#but it will be a reserve in case something happens to this third.
✶ hi! my name is maria, i draw pictures under the nickname 0039pf. 2004, ru/eng, college student.
✶ i draw fandom things (ship art mostly, i need a little comfort in this life), i draw commissions, and i also have my original characters, with whom i want to draw a whole comic book
won't list all the fandoms i'm in, there are too many of them.... but current interests are rdr2, star wars and resident evil. will edit if there are changes. and my ships if you interested, this is not all, just from the fandoms i’m active rn: morston, sadigail (rdr2); obikin (sw); wintersberg (re8), serennedy (re4 remake), valeveira (re3 remake), shake (re6). if you don't like any, there's no need to notify me, just move on 🫶
⣿ commission info
⣿ carrd.co
feel free to ask, if you have any questions, but please be nice to me and to each other. i want my blog to be a safe place for everyone.
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art hashtag #by 0039pf // txt posts #0039pf shitposts // ask #ask 0039pf
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storiesofsvu · 2 months
Bump in the Night
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Aaron Hotchner x reader warnings: language, some anxiety/fear, aaron to the rescue type vibes, nothing serious, just a creeper. This was supposed to be a drabble... I do not know what happened...
While you weren’t actually part of the BAU, you were best friends with Penelope which meant that any girls night’s, baking tutorials, birthday, Christmas or Halloween celebrations, you were invited. Over all of those events you’d become a friend of everyone on the team, a happy face for them to see after a long week or more away. You regularly helped Penelope get things set up for them or were the one out running errands or picking up treats while she was finishing work. It was as if the two of you were their own personal slice of sunshine, which was exactly why Hotch always felt a blooming of warmth in his chest whenever Garcia mentioned you’d be in attendance or he’d round the corner and lay eyes on you.
The two of you clicked, he surprised himself, already coming out of his shell on the first night you’d met, something he usually reserved until he’d had time to fully profile someone and make sure their intentions were good. Instead you had him laughing by the end of the night, a sight that you definitely wanted to see again. There was a mild flirtation, but nothing that anyone else ever picked up on, and not one that ever moved past a little tease here or there, an offhand comment about how you were prettier than the girl eyeing Aaron up, or that the muscley firefighter really wasn’t your type. You were friends, which was all you really needed.
Friends morphed into good friends over the course of the year that you knew each other. First it was a run in at a coffee shop, Aaron halfway out the door in a rush to work, just enough time to flash you a warm smile and say hello before parting ways.
The second time he was pulling into a gas station, spotting you hanging up the nozzle a few pumps down before you got back into your car to peel away down the street.
The third was the produce section of the grocery store, you spotted him first, eyes darting through the items in his basket, nearly making him jump when you suddenly spoke from behind him once you’d figured out what he was making for dinner.
Number four was a bright sunny Saturday afternoon, Jack had insisted on going to the park with a few friends and Aaron ended up chaperoning. One of the kids spotted a friendly dog and when they raced of to pet it, he realized you were on the other end of the leash and made a comment that he didn’t know you had a dog. With a glittering laugh you explained you were dog sitting and the moment Jack realized you were a friend of his dad’s; Aaron was the one stuck dog sitting while you were being dragged around the playground.
The fifth was a late Friday evening, Jack was away for the weekend and Aaron had stopped to pick up a bottle of wine to have with his take out. While he stood staring at the bottles he caught a movement out of the corner of his eye but didn’t look up until he heard the familiar laugh as you snuck in front of him to grab your favourite. He asked if you had a hot date and you practically snorted, saying the only company you had that night was a pair of sweats and your couch. You then raised a playful eyebrow and teasingly asked if he’d been stalking you and his cheeks instantly tinged pink, nearly fumbling his words as he tried to explain he lived around the corner. Your hand on his elbow suddenly brought him back down to his senses and he was able to laugh it off when he clued in that you were completely joking, explaining you’d been wondering the same thing.
Upon the discovery that you were in adjacent neighbourhoods and that you worked from home, you exchanged phone numbers. On the off chance the jet was delayed, you could pick up Jack from school, stopping at the park for an hour until Aaron was home, maybe even get started on dinner and homework. If there was a last minute case and Jessica was still at work, you’d head over to be the in between buffer so Hotch could leave right away. He was insistent on you calling whenever you needed anything, he picked up your mail when you went on vacation, helped out with the leaky pipe in your laundry room and came in very handy when it came to changing the light bulbs you couldn’t even dream of reaching.
Currently, Jack was away at summer camp and Aaron was swindled into finally using up some of his vacation time. The first few days he’d deep cleaned the house from top to bottom, next it was a similar treatment for the yard. By the time he’d reached the second Tuesday he’d ran out of things to do until he ran into you at the corner store and you suggested seeing a movie considering neither of you had anything to do and the movie theatre air conditioning couldn’t be beat. With the heat on the rise, and a plethora of summer blockbusters you continued the new tradition each night that week. Most days you drove together, Aaron either picking you up or walking you home from his place depending on the weather.
Friday you’d been out with friends for a late lunch, had a handful of errands to run and were closer to the theatre than home, meeting him there. When he asked if you needed a ride you let out a small laugh, explaining that you’d driven, but thanked him anyway, the smile evident on your cheeks as he wordlessly insisted on walking you to your car at the very least.
Car windows down you had music going on the drive home, pulling into the driveway and enjoying the song for one more chorus before finally turning off the ignition and collecting your things. You made your way through the front door, relocking it behind you and tossing your keys down onto the small table in the entry way as you toed off your shoes.
You were making a beeline through the house to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water when a couple of thumps from the other side of the wall caused you to jump, your heart leaping in your chest. You left the kitchen light off, tip toeing through the room and you realized you’d left the kitchen window ajar earlier to get some fresh air in. Letting out sigh of relief you pushed it down so it was only open an inch or two, though your eyes caught movement across the yard, a clattering that sounded like your garbage bins and your brow furrowed, wondering why the automatic security light hadn’t caught what you figured was a raccoon.
Padding across to the doorway you flicked the light switch a couple of times, normally if the light was activated already that did the trick, but this time the yard remained pitch black.
“For fuck’s sake.” You muttered, digging around in a cupboard until you found a spare bulb before unlocking the back door and stepping onto the porch. Reaching up you went to unscrew the bulb and let out another annoyed sigh that it was actually just loose, so you screwed it back in, shielding your eyes as it burst to life.
The screen door swung shut behind you as you stepped back inside and you noticed a small duffle bag on the edge of the porch that at first glance didn’t look that familiar, but you didn’t really think much of it. A few people on your street often leant things to one another and you had been waiting on a couple of gardening tools, but you weren’t about to look into it now. The hairs on the back of your neck were still standing up and you were ready to be back inside behind locked doors, especially as your motion stilled and the light flicked off once again.
As you crossed through the kitchen to finally pull open the fridge you heard yet another clatter from outside and your stomach dropped when the security light flicked back on. Fridge quickly shut you backed into it, up on your toes in an attempt to peer out the window, praying it was just an animal. There was a light scuffling right at the back porch and you were so thankful for having immediately locked the door.
You were even more thankful for the lock when your eyes finally caught the movement, a hand creeping up through the railing near the duffle bag and you couldn’t help the gasp that left your lips. At the sound, the hand froze and you immediately leapt forward, slamming the kitchen window all the way shut and you saw a shadowy figure dart through the outskirts of the yard, just out of reach of the light. Your heart thundering in your chest you were honestly surprised you were able to dig your phone out of your pocket and find Aaron’s contact.
You felt a brief wave of relief wash over you at how quickly he answered, “I’m really wishing I’d taken you up on that ride now…”
“Why?” His voice immediately tensed, “what’s wrong?”
“There’s someone in my yard…” you let out a breath you’d been holding when the light outside flicked off, your shoulders starting to relax, “pretty sure he was there before I got home.” A crash echoed through the air and you jumped, your voice wavering when you spoke again “fuck he’s still here.”
“I’m already on my way, keep the doors locked, the lights off and stay away from the windows.”
“Yeah.” You muttered, heart racing as you heard his car start through the phone and he assured you he’d be right over before the phone line clicked.
Trying to keep your breath calm you kept your eyes trained on the window, backing into the pantry door so you were concealed by the fridge but could still see if the light went off again. It was only a matter of moments later you heard a car squealing to a halt out front, the door slamming shut followed by Aaron’s voice. You caught his shadow moving around the side of the house and the light in the backyard flicked back on when he announced himself, the gate booted open and you were just able to see someone launching themselves over the back fence into the alley before running off. All they needed was the threat of a federal agent and the assumption of a gun to peel off into the night.
You felt your breathing calming down as the sound of running got further and further away, finally dropping down into a chair at the kitchen table. Aaron, being Aaron, wasn’t satisfied with just running the perp off, doing a full sweep of both your front and back yards, checking the alleyway, under the porch and any nooks and crannies anything or person could possibly have been stashed. You heard him on the back step and glanced up to see him sifting though the duffle bag, a frown on his face, his lips pressed into a firm line. With a huff he scooped up the bag and sauntered across the yard, dropping it on the other side of the fence with the garbage before making his way back to the door. A brisk knock echoed through the kitchen followed by his voice,
“He’s gone, it’s just me, Aaron.”
You couldn’t help but let out a breath of a laugh, as if you hadn’t had your eyes on him the entire time, making sure everything was okay. Crossing the room you finally turned the kitchen light on, unlocking the door and letting it swing open.
“Hey.” You smiled softly, “thanks.”
“Of course.” His lips formed a tight smile as he stepped into the house, locking the door behind himself, “just to be safe I want to do a sweep inside, stay put.” His hand squeezed at your elbow as he moved past you and you were left awkwardly standing in your own kitchen until he returned.
“No psycho killers?” You asked, a shaky laugh in your throat.
“All empty.” He nodded, his features softening as he noticed the rapid rising and falling of your chest, “are you alright?”
“Yeah, sure.” You tried to wave him off but he took a step closer to you.
“Come here.” He crooked his hand and you surprised yourself with how quickly you closed the gap between the two of you, enveloping yourself in his arms. Aaron squeezed at you tightly, tucking you under his chin and just letting you breathe until he felt the tension begin to melt away from your body. “It’s alright. He’s gone and I highly doubt he’s coming back.” His lips brushed against the top of your hair as he spoke and something about it calmed you even further, finally pulling out of the embrace.
“What was in the bag?”
“Trophies.” He replied with a sigh and he only caught himself when your eyes widened. “No, no, not those kind of trophies.” His hand squeezed at your shoulder, “sorry. Keepsakes, prizes, expensive things that can be pawned or sold to the highest bidder. My guess is he was only here to get your valuables, you spooked him coming home and he just wanted the bag back, he probably hit a few houses on the block before here.”
“God he was on the porch.” You shivered, “probably right as I walked in.”
“And your instinct was to grab a light bulb?” Aaron’s lips twitched up in a teasing grin and your brow furrowed until you followed his gaze and realized you hadn’t let go of the object yet.
“No.” You huffed, “the backyard light wasn’t working, I went to change it but it just needed to be tightened.”
“You were out there?”
“Yeah.” You shivered again, this time heavier, “he was probably less than a foot away. God, that was stupid.”
“Agreed.” He frowned in your direction, “that happens again you call me right away, alright?”
“You think he loosened it?”
“Most likely. Easier to stay in the darkness, not alert the neighbours of anything weird. You’ve always said Mrs. Ferguson was a bit too nosy.” His lips flicked up into a grin again and you let out a small laugh, “he probably cased the neighbourhood, have you been keeping the same daily routine recently?”
“Yeah.” You nodded, “movies with you. But we almost always go at the same time and tonight’s movie wasn’t any shorter or anything, so why would I have been home before he expected it?”
It was Aaron’s turn to fumble over his words, his cheeks turning a pale shade of pink while he quickly ducked his gaze, letting out an awkward laugh before he glanced back up at you. “I guess now would be the proper time to admit that when I drive, I tend to take the scenic route…”
Your head titled in a curious and adorable way that didn’t help the burning in Hotch’s cheeks, “what? What’d you mean?”
God you were absolutely going to be the death of him and he knew it. This summer had finally brought something to the edge for Aaron and he’d been holding back, happy with the time he got to spend with you. The evening hangouts had began to start to feel more and more like dates with each one that went passed and he’d been hoping that you would start to think the same and be the one to break the tension. Instead, he found himself feeling flustered, standing in your kitchen at nearly midnight having to explain it to you.
“Don’t get me wrong, the movies are great, but there’s something about the way you light up afterwards that just makes me smile.” He started and you felt a fluttering begin in your stomach, one that finally wasn’t due to fear, “hearing you gush about things, delve so deep into characterization or the cinematography of it all, seeing you so passionate about it.. it just makes me happy. Honestly, it’s my favourite part of the day.”
“Oh…” you replied, the realization washing over you and for a moment Aaron was afraid you were about to step back, ask him to leave, but then you giggled and the smile broke out on your lips, “so you’re just a big ole’ softie?”
He shook his head, the smile bright on his cheeks, “I’ve grown to adore the time we spend together. I was planning on taking a detour tonight too, Pintango just launched a lavender honey flavour this week—”
“And you remembered that I couldn’t shut up about wanting to try it after the movie last week…” you felt your cheeks heat, “embarrassing on my part yet endearing on yours.”
“And lucky on life’s behalf that it didn’t happen, you’d be down a few heirlooms and pieces of technology.”
“Yeah, no kidding.” You wrapped you arms around yourself, “my adrenaline’s high enough lord knows I’m not gonna be able to sleep anytime soon.” With a sigh you glanced across at him, “don’t suppose you feel like sticking around for a bit? Keeping me company while I ramble on and on about useless facts?”
The sly smile on your cheeks nearly melted Aaron and he laughed softly, “I wasn’t planning on going anywhere.”
He followed you out to the couch, letting you get comfortable while you voted on a number of different movies before finally settling on one. A movie and a half later and you were relaxed into the crook of his arm, his hand just daring to softly play with your hair. You let out a long yawn, sinking even further into his side and he chuckled softly.
“You should get to bed, get some actual rest.”
“I’m still on edge. I don’t want to have to call you to come running for every bump in the night.”
This time Aaron did squeeze at your shoulder, shifting on the couch so you were forced to sit up straight and he could catch your gaze.
“I meant it when I said I wasn’t going anywhere, at least not until sunrise. That creep’s likely going to come back for his bag, that’s why I dumped it in the alley rather than bringing it inside. I don’t want you to be alone for that.”
“Mmm…” you hummed, a sleepy smile on your cheeks, “you’re sweet. Thank you.” Leaning in, your lips brushed against his cheek and Aaron felt his stomach do a flip flop. He squeezed at your hand, giving you a soft smile as you finally stood up off the couch. “Make yourself at home.”
“Sweet dreams.” He replied and you weren’t sure whether it was his words or the sleepiness that was making everything feel warm and fuzzy as you made your way to the bedroom.
It was a few hours later when you rolled over, only awake enough to shift your body into a more comfortable position until a thump outside had your eyes shooting open. It was very quickly followed up by the hissing of two cats and you let out a huff, rolling back onto your side.
Your bedroom door was left cracked open and there was a sliver of light and the tiniest hint of noise coming from the living room meaning Hotch was likely still awake. You swung your legs over the edge of the bed, reaching for a hoodie to tug over your head before you padded out to the living room, finding your overnight company peering out the window blinds. At the sound of your footsteps he glanced back over to you, his body relaxing.
“Did I wake you?”
“No,” you waved him off with a small yawn, “couple a cats outside my window.” You covered a second yawn with your hand and Aaron barely moved from his spot, curious as to why you were up already. You glanced from him to the couch, a mug of coffee on the coffee table, and finally to the television. “Hey…” you started, picking at the sleeves of your hoodie, “I get you’re doing the whole protective thing—and I appreciate it! I really do…but uh.. there’s no reason for you to stay awake all night.” You took a breath, the butterflies in your stomach fully awake and doing laps, “might as well come to bed.”
“Oh, well I was just going to wait until morning, head home to nap…” He started, unsure of what he even wanted to say. He was pretty sure you’d just woken up, and there was a pretty high change that your choice of words weren’t exactly what you intended, “but if you’re feeling okay, I could make up the couch?”
“Aaron.” You laughed, “the sun’ll be up in a couple of hours anyways, you need to sleep too.”
“I still want to make sure you’re safe, I’ll be alert out here.” He offered and you chuckled once again.
“And if he comes in through the bedroom window? No better place to protect me than right beside me.” You extended out your hand, “c’mon, humour me? Maybe I talk in my sleep and you’ll get to listen to more of those ramblings you seem to adore so much.”
It appeared the lack of adrenaline coursing through your veins and a couple hours of sleep made you not only fully comprehend what Aaron had admitted to earlier, but much more ballsy about acting on it. He laughed softly, feeling the heat creeping up the back of his neck and after glancing between you and the couch he knew that the latter was going to do a number on his back if he actually slept on it. So he flicked off the television, scooped up his phone and your hand slid into his like a glove so you could lead him to the bedroom.
You wordlessly climbed back into your bed, curling up on your side, letting out a soft sigh as you nuzzled into the pillows. Aaron watched you for a moment in the low light, a warmth blooming through his chest at just how at peace and comfortable you were with him around and he realized maybe there was something he liked even better than your ramblings.
“If you’re just gonna stand there and stare at me all night maybe I should kick you back to the couch.” You teased, your eyes cracking open and he let out a huff of a laugh, shaking his head as he snuck under the blankets.
“This okay?” He asked, trying not to take up too much of your space.
“Yes.” You replied, a smile on your lips as your eyes fell shut again, “but I can’t be held responsible if we wake up cuddling.”
Aaron chuckled, relaxing into the pillow as his breathing finally began to slow, chest rising and falling at the same time yours did, lulling him into sleep quicker than he could have imagined.
The stream of light coming through the blinds and the chirping of a bird outside your window was what woke him up first, his eyes scrunching slightly before they finally opened. His lips curved up into a grin, as it certainly did seem like you wouldn’t be the one responsible for any cuddling. You’d barely moved from where you’d curled up the night before, just rolled over to face the window, yet Aaron found himself wrapped around your back, arm circled around your waist, his head barely on his own pillow.
He shifted slightly, attempting to stretch out the stiff parts of his body without moving entirely and waking you up. However his attempts proved futile as you let out a soft groan, eyes scrunching at the brightness of the room before you stretched out your legs and rolled over to face him, a sparkle already in your eyes.
“Morning.” You murmured.
“Morning.” He replied, smiling softly.
“So not only are you a softie, you’re a sleep cuddler… what other secrets are you hiding?” You asked with a tease and he laughed.
“Would you believe me if I said I crocheted in my downtime?”
“Not in a million years. You don’t have any downtime.” Laughing, you swatted at his chest before sitting up, fully stretching your body out with a soft groan.
“Guess that one was a little too obvious.” He replied with a chuckle, sitting up at the sound of his phone pinging. He swiped open the notification as you swung your legs out of bed, scrolling through a couple of things on your own phone as you padded toward the hallway.
“Work?” You asked, his footsteps following you down the hallway toward the kitchen, “or do you have time for coffee?”
“No.” He pocketed his phone, “but unfortunately, also no. I promised Garcia I’d help her install one of those cat wall climbing, enrichment, obstacle courses.”
“Cute.” You shot him a smile before scooping out the appropriate amount of coffee for yourself.
“But if you’re free tonight…” he stepped toward you as you turned back to face him, “maybe I could pick you up, we could go get some ice cream?” Somehow Aaron’s heart wasn’t thundering in his ears this time and the smile you looked up at him with really was about to make him melt.
“I’d like that.” You replied, the butterflies in your stomach calmed, spreading warmth through your entire body.
“Then it’s a date.” Smiling, his hand reached out, smoothing back a piece of your hair before trailing down your cheek, “I’ll see you at seven.” His hand on your chin he tilted your head to the side, lips brushing against your cheek, lingering for just a moment before he stepped back. You couldn’t help but smile at the slight blush on his cheeks as he gathered his things and headed toward the front door.
“I’ll see you at seven.” You repeated his words, “and Aaron?”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t ever be afraid to call.”
“Oh believe me, I won’t.”
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songsofadelaide · 3 months
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Soshiro wasn't a stickler for rules. However, he didn't like seeing officers flout rules, either. He always stood somewhere in between sticking to the rules while not being a strait-laced, by-the-book kind of leader.
With that being said, he really had no qualms about workplace relationships as long as they didn't get in the way of his officers' jobs.
Soshiro couldn't be completely against the whole thing. Not when you were around. If he were being honest, though, he would've been one of his Captain's biggest headaches if not for his great respect for her. Mina liked order, and she always took pride in an orderly Third Division. For her own Vice Captain to become the main source of mayhem would spell trouble for her.
Good thing he liked staying out of trouble. Save for a few exceptions. Involving you, his favourite Platoon Leader. Not that he'd ever outright admit it, too.
He did admit to how you piqued his interest the moment you decided to enlist in the Defense Force. You were a retired fencer, your papers bookmarked with a recommendation by the Japan Fencing Federation— but whatever skill with a sabre you have would prove useless, seeing the force's growing preference for automatic firearms. Fortunately, that wasn't the case for the Third Division. They'll always have room for blade masters, or at least that's what you've been told during the Presentation of Enlistment Certificate Ceremony.
And Soshiro liked how good you looked in your formal uniform. He'd never admit that outright, too, unless he wanted to be accused of favouritism for real. (Or worse: predatory behaviour by a senior officer.)
While you were mostly a reserved and unassuming person off the field, many of your colleagues called you a raging tempest in missions, the kind they'd get swept away in if they ever got in your way. You endeavoured to accomplish every task as swiftly and efficiently as possible— without breaking ranks, of course. Your tenacity was rewarded in the form of a promotion to Platoon Leader, an unexpected but welcomed opportunity. Soshiro seemed to agree with the Captain that you were a worthy investment and that other officers could stand to learn a thing or two from you.
You tried not to pay too much mind at the Vice Captain's growing interest in you, though you had to admit that it was pretty flattering. The second strongest person in the Third Division placed a lot of stock in your ability to get the job done. And though you've had your shortcomings, your accountability endeared yourself to him even more.
(So much so that Mina had to remind him of his position. She had no qualms about workplace relationships as long as they didn't get in the way of her officers' jobs. As long as order was maintained, too.)
Even you couldn't help your curiosity when you caught wind that this year's new recruits were an exceptional bunch— and that one happened to share tremendously intimate history with the Captain. It was a sizzling hot press release you couldn't help but sink your teeth into when Tae started talking your ears off about it.
You tried not to make that much noise as you both made your way back to your personal quarters that evening, but your topic was far too interesting to just stop and drop— it was about your usually pensive Captain...
"Do you think the Captain will start softening up?" You couldn't help but muse as you helped yourself to your canned coffee.
"Doubt it! This is Captain Ashiro we're talking about," your fellow Platoon Leader remarked. "Then again, she's still a woman..."
Pretty much, you thought to yourself. Woman or not, a person's relationships shape the way others view them. Officer Hibino's revelations about his shared childhood memories with Captain Ashiro painted her in a new light, unveiling her as a tender girl in her youth— more human than machine like everyone else thought her to be...
"I heard something interesting about you, too," Tae said, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "One of the rookies said they already knew you from before. When you were still a professional fencer."
There's only one, you sighed to yourself this time. "It must be Haruichi-kun. If you must know, Tae-chan, Izumo Tech sponsored my fencing journey, especially when I was just starting out."
"That's not all, too," she chuckled at your slight change of tone. "Last I heard, the kid might even have a crush on you."
"That is not true at all," you elbowed her and laughed at her statement. "That's probably the most absurd thing I've heard in my entire life. Haruichi-kun is—"
"Why do you think it's absurd? I think it's ridiculously truthful," came the voice of a man from behind you.
"Vice Captain! G-Good evening!" You squeaked and managed a salute as Soshiro made his approach. He didn't look like he was ready to retire for the night just yet, but was just hanging around.
"Kafka's tales have made the rounds, huh?"
"It's hard not to get roped into the gossip when it's so interesting," Tae said with a grin. "And with a Captain like ours who's so well-loved and well-respected, it's pretty tempting to hear what kind of person she was when she was just a kid."
"Yeah, she really went for her goals and succeeded," you nodded in agreement. "She's awe-inspiring."
"We're all aware of how amazing our Captain is," Soshiro stated with the same recognisable cheer in his voice. "But what's that thing about you and one of the rookies again?"
"Y-You mean about me and Haruichi-kun, Vice Captain? I-I mean Officer Izumo—"
The redhead standing right next to you could only purse her lips to prevent herself from laughing out loud, because by the gods, only she and a handful of other superior officers were aware of their Vice Captain's vested interest-turned-infatuation with you. And this was their Vice Captain getting all jealous and territorial with you.
"I'm just gonna go ahead and turn in for the night," Tae said as she nudged you before breaking out into a salute directed at Soshiro. "Good night, Vice Captain!"
"T-Tae-chan?!" You could only call out to your fellow Platoon Leader as she disappeared into the darkened hallway leading to your quarters. A little whimper of defeat left your lips as you turned back in the direction of your Vice Captain. "Vice Captain—"
"Are you two close?"
"You and the rookie."
Close wasn't exactly the right word for you two. Haruichi was your main sponsor's son. You've met a lot of times before and have nothing but great respect for each other. A silly crush doesn't do him any justice. That rumour was made in poor taste and faith.
You shook your head at your superior. "We're familiar with each other, but not really as close as everyone thinks."
"Is that so?" Soshiro said, not at all sounding convinced. "If I ask him, will he say the same thing?"
"I suppose," you replied to him with another small sigh of resignation. "I'm sorry, Vice Captain. It's not a nice rumour, if you ask me... I feel sorry for... the rookie for being embroiled in this mess."
"Don't apologise because of that," he said as he reached out for your hand. "If you're going to apologise, at least say sorry because I heard it and believed it."
You can confirm now that he wasn't there to reprimand you at all since his hold on you was both tender and solid. There was a storm in his wine-dark gaze— languid but brewing, and the way he looked at you made you want to dive right into the depths of his eyes.
"Hoshina likes you."
It was a thought you pushed at the very back of your mind ever since your Captain first let that slip when you took a bath together once. You thought she was joking at first, but she didn't take it back at all.
"But you didn't hear that from me."
And she even followed it up with, "don't let your personal feelings get in the way of your work"— like hell this revelation won't get in the way of your work!
You didn't want to think about it at all but here it was, staring you right in your face.
"Vice Captain, can we t—"
No, what were you thinking? The moment you say you want to talk about it will change everything. You'll blur the fine line between superior and subordinate. He'll cease being just your Vice Captain and become something else.
Something more.
"If you want to talk, let's do it somewhere more comfortable," he told you as you caught the twinkle of expectation in his eyes. You were likely playing into his hands now, so what else could you do but dance to his rhythm?
"Yes, of course. My personal quarters are nearby," you said, pointing in the direction of the dimly lit hallway that Tae disappeared into moments ago. "If... If it's all right with you..."
Soshiro didn't speak as he eyed your embarrassed face, but his mischievous, victorious cat-like smile did all the talking for him. It was he who opened the door and led you in, his hand warm on the small of your back even though you extended the invitation to him. And though you said you wanted to talk to him— to clear the air and rid yourself of this trepidation and hesitation that you felt— very few and far between words were exchanged that night.
You liked him too, after all. Now all those times your eyes met even though you were just about to look at him made sense. He's had eyes for you ever since.
You drank deep into his wine-coloured eyes while he helped himself to your warmth, the tempest that you were now in his arms as a single beam of sunlight he wanted to keep all to himself.
And keep you he did.
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When word got out that the female rookies caught Vice Captain Hoshina leaving your room early the following morning, you already expected to be summoned to the Captain's office that very day.
But instead of being vexed about the situation and her Vice Captain's unusually poor judgment, Mina had a rather amused expression on her otherwise normally calm face as she sat across from you two.
"What happened to not flouting the rules, Hoshina?"
"Hey, it's not like I wanted to get caught!" Soshiro shot back at her, though there was very little he could do in the face of his Captain's evident thrill at his predicament.
"I can turn a blind eye to this, but the rumours are already out there," she continued. "I suppose I'll have to mete out some form of 'punishment' for you both. Just to make an example out of you."
"I-I'll accept whatever punishment you have in mind, C-Captain!" You exclaimed with a stiff and deep bow. You've never been reprimanded by the Captain ever since you first started out in the Third Division. For you to be sanctioned for the very first time... I've really done it this time!
"On second thought, I'll just have you two file this instead," Mina stated as she handed you a single sheet of paper with a header in bold letters that read Workplace Relationship Disclosure Form. "As a formality. It's also a written promise that you won't let your relationship get in the way of your jobs."
"That's it? Piece of cake!" Soshiro said with a smile as he read out the form. "We'll file it now and—"
"You'll file it at headquarters yourselves," she said with a small smile as she stood up from her desk. "Other than that, I hope you two managed to talk things out. You're dismissed."
"Headquarters?! Captain Ashiro! We'll do anything! Just don't make us go there! It's such a pain to get there!" He pleaded with the Captain this time. "We'll tell everyone if we have to! I mean that's not a bad idea, too, so they'll know that we're together! But we're just going to be normal about things, we swear!"
"Just how normal are you two going to be?" The Captain said with a small laugh, just like the one you heard from the rumours. "Just promise me you won't let this affect your work. I have great faith in you both, after all."
"Roger!" You exclaimed in unison, followed by your shared tender laughter.
"Good. Now do 30 laps each before training starts again this afternoon," Mina replied to your enthusiasm with another small smile. "I'm really not letting you guys off the hook that easily."
"Th-That's fine, Captain! We-We'll make a start now!" You stammered before she could change her mind about your choice of consequence, throwing her a salute before eventually jogging out of her office.
"Don't make her run your laps, Hoshina. She'll do it for you without even you asking."
"Wouldn't dream of it, Captain. As if I'd let her do all the heavy lifting herself."
"What do you plan on doing about the rumours?"
"Let them talk. It's even better for us. At least they know now who she belongs to."
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dira333 · 4 months
Not what it looks like - Tendou x Reader
this was just spur of the moment, I don't think I captured him in all his glory, but enjoy... Haikyuu taglist: @lees-chaotic-brain
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“What do you think Tendou’s girlfriend is going to be like?”
Your whole body locks up at the sound, or rather, the question being asked. 
“Well, she’s French, right? So she’s probably really arrogant. Pretty too.”
“What? You think he got himself a model? No way.” Laughter rings out, shaking you out of your state.
You get up from your chair, unsure where to go next. To the restrooms or -?
“Ah,” a friendly face smiles down at you, “We’re here to meet our friends. Table for ten? Semi, did Tendou say who the table was saved under?”
Your eyes flicker to the person behind him. He’s just as tall, with long, fair hair. 
“No,” Semi says, looking at you. “The table might be reserved under Tendou Satori, or Ushijima Wakatoshi.”
“Or Shiratorizawa,” another voice calls out behind them, “Sorry Guys, my shift change ran late.”
You’re unable to talk, but you point at the table behind you. There’s a little sign on it clearly stating it as “reserved for Shiratorizawa”.
“Ah, nice.” The first guy slips out of his coat and hands it to you. “Could you hang that up? That would be nice.”
“She’s a hostess, Goshiki, not your personal servant,” Semi chides behind him but you shake your head, glad to have a reason to get out of the way.
“Oh, it’s okay? Well, in that case-” He and the third guy follow suit and you trudge over to the coat rack to hang them up.
While there, a few other guys address you, all of them asking for the Shiratorizawa table.
You can’t help but glare down at your black and white costume that had looked so nice and fashionable at home. Now it only made you look like the hostess of a semi-expensive restaurant.
Maybe you could still go home and change your outfit? Surely no one would miss you for the next half hour until they were all caught up?
“Baby?” Your body locks up again only to relax when you realize Satori’s alone.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He pulls you into his arms, smoothing one hand over your back. “You look sad, everything okay?”
“I look like a waitress,” you whine low in your throat, unable to explain the extent of what just occurred.
“A very sexy waitress,” he points out, squeezing your hips.
“Not funny,” you say and you immediately feel how he leans over a bit to drop a kiss on the top of your head.
“Can I go home and change my outfit?” You ask after he’s swayed you left and right for a minute or so. “You can just say French people are always late or something like that.”
“That would be racist and wrong. Tell me what happened, chouchou.” 
You sniffle a little at the pet name but tell him nonetheless. He snickers into your hair when you’ve finished.
“They’re going to look so dumb when I introduce you to them.”
“They thought I was a waitress.”
“Yeah, because you’re so hot they didn’t think I could rizz you up.”
“Tori,” you chide, though already giggling softly, “If anything I don’t know how I got you.”
“Easy,” he hums, “just being yourself.”
It’s getting late. Over several courses - and multiple glasses of wine - your anxiety has lost its bite. But so has your focus. You’re leaning heavily into Satori, listening to a story Goshiki tells you, but you can barely follow along.
“And then I smacked the ball and it went WHAM across the court.” He says, finishing the story.
You clap your hands softly to show you listened, but you’re not really sure what this was all about.
He doesn’t seem to mind, however, grinning from one ear to the other.
“Tired?” Satori asks, lips pressed against your ear.
“Mhm,” you nod, blinking.
“You want a coffee before we leave?” He teasingly digs his teeth into your earlobe and you snort at the tickling sensation.
“No, I’m fine. I want to be able to sleep tonight.”
“Oh?” You can basically hear the waggling of his eyebrows so you lightly slap his thigh.
“What are you talking about?” Shirabu asks from across the table. “French makes it sound like you’re having intense bedroom talk.”
“Maybe we are,” Satori teases but you shake your head. You don’t want them to think wrong of you.
“You wanna go home right now?” Satori asks, loud enough that the others can hear him.
You immediately shake your head.
“No, no, we can stay a bit longer.”
Instead of dropping the topic Satori pulls you onto his lap, snuggling his face into your neck.
“You sure?” He asks again, quieter this time. “Because if I have to listen to Goshiki recap his latest game one more time-”
You can’t help but snort, but shake your head again. 
“Fine,” he huffs, “But you’re staying where you are.”
And you’re fine with that, cuddled against his warm chest, one arm holding you close, his fingers playing with the hem of your shirt.
At one point you must have fallen asleep because when wet, sloppy kisses wake you, you’re no longer sitting in the restaurant, but on the side of your bed.
“What happened?” You ask, groaning and giggling into the kisses.
“Well, you fell asleep and did that adorable little snore you do so I just had to take you home and tuck you in. You didn’t even wake up when Goshiki dropped his wallet on the floor.”
“Did you carry me into the car and all?” You ask, tired brain slow on the uptake.
“Of course. And up the stairs. Yamamoto-san says hi by the way.”
“That’s so embarrassing,” you groan, but you’re not able to hide your face in your hands, Satori still clinging to you like Velcro, nudging your cheek with his nose.
“Not embarassing. Cute. Really cute. Like everyone would want you for themselves cute.”
“You had too much wine,” you tell him, dragging your hands through his short hair. “I love you.”
“Love you more.”
“Love you most.”
“Dang it,” he chuckles, “Tricked me.”
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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multifandomlover01 · 5 months
Not Technically Mine…But Still Unequivocally Mine
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (not AFAB specific)
WC: ~2.9k
Warnings: reader is undercover bait, very scummy suspect, very uncomfy situation and dialogue, touching, Spencer is concerned for her safety, biological male reaction mention, strangulation mention but not depicted, the b word is used to describe the reader, he spits on her too
Summary: (based off a post by @hereforhalstead and fic semi-requested by @ribbongrll) Reader has to go undercover as bait to lure in a suspect, and Spencer is not happy about it. He’s very protective and almost caused the mission to not be completed
Note: I envisioned post prison Spencer for this so it’s like S13-15 (JJ and Luke are in here), also third person and idk what’s happening with the tenses. Also a bit repetitive? Bit annoying?
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Spencer absolutely fucking hated it whenever he had to be in a club or a bar for a case. It didn’t matter how much time he had to spend in the building. He got anxious and overstimulated very quickly. The only thing that made it worse was when some guy flirted with his equally as anxious female coworker (who was also his best friend who he was also in love with). Every time a guy would flirt with her while she just stood there, uncomfortable and silent, his heart broke. He’d glare at the guy and if he still didn’t take that hint, say something. Luckily, this usually took care of any further interaction.
Apparently the only thing worse than some guy flirting with his best friend/crush was her being bait for a suspect. She was his exact type, physically speaking and personality wise. Spencer almost immediately objected when he saw the form fitting and revealing dress that JJ had helped her pick out. But he doubted he’d be able to convince Prentiss and Rossi to ditch the plan. It was the best one they had. At least Spencer got to go undercover with her as her date…although he didn’t know if this actually would make the situation better or worse.
He didn’t even notice that his hand was brushing against hers the whole ride. He also didn’t notice that he was sweating a little bit.
“You’d better not do that in the club…you’ll give us away.” She teases and he doesn’t know what she’s talking about until he is suddenly physically aware of the perspiration.
He chuckles. “I won’t. Don’t worry.” He takes a handkerchief out of his pocket and dabs his face and neck.
They arrive at the club. He gets out of the vehicle and helps her out. He suppressed a groan when she tugs on her dress to futilely get it to cover more of her thighs. He gingerly grasps her hand and leads her inside.
“Remember…be your shy sweet self but not too reserved and reluctant because we need-”
“The suspect outside, yes, I know, Spence. We’ll be ok.” She chuckles as she looks at him.
“I just don’t want you to get hurt.” He frowns.
“You think I want to get hurt.” She furrows her eyebrows.
“Of course not.” He shakes his head, smiling some. “But it’s my job to protect you and…I don’t wanna fail.”
“I have to let him get me outside, isolated and alone so that JJ and Luke can apprehend him. You can’t protect me once I’m on my own with him.” She states what he was trying not to think about. She was right, though, of course.
“Just…be careful, ok?” He squeezed her hand.
“I will, don’t worry.” She squeezed his back. “Hey, I’ve done better for longer on my field training that you have, remember?”
“I remember when you had to help me pass my test to still be qualified to carry a gun and be in the field.”
“And now you don’t even need my help. You’ve gotten better and I’m proud of you. There’s always room for improvement…even for me. I’ll be fine. I promise.”
Spencer still wasn’t sure about this whole situation as they took a seat at the bar at the club. There was only one seat available. Spencer thought about letting her take it as the lady while he stood but then an idea he liked struck him. He sat down on the bar stool, took a hold of her waist and hoisted her up into his lap. He held her tightly to him as he had his arms wrapped around her waist.
“What’re you doing?” She asked, slightly confused by his behavior.
“I’m your date. I’m being…friendly.”
“That’s not why.” She huffs slightly.
“Alright…I’m protecting you, then.” His breath tickles her ear.
“Do I have to be in your lap?”
“I would say that…yes, you do.” He said rather definitively.
They ordered drinks (he made sure to order her a virgin cocktail so she had no actual alcohol in her system, not only was this regulation for an undercover agent, but he knew the last thing he wanted was for her cognition to not be at 100%). They sipped their drinks as she remained in his lap.
Spencer remained vigilant to his surroundings when she had to be more subtle about it to maintain her “oblivious” undercover role. He was grateful that it made sense for a girl’s date to want to ward off any potential girl stealers. He was not so grateful that the suspect did not care about that (even if the whole point of being bait and undercover as a couple was to lure him in to apprehend him).
It didn’t escape her notice that he’d tighten his grip around her whenever any guy got particularly physically close to her for whatever reason (even if it was as innocuous as standing beside her at the bar to order drinks) even if they didn’t even glance at her, let alone talk to her.
“You can relax some, you know. The suspect is going to be much bolder. You don’t have to spike your poor heart rate over every little thing.”
“I care about you. I won’t have you getting hurt.”
“We went over this. I’m perfectly capable of-”
“I know, I know you are, ok? It’s not…it’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
“Excuse me…” An overly charming and soft voice says, cutting Spencer off.
Their eyes immediately flit over to the man that had suddenly appeared. Spencer’s blood runs cold when he realizes that this is the man that matches the descriptions that the bartenders and patrons had given.
Spencer tenses, gripping her hips tightly as he holds her to him.
“I was just at that table over there and couldn’t help notice this…vision of loveliness right here.” He smiles as his hand rests on her knee. She cringes. Spencer’s blood boils.
“Don’t touch her.” He says in a dangerously low tone.
“Oh come on…I’m not gonna hurt the little lady. I’m merely…admiring her.” He steps ever so closer.
“Back off.” Spencer says, or rather…he grits it out. His grip on her hips tightens and she’s starting to wonder if they’ll bruise if he grips any tighter or if he does so for long.
“Oh come on…don’t be such a hard ass. What do you say, darling? How’s about…you and I…ditch this guy and I’ll show you a real good time.” Spencer wishes he could punch that stupid smirk off his face and break his hand as it slides further up her thigh. She’s squirming in his lap, pressing back into him (which doesn’t help another situation).
“You won’t. She’s clearly uncomfortable. You should take a hint and piss off.”
While she is in actuality very uncomfortable around this man, she knows she needs to get him outside.
“Well I…” She forces herself to scoot a bit off of Spencer’s lap and closer to the man. Spencer doesn’t loosen the grip on her hips and pulls her back against him.
“See? The lady here does seem interested.” His smirk hasn’t disappeared as his fingers are now at the hem of her dress.
Spencer has to fight between his instinct to get her as far away from this man as possible and his recognition of the mission. He just glares at the man. Reluctantly, he keeps his mouth shut.
“That’s it…listen to your girl here. Come on, honey. He seems like a real fun guy but…I promise to show you a night you’ll never forget. You’ll feel things you’ve never felt before.”
She scoots off Spencer’s lap a bit and he reluctantly loosens his grip. The man wastes no time sliding an arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him. She lets him lead her away. Spencer’s knuckles turn white against the bar counter as he sees the bastard caress her and then sees his hand move lower and squeeze her ass.
He just prays that she can keep herself safe with her training. She couldn’t wear a wire or anything. But he had one to inform JJ and Luke that they were on their way out to them. All he had to do was wait. He heard the confirmation that they’d made it outside and had been spotted by the agents placed there in the alley.
“Guys…tell me what’s going on.” Spencer murmurs into the mic.
“She’s fine. Just sit tight, Spence.” JJ tries to calm him down. It doesn’t work.
“Don’t tell me to just sit tight, JJ. I…I can’t just sit tight knowing she’s out there with that monster. You’ve got eyes on her. Please tell me she’s ok.” Spencer says pleadingly.
“She’s handling herself, man, ok? She’s capable.” Luke now tries to assuage Spencer’s fears. This also is not successful.
“That’s also not what I asked, Luke.”
Spencer hears Luke sigh. “He’s got her up against the alley wall, ok?”
“Well what’s he doing to her?”
“What’s he doing?” Spencer insisted.
“Well he’s…fondling her…kissing her neck.”
“Jesus Christ…when are you guys gonna apprehend him? What if he hurts her?” Spencer is starting to get very concerned.
“We have to wait.”
“For what?! For him to strangle her?!”
“We need to wait until there is probable cause for an arrest. She’ll fend him off and he’ll push too far.”
“But how far? Does her dress have to be ripped? Does she have to be humiliated coming back in here?” Spencer was getting angry at his friends. They knew how much he cared about her. He didn’t often get like this.
“Just another minute or so, then we’ll go, ok?” Luke says, hoping again that this’ll calm him.
“Ok…only that…no longer. You can’t leave her with him for longer than that. Please…please protect her.” Spencer says softly.
“We will, Spence. We promise.”
“Thank you.” He sighs in relief.
It is indeed only another minute or two before go time, with JJ and Luke revealing themselves to the suspect. He is startled when two FBI agents with guns come out of the shadows. But before he can get angry and lash out at them, he turns that anger towards his potential victim.
“You…bitch!” He seethes, spitting in her face, causing her to gasp. This causes Luke to push him against the wall as he handcuffs him.
“Alright. That’s enough, buddy. We’re taking you in now.”
“You set me up? This was a set up?! I didn’t do anything! You pigs set me up!” He yells as Luke wrestled him over and into a squad car down at the end of the alley.
JJ comforts her briefly as she stands shaking slightly against the wall.
“Go back inside. Spence is quite anxious to see you.”
She chuckles. “Yeah, I bet.”
She wanders back inside the club, tugging her dress to get it back in place, wiping her smudged lipstick off, wiping the spit off as well.
Spencer is out of his seat like a rocket and bounding towards her the second he sees her enter the door she’d exited out of. He doesn’t say anything as he engulfs her in a tight embrace.
“I’m so glad you’re ok.” He whispered softly in her ear.
“I’m always ok.”
“You don’t have to be. It’s ok to not be ok.” He caressed her back.
“I know. But I’m ok.”
“What if…what if I’m not?” He holds her tightly to him. He buried his face in her neck.
“Why would you…not be ok? I’m…I’m fine.”
“You don’t understand, hon. This whole thing…has been near torturous for me. Watching that man…talk to you…flirt with you…touch you and knowing he was…” He’s shaking now and he doesn’t even realize it.
She caresses his back. “Hey…hey…it’s ok. I’m ok. It’s all over now.” She whispered softly.
“I just didn’t want you to get hurt. If that monster had hurt you…”
“Why don’t we get out of here, huh? I think we should go.”
“Fucking finally.” He groans as he wraps an arm around her waist and swiftly makes his way with her to the front exit of the club. He takes a nice deep breath once he’s exposed to the cool night air. He didn’t even realize how suffocating that environment was to him.
He helps her back into the vehicle as it’s brought around and still keeps her close to him as they head to the hotel to decompress for the night.
Once in the calm peaceful safety of the hotel room, he grabs his sleepwear from his bag and then gets hers for her as well. She had retreated to the bathroom to remove her makeup and take the dress off. Spencer enters the bathroom without knocking. He gets an eyeful of his best friend in her underwear and his face turns red.
“Oh um…I’ll just…leave these here. Sorry.” He puts her sleep wear on the counter and turns quickly to leave, shutting the door behind him.
He changes outside the bathroom in the room, still very embarrassed about his faux pas. He should’ve knocked. He just had so much on his mind at that moment that he’d completely forgotten to do it.
He occupied himself with a book as he sat up on the bed. His head lifts when he hears the bathroom door open. As beautiful as she’d looked in that dress and makeup, she looked infinitely more comfortable in her sleep wear and with no makeup. And because she seemed so comfortable and relaxed now, she somehow seemed even more radiant to him.
“Hey.” He says softly as he smiles at her. “Feeling better?”
“Much better. Thank you.” She smiles back at him as she sits on her own bed.
He looks over at her as she gets her own book out to relax. She goes to put her earbuds in her ear and he stops her. He knows she’s going to listen to music.
“You don’t have to put those in. You can just…play it from the phone.”
She looks over at him. “Really? You’re sure? I dunno how you’re gonna feel about some of the music.”
“It’s fine. I’ll listen to whatever you wanna listen to.” He shrugged. He very much wanted to relax and listen to music together with her instead of it seeming like they were doing it separately.
“Ok. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, though.” She chuckles as she puts her earbuds away and turns the volume up on her phone to prepare to play her music.
“It can’t be that bad.”
“You say that now.” She smirks as she presses play.
Classical music starts to play.
“What do you mean you warned me? That’s just Mozart!” He exclaimed.
“For now.”
“Oh for now.” He chuckles, shaking his head. “What’s next…Wagner? Don’t get crazy now.”
“Oh you just wait, Reid…just you wait.”
“Don’t tell me you have Hans Zimmer on there. That’d be really crazy.” He joked.
“Something wrong with movie and tv soundtracks?”
“No, not at all! I love them too. I’m merely amused at what you consider crazy.”
His smile falls when metal music starts playing. She laughs at his confused expression.
“I told you I warned you!”
“Now I’m concerned about what you consider relaxing.” He raises his eyebrows.
“I can always put my earbuds in.” She offers, pointing to them.
“No…no. It’s fine. Then I’d just be concerned for your hearing.” He shakes his head.
“You’re awfully concerned about me a lot of the time.” She notes, pausing the music.
“Of course I am. You’re my best friend. I care about you.”
“Well yeah but…how much?” She queried.
“What do you mean?” He cocks his head.
She scoffs. “You know what I mean, genius. Now answer the question.”
“Well…um…I suppose that…the answer is…a lot.” His gaze is averted from her.
“Spencer…look at me please.” She requests softly.
He obeys and his gaze lifts to meet here. “Yes?” He asks softly.
“Enough to almost blow our chance of catching that scum?”
He chuckled sheepishly, remembering what he’d done. “Yeah…that much.”
She puts her book down and stands up, going over to his bed. He looks up at her as she stands in front of him. She smiles down at him as she reaches up to cup his face. He smiles back up at her, letting her touch him. He wasn’t bothered by her touch.
“You were really scared, weren’t you?” She asks softly.
“I was terrified.”
“Even though I can handle myself?”
“I know you can. That wasn’t the issue. The issue was…” he trails off and his gaze averts briefly.
“I couldn’t rationalize it in my mind. I knew you could handle yourself but that didn’t seem to matter. I was still scared. I couldn’t calm down. All of my nerves were on edge.”
“But why? If you knew I’d be fine…why worry?”
“Because…I care about you…because…because I think I love you. No…that’s not…I-I know that I love you.”
“You love me? Really?” She smiles.
“Oh absolutely.” He smiled back. “I think I have for quite a while now, I just…I just didn’t know how to express that to you. I could never…find the right words.”
“You couldn’t find the right words?” She chuckles lightly.
“Believe it or not, no. But I’ve…I’ve never been very good at expressing my feelings.”
“Well…the great thing about feelings is…you don’t necessarily need words to express them.”
“You don’t?” He looked at her quizzically.
She shakes her head. “No. You don’t. Actions work just as well.”
She cuts him off for the first time ever by leaning down to kiss him softly. He smiles softly and presses into the kiss. He’s waited so long to feel her lips against his. And it’s just as wonderful as he imagined it would be.
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sunandsstars · 2 years
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Jake x Neytiri x Na’vi!Reader
Summary: One other mate was enough, but two? Unneeded. ___ was the outcast, the unwanted woman. Jake and Neytiri wouldn’t ever see her..right?
Warnings: Talks of war, Briefly mentions death/Bodily harm, Angst, Swearing, Non-con Word count: 2.4k
A/N: Here it is people, the angst series :( Prepare yourselves
Taglist: @itsyoboysparkel @dumb-fawkin-bitch @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @fanboyluvr
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Having one mate was enough for a Na’vi, they did not need another to deal with or weigh them down. It was a huge commitment and for most, a waste of time. More than one significant other was a rare case these days anyway, usually only reserved for Na’vi of a higher ranking, like an Olo’eyktan or Tsahìk.
Jake didn’t know that the Na’vi can bond with more than one at a time until Grace brought it to his attention one day, “Na’vi will mate with only one other person for their whole life, unless duty brings them to marry another” she stated, smoking a cigarette haphazardly in the lab room, eyeing the man who sat uninterested in his wheelchair.
Mating. Jake thought it sounded primal, animalistic, something the creatures back on Earth used to do just to get a quick fuck. But when Neytiri brought it up and he finally experienced it himself, it could only be described as sublime. He’s never felt such feelings, emotions. You share them with your partner in such a deep level it left him feeling breathless.
Following their mating the skypeople attacked and cut down the Tree of Voices, severing one of their main connections to their ancestors. That’s when he realised it was time for war. Several clans joined the mighty Toruk Makto to fight for Pandora, when he called they answered. But the battle was bloody, long and gruelling, they all lost brothers and sisters that day. But at least now they will find peace in Eywa’s warm embrace.
The Great Sorrow then became something of the past and the Omaticaya were relocated to an area by Hellsgate, the humans and Na’vi finally living in harmony but not peace, a lot preferring to still shun the aliens away from their home.
But the forest provided tall trees to cover them from predators and plenty of abundance, humans will also be with their technology inside an environment they can thrive in, so each side wins. Jake had finally been anointed as Olo’eyktan with Neytiri being his tsakarem, the couple couldn’t be more happier with the way things have become, fully believing the skypeople will not return.
But happiness must soon come to an end.
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“Ma sa’nok! Why?! Why must we be mated to her?! She is useless!” Neytiri yelled angrily at her mother, the Tsahìk, she has just been told her mother has been seeing visions in her sleep and suspected Eywa was trying to tell her something. This ‘something’ was about her child’s third mate, which she did not anticipate.
“All of our roles play an important part here daughter” Mo’at glared, has she taught her child no less? “your new wife will be a good edition to your family and therefore the clan. It must be done, Eywa has spoken”
Neytiri did not understand, her and Jake were happy together. Alone. They did not need another person to ruin the balance of their life. She turned around sharply to her husband who was sat on the ground by the tree of souls, urging him to make an opinion on the matter with a glare. Jake coughed.
“I agree Mo’at. We are fine together just as it is”
“This is not your decision to make Jake Sully. The great mother will not be happy, she has done this for a reason and we must trust her judgement. She has shown me what will happen if this does not happen, you and your family will fall under a great despair, it will disrupt all we have made” Jake’s ears perked up, alarmed, ‘what does she mean a great despair’. As his thoughts started to turmoil Neytiri continued to talk to her mother, coming to an understanding that it was the way of life. She cannot disregard Eywa’s wishes.
With a huff she walked towards Jake and pulled him up by the arm with no effort, eyes a glare and ears pinned to her head. She walked away and towards her new ikran, ready to get back to camp. “So.. do you know who we’re supposed to mate?”
“Are you gonna tell me?” They flew into the air, Bob screeching as they went above the trees, staying low to the forest. Neytiri didn’t answer his question and stayed silent, shit. He was just a man, a man who knows when NOT to anger a woman, especially one like her. He decided to not take it any further.
Arriving back to Hellsgate they dismounted and landed onto the floor, Jake greeting the humans who passed by them, taking samples from the nature. Neytiri walked up to where the food was being prepared, a group of woman sat by some small children who they looked after while parents were away doing chores. She grabbed one of ladies by the arm and dragged her towards Jake who only stared in confusion. Soon morphing into realisation.
“Introduce yourself” The warrior exclaimed harshly. Knowing that Mo’at has already told her of the plans, she knew going to her daughter first would cause another war and the elder planned to avoid it. So telling the new mate first was the best option for everyone.
“___ te Syakx Hìfey’ite” the woman’s ears lowered to her head and she faced the ground. The pain in her arm where Neytiri gripped was hard, sure to bruise. “I am a gatherer, a healer. I do not hunt like you or -“ Neytiri squeezed her arm to silence her, having enough of her talking.
They were close in age, both eighteen years old and fully grown adults. They both attended Grace’s school together growing up, they were close. ___ was closer with Neytiri’s sister though, Sylwanin. When she died, the younger sister blamed everything on the other girl. Cursing her out and they never talked again until now.
___ was nervous, she knew she had to mate with them, both of them. She knew that the other woman was angry at her still, even after two years. She could not blame her for the grief of her sibling. But over something she did not do? She was not at fault here.
“Nice to meet you” Jake said curtly, not really wanting to talk any further. He did not like the idea of a second mate either, even on Earth it was extremely taboo so he felt awkward on the matter. Neytiri let go of her arm and dragged Jake off, presumably to talk about anything but the ceremony that is supposed to be held later today. Announcing the decisions their Tsahìk has made to the clan, surely they would all be most pleased. ___ could not say the same towards the couple who walked off.
One part of her thought that they just wanted to be alone for a while, being more recently mated and being thrown into another relationship was confusing and disrupting, she understood that. But the more rational part knew that while Neytiri continued to dislike her, she knew their life together would be filled with nothing but pain and suffering. But she would put on a brave face. For her own sake and the clans. Eywa has spoken.
But is what Eywa saying right?
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She was correct, the clan was most happy. Despite some whisperings here and there, they would have to agree that they would all make a good trio. ___ was a good healer, she was gifted with her skills. She was also good to the elderly and children, always happy with a smile on her face. Neytiri was a good huntress and a Tsahìk in training, her battle abilities are most adored on. Jake, he was their Toruk Makto, Rider of Last Shadow. He was well respected in that alone.
But while the Omaticaya was happy, she was not. Sat next to Jake on his left she was left to eat in silence as him and Neytiri conversed without her. Not even looking in her direction once. She figured that they would not talk to her all through the night and decided to make peace with herself.
A little girl tapped her shoulder and ___ turned around to face one of the children she often looked after, Sray. “You are going to be mated to them?” she looked at her Olo’eyktan and his wife, yellow eyes wide.
___ nodded and forced a smile on her face “Yes, Sray. I will be” she stated softly, not comfortable with saying the revelation out loud.
Suddenly Sray sniffed, doe eyes watering “does that mean you will not have time for us anymore? Please sa’nu! I do not want you to leave!” the sweet girl jumped in the adults arms and clung to her chest, fearing that if she let go, ___ will disappear.
“Ma ‘evi, I will always have time for you and everyone else, just because I will be mated, does not mean I will not see you ever again” ___ kissed Sray’s head, wiping her little tears and grinning. Bringing comfort to the girl, Sray smiled back, still sniffling.
“LeNa’vi! Fìtxon awnga fpe’ pxefo mìso!” the people cheered, raising their drinks and whooping. The three will be mated under the tree of souls, to legitimise the union.
Jake and Neytiri looked at each other, worry in the man’s and anger in the woman’s. They did not want to do anything with her, but would have to make it look like they had, they were not stupid. If they did not do this then the people will become angry, it would be a disgrace. Only the great mother shall know.
Standing up, Jake held his large hand out to his wife who took it. Letting go and walking towards the direction of the tree, they would not take the ikran, but rather run through the night. Jake then turned to look at ___ who still sat with Sray in her warm arms, he nodded his head to the direction Neytiri went and followed her.
A little hurt that he did not offer his hand to her, ___ kissed Sray’s forehead and stood up, walking after them. As they got deeper into the forest they began to run, ___ tried her best to catch up but the two were hunters, they were more used to navigating the thickness of the fauna better than her.
“W-Wait!” she called in English, but the two ignored her and ran further ahead of her. ___’s ears slicked back and she huffed to herself, heart beating erratically with annoyance.
At some point the jungle got too thick for her to get through and she paused, the two she was following nowhere in sight. She twisted around, straining her ears to hear any calls or footsteps to help guide her. But to no avail, she lost them. Meaning she herself did not know where she was, this part of the forest was so much further out from the old hometree, a part she has not navigated before.
Her breathing started to speed up, panicking. Did they leave her? Alone? Here? She knew they did not like her, but this was too much. It was past eclipse and night, anything could come to kill her.
A rough hand grabbed her arm, the same one Neytiri held earlier that day and turned her around. An angry Jake stood there with brows furrowed, fangs bared. “Why did you stop?” he growled, ears slicked back “you were supposed to follow, not stop and sightsee like a lunatic!”
She did not know what that word meant, but by his tone it was something mean. Her own ears pressed against her head and her tail tucked between her legs, she yelped as she was harshly dragged through the forest, Jake never letting go of her arm even as they got to the tree of souls.
He let go and stood next to Neytiri who had her queue attacked to one of the hanging branches, tendrils letting go and she broke the bond. Turning to see ___ with a hand on her arm, the bruises were darker than before, the sting aching the area and making her hesitant to move it.
The warrior glared at her and snarled “you will have a baby put in you, as it is the way. But we are not bonding. Never. You will deal with that shame” she barked in Jake’s native tongue, her words were harsh and the prospect of not bonding with the only people she could was demeaning, it brought water to her yellow eyes. This was low, a baby without a bond was seen as disgrace. She would bring great shame to Na’vi.
“Kem si ke plltxe kurkung!” ___ closed her mouth, she did not want to anger Neytiri further than she has. Jake, who stood watching the ordeal, strolled towards ___ and pushed her down onto the ground, pulling her loincloth to the side and doing the same to his.
“Pey! Oe kawkrr-“ her words were again cut off as pain filled her lower abdomen, he entered her. It was her first time and he just did it so fast without considering her feelings. Tears streamed down her soft cheeks, pained noises leaving her mouth as Jake started to move. He manhandled her onto her stomach, pressing his hand to her lower back above her tail bone, if the pain at her core wasn’t enough then the sensitive space on her back was.
Neytiri simply watched as her glare burned holes into the girl beneath her, the person that ruined her life. That took her sister away from her, took everything. She was not going to welcome this destroyer into her family, never. She’ll make sure ___ and her children will be shamed, if not by the people then by her own kids and husband.
___ felt something warm release inside of her, oozing out of her hole. She felt Jake lift off of her and heard him step towards his mate, both of them softly talking to one another while ___ was left to curl up, sobbing quietly. The man that was supposed to care for her, supposed to love her, took her dignity and now her first child.
Her heart squeezed in her chest as she could only imagine the future to come.
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Lunch Break - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Reader (Wife!Reader)
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Suggestive Content and Dialogue, Blue Balls; Third Person POV, No Y/N, No Physical Description of Reader
If you're a MINOR, please do me a favor and read SOMETHING ELSE.
This work, all of my other works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only.
Summary: Jake and his wife are going through a dry spell. Luckily, his secretary Linda is the best wingwoman in all of Miramar.
Master List
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It wasn’t odd for Jake’s wife and the secretary in his office to communicate. But every time that Linda’s, Jake’s secretary, contact popped up, Jake’s wife always felt her heart drop into her stomach. Her mind always just went to the worst-case scenario, considering Jake's line of work. So, when she saw Linda’s name pop up, she quickly answered the phone call.
“Hi, Linda. What’s going on?” she asked worriedly, failing to hide her concern from her tone.
“Hi, sweetheart. Everything���s fine,” Linda, Jake’s secretary, immediately assured her.
“He’s in one piece?”
“Yes, he’s in one piece. He’s doing just fine.”
“But?” Jake’s wife pressed knowingly.
“But he’s in a little bit of a mood today to be quite honest with you,” Linda explained quietly, using a voice that she reserved for personal conversations.
“He’s annoyed with everyone?”
“Well, he just seems a bit cranky and snappish. I was just wondering if it was a slipping him a third coffee because he didn’t get enough sleep kind of day.”
“No, I don’t think that it,” Jake’s wife replied honestly, resting her head on her hand.
Jake’s wife had a pretty good guess about what was wrong with Jake but she didn’t know how to articulate it properly to Linda. It wasn’t exactly a secret between her and Jake that they were going through a dry spell. He was working. She was working. He was trying to get a promotion. They just moved into a new house and so when she wasn’t working, she was stressing about that.
So, yeah, they were going through a dry spell.
It happened. They went months on end without something as simple as eye contact when Jake was deployed. So, in a way, they were used to it. But, in some other ways, it was worse. They slept right beside each other every night. But they went to bed at different times and one of them was always tired or needed up get up at the ass crack of dawn the next morning and it just fizzled.
They still cuddled and talked and participated in other non-sexual forms of intimacy. But they really needed some physical intimacy in their relationship. And they needed it about three weeks ago.
“I think I know what’s wrong,” Jake’s wife informed Linda. “And don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll be stopping by for lunch, if you can pencil me in.”
“Sure thing. I’ll get you two as much time as I can.”
“Thanks, Linda.”
Jake’s wife hung up the phone and headed up to their shared bedroom. As she worked remotely, she had the flexibility to take an extended lunch break. She changed into Jake’s favorite set and the sundress that he bought her when they temporarily lived in Italy. He nearly ripped it off of her the first time that she wore it and that was the exact effect she was going for.
Shoving some supplies into her purse, Jake’s wife headed out of the house to pick up lunch for the both of them. When she arrived on base, Jake was still in a debriefing, so Jake’s wife went to simply hang out with Linda until he finished up.
Linda had a good relationship with both Seresins. She had been the secretary for the flight instructors on base since forever. And Linda basically adopted Jake since they were both originally from Texas. Linda was like a second mom to them and was at their wedding. So, if Linda told her that he was in a bad, snappy mood, Jake’s wife believed her. And she took the warning seriously.
“Oh, that’s a lovely sundress, dear,” Linda complimented her as Jake’s wife sat down in one of the visitor’s chairs. “You look beautiful in it.”
“Thanks, Linda. Jake bought it for me back in Italy.”
“Ah,” Linda realized, nodding along with a knowing smile. “That explains a lot, actually.”
“Yeah,” Jake’s wife sighed, smoothing out the fabric.
“Oh, it happens to all of us, dear.”
“I know. It’s just that between work and the new house and everything, we haven’t got a lot of alone time,” Jake’s wife explained quietly, shifting in her seat. “But thank you for calling me. I just don’t want him to put his foot in his mouth because we can’t communicate in our own home.”
“Of course, honey. Any time.”
Jake’s wife and Linda chatted for a bit longer until Jake arrived. He carried a large stack of files with him and Jake’s wife could tell by the way that he walked that he was annoyed. But when he spotted his wife sitting there, a new wave of energy and life seemed to wash over him in an instant.
“Baby? What are you doing here?” he called, walking over to her.
“I just thought that I would visit you and bring you some lunch,” his wife replied with a bright smile. Jake leaned down and pressed a peck to her lips before straightening up. “And I checked with Linda and she said that your meeting got pushed back.”
“It did?” Jake asked curiously, turning to Linda.
“Forty-five minutes,” Linda informed him with an encouraging smile.
“Ah,” Jake realized, nodding slowly. He turned to his wife with that particular brand of lovesickness that still made her heart flutter just like it did when they first met. “Well, then I can’t find any reason at all to not invite you back.”
Jake offered his wife a hand and they walked back into his office, shutting the door behind them. Linda chuckled to herself when the lock on the door audibly clicked.
Jake’s wife went to set the takeout bag on the desk, but Jake quickly grabbed it from her hand and set it aside. She giggled as Jake quickly set her up on his desk and stood in between her legs. He gently cupped her cheeks and tilted her head up, rubbing his thumbs along her cheekbones.
“Hey,” she breathed out, smiling softly at him.
“Linda told you about the meeting?” Jake asked, putting two and two together.
“She thought that you were being a little snappy. And well,” Jake’s wife trailed off, tugging at his belt, “I had a pretty good inkling as to why you were like that.”
“I don’t even want to know how long it’s been,” Jake muttered, pulling her lips up.
Their lips met in a desperate embrace as the acknowledgement of their dry spell took hold of them. Touches grew more needy, the kisses got sloppier, and it didn’t escape either of their minds that they were in Jake’s office. Sure, Linda would guard the door, but they were still in the offices. As if Jake needed any more motivation to reacquaint himself with his wife.
“Too fucking long,” Jake growled, grinding against her.
They were on a time crunch, so Jake couldn’t take his time, but he was going to rectify that problem when he got home that night. Jake’s wife’s grip on him tightened when he rolled his hips just right and let out a whine that had Jake grinning in an instant. Pulling away from the kiss, Jake’s wife leaned up and brushed her lips against his ear.
“Then fix that, Commander,” she whispered sultrily.
And well, Jake was never one to disappoint his wife.
Ten minutes before his next meeting, Jake and his wife emerged from his office. Linda respectfully averted her eyes. But it didn’t take an extra-long stare to notice the wrinkles in Jake’s shirt or the fact that Jake’s wife’s dress was twisted on her body and far more rumpled than before.
“I’m just going to walk her back to her car and then I’ll head to the next meeting,” Jake informed Linda quietly as he held his wife’s hand.
“I’ll let him know that you’re meeting him there,” Linda assured Jake. Turning to Jake’s wife, Linda waved kindly. “Bye, dear.”
“Bye, Linda. Thanks for the call,” Jake’s wife replied, looking quite giddy and just a bit stumbly.
“Anytime. Have a good day.”
Jake and his wife walked out to the visitor parking lot. When they reached her car, Jake gently pressed her up against it and stole another heated kiss from her. Jake snuck a squeeze up her dress, earning a playful smack to the chest in return.
“When do you get off of work?” Jake’s wife asked him, smoothing out the wrinkles on his shirt.
“I’ll be home by six,” Jake promised, stealing another kiss from her. “You have a lot of work tonight?”
“I’ll make time,” she returned, unable to help her smile. “Just don’t be late.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Jake pulled his wife in for one last kiss that got just a little friskier than it should have in a base parking lot, but neither of them cared. And with one last playful smack to her ass, Jake sent his wife home and then turned to sprint at break-neck speed to his next meeting.
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mismatched-sockss · 3 months
Don't make me the villain
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» Pairing: Emily Prentiss x (unsub!)gn!Reader » Word count: 1,3k » Warnings: NOT kinky but still 18+ only, MDNI since it is for the bingo, angst with no happy ending, established relationship, implications to sexual assault by multiple men (happened to reader, NO details, only vague mentions), murder, guns and gun shots, blood, death, pet names (baby); no use of pronouns or anything indicating reader's gender; pls let me know if i missed something!; barely proofread; » A/N: this is so not what i had planned - neither for both bingo fields nor is this the fic i actually wanted to post today, but that's okay; kind of inspired by Death of a Predator by Banshee; the next one will be smut again; enjoy? (':
⚶ bingo masterlist | masterlist ⚶
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It was a sadistic twist of fate that had brought you here, you were sure. Someone upstairs was having a field day, pulling all the right strings for their own entertainment; but those strings were all kinds of wrong for you, the one on the receiving end of it.
Whenever you had imagined how your life would turn out, you would never have guessed it would end like this. Like every other person, you had wanted it all: dream job, living in a house with a picket fence together with the love of your life and your 2,5 children and maybe a dog or something.
Definitely not like this...
When you had heard the cops called the feds in after the third victim was found, you were hoping, praying, that it would be any other team than hers that would get assigned to the case.
But if any higher deity was caring about you and looking out for you, you wouldn't even be in this position in the first place. Or at least would have given you a couple more minutes before she arrived. They had barged in to the abandoned warehouse right after you bound the wrists of soon-to-be victim number four and made him kneel on the floor. You had just enough time to position yourself behind him; one hand holding the gun to his head, the other gripping deep and painfully in to his greasy hair.
Figures, that she was the one standing in front of you now, with her team fanned out to both her sides and a platoon of cops behind her. Each and every person has their gun raised, trained on you.
"Put the weapon down, baby", Emily pleads with you. "Please. You don't want to do this." Her voice sounds desperate, but still holds that special softness that is reserved for only you.
You scoff, your face twisted in a grimace of despair and anger. "I don't? Are you sure about that? Do you even know wha-", you stop yourself as tears are welling up in your eyes and a sob bubbles up in your throat, chocking you, as pieces of the memories flash in your inner eye.
"I know", Emily says pained. And of course she knows, she wouldn't have found you here if she didn't. And the cops would have done a bang-up job if not.
She removes her second hand from her gun and takes her finger from the trigger, then holds up both of her hands with open palms to show you that she doesn't mean you any harm. "I know what he did to you, what they did..." She slowly lowers her dominant hand, holstering the gun. "Let me help you. Please"
“Walk away; that's the only thing there is left to help me with.”
She takes a small step in your direction and says your name, pleading. ”You know I can't do that.”
“He's the last one”, you cry out, almost begging her to just let you do this; one last shot, one last kill.
Emily takes a second step. “And he will pay for what he has done to you.” Another small step closer. “I promise you, he will. Please, baby, give me the gun.”
A part of you is longing to be close to her, yearning for the safety she used to bring you; ready to do it and give up your weapon..But you won't, not before you did what you came here for. You sniffle and vehemently shake your head, holding her gaze. “I can't...”
When she moves to take another step, you press the barrel of the gun firmly against the guys temple and you hear him hiss. This asshole has to pay with his life, not with his time.
What happens next, happens in a matter of seconds; too fast to even make sense of it, too fast to register what is happening.
"I'm sorry...", you whisper as you let go of his hair and pull the trigger; warm blood splattering onto your face and the lifeless body of this waste of space falls to the ground in front of you.
A second gun gets fired merely a second later.
"Don't shoot!", Emily yells, but she wasn't as quick as the person whose finger had pulled the trigger on you. You don't know who it was. One of the cops? One of her team mates even?
You don't even feel the pain at first, the force of the bullet is what knocks you down. Pain shoots through your skull when your head hits the hard concrete, the fall knocking all the air out of your lungs. Your eyelids flutter as you are gasping for air.
Someone falls on their knees next to you, then you feel hands on your body and a scream leaves your lips when the person presses down on your stomach with all their strength, trying to stop the bleeding.
With all the commotion around, you can't hear what is being said to you. But when another wave of pain shoots through you, you don't even care.
"No, no, no, no", Emily mutters fast, "keep your eyes open. Stay with me, okay? Stay with me. I need a medic!"
You try to keep your eyes open, you really do. If not to try and stay awake, then to at least have Emily's face be the last thing you see before the cold darkness swallows you whole. You wish she wouldn't look at you like this – with furrowed brows, tears streaming down her cheeks, with blood, your blood, sticking to her hands –, you wish she would have a happy expression instead, with the wide smile on her lips that you love so much, the skin at the corners of her eyes wrinkling the way it does when she laughs. You wish her eyes wouldn't be glistening with fear and pain in them, but shining with love and joy.
Slowly, you vision gets more blurry and the black spots on the corners grow bigger, closing in until your sight would be taken from you. Your ears are ringing and you feel the room starting to spin. With a shaking hand you reach up and cup her cheek. You wince when you see that your fingers were bloody, so you try to wipe the blood away. But in the attempts to remove it, you instead spread it more, covering half her face.
“'m sorry”, you mumble, not even sure what you are apologizing for, there are so many reasons; the blood on her face, the both you ending up like this instead of the future you had planned with each other.
Maybe you apologize for even loving her in the first place, for confessing your feelings and asking her out all those years ago.
Maybe you apologize for leaving her, especially in such a cruel and gruesome way.
You lower your hand and place it on hers where Emily is still pressing down on your stomach. You don't even feel the pain any more. She is speaking, but you don't hear what she is saying, the ringing in your ears is too loud, drowning everything else out.
You wish you could hear her say “I love you” one last time. If you would have known it was the last time that you would hear it, you would have cherished it even more the last time she said it.
Instead you try to say it yourself, try to tell her for the last time, but before you can get even one word out, your eyes roll back and darkness washes over you.
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callsignvenomcod · 9 months
baby boy
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Prompt: Reader's Simon childhood love from Manchester. Or Simon's past catches up with him on a random patrol day.
One shot based on the song "Baby boy" by Childish Gambino.
warnings: parent abandonment, age gap couple.
It was an agreement.
It was a civil agreement made between two responsible adults in the best benefit of a third party. It was supposed to be easy, the best way to come to terms with it, but as he was going to learn later in life, nothing came easy for Simon Riley. Or anyone unlucky or dumb enough to stick around with him.
He secretly always imagined how it would be like to see her again. It was a pleasure he reserved for lonely nights, for really long desert crawls, for the frail moments, suspended in air, between standing at the edge of a helicopter door and the decisive jump. He always imagined alternative universes in which he actually had a lucky star, in which he actually had a chance at life, at happiness, at being domestic, nothing but a fat house cat.
Simon met the girl in the butcher shop. He took the first job he could get his hands on. It wasn't bad. Not bad, bad.
Where else? Girls like her didn't walk around his side of town, but they all had to eat; and cutting up carnage and splashing around blood, that he could do. She walked into the Butcher's, making the little bell on top of the door ding, and Simon knew, with as much certain that he knew that one day he would die, that his life had changed forever.
He was scarred but the light inside him still worked. Simon had skeletons in his closet, but he was doing such a good job at keeping them at bay. When she walked into the butcher's, fivers in her hand, Simon could stand up straight, could spare a few small smiles, could keep the voices in his mind at peace, for the brief interactions, the shared smiles and pleasantries, the "What's your name?", "You from around?" and "What time you get off?", the way the girl tried so very hard to divert her gaze from the blood stained apron.
It led to so much more. She worked half time at a chippy, and they did good. They did really good for a couple conformed by a Manchester alley kid and the fucking angel that she was. He was in love, and therefore he was in trouble, because no one was around to teach him how to deal with a swollen heart about to burst; and with an outside world that was made of needles and pins.
He liked the way her smile tilted up whenever she was directing it to him, the way she would sit down at a stool in the butcher's, waiting for him to get off shift, just so he could walk her home. Liked the way her skin felt under his rugged hands, how soaked she would get through grey panties, how he drank her saliva right off her lips and how she whispered how much she loved him, actually, truly, loved him, while he was trying his best not to cum in his pants, short breath, in the living room of her house, while her mother was upstairs watching Channel 4, willing to overlook the fact that Simon was a bit (or a lot) older than her daughter because she had never seen her so happy.
And they loved each other. He can say it; it doesn't hurt, doesn't embarrass him either; if anything, he feels unusually lucky his nostalgia makes him wonder at nights, patrolling the barracks or in this case, a small English city, with so many men and women who looked like the people he grew up with.
Then 9/11 happened, and it was too big to ignore, too big to drink away, and she cried when saying goodbye to him on the train station on his way to join, and she knew deep down inside her that Simon Riley was not the kind of man that would turn around to give her one last glance before disappearing into the military for a few months. It was a higher calling, something bigger than him, a reason to get away, from his childhood home that was wrecking, from his father, from something hungry that lived inside of him and was getting out of control.
She called him the minute she way Tommy starting to get bad. She was younger, younger than Tommy even and had reached out to a cabin to dial the number he gave her "for emergencies only", and she told him how Tommy had been stealing from their mum, stumbling around alleys with the wrong crowd, leaving Beth a crying mess in her room, looking too much like Daddy.
That's when he came back. Took a train in the January rain and fixed his whole house up. Picked up his mum from the hoarder state she was in, kicked common sense into his baby brother and simultaneously kicked his old man out. Never to be seen again.
Y/N's watched from the courtside every moment; watched as Simon cleaned up vomit from Tommy's chin, while Beth's belly swollen with a baby, and she cooked porridge while Simon allowed his mum to cry on his chest for hours and hours, victim of the detox, of the night horrors, and herself. All of them became the new Riley's in a way, and she stopped going home to her mother, just crashing at Simon's twin size mattress, in his childhood bedroom that still had the Man U posters on the walls and a beaten-up Walkman CD player.
-I couldn't do this without you...- Simon had whispered after a particularly difficult night that involved Tommy screaming and Beth threatening to throw herself off the stairs. They were lying in bed in their underwear, cozied up together, warm limbs and tangled sheets, staring at the fading glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling. She turned on her side, staring at his nose drawn by the shadows. His warm, yet tired eyes, looked back at her and they shared a sorry excuse of a smile before they could share a kiss.
They were in the shit, and the girl on his too small bed was in it for the laughs of it, for a chance to sleep by his side. For that thing they called love.
Winter arrived. The house was freezing still, but they could afford heating now. Now Tommy was paid up for, and he was a butcher at the groceries, and Beth stayed home with Mum and Jacob, the baby. He was skinny for a newborn, the doctors said, but he will catch up with breastfeeding. Simon was a best man at the wedding, but he didn't give a speech. Y/N's was maid of honor, but only because Beth had no other friends. The photos never lie, and you can see Simon with the longest hair he's ever had, in a fitted suit, stern look, a girl clinging from his arm, a baby brother hugging him, a mother with crinkles, a sister-in-law elegantly 9 months pregnant in a wedding dress.
For a moment it was nice, and the future was looking bright. He got a taste of what life could have been like if the stars would have been kind to them. He would wake up early to jog and would see the back of Tommy's head while he left for work, and almost every day his mum would be up, carrying around Jacob in a bathrobe. Beth would cook breakkie and Y/N's would always ask him if he wanted red or brown sauce even if she knew that he wanted brown.
It could have been...good. Great, even. But instead of that it was real life.
He left for Ukraine a few days after he learned she was pregnant with his child; and he thanked every damn God or Goddess he knew of when he learned that everyone was dead except her; her mum falling ill and asking her to take care of her in her childhood house. The blood didn't reach her; she still didn't pay for loving Simon. He became radioactive after that and closed his ears to any plea, to any love confession and promise of safety. He wanted her to hate him, to want him away, he wanted her to have an abortion, she wanted a baby. A baby with him. His baby.
"A part of me and you", she said, "something ours. Untouchable."
But they weren't untouchable, were they? He had scars for days to prove it, coffins, even a child size one, night horrors, a medal, had proof every time he closed his eyes, had nightmares about how many people had touched him and everyone near him. It was a no brainer.
When Price told 141 about this patrolling mission, he would be lying if he said that a shiver ran down his spine and he heard bells for a couple of minutes before forcing himself to come back to the briefing reunion. There was always a chance.
While everyone thought that Ghost would be at least thrilled at the prospect of going back to the UK, Price kept a close eye on him. He knew he was only a few years older than Simon, and his boss as well, but they had seen hell together and survived it. The captain cared for his team, cared, weather he wanted to admit it or not.
Truth was that he wanted to say he knew all about the men he worked with, but that would be a lie, a lie every captain said once in a while. He knew, for example, that Johnny "Soap" MacTavish had two older sisters in Fort Augustus, Scotland, Mary and Ava. He knew Roach had a horrible fear of clowns for some accident in a party all those years ago, Nikolai, Yuri, he had facts about them too.
He knew, for example, that somewhere in England, Ghost had a kid. A baby boy.
Every month, a generous amount of his paycheck went to a throwaway account in the Bank of England, more than half. And he had listed a minor for healthcare and schooling, housing military benefits, The name was Alfie Riley, listed as Alfie Smith; and he was 6 years old.
Simon knew he knew. He trusted that upon him, not out of pure friendship or companionship, but maybe with a hint of letting him know that if it leaked, he had no problem into taking the business into his own hands. There was only so much you could stretch a person without breaking it, and if anything happened to the boy, Price knew it would be Simon's point of no return. A monster would be born or rather, let out of the cage.
Sometimes he thought about it while staring at him on a briefing. Sometimes he tried not to.
-Right. The intel we have on this cell comes from the right source. Our man says this human trafficking cell operates within the church compounds. He believes it has something to do with the orphanage...
Captain Price's voice boomed through the briefing room designated in the security house. They had arrived a few days ago, and it looked as if the whole city of Salisbury took a deep breath at the presence of military men and women. For sure it was an odd view, big bulky men walking around the country fields, around town, asking questions, smiling, blank faces, new voices and sights; but they knew, at least, the problems the community had been facing, will now come to an end finally. The 141 was going to help with that. They were the good lads.
-So split up, ask around. They know were here. - Price said, staring at Gaz from behind his desk; giving the order and finishing the meeting. Soap and Simon bantered around something as they usually did. He sighed, watching as Simon stared dead in front of him while the younger soldier tried to get inside his head. -Kyle, you're with me. Let Bert and Ernie fetch for themselves. - he sentenced, and that was that.
They were sent to walk around Salisbury. They could see the warmth of people's lives, a few kids crossing the street, a teenager in love, dogs being walked, girls staring at windows with headphones on, daydreaming. It was a life so far from the one they had, from the one they choose when they were too young, that is seemed foreign, alien. Johnny MacTavish smiled at walkers who stared at the vest, or his stupid haircut, whatever that catches their sight first.
Salisbury was a small city, one of the smallest in England, actually, and Simon had never been there before this mission. There was a church in every corner, much like Cornwall, but it lacked the shore and the salt in the water. It was Johnny who did all the talking anyway; what, with being younger, less imponent, with the thick Scottish accent that made everyone pay attention, either to help or to even try to understand what he was saying. Specially since Johnny actually had a face to show, and a friendly one.
Right now, Simon was backup, right now he was deuteragonist.
Simon limits himself to lean against one of the local pastries shop fronts, while Johnny walked inside. He thinks that right now would be a great time to have picked up the habit of smoking, to pass the time, to measure it in cigarettes, but a troubled childhood and several fading little dot scars on his arms remind him how repulsed he was by cigarettes. So, he stares at the road in front of him, at the other shops, at the people that stare back at him because of-fucking-course, he's wearing a skull balaclava, and he's 6'2, and he's a crucial part of the army party that erupted in Salisbury a few days ago, asking questions, taking names.
It takes him a minute or two to realize what's going on. It was an agreement. Part ways, stay in the country to get the benefit, but never let each other know where they were. When Simon died, a letter would arrive, a letter with his dog tags and she will see it fit to know what to do next.
-Fucking hell...- he muttered and sprung up like a slinky. He panicked for a few moments before realizing even if she stared right at him, she couldn't recognize him; she would only see a dirty, dusty skull balaclava and black grease over his eyes.
She would not see Simon, the boy that left her a few years ago, he wouldn't see Simon the man who simply stood there while she was trying to level with him on raising the kid together, to be a family, and she wouldn't see Simon, the man who did what he had to do. Who erased his own face from the world, who spared them both, Y/N's and Alfie, of a life of wondering when they were going to be kidnapped, hurt or killed.
Men like Simon were not meant to have a family, to have people to depend on them, not like this, not this close, because in the blink of an eye, shit would hit the fan and things like Manchester massacre would happen again and again and again. He would be left firing his gun to an empty field with nothing ticking inside his chest. It was better this way.
But nothing could prepare him for this moment. It was a sick joke of destiny, really, to be stationed in one of the smallest cities in England, and for her to be standing right across the street, holding their son in her arms, looking both sides, like a good mum, before letting her white keds touch the pavement.
Alfie was a brunette. It made sense; and if this was lighter, he would roll his eyes and the bowl cut the kid had, which combined with their missing could be a picture-perfect description of a rascal. Except he didn't know a thing about Alfie other that he had been to the doctors twice past month, one to the dentist, one to the medic. Stomachache. 10 pounds for tablets. Simon didn't know if he was a rascal or not, if he had friends or didn't, if he was in trouble at school or not, didn't know his favorite show or his favorite color, what he wanted to be when he grew up. All he knew was that he loved him, it didn't matter that the kid will never hear from him or meet him. Simon loved them enough to remove himself from their lives. To give them a chance that he was denied from the beginning.
His P.O. box said that he got letters once in a while, from different cities in England, and you didn't have to be a genius to figure out who wrote to him. He only ever picked up one, and it was simply a polaroid. It was her, and it was his son, and she was smiling at the camera with very tired eyes, an oversized shirt, and messy hair, and Alfie was on her lap, missing teeth, bowl cut, space shirt, freckled face full of birthday cake. A candle in the shape of the number 6.
Little hands, little feet, tiny heart, tiny beat
It was better this way. He would repeat himself that every morning as soon as he woke up in a barrack, instead of a military housing, alone and cold, instead of next to her and warm with the heat of her body. Sneaking a quick fuck with the love of his life before the kid two doors down woke up.
It was better this way. She would walk right past him, not knowing that the soldier in front of the pastries shop learned every curve in her body, every freckle, the birthmark in her right rib; He would thank his mask once again, and let his eyes wonder at the way she struggled with her bag, with still holding Alfie in her arms, while trying to stay alert.
It was better this way. A grenade will reach him, or the enemy, Ali Baba, a Russian, a Mexican, another Brit, the son or daughter or brother or best friend of someone he fucked up in the past. Cancer, a snake.
A heart failure at 70, a bullet at 41. He would die eventually, and they will give him his dog tags, and he will have a slight discomfort knowing his father died, but that's it. Like learning an actor from your childhood died of age; sad, but irrelevant. The day will go on.
It was better this way. She will fall in love again, with a bank clerk, or a veterinarian or Alfie's football coach. Someone else will teach Alfie how to be a father, will tie his shoelaces, will talk to him about girls, about fist fights, will buy him his first pint. It was better this way; Y/N's will tell him about him someday and he will look for him, or not, he will understand or not, he will hate him, forgive him, love him, in that order, or not.
It was better this way. It was.
There was a time before you, and there will be a time after you. With these vibes or not, walk tall, little man, walk tall.
It was better this way. His breath would get caught up in his throat as he saw Y/N's try to control the child, placing him on the ground, holding his hand while she looked inside her bag for something. And Alfie's blue eyes would wonder his surroundings, piercing his father's heart without knowing so. Simon wouldn't move, Alfie neither, but they would stare at each other for a few seconds before the kid broke out in a smile, tugging at his mother's hand, saying something in a squeaky voice, with a south accent, tiny index finger pointing at Ghost's skull mask. He had his mother's smile, but those eyes were all Simon.
Y/N looked up, finally finding some keys on her bag before returning her attention to the boy latched to her hand and she will also look at Simon without knowing so. The woman would frown for a moment, before giving up a quivering smile, murmuring something to the kid, pulling him to the opposite direction. And for Alfie, that was going to be it. The day went on. The man stood there thinking he couldn't do this with her, he shouldn't, and every attempt to reach out was an attempt against his kin. That there were some people that shouldn't be a father, like his own father, like his father's father.
She turned around a few times, locking eyes with the man in the balaclava before disappearing into the street, mixing up with the people walking by; the coats and the jackets. And Simon gulped down nervous saliva, suddenly needing to lean on the wall a bit more than he wanted to admit.
It was better this way.
Hello! Venom here.
This is the first time I write for the COD fandom and for Ghost Riley. An absolute menace, I think he is. Please let me know what you think about it and give me a follow if you liked it.
Thank you :)
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deadpool15 · 11 months
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Roommate Pt2
"Shit, my fucking head is pounding." I woke up, thankfully in my bed for the first time in a while. Looking to the side of me, I noticed the girl from last night that I couldn't remember almost felt bad. But for the first time, I kinda felt something for her, or maybe I didn't feel anything. My feelings have been a bit out of the order, to be honest. I have a habit of confusing feelings with lust. Now, the issue with kicking out a one-night stand is that I can't distinguish feelings and whatever the fuck I'm feeling. Especially with Bada and Howl, they are like older, annoying siblings who won't get off my case. I mean, I love them but it seems like they are fucking up my vibes. Like last time, they literally hastled me as I was walking out the door. I'm trying to meet the new guy.
This isn't the first time it has happened, but I guess it didn't occur to me that they were on the bitter side about my dates, but I thought that was just Badas' impression of my weirdly interest in stupid fucking people, because I mean the smaller the brain the better the sex. Then Howl came along, and it was fine for a while until he started acting like Bada as well. It was weird. "Why the fuck is Bada's man on my case like my older brother." I get out of bed realizing in the hour long I've taken to figure out my thoughts, the girl had left. "She was cute. I'll give her that. Hey, maybe I do like her." I statt walking towards my bathroom to take a shower. More time to think to myself yay. But maybe I was just overthinking everything, I mean, they must see me as a little sister. Yea, that would make sense, with me being younger than them in a foreign country, might I add.
"Yea, I know they are simply trying to protect me and probably think I should slow down with all the blind dates and stuff, but I'm not a little girl. They need to chill." As I finish washing myself, I step out the shower, wondering what Bada is cooking. I can smell food, just can't tell what it is exactly.
"We have to tell her tonight, we can set up a dinner at a nice fancy restaurant and talk to her. Like slowly get it out, I mean, it shouldn't be hard, I heard America is pretty cool or just open about that stuff." Badas says as she finished making the American style breakfast that Mika loved. "I mean yea, America is more open about these kinds of situations, but we can't just tell her out like that, Bada." Howl states kind of arguing with Bada to make it be known that there was no going back after this. "Baby, look at me, I know, ok. I know this is a difficult situation but we have to do this together. This is something we have to do together, we have to get our girl baby this is our only chance." Howl smiles at Bada, pulling her close before whispering the words i love you in her eyes. They stand there in silence falling between the two, agreeing on their plan of getting their third piece of their heart.
Hours had passed since that close kept moment between the two. They arrived at the restaurant, and at first, they thought to keep the meeting causal until they realized maybe the beautiful atmosphere of a happy place with amazing food would soften the fact that the two people she has been basically living with were in love with her. "Reservation for Ms. Lee", they stopped checking their appearance for the 17th time of what it feels like tonight. They smile at the waiter while following him towards the table. "See, everything is going just fine. It's gonna be perfect. She will show up soon and we'll finally have our girlfriend. Game time, baby."
After about 10 minutes of sitting there and the waiter constantly coming over, pestering them about having to order something, they start to lose hope. "This was a bad idea," Howl says in despair. Though Bada still has a strong belief that you're going to come, she pulls herself together and tries to get Howl to believe as well. "Baby, I love you, ok. So I say this with all the love I have for you. MAN UP." In that very moment, Bada sees a glimpse of your pink and black hair coming through the door in a rush. Thanking the heavens for giving them another chance.
"I'm so sorry, guys. I got held up with Heaven." Mika states as she drops her coat on the chair and sits down on the opposite side of Bada and Howl. As soon as they both hear the name, leave your beautiful lips, their mouths fill with a hint of distaste. Praying to heaven completely forgetting that happened to be the name of your date or new fling. Bada and Howl had one thing and mind, and that was making sure you forgot that girls name entirely by the end of the night. "I'm here now though, I know it doesn't make up for the fact that I was so late, but I'm really sorry." Bada smiles as Howl seems to be wanting to just get it out already. Seeing this, she grabs his hand firmly, letting him know it will happen. "It's fine. We were just worried, but you're ok. So how about we just order now." You all look at each other, agreeing. Howl helps you with the menu, knowing of course you need no help he just likes to be close to you. Though they both know you'll need help ordering, your social anxiety playing a huge factor in that. Looking at the menu, you finally decided on a simple shrimp pasta. You could never go wrong with a classic. Howl orders a steak with mash and vegetables, and Bada follows along ordering lasagna, one of your favorites just in case.
"So, what did you guys need to talk about so urgently. Hopefully, this isn't about trying to get me to join the academy again. I don't care how much potential you think you see isn't a dancer in me, I promise." Mika says, deciding to start the conversation off with a slight joke to ease the situation. Truth be told, she didn't have the slightest idea why they both wanted to talk with her. No matter how hard she tried to ponder over the thought, it didn't make sense why they were here together. "No, I know you all camera shy and stuff, but you are a good dancer flower." Hearing Bada say that name brought her a sense of comfort, it was a name she had given her when they first met. She claims Mika sparked in the sun like a flower. Smiling at that thought, it does ease the tension, "Good, because all those people in one big room is just like a no for me." Howl sits up making eye contact with bada before deciding they should go to the restroom, getting the message they excuse themselves for a minute. Stepping inside Bada immediately breaks down her strong facade. Howl grabs her in his arms, trying to calm her down. "This is stupid she can never love me. It's so hard, baby. I'm trying to be strong for us, but she doesn't want me, I can tell. I see her with all these tall girls, and I think im like them, so why is it never me." Howl shuts up her crues with a simple kiss, breaking her away from the moment. "Your wrong baby, she will love you just like I love you, ok? You shouldn't be doing this alone. You're right. I need to man up and be their for both of you. Don't ever think for a second you're not enough ok, let's go out there and get our girl."
As they are left in the bathroom taking a moment for themselves, only terrible thoughts are crossing Mika's mind. What had she done that was so difficult to tell. She felt worse for not being able to remember it. She immediately thinks she might have crossed the line. Maybe Bada felt like she was coming onto Howl sneakily. Sure, she thought Howl was hot and mean fuck they both were and would it make her a bad person if she admits she has fantasized about them both a some point. But Bada was her best friend, and she refused to lose a meaningful friendship because she couldn't keep it in her pants. Throughout this meltdown, she is having she doesn't notice Bada and Howl come back from the restroom, nor does she notice she has started crying. Finally catching sight of them, she immediately breaks down. "I'm sorry for whatever I did, I promise I didn't mean to. Bada, you're my best friend, and I tried to hard not to make you feel any way. I even changed habits that I grew up with, like walking around with less clothes and other shit that may piss you off. Howl, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Please don't kick me out." Hearing this, they both move towards the other side of the table, grabbing her with Howl, setting her on his lap, this of course catches her off guard, but Bada keeps her in place.
"You didn't make anyone uncomfortable flower, I promise. We aren't gonna kick you out, or I'm not." Bada says, rubbing her big cheeks to calm her down while wiping the tears. "We wanted to tell you the truth. We've been in love with you for years now, baby. At first, we thought something was wrong until we both talked it out and realized we both had feelings for you. Then, Bada told me that you had said something about poly relationships at one point, and we realized their was nothing wrong with it." Howl states, turning her around to straddle his lap, rubbing her waist as comfort. "W-wait, what? You love me. The both of you, I thought I was imposing with the constant amount of third wheeling, that's why I've been going on more dates." Mika speaks up confused. How could two of the most beautiful people inside and out love her. "Baby, we love spending time with you. If anything, we were trying to build up the courage to tell you. And now you have us." Bada says, hooking her fingers with yours and Howl. "No more dates, we are all you need." Mika smiles, looking off happy. I Thinking she was getting kicked out or just wrong for liking two people, and it worked out. Bada starts to usher both of her partners out of the restaurant to go home, says they could order in, simple wanting to spend time with each other. They faithfully agree and pile into the car, making their way home.
Stepping out of the car, going into the building, Mika notices that neither one of their new partners can keep their hands to themselves. Though Mika all of a sudden feels shy with all the affection. Howl reaches out for her hand in the elevator and pulls her to him, leaving open-mouthed kisses down her neck. While Bada turns around staring at her with a smile that could only be described as pure lust and desire. "You know, I'm starting to believe that our little flower here, knew we were listening to her fuck other people. Torturing us, weren't you?" She listens to what Bada says completely, forgetting she used to invite people over to her place after her dates. But before she could answer, the elevator stops, opening up indicating they have reached their floor. Bada walks out, going to the front door tapping the code in while Howl grabs Mika, throwing her over his shoulder. Yea, she was truly in for it tonight. Opening the door, they immediately walk into their room, Howl throws her down on the bed. Leaving them both standing in front of her. She had never realized how much taller they were than her. Towering over her, making her feel so small, and yet she doesn't feel afraid if anything, she is excited.
"Bada, right baby. You do like torturing us, don't you? Almost every single night, hearing your sweet, beautiful moans for some random shitty guy and girl you could find. You wanted our attention, didn't you, baby?" Mika nods her head as Howl pushes her down on the bed, working on kissing up her legs, reaching straight for her pussy. Staring at it like it's a prize he had finally won. "Giving this pussy up all the time, that shit ends tonight you her me little girl." It wasn't a question, no it was a demand. That he knew she would follow without a second thought. Peeling her panties down, he catches sight of the little bow on the front, motioning it to Bada how she gets on the bed smiling. "I told you she is our little flower." Bada comes behind your gathering you in her arms as Howl finally takes off your underwear. Pushing your legs up yo have you spread out more for him, with Bada holding you still. You hadn't even realized she had taken off her pants, leaving her just in her Calvin Klein thong and the blouse she chose to wear. You whine at the thought, catching both of their attention. "N-naked, please?" Hearing this, they need no further instructions. With Bada pulling off her shirt and bra, you feel her pulling down your dress, sliding it off, leaving you in nothing. Feeling her bare breasts pressed against your back leaves you moaning. Though Howl takes his time, slowly pulling down his pants and shirt, almost giving a strip tease. "Come on, we can't leave our flower waiting. We had to show her what she was missing." Bada moves her lips down to leaving love bites on you neck while playing with you breast.
Howl forgets about his underwear at the moment, leaving you to gawk at his abs. He watches you stare before diving straight in. Sucking and licking your cunt like it's his last meal. "You taste so good, baby." You push his head further in with your thighs, "f-fuck yes." Bada bites your ear while moaning. You trun your head, realizing she was fingering herself. She looks so fucking hot you can stand it. Howl pushes a finger in why his nose is positioned right on your clit, casuing you to scream out. You start to tap Bada motioning her towards you, "P-please sit on my face," and who is she to deny such a request. Positioning herself to hover over your face, she contemplates if this is the best idea, but she stops thinking when Mika pulls her thighs down, closing them around her head. Sucking on her clit her she moves Badas hips to ride her face, while Howl is jerking himself off still eating Mika out. With Mika's nose mumbling against Bada's clit everytime she moves she is so close to her high. "Fuck... baby I'm gonna cum." Bada yells out loud grabbing the headboard, as Howl feels Mika cuming in his mouth. Bada squirts all over Mika's face never had she felt such a high. Howl and Bada make eye contact, now realizing why all those girls that came into Mika's room screaming.
Howl grabs Bada kissing her while she leans in sucking on his lips, wanting a taste of everything Mika has to offer. Mika dares at them with pure love, wanting more. Bada pushes him down, getting on top of him while pushing him inside. While she is used to the stretch, she knows Mika isn't, and they will have to work her into it. So, Howl starts fingering Mika again, pushing in two fingers at a time overstimulating her. "S-shit....wait." but they pay her pleads no mind, and he grabs her thighs, pushing in another finger moving faster than before. Bada, seeing this, starts moving herself up and down. Dancing we coming into affect when they fuck. All you can hear from the room is skin against skin. "Yes...right there....fuck give it me." Bada says while slamming herself down onto Howl shaft over and over again. She feels the band in her stomach slowly start to snap, knowing she had just come before leaving her sensitivity. Howl notices this and moves his feet to stand on the bed and further slam his hips against her own, causing Bada to clench around him, holding onto his chest. "That's fuck baby. Fuck come all over me." That pushes her over the edge. Leaving her crying and coming on command.
Bada and Howl take a moment to themselves while he is still fingering Mika, even though she had come 2 more times. Howl stops while Bada gets off of him until they hear a phone ring. They ignored it for a moment until it hangs up and rings again. Howl reaches over realizing its Mikas phone, about to put it on, do not disturb. Until he sees the caller ID, "So you haven't cut ties with that heaven girl baby," Mika looks up and him wide-eyed, realizing he told her she would meet up later. Before she can speak, Howl flips her over positioning her on all fours. She feels the heavy weight of his shaft pulsing against her throbbing abused clit. He passes her the phone, and she looks at it. He wouldn't want her to answer it at a time like this, would he? But Bada grabs the phone, answering it while placing it against Mika's ear. She hears Heaven speak up, asking about where she is, wanting to answer quickly so she can end the call until Howl starts to push in. "W-wait...fuck...pleasee. Too..big." Howl stares at her perfectly arched for him. "You can take it, baby. I know you can. Good girls take it nice and well. You're my good girl right". Each word is punctured by an inch until he is fully inside.
"So full." Is all Mika can manage out, causing both Bada and Howl to smile at their precious baby. Heaven after a while goes silent on the phone, yet doesn't hang up. Bada quickly speaks up, while putting pressure on Mika's clit. "Our baby is a bit.. occupied at the moment if you couldn't tell. I would say she could call you back later, but she won't. Don't call this phone again." In the process, Howl starts hammering his hips into Mika's, holding her up feeling on the imprint in her stomach. "Would you look at that baby, I'm all the way up here. Can you feel me in your stomach, can't you? Claimed I wouldn't fit, but look at you. It's like your pussy was made to take me. Made just for us." Howls says while pressing down on your stomach. Bada moves to kiss you sucking on your tongue, leaving you just overwhelmed, never experienced anything like this. Completely cock drunk. "Gonna take good care of you flower, always."
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What are your thoughts about the fact that Sebek has never mentioned his grandmother? Do you think it's just because she's not relevant or do you think she's not in the picture anymore/was never in the picture?
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It could go either way, really. (Or, third option, she has passed and they just don't talk about her because it's painful.) We don't have any information that would point at one over the other yet so I'm going to reserve my judgment until we have something more to go off of.
There are already cases in TWST where a certain family member isn't mentioned at all until several years into the game. For example, Vil's mom is never mentioned until his third birthday card (though this is also a case of a child being estranged from their family). This could very much be the case for Sebek's grandma as well. Honestly, a lot of information about the boys' family is not relevant at all and just so happens to come up in vignettes (mostly birthday ones) to expand the lore or to tell a short story.
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msmodesto1 · 1 month
My headcanons about mercs' cooking skills and food preferences because I want + I can
TW cringe
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Medic cooks just fine. Not good, not bad, fine. BUT! He knows how to make awesome pastries, and once you taste his cupcakes, cookies, and you are already addicted to flour drugs of his production.
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Demo doesn't have time to cook his own food, and sometimes he just doesn't have the strength to do it. He eats fast food or whatever his grandma makes for him. He also likes fish. I think he really likes sea fish.
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Meat, meat, meat, and meat, as well as meat and of course MEAT. He eats and cooks a lot of meat, and he's a master at it. Everything that can be fried or grilled, he cooks very, very tasty. But it's not always healthy food, and maybe you'll have heartburn after eating it, but it was delicious and you don't regret anything.
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Soldier cooks hellish dishes. The recipe is averaged, as there can be a lot of options. Soldier takes the soup, but does not heat it. The microwave is for wimps. Soldier pours the soup into the pan and starts frying it. He adds a LOT of garlic, onion, black and red pepper, flour for viscosity, and a lot of sriracha. He frying it until it starts to smoke black. Soldier never cools it down, he immediately pours mayonnaise into the pan and starts eating it. He eats from the pan, loudly scraping on the pan with a spoon. He eats, sweat stands out on his forehead. Soldier eats and mumbles "holy shit" under his breath. He often offers it to his friends, but they kindly refuse.
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This son of a bitch has a secret spell called "fast metabolism." He can eat everything in his fridge, in your fridge, the whole KFC menu, a herd of cows, a third of the state of Virginia, and half of the US strategic reserve in case of an atomic war, and he will still remain thin as a stick, after he can still say something like "oh, dude I think I've lost some weight." He mostly eats what his mom cooks for him. But he often eats fast food.
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Of course he knows how to cook, and he cooks very tasty. But everything he can cook is very fatty and high in calories and, not surprisingly, he eats a lot. Do you know how much he eats? If you are lucky (or unlucky) to get into his house for lunch, then you will barely finish the first course, and you will already have thoughts that you will crawl out from behind the table because you will not have the strength to get to your feet. And this is only the first course! There's also a second course, a third course, a couple of salads, dessert, and then Heavy will make you drink tea with him. Do you know how they drink tea in Russia? It's like a separate meal, only all the food is sweet. Do you think this food will last for a week? Huh, it's a regular lunch at Heavy's house.
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He has no taste in food. A steak with black caviar from a five-star restaurant and the fried sole of his shoe are the same thing for him. Seriously, he doesn't see the difference between a masterpiece dish and what Soldier can cook. Because of this, his food tastes either ok (if you're lucky) or disgusting. Well, yes, he put too much salt in his food. Well, yes, he confused salt with sugar. Well, yes, perhaps the entire periodic table happened to be in his breakfast. He didn't even feel it.
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He loves to eat delicious food and has great taste in food, but he will NEVER cook something. He hates cooking. If he has the choice of either cooking something for himself or starving to death, he will go in search of a pen to write a will.
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Pyro can cook... They think so. In fact, their food is disgusting in appearance and taste and always has a burnt taste. It's some kind of curse, but they burn all their food. Even if they pour water into the pan, it will still start to burn.
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somberjoon · 7 months
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✩ pairing: hybrid nj x hybrid reader (f) - eventual ot7 x reader
✩ genre: soul-searching , romance🔞 , found-family , healing , angst , happy ending
✩ word count: 3.7k
✩ chapter warnings: uncertainty in behavior and emotions , 'pups' and 'cubs' used as an overall label - children and breeds will be specified when important. (none of the mcs are parents) ,
✩ summary: She doesn't know. There is so much about her and her cheetah that she hasn't had the privilege to understand. Unknown backgrounds and unknown emotions clash with feelings of want- hopes of being herself unapologetically. Namjoon seems to be someone that can help her- but can the rest of his pack truly be what she has wanted and needed?
✩ cover: me
ch.1 , ch.2 , ch.3 , ch.4 , ...
✩ disclaimer: this is the last slow chapter and probably the shortest. I apologize if these first three were slow / short but I really wanted to give myself a feel for the characters before going into the "main" story conflicts and happenings.
His nerves fizzle under his skin again as he makes his way to the pack’s sunroom. He’s looking for a specific cat that he knows enjoys his leisure time alone in the evening sun. 
The cheetah lies near the large window that takes up just about one whole wall of the room. His animal form is elegant- reserved- much like his human form. His ears twitch as Namjoon makes his way towards him, squatting just over him to rub into the back of his neck just how he likes it the most. Familiar, deep purrs rumble up and greet Namjoon. He’ll never get tired of hearing them, feeling them under his hands and lips. 
When Taehyung first found Namjoon they both knew there was something there. But, as humans pass strangers on the street, hybrids find themselves in inhumane shelters and never risk attaching themselves to each other. It took them a few hopeless months before Taehyung finally slunk up to Namjoon in his cheetah form to sniff and rub into his leg. The strange boy never said anything to him, but made sure to find Namjoon in times of stress. The comfort was immediate between them- even when they didn’t want to admit it to themselves. Besides Yoongi- the third member of their pack- the rest of the pack was surprised to find Taehyung was the first Namjoon bonded with. 
In vague terms, Taehyung is mysterious in a way that the guys could only chalk up to ‘a cheetah thing’. They aren’t a common animal in hybrid terms- in fact, Taehyung and now Y/N are the only ones he’s met his whole life. Even volunteering, pups are rarely big cats- though others are more common that cheetahs. 
This is an opportunity for Taehyung, now that he’s thought about it his whole weekend off. He can’t say for sure, but he can guess that Y/N has never met another cheetah- he knows Taehyung hasn’t. So, after lots of contemplation and thinking of ways to get Taehyung to meet someone new willingly, he decided it was just best to ask each cheetah. 
“I’m so lucky to have found a pretty cub.” Namjoon coos at the cheetah who’s tail swishes with leisurely grace. Taehyung gives him a deep chirp that shows his dislike for the ‘baby-term’ he calls it. 
“I know, I know. I wanted to talk to you about something important if you’re up for it.” The cheetah eyes him, not wanting to shift but definitely interested. “I would prefer you to be able to tell me exactly how you feel but, maybe it’s best this way.” Namjoon’s hand leaves his thick fur. “I can’t say too, too much unless you’re a volunteer but, one of my cases involves an adult cheetah-” Taehyung’s elegant head turns quickly to eye the man above him more directly. “They aren’t familiar with their cheetah at all, I don’t even think they’ve shifted for a long, long time, but- I wanted you to know you had this opportunity. You’d have to become an official volunteer under the organization and have a background check but, because you’re pack they should prioritize your paperwork. I just- I want you to know I can make it work, and you can think about it for as long as you need.”
Namjoon can see the way he thinks after knowing him for so long. His tail always moves a certain way, his eyes roam around like the thoughts are playing out in front of him. The older stands as Taehyung doesn’t seem to show any response at the moment, and he was being honest when he said he can think about it for as long as he needs. He gives one last pat-pet before heading to his home office for the evening to get ready for the week’s work. 
It’s much later than he realizes, he didn’t count when each of his pack mates came in individually to wish him a goodnight. He can’t remember when each of them did come in, but different head and face pecks with tired wishes cross his mind. It’s not until a soft knock that he recognizes sounds at his door. He straightens up a bit upon realizing. 
Now human, Taehyung squeezes into the room without a word, eyeing Namjoon with an unreadable expression. His unsure stance shows his contemplation easily, that much Namjoon knows. 
“Hey.” Namjoon gives him a warm smile, always happy to see his family. 
“Am I the only one that knows?”
“Yeah, I’m not supposed to tell anyone about case information, so no one else knows unless they give consent themselves. But this is- I think this would be really important for both of you.” 
“If- if I said yes, what would it entail?” Namjoon smiles at the small visible pout that Taehyung has when he’s thinking. 
“It’s like any other case I tell you about. It’s adjustment time for them, getting them used to other hybrids and helping them to just have someone to talk to, to open to and create bonds with. We could just grab food or go running- they like running as well in their human form.” 
Taehyung stands there, eyes searching Namjoon’s face for something he doesn’t know of. Taehyung always reads him like a book, nothing gets past him. Namjoon hopes he agrees, even if he’s okay with any answer from either cheetah. The younger isn’t one to go out of his comfort zone socially, and this is a lot to ask. 
“Okay.” Namjoon’s ears perk up at the answer. 
“Yeah, just let me know if they want to and then we’ll go to the organization when you’d like me to.” 
Namjoon's face lights up whether he’d like to mask his emotions or not. He wants this for Taehyung, he wants this for Y/N. 
“Now come to bed before the bunny has a fit.” Taehyung tries to hide the smile with a turn and exit but Namjoon catches it, quickly putting his PC to sleep and following the cheetah to their shared room. 
He hadn't said anything after that. 
Richard didn't even try to check in on her or offer her dinner that next night until Maria got home and gave her the tightest hug. She relished in it, the warmth of someone familiar for once. She held tight until Maria expressed she was famished and tired. 
Waiting for the arrival of Namjoon after a weekend is the worst. Maybe she's being dramatic- but can you blame her? This is the little time she gets to be with someone like her and someone- nice, in more than a parental way. He's something confusing and terrifying but, it's nice having something like that- someone.
The tires pulling into the paved driveway immediately pull her into a standing position. She's at the door before Maria, waiting for him to knock- she has some decorum. Maria gives her a smile after making sure it is Namjoon's car, leaving the two to their own as she spends her time in her craft room. 
The jitters make her realize her outfit is plain and her loose hair is undone and boring. She tugs at her everyday sweats and jolts at the light knocks that sound just next to her face. With a deep breath and a quick pump up, she opens the door to find the tall wolf already looking down at her with a fond smile that melts her completely. 
She forgets everything when he’s here. It should be impossible, especially with how much haunts her but- he’s safe. Everything about him feels safe. Her worries give way to excitement and relief. She’s launching into his chest before she can even think about asking first. 
His scent hits her first. The rich, thick aroma of musky vanilla envelopes her. Her arms are tight around his chest, under his arms to be as close as possible. She thinks it's perfect- until his arm wraps itself around her shoulders, holding her carefully enough to keep from scaring her away. Yeah, this is definitely perfect.
"I caught a cub without even trying." Namjoon says with a smile she can hear. She pulls away at the realization, looking anywhere but his face.
"I'm so sorry, I-I should've asked."
"No, no-" he doesn't hesitate to reply, "I love hugs, don't worry." There's a pause of awkward silence Y/N hopes he doesn't feel like she is. "Do you have anything you'd like to do today?" 
It's the first question he asks at the beginning of each visit, giving her the opportunity to share her thoughts first. 
"No, but uh, I'd like to do something outside…like last time." Namjoon stops to think.
"Hmmm, we can go running again, or maybe we can have a picnic?" 
"A picnic?" Y/N's ears twitch at the prospect.
"Yeah, we can stop by a store and grab some stuff and then we can go to a pretty park to just eat and relax- and you can run after if you'd like." If the idea didn't already sound perfect, his smile would've sold her.
"That sounds fun." She says honestly, giving him a genuine smile back. 
She fucking hates grocery stores. 
She's been in one with Maria, but a clothing store is much more calm, especially early in the morning when no one is there. But this- god this is awful.
Everyone stands in the way and nobody has manners. She's always gotten weird looks but she's clean and homed now- she's not 'dirty' like she used to be every day. Namjoon sticks close to her despite the stuffy air creating a humid bubble around them. 
"We just need a few things and then we can pick snacks. Is there anything you prefer?" 
"Watermelon." She says without having to even think. 
"Done, anything else?"
Namjoon's airy chuckle seems to be the only thing she can hear in the crowded aisles. 
"Of course, anything else?" 
"Umm, I don't know. I like sandwiches but, maybe that's too much."
"Of course not, I'm a wolf and I definitely eat like one. That would be nothing but a light snack, let's just grab some stuff from the deli to try." 
She can't help but laugh at the confession, relishing in the closeness they've acquired by sticking to the handle of the basket. 
Namjoon puts special care into picking the foods for her to try, picking a blanket she likes, and setting everything up with little effort from her. She was shooed away a few times when Namjoon struggled to open one of the plastic containers or when she just felt useless and needed to put her hands on something. 
“Okay! All done.” Namjoon opens his arms to show his work, the food laid out for them to eat while still having space for them to sit comfortably. 
“It’s so pretty, everything looks good.” Y/N can’t help but confess, “Can we eat?” She eyes the watermelon in particular. She isn’t one to eat a lot for breakfast, so it’s definitely time for some food and she’s even more impatient because of the crisp fruit. 
“Of course, sit sit.” Namjoon settles down with enough space for her to sit comfortably as well. She eyes the spot, sitting with her legs crossed to realize just how large Namjoon is and how much space he’s actually taking up. She tries not to pay attention to their knees brushing as he reaches for and sets the watermelon container in front of her. He gives himself one half of a packed sandwich and places the other in front of her as well with the container it came in. He’s taking such special care that she’s not used to being given- a purr dares to bubble up at the smallest gestures, making her struggle to be somewhat normal. Namjoon saves her from embarrassment, luckily. 
“So, how was your weekend?” Namjoon asks with an almost full mouth- she finds it more endearing than anything. 
“Okay- boring.” She replies before biting into a perfect piece of watermelon, juice dribbling down her chin that she wipes away with the sleeve of her long-sleeve shirt. “How ‘bout yours?” 
“Pretty average, but I like it that way.” They both take a few bites, enjoying the warmth and breeze as they sit in the pretty park. “Has there been anything new you've wanted to try, or did you try anything new recently?" He asks to keep from the awkward silence.
"I don't know,” she gives a shrug, pushing away the memories of the weekend, trying to find a saving grace. “I tried a phone game…it was very distracting.” Namjoon gives a laugh at that. 
“Was it fun at least?” 
“Too much fun.” Y/N laughs with him, suddenly missing the game she somehow forgot about after that day of playing. “I looked up hobbies, maybe to have something to do- to get used to being by myself or for when I find a job- but I don’t know how to start anything.” 
Namjoon makes a gesture to himself, trying to say something without words as his mouth is too full this time. A giddy smile from her watches him until he can finally talk. 
“That’s what I’m made for! I’m great at this, okay.” He puts his sandwich down and turns to her fully, shifting so her right knee is resting on his intertwined ankles. “What caught your attention when you were looking?” 
“Mainly the video games, I never had the luxury to play- oh! And the art stuff. I loved seeing the street murals and colorful pieces around the towns I passed through. I think it would be nice to learn something like that.” 
“That’s perfect! Some of the guys at home have some extras they’re always trying to get rid of. A couple older generation systems they never use, or art supplies they didn’t prefer-”
“Namjoon that- that’s too much. You already do so much for me. I couldn’t accept that when I have nothing to offer back.”
“I wouldn’t suggest it if I wanted something in return. I do this because I want to. I want to hang out with you and bring you things. Plus, the guys really won’t miss any of it.”
She’s never been given this much. Though she feels extremely lucky to be found by the right people and was given these opportunities with the nicest hybrid somehow in the organization’s pocket- she’s overwhelmed with everything. Even waking up in a bed after a nightmare freaks her out once in a while. Namjoon is a wonder to buy her these things for their daily hangouts when she’s just a stranger to him. It’s odd, no matter how she thinks about it. 
She could try. Try to give back to him and work harder to get to a spot where her doctor thinks she’s ready to start working and get her own place with things she was able to buy herself. She’d give back to him then. 
“Okay. I’d love them.” Namjoon’s tail immediately picks up to wag and thump against the ground behind him as his smile grows to relief. “But just a couple things, and I’ll repay you eventually.”
“Mmm, deal.” Namjoon holds out his hand in a gesture that Y/N hasn’t experienced with anyone yet. Her questioning look is met with a welcome nod at his hand. She grabs his hand lightly, his fingers grasping with assurance. Their warm, soft encapsulation makes her stomach turn in a way that can only be described as sickness. He shakes their hands for her as her gaze is locked on the obvious size difference of their hands- glancing up to see if he noticed her distraction. His smile isn’t venomous at all, it’s the same warmth she’s used to. She smiles back until his expression suddenly falls. 
“I’m sorry to change the subject but, I wanted to talk about something if you were up to it? It’s nothing bad at all, but- if you’re not interested you can let me know and I’ll drop it immediately.”
She drops his comforting hand to distract herself with more watermelon. 
 “As you know, I know another cheetah personally. Honestly, he’s part of my pack.” Her eyes lock on his face to follow him more intently now that she knows she’s definitely interested. “Cheetahs aren’t common hybrids- in fact they’re very rare. You’re very rare.”
She thinks back to what that man said about her when she was home alone with Richard. ‘Exotic’, he called her. She didn’t understand it then, but now…
“Exotic?” She asks suddenly. 
“Not exactly,” Namjoon gives her a questioning look. “Rare and exotic aren’t the same, but some full humans don’t care to decipher the difference. They see us as money and property. It’s not as common nowadays, but just- be careful with humans that aren’t respectful to you and your autonomy.”
“Your right to know what you want and to be able to obtain that for yourself. Basically, they should respect that you’re your own person.”
“Oh, right.” She nervously picks at her sweats with the multiple realizations now stewing in her head. 
“With such rare hybrids, there’s bound to be those ones that have never met one like them. The one from my pack, he’s never had the chance to meet another cheetah, despite meeting other hybrids growing up. And I wasn’t sure if you have but- the bond between them and the comfort between two like hybrids is incomparable.” 
Y/N can tell he’s circling around the actual question, so she tries her best to get there before he has to ease her in any longer. 
“Are you asking if I’d like to…meet him?” Namjoon gives a heavy sigh before responding. 
“I don’t want you to feel like you have to meet anyone- especially if you’re uncomfortable but, I also don’t want you to miss opportunities just because I haven’t been thoughtful enough to present them to you.”
God, he’s annoyingly perfect. 
“You’re far more thoughtful than you sound saying that.” He gives her a half chuckle, half hum that she can feel in her gut. 
“I talked to him about it this weekend- I wanted to let you know that this is something I can make happen for you. Meeting another cheetah would allow you a chance at some answers that you can’t get from me.”
“What did he say? Does he want to meet me?”
“I don’t want his answer to feel like you have to decide one way or another. You don’t even have to decide today, or this week-”
“I already decided, I just want to know before I tell you.” 
His smile grows at the realization, she knows she basically already gave an answer but she waits for him to give her the information first. 
“He does want to meet you.”
“Then I think I want to meet him too.” She nonchalantly answers with a shrug that she tries to make as casual as possible. 
Honestly, the excitement and expectation of meeting another cheetah is far too great to even think about saying no. She barely had to contemplate the decision. She’s not scared to meet other hybrids- thanks to Namjoon- but she can’t let the fear of just meeting another person get in the way. He wants to meet her as well- that was the final push to saying yes. 
“Okay, then I’ll make it work.” 
His ‘for sure’, confident attitude is a lot more attractive than she’d like to admit. Her watermelon is running out from the attention she gives to it over having to think about the confusing effects Namjoon has on her. 
“Is that sandwich good?”
Namjoon lifts the sandwich to his mouth that he ended up forgetting about in their conversations. 
“It’s a secret, you’ll have to try it yourself,” is the only answer he gives, turning to look out at the distance with too much confidence. Her eyes roll instinctively despite a smile painting her pace, grabbing the sandwich to try. 
“I don’t even want to tell you how good it is.” She mumbles as she chews the yummy bite.
Namjoon isn’t exactly surprised when he steps up to the front door and meets an immediate opening door and Taehyung standing in the frame waiting for him. He takes a few visible sniffs before any greeting comes out. 
“How was it today?”
Taehyung was never one to put himself into discussions of work- his past and the way he prefers to interact in this society just prevents him from caring too much about the details. He’ll listen to you talk about your complaints with no protest and with the best listening skills, but he’s not one to ask outright. 
“Good- they said yes, if you’re wondering.” Namjoon gets straight to the point, not wanting to make him wait any longer for an answer when he knows that’s exactly what he wants. 
Namjoon squeezes in next to Taehyung as he tries to sniff and sniff at his clothes without making it too obvious. He knows that Y/N hugged him- just like last time, he has proof of someone that’s not exactly a cub on his person. 
“That’s good. Can we go to the organization tomorrow?” Namjoon loves how straight to the point Taehyung always is. He’s a big softie- someone that is patient and loving in private times and areas- but he knows what he wants, and he’ll ask for it even if there’s more chances for a negative response than a positive one. 
The urgency of Taehyung’s questions and need for answers makes Namjoon playful. He gives a secret, small smile as he shrugs off his light jacket and kicks his shoes off before turning back to the younger. 
“No ‘happy to see you’ kiss?” Namjoon pouts and slumps his body a little to get a reaction. He forces his tail to stay still so Taehyung can’t immediately tell he’s just messing with him. The cheetah gives him the quickest peck to the lips, not letting the touchy wolf relish in the feeling. 
“No ‘happy to see you’ long kiss?” He keeps his pout on his lips, reaching for Taehyung’s arm to pull him forward. Taehyung leans into Namjoon’s lips without question, needing to please the older just to get an answer. Namjoon smiles into the kiss, tail wagging at the pleasure he got from successfully playing with the younger. He brings his hand up to Taehyung’s chin to keep him close as he speaks. 
“We’ll go tomorrow before work so I can still volunteer after work and let them know what happens. Okay?” 
“Thank you.” Taehyung whispers.
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androgynousblackbox · 2 months
This Life We Build. 1 [Appleradio, Radioapple]
Okay, so this is basically an AU of my Arranged Marriage AU. We can call it Fluffy AM AU lol This would take place after the epilogue in "How I Met Your Father", but I really think it would make it easier if you read the first chapter of "How to Lose a Lucifer in 10 Days". Only the first chapter, though! After that the plot starts off. Here, there is no plot or don't plan to. Just pure self indulgent fluff. Also! I reserve the right to make up any prompts I want and jump the timeline because, again, this is just for fun. Not all chapters may contain smut. [Day 1: Pregnancy test + electro stim]
Something was wrong.
Alastor knew it when the third attempted Overlord and their minions of the week came to try to prove themselves in front of the king that Vox had announced on their dumb boxes. He could still take them down without much of an issue, but this time, for the first time ever, he felt lightheaded when returning back to his original size. When he called upon his own minions to take care of the bodies, he stumbled one time on his own foot.
It was all Lucifer needed to appear at his side as soon he came inside the hotel.
"I am fine" said, instinctively, but the tiny angel was already pressing a hand on his forehead, that did felt warmer than usual.
It wasn't a fever, though. It was the heat of after doing exercise. For a few days now, it was taking him more effort than expected to use his magic. The first time he noticed it, he though maybe it was an issue with himself still needing to learn to regulate his own powers after coming back to hell, like how he had to adapt a new muscle to the use he wanted to give it. But even if that was the case, it would happen too with small task and it didn't. It was only when he needed to do something bigger or get into his full demonic form that he could feel the limit. Not to mention how he never had that problem right after falling, when the contract with Lucifer came into full effect. It was only on the past week or so.
"Cut the bullshit" Lucifer sighed, holding his cheek. "We are going to the Sloth Ring."
Alastor protested in principle. He was just hungry despite all the minions and their leader he just ate. He was just tired, freshly woken up from bed. A good breakfast could solve anything, there was no need to worry so much. Lucifer did not want to hear about it.
At the very least they didn't had to wait long. As soon Lucifer texted Belphegor, she went to look for them in the lobby and take them up to her private office. Sitting on her chair, Alastor looked up to the ceiling and then to the eight eyes in the goat face of the Queen of Sloth.
"It's not that serious" added in the end when he finished explaining. As Bel prepared herself to give him a quick exam, he shook his head to Lucifer. His husband haven't stopped looking at him with a slight frown the entire time. "My love, I am fine."
"Just for my sake then, okay?" Lucifer took his hand and squeeze it, his blue thumb rubbing the backside of his palm. For this outing he had changed into his blue shark demon look. Bel didn't have any issue to identify him directly and didn't even question the different form at all. But his voice was the same, the concern on his face was too Lucifer to hide. "I will feel better with this."
Alastor sighed. As if there was any way he could refuse anything now. But at least it had been made clear now that, if it was for him, none of this would be necessary. They barely even had time to tell Emily that they were going out for a bit before they were just gone.
"Get on the bed" said Bel, opening a curtain for him to pass inside. Alastor laid on top as Lucifer kept a hand over his shoulder. Bel's hands started to glow in purple as she passed them over his body, not touching, but still making him tense up a little. The only hands he allowed so close to him were his immediate family. Bel could count as extended one at the most. "How long have you been having this issue?"
"Not long" Alastor frowned, trying to remember. "Mmm, I want to say a week, more or less. 10 days max. That is why I wasn't thinking there was moment to get alarmed" said, sending a side eye to Lucifer. "It never impede me to do what I need to do."
"But it's there when it wasn't before" pointed Bel calmly, going over his legs extended. "That alone is worth checking to see what is going on. Luci did well. This could have escalated eventually and be harder to deal with" Alastor grunted, ignoring the satisfied smirk that Lucifer send him. Bel moved up his torso and continued, passing over both his arms and finally his head. All with the same blank sleepy expression of always, so surely she wasn't detecting anything that serious either. That is what Alastor was assuming until she spoke. "Mmm. I need another test. You can sit up."
She moved to a cabinet on the side, looking on the drawers.
"Any idea what it could be?" asked Lucifer, letting his warm hand on Alastor's back as soon he changed position.
"I have an idea, but I need to confirm it" Bel came back with a wide stick of light grey on her hand. "Put this into your mouth, over your tongue. It won't take much."
As Alastor did, resigned to his fate, that was probably goin to include rest, Bel sat on her chair again.
"How about you, Luci? You didn't feel anything different lately?"
Lucifer shook his head.
"Absolutely nothing. If something was happening with the girls, I think they would have told us already. So at least it's not contagious, right?"
"No, it's not" Bel looked at the clock on her wall and then at the stick of Alastor, slowly blinking as the extreme that wasn't behind Alastor's teeth started colouring on a soft lilac. When the whole things was painted, she extended her hand to grab it. Alastor growled low for a second before forcing himself to relax again, realizing that nobody was taking food out of him. "I see" she said, her eyes going big for a moment. But once that second was gone, they were back to their half lid default. "Luci, you never checked on his magic, right?"
"No" Lucifer frowned, immediately a sense of guilt sinking his eyes. "Should I?"
"It's best if you do" Bel nodded. "I can tell you now, you are not sick" added to Alastor.
Lucifer turned to him, taking the hand that he kept on his lap to ask for permission before. He nodded, bracing himself for he weird feeling of having his being naked in a way that had nothing to do with his clothes. The first time it happened it was such a shock he could only interpretate like an attack, but now it was just something different he couldn't quite prepare himself for even if he knew it was coming. The previously yellow eyes of Lucifer turned into red and looked at him, his gaze instantly landing on his abdomen. He tilted his head to a side.
"What?" asked Alastor, not really liking his silence.
"What is that?" asked Lucifer to Bel instead of answering.
"So you do see it" said Bel. Just when Alastor was about to demand what they were talking about, she looked up to him. "You are pregnant."
Alastor stared at her like she just spoke gibberish.
Lucifer blinked, his red eyes glued to the same spot a second longer before they came back to normal, seeing at Alastor.
"You are" said, breathless. "I can show you" added with urgency, squeezing the hand of Alastor in his again.
In front of Alastor's eyes it was his own silhouette, full with green magic in constant movement. On his stomach there was a glowing white spot that was also moving without losing that essential circular shape.
"That…" said Lucifer and his voice sounded so close to chocking up that Alastor squeezed him back. "That is a baby. Is a baby, right, Bel?"
"Yes" confirmed Bel calmly.
"How?" said Alastor, like it was the only word he was capable of pronnouncing.
"It's a magical pregnancy. Both of your magic must have combined when you both wished for a new child and made it possible. The reason you have been feeling tired so much it was because the fetus needed your energy to keep form. You were using even more magic that you thought at once. If you were a normal sinner it would have dissolved already without more magic from the father. I imagine that in a month or so that would have happened here too. If you want to keep it, it was a good thing you came now."
Alastor blinked and his vision went back to normal. He turned to Lucifer, the expectation on his face so pulled back that he had to reach out, cupping his cheek. The king exhaled sharply, as if it burned.
"What is that if about?" Alastor brought him closer, kissing his forehead. "Of course we are having it. Of course. Aren't we?" he hummed softly as he kissed the tears that started to fall from Lucifer's eyes. His silly king could get so worried over nothing. How could he even imagine for a second he was going to have any other response? "You wanted it too, didn't you? Why are you surprised?" teased lightly, nuzzling his temple.
Lucifer whimpered without words as hold him tight, burying his head on his chest as Alastor squeezed him tight back. A nice melody all around them was the only way he had to express how full and content he was, his body vibrating with radio static coming from his core.
Maybe it wasn't what any of them expected or planned for, but right at that moment that didn't matter at all. They were going to make it work, somehow. Just like they did for Charlie and Emily, they would do as well for the new addition to their family. They had everything they could need.
"Babe" Lucifer kissed his neck and went up until he found Alastor's lip, clinging him him like he wanted to imprint his presence there. "I love you" sighed, keeping his head close to pet his ears. There were streak of tears on his cheeks, but they were drying up and his smile was so much bigger now. "I love you so much."
Alastor laughed, a light and joyious sound that reverberated with radio noises, and kissed him back, his lips and his red dot and his neck as he hugged him again, stronger than before.
Bel stared at her wall, full of pills of every color in the rainbow. Either because she genuinely did not care or for giving them that moment, she didn't say a word until Lucifer adressed her again by wrapping his arms around her and lifting her up. She was like a rag doll, a doll that was bigger and taller than him, but the king did not mind at all.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" said Lucifer, laughing. "You have given us the best news ever, Bel! You are the best! How can I repay you?"
"You are welcome" said Bel calmly, somehow elipping an arm-tentacle from the grip of Lucifer to clumsily pat his head a few times. "I won't charge you, but you need to know a few things. If you let me sit I can tell you."
"Thank you" Lucifer giggled, giving her one final and especial kind of strong squeeze, before letting her come back to her chair.
If she were anything else but a Sin, they would have heard the sound of her ribs crushing already. Instead she just plopped down, fixing up her robe.
"Well?" asked Alastor when she just looked at the bed with a wishful expression.
Bel directed her eyes at him and pronnounced a little oh, suddenly remembering.
"Right. The baby needs the magic of both parents to keep growing. It's a similar process as what you did for Charlie already. Just one minute for week of magical transference should be enough. If you want to add more minutes it's fine, it won't hurt them. The magic will just go to the pregnant father if it's not absorbed by the baby. I can teach you a way to keep track of so you know if you need more."
Bel taught him a little sigil to know the level of magic the baby needed. After drawing it on the air, the color it glowed would be the status. For now the levels were at a dull green, out of danger, but it was best if they could do one as soon they could. It had to be a brighter green. If it was ever in red, that was their sign something was wrong already. Alastor could feel Lucifer tensing up at his side as his grip on his waist became stronger. He draw circles on his back to calm him down as Bel continue. They were never going to let it get anywhere close to red, that was for sure.
Since it was magical, and not entirely biological, Alastor was going to have significant less symptons than usual, but they could still be there. For that, there were pills. If he had trouble sleeping, there were pills. If anything at all was stressing him out, that wouldn't be nice for the baby, so there were pills. He could eat and drink whatever is that he wanted without worrying. Finally, she wanted to keep checking on the baby every month to make sure it was developing normally. It was exactly two weeks since the conception started so they would have to come back in other two.
Lucifer made some questions, to ease his own mind. Bel answered everything as succintly as she could, not minding to repeat it when Lucifer just wanted to double check. When all of their doubts were resolved, Lucifer hugged her again, thanking her for everything, and Alastor shook her hand. Once they were traspassed the portal to go back home, landing in front of the hotel, Lucifer had a bag full of pills hanging from his shoulder and the biggest smile he had in years.
"Oh, Charlie and Emily are going to be so excited!" squealed, opening the door to let Alastor in. "We have to tell everyone!"
As soon the door was closed behind them, Alastor pushed Lucifer behind a curtain with his tentacles. The little king let out a gasp before Alastor reclaimed his mouth, holding his chin up. He didn't know, but he felt possessive, as if needing to leave his mark all over the father of his unborn kid before letting the rest of the world even know that it existed.
"You heard the doctor, love" whispered, taking a hand of Lucifer. He guided his tentacles to open up his shirt from the bottom up, placing the warm palm of his husband above the fur on his stomach. His skin was still flat, as if nothing had happened, but soon that was going to change. He kissed Lucifer hungrily, sucking on his lips. The curtain was a heavy cover that wouldn't let anyone even know what they were doing, as long they weren't too loud, but even that could be handled with an easy spell from his own fingers. "Our baby needs his papa."
"How could I forget" Lucifer sighed, licking his own lips before bringing him down again, turning him around so now Alastor's back was against the wall. The hand that was over on his stomach slipped under his pants, his underwear, rubbing his mound of fur until Lucifer recieved a nod from Alastor. "How do you want it, baby?" asked, opening the pants of Alastor to pull them down. He gripped his ass between his fingers, mouth watering already. "Hand, tongue or cock? Anything for the good daddy."
"Hand" Alastor punctuated his response by taking the wrist of Lucifer and pushing it on his underwear, further ahead until he moaned with the intimate contact.
He looked over to the side of the curtain, controlling that nobody was getting in or out, but it was as deserted as it was when they left in the first place. If any force on the universe were interrupted them now, he was going to destroy them for the rest of eternity until there was nothing left. This was his little moment of celebration and was going to grab it with open claws if he had to.
"So wet already, babe" Lucifer grunted, pushing inside to his knuckles with two fingers. Alastor grabbed to his shoulders, shivering in delights as he rotted his hips, rubbing himself on the palm. Lucifer's chuckles was like the most pleasant grumble from his chest. "Does carrying my baby makes you like that? Are you going to be one slutty daddy for me?"
"Maybe" Alastor panted as the fingers kept moving, relentless. "You will have to make sure our baby keeps growing to find out. "
Lucifer's grunt came out with a bit of fire between his teeth. Alastor extended his legs further to get down on the wall, grabbing Lucifer by the back of his head to steal a smoky kiss, the tip of his tongue getting so warm as he pressed it inside Lucifer's mouth. For a moment both his tongue entangled on each other, one tasting of hell fire and destruction in such a way Alastor wanted to swallowed it whole, let it burn his insides as much as the fingers were driving him insane.
"Here I go" said Lucifer.
Alastor didn't know what was going, but then a warm, tingling sensation that had nothing to do with Lucifer's movement went up from his fingers to inside of him. His vision was changed again to show him his figure, his magic, and traces of golden magic that were taken out by the white spot inside of him. Everytime a new trace of gold appear, a new little shot of electricity made him jolt, vibrating.
It all lasted a couple of blinks and then he was looking again at the yellow eyes of Lucifer, brow furrowed slightly in concentration.
"Does it feel good?" asked Lucifer. "I can make it softer. Or stronger. You tell me."
"Stronger" Alastor braced himself, holding onto him when the big shock came. The sudden stimulation made him moan harder, one large sound that extended in the air. After that shock, Lucifer added a third finger and kissed his jaw.
"You are taking it so well, baby. You are such a good daddy already" Lucifer's voice smiled before he could see it.
Alastor nuzzled against his head and bite on his cheek down at the next shock, breathing sharply. This one went from Lucifer's fingers to his palm, immediately on top of his sensitive nub. He gave a strangled scream, mouth open, before furiously licking on the droplets of golden blood offered up to him. The sudden warmth of the blood, as if swallowing down whiskey during a blizzard, quickly extended to the rest of his body, making him relax again.
When Lucifer shocked him again, Alastor lost all strenght on his legs. As if sensing, or predicting it before then, Lucifer grabbed him from under his ass to keep him up as he finger fucked him through his orgasm. Alastor moaned, his voice rasping with each exhale, until Lucifer slowly pulled out. He bite down his own lip when Lucifer made a show of cleaning himself up with his tongue, sucking on each tip. Then the king reached out to kiss him, his own flavor and smell still over him.
"Do you think that is enough?" asked Lucifer in a whisper, barely moving.
"If not, I would be surprised" Alastor sighed. The bite on the cheek was already completely healed, so he kissed gently the zone and nuzzled him. "Do you want me to do something for you?"
"Later, at night" Lucifer smiled, petting his head, scratching around his ears. Alastor hummed satisfied, feeling his tail wagging at the attention. A little involuntary squeak came out of him. "You are so cute" chuckled Lucifer, kissing his cheek.
"Shut up" grunted Alastor. He took a breath and started to put his hooves on the ground again, when he remembered. "Darling."
"I know" Lucifer snapped his fingers. Alastor squinted his eyes when a quick and sudden surge of magic passed between his legs, cleaning up his underwear. "Better?"
"More decent at least" Alastor straighten up at last, pulling his pants to close them again. Next it was his shirt and last his suit jacket. He looked like always, but soon enough that was going to change. Another visit to the tailor, who would have to keep his mouth shut if he wanted to keep living. "I am going to need bigger clothes when I start showing."
"We won't have to worry about that for a while" assured Lucifer, holding his hand.
"Oh, I am not bothered at all by the idea" said, reaching down to kiss his forehead. "I can't wait" added in a whisper, leaving a caress on his cheek. "For now, we have an announcement to make, don't we?"
Lucifer perked up.
Five minutes later, Lucifer had conjured up a megaphone to spread his voice as far as possible through out the whole building.
"Everyone come in to the lobby to receive the best news ever that hell has ever heard about! It's nothing tragic or bad, I promise!"
The good thing of living so long around the king of hell was the ability to completely tuned out his loud shenanigans. Alastor sat down on the couch, patiently waiting for the residents and staff to start appearing.
"Is that fucking thing necessary?" grumbled Husk, covering his ears.
Once everyone was accounted for, Lucifer smiled big and cleaned up his hands on the air.
"Papa, what is happening?" asked Charlie, who despite the warning still looked worried.
"I just wanted to have all of you at once for this!" said Lucifer, enthusiastically moving to get the hand of Alastor on his and stand at his side. "We just came from visiting auntie Bel. I noticed that Alastor wasn't feeling too well this morning, so I got worried and had her test him out. That is how we find that…" Lucifer took a deep breath, like he haven't breath at all during the whole exxplanation. "He is pregnant! We are waiting for a baby!"
Almost everyone in the room instantly looked at Alastor for further confirmation of those words. It only took a simple nod from Alastor for the two princess to make loud noises. For Charlie is was a yell, as Emily squealed, running to hug Alastor.
"Am I am going to have a little sibling?!" Charlie already had tears on her eyes, not knowing what to do with herself.
Lucifer put a hand on her shoulder and nodded.
"Two weeks and counting!" said happily, lifting two fingers. "It's a magical pregnancy that could only happen because we both wanted it at the same time! So if you think about it, it was totally planned!"
Charlie babbled something that almost sounded like how happy she was and she hugged Lucifer, lifting him off the feet on one of the signature bone crushing squeeze she learned from him. The incontrollable sob of her, predictably, started causing a similar effect on Lucifer.
"Aww, sweetie" said first, before his voice was lost on the cries. It was a struggle to understand any of them as they talked over another. "I love your dad so fucking much, duckling, and I know our baby is going to be just as amazing as you are!"
"You are the best papa ever and I love you both so much, I am so happy for you!"
Vaggie sighed, patting the back of her girlfriend as she and Lucifer turned themselves into fountains. Emily looked upon them with a smile and kissed the cheek of Alastor, holding both of his hands as she kneeled
"I don't really have a lot of experience with this side of life. Or afterlife, I guess" commented with a chuckle. "In Heaven I never really saw a pregnancy up close, but I am going to learn as much as I can so I can help you out and be the best big sister I can be" promised, nodding seriously but with a happy smile on her face.
"I am sure you will, dear" Alastor kissed the top of her head. "There is more than enough time. I won't even start showing for a good few weeks."
"Showing what?" Emily tilted her head, confused.
Alastor was taken aback at that. What the fuck did they taught them in Heaven?
"Sweetie" said, gently, "do you know what pregnant means?"
"Of course I do, silly! Lucifer just said it means you are having a baby! That is very exciting."
"Do you know how I am going to have the baby?"
"By…" Emily blinked, thinking it over as a small crease was created between her eyes, "Huh. I guess it appears when it's ready?"
"Not exactly" Alastor took one of her hands and put it over his stomach. "The baby is already here, inside my body, but they are still too small. The more they grow up, this part of me will change to contain them. Then one day they are going to be big enough to get out my body and live here with us."
"Is that how it works?!" Emily's eyes were full of wonder at the new information. She pressed her palm down on Alastor for a second, looking to feel something, and then pulled out, suddenly scared. "Sorry, I shouldn't do that! I don't want to hurt them. Are they okay?"
Alastor chuckled, cupping her cheek.
"They are fine, dear. Like I said, they are too small so it's mostly just my own body now. You didn't hurt any of us."
"Oh" Emily sighed. "Good. I definitely need to read more on it then. How long are they going to be inside your body?"
"If everything goes alright, it should be nine months. That usually is how long it takes."
"Oh, that is really a lot of time. Like almost a year! Is there something I can do to help them come out sooner?"
Alastor smiled, petting her head. Internally damming all of Heaven again because how could let an angel live for so long in ignorance of a big part of human life.
"No, dear. They need that time to develop properly. Your father and I" said, looking at Lucifer, who for some reason had decided to include Vaggie on his hug. Now he and Charlie were sniffling on each side of the fallen angel, doing her best to calm them both "will take care of them to ensure that happens. For now there is nothing else to do but wait."
"I will still do my due research!" promised Emily, standing up to hug him again. "Do you need anything right now? Juice? Water? Something?"
Please, let not this be the start of all of their interactions becoming into this, begged Alastor internally.
"No, dear, thank you. If I want something, I can still get it myself. No need to fret so much" said, feeling relieved when Husk approched him. "Yes?"
"I am going to go ahead and assume that this is real" said, making a pointing gesture to Lucifer finally returning to the floor to recieve the congratulations of everyone else. He looked positively ectatic. "Not even you would be so fucked up to make a joke out of this."
"Why, thank you."
"And you didn't do a terrible job with Charlie either. Although a big portion of that was Lucifer."
"That is usually how parenting with a partner goes, indeed."
Husk took a deep breath and exhaled, as if saying the next part was taking a lot of him.
"I am just saying, when that baby comes out, I am not changing any diapers. Congratulations or whatever" said, turning around to return to the bar.
"Was that a positive interaction or a negative one?" asked Emily in a whisper.
She was still struggling with the nuances of hellish beings.
"Positive. I think" Alastor wasn't entirely sure himself, but he was going to take what he could. After everything that happened, that was probably the most he could get from Husk.
The winged cat didn't had the same reservations about congratulating Lucifer, going so far as to endure one of his hugs. With her eyes finally not leaking. Charlie came running to wrap her arms around him. Alastor patted her back and didn't mind when he could hear another tinu sniffle.
"I am so… so happy for you, dad" said Charlie, kissing his cheek. Her emotions were still on the surface, but at least she was in better control of them. "Are you okay now? Do you need anything?"
"That is what I said!" pointed out Emily.
"Please, don't" Alastor sighed, taking both of her hands. "Dears, I came back from a doctor who said I am fine. I was merely a little tired because the baby was absorbing magic without me knowing it. Now that we do know, we can take care of them adequately. Do no start worrying so much over me when there is no need at all. That is going to be Lucifer's job anyway."
"My job is what now?" said Lucifer, finally joining them.
"That you are going to be the one fretting over me from now on, darling, so the girls don't have to. Isn't that right?"
"Absolutely!" Lucifer perked up, sitting on the couch next to him and hugging him from the side. It seemed that he just had way too many hugs inside he needed to disperse all around. Alastor couldn't say that it bothered him too much. "You two just concentrate on being big sisters and leave everything else to papa! That is what I am here for!"
Charlie pouted, but then Emily grabbed her arm.
"Where is the baby going to sleep?" asked Emily.
Charlie gasped loudly, grabbing her cheeks.
"We can totally decorate one of the rooms of the hotel! And their room at the palace too! It's going to be the cutest room ever!"
As Charlie and Emily got invested on talking about what the room on their baby sibling could include, Lucifer kissed his cheek. Alastor hold onto the arm around his middle. Planned or not planned, he thought, this was okay.
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89pedri · 2 years
Passenger Seat | Mason Mount
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Pairing: Mason Mount x Reader
Summary: Fell in love with you in my passenger seat.
Warnings: Slight suggestive content, cursing
Word count: 2k+
Note: Back with another Mason blurb idea thing, I hope you like it! 🥺
The time read 3:02 am as you woke up to the third missed call from Mason in the past five minutes. Your heart immediately begins to race, worrying that something might have happened to him. You call him back, and he answers almost as quickly as you had pressed call.
“Hi, Y/N” you hear his cheerful voice through the speakers of your phone.
“Mase. Are you okay? Is everything okay?” you ask him. “Why do I have so many missed calls?”
“First off, I’m okay darling. But I am outside your house. Come outside, let’s go for a drive.” he says sheepishly.
“Are you mad? I thought something happened to you. Plus, have you seen the time? I look terrible, first of all and I feel bad sneaking out of my house like this, second of all. My parents will be so worried if they wake up and I’m not here.” you scold him.
At the same time that you finish your sentence, however, you put him on loud speaker as you begin frantically looking around your room for your makeup to somewhat make yourself look presentable. Knowing that you’d cave in and go out with him in any case.
“You look great. And, just be very quiet when you leave the house, your dad will never even know you were gone.” he tries to reassure you.
Your mind races as you apply a touch of makeup, not wanting Mason to see you so vulnerably yet. You slip on the closest pair of leggings and hoodie you can spot. You also can’t shake that feeling of guilt of sneaking out. As much as you were an adult, you felt that you owed your parents a sense of respect.
“Y/N, you there?” he asks after a few moments of silence.
“Yeah, I’m here. Just… I’ll be out in a bit.” you tell him before hanging up as you run to brush your teeth before heading out.
With a rush of excitement and nervousness, you walk towards the entrance door. Trying to rationalize if sneaking out at this time to spend time with Mason was even something you should be considering. You pause for a moment, taking a deep breath. Part of you wants to turn back, but the other part of you just wants to see Mason. That part of you that is sure has been falling in love with him, overrides the feeling of fear of getting caught. So you carefully open and close the door trying to minimize the noise and you spot him waiting for you in his car.
He rolls down the window of the passenger seat as he sees you appear out of you house, and he greets you with a wave and that ever-so-characteristic-of-him grin. The one you’d seen him reserve for when he talked about the things and people he really loved, like his nieces and nephew, and Chelsea.
“Don’t you have training in a couple of hours? Can’t you be fined for things like being out too late?” you begin interrogating him as you try to hide the smile that was forming on your lips as he begins to drive, seemingly with no destination.
“Couldn’t stop thinking of you. Wanted to see you again. I guess I’m risking everything for you, and that’s alright with me.” he tells you half-seriously half-joking as he sees you trying to connect to his car’s bluetooth so you can take control of the music.
You turn to look at him, rolling your eyes at the fact that he seemed to sweep you off your feet with his sweet talking.
You see a couple of familiar names pop up on his car’s bluetooth before you try to connect to your own phone. Chilly, Christian, Nathan. You hadn’t met them, but you felt that you knew them from how much he had talked to you about them. You also, however, see some unfamiliar ones.
You can’t help the feelings that form in the pit of your stomach. The jealously, the anger and the insecurity. However, you and Mason had never talked about being official. In theory he was well within his right to go on car rides with other girls. In practice, though, you hoped he wasn’t doing that.
“I have to ask, Mason. Do you also pick up… Jaz and Chloe from their houses at 3 am and risk everything for them?” you joke along with him.
“If you must know, Y/N. I would risk everything for Jaz. She’s my sister, Summer’s mom.” he begins and waits for your response. To which, you simply nod, having heard so much of Summer and how strongly their bond was.
He pauses before continuing, “And, Chloe. She’s my ex. It ended a couple of years ago. We were both very young. I haven’t thought about it but I guess I’ve not had a girl connect to my car since then.” he answers as he pulls a strand of loose hair behind your ear and settles his hand on your thigh, “but you have nothing to be jealous of, as you are the only girl who I have ever liked as much as to want to spend time with her at 3 am, 3pm and everything in between.”
“I was not jealous.” you lie, knowing he could read you better but he doesn’t press the matter further.
You finally connect your phone to his surround system and you start shuffling through your driving playlist. You analyze his reaction to the first few songs, skipping them all until you find one that he sings along to, turning up the volume.
You get so lost in the moment, loving the way his voice was just slightly off key, as he dramatically keeps looking between you and the road and he attempts to serenade you. To be honest, you weren’t paying much attention to the words, that was until he abruptly stops at a stop sign and turns to look at you.
“I’ll be your brightside, BABY, TONIGHT.” he half sings half yells along to The Lumineers looking into your eyes.
You lower your gaze, embarrassed at how quickly and easily the effect he had on you became evident. He smirks as he notices and parks a few metres ahead of the stop sign, at a small park with a stunning view of the city.
You turn down the volume of your phone, anticipating what you’d do next. Just happy to be there with him. He inclines both yours and his seat, and you look back noticing that the backseats were down to give you more room. Seems like he had thought this through.
He then opens the sunroof directly on top of your seats and you’re treated to a breathtaking view of the starry night. Taking hold of your hand, he brings it to his lips before placing a chaste kiss and then placing it close to his chest.
You both lay down in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying each other’s presence and the simple yet intimate activity of stargazing. The only sounds you could distinguish: the faint sound of your songs playing, your hearts beating and your shaky breaths.
“I think that’s Cassiopeia,” you say pointing towards the constellation, outlining the W shape with your fingers. “It’s like an upside down M for Mason Mount but not really.”
He points along with you, seeing him pull out his phone to snap a picture of the sky. He inches closer to you, surely testing your willpower as you take in his scent, “Wason Wount, if you will, but I don’t see it.”
“Look harder, Wason.” you whisper turning towards him. His body is barely touching yours and you look into his eyes. The air between you becoming thicker than before.
He slowly leans into you, hand gently caressing the side of your face as he closes the gap between your lips. Like most of your kisses, it starts soft and tender at first. Gently exploring each other’s mouth, becoming intoxicated with each other. And again, like most of your kisses, the passion grows. The kiss becoming more and more intense. Pressing your lips against each other more urgently, he gently bits your lip as you moan and his tongue explores your mouth. In a swift movement, he grabs your thighs and brings you towards his seat, straddling his lap. You wrap your arms around his check, pulling him as close as humanly possibly, deepening the kiss.
He reluctantly pulls away before your kisses escalate any further. You both struggle to catch your breath for a few seconds. The kisses leaving you with your blood rushing into your head, wanting more. You look into his eyes as you see the raw emotion in them, feeling dizzy with desire.
“As much as I’d love to continue this. And trust me I would. I’ve thought about it a lot more than I’d care to admit. But, I have imagined us, you know, in a much more comfortable and romantic place.” he laughs lightly tapping your bum.
“Prude.” you tell him as you move off his lap and sit back onto the passenger seat.
The two of you lay back down, entwined in each other's arms, watching the stars twinkle above; trying to point out more constellations.
As the night passes, you both talk and share more pieces of yourselves, learning more about each other and feeling that, surely, if you weren’t already, you were falling in love with him.
Somewhere along the conversation, you had both fallen into a comfortable asleep in his car, with his arms holding your waist tightly.
The warmth of the sun wakes you up and you shuffle around to see Mason asleep with a slow and steady breathing pattern, and a small smile on his face.
You immediately see that it was bright out and that the windows had fogged up. Your mind starts to wonder just how long you’d been asleep, and how long you’d been out.
“Shit, Mase. It’s 6:43. Wake up.” you nudge him as you check your phone.
“Come on, babe just five more minutes.” he tries to grab onto you, trying to get you to cuddle him some more.
“I don’t wanna go. But I have to.” you say just above a whisper, trying not to overthink the way him calling you babe for the first time made you feel.
“I know, I don’t wanna say goodnight yet either. But, I gotta get you home so your parents won’t know. I want them to like me when I meet them for the first time.” he mutters as he begins to wake up.
“What makes you so sure I want you to meet my parents?” you challenge.
It was a subject you hadn’t touched yet. As much as you liked him, you had never discussed if you two were exclusive. Or, if he even wanted to introduce you each other to your lives like that. You hadn’t met each other’s friends or family, having kept your whatever-you-two-were to yourselves. So, you thread around the subject lightly.
“Because, I got you a gift.” he voices as he stretches towards the backseat, where a gift bag was sitting on the floor. “I had this whole thing planned out. Sunrise was at 5:57 am today. I checked before picking you up. I was gonna say you were my sunshine and everything. But I guess we missed that about an hour ago, so I hope you’ll still like it.”
He hands you the bag, sensing the nerves and anxiety he had as he was waiting for you to open it.
You chuckle at how endearing he was when he become flustered. It wasn’t a side of him you had seen much, as he usually carried himself with a confidence you admired.
“This is super cheesy.” you state, as you start to unpack the contents of the bag — the Chelsea jersey with his name and number and one ticket for the next home match in a few days.
“It is not. But, Christian is injured, I already told him to keep you company that day. I’m hoping you want to meet the rest of my friends after. I really want to introduce them to you as… well, as my girl.” he gazed at you with a shy smile.
You couldn’t help but giggle as you reply, “I would love to go to the game as your girl. And to meet your friends as your girl. And to do all that, as you girl. I was starting to worry you didn’t like me like that.”
“You know how much I like you. I just had to build the courage, Y/N. But fuck… I’m so fucking happy.” he expresses sincerely, before moving closer to you, pressing a kiss on your head. His lips linger for a few seconds. It was a small gesture he’d always do. One you were beginning to love. “My girl.”
“My girl,” he whispers again, “I can’t believe it. Me and you’ve got something special. I have never been so sure of anything in my life.”
“I’m so happy too.” you say with tears threatening to spill. “But, you need to take me home before I embarrass myself and start crying in front of you.”
“I think that would be very cute. But, because I don’t want to make my girl cry this early into our relationship I’ll do as you say. But we’re taking the long way home.”
As you wake up the next day, you see a notification pop up on your phone.
Mason Mount has posted a new instagram story.
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billthedrake · 1 year
I wasn't sure I wanted to move to Chicago, but the company that was flying me there for the interview was one of the better places to work for and even as a holder of a newly minted Harvard MBA, I knew this would be an incredible job to land. Executive leadership track, and high-paying in a medium cost of living city.
It wasn't like I was eager to leave Boston, either. I'd had a good bit of luck as a younger man into topping older, exec types. Between the middle-aged professional gay men and the straightish dudes looking to play with a guy, I had achieved a nice mix of regular fuckbuddies and new conquests over two years. Some provided oral service only, and that was great, while some let me fuck them. I didn't think of myself as a shallow asshole, but maybe with sex I was, getting off on the fact these older, successful men would drop things for me to take care of my needs.
Maybe the only drawback was that New England reserve. During my college years at Clemson, I'd gotten very used to a needy, hungry type of Southern daddy. I wouldn't say those years turned me onto older bottoms, but they cemented my love of a 40- or 50-something masculine man with a submissive side. I found my share of bottom dads in Boston, but few really wanted to embrace or indulge the kind of submissiveness that really got me going.
When I started my MBA program, I had my sights set on New York, of course. Even if less than 1% of those hot Wall Street types were bottoms, that was still a lot to have fun with. About once every couple of months, I'd take the train down and line up a couple of hot hookups that put those Boston execs to shame.
But I was starting be realistic. I sent some applications to a number of New York companies and had some initial interviews, but I wasn't going to land an opportunity like William Blair.
So I bought a new interview suit, on the conservative side of conservative business dress, and a new, equally conservative, tie, and I flew out to Chicago. They were putting me up for two nights in a hotel in the Loop, and I decided to tack on a third night to enjoy the city and do a little reconnoissance.
After a delayed flight, I thought maybe I'd just keep that first afternoon and evening low key. Walk around downtown a little, grab a bite somewhere, that kind of thing. As a Southern boy, I'll admit I wasn't keen on the idea of Chicago weather, but spring had sprung in the best way for my arrival. I checked in to my hotel and freshened up. When I stepped out again, the city's energy gave me a second wind. Best of all there were a fuck ton of hot guys walking around, some in business casual, some in suits. A lot with that cornfed Midwestern look that I decided I liked.
That's why I pulled up the apps. I knew I'd love have a hot older guy sucking me or bending over for me that evening. Perfect way to see what Chicago was about, I figured.
Of course, there's often that disconnect between the hotness you see walking around and the guys available on the apps. Don't get me wrong: some other dude would have been happy enough with what I saw. But there was a sea of regular "jocky" gay men that didn't push my buttons, and a good majority of the older guys who did listed total top or top vers. I had a profile that was specific in who I was and what I wanted: total top, very verbal, into fit/regular professional/executive men 40+, love submissive guys, but newbies/DL guys OK. In reality, if the guy was hot enough, I'd ease back on the dom talk, and in Boston that seemed to happen a lot, but that was on a case-by-case basis.
I checked out Sniffies for a few prospects. But either I didn't hear back from them or nothing clicked. I got a few hits myself. Two were not my type at all, one was more a "not now but maybe later" groundwork chat.
I grabbed some dinner in a restaurant bar. The happy crowd was still lingering and I had a good sightline to a couple of middle aged businessmen at the other end of the bar. Blond, beefy, tall... Chicago certainly gave me some welcome eye candy.
I enjoyed the surreptitious bone I was forming sitting at the bar. Maybe I had a libido that could spill over into sex addiction, but it had been a solid week since I'd had a business daddy suck me, and the number of hot business guys in the airport and walking around downtown Chicago had my imagination running wild.
I opened Grindr again. Nothing caught my eye, but as I browsed Sniffies I got a message. The profile was a shell that had no picture, showing up about 4 blocks away, but the stats listed sounded up my alley: 58, 6'2" 195# bottom, corporate/clean cut married looking for corporate/bro/jock/son. Not hosting.
His tone was perfect, too: "Hi man. Fucking hot profile. Long day in meetings and I need to let off some steam..."
I didn't have pictures of him to go by, but was willing to engage. "How would you do that?" I asked.
The response was immediate. "It's been too long since I sucked a cock."
OK, I wanted pictures. "Pics?"
He sent me a few. No face, but there was one framing a chin/mouth shot and the top of a shirt/tie combo, all drenched in dripping cum. Very nice jawline and, I dunno, he had a hot mouth. The other was a mirror selfie of his body. He might be 58 but had that fit-daddy look, like a man who lifts and runs and plays racquetball regularly. He had my attention a big way.
"Hot profile yourself," I typed back. The man was about two blocks away. "I can send you more pics if you want," I typed.
"Feel free," he wrote. "But your cock is enough man. I wanna take care of that."
OK, I was rockhard beneath the bar ledge. I'd have to think of something unsexy to be less obscene when I left. I had more than a prospect, I had a pretty sure thing.
"I don't recripocate," I clarified. As much as I put on my preferences and expectations on the profile, some dudes had reading comprehension problems, or liked to play cute by pushing their luck.
"I just like being on my knees for a guy like you." Goddam. "I just can't host."
"I'm staying at a hotel," I typed back. "When can we make this happen?"
"Give me 45 minutes? I still have some work bullshit to tend to."
"Sounds great," I typed him my hotel and room number, then flagged the bartender to pay my check.
I was getting so turned on by the time I got back to my room. Maybe I shouldn't let it go a week between blowjobs, but even with the apps and overall having the goods that attracted men, it wasn't always feasible to get the service I wanted. I'll be honest: the more luck I had, the pickier I got about the kind of older men I wanted.
I told myself not to get too excited for this hookup. Maybe the guy was a bullshitter, or maybe he wouldn't be as hot as the corporate daddy in my mind. Still, I was feeding off his submissive vibe and wanted to set the tone for the encounter. Once in my room, I stripped down naked.
I took a look in the mirror to check my appearance. I had an athletic build, from years of playing tennis, including on the Clemson men's tennis team, and in my last couple of years I'd kept up my game and a regular gym routine. Maybe it helped being into older men, but that's just how I was wired. My first time with another guy was with my high school tennis coach, and I hadn't looked back.
A knock came at the door. I went and peeked through the peephole to make sure it wasn't housekeeping or anyone else. Indeed, a suited handsome daddy stood outside. I didn't get a great view of him that way, but I opened the door, and let him in.
Up close, he was just incredible. Executive cut brown hair showing some wisps of gray at the temples, upright posture, a trim but muscular body that filled out a clearly expensive and well tailored suit.
His eyes widened and he laughed a little when he saw I was completely naked.
I took the initiative though. "You said you were here to take care of me, right?"
He nodded, looking down at my erection. "Definitely," he said. Then without fanfare the exec got onto his knees and started to kiss and nuzzle my dong, while letting out a soft, deep grunt.
I actually loved this give and take. When an older man so clearly is there to service me. But I also loved for a cocksucker to enjoy my dick in the way that turns him on. Exec Daddy liked the slow approach, working me to steel hardness with his tongue and fingers before actually taking me in between his lips.
I was curious how long it had been for the guy, he was just attacking my bone like an addict getting a needed fix. Deep descent onto my cock with each bob, and getting deeper. He gagged a little before settling into the pace. That was hot as fuck.
He took the liberty of running his hands along my hairy thighs and curling around the hamstrings for leverage and balance as he really got into it. It was starting to feel real good. This was gonna be a blowjob to make me forget my last five. There was just no comparison.
Exec Daddy spit out my dick. He swallowed the spit and cleared his throat. "I forgot to ask," he said. "You like to get off fast? Or you prefer me to take my time?"
Both sounded great. But I knew my answer. "Fuck... take your time."
He smiled and muttered, "thanks," before going down on me again. I could tell he was excited to blow me. Maybe excited to blow any guy, but I was the right dude at the right place and time. And though I didn't have his full story, I seemed to fit his type or what he was looking for. Young, bro-jock type in spades.
His sucking now was exquisite torture. Glacial-slow down my hardon, taking in my girth and running his tongue along the tube of the underside. Maybe he was showing off for me, maybe he was just enjoying the opportunity to worship a cock. He neared the base of my prick, then pulled up just as slowly. The third time down he was kissing my pubes.
From there, Exec Daddy worked me up with precision. Even if this guy's technique was lousy, he would have pushed my buttons big time. I ran my fingers through his hair as he picked up speed, keeping the deep throating with each swallow.
The man spit out my dick again, licking up the spit to make sure none got onto his tie. "God, this is a big cock,"" he muttered, not even taking his eyes off it.
"You know how to take it," I hissed. My dick twitched in front of him.
That made the executive smile as he looked up at me. "It takes a good bit to trip my gag reflex, actually."
"Yeah?" I asked, excitedly.
He nodded, reaching forth to gently stroke my hardon. "I mean, I definitely have one and this bad boy would be enough to do it.... fuck...!"
He took the initiative now in sucking me back in. All in one go. I'd never get sick of this view, his expensive suit framing that fit-dad body. I don't know Executive Daddy's story, but he was the real deal all right. And he was giving me some primo head.
I got greedy though. I head onto his skull and started thrusting. It had been too long since I'd used a mouth. I might be putting Exec Daddy's skills to waste but this is what I craved at the moment. My dick can do some damage if I'm not careful, and I heard some choked grunts, then Exec Daddy pushed against my hips to signal a break. I gave it to him.
He swallowed his spit and caught his breath. "If you're gonna do that, let's try on the bed. The angle's better that way," he hissed.
"Fuck yes," I said. I watched excitedly as the man got onto the bed crosswise and lay back with his head over the edge. I gave him a second to get settled then I stepped up. His tongue darted against my cock head, then I felt the warm wetness of his mouth enclose my dick.
I wasn't rough but my entry was direct and insistent. Pushing in to bottom out in one go. Exec Daddy moaned around my cock, but in a good way. I tapped his cheek as a signal I was about to start.
Then I did it. I looked down on this suited middle aged stud and just began fucking his throat. I had restraint in keeping from shoving in too hard but I was deep and steady in my thrusts. It had been too long since I'd found a man who'd let me do this, who was capable of letting me do this.
My height meant I wasn't at the perfect level so I leaned forward to allow me to fuck his mouth like a fleshjack. The noises were obscene, with wet slick moans and a little light gags, but mostly Exec Daddy took it. The angle meant I was penetrating his gullet more deeply, and the wet snugness was gonna milk me off, quick.
The trigger though was his reaction. He was throwing hard in his suit trousers, his spike forming a tent in the wool. Exec Daddy arched his back to accommodate my thrusting. That action made me blast. Six, maybe eight, hard spurts of cum right into his stomach. The man was only going to taste the dribbles on the withdrawal.
His face was red from the blood rushing to his head and he had some spit on his face. The man caught his breath and kissed my wet dong as I slipped out. I let him enjoy this, but it was clear he wasn't going to get off in this session, so I stepped back and gently patted his face.
"Fuck, thanks," I hissed. After a good cum, I generally become more easy going, even after more dominating sex.
He got up and washed his face at the sink. He was still hard as he stepped back, adjusting his shirt in his suit to look presentable. I was naked still, and enjoying his eyes on me. "Glad I logged in today," he said. "It's been a long time since I've played."
I still had to square the words and easygoingness about sex with his boardroom-ready looks. Maybe he was fibbing to assure me he wasn't a slut, but given the quality of the suit, I could very much picture him as the kind of man who indulged his need to suck cock only occasionally.
"Glad you did, too," I said. "You're an incredible cocksucker," I added. Friendly in tone but also asserting his submission to me. "I don't know if you ever do repeats but I'm in town for a few days...."
I could his battling thoughts. But he hadn't gotten off just now and maybe was letting his dick think for him. "I gotta be careful, man," he said. Which was basically a yes.
"Absolutely," I assured him. "I'm totally discreet. I just want your mouth on my dick again, before I head back home."
He asked if I used a certain message app, and I did. We swapped contact info. Part of me wanted to kiss him but felt it wasn't his thing. So we bumped fists at the door as I showed him out.
Fifteen minutes later I got a message. "Thank you for that," he wrote. "You pleased and all drained?"
I felt my dick chub up. "Pleased. Probably could go again to be honest."
"I wanna suck you again. Maybe first thing tomorrow?"
"I have a meeting to go to 8:30," I wrote. "But if before 8 that works.
"Yeah, I'm an early riser." Then, "want your cum to start my work day."
"Well hit me up first thing. I'll be up early to hit the gym." Chicago was only one hour behind, but that meant I'd easily be up before 6.
"I will man. You're so fucking hot."
I didn't fuck Exec Daddy's face the next morning. Instead, I let him show off his skills on me. I'm a morning guy when it comes to sex, so it took maybe 3 minutes from the time he came in till the time he left, my cum as his breakfast.
I felt happy and relaxed and I wondered if the experience had tipped the scales in favor of moving to Chicago. I mean, there were hot men everywhere, but Exec Daddy was my type to a frickin T. Even if he was just an occasional thing, I'd be very into establishing something regular with him.
But that was putting the cart before the horse. I hadn't been offered a job, and hell I had no idea if the middle aged corporate guy was up for anything more than a couple of times.
Still, the experience had me ready to do my best for the interview. I made sure everything was perfect for my suit and tie combo and that my black dress shoes were polished, then made my way across the river to William Blair. I met with HR then had a round of VP interviews. I think I did pretty well, but you never really know. I'd been overconfident in one job interview already. I learned and adapted.
They took me to lunch. Even if I didn't end up landing the job, it was nice to be courted.
At 1:30, they took me to meet the new director of global wealth management, who'd basically be my boss's boss and someone I'd be working with as a member of the leadership mentor program.
It was a nice office with a great view of the river and the Chicago high rises. But as the man stood up, I saw the fear and shock and embarrassment on his face. It was Exec Daddy, who'd blown me just six hours earlier. Robert Lyman was the only member of the leadership team whose photo I hadn't seen; his hire was very recent and his profile page on William Blair's website still lacked a photo.
I knew my own face betrayed a million emotions, too, but I played it cool. "Cole Edwards," I said, extending my hand to shake his. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Lyman."
"You can call me Robert," he said, recovering without too much slipping. "Nice to meet you." He turned to the HR specialist who was my guide for the afternoon. "Give us 30 minutes, Dan?" he asked. The HR guy nodded and backed out, shutting the office door behind him.
I was wrapping my head around the fact that I'd blown my chances at the job. No way would this guy hire me now. At least I'd gotten some hot sex out of it.
"Of all the cocks in Chicago to suck," he laughed, face blushing some.
I leaned back in my seat. Even now, I was getting hard, looking at the man and remembering him going down on me. "Don't worry Robert," I said. "I meant what I said about being discreet."
I wasn't fishing for anything, but after seeming to think things over he said softly. "You texted earlier you'd be up for another blowjob at the end of the day."
I was incredulous. "You still offering?" The man must really be cock crazy. Or Robert realized he'd already cross the line, so why stop?
He grinned. "I have plans I can't get out of," he replied. "But if you want one now..."
My cock made it all the way to erect in my new suit. "God yes," I hissed. Reaching down to undo my belt.
"Let me lock the door," he said as he bounded up. I liked his suit yesterday better, but this one was equally expensive and perfectly tailored. I unzipped and hauled out my cock and watched him walk back, a naughty grin on his face.
Right there, in his own office, he got down on his knees on the carpet and scooted in between my spread legs. This was just about the best sex I'd ever had. The emotional power of having this subservient exec going down on me, the fucked up situation, and the amazing cocksucking technique. Blowjob #1 had been about me fucking his face, #2 about him doing all the work. Blowjob #3 was a mix, him bobbing and me assertively pressing his head down on each downstroke. He was probably getting some spit on my trousers, and I hoped to hell I'd be able to pat it dry before my next appointment.
"Shit!" I growled in a whisper as I fed him his second meal of cum in a day. He slurped and suckled and licked my dick as I rode the aftershocks.
He finally pulled back, a proud smile on his face. I still couldn't believe a man that powerful and handsome had made me cum three times in less than 24 hours. He got up and walked back to his desk as I did my best to tuck in.
"You need a napkin?" he asked.
"Yeah," I said. Then tried blotting the spit wetness from the charcoal gray fabric.
"We have about 20 minutes," he finally said. "Let's talk about why you think you'd be leadership material at William Blair."
I still didn't know where I stood. Robert Lyman could kill my application with the lift of his finger, I knew. If I were him, that's what I'd do. I was an HR nightmare waiting for him to step on if I joined the firm.
So as I got to my hotel room that night, I was a little moody. But I still replayed those blowjobs in my head. Especially #3. Feeling I'd already done the best - and worse - that I could for the interview, I typed Robert a message.
"My only regret was that I couldn't fuck you." I normally felt a guy out longer or waited for him to bring it up. At least if he was a married with kids type like Robert. With gay daddies you didn't have to be so coy. I was now feeling like I had nothing more to lose.
I expected radio silence, actually, but got a reply within ten minutes. "It's been a long time since I've done that."
I was hard again. "I'd go easy on you. Scout's honor."
"LOL. I think I prefer cocksucking, but you would be the kind of man to persuade me otherwise."
"What kind of man is that?"
"Jock next door type. Hung. Horny," he wrote. Then, "Your accent drives me wild, too."
I smirked. "I look forward to the chance to let you hear it again."
He took a minute to reply. I wondered if he was with his family, maybe having a late dinner, or watching TV. "You still trying to interview for the job?"
"I'm more interested in interviewing you for a good sub dad," I answered truthfully.
He didn't reply.
"May I speak to Cole Edwards?" the woman said. I had gotten so used to not answering phone calls, because of the spam robocalls, but the area code was a Chicago one.
"Speaking," I said. I'd just gotten back from the courts where I'd played a game of tennis one of the finance professors. He wasn't a sub daddy, and was even on the younger side of what I normally went for at 38. But he was extremely handsome and extremely open to giving me head. He sucked me off in the seat of his SUV before dropping me off at my apartment building.
"I am calling with good news, Mr. Edwards. William Blair was very impressed with your interview and would like to offer you the position."
The rest of the conversation was short but sweet. She gave me the basics of the offer - compensation, expected hire date, and the next steps. I'd have a week to give my decision. I thanked her and hung up. I was thrilled. I'd been going over the pros and the cons of the job and of Chicago, and I'd practically talked myself into thinking I didn't even want it. But now the offer was there, I realized how amazing this opportunity would be.
I wondered if Robert had pulled some strings, or if I'd gotten the position on my own merits. I thought of texting him, but figured now that I would actually be working at the company, I'd have to play it safe.
But within an hour I got a message from him. "Did I pass the interview?" was his message.
I smirked and typed back. "It's a start." I set down my phone and stripped down to shower up.
Fuck, I was gonna love Chicago.
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