#but just possibly ;) XD
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doctormori · 4 months ago
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I love this book to death, so here's some things I noticed <3
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bread-is-my-life · 2 months ago
First post of 2025 let's go. Having fun with new pencils
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miss-conner3 · 11 months ago
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En Español: Aquí
This was going to reference a sibling dynamic meme, but I got too excited XD
Brief context: Height difference in a future where Ando becomes a wandering traveler and the lamb digivolves until it reaches its maximum potential.
Or something similar to that, hehe (ouo)
I hope you like it!
Extra: A little idea regarding my two sheep!
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"Forever is a long time, little lamb..."
This is the moment where I comment that I like light angst, but it's rare that I prioritize it, so don't worry (?)
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krysmcscience · 4 months ago
BILLDUMP TIME (with transparency, because I can). Don't mind me, I'm just yeeting my goofy art at some way more talented individuals out of nowhere and then hauling ass back to the security of being a weird silent lurker ahaha
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@tesscourtes and @beccadrawsstuff, respectively! These two Bills make a little prism of sorts together because of their recent crossovers on Patreon~ :3c Speaking of which, I highly recommend supporting both these artists! They do fantastic work! (TessCourtes and Beccup)
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@qoolk on the left, and @monobmp on the right! I am such a sucker for these outfits~ OuO Go and check these two out, their art is phenomenal!!! >u<
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@1spooky2me The most difficult Bill of the lot for me to draw, ahaha... Their art is so incredibly consistent and dynamic, I am, a little envious <:,) A little envious, but mostly impressed, so go look at their amazing art, what are you waiting for
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And finally, @ckret2, whose writing is sublimely in-character and just a delight to read - they're a great artist, as well! I simply Could Not resist drawing their Bill in this ridiculous incredible and very fashionable pink feather dress, even though he only briefly wears it in their fic, so I also did a little bonus doodle of him in his standard hoodie to make up for it. XD (Also, as far as I'm concerned, Bill and Mabel were both correct in that lime green accessories make the dress Much Better.)
This is just a small selection of the human Bill designs I enjoy. I may draw and post more later on, who knows! Feel free to reblog with some neat Bill designs, either your own or by other folks - if any of the designs particularly call to me, I'll add them to the little list I've got going~ :D (Alternatively, if you really like my stuff and want me to draw something specific, you could...mmm...perhaps, commission me...? OuO)
Also I'm tagging Billford because uhhhh yeah, sorry not sorry, every single one of these Bills is getting shipped with Ford by the artists in some way or another, lmao
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quinn-of-aebradore · 4 months ago
Something I think about a lot in regards to Vax’s deal with the Raven Queen is that Vox Machina could have brought him back from being Disintegrated. They talked about it at length before they went to sleep that night; Scanlan could’ve used Wish to turn a large enough creature (they joked about using Trinket) into enough diamonds for Pike to cast True Resurrection and bring Vax back even though his body had been destroyed. They just couldn’t do it right away. Bringing him back was well within their powers, they just needed time.
But then the Raven Queen swept in and made her offer to Vax; die now or die later to serve as my Champion in exchange for me bringing you back right away.
This isn’t to discount the fact that Vax made his choice when it came to serving the Raven Queen; I wholeheartedly agree that that was his own choice, not a debt like Keyleth believes it to be. But I do wonder, sometimes, if his answer would’ve been different if he knew what his family was planning. And I wonder too if remembering that plan that would’ve worked given time fuels Vex and Keyleth’s bitterness towards the Raven Queen, on top of everything else.
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mischefous · 10 months ago
Maybe (if you want to) you could do legend just hanging out, or getting thrown by monsters, ANYWAY! Love your art and one of these days I'm going to explode from the shear amount of serotonin it gives my silly little brain.
decided to give poor Legend a break and do a part 2 to this one X and have him just hanging out, drinking that red potion Warriors was shoving in his face XD
thank you for your request @bleper!💙 you have a fantastic dayyy! (sorry I couldn't do the other idea, my art was not arting T3T)
CW! blood, but not much, it's more like old dried blood
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pianokantzart · 4 months ago
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The polycule is in shambles
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piyo13sdoodles · 4 months ago
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day 19, chapter 50:
"Do you happen to have a free evening?" Cliopher looked up from the report he was reading. Rhodin was leaning in the doorway of his office. "I beg your pardon?" "A free evening. I'm sure you're familiar with the concept. In most professions a minimum number are legislated."
rhodin's snark was one of my favourite things about him!
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gwinver-art · 7 months ago
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A timeline of Bisig!! Since I've decided her birthday was in July, I felt it was time for a little retrospective :>
Thought it'd be fun to see how the way I've drawn her has evolved over the years!
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miiukkaa · 2 years ago
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the little gremlin (me) drew a layout of the subway lair's kitchen
first of all, thanks to everyone who have sent suggestions/questions related to the kitchen in my asks! if i didn't reply back to you, know that i just wanted to hoard your ask and ponder on it and will now answer to you in the following rambles :)
giving you an easy-to-access-link to the subway lair you may or may not have seen.
on the layout, i wrote down in all caps the places where the stairs from the kitchen lead to. the arrows indicate if the stairs lead up or down.
much like in the sewers, the kitchen has lots of tabletops and cabinets that may not fill the space perfectly. some of them are mismatched (the boxes that are outside of the room in the layout are wall cabinets by the way!)
the "OPEN 24 HOURS" neon sign is from the old kitchen.
the rack is for holding both pots and kettles and dry foods probably.
i wasn't too sure if to copy the kitchen island from the sewer kitchen! i just ended up just drawing a simple table basically... the sewer kitchen's island came with a pot rack which i think would be cool to bring back!! (me not drawing the pot rack for the illustration was like 90% me being intimidated by how to draw it, oughh).
fairy lights surround the entire room, yep.
i ended up not adding a dining area to the kitchen for a few reasons:
-the sewers didn't have a dining area within the kitchen... nor anywhere for that matter (at least we didn't get to see one)
-there are seats and tables in the lobby which is a short walk away. methinks that's where they sit down to eat instead.
-it felt too "normal" to add a dining table with proper chairs and everything as the idea itself felt out of place... the way i see it, the family is all about mismatches which can be seen in the backgrounds a lot (and the story itself). so i definitely favor messy and unconventional ways over perfect aesthetics and other norms when it comes to the family :)
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anthurak · 5 months ago
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So here’s a few general theories I’ve got on both Eve and Roo, their role in the story, as well as at least one rather bonkers theory on how they/she are connected to Charlie.
Which means to begin with, we’re going to make the entirely logical step to talk about Rosie.
Because as I said in a couple posts after the finale, I think Rosie is actually Eve.
Or rather, as I now think, Rosie is an ASPECT of Eve.
To begin with, just about everything Rosie does with Charlie in Episode 7 to me just kinda SCREAMS ‘I’m actually a mysterious relative/family friend you never knew about.’ From the way she immediately goes massively out of her way to help Charlie, not just with the more overt problem of the impending extermination, but also her more personal relationship problems, not to mention little touches like how she insists on Charlie calling her ‘auntie’. As well as making a number of small references that could very easily be more direct foreshadowing:
Rosie’s whole ‘first husband’ comment could easily be a dig at Adam, plus her being a cannibal would make for a pretty clever callback to the visual joke of Adam eating ribs in the first episode.
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We also have Rosie’s talk with Charlie about her problems with Vaggie, which feel especially relevant in light of the reveal that Eve seems to have had some kind of romance with Lucifer and Lilith. Rosie’s comments to Charlie clearly hint that she has her own regrets towards a failed relationship, which if she is Eve could easily hint at whatever went down between her, Lilith and Lucifer. Not to mention, given the CLEAR parallels that Charlie and Vaggie have to Lucifer and Lilith, it would be all too fitting if it turned out that Eve was the one helping to mend their relationship.
There’s also one other visual detail about Rosie… but more on that later.
So how does this tie back to Roo?
Well you know how I said I think Rosie is an aspect or part of Eve?
I think Roo is the OTHER part of Eve.
As in, I think that Roo and Rosie (hey, look at those similar names) are each the two parts of Eve that split apart when she became the ‘Root of All Evil’.
When you get down to it, I think Roo as a character and her role in the story as a whole is to be a subversive exploration of the idea of the scapegoat and Christian ideas/fixation on guilt and penance. Roo might actually BE this big, terrible ‘Root of All Evil’, ‘Embodiment of Sin’, ‘Unfettered Force of Chaos’, ‘Heart of Hell itself’ ultimate big-bad of the show that much of the fandom is assuming…
But only because she/Eve chose this role out of her own guilt and self-loathing. Eve only believes that she’s this terrible, irredeemable person at the root of all the evils of mankind, and has thus chosen to embody that.
And I think in the process of becoming Roo, this being of pure evil, Eve tried (emphasis on tried) to split off all the ‘good’ within her. Which in turn became Rosie. Alternatively, Rosie could have been deliberately split off from Roo to act as her agent, but may have become self-aware enough that she’s trying to stop/save Roo, hence her going out of her way to help Charlie. And of course this would also neatly explain her friendship with Alastor, himself likely also an agent of Roo.
Which in turn is going to be the crux of her conflict with Charlie, and the ultimate villain redemption of the story. Like of course we’re going to find out about Roo’s big, terrible villainous plots to perhaps corrupt humanity or subsume all of Hell or destroy Heaven and how she’s likely the one pulling Alastor’s strings and has maybe had him essentially ‘feeding her’ Overlords to increase her power and how she’s likely the cause of Lilith’s disappearing seven years ago and ending up in Heaven and all kinds of other things our heroes will have to fight against.
Until we get to our big, final confrontation with Roo and both we and Charlie discover that this terrible being of pure evil is in fact this traumatized, grief-stricken woman utterly consumed by guilt and self-loathing. The one person who, more than anyone else, NEEDS the help and redemption that Charlie has spent the whole show trying to offer others.
And also might be Charlie’s other mom.
Yeah, it’s bonkers theory time :D
So back during the rough… twenty to thirty minutes or so between finishing Episode 7 and seeing the post-credits scene in Episode 8, I was VERY sure that Rosie was actually Lilith in disguise (as you can see from this rather amusing post/reblog :D), for basically all the reason I listed above about why Rosie feels like an in-disguise Eve,
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But ALSO because of Rosie’s cheek blush-marks that look CURIOUSLY SIMILAR to Charlie’s own. And if you’ve read any of my numerous Rosebird Parents theory posts, you can imagine I immediately latched onto that.
However! This is NOT a theory that Eve is somehow Charlie’s ‘real mom’. That is stupid and I will not hear Lilith slander in this house. Note instead that I said that Eve might be Charlie’s OTHER mom…
Basically I think Charlie has three parents thanks to Lucifer, Lilith and Eve each actually being some variety of functionally intersex due to wacky angel/demon/primordial-human physiology. And the three of them conceived Charlie Gilgamesh-style via Lilith and Eve knocking up Lucifer.
Hey, I want this show to get WEIRD, okay?
Even just speaking generally, we’re already got more or less soft-confirmation that SOMETHING was going on between Eve, Lilith and Lucifer, and that Eve seemed to have specifically left Adam for Lucifer and Lilith. So I’d say it’s not at all a stretch to think that Lilith, Lucifer and Eve will turn out to be a tragic, broken polycule driven apart by each of their baggage and trauma.
Or that a major aspect of the show will end up being about Charlie (with Vaggie’s (and possibly Emily’s…) help) working to get her parents back together.
In fact, I can already imagine what a suitably cute/heartwarming/feelsy reunion Eve could have with Lucifer and Lilith:
Eve, having just been freed from her self-imposed prison/punishment by Charlie, is about to launch into a guilt-and-regret-laden spiel about how she knows how they must hate her and how she doesn’t deserve them…
Only for Lucifer gives Eve a big cute hug.
And then Lilith gives Eve a Big Damn Kiss XD
Simply put, I think it’s pretty clear that Hazbin Hotel is NOT the kind of the show to just go and make a woman the source of all the evil and sin and bad of the world and seemingly the ultimate big bad and NOT examine, interrogate and SUBVERT THE EVERLIVING HELL out of that concept/trope.
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galacticghoste · 6 months ago
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Another Sona for the small collection XD
She's a Goat bc why not
Also if I had a Chao I want them to look like this lil guy hehehe
Then again I guess the chao could be it's own sona since my sona on this account is a lil ghost maybe I'm thinking too much
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Sorry for not being too active artwise
I been so overwhelmed by the thought of school starting that my mental state kinda was everywhere wasn't fun. I didn't even have the desire to draw as usual I was kinda stuck worrying too much about school.
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carogdraws · 17 days ago
Drew this a while back, here’s my take on a teenage version of Gregory… or actually what Gregory in Afton’s Return would look like as a 16 year old XD
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He hasn’t changed much design wise from what I intended like a year ago now, but I added blue hair tips because he would definitely dye his hair lol.
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danwhobrowses · 10 months ago
What's this? My skin, cleared? My crops, watered!? My heart, soaring!!??
Callowmoore softness, comfort and sleeping beside each other my FUCKING BELOVED!
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daughterofhecata · 7 months ago
The funniest thing about the quasi-polycule Mo/Resa/Staubfinger/Roxane is. Mo/Resa & Staubfinger/Roxane? Obvious, are happily married, have/had multiple children together. Resa/Staubfinger? Lowkey canon as well, certainly have History together and feelings for each other. Mo/Staubfinger? Came back from the dead together, know each other's hearts as well as their own etc. Resa/Roxane? Grew close fast despite everything, extremely shippable. Mo/Roxane? Uh. Well. Sometimes they were in the same place at the same time, I guess???
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splatoonusna · 9 months ago
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If I can hit 5k Followers before my Package arrives, I might give away Three of the New Tableturf Card Packs from the latest CoroCoro Magazine. (There is Five Set Cards in Each Pack - Pearl, Pearl Drone, Acht, Marina, and Agent 8)
I will have to limit it to the US if I do this because the shipping is going to come out of my own pocket.
(You don't have to reblog anything rn, this isn't an entry thing currently. You will know if I do it later on)
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