#but let me not say too much cause i already got a two day suspension on Instagram for talking about Palestine too much
shedontlovehuhself · 10 months
One thing about Misha, you ain't gotta agree with all his points, but he's not gonna be silent. Despite the death threats from people who can't point out Palestine on a map.
He's right, a pause isn't the same as a ceasefire, which he himself said is needed.
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ifimdreaming · 6 months
i don’t deserve you
Luke Hughes x Reader
authors note: i wrote this super quick and also on my phone so idk the word count or if this even makes sense because it is unedited lmaooo but I hope you enjoy it!
You had just hopped out of the shower and were putting on uour leggings and one of lukes hoodies to wear for the day.
You hadnt really been wearing anything besides for lukes hoodies when you have a day at home since you two started dating so honestly it was nothing new.
Going back to your room after cleaning up the rest of your stuff in the bathroom, you remembered you forgot to text Luke back last night. he always gets on you about that but you always forget how worried he gets when you don’t reply to his calls or texts.
And when you head to look at your phone that’s plugged into the charger on your bedside table, you see many missed notifications from your worried boyfriend.
(4 missed called from: Lukey @ 10:37am)
Lukey: hey you said you’d call me at 10?
Lukey: call me back pls
it was now nearing 12:00pm and you knew he would be more than a little bit pissed off that you weren’t answering him.
and you felt terrible about forgetting so you unplug your phone and called him back right away, sat on your bed with a towel around yojr hair as the phone rings in suspense.
“baby? ...let me guess? you forgot to check your phone again?..” he quickly says as you are getting more comfortable on the bed, relieved he had answered your call.
You just hum in response as he pours out his concern to you, knowing that all he’s saying is true.
“i’m so so sorry. i completely forgot. i know you’re looking out for me but i fell asleep without texting and i literally just got out of the shower.” You say and hear him sigh at your words.
“Luke i promise i’ll try to keep my phone close by cuz i know you worry...but i’m fine i promise” you say apologetically .
“i didn’t get murdered or anything..” you add jokingly but quickly follow up with an “i’m kidding...” before luke gets a chance to be a smart ass and tell you not to joke about that.
You laugh a little hearing him sigh with an unamused tone in his voice.
“anyway, how are you?” You ask trying to move on from the subject knowing he is already annoyed about you not answering his calls.
“i really miss you...” he sighs out and you hear the little bit of sadness in his voice and instantly feel exactly how he’s feeling.
“i miss you more bubs...trust me time will fly by way faster than you know it…we’ll see each other soon..i promise.” You reassure him, not trying to sound too cheesy but also trying to lift his spirits somewhat.
it’s been over 2 months since you’ve seen each other last. School has picked up and made it impossible to be able to visit him in jersey, even just for a weekend.
You were starting to forget a time where it actually was easy to see each other.
And you were getting so used to late night phone calls to one another, and luke sending you random long ass text messages about how much he misses you at random hours of the night. and you being so fed up with everything that you cave and just call him even when you know he’s busy or at practice, because you miss hearing his voice so much.
“it’s just been so long since i’ve seen your face. ugh i hate this shit so much. i’m just... so fucking over it.” Luke continues pouring out and his words are laced with a bit of anger, causing his voice to have a scratchy and dark quality.
he’s clearly getting more and more frustrated about the current situation the longer it goes on and you know he’s getting irritated with only being able to talk on the phone and over facetime. we both are.
“Luke i understand... i miss you and i love you so much. And look, i know you’re upset but there’s really not much we can do about it right now is there?” You say before luke interrupts you with a loud sigh.
“hey what can i do though? huh? ...how can i help you feel better?” You ask with as much reassurance in your voice as possible, trying hard to keep your voice high and uplifting even though youre feeling just as down and unhappy as he is right now.
he doesn’t answer and you are sat in silence for too long to still be expecting him to answer your question.
“what’s on your mind? Will u just talk to me?” You ask innocently.
“ugh. fuck! i don’t know! nothing i guess.” Luke sighs out, raising his voice and catching you off guard.
“i’m just trying to help … can you calm down a little..” you say quietly because you know he was probably wound up about a lot of stuff on his mind and you can tell that he is putting his anger in the wrong places.
“you don’t need to tell me to calm down...there’s nothing you can do ok? it’s fucking awful. i hate this...fuck..” he spits out at me. “can we just talk about something else?” he asks with his voice still raised.
“look, im not trying to force you to talk to me if you don’t want to but you called me and clearly something is on your mind..whether it’s the fact that we can’t be together right now or something else but you can’t just get angry with me for no reason.” You say sternly and hear him about to say something more but you interrupt him “just please lower your voice...” you add.
“i’m not getting angry. i’m just really fucking annoyed and you’re not helping” he says exasperatedly and you are taken by surprise with his words and a little pissed off that he’s taking out whatever he is angry about at you.
You stay silent on the other end of the phone as his words instantly put tears into yohr eyes and you don’t say anything because he is being so unnecessarily rude to you.
“i’m sorry, i’m just having a really fucking bad day...” he adds and you hold your breath trying to not make your shaky breathing noticeable as he keep talking.
You begin to feel the tears slowly start to stream down your face but you quickly blink them away knowing he’s only mad about the situation and not worth yours tears. but his words made you feel so so hurt.
there’s silence between the both of you for a few seconds as you try to get yourself together and acknowledge that he hurt you.
“Ok. Im not gonna sit here and listen to you complain about something that i literally cannot fix or change right now. i’m sorry you’re feeling upset and angry with what’s going on but you can’t just call me and take all your fucking anger out on me. it’s just not fair. i really miss you too ok? ...i’m sorry we can’t be together right now but i can’t do anything to help if you’re not going to tell me what’s actually wrong...just...call me back when you calm down a little” you say trying your hardest to not raise your voice and lash out exactly like he just did to you.
he’s quiet on the other side of the phone and you hear him about to reply as you hang up the phone before he has the chance to respond, knowing you are probably not going to like or want to hear what he has to say to you at this moment anyway.
this isn’t the first conversation that’s went like this recently. this past week luke has been getting more and more pissed off and angry rather than just upset about you not being able to see each other right now and it’s not doing you any good.
Youve been trying your hardest to just hear him out and be there for him but today’s conversation was different, usually you share a mutual sadness about not being able to see each other and talk about all the things you miss and then it cheers you both up hearing all the fun things you can do together once exams and the hockey season ends.
but today luke wouldn’t even tell you what was bothering him without getting mad and it didn’t help that he was putting his anger towards you.
Feeling really frustrated about that conversation, you plug your phone back into the charger and start to feel a slight sinking in your stomach.
You hated the fact that you just hung up on him and didn’t resolve your discussion. And you knkw it was his fault for getting angry at you but can’t help but feel a little guilty for just hanging up the phone without saying goodbye.
to get your mind off of it for a while you start tidying up your room and play some music to drown out the silence.
Now it’s almost nearing 2pm and luke hasn’t called back or even texted and it’s been almost an hour.
You begin to get more and more pissed off that he hasn’t said anything and consider just sending him a text but you remember the things he said to you . so you ignore the feeling and continue waiting for him to call you back.
After deciding to lay down and read a book to distract yourself, you accidentally fell asleep for a few hours. Waking up to see that it’s around 6pm...you definitely slept longer than you should have.
Surprisingly, you see that luke tried calling back and left a few texts as well.
Lukey: hi
Lukey: i’m really sorry about earlier
Lukey: can you call me back please? i need to apologize...i didn’t mean to get upset at you. i know none of this is your fault
Lukey: please call me back
You decide not to answer him right away and start making yourself some mac and cheese and sitting at the dining room table waiting as you wait for the water to boil.
You were beginning to get so impatient. Impatient with everything, but especially with luke. You wanted him to call you again. Do something, say something. Try harder.
Your thoughts were spiraling and you knew calling him back was really the only way to stop them.
After finishing making and eating your dinner you sit down at the couch to finally call luke back. at this point your stupid argument definitely didn’t feel worth all this and you felt a little guilty for ignoring him all day long.
You ultimately decide to facetime him so you can see his face and he answers you on the second ring.
immediately you see him laying down in his bed wearing no shirt and his wet hair hanging down his face on one side and his face slightly smushed against his pillow.
he smiles at you knowingly and waits for you to say something so that he knows if i’m still angry at him or not.
“why are you staring at me?” You blush a little, ignoring your anger for a moment. he just smiles back at you with his pretty little face and completely ignores the question.
Luke sees you awkward laugh a little feeling a bit insecure with the way he’s staring at you, but he continues. and he laughs lightly as he sits up and turns the light on so that you can see him better.
“i’m really really sorry baby...” he starts “i’m sorry for getting upset at you. I shouldn’t have done that. i was just so fed up and tired of not being able to see you and i let my feelings get the best of me, i also was just having a really shitty day. Practice fucking sucked today and you already know how shitty our game has been lately.” He says with honest sincerity and regret in his voice.
“i took my anger out at you which i should not have done...and im really not trying to make any excuses because I know i hurt you. And i promise i won’t get mad at you about this ever again, especially since you did absolutely nothing wrong...” he spills out apologetically.
You say nothing at first and just wait for him to continue his apology. making it clear to him that he was completely out of hand and you are not gonna put up with his bitchy attitude. And he continues,
“... to be honest i’ve been feeling like you don’t miss me as much as i miss you which sounds stupid but i just got so angry because i didn’t understand. When you forget to call or text i just…i take it hard..” he says trailing off at the end.
“what? luke i’ve been trying so hard to keep it together for you because i know how upset this makes you. trust me when i tell you i miss you more than anything...i suck at remembering things like texting goodnight and stuff because I’ve just been so exhausted with work and school. You’re on my mind all the time and i promise you that i will try harder to not forget those things.” you quickly reply, making sure he understands just how much you mean it.
“i love you so much.” You add and smile at him as uou see his small smile on your phone screen.
“i love you too baby. i’m so sorry for getting mad..” he says quietly and puts his head down a little.
“it’s ok...i understand your frustration.” You add with a little laugh letting him know you’re over it.
“i saw your instagram story..” you change the subject and he smiles at you with his face getting a bit red.
“You posted us?” You say knowingly as he smirks at you and runs his hands through his hair.
Luke had posted a slightly blurry photo of the two of you on the boat last summer saying he misses both the summer and you. It made you melt to see him gush about you, especially because he was typically such a private person.
“You are so cute..” you say honestly. and youstart to laugh a little remembering that night on the boat together and how it was the night luke asked you to be his girlfriend.
Luke wasnt always the most romantic person but he put so much thought into that night, his words, every little thing he planned he put so much care into and it was such a beautiful moment.
You would never forget it.
“im glad you saw it. i wanted to show you how much you mean to me..and how sorry i was.” he chuckles and it makes you softly laugh, knowing the world would have no idea that post was technically an apology to you.
“will you stay on FaceTime with me tonight? i miss falling asleep with you…” you ask politely and luke nods his head and smiles at you.
“of course...” he replies.
“i’m glad you’re not mad at me anymore baby” He says quietly.
“I could never stay mad at you..” you say knowing how true of a statement it honestly was.
“...and I don’t deserve you” luke says almost in a whisper, seemingly more to himself as opposed to you
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gaysindistress · 1 year
Sad Girl - six
summary: James has an interesting new business’ proposal and one hell of a condition to deal with.
pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader
warnings: cursing, guns, violence (it is a mob au after all), Bucky’s smartass, John Walker being a dick, arguing
word count: 1.4K
part 5 | series masterlist
taglist:  @missvelvetsstuff @angelsincident @spencerreidisagorgman @  goldensunflowe-r   @i-have-no-life-charlie @esposadomd @reader-without-a-story @unaxv @iateall-yourcookies  littlelizardlizzie @alana4610
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on google/Pinterest
 Two weeks and not a single word from James about what had happened that night at the fundraiser and the suspense is starting to get to her. Did he regret it? Did he not mean the things he had said? Was it all just a show of power? 
The anguish of not knowing what it all meant and being too willful to bring it up is giving her a raging headache as she rubs her temples sitting in her office at Stark Tower. The edge of her tapered square nails digs a little too much into her soft skin, leaving red marks and causing her to rub at them even more. She’d gone back to work a week after moving into the Barnes’ house and having to drag around his security detail along with her fathers at work proved to be more work than she wanted. 
Her father, ever the gentleman, wouldn’t let her ditch Scott or the new young recruit Peter until she was officially married to James and he wouldn’t let her go anywhere without Natasha or Steve close by. Having armed guards as well as carrying herself didn’t exactly sit well with her clientele but then again they were going to her because of the Stark name and all that it offers. 
“Well, I can’t lie to your probation officer if they ask about this. I can claim client provider privilege however until you can get everything sorted out,” she explains to the large man awkwardly sitting on her couch. 
“I can’t go back to prison, ma’am. It was a mistake,” he pleads with her. 
“A mistake means you didn’t intend to do it. Punching a buddy at the bar after he’s been pissing you off all day is not a mistake but again I will keep it under wraps,” she says, closing her notebook and smiling at him. 
“Thank you, Miss. Stark. Really I appreciate it,” the last name that slips past his lips freezes her. 
“Please keep your hands to yourself from now on Frank. I’ll see you in two weeks,” she forces a fake smile and turns her attention to her phone which hasn’t stopped buzzing for nearly the whole hour. 
Frank leaves her office while she’s completely engrossed in the hundreds of messages that had flooded her phone. Apparently, John Walker didn’t appreciate how James treated him at the fundraiser and decided that she needed to hear all of it. Not even bothering to read all of them, she blocks his number again and tosses her phone away from her. It’s amazing how much of a weasel he can be when he feels he has been wronged. 
The phone rings again, this time a call. 
“Hello?” She answers, already knowing who it is. 
“Hello, sweetheart.” 
“Jesus Christ walker. We went on three dates, what the hell do you want?”
A dark chuckle comes through the other end, “You.”
“Well that’s not going to happen so kindly delete my number and leave me alone.”
“Does this have anything to do a certain mercenary?”
“Goodbye,” she hangs up as fast as she can before Walker can drag her further into whatever bullshit her father got involved in. 
She sends her father a quick text, “JW’s up my ass again. Call your dog off.” 
Her next appointment walks in before she gets the chance to read her father’s reply. 
“Sissy!” Morgan Stark screams as she runs down the steps of the Stark Estate. 
“Mo Mo!” Doll shares her younger sister’s sentiment as she throws her arms around her and spins her in a circle. 
At the top of the steps, Pepper stands with her arms across her chest, staring down at the older Stark daughter. Morgan giggles when she’s sat back on the ground and takes her sister’s hand, leading her up the staircase. 
“Good morning,” Doll nods to Pepper who reaches out a hand to stop her from going anything further. 
“Morgan honey why don’t do you go inside? I have some things to talk about with your sister,” she says to the young girl before turning her gaze back to Doll. 
“Anthony was quite upset with you for leaving the fundraiser earlier without a goodbye. You know he wouldn’t say anything to you because of how much he seems to adore you but it hurt him quite a lot. He really wanted you and John to work out but with the whole Talokan and Wakandan deal going wrong, it just made things worse, didn’t it?”
“Excuse me? What are you talking about?” she demands of Pepper who is slyly smiling at her ‘slip-up’. 
“Oh, James didn’t tell you? Stark Industries was using Wakanda as their vibranium supplier but Talokan offered it for cheaper so Anthony went with them. John, being ever the gentleman, was helping us with the transfer when something went wrong and we had to go to James and Steve for help. We’re still not sure what exactly happened but John is again helping us figure it all out.”
Doll scoffs at Pepper’s explanation, spotting holes all over it. 
“When exactly did John offer to help? Was it before or after he tried to blackmail me for breaking up with him?”
“That’s not important. He has apologized profusely for that whole situation,” she says, waving a hand around as if to clear the air for John. 
She goes to push past her stepmother but her hand grabs Doll’s bicep, stopping her, “You need to apologize to your father for the fundraiser and play nice with John until the whole thing blows over. He’s already spent your life cleaning up after you so make things a little easier on him for once.”
She rips her arm from her stepmother’s grip, “John can go fuck himself for all I care.”
Leveling her eyes with the blonde before her, “You were the one who suggested I get married off, aren’t you? I bet you saw the chance to marry me off and get rid of me for good and you took it. Doesn’t matter if it’s actually beneficial or not, as long as you get your fucking way, Pepper Potts.”
Pepper sighs, annoyed at her stepdaughter, “Apologize to your father and play nice. Now say goodbye to Morgan and leave.”
“Wow, you really are the evil stepmother from every goddamn story. Morgan!” shouted, her eyes never leaving Peppers. 
The impossibly happy four year comes bounding down the hallway, swinging her arms as she jumps in front of Pepper and Doll. She wraps her arms around her older sister, bouncing up and down in excitement.
Doll bends down to her eye level, “I’m sorry I can’t stay longer, Mo Mo. I promise I’ll come back and visit soon. Kisses and be good.”
“Awe but sissy!” 
“I promise okay? And you know I don’t break my promises,” she places one last kiss in Morgan’s hairline before standing back and flashing Pepper a death glare. 
The two disappear back into the Stark Estate she was no longer welcome in. It’s her turn to storm into her own SUV, Steve sitting in the driver’s seat. She slams the passenger door shut, buckling hastily before setting her eyes on the dashboard. Her phone starts to buzz in her pocket but she ignores it knowing exactly who it is and not wanting to deal with his bullshit at the moment. 
“You going to answer that?” Steve peeks over at her as he pulls out of the driveway. 
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t want to.”
Sticking his hand out, “Give it to me.”
“What? No.”
“Hand it over.”
She just pulls her coat tighter over her body, “I’m not a child and you’re not my dad so no.”
“If you’re not going to answer it, I might as well,” he drops his hand to dig into her coat pocket, fishing out the still-buzzing phone. He quickly flashes it up to her face to open it and begins scrolling through the unread messages from John. 
“Buck know about this?” He asks, gesturing with the phone. 
“No, and he’s not going to.”
“Why not?”
“It’s not important.”
The SUV rolls to a stop at the end of the too-long driveway, “There are well over a hundred messages here. I think he should know about this.”
She yanks the phone back from him, “No he doesn’t. We are not in a real relationship so he doesn’t need to know when someone is bothering me. If he threatens me, then I’ll say something but for me, this stays between us.” 
“Can’t make any promises, Doll.”
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blackhakumen · 10 months
Mini Fanfic #1150: The Devil's Sister (?) (Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Tekken)
3:23 p.m. at the Smash Mansion's Dining Halls.......
Zelda: (Sighs While Crossing her Arms and Walking Along with Mewtwo and Ganondorf) For the last time, Ganon, Mewwy and I are not interested in joining your little heist tonight.
Ganondorf: Oh come now, you two, it'll only be one night and the obtaining the sacred jew will be twice as short and less time restraint than originally planned with your assistance around and about.
Mewtwo: But everyone else in the League will take part in this too, right? Couldn't you have one play the distraction role instead?
Ganondorf: I already assigned everyone to their roles ages ago and even then, I can't really say I trust either of them with this task in question. Bowser and Ridley wouldn't be able keep their mouths shut for the likes of them, Dark Samus' shape-shifting abilities would rise suspension, and the Devil Brat-
The trio's eyes begins to widened as they see Kazuya repeatedly banging his head on the table while everyone else present watching him and Hades chuckling maniacally at the scene itself.
Ganondorf: (Raises his Eyebrow in Confusion) Is not currently banging his head on the table like a madman, what's going on here?
Mewtwo: (Notices a Young Woman Sporting a Purple Colored Tips Faded into her Black Hair, Standing Behind Kazuya with a Smirk on her Face) And who's this?
Hades: (Gets Up From his Seat) Ohohoo! You three are in for a helluva treat right now! Princess, gentlemen, allow me to introduce you Reina Mishima.
Reina: (Causally Waves at the Three) 'Sup.
Zelda: Wait, Mishima? Does that mean you're-
Reina: (Smiles Brightly) That's right!~ I just so happen to be Kazuya's baby sister~ (Was About Ruffle The Top of Kazuya's Head Until....)
Kazuya: (Angrily Points at his "Sister") DON'T!....Touch me.
Reina: (Moves her Hand Away From Kazuya) Fine. Whatever you say, Onee-san~
Ganondorf: Okay, I'm confused. (Turns to Kazuya) You have a sibling this entire time?
Reina: Make that "siblings" actually. There's many of us around believe or not.
Mewtwo: (Raises an Eyebrow) How many are we talking exactly?
Reina: Oh I dunno~ Nine....Eighteen.....Maybe twenty-five of us perhaps~
Everyone: TWENTY FIVE!?
Hades: Yeeeeeeup!~ And none of them belongs to Kazumi either. Old Hachi-Boy might've gotten over that train wreck real quick that day cause he was getting BUSY in these past few years!
Bowser: Oh God the Child Support Payment must've been off the roof for the guy. (Eyes Suddenly Starts to Widened) Does even PAID Child Support to begin with?
Sephiroth: Given the the history we were given about him so far, I wouldn't be surprised if that turns out to be the case.
Pichu: (Nodded in Agreement) Pi.
Reina: Nah I wouldn't say that's the case entirely. The old fart never activately been around in any of our lives, bit he has provided all of us the funds and resources we needed to survive in the outside world. Well.....(Smirks Down at a Severely Pissed Off Kazuya) Almost all of us.
Zelda: (Still Surpised at What is Happening Right Now) This is all so much to process at once.....I need something to snack on ASAP!
Mewtwo: Got it. (Summons a Bag of Chips in Front of Zelda With a Snap of his Finger)
Zelda: (Catches the Bag Before Letting Out a Loud Gasps and Pulling her Best Friend into a Very Loving Hug) Mewwy, I love you with every fiber of my soul!~ Let's go!~ (Grabs Mewtwo by the Hand and Rushes Over to the Leagues of Villains' Table to Having a Much Better Viewing Experience)
Ganondorf: So....Given that you're Heihachi's daughter, have you learned a thing or two about his family fighting style as well?
Reina: For the most part. I took a few lessons from his training guide videos a while back and it's been proven beneficial so far. (Let Out a Bit of a Chuckle) A few of peers would usually go on and on saying that learning Martial Arts is a waste of time, but I dunno. It feels nice to fight your own battles for once. (Wiggles her Fingers a Little Before Balling her Fist Up, Creating a Small Purple Electricity Around the Knuckles) It's also satisfying to crush any weak, small fry that tries to get in my way.
Ganondorf: Assertive dominance and power hungry.....(Forms an Evil Smirk on his Face) Not bad. Ever thought about joining our League-
Kazuya: NO! NO! NO! She is NOT joining our group!
Ganondorf: (Casually Shrugs) Don't see why? We ARE in need of new recruits.
Ridley: Plus, she does seems to fit the qualifications of a villain so far, so-
A Devil Beam starts coming towards Space Pirate's direction before quickly dodging it completely.
Ridley: (Glares at Kazuya) What the hell, man!? I was just saying!
Kazuya: (Glares Back at Ridley) And you need to learn when to keep your mouth shut, bird!!
Ridley: Hey, don't get pissy at me for stating the obvious! And I'm a freaking dragon!....I think?....
Reina: Oh come now, Kazu, there's no need for you get so mad~ I personally don't see anything wrong with us working together from time to time.
Kazuya: (Turns to Reina) I do not associate myself with snot-nosed brats. Let alone one who doesn't seem to know her PLACE!
Reina: No need to get so hostile. Your crew mates here were only presenting me an offer I have no reason to refuse.
Kazuya: And I decline you from EVER joining our ranks!!
Bowser: (Nervously Raise Up his Finger) I don't really think you have a say in the matt-
Kazuya: SHUT UP!
Kazuya angrily shoots another Devil Beam at Bowser, whom quickly dodges it as well.
Reina: ('Sigh') Honestly. Have you always throw hissy fits whenever things don't go your way? At your own age nonetheless?
Mewtwo: You think that's immature? You should've seen all the times him and his subordinates drinking celebrating around your father's grave every chance they get.
Reina: Really?....Can't tell if that's sad or pathetic.
Mewtwo: I say it's the latter.
Kazuya shoots yet another Devil Beam at Mewtwo, only for Zelda to stop it from hitting him by using her manipulation power with the palm of her hand
Zelda: (Glares at Kazuya While Slowly Erasing the Beam Entirely) Don't. Even.
Reina: (Gives Zelda a Impressed Smile on her Face) Gotta say, that's some nifty telekinesis powers you got there, princess.
Zelda: (Turns to Reina with a Bright Smile on her Face) Thanks!~ Mewwy's been teaching me a thing or two on how to use them more fluently
Reina: (Chuckles Lightly While Pointing at Mewtwo) This cutie suppose to be your teacher or something?
Zelda: Not just that. (Happily Hugs Mewtwo Again) This cutie is also my bestest friend in the whole wide world!~
Mewtwo: (Looks Away While Blushing) Nothing about me screams cute, Zelda......
Reina: Intellect and cool collected. (Turns Back to her Shakingly Enraged Older Brother) You should learn a few things from him, Kazu. Maybe then you wouldn't be deemed as a failure to the Mishima Family's name. (Casually Shrugs) Hell, I wouldn't even be surprised if your mother thought the same way too before she di-
Before Reina could even finish the rest of her sentence, Kazuya delivers a powerful, electric surging punch towards her face, only for the young woman to catch it at the last second woth an iron grip, much to everyone's surprise.
Bowser: (Immediately Gets Up From his Seat) Oh shit!
Ridley: Another escalation happening here, people!
Sephiroth: (Rolls his Eyes) No surprise there.
Hades: And the sparks begins to fly at long last!
Ganondorf: (Smirk Grew Wider) Excellent.
Reina: Well, would you look at that!~ (Forms an Evil, Cocky Smirk on her Face While Still Holdong onto Kazuya's Fist) We're actually getting somewhere here.
Kazuya: (Tries His Very Hardest to Power Through Reina's Grip While Grunting) Sister......or not.....I WILL kill you.....With my own BARE HANDS!!!
Reina: You're more than welcome to try. But I must warn you though.....I never take my punches lightly....nor do I take lightly to those who are all talk....So unless you wanna know what it feels like to grovel on a solid floor, cut the bullshit, try your hardest, and push me towards my. Absolute. Limit.
Kazuya: Gladly.
Kazuya uses his other fist to try and punch Reina for the second time and-
Kazuya's eyes suddenly starts to widen as he turns to see a ghost of his own mother, Kazumi, stand beside him, silently shaking her head at in disappointment. It was long for only son take a deep breath and loosen the force of his punch.
Kazuya: No. I won't kill you. Not yet anyways.
Reina: (Raises an Eyebrow as She Slowly Starts to Losen her Grip) Really? You're giving up just like that? Pretty disappointing if you ask me-
Kazuya: Quiet, you insufferable brat! That's not what I'm doing! I'm only putting this on hold for now. But the next time I see you, I won't be so merciful.
Reina: (Stares at Kazuya Fore a Brief Second Before Sighing in Defeat) Fine. Whatever you say, Kazuya. (Finally Let's Go of Kazuya's Hand) I have a busy schedule on my hands already. (Properly Bows to Everyone Else at the Table) So I must bid ypu all adieu for now.
Ganondorf: (Walks Up to Reina) Wait. Before you go anywhere, here. (Gives Reina the Leagues of Villains Business Card) The offer still stands for you to join our League if you like.
Reina: (Smiles Brightly at Ganondorf) Why, thank you very much, Senpai!~ (Place the Business Card in her Jackey Pocket) I'll be sure to keep you all in touch going forward. In the meantime, I'll actually take my leave for real this time. (Walks Away Before Suddenly Stopping in her Tracks) Oh and......Onee-Chan? If you still wanna try and kill me with your own bare hands, you know where to find me. (Turns Back to Kazuya One Last Time With an Evil Grin on her Face) And I'll be sure show not to show you any form of mercy on my end either. (Turns Away Before Walking Away, Waving Goodbye to Everyone)
Zelda: (Happily Waves Goodbye to the New Girl Along With Almost Everyone Else) Byeeee, Reina!~ It was nice meeting you!~
Hades: Come back amd humble Kazu-boy anytime you want!~
Sephiroth: Till we meet again I suppose.
Pichu: Pi-chuuuu!~
Ganondorf: (Let's Out a Satisfied Sigh) Well now. I suppose an agreement is in order. All in favor letting Reina join the League: Say 'Aye'! (Raises his Hand Up)
Everyone: (Raises Their Hands Up as Well) Aye!/Pi!
Kazuya: (Angrily Transform into his Devil Form) ('GRAAAAAAAA') FUCK IT! I'm going out for fresh air and you all can kiss the stone cold part of my ass!!
Kazuya sky rockets himself out of the mansion, breaking parts of the ceiling as it falls down on the table.
Ganondorf: ('Sigh') Great. The devil brat's tantrum destroyed the ceiling again. All in favor in telling the ladies what happened- Not it!
Bowser: Not it!
Zelda: Not it!
Mewtwo: Not it.
Hades: Not itttt!~
Sephiroth: Not it.
Pichu: Pichu!~
Dark Samus: Not it....
Ridley: Not it- Ahhh Damnit! Again with this!?
Bowser: (Shrugs) Sorry, man. Rules are rules.
Dark Samus: I'll miss you~
Ridley: (Sighs in Defeat While Getting Up From his Seat) Yeah, yeah, I'll miss you too, babe. (Starts Walking Off) I swear, I can't have anything good in this place.....
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fandomregression · 2 years
I had the idea of, what if Mike regressed, but for a long time he didn't even know it. Like I got the feeling especially after I started rewatching the show. (In this after everything ends Mike and El decide to just be friends, and it works for both of them because they realize its only platonic love.)
In season one after Will goes missing he locks himself in his room or whatever one night and just kind if starts playing with his dinosaurs. The next morning Nancy goes to check in on him and she sees him in bed with a bunch of dinos surrounding him. She doesn't think much of it and just continues to let him sleep.
Well as years go on and time continues. They defeat whatever evils and everything is going back to normal.
One day Mike is hanging our at the Byers/Hopper house with Will, El, Nancy, and Jonathan cause they moved back to Hawkins.
They are going through old things to get rid of and they stubble across Rory the dinosaur cause Mike gave it to Will when he was moving to California.
Mike looks at the dinosaur and just smiles and both Nancy and Johnathan notice a slight change in his behavior, it becomes more...child like in a way. He starts pointing out small things to Will, and going back and forth from clinging onto his best friend, El, and his other best friend, Will. And eventually some of his words turn in to like messes of different words. It's not hard to notice the change...well El and Will don't really notice it, they just think it's cool to have a more expensive Mike than normal, but don't really care either way cause hes their best friend. Whatever continuing
Now, Johnathan and Nancy had heard about agere from Steve and Robin because they both use it to cope, and although J and N don't regress they will still color with the other two and chew on things to help themselves relax.
So when they started to notice Mike acting like this they both looked at eachother.
"Me and Nancy are going to get something to eat, I'm hungry for some french fries, what about you guys" Jonathan had said trying to see if his suspension was right and to see if he and Nancy were on the right wave length.
Nancy looked at the 3 teens that were now all cuddled together looking at dinosaurs because of Mike. She said something about getting chicken nuggets or something.
By now Mike had already perked up, he was looking at the two next to him, and then back at the two older kids. "I want nuggets. Can I have apples too?"
Both J and N smiled and nodded. They asked what the other two wanted, they just asked for the same and then a drink and then went back to messing with the dinosaurs.
And then when Nancy and Jon went out to get food, by the time they got back Mike had started to regress more. Will and El didnt really know what was happening, but they now had maker on them and were laughing and being chased by a Mike who had a marker in each hand and was laughing with them.
Long story short they soon had a sit down with Mike, and soon enough, him, Robin, and Steve were having play dates. Later on they find our Max also regresses....let's just say the rest of the group struggled to keep all the kiddos out of trouble.
Regressed Mike loves messing with his big sister hair, and will not set still long enough for his friends to try and help him when he needs help with things.
(this is long I'm sorry, I just had an idea and ran with it, also if I messed up anything I'm dyslexic...so yeah sorry again)
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 this is the cutest yessss regresser mike is a SWEETIE
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rosenallies · 2 years
Okay if you’re still taking prompts for bratpack, would you maybe write another baby bratpack childhood friends to lovers prompt🥹 maybe Kendall and Gia sticking up for synthia in the playground or something cause I’m always a sucker for that
Why did writing this kinda make me cry 🥹🥹
Synthia tried to keep the tears from falling as the girls cornered her, tugging on her sparkly skirt and tossing her stuffed kitten aside.
“You’re such a baby,” one of them sneered, pushing her into the brick wall of the school building.
“Yeah, crybaby!” The rest jeered, pointing their fingers at her and laughing.
“P-please stop, I-I d-didn’t even do anything to y-you,” she managed, hiccuping, silently hoping someone would stop them, her teacher who gave her pink heart stickers when she cried for her mommy in class or Gia who she knew had in school suspension that day or Kendall who usually stayed inside at recess to read, anyone.
She didn’t know how much longer it went on u til her wishes were answered and someone yelled out, something Synthia couldn’t quite make out but the voice was familiar. She kept her eyes squeezed shut until something soft and gentle landed in her lap. Her stuffed kitty! And Gia who handed it to her!
“Gi,” she whimpered, reaching for her friend.
“What the hell is wrong with those girls!?”
Synthia sniffled. “Aren’t you supposed to be at in school suspension today?”
Gia shrugged. “I think the teacher I was with was about to go insane if I kept on talking and flicking my pencil so she let me outside for recess. I tried to find you and then I saw those girls yelling at you.”
“Oh. What did you say to them? I couldn’t hear or see.”
Giggling, Gia put a finger to her lips as to let her know not to tell. “I put a toad I found in one girl’s hood and when she screamed I yelled at her and the others to get lost and to not bother you again.”
“Oh. Thank you.”
“Yeah,” Gia said, “anytime. You’re my best friend. Do you want to go inside? Maybe Kendall is in there reading, I didn’t see her out here either.”
Synthia nodded and let Gia pull her up, sneaking her through the door that Gia knew was always unlocked.
Sure enough, they found Kendall in the library, on one of the beanbag chairs with a thick chapter book in her lap that probably had more pages than Gia and Synthia had ever read in their lives.
“Hi guys!” She said, smiling softly until her brows furrowed with concern when she saw the state Synthia was in, cheeks red, eyes misty from crying, and still sniffling. “Synthia! What happened?”
She got up quickly and led them back to where she was sitting, sitting Synthia on the floor between them both.
“Some girls were being mean to Synthia and I stopped them.”
“You didn’t do anything to get in trouble again, did you?”
The thought almost made Synthia cry, one of the only two people who were kind to her, getting in trouble to stand up for her.
Gia shrugged. “I’m already supposed to be at in school suspension right now, what else can they do?”
“Whatever. Synthia is more important right now.”
Kendall took her hand and Gia led her head to their shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Synthia shook her head, thinking about how hard words were at the moment.
“Can we just sit here?” Gia tried. “It’s ok like this?”
Synthia nodded and Kendall squeezed her hand. “I’ll come outside for recess now to protect you, I promise.”
“And I promise to keep annoying the ISS teacher so she lets me outside for recess again so I can protect you too.”
Rolling her eyes, Kendall flicked Gia’s arm. “You can’t promise to not get in trouble so you’re actually allowed to be outside to protect her?”
Gia huffed and Synthia giggled, making them all crack a smile.
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asoulofatlantis · 2 years
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- Their holding hands T.T
- But at least this time Marielle got so say goodbye.
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- Look who showed up REALLY late! (Glad to have you back girls!)
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- This scene was so great and why the hell am I crying again?
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- Classic dance and all but... HOLY SHIT! Is Aaron dancing with Shizuna?
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- That one makes much more sense and is absolutly “Mona-approved” XD
- Dodging the dance bullet for Van it seems, but Agnes got a Head-Pet XD
And cut! Were done guys! It was quite the ride I tell you...
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Look! That asshole is still alive and kicking! No hard feelings for tricking Gaius into that den of craziness here XD
The post-credit scene wasn’t that amazing, but amusing in a way. But we haven’t reached the end of the Kurp-Saga yet, so it is fine.
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Another game ending with a group picture. Hopefully we see it standing or hanging somewhere some day.
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Aaaaand that's a wrap! It's over guys!
It is time for me to rate the game. But not with points this time, as I didn’t play it myself and I didn’t have a translation or a decent translation for it most of the time. So it would be unfair to do it. I just want to give my two cents about what I saw and how I felt about it. So lets go:
1. I agree that this was more a filler arc than anything. Likely to introduce some more places, gives us more insight on some characters, develop some more relationships and give us some information that are needed in the next game but couldn’t be included in Kuro 1. Which isn’t great, but sometimes necessary.
(Inferno said the game was overall between good and decent and he has played them all, so I say we can accept that.)
2. The time-travel mechanic was stupid. Whenever someone dies, we just turn back time and everything is fine, no backlash no punishment for it, no nothing but killing off characters left, right and center without any bad consequences. It was like Falcom just wanting to kill off characters without actually killing them off and as they couldn’t do what they did in Cold Steel they tried it that way. Which is stupid.
3. The dead ends could have been handled way better. The majority of the bad ending didn’t have any emotional impact on the player at all. Either because they were too fast, because the black screen was taking away the shock moment or we already had so many dead ends in a row that it was just annoying. It also didn’t feel necessary most of the time. Like the first one showed us how strong Grendel-Zolga is and sometimes you realized you needed more team members or something, but sometimes you just ran into a trap and got poisoned or blown up for no other reason than dying. Not to mention the one time where a falling plane killed our guys. Less of them and more emotional impact for the player would have certainly done the trick a lot better.
4. The length of the Intermission was ridiculous and I say that after Inferno managed to dodge half of the bad ending of that monster of an Intermission
5. Chapter 3 seemed to be never ending too. A lot of going back and forth with time travel too. The ending of that chapter was good, but certainly not worth all the trouble.
6. This game lacks romance. Like so much it hurts. The only semi-ships we had, were mostly filled with Drama and/or Heartbreak. Ashen and Cao have caused A LOT of frustration for multiple reason. Swing and Nadia, do to being separated for plot-drama-reasons were missing most of the time. Van is like... not going anywhere. It's clear as day that both Elaine and Agnes have feelings for him, but he seems to just... not care? I mean, he does still have some sort of feelings for Elaine and Agnes safety and happiness is always top priority, but that is all there is to it. If this continues like that, he ends up in eternal suspense like Lloyd and Rean - and those two had at least hinted at were there hearts would be going if it wouldn’t be our choice. I am not even sure what they are doing with this anymore. Agnes feelings for Van are completely unnecessary if Van is supposed to be with Elaine. And then there was the choice of who to spend time with at the festival. YES it was just a festival and not like a romantic dance or something (they dodged that bullet amazingly...) but the choice was still only between those two girls no man, no friend, no child included in the choice, just Agnes or Elaine. I can not blame the fandom that they get worried that Vans choice will ultimately be our choice, which too would but him into forever-single-mood as in later games he won’t have a girlfriend because they can’t always respect the player choice. I don’t want Elaine to win this, but it would suck to get another non-canon-romance thingy. Also... I was expecting them to tone Agnes feelings for Van down, given how Elaine is much more active in his life now but they actually did exactly the opposite. At the end, Agnes finally seemed to have recognized that if anyone, Elaine is the greatest threat to her wishes and I don’t know why we actually need that now?
7. Too many characters. At the end of the day, we had the same amount of characters as Class 7 in the middle of Cold Steel 1 and I would have suspected Falcom had learned from their mistakes. But appearantly they didn’t.
8. The ending was really good tho. Quick and the emotional impact was what you would want from a games final phase.
9. Too much plot recycling. Falcom really has to step up their game with plot ideas, because a lot of stuff that happened was reused plot from previous arcs or even characters and there is only so much nostalgia to gain through reusing the same plot and stuff over and over again.
10. The soundtrack was really good. Certainly much better than Kuro 1. 
11. The ending was a clear “Fin” no “see you next time” nor a “this story is over” thing going on. It's a little bit worrisome to be honest. It was said that Kuro was supposed to be a trilogy, but with people from Erebonia on the move, I can not help but wonder if we don’t finish that Arc with Hajimari two instead. Given that the End that was foretold is near, one would expect the Heroes from the other games to step up as well. But we will see.
Overall my first impression is mixed. Maybe that changes when I play it myself one day far away in the future.
And with that, my Kuro 2 reaction is done. Lets go back to Rean and Cold Steel 3!
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randomdancingwhore · 3 years
Secret’s Out - Peter Parker x Bimbo! F! Reader
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Summary: It's time for Peter to tell his girlfriend about Spiderman. It won't be that hard, right?
Request: "I was wondering if I could request an x men bimbo reader? Or a spider man reader where peter goes to school with a girl who seems like a Total bimbo but instantly is like 'yeah of course I've been knowing that you're spider man, duh!" @chipster-21​ hope you like it!
Warnings: Sexual role play hinted at.
Notes: This request was supposed to come out ages ago, but I kinda got carried away with it for a while but don't worry, I shortened it, lol.
'Today is the day,' Peter thought, 'I'm gonna tell her.'
Peter paced back and forth in the hallway wearing his aunt's long frilly robe as Y/N reclined in his bedroom.
She had caught him off guard. He had just come back from a crime-fighting spree and was still in costume when Y/N burst in. With no other choice, Peter threw on the nearest clothing article, which just happened to be Aunt May's light pink robe.
He tried to explain that he just put it on for fun, an excuse that would typically work on her, but when Y/N furrowed her brow and said,
"That robe is salmon, and that's def' a summer/spring colour, but you have mega winter/fall undertones, and you know it. There’s nothing fun about unflattering colour combinations. Peter...are you like hiding something from me?"
He didn't know how to react, so he didn't. He stood there and stuttered till Y/N had walked into his room, most likely texting her friends about the situation.
He hated lying to her; she was already clueless about so much, but it was for her own good; she was known to talk without thinking much, and if she ever let it slip that she knew who Spiderman was, his enemies could hurt her.
But enough was enough. Lying to her was hurting her too.
Gathering his wits, he opened his bedroom door, ready to face Y/N.
She sat up on his bed and looked at him expectantly,
"Y/N, I have to tell you something..."
The girl suddenly began to bounce up and down, clapping ecstatically. "Omg! The big secret is coming out, this's just like that one episode of 'Love and HipHop Atlanta' where Erica told Safaree that she was like super preggo and then he literally drove off on a mini four-wheeler, which was like totes lame" Y/N watches a lot of mindless reality TV "Anyways, what were you saying?"
"It's just, I don't want you to think of me any differently after this"
"Babe, just spill already. The suspense is totally breaking me out, and I have an Insta shoot tomorrow."
Peter sighed, and with brief hesitation, he ripped open the bathrobe, exposing his spider-suit.
Y/N gasped "Are we like finally doing the Spiderman role play thing?" Instantly and without cause, Y/N begins to imitate a stereotypical damsel in distress "Oh, Spiderman won't you come save me from the evil men, please take me home and show me how that web-shooter of yours really works-"
"No! T-that's not what's going on, we're not doing that. This isn't just a costume; I'm Spiderman, Y/N, that's what I've been keeping from you, and I can't anymore because...I love you."
There's a brief moment of silence.
"Duhh," The girl chimes matter-of-factly.
"You knew I loved you?" He says softly
"No, I didn't know that part yet and ILYT BTW, Peter. I said, 'duhh' because I like already knew you were Spiderman."
Peter's eyes widen. "What?!"
"Spiderman has saved me like a dozen times and I’m doing this über exclusive perfume mixing class so I started like noticing scents and you two totally have the same smell," she explains.
Peter is horrified. "I have a smell?"
"Yeah,” she sang “You smell like 'teenaged boy who uses AXE body spray as a substitute for a social life,' with unique notes of A4 paper, freshly ironed clothes and strawberry shortcake frosting."
"That's...interesting, but why didn't you ever say anything about me being Spiderman?"
"Because I'm not supposed to say your secret out loud, obvi, that's what good super-hero girlfriends do; I read that on Pinterest."
Peter's heart warmed at that. He realized now that he never should have doubted Y/N.
The touching moment was cut short when Peter's bedroom door was swung open by his aunt.
The scene before her was of Y/N sitting on the bed with Peter standing in front of her, May's bathrobe held wide open and her nephew was seemingly showing off his 'web shooter' to his girlfriend.
"Peter!!!" She screamed.
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mitch-the-simp · 3 years
The Only Teenage Bitch Worth My Time (Jotaro x Sister!Reader)
(I literally wrote this for my English final exam- But obviously modified and without cursing.)
(Y/n) had always been the star child; not one instance in her life had her intellectual potential been questioned by anyone in her family. Alas, this was one of those moments in which she felt like she didn't deserve to be the gifted child of the Joestar family.
Her brother, Jotaro, was as clever and quick-thinking as her, yet he was treated as intellectually challenged because of his demeanor. He was a rude teenager in his junior year that simply walked around acting like he didn't care about anything. He could walk into a restaurant and if he didn't like the food, he would refuse to pay no matter what. If you were to ask him for his opinion on how you looked, if he didn't like it, he would tell you his opinion straight up. No sugar coating, no nice little words; a simple "You look stupid." would suffice. Not to mention he didn't seem to respect his mother.
(Y/n) tried her best to appease her adoptive mother, Holly. But Jotaro? Oh, he didn't care about respect. He would talk back to her, go out and leave her to worry until he returned hours after his curfew. Yet, for some reason, their mother never scolded him. It was like she didn't even care about all that. She would let anything slide so easily. It baffled her to an impossible extent.
Yet, she knew there was more to him than that. (Y/n) seemed to be the only person he actually cared to talk to. She found it odd at first but eventually stopped asking herself why.
Jotaro would tell her about how annoying it is to walk to school and instantly be swarmed by his annoying fangirls. And with all honesty, (Y/n) felt the same way when she saw all those girls literally push her away from walking with her brother to school.
It wasn't soon until (Y/n) picked up a few delinquent habits from Jotaro, though. They were walking down the pavement as (Y/n) spoke to Jotaro, "Hey, you think I'm gonna do good in that science fair? The top prize is 148000¥!". In her hands, he held her science fair project. A small homemade printer she had been working on for months.
"You're pretty smart, I think you'll give those other nerds something to be scared about," Jotaro mumbled.
"You think you can help me set it up in the gym?" She asked smiling at him softly.
And just before he could respond, the stampede of girls ran towards them. They pushed around to be able to bother Jotaro. And when they did, one of them pushed (Y/n) out of the way, causing her to drop her project.
And that's when it happened. She balled up her fists in anger and punched the girl in the face.
Jotaro looked at her, taken aback by his sister's actions. Then he chuckled, pulled the brim of his black hat down to his face, and mumbled a proud, "Good grief." With that, he continued walking. Leaving (Y/n) alone to be caught and sent to detention, which eventually led to her being suspended for a week.
So that was exactly why she was sitting in the middle of her living room right now.
"Why'd it have to be today of all days..." she thought to herself. The reason being that her father, Sadao, came back from his Jazz tour that same day to go support her in the Science fair.
She looked around, wondering if there was anything she could do while she waited. Eventually, she decided to change out of her school uniform. Making her way to her room and changing her Japanese uniform with something that accommodated more to her Italian fashion desires.
She fixed her (H/c) hair and adjusted her (F/c) dress. Though, just as she was sliding on her boots, she heard a car in the driveway.
"Oh shoot-" she exclaimed, running out into the living room. She knew darn well that her mom had already informed her dad of her suspension. So playing it off was no option.
Her father stepped out of the car and hugged her mom. As soon as he saw him walk towards the house, she knew she was fucked.
"(Y/n), I would like to have a word with you young lady," he announced, not wasting a single second after entering through the front door.
"Yes sir." She gulped. She slowly walked towards him, already regretting what she had done earlier that day.
Her father sat down on the couch and patted the space next to him, signaling her to sit down. Once she did as instructed, her father sighed.
"(Y/n), your mother informed me of what happened in school today. Why did you do that?" he asked calmly.
(Y/n) grew nervous. She was too scared to lie to him, but would he be mad at the truth? She just knew he would, but she honestly had no choice, did she?
"I... I just hate it when all those girls crowd around Jotaro. He doesn't even want all that attention! But you know what just infuriated me?! They are constantly pushing through me to get to him! They made me drop my project! And- and you know what's worse?! I CAN'T EVEN ENJOY A SMALL WALK WITH MY OWN BROTHER! And I just thought, 'Ok, what would Jotaro do if he was as mad as I am?' And well... I don't want to excuse my actions... but it just... happened." She ranted, her voice trailing off at the end.
"I see, you were angry about a situation you constantly find yourself feeling helpless in, so you decided to strike at it as you've seen Jotaro do when he's in a problem." He spoke, attempting to understand what she meant.
"Well... he only reacts like that when someone makes him mad, so yes." She mumbled back.
"See, sweetheart, the past few years, I've seen that Jotaro looked at you as too perfect to even try to be like you. And now I see that in your own way, you see Jotaro as stronger than you. Perhaps more courageous? You have found a hidden nobility inside of him. A resilience that he doesn't even show us. And I know you admire it so much, that you wish you had the capability to be as carefree and careless as he is." Sadao commented.
"I... I guess you're right." (Y/n) admitted.
"Whether you see it or not, you two make a great duo because you're what the other wished they were. I'm not saying it wasn't wrong that you punched that girl in the face, but I'm saying that you should try to channel that newfound courage into... less violent things." He suggested.
"Just go where destiny guides you my cherry blossom," Holly added as she walked by them on her way to the kitchen.
"I'll take this as permission to be mean to people, verbally."
"Take it as you will, just don't get yourself into any more trouble, ok kid?" He clarified.
"Yes sir!" She cheered.
Sadao got up from the couch, he was about to leave the living room, when he stopped in his tracks and turned to see his daughter once again, "Oh and (Y/n)."
"Yes, Papa?"
"You're grounded."
"Awww! What about the science fair?" She asked.
"Well, you have a project to fix." He reassured her, letting her know he was still going to take her.
"Can I at least pick Jotaro up from school?"  You asked.
"Yes, but remember the conversation we had, (Y/n)." He responded as he walked into the kitchen. 
(Y/n) nodded at him, as she walked outside and laid on the grass. As she looked at the clouds. She really wished Jotaro had come to get her out of detention. Or had at least snuck her out of school for one of his smoking sessions before she got caught. Obviously, (Y/n) herself didn't smoke, so she really was just gonna sit there and maybe even snack on something while they both had a sensible conversation. 
That's where she got an idea: Jotaro was probably skipping class to smoke right now, and she had nothing to do, so she thought sneaking out of the house to hang out with him wasn't a bad idea. So she went back into the house and walked into the kitchen where her parents were talking to each other.
"Hey mom, dad, I think I'm gonna go take a nap until Jotaro is out of school." She announced.
"Alright honey, just let me know If you want anything, ok?" Holly smiled as she kissed her cheek.
(Y/n) went into her room and got a small backpack full of snacks. Slowly, she opened the door back up and ran out into the yard and out of the house's territory. Then she ran towards the school.
Once she got there, she looked around for Jotaro. As always, she found him sitting on the bleachers, cigarette in hand and black hat covering his eyes. (Y/n) made her way towards him, climbing up the bleachers and sitting next to him on the top seats.
He slowly turned to her, and chuckled, "Weren't you in detention?" 
"I was suspended you jackass." She responded.
"Oh, well that sounds bad for your permanent record," he spoke softly, taking a puff of his cigarette.
"Yeah... it was worth it though, those bitches have been getting on my nerves for some time now." She shrugged, taking a bag of chips out of her backpack.
"Really? Is it because they always push you around," he asked casually.
"Well, that's part of the issue... but mostly it's because I hate how they just won't leave you alone. It's like every hint you throw at them completely misses them! I mean, you literally call them bitches in their stupid faces!" (Y/n) complained.
"Yeah, it's pretty damn annoying..." he mumbled softly. 
He didn't want to actually thank her for getting him out of that situation; it would ruin the careless delinquent image he'd worked so hard to build. But he saw his sister's sweet gesture as the only reason why she was the only teenage bitch worth his time.
And even though he didn't say it, (Y/n) knew damn well that he was thanking her from the bottom of his heart with that response. 
"So, you want to help me fix my printer before the fair? I promise I'll let you use it." (Y/n) asked.
"Sure, it starts at 10, doesn't it?" 
"Yeah, I'm sure that if you help me we can get it done by 9:30." She spoke.
"But you have to tell me what to do, or else I'll probably fuck it up," he responded.
"Don't worry, I'll tell you, little Joot!" (Y/n) said as she pulled down his hat.
"Don't call me that you bitch." He turned away, hiding the embarrassed blush on his face.
"Come on little bro..." She pouted playfully.
Jotaro sighed, "I'm not your little bro. I was here first, you bitch." he grunted.
"Yeah, but I'm still older than you by one year." 
"Yeah, I'm pretty fucking sure that doesn't count." He rolled his eyes.
"Uh- I'm pretty sure that it does. Age is what determines who's the oldest sibling, dumbass." She said, matter-of-factly. 
"I still refuse to accept it." He grunted in annoyance
"Fine... suit yourself... little Joot.~" (Y/n) chuckled.
She wouldn't change what they had for anything in the world, and she knew Jotaro thought the same thing. Even if he didn't really tell her.
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viastro · 4 years
two missions [REMAKE] | yoon jeonghan
ミ★ synopsis: in which you and jeonghan go on an undercover mission to a gala to get info on one of south korea’s largest drug cartels.
ミ★ genre: undercover agents!jeonghan and reader, previous assassins!jeonghan and reader, humor, some fluff, some suspense 
ミ★ warnings: spiked drinks, mentions of drugs, implications of murder, slightly suggestive
ミ★ word count: 6,469
ミ★ pairings: yoon jeonghan x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys! in honor of my one year here on tumblr, i decided to remake my very first oneshot. i was originally planning to just delete the previous version of two missions, but it’s the first oneshot i posted and i feel like that makes it have some value. i will not be linking the original as i actually dislike it a lot so AJKGBRK i tried to make this more inclusive than it used to be as i feel that was a big problem in the first version, so i hope you guys enjoy this! happy one year of viastro !!
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“So you’re telling me that your next mission is to be Jeonghan’s wife again? How do you survive when you have a raging crush on the man...” Mingyu whispers rather loudly through his mouthful of french fries. You immediately turn to glare at your pretty friend, smacking his arm. “Bitch! Why would you say that so loud? While you’re still chewing your fries no less.”
Mingyu giggles in response, putting a fry into your mouth to try and calm you down. You chew it nervously, glancing over at Jeonghan talking to one of your coworkers as they stare up at the menu. Your heart pounds against your chest as your eyes trail over him. His blue dress shirt is tucked into black slacks, and you take notice of his new undercut.
“I honestly don’t know how I survive. The time he slept at my apartment? I almost fucking died because of how nervous I was. My heart stutters whenever he smiles at me, I don’t know why Cheol keeps making me be his partner on our undercover operations.” You mutter absentmindedly, watching as he tilts his head while he tries to decide what to order. Mingyu rolls his eyes, now slapping your shoulder, making you let out a whine.
“You know exactly why Cheol keeps pairing up the two of you. Not only because he knows of your little crush, but the two of you were both assassins before you became secret agents. Not to mention the fact that you look good together. That’s why Cheol makes you both a married couple whenever the operation calls for it.” Mingyu explains, and you purse your lips, turning back towards Jeonghan.
Jeonghan was transferred to your department last year, and the first time the two of you met was rather humiliating to say the least as you’ve never seen a man as beautiful as him. Not to say that your coworkers aren’t pretty, but Jeonghan was the only one to make your normally composed demeanor crumble. Mingyu still likes to make fun of you for it to this day.
“Everyone, this is Yoon Jeonghan. He’s the new recruit in our team, used to be a trained assassin but now he’s with us. He’s one of our strongest next to yn.” Seungcheol announces, eyes trailing over the eleven guys, squinting when he doesn’t find you among the crowd.
“Where’s yn?”
Joshua points towards the restrooms, “Yn went to the bathroom, you know how she always flosses after lunch.”
Seungcheol sighs, knowing very well how much you care about your dental hygiene. He’s about to dismiss everyone when the door to the bathroom shuts, and everyone turns to glance at you.
“Guys, we can’t ever have jajangmyeon for lunch again. Do you know how many times I just had to brush my teeth? Because it wasn’t pleasant-”
“No, Cheol. You have to hear this cause I know how much you enjoy your jajangmyeon. Also, we have to talk about using the mini before you go spray bottles I got each of you for Christmas because I’m sick and tired of walking into the restroom just to have it smell like absolute as-'' You halt your movements when you finally look up from the floor, only to lock eyes with the most ethereal man you’ve ever seen in your life. His blonde hair is parted down the middle, falling a bit past his sharp eyes. His cheekbones are prominent, pairing well with his delicate nose and lips. He’s sporting an amused smile, and you audibly gulp at the sight.
“Yn, this is Yoon Jeonghan. He’s the new recruit.” Seungcheol introduces, holding back his own laughter at how shellshocked you appear. You realize that the rest of your coworkers are also trying to keep their composure due to their shaking shoulders, but you continue to stare at the angel in awe. Jeonghan finally raises his hand up and waves,
You smile awkwardly and wave back, before hurrying over to Minghao and hiding behind him and Jun. You hear the two begin to snicker, and you slap their backs, feeling warmth flood your face.
“This is fucking humiliating.”
You find yourself smiling subconsciously when Jeonghan laughs at something Eunhee said, heart warm from the angelic sound. Jeonghan feels a pair of eyes on him, and he turns his head, only to lock eyes with you. Your breath hitches and you immediately turn away and rest your forehead onto Mingyu’s shoulder, making the latter laugh as he waves towards Jeonghan.
Jeonghan’s eyebrows furrow a bit at the affectionate gesture, but grins and waves back at Mingyu when the tall man greets him. His attention is demanded once he hears his order being called, and he turns back to the counter, attention suddenly focused solely on filling his empty stomach.
“You know you’re just humiliating yourself by avoiding eye contact each time he catches your eye, right?” Mingyu asks through his smile, and you squeeze your eyes shut, knowing that it’s true.
“Shut your whore mouth.”
“That was unprovoked?!”
You lift your head up once you hear the door open, catching Jeonghan leaving the McDonalds with Eunhee. “He’s so pretty I just never know how to act when we’re not on a mission.”
Mingyu chuckles and rolls his eyes, “How are you gonna survive tomorrow night this time, yn?”
You glance at the door Jeonghan just walked out of, sighing to yourself.
“I won’t.”
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“You look so good!” Seulgi squeals as you step out of the stall of the restroom. You grin shyly, fixing the gun holster on your right thigh as you stare at yourself in the mirror. “Thanks for doing my makeup Seulgi, this is so much better than anything I could’ve done.” You tell her and she chuckles.
“Pfft, it was no biggie. I’m glad you asked for my help instead of Hyoon, honestly. Her makeup can be scary sometimes. I’ve been meaning to tell her that her eyeliner should at least touch the outer corner of her eye…” Seulgi trails off at the thought of Hyoon’s poor decisions in makeup. You giggle at her antics, before turning back to the mirror to look at yourself.
You eye the sheer corset of the top of the dress, trailing down towards the high slit of the silk emerald green skirt. You tilt your head to the side, adjusting the gun strapped to your thigh so that it won’t be seen. The bright crystal under each of your eyes reflects as it catches the light, and you let out a smile at the sight, thinking this might be too over the top for the gala.
“You know Seulgi, this is a mission to get more information on a drug lord. Don’t you think this is too much?” You ask, gesturing to your whole get up, putting a pause to Seulgi’s rant about Hyoon’s poor makeup decisions. Your friend smirks at you, causing you to raise an eyebrow at her.
“There’s actually two missions, yn.” You squint at her, and she narrows her eyes back at you.
You watch as Seulgi’s eyes brighten when a smile forms on her face, and she raises her arms up in the air. “To seduce Jeonghan so that the two of you will finally go on a date!”
You roll your eyes, shoving her slightly, causing Seulgi to let out a laugh. You open your mouth to tell her that she’s crazy, only to hear your phone beep in your clutch. Taking out the cool metal, you turn on your screen to find a text from Jeonghan.
“Ooo~ it's loverboy.”
“Shut your whore mouth.”
“You gotta stop saying that, yn.”
jeonghan: yn, i’m ready to go when you are. are you in the restroom on the eighth floor ?
you: yes i am !
jeonghan: okay i’ll be right there :)
Jeonghan puts his phone in his suit pocket, turning to glance at himself one more time. His emerald green blazer is over his velvet black turtleneck, paired with fitted black slacks. He eyes the silver necklace around his neck, looking at the charm that holds the tiny camera. Running a hand through his hair, he lets out a puff of air before leaving the restroom, heading towards the bathroom you’re at.
He turns the corner, seeing Seulgi walk out of the bathroom. He’s about to wave at her before he sees you step out and jesus fucking christ are those crystals under your eyes?
You’re giggling at something Seulgi said as you make sure your earring is on properly. Once you’re sure it’s secure, you turn your head, only to lock eyes with Jeonghan. You feel heat rush to your face as you take in Jeonghan’s appearance, finding him to be even more attractive than usual.
lord, i am not your strongest soldier.
“Hi.” You greet after a moment of silence passes between you three, and Jeonghan blinks out of his awed state, making you smile wider.
“You look beautiful.” Jeonghan blurts out, only to immediately turn away and bite his fist when he realizes he didn’t even return your greeting. Your eyes widen slightly, and you look down at the floor as warmth floods your face.
“Jesus Christ, just make out already. I’m taking my leave, I feel weird.” Seulgi announces, simultaneously making you and Jeonghan’s faces incredibly warm. She lets out a small, worried smile, “Make sure to be safe tonight guys, the target is at the top of the Cheol’s list for a reason.” Seulgi says, making sure to point at the both of you.
Jeonghan and you look up, giving your pretty coworker a thumbs up and saying you’ll be fine. Seulgi shakes her head a bit more urgently this time, and grasps your hand.
“I’m serious! This guy has eyes and ears everywhere, you have to make sure you’re at the top of your A-game. Look real husband and wifey, yn’s real identity is still unknown in this world of undercover agents and no one knows that Jeonghan joined hands with Seungcheol! Don’t mess up. I love you yn, you too Jeonghan.” You nod, making sure to look more determined. Jeonghan nods his head as well, giving Seulgi a thumbs up. She smiles softly, before finally walking off.
“Well, are you ready?” Jeonghan turns to ask you, and you glance at him. You take notice of the caramel colored eye contacts he has on, feeling yourself get lost in them as you nod your head.
“Let’s bust down this joint.” You say once you turn away, mustering the most determined look you can. Jeonghan chuckles into the back of his hand with a quiet, “So cute.”
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“You make sure you stay beside me at all times yn. I know you’re fully capable of protecting yourself, as am I, but we work best when we’re together, okay?” Jeonghan tells you in the backseat of the SUV, staring at your gold dangly earring against your complexion.
she’s so pretty I can't believe this.
“You’re right. We should come up with a game plan though. What do we do if we end up having to be separated to learn more info? Or one of us gets caught, what happens then?” You ask, glancing up and finding the driver biting his lip nervously as he drives.
“Mingyu, I’ll be fine.” You say softly, and your friend stops biting his lip, only for a frown to take over his face. You let out a soft smile, before turning to look back at Jeonghan, who is still staring at your earring(?)
“Is there something wrong with my earrin-”
“We shouldn’t have to end up being separated, but if we do, make sure that the other is always in the other's peripheral vision. If you could, stay within an arm's distance.” Jeonghan cuts you off, snapping out of his mini trance in which he hopes you didn’t notice him blatantly ogling you. You nod slowly before he adds, “And neither of us will get caught. We’ll be okay yn.”
“We’re here.” Mingyu says from the front and you and Jeonghan glance out the car window to see that you’ve arrived at the hotel. You give Mingyu a reassuring smile, muttering, “We’ll be okay. I’ll see you later.” Before turning to find Jeonghan already stepped out of the vehicle, hand outstretched towards you. You smile and take a hold of it, letting him help you out of the expensive car. He flashes you a grin as you both head inside.
The walls are practically dripping in gold, and you find yourself in a slight trance at the sight of it. While you may have had many missions by this point, your reaction to these types of events has always been the same. You could never get used to the views you’ve seen.
Jeonghan glances over at you, letting a fond smile take over his face as he notices the look of pure awe on your face. Your mouth is slightly open as you let your eyes wander a bit, before remembering what you’re here for, promptly regaining your composure. Jeonghan turns his head to face forward, seeing the security check. You smirk slightly when Jeonghan hands them the fake invitation from his blazer pocket. The guards give the two of you a bow, letting you enter the gala after Jeonghan gets a quick pat down.
“You’re not armed right now?” You ask him in a small voice, eyebrow raised as you look at him. He lets out a sly grin, squeezing your hand.
“I snuck it past him, don't worry sweetheart- Hello!” Jeonghan quickly changes the subject as he greets an older couple. You let out a smile when you lock eyes with the target, letting Jeonghan take you over to their table. The couple smiles at the two of you, and you both bow before continuing to greet them.
“Hello Daehyun, how have you been?” Jeonghan asks the older fellow and he grins, “Business has been a bit slow as of recently, but it should pick up soon. I hired some new runners and I think their looks will persuade the customers to buy more. How about you? How’s business”
Jeonghan and the older couple begin some small talk while you glance around the room. You notice a few brooding looking characters at the table near the dance floor, staring at the female and male waitresses handing out drink assortments to all the guests.
“So, yn. Has Jeonghan here been a lot to handle?” Haeun asks you mid-thought, and you turn to glance at the older lady. Her hair has a few strands of white, but other than a couple wrinkles you wouldn’t be able to tell that she’s reaching the age of 68. You also wouldn’t be able to tell that this couple owns one of the biggest underground drug cartels in South Korea either, but that’s a problem you’ll take care of in a bit.
You giggle before shaking your head no, reciting the fake life you and Jeonghan had to memorize. You both quite literally had flashcards, quizzing each other on these fake identities and quirks you both have. He ended up crashing at your place that night since you both studied until 3 am. Mingyu and Minghao teased you later on about how that was basically a date, it took two weeks for them to quiet down on that matter.
“Would any of you like wine?” A waiter comes up to ask, and you turn your head to look at him. You see Daehyun and Haeun reach out for a glass, but the waiter maintains eye contact with you specifically. You notice something flash through his eyes for a second, and you raise an eyebrow. His lips quirk up in a small smirk, to which Jeonghan shakes his head.
“My wife and I would not be interested in a glass of wine.” Jeonghan answers with a sense of finality, his tone laced with a bit of venom that only someone who’s known him long enough would be able to tell. The waiter lets out a grin, bowing his head before stalking off to the next table. Jeonghan turns to look at you, and you give him a tight-lipped smile.
“Yn, would you please accompany me to the bar? That waiter gave me a horrible glass of wine. I quite literally can’t swallow it down.” Haeun requests, and Jeonghan immediately intervenes.
“I’ll accompany you Haeun-” She raises up her hand, cutting Jeonghan off.
“I want to get to know yn. You boys keep talking about… boy stuff and I’m bored. It’s time for a girl chat.” Jeonghan looks at you and you send him a reassuring smile, patting his arm as a way to say, I’m okay.
“Well, alright then.” Jeonghan agrees hesitantly. He grabs your arm before you go, leaning down to whisper into your ear, “Remember what we talked about in the car. If you need me just shoot me a glance, I have a clear view of you from the bar.” He moves back, kissing your cheek and giving you a warm smile.
Your heart stutters in your chest, and it takes a moment for you to smile back at him, remembering that you’re in the middle of a mission right now. However,
“You lovebirds are still in that honeymoon phase, huh?” Haeun asks as you both walk towards the bar. You grasp your face since you feel your cheeks getting warmer, and she laughs at your reaction as you both reach the bar.
“I’ll have a glass of Moët & Chandon.” Haeun tells the bartender as she takes a seat on the high chair.
You take the seat beside her and glance over at Jeonghan who is chuckling at something Daehyun said. His eyes lock with yours and he raises an eyebrow at you, to which you simply shrug back in response. He smiles before turning back to Daehyun. You look around a bit more before Haeun gets your attention.
“You know yn, I really love your dress. I remember when I was younger I wore that type of dress except it was a dark purple.”
“That must’ve looked so pretty on you Haeun. Do you have any pictures?” You ask and she sighs, shaking her head no.
“I wish I had some on me, they’re probably somewhere at home if you and Jeonghan would like to visit.” You simply smile as a response, knowing damn well you’d never attempt to go to their house.
“Your Moët & Chandon, and here is your Laurent-Perrier.” He hands Haeun her drink, while also handing you a glass. You raise an eyebrow at the beverage in your hand, “I didn’t order anything?” You tell him confusedly.
“On the house.” He answers with a charming smile, before turning around and walking to the other side of the bar.
“Well, thank you?” You say quietly, voice turning up at the end as if it’s a question. Haeun looks between you and the glass of champagne, before letting out a small chuckle.
“I’m taking that out of his paycheck.” Haeun jokes, and you grin in response. You turn your head to look over to the other end of the bar, finding the man making drinks for another couple.
“Surprised he didn’t see the ring on your finger though, it’s huge.” Haeun points out, distracting you from through thoughts. You chuckle, and take a glance at your left hand. The diamond glimmers back at you and you smile at it.
if only it were real, you think to yourself as you take a sip of the drink, finding yourself surprised at how light it tastes.
“This is actually really nice, he has good taste.” You say, gesturing over to the bartender, to which Haeun simply flashes you a close-lipped smile. What you are unable to notice as you continue to take sips of the alcohol, is the malicious intent behind the old woman’s smile.
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“Where are we going?” You ask groggily.
you really don’t feel good.
“To the restroom dear, I think you need to wash up a bit.” Haeun responds, hand pressed to the small of your back. She guides you to another hallway that you haven’t seen yet, and you find yourself even more confused.
“W-What did you do to me?” You ask, trying to push the old woman away, but you’re so weak that Haeun doesn’t even stumble. She doesn’t respond, continuing to drag your limp body down the hallway.
You enter a room that doesn’t resemble a bathroom at all. The room has dim lighting, there’s only a couch and a drink cart. It doesn't match the rest of the gala at all. You pout when Haeun sets you down on the sofa. She pulls out her phone and you cock your head to the side.
“This isn’t a bathroom.”
Haeun smiles at you, placing her phone back into her pouch. She reaches out and grabs your chin harshly, making you wince slightly.
“You think I wouldn’t know who you are, yn yln? Or should I say, Dahlia?” Your blood runs cold when not only your real name is spoken, but your alias as well. You stare up into her eyes, finding a dark smile on her face. “I can’t believe Jeonghan fell for your deceit. I imagine he’ll be heartbroken when you disappear, but alas. He’s a handsome man, he’ll find someone else.”
Haeun lets go of your chin, and pats your head before turning and preparing to walk out of the room. You stand up after her, but quickly stumble and fall to the floor. Groaning, you lay there for a moment as you try to force yourself to sober up.
“What are you going to do to me?” You slur out, and Haeun simply sends you a cold smile as she begins to close the door.
“You’ll find out.”
You lay on the floor for a few minutes, squeezing your eyes shut and opening them to try and fight whatever is in your system. You let out a groan, wondering how you could be so stupid to accept a drink on a mission. Your internal self hatred ends when the door opens, gaining your attention.
“Well, what a sight this is.” You look up to see one of the guys from the table you glanced at earlier in the night. Your vision turns fuzzy as he helps you up off the ground and places you on the sofa, both of his hands remaining on your shoulders.
“My, my, my. What a pretty thing you are. Tragic that you have to die.” He mutters, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
“No.” You whisper, reaching up to move his hand away but he only catches it, pressing a kiss to the back of your wrist. You try and snatch it back but your body won’t let you move as strongly as you’d want.
“Any last words, pretty?” He asks, stroking your cheek. Flinching back in disgust, you finally manage to push his hand away, reaching through the slit of your dress to grab the gun.
“Oh? This is a surprise-”
He’s cut off once you kick him in the crotch with as much strength as you can manage, which isn’t much by the way, and he screeches at the impact of your heel. You stand up, wobbling a bit, before pointing the gun at his head.
“I may h-have gotten drugged. However, I won’t hesitate to shoot you in your goddamn ugly face if you touch me again.” You threaten, tone ice cold as you hit him with the butt of your gun. He immediately falls back, muttering obscenities at you due to the pain in his head. You make your move to escape, taking an abnormally long time to unlock the door. However, once you do, you wobble down the hallway, putting the gun back into its holster.
You know that in your current state, you won’t be able to escape the man if you don’t find Jeonghan. You only have a few minutes to get back to the main gala, but you can only hope that Jeonghan is already trying to find you.
“Jeonghan, please help me.”
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Jeonghan is in a state of panic. He looked around for you when he realized you were no longer at the bar, excusing himself from his conversation with the target to search for you. He walks into the middle of the dance floor, pushing past the couples who are dancing. He doesn’t care about the mission anymore, all he wants is to find you.
yn, where did you go?
Jeonghan turns his head to see Haeun laugh with a group of men, feeling his breath hitch when he realizes you’re not with her. His instincts kick in, and he dashes towards the restrooms, opening the door to the women’s bathroom.
“YN! YN!?!” When no response from you comes, he curses, running out and going to another hallway.
You stumble, grabbing your head as you walk with your hand holding the wall. Your head is pounding and you want nothing more than to just lay down on the floor and sleep. You look around, seeing the color gold surrounding your vision and it makes you want to throw up. Groaning, you attempt to walk faster but it feels like you’re in quicksand.
“HEY!” The guy’s voice resonates through the hall, and you feel panic settle in as you try your best to walk faster. You hear the sound of running feet and you reach for your gun, only to hear a second pair of footsteps. You hear a grunt and the sound of two bodies colliding onto the floor. You turn towards the sound, seeing a head of midnight black hair hovering over the guy from earlier.
“Leave her the fuck alone Gwan, she’s mine.” Jeonghan growls, hand wrapped around the other’s throat. The man looks into Jeonghan’s eyes with a mix of fear and hatred, “She’s not yours Jeonghan. You’re not fucking married last I heard-”
Jeonghan lifts up his left hand, the gold of his wedding band shining brightly back at the piece of shit. The man’s eyes widen, and they practically bulge out as Jeonghan's grip on Gwan’s throat tightens.
“That’s my fucking wife. Know your place, Gwan. You know what I’m capable of, I can kill you in a heartbeat. You wouldn’t have the time to blink and your neck would be snapped.” Jeonghan hisses and the man coughs.
“I was just doing what Haeun told me to do.” Gwan wheezes out, and the black haired beauty bites the inside of his cheek. After a moment, Jeonghan lets go and gets off the man. Gwan stands up and sucks in a deep breath, face bright red from the lack of air. Jeonghan points at the man with dark eyes, “You tell Haeun none of this, I’ll handle her later.”
Gwan does nothing but nod, before running down the hallway. Once he turns the corner, Jeonghan turns his head to see you passed out on the floor. His eyes widen and he runs over to you. Kneeling down to check your pulse, a wave of relief washes over him once he feels your heartbeat respond back to him. Jeonghan reaches into his pocket and takes out his phone, sending a text to Mingyu that he found you and needs him to come pick you both up at the west entrance.
“Yn… I’m so sorry.” He whispers to your sleeping form, furrow to his brow as he thinks of how anxious you must’ve felt. He reaches out and softly pats your head, wishing he was paying more attention to you so that this whole ordeal could’ve been avoided.
“Alright yn, I’m gonna have to carry you outta here. I hope that’s okay.” Jeonghan says to your sleeping form, placing an arm under your knees and another arm under your upper body. He lifts you up, and walks towards the west exit.
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You open your eyes, only to shut them right away once the pounding migraine registers in your head. You let out a groan, rolling over and grabbing your pillow to cover your face. You sigh,
so comfy. i love my bed it smells so nice-
You sit right back up, eyes wide open as you take in your surroundings. You’re in your apartment, but how in the hell did you get here? You do another double take once you realize you’re no longer in your dress, but in your Pikachu pajama bottoms and a t-shirt.
“Why can’t I remember anything?” You mumble, climbing out of bed to go and grab acetaminophen from your kitchen cabinet to ease your pounding brain. You step out of your room, rubbing the back of your neck as you walk towards the kitchen. Still a bit sleepy, you reach up into the cabinet to grab some medicine, only to halt your movements.
Acetaminophen in hand, you step backwards out of the kitchen and glance over towards your living room, only for your eyes to widen when you see the head of black hair laying on your couch.
“Jeonghan?!” You gasp and he stirs in his sleep, rolling over to lay on his side. You immediately cover your mouth with your hands, as if it would erase the fact that you practically just yelled the man’s name.
“What the fuck happened last night?” You whisper to yourself as you back up into the kitchen once again. You lean against the counter, taking the medicine and drinking water to swallow it down as you try to think about the events that occurred the night before.
You went to the gala with Jeonghan and almost peed your pants because of how handsome he looked. Then the two of you met with the target and Haeun later took you to the bar. You ended up receiving a drink from the bartender for free, and then you vaguely remember holding a gun towards the man’s head?
“Holy shit. Did I get drunk and beat up a man?” You mutter to yourself, tilting your head as you try your best to remember last night’s events. You purse your lips with the knowledge that you’re not a lightweight. “I only remember having one glass though, so how could I have gotten drunk-”
“Your drink was spiked, yn.” You squeak from the sudden deep voice beside you, only to groan from the throbbing getting stronger in your head. Jeonghan gives you a small smile, running a hand through his disheveled hair.
He’s wearing the white t-shirt and gray sweats that Mingyu left at your house from the numerous times he’s fallen asleep on your couch. It’s a bit baggy on Jeonghan since Mingyu is tall, but it suits him so well. How does he manage to look so good in everything?
“I was-I was what?” You’re absolutely dumbfounded at his statement.
“Haeun found out who you were. She thought you were tricking me so that you could make an arrest, as no one knows that I’ve joined hands with Cheol. You retired from being an assassin long before me, so Cheol thought no one would remember you. He was wrong.” Jeonghan explains, reaching out and swiping away the dried drool at the corner of your mouth with his thumb. Warmth immediately floods your face from the contact, and you glance down at your feet. “Minghao and Joshua took care of it this morning, so they won’t be coming for you anymore.”
You stay quiet for a moment, wondering how it was possible that Haeun could’ve figured out your true identity. In your years of being a secret agent, no one has been able to discover who you were. Even when you were an assassin, you never showed your face or used your real name.
So how did Haeun know?
“Seungcheol is already trying to find out how Haeun knew who you were.” Jeonghan answers, seeming to have read your thoughts due to the worried expression on your face. You bite the inside of your cheek, before turning and walking over to the fridge, seeming to not want to discuss what happened any further. Jeonghan watches as you search your fridge, before you turn your head and hold up the box of Eggo waffles towards the pretty man.
“Want some?” Jeonghan smiles softly before nodding his head, holding up two fingers when you ask him how many he wants. You take out two eggs from the fridge afterwards.
“How do you like your eggs?” You ask and he shrugs, “However you make it is fine with me.”
It feels oddly domestic, all of this. Jeonghan thinks to himself as he sits himself up on the kitchen counter. He watches as you cook the eggs over-medium, quietly humming to yourself as you add salt. He cocks his head to the side when you suddenly freeze, watching as you turn to look at him with a questioning look in your eyes.
“Did you change me out of my dress?” You ask and he chuckles before shaking his head no. He lets out another laugh when he sees you visibly relax, before beginning to explain what happened.
“Seulgi was waiting here, so when we arrived she did all the cleaning up for you. She left afterwards since she had a mission in the morning, but she told me to take care of you once you wake up.” You smile at the thought of your best friend being so caring.
“Love that woman.” You mutter, turning back to the eggs. Jeonghan grins, feeling his heart warm at the sight of your smile.
He steps down from the counter once you put the last egg on the plate and turn off the heat of the stove. You wipe your hands on the towel, only to pause when you find yourself trapped between a pair of rather nice arms. You stare at your hands wrapped in the towel with wide eyes, unsure of whether you want to die or puke.
“C-Come here often?” You ask with a nervous laugh, turning around to face Jeonghan, only to immediately regret it because you just rubbed your nose against his. “You’re quite close.”
“I can tell that you’re bothered by how Haeun knew, but it’ll be okay. Seungcheol and the rest of the guys are on the case, you’ll be fine.” Jeonghan tells you in a soft voice, and you purse your lips, before nodding your head. The black haired beauty stares at you for a moment longer, finding you to be one of the prettiest people he’s ever seen, even if you’re wearing Pikachu pajama bottoms at the moment.
“I care about you a lot.” Jeonghan states after a moment of silence passes between the two of you, and he watches in amusement as your eyes visibly widen at his confession. You open your mouth, only to close it, then open it again, before deciding to just bite the inside of your cheek.
“I know that you’re perfectly capable of handling yourself, but next time we have a mission, please be more careful, yeah?” You only nod your head as you’re unable to form any words due to the close proximity between the two of you, and Jeonghan smiles softly. He pulls away and grabs his plate, but not before pressing a kiss to the top of your forehead, giggling at how shellshocked you appear from the endearing action.
“Do you like me?” You finally blurt out, and the black haired beauty simply sends you a mischievous grin.
“Perhaps… I wouldn’t just kiss anyone’s forehead, ya now? However, the real question is, do you like me?” Jeonghan asks in return and you bite the inside of your cheek. He tilts his head as he awaits your response, about to lean in close to your face once more when-
“Oh, the waffles are ready!” You exclaim, shoving Jeonghan out of the way so that you can reach the toaster oven. You take out the four waffles, dusting some powdered sugar over them, while Jeonghan stares at you in disbelief, plate in hand as he does so.
“Did you just shove me?” Jeonghan asks with a laugh, and you give him a smile as an answer, turning away and walking towards your dining table, plate of waffles in hand.
“Okay, but do you like me though?” Jeonghan presses as he follows after you, and sits down in the seat across from you. You quietly take a bite of your waffle, finding too much enjoyment in the fact that Jeonghan is acting like a lovesick puppy.
Oh how the turns have tabled.
“Is that a yes or a no?” He asks once again, and you smile.
“Perhaps.” You respond teasingly, taking another bite of your waffle. He rolls his eyes at you and leans back in his chair.
“If I asked you on a date for this Saturday, would you say yes?”
You visibly halt your movements, making Jeonghan grin at the sight. Your brain is running a million miles a minute. Even though it was confirmed that your longtime crush likes you back, hearing him ask you out on a date makes you want to pass out.
“Yes.” You finally answer after a moment of you screaming internally, and Jeonghan smiles. He nods his head, taking a bite of his waffle as the feeling of warmth floods him.
“It’s a date.” Jeonghan states, cutting out the yolk from his egg and placing it onto your plate, knowing that that’s your favorite part. You hold back a squeal, nodding your head in response.
What Seulgi told you the night before rings in your head as you eat the yolk Jeonghan gave you, and you roll your eyes at the thought of it. You can’t believe the mission was accomplished.
“You know Seulgi, this is a mission to get more information on a drug lord. Don’t you think this is too much?” You ask, gesturing to your whole get up, putting a pause to Seulgi’s rant about Hyoon’s poor makeup decisions. Your friend smirks at you, causing you to raise an eyebrow at her.
“There’s actually two missions, yn.” You squint at her, and she narrows her eyes back at you.
You watch as Seulgi’s eyes brighten when a smile forms on her face, and she raises her arms up in the air. “To seduce Jeonghan so that the two of you will finally go on a date!”
Smiling to yourself, you glance up into Jeonghan’s kind eyes and say,
“It’s a date.”
The bright smile that forms on Jeonghan’s face from your response almost makes all the worries you hold in your heart disappear.
key word: almost.
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Interventions↬ p.p
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AN: This is a repost from my old account @spidey-reids-2003​ which has been deactivated! :) I changed the title (Redneck heartbreak) cause the previous one did not make sense :)
Summary: Your dad’s called from the school with the information that you were in a fight with another student. Oh, and Peter’s a dumbass. 
Warnings: sort of cheating? but not really it’s just crack.
Word count: around 1k (I edited it)
Pairing- Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Masterlist || Taglist
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“Are either of you going to tell me why the school called to tell me that my daughter punched someone in the face?” Tony asked, face pinched tight with anger at You and Peter.
Both of you looked down, unable to say anything as you warily looked at Felicia Hardy, who was holding an ice pack against her bruised face, giving you a sickeningly sweet smile.
“I don’t know, why don’t you ask her.” you jerked your head in her direction, angrily huffing as Peter gave you an ‘unbelievable’ expression.
“Why do you keep bringing Felicia in this all the time? What did she do?”
“What did she do you say? How about kissed my boyfriend behind my back? In a library? Or how she groped my boyfriend in front of everyone in the school!” you shouted, getting angrier by the moment.
“Oh come on! I told you it was an accident! And she was not groping me for fuck’s sake!” Peter gritted his teeth, ignoring the angry look on Tony’s face and Felicia’s smirking one.
“Miss Stark, Mr. Parker, why don’t you take your personal problems home for suspension?” your principal interjected your catfight.
“Why am I being suspended? I wasn’t even involved in this shit?”
“Mind your language Mr. Parker. You’re a good student and I expect better discipline from you. You were, as Miss Stark says very much involved in this due to…personal reasons. So I will at most shorten your suspension to three days.”
Throwing his hands up with a scoff, Peter glared at you, your own glare countering his, metaphorical lazers shooting out of your eyes.
To say that your drive back home was awkward was an understatement. With You and Peter sitting separately in the backseat of your dad’s car, the frustration levels were at peak.
“Look I’m not going to butt in your teenage drama, May trusted me to keep Peter in one piece until she comes back, so for the love of god sort whatever it is out between you two and stop wallowing in my back seat.”
“I’m not the drama queen here Mr. Stark! Your daughter is the one who’s blowing things out of proportion!” Peter said huffing and folding his muscular arms around his chest. That little shit knew how much his arms distracted you, which is why you got distracted and took a while to retort back at him.
“Excuse you, I’m not blowing things out of proportion here! I’m being completely reasonable, I found some other girl making out with my boyfriend, be happy I didn’t strangle that bitch with my bare hands!” 
“For the last time we weren’t making out! She just came to me and started kissi-”
“-and you let her!”
“What was I supposed to do? Push her off me?” he furrowed his brows as if it was the most obvious thing.
“Yes Peter, that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do!” Gosh your boyfriend was such an idiot sometimes.
“Hey why don’t you guys just…. I don’t know have make up sex or something? Oh my, oh my what am I saying you’re both fetuses no sex under my roof!”
“….” you were both silent and flustered at your dad’s outburst, not bothering to point out that you both had already…done the service to Venus before. Ignoring each other, you both scrambled out of the car before your dad could question you anymore.
Hey can I come over? We need to talk.
You looked up from your chemistry homework to look at the text Peter sent, not being able to play the ignore game anymore. You missed him terribly and would give anything to have him wrapped up in your arms and to bury yourself in his sweatshirt that managed to smell like him all the time.
‘Yeah sure. Where are you?’ you texted him back, bouncing your knees in anticipation of the little ping you got every time you texted, because you were a heathen and never silenced your phone.
Open your window.
Pushing your chair back, you got up and ran towards your window, trying not to seem too desperate, but he was already climbing in through your room.
“FRIDAY, initiate ‘No one enters unless you’re bleeding or dying’ protocol please?” you said, dragging Peter by his shirt.
“Will do mini boss.”
“I just- I wanted to say that, I’m sorry for acting out like that.” Peter said, looking at you with his chocolate brown eyes, his glasses framing his face perfectly, making your heart skip a beat or two. He was clutching at your waist in his strong arms looking down at you.
“Well you kissed another girl, I don’t know what you really want with me here?” you said, only half joking.
“Look it just..happened okay? I tried to stop but…I was stupid okay? I’m sorry. I really tried pushing her off but my moral-” he sighed, looking at you with his kicked puppy expression, your tough resolve slipping, “look, I was stupid, I’m ireedemable, and it happened this time, won’t happen again. Promise.”
“So this means that I can go shack another boy and say ‘it just happened’ too?” you were trying not to show the smile breaking on your face. It was too easy to mess with your boyfriend.
“No! Please don’t say things like that, I swear I’ll-”
“-shush Parker, I’m just messing with you.” you smirked and kissed him.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Murder, He Wrote
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Summary: You and Ransom attend the launch of his book and the cover closes on your story.
Warnings: Bad language, Mature (NSFW, 18+) NON-CON situations, kidnap, violence. Blood. DO NOT READ IF ANY OF THOSE TRIGGER…READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED…YOU HAVE BEENWARNED.
Pairing: DARK! Ransom Drysdale x Reader
A/N: The end! I can’t believe all this span from @jtargaryen18​’s Halloween Challenge last year. I hope you have enjoyed his as much as I have.
Word Count: 3.6k
READ THE WARNINGS!!!! This is a DARK series so don’t @me if you can’t follow simple instructions and end up with butt-hurt. And if you’re under 18 get off my blog!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and by writing it does NOT mean I agree with or condone the acts contained within. This fiction is classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar reader and any other OCs that may or may not be mentioned. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Murder, He Wrote Masterlist // Main Masterlist.
Part 7
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 The town car and it's driver took you to whatever swanky hotel Ransom and his publishers had decided upon, you not caring the slightest inwardly, outwardly only half paying attention. You glanced out the window watching the lights of downtown pass by as your husband of merely three weeks held your hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb. 
It was a warm July evening, the two of you dressed to the nines in formal attire. Ransom had insisted the launch be an invite only, formal event. Therefore, he was dressed in a two-piece suit, black of course, with a crisp white button down, silken black tie, and you, you looked like an ice queen's slutty sister. The powder blue silk dress you wore tied together with thin straps on each shoulder, your feet already hurting in your nude six inch sandals. Your free hand tapped a neatly manicured finger over your clutch that matched your shoes. A delicate white gold and diamond tennis bracelet adorned your wrist whilst the necklace you'd been gifted at Christmas hung around your neck. You wore your hair the way he said he loved it, in a ponytail full of waves and wisps framing your face.
After the incident on Valentine’s Day, you’d spent another two weeks in the confines of the basement. All luxuries removed and you were used and abused in exactly the way you had been when Ransom had first taken you, until he’d once more sucked the fight out of you. Only this time you didn’t have the strength to find it again. 
You played the part you’d been cast in his sick little fantasy and became totally passive to his whims. You let him fuck you which, in all honesty, wasn’t an entirely unpleasant situation as he knew his way around your body and it felt good. You had given up denying it, and for the moments he was teasing those carnal reactions out of you, you escaped, let yourself imagine you were with someone who you wanted. And by keeping him sweet, you fooled him into thinking you were content. And things settled down, you had that halfway to normal life that you’d achieved before you discovered his manuscript.
But it was bullshit. A means to an end. And you deserved a fucking Oscar.
He’d had the audacity to propose to you, too. In a restaurant. Surrounded by people. He asked you the question, like you had a fucking choice.
Angry, desperate tears had filled your eyes as you’d simply gaped at him, tears the deluded cunt took for you being overwhelmed with happiness. With a smile he slipped the gaudily large diamond on your finger, sealing your fate.
It weighed as heavy on your hand as the grief for your lost life, and the despair at your situation did in your heart.
You’d had a small wedding. Attended simply by your parents and sister. He sent an invite to his mother and father but they didn’t show up. Your dad walked you down the aisle and as you walked towards the man you hated with every breath in your body, your father kissed your cheek and asked you if you were sure you wanted to do this. And no, of course you didn’t, but what could you do?
There was no way out. 
“You look as gorgeous tonight as you did on our wedding day.” Ransom’s voice slightly startled you and you turned to face him. 
You smiled at him, the smile you knew he wanted to see, as he placed a soft kiss to your cheek before doing the same to your hand, his lips ghosted over the top of the obscene rock and matching band on your finger which caught the lights of the city, sparkling with all the ferocity of a supernova.
Before you needed to reply with some half assed compliment back, the town car stopped as the driver got out and opened Ransom's door.
"Wait here," he instructed and walked around with the driver on the other side, escorting you out the minute your own door opened.
Flashbulbs fired off in your eyes, no doubt the press there for some absolutely ridiculous notion that this book was anything but its true nature of terror and disgust.
Ransom’s hand pressed into the base of your back as he guided you along in front of him, various members of the press calling his name, and you heard the excited shouts from some as they spotted the bands on both yours and Ransom’s hands, positively shrieking as they asked when you’d gotten married. 
The headlines flashed in your mind now, 'Grandson of the Great Harlan Thrombey Releases First Suspense Novel'. 'One of Boston's Most Notorious and Eligible Bachelors is Strictly Off The Market' . 'Trust Fund Playboy Sinks His Bunny'. 
It made you want to puke. 
In fact, as the press line faded and you stepped foot into the lobby, you swallowed back the bile forcing its way up. A tray with champagne flutes passed you by and you immediately snagged one.
When Ransom had been distracted for a brief moment, you quickly glanced around and swallowed back the entire flute of the bubbly drink. Delightfully enjoying the brief taste and quick head rush it gave you.
The further you walked into the event, his hand still against your bare back, the louder it grew and the more trays of champagne and appetizers were floating by.
As typical, the two of you were fashionably late so, you had little chance to take part in any nibble or further, a drink, because the supposed "man of the hour", more like terror of life, was due to give a speech.
His agent pulled the two of you aside and made mention that it was time for Ransom to greet his guests. He pressed a sickening sweet kiss to your lips and confidently took to the small podium atop a small stage nearby.
“First and foremost, thank you to everyone who came out tonight. But more importantly, thank you to my beautiful wife, without you Sweetheart, this wouldn't be possible.”
The smile he flashed you was loaded with meaning as the pair of you looked at one another, his eyes shining with the depraved private understanding you shared. 
And you hated him then just about as much as you ever had.
Excited muttering spread around the room as he had knowingly referred to you as his wife. It was the first time he’d announced your marriage to the world but, as he smiled and held his hands up, nodding smugly and confirming whatever people were asking him, you felt nothing but an overwhelming sense of nausea. To everyone else it was a sweet dedication, to you it was a sickening truth. This book was based on what he’d done to you. What he was saying was literal truth. 
And the fact that the people currently applauding whatever he had said would never realise the true nature of those words on the pages of his book made you want to vomit in your handbag.
Applause rang around the room and you realised everyone was turned in your direction. Drawing your shoulders back you stood tall and once more fixed that fake smile on your face before Ransom cleared his throat and began to speak again.
But you didn't listen, you drowned him out, the sound of his voice distant and murky like Charlie Brown's teacher. You allowed you mind to think of anything but the present, other than the fact that these people were in unknowing full support of the hell you'd been through the last nine months.
Eventually a loud, rapturous applause signalled the end of his speech and he stepped back, smiling and then turned to the man from his publishers who shook his hand furiously, before the pair of them posed for photos.
That was when he beckoned you to him, looking at you in such a way that made your skin crawl and your teeth seethe with each breath. This bastard expected a photo op from you above all this, commemorating this disaster.
On autopilot you headed towards him, indifference obedience now your specialty and his arm curled possessively round your waist, fingers splaying on your hip. You posed and smiled as the flashes went off, but as you stole a glance at the large, ornate clock on the wall, you suddenly felt your head beginning to swim.
Seeing a convenient way out of this bullshit, you made sure to falter just a little, placing your hand to your chest. It caused Ransom's attention to turn to you.
"Sweetheart, are you alright?"
“I’m feeling a little light headed and warm.” You looked up at him. “Could we maybe get some air?”
"Sure, yeah," he looked to his agent and they nodded towards a side door in the room.
His arm still round you, playing the doting husband, he led you towards it and opened it with a flourish, allowing you to step out in front of him. 
You emerged into the alley at the side of the building and took a huge gulp of air, steadying yourself.
"Y/N, what's wrong?"
You were warm, flushed, your skin tingling as the now cooling air hit your slightly damp skin, your nipples perking at the temperature change were visible through the silk dress, and you didn’t miss the heated glance he gave them as you spoke. "I, I don't know. I think it's all the commotion."
“You do look a little flushed.” His eyes moved back to yours and he studied you for a moment, his large hands gently cupping your face as he kissed your forehead before his lips pressed to yours. “Wanna take a walk?”
Despite the fact you really couldn’t walk far in the ridiculous shoes you were in, you nodded. Anything to avoid going back in there and listening to all those sycophants kissing his ass.
He took your hand and started walking slowly down the alley. You were mid-way down when a man jumped out from behind the dumpster. You screamed and instinctively Ransom jumped to the side, pulling you slightly behind him.
“Give me the money and the jewellery, no one gets hurt.” The man spoke gruffly and you felt Ransom draw himself up to his full height as he glared at the dirty, dishevelled man, disdain on his face.
“Eat shit.”
“Ransom, just... please give him what he wants.” Your voice trembled as your body shook, your right hand already removing the rings on your left.
“I’d listen to your pretty wife, if I were you.” The man spoke as he reached into his pocket and when he withdrew his hand you swallowed at the unmistakable flash of metal.
“Fuck, Ransom, he’s got a knife!” You clutched his arm. “Please just give it to him!”
"Fuck, no," he started reaching for his phone but the man lunged toward him.
In the melee that followed, you were thrown to the side, your rings clanging to the floor somewhere along with your clutch, your palms and knees scraping painfully on the floor. By the time you’d pushed yourself up, you saw the man scrambling to his feet, Ransom’s watch and wallet in his hand. He turned to look at you and you backed away, stumbling once more to the ground letting out a blood curdling scream as he advanced. He stopped, picked up your rings and your bag, before he turned, bolting up the alley and rounding the corner, disappearing from sight.
"Y/N," the croaking voice came from your husband as he staggered towards you, a deep red seeping through his white dress shirt, his one hand attempting to stave off the bleeding. The other, cradling his phone. But he didn't get more than a few steps as he collapsed nearby. 
"Ransom!" You shrieked and heels be damned, you ran to him, looking around, "help!" 
"Call 9-1-1, Baby," he begged, trying to thrust the phone into your hand and you leaned over him. 
With a jittery hand you swiped over to the emergency call option and hit the first two digits before you glanced around again and hesitated, rising slowly to your feet.
“What...” Ransom’s chest heaved as he looked up at you, his face white with shock as you turned the phone in your hand and shrugged.
“Yeah, you see, I could call for help but...” with that you tossed his phone to the hard ground and crunched it with your stupidly high heel, rotating your foot to make double sure, the glass and metal grinding between the stiletto and the tarmac. “Whoops, looks like it got smashed in the fight.” You gave a little chuckle. “And of course, mine was in my bag which he took. Isn’t that ironic? I mean the first time you permit me to use it for something other than to contact you or my mom, I can’t.” You made a little tutting noise. “Guess I’ll just have to keep yelling and hope someone hears.”
With that you turned and screamed, a frantic yell. “Please, someone help us! Please, he’s been stabbed, call 9-1-1.” You slowly dropped back to a kneel, ignoring the sting of your grazed knees and smirked. “Dammed, I really am good at this acting shit, don’t you think, handsome?”
Ransom coughed a harsh and wet cough. His chest heaving raggedly as he struggled between catching a breath and bleeding out. 
“Y/N...” he spluttered, “you...please...”
"So many criminal junkies in Boston, Sweetheart. Plenty who will take the fall for a little hit,” you emphasised the 't' of the last word as you spoke the very same line that he had delivered to you months ago, the threat he had held over you and used to keep you in check whenever you stepped over that line. 
His eyes widened further as the realisation set in, you could see his brain working and it gave you a buzz, a sense of satisfaction to know that he understood this was your doing.
You wanted the last thing this bastard thought about to be how you were responsible for his death. But more so, his narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies be damned, you wanted him to completely understand exactly how it was his fault. 
And given the way he was bleeding and struggling for breath, you didn’t have long.
Another scream for help flew from your mouth as you pressed one hand on top of his which were now both clutched to the wound in his stomach, the other brushing his hair back slightly as you smiled down at him. 
“I told you when you threw me back in the basement that the way you treat people would come back to haunt you.” You gave a little shrug. “And, when you told the homeless guy looking in the bins on collection day a few months back to eat shit and get a job, well, he took it kinda personally. He didn’t even blink when I asked how much it would take to knock you off.”
"You..." choking on blood, "vicious..." choke,
At that you gave another loud hysteric yell for help before you turned your head back to look at him.
“See, once upon a time I thought you’d changed. But here’s the thing, a person like you doesn’t change, Hugh. You’re incapable of love. You take what you want when you want for no reason other than it pleases you.”
Another scream for help, and this time you could hear someone answering and a lot of yells as people started running towards you.
“Well, now I’ve taken your life like you took mine.” You bent down, your forehead pressing to his as you smirked. His arm reached up to grab you, his blood soaked hand curling over your cheek and side of your neck. "And you know what? It feels good."
His palm was warm and slick against your skin and his eyes blazed with anger as his fingers squeezed. You knew he was desperately trying to hurt you but you felt nothing. You smiled, as you placed a soft kiss to his lips, your words whispered as you pulled back ever so slightly. “Karma’s a bitch, and so am I. See you in hell.”
As the fake tears started to pool in your eyes once more, you allowed your lip to tremble for distraught emphasis. Blood was now trickling out of Ransom's mouth, along down his ear and to the tarmac. You pulled back just a little so as to see his eyes. You wanted to watch him choke on his own blood as he took that final breath. You started sputtering words incoherently as you amped up the hysteria, hearing the footfalls now just behind you. 
He didn’t even make it to the hospital. 
Hugh Ransom Drysdale was pronounced dead at 21:05 hours on Friday 17th July where he lay in a pool of his own blood, in that dark alleyway down the side of the hotel.
Leaving you a widow.
And free. 
***10 months later***
It was as simple as it sounded, closing your eyes and pointing to a spot on a map. Your finger ended up on Boulder. 
Colorado was far enough from the last year or so of your life that you could feel comfortable. You'd researched it, finding it to be something worth interest. Affordable. Breath-taking scenery. Incredible life altering activities and quaint little towns. The summers were supposedly warm but rarely did the temperature rise above ninety-five, the winters were supposedly very cold, dry and windy; rarely dropping below six degrees with partly cloudy skies year round.
The months following Ransom’s death had been as draining as humanly possible. The investigation had involved countless interviews before the police and authorities settled for it being a mugging gone wrong. But then there had been the months of wrangling and private law cases his parents had attempted to bring against you to prevent you getting his money, despite the probate law being fairly simple. You were married. He left no will. It was yours by default. 
Eventually, when the Drysdales had exhausted every last option, they were forced to concede and that was when you made the decision to leave, a decision of which your parents were highly encouraging. They practically talked you into this whole thing to begin with. Helping you leave your nightmares behind. Despite them not suspecting anything at first, you weren't blind to the fact that things still had not sat right with them. You knew they had suspected a level coercion, that maybe you'd had a manic episode of mental illness, but you never had divulged the full details and by the time he was gone, they hadn't cared. Your relationship with them had strengthened and healed and that was what you cared about.
Now, you were newly nestled in Boulder with a great condo downtown, a stone’s throw from the historic district that was filled with cliché shops and bars.  Whilst you didn’t need the money, you’d taken a job working in the media department of a private law firm. It was a far cry from your journalist days, but it suited you just fine.
The more distance you put between who you were now and who you had been, the better. 
You were at peace.
The May evening air was temperate as you crossed the street and opened the door to the designated bar in which you were meeting your new group of friends, mostly gathered from work, for a girl's night out. You’d been held up a little in the office so they were already waiting at a table. You waved and gestured to the bar, indicating you were going to get a drink. 
As you sidled up to the wooden counter, you were jolted a little into a man to your right. You turned to apologise and gave a little double take. You recognised him instantly. But you didn’t want to make that obvious and cause him to feel uncomfortable. You knew how it felt, to have everyone looking at you, hushed whispered comments as you went about your business, people trying to figure out if you were who they thought you were.
That was part of the reason you had moved, and you sure as hell weren’t about to subject the man next to you to the same, uncomfortable experiences. 
Recovering quickly, you hastily apologised and he smiled.
“Don’t worry about it.” His Boston accent was evident and you smiled.
“I miss that accent.” 
The man chuckled, his warm blue eyes creasing slightly as he looked at you. “You from Boston, too?”
“Newton.” He replied, “well, I lived there anyway, but I’m sure you already knew that.”
You wrinkled your nose. “Should I? Know that, I mean?”
He studied you for a moment, and you kept your face as passive as possible. You could tell he knew that you knew, but you gave a shrug none-the-less and he smiled, a gorgeous smile that lit up his entire face, perfect white teeth flashing from beneath an immaculately groomed beard, as he extended his arm towards you.
“Andy Barber.” His fingers gently brushed the back of your knuckles, as you shook his hand, his grip warm and gentle.
“Oh, of course.” You smiled back. “One of our attorneys.”
“Yeah, sorry, I’m Y/N. I work in the media department. I mean I only started a few weeks ago but...”
“Well, in that case, I’m pleased to meet you, Y/N, and welcome aboard.” His smile didn’t falter as he let go of your hand and gestured to the bar. “Can I get you a drink?”
You paused for a moment before you took a deep breath.
And nodded.
“Sure, that’d be great.”
Sequel: Follow Andy and reader’s story in Consciousness Of Guilt. 
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
{Confessions} Karl Jacobs x Reader
summary: your favorite director came out with a new movie so Karl invites you over to watch it with him
pronouns: not mentioned
word count: 1910
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You and Karl have been pretty good friends ever since you moved into the neighborhood. He was one of the first people to welcome you in. You moved from your hometown to find more excitement in your life, and boy did Karl give you the excitement you always wished for.
At first, it was simple gestures of friendship. You baked cookies one day for yourself and had some left over that you packaged up and gave to Karl. You even took the risk of adding your phone number to the basket. To your surprise, he actually called that night to thank you.
Those calls became weekly, to daily, to no calls at all. Instead, you simply went over to his house. You two did easy little things, your favorite was making “neighbor bracelets” which Karl renamed as best friend bracelets. Both of you still wore yours today.
You’ve built a very good relationship with Karl, you both trusted each other with your lives. Both of you had the other's spare key just in case. The neighborhood wasn't sketchy, but life is life and the two of you were prepared to drop everything to help each other out.
Tonight was a special night. You and Karl were super excited about a new movie coming out of Netflix. Karl knew how much you loved the director, so he invited you over. You were ecstatic.
You offered to bring pizza since Karl provided the drinks. After you picked up the pizza, you headed straight to his house. You parked behind his car and welcomed yourself in, you two basically lived together at this point.
“Karl!” You called, “I have the pizza! Where we watching this?”
You heard a voice from downstairs, “I set up the basement to look like a screening room!”
You chuckled to yourself, that was such a Karl thing to do. Karl always went all out on everything he did. That was one thing you admire about him: he always lived his life to the fullest.
You stopped at the kitchen first to drop off your keys and your shoes and picked up some extra napkins, you weren’t the neatest eater.
You made your way carefully down the stairs, step by step. You had a history of being a bit clumsy and may or may not have dropped pasta down the stairs before.
You turned the corner to the right and stopped immediately. The room was beautiful, with an even more beautiful sight in the middle.
Karl really did surprise you this time. When he said he made it look like a ‘screening room’ you thought maybe some aisle lights and very original signs, but no.
The room was completely transformed. Everywhere you looked, you found something new. The first thing you noticed was the amazing set up around the couch. Karl moved the couch to the middle of the room in front of the projector. Above the couch draped satin sheets that made the set up look like it was from a fairy tale. At first you didn't notice the fairy lights spread out on top of the sheet, but it made the perfect touch. Next was a line of squishmallows leading up to the couch. You even laughed at the little outfits Karl put on them to make them look like workers. You followed where the little workers directed, which lead you straight to Karl.
“Surprise!” He jumped, arms wide open.
You set the pizza down on the coffee table in front of the couch. You took another look around and noticed the abundance of blankets that Karl had laid over to the couch to look really cute and really comfortable.
“Karl,” You covered your mouth in awe, “It's just a movie, you didn't need to do all of this!”
He grabbed your sweatshirt and pulled in for a hug, “But I wanted to! You were so excited for this movie and if it ends up being trash then I wanted to make sure there was at least something good about it!”
You put your arms over Karl’s shoulders and leaned into the hug. You always felt safe in his hugs. His hugs were unmatched. They always drained all of the negative energy out and replaced them with safe and secure vibes.
Karl waddled you two over to the couch and he gently set you down. He stayed up and grabbed the remote while you got the pizza ready.
“This was so sweet of you to do,” You told him. “Thank you very much. I think this might be one of my favorite nights with you.”
“That’s good to know, I’ll make sure I do this more often,” Karl laughed, causing you to blush.
You enjoyed every day with Karl and treasured your friendship to the point when you weren't aware of your own feelings for him. You wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life with him, but you wouldn't let yourself think in a romantic way. You feared losing due to unlevel feelings. Karl knew so many people around, so why would he pick the new person in town?
You buried your feelings so far down that you blamed your blushing on going down the stairs and getting overheated from it… because that makes total sense. Karl sat down next to you, about a forearm's length away.
“What type of pizza did you get?” Karl asked.
“I wasn't too sure on what I wanted myself, so I got half pepperoni and half sausage,” You answered.
“Oh good! I was feeling both today too, in sync aren't we?” Karl questioned.
You shook your head, “No, you’re obviously way ahead of me!” You made gestures around the room, “I would've never thought of something this beautiful!”
“Not as beautiful as you,” Karl said under his breath.
You heard it loud and clear. Karl gave you these compliments every once and while. But again, you pushed it off to the side and rationalized it by saying that he says it to everyone. You weren’t special or some sort of exception. What you didn't know was that you were the only one that Karl called beautiful. All of his other friends he called ‘pretty’, beautiful was just for you.
Karl started the movie and the opening seemed off. This wasn't the typical comedy that the director normally did, this was a horror movie. You shifted around in your seat.
“Are you alright?” Karl asked.
You nodded, “Yeah, I just assumed it would be a comedy.” It's not that you hated horror, you in fact enjoyed the storyline of most of them over any other category. It was the jump scares and suspense that you hated.
“Did you not watch the trailer? It was pretty obvious by the dark mysterious basement that it was a horror thriller.”
“No I didn't,” You admitted. “It's alright though. I'm sure the director made it one of the better movies.” “Oh my gosh,” Karl turned and made eye contact with you, “You’re scared aren't you?”
You almost forgot to reply by the eye contact. Karl had the best eyes that you’ve seen. They were so vibrant and you always got lost in them, no matter how hard you tried not to, “Pffft. Me? Scared? Nope, never. It's just a fictional movie that happens to have events that could very well happen tonight or at any point in someone’s life.”
“What the honk?” Karl asked. “You are scared! I can already see it in your eyes and movement that you're scared. Here,” He offered his hand, “Take my hand and you can squeeze it when you get scared.”
You gladly took his hand and refocused your attention back on the movie. It was off to an alright start. You could already tell who was going to die and what character would be your favorite. You didn't jump until a door loudly shut in the movie. You slightly yelped and squeezed Karl’s hand.
He laughed and squeezed back, “That made you scared? You’re in for a long movie.”
You shook your head, “It was a loud noise! How did you not jump?”
“I wasn't really paying attention I guess,” Karl admitted. “Your hand is just so soft and I was trying to think about what lotion you use.”
“Oh, I think I put some Bath and Body Works on them before I left. I took a shower and they got pretty dried out.” You were obviously very unaware of Karl trying to flirt with you. This became a regular thing. It was surprising how much Karl was into you. You accidentally rejected him almost every day, yet he never let up.
The movie progressed and got scarier with every scene. The plot really developed and you loved it. You were so caught up in the movie that you didn't even realize that you were laying down in Karl’s arms.
“Are you okay with this?” Karl whispered into your ear.
You didn't realize that he had his hand on your waist, resting on some exposed skin, you nodded back at him, “Yeah, of course.”
You saw Karl’s cheek turn to a dark red hue despite the darkness of the room. You smiled to yourself and leaned more into him, with the excuse, of course, that you thought there was going to be a jump scare.
Karl’s free hand danced his way around to meet yours, which he nonchalantly took. It was a perfect moment for the two of you, even though neither of you knew about your feelings for each other. This was your first time cuddling with him. You absolutely loved it. You loved the fact that you didn't even have to ask, it kinda just naturally happened.
The movie ended and you two stayed in the same position for a while. You talked about the movie which eventually led to telling stories. You let Karl do most of the talking, you enjoyed watching his eyes light up when he told you about his childhood. The only time Karl’s hand left yours was to either fix his hair, or give you head pats.
Both of you ran out of things to say and laid there in comfortable silence. Karl moved his hand up and rubbed your arm for a while, which made you pretty sleepy. You yawned and snuggled into Karl more than you already were.
You felt him lean down and kiss the top of your head, “Y-You know I really like you right?” He asked.
You nodded, “Yeah I would hope so, I’m here like almost every day.”
“No, I mean like- god this sounds childish but I like you, like you,” He confessed. “Like I invite you over all the time and want to hang out as much as I can because you bring me so much happiness and joy. Like, I’m falling really hard for you and I don't think that you picked up on it.”
You sat up in his arms and stared at him, “You’re joking right? Because you’re the only person that I’ve wanted to be with since I moved, but I didn’t think that I had a chance because you’re so sweet and kind, and you know all of these people so I just kind of ignored my feelings because I didn't want to lose what we already have.”
Karl cupped your cheek with his hand, “y/n, you’re the only one that's had a chance.”
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catzula · 4 years
Omg I’ve read some of ur fics and ur SUCH AN AMAZING WRITER! Can I pls request a Bakugou x fem!reader where he comes home angry and when u try to comfort him he just says something that hurts u. End it with fluff plzz THANK YOU
Genre: angst with a good ending
Warnings: language, bakugou being somewhat a shitty boyfriend, the reader is very forgetful if you haven’t noticed and it's me since I can’t remember anyone’s birthday or any important date to save my life
Synopsis: it’s Bakugou’s birthday, so why isn’t he still home?
So, maybe you weren’t good at remembering birthdays.
And it was true you forgot your boyfriends’ birthday once- it took a long time for you to get him to talk to you again. As if he wasn't grumpy enough already.
And even though he insisted he hated birthday parties and celebrations, you knew how much he liked to see his friends coming together to celebrate.
Well, you always thought he liked it when you were there, too.
Or maybe not.
Remembering the last time, how much he scolded and silent treated you, you wanted to make up for forgetting his birthday, and your anniversary and- yeah, you did forget quite a lot, you wanted to make up for it all.
Since you usually celebrated his birthday not precisely on his birthday but always the day after, you thought it was actually going to be a surprise for him this time. You had also planned a party for the next day to celebrate with his friends, but you wanted to celebrate this one with him and only him.
You gave it your everything to celebrate his birthday in the best way possible, you knew he didn’t like going out to eat, so you decided to make it in your apartment.
You baked a cake, cookies, and those gluten-free shit that he liked, a meal you never thought you would be able to handle, roses and candles… and it was evident how much time and thought you gave to it, making you smile proudly at yourself.
So as you waited for him to come back from work- you took the day off to get everything ready, you were all jittery with excitement.
What would his reaction be? That was all you could think of as you waited for the familiar sound of key jingles.
And waited.
And… waited.
You had been leaving texts and calls to his phone almost every hour, but you knew he never was the type to check his texts anyway, he probably would be home before he even saw your texts.
The night felt longer and longer as you looked at the clock, moving.
A familiar lump was forming in your throat, a feeling of stinging in your eyes making you furious with how easily you felt down. He was probably just… late because of work.
At least 5 hours late, though.
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat that was hurting at this point, to look up so the make-up that you spent hours on wouldn’t smudge, to plaster a smile on your face so that you could smile brightly when he entered the room.
It was his birthday, after all, and you wanted to make him happy.
You bit your quivering lip as you finally stood up, taking the untouched food from the table that was now ice-cold, and even though it looked mouth-watering, you didn’t feel like taking a bite.
It just… it just hurt to see the food you spent so much time on, the one you tried a few times beforehand so it would be perfect go to waste, without him even getting to taste it.
It would have been bearable if you just knew he would come really late, or that he wouldn’t come at all, but the feeling of suspense, to jump in your place and get ready to surprise him whenever you heard footsteps, that was the most tiring of it all.
You didn’t lose your composure, though. Not until you had decided to blow out your favorite 'special ocasion' candles so that they wouldn't go to waste.
No, you didn't let yourself cry until you had noticed they had melted, the now frozen wax puddling beneath the candle holders and staining the table.
You sniffed, trying to hold back the tears that stung your eyes.
You weren't crying at the candles, of course, but more at the fact that you had been waiting for him for that long, but Bakugou still wasn't home.
Your boyfriend wasn’t home on his birthday.
You bit your lip, trying to turn a deaf ear to your dark thoughts that kept repeating you the same thing, that Bakuogou wasn't here, was it because he didn't love you anymore? Because he was bored of you, that he hated you and that-
As you furiously wiped the tears that felt like they were burning your skin, angry at yourself for pitying yourself like this, new ones filled their place instead, and it soon was near impossible to stop crying.
He wasn’t home as you were crying either, though.
He came home long, long after that, after you had finally stopped crying, the sobs that were shaking you now just soft sniffs and sighs.
You heard the keys jiggling for a minute, unable to open the door on the first try, he opened the door a bit too roughly.
He probably wasn't drunk, Bakugou was never the type to like losing himself, his control, and his logic, but it was evident he wasn't exactly sober, either.
You didn’t have it in you to jump from your seat as you did a million more times that day, neither did you have the energy to go running into his arms, drown him in kisses-
You just lay there on the couch, your make up smudged as you stared at the ceiling, probably causing you to look like the dead corpse bride.
“At least come greet me, will ya?” He mumbled, the words causing your blood to boil in your veins. You didn’t answer back.
“Oi, Y/N!” You heard him call out, his eyes roaming around the room, trying to understand why there were so many roses and balloons around the shitty room until his gaze found you.
You who laid on the couch, looking at the ceiling, your mascara, and eyeliner or whatever the fuck it was called running down your face in tear stains. But it was the look on your eyes that caused a lump to form in his stomach.
“What are you-”
“H-hey, Katsu.” You said weakly, almost a whisper. You bit your lip, trying to gather the courage to say the words to him. “Happy birthday.”
Your voice cracked with emotions, Bakugou felt a wave of goosebumps tingling on his skin, well aware something was very wrong.
It took him a while to understand what was going on, and his only reaction was, “Well, shit.”
You stood quiet.
“We were out with shitty hair and- I didn’t notice it was this late.” He told you as he checked the hour on his phone, noticing the missed calls and texts, grimacing internally.
You were still quiet, though.
“I didn’t think you were gonna do something for me, damn it!” He snapped, expecting a reaction, any reaction, but he got none. You just stared at him, and it felt him feel so guilty.
“H-how could I have known? I thought you had forgot!” He continued, and that got a reaction from you, a grimace that looked like he just slapped you, and a single tear trickling down your cheek. He noticed your widening eyes, realizing how the words came out, trying to correct himself as he walked towards you.
“I’m not blaming you, for fucks sake, I’m just saying that- that you aren’t very good with dates and you usually forget these shitty things.” Now that he tried to explain it, it sounded even worse, so he decided to shut up, instead.
A few minutes of silence passed, your eyes never once meeting his crimson ones, and he noticed you rising to your legs. “I hope you had fun.” You shrugged with a faint smile. The way your lips trembled despite the smile just made him want to pull you in a hug, apologize until he couldn’t even talk.
But he didn’t, of course.
He watched you walk into the bedroom, not missing how you secretly tried to wipe your tears away.
Bakugou stood up, going to the kitchen to drink some water to get rid of this ridiculous lump in his throat and this tightness in his chest, his eyes falling on the two plates that stood on the counter, the untouched food that stood in them, apparent that there was too much time that was spent on it.
You hadn’t touched your food, either, he noticed. You had to be hungry. Bakugou bit his lip that started to quiver for some stupid reason, took the metal fork that felt cold between his fingers, taking a bite out of the food that would have been the best thing he ate if it was warm. Only if he had come sooner, maybe he could’ve enjoyed it with you, laughing at some stupid shit you said.
He thought you forgot.
Bakugou was afraid you were thinking that he was punishing you for the last time. He was so afraid you would think that since it was exactly the type of thing that he would do.
Not to you, though.
Never to you.
He thought you forgot.
He thought you… forgot.
“Y/N?”Bakugou muttered when he went back to the bedroom, noticing your figure that stilled instantly in the bad in a pitiful attempt of acting asleep.
“I know you’re awake, dumbass.” He mumbled, sitting on the bed, his hand reaching to your face and pushing back the hair that was touching your frame. Your face was wet with tears, skin warm with emotions.
“I’m sorry.” He finally whispered, aware of how you flinched at his words, under his touch.
“I’m really sorry.” He repeated, voice hoarse and sincere, that it caused you to open your eyes and look at him for the first time that night.
Did he have to look that handsome as he broke your heart?
“Katsuki?” You whispered, his thumb caressing your cheek with a softness he only showed to you. “Did you rather be with them than me?” You finally asked, the question that was eating you alive the moment you noticed that he wasn't coming home.
“No.” He answered plainly, but that was all you needed to have a soft smile settle on your lips. 
It took you a while to break your silence. “I didn’t burn the kitchen today.” You told him nonchalantly, as if nothing had happened, but Bakugou knew you too well, aware of how hurt you still were, and how you were trying to avoid it instead of confronting.
“I noticed.” He answered with a slight tilt of his lips.
“Are you hungry? I think there are some cookies in the counter-” 
“Y/N," He stopped you. "I’m sorry.” Bakugou repeated, his words causing your eyes to water. He settled down next to you as you tried to hide the tears sliding down your cheek, pulling your face to his chest so you could hide your face from him. His arms wrapped around you, he settled his chin on top of your head, cooing soft words at you.
You were content with his caramel scented hands caressing your hair, and you face as if trying to etch it into his brain, with the soft gaze in those crimson eyes that looked at you with love and guilt, but it was oddly relieving to have him apologize.
“I’m sorry, love. I’m so sorry.” He whispered, and you sobbed and sobbed.
It was odd that whatever happened, it was always between his arms you found peace, felt safe.
“I love you.” He whispered into your hair after a while, after you had stopped crying, on the verge of sleep. “The food was good.” He smiled, his voice being the last thing you heard before you fell asleep, and he finally felt the tightness in his chest dissolve when he saw the shadows of your sadness on your face disappear, causing him to pull you even more towards him.
Whatever happened, even when you broke each other's hearts, having you between his arms was all you needed to mend a broken heart.
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
DIWK - Chapter seven: "Let's fall in love"
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Words count: 11,4K
My gif :)
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of cases, but that's it. This is a very fluffy chapter, FINALLY!!
Summary: Gideon left and Spencer is broken-hearted. Good news: (Y/N) has an event that will keep his mind busy.
A/N: Hello!! kids! I'm so excited with your feedback on this story (on Wattpad and Tumblr) you have been great! here is a fluffy chapter, finally, after all the angst Spencer put us through. Let me know what you think!! have a great day, stay safe! I love you all!!
Series Masterlist
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen |
Spencer’s point of view
It had been over six months after I quit using, and for a moment, life was great. Everything fell back in place. It had been a rough year, but somehow we were all making it through. I was actually attending narcotics anonymous meetings regularly. I had my six months recovery coin already.
I had actually given it to (Y/N) over dinner. She cried a little, and so did I. But I knew I wouldn’t have gotten it if it wasn’t for her. So that coin was as mine as hers.
That was until Gideon’s friend Sarah was killed, and things got out of hand. He was framed for murder and had to hide until we solved the case. It was the worst situation we had had to face as a team, and it felt like things were never going to get back to normal.
And I was right. I wished I hadn’t.
A few weeks later, we had a case on campus. An unsub was killing girls, and though we solved it and found out who the killer was, he and the last victim ended up dead. And Gideon blamed himself for the decision that set it all. You could see it on his face, the guilt and the stress. He was making an effort, but he was crumbling.
Everything got worse when we were back in Quantico. Section chief Erin Strauss blamed Hotchner for the death of the victim and the unsub. She suspended him for two weeks, and if you want me to be honest, that was the cause for a lot of the bad things that happened in the following months.
First: Hotchner quit the BAU when his suspension was over but canceled his resignation at the last minute and decided to stay in the team. That was just one of the two earthquakes that shook the team.
Second: Gideon resigned. It was more than just that. He vanished. He left out of the blue. He didn’t even say goodbye. After years of mentoring me and being like a father and a friend, he did exactly what my dad had done to me when I was ten years old. He left me a letter. That was all I got.
I went to see him in his cabin, and there it was: A lousy letter. I couldn’t understand it. And it made me feel like I didn’t deserve better.
“Spencer: I knew it would be you who came to the cabin to check on me. You must be frightened. I apologize for that. I never meant to cause you any pain. I also never envisioned writing this letter.
I’ve searched for a satisfactory explanation for what I’m doing. All I’ve come up with is... a profiler needs to have solid footing, and I don’t think I do anymore. The world confuses me, the cruelty, indifference, tragedy.”
I sat on my couch and re-read those words over and over again. Somehow, nothing made sense to me.
“In this line of work, I was afraid I would lose the ability to trust, but I’ve realized I can’t really look at anyone without seeing their death. And as bad as losing faith in humanity seems, losing your faith in happy endings is much worse.”
Was losing faith in happy endings the burden of our job? Gideon did. I was afraid it was going to happen to me too. My phone rang as I re-read those words over and over again.
- "Honey, did you find him?"- (Y/N) whispered, worriedly at the other side of the line. I couldn’t even speak. I felt there was a knot on my throat that tied my tongue- "Spencer? Are you home?"
- "Yes"
- "I’m on my way"
(Y/N) wrapped her arms around me the second I opened the door. I couldn’t speak, Gideon’s departure had affected me way too much, and I was having a hard time. It was a constant flashback of what had happened with my father. And it reminded me of my loneliness. I wanted to be like Gideon ever since I met him. And now… I was disappointed and brokenhearted.
(Y/N) read the letter, made me a hot cup of tea, and sat with me in silence. I laid on the sofa with my head on her lap and felt her fingers playing carefully with my hair as I continued re-reading that letter, waiting for it to make sense.
It still doesn’t, and it’s been years.
“Profiling requires belief. Belief in the profile, belief in yourself. After Sarah, I no longer trust myself at home. And that was the last domino. The death of that girl. Hotch being suspended over something that was my fault.
I said at the beginning of this letter that I knew it would be you to come up here. I’m so sorry the explanation couldn’t be better, Spencer. And I am so sorry that it doesn’t make more sense, but I’ve already told you, I just don’t understand any of it anymore. I’m sorry.”
At a certain point, you start thinking maybe you are just not good enough. People may not want you in their lives. Because if they can leave you out of the blue, perhaps you didn’t deserve to keep them close. Maybe I was easy to abandon after all. I knew I was annoying and weird. Maybe no one could ever get to love me.
- "Gideon was in a bad place after what happened to Sarah"- (Y/N) excused him and kept playing with my hair, trying to soothe me- "This has nothing to do with you, honey."
- "He didn’t even say goodbye"- I whispered and clenched my first- "I deserved a goodbye."
- "He gave you the only goodbye he could, all things considered"- she muttered.
I sat down and looked at her, making my best not to be an asshole with her. I know when I’m sad or upset, I tend to be passive-aggressive.
- "Gideon left me a letter, just like my father did when he abandoned my mom and me. Don’t I deserve better?"
- "Honey, you deserve the world"- she whispered and caressed my cheek with her thumb as she cupped my face.
I swear I felt how my heart skipped a beat at those words. And I knew I was blushing.
- "But we know Gideon isn’t one to deal with feelings the proper way"- she added and smiled at me- "You are the only one he said goodbye to because you are the one that mattered to him. That’s his way to tell you he loves you. We all express our feelings differently. You just have to read people."
I zoned out for a moment, staring at her. Her eyes looked at me with such tenderness it was hard for me to breathe. After that, I couldn’t even think. All I know is that I had to make an effort not to lean in and kiss her. That’s how much she affected me.
- "You know, it has been said that time heals all wounds. But I disagree."
I managed to whisper those words and looked down at my hands. I kept playing with one of the pillows on the couch, ‘cos I couldn’t even stare at her in the eyes at that minute. And did my best to keep on talking.
- "The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue, and the pain lessens, but it is never gone. And things like this, they uncover those wounds."
(Y/N) held my hand in silence. I don’t know if anyone could say anything at that minute that might make me feel better. But, of course, she did.
- "Wounds define who we are right now, but not who we will be, honey."
She just gazed into my eyes and smiled, making me feel she could even see my soul.
- "Once you know what hurt you growing up, and you find out how it shaped you, you can either overcome it or let it rule your life"- she added and sighed.
- "Some pain never leaves you, and stays there, hunting you"- I murmured and looked down, holding her hands on her lap.
- "Pain won’t go away, Batsy. never"- I chuckled at the nickname- "Pain is our burden, but we have to get our skin thicker and learn from it. Don’t let your father’s letter define you. You are better than how he made you feel. And the fact your shitty dad abandoned you without an explanation doesn’t mean Gideon did the same. He just did it in a way you didn’t like. But his love and goodbye are in that letter. They are in each one of those words. I told you, you have to read people right. Find how they are telling you they love you."
There was so much I wanted to tell her. But I couldn’t. She was right. I just had to accept it.
- "Thank you for being here"- that was all I could say, and she smiled.
- "I will always be here, Batsy"- and she giggled, sweetly.
- "Why Batsy?"
- "You are blind as a bat"- I chuckled and watched her smiling for a second.
- "Actually, contrary to myth, bats aren’t blind"- I said because I needed to put my mind on something else that minute. Her presence was so overwhelming to me, I didn’t trust my own reactions. I swear.
- "In fact, research shows that depending on the circumstances, bats sometimes prefer using eyesight to sound when hunting. And many fruit bats don’t echolocate at all. These species have particularly sharp vision, and some can even see ultraviolet light."
- "Really?"- I nodded and smiled at her bright eyes. (Y/N) always listened.
- "I’ve been living a lie"- she joked and giggled- "Bats are one of my favorite animals. Did you know that?"
But that I already knew. She had a few bat-themed things at her house, like mugs and slippers. She also had a silver bat necklace she wore outside work.
- "I did know that"- I answered and smiled. She was so beautiful that day. Neither of us said a word for a moment until she sighed and clapped her hands, standing up.
- "Let me get you something to eat. I’m sure you haven’t even had dinner yet."
There was never much food in my house, but somehow, (Y/N) always managed to cook something from it. That night she made tuna avocado wraps. I don’t know how. I think if I had been the one in charge of cooking, we would have eaten toasts with jam.
We sat at the dining room table in silence, just eating. Enjoying each other’s company, I guess. That’s what I’ve always loved about (Y/N). We didn’t have to talk to be comfortable. We just had to be together.
- "I need to ask you something"- she whispered suddenly and didn’t look at me, she kept playing with her pasta in her dish.
- "You can totally say no if you don’t want to, but…"
- "What is it?"- I left my fork aside and stared at her. She was somehow nervous. She was never nervous around me.
- "Ok"- she took a deep breath and looked at me- "My cousin Lisa is getting married this weekend, and I wanted to know if you want to go with me."
My whole universe froze.
- "You don’t have to if you don’t want to. It’s just a stupid wedding. I don’t even want to go, but my mom is forcing me, and…"- (Y/N) was flustered and kept staring at her hands as she spoke. I knew I was blushing and nervous, but myself from chuckling.
- "Why is she forcing you to go?"
- "Because, apparently, I never do anything with her anymore"
- "Do you?"- she thought about it for a second and then shook her head.
- "I’m never home… and I guess I’m what you can call a daddy’s girl. We have much more in common, I guess. He taught me how to shoot when I was ten."
I chuckled at the idea of a little ten years old (Y/N) holding a gun. It was both weird and right at the same time. It explained why she was so good at it.
- "Which color is your dress?"- I whispered, and my friend raised an eyebrow, puzzled- "I wanna make sure my tie matches your dress."
She smiled, and her eyes seemed to sparkle. I know, I’m corny. A hopeless romantic, like my mom would say. But I couldn’t stop it. I still can’t.
(Y/N)’s point of view
I remember that week distinctly. It was the first time in almost six months I was afraid Spencer could start using Dilaudid again.
Gideon left the team, and Reid found his goodbye letter when he went looking for him in his cabin. It was addressed to him, 'cos Jason knew he would show up looking for him. Spencer was left a mess after that. It was all too much like what his father had done to him, and if you ask me, it was unfair. Spencer didn’t deserve that. He deserved a proper goodbye, an explanation. Spencer deserved to know he hadn’t done anything wrong and that Gideon wasn’t leaving because he didn’t love him.
- "Gideon left everything, except the photographs"- Penelope announced, walking from Jason’s ex-office holding a ficus and a box filled with files.
- "He always said those were like his family"- Spencer explained and didn’t take his eyes from Gideon’s letter. He had been playing with those pages between his fingers ever since he got to work that morning.
Morgan sat by his side, on his desk, and Prentiss stood pretty close to him too. I knew what they were doing; they were trying to check on him. I looked at him from my desk, which was exactly in front of his, sipping my coffee.
Reid was still affected, you could tell. It had all happened just the night before, and it was clear he needed more time to process the whole situation. I had done my best to cheer him up over dinner, but I knew he needed to work on a case to take his mind from everything.
- "Hey, Batsy"- I threw him a small stress ball I kept around my desk- "Rehearsal dinner is Friday at six. Do you think we could skip it?"- and he blushed, biting his lips.
- "Rehearsal dinner?"- Derek turned to us and raised an eyebrow. Morgan is one nosey friend; you better be sure of that. And I loved to play with him.
- "What are you two kids up to?"
- "We have a social event this weekend"- I answered lightly and looked at the pile of files on my desk- "We have to pick up your tuxedo, by the way."
Yes. I was lying. Or at least exaggerating the situation a little bit. But the big grin on Spencer’s face made it worth it.
- "Noted, pumpkin"- he answered and nodded. Derek looked at him with wide-opened eyes. Though our friends had heard us calling each other silly names for months now, Morgan couldn’t pass over it. Each time Spencer called me pumpkin, cupcake, bunny, or chipmunk, Derek flipped.
- "Ok, kids, what’s your secret plan?"- he insisted, and Prentiss chuckled, tapping on his back.
- "Let the kids have their little mystery."
- "You know, you don’t really have to call us kids"- Spencer said and stood up, holding his empty cup and grabbing mine from my desk- "Refill, ma chère?"
- "Thank you, honey"- I know I blushed at those words. It was the first time he called me that.
- "Guys, we’ve got a case"- JJ announced from the other side of the bullpen and then walked to Hotch’s office to tell him it was time to catch another psychopath.
That was a sad week, really. But, it wasn’t just the case. It was beyond the crazy unsub, who was killing people in Denver and who ended up killing himself as soon as we got him.
The team was broken, and we were all trying to make it work with the pieces left.
It wasn’t just Gideon leaving without any decent reason, though, that hit us hard. It hit Spencer harder, of course, and I could notice how the team was walking on eggshells around him. But it wasn’t just that. I looked at Hotch and saw how his whole body language was changing. It wasn’t only the stress of carrying the team through the entire case without Gideon. No. There was something else there.
When we were on our way back home, I heard him talking with Derek. We were all asleep, or so they thought. Prentiss and JJ were sitting together and had fallen asleep as soon as the plane took off. Spencer and I were on the big couch at the back of the jet. He was laid on it, his head resting on my lap as my fingers played with his hair. He was snoring softly, and that sound somehow relaxed me. So I closed my eyes, enjoying a sweet moment of peace.
- "I can’t sleep"- Morgan whispered, and Hotch offered to turn off the lights. Their voices were muffled and barely perceptible, even when they were sitting just across from us.
- "What’s the matter?"- Hotch asked Derek, after a short silence.
- "What’s the matter with you, Hotch?"
I swear, Morgan just took the words from my mind, and I had to make a considerable effort not to open my eyes and see what was going on.
- "You are sitting there doing work when you’d normally take a break. So please don’t tell me it’s about Gideon leaving."
- "You know, we made a deal a long time ago not to profile each other"- Aaron was annoyed, but most of all, he was embarrassed. I bet he tried to put an eye on all of us to make sure we weren’t listening.
- "Am I wrong?"- but Hotch didn’t answer- "You know, Hotch? Today was a huge victory for all of us. I mean, I never thought I’d say this, but we are doing just fine without Gideon."
There was a long silence in the plane. An eternal pause in that conversation. I could only imagine what was going on between them.
- "Hotch. What’s keeping you up tonight?"
- "Haley’s left."
Aaron confessed, and the soft tone of his voice made him sound so vulnerable. I just wanted to walk over and hug him. Morgan didn’t know what to say, and I bet he was holding his breath in shock.
- "And I don’t know if she is coming back."
Spencer mumbled something on my lap and rolled his head. I accommodated my body so that he would be comfortable and caressed his head softly with my fingers as I played with his curls.
I didn’t get if Morgan or Hotch said another word, but that didn’t matter at that moment. I already knew what was going on with my unit chief, and it was worse than I imagined. Having his family away was going to kill him. I knew it. Haley and Jack were his whole life.
And if Hotch couldn’t manage to have a normal, everyday life outside of the BAU, I don’t think any of us could.
That was scary. I always thought Aaron could do it. He was the example of keeping your shit together. And if he couldn’t, then we really didn’t have much hope.
I decided to focus on the warm feeling of Spencer sleeping on my lap instead. That somehow helped me feel at peace and calm.
There was something about him that always managed to keep me relaxed. Grounded. Focused. And peaceful.
I hoped that feeling continued on my cousin’s wedding ‘cos I needed to stay cool, calm, and focus on surviving a whole wedding with my family.
Spencer’s point of view
I fixed my tie for the hundredth time as I stood in front of my bathroom mirror and groaned, frustrated. No matter how many times I tried, I couldn’t get it right. And it was driving me insane. It wasn’t that I was just nervous, ‘cos I was terrified of the whole idea of ruining the evening for (Y/N). But also the fact I could embarrass myself in front of her entire family…
My hands were shaking.
We were going to a wedding, which meant we were going to be forced to dance. And I suck at that. It’s one of those things I can’t teach myself. So I asked García for help, but that didn’t really go so well.
- "Oh! Oh! Oh! my precious genius!!!"- she jumped from the chair at her desk and nearly tackled me as she hugged me.
- "I just… if I have to dance, I don’t wanna embarr…"- but Garcia cut me off.
- "Dancing is so easy! You just need to relax and stop thinking so hard."
- "Easier said than done"- I whispered as Penelope stood in front of me and put one of my hands on her waist as she held the other one, smiling at me.
- "Come on, genius, it’s not nuclear engineering."
And as she played a song and helped me find and follow the rhythm, trying my best not to look like a dork (though I knew I was failing), Garcia started asking questions. A lot of questions.
- "So, who’s getting married?"
- "Lisa, (Y/N)’s cousin"- she nodded and continued her interrogation.
- "Have you met her?"
- "No"
- "And her parents?"
- "Just her dad a while ago"- it had happened three months after (Y/N) joined the BAU, but I figured I shouldn’t give Garcia all the details.
- "How is he?"
- "He was very nice. We didn’t talk much, but he was…"
- "Wait, what about her boyfriend?"
I opened my eyes so wide, they nearly fell from my face, like a cartoon. Was (Y/N) dating someone and hadn’t told me about it? I looked at Garcia for a few seconds, confused, but continued dancing with her.
- "Which boyfriend?"
- "That guy she was dating when she got here."
- "Paul?"
- "Yeah! Why isn’t she taking him to the wedding?"- I sighed, relieved, and smiled, but Penelope kept waiting for an explanation.
- "They broke up six months ago- I answered and looked at her confused- "Didn’t you know?"
- "No! (Y/N) never talked about him!!"- Garcia opened her mouth and stayed still without saying a word for a few seconds. I simply shrugged and moved a step back from her.
- "Of course, she doesn’t talk about him. They broke up."
- "When? Why?!"
I remembered clearly the day he had stopped unannounced to talk to her when I was in my first withdrawal days. My heart raced inside my chest to remember the sensation of (Y/N)’s arms around me after he left as she sobbed against my chest.
- "I… well… I don’t want to tell you if she hadn’t told you herself"- I whispered and gave Penelope one awkward smile.
- "But, my little munchkin…"- Garcia frowned- "Was she brokenhearted? did that stupid… whatever he was ‘cos she never really talked about him much, break her heart?"
- "No. Actually, she broke up with him."
- "Do you know why?"- I just shook my head and looked away- "You know, I’m not a profiler, babyface, but I can see you know what happened there."
- "I really don’t feel comfortable talking about it. If she hadn’t told anyone, then it’s really not my story to tell."
Garcia wanted to argue with that, but JJ walked in and told us Hotch needed us in his office. I felt saved by the bell.
The knock on my front door took me back to reality. I left my necktie aside and ran to answer.
- "Wow"- that was all I managed to say when I saw (Y/N) standing at the other side of the door. She smiled and spun around before walking in.
- "Do you like it?"
- "You look… you are… beautiful, you look beautiful."
I stuttered and flustered, staring at her. (Y/N) was breathtaking. She was wearing a simple black velvet dress with some purple details that matched the tie I had gotten for the occasion.
- "Thank you, honey. You will be the most handsome guy at that party for sure"- she smiled and stared at me. I know I was all shades of pink.
- "Where’s your tie?"- she frowned as she walked in, and I closed the door behind her, trying to recover.
- "I was just trying to tie it."
- "Do you need help?"- I nodded and smiled. She took off her shoes, arguing there was no way on earth she would make it through the night with those high heels, and walked with me to my room.
(Y/N) had been in my house a million times before. But I don’t think she had ever been in my room until that day.
- "Thank you for coming with me"- she whispered as she stood in front of me, in the middle of my room, right next to my bed. She looked real concentrated with my tie, her eyes narrowed and completely focused on it.
- "It’s no problem, pumpkin. I’m glad I can help"- I answered and cleared my throat, staring at her. She never wore that much makeup on her daily basis. I really don’t think I had seen her so dressed up before.
- "Keep that spirit, Batsy! You are gonna meet my family"- she chuckled and looked at me- "Done!"
- "Thank you"- I just stood there, not knowing what to do. I just stared at her, and she smiled.
- "Your hair is getting longer"- she teased me and tucked it, playfully- "I love it."
- "Really? ‘cos yesterday I thought maybe I should cut it, but then we ran late after work."
- "No, it looks perfect"- her fingers played through it, making me sigh- "You look really hot, Spencer."
I nearly shook when she whispered those words. But, instead, I just looked down and blushed. Hot is not an adjective I would usually use to describe myself. Needless to say, no one had ever called me “hot” before.
- "Which is awesome ‘cos I will finally be the girl with the hot date everyone is jealous of"- (Y/N) joked and walked back to the living room. I sighed (again) and followed her in silence.
- "So, did Morgan continue bugging you yesterday?"- I nodded and walked to the kitchen to get us a cup of coffee.
- "Yeah, he was on a mission to make me feel uncomfortable!"- I confessed and sighed- "He loves making me feel like a kid."
- "Well, maybe he needs a little brother"- (Y/N) stood by the kitchen’s door and smiled at me- "Chocolate thunder is a giant bonbon filled with love he expresses in a weird… sometimes a little smothering way"- I laughed at that description. She nailed it.
- "Smothering… has Gracia complained?"- and (Y/N)’s laughter filled my house.
- "No, but"- (Y/N) stared at me and shook her head- "Have you ever felt he treats us like his kid siblings?"
- "Only every day of my life"- I poured her a cup of coffee and gave it to her. She kept smiling at me as she sipped it- "The fact he calls me “kid” makes it pretty obvious."
- "He calls me “kid” too! and I hate it!"- (Y/N) joked- "I think I deserve my own nickname!"
- "He calls you “pretty girl.”
- "Yeah, but that’s a reference to you."
- "It could also be because you are pretty"- the words just slipped my lips, and by the time I realized what I had said, she had already heard it.
- "No, I honestly think it’s because of you"- (Y/N) giggled and held her mug with both hands- "And what did Morgan say?"
- "He wanted to know about Paul."
The silence between us was so thick I started considering I might have said the wrong thing.
- "Why Paul?"- (Y/N) frowned and questioned me right away.
- "Well, no one knew you and Paul broke up, so Morgan… and Garcia wanted to know why you were taking me to the wedding and not your boyfriend."
(Y/N) nodded and stayed in silence for a moment. Her eyes traveled through the whole kitchen, but I knew she wasn’t looking at anything in particular.
- "Is it weird you are the only one at the BAU who knew that?"- I heard her questions and shook my head right away.
- "I know you well enough to know you are not sharing much about your personal life with the team. I am honored you share it with me"- I answered with no hesitation.
- "Well, I don’t think I’m the only one with secrets at work. I mean, I love everybody on the team, but we can be a little nosy when it comes to personal things."
(Y/N) was right. Our team is like a family. A family who is constantly getting into each other’s lives, just to make sure everyone was ok. It was nice and annoying at the same time. It was something that I knew made (Y/N) shut down quickly. Something quite similar happened to me.
Neither of us would come and share our issues with them. Not until Penelope would question us.
(Y/N) drove to the party, apologizing in advance of anything embarrassing her family might do or say. I can’t say I blame her, not that her family is embarrassing, I actually think they are all incredible people. But I can relate to the feeling of being scared of someone in your family, my mom in my case, doing something inappropriate. I had been there too many times, actually.
The wedding took place at The Meridian House, which ended up being a very nice place. It was big enough to hide from (Y/N)’s family, as she planned.
- "Ok"- she said, stepping out of the car- "Let’s do this"- I bit my lips and smiled at her.
- "I swear, it won’t be as bad as you are thinking."
- "Maybe, honey. But that positive thought doesn’t stop me from being completely paranoid."
I felt tempted to hold her hand. I wanted to, but I didn’t do it. So I just turned my hands to fists and clenched them tight as we walked. Until we stepped inside the venue, and her hand reached my arm suddenly.
- "Sorry, I don’t trust myself with these heels"- she excused herself and smiled at me. She was honestly scared and nervous. I knew I had to put her mind anywhere else.
- "Did you know heels were actually designed for men in the 16th century?"
So I rambled.
- "The extended heel was developed especially for riding to keep the rider’s foot from slipping out of the stirrups. It also helped to keep the rider steady when standing up in the stirrups and shooting arrows."
- "How come I am the one in pain right now if these were made for guys?"- she narrowed her eyes, and her tongue poked out between her lips, making me chuckle.
- "Some studies suggest heels have some benefit for women. They give shape to your calf muscles and elongate the leg’s look to make you appear longer and leaner. Wearing high heels may also even improve your pelvic floor muscles."
- "There’s no way this amount of pain can be good for me."
- "Actually, researchers at the University of Verona studied 66 women under age 50 who wore shoes with an almost three-inch heel. They found this placed their pelvic muscles in an optimum position to contract and strengthen."
- "I think I like my pelvic floor the way it is right now"- (Y/N) smiled at me and furrowed her brows at the same time- "How do you know so much about high heels?"
- "Well, I never told you this, but I like walking in heels around the house"- I joked, and she laughed right away- "No! Back in college, I read many things I thought could be in girls’ magazines, in a failed attempt to engage in conversation with them more easily."
I looked down at the floor after my confession. It was one of those things that always made me feel like a loser.
- "That’s so sweet"- (Y/N) whispered- "Why did you fail?"
- "Apparently, girls in college didn’t want to talk to me about their pelvic floor."
(Y/N) fit into the loudest laughter, making most people around us turn to see her. I closed my eyes and looked at her, trying not to laugh too.
- "I hope you are not so subtle when you are undercover"- a man in his late twenties said and stood by her side.
- "Phoenix!!"- (Y/N) wide opened her arms and hugged him- "I haven’t seen you since Christmas!"
- "I missed you too, sist"- I held my breath for a moment and made sure my tie was straight. It was time for the truth. I was meeting her family.
- "Hi, I’m Phoenix (Y/L/N), (Y/N)’s older brother"- he said and extended his hand to me. (Y/N) tried to stop him, but I smiled and shook it.
Yes, I shook his hand. No hesitation. Me. The germaphobe.
- "Spencer Reid, nice to meet you"- Phoenix smiled and nodded, turning to his sister.
- "So I finally met Dr. Reid"- wait, what?- "My baby has told me a lot about you lately."
- "Shut up, please don’t embarrass me. That’s dad’s job"- (Y/N) argued, blushing- "Where is he, by the way?"
- "With mom, talking with Lisa’s parents."
- "I don’t wanna talk with anyone"- (Y/N) whispered, and her brother nodded.
- "You are gonna have to"- Phoenix smiled at his sister and looked at her with what I could only read as adoration.
- "And where’s your date?"- (Y/N) asked him and looked around.
- "She got a phone call."
- "I need a quick update so I won’t fuck it up"- Phoenix chuckled and nodded at his sister.
- "Her name is Natasha, we’ve been dating for three months."
- "Got it"- (Y/N) winked and took another look around- "Oh shit, there comes mom"- she looked at me again and cut me the most apologetic smile of all times.
- "It’s gonna be ok"- I whispered with a grin.
(Y/N)’s point of view
I don’t think I had been so nervous around my parents in years. The last time that came to mind was the first time I got home drunk or high. And just like that day, I did my best to act cool. If only I hadn’t bought a profiler to the wedding to remind me I wasn’t fooling him.
- "My baby!!"- mom hugged me and kissed my cheek several times, lipstick smudged all over my cheek- I haven’t seen you in a month! Why are you such an ungrateful daughter now?
- "I’m not ungrateful. I’m busy, mom. But I’ve missed you too"- I sighed and shook my head.
- "Hello, I’m Sofia, (Y/N)’s mom"- she said and reached out for Spencer’s hand.
- "Spencer Reid. Nice to meet you, Mrs. (Y/L/N)."
- "Finally! I was starting to believe I was never going to meet one of (Y/N)’s friends from work."
- "Dr. Reid"- dad said and shook his hand.
- "Chief (Y/L/N), nice to see you again."
- "Your father met him before. I did?!"- mom looked betrayed.
- "We worked on a case together a long time ago"- Spencer said and smiled at my mother- "If it makes you feel better, (Y/N) talks about you all the time, so I think I’ve already met you."
- "Really?"- and mother looked shocked
- "Yes, especially your cooking"- I giggled and elbowed my best friend- "What? You do! She likes making these amazing dinners whenever we have weekends off"- he explained to my mother- "And she is always whining her chicken wings are not even half good as yours."
My mother giggled.
That’s when I knew it was going to be ok, and let out a breath I never noticed I was holding.
Who knew Spencer Walter Reid could be so smooth with mothers?
Ok, that didn’t sound good. I’ll put it this way, I never imagined Spencer could be so socially… not awkward. He was graceful and charming. Why didn’t that happen on his daily basis? Not that he wasn’t sweet all the time, ‘cos he was. But he was always so nervous when it came to meeting new people, and he would miss all the social cues in conversation. Everybody used to make fun of him because of it, and I hated it, ‘cos I knew it was frustrating for him.
And now there he was, charming my mother.
- "(Y/N), this is Natasha"- Phoenix said when his date stood by his side. I shook her hand and smiled immediately.
- "It’s great to finally meet you. My brother has been talking about you nonstop for the last two months"- I lied and noticed how she blushed and held his arm immediately.
- "Nice to meet you, (Y/N). Your brother is really proud of you. He is always bragging about his little sister in the FBI"- and now I know I blushed. Phoenix has never been so open about his thoughts regarding my job.
- "But Phoenix never mentioned your boyfriend"- and that was when Natasha fucked it up.
- "Actually, this is Doctor Spencer Reid, my best friend, and colleague."
Spencer waved and smiled. Great, that was the boundary line I was looking for. He could shake hands with my family, but not with my brother’s date. I wasn’t surprised, and if you want me to be honest, I was rather pleased to know that. I don’t know why.
- "Doctor?"- Natasha asked
- "I hold doctorates in Mathematics, Chemistry, and Engineering, as well as BAS in Psychology and Sociology"- my friend explained and smiled apologetically.
I heard my mom clear her throat quietly and turned to her. Somehow, she looked proud. She already knew everything there was to know about Spencer’s honorifics. And honestly, by the way, she was smiling at me, you could tell she was enjoying herself.
- "How old are you?"- Natasha asked Reid, almost in shock.
- "I turn 26 next month."
- "Oh! we have to have a huge party, honey!"- I hit his arm, and he chuckled right away- "I know you hate it, but I don’t give a fuck! we need to party!"
- "(Y/N)! language!"- my mom scolded me immediately, making me feel like I was ten years old again.
- "Wait"- Natasha was still trying to understand Reid- "Are you a genius or something?"- and I knew my best friend wasn’t comfortable in that conversation.
- "I don’t believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified."
Spencer, in a very humble way, tried to make lights off of the whole deal. But I wasn’t going to have it. He was my date that night, and I wanted to show everybody just how awesome he was. Starting with Natasha.
- "He has an IQ of 187, eidetic memory, and can read 20 thousand words per minute. Yes, he is a genius."
I held Spencer’s arm tight after delivering the news to my brother’s girlfriend and smiled, proud. I don’t know why. Maybe because I had never been on a date with someone as awesome as Reid.
Only that I wasn’t on a date with Reid. We were with my family at my cousin’s wedding. That’s far from being a date.
Besides, who said I wanted to be on a date with him? He was my friend. Friends don’t date.
I have never been a huge fan of weddings. Back then, I found them pretty awkward events. Mainly because all the weddings I had attended so far had been family weddings. And partying with your parents isn’t really as fun as it sounds…
But Lisa’s wedding was okay. I guess having my best friend there made it all more tolerable. His statistics about marriage failure were the best part of the conversation at our table over dinner.
- "Most people have heard the statistic that 50 percent of marriages end in divorce.”- Reid explained, catching everybody’s attention- "That stat originated in the 1980s, and researchers believe the rate of divorce has since steadily dropped."
Spencer was all chatty after two glasses of champagne, sitting at the table with my mom, dad, brother, and Natasha. And yes, we were having fun.
- "Do tell, Doctor"- I joked, pointing at my parents, but he didn’t get it, so he just nodded and continued rambling.
- "But today, it is thought approximately 42%, 45% of marriages in the United States end in divorce."
- "So, Lisa and… sorry, what’s this guy’s name again?"- Phoenix asked and turned to look at the groom and bride.
- "Brandon"- mom filled in the silence, and we all nodded.
- "Lisa and Brandon got almost 55% chances they won’t split apart?"- Phoenix looked at Spencer, chuckling.
- "Technically, but those statistics do not include legal separations"- I snorted and sipped my wine- "Numbers are a little less optimistic when it comes to the second and third marriage though."
- "And that, right there, is why I am not going to get married"- Phoenix said and grinned- "Statistics are killing romance."
- "And you’ve always been so romantic, piggy"- I stuck out my tongue to my brother, and he just chuckled.
- "You and me both, peanut"
- "I think neither of you will ever have a normal relationship with the kind of job you all have"- and of course, mom had to say what we all knew she’d say.
I knew that conversation wasn’t going to end up well. My brother and I were fully aware that would happen during the evening, and I’m sure we were both ready to avoid it at all cost.
- "Ok, let’s keep this evening nice and not talk about how our jobs are going to ruin our lives"- Phoenix whined and finished his wine- "It’s a party! let’s..." - he looked around and saw mostly family eating and looking as boring as hell.
- "Let’s get drunk!"- I finished his sentence, and he smiled wide
- "See? This is what makes us family! you complete my sentences, peanut."
- "You are not hard to read, piggy."
- "So, the whole nickname thing is a family tradition?"- Spencer asked me and raised an eyebrow. He honestly looked more comfortable around people than I had imagined. Maybe it was because we were just with my parents and brother at the table.
- "Oh, she gives nicknames to everybody"- dad said, laughing-" Which is yours?"
- "Honey Bunny"- Spencer confessed, blushing. My dad burst out laughing and tapped on Reid’s back.
- "Doctor Honey Bunny!!"
- "Dad!!"- I wide opened my eyes in shock- "Can you not humiliate my friend and me?"
- "Sorry, Spencer"- dad said and shook his head- "But my daughter apparently forgot she had a stuffed bunny when she was a kid, and she used to call him Doctor Honey Bunny. It came with a stethoscope and all."
- "Oh shit!!"- surprisingly, dad was right- "I totally forgot about Doctor Honey Bunny!"- and I was mortified.
- "Now you’ve got a real-life version of him"- mom added and chuckled- "I like this one better, by the way. I’m guessing Spencer collects less mite"
- "Stop it!"- I commanded and turned to Spencer. He was blushing- "We can start using the other hundredth nicknames, Buttercup."
- "Oh shit! You really have problems with your friends"- Phoenix laughed- "How’s Frank, by the way? still in college?"
- "Nope!"- I answered proudly- "All my friends are young professionals doing grown-up shit! Lu, Mikey, and Frank got jobs. They are college grads."
- "Do you know the kids?"- mom asked Spencer, and he nodded immediately- "They are the sweetest."
- "They love him"- I added, proudly- "They call him doc."
- "Of course, they do"- Phoenix laughed and shook his head- "So, how’s Gideon? Is he still giving you a hard time?"
And just like that, Spencer changed his whole body language, sat down straight, and glued his eyes to his hands upon the table, playing with a napkin.
- "Actually, he just left the BAU"- I tried to show my brother it was a sensitive subject without making a fuzz.
- "Is he ok?"- and Phoenix didn’t get it.
- "Yeah, he just needed some time off, I guess. It can get to be too much sometimes…"- I cut my brother a short smile and nodded- "So, Natasha, tell us something about you. What do you do for a living?"
- "I’m a real estate agent."
- "She helped me find my new place."
- "You bought an apartment?"- mom jumped into the conversation and started questioning Phoenix, harder than any of us would do in a case.
I turned to Spencer and cut him a short smile. He knew I was checking if he was ok, so he returned the smile immediately.
- "So… did you like dinner?"- I asked, moving a little closer to him, trying to have a conversation with him, and only him, for a moment.
- "Yes, best roasted prime rib I’ve ever had"- he answered and moved towards me too.
- "Great. And my family is behaving at their best tonight"- I added, whispering and looking around as Spencer chuckled.
- "They are all very friendly. I don’t know why you were so nervous about this whole thing."
- "I’ll say the same when we visit your mom, which, by the way, you should do"- Reid frowned in a second, and I pinched his cheek- "Your mom is awesome. She still sends me letters from time to time."
- "Really?"- Spencer asked, surprised to know his mother still talked to me after seeing each other once, over a year ago.
- "Yes. I think I made a hell of a first impression, ‘cos she is always inviting me over."
- "She remembers you were very nice to her"
- "She helped us crack a case, and you forced her to fly. That woman is an angel"- Reid looked at me in silence for a few seconds. I don’t think it was easy for him talking about his mother, not even with me after all that time.
- "Would you really go with me to see her?"- he murmured suddenly, and I just nodded, smiling- "Thank you."
- "Kidding? call me a nerd, but I’d never miss the chance to hang out with an XV century literature teacher."
- "Nerd!!"- Phoenix nearly shouted by my side, overhearing our conversation.
- "Asshole!"- I smacked his arm, and he laughed. Why is it that no matter how old you are, you are still acting like a kid with your older brother? at least in my case.
The night continued as nice and smooth as it had been so far. I took a minute to go to the bathroom after dessert when I noticed it was ok to leave Spencer alone with my parents, unsupervised. I texted Lu a picture with him to let her know things were going fine.
- “Hottest couple of the party”- she texted back, and I giggled.
- “Fuck yeah”- I typed and left the cellphone aside to touch up my make.
- "I am in love with Spencer,"- mom said, walking into the bathroom that second- "He is adorable and so charming. Does he have a girlfriend?"
- "No mom"- I avoided making eye contact with her as I applied more lipstick.
- "If you don’t date him, I will."
- "Do you want my blessing to start a relationship with my best friend?"
- "Oh, peanut"- mom walked towards me and kissed my head- "You two aren’t best friends."
- "What are you talking about?"
- "Best friends don’t look at each other like you two do"
- "Mom…"- I wanted to tell her she had no idea what she was talking about, but she didn’t let me speak.
- "Neither Frank nor Mikey had ever looked at you the way Spencer does. And I’m sorry, baby, but you have never been the way you are with him before."
- "What is that supposed to mean?"- I crossed my arms on my chest, annoyed.
- "You love him, (Y/N)."
- "He is my friend. My best friend. I spend most of my time with him at work. He has my back and has saved my life as many times as I have saved him on the field. You are trying to see if there’s anything else going on between us, but the truth is, we have a beautiful friendship. That’s it."
I don’t know why I felt I had to explain to mom repeatedly she was absolutely wrong about what she thought was going on between Spencer and me. I think I needed to make sure she’d get there was nothing there but pure friendship. And love. Friendly love.
- "Ok, peanut"- mom whispered and nodded- "You are right. Relationships, under those circumstances, are different."
- "Thank you… now… what do you think of Natasha?"- I changed the subject to a more trivial one in a second ‘cos I didn’t want to continue talking about Reid with my mom.
- "I like her. She seems nice and honestly interested in your bother."
- "Right? it’s surprising someone can actually be interested in him"- I joked, and mom shook her head.
- "Grow up, (Y/N)."
- "Never"- I touched up my mascara, and I was done- "Do you think we will see her for Christmas?"
- "Hopefully. How long did the previous girl last?"
- "Shelly? eight months…"- mom and I stared at each other.
- "Your brother longest relationship."
- "I’m rooting for Natasha."
Dad and Spencer were drinking a whisky when we returned to our table, chatting pleasantly. Phoenix and Natasha were already dancing.
- "Of course, I remember! He didn’t want to kill. He just wanted to terrorize as many people as possible! The same happened with the Mad Bomber back in the ’50s."
Spencer was clearly enjoying his time, talking about bombers with my father. Is it weird that it doesn’t surprise me?
- "You weren’t even born yet when that happened! how do you know it?"
- "I… read a lot"- Spencer blushed and shook his head.
- "What are you guys talking about?"- mom asked them and sat next to my father.
I give them credits for being the only divorced couple who ended up hating each other at a certain point but now can hang out and have fun as a family. The four of us usually get together for the holidays. Whenever we are not working, of course. Ok, it’s mostly mom, my brother, and I. But dad is always invited. He never makes it ‘cos work come first, but if he did, we’d be welcome.
- "We were just talking about our favorite cases"- dad answered with a guilty smile- "And Dr. Reid knows everything about my favorite serial killers."
- "Please, Chief (Y/L/N), call me Spencer"- my best friend asked dad and sipped his whisky. Champagne, wine, and whisky. Was Spencer getting drunk that night?
- "Can you two please don’t talk about work tonight?"- I crossed my arms and stood next to Spencer, furrowing my eyes and watching him smile like a kid.
- "We are not talking about work. We just happen to be into the same kind of documentaries about serial killers"- my best friend argued, and I had to bite my lips not to laugh at his shitty excuse.
- "Which reminds me, you worked the Colonial Parkway murders!"- Reid turned to my dad, nearly hyperventilating.
- "That was 20 years ago, kid!"- and my father widened his eyes in shock.
- "I’ve studied it! at least eight people were slew between '86 and '89."
- "And you remember my name from the case file?"- dad was so surprised I knew he wasn’t going to let Spencer go if I didn’t do something.
- "He remembers everything"- I said and held Spencer’s hand- "Come on, if there’s a night of the year I don’t wanna hear about mass murderers, it’s tonight."
Reid stood up and followed me, excusing himself as we walked away from my parents. I guided us to the dancefloor, not even thinking about it, and held Spencer closer to start dancing. But he froze.
- "What is it, honey?"
- "I don’t... I suck at… I’m not a great dancer"
- "Me neither, but that hasn’t stopped me before. Come on"- I wrapped an arm around him and felt him holding my hand, carefully touching my waist.
- "If I stump you"- he whispered, excusing himself in advance.
- "I’ll kill you"- I joked and stuck out my tongue to him- "Relax, Spencer. Look, you are dancing, and you are doing it great!"
Spencer chuckled as we moved along the slow song the band was playing at the moment. I rested my head on his shoulder for a moment and felt him lead the dance. I knew he wasn’t much of a dancer, and maybe it was wrong to push him to do something he hated.
- "We don’t have to dance if you don’t want to I whispered and looked at him."
- "Am I that bad?"- he asked, mortified
- "You are doing it perfectly"- I answered immediately- "I just don’t want to push you to do something you don’t like."
Spencer nodded but continued moving along the rhythm of the song with me.
- "I like dancing"- he murmured after a few seconds- "I just never feel comfortable doing it ‘cos I think people will notice I don’t know what I’m doing."
- "You do know what you are doing, honey"- I said and smiled, squeezing his hand- "Look at you, leading the dance."
Spencer’s point of view
Dancing with (Y/N) at her cousin’s wedding is by far one of my favorite memories of all times. That whole night had been amazing, but dancing was, surprisingly, one of the things I enjoyed the most. Maybe Penelope’s lessons had been better than I expected. Or perhaps it was all the alcohol I had drank that night and the fact I could hold (Y/N) close to me.
Whatever the reason was, I danced and laughed, like I hadn’t done at many parties before. And as (Y/N) giggled while I tried to make her spin, I couldn’t stop thinking about her father’s words when we were alone. He still remembered the day we first met and how she had defended me from that official.
- "Is she still arguing with people like she did with Brown back at the station?"- chief (Y/L/N) asked me and sipped his whisky. I smiled, remembering clearly every single insult she had said to the official, and shook my head.
- "Actually, she hasn’t argued with anyone in a while… I think that might be a bad sign"- and her father laughed.
- "She does have a problem with authority. She hasn’t argued with Hotch again?"- I thought about it for a second and tried to remember any episode.
- "No, actually, they do get along"- Chief (Y/L/N) nodded and looked around, probably making sure she wasn’t coming just yet.
- "I’m glad to hear that. I have always been scared she might end up having a fight with her chief unit… or with any of you at the BAU"- her father was honestly scared to ask. Or scared of the answer.
- "She is adored at the BAU"- I assured him- "She is like a kid sister to everybody. And I’m pretty sure Hotch thinks of her as a daughter"- and I wasn’t lying.
- "Thank you for taking care of her, kid."
The way Chief (Y/L/N) said those words moved me. I think it’s because he understood perfectly what it was like to be out in the field, catching killers, risking your life. I just nodded 'cos I didn’t know what to say.
No, that’s a lie. I knew what I could say. I could tell him how much I love his daughter and that nothing bad would ever happen to her if it was up to me. But I couldn’t tell him that. That’s why I just smiled and nodded, to then start rambling about serial killers, just to talk about anything but (Y/N). Just to try to take her from my mind for a second. I was scared any of them might find out what I really felt for her, ‘cos sometimes I thought I was see-through.
- "Spencer? are you listening?"- (Y/N) waved her hand in front of my eyes and took me from my thoughts.
- "Sorry, what?"
- "I was asking if you wanna go get a drink"- I nodded right away and held her hand as she led the way to the bar.
I tried my best not to stare at her body as she walked, so I glued my eyes to her hand in mine, trying to remind myself if her father or brother noticed it, I might end up with a bullet in a leg. Besides, I couldn’t look at my best friend like that. She was never going to notice me the same way. It was torture.
- "Are you having fun?"- (Y/N) asked and looked around at the party- "Sorry if my dad asked about work, or…."- I narrowed my eyes and cut her off immediately.
- "No, he didn’t ask about work. We were talking about favorite cases. And I am having fun, (Y/N)."
- "I’m glad. Wanna send the team a picture?"- like I was going to say no to her smile. I just nodded and moved closer to her, smiling at the camera in her phone.
- "You guys are adorable"- a lady smiled, standing by our side, and looked at (Y/N) kindly.
- "Thank you, aunt Esther."
- "How long have you been dating? Your mom didn’t tell us you had a boyfriend."
I froze and looked at (Y/N). Somehow, instead of embarrassed or upset, she looked sad. And I couldn’t understand why.
- "Aunt Esther, this is Dr. Spencer Reid. He is my best friend, not my boyfriend."
- "Oh, dear, you could have fooled me! You are the cutest couple in the room, apart from the groom and bride, of course"- (Y/N) smiled and nodded as her aunt walked away.
- "We are the hottest couple in the room"- she said and cut me a big grin, adding- "The hottest couple of dorks"- I chuckled as she stuck out her tongue to me.
- "Talking about dorks, I got a Catan expansion to play with Frank, Mikey, and Lu next time we all get together."
I always thought (Y/N)’s friends were somehow my friends too, and little by little, I had gotten used to including them in some of the plans we usually had together. Like game night. Friday nights were board games night with (Y/N). It had started when I stayed in her apartment while getting clean of Dilaudid, and it turned into a tradition. Friday night, board game night. Her place or mine.
- "Frank will be so excited"- she said, giggling- "He has a problem with Catan. He can’t stop once he starts. It’s the same with Dungeons and Dragons, once we played for two days straight when we were nine."
I laughed, picturing them as kids, having a D&D marathon. I had seen pictures of them already, and it was easy to imagine what they might have looked like.
- "Me and my neighbor played a lot of D&D with his cousins when we were kids one summer"- the hum of her phone interrupted our conversation, and a message from Penelope caught our eye
- “You look adorable! send more pictures!”
- "We should take more pictures"- (Y/N) added, and I nodded- "We don’t get all dress up as often as we should."
- "As we should?"- I frowned, and (Y/N) just laughed.
-" It took me forever to get to look like this! we need more pictures, honey."
I was about to tell her something when her cellphone rang again, with a new text. This time from JJ.
- “Spence looks incredible”
(Y/N) read at loud, and I know I turned all shades of pink. I’ve never been good with compliments. Not now, not ever.
We walked outside, holding our drinks, and stayed in silence for a moment. The gardens were very beautiful, and the two of us wandered around until (Y/N) finally said.
- "Remember what we talked about earlier today, about how we all try to keep some things secret at the BAU, ‘cos the team is very nosy?"
- "Yeah…"
- "I didn’t tell them about Paul. You didn’t tell them about Dilaudid. And, of course, they have no idea we spent two weeks locked in my apartment together, which might sound dirty, but isn’t."
- "Where are you going with this, chipmunk?"- she was rambling.
- "So, what do you think about JJ?"- (Y/N) simply asked and sipped her champagne.
- "What do you mean what do I think of her?"
She took a deep breath and turned around, walking away from me briefly. I just followed her silhouette with my eyes, trying to be subtle. Though I knew no one was watching, I couldn’t afford to be too evident as I stared at her. I thanked the gods for my eidetic memory, ‘cos if there was one thing I never wanted to forget was the way she looked tonight.
Suddenly, that song made a lot of sense.
- "I mean, what do you think about her and Will?"
- "Chief Lamontagne?"- I frowned, not getting why she was asking me about that.
- "Yes, Will Lamontagne"
- "You mean, how she has been trying to keep her relationship a secret from us?"- and (Y/N) snorted, chuckling.
- "That’s exactly what I mean."
I walked to (Y/N) and stood by her side. She was staring at the sky. I just stayed next to her, not saying anything. I don’t know why I always felt so comfortable being in silence with her. I think it’s because I could always talk to her about anything, and I didn’t have to worry about filling the silence with useless information, or facts, or anything.
(Y/N) shivered, and in a second, I took off my jacket and put it on her shoulders. She smiled and moved a step closer to me, resting her head on my shoulder, and I, in a bold move, wrapped an arm around her, keeping her close to me.
- "I think it’s pretty silly she thinks she can hide her relationship from us"- my best friend whispered, and I nodded, chuckling.
- "‘Cos we are profilers, and we are supposed to be some of the best minds in the world?"- I asked, quoting Ethan’s words.
- "No, ‘cos she should have figured out by now profilers are nosy fuckers!"- (Y/N) joked, and the two of us burst out laughing.
- "If you ask me, I think it’s incredible all the trouble she is taking to keep their relationship a secret and also to have a relationship"
I analyzed and stared up at the sky. You couldn’t see many stars, any star actually, from there, but there’s something about looking up that has always made me feel a little calmer.
- "Yeah"- (Y/N) whispered and muted after that.
I thought, considering she had brought it up, there were more facts she wanted to talk about or analyze. But no, we just stayed there, staring at the sky for a few minutes, until our phones hummed at the same time.
- "Are you fucking kidding me?!"- (Y/N) whined and looked at the message. It was Hotch. We had a case.
- "(Y/N)!"- her mother appeared that very same second, nearly beaming in excitement- "Come catch the bouquet!"
- "We have to go"- my friend whispered and shrugged- "We’ve got a case"- and she even showed her mother her phone as proof, I guess.
- "You are fucking kidding me!"- I had to bite my lips not to laugh, ‘cos the two of them had the exact same reaction.
- "It’s Saturday! You are at a wedding!"
- "Psycho killers are always ruining the fun for us, mom."
We started walking to our table to gather our things. (Y/N) waved at her brother and hugged her cousin Lisa, whom we had barely seen the whole night.
- "Where are you kids going?"- chief (Y/L/N) asked when he realized we were getting ready to leave.
- "Hotch called. We’ve got a case"- I whispered and sighed- "I’m sorry we can’t stay."
- "Yeah, dad, sorry you couldn’t continue talking with Reid about all the cases you love, and he knows so well."
- "Then invite him over for dinner one of these days"- her father said, and for a minute, I thought he was joking, but no, he meant it.
- "You are never home for dinner, dad"- (Y/N) replied and chuckled- "But I get your point, you wanna be friends with Reid, and you want me to set you a playdate."
I don’t know if it was the fact I never really had a dad around growing up, but I found the way (Y/N) was with hers shocking and intriguing at the same time. I know I couldn’t profile her or any of my friends. I shouldn’t profile anyone who wasn’t an unsub or a suspect, but you can’t turn it off. Her attitude made me think she was the youngest in the house. Probably, the one who took her parent’s fights the worst way, and the only way she had to deal with anything was to make a joke out of it, just to make sure people would think things didn’t affect her. It made sense. Total sense.
- "You are always welcome in my house, Spencer"- Chief (Y/L/N) shook my hand as we said our goodbyes- "Please, come along to our next family dinner."
- "Of course!"
- "He has albums and scrapbooks of his favorite crimes. He will love to show them to you"- (Y/N) joked, wrapping her arms around her father. I just stared at them for a moment until Sofia reached my side and caught my attention.
- "It was very nice to finally meet you, Spencer."
- "My pleasure, ma’am."
- "My daughter talks so much about you. I’m happy she has you by her side in the team"- Sofia hugged me and tapped my back- "Please, take care of her."
- "Always"- I replied without hesitation and smiled at her- "I’ll take care of her with my life."
And it was my promise to her. One I was planning to keep.
Sofia smiled and nodded. Chief (Y/L/N) shook my hand, as well as Phoenix, and in a few minutes, we were out of there.
- "It was kind of fun"- (Y/N) whispered as she drove us to Quantico- "Thank you for being so cute with my family."
- "Don’t thank me, they were very nice."
- "Whenever you need me to put on this expensive velvet dress to impress your family, I’m available, by the way"- I nearly choked at those words, and my best friend just giggled- "That didn’t come out as I thought, but I meant…."
- "I got it, chipmunk."
- "By the way, can I still call you Honey Bunny?"
- "Of course!"
- "Even after what dad said?"- I chuckled and shook my head.
- "Yes, you can call me the way you like, muffin. I’d love it no matter what."
I was so honest and blunt with my confession, it even shocked me. I just wasn’t even trying not to sound like a man in love. Unfortunately (or fortunately, I still don’t know), (Y/N) didn’t get it that way, and she just smiled at me and winked.
- "You are the sweetest, honey bunny."
I guess at that point, there was no way to escape from the truth anymore. I was in love with my best friend. And I knew she was never going to reciprocate my feelings. There was only one thing left to do: pretend I didn’t feel anything for the sake of our friendship and just try to hide my feelings.
I was never going to tell (Y/N) how I felt about her. Never. Because I didn’t want to lose her. Keeping her close as my best friend was the only way I knew I could be with her.
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Next update: May 26th, 2021
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jakeyp · 3 years
“I don’t know why I’m crying I-I’m sorry” // angst and fluff ♥︎
hi... i kind of wrote a small fic with that prompt. you can read it here or on ao3! thanks for this i really needed the motivation. i decided to write something about what happened after 8x06! <3 
Amy arrives home a little later than usual that night, overwhelmed with the events of the last few days. There are so many things to process, though the only thing she can focus on at the moment, is her husband’s suspension. She knows Jake very well, and most likely he’ll try to hide his sadness and pretend he’s fine, not because he thinks he’s weak but because he doesn’t want Amy to worry about him. Yet, she can’t help to wonder how he’s taking it.
Not knowing what to expect as she enters their apartment, Amy tosses her keys onto the couch sadly, too distracted to place them on the key hook. Jake is nowhere to be seen, so she figures he must be putting Mac to sleep, since it’s past ten already, and there are no toys scattered around the floor.
Indeed, she finds Jake whispering to his son, who lies in his crib, babbling and very, very awake, even though the lights are dimmed and it’s quiet in there.
“Hey,” Amy says softly.
Despite her tone, Jake startles, turning around, but immediately relaxes when he sees it’s just her. “Ames,” he breathes, looking down at Mac and then back at his wife, guilt taking over his features. “I kind of let him take a nap earlier and now he can’t sleep…”
“It’s okay,” Amy says, shrugging. She wants to add something else to reassure him, but her mind’s entirely blank, so she settles for a casual question. “What did you two have for dinner?”
Jake smiles. “He tried scrambled eggs for the first time. I know it’s technically breakfast food, but I read he can eat them now, plus it’s what I cook best.”
“He loved them, duh.”
Amy chuckles. “Of course. Did you have some too?”
“I… wasn’t really hungry.”
“Oh. Well, I haven’t eaten either. We can heat some leftovers if you want.”
Jake nods with a weak smile, which widens as he turns to check on Mac. “Hey, he’s asleep! Maybe he just needed to make sure mama arrived home safe.”
Amy leans over to look at her sleeping son. Mac looks so much like his dad, when he laughs or smiles—which he’s been doing recently a lot—but especially when he’s asleep and completely peaceful.
She turns to see Jake staring at their baby with a proud smile and it warms her heart. Perhaps he’s forgotten about the suspension.
“Leftovers, then?” she whispers after a while, grabbing him by the wrist to pull him a little closer to her.
“Sure,” he says, throwing a last glance at Mac before following Amy out of their room and closing the door behind him. They’ve learned to make as little noise as possible in the last ten months, so their voices are barely above a whisper by default whenever Mac is asleep.
As it’s routine, Jake turns on the TV, not choosing a channel, and mutes it before joining Amy in the kitchen, while she gets the food from the fridge and puts it in the microwave.
From the corner of her eye, she can see Jake leaning against the counter in an awkward pose, staring at her almost anxiously.
Amy has no idea how to ask the question she’s been wanting to ask him since she got there, so she takes a deep breath and turns to him. “Babe, are you… okay with it?”
His expression tells her he’s been dreading her to ask. Yet, he plays dumb. “With what?”
“With everything that happened. Your suspension…”
“Oh,” Jake spats after what seems like hours, as if every emotion he was supposed to be feeling before was just settling in. Amy’s stomach drops. These subjects might not be her thing. “It’s fine. I suppose I can talk about it, but is it necessary?”
She shrugs. “Just tell me.” Her voice is as soft as it can be. “How do you feel about it?”
Jake puts on a poker face now. She’s usually good at reading him, but she can’t tell what he’s thinking. Amy knows how much he enjoys his job. Everything had happened so fast, though, at some point she’d lost track of it all. One second he was very excited about his ‘Speed’ situation and then, suddenly, he was in too deep.
To sum it up, it hadn’t gone well.
“I feel weird,” Jake finally admits, looking down. “It feels weird to know I won’t be going back tomorrow. But I’ll… adapt, I guess.”
“I’m sure you will,” she automatically replies, hesitating a little before placing a hand on his chest.
He seems to attempt a smile, but it vanishes right away. “I feel stupid too. Why can’t I listen? Holt told me to stay out of it and I screwed up. I screw up a lot.”
Amy frowns. “Of course you don’t. Sometimes you can be silly, yes, but there’s nothing wrong with it. This time it just… it got out of my hands too. I was really drunk.”
Jake chuckles. “Yeah,” he says shortly, and then swallows. “So five months, huh? It isn’t that much, is it? There are like thirty days in a month so it would be like a hundred days which have twenty-four hours each, so it would be like twenty-four thousand hours.”
“No,” she says, shaking her head with a smile. Math is decidedly not Jake’s strength. “It’s only like… three thousand and seven hundred hours.”
“Oh. That’s… still a lot.”
Amy sighs. His eyes are red, probably with exhaustion, and she can’t recognize the emotion behind them. It might be just deep, deep sadness.
“Ames,” he says huskily before she can talk. “What am I gonna do?”
Her eyebrows shot up, but before she can even think of an answer, Jake cuts her off again. “Things were so well yesterday. It makes me think… I can mess everything up so quickly. And it’s always my fault. What am I gonna mess up next?”
“Don’t say that,” she says, her throat knotting. “It’s okay to make mistakes, babe. And you are great at dealing with the consequences. You learn from your mistakes, you’ve always done.”
“Yeah, I keep pushing things until something goes wrong,” he argues in a trembling voice, “and until then I stop, I—” and suddenly that trembling voice breaks.
Amy’s stomach drops again as his eyes tear up, becoming redder. He immediately looks away when he realizes himself.
“Hey,” she says soothingly, cupping his face to make him look at her. “Don’t beat yourself up over this.”
“I’m sorry,” he chokes. “I know it’s a dumb thing to cry over, I just—” once more he’s unable to finish his sentence, pinching his lips shut before his voice can get any louder or high-pitched.
A single tear streams down his cheek.
“It’s not dumb,” Amy says. “If it makes you feel like this, it’s not dumb.”
“Well, I got myself into it—”
“And as I said, you will learn from it. That’s what matters.”
“I’ve been suspended like a thousand times already,” he counters, his tone bitter. "What makes you think it won’t happen again? What makes you think I couldn’t get fired?”
She shrugs, trying to stay calm even though she wants to cry as well. “I wouldn’t be less proud of you than I am today,” she says. “You’ve grown up so much and whatever you have to deal with, I have to deal with too, because I love you and I’m willing to. So please, don’t beat yourself up over this because it’s going to be fine.”
He sniffs. “How can you know that?”
“Because I’ll make sure everything’s fine. You’re not alone, babe. You have me.”
Jake stays in silence for a few seconds, and she thinks he’s going to start sobbing, but his lips curl instead. “I love you so much,” is all he says.
“I love you too,” she mouths back, afraid she’ll begin crying if she talks, and then pulls him into a hug.
They stay like that for a while, maybe five seconds or ten minutes, sinking in a silence that they don’t really mind. She pulls away from his embrace only to wipe his tears away. Jake looks so tired. Exhausted, even. She feels the same way, when minutes ago they were going to watch some TV and have dinner, though now she’s not sure she’s up for it.
Jake must have been thinking the same thing because a small laugh comes from his lips all of a sudden.
“What?” Amy asks, amused.
“I just realized we never even heated the food.”
Amy chuckles, and it only causes him to laugh a little harder. She wonders if it’s the exhaustion making such a simple detail seem so funny, and rests her head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. It’s calmer now, it could be matching hers.
“Babe,” she says softly.
“Yes?” Jake hums.
“It’s going to be fine. I promise.”
He doesn’t answer right away, and Amy separates, afraid she said the wrong thing, but Jake’s only bowing his head like she said the cheesiest thing in the world.
“I know. Thanks, Ames,” he says, and then adds, “I love you.” Even though she hears those words coming from him at least ten times a day, he manages to make them sound like it’s the first every time.
“I love you too,” Amy whispers, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
Jake is about to return a much longer kiss on the lips when Mac interrupts the moment. Amy squeezes her eyes shut with a knowing smile—this has happened many times before. However, Jake immediately becomes alert and rushes to attend to his son.
Amy chuckles to herself, finally heating the food which is still inside the microwave and turns off the TV, because they are definitely not watching anything before they fall asleep, worn off with the events.
Like Jake would say, they’re sort of an old couple now, but she couldn’t care less. To her, so far, it’s meant that things can be so easy now.
Her husband doesn’t join her back in the kitchen so she goes and checks on him and Mac. The room feels so warm and quiet still, as Jake rocks his son softly, lulling him, again not realizing Amy’s watching. It always seems like he drifts away from reality when he’s trying to make Mac stop crying—and he’s good at it. She doesn’t know what it is, but Jake is great at it.
“I have to admit,” Amy says, startling him of course, “I’m a little jealous of you. You get to spend five months with him, all by yourself.”
Jake gives her what looks like an automatic smile, and then realization hits him. “I hadn’t thought about that before,” he huffs, stroking Mac’s soft curls and looking down at him. “Did you hear that, bud? Five months for only the two of us.”
Mac babbles, and Amy tries to ignore how awake he still sounds. “Careful, Ames,” Jake tells her. “That sounded a lot like ‘dada’, and with these five months? It’s definitely going to be his first word.”
Amy rolls her eyes with a playful smile. “Not if I train him every night.”
“Challenge accepted.”
An hour later they’re both in bed after eating dinner and Amy has already changed into her pajamas. Jake hasn’t stopped rocking Mac, who woke up once more, but his father doesn’t seem to mind, and Amy has the feeling that his suspension doesn’t sound so bad to him anymore.
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