#but lemme know if you guys have any ideas for this au as well!
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fiepige · 1 year ago
Okay guys, hear me out:
Sea Serpent Hobie!!!
Sea Serpent Hobie who sinks any superyachts he comes across!
Sea Serpent Hobie who uses harpoon spears meant to kill him as piercings! And old anchor chains as jewelry!
Sea Serpent Hobie who attacks big commercial fishing boats that are destroying the ecosystem by overfishing
But also benign Sea Serpent Hobie, who aids those lost at sea!
Who helps smaller local fishing buisnesses with sustainable fishing
Who looks out for this small fishing community and in return they warn him whenever hunters show up in the area!
Sea Serpent Hobie who is huge but still manages to hide perfectly in the kelp forests!
Who has bioluminescence and uses it both to terrify enemies and as a way to calm down people in distress, as a way for him to signal goodwill - and to show off when he feels like it!
Who can change his pigmentation similarly to octopi to communicate his mood and feelings! Or just to blend in with his surroundings (also as a nod to the way he changes filters in the movie!)
Sea Serpent Hobie who's frequently seen swimming with whale pods- Orcas being his favourites to hang out with (they sometimes go on yacht sinking trips together)
Sea Serpent Hobie who likes to give people a show and will show off by breaching right next to unsuspecting boats
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ckret2 · 3 months ago
Would Mabel being the reincarnation of Bill cause a rift between her and her family? I imagine that even though they know that Mabel and Bill are two different people it'd be kinda hard to get over the fact they ARE fundamentally the same being,especially for Ford.
Now, that's the problem. They AREN'T two different people. That's the whole point of this specific AU's take on reincarnation. It's not "Mabel happens to now possess the soul that was formerly used by some other guy" but rather "this is that guy after working on himself for thirteen years, she just didn't remember it until now."
"We know you're two different people" is the kind of thing her family might say to be reassuring. But in her ears it'd be like if she's on trial for murder and her family says "We love you because we know you're innocent," when actually she did totally commit that murder, and it was premeditated, and she didn't even have a sympathetic motive. Like it's nice of you guys to say that and I know you mean well, but if you only love me because you think I didn't do anything wrong, would you still love me if you understood the truth?
The biggest rift is on Mabel's end. She's holding back from letting them find out for as long as possible. It's not coming out until they put together the evidence themselves or she has a breakdown and confesses while in tears. And, naturally, when she's trying to keep that big a secret from them, she's gonna be withdrawn.
Like, there's a very high probability that Gideon finds out before any of the Pines do, that's how hard she's trying to keep it from her family.
When they DO start finding out?
Dipper's known Mabel almost fourteen years; he knew Bill two months. He's gonna get over it the fastest.
He's cracking annoying brother jokes before you know it. "I mean—you didn't manage to kill me in the womb, I don't think you're gonna do it now." "I forgive you for the sock puppet thing but now I REALLY wish I'd done more dumb stuff in your body while we were body swapped. As pre-revenge."
If anything, ultimately this turns out to be GREAT news for Dipper. He spent all last summer being pissed off that Bill had all the secrets of the universe and just wouldn't share them, to be a dick. WELL GUESS WHAT. NOW THEY'RE SHARING A BEDROOM. He's keeping her up until 3 a.m. asking about every conspiracy theory in history until Mabel lies "sorry, my memory of that one hasn't come back yet. Maybe my memories would return faster if I could GET SOME SLEEP..."
Stan's known Mabel off and on for fourteen years, and has gotten to know her really well over the past year; he knew Bill for—lemme check how long his death scene is—under two minutes.
Try to tell Stan that Mabel's Bill and his first reaction is "WELL THAT'S STUPID AND I DON'T BELIEVE IT." "But she can set fires with her brain." "Sometimes teenage girls do that! I saw it in a horror movie!" He's gonna process the news about the same way he'd process it if Mabel told him that she's some gender he's never heard of before: he's confused and too damn old to understand this complicated identity stuff, but he loves her even if he only understands half of what's going on, and he'll punch anybody who looks at her funny because of it.
Ford's only known Mabel since last summer; he's known Bill over 32 years.
This AU ain't a fic, so there's not a single set plotline, just a whole bunch of ideas that may or may not actually happen if I were ever to turn it into a story; and because of that there's a lot of ways things could go down with Ford, on a wild scale from hilarious to heartwarming to tragic, depending on what I think is interesting on any given day. But in many potential timelines, the first and most pressing question Ford's facing isn't "can I still love Mabel even if she was—is—Bill?"
It's "How do I kill Bill again?"
Because he knows Mabel the least and knows Bill the best, he has the best odds of looking past what everyone else sees as "haha that's just Mabel being Mabel!" and going "that's Bill fucking Cipher"; and because he hates Bill the most, he's the absolute last person Mabel would voluntarily tell about her exciting new personal discovery—meaning that he just has to draw his own conclusions. If he sees Bill looking at him through this little girl's eyes and clearly trying to convince Ford that he's not Bill he's gonna assume Bill's back from the dead and possessing his niece.
If Ford finds out, Mabel's not just afraid he won't love her anymore; she's also afraid he'll want her dead. If anything, him thinking she's possessed would be a good thing, because it'll buy her a little time while he's looking for a way to "extract" Bill to "save" Mabel, whereas if he knows the truth he'll know there's no Mabel to save.
Worst case scenario, she fears that, if he finds out, she's dead as soon as he can get his hands on her—unless she can find a way to defend herself.
Of course, this is Gravity Falls, where the power of love & family always wins, so in reality if he found out no that IS Mabel it'd stay his hand while he tries to figure out what's going on. His hatred for Bill is weaker than his love for his family. But she doesn't know that.
After all, Mabel's known Ford for 32 years, and for 30 of them he was on a suicidal vengeance quest to kill her; he's only been her grunkle since last summer.
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potatoplace · 4 days ago
Labyrinth: Claws
C2 | C3: Claws | C4
Alpha!Feysand x Omega!Reader - A Backrooms AU
series masterlist | Poly!ACOTAR x Reader Masterlist | AO3 link
Summary: You attempt an escape that doesn't go quite to plan.
Warnings: moderately serious injury, horror elements, omegaverse, dub-con bathing + wound care (lemme know if I missed something)
Words: ~3.8k
Author's Note: I hope you guys like this one!! I had so much fun writing it, I've really been loving working on this series. Lemme know what you think! Can you guess what's happening towards the end of the chapter? 🤭
18+ only pls
Being nestled between two people was not how you’d expected to wake up, but then again, life the past few days had been anything but expected.
You managed to slowly wiggle your way out from between them - Rhys and Feyre, your mind supplied - without waking them, careful not to rub your palms on the furs below you. Once you were free of them, you stood and assessed your body.
Your feet were still sore, but not nearly as bad as the last time you’d been standing, and paired with the soft leather socks, you were certain that you could make it a good distance away from here before they started to ache terribly. The pain in your knees was nearly gone now, and when you gave them a quick glance, the skin was mostly healed already - a far cry from how they’d looked the last time you set eyes on them. The scrapes on your hands were only patches of pink, raw skin now, stiff but able to grab the doorknob that would lead you to freedom.
As you carefully opened the one door in the room, you risked a look back at the sleeping couple, the empty space between them sending a pang of… something to your heart. You turned away from them and to the room that lay before you, shutting the door behind you as quietly as you could. The same yellow walls greeted you, though this room had five doors, six if you included the one that you had passed through.
It was furnished well, with couches covered in furs and a low table between them in front of you, as well as a large wooden dining table with matching chairs and a nicely sized kitchen towards your right. Four of the doors in front of you were slightly cracked, with only one being closed completely.
Surely they would be more likely to close the door that leads to the rest of this place, right? You thought to yourself as you snuck towards the closed door, over to your left. The door swung openly silently, and you shut it slowly before looking into the hallways before you.
There were three paths that you could take. Three identical, endless hallways.
Seeing as you had no idea which direction they’d brought you from, you also had no idea which direction might lead out of here. A sigh left your lips, and you began walking to your right.
The hallways were the same as they had been before you’d been abducted, yellow walls with concrete floors, though as you went further from the relative safety you’d been in, more decay began showing in your surroundings. The concrete grew rougher, and cracks appeared in the wallpaper, whose color you knew would make you sick for the rest of your life, if you ever escaped from here.
With the state of the floors, you were grateful for the soft socks on your feet, though you did feel the tiniest bit bad for taking them with you, likely for them to be ruined by your journey. Your soft fur dress was a welcome comfort as well, its hem falling to your knees and sleeves reaching halfway down your forearms, keeping you much warmer from the chill of the hallways than your skimpy party dress had.
You were sad that you hadn’t looked for your heels, or something else that you would be able to use as a weapon if the situation called for it, but you’d had a feeling that taking any extra time in the couple’s den would have lead to you getting caught by them.
As it was, you carried on at a steady pace, though you knew you were still weakened from your previous days of having no food or water.
Oh, you would miss having water. But being free? That was far more important.
You took whatever turns you could in an effort to not be found by Feyre or Rhys, though you had a strange feeling on the back of your neck already, like you were being watched. Resisting the urge to look behind you, you trudged onwards, nose wrinkling when your stomach growled loudly.
Maybe you would stumble across something to eat soon, some berries that wouldn’t turn to ash the moment you touched them.
The hallways stretched on endlessly in all directions, each one so similar to the last that you thought you may be going in circles, if not for your newest discovery.
In front of you was a courtyard - well, below you was a courtyard, a large grassy area in the shape of a square, with a concrete pathway running through it diagonally. While the sight may have comforted you if you were able to run your fingers through the soft greenery, it had the opposite effect from where you were standing.
Ten stories above it.
All hope you had of finding your way out of here vanished with the sight, cold dread slithering down your spine. There was no way that you had merely tripped and fallen through a door in a drunken haze, even if you had disregarded the life you’d encountered in your time here.
But that left the question: Where were you?
You pulled your arms in around your waist in an effort to comfort yourself, with little effect. A few calming breaths later, you started on your way again, though at this point, you weren’t sure what the point was.
Maybe… Maybe if you tripped into here, you could trip out again?
But that would require you falling, and if you were going to get any more distance between you and the mysterious couple, you couldn’t afford to get hurt again.
You tossed your head back and let out a long sigh, resolving to try your theory once you felt you had walked far enough. But for now, you would keep walking at a steady pace and take whichever turns looked most promising.
Yellow hallway after yellow hallway, and with each one you passed through you felt the sensation on the back of your neck grow, a shiver running down your spine.
You’d been walking for at least an hour now, maybe two, and the feeling had grown to a gnawing in the back of your head, and you couldn’t ignore it any longer, especially not when you heard a scratching noise somewhere behind you, your head turning to look over your shoulder.
And then you broke into a run, a scream leaving your lips after your brain processed that behind you was another Attor, its mouth opening to let out a metallic roar that had your ears ringing.
No thoughts were in your head as you took the next corner, your feet screaming as the rough concrete poked through the leather on them. All you needed was to be safe, that’s all.
You risked a glance back at the decaying monster, your head getting light when you saw that the Attor had gotten closer, its bone white claws gleaming under the fluorescent lighting.
Ahead of you was a large room, yellow pillars placed randomly throughout it, with a hallway branching off from each wall. There was the slightest possibility that you could outrun the monster, or find a pillar to hide behind until it left.
But just as you passed the first pillar, the Attor had pinned you to it, deathly claws sinking into both sides of your waist. You let out a scream, white-hot heat spreading through your torso where your skin was pierced, your body twitching involuntarily and causing pain to lance through your sides.
The creature let out another roar, and your head was spinning as it leaned in. “Oh, she will be very pleased with me,” it cackled, its rancid breath washing over you. “She hasn’t had an omega in years.”
You didn’t have any space in your head left to think about what the Attor meant, not with the pain overtaking your every thought, the sight of the razor-sharp fangs in the beast’s mouth, so close to your vulnerable everything.
But suddenly its claws were tearing through you from left to right, leaving you altogether a moment later, and you sunk to the ground, clutching your sides as you moaned in pain.
A black mass shot past you and into the Attor, and as you turned your head to your right, you saw Rhys, flying towards you with his massive wings and black smoke gathered around him. The sight would have terrified you, if not for the way your sides and stomach were aching, hot blood seeping out of your wounds and soaking your torn dress. He flew past you in an instant, slamming into the Attor, who howled in pain in its metallic voice.
Your vision started to spin as you leaned back against the column behind you, heavy breaths leaving you as your eyelids grew heavy.
Cool hands met your cheeks, and when you opened your eyes, you were met with worried blue-grey ones. She took in a sharp breath when her eyes drifted down, landing on the torn sides of your dress, the blood seeping down you.
“I’ll have you patched up in no time, love, just stay still,” Feyre soothed, her hands lowering to your sides and gripping your waist and stomach gently, staying even when you hissed in pain. A soft glow came from her hands, and you felt a hot, itching sensation where your skin was torn. “There we go, that’ll keep you from bleeding much more until we’re back.” Feyre pushed herself up, then leaned down to scoop you into her arms with ease.
She began walking not a moment later, leading you away from the horrific noises the Attor was making as Rhys tore it apart, his dark laughter drifting after you through the hallways.
Once they were out of sight, you sniffled as the terror of your situation sunk in, how you had nearly died, and would have if not for Rhys and Feyre finding you. Without thinking, you buried your face in Feyre’s neck, taking in deep breaths of lilac and pear, the smell settling the fear in you to a quiet buzz in the back of your mind.
“I’ll save the lecture for when we’re safe, omega, just close your eyes, okay?”
You whimpered in her hold, but did as she asked without question. It was… More pleasant than you’d expected, being carried in her arms and pretending this was normal.
It took a tiny fraction of the time for Feyre to carry you back to their den that it had taken you to walk the distance, making you question just what the hell are these people?
She swung a door open and took you inside, revealing the large room that you had exited from earlier, two men, winged like Rhys, sitting on one of the couches.
Their eyes snapped to the two of you, grins spreading across their lips. “Find the stray omega, hm?” One of them asked in a playful tone, to which Feyre merely growled in response, setting you on edge as she quickly brought you into the room she and Rhys shared.
Feyre set you on your feet gingerly, her hands steadying you by the shoulders when you swayed for a moment. You heard a whistle, and saw the two men standing in the doorway, staring at you in your ripped up dress. Feyre growled once more before slamming the door shut in their faces, turning to you with fire in her eyes.
It cooled in a instant, when she saw the fear in your eyes as you shivered in the cool air, soaked in your own blood.
“Oh, darling, let’s get you into the bath,” Feyre cooed, taking charge and stripping the dress off of you and tossing it into the bucket next to the bathtub. You held your hands to your chest in an attempt to preserve your modesty, whatever amount of it you still had left at this point. Rushing water sounded behind you, and when you turned, the tub was completely filled with steaming hot water.
How, you had no clue.
Feyre attempted to nudge you into the bath, and after you refused to budge she simply sighed and lifted you by your underarms over the lip of the tub and into the water, your feet stinging painfully when they broke the surface.
You whimpered as she gently pushed you down into the water, the stinging even worse on your still somewhat open cuts along your abdomen. “I know, ‘mega, but they need to be cleaned before I do anything else to them,” Feyre murmured as she grabbed a cloth and a small bar of soap. She scrunched her eyebrows together when you tried to move out of her reach, holding your hands out to take the items from her. “Just stay still, I will be bathing you today, Y/N.”
“Why?” You whispered as she gently worked the cloth over the streaks of blood that were stubbornly clinging to your skin, the water turning a light pink as she did so.
“Because you’re my omega, and you got hurt,” Feyre admitted. “I just need to take care of you now, so stop fighting me,” she commanded you gently, your movements stilling.
You let her finish washing you, cheeks flaming when she cleaned your breasts and lower half, though she did keep her touch light. Not that that changed much.
Rhys burst through the door as Feyre was drying off with a soft fur, your hands coming to clutch at it and hide your body from him. He let out a sigh when he saw you, his shoulders and wings relaxing as he turned to shut the door behind him.
You, however, tensed up at how he looked now - his leather clothing, skin, and wings coated in a thick grey substance, one that you had a feeling belonged to the Attor that he had been destroying while Feyre carried you away.
“I’m glad to see that you’re mostly fine now, darling, but if you pull a stunt like that again?” Rhys asked, deadly serious as he stood in front of you. “You will not like the consequences. Am I understood, omega?” It was impossible to keep from nodding your head under the weight of his stare, but the smile he gave you after had the pressure lifting from your chest a moment later. “Good, now let Feyre take care of your wounds while I get this gunk off of me.”
Feyre dressed you in a thin set of knit fur underwear, then guided you down onto the mound of furs you had slept on earlier. She grabbed the wooden jar they had gotten the salve from last night, her face disapproving when she turned back to see your legs pulled to your chest, preventing her from looking at your wounds.
The two of you struggled quietly while Rhys bathed, with Feyre managing to get salve on your re-injured feet, and a new pair of thin leather socks slipped over them.
Water splashing drew your eyes to the bathtub, giving you a good look at Rhys’s naked form. Your cheeks flushed bright red as you looked away from him and back to Feyre, who had a knowing smile on her face as she watched you.
“Rhys, would you help me with her? She’s being very stubborn,” Feyre chirped happily, grinning when Rhys came over, picked you up, and sat down where you had been, settling you onto his lap.
His naked lap.
You fought the urge to wiggle in his hold, knowing that you did not want any consequences from… that.
Rhys chuckled, his chest rumbling beneath you as he wrapped his arms around your chest, just above the cuts across your abdomen. “Go ahead, darling, I have a feeling she’ll stay still enough for you now.”
Feyre shared a smile with him as she set to work, her hands applying the cool salve to your broken skin gently.
Rhys kept himself occupied with your neck, his mouth switching between placing soft kisses along its expanse and hovering over the skin, just to take in deep lungfuls of your scent. Halfway through Feyre’s work a rumble came from Rhys’s chest, the vibrations making your body go pleasantly limp in his hold.
By the time Feyre stopped you were feeling sleepy and safe, which was weird considering the situation, but you weren’t about to turn away comfort at this point. You must have closed your eyes, because next thing you knew, Rhys was helping Feyre shimmy a different dress down your torso, loose enough to sleep comfortably in.
But then Rhys had you tucked against his chest against, one arm looped around your abdomen, his free hand idly stroking a pattern over your thigh.
“Open your mouth, love,” Rhys coaxed you, and your lips wrapped around the cool edge of a mug, water trickling down your throat. You opened your eyes to see Feyre holding said mug to your mouth, a gentle smile on her lips and her eyes softened.
“So good for us, Y/N,” Feyre cooed as she took the mug away once you’d emptied it, setting it next to the dish of food that she had, apparently, gone to grab. “Will you eat a bit before you sleep again, love? Since you lost so much blood, it would be the best choice.”
Between your rumbling stomach and her hopefully look, you were more than willing to let them feed you once more, especially if it meant you could get some sleep afterwards.
She slowly fed you a bowl of soup, though how they had meat here, you weren’t sure. But it tasted normal enough, and between it and another mug of water, you were absolutely stuffed by the time Feyre took the dishes over to the small kitchen on the far side of the room, while Rhys took the opportunity to slide down into a laying position, slowly rolling to place you on your side without hurting your wounds.
Feyre rejoined you a few moments later, now bare of her previous clothing as she laid down facing you, and both her and Rhys began pulling furs over the three of you, trapping in a wonderful amount of body heat. Paired with one of Rhys’s wings blocking out the light again, you were lucky to be awake for more than a minute, a wide yawn parting your lips as you settled in fully.
“Good omega, that’s it,” Rhys murmured in your ear as your breathing began to even out, one of his arms reaching over you to pull Feyre closer to both of you.
You couldn’t find it in yourself to care that you were nestled between two naked mostly-strangers, not right now, when their lovely scents were mingling around you, their combined warmth cocooning you so wonderfully.
When you woke, it was to an empty bed.
Which normally wouldn’t be a cause for concern.
But here? With what you’d gone through so recently? Being alone was hardly a good thing for you.
And it didn’t help that you were feeling restless, like something was wrong. So… It couldn’t hurt to check the other room, just to make sure that someone is still around?
You did just that, shimmying out from under the pile of furs that were covering you, leaving them behind even as you shivered in the cool air, mind set on finding someone.
The door opened silently, and you were met with the sight of Rhys sitting on a couch, shirtless but with a large, plush looking fur draped over his lap. Across from him on the other couch were the two other winged men you had seen before falling asleep, but you paid them no mind.
No, your body guided you to what you were needing, your feet taking you directly to where Rhys was sitting.
He looked at you, mouth parting as if to scold you, before you threw yourself onto his lap, your legs bending so that you were straddling him, your arms wrapped tightly around his back. In the next moment you had buried your face in his neck, breathing in the heavenly citrus and sea scent rolling off of him.
Your abdomen ached mildly as you pressed yourself against him, but that was nothing compared to the ache you felt when his arms didn’t immediately wrap around you, though you knew that was an insane thought.
You whined into the skin of his neck, huffing satisfactorily when he pulled you into him more tightly, his own face burying in your neck.
He pulled away quickly, though, causing tears to build in your eyes. Rhys gave you a sympathetic look before he lifted you up slightly to pull the fur from beneath you, letting it drape over you as his arm guided you back into his chest.
That was nicer.
You didn’t know what had gotten into you, but you were mostly comfortable as you went back to your previous position, enjoying the soft kisses Rhys was giving your neck as he talked with the other two, their words slipping in one ear and out the other.
The only thing that might make this better…
You yawned widely against Rhys’s neck. You weren’t sure what would make this better, but you would know it when you saw it.
So when you turned your head at the sound of a door shutting to see Feyre, you let out a loud whine from your spot in Rhys’s arms, drawing her attention instantly.
Her eyes lit up at the sight of you in his arms, and she made her way over to you quickly. “Awe, is our little omega sweetening up?” She cooed as she slid under the fur and right up to your and Rhys’s sides, one gentle hand coming to cup your cheek. “You just needed a bath and a warm meal, hm?” She asked playfully before leaning in to press her lips to your cheek.
You were, surprisingly, breathless when she pulled away, your heartbeat quickening as you tried to scoot closer to her without losing any contact with Rhys. When you couldn’t, a soft cry left your lips, to which Feyre and Rhys both shushed you quietly. Feyre managed to position herself so her head was near yours, and one arm was halfway over you - as close as she could get how you were laying, and right now you were unwilling to move any further than moving your left arm from wrapping around Rhys to wrapping around Feyre.
You heard one of the other men say something, but it didn’t register as you let yourself relax into the two of them, especially once Rhys made his chest rumble again, soothing you straight to sleep again.
General Taglist: @daughterofthemoons-stuff @lilah-asteria @meritxellao @twismare @wrenisrad @icey--stars
Labyrinth Taglist: @kissesfromnovalie
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yowumi · 5 months ago
Hotshot surgeon Gojo x Medical Student Reader Ft. Hotshot Surgeon Suguru [ modern au ] TW. Pregnancy & Love Triangle
Shotgun Wedding CH. 01 | one night, forever?
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Summary. Satoru Gojo, The states #1 Neurosurgeon, known for his wealthy clan. He was known for his success, parties, and his willingness to fuck anybody and everybody in a 10 mile radius. Unfortunately, one unlucky night, you make the wise decision to do what any hard working young medical student would do when faced with a sexy doctor…you sleep with him in which changes your life forever.
Warnings. Accidental pregnancy, no protection (wrap it before you tap it), love triangle, roommates (they all live together), arranged marriage, satoru is a bit of a meanie, plot twists, angst, smut, you only end up with one.
A/N. this is my first time writing a fanfic, although i’ve always wanted to! i’m always open to take constructive criticism or any tips to make my writing better! I hope you guys enjoy and definitely lemme know if you have any suggestions, read well luv <3
keep up! // ch. 1 // ch. 2 (coming soon)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
one, two, three…
this can’t be right, why do these all say positive, there isn’t any possible way this could be happening. You were only twenty two, this can’t be happening.
the plus sign on the pregnancy test is clear as day. you were pregnant. this had to be some mistake, you can’t even remember the last time you’ve got it on with someone let alone let anyone not use protection.
you’ve always been way too cautious, especially with your mother being a young mother herself, always so strict when it came to boys and using protection.
how could you fuck up this bad?
a tear falls from your face, before many more. you can’t hold it together, not now. you can’t be a mother? you don’t even know who the father is. this is all too much.
beep, beep
Incoming Call: King Nobara
you look at the dumb contact name you and nobara made up one night while you were drunk recalling the night where she had yuji bow down to her passing her drinks while pronouncing her ‘King Nobara’ for getting the drunkest.
You send it to voicemail, there’s no way you could face her right now. nobara would burn down the city if she knew her best friend was crying.
King Nobara: omgggg im so hungover from last night, yuji said him and gumi had to force me out lmao
King Nobara: where did you go btw i was tryna find you all night, last i saw you were with doctor save a hoe 🍆💦
14 hours ago.
“Oh my god i can’t believe Shoko invited us here, there’s so many hotties! Oh my god is that Maki Zenin” She slaps your arm playfully trying to grab your attention towards Maki Zenin.
Maki Zenin, She wasn’t a big shot surgeon but she was a quick learner, being the first in her class to get an internship at only nineteen years old, making a special exception straight out of high school. Nobara is a total fangirl for her, admiring her for being a ‘girl boss’ and her beauty.
some would even say Nobara had a little crush, although she would never admit it.
“aren’t we supposed to be here for work” Megumi makes a remark towards Nobara and Yuji who are already shoving wine down their throats.
“Hey man take advantage of the free alcohol, this shit is nothing like cheep shit we get, taste it gumi!” Yuji hands Megumi a glass looking at him like an excited puppy.
Megumi rolls his eyes and takes a sip.
“Whatever, i just hope I don’t see Gojo, he’s always pestering me about how I should let him mentor me.” Megumi gets all creeped out from the thought of Gojo.
Apparently he has known Gumi since he was a kid, they are about 8 years apart in age.
Megumi hates him.
“He’s the #1 Neurosurgeon in tokyo, it isn’t a horrible idea” You suggest, “Being close to someone like that itself is a blessing, he could totally help you out”
“Yeah i hear he’s like loaded rich! he could pay for like your dog food and shit since you buy that crap every day!” Nobara slurs her words and laughs,
Megumi has a lot of pets surprisingly, Nobara likes to joke that he’s ‘Snow White’. He really does buy a lot of dog food though to be fair, his dogs are huge.
“No amount of money is worth spending time with that maniac, I’d rather buy dog food every hour” He finishes his drink
This talk of Gojo is getting him worked up, “His best friend isn’t that bad though, I hear he’s a respectable man and good at his studies” Megumi adds,
“Oh what’s his name! uh Gojo-“ Yuji tries to think of who he’s talking about, the mention of Gojo makes megumi shoot Yuji a glare, “-OH! I KNOW! I KNOW! GETO!” he says excitedly as if he just figured out the hardest puzzle in the world,
Nobara cheers Yuji on, and you take a sip of your drink admiring their immaturity. Something you and Megumi can appreciate from them is how they always keep a light attitude. The pressure of school and work was draining and keeping a light attitude constantly couldn’t be easy.
You all look over to find Geto before Nobara points towards him, “oh my gosh he’s so handsome, you should totally talk to him y/n he’s ogling you like crazy! you need to get over that stupid choso anyways” She says grabbing your arm to motion you towards him,
“ugh don’t remind me, i don’t want to think of that asshole” You say, chugging down drinks before you could think any longer.
Before you knew it, Geto was walking towards you, you suddenly felt nervous, his presence was intimidating. Anyone can argue his beauty is unmatched, he has such a romantic aspect to him, looking at him looks like love itself, you’re struggling to keep your composure.
“Hello, you must be y/n l/n, I’ve heard lots about you, I couldn’t help but introduce myself” He says with a charming smile,
“It’s an honor to meet you, sir. I admire your medical expertise” You say entranced in his eyes, it felt like he was staring into your soul.
“No need to be so formal, you can call me Suguru if you’d like” He says while taking your hand and kissing it, you realize Nobara has disappeared somewhere.
“You should come by my office sometime, I would be interested in talking more with you soon, i’m afraid i’ve grown too tired to stay here any longer, have to hide before Satoru brings me into some trouble” He laughs off at the mention of Satoru,
Wow, Satoru Gojo really wasn’t a good influence, huh?
You nod and say you’re goodbyes as you watch as he leaves with a blonde man. Nanami Kento, Tokyo’s #1 Obstetrician.
You wander off barely holding yourself up as you bump into someone nearly causing you to fall over. “M-my apologies” You say slurring your words as you look up to see a tall white haired man, he looked like an angel.
His blue eyes pierced you as he smirks and says “Don’t worry your pretty head about it, i was in the way, how about I buy you a drink for my stupidity” He flirts
and it’s working.
You nod and he pulls you gently over to sit down in a corner, there wasn’t many people here, almost everyone left.
As you guys pile up on drinks, you both become ridiculously drunk, talking about debt and studies and about your career, until you both could barely think.
You both just sit in a comfortable silence for a while, before you see the white man slowly pull you into a kiss, his lips were soft and you could smell the cologne on him, he smelt really good.
You’re hand wrapped around his neck, you look around before going any further realizing you two were the only ones left. You get on top of him and sit on his lap as he pulls you closer, tracing the arch of your back.
He holds your hips down on him, feeling the bulge in his dress pants. The kiss deepened as he laid you down on the booth, placing his jacket under you for comfort without pulling away from the kiss once.
He slowly plants kisses down your chest, “you’re beautiful” he breaks away before unbuckling his pants and pulling them down just enough to pull out his dick.
He unbuttoned his shirt next to show his muscular body, you traced the lines of his abs with your fingers before going down to his v line, he groaned a little before lifting up the dress you were wearing to take your underwear off, grabbing one of your clothed plump boobs that were barely staying in the dress.
“I’m gonna fuck you so good, promise princess, gonna make this pussy mine” he says as he places his dick against your core, feeling him twitch against your clit earning a moan from you and for him to buck his hips closer.
He enters you and he swears he’s seeing stars as he thrusts into you greedily, he’s slurring his words as he mutters things about how “it’s mine, gonna cum in this pussy” he says feeling himself become closer the longer he’s inside of you.
you haven’t gotten any action in so long, you haven’t even been on the pill, this didn’t cross your mind in the moment of course. Who would think about that when Satoru Gojo is saying he wants to cum inside of you?
“shit, fucking gonna cum inside, so tight, gonna breed you so well, say it. say you’ll let me breed a sweet little baby into you, fuck” he groaned letting lose of the little composure he had before.
“cum inside me, Satoru, want you to put a baby inside of me” and with those words Satoru whimpered in your ear as he kept thrusting hard feeling cum ache out of his balls, filling you up to the brim.
This happened about 3 more times before he had your drive drop you off at home where you’re roommate, Megumi had to carry you inside and he gives Gojo a disgusted look.
After laying you down he leaned down on the car door, where Gojo slowly rolled down the window and looked like a child on trouble.
“What the fuck did you do, Satoru. She is barely conscious.” He says with anger in his voice. He knew Satoru wouldn’t do anything without consent but he wouldn’t be surprised if he took advantage of his pretty privilege with drunk woman.
“So am i, Gumi” he says barely able to stay awake for this conversation.
“Whatever just leave her alone, she isn’t one of your girls, she’s my friend and she has potential to be more than one of your little interns” He says while walking off
In the moment Satoru was glad Megumi left because he was on the verge of passing out. He didn’t think you were one of his little interns, he was listening when you were speaking about your goals and dreams of being a doctor. He really wasn’t trying to get into your pants, but he knew Suguru was been eye balling you for weeks, so he already felt regretful for sleeping with you.
back to the present
you’re brought back from your thoughts when you hear a knock on your door startling you from your head as you take a second to clear your voice so it doesn’t sound like you were crying.
“You alright in there? i heard a noise” Megumi’s voice echos through the door and you grab your composure, wiping away your tears before opening the door.
you put on a smile, “yeah sorry i’m just really hungover, you can come in” you offer noticing he brought you a coffee.
you both sit on the bed before megumi breaks the silence, “Gojo dropped you off last night, are you okay? he didn’t make you join an orgy or something right?” he asks concerned.
You and megumi have been friends since you were kids, his big sister was your best friend before her death in middle school, ever since then you and megumi have been pretty close, you were almost like family. sharing a mutual grief and love for someone close to each other.
“No, he didn’t do anything like that, I promise” you laugh off and he stares for a while trying to find any discomfort in your words before believing your words.
The phone was on the bed facing right towards you and megumi before his face turns red and he flips the phone over.
you’re face brightens at this news, “Megumi! you have to tell me about this right now, hold on let’s all have a group call!” you say laughing heading towards your phone before he chases you down for it.
“NO!” He raises his voice a little, face burning red, “I’m not talking to itadori.” He states, looking away in embarrassment.
megumi looks up with wide eyes, “Wait!” he says flustered trying to reach for the phone.
Megumi lays his head in his hands and faces towards the wall like a child who has been punished. “WHAAAAT” you say laughing as you poke at his sides trying to get it out of him.
“I’m leaving now.” he says walking away with hands still in his hands as he goes to find the leashes for his dogs.
you laugh as he walks away.
“Wait Gumi! quick question” you say stopping him, hesitated if you should ask him
He stops at his tracks and turns towards you raising an eye brow in acknowledgement,
“Can you give me Satoru Gojo’s Address”
he looks away almost in disappointment before writing it down on a sticky note before heading out the door, before closing it he pauses before saying, “be careful, y/n”
Now that you have his address, you head off to find his house
knock knock knock
Your nerves were going crazy, like at any moment you would explode. How were you even supposed to tell this to him?
Oh hey! I know your probably don’t remember me because we were hammered but you actually got me pregnant haha surprise!
What were you thinking, as if he would even care. If anything he was gonna tell you to go away or that you were crazy or threaten your career so you will get rid of it.
A rich asshole doesn’t want his life interrupted by this.
Before you turn to leave, you hear the door swing open revealing a familiar face.
Suguru Geto
He looks surprised to see you, he’s most likely thinking ‘how did this crazy chic find my place’
Damnit megumi gave you the wrong address, this is so embarrassing, you should just go home and eat ice cream while crying about how utterly stupid you are.
“Oh, i’m so sorry- this is so weird uh i thought this was Gojo’s house, megumi gave me an address and he gave me the wrong one, so sorry! uh i’ll be going now..” you say looking down in embarrassment, it stays silent for a while before you hear him laugh.
Why is he laughing?
“May i ask why you’re looking for Gojo?” he asks in curiosity,
You try and think fast of an excuse to use, what could you possibly tell him, there was no good excuse to be at his house, it’s not like you guys were friends.
So you do the most believable excuse you could give him.
“I left my uh underwear at his place and i came to pick it up but i was too hammered to remember the place!” you say, that had to be convincing, right?
He nods in amusement,
“aw that’s interesting. Satoru came home alone last night, I would know I live here as well” And now you feel stupid.
“So uh this is his house then…” you say,
Suguru nods slowly before you see Satoru call out for Suguru, approaching the door, shirt off and only in pajama pants.
His eyes widen when he sees you, Suguru can’t know about what happened last night, oh he’s fucked. He has to play it off like he doesn’t know you, it’s for the best.
You look at him in worry, he wonders if something is wrong with the way she’s looking at him. Suguru looks towards him with a smirk but he knew Suguru was pissed by the way he didn’t look him in the eye.
“You have a visitor, Satoru.” He says before leaving back into the house.
Satoru looks at you now, “Hey” he says awkwardly rubbing his head, he somehow feels like your gonna yell at him, he feels like he’s in trouble.
You take a baggie out of your pocket that showed the three pregnancy tests, all positive.
He looks confused at first before he sees it for himself, his eyes widen, fuck.
“What the hell are these fake?! I can’t be the father, haven’t you slept with anyone else lately?!” He says in a panic not realizing how aggressive he is coming off
You shake your head no, feeling tears fall from your eyes
“You can’t keep it! Suguru would kill me, your career is at stake! my career is on the line! It isn’t mine!” He starts freaking out, how could he fuck up this bad
“I can raise it on my own, this was stupid! I knew i should have never told you, you only care about yourself!” you yell before you try and walk away and he grabs your hand.
He takes a moment to get his composure back, to get himself together. “let’s just, let’s sit down” He says calmly not looking you in the eye.
You sit down and you both don’t say a word for a few minutes, satoru runs his hands over his hair and you lay your head in your lap.
Hiding the fact that it’s Satoru Gojo’s child would be very hard, his clans genes are very strong, your child is bound to have his signature white hair and blue eyes.
The only man with those features. It would be puzzled together with no problem, you don’t have any of those features. Would you really have to abort the baby?
You didn’t plan on being a mother but…
it doesn’t mean you didn’t want to be.
“I’m keeping the baby. You don’t have to be in its life if you don’t want to. I understand.” You grab your bag and stand up.
“I will be in the child’s life, it isn’t fair to just leave you with a child, i’m not an asshole. It’s my fault in the first place, I will accept it, eventually.” He said looking down in his hands, for once he seemed mature, like he was serious about what he was saying.
“Are you sure?”
He nods.
“Thank you for showing me, y/n” He looks up and softly smiles, he felt sorry for how he just stressed you out, the least he could do was offer a comforting smile, he wanted to be there for her.
“You live with Megumi right?” He asks even though he knows the answer. You nod.
“That wont do, you will move your things here, there are two doctors here and a maid to watch over you and Gumi’s place isn’t big enough for a baby” He says but it’s almost demanding.
“What do i tell him?” You ask, how were you gonna tell your friends this, Megumi is gonna be so disappointed.
“Dunno, it’s up to you, I wont tell him anything until you do so it’s up to you, you don’t need your bed and stuff, just get what you need, we can get it now” He says going in his house to get his keys, seeing Suguru looking at him from behind the kitchen island.
You walk in as he grabs his keys and look at the floor, still in your head about all of this.
“Where are y’all heading” Suguru asks, sipping on his coffee like a dad interrogating his daughter. Which in this case his daughter is Satoru.
“Getting her stuff, she’s gonna move in here” He says, he knows what he did was messed up to Suguru but he didn’t feel like he owed him an explanation, not now. He still needed to process it himself.
Suguru says nothing to Satoru and turns towards you instead, he places a soft smile of hospitality towards you, “Well make yourself at home” He says before walking off not even looking at Satoru as he walks off.
The rest of the night, Satoru takes you to your apartment so you can pack your things, he helps you and thankfully Megumi isn’t home so it makes things easier. Satoru would get a mouthful from him for sure.
Before packing the last of your things, you leave the money for the bills you pay and a sticky note,
What were you supposed to say?
“I’m going to be moving, found somewhere to stay, thank you for letting me stay with you Gumi, you have my number if anything, the keys are under the mat” and you stick it on top of the money before heading out.
The car ride home is silent, leaving you and satoru both in your thoughts. A man you just met yesterday got you pregnant, and now you’re going to live with him.
Not to mention, you are living with Tokyo’s finest and best surgeons in the country.
How did you get here?
A/N. OMG i just realized that reader wouldn’t be able to find out she’s pregnant just after one night but i already wrote it and don’t feel like changing it soooo let’s just not pay attention to that mistake…
TAG LIST: @jeannieboys @maskedpacific @muimuiwisteria @stuckinmoilalaland
take me to the next chapter! (coming soon…)
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acotarspritz · 7 months ago
Medals and Misunderstandings - an ACOTAR Olympics AU
Azriel x swimmer!reader
Blurb : You run into Azriel in the Olympic village and he can't seem to get you off his mind, but when you see him again you are convinced the handsome guy with amber eyes doesn't like you, so you go out of your way to avoid him. (Part 1)
Author's Note: AHHHHH here is the first part of my Olympics inspired Acotar AU. I will most likely do multiple short series or oneshots for different characters (if you have any ideas/ requests please send them in), and I will most definitely write a second part for this, I just wanted to get this first part out before overthinking it and disappearing from the face of the Earth! This is my first time writing fanfiction for ACOTAR, and my first time writing fanfiction in a long time (live, laugh, love the inspiration draught), so please don't expect me to turn into Jane Austen. Other than that, hope you enjoy !!
warnings : english is not my first language so please excuse any/all grammar errors, not entirely proofread, slight mentions of injury, slight mentions of burn scars (Az's hands), swearing, reading thinking people are laughing at her
lemme know if I missed any and I'll add them !
You couldn’t believe your alarm hadn’t rang. You thought back to the night, before when you had set it to make sure you would have enough time for breakfast before practice, as you ran to exit the Olympic Village. The good news was that the pool wasn’t too far from the village, but as you looked back at your watch you felt your panic rise. No matter how close the pool was, you were still very late, and you knew your coach would be extremely angry when you showed up.
Before you could even contemplate what she would say to you, you felt yourself run head-first into something, and the next thing you knew you were sprawled out on the pavement. Pain shot up your spine at the impact, and you were grateful you had packed painkillers in your bag last night. 
A hand appeared in front of you, to help you up you assumed. As if your morning couldn’t go any worse, of course you had to run head first into someone. You looked up as you grabbed the hand held out to you, and your eyes fell on what you were sure had to be one of the most attractive men you had ever seen. He helped you up with a sheepish smile, but all you could focus on was his eyes, like pools of molten gold. 
The stranger cleared his throat, “I’m sorry, I should have been more focused on where I was going, are you alright?”
His deep, slightly raspy voice broke you out of your daydream, and you realized in panic that you were still extremely late to practice. You grabbed your bag that had fallen off your shoulder when you ended up on the floor, and looked back at him before spluttering “I’m okay, um, it was my fault really, I was the one running and I-”, your phone ringing in your pocket, most likely your coach, told you that it was really time to get to practice, “I have to go, sorry!” 
You were already running as you uttered your apology, leaving behind the mysteriously attractive man with honey eyes, and heading to practice, where you were certain to get an earful from your coach. 
As Azriel walked back to the cafeteria to grab breakfast with his teammates, he couldn’t help but think of the girl he had run into this morning. Well, technically, the girl who ran into him. He had gone for an early morning walk to clear his head of the nightmares that had plagued him and had made it impossible for him to get enough sleep, when you had barreled into him at full speed. He hadn’t seen you coming, and before he could react you were on the floor in front of him. He had hesitated before holding his hand out to help you up, the burn marks on his hands often causing people to avoid touching him as though he carried some sort of disease, yet you had grabbed it without a second thought and let him pull you up. 
Maybe you hadn’t noticed, or just didn’t care, but your reaction had caused him to falter slightly. You had run off about as quickly as you had run into him, and you would probably not think twice about him today, but he couldn’t seem to get you off his mind. You had looked so effortlessly beautiful, with your hair up, and your slightly red cheeks, although he wasn’t sure if it was from running or embarrassment. Were you an athlete? Or maybe a volunteer? 
Azriel didn’t have much more time to think about who you were as he had already made it to the cafeteria, and he saw two of his teammates and friends sitting while waiting for him. He sat next to Cassian, who passed him a black coffee and a few slices of toast that he had grabbed, knowing that Azriel didn’t like anything too complicated for breakfast. He gave a small smile at how well the man knew him before sipping on his coffee. 
His mind once again drifted back to you, as he listened to Cassian rant about his girlfriend, Nesta. He hadn’t recognized the colors you were wearing, but maybe you had decided to wear something other than your olympian uniform, which made finding out who you were a lot more complicated. There were thousands of athletes participating in the games this year, and even more volunteers, what were the odds of him running into you again? 
Azriel could feel someone’s eyes on him, and looked up to find Rhys, another teammate and his team captain, looking at him with a calculating gaze. Cassian, who had stopped talking when he realized neither man was listening to him complain about how much time his girlfriend spent reading instead of with him, whined, “How come you guys never care when I’m having relationship problems?” 
Azriel and Rhys both let out a laugh. They were used to his dramatics of course, having grown up together, but that never made his reactions any less entertaining. Before he could complain any more, Rhys shot him a look before turning back to Azriel. “What’s on your mind, Az?”
He wasn’t sure how Rhys knew something was bothering him. He had always been able to see when Azriel had something on his mind, even if Azriel was convinced he didn’t show it, almost as though he could read his mind. But then again, they had known each other for years, and were incredibly in tune with each other, which is why all three of them worked so well on the field, or perhaps Azriel just wasn’t as discrete as he had always thought he was. 
“Nothing’s bothering me, I���m just a little tired I guess,” he answered with a shrug of his shoulders. 
He could see Rhys’ eyes narrow as he looked over his face. Whatever he saw convinced him to drop the subject, but he sent Azriel a look that very clearly told him that the conversion was not over. Cassian must have sensed that the conversation would not go any further, and broke all seriousness as he exclaimed, “Now can we get back to the matter at hand? Nesta loves her books more than she loves me!” and sent the two other men into a laughing fit.
You had underestimated how angry your coach would be because of your tardiness. Not only had she yelled so loud you were certain everyone within five kilometers of the pool had heard her, she had also pushed you a lot harder; more core strength exercises that had left your abs throbbing, and so many more laps than she usually made you do. You were already slightly sore when you had sat with Tarquin at dinner, but you were sure tomorrow it would be much worse. 
Varian and Cresseida had joined the two of you about twenty minutes ago with their food, as you guys had been doing since the Olympics had begun a few days ago, and were currently arguing over who the faster runner was. It was a silly argument, considering neither of them were runners, and you were pretty sure the only time you had seen Cresseida run was when there was a sale in one of her favorite shops. Suddenly, the table fell quiet and a cocky smile appeared on Varian’s face, and you knew exactly who had approached your table. 
It was a routine by now; Tarquin, Varian, Cresseida and you would sit down for dinner all together, and half way through, Amren, Varian’s girlfriend or something of the sort at least, would join. No one truly knew what those two were, and your questions remained unanswered everytime you brought it up, but everyone knew they were something and that was enough.
You turned your head to give her a small smile, which she answered with a slight nod towards you before heading to sit next to Varian. She often came off as quite cold and disinterested, but you had grown to see beyond her facade over the years of her “dating” your friend, and had also grown to appreciate her calm presence, a big contrast to Varian’s ever present energy.
The two broke off into their own conversation, so you turned back to your other friends, who were already looking at you. They exchanged a quick look and before you could try and detect what they had communicated in that instant, Tarquin looked back at you, “So how badly did you get rammed into this morning by Coach Claire?”
Cresseida was quick to reach across the table to smack his arm, “You fucking idiot, we said we would ease into it! God, I should have known you would be useless,” her irritated tone softened when you sighed and she asked, “You okay Y/n? We all know how bad she can be…”
“Yeah I’m fine, don’t worry. I think she’s just stressed, you know? And I know she expects perfection at every moment of every day, but god it’s exhausting. Plus I’m gonna be so sore tomorrow.” 
Both your friends smiled in compassion. It was no secret how strict Coach Claire was, and how much she valued perfection above all. You were just glad your qualifying rounds didn’t start tomorrow, as it would give you a bit more time to overcome the soreness that was slowly increasing in your legs.
You all turned to Amren and Varian when you heard her scoff and throw up a middle finger to another table in the cafeteria. “I swear if they don’t stop staring I’m going over there and hitting all three of them. Any time I sit with anyone else they take it so personally as if I’m not allowed to have a life that doesn’t revolve around them.” Amren shook her head and you heard her mutter “Illyrian babies” under her breath, which prompted you to turn and see what table she was talking about.
Your breath caught in your throat as your eyes met with the honey-colored eyes of the stranger you bumped into this morning, sitting between two other guys. You took the opportunity to look him over, as you hadn’t had much time when you had seen him earlier. He had messy black hair that kind of flopped over his forehead, as though he often passed a hand through it in frustration, or when he was thinking, and he was buff. You expected him to be, considering you thought you had run into a streetlight when you ran into him, but still, he was more buff than you had thought. His arms were huge, and when you mentally compared them to yours, you found the image ridiculous. Your eyes drifted over his chest, where his dark navy blue, almost dark purple, shirt stretched, and you narrowed your eyes to try and read the silver writing you could see on his top. Velaris. 
So he represented Velaris? Just like Amren then. Velaris was pretty well known across the United Courts of Prythian, and although it belonged to Night, it often participated in competitions as an independent federation. You looked back at his face and offered him a small smile, all while raising your hand in greeting. Although you were very embarrassed about your encounter this morning, it was no reason to be rude, especially if these were people that Amren was close to. 
You felt your cheeks redden in embarrassment when he simply stared at you with those amber eyes, and did not smile back, or even give an indication that he recognized you. You quickly turned back to your table, slightly humiliated. Cresseida raised an eyebrow as she looked at you, clearly having seen the interaction go down, and you simply shook your head as your cheeks became even more red. 
A boisterous laugh broke out somewhere behind you, and you instinctively glanced at the table where you knew the Velaris athletes were sitting, and your humiliation only worsened. The laugh belonged to the man sat on the right of the one you had run into, and you noted that although your mysterious stranger was buff, the one laughing was somehow even more muscular, and had more of a rugged look. The one on the other side was also laughing, although his laughter was more controlled. The five girls, three of which had originally been facing away from you, were all looking at your table, no, they were all looking at you, and to make matters worse, the stranger from that morning was still looking at you, but you knew he recognized you.
Your eyes quickly shifted to the hands that were in your lap, and you found yourself playing with your ring to avoid focusing on the burning slowly growing in your eyes. Were they really laughing at you? You wanted to say they weren’t, but considering they were all looking at you, the odds really weren’t in your favor. Okay so maybe bumping into him this morning had been embarrassing, but was it really that bad? Or perhaps they were laughing at your humiliating attempt to be nice and saying hello. Or maybe your hair looked like a bird’s nest. Did you have something in your teeth? God why had no one told you you looked bad when you had arrived at dinner. You knew you should have made more of an effort, but practice had been so exhausting that you truly didn’t have the energy. 
You blinked back the tears as you felt someone put their hand on your shoulder. “Hey, Y/n what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Tarquin. You met his blue eyes and gave him the best smile you could muster, despite the turmoil in your head. “I’m just sore, I think I’m gonna go to bed early,” you pushed yourself out of your chair and gave them all a small smile, choosing to ignore the concerned look on everyone’s faces, “Goodnight guys, see you tomorrow,” and walked out of the cafeteria, to go find sanctuary in your room, without a single glance back to your table. 
A single glance would have shown you Azriel’s beet-red face as he stood up from his table to escape his friends mocking him, and would have shown you Azriel heading to your table, as if to talk to you. But you did not look back, and as you lay in bed that night, thinking back to the mysterious athlete from Velaris, you decided that it was okay if he didn’t like you, and it was okay if they had all laughed at your expense. You were at the Olympics and would not let anyone, especially a man, ruin that experience for you.
And voilaaaa the first part! Please do tell me what you think and what you thought!
@julesvanslutta i wasn't sure if you wanted me to tag you for a specific character or not, but here you go !
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kaneaken · 1 year ago
Furina's Guide to Valentine's Day
From: Furina, To: Neuvillette
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author's note; pumped out a quick Valentine's day drabble for you guys 🫶 Here's some flowers for you 💐
content notes; furina and neuvillette have familial relationship, dad!neuvillette (use of papa by furina), teacher!neuvillette, teacher!reader, gn!reader, school/modern!au, short drabble
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0. Before anything, check target's interest
Furina picked at her lunch as she watched Neuvillette and you talk. With the way you were rambling on and on while Neuvillette nodded his head with a soft smile, Furina knew.
She chuckled under her breath. You two were too obvious! But, a little check wouldn't hurt.
Furina stood up from her seat and made her way over to the two of you. She planted herself next to Neuvillette and sent you a beaming smile.
You sent her one back before asking her about her day. She gave a simple response of fine before adding:
"But Papa isn't." Furina faked a sniffle before laying the back of her hand on her forehead. "Papa's been so lonely! I want him to be happy, especially with Valentine's Day coming up."
Furina settled her forehead against Neuvillette's arm with a sigh. She subtly glanced at your expression. Your brows had furrowed as you looked at Neuvillette to confirm what Furina had said.
"Ah, Furina is exaggerating-"
"Nu-uh! He always ends up watching these weird crime documentaries on Valentine's Day! It screams loneliness-" Neuvillette covered Furina's mouth with a strained smile.
"Please excuse Furina."
You waved off his concern with a smile.
"Well, Furina shows a lot of concern for you. You're lucky to have such a considerate daughter."
Now he had to marry you. No way Furina was gonna let you get away.
1. Make sure your target is free the day of
When Furina approached you one fateful morning, you weren't exactly sure what to expect. You definitely didn't expect her to ask about your availability on Valentine's Day.
However, you couldn't deny her an answer because of the puppy dog eyes she pulled on you. It's not like you had any reason to hide your plans for Valentine's Day, not that you had any plans to begin with.
Furina's bright, mischievous smile made you slightly regret your decision to spill about your plans to just stay home and do nothing for Valentine's Day.
Her slightly evil giggle made you worry more.
2. Plan and consult about your confession with your amazing advisor!
When Furina stormed into Neuvillette's room with a large roll of paper and colorful supplies, Neuvillette already had an idea of what she was planning.
"Furina.." Neuvillette watched as Furina placed the large paper on his desk. The pens and markers in her fist rolled onto the table as well.
"Please, please, lemme help?" Furina asked with her best pout.
"C'mon, I think you two would be a great couple! And I know I can help! Not to brag or anything, but I happen to have an unbroken streak of getting people together!" Furina lets out a proud huff, hands settled on her hips.
Neuvillette sighed, subjecting to his fate. He moved aside his lesson plans and motioned for Furina to come around the desk.
With a beaming smile, Furina skipped around the desk and picked up one of the markers.
"So, first-"
3. Go for it! Make sure it's bombastic with a capital B!
Furina tugged on your sleeve, rambling about how much you were going to love her surprise. Her last surprise had been filling your classroom with balloons and streamers for your birthday. You appreciated the thought, but you did not appreciate how much cleaning you did. You could only guess the surprise this time. The megaphone and poster in her hand only concerned you more.
She dragged you to the field near the back of the school where you spotted a big group of students surrounding someone else. From the white hair you spotted, you assumed it was Neuvillette.
"Alright, formation!" Furina shouted into her megaphone. The group did some sort of messy dance routine before moving aside to show Neuvillette. You watched with confusion (as well as concern when you saw some of them bump into each other).
Furina turned to you and moved you closer to Neuvillette, whose face was just as confused as yours. Once you were face to face with him, she began speaking.
"Alrighty, now, you must be wondering why I've brought the two of you here today."
"I'm here to convince you guys that you are perfect for one another and why you should get marri- I mean, go on a date!"
Furina cleared her throat, holding out her hand to one of the students nearby. The student handed her a large bouquet of flowers, which she handed to Neuvillette.
"First, he got you flowers! I mean, who doesn't appreciate flowers? If you guys date, you get flowers every day. I mean, that's pretty great, right?"
"Second," Furina motioned for a different student to hand her what seemed to be a photo album, "He takes the best photos! If you date, then, you never have to worry about a bad photo ever again."
"Third," This time Furina did not ask for anything. She simply moved to Neuvillette to hold up his arm, "He's very strong! He can carry you anywhere, whenever. He's got muscles."
"Fourth." A small tissue box was given to Furina. "He has feelings! He can be emotional, so you never have to worry about expressing yourself!"
"And fifth, and last reason." There was no object. Furina simply put herself next to Neuvillette with a smile.
"You get to have the bestest, smartest, most amazing daughter ever, me!" Furina let out a proud huff. "I think I'm the best reason, so please-"
Furina motioned for the other students to surround the three of you and throw some confetti at you. Furina unfolded the poster she had been holding and showed it to you. It read:
'Please, please, please, take my dad as your boyfriend! Also, please get married soon!'
Neuvillette sighed as he picked out some confetti out of his hair. He carefully moved Furina, so he could step towards you.
He extended the bouquet of flowers to you and said,
"I apologize for all of this, but if you would allow me, I would love to take you out this evening."
You chuckled and with a smile, took the flowers from him. You nodded to which he smiled and Furina cheered.
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mqriuss · 2 months ago
kpop idol au yuzuha x fem idol!reader (Part 2)
jesus christ there's not a lot of you but i expected like two people to read my rambling BUT IM GLAD THE FEW OF YOU THAT READ IT ACTUALLY LIKED THE KPOP IDOL YUZUHA so here's more !!
part 1
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i can't keep calling the character's members of your group/your group member/yuzuha's group members, so we need to give them names!!!
... i sat here for like 5 minutes i can't think of group names SO let's just move on to member's names lmao (feel free to give me group name ideas!)
your group members:
yuzuha's group members:
ok now that that's out of the way
your fans love it when you and yuzuha's groups make a comeback at the same time cuz that means they get sooo much interactions during the promotion era.
like music shows are so fun. the fans and shippers are so well fed bc you and yuzuha are (suspiciously) close with each other, the amount of photos and videos you have together are endless. and i haven't watched these in a while but you know when idols like vlog themselves for their youtube channel? yeah, best believe yuzuha will always appear on your group's channel and vice versa.
"oh, and there's y/n," sunhee says, panning the camera over to you. you were eating a snack while getting your hair done before your performance. looking over to the camera sunhee held, you did a little wave. then someone else's head pops into view, "yuzuha is here too for some reason," sunhee snickers, knowing exactly why she's here.
"hey, guys! lemme borrow y/n for a sec, okay?" yuzuha grins, waving at the camera.
username01: sunhee sounds like she knows something we dont
→ username02 replied: it's like i can hear her smile from behind the camera lmao
also, don't forget the tiktok challenges! with every comeback, each of your group's fans are always always expecting the two of you to make tiktoks with each other's new songs.
username01: chat it's been days why haven't we gotten a single y/nzuha tiktok challenge
username02: if we don't get y/nzuha doing each others' tiktok chalenges i will seriously end it all
username03: my theory is that y/n and yuzuha fought over something so it's taking them long to make a tiktok
→ username04 replied: NO WAY they were interacting just fine on the recent show
→ username05: you may never know, idols are good at faking smiles
yet here you sat with yuzuha on the inkigayo stairs, laughing together when she showed you the comments your desperate fans were making.
"oh my god, you're right! they literally expect it from us now," you say in between laughs. it's no wonder this was how fans reacted—i mean, you two were always one of the first to post tiktok challenges. so you purposely tried to mess with the fans by giving them absolutely no content this time around to see if they'll notice.
and like, what were you expecting? of course they'll notice!
y/nzuha shippers are the worst because they genuinely feel like their ship is real. like gayer and realer than any other kpop ship out there, and you and yuzuha feed into it so much. even though you were rivals, this shipping thing is actually beneficial to both of your groups. almost all of your group's fans are also fans of yuzuha's group and vice versa bc of your ship. your duo with yuzuha is even more popular than the duos in your respective groups.
ok anyways, so you and yuzuha finally get up and decide to make some tiktoks together and you decided—after depriving your fans of y/nzuha content, you were going to release ALL the tiktoks you made that day. two of them were your group's respective tiktok challenges, then there was like one thirst trap, two of the tiktoks were like those couple trends—yes your fans went crazy and that is an understatement, and then another random tiktok dance challenge.
username01: they disappear for days AND THEY COME BACK WITH A FEAST
username02: y/nzuha nation, how does it feel to suffer from success?
username03: what the FUCK i was literally just talking about y/nzuha doing this chalenge AND THEY ACTUALLY DID IT... y/n or yuzuha has got to be my oomfs
→ username04 replied: y/n is more likely to be oomf methinks
both you and yuzuha lurk on social media a lot and it's to see the fans reactions to basically anything, you're both hardworking idols—seeing what the fans like and absolutely milking it—in this case, y/nzuha. it's just a cute thing at first like "aw look, yuzuha and y/n used to be on that traumatizing survival show and they're still hanging out and really good friends."
and then it started getting serious like you weren't just a duo anymore, you're a ship. well, you have been since the survival show but with your debuts, you both started getting more fans and as a result, more shippers.
the both of you just look at each other, already plotting different ways to make fans go crazy. your managers had to stop you guys from posting a really really suggestive thirst trap one time, even your members have to give you guys warnings every now and then like you two better cool it!
you also have known for a while now that views aren't really authentic anymore in the kpop industry because of the streaming stuff. your rivalry with her doesn't really show when they announce winners at a music show. but your fans do get a bit of nostalgia when you guys post content together.
username01: this video of yuzuha and y/n is literally just them trying to outsing each other
→ username02 replied: if they ended up in a group together, we could've gotten another girls generation song where every vocalist outsings the other
→ username03 replied: ACTUALLY THO cant we just merge their groups? can they collab already?
or like you know how sometimes, you don't see idols putting in that much energy into each other's tiktok challenges? (no shade btw)
yeah, that could never be you and yuzuha. in every video, fans have noticed you guys have to glance at each other while dancing. giving looks that say "i'm doing your choreo better than you are."
oh your rivalry would also show in variety shows. there isn't really any room for rivalry in terms of music and popularity 'cause you can hardly control how fans view you and if anything, you both are always so supportive of each other's careers. so when you get a chance to go against yuzuha, you take the damn chance.
variety shows are definitely nostalgic for the fans 'cause you two refuse to team up with each other for games unless you were assigned to the same team. fans eat it up so much, there would be so many clips going around on tiktok, instagram and twitter.
while we're on the topic of rivalry, ISAC is a big day for y/nzuha nation.
when everyone finds out yuzuha was the head of the kyūdō club in high school, they're immediately expecting her to win in archery. but you practiced longg and hard to go against her.
now imagine the fans reactions when they find out yuzuha herself helped you train for ISAC lmfaooo
i think that's all the rambling i have for now but here's a bonus: new fans or non-fans of your groups mistake your ship name for y/n x kazuha of le sserafim instead of yuzuha and it's the funniest day on twitter ever. y/nzuha stans attacking them for not knowing it's yuzuha and all 💀
you share a selfie with kazuha after that day for funsies. let's just say, you kinda... sorta... maybe started a little fanwar. but y/n x yuzuha shippers aren't the only ones getting a little jealous. :)
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vodika-vibes · 10 months ago
For the 650 followers AU requests, how about...
Fives x Fem Reader, Mer AU for MerMay. 🧜🏽‍♂️
Details: No use of y/n please. Reader is reluctantly part of a crew of sailors/pirates/privateers/ assigned by the island of Naboo's chancellor, Palpatine, to catch a merperson because of a legend that says something from a mer (tears, flesh, dealer's choice) grants immortality. Fives is the captured merman, and forms a bond with the reader. Bonus, merfolk CAN transform to have legs, but perhaps under certain conditions. Fives, being the cheeky, mischievous guy he is, "forgets" that humans have an aversion to public nudity. 😏 Insert awkward flustered reader at seeing a naked man for the first time 🤭
Can have some mild or hinted spice, but nothing explicit please.
The Privateer
Summary: After being assigned to the Dominion, the flagship of Naboo’s Privateer fleet, you’re miserable. The last thing you’ve ever wanted was to spend your life hunting Mermaids, even if their blood is said to grant immortality. The day your captain catches a merman is the worst day of your life. Though, you’re pretty sure it’s only going to get worse.
Pairing: Pre ARC Trooper Fives x F!Reader
Word Count: 2401
Warnings: None
Prompt: Mermaid AU
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So, I've had the idea for this for a while, it just took me a bit to get it down in a way that makes me happy. I hope you like it! Also, I really need to stop writing the summary before I write the story, lol
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“So, I gotta ask,” You roll your eyes as you finish tying your bandana over your hair, and then turn to look at one of your bunkmates, “How’d you end up on The Oracle?”
“Palpatine’s order,” You reply simply as you kneel to pull your boots out from under the bunks, “What about you?”
“Same. Though I was pulled from Theeds Prison.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” She pins her hair back, and wraps a bandana around her hair as well, “I was a pickpocket, believe it or not.”
You laugh, “Have you ever been on a ship before?”
“Not in my life.” She flashes a wry grin, “You?”
“I used to serve on The Hush. It’s a fishing trawler.”
“You were a fisherwoman?”
“Yeah. Served on the ship since I was a kid.” You finish pulling your boots on and stand.
“Why’d you get pulled to the Oracle?”
“No one knows these waters better’n me.” You stretch your arms over your head and then grab your waistcoat from your bunk and pull it over the dark shirt you’re wearing, “I was tagged to be the navigator.”
“Alright, lemme ask you a question then, Navi—”
“—Don’t call me that—”
“—do you think there’s any truth to what we were ordered out here to do?” She asks, ignoring your comment.
“You’re asking if I believe in merpeople?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
You fold your arms over your chest, “I think,” You say slowly, “That we know more about the stars than we do about the sea.”
“So you’re saying it’s possible?”
“I’m saying I haven’t seen any proof that they exist.” You sigh, “Honestly, “I think this is a fool's errand. The cap thinks so too. You see the look on his face when he told us what we were here to do.”
“Yeah. He looked annoyed.” Your bunkmate finishes dressing and then follows you out of the berth that you share. The pair of you are two of maybe ten women who are serving on the Oracle, the rest of the crew are all men. “Was the Oracle a fishing vessel too?”
“No. Military.” You lightly rap your knuckles on something pinned to the wall, “Well, military lite.”
“Military lite?” She asks with a smothered laugh.
“Yeah, well,” You move to the side to not get trampled by a much larger sailor, “The Oracle was one of a fleet of ships that would respond to emergencies on the water. You know like ship fires, and the like.”
“Are ship fires common?” She asks as she stops dead in her tracks.
“Keep moving, you’re holding up traffic,” You chide, and then, as she continues chasing after you, “No. Not really. But they do happen. It’s why ships like the Oracle exist.”
“So, what? The Government just took the ship and forced it to be a privateer vessel? Is that allowed?”
You shrug as you hurry up a thin flight of stairs, “Doesn’t matter so much, does it? Cause it’s what happened.” At the top of the stairs you pause, and motion to a hallway, “Galley is there. You’ll do fine.”
“What if I don’t?”
“Cook will teach you. Don’t be afraid.” You watch as the other woman hurries into the galley before you jog through the halls until you reach the bridge. You slide into the navigator’s seat, taking the pencil from the previous guy, and you scan the map.
“Morning, Navi.”
“Why are you all calling me that?” You say with a sigh.
The Captain winks at you, and then turns his gaze out the front window, “You get the new girl settled?”
“Yeah, dropped her off with Cookie.” You reply.
“Good lass, it’s nice of you to take her under your wing.”
You lean back in your seat, and point your pencil at him, “You know she’s a pickpocket, right? From Theeds.”
“Oh, I know.” The captain glances at you, and makes a face, “I’m glad I was able to keep most of my crew, and the majority of the people pulled to The Oracle are from other ships, but some of the people Palpatine gave me are all criminals.”
“What’s he thinking?”
“I don’t think he is.” The Captain scoffs, “Alright, according to the night Captain, they managed to finish searching grid blocks—” He pauses and glances at a sheet next to the helm, “Ah, here it is. Grid blocks 70 to 79.”
“They only searched nine blocks?” You ask as you turn your attention to the map and find the ship’s current location.
“Well, night searches aren’t easy. There is no sunlight, very little moonlight. Probably wanted to be thorough.” The Captain replies. 
“Alright, I have to ask. What do you think about this mission we were assigned?”
He’s quiet a moment, “Well. Orders are orders, right? But—” He trails off, “I don’t know, Navi. I grew up on the ocean, the things we don’t know could fill the library of Theeds. Anything’s possible.”
You sigh, “I dunno. It just…If merpeople are real, Cap, it feels like it would be bad luck to catch them.”
“Well, if we’re lucky, we won’t find any and can all return to our regular jobs.” The Captain sighs, “What’s our heading, Navi?”
“Due North, Cap.”
“Alright, adjust course—”
You flicker your gaze down to your map as the Captain rattles off a list of numbers and you promptly mark the ship's location and repeat the numbers to him. 
It’s roughly 6 hours later when one of the men casting the nets shouts to stop the Oracle. The Captain slows the ship to a stop and leans his head out the window, “What’s wrong?” He shouts down to his men.
“Net’s stuck, Cap!” The man shouts back, “It…gods above—” The fishing net lifts out of the water, and there, thrashing wildly in the net, is a merman.
The Captain stares at the dark-skinned merman and releases an oath so ugly and bitter that you start. “Mark our location, Navi.”
“Yes, Captain.” You reply, quickly marking the location on the map, and then scrambling to your feet to follow him out of the bridge and to the deck.
The merman is still thrashing wildly, loud and angry curses falling from his lips. You watch as the Captain scans the men and women on the deck, his lips turning down.
“I know, I’m thinking.” He replies, “Most of the men on deck are mine, or come from other ships.” You scan the people on the deck and know he’s right. Most people on the deck look terrified and are backing away from the net.
The people that aren’t are the ones who Palpatine pulled from prisons.
You inhale sharply as one of the former prisoners picks up a spear and jabs the merman in the fin.
That action causes the Captain to explode. Loud and angry curses fall from his lips as he starts to yell at the former prisoners. You’ve never seen him so angry in your life.
“Navi!” He shouts.
“Back to the bridge, make sure we don’t drift.” He orders. He flickers two fingers towards you, a hand symbol you know well. 
He’s ordering you to lock the doors and pull the curtains as soon as you’re back on the bridge. You don’t take your gaze off of him as you nod, “Yes, Captain.”
You turn and hurry back up to the bridge slamming the door behind you and locking it with a quiet click. You see the Captain watching the bridge as you close the curtains.
There’s silence for a whole minute, and then the shouting starts. Then the alarm bells start ringing, alerting the ship of an attempted mutiny. 
Less than fifteen minutes later, there’s a bang on the door, “Navi,” the Captain calls, “We’re all clear, open up.” You stand from your seat and open the door, allowing the Captain back towards the helm.
He’s covered in blood.
“Everything alright, Cap?”
“Yeah. We’re calling it an attempted Mutiny.” He explains, “That or sea madness.” 
“You think that’ll work.”
He laughs, “No one wants to face the wrath of the sea, Navi. How are your medical skills?”
“Go tend to the Merman. We’ll be staying put until he’s healed enough to leave.”
“And…the Chancellor?”
The Captain looks you in the eye, “Merpeople aren’t real.”
You flash a wry grin, “Understood.”
You leave the bridge and head back to the deck. Surviving members of the crew are using buckets of salt water to wash the blood off the desk before it dries.
The merman is no longer thrashing around, instead, he looks deeply, deeply amused. 
“Alright there, Navi?” The First Mate asks as he uses a broom to push some bloody water back into the ocean.
“Yeah. Captain put me in charge of him, can you lower him to the deck?”
The First Mate laughs, “Probably a good idea. Alright, step back.” You take several large steps back as the First Mate and several of the men move to the winch to lower the net to the deck.
The net falls open and you carefully step over to the merman, “Hello. You can call me Navi, I’m going to take a look at your fin. Is that alright?”
He gazes at you evenly, and then leans his weight back on his hands, “Yeah, alright Navi.” He finally says.
You crouch next to his tail, “And what should I call you?”
“I’m Fives.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Fives.”
“Fraid to say that I don’t agree.”
“No, I would imagine you wouldn’t.” You carefully examine his fin, “It looks like the spear sliced your fin pretty good. I can wrap it, but I’m not sure that’ll help.”
Fives watches you for a moment, and then he smirks “Don’t worry about it.”
“Hm? What do you me—” You yelp in surprise as his scales start to retreat, slowly getting replaced with flesh. And his tail separates into legs. Your jaw drops in shock, and then you yelp again as rough hands shove your bandana over your eyes.
“What’s wrong with you?” The First Mate demands, “You can’t go around exposing yourself to young ladies. Use this to cover yourself.” You hear the sound of cloth hitting something, and low laughter, though you’re too busy trying to pry the First Mate’s hands off your head to notice.
“I forgot.” Fives says, laughter in his voice. As you pull your bandana off your eyes, you see a wide grin on his face. “Anyway, Navi, this will this help?”
“Um. Yeah, a bit.” You glance at the injury, “It’s a pretty deep cut, but you shouldn’t need stitches.”
“Wait, wait. I have a question,” The First Mate says, “If Merpeople can make themselves look human, doesn’t that mean that Palpatine’s theory about Merperson blood is a crock of shit?”
Fives bursts into laughter, “Oh, yeah. It’s absolute bullshit.” He grins at the First Mate, “Don’t tell me you believed that?”
“Course not,” You interject, “But orders are orders,” You stand and offer him your hand, “Come on, let’s get you someplace where I can get that cleaned and wrapped.”
Fives takes your hand and allows you to help him to his feet, and then leans his weight on your shoulder, “You know. Maybe I’ll stick around for a bit. At least until I’m healed.” He muses.
“That right?”
“Sure. Not often that I get a pretty lady to dote on me.” He says with a grin.
You roll your eyes, “I’m sure you’re exaggerating.”
You lead him through the ship until you reach the small infirmary, and motion for him to hop up on the table, “I’m not even sure what the Captain’s going to do next.” You admit.
“Palpatine isn’t going to give up on this, and yeah, he’s crazier than a bag of squirrels, but he still has a lot of power.”
“What would you do?”
“I’m not the Captain.”
“That wasn’t my question.” Fives points out.
You lean against a counter, “I wouldn’t go back to Naboo. But that’s our home, and this is a Nubian vessel.” 
“Well, your Captain did just order the outright slaughter of half the crew.”
“It wasn’t half, there were only 15 people on the ship who were loyal to Palpatine,” You correct him, “And it wasn’t a slaughter. You heard the bell, there was a mutiny.”
Fives snorts out a laugh, “Yeah, alright. Six one way, half a dozen the other.”
You make a face at him and then continue digging around for the medical kit. “Either way, the Captain has to decide what to do. Not me.”
“How’d he feel about me sticking around?”
“That you’d have to ask him.” You counter, “Why’d you wanna stay anyway?”
“I have a thing for pretty girls.” Fives replies with a bright grin.
Your face heats and you busy yourself with searching for the first aid kit, “I’ll talk to him, but he did just lose fifteen members of his crew.” You straighten and flash a small smile at him, “Don’t suppose you have any friends who need a job?”
Fives leans in so his face is close to yours, “As it happens, I do.”
You grin at him, “That right?”
“It is right.”
“What do you want in return?”
“A place on the ship. And your bandana.”
“My bandana?” You ask, amused.
“Have to wear my lady's colors, don’t I?” You laugh and avert your gaze, slightly flustered. But you do pull the bandana off your head and offer it to him. 
Fives immediately ties the pale blue bandana around his head and you smile at him. 
“Yeah. I’ll go talk to the Captain. After I patch up your leg.”
“It’s a deal then.” Fives replies, stretching out to let you have access to his leg.
“So it is.”
In the end, Fives invites seven of his brothers to join the crew of The Oracle: Rex, Echo, Jesse, Kix, Tup, Dogma, and Hardcase. And, after much discussion with the crew, The Oracle doesn’t return to Naboo, no longer able to handle how Palpatine treats the Nubian people.
So far as the Nubian people are concerned, The Oracle is lost at sea. However, the sailors of Naboo know the truth. The Oracle is still out there, on patrol, just waiting for Palpatine’s control to slip long enough to swoop in and steal another ship.
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pigeonstab · 3 months ago
Ahkjsblsb my brain tricked me!!! D: I could have swore I typed out a whole thing... I hope I didn't send that to somebody else by accident lol
Anyway!! Lemme see if I can remember it all
Okay so, since Enoch is (I'm assuming) made of part Error and part Nightmare, does this mean he has some elements of both? The way he crashes similar to Error and can use the blue strings, does he have some kind of relationship with negative and/or positive energy too? :o
How does he feel about physical touch and does it affect his occasional glitches and crashes? When you say he retained some of Error's memories, do you mean memories of his original life before the huge glitching or does have any memories of things Error did in his current state?
Do you think he would ever end up in the omega timeline or would it not interest him? Or would they possibly hesitate to let him in if he has the power to destroy code like Error? ACTUALLY WAIT would Ink know? Like if Ink saw him would he know what happened and who made up the parts of him?? Would Dream have any sort of recognition of him?
(You said after he destroys the au he would end up with either Dream or Nightmare and I wanna ask about that soooo bad but also maybe that's spoilers for the future or you're still planning it so I'll be restrained and won't, but just know I am very patiently vibrating with excitement to hear more about this guy in the future c: )
(Okay I think that was everything, but if I remember more I'll be back :3c) (Unless I dream it again lol)
Hehe SO this is gonna be a long one.
1) Enoch isn't really made from parts of Nightmare and Error. Error lost his arm during the battle and that's what Enoch came from. (Also why Enoch has one arm that looks like Error's cause he literally grew from that.) So he's more of a part of Error that was severed by Nightmare's action. I guess maybe some of his intent could come through but Enoch doesn't have any empathic abilities or any relation to emotion magic. Maybe some of Nightmare's personality shines through but I'd have to figure out what.
2) He's similar to Error in terms of touch (maybe worse), he's never really been touched by anyone ever (in his five years of existence) so it's mostly because of that, more than any relation to Error. He would find physical contact very jarring. I do think he would glitch out pretty badly if he was touched.
3) the reason Enoch doesn't remember his life before the glitch is because he didn't exist yet. What he attributed to amnesia due to the semi destruction of the world was actually just cause he wasn't born yet. He can't have memories of the old Sans of that AU because they are not related in any way. Enoch created that connection through false deductions.
To actually answer your question he has memories from Error's life, as in memories of being Error. Like he would remember the anti-void and the bean bag y'know? Maybe not with conscious awareness or knowledge of what those thing mean or what they represent since they're completely out of context for him. Those memories arehow he figured out that he could use strings. Simply because he remembered using them as Error and it's like it came naturally. (It's only been that way since Enoch had his memories unlocked by being in Error's proximity though, not in his first five years)
3) I think so yeah. The idea I really like is that like, Dream found him after he erased the rest of the AU and he's just like any other refugee to him y'know? So maybe he'd be brought to the OT
4) I don't think the people if the Omega Timeline would know? It's not- well actually it is kinda written all over him, he looks a LOT like Error. Maybe they'd check. It would be devastating if they refused to let Enoch in after all he's been through. After that long in isolation. My god.
5) I don't really know about Ink. I do like to think he'd be intrigued by him, he'd be quick to put two and two together. Or maybe Ink has the ability to see code and recognizes him that way. It'd be really funny for Ink to talk about Error as Enoch's dear old pops or something and Enoch just not understanding who Ink's even talking about (boi has no idea what a father even is) I think they could have fun together. Ink's eccentric demeanor would be very good for helping Enoch to get out of his shell. I can see Ink being kind of entertaining to him rather than abrasive like I see most people write him as. like MANNNN I THINK HE LIKES KIDS Y'KNOW?? he's fun, Enoch would like him, he'd be like a little kid when they smile all timid and shtuff but he's having a good time watching ink bumble about.
5) Dream wouldn't recognize code. He'll probably recognize Enoch as related to Error in some way just because of his appearance. Maybe he'd recognize some of his brother in Enoch though. If we say that Enoch got some personality traits from Nightmare. In the way he talks, or the way he looks at things. Just little quirks that remind him so eerily of Nightmare. ALSO OMG DREAM'S AN UNCLE. IF NIGHTMARE'S LIKE A FATHER. I mean, it's not really being parents but Nightmare and Error are the two directly involved in creating Enoch but like- If you found out one of your actions resulted in the creation of a living being would you not feel somewhat responsible? Uncle Dream propaganda.
6) It can't really be called spoilers. I don't think I want to keep stuff under wraps anymore just cause I like conceptualizing more than making an actual story so... Y'know. But I do have plans. I think some of what I answered already points to possible future dynamics and stuff but for now I haven't thought on it too much so... Feel free to ask if you want and I'll come up with shit as I go. I like bouncing ideas with you, so anything you ask about it will probably not be concrete or final. Just a disclaimer.
I also want to develop the AU Enoch was in a bit more. Just cause I think it could be cool and then I could stop calling it 'the AU' lol.
Thank you for letting me ramble!! This was super nice hehe. Hopefully next time you'll ask me on tumblr instead of on dreamblr
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bubblesxo · 1 year ago
so. you know how a lot of people hc about the gotham accent in general dc media? well i always love this hc because accents are just so cool to me. so hear me out (this post is specific to the gotham tv show universe but can be generalized to any universe a cataclysm/No Man's Land event has occured)
earlier i was on tiktok and i found a video talking about the human tendency to create accents over time. (the video talked about how friend groups and families create accents/dialects which is?? so cool?? but i digress)
anyway, this led me to learn about a study about a group of scientists living in antarctica and how, over the period of just one winter, their vowel sounds had begun to merge together to create the beginnings of an accent. so now, i'll relate this to the cataclysm event.
to cause this event, during which gothamites are cut off in basically every way from the outside world, the bridges around gotham are bombed and destroyed (at least in the gotham tv universe). in this same universe, the time in which they are completely undisturbed (besides one guy communicating over a radio to one lady) is 97 days (over 3 months), at which time a military strike force (kinda. they're evil) is sent in to basically kill all of the criminals there. however, these people really only communicate limitedly with police, gang leaders, and like one time with bruce wayne. but that's about it. reunification with the outside world only began after day 391. that's over an entire year of near-complete separation from the outside world.
now, they already started off most likely having some kind of accent, especially noticeable in the people who lived primarily in the city. (even if the accent isn't particularly strong/differentiated at the time.) however, now they've spent an entire year together, alone in a big city. this has the makings of a stronger accent (at least for those who were stranded in gotham when this event occurred).
one of the important things to keep in mind when considering accents/dialects is the use of specialized vocabulary words, and lemme tell ya, gotham 100% has that. even excluding all of the names they have for people and the general gang info these people have, they still have multiple different terms for parts of town (ex: the financial district = penguin's territory, etc. with the other gangs in power at the time). on top of even this, the amount of stuff that just casually goes on in gotham is seen to completely flabbergast outsiders all the time. they likely have slang that is used to refer to various things the rogues do, or things about violence, gang wars, rations, barracks, etc. there is SO MUCH opportunity for an accent to originate here??
of course, once the events of No Man's Land end and reunification happens, a ton of gothamites who weren't there during it move back in and the accent is dispersed among the population. it likely is in part shared and, over time, becomes part of common vernacular, and, in part, deteriorates, especially regarding things that are no longer as common in the distant future (ex. referring to the financial district as penguin's terf 10 years after this happens would be a bit odd). however, i do believe that this would create a lasting impact on the overall population of gotham, even if only minorly.
(to those of you who keep up with my de-aged!gotham bruce au, this is going to be featured in some of the up-and-coming chapters (slang that feels off to others, weird references, a stronger accent, if only slightly, etc.). if you have any ideas or thoughts on this topic feel free to chime in!!! i love chatting and some help brainstorming on this would be appreciated <33)
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smeowchi · 6 months ago
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Hey guys, long time no see, here’s another meme! Plus a mini update, teehee ;3c
I’ve been working on a few things, mainly doodles (which will be posted in an art dump soon), and a few AU things!!
The PAMA Returns AU is still being worked on, I’m partway through Chapter 2. It’s going a bit slow because I’ve been busy + lost a bit of motivation, but we’re getting there! (Also I’m thinking of changing the title, so if anyone has any ideas, lemme know!)
I also have a new AU, titled ‘Admin’s Pawns’ (not final). Have you ever wanted to see what would happen if Season 2 starred all the ‘villains’ from the portal hall arc? Well, now you can! Romeo’s picked up a new set of champions, enemies from Jesse’s past who have been specially trained to catch them off guard and attempt to defeat them. Cassie (+ Winslow <3), Aiden, Hadrian, Mevia, and even a few extra familiar faces make an appearance, as the Admin’s army grows to give Beacontown’s hero an adventure they’ll never forget.. for better, or worse.
Stay tuned for more updates on either, as well as that doodle dump I’ve been talking about! I may also have some Red Dead Redemption content sometime, but that’s.. definitely not final, haha!
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robintherobiner · 1 year ago
I keep forgetting to draw T-Dawg, so while i procrastinate on that, lets develop him together!
Remember, i want this to be very much a collaborative AU, so i'm planning on doing a bunch of polls, taking ideas from other people who like this AU, and sharing a lot of my thoughts before they're even finished. Also i've only ever done weed lie 3 times with my dad but i dont think i did it right because i felt nothing so i'm really not the best person to write an AU all about a drug dealer but oh well XD
With that said, lets get into it!!!
Yall voted on Tim taking his look/persona from mafia-esque dealers. I think this makes his nickname even funnier. Originally I was gonna have him do a GTA5 themed persona, hence the cliche T-Dawg name. But you guys voted the complete opposite, and i refuse to change the name.
I need to watch some mafia movies (not documentaries. again, Tim is a child, he's taking it from cringy movies and stereotypes/cliches) so that I can have an actual reference point, so if anyone has any recommendations I'd appreciate it since the only mafia movie i know is The Godfather
I have decided he's gonna wear a suit though! The only problem is... what colour? are we doing pinstripe or boring plain? so guess what we're doing. ANOTHER POLL!!!
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thedeerman · 7 months ago
ummm someone tell me why listening to system/BOOT PearlFinal (3) from the SU Movie just gave me the wildest fucking Hazbin AU concept (this is fucking long pls forgive me)
So- Steven Universe Movie x Hazbin Hotel. All of them have just had their memories wiped, their 'default' personalities reset, and not having any idea who they once were. you get to really see what each character would have been like had they not faced whatever horrible thing landed them in Hell to begin with.
Going through that song in particular made me really think, guys. Hear me out.
Lucifer is Rose/Pink in this, so he wouldn't really be there.
Obv Charlie takes her rightful place as Steven, as she is literally, in almost all fucking ways, Adult Demon Steven Universe. Take out the aliens and add in the bible and you got Charlie Morningstar
Lilith is Pearl- She fell in love with the angel that took a liking to her, dedicating everything about her existence to Lucifer. Even when it came to giving up everything, she did it for him. Reset, she's just as dedicated but has no one to give that dedication to. Until...
Yes, ALASTOR HAS TO BE GREG. Lilith may have come from Eden with Lucifer, by his side from the very beginning, but after all those years, I never thought I'd lose... Also, the whole 'pearl latching on to greg as her new diamond' thing makes that EXTRA hilarious. Charlie's gonna be all "Mom, don't you recognize them? Don't you recognize me?" Lilith's overly helpful ass is gonna be like "Hmmmm... Well I certainly recognize my Um Radio Demon!" And Al just, "...Oh boy."
Angel is Ruby, even if he hadn't been raised in the mafia, I'd like to think that Angel would be a solid badass mf either way, dedicated to protecting what he cares about.
Husk is Sapphire, ever think that maybe the reason the oddly wise bartender always seems to know everything isn't because he's a bartender? Uh oh, secret's out, Husky. (not to mention the idea of Huskerdust 'isn't it love' is killing me)
Niffty is Amethyst- except an amethyst is big, and strong... this one is not the best example, something is clearly wrong! (im sorry i have no self control). anyway yall can't tell me that cute little reset 'who am i? whats going on? idk, lemme just copy this guy over here' Niffty wouldn't be the best fucking thing
Now, I don't think it even needs saying that Sir Pentious needs to be Peridot, if you show me both of their pictures I will say 'that's the same picture'
And that means Cherri takes her role as Lapis, which I fuckin adore
As much as I'd like to make Vaggie be Connie, Connie is entirely absent the whole movie lmao and I also think that Bismuth is a damn good gem for Vaggie anyway. Bold, determined, has a deadly hatred of the place she came from and will do anything to defend her new home (gay as shit)
And for spinel, I'm not 100% sure. I'm thinking it could be an adamsapple situation where Adam was left in Eden, forever waiting for Lucifer to return despite the fact that he's essentially dead to the rest of Heaven. once he finds out about Lucifer having made a life for himself in Hell, he goes to take out his jealousy on Charlie and the others. and when he's reset he goes back to a silly, fun loving innocent guy that wants nothing but to make others happy.
Uhhhh oops that got long, im Very Normal about these two shows, guys. i swear.
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soobberries · 2 years ago
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Edit: this is a repost from my old blog including the little description below and I decided to not change anything about it. The blog I tagged below doesn't seem to exist anymore. :( also lmao I already started working on a part 2 xD yay!
Guys ahsdgajha. Lmao please I need to provide background for this post. I read @atiny-thingz Dilf!Ateez post and lemme tell you, I screamed. It brought back the memory of this running joke my friends and I used to have in 11th grade about this really hot dad that everyone crushed on. So in honour of the post that inspired me and my real life experience, I decided I would write this.
It is only a headcanon/au thing, but let me know if I should perhaps do a part 2?
Edit: here's part 2
This is the first time I’m writing kinda suggestive content and I’m pretty new to it so go easy on me, but I would love some feedback. It’s only suggestive at the end though lol.
Warning: Despite this technically being based on a legal reader, since there is a somewhat large age-gap - thought I would clarify:
Please be aware that I do not condone any type of relationships between minors and adults, nor do I encourage the idea of being a homewrecker. This is all just fiction! So without further ado, let’s get started!
Genre: Doesn’t exactly have one but has elements of crack and is suggestive.
Age: This is written for a somewhat mature audience so please, no under 16s. Stay safe younglings <3
Ah yes, another day, another random school fundraiser.
Your mom got you to look after one of her colleague’s daughter, Nila, for the week while they went on a business trip.
It was the middle of the week and, while this kid was adorable, you’d literally do anything else then go to this weird fundraiser on such a beautiful afternoon.
Oh well, duties are duties.
So as this cutie kid drags you along throughout the whole school, showing you all the stalls and requesting that you buy her some food before she has her ‘shift’, you can’t help but notice that there are only parents here. No other students, siblings - nothing.
A deep exasperated sigh left your mouth because you were here for a good three hours, and quite frankly, despite this little fundraiser having some talks you could attend, you really had no idea how you would busy yourself since the talks offered were a bit boring and you had to pay a large chunk to get a space. Bummer.
Anyway after sharing some mouth-watering cookies with the little girl she asks you to come with her to her stall where she and her peers would be selling cold drinks, and of course you couldn’t say no because this kid was actually a sweetheart and you had it nowhere in your heart to do such.
So obviously you proceed to accompany her there.
It’s a cute stall, and you smile at the youthful, yet ignorant excitement shining in the little girl’s eyes as she exchanges the ‘duty cap’ that one of her classmates had on just prior.
Oh if only they knew what a real job was like.
It wasn’t until after the other girls left, that you realised she was alone, causing you to enquire about her job, wondering if she’s working the shift by herself.
“No, don't worry! Yerim is also doing the job with me. I’m sure she’ll come soon. See? That’s why there’s two hats.” She said, gesturing towards the other cap on the counter.
You nodded quaintly and silently decided to wait with her until her friend came.
“Daddy! Look! Nila is working with me!” A shout came from behind you and a little girl came running to bear hug Nila, causing the both of them to burst into a fit of giggles.
You smiled at the pair and watched mindlessly as Nila got Yerim her hat.
“Oh? Are you looking after Nila?” A voice called out.
‘Oh boy, here we go. Time to get out the speaking to parents voice’
Those were your thoughts as you dreaded having to act somewhat proper so the snobby parents around you wouldn’t undermine you. You took a quick millisecond to gather yourself before turning to face th-
Holy shit.
A blessing.You’ve been blessed. You can die happily now.
This man’s smile-
It’s shining. Blinding you and you do not care, he can have your eyesight.
Cue the slo-mo scene in the movies where everything looks ethereal and suddenly you picture him taking your hand, giving you flowers, and asking the same thing he just did in a softer more seductive tone.
AHaha but it’s not a movie so get yourself together you thirsty piece of flesh.
“Uh yeah, I am, her mom is away on business.” You said smiling, dying inside at the realisation that today was the day you decided to wear such a boring outfit.
Oof pain.
“Oh? I don’t recall Shannon saying she was going away,” He said furrowing his eyebrows, before staring at you,
“nor that she would be leaving such a cute babysitter in her place.” He chuckles nonchalantly.
How is he so calm after saying that like it’s nothing??? Tf???
Fine, two can play this game sir.
“Well she didn’t tell me she was acquainted with such an attractive man either.”
That wasn’t the strongest comeback but like you're nervous okay?
He smiled at the remark, seemingly about to say something, only to be interrupted by his darling daughter.
“Daddy you have to buy something ya know!”
He let out a chuckle that you could only describe as handsome.
“Mhhmm! You too y/n” Nila said toward you with such bright eyes you couldn’t bother saying no. [as mentioned earlier, this cute kid has you weak.]
“Hmm okay you two, since you're all grown up, tell us the prices of your drinks.” You say egging the two girls on, to the man beside you’s amusement.
As the two little girls hurriedly tried to find the price list and decide who’s speaking first, Mr. handsome man turned to you.
“I like that name, Y/n,” He reached out his hand in front of him, “I’m Seonghwa. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Hehehehehehehe play it cool.
Daintely placing your hand in his and gently giving him a small squeeze as you do so, you let out:
“The pleasure is all mine.”
The two of you end up buying water bottles, him insisting that he pays for you so the girls have less to work out in terms of prices (apparently)
You greeted the girls, leaving them to attend to their shift, and discovered that Seonghwa was going to be here a while as well, in which the two of you concluded it would be a good idea to talk off the hours rather than wandering around alone.
You both wander around (a little awkwardly in silence mind you) until you find a table made to look like a wine barrel for a rustic vibe with two high chairs beside it. It matched the theme of this area which was made to be like an expensive barnhouse.
Now lemme tell you, water ain’t as classy as wine but that didn’t stop Seonghwa from calling over one of the workers serving cocktails, and asking for two empty wine glasses.
He then elegantly poured the water into both wine glasses.
“I suppose it’s too early to be drinking but never too early to stay hydrated in a classy way.” He said.
LMAO this guy has dad humour or very dry, dead humour.
You let out a genuine giggle since that was such a dorky thing to say.
“My peers would probably disagree with you as most of them pop out a beer by 9:05.”
“Yes of course, around your age, you don’t quite have the same responsibilities as I do.”
“Oh? Such as working and taking care of a kid? Because it would appear that I have to worry about that too” You replied cheekily even though you probably know he’s living a bit more of a tiring life by the way he spoke.
He let out a heavy sigh which you didn’t expect after your poor attempt of making the convo entertaining.
“Well yes that may be true, but at least you aren’t dealing with a toxic relationship - Only staying and sucking it up for the sake of your child.”
Oh. well that’s quite the share.
“I’m sorry to hear you're dealing with some hardships.” You utter out, genuinely sympathetic.
“But in my opinion, regardless of the child, you should make a decision that makes you happy. You can raise Yerim with no issue even when separated. Rather that, than letting her grow up in an unhappy home, no..? Then again what do I know?” You say while spinning the water in your glass as if it really was wine.
He paused while circling his pointer finger around the rim of his glass. His head resting on his other hand, seemingly in deep thought.
He looked towards you with an intense gaze. One that made you feel small and had your body urging you to run away. But it also captivated you, so you fought your body and held your breath instead to calm down the intimidation you were feeling.
His whole aura changed for some reason...
“You’re not wrong in what you're saying,” he leaned over the barrel, a little closer to you, “But what if the decision that makes me happy is looked down upon?” He said lowly, looking you up and down once again.
This shouldn’t make you nervous. In fact nothing could be considered remotely inappropriate and yet your breath was hitching and your stomach was churning.
Why? Why is this random man making you feel, for lack of better words, so weird.
Bad brain! Bad!
You must be looking too much into his words to think he could be insinuating something...right?
You wanted to back up a little, and lean away from him, feeling as though you needed to gather yourself, but as you leaned back the wine glass full of water was knocked over, splaying it’s contents over you.
The glass was saved, thankfully landing on some grass, protecting your wallet from a potential bill from the school or whoever owned this damned glass.
Your clothes and dignity however?
Can’t really say the same thing…
You stand up immediately picking up the glass and placing it on the table.
Only then do you tense up at the sudden coldness against your skin.
“Oh dear, are you alright, should I get you some paper towels or maybe a napkin?” Seonghwa stood up immediately at your side.
Even though this was painfully embarrassing and the looks you were getting from others didn’t help, you wanted to play it cool.
“No, no, don’t worry. I should’ve been more careful.”
You decided to look inside the little bag you had brought with you, trying to see if you have any sort of tissues with you.
What an awful day to be wearing a shirt that becomes somewhat transparent when wet…
As you're searching, you fail to realise just how transparent the shirt is, obliviously just trying to find an easy solution.
You may have been oblivious, but Seonghwa was not. He couldn’t help the large gulp he took as he saw the shirt stick to your skin, basically exposing anything underneath for everyone to see.
He had a few intrusive thoughts but he shook them off, instead, taking his jacket and placing it over you.
“What are-”
He takes your arm in his grasp and your bag in his other hand, leading you away from some of the snobby parents who had the audacity to still be looking at you in disgust because of your now ‘revealing’ shirt.
We don’t stan those parents alright?
Anyway he knows this school well and so he leads you towards a much more empty area and opens a door to what you’d assume is to be a guest restroom since it looked pretty fancy compared to the normal trashy bathrooms you see in highschools.
He placed your bag down onto the sink and locked the door behind him.
It wasn’t as small as a cubicle, but it was still a very small space to be in, not leaving much room to move around too much.
“Sorry, I just thought it would be more convenient if you cleaned and tried to dry up here.”
Oh? Well yeah this works you guess…
Then you see the mirror.
Cue heat rising to your cheeks and your breath hitching a little.
Oh that’s why he thought it would be a good idea…
Bro your torso is on display. Like, deadass.
Mental note: don’t wear white shirts and be a clumsy dumbass simultaneously in the future.
As you’re staring in the mirror in a small state of shock and further embarrassment, Seonghwa mindlessly grabs the towel next to the sink in the small cubicle, and tugs up your shirt a little bit so that he can place the towel on top of the wet mark a bit more easily.
Haha what?
It’s only when he notices that you’re extremely still, that he realises he shouldn’t just be wiping down a stranger’s shirt for them…
He immediately comes to a halt, while awkwardly glancing at you with the same slightly panicked expression that you held on your own face.
However, Seonghwa realised that, your face, flushed out a little, is frustratingly endearing to look at.
He almost felt the urge to just cradle your face in his hands right then and there...Maybe pulling you in closer
Mr. Park NO!
He shakes his thoughts away, immediately apologising, slowly retracting his arm.
But you know what your dumbass did?
Held his arm in place.
You don’t know why, but it’s like your brain was straight out malfunctioning.
Body, actions, thoughts, rationality - all of it was not communicating with each other and you couldn’t logically explain your actions.
It just felt like maybe you should keep him there and let him take care of you, no matter how strange that may seem. It seemed right…
Either way this is just awkward and now there’s just so, so much tension.
The air is literally weighing on you a bit, especially since Seonghwa went silent after you instinctively grabbed his arm.
It was still, silent, and it felt as though if you moved, reality would break into pieces.
Dramatic way to explain the situation? Maybe. But it really did feel close to that.
“I uh...It’s okay. You can continue.” You let out shakily.
I’m literally getting second hand embarrassment lmao, moving on.
He just adjusted his throat and gave a quaint nod before continuing what he was doing.
The issue was that now he was hyper focused on trying to not make any direct contact with your skin. His touches are so light, that it’s obviously ineffective, and you and him both know that, but no one wants to say anything.
He’s keeping his eyes glued to the wet patch on your shirt and as you look hopelessly at the soggy thing, you can’t help but let your eyes wander to his arms.
Holy shit his arms. You were already flustered, and now you have to sit still knowing his arms look so good? No way. It’s over for you.
His biceps bulged a little since it was bent, and the dress shirt he was wearing tightened around it, only accentuating how firm he was.
If he’s just that firm on his arms...Imagine what he’s like everywhere else…
Great… Now your feeling heat rush to more areas than just your cheeks.
Look away Y/n. Look away. Literally anywhere but there.
Ah yes, look at the ceiling.
You bit at your lip nervously, and in hopes that it would be a gentle reminder to restrain yourself from looking over at him.
“Can you-”
Your eyes meet his, and he darts his eyes elsewhere almost immediately.
He straightens himself up, letting go of your shirt and placing that hand now on the towel.
“Can you not bite your lip like that..?” He steals a glance at you before sighing.
His ears are definitely a shade of pink and it doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
Honestly you couldn’t help but feel a bit prideful and more confident knowing that you weren’t the only one being flustered here.
You felt like you could breathe a little now.
Maybe your brain did a 180 a bit too quickly, since now you decided to lean closer to him, ensuring that your head popped up within his eye view, which was predominantly the floor at the moment.
You tilted your head tauntingly.
“Why? Does it make you nervous?” You said with a playful undertone in your voice - the seemingly newfound confidence urging you on in your antics.
He let out a scoff, turning his head to the side in disbelief before turning his head to look at you with his eyebrows raised, ready to challenge you.
He now leaned closer, clearly asserting a dominant aura with a small smirk graced on his face.
“Trust me, if I wanted to see you wet, this situation would be a lot different.”
Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit
That was unexpected.
No you won’t back down. You’ve been flustered too much today and you’re tired.
Game face: on.
There’s no time to let the wet shirt of yours get the best of you. It is now no longer your priority in this moment.
[A/N: let’s go Y/N, show ‘em what you got]
You saunter close to him, pushing your hands on his chest causing him to lean back into the wall.
“Is that so?” You chuckle, reaching for his tie, tugging at it a little, before busying yourself with tightening it and making it look a little neater.
“And in what ways, would that situation be different?” you uttered out in the most seductive voice you could muster.
You held back a smirk as his breath audibly hitched.
He found his hand, crawling to grip your hip. Pulling you a bit closer towards him - bodies just touching.
“Well for starters, you wouldn’t have a shirt that would be able to get wet in the first place.”
You flattened out the tie, coming to a halt, taking time to gaze at him.
“Oh? And why’s that?” You said lowly, acting dumb.
His grip tightened around your hip, finally pulling you into his chest.
The slight dampening of his shirt didn’t bother him as much as his urge to touch you more did.
“Because, Y/n,” He spoke, leaning in so that you could now feel his breath fan your lips,
“In an ideal situation, you and I would both be naked.”
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icarus-last-fall · 1 year ago
I wanna write a long fic
Warning : ! It's not instead of the fic ideas you gave me but in addition !
I want to write a long fic (like 30 chapters or more) but I have more than one idea so lemme know what you think :
Option 1 : Summer AU
(I call it an au but it can take place in canon)(it's after Sirius left square Grimmaurd)
Regulus convinces his parents to let him spend summer vacations at a secondary house of the Black family that is rarely used but Sirius had the idea to go (without being allowed) at the same place with his friends
Lots of chaos ensues, the two groups become one, light Black brothers angst with happy ending, mentioned Evans sisters angst, Wolfstar, Jegulus, Rosekiller, Dorlene, Marylily/Pandalily
Probably multi povs but can be done any way
Option 2 : One year at Hogwarts
Pandora and Lily start dating, so they want their friend groups to hang out.
Basically a look into everyone's mental state (spoiler warning: they're all f-ed up)
(again) lot of chaos, (again) the two groups become one, Black brothers angst, Evans sisters angst, Wolfstar, Jegulus, Rosekiller, Dorlene, Pandalily (wdym my ships are always the same)
Absolutely multi povs
Option 3 : Royalty AU
I have no plot for this one but it's Sirius and Regulus being princes and dealing with all this (and also meeting the loves of their lives)
Wolfstar, Jegulus, bg Rosekiller, bg Dorlene, bg Marlily/Pandalily
No idea what pov this should be but probably Sirius and Regulus povs switching? Or maybe third person idk yet
Option 4 : Highschool (muggle?) AU
Edit : I just realized that I call it an highschool AU but even if they are in highschool it doesn't really have anything to do with the story? Or not that much at least so now I feel like an impostor, it's probably more a muggle AU
Well an highschool au obviously, the start is that Regulus is trans ftm and he's at an all girl's school and when he comes out to his parents their reactions are... not good? So he goes to Sirius' house and he ends up living with him. And then Sirius' friend group and Regulus' friend group meet. (Sirius friends are James, Remus and Barty and Regulus friends are Lily, Mary, Marlene, Pandora and Evan)(Dorcas is Barty's roommate so she's not in any friend group yet)
To be original lots of chaos, the two groups become one, Wolfstar, jegulus, rosekiller, dorlene, (established) marylily
I planned on multi povs but it can change
Option 5 : Narcissa point of view on Black brothers angst
Narcissa watching Sirius and Regulus grow apart throughout the years
This is not Narcissa centric, just Sirius and Regulus relation in her eyes, so even if there will obviously be some of her thoughts, life, relationships and insecurities it stays focused on the black brothers
Black brothers angst, light black sisters angst, main character death, only one of my options that doesn't end well, canon-compliant
Narcissa's pov obvi
Option 6 : Full Hogwarts story
The whole seven years at Hogwarts of a marauders era character
Might not be Will probably not be canon-compliant cause I want a happy ending
I haven't decided on which character to write yet, if this idea is the one that wins the poll I'll make another one for you guys to tell me who you want this to be about
Only one pov, the one of the main character
Warning : ! The poll result isn't definitive, it just helps me decide I might do another one in the end !
Also feel free to dm me/send me an ask if you have any question/things you'd like me to add to a story <33
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meaningofaeons · 2 years ago
First request ive sent for hsr bcz I DO NOT SEE ENOUGH AU CONTENT ON THIS SITE?? I would like to request Gepard x reader musician au where gepard plays an instrument or maybe hes some kind of idol… idk im insane and ill take anything 😭
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ (tone) deaf
⊹ character(s) - gepard landau ⊹ word count - 705 ⊹ notes - gn!reader, musician/music au, modern au, gepard is still kinda a bad singer like in canon but not as bad (serval vocal coach yahoo!), reader is implied to be semi-famous but still knows the landaus, serval's band is implied to be semi-famous too (SERVAL WINGWOMAN IS BACK!!!), idol!gepard
hi anon!!! I REALLY LIKE THIS REQUEST!!!! I love guys who can't sing (cough tanjiro demon slayer cough) and it's always so cute writing about them. the idea of idol!gepard made me swoon so I went that route! I did hcs I hope that's okay! and I hope the modern au is okay, I didn't know if you wanted to stick to the original belobog/hsr setting or no. thanks for requesting!!! (=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡☆ (I didnt rlly know how to end this one so if you want a p2 lemme know <3)
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Gepard isn't necessarily a bad singer. He's just unpracticed.
Serval remembers fondly the times her brother would try to sing in his room, completely unaware of how he sounded to anyone with half an ear for tone.
He'd always wanted to be in a band of some sort like his older sister, but he didn't really have a knack for it. And instruments? Forget it. He could barely strum a single chord on a guitar!
Brawn was always Gepard's bigger strong suit over brains, and music certainly required quite a bit of the latter.
So, Serval, noticing her brother's plight (but also his desire for improvement) approached him on getting vocal lessons. From her, of course.
Over the course of a few years, he improved by leaps and bounds. In all that time, it never occurred to his sister to ask why he was so desperate for musical ability.
That is, until she went with him to one of your shows on her rare time off from her own band.
You were a longtime friend of the Landaus, and Serval felt that all three of you got along quite well. Like a house on fire, one would say.
But she never quite expected her brother to be so taken with your sound.
"Y/N has really bettered her playing!" Gepard ranted to Serval as soon as they were out of the small live house venue, waving his arms around. "I mean, she's always been good, but wow!"
"Is that why you wanted to get into music?" the girl teased, and her sibling immediately shut up.
"...N-Not exactly, but Y/N is inspiring."
"Your crush is written all over your face, baby bro—"
Serval was promptly shushed when you bounded up to the two of them.
"Hey, guys! How'd you like the show? Pretty cool, right?"
Gepard would spend hours ranting to you about songwriting, tone, anything he could possibly think of to occupy your conversation. Serval, meanwhile, would slink away to give you two your space.
It didn't take long for the newly-improved singer Gepard to find his place in a male idol unit.
His looks certainly helped, but it was no shocker that his leaps-and-bounds better singing was the kicker that got him his spot.
You continued your own musical gigs, but you were always willing to lend the blonde a helping hand (and ear!) for his new songs. Though idol groups usually got composers to write for them, Gepard was a sucker for coming up with his own songs.
As a very handsome guy, his talents were naturally geared towards a 'heartthrob' persona to his fans, which they lapped up like a cat to milk.
You soon became no exception—though you were obviously closer to him than any fan could get.
You would help him with writing songs, and all of his love-centric ones were written with you in mind (not that he would ever admit such a thing)
Still, you seemed ever-oblivious to his hints, even when his songs started to get borderline personal. His manager had to outright stop him from performing a song on the fly during one of his shows that specifically described you.
And Gepard was silently thankful that his moment of lovestruck delirium hadn't been broadcasted live to millions.
You couldn't exactly deny your own feelings for the man, but considering both of your levels of fame and his rise to success as a shoe-in for the whole nation's celebrity crush, you figured not to say a word.
Even though the work got busier by the day, though, Gepard always made time for you, and you for him.
When he couldn't make it to a show of yours or he had to miss out on a meeting due to a scheduling conflict, he'd always send a bouquet of your favorite flowers straight to your doorstep.
And though you couldn't always be there for his live performances, you always made sure to send something to eat from his favorite restaurant that he could indulge in after the show.
Fame could be tiring, trifling, and outright frustrating at times, but with the two of you to support one another, it wasn't too bad a hurdle to cross.
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