprived me of a propeller hat."
Wizard Child and the Goodness of Wealth: An adult wizard is talking to the child, who now has a wizard hat.
Wizard Adult: "Wizard child you are secretly extremely rich."
Wizard Child: "I will form biases regarding the bankers all being triangular for some reason!"
Wizard Adult: "Your wealth is deserved because your true parent was Good and therefore you are also Good."
Wizard Child: "Now we should acquire consumer goods. Buy consumer goods!"
Wizard Child and the Dark Family History: A blue-grey horse person is talking to the wizard child.
Blue-grey: "No, wizard child. You don't understand. I am one of the good ones, because unlike the bad ones I don't try to spread my curse that makes you a blue-grey horselike creature to others!"
Wizard child: "Wow uncle blue-grey you are one of the good ones! I forgive you for being a horse because I am so good I would even forgive horses. I sure hope you don't conspicuously get killed off later in this movie!"
End ID 2.]
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[ID 3: Oh hell no there are even more of these.
Wizard Youth and the Tokenistic Relationship Dynamics: A square headed wizard youth is talking to the former wizard child, now a wizard youth.
Square Wizard Youth: "Wizard child, as the only person with a square head in this entire series it is my duty to inform you that you are the savior of all people with square heads, too. Let us build a one-sided relationship that only furthers your character development, after which I will immediately lose all plot relevance."
Wizard Youth: "I will do this because I am a maturing wizard youth and need disposable relationships that don't threaten the endgame!"
Wizard Youth and the Escalation of Stakes: The Dark Wizard, a sort of grey-green person with a cloak, is pointing at Wizard Youth.
Dark Wizard: "Wizard Youth, I have returned!"
Wizard Youth: "Dark Wizard! Why are you green now?"
Dark Wizard: "Evil magic made me green! I am green with envy towards all who are good!"
Wizard Youth: "I will not engage with how you are clearly based on fascist ideologies and yet this narrative plays into fascist aesthetic sensibilities!"
Wizard Youth and the Post-Hoc Revelations: The Wizard Youth is leaning over their Wizard Mentor, who is laying in a pool of blood.
Wizard Youth: "Wizard Mentor no! You can't die!"
Wizard Mentor: "It is fine, wizard youth. My death will further your character development into a wizard adult. Also, I was secretly a very very dark purple this entire time. I never brought it up so I could retain narrative approval.
End ID 3.]
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[ID 4: Wizard Adult and the Overdue Conclusion. Three panels. I am sorry.
Panel 1: The dark wizard is dueling the Wizard Adult with magic beams.
Dark Wizard: "Evil green beam!"
Wizard Adult: "Good red beam! Despite the enormous variety of magic in this series this is what our final battle looks like!"
Panel 2: Wizard Adult stands victorious over the dark wizard, who is dying on the ground.
Wizard Adult: "In the end, dark wizard, you were defeated because I am morally superior to you."
Dark Wizard: "I was a product of systemic failures. There will be someone like me again someday!"
Panel 3: Zoom in on wizard adult, who says:
"Not if I can help it. Because I am going to be a wizard cop now. The moral of this story is that all systemic issues can be solved by finding a bad guy to beat."
End ID 4.]
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[ID 5: Four panels.
Panel 1: Return to the green trio on their couch, watching the TV say "The End." All are are silent.
Panel 2: They are sitting on the couch. Moss is looking at their phone.
Lime: "Yeah so there were maybe a few signs we missed because we were children."
Leaf: "Yeah. A few. Some."
Panel 3: Continue conversation.
Lime: "So what did you think, Moss?"
Panel 4: Zoom in on Moss, who says: "I've been zoned out on my phone since the second movie. They lost me at the magic stuff. Wizards aren't real."
End ID 5.]
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strawberrysainz · 3 months
picture you. lando norris
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“ a particularly lovely day spent in london with your beloved boyfriend. plus, you can’t get enough of each other. ”
lando norris x reader
a warning — smut. 18+! minors dni. crude language, alcohol consumption, mentions of food.
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The first thing you could smell was the traitorous scent of a freshly-brewed coffee that morning. He was sitting at the little table that you had always thought never fit the overall aesthetic of the kitchen.
He was typing on a laptop when you entered. “Lando,” you murmured. He looked up, and even when trying to scold him, your heart skipped a beat when he pushed up those glasses that made him ridiculously good looking. “Hmm?”
“I thought we agreed to stop the coffees for a while, didn’t your trainer suggest it’s better for your nervous system…?” Suddenly you were shy. But the feeling soon dissipated when his mouth moved from sipping the drink to a smirk. “Babe.” You could tell he felt a little guilty, though, and he tried to hide it by looking back at his laptop.
You shook your head as you moved around him to look out the window. Early mornings in London were your favourite; it was the first time that he had come to stay at your place and not his during a break. You could hear the neighbour’s kids playing outside, revelling in their Saturday morning.
You turned to watch him crack his knuckles as he poured over what looked like a lengthy email. He started chatting about something and you sort of tuned out, watching him flex each finger. When he stretched out his hands, something made your stomach flutter.
The coffee did indeed smell good, and you ended up taking the mug from him, your fingertips brushing lightly. Even after months of knowing him, you still blushed like a kid when he looked at you. You took a sip and set it back down on the table.
“Are you hungry? I could make you-“
He was looking at you over the edge of his laptop.
You shook your head. “No thanks.” The thought of Lando Norris standing there in your kitchen making you eggs and toast was too much to bear.
He watched as you boosted yourself onto the kitchen counter. “You’re so funny,” he murmured and you shot him a look before pulling out your phone.
“I love the view out of the window.”
You looked up (as if it hadn’t been the background to your entire childhood) and looked at him, nodding. “The best view of the house,” you smiled.
“I don’t think so,” he was getting up to run a hand up your leg and you pushed him away, giggling. “You’re awful. What’s your plan for today?” You ask.
“Not much. Emails. Then gym at 4.”
You found yourself gazing at him again and zoned back in when he called your name again. “Sorry?” You blushed a little.
“I wanted to ask if you wanted to do anything today if you’re not busy.”
“Oh.” You paused. “I wanted to go grocery shopping. But that’s probably boring for you.” You let out a little giggle at his face. He always looked so endearing when you thought you were being boring.
“Any Saturday spent with you is never boring.” He was giggling and you swatted his chest as you walked past. “Calm it.”
He grabbed you. “Hey,” he whispered, arms wrapping around your waist. You smiled at him. “Hey,” you replied softly. His lips pressed against yours and you melted a little. “Let’s go do your boring grocery shopping,” he joked and picked up the car keys. You ran to change out of your pajamas.
You put on an Otis Redding album, murmuring along before you were at the local Tesco. You picked up a basket and he linked his arm through yours.
As Lando was checking through the different options of sugar-free peanut butter, you got on your tiptoes to pick the jar of crunchy peanut butter off the shelf. His hand rested on your lower back as he reached for it.
You were curled up on the couch as he kept on sighing with the emails. You paused your TikTok scrolling. “What’s up?”
“These people are fucking crazy.” He sighed and shut it closed.
You laughed and he did too. He wrapped his arms around you. You could hear the dog barking next door.
“Have I ever told you…” he began kissing your cheek. He was kissing your neck now and you were curling into his touch. “Hmm?” You said, absentmindedly, and he laughed against your neck. “Stop zoning out.”
“I can’t help it!” You protested. “You make my mind go blank when you start looking at me like that.”
He took that as a very big compliment and started pulling you into his lap.
You were interrupted by a knock on the door and you pulled back, staring at him quizzically.
“Fuck. Nutritionist.”
You flicked his ear and laughed when he pulled you up from the couch and kissed you deeply. You pushed him away.
A few hours later, you were standing in the bar with him and sniffling along to the singer. He was singing along, quietly, like everyone else with a beer in hand, and he was standing behind you with his arms wrapped around your shoulders. Two friends had invited you last minute and you had ditched the night in to come and support this upcoming band.
“Love you,” he whispered and you leaned up to kiss him.
The singer pointed at the two of you and you both smiled wide.
In the car on the way home, you pointed out the lipstick that stained the top of the collar of his shirt. He grinned.
He was pushing you against the wall and you were protesting, making him lock the front door and take you out of view from the glass panel. Rain was beginning to patter against the windows and you shivered deliciously as he ran a hand up your shirt.
“Can I make it up to you for this afternoon?” He murmured, head burying into your neck, and you were muttering something stupid, nodding, and his hand was running under your skirt and he grasped the lacy edge of your underwear on your hip, his hands warm and his heart beating fast.
His lips were pressing against yours and your bodies were moving fluidly, in sync, his touch earth-shattering.
Leading you to your bedroom, he pushed you back against the sheets, your hair fanning out, contrasting the crisp white.
Sliding off your skirt and your underwear, his eyes were dark, a cheeky grin on his face before his lips pressed against your lower stomach, then to your thighs, and the cocktails were making you grip his hair and shove his face in between your legs. He moaned at the rough action, and your heart dropped hearing the vibration against your pussy.
“Pretty,” he murmured before he was groaning about how wet you were and you might have been on fire the way his tongue was moving.
“Just… there.” You gasped and whimpered and you were on the edge of the precipice before he was gone, and you took a deep breath, prepared to beg.
He moved up again and he was kissing you; you could taste yourself on his tongue and you were helping him take off his jeans, and his underwear, and you took his hard cock in your hands, swiping at your pussy before grasping him, up and down. When he felt your arousal on his cock he let out a loud moan, and you wanted him so desperately you might have sacrificed anything.
“Baby,” you murmured, and his hips were moving before you went let go and get on your knees; he was moving you into his lap and he met your entrance. You moaned, and he was bouncing you up and down on his cock.
“Oh, you feel so good,” he sighed, and you were agreeing loudly before you felt that familiar tightness in your stomach and you were all open mouths and whispering wildly dirty things before he was murmuring for you to come and you obliged, falling apart on top of him as his finger went to meet your clit, and you wriggled with nearly too much pleasure. Then his breath was faltering, and his hips were slowing, and you felt him come inside you, moaning into his ear as his big hands gripped your shoulders.
He kissed you, pulling you into him. “Love you, baby.” He whispered, and you were giggling, out of breath.
The coffee machine was the first thing you went for the next morning, and as he appeared in the doorway of the homely kitchen with a stupid little look of strictness on his face you laughed out loud, offering him his cappuccino, a peace offering.
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hope you enjoyed ⚡️❤️‍🔥🙏 please like, comment and reblog!!! soooo appreciated.
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milksuu · 11 months
Hey hey heyyyy!!! It's me, the one that keeps stalking your page! 💙🧚‍♀️
I wanna say that OML I LOVE YOUR WRITING!!! AAAAHHH! And I'm so so so happy to see that
anyways, this is a request for how the heartsteel boys would react to a lover with big bazoinkers who usually wears baggy clothes suddenly wearing something tight fitted??? Heheehehehe.
Also, how would the react if you were hit on by someone else due to their lover having big personalities?? (You don't have to do this one if you're uncomfortable ofc!!)
Also, keep up what you're doing, feeding my unhealthy obsession with these fictional (but very attractive) men. I hope you have an amazing day/night!!!🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️
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❥ prompt: So, you got the big boinkers. The huge bagonzos. The gigantic bonobos. Whatever guys called boobs these days. You're super self-conscious about them, ever since you hit puberty. You've tried to hide them. But with the upcoming red-carpet event for the music awards, you can't wear baggy clothes next to your Heartsteel boyfirend. You had to look your best. Or as some would say, your breast. ❥ content/warnings: mild suggestive themes, possessive boyfriend energy, over protective boyfriend energy ❥ characters/pairings: v!Heartsteel (aphelios, ezreal, kayne) / f!reader
Aphelio's thought you always looked cute and comfortable in your hoodies. In casual form, it was his aesthetic as well. Until the time came for a special event.
Aphelio's hadn't imagined exactly what you would wear. But surely, it might be a long-sleeve and turtleneck to match your conservative style. He understood how you felt about your particular assets. He would never suggest you to wear anything that didn't make you feel secure.
He was absolutely wrong. So, so, so wrong. (Wait. Did he actually like being wrong?) He got the long-sleeves part right. But the black mini-dress you sported hugged all the curves you possessed. With just a bit of thigh fat squeezed at the hem. If Aphelio's could ever speak again, he'd beg to be immediately silenced between those thighs. And at the top, there was a glorious boob-window that any e-girl would go absolutely rabid to have.
He had to look away a few times. Thankful to have a mask covering most of his flustered features. Maintaining a semblance of composure, he led you by the hand, speaking to you through squeezes between your hands.
Down the red-carpet, with flashing lights, the two of you posed. One camera man took a picture a little too angled for his liking. Your hand trembled in his. Blushing and holding your breath. Embarrassed tears pricked the corner of your eyes. Afraid of the possible lewdness that would be plastered in magazines. You didn't want to even imagine the headliners. And what would they say about Aphelio's? That he was dating some sort of 'all-boobs-no brains' bimbo? You wanted nothing like that for him.
Aphelio's sensed all of your emotions and didn't hesitate his next move. He dragged a discreet foot against the carpet, folding it in a manner that caused the paparazzo to trip. When the shady-cameraman fell, his camera smashed to pieces against the ground. The man dramatically fell to his knees, holding his head and weeping in buckets.
You gasped. Aphelio's merely rolled his eyes dismissively, tugging you way. He knitted his brows, and squeezed your hand tightly. You knew exactly what he did. You smiled, condensing your chest against his arm.
Feeling his face heat up again, he looked away. After acting so cool, and looking so cool, there's no way he'd let you see him blush like a high-school boy.
Ezreal never minded you wearing baggy clothes. He thought it was fun—for him! He loved diving underneath your oversized hoodie, and poke his head out the other side. Like you two were some odd circus attraction. That, or pretend he was a sailor drowning in a sea of boobies. He liked wearing the stylish hat.
He wasn't exactly sure what you would wear to the event, but he wished it was something he could fit inside later. He was joking. That was a total joke. So long as you were comfortable in it, he didn't mind.
When he saw you step out of the limo, his jaw completely dropped. He felt like one of those cool male-lead movie stars. Taking off his glasses in iconic slow-mo fashion, mouthing the words "Oh, Baby."
He spared zero time to lead you by the arm. Ready for from some press worthy photos he knew you two were going to absolutely rock.
Making it to the concessions room, where the liquor and horderves were plenty, it was prime time for music stars to socialize.
One young rapper approached, way too drunk off his drink, slurred with a smirk at your general direction. Commenting on whether or not Ezreal paid for you to have boob job in order to please him.
The giddy-boyish-sunshine smile turned utterly dark. The laugh he forced was ear grating. It chilled you to the bone. There was a flash of yellow. And briefly, you felt your arm empty of his presence. Then the scene unfolded. The man's drink completely spilled all over him. Another flash. He was pushed, stumbling to the ground.
Ezreal merely snickered into his suit sleeve when bouncers in the room dragged the drunk man away by the collar. Deeming him too drunk and unfit for the show, and subsequently tossed out.
Ezreal tugged you off to a far, secluded corner. He took you into his arms, squeezing tightly. Apologizing into your ear. You smiled softly, and rubbed his the back. Reassuring him you weren't hurt by the comment. And gave him a grateful kiss into his hair for sticking up for you.
Kayn 'Big ol' Tiddle Bitties'. If he could change his middle name to that, he would. It'd be his other rap persona, in ode to your breasts. Rhaast approved. And sure, you may be insecure about them, but Kayn fucking hell wasn't. He swore, one day, he would scream in praise at the rooftops. (Thankfully that hasn't happened...yet.)
He prayed to every demon, anti-christ, Eldritch God on this forsaken plane of existence for you to bless his presence with those huge knockers. And holy shit, did you ever at the event.
From the outfit alone, if he leashed himself for you, and placed a crop in your hand, he'd be on all fours. This wouldn't be a classy event anymore. It'd be an all-out fetish party.
Sadly. Reality kept it to a red-carpeted event. Where he had to act professional. Lead you accordingly, and restrain himself on every level possible. It took all his effort to not just call an Uber and take you in nearest love-hotel.
After mingling before the show, it was time for the awards. You took your seat next to each other. As the event played on, with various performances, you felt something being thrown into your cleavage. You looked down, spotting popcorn. Turning a cheek, you saw a group of young men laughing. Making comments about your breasts, and high-fiving one another when they 'made the shot'.
Kayn noticed. And boy, was he about to lose his shit during a performance speech. You placed a hand against his chest, whispering for him not to make a scene, and not allow the clowns to hurt his reputation. Fine—he wouldn't commit a crime. But he would show them who they were fucking with.
You slapped a hand over your mouth, muffling any lewd noises. Kayn planted his face in your cleavage, biting and licking your chest. He took up all the popcorn, and spat it out the guys like buttered bullets. They jumped with looks of disgust, cursing under their breaths about how damn crazy he was. With a final growl, they scurried away.
Kayn cackled, and you had to shush him when Yone leaned back in his chair and gave a look.
an: holy shiii tysvm for this req. @ccraccz! you're a genius. pls keep stalking my page *smooches you* sadly i have to break this up into two parts, since I wasn't expecting to make it so long??? lmfao??? pls stay tuned for part 2
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rahhhbananas · 10 months
- male reader!
- fandom : atsv!
- pair(s) : miles morales x male reader
- warning(s) : not proof-read!
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“How long is this going to takee???��
Pavitr whined, he sat on the fire escape stairs, mindlessly fidgeting a rock. Gwen leaning against the bars smiled, “Come on Pav, it’s Y/n. He takes hours and I mean hourssss— To get ready.” Pav groaned at that statement alone, no longer bothered about how long it would take them, but how long it take to get something to eat.
“You talkin ‘bout Y/n, the hell Miles at? ‘Is got a good sense of fashion, but not good enuff to take this long.” Hobie groaned, his own stomach growling, Gwen snorted, her eyes crinkling from how large her smile was “This is only scraping the surface of those two. Once you’ve know them for a year or two, you start to prepare ahead of time.” Gwen reached into her bag, handing the two a bag of chips. “There, that should hold you guys.”
The two thanked their prepared friend, before their attention was draw to the window that had just opened. Miles walked out, he wore a black baggy jeans, a white shirt, and ontop of it navy blue varsity jacket, with white air forces. He smiled, as if he hasn’t been making the entire friend group starve for the past 20 minutes “Miles, my guy!!!”
“Oi! I trademarked that!”
“I’m surprised you did anything involved being in the same room as a government official.”
“Yeah, ‘ve gotten real desperate after the last situation with Pav.”
“That wasn’t my faulttt!”
“What situation?”
“Don’t worry ‘bout it.”
“Okay..ignoring that totally normal..conversation, where’s Y/n? He’s glamorous and all, but taking this long? Is outrageous.” Gwen asked, sneaking a chip from Hobie’s bag.
“I’M HERE!! ★”
The group looked up, seeing Y/n on the set of stairs above them. He wore a cropped pink jacket, baggy jeans, white air forces, and on his back was a hello kitty backpack “So, where we feeling? Chinese, Pizza, BBQ? Oh, or Ice cream!” He rambled, not noticing the few irritated looks he got from his friends. “ANYTHING!” Pav screamed, using his hands to cover his face, “Anything, please.” Miles smiled, leading the group down the street, they chatted still deciding on their snacking spot.
“Oh! That cat café!” Gwen suggested, her eyes lite up at the thought of being surrounded by cute animals while enjoying a meal.
“Nah, ‘m allergic to cats.”
“And you care about your health for once? Shocking.”
“You don’t get it, bruv. My eyes swell so much I start thinking I’m in a kaleidoscope..”
“How does that even work?”
“We traveled through universes to get here, and that’s what you wanna ask?”
“Why don’t you say that louder, Pav? Maybe some crazy scientist will hear and try to kill us.”
“That’s so outta pocket.”
“I have never heard someone say ‘lol’ in real life..that’s so— icky.”
“Pheww, good job, Gwen. Y/n has a new ‘ick’. Bravo.”
The group walked into the restaurant. It seemed to be based off the heros of Brooklyn, “Ugh, why’d we have to come to your restaurant?” Pav groaned. Hobie snorted, picking at the small figures of Spiderman, Miles’ black and red suit somehow blending with the restaurant aesthetic— he even noticed a few figures of the original hero, his merchandise in a corner that formed a sort of mural. The cashier took their orders, before they sat down at a booth near to the window.
“Do they have some of my merchandise!?!” Y/n looked around, his eyes searching the brick walls for some bit of pink. He sighed, giving up, slumping down in his seat, “Hey look, I think I saw some pink over there!” Hobie pointed, Y/n blinded by joy looked at where the teen was pointing to see a piece of chewed up bubble gum stucked to the floor, “…Why do I feel like we have issues, no matter the universe.”
“Hey, the people want what they want. And it’s clearly not you.”
“Wow, no consistency, or manners. Red flag there, Hobie.”
“Yikes.” Pavitr mumbled, sipping from his drink. Hobie however shook it off, relaxing more into his position. Miles took out his phone, snapping a few pics of the group waiting on their food, before the waiter arrived, handing out the dishes efficiently.
“Man, I am stuffed!” Hobie cackled, getting up from his seat. Gwen rolled her eyes, before looking at Y/n, he took his card and receipt back from the waiter. Joining his friends at the exit, the sun was starting to go down. “Damn, sundown already?” Hobie looked at his watch, noticing how late it truly was. Gwen laughed, “We left pretty late, because of two certain people.” Gwen jerked her head towards Y/n and Miles who were mindlessly talking about something while holding hands, the way they childishly would swing them every once and then looked somewhat endearing.
“We should head back to our universes though. Miguel set a curfew for a reason.”
“Or, we could brea-“
“Nope, the guy looked like he wanted to blow a vein last time I saw him. And I’m not looking to get chased on all fours, likes Miles.”
“Oh, come on! He wouldn’t catch us!”
“Hobart, no. We’re leaving.”
“Miguel not catching us? Hobie you are HILARIOUS!”
Gwen grabbed Hobie’s wrist, who although didn’t oppose the gesture physically, he looked to be doing it mentally “You’re lucky ‘m tired, Gwendy.” Gwen rolled her eyes, before throwing the lanky teen into the portal, waving goodbye to the two. Pavitr jumped through as well, shooting finger-guns at Miles before falling into the colorful abyss.
Miles smiled, wrapping his arms around Y/n’s shoulder. Making their route to his apartment. The couple chatted on their way home, talking about nothing important, but what’d they do when they got outta highschool, you know, the norm. Until they arrived at Y/n’s apartments, Miles walked him to the stairs, his eyes focused on Y/n’s each move.
“Thanks for buying our food today, especially with how Hobie and Pavitr ate. I’ll find a way to pay you back…” Miles mumbled, scratching the nape of his neck. Y/n smiled, grabbing Miles’ arm “No. don’t worry about it, you guys are my friends. I’d spend much more money on all of you If I could.” Miles laughed, “Yeah. But I’m starting to think Hobie’s allergic to paying for…well, anything.”
Y/n laughed loudly “And what you said earlier, I don’t have a lot of ‘icks” Miles scoffed, looking at his boyfriend in disbelief at the statement. Y/n groaned “I’m serious! You’ll never have to worry about icks, because you’re perfect.”
“Really? Thanks. 😏”
“You know, except that.”
“A smirk!?!?!”
“Yeah, it makes you look like a Sonic character.”
“But I should go, my dad’s probably already made lunch.” Y/n kissed Miles on the cheek, before walking into the apartment doors.
“Wha? You can’t walks away like that!!”
“Is it a sonic character you hate??”
“What? No, i love Shadow!”
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feroluce · 6 months
So I spoke somewhat about my thoughts on Emanator Sampo here, but I never really thought of it from a design point of view or what kind of powers he would have until just recently. But I actually kind of love leaning into it from a "stage hand" perspective?
Because like. Aha's body in THEIR official art is completely black, giving attention to all the fun brightly colored things around THEM. And that's so fitting for Sampo! He usually prefers to be a side character. He likes to act from the shadows. His is a much more subtle hand.
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So I wonder if as an Emanator, a lot of his clothes are actually very dark? Not necessarily plain, still extravagant and needlessly detailed in things like cut and quality with lots of different fabrics and textures and ornamentation, but dark. Or maybe even his skin itself becomes blackened further down his body; his hands in particular are dark, as a sort of sleight of hand reference.
The motif of a lot of straps wrapped around him like in his canon design is still present, but they're all loose and flowing off of him like paper streamers now instead of restraining him or holding him together. He is no longer contained! Or maybe they're still a bit more rigid/heavy, but just draped more like red stage curtains!
And this is like. Fully self-indulgent, but I love inhuman designs, and there's nothing in canon to say I can't do this, so screw it! Go for broke!! Maybe it's not visible to normal people, but Sampo having a second set of arms would be really cool, as further sleight of hand reference. One set is almost normal looking, but his hands are a bright, attention-drawing white, and the other is dark, set almost in the shadows of the first arms, to act less noticeably.
He also has something of a broken heart design to him in canon (the front of his black shirt with its jagged shape down the middle; his coat looks like a full heart shape in the back), and I actually like him keeping that element as an Emanator, because I think it suits him. Sampo says his taste in aesthetics and views on Elation involve human dignity,
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and the story he helps create in Belobog involves the long and winding road of resistance and survival and eventual triumph in the face of some very adverse, oppressing odds. (I'm pretty sure I heard he once called Wildfire "artless" though, plus the man acts like he thinks Shame is some kind of dessert, so like ndkdjzjskkd) But the point being!!
I think Sampo is someone who can appreciate heartbreak and angst and tragedy in a story, because it makes the victory at the end all the sweeter. And this would be another thing he shares with Aha, because I think THEY did bless the Mourning Actors partly just to be a little shit, but also because Aha does recognize tragedy as part of THEIR Path, too, and you can see it in some of the game. So a broken heart motif can still suit him, and I like him having elements of both comedy and tragedy. Like his clothing having a happy sun/sad moon (like the moon in Aha's art) or him having both of the traditional comedy/tragedy masks in his design.
And as Emanator, Sampo can maybe play with the stage settings environment, too. Like lights sometimes behave strangely around him, appearing blindingly bright to someone or dramatically dark. Sampo wills it and suddenly there seems to be a metaphorical spotlight right where he wants everyone to look. And when he doesn't want to be noticed, his face seems to be cast in shadow, he seemingly just fades into the background, no one notices or recognizes him and he sneaks away easily. He can create smoke or fog literally out of thin air without his bombs now, too, the air will just suddenly thicken until his stage is obscured, and Sampo can set the scene as he pleases or disappear without a trace.
And in line with being a stage hand, Sampo can direct attention like no other. He was already extremely good at this as a normal mortal, and becoming an Emanator only took it up to 11, past human limits. Sampo points, and all present feel compelled to follow his fingertip. He looks away, and they all follow his gaze. He can even affect the mood of an audience; he can influence everyone to be calm and placid or he can whip them into a feverish frenzy. Sometimes a crowd will start to become unsettled, agitation stirring until it boils over, until it incites a full on violent mob.
And in the middle of all that chaos will stand one perfectly calm figure, face cast in shadow, until they quietly slip away out of sight.
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kozachenko · 1 year
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So last night I got the idea to do my own design of Doremy Sweet and I am so happy with how it turned out omg.
Artists note below:
My main sources of inspiration were dreamcore aesthetics, Rayman (never played the game but I like the design of the main character), the ENA series on Youtube (tbh IDK how much that influence did show in the design, it's more of the general vibes of that series) and by proxy a lot of Oliver Bucklands music which I listened to while drawing this. As I was doing the hands, I was also reminded of Welcome Home, mainly cuz they were soft round muppet hands and I kinda liked that. Much like what I did when doing my own design of Hisami, I made Doremys features very simplified, giving her a simple line for her nose and blacking out the eyes. I think it gives a really neat inhuman/alien like quality to a characters face. I wanted to lean into rounder and softer shapes with Doremys design. I would definitely say that this is a mix between her LoLK design and her AoCF design, as I really like the shapes present in her AoCF design so thats the one I took the most inspiration from (also the comically large hat), but I also like some of the details in her LoLK design. I noticed that a reoccurring motif in dreamcore aesthetics are eyes, eyes everywhere, heck even in the beginning stages of the design I knew I wanted to make the little pom poms on her dress eyes. It adds a little bit of irony to the design where the character associated with dreams and sleeping has a bunch of open eyes on her dress (lol). Also, I wanted her tail to sort of extend out and wrap around the bottom half of her hat cuz I thought that was cute. I wanted to detach the hands and feet to once again bring in an etherial feeling into the design. I also found a really nice colour pallete that I wanted to use, but the red of her hat was an addition by me to bring back an element from her original design. I also did two versions of the drawing where one of them has shading and the other doesn't.
Fun fact, when I introduced a friend to Touhou, they wanted to play the hardest game first (which was LoLK) and now they are terrified of Doremy :D
Also this is in complete contrast to the last drawing I did of Doremy Sweet lmaoooo
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Genius is nothing other than the ability to retrieve childhood at will.
Charles Baudelaire
Is this all there is to art? A kind of solipsism? An inability to get past the egoism of infancy?
In Fellini’s masterpiece 8+1/2 the answer seems to lie with unraveling the mysterious phrase ‘Asa Miso Nasa’. Up front I will admit the film is not easy to follow as it doesn't really have a great plot and it does feel like episodic that gives it a disjointed look. But that doesn't mean there are no grand narratives underpinning it because there is.
The film, released in 1963, is about a movie director named Guido. His latest project has stalled before filming has even begun. Played by the incomparable Marcello Mastroianni, Guido is suffering from anxiety and creative block. It’s no wonder. He has sown chaos in his love life, and his creative indecision is producing near-mutinous levels of angst among actors, agents and crew. But all of this is mere surface tumult. Guido is haunted by something deeper. Something to do with . . . what? His parents, his childhood, the Catholic church? Feelings of shame and bliss? Death? All he has to answer his question is the phrase 'Asa Miso Nasa' to unlock answers but something he doesn't quite get.
In many ways ‘Asa Miso Nasa’ is a red herring, a sort of wild goose chase to nowhere. Like "Rosebud" in Orson Welles' Citizen Kane, or the madeleine in Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time, "Asa Nisi Masa" is a Hitchcockian ‘MacGuffin’ - a convenient object upon which the plot turns. In Fellini’s film it’s used as a gateway to crucial memories of the central character - even though it is itself peripheral to the central story.
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Fellini’s answer is, I think, with his apprehension that the urge to make art is connected to a time in our lives when we were lifted and carried about, lowered into baths, tucked into bed; when we first used our lips to suck and to kiss; when we flapped our arms and kicked our legs; or when we danced without unrestrained joy. In other words, when we felt ourselves to be unique in our childhood.
Why should that be so? James Fenton, the great poet and critic, provided a plausible answer, even if he was writing about something else.
“Because,” wrote Fenton - and here comes the part that Guido, the anxious, grown-up filmmaker, must reckon with - “there follows the primal erasure, when we forget all those early experiences, and it is rather as if there is some mercy in this, since if we could remember the intensity of such pleasure it might spoil us for anything else. We forget what happened exactly, but we know that there was something, something to do with music and praise and everyone talking, something to do with flying through the air, something to do with dance.”
Something Fellini-esque, you might say.
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Art is more than a pathetic desire to revert to childhood bliss. It’s true that the self-centredness of great artists - and by no means just male artists - is bound up with their desire to find again the treasure in the corner of the childhood bedroom, and the only sound is the children’s chant: “Asa Nisi Masa.” But what do all artists want if not to be understood.
But here we run into a problem. For all the attention artists seek, there is a kind of shame for them in being “understood.” Being “explained” is never more than an inch from being “explained away,” rendered redundant, losing the vital quality that makes one unique. Their egos can't handle that. So we can never judge beauty in art if we limit ourselves to just the life and meaning of an artist. If anyone ever says they don't like this art because of this artist was not nice or was abusive or held questionable beliefs then they are either illiterate fools or as shallow as the unfunny Hannah Gadsby is about Picasso.
There is much, much more to art, which, at its best, is always about transcending solipsism and reaching for beauty.
For Roger Scruton, the great philosopher of aesthetics, “Beauty is an ultimate value - something that we pursue for its own sake, and for the pursuit of which no further reason need be given. Beauty should therefore be compared to truth and goodness, one member of a trio of ultimate values which justify our rational inclinations,” Scruton developed a largely metaphysical aspect to understanding standards of art and beauty. For Scruton, the purpose of art is to save the sacred - the beautiful.
For Scruton, beauty is wrapped up in his view of the sacred. The sacred begins with the fundamental nature of man as an end, not merely a means - here childhood memories are a means not an end. Scruton then, is able to apply this concept of ends to beauty. The ability to place meaning on things is what gives man his sacredness and makes him an end unto himself. The sacred gives us a glimpse into eternity, and provides man with the cure to his temporal misery. In a manner almost Platonic, Scruton describes the sacred as pulling man out of the world of things and into the transcendental realm. It is an attempt not so much to find a glimpse of our childhood so much as to find Eden again, even if only in a finite temporal way, and to “prefigure our eternal home.”
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Thus, it is this sacred nature of ends, not means, that Scruton puts forth in his understanding of beauty. In this Scruton echoes those philosophers of that past. Some like the Greek philosopher, Plotinus, beauty is seen as an ultimate value, pursued for its own sake, and the way in which the “divine unity makes itself known to the soul.”
Beauty is the glue that holds cultures together. It transcends individual places and ages. Light shining through stained glass in the Notre-Dame Cathedral, the face of Mary in Michelangelo’s La Pietà, a Bach orchestral suite, or a Frederico Fellini film (and none more so than the playful but sublime 8+1/2). Our experiences of these things connect us to the experiences of so many others over the decades and centuries since their creation. The beauty links us with a sense of profoundness and awe.
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fereldanwench · 4 months
👀 please share your thoughts on the emp threads and especially goro’s vanity I’d love to know more
Happy to oblige!!!
So for those who don't know, EMP threading in the Cyberpunk world is a type of cyberware that appeared towards the end of the Red Decades/Time of the Red, likely in the late 2040s. It was believed at the time that it could protect its wearer against electromagnetic interference from more intense cybernetics (like weapon augmentations and the like) and radiation. However, that was never scientifically confirmed, and in my opinion, it was probably some sci-fi woo-woo marketing bullshit.
It's cataloged as fashionware in the TTPRG, which means that it doesn't really increase the risk for cyberpsychosis and other negative side effects the way the real shit does. It's basically just about aesthetics and typically has little functional purpose.
I believe it was Goro's writer, Philip Weber, who confirmed on one Pawel's Twitch streams in fall 2021 that the markings on Goro's face are EMP threads and not "proper" cyberware. (I don't feel like tracking down the link right this second, but when I have a little more time I can verify and/or amend the exact source in the comments. I do know that Goro definitely has EMP threading.)
Goro's exact age has never been confirmed--We've just been told he's at least 45 years old in 2077, although I personally always felt like that was too young. My initial guess was early to mid-60s, and then I bumped my headcanon down to 55ish to find a happy medium between the two. Regardless, he's likely somewhere between his late teens to late 20s when EMP threading is gaining popularity, and I feel like this sort of new trendy cyberware probably has much greater appeal to young adults who are really finding their personal style and identity and whatnot.
So I've always had two different but not necessarily conflicting thoughts about Goro's EMP threading:
He got them for practical purposes, thinking they would enhance his abilities and make him an even better little super soldier for Arasaka-sama. Or maybe Arasaka even made their soldiers get them at one point, buying into the idea that they did have a functional purpose.
He got them because he just wanted to look cool. 😎 And I mean, he does still have them, even after presumably something traumatic damaged a part of the threading (that scar, to me, looks like it happened after the threading was implanted given how perfectly it lines up against the remaining thread), so I think there's some conscious fashion/style decision here. I don't see them as being something he'd have a hard time getting removed if he really wanted to.
And like I said: these don't even necessarily have to conflict. Maybe he got them on his own because he thought they'd be functional AND looked cool. 😎
As for Goro's youthful vanity--I really don't have any hard evidence or anything to back up this headcanon, it's just kind of one of those Vibes™️ type things based on the very little he shares about his life before Arasaka.
He does mention that he and his peers always made it a point to wash before the Arasaka transports would roll through Chiba, and I could see him really leaning in hard to having impeccable hygiene, which could also extend to style, to try to distance himself from his streetkid beginnings. Between the bullying we see with David in the Arasaka academy in Edgerunners and real-life stories my husband has shared from his time in a military academy, I imagine Goro was probably surrounded by some real fuckin' assholes who would love to take him down for anything they possibly could, so it would be not just a matter of pride, but self-preservation.
Goro also mentioned that he lacked discipline before Arasaka, and I think he was probably a fuckin' handful when he was younger. I just really love the idea of him being a vain, arrogant pain in the ass in his teens and early 20s and having a major humbling moment in the field, like losing fellow soldiers due to his over-confidence. (Side note: his time as a soldier is probably the era of his life I want to know the most about--He has that line about Saburo understanding what it was like, and I feel like if Goro can identify with someone who served in WWII that he's probably seen some shit.)
So yeah! There's probably other shit I left out, but this is basically the gist of my Goro's EMP Threading as a Symbol of Vanity thesis, lmao
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sephirthoughts · 3 months
for char/hc ask game. providing a couple options, feel free to just pick your favorite!
Vincent Valentine - 8, 16
Nero the Sable - 18, 21
yayyy thank you for the ask, i love doing these!! i pick all of them they're all my favorite
Vincent Valentine
-8- smell/personal scent:
i have very specific and detailed headcanons about the way that Vincent smells (gasp). i don't think we have reason to believe he sweats or produces much personal body odor, since he's an indestructible undead shapeshifting monster —however— his hair grows. so maybe some of his body functions are normal. who knows. also, his training as a turk likely taught him some scent masking, so he might not have any particular smell, but that was a long time ago and he really has no reason to practice that now. anyway i like to think he does have a distinctive personal scent
Mahogany. This just plain has to be an element of his scent profile. He spent decades sleeping in a coffin, of which one of the most common materials is mahogany. Also, the coffin Vincent uses in the Shinra Manor basement just looks like mahogany. Mahogany has a deep, woodsy, slightly spicy scent. Kind of perfect for Vincent.
Leather: He is covered head to toe in armor constructed of several different kinds of leathers there is no way he doesn't smell like it. That also happens to be a very sexy scent, so good job Vincent.
Old books: He's been holed up in the Shinra basement for decades, and there is a lot of evidence he's been actually living down there, not just comatose in the coffin. There is literally nothing else but a huge library, packed with old books. Don't tell me he hasn't wandered in there and whiled away countless hours reading them.
Pipe tobacco: Unexplained. We have never seen him smoke a pipe but no one can prove he doesn't. Also before you say yuck, pipe tobacco is an ENTIRELY different scent from cigarettes and even cigars. it's very aromatic and mellow and sweet. A highly attractive masculine scent.
Petrichor: He lives in a basement full of wet rocks.
Blood: Dependent upon how recently he's been in battle.
Gunpowder: Same as above.
Bourbon and cigarette smoke: Dependent on whether or not he's been hanging around with Cid.
Conclusion: Vincent possesses the sexiest personal scent imaginable.
Vincent's coffin for reference
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-16- home/place that they live:
You're never going to believe this, I have a bunch of headcanons about this, too.
We all know about the Shinra Manor basement, but he wasn't born there and stops living there when he gets picked up by Cloud's crew. In Dirge of Cerberus, we see him in a room, in Kalm, that looks very lived in (bottles of wine, etc.), so it's clear he's staying there. I prefer to think this is some sort of inn or extended stay situation. Vincent doesn't actually strike me as the kind of person who maintains a fixed abode, long-term. if he had someone important enough to him, however, he'd be perfectly happy to make a home with that person/people. It's just not something he seeks out for himself
Now, hear me out, I HC that Vincent's vampirey habits and aesthetic have nothing to do with him having become a monster. He already had pale skin and red eyes, before he was undead—he just looks like that. Lucrecia even mentions how much he resembles his father GRIMOIRE who also dressed and looked just like a vampire, for no explainable reason except that he wants to and no one can stop him. I believe this is just the Valentine family aesthetic. They're weird people. Vincent only wore a suit in the Turks because that was required dress code. Red capes, pointy armor and black leather are his comfy clothes. What does this have to do with home/place of residence? The Valentine family home. I very strongly HC the Valentine family as being from Old Money. Like, the old-world, 1200 years of ancestors buried in catacombs on the premises, kind of Old Money. And by premises, I mean the sprawling grounds of the massive, gothic-horror style mansion that is the Valentine ancestral castle. Do I think Vincent lives there currently? Almost certainly not, and he probably avoids visiting, too, because of painful memories. If one knows anything about the way hereditary lands and estates (in Europe) traditionally work, though, they are a business unto themselves, and such a property would have many dedicated caretakers and staff, usually offer tours of the property as a historical site, and generate its own income, without much interference from the owners. Thus the Valentine family home, huge and dark and creepy and amazing and perfect as it is, would be respectfully maintained by the loyal staff, in the event that the Valentine heir shows up any time and wants to skulk around like Dracula frightening away tourists. This is very likely the reason Vincent chose a coffin in a creepy basement for his self imposed exile, and also why he really seems to like the haunted hotel. It's just like home!
the Valentine family castle probably
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Nero the Sable
-18- beloved or important items or property:
This is a tough one, because Nero was born and raised in Deepground, and likely had very few pieces of personal property. He probably learned very early to never become attached to things, because they could and would be taken away at the whims of the people in charge. However, he keeps one thing that is deeply important to him, and if anyone dared to touch it they'd never even know how they died.
This precious item is a picture Weiss drew of them together, on the back of a pilfered prescription slip from the medical ward, when Weiss was eight and Nero was six. They weren't allowed art supplies or other such frivolous items as children, so that's the closest they got. the lines are wobbly and childish and the heads are a bit wonky and out of proportion, but to Nero, it is the greatest work of art the world has ever produced. He treasures this above all things and always has it with him, tucked safely away in a little pocket of darkness.
-21- fears:
Nero is a scary motherfucker. He commands people-eating darkness tentacles, he can suck out your soul and make your corpse into a puppet to fight for him, and he has huge metal wings with knives on the ends. Nero hates human beings for their cruelty and cares for nothing but his brother, who he calls the only person who loves him and the only one he'll ever love, so it stands to reason that his greatest fear would be losing him or harm coming to him. This is evidenced by...literally every word out of his mouth. I think that deep down, Nero fears being alone. Not that he likes being around people (he literally hates it) it's that there is a bone-deep sense of loss and emptiness in him, that he was born with and he can never seem to escape, and when his darkness voraciously consumes souls, it's an unconscious to attempt to fill that emptiness. But when he's with his brother, the emptiness goes away. They seem to share a psychic bond, too, so even when they're not physically in the same location, the two are 'together'. The only way Nero could truly be alone would be if Weiss were to be taken from him. So it's no wonder he mobilized all of Deepground to try and revive him, when he was in that deathlike state. Only to be betrayed by Hojo of course, who tricked him by saying he could revive Weiss because he wanted to steal Weiss' body. Hojo you stupid bastard I just got fuckin mad at you all over again.
Here's a picture of Weiss smiling probably about something evil to cheer us back up.
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magicstar16 · 1 year
Okay Okay Okay I just had a thought and I legally CANNOT sleep until I share it
Sooo Gooseworx has confirmed the ages of the humans in The Amazing Digital circus
Brace yourself, this is gonna be long.
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And she has also confirmed that Jax and Zooble were the youngest (With Zooble being half a year older)
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Now I read a theory on the WMG page of Tv tropes that theorized that Jax might have been a teenager or young adult (I believe this was written before the age confirmation but stay with me here) when he got trapped in the digital circus (They didn't say anything about Zooble but the same could be applied for them) But here's my thought:
What if Jax and Zooble got trapped in TADC as kids. Not teenagers, but ACTUAL CHILDREN.
Think about it, The Amazing Digital Circus has a lot of it's aesthetic and general inspiration taken from 90s/2000s kid's edutainment games, and signs are pointing it to TADC having even been that kind of game In-universe.
So here's my theory:
Jax and Zooble were the age of the TADC's target demographic when they played it (probably early to mid elementary school age). My guess on what lead to them to getting trapped is:
A: When in playtesting/test audience phase, Jax and Zooble were two children chosen by C&A to playtest the game and act as a test audience of sorts, when it turned out they were straight up trapped in there, C&A said "Oh shit, our test players are trapped" And tried to do as much damage control as possible until the game was finished They filled Jax and Zooble's heads with false promises of escape, but eventually they both realized that the company was lying through their teeth and they were never going to get out, whether or not the game was completed.
Or B (AKA the simpler answer) : The game was already released and Jax and Zooble played it as kids (Whether they played it on school computers or home computers IDK) and they got trapped.
If you want to connect some more red strings to this theory, it could provide a potential explanation as to why C&A is in the run-down state it is now. When finding Kid!Jax and Kid!Zooble's bodies collapsed and unresponsive, Their parents/teachers/guardians reported it, and the news spread like wildfire. (Excluding Queener, the other crossed out portraits could have been other children who played the game during it's heyday and got trapped). The incidents of children going comatose while playing TADC lead to lawsuit after lawsuit being thrown at C&A, until they eventually went bankrupt.
As for explaining their behavior, the theory is MUCH MUCH more loose, but you can see what I'm talking about if you squint. Jax is a snarker and a prankster, and Zooble is just moody in general, most people would associate that kind of behavior with misbehaving or "troubled" children. Gooseworx DID say that TADC would be "Like Toy Story but everyone is a jerk".
How Jax and Zooble currently act, while not exact, could be VERY close to how they acted as kids. Because they practically grew up in the digital circus, considering the kind of game The Amazing Digital Circus is, they didn't really grow up at all, they arguably didn't HAVE to.
So yeah basically Zooble and Jax are emotionally stunted, since Jax says the whole cast has been there for years, Zooble and Jax (or at least just Jax) are like That because as kids they were trapped in a world that wouldn't let them grow up.
I'm not saying this theory is correct, I mean, this theory is built on a little information and heavy speculation, if this theory were a building it would be sloppily held together by Duct tape and glitter glue. But I feel like I'm onto SOMETHING here.
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kiara-ish · 2 years
When you have a crush on him and he knows it:
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Version - Kim Namjoon
non-idol au.
Did this turn into a drabble of sorts? Yes. Do I regret? No.
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Namjoon is the best of all seasons; he is a chilly breeze under the heat of the sun in spring, he is the relieving rain in summer, he is the beautiful flush of seasons in fall and he is the joy of the first snow. You were just a mere weather forecaster and he was a whole storm for a human being.
Metaphors aside, he was the therapist you didn't know you needed until you began hanging out at museums and empty parks and thank goodness, the Starry Night actually began to swirl in your dreams like your feelings for Namjoon did in your stomach.
Highkey, everyone knew you had a crush on him. The worst part was that he probably did too. So when he began actually placing the warmth of his hands on your lower back instead of holding it against air, you knew you were doomed.
He remained aloof when your face flushed red as he casually kneeled in front of you to tie your shoelaces in the streets. As people stared, some judging and some staring at awe, you could only bit your lips to prevent the grin as he looked up at you with a smile.
His friends shipped you two, imminent in the way the only seat remaining in a group dinner was always beside him. This one time when it was a dinner for four, Jimin and Taehyung left in the name of a big 'emergency' but you were keen enough to catch the suggestive raise of eyebrows they sent Namjoon's way. He laughed cutely afterwards before chatting up a storm.
He loved to talk about his interests. You loved to listen about his interests. Not much of a talker yourself, you never really indulged in many hobbies or aesthetically pleasing activities, which Namjoon naturally excelled in. So when the first time you told him about your love for baking, oh man, he outshone the evening star as he stared unblinking, listening.
You loved the city skylines alright and he was fond of lush greens more. When you finally bought your apartment that had a cool view of the city, you couldn't shake off the feeling of something missing. After a day of contemplation and an unexplainably annoying lacking in the homely feeling, you unknowingly brought in a small plant, a potted money plant. The nerves were gone by the time there was a row of small plants crowding your city overlooking balcony. That was the day you realised that Namjoon was more than a person to you, he comprise home and these tumultuous waves of mushy feelings was what they called love.
When the first time Namjoon came over, he was in awe at the plants and you were in awe of his grey sweatshirt that had a small leaf designed at the centre. His hair had grown longer and his sweatshirt fit him more snug than the last time you saw it on him. He was well.
There was something off about your feelings that day; they were difficult to contain. So you stared at him with hopeless eyes as he delicately cut your steak. His eyes met yours once and he raised his eyebrows in question. You couldn't look away in all embarassment. He looked away first.
When the dinner was over, you poured a glass of exquisite wine that he brought in with a fancy name. It was a relief he couldn't drive yet you wanted to offer him to stay.
"The city looks beautiful from here." "The plants make it feel like home." "I never knew you were into plants." "I never knew you were into city lights."
You imagined him saying, "I'm into you," but he laughed and placed the glass aside. You still had miles to go.
The lights were dimmed down and the night sky was never brighter. But there was a spark in his eyes that wasn't just a mere reflection. The spark was dazzling your way more often than usual.
"New apartment, check. What's next? A boyfriend?" "I wonder where is the dealer for that."
A snort and a chuckle echoed through the space until silence weighed heavier. It wasn't uncomfortable. In fact, there was no butterfly fluttering in your stomach nor was this uncertainty that reigned everytime Namjoon came in. There was a persevering silence; not the horror movie kind – the quiet, slice of life kind.
"What do you think of feelings, Joon?" "Feelings are felt." "Not expressed?" "What is felt and not expressed? Mouth can frown and smile, eyes are hollow, they tell too much."
"Some feelings are stronger than others. They show up more vividly then." "Of course, it is love that shows up the brightest."
The ticking of the clock was never louder and every breath felt like a sigh. There was a foot of distance between you two, he slouched against the wall while you leaned on a pillow. The mattress in the middle of your living room was so cushiony that it felt like a dream.
"What do you see in my eyes then?" He stared at me as if he had expected me to ask him that for centuries. Like he was annoyed that it took me nine lives to ask him that.
"I don't look," his words and my heart sunk in simultaneously but he had more to say it seemed, "I'm always afraid."
"Of what?" "Of you reading mine."
It took you another minute to look up at him with courage but he had those eyes, the ones that shone in you when you stared at him. He didn't just know your feelings, he knew it by heart and reciprocated by his being. So when you leaned in, you knew he would meet you halfway.
He didn't go home at all that night.
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hexagonalhavoc · 3 months
Anything about a Lonely Wizard x winged reader that loves to fling him around in the sky? They kind of treat him like a dog with a chew toy, but if the dog was gentler, and had no teeth-
Play around with it if you want, maybe Reader is a bit silly. Maybe Reader is a bit goofy. Maybe all he is to them IS a chew toy 😈
Prized Possession
Lonely Wizard x Inhuman Reader 
[Author’s Note: I love this idea! This can be seen as either platonic or romantic. I also tried not to be too descriptive so you guys can have fun imagining what reader looks like but to me they’re a weird bird human combo like a harpy. Enjoy!]
     You belonged to no domain, underneath the command of no Scrybe. If this game is a puzzle then you’re a piece that fits no where. 
     Countless times you’ve tried to insert yourself within the game but everyone knows you’re not supposed to be here. You don’t fit Leshy’s aesthetics, you’re too alive for Grimora, too organic for P03, and too unruly for Magnificus. 
     The only one you have to call a friend is Rebecha, someone who understands the feeling of not belonging. But she’s too busy repairing bridges to hang out with you.
     And so you spend most of your time on a lonely place you call home. It’s the largest antenna on top of P03’s factory. You’ve decorated the structure with all sorts of things from all of the domains, an attempt to make this feel more homely but all the riches in the world couldn’t change that you’re the only one here. 
     Today is just like any other. You’ve decided to spend your time organizing your trinkets. You gently push another red gem with your hand into a pile with all the others. The gleaming gems and gold artifacts had to be your favorite thing to collect, you’d sneak into Magnificus’s temple frequently to see if you could get your claws on something shiny. Most of your extravagant collection is filled with things that look so pretty in the sun. You just can’t help it. 
     Your grand collection is something to be proud of and yet something feels like it’s missing. Within the inside of the metal rods that forms the structure there’s an empty spot, every time you tried to fill that spot it just felt wrong. Something special deserves to be there. 
     A huff leaves your lips as you gaze at that spot. It bothers you. You sit on one of the metal beams and let yourself fall back until you’re hanging upside down by your knees. The sun is starting to fall into the scenery, painting the clouds various hues of pink and orange. It’s a beautiful sight but there’s no one to share it with. You’ve always been alone but lately it’s been bothering you more than usual.
     Something flies over you and at first you’re willing to ignore it but you can see it circling the antenna and you realize that your arch enemy is back. A growl leaves your gritted teeth as your top lip is curls up into a snarl. Your wings spread out and flap several times to use the wind to push you back up. Your enemy is still circling but you wait patiently, your hands gripping the support beams as you crouch one of the platforms. Killing is not of an interest to you but you are territorial and you do know how to hunt. A part of hunting is being patient.
     Your enemy knows that you’re watching. Both of you are waiting for the other to make a move. 
     Then it swoops down. 
     It’s a lot smaller than you and is able to skillfully weave between the bars. You reach out to grab it but it moves too fast. Even though it’s gone as quick as it came you still notice that it stole something: Your most favorite gem. 
     A sound of frustration echoes in the silence of the landscape. “You greedy magpie!”
     In a moment you’re pushing yourself off from your claimed structure. Your wings spread out, the wind ruffles your feathers and keeps you in the air. Normally you didn’t have to deal with anything bothering because you were so high up. It made you forget that you shared these skies with these pests. You’ve never eaten a magpie before but you’re so angry you just want to sink your teeth into it.
     You have a larger wingspan that you can use to propel yourself forward but the magpie is much smaller than you. Every time you reach for it the bird manages to move away in the nick of time. Its stature also helps it weave through obstacles. It flies into the Scrybe of Beasts’ domain. The trees are grouped together so tightly that when you try to squeeze between two trees like you saw the magpie do, you slammed your wing against the tree. 
     A scream of both pain and frustration echoes throughout the scenic landscape. You fall to your knees, sitting there in the dirt for a moment before you start to angrily beat your fist against it. 
     “You haven’t won!” You scream out to the magpie who’s probably cozy in its next of treasures it has stolelen from you. 
     After your little outburst of anger you turn your head to look at your damaged wing. You flap your wings a few times to gauge how bad the injury is. It doesn’t look like anything is broken and you still have your full range of movement but it hurts like hell. If you want to fly painlessly you’ll have to stay low to ground. 
     But for now you decide that you would rather walk and let your wings rest up. The feeling of the dirt between your feet isn’t one you welcome but you don’t have much of a choice. You don’t really like it here. The sound of howling wolves and rustling in the bushes causes you to quicken your pace. To say you don’t like Leshy is an understatement. You tried to make friends with him once but it’s hard to talk with someone when they’re pointing a camera in your face.
     You’re able to navigate your way out and cross the bridge. Times like this really make you realize how much you take flying for granted. You intended to go back to your antenna but you still haven’t gotten over the loss of your precious gemstone. 
     Right across P03’s domain was magnificus’ temple. You could always sneak in and see if there’s anything new for you to steal. There’s no telling where he gets them from but frequently another artifact is added to his collection. Just the thought of getting your claws on another shiny thing causes you to move towards the temple. Usually you fly through one of the windows but given your current condition you should hold off. It’s not too much of a problem though as you’re good at sneaking around. 
     You manage to sneak in just fine but you’re disappointed. There’s nothing that looks worth taking and you’re starting to wonder if you wasted your time coming here. Maybe it would be better if you returned home so you could regain your strength and let your wing heal. 
     You’re about to leave but you see a door that you haven’t gone through yet. Usually the door is locked up with thick chains but today it’s bare. Your hand reaches for the door knob and you’re within the confines of a dark void. The first thing that catches your eyes is the forest green hat, and then the whites of someone’s eyes. Their figure almost blended in completely with the darkness.
     The figure approaches you at immense speed and your wings spread out in an attempt to make yourself look larger and more threatening. You assume that it’s going to attack but it stops right in front of you. its head cranes up to look at you and you bend your neck down to do the same. The hat makes the figure look taller but without it they probably don’t go any higher than your collarbone. 
     “At last…” The figure mumbles, the soft volume of its voice causes you to lean closer to hear what it’s saying. 
    It screams in your ear, causing you to reel back. Before you can trip over your own feet it grabs onto your clothing to keep you upright. It’s surprisingly strong for being so small. It looks at you with these huge eyes that remind you of a baby animal. 
     “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t meant to scare you! I just got so excited and-Wow! You have wings!? How fast can you go? Do you have to preen them? It looks like one of them is hurt.” You’ve always been told that you’re too hyper to keep up with but this being’s energy puts yours to shame. 
     It reaches out to touch your damaged wing and at first you’re hesitant. You assume that its touch won’t be very gentle but it surprises you by slowing the movements of its hand. The delicate touch makes you melt and lean closer. You’ve never had someone be this affectionate with you. 
     “What’s your name?” You ask the one who runs one of its hands through feathers, tracing the patterns. 
     “Lonely, I am one of the underlings of Magnifus  ” It responds in a less excitable tone. There’s something calming about petting your wings. It’s a soft sensation that it has never felt before. 
     A thoughtful hum leaves your throat at the name. You lift your head back up to look around the room. It appears to be only the two of you. 
     Lonely’s name makes you think of your current predicament. Then your face drops when you hear that familiar name. Out of all the people Magnificus has to be your least favorite. Being around him and his insufferable attitude is enough to make anyone mentally exhausted. He always has a reason to be cruel to another person. 
     “He just…locked you away in a dark room?” You question with a raised brow. It didn’t surprise you but it was still such a harsh thing to do to someone. 
     “It’s a test and there is a chance that I may be rewarded by gracing his legendary deck…” Lonely starts to trail off. In the beginning, he was willing to do anything for his Scrybe but he’s been in locked in that dark room for so long. He’s had to time to reflect and on what he really wants: And it isn’t being another tool to be used. He would much rather roll in the grass, feel the sun on his skin, take a sip of water. Anything is better than what he went through. 
     “…But I don’t care about that anymore.”
     Lonely looks down and you feel bad for him. It appears that both of you have a similar problem of being unsure of how to live in the confines of this game. It was so cutthroat, it wasn’t made for you guys. 
     You’ve never really comforted anyone before but you don’t like seeing him slumped over like a kicked puppy. You crouch down take the rim of his hat inbetween your teeth to take it off his head. That sudden action causes him to laugh as he attempts to grab his hat but you go back to standing up so he can’t reach it. 
     “Hey! Give it back!” He laughs as he jumps to try and get his hat. But you don’t let him. A smile spreads on your face as you start to run. Your new friend joins the pursuit. 
     The sound of clattering and crashing could be heard. Both of you knock over objects as you chase each other around like two rabid dogs. There’s a burning sensation in your lungs and your cheeks hurt from laughing but you don’t think you ever want to stop. You don’t think you’ve ever had this much fun with someone. 
     Once Lonely stops then you stop as well, both of you sit on one of windowsills to look at the world around you. It’s nighttime now. Your body is tired but your mind still has so much energy. 
     You stand up on the windowsill and test your wings by flapping them a couple of times. Your damaged wing still hurts but you have a better range of movement, it’s healing fast. At first the thought of leaving your new friend makes you sad but then you come to a realization. 
     “You’re coming with me.” The intention is not to be demanding but you’re not sure how else to talk to him. All you know is that you want him in your collection. The only things you put into your collection are things that you like and you like Lonely so it makes sense that he would be among your possessions, doesn’t it? 
     Lonely doesn’t mind too much as there’s nowhere else for him to go. Everywhere else he would just be seen as a nuisance but for some reason you like him and he likes you too. You’re so fun and free, everything he’s wished to be. 
     “To where?” He asks as he looks up at you stretching your winds. You look so nice bathed in the light of the moon and the stars.
     “It’s the coolest place you’ll ever see. It’s super high up so no one will bother us.” The thought of showing your new companion everything you’ve collected over the past few years makes you giddy. You’re sure that he’ll love your collection just as much as you do. “Have you ever been above the clouds? I know you’ll love it.” 
     Lonely’s head tilts up towards the sky. It’s pretty clear except for the thin slivers of clouds. He could already imagine the feeling of the wind rushing past him, to see how small everything looks when he’s up high. 
     “But what about your wing?” He asks but you just shrug, grabbing onto his hand and tugging him to stand up on the windowsill with you. 
     “I’ll be fine! Just hang onto me.” You smile warmly at him and for a moment he already feels like he’s high above the clouds. 
     Lonely stands on the tips of his toes and wraps his arms around your neck. Your arms wrap around him and once you’re sure that he’s secure you start leaning forward until gravity takes over and both of you fall off the windowsill. You’re used to the feeling of your stomach dropping but he isn’t. A little shriek comes from him and you have to stop yourself from laughing.
     Your wings extend out and push against the air, bringing you both higher into the air. It’s normal for you to twirl around while you fly but now you’re doing it to impress your friend who has both their arms and legs wrapped around you like a koala. His shrieks begin to turn into laughter as you dive up and down, taking the long route to get to your destination. You don’t want to stop and you’re sure he doesn’t to either. 
     But with your injured wing and the exhaustion of flying long periods of time you finally stop at a large antenna that is your home. You grab onto the bars and settle on the platform. Even though Lonely lets go of you he’s still giggling, his eyes creased up in delight. 
     “That was amazing!” He pumps his arms out as he nestles in a free spot in between your treasures and you almost let out a squeal of excitement. 
     You’ve finally found something to occupy that empty spot. 
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splendidreads · 2 years
Open Your Heart, Part 1
Mob!Bucky Barnes x Female OC
Word Count: 3,299
This first chapter is so long omg.
This first chapter has no warnings. Future chapters will include the following; Cursing, mentions of abuse, violence, weapons, smut, angst, fluff.. I will add more as needed!
Kind of a summary? Idk. I’m still thinking.
‘Arranged marriages are never easy. This one is no exception. Both sides will have to relearn their ways, and learn to trust each other. Bucky has all the love to give, but Katherine doesn’t know how to accept real love. She’s never been loved by anyone other than her best friend. Will she learn to open her heart, to New Yorks most notorious Mob Boss? Or is she too scared, that he’s just like everyone else?’
A/N; This is my FIRST Bucky story. As well as my first AU story. If this first part does well, I’ll keep on going. I’m incredibly beyond nervous about this. Constructive criticism welcome, but please be nice. Please re-post and comment :)
I do NOT give permission for my work to be copied and posted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. PLEASE just reblog if you want to share my story!!
Will happily start a tag list if anyone is interested!
✨Part 2 here✨
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“Yeah, it’s getting pretty chilly out.”
Katherine tossed her keys onto her dresser as she held the phone between her ear and shoulder, flipping through the stack of mail in her hands.
“Perfect night for a book and hot chocolate.”
Katherine chuckled softly, “Sage, do you ever really need an excuse to do that?”
She could hear laughter on the other side of the phone, “Not really. But it’s the aesthetic!”
She rolled her eyes at her friend, humming softly as she sorted a few bills, until her eyes landed on an envelope that stood out. It was a deep, blood red color with a silver wax seal on it. Her name was written on it, so she didn’t hesitate to open it.
“Anything interesting?”
She hummed in response, “Possibly..”
Her fingers gently tugged the paper out from the envelope, her curiosity spiking. She unfolded the paper, and her eyes soon began to go over the words.
“Oh my god,” she gasped softly, a bit breathless, “Its him.. It’s a letter from HIM!”
As soon as she got the words out, her phone began chiming in her ear, signaling that Sage was converting the call to a video call. Katherine answered it, and propped the phone up on her dresser.
“Well, what did he say?” Sage looked at her curiously, “Its about the wedding, right?”
Katherine looked at the letter, and let out a soft breath.
“It says..”
“My Dearest Katherine,
I know that we’ve both been waiting for this moment, at least.. I know that I have. I wanted to give you the space you deserve, and to not rush you. If you’re ready for me, I’m here, and I’d like for you to come stay with me. I’ll take care of anything you need, or want, to make this transition easier and more comfortable. Just let me know when you’re ready.
Sincerely yours,
James Buchanan Barnes
My number: xxx-xxx-xxxx”
Both girls were silent for a moment. Katherine’s thoughts were overwhelmed by excitement, the moment she’d been waiting for was finally here.. While Sages thoughts were quite the opposite.
“The mob boss Bucky Barnes?!” Sage exclaimed, finally processing the words from the letter. “YOU'RE MARRYING A MOB BOSS?”
“Seems so..” Katherine grabbed the phone, and immediately put the number in, sending him a text.
“I don’t know Katie, this is.. Are you sure? You’ve heard all of the stories..”
Katherine rolled her eyes, “I can’t break the deal. It’s not mine to negotiate anyways..” she let out a soft sigh, “I know. I remember them, we’ve all heard the stories..”
Sage let out a long breath, worry written all over her face, “Well.. When do you think you want to go? I’m sure he’d understand if you wanted more time.”
Katherine bit the inside of her cheek, having already received a few text messages from him, “In a few hours.”
Sages face fell, “What?”
“He’s sending a driver over at 3,” She began moving around her room, and began the process of packing, “It’s not like I have much to pack anyways.”
“You already texted him? Katherine-“
Katherine shook her head, cutting her off, “You know how long I’ve been waiting for this. Yes, it’s.. Interesting.. Who he turned out to be.. But this is still my only chance to get out… A chance to be happy.”
As much as Sage wanted to argue, disagree, and try to talk her out of it.. She knew that she was right.
“If he can make you happy..” Sage let out a soft sigh, before a smile spread on her lips, “Make sure to tell me everything! I want to know what he’s like, what his house is like! I’ve heard it’s a huge mansion..”
As Sage began to go on and on about all the different rumors they’ve all heard about him, Katherine’s mind was occupied with other thoughts.
I hope I don’t disappoint him.
If I just keep my head down, and listen, I’m sure it’ll be fine.
I wonder if he’ll like me..
Will we be happy together?
“I bet the arm thing isn’t real. You know how mobs like to spread stories to scare people.”
Sage's last words made Katherine chuckle, “I suppose I’ll be finding out which rumors are true or not, hmm?”
“Yeah, you’ll have to let me know if his eyes are really that blue.” Sage let out a soft dreamy sigh, “I wonder what he really looks like. It seems to depend on who you ask.”
Katherine hummed softly, imagining the man as she packed, “Yeah, if they’re on his good side, or his bad side.”
Both girls chuckled a bit, continuing to talk about all the different possibilities that might happen. Katherine continued packing as they spoke, finding that she really didn’t have much to pack. She didn’t have many clothes, most of it being her work uniforms. A couple pairs of jeans, a few t-shirts (All of which had something to do with music), a single long sleeved shirt, and her oversized nightshirts. She only had three pairs of shoes; A pair of purple converse sneakers (which were on her feet), her black combat boots, and her work shoes. Thankfully, she still had her black dress and heels from when Sage forced her to get them. She could still hear Sages words from that day, ‘This dress would look killer on you, your curves will pop, and drive any man crazy!’ She had only tried the dress on once, never having an occasion to wear it. So, including the heels, she actually had four pairs of shoes.
A loud knock on the front door made both girls fall silent, but Sage was quick to realize.
“It’s three..”
Katherine sucked in a breath, nodding her head, “Okay… Okay. I’ll talk to you later, I promise!”
Sage sighed, nodding her head, “You’d better.. I’ll send a search party! Don’t forget your art bag!”
The call ended after the both girls said ‘I love you’, and Katherine made a beeline to the front door, bags in hand. She opened it to find a man, a bit older than her, with a nice suit on.
He offered a small smile, “Miss Connors?”
She nodded her head, “Yes sir.” Returning the smile, before realizing..
She let out a soft sigh, “I have to do something really quick, then I’m ready.”
The man nodded his head, and reached for her bags, “I’ll take these, and meet you at the car.”
She turned on her heel, walking through the house. Her father was passed out in his recliner in the living room, a beer threatening to fall from his hand and onto the floor. Shaking her head at the sight, she decided to just leave him a note, instead of waking him.
‘Mr. Barnes finally reached out.
I accepted.
That’s where I’ll be when you wake up.’
She placed the note in front of the television, before walking back through the house. Grabbing her leather jacket, and her ‘art’ bag as Sage called it, she went out the front door. The man at the car gave her another smile, opening the back door for her. As she stepped in, she took one last look at the house, before nodding to herself and letting the man close the door.
The car ride was silent for the most part, the man asking her a few times if she was alright or if she needed anything. New York City seemed to disappear behind them as they went, the drive lasting about 20 minutes. Katherine’s eyes widened as the car rolled to a stop.. He really did have a mansion.
“Alright Miss. Connors.” The man got out of the car, as her eyes observed the large home. It was old, Victorian era old. Equal parts elegant, beautiful, and creepy. The driver, whom she had learned to be Joe, opened her door for her, offering a warm smile. She got out, and was greeted by a crisp breeze. She was glad to have her leather jacket on.
“Thanks for the ride.” She said to him, a small grin on her lips as she grabbed her bags.
“Anytime, ma’am. Mr. Barnes is my favorite client.”
She gave him a small nod before turning to walk towards the house. As she walked up the front steps,, the nerves finally began to break through. She took in a deep breath as she raised her fisted hand to knock, but the door opened in front of her, startling her.
“You must be Katherine!” An older woman, probably in her late 50s or so, gave her a wide grin.
“Yes ma’am, that’s me.” She returned the grin, trying to conceal her nerves.
“Come in, come in…” The woman motioned her inside, and as she stepped in, she closed the door. “I’m Annette, one of Mr. Barnes housekeepers.”
Katherine’s eyes wandered around the entryway, “It’s nice to meet you.”
Annette stood there, silent for a moment. As if she were allowing Katherine to study the home. “Mr. Barnes is currently in a meeting, so I’ll show you to your room!”
Katherine gave her a small smile, nodding her head to the woman. She followed along behind her, looking around as they went. It was pretty modern inside, compared to the old style of the outside. The first room was huge; a long fireplace along the far wall. It seemed to have been set up to hold guests, maybe for meetings or get-togethers. There were staircases on either side of the room, and they started the descent up the left side. Once at the top, she realized that both sides met on the same floor. There didn’t seem to be much personal touch in the home; No family photos in sight.
“Here we are, the last door on the left. The room on the right is an office area that he never uses, the other door on the left is another entrance into your bathroom. I usually keep it locked.”
Katherine blinked a few times, before hesitantly opening the door to the bedroom.. her eyes widened once again, seeing how large it was. It was almost like a suite at a hotel; having a lounge area with a couch, recliner and television. A wall separated that space from an area with a ginormous bed. It must’ve been a California king, she’d never seen a bed so large. As she walked around, Annette came in as well, opening the curtains.
“This door here is your closet,” she said as she turned the knob, revealing a walk in closet. “And over here is your bathroom.”
Katherine was shocked, her eyes trying to take in the massive space, “A-And this room… Is mine?”
Annette let out a soft chuckle, “Yes dear.”
Confusion then came across Katherine’s face, realizing that she and her future husband had separate rooms. Annette must’ve noticed this, because she offered a kind smile.
“Mr. Barnes is a good man, Katherine. He wanted you to have your own space, he didn’t want to pressure you into anything until you were ready.”
Katherine nodded slowly, setting her bags down on the foot of the bed- Her bed. She gave Annette a big grin, when the initial shock had finally subsided. She let out a giggle, doing a twirl as she took one long look at the room. Annette chuckled softly, watching the woman.
“It was overwhelming to me too, back in the day. I’d never seen such spacious rooms.” She shrugged her shoulders.
Katherine let out a long sigh, a smile tugging at her lips, “This is.. It is a lot. This room is half the size of my house!”
Both women chuckled for a moment, until there was a knock at the door. Katherine’s eyes moved to look at who it was, somehow knowing that it wasn’t him. A tall man leaned in the doorway, golden blonde hair that went just past his ears, and a neat beard on his face.
“Mr. Rogers.” Annette nodded her head toward him, giving him a small smile.
“Annette,” he returned the smile, then his eyes landed on Katherine, “So you’re the one who’s marrying my best friend.”
Katherine’s nerves slowly creeped their way back into her mind, nodding her head silently. She wasn’t sure what to say, her eyes flickering between the man and Annette.
He walked towards her, extending a hand, “I’m Steve.” He gave her a warm grin, and it helped settle her silly nerves.
“It’s nice to meet you,” she said, taking his hand and shaking it.
“I hope you’re finding everything to your liking. Buck sent me to extend his apologies, his meetings running later than expected.” Steve let out a soft sigh as their hands fell, “He wanted to greet you when you arrived.”
Katherine nodded her head, running a hand through her long brown hair, “It’s alright, I understand.” She shrugged, though secretly she was quite anxious and excited to finally set her eyes on him.
Steve’s eyes wandered around the room, before settling on her bags, “Are there more bags downstairs? I can go get them if you’d like.”
Katherine was slightly embarrassed, “Oh, uhm.. No.. That’s all I’ve got.”
Silent words seemed to be exchanged, Steve understanding the expression on her face. Katherine didn’t want to have to explain to anyone that she was dirt poor and didn’t have many possessions. Steve didn’t seem to want to press the issue.
“Well, I’ve got to get back to work. I’ll see you around dear! Steve will take good care of you.” Annette gave them both a smile, before leaving the room.
Katherine let out a breath, before making a clicking sound with her tongue, “Welp,” she moved to start unpacking her bags, “I s’pose I’ll start unpacking while I wait.” She shrugged her shoulders, before letting out a soft chuckle. Her phone was going off in her pocket, and she knew who it was. She pulled the device out, to see text messages from Sage.
‘Everything good?’
‘Are you there yet??’
‘…Has he swooped you off your feet yet?’
Katherine laughed, reading the messages. Steve quirked an eyebrow curiously, wondering what was going on. She looked over to him as she texted Sage back.
‘I haven’t met him yet! Just settling into my room. I’ll video call you before bed!’
“Oh, it’s just my best friend chomping at the bit. Sage is a very protective friend, and if I don’t answer, I’m sure she’d manage to find out where I am.”
Steve let out a soft chuckle, nodding his head, “Oh, I understand that.”
Katherine hummed softly, “I’m sure she’d like to see where I’m living now.. Do you think he’d be alright if she came over some time?” She looked at Steve, wondering what he thought. But Steve’s eyes were now on his own phone.
“You can ask him yourself,” he said, sliding the device back into his pocket, “He’s out of his meeting, and would like for me to escort you to his office.”
Katherine nodded her head slowly, “Uhm, then lead the way.”
Steve gave her a smile, before doing just that. He led her down the hallway, and back down the staircase. Her fingers began fumbling with the hem of her shirt, ‘The Andrews Sisters’ logo quite faded on the front of the old clothing. As she followed him through the house, her anxiety came creeping back into her mind. Thoughts of her mysterious suitor flooded her brain, wondering what their first interaction might be like. She was lost in her thoughts as Steve led her into a room, her eyes wandering around as she observed the new area. There were bookcases covering the walls, hundreds of books filling them. She smiled, looking at all the old covers. She could’ve sworn she had spotted an old copy of ‘Great Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe’.
Her eyes snapped to where she had heard her name, and the nerves turned into butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Standing before her, leaning against a large wooden desk, was a man. Probably the most attractive man she’d ever laid eyes on. He had dark hair, a quiff of dark locks settled at the top. His eyes were an icy Blue, staring into her hazel brown orbs. He had quite the jawline, a short beard covering it. His arms were crossed against his chest, one of which seemed to reflect the light from the ceiling..
“H-Hi.” Was all she managed to squeak out, her eyes transfixed on him.
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” he took a few long strides across the room, extending his flesh hand to her, “Bucky.” He flashed a toothy smile, and she felt her heart flutter.
It was him.
She took his hand, hoping he didn’t notice that hers was shaking. He gently clasped both of his hands around her much smaller one, the metal of his fingers sending a chill up her arm.
“You have a really lovely home.” She mentally scolded herself, knowing those weren’t her first choice of words.
He let out a hearty chuckle, holding onto her hand gently, “Thank you. It’s yours now, too, you know.”
She nodded her head, realizing how much closer he was to her now. She could see his dark eyelashes flutter as he watched her. She slowly retracted her hand, suddenly feeling quite self conscious. She wrapped her arms around her middle, wanting to hide herself from his piercing eyes. He seemed to notice her hesitance, taking a step back from her. They were both silent for a moment, Steve watching the awkward interaction. Her eyes began to wander again, fixating on all the books in the room.
“Do you like to read?” He asked, giving her a small smile.
Katherine’s eyes glanced towards him, getting captured by his icy orbs once more, “I do.” She returned the sweet smile.
“You’re more than welcome to any of them. I have more in the basement library.” He hummed softly, “Please feel free to explore. What’s mine, is now yours.”
She gave him a slow nod, the smile still spread across her lips, as she began to walk around the room. She walked up to one of the large bookcases, her fingers lifting to gently brush across the spines of a few books. She hummed softly, her eyes scanning over the different books. Bucky silently followed her, watching as she admired them. He glanced at Steve, who gave him a reassuring smile.
“I’m happy to collect more, if you think of any we should add to the collection.” He said to her, trying to ease her nerves. He didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable, regardless of the odd situation.
“Duly noted.” She turned towards him, a slight blush crawling onto her cheeks as she realized.. While she was studying the books, he was studying her.
“Uh, are you hungry?” He gave her a side grin, “Steve and I usually go to this pizza place out on 6th, every Thursday.”
Katherine let out a soft laugh, “Pizza sounds great.”
Bucky clapped his hands together, “Then it’s settled. Steve, can you pull the car around?”
Steve nodded his head, “Yep.”
Katherine smiled to Bucky, “What are your favorite toppings? I’m a meat lover myself.”
Bucky’s lips spread wide on his face, “Me too. With the garlic sauce on the crust.”
Katherine’s nerves were slowly fading, “Extra cheese?”
Bucky chuckled, motioning for them to leave the room, “Doll, I have a feeling this’ll be much easier than either of us realized.”
“As long as you don’t put anchovies on anything, I think we’ll be set.”
They both began to laugh, all the nerves and awkwardness fading behind them.
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quibbs126 · 7 months
Can Black pearl and timekeeper fanchild? :0
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Ah, we finally get to her. Well, this is Tuna Melt Cookie
So basically, her character is that she runs a game show. I think at the time I was watching someone talk about Total Drama, so she's something like Chris from that show. Including being a sociopath who doesn't really care that about the well being of her contestants and thinks it makes good entertainment. And considering she's got two gods for parents, her show is probably even more extreme. She's not as bad as someone like Shadow Milk though, and she probably has some actual friends
She probably also has a mermaid form, but she generally likes staying on land since there's more Cookies there to watch struggle
Also fun fact, her covered eye has black eye lines instead of white like her other one. Which would have been more cool and unique if Shadow Milk didn't already do that (also fun fact, I actually knew someone in one class in high school who actually had different colored eyelashes and eyebrows. One side was blonde and the other brown, apparently she was just born with it. I've wanted to mention it since Shadow Milk but never found the right time to say)
Anyways, on to her name. So Tuna Melt isn't exactly a name that fits with the likes of Black Pearl and Timekeeper, but I like it anyways. And my canon explanation is that Timekeeper picked it because it was funny
Anyways, so the name comes from the fact that is has fish in it, like Black Pearl sort of is, it's a sandwich that involves bread because I keep thinking croissants are bread, and the cheese fits with Timekeeper's color scheme
Tuna melt:
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So Tuna Melt's generally red and yellow color scheme comes from the food. I think I was originally planning on making the red blue, but I experimented with red and asked a Discord group which looks better and they said the red. Also it somewhat sets her apart
The thick yellow lines in her hair are supposed to be a reference to the very thick slices of cheese that I kept finding when I looked up tuna melt, not to mention it fits with Timekeeper's color scheme. The rest of her hair I guess is the tuna
The white sparkles are supposed to be a reference to Black Pearl since she has those in her hair and bottom of her tail, as well as the bottom of her legs having the gradient. Also, it works with her flashy game show host aesthetic
Her little jabot (I think that's the right word) is another reference to BP, with the frills being like an upside down version of Black Pearl's shell and the brooch being like her gem
The coattails on her outfit were also supposed to be a reference to tuna fish tails, since I thought the design just needed a little bit more pizzazz. That's also why she has the gold leg thing
But yeah overall, she's another banger design to me, and I hope you enjoy her too
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Jamil Viper - Dorm Uniform Vignette
"M-My heart..."
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―Last Night
[Scarabia Dorm – Lounge]
Jamil: We're inviting the Headmage and throwing a "Banquet to Showcase the Scalding Sands"?
Jamil: …Once again, you've got us wrapped into some trouble without even considering others.
Kalim: But the Headmage said he was trying to figure out where he wanted to go on vacation, right?
Kalim: Our country would be perfect.
Kalim: So, we in Scarabia should show him just how amazing Scalding Sands can be!
Kalim: I'll leave the decorating and menu to you, Jamil. Leave the parade preparation to me!
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[Scarabia Dorm – Hallway]
Jamil: Yeah, but even if I'm told this just the day before...
Jamil: Well, it is the Headmage we'll be hosting. If we throw a half-baked banquet, it'll reflect on our dorm negatively.
Jamil: I'll have to make sure this banquet is an absolute success, for Kalim and the dormitory… And also, for my sake.
Jamil: Alright. First up is decoration.
Jamil: However, just being beautiful won't be enough. It should express the culture and traditions of the Scalding Sands.
Jamil: …All the ideas I keep coming up with would just take too much time.
Jamil: Hmm… I must find a way for beauty and culture to intermingle… Beauty and culture… Beauty…
Jamil: Ah! Right!!
Jamil: I should ask "that person" for this sort of thing.
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[Pomefiore Dorm – Lounge]
Vil: …And so you've come here to ask for my advice in designing your venue for a party.
Jamil: Yes. We need beautiful furnishings, beautiful table settings, and beautiful entertainment…
Jamil: As I kept thinking the word "beautiful," I could only keep picturing your face, Vil-senpai.
Vil: Oh, is that so?
Jamil: Kalim prepared for us some of our country's traditional fabric to use as decoration for the party.
Jamil: I have the fabric here. The cloth is bright red, with a large peacock design.
Jamil: I was hoping to humbly request the advice of what to do with this fabric from someone with as much aesthetic sense as you, Vil-senpai...
Vil: I understand what you're trying to say.
Vil: …But you can't possibly be expecting to receive my expertise for nothing, now, are you?
Jamil: (Haha, I knew it'd come to this! Good thing I came prepared.)
Jamil: I would never dare to expect for the epitome of charismatic beauty, Vil Schoenheit, to assist me for free!
Jamil: How could anyone ever be so rude. As return for your advice, I will gift to you one roll of this delicate fabric.
Jamil: As it is, textiles in the Scalding Sands are extremely high-class.
Jamil: Moreover, these fabrics woven by private artisans on behalf of the Asim family can't be found in any store…
Vil: I can tell with one glance just how well-made this cloth is without you having to explain any further.
Vil: Well, I was just searching for fabric to make into a new suit. I'll accept your request.
Jamil: Really? Wonderful!
Vil: Let me take a closer look at that textile you brought.
Vil: …I see. It's woven so delicately, and yet the large design has a rather strong impact.
Vil: I supposed it would be customary to use this fabric as-is and frame it or lay it out to showcase the traditional artisan craft.
Vil: I think I would like to devise a different way to use it…
Jamil: Wow~ This is all so educational~
Jamil: (Great, Vil-senpai should take care of everything now. I'll just nod along from here on...)
Vil: Someone, bring my fabric shears!
Pomefiore Student: Yes, sir!
Jamil: Your shears?
Jamil: …Wait a moment, what are you using those scissors for? You're not…
Vil: It should be obvious.
Vil: I'm cutting it up.
Jamil: Aaack!! Now that very expensive cloth is in two strips!!!!
Vil: And I'll cut it once more to make a thin, long flag.
Jamil: H-He cut it again! One roll of this cloth could feed a family of four for one whole month and still!!
Jamil: What a waste…
Jamil: Wait… What is this…?
Jamil: By making those deliberate cuts on the traditional pattern, he's made a whole new pattern appear!!
Vil: That's right. If you simply stay within in the norm, it will only be a tasteless venture.
Vil: And although a certain someone has been throwing around pointless flattery since he got here…
Jamil: (Urk!)
Vil: You can't allow yourself to forget to be daring whenever you try something new. Dedicate yourself to being sensational.
Vil: The word "safe" does not exist whenever I have a hand in producing something.
Vil: Now then, you go grab another pair of fabric scissors as well and cut the cloth exactly as I tell you to!
Jamil: Y-Yes!
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[Main Street]
Jamil: Whew. I'm beat…
Jamil: Vil-senpai… I appreciate that he doesn't do anything half-hearted, but he sure knows how to boss people around.
Jamil: There were a lot of scrap fabric left over, so it took a while just cleaning up, too.
Jamil: …Well, at least I've figured out the decoration issue.
Jamil: Next is prepping for the dishes that we'll serve at the banquet. It's already past 15:00, so…
Jamil: …Wait, past 15:00!? I've got less than 3 hours until the banquet starts!!
Jamil: Thanks to Vil-senpai's long explanations, that took much longer than I expected. At this rate, I won't finish in time for the banquet!
Jamil: I have to figure something out so I can make the food in time.
Jamil: Make… the food…
Jamil: …Alright.
Jamil: This time, I'll have to ask "that person"!
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Jamil: (For this banquet that Kalim just sprung on us to show off the Scalding Sands to the Headmage…)
Jamil: (In order to make it a success, I need to make traditional dishes from my hometown…)
Jamil: (I don't think even I could prepare all of it by myself.)
Jamil: (And so I decided to call in support. And when it comes to cooking, it has to be this person…)
Jamil: Trey-senpai. Thank you for your help.
Trey: No problem. I'll do my best for you. After all…
Trey: You're going to prune all the rose trees in Heartslabyul as recompence, yeah?
Jamil: …Yes. As long I can make it through this party.
Jamil: (When it comes to the workload, I think I lost out here. It's fine, I'll just put on a cool face, and keep my head down…)
Trey: So, do you know what you're serving?
Jamil: Yes. I intend on creating a menu based on traditional Scalding Sands dishes.
Jamil: The main course will be a whole roasted lamb. Ordinarily, I would have marinated it in spices for three full days, but…
Jamil: I have some already pre-seasoned in the freezer. I'll have to use that for today.
Trey: Sounds to me like you're pretty meticulous, already planning ahead for this banquet.
Jamil: Kalim just loves to randomly invite people over, so I make sure to make arrangements ahead of time.
Jamil: Place the meat in the oven and roast it over low heat. While it cooks, we can prep the other dishes.
Jamil: We have to make seafood sauté, green salad, potato and bean spread, lightly toasted bread and dessert…
Jamil: Basically, I need another set of hands. First, we'll start with peeling the potatoes!
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Jamil: Great. With that, all the dishes are done.
Trey: Everything smells delicious… Especially the cooked meat!
Trey: …However…
Trey: The visual might be lacking a little bit.
Jamil: Eh, really?
Trey: Yeah. Everything on the plate is brown, so I feel like it's missing something.
Trey: I have these roses that I picked to turn into jam. Maybe if we scatter these petals…
Trey: See? Doesn't it look much more gorgeous with all the red in the dish?
Jamil: You're right! It gives off such a striking impression now!
Jamil: From time to time, my younger sister will say that my cooking looks bland.
Jamil: We used to get in so many fights about that… I guess it was because of the color.
Trey: Haha. Well, here in Heartslabyul we have a few guys who're picky about how the pastries look, so I think I get how you feel.
Trey: The most important thing when it comes to cooking is the taste, of course.
Trey: So I'd love to say that visuals don't matter, but…
Trey: We created a real delicious thing. Shouldn't we want people to enjoy it from beginning to end?
Jamil: I'll make sure to keep that in mind. Next time I head home, I'll make sure to surprise my sister.
Trey: Great, then let's decorate the other dishes as well. I have some edible flowers, too.
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[Main Street]
Jamil: Thank you very much, Trey-senpai!
Jamil: …Alright. I've finished prepping the food now, too.
Jamil: …I wonder how Kalim's parade preparations are going.
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Kalim: Looks like the animals are here. Let's go meet them at the Main Gate!
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Jamil: Hm? Speak and they shall appear. It's Kalim. I think I'll check in on him from afar…
Scarabia Student C: Will you really be bringing lions and elephants here too? What if they get loose on campus…?
Kalim: Hahaha, it'll be fine!
Kalim: What do you guys think you need to be able to communicate with animals?
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Jamil: (Hey, that's too easy. The answer is "Animal Linguistics")
Jamil: (Use animal linguistics to teach the animals he proper route for the parade…)
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Kalim: The thing everyone needs to be able to communicate with animals is…
Kalim: A GOOD BOND!!!!!
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Jamil: !!??
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Kalim: We're all living creatures just the same, so it'll work out if we just ask them for help.
Kalim: After a little break, let's open up the cages and build a relationship with the animals!
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Jamil: …He's going to release the lions and elephants from their cages without proper preparation…?
Jamil: Why… Why is Kalim always so careless when it comes to animals…!?
Jamil: Since he was little, he'd always just go right up to tigers and leopards and try to feed them…
Jamil: …I've got a bad feeling. Every little thing is making me more anxious by the second.
Jamil: I can't rely on Kalim one bit. I'll speak with the animals myself…!
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[Scarabia Dorm – Lounge]
Kalim: Headmage, I hope you'll enjoy your experience as we show you just how we honor our guests in the Scalding Sands.
Kalim: Alright, time for the feast!
Jamil: Somehow… We got the decorations, food, and parade prepared in time…
Jamil: I've run more today than I ever have in any basketball game. I'm worn out…
Kalim: Hey, Jamil. You look a little tired.
Kalim: Oh yeah? That's great then.
Crowley: The decorations are spectacular, and the food is absolutely top notch.
Grim: Gobble, snarf, munch. It's so gooood!
1. Hey, use your manners!
2. Chomp, chomp, chomp.
Kalim: The Headmage and all the other guests are happy, too. Thanks for setting up the place and for prepping all the food, Jamil.
Jamil: …You're welcome.
Jamil: But it's too early to get complacent.
Jamil: As the host, you still have your own part to play during the parade finale, don’t you?
Jamil: Go and get ready for that.
Kalim: Yeah, alright!
Jamil: Geez…
Grim: Jamil!
Jamil: Hm?
Grim: Your dishes are so so so good!!
Jamil: …What do you think, [Yuu]? Does the traditional food from Scalding Sands suit your taste?
1. It's delicious.
2. I've love to eat this every day.
Jamil: Heh. Well, good.
Jamil: Oh. Looks like the parade is starting.
Jamil: Headmage, if you will, please come and watch the Scalding Sands Showcase parade from the balcony.
Scarabia Student C: U-Um, excuse me! Vice Housewarden!!
Jamil: Hm? Why are you in such a panic?
Scarabia Student C: Well… [whisper, whisper…]
Jamil: …
Jamil: …What!?
Crowley: Hm? Did something happen, Viper-kun?
Jamil: N-No! Nothing whatsoever.
Jamil: I must leave for a little while to attend to some other matter… Please continue to enjoy your time here at the Scarabia banquet!
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[Scarabia Dorm – Hallway]
Jamil: This is the traditional Scalding Sands parade of animals. We'll be releasing the parrots as part of the finale…
Jamil: And the host of it all is supposed to give a grand welcome!
Scarabia Student C: We searched everywhere, but the Housewarden's nowhere to be found…
Scarabia Student C: At this rate, we won't be able to do the grand finale.
Scarabia Student D: I know! What if you go out as the Vice Housewarden, in place of the Housewarden, Viper-senpai?
Jamil: I can't.  That would smear the host's― Kalim's reputation.
Scarabia Student C: But we can't find him…!
Scarabia Student D: And while we're stuck here, the parade is still going… What should we do?
Jamil: …Calm down, everyone. It won't help to panic.
Jamil: You are all insightful and calculating students of Scarabia, are you not? Whenever something unexpected occurs, you must tackle it with a level head.
Scarabia Student D: …You're right, Viper-senpai.
Scarabia Student C: Apologies for losing our head there.
Scarabia Student A: Vice Housewarden! I've been searching for you!
Jamil: Hm?
Scarabia Student B: Um… There's something I need to tell you about Kalim-ryōchō…!
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Jamil: …I understand now.
Jamil: Because of your mistake, the parrots all flew away. So, Kalim went out in search of something to mitigate that.
Scarabia Student A: Yes… He said that it would be fine to start the parade, but…
Scarabia Student A: Sorry. Everything is our fault.
Jamil: …We can figure out who's at fault later. Right now, we have to think about how to solve the problem at hand.
Jamil: Based on what you've said, Kalim headed towards Diasomnia…
Jamil: No matter how fast he pushes that magical carpet, it will still take at least 10 minutes.
Jamil: There's only about 5 minutes left until the parade finale. No matter how you look at it, he won't make it back in time.
Jamil: …I have to do something to buy time until Kalim returns.
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[Scarabia Dorm – Lounge]
Crowley: Tigers and elephants, lions, monkeys and peacocks… This parade is so lively with so many animals.
Crowley: I'm moved to tears that I'm able to witness such a spectacular parade from the dormitory's balcony!
Grim: Ooh! The parade has made it to the fountain.
Grim: The music's amping up, too…
1. Here comes the finale!
2. This is the most exciting part!
Crowley: I wonder what surprise ending they have in store for us!?
Crowley: …
Grim: …
1. The animals are just going around in circles.
Crowley: Their movements are strange, I wonder what may be afoot. Or, perhaps…
Crowley: Perhaps there was some sort of problem…?
Scarabia Student C: The Headmage and the others are starting to notice… Is he still not here!?
Scarabia Student D: If this keeps up, our parade will be a failure…!
???: The Asim family never fails.
Jamil: …That is, not so long as I have a hand in things!
Jamil: Here in the shadows of the tower above the roof is the perfect place… Flourish for me, my wind magic!
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Crowley: Oh? Something is falling from the sky.
Crowley: This hail of red against the backdrop of the white Scarabia dormitory is utterly stunning.
Grim: Whatever's fluttering down keeps stickin' to my nose, it's so annoying!
Crowley: Grim-kun, you just don't get it. This is a rather stylish happening.
Crowley: I could gaze upon this forever.
Jamil: The scraps of fabric that Vil-senpai cut and the rose petals that Trey-senpai gave me…
Jamil: I didn't think they would come in handy in this way. It's definitely not something that even I could have predicted.
Jamil: Anyway, I was able to give us more time by giving them a little bit more of a show. All that's left is…
???: …Heeey!
Jamil: What's that flying this way…? It's the Magic Carpet! He's here!!
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Kalim: Hey, Headmage! And [Yuu] and Grim! Thanks for coming to Scarabia today.
Kalim: Nothing makes me happier than being able to host valued guests!
Jamil: Whew… With that, the parade's done and done.
Jamil: I guess I'll start heading back to the lounge. Where's my broom…
Jamil: But anyway, how long does Kalim plan on staying on that carpet?
Jamil: I get so anxious watching him fly around on that carpet while standing…
Kalim: Woah, woah, I'm losing balance… Aaaah!
Kalim: I'm faaaaalling~~~!!!
Jamil: WATCH OUT!!!!!
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Kalim: …That totally scared me. I accidentally fell into the fountain.
Kalim: …Hm? But I'm not injured…?
Kalim: …Ah, Jamil! I guess you must have used your wind magic to help slow my fall.
Kalim: Thanks a bunch. I didn't get hurt at all.
Jamil: I thought... M-My heart was going to stop… Ugh.
Kalim: But, oh man, I'm soaked… This is so terrible. Hahaha!!
Jamil: It's not something to laugh about. I was completely beside myself!
Jamil: Stop being so careless!!!!!
Kalim: Urgh. …Sorry for worrying you.
Kalim: …Hey, did you see the parade finale? I did so good!
Jamil: …Yeah, I saw. Good job today…
Jamil: ...me.
Crowley: Wow~ The decorations, food, and parade all made for a spectacular banquet!!
Crowley: It must have been very difficult for you to prepare everything for this, wasn't it?
Kalim: Nope, not at all. Right, Jamil?
Jamil: Yes, not at all.
1. Great job!
2. Thanks for your hard work…
Jamil: (What a day today was. I don't want to deal with a banquet as troublesome as this one ever again…)
Kalim: Headmage! Come back and visit us anytime, even if it's not for vaca…
Jamil: Kalim!
Kalim: Hurp.
Jamil: Next time the Headmage asks anything of you, you need to make sure you answer "I'll consider it."
Jamil: Whatever it is, you need to come and clear it with me first.
Jamil: …Understand?
Kalim: …Hhhhew. You covered my mouth so quickly, that startled me.
Kalim: Sure. I don't really get it, but okay!
Jamil: You truly are the most useful Housewarden I could possibly have…
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Requested by Anonymous.
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