#but it starts to look more and more like that one shinji meme
nelehn · 2 months
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fangirlingpuggle · 1 year
So a few more thoughts on my super dumb Bleach AU where Quincy war goes bad and Aizen and Ichigo go back in time. (Links to previous posts here and here)
This is just arrancar all ending up in soul society. Like Ichigo somehow finds a way to get them to evolve to arrancar form (Residuals of the Hogyokus powers? Ichigo somehow ended up becoming the soul king without anyone realizing? Aizen has no idea and a t this point has given up trying to figure anything out about Ichigo and his powers all it does is give him a headache and have hs office turn into that always sunny meme)
So Ichigo ends up smuggling Grimmjow in and tries to hide him... it's actually the disaster trio of Byakuya, Soi Fon and Gin who start the mess. (Because they've followed Ichigo on trips to Hucheo mundo and know all the arrancar it's a little hard for their sensei/surrogate big brother to hide his maybe a boyfriend from them)
Someone catches them when Ulquiorra is with them in soul society and Byakuya starts it all when he just turns to the freaking out Shinigami and says completely calmly 'This is my cousin' and of course all the Shinigami are like 'No...No we can sense hollow reiatsu' and Byakuya just stares back 'no he's my cousin, can't you see he's clearly a Kuchiki'
And no one can quite argue with that. Also they don't exactly look like a normal hollow. (When asked about the mask and Hollow hole Byakuya and co just answer 'it's a skin condition')
This leads to Soi Fon ad Gin joining in and all three of them coming up with dumber and dumber excuses for the arrancar that they smuggle in, just to see how dumb they can get.
After a while the entire soul society is full of arrancar, and a lot are in multiple divisions 11th love them! these guys are awesome at fighting, we will protect them at all costs, 6th, 3rd and 2nd for obvious reasons, 4th because Unohana thinks this is hilarious. Then 5th because Shinji thinks this is part of Aizen's plan and wants to see what he's planning. He still thinks Aizen has an evil scheme going on... when in reality Aizen is trying not have an aneurysm and screaming into the void.
So anytime central 46 tries to do execution orders or be like 'WHY ARE THERE HOLLOWS EVERYWHERE' everyone else just goes 'What hollows? Those are just Shinigami with a skin condition'.
Shinji is still doing the keeping your enemy close thing... at this point there's a betting pool of how long it takes him to figure out Aizen's no longer planning the whole evil take over plan and just how close he'll get to him...as they're basically currently dating most bets are like 10 years after they're married
The Captain commander knows whats going on but after dealing with Ichigo and his chaotic trio of students he's just given up at this point
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Similarities Between SU and Evangelion
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I just watched The End of Evangelion last night and have a lot of thoughts. Steven Universe is full of Evangelion references from the congratulations scene in “The Test” and the above image from “Kiki’s Pizza Delivery Service”. Another similarity I’ve noticed is how the characters are portrayed as well as the themes of learning to love yourself present in both.
To start, the main character in both series is fairly unconventional for a male protagonist which has earned them both scorn and praise. Both Shinji and Steven have been flanderized as wimps which ignores that they are braver and more willing to fight than many assume. Both could be described as feminine due to being very sensitive and emotional as well as dressing in clothing associated with girls. Ex. Shinji’s workout clothes or Steven wearing Sadie’s dress and Pink Diamond’s outfit, as well as his main color, pink, being associated with femininity. Both end up viewing themselves as monsters at their lowest point, Steven in Future and Shinji in EoE and have an arc about learning to love themselves.
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One thing I picked up on is that the two series present their characters in a similar fashion. They have both a “superficial self” and a “true self”. Shinji has been described by some as “all bite, no bark” versus Asuka as “all bark, no bite”. This is kind of true for SU as well. Blue Diamond is an example of this. At first glance, she seems more gentle and motherly than the other diamonds but is just cruel and callous. The softness is the exterior and what’s beneath is someone who’s emotionally abusive and manipulative.
Lapis and Jasper are also examples of this. Lapis looks weaker and more meek compared to the brutish Jasper. Then we see that beneath the exterior is someone completely different. I love and relate to Lapis but she is very callous, toxic and admitted to enjoying taking her pain out on Jasper. Likewise, under the harsh and ruthless exterior of the gem warrior is someone with a lot of self esteem issues, believing being strong is about having power over others and refusing Steven’s help, only becoming friendlier to him after being shattered. Lapis realized that strength isn’t built on fear and pain in “Why so Blue” which is why she denounced her behavior as weakness. The series emphasizes this with the songs “Strong in the Real Way” and the classic banger “Stronger than You” that real strength comes from love and ingenuity, not brute force, hate or tearing people down.
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I think Rose is the biggest example of the superficial vs true self. We’re introduced to her as the person she grew into; kind, the perfect leader and a hero. Then the series slowly deconstructs that image, showing all her flaws and where she came from. How she started a lot like her son, bratty and throwing tantrums because she was desperate for attention and love from the other diamonds. A lot of her questionable actions are a product of her mindset from being a diamond and the abuse from the others creating a lack of self worth. Beneath the perfect image of Rose was someone who believed she was just a bad person and couldn’t change. She was unable to love herself which is why Steven acts as a foil for her. He went through similar things but had a support system he could rely on and people who helped him grow.
As a fan of both series, I couldn’t help but notice these similarities. It’s sad that more emotional or sensitive characters like Steven or Shinji still get hate from internet dudebros, hence all those “get in the robot” or “Steven vs Jack Horner” memes, but both have been important to me in my own journey of self love. I think both have a good commentary on humanity and how no human is pure angel or devil and despite that, learning to love yourself and accept your flaws is something we all need.
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nie7027 · 3 months
{{I've had this draft saved literally since April 18th 2019 but I didn't post it back then because I wanted to finish the super5 headcanons first... which i of course havent done.
But I think it's finally time I post it.
I reread it recently and I don't think it's as spoilery of other wips as I had initially and thought and its related to the other stuff I'm gonna post soon so why not use it as a preview for it?
Anyway it finally is here. I hope you enjoy this tiny list of headcanons}}
Mob psychobook headcanons
These could actually apply to any social red but Psychobook is the one i know besides Tumblr (and no, none of them have tumblr...maybe just Seri)
Teru's used to be the typical popular kid psychobook where used to he the typical popular kid psychobook where he posted pics of the parties he went("Crazy night guys, thanks for inviting me!), his soccer matches ("Another victory for Vinegars soccer team. You are welcome~") and trainings(even some from his personal training when it didnt end that bad), the food he ate at the new trendy coffe he went and the obligatory selfie every couple of days that will make his notifications blow up everytime with likes and comments
Now he sometimes still does those but he posts mostly pics of nice sights he finds on his bicycle routes, pics of him hanging with his friends/new family or the lastest fuck up Reigen did
He, Shou and Tome are invested in a meme competition. Whoever makes Mob laugh the loudest wins. Sadly they have to be with him so he can see them.
Rarely Terus posts a pic of him & Mob (or Mob alone) with the emoji equivalent of a gay keysmash and when he does it drives crazy the whole alumnae of Vinegar middle school, everybody wondering who is that bland looking guy and what Teru meant by that.
Mob's used to be empty but now it's filled with pics Tome posts of their karaoke outings, pics where the body improvement club tag him and Terus, shous and tomes memes
But he rarely uses it and doesnt get to see them. Still he likes the milk memes teru found (do those even exist?)
Thats why he doesnt know he has basically become the body improvements star. Captain musashi and the others tend to photos of him with inspirational quotes (warrio male kind of) in the club page to attract new reclutees
After terus mysterious post a swarm of Vinegar students tried to add him as friend
But Mob thinks they are internet weirdos and ignores their invitation
It's actually Dimple who uses it more
Ritsus used to be th pristine psychobook profile proper of a student council member. He had added the majority of the school and he made posts of the schools next event, resolutions the council had reached after their last session or answered any question any student could have but was to shy to personally ask.
His most personal post where the seldom book quotes he posted from the lastest book he read and liked.
Everything changed with Shou
The students didnt know who he was but suddenly this random kid started to tag Ritsu in even more random posts(most of them hamster related...Ritsu liked all of them?) and post pics of him AND RITSU doing the weirdest things you could imagine
Theres a pic of Ritsu with the most ridiculous susprised face(thats the most expressive people have seen him?? Whats going on?) in front of a microwave in flames. The fact shou edited it with a caption saying "And he didnt believe me eggs could explode" didnt help
Theres another of them hangin at the tallest part of the city (people dont undertsmad how is that even possible? You cant even acces that area)
And theres even a blurry pic that looks like they are running away from a police car
Shinji, who knows whats Ritsu is truly capable of, likes each of those pics
Everybody in Salt middle school is confused. But the only thing they get is Ritsus "Sorry" to Kamuro when the council president makes a blank comment in the infamous police pic.
They quickly recognize Shou as the kid that sometimes flies(yeah FLIES) besides Ritsus classroom or sneaks in the school
The only reason Shou made a psychobook profile was to keep in contact with the espers that helped him during the domination arc
But he quickly realizes how useful it is to annoy Ritsu when he is bored
Besides the memes and Ritsu pics, his psychobook is full of interesting facts of different animals and reblogs of drawings from artist he follows and tutorials
As Mob he was invaded by a swarm of vinegar students once he appears in one of Terus pics. He accepts all of them the same way he accepted Ritsus classmates. It ends well for him because that way his drawing are seen by many peoplea and he receives lots of likes.
It takes a while but he finally unblocks Seri one day. Seri likes each and every thing he posts and makes encouraging comments on his drawings.
Seri had a profile during his isolation days where he added many "friends" (random internet weirdos) with whom he talked about the things he liked and the media he consumed
Once he rejoins society with the Spirits and such cre he makes a new personal profile
He only has his family, the spirits and such crew, his school friends and the super5 added but thats all he needs
He follows many cooking and baking pages and once he learns to cook he saves the recipes he wants to try
He doesnt know if he cried more the day Shou unblocked him or they day Teru put him as his dad.
Minegishi only has the super5, Mob Ritsu, Tome and his coworkers added as friends
He follows many pages about plants and how to take care of them and pages that post downloadable audiobooks for Shimazaki
He rarely posts but he likes all the posts where he is tagged.
His elder coworkers tag him in lovely pictures of flowers with inspirational quotes. He likes those too.
The other super5 make fun of him for this but they secretly like them, especially those that talk about being a good person.
He follows many trolling pages too but never reblogs them. He doesnt want the other to know where he gets some of his humor sense.
Hatori follows mostly memes pages, specially those about programming because he can "relate"
He say he understands them. (He doesnt)
He almost fell for the "delete system32 to make you computer faster" joke but his coworkers stopped him. He passed it as him messing around
Shibata follows personal trainers and healthy foods pages
He and Seri swap recipes they find and think the other might like
He saves exercises routines and tries to convince the other super 5 to try them with him.
Specially Hatori, he needs them.
He is only succesful when he finds those routines based on fictional characthers
It doesnt last much
He follows the body improvement club page. He actually sends some of the quotes that end up in some of the Mobs pics.
Shimazaki doesnt have a psychobook per se
It's a bot that hatori made to post "uwu" ":3" or "nyas~" every once in a while
The profile pic is the photo they took of Shimazaki wearing the prank glasses
Sometimes the other super5 post photos of their hang outs
"Its our register of Shimazakis progress!" says Hatori
Sometimes it receives messages from internet weirdos and most of them go along the lines of "Weren't you the guy that kidnapped the prime minister?".
The others are horny texts.
They delete all of them.
Tomes psychobook can be considered the normalest of the spirits and such crew.
Even though half of her posts are cospirational thories and supposedly aliens sightings
Apart from that she has the normal amount of friends ("Seriously guys, why do you have every random you find added?") and posts a regular amount of pics of her hangouts
Besides the memes. Teru and she share LGBTQ content they find interesting
Seri somehow is the first to know about the lastest news of the videogames they follow and tags her on them
She edits Terus posts of Reigen fuck ups and turns them into memes. The super5, Ritsu and Dimble(using Mobs profile) always like them.
Its on psychobook where she organizes the telepathy club next reunion
She has been nagging Mob and Take to use their psychobooks more so they can see in time what they are planning to do
Take has enough with the whole wind reading thing. Good luck trying to convince him to make a psychobook profile.
Since his birthday during the separation arc Reigen decided to completeley get away from his psychobook seeing as how little those persons cared for him
But he forgets to delete the app
So one day his phone cant stop blaring with notifications and when Reigen picks it up to see what the hell was going on
He had messages and messages of exfriends congratulating him for his son and saying things like "Wow Reigen, you had it very closeted" "we didnt know you were so private" "who is the lucky mother?"
Teru had put him as his dad
Reigen was having an existencial crisis and needed some comfort so he started searching Seri
Only to find him crying because Teru did the same to him
They ended togeyher as a crying mess sprawled over the couch. Only Dimple got to see them like that
So writing my fanfic "Sunflower" made me think of these headcanons but i couldnt post them then because i hadnt finished the super5 headcanons and didnt want to spoil some things. As you can see this finally shows what Ive been saying of "College funds", "Sunflower" and the "super5 headcanons" taking place in the same universe.
Really, i wrote down a timeline of how these things overlap and can tell you what the s&s crew were doing while shimazaki was fucking around or what the super5 were doing while the crew celebrated terus birthdays.
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bellmo15-blog · 5 months
The OTHER Plugsuited Demon Beauty.
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Oh boy, this is going to be an interesting one to talk about.
It's hardly a secret at this point but Devil May Cry 2 is widely agreed upon, when people aren't busy ragging on the 2013 reboot that is, to be the worst game in the series. And there's plenty of good and valid reasons for that. Aside from the obvious stuff that people love to meme on anyway like how over powered the guns are or that one of the bosses is literally a tank there's stuff like how the games story isn't explained very well, Dante had all the personality and charisma that made him so likable sucked out of him, the game's world looking bland and lifeless compared to the first games setting which still looks wonderful even today, the only other melee weapons you can get are just reskins of your starting one with only very minor differences and how pretty much every problem this game has could of been avoided if Capcom didn't force a completely different team who had never worked on an action game before to make it in only 2 years. And people act like publishers treating there devs like shit is a new thing this generation...
Even with all the shit DMC 2 does wrong and rightfully get's crap for there is one aspect from it I actually really do like and it might surprise you to hear what it is. Lucia. I actually kind of really like her. Not so much her gameplay because it has the same issues as Dante's gameplay and I'd argue is even worse because she has several awful underwater sections, but more just everything else about her.
Her design for one thing I really like especially since her Devil Trigger makes her look like a Mega Absol but also her story two a little. She learns during her campaign that she's actually a defective demon created by the games main villain Arius and the rest of her story she's having one big existential crisis due to a fear she's going to lose control of herself and become a monster killing everyone which for as wired as this sounds is actually kind of relatable. Because let's be completely honest here, how many of you people have learnt something about yourself that you have no idea how to react to or how to process and spend a good while worrying about it? Hell, I didn't even know I was autistic or what the concept of Autism even was until I was 14 years old and you bet I spent several days not knowing how to even process that at first. Not to mention the several years I was worried I'd grow up to be an angry and bitter man because of how my own farther had anger issues himself. I mean sure, maybe Lucia's story could of been handled a lot better in game and fleshed out a lot more but it is because of the likely un-intended relatability that does actually make me like her a bit.
Which brings me to the whole reason I decided to get her in Rei's White Plugsuit in the first place. Aside for the colour matching Lucia's original design I mean. I mentioned in the Trish Plugsuit pic ChaosCroc did for me that the whole reason I was motivated to get that was because of how Trish being a demon created in the image of Dante's mother Eve was very similar to how Rei in Evangelion was created as a clone of Shinji's mother. Only there are multiple Rei's in Evangelion in the event that one happens to die. Just like how there are technically multiple Lucia's and the one we follow in Dee Em Cee Too is a defect. And that justification pretty much speaks for itself! Lucia had some similarities to Rei and it inspired me. And I'm happy to have gotten this pic. Especially since over the years I've actually wanted Lucia to show up again in new game a little because it sucks that she's stuck in the worst game in the series and anything past that she DOES show up in is in supplementary material we might never get outside of Japan.
Artist is AmeerAshourDraws. Also fun fact, the design of his Ashour Drones was slightly inspired by Plugsuits which is peak!
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girls-are-weird · 2 months
MASTER LIST: One Fic for Each Fandom [J-Z]
continued from this post. please read that one first for a detailed explanation of how this list came about and just why in the seven hells i've spent so many (many, MANY) hours of my life compiling it.
back in the day, i had hoped this format could catch on as a meme type of thing, so that other people could take it as a template and make their own fandom recs lists. so i'd love to see yours! be sure to tag me if you decide to do this. :)
after an afternoon, by angelgazing.
joan doesn't get it.
jealousy (and sequels!), by debbie kluge.
the story that started it all. a new acquaintance causes jonny quest and jessie bannon to re-evaluate their relationship.
and i didn't like the ending, by readdyfreddie (M).
as soon as the post box came into view, she saw him there, reading the letter. and then, as if sensing her presence, he looked up, and jo knew nothing would ever be the same again.
on the symbiotic relationship, by hundredacresky (M).
somehow they ended up doing everything backwards.
a glass of wine rebuilt, by toasterman.
shinji and asuka learn about themselves and fall in love, causing massive ramifications. a remake of the late 94saturn's quintessential shinjixasuka story, it is part tribute and part experiment, taking the structure and plot of the original wacky shipping story while attempting to maintain series-true characterization.
if you need, come build your home in me (and side stories!) by yrbeecharmer / @yrbeecharmer (T).
even though the world keeps falling down around him, will solace can't seem to help but keep growing up.
(a series rewrite starting with the events of titan's curse)
hooking up with jesse by catswandsandwalkers / @catswandsandwalkers (M).
when aubrey said to beca, "your attitude sucks, you're a grade-A pain in my ass, and i know you're hooking up with jesse," she was actually correct. slightly AU where jesse and beca are secretly friends with benefits throughout the movie. follows canon otherwise.
destiny, by nova.
carla says: this is a fic i read a long time ago, loved, and then lost track of. the plot is rather similar to the plot of the… second? third? movie (the lugia one!), but it was written pre-movie and the author takes it a whole different way. the characters are grown up and more mature (errrr… except gary and jazelle, maybe), and the story's AU (they all have different backgrounds) but it's very good, filled with action and adrenaline, and even some funny and romantic moments. good read. sadly, now i can't find it anywhere else in the 'net so i wonder if it's been finished since then. if anyone knows, please tell me.
me and you (is my refrain), by naladot / @naladot (T).
when he finally gets to the restaurant to meet his friends for a birthday dinner, the television mounted to the wall has the news on, and there’s mia disembarking from her plane, waving to the press with a practiced smile. he hasn’t seen her in five years—no, it’s got to be six, now—but he can still read the exhaustion written across her picture-perfect face.
years later, michael reunites with the love of his life. future-fic for first movie canon.
against all odds (take a look at me now) by shuuuliet (G).
ever since they broke up, shawn and juliet have done their best to keep their distance from one another. but now, one of their old cases has been blown wide open. a criminal that evaded arrest is back…and he’s targeting them specifically. can they make it out of this case alive? and can they find their way back to each other along the way?
(set during season 7, a few weeks after "deez nups".)
beasts of all kinds by aroguegambit17 (E).
wolf and shepherd are ancient enemies, opposed in nature and design. a wolf breaks into folds a shepherd guards; a shepherd is duty-bound to fight and perhaps kill a wolf for what the beast cannot help but do to survive. but what is a shepherd without sheep, a wolf without a pack?
free, of course. what a terrifying proposition.
ranma .05, by darren demaine.
carla says: ranma smut, and believable at that. lots and lots of story before the sex, so it's not plotless at all. and the characters are very in-character-- and that's a lot to say if he can have ranma and akane sleep together and still be in-character!
christmas and chaos, by nooziewoozie (M).
his shirt opened down his front, showing golden skin like some kind of blue-collar wet dream come to life—he was brown even in the middle of winter and he smelled like motor oil and had hair that spiked out from his head, bushy and unruly and ridiculous. he radiated heat. some idiot part of her hindbrain wanted to soak it up. -megumi, sano; family, christmas, and sex on couches.
adventures of the chibi-scouts, by "tuxedo" will wolfshohl.
many wish to be young again but how will the girls handle it when they get that wish?
la batalla de los doce tresors (aka el MEGAFIC), by marijose diaz.
carla says: sorry that it's in spanish, guys, but it really is THE best saint seiya fic EVER. written pre-hades saga, but they fight against hades-- just in a completely different way. the cycle has ended, and it's time for athena to die. only hades doesn't want to let her, and it's time for the saints to… save her? so she can die? i LOVE this fic. seriously, i've read it a thousand times, and that's a lot to say because it's HUGE! (it's not called the MEGAfic for nothing!). she manages to put in most of my favorite couples, which is quite rare, and well-- i was reading it a while back and this was actually what made me start this whole list. lol.
nenju, by 3jane.
where do happiness and ever after intersect? post series, complete. fuumugenjin.
these are the days of their lives by howardtduck48 (M).
maeve wiley deserves to be happy. if only she can give someone a chance to explain.
i know you wanna go higher by orphan_account (M).
the first thing simon lewis saw when he arrived idris high school was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. however, he later discovered that if he wanted to date her, he would need to get a date for his grumpy brother, alec. and that's where magnus bane appears.
the 10 things i hate about you AU that every fandom needs. simon is new and pining for isabelle, and then he has the worst idea of his life. somehow, things work out. kind of.
hygge, by fruitysmell / @fruitysmellz (G).
hygge. a danish word used for a special feeling of coziness and contentment, whether with friends or alone and at home or out.
SKY HIGH (2005)
the language of flowers by evergreeen / @everrgrreeen (T).
“i think he deserves to sweat about it for a while,” magenta said, reclining back in her chair. “maybe if he thinks that another guy is interested in you, he’ll come to his senses and see what’s right in front of him.”
layla’s head snapped up to look at her shapeshifting friend.
“magenta, that’s it!”
“what’s it?”
“i’m going to make will jealous… by pretending to date warren peace.”
you don't scare me anymore by misschatelle / @misschatelle (M).
chief holbrook calmly held her glare for a few seconds. “do you mean to say that you have no memories of the past eight months?”
allie shrugged. “maybe it was all a dream.”
“can you tell me what happened in that dream?”
“why does it matter now?”
“because some of you never returned. and we’d like to understand why. We have parents who, for a second, were given hope, only for that to get brutally taken away. they’ve seen all the other families reunite with their lost children, and they didn’t get to do that. they want answers, and i don’t have them. i’m hoping you can help me.”
(four teenagers never made it back to west ham. emily warner. cassandra pressman. greg dewey. campbell eliot.)
be brave and kiss the girl by fatechica / @fatechica (T).
el hopper: beautiful, sweet, and instantly one of the most popular girls in the hawkins’ high junior class when she moves there after her dad takes the job of police chief for the small town. mike wheeler: king of the nerds, A/V club president, and completely invisible to girls.
naturally, mike notices the new girl - how can he not when she’s the most beautiful girl he's ever seen in his entire short life? but she’s so far out of his league, it’s not even worth dreaming about. so it’s completely and utterly confusing to him when el takes a lot more than a polite interest in him.
el, for her part, is instantly smitten with the cute nerd with gorgeous eyes, adorable freckles, and the most beautiful smile she’s ever seen. no one understands when she decides to pursue him, especially not the popular kids, but it’s harder than she bargained for to get mike to trust her, to let her into his heart. guess it’s a good thing she’s as persistent as she is popular, isn’t it?
her everything by fabulist / @thatfabulist (M).
being the part-time boyfriend, part-time babysitter of the princess isn't all it's cracked up to be, but eugene fitzherbert is up for the challenge. besides, he loves her. now rated M for extra sauciness.
the orion protocol by annie174 (M).
in the immediate aftermath of the final bomb, veronica finds out things are not as they appear. a fix-it for the veronica mars season 4 final. spoilers for season 4.
kissing friends, by pirate turner (PG).
friends surprise each other under the mistletoe. kurtty.
playing with fire, by taekwondodo (M).
kurt (nightcrawler) and kitty (shadowcat) managed to get things worked out between them - mostly - but things have taken a decided turn for the worse and are only going to go downhill from here.
and each slow dusk, by loyaulte_me_lie / @if-fortunate (M).
“he wishes for a time machine to turn back the clock, back to a world where his mother wasn’t on the end of the phone, saying grimly, “wilhelm, you need to come home. it’s starting.””
two months after wille’s arrival at hillerska, war breaks out. when his and erik's last-ditch attempt to leave the country goes badly wrong, he ends up stuck in bjarstad - with simon.
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zabimarushoney67 · 1 year
💟 any fluff Hirako Shinji headcanons please?
Oooo fun, fun 😇 I get a 2nd shot at headcanons! I simp for Shinji so hard✨👀 Here’s a whole bunch of sweet, loving, fluffy headcanons for boyfriend Shinji💖🙏🏼
✨Boyfriend Hirako✨
Mentions: one boob grab, butt patting/squeezing, mostly fluff, humorous content, simp Shinji, simp reader, healthy relationship opinion
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Shinji Hirako, what a clumsy situation of a man he is, and it's been that way from the very beginning. You never saw yourself ACTUALLY falling in love with this weirdo, because that's what he is. He's a weirdo and very proud of it.
In fact, when you first met as visored, you could barely stand the guy and his out-of-pocket, goofy character. You questioned why HE was the leader of the group, since you recalled seeing him fuck around most of the time.
Shinji is naturally very nonchalant and carefree, he lives for new experiences to remember, and so he can add to his arsenal of puns and wise-ass comments. He is beautiful chaotic humor, wrapped neatly in jazz music, underhanded pranks, tacky ties, and satin button-up shirts.
His style and the way he dressed was the first thing that caught your eye about him. Shinji is very fashionable and loves to look good, and smell good. Seeing him all put together and confident, made flirting with him irresistible.
Just because you gained the title of ‘girlfriend’, didn't mark you safe by any means. Shinji loves pushing your buttons, and once you had made it official, the teasing had just gotten worse in remarks to you, all out of love, of course.
Astonishingly enough, Shinji acting like a wise ass only strengthened your bond with him and brought you two closer together in love.
Especially once you finally picked up on his humor, and started throwing it back at his face. You became just as ruthless as him. Slowly becoming 100% his mini-me. Maybe even more chaotic than him sometimes. Two menaces against the world vibe.
Whenever anyone sees you guys together, it's just you two laughing your asses off. Like red in the face, can't breathe, knee-slapping laughter. It is untold how many inside jokes, asinine memes, and sarcastic comments you two have of one another.
Physical Touch is his love language type.
Shinji adores the time he gets to spend being up under you. After a long day of work, he loves to come home and discover you in bed.
He secretly hopes to find you there, just so he can crawl into it with you. Shinji loves being babied, cuddled, and held under your arms. He’ll have one hand squeezing a boob, and his face will be buried in your chest, kissing your skin and nuzzling softly into you.
You ARE his safe space, he trusts you. If a home was a person, that would be you for him. He tries his best to be the same for you too. Shinji is an incredibly supportive partner, accountable, and willing to learn about you so he can love you better.
Shinji loves you so much, he may not say so often, but he most definitely shows it in all the little things he does for you and the way he openly craves your attention. Not a day goes by when you won't be reminded that you are loved, appreciated, needed, and wanted.
As much as he loves being touched by you... Oh boy, does he lovveee getting his hands on you, and giving you his undivided attention.
Every morning, and every night you can find yourself in these two places:
Either you’re tightly wrapped up in his arms, in the little spoon position with his face in your neck kissing you, and nibbling your skin.
Or you're facing him with your head resting on his chest. His fingers will play and lightly detangle your hair in this position. Leaving small kisses on your forehead.
Before waking up for the day, and before going to bed, Shinji loves to spend time with just you. Making you his whole world for just a moment. Holding you, caressing your skin, kissing you all over, with soft bedroom chat. He would spend all day in bed with you, if he could.
Shinji has a knack for feeding you, be it grapes or your favorite candy. If he’s eating it with you he’s gonna hand feed you one and kiss you after.
During his busy days, if he gets a chance to see you, your conversations will always start with a sweet kiss, he’ll give you genuine eye contact, and hold your hand when you talk. He’ll softly kiss your knuckles, and tell you how beautiful you look.
It’s when parting ways, that he likes to leave a lasting impression, to say the least.
Shinji loves to pull you in a lazy hug, his hands roaming of their own volition. Usually, he’ll rest them on your waist or butt, squeezing you or pushing you against him while his kisses are teasing and feather soft.
Once he knows you're all worked up he’ll abruptly stop, leaving you with a kiss on the nose and a pat on the butt, grinning his usual cheeky smile down at you.
He can't help but laugh out loud, at the reddened and frustrated expression on your face. If he finds an opening to tease you he will. “Cause, I can darlin,” and “You love it. Heh.. you can't fool me,”
And lowkey you do love it, it just means you can get back at him and make him regret his decisions later!
✨Shinji overall is your biggest stan. A simp for you. He makes sure you're well taken care of in all aspects, worshipping the ground you walk on. You're his best friend, someone he can trust, and he couldn't be more thankful to you for putting up with his incredulous insanity.✨
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intothatweebshit · 2 years
Well I did this for Bungou Stray Dogs so I’m gonna do it for Bleach
Here is a list of my favorite bleach ships from most favorite to least favorite ( I have less ships in bleach than bsd despite bleach having a bigger cast go figure)
1. Ikkayumi ( Ikkaku Madarame x Yumichika Ayasegawa)
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This a literal surprise to no one. I post about these bastards all the time so it’s obvious they are my favorite ship in the show. These two have an incredible bond that I truly feel like is overlooked by many. I’m a sucker for people who have been by each other’s side for years and Ikkaku and Yumichika have been together and have grown together throughout the many years they’ve been together. They do have their problems and I believe that they solve many of them before the start of the last arc, but despite that there is a clear love and devotion for each other. I personally believe this ship is one of those “basically canon” ships because of so many reasons I can’t list because this is not a ikkayumi post lol but the biggest one being how in sync they are and how they seem to know what the other is thinking without it being said. I just love these two assholes and I will never shut up about it
2. Ichihime ( Orihime Inoue x Ichigo Kurosaki)
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Man I remember when it was controversial to like this ship. Which to me is a bit ridiculous since they’re so cute. Orihime and Ichigo is one of my few soft asf ships with so much love and care. Ichigo always has a scowl on his face but when he looks at Orihime he softens and there’s clear love in his eyes. Orihime understands Ichigo more than anyone and takes time to try and get his perspective. She just wants him to be happy and when he’s not it hurts her deeply. These two are meant to be and always make me so happy and I will not apologize for loving them.
3. Rukia Kuchiki x Renji Abarai
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These two are just special little jibblet heads. As I said I love childhood friends to lovers and they are what made me love it. These two have been through hell and back together with an overwhelming amount of trust and care. Renji is the definition of a male wife for his bad ass girlfriend Rukia. I mean he’s already adorable but when you add how protective and attentive he is for Rukia it just doubles by a thousand. Rukia loves Renji and trusts him just as much as he trusts her. These idiots are so happy together and good for them
4. GinRan ( Gin Ichimaru x Rangiku Matsumoto)
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Man these two…it’s tragic honestly. They could have been happy together but fate had other plans. I love these two and I love how unlikely of a pair it is. I mean Rangiku being beautiful and lively in love with a man like Gin. It’s completely unexpected but it works. I love the history these two have together and the deep love. Gin wants a world where Rangiku will no longer cry and Rangiku just wants Gin. She doesn’t care about how he looks or how others see him because she knows he’s the man who saved her and cared for her. He’s her Gin and nothing will ever change that. Despite these two not having a happy ending I will continue to obsess over what could have been.
5. ByaKen ( Byakuya Kuchiki x Kenpachi Zaraki)
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Guys this started off as a joke but slowly mutated into some sick obsession. You know the meme of “I don’t think it’s a joke anymore” well that’s how I feel about these two. What can I say about them? That they have an interesting dynamic and their banter is highly entertaining? That they are both eccentric but the exact opposites of the extreme? Well yeah. They’re interesting and I enjoy their dynamic a lot. I never get tired of their interactions and at the very least they have a cool friendship…and in fanon maybe more lol
So those are all my otps but here are other ships I like:
Yoruichi Shihouin x Kisuke Urahara
Nelliel Tu Odelshwanck x Tier Harribel
Shinji Hirako x Sousuke Aizen
Shinji Hirako x Hiyori Sarugaki
And that’s kinda it? I mean there are a lot of ships that I kinda like but never thought too much about them. So hey let me know your favorites and ones I should really think about, I’ll take any suggestions. Thanks for reading!
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noperopesaredope · 2 years
Doki Doki Precure AU Idea
So I’ve had this AU concept in my head for a while, and I’ve decided to just put it out there.
Basically, in “Searching for a Dream” (my fav episode in Doki Doki), just like in the OG episode, Ira will start having small flashbacks after having hit his head. However, these flashbacks are not just of his life as a Selfish, but…other memories. Memories buried so deep that it seems almost impossible to find them.
When Gula yells at him, all the memories come flooding in. But not just the Selfish ones..................we won’t know what else he remembers until the end of the episode though. He appears to fall into despair (kinda like in Smile Precure) for a moment, but quickly refocuses when Gula shoots the laser thing at him. 
Like in the episode, he knocks is away. But then he turns to the Cures (specifically Diamond) and, with a neutral expression (though more like resting bitch face), says “I remember everything now.” Diamond says that she’s glad, since that means he’s made a full recovery. Then Gula jumps and Ira knocks them out of the way, he leaves, yadda, yadda, yadda, that whole part of the episode continues as normal.
But instead of the scene with Ira on the roof thing, we skip to the scene with Rikka and her parents having dinner together. It’s very nice, very wholesome. BUT THEN we have a new scene.
Rikka goes into her room for the night only to find Ira sitting on her bed, looking a bit like the Shinji chair meme, while also having an existential crisis. Rikka is very much shooketh, and confusingly asks “I-Ira?? Why are you...” but he interrupts. “You know, you’re a better doctor than I thought. Turns out I’ve always had amnesia, even before you found me on the beach.”
He looks up at her, tears streaming down his face, and says “But I remember now. I wasn’t always a Selfish.”
“I used to be a human.”
So yeah, that’s the intro premise to the AU!
Basically, the Selfish weren’t always beings of darkness. They used to be regular people living in Splendorious (I refuse to call it the Trump Kingdom). 
This is how someone turns into a Selfish:
First off, they need to have been exposed to the power of the Mirror Pads in one way or another. Kinda like being exposed to radioactive energy, but it’s actually just good vibes.
They also need to be a relatively selfless person, selfless enough to qualify becoming a Cure (though they don’t need to actually be a Cure, just selfless enough to be qualified).
Then, they must protect someone from a blast of dark energy, sacrificing their own life in the process. But right before that, they must first choose the selfish option, before they change their mind and decide to do the selfless thing.
Right after they die, their body will be taken and consumed by the Darkness.
Their heart will be filled with Darkness, their blood will become infused with Darkness, and their mind will be taken over by the Darkness.
All memories of their past life will be erased, and they will wake up as a Selfish.
They’ll look completely different while also looking the same. They will have light blue hair (just pretend all of them have light blue hair), olive-yellow eyes, unnaturally pale skin (whether or not they were originally pale), and the little black wings behind their ears. They will also be wearing a different outfit.
Their personality will also change. Each of them have a heavenly virtue they represent the most, so the Darkness will take that part of their personality and turn it into its deadly sin.
For example, Human!Ira used to be very calm and patient. As a Selfish, he is instead very anger. Human!Marmo was very generous and giving, now she is very greedy. And Human!Bel...he was a lot of different things, but one of those things was hard-working. Now, he is lazy.
Basically, as a Selfish, you get a bit of a personality swap and become very selfish and mean. However, there are small moments in which their original personalities shine through. It’s incredibly difficult for them to be selfless, but it is less hard for them to be good, at least if they try. And, given the right circumstances, like when Ira had amnesia, they will return to their former personalities (though missing the memories).
If they somehow manage to regain all their memories, they will be in a delicate balance between being good and evil. But if they do a major act of selflessness, then they will overcome the Darkness. Sure, they will always have some selfishness in their heart, everyone does, but it will be balanced.
Now, I have also made some small plans on the past lives of Ira, Marmo, and Bel, and each will have some sort of connection with one of our Splendorious characters.
Ira was once a humble assistant to the knight of Splendorious, kinda like a page boy or a squire, but without actually getting any lessons and instead just helping people out. This gives him a minor connection to Joe, because though they didn’t know each other that well, they were acquaintances. Ira’s past personality was basically the one he had when he had amnesia. I will not get into his whole story/arc because that would be to complicated and take up most of the post.
Though Ira and Bel have their own very interesting stories, Marmo’s backstory is kinda my favorite. Get this: Marmo............................................was a Cure. I know, right? I’m a genius and should win all the awards.
Marmo gives us some interesting insight into what Makoto’s relationship with other Cures was like before the fall of Splendorious. The two weren’t exactly close, but they did fight together a few times, and Marmo (who I will call Cure Deuce) was actually the last Cure who Makoto saw before she had to go to Earth. Their relationship was like that of a student and a teacher, but the student wasn’t in any of that teacher’s classes, so they didn’t really know each other. But the student still trusts the teacher as an adult. 
They actually get to know each other a lot better during the fall of Splendorious when they teamed up to fight together, and got along pretty well. Still deciding whether or not Makoto was there when Deuce died. I’m pretty sure that’s not gonna be the case, but it would cause extra ~trauma~. Then again, it would be also pretty tragic if Deuce told Makoto that “I’ll be fine fighting on my own for now. You go find the princess” and Makoto left, feeling confident that Deuce would be fine. After getting to Earth, she sadly assumed the Deuce had been turned into a Jikochuu like everyone else, but she had hope that she could see all of them again, and only had a certain amount of guilt. But to find out that Deuce died after she left her behind? And that she was then turned into a Selfish? And that the woman she had been fighting this whole time was actually Deuce all along? That would leave some crazy guilt.
On top of this, Makoto and Marmo would have a very interesting rivalry before the big reveal. So it will be a lot of fun. For me. Not for Makoto. Or Marmo.
Bel is interesting in terms of his relationships to other characters and the role he plays in the grand scheme. He was actually the King’s valet/personal secretary who sometimes acted like a bit of an advisor. This connects him to the Princess reincarnations. Yeah, things get crazy with Bel, and I’m not gonna get into all that insanity right now. In the past, Bel was very hard-working, to the point that he sometimes overworked himself. He was the exact opposite of lazy, and he was a pretty rad dude. He was also loyal to the king and a good support to him who helped him in a lot of ways. He was just generally the perfect man in terms of personality. He gave off DILF energy. I’m not sorry.
So that’s what I have on those guys rn, or at least that’s what I’m willing to type out.
While the Selfish are basically opposites of their past selves, they did keep some of the traits they had in their past lives.
A primary example of this is fighting style. Ira’s fighting style is the most sloppy and frantic. It’s that of someone who doesn’t really know how to fight, but might have seen others fight, which makes sense given Ira’s background. Marmo’s is eerily similar to that of a Cure, but a very experienced one. Bel’s fighting is probably the most intimidating, because though he was mainly the King’s valet, he also served as a bodyguard. Bel is perfectly capable of dealing fatal blows, which is why the Cures are really lucky that he is too lazy to fight most of the time.
A second, smaller trait the Selfish will carry is certain types of knowledge. They can’t recognize people from their past lives and won’t remember anything about said people, and they definitely won’t remember anything about their past selves, but they do have some certain types of knowledge related to their past expertise. 
For example, Ira still knows how to do some of his assistant duties, Marmo still remembers some things about how Cures worked and the system behind that (if she hears Ace say something about the “rules of the Glitter Force” or whatever they call it in the Japanese version, she will probably say something along the lines of “I’ve never heard that rule before. Usually the handbook talks about protocol and stuff”), and Bel is still really good at his job and has knowledge on how the kingdom worked.
And a final trait they will keep is their mannerisms. Bel sits on the couch the same way he’s always sat, only raises one eyebrow in a look that can only be described as parental disappointment whenever he disapproves of something (a trait he’s had for years), and walks very slowly and deliberately, something that will never change.
Marmo puts her hand(s) under her chin a lot, pucks her lips when she’s upset, and makes a very specific facial expression whenever she rolls her eyes, same as she’s always done.
And Ira still slouches when he leans against a wall (his favorite standing position), still says “yo!” as a way to greet people, still has the same cackle-laugh.
These little things will be used as bits of foreshadowing as they use elements of their knowledge and we see little parts of their past selves shine through.
That’s all I really have for now. If I ever make more stuff for this AU, I’ll probably put it under the tag “Former Human Selfish AU”. Actually, that will be the name of the au. You can add your own stuff if you want since it’s an au after all. Credit me if you use my au, but also you can use my au. Use my au. That’s a demand.
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rose-void-789 · 1 year
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We gays are winning I'm putting on my clown make up and getting hype for this bitch!
More trailer reactions bellow
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Idk if you all noticed him walk-ing out but man that bit was so funny. I hope they fix that lol. Otherwise omg look at all them
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Look at her! I wish we had Theo too but man seeing this in 3rd is great too. She's so chaotic can't wait!
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SHINJI!! The transition between him and Aki. Seemed like a baton pass thing. The battles I'm so hype. Also! If there some sort of showtime/unison they better have both of them together.
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Last and not least can't wait for everyone to start up some pancake memes 😅. I wonder if this is what we were seeing with Yukari at the beginning since Aki seems to be the one making them. Like is this just a thing to increase our SL points cause that's cool specially once we get more party members and just seeing these events expand with more and more people.
I haven't really been paying a lot of attention to this but man I'm so ready.
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celamoon · 2 years
heyyyy cressie!! for the event,could I ask for a fishbowl beewax candle with strawberry scent?
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Beige, red, green, and the other colors of the museum. 
Hinata doesn't know how he found himself in a museum with you, but he doesn't find it in himself to whine or complain when you had been looking forward to it. You look happy, pulling up your tickets and staring at the map pamphlet. You tell him about each display, desperate research, and years of hyperfixating on history coming to your aid. Hinata listens to you, opting to stay quiet as you ramble. You're excited again.
"Well, you studied all of this in college as well, right?" You cling onto his arm, tilting your head at him. "You don't need to pretend to be uninterested."
Hinata exhales, chuckling. "True. Could we see the swords first?"
"Of course," You follow after him.
Hinata's passionate about a lot of things. You follow him through the museum, glancing at paintings and portraits, focusing on the way Hinata's hand grips yours. He's warm. His hands are rough from playing ball, but you like it. Ugh. You grimace at yourself. That's cheesy. 
"Babe, what's wrong?"
"Thinking about your hands," You stop with him and stare at the blades. Hinata glances at you, and he swallows. 
"Can I-"
"Go ahead."
Hinata starts rambling. Swords, grips, guards, wrapping, metal; Hinata knows it all. It's fun to watch all of his historical knowledge come into play. Well, he had chosen that as a topic, obviously. You lean your head on his shoulder as he rambles, pointing at the metal and showing you the minor details. 
"This one's by Murasakibara Toshiyoshi," Hinata points to one, and you pause. 
"The deer is cute."
"The circle is meant to represent the moon, and the vegetation is supposed to indicate it's autumn," Hinata hums. "It's made of wood."
"I liked the one with the eagles and waves the best," You hum. "It looked nice."
"The one was by Ishiguro Masatsune," Hinata hums. "He was razy famous for fitting swords back then."
"Is it true that—" You pause. "No. I think I read that it was fake."
"The Nichirin blade does not actually exist," Hinata laughs, lips pursed in amusement. "That's crafted from an ore that isn't real either. That's just something Demon Slayed came up with."
"Yes, that's why I stopped myself," You purse your lips, ears burning. "It would have been cool if it were."
"Actual swords are made of tamahagane," Hinata pulls you to one of the swords. "Pure steel. It's made of iron sand found usually near the mountains. It's more common in the United States, though. All of the tamahagane blades were from the mountains in Japan. "
"Wow," You exhale. "You're such a great tour guide."
Hinata grows embarrassed. "Really?"
"Yes," You hum. "I'm not much use here."
"Well, you were explaining every single rock to me at the museum a while back." Hinata reminds. "You seemed interested too."
"Mhm," You pause. "The hope diamond was huge. It looks like something Komaeda would own and forget it's cursed."
"Are you saying his luck is all because of an amulet?"
"It's possible," You shrug. 
"That's not how it works."
"Yeah, I know," You let go of his arm, stretching your arms over your head as you glance at the map on the wall. "The hope diamond is cursed, maybe by a miner who died while mining it haunts it. Isn't that sad?"
"Losing your life for the sake of others..." Hinata mumbles quietly to himself. "How sad."
"I know," You mumble. "Well, I hope the spirit is at least peaceful."
"It's waiting for its next victim." Hinata mumbles. "What do you want to see next?"
"Danish art, Danish art!" You drag him along. "You know, there's a lot of ships there."
"Oh, my god," Hinata covers his face as you navigate through the building, and he freezes in place when you point at a painting. "No."
"It's the shinji chair meme!" You laugh. "It's by a Danish artist called Lundbye. It's supposed to portray never-ending despair. I thought it'd be funny to show you."
Hinata sighs. You hand him the polaroid you brought, and he sighs as you imitate his pose, Asian squatting and mimicking his look. The camera snaps, and you get up as quickly as you had got down, glancing over his shoulder to look at the photo. Hinata shakes the frame, and you glance. He pauses. You're pretty.
"Can I keep one later?"
You wander around the gallery before you stop at another one. The artist in the painting is checking the painting with the mirror, and a mess of art supplies is around him. Though, you point at something else. Hinata notices it before you tell him.
"That's the artist's self portrait. This is a self insert drawing."
"You're kidding me." He entertains you anyway. He finds it cute when you point out things he already knows.
"I'm not," You scroll through your phone and pull up a portrait of the artist. "See?"
"I'm." Hinata purses his lips at the artist, and he pauses. "So, like, what you do."
"Yes." You grin. "Humans have not changed past self-love."
"Not narcisism?"
"Nope." You stare at the painting. "Self-love."
The paint is dried, and the colors are old with age, yet you still stop to stare at it. Familiar? Maybe. It was nice to see that people were people no matter what decade they were from. You rock on your feet, pausing to take in the art. It's pretty.
Hinata pauses to stare at you, waiting for you to finish with the image before moving on. You're pretty. Handsome? You're beautiful. That's what you are. You're beautiful. His shoulders relax as he comes to the realization, features softening. You've been beautiful. It was as if you were sculpted by the gods themselves. He feels as though he'd see you in a museum. You belonged there.
"What's wrong?"
"You're pretty," He mumbles, whispers almost. It's like a quiet confession. "You belong in a museum."
"You do too," You grin back at him, heart fluttering, head ringing. "We should be sculptures together. How would we pose?"
"Not sure." You ramble as Hinata stops to look at the rest of the sketches on display. Boat, boat, boat... that's a lot of boats. You weren't wrong.
"Boats." You pause. "we could pose on a boat."
"Please don't."
"I was kidding," Your eyes dart to the sculpture of Eros and Psyche, and you pause. "We might pose like them."
"That's too much for us."
"Maybe me in your arms?"
"That sounds more realistic."
"Mm," You pout. "Why can't it be something more romantic?"
Hinata points at himself, motioning at his face.
"Fair." You turn your head. "What else do they have on display?"
"No shit," You snort. 
Hinata follows you as you start wandering through the statues, reading the stories behind them and pausing whenever you found something interesting. He had his fair share of fun already, so it was only fair that he would let you have fun. You seem interested in the poses. You have Hinata pose for you; while he complains, he indulges you. You pause at the statue of Perseus.
"What would I even hold as a head?"
You rummage through your bag, throwing him a bundled-up jacket. You throw him his umbrella to be the sword. 
Hinata laughs, and you wait for him to imitate the statue before taking the photo. Hinata's handsome. Your handsome, handsome boy. Man. He's grown a lot, now that you think of it. You don't remember when he was ever ugly to you. You hold down on the button, the polaroid coming out slowly. Hinata helps you tuck the jacket back into your bag, and you wait for the photo to show up.
You pause when the photo sets.
"Haji," You mumble, showing him the picture. "You look like a greek god."
"Thank you, babe, but I really—" He pauses at the sight and purses his lips. You're not wrong. His entire build looks like a statue. You make him look pretty in your photos. "I lied."
"Yeah," You huff proudly. "I'm keeping this, by the way."
"To add to the album?"
He chews on his bottom lip, tapping his foot. "We still don't have a photo of you that I can keep."
"You'll take one eventually." You hand him the polaroid, pulling out a permanent marker to scribble on the back as Hinata pops the polaroid open. Three. There are three left. He clicks on it, the photo of you scribbling on paper with a pen in your mouth out. It's pretty. You look like you belong in a museum. Maybe he was terribly in love with you. He is. Well, that would be old news to him.
"Is that the one?" You tuck your pen back, glancing at him.
"I'll pick later. Did you want to see anything else?"
You shake your head. "There's not much rock here."
"You can see bits of American history in the museum if you look hard enough," Hinata takes you to the Mayan exhibit, pointing at the brick. "That used to be part of the building. They redesigned it."
"The stairs were too, right?"
"Yes, the stairs were renewed as well," Hinata hums. "Do you want to look at the gift shop?"
"Yes," You drag him to the shop, staring at the little trinkets and jewelry. You put on Van Gogh's sunflowers, imitating structures and jumping at the price tags. Everything is expensive here. Though, you pause at the sight of the notecards, gaze lingering. "Haji."
"Should we split a box?" You reach for a box, looking at the designs. "We can include them when we write letters."
"Each month?"
"Are there any assorted ones?"
"Yeah," You mumble. "but I was thinking of the water lilies."
"You can get a box," He takes the box from your hands. "Speaking of which, did you get my letter this month?"
"I did! The stickers were very cute, and the cookies were delicious," You grin.
"I'd rather draw them," You take a photo of the box cover, and Hinata takes a photo as well. 
"You like the lilies, right? I'll send you a mini painting when we exchange cards next time." Hinata hums. "I live close by, after all."
"I still can't believe you decided to end up on the other side of the country," You mumble. "You should visit me next time."
"You know the East has more to do."
"We have clean air," You shrug. 
Hinata lets you cling to him as you look through the rest of the jewelry, pointing at a couple you think your friends would like. The sunflowers would look good on Sonia; the studs would look good with Souda... the list goes on. He's surprised you still remember the majority of his class. He had expected you to forget a good number of them. You pause at the studs, and you glance at Hinata's ears. 
"We should match earrings."
"We don't need to match ones from the museum."
"Mm," You pause. "We should make earrings for each other at home."
"We could do that." Hinata's voice slows.
"You're tired, huh?"
"I still need two photos." Hinata hums, shaking the camera. "two more."
"We don't need to use them all."
"I'd like to have another photo of you in the museum." Hinata mumbles. 
"We have the one of me imitating the statue."
"I'd like another one," He smiles. "Shall we go back?"
"Sure." You wander back to the statues and pose for him as he takes the last photo. Second to last. Hinata wonders what he should take as the final photo. You follow him as he poses you, and you hand him your phone for photos of your own. You imitate the art. Though, Hinata finds that there's no need for you to imitate it. 
There's a moment, Hinata thinks. His left eye burns a little, and he clicks down on the button unconsciously as you're staring at him. He doesn't understand why he did, but as he shakes the photo, he wonders if he had just wanted a photo of you looking at him. Maybe he did. He hands you the camera back finally, and he shakes the polaroid. You ramble to him a little more about the myths surrounding the statues, and he stares at the photo, reaching for a permanent marker of his own, scribbling words on the back. You sneak a photo of him of your own, the shutter silent. 
"I love you."
"Love you too."
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duhragonball · 5 months
Neon Genesis Evangelion 10
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It's a shitty episode, that's what this is.
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Why does this episode suck? Well, we start off with Kaji taking Asuka shopping for bathing suits. She's going on a school trip to Okinawa, you see. She asks him if he went on any school trips when he was her age, and he says he couldn't because Second Impact was happening back then. Anyway, Kaji sucks and I hate him.
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As it turns out, she can't even go on the stupid trip, because NERV wants the Eva pilots on standby in case of an Angel attack. You'd think this would be a standing order year-round, but Asuka is gobsmacked to find out she's not allowed to just do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. You're in the army now, kid.
Here's the thing about Asuka. I was kind of looking forward to her introduction into the story, because Rei and Shinji were practically comatose throughout the early episodes of this show. At least she would bring some energy to this thing, I thought. And she does, but mostly it's a whiny, bratty, irrational energy that gets old pretty quickly. When Misato tells Asuka she can't go on the trip, Asuka demands to know who gave the order. Well, Misato did, dummy. She's your commanding officer. When she can't argue with that, she argues with Shinji, expecting him to say something to resolve this, like he has any control over the situation. But Shinji kind of expected this to happen, so he never got excited about the trip in the first place.
This is the origin of that "so you've given up?" meme. I always took it at face value. That is, I assumed the scene was Asuka asking Shinji if he was quitting something hard, and he just casually admits that he's collapsing in the face of adversity. But the actual context is that Asuka is trying to cajole Shinji into the impossible task of getting them a furlough from their indispensable child soldier jobs. When that doesn't work, he insults his manhood, then asks Misato why they don't just find the Angels and destroy them first, so they're not always on stand-by to defend against an attack. Misato's like, kid, if we knew how to do that, don't you think we'd have already done it?
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Misato points out that both Shinji and Asuka can use the downtime to catch up on their studies, seeing as their grades haven't been very good. At this, Asuka tries to claim that the school's grading system is irrelevant. Kid, just shut up. You're not gonna win this one.
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Anyway, Big Rigg Mahoney sends his regards from Okinawa.
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So at the base, Shinji studies, and Asuka tries to do scuba diving in the pool, since she can't do it at Okinawa. Turns out Asuka's already graduated college? She claims the physics problem Shinji is working on is easy, but her grades were poor because she hasn't learned enough Kanji to read the questions. Also Asuka wonders aloud if thermal expansion would make her bust bigger. I wasn't going to say anything, but I think the animators on this episode already made her bust bigger, because Asuka looks like Boa Hancock in this turkey.
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Meanwhile, a joint NERV-SSDF mission discovers a juvenile Angel inside a volcano. This is a huge opportunity to study the things and learn more about them, so the Eva pilots are mobilized to go in and retrieve it.
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Asuka insists on being the one to actually made the dive, because I guess she drank like fifteen cups of coffee before this episode started. Settle down, dammit.
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Asuka is chosen to make the dive, but her Eva will have to wear this dorky looking exosuit to withstand the temperature and pressure.
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Also, Asuka herself has to wear a modified plugsuit that looks like this for... some reason? It's supposed to protect her from the heat, but she's going to be surrounded by the Eva, which will also be surrounded by an exosuit. How much more protection does she need? And why does inflating the plugsuit make it safer?
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Asuka whines about these intolerable conditions, until Rei offers to pilot Unit 02 in her place. Asuka quickly changes her mind, since she can't bear the thought of getting left out of the mission. Geez, she's like a toddler!
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So we go on the mission, and Asuka asks if Kaji will be here to see her in action, and Misato informs her that this is none of his damn business. It's called "professionalism", Asuka, look into it.
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As they prepare, Misato explains that if the Angel can't be captured, or if it matures into adult form, then they'll have to destroy it. And if they fail, the UN will blow up the whole volcano, and all of them along with it. Shinji asks who would order such extreme measures, and duh, it's his dad, the guy in charge of the whole organization.
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From here, most of the episode looks like it was filmed inside a Nintendo Virtual Boy. This probably was considered pretty badass in the late 90s, but no, it looks like crap. They just keep lowering Asuka further and further down in search of this thing, and then she finds it and puts it in some kind of rectangle.
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Rectangle secured, mission accomplished, OR IS IT?
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Turns out the Angel hatches just as Asuka starts heading back for the surface, and the device she used to contain the Angel can't handle its adult form. Misato orders her to release it and head back to the surface as quickly as she can.
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The fight sucks because you can't see anything. Asuka had a "progressive knife" when she went down, but she dropped it during the descent. So Shinji tosses down his own and she catches it and fights back, but the thing is still incredibly strong and durable, becuase it lives inside a volcano for crying out loud.
At last, Asuka remembers that conversation about thermal expansion and uses that to win. Something about diverting the coolant in her Eva while she attacks with the progressive knife, but I can't see what she's doing and I probably wouldn't understand it anyway. The Angel disintegrates... I guess? And she returns to the surface.
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So Misato takes them to a hot spring near the volcano to celebrate a job well done. The girls ask Shinji to toss them a bottle of shampoo over the retaining wall, and then he hears them... tickling each other? And he gets a boner? I guess that's a joke? A plot point? Why the fuck is this in the show?
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There's also a cryptic exchange between Misato and Asuka. Misato has a scar on her abdomen which she says she got during Second Impact. Asuka asks Misato if she knows about her past, and Misato does but assures Asuka that they need to put it behind them. So I guess we'll find out what that means one of these days.
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And there we are. This was dumb. Most of the show was Asuka babbling like an idiot, or people watching machines lower other machines into lava. The show continues to drop all these hints and clues about the characters' backstories, but it never puts any of the pieces together. It just gets really formulaic, and I think the best evidence of this is the fact that I got mixed up while playing this DVD, and I accidentally watched Episode 11 first, thinking it was 10. So I had to go back and watch this one, but I could have just as easily skipped it, because nothing happened that had any long-term consequences.
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kimikiui · 2 years
Why You Should Vote for Hakupo
Hello. Good evening, morning, afternoon, brunch, sleepytime whatever time it is for you right now. I am here to sell my little autism creature to you. This is going to be a fairly long post so, just sit tight.
The second round of polls will not be out for a couple of hours. I wanted to reblog the post with this, BUT- I have class at 3 when the polls are released. Plus, gotta get those non Hakupo believers before they vote for anyone else, amirite?
Also the stickers used between catagories are the official line stickers by Pikomaru ➜ https://store.line.me/stickershop/product/3951590/en
Reminder; It's only Shinji sweep until its Hakupo sweep.
No, I'm not putting a section breaker because even if you don't read it, I want you to see the sheer size of this... It's an essay at this point. Let's get started shall we?
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What is a Hakupo?
Hakupo Tsukishiro is a energetic and powerful masculine voicebank for Utau (and amadeusy but we dont talk abt brunnnoooo). He was released all the way back in 2010 and has had many important milestones in his 13 years of distribution. Four compilation albums, 7 voicebanks, 2,500+ fanarts (that i all have), and uses by really awesome people *points to the crowd*. That's all of you guys out there. <3
Hakupo as a character is inspired by moe, thanks Clarice. Like most moe characters, he's a bit air headed and happy go lucky person. His positive attitude is sometimes brought into original songs he's featured in, which just makes me smile- girlbosses love a good pick me up song.
Also he has a stupid little coat and pants. This is all you need to know to vote for Hakupo, but I will continue forward incase you are still on the fence.
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Cool Hakupo Facts
He almost has the same exact suggested range as Miku (C3 to E5)... His is actually larger... he goes higher (C3 to G5).
The "Do Re Mi FâåÁaæ↓" incident of Christmas 2020, contact me I will elaborate further.
There is a little bit of an evil twin thing going on. Yeah. This is a win.
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His genderbend design Kohaku is revealed when you turn down the brightness of his official reference sheet (he pulled a scott cawthon guys).
He hates to be called cute and have his head patted... which is cute.
Despite looks- His description says he has curly hair come on guys- LITTLE FLUFF.
By looking at his official Twitter bot, there's a few extra things we can learn about him. He is very stupid, very impatient, has a horrible sleep schedule, bad at multitasking, and can't stand still (I can elaborate more on these if asked).
I wrote a 43 page Utau cartoon pilot script with Hakupo as the main character. Shameless plug.
I also wrote my college admissions essay about Hakupo. Thanks for getting me into college Bobo!
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Sick Bobo Uses
Get boboed.
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What does Bobo mean to me?
I found Hakupo 7 years ago now, sitting in the middle of an Utau melody. I told myself I would just turn off my tablet and listen to the music. Yeah that worked- guess who was next after the screen turned off. BOBO! I needed to see the little creature creating this melody. I turned on the screen, and was not disappointed. Fancy twink in a oversized tailcoat with weird pants. I remember rambling to my mom later about how cool he was, why he was so unique, and why this one specifically caught my attention.
He's been my special interest since then, everyone around me knows Hakupo wheather they like it or not. He's about 80% of everything I draw, 50% of what I talk about, and 100% of my little creature I snuggle up with every night.
I have a Hakupo bodypillow. Can't sleep without him.
Anyways, he's helped me find a lot of my best friends *coughcoughmeatcoughrevcough*, never fails to make me happy, and helped everyone around me realize I'm extremely autistic. The least I can do is write an ungodly long propaganda post while drinking my coffee at 9 am.
Stan Bobo Oobieero.
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Hakupo Memes for Propaganda
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Thanks, have a nice day.
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urashindig · 2 years
Welcome one, welcome all, to the Urashindig!
Hello everyone! We come bearing challenges! This was originally going to be a week-long bleach ship challenge but we thought it'll be more fun if it was 24/7 365.
Essentially this is going to be a challenge-centered urashin event in which participants can write/draw. Each challenge is sectioned into tiers of difficultly (labeled masterfully by mod mix as varying degrees of cooked egg) and you are encouraged to do whatever you find would be the most fun or the most comfortable.
The only prompt you have to go on is to portray urashin in some fashion. Showcase their dynamic in whatever way you see fit. 
Below the read more line will be the actual challenges!
Rainbow- have a character who’s clothing/appearance/powers appear in each color of the rainbow [red orange yellow green blue purple
The rainbow one but names of people this time and the first letter of their names make an acronym that spells urashin 
That idea you always wanted to create but never thought anyone would be interested in? go make it
Redraw a meme with urashin :3
Medium rare 
The sugarberry challenge- write it all in one go, no edits, no looking back, no planning, grasp the first idea that hooks you and write it all out and hit post while making the :3 face, or a continuous line drawing
You can only use monotone colors (black, gray, white) for lineart, coloring and shading (optional)
Redraw a panel with kisuke and shinji as a re-imagining (any panel existing with the both of them can be used and it must be colored and lined!); should incorporate personal elements or interpretations of the scene
Start a fic from the very ending (like how you write a mystery, figure out the mystery and work backwards)
Hard boiled
Write a fic without using the letter K or S (or both, dealer’s choice, if you really want to spice it up) 
Draw a simple piece with your non dominant hand 
You must write a fic only using words the same length or less than the names Shinji, Hirako, Kisuke, or Urahara. (ex: kisuke has six letters so you can only use words six letters or less throughout the fic)
Ultimate fried rice 
Write a fic composed entirely of palindrome sentences. 
Draw a piece entirely upside down (no drawing it normally and then flipping it upside down)
Mystery box
Mystery boxes will come in segments and are a bit of a surprise thing (hence the name) so send an ask if you want one!
Write the ending of a fic, get some else to write the beginning for you
One person finds a bunch of images (don’t have to match up really it can be random) and the other person has to create a cohesive piece with those pictures (can be literal like modeling from them or symbolism)
Person A writes about 200 words, and then Person B has to continue it with only the last sentence from Person A’s writing. This switches between them about 5 times (1000 words). The two people essentially don’t know what the fic is going to look like until the end
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iantimony · 2 years
hello tuesday :) i'm going to start crossposting these onto my dreamwidth also just so i have a non-tumblr log of my weekly updates. please friend me on dreamwidth i would love an excuse to move platforms more
listening: OH i listened to SO much this week. i tuned in to my spotify release radar thing and it was a great idea to get exposed to some new music from artists i already know i like! i also peeped the discover weekly one a bit
i haven't listened to the newest paramore album in full but 'running out of time' was on the release radar playlist and i really really like the sounds! it feels very st vincent-y to me in a way that i wasn't expecting from paramore so i wonder if that was a conscious influence at all? or if they were both separately influenced by the same sources? it's really good though. i dont remember following shakey graves but they also rule i've been jamming to the whole album 'deadstock' which i think is just a collection of some of their more popular tracks? plus some live recordings. and tom rosenthal makes me cry still
from discover:
and then i found memi through...instagram reels i think? instagram has unfortunately nailed the type of music they should serve me to get clicks so i do. keep clicking them. anyways i love her
reading: quantum :V
oh wait actually i do have reading this week! i re-opened the slowly app (i downloaded it years ago but stopped using it at some point), which is a real-time penpal app - you can send letters to random people in the world, and it will send in "real time" as if you were actually mailing a letter! so i opened it and the app went oh? you're active? cool! and i started getting letters! so i got one from a guy in morocco, which i replied to right away, and also one in mandarin which i have NOT replied to right away because i had to spend like an hour translating it rip. out of five i put my mandarin proficiency at a 2 on my profile but honestly that may be too high oops. ah well. it'll be cool to try and get my mandarin back up to snuff! it'll also be a great way to learn things like idioms and other stuff that doesn't show up as often in traditional learning materials.
for example, phrase that i learned is 畅所欲言, chang4 suo3 yu4 yan4, which is a standard four-character idiom that means to speak without inhibitions or to just frankly speak your mind. i have like a full two pages of new words and phrases that i had to look up to read the letter which is awesome!
the letter from morocco was very cool and like...poetry adjacent? which im not sure if it's just because of a translation quirk - he said his english isn't the best - but i dunno. "I am writing to you because writing is a companion of the tired". anyways.
watching: i started watching evangelion with my partner!! we did ... i think about five episodes last week? it owns. this is the first time in a really long time that i've, like...gone blind into a media? my only exposure to eva has been through out-of-context memes (shinji get in the robot) and i feel like a lot of the time with TV shows i tend to read the wikipedia page before watching to see if it's really worth it :") i've never really cared about spoilers or whatever because honestly if it's a good enough show it won't really matter if i know what's going to happen or not, it's more about How it happens and how it's shot/framed/acted/etc. but i have zero context for eva and im very much enjoying it! i wasn't expecting the body horror at all it rules
making: making good progress on my embroidery project! this photo is from about two weeks ago but it's the most recent one i have and honestly haven't done THAT much more. i just finished filling that vertical headphone cord in with red, started some other headphone cord...after that all i have left is the letters (rip) and then doing maybe some sort of sashiko stitch/cross hatching as fill for the hair? like some spaced out x patterns in a grid or something like that. because i'm sure as shit not doing a satin or brick stitch to fill all that in and i think it'll still look good that way.
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im also finishing up valentines gifts to mail to people :3
misc: hgg. quantum midterm on march 2. it is Rapidly approaching and im very nervous about it but in a VERY different way - this semester he's having the exams be open note and open book, which could be really good or really really bad. on the plus side i dont have to drive myself insane memorizing equations on flash cards again, most of my studying will probably be uber-familiarizing myself with the layout of the notes so i know where to reference things and also copying out things from online that might be relevant. on the minus side it means i have really no clue on how hard this exam will be. pain.
research is going. i feel like im sooo close to getting shit to work. however i am also experiencing research fomo because a prof that i didnt even know existed gave a presentation on her group for potential new students and i went wait wow that fucks. sigh. i think that's all for this week gang, gonna crosspost to dreamwidth after lunch!
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I, J & M for the Fanfic Ask Meme! :)
Fanfic Ask Meme
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
For writing, Hurt/Comfort I guess. I love writing it, to the point where my fics go from 500 words to 2000+ of just two people talking about their feelings and getting all sappy about it XD. I chop a lot out but even then the fics end up being longer than I planned!! For reading, it's the Enemies-to-Lovers and Grumpy one x Sunshine one tropes (just look at some of the ships I reblog content for).
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic].
The first to come to mind was Our Days in the Junrinan. Originally, I was going to end it with Hitsugaya finding Hinamori after her meeting with the Women's Association and trying to act like the article didn't affect him as much as it actually did. Momo would be nervous as she didn't realise the majority of what she recounted would actually make it to the final edition. Eventually, Toshiro teases that she called him by his title more times in that one interview than she had to his face. Afterwards, he expresses his appreciation for the kind things she said, but also berates her for a few embarrassing things she recounted about their childhood together. Momo takes it in stride however, and congratulates him on his edition of the Seireitei Communication.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
I have a few, and they include:
Set during the 10-year timeskip. Toshiro is neck deep in trying to rebuild sections of Soul Society. He's starting to suffer burn out and continues to have the occasional nightmare about his time as a zombie. Momo sees the toll everything is taking on him and convinces him to come walk a mountain with her to help with a task. It's similar to It's Been a While, except this time it's Toshiro getting angsty about how the war went and how long it's taking for construction to finish. I already have a few scenes planned for this one, including a moment set almost immediately after Yhwach defeat where Toshiro walks among the ruins of the Soul Society and finds something that makes him realise just how many lives were lost in the conflict.
Yet another 'Momo reacts to the Completed Form' fic (seriously, I keep coming back to this scenario! I'm becoming a broken record! XD), in which she briefly gets involved in the fight against Gerard before retreating with Shinji.
A fic about Toshiro's captaincy. This one would likely end up being a long one, as I'd want to take a look from the beginning up until he's sent to the World of the Living, or maybe even until after the 10 year timeskip. I'd mainly explore his anxieties about the job, coping with the sudden disappearance of Isshin, him and Rangiku having to work together in a different way than before, how he gets everyone to see him as an authority figure, and how his relationship with Hinamori and his friends changes. A few scenes I already have in mind are: getting the haori and putting it on for the first time before going to his official appointment as captain of the Tenth Division; in a bid to appear more authoritative and less childish, asking Hinamori to not hug him or call him 'Shiro-chan' anymore, but realising too late that this hurt her feelings and he tries to come up with a compromise, and him seeing Isshin for the first time in decades while he's stationed in the World of the Living.
A fic about Shinji and Toshiro having to complete a task together. I don't have a specific idea for this one, but I really enjoyed writing their section of As Months Go By, As Seasons Change, so I 'd like to write more of their dynamic.
Thanks for sending this in! :D
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